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Coast and Factors Affecting Coastal
Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions
1. Where is the coast?
2. Why are coastal environments dynamic?
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Define the coast.
2.Explain the factors affecting coastal
Where is the coast?Where is the coast?
Where is the coast?Where is the coast?
Where is the coast?Where is the coast?
• The area where the land meets the sea.
• Covers the area of land that is affected by
waves and tides.
Factors Affecting CoastalFactors Affecting Coastal
1. Waves
2. Tides and sea level changes
3. Currents
4. Geology
5. Types of ecosystems
6. Human activities
• A wave is a long body of water that curls into
an arched form which breaks onto the coast.
• Waves are formed when kinetic energy from
wind blowing across surface of seas and
oceans is transferred to the water.
• Waves affect coastal environments by serving
as the main agent for the coastal processes of
erosion, transportation and deposition.
Tides and Sea Level ChangesTides and Sea Level Changes
• Tides refer to the daily alternate rise and fall in
the sea level caused mainly by effects of
gravitational pull of the moon and sun.
• Tides affect coastal environments as they
determines the activity of coastal processes. For
example, erosion and transportation processes
are more dominant during high tides then low
• Changes in sea levels may release massive
volumes of water into seas and oceans, thereby
creating new coastlines.
• Ocean currents are large-scale, continuous
movement of water in seas and oceans driven
largely by prevailing wind which generally
blow in one direction.
• Ocean currents affect coastal environments
as they carry massive amounts of energy,
which influences the extent and intensity of
coastal processes.
• Geology refers to the arrangement and
composition of rock.
• Geology affects coastal environments as
more resistant rocks such as granite and
basalt erodes slower than less resistant rocks
such as limestone and shale.
• Rocks with more cracks and joints are more
vulnerable to erosion.
Types of EcosystemsTypes of Ecosystems
• The type of ecosystem influences coastal
environments through their interactions
with coastal processes.
• For example, coastal ecosystems serve as
natural barriers that slow down the speed
and impact of waves on coasts.
• Mangroves ecosystems, in addition to serving
as natural barriers, traps sediments hence
reduce coastal erosion.
Human ActivitiesHuman Activities
• Human activities influence coastal
environments through activities such as
shipping, recreational activities and building
and operating marine structures.
• These activities can result in significant
changes to the coast over short periods of
Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions
1. What influences wave energy?
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Describe the factors influencing wave energy.
2.Describe the different types of waves and
their associated landforms.
Wave TerminologyWave Terminology
Factors InfluencingFactors Influencing
Wave EnergyWave Energy
1. Wind speed
2. Duration of wind
3. Fetch
1. Wind Speed1. Wind Speed
• The faster the wind blows, the greater the
wave energy is.
2. Duration of Wind2. Duration of Wind
• The longer the wind blows, the larger the
waves are and the greater the wave energy.
3. Fetch3. Fetch
• Refers to the
distance travelled by
winds over open
• The greater the
fetch, the more
energy the waves
Waves close to the coastlineWaves close to the coastline
Wave MovementsWave Movements
• All waves have two movements.
– Swash
• Forward movement of waves.
• Transports sediments up the shore.
– Backwash
• Waves that flow back to the sea due to gravity.
• Transports sediments back to the sea.
Types of wavesTypes of waves
• Constructive waves
• Destructive waves
Waves and LandformsWaves and Landforms
• Constructive waves form depositional
– Bay
– Beach
– Spit
– Tombolo
Waves and LandformsWaves and Landforms
• Destructive waves form erosional landforms.
– Headland
– Cliff
– Shore platform/Wavecut platform
– Cave
– Arch
– Stack
Shore platform
Sea cave
• Compare the difference between
constructive waves and destructive waves.
Wave Refraction
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Explain the process of wave refraction.
Wave RefractionWave Refraction
• Refers to the process whereby wave speed
and direction changes as waves encounter
different depth of water.
Wave RefractionWave Refraction
• Wave speed is reduced and wave direction
changes as waves encounter friction from the
• Waves experience more friction from the
steeper seabed in front of headlands and
• This increased wave height and wave
frequency which lead to more erosion at the
Wave RefractionWave Refraction
• Waves experience less friction from the
gentler seabed when it enters the bay than
the headlands and diverges.
• This decreased wave height and wave
frequency which lead to less erosion at the
bay area.
1. Waves converge at
the headland.
2. Waves diverge at
the bay.
Coastal Processes
Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions
1. What are coastal processes?
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Describe coastal processes.
Coastal ProcessesCoastal Processes
1. Erosion
2. Transportation
3. Deposition
Coastal ErosionCoastal Erosion
• Hydraulic action
• Abrasion or Corrasion
• Attrition
• Solution or Corrosion
HHydraulic Actionydraulic Action
• Waves striking against
a rock surface trap air
in its joints.
• This air is compressed
by the oncoming
waves, exerting
pressure on the joints.
• Over time, these joints
weaken and the rocks
Abrasion orAbrasion or CCorrasionorrasion
• As waves break, sediments carried by waves
such as sand and rocks are hurled against the
• These loosened sediments knock and scrape
against the coastal cliffs. This weakens the
surface, resulting in the breaking down of the
• Over time, the impact from abrasion is
powerful enough to undercut a cliff.
• When rock particles carried by waves rub or
hit against one another, they break down
into smaller pieces and become smoother
and more rounded over time.
• Sea water reacts chemically with water-
soluble minerals in coastal rocks and
dissolves them.
• For example, limestone rocks are easily
eroded by carbonic acid in solution.
• When solution of minerals occurs, rocks are
weakened and will eventually disintegrate.
• Describe how coasts are eroded. [2]
• Coasts are eroded in the following ways
namely hydraulic action, attrition, abrasion
and solution.
• Hydraulic action refers to…
• Attrition refers to…
Coastal TransportationCoastal Transportation
• Waves approach the coast diagonally/at an
oblique angle and create longshore currents,
which are currents that flow parallel to the
Coastal TransportationCoastal Transportation
• Swash carries material up the beach
diagonally/at the same oblique angle.
• while backwash carries material down the
beach perpendicularly/at right angle due to
the pull of gravity.
• This results in a zig-zag movement of
materials along the beach known as beach
Coastal TransportationCoastal Transportation
• Both longshore currents and beach drift
transport sediments along the coast.
• The combined effect of sediment movement
by longshore currents and beach drift is
known as longshore drift.
Coastal DepositionCoastal Deposition
• Waves deposit when wave energy decreases
such that waves are unable to carry
• Larger sediments are deposited first followed
by smaller sediments.
Coastal DepositionCoastal Deposition
• Deposition is more dominant along sheltered
coasts where destructive waves are less
• With the use of a well-labeled diagram,
explain how transportation takes place along
the coast. [6]
Coastal Landforms
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Explain the formation of cliffs and shore
platforms/wavecut platforms.
Cliffs & Shore PlatformsCliffs & Shore Platforms
• Hydraulic action and
abrasion attack lines of
weakness on the rock
surface forming a notch
• As erosion continues, the
notch deepens and develops
into a seacave, which is an
underground chamber with
an overhanging roof.
Cliffs & Shore PlatformsCliffs & Shore Platforms
• Overtime, the overhanging roof
collapses due to the force of
gravity, forming a steep rock face
known as a cliff.
• The materials from the collapsed
roof are carried by waves and
thrown against the base of the
cliff, causing further erosion.
• As this process repeats overtime,
the cliff will retreat inland,
leaving a gently-sloping platform
known as a shore platform.
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Explain the formation of headlands and bays.
2.Explain the formation of caves, arches and
Headlands and BaysHeadlands and Bays
• Formed when
alternate bands of
more resistant and
less resistant rocks
are arranged at right
angles to the coast.
Headlands and BaysHeadlands and Bays
• The less resistant rocks
erodes faster than the
more resistant rocks,
forming wide indented
coasts, known as bays.
• The remaining more
resistant rocks extend
into the sea and are
known as headlands.
Blue Grotto, Italy
• Waves attack lines of
weakness and
undercut the base of
• Continuous action of
waves hollowed out
the headland,
forming a cave.
Cabo San Lucas
• As wave action
continues, adjacent
caves are eventually
eroded through and
joins, leaving a
bridge of rock
known as an arch.
12 Apostles, Australia
• After a period of
time, the roof of the
arch collapses due to
the force of gravity
to form a pillar of
rock in the sea,
known as a stack.
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Explain the formation of spits and tombolos.
• As the direction of the
coastline changes abruptly,
longshore drift continues
to transport materials in
the original direction for
some distance.
• This results in the
deposition of transported
beach materials into the
sea, which accumulate over
• As the materials continue to
accumulate, they eventually
appear above the surface as a
long narrow ridge of sand or
pebbles with one end
attached to the land, which is
known as a spit.
• Wave refraction acting on the
end of the spit eventually
causes it to curve, forming a
hooked spit.
• If an offshore island lies near the mainland where
the spit is forming, the spit may continue to extend
until it connects the offshore island to the mainland,
forming a tombolo.
• With the aid of well-labelled diagrams,
explain how a cliff is formed. [7]
Coastal ecosystems
Guiding QuestionGuiding Question
1. What are the ecosystem services that people
can obtain from the coastal ecosystem?
By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson…
We will be able to,
1.Describe the four key ecosystem services
obtainable from coastal ecosystem.
Ecosystem ServicesEcosystem Services
1. Provisioning services
2. Regulating services
3. Cultural services
4. Supporting services
Ecosystem ServicesEcosystem Services
1. What does the coast provide?
2. What does the coast regulate?
3. What culture does the coast inculcate?
4. What does the coast support?
1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services
a. Fish and other types of seafood
b. Water
c. Building and ornamental materials
1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services
a. The coast provides fish and other types of
seafood which serves as the main dietary
protein for more than 1 billion people and
provides employment and income for over
100 million.
1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services
b. The coast also provides water as seawater
can be desalinated to become drinking
water. For example, Singapore practices
desalination to ensure the sustainability of
fresh water.
1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services
c. In addition, the coast is a source of building
and ornamental materials. For example,
mangroves is a source of wood that can be
used for building boats, houses and
converted into charcoal. Corals can also be
crushed and made into cement or made into
ornaments for sale as souvenirs.
2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services
a. Shoreline stabilization
b. Flood prevention
c. Storm and natural hazard protection
2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services
a. The coast helps to stabilize the shoreline
as coral reefs and mangroves cause waves to
break and lose their energy, thereby
reducing the impact of shoreline erosion
hence protecting existing shoreline.
2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services
b. The coast helps to prevent floods as sandy
beaches are able to disperse water and sand
dunes act as natural barriers to advancing
waters, thereby reducing the risk of
2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services
c. The coast provides protection against
storms and natural hazards. For example
mangroves and corals offers protection
against heavy storms and tsunamis as wave
energy is absorbed or reduced hence
reducing the full impact of destructive
waves on the coast.
3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services
a. Recreational benefits
b. Aesthetic benefits
c. Spiritual benefits
3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services
a. The coast provides recreational benefits
as they are popular venues for leisure
activities such as swimming and sailing. For
example, Gold Coast, Australia, with its 60
kilometres of beach, attracts around 1o
million visitors every year.
3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services
b. The coast also provides aesthetic benefits
as they are scenic places which draw visitors
who enjoy the quietness of the sea and
people who appreciate nature.
3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services
c. Coasts are spiritual places especially for
coastal communities that depend on the
seas for their livelihood. For example, it is
common to find temples dedicated to sea
deities along the coasts of Taiwan and Bali,
4. Supporting Services4. Supporting Services
a. Mangrove habitat
b. Beach habitat
4. Supporting Services4. Supporting Services
a. The coast supports mangroves habitats as
the area between the roots, mud and water
of mangroves provide living creatures with
food, protection from predators and
grounds for breeding.
4. Supporting Services4. Supporting Services
b. The coast supports beach habitats which
play key roles in the life cycles of various sea
creatures. For example, fish fry swims in the
shallow waters and gain size before
venturing into deeper waters and sea turtles
lay their eggs in the beach sand.
People and Coastal Areas
By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson
We will be able to
1.Describe how the coast is useful to people.
Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions
1. How do people use coastal areas?
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
1. Fisheries and aquaculture
2. Housing and transportation
3. Tourism and recreation
4. Ports, harbours and piers
5. Wind farming
6. Desalination
7. Sand mining, salt extraction
8. Oil refining
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Fisheries and aquaculture activities are
found along coast which refers to the farming
of fish in fisheries or fish farms to meet the
growing demand of fish.
• For example, the province of Ca Mau in
Vietnam is the nation’s shrimp production
centre and generates US$800 million in
revenue in 2010.
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Coastal areas are spaces for housing and
transportation and many people make use of
boats as transport to facilitate economic
activities like fishing and tourism.
• For example, the people living in stilt houses
and floating fish farms in the coastal town of
Kukup, Malaysia, uses boat ferry services to
carry out their daily activities.
Kukup, Malaysia
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Coastal areas are popular spaces for tourism
and recreation activities and make up the
most important component of international
• For example, the pristine beaches of Sentosa,
Singapore is a popular tourism honeypot that
drew millions of tourists every year.
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Coastal areas are home to ports, harbours
and piers which are gateways to foreign
• For example, the Port of Shanghai, connected
by the Yangtze River, serves the vast
economically-developed areas of Anhui,
Jiangsu and Zhejiang and moved 650 million
tons of goods in 2010 to become the world’s
busiest port.
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Higher wind speeds are available offshore
compared to on land, hence wind farming
operations can be conducted along coastal
• For example, the Greater Gabbard Wind
Farm off the coast of Suffolk in England is the
largest offshore wind farm in the world and
estimated to generate 1.75TWh per year.
Greater Gabbard Wind Farm, England
Lillgrund Wind Farm Sweden
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Sea water can be desalinated to produce fish
water by removing salt and other minerals
from the saline water to produce fresh water
suitable for human consumption or irrigation.
• For example Australia, being the driest
continent has invested heavily on desalination
plants to boost drinking water supplies that
traditionally depended on rainfall collected
from behind dams.
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Coastal areas are sources of sand that can be
mined or extracted for nourishing erosional
beaches or for construction.
• For example, about 219,000 cubic metres of
sand is mined yearly from Kaipara Harbour,
New Zealand to produce concrete for
construction and asphalt for surfacing roads.
Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas
• Oil refining refers to the processing of crude
oil into refined products such as petroleum,
diesel and gasoline and are commonly found
along coastal areas for easy access to ports.
• For example, large oil refining plants are
located on the offshore island of Jurong
Island, Singapore with the capacity to refine
over a million barrels of crude oil per day.
Coral Reef Ecosystems
Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions
1. Why are costal reef ecosystems distinctive
and valuable?
2. What pressures are coral reefs facing?
By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson
We will be able to
1.Describe the global distribution of coral reef
2.Describe the favorable conditions for growth.
3.Explain the value of coral reef ecosystems in
the coastal environment.
4.Describe the pressures on coral reef
• Mostly found between the Tropic of Cancer
and the Tropic of Capricorn.
• Highest concentration in Southeast Asia.
Conditions for GrowthConditions for Growth
Conditions for GrowthConditions for Growth
• Suitably strong wave action that brings food and
oxygen supplies.
• Low levels of sedimentation to prevents
suffocating living corals.
• Sea surface temperature not lower than 17°C.
• Average salinity.
• Clear water between 10 – 60m to allow sunlight
to penetrate for algae to photosynthesis.
• Low turbidity.
Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs
1. Supports natural ecosystems
2. Absorbs wave energy
3. Serves as tourist attractions
4. Source of materials for jewelry and
Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs
1. Coral reef supports natural ecosystems by
sustaining a wide range of marine creatures
to breed and grow which include more than
25% of marine fish species.
Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs
2. Coral reefs protect the coast against the full
force of waves by serving as natural
protective barriers that absorb wave
energy generated in the open seas.
Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs
3. Coral reefs are tourist attractions that
attract divers and beach goers whose
activities provide jobs and income for
tourist industry.
Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs
4. Corals is a source of materials for making
jewelry and ornaments which can then be
sold as souvenirs to tourists, thereby
generating jobs and income for the local
Pressures on Coral ReefsPressures on Coral Reefs
1. Overfishing
2. Irresponsible fishing methods
3. Recreational use of coast
4. Pollution
5. Siltation
6. Costal development
7. Climate change
• Describe two pressures faced by coral reefs.
Mangroves Ecosystems
Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions
1. Why are mangroves ecosystems distinctive
and valuable?
2. What are the pressures on mangroves?
By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson
We will be able to
1.Describe the global distribution of mangroves.
2.Describe the value of the mangrove
ecosystem in the coastal environment.
3.Describe the pressures on mangrove
• Along coasts of countries between the Tropic
of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
• For example, in countries of Southeast Asia,
Venezuela and Brazil in South America and
Senegal and Sierra Leone in Africa.
• Patches of mangroves north of the Tropic of
Cancer along the coasts of Mexico and south
of the Tropic of Capricorn along the coasts of
Zonation of MangrovesZonation of Mangroves
Adapting to theAdapting to the
Coastal environmentCoastal environment
• Trees such as the
Avicennia have
pencil-liked aerial
roots that enable
them to take in
oxygen in
Adapting to theAdapting to the
Coastal environmentCoastal environment
• Trees such as the
Rhizophora have
prop roots that
enable them to
anchor to the soft,
muddy ground for
stability against
Adapting to theAdapting to the
Coastal environmentCoastal environment
• Trees such as the
Bruguiera have
kneed roots that
enable them breathe
and also serves as
anchor to the soft,
muddy ground.
Adapting to theAdapting to the
Coastal environmentCoastal environment
• Some trees such as the
Rhizophora bear fruits
that are javelin-shaped so
they can pierce the soft
mud to germinate and
grow into a sapling
immediately without
being washed away by
the waves.
Adapting to theAdapting to the
Coastal environmentCoastal environment
• Mangrove trees are
salt tolerant and some
have developed ways
to secrete salt.
• For example the
Avicennia leaves have
special glands that
secrete the salt taken
in from the saline
Adapting to theAdapting to the
Coastal environmentCoastal environment
• Most mangrove trees produce fruits that are
buoyant, allowing them to float away and
germinate in other coastal areas.
Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves
1. Stabilizing shorelines
2. Breeding ground and habitat
3. Wood for fuel
4. Improves water quality
Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves
1. Mangroves are valuable as they stabilize
shorelines with their dense roots system which
absorbs energy of waves and slows down the water
thereby reducing coastal erosion. In addition,
sediments washed down by rivers and washed up
by waves are collected and deposited amongst the
mangrove roots. For example, some 5 million
mangrove trees were planted along the coastal
areas of Malaysia since 2005 as protection against
the devastating impact of tsunamis and to manage
the loss of sediments.
Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves
2. Mangrove ecosystems are valuable
breeding grounds and habitats for
marine life. For example, barnacles, oysters
and sponges anchor on the hard surfaces of
aerial roots and shrimps, crabs and lobsters
forage for food in the middy sediments
between the mangrove roots.
Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves
3. Mangrove forests is a source of wood for
fuel, construction, charcoal and feed for
livestock. For example, communities living
near mangroves have been known to make
charcoal from wood collected from
mangrove trees and feed leaves from
mangrove trees to their sheep and goats.
Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves
4. Mangrove trees improve water quality as
their dense network of roots is able to trap
waste materials and fine sediments hence
acting as natural filters for purifying water.
Pressures on mangrovesPressures on mangroves
1. Demand for fuel wood and charcoal
2. Need for more farming areas
3. Land reclamation
4. Water pollution
5. Rising sea level
Threats to coastal areas
Guiding QuestionGuiding Question
• What are the threats to coastal areas?
By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson
We will be able to
1.Identify and explain the threats to coastal
Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas
1. Climate change
2. Eroding shorelines
3. Rising populations
4. Coastal development and habitat loss
5. Pollution
Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas
1. Climate change have led to global
warming, which have resulted in rising sea
levels that could submerge low-lying coasts
and landforms such as sandy beaches and
Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas
2. Shorelines are eroding more rapidly as
global warming has resulted in more severe
storms capable of altering shorelines over a
short period time and destroy corals.
Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas
3. Close to half of the world’s population live
within 100 km of the coast and as the
world’s population increases, more
coastal sites will be developed and more
coastal resources will be exploited, leading
to coastal degradation.
Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas
4. Habitats are destroyed when coasts are
altered with human structures such as ports
and resorts.
Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas
5. Pollution is largely caused by the disposing
of waste into the sea that could destroy the
coast and endanger marine life. For
example, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is
a mass of garbage that has accumulated in
the Pacific Ocean over time.
Sustainable Management of Coastal
Guiding QuestionGuiding Question
1. How can coastal areas be managed?
By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson
We will be able to
1.Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to
achieve sustainable management of coastal
Sustainable ManagementSustainable Management
of Coastal Areasof Coastal Areas
1. Limit damaging activities
2. Protect coastal resources
3. Restrict development
Sample QuestionSample Question
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to
achieve sustainable management of coastal
areas. [8]
– Point (Describe your point)
– Explain (Explain the significance of your point)
– Examples [Explain how your point is effective
with the use of named example(s)]
– Limitations [Explain how your point is
ineffective with the use of named example(s)]
Limit damaging activitiesLimit damaging activities
• Point:
– Damaging activities such as blasting coral reefs
and clearing mangroves can be controlled to
reduce the damage to coastal areas.
• Explain:
– National and local government bodies can work
together to carefully manage the needs and
demands of the people together with the nature
of the coastal environment.
Limit damaging activitiesLimit damaging activities
• Example:
– For example, sand dunes stabilized by
vegetation along Port Philip Bay in southern
Victoria, Australia were often trampled on by
beachgoers leading to the destruction of the
dune vegetation. As a result, the houses
behind the sand dunes were buried by large
volumes of sand. This led the authorities to
fence off the dunes hence allowing the coastal
environment to recover.
Limit damaging activitiesLimit damaging activities
• Limitation:
– However, it is difficult to strike a balance
between the needs of the environment and
people as in the case Australia, residents and
visitors to Port Philip Bay complained that the
fences are unsightly and created
inconveniences for them when navigating the
Protect Coastal ResourcesProtect Coastal Resources
• Point:
– Protecting coastal resources refers to efforts
undertaken to prevent resources from being
exploited or depleted.
• Explain:
– Resources such as fish, corals and mangroves
can be protected so as to allow the
environment to rest and recover.
Protect Coastal ResourcesProtect Coastal Resources
• Example:
– For example, in Goat Island Marine Reserve,
New Zealand, specific areas known as marine
reserves are created to protect marine
ecosystems and allow fish and marine
creatures to breed and thrive. Due to the
effort of the reserve, there is now significantly
more fish in the reserve than outside it,
demonstrating the success of this strategy.
Goat Island, New Zealand
Goat Island, New Zealand
Protect Coastal ResourcesProtect Coastal Resources
• Limitation:
– However, protecting coastal reserves are not
without problems as local communities who
have been depending on the coastal resources
for a living are denied from accessing
resources that have supported them for a long
Restrict developmentRestrict development
• Point:
– Restricting development in coastal areas
especially prone to natural hazards refers to the
implementation of management policies to deal
with the threat of natural hazards.
• Explain:
– Despite the occurrence and unpredictability of
natural hazards, coastal areas still draw visitors
and investors who often have to spend large
amounts of resources to repair and rebuild after a
natural hazard .
Restrict developmentRestrict development
• Example:
– For example, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency of the USA ensures that
structures are built away from areas prone to
natural hazards.
• Limitation:
– However, this strategy can only be effective
with strong enforcement and are normally
less effective in less developed countries such
as Indonesia due to rampant corruption.
Coastal Protection Measures
Guiding QuestionGuiding Question
1. What are the coastal protection measures?
By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson
We will be able to
1.Evaluate the effectiveness of coastal
protection measures.
Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures
• Soft engineering
– Protecting the coast using natural processes
and does not involve the construction of any
physical structures.
Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures
• Soft engineering
1. Beach nourishment
2. Planting vegetation
3. Stabilizing sand dunes
4. Encouraging growth of coral reef
Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures
• Hard engineering
– The construction of physical structures to
protect coasts against the erosive power of
Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures
• Hard engineering
1. Seawalls
2. Gabions
3. Breakwaters
4. Groynes
5. Tetrapods
Sample QuestionSample Question
1. Assess the effectiveness of coastal protection
measures. [8]
– Point (Describe your point)
– Explain (Explain the significance of your
– Examples [Explain how your point is
effective with the use of named example(s)]
– Limitations [Explain how your point is
ineffective with the use of named example(s)]
• Point:
– Seawalls are solid walls made of resistant
materials such as concrete, rocks, or wood
built parallel and on the coast.
• Explain:
– They are effective in managing coastal erosion
as they absorb and deflect wave energy from
attacking the coast.
• Example:
– For example, seawalls built along the Esplanade,
Singapore has been effective in preventing
erosion from affecting human properties and
structures along the coast.
• Limitation:
– However, seawalls are costly to maintain as the
backwash of deflected waves washes away the
beach materials at the base of seawalls,
undermining their stabilitym which will
eventually lead to their collapse.
• Point:
– Gabions are wire cages filled with small rocks
piled up and placed along the coast.
• Explain:
– Gabions are effective in preventing coastal
erosion as the gaps between the rocks allow
water to filter through hence weakening wave
• Example:
– For example, gabions placed along Hornsea
Beach, England have been effective in
reducing the impact of coastal erosion.
• Limitation:
– However, they offer only short-term
protection as the rocks are easily eroded away
by waves and the cages corrode easily and are
• Point:
– Breakwaters are solid walls usually made of
granite built off and parallel to the coast, or
with one end attached to the coast.
• Explain:
– Breakwaters are useful as when constructed
offshore, a zone of calm water is created
behind them, which encourages deposition to
form beaches.
• Example:
– Breakwaters have been installed along East Coast
Park, Singapore and have been successful in
mitigating the effects of coastal erosion.
• Limitation:
– However, breakwaters protect the coast unevenly
as only the zones behind the breakwaters are
protected while exposed sections are still
vulnerable to erosion.
• Point:
– Groynes are solid low walls usually made of
granite or wood built on and perpendicular to
the coast.
• Explain:
– They are useful as they disrupt the direction
of longshore drift thereby encouraging
deposition on the updrift side of the groyne
that faces longshore drift.
• Example:
– For example, groynes built along St Leonard
Beach, Canada have successfully mitigated
the effects of longshore drift.
• Limitation:
– However, no fresh materials are deposited on
the downdrift side of the groyne, which leads
to an uneven and unsightly coastline.
• Point:
– Tetrapods are four-pronged concrete
structures stacked offshore in interlocking
• Explain:
– Tetrapods are able to dissipate wave energy as
they allow waves to pass around them rather
than hit against them, reducing the possibility
of them being damaged by waves.
• Example:
– Tetrapods have been used by Crescent City,
northern California, for many years as defense
against the impact of tsunamis, which occurred 31
times between 1933 and 2008.
• Limitation:
– However, tetrapods are aesthetically unappealing
and also pose a danger to swimmers, surfers and
Beach NourishmentBeach Nourishment
• Point:
– Beach nourishment refers to the
replenishment of large quantities of sand to
the beach.
• Explain:
– This is useful as it extends and improves the
beach and protects the beach against storms.
Beach NourishmentBeach Nourishment
• Example:
– Beach nourishments applied along East Coast
Park, Singapore has been successful in
mitigating the effects of coastal erosion.
• Limitation:
– However, beach nourishment is expensive
and the eroded sand that washes out to seas
may destroy marine life.
Planting VegetationPlanting Vegetation
• Point:
– Vegetation such as mangrove trees can be
planted along the coast to manage the
• Explain:
– This is effective as prop roots of mangroves
are able to secure and trap sediments and
extend the coastal land seawards.
Planting VegetationPlanting Vegetation
• Example:
- For example, mangrove trees planted along the
west coast of Peninsular Malaysia has been
effective in preventing coastal erosion.
• Limitation:
- However, not all coastal regions can support
mangroves and planting mangroves can cause the
shore to become shallower hence affecting port
Stabilising Sand DunesStabilising Sand Dunes
• Point:
– Sand dunes can be strengthened by planting
vegetation such as small trees and shrubs.
• Explain:
– This is effective as sand dunes act as natural
barriers to coastal erosion and by anchoring
the sand, coastal erosion can be managed.
Stabilising Sand DunesStabilising Sand Dunes
• Example:
– For example, sand dunes along Triton Place,
Western Australia, have been stablisedand
preserved by planting marram grass.
• Limitation:
– However, human activities will need to be
minimised along the coasts in order to
preserve the sand dunes, hence this strategy
may not be effective in serving all coastal
Growth of Coral ReefGrowth of Coral Reef
• Point:
– Coral reefs can be preserved or cultivated to
manage the coastline.
• Explain:
– Encouraging the growth of coral reefs is
effective as they act as natural breakwaters
that can weaken wave energy hence
protecting the coast against erosion.
Growth of Coral ReefGrowth of Coral Reef
• Example:
– For example, the Maldives have invested
heavily in the cultivation of corals to protect
their economic interests along the coast.
• Limitation:
– However, corals are difficult to cultivate and
requires constant maintenance in order to
grow well.

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3E 4E Coasts

  • 1. CoastsCoasts Coast and Factors Affecting Coastal Environments
  • 2. Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions 1. Where is the coast? 2. Why are coastal environments dynamic?
  • 3. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Define the coast. 2.Explain the factors affecting coastal environments.
  • 4.
  • 5. Where is the coast?Where is the coast?
  • 6. Where is the coast?Where is the coast?
  • 7. Where is the coast?Where is the coast? • The area where the land meets the sea. • Covers the area of land that is affected by waves and tides.
  • 8. Factors Affecting CoastalFactors Affecting Coastal EnvironmentsEnvironments 1. Waves 2. Tides and sea level changes 3. Currents 4. Geology 5. Types of ecosystems 6. Human activities
  • 9. WavesWaves • A wave is a long body of water that curls into an arched form which breaks onto the coast. • Waves are formed when kinetic energy from wind blowing across surface of seas and oceans is transferred to the water. • Waves affect coastal environments by serving as the main agent for the coastal processes of erosion, transportation and deposition.
  • 10. Tides and Sea Level ChangesTides and Sea Level Changes • Tides refer to the daily alternate rise and fall in the sea level caused mainly by effects of gravitational pull of the moon and sun. • Tides affect coastal environments as they determines the activity of coastal processes. For example, erosion and transportation processes are more dominant during high tides then low tides. • Changes in sea levels may release massive volumes of water into seas and oceans, thereby creating new coastlines.
  • 11. CurrentsCurrents • Ocean currents are large-scale, continuous movement of water in seas and oceans driven largely by prevailing wind which generally blow in one direction. • Ocean currents affect coastal environments as they carry massive amounts of energy, which influences the extent and intensity of coastal processes.
  • 12.
  • 13. GeologyGeology • Geology refers to the arrangement and composition of rock. • Geology affects coastal environments as more resistant rocks such as granite and basalt erodes slower than less resistant rocks such as limestone and shale. • Rocks with more cracks and joints are more vulnerable to erosion.
  • 14. Types of EcosystemsTypes of Ecosystems • The type of ecosystem influences coastal environments through their interactions with coastal processes. • For example, coastal ecosystems serve as natural barriers that slow down the speed and impact of waves on coasts. • Mangroves ecosystems, in addition to serving as natural barriers, traps sediments hence reduce coastal erosion.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. Human ActivitiesHuman Activities • Human activities influence coastal environments through activities such as shipping, recreational activities and building and operating marine structures. • These activities can result in significant changes to the coast over short periods of time.
  • 19. Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions 1. What influences wave energy?
  • 20. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Describe the factors influencing wave energy. 2.Describe the different types of waves and their associated landforms.
  • 22. Factors InfluencingFactors Influencing Wave EnergyWave Energy 1. Wind speed 2. Duration of wind 3. Fetch
  • 23. 1. Wind Speed1. Wind Speed • The faster the wind blows, the greater the wave energy is.
  • 24. 2. Duration of Wind2. Duration of Wind • The longer the wind blows, the larger the waves are and the greater the wave energy.
  • 25. 3. Fetch3. Fetch • Refers to the distance travelled by winds over open seas. • The greater the fetch, the more energy the waves have.
  • 26. Waves close to the coastlineWaves close to the coastline
  • 27. Wave MovementsWave Movements • All waves have two movements. – Swash • Forward movement of waves. • Transports sediments up the shore. – Backwash • Waves that flow back to the sea due to gravity. • Transports sediments back to the sea.
  • 28. Types of wavesTypes of waves • Constructive waves • Destructive waves
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. Waves and LandformsWaves and Landforms • Constructive waves form depositional landforms. – Bay – Beach – Spit – Tombolo
  • 33. Bay
  • 34. Beach
  • 35. Spit
  • 37. Waves and LandformsWaves and Landforms • Destructive waves form erosional landforms. – Headland – Cliff – Shore platform/Wavecut platform – Cave – Arch – Stack
  • 39. Cliff
  • 42. Arch
  • 43. Stack
  • 44. QuizQuiz • Compare the difference between constructive waves and destructive waves. [3]
  • 46. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Explain the process of wave refraction.
  • 47. Wave RefractionWave Refraction • Refers to the process whereby wave speed and direction changes as waves encounter different depth of water.
  • 48. Wave RefractionWave Refraction • Wave speed is reduced and wave direction changes as waves encounter friction from the seabed. • Waves experience more friction from the steeper seabed in front of headlands and converges. • This increased wave height and wave frequency which lead to more erosion at the headland.
  • 49. Wave RefractionWave Refraction • Waves experience less friction from the gentler seabed when it enters the bay than the headlands and diverges. • This decreased wave height and wave frequency which lead to less erosion at the bay area.
  • 50. 1. Waves converge at the headland. 2. Waves diverge at the bay.
  • 51.
  • 53. Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions 1. What are coastal processes?
  • 54. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Describe coastal processes.
  • 55. Coastal ProcessesCoastal Processes 1. Erosion 2. Transportation 3. Deposition
  • 56. Coastal ErosionCoastal Erosion • Hydraulic action • Abrasion or Corrasion • Attrition • Solution or Corrosion
  • 57. HHydraulic Actionydraulic Action • Waves striking against a rock surface trap air in its joints. • This air is compressed by the oncoming waves, exerting pressure on the joints. • Over time, these joints weaken and the rocks shatter.
  • 58. Abrasion orAbrasion or CCorrasionorrasion • As waves break, sediments carried by waves such as sand and rocks are hurled against the coast. • These loosened sediments knock and scrape against the coastal cliffs. This weakens the surface, resulting in the breaking down of the coast. • Over time, the impact from abrasion is powerful enough to undercut a cliff.
  • 59.
  • 60. AAttritionttrition • When rock particles carried by waves rub or hit against one another, they break down into smaller pieces and become smoother and more rounded over time.
  • 62. SSolutionolution • Sea water reacts chemically with water- soluble minerals in coastal rocks and dissolves them. • For example, limestone rocks are easily eroded by carbonic acid in solution. • When solution of minerals occurs, rocks are weakened and will eventually disintegrate.
  • 63. QuizQuiz • Describe how coasts are eroded. [2] • Coasts are eroded in the following ways namely hydraulic action, attrition, abrasion and solution. • Hydraulic action refers to… • Attrition refers to…
  • 64. Coastal TransportationCoastal Transportation • Waves approach the coast diagonally/at an oblique angle and create longshore currents, which are currents that flow parallel to the coast.
  • 65. Coastal TransportationCoastal Transportation • Swash carries material up the beach diagonally/at the same oblique angle. • while backwash carries material down the beach perpendicularly/at right angle due to the pull of gravity. • This results in a zig-zag movement of materials along the beach known as beach drift.
  • 66. Coastal TransportationCoastal Transportation • Both longshore currents and beach drift transport sediments along the coast. • The combined effect of sediment movement by longshore currents and beach drift is known as longshore drift.
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. Coastal DepositionCoastal Deposition • Waves deposit when wave energy decreases such that waves are unable to carry sediments. • Larger sediments are deposited first followed by smaller sediments.
  • 70. Coastal DepositionCoastal Deposition • Deposition is more dominant along sheltered coasts where destructive waves are less common.
  • 71. QuizQuiz • With the use of a well-labeled diagram, explain how transportation takes place along the coast. [6]
  • 73. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Explain the formation of cliffs and shore platforms/wavecut platforms.
  • 74.
  • 75. Cliffs & Shore PlatformsCliffs & Shore Platforms • Hydraulic action and abrasion attack lines of weakness on the rock surface forming a notch overtime. • As erosion continues, the notch deepens and develops into a seacave, which is an underground chamber with an overhanging roof.
  • 76. Cliffs & Shore PlatformsCliffs & Shore Platforms • Overtime, the overhanging roof collapses due to the force of gravity, forming a steep rock face known as a cliff. • The materials from the collapsed roof are carried by waves and thrown against the base of the cliff, causing further erosion. • As this process repeats overtime, the cliff will retreat inland, leaving a gently-sloping platform known as a shore platform.
  • 77.
  • 78. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Explain the formation of headlands and bays. 2.Explain the formation of caves, arches and stacks.
  • 79.
  • 80. Headlands and BaysHeadlands and Bays • Formed when alternate bands of more resistant and less resistant rocks are arranged at right angles to the coast.
  • 81. Headlands and BaysHeadlands and Bays • The less resistant rocks erodes faster than the more resistant rocks, forming wide indented coasts, known as bays. • The remaining more resistant rocks extend into the sea and are known as headlands.
  • 83.
  • 84. CavesCaves • Waves attack lines of weakness and undercut the base of headlands. • Continuous action of waves hollowed out the headland, forming a cave.
  • 86. ArchesArches • As wave action continues, adjacent caves are eventually eroded through and joins, leaving a bridge of rock known as an arch.
  • 88. StacksStacks • After a period of time, the roof of the arch collapses due to the force of gravity to form a pillar of rock in the sea, known as a stack.
  • 89. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Explain the formation of spits and tombolos.
  • 90.
  • 91.
  • 92. SpitSpit • As the direction of the coastline changes abruptly, longshore drift continues to transport materials in the original direction for some distance. • This results in the deposition of transported beach materials into the sea, which accumulate over time.
  • 93. SpitSpit • As the materials continue to accumulate, they eventually appear above the surface as a long narrow ridge of sand or pebbles with one end attached to the land, which is known as a spit. • Wave refraction acting on the end of the spit eventually causes it to curve, forming a hooked spit.
  • 94. TomboloTombolo • If an offshore island lies near the mainland where the spit is forming, the spit may continue to extend until it connects the offshore island to the mainland, forming a tombolo.
  • 95. QuizQuiz • With the aid of well-labelled diagrams, explain how a cliff is formed. [7]
  • 97. Guiding QuestionGuiding Question 1. What are the ecosystem services that people can obtain from the coastal ecosystem?
  • 98. By the end of the lesson…By the end of the lesson… We will be able to, 1.Describe the four key ecosystem services obtainable from coastal ecosystem.
  • 99. Ecosystem ServicesEcosystem Services 1. Provisioning services 2. Regulating services 3. Cultural services 4. Supporting services
  • 100. Ecosystem ServicesEcosystem Services 1. What does the coast provide? 2. What does the coast regulate? 3. What culture does the coast inculcate? 4. What does the coast support?
  • 101. 1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services a. Fish and other types of seafood b. Water c. Building and ornamental materials
  • 102. 1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services a. The coast provides fish and other types of seafood which serves as the main dietary protein for more than 1 billion people and provides employment and income for over 100 million.
  • 103. 1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services b. The coast also provides water as seawater can be desalinated to become drinking water. For example, Singapore practices desalination to ensure the sustainability of fresh water.
  • 104. 1. Provisioning Services1. Provisioning Services c. In addition, the coast is a source of building and ornamental materials. For example, mangroves is a source of wood that can be used for building boats, houses and converted into charcoal. Corals can also be crushed and made into cement or made into ornaments for sale as souvenirs.
  • 105.
  • 106. 2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services a. Shoreline stabilization b. Flood prevention c. Storm and natural hazard protection
  • 107. 2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services a. The coast helps to stabilize the shoreline as coral reefs and mangroves cause waves to break and lose their energy, thereby reducing the impact of shoreline erosion hence protecting existing shoreline.
  • 108. 2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services b. The coast helps to prevent floods as sandy beaches are able to disperse water and sand dunes act as natural barriers to advancing waters, thereby reducing the risk of flooding.
  • 109. 2. Regulating Services2. Regulating Services c. The coast provides protection against storms and natural hazards. For example mangroves and corals offers protection against heavy storms and tsunamis as wave energy is absorbed or reduced hence reducing the full impact of destructive waves on the coast.
  • 110. 3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services a. Recreational benefits b. Aesthetic benefits c. Spiritual benefits
  • 111. 3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services a. The coast provides recreational benefits as they are popular venues for leisure activities such as swimming and sailing. For example, Gold Coast, Australia, with its 60 kilometres of beach, attracts around 1o million visitors every year.
  • 112.
  • 113. 3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services b. The coast also provides aesthetic benefits as they are scenic places which draw visitors who enjoy the quietness of the sea and people who appreciate nature.
  • 114. 3. Cultural Services3. Cultural Services c. Coasts are spiritual places especially for coastal communities that depend on the seas for their livelihood. For example, it is common to find temples dedicated to sea deities along the coasts of Taiwan and Bali, Indonesia.
  • 115. 4. Supporting Services4. Supporting Services a. Mangrove habitat b. Beach habitat
  • 116. 4. Supporting Services4. Supporting Services a. The coast supports mangroves habitats as the area between the roots, mud and water of mangroves provide living creatures with food, protection from predators and grounds for breeding.
  • 117.
  • 118. 4. Supporting Services4. Supporting Services b. The coast supports beach habitats which play key roles in the life cycles of various sea creatures. For example, fish fry swims in the shallow waters and gain size before venturing into deeper waters and sea turtles lay their eggs in the beach sand.
  • 120. By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson We will be able to 1.Describe how the coast is useful to people.
  • 121. Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions 1. How do people use coastal areas?
  • 122. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas 1. Fisheries and aquaculture 2. Housing and transportation 3. Tourism and recreation 4. Ports, harbours and piers 5. Wind farming 6. Desalination 7. Sand mining, salt extraction 8. Oil refining
  • 123. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Fisheries and aquaculture activities are found along coast which refers to the farming of fish in fisheries or fish farms to meet the growing demand of fish. • For example, the province of Ca Mau in Vietnam is the nation’s shrimp production centre and generates US$800 million in revenue in 2010.
  • 124. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Coastal areas are spaces for housing and transportation and many people make use of boats as transport to facilitate economic activities like fishing and tourism. • For example, the people living in stilt houses and floating fish farms in the coastal town of Kukup, Malaysia, uses boat ferry services to carry out their daily activities.
  • 126. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Coastal areas are popular spaces for tourism and recreation activities and make up the most important component of international tourism. • For example, the pristine beaches of Sentosa, Singapore is a popular tourism honeypot that drew millions of tourists every year.
  • 127. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Coastal areas are home to ports, harbours and piers which are gateways to foreign trade. • For example, the Port of Shanghai, connected by the Yangtze River, serves the vast economically-developed areas of Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang and moved 650 million tons of goods in 2010 to become the world’s busiest port.
  • 128. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Higher wind speeds are available offshore compared to on land, hence wind farming operations can be conducted along coastal areas. • For example, the Greater Gabbard Wind Farm off the coast of Suffolk in England is the largest offshore wind farm in the world and estimated to generate 1.75TWh per year.
  • 129. Greater Gabbard Wind Farm, England
  • 131. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Sea water can be desalinated to produce fish water by removing salt and other minerals from the saline water to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption or irrigation. • For example Australia, being the driest continent has invested heavily on desalination plants to boost drinking water supplies that traditionally depended on rainfall collected from behind dams.
  • 132. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Coastal areas are sources of sand that can be mined or extracted for nourishing erosional beaches or for construction. • For example, about 219,000 cubic metres of sand is mined yearly from Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand to produce concrete for construction and asphalt for surfacing roads.
  • 133. Uses of Coastal AreasUses of Coastal Areas • Oil refining refers to the processing of crude oil into refined products such as petroleum, diesel and gasoline and are commonly found along coastal areas for easy access to ports. • For example, large oil refining plants are located on the offshore island of Jurong Island, Singapore with the capacity to refine over a million barrels of crude oil per day.
  • 135. Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions 1. Why are costal reef ecosystems distinctive and valuable? 2. What pressures are coral reefs facing?
  • 136. By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson We will be able to 1.Describe the global distribution of coral reef ecosystems. 2.Describe the favorable conditions for growth. 3.Explain the value of coral reef ecosystems in the coastal environment. 4.Describe the pressures on coral reef ecosystems.
  • 139. DistributionDistribution • Mostly found between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. • Highest concentration in Southeast Asia.
  • 141. Conditions for GrowthConditions for Growth • Suitably strong wave action that brings food and oxygen supplies. • Low levels of sedimentation to prevents suffocating living corals. • Sea surface temperature not lower than 17°C. • Average salinity. • Clear water between 10 – 60m to allow sunlight to penetrate for algae to photosynthesis. • Low turbidity.
  • 142. Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs 1. Supports natural ecosystems 2. Absorbs wave energy 3. Serves as tourist attractions 4. Source of materials for jewelry and ornaments
  • 143. Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs 1. Coral reef supports natural ecosystems by sustaining a wide range of marine creatures to breed and grow which include more than 25% of marine fish species.
  • 144. Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs 2. Coral reefs protect the coast against the full force of waves by serving as natural protective barriers that absorb wave energy generated in the open seas.
  • 145. Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs 3. Coral reefs are tourist attractions that attract divers and beach goers whose activities provide jobs and income for tourist industry.
  • 146. Value of Coral ReefsValue of Coral Reefs 4. Corals is a source of materials for making jewelry and ornaments which can then be sold as souvenirs to tourists, thereby generating jobs and income for the local communities.
  • 147. Pressures on Coral ReefsPressures on Coral Reefs 1. Overfishing 2. Irresponsible fishing methods 3. Recreational use of coast 4. Pollution 5. Siltation 6. Costal development 7. Climate change
  • 148. TaskTask • Describe two pressures faced by coral reefs. [2]
  • 150. Guiding QuestionsGuiding Questions 1. Why are mangroves ecosystems distinctive and valuable? 2. What are the pressures on mangroves?
  • 151. By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson We will be able to 1.Describe the global distribution of mangroves. 2.Describe the value of the mangrove ecosystem in the coastal environment. 3.Describe the pressures on mangrove ecosystems.
  • 153. DistributionDistribution • Along coasts of countries between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. • For example, in countries of Southeast Asia, Venezuela and Brazil in South America and Senegal and Sierra Leone in Africa. • Patches of mangroves north of the Tropic of Cancer along the coasts of Mexico and south of the Tropic of Capricorn along the coasts of Australia.
  • 155. Adapting to theAdapting to the Coastal environmentCoastal environment • Trees such as the Avicennia have pencil-liked aerial roots that enable them to take in oxygen in waterlogged conditions.
  • 156. Adapting to theAdapting to the Coastal environmentCoastal environment • Trees such as the Rhizophora have prop roots that enable them to anchor to the soft, muddy ground for stability against waves.
  • 157. Adapting to theAdapting to the Coastal environmentCoastal environment • Trees such as the Bruguiera have kneed roots that enable them breathe and also serves as anchor to the soft, muddy ground.
  • 158. Adapting to theAdapting to the Coastal environmentCoastal environment • Some trees such as the Rhizophora bear fruits that are javelin-shaped so they can pierce the soft mud to germinate and grow into a sapling immediately without being washed away by the waves.
  • 159. Adapting to theAdapting to the Coastal environmentCoastal environment • Mangrove trees are salt tolerant and some have developed ways to secrete salt. • For example the Avicennia leaves have special glands that secrete the salt taken in from the saline water.
  • 160. Adapting to theAdapting to the Coastal environmentCoastal environment • Most mangrove trees produce fruits that are buoyant, allowing them to float away and germinate in other coastal areas.
  • 161. Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves 1. Stabilizing shorelines 2. Breeding ground and habitat 3. Wood for fuel 4. Improves water quality
  • 162. Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves 1. Mangroves are valuable as they stabilize shorelines with their dense roots system which absorbs energy of waves and slows down the water thereby reducing coastal erosion. In addition, sediments washed down by rivers and washed up by waves are collected and deposited amongst the mangrove roots. For example, some 5 million mangrove trees were planted along the coastal areas of Malaysia since 2005 as protection against the devastating impact of tsunamis and to manage the loss of sediments.
  • 163. Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves 2. Mangrove ecosystems are valuable breeding grounds and habitats for marine life. For example, barnacles, oysters and sponges anchor on the hard surfaces of aerial roots and shrimps, crabs and lobsters forage for food in the middy sediments between the mangrove roots.
  • 164. Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves 3. Mangrove forests is a source of wood for fuel, construction, charcoal and feed for livestock. For example, communities living near mangroves have been known to make charcoal from wood collected from mangrove trees and feed leaves from mangrove trees to their sheep and goats.
  • 165. Value of MangrovesValue of Mangroves 4. Mangrove trees improve water quality as their dense network of roots is able to trap waste materials and fine sediments hence acting as natural filters for purifying water.
  • 166. Pressures on mangrovesPressures on mangroves 1. Demand for fuel wood and charcoal 2. Need for more farming areas 3. Land reclamation 4. Water pollution 5. Rising sea level
  • 168. Guiding QuestionGuiding Question • What are the threats to coastal areas?
  • 169. By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson We will be able to 1.Identify and explain the threats to coastal areas.
  • 170. Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas 1. Climate change 2. Eroding shorelines 3. Rising populations 4. Coastal development and habitat loss 5. Pollution
  • 171. Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas 1. Climate change have led to global warming, which have resulted in rising sea levels that could submerge low-lying coasts and landforms such as sandy beaches and deltas.
  • 172. Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas 2. Shorelines are eroding more rapidly as global warming has resulted in more severe storms capable of altering shorelines over a short period time and destroy corals.
  • 173. Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas 3. Close to half of the world’s population live within 100 km of the coast and as the world’s population increases, more coastal sites will be developed and more coastal resources will be exploited, leading to coastal degradation.
  • 174. Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas 4. Habitats are destroyed when coasts are altered with human structures such as ports and resorts.
  • 175. Threats to Coastal AreasThreats to Coastal Areas 5. Pollution is largely caused by the disposing of waste into the sea that could destroy the coast and endanger marine life. For example, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a mass of garbage that has accumulated in the Pacific Ocean over time.
  • 177. Guiding QuestionGuiding Question 1. How can coastal areas be managed?
  • 178. By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson We will be able to 1.Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to achieve sustainable management of coastal areas.
  • 179. Sustainable ManagementSustainable Management of Coastal Areasof Coastal Areas 1. Limit damaging activities 2. Protect coastal resources 3. Restrict development
  • 180. Sample QuestionSample Question 1. Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to achieve sustainable management of coastal areas. [8] – Point (Describe your point) – Explain (Explain the significance of your point) – Examples [Explain how your point is effective with the use of named example(s)] – Limitations [Explain how your point is ineffective with the use of named example(s)]
  • 181. Limit damaging activitiesLimit damaging activities • Point: – Damaging activities such as blasting coral reefs and clearing mangroves can be controlled to reduce the damage to coastal areas. • Explain: – National and local government bodies can work together to carefully manage the needs and demands of the people together with the nature of the coastal environment.
  • 182. Limit damaging activitiesLimit damaging activities • Example: – For example, sand dunes stabilized by vegetation along Port Philip Bay in southern Victoria, Australia were often trampled on by beachgoers leading to the destruction of the dune vegetation. As a result, the houses behind the sand dunes were buried by large volumes of sand. This led the authorities to fence off the dunes hence allowing the coastal environment to recover.
  • 183. Limit damaging activitiesLimit damaging activities • Limitation: – However, it is difficult to strike a balance between the needs of the environment and people as in the case Australia, residents and visitors to Port Philip Bay complained that the fences are unsightly and created inconveniences for them when navigating the beach.
  • 184.
  • 185.
  • 186. Protect Coastal ResourcesProtect Coastal Resources • Point: – Protecting coastal resources refers to efforts undertaken to prevent resources from being exploited or depleted. • Explain: – Resources such as fish, corals and mangroves can be protected so as to allow the environment to rest and recover.
  • 187. Protect Coastal ResourcesProtect Coastal Resources • Example: – For example, in Goat Island Marine Reserve, New Zealand, specific areas known as marine reserves are created to protect marine ecosystems and allow fish and marine creatures to breed and thrive. Due to the effort of the reserve, there is now significantly more fish in the reserve than outside it, demonstrating the success of this strategy.
  • 188. Goat Island, New Zealand
  • 189. Goat Island, New Zealand
  • 190. Protect Coastal ResourcesProtect Coastal Resources • Limitation: – However, protecting coastal reserves are not without problems as local communities who have been depending on the coastal resources for a living are denied from accessing resources that have supported them for a long time.
  • 191. Restrict developmentRestrict development • Point: – Restricting development in coastal areas especially prone to natural hazards refers to the implementation of management policies to deal with the threat of natural hazards. • Explain: – Despite the occurrence and unpredictability of natural hazards, coastal areas still draw visitors and investors who often have to spend large amounts of resources to repair and rebuild after a natural hazard .
  • 192. Restrict developmentRestrict development • Example: – For example, the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the USA ensures that structures are built away from areas prone to natural hazards. • Limitation: – However, this strategy can only be effective with strong enforcement and are normally less effective in less developed countries such as Indonesia due to rampant corruption.
  • 194. Guiding QuestionGuiding Question 1. What are the coastal protection measures?
  • 195. By the end of the lessonBy the end of the lesson We will be able to 1.Evaluate the effectiveness of coastal protection measures.
  • 196. Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures • Soft engineering – Protecting the coast using natural processes and does not involve the construction of any physical structures.
  • 197. Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures • Soft engineering 1. Beach nourishment 2. Planting vegetation 3. Stabilizing sand dunes 4. Encouraging growth of coral reef
  • 198. Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures • Hard engineering – The construction of physical structures to protect coasts against the erosive power of waves.
  • 199. Coastal Protection MeasuresCoastal Protection Measures • Hard engineering 1. Seawalls 2. Gabions 3. Breakwaters 4. Groynes 5. Tetrapods
  • 200. Sample QuestionSample Question 1. Assess the effectiveness of coastal protection measures. [8] – Point (Describe your point) – Explain (Explain the significance of your point) – Examples [Explain how your point is effective with the use of named example(s)] – Limitations [Explain how your point is ineffective with the use of named example(s)]
  • 201. SeawallsSeawalls • Point: – Seawalls are solid walls made of resistant materials such as concrete, rocks, or wood built parallel and on the coast. • Explain: – They are effective in managing coastal erosion as they absorb and deflect wave energy from attacking the coast.
  • 202.
  • 203. SeawallsSeawalls • Example: – For example, seawalls built along the Esplanade, Singapore has been effective in preventing erosion from affecting human properties and structures along the coast. • Limitation: – However, seawalls are costly to maintain as the backwash of deflected waves washes away the beach materials at the base of seawalls, undermining their stabilitym which will eventually lead to their collapse.
  • 204. GabionsGabions • Point: – Gabions are wire cages filled with small rocks piled up and placed along the coast. • Explain: – Gabions are effective in preventing coastal erosion as the gaps between the rocks allow water to filter through hence weakening wave energy.
  • 205.
  • 206. GabionsGabions • Example: – For example, gabions placed along Hornsea Beach, England have been effective in reducing the impact of coastal erosion. • Limitation: – However, they offer only short-term protection as the rocks are easily eroded away by waves and the cages corrode easily and are unsightly.
  • 207. BreakwatersBreakwaters • Point: – Breakwaters are solid walls usually made of granite built off and parallel to the coast, or with one end attached to the coast. • Explain: – Breakwaters are useful as when constructed offshore, a zone of calm water is created behind them, which encourages deposition to form beaches.
  • 208.
  • 209. BreakwatersBreakwaters • Example: – Breakwaters have been installed along East Coast Park, Singapore and have been successful in mitigating the effects of coastal erosion. • Limitation: – However, breakwaters protect the coast unevenly as only the zones behind the breakwaters are protected while exposed sections are still vulnerable to erosion.
  • 210. GroynesGroynes • Point: – Groynes are solid low walls usually made of granite or wood built on and perpendicular to the coast. • Explain: – They are useful as they disrupt the direction of longshore drift thereby encouraging deposition on the updrift side of the groyne that faces longshore drift.
  • 211.
  • 212.
  • 213. GroynesGroynes • Example: – For example, groynes built along St Leonard Beach, Canada have successfully mitigated the effects of longshore drift. • Limitation: – However, no fresh materials are deposited on the downdrift side of the groyne, which leads to an uneven and unsightly coastline.
  • 214. TetrapodsTetrapods • Point: – Tetrapods are four-pronged concrete structures stacked offshore in interlocking positions. • Explain: – Tetrapods are able to dissipate wave energy as they allow waves to pass around them rather than hit against them, reducing the possibility of them being damaged by waves.
  • 215.
  • 216. TetrapodsTetrapods • Example: – Tetrapods have been used by Crescent City, northern California, for many years as defense against the impact of tsunamis, which occurred 31 times between 1933 and 2008. • Limitation: – However, tetrapods are aesthetically unappealing and also pose a danger to swimmers, surfers and boaters.
  • 217. Beach NourishmentBeach Nourishment • Point: – Beach nourishment refers to the replenishment of large quantities of sand to the beach. • Explain: – This is useful as it extends and improves the beach and protects the beach against storms.
  • 218. Beach NourishmentBeach Nourishment • Example: – Beach nourishments applied along East Coast Park, Singapore has been successful in mitigating the effects of coastal erosion. • Limitation: – However, beach nourishment is expensive and the eroded sand that washes out to seas may destroy marine life.
  • 219. Planting VegetationPlanting Vegetation • Point: – Vegetation such as mangrove trees can be planted along the coast to manage the coastline. • Explain: – This is effective as prop roots of mangroves are able to secure and trap sediments and extend the coastal land seawards.
  • 220. Planting VegetationPlanting Vegetation • Example: - For example, mangrove trees planted along the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia has been effective in preventing coastal erosion. • Limitation: - However, not all coastal regions can support mangroves and planting mangroves can cause the shore to become shallower hence affecting port activities.
  • 221. Stabilising Sand DunesStabilising Sand Dunes • Point: – Sand dunes can be strengthened by planting vegetation such as small trees and shrubs. • Explain: – This is effective as sand dunes act as natural barriers to coastal erosion and by anchoring the sand, coastal erosion can be managed.
  • 222. Stabilising Sand DunesStabilising Sand Dunes • Example: – For example, sand dunes along Triton Place, Western Australia, have been stablisedand preserved by planting marram grass. • Limitation: – However, human activities will need to be minimised along the coasts in order to preserve the sand dunes, hence this strategy may not be effective in serving all coastal communities.
  • 223. EncouragingEncouraging Growth of Coral ReefGrowth of Coral Reef • Point: – Coral reefs can be preserved or cultivated to manage the coastline. • Explain: – Encouraging the growth of coral reefs is effective as they act as natural breakwaters that can weaken wave energy hence protecting the coast against erosion.
  • 224. EncouragingEncouraging Growth of Coral ReefGrowth of Coral Reef • Example: – For example, the Maldives have invested heavily in the cultivation of corals to protect their economic interests along the coast. • Limitation: – However, corals are difficult to cultivate and requires constant maintenance in order to grow well.
  • 225. ENDEND

Editor's Notes

  5. Pg. 52