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A Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic
Saccharification of Cellulose Using
Continuous Distribution Kinetics I:
Depolymerization by EGI and CBHI
Andrew J. Griggs, Jonathan J. Stickel, James J. Lischeske
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, National Bioenergy Center, 1617 Cole Boulevard,
Golden, Colorado 80401; telephone: 303-384-6867; fax: 303-384-6877;
Received 5 May 2011; revision received 16 September 2011; accepted 26 September 2011
Published online 27 October 2011 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/bit.23355

                                                                                          and chemical transformations that occur in several distinct
    ABSTRACT: A mechanistically based kinetic model for the                               processing steps (e.g., pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis,
    enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass has been devel-                            and fermentation). In order to design reaction vessels
    oped that incorporates the distinct modes of action of
                                                                                          and optimize process parameters, it is helpful to have a
    cellulases on insoluble cellulose polymer chains. Cellulose
    depolymerization by an endoglucanase (endoglucanase I,                                quantitative understanding of the kinetics of these
    EGI) and an exoglucanase (cellobiohydrolase I, CBHI) is                               physical and chemical transformations. Due to the complex
    modeled using population-balance equations, which pro-                                chemistry and material properties of biomass, our under-
    vide a kinetic description of the evolution of a polydisperse                         standing of reaction kinetics for the degradation of
    distribution of chain lengths. The cellulose substrate is
                                                                                          biomass is far from complete. Empirical models, based on
    assumed to have enzyme-accessible chains and inaccessible
    interior chains. EGI is assumed to randomly cleave insoluble                          experimental results, have often been used to study
    cellulose chains. For CBHI, distinct steps for adsorption,                            enzymatic hydrolysis kinetics, as reviewed in Bansal et al.
    complexation, processive hydrolysis, and desorption are                               (2009). These models are typically limited to the parameter
    included in the mechanistic description. Population-balance                           space for which the experiments were performed, and
    models that employ continuous distributions track the
                                                                                          often provide only limited insight into the underlying
    evolution of the spectrum of chain lengths, and do not
    require solving equations for all chemical species present in                         mechanisms of enzymatic hydrolysis.
    the reacting mixture, resulting in computationally efficient                              Mechanistically, or functionally, based models for
    simulations. The theoretical and mathematical development                             enzymatic hydrolysis (Zhang and Lynd, 2004), offer several
    needed to describe the hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose                              advantages to semi-empirical or empirical kinetic models.
    chains embedded in a solid particle by EGI and CBHI is
                                                                                          By considering the dynamic interplay of the chemical and
    given in this article (Part I). Results for the time evolution of
    the distribution of chain sizes are provided for independent                          physical phenomena occurring during enzymatic hydrolysis,
    and combined enzyme hydrolysis. A companion article (Part                             mechanistic models can provide a deeper understanding,
    II) incorporates this modeling framework to study cellulose                           improve predictive capabilities, and ultimately provide
    conversion processes, specifically, solution kinetics, enzyme                          more directed and rational approaches for process design
    inhibition, and cooperative enzymatic action.
                                                                                          and optimization.
    Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012;109: 665–675.
                                                                                             Previous models for enzymatic hydrolysis have made
    ß 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
                                                                                          simplifying assumptions for the cellulosic substrate.
    KEYWORDS: cellulose; enzymatic hydrolysis; kinetics
                                                                                          Often, the substrate is described by a single bulk cellulose
    model; polymer distribution; substrate structure
                                                                                          concentration, sometimes with varying reactivities, such as
                                                                                          inert and susceptible fractions (Fan and Lee, 1983; Kadam
                                                                                          et al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2009). Such simplifications limit the
Introduction                                                                              ability of these models to explain many important enzyme–
                                                                                          substrate interactions, such as the relationship between
The biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to
                                                                                          enzyme adsorption and hydrolysis yield, which may be
liquid transportation fuels involves a multitude of physical
                                                                                          needed to further understand the recalcitrant nature of
Correspondence to: J.J. Stickel                                                           cellulosic biomass, identify rate-controlling steps, and
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article.     improve cellulose-conversion technologies.

ß 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.                                                                      Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012   665
Cellulose is an insoluble polymer having varied degrees of                 chains of varied length. We propose that a meaningful
polymerization, composed of repeating units of cellobiose,                    mechanistic model should include descriptions of (1) the
which is a glucose dimer having b-(1,4)-glucosidic bonds                      distinct modes of action of the cellulase enzymes (EGI and
(Zhang and Lynd, 2004). Naturally occurring cellulosic                        CBHI), (2) the occurrence of insoluble and soluble
substrates often have a wide distribution of chain lengths.                   substrates, (3) the distribution of chain lengths for the
Previous experimental studies have examined the size                          insoluble cellulose substrate, and (4) the time evolution
distributions of cellulose chains during enzymatic hydrolysis                 of the substrate accessibility to cellulases. In this article, we
and shown the susceptibility of the cellulose to enzyme                       present the model structure to implement these core
hydrolysis can depend on the chain size (Kleman-Leyer                         features. Population-balance equations are used to describe
et al., 1996; Srisodsuk et al., 1998). So-called ‘‘depolymeri-                the transformation of a continuous distribution of cellulose
zation models’’ consider the distribution of chain sizes for                  chains lengths. The model framework is modular and
polymeric substrates and incorporate various modes of                         extendable so that features appropriate to a particular
depolymerization by enzymes acting on isolated chains                         system of study can be readily implemented, including
(Converse and Optekar, 1993; Okazaki and Mooyoung,                            lignocellulosic biomass substrates. In a companion article
1978; Watanabe and Kawai, 2006; Watanabe et al., 2007;                        (Griggs et al., 2011)) (Part II), solution kinetics and product
Zhang and Lynd, 2006). These models do not account for                        inhibition are considered simultaneously with the hetero-
the time evolution of accessible cellulose chains during                      geneous catalyzed depolymerization of cellulose.
saccharification, but are useful for studying the early stages
of enzyme hydrolysis.
   The availability or accessibility of the cellulose substrate to            Model Formulation
the enzymes at a given point in hydrolysis also requires careful
consideration. The amount of enzyme-accessible cellulose                      Cellulose Depolymerization
differs from the total cellulose in a reaction mixture due to the
supra-molecular organization of cellulose chains. The                         We treat the cellulose substrate as ‘‘populations’’ of varied
evolution of enzyme-accessible cellulose during the course                    chain lengths. Let P(x) represent an insoluble cellulose chain
of hydrolysis depends on the spatial organization of cellulose                comprised of x anhydroglucose units. Assuming x varies
chains for a given cellulose substrate, and therefore, the initial            continuously (Aris and Gavalas, 1966), the population
spatial organization of cellulose chains, and the morphologi-                 distribution of enzyme-accessible cellulose chains at some
cal changes to the cellulose substrate during the course of                   time, t, is represented as pðx; tÞ, so that pðx; tÞdx is the
enzyme hydrolysis may be key rate-determining factors.                        number of cellulose chains per volume (molar concentra-
   Until recently, few enzymatic hydrolysis studies have                      tion) having lengths between x and x þ dx. Useful metrics
considered both the size distribution of the cellulose                        can be obtained from the absolute moments of the
polymers and the embedding of cellulose in a solid                            distribution:
substrate. Hydrolytic-time evolution of solid substrate                                                       Z       1
morphology and enzymatic chain fragmentation were                                               pðnÞ ðt Þ ¼               xn p ðx; t Þdx   (1)
both considered in the works of Zhou et al. (2009a; b),                                                           0
which examined short- and long-time conversion of
cellulose. Zhou et al. (2010) used a time-scale analysis                      The zeroth moment, p(0)(t), is the molar concentration
based on the kinetic model given in Zhou et al. (2009a; b) to                 of cellulose chains, and the first moment, p(1)(t), gives
study the synergistic behavior of exo- and endo-acting                        the total concentration of monomeric glucan comprising
cellulases and identified the embedding of cellulose chains in                 the cellulose chains. Other commonly used metrics are the
a solid particle as a rate-limiting factor for conversion.                    number-averaged chain length, xN ¼ pð1Þ =pð0Þ , mass-aver-
Levine et al. (2010) described the cellulose polymers as                      aged chain length, xM ¼ pð2Þ =pð1Þ , and polydispersity index,
individual discrete species, essentially tracking the concen-                 Ipd ¼ xM =xN . Soluble sugars are distinguished from insolu-
tration for each chain length. Although analytical solutions                  ble cellulose, and are denoted by Q(xj), for species having j
are possible for some reaction systems, numerical methods                     glucan units. This distinction arises from the treatment of
are often required to integrate the differential equations and                cellulose depolymerization as a heterogeneous catalysis
track the concentration evolution of the reacting species. For                reaction. Molar concentrations of soluble sugars are given by
the kinetics of reacting polymers with a distribution of                      qj(t). In particular, q1(t) is the concentration of glucose
discrete chain lengths, it is possible to form a set of ODEs,                 (Q(x1)), and q2(t) is the concentration of cellobiose (Q(x2)).
one for each length of polymer, and to solve the system                          The enzyme mixtures used for biomass deconstruction
numerically (Kostoglou, 2000; Zhang and Lynd, 2006).                          typically include a variety of processive and non-processive
However, the number of ODEs can become extremely large                        cellulases. Although the mechanisms of these various
(O(103)) and may be inefficient to solve directly, even when                   cellulases are not fully understood, experimental evidence
the initial distribution is monodisperse.                                     indicates different enzymes are responsible for facilitating
   In this work, we develop a mechanistically based kinetics                  the hydrolysis of b-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds from the chain
model for the depolymerization of embedded solid cellulose                    interior and chain ends. Rather than attempting to model

666          Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
the action of all of the different cellulases, we instead                       processive action of CBHI is
describe two distinct hydrolysis mechanisms, chain-interior
and chain-end scission. Endoglucanase I (EGI, Cel7B) and                                 rpB h ðx; t Þ ¼ kCBH ½pB ðx þ x2 ; t Þ À pB ðx; tÞŠ;
cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI, Cel7A, an exoglucanase) from                                                                                                  (4)
Trichoderma reesei (Srisodsuk et al., 1998) have been well                                   x ! x" :
characterized, and are thought to perform primarily internal
and chain-end hydrolysis, respectively. We assume cellulose                     Here, we assume processive hydrolysis by CBHI continues
depolymerization occurs at the solid–liquid interface by                        unhindered along the cellulose chain length until x < xe.
purely endo- (EGI) and exo-acting (CBHI) mechanisms.                            Although the lower limit, xe, has yet to be experimentally
   Enzymatic hydrolysis reactions do not always result in                       determined, we assume procession stops and CBHI desorbs
depletion of substrate. Rather, generation, transformation,                     when x < x3. In a recent study, ‘‘processivity’’ values, which
and loss of insoluble substrate (solubilization) may occur.                     represent the number of processive hydrolysis events that
We assume EGI and CBHI may adsorb anywhere on the                               occur prior to desorption of CBHI, were determined to be
cellulose surface, and surface-adsorbed EGI and CBHI act to                     much smaller than the average cellulose chain length
depolymerize the insoluble cellulose at sites specific to their                  (Kurasin and Valjamae, 2011). However, the processivity
mode of action. The adsorption of enzymes onto cellulose is                     values have yet to be verified by experimental comparisons
described below in section ‘‘Enzyme Adsorption’’. CBHI                          to cellulose DP distributions. For the reported processivity
is considered to perform strictly chain-end scission in a                       values in Kurasin and Valjamae (2011), one would expect an
processive manner from the reducing end of a cellulose                          appreciable decrease in the average degree of polymeriza-
chain (Igarashi et al., 2009). The chemical-reaction scheme                     tion, which has not been observed for CBHI hydrolysis
for surface-adsorbed CBHI can be written as:                                    (Kleman-Leyer et al., 1996; Srisodsuk et al., 1998). Our
                                                                                assumption of complete processivity substantially simplifies
                              kCBH È
                               f              É                                 the modeling equations. Similarly, although there is some
                         ECBH À
                          S      ! ECBH P ðxÞ
                                     B                                (2a)
                                                                                limited experimental evidence that oligomers of cellulose
                                                                                as large as seven glucan units may be liberated during
                                                                                hydrolysis (Zhang and Lynd, 2004), the rate of soluble
    È             É kCBH È CBH        É
        ECBH P ðxÞ À  ! EB P ðx À x2 Þ þ Q ðx2 Þ
         B                                                            (2b)      oligomer production and the relation to component
                                                                                cellulase enzymes is substrate dependent and still unclear.
                                                                                For simplicity, we consider only cellobiose and glucose to be
                È               É kCBH                                          soluble.
                    ECBH P ðx4 Þ À ECBH þ 2Q ðx2 Þ
                                    ! B
                     B                                                (2c)         From Equations (2b–d), the rates of generation of soluble
                                                                                species (cellobiose and glucose) due to processive hydrolysis
                                                                                are given by
        È               É kCBH
            ECBH P ðx3 Þ À ECBH þ Q ðx2 Þ þ Q ðx1 Þ
             B                                                        (2d)                                   Z   1                                  !
                                                                                    rq2 h ðt Þ ¼ kCBH
                                                                                                  h                  pB ðx; t Þ dx þ x1 pB ðx4 ; t Þ ;   (5)
Surface-adsorbed         CBHI, ECBH ,
                                S becomes catalytically active
following surface diffusion, complexation with a reducing
end, and threading of a chain into its catalytic domain, as                     and
described by Equation (2a). The distribution of CBHI-
                                            È             É
threaded (‘‘bound’’) cellulose chains, ECBH PðxÞ , is                                                rq1 h ðt Þ ¼ kCBH x1 pB ðx3 ; t Þ:
                                                                                                                   h                                     (6)
denoted as pB ðx; tÞ, and is treated separately from
the population pðx; tÞ. Although experimental studies                           The first term on the right-hand side (RHS) of Equation (5)
have yet to precisely identify the rate CBHI finds and                           gives the generation of cellobiose due to scission of chain
threads cellulose chains, we hypothesize that the time                          ends from all larger threaded chains. The second term on the
required to find a reducing end is proportional to the                           RHS of Equation (5) and the only term of Equation (6) gives
chain length, so that the rate coefficient has the form                          the generation of additional cellobiose or glucose from
kfCBH ðxÞ ¼ ^CBH =x. The rate of generation of pB ðx; tÞ due to
            kf                                                                  scission at the end of the chain, depending on whether the
threading of CBHI is then                                                       initial chain contained an even or odd number of glucan
                                             ^     CBH
                                             kCBH ES                                                         EG
                                                                                   Surface-adsorbed EGI, ES , is considered to perform
   r pB f
             ðx; t Þ ¼   Àrp f
                                 ðx; t Þ ¼               p ðx; t Þ:    (3)      strictly random-chain scission. Complexation and hydroly-
                                                                                sis are assumed to occur in a single concerted step,
                                                                                according to
   Population-balance equations have been developed to
describe the transformation given in Equation (2b). The                                                       kEG
                                                                                            EEG þ P ðxÞ À P ðx À yÞ þ P ðy Þ þ EEG ;
time rate of change rate of the population pB(x) due to the                                  S                                                           (7)

                                                                             Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I      667
                                                                                                                 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
which shows cleavage of a cellulose polymer of length x,                          Soluble species may also result from scission of threaded
resulting in two smaller cellulose chains of lengths y and xÀy                    chains:
and desorption of ES . A population-balance equation can
be used to express the rate of change of pðx; tÞ due to EGI                                                         ^          Z
                                                                                                                    kEG ES ðt Þ 1
action:                                                                             rq2 :pB ðt Þ ¼ rq1 :pB ðt Þ ¼
                                                                                     EG             EG               h
                                                                                                                                   pB ðy; t Þ dy: (13)
                                                                                                                        xN      x"
                       Z       1
  rp    ðx; t Þ ¼ 2                kEG ðy Þ ES ðt Þ p ðy; t Þ Vðx; yÞ dy

                    À kEG ðxÞ ES ðt Þ p ðx; t Þ:
                                                                                  Cellulose Structure
The second term on the RHS accounts for the loss of a chain                       The kinetic model development in the previous section
of size x. The first term on the RHS accounts for addition                         applies to the enzyme-accessible cellulose population. Often,
of chains of size x from larger chains of size y. The multiple 2                  only a portion of the cellulose substrate is accessible to
comes from the fact that two fragments result from                                enzymes at a given time. For instance, crystalline cellulose
the scission of a larger chain. The term Vðx; yÞ is known                         in an aqueous environment exists as either aggregated or
as the ‘‘breakage kernel’’ and gives the probability of                           discrete insoluble particles (Zhang and Lynd, 2004).
obtaining a chain of size x from a chain of size y (Sterling and                  Depending on the biomass source and previous processing,
McCoy, 2001). For random-chain scission, Vðx; yÞ ¼ 1=y.                           these particles may have a number of different shapes and
We propose that the rate coefficient be, kh ðxÞ ¼ ^EG x=xN ,
                                                       kh                         sizes. Microscopically, cellulose chains are commonly
which accounts for more frequent action by EGI on longer                          oriented together into microfibrils, which may collectively
chains. Substituting these into Equation (8) gives                                be arranged as macrofibrils. Depending on the processing
                                                                                  used to obtain cellulose from plants, cellulose particles often
                  ^             Z 1                          !                    consist of groupings of macro- and microfibrils and may be
                  kEG ES ðt Þ
  rp    ðx; t Þ ¼  h
                              2     p ðy; t Þ dy À xp ðx; t Þ ;                   porous, having both interior and exterior accessible surfaces
                      xN         x
                                                                                  (Hong et al., 2007). Depolymerization and solubilization of
      x ! x" ;                                                                    surface-accessible cellulose leads to a decrease in particle
                                                                            (9)   mass and generation of additional surface-accessible
                                                                                  cellulose by exposing the underlying chains.
where we also include a lower chain-size limit for EGI                               Here, we assume a population of monodisperse cylindri-
hydrolysis. Because this lower limit is not known precisely,                      cal particles, comprised of cellulose chains of varied length,
we assume that the limit is the same for EGI as for CBHI,                         which is intended to represent the micro- or macrofibrils.
specifically, xe, so that random-chain scission by EGI does                        Experimental findings suggest microfibrils and macrofibrils
not occur for chains smaller than xe. Production of soluble                       of cellulose are approximately hexagonal in shape across the
glucose and cellobiose may result from random-chain                               radial dimension (Ding and Himmel, 2006), which is much
scission by EGI. The rate of cellobiose and glucose formation                     smaller than the particle length, making a cylindrical
by EGI is given by:                                                               approximation reasonable. The model could be augmented
                                                                                  to consider polydisperse distributions of particle sizes,
                                       ^          Z                               but would require simultaneous tracking of multiple size
                                       kEG ES ðt Þ 1
   rq2 ðt Þ ¼ rq1 ðt Þ ¼ 2
    EG         EG                       h
                                                       p ðy; t Þ dy:       (10)   distributions (of particles and of chain length), adding
                                           xN       x"                            significantly to the complexity of the model. The mono-
                                                                                  disperse cylinders have a radius of R and length of L, as
   EGI may also act on the CBHI-threaded-chain popula-                            illustrated in Figure 1. We assume that L ) R, so that only R
tion, pB ðx; tÞ. For this case, random-chain scission results in                  is a function of time (t) and L is constant. Additionally, we
one threaded and unthreaded chain fragment, so that:                              denote the thickness of the accessible layer of cellulose as R0,
                                                                                  which may be regarded as the thickness of a single cellulose
                  ^           Z 1                            !                    chain or roughly the diameter of glucose. Clearly, many
                  kEG ES ðt Þ
  rpB   ðx; t Þ ¼  h
                                  pB ðy; t Þ dy À xpB ðx; t Þ ;                   other geometrical representations for insoluble particles
                      xN       x                                                  could be chosen, but our choice of a cylinder is sufficient to
      x ! x" ;                                                                    describe the evolution of accessible and inaccessible sub-
                                                                                  strate with conversion. Porous particles would require
                                                                                  further consideration, including whether the pores are
                                                                                  large enough to permit entry by enzymes. We do not
                                                                                  consider porous particles here.
                     ^          Z                                                    A detailed derivation for the rate of loss and generation
                     kEG ES ðt Þ 1
                                                                                  of surface-accessible cellulose is given in the supporting
  rp:pB ðx; t Þ ¼
   EG                 h
                                    pB ðy; t Þ dy;             x ! x" : (12)
                         xN       x                                               information. The important relationships that are needed to

668              Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
Here, E denotes either freely suspended EGI or CBHI, and Es
                                                                                     denotes surface adsorbed enzyme. A detailed derivation of
                                                                                     the relationships between free and adsorbed enzymes is
                                                                                     given in the supporting information. The concentrations of
                                                                                     surface-adsorbed CBHI and EGI are given by

                                                                                                                            ET À pB
                                                                                                                ES ¼
                                                                                                                                 K CBH
                                                                                                                             1 þ dð1Þ


     Figure 1.    Schematic of a cylinder comprised of cellulose chains.                                                       EG
                                                                                                                   ES ¼
                                                                                                                                  EG ;                     (19)
                                                                                                                            1 þ ð1Þ
complete the kinetics model are reproduced here. The
population distribution of surface-accessible cellulose is
denoted as pS ðx; tÞ ¼ pðx; tÞ þ pB ðx; tÞ and the total cellulose                   respectively. In this article we have neglected product
population is denoted as pT ðx; tÞ ¼ pS ðx; tÞ þ pi ðx; tÞ,                          inhibition and enzyme crowding. We extend the above
where pi ðx; tÞ is the population distribution of inaccessible                       relationships to include these features and discuss their
cellulose. Surface-accessible cellulose is exposed at a rate,                        impact in Part II.
rexp, and consumed at a rate, rloss, due to enzymatic
hydrolysis, so that:                                                                 Numerical Methods
              dpS ðx; t Þ                                                            Solution methods for population-balance models have often
                          ¼ rloss ðx; t Þ þ rexp ðx; t Þ:                  (14)
                 dt                                                                  used the method of moments, which offers considerable
                                                                                     computational efficiency (Sterling and McCoy, 2001).
The total rate of the loss of cellulose due to enzymatic                             However, the method of moments provides information
reaction, rloss, is the sum of the rate terms given above that                       limited to the time evolution of the moments of a
lead to the loss of insoluble polymer:                                               distributed system, not the full distribution. The method
                                                                                     of moments approach was found to be inadequate for our
      rloss ðx; t Þ ¼ rp ðx; t Þ þ rpB ðx; t Þ þ rp:pB ðx; t Þ
                       EG           EG            EG
                                                                                     mechanistic description of CBHI, because the concentration
                                                                                     of the cut-off species xe must be known precisely (Kostoglou,
                     þ rpB h ðx; t Þ:
                                                                                     2000; Stickel and Griggs, 2010). Specifically, the concentra-
                                                                                     tion of CBHI-threaded cellotetraose (i.e., 2-cellobiose) is
The rate of exposure is derived to be                                                needed to properly describe CBHI desorption following
                                                                                   hydrolysis of a chain and the depletion of a chain from the
                     R À R0 pi ðxÞ ð1Þ                                               population.
   rexp ðx; t Þ ¼ À                r ðt Þ;
                               ð1Þ loss
                                                        R ! R0 ;           (16)
                       R     p                                                          In this work, we map the continuous distribution to fixed
                                                                                     discrete grid points and solve the system of rate equations
and the rate of exposure is zero once the radius falls below                         using numerical methods. Rate equations with finite integral
R0. We assume that the cellulose is distributed uniformly                            terms over x are evaluated using cumulative-trapezoidal
throughout the particle. However, it would be straightfor-                           integration, which provides sufficient numerical accuracy.
ward to have the population be a function of radius; e.g.,                           Special consideration must be taken for the evaluation of
the population near the surface may have an average chain                            Equation (4), which describes the processive chain-end
length that is shorter than the population near the center of                        scission by CBHI. Calculation of pB ðx þ x2 Þ À pB ðxÞ at
the particle.                                                                        each grid point x ¼ xi could be accomplished by using
                                                                                     interpolation to determine the value for pB ðxi þ x2 Þ, but
                                                                                     when the grid spacing is much larger than x2, computation-
Enzyme Adsorption                                                                    ally expensive quadratic or cubic interpolation would be
                                                                                     necessary to obtain reasonable accuracy. Instead, a Taylor-
Prior to hydrolysis, solution-phase CBHI and EGI adsorbs                             series expansion can be used to approximate the difference
onto the insoluble cellulose surface according to                                    term (Adrover et al., 2003; Stickel and Griggs, 2010):
                              E ÀÀ Es
                                 ÀÀ                                        (17)                                             @pB x2 @2 pB
                                                                                                                                  2         À 3Á
                                    E                                                    pB ðx þ x2 Þ À pB ðxÞ % x2            þ         þ O x2 :          (20)
                                                                                                                            @x   2 @x2

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Truncating after the second term allows us to rewrite                             distribution, so that:
Equation (4) as
                                                                                                 ð 0Þ
                                                                                               pT; in aÀ1 Àx=b
                                                                     !            pT; in ðxÞ ¼ a       x e
                                   @pB ðx; t Þ x2 @2 pB ðx; t Þ
                                                                                              b G ða Þ
  rpB h ðx; t Þ ¼ kCBH x2
                                              þ                 ;
                                      @x        2     @x2         (21)                         ð0Þ
                                                                                           ¼ pT;in exp ½ða À 1Þ ln x À x=b À a ln b À ln G ðaÞŠ
      x  x :                                                                                                                                          (28)
Central-finite-difference methods were used to evaluate the                        where a, b, and pT;in determine the mean, width, and total
derivative terms, with boundary conditions given by                               size of the distribution. The expanded second expression is
                                                                                  more amenable to numerical evaluation. Of this initial total
                                                                                  population, the enzyme-accessible portion is
                                               @p ðx; t Þ
                   lim p ðx; t Þ ¼ lim                    ¼ 0:            (22)
                  x!1                  x!1        @x                                                                          R0
                                                                                              pS; in ðxÞ ¼ pin ðxÞ ¼ 2            p T; in ðxÞ:          (29)
For relatively broad distributions, which is often the case
for many naturally occurring plant celluloses, the second                         The initial population of threaded chains was set to zero for
derivative term in Equation (21) may be neglected (Stickel                        all x, as was the concentrations for cellobiose and glucose.
and Griggs, 2010).                                                                The initial radius of the insoluble-cellulose cylindrical
   The set of modeling equations to be solved is the system of                    particles was related to the specified number and length of
ordinary differential equations:                                                  the particles and the initial mass of cellulose.
                                                                                     For the purposes of comparing the total population
                                                                                  distribution with that determined by experiment, pT(x) can
   dp ðx; t Þ
              ¼ rp ðx; t Þ þ rp:pB ðx; t Þ þ rp f ðx; t Þ
                 EG           EG              CBH                                 be calculated by
                     þ rexp ðx; t Þ;                                      (23)                       pi ðxÞ      ð 1Þ
                                                                                      pT ðx; t Þ ¼       ð 1Þ
                                                                                                                pi ðt Þ þ p ðx; t Þ þ pB ðx; t Þ;       (30)

             dpB ðx; t Þ                                                          where the normalized distribution pi ðxÞ=pi          will be
                                                                                                                                                 ð 1Þ
                         ¼ rpB ðx; t Þ þ rpB f ðx; t Þ
                            EG            CBH
                dt                                                                constant in time according to the initial conditions, as
                                 þ rpB h ðx; t Þ;
                                                                          (24)    long as the initial distribution of cellulose lengths do not
                                                                                  change with radius, and the total mass of inaccessible
                                                                                  cellulose is pi ðtÞ ¼ nrpðR ðtÞ À R0 Þ2 L.
           dq2 ðt Þ
                    ¼ rq2 ðt Þ þ rq2 :pB ðt Þ þ rq2 h ðt Þ;
                       EG         EG             CBH
                                                                                  Results and Discussion
           dq1 ðt Þ                                                               Independent Action of EGI
                    ¼ rq1 ðt Þ þ rq1 :pB ðt Þ þ rq1 h ðt Þ;
                       EG         EG             CBH
                                                                                  For all the results presented in this article, total enzyme
                                                                                  loading was fixed to approximately 65 mg of enzyme per
and                                                                               gram of cellulose, an amount appropriate for demonstrating
                                                                                  changes to the cellulose population with digestion. In this
                              dR   r ðt Þ                                         section, we will demonstrate how random-chain scission
                                 ¼ loss   :                               (27)    by EGI changes a population of cellulose chains. An initial
                              dt  2nprRL
                                                                                  population of cellulose polymers, a Gamma distribution
                                                                                  with an average degree of polymerization of xN ¼ 500, with a
Equations (23) and (24) were evaluated at grid points, x ¼ xi,                    relatively narrow range of molecular weights (b ¼ 10), was
where x xe. The total number of equations to solve was                           chosen for the results presented in this section. Figure 2
therefore 2Nx þ 3, where Nx is the number of grid points.                         shows the time evolution of the mass-weighted distribution
Typical values for Nx were 500 to 1,000. Time integration of                      of cellulose chains during hydrolysis by EGI, assuming all of
Equations (23–27) was performed using an adaptive-time-                           the cellulose chains are enzyme accessible. Over time, the
step ODE solver.                                                                  mean of the distribution shifts progressively toward lower
   Any arbitrary distribution may be used to describe the                         values of xN, indicating shorter chains are being generated
initial population of cellulose. In this work, the initial                        from longer chains. Further fragmentation of these shorter
cellulose population was generated using a Gamma                                  chains can also be observed throughout the course of

670              Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
markedly different than those presented in Figure 2, for the
                                                                                            same enzyme and cellulose loading. The extent of random-
                                                                                            chain scission, characterized by reduction in chain length
                                                                                            and production of smaller chains, for the total population is
                                                                                            much less pronounced when cellulose structure is taken into
                                                                                            account. Figure 3b shows results for the surface-accessible
                                                                                            (hydrolyzable) population. However, the extent of random-
                                                                                            chain scission here is still less than that observed from
                                                                                            Figure 2, owing to a reduced availability of cellulose
                                                                                            substrate for enzymatic adsorption and subsequent hydro-
                                                                                            lytic bond cleavage.

                                                                                            Independent Action of CBHI
                                                                                            Separate mechanistic steps for adsorption, surface diffusion
                                                                                            to a reducing-chain end and formation of a catalytically
Figure 2. Mass-weighted cellulose chain size distribution for various times                 active complex, processive hydrolysis, and desorption were
during EGI hydrolysis of amorphous cellulose. [Color figure can be seen in the online
version of this article, available at]
                                                                                            included for CBHI. Following adsorption of CBHI on the
                                                                                            insoluble cellulose surface via the cellulose binding domain,
                                                                                            the rate of formation of catalytically active CBHI depends
hydrolysis. At time, t ¼ 2,000, almost all of the chains from                               on the availability of reducing ends and the rate at which
the initial distribution have undergone at least one scission,                              available chain ends are found. The rate parameter
which is expected due to all chains being susceptible to                                    associated with the induction time between adsorption
cleaving by EGI.                                                                            and complexation, kfCBH , was assigned a value of 2.0. To our
   For the results presented in Figure 2, it was assumed that                               knowledge, this parameter has yet to be determined
all of the cellulose chains were enzyme-accessible. We now                                  experimentally. However, a recent high-speed AFM study
demonstrate the effect of our ‘‘structure’’ model on the                                    of CBHI enzymes acting on insoluble cellulose suggests that
cellulose substrate, where only the chains on the outer                                     this rate parameter may be measurable for a given cellulose
surface are labile to random-chain scission by EGI. Figure 3                                substrate (Igarashi et al., 2009). Following complexation
presents results for the (mass-weighted) total cellulose                                    with a reducing chain end, the threaded CBHI enzyme
population (xpT ðx; tÞ) and the surface-accessible popula-                                  processes along the chain, hydrolyzing cellulose by
tion, using our structure model, with R0/R ¼ 0.2 (the                                       successively cleaving cellobiose units from the chain ends.
‘‘amorphous’’ case discussed above was obtained by setting                                  The rate parameter associated with this hydrolysis was set to
R0/R ¼ 1.0). The changes to the total cellulose population                                  a value of kh ¼ 1:0 (b-glucosidic bonds cleaved/time). It

due to random-chain scission by EGI, shown in Figure 3a are                                 is reasonable to assume that kfCBH is greater than or equal to

           a                                                                            b

Figure 3.       Mass-weighted cellulose chain distribution for various times during EGI hydrolysis of cellulose, incorporating cellulose structure. Figure 3(a) shows the total
cellulose population, while (b) shows the enzyme-accessible (surface) cellulose population. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at http://]

                                                                                       Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I             671
                                                                                                                            Biotechnology and Bioengineering
the hydrolysis rate constant, especially for crystalline                                   to progressively lower values of x with time, due to
cellulose substrates due to the energy required for                                        processive hydrolysis, eventually reaching a quasi-steady
decrystallization during processive hydrolysis.                                            distribution at longer times.
   Figure 4 shows mass-weighted distributions for the total                                   Following complete hydrolysis of a cellulose chain,
cellulose (Fig. 4a) and enzyme-accessible population                                       the CBHI enzyme desorbs, and the cycle of adsorption,
(Fig. 4b) for various times during hydrolysis by CBHI,                                     recognition, and hydrolysis repeats, as illustrated in Figure 5,
using the same initial distribution and enzyme loading value                               which shows the dynamic evolution of the portion of
described in the previous section. In contrast with the                                    CBHI that is catalytically active, surface adsorbed, or free
observed trends for EGI, the distribution does not exhibit                                 (in solution). Initially, the relative amount of free enzyme
a pronounced shift to lower degrees of polymerization.                                     decreases due to surface adsorption, while surface-adsorbed
Rather, the area under the distribution curve decreases                                    enzyme subsequently threads reducing chain ends, becom-
progressively during hydrolysis, as shown in Figure 4a, due                                ing catalytically active. An increase in the relative amount
to mass loss as cellulose is converted to soluble cellobiose.                              of free enzyme can be attributed to desorption of CBHI
The enzyme-accessible population of cellulose chains,                                      following processive hydrolysis, which is accompanied
shown in Figure 4b, exhibits a slight increase in chains                                   by a decrease in the number of CBHI-threaded chains.
having a small degree of polymerization, because CBHI-                                     The oscillations of CBHI concentrations over time shown
threaded-chains are included with the enzyme-accessible                                    in Figure 5 are consistent with our mechanistic description
cellulose population. Figure 4c shows results for the                                      of CBHI hydrolysis, for a relatively narrow distribution
evolution of the CBHI-threaded chain population (num-                                      of cellulose chain lengths. For wider distributions, such
ber-weighted). The distribution of CBHI-threaded chains                                    as those for naturally occurring celluloses, such pronounced
first increases in area (from zero at t ¼ 0) as catalytically                               fluctuations in CBHI concentrations are unlikely to
active complexes form. The distribution subsequently shifts                                occur.

           a                                                                              b


Figure 4. Cellulose-chain-size distributions for various times during CBHI hydrolysis of cellulose. Parts (a) and (b) show the mass-weighted total cellulose population and
enzyme-accessible (surface) cellulose population, respectively. Part (c) depicts the number-weighted distribution of CBHI-threaded chains. [Color figure can be seen in the online
version of this article, available at]

672              Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012

Figure 5.       The dynamic evolution of the distribution of CBHI enzyme, relative to
                CBH                                            CBH
total loading (ET ), in the forms of surface-adsorbed (ES ), catalytically active
(chain-threaded, pB ), and free solution (ECBH) enzyme. [Color figure can be seen in
the online version of this article, available at]

Combined Action of CBHI and EGI
In this section, we consider both CBHI and EGI acting
simultaneously to depolymerize cellulose. Figure 6 shows
the time evolution of the mass-weighted cellulose chain-size
distributions for various CBHI to EGI loading ratios, using
an in initial distribution having an average degree of
polymerization of xN ¼ 500. Here, the total enzyme loading                                    c
was kept constant and the proportion of each enzyme was
varied. As can be observed in Figure 6, the distribution
becomes bimodal at intermediate conversions, due to the
accumulation of small chain fragments generated by EGI,
which are eventually solubilized by CBHI.

Chain-end scission by CBHI is captured utilizing a
population-balance approach to describe the depolymeri-
zation of cellulose chains. Separate mechanistic steps
for adsorption, complexation with reducing ends to form
a catalytically active enzyme, processive hydrolysis, and                                  Figure 6. Mass-weighted cellulose chain size distributions for various times
                                                                                           during the course of hydrolysis for combined CBHI and EGI action for various CBHI:EGI
desorption were included. Random-chain scission of                                         ratios. The total enzyme loading was fixed, and the proportion of each enzyme was
insoluble chains by EGI is also handled using population-                                  varied for CBHI:EGI: (a) 2:1, (b) 1:1, and (c) 1:2. [Color figure can be seen in the online
balance equations. The evolution of enzyme accessible                                      version of this article, available at]

cellulose is represented by cellulase-mediated erosion of a
cylindrical particle comprised of cellulose chains. Solutions
for the system of ODEs describing the fragmentation and                                    cellulose chain lengths can be experimentally measured
solubilization of chains at the particle surface and the                                   using various techniques (Kleman-Leyer et al., 1996;
evolution of particle size are easily obtained. By examining                               Srisodsuk et al., 1998) and compared to our model results.
the evolution of the distribution of cellulose chain lengths                               In a companion article (Part II), we incorporate the model
during enzymatic hydrolysis, in conjunction with soluble                                   framework described here to study cellulose conversion
sugar production, an improved understanding of cellulose                                   processes, including solution kinetics, product inhibition,
depolymerization can be achieved. The distribution of                                      and cooperative enzyme hydrolysis.

                                                                                        Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I                673
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  • 1. ARTICLE A Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification of Cellulose Using Continuous Distribution Kinetics I: Depolymerization by EGI and CBHI Andrew J. Griggs, Jonathan J. Stickel, James J. Lischeske National Renewable Energy Laboratory, National Bioenergy Center, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado 80401; telephone: 303-384-6867; fax: 303-384-6877; e-mail: Received 5 May 2011; revision received 16 September 2011; accepted 26 September 2011 Published online 27 October 2011 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/bit.23355 and chemical transformations that occur in several distinct ABSTRACT: A mechanistically based kinetic model for the processing steps (e.g., pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass has been devel- and fermentation). In order to design reaction vessels oped that incorporates the distinct modes of action of and optimize process parameters, it is helpful to have a cellulases on insoluble cellulose polymer chains. Cellulose depolymerization by an endoglucanase (endoglucanase I, quantitative understanding of the kinetics of these EGI) and an exoglucanase (cellobiohydrolase I, CBHI) is physical and chemical transformations. Due to the complex modeled using population-balance equations, which pro- chemistry and material properties of biomass, our under- vide a kinetic description of the evolution of a polydisperse standing of reaction kinetics for the degradation of distribution of chain lengths. The cellulose substrate is biomass is far from complete. Empirical models, based on assumed to have enzyme-accessible chains and inaccessible interior chains. EGI is assumed to randomly cleave insoluble experimental results, have often been used to study cellulose chains. For CBHI, distinct steps for adsorption, enzymatic hydrolysis kinetics, as reviewed in Bansal et al. complexation, processive hydrolysis, and desorption are (2009). These models are typically limited to the parameter included in the mechanistic description. Population-balance space for which the experiments were performed, and models that employ continuous distributions track the often provide only limited insight into the underlying evolution of the spectrum of chain lengths, and do not require solving equations for all chemical species present in mechanisms of enzymatic hydrolysis. the reacting mixture, resulting in computationally efficient Mechanistically, or functionally, based models for simulations. The theoretical and mathematical development enzymatic hydrolysis (Zhang and Lynd, 2004), offer several needed to describe the hydrolysis of insoluble cellulose advantages to semi-empirical or empirical kinetic models. chains embedded in a solid particle by EGI and CBHI is By considering the dynamic interplay of the chemical and given in this article (Part I). Results for the time evolution of the distribution of chain sizes are provided for independent physical phenomena occurring during enzymatic hydrolysis, and combined enzyme hydrolysis. A companion article (Part mechanistic models can provide a deeper understanding, II) incorporates this modeling framework to study cellulose improve predictive capabilities, and ultimately provide conversion processes, specifically, solution kinetics, enzyme more directed and rational approaches for process design inhibition, and cooperative enzymatic action. and optimization. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012;109: 665–675. Previous models for enzymatic hydrolysis have made ß 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. simplifying assumptions for the cellulosic substrate. KEYWORDS: cellulose; enzymatic hydrolysis; kinetics Often, the substrate is described by a single bulk cellulose model; polymer distribution; substrate structure concentration, sometimes with varying reactivities, such as inert and susceptible fractions (Fan and Lee, 1983; Kadam et al., 2004; Zheng et al., 2009). Such simplifications limit the Introduction ability of these models to explain many important enzyme– substrate interactions, such as the relationship between The biochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to enzyme adsorption and hydrolysis yield, which may be liquid transportation fuels involves a multitude of physical needed to further understand the recalcitrant nature of Correspondence to: J.J. Stickel cellulosic biomass, identify rate-controlling steps, and Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article. improve cellulose-conversion technologies. ß 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012 665
  • 2. Cellulose is an insoluble polymer having varied degrees of chains of varied length. We propose that a meaningful polymerization, composed of repeating units of cellobiose, mechanistic model should include descriptions of (1) the which is a glucose dimer having b-(1,4)-glucosidic bonds distinct modes of action of the cellulase enzymes (EGI and (Zhang and Lynd, 2004). Naturally occurring cellulosic CBHI), (2) the occurrence of insoluble and soluble substrates often have a wide distribution of chain lengths. substrates, (3) the distribution of chain lengths for the Previous experimental studies have examined the size insoluble cellulose substrate, and (4) the time evolution distributions of cellulose chains during enzymatic hydrolysis of the substrate accessibility to cellulases. In this article, we and shown the susceptibility of the cellulose to enzyme present the model structure to implement these core hydrolysis can depend on the chain size (Kleman-Leyer features. Population-balance equations are used to describe et al., 1996; Srisodsuk et al., 1998). So-called ‘‘depolymeri- the transformation of a continuous distribution of cellulose zation models’’ consider the distribution of chain sizes for chains lengths. The model framework is modular and polymeric substrates and incorporate various modes of extendable so that features appropriate to a particular depolymerization by enzymes acting on isolated chains system of study can be readily implemented, including (Converse and Optekar, 1993; Okazaki and Mooyoung, lignocellulosic biomass substrates. In a companion article 1978; Watanabe and Kawai, 2006; Watanabe et al., 2007; (Griggs et al., 2011)) (Part II), solution kinetics and product Zhang and Lynd, 2006). These models do not account for inhibition are considered simultaneously with the hetero- the time evolution of accessible cellulose chains during geneous catalyzed depolymerization of cellulose. saccharification, but are useful for studying the early stages of enzyme hydrolysis. The availability or accessibility of the cellulose substrate to Model Formulation the enzymes at a given point in hydrolysis also requires careful consideration. The amount of enzyme-accessible cellulose Cellulose Depolymerization differs from the total cellulose in a reaction mixture due to the supra-molecular organization of cellulose chains. The We treat the cellulose substrate as ‘‘populations’’ of varied evolution of enzyme-accessible cellulose during the course chain lengths. Let P(x) represent an insoluble cellulose chain of hydrolysis depends on the spatial organization of cellulose comprised of x anhydroglucose units. Assuming x varies chains for a given cellulose substrate, and therefore, the initial continuously (Aris and Gavalas, 1966), the population spatial organization of cellulose chains, and the morphologi- distribution of enzyme-accessible cellulose chains at some cal changes to the cellulose substrate during the course of time, t, is represented as pðx; tÞ, so that pðx; tÞdx is the enzyme hydrolysis may be key rate-determining factors. number of cellulose chains per volume (molar concentra- Until recently, few enzymatic hydrolysis studies have tion) having lengths between x and x þ dx. Useful metrics considered both the size distribution of the cellulose can be obtained from the absolute moments of the polymers and the embedding of cellulose in a solid distribution: substrate. Hydrolytic-time evolution of solid substrate Z 1 morphology and enzymatic chain fragmentation were pðnÞ ðt Þ ¼ xn p ðx; t Þdx (1) both considered in the works of Zhou et al. (2009a; b), 0 which examined short- and long-time conversion of cellulose. Zhou et al. (2010) used a time-scale analysis The zeroth moment, p(0)(t), is the molar concentration based on the kinetic model given in Zhou et al. (2009a; b) to of cellulose chains, and the first moment, p(1)(t), gives study the synergistic behavior of exo- and endo-acting the total concentration of monomeric glucan comprising cellulases and identified the embedding of cellulose chains in the cellulose chains. Other commonly used metrics are the a solid particle as a rate-limiting factor for conversion. number-averaged chain length, xN ¼ pð1Þ =pð0Þ , mass-aver- Levine et al. (2010) described the cellulose polymers as aged chain length, xM ¼ pð2Þ =pð1Þ , and polydispersity index, individual discrete species, essentially tracking the concen- Ipd ¼ xM =xN . Soluble sugars are distinguished from insolu- tration for each chain length. Although analytical solutions ble cellulose, and are denoted by Q(xj), for species having j are possible for some reaction systems, numerical methods glucan units. This distinction arises from the treatment of are often required to integrate the differential equations and cellulose depolymerization as a heterogeneous catalysis track the concentration evolution of the reacting species. For reaction. Molar concentrations of soluble sugars are given by the kinetics of reacting polymers with a distribution of qj(t). In particular, q1(t) is the concentration of glucose discrete chain lengths, it is possible to form a set of ODEs, (Q(x1)), and q2(t) is the concentration of cellobiose (Q(x2)). one for each length of polymer, and to solve the system The enzyme mixtures used for biomass deconstruction numerically (Kostoglou, 2000; Zhang and Lynd, 2006). typically include a variety of processive and non-processive However, the number of ODEs can become extremely large cellulases. Although the mechanisms of these various (O(103)) and may be inefficient to solve directly, even when cellulases are not fully understood, experimental evidence the initial distribution is monodisperse. indicates different enzymes are responsible for facilitating In this work, we develop a mechanistically based kinetics the hydrolysis of b-(1,4)-glycosidic bonds from the chain model for the depolymerization of embedded solid cellulose interior and chain ends. Rather than attempting to model 666 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
  • 3. the action of all of the different cellulases, we instead processive action of CBHI is describe two distinct hydrolysis mechanisms, chain-interior and chain-end scission. Endoglucanase I (EGI, Cel7B) and rpB h ðx; t Þ ¼ kCBH ½pB ðx þ x2 ; t Þ À pB ðx; tÞŠ; CBH h cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI, Cel7A, an exoglucanase) from (4) Trichoderma reesei (Srisodsuk et al., 1998) have been well x ! x" : characterized, and are thought to perform primarily internal and chain-end hydrolysis, respectively. We assume cellulose Here, we assume processive hydrolysis by CBHI continues depolymerization occurs at the solid–liquid interface by unhindered along the cellulose chain length until x < xe. purely endo- (EGI) and exo-acting (CBHI) mechanisms. Although the lower limit, xe, has yet to be experimentally Enzymatic hydrolysis reactions do not always result in determined, we assume procession stops and CBHI desorbs depletion of substrate. Rather, generation, transformation, when x < x3. In a recent study, ‘‘processivity’’ values, which and loss of insoluble substrate (solubilization) may occur. represent the number of processive hydrolysis events that We assume EGI and CBHI may adsorb anywhere on the occur prior to desorption of CBHI, were determined to be cellulose surface, and surface-adsorbed EGI and CBHI act to much smaller than the average cellulose chain length depolymerize the insoluble cellulose at sites specific to their (Kurasin and Valjamae, 2011). However, the processivity mode of action. The adsorption of enzymes onto cellulose is values have yet to be verified by experimental comparisons described below in section ‘‘Enzyme Adsorption’’. CBHI to cellulose DP distributions. For the reported processivity is considered to perform strictly chain-end scission in a values in Kurasin and Valjamae (2011), one would expect an processive manner from the reducing end of a cellulose appreciable decrease in the average degree of polymeriza- chain (Igarashi et al., 2009). The chemical-reaction scheme tion, which has not been observed for CBHI hydrolysis for surface-adsorbed CBHI can be written as: (Kleman-Leyer et al., 1996; Srisodsuk et al., 1998). Our assumption of complete processivity substantially simplifies kCBH È f É the modeling equations. Similarly, although there is some ECBH À S ! ECBH P ðxÞ B (2a) limited experimental evidence that oligomers of cellulose as large as seven glucan units may be liberated during hydrolysis (Zhang and Lynd, 2004), the rate of soluble È É kCBH È CBH É ECBH P ðxÞ À ! EB P ðx À x2 Þ þ Q ðx2 Þ h B (2b) oligomer production and the relation to component cellulase enzymes is substrate dependent and still unclear. For simplicity, we consider only cellobiose and glucose to be È É kCBH soluble. ECBH P ðx4 Þ À ECBH þ 2Q ðx2 Þ ! B h B (2c) From Equations (2b–d), the rates of generation of soluble species (cellobiose and glucose) due to processive hydrolysis are given by È É kCBH ECBH P ðx3 Þ À ECBH þ Q ðx2 Þ þ Q ðx1 Þ ! h B (2d) Z 1 ! rq2 h ðt Þ ¼ kCBH CBH h pB ðx; t Þ dx þ x1 pB ðx4 ; t Þ ; (5) x" Surface-adsorbed CBHI, ECBH , S becomes catalytically active following surface diffusion, complexation with a reducing end, and threading of a chain into its catalytic domain, as and described by Equation (2a). The distribution of CBHI- È É threaded (‘‘bound’’) cellulose chains, ECBH PðxÞ , is rq1 h ðt Þ ¼ kCBH x1 pB ðx3 ; t Þ: CBH h (6) B denoted as pB ðx; tÞ, and is treated separately from the population pðx; tÞ. Although experimental studies The first term on the right-hand side (RHS) of Equation (5) have yet to precisely identify the rate CBHI finds and gives the generation of cellobiose due to scission of chain threads cellulose chains, we hypothesize that the time ends from all larger threaded chains. The second term on the required to find a reducing end is proportional to the RHS of Equation (5) and the only term of Equation (6) gives chain length, so that the rate coefficient has the form the generation of additional cellobiose or glucose from kfCBH ðxÞ ¼ ^CBH =x. The rate of generation of pB ðx; tÞ due to kf scission at the end of the chain, depending on whether the threading of CBHI is then initial chain contained an even or odd number of glucan units. ^ CBH kCBH ES EG Surface-adsorbed EGI, ES , is considered to perform f r pB f CBH ðx; t Þ ¼ Àrp f CBH ðx; t Þ ¼ p ðx; t Þ: (3) strictly random-chain scission. Complexation and hydroly- x sis are assumed to occur in a single concerted step, according to Population-balance equations have been developed to describe the transformation given in Equation (2b). The kEG EEG þ P ðxÞ À P ðx À yÞ þ P ðy Þ þ EEG ; ! h time rate of change rate of the population pB(x) due to the S (7) Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I 667 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • 4. which shows cleavage of a cellulose polymer of length x, Soluble species may also result from scission of threaded resulting in two smaller cellulose chains of lengths y and xÀy chains: EG and desorption of ES . A population-balance equation can be used to express the rate of change of pðx; tÞ due to EGI ^ Z kEG ES ðt Þ 1 EG action: rq2 :pB ðt Þ ¼ rq1 :pB ðt Þ ¼ EG EG h pB ðy; t Þ dy: (13) xN x" Z 1 EG rp ðx; t Þ ¼ 2 kEG ðy Þ ES ðt Þ p ðy; t Þ Vðx; yÞ dy h EG x À kEG ðxÞ ES ðt Þ p ðx; t Þ: h EG (8) Cellulose Structure The second term on the RHS accounts for the loss of a chain The kinetic model development in the previous section of size x. The first term on the RHS accounts for addition applies to the enzyme-accessible cellulose population. Often, of chains of size x from larger chains of size y. The multiple 2 only a portion of the cellulose substrate is accessible to comes from the fact that two fragments result from enzymes at a given time. For instance, crystalline cellulose the scission of a larger chain. The term Vðx; yÞ is known in an aqueous environment exists as either aggregated or as the ‘‘breakage kernel’’ and gives the probability of discrete insoluble particles (Zhang and Lynd, 2004). obtaining a chain of size x from a chain of size y (Sterling and Depending on the biomass source and previous processing, McCoy, 2001). For random-chain scission, Vðx; yÞ ¼ 1=y. these particles may have a number of different shapes and We propose that the rate coefficient be, kh ðxÞ ¼ ^EG x=xN , EG kh sizes. Microscopically, cellulose chains are commonly which accounts for more frequent action by EGI on longer oriented together into microfibrils, which may collectively chains. Substituting these into Equation (8) gives be arranged as macrofibrils. Depending on the processing used to obtain cellulose from plants, cellulose particles often ^ Z 1 ! consist of groupings of macro- and microfibrils and may be kEG ES ðt Þ EG EG rp ðx; t Þ ¼ h 2 p ðy; t Þ dy À xp ðx; t Þ ; porous, having both interior and exterior accessible surfaces xN x (Hong et al., 2007). Depolymerization and solubilization of x ! x" ; surface-accessible cellulose leads to a decrease in particle (9) mass and generation of additional surface-accessible cellulose by exposing the underlying chains. where we also include a lower chain-size limit for EGI Here, we assume a population of monodisperse cylindri- hydrolysis. Because this lower limit is not known precisely, cal particles, comprised of cellulose chains of varied length, we assume that the limit is the same for EGI as for CBHI, which is intended to represent the micro- or macrofibrils. specifically, xe, so that random-chain scission by EGI does Experimental findings suggest microfibrils and macrofibrils not occur for chains smaller than xe. Production of soluble of cellulose are approximately hexagonal in shape across the glucose and cellobiose may result from random-chain radial dimension (Ding and Himmel, 2006), which is much scission by EGI. The rate of cellobiose and glucose formation smaller than the particle length, making a cylindrical by EGI is given by: approximation reasonable. The model could be augmented to consider polydisperse distributions of particle sizes, ^ Z but would require simultaneous tracking of multiple size kEG ES ðt Þ 1 EG rq2 ðt Þ ¼ rq1 ðt Þ ¼ 2 EG EG h p ðy; t Þ dy: (10) distributions (of particles and of chain length), adding xN x" significantly to the complexity of the model. The mono- disperse cylinders have a radius of R and length of L, as EGI may also act on the CBHI-threaded-chain popula- illustrated in Figure 1. We assume that L ) R, so that only R tion, pB ðx; tÞ. For this case, random-chain scission results in is a function of time (t) and L is constant. Additionally, we one threaded and unthreaded chain fragment, so that: denote the thickness of the accessible layer of cellulose as R0, which may be regarded as the thickness of a single cellulose ^ Z 1 ! chain or roughly the diameter of glucose. Clearly, many kEG ES ðt Þ EG EG rpB ðx; t Þ ¼ h pB ðy; t Þ dy À xpB ðx; t Þ ; other geometrical representations for insoluble particles xN x could be chosen, but our choice of a cylinder is sufficient to x ! x" ; describe the evolution of accessible and inaccessible sub- strate with conversion. Porous particles would require (11) further consideration, including whether the pores are large enough to permit entry by enzymes. We do not and consider porous particles here. ^ Z A detailed derivation for the rate of loss and generation kEG ES ðt Þ 1 EG of surface-accessible cellulose is given in the supporting rp:pB ðx; t Þ ¼ EG h pB ðy; t Þ dy; x ! x" : (12) xN x information. The important relationships that are needed to 668 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
  • 5. Here, E denotes either freely suspended EGI or CBHI, and Es denotes surface adsorbed enzyme. A detailed derivation of the relationships between free and adsorbed enzymes is given in the supporting information. The concentrations of surface-adsorbed CBHI and EGI are given by ð0Þ ET À pB CBH ES ¼ CBH (18) K CBH 1 þ dð1Þ pS and Figure 1. Schematic of a cylinder comprised of cellulose chains. EG ET ES ¼ EG EG ; (19) Kd 1 þ ð1Þ pS complete the kinetics model are reproduced here. The population distribution of surface-accessible cellulose is denoted as pS ðx; tÞ ¼ pðx; tÞ þ pB ðx; tÞ and the total cellulose respectively. In this article we have neglected product population is denoted as pT ðx; tÞ ¼ pS ðx; tÞ þ pi ðx; tÞ, inhibition and enzyme crowding. We extend the above where pi ðx; tÞ is the population distribution of inaccessible relationships to include these features and discuss their cellulose. Surface-accessible cellulose is exposed at a rate, impact in Part II. rexp, and consumed at a rate, rloss, due to enzymatic hydrolysis, so that: Numerical Methods dpS ðx; t Þ Solution methods for population-balance models have often ¼ rloss ðx; t Þ þ rexp ðx; t Þ: (14) dt used the method of moments, which offers considerable computational efficiency (Sterling and McCoy, 2001). The total rate of the loss of cellulose due to enzymatic However, the method of moments provides information reaction, rloss, is the sum of the rate terms given above that limited to the time evolution of the moments of a lead to the loss of insoluble polymer: distributed system, not the full distribution. The method of moments approach was found to be inadequate for our rloss ðx; t Þ ¼ rp ðx; t Þ þ rpB ðx; t Þ þ rp:pB ðx; t Þ EG EG EG mechanistic description of CBHI, because the concentration of the cut-off species xe must be known precisely (Kostoglou, þ rpB h ðx; t Þ: CBH (15) 2000; Stickel and Griggs, 2010). Specifically, the concentra- tion of CBHI-threaded cellotetraose (i.e., 2-cellobiose) is The rate of exposure is derived to be needed to properly describe CBHI desorption following hydrolysis of a chain and the depletion of a chain from the R À R0 pi ðxÞ ð1Þ population. rexp ðx; t Þ ¼ À r ðt Þ; ð1Þ loss R ! R0 ; (16) R p In this work, we map the continuous distribution to fixed i discrete grid points and solve the system of rate equations and the rate of exposure is zero once the radius falls below using numerical methods. Rate equations with finite integral R0. We assume that the cellulose is distributed uniformly terms over x are evaluated using cumulative-trapezoidal throughout the particle. However, it would be straightfor- integration, which provides sufficient numerical accuracy. ward to have the population be a function of radius; e.g., Special consideration must be taken for the evaluation of the population near the surface may have an average chain Equation (4), which describes the processive chain-end length that is shorter than the population near the center of scission by CBHI. Calculation of pB ðx þ x2 Þ À pB ðxÞ at the particle. each grid point x ¼ xi could be accomplished by using interpolation to determine the value for pB ðxi þ x2 Þ, but when the grid spacing is much larger than x2, computation- Enzyme Adsorption ally expensive quadratic or cubic interpolation would be necessary to obtain reasonable accuracy. Instead, a Taylor- Prior to hydrolysis, solution-phase CBHI and EGI adsorbs series expansion can be used to approximate the difference onto the insoluble cellulose surface according to term (Adrover et al., 2003; Stickel and Griggs, 2010): þPðxÞ E ÀÀ Es )* ÀÀ (17) @pB x2 @2 pB 2 À 3Á E pB ðx þ x2 Þ À pB ðxÞ % x2 þ þ O x2 : (20) Kd @x 2 @x2 Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I 669 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • 6. Truncating after the second term allows us to rewrite distribution, so that: Equation (4) as ð 0Þ pT; in aÀ1 Àx=b ! pT; in ðxÞ ¼ a x e @pB ðx; t Þ x2 @2 pB ðx; t Þ 2 b G ða Þ rpB h ðx; t Þ ¼ kCBH x2 CBH þ ; h @x 2 @x2 (21) ð0Þ ¼ pT;in exp ½ða À 1Þ ln x À x=b À a ln b À ln G ðaÞŠ x x : (28) ð0Þ Central-finite-difference methods were used to evaluate the where a, b, and pT;in determine the mean, width, and total derivative terms, with boundary conditions given by size of the distribution. The expanded second expression is more amenable to numerical evaluation. Of this initial total population, the enzyme-accessible portion is @p ðx; t Þ lim p ðx; t Þ ¼ lim ¼ 0: (22) x!1 x!1 @x R0 pS; in ðxÞ ¼ pin ðxÞ ¼ 2 p T; in ðxÞ: (29) Rin For relatively broad distributions, which is often the case for many naturally occurring plant celluloses, the second The initial population of threaded chains was set to zero for derivative term in Equation (21) may be neglected (Stickel all x, as was the concentrations for cellobiose and glucose. and Griggs, 2010). The initial radius of the insoluble-cellulose cylindrical The set of modeling equations to be solved is the system of particles was related to the specified number and length of ordinary differential equations: the particles and the initial mass of cellulose. For the purposes of comparing the total population distribution with that determined by experiment, pT(x) can dp ðx; t Þ ¼ rp ðx; t Þ þ rp:pB ðx; t Þ þ rp f ðx; t Þ EG EG CBH be calculated by dt þ rexp ðx; t Þ; (23) pi ðxÞ ð 1Þ pT ðx; t Þ ¼ ð 1Þ pi ðt Þ þ p ðx; t Þ þ pB ðx; t Þ; (30) pi dpB ðx; t Þ where the normalized distribution pi ðxÞ=pi will be ð 1Þ ¼ rpB ðx; t Þ þ rpB f ðx; t Þ EG CBH dt constant in time according to the initial conditions, as þ rpB h ðx; t Þ; CBH (24) long as the initial distribution of cellulose lengths do not change with radius, and the total mass of inaccessible ð1Þ cellulose is pi ðtÞ ¼ nrpðR ðtÞ À R0 Þ2 L. dq2 ðt Þ ¼ rq2 ðt Þ þ rq2 :pB ðt Þ þ rq2 h ðt Þ; EG EG CBH (25) dt Results and Discussion dq1 ðt Þ Independent Action of EGI ¼ rq1 ðt Þ þ rq1 :pB ðt Þ þ rq1 h ðt Þ; EG EG CBH (26) dt For all the results presented in this article, total enzyme loading was fixed to approximately 65 mg of enzyme per and gram of cellulose, an amount appropriate for demonstrating changes to the cellulose population with digestion. In this ð1Þ dR r ðt Þ section, we will demonstrate how random-chain scission ¼ loss : (27) by EGI changes a population of cellulose chains. An initial dt 2nprRL population of cellulose polymers, a Gamma distribution with an average degree of polymerization of xN ¼ 500, with a Equations (23) and (24) were evaluated at grid points, x ¼ xi, relatively narrow range of molecular weights (b ¼ 10), was where x xe. The total number of equations to solve was chosen for the results presented in this section. Figure 2 therefore 2Nx þ 3, where Nx is the number of grid points. shows the time evolution of the mass-weighted distribution Typical values for Nx were 500 to 1,000. Time integration of of cellulose chains during hydrolysis by EGI, assuming all of Equations (23–27) was performed using an adaptive-time- the cellulose chains are enzyme accessible. Over time, the step ODE solver. mean of the distribution shifts progressively toward lower Any arbitrary distribution may be used to describe the values of xN, indicating shorter chains are being generated initial population of cellulose. In this work, the initial from longer chains. Further fragmentation of these shorter cellulose population was generated using a Gamma chains can also be observed throughout the course of 670 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
  • 7. markedly different than those presented in Figure 2, for the same enzyme and cellulose loading. The extent of random- chain scission, characterized by reduction in chain length and production of smaller chains, for the total population is much less pronounced when cellulose structure is taken into account. Figure 3b shows results for the surface-accessible (hydrolyzable) population. However, the extent of random- chain scission here is still less than that observed from Figure 2, owing to a reduced availability of cellulose substrate for enzymatic adsorption and subsequent hydro- lytic bond cleavage. Independent Action of CBHI Separate mechanistic steps for adsorption, surface diffusion to a reducing-chain end and formation of a catalytically Figure 2. Mass-weighted cellulose chain size distribution for various times active complex, processive hydrolysis, and desorption were during EGI hydrolysis of amorphous cellulose. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at] included for CBHI. Following adsorption of CBHI on the insoluble cellulose surface via the cellulose binding domain, the rate of formation of catalytically active CBHI depends hydrolysis. At time, t ¼ 2,000, almost all of the chains from on the availability of reducing ends and the rate at which the initial distribution have undergone at least one scission, available chain ends are found. The rate parameter which is expected due to all chains being susceptible to associated with the induction time between adsorption cleaving by EGI. and complexation, kfCBH , was assigned a value of 2.0. To our For the results presented in Figure 2, it was assumed that knowledge, this parameter has yet to be determined all of the cellulose chains were enzyme-accessible. We now experimentally. However, a recent high-speed AFM study demonstrate the effect of our ‘‘structure’’ model on the of CBHI enzymes acting on insoluble cellulose suggests that cellulose substrate, where only the chains on the outer this rate parameter may be measurable for a given cellulose surface are labile to random-chain scission by EGI. Figure 3 substrate (Igarashi et al., 2009). Following complexation presents results for the (mass-weighted) total cellulose with a reducing chain end, the threaded CBHI enzyme population (xpT ðx; tÞ) and the surface-accessible popula- processes along the chain, hydrolyzing cellulose by tion, using our structure model, with R0/R ¼ 0.2 (the successively cleaving cellobiose units from the chain ends. ‘‘amorphous’’ case discussed above was obtained by setting The rate parameter associated with this hydrolysis was set to R0/R ¼ 1.0). The changes to the total cellulose population a value of kh ¼ 1:0 (b-glucosidic bonds cleaved/time). It CBH due to random-chain scission by EGI, shown in Figure 3a are is reasonable to assume that kfCBH is greater than or equal to a b Figure 3. Mass-weighted cellulose chain distribution for various times during EGI hydrolysis of cellulose, incorporating cellulose structure. Figure 3(a) shows the total cellulose population, while (b) shows the enzyme-accessible (surface) cellulose population. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at http://] Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I 671 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
  • 8. the hydrolysis rate constant, especially for crystalline to progressively lower values of x with time, due to cellulose substrates due to the energy required for processive hydrolysis, eventually reaching a quasi-steady decrystallization during processive hydrolysis. distribution at longer times. Figure 4 shows mass-weighted distributions for the total Following complete hydrolysis of a cellulose chain, cellulose (Fig. 4a) and enzyme-accessible population the CBHI enzyme desorbs, and the cycle of adsorption, (Fig. 4b) for various times during hydrolysis by CBHI, recognition, and hydrolysis repeats, as illustrated in Figure 5, using the same initial distribution and enzyme loading value which shows the dynamic evolution of the portion of described in the previous section. In contrast with the CBHI that is catalytically active, surface adsorbed, or free observed trends for EGI, the distribution does not exhibit (in solution). Initially, the relative amount of free enzyme a pronounced shift to lower degrees of polymerization. decreases due to surface adsorption, while surface-adsorbed Rather, the area under the distribution curve decreases enzyme subsequently threads reducing chain ends, becom- progressively during hydrolysis, as shown in Figure 4a, due ing catalytically active. An increase in the relative amount to mass loss as cellulose is converted to soluble cellobiose. of free enzyme can be attributed to desorption of CBHI The enzyme-accessible population of cellulose chains, following processive hydrolysis, which is accompanied shown in Figure 4b, exhibits a slight increase in chains by a decrease in the number of CBHI-threaded chains. having a small degree of polymerization, because CBHI- The oscillations of CBHI concentrations over time shown threaded-chains are included with the enzyme-accessible in Figure 5 are consistent with our mechanistic description cellulose population. Figure 4c shows results for the of CBHI hydrolysis, for a relatively narrow distribution evolution of the CBHI-threaded chain population (num- of cellulose chain lengths. For wider distributions, such ber-weighted). The distribution of CBHI-threaded chains as those for naturally occurring celluloses, such pronounced first increases in area (from zero at t ¼ 0) as catalytically fluctuations in CBHI concentrations are unlikely to active complexes form. The distribution subsequently shifts occur. a b c Figure 4. Cellulose-chain-size distributions for various times during CBHI hydrolysis of cellulose. Parts (a) and (b) show the mass-weighted total cellulose population and enzyme-accessible (surface) cellulose population, respectively. Part (c) depicts the number-weighted distribution of CBHI-threaded chains. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at] 672 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 109, No. 3, March, 2012
  • 9. a b Figure 5. The dynamic evolution of the distribution of CBHI enzyme, relative to CBH CBH total loading (ET ), in the forms of surface-adsorbed (ES ), catalytically active ð0Þ (chain-threaded, pB ), and free solution (ECBH) enzyme. [Color figure can be seen in the online version of this article, available at] Combined Action of CBHI and EGI In this section, we consider both CBHI and EGI acting simultaneously to depolymerize cellulose. Figure 6 shows the time evolution of the mass-weighted cellulose chain-size distributions for various CBHI to EGI loading ratios, using an in initial distribution having an average degree of polymerization of xN ¼ 500. Here, the total enzyme loading c was kept constant and the proportion of each enzyme was varied. As can be observed in Figure 6, the distribution becomes bimodal at intermediate conversions, due to the accumulation of small chain fragments generated by EGI, which are eventually solubilized by CBHI. Conclusions Chain-end scission by CBHI is captured utilizing a population-balance approach to describe the depolymeri- zation of cellulose chains. Separate mechanistic steps for adsorption, complexation with reducing ends to form a catalytically active enzyme, processive hydrolysis, and Figure 6. Mass-weighted cellulose chain size distributions for various times during the course of hydrolysis for combined CBHI and EGI action for various CBHI:EGI desorption were included. Random-chain scission of ratios. The total enzyme loading was fixed, and the proportion of each enzyme was insoluble chains by EGI is also handled using population- varied for CBHI:EGI: (a) 2:1, (b) 1:1, and (c) 1:2. [Color figure can be seen in the online balance equations. The evolution of enzyme accessible version of this article, available at] cellulose is represented by cellulase-mediated erosion of a cylindrical particle comprised of cellulose chains. Solutions for the system of ODEs describing the fragmentation and cellulose chain lengths can be experimentally measured solubilization of chains at the particle surface and the using various techniques (Kleman-Leyer et al., 1996; evolution of particle size are easily obtained. By examining Srisodsuk et al., 1998) and compared to our model results. the evolution of the distribution of cellulose chain lengths In a companion article (Part II), we incorporate the model during enzymatic hydrolysis, in conjunction with soluble framework described here to study cellulose conversion sugar production, an improved understanding of cellulose processes, including solution kinetics, product inhibition, depolymerization can be achieved. The distribution of and cooperative enzyme hydrolysis. Griggs et al.: Mechanistic Model for Enzymatic Saccharification, Part I 673 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
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