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University Graduate
College Programme
for Postgraduate Researchers
Rhaglen Coleg
Graddedigion y Brifysgol
i Ymchwilwyr Ôl-raddedig
September 2014 to July 2015
Medi 2014 tan Orffennaf 2015
Cynnwys | Contents
Cynnwys Contents
Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol
i Ymchwilwyr Ôl-raddedig
Adeilad Hadyn Ellis
Y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr
Cynllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau
Cwestiynau Cyffredin
Cychwyn ar eich Doethuriaeth:
Digwyddiad Sefydlu i Ymchwilwyr Newydd
Maes A: Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol
A1 Sylfaen Gwybodaeth
Dulliau Ymchwilio
Modiwlau a Addysgir
Chwilio am Wybodaeth
Rheoli Gwybodaeth
Llythrennedd Gwybodaeth
A2 a 3 Galluoedd Gwybyddol a Chreadigrwydd
Dadansoddi a Gwerthuso
Meddwl Beirniadol a Syntheseiddio
Maes B: Effeithiolrwydd Personol
B1 a 2 Hunanreolaeth a Rhinweddau Personol
B3 Datblygiad Proffesiynol a Gyrfaol
Maes C: Llywodraethu a Threfnu Ymchwil
C1 Ymddygiad Proffesiynol
C2 Rheoli’r Ymchwil
C3 Cyllid, Ariannu ac Adnoddau
Maes D: Ymgysylltu, Dylanwadu ac Effeithio
D1 Gweithio gydag Eraill
D2 Cyfathrebu a Lledaenu
Dulliau a Chyfryngau Cyfathrebu
Sgiliau Cyflwyno
Rhaglenni Cyflwyno a Lluniadu
Paratoi at Arholiad Llafar
D3 Ymgysylltu ac Effeithio
Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd ac Effeithio arno
Ffynonellau Mewnol o Gyngor a Hyfforddiant
Cyfleoedd y tu hwnt i Gaerdydd
Mynegai i’r Gweithdai
The University Graduate College Programme
for Postgraduate Researchers
The Hadyn Ellis Building
The Researcher Development Framework
Planning Your Skills Development
Frequently Asked Questions
Starting Out:
Induction Event for New Researchers
Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities
A1 Knowledge Base
Research Methods
Taught Modules
Information Seeking
Information Management
Information Literacy
A2 & 3 Cognitive Abilities and Creativity
Analysing and Evaluating
Critical Thinking and Synthesising
Domain B: Personal Effectiveness
B1 & 2 Self-Management and Personal Qualities
B3 Professional and Career Development
Domain C: Research Governance and Organisation
C1 Professional Conduct
C2 Research Management
C3 Finance, Funding and Resources
Domain D: Engagement, Influence and Impact
D1 Working with Others
D2 Communication and Dissemination
Communication Methods and Media
Presentation Skills
Presentation and Drawing Programmes
Viva Preparation
D3 Engagement and Impact
Public Engagement and Impact
Internal Sources of Advice and Training
Opportunities Beyond Cardiff
Workshop Index
Disgrifir cynnwys ac amcanion dysgu’r gweithdai’n gryno. Rhoir y
dyddiadau os ydynt ar gael ac maent yn gywir adeg argraffu’r llyfryn
hwn. Mae diweddariadau i’r rhaglen, a chynigion newydd, ar gael ar
ein gwefan, sef
Workshops are briefly described in terms of their content and learning
objectives. Dates are given where available and are correct at the
time of going to press. Updates to the programme and new offerings
are available on our website at
Cover image: Interior of The Hadyn Ellis Building, photograph by
John Seaman Photography, supplied by BAM Construction Ltd
Llun y clawr: Y tu mewn i Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, ffotograff gan
John Seaman Photography, darparwyd gan BAM Construction Ltd
1Rhagymadrodd | Introduction
Croeso i Raglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol, rhaglen sy’n
cynnig cyfleoedd eithriadol i ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig eu datblygu
eu hunain fel ymchwilwyr ac fel gweithwyr proffesiynol. Seilir y
rhaglen ar y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr – ymagwedd
gydnabyddedig Cynghorau Ymchwil y DU at ddatblygu ymchwilwyr
ac un sy’n ceisio datblygu ymchwilwyr o safon fyd-eang a’u
potensial gyrfaol ac adeiladu cronfa o ymchwil addysg uwch yn y
DU. Rhan hanfodol o’ch cynllun ymchwil yw ymgymryd â’ch
datblygiad personol a phroffesiynol i sicrhau y gallwch chi
gwblhau’ch prosiect yn effeithiol ac edrych ymlaen at ddilyn gyrfa
yn y dyfodol; bwriad y rhaglen hon yw’ch helpu chi i wneud hynny.
O reidrwydd, disgrifiadau a manylion ein cynigion ffurfiol yw’r rhan
fwyaf o’r llyfryn hwn. Mae’r gweithdai a’r cyrsiau ynddo’n rhoi sylw
nid yn unig i sgiliau y gellir eu rhoi ar waith yn syth, ond i faterion
ehangach sydd o bwys i ymchwilwyr, fel ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd,
effaith ymchwil ar bolisïau, a mentergarwch. Dylech chi drafod y
cyfleoedd hyn gyda’ch tîm goruchwylio, ochr yn ochr â chynllunio’r
prosiect ymchwil ei hun.
Er mor werthfawr yw’r digwyddiadau ffurfiol hyn, hoffem bwysleisio
bod y rhaglen yn fwy na hynny. Mae’n cynnig cyfleoedd i gyflwyno’ch
gwaith, i gael gwybod am yr ymchwil arall sy’n digwydd ym
Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, i ymwneud ag arwain gweithgareddau i
ymchwilwyr eraill, ac i gynllunio’ch gweithgaredd rhyngddisgyblaethol
eich hun i gyfoethogi’ch profiad (yn wir, mae Cronfa Mentrau
Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig yn dyfarnu grantiau o hyd at £1,000 at y diben
hwn). Mae’r profiadau hynny’n llesol ynddynt eu hunain, ond hefyd
fel paratoad ar gyfer dal swyddi yn y dyfodol.
Mae canolfan ein tîm a’r rhan fwyaf o’r gweithgarwch hyfforddi yn
Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, sef yr adeilad cyntaf i’w ddatblygu ar yr hyn a
fydd yn Gampws Arloesedd newydd o fri ar Maindy Road. Mae hyn
yn fodd i ni gynnig gwell gofod hyfforddi, arddangos a rhwydweithio
ynddo yn ogystal â lle gwaith penodol ar gyfer hyd at 40 o fyfyrwyr
Bydd cynrychiolwyr y myfyrwyr yn chwarae rhan bwysig ym mhroses
Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol o wneud penderfyniadau; ochr yn
ochr â’r Cyfarwyddwyr Astudiaethau Ôl-raddedig, mae ymchwilwyr ôl-
raddedig yn aelodau o Dimau’r Rhaglen sy’n gosod blaenoriaethau a
chynlluniau gwaith ar gyfer eu hardaloedd, a hefyd o Fwrdd Coleg
Graddedigion y Brifysgol. Mae’r cynrychiolwyr yn cwrdd yn gyson fel
Fforwm Ymchwil Ôl-raddedigion i nodi a mynd i’r afael â materion
sy’n effeithio ar ymchwilwyr ar draws y Brifysgol. Fe’ch anogir i roi
gwybod am eich barn, eich safbwyntiau, eich profiadau, eich
syniadau a’ch pryderon drwy’r cynrychiolwyr hynny. Mae Coleg
Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn eich gwahodd i wneud hynny ac yn wir yn
dibynnu ar eich cyfraniad.
Yn olaf, croeso cynnes i fyfyrwyr newydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, ac
ychydig o eiriau yn arbennig i chi: gwyddoch mai eich blaenoriaeth
gyntaf yw’ch prosiect ymchwil a rhaid i chi byth golli golwg ar hynny.
Ond rydyn ni hefyd yn eich annog chi i fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd
ehangach y tu mewn a’r tu allan i faes eich ymchwil, nid heddiw’n
unig ond drwy gydol eich gradd ymchwil - eu bwriad yw cyfoethogi’ch
profiad i’ch gwneud chi’n ymchwilydd mwy effeithiol a llwyddiannus
ac i’ch rhoi mewn sefyllfa dda beth bynnag yw eich llwybr gyrfa.
Fe’ch anogwn i fanteisio ar bob cyfle i gyfarfod â’r amrywiaeth mawr
o ymchwilwyr eraill ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac i fod yn aelod
gweithgar o gymuned Coleg Graddedigion eich Prifysgol.
Welcome to the University Graduate College Programme, which
offers exceptional opportunities for postgraduate researchers to
develop themselves both as researchers and professionals. The
programme is informed by the Researcher Development
Framework, the UK Research Councils’ recognised approach to
researcher development, which aims to develop world-class
researchers and their career potential and build the UK higher
education research base. Undertaking personal and professional
development to ensure that you can effectively complete your
project whilst looking forward to your future career is an
essential part of your research plan; this programme is designed
to help you in this task.
The bulk of the brochure is, by necessity, the descriptions and
details about our formal offerings. These workshops and courses
cover not only immediately applicable skills, but broader issues of
importance to researchers such as public engagement, impact of
research on policy, and enterprise. You should discuss these
opportunities with your supervisory team alongside your planning of
the research project itself.
As valuable as these formal events are, however, we are keen to
emphasise that the programme is more than that – it includes
opportunities to present your work, to learn of other research taking
place within Cardiff University, to get involved in leading activities for
other researchers and to design your own interdisciplinary activity to
enrich your experience (indeed, the PGR Interdisciplinary Activities
Fund awards grants of up to £1,000 for this purpose). These
experiences are beneficial in their own right, but also as preparation
for future employment.
Our team and much of the training activity are housed in the Hadyn
Ellis Building, which is the first building to be developed on what will
be a prestigious new Innovation Campus on Maindy Road. This
enables us to offer enhanced training, exhibition and networking
space, as well as dedicated work space for up to 40 research
Student representatives play an important role in the decision-
making of the University Graduate College; postgraduate researchers
are members, alongside Directors of PGR Studies, of the
Programme Teams, which set priorities and work plans for their
areas and also of the University Graduate College Board. The
representatives meet regularly as the PGR Forum to identify and
address issues that affect researchers across the University. You are
encouraged to feed through to these representatives your opinions,
perspectives, experiences, ideas and concerns. The University
Graduate College invites and indeed relies on your input.
Finally, a warm welcome to new students at Cardiff University, and a
few words especially for you: you know that your first priority is your
research project and you must never lose sight of that. However, we
urge you also to take advantage of the broader opportunities both
within and outside your research area not just now, but throughout
your research degree – they are intended to enhance your
experience, to make you a more effective and successful researcher,
and to stand you in good stead whatever your career path. We
encourage you to take every opportunity to meet the diverse range
of other researchers at Cardiff University and to become active
members of your University Graduate College community.
Rhagymadrodd Introduction
Prof / Yr Athro Terry Marsden
Dean of the University Graduate College
Deon Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol
Prof / Yr Athro Ken Wann
Deputy Dean of the University Graduate College
Dirprwy Ddeon Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol
2 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn cynnig rhaglen
gynhwysfawr i ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig ddatblygu eu sgiliau
ymchwil a’u sgiliau proffesiynol. Mae’n cynnwys cyfleoedd dysgu
ffurfiol, gweithgareddau strwythuredig i ymarfer a datblygu
sgiliau, a gweithgareddau i ehangu a chyfoethogi’ch profiad.
Ym mhob ymchwil ôl-raddedig ceir cryn amrywiaeth: amrywiaeth yn y
dulliau a’r ymagweddau at ymchwil yn y disgyblaethau a rhyngddynt;
amrywiaeth ym mharatoad cychwynnol a phrofiad myfyrwyr ymchwil;
amrywiaeth o ran y moddau presenoldeb; ac amrywiaeth yn y
gymuned o fyfyrwyr ymchwil. Mae’n hymagwedd ni, felly, yn hoelio
sylw ar fyfyrwyr ac wedi’i seilio ar eu hanghenion. Yr amcan yw i’ch
cynllun datblygu gyd-fynd â’ch anghenion heddiw ac yfory ac
anghenion eich prosiect ymchwil.
I sicrhau hynny, rhaid i chi drafod eich anghenion datblygu gyda’ch
goruchwylydd a mynd ati gyda’ch gilydd i ddewis y cyfleoedd a fydd
yn ateb eich anghenion ac yn cyd-fynd â’ch cam chi yn eich ymchwil
(gweler tudalen 6).
Hyfforddiant Ffurfiol
Mae’r llyfryn hwn yn disgrifio’r amrywiaeth helaeth o weithdai a
chyrsiau i ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig ar bob cam yn rhaglen eu gradd
ymchwil - o gwrs sefydlu a’r sgiliau cychwynnol hanfodol yn y
flwyddyn gyntaf ymlaen i gynllunio’u gyrfa yn y flwyddyn olaf a
chyngor ynglŷn â’r arholiad llafar a phopeth rhwng y ddau.
Darparwn hyfforddiant sgiliau yn y cyd-destun ehangaf posibl a all
ateb anghenion y myfyrwyr. Mae hynny’n fodd i’r myfyrwyr weithio
mewn cyd-destunau trawsddisgyblaethol sy’n ategu nodau ymchwil
cyffredinol y Brifysgol ac yn helpu i ddatblygu cymuned ymchwil
gynhalgar yn y Brifysgol heb amharu ar ddatblygiad diwylliant
ymchwil cryf ym mhob Ysgol unigol. Mantais wirioneddol gweithio fel
hyn yw’r cyfle i gyfarfod ag ymchwilwyr o ysgolion eraill yng
Nghaerdydd ac elwa o’u profiadau, eu sgiliau a’u hymagweddau at
Bydd rhai o’r gweithdai, felly, yn gwbl gymysg o ran disgyblaeth –
byddwch chi’r un mor debyg o weithio gyda ffisegydd ag athronydd
neu gymdeithasegydd. Anelir eraill at ymchwilwyr mewn grwpiau bras
o ddisgyblaethau fel y dyniaethau, y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a’r
gwyddorau neu, yn wir, is-setiau ohonynt.
Mae’r rhaglen o weithdai wedi’i chynllunio gan staff academaidd a
gweinyddol mewn partneriaeth â chynrychiolwyr ymchwilwyr ôl-
raddedig a chan roi’r sylw priodol i ganllawiau’r Cynghorau Ymchwil
unigol a’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr yn gyffredinol (cewch
wybod rhagor amdano ar dudalen 6).
Digwyddiadau a Seminarau
Bydd Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn rhedeg rhaglen o ddarlithiau
sy’n cyflwyno siaradwyr ysbrydoledig o Gaerdydd a mannau eraill i
draethu am bynciau cyfredol. Bydd hefyd, os yw’n gymwys, yn
hyrwyddo rhaglenni seminar gan Ysgolion Academaidd sy’n agored
yn ehangach i ymchwilwyr yng Nghaerdydd. Cewch y manylion ar
wefan Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol.
Dysgu Ar-lein
Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol wrthi’n datblygu ei phortffolio o
adnoddau hyfforddi a gynigir ar-lein. Bydd y modiwlau’n fodd i chi
astudio ar adeg a chyflymdra sy’n addas i chi neu’n eich atgoffa o’r
wybodaeth a gawsoch mewn gweithdai blaenorol. Ond wnân nhw
ddim ymdrin â’r deunydd yr un mor fanwl ac, wrth gwrs, chewch chi
mo’r cyfle i drafod y pwnc gyda phobl eraill mewn gweithdy. Cafodd
pob un o’r modiwlau eu diweddaru’n ddiweddar a gellir eu cyrchu
drwy ddilyn y cyswllt o we-dudalennau Coleg Graddedigion y
Brifysgol. Bydd angen i chi fewngofnodi gan ddefnyddio’ch enw
defnyddiwr a’ch cyfrinair Prifysgol Caerdydd arferol.
Dyma’r modiwlau ar hyn o bryd:
Q Cael Cyhoeddi’ch Gwaith yn y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau
Q Cael Cyhoeddi’ch Gwaith yn y Gwyddorau
Q Cynllunio Gyrfa yn y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a’r Gwyddorau
Q Cynllunio Gyrfa yn y Gwyddorau
Q Dewis Cynhadledd, Cyflwyno a Rhwydweithio
Q Dulliau Ymchwil mewn Adolygu Llenyddiaeth
Q Dulliau Ymchwil yn y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau
Q Dulliau Ymchwil yn y Gwyddorau
Q Dulliau Ymchwil yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
Q Eiddo Deallusol yng Nghyd-destun Ymchwil
Q Fideo ar Arholiad Llafar Da
Q Fideo ar Oruchwylio Da
Q Fideo ar Sgiliau Cyflwyno Da
Q Moeseg Ymchwil 1: Llywodraethu Ymchwil
Q Moeseg Ymchwil 2: Gweithio gyda Gwrthrychau Dynol
Q Rheoli Prosiect yng Nghyd-destun Ymchwil
Q Rheoli’ch Goruchwylydd Ymchwil neu’ch Prif Ymchwilydd
Cynadleddau dan Arweiniad Myfyrwyr
Ar hyd y flwyddyn fe redir amryw o gynadleddau dan arweiniad
myfyrwyr i roi cyfle i fyfyrwyr gwahanol ddisgyblaethau gyflwyno’u
gwaith i’w gilydd, i rannu a datblygu eu diddordebau ymchwil ac i
sefydlu cysylltiadau rhyngddisgyblaethol sy’n fanteisiol i bawb. Mae’r
cynadleddau’n fodd i fyfyrwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau cyflwyno mewn
amgylchedd cynhalgar a chyfeillgar ac yn eu helpu i deimlo’n rhan
o’r gymuned ymchwil ehangach. Drwy ddod i’r gynhadledd, byddwch
chi’n fwy ymwybodol o ffyrdd o wneud eich ymchwil yn hygyrch i
gydweithwyr mewn meysydd eraill ac i’r cyhoedd, ac wedi dysgu
sgiliau cyflwyno’ch ymchwil i gynulleidfaoedd ehangach. Byddwch
chi hefyd yn elwa’n academaidd o glywed am yr ymchwil mewn
meysydd eraill.
Trefnir pob un o’r digwyddiadau gan bwyllgor o fyfyrwyr ymchwil
ôl-raddedig o amryw o’r Ysgolion. Mae hwn yn brofiad pleserus a
gwerthfawr ac yn gyfle rhagorol i ychwanegu at eich CV drwy
ddatblygu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy ym maes trefnu digwyddiadau. Os
hoffech chi gymryd rhan, e-bostiwch ni yn
Ymhlith y cynadleddau a redir yn 2014-15 bydd:
Q Cynhadledd y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a’r Dyniaethau
– dydd Iau 23 Ebrill
Q Cynhadledd Siarad am Wyddoniaeth – dydd Iau 7 Mai
Ariannu Gweithgareddau
Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn darparu cyllid i weithgareddau
academaidd rhyngddisgyblaethol a drefnir gan fyfyrwyr ymchwil
ôl-raddedig ac sy’n dod â myfyrwyr ynghyd o wahanol feysydd i
drafod pynciau ymchwil a rennir. Gall myfyrwyr wneud cais am hyd at
£1,000 i gynorthwyo gweithgareddau rhyngddisgyblaethol megis
fforymau thematig, grwpiau darllen, seminarau, cynadleddau a
gweithdai. Rhaid i’r gweithgareddau fod wedi’u trefnu gan fyfyrwyr
ymchwil ôl-raddedig ac ar eu cyfer. Bydd y cynllun yn gyfle rhagorol i
fyfyrwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy drwy gydweithio ar
drefnu digwyddiadau. Mae prosesau gwneud cais am yr arian,
rhedeg y gweithgareddau ac adrodd ar eich gwaith yn debyg i’r rhai
sy’n ofynnol wrth wneud cais am arian i gyflawni rôl yn y byd
academaidd yn y dyfodol neu i gynnig a rheoli prosiectau mewn
rolau anacademaidd.
Cewch wybod rhagor am y cynllun ariannu yn
Y terfynau amser ar gyfer ceisiadau yn 2014-15 yw:
19 Hydref, 15 Chwefror, 14 Mehefin.
Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol
3Adeilad Hadyn Ellis / Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | The Hadyn Ellis Building / The University Graduate College Programme
The University Graduate College (UGC) offers a comprehensive
programme for postgraduate researchers to develop both their
research and professional skills. It comprises formal learning
opportunities, structured activities to practise and develop skills,
and activities to broaden and enrich your experience.
There is significant diversity in postgraduate research: diversity in
research methods and approaches in and among disciplines;
diversity in the initial preparation and experience of research
students; diversity in modes of attendance; and diversity in the
research student community. Therefore our approach is student-
centred and is needs-based, with the objective that your
development plan should be appropriate to your needs both now
and in the future, and to the needs of your research project.
This approach requires that you discuss your development needs
with your supervisor and, together, select opportunities that will
meet your needs and are suitable for your stage of research (see
page 7).
Formal Training
This brochure describes the extensive range of workshops and
courses for postgraduate researchers at every stage in their research
degree programme – from first year induction and essential ‘starting
out’ skills through to final year career planning and viva advice as
well as everything in between.
We provide skills training in the broadest possible context that is
able to meet student needs. This enables students to work in cross-
discipline contexts that support the overall University research aims
and help develop a supportive University research community,
without prejudice to the development of a strong School research
culture. A very real benefit of this approach is the opportunity to
meet researchers from other schools at Cardiff and gain from their
experiences, skills and approaches to research.
Some of the workshops, therefore, will include a complete mix of
disciplines – you will be as likely to be working with a physicist as a
philosopher or sociologist. Others are aimed at researchers in broad
discipline groups, such as humanities, social sciences and sciences,
or indeed subsets of these.
The workshop programme is designed by academic and administrative
staff in partnership with PGR representatives and with due regard to
individual Research Council guidelines and the overall Researcher
Development Framework (for more about which, see page 7).
Events and Seminars
The University Graduate College runs an events programme,
presenting inspiring speakers on current topics from within Cardiff
and from elsewhere. It also promotes, where applicable, the
seminar programmes from Academic Schools that are open more
widely to researchers at Cardiff. The details of these can be found
on the University Graduate College web site at
On-line Learning
The University Graduate College is building its portfolio of training
resources offered on-line. These allow you to study at a time and
pace to suit you or to refresh knowledge from previous workshop
attendance. However, they won’t cover material in as much depth
and, of course, don’t give you the opportunity to discuss the topic
with other people in a workshop context. All modules were recently
revised and can be accessed by following the link from the University
Graduate College web pages. You will need to log in with your usual
Cardiff University username and password.
Current resources are as follows:
Q Career Planning in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Q Career Planning in the Sciences
Q Getting Published in the Arts and Humanities
Q Getting Published in the Sciences
Q Good Presentation Skills Video
Q Good Supervision Video
Q Good Viva Video
Q Intellectual Property in the Research Context - Managing Your
Research Supervisor or Principal Investigator
Q Project Management in the Research Context
Q Research Ethics 1: Research Governance
Q Research Ethics 2: Working with Human Subjects
Q Research Methods in the Arts and Humanities
Q Research Methods in Literature Review
Q Research Methods in the Sciences
Q Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Q Selecting a Conference, Presenting and Networking
Student-Led Conferences
A number of student-led conferences are run throughout the year to
provide opportunities for students in different disciplines to present
their work to each other, to share and develop their research
interests and to establish mutually beneficial interdisciplinary links.
The conferences enable students to develop their presentation skills
in a supportive and friendly environment and help them to feel part
of the wider research community. Through attendance you will
become more aware of how to make your research accessible to
colleagues in other areas and to the general public and will have
acquired skills in presenting research to wider audiences. You also
benefit academically from hearing about research in other areas.
Each of the events is organised by a committee of postgraduate
research students from a number of Schools.
This is an enjoyable and rewarding experience and provides an
excellent opportunity to develop transferable skills in event
organisation to add to your CV. If you wish to get involved, please
e-mail us at
Conferences running in 2014-15:
Q Social Sciences and Humanities Conference
– Thursday 23 April
Q Speaking of Science Conference – Thursday 7 May
Funding for Interdisciplinary Activities
The University Graduate College provides funding for interdisciplinary
academic activities organised by postgraduate research students,
which bring students together from different subject areas to discuss
shared research interests. Students can apply for funding of up to
£1,000 to support interdisciplinary activities such as themed
forums, reading groups, seminars, conferences and workshops.
Activities must be organised by and for postgraduate research
students. The scheme provides an excellent opportunity for students
to develop their transferable skills by working collaboratively to
organise events. The processes of applying for funding,
implementing activities and reporting on your work are similar to
those required to apply for funds in future roles in academia or to
‘pitch’ and manage projects in non-academic roles.
Further information about the funding scheme can be found at
Deadlines for applications in 2014-15 are:
19 October, 15 February, 14 June
The University Graduate College
4 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Arf yw’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr (yr RDF) i gynllunio,
hyrwyddo a chynorthwyo datblygiad personol, proffesiynol a
gyrfaol ymchwilwyr byd addysg uwch. Ynddo, disgrifir
gwybodaeth, sgiliau, ymddygiadau a nodweddion personol
ymchwilydd ac anogir ymchwilwyr i geisio rhagori drwy ddatblygu
rhagor arnynt hwy eu hunain. Prosiect a ariannir ac a reolir gan
Vitae yw’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr ac fe’i cymeradwyir
gan Gynghorau Ymchwil y DU a Chyrff a Sefydliadau eraill ym
myd addysg uwch.
Rhennir y Fframwaith yn bedwar maes a deuddeg is-faes sy’n
cwmpasu’r wybodaeth, y galluoedd deallusol, y technegau a’r
safonau proffesiynol i wneud ymchwil yn ogystal â’r nodweddion
personol, y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i weithio gydag eraill a sicrhau
effaith ehangach i’r ymchwil. Mae’r disgrifiadau cysylltiedig yn y
meysydd yn disgrifio agweddau gwahanol ar fod yn ymchwilydd. Ym
mhob disgrifiad ceir rhwng tri a phum cyfnod sy’n cynrychioli camau
datblygu penodol neu lefelau perfformiad.
Mae’r Fframwaith yn fodd i chi asesu’ch cryfderau a pha feysydd i’w
datblygu ymhellach i sicrhau eich bod chi’n symud ymlaen yn eich
gyrfa. Mae’n cynnig ieithwedd i chi gyfleu’ch galluoedd ynddi. Gall
hynny fod yn werthfawr iawn wrth i chi gynllunio’ch gyrfa, paratoi ar
gyfer cyfarfodydd datblygol gyda’ch goruchwylydd, neu
ddiweddaru’ch CV.
Y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr
Mae canolfan Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn yr adeilad
eiconig, Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, sef yr adeilad cyntaf ar yr hyn a fydd
yn gampws ymchwil i’r Brifysgol.
Bydd yr adeilad, yn ogystal â darparu gofod swyddfa pwrpasol i’r tîm
o staff, yn lle i ni gynnal llawer o’n gweithdai a’n digwyddiadau.
Mae’r ddarlithfa â 150 o seddau yn berffaith ar gyfer ein digwyddiad
‘Sefydlu’ yn ogystal â sesiwn lawn ar gyfer cynadleddau dan
arweiniad myfyrwyr.
Mae gofod arddangos ar gael mewn atriwm aml-lawr lle y gallwn ni
gynnal arddangosiadau ac arddangosfeydd o bosteri ymchwil yn
ogystal ag arddangos gweithgarwch ymchwil mewn ffordd fwy
dynamig. Mae pum ystafell hyfforddi ar gael ar gyfer gweithdai ac fel
ystafelloedd i gynnal cyfarfodydd grwpiau ynddynt yn ystod
cynadleddau ac mae’r caffi’n lle perffaith i gynadleddwyr gyfarfod a
chymdeithasu yn ystod yr egwyliau pwysig i gael lluniaeth.
Ar y llawr cyntaf, mae gofod wedi’i neilltuo ar gyfer ymchwilwyr ôl-
raddedig y mae angen desg a gofod storio arnynt am gyfnod
cyfyngedig. Bydd modd neilltuo’r gofodau hynny am rai wythnosau
neu fisoedd, a hynny’n bennaf i fyfyrwyr a all orfod gadael swyddfa
yn eu Hysgol – ac ildio’u lle i ymchwilwyr newydd ar eu blwyddyn
gyntaf – ond y mae angen peth amser arnynt o hyd i orffen llunio’u
traethawd hir.
Enwyd yr adeilad ar ôl yr Athro Hadyn Ellis (1945-2006), gwˆr a oedd
yn frwd o blaid gwneud ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol a datblygu
ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig – dau nod roedd – ac mae Coleg
Graddedigion y Brifysgol hefyd yn eu harddel. Bu’n ddylanwad mawr
ar ddatblygiad Prifysgol Caerdydd. Ar ôl bod yn Bennaeth yr Ysgol
Seicoleg, daeth yn Rhag-Ddirprwy Ganghellor y Brifysgol dros
Ymchwil a bu hefyd yn Ddeon Astudiaethau Graddedig. Ar ôl ei
benodi’n Ddirprwy Is-Ganghellor yn 2001, chwaraeodd yr Athro Ellis
rôl allweddol yn yr uno â Choleg Meddygaeth Prifysgol Cymru, cyfnod
pryd y bu modd iddo ehangu sylfaen ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol y
Brifysgol. Yn 2004 dyfarnwyd y CBE iddo am ei wasanaethau i
Addysg Uwch.
Adeilad Hadyn Ellis
5Y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr | The Researcher Development Framework
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a tool for
planning, promoting and supporting the personal, professional
and career development of researchers in higher education.
It describes the knowledge, skills, behaviours and personal
qualities of researchers and encourages them to aspire to
excellence through achieving higher levels of development. The
RDF is endorsed by the Research Councils UK and other Higher
Education Bodies and Institutions.
The RDF is structured into four domains and twelve sub-domains,
encompassing the knowledge, intellectual abilities, techniques and
professional standards to do research, as well as the personal
qualities, knowledge and skills to work with others and to ensure the
wider impact of research. The associated descriptors within the
domains describe different aspects of being a researcher. Each
descriptor contains between three and five phases, representing
distinct stages of development or levels of performance.
The RDF provides a way for you to assess your strengths and areas
for further development to ensure you progress in your career. It
provides a universal language for communicating your capabilities.
This can be very valuable in planning your career, preparing for
developmental meetings with your supervisor or updating your CV.
The Researcher Development
The University Graduate College is based in the iconic Hadyn Ellis
Building, which is the first building on what will become a
research campus for the University.
In addition to providing a purpose-built office space for the staff
team, the building hosts many of our workshops and events. The
150 seat lecture theatre is the perfect size for ‘Starting Out’, our
induction event, as well as plenary sessions for student-led
conferences. Exhibition space is available in a multi-storey atrium, in
which we run research poster displays and exhibitions as well as
more dynamic demonstrations of research activity. Five training
rooms are available for workshops and as break-out rooms for
conferences, and the café area is the perfect place for participants
to meet and mingle during those important refreshment breaks.
On the first floor, space has been reserved for postgraduate
researchers who need desk and storage space to call their own for a
limited time period. These spaces can be allocated for several
weeks or months, primarily to students who may have to vacate a
School-based office to make way for new first year researchers
whilst still requiring some time to finish up their thesis.
Professor Hadyn Ellis (1945 – 2006), for whom the building is
named, was a champion of interdisciplinary research and of the
development of postgraduate researchers – both of which are aims
of the University Graduate College – and was highly influential in the
development of Cardiff University. After serving as Head of the
School of Psychology, he became the University’s Pro Vice-
Chancellor for Research and also served as the Dean of Graduate
Studies. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 2001, Professor Ellis
played a key role in the merger with the University of Wales College
of Medicine.
During this period he was able to expand the University’s base of
interdisciplinary research. He was awarded a CBE in 2004 for his
services to Higher Education.
The Hadyn Ellis
6 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Elfen allweddol o’r rhaglen gradd ymchwil yw’r cyfle i ddatblygu
ymchwil, sgiliau personol a phroffesiynol. Fel sy’n ofynnol gan God y
DU mewn Addysg Uwch (Pennod B11, Dangosydd 14), a chan God
Ymarfer Prifysgol Caerdydd (Adran 11), dylai anghenion datblygu pob
myfyriwr ymchwil gael eu nodi a’u cytuno ar y cyd gan y myfyriwr a’r
goruchwyliwr ar ddechrau’r radd; mae’r rhain yn cael eu hadolygu
a’u diweddaru’n rheolaidd fel y bo’n briodol. Yn ogystal, mae’r ddau
god yn argymell y dylai myfyrwyr ymchwil gymryd rhan mewn o leiaf
10 niwrnod hyfforddiant sgiliau cyffredinol y flwyddyn.
Anogir myfyrwyr ymchwil i gymryd perchnogaeth a chyfrifoldeb am eu
dysgu eu hunain, yn ystod ac ar ôl rhaglen astudio, ac i gydnabod
gwerth datblygu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy.
Efallai y bydd rhai myfyrwyr ymchwil eisoes wedi cymryd rhan mewn
datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus (DPP) fel rhan o amgylchedd gwaith
blaenorol, tra bod eraill wedi bod yn rhan o Gynllun Datblygu
Proffesiynol (CDP) fel myfyriwr israddedig. Yn ystod eich gradd
ymchwil, bydd gofyn i chi asesu eich anghenion datblygu sgiliau a
gweithredu ar y rhain.
Mae hyn yn cynnwys cylch parhaus o hunanarfarnu, myfyrio, gosod
targedau a chynllunio gweithredu. Yn union fel y byddwch chi’n
cynllunio’ch prosiect ymchwil, dylai fod gennych chi gynllun i
ddatblygu’n bersonol ac yn broffesiynol. Drwy wneud hyn gallwch chi
wneud dewisiadau mwy gwybodus ar adegau allweddol yn eich gyrfa.
Manteisiwch i’r eithaf ar bob cyfle i ddatblygu’n bersonol drwy ddilyn
y camau hyn:
1. Cynhaliwch Adolygiad o’ch Sgiliau
Y cam cyntaf mewn unrhyw broses gynllunio yw sefydlu ‘lle rydych
chi nawr’ drwy gynnal ‘adolygiad’ neu hunanwerthusiad o’ch sgiliau.
Gallwch edrych ar ddisgrifiadau ar gylch allanol olwyn y Gronfa
Ddatblygu Ymchwil (RDF) i weld pa sgiliau y dylech chi eu cael (neu
fod yn anelu i’w cael), ond i gynnal asesiad mwy manwl, mae Vitae
wedi cynhyrchu dau declyn ‘Cynllunydd Datblygiad Proffesiynol’ i’ch
helpu chi gyda’r dasg hon: mae un yn declyn rhad ac am ddim gan
Microsoft Excel sydd ar gael i’w lawrlwytho ar wefan CGB, tra mae’r
llall yn declyn ar y we sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd drwy danysgrifiad
unigol drwy wefan Vitae sef Bydd y ddau fersiwn
o’r cynllunydd yn eich tywys trwy bob un o’r pedwar maes, 12 is-
barthau a’r disgrifyddion sy’n disgrifio’r wybodaeth, ymddygiad a
nodweddion ymchwilwyr llwyddiannus. Mantais y cynllunydd ar-lein
hwn yw y gall storio faint fynnoch chi o ddata neu ddolenni i
dystiolaeth ar-lein i ddangos ichi gyflawni amcan neu gam. Hefyd
gall gynhyrchu adroddiadau mewn chwe fformat gwahanol o’r
wybodaeth a rowch i mewn am eich proses gynllunio a’r camau
gweithredu a fydd wedi’u cwblhau. Bydd rhai o’r rhain yn ddefnyddiol
iawn i’w lanlwytho i system monitro cynnydd SIMS.
Mae fideo arddangos o’r cynllunydd ar gael ar sy’n dangos sut mae defnyddio’r
cynlluniwr ar gyfer hunanasesu ac ychwanegu tystiolaeth i
gynorthwyo’r asesiad hwnnw.
Defnyddio’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr
i Gynllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau
Ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd
Cymdeithas a diwylliant
Dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang
Dulliau cyfathrebu
Cyfryngau cyfathrebu
Gweithio mewn tîm
Rheoli pobl
Dylanwadu ac arwain
Cydraddoldeb ac
Cynhyrchu incwm a chyllid
Rheoli arian
Isadeiledd ac adnoddau
Strategaeth ymchwil
Cynllunio a chyflawni prosiectau
Rheoli risg
Iechyd a diogelwch
Moeseg, egwyddorion
a chynaladwyedd
Gofynion cyfreithiol
IPR a hawlfraint
Parch a chyfrinachedd
Priodoli a chyd-awduro
Arferion priodol
Paratoi a blaenoriaethu
Ymrwymiad i ymchwilio
Rheoli amser
Parodrwydd i ymateb i newid
Cydbwysedd rhwng
gwaith a bywydRheoli gyrfa
Datblygiad proffesiynol
Parodrwydd i ymateb
i gyfleoedd
Enw da a pharch
o’ch pwnc
Dulliau ymchwil:
gwybodaeth ddamcaniaethol
Dulliau ymchwil:
cymhwyso ymarferol
Chwilio am wybodaeth
Llythrennedd gwybodaeth
a rheolaeth Ieithoedd
Llythrennedd a
rhifedd academaidd
Meddwl yn feirniadol
Datrys problemau
Meddwl ymholgar
Dirnadaeth ddeallusol
Llunio dadleuon
Risg deallusol
Gweithio gydag eraill Sylfaen o wybodaeth
(D1) (A1)
(C3) (B3)
ac adnoddau proffesiynol a gyrfaol
Cyllid, ariannu Datblygiad
dylanwadu ac effeithio
Y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau
i weithio gydag
eraill a sicrhau effaith
ehangach yr ymchwil.
Gwybodaeth a
galluoedd deallusol
Y wybodaeth, y galluoedd
deallusol a’r technegau
i wneud ymchwil.
Effeithiolrwydd personol
Y nodweddion a’r
ymagwedd bersonol i
fod yn ymchwilydd
Llywodraethu a
threfnu ymchwill
Y wybodaeth o’r
safonau, y gofynion
a’r proffesiynoldeb
i wneud ymchwil.
aes C Maes
aes D Maes
Datblygwyd y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr
gan Vitae ar y cyd â’r sector addysg uwch a
rhanddeiliaid eraill.
Gellir cael rhagor o fanylion am y Fframwaith
hwn ar
Cafodd graffig y Fframwaith ei ddefnyddio
a’i addasu gyda chaniatâd Vitae, yn unol ag
amodau defnydd y Fframwaith:
7Gyllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau | Planning Your Skills Development
A key element of the research degree programme is the opportunity
to develop research, personal and professional skills. As required by
the UK Quality Code in Higher Education (Chapter B11, Indicator
14) and by Cardiff University’s Code of Practice (Section 11), each
research student’s development needs should be identified and
agreed jointly by the student and supervisor at the start of the
degree; these are regularly reviewed and updated as appropriate.
We recommend research students take part in a minimum of
10 days professional skills training per year.
Research students are encouraged to take ownership and
responsibility for their own learning, during and after their
programme of study, and to recognise the value of developing
transferable skills.
Some research students may already have been involved in
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as part of a previous
work environment, while others may have been involved in Personal
Development Planning (PDP) as undergraduates. During your
research degree, you will be asked to assess your skills development
needs and act upon these.
This involves an ongoing cycle of self-evaluation, reflection, target
setting and action planning. Just as you plan the research project
itself, you should have a plan for your personal and professional
development. By doing so, you will be able to make more informed
choices at key points during your career.
Maximise your personal development opportunities by following
these steps:
1. Conduct a Review of Your Skills
The first step in any planning process is to establish ‘where you are
now’ by conducting a ‘review’ or self-evaluation of your skills. You
can simply look at the descriptors on the outer ring of the RDF
wheel to see which skills you should have (or be aiming for), but to
undertake a more detailed assessment, Vitae have produced two
‘Professional Development Planner’ tools to assist you with this task:
one is a free Microsoft Excel based tool available for download on
the UGC website, while the other is a web-based tool which is
currently available on individual subscription via the Vitae website at
Both versions of the planner will take you through each of the four
domains, 12 sub-domains and the descriptors which describe the
knowledge, behaviour and attributes of successful researchers.
The advantage of the online planner is that it can also store
unlimited amounts of data or links to online evidence to show that
you have completed an objective or phase. It can also generate
reports in six different formats of the inputted information of your
planning process and completed actions. Some of these will be very
useful for upload to the on-line progress monitoring system. A demo
video of the planner is available at
that shows how to use the planner for self-assessment and add
evidence to support that assessment.
Planning Your Skills Development using
the Researcher Development Framework
The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) has been
developed by Vitae in collaboration with the higher
education sector and other stakeholders.
Further details about the RDF are available at
The RDF graphic has been used and
adapted with permission from Vitae in
accordance with the RDF conditions of use:
8 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
2. Canfod Cryfderau a Gwendidau
Mae’r offeryn yn caniatáu i chi asesu eich hun unwaith eto un Parth
ar y tro, felly dewiswch barth i ddechrau, er enghraifft, cliciwch ar
‘Parth A’. Bydd hyn yn dangos yr is-barthau a disgrifyddion unigol o
fewn y parth hwnnw. Ticiwch y blychau i ddewis rhai neu bob un o’r
disgrifiadau. Bydd hyn yn rhoi’r camau datblygiadol ar gyfer y
disgrifyddion yr ydych yn eu ticio.
Mae rhwng tair a phum cam ar gyfer pob disgrifydd yn y RDF, sy’n
disgrifio lefelau cynyddol o allu. Fel arfer, bydd myfyrwyr
Doethuriaeth yn neu ar fin dechrau Cam 1, gan fod y raddfa yn
rhedeg hyd at Ymchwilwyr Egwyddor.
Darllenwch y camau ar gyfer pob disgrifydd a gweld pa un sy’n fwyaf
perthnasol i’ch gallu ar hyn o bryd a marciwch ei fod ‘wedi ei
gyflawni/achieved’. Nawr cofnodwch y dystiolaeth sydd gennych i
gefnogi eich cyfnod presennol. Cewch ddewis rhwng ychwanegu ffeil,
rhoi dolen i ffeil, neu ychwanegu testun yn unig.
Ceisiwch fod mor benodol â phosibl, er enghraifft, peidiwch â rhoi ‘yr
wyf yn gyfarwydd ag ystod eang o ddulliau’ yn unig. Yn lle hynny
rhowch ‘Mae gen i wybodaeth ymarferol dda am fethodoleg X, gan
gynnwys defnyddio A, B ac C (dulliau enghraifft) yn Y (sefyllfa ble
rydych wedi defnyddio’r dulliau)’.
Er y gall enghreifftiau fod o brofiad blaenorol, gwneud yn siwˆr bod y
lefel yn gymesur â’r astudiaeth ddoethurol, ar ddechrau eich gradd
ymchwil gall sgiliau a ddatblygwyd ar lefel israddedig neu ôl-raddedig
ymddangos yn ddigonol. Bydd eich goruchwylwyr yn gallu helpu i
ddiffinio’r safon bydd disgwyl i chi ei gyflawni erbyn diwedd eich
Doethuriaeth. Cofiwch fod y RDF yn ymdrin â phob cyfnod mewn
datblygiad ymchwilydd hyd at lefel athrawol. Ailadroddwch y broses
ar gyfer pob un o’r disgrifiadau a ddewiswyd gennych ac yna ewch
ymlaen i’r parth nesaf.
Unwaith y byddwch wedi cwblhau’r ymarfer hwn, dylech fod wedi
dechrau ffurfio rhyw syniad o’r hyn yr ydych wedi ei gyflawni eisoes,
eich cryfderau, meysydd sydd i’w gwella a’ch angen am hyfforddiant.
Ar ôl clicio’r botwm ‘adrodd’ cewch eich ysgogi i ddatblygu cynllun
sy’n dangos sut y cyflawnwch chi gyfnod eich targedau datblygu.
(Cofiwch fod modd gwneud hyn mewn sawl cam.)
3. Trafod gyda’ch Cyfarwyddwr
Erbyn y cam hwn, bydd angen i’ch cyfarwyddwr egluro wrthych yr hyn
y mae elfennau unigol o’r adolygiad hwn yn ei olygu yn eich
disgyblaeth chi, ac ychwanegu’r sgiliau sy’n perthyn yn benodol i’ch
prosiect ymchwil. Dylai eich cyfarwyddwr allu cadarnhau’ch
hunanasesiad ac, yn bwysicach, ddweud pa lefel o gymhwysedd y
dylech chi fod arni mewn perthynas â cham cyfredol eich ymchwil.
Gallwch fwydo gwybodaeth i’r meysydd perthnasol yn arf y
Fframwaith ynghylch sut yr ydych yn bwriadu datblygu yn y maes
hwnnw. Er enghraifft, gallai fod yn gwrs hyfforddi, yn gyngor gan eich
goruchwylydd neu’ch mentor, neu’n datblygu ar eich pen eich hun.
Fe welwch chi ddolenni yn y cynllunydd sy’n eich galluogi i gyrchu
rhaglen CGB a chyfleoedd datblygu eraill sy’n berthnasol i’r
4. Llunio Amcanion CAMPUS
Ystyriwch pa mor CAMPUS (cyraeddadwy, amserol, mesuradwy,
penodol, uchelgeisiol, synhwyrol) yw’r amcan a diffiniwch yn glir, bob
cam o’r ffordd, sut y byddwch chi’n adolygu ac yn mesur eich cynnydd,
erbyn pryd y gwnewch chi hynny a’r hyn a wnewch chi yn ystod yr
wythnos nesaf, y mis nesaf, y chwarter nesaf neu yn y tymor hwy.
Ar ôl llenwi’ch Cynllunydd Datblygu Proffesiynol, mae’n fwy na
thebyg y byddwch chi wedi nodi amryw o sgiliau yr hoffech eu
datblygu dros y misoedd nesaf. Peth buddiol yw trafod gyda’ch
goruchwylydd sut mae’ch ymchwil yn dod yn ei blaen a pha feysydd
datblygu a hyfforddi y gallai fod eu hangen. Dewiswch ddyddiad
targed ar gyfer cwblhau pob cam weithredu. Ystyriwch y camau sydd
i’w cymryd yn syth yn ogystal â’ch nod yn y pen draw.
5. Pennu Blaenoriaethau
Ar ôl i chi benderfynu ar eich anghenion datblygu, gwnewch yn siwˆr
nad oes gennych chi fwy o amcanion nag y gall misoedd nesaf
cynllun eich ymchwil eu cynnwys. Rheol gyffredinol yw hyn: os oes
gennych chi fwy nag wyth amcan neu ‘cam gweithredu’, bydd angen
i chi flaenoriaethu’r meysydd mwyaf perthnasol a chanolbwyntio ar y
lleill yn ddiweddarach, efallai.
Does dim rhaid i chi geisio datblygu ym mhob un o feysydd y
Fframwaith ar unwaith. Dim ond drwy brofiad ac ymarfer y gellir
cyrraedd rhai camau, ond bydd hunanymwybyddiaeth dda a
chynllunio’ch datblygiad proffesiynol yn helpu’r broses.
Dyma rai pwyntiau i’w hystyried wrth flaenoriaethu’ch amcanion
Q dylech roi blaenoriaeth i unrhyw agweddau ar eich ymchwil
rydych chi’n cael trafferth â hwy a chanolbwyntiwch yn gyntaf ar
eu datrys.
Q rhowch dipyn o ystyriaeth i ddatblygu’r sgiliau proffesiynol
ehangach a allai, er enghraifft, gynyddu’ch effeithiolrwydd
personol neu wella’ch rhagolygon o gael swydd yn y dyfodol.
Q efallai y gwelwch chi nad oes angen ond cynnal eich safon
bresennol mewn maes penodol. Efallai y teimlwch, er enghraifft,
fod angen i chi roi cyflwyniadau’n gyson i gynnal eich hyder o ran
siarad yn gyhoeddus.
Cofiwch edrych ymlaen ym mhob rhan o’ch gwaith. Er enghraifft, os
oes bwriad i chi ddefnyddio techneg ymchwil newydd yn
ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn, bydd angen i chi gael hyfforddiant cyn
cyrraedd y pwynt hwnnw.
Mae’r broses hon yn cymryd peth amser, ac felly nid yw asesu eich
hun yn erbyn y Fframwaith mewn un eisteddiad yn bosib o
angenrheidrwydd. Yn hytrach dewch at eich proffil bryd bynnag y bydd
gennych bum neu ddeng munud yn rhydd ac ychwanegwch ddarn o
dystiolaeth neu un cam gweithredu. Yn raddol byddwch yn gallu
adeiladu portffolio cyfan o’ch sgiliau a’ch arbenigedd dros gyfnod,
cofnod a fydd o fudd mawr ichi wrth ymgeisio am swyddi yn y dyfodol.
Argymhellir eich bod chi’n dadansoddi’ch anghenion personol o ran
hyfforddi a datblygu o leiaf unwaith bob chwe mis, a bod hynny’n cyd-
fynd â monitro’ch cynnydd. Gall y cynlluniwr eich helpu drwy ddarparu
sawl adroddiad i grynhoi, er enghraifft, y camau gweithredu sydd ar y
gweill, rhai sydd wedi’u cwblhau, y dystiolaeth rydych wedi’i chofnodi
neu’r eitemau rydych chi wedi’u nodi eu bod yn ddefnyddiol i’ch CV.
Bydd yr adroddiadau hyn hefyd yn ddogfennau defnyddiol i’w
lanlwytho i’r system Monitro Cynnydd ar-lein.
Y Cynllunydd Fframwaith Datblygu
Ymchwil (RDF)
Pa mor aml y gwelwn ni wrth baratoi at adolygiad cynnydd, neu
wrth roi CV at ei gilydd, ein bod ni’n ei chael hi’n anodd cofio’r
hyn rydyn ni wedi’I gyflawni? Wrth ddefnyddio’r Cynllunydd RDF
mae’n golygu, pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd pwynt fel hwn, fod y
cyfan wedi’i ddogfennu, wedi’i gadw mewn un lle ac yn hawdd
cael gafael arno.
Mae’r Cynllunydd RDF wedi’i ddatblygu gan Vitae fel ffordd
ryngweithiol, syml i ymchwilwyr reoli eu datblygiad personol.
Mae’n seiliedig ar Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwil (RDF) Vitae.
Mae’r Cynllunydd yn eich galluogi i:
Q gadw cofnod o’ch holl weithgareddau datblygiad proffesiynol
mewn un lle
Q nodi eich arbenigedd a’ch galluoedd cyfredol
Q argraffu adroddiadau ar gyfer trafodaethau â mentoriaid,
cyfarwyddwyr, cynghorwyr gyrfaoedd ac ati
Q cofnodi eich nodau dysgu a datblygu a monitro cynnydd
Q lanlwytho ffeiliau fel CVau, manylion cynadleddau, geirdaon i
gofnodi’r hyn rydych chi wedi’i gyflawni
Q gweld nodweddion ymchwilwyr llwyddiannus drwy wahanol
I’r broses o ddatblygu’ch sgiliau fod yn effeithiol, bydd angen i
chi FYFYRIO ynglyˆn â’r hyn rydych chi wedi’i ddysgu,
CYNLLUNIO ar gyfer symud ymlaen, a CHOFNODI eich
9Gyllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau | Planning Your Skills Development
2. Identify Personal Strengths
and Weaknesses
The Professional Development Planner allows you to assess yourself
against one domain at a time, so choose a domain to begin, for
example, click on ‘Domain A’. This will display the sub-domains and
individual descriptors within that domain. Tick the boxes to select
some or all of the descriptors. This will give you the developmental
phases for those that you tick.
There are between three and five phases for each descriptor, which
describe progressive levels of capability. Normally, PhD students will
be at or just beginning Phase 1, as the scale runs up to Principal
Read the phases for each descriptor and see which relates best to
your current capability and mark it as ‘achieved’. Now enter the
evidence you have to support your current phase. You can choose
between adding a file, linking to a file or simply adding text. Try to be
as specific as possible, for example don’t just put ‘I am familiar with
a wide range of methods’ instead put ‘I have a good working
knowledge of X methodology, including use of A, B and C (example
methods) in Y (situation in which you used the methods)’.
Although examples may be from prior experience, do check that the
level is commensurate with doctoral study; at the beginning of your
research degree it may seem that a skill developed at
undergraduate or postgraduate taught level may be sufficient. Your
supervisors will be able to assist in defining the standard you will be
expected to achieve by the end of your PhD. Remember the RDF
covers all phases in researcher development up to professorial level.
Repeat the process for all the descriptors that you selected and
then continue to the next domain.
Once you have completed this exercise, you should have begun to
formulate some idea of what you have achieved already, your
strengths, areas for improvement and need for training. You will then
be prompted to develop an action plan about how you will achieve
your target phase for development.
(Remember this can be done in several stages.)
3. Discuss with Your Supervisor
At this stage you will need to seek clarification from your supervisor
about what individual elements of this review mean within your
discipline, and to add those skills which are specific to your research
project. Your supervisor should be able to confirm your self-
assessment and more importantly to tell you at what level of
competence you should be in relation to your current stage of
research. You can enter into the relevant fields in the RDF tool
information about how you intend to develop in this area, for
example it could be a training course, advice from your supervisor or
mentor, or develop on your own. You will find links within the on-line
planner giving you access to the UGC programme and other
development opportunities relevant to the descriptor.
4. Formulate SMART Objectives
Think about how SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic
and time bound) the objective is and clearly define each step along
the way, how you are going to review and measure your progress,
when you are going to take action by and what you will do in the
next week, next month, next quarter or longer term.
After completing your Professional Development Planner you will
probably have identified a number of skills that you would like to
develop over the coming months. It is useful to discuss with your
supervisor how your research is progressing and what particular
areas of development and training might be needed. Select a target
date for completion of each action. Consider your immediate steps
in development as well as your ultimate goal.
5. Set Priorities
Once you have decided on your development needs, ensure that
you do not have more objectives than can be accommodated in
your research plan for the coming months. As a general rule, if you
have more than eight objectives or ‘actions’, then you need to
prioritise those areas which are most relevant and perhaps focus on
the others at a later date. You don’t have to try to develop in all the
areas of the RDF at once. Some phases may only be reached
through experience and practice, however good self-awareness and
professional development planning will aid the process.
Here are some points to consider when prioritising your development
Q you should give priority to any aspects of your research that you
are struggling with and concentrate on getting these right first.
Q give some consideration to developing the broader professional
skills that could, for example, improve your personal
effectiveness or enhance your future employability prospects.
Q you might find that you simply need to maintain a current
standard in a particular area. For example, you might feel you
need to give regular presentations in order to maintain your
confidence at public speaking.
Remember to look ahead in all areas of your work, for example, if
you are due to be using a new research technique later in the year,
you need to have been trained before this point.
This process takes some time, and so assessing yourself against the
whole RDF in one sitting is not necessarily possible. Instead come to
your profile whenever you have a spare five or ten minutes and add
a piece of evidence or one action. Gradually you will be able to build
up a complete portfolio of your skills and expertise over time, a
record which will stand you in good stead when applying for jobs in
the future. It is recommended that you analyse your own personal
training and development needs at least once every six months, to
coincide with your progress monitoring. The planner can assist you
by providing several reports to summarise, for example, your
proposed actions, completed actions, the evidence you have
entered or items you have highlighted as being useful for your CV.
These reports will also serve as useful documents to upload to the
on-line Progress Monitoring system.
The Researcher Development
Framework On-line Planner
How often do we find when getting ready for a progress review, or
putting together a CV that we struggle to remember what we’ve
achieved? Using the RDF Planner means that when you reach
such a point, it’s already documented, held in one place and
easy to lay your hands on.
The RDF Planner has been developed by Vitae as an interactive,
straightforward way for researchers to manage their professional
development. It is based on the Vitae Researcher Development
Framework (RDF).
The Planner enables you to:
Q keep a record of all your professional development activities
in one place
Q identify your current expertise and capabilities
Q print reports for discussions with mentors, supervisors, career
advisors etc.
Q record your learning and development goals and monitor
Q upload files such as CVs, conference details, testimonials to
record your achievements
Q view the attributes of successful researchers through different
In order for the skills development process to be effective, you
need to REFLECT on what you have learned, PLAN for your
progression, and RECORD your development.
10 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Pwy sy’n gymwys i fynd ar y cyrsiau?
Anelir rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol o weithdai at fyfyrwyr
ymchwil ôl-raddedig sydd wedi ymrestru ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae
‘myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig’ yn cynnwys: MPhil, Mhres, PhD, MD,
MCh, EdD, DClinPsych, DEdPsych, DSW, DHS, DNurs a DEng. Mae
myfyrwyr sydd wedi ymrestru ar radd Athro fel rhan o radd ymchwil
‘1+3’ ffurfiol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd hefyd yn gymwys i ddilyn y
gweithdai. Os bydd lleoedd gwag ar gael ac na fyddai effaith negyddol
ar brofiad ymchwilwyr doethurol, efallai bydd llefydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr a
staff eraill ar sail ‘wrth gefn’. Ni ellir cadarnhau lleoedd ‘wrth gefn’ tan
wythnos cyn dyddiad y gweithdy. Am fanylion, gweler y wefan.
Sut mae archebu lle?
Rhaid archebu lle ym mhob gweithdy ymlaen llaw am fod nifer
cyfyngedig o leoedd ym mhob sesiwn. Derbynnir ceisiadau am le ar
ôl 1 Medi yn achos gweithdai yn y cyfnod o dri mis hyd at ddiwedd
Tachwedd. Ar y diwrnod cyntaf o bob mis, bydd modd archebu lle ar
gyfer y cyfnod treigl nesaf o dri mis. Felly, ar 1 Hydref cewch archebu
lle hyd at ddiwedd Rhagfyr, ar 1 Tachwedd cewch archebu lle hyd at
ddiwedd Ionawr, ac ati. Os ydych chi’n fyfyriwr rhan-amser neu’n
dysgu o bell ac os oes angen i chi wneud trefniadau arbennig i ddod
i weithdy mwy na thri mis ymlaen llaw, cysylltwch â ni i drafod eich
Cewch archebu lle ar-lein drwy ein gwefan: dilynwch y cysylltau o Caiff yr archebion eu prosesu rhwng
08.30 a 17.00 Llun-Gwener yn nhrefn y dyddiad a’r amser y
byddant wedi cyrraedd.
Mae’r system yn caniatáu i chi bori drwy’r gweithdai a’r disgrifiadau
ohonynt fesul dyddiad neu allweddair. I ofyn am le mewn gweithdy,
rhaid i chi ddefnyddio’ch enw defnyddiwr a chyfrinair Caerdydd i
fewngofnodi. Cyn pen dau ddiwrnod gwaith fel arfer, cewch e-bost i
gadarnhau i chi gael lle. Ynddo, cewch fanylion unrhyw waith y bydd
angen ei wneud ymlaen llaw, y lleoliad, a’r amserau. Darllenwch yr
e-bost yn ofalus: ambell waith, gall y lleoliad neu’r amserau fod yn
wahanol i’r rhai sydd yn y llyfryn hwn.
Gallwch chi wirio’ch archebion ar unrhyw adeg drwy fewngofnodi i’r
system archebu a gwirio ‘My sessions’. Os nad ydych chi’n cael
cadarnhad drwy e-bost, mewngofnodwch a gwiriwch ‘My Details’ i
sicrhau bod eich cyfeiriad e-bost yn gywir. Os yw’n gywir, cysylltwch â
ni os na fyddwch chi wedi clywed oddi wrthym ymhen dau ddiwrnod
Oes rhaid i mi dalu?
Fel yn achos gwasanaethau eraill y Brifysgol, mae’ch ffioedd dysgu
yn talu costau’r gweithdai a’r cyrsiau a gynigir fel rhan o Goleg
Graddedigion y Brifysgol.
Beth os yw’r gweithdy yr hoffwn
fynd iddo yn llawn?
Cewch eich rhoi ar restr aros, a chewch e-bost i ddweud hynny.
Rhown wybod i chi os daw lle’n rhydd, a rhaid i chi ymateb i’r cynnig
i sicrhau’r lle. Os yw gweithdy’n boblogaidd iawn, byddwn ni fel arfer
yn ail-gynnal sesiynau ohono. Felly, edrychwch ar y dyddiadau’n nes
ymlaen yn y flwyddyn gan y bydd lleoedd ar gael yn aml bryd hynny.
Hefyd, rydym yn ychwanegu sesiynau i ateb y galw, lle gallwn ni; caiff
y rhain eu hysbysebu yn ein bwletin e-bost.
Sut mae canslo lle mewn gweithdy?
Ar ôl mewngofnodi i’r system archebu, fe welwch chi bob cwrs
rydych wedi’i archebu, yn disgwyl cael cadarnhad ohono ac wedi bod
ynddo. Os dymunwch ganslo lle, cliciwch ar yr eicon ‘Sesiynau
wedi’u Llogi’, yna cliciwch ar ‘Canslo’r Cofrestriad’. Os canslwch chi
o fewn 48 awr cyn dyddiad y gweithdy, nid yw’r system ar-lein yn
eich galluogi i ganslo. Rhaid ichi ffonio Swyddfa Coleg Graddedigion
y Brifysgol. Os canslwch chi le o fewn dau ddiwrnod gwaith heb
reswm dilys, caiff ei gofnodi eich bod ‘heb ddod i’r gweithdy’.
Sut mae’r cynllun blaendal yn gweithio?
Er ein bod ni’n deall y gall amgylchiadau eich rhwystro rhag dod i’n
gweithdai, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw rhoi gwybod i ni (gweler uchod).
Ein polisi yw gofyn i fyfyrwyr sydd heb ddod i dri gweithdy gadarnhau
pob archeb drwy dalu blaendal o £30 wrth archebu lle yn y dyfodol.
Caiff y blaendal ei dalu’n ôl os dewch chi i bob gweithdy y byddwch
wedi archebu lle ynddo yn y 12 mis ar ôl derbyn y blaendal, neu ar
ôl graddio, p’un bynnag ddaw gyntaf.
Os methwch chi eto â dod i weithdy heb roi gwybod ymlaen llaw, fe
gollwch eich blaendal a bydd gofyn cael blaendal arall gennych i
gadarnhau lle i chi yn y dyfodol. Os na thalwch chi’r blaendal,
chewch chi ddim dod i unrhyw weithdy am 12 mis ar ôl dyddiad y
gweithdy diwethaf y gwnaethoch ei golli.
Beth os oes angen hyfforddiant arna i
mewn maes nad yw’n cael ei gynnig?
Os yw eich asesiad anghenion wedi nodi hyfforddiant nad ydyn ni’n
ei gynnig, cysylltwch â ni. Os bydd digon o alw ymhlith myfyrwyr
eraill, fe geisiwn ni ei gynnwys yn y dyfodol. Fodd bynnag, noder mai
hyfforddiant i garfannau y mae CGB yn ei gynnig, nid i unigolion felly
nid ydyn ni’n ariannu hyfforddiant arbenigol.
Ble caiff y gweithdai eu cynnal?
Er ein bod ni’n cynnal gweithdai mewn amrywiol leoliadau ar
gampws Cathays a champws Parc Mynydd Bychan, cynhelir llawer
ohonynt yn Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, ar gampws Cathays. Gwiriwch eich
e-bost cadarnhau am leoliad eich gweithdy.
Mae gen i ofynion o ran hygyrchedd neu
ofynion arbennig eraill. I bwy y dylwn i
roi gwybod?
Os oes gennych chi ofynion penodol, cysylltwch â ni yn neu ffoniwch 029 2068 8482. Mae’r rhan
fwyaf o’n hystafelloedd hyfforddi yn hygyrch i’r rhai ag anawsterau
symudedd. Os nad ydynt, ac os cawn ni ddigon o rybudd, fe wnawn
ein gorau glas i symud y gweithdy. Yn yr un modd, fe geisiwn fodloni
pob gofyniad arall os cysylltwch chi â ni ymlaen llaw.
Sut mae cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf?
Ar ein gwefan cewch y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am weithdai a
chyrsiau, gan gynnwys ychwanegiadau at y rhaglen a newidiadau yn
yr amser, y lleoliad neu’r dyddiad. Rydym hefyd yn e-bostio ein
cylchlythyr chwarterol atoch, yn ogystal â’n bwletin gweithdai
wythnosol, a bwletin newyddion a digwyddiadau bob pythefnos.
Gallwch ddod o hyd i ni ar Twitter@CardiffUGC
a Facebook -
Pam mae cynifer o’r gweithdai’n nodi
‘i’w gadarnhau’ o ran y dyddiad?
Byddwn ni’n dechrau llunio’r llyfryn hwn ym mis Mai er mwyn gallu ei
argraffu ym mis Awst a’i ddosbarthu i fyfyrwyr ym mis Medi. Fel arfer
mae gweithdai a gyflwynir gan staff academaidd Caerdydd i’w
cadarnhau, oherwydd na fydd amserlenni addysgu llawer ohonyn
nhw wedi’u cadarnhau mewn pryd, ac felly allwn ni ddim pennu
dyddiadau erbyn i ni fynd i’r wasg. Cyn gynted ag y bydd y
dyddiadau’n hysbys, cânt eu hychwanegu at y system archebu lle ar
y we ac fe gynhwyswn ni’r diweddariadau hynny yn ein negeseuon
e-bost rheolaidd.
Oes llyfryn Cymraeg ar gael ar wahân?
Rydyn ni’n darparu llyfryn dwyieithog yn hytrach na dwy ddogfen ar
wahân. Mae’r holl wybodaeth generig yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, ond
disgrifir y gweithdai yn yr iaith y cyflwynir y gweithdy ynddi.
Cwestiynau Cyffredin
11Cwstiynau Cyffredin | Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to attend the workshops?
The University Graduate College workshop programme is for enrolled
postgraduate research students at Cardiff University.‘Postgraduate
research students’ includes: MPhil, MRes, PhD, MD, MCh, EdD,
DClinPsych, DEdPsych, DSW, DHS, DNurs and DEng. Students
enrolled on a Masters degree as part of a formal ‘1+3’ research
degree at Cardiff University are also eligible to attend. If spare
places are available and the experience of research students would
not be negatively affected, places may be available to other
students and staff on a stand-by basis. Stand-by places cannot be
confirmed until one week prior to the workshop date. For details,
see the web site.
How do I book a place?
You must book in advance for all workshops, as there are a limited
number of places for each session. Bookings open on 1 September
for workshops in the three month period up to the end of November.
On the first of each month, bookings will open for the subsequent
three month rolling period so that on 1 October bookings can be
made up to the end of December, on 1 November bookings can be
made through to the end of January, and so on. If you are a part-
time or distance student who needs to make special arrangements
to attend a workshop more than three months in advance, please
contact us to discuss your needs.
Bookings are taken online via our website: follow the links from Bookings are processed between 08.30
and 17.00 Monday to Friday in order of date and time received.
The system allows you to browse the workshops and their
descriptions by date or by key word. In order to request a place on a
workshop, you must log in using your Cardiff username and
password. You will be sent confirmation of your place by email,
usually within two working days. The confirmation will include details
of any advance work required, venue and timings.
Please check these emails carefully, as occasionally there are
changes to venue or timings from those advertised in the brochure.
You can check your bookings at any time by logging into the booking
system and checking ‘My sessions’. If you are not receiving email
confirmations, then log in and check ‘My Details’ to ensure your
email address is correct. If it is, then please contact us if you have
not heard from us after two working days.
Do I have to pay?
The costs of workshops and courses offered as part of the University
Graduate College, as with other University services, are covered by
your tuition fees.
What if the workshop I want is
fully booked?
You will be put on a waiting list and sent an email telling you this.
We will notify you if a place becomes available and you must reply to
this offer to secure the place. For workshops which are very popular,
we usually offer repeat sessions so check for dates later in the year
which often have places available. We also add sessions to meet
demand, where we can; these are advertised in our email bulletin.
How do I cancel a workshop?
Once you are logged in to the booking system you will be able to
view all of the courses that you have booked, are pending
confirmation and that you have attended. If you wish to cancel a
place, click on the ‘Currently Booked Sessions’ icon, then click on
‘Cancel Registration’. If you are cancelling within 48 hours of the
workshop date, the on-line system does not allow cancellation. You
must phone or email the University Graduate College Office. You
should note that if you cancel a place within two working days
without a valid reason, it will be recorded as a ‘no show’.
How does the deposit scheme work?
We do appreciate that situations arise which prevent attendance but
it is your responsibility to notify us (see above). Our policy is that
students who ‘no show’ for three workshops in a rolling 12 month
period (commencing from the date of the first missed workshop) will
be required to confirm future bookings with a £30 deposit. The
deposit will be refunded upon attendance at all booked workshops
in the 12 months following receipt of the deposit or on graduation,
whichever comes sooner.
If you fail to attend again without prior notification, the deposit will
be forfeited and a further deposit will be required to confirm future
places. If you do not pay the deposit you will not be able to attend
any workshops for 12 months from the date of the last missed
What if I need training in something
that is not offered?
If your needs assessment has identified training that we do not offer,
please get in touch with us. If there is enough demand from other
students we will try to include it in our future offerings. Please note,
however, that the UGC offers training for cohorts, not for individuals
so we do not fund specialist training.
Where are the workshops held?
We hold workshops in various locations on the Cathays and Heath
Park campuses, although many are held in the Hadyn Ellis Building
on the Cathays campus. Please check your confirmation email for
the location of your workshop.
I have accessibility or other special
requirements – who should I inform?
Please contact us at or on 029 2068 8482
about any specific requirements. Most of our training rooms are
accessible to those with mobility impairments and where they are
not we will make every effort to relocate a workshop given sufficient
notice. We will similarly endeavour to accommodate all other special
requirements if you contact us in advance.
How do I keep up-to-date?
Our website contains the most up-to-date information regarding
workshops and courses including additions to the programme and
changes of timings, venue or date. We also email you our quarterly
newsletter, as well as our weekly workshops bulletin, and a
fortnightly news and events bulletin.
You can find us on Twitter@CardiffUGC
and Facebook -
Why do so many workshops say ‘tbc’
for the date?
We start planning the brochure in May so that we can go to print in
August and deliver brochures to students in September. Workshops
presented by Cardiff academic staff are normally tbc, because they
have not had their teaching timetables confirmed by this time, and
so are unable to commit to particular dates in time for us to go to
print. As soon as dates become known, they are added to the web
booking system and we include these updates in our regular emails.
Is there a separate Welsh brochure
We provide a bilingual brochure rather than two separate
documents. All generic information is in both Welsh and English, but
workshop descriptions are only provided in the language in which
the workshop is delivered.
Frequently Asked Questions
12 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
At bwy y galla’ i gyfeirio cwestiynau?
Dylech gyfeirio ymholiadau cyffredinol atom ni yn neu at “Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y
Brifysgol” yn Swyddfa 365. Hefyd gallwch ein ffonio ni ar
029 2068 8482 (est. 88482).
Os hoffech chi holi’n bersonol, cewch alw heibio i Swyddfa Coleg
Graddedigion y Brifysgol, Llawr Gwaelod, Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, Maindy
Road, Cathays, Caerdydd CF24 4HQ.
Archebu Lle ar Gwrs – Arfer Proffesiynol
Mae disgwyl i fyfyrwyr ymchwil nodi’r gweithdai sy’n cyd-fynd
orau â’u hanghenion hyfforddi a chadw trefn effeithlon a
phroffesiynol ar eu dyddiaduron. Wrth archebu lle rydych:
Q yn ymrwymo i ddod i’r gweithdy neu’r cwrs ar ei hyd
Q yn cytuno i gyrraedd y gweithdy mewn pryd
Q yn dweud y byddwch chi’n cymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau
a gynhelir fel rhan o’r gweithdy
Q yn cytuno i wneud unrhyw weithgaredd paratoi yn ôl y gofyn.
Os gwelwch chi na allwch ddod, rhaid i chi roi gwybod cyn gynted â
phosibl ond o leiaf ddau ddiwrnod gwaith cyn dyddiad y gweithdy. Fel
arall, cofnodir eich bod chi ‘heb ddod i’r gweithdy’. Gall myfyrwyr
sy’n cyrraedd gweithdy’n hwyr darfu ar y sesiwn a gall y cyflwynydd
wrthod mynediad iddynt.
Mae’r gweithdai wedi’u dosbarthu yn ôl y penawdau yn y
Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr cyhyd ag y bo’n bosibl.
Darllenwch ein disgrifiadau’n ofalus i sicrhau eich bod yn dewis y
cynnig priodol i’ch anghenion.
Er bod llawer o weithdai yn agored i fyfyrwyr o bob disgyblaeth, bydd
rhai wedi’u targedu at ddisgyblaethau neu feysydd pwnc penodol a
nodir hyn yn nheitl y gweithdy neu yn y disgrifiad ohono. Bydd
allwedd i’r gweithdy i’w gweld ar frig pob disgrifiad o weithdy fel hyn:
| Pawb
Mae’r blwch cyntaf yn dangos ffurf y gweithdy – a yw’n un sy’n rhoi
gwybodaeth yn bennaf, ar ffurf darlith yn aml; yn wybodaeth ynghyd
â thrafodaeth ac adborth; yn weithdy seiliedig ar ymarfer neu’n
weithdy rhyngweithiol sy’n gofyn i chi gyfranogi’n weithgar ynddo;
neu’n weithdy ar-lein i chi allu astudio ar adeg sy’n gyfleus i chi.
Dyma’r symbolau:
Gwybodaeth Gwybodaeth Gweithdy Ar-lein
a Thrafodaeth Ymarferol
Mae’r ail flwch yn dangos ar ba gam yn eich ymchwil y bydd y
gweithdy’n arbennig o addas, boed yn ystod y camau cynnar neu
wrth i chi dynnu at y terfyn. Gan fod llawer o’r gweithdai’n berthnasol
ar unrhyw adeg, fe’u dynodir â“POB CAM”.
Sylwch fod rhaid cael isafswm mewn rhai gweithdai iddynt gael eu
rhedeg. Gwaetha’r modd, gall fod rhaid i ni ddileu gweithdai os na
chyrhaeddant yr isafswm hwnnw.
am y Gweithdai
13Gwybodaeth am y Gweithdai | Workshop Information
Workshops are categorized according to the headings in the
Researcher Development Framework as far as possible. Please
read our descriptions carefully to ensure you select the
appropriate offering for your needs.
Although many workshops are open to students of any discipline,
some are targeted towards particular disciplines or subject areas
and this is indicated in the title or workshop description. A key to the
workshop will appear at the top of each workshop description as
| All
The first box shows the format of the workshop – whether it is
predominantly information giving, often presented in lecture style;
information plus discussion and feedback; a practice based or
interactive workshop which requires your active participation; or
offered on-line to allow you to study at a time to suit you. The
symbols are shown below:
Information Information Practical On-line
and Discussion Workshop
The second box shows the stage of your research for which this
workshop is particularly suitable, whether in the early stages of your
research or nearing completion. Many workshops are applicable to
any stage and will be designated as “ALL”.
Please note that some workshops require a minimum number of
participants in order to run. Regrettably we may have to cancel
workshops which do not meet this minimum number.
Who can I contact with questions?
Queries should be directed to us at or
“University Graduate College” in Office 365. You can also telephone
us at 029 2068 8482 (ext 88482).
If you would like to make a query in person, you can call in to the
University Graduate College Office, Ground Floor, Hadyn Ellis
Building, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff CF24 4HQ.
Booking a Course – Professional Etiquette
Research students are expected to identify workshops which
are most appropriate for their training needs and to manage
their own diary in an efficient and professional manner. In
making a booking you are:
Q committing yourself to attend the workshop or course for its
full duration
Q agreeing to arrive on time for the workshop
Q indicating that you will participate in activities taking place
as part of the workshop
Q agreeing to undertake any pre-requisite activities as
If you find you are unable to attend, you must provide notification as
soon as possible but at least two working days before the date of
the workshop, otherwise you will be classified as a ‘no show’.
Students who arrive late for a workshop can disrupt the session and
may be refused entry by the presenter.
Induction / Sefydlu
Starting Out:
Induction Event for New Researchers
| All
This event is an enjoyable opportunity to meet other research
students and begin to develop those important personal and
professional networks. It provides an introduction to research at
Cardiff University including rights and responsibilities, the facilities
and services offered by the University, the University Graduate
College and the Graduate Centre, and presentations by existing
students on starting and enjoying your research programme.
Importantly, the event will introduce the training and development
opportunities at Cardiff University and enable you to begin planning
your skills development. Starting Out is designed to complement,
not duplicate, your school induction provision.
The October/November sessions conclude with lunch. The mid-
year sessions include additional topics not covered at school
inductions. By the end of this event you will have:
Q a better understanding of the nature of the research degree
Q become familiar with University regulations and systems
Q developed awareness of sources of help and support
Q gained an understanding of the background and requirements
of the Researcher Development Framework and how this
affects you
Q understood the importance of monitoring your personal and
professional development
Q gained an overview of the training opportunities available
Dates/Times: Tuesday 7 October 09.00 – 14.00
Thursday 9 October 09.00 – 14.00
Tuesday 4 November 09.00 – 14.00
Tuesday 20 January 09.00 – 15.30
Tuesday 21 April 09.00 – 15.30
Tuesday 21 July 09.00 – 15.30
Presenters: Various
The sessions were truly beneficial with respect to
starting out on a PhD course as well as socialising and
getting to know researchers in different areas of life
(which is really interesting).
Starting Out: Induction Event for New Researchers
“ “
14 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Knowledge Base
Research Methods
See also workshops in Analysis section
Archives, Manuscripts and Early Books
| Early
If you are conducting research that involves examining
archival/early book material, the University’s Special Collections
and Archives (SCOLAR) section can help you get started
regardless of where your source materials are held. SCOLAR
offers an enquiry service for postgraduate research students by
appointment and can give you a tour of the special collections.
You will receive practical advice on using early books and archives
in general, and be directed to useful resources relevant to your
thesis both within SCOLAR and elsewhere. Please contact
Assistant Archivist, Alison Harvey ( for
more information.
For further information about SCOLAR, please see
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol:
Rhaglen Hyfforddiant Sgiliau Ymchwil
| I bawb
Mae Rhaglen Sgiliau Ymchwil y Coleg yn agored i fyfyrwyr ôl-radd
o bob prifysgol yng Nghymru.
Darperir cryn 34 gweithdy sgiliau yn ystod semestr gyntaf y
flwyddyn academaidd trwy gyfrwng 4 cwrs preswyl. Bydd y
sesiynau yn ymdrin â materion megis trefnu a chynllunio eich
ymchwil, trin a thrafod ffynonellau, dulliau ymchwil, sgiliau
ysgrifennu academaidd, ayyb, yn ogystal â materion ym ymwneud
â hyrwyddo gyrfa a chyflogadwyedd. Cynhelir y cyrsiau preswyl
mewn tair canolfan yng ngogledd, canolbarth a de Cymru, a daw’r
Rhaglen i ben gyda chynhadledd ymchwil rhyngddisgyblaethol ym
mis Mehefin 2015 yng Ngregynog.
Ceir gwybodaeth lawn am y Rhaglen yn ogystal â ffurflenni
cofrestru ar gyfer y gwahanol gyrsiau ar wefan y Coleg:
Darperir yr holl hyfforddiant yn rhad ac am ddim, a bydd y Coleg
yn darparu llety ac yn cyfrannu at gostau teithio pawb fydd yn
mynychu’r gwahanol gyrsiau.
Dyddiad/Amser: Ceir gwybodaeth lawn am y Rhaglen yn
ogystal â ffurflenni cofrestru ar gyfer y
gwahanol gyrsiau ar wefan y Coleg:
Cultural Theory and Deconstruction:
Applications to Research
| All
Humanities and social science students are invited to join a
weekly seminar series on Cultural Theory and Deconstruction in
the School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies.
The series will identify key theorists and conceptual innovations
and consider the application of the theories in research. There will
be an opportunity to discuss the place of the theories within
individual participants’ research projects. Through attendance on
the series, participants will be:
Q familiar with the historical development of cultural studies and
Q able to identify key theorists and concepts
Q able to reflect critically on the usefulness of the theories for
advanced research
NB: Places are limited to 10. If offered a place, you are
expected to attend the whole series
Time: 09.00 – 11.00
Dates: Wednesdays from 1 October to 10 December,
excluding 29 October
Presenter: Dr Paul Bowman,
Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies
Deliberative Methods
| All
Deliberative methods are increasingly popular in the social
sciences as a way of engaging citizens and other groups in the
research process. This half-day session provides an introduction
to principles that underpin deliberative methods and an overview
of some of the more common ways in which deliberative research
can be organised. Topics to be discussed include theories of
deliberative democracy, their relationship to qualitative methods
and the principles of the citizen jury as an exemplar of deliberative
research. You will gain a critical appreciation of the strengths and
weaknesses of deliberative methods and an awareness of the
practical challenges they present. The workshop will be
particularly relevant for researchers pursuing policy-based
research in which public consultation or engagement is important.
Date/Time: March tbc
Presenter: Dr Rob Evans, Social Sciences
Domain A / Maes A
Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities
The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research
Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol
Y wybodaeth, y galluoedd deallusol a’r technegau i wneud ymchwil
If you want to broaden your research methods
knowledge, you will definitely need to
participate in this.
Deliberative Methods
15Maes A: Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol | Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities
Interviews and Interviewing in
Social Science Research
| All
This half-day workshop will combine input and activity to cover
both the practical and epistemological dimensions of using
interviews in social science research. Practical matters will include
devising questions, checklists or prompt sheets, recording data
and typical steps in coding/analysis, as well as more complex
concerns with the relational, interpersonal and logistic side of
conducting interviews.
Epistemological considerations will include the strengths and
weaknesses of interviewing in relation to different kinds of
research questions, the kinds of knowledge produced, questions
about reliability and validity, and how interviewing fits with broader
categorisations such as ‘qualitative’, ‘quantitative’ and ‘case
study’. We will also look at different rationales for the selection of
interviewees. Through attendance, you will:
Q develop a good overview of the nature, strengths and
limitations of interviews in social science research
Q appreciate practical and epistemological dimensions of
interviewing in social science research
Q know where to find further debate and advice in the
methodological literature
Time: tbc
Dates: Autumn and Spring/Summer
Presenter: Prof David James, Social Sciences and
ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre
In Vivo Methods: An Introduction
| All
A great deal of understanding of normal physiological processes,
the changes that occur in disease states, and the potential
pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic
approaches, can be gained from the huge range of in vitro and ex
vivo methods available today. Nevertheless in vivo studies remain
fundamental in our knowledge of physiological systems and in the
validation of potential therapeutics. This half day workshop will
consist of a lecture to provide an understanding of the principles
underlying in vivo methodologies followed by an interactive
session in which we discuss some of the areas in more detail and
look at individual experiments. Topics that will be covered include:
Q an introduction to the UK legislation surrounding the use of
animals in experiments
Q principles underlying the validity of preclinical models
Q a discussion of the in vivo techniques used to understand the
functional, diseased or treated physiological states in whole
Q an understanding of the preclinical stages involved in drug
Date/Time: tbc
Presenter: tbc
Mixed Methods in Social Science
Research: An Introduction
| All
This session will use a combination of input, activity and
discussion to provide a tour of key issues in mixed methods
research in the social sciences. Is mixed methods, as some
claim, a superior ‘third paradigm’?
Alternatively, does mixing methods ride roughshod over important
differences in what particular methods offer?
Why does ‘mixed methods’ have such a strong appeal, and to
whom? The session will include the ‘story’ of a recent study
carried out by the facilitator, and how its design emerged to
illustrate some of the advantages and questions thrown up when
using mixed methods. Through attendance, you will gain:
Q an awareness of different models and purposes of mixed-
methods designs in social research
Q some appreciation of the practical and epistemological
arguments for and against mixed methods designs
Q a guide to useful methodological sources
Q suggestions for how you discuss and justify your own
methodological choices
Time: 10.00 – 12.30
Date: Friday 13 February
Presenter: Prof David James, Social Sciences and
ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre
Mobile Methods in Social Science
| All
There has been a growing analytic attention across the social
sciences to the ways in which moving and movement figures
substantively and methodologically in our research. Mobilities is
now an established theoretical perspective but, arguably, mobile
methodologies are less well developed. This seminar-style workshop
introduces participants to methodologies in and through which
mobile methods might be usefully added to existing research
designs in order to produce and elicit data ‘on the move’. The half-
day workshop will also consider the ways in which ‘naturally
occuring’ data might be produced, analysed and represented (GPS,
audio and video among others) and will consider a number of
practical and technical issues drawing on a ‘live’ research project.
Date/Time: November tbc
Presenter: Dr Robin Smith, Social Sciences
Multimodal Qualitative Research
| All
Cardiff School of Social Sciences has been a centre of expertise
in digital and qualitative methodology for many years, as
evidenced in its earlier hosting of QUALITI, part of the ESRC
National Centre for Research Methods. This two-day workshop will
support researchers wishing to produce diverse kinds of data in
their fieldwork: field notes, sound recordings (of interviews,
conversations or naturally occurring events), photographs (created
by participants and/or researchers themselves), video images,
drawings, digital text, etc. We will explore techniques for the
collection and analysis of multiple modes of qualitative research
data, and ask: How can we make informed choice between
various modes and media? How can various modes be
meaningfully combined in research practice?
A thought provoking workshop that is worth doing
before you finalise your research design but equally
useful if you have started and need to reconsider how
best to analyse it.
Mixed Methods in Social Science Research: An Introduction
“ “
16 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Primarily based on the combined use of textual, visual and audio
field data, the workshop will give participants the opportunity to
experiment with collecting and analysing different kinds of
qualitative data and to consider how they might be combined,
both practically and theoretically.
Time: tbc
Dates: Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 September
Presenters: Dr Bella Dicks and Dr Rachel Hurdley, Social
Sciences, with Dr Brett Lashua, Carnegie
Faculty, Leeds Metropolitan University and
Dr Bambo Soyinka, Department of Creative
Writing & Publishing, Bath Spa University
Research Methods in the Arts and
| Early/Middle
This on-line course includes:
Q what is research methodology in the arts and humanities?
Q approaching archives, artefacts and other evidence
Q thinking critically, thinking theoretically
Q understanding disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity
Q is it working?
This on-line course takes about 2 hours to complete, but may be
done in several visits.
Web Link:
Research Methods in the Sciences
| Early/Middle
This on-line course includes:
Q what is science?
Q identifying and formulating research questions
Q evaluating research questions
Q designing and planning your research
Q reflection and communication
Q research resources
This on-line course takes about 2 hours to complete, but may be
done in several visits.
Web Link:
Research Methods in the Social Sciences
| Early/Middle
This on-line course includes:
Q framing a research question
Q research design
Q data collection
Q what next?
This on-line course takes about 2 hours to complete, but may be
done in several visits.
Web Link:
Using Manuscripts and Early Books
| Early/Middle
This workshop will look at how manuscripts and early books were
physically put together and the implications of this for the nature
of the information that can be extracted from them. It will cover
different printing processes, notably those used for images as well
as type, and will also include examination of marginalia and other
manuscript annotations within printed sources. You will be able to
see manuscript and early printed material as part of the workshop
and receive basic training in handling such material.
The workshop is aimed at students in all fields where research
includes examining archival/early book material (e.g. all
humanities subjects as well as architecture, social sciences,
history of medicine/science). If you are not in a humanities School
but are dealing with such material, you are welcome to attend the
By the end of the session, you will be able to:
Q better understand how the material nature of these sources
affects what you can get out of them
Q examine material sources more critically
Time: 09.30 – 16.30
Date: Spring tbc
Presenters: Prof Judi Loach, Humanities, and others
Using Video in Social Science Research
| All
This workshop will explore the different ways in which video can be
used in doctoral research in the social sciences, focusing on the
purposes and implications of various different ‘modalities’ whilst
considering practical, methodological and epistemological issues.
Date/Time: tbc
Presenter: Prof Mark Hadfield, Social Sciences
Taught Modules
Access to Taught Modules
| Early
Masters level modules on a broad range of topics are available to
research students who wish to develop subject-specific skills or
knowledge, as are undergraduate modules which occasionally
may be of use. If you have specific training needs, you are
advised to discuss these with your supervisor. He or she may be
able to recommend a module in your home School or another
School. If you wish to gain credit for attendance, you will be
charged the module fee, but if not you can normally attend a
module free-of-charge. Attendance will be conditional on space
being available and is at the discretion of the module convenor.
Please contact the convenor at least two weeks before the start of
the course to discuss attendance.
17Maes A: Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol | Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities
Bioinformatics and Statistics
| All
The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Unit in the School of
Medicine is responsible for the delivery of an MSc Programme in
Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics/Genetic Epidemiology and
Bioinformatics). The course is delivered by researchers from
Medicine, Biosciences and Computer Science and Informatics.
The Informatics for ‘Omic Biosciences module gives an
introduction to bioinformatics, and the tools available to facilitate
biomedical research. Topics include biological information
resources, biological data retrieval, gene expression studies,
protein structure visualisation, proteomics and genome
If you are interested in developing skills in any of these areas it
may be possible for you to attend individual sessions or the entire
module. In addition there are other modules on the course that
may be appropriate including: Computing for Bioinformatics,
Statistical Approaches in the Life Sciences, advanced modules on
Genetic Epidemiology and other topics.
Places are limited to those who can demonstrate value to their
Dates: These courses run once a year at defined
times with the introductory courses
commencing Monday 29 September
Contact: For further information please contact
Dr Ian Brewis at
Biomedical Laboratory Methods
| Early
This course will introduce laboratory based researchers in the
biological and health sciences to a variety of techniques and core
principles for biomedical laboratory research. You will also meet
some of the researchers using these techniques within the School
of Medicine. Core techniques covered include:
Q cell culture
Q in vivo modelling of human disease
Q imaging methods
Q antibody production and use
Q genomics
Q proteomics
Q bioinformatics
Q manipulation of gene expression
Further details and a full list of topics covered are available on
Times: Various
Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December
Presenters: Various
Data Analysis for Biomedical Research
| All
The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to data
handling and data analysis and develop skills and knowledge in
the appropriate use of statistical methods. Following a basic
introduction to statistical principles and the handling of data sets,
the course looks at key methods of analysis used in biomedical
research. Each week the course covers a specific topic
(summarising data, hypothesis and multiple testing, choosing the
right test – continuous data, choosing the right test, ordered and
categorised data and time to event data, subgroup analysis –
sources of bias, problems and pitfalls, regression analysis, sample
size and statistical power). The workshop, led by an experienced
statistician, will include discussions around these methods and
the provision of worked formative examples to aid understanding
and provide feedback on student progress. Further details and a
full list of topics covered are available on
Times: Various
Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December
Presenter: Dr Robert Hills, Medicine
Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Methods (Biomedical and Life Sciences)
| Early
The aim of this course is to introduce you to quantitative and
qualitative research methods and analysis. Topics covered include
research ethics, methodological assumptions, potential and
procedures of qualitative research in health care research, study
design and causal inference. There will also be sessions on
interviewing techniques, questionnaires and case records, and
evaluating published research. Methods of statistical analysis
applicable to qualitative research, together with analysis of
variance, when it is appropriate, the assumptions made, how
results be interpreted and an introduction to correlation and
regression analysis are also covered. Further details and a full list of
topics covered are available on
Times: Various
Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December
Presenters: Various
Research Skills and Environment
(Biomedical and Life Sciences)
| Early
The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction
to the core skills they will need to develop for a successful
research career and raise awareness of key issues around
research and research careers. These will include presentations of
how to write scientifically, present orally and in poster format as
well as outlining routes to academic and industrial careers,
engagement and translation (including entrepreneurship). As well
as developing an awareness of the importance of obtaining
research ethical approval and research funding and introducing
the mechanisms for these. Further details and a full list of topics
covered are available on
Times: Various
Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December
Presenters: Various
Social Science Research Methods
| Early
Masters level modules from the MSc in Social Science Research
Methods are available by arrangement. Please view the module
information and timetables on the website at Note that requests must be
made prior to the start of the semester in which the module is
offered. Places are very limited and will be allocated on a first-
come first-served basis. There may be a charge for attendance.
Please contact the MSc office for further information.
18 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme
Information Seeking
Accessing Archives
| All
Archives give you evidence; many are old, some are new; they are
unique; they cover every subject; only certain places hold them;
and they can be useful to any researcher. By the end of this
session, you will:
Q know what types of information archives and manuscripts
Q identify locations of archives on a research topic
Q use archives critically, responsibly and ethically
Q cite references to manuscripts correctly
Q locate key online sources for archives
Time: 14.00 – 16.00
Date: Tuesday 27 January
Presenter: Peter Keelan, Information Services
Accessing Archives:
Visit to Glamorgan Archives
| All
The aim of this event is to give researchers practical experience in
using archive material, and information on how to get the best out
of a visit to Glamorgan Archives. Participants will:
Q have the registration process demonstrated and its function
Q have the searchroom rules explained and justified
Q have an introduction to the types of documents held at
Glamorgan Archives
Q explore the finding aids and order forms for documents
Q tour the strongrooms to see where the documents are held
Q find out how the documents are catalogued by Archivists
Q discover more about conservation at the Archives including the
correct handling of documents and the use of book weights
and rests
Q discuss with staff the best way to frame an enquiry and how
responses are formulated
Time: 14.00 – 16.00
Date: Wednesday 22 April
Presenter: Glamorgan Archives Staff
Enhancing Your Web Searching Skills
| Early/Middle
Discover useful tips how to get the best from the web. You will
learn advanced search techniques and explore alternatives to the
general search engines. You will also be introduced to tools for
image searching and specialist academic search engines.
Dates/Times: Thursday 4 December 10.00 – 12.00
Tuesday 3 March 14.00 – 16.00
Friday 1 May 10.00 – 12.00
Presenters: Nigel Morgan, Susan Smith and Peter Hale,
Information Services
Finding Information For Research
(Part Time and Distance Students)
| All
Where do you look for scholarly information? The University
subscribes to a huge range of electronic journals, subject-based
databases and other services to ensure you can find good quality
information to support your research. By the end of the workshop
you will have identified the key information sources relevant to
you as well as techniques for getting the best from them. This
workshop will cover:
Q analysing your topic and identifying appropriate information
Q making your searches more effective
Q finding journal articles and other published research using
Q keeping up-to-date with newly published research
The on-line session will be run using video conferencing software
and attendees will be contacted in advance of the session with
technical details.
Dates/Times: Wednesday 4 February 16.30 – 18.30
(On-campus session)
Wednesday 18 February 10.00 – 12.00
Presenters: Susan Smith and Andrew Blackmore,
Information Services
Keeping Your Research Up-to-Date
(Social Sciences)
| All
Are you keeping up-to-date? Have you spotted the key new book
or government paper on your topic?
Would you like to be alerted to the latest contents from your
favourite journals or recent news in your field?
This workshop will highlight a range of current awareness services
including ZETOC, database search alerts, RSS feeds and mailing
lists. Strategies for managing the services to reduce information
overload will also be discussed. Through attendance at this
workshop, you will:
Q develop your ability to identify and access relevant sources of
information for your research
Q improve your strategy for keeping up-to-date with recent
advances in your field and related areas
Dates/Times: Tuesday 25 November 10.00 – 12.00
Wednesday 6 May 14.00 – 16.00
Presenter: Sarah Puzey, Information Services
You think you know how to search the web,
you don’t! Go to this workshop, it really helps.
Enhancing Your Web Searching Skills

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  • 1. University Graduate College Programme for Postgraduate Researchers Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol i Ymchwilwyr Ôl-raddedig September 2014 to July 2015 Medi 2014 tan Orffennaf 2015
  • 2. Cynnwys | Contents Cynnwys Contents Rhagymadrodd Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol i Ymchwilwyr Ôl-raddedig Adeilad Hadyn Ellis Y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr Cynllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau Cwestiynau Cyffredin Sefydlu Cychwyn ar eich Doethuriaeth: Digwyddiad Sefydlu i Ymchwilwyr Newydd Maes A: Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol A1 Sylfaen Gwybodaeth Dulliau Ymchwilio Modiwlau a Addysgir Chwilio am Wybodaeth Rheoli Gwybodaeth Llythrennedd Gwybodaeth Rhaglennu Iaith A2 a 3 Galluoedd Gwybyddol a Chreadigrwydd Dadansoddi a Gwerthuso Meddwl Beirniadol a Syntheseiddio Creadigrwydd Maes B: Effeithiolrwydd Personol B1 a 2 Hunanreolaeth a Rhinweddau Personol B3 Datblygiad Proffesiynol a Gyrfaol Maes C: Llywodraethu a Threfnu Ymchwil C1 Ymddygiad Proffesiynol C2 Rheoli’r Ymchwil C3 Cyllid, Ariannu ac Adnoddau Maes D: Ymgysylltu, Dylanwadu ac Effeithio D1 Gweithio gydag Eraill D2 Cyfathrebu a Lledaenu Dulliau a Chyfryngau Cyfathrebu Sgiliau Cyflwyno Rhaglenni Cyflwyno a Lluniadu Cyhoeddi Paratoi at Arholiad Llafar Ysgrifennu D3 Ymgysylltu ac Effeithio Addysgu Ymgysylltu â’r Cyhoedd ac Effeithio arno Mentro Ffynonellau Mewnol o Gyngor a Hyfforddiant Cyfleoedd y tu hwnt i Gaerdydd Mynegai i’r Gweithdai Introduction The University Graduate College Programme for Postgraduate Researchers The Hadyn Ellis Building The Researcher Development Framework Planning Your Skills Development Frequently Asked Questions Induction Starting Out: Induction Event for New Researchers Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities A1 Knowledge Base Research Methods Taught Modules Information Seeking Information Management Information Literacy Programming Languages A2 & 3 Cognitive Abilities and Creativity Analysing and Evaluating Critical Thinking and Synthesising Creativity Domain B: Personal Effectiveness B1 & 2 Self-Management and Personal Qualities B3 Professional and Career Development Domain C: Research Governance and Organisation C1 Professional Conduct C2 Research Management C3 Finance, Funding and Resources Domain D: Engagement, Influence and Impact D1 Working with Others D2 Communication and Dissemination Communication Methods and Media Presentation Skills Presentation and Drawing Programmes Publication Viva Preparation Writing D3 Engagement and Impact Teaching Public Engagement and Impact Enterprise Internal Sources of Advice and Training Opportunities Beyond Cardiff Workshop Index Disgrifir cynnwys ac amcanion dysgu’r gweithdai’n gryno. Rhoir y dyddiadau os ydynt ar gael ac maent yn gywir adeg argraffu’r llyfryn hwn. Mae diweddariadau i’r rhaglen, a chynigion newydd, ar gael ar ein gwefan, sef Workshops are briefly described in terms of their content and learning objectives. Dates are given where available and are correct at the time of going to press. Updates to the programme and new offerings are available on our website at 1 2/3 4/5 4/5 6/7 10/11 13 14 14 16 18 19 20 22 25 26 26 30 31 32 35 39 41 41 43 44 44 46 47 48 50 51 53 53 55 57 59 63 64 Cover image: Interior of The Hadyn Ellis Building, photograph by John Seaman Photography, supplied by BAM Construction Ltd Llun y clawr: Y tu mewn i Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, ffotograff gan John Seaman Photography, darparwyd gan BAM Construction Ltd
  • 3. 1Rhagymadrodd | Introduction Croeso i Raglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol, rhaglen sy’n cynnig cyfleoedd eithriadol i ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig eu datblygu eu hunain fel ymchwilwyr ac fel gweithwyr proffesiynol. Seilir y rhaglen ar y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr – ymagwedd gydnabyddedig Cynghorau Ymchwil y DU at ddatblygu ymchwilwyr ac un sy’n ceisio datblygu ymchwilwyr o safon fyd-eang a’u potensial gyrfaol ac adeiladu cronfa o ymchwil addysg uwch yn y DU. Rhan hanfodol o’ch cynllun ymchwil yw ymgymryd â’ch datblygiad personol a phroffesiynol i sicrhau y gallwch chi gwblhau’ch prosiect yn effeithiol ac edrych ymlaen at ddilyn gyrfa yn y dyfodol; bwriad y rhaglen hon yw’ch helpu chi i wneud hynny. O reidrwydd, disgrifiadau a manylion ein cynigion ffurfiol yw’r rhan fwyaf o’r llyfryn hwn. Mae’r gweithdai a’r cyrsiau ynddo’n rhoi sylw nid yn unig i sgiliau y gellir eu rhoi ar waith yn syth, ond i faterion ehangach sydd o bwys i ymchwilwyr, fel ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd, effaith ymchwil ar bolisïau, a mentergarwch. Dylech chi drafod y cyfleoedd hyn gyda’ch tîm goruchwylio, ochr yn ochr â chynllunio’r prosiect ymchwil ei hun. Er mor werthfawr yw’r digwyddiadau ffurfiol hyn, hoffem bwysleisio bod y rhaglen yn fwy na hynny. Mae’n cynnig cyfleoedd i gyflwyno’ch gwaith, i gael gwybod am yr ymchwil arall sy’n digwydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, i ymwneud ag arwain gweithgareddau i ymchwilwyr eraill, ac i gynllunio’ch gweithgaredd rhyngddisgyblaethol eich hun i gyfoethogi’ch profiad (yn wir, mae Cronfa Mentrau Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig yn dyfarnu grantiau o hyd at £1,000 at y diben hwn). Mae’r profiadau hynny’n llesol ynddynt eu hunain, ond hefyd fel paratoad ar gyfer dal swyddi yn y dyfodol. Mae canolfan ein tîm a’r rhan fwyaf o’r gweithgarwch hyfforddi yn Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, sef yr adeilad cyntaf i’w ddatblygu ar yr hyn a fydd yn Gampws Arloesedd newydd o fri ar Maindy Road. Mae hyn yn fodd i ni gynnig gwell gofod hyfforddi, arddangos a rhwydweithio ynddo yn ogystal â lle gwaith penodol ar gyfer hyd at 40 o fyfyrwyr ymchwil. Bydd cynrychiolwyr y myfyrwyr yn chwarae rhan bwysig ym mhroses Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol o wneud penderfyniadau; ochr yn ochr â’r Cyfarwyddwyr Astudiaethau Ôl-raddedig, mae ymchwilwyr ôl- raddedig yn aelodau o Dimau’r Rhaglen sy’n gosod blaenoriaethau a chynlluniau gwaith ar gyfer eu hardaloedd, a hefyd o Fwrdd Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol. Mae’r cynrychiolwyr yn cwrdd yn gyson fel Fforwm Ymchwil Ôl-raddedigion i nodi a mynd i’r afael â materion sy’n effeithio ar ymchwilwyr ar draws y Brifysgol. Fe’ch anogir i roi gwybod am eich barn, eich safbwyntiau, eich profiadau, eich syniadau a’ch pryderon drwy’r cynrychiolwyr hynny. Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn eich gwahodd i wneud hynny ac yn wir yn dibynnu ar eich cyfraniad. Yn olaf, croeso cynnes i fyfyrwyr newydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, ac ychydig o eiriau yn arbennig i chi: gwyddoch mai eich blaenoriaeth gyntaf yw’ch prosiect ymchwil a rhaid i chi byth golli golwg ar hynny. Ond rydyn ni hefyd yn eich annog chi i fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd ehangach y tu mewn a’r tu allan i faes eich ymchwil, nid heddiw’n unig ond drwy gydol eich gradd ymchwil - eu bwriad yw cyfoethogi’ch profiad i’ch gwneud chi’n ymchwilydd mwy effeithiol a llwyddiannus ac i’ch rhoi mewn sefyllfa dda beth bynnag yw eich llwybr gyrfa. Fe’ch anogwn i fanteisio ar bob cyfle i gyfarfod â’r amrywiaeth mawr o ymchwilwyr eraill ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac i fod yn aelod gweithgar o gymuned Coleg Graddedigion eich Prifysgol. Welcome to the University Graduate College Programme, which offers exceptional opportunities for postgraduate researchers to develop themselves both as researchers and professionals. The programme is informed by the Researcher Development Framework, the UK Research Councils’ recognised approach to researcher development, which aims to develop world-class researchers and their career potential and build the UK higher education research base. Undertaking personal and professional development to ensure that you can effectively complete your project whilst looking forward to your future career is an essential part of your research plan; this programme is designed to help you in this task. The bulk of the brochure is, by necessity, the descriptions and details about our formal offerings. These workshops and courses cover not only immediately applicable skills, but broader issues of importance to researchers such as public engagement, impact of research on policy, and enterprise. You should discuss these opportunities with your supervisory team alongside your planning of the research project itself. As valuable as these formal events are, however, we are keen to emphasise that the programme is more than that – it includes opportunities to present your work, to learn of other research taking place within Cardiff University, to get involved in leading activities for other researchers and to design your own interdisciplinary activity to enrich your experience (indeed, the PGR Interdisciplinary Activities Fund awards grants of up to £1,000 for this purpose). These experiences are beneficial in their own right, but also as preparation for future employment. Our team and much of the training activity are housed in the Hadyn Ellis Building, which is the first building to be developed on what will be a prestigious new Innovation Campus on Maindy Road. This enables us to offer enhanced training, exhibition and networking space, as well as dedicated work space for up to 40 research students. Student representatives play an important role in the decision- making of the University Graduate College; postgraduate researchers are members, alongside Directors of PGR Studies, of the Programme Teams, which set priorities and work plans for their areas and also of the University Graduate College Board. The representatives meet regularly as the PGR Forum to identify and address issues that affect researchers across the University. You are encouraged to feed through to these representatives your opinions, perspectives, experiences, ideas and concerns. The University Graduate College invites and indeed relies on your input. Finally, a warm welcome to new students at Cardiff University, and a few words especially for you: you know that your first priority is your research project and you must never lose sight of that. However, we urge you also to take advantage of the broader opportunities both within and outside your research area not just now, but throughout your research degree – they are intended to enhance your experience, to make you a more effective and successful researcher, and to stand you in good stead whatever your career path. We encourage you to take every opportunity to meet the diverse range of other researchers at Cardiff University and to become active members of your University Graduate College community. Rhagymadrodd Introduction Prof / Yr Athro Terry Marsden Dean of the University Graduate College Deon Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol Prof / Yr Athro Ken Wann Deputy Dean of the University Graduate College Dirprwy Ddeon Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol
  • 4. 2 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn cynnig rhaglen gynhwysfawr i ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig ddatblygu eu sgiliau ymchwil a’u sgiliau proffesiynol. Mae’n cynnwys cyfleoedd dysgu ffurfiol, gweithgareddau strwythuredig i ymarfer a datblygu sgiliau, a gweithgareddau i ehangu a chyfoethogi’ch profiad. Ym mhob ymchwil ôl-raddedig ceir cryn amrywiaeth: amrywiaeth yn y dulliau a’r ymagweddau at ymchwil yn y disgyblaethau a rhyngddynt; amrywiaeth ym mharatoad cychwynnol a phrofiad myfyrwyr ymchwil; amrywiaeth o ran y moddau presenoldeb; ac amrywiaeth yn y gymuned o fyfyrwyr ymchwil. Mae’n hymagwedd ni, felly, yn hoelio sylw ar fyfyrwyr ac wedi’i seilio ar eu hanghenion. Yr amcan yw i’ch cynllun datblygu gyd-fynd â’ch anghenion heddiw ac yfory ac anghenion eich prosiect ymchwil. I sicrhau hynny, rhaid i chi drafod eich anghenion datblygu gyda’ch goruchwylydd a mynd ati gyda’ch gilydd i ddewis y cyfleoedd a fydd yn ateb eich anghenion ac yn cyd-fynd â’ch cam chi yn eich ymchwil (gweler tudalen 6). Hyfforddiant Ffurfiol Mae’r llyfryn hwn yn disgrifio’r amrywiaeth helaeth o weithdai a chyrsiau i ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig ar bob cam yn rhaglen eu gradd ymchwil - o gwrs sefydlu a’r sgiliau cychwynnol hanfodol yn y flwyddyn gyntaf ymlaen i gynllunio’u gyrfa yn y flwyddyn olaf a chyngor ynglŷn â’r arholiad llafar a phopeth rhwng y ddau. Darparwn hyfforddiant sgiliau yn y cyd-destun ehangaf posibl a all ateb anghenion y myfyrwyr. Mae hynny’n fodd i’r myfyrwyr weithio mewn cyd-destunau trawsddisgyblaethol sy’n ategu nodau ymchwil cyffredinol y Brifysgol ac yn helpu i ddatblygu cymuned ymchwil gynhalgar yn y Brifysgol heb amharu ar ddatblygiad diwylliant ymchwil cryf ym mhob Ysgol unigol. Mantais wirioneddol gweithio fel hyn yw’r cyfle i gyfarfod ag ymchwilwyr o ysgolion eraill yng Nghaerdydd ac elwa o’u profiadau, eu sgiliau a’u hymagweddau at ymchwil. Bydd rhai o’r gweithdai, felly, yn gwbl gymysg o ran disgyblaeth – byddwch chi’r un mor debyg o weithio gyda ffisegydd ag athronydd neu gymdeithasegydd. Anelir eraill at ymchwilwyr mewn grwpiau bras o ddisgyblaethau fel y dyniaethau, y gwyddorau cymdeithasol a’r gwyddorau neu, yn wir, is-setiau ohonynt. Mae’r rhaglen o weithdai wedi’i chynllunio gan staff academaidd a gweinyddol mewn partneriaeth â chynrychiolwyr ymchwilwyr ôl- raddedig a chan roi’r sylw priodol i ganllawiau’r Cynghorau Ymchwil unigol a’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr yn gyffredinol (cewch wybod rhagor amdano ar dudalen 6). Digwyddiadau a Seminarau Bydd Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn rhedeg rhaglen o ddarlithiau sy’n cyflwyno siaradwyr ysbrydoledig o Gaerdydd a mannau eraill i draethu am bynciau cyfredol. Bydd hefyd, os yw’n gymwys, yn hyrwyddo rhaglenni seminar gan Ysgolion Academaidd sy’n agored yn ehangach i ymchwilwyr yng Nghaerdydd. Cewch y manylion ar wefan Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol. Dysgu Ar-lein Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol wrthi’n datblygu ei phortffolio o adnoddau hyfforddi a gynigir ar-lein. Bydd y modiwlau’n fodd i chi astudio ar adeg a chyflymdra sy’n addas i chi neu’n eich atgoffa o’r wybodaeth a gawsoch mewn gweithdai blaenorol. Ond wnân nhw ddim ymdrin â’r deunydd yr un mor fanwl ac, wrth gwrs, chewch chi mo’r cyfle i drafod y pwnc gyda phobl eraill mewn gweithdy. Cafodd pob un o’r modiwlau eu diweddaru’n ddiweddar a gellir eu cyrchu drwy ddilyn y cyswllt o we-dudalennau Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol. Bydd angen i chi fewngofnodi gan ddefnyddio’ch enw defnyddiwr a’ch cyfrinair Prifysgol Caerdydd arferol. Dyma’r modiwlau ar hyn o bryd: Q Cael Cyhoeddi’ch Gwaith yn y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau Q Cael Cyhoeddi’ch Gwaith yn y Gwyddorau Q Cynllunio Gyrfa yn y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Q Cynllunio Gyrfa yn y Gwyddorau Q Dewis Cynhadledd, Cyflwyno a Rhwydweithio Q Dulliau Ymchwil mewn Adolygu Llenyddiaeth Q Dulliau Ymchwil yn y Celfyddydau a’r Dyniaethau Q Dulliau Ymchwil yn y Gwyddorau Q Dulliau Ymchwil yn y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Q Eiddo Deallusol yng Nghyd-destun Ymchwil Q Fideo ar Arholiad Llafar Da Q Fideo ar Oruchwylio Da Q Fideo ar Sgiliau Cyflwyno Da Q Moeseg Ymchwil 1: Llywodraethu Ymchwil Q Moeseg Ymchwil 2: Gweithio gyda Gwrthrychau Dynol Q Rheoli Prosiect yng Nghyd-destun Ymchwil Q Rheoli’ch Goruchwylydd Ymchwil neu’ch Prif Ymchwilydd Cynadleddau dan Arweiniad Myfyrwyr Ar hyd y flwyddyn fe redir amryw o gynadleddau dan arweiniad myfyrwyr i roi cyfle i fyfyrwyr gwahanol ddisgyblaethau gyflwyno’u gwaith i’w gilydd, i rannu a datblygu eu diddordebau ymchwil ac i sefydlu cysylltiadau rhyngddisgyblaethol sy’n fanteisiol i bawb. Mae’r cynadleddau’n fodd i fyfyrwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau cyflwyno mewn amgylchedd cynhalgar a chyfeillgar ac yn eu helpu i deimlo’n rhan o’r gymuned ymchwil ehangach. Drwy ddod i’r gynhadledd, byddwch chi’n fwy ymwybodol o ffyrdd o wneud eich ymchwil yn hygyrch i gydweithwyr mewn meysydd eraill ac i’r cyhoedd, ac wedi dysgu sgiliau cyflwyno’ch ymchwil i gynulleidfaoedd ehangach. Byddwch chi hefyd yn elwa’n academaidd o glywed am yr ymchwil mewn meysydd eraill. Trefnir pob un o’r digwyddiadau gan bwyllgor o fyfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig o amryw o’r Ysgolion. Mae hwn yn brofiad pleserus a gwerthfawr ac yn gyfle rhagorol i ychwanegu at eich CV drwy ddatblygu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy ym maes trefnu digwyddiadau. Os hoffech chi gymryd rhan, e-bostiwch ni yn Ymhlith y cynadleddau a redir yn 2014-15 bydd: Q Cynhadledd y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a’r Dyniaethau – dydd Iau 23 Ebrill Q Cynhadledd Siarad am Wyddoniaeth – dydd Iau 7 Mai Ariannu Gweithgareddau Rhyngddisgyblaethol Mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn darparu cyllid i weithgareddau academaidd rhyngddisgyblaethol a drefnir gan fyfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ac sy’n dod â myfyrwyr ynghyd o wahanol feysydd i drafod pynciau ymchwil a rennir. Gall myfyrwyr wneud cais am hyd at £1,000 i gynorthwyo gweithgareddau rhyngddisgyblaethol megis fforymau thematig, grwpiau darllen, seminarau, cynadleddau a gweithdai. Rhaid i’r gweithgareddau fod wedi’u trefnu gan fyfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ac ar eu cyfer. Bydd y cynllun yn gyfle rhagorol i fyfyrwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy drwy gydweithio ar drefnu digwyddiadau. Mae prosesau gwneud cais am yr arian, rhedeg y gweithgareddau ac adrodd ar eich gwaith yn debyg i’r rhai sy’n ofynnol wrth wneud cais am arian i gyflawni rôl yn y byd academaidd yn y dyfodol neu i gynnig a rheoli prosiectau mewn rolau anacademaidd. Cewch wybod rhagor am y cynllun ariannu yn Y terfynau amser ar gyfer ceisiadau yn 2014-15 yw: 19 Hydref, 15 Chwefror, 14 Mehefin. Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol
  • 5. 3Adeilad Hadyn Ellis / Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | The Hadyn Ellis Building / The University Graduate College Programme The University Graduate College (UGC) offers a comprehensive programme for postgraduate researchers to develop both their research and professional skills. It comprises formal learning opportunities, structured activities to practise and develop skills, and activities to broaden and enrich your experience. There is significant diversity in postgraduate research: diversity in research methods and approaches in and among disciplines; diversity in the initial preparation and experience of research students; diversity in modes of attendance; and diversity in the research student community. Therefore our approach is student- centred and is needs-based, with the objective that your development plan should be appropriate to your needs both now and in the future, and to the needs of your research project. This approach requires that you discuss your development needs with your supervisor and, together, select opportunities that will meet your needs and are suitable for your stage of research (see page 7). Formal Training This brochure describes the extensive range of workshops and courses for postgraduate researchers at every stage in their research degree programme – from first year induction and essential ‘starting out’ skills through to final year career planning and viva advice as well as everything in between. We provide skills training in the broadest possible context that is able to meet student needs. This enables students to work in cross- discipline contexts that support the overall University research aims and help develop a supportive University research community, without prejudice to the development of a strong School research culture. A very real benefit of this approach is the opportunity to meet researchers from other schools at Cardiff and gain from their experiences, skills and approaches to research. Some of the workshops, therefore, will include a complete mix of disciplines – you will be as likely to be working with a physicist as a philosopher or sociologist. Others are aimed at researchers in broad discipline groups, such as humanities, social sciences and sciences, or indeed subsets of these. The workshop programme is designed by academic and administrative staff in partnership with PGR representatives and with due regard to individual Research Council guidelines and the overall Researcher Development Framework (for more about which, see page 7). Events and Seminars The University Graduate College runs an events programme, presenting inspiring speakers on current topics from within Cardiff and from elsewhere. It also promotes, where applicable, the seminar programmes from Academic Schools that are open more widely to researchers at Cardiff. The details of these can be found on the University Graduate College web site at On-line Learning The University Graduate College is building its portfolio of training resources offered on-line. These allow you to study at a time and pace to suit you or to refresh knowledge from previous workshop attendance. However, they won’t cover material in as much depth and, of course, don’t give you the opportunity to discuss the topic with other people in a workshop context. All modules were recently revised and can be accessed by following the link from the University Graduate College web pages. You will need to log in with your usual Cardiff University username and password. Current resources are as follows: Q Career Planning in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Q Career Planning in the Sciences Q Getting Published in the Arts and Humanities Q Getting Published in the Sciences Q Good Presentation Skills Video Q Good Supervision Video Q Good Viva Video Q Intellectual Property in the Research Context - Managing Your Research Supervisor or Principal Investigator Q Project Management in the Research Context Q Research Ethics 1: Research Governance Q Research Ethics 2: Working with Human Subjects Q Research Methods in the Arts and Humanities Q Research Methods in Literature Review Q Research Methods in the Sciences Q Research Methods in the Social Sciences Q Selecting a Conference, Presenting and Networking Student-Led Conferences A number of student-led conferences are run throughout the year to provide opportunities for students in different disciplines to present their work to each other, to share and develop their research interests and to establish mutually beneficial interdisciplinary links. The conferences enable students to develop their presentation skills in a supportive and friendly environment and help them to feel part of the wider research community. Through attendance you will become more aware of how to make your research accessible to colleagues in other areas and to the general public and will have acquired skills in presenting research to wider audiences. You also benefit academically from hearing about research in other areas. Each of the events is organised by a committee of postgraduate research students from a number of Schools. This is an enjoyable and rewarding experience and provides an excellent opportunity to develop transferable skills in event organisation to add to your CV. If you wish to get involved, please e-mail us at Conferences running in 2014-15: Q Social Sciences and Humanities Conference – Thursday 23 April Q Speaking of Science Conference – Thursday 7 May Funding for Interdisciplinary Activities The University Graduate College provides funding for interdisciplinary academic activities organised by postgraduate research students, which bring students together from different subject areas to discuss shared research interests. Students can apply for funding of up to £1,000 to support interdisciplinary activities such as themed forums, reading groups, seminars, conferences and workshops. Activities must be organised by and for postgraduate research students. The scheme provides an excellent opportunity for students to develop their transferable skills by working collaboratively to organise events. The processes of applying for funding, implementing activities and reporting on your work are similar to those required to apply for funds in future roles in academia or to ‘pitch’ and manage projects in non-academic roles. Further information about the funding scheme can be found at Deadlines for applications in 2014-15 are: 19 October, 15 February, 14 June The University Graduate College Programme
  • 6. 4 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Arf yw’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr (yr RDF) i gynllunio, hyrwyddo a chynorthwyo datblygiad personol, proffesiynol a gyrfaol ymchwilwyr byd addysg uwch. Ynddo, disgrifir gwybodaeth, sgiliau, ymddygiadau a nodweddion personol ymchwilydd ac anogir ymchwilwyr i geisio rhagori drwy ddatblygu rhagor arnynt hwy eu hunain. Prosiect a ariannir ac a reolir gan Vitae yw’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr ac fe’i cymeradwyir gan Gynghorau Ymchwil y DU a Chyrff a Sefydliadau eraill ym myd addysg uwch. Rhennir y Fframwaith yn bedwar maes a deuddeg is-faes sy’n cwmpasu’r wybodaeth, y galluoedd deallusol, y technegau a’r safonau proffesiynol i wneud ymchwil yn ogystal â’r nodweddion personol, y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i weithio gydag eraill a sicrhau effaith ehangach i’r ymchwil. Mae’r disgrifiadau cysylltiedig yn y meysydd yn disgrifio agweddau gwahanol ar fod yn ymchwilydd. Ym mhob disgrifiad ceir rhwng tri a phum cyfnod sy’n cynrychioli camau datblygu penodol neu lefelau perfformiad. Mae’r Fframwaith yn fodd i chi asesu’ch cryfderau a pha feysydd i’w datblygu ymhellach i sicrhau eich bod chi’n symud ymlaen yn eich gyrfa. Mae’n cynnig ieithwedd i chi gyfleu’ch galluoedd ynddi. Gall hynny fod yn werthfawr iawn wrth i chi gynllunio’ch gyrfa, paratoi ar gyfer cyfarfodydd datblygol gyda’ch goruchwylydd, neu ddiweddaru’ch CV. Y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr Mae canolfan Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol yn yr adeilad eiconig, Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, sef yr adeilad cyntaf ar yr hyn a fydd yn gampws ymchwil i’r Brifysgol. Bydd yr adeilad, yn ogystal â darparu gofod swyddfa pwrpasol i’r tîm o staff, yn lle i ni gynnal llawer o’n gweithdai a’n digwyddiadau. Mae’r ddarlithfa â 150 o seddau yn berffaith ar gyfer ein digwyddiad ‘Sefydlu’ yn ogystal â sesiwn lawn ar gyfer cynadleddau dan arweiniad myfyrwyr. Mae gofod arddangos ar gael mewn atriwm aml-lawr lle y gallwn ni gynnal arddangosiadau ac arddangosfeydd o bosteri ymchwil yn ogystal ag arddangos gweithgarwch ymchwil mewn ffordd fwy dynamig. Mae pum ystafell hyfforddi ar gael ar gyfer gweithdai ac fel ystafelloedd i gynnal cyfarfodydd grwpiau ynddynt yn ystod cynadleddau ac mae’r caffi’n lle perffaith i gynadleddwyr gyfarfod a chymdeithasu yn ystod yr egwyliau pwysig i gael lluniaeth. Ar y llawr cyntaf, mae gofod wedi’i neilltuo ar gyfer ymchwilwyr ôl- raddedig y mae angen desg a gofod storio arnynt am gyfnod cyfyngedig. Bydd modd neilltuo’r gofodau hynny am rai wythnosau neu fisoedd, a hynny’n bennaf i fyfyrwyr a all orfod gadael swyddfa yn eu Hysgol – ac ildio’u lle i ymchwilwyr newydd ar eu blwyddyn gyntaf – ond y mae angen peth amser arnynt o hyd i orffen llunio’u traethawd hir. Enwyd yr adeilad ar ôl yr Athro Hadyn Ellis (1945-2006), gwˆr a oedd yn frwd o blaid gwneud ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol a datblygu ymchwilwyr ôl-raddedig – dau nod roedd – ac mae Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol hefyd yn eu harddel. Bu’n ddylanwad mawr ar ddatblygiad Prifysgol Caerdydd. Ar ôl bod yn Bennaeth yr Ysgol Seicoleg, daeth yn Rhag-Ddirprwy Ganghellor y Brifysgol dros Ymchwil a bu hefyd yn Ddeon Astudiaethau Graddedig. Ar ôl ei benodi’n Ddirprwy Is-Ganghellor yn 2001, chwaraeodd yr Athro Ellis rôl allweddol yn yr uno â Choleg Meddygaeth Prifysgol Cymru, cyfnod pryd y bu modd iddo ehangu sylfaen ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol y Brifysgol. Yn 2004 dyfarnwyd y CBE iddo am ei wasanaethau i Addysg Uwch. Adeilad Hadyn Ellis
  • 7. 5Y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr | The Researcher Development Framework The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) is a tool for planning, promoting and supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers in higher education. It describes the knowledge, skills, behaviours and personal qualities of researchers and encourages them to aspire to excellence through achieving higher levels of development. The RDF is endorsed by the Research Councils UK and other Higher Education Bodies and Institutions. The RDF is structured into four domains and twelve sub-domains, encompassing the knowledge, intellectual abilities, techniques and professional standards to do research, as well as the personal qualities, knowledge and skills to work with others and to ensure the wider impact of research. The associated descriptors within the domains describe different aspects of being a researcher. Each descriptor contains between three and five phases, representing distinct stages of development or levels of performance. The RDF provides a way for you to assess your strengths and areas for further development to ensure you progress in your career. It provides a universal language for communicating your capabilities. This can be very valuable in planning your career, preparing for developmental meetings with your supervisor or updating your CV. The Researcher Development Framework The University Graduate College is based in the iconic Hadyn Ellis Building, which is the first building on what will become a research campus for the University. In addition to providing a purpose-built office space for the staff team, the building hosts many of our workshops and events. The 150 seat lecture theatre is the perfect size for ‘Starting Out’, our induction event, as well as plenary sessions for student-led conferences. Exhibition space is available in a multi-storey atrium, in which we run research poster displays and exhibitions as well as more dynamic demonstrations of research activity. Five training rooms are available for workshops and as break-out rooms for conferences, and the café area is the perfect place for participants to meet and mingle during those important refreshment breaks. On the first floor, space has been reserved for postgraduate researchers who need desk and storage space to call their own for a limited time period. These spaces can be allocated for several weeks or months, primarily to students who may have to vacate a School-based office to make way for new first year researchers whilst still requiring some time to finish up their thesis. Professor Hadyn Ellis (1945 – 2006), for whom the building is named, was a champion of interdisciplinary research and of the development of postgraduate researchers – both of which are aims of the University Graduate College – and was highly influential in the development of Cardiff University. After serving as Head of the School of Psychology, he became the University’s Pro Vice- Chancellor for Research and also served as the Dean of Graduate Studies. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 2001, Professor Ellis played a key role in the merger with the University of Wales College of Medicine. During this period he was able to expand the University’s base of interdisciplinary research. He was awarded a CBE in 2004 for his services to Higher Education. The Hadyn Ellis Building
  • 8. 6 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Elfen allweddol o’r rhaglen gradd ymchwil yw’r cyfle i ddatblygu ymchwil, sgiliau personol a phroffesiynol. Fel sy’n ofynnol gan God y DU mewn Addysg Uwch (Pennod B11, Dangosydd 14), a chan God Ymarfer Prifysgol Caerdydd (Adran 11), dylai anghenion datblygu pob myfyriwr ymchwil gael eu nodi a’u cytuno ar y cyd gan y myfyriwr a’r goruchwyliwr ar ddechrau’r radd; mae’r rhain yn cael eu hadolygu a’u diweddaru’n rheolaidd fel y bo’n briodol. Yn ogystal, mae’r ddau god yn argymell y dylai myfyrwyr ymchwil gymryd rhan mewn o leiaf 10 niwrnod hyfforddiant sgiliau cyffredinol y flwyddyn. Anogir myfyrwyr ymchwil i gymryd perchnogaeth a chyfrifoldeb am eu dysgu eu hunain, yn ystod ac ar ôl rhaglen astudio, ac i gydnabod gwerth datblygu sgiliau trosglwyddadwy. Efallai y bydd rhai myfyrwyr ymchwil eisoes wedi cymryd rhan mewn datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus (DPP) fel rhan o amgylchedd gwaith blaenorol, tra bod eraill wedi bod yn rhan o Gynllun Datblygu Proffesiynol (CDP) fel myfyriwr israddedig. Yn ystod eich gradd ymchwil, bydd gofyn i chi asesu eich anghenion datblygu sgiliau a gweithredu ar y rhain. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cylch parhaus o hunanarfarnu, myfyrio, gosod targedau a chynllunio gweithredu. Yn union fel y byddwch chi’n cynllunio’ch prosiect ymchwil, dylai fod gennych chi gynllun i ddatblygu’n bersonol ac yn broffesiynol. Drwy wneud hyn gallwch chi wneud dewisiadau mwy gwybodus ar adegau allweddol yn eich gyrfa. Manteisiwch i’r eithaf ar bob cyfle i ddatblygu’n bersonol drwy ddilyn y camau hyn: 1. Cynhaliwch Adolygiad o’ch Sgiliau Y cam cyntaf mewn unrhyw broses gynllunio yw sefydlu ‘lle rydych chi nawr’ drwy gynnal ‘adolygiad’ neu hunanwerthusiad o’ch sgiliau. Gallwch edrych ar ddisgrifiadau ar gylch allanol olwyn y Gronfa Ddatblygu Ymchwil (RDF) i weld pa sgiliau y dylech chi eu cael (neu fod yn anelu i’w cael), ond i gynnal asesiad mwy manwl, mae Vitae wedi cynhyrchu dau declyn ‘Cynllunydd Datblygiad Proffesiynol’ i’ch helpu chi gyda’r dasg hon: mae un yn declyn rhad ac am ddim gan Microsoft Excel sydd ar gael i’w lawrlwytho ar wefan CGB, tra mae’r llall yn declyn ar y we sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd drwy danysgrifiad unigol drwy wefan Vitae sef Bydd y ddau fersiwn o’r cynllunydd yn eich tywys trwy bob un o’r pedwar maes, 12 is- barthau a’r disgrifyddion sy’n disgrifio’r wybodaeth, ymddygiad a nodweddion ymchwilwyr llwyddiannus. Mantais y cynllunydd ar-lein hwn yw y gall storio faint fynnoch chi o ddata neu ddolenni i dystiolaeth ar-lein i ddangos ichi gyflawni amcan neu gam. Hefyd gall gynhyrchu adroddiadau mewn chwe fformat gwahanol o’r wybodaeth a rowch i mewn am eich proses gynllunio a’r camau gweithredu a fydd wedi’u cwblhau. Bydd rhai o’r rhain yn ddefnyddiol iawn i’w lanlwytho i system monitro cynnydd SIMS. Mae fideo arddangos o’r cynllunydd ar gael ar sy’n dangos sut mae defnyddio’r cynlluniwr ar gyfer hunanasesu ac ychwanegu tystiolaeth i gynorthwyo’r asesiad hwnnw. Defnyddio’r Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr i Gynllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau Addysgu Ymgysylltu â’r cyhoedd Menter Polisi Cymdeithas a diwylliant Dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang Dulliau cyfathrebu Cyfryngau cyfathrebu Cyhoeddi Cydymdrechu Gweithio mewn tîm Rheoli pobl Goruchwylio Mentora Dylanwadu ac arwain Cydweithio Cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth Cynhyrchu incwm a chyllid Rheoli arian Isadeiledd ac adnoddau Strategaeth ymchwil Cynllunio a chyflawni prosiectau Rheoli risg Iechyd a diogelwch Moeseg, egwyddorion a chynaladwyedd Gofynion cyfreithiol IPR a hawlfraint Parch a chyfrinachedd Priodoli a chyd-awduro Arferion priodol Brwdfrydedd Dyfalbarhad Unplygrwydd Hunanhyder Hunanfyfyrio Cyfrifoldeb Paratoi a blaenoriaethu Ymrwymiad i ymchwilio Rheoli amser Parodrwydd i ymateb i newid Cydbwysedd rhwng gwaith a bywydRheoli gyrfa Datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus Parodrwydd i ymateb i gyfleoedd Rhwydweithio Enw da a pharch Gwybodaeth o’ch pwnc Dulliau ymchwil: gwybodaeth ddamcaniaethol Dulliau ymchwil: cymhwyso ymarferol Chwilio am wybodaeth Llythrennedd gwybodaeth a rheolaeth Ieithoedd Llythrennedd a rhifedd academaidd Dadansoddi Synthesu Meddwl yn feirniadol Gwerthuso Datrys problemau Meddwl ymholgar Dirnadaeth ddeallusol Arloesi Llunio dadleuon Risg deallusol Ymgysylltuac Cyfathr ebu a Gweithio gydag eraill Sylfaen o wybodaeth Galluoedd gwybyddol Creadigrwydd effeithio lleda enu (D1) (A1) (A 2) (A3) (D3) (D2 ) (C1) (C2 ) (C3) (B3) (B 2) (B1) proffesiynol Rheoliy m chwil ac adnoddau proffesiynol a gyrfaol Huna nreoli personol Ymddygiad Cyllid, ariannu Datblygiad Nodweddion Ymgysylltu, dylanwadu ac effeithio Y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau i weithio gydag eraill a sicrhau effaith ehangach yr ymchwil. Gwybodaeth a galluoedd deallusol Y wybodaeth, y galluoedd deallusol a’r technegau i wneud ymchwil. Effeithiolrwydd personol Y nodweddion a’r ymagwedd bersonol i fod yn ymchwilydd effeithiol. Llywodraethu a threfnu ymchwill Y wybodaeth o’r safonau, y gofynion a’r proffesiynoldeb i wneud ymchwil. M aes C Maes B M aes D Maes A Datblygwyd y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr gan Vitae ar y cyd â’r sector addysg uwch a rhanddeiliaid eraill. Gellir cael rhagor o fanylion am y Fframwaith hwn ar Cafodd graffig y Fframwaith ei ddefnyddio a’i addasu gyda chaniatâd Vitae, yn unol ag amodau defnydd y Fframwaith:
  • 9. 7Gyllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau | Planning Your Skills Development A key element of the research degree programme is the opportunity to develop research, personal and professional skills. As required by the UK Quality Code in Higher Education (Chapter B11, Indicator 14) and by Cardiff University’s Code of Practice (Section 11), each research student’s development needs should be identified and agreed jointly by the student and supervisor at the start of the degree; these are regularly reviewed and updated as appropriate. We recommend research students take part in a minimum of 10 days professional skills training per year. Research students are encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for their own learning, during and after their programme of study, and to recognise the value of developing transferable skills. Some research students may already have been involved in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as part of a previous work environment, while others may have been involved in Personal Development Planning (PDP) as undergraduates. During your research degree, you will be asked to assess your skills development needs and act upon these. This involves an ongoing cycle of self-evaluation, reflection, target setting and action planning. Just as you plan the research project itself, you should have a plan for your personal and professional development. By doing so, you will be able to make more informed choices at key points during your career. Maximise your personal development opportunities by following these steps: 1. Conduct a Review of Your Skills The first step in any planning process is to establish ‘where you are now’ by conducting a ‘review’ or self-evaluation of your skills. You can simply look at the descriptors on the outer ring of the RDF wheel to see which skills you should have (or be aiming for), but to undertake a more detailed assessment, Vitae have produced two ‘Professional Development Planner’ tools to assist you with this task: one is a free Microsoft Excel based tool available for download on the UGC website, while the other is a web-based tool which is currently available on individual subscription via the Vitae website at Both versions of the planner will take you through each of the four domains, 12 sub-domains and the descriptors which describe the knowledge, behaviour and attributes of successful researchers. The advantage of the online planner is that it can also store unlimited amounts of data or links to online evidence to show that you have completed an objective or phase. It can also generate reports in six different formats of the inputted information of your planning process and completed actions. Some of these will be very useful for upload to the on-line progress monitoring system. A demo video of the planner is available at that shows how to use the planner for self-assessment and add evidence to support that assessment. Planning Your Skills Development using the Researcher Development Framework The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) has been developed by Vitae in collaboration with the higher education sector and other stakeholders. Further details about the RDF are available at The RDF graphic has been used and adapted with permission from Vitae in accordance with the RDF conditions of use:
  • 10. 8 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme 2. Canfod Cryfderau a Gwendidau Personol Mae’r offeryn yn caniatáu i chi asesu eich hun unwaith eto un Parth ar y tro, felly dewiswch barth i ddechrau, er enghraifft, cliciwch ar ‘Parth A’. Bydd hyn yn dangos yr is-barthau a disgrifyddion unigol o fewn y parth hwnnw. Ticiwch y blychau i ddewis rhai neu bob un o’r disgrifiadau. Bydd hyn yn rhoi’r camau datblygiadol ar gyfer y disgrifyddion yr ydych yn eu ticio. Mae rhwng tair a phum cam ar gyfer pob disgrifydd yn y RDF, sy’n disgrifio lefelau cynyddol o allu. Fel arfer, bydd myfyrwyr Doethuriaeth yn neu ar fin dechrau Cam 1, gan fod y raddfa yn rhedeg hyd at Ymchwilwyr Egwyddor. Darllenwch y camau ar gyfer pob disgrifydd a gweld pa un sy’n fwyaf perthnasol i’ch gallu ar hyn o bryd a marciwch ei fod ‘wedi ei gyflawni/achieved’. Nawr cofnodwch y dystiolaeth sydd gennych i gefnogi eich cyfnod presennol. Cewch ddewis rhwng ychwanegu ffeil, rhoi dolen i ffeil, neu ychwanegu testun yn unig. Ceisiwch fod mor benodol â phosibl, er enghraifft, peidiwch â rhoi ‘yr wyf yn gyfarwydd ag ystod eang o ddulliau’ yn unig. Yn lle hynny rhowch ‘Mae gen i wybodaeth ymarferol dda am fethodoleg X, gan gynnwys defnyddio A, B ac C (dulliau enghraifft) yn Y (sefyllfa ble rydych wedi defnyddio’r dulliau)’. Er y gall enghreifftiau fod o brofiad blaenorol, gwneud yn siwˆr bod y lefel yn gymesur â’r astudiaeth ddoethurol, ar ddechrau eich gradd ymchwil gall sgiliau a ddatblygwyd ar lefel israddedig neu ôl-raddedig ymddangos yn ddigonol. Bydd eich goruchwylwyr yn gallu helpu i ddiffinio’r safon bydd disgwyl i chi ei gyflawni erbyn diwedd eich Doethuriaeth. Cofiwch fod y RDF yn ymdrin â phob cyfnod mewn datblygiad ymchwilydd hyd at lefel athrawol. Ailadroddwch y broses ar gyfer pob un o’r disgrifiadau a ddewiswyd gennych ac yna ewch ymlaen i’r parth nesaf. Unwaith y byddwch wedi cwblhau’r ymarfer hwn, dylech fod wedi dechrau ffurfio rhyw syniad o’r hyn yr ydych wedi ei gyflawni eisoes, eich cryfderau, meysydd sydd i’w gwella a’ch angen am hyfforddiant. Ar ôl clicio’r botwm ‘adrodd’ cewch eich ysgogi i ddatblygu cynllun sy’n dangos sut y cyflawnwch chi gyfnod eich targedau datblygu. (Cofiwch fod modd gwneud hyn mewn sawl cam.) 3. Trafod gyda’ch Cyfarwyddwr Erbyn y cam hwn, bydd angen i’ch cyfarwyddwr egluro wrthych yr hyn y mae elfennau unigol o’r adolygiad hwn yn ei olygu yn eich disgyblaeth chi, ac ychwanegu’r sgiliau sy’n perthyn yn benodol i’ch prosiect ymchwil. Dylai eich cyfarwyddwr allu cadarnhau’ch hunanasesiad ac, yn bwysicach, ddweud pa lefel o gymhwysedd y dylech chi fod arni mewn perthynas â cham cyfredol eich ymchwil. Gallwch fwydo gwybodaeth i’r meysydd perthnasol yn arf y Fframwaith ynghylch sut yr ydych yn bwriadu datblygu yn y maes hwnnw. Er enghraifft, gallai fod yn gwrs hyfforddi, yn gyngor gan eich goruchwylydd neu’ch mentor, neu’n datblygu ar eich pen eich hun. Fe welwch chi ddolenni yn y cynllunydd sy’n eich galluogi i gyrchu rhaglen CGB a chyfleoedd datblygu eraill sy’n berthnasol i’r disgrifydd. 4. Llunio Amcanion CAMPUS Ystyriwch pa mor CAMPUS (cyraeddadwy, amserol, mesuradwy, penodol, uchelgeisiol, synhwyrol) yw’r amcan a diffiniwch yn glir, bob cam o’r ffordd, sut y byddwch chi’n adolygu ac yn mesur eich cynnydd, erbyn pryd y gwnewch chi hynny a’r hyn a wnewch chi yn ystod yr wythnos nesaf, y mis nesaf, y chwarter nesaf neu yn y tymor hwy. Ar ôl llenwi’ch Cynllunydd Datblygu Proffesiynol, mae’n fwy na thebyg y byddwch chi wedi nodi amryw o sgiliau yr hoffech eu datblygu dros y misoedd nesaf. Peth buddiol yw trafod gyda’ch goruchwylydd sut mae’ch ymchwil yn dod yn ei blaen a pha feysydd datblygu a hyfforddi y gallai fod eu hangen. Dewiswch ddyddiad targed ar gyfer cwblhau pob cam weithredu. Ystyriwch y camau sydd i’w cymryd yn syth yn ogystal â’ch nod yn y pen draw. 5. Pennu Blaenoriaethau Ar ôl i chi benderfynu ar eich anghenion datblygu, gwnewch yn siwˆr nad oes gennych chi fwy o amcanion nag y gall misoedd nesaf cynllun eich ymchwil eu cynnwys. Rheol gyffredinol yw hyn: os oes gennych chi fwy nag wyth amcan neu ‘cam gweithredu’, bydd angen i chi flaenoriaethu’r meysydd mwyaf perthnasol a chanolbwyntio ar y lleill yn ddiweddarach, efallai. Does dim rhaid i chi geisio datblygu ym mhob un o feysydd y Fframwaith ar unwaith. Dim ond drwy brofiad ac ymarfer y gellir cyrraedd rhai camau, ond bydd hunanymwybyddiaeth dda a chynllunio’ch datblygiad proffesiynol yn helpu’r broses. Dyma rai pwyntiau i’w hystyried wrth flaenoriaethu’ch amcanion datblygu: Q dylech roi blaenoriaeth i unrhyw agweddau ar eich ymchwil rydych chi’n cael trafferth â hwy a chanolbwyntiwch yn gyntaf ar eu datrys. Q rhowch dipyn o ystyriaeth i ddatblygu’r sgiliau proffesiynol ehangach a allai, er enghraifft, gynyddu’ch effeithiolrwydd personol neu wella’ch rhagolygon o gael swydd yn y dyfodol. Q efallai y gwelwch chi nad oes angen ond cynnal eich safon bresennol mewn maes penodol. Efallai y teimlwch, er enghraifft, fod angen i chi roi cyflwyniadau’n gyson i gynnal eich hyder o ran siarad yn gyhoeddus. Cofiwch edrych ymlaen ym mhob rhan o’ch gwaith. Er enghraifft, os oes bwriad i chi ddefnyddio techneg ymchwil newydd yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn, bydd angen i chi gael hyfforddiant cyn cyrraedd y pwynt hwnnw. Mae’r broses hon yn cymryd peth amser, ac felly nid yw asesu eich hun yn erbyn y Fframwaith mewn un eisteddiad yn bosib o angenrheidrwydd. Yn hytrach dewch at eich proffil bryd bynnag y bydd gennych bum neu ddeng munud yn rhydd ac ychwanegwch ddarn o dystiolaeth neu un cam gweithredu. Yn raddol byddwch yn gallu adeiladu portffolio cyfan o’ch sgiliau a’ch arbenigedd dros gyfnod, cofnod a fydd o fudd mawr ichi wrth ymgeisio am swyddi yn y dyfodol. Argymhellir eich bod chi’n dadansoddi’ch anghenion personol o ran hyfforddi a datblygu o leiaf unwaith bob chwe mis, a bod hynny’n cyd- fynd â monitro’ch cynnydd. Gall y cynlluniwr eich helpu drwy ddarparu sawl adroddiad i grynhoi, er enghraifft, y camau gweithredu sydd ar y gweill, rhai sydd wedi’u cwblhau, y dystiolaeth rydych wedi’i chofnodi neu’r eitemau rydych chi wedi’u nodi eu bod yn ddefnyddiol i’ch CV. Bydd yr adroddiadau hyn hefyd yn ddogfennau defnyddiol i’w lanlwytho i’r system Monitro Cynnydd ar-lein. Y Cynllunydd Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwil (RDF) Pa mor aml y gwelwn ni wrth baratoi at adolygiad cynnydd, neu wrth roi CV at ei gilydd, ein bod ni’n ei chael hi’n anodd cofio’r hyn rydyn ni wedi’I gyflawni? Wrth ddefnyddio’r Cynllunydd RDF mae’n golygu, pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd pwynt fel hwn, fod y cyfan wedi’i ddogfennu, wedi’i gadw mewn un lle ac yn hawdd cael gafael arno. Mae’r Cynllunydd RDF wedi’i ddatblygu gan Vitae fel ffordd ryngweithiol, syml i ymchwilwyr reoli eu datblygiad personol. Mae’n seiliedig ar Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwil (RDF) Vitae. Mae’r Cynllunydd yn eich galluogi i: Q gadw cofnod o’ch holl weithgareddau datblygiad proffesiynol mewn un lle Q nodi eich arbenigedd a’ch galluoedd cyfredol Q argraffu adroddiadau ar gyfer trafodaethau â mentoriaid, cyfarwyddwyr, cynghorwyr gyrfaoedd ac ati Q cofnodi eich nodau dysgu a datblygu a monitro cynnydd Q lanlwytho ffeiliau fel CVau, manylion cynadleddau, geirdaon i gofnodi’r hyn rydych chi wedi’i gyflawni Q gweld nodweddion ymchwilwyr llwyddiannus drwy wahanol “sbectolau” I’r broses o ddatblygu’ch sgiliau fod yn effeithiol, bydd angen i chi FYFYRIO ynglyˆn â’r hyn rydych chi wedi’i ddysgu, CYNLLUNIO ar gyfer symud ymlaen, a CHOFNODI eich datblygiad.
  • 11. 9Gyllunio Datblygiad eich Sgiliau | Planning Your Skills Development 2. Identify Personal Strengths and Weaknesses The Professional Development Planner allows you to assess yourself against one domain at a time, so choose a domain to begin, for example, click on ‘Domain A’. This will display the sub-domains and individual descriptors within that domain. Tick the boxes to select some or all of the descriptors. This will give you the developmental phases for those that you tick. There are between three and five phases for each descriptor, which describe progressive levels of capability. Normally, PhD students will be at or just beginning Phase 1, as the scale runs up to Principal Investigator. Read the phases for each descriptor and see which relates best to your current capability and mark it as ‘achieved’. Now enter the evidence you have to support your current phase. You can choose between adding a file, linking to a file or simply adding text. Try to be as specific as possible, for example don’t just put ‘I am familiar with a wide range of methods’ instead put ‘I have a good working knowledge of X methodology, including use of A, B and C (example methods) in Y (situation in which you used the methods)’. Although examples may be from prior experience, do check that the level is commensurate with doctoral study; at the beginning of your research degree it may seem that a skill developed at undergraduate or postgraduate taught level may be sufficient. Your supervisors will be able to assist in defining the standard you will be expected to achieve by the end of your PhD. Remember the RDF covers all phases in researcher development up to professorial level. Repeat the process for all the descriptors that you selected and then continue to the next domain. Once you have completed this exercise, you should have begun to formulate some idea of what you have achieved already, your strengths, areas for improvement and need for training. You will then be prompted to develop an action plan about how you will achieve your target phase for development. (Remember this can be done in several stages.) 3. Discuss with Your Supervisor At this stage you will need to seek clarification from your supervisor about what individual elements of this review mean within your discipline, and to add those skills which are specific to your research project. Your supervisor should be able to confirm your self- assessment and more importantly to tell you at what level of competence you should be in relation to your current stage of research. You can enter into the relevant fields in the RDF tool information about how you intend to develop in this area, for example it could be a training course, advice from your supervisor or mentor, or develop on your own. You will find links within the on-line planner giving you access to the UGC programme and other development opportunities relevant to the descriptor. 4. Formulate SMART Objectives Think about how SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound) the objective is and clearly define each step along the way, how you are going to review and measure your progress, when you are going to take action by and what you will do in the next week, next month, next quarter or longer term. After completing your Professional Development Planner you will probably have identified a number of skills that you would like to develop over the coming months. It is useful to discuss with your supervisor how your research is progressing and what particular areas of development and training might be needed. Select a target date for completion of each action. Consider your immediate steps in development as well as your ultimate goal. 5. Set Priorities Once you have decided on your development needs, ensure that you do not have more objectives than can be accommodated in your research plan for the coming months. As a general rule, if you have more than eight objectives or ‘actions’, then you need to prioritise those areas which are most relevant and perhaps focus on the others at a later date. You don’t have to try to develop in all the areas of the RDF at once. Some phases may only be reached through experience and practice, however good self-awareness and professional development planning will aid the process. Here are some points to consider when prioritising your development objectives: Q you should give priority to any aspects of your research that you are struggling with and concentrate on getting these right first. Q give some consideration to developing the broader professional skills that could, for example, improve your personal effectiveness or enhance your future employability prospects. Q you might find that you simply need to maintain a current standard in a particular area. For example, you might feel you need to give regular presentations in order to maintain your confidence at public speaking. Remember to look ahead in all areas of your work, for example, if you are due to be using a new research technique later in the year, you need to have been trained before this point. This process takes some time, and so assessing yourself against the whole RDF in one sitting is not necessarily possible. Instead come to your profile whenever you have a spare five or ten minutes and add a piece of evidence or one action. Gradually you will be able to build up a complete portfolio of your skills and expertise over time, a record which will stand you in good stead when applying for jobs in the future. It is recommended that you analyse your own personal training and development needs at least once every six months, to coincide with your progress monitoring. The planner can assist you by providing several reports to summarise, for example, your proposed actions, completed actions, the evidence you have entered or items you have highlighted as being useful for your CV. These reports will also serve as useful documents to upload to the on-line Progress Monitoring system. The Researcher Development Framework On-line Planner How often do we find when getting ready for a progress review, or putting together a CV that we struggle to remember what we’ve achieved? Using the RDF Planner means that when you reach such a point, it’s already documented, held in one place and easy to lay your hands on. The RDF Planner has been developed by Vitae as an interactive, straightforward way for researchers to manage their professional development. It is based on the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF). The Planner enables you to: Q keep a record of all your professional development activities in one place Q identify your current expertise and capabilities Q print reports for discussions with mentors, supervisors, career advisors etc. Q record your learning and development goals and monitor progress Q upload files such as CVs, conference details, testimonials to record your achievements Q view the attributes of successful researchers through different “lenses” In order for the skills development process to be effective, you need to REFLECT on what you have learned, PLAN for your progression, and RECORD your development.
  • 12. 10 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Pwy sy’n gymwys i fynd ar y cyrsiau? Anelir rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol o weithdai at fyfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig sydd wedi ymrestru ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae ‘myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig’ yn cynnwys: MPhil, Mhres, PhD, MD, MCh, EdD, DClinPsych, DEdPsych, DSW, DHS, DNurs a DEng. Mae myfyrwyr sydd wedi ymrestru ar radd Athro fel rhan o radd ymchwil ‘1+3’ ffurfiol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd hefyd yn gymwys i ddilyn y gweithdai. Os bydd lleoedd gwag ar gael ac na fyddai effaith negyddol ar brofiad ymchwilwyr doethurol, efallai bydd llefydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr a staff eraill ar sail ‘wrth gefn’. Ni ellir cadarnhau lleoedd ‘wrth gefn’ tan wythnos cyn dyddiad y gweithdy. Am fanylion, gweler y wefan. Sut mae archebu lle? Rhaid archebu lle ym mhob gweithdy ymlaen llaw am fod nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd ym mhob sesiwn. Derbynnir ceisiadau am le ar ôl 1 Medi yn achos gweithdai yn y cyfnod o dri mis hyd at ddiwedd Tachwedd. Ar y diwrnod cyntaf o bob mis, bydd modd archebu lle ar gyfer y cyfnod treigl nesaf o dri mis. Felly, ar 1 Hydref cewch archebu lle hyd at ddiwedd Rhagfyr, ar 1 Tachwedd cewch archebu lle hyd at ddiwedd Ionawr, ac ati. Os ydych chi’n fyfyriwr rhan-amser neu’n dysgu o bell ac os oes angen i chi wneud trefniadau arbennig i ddod i weithdy mwy na thri mis ymlaen llaw, cysylltwch â ni i drafod eich anghenion. Cewch archebu lle ar-lein drwy ein gwefan: dilynwch y cysylltau o Caiff yr archebion eu prosesu rhwng 08.30 a 17.00 Llun-Gwener yn nhrefn y dyddiad a’r amser y byddant wedi cyrraedd. Mae’r system yn caniatáu i chi bori drwy’r gweithdai a’r disgrifiadau ohonynt fesul dyddiad neu allweddair. I ofyn am le mewn gweithdy, rhaid i chi ddefnyddio’ch enw defnyddiwr a chyfrinair Caerdydd i fewngofnodi. Cyn pen dau ddiwrnod gwaith fel arfer, cewch e-bost i gadarnhau i chi gael lle. Ynddo, cewch fanylion unrhyw waith y bydd angen ei wneud ymlaen llaw, y lleoliad, a’r amserau. Darllenwch yr e-bost yn ofalus: ambell waith, gall y lleoliad neu’r amserau fod yn wahanol i’r rhai sydd yn y llyfryn hwn. Gallwch chi wirio’ch archebion ar unrhyw adeg drwy fewngofnodi i’r system archebu a gwirio ‘My sessions’. Os nad ydych chi’n cael cadarnhad drwy e-bost, mewngofnodwch a gwiriwch ‘My Details’ i sicrhau bod eich cyfeiriad e-bost yn gywir. Os yw’n gywir, cysylltwch â ni os na fyddwch chi wedi clywed oddi wrthym ymhen dau ddiwrnod gwaith. Oes rhaid i mi dalu? Fel yn achos gwasanaethau eraill y Brifysgol, mae’ch ffioedd dysgu yn talu costau’r gweithdai a’r cyrsiau a gynigir fel rhan o Goleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol. Beth os yw’r gweithdy yr hoffwn fynd iddo yn llawn? Cewch eich rhoi ar restr aros, a chewch e-bost i ddweud hynny. Rhown wybod i chi os daw lle’n rhydd, a rhaid i chi ymateb i’r cynnig i sicrhau’r lle. Os yw gweithdy’n boblogaidd iawn, byddwn ni fel arfer yn ail-gynnal sesiynau ohono. Felly, edrychwch ar y dyddiadau’n nes ymlaen yn y flwyddyn gan y bydd lleoedd ar gael yn aml bryd hynny. Hefyd, rydym yn ychwanegu sesiynau i ateb y galw, lle gallwn ni; caiff y rhain eu hysbysebu yn ein bwletin e-bost. Sut mae canslo lle mewn gweithdy? Ar ôl mewngofnodi i’r system archebu, fe welwch chi bob cwrs rydych wedi’i archebu, yn disgwyl cael cadarnhad ohono ac wedi bod ynddo. Os dymunwch ganslo lle, cliciwch ar yr eicon ‘Sesiynau wedi’u Llogi’, yna cliciwch ar ‘Canslo’r Cofrestriad’. Os canslwch chi o fewn 48 awr cyn dyddiad y gweithdy, nid yw’r system ar-lein yn eich galluogi i ganslo. Rhaid ichi ffonio Swyddfa Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol. Os canslwch chi le o fewn dau ddiwrnod gwaith heb reswm dilys, caiff ei gofnodi eich bod ‘heb ddod i’r gweithdy’. Sut mae’r cynllun blaendal yn gweithio? Er ein bod ni’n deall y gall amgylchiadau eich rhwystro rhag dod i’n gweithdai, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw rhoi gwybod i ni (gweler uchod). Ein polisi yw gofyn i fyfyrwyr sydd heb ddod i dri gweithdy gadarnhau pob archeb drwy dalu blaendal o £30 wrth archebu lle yn y dyfodol. Caiff y blaendal ei dalu’n ôl os dewch chi i bob gweithdy y byddwch wedi archebu lle ynddo yn y 12 mis ar ôl derbyn y blaendal, neu ar ôl graddio, p’un bynnag ddaw gyntaf. Os methwch chi eto â dod i weithdy heb roi gwybod ymlaen llaw, fe gollwch eich blaendal a bydd gofyn cael blaendal arall gennych i gadarnhau lle i chi yn y dyfodol. Os na thalwch chi’r blaendal, chewch chi ddim dod i unrhyw weithdy am 12 mis ar ôl dyddiad y gweithdy diwethaf y gwnaethoch ei golli. Beth os oes angen hyfforddiant arna i mewn maes nad yw’n cael ei gynnig? Os yw eich asesiad anghenion wedi nodi hyfforddiant nad ydyn ni’n ei gynnig, cysylltwch â ni. Os bydd digon o alw ymhlith myfyrwyr eraill, fe geisiwn ni ei gynnwys yn y dyfodol. Fodd bynnag, noder mai hyfforddiant i garfannau y mae CGB yn ei gynnig, nid i unigolion felly nid ydyn ni’n ariannu hyfforddiant arbenigol. Ble caiff y gweithdai eu cynnal? Er ein bod ni’n cynnal gweithdai mewn amrywiol leoliadau ar gampws Cathays a champws Parc Mynydd Bychan, cynhelir llawer ohonynt yn Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, ar gampws Cathays. Gwiriwch eich e-bost cadarnhau am leoliad eich gweithdy. Mae gen i ofynion o ran hygyrchedd neu ofynion arbennig eraill. I bwy y dylwn i roi gwybod? Os oes gennych chi ofynion penodol, cysylltwch â ni yn neu ffoniwch 029 2068 8482. Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’n hystafelloedd hyfforddi yn hygyrch i’r rhai ag anawsterau symudedd. Os nad ydynt, ac os cawn ni ddigon o rybudd, fe wnawn ein gorau glas i symud y gweithdy. Yn yr un modd, fe geisiwn fodloni pob gofyniad arall os cysylltwch chi â ni ymlaen llaw. Sut mae cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf? Ar ein gwefan cewch y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am weithdai a chyrsiau, gan gynnwys ychwanegiadau at y rhaglen a newidiadau yn yr amser, y lleoliad neu’r dyddiad. Rydym hefyd yn e-bostio ein cylchlythyr chwarterol atoch, yn ogystal â’n bwletin gweithdai wythnosol, a bwletin newyddion a digwyddiadau bob pythefnos. Gallwch ddod o hyd i ni ar Twitter@CardiffUGC a Facebook - Pam mae cynifer o’r gweithdai’n nodi ‘i’w gadarnhau’ o ran y dyddiad? Byddwn ni’n dechrau llunio’r llyfryn hwn ym mis Mai er mwyn gallu ei argraffu ym mis Awst a’i ddosbarthu i fyfyrwyr ym mis Medi. Fel arfer mae gweithdai a gyflwynir gan staff academaidd Caerdydd i’w cadarnhau, oherwydd na fydd amserlenni addysgu llawer ohonyn nhw wedi’u cadarnhau mewn pryd, ac felly allwn ni ddim pennu dyddiadau erbyn i ni fynd i’r wasg. Cyn gynted ag y bydd y dyddiadau’n hysbys, cânt eu hychwanegu at y system archebu lle ar y we ac fe gynhwyswn ni’r diweddariadau hynny yn ein negeseuon e-bost rheolaidd. Oes llyfryn Cymraeg ar gael ar wahân? Rydyn ni’n darparu llyfryn dwyieithog yn hytrach na dwy ddogfen ar wahân. Mae’r holl wybodaeth generig yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, ond disgrifir y gweithdai yn yr iaith y cyflwynir y gweithdy ynddi. Cwestiynau Cyffredin
  • 13. 11Cwstiynau Cyffredin | Frequently Asked Questions Who is eligible to attend the workshops? The University Graduate College workshop programme is for enrolled postgraduate research students at Cardiff University.‘Postgraduate research students’ includes: MPhil, MRes, PhD, MD, MCh, EdD, DClinPsych, DEdPsych, DSW, DHS, DNurs and DEng. Students enrolled on a Masters degree as part of a formal ‘1+3’ research degree at Cardiff University are also eligible to attend. If spare places are available and the experience of research students would not be negatively affected, places may be available to other students and staff on a stand-by basis. Stand-by places cannot be confirmed until one week prior to the workshop date. For details, see the web site. How do I book a place? You must book in advance for all workshops, as there are a limited number of places for each session. Bookings open on 1 September for workshops in the three month period up to the end of November. On the first of each month, bookings will open for the subsequent three month rolling period so that on 1 October bookings can be made up to the end of December, on 1 November bookings can be made through to the end of January, and so on. If you are a part- time or distance student who needs to make special arrangements to attend a workshop more than three months in advance, please contact us to discuss your needs. Bookings are taken online via our website: follow the links from Bookings are processed between 08.30 and 17.00 Monday to Friday in order of date and time received. The system allows you to browse the workshops and their descriptions by date or by key word. In order to request a place on a workshop, you must log in using your Cardiff username and password. You will be sent confirmation of your place by email, usually within two working days. The confirmation will include details of any advance work required, venue and timings. Please check these emails carefully, as occasionally there are changes to venue or timings from those advertised in the brochure. You can check your bookings at any time by logging into the booking system and checking ‘My sessions’. If you are not receiving email confirmations, then log in and check ‘My Details’ to ensure your email address is correct. If it is, then please contact us if you have not heard from us after two working days. Do I have to pay? The costs of workshops and courses offered as part of the University Graduate College, as with other University services, are covered by your tuition fees. What if the workshop I want is fully booked? You will be put on a waiting list and sent an email telling you this. We will notify you if a place becomes available and you must reply to this offer to secure the place. For workshops which are very popular, we usually offer repeat sessions so check for dates later in the year which often have places available. We also add sessions to meet demand, where we can; these are advertised in our email bulletin. How do I cancel a workshop? Once you are logged in to the booking system you will be able to view all of the courses that you have booked, are pending confirmation and that you have attended. If you wish to cancel a place, click on the ‘Currently Booked Sessions’ icon, then click on ‘Cancel Registration’. If you are cancelling within 48 hours of the workshop date, the on-line system does not allow cancellation. You must phone or email the University Graduate College Office. You should note that if you cancel a place within two working days without a valid reason, it will be recorded as a ‘no show’. How does the deposit scheme work? We do appreciate that situations arise which prevent attendance but it is your responsibility to notify us (see above). Our policy is that students who ‘no show’ for three workshops in a rolling 12 month period (commencing from the date of the first missed workshop) will be required to confirm future bookings with a £30 deposit. The deposit will be refunded upon attendance at all booked workshops in the 12 months following receipt of the deposit or on graduation, whichever comes sooner. If you fail to attend again without prior notification, the deposit will be forfeited and a further deposit will be required to confirm future places. If you do not pay the deposit you will not be able to attend any workshops for 12 months from the date of the last missed workshop. What if I need training in something that is not offered? If your needs assessment has identified training that we do not offer, please get in touch with us. If there is enough demand from other students we will try to include it in our future offerings. Please note, however, that the UGC offers training for cohorts, not for individuals so we do not fund specialist training. Where are the workshops held? We hold workshops in various locations on the Cathays and Heath Park campuses, although many are held in the Hadyn Ellis Building on the Cathays campus. Please check your confirmation email for the location of your workshop. I have accessibility or other special requirements – who should I inform? Please contact us at or on 029 2068 8482 about any specific requirements. Most of our training rooms are accessible to those with mobility impairments and where they are not we will make every effort to relocate a workshop given sufficient notice. We will similarly endeavour to accommodate all other special requirements if you contact us in advance. How do I keep up-to-date? Our website contains the most up-to-date information regarding workshops and courses including additions to the programme and changes of timings, venue or date. We also email you our quarterly newsletter, as well as our weekly workshops bulletin, and a fortnightly news and events bulletin. You can find us on Twitter@CardiffUGC and Facebook - Why do so many workshops say ‘tbc’ for the date? We start planning the brochure in May so that we can go to print in August and deliver brochures to students in September. Workshops presented by Cardiff academic staff are normally tbc, because they have not had their teaching timetables confirmed by this time, and so are unable to commit to particular dates in time for us to go to print. As soon as dates become known, they are added to the web booking system and we include these updates in our regular emails. Is there a separate Welsh brochure available? We provide a bilingual brochure rather than two separate documents. All generic information is in both Welsh and English, but workshop descriptions are only provided in the language in which the workshop is delivered. Frequently Asked Questions
  • 14. 12 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme At bwy y galla’ i gyfeirio cwestiynau? Dylech gyfeirio ymholiadau cyffredinol atom ni yn neu at “Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol” yn Swyddfa 365. Hefyd gallwch ein ffonio ni ar 029 2068 8482 (est. 88482). Os hoffech chi holi’n bersonol, cewch alw heibio i Swyddfa Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol, Llawr Gwaelod, Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, Maindy Road, Cathays, Caerdydd CF24 4HQ. Archebu Lle ar Gwrs – Arfer Proffesiynol Mae disgwyl i fyfyrwyr ymchwil nodi’r gweithdai sy’n cyd-fynd orau â’u hanghenion hyfforddi a chadw trefn effeithlon a phroffesiynol ar eu dyddiaduron. Wrth archebu lle rydych: Q yn ymrwymo i ddod i’r gweithdy neu’r cwrs ar ei hyd Q yn cytuno i gyrraedd y gweithdy mewn pryd Q yn dweud y byddwch chi’n cymryd rhan yn y gweithgareddau a gynhelir fel rhan o’r gweithdy Q yn cytuno i wneud unrhyw weithgaredd paratoi yn ôl y gofyn. Os gwelwch chi na allwch ddod, rhaid i chi roi gwybod cyn gynted â phosibl ond o leiaf ddau ddiwrnod gwaith cyn dyddiad y gweithdy. Fel arall, cofnodir eich bod chi ‘heb ddod i’r gweithdy’. Gall myfyrwyr sy’n cyrraedd gweithdy’n hwyr darfu ar y sesiwn a gall y cyflwynydd wrthod mynediad iddynt. Mae’r gweithdai wedi’u dosbarthu yn ôl y penawdau yn y Fframwaith Datblygu Ymchwilwyr cyhyd ag y bo’n bosibl. Darllenwch ein disgrifiadau’n ofalus i sicrhau eich bod yn dewis y cynnig priodol i’ch anghenion. Er bod llawer o weithdai yn agored i fyfyrwyr o bob disgyblaeth, bydd rhai wedi’u targedu at ddisgyblaethau neu feysydd pwnc penodol a nodir hyn yn nheitl y gweithdy neu yn y disgrifiad ohono. Bydd allwedd i’r gweithdy i’w gweld ar frig pob disgrifiad o weithdy fel hyn: | Pawb Mae’r blwch cyntaf yn dangos ffurf y gweithdy – a yw’n un sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth yn bennaf, ar ffurf darlith yn aml; yn wybodaeth ynghyd â thrafodaeth ac adborth; yn weithdy seiliedig ar ymarfer neu’n weithdy rhyngweithiol sy’n gofyn i chi gyfranogi’n weithgar ynddo; neu’n weithdy ar-lein i chi allu astudio ar adeg sy’n gyfleus i chi. Dyma’r symbolau: Gwybodaeth Gwybodaeth Gweithdy Ar-lein a Thrafodaeth Ymarferol Mae’r ail flwch yn dangos ar ba gam yn eich ymchwil y bydd y gweithdy’n arbennig o addas, boed yn ystod y camau cynnar neu wrth i chi dynnu at y terfyn. Gan fod llawer o’r gweithdai’n berthnasol ar unrhyw adeg, fe’u dynodir â“POB CAM”. Sylwch fod rhaid cael isafswm mewn rhai gweithdai iddynt gael eu rhedeg. Gwaetha’r modd, gall fod rhaid i ni ddileu gweithdai os na chyrhaeddant yr isafswm hwnnw. Gwybodaeth am y Gweithdai
  • 15. 13Gwybodaeth am y Gweithdai | Workshop Information Workshops are categorized according to the headings in the Researcher Development Framework as far as possible. Please read our descriptions carefully to ensure you select the appropriate offering for your needs. Although many workshops are open to students of any discipline, some are targeted towards particular disciplines or subject areas and this is indicated in the title or workshop description. A key to the workshop will appear at the top of each workshop description as follows: | All The first box shows the format of the workshop – whether it is predominantly information giving, often presented in lecture style; information plus discussion and feedback; a practice based or interactive workshop which requires your active participation; or offered on-line to allow you to study at a time to suit you. The symbols are shown below: Information Information Practical On-line and Discussion Workshop The second box shows the stage of your research for which this workshop is particularly suitable, whether in the early stages of your research or nearing completion. Many workshops are applicable to any stage and will be designated as “ALL”. Please note that some workshops require a minimum number of participants in order to run. Regrettably we may have to cancel workshops which do not meet this minimum number. Workshop Information Who can I contact with questions? Queries should be directed to us at or “University Graduate College” in Office 365. You can also telephone us at 029 2068 8482 (ext 88482). If you would like to make a query in person, you can call in to the University Graduate College Office, Ground Floor, Hadyn Ellis Building, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff CF24 4HQ. Booking a Course – Professional Etiquette Research students are expected to identify workshops which are most appropriate for their training needs and to manage their own diary in an efficient and professional manner. In making a booking you are: Q committing yourself to attend the workshop or course for its full duration Q agreeing to arrive on time for the workshop Q indicating that you will participate in activities taking place as part of the workshop Q agreeing to undertake any pre-requisite activities as requested If you find you are unable to attend, you must provide notification as soon as possible but at least two working days before the date of the workshop, otherwise you will be classified as a ‘no show’. Students who arrive late for a workshop can disrupt the session and may be refused entry by the presenter. Induction / Sefydlu Starting Out: Induction Event for New Researchers | All This event is an enjoyable opportunity to meet other research students and begin to develop those important personal and professional networks. It provides an introduction to research at Cardiff University including rights and responsibilities, the facilities and services offered by the University, the University Graduate College and the Graduate Centre, and presentations by existing students on starting and enjoying your research programme. Importantly, the event will introduce the training and development opportunities at Cardiff University and enable you to begin planning your skills development. Starting Out is designed to complement, not duplicate, your school induction provision. The October/November sessions conclude with lunch. The mid- year sessions include additional topics not covered at school inductions. By the end of this event you will have: Q a better understanding of the nature of the research degree Q become familiar with University regulations and systems Q developed awareness of sources of help and support Q gained an understanding of the background and requirements of the Researcher Development Framework and how this affects you Q understood the importance of monitoring your personal and professional development Q gained an overview of the training opportunities available Dates/Times: Tuesday 7 October 09.00 – 14.00 Thursday 9 October 09.00 – 14.00 Tuesday 4 November 09.00 – 14.00 Tuesday 20 January 09.00 – 15.30 Tuesday 21 April 09.00 – 15.30 Tuesday 21 July 09.00 – 15.30 Presenters: Various The sessions were truly beneficial with respect to starting out on a PhD course as well as socialising and getting to know researchers in different areas of life (which is really interesting). Starting Out: Induction Event for New Researchers “ “
  • 16. 14 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Knowledge Base Research Methods See also workshops in Analysis section Archives, Manuscripts and Early Books | Early If you are conducting research that involves examining archival/early book material, the University’s Special Collections and Archives (SCOLAR) section can help you get started regardless of where your source materials are held. SCOLAR offers an enquiry service for postgraduate research students by appointment and can give you a tour of the special collections. You will receive practical advice on using early books and archives in general, and be directed to useful resources relevant to your thesis both within SCOLAR and elsewhere. Please contact Assistant Archivist, Alison Harvey ( for more information. For further information about SCOLAR, please see Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: Rhaglen Hyfforddiant Sgiliau Ymchwil | I bawb Mae Rhaglen Sgiliau Ymchwil y Coleg yn agored i fyfyrwyr ôl-radd o bob prifysgol yng Nghymru. Darperir cryn 34 gweithdy sgiliau yn ystod semestr gyntaf y flwyddyn academaidd trwy gyfrwng 4 cwrs preswyl. Bydd y sesiynau yn ymdrin â materion megis trefnu a chynllunio eich ymchwil, trin a thrafod ffynonellau, dulliau ymchwil, sgiliau ysgrifennu academaidd, ayyb, yn ogystal â materion ym ymwneud â hyrwyddo gyrfa a chyflogadwyedd. Cynhelir y cyrsiau preswyl mewn tair canolfan yng ngogledd, canolbarth a de Cymru, a daw’r Rhaglen i ben gyda chynhadledd ymchwil rhyngddisgyblaethol ym mis Mehefin 2015 yng Ngregynog. Ceir gwybodaeth lawn am y Rhaglen yn ogystal â ffurflenni cofrestru ar gyfer y gwahanol gyrsiau ar wefan y Coleg: Darperir yr holl hyfforddiant yn rhad ac am ddim, a bydd y Coleg yn darparu llety ac yn cyfrannu at gostau teithio pawb fydd yn mynychu’r gwahanol gyrsiau. Dyddiad/Amser: Ceir gwybodaeth lawn am y Rhaglen yn ogystal â ffurflenni cofrestru ar gyfer y gwahanol gyrsiau ar wefan y Coleg: Cultural Theory and Deconstruction: Applications to Research | All Humanities and social science students are invited to join a weekly seminar series on Cultural Theory and Deconstruction in the School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies. The series will identify key theorists and conceptual innovations and consider the application of the theories in research. There will be an opportunity to discuss the place of the theories within individual participants’ research projects. Through attendance on the series, participants will be: Q familiar with the historical development of cultural studies and deconstruction Q able to identify key theorists and concepts Q able to reflect critically on the usefulness of the theories for advanced research NB: Places are limited to 10. If offered a place, you are expected to attend the whole series Time: 09.00 – 11.00 Dates: Wednesdays from 1 October to 10 December, excluding 29 October Presenter: Dr Paul Bowman, Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies Deliberative Methods | All Deliberative methods are increasingly popular in the social sciences as a way of engaging citizens and other groups in the research process. This half-day session provides an introduction to principles that underpin deliberative methods and an overview of some of the more common ways in which deliberative research can be organised. Topics to be discussed include theories of deliberative democracy, their relationship to qualitative methods and the principles of the citizen jury as an exemplar of deliberative research. You will gain a critical appreciation of the strengths and weaknesses of deliberative methods and an awareness of the practical challenges they present. The workshop will be particularly relevant for researchers pursuing policy-based research in which public consultation or engagement is important. Date/Time: March tbc Presenter: Dr Rob Evans, Social Sciences Domain A / Maes A Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol Y wybodaeth, y galluoedd deallusol a’r technegau i wneud ymchwil If you want to broaden your research methods knowledge, you will definitely need to participate in this. Deliberative Methods “ “
  • 17. 15Maes A: Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol | Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities Interviews and Interviewing in Social Science Research | All This half-day workshop will combine input and activity to cover both the practical and epistemological dimensions of using interviews in social science research. Practical matters will include devising questions, checklists or prompt sheets, recording data and typical steps in coding/analysis, as well as more complex concerns with the relational, interpersonal and logistic side of conducting interviews. Epistemological considerations will include the strengths and weaknesses of interviewing in relation to different kinds of research questions, the kinds of knowledge produced, questions about reliability and validity, and how interviewing fits with broader categorisations such as ‘qualitative’, ‘quantitative’ and ‘case study’. We will also look at different rationales for the selection of interviewees. Through attendance, you will: Q develop a good overview of the nature, strengths and limitations of interviews in social science research Q appreciate practical and epistemological dimensions of interviewing in social science research Q know where to find further debate and advice in the methodological literature Time: tbc Dates: Autumn and Spring/Summer Presenter: Prof David James, Social Sciences and ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre In Vivo Methods: An Introduction | All A great deal of understanding of normal physiological processes, the changes that occur in disease states, and the potential pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic approaches, can be gained from the huge range of in vitro and ex vivo methods available today. Nevertheless in vivo studies remain fundamental in our knowledge of physiological systems and in the validation of potential therapeutics. This half day workshop will consist of a lecture to provide an understanding of the principles underlying in vivo methodologies followed by an interactive session in which we discuss some of the areas in more detail and look at individual experiments. Topics that will be covered include: Q an introduction to the UK legislation surrounding the use of animals in experiments Q principles underlying the validity of preclinical models Q a discussion of the in vivo techniques used to understand the functional, diseased or treated physiological states in whole animals Q an understanding of the preclinical stages involved in drug development Date/Time: tbc Presenter: tbc Mixed Methods in Social Science Research: An Introduction | All This session will use a combination of input, activity and discussion to provide a tour of key issues in mixed methods research in the social sciences. Is mixed methods, as some claim, a superior ‘third paradigm’? Alternatively, does mixing methods ride roughshod over important differences in what particular methods offer? Why does ‘mixed methods’ have such a strong appeal, and to whom? The session will include the ‘story’ of a recent study carried out by the facilitator, and how its design emerged to illustrate some of the advantages and questions thrown up when using mixed methods. Through attendance, you will gain: Q an awareness of different models and purposes of mixed- methods designs in social research Q some appreciation of the practical and epistemological arguments for and against mixed methods designs Q a guide to useful methodological sources Q suggestions for how you discuss and justify your own methodological choices Time: 10.00 – 12.30 Date: Friday 13 February Presenter: Prof David James, Social Sciences and ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre Mobile Methods in Social Science Research | All There has been a growing analytic attention across the social sciences to the ways in which moving and movement figures substantively and methodologically in our research. Mobilities is now an established theoretical perspective but, arguably, mobile methodologies are less well developed. This seminar-style workshop introduces participants to methodologies in and through which mobile methods might be usefully added to existing research designs in order to produce and elicit data ‘on the move’. The half- day workshop will also consider the ways in which ‘naturally occuring’ data might be produced, analysed and represented (GPS, audio and video among others) and will consider a number of practical and technical issues drawing on a ‘live’ research project. Date/Time: November tbc Presenter: Dr Robin Smith, Social Sciences Multimodal Qualitative Research | All Cardiff School of Social Sciences has been a centre of expertise in digital and qualitative methodology for many years, as evidenced in its earlier hosting of QUALITI, part of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. This two-day workshop will support researchers wishing to produce diverse kinds of data in their fieldwork: field notes, sound recordings (of interviews, conversations or naturally occurring events), photographs (created by participants and/or researchers themselves), video images, drawings, digital text, etc. We will explore techniques for the collection and analysis of multiple modes of qualitative research data, and ask: How can we make informed choice between various modes and media? How can various modes be meaningfully combined in research practice? A thought provoking workshop that is worth doing before you finalise your research design but equally useful if you have started and need to reconsider how best to analyse it. Mixed Methods in Social Science Research: An Introduction “ “
  • 18. 16 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Primarily based on the combined use of textual, visual and audio field data, the workshop will give participants the opportunity to experiment with collecting and analysing different kinds of qualitative data and to consider how they might be combined, both practically and theoretically. Time: tbc Dates: Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 September Presenters: Dr Bella Dicks and Dr Rachel Hurdley, Social Sciences, with Dr Brett Lashua, Carnegie Faculty, Leeds Metropolitan University and Dr Bambo Soyinka, Department of Creative Writing & Publishing, Bath Spa University Research Methods in the Arts and Humanities | Early/Middle This on-line course includes: Q what is research methodology in the arts and humanities? Q approaching archives, artefacts and other evidence Q thinking critically, thinking theoretically Q understanding disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity Q is it working? This on-line course takes about 2 hours to complete, but may be done in several visits. Web Link: Research Methods in the Sciences | Early/Middle This on-line course includes: Q what is science? Q identifying and formulating research questions Q evaluating research questions Q designing and planning your research Q reflection and communication Q research resources This on-line course takes about 2 hours to complete, but may be done in several visits. Web Link: Research Methods in the Social Sciences | Early/Middle This on-line course includes: Q framing a research question Q research design Q data collection Q what next? This on-line course takes about 2 hours to complete, but may be done in several visits. Web Link: Using Manuscripts and Early Books | Early/Middle This workshop will look at how manuscripts and early books were physically put together and the implications of this for the nature of the information that can be extracted from them. It will cover different printing processes, notably those used for images as well as type, and will also include examination of marginalia and other manuscript annotations within printed sources. You will be able to see manuscript and early printed material as part of the workshop and receive basic training in handling such material. The workshop is aimed at students in all fields where research includes examining archival/early book material (e.g. all humanities subjects as well as architecture, social sciences, history of medicine/science). If you are not in a humanities School but are dealing with such material, you are welcome to attend the session. By the end of the session, you will be able to: Q better understand how the material nature of these sources affects what you can get out of them Q examine material sources more critically Time: 09.30 – 16.30 Date: Spring tbc Presenters: Prof Judi Loach, Humanities, and others Using Video in Social Science Research | All This workshop will explore the different ways in which video can be used in doctoral research in the social sciences, focusing on the purposes and implications of various different ‘modalities’ whilst considering practical, methodological and epistemological issues. Date/Time: tbc Presenter: Prof Mark Hadfield, Social Sciences Taught Modules Access to Taught Modules | Early Masters level modules on a broad range of topics are available to research students who wish to develop subject-specific skills or knowledge, as are undergraduate modules which occasionally may be of use. If you have specific training needs, you are advised to discuss these with your supervisor. He or she may be able to recommend a module in your home School or another School. If you wish to gain credit for attendance, you will be charged the module fee, but if not you can normally attend a module free-of-charge. Attendance will be conditional on space being available and is at the discretion of the module convenor. Please contact the convenor at least two weeks before the start of the course to discuss attendance.
  • 19. 17Maes A: Gwybodaeth a Galluoedd Deallusol | Domain A: Knowledge and Intellectual Abilities Bioinformatics and Statistics | All The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Unit in the School of Medicine is responsible for the delivery of an MSc Programme in Bioinformatics (Bioinformatics/Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics). The course is delivered by researchers from Medicine, Biosciences and Computer Science and Informatics. The Informatics for ‘Omic Biosciences module gives an introduction to bioinformatics, and the tools available to facilitate biomedical research. Topics include biological information resources, biological data retrieval, gene expression studies, protein structure visualisation, proteomics and genome visualisation. If you are interested in developing skills in any of these areas it may be possible for you to attend individual sessions or the entire module. In addition there are other modules on the course that may be appropriate including: Computing for Bioinformatics, Statistical Approaches in the Life Sciences, advanced modules on Genetic Epidemiology and other topics. Places are limited to those who can demonstrate value to their studies. Dates: These courses run once a year at defined times with the introductory courses commencing Monday 29 September Contact: For further information please contact Dr Ian Brewis at Biomedical Laboratory Methods | Early This course will introduce laboratory based researchers in the biological and health sciences to a variety of techniques and core principles for biomedical laboratory research. You will also meet some of the researchers using these techniques within the School of Medicine. Core techniques covered include: Q cell culture Q in vivo modelling of human disease Q imaging methods Q antibody production and use Q genomics Q proteomics Q bioinformatics Q manipulation of gene expression Further details and a full list of topics covered are available on Times: Various Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December Presenters: Various Data Analysis for Biomedical Research | All The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to data handling and data analysis and develop skills and knowledge in the appropriate use of statistical methods. Following a basic introduction to statistical principles and the handling of data sets, the course looks at key methods of analysis used in biomedical research. Each week the course covers a specific topic (summarising data, hypothesis and multiple testing, choosing the right test – continuous data, choosing the right test, ordered and categorised data and time to event data, subgroup analysis – sources of bias, problems and pitfalls, regression analysis, sample size and statistical power). The workshop, led by an experienced statistician, will include discussions around these methods and the provision of worked formative examples to aid understanding and provide feedback on student progress. Further details and a full list of topics covered are available on Times: Various Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December Presenter: Dr Robert Hills, Medicine Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (Biomedical and Life Sciences) | Early The aim of this course is to introduce you to quantitative and qualitative research methods and analysis. Topics covered include research ethics, methodological assumptions, potential and procedures of qualitative research in health care research, study design and causal inference. There will also be sessions on interviewing techniques, questionnaires and case records, and evaluating published research. Methods of statistical analysis applicable to qualitative research, together with analysis of variance, when it is appropriate, the assumptions made, how results be interpreted and an introduction to correlation and regression analysis are also covered. Further details and a full list of topics covered are available on Times: Various Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December Presenters: Various Research Skills and Environment (Biomedical and Life Sciences) | Early The aim of this course is to provide students with an introduction to the core skills they will need to develop for a successful research career and raise awareness of key issues around research and research careers. These will include presentations of how to write scientifically, present orally and in poster format as well as outlining routes to academic and industrial careers, engagement and translation (including entrepreneurship). As well as developing an awareness of the importance of obtaining research ethical approval and research funding and introducing the mechanisms for these. Further details and a full list of topics covered are available on Times: Various Dates: Mondays from 29 September to 8 December Presenters: Various Social Science Research Methods | Early Masters level modules from the MSc in Social Science Research Methods are available by arrangement. Please view the module information and timetables on the website at Note that requests must be made prior to the start of the semester in which the module is offered. Places are very limited and will be allocated on a first- come first-served basis. There may be a charge for attendance. Please contact the MSc office for further information.
  • 20. 18 Rhaglen Coleg Graddedigion y Brifysgol | University Graduate College Programme Information Seeking Accessing Archives | All Archives give you evidence; many are old, some are new; they are unique; they cover every subject; only certain places hold them; and they can be useful to any researcher. By the end of this session, you will: Q know what types of information archives and manuscripts contain Q identify locations of archives on a research topic Q use archives critically, responsibly and ethically Q cite references to manuscripts correctly Q locate key online sources for archives Time: 14.00 – 16.00 Date: Tuesday 27 January Presenter: Peter Keelan, Information Services Accessing Archives: Visit to Glamorgan Archives | All The aim of this event is to give researchers practical experience in using archive material, and information on how to get the best out of a visit to Glamorgan Archives. Participants will: Q have the registration process demonstrated and its function explained Q have the searchroom rules explained and justified Q have an introduction to the types of documents held at Glamorgan Archives Q explore the finding aids and order forms for documents Q tour the strongrooms to see where the documents are held Q find out how the documents are catalogued by Archivists Q discover more about conservation at the Archives including the correct handling of documents and the use of book weights and rests Q discuss with staff the best way to frame an enquiry and how responses are formulated Time: 14.00 – 16.00 Date: Wednesday 22 April Presenter: Glamorgan Archives Staff Enhancing Your Web Searching Skills | Early/Middle Discover useful tips how to get the best from the web. You will learn advanced search techniques and explore alternatives to the general search engines. You will also be introduced to tools for image searching and specialist academic search engines. Dates/Times: Thursday 4 December 10.00 – 12.00 Tuesday 3 March 14.00 – 16.00 Friday 1 May 10.00 – 12.00 Presenters: Nigel Morgan, Susan Smith and Peter Hale, Information Services Finding Information For Research (Part Time and Distance Students) | All Where do you look for scholarly information? The University subscribes to a huge range of electronic journals, subject-based databases and other services to ensure you can find good quality information to support your research. By the end of the workshop you will have identified the key information sources relevant to you as well as techniques for getting the best from them. This workshop will cover: Q analysing your topic and identifying appropriate information sources Q making your searches more effective Q finding journal articles and other published research using databases Q keeping up-to-date with newly published research The on-line session will be run using video conferencing software and attendees will be contacted in advance of the session with technical details. Dates/Times: Wednesday 4 February 16.30 – 18.30 (On-campus session) Wednesday 18 February 10.00 – 12.00 (Webinar) Presenters: Susan Smith and Andrew Blackmore, Information Services Keeping Your Research Up-to-Date (Social Sciences) | All Are you keeping up-to-date? Have you spotted the key new book or government paper on your topic? Would you like to be alerted to the latest contents from your favourite journals or recent news in your field? This workshop will highlight a range of current awareness services including ZETOC, database search alerts, RSS feeds and mailing lists. Strategies for managing the services to reduce information overload will also be discussed. Through attendance at this workshop, you will: Q develop your ability to identify and access relevant sources of information for your research Q improve your strategy for keeping up-to-date with recent advances in your field and related areas Dates/Times: Tuesday 25 November 10.00 – 12.00 Wednesday 6 May 14.00 – 16.00 Presenter: Sarah Puzey, Information Services You think you know how to search the web, you don’t! Go to this workshop, it really helps. Enhancing Your Web Searching Skills “ “