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Section C: Closest in Meanings
Practice 1
Situation A- Daniel is in a camp undergoing training for a few months. He talks to his friend, Ghafar.
Daniel : I am finding it quite difficult to train under my supervisor.
Ghafar: Why? What is wrong?
Daniel: We can’t see eye to eye onmany things. I try not to argue but it is hard.
Ghafar: Discipline is very strict here. You have to toe the line. You can’t do what you like.
Daniel: I know. Luckily, this training is just for a short spell.
Ghafar: We should be going home in three months’ time. Meanwhile, enjoy yourself.
1. can’t see eye to eye
A can’t understand B can’t discuss C can’t relax D can’t agree
2. toe the line.
A keep quiet all the time B look after yourself C stand straight D follow orders
3. a short spell.
A a brief period of time B a quick lesson C one time D short spelling
Situation B: Jagdeep’s friends, Hasnan and Nicholas, are unhappy with him for being late for their outing.
Hasnan: Finally, you are here! You are always the last to come whenever we meet.
Jagdeep: Hey, sorry, guys. The bus broke down just before my stop and I had to come on foot.
Nicholas: Yeah, right. That’s the usual lame excuse you always give.
Couldn’t you have taken an earlier bus?
Jagdeep: I’ve already said I’m sorry!
Hasnan: All right, all right. Since we’re friends here, we’ll let you off this time.
Nicholas: Make sure it doesn’t happen again.
4. had to come on foot.
A I had to walk B I had to take a taxi C I had to ask for a ride D I had to follow someone else
5. That’s the usual lame excuse
A That’s not a good reason B That’s not telling the truth C That’s like all your previous reasons.
6. we’ll let you off
A we’ll excuse you B we’ll be your friends C we’ll allow you to go D we’ll forget what happened
Practice 2
Situation A: Anding asks his father for help with his Maths homework.
Anding: Father, can you help me with this Maths problem? It’s a tough nut to crack. I can’t get the correct
working for it.
Father: Sure. Let me have a look.
Anding: Well?
Father: Sorry, son. I can’t make head or tail out of this. It has been a long time since I did Maths.
Anding: It’s all right then. I shall ask my Maths teacher in class tomorrow. She should be able to solve this in
a jiffy. She won’t take as long as us.
Father: That’s what teachers are for!
7. a tough nut to crack
A a trick question B difficult to solve C quite hard to chew D an unusual answer
8. can’t make head or tail out of this
A didn’t learn Maths B can’t read it clearly C am unable to understand D can’t solve this equation
9. in a jiffy
A quickly B mentally C without mistakes D meticulous
Situation B - Dunggong has been working for a few years. He talks to his colleague, Julian.
Julian : It’s 7 pm. Aren’t you going home yet?
Dunggong: I can’t go yet. I’ve got a heavy workload and I have to clear it by tonight.
Julian : You don’t have much time. You seem to have been given a raw deal.
Dunggong: I think so too. I’m going all this so I can get more work experience. Then, I shall look for greener
pastures elsewhere.
Julian : I think you should speak to your supervisor first before you decide anything drastic.
Dunggong: I’ m just tired. I shall be all right tomorrow.
10. a heavy workload
A a lot of work B a lot of reading C double the amount of work D need to work for a overtime
11. a raw deal
A everyone else’s work B unfair treatment C too much time D too little time
12. greener pastures
A less work B a better job C a bigger company D another supervisor
Practice 3
Situation A: Soo Cheng and Iliana are talking about what it will be like when they grow up.
Soo Cheng: When I grow up, I want to buy a big house and live by myself. Then, I can do what I want
without my parents nagging me.
Iliana: That’s easiersaid than done, you know. You will need a lot of money.
Soo Cheng: Well, I’ll get a job that pays a lot of money!
Iliana: When you first start working, your pay won’t be a lot. You will likely be living from hand to
mouth for a few years before you earn enough to buy anything.
Soo Cheng: Do you think so? Oh dear, I need another plan. Maybe I can rent a room….
13. live by myself
A live alone B live comfortably C live without friends D lonesome
14. easiersaid than done
A difficult to do B very easy to do C difficult to explain D easy to be done
15. living from hand to mouth
A be too tired to eat B be working very hard
C be doing everything yourself D have just enough money for basic needs
Situaton B: Puan Leela and Mrs Lee are outside the supermarket.
Puan Leela: it costs me a bomb just to buy groceries for the month. These few bags of groceries cost RM 200!
Mrs Lee : I’m not surprised. The prices of things have gone up. I try to buy in bulk to get some savings.
Puan Leela : That’s a good idea. We should try to do our grocery shopping together so we can get savings
from bulk purchases.
Mrs Lee : The other way is to tighten our belts and buy what we really need.
Puan Leela : Yes, that seems to be the best way.
16. a bomb
A a lot of money B a lot of trouble C a lot of searching D a lot of bargaining
17. buy in bulk
A buy in large quantities B buy good quality goods C buy what is affordable D buy only local products
18. tighten our belts
A earn more B spend less C eat out less often D live in frugally
Practice 4
Situation A: Jimmy invites his roommate, Hazid, to go out.
Jimmy: Do you want to go out for some tea, Hazid?
Hazid : No, thanks. I don’t feel up to it.
Jimmy: Come on, it’s still early. Dinner is hours away. Tell you what, I’ll buy you pisang goreng and teh tarik.
Hazid : That’s very kind of you. You’re on!
Jimmy: That’s the spirit. We can chat about our day at college and share some notes.
Hazid : Where are we off to?
Jimmy: We’ll walk to the stalls around the corner.
19. I don’t feel up to it
A don’t take tea B don’t feel like going C don’t feel it is a good idea D don’t like drinking
20. You’re on!
A I accept B You go on alone C Let me think about it D Appreciate it
21. Where are we off to?
A Are we going now? B How are we going? C When are we going? D Where are we going?
22. around the corner
A corridor B environment C atmosphere D surrounding
Situation B: Joey and Miranda are going to visit a relative’s house. Mother gives some last-minute advice.
Mother: Now, this is the first time you are visiting Aunt Myrtle. So, mind your manners.
Joey : Of course, Mother. We will say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ all the time.
Miranda: We will be careful not to speak broken English since Aunt Myrtle is very particular about speaking
proper English.
Mother : Good. Please also remember Aunt Myrtle is old and can’t hear very well. So, you will have to speak
louder, but do not raise your voices to her.
Joey : We’ll remember, Mother.
Mother : Go along and have a good time. Aunt Myrtle has plenty of interesting stories about the family.
23. mind your manners
A be careful how you behave B remember to keep quiet
C always say ‘thank you’ D think before you say
24. broken English
A difficult English B English with an accent
C English with mistakes in it D English with bad words in it
25. do not raise your voices
A do not shout B do not giggle C do not scream D do not whisper
Practice 5
Situation A: Julie accidentally cuts her finger doing a class project. Diana is with her.
Julie : Ow! My finger---- it’s bleeding.
Diana: Oh my goodness, such a lot of blood. I can’t stand the sight of blood.
Julie : What’s wrong with you? It’s just a cut.
Diana: I can’t help it. I just feel queasy every time I see blood.
Julie: Please get a plaster from the pocket at the side of my school bag.
Diana: Here you are. Ooh… blood makes my hair stand on end.
Julie : I sure hope you don’t end up working in a blood bank when you are older.
26. can’t stand the sight of
A can’t even look at B can’t even work with C can’t even think about D can’t even remember
27. I can’t help it
A I don’t like it B I can’t explain it C I can;t think about it D I don’t feel anything
28. blood makes my hair stand on end
A puzzles me B irritates me C surprises me D frightens me
Situation B: Mrs Wong and Madam Rajes are chatting about the weather.
Mrs Wong : We have been experiencing dismal weather lately.
Madam Rajes: That’s right. It has been raining cats and dogs.
Mrs Wong : I have been waiting to take my children to the park for a picnic for them to get some exercise.
However, the weather has put paid to my plans.
Madam Rajes : Hopefully, we will get clear skies this weekend. Then, you can still go for your picnic.
Mrs Wong : I hope so, too. The children were looking forward to our outing. You and your children can
join us, too.
29. dismal weather
A bad weather B fair weather C good weather D average weather
30. raining cats and dogs
A cloudy B drizzling C raining heavily D ice crystals
31. put paid to
A spoilt B damaged C postponed D terminate
Practice 6
Situation A: Sujen and Amitha discuss celebrating Mother’s Day.
Sujen : You know, Mother has always sloggedto look after us.
Amitha: Yes, she doesn’t get much rest. Day and night, she is always here for us.
Sujen : What can we get her? It is Mother’s Day this Sunday.
Amitha: What if we take over all the housework this weekend? We can ask Father to help out too.
Sujen : That’s good idea. Then, Mother can put her feet up for the whole weekend.
Amitha : We shouldn’t stop at that. We should continue to take over the chores that we can do every day.
32. always slogged
A suffered B sacrificed C worked hard D saved money
33. Day and night
A At night B All the time C During the day D Most of the time
34. put her feet up
A take a rest B go out for a while C have a foot massage D take a bathe
35. take over
A hand over B get up C pass away D pass by
Situation B: Johnny looks at Hanif’s sports shoes.
Johnny : Your shoes have seenbetter days, Hanif.
Hanif : This is my only pair. It is also my first pair of sports shoes. I’ve had them since I was in Form One.
Johnny : Why don’t you get a new pair?
Hanif : I want to, but I’m broke. I’m saving up, but it will take some time.
Johnny : We have a futsal game this Saturday. I could loan you my other pair. We are of the same size.
Hanif : That’s very kind of you, Johnny. Thanks a lot.
36. have seenbetter days
A are too small B are new but dirty C are in a bad condition D are not the latest design
37. I’m broke
A I am stingy B I have no money C I am saving my money D I used my money for today
38. loan you
A lend you B give to you C borrow from you D take for granted
Practice 7
Situation A: Kian Seng comes upon Haikal sitting by himself.
Kian Seng: Haikal, what’s happening? You are lost in thought!
Haikal : Oh hi, KIan Seng. I didn’t notice you. I was thinking about my uncle who has decided to
immigrate to Australia to seek his fortune.
Kian Seng : Wow, that’s a major decision.
Haikal : He feels it will be better for him and his family in the long run.
Kian Seng : There are always advantages and disadvantages in any major decision.
Haikal : The attractive pay as a specialist in his field is a big advantage for him.
39. lost in thought
A daydreaming B looking very lost C thinking very hard D very confident
40. to seek his fortune
A look for a job B become a citizen C search for his family D gain success and wealth
41. in the long run
A immediately B after two years C after a short time D later in the future
42. in his field
A outdoor activity B indoor activity C occupation D expertise
Situation B: Cathy, Munirah and Swinder are dividing the work for their Civics project.
Cathy : So, do we agree that I will buy the material needed, Muni will key in and print the work while
Swinder will take the finished work to the shop to bind?
Munirah : Yes, everyone will have their fair share of work.
Swinder : We have a week to prepare and hand up the project. Will we have enough time?
Cathy : Sure, if everyone pulls their weight, we will be on time.
Munirah : Let’s give it our best shot. Puan Shaniza likes to display the best projects for everyone to see.
43. fair share of work
A equal amount of work B more than enough work
C just the right amount of work D segregate the task equally
44. pulls their weight
A stays up to work B works very hard C does their portion of work D bear the responsibility
45. give it our best shot
A work non-stop B do it very quickly C put in a lot of effort D make it as colourful a
Practice 8
Situation A: Someone calls Max as he is walking to his office.
Stranger : Hi, Max…is that you?
Max : Err…. I’m sorry. I can’t seemto place you although you look familiar to me.
Stranger: I’m Boon Hwa from your alma mater. We were in the same form but different classes.
Max : Oh, Boon Hwa, no wonder you look familiar. It has been a long time since we last met.
Stranger: Yes, we must exchange our telephone numbers. We should meet up again. There is a lot
of catching up to do.
Max : All right, it will be great to hear old stories and to see what you have up to all these years.
46. can’t seemto place you
A don’t know you B can’t forget you C can’t recognise you D someone introduces
47. alma mater
A old school B current school C previous company D former college
48. a lot of catching up to do
A no time to waste B a lot to talk about C something to tell you D nothing happening now
Situation B: Puan Rahimah and Mrs Boudville are wating for Mrs Sujit to arrive for their yoga class.
Puan Rahimah : Mrs Sujit has failed to turn up for class. I wonder why?
Mrs Boudville : She did say she was coming. Has the class commenced yet?
Puan Rahimah : It’s about to. We should call her to find out if anything is wrong.
Mrs Boudville : All right. May I borrow your mobile phone? Mine seems to be out of order.
Puan Rahimah : Sure. Here you are.
49. failed to turn up
A not come B not called C forgotten the class D late
50. the class commenced
A the class ended B the class started C the class been cancelled D the class been delayed
51. out of order
A lost B misplaced C not functioning D not working well
Practice 9
Situation A: Bing Khon and Salmah are hurrying away from meeting room.
Bing Khon : What a meeting! Our bosses seem to have fallen foul of each other.
Salmah : They were arguing like children!
Bing Khon : That’s why I thought we’d better make ourselves scarce until the situation is calm again.
Salmah : Yes, they didn’t even notice we were gone.
Bong Khon : Let’s wait for them to stop arguing before we go back in.
Salmah : After this, I would be quite tongue-tied if I was asked for my opinion!
52. fallen foul of each other
A made each other angry B taken each other’s job C made each other shout
53. make ourselves scarce
A disappear B keep quiet C look helpless D leave quickly
54. tongue-tied
A embarrassed B disappointed C unable to talk D reluctant to say
Situation B: Practice 21 pg 194
Situation B: Gerard and Nadia are discussing the charity concert their company is organising.
Gerard : How’s the concert coming along?
Nadia : Very well. I am just tying up some loose ends here. Once I organise the seating arrangement,
everything is done.
Gerard : Wow, this a relief. Last week, everything was at sixes and sevens. We didn’t even know if we
could get the singers to come!
Nadia : Thank goodness that’s all sorted out. It should be plain sailing from now on.
Gerard : There should not be any more problems. Let’s go home now.
55. tying up some loose ends here
A starting on a new project B finishing off some work C cleaning up the mess D clearing my desk
56. at sixes and sevens
A in confusion B not started yet C in perfect condition D super meticulous
57. plain sailing
A not easy B very easy C quite easy D complicated
Practice 10
Situation A: Xi Lin and Adeline are chatting during recess.
Xi Lin : You have been very quiet, Adeline. Is anything wrong?
Adeline: I’d rather not talk about it.
Xi Lin : Come on, don’t bottle up your feelings. Talking about it will help you fee; better.
Adeline: You see, my mother wants me to take up piano lessons but I rather not spend so much time learning
music. She is unhappy, I am unhappy. Well, in a nutshell, I don’t know what to do to make her
understand how I feel.
Xi Lin : Why don’t you just find something that you’d like to do and tell her about that? I’m sure your
mother just wants to see you learn a skill.
Adeline : I can’t. We are not on speaking terms right now.
58. don’t bottle up your feelings
A don’t talk about your problems B don’t keep your emotions inside
C don’t show everyone how you feel D isolate from others
59. take up
A run away B hand in C cooperate D participate
60. in a nutshell
A in short B in the end C the cause of the problem D in consequence
61. not on speaking terms
A not talking to each other B not discussing the problem
C not staying in the same house D not even looking at each other
Practice 11
Situation A: Arokiasamy advises his brother, Munianday, about a bogus investment scheme.
Muniandy : Someone approached me about joining a business where I only need to put in RM2000. I can get
good profits within three months.
Arokiasamy: Are your sure? There are a lot of bogus schemes out to cheat people of their money. My friend,
Anthony, joined one such scheme on the spur of the moment. He didn’t discuss it with anyone.
Munianday : What happened?
Arokiasamy: Later, he realised he was cheated. He made a fool of himself and lost RM1000.
Muniandy : I guess you are right. We need to work hard for our rewards. Promises of easy profits are also
likely signs of bogus schemes.
Arokiasamy : You should back out of these kind of investment schemes as fast as you can.
62. on the spur of the moment
A happily B suddenly C within one hour D after thinking about it
63. made a fool of himself
A hit himself B took a risky chance C did something stupid D felt guilty
64. back out
A get out B stay out C move away D save up
Situation B: Diane and Ameera are talking about the coming school holidays.
Diane: Hey, Ameera. The school holidays are just around the corner. Have you decided what to do with
your time?
Ameera: No, not really. What about you?
Diane: Well, I thought of taking up Line Dancing with my mum. Why don’t you join us?
Ameera: Line Dancing? No, thanks. That’s not my cup of tea at all!
Diane: At first, I thought the same way as you, but I started enjoying it after a while.
Ameera: I won’t ever. If I were to take up dance classes, I prefer dances with steps that are really energetic,
coupled with clothes are eye-catching.
Diane: Each to her own, I guess.
65. around the corner
A in a week’s time B coming soon C tomorrow D in a while
66. not my cup of tea
A something I hate B not what I like to do C not what I like to drink D not in my list
67. eye-catching
A modern B colourful C attractive D expensive
Practice 12
Situation A: Johan, Beng Hong and Vishnu are discussing their class performance for the year-end concert.
Johan : Hey, guys. Our class doesn’t have a performance for the year-end concert, but I have just had a
Beng Hong : What is it? I am all ears. We need to start practising for whatever we are to do. Start talking.
Johan : We can set up our own band. Vishnu and I can play guitar while you sing. We can perform the
latest pop songs. Let’s start practicing today.
Beng Hong : Hold on. What about our classmates?
Vishnu : Yes, what about them? They should have a say, too. After all, this should be a class effort, not
just the three of us.
Johan: All right, all. Let’s speak to the class and see what they think.
68. a brainwave
A a suggestion B a clever idea C some help from my parents
69. all ears
A glad to hear B eager to hear C closing my ears D trying to understand
70. set up
A compose B substitute C take D create
71. Hold on
A Hold your head high B Impatient C Hold your horses D Arrogant
72. have a say
A be in the band B listen to you first C first attempt D have the right to decide
73. After all
A Moreover B However C Although D Thus
Situation B: Saljit’s mother is talking to her about a friend.
Mother: Do you remember Miss Baswant?
Saljit: I think she used to come to our house when I was small.
Mother: Yes, we got to know each other when she worked in the hair salon that I used to go to.
Saljit: She has not visited us for years.
Mother: We lost touch when she went to India.
Saljit: I wonder what has become of her.
Mother: She’s an actress in Bollywood now! I saw her picture in a magazine.
74. got to know
A saw B talked to C liked about D made friends with
75. lost touch
A had a quarrel B stopped being friends C lost each other’s address D did not contact each other
76. what has become of her
A why she went away B who knows about her C when she will be back D what has happened to her
Practice 13
Situation A: Mee Chin is giving Tracy some notes.
Mee Chin : These are all the notes for this week’s lessons. I got my father to photocopy a set for you.
Tracy: Since I broke my arm, you have been helping me with the notes. I can’t thank you enough.
Mee Chin : Don’t be silly. That’s what friends are for.
Tracy: I’ll repay this favour somehow. If you ever need my help in the future, you know you can count
on me.
77. I can’t thank you enough
A I won’t thank you B I’ll thank you later C Thank you so much D I don’t know how to thank people
78. That’s what friends are for
A I’m a friendly person B I want to be your friend
C We have been friends for so long D That’s what friends are supposed to do
79. count on
A inform B depend on C work with D share with
Situation B:
Dear Brenda,
I sent a soft toy to your house yesterday. Hope you have received it. It’s one of my favourites. So,
do take care of it. I will let you in on something. Don’t tell anyone or I’ll be a laughing stock. I have 500
such soft toy animals! They have cost my parents a lot of money. I’m proud of my collection and I really take
the trouble to keep them clean. If you want one for your sister, Betty, do let me know.
80. will let you in
A it is a secret B keep a secret C tell you a secret D make it a secret
81. laughing stock
A someone who is always laughing B someone who is treated as ridiculous
C someone who likes to crack jokes D someone who is not taken seriously
82. take the trouble
A do such a stupid thing B find a better solution C face such problems D put in so much effort
Practice 14
Situation A:
Jenny is on the phone with Carol. She is telling Carol to meet her at the market. “Let’s meet for breakfast
today. We have not got together for ages”. Carol replies, “Sounds great. Since I have nothing better to do, I
will meet you. But why the market? You know that I can’t stand the smell of fish and the sight of chickens
being slaughtered”. Jenny smiles and says, “All right. We’ll meet somewhere else. How about Bern Cafe?”
“That’s better. See you in an hour,” shouts Carol.
83. for ages
A recently B regularly C for a while D for a long time
84. I have nothing better to do
A I am free B I need a break C I am in the mood D I am not feeling well
85. can’t stand
A cannot tolerate B find it boring to C do not understand D am not interested in
86. being slaughtered
A being murdered B being laughed C being tortured D being eaten
Situation B : Kassim is repairing Mrs Bawanee’s refrigerator.
Kassim: There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, yet your fridge is not cold. I can’t figure out what
the problem is.
Mrs Bawanee: What are you going to do now?
Kassim: I’ll have to take it back and check all the parts. It’ll take about two weeks.
Mrs Bawanee: I can’t do without a fridge for two weeks! I’m in two minds whether to have it repaired or to
buy a new one.
Kassim: Why don’t we loan you a fridge for the time being?
Mrs Bawanee: That’s very kind of you!
87. figure out
A check B remember C understand D inform you
88. take about
A cancel B take place C spend D participate
89. I’m in two minds
A I’ worried B I don’t mind C I’m undecided D I want your advice
90. for the time being
A for now B for later C as long as you like D any period of time
Practice 15
Situation A:
Good morning, students. The school Sports Day is tomorrow. I know many of you have put
your shoulders to the wheel. To these students, I say ‘thank you’. Always set high standards in whatever
you do. Work hard and you will reap the benefits. Those who put in minimum work will achieve little too. I
hope you take note of my advice and follow it. Be punctual on the sports field tomorrow.
91. put your shoulders to the wheel
A run fast B talked a lot C worked hard D practised much
92. set high standards
A aim high B jump high C from a height D pay a high price
93. reap the benefits
A win B make profits C achieve much D score good grades
Situation B: Kamala is teaching Norlia how to dye a skirt.
Norlia: Will my white skirt really become blue?
Kamala: If that’s what you want.
Norlia: Yes. I’m looking forward to seeing how you do it. It sounds like magic.
Kamala: It’s very simply really. Add the dye to the pail of water and stir it. Make sure the dye has dissolved
completely or there will be smudge on your skirt. Are you following me?
Norlia: Yes. What’s next?
Kamala: Put your skirt in the solution and turn it round in circles.
Norlia: Some parts of the skirt are not immersed in the solution.
Kamala: Don’t worry about that. Just keepon turning it round. You can hang it up to dry in a minutes’ time.
94. looking forward to
A interested in B quite sure about C paying attention to D spending some time
95. Are you following me
A Are you behind me? B Do you understand?
C Can you repeat what I said D Are you doing what I’m doing?
96. keepon
A try B stop C start D continue
Practice 16
Klang, Mon: An accident occured at Jalan King this morning when a van crashed into truck. Both drivers
were not injured. However, they blamed each other for the crash. The van driver, Ali said, “ The truck driver
was too much. After the crash, he wanted to fight with me”. Chee Keong defended himself by saying, “ I did
not blame him for the crash. What made me lose my cool was his behaviour. He shouted at me”. Ali denied
doing that. He merely said that Chee Keong tried to find fault with him so that he did not have to accept the
blame for the accident. Meanwhile, the police are investigating the cause of the accident.
97. too much
A silly B stupid C dishonest D unreasonable
98. lose my cool
A feel worried B become angry C become sad D feel embarrassed
99. Merely
A nearly B sooner C just D soonest
100. find fault with
A blame B frighten C prove to D explain to

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Paper 2 section c

  • 1. Section C: Closest in Meanings Practice 1 Situation A- Daniel is in a camp undergoing training for a few months. He talks to his friend, Ghafar. Daniel : I am finding it quite difficult to train under my supervisor. Ghafar: Why? What is wrong? Daniel: We can’t see eye to eye onmany things. I try not to argue but it is hard. Ghafar: Discipline is very strict here. You have to toe the line. You can’t do what you like. Daniel: I know. Luckily, this training is just for a short spell. Ghafar: We should be going home in three months’ time. Meanwhile, enjoy yourself. 1. can’t see eye to eye A can’t understand B can’t discuss C can’t relax D can’t agree 2. toe the line. A keep quiet all the time B look after yourself C stand straight D follow orders 3. a short spell. A a brief period of time B a quick lesson C one time D short spelling Situation B: Jagdeep’s friends, Hasnan and Nicholas, are unhappy with him for being late for their outing. Hasnan: Finally, you are here! You are always the last to come whenever we meet. Jagdeep: Hey, sorry, guys. The bus broke down just before my stop and I had to come on foot. Nicholas: Yeah, right. That’s the usual lame excuse you always give. Couldn’t you have taken an earlier bus? Jagdeep: I’ve already said I’m sorry! Hasnan: All right, all right. Since we’re friends here, we’ll let you off this time. Nicholas: Make sure it doesn’t happen again. 4. had to come on foot. A I had to walk B I had to take a taxi C I had to ask for a ride D I had to follow someone else 5. That’s the usual lame excuse A That’s not a good reason B That’s not telling the truth C That’s like all your previous reasons. 6. we’ll let you off A we’ll excuse you B we’ll be your friends C we’ll allow you to go D we’ll forget what happened Practice 2 Situation A: Anding asks his father for help with his Maths homework. Anding: Father, can you help me with this Maths problem? It’s a tough nut to crack. I can’t get the correct working for it. Father: Sure. Let me have a look. Anding: Well? Father: Sorry, son. I can’t make head or tail out of this. It has been a long time since I did Maths. Anding: It’s all right then. I shall ask my Maths teacher in class tomorrow. She should be able to solve this in a jiffy. She won’t take as long as us. Father: That’s what teachers are for! 7. a tough nut to crack A a trick question B difficult to solve C quite hard to chew D an unusual answer 8. can’t make head or tail out of this A didn’t learn Maths B can’t read it clearly C am unable to understand D can’t solve this equation 9. in a jiffy A quickly B mentally C without mistakes D meticulous
  • 2. Situation B - Dunggong has been working for a few years. He talks to his colleague, Julian. Julian : It’s 7 pm. Aren’t you going home yet? Dunggong: I can’t go yet. I’ve got a heavy workload and I have to clear it by tonight. Julian : You don’t have much time. You seem to have been given a raw deal. Dunggong: I think so too. I’m going all this so I can get more work experience. Then, I shall look for greener pastures elsewhere. Julian : I think you should speak to your supervisor first before you decide anything drastic. Dunggong: I’ m just tired. I shall be all right tomorrow. 10. a heavy workload A a lot of work B a lot of reading C double the amount of work D need to work for a overtime 11. a raw deal A everyone else’s work B unfair treatment C too much time D too little time 12. greener pastures A less work B a better job C a bigger company D another supervisor Practice 3 Situation A: Soo Cheng and Iliana are talking about what it will be like when they grow up. Soo Cheng: When I grow up, I want to buy a big house and live by myself. Then, I can do what I want without my parents nagging me. Iliana: That’s easiersaid than done, you know. You will need a lot of money. Soo Cheng: Well, I’ll get a job that pays a lot of money! Iliana: When you first start working, your pay won’t be a lot. You will likely be living from hand to mouth for a few years before you earn enough to buy anything. Soo Cheng: Do you think so? Oh dear, I need another plan. Maybe I can rent a room…. 13. live by myself A live alone B live comfortably C live without friends D lonesome 14. easiersaid than done A difficult to do B very easy to do C difficult to explain D easy to be done 15. living from hand to mouth A be too tired to eat B be working very hard C be doing everything yourself D have just enough money for basic needs Situaton B: Puan Leela and Mrs Lee are outside the supermarket. Puan Leela: it costs me a bomb just to buy groceries for the month. These few bags of groceries cost RM 200! Mrs Lee : I’m not surprised. The prices of things have gone up. I try to buy in bulk to get some savings. Puan Leela : That’s a good idea. We should try to do our grocery shopping together so we can get savings from bulk purchases. Mrs Lee : The other way is to tighten our belts and buy what we really need. Puan Leela : Yes, that seems to be the best way. 16. a bomb A a lot of money B a lot of trouble C a lot of searching D a lot of bargaining 17. buy in bulk A buy in large quantities B buy good quality goods C buy what is affordable D buy only local products 18. tighten our belts A earn more B spend less C eat out less often D live in frugally
  • 3. Practice 4 Situation A: Jimmy invites his roommate, Hazid, to go out. Jimmy: Do you want to go out for some tea, Hazid? Hazid : No, thanks. I don’t feel up to it. Jimmy: Come on, it’s still early. Dinner is hours away. Tell you what, I’ll buy you pisang goreng and teh tarik. Hazid : That’s very kind of you. You’re on! Jimmy: That’s the spirit. We can chat about our day at college and share some notes. Hazid : Where are we off to? Jimmy: We’ll walk to the stalls around the corner. 19. I don’t feel up to it A don’t take tea B don’t feel like going C don’t feel it is a good idea D don’t like drinking 20. You’re on! A I accept B You go on alone C Let me think about it D Appreciate it 21. Where are we off to? A Are we going now? B How are we going? C When are we going? D Where are we going? 22. around the corner A corridor B environment C atmosphere D surrounding Situation B: Joey and Miranda are going to visit a relative’s house. Mother gives some last-minute advice. Mother: Now, this is the first time you are visiting Aunt Myrtle. So, mind your manners. Joey : Of course, Mother. We will say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ all the time. Miranda: We will be careful not to speak broken English since Aunt Myrtle is very particular about speaking proper English. Mother : Good. Please also remember Aunt Myrtle is old and can’t hear very well. So, you will have to speak louder, but do not raise your voices to her. Joey : We’ll remember, Mother. Mother : Go along and have a good time. Aunt Myrtle has plenty of interesting stories about the family. 23. mind your manners A be careful how you behave B remember to keep quiet C always say ‘thank you’ D think before you say 24. broken English A difficult English B English with an accent C English with mistakes in it D English with bad words in it 25. do not raise your voices A do not shout B do not giggle C do not scream D do not whisper Practice 5 Situation A: Julie accidentally cuts her finger doing a class project. Diana is with her. Julie : Ow! My finger---- it’s bleeding. Diana: Oh my goodness, such a lot of blood. I can’t stand the sight of blood. Julie : What’s wrong with you? It’s just a cut. Diana: I can’t help it. I just feel queasy every time I see blood. Julie: Please get a plaster from the pocket at the side of my school bag. Diana: Here you are. Ooh… blood makes my hair stand on end. Julie : I sure hope you don’t end up working in a blood bank when you are older. 26. can’t stand the sight of A can’t even look at B can’t even work with C can’t even think about D can’t even remember
  • 4. 27. I can’t help it A I don’t like it B I can’t explain it C I can;t think about it D I don’t feel anything 28. blood makes my hair stand on end A puzzles me B irritates me C surprises me D frightens me Situation B: Mrs Wong and Madam Rajes are chatting about the weather. Mrs Wong : We have been experiencing dismal weather lately. Madam Rajes: That’s right. It has been raining cats and dogs. Mrs Wong : I have been waiting to take my children to the park for a picnic for them to get some exercise. However, the weather has put paid to my plans. Madam Rajes : Hopefully, we will get clear skies this weekend. Then, you can still go for your picnic. Mrs Wong : I hope so, too. The children were looking forward to our outing. You and your children can join us, too. 29. dismal weather A bad weather B fair weather C good weather D average weather 30. raining cats and dogs A cloudy B drizzling C raining heavily D ice crystals 31. put paid to A spoilt B damaged C postponed D terminate Practice 6 Situation A: Sujen and Amitha discuss celebrating Mother’s Day. Sujen : You know, Mother has always sloggedto look after us. Amitha: Yes, she doesn’t get much rest. Day and night, she is always here for us. Sujen : What can we get her? It is Mother’s Day this Sunday. Amitha: What if we take over all the housework this weekend? We can ask Father to help out too. Sujen : That’s good idea. Then, Mother can put her feet up for the whole weekend. Amitha : We shouldn’t stop at that. We should continue to take over the chores that we can do every day. 32. always slogged A suffered B sacrificed C worked hard D saved money 33. Day and night A At night B All the time C During the day D Most of the time 34. put her feet up A take a rest B go out for a while C have a foot massage D take a bathe 35. take over A hand over B get up C pass away D pass by Situation B: Johnny looks at Hanif’s sports shoes. Johnny : Your shoes have seenbetter days, Hanif. Hanif : This is my only pair. It is also my first pair of sports shoes. I’ve had them since I was in Form One. Johnny : Why don’t you get a new pair? Hanif : I want to, but I’m broke. I’m saving up, but it will take some time. Johnny : We have a futsal game this Saturday. I could loan you my other pair. We are of the same size. Hanif : That’s very kind of you, Johnny. Thanks a lot. 36. have seenbetter days A are too small B are new but dirty C are in a bad condition D are not the latest design
  • 5. 37. I’m broke A I am stingy B I have no money C I am saving my money D I used my money for today 38. loan you A lend you B give to you C borrow from you D take for granted Practice 7 Situation A: Kian Seng comes upon Haikal sitting by himself. Kian Seng: Haikal, what’s happening? You are lost in thought! Haikal : Oh hi, KIan Seng. I didn’t notice you. I was thinking about my uncle who has decided to immigrate to Australia to seek his fortune. Kian Seng : Wow, that’s a major decision. Haikal : He feels it will be better for him and his family in the long run. Kian Seng : There are always advantages and disadvantages in any major decision. Haikal : The attractive pay as a specialist in his field is a big advantage for him. 39. lost in thought A daydreaming B looking very lost C thinking very hard D very confident 40. to seek his fortune A look for a job B become a citizen C search for his family D gain success and wealth 41. in the long run A immediately B after two years C after a short time D later in the future 42. in his field A outdoor activity B indoor activity C occupation D expertise Situation B: Cathy, Munirah and Swinder are dividing the work for their Civics project. Cathy : So, do we agree that I will buy the material needed, Muni will key in and print the work while Swinder will take the finished work to the shop to bind? Munirah : Yes, everyone will have their fair share of work. Swinder : We have a week to prepare and hand up the project. Will we have enough time? Cathy : Sure, if everyone pulls their weight, we will be on time. Munirah : Let’s give it our best shot. Puan Shaniza likes to display the best projects for everyone to see. 43. fair share of work A equal amount of work B more than enough work C just the right amount of work D segregate the task equally 44. pulls their weight A stays up to work B works very hard C does their portion of work D bear the responsibility 45. give it our best shot A work non-stop B do it very quickly C put in a lot of effort D make it as colourful a possible
  • 6. Practice 8 Situation A: Someone calls Max as he is walking to his office. Stranger : Hi, Max…is that you? Max : Err…. I’m sorry. I can’t seemto place you although you look familiar to me. Stranger: I’m Boon Hwa from your alma mater. We were in the same form but different classes. Max : Oh, Boon Hwa, no wonder you look familiar. It has been a long time since we last met. Stranger: Yes, we must exchange our telephone numbers. We should meet up again. There is a lot of catching up to do. Max : All right, it will be great to hear old stories and to see what you have up to all these years. 46. can’t seemto place you A don’t know you B can’t forget you C can’t recognise you D someone introduces 47. alma mater A old school B current school C previous company D former college 48. a lot of catching up to do A no time to waste B a lot to talk about C something to tell you D nothing happening now Situation B: Puan Rahimah and Mrs Boudville are wating for Mrs Sujit to arrive for their yoga class. Puan Rahimah : Mrs Sujit has failed to turn up for class. I wonder why? Mrs Boudville : She did say she was coming. Has the class commenced yet? Puan Rahimah : It’s about to. We should call her to find out if anything is wrong. Mrs Boudville : All right. May I borrow your mobile phone? Mine seems to be out of order. Puan Rahimah : Sure. Here you are. 49. failed to turn up A not come B not called C forgotten the class D late 50. the class commenced A the class ended B the class started C the class been cancelled D the class been delayed 51. out of order A lost B misplaced C not functioning D not working well Practice 9 Situation A: Bing Khon and Salmah are hurrying away from meeting room. Bing Khon : What a meeting! Our bosses seem to have fallen foul of each other. Salmah : They were arguing like children! Bing Khon : That’s why I thought we’d better make ourselves scarce until the situation is calm again. Salmah : Yes, they didn’t even notice we were gone. Bong Khon : Let’s wait for them to stop arguing before we go back in. Salmah : After this, I would be quite tongue-tied if I was asked for my opinion! 52. fallen foul of each other A made each other angry B taken each other’s job C made each other shout 53. make ourselves scarce A disappear B keep quiet C look helpless D leave quickly 54. tongue-tied A embarrassed B disappointed C unable to talk D reluctant to say
  • 7. Situation B: Practice 21 pg 194 Situation B: Gerard and Nadia are discussing the charity concert their company is organising. Gerard : How’s the concert coming along? Nadia : Very well. I am just tying up some loose ends here. Once I organise the seating arrangement, everything is done. Gerard : Wow, this a relief. Last week, everything was at sixes and sevens. We didn’t even know if we could get the singers to come! Nadia : Thank goodness that’s all sorted out. It should be plain sailing from now on. Gerard : There should not be any more problems. Let’s go home now. 55. tying up some loose ends here A starting on a new project B finishing off some work C cleaning up the mess D clearing my desk 56. at sixes and sevens A in confusion B not started yet C in perfect condition D super meticulous 57. plain sailing A not easy B very easy C quite easy D complicated Practice 10 Situation A: Xi Lin and Adeline are chatting during recess. Xi Lin : You have been very quiet, Adeline. Is anything wrong? Adeline: I’d rather not talk about it. Xi Lin : Come on, don’t bottle up your feelings. Talking about it will help you fee; better. Adeline: You see, my mother wants me to take up piano lessons but I rather not spend so much time learning music. She is unhappy, I am unhappy. Well, in a nutshell, I don’t know what to do to make her understand how I feel. Xi Lin : Why don’t you just find something that you’d like to do and tell her about that? I’m sure your mother just wants to see you learn a skill. Adeline : I can’t. We are not on speaking terms right now. 58. don’t bottle up your feelings A don’t talk about your problems B don’t keep your emotions inside C don’t show everyone how you feel D isolate from others 59. take up A run away B hand in C cooperate D participate 60. in a nutshell A in short B in the end C the cause of the problem D in consequence 61. not on speaking terms A not talking to each other B not discussing the problem C not staying in the same house D not even looking at each other Practice 11 Situation A: Arokiasamy advises his brother, Munianday, about a bogus investment scheme. Muniandy : Someone approached me about joining a business where I only need to put in RM2000. I can get good profits within three months. Arokiasamy: Are your sure? There are a lot of bogus schemes out to cheat people of their money. My friend, Anthony, joined one such scheme on the spur of the moment. He didn’t discuss it with anyone. Munianday : What happened? Arokiasamy: Later, he realised he was cheated. He made a fool of himself and lost RM1000. Muniandy : I guess you are right. We need to work hard for our rewards. Promises of easy profits are also likely signs of bogus schemes.
  • 8. Arokiasamy : You should back out of these kind of investment schemes as fast as you can. 62. on the spur of the moment A happily B suddenly C within one hour D after thinking about it 63. made a fool of himself A hit himself B took a risky chance C did something stupid D felt guilty 64. back out A get out B stay out C move away D save up Situation B: Diane and Ameera are talking about the coming school holidays. Diane: Hey, Ameera. The school holidays are just around the corner. Have you decided what to do with your time? Ameera: No, not really. What about you? Diane: Well, I thought of taking up Line Dancing with my mum. Why don’t you join us? Ameera: Line Dancing? No, thanks. That’s not my cup of tea at all! Diane: At first, I thought the same way as you, but I started enjoying it after a while. Ameera: I won’t ever. If I were to take up dance classes, I prefer dances with steps that are really energetic, coupled with clothes are eye-catching. Diane: Each to her own, I guess. 65. around the corner A in a week’s time B coming soon C tomorrow D in a while 66. not my cup of tea A something I hate B not what I like to do C not what I like to drink D not in my list 67. eye-catching A modern B colourful C attractive D expensive Practice 12 Situation A: Johan, Beng Hong and Vishnu are discussing their class performance for the year-end concert. Johan : Hey, guys. Our class doesn’t have a performance for the year-end concert, but I have just had a brainwave. Beng Hong : What is it? I am all ears. We need to start practising for whatever we are to do. Start talking. Johan : We can set up our own band. Vishnu and I can play guitar while you sing. We can perform the latest pop songs. Let’s start practicing today. Beng Hong : Hold on. What about our classmates? Vishnu : Yes, what about them? They should have a say, too. After all, this should be a class effort, not just the three of us. Johan: All right, all. Let’s speak to the class and see what they think. 68. a brainwave A a suggestion B a clever idea C some help from my parents 69. all ears A glad to hear B eager to hear C closing my ears D trying to understand 70. set up A compose B substitute C take D create 71. Hold on A Hold your head high B Impatient C Hold your horses D Arrogant 72. have a say A be in the band B listen to you first C first attempt D have the right to decide 73. After all
  • 9. A Moreover B However C Although D Thus Situation B: Saljit’s mother is talking to her about a friend. Mother: Do you remember Miss Baswant? Saljit: I think she used to come to our house when I was small. Mother: Yes, we got to know each other when she worked in the hair salon that I used to go to. Saljit: She has not visited us for years. Mother: We lost touch when she went to India. Saljit: I wonder what has become of her. Mother: She’s an actress in Bollywood now! I saw her picture in a magazine. 74. got to know A saw B talked to C liked about D made friends with 75. lost touch A had a quarrel B stopped being friends C lost each other’s address D did not contact each other 76. what has become of her A why she went away B who knows about her C when she will be back D what has happened to her Practice 13 Situation A: Mee Chin is giving Tracy some notes. Mee Chin : These are all the notes for this week’s lessons. I got my father to photocopy a set for you. Tracy: Since I broke my arm, you have been helping me with the notes. I can’t thank you enough. Mee Chin : Don’t be silly. That’s what friends are for. Tracy: I’ll repay this favour somehow. If you ever need my help in the future, you know you can count on me. 77. I can’t thank you enough A I won’t thank you B I’ll thank you later C Thank you so much D I don’t know how to thank people 78. That’s what friends are for A I’m a friendly person B I want to be your friend C We have been friends for so long D That’s what friends are supposed to do 79. count on A inform B depend on C work with D share with Situation B: Dear Brenda, I sent a soft toy to your house yesterday. Hope you have received it. It’s one of my favourites. So, do take care of it. I will let you in on something. Don’t tell anyone or I’ll be a laughing stock. I have 500 such soft toy animals! They have cost my parents a lot of money. I’m proud of my collection and I really take the trouble to keep them clean. If you want one for your sister, Betty, do let me know. Love, Ann 80. will let you in A it is a secret B keep a secret C tell you a secret D make it a secret 81. laughing stock A someone who is always laughing B someone who is treated as ridiculous C someone who likes to crack jokes D someone who is not taken seriously 82. take the trouble A do such a stupid thing B find a better solution C face such problems D put in so much effort
  • 10. Practice 14 Situation A: Jenny is on the phone with Carol. She is telling Carol to meet her at the market. “Let’s meet for breakfast today. We have not got together for ages”. Carol replies, “Sounds great. Since I have nothing better to do, I will meet you. But why the market? You know that I can’t stand the smell of fish and the sight of chickens being slaughtered”. Jenny smiles and says, “All right. We’ll meet somewhere else. How about Bern Cafe?” “That’s better. See you in an hour,” shouts Carol. 83. for ages A recently B regularly C for a while D for a long time 84. I have nothing better to do A I am free B I need a break C I am in the mood D I am not feeling well 85. can’t stand A cannot tolerate B find it boring to C do not understand D am not interested in 86. being slaughtered A being murdered B being laughed C being tortured D being eaten Situation B : Kassim is repairing Mrs Bawanee’s refrigerator. Kassim: There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong, yet your fridge is not cold. I can’t figure out what the problem is. Mrs Bawanee: What are you going to do now? Kassim: I’ll have to take it back and check all the parts. It’ll take about two weeks. Mrs Bawanee: I can’t do without a fridge for two weeks! I’m in two minds whether to have it repaired or to buy a new one. Kassim: Why don’t we loan you a fridge for the time being? Mrs Bawanee: That’s very kind of you! 87. figure out A check B remember C understand D inform you 88. take about A cancel B take place C spend D participate 89. I’m in two minds A I’ worried B I don’t mind C I’m undecided D I want your advice 90. for the time being A for now B for later C as long as you like D any period of time Practice 15 Situation A: Good morning, students. The school Sports Day is tomorrow. I know many of you have put your shoulders to the wheel. To these students, I say ‘thank you’. Always set high standards in whatever you do. Work hard and you will reap the benefits. Those who put in minimum work will achieve little too. I hope you take note of my advice and follow it. Be punctual on the sports field tomorrow. 91. put your shoulders to the wheel A run fast B talked a lot C worked hard D practised much 92. set high standards A aim high B jump high C from a height D pay a high price 93. reap the benefits A win B make profits C achieve much D score good grades
  • 11. Situation B: Kamala is teaching Norlia how to dye a skirt. Norlia: Will my white skirt really become blue? Kamala: If that’s what you want. Norlia: Yes. I’m looking forward to seeing how you do it. It sounds like magic. Kamala: It’s very simply really. Add the dye to the pail of water and stir it. Make sure the dye has dissolved completely or there will be smudge on your skirt. Are you following me? Norlia: Yes. What’s next? Kamala: Put your skirt in the solution and turn it round in circles. Norlia: Some parts of the skirt are not immersed in the solution. Kamala: Don’t worry about that. Just keepon turning it round. You can hang it up to dry in a minutes’ time. 94. looking forward to A interested in B quite sure about C paying attention to D spending some time 95. Are you following me A Are you behind me? B Do you understand? C Can you repeat what I said D Are you doing what I’m doing? 96. keepon A try B stop C start D continue Practice 16 Klang, Mon: An accident occured at Jalan King this morning when a van crashed into truck. Both drivers were not injured. However, they blamed each other for the crash. The van driver, Ali said, “ The truck driver was too much. After the crash, he wanted to fight with me”. Chee Keong defended himself by saying, “ I did not blame him for the crash. What made me lose my cool was his behaviour. He shouted at me”. Ali denied doing that. He merely said that Chee Keong tried to find fault with him so that he did not have to accept the blame for the accident. Meanwhile, the police are investigating the cause of the accident. 97. too much A silly B stupid C dishonest D unreasonable 98. lose my cool A feel worried B become angry C become sad D feel embarrassed 99. Merely A nearly B sooner C just D soonest 100. find fault with A blame B frighten C prove to D explain to