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The mission of the LGBT Alliance is to increase opportunities for Bay Area Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) community members to fully participate and celebrate in Jewish Life. This JCF grant is
intended to provide operating support for the LGBT Alliance, with the structure and format to be determined
based on recommendations of the LGBT Task Force in May 2011. Primary areas of work will include: building
capacity of community organizations to meet the needs of LGBT identified Jews; enhancing access to resources
for community members; empowerment, leadership development, fostering engagement and reducing barriers
to involvement for LGBT Jews in the Jewish Community Federation and throughout the Jewish community.	

E x i s t i n g 	
   O p e r a t i n g 	
   a n d 	
   P r o g r a m m a t i c 	
   S u p p o r t : 	
   G r a n t 	
   R e q u e s t 	
Organization Background

Address: 121 Steuart Street San Francisco, CA                Organization's URL:
Phone: (415) 369-2863                                        Name of your organization or program: LGBT
Organization's E-mail Address:               Alliance

           Contact Information

Please provide the following information for the person who will be the primary contact for this proposal
(and potentially resultant grant): Ms. Lisa Finkelstein, Director (415) 369-2863

Please provide the following contact information for the Board President or Chair of the Organization
submitting this proposal: Mr. Arthur Slepian, (415) 987-5119

           Program Description

For which type of grant are you applying? Operating and Programmatic Support

Title or Name of the Program: For an operating support grant, please use "General Operating Support". Otherwise,
please include the word program, project or initiative (i.e. School Lunch Program, Israel Education Initiative,
Filmaking Project) - (10 words or less)

General Operating Support Jewish Community Federations' LGBT Alliance

           Project Description

A statement related to the purpose of the grant. -- What work will this grant support? Please phrase your
response to complete the sentence, "This JCF grant is intended...." (ie. "To promote equal opportunity for Arab-
Israeli children under age six by minimizing risk factors that threaten their development and improving the scope
and quality of early childhood services and programs." or "To support teen engagement and leadership development
throughout the FSA with region-specific planning and collaboration.") - (150 words or less)

The mission of the LGBT Alliance is to increase opportunities for Bay Area Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender (LGBT) community members to fully participate and celebrate in Jewish Life. This JCF grant is
intended to provide operating support for the LGBT Alliance, with the structure and format to be determined based
on recommendations of the LGBT Task Force in May 2011. Primary areas of work will include: building capacity
of community organizations to meet the needs of LGBT identified Jews; enhancing access to resources for
community members; empowerment, leadership development, fostering engagement and reducing barriers to
involvement for LGBT Jews in the Jewish Community Federation and throughout the Jewish community.

           Project Finance

Amount requested from JCF: Total over the term described below. (USD) $194,610
Total amount of project or program budget: 25% of total cost.
Please list your annual organization budget for the coming year (USD): $194,610

      Page 2 of 8   LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
For which term do you intend this funding request to cover? (Unless other factors suggest otherwise, please list
dates beginning with July 1 and ending with June 30.)
Project Start Date: 07/01/2011
Project End Date: 06/30/2012

           Program Demographics

Please list the issue area this grant will impact: Demographic Information
Number of constituents that will be served by this program: Although 36,000 LGBT Jews live within the Bay
Area we estimate that 4,000 LGBT Jews are exposed to our grassroots media approaches.

Please choose the primary age group(s) this program (or organization, if an operating support grant request)
aims to serve. Age Groups:

●   Young Adults (21-45)                                       ●    Seniors (62+)
●   Adults (46 - 61)                                           ●    Youth (13-20

Please choose the region(s) in which this program (or organization, if an operating support grant request)
operates. Region(s) Served:

●   San Francisco County                                       ●    South Peninsula
●   Marin County                                               ●    Greater East Bay: Contra Costa County and
●   North Peninsula                                                 Alameda County
●   Sonoma County                                              ●    Israel

           Access to Participation

Does your program work directly with participants? Yes
If yes, how do participants gain access to the program/services? In addition to traditional outreach efforts,
Federations' LGBT Alliance Director utilizes a variety of social media options directing attention to the resources
that Federation provides to the community. In the daily attention to multiple social media avenues the LGBT
Alliance provides a constant stream of relevant/accessible information to where the LGBT Jewish community
resides online. The continual focus of these diverse social media avenues is to attract attention to the events and
information listed at

Is there currently a limit on the number participants? No.
If you do not 'directly serve' participants, how do you track # of participants? Tracking participation is constant
through the following actions:

●   Receiving written and verbal feedback from                 ●    Tracking invitations for LGBT Alliance Director
    community partner organizations                                 to speak at community events
●   Following the unique clicks and open rates to our          ●    Marking attendance at LGBT Alliance sponsored
    social media listings, website, blog and                        meetings and events
    registration sites

           Staffing Information

Please state the total number of management staff for this program: 1FTE + .25 Department Support Staff
Shared FTE

      Page 3 of 8    LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
Section 1: Goals, Measurable Objectives, and Expected Outcomes

Please identify three measurable goals and objectives this project aims to achieve after the first year of funding

            Goal / Objective 1

Implement recommendations of the LGBT Task Force, charged with evaluating the appropriate home for the LGBT
Alliance and core aspects of its work, given the Jewish Community Federation’s strategic plan and alignment around
3 primary functions: Strategic Investing; Capacity Building of Organizations and Synagogues; and Cultivating
Philanthropists and Leaders. The LGBT Task Force will make recommendations to the Jewish Community
Federation Board of Trustees in May 2011. Three models are being considered:

             1.     Model 1. Status Quo – Keep the LGBT Alliance as structured within the Federation
             2.     Model 2. Keep Core Competencies at Federation / Spin-off Programming and Other Strategies
             3.     Model 3. Outsource all LGBT Coordination and Support

            Goal / Objective 2

Build capacity of Jewish organizations and synagogues to be inclusive, welcoming and supportive of the needs of
the LGBT Jewish community and strengthen LGBT-Centric organizations. There are significant unmet needs within
the Jewish LGBT Community, which inhibit the full participation in Jewish life of the more than 36,000 LGBT Jews
within JCF’s service area. The needs, and the opportunities to address them, were identified in The LGBT Study
and the LGBT Alliance Strategic Plan, both completed in 2010. LGBT Alliance and its Director provide expertise
and serve as a resource to the entire community in order to enhance understanding of the needs of the LGBT
community, advocate for inclusion, incubate programs and promote best practices to engage LGBT Jews, provide
resources that facilitate participation of LGBT Jews in the community, and train LGBT leaders to assume leadership
roles within a cross-section of community organizations.

            Goal / Objective 3

Outreach to increase engagement of LGBT Jews in the Jewish community. Targeted programming to reach
unaffiliated LGBT Jews and create portals of entry into Jewish life. For those already connected, provide
compelling opportunities to increase participation, foster engagement with Israel, and cultivate LGBT leaders and
philanthropists. Continue to serve as a central access point and information channel to help LGBT Jews connect to
existing programs and institutions of the community, providing connection through effective use of social media and
up-to-date website content and resources.

            Deliverable Outcomes

●   Bay Area Jewish organizations will have the tools to be inclusive and welcoming, and meet the needs of LGBT
    Jews, and the gap in awareness and engagement between LGBT Jews and the broader Jewish community is
●   LGBT Jews feel more connected to each other and the Jewish community.
●   The LGBT-centric Jewish organizations in the community will be strengthened.
●   An increased number of LGBT Jews will engage in Jewish community organizations, Israel related programs,
    community events and travel to Israel.
●   Federation will be recognized by Bay Area Jewish communal professionals as a reliable resource on LGBT
●   Emerging leaders see clearer pathways for their leadership within the Jewish community and an increasing
    numbers of LGBT leaders serve on the boards of Jewish Bay Area organizations.
●   Online content advanced for the needs of Bay Area LGBT Jewish connection with the Jewish community.

      Page 4 of 8     LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
Measurable Outcomes

●    Tracking the online participation sources and avenues most travelled from our website, open rates of e-
     newsletters, Twitter links, Facebook followers, LinkedIn Connections, and blog hits.
●    Tracking participation in events and programs (those offered directly as well as those co-sponsored by LGBT
●    Survey of LGBT participants in engagement, philanthropic education or leadership development programs.
●    Feedback from community organizations that participate in capacity building activities and who receive direct
     consultation from LGBT Alliance Director.
●    Increased participation of LGBT members in JCF philanthropic programs and giving opportunities.
●    Number of LGBT members recruited to or placed in community leadership positions.

            Section 2: Strategy and Activities

Describe the specific program or service(s) that take place. Activities must clearly support the goals, objectives, and
expected outcomes identified in the previous question. Execution of the following Strategies and Activities for
Objectives 2 and 3 will be determined by the outcomes of the Jewish Community Federation’s Task Force,
described above.

            Objective 1: Implement Recommendations of LGBT Alliance Task

1.   Realign work of LGBT Alliance in accordance with the recommendations of the task force, which may mean
     outsourcing aspects of the program and function to other agencies and programs.
2.   Oversee effective implementation of changes, and ensure clear and transparent communication to the

            Objective 2: Build capacity of Jewish organizations and synagogues
            to be inclusive, welcoming and supportive of the needs of the LGBT
            Jewish community and strengthen LGBT-Centric organizations.

1.   Develop 4-6 community convening’s around key topics of Jewish/LGBT inclusion for synagogues, JCCs,
     schools, Hillel’s and other community organizations.
2.   Work in partnership with Keshet and Congregation Sha’ar Zahav to provide consultation and training directly to
     organizations to support LGBT inclusion in the mainstream Jewish community.
3.   LGBT Alliance Director to serve as a speaker and resource at community events and programs.
4.   Provide subsidies and scholarship assistance for LBGT Jews to attend programs and conferences in the Jewish
     community, where cost is a barrier to their participation (for example: Hazon food conference, Bay Area Jewish
     Healing Center Grief and Growing)
5.   Present ideas and resources to families and community groups to celebrate in a low-barrier and relevant way
     both LGBT and Jewish holidays

            Objective 3: Outreach to increase engagement of LGBT Jews in the
            Jewish community.

1.   Keep the community informed and engaged through effective use of social media, e-newsletter and effective
     website content. Develop further online opportunities and tools to increase website visits (and subsequent
     stays) to the Federation’s LGBT Alliance pages. Drawing LGBT Jews to the populated Federation LGBT
     Alliance pages via a constant stream of social media avenues we then

       Page 5 of 8   LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
leveraged partnerships and resources focused on the intersection of Jewish and LGBT based identities to
     welcome Bay Area LGBT Jewish newcomers
2.   Offer targeted programs, primarily in partnership with other community organizations, to engage LGBT Jews.
     Examples include: Annual LGBT Hannukah Party, Fun with Faygelahs.
3.   Partner with A Wider Bridge on Bay area events that promote greater engagement of LGBT Jews with Israel.
4.   Collaborate with Congregation Sha’ar Zahav and Nehirim to ensure that LGBT Jews seeking access to Jewish
     worship, adult and children’s education and holiday celebration in an LGBT-centric setting are encouraged to
     find community.
5.   Offer series of 3-5 programs on topics related to philanthropy, leadership, Jewish identity and Jewish
     community, modeled after YAD Club Fed or Young Funders Forum, for the purpose of strengthening
     participation of LGBT Jews in philanthropy and leadership.
6.   Recruit and engage LGBT community members in ongoing leadership programs, such as Wexner and Hartman,
     and work in a targeted way with agencies and synagogues to include LGBT leaders on boards of directors.
7.   Continue the subsidized scholarship program to augment all of our Federation financial assistance options to
     address issues of affordability for the LGBT community


Identify results that best showcase your program or organization's major accomplishments from November
2009 to the present. This response can cover aspects such as operations, management, governance, program
implementation, service delivery, financial management, and awards or recognition.

●    1,500 Twitter followers (2500+ distinct tweets)
●    450 Facebook followers
●    500 LinkedIn Connections
●    Creation of qjew blog; 76 blog posts with 3,000+ unique visits.
●    250+ attendees at Federation's Annual LGBT Hanukkah party hosted and paid for by Jonathan Adler on World
     AIDS Day
●    Co-sponsorship of events related to Israel, including two LGBT-specific events with A Wider Bridge, and the
     month long Out in Israel festival co-sponsored with the Israeli Consulate and many other organizations.
●    LGBT Alliance Director invited as a guest of the Israeli Government to participate in diplomacy training in
     Israel, July 2010; represented Bay Area community in Jerusalem Pride demonstration; created blog and
     presented about experience to JCF groups upon return.
●    LGBT Alliance Director was the keynote speaker at two National University-level student leadership
     conferences , presenting on tools to breaking through barriers and how the work of the Federations’ LGBT
     Alliance works towards social change in the Jewish community.
●    12 gatherings of Kol Tzedek, a network of LGBT professionals co-created and hosted monthly by LGBT
     Director Lisa Finkelstein
●    Hosted community-wide meeting of 10 Jewish agencies with Director of Keshet (a Boston-based organization
     working for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jews in Jewish life)
●    Took action in Bay Area community to educate on the dangers of bullying and recruit participation in an anti-
     bullying pledge throughout the Jewish community
●    LGBT Alliance members and Director participated in JCRC’s Year of Civil Discourse, in an effort to overcome
     divisiveness and find common ground for support of Israel in the LGBT community.

            Substantive Challenges

Report any substantive challenges or issues encountered (e.g., operational, management, governance,
programmatic, or financial) that significantly affected your organization since you last reported on grant
activities in November 2009. Include an analysis of how the organization responded or is currently
responding to the substantive challenges or issues.

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The LGBT Alliance was moved in July 2010 to the JCF Development Department, which called for a re-alignment
of focus in some areas in order to operate within this department. Divisiveness in the LGBT community on issues
relating to Israel and criticism of the Federation’s policies (continued fall-out from the Jewish Film Festival
incident) also hampered the LGBT Alliance’s positioning in the community. We have worked very hard in the past
year to rebuild trust and overcome this issue, and have seen great success as evident in participation in programs and
online communication. These challenges, coupled more recently with concerns about the future of the LGBT
Alliance given the Federation’s strategic plan and work on Task Force to evaluate LGBT Alliance, has directed
attention away from some of the priorities outlined for this year (including leadership development and cultivation
of giving).


State two to three major changes that you plan to implement under this grant in 2011-2012. This response
can cover aspects that fall under general operation support or specific program implementation and service

    As described in previous sections, we anticipate significant change to the LGBT Alliance in 2011-2012, based
    on the outcome of the Task Force and recommendations to the JCF Board of Trustees.

            Collaborative Partners

What program or service collaborative partners will your grant include? If you have collaborated with them
in the past, please describe how that worked and how long you have partnered with them.

The core outline of the Federations' LGBT Alliance is collaboration. Simply stated, no program or outreach project
exists without the collaboration, input and/or co-sponsorship of many of the Jewish organizations locally and
nationally. The groups the LGBT Alliance worked closest within the past 12 months are:

    ●     A Wider Bridge                                            ●   Temple Beth Sholom
    ●     Keshet                                                    ●   Federation of the Greater East Bay
    ●     Nehirim and National Union of Jewish                      ●   Federations' Israel Center
          LGBTIQQ Students (NUJLS)                                  ●   Congregation Sha'ar Zahav
    ●     JQ International                                          ●   Camp Tawonga
    ●     Jpride                                                    ●   Chochmat HaLev
    ●     The Jeff Herman Virtual Resource Center at                ●   Congregation Shomrei Torah
          Hebrew Union College                                      ●   Consulate General of Israel
    ●     Atlanta's Mercas Keshet                                   ●   Contemporary Jewish Museum
    ●     World Congress for GLBT Jews                              ●   Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
    ●     Jerusalem Open House                                      ●   Hillel at Stanford's Jewish Queers (JQ)
    ●     Congregation Beit Simchat Torah                           ●   Jewish Vocational Services Transgender
    ●     Teen and Israel Education Initiatives of the                  Economic Empowerment Initiative (TEEI)
          Bureau of Jewish Education                                ●   San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
    ●     Jewish Community Federation of Palm                       ●   Upstart Bay Area
          Springs GLBT Affinity Group                               ●   Jewish Community Relations Council
    ●     The Agudah with Israel Gay Youth                              (JCRC)
          Organization (IGY)                                        ●   Bay Area Jewish Healing Center (BAJHC)
    ●     Jewish Federation of Tuscon's Inclusion                   ●   Hazon
    ●     Be'chol Lashon

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Section 3: Evaluation and Technical Assistance

What types of expertise and skill sets you would welcome from the JCF in order to most effectively
implement your grant? (i.e., finance, planning, program evaluation, board development, leadership
development, fund development, IT or others)

Finance, program implementation, program evaluation, board development, leadership development, fund
development, IT, marketing, staff training, and collaboration with outreach efforts.

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2011 Grant Request to JCF and Endowment Fund

  • 1. Grant  Request   2011     The mission of the LGBT Alliance is to increase opportunities for Bay Area Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community members to fully participate and celebrate in Jewish Life. This JCF grant is intended to provide operating support for the LGBT Alliance, with the structure and format to be determined based on recommendations of the LGBT Task Force in May 2011. Primary areas of work will include: building capacity of community organizations to meet the needs of LGBT identified Jews; enhancing access to resources for community members; empowerment, leadership development, fostering engagement and reducing barriers to involvement for LGBT Jews in the Jewish Community Federation and throughout the Jewish community.   E x i s t i n g   O p e r a t i n g   a n d   P r o g r a m m a t i c   S u p p o r t :   G r a n t   R e q u e s t  
  • 2. Organization Background Address: 121 Steuart Street San Francisco, CA Organization's URL: 94105 Phone: (415) 369-2863 Name of your organization or program: LGBT Organization's E-mail Address: Alliance Contact Information Please provide the following information for the person who will be the primary contact for this proposal (and potentially resultant grant): Ms. Lisa Finkelstein, Director (415) 369-2863 Please provide the following contact information for the Board President or Chair of the Organization submitting this proposal: Mr. Arthur Slepian, (415) 987-5119 Program Description For which type of grant are you applying? Operating and Programmatic Support Title or Name of the Program: For an operating support grant, please use "General Operating Support". Otherwise, please include the word program, project or initiative (i.e. School Lunch Program, Israel Education Initiative, Filmaking Project) - (10 words or less) General Operating Support Jewish Community Federations' LGBT Alliance Project Description A statement related to the purpose of the grant. -- What work will this grant support? Please phrase your response to complete the sentence, "This JCF grant is intended...." (ie. "To promote equal opportunity for Arab- Israeli children under age six by minimizing risk factors that threaten their development and improving the scope and quality of early childhood services and programs." or "To support teen engagement and leadership development throughout the FSA with region-specific planning and collaboration.") - (150 words or less) The mission of the LGBT Alliance is to increase opportunities for Bay Area Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community members to fully participate and celebrate in Jewish Life. This JCF grant is intended to provide operating support for the LGBT Alliance, with the structure and format to be determined based on recommendations of the LGBT Task Force in May 2011. Primary areas of work will include: building capacity of community organizations to meet the needs of LGBT identified Jews; enhancing access to resources for community members; empowerment, leadership development, fostering engagement and reducing barriers to involvement for LGBT Jews in the Jewish Community Federation and throughout the Jewish community. Project Finance Amount requested from JCF: Total over the term described below. (USD) $194,610 Total amount of project or program budget: 25% of total cost. Please list your annual organization budget for the coming year (USD): $194,610 Page 2 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
  • 3. For which term do you intend this funding request to cover? (Unless other factors suggest otherwise, please list dates beginning with July 1 and ending with June 30.) Project Start Date: 07/01/2011 Project End Date: 06/30/2012 Program Demographics Please list the issue area this grant will impact: Demographic Information Number of constituents that will be served by this program: Although 36,000 LGBT Jews live within the Bay Area we estimate that 4,000 LGBT Jews are exposed to our grassroots media approaches. Please choose the primary age group(s) this program (or organization, if an operating support grant request) aims to serve. Age Groups: ● Young Adults (21-45) ● Seniors (62+) ● Adults (46 - 61) ● Youth (13-20 Please choose the region(s) in which this program (or organization, if an operating support grant request) operates. Region(s) Served: ● San Francisco County ● South Peninsula ● Marin County ● Greater East Bay: Contra Costa County and ● North Peninsula Alameda County ● Sonoma County ● Israel Access to Participation Does your program work directly with participants? Yes If yes, how do participants gain access to the program/services? In addition to traditional outreach efforts, Federations' LGBT Alliance Director utilizes a variety of social media options directing attention to the resources that Federation provides to the community. In the daily attention to multiple social media avenues the LGBT Alliance provides a constant stream of relevant/accessible information to where the LGBT Jewish community resides online. The continual focus of these diverse social media avenues is to attract attention to the events and information listed at Is there currently a limit on the number participants? No. If you do not 'directly serve' participants, how do you track # of participants? Tracking participation is constant through the following actions: ● Receiving written and verbal feedback from ● Tracking invitations for LGBT Alliance Director community partner organizations to speak at community events ● Following the unique clicks and open rates to our ● Marking attendance at LGBT Alliance sponsored social media listings, website, blog and meetings and events registration sites Staffing Information Please state the total number of management staff for this program: 1FTE + .25 Department Support Staff Shared FTE Page 3 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
  • 4. Section 1: Goals, Measurable Objectives, and Expected Outcomes Please identify three measurable goals and objectives this project aims to achieve after the first year of funding Goal / Objective 1 Implement recommendations of the LGBT Task Force, charged with evaluating the appropriate home for the LGBT Alliance and core aspects of its work, given the Jewish Community Federation’s strategic plan and alignment around 3 primary functions: Strategic Investing; Capacity Building of Organizations and Synagogues; and Cultivating Philanthropists and Leaders. The LGBT Task Force will make recommendations to the Jewish Community Federation Board of Trustees in May 2011. Three models are being considered: 1. Model 1. Status Quo – Keep the LGBT Alliance as structured within the Federation 2. Model 2. Keep Core Competencies at Federation / Spin-off Programming and Other Strategies 3. Model 3. Outsource all LGBT Coordination and Support Goal / Objective 2 Build capacity of Jewish organizations and synagogues to be inclusive, welcoming and supportive of the needs of the LGBT Jewish community and strengthen LGBT-Centric organizations. There are significant unmet needs within the Jewish LGBT Community, which inhibit the full participation in Jewish life of the more than 36,000 LGBT Jews within JCF’s service area. The needs, and the opportunities to address them, were identified in The LGBT Study and the LGBT Alliance Strategic Plan, both completed in 2010. LGBT Alliance and its Director provide expertise and serve as a resource to the entire community in order to enhance understanding of the needs of the LGBT community, advocate for inclusion, incubate programs and promote best practices to engage LGBT Jews, provide resources that facilitate participation of LGBT Jews in the community, and train LGBT leaders to assume leadership roles within a cross-section of community organizations. Goal / Objective 3 Outreach to increase engagement of LGBT Jews in the Jewish community. Targeted programming to reach unaffiliated LGBT Jews and create portals of entry into Jewish life. For those already connected, provide compelling opportunities to increase participation, foster engagement with Israel, and cultivate LGBT leaders and philanthropists. Continue to serve as a central access point and information channel to help LGBT Jews connect to existing programs and institutions of the community, providing connection through effective use of social media and up-to-date website content and resources. Deliverable Outcomes ● Bay Area Jewish organizations will have the tools to be inclusive and welcoming, and meet the needs of LGBT Jews, and the gap in awareness and engagement between LGBT Jews and the broader Jewish community is narrowed. ● LGBT Jews feel more connected to each other and the Jewish community. ● The LGBT-centric Jewish organizations in the community will be strengthened. ● An increased number of LGBT Jews will engage in Jewish community organizations, Israel related programs, community events and travel to Israel. ● Federation will be recognized by Bay Area Jewish communal professionals as a reliable resource on LGBT issues. ● Emerging leaders see clearer pathways for their leadership within the Jewish community and an increasing numbers of LGBT leaders serve on the boards of Jewish Bay Area organizations. ● Online content advanced for the needs of Bay Area LGBT Jewish connection with the Jewish community. Page 4 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
  • 5. Measurable Outcomes ● Tracking the online participation sources and avenues most travelled from our website, open rates of e- newsletters, Twitter links, Facebook followers, LinkedIn Connections, and blog hits. ● Tracking participation in events and programs (those offered directly as well as those co-sponsored by LGBT Alliance). ● Survey of LGBT participants in engagement, philanthropic education or leadership development programs. ● Feedback from community organizations that participate in capacity building activities and who receive direct consultation from LGBT Alliance Director. ● Increased participation of LGBT members in JCF philanthropic programs and giving opportunities. ● Number of LGBT members recruited to or placed in community leadership positions. Section 2: Strategy and Activities Describe the specific program or service(s) that take place. Activities must clearly support the goals, objectives, and expected outcomes identified in the previous question. Execution of the following Strategies and Activities for Objectives 2 and 3 will be determined by the outcomes of the Jewish Community Federation’s Task Force, described above. Objective 1: Implement Recommendations of LGBT Alliance Task Force 1. Realign work of LGBT Alliance in accordance with the recommendations of the task force, which may mean outsourcing aspects of the program and function to other agencies and programs. 2. Oversee effective implementation of changes, and ensure clear and transparent communication to the community. Objective 2: Build capacity of Jewish organizations and synagogues to be inclusive, welcoming and supportive of the needs of the LGBT Jewish community and strengthen LGBT-Centric organizations. 1. Develop 4-6 community convening’s around key topics of Jewish/LGBT inclusion for synagogues, JCCs, schools, Hillel’s and other community organizations. 2. Work in partnership with Keshet and Congregation Sha’ar Zahav to provide consultation and training directly to organizations to support LGBT inclusion in the mainstream Jewish community. 3. LGBT Alliance Director to serve as a speaker and resource at community events and programs. 4. Provide subsidies and scholarship assistance for LBGT Jews to attend programs and conferences in the Jewish community, where cost is a barrier to their participation (for example: Hazon food conference, Bay Area Jewish Healing Center Grief and Growing) 5. Present ideas and resources to families and community groups to celebrate in a low-barrier and relevant way both LGBT and Jewish holidays Objective 3: Outreach to increase engagement of LGBT Jews in the Jewish community. 1. Keep the community informed and engaged through effective use of social media, e-newsletter and effective website content. Develop further online opportunities and tools to increase website visits (and subsequent stays) to the Federation’s LGBT Alliance pages. Drawing LGBT Jews to the populated Federation LGBT Alliance pages via a constant stream of social media avenues we then Page 5 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
  • 6. leveraged partnerships and resources focused on the intersection of Jewish and LGBT based identities to welcome Bay Area LGBT Jewish newcomers 2. Offer targeted programs, primarily in partnership with other community organizations, to engage LGBT Jews. Examples include: Annual LGBT Hannukah Party, Fun with Faygelahs. 3. Partner with A Wider Bridge on Bay area events that promote greater engagement of LGBT Jews with Israel. 4. Collaborate with Congregation Sha’ar Zahav and Nehirim to ensure that LGBT Jews seeking access to Jewish worship, adult and children’s education and holiday celebration in an LGBT-centric setting are encouraged to find community. 5. Offer series of 3-5 programs on topics related to philanthropy, leadership, Jewish identity and Jewish community, modeled after YAD Club Fed or Young Funders Forum, for the purpose of strengthening participation of LGBT Jews in philanthropy and leadership. 6. Recruit and engage LGBT community members in ongoing leadership programs, such as Wexner and Hartman, and work in a targeted way with agencies and synagogues to include LGBT leaders on boards of directors. 7. Continue the subsidized scholarship program to augment all of our Federation financial assistance options to address issues of affordability for the LGBT community Results Identify results that best showcase your program or organization's major accomplishments from November 2009 to the present. This response can cover aspects such as operations, management, governance, program implementation, service delivery, financial management, and awards or recognition. ● 1,500 Twitter followers (2500+ distinct tweets) ● 450 Facebook followers ● 500 LinkedIn Connections ● Creation of qjew blog; 76 blog posts with 3,000+ unique visits. ● 250+ attendees at Federation's Annual LGBT Hanukkah party hosted and paid for by Jonathan Adler on World AIDS Day ● Co-sponsorship of events related to Israel, including two LGBT-specific events with A Wider Bridge, and the month long Out in Israel festival co-sponsored with the Israeli Consulate and many other organizations. ● LGBT Alliance Director invited as a guest of the Israeli Government to participate in diplomacy training in Israel, July 2010; represented Bay Area community in Jerusalem Pride demonstration; created blog and presented about experience to JCF groups upon return. ● LGBT Alliance Director was the keynote speaker at two National University-level student leadership conferences , presenting on tools to breaking through barriers and how the work of the Federations’ LGBT Alliance works towards social change in the Jewish community. ● 12 gatherings of Kol Tzedek, a network of LGBT professionals co-created and hosted monthly by LGBT Director Lisa Finkelstein ● Hosted community-wide meeting of 10 Jewish agencies with Director of Keshet (a Boston-based organization working for the full inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jews in Jewish life) ● Took action in Bay Area community to educate on the dangers of bullying and recruit participation in an anti- bullying pledge throughout the Jewish community ● LGBT Alliance members and Director participated in JCRC’s Year of Civil Discourse, in an effort to overcome divisiveness and find common ground for support of Israel in the LGBT community. Substantive Challenges Report any substantive challenges or issues encountered (e.g., operational, management, governance, programmatic, or financial) that significantly affected your organization since you last reported on grant activities in November 2009. Include an analysis of how the organization responded or is currently responding to the substantive challenges or issues. Page 6 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
  • 7. The LGBT Alliance was moved in July 2010 to the JCF Development Department, which called for a re-alignment of focus in some areas in order to operate within this department. Divisiveness in the LGBT community on issues relating to Israel and criticism of the Federation’s policies (continued fall-out from the Jewish Film Festival incident) also hampered the LGBT Alliance’s positioning in the community. We have worked very hard in the past year to rebuild trust and overcome this issue, and have seen great success as evident in participation in programs and online communication. These challenges, coupled more recently with concerns about the future of the LGBT Alliance given the Federation’s strategic plan and work on Task Force to evaluate LGBT Alliance, has directed attention away from some of the priorities outlined for this year (including leadership development and cultivation of giving). Changes State two to three major changes that you plan to implement under this grant in 2011-2012. This response can cover aspects that fall under general operation support or specific program implementation and service delivery. As described in previous sections, we anticipate significant change to the LGBT Alliance in 2011-2012, based on the outcome of the Task Force and recommendations to the JCF Board of Trustees. Collaborative Partners What program or service collaborative partners will your grant include? If you have collaborated with them in the past, please describe how that worked and how long you have partnered with them. The core outline of the Federations' LGBT Alliance is collaboration. Simply stated, no program or outreach project exists without the collaboration, input and/or co-sponsorship of many of the Jewish organizations locally and nationally. The groups the LGBT Alliance worked closest within the past 12 months are: ● A Wider Bridge ● Temple Beth Sholom ● Keshet ● Federation of the Greater East Bay ● Nehirim and National Union of Jewish ● Federations' Israel Center LGBTIQQ Students (NUJLS) ● Congregation Sha'ar Zahav ● JQ International ● Camp Tawonga ● Jpride ● Chochmat HaLev ● The Jeff Herman Virtual Resource Center at ● Congregation Shomrei Torah Hebrew Union College ● Consulate General of Israel ● Atlanta's Mercas Keshet ● Contemporary Jewish Museum ● World Congress for GLBT Jews ● Jewish Community Center of San Francisco ● Jerusalem Open House ● Hillel at Stanford's Jewish Queers (JQ) ● Congregation Beit Simchat Torah ● Jewish Vocational Services Transgender ● Teen and Israel Education Initiatives of the Economic Empowerment Initiative (TEEI) Bureau of Jewish Education ● San Francisco Jewish Film Festival ● Jewish Community Federation of Palm ● Upstart Bay Area Springs GLBT Affinity Group ● Jewish Community Relations Council ● The Agudah with Israel Gay Youth (JCRC) Organization (IGY) ● Bay Area Jewish Healing Center (BAJHC) ● Jewish Federation of Tuscon's Inclusion ● Hazon Project ● Be'chol Lashon Page 7 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation
  • 8. Section 3: Evaluation and Technical Assistance What types of expertise and skill sets you would welcome from the JCF in order to most effectively implement your grant? (i.e., finance, planning, program evaluation, board development, leadership development, fund development, IT or others) Finance, program implementation, program evaluation, board development, leadership development, fund development, IT, marketing, staff training, and collaboration with outreach efforts. Page 8 of 8 LGBT Alliance Annual Grant Request | Jewish Community Federation