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4Site Website Redesign Content Plan
Project: 4Site Studios Rebrand
Prepared For: 4Site Studios Staff
Prepared By: Riche Zamor, Director of Strategy
Last Update: May 21, 2013
4Site Interactive Studios seeks to redesign their existing website to better communicate the capabilities and experience of the agency. In the
first quarter of 2013, we have undergone an agency rebrand with the goal of positioning ourselves as a top-tier digital creative agency that
specializes in work with the nonprofit sector. Although the website, is not our primary marketing tool, going forward it will act as the base
from which we build brand awareness and lead generation through digital communications.
In order to increase brand awareness and lead generation, we plan to redesign and redevelop the existing website to better showcase our
new brand; demonstrate the extent of our creative abilities; and provide more information about our project successes and processes to
aid organizations in deciding whether 4Site will make a good strategic partner.
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Business Goals
As outlined in our marketing plan, we have set three high level goals for 2013:
1. Position 4Site as a top-tier digital creative agency working with the nonprofit sector
2. Increase lead generation
3. Deepen client engagement to increase recurring business
Please reference the 4Site Studios 2013 Marketing & Communications Plan for more details.
Project Goals
In order for the 4Site Studios website to be a tool in helping us reach our 2013 business goals and objectives, we will need to accomplish
the following:
Goal Recommendation Priority
Communicate our new brand purpose and pillars through
the website
Redesign the website based on our new brand; seed the
new site with our new brand slogan and key messages
Produce new content to better communicate our capabilities
as an integrated digital creative agency
Rewrite content from new brand voice; let our work speak
for the level of service we offer; provide better descriptions
of our services and how they work together
Change the architecture of the website markup for better Improve page markup within theme templates; consistently High
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search indexing use alt text and titles for images; consistently use metadata
across website content; use metadata to optimize content
for sharing on social platforms
Improve the information architecture so users are finding
key content quicker and easier
Streamline navigation into a single menu; remove
unnecessary pages from the site navigation; use more
descriptive, personable navigation nomenclature
Change calls-to-action to improve click throughs to key
landing pages
Use unique and descriptive calls-to-action for every
marquee banner on the website
Improve visual representation of content to increase click
Change project teaser images on the website to images of
our work, which yield higher clicks than images of icons or
logos; use color images to draw people’s eye to content;
strategically use images to direct a user’s eye to
calls-to-action on the website; where possible, replace text
with visuals to minimize the time a user needs to spend
consuming content before taking action
Increase the number of pages visited per visit and amount
of time spent on pages
Show users content topically related to the page a visitor is
viewing; increase use of photo galleries, videos, and
embedded documents within content pages
Better showcase our thought leadership content Decrease the number of items in our portfolio to highlight
only case studies of our best work; highlight blog posts
throughout the website that we are proudest of and are
most popular
Improve social media integration Change configuration of social share buttons to display
native like/share icons; showcase our social media presence
in a more prominent and visually attractive way; possibly
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aggregate posts from social networks other than Twitter
Improve upon interactive features of the website Change commenting system to a 3rd-party service with a
better user experience; provide an easier way for users to
sign up for our email list; create other ways for visitors to
interact with us, like downloading thought leadership
documents, etc.
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Website Audience
Our target market consists of two client bases: medium-to-large size nonprofit organizations and social businesses, and small-to-medium
size PR and advertising agencies that have a small or no digital practice in-house. Within these organizations, we seek to reach decision
makers who can allocate budgets to projects and either decide on, or play a key role in choosing, partner agencies.
Audience Profiles
Below are high-level profiles of the type of organizations we intend to target our content to. As a B2B business, our target audiences are
other organizations made up of many types of people. To that end, we will focus on creating content that will appeal to the broader
audience making up these organizations with the goal of specifically reaching decision makers further defined in our user personas below.
Social Orgs. and Businesses Agencies
Type/Focus Environment, Science and Technology, Health, Education,
Community Development, Arts/Cultural, Issue Advocacy
Public relations, advertising, or direct mail, with a
focus on public affairs, cause or social marketing
Mission Progressive-focus Progressive-focus
Size Varies Varies
Annual Revenue $5MM+/yr Varies
Location Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Northeast & Mid-Atlantic
Examples American Cancer Society, Conservation International,
Care2, Smithonian
CommunicationWorks, Levick Communications,
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User Personas
Jessica Freeport
Director of Online Communications,
Environment Defenders of America
Age: 29
Location: Alexandria, VA
Jessica Freeport is the Director of Online Communications for Environment Defenders of America (EDA). Jessica has over ten years of
experience in the environment movement, driving organizational growth and legislative change through effective communications strategy,
media outreach, and social media. Prior to joining Environment Defenders of America, Jessica served on the communications teams of a
number of local and national environmental organizations helping them to integrate their online and offline communications to gain
influencer support and drive supporters to take action.
Jessica, as many digital strategists in the nonprofit sector, is an accidental techie. She stumbled into blogging while managing
communications and media outreach for Friends of the Rose Kennedy Parkway. Since then, she has leveraged her background in social
media and knack for gaining influencer support to bring about legislation change on many key environmental issues.
Jessica has been frustrated with the EDA website, and her job, for quite some time. She inherited a system that was built by the former
technology director over six years ago, and it has not been updated since. Her boss is reluctant to allocate budget for redeveloping the
website, although her and her team feel the current system is costing the organization valuable man-hours.
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User Need Statements:
“ I am so ****ing frustrated with this website! I wish we could just rebuild this thing so I don’t have to spend so much time replicating work
in multiple places.”
“ She doesn’t get it! She doesn’t have to deal with this everyday. How can I show her that we can save time and money by redeveloping the
â—Ź Frustration with the current system
â—Ź Need for improving efficiency in content administration
â—Ź Gain (further) trust and respect of colleagues, especially
senior leadership
â—Ź Lack of trust/support from senior leadership
User Behavior:
Goals Key Actions
Get approval of a budget for redesigning the EDA website Search for web development project guides; seek advice from
professional network
Write an RFP for redesign/redevelopment of the website Search for RFP’s online; request RFP advice/guides on listserves;
seek advice from professional network
Find a vendor for the project Ask colleagues and friends for a reference; Google search for
agencies that specialize in working with nonprofits; request
recommendations from industry listserves; search through
industry vendor lists
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Solicit proposals Call/email desired agencies about project; send RFP out over
industry listserves; post RFP to organization website
Select a vendor Call/read references; review vendors’ past work; ask
friends/professional network about agencies
Desired User Interaction:
In descending order, we would like this user to do the following:
1. Contact us to engage their organization in developing a strategy and development plan for their new website, which will lead to
development of the website by us or development of an RFP
2. Send us a project RFP developed by the organization’s staff or another consultant, requesting we submit a proposal
3. Subscribe to our email list or download a white paper/case study to learn more about what we do and our approach
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Dave Zimmerman
VP of Digital Strategy,
Merritt Communications
Age: 36
Location: Washington, DC
David Zimmerman is a pioneer in the use of social media for cause marketing. David played a critical role in the development of the Pepsi
Refresh Project, and has advised Fortune 500 companies and Philanthropy 400 organizations on the strategic use of social media to build
awareness or change perception of their brand.
Previous to joining Merritt Communications, David worked as an Account Director at Powell Tate Social Impact, and previous to that as an
Account Supervisor on Edelman Digital’s Public Affairs team.
David hales from Michigan, where he received his BA in Communications from University of Michigan Ann Harbor. He then moved to
Cambridge, MA, where he received an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School.
When not working, David can be found training for a crossfit competition, debating policy with his buddies on the Hill, or exploring new
restaurants DC has to offer.
David joined Merritt Communications because he saw the opportunity to take a leadership role within a reputable PR agency founding their
digital practice. He is the first person to be hired to focus exclusively on digital. He will have the assistance of a few Account Executives who
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have an interest in social media, but no full-time junior staff will be hired until the agency can bring in additional work. He needs to hire a
firm that he can turn to when he needs to develop websites, apps, or digital content/assets for client projects.
User Need Statements:
“I kind of miss being able to walk down the hall and talk to a tech team when I just need to get stuff done quickly.”
“ Jane and Will are awesome, but I need someone who knows more about digital to just bounce some ideas off of once and awhile.”
â—Ź Growing an award-winning digital practice
â—Ź Impressing his colleagues and senior leadership
â—Ź Being the only person with a background in online
communications within the agency
â—Ź Lack of larger-scale digital projects
User Behavior:
Goals Key Actions
Find a creative/development shop he can outsource production
work to
Pull from relationships he has with past vendors; ask professional
network for recommendations; Google search small digital
agencies in the area
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Desired User Interaction:
In descending order, we would like this user to do the following:
1. Contact us about to being a long-term strategic partner for his agency
2. Send us a RFP for a client project, requesting we submit a proposal
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Messaging Hierarchy & Framework
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Information Architecture
After performing a thorough analysis of the current 4Site website analytics, we were able to gain a few valuable insights into the ways
visitors currently use our site:
â—Ź Users follow our navigation left-to-right through the navigation, with about 20% drop-off as users click from page to page
â—Ź People are not scrolling far down our pages, especially on the homepage, so key content needs to be above the fold
â—Ź No one visits our website to access our client portal
â—Ź People are not clicking on the link to sign up for our email list, we may need to expose the form to generate signups
â—Ź We make very little use of taxonomy on the website, so we have no data on how this may impact pageviews or time on site
â—Ź Very few people click on the slides in our slideshow to access pages, they defer to the main navigation
â—Ź Less than 4% of people click on a link below the slideshow
â—Ź People are not clicking to slide through our portfolio items on the homepage, and only visiting items that display when they hit the
â—Ź In the portfolio section, people are mostly clicking on images of websites, not images of logos
â—Ź Very few people click to expand the groupings of projects on our portfolio page
â—Ź Page receives the highest bounce rate of any landing page on the website
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â—Ź Our blog page gets very little traffic
â—‹ People typically visit individual posts they discover through search
â—Ź Visitors typically do not visit other content after reading a blog post
Given these discoveries, we should streamline the site navigation into one main navigation ordered based on page popularity and
relevance to user need - portfolio, services, about us, blog then contact us. By doing this we are putting the content needs of our target
users first, allowing them to quickly access what they are looking for and make a quick decision about our agency.
We also want to make better use of content as a way to direct people to key pages and posts on the website. Visual banners with specific
calls-to-action can be just as powerful a tool in directing traffic as our streamlined navigation, but provide us with the opportunity to have
an explicit ask for each person who clicks through to that page.
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Website Navigation
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1. The features project page should contain filters for project type and cause
2. The service pages should display related content from Our Insights and Portfolio, as well as contain a webform so clients can contact
us about our services
3. Our insights will be a collection of various content types with filters for content type, topic, etc.
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Taxonomy Schema
4Site’s new website will leverage a shared taxonomy structure that will power a lightweight content recommendation engine. We will tie
key content types - blog posts, projects, and resources - together based on the following vocabularies:
Vocabulary Description Example Terms Type of Field
Topic Shared vocabulary across all
blog posts, resources and
projects; should allow selection
of multiple topics on any of
these content types, but no
NTEN Conference, DrupalCon
2013, Content As Media
Webinar Series
Client Should contain an image field
for attaching client logos and a
field for Cause
NetCentric Campaigns, National
Building Museum, Say Yes to
Cause Description of the type or cause
we were working for
Advocacy, Science and
Technology, Advocacy
Resource Type Descriptive taxonomy White Paper, Case Study, Single
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describing the contents of each
resource node
Tutorial Video
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Page Inventory
Below is a description of the major pages of the website, as outlined in the sitemap above.
## New Page Purpose Content/Page Type Source Content New? Note
0.0 Homepage Communicate our
primary message of
being an integrated
agency and direct
people to key
landing pages
View N/A Y
1.0 Our Work Present a gallery of
the various projects
we have completed
for clients
M Only 8-12 projects should be
1.1 Case Studies Highlight case
studies from the
work we have done
with clients
1.1.x Projects Describe the
solution we
provided for a
4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 19
particular client’s
1.2 Clients Display a listing of
our clients
View Y This view will pull from the
client taxonomy
2.0 What We Do List our various
service areas with
descriptions of each
2.1 Strategy Describe our
strategy services
and display related
Basic Page
Y The webform on this page will
be a standard webform block
added to all of Services pages
2.2 Design Describe our design
services and display
related work
Basic Page
Y The webform on this page will
be a standard webform block
added to all of Services pages
2.3 Video Describe our video
services and display
related work
Basic Page
Y The webform on this page will
be a standard webform block
added to all of Services pages
2.4 Development Describe our
services and display
related work
Basic Page
Y The webform on this page will
be a standard webform block
added to all of Services pages
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2.5 Services-on-
Describe how we
offer fast-delivery
services for small
projects through
our client support
Basic Page
Y The webform on this page will
be a standard webform block
added to all of Services pages
3.0 Products Landing page
describing our
various product
Webform N/A Y
3.1 Hub CMS Detail our
distribution of
Webform Y
3.2 Dub Player Detail our custom
video player
Webform Y
4.0 Who We Are Give an overview of
the agency and
what we do
Basic page
4.1 About 4Site Give the history of
the company
Basic page N/A Y
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4.2 Our Team Show a listing of all
the staff at the
4.2.x Staff Bios Give a detailed
description of a
team member’s
4.3 Our Process Describe how we
work with clients
Basic page N/A Y
4.4 Giving Back Outline our
contributions to the
nonprofit and open
source community
Basic page N/A Y
5.0 Our Insights Showcase our
thought leadership
6.0 Hire Us Allow people to
contact us about
particular projects
7.0 SERP Display search
View N
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Content Structure
Below is a description of the types of content that will be published on the new 4Site website, taxonomies that will be used to organize
content, and metadata that should be used to optimize content for SEO. The below recommendations are derived from the content needs
defined in and discovered through our website audit, personas, and recommended information architecture.
Content Types
The following content types will be used to represent content that 4Site will publish to the redesigned website:
Content Type Description Field Taxonomy Notes
Basic Page Page containing static
â—Ź Title
â—Ź Body
â—Ź Attachment
Blog Post Informal posts to share
our latest thinking or
current affairs within the
company and industry
â—Ź Title
â—Ź Banner Image
â—Ź Body
â—Ź Video Embed
â—Ź Attachment
â—Ź Service Reference
â—Ź Topic
Client Represents data about â—Ź Client Name â—Ź Cause
4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 23
clients that will be
referenced on Project
nodes and other content
â—Ź Logo
Project Describes various client
projects we have
â—Ź Project Name
â—Ź Project Slideshow
â—Ź Project Video
â—Ź Short Description
â—Ź Client Reference
â—Ź Client Testimonial
â—Ź Challenge
â—Ź Challenge
â—Ź Our Solution
â—Ź Solution
â—Ź The Results
â—Ź Results Thumbnail
â—Ź Service Reference
â—Ź Topic
â—Ź Cause
There should be either a
slideshow or a video, not
Service Represents the services
we offer to clients
â—Ź Service
â—Ź Service Icon
â—Ź Service
4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 24
â—Ź Capabilities (Field
â—‹ Capability
â—‹ Capability
â—‹ Capability
â—Ź Form
Resource Displays whitepapers,
case studies, reports, and
any other downloadable
thought leadership
content we produce
â—Ź Title
â—Ź Body
â—Ź Attachment
â—Ź Embedded Media
(Youtube, Vimeo,
â—Ź Service Reference
â—Ź Resource Type
â—Ź Topic
â—Ź Client
â—Ź Cause
Should have the option
require o require people
complete a form before
completing the
Bio Gives a detailed
description of the work
experience of the team
â—Ź Name
â—Ź Title
â—Ź Bio
â—Ź Fun Fact
â—Ź Cover Photo
â—Ź Social Media
â—‹ Twitter
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â—‹ Linkedin
â—Ź Service Reference
Webform Allows us to create
custom online forms for
landing pages
â—Ź Title
â—Ź Body
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To ensure content portability and optimization across various platforms, every content type should have the following fieldset enabled:
â—Ź Microcopy Title
â—Ź Microcopy Description
â—Ź Microcopy Thumbnail
These fields will populate metadata for content shared on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, with properly formatted
titles, descriptions, images. See Metadata section below.
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The following metadata should be associated with each piece of content:
Metadata Description Notes
Title Title optimized for SEO Variable per node
Description Description optimized for SEO Variable per node
Keywords Targeted keywords relevant to the
content published
Variable per node
Canonical URL Informs search engines that the node
URL is related to the default CMS URL
(i.e. node/1)
Varies per node
og:description Facebook Open Graph description Variable per node
og:image Image that appears when content is
shared on Facebook
This should default to any thumbnail
attached to the node, or use the 4Site
logo as a fallback
fb:app_id ID that ties our website to our Facebook
This will be the same across every page
Twitter Card metadata Formats attachments to Tweets for
proper display on Twitter using Twitter
Variable per node
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Rel tag Links our Google+ page to all indexed
pages on the website
Will be persistent on every page. Should
link to our Google+ page.
Google Site Verification Verifies ownership of your website and
indexing by Google
Will be persistent on every page
MS Validate Verifies ownership of your website and
indexing by Bing
Will be persistent on every page
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4Site Studios New Website Content Plan

  • 1. 4Site Website Redesign Content Plan Project: 4Site Studios Rebrand Prepared For: 4Site Studios Staff Prepared By: Riche Zamor, Director of Strategy Last Update: May 21, 2013 Summary 4Site Interactive Studios seeks to redesign their existing website to better communicate the capabilities and experience of the agency. In the first quarter of 2013, we have undergone an agency rebrand with the goal of positioning ourselves as a top-tier digital creative agency that specializes in work with the nonprofit sector. Although the website, is not our primary marketing tool, going forward it will act as the base from which we build brand awareness and lead generation through digital communications. In order to increase brand awareness and lead generation, we plan to redesign and redevelop the existing website to better showcase our new brand; demonstrate the extent of our creative abilities; and provide more information about our project successes and processes to aid organizations in deciding whether 4Site will make a good strategic partner. 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 1
  • 2. Business Goals As outlined in our marketing plan, we have set three high level goals for 2013: 1. Position 4Site as a top-tier digital creative agency working with the nonprofit sector 2. Increase lead generation 3. Deepen client engagement to increase recurring business Please reference the 4Site Studios 2013 Marketing & Communications Plan for more details. Project Goals In order for the 4Site Studios website to be a tool in helping us reach our 2013 business goals and objectives, we will need to accomplish the following: Goal Recommendation Priority Communicate our new brand purpose and pillars through the website Redesign the website based on our new brand; seed the new site with our new brand slogan and key messages High Produce new content to better communicate our capabilities as an integrated digital creative agency Rewrite content from new brand voice; let our work speak for the level of service we offer; provide better descriptions of our services and how they work together High Change the architecture of the website markup for better Improve page markup within theme templates; consistently High 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 2
  • 3. search indexing use alt text and titles for images; consistently use metadata across website content; use metadata to optimize content for sharing on social platforms Improve the information architecture so users are finding key content quicker and easier Streamline navigation into a single menu; remove unnecessary pages from the site navigation; use more descriptive, personable navigation nomenclature High Change calls-to-action to improve click throughs to key landing pages Use unique and descriptive calls-to-action for every marquee banner on the website High Improve visual representation of content to increase click throughs Change project teaser images on the website to images of our work, which yield higher clicks than images of icons or logos; use color images to draw people’s eye to content; strategically use images to direct a user’s eye to calls-to-action on the website; where possible, replace text with visuals to minimize the time a user needs to spend consuming content before taking action Medium Increase the number of pages visited per visit and amount of time spent on pages Show users content topically related to the page a visitor is viewing; increase use of photo galleries, videos, and embedded documents within content pages Medium Better showcase our thought leadership content Decrease the number of items in our portfolio to highlight only case studies of our best work; highlight blog posts throughout the website that we are proudest of and are most popular Medium Improve social media integration Change configuration of social share buttons to display native like/share icons; showcase our social media presence in a more prominent and visually attractive way; possibly Low 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 3
  • 4. aggregate posts from social networks other than Twitter Improve upon interactive features of the website Change commenting system to a 3rd-party service with a better user experience; provide an easier way for users to sign up for our email list; create other ways for visitors to interact with us, like downloading thought leadership documents, etc. Low 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 4
  • 5. Website Audience Our target market consists of two client bases: medium-to-large size nonprofit organizations and social businesses, and small-to-medium size PR and advertising agencies that have a small or no digital practice in-house. Within these organizations, we seek to reach decision makers who can allocate budgets to projects and either decide on, or play a key role in choosing, partner agencies. Audience Profiles Below are high-level profiles of the type of organizations we intend to target our content to. As a B2B business, our target audiences are other organizations made up of many types of people. To that end, we will focus on creating content that will appeal to the broader audience making up these organizations with the goal of specifically reaching decision makers further defined in our user personas below. Social Orgs. and Businesses Agencies Type/Focus Environment, Science and Technology, Health, Education, Community Development, Arts/Cultural, Issue Advocacy Public relations, advertising, or direct mail, with a focus on public affairs, cause or social marketing Mission Progressive-focus Progressive-focus Size Varies Varies Annual Revenue $5MM+/yr Varies Location Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Northeast & Mid-Atlantic Examples American Cancer Society, Conservation International, Care2, Smithonian CommunicationWorks, Levick Communications, HagerSharp 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 5
  • 6. User Personas Jessica Freeport Director of Online Communications, Environment Defenders of America Age: 29 Location: Alexandria, VA Bio: Jessica Freeport is the Director of Online Communications for Environment Defenders of America (EDA). Jessica has over ten years of experience in the environment movement, driving organizational growth and legislative change through effective communications strategy, media outreach, and social media. Prior to joining Environment Defenders of America, Jessica served on the communications teams of a number of local and national environmental organizations helping them to integrate their online and offline communications to gain influencer support and drive supporters to take action. Jessica, as many digital strategists in the nonprofit sector, is an accidental techie. She stumbled into blogging while managing communications and media outreach for Friends of the Rose Kennedy Parkway. Since then, she has leveraged her background in social media and knack for gaining influencer support to bring about legislation change on many key environmental issues. Situation: Jessica has been frustrated with the EDA website, and her job, for quite some time. She inherited a system that was built by the former technology director over six years ago, and it has not been updated since. Her boss is reluctant to allocate budget for redeveloping the website, although her and her team feel the current system is costing the organization valuable man-hours. 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 6
  • 7. User Need Statements: “ I am so ****ing frustrated with this website! I wish we could just rebuild this thing so I don’t have to spend so much time replicating work in multiple places.” “ She doesn’t get it! She doesn’t have to deal with this everyday. How can I show her that we can save time and money by redeveloping the website.” Motivators: â—Ź Frustration with the current system â—Ź Need for improving efficiency in content administration â—Ź Gain (further) trust and respect of colleagues, especially senior leadership Depressors: â—Ź Lack of trust/support from senior leadership User Behavior: Goals Key Actions Get approval of a budget for redesigning the EDA website Search for web development project guides; seek advice from professional network Write an RFP for redesign/redevelopment of the website Search for RFP’s online; request RFP advice/guides on listserves; seek advice from professional network Find a vendor for the project Ask colleagues and friends for a reference; Google search for agencies that specialize in working with nonprofits; request recommendations from industry listserves; search through industry vendor lists 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 7
  • 8. Solicit proposals Call/email desired agencies about project; send RFP out over industry listserves; post RFP to organization website Select a vendor Call/read references; review vendors’ past work; ask friends/professional network about agencies Desired User Interaction: In descending order, we would like this user to do the following: 1. Contact us to engage their organization in developing a strategy and development plan for their new website, which will lead to development of the website by us or development of an RFP 2. Send us a project RFP developed by the organization’s staff or another consultant, requesting we submit a proposal 3. Subscribe to our email list or download a white paper/case study to learn more about what we do and our approach 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 8
  • 9. Dave Zimmerman VP of Digital Strategy, Merritt Communications Age: 36 Location: Washington, DC Bio: David Zimmerman is a pioneer in the use of social media for cause marketing. David played a critical role in the development of the Pepsi Refresh Project, and has advised Fortune 500 companies and Philanthropy 400 organizations on the strategic use of social media to build awareness or change perception of their brand. Previous to joining Merritt Communications, David worked as an Account Director at Powell Tate Social Impact, and previous to that as an Account Supervisor on Edelman Digital’s Public Affairs team. David hales from Michigan, where he received his BA in Communications from University of Michigan Ann Harbor. He then moved to Cambridge, MA, where he received an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School. When not working, David can be found training for a crossfit competition, debating policy with his buddies on the Hill, or exploring new restaurants DC has to offer. Situation: David joined Merritt Communications because he saw the opportunity to take a leadership role within a reputable PR agency founding their digital practice. He is the first person to be hired to focus exclusively on digital. He will have the assistance of a few Account Executives who 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 9
  • 10. have an interest in social media, but no full-time junior staff will be hired until the agency can bring in additional work. He needs to hire a firm that he can turn to when he needs to develop websites, apps, or digital content/assets for client projects. User Need Statements: “I kind of miss being able to walk down the hall and talk to a tech team when I just need to get stuff done quickly.” “ Jane and Will are awesome, but I need someone who knows more about digital to just bounce some ideas off of once and awhile.” Motivators: â—Ź Growing an award-winning digital practice â—Ź Impressing his colleagues and senior leadership Depressors: â—Ź Being the only person with a background in online communications within the agency â—Ź Lack of larger-scale digital projects User Behavior: Goals Key Actions Find a creative/development shop he can outsource production work to Pull from relationships he has with past vendors; ask professional network for recommendations; Google search small digital agencies in the area 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 10
  • 11. Desired User Interaction: In descending order, we would like this user to do the following: 1. Contact us about to being a long-term strategic partner for his agency 2. Send us a RFP for a client project, requesting we submit a proposal 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 11
  • 12. Messaging Hierarchy & Framework 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 12
  • 13. Information Architecture Analysis After performing a thorough analysis of the current 4Site website analytics, we were able to gain a few valuable insights into the ways visitors currently use our site: General: â—Ź Users follow our navigation left-to-right through the navigation, with about 20% drop-off as users click from page to page â—Ź People are not scrolling far down our pages, especially on the homepage, so key content needs to be above the fold â—Ź No one visits our website to access our client portal â—Ź People are not clicking on the link to sign up for our email list, we may need to expose the form to generate signups â—Ź We make very little use of taxonomy on the website, so we have no data on how this may impact pageviews or time on site Homepage: â—Ź Very few people click on the slides in our slideshow to access pages, they defer to the main navigation â—Ź Less than 4% of people click on a link below the slideshow â—Ź People are not clicking to slide through our portfolio items on the homepage, and only visiting items that display when they hit the homepage â—Ź In the portfolio section, people are mostly clicking on images of websites, not images of logos Portfolio: â—Ź Very few people click to expand the groupings of projects on our portfolio page Services: â—Ź Page receives the highest bounce rate of any landing page on the website 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 13
  • 14. Blog: â—Ź Our blog page gets very little traffic â—‹ People typically visit individual posts they discover through search â—Ź Visitors typically do not visit other content after reading a blog post Recommendations Given these discoveries, we should streamline the site navigation into one main navigation ordered based on page popularity and relevance to user need - portfolio, services, about us, blog then contact us. By doing this we are putting the content needs of our target users first, allowing them to quickly access what they are looking for and make a quick decision about our agency. We also want to make better use of content as a way to direct people to key pages and posts on the website. Visual banners with specific calls-to-action can be just as powerful a tool in directing traffic as our streamlined navigation, but provide us with the opportunity to have an explicit ask for each person who clicks through to that page. 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 14
  • 15. Website Navigation 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 15
  • 16. Annotations: 1. The features project page should contain filters for project type and cause 2. The service pages should display related content from Our Insights and Portfolio, as well as contain a webform so clients can contact us about our services 3. Our insights will be a collection of various content types with filters for content type, topic, etc. 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 16
  • 17. Taxonomy Schema 4Site’s new website will leverage a shared taxonomy structure that will power a lightweight content recommendation engine. We will tie key content types - blog posts, projects, and resources - together based on the following vocabularies: Vocabulary Description Example Terms Type of Field Topic Shared vocabulary across all blog posts, resources and projects; should allow selection of multiple topics on any of these content types, but no freetagging NTEN Conference, DrupalCon 2013, Content As Media Webinar Series Multiselect Client Should contain an image field for attaching client logos and a field for Cause NetCentric Campaigns, National Building Museum, Say Yes to Education Single Cause Description of the type or cause we were working for Advocacy, Science and Technology, Advocacy Multiselect Resource Type Descriptive taxonomy White Paper, Case Study, Single 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 17
  • 18. describing the contents of each resource node Tutorial Video 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 18
  • 19. Page Inventory Below is a description of the major pages of the website, as outlined in the sitemap above. ## New Page Purpose Content/Page Type Source Content New? Note 0.0 Homepage Communicate our primary message of being an integrated agency and direct people to key landing pages View N/A Y 1.0 Our Work Present a gallery of the various projects we have completed for clients View m/portfolio M Only 8-12 projects should be featured 1.1 Case Studies Highlight case studies from the work we have done with clients View m/portfolio M 1.1.x Projects Describe the solution we provided for a Project m/portfolio M 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 19
  • 20. particular client’s need 1.2 Clients Display a listing of our clients View Y This view will pull from the client taxonomy 2.0 What We Do List our various service areas with descriptions of each View m/services Y 2.1 Strategy Describe our strategy services and display related work Basic Page m/services Y The webform on this page will be a standard webform block added to all of Services pages 2.2 Design Describe our design services and display related work Basic Page m/services Y The webform on this page will be a standard webform block added to all of Services pages 2.3 Video Describe our video services and display related work Basic Page m/services Y The webform on this page will be a standard webform block added to all of Services pages 2.4 Development Describe our development services and display related work Basic Page m/services Y The webform on this page will be a standard webform block added to all of Services pages 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 20
  • 21. 2.5 Services-on- Demand Describe how we offer fast-delivery services for small projects through our client support packages Basic Page m/support Y The webform on this page will be a standard webform block added to all of Services pages 3.0 Products Landing page describing our various product offerings Webform N/A Y 3.1 Hub CMS Detail our distribution of Drupal Webform Y 3.2 Dub Player Detail our custom video player product Webform Y 4.0 Who We Are Give an overview of the agency and what we do Basic page m/about-us Y 4.1 About 4Site Give the history of the company Basic page N/A Y 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 21
  • 22. 4.2 Our Team Show a listing of all the staff at the agency View m/about-us Y 4.2.x Staff Bios Give a detailed description of a team member’s experience Bio m/about-us Y 4.3 Our Process Describe how we work with clients Basic page N/A Y 4.4 Giving Back Outline our contributions to the nonprofit and open source community Basic page N/A Y 5.0 Our Insights Showcase our thought leadership content View m/blog N 6.0 Hire Us Allow people to contact us about particular projects Webform m/contact M 7.0 SERP Display search results View N 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 22
  • 23. Content Structure Below is a description of the types of content that will be published on the new 4Site website, taxonomies that will be used to organize content, and metadata that should be used to optimize content for SEO. The below recommendations are derived from the content needs defined in and discovered through our website audit, personas, and recommended information architecture. Content Types The following content types will be used to represent content that 4Site will publish to the redesigned website: Content Type Description Field Taxonomy Notes Basic Page Page containing static content â—Ź Title â—Ź Body â—Ź Attachment Blog Post Informal posts to share our latest thinking or current affairs within the company and industry â—Ź Title â—Ź Banner Image â—Ź Body â—Ź Video Embed â—Ź Attachment â—Ź Service Reference â—Ź Topic Client Represents data about â—Ź Client Name â—Ź Cause 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 23
  • 24. clients that will be referenced on Project nodes and other content types â—Ź Logo Project Describes various client projects we have completed â—Ź Project Name â—Ź Project Slideshow Images â—Ź Project Video â—Ź Short Description â—Ź Client Reference â—Ź Client Testimonial â—Ź Challenge â—Ź Challenge Thumbnail â—Ź Our Solution â—Ź Solution Thumbnail â—Ź The Results â—Ź Results Thumbnail â—Ź Service Reference â—Ź Topic â—Ź Cause There should be either a slideshow or a video, not both. Service Represents the services we offer to clients â—Ź Service â—Ź Service Icon â—Ź Service Description 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 24
  • 25. â—Ź Capabilities (Field Group) â—‹ Capability Title â—‹ Capability Image â—‹ Capability Description â—Ź Form Resource Displays whitepapers, case studies, reports, and any other downloadable thought leadership content we produce â—Ź Title â—Ź Body â—Ź Attachment â—Ź Embedded Media (Youtube, Vimeo, Slideshare) â—Ź Service Reference â—Ź Resource Type â—Ź Topic â—Ź Client â—Ź Cause Should have the option require o require people complete a form before completing the Bio Gives a detailed description of the work experience of the team â—Ź Name â—Ź Title â—Ź Bio â—Ź Fun Fact â—Ź Cover Photo â—Ź Social Media Profiles â—‹ Twitter 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 25
  • 26. â—‹ Linkedin â—Ź Service Reference Webform Allows us to create custom online forms for landing pages â—Ź Title â—Ź Body 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 26
  • 27. Microcopy To ensure content portability and optimization across various platforms, every content type should have the following fieldset enabled: â—Ź Microcopy Title â—Ź Microcopy Description â—Ź Microcopy Thumbnail These fields will populate metadata for content shared on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, with properly formatted titles, descriptions, images. See Metadata section below. 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 27
  • 28. Metadata The following metadata should be associated with each piece of content: Metadata Description Notes Title Title optimized for SEO Variable per node Description Description optimized for SEO Variable per node Keywords Targeted keywords relevant to the content published Variable per node Canonical URL Informs search engines that the node URL is related to the default CMS URL (i.e. node/1) Varies per node og:description Facebook Open Graph description Variable per node og:image Image that appears when content is shared on Facebook This should default to any thumbnail attached to the node, or use the 4Site logo as a fallback fb:app_id ID that ties our website to our Facebook page This will be the same across every page Twitter Card metadata Formats attachments to Tweets for proper display on Twitter using Twitter Variable per node 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 28
  • 29. cards Rel tag Links our Google+ page to all indexed pages on the website Will be persistent on every page. Should link to our Google+ page. Google Site Verification Verifies ownership of your website and indexing by Google Will be persistent on every page MS Validate Verifies ownership of your website and indexing by Bing Will be persistent on every page 4Site Interactive Studios Website Redesign Content Plan | 29