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70 Female Business
Executives Share the
Advice They Would Give
to Their Teenage Selves
Rashmi Melgiri, COO and Co-
Founder of CoverWallet
Don’t be afraid of
tackling a problem you
see in the world. Others
don’t have to see your
point right away, but
believe me, with enough
hard work, they will.
Meredith Wood, Head of Content and
Editor-in-Chief of Fundera
Don’t worry if you don’t
know what you want to
do with your life. Even if
you think you know what
you want, that can and
probably will change.
Rachel Charlupski, Founder of The
Babysitting Company
• Always go with
your gut
• Try to finish
everything you
can during the
day because you
never know
what will come
up the next day
• You have to love
what you do.
Zondra S. Wilson, President and CEO
of Blu Skin Care, LLC
I would tell my teen-aged
self to stick to my vision. I
wouldn’t have listened to
people telling me that my
supernatural ideas were
too big and that I would
never reach my goals.
Donna Wells, CEO of Mindflash
Even more true today
than ever that your
network is critical to
your success. Get on
LinkedIn now and
don’t be afraid to
connect with people
more senior than
yourself as long as
you’re acquainted
and/or colleagues.
Diana Roberts, Owner and Realtor at
Pier-to-Pier Brokers
I would tell my teenage self
that I don’t need to be
aggressive LIKE a man, I can
be just as influential as a
woman. I believe in this
business you ALWAYS win
when you are making others
feel that they are … Not bully
Robin Smith, CEO and Co-Founder of
As long as you’re
innovative and you’re
able to create new
ideas and figure out
ways to solve
problems you can be
successful. You don’t
have to be an industry
expert to become and
industry leader.
Lori Cheek, Founder and CEO of
My strongest advice
for others considering
taking the leap is if
you truly believe in
your idea, give up
excuses and doubt,
surround yourself by a
trusted and talented
team, bulldoze
forward and DON’T.
Amanda Vega, Founder and CEO of
Amanda Vega Consulting
Be kind and take
interest in everyone
around you as you
never know how
they may impact
your future.
Kate Dobie, Founder of Pens Plus Pals
Avoid spending too much
time-traveling – mapping
out a hypothetical career
– and instead be
receptive to and excited
for the opportunities that
reveal themselves when
you have the confidence
to back yourself and say
Nellie Akalp, CEO of
Show up daily,
be consistent
and find what
about and go
for it. Don’t
look back!
Amanda Moskowitz, Founder and
CEO of Stacklist
Fall in love with the
problem you are solving.
Building a startup is a
marathon of hurdles,
opportunities, pivots and
distractions – not
dissimilar from launching
a career.
Jennifer Green-Moneta, Senior Vice
President at Burns360
My self-advice would be to
stay up with all the latest
advancements and
technologies happening in
your industry, and bring
them to the company.
Jennifer Cloer, Founder of Rethink
Communications Group
Be curious: You don’t know
everything and you’re not
supposed to. Curiosity will
lead you to many places.
You will learn, expand and
grow while gaining a
positive reputation for your
inquisitive nature.
Alyssa Marie Langelier, Career
Services Manager at Coding Dojo
You are your own
toughest critic. You’ll
likely underestimate
your potential far
more than anyone
else will.
Daisy Jing, CEO and Founder of
You gotta know
yourself. Know who
you really are, what
it is that you believe
in and stick to what
you really want.
Jess Chua, Certified Career Coach at
Inner Life Goals
Be willing to save up and
invest in yourself when
you’re ready, in terms of
delegating to experts the
areas that are out of your
Roberta Perry, Founder of
ScrubzBody Natural Skin Care
Fail often and fail big,
then you will know
what not to do on
your road to success.
Kate Lobel, Public Relations Director
at Power Digital Marketing
Always be asking the
why behind insanely
shared opinions,
controversial business
decisions and take-off
Erin Morris, Founder and Lead
Graphic Designer at Evergreen
Design Studio
Follow your passion
and don’t doubt or
judge yourself! Do
what makes you
happy and remember
that it doesn’t have to
be perfect
Deborah Sweeney, CEO of
I would tell my teenage
self not to act too quickly
and think things through.
It sounds cliché, but I
believe you learn from
the biggest errors and I
have learned a lot about
the importance of
thoughtful consideration
and time in the decision
making process.
Deanna Latson, Co-Founder and Chief
Product Officer at ARIIX
If I could give my teenage
self some advice, I would
tell myself to not try to
“be like a man” to be
successful. In fact, I would
also advise myself not to
feel pressured to be like
my female peers either,
and simply embrace my
emotions, instincts,
intensity and intuition.
Lisa Bertania, President of
As a teenager what you
want to be can be quite
different from your
actual career. Try out
new things, take
internships in fields you
might be interested in
working in someday, and
if it doesn’t work out, it’s
not the end of the world.
Heather Vickery, Owner and Success
Coach at Vickery & Co.
Believe in your power
and go forward with
courage and confidence.
All of the things you most
desire will be yours. I
Tanja Diamond, Founder and CEO of
Your Personal Evolution and
Learning Tantra
Protect your confidence
and understand that
courage and flexibility
are the two most
important skills to
develop for sustainable
personal and
professional growth
and success.
Natasha S Ford, Chief Executive
Officer of Natasha Chef Incorporated
Ensure you
remain true to
your passion
and only follow
your footsteps,
no one else’s.
Ambar Januel, Co-Founder and
Creative Director of Creative Agency
The most important
things to remember
are to be authentic,
driven, thoughtful
yet persistent, and
Karla Jobling, COO/Founder of
I would tell my teenage
self; make sure you
speak up. Your biggest
mistakes will come
when you stay quiet,
thinking a chance will
be given to you or your
hard work will be
recognised without you
bringing it to someone’s
Jessica Childress, Law Firm Attorney
and CEO of Children’s Content
I would tell my teenage
self that your career is a
journey. Plan your career
destinations based on
your passions and
Nelie Jacques, Immigration Attorney
and Sole Owner of the Law Office of
Nelie Jacques, P.A.
Trust in the
you’ve made thus
far, and use them
to chase your
Katie Christy, Founder of Activate
Your Talent
I would advise other
women to stop
discounting their
natural talents and
waiting for the “right
opportunity” to come
along and start asking
for the positions, work
schedules and
opportunities they
Catherine A. Wood, ExecutiveLife
Coach and Founder of Unbounded
Potential, LLC.
If she treats herself with
love and respect, she can
move forward with
confidence and power
towards her goals and
accept when others treat
her negatively or poorly.
Holly Rollins, President of 10x digital
Be less concerned
about what others
think and more
concerned about how
you can make a
difference in the
Merrie Spaeth, Founder of Spaeth
To have a friend you have to
be a friend. That old saying
is so true...Make time for
your friends, celebrate their
successes and share their
Linda Griffin, Owner of Grass Roots
Marketing Systems LLC
Be the star of your own
life. Try everything that
interests you in order to
discover what you love
and what you’re good at.
Cary Carbonaro, Managing Director
at United Capital of New York & New
I would tell myself
not to let fear stop
me! I would tell
myself I can achieve
anything my heart
desires with passion
and energy!
Robin Donovan, President of Bozell
Advertising Agency
I would encourage
myself to always
volunteer to take on
more work, never sit
idly or expect people to
tell you what to do. Be
confident and highlight
your ‘value add’ for the
Tara Goodfellow, Owner at Athena
Educational Consultants, Inc
Be bold but not
reckless. Quitting your
first job because your
boss didn’t deliver
what was promised.
However, quitting that
day with no backup is a
bit risky.
Lori Bumgarner, Owner/Passion &
Career Specialist at paNASH
I would tell my teenage
self to not care so much
about what others think,
take the time to really
get to know who I am
and not to wait so long
to start my own business
GeorgettePascale, Founder and CEO
of Pascale Communications, LLC
Start networking
early. A critical
component to
having success in
any business,
especially early
on, is networking.
Monique Honaman, CEO/Partner at
ISHR Group
Travel. See the world.
Meet new people. Try
new things. Be an
adventurer. Explore.
You will get more out
of life by collecting
experiences than by
collecting things.
Heather Kovarik, Executive Creative
Director at Moncur
I’d tell myself to be
more courageous, not
to be afraid of exploring
other career paths. To
this day, having 20
seconds of insane
courage is still one of
my greatest lessons.
Kimberly Barnes, Chief Heroics
Officer at ContentPark
I’d tell my
teenage self
that yes,
anything is
possible if
Kelly Stickel, Owner/CEO of
Walking to the beat of a
different drum is okay. I
would also remind her
that inspiration is not
ongoing, and to keep
pushing even when you
are not that interested in
where you are in your life
or career.
Sophie Knowles, Founder & CEO of
Know how to negotiate
your salary. Compared
to men, women are
significantly less likely
to negotiate their
compensation package
or ask for a raise.
Melyni Serpa, Vice President, Client
Services at G/O Digital
Build a network. Start
now. Surround
yourself with positive
people who will
encourage and even
require you to be your
best self.
Megan Perrone-Floyd, Director of
Marketing at G/O Digital
Don’t try to know it all.
Surround yourself with
people who can help
strengthen your areas
of weakness. This way
you are constantly
learning and growing –
always becoming
better both personally
and professionally.
Nanda Davis, Owner of Davis Law
Be outgoing. If you
approach new people,
introduce yourself,
talk, and even ask for
help, you’ll be
surprised by how
welcoming most
people are.
Lindsey Handley, Ph.D., COO and Co-
Founder of ThoughtSTEM, LLC
Make as many
decisions for
yourself as you can
every day. By
making decisions for
ourselves, we
internalize the idea
that we are in
control of our own
lives and our own
Dawn Britt, Founder and CEO of one7
Find something that you
love to do and cultivate
your passion. Then, all the
other pieces in your life will
fall into place.
Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO of
Mavens & Moguls
Jobs and job leads can
come from anyone
anywhere anytime so
you should always be
on your best behavior &
make a great lasting
Larissa Pickens, Owner and Creative
Director of Float.Design
Don’t get paralyzed
with fear thinking
there’s one ”right”
career path — many
jobs of the future don’t
even exist yet!
Sylvia Vaquer, Co-Founder and
Creative Director of SocioFabrica and
Think of your
career as a work
of art. It is always
in progress,
always being
shaped and
evolving, like
Lindsey Carnett, CEO and President of
Marketing Maven
My best advice to
my teenage self
would be to become
an intern early in
college. Join the
PRSSA at your
university and start
networking with
business leaders in
your community.
Shobhna Upadhyaya, Senior
Manager/Head of Product Business
Operations, LinkedIn Marketing
Solutions at LinkedIn
The future is fine. That
one sub-par exam,
grade or interview
didn’t really matter.
Michelle Hutchison, Global Head of
Public Relations at
You will move onto even
bigger and better things.
Pay more attention in high
school and work harder on
your writing because it will
make your life easier when
you start your career.
Beth-Ann Eason, President of Innovid
Don’t watch other people’s
paths and measure your
success against
theirs…Recognize that you
have chosen a path for a
Gisela Hausmann, Owner of Educ-
Easy Books
Learn how to write effective
emails with personal
appeal. It is an
indispensable tool to getting
a part-time job,summer job,
an internship, scholarships
and much more.
Alexandra I. Levin, MBA, SPHR, Co-
Founder of The Back Forty
Take the time to explore
the world, different
business and career paths,
and find what you love to
do – it is better to take the
time and find what you
are passionate about, then
to find yourself in jobs you
don’t like.
Deborah Gregory, Co-Founder of
Gregory Law Group, PLLC
Focus on your dreams,
not your gender…You
really can do anything –
as long as you believe
you can.
Hannah Davis, Founder and
President of BANGS Shoes
The largest lesson
I’ve learned is the
importance in
having fun. You
may even have to
schedule fun at
some point – but
set your work
down for a bit, I
promise it won’t
go anywhere.
Kimberly Smith, CEO of AvenueWest
Global Franchise
Define your non-
Understand your
Learn to
communicate what
makes you great.
Barbara J. Sullivan, President of
Sullivan & Associates
When things go wrong,
invoke the ‘five-year
rule.’ Will this problem
really matter in five
years? Probably not, so
don’t sweat it too
much or let it sidetrack
Ayrin Islam, CEO and Founder of
Focus on a specific goal
and develop your
career around it rather
than trying to do
everything that comes
your way.
Richa Sharma, Operations Manager
at BlueCube Network
I’d advise my younger
self to be more
confident with risks.
Growth comes with
Elene Cafasso, President & Head
Coach at Enerpace Executive
Trust yourself. You
cannot do this wrong.
Know that even if you
don’t like something,
you can try something
else and it will be ok.
Ellen Cunningham, Marketing
Manager for CardFellow
Dream jobs can be
anything where you get
to use your skills in a way
that you like, no matter
what industry it is.
Kerry Walls, Owner at The Coaching
Our career path
doesn’t make sense
when we’re going
forward in to it, but
it makes perfect
sense when we look
back on it.
Jennarose DiGiacomo,
Founder/Social Media Millennial of
Aldarose Media, LLC
I would definitely tell
myself to never give up on
your hopes, your goals
and your dreams. You
never know where life
may lead you. I am
beyond proud of where I
am today and I continue
to strive for success.
Jess Weiner, CEO of Talk To Jess, LLC
No matter what
field you decide to
go into, the
currency of your
career will be

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70 Female Business Executives Share the Advice They Would Give to Their Teenage Selves

  • 1. 70 Female Business Executives Share the Advice They Would Give to Their Teenage Selves
  • 2. Rashmi Melgiri, COO and Co- Founder of CoverWallet Don’t be afraid of tackling a problem you see in the world. Others don’t have to see your point right away, but believe me, with enough hard work, they will.
  • 3. Meredith Wood, Head of Content and Editor-in-Chief of Fundera Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. Even if you think you know what you want, that can and probably will change.
  • 4. Rachel Charlupski, Founder of The Babysitting Company • Always go with your gut • Try to finish everything you can during the day because you never know what will come up the next day • You have to love what you do.
  • 5. Zondra S. Wilson, President and CEO of Blu Skin Care, LLC I would tell my teen-aged self to stick to my vision. I wouldn’t have listened to people telling me that my supernatural ideas were too big and that I would never reach my goals.
  • 6. Donna Wells, CEO of Mindflash Even more true today than ever that your network is critical to your success. Get on LinkedIn now and don’t be afraid to connect with people more senior than yourself as long as you’re acquainted and/or colleagues.
  • 7. Diana Roberts, Owner and Realtor at Pier-to-Pier Brokers I would tell my teenage self that I don’t need to be aggressive LIKE a man, I can be just as influential as a woman. I believe in this business you ALWAYS win when you are making others feel that they are … Not bully them.
  • 8. Robin Smith, CEO and Co-Founder of WeGoLook As long as you’re innovative and you’re able to create new ideas and figure out ways to solve problems you can be successful. You don’t have to be an industry expert to become and industry leader.
  • 9. Lori Cheek, Founder and CEO of Cheekd My strongest advice for others considering taking the leap is if you truly believe in your idea, give up excuses and doubt, surround yourself by a trusted and talented team, bulldoze forward and DON’T. LOOK. BACK.
  • 10. Amanda Vega, Founder and CEO of Amanda Vega Consulting Be kind and take interest in everyone around you as you never know how they may impact your future.
  • 11. Kate Dobie, Founder of Pens Plus Pals Avoid spending too much time-traveling – mapping out a hypothetical career – and instead be receptive to and excited for the opportunities that reveal themselves when you have the confidence to back yourself and say yes.
  • 12. Nellie Akalp, CEO of Show up daily, be consistent and find what you’re passionate about and go for it. Don’t look back!
  • 13. Amanda Moskowitz, Founder and CEO of Stacklist Fall in love with the problem you are solving. Building a startup is a marathon of hurdles, opportunities, pivots and distractions – not dissimilar from launching a career.
  • 14. Jennifer Green-Moneta, Senior Vice President at Burns360 My self-advice would be to stay up with all the latest advancements and technologies happening in your industry, and bring them to the company.
  • 15. Jennifer Cloer, Founder of Rethink Communications Group Be curious: You don’t know everything and you’re not supposed to. Curiosity will lead you to many places. You will learn, expand and grow while gaining a positive reputation for your inquisitive nature.
  • 16. Alyssa Marie Langelier, Career Services Manager at Coding Dojo You are your own toughest critic. You’ll likely underestimate your potential far more than anyone else will.
  • 17. Daisy Jing, CEO and Founder of Banish You gotta know yourself. Know who you really are, what it is that you believe in and stick to what you really want.
  • 18. Jess Chua, Certified Career Coach at Inner Life Goals Be willing to save up and invest in yourself when you’re ready, in terms of delegating to experts the areas that are out of your expertise.
  • 19. Roberta Perry, Founder of ScrubzBody Natural Skin Care Fail often and fail big, then you will know what not to do on your road to success.
  • 20. Kate Lobel, Public Relations Director at Power Digital Marketing Always be asking the why behind insanely shared opinions, controversial business decisions and take-off trends.
  • 21. Erin Morris, Founder and Lead Graphic Designer at Evergreen Design Studio Follow your passion and don’t doubt or judge yourself! Do what makes you happy and remember that it doesn’t have to be perfect
  • 22. Deborah Sweeney, CEO of I would tell my teenage self not to act too quickly and think things through. It sounds cliché, but I believe you learn from the biggest errors and I have learned a lot about the importance of thoughtful consideration and time in the decision making process.
  • 23. Deanna Latson, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at ARIIX If I could give my teenage self some advice, I would tell myself to not try to “be like a man” to be successful. In fact, I would also advise myself not to feel pressured to be like my female peers either, and simply embrace my emotions, instincts, intensity and intuition.
  • 24. Lisa Bertania, President of ExpoMarketing As a teenager what you want to be can be quite different from your actual career. Try out new things, take internships in fields you might be interested in working in someday, and if it doesn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world.
  • 25. Heather Vickery, Owner and Success Coach at Vickery & Co. Believe in your power and go forward with courage and confidence. All of the things you most desire will be yours. I promise.
  • 26. Tanja Diamond, Founder and CEO of Your Personal Evolution and Learning Tantra Protect your confidence and understand that courage and flexibility are the two most important skills to develop for sustainable personal and professional growth and success.
  • 27. Natasha S Ford, Chief Executive Officer of Natasha Chef Incorporated Ensure you remain true to your passion and only follow your footsteps, no one else’s.
  • 28. Ambar Januel, Co-Founder and Creative Director of Creative Agency Januel+Johnson The most important things to remember are to be authentic, driven, thoughtful yet persistent, and constantly motivated.
  • 29. Karla Jobling, COO/Founder of BeecherMadden I would tell my teenage self; make sure you speak up. Your biggest mistakes will come when you stay quiet, thinking a chance will be given to you or your hard work will be recognised without you bringing it to someone’s attention.
  • 30. Jessica Childress, Law Firm Attorney and CEO of Children’s Content Company I would tell my teenage self that your career is a journey. Plan your career destinations based on your passions and values.
  • 31. Nelie Jacques, Immigration Attorney and Sole Owner of the Law Office of Nelie Jacques, P.A. Trust in the preparations you’ve made thus far, and use them to chase your dreams.
  • 32. Katie Christy, Founder of Activate Your Talent I would advise other women to stop discounting their natural talents and waiting for the “right opportunity” to come along and start asking for the positions, work schedules and opportunities they deserve.
  • 33. Catherine A. Wood, ExecutiveLife Coach and Founder of Unbounded Potential, LLC. If she treats herself with love and respect, she can move forward with confidence and power towards her goals and accept when others treat her negatively or poorly.
  • 34. Holly Rollins, President of 10x digital Be less concerned about what others think and more concerned about how you can make a difference in the world.
  • 35. Merrie Spaeth, Founder of Spaeth Communications To have a friend you have to be a friend. That old saying is so true...Make time for your friends, celebrate their successes and share their sorrows.
  • 36. Linda Griffin, Owner of Grass Roots Marketing Systems LLC Be the star of your own life. Try everything that interests you in order to discover what you love and what you’re good at.
  • 37. Cary Carbonaro, Managing Director at United Capital of New York & New Jersey I would tell myself not to let fear stop me! I would tell myself I can achieve anything my heart desires with passion and energy!
  • 38. Robin Donovan, President of Bozell Advertising Agency I would encourage myself to always volunteer to take on more work, never sit idly or expect people to tell you what to do. Be confident and highlight your ‘value add’ for the company.
  • 39. Tara Goodfellow, Owner at Athena Educational Consultants, Inc Be bold but not reckless. Quitting your first job because your boss didn’t deliver what was promised. However, quitting that day with no backup is a bit risky.
  • 40. Lori Bumgarner, Owner/Passion & Career Specialist at paNASH I would tell my teenage self to not care so much about what others think, take the time to really get to know who I am and not to wait so long to start my own business
  • 41. GeorgettePascale, Founder and CEO of Pascale Communications, LLC Start networking early. A critical component to having success in any business, especially early on, is networking.
  • 42. Monique Honaman, CEO/Partner at ISHR Group Travel. See the world. Meet new people. Try new things. Be an adventurer. Explore. You will get more out of life by collecting experiences than by collecting things.
  • 43. Heather Kovarik, Executive Creative Director at Moncur I’d tell myself to be more courageous, not to be afraid of exploring other career paths. To this day, having 20 seconds of insane courage is still one of my greatest lessons.
  • 44. Kimberly Barnes, Chief Heroics Officer at ContentPark I’d tell my teenage self that yes, anything is possible if you believe…pray …dream…vis ualize.
  • 45. Kelly Stickel, Owner/CEO of Remodista Walking to the beat of a different drum is okay. I would also remind her that inspiration is not ongoing, and to keep pushing even when you are not that interested in where you are in your life or career.
  • 46. Sophie Knowles, Founder & CEO of PDF Pro Know how to negotiate your salary. Compared to men, women are significantly less likely to negotiate their compensation package or ask for a raise.
  • 47. Melyni Serpa, Vice President, Client Services at G/O Digital Build a network. Start now. Surround yourself with positive people who will encourage and even require you to be your best self.
  • 48. Megan Perrone-Floyd, Director of Marketing at G/O Digital Don’t try to know it all. Surround yourself with people who can help strengthen your areas of weakness. This way you are constantly learning and growing – always becoming better both personally and professionally.
  • 49. Nanda Davis, Owner of Davis Law Practice Be outgoing. If you approach new people, introduce yourself, talk, and even ask for help, you’ll be surprised by how welcoming most people are.
  • 50. Lindsey Handley, Ph.D., COO and Co- Founder of ThoughtSTEM, LLC Make as many decisions for yourself as you can every day. By making decisions for ourselves, we internalize the idea that we are in control of our own lives and our own fortunes.
  • 51. Dawn Britt, Founder and CEO of one7 communications Find something that you love to do and cultivate your passion. Then, all the other pieces in your life will fall into place.
  • 52. Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO of Mavens & Moguls Jobs and job leads can come from anyone anywhere anytime so you should always be on your best behavior & make a great lasting impression.
  • 53. Larissa Pickens, Owner and Creative Director of Float.Design Don’t get paralyzed with fear thinking there’s one ”right” career path — many jobs of the future don’t even exist yet!
  • 54. Sylvia Vaquer, Co-Founder and Creative Director of SocioFabrica and Nicho Think of your career as a work of art. It is always in progress, always being shaped and constantly evolving, like yourself.
  • 55. Lindsey Carnett, CEO and President of Marketing Maven My best advice to my teenage self would be to become an intern early in college. Join the PRSSA at your university and start networking with business leaders in your community.
  • 56. Shobhna Upadhyaya, Senior Manager/Head of Product Business Operations, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions at LinkedIn The future is fine. That one sub-par exam, grade or interview didn’t really matter.
  • 57. Michelle Hutchison, Global Head of Public Relations at You will move onto even bigger and better things. Pay more attention in high school and work harder on your writing because it will make your life easier when you start your career.
  • 58. Beth-Ann Eason, President of Innovid Don’t watch other people’s paths and measure your success against theirs…Recognize that you have chosen a path for a reason.
  • 59. Gisela Hausmann, Owner of Educ- Easy Books Learn how to write effective emails with personal appeal. It is an indispensable tool to getting a part-time job,summer job, an internship, scholarships and much more.
  • 60. Alexandra I. Levin, MBA, SPHR, Co- Founder of The Back Forty Take the time to explore the world, different business and career paths, and find what you love to do – it is better to take the time and find what you are passionate about, then to find yourself in jobs you don’t like.
  • 61. Deborah Gregory, Co-Founder of Gregory Law Group, PLLC Focus on your dreams, not your gender…You really can do anything – as long as you believe you can.
  • 62. Hannah Davis, Founder and President of BANGS Shoes The largest lesson I’ve learned is the importance in having fun. You may even have to schedule fun at some point – but set your work down for a bit, I promise it won’t go anywhere.
  • 63. Kimberly Smith, CEO of AvenueWest Global Franchise Define your non- negotiable. Understand your strengths. Learn to communicate what makes you great.
  • 64. Barbara J. Sullivan, President of Sullivan & Associates When things go wrong, invoke the ‘five-year rule.’ Will this problem really matter in five years? Probably not, so don’t sweat it too much or let it sidetrack you.
  • 65. Ayrin Islam, CEO and Founder of ringID Focus on a specific goal and develop your career around it rather than trying to do everything that comes your way.
  • 66. Richa Sharma, Operations Manager at BlueCube Network I’d advise my younger self to be more confident with risks. Growth comes with risks.
  • 67. Elene Cafasso, President & Head Coach at Enerpace Executive Coaching Trust yourself. You cannot do this wrong. Know that even if you don’t like something, you can try something else and it will be ok.
  • 68. Ellen Cunningham, Marketing Manager for CardFellow Dream jobs can be anything where you get to use your skills in a way that you like, no matter what industry it is.
  • 69. Kerry Walls, Owner at The Coaching Collaborative Our career path doesn’t make sense when we’re going forward in to it, but it makes perfect sense when we look back on it.
  • 70. Jennarose DiGiacomo, Founder/Social Media Millennial of Aldarose Media, LLC I would definitely tell myself to never give up on your hopes, your goals and your dreams. You never know where life may lead you. I am beyond proud of where I am today and I continue to strive for success.
  • 71. Jess Weiner, CEO of Talk To Jess, LLC No matter what field you decide to go into, the currency of your career will be relationships.