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Production Reflection
This is a fan production and the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is an already existing
series, the character's I've have been taken from the series. The final Product I have
made is a fan story, whilst the first (which has been scrapped,) which had been heavily
based on the script of the very first episode of the TV show.
Process (Scripting)
Because there's already a TV series (of
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy,) with
script I found that it'd be better to work
on from the script, (using it as guideline to
guide myself, with occasional quotation
taken from the script itself.) This of course
helping me to keep to keep the passing
right and the scene time to the right
However, because I was closely parodying the storyline of begging of the "Hitchhiker's..."
Series, I was suggested that I could stick with the theme and produce a new script, with a
new story. This of course creating the issue of having to re-plan all of the previous
(Note: I'll be using "5. Alternate Script" in my final production – not "5. Script.")
Process (Characters/Casting/Character
Character Casting Character Analysis
Arthur Dent Jake Cant
(Used twice as I was low on casting
• Gender – Male.
• Species – Human.
• Character traits – Docile and sarcastic.
• Character aspirations – He has a love interest for Trillian.
Ford Prefect Matt Burniston
(Me, as I'm low on people to cast.)
• Gender – Male.
• Species – Humanoid ( from Betelgeuse.)
• Character traits - Eccentric, explorer.
• Character aspirations -
Marvin Jake Cant
(Used twice as I was low on casting
• Gender - N/A (However a male voice is used.)
• Species – Robot.
• Character traits – Paranoid android.
• Character aspirations - N/A (-Too depressed.)
Trillian Grace Morrison • Gender – Female.
• Species – Human.
• Character traits – Smart, clever, explorer, responsible.
• Character aspirations – Want to travel and explore places she
hasn't scene before.
Zaphod Beeblebrox Jake England • Gender – Male.
• Species – Humanoid.
• Character traits – Pompous, narcissistic – with a poor sense of
awareness to his surrounding.
• Character aspirations - N/A (-He's too obsessed with himself to
have any aspirations.)
(As I don’t have a huge selection on people I can cast, I used people who both willing and available to record. On
the other hand, I've tried to cast this people into the roles they resemble most.)
Process (Script Analysis – Page 1)
Script: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
[In that atmosphere, overlooking the an alien planet.]
(All that can be heard is a momentarily silence, shortly followed by the roaring
and flaming sound of a spaceship (The Heart Of Gold,) as it crashes into the
nearby planet – Xphene.)
[Theme song]
[The alien planet Beta Xphene]
(A small robot leaves the wreckage of the ship, which was now staring
to disperse a thick white, build up of cloud.)
Marvin: "The planet Beta Xphene, why can't we ever go somewhere nice? First
we crash on this level 1 planet and now we have to endure this miserable
(Arthur turns rouFund to Ford and asks him-)
Arthur: "Sorry, what's he on about, with "level 1 planets?""
(Ford remembering that Arthur was from the planet Earth and thus un-aware
of the galactic phrasing not used on Earth...)
Ford: "I'll explain later..."
(Not quite bothering Arthur's needs – as he was too busy trying to get an alien,
hand-held device to work.)
Ford: "Come on... Ah!"
(He exclaims. Smacking the device to get it to work. Then, following on Arthur's
question, Trillian stumbles out of the wreckage and leans of Arthur's shoulder.)
Trillian: "The level of a planet is depicted on it's inhabitance – the
more intelligent the leading species is, the higher the number is."
(Trillian in space longer as she ran of with Zaphod learnt more the terms and
phrases used – despite being from the planet Earth.)
Arthur: "Thanks, I think?"
(Not quite grasping what was meant.)
Trillian: "Ugh."
(She sighs in response and walks of, still keeping in the line of
vision. Slightly bewildered at her response, Arthur turns to Ford.)
Arthur: "Did I say something wrong?"
Ford: "Don't ask me, Earth girls are a bit of grey area."
The opening act, followed by the opening theme is a
technique used to build attention.
Also, in the first couple minutes I make sure that the
audience are introduced to the characters and each of
their personalities. For example:
• Marvin being a paranoid android - he has a very down
beat line, commenting on his surroundings.
• Arthur being a very average, sarcastic, slow, whilst
questioning his surrounding quite a bit – he asks
poses a quite on a "level 1 planet" and becomes a
little bit sarcastic towards Trillian. Also, in relation to
social interaction – he stays close to Ford being as
he's his mate and Ford also remarks on dating advice,
after Trillian walk off sighing at Arthur – as Arthur has
a thing for her.
• Ford being both an adventurer and a one of the non-
human characters – when talking to Arthur on dating,
he says "Earth girls" rather than just leaving it with
just "girls."
(Finally, I try and show the audience that the main
character is Arthur as we mainly center around him in
this story than any of the other characters – not just in
first couple minutes but throughout the entire story.)
Process (Script Analysis – Page 2)
(Patting him on the back sympathetically.)
Zaphod: "Why don’t you tell her you're an alien? - With a big spaceship. - that
worked for me."
Arthur: "I know, that's how you stole her from me in the first place. How do
you not remember?!"
Zaphod: "Does sound like me. But then again, who could blame the lady?"
(Unaware of his surrounding as he was too busy admiring himself.)
Arthur: "Right, he we go..."
(Already sick of what he had to say as this was the
kind delusional and narcissistic actions Zaphod had always done...)
Zaphod: "Wait, have I told you about the time I..."
(Trillian makes her back over to the group as at this moment, people had all
been doing there own thing.)
Trillian: "Is anyone actually paying attention her?! We've crashed!"
(She lectured the group in hope of fixing the situation.)
Marvin: "Isn't it depressing?"
(He adds, not being helping the current issue at hand – she ignores him.)
Ford: "Quite allot if this works properly..."
(Showing off the gadget in his hand.)
Trillian: "Great!?"
Ford: "We can use this to hitch a lift out of here..."
(He struggles with the hand held gadget as it a still a bit faulty.)
Ford: "That's of course if we can get a signal strong enough?"
Arthur: "After you then."
(He holds out an arm, gesturing for traveler to lead the way...)
Marvin: "This'll be good, the brain the size of a planet and of all the places I'm
stuck here."
Arthur: "Nobody's forcing you to come, you know?"
(He adds, also sick of Marvin constant down beat attitude. The crew start
making their way away from the ship, searching for a signal strong enough to
get of the almost desolate planet.)
Zaphod: "But what about my ship?!"
(He cries out, the only member who hadn't walked off.)
• Trillian acts like a bit of team leader towards the
group (apposed to Zaphod who's the actual team
leader-) which is show in the bit where she rounds the
team together in hopes of forming a plan to get off
the planet.
• Zaphod being and arrogant character who also took
of with Trillian whilst Arthur had a chance with her at
a house party on earth - this is shown when he
suggests a pick up line of telling her "you're an alien,"
in which Arthur replies - "I know, that's how you stole
her from me in the first place" - telling us of the
situation and how he's still bitter about. As well as
this, in his response - "Does sound like me. But then
again who could blame the lady?" Shows that he's
quite arrogant as he admires how she reacted to him,
more than her herself.
Process (Script Analysis – Page 3)
(Patting him on the back sympathetically.)
Zaphod: "Why don’t you tell her you're an alien? - With a big spaceship. - that worked for me."
Arthur: "I know, that's how you stole her from me in the first place. How do you not remember?!"
Zaphod: "Does sound like me. But then again, who could blame the lady?"
(Unaware of his surrounding as he was too busy admiring himself.)
Arthur: "Right, he we go..."
(Already sick of what he had to say as this was the kind delusional and narcissistic actions Zaphod had always done...)
Zaphod: "Wait, have I told you about the time I..."
(Trillian makes her back over to the group as at this moment, people had all been doing there own thing.)
Trillian: "Is anyone actually paying attention her?! We've crashed!"
(She lectured the group in hope of fixing the situation.)
Marvin: "Isn't it depressing?"
(He adds, not being helping the current issue at hand – she ignores him.)
Ford: "Quite allot if this works properly..."
(Showing off the gadget in his hand.)
Trillian: "Great!?"
Ford: "We can use this to hitch a lift out of here..."
(He struggles with the hand held gadget as it a still a bit faulty.)
Ford: "That's of course if we can get a signal strong enough?"
Arthur: "After you then."
(He holds out an arm, gesturing for traveler to lead the way...)
Marvin: "This'll be good, the brain the size of a planet and of all the places I'm stuck here."
Arthur: "Nobody's forcing you to come, you know?"
(He adds, also sick of Marvin constant down beat attitude. The crew start making their way away from the ship, searching for a
signal strong enough to get of the almost desolate planet.)
Zaphod: "But what about my ship?!"
(He cries out, the only member who hadn't walked off.)
Trillian: "Learn to fly her better!"
(She smugly adds, reminding him how they got into the situation.)
Zaphod: "How dare she..."
(Muttering under his breath before quickly trying to catch up with them..)
Arthur: "Ford...?"
Ford: "Just a moment there... Just a bit of interference..."
(Still trying to get it to work, occasionally smacking it against his palm.)
Ford: "Now you can continue."
(No allowing him to proceed whilst keeping his focus on the gadget.)
Arthur: "Why is that so many planets resemble a disused quarry?"
(Ford laughs, amused at is thought process.)
Ford: "Funny, never thought of it that way, from my perspective, it's the other way around. Look at it like this way, this galaxy is
always creating and destroying – the constant possibility of planets are basically infinite!"
(He pauses and thinks over what he just said."
Ford: "-Basically..."
Arthur: "Yea, I guess that sounds rather logical?"
(Trillian getting bored of walking silently, makes her way towards Ford.)
Trillian: "Do you know how long this things will take?"
Ford: "Not exactly? It all comes down to..."
(Still focusing on the machine when suddenly the machine start to build up in noise...)
Ford: "Wait a minute... Just a..."
(Spacing his word out as he tries to get everything to work.)
Ford: "Nobody move..."
Trillian: "What is it?"
Ford: "I've got it!"
Arthur: "Well done Ford!"
(Trillian pecks him on the cheek.)
Ford: "Wait! Just wait! - Don't get too excited, we've got a wait yet..."
Around this segment of the story, the characters start build
up in the actual story and adventure.
Process (Script Analysis – Page 4)
Marvin: "Isn't this just depressing."
Zaphod: "Just this once I agree with that paranoid android! First The Heart Of
Gold, now this!"
Arthur: "You pompous...!
(He stops himself before he went too far.)
Trillian: "You were the one that crashed the ship for a start and right now,
without Ford's help we would more than certainly be stuck here till we slowly
starve!? - The least you can do is wait."
(They both add.)
Zaphod: "I don't know what to say..? I feel betrayed?!"
(Saddened and still not trying to see things from anyone else's perspective.)
Ford: "Don't do anything stupid now..."
Arthur: "Now where are you off?"
(Zaphod starts to walk off taking Marvin with him.)
Zaphod: "Come on tin man."
Martin: "Reduced to a glorified tin man."
Arthur: "Zaphod?!"
Zaphod: "I'd spend the rest of my life with my ship than here with you!"
[To Be Continued]
Because I was provide the space time of around five
minutes, this meant I had to wrap up the story as fast as
possible. As I didn't find enough to create an entire story ark,
I chose to leave it on a cliffhanger, using the final page to
wrap it up into this.
Process (Audience)
Because I can't just assume that everyone that's listening to this already has knowledge on
the series, I have to make sure the audience are allot more aware of things – such as
previous background story, character traits, and so on...
Because the audience aren't able to see
anything going on it's important to
convey this using sound. For example if
there's a door slamming – use the sound
affect of a door slamming.
With the voice of Marvin (-because not
everyone might know that he's a robot,)
I've changed his voice to sound more
robotic to make it obvious that he's a robot.
To do this I had to play about with different
audio effects in audacity, leaving it enough
to understand, but editing it enough to
hear that he's a robot.
Process (Production & Editing)
The use of theme used in the
opening creates a build up of
suspension as the action is on a
brief pause – this being a
technique used to draw viewers
in as this leaves questions to be
answered - before the
story, rather than starting with
the theme and continuing from
To create the spaceship crash – in the opening, I combine a range of sound effects to build up
the scene.
I built this up from stretching out a sound effect of a fireball, whilst deepening the pitch.
Furthermore, I've split it into two different atmospheres – In space, overlooking the planet.
When we're in space, I used a fireball and a space atmosphere sound effect, to a whittling,
followed by an explosion. On top of this, to further demonstrate that the characters were
involved, I used a whistling in the ear sound effect.
Process (Production & Editing)
Process (Changes From The Original
Because I only just changed my script and story line through my production, this created a product
drastically different from the original product I'd been planning for.
From the storyline that was originally parodying the first episode of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, to
a entirely new – fan-made story line, in which the main cast would be involved (-in the original plan I
only planned to use two of the main character (Arthur and Ford.))
New ScriptOld Script
(Not all pages are shown...)
Though the original script isn't
fully complete as I quickly
abandoned the original script
through production, the page
count went up a total of eight
pages, (twice as much as I do in
my current one.)
Process (Changes From The Original
Furthermore, with the changes of the story will affect the sound effect I originally planned
to use in my final production.
Original Sound Effects Used (Files) Final Sound Effects Used (Files)

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6. production reflection

  • 2. Note: This is a fan production and the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is an already existing series, the character's I've have been taken from the series. The final Product I have made is a fan story, whilst the first (which has been scrapped,) which had been heavily based on the script of the very first episode of the TV show.
  • 3. Process (Scripting) Because there's already a TV series (of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy,) with script I found that it'd be better to work on from the script, (using it as guideline to guide myself, with occasional quotation taken from the script itself.) This of course helping me to keep to keep the passing right and the scene time to the right amount. hitchhikers-guide-to-the-galaxy&episode=s01e01 Changes: However, because I was closely parodying the storyline of begging of the "Hitchhiker's..." Series, I was suggested that I could stick with the theme and produce a new script, with a new story. This of course creating the issue of having to re-plan all of the previous (Note: I'll be using "5. Alternate Script" in my final production – not "5. Script.")
  • 4. Process (Characters/Casting/Character Research) Character Casting Character Analysis Arthur Dent Jake Cant (Used twice as I was low on casting choices.) • Gender – Male. • Species – Human. • Character traits – Docile and sarcastic. • Character aspirations – He has a love interest for Trillian. Ford Prefect Matt Burniston (Me, as I'm low on people to cast.) • Gender – Male. • Species – Humanoid ( from Betelgeuse.) • Character traits - Eccentric, explorer. • Character aspirations - Marvin Jake Cant (Used twice as I was low on casting choices.) • Gender - N/A (However a male voice is used.) • Species – Robot. • Character traits – Paranoid android. • Character aspirations - N/A (-Too depressed.) Trillian Grace Morrison • Gender – Female. • Species – Human. • Character traits – Smart, clever, explorer, responsible. • Character aspirations – Want to travel and explore places she hasn't scene before. Zaphod Beeblebrox Jake England • Gender – Male. • Species – Humanoid. • Character traits – Pompous, narcissistic – with a poor sense of awareness to his surrounding. • Character aspirations - N/A (-He's too obsessed with himself to have any aspirations.) (As I don’t have a huge selection on people I can cast, I used people who both willing and available to record. On the other hand, I've tried to cast this people into the roles they resemble most.)
  • 5. Process (Script Analysis – Page 1) Script: Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy [In that atmosphere, overlooking the an alien planet.] (All that can be heard is a momentarily silence, shortly followed by the roaring and flaming sound of a spaceship (The Heart Of Gold,) as it crashes into the nearby planet – Xphene.) [Theme song] [The alien planet Beta Xphene] (A small robot leaves the wreckage of the ship, which was now staring to disperse a thick white, build up of cloud.) Marvin: "The planet Beta Xphene, why can't we ever go somewhere nice? First we crash on this level 1 planet and now we have to endure this miserable planet." (Arthur turns rouFund to Ford and asks him-) Arthur: "Sorry, what's he on about, with "level 1 planets?"" (Ford remembering that Arthur was from the planet Earth and thus un-aware of the galactic phrasing not used on Earth...) Ford: "I'll explain later..." (Not quite bothering Arthur's needs – as he was too busy trying to get an alien, hand-held device to work.) Ford: "Come on... Ah!" (He exclaims. Smacking the device to get it to work. Then, following on Arthur's question, Trillian stumbles out of the wreckage and leans of Arthur's shoulder.) Trillian: "The level of a planet is depicted on it's inhabitance – the more intelligent the leading species is, the higher the number is." (Trillian in space longer as she ran of with Zaphod learnt more the terms and phrases used – despite being from the planet Earth.) Arthur: "Thanks, I think?" (Not quite grasping what was meant.) Trillian: "Ugh." (She sighs in response and walks of, still keeping in the line of vision. Slightly bewildered at her response, Arthur turns to Ford.) Arthur: "Did I say something wrong?" Ford: "Don't ask me, Earth girls are a bit of grey area." The opening act, followed by the opening theme is a technique used to build attention. Also, in the first couple minutes I make sure that the audience are introduced to the characters and each of their personalities. For example: • Marvin being a paranoid android - he has a very down beat line, commenting on his surroundings. • Arthur being a very average, sarcastic, slow, whilst questioning his surrounding quite a bit – he asks poses a quite on a "level 1 planet" and becomes a little bit sarcastic towards Trillian. Also, in relation to social interaction – he stays close to Ford being as he's his mate and Ford also remarks on dating advice, after Trillian walk off sighing at Arthur – as Arthur has a thing for her. • Ford being both an adventurer and a one of the non- human characters – when talking to Arthur on dating, he says "Earth girls" rather than just leaving it with just "girls." (Finally, I try and show the audience that the main character is Arthur as we mainly center around him in this story than any of the other characters – not just in first couple minutes but throughout the entire story.)
  • 6. Process (Script Analysis – Page 2) (Patting him on the back sympathetically.) Zaphod: "Why don’t you tell her you're an alien? - With a big spaceship. - that worked for me." Arthur: "I know, that's how you stole her from me in the first place. How do you not remember?!" Zaphod: "Does sound like me. But then again, who could blame the lady?" (Unaware of his surrounding as he was too busy admiring himself.) Arthur: "Right, he we go..." (Already sick of what he had to say as this was the kind delusional and narcissistic actions Zaphod had always done...) Zaphod: "Wait, have I told you about the time I..." (Trillian makes her back over to the group as at this moment, people had all been doing there own thing.) Trillian: "Is anyone actually paying attention her?! We've crashed!" (She lectured the group in hope of fixing the situation.) Marvin: "Isn't it depressing?" (He adds, not being helping the current issue at hand – she ignores him.) Ford: "Quite allot if this works properly..." (Showing off the gadget in his hand.) Trillian: "Great!?" Ford: "We can use this to hitch a lift out of here..." (He struggles with the hand held gadget as it a still a bit faulty.) Ford: "That's of course if we can get a signal strong enough?" Arthur: "After you then." (He holds out an arm, gesturing for traveler to lead the way...) Marvin: "This'll be good, the brain the size of a planet and of all the places I'm stuck here." Arthur: "Nobody's forcing you to come, you know?" (He adds, also sick of Marvin constant down beat attitude. The crew start making their way away from the ship, searching for a signal strong enough to get of the almost desolate planet.) Zaphod: "But what about my ship?!" (He cries out, the only member who hadn't walked off.) • Trillian acts like a bit of team leader towards the group (apposed to Zaphod who's the actual team leader-) which is show in the bit where she rounds the team together in hopes of forming a plan to get off the planet. • Zaphod being and arrogant character who also took of with Trillian whilst Arthur had a chance with her at a house party on earth - this is shown when he suggests a pick up line of telling her "you're an alien," in which Arthur replies - "I know, that's how you stole her from me in the first place" - telling us of the situation and how he's still bitter about. As well as this, in his response - "Does sound like me. But then again who could blame the lady?" Shows that he's quite arrogant as he admires how she reacted to him, more than her herself.
  • 7. Process (Script Analysis – Page 3) (Patting him on the back sympathetically.) Zaphod: "Why don’t you tell her you're an alien? - With a big spaceship. - that worked for me." Arthur: "I know, that's how you stole her from me in the first place. How do you not remember?!" Zaphod: "Does sound like me. But then again, who could blame the lady?" (Unaware of his surrounding as he was too busy admiring himself.) Arthur: "Right, he we go..." (Already sick of what he had to say as this was the kind delusional and narcissistic actions Zaphod had always done...) Zaphod: "Wait, have I told you about the time I..." (Trillian makes her back over to the group as at this moment, people had all been doing there own thing.) Trillian: "Is anyone actually paying attention her?! We've crashed!" (She lectured the group in hope of fixing the situation.) Marvin: "Isn't it depressing?" (He adds, not being helping the current issue at hand – she ignores him.) Ford: "Quite allot if this works properly..." (Showing off the gadget in his hand.) Trillian: "Great!?" Ford: "We can use this to hitch a lift out of here..." (He struggles with the hand held gadget as it a still a bit faulty.) Ford: "That's of course if we can get a signal strong enough?" Arthur: "After you then." (He holds out an arm, gesturing for traveler to lead the way...) Marvin: "This'll be good, the brain the size of a planet and of all the places I'm stuck here." Arthur: "Nobody's forcing you to come, you know?" (He adds, also sick of Marvin constant down beat attitude. The crew start making their way away from the ship, searching for a signal strong enough to get of the almost desolate planet.) Zaphod: "But what about my ship?!" (He cries out, the only member who hadn't walked off.) Trillian: "Learn to fly her better!" (She smugly adds, reminding him how they got into the situation.) Zaphod: "How dare she..." (Muttering under his breath before quickly trying to catch up with them..) Arthur: "Ford...?" Ford: "Just a moment there... Just a bit of interference..." (Still trying to get it to work, occasionally smacking it against his palm.) Ford: "Now you can continue." (No allowing him to proceed whilst keeping his focus on the gadget.) Arthur: "Why is that so many planets resemble a disused quarry?" (Ford laughs, amused at is thought process.) Ford: "Funny, never thought of it that way, from my perspective, it's the other way around. Look at it like this way, this galaxy is always creating and destroying – the constant possibility of planets are basically infinite!" (He pauses and thinks over what he just said." Ford: "-Basically..." Arthur: "Yea, I guess that sounds rather logical?" (Trillian getting bored of walking silently, makes her way towards Ford.) Trillian: "Do you know how long this things will take?" Ford: "Not exactly? It all comes down to..." (Still focusing on the machine when suddenly the machine start to build up in noise...) Ford: "Wait a minute... Just a..." (Spacing his word out as he tries to get everything to work.) Ford: "Nobody move..." Trillian: "What is it?" Ford: "I've got it!" Arthur: "Well done Ford!" (Trillian pecks him on the cheek.) Ford: "Wait! Just wait! - Don't get too excited, we've got a wait yet..." Around this segment of the story, the characters start build up in the actual story and adventure.
  • 8. Process (Script Analysis – Page 4) Marvin: "Isn't this just depressing." Zaphod: "Just this once I agree with that paranoid android! First The Heart Of Gold, now this!" Arthur: "You pompous...! (He stops himself before he went too far.) Trillian: "You were the one that crashed the ship for a start and right now, without Ford's help we would more than certainly be stuck here till we slowly starve!? - The least you can do is wait." (They both add.) Zaphod: "I don't know what to say..? I feel betrayed?!" (Saddened and still not trying to see things from anyone else's perspective.) Ford: "Don't do anything stupid now..." Arthur: "Now where are you off?" (Zaphod starts to walk off taking Marvin with him.) Zaphod: "Come on tin man." Martin: "Reduced to a glorified tin man." Arthur: "Zaphod?!" Zaphod: "I'd spend the rest of my life with my ship than here with you!" [To Be Continued] Because I was provide the space time of around five minutes, this meant I had to wrap up the story as fast as possible. As I didn't find enough to create an entire story ark, I chose to leave it on a cliffhanger, using the final page to wrap it up into this.
  • 9. Process (Audience) Because I can't just assume that everyone that's listening to this already has knowledge on the series, I have to make sure the audience are allot more aware of things – such as previous background story, character traits, and so on... Because the audience aren't able to see anything going on it's important to convey this using sound. For example if there's a door slamming – use the sound affect of a door slamming. With the voice of Marvin (-because not everyone might know that he's a robot,) I've changed his voice to sound more robotic to make it obvious that he's a robot. To do this I had to play about with different audio effects in audacity, leaving it enough to understand, but editing it enough to hear that he's a robot.
  • 10. Process (Production & Editing) The use of theme used in the opening creates a build up of suspension as the action is on a brief pause – this being a technique used to draw viewers in as this leaves questions to be answered - before the story, rather than starting with the theme and continuing from there... To create the spaceship crash – in the opening, I combine a range of sound effects to build up the scene. I built this up from stretching out a sound effect of a fireball, whilst deepening the pitch. Furthermore, I've split it into two different atmospheres – In space, overlooking the planet. When we're in space, I used a fireball and a space atmosphere sound effect, to a whittling, followed by an explosion. On top of this, to further demonstrate that the characters were involved, I used a whistling in the ear sound effect.
  • 12. Process (Changes From The Original Planning.) Because I only just changed my script and story line through my production, this created a product drastically different from the original product I'd been planning for. From the storyline that was originally parodying the first episode of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, to a entirely new – fan-made story line, in which the main cast would be involved (-in the original plan I only planned to use two of the main character (Arthur and Ford.)) New ScriptOld Script (Not all pages are shown...) Though the original script isn't fully complete as I quickly abandoned the original script through production, the page count went up a total of eight pages, (twice as much as I do in my current one.)
  • 13. Process (Changes From The Original Planning.) Furthermore, with the changes of the story will affect the sound effect I originally planned to use in my final production. Original Sound Effects Used (Files) Final Sound Effects Used (Files)

Editor's Notes

  1. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  2. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  3. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  4. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  5. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  6. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  7. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  8. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  9. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  10. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.
  11. Discuss the tools and processes used in your production. Log your thoughts and feelings about your work.