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แนวข้ อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ
                                           ฉบับที่ 4

A. DIRECTIONS : Choose the best alternative for each of the blank.


         Anne    :
                 Hi, Sally.
         Sally   :
                 Oh, hello, Anne. What are you doing?
         Anne    :   1 . There’s a lovely dress in this window.
         Sally   :
                 How much does it cost?
         Anne    :  2 !
         Sally   :
                 Have you been to Smith’s yet?
         Anne    :No, not yet.
         Sally   :
                 There are some new spring coats there. 3 .
         Anne    :Oh, look! There are some pretty hats in that window.
         Sally   :
                 . 4 ?
         Anne    :It’s ten to one.
         Sally   :
                 Oh, 5 ! I’ll be late. There’s a conference this afternoon,
                 And I’m going to have a lot of work.
         Anne : There’s a holiday on Friday, but the stores are going to be open.
                 Would you like to go shopping with me?
         Sally : I’d love to. I’ll give you a ring. But 6 .

1. a. I’m displaying goods                 b. I’m wanting clothes
   c. I’m looking after a dress            d. I’m window shopping

2. a. I don’t look                         b. Too highly
   c. It costs very expensive              d. Too much for me
3. a. I’ll die if I don’t see it            b. I can’t help dying to try
   c. If I can’t try on them. I’ll die      d. I’m dying to try them on

4. a. Anne, can you tell me about the time b. Have you got time, Anne
   c. What time is it, Anne                d. How many times do you have

5. a. I will hurry                          b. I think of going
   c. I have to run                         d. I am certain

6. a. I want to go away now                 b. I can’t talk now
   c. I’ve got to hurry now                 d. I’m sorry now


A   :    Have you been to St. Paul’s yet?
B   :    Do you mean the place 7 ?
A   :    That’s right. It was designed by Chistopher Wren.
B   :    Yes, 8 . I’ve seen a lot of churches, but it’s the one I like best.
A   :          9       ? Or did you go alone?
B   :    No, I went with Louise. She’s the person 10 in Stockholm before I came here.

7. a. where royally wedding was             b. where was the royal wedding
   c. where there was a wedding royally     d. where the royal wedding was

8. a. Yes, I’ve ever                        b. Yes, I ever go there
   c. I’ve been there                       d. I’ve never gone there

9. a. Did you go by yourself                b. Were you brought there
   c. By whom did you go                    d. Who took you there
10. a. I met the brother of whose            b. whose brother I met
       c. I met her brother                     c. her brother was met

Don :         11     . I’m not going to wait for you any longer.
Val :   Oh, please wait! 12 . I’m looking for my umbrella. It’s going to rain. Look at the sky.
Don :   Well. 13 , are you?
Val :   No, but I don’t want to get my new jacket wet. I paid a lot of money for it last week. Ah, 14 .
Don :   A pink umbrella? With a yellow jacket? 15 , you know.
Val :   Look, I want to keep dry. I’m not interested in looking beautiful.
Don :         16     . Who needs a pink umbrella?
Val :   Listen to me! 17 or I don’t go for a walk. It doesn’t matter what I look like.

   11. a. Come up                               b. Get on
       c. Take time                             d. Hurry up

   12. a. Stay with me again                    b. Don’t go without me
       c. Can’t you become patient?             d. Never let me go

   13. a. you don’t want to be wet              b. you aren’t afraid of getting wet
       c. you won’t be late and get wet         d. you aren’t wetting your clothes

   14. a. here’s my umbrella                    b. there my umbrella is
       c. it is mine umbrella                   d. here mine umbrella is

   15. a. They don’t go with each other         b. Have you gone crazy
       c. They don’t suit me at all             d. Have a look at yourself

   16. a. I should have know that               b. Don’t you want to go now?
       c. Leave it at home                      d. Alright! You win
17. a Either I put my umbrella away         b. Either move in with my umbrella
       c. Either I take my umbrella            d. Either I fetch my umbrella

                                  MAKING COMPLAINTS
Janet is at Brown’s department store.
Assistant : Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Janet      :      18 . I bought these jeans here two weeks ago.
Assistant : Did you?
Janet      : Yes, and I must say 19 .
Assistant : Oh, dear. Why not?
Janet      : Well, first of all they were advertised 20 .
              I’ve washed them once and now they’re too small.
Assistant :       21 ? You know you shouldn’t wash jeans in hot water.
Janet      : No, they weren’t. I followed the instructions on the label.
Assistant : Well, 22 . We haven’t had any other complaints about these jeans.
Janet      : I’m surprised to hear that. Anyway, 23 .
Assistant : Really? What else is wrong then?
Janet      : Well, the advertisement said 24 and need to be washed separately but
             Everything that was washed with those jeans is now blue! 25 , you know. You’ve
             Got to do something about it.
Assistant : I’m sorry, dear. There isn’t anything I can do.
Janet      : What do you mean, there isn’t anything you can do? These jeans are too small, they were
             Expensive and they 26 with them.
Assistant   :
            I really am sorry.
Janet       :     27 . What are you going to do?
Assistant   :
            I’m afraid I can’t do anything.
Janet       :
            Well, do you think 28 ?
Assistant   :
            I’ll see if the manager is in. Could you wait a moment?
Janet       :
            Yes, of course.
            A few minutes later.
Assistant :        29      . Would you mind coming this way?

  18. a. Don’t lose time                      b. Yes, why not?
      c. No, just listen                      d. Yes, I hope so

  19. a. I’m not at all happy with them       b. they are degrading
      c. they don’t come into my notice       d. I have been attracted by the advertisement

  20. a. to be over-shrunk                    b. that they are shrinking
      c. as being pre-shrunk                  d. for being shrunk

  21. a. Did they boil in the water             b. Were they washed in hot water
      c. I accuse you of washing with hot water d. Do not hesitate.

  22. a. serve you right                      b. that’s it
      c. you should have                      d. that’s strange

  23. a. I don’t want to speak to you any more b. that’s not the only problem
      c. you gave me a wrong answer            d. there must be no more argument

  24. a. the colour would run                 b. they were fixed in colour
      c. they were colour                     d. the colour wouldn’t fade

  25. a. It’s too bad                         b. Say something
      c. Have a look                          d. I’m sorry
26. a. have too many things wrong             b. are much too defective
      c. don’t make up for the money            d. carry many mistakes

  27. a. I want to do something more            b. It’s not enough to be sorry
      c. More is necessary than this            d. I don’t want enough of this

  28. a. the manager may know                   b. I will go to see the manager
      c. the manager will let me see            d. you could ask the manager

  29. a. The manager is out now                 b. The manager will not see you
      c. The manager will see you now           d. The manager is alright

                                          BIG SPENDER
       While waiting for my gas tank to be filled, I saw a young man drive up to another pump and call
to the station owner in a loud noise. “Fill’er up, Tony!” But I could see that Tony put in only three
       “That’s all it took, three gallons? I asked, as the youngster roared away.
       Tony smiled. “No. You see, the kid had his dad’s car, and his girlfriend was with him. The
“Fill’er up!” was for this girl’s benefit, to impress her. But the three fingers that he stuck out the
window were for me-that’s all he could afford.

  30. In “Fill’er up,” ’er refers to_____________.
      a. the pump                               b. the owner
      c. the girl                               d. his car

  31. The young man driving his father’s car______.
      a. was cross because Tony disobeyed him
      b. would like his girlfriend to think that he was well-off
      c. couldn’t wait to go back home to see his father
      d. had an argument with his girlfriend over Tony
32. “the three fingers” that the young man stuck out can be interpreted as__________.
    a. three gallons                        b. three dollars
    c. three coins                          d. three girls

33. The advertisement is boasting its___________.
    a. excellent sound system                b. innovative radio communication system
    c. multi-national investment network     d. compatibity with different broadcast systems

34. The most suitable slogan for this model of Panasonic could be__________.
    a. Broadcast it your way                 b. Touch Your World
    c. First Home Video of the World         d. Make It Analog

35. The most suitable headline for the news item above should be___________.
    a. Latin American economies shocked b. Coffee growers in deep trouble
    c. Lobbying for growers                  d. Revenue lost in new government
DIRECTIONS : Choose the best alternative for each of the following blank.



Brenda (receptionist) : Good afternoon.
Elizabeth : Good afternoon. I’m sorry I’m so late 36 in the publicity department please.
Brenda : I think they’ve all gone home. Just a moment. (She rings on the internal phone but
            there’s no reply.) No. Sorry. They’ve gone. 37 .
Elizabeth : Well, I’m at Bay House School and our class is doing a project on all the different
            kinds of advertising. I’d like to 38 about Of-Op Ltd., but I’d also like to talk to
            someone about the firm.
Brenda : Ah, I see. You should talk to Tim Sawyers. 39 ?
Elizabeth : I’m afraid I can’t. I’m at school until four o’clock and it’s a long way to come.
Brenda : Well, 40 explaining what you want. I’m sure he’ll send you some brochures and
            perhaps you can 41 .
Elizabeth : That’s a good idea. Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.
Brenda : 42 . Good bye and good luck with your project.
Elizabeth : Thank you. Good bye.

36. a. I could meet the one                   b. Can I come to see them
    c. I’d like to see someone                d. I have to speak out

37. a. You’d better go back home              b. Can I take a message?
    c. It’s wrong time and wrong place        d. I can’t help it any more

38. a. have some publicly material            b. get some public information
    c. publicly announce                      d. appeal to the general public
39. a. Won’t you wait for a moment            b. Can you come back tomorrow
        c. Do you mind walking around             d. Can’t you arriving again soon

    40. a. why don’t you write him a letter       b. why not you take notes
        c. you can take down a memo               d. what about writing a report

    41. a. appoint him later                      b. give him an appointment
        c. make an appointment to see him         d. appoint him to come to see you

    42. a. I sure help                            b. Nice of you
        c. It’s a little                          d. Don’t mention it

         TEXT 2

                                                                Av. Atlantica, 343 apt. 201
                                                                Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
                                                                May 28, 19___
      Director of Admissions
      Bay View Community College
      2995 Prospect Street
      Bay View, California 94888
      Dear Sir or 43 .

       I am interested in studying English at Bay View Community College 44 next fall. My sister
studied at your college 45 she went to the university. She liked it very much.
       I am twenty-one years old. I am a Brazilian citizen, and my native language is Portuguese. I have
   46 high school and have studied English for six years. I can understand English, but I need
   47 speaking and writing.
       Do you have any special courses for business English? I would like to 48 business.
       Please send me information about 49 dates, tuition 50 , and dormitory rooms Thank you very
                                                                   Roberto Costa
43. a. Dames         b. Madam
    c. Mrs           d. Lady

44. a. beginning     b. begins
    c. begin         d. begun

45. a. prior         b. beforehand
    c. before        d. in advance

46. a. completed     b. terminated
    c. ended         d. achieved

47. a. repetition    b. review
    c. observation   d. practice

48. a. major in      b. major on
    c. take in       d. take down

49. a. registrar     b. register
    c. registered    d. registration

50. a. changes       b. fares
    c. fees          d. debts
    A. DIRECTIONS : Choose the best alternative for each of the following blank.

    TEXT 1

    Interair’s recorded information service
    “Hi, this is InterAir information with a recorded message for travelers on the Montreal-Toronto
   51 . There are four kinds of tickets 52 . Business class is $130 round-trip. There are no restrictions
for this class and your seat is 53 at any time. Economy class is $70 round-trip. The minimum
reservation period is three weeks 54 and no changes to the reservation are 55 . The Advanced
Economy fare is $55 round-trip. To 56 for this ticket, a reservation has to be made 57 three months
in advance and, again, no changes to the reservation are permitted. The Standby fare is $20 58 . No
reservations can be taken for this ticket and seats are 59 on a first-come first-serve basis 60
availability on individual flights. Flights from Toronto to Montreal leave at…”

    51. a. route                                 b. way
        c. track                                 d. pass

    52. a. presentable                           b. offering
        c. available                             d. purchasing

    53. a. disproved                             b. guaranteed
         c. enrolled                             d. computerized

    54. a. previously                            b. earlier
        c. prior to                              d. in adbance

    55. a. occurred                              b. insured
        c. requested                             d. allowed

    56. a. entitle                               b. eligible
        c. qualify                               d. approve
57. a. less                                b. at least
    c. the least                           d. lesser than

58. a. one-way                             b. on one
    c. single-route                        d. one-to-one

59. a. installed                           b. equipped
    c. allocated                           d. funtioned

60. a. likely to                           b. subject to
    c. opposed to                          d. ready to



 A smart, attractive graduate 61 thirty years of age and of 62 appearance, you have gained
 Experience working in a 5-star property. Warm, helpful, self-confident and service 63 , you
 Should 64 the ability to make our international array of guests feel completely 65 .

61. a. less                                b. down
    c. not                                 d. below

62. a. inaccessible                        b. imprecise
    c. impeccable                          d. immature

63. a. impacted                            b. orientated
    c. directing                           d. investing

64. a. possess                             b. conceal
    c. remark                              d. inform
65. a. at bay                                b. at risk
    c. at large                              d. at ease

A. DIRECTIONS : Read the following texts and choose the best alternative for each question.



   Ecology and environmental protection can be a vital issue in modern business. Ecology—the
   relationship between people and their environment—is an important managerial consideration
   from a legal as well as societal viewpoint.
          Nearly everyone accepts the premise that we should maintain an ecologically sound
   environment, but achieving this goal requires trade-offs that we are not always willing to
   make. For example, although we fear the oil-spill danger of supertankers, we insist upon
   readily available supplies of gasoline at reasonable prices Coal-burning boilers were once
   converted to oil-using furnaces in order to cut air pollution, but since coal is relatively
   plentiful in the United States. Some plants have reverted to using it.
          Ecological goals are important; however, the real issue is whether we can coordinate
   These goals with other societal and economic objectives On this, no clear concensus has

66. “…trade-offs” (line 5) means nearly the same as___________.
    a. new products for sale                 b. funds for investment
    c. hugh trade deficit                    d. things given in exchange

67. The examples given in the second paragraph illustrate__________.
    a. legal viewpoint concerning ecological protection
    b. close relationship between people and their environment
    c. vigorous attempt to maintain sound environment
    d. paradoxes between people’s ideas and practices
68. According to what is stated in the text, in practice, decisions against ecological benefits are
    influenced by__________.
    a. oil-using furnaces                     b. availability of raw materials
    c. oil-spill danger of supertankers       d. willingness to promote sound environment

69. It can be inferred that in order to achieve a goal of environmental protection,__________.
    a. societal and economic objectives must be considered as priorities
    b. we must be prepared to sacrifice comforts we are used to enjoying
    c. production plants must revert to using coal-burning boilers
    d. concensus on co-ordination of various goals and objectives can be postponed

70. A clear concensus is vital in__________.
    a. requiring businesses to give up profit-making efforts
    b. attaining a balance between societal and economic demands and ecological requirements
    c. converting from one type of energy to another
    d. the co-ordination between the government sector and the private sector

71. “this” (line II) refers to__________.
    a. the issus                               b. the concensus
    c. the goal                                d. the objective

72. We can safely assume that__________.
    a. the supply of coal is not readily available
    b. oil-burning furnaces are less expensive to operate
    c. oil contributes more to the problem of pollution
    d. coal burning contributes to air pollution

73. Managerial consideration on ecology protection, as inferred in the text, should include all of
    the following aspects except__________.
    a. legal                                 b. societal
    c. environmental                         d. pictorial

                        Cold-blooded animals such as reptiles and fish do not
                        dream, but warm-blooded ones, including mammals and
                        birds, do. By studying rapid eye movements (REMs) during
                        sleep—French physiologist Michel Jouvet found that
                        animals invariably dream more when they are younger.
                        Animals like calves and foals, which can fend for
                        themselves immediately after birth, dream more in the
                        womb and less after being born than do animals like
                        kittens and human babies, which are dependent on
                        parental care.

74. The text implies that_________.
    a. snakes including fish sometimes dream in their sleep
    b. as people grow older, they dream more
    c. while dreaming, human beings move their eyes rapidly
    d. while still in the womb, kittens dream more often than calves

75. “ones” (line 2) refers to___________.
    a. animals                               b. reptiles
    c. fish                                  d. dreams
76. It can be safely assumed that the occurrence of dream may depend on the following factors
    a. body temperature                      b. age
    c. size                                  d. parental care

77. “invariably” means nearly the same as___________.
    a. never                               b. always
    c. seldom                              d. hardly
             TOKYO and Osaka in Japan are still by far the world’s most expensive
             Cities but the Libyan capital of Tripoli and well as Stockholm and Oslo
             Are catching up, a new global cost-of-living survey showed yesterday.
                    Based on an a average 100 points for New York, Tokyo had 174,
             Osaka 162, Tripoli 146, Stockholm and Libreville 136, Brazzaville and
             Oslo 135, Taipei 129, Dakar 126, Abidjan 124, Copenhagen and Douala
             123, and Moscow 122.
                    It was the first time that Moscow was included in the index, compiled
             as guide for business companies by the consultants corporate Resources
                    The latest index was based on prices this spring for a “basket” of
    151 goods and services ranging from food, domestic supplies, clothing,
    transportation, utilities and entertaining.
             The world’s cheapest city remained the Zimbabwean capital of
    Harare, as in the last survey six months ago.
             It is notable that six of the most expensive cities are in Africa, the
    Survey stated. In the Middle East, Tel Aviv remains the dearest with 119
    Points although other places are below the New York 100 average.
             Tehran was once one of the most expensive cities but is now one of
    four cheapest at only 71 points.
             “The greatest disparities are in Asia with Tokyo (174) the world’s
    most expensive city and Bombay (67) one of the world’s least expensive
    cities,” it said.

78. The survey was conducted__________.
    a. for the first time                    b. worldwide
    c. only in Japan                         d. bi-monthly

79. The “points” mentioned in paragraph two are__________.
    a. levels of business success          b. the value of business investment
    c. guides to national resources        d. the cost of living index
80. “__________Stockholm and Oslo are catching up” suggests the idea that the two cities___.
    a. have been ineffective in conducting a survey
    b. are trying hard to become the most expensive cities
    c. are going to become equally high in terms of living costs
    d. will go on compiled facts and figures on world markets

81. The information compiled may be most useful for________.
    a. consultants on local investment in real estate
    b. companies planning investment overseas
    c. small-scale, local business owners
    d. guides dealing with foreign holiday-makers

82. It can be inferred that the information obtained is based on______.
    a. personal interviews                    b. book research
    c. world’s news                           d. current market prices

83. Which of the following statements is true?
    a. New York has surpassed Tokyo with respect to high costs of living.
    b. Moscow is the fifth most expensive cities in the world.
    c. Harare retains the same position as before.
    d. Tel Aviv is the most expensive of all cities

84. According to the survey, __________.
    a. transportation is the most expensive item on the survey list
    b. business companies sponsored the first global survey
    c. an average basket of goods costs $151
    d. before the latest survey, Moscow was not included in the index

85. It is remarkable that__________.
    a. both the most and one of the least expensive cities are in Asia
    b. Tehran has remained one of the four cheapest cities since the first survey
    c. the six most expensive cities are in America
    d. the cheapest city on the list is in Iran

   Many countries have laws which say that you             Many of these goods, and the smugglers of Kent
may not take certain goods into or out of a country,       and Sussex, in southern England, grew rich
or must pay a tax, called a duty or a tariff, on them.     supplying his needs. Napoleon was so grateful to
Smuggling is the offence of breaking these laws.           them that he created a safe refuge for them at
Smuggling existed on a small scale in ancient times,       Roscoff, an English Chanel port of France.
but it first became common is modern times in                  In all periods of modern history gurunning has
Europe around the mid 1100s. Soon there was so             been profitable. Smuggling of this sort still goes on
much smuggling in England that a law was passed            today. The other main things smuggled today are
in 1198 imposing heavy penalties for the illegal           gold, diamonds, and watches. These commodities
export of English wool. The law did little to stop         hold their value in all parts of the world.
the smuggling. It simply meant that the people who         Professional smugglers often wear specially made
were caught were punished more harshly.                    suits or coats to conceal the goods they are
   During the 1700s and early 1800s the smuggling          smuggling. Customs men use special electronic
of spirits, such as brandy, became common. The             equipment to detect these smugglers.
most famous era of British smuggling occurred                  The penalty for smuggling in most European
during the Napoleonic wars in Europe. The British          countries used to be hanging. Nowadays, the
government was trying to break Napoleon’s strength         punishments vary from fines to imprisonment, but
by prohibiting the export of British goods to              these punishments can be very heavy.
continental countries. Napoleon was desperate for

       86. Nowadays, customs officers have to rely on_________for detection.
           a. detective smugglers                  b. specially designed clothes
           c. valuable smuggled commodities        d. technologically advanced devices

       87. According to the text, punishment for smuggling__________.
           a. has been inconsistent within the same country
           b. ranges from the slightest to the most severe forms
           c. has remained unchanged since 1100s
           d. has been discouraged because it is not effective
88. The text states that Napoleon___________.
    a. preferred smuggling to making wars
    b. supported smuggling for his own benefit
    c. grew rich by supplying people’s needs for goods
    d. built a shelter for British prisoners of war

89. Smuggling during the Napolean wars was prevalent because fo__________.
    a. scarcity of exported goods to Europe
    b. excessive supplies of goods in Europe
    c. various refuge ports in France and England
    d. Napoleon’s strength and oppression

90. The historical facts in the text are presented to the reader__________.
    a. mostly in chronological order
    b. from the point of view of British government
    c. through the eye of a smuggler
    d. in an argumentative style

91. The word “offence” can be replaced by__________.
    a. duty                                b. habit
    c. crime                               d. rule

92. As a rule,__________when one imports or exports goods.
    a. laws must be passed
    b. smuggling must be expected
    c. heavy penalties must be imposed
    d. tariffs must be paid

93. In the first paragraph, the writer calls the reader’s attention to__________.
    a. the assault of a brand new disease
    b. the improved hygiene of developing countries
    c. the assistance provided for industrialized regions
    d. the threat of an old menace

94. The following are cited as contributing factors to TB except__________.
    a. poor hygiene                           b. airborne bacterium
    c. healthy immune system                  d. ineffective system of air ventilation
95. Which of the following phrases does Not directly refer to TB?
    a. Consumption                         b. The world’s medical agenda
    c. The white plague                    d. A disease considered conquered

96. The second paragraph mainly discusses__________.
    a. the spread of tuberculosis           b. TB’s preventive measures
    c. WHO’s statement of approval          d. diagnosis of various deadly diseases

97. In Australia, routine immunization was discontinued since__________.
    a. TB was regarded as “extinct”
    b. there was a lack of funding
    c. they were not ready to continue at that time
    d. TB was on the increase in other continents

98. The blame on the renewed rise in TB cases has been put on__________.
    a. the mass immigration of refugees
    b. experts in Hong Kong and Australia
    c. the influx of AIDS patients
    d. the care givers in hospitals

99. The word “erased” (line 7) here means__________.
    a. taken up                            b. wiped out
    c. held on                             d. called off

100. The most suitable title for this article should be __________.
     a. Old Ailments New Victims
     b. WHO’s New Estimate
     c. Medical Issue Causes Controversy
     d. Routine Vaccination Discontinued
                        แนวข้ อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ
Part 1 (1-35)
   1.    d        8.    c      15.   a     22.   d           29.   c
   2.    d        9.    d      16.   c     23.   b           30.   d
   3.    d        10.   b      17.   c     24.   c           31.   b
   4.    c        11.   d      18.   d     25.   a           32.   a
   5.    c        12.   b      19.   a     26.   a           33.   d
   6.    c        13.   b      20.   c     27.   b           34.   b
   7.    d        14.   a      21.   b     28.   d           35.   b

Part 2 (36-50)
   36. c          39. b        42. d       45. c             48. a
   37. b          40. a        43. b       46. a             49. d
   38. a          41. c        44. a       47. d             50. c

Part 3 (51-100)
   51.   a        61.   d      71.   a     81.   b           91. c
   52.   c        62.   c      72.   d     82.   d           92. d
   53.   b        63.   b      73.   d     83.   c           93. d
   54.   d        64.   a      74.   c     84.   d           94. c
   55.   d        65.   d      75.   a     85.   a           95. b
   56.   c        66.   d      76.   c     86.   d           96. a
   57.   b        67.   d      77.   b     87.   b           97. a
   58.   a        68.   b      78.   b     88.   b           98. a
   59.   c        69.   b      79.   d     89.   a           99. b
   60.   b        70.   b      80.   c     90.   a           100. a

                                         แก้ 0 นายชวิศ ทับกระโทก ชั้น ม.5/3
                                               ข้อสอบ 100 ข้อ พร้อมเฉลย

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หา3ภพจนเจอ2016 68 หน้ากูตั้งใจทำดีสุดยอดการ์ตูน48ข้อ2015หา3ภพจนเจอ2016 68 หน้ากูตั้งใจทำดีสุดยอดการ์ตูน48ข้อ2015
หา3ภพจนเจอ2016 68 หน้ากูตั้งใจทำดีสุดยอดการ์ตูน48ข้อ2015
แผ่นพับแบบสมบูรณ์ กันตวัฒน์ ทำไวนิล091
แผ่นพับแบบสมบูรณ์ กันตวัฒน์  ทำไวนิล091แผ่นพับแบบสมบูรณ์ กันตวัฒน์  ทำไวนิล091
แผ่นพับแบบสมบูรณ์ กันตวัฒน์ ทำไวนิล091

ข้อสอบภาษาอังกฤษฉบับที่ 4

  • 1. แนวข้ อสอบวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ฉบับที่ 4 PART I : ENGLISH FOR EVERYDAY USE (1-35) A. DIRECTIONS : Choose the best alternative for each of the blank. A. WINDOW-SHOPPING Anne : Hi, Sally. Sally : Oh, hello, Anne. What are you doing? Anne : 1 . There’s a lovely dress in this window. Sally : How much does it cost? Anne : 2 ! Sally : Have you been to Smith’s yet? Anne :No, not yet. Sally : There are some new spring coats there. 3 . Anne :Oh, look! There are some pretty hats in that window. Sally : . 4 ? Anne :It’s ten to one. Sally : Oh, 5 ! I’ll be late. There’s a conference this afternoon, And I’m going to have a lot of work. Anne : There’s a holiday on Friday, but the stores are going to be open. Would you like to go shopping with me? Sally : I’d love to. I’ll give you a ring. But 6 . 1. a. I’m displaying goods b. I’m wanting clothes c. I’m looking after a dress d. I’m window shopping 2. a. I don’t look b. Too highly c. It costs very expensive d. Too much for me
  • 2. 3. a. I’ll die if I don’t see it b. I can’t help dying to try c. If I can’t try on them. I’ll die d. I’m dying to try them on 4. a. Anne, can you tell me about the time b. Have you got time, Anne c. What time is it, Anne d. How many times do you have 5. a. I will hurry b. I think of going c. I have to run d. I am certain 6. a. I want to go away now b. I can’t talk now c. I’ve got to hurry now d. I’m sorry now B. TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE AND PLACES A : Have you been to St. Paul’s yet? B : Do you mean the place 7 ? A : That’s right. It was designed by Chistopher Wren. B : Yes, 8 . I’ve seen a lot of churches, but it’s the one I like best. A : 9 ? Or did you go alone? B : No, I went with Louise. She’s the person 10 in Stockholm before I came here. 7. a. where royally wedding was b. where was the royal wedding c. where there was a wedding royally d. where the royal wedding was 8. a. Yes, I’ve ever b. Yes, I ever go there c. I’ve been there d. I’ve never gone there 9. a. Did you go by yourself b. Were you brought there c. By whom did you go d. Who took you there
  • 3. 10. a. I met the brother of whose b. whose brother I met c. I met her brother c. her brother was met D. ARGUING Don : 11 . I’m not going to wait for you any longer. Val : Oh, please wait! 12 . I’m looking for my umbrella. It’s going to rain. Look at the sky. Don : Well. 13 , are you? Val : No, but I don’t want to get my new jacket wet. I paid a lot of money for it last week. Ah, 14 . Don : A pink umbrella? With a yellow jacket? 15 , you know. Val : Look, I want to keep dry. I’m not interested in looking beautiful. Don : 16 . Who needs a pink umbrella? Val : Listen to me! 17 or I don’t go for a walk. It doesn’t matter what I look like. 11. a. Come up b. Get on c. Take time d. Hurry up 12. a. Stay with me again b. Don’t go without me c. Can’t you become patient? d. Never let me go 13. a. you don’t want to be wet b. you aren’t afraid of getting wet c. you won’t be late and get wet d. you aren’t wetting your clothes 14. a. here’s my umbrella b. there my umbrella is c. it is mine umbrella d. here mine umbrella is 15. a. They don’t go with each other b. Have you gone crazy c. They don’t suit me at all d. Have a look at yourself 16. a. I should have know that b. Don’t you want to go now? c. Leave it at home d. Alright! You win
  • 4. 17. a Either I put my umbrella away b. Either move in with my umbrella c. Either I take my umbrella d. Either I fetch my umbrella C. MAKING COMPLAINTS Janet is at Brown’s department store. Assistant : Good afternoon. Can I help you? Janet : 18 . I bought these jeans here two weeks ago. Assistant : Did you? Janet : Yes, and I must say 19 . Assistant : Oh, dear. Why not? Janet : Well, first of all they were advertised 20 . I’ve washed them once and now they’re too small. Assistant : 21 ? You know you shouldn’t wash jeans in hot water. Janet : No, they weren’t. I followed the instructions on the label. Assistant : Well, 22 . We haven’t had any other complaints about these jeans. Janet : I’m surprised to hear that. Anyway, 23 . Assistant : Really? What else is wrong then? Janet : Well, the advertisement said 24 and need to be washed separately but Everything that was washed with those jeans is now blue! 25 , you know. You’ve Got to do something about it. Assistant : I’m sorry, dear. There isn’t anything I can do. Janet : What do you mean, there isn’t anything you can do? These jeans are too small, they were Expensive and they 26 with them.
  • 5. Assistant : I really am sorry. Janet : 27 . What are you going to do? Assistant : I’m afraid I can’t do anything. Janet : Well, do you think 28 ? Assistant : I’ll see if the manager is in. Could you wait a moment? Janet : Yes, of course. A few minutes later. Assistant : 29 . Would you mind coming this way? 18. a. Don’t lose time b. Yes, why not? c. No, just listen d. Yes, I hope so 19. a. I’m not at all happy with them b. they are degrading c. they don’t come into my notice d. I have been attracted by the advertisement 20. a. to be over-shrunk b. that they are shrinking c. as being pre-shrunk d. for being shrunk 21. a. Did they boil in the water b. Were they washed in hot water c. I accuse you of washing with hot water d. Do not hesitate. 22. a. serve you right b. that’s it c. you should have d. that’s strange 23. a. I don’t want to speak to you any more b. that’s not the only problem c. you gave me a wrong answer d. there must be no more argument 24. a. the colour would run b. they were fixed in colour c. they were colour d. the colour wouldn’t fade 25. a. It’s too bad b. Say something c. Have a look d. I’m sorry
  • 6. 26. a. have too many things wrong b. are much too defective c. don’t make up for the money d. carry many mistakes 27. a. I want to do something more b. It’s not enough to be sorry c. More is necessary than this d. I don’t want enough of this 28. a. the manager may know b. I will go to see the manager c. the manager will let me see d. you could ask the manager 29. a. The manager is out now b. The manager will not see you c. The manager will see you now d. The manager is alright BIG SPENDER While waiting for my gas tank to be filled, I saw a young man drive up to another pump and call to the station owner in a loud noise. “Fill’er up, Tony!” But I could see that Tony put in only three gallons. “That’s all it took, three gallons? I asked, as the youngster roared away. Tony smiled. “No. You see, the kid had his dad’s car, and his girlfriend was with him. The “Fill’er up!” was for this girl’s benefit, to impress her. But the three fingers that he stuck out the window were for me-that’s all he could afford. 30. In “Fill’er up,” ’er refers to_____________. a. the pump b. the owner c. the girl d. his car 31. The young man driving his father’s car______. a. was cross because Tony disobeyed him b. would like his girlfriend to think that he was well-off c. couldn’t wait to go back home to see his father d. had an argument with his girlfriend over Tony
  • 7. 32. “the three fingers” that the young man stuck out can be interpreted as__________. a. three gallons b. three dollars c. three coins d. three girls 33. The advertisement is boasting its___________. a. excellent sound system b. innovative radio communication system c. multi-national investment network d. compatibity with different broadcast systems 34. The most suitable slogan for this model of Panasonic could be__________. a. Broadcast it your way b. Touch Your World c. First Home Video of the World d. Make It Analog 35. The most suitable headline for the news item above should be___________. a. Latin American economies shocked b. Coffee growers in deep trouble c. Lobbying for growers d. Revenue lost in new government
  • 8. PART II : ENGLISH FOR FITIRE CAREER (36-50) DIRECTIONS : Choose the best alternative for each of the following blank. TEXT I RECEPTION Brenda (receptionist) : Good afternoon. Elizabeth : Good afternoon. I’m sorry I’m so late 36 in the publicity department please. Brenda : I think they’ve all gone home. Just a moment. (She rings on the internal phone but there’s no reply.) No. Sorry. They’ve gone. 37 . Elizabeth : Well, I’m at Bay House School and our class is doing a project on all the different kinds of advertising. I’d like to 38 about Of-Op Ltd., but I’d also like to talk to someone about the firm. Brenda : Ah, I see. You should talk to Tim Sawyers. 39 ? Elizabeth : I’m afraid I can’t. I’m at school until four o’clock and it’s a long way to come. Brenda : Well, 40 explaining what you want. I’m sure he’ll send you some brochures and perhaps you can 41 . Elizabeth : That’s a good idea. Thank you. You’ve been very helpful. Brenda : 42 . Good bye and good luck with your project. Elizabeth : Thank you. Good bye. 36. a. I could meet the one b. Can I come to see them c. I’d like to see someone d. I have to speak out 37. a. You’d better go back home b. Can I take a message? c. It’s wrong time and wrong place d. I can’t help it any more 38. a. have some publicly material b. get some public information c. publicly announce d. appeal to the general public
  • 9. 39. a. Won’t you wait for a moment b. Can you come back tomorrow c. Do you mind walking around d. Can’t you arriving again soon 40. a. why don’t you write him a letter b. why not you take notes c. you can take down a memo d. what about writing a report 41. a. appoint him later b. give him an appointment c. make an appointment to see him d. appoint him to come to see you 42. a. I sure help b. Nice of you c. It’s a little d. Don’t mention it TEXT 2 Av. Atlantica, 343 apt. 201 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil May 28, 19___ Director of Admissions Bay View Community College 2995 Prospect Street Bay View, California 94888 Dear Sir or 43 . I am interested in studying English at Bay View Community College 44 next fall. My sister studied at your college 45 she went to the university. She liked it very much. I am twenty-one years old. I am a Brazilian citizen, and my native language is Portuguese. I have 46 high school and have studied English for six years. I can understand English, but I need 47 speaking and writing. Do you have any special courses for business English? I would like to 48 business. Please send me information about 49 dates, tuition 50 , and dormitory rooms Thank you very much. Sincerely, Roberto Costa
  • 10. 43. a. Dames b. Madam c. Mrs d. Lady 44. a. beginning b. begins c. begin d. begun 45. a. prior b. beforehand c. before d. in advance 46. a. completed b. terminated c. ended d. achieved 47. a. repetition b. review c. observation d. practice 48. a. major in b. major on c. take in d. take down 49. a. registrar b. register c. registered d. registration 50. a. changes b. fares c. fees d. debts
  • 11. PART III : ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES (51-100) A. DIRECTIONS : Choose the best alternative for each of the following blank. TEXT 1 Interair’s recorded information service “Hi, this is InterAir information with a recorded message for travelers on the Montreal-Toronto 51 . There are four kinds of tickets 52 . Business class is $130 round-trip. There are no restrictions for this class and your seat is 53 at any time. Economy class is $70 round-trip. The minimum reservation period is three weeks 54 and no changes to the reservation are 55 . The Advanced Economy fare is $55 round-trip. To 56 for this ticket, a reservation has to be made 57 three months in advance and, again, no changes to the reservation are permitted. The Standby fare is $20 58 . No reservations can be taken for this ticket and seats are 59 on a first-come first-serve basis 60 availability on individual flights. Flights from Toronto to Montreal leave at…” 51. a. route b. way c. track d. pass 52. a. presentable b. offering c. available d. purchasing 53. a. disproved b. guaranteed c. enrolled d. computerized 54. a. previously b. earlier c. prior to d. in adbance 55. a. occurred b. insured c. requested d. allowed 56. a. entitle b. eligible c. qualify d. approve
  • 12. 57. a. less b. at least c. the least d. lesser than 58. a. one-way b. on one c. single-route d. one-to-one 59. a. installed b. equipped c. allocated d. funtioned 60. a. likely to b. subject to c. opposed to d. ready to TEXT 2 HOSTESS/RECEPTIONISTS A smart, attractive graduate 61 thirty years of age and of 62 appearance, you have gained Experience working in a 5-star property. Warm, helpful, self-confident and service 63 , you Should 64 the ability to make our international array of guests feel completely 65 . 61. a. less b. down c. not d. below 62. a. inaccessible b. imprecise c. impeccable d. immature 63. a. impacted b. orientated c. directing d. investing 64. a. possess b. conceal c. remark d. inform
  • 13. 65. a. at bay b. at risk c. at large d. at ease A. DIRECTIONS : Read the following texts and choose the best alternative for each question. TEXT 1 ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Ecology and environmental protection can be a vital issue in modern business. Ecology—the relationship between people and their environment—is an important managerial consideration from a legal as well as societal viewpoint. Nearly everyone accepts the premise that we should maintain an ecologically sound environment, but achieving this goal requires trade-offs that we are not always willing to make. For example, although we fear the oil-spill danger of supertankers, we insist upon readily available supplies of gasoline at reasonable prices Coal-burning boilers were once converted to oil-using furnaces in order to cut air pollution, but since coal is relatively plentiful in the United States. Some plants have reverted to using it. Ecological goals are important; however, the real issue is whether we can coordinate These goals with other societal and economic objectives On this, no clear concensus has emerged. 66. “…trade-offs” (line 5) means nearly the same as___________. a. new products for sale b. funds for investment c. hugh trade deficit d. things given in exchange 67. The examples given in the second paragraph illustrate__________. a. legal viewpoint concerning ecological protection b. close relationship between people and their environment c. vigorous attempt to maintain sound environment d. paradoxes between people’s ideas and practices
  • 14. 68. According to what is stated in the text, in practice, decisions against ecological benefits are influenced by__________. a. oil-using furnaces b. availability of raw materials c. oil-spill danger of supertankers d. willingness to promote sound environment 69. It can be inferred that in order to achieve a goal of environmental protection,__________. a. societal and economic objectives must be considered as priorities b. we must be prepared to sacrifice comforts we are used to enjoying c. production plants must revert to using coal-burning boilers d. concensus on co-ordination of various goals and objectives can be postponed 70. A clear concensus is vital in__________. a. requiring businesses to give up profit-making efforts b. attaining a balance between societal and economic demands and ecological requirements c. converting from one type of energy to another d. the co-ordination between the government sector and the private sector 71. “this” (line II) refers to__________. a. the issus b. the concensus c. the goal d. the objective 72. We can safely assume that__________. a. the supply of coal is not readily available b. oil-burning furnaces are less expensive to operate c. oil contributes more to the problem of pollution d. coal burning contributes to air pollution 73. Managerial consideration on ecology protection, as inferred in the text, should include all of the following aspects except__________. a. legal b. societal c. environmental d. pictorial
  • 15. TEXT 2 Cold-blooded animals such as reptiles and fish do not dream, but warm-blooded ones, including mammals and birds, do. By studying rapid eye movements (REMs) during sleep—French physiologist Michel Jouvet found that animals invariably dream more when they are younger. Animals like calves and foals, which can fend for themselves immediately after birth, dream more in the womb and less after being born than do animals like kittens and human babies, which are dependent on parental care. 74. The text implies that_________. a. snakes including fish sometimes dream in their sleep b. as people grow older, they dream more c. while dreaming, human beings move their eyes rapidly d. while still in the womb, kittens dream more often than calves 75. “ones” (line 2) refers to___________. a. animals b. reptiles c. fish d. dreams 76. It can be safely assumed that the occurrence of dream may depend on the following factors except___________. a. body temperature b. age c. size d. parental care 77. “invariably” means nearly the same as___________. a. never b. always c. seldom d. hardly
  • 16. TEXT 3 TOKYO and Osaka in Japan are still by far the world’s most expensive Cities but the Libyan capital of Tripoli and well as Stockholm and Oslo Are catching up, a new global cost-of-living survey showed yesterday. Based on an a average 100 points for New York, Tokyo had 174, Osaka 162, Tripoli 146, Stockholm and Libreville 136, Brazzaville and Oslo 135, Taipei 129, Dakar 126, Abidjan 124, Copenhagen and Douala 123, and Moscow 122. It was the first time that Moscow was included in the index, compiled as guide for business companies by the consultants corporate Resources Group. The latest index was based on prices this spring for a “basket” of 151 goods and services ranging from food, domestic supplies, clothing, transportation, utilities and entertaining. The world’s cheapest city remained the Zimbabwean capital of Harare, as in the last survey six months ago. It is notable that six of the most expensive cities are in Africa, the Survey stated. In the Middle East, Tel Aviv remains the dearest with 119 Points although other places are below the New York 100 average. Tehran was once one of the most expensive cities but is now one of four cheapest at only 71 points. “The greatest disparities are in Asia with Tokyo (174) the world’s most expensive city and Bombay (67) one of the world’s least expensive cities,” it said. 78. The survey was conducted__________. a. for the first time b. worldwide c. only in Japan d. bi-monthly 79. The “points” mentioned in paragraph two are__________. a. levels of business success b. the value of business investment c. guides to national resources d. the cost of living index
  • 17. 80. “__________Stockholm and Oslo are catching up” suggests the idea that the two cities___. a. have been ineffective in conducting a survey b. are trying hard to become the most expensive cities c. are going to become equally high in terms of living costs d. will go on compiled facts and figures on world markets 81. The information compiled may be most useful for________. a. consultants on local investment in real estate b. companies planning investment overseas c. small-scale, local business owners d. guides dealing with foreign holiday-makers 82. It can be inferred that the information obtained is based on______. a. personal interviews b. book research c. world’s news d. current market prices 83. Which of the following statements is true? a. New York has surpassed Tokyo with respect to high costs of living. b. Moscow is the fifth most expensive cities in the world. c. Harare retains the same position as before. d. Tel Aviv is the most expensive of all cities 84. According to the survey, __________. a. transportation is the most expensive item on the survey list b. business companies sponsored the first global survey c. an average basket of goods costs $151 d. before the latest survey, Moscow was not included in the index 85. It is remarkable that__________. a. both the most and one of the least expensive cities are in Asia b. Tehran has remained one of the four cheapest cities since the first survey c. the six most expensive cities are in America d. the cheapest city on the list is in Iran
  • 18. TEXT 4 Many countries have laws which say that you Many of these goods, and the smugglers of Kent may not take certain goods into or out of a country, and Sussex, in southern England, grew rich or must pay a tax, called a duty or a tariff, on them. supplying his needs. Napoleon was so grateful to Smuggling is the offence of breaking these laws. them that he created a safe refuge for them at Smuggling existed on a small scale in ancient times, Roscoff, an English Chanel port of France. but it first became common is modern times in In all periods of modern history gurunning has Europe around the mid 1100s. Soon there was so been profitable. Smuggling of this sort still goes on much smuggling in England that a law was passed today. The other main things smuggled today are in 1198 imposing heavy penalties for the illegal gold, diamonds, and watches. These commodities export of English wool. The law did little to stop hold their value in all parts of the world. the smuggling. It simply meant that the people who Professional smugglers often wear specially made were caught were punished more harshly. suits or coats to conceal the goods they are During the 1700s and early 1800s the smuggling smuggling. Customs men use special electronic of spirits, such as brandy, became common. The equipment to detect these smugglers. most famous era of British smuggling occurred The penalty for smuggling in most European during the Napoleonic wars in Europe. The British countries used to be hanging. Nowadays, the government was trying to break Napoleon’s strength punishments vary from fines to imprisonment, but by prohibiting the export of British goods to these punishments can be very heavy. continental countries. Napoleon was desperate for 86. Nowadays, customs officers have to rely on_________for detection. a. detective smugglers b. specially designed clothes c. valuable smuggled commodities d. technologically advanced devices 87. According to the text, punishment for smuggling__________. a. has been inconsistent within the same country b. ranges from the slightest to the most severe forms c. has remained unchanged since 1100s d. has been discouraged because it is not effective
  • 19. 88. The text states that Napoleon___________. a. preferred smuggling to making wars b. supported smuggling for his own benefit c. grew rich by supplying people’s needs for goods d. built a shelter for British prisoners of war 89. Smuggling during the Napolean wars was prevalent because fo__________. a. scarcity of exported goods to Europe b. excessive supplies of goods in Europe c. various refuge ports in France and England d. Napoleon’s strength and oppression 90. The historical facts in the text are presented to the reader__________. a. mostly in chronological order b. from the point of view of British government c. through the eye of a smuggler d. in an argumentative style 91. The word “offence” can be replaced by__________. a. duty b. habit c. crime d. rule 92. As a rule,__________when one imports or exports goods. a. laws must be passed b. smuggling must be expected c. heavy penalties must be imposed d. tariffs must be paid
  • 20. TEXT 5 93. In the first paragraph, the writer calls the reader’s attention to__________. a. the assault of a brand new disease b. the improved hygiene of developing countries c. the assistance provided for industrialized regions d. the threat of an old menace 94. The following are cited as contributing factors to TB except__________. a. poor hygiene b. airborne bacterium c. healthy immune system d. ineffective system of air ventilation
  • 21. 95. Which of the following phrases does Not directly refer to TB? a. Consumption b. The world’s medical agenda c. The white plague d. A disease considered conquered 96. The second paragraph mainly discusses__________. a. the spread of tuberculosis b. TB’s preventive measures c. WHO’s statement of approval d. diagnosis of various deadly diseases 97. In Australia, routine immunization was discontinued since__________. a. TB was regarded as “extinct” b. there was a lack of funding c. they were not ready to continue at that time d. TB was on the increase in other continents 98. The blame on the renewed rise in TB cases has been put on__________. a. the mass immigration of refugees b. experts in Hong Kong and Australia c. the influx of AIDS patients d. the care givers in hospitals 99. The word “erased” (line 7) here means__________. a. taken up b. wiped out c. held on d. called off 100. The most suitable title for this article should be __________. a. Old Ailments New Victims b. WHO’s New Estimate c. Medical Issue Causes Controversy d. Routine Vaccination Discontinued
  • 22. เฉลย แนวข้ อสอบภาษาอังกฤษ Part 1 (1-35) 1. d 8. c 15. a 22. d 29. c 2. d 9. d 16. c 23. b 30. d 3. d 10. b 17. c 24. c 31. b 4. c 11. d 18. d 25. a 32. a 5. c 12. b 19. a 26. a 33. d 6. c 13. b 20. c 27. b 34. b 7. d 14. a 21. b 28. d 35. b Part 2 (36-50) 36. c 39. b 42. d 45. c 48. a 37. b 40. a 43. b 46. a 49. d 38. a 41. c 44. a 47. d 50. c Part 3 (51-100) 51. a 61. d 71. a 81. b 91. c 52. c 62. c 72. d 82. d 92. d 53. b 63. b 73. d 83. c 93. d 54. d 64. a 74. c 84. d 94. c 55. d 65. d 75. a 85. a 95. b 56. c 66. d 76. c 86. d 96. a 57. b 67. d 77. b 87. b 97. a 58. a 68. b 78. b 88. b 98. a 59. c 69. b 79. d 89. a 99. b 60. b 70. b 80. c 90. a 100. a แก้ 0 นายชวิศ ทับกระโทก ชั้น ม.5/3 ข้อสอบ 100 ข้อ พร้อมเฉลย