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For the first time since 2003, when asked to
  identify the major obstacle to prevent use
  of technology in school, students in
  grades 6–12 said “I cannot use my own
  cell phone, smart phone or Mp3 player in
 76% of secondary students have their own cell phones
    ▪ 30% have Smartphone's
    ▪ 54% of 8 year olds will have their own cell phone (end
       of 2010)!
   1 in 3 teens sends more than 100 text messages a day
   85% of secondary students have MP3 players
   84% of children between the ages of 8 to 10 have a video
    game player in their household
   93% of teenagers use the Internet
    ▪ 70% have their own laptop or netbook
   55% of 12-17 year olds have a profile on Facebook or
Digital Age Learner
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any pace
Structured activities
Relevancy with real world
*They want to do this with the TECHNOLOGY
  of their generation
Millennials Rising (Neil Howe and William Strauss)
1-800-2chacha   Send text Query
                to 36266
 Technological changes are displacing low-skilled workers
  and making room for more high-skilled creative and
  innovative workers.
 Employers are calling for schools to integrate new skills
  into education
 74% of all 18-24 year olds were
  politically active on the Internet
  during the 2008 campaign
 During the 2008 campaign, 49%
  of younger voters (18-24) shared
  information via text message
  about the campaigns.
 Parent’s cell phones loaded with literacy
  ▪ Parents living at or below poverty line
 Findings:
  ▪ Participants found the intervention to be a positive
    experience, especially for their children.
  ▪ They reacted enthusiastically to receiving early
    literacy content via cell phone.
  ▪ Most importantly, participants reported that their
    children enjoyed and benefited from the program.
  ▪ Child participants, for the most part, were eager
    and excited to view the letter video clips.
  ▪ They frequently requested to view the videos.
  ▪ Some parents reported that each time the phone
    rang, their children came running, hoping the call
    was from Elmo.
   Civilization IV & Democracy
   More civic gaming experience=more civic
“Last year the school ran out
of calculators needed for a
math exam, So I let a student
use the calculator function on
his cell phone. The student
was excited
to use a phone instead of a
calculator. I found 19 of my
22 students had phones.”

-Kipp Rogers, Principal at
Passages Middle School in
Mary Passage Middle School Cell Phone Policy
1.    Students will talk on their cell phone only to complete assignments that are related to the
instructional lesson.
2. Students will keep cell phones turned off or left in lockers when they are not being used for
instructional purposes in class.
3.    Students will only send text- messages, pictures or video- messages to others outside of the
classroom with permission and directions from the teacher.
4. Students will not record still or moving images or voices of students or the teacher without
permission from the teacher.
5.    Students will not post recordings of still or moving images or voice recordings of students or
the teacher to online websites without their permission.
6. Students will practice internet safety with online resources.
7.    Students will post only appropriate text, audio and visual media to on-line websites.

I _____________________ understand that violation of our class acceptable cell phone use policy
may result in my not being able to participate in additional class activities that involve using the cell
phone. I also understand that I may receive disciplinary consequences for violating school board
policies regarding cyber-bullying.

I _______________________ have gone over the Cell Phones in Class Acceptable Use Policy with my
child and agree to allow my child to participate.
Elementary School
  3rd-6th graders
Web link:
Middle School 6th-7th Grade
Author Study
Norwich Free Academy (Connecticut)
 Text of the week!
       Monday is vocabulary day
       Tuesday is science facts
       Wednesday is mathematics
       Thursday is history
       Friday covers a variety of topics including general
        knowledge and cultural literacy
   Each day is a theme
   Parents and Students Opt in
Mobile Novel Project: Cell
        Phone Bestseller

Popular in Asia to Read
  Novels Via Cell.

Use a cell phone to write a private or collaborative novel, poem, chapter
   review, or short story to “publish” on a cell phone.

3rd-6th graders use
  Google Voice to
  call in oral
Virtual Battle of the Bands
 Collaboration Project
 http://olliebray.typepad.c
3 classes spent 15 minutes a day using two
   games, Math Training and Brain Training.
   In 6th grade, relative to their peers, the
    Nintendo group scored substantially better.
    Gains were “obvious and significant”.
   In 5th grade, the average gain in the
    experimental group was 6 percentile points
    higher than in the control group.
   In 4th grade, almost every pupil in the Nintendo
    group improved their score in comparison with
    last year – the average increase was more than
    10 percentile points.
   The children who made the greatest gains
    were those who had been using the game both
    in school and at home.
"Project Surf.”
 Use: Wii Homerun Derby (from Wii Sports)
 First, a video clip from "Science of Summer" is
   shown in which we discuss the force of a pitch as
   it hits the catcher's glove.
 The Wii is used to have students try to hit pitches
   (using homerun derby game)
 The purpose is to show just how fast pitches
   come in and how a batter's timing needs to be
 Students take data in the excel-to-go program
   on our palm pilots. Students record the time of
   each pitch and then deduce how to find the
   velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, and
   work of the pitch.
 The unit culminates in May when they attend an
   Atlantic City Surf game.
 Students time pitches and enter data in the palm
   pilots for a pitch-by-pitch analysis of a few
   innings of the game.
“Student’s today can’t prepare
  bark to calculate their
  problems. They depend on
  their slates, which are more
  expensive. What will they
  do when the slate is dropped
  and it breaks? They will not
  be able to write.”

-Teachers Conference, 1703
“Students today depend
  upon paper too much.
  They don’t know how to
  write on slate without
  getting chalk dust all
  over themselves. They
  can’t clean a slate
  properly. What will they
  do when they run out of

    Association, 1815
“The Internet is not a great tool for
   teaching. ..People think that
   children can think of any topic
   and pull up a wealth of
   information on it, but that is not
   the case.

The information in the library is
  what people seem to expect, but
  nobody has the time to
  transcribe entire libraries onto
  computers. There is nothing on
  the Internet that is incredibly
  beneficial to education.”

-The Monterey County Herald, 1999
“We are not going to allow
  iPods and BlackBerrys and
  cell phones and things that
  are disruptive in the
  classroom. Classrooms are
  for learning. Teachers
  cannot be expected to look
  under every kid’s desk at
  what they’re doing.”

-Mayor Michael
  Bloomberg, 2007
   How do we engage the
    anywhere, anytime, anyplace, any pace

   How do we prepare 21st Century students for
    the 21st Century job force?

   How do we prepare 21st Century students to
    be citizens in the global community?
"teaching chitlins in the ghetto of Charlotte”

"I am teaching in the most ghetto school in

RED X for NO
   Don’t assume anything you send or post is
    going to remain private.
   There is no changing your mind in
    cyberspace—anything you send or post will
    never truly go away.
   Don’t give in to the pressure to do something
    that makes you uncomfortable, even in
   Consider the recipient’s reaction.
   Nothing is truly anonymous.
Cambridge researchers posted pictures to sixteen
  websites, noting the direct URL to the image, and then
  deleted the original. They reopened the URLs over a period of
  30 days to see whether the pictures were accessible and
  found that images were still visible on five sites at the end of
  that month. This is possible because the files remain in photo
  server caches of the underlying content delivery network
  (CDN) after they have been cleared from indices that provide
  data for dynamic pages (such as profiles) and search results.
  The terms of service for these sites indicate that deletion may
  not be immediate, with Facebook likening the process to
  putting a file in the Recycle Bin.
Social networks have been used to post
 content to embarrass or intimidate
 students, so it is important for learners to
 understand that the consequences of such
 actions may last even longer than they
 expected. Not only may content remain in
 caches and backups, but it can be copied to
 third party sites or be captured in archives
 without your knowledge or permission, such
 as the Wayback Machine.
"I know for a fact that when a superintendent in
   Missouri was interviewing potential teachers
   last year, he would ask, 'Do you have a
   Facebook or MySpace page?' " said Todd
   Fuller, a spokesman for the Missouri State
   Teachers Association, which is warning
   members to clean up their pages. "If the
   candidate said yes, then the superintendent
   would say, 'I've got my computer up right
   now. Let's take a look.' "
53% of employers hiring search
social networking sites as part
of the interview process
Of those hiring managers who have screened
 job candidates via social networking
 profiles, one-third (34 percent) reported they
 found content that caused them to dismiss
 the candidate from consideration.
   40% - candidate posted provocative or
    inappropriate photographs or information
   29% - candidate had poor communication
   28% - candidate bad-mouthed their previous
    company or fellow employee
   22% - candidate’s screen name was
On the other hand, social networking profiles
 gave some job seekers an edge over the

24% of hiring managers who researched job
  candidates via social networking sites said
  they found content that helped to solidify
  their decision to hire the candidate.
50% Profile provided a good feel for the candidate’s
  personality and fit
39% Profile supported candidate’s professional
38% Candidate was creative
35% Candidate showed solid communication skills
33% Candidate was well-rounded
19% Other people posted good references about
  the candidate
15% Candidate received awards and accolades
“"Teaching in DCPS -- Lesson #1: Don't smoke
  crack while pregnant."
"you're a retard, but i love you.”
"I only have two feelings: hunger and lust. Also, I
   slept with a hooker. Be jealous. I like to go onto
   Jdate and get straight guys to agree to sleep
   with me."
"rocking out with some deaf kids. it. is.
"teaching chitlins in the ghetto of Charlotte”

"I am teaching in the most ghetto school in

RED X for NO
Prosecutors use Facebook, MySpace photos
Students who made light of drinking received jail sentences for DUI
Defense attorneys also use social networking sites to dig up dirt on
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (AP) -- Two weeks after Joshua Lipton was
   charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a
woman, the 20-year-old college junior attended a Halloween party dressed
   as a prisoner. Pictures from the party showed him in a
black-and-white striped shirt and an orange jumpsuit labeled "Jail Bird.”
“When you access Facebook from a
 computer, mobile phone, or other device, we
 may collect information from that device
 about your browser type, location, and IP
 address, as well as the pages you visit.”
   Certain categories of information such as
    your name, profile photo, list of friends and
    pages you are a fan of, gender, geographic
    region, and networks you belong to are
    considered publicly available, and therefore
    do not have privacy settings.
   You can limit the ability of others to find this
    information on third party search engines
    through your search privacy settings.
We may institute programs with advertising partners and other
  websites in which they share information with us:
  - We may ask advertisers to tell us how our users responded to
  the ads we showed them. This data sharing, commonly known as
  “conversion tracking,” helps us measure our advertising
  effectiveness and improve the quality of the advertisements you
  - We may receive information about whether or not you’ve seen or
  interacted with certain ads on other sites in order to measure the
  effectiveness of those ads.
“We may collect information about you from
 other Facebook users, such as when a friend
 tags you in a photo or video, provides friend
 details, or indicates a relationship with you.
 You can limit who can see that you have been
 tagged in a photo or video – which we refer to
 as photos or videos “of me” – in your privacy
   When you make a payment.
   When you invite a friend to join
   When you choose to share your
    information with marketers.
   To help your friends find you.
   To give search engines access to publicly
    available information.
   To help improve or promote our service.
   To provide you with services.
   To advertise our services.
   To respond to legal requests and prevent
   To offer joint services.
   We cannot control the actions of other users with
    whom you share your information.
   We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons
    will view your information.
   We cannot ensure that information you share on
    Facebook will not become publicly available.
   We are not responsible for third party circumvention
    of any privacy settings or security measures on
   You can reduce these risks by using common sense
    security practices such as choosing a strong
    password, using different passwords for different
    services, and using up to date antivirus software.
   YouTube      TeacherTube
   Survey
     Social Networking Sites: Facebook, MySpace
     Email
     Twitter
     Webpages
     Snapfish, Kodak, Flick
     YouTube
   Google Yourself
   Weak Passwords
   Get rid of your year on your birth date (in
   No children’s names (no tags, nothing)
   Do not mention your future plans (esp. away
    form home)
   Remove yourself from public search
1. Take control of your photos. Your personal and professional life are becoming one, largely
    due to Facebook. Go through what you have on your social network & untag yourself in
    photos that an employer might find inappropriate.

2. Set privacy settings. You have less reason to worry if employers can’t access your digital life.

3. Post photos that promote you as a professional. If you have photos from
    volunteering, studying abroad, working a job, giving a presentation, or any other semi-
    professional event, post them. They go a long way to help counteract other photos that
    might negatively impact your image.

4. Put up a clean profile photo of yourself. Even if you got a lot of compliments on your
    stripper Halloween costume, a profile picture that isn’t associated raucous college partying
    means a lot to people in hiring positions.

5) Stay active online. By commenting on blogs and forums, updating your profiles, and even
    creating your own site you can become much more visible and credible online. This gives
    the people who search you a much more comprehensive picture of who you are and allows
    you to highlight the good and bury the bad

6. Be mindful of who you accept as a “Friend.” Poor choices could reflect badly on you as a
    professional. Make sure to monitor their comments on your sites as well.
   Facebook Privacy Scan
   Google Alerts
   Google Profile
   Vanish
What about your students?
 Six teens face child porn (13 to 15) charges after
   being caught "sexting" each other. Criminal
  IN PA, 3 girls (12, 12, 16) charged with child
   pornography for sexing. Picture of them in bras.
  15% of teenagers have risqué photos of
   themselves or their friends on their cell phones.
  1 in 5 sext recipients report that they have
   passed the images along to someone else
"If you take a picture, you can be accused of producing
child pornography; if you send it to somebody, you can
be accused of distributing child pornography; and if you
keep a picture, you can be accused of possessing child
pornography. Anywhere along this chain of transmission
of the images, you can be charged as a registered sex

-Parry Aftab, an Internet privacy and security lawyer.
33% of students in grades 6-12 have been
    bullied via social networking sites
750,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 12 have
     set up a profile on the big social-networking
 Research shows that issues of privacy and safety are
  not at the forefront of younger users' minds.
 41% of children aged 8 to 17 who had a visible profile
  had them set so they were open and accessible to
  anyone. (Office of Communications in GB)
 Younger adults and children are much more likely to
  share sensitive information
     After weeks of butting heads with his
      coaches, Taylor, 17, logged on to Facebook from home
      Jan. 3. He typed his frustrations for the online world to
      see: "I'ma kill em all. I'ma bust this (expletive) up from the
      inside like nobody's ever done before.”
     (USA Today, Jan 2010)
     Taylor's profile was public, so there were no restrictions on
      who could view it.
Taylor’s family argued that students and
  parents aren't properly educated or warned
  that what they write online can have
  consequences in the classroom.
   78% report they frequently see other players
    being kind or helpful to those who are
   63% report seeing or hearing “people being
    mean or overly aggressive while playing”
   49% report seeing or hearing “people being
    hateful, racist, or sexist” while playing
How can you help keep your student’s
safe and create positive footprints?
Survey Students
For K-4, use younger social networking sites
 Club Penguin
 KidBlog (we will use)
 Edmodo
 Woogie World
Make up names
No identifying information
Select most private settings
No posting pictures of themselves (use Avatars
  instead such as )
   Go over cybersafety at home
       Computers NOT in bedroom
       Set up accounts with children
       Watch kids online to see where they go
       Never talk to strangers online
       No unmonitored chatrooms
       No sharing ANY personal information online
        ▪ Phone, address, location, vacations, full names, school, or names of
     Talk with kids often about what they are doing online
     Post rules next to computer
   Suggest resources such as

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21st Cent_Digitalfootprints 07 07

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4.
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  • 7.
  • 8. For the first time since 2003, when asked to identify the major obstacle to prevent use of technology in school, students in grades 6–12 said “I cannot use my own cell phone, smart phone or Mp3 player in school.”
  • 10.  76% of secondary students have their own cell phones ▪ 30% have Smartphone's ▪ 54% of 8 year olds will have their own cell phone (end of 2010)!  1 in 3 teens sends more than 100 text messages a day  85% of secondary students have MP3 players  84% of children between the ages of 8 to 10 have a video game player in their household  93% of teenagers use the Internet ▪ 70% have their own laptop or netbook  55% of 12-17 year olds have a profile on Facebook or Myspace
  • 11. Digital Age Learner Collaboratively Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any pace Structured activities Relevancy with real world *They want to do this with the TECHNOLOGY of their generation Millennials Rising (Neil Howe and William Strauss)
  • 12. 1-800-2chacha Send text Query to 36266
  • 13.  Technological changes are displacing low-skilled workers and making room for more high-skilled creative and innovative workers.  Employers are calling for schools to integrate new skills into education
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.  74% of all 18-24 year olds were politically active on the Internet during the 2008 campaign  During the 2008 campaign, 49% of younger voters (18-24) shared information via text message about the campaigns. 
  • 18.  Parent’s cell phones loaded with literacy software ▪ Parents living at or below poverty line  Findings: ▪ Participants found the intervention to be a positive experience, especially for their children. ▪ They reacted enthusiastically to receiving early literacy content via cell phone. ▪ Most importantly, participants reported that their children enjoyed and benefited from the program. ▪ Child participants, for the most part, were eager and excited to view the letter video clips. ▪ They frequently requested to view the videos. ▪ Some parents reported that each time the phone rang, their children came running, hoping the call was from Elmo.
  • 19. Civilization IV & Democracy  More civic gaming experience=more civic engagement
  • 20.
  • 21. “Last year the school ran out of calculators needed for a math exam, So I let a student use the calculator function on his cell phone. The student was excited to use a phone instead of a calculator. I found 19 of my 22 students had phones.” -Kipp Rogers, Principal at Passages Middle School in Virginia
  • 22. Mary Passage Middle School Cell Phone Policy 1. Students will talk on their cell phone only to complete assignments that are related to the instructional lesson. 2. Students will keep cell phones turned off or left in lockers when they are not being used for instructional purposes in class. 3. Students will only send text- messages, pictures or video- messages to others outside of the classroom with permission and directions from the teacher. 4. Students will not record still or moving images or voices of students or the teacher without permission from the teacher. 5. Students will not post recordings of still or moving images or voice recordings of students or the teacher to online websites without their permission. 6. Students will practice internet safety with online resources. 7. Students will post only appropriate text, audio and visual media to on-line websites. I _____________________ understand that violation of our class acceptable cell phone use policy may result in my not being able to participate in additional class activities that involve using the cell phone. I also understand that I may receive disciplinary consequences for violating school board policies regarding cyber-bullying. I _______________________ have gone over the Cell Phones in Class Acceptable Use Policy with my child and agree to allow my child to participate.
  • 24. Elementary School 3rd-6th graders Used: Web link: http://stjosephschoolt
  • 25. Middle School 6th-7th Grade Author Study
  • 27. Norwich Free Academy (Connecticut)  Text of the week!  Monday is vocabulary day  Tuesday is science facts  Wednesday is mathematics  Thursday is history  Friday covers a variety of topics including general knowledge and cultural literacy  Each day is a theme  Parents and Students Opt in
  • 28. Mobile Novel Project: Cell Phone Bestseller Popular in Asia to Read Novels Via Cell. ewanted=1&th&emc=th&oref=slogin
  • 29. Use a cell phone to write a private or collaborative novel, poem, chapter review, or short story to “publish” on a cell phone.
  • 30. 3rd-6th graders use Google Voice to call in oral language assignments http://elementarysp anish.wikispaces.c om/Google+Voice
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. Virtual Battle of the Bands  Collaboration Project  http://olliebray.typepad.c om/olliebraycom/2008/0 6/mgs-guitar-hero.html
  • 41. 3 classes spent 15 minutes a day using two games, Math Training and Brain Training.  In 6th grade, relative to their peers, the Nintendo group scored substantially better. Gains were “obvious and significant”.  In 5th grade, the average gain in the experimental group was 6 percentile points higher than in the control group.  In 4th grade, almost every pupil in the Nintendo group improved their score in comparison with last year – the average increase was more than 10 percentile points.  The children who made the greatest gains were those who had been using the game both in school and at home.
  • 42. "Project Surf.”  Use: Wii Homerun Derby (from Wii Sports)  First, a video clip from "Science of Summer" is shown in which we discuss the force of a pitch as it hits the catcher's glove.  The Wii is used to have students try to hit pitches (using homerun derby game)  The purpose is to show just how fast pitches come in and how a batter's timing needs to be perfect.  Students take data in the excel-to-go program on our palm pilots. Students record the time of each pitch and then deduce how to find the velocity, acceleration, force, momentum, and work of the pitch.  The unit culminates in May when they attend an Atlantic City Surf game.  Students time pitches and enter data in the palm pilots for a pitch-by-pitch analysis of a few innings of the game.
  • 43. ?storyid=101781
  • 44.
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  • 49.
  • 50. “Student’s today can’t prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on their slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will not be able to write.” -Teachers Conference, 1703
  • 51. “Students today depend upon paper too much. They don’t know how to write on slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can’t clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?” -Principal’s Association, 1815
  • 52. “The Internet is not a great tool for teaching. ..People think that children can think of any topic and pull up a wealth of information on it, but that is not the case. The information in the library is what people seem to expect, but nobody has the time to transcribe entire libraries onto computers. There is nothing on the Internet that is incredibly beneficial to education.” -The Monterey County Herald, 1999
  • 53. “We are not going to allow iPods and BlackBerrys and cell phones and things that are disruptive in the classroom. Classrooms are for learning. Teachers cannot be expected to look under every kid’s desk at what they’re doing.” -Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 2007
  • 54. How do we engage the anywhere, anytime, anyplace, any pace student?  How do we prepare 21st Century students for the 21st Century job force?  How do we prepare 21st Century students to be citizens in the global community?
  • 55.
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  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64.
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  • 67.
  • 68. "teaching chitlins in the ghetto of Charlotte” "I am teaching in the most ghetto school in Charlotte” TO VOTE: RED X for NO GREEN CHECK for YES
  • 69.
  • 70. VLA
  • 71. Don’t assume anything you send or post is going to remain private.  There is no changing your mind in cyberspace—anything you send or post will never truly go away.  Don’t give in to the pressure to do something that makes you uncomfortable, even in cyberspace.  Consider the recipient’s reaction.  Nothing is truly anonymous.
  • 72. Cambridge researchers posted pictures to sixteen websites, noting the direct URL to the image, and then deleted the original. They reopened the URLs over a period of 30 days to see whether the pictures were accessible and found that images were still visible on five sites at the end of that month. This is possible because the files remain in photo server caches of the underlying content delivery network (CDN) after they have been cleared from indices that provide data for dynamic pages (such as profiles) and search results. The terms of service for these sites indicate that deletion may not be immediate, with Facebook likening the process to putting a file in the Recycle Bin. tn&rid=14632
  • 73. Social networks have been used to post content to embarrass or intimidate students, so it is important for learners to understand that the consequences of such actions may last even longer than they expected. Not only may content remain in caches and backups, but it can be copied to third party sites or be captured in archives without your knowledge or permission, such as the Wayback Machine.
  • 74.
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  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. "I know for a fact that when a superintendent in Missouri was interviewing potential teachers last year, he would ask, 'Do you have a Facebook or MySpace page?' " said Todd Fuller, a spokesman for the Missouri State Teachers Association, which is warning members to clean up their pages. "If the candidate said yes, then the superintendent would say, 'I've got my computer up right now. Let's take a look.' "
  • 79. 53% of employers hiring search social networking sites as part of the interview process
  • 80. Of those hiring managers who have screened job candidates via social networking profiles, one-third (34 percent) reported they found content that caused them to dismiss the candidate from consideration.
  • 81. 40% - candidate posted provocative or inappropriate photographs or information  29% - candidate had poor communication skills  28% - candidate bad-mouthed their previous company or fellow employee  22% - candidate’s screen name was unprofessional
  • 82. On the other hand, social networking profiles gave some job seekers an edge over the competition. 24% of hiring managers who researched job candidates via social networking sites said they found content that helped to solidify their decision to hire the candidate.
  • 83. 50% Profile provided a good feel for the candidate’s personality and fit 39% Profile supported candidate’s professional qualifications 38% Candidate was creative 35% Candidate showed solid communication skills 33% Candidate was well-rounded 19% Other people posted good references about the candidate 15% Candidate received awards and accolades
  • 84. “"Teaching in DCPS -- Lesson #1: Don't smoke crack while pregnant." "you're a retard, but i love you.” "I only have two feelings: hunger and lust. Also, I slept with a hooker. Be jealous. I like to go onto Jdate and get straight guys to agree to sleep with me." "rocking out with some deaf kids. it. is. AWESOME."
  • 85. "teaching chitlins in the ghetto of Charlotte” "I am teaching in the most ghetto school in Charlotte” TO VOTE: RED X for NO GREEN CHECK for YES
  • 86. Prosecutors use Facebook, MySpace photos Students who made light of drinking received jail sentences for DUI Defense attorneys also use social networking sites to dig up dirt on witnesses PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (AP) -- Two weeks after Joshua Lipton was charged in a drunken driving crash that seriously injured a woman, the 20-year-old college junior attended a Halloween party dressed as a prisoner. Pictures from the party showed him in a black-and-white striped shirt and an orange jumpsuit labeled "Jail Bird.” time.pdf+Unrepentent+on+Facebook&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&clie nt=firefox-a
  • 87.
  • 88. “When you access Facebook from a computer, mobile phone, or other device, we may collect information from that device about your browser type, location, and IP address, as well as the pages you visit.”
  • 89. Certain categories of information such as your name, profile photo, list of friends and pages you are a fan of, gender, geographic region, and networks you belong to are considered publicly available, and therefore do not have privacy settings.  You can limit the ability of others to find this information on third party search engines through your search privacy settings.
  • 90. We may institute programs with advertising partners and other websites in which they share information with us: - We may ask advertisers to tell us how our users responded to the ads we showed them. This data sharing, commonly known as “conversion tracking,” helps us measure our advertising effectiveness and improve the quality of the advertisements you see. - We may receive information about whether or not you’ve seen or interacted with certain ads on other sites in order to measure the effectiveness of those ads.
  • 91. “We may collect information about you from other Facebook users, such as when a friend tags you in a photo or video, provides friend details, or indicates a relationship with you. You can limit who can see that you have been tagged in a photo or video – which we refer to as photos or videos “of me” – in your privacy settings.”
  • 92. When you make a payment.  When you invite a friend to join  When you choose to share your information with marketers.  To help your friends find you.  To give search engines access to publicly available information.  To help improve or promote our service.  To provide you with services.  To advertise our services.  To respond to legal requests and prevent harm.  To offer joint services.
  • 93. We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share your information.  We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information.  We cannot ensure that information you share on Facebook will not become publicly available.  We are not responsible for third party circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures on Facebook.  You can reduce these risks by using common sense security practices such as choosing a strong password, using different passwords for different services, and using up to date antivirus software.
  • 94. YouTube  TeacherTube
  • 95. Survey  Social Networking Sites: Facebook, MySpace  Email  Twitter  Webpages  Snapfish, Kodak, Flick  YouTube  Google Yourself
  • 96. /interactive/interactive.html
  • 97.
  • 98. Weak Passwords  Get rid of your year on your birth date (in profile)  No children’s names (no tags, nothing)  Do not mention your future plans (esp. away form home)  Remove yourself from public search
  • 99. 1. Take control of your photos. Your personal and professional life are becoming one, largely due to Facebook. Go through what you have on your social network & untag yourself in photos that an employer might find inappropriate. 2. Set privacy settings. You have less reason to worry if employers can’t access your digital life. 3. Post photos that promote you as a professional. If you have photos from volunteering, studying abroad, working a job, giving a presentation, or any other semi- professional event, post them. They go a long way to help counteract other photos that might negatively impact your image. 4. Put up a clean profile photo of yourself. Even if you got a lot of compliments on your stripper Halloween costume, a profile picture that isn’t associated raucous college partying means a lot to people in hiring positions. 5) Stay active online. By commenting on blogs and forums, updating your profiles, and even creating your own site you can become much more visible and credible online. This gives the people who search you a much more comprehensive picture of who you are and allows you to highlight the good and bury the bad 6. Be mindful of who you accept as a “Friend.” Poor choices could reflect badly on you as a professional. Make sure to monitor their comments on your sites as well.
  • 100. Facebook Privacy Scan   Google Alerts   Google Profile   Vanish 
  • 101. What about your students?
  • 102.  Six teens face child porn (13 to 15) charges after being caught "sexting" each other. Criminal Charge!  IN PA, 3 girls (12, 12, 16) charged with child pornography for sexing. Picture of them in bras.  15% of teenagers have risqué photos of themselves or their friends on their cell phones.  1 in 5 sext recipients report that they have passed the images along to someone else
  • 103. "If you take a picture, you can be accused of producing child pornography; if you send it to somebody, you can be accused of distributing child pornography; and if you keep a picture, you can be accused of possessing child pornography. Anywhere along this chain of transmission of the images, you can be charged as a registered sex offender." -Parry Aftab, an Internet privacy and security lawyer.
  • 104. 33% of students in grades 6-12 have been bullied via social networking sites
  • 105. 750,000 kids between the ages of 8 and 12 have set up a profile on the big social-networking sites
  • 106.  Research shows that issues of privacy and safety are not at the forefront of younger users' minds.  41% of children aged 8 to 17 who had a visible profile had them set so they were open and accessible to anyone. (Office of Communications in GB)  Younger adults and children are much more likely to share sensitive information  After weeks of butting heads with his coaches, Taylor, 17, logged on to Facebook from home Jan. 3. He typed his frustrations for the online world to see: "I'ma kill em all. I'ma bust this (expletive) up from the inside like nobody's ever done before.”  (USA Today, Jan 2010)  Taylor's profile was public, so there were no restrictions on who could view it.
  • 107. Taylor’s family argued that students and parents aren't properly educated or warned that what they write online can have consequences in the classroom.
  • 108. 78% report they frequently see other players being kind or helpful to those who are gaming  63% report seeing or hearing “people being mean or overly aggressive while playing”  49% report seeing or hearing “people being hateful, racist, or sexist” while playing
  • 109. How can you help keep your student’s safe and create positive footprints?
  • 110.
  • 111. Survey Students For K-4, use younger social networking sites  Club Penguin  KidBlog (we will use)  Edmodo  Woogie World Make up names No identifying information Select most private settings No posting pictures of themselves (use Avatars instead such as )
  • 112. Go over cybersafety at home  Computers NOT in bedroom  Set up accounts with children  Watch kids online to see where they go  Never talk to strangers online  No unmonitored chatrooms  No sharing ANY personal information online ▪ Phone, address, location, vacations, full names, school, or names of organizations  Talk with kids often about what they are doing online  Post rules next to computer  Suggest resources such as