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Sociological perspectives of Mental
Health problems
Dr/ Eman M. Mortada
Associate professor
In sociology, public health and preventive medicine
4th lecture
Describe the risk factors affecting mental health
Impact of mental disorders and how to solve
Some well known and most prevalent mental disorders
Sociological Explanations
Learning objectives
By the end of this lecture the students will be able to:
Define mental health and mental illness.
Global and national burden of mental disorder
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Mental health
Basic Facts
Dr. Eman M.Mortada
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Are we
protected against
mental illness?
We are all vulnerable
No one is immune
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Mental illness can affect any one of us.
Mental illness occurs in all societies and
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
With the ever-increasing stress in today’s
day-to-day life, psychiatric disorders are assuming
more significant dimension
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
Constitution of World Health Organization,1946
“No health without mental health”
What is Health?
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Mental Health
 Not just the absence
of mental illness.
 Living up to ones
full potential.
Having the skills necessary to cope with life’s
Can be defined as: brain disorders, that can affect the
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him
or her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life.
Mental Disorder
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Mental Disorders are Associated with Disturbances
in 6 Primary Domains of Brain Function
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Functions Of The Brain function
or Sensing
Signaling (being responsive and
reacting to the environment)
Thinking or
Categories of Mental Disorders
• e.g. PsychosisThinking or Cognition
• e.g. Mood Disorder
• depression, Bipolar
• e.g. AutismPerception or Sensing
• e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, Substance Abuse
• e.g. Eating DisordersPhysical Functions
• e.g. Anxiety DisordersSignaling
Burden of
Mental disorders
Dr. Eman M.Mortada
❖WHOsuggests that half the world's populations are
affected by mental illness
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Prevalence of mental health problems
• One in 10 will develop a serious mental
• Three quarters of all mental health
problems begin by age 24.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Mental Disorders are illnesses of
the youth
Age of Onset of Major Mental Disorders
Onset following puberty:
The most common disorders for children and youth account for approximately
➢Anxiety Disorders
➢Behavior Problems
➢Mood Disorders (e.g. depressive disorders)
➢Substance Misuse Problems
Contrast with other disabling conditions
Mental disorders are
health issue
facing youth
Why is that????????
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Being a teenager has always meant dealing with lots
of challenging issues.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
No longer a child- Not yet an adult
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
❑ Complex period of
rapid change, transition
❑ Challenges: fitting in,
defining identity,
competing demands
(school, home)
❑ Sometimes - other home
issues (divorce, violence
or substance abuse)
❑ Bottom line: May
display alterations of
mood, distressing
thoughts, anxiety,
❑ and impulsive behavior.
No help =
❑ Experiencing more than
normal developmental
challenges, inability to
form healthy
❑ Without treatment, more
likely to have serious
❑ Academic
❑ Relationships
❑ Employment
Angry or
Better academic
Less substance abuse
Improved chances for
their future
 It can lead to: Suicide
An estimated $247 billion is spent
each year on childhood mental
disorders (CDC, 2013).
Mental health problem can be
tremendously costly when
Cost of mental health problems
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
People with
severe mental illness
die up to 20 years earlier
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Types of
Mental disorders
Dr. Eman M.Mortada
Categories of Mental Disorders
• e.g. Mood Disorders (depression),
• e.g. PsychosisThinking or Cognition
• e.g. AutismPerception or Sensing
• e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, Substance Abuse
• e.g. Eating DisordersPhysical Functions
• e.g. Anxiety DisordersSignaling
.g. Mood Disorders
• .g. Mood Disorders
• Depression,
• Bipolar
1- Depression Constant sadness
Most common mental disorder
(“Common cold of mental illness”)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Depression is the 4th leading cause of DALYs
(2nd by 2020)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
At its worst, it can lead to suicide
(800.000 suicides per year)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
What is the difference
being sad and depression?
 Bell
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Symptoms OF Depression
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Low self esteem
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Frequent crying
Withdrawal from the others
Neglect opportunities
Change in appearance
Move slowly
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Self critic
Decreased concentration
Thoughts about suicide
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Chronic fatigue
Lack of energy
Unexplained body pain
Wt gain
Adults with depression were more likely to be
obese than adults without depression
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Effects of teen depression
Problems at school
• can cause low energy and concentration difficulties
Running away
• run away or talk about running away
Drug and alcohol abuse
an attempt to ‘self medicate’ their depression.
Low self-esteem’
Can trigger and intensify feelings of shame, failure
Internet addiction
go online to escape problems
. Reckless behaviour
may engage in high-risk behaviours
Violence –
(boys who are the victims of bullying) become violent.
in school
acting out
Abuse of
Threats to
run away
 #1 cause is: Untreated depression
 2ND leading cause of death among 15-24 yr. olds after accidents
 Most suicidal teens DO NOT WANT TO DIE, rather they feel it
is the only way to end their pain.
 9 out of 10 adolescents who commit suicide give clues to others
before the suicide attempt (only 10% show no warning signs).
to be
left alone
Saying final
to friends
and loved ones
Engaging in risky
such as
drug use
Warning Signs of Suicide
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Top three methods used in suicides of young
 firearm (45 percent),
 suffocation (40 percent), and
 poisoning (8 percent)
Roben Williams
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Jim Karry
 Depression that only occurs during the fall and
winter months
 Oversleeping/difficulty staying awake
 Fatigue
 Social withdrawal
 Inability to cope
2- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
3- Bipolar Disorder Mood swings
2-Bipolar Disorder (Mood swings)
❑ aka: Manic Depression
❑ Affects about 60 million worldwide
❑ It typically consists of both manic &
depressive episodes separated by periods of
normal mood
❑ Manic are more common in young
depression more common in old age group.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Manic Symptoms:
 Severe changes in mood
 Increased energy
 Decreased need for sleep
 Increased talking (too fast or
too much)
 Disregard of risk
 Overly-inflated self-esteem
Mood swings
Ben Stiller
Vincent van Gogh
Categories of Mental Disorders
• e.g. Anxiety DisordersSignaling
Anxiety Constant worrying
A condition in which Excessive real or imagined
fears are difficult to control.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Anxiety (anticipation of future threat)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Behavioral responses (fight, flight,
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
In general, for a person to be
diagnosed with an anxiety disorder,
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 the fear or anxiety must: Be out of proportion to the
situation or inappropriate for age
 People with anxiety disorders try to avoid
situations that make them feel anxious or fearful.
More frequent in females to males
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
The most common mental illness in
the U.S.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
There are several different types of anxiety
a strong, irrational fear of something specific, such as heights or
social situations
Compulsive Disorder
Persistent thoughts, fears, or urges leading to uncontrollable
repetitive behaviors
Panic Disorder
Attacks of sudden, unexplained feelings of terrors
Stress Disorder
A condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying
Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD)
Exaggerated worry and tension for no reason
❑ A strong, irrational fear of something specific,
such as heights or social situations.
❑ The three classes of phobias are social phobia (fear
of public speaking, meeting new people or other
social situations), agoraphobia (fear of being
outside), and specific phobias (fear of other items or
A. Phobias
Social Phobia
Disorder triggered by uncomfortable
thoughts called obsessions
and by
repetitive behaviors called
•For example, the fear of germs leads to
constant hand washing.
B. Obsessive-compulsive disorderOCD
Unwanted and
persistent thoughts
Ritual Acts
Commons Compulsions (Repetitive
and Ritual Acts)
1. Excessive hand washing
2. Repetitive checking.
3. Rearranging and organizing things.
❑ Attacks of sudden, unexplained feelings of terror.
❑ “Panic attacks” are accompanied by trembling, increased heart
rate, shortness of breath, or dizziness.
❑ People who experience panic attacks can use a number of lifestyle
changes like aerobic exercise, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and
illicit drugs, as well as stress-management techniques to help
decrease anxiety.
C. Panic disorder
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
•A condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event.
•Symptoms include:
➢ flashbacks,
➢ nightmares,
➢ emotional numbness,
➢ guilt,
➢ sleeplessness, and
➢ problems concentrating.
D. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
❑ Exaggerated worry and tension for no reason. People with
GAD startle easily and have difficulty concentrating, relaxing,
and sleeping.
❑ About 4 million adult Americans suffer from GAD during the
course of a year.
❑ It most often begins in childhood or adolescence, but can begin
in adulthood.
❑ It is more common in women than in men.
E. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Categories of Mental Disorders
• e.g. Psychosis
Thinking or
What is it? Signs/Symptoms
 Frightened, withdrawn,
strange speech and
 Hear voices, see
people, believe people
are trying to control
their mind.
“Split Mind”
Severe mental disorder characterized
by losing touch with reality
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Loses ability to distinguish fantasy
from reality
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Symptoms typically appear in adolescence
or early adulthood.
More common among males than
females (4:3)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Hallucinations – hearing, seeing or feeling things that are not
Schizophrenia (Split Mind)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Delusions – fixed false beliefs or suspicions that are firmly held
even when there is no evidence to the contrary
Schizophrenia (Split Mind)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Abnormal behavior – strange appearance, self-neglect, incoherent
speech, wandering aimlessly, mumbling or laughing to self
4-Schizophrenia (Split Mind)
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
People with schizophrenia are 2-2.5 times more likely to die early than the
general population due to physical illnesses, such as CVDs, metabolic &
infectious diseases
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Two or more separate identities or personality traits
 Ability to control individual’s behavior and thinking
 Create alters to distance themselves from pain and trauma
6. Multiple Personality Disorder
(Dissociative Identity Disorder)
Categories of Mental Disorders
• e.g. Eating DisordersPhysical Functions
7- Eating Disorders
 A psychological disorder characterized by disturbed patterns of
eating and maladaptive ways of controlling body weight.
 Unrealistic thoughts about weight
 1 in 20 teens suffer; 90% females.
 Influences of eating disorders
➢ Pleasing others
➢ Perfectionism
➢ Body Image
➢ Depression/Anxiety
 Eating disorders may come in the form
 Anorexia Nervosa
 Bulimia
 Binge-Eating Disorder
Anorexia Nervosa
 A disorder in which Restriction of food intake
leading to significantly low body weight
 15% or more below their desired weight
 To be classified as anorexic, the patient must
meet four specific criteria
1. Self-starvation – tremendous self-control
to limit eating.
2. Has an intense fear of gaining weight
3. Has a distorted body image; feels fat when
really extremely thin
4. Amenorrhea
Anorexia: health risk
 Dehydration
 Depression
 Impaired immune system
 Hair loss
 Fainting, fatigue, overall
 Muscle loss and weakness
 Reduction in bone density, OP
 Hormonal changes, Amenorrhea
 Cold intolerance
 Heart failure (death)
Common Signs:
 Hair loss
Osteoporosis is common!
(lack of calcium)
Cold Intolerance
B. Bulimia nervosa
 Bulimia is Recurrent episodes of Binging and purging
 Binge eating
Eating an amount of food within any 2-hour period that is
significantly larger than what most individuals would eat
and a sense of lack of control over eating during the
 Purging
➢ Recurrent behaviors to prevent weight gain
➢ Self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, misuse of
diuretics, fasting or excessive exercise
Bulimia: Symptoms
 Guilt
 Emotional ups and
 Frequent trips to the
 Staining of teeth
 Swelling of cheeks/jaw
 Fatigue
 Eating an amount of food within any 2-hour period larger than
what most people would eat and a sense of lack of control
over eating during the episode
 Binge-eating episodes associated with:
➢ eating rapidly,
➢ eating until uncomfortably full,
➢ eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically
➢ eating alone due to embarrassment over the amount of food
eaten, or
➢ feeling depressed or guilty after the episode
C. Binge-Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder
 Consequences of binge eating disorder include:
overweight or
Developing the
health problems
associated with
Categories of Mental Disorders
• e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
• Substance Abuse
8-Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD)
Problems paying attention, Can seriously impact
ability to learn
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining
attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Three subtypes within the disorder is less known
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Predominantly
 Predominantly
 Combined
9- Conduct Disorder
A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights
of others are violated.
Conduct Disorder
Bullies/threatens/intimidates others
Initiates physical fights
Has used a weapon that can cause serious harm
Physically cruel to people or animals
Has stolen while confronting a victim; broken into someone’s
home, building or car
May lie to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligation
Has forced someone into sexual activity
10- Autistic Disorders
Children with this disorder are extremely unresponsive to
others, uncommunicative, repetitive, and rigid
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Symptoms appear
early in life, before
age 3
 Around 80% of all
cases appear in boys
The central feature of autism is the individual’s lack of
responsiveness, and lack of interest in people
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
One common speech peculiarity is echolalia, the exact
echoing of phrases spoken by others
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Another is pronominal reversal, or confusion of
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Parent: What are you doing, Johnny?
 Child: He's here.
 Parent: Are you having a good time?
 Child: He sure is.
A physical or psychological craving need for higher and higher
doses of a substance that leads to bodily harm, social
maladjustment, or economic hardship; dependence on a substance,
habit, or behavior.
11- Addiction
Will be displayed
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Risk Factor
Metal disorders
Dr. Eman M.Mortada
Early Views of Mental Illness
 In ancient times,
 mental illness was usually explained through a supernatural
model; the person was possessed or a sinner
 During the Middle Ages
 treatment methods were inhumane and cruel (trepanation)
So, What Are The
Of Mental Illness??
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
The causes of mental illness are
Genetics Environment+
Brain Disorder
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Imbalance of brain
The Medical Model
 Psychological disorders are similar to a physical illness.
 Diseases have physical causes that can be diagnosed,
treated, and in most cases, cured.
 Psychological disorders can be diagnosed based on
their symptoms and treated through therapy.
Mental illness vs physical illness
– They are both painful and
possibly dangerous to a
person’s health
– Many people need to recover
using therapists and
prescription drugs
 Public Opinion; mental
illness seems to be a “hush
hush” situation, people don’t
want to discuss going to
therapists for depression but
will happily see a doctor for
a broken arm
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Similarities: Differences:
Bio-Psycho-Social Model
 Perspective of mental illness which assumes that biological,
psychological, and sociocultural factors combine and interact to
produce psychological disorders
 Psychologists typically
emphasize internal processes
 Biologists focus on the role of
physiological aspects of mental
 Sociologists do not discount
biology and psychology in
studying mental illness but
they believe a social lens is
critical to gaining the whole
picture of mental illness
Risk Factors of Mental Disorders:
Genetic predisposition:
Genetics play an important role in determining vulnerability to
most major psychiatric disorders
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Life Cycle Approach
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Risk Factors of Mental Disorders:
Crucial points in Life cycle
 Prenatal period :Pregnancy is a stressful period for some
 First 5 years of life :Roots of mental health are in early
childhood. Broken homes are likely to produce behavior disorders
in children.
 School child :Everything that happens in school affects mental
health of child.
 Adolescence :The transition from childhood to manhood is often
a stormy one and fraught with dangers to mental health manifested
in form of mental ill health among the young.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Risk Factors of Mental Disorders:
Many mental illnesses begin
during childhood and persist
into adolescence.
Some of these include:
✓ Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
✓ Autism Spectrum Disorders
✓ Generalized Anxiety Disorder
BUT… some illnesses begin
during adolescence., include:
✓ Major Depression (MD)
✓ Schizophrenia
✓ Bipolar Disorder (BD)
✓ Panic disorder
✓ Social Anxiety Disorder
✓ Eating Disorders
✓ Addictions
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Risk Factors of Mental Disorders:
❑ Environmental toxins: lead in children→ MR or ↓ intelligence.
❑ Nutritional factors- deficiency of thiamine, iodine
❑ Homeless people: schizophrenia or substance abuse.
❑ Traumatic factor
Environmental factors that cause ill mental health
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Early psychological trauma & Life events
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
➢ Domestic violence (victim or witness),
➢ Sexual abuse,
➢ Parental death, divorce, separation,
➢ Accident (including witness)
➢ Serious medical illness or disability
➢ Natural disaster
Social Factors
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Social media – exposure to harassment/bullying
 Exposure to violent images
School Related Pressures
 Increased focus on scores
 Overall increases of time in school and doing homework
 “Time on Learning” focus
Social Factors
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Parental Styles:
 Helicopter Parents
 Increased supervision and control
 Doesn’t allow for independence and skill development
 Contributes to child’s lack of internal locus of control
Remember: everyone in the classroom
has a story that leads to misbehavior
9 times out of 10, the story behind the
misbehavior wont make you angry. It will
break your heart
Perspectives on Mental Illness
Functionalist perspective, a mentally sick individual is
not a productive member of society.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Parsons argued that the best way to understand illness
sociologically is to view it as a form of deviance that
disturbs the social function of the society.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Therefore this needs to be controlled, which is the role
of the medical profession.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
People with MH conditions face discrimination even in
health care settings; poor treatment by non-psychiatric
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Symbolic Interactionism
Interactionist perspective – focus is on
the social construction of mental illness
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
▪How we define mental illness is a matter of dispute
▪People from different backgrounds interpret it differently
People with mental illness are treated irresponsibly
and are denied access to normal activities
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Stigma of mental illness
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
•It is a negative label used to identify a person with mental
•Negative attitudes and beliefs that motivate society to fear,
reject, avoid and discriminate against people with mental illness
Terms related to stigma
 Stereotype: Attitudes about a group of people, e.g. “All people
with mental illness are dangerous.”
 Prejudice: Agreeing with the stereotypes, e.g. “I think people
with mental illness are dangerous.”
 Discrimination: The behavior that results from prejudice, e.g.
“I won’t be friends with or hire someone with a mental
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
What are
some of the negative things
you have heard about
people with mental illness?
People with mental
illness are violent and
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
In fact, they are far more
likely to be the victims of
violence than to be
violent themselves.
People with mental
illness are poor and/or
less intelligent.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Many studies show that
most mentally ill people
have average or above-
average intelligence.
Mental illness is caused by a personal weakness. It is
an illness, and it has nothing to do with being weak
or lacking will-power.
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Although people with mental illness can play a big part in
their own recovery, they did not choose to become ill, and
they are not lazy because they cannot just "snap out of it."
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
• The prevalence of mental health
disorders is inversely related to economic
 Those who have the least resources in
society are more likely to have a
mental illness
 People who have more resources are
properly cared for while those who
are underprivileged are less likely to
receive proper treatment
Conflict Theory
•Conflict perspective – focus is on how mental illness is associated
with economic and social inequality in society
Gender inequality
• Studies conflict as to whether women or men have higher rates of
mental illness and about which groups suffers more social stress
Men have higher rates of:
❑ antisocial personality and
❑ paranoia, and
❑ substance abuse disorders
Women have higher rates
of certain illnesses
❑ Depression and
❑ Anxiety
 The gender difference is because Socialization to
Social Roles
 Women more likely to turn stress inward
 Men more likely to turn stress outward
 Women believed to be more socially connected and
integrated so less likely to act out aggressively
against others
 Men more vulnerable to “material loss” than women
Race, and Mental Health
• Some research shows that African Americans are more prone
to mental illness than European Americans and Latino
• These differences may be due to stresses associated with
racism in society
• The differences may also be due to the higher concentration of
Blacks in poverty
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
The Impact of Mental Disorders:
The Impact of Mental Disorders:
 Mental illness and poor mental health are public
problems, they have great impact on:
• Distressing symptoms.
• Unable to participate in work and leisure.
• Quality of life continues to be poor: stigma and
• Economic burden
• Disruption of the house hold routine and
• Restricted social activities.
• Cost of providing care.
• Loss of productivity.
• Legal problems including violence.
Impact of Stigma
 Higher level of stigma and negative attitudes may lead to
 Discrimination
 Delay in mental health treatment seeking
 Present for treatment with more severe symptoms
Solving the
Mental disorders
Dr. Eman M.Mortada
Help the Silent
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
Eradicating the taboo aspect of
getting mental assistance
• Mental illness is still quite
taboo in our society
• It is considered normal to attend a therapist
or doctor for a physical illness but
embarrassing and usually secretive for
mental illness
Educating others about mental
• Mental illness needs to have a
different light so that people can
get the help that they need
Much can be done
Everyone can contribute to better mental health
Dr. Eman M. Mortada
 Choose one of the following topics
a. Parenting styles and mental disorders
b. Adolescence and mental disorders.
c. Celebrities suffered from mental disorders
d. How movies portrayed variety of mental problems
e. Stigma of mental illness
Prepare a
Due date for uploading the ppt on bb will be on TUESDAY.
11:30 AM
4  sociological perspectives mental diseases

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4 sociological perspectives mental diseases

  • 1. Sociological perspectives of Mental Health problems Dr/ Eman M. Mortada Associate professor In sociology, public health and preventive medicine 4th lecture
  • 2. Describe the risk factors affecting mental health Impact of mental disorders and how to solve INTRODUCTION Some well known and most prevalent mental disorders Sociological Explanations Learning objectives By the end of this lecture the students will be able to: Define mental health and mental illness. Global and national burden of mental disorder Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 4. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Are we protected against mental illness?
  • 5. We are all vulnerable No one is immune
  • 6. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Mental illness can affect any one of us.
  • 7. Mental illness occurs in all societies and cultures. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 8. With the ever-increasing stress in today’s day-to-day life, psychiatric disorders are assuming more significant dimension Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 9. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Constitution of World Health Organization,1946 “No health without mental health” What is Health? Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 10. Mental Health  Not just the absence of mental illness.  Living up to ones full potential. Having the skills necessary to cope with life’s challenges.
  • 11. Can be defined as: brain disorders, that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life. Mental Disorder Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 12. Mental Disorders are Associated with Disturbances in 6 Primary Domains of Brain Function Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 13. Functions Of The Brain function Perception or Sensing Emotions Behavior Physical Functions Signaling (being responsive and reacting to the environment) Thinking or Cognition
  • 14. Categories of Mental Disorders • e.g. PsychosisThinking or Cognition • e.g. Mood Disorder • depression, Bipolar Emotions • e.g. AutismPerception or Sensing • e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Substance Abuse Behavior • e.g. Eating DisordersPhysical Functions • e.g. Anxiety DisordersSignaling
  • 16. ❖WHOsuggests that half the world's populations are affected by mental illness Dr. Eman M. Mortada Prevalence of mental health problems
  • 17. • One in 10 will develop a serious mental illness
  • 18. 9/27/2020Source: • Three quarters of all mental health problems begin by age 24.
  • 19. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Mental Disorders are illnesses of the youth
  • 20. Age of Onset of Major Mental Disorders Onset following puberty: The most common disorders for children and youth account for approximately 70% ➢Anxiety Disorders ➢Behavior Problems ➢Mood Disorders (e.g. depressive disorders) ➢Substance Misuse Problems
  • 21. Contrast with other disabling conditions Mental disorders are biggest health issue facing youth
  • 22. Why is that???????? Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 23. Being a teenager has always meant dealing with lots of challenging issues. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 24. No longer a child- Not yet an adult Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 25. ❑ Complex period of rapid change, transition ❑ Challenges: fitting in, defining identity, competing demands (school, home) ❑ Sometimes - other home issues (divorce, violence or substance abuse) ❑ Bottom line: May display alterations of mood, distressing thoughts, anxiety, ❑ and impulsive behavior. Typical Teens
  • 27. ❑ Experiencing more than normal developmental challenges, inability to form healthy relationships ❑ Without treatment, more likely to have serious problems: ❑ Academic ❑ Relationships ❑ Employment ❑ Troubled Teens
  • 30. Sad
  • 32. HELP = Better academic achievement Less substance abuse Improved chances for their future
  • 33.  It can lead to: Suicide School Failure Family Conflicts Drug Abuse Violence An estimated $247 billion is spent each year on childhood mental disorders (CDC, 2013). Mental health problem can be tremendously costly when untreated Cost of mental health problems
  • 34. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 35. People with severe mental illness die up to 20 years earlier Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 37. Categories of Mental Disorders • e.g. Mood Disorders (depression), Bipolar Emotions • e.g. PsychosisThinking or Cognition • e.g. AutismPerception or Sensing • e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Substance Abuse Behavior • e.g. Eating DisordersPhysical Functions • e.g. Anxiety DisordersSignaling
  • 38. .g. Mood Disorders • .g. Mood Disorders • Depression, • Bipolar Emotions
  • 40. Most common mental disorder (“Common cold of mental illness”) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 41. Depression is the 4th leading cause of DALYs (2nd by 2020) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 42. At its worst, it can lead to suicide (800.000 suicides per year) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 43. What is the difference between being sad and depression?  Bell ringer
  • 44. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 45. Symptoms OF Depression Dr. Eman M. Mortada Emotions Sadness Guilty Low self esteem
  • 46. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Behavior Frequent crying Withdrawal from the others Neglect opportunities Change in appearance Move slowly
  • 47. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Thoughts Self critic Decreased concentration Confusion Indecisiveness Thoughts about suicide
  • 48. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Physically Chronic fatigue Lack of energy Sleeping Unexplained body pain Wt gain
  • 49. Adults with depression were more likely to be obese than adults without depression Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 50. Effects of teen depression Problems at school • can cause low energy and concentration difficulties Running away • run away or talk about running away Drug and alcohol abuse an attempt to ‘self medicate’ their depression. Low self-esteem’ Can trigger and intensify feelings of shame, failure Internet addiction go online to escape problems . Reckless behaviour may engage in high-risk behaviours Violence – (boys who are the victims of bullying) become violent.
  • 51. Marked change in school performance Sexual acting out Depression Abuse of alcohol/ drugs Internet addiction Self-injury/ Cutting Threats to run away Violence Unusual behavior
  • 52. Suicide  #1 cause is: Untreated depression  2ND leading cause of death among 15-24 yr. olds after accidents  Most suicidal teens DO NOT WANT TO DIE, rather they feel it is the only way to end their pain.  9 out of 10 adolescents who commit suicide give clues to others before the suicide attempt (only 10% show no warning signs).
  • 53. Talking about suicide Wanting to be left alone Saying final goodbyes to friends and loved ones Engaging in risky behavior, such as drug use Warning Signs of Suicide
  • 54. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Top three methods used in suicides of young people:  firearm (45 percent),  suffocation (40 percent), and  poisoning (8 percent)
  • 56. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Jim Karry
  • 57.  Depression that only occurs during the fall and winter months  Oversleeping/difficulty staying awake  Fatigue  Social withdrawal  Inability to cope 2- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • 58. 3- Bipolar Disorder Mood swings
  • 59. 2-Bipolar Disorder (Mood swings) ❑ aka: Manic Depression ❑ Affects about 60 million worldwide ❑ It typically consists of both manic & depressive episodes separated by periods of normal mood ❑ Manic are more common in young depression more common in old age group. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 60. Manic Symptoms:  Severe changes in mood  Increased energy  Decreased need for sleep  Increased talking (too fast or too much)  Disregard of risk  Overly-inflated self-esteem Mood swings
  • 63. Categories of Mental Disorders • e.g. Anxiety DisordersSignaling
  • 65. A condition in which Excessive real or imagined fears are difficult to control. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 66. Anxiety (anticipation of future threat) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 67. Behavioral responses (fight, flight, freeze) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 68. In general, for a person to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, Dr. Eman M. Mortada  the fear or anxiety must: Be out of proportion to the situation or inappropriate for age  People with anxiety disorders try to avoid situations that make them feel anxious or fearful.
  • 69. More frequent in females to males (2:1) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 70. The most common mental illness in the U.S. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 71.
  • 72. There are several different types of anxiety disorders. Phobia a strong, irrational fear of something specific, such as heights or social situations Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Persistent thoughts, fears, or urges leading to uncontrollable repetitive behaviors Panic Disorder Attacks of sudden, unexplained feelings of terrors Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) A condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Exaggerated worry and tension for no reason
  • 73. ❑ A strong, irrational fear of something specific, such as heights or social situations. ❑ The three classes of phobias are social phobia (fear of public speaking, meeting new people or other social situations), agoraphobia (fear of being outside), and specific phobias (fear of other items or situations). A. Phobias
  • 75. Disorder triggered by uncomfortable thoughts called obsessions and by repetitive behaviors called compulsions. •For example, the fear of germs leads to constant hand washing. B. Obsessive-compulsive disorderOCD Unwanted and persistent thoughts obsessions Ritual Acts Compulsive
  • 76. Commons Compulsions (Repetitive and Ritual Acts) 1. Excessive hand washing 2. Repetitive checking. 3. Rearranging and organizing things.
  • 77. ❑ Attacks of sudden, unexplained feelings of terror. ❑ “Panic attacks” are accompanied by trembling, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, or dizziness. ❑ People who experience panic attacks can use a number of lifestyle changes like aerobic exercise, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and illicit drugs, as well as stress-management techniques to help decrease anxiety. C. Panic disorder
  • 78. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 79. •A condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event. •Symptoms include: ➢ flashbacks, ➢ nightmares, ➢ emotional numbness, ➢ guilt, ➢ sleeplessness, and ➢ problems concentrating. D. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • 80. ❑ Exaggerated worry and tension for no reason. People with GAD startle easily and have difficulty concentrating, relaxing, and sleeping. ❑ About 4 million adult Americans suffer from GAD during the course of a year. ❑ It most often begins in childhood or adolescence, but can begin in adulthood. ❑ It is more common in women than in men. E. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • 81. Categories of Mental Disorders • e.g. Psychosis Thinking or Cognition
  • 82. Schizophrenia What is it? Signs/Symptoms  Frightened, withdrawn, strange speech and behavior  Hear voices, see people, believe people are trying to control their mind. “Split Mind”
  • 83. Severe mental disorder characterized by losing touch with reality Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 84. Loses ability to distinguish fantasy from reality Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 85. Symptoms typically appear in adolescence or early adulthood.
  • 86. More common among males than females (4:3) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 87.  Hallucinations – hearing, seeing or feeling things that are not there Schizophrenia (Split Mind) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 88.  Delusions – fixed false beliefs or suspicions that are firmly held even when there is no evidence to the contrary Schizophrenia (Split Mind) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 89.  Abnormal behavior – strange appearance, self-neglect, incoherent speech, wandering aimlessly, mumbling or laughing to self 4-Schizophrenia (Split Mind) Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 90. People with schizophrenia are 2-2.5 times more likely to die early than the general population due to physical illnesses, such as CVDs, metabolic & infectious diseases Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 91.
  • 92.  Two or more separate identities or personality traits  Ability to control individual’s behavior and thinking  Create alters to distance themselves from pain and trauma 6. Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)
  • 93. Categories of Mental Disorders • e.g. Eating DisordersPhysical Functions
  • 94. 7- Eating Disorders  A psychological disorder characterized by disturbed patterns of eating and maladaptive ways of controlling body weight.  Unrealistic thoughts about weight  1 in 20 teens suffer; 90% females.  Influences of eating disorders ➢ Pleasing others ➢ Perfectionism ➢ Body Image ➢ Depression/Anxiety  Eating disorders may come in the form  Anorexia Nervosa  Bulimia  Binge-Eating Disorder
  • 95. Anorexia Nervosa  A disorder in which Restriction of food intake leading to significantly low body weight  15% or more below their desired weight  To be classified as anorexic, the patient must meet four specific criteria 1. Self-starvation – tremendous self-control to limit eating. 2. Has an intense fear of gaining weight 3. Has a distorted body image; feels fat when really extremely thin 4. Amenorrhea
  • 96. Anorexia: health risk  Dehydration  Depression  Impaired immune system  Hair loss  Fainting, fatigue, overall weakness  Muscle loss and weakness  Reduction in bone density, OP  Hormonal changes, Amenorrhea  Cold intolerance  Heart failure (death)
  • 100. B. Bulimia nervosa  Bulimia is Recurrent episodes of Binging and purging  Binge eating Eating an amount of food within any 2-hour period that is significantly larger than what most individuals would eat and a sense of lack of control over eating during the episode  Purging ➢ Recurrent behaviors to prevent weight gain ➢ Self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, misuse of diuretics, fasting or excessive exercise
  • 101. Bulimia: Symptoms  Guilt  Emotional ups and downs  Frequent trips to the bathroom  Staining of teeth  Swelling of cheeks/jaw  Fatigue
  • 102.  Eating an amount of food within any 2-hour period larger than what most people would eat and a sense of lack of control over eating during the episode  Binge-eating episodes associated with: ➢ eating rapidly, ➢ eating until uncomfortably full, ➢ eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry, ➢ eating alone due to embarrassment over the amount of food eaten, or ➢ feeling depressed or guilty after the episode 102 C. Binge-Eating Disorder
  • 103. Binge Eating Disorder  Consequences of binge eating disorder include: Becoming overweight or obese Developing the health problems associated with obesity
  • 104. Categories of Mental Disorders • e.g. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, • Substance Abuse Behavior
  • 106. Problems paying attention, Can seriously impact ability to learn Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 107. Combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 108. Three subtypes within the disorder is less known Dr. Eman M. Mortada  Predominantly Inattentive  Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive  Combined
  • 109. 9- Conduct Disorder A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others are violated. Conduct Disorder Bullies/threatens/intimidates others Initiates physical fights Has used a weapon that can cause serious harm Physically cruel to people or animals Has stolen while confronting a victim; broken into someone’s home, building or car May lie to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligation Has forced someone into sexual activity
  • 111. Children with this disorder are extremely unresponsive to others, uncommunicative, repetitive, and rigid Dr. Eman M. Mortada  Symptoms appear early in life, before age 3  Around 80% of all cases appear in boys
  • 112. The central feature of autism is the individual’s lack of responsiveness, and lack of interest in people Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 113. One common speech peculiarity is echolalia, the exact echoing of phrases spoken by others Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 114. Another is pronominal reversal, or confusion of pronouns Dr. Eman M. Mortada  Parent: What are you doing, Johnny?  Child: He's here.  Parent: Are you having a good time?  Child: He sure is.
  • 115. A physical or psychological craving need for higher and higher doses of a substance that leads to bodily harm, social maladjustment, or economic hardship; dependence on a substance, habit, or behavior. 11- Addiction Will be displayed next week
  • 116. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 118. Early Views of Mental Illness  In ancient times,  mental illness was usually explained through a supernatural model; the person was possessed or a sinner  During the Middle Ages  treatment methods were inhumane and cruel (trepanation)
  • 119. So, What Are The CAUSES Of Mental Illness?? Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 120. The causes of mental illness are COMPLICATED Genetics Environment+ → Brain Disorder Dr. Eman M. Mortada Imbalance of brain chemicals.
  • 121. The Medical Model  Psychological disorders are similar to a physical illness.  Diseases have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and in most cases, cured.  Psychological disorders can be diagnosed based on their symptoms and treated through therapy.
  • 122. Mental illness vs physical illness – They are both painful and possibly dangerous to a person’s health – Many people need to recover using therapists and prescription drugs  Public Opinion; mental illness seems to be a “hush hush” situation, people don’t want to discuss going to therapists for depression but will happily see a doctor for a broken arm Dr. Eman M. Mortada Similarities: Differences:
  • 123. Bio-Psycho-Social Model  Perspective of mental illness which assumes that biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders  Psychologists typically emphasize internal processes  Biologists focus on the role of physiological aspects of mental illness  Sociologists do not discount biology and psychology in studying mental illness but they believe a social lens is critical to gaining the whole picture of mental illness
  • 124. Risk Factors of Mental Disorders: Genetic predisposition: Genetics play an important role in determining vulnerability to most major psychiatric disorders Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 125. Life Cycle Approach Dr. Eman M. Mortada Risk Factors of Mental Disorders: Age:
  • 126. Crucial points in Life cycle  Prenatal period :Pregnancy is a stressful period for some women  First 5 years of life :Roots of mental health are in early childhood. Broken homes are likely to produce behavior disorders in children.  School child :Everything that happens in school affects mental health of child.  Adolescence :The transition from childhood to manhood is often a stormy one and fraught with dangers to mental health manifested in form of mental ill health among the young. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Risk Factors of Mental Disorders: Age:
  • 127. Many mental illnesses begin during childhood and persist into adolescence. Some of these include: ✓ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ✓ Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) ✓ Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) BUT… some illnesses begin during adolescence., include: ✓ Major Depression (MD) ✓ Schizophrenia ✓ Bipolar Disorder (BD) ✓ Panic disorder ✓ Social Anxiety Disorder ✓ Eating Disorders ✓ Addictions Dr. Eman M. Mortada Risk Factors of Mental Disorders: Age:
  • 128. ❑ Environmental toxins: lead in children→ MR or ↓ intelligence. ❑ Nutritional factors- deficiency of thiamine, iodine ❑ Homeless people: schizophrenia or substance abuse. ❑ Traumatic factor Environmental factors that cause ill mental health Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 129. Early psychological trauma & Life events Dr. Eman M. Mortada ➢ Domestic violence (victim or witness), ➢ Sexual abuse, ➢ Parental death, divorce, separation, ➢ Accident (including witness) ➢ Serious medical illness or disability ➢ Natural disaster
  • 130. Social Factors Dr. Eman M. Mortada Technology  Social media – exposure to harassment/bullying  Exposure to violent images School Related Pressures  Increased focus on scores  Overall increases of time in school and doing homework  “Time on Learning” focus
  • 131. Social Factors Dr. Eman M. Mortada Parental Styles:  Helicopter Parents  Increased supervision and control  Doesn’t allow for independence and skill development  Contributes to child’s lack of internal locus of control
  • 132. Remember: everyone in the classroom has a story that leads to misbehavior 9 times out of 10, the story behind the misbehavior wont make you angry. It will break your heart
  • 133. Perspectives on Mental Illness Functionalism
  • 134. Functionalist perspective, a mentally sick individual is not a productive member of society. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 135. Parsons argued that the best way to understand illness sociologically is to view it as a form of deviance that disturbs the social function of the society. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 136. Therefore this needs to be controlled, which is the role of the medical profession. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 137. People with MH conditions face discrimination even in health care settings; poor treatment by non-psychiatric professionals Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 139. Interactionist perspective – focus is on the social construction of mental illness Dr. Eman M. Mortada ▪How we define mental illness is a matter of dispute ▪People from different backgrounds interpret it differently
  • 140. People with mental illness are treated irresponsibly and are denied access to normal activities Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 141. Stigma of mental illness Dr. Eman M. Mortada •It is a negative label used to identify a person with mental illness •Negative attitudes and beliefs that motivate society to fear, reject, avoid and discriminate against people with mental illness
  • 142. Terms related to stigma  Stereotype: Attitudes about a group of people, e.g. “All people with mental illness are dangerous.”  Prejudice: Agreeing with the stereotypes, e.g. “I think people with mental illness are dangerous.”  Discrimination: The behavior that results from prejudice, e.g. “I won’t be friends with or hire someone with a mental illness.”
  • 143. Dr. Eman M. Mortada What are some of the negative things you have heard about people with mental illness?
  • 144. People with mental illness are violent and dangerous. Dr. Eman M. Mortada In fact, they are far more likely to be the victims of violence than to be violent themselves.
  • 145. People with mental illness are poor and/or less intelligent. Dr. Eman M. Mortada Many studies show that most mentally ill people have average or above- average intelligence.
  • 146. Mental illness is caused by a personal weakness. It is an illness, and it has nothing to do with being weak or lacking will-power. Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 147. Although people with mental illness can play a big part in their own recovery, they did not choose to become ill, and they are not lazy because they cannot just "snap out of it." Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 148. • The prevalence of mental health disorders is inversely related to economic status  Those who have the least resources in society are more likely to have a mental illness  People who have more resources are properly cared for while those who are underprivileged are less likely to receive proper treatment Conflict Theory •Conflict perspective – focus is on how mental illness is associated with economic and social inequality in society
  • 149. Gender inequality • Studies conflict as to whether women or men have higher rates of mental illness and about which groups suffers more social stress ?
  • 150. Men have higher rates of: ❑ antisocial personality and ❑ paranoia, and ❑ substance abuse disorders Women have higher rates of certain illnesses ❑ Depression and ❑ Anxiety
  • 151. WHY?  The gender difference is because Socialization to Social Roles  Women more likely to turn stress inward  Men more likely to turn stress outward  Women believed to be more socially connected and integrated so less likely to act out aggressively against others  Men more vulnerable to “material loss” than women
  • 152. Race, and Mental Health • Some research shows that African Americans are more prone to mental illness than European Americans and Latino Americans • These differences may be due to stresses associated with racism in society • The differences may also be due to the higher concentration of Blacks in poverty
  • 153. Dr. Eman M. Mortada The Impact of Mental Disorders:
  • 154. The Impact of Mental Disorders:  Mental illness and poor mental health are public problems, they have great impact on: • Distressing symptoms. • Unable to participate in work and leisure. • Quality of life continues to be poor: stigma and discrimination. Individuals • Economic burden • Disruption of the house hold routine and • Restricted social activities. Family • Cost of providing care. • Loss of productivity. • Legal problems including violence. Community
  • 155. Impact of Stigma  Higher level of stigma and negative attitudes may lead to  Discrimination  Delay in mental health treatment seeking  Present for treatment with more severe symptoms
  • 157. Help the Silent Dr. Eman M. Mortada Eradicating the taboo aspect of getting mental assistance • Mental illness is still quite taboo in our society • It is considered normal to attend a therapist or doctor for a physical illness but embarrassing and usually secretive for mental illness Educating others about mental illness • Mental illness needs to have a different light so that people can get the help that they need
  • 158. Much can be done Everyone can contribute to better mental health Dr. Eman M. Mortada
  • 159. Assignment  Choose one of the following topics a. Parenting styles and mental disorders b. Adolescence and mental disorders. c. Celebrities suffered from mental disorders d. How movies portrayed variety of mental problems e. Stigma of mental illness Prepare a presentation Due date for uploading the ppt on bb will be on TUESDAY. 11:30 AM