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  Scottsbluff High School | Jan. 20, 2011 | Volume 94 | Issue 5

                       2010 SHS graduate Teresa Scanlan
                       named Miss America 2011 | pg. 3

                                       Scanlan performs as Sharpay Evans
                                        in SHS’ 2010 musical, High School
                                          Musical. photo by Gordon Rock

                                        Major victory for the gay rights move-
                                          ment when President Obama signs
                                         repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell | pg. 5
Valedictorian requirements changing
 For the class of 2013 and beyond, only one student will claim the title of Valedictorian
story by                                  and salutatorian, there will be a new       possible for a student to get B’s in       in courses and get students to engage
SCOUT WILSON | news editor                category added to the equation for the
                                          classes of 2011and 2012: an Advanced
                                                                                      AP courses and still keep a 4.0 GPA.
                                                                                      Students who are scoring A’s have a
                                                                                                                                 in harder more challenging classes,”
                                                                                                                                 Cantril said.
   The second semester has com-           Placement (AP) valedictorian.               better chance in the running for AP           For the classes following 2012, the
menced and, with it, the excitement of       This will give students an oppor-        valedictorian as their GPA could be        second category will cease and the
graduation.                               tunity to compete with other students       higher than a 4.0.                         regular system will revert to the new
   Graduation is a time of crying         enrolled in AP courses, rather than             The regular valedictorian and          weighted system.
mothers, long processions, time con-      less academically challenging classes.      salutatorian will be based, as always,        This in turn could result in the
suming speeches, recognizing student         In order to be eligible to be the AP     on accumulated percentage rather           selection of a single valedictorian and
achievements, and awarding the top        valedictorian, students must take at        than GPA.                                  salutatorian for the classes of 2013 and
of the class.                             least one AP course, but the more a             Principal Rick Porter believes it      beyond.
   The top of the class is a coveted      student takes the better their chance       will be a good thing for students and         Students expecting the same old
group made of the students who keep       at the title.                               their GPA.                                 status quo in May with the graduation
their grades as a main priority.             One reason for this new title is to          “One of the goals of the change is     speeches maybe pleasantly surprised.
   In recent years, however, that ‘cov-   introduce a weighted Grade Point Av-        to raise the GPA by getting students to       Instead of the traditional valedic-
eted group’ has grown significantly in    erage (GPA) scale, where AP courses         challenge themselves to try for those      torian and salutatorian speeches, a
size, with some classes having numer-     are ranked on a 5-point scale.              titles,” Porter said.                      committee will be created for students
ous salutatorians and valedictorians.        This means if a student receives an          Counselor Rick Cantril also thinks     wishing to audition to speak at gradu-
   To combat this phenomenon and          ‘A’ in an AP course they will get five      it would be good for student enroll-       ation.
restore the tradition of valedictorian    credits rather than the traditional four.   ment in class.                                This change could be a permanent
                                             With this new system it would be             “It should increase participation      part of graduation for years to come.

The future of study hall                                                              Teacher salaries in Nebraska
                                                                                      story by                                   make an average of $2,933.74 per
 It may become mandatory for all grades                                               RYAN MEISTER | news writer                 student, while our teachers make
story by                                                                                  Nebraska nationally ranks 42 in            Even though Lincoln schools have
SCOUT WILSON | news editor                    Principal Rick Porter has seen good     average teacher salary in the United
                                                                                      States. What, if anything, does this say
                                                                                                                                 a higher population, they have a bet-
                                          things come from this study hall.                                                      ter student-to-teacher ratio than SHS
    Riiinnggg!                                “It seems that some sophomores          about Nebraska?                            does. On average they also get paid
    It’s 11:30 and you know what that     are taking on an attitude that they are         It says the average teacher in         more per student than the teachers at
means........IT’S LUNCH TIME!             failing and that study hall is some-        Nebraska makes around $40,382 an-          Scottsbluff.
    Students have already burst out       thing they need to do and want to get       nually. With the teacher per student           The question then becomes if
of their classrooms creating a flow of    their grades up,” Porter said.              ratio being 13.5 students per teacher,     Scottsbluff teachers have a higher
hungry and impatient teens.                   The study hall certainly does create    it means teachers make just under          student to teacher ratio than Lincoln
    Many are going to the parking lot     a lot of incentive to have good grades      $3,000 per student.                        Southeast, why don’t our teachers get
hoping to get a chance to get out be-     and would be good incentive for all             This ranks Nebraska teachers’          paid as much or more?
fore the chaos of driving teens ready     students.                                   wages at about the 25 percentile in the        The answer: property tax. Property
to get far away from school.                  This will become a reality in the       nation.                                    tax is what pays our teachers and
    But for some the lunch bell sym-      oncoming years as juniors will be               However, teachers at SHS make          supports our public school system,
bolizes more than lunch, it’s also the    added to the list of students who with      an average of $45,230, compared to         and with Lincoln’s greater population
call of study hall.                       a failing grade will face a mandatory       Lincoln high school teachers which         they can afford to pay teachers more,
    This year there has been a manda-     noon study hall.                            make $46,940.                              even though they have several differ-
tory study hall during lunch for any          The following year seniors will be          At Lincoln Southeast High School       ent districts.
freshman or sophomore with a failing      added to the list, creating an all-grade    the student per teacher ratio is 16:1,         Even though teachers don’t get
grade.                                    mandatory noon study hall.                  while in Scottsbluff the average is        paid enough, most of them teach for
                                                                                      17:1.                                      the love of teaching and not for the
2 | NEWS                                                                                  This means that teachers in Lincoln    economic aspect of it.
BRIEFLY SHS Graduate wins Miss America
   s pe akin g                       Teresa Scanlan’s victory is a first for Nebraska and the nation
Speech team wins
                                     story by
   prestigious                       SCOUT WILSON | news editor
 Cheyenne meet                           “And the 90th anniversary Miss         family’s
                                     America, your 2011 Miss America is…..      restaurant
    Recently the Scottsbluff         Miss Nebraska, Teresa Scanlan!”            watching
Speech Team has been on roll             What followed was the collec-          the evening
asthey placed first in a challeng-
                                     tive gasp of a family, a community, a      unfold.
ing Cheyenne meet as well as
taking second at Alliance on the     state, and a nation, all reacting to an        “I was
same day..                           unprecedented achievement.                 at the the
    The Wyoming meet took                On Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011, Teresa,    Skyport
place over a two-day period,         a 2010 SHS graduate, was named the         and besides
with four preliminary rounds,        90th anniversary Miss America at the       crying I was
a semi-final round, and then         Las Vegas Planet Hollywood Casino          jumping up
finals.                              and Resort, making her the youngest        and down.
    The meet gave students the       winner since the age limit (17-24 years I ran into
opportunity to compete against
                                     of age) was imposed in 1938 and the        the kitchen
speakers they will face in March
to qualify for Nationals in June.    first Miss Nebraska to ever win the        and started
    Schools involved in the meet     title.                                     screaming,
included Fort Collins, CO.,              Teresa’s win sent shock waves of       ‘She won!
Lead and Deadwood, S.D., as          excitement and pride through the           Teesh won!’
well as Green River and Chey-        Cornhusker state and left the Nebras-      and then I
enne, WY.                            ka fans attending the pageant hoarse       ran to all the
    The Cheyenne Central Heart       from cheering.                             tables at the
of the Rockies Tournament                “We were expecting her to do           restaurant
resulted in several Scottsbluff
                                     really well, but as the cuts kept hap-     screaming
speech members displaying an
outstanding performance plac-        pening and she kept being included,        and crying
ing them in the top positions.       we kept freaking out,” sophomore           and telling
    In Drama Interpretation:         Christine Scanlan, Teresa’s younger        every per-
Nick Roussel placed first, Sara      sister said.                               son I saw,”
Frederick finished second, and           Emotions ran high when 2010 Miss Schluter
Tyler Webber took fifth place.       America Caressa Cameron placed the         said.
    In Humorous Interpretation       crown on Teresa’s head.                        Follow-
Webber took first, while Jay
Grote placed third in Extempo-
raneous Speaking.
    In Original Oratory, Maddy
Parsley placed third, Frederick
placed third in Poetry, and in
Duo Interpretation Roussel
and Webber placed second
                                         “There was a lot of crying when
                                     she won and then I was silent and
                                     stood there staring at her for about
                                     two minutes and then I started crying
                                     again,” Christine said.
                                         Senior Taylor Counter, one of Tere-
                                                                                ing the
                                                                                Teresa was
                                                                                ushered to a
                                                                                press confer-
                                                                                ence where
                                     sa’s closest friends, was in the balcony she talked about the experience.
                                                                                                                          HIGH SCHOOL Teresamusical, High School last
                                                                                                                                                    Scanlan performs in

                                                                                                                                             Photo by Gordon Rock

                                                                                                                              “I’m so excited to see what this
                                                                                                                           year has in store for me,” Teresa said.
while Victoria Bravo and Kirby       section among                                                     “These girls are       After the press conference, Teresa
Thornton placed third.               strangers at the                                              at the highest level    was allowed an hour in a suite over-
    With nine speakers from                                We were expecting her to do                                     looking Las Vegas to relax and catch

                                     casino.                                                       imaginable; they’re
Scottsbluff at the Cheyenne
                                                         really well, but as the cuts kept                                 up with family and friends.
                                                                                                   incredibly, high-
meet, some ‘rookie’ speakers                             happening and she kept being                                         “It was crazy because she all of
competed at Alliance.                called her                                                    caliber girls that are
    The Bearcat speakers             name after a        included, we kept freaking out.           just so amazing in so a sudden had a bunch of security
finished well, placing second        long wait and                    -Christine Scanlan, 10 many ways,” Teresa people around her,” Counter said.
behind Gering in the team race.      I went crazy,”                                                gushed about her        “There were two guards outside the
     This was an impressive          Counter said.                                                 competition in the      room and three in it.”
accomplishment considering           “I don’t even remember her being           pageant.                                      Teresa was then whisked away
the ‘rookies’ competed against       crowned because I couldn’t see any-            Despite being the youngest com-        by pageant officials who flew her to
some of the tougher speakers         thing from the tears in my eyes,”                                                     New York to begin a series of public
                                                                                petitor at 17, Teresa said age did not
ofromGering.                                                                                                               appearances, some on national talk
                                         The Scottsbluff/Gering community affect the outcome.
    Derrick Goss placed first
in Informative and Andrew            celebrated similarly from nearly 1000          “We didn’t know ages. That didn’t shows like “Fox and Friends” and
                                     miles away.                                matter because at this point it’s about    “The View”.
Holsinger placed first in En-
tertainment, with Goss taking            Choir director Brad Ronne, who         what we’re doing; it’s about what             At this point, no one, not even
fifth in Entertainment followed      worked with Teresa last year in show       the projects we’re involved in; it’s       Teresa’s family, knows when she will
by Latosha Rojas and Michael         choir and in the spring musical, found about our dreams and our hearts and            get to return to the Panhandle.
Wright.                              the experience nerve-wracking.             what we’re doing. It’s not about age          “She won’t live with us anymore
    In Duet, Mariam Castelli and         “When it was down to the final         because age really is just a number,”      and she now has a full time job with
Sarah Hall placed second while       five, I was so nervous,” Ronne said.                                                  barely any breaks until Christmas,”
                                                                                Teresa said.
Nikki Catrina Anderson and                                                                                                 Christine said.
                                     “Each time they called a name that             Because she so thoroughly con-
Michelle Clark placed fourth.                                                                                                 For security purposes, Teresa’s
Joey Orozco placed second in         wasn’t Teresa, my eyes got bigger and      vinced the panel of judges of this idea,
                                     my palms got clammier.”                    Teresa won a $50,000 scholarship and       schedule is not made public.
Serious Prose.
                                         Senior Jessica Schluter, another
                                                                                a year of domestic and international
                                     close friend of Teresa’s, was at her       travel.                                                                    NEWS
BACK       After dropping out of high
                                                                                                                                    FOR      school in 2009 and a stint at the
                                                                                                                                             Pine Ridge Job Corps, junior
                                                                                                                                 ROUND       Skyler Sullivan is hoping to
                                                                                                                                   TWO       make the most of his second

                                                                                                                                             chance at SHS. Photo by Terry

                                                                                                                                     Newman said she sees all kinds of
                                                                                                                                 different reasons why kids decide to
                                                                                                                                 drop out.
                                                                                                                                     “Some kids have school phobia
                                                                                                                                 while some struggle with school and
                                                                                                                                 just get tired and worn down but
                                                                                                                                 some live at homes where families are

                                                    After dropping out of school a year
                                                                                                                                 in turmoil. For example, there are kids
                                                                                                                                 whose parents just got out of treat-
                                                                                                                                 ment and feel like they need to be at
                                                   and a half ago, junior Skyler Sullivan                                        home with their parents to make sure
                                                                                                                                 they aren’t using. Kids get behind in
                                                   has returned to finish his education                                          credits early on in high school and
                                                                                                                                 feel like they can’t catch up,” New-
                                                                                                                                 man said.
                                                                                                                                     Newman said drug and alcohol
                                                                                                                                 usage is another problem that often
story by                                  cally translates to upgraded juvenile       tennis.                                    makes it difficult for a student to be in
RACHEL CLEMENS | feature writer           detention center.                               Dakota Britthouer, a senior at         school.
                                              Sullivan received $25 every two         VALTS, also dropped out of high                There are many things the school
    There are decisions and moments       weeks.                                      school.                                    can do to try and convince students
in every teen’s life they regret.             “My experience at Job Corps was             Britthouer decided to drop out of      not to drop out.
    They include things like getting      pretty rough. I didn’t really talk to       high school because he was scared of           They are shown statistically what
that speeding ticket, not studying for    many people; I was kind of a loner.         getting jumped by people that didn’t       their lifetime earnings would be.
that final, sneaking out of the house,    They treat you like you’re in prison,       like him and he found it hard to con-      Counselors also talk about alterna-
dating the wrong guy or girl, shop-       and I threw up every day from the           centrate while seeing people he didn’t     tives and how difficult they would be,
lifting or not getting involved in an     food they served,” Sullivan said.           like in class.                             or showing them different ways they
activity or sport.                            After Sullivan’s seven months at            He dropped out in 9th grade, after     can graduate.
    For junior Skyler Sullivan, one of    Job Corps, he decided he wanted to          being sentenced to the Department              “Kids really only get one opportu-
those moments happened when he            come back to high school.                   of Corrections, a juvenile program in      nity to go to high school. Sometimes a
dropped out of high school at the             When he first got back to Scotts-       South Dakota, at age 11.                   kid drops out of high school and tries
beginning of his junior year in 2009.     bluff, Sullivan was going to start CNA          A person is required to stay in the    to come back and they are too old,
    After a year and a half Sullivan’s    (certified nursing assistant) training      program until age 21 unless they’re        and don’t fit in with the age group of
back for another try.                     and GED classes.                            released early for good behavior.          classes they would be in, so we can’t
    “I regret dropping out of high            “I thought about getting a GED,             During Britthouer’s freshman year      put them back in. They only have one
school in the first place. I probably     but with the economy right now a            he got into trouble and was locked up      chance to make this work,” Newman
wouldn’t be having as many troubles       GED probably isn’t going to get me          at the end of the year.                    said.
in my life right now if I wouldn’t have   very far in life,” Sullivan said. “I also       After getting out of jail, he wanted       Students under the age of 18 who
dropped out,” Sullivan said.              thought about going to VALTS but            to get back into school because of job     decide to drop out have to get permis-
    Sullivan’s decision to drop out       I didn’t want to be known as a kid          opportunities.                             sion from their parents.
wasn’t made on the spur-of-the-           who went to VALTS. I wanted to be               Britthouer started going to VALTS          The legal age for dropping out
moment. There were a lot of events        known as a kid with their high school       in September of 2009. He registered at     is 16, but Newman thinks putting a
leading up to his dropping out.           diploma.” Sullivan said.                    Scottsbluff, Gering, and Morrill High      magic number on anything doesn’t
    Sullivan got into some bad habits.        Sullivan’s mother played a big part     Schools, but once a person goes to         change people’s behavior.
    He skipped class regularly and        in his decision to come back.               VALTS, they’re not allowed back to             Even if the legal age was raised,
eventually stopped going to class all         “My mom really encouraged me to         regular high school.                       kids would still find a way to drop
together.                                 go back to high school. Eventually she          After Britthouer receives his di-      out.
    “I thought school was pointless       influenced me into the idea,” Sullivan      ploma in March, he plans on enlisting          “Typically kids don’t just all of a
and that I didn’t need it,” Sullivan      said.                                       in the Navy.                               sudden drop out, it’s usually been a
said.                                         Trying to get back into high school         Scottsbluff High School counselor      long process of failure, personal is-
    Sullivan was sent to Job Corps in     wasn’t exactly an easy process for          Julie Newman said the school does          sues, and kids who start high school
Chadron, NE on April 27 for seven         Sullivan. One thing he had to do was        many things to prevent kids from           without the goal of graduating are
months.                                   have meetings with school officials.        dropping out of high school.               much more likely to drop out,” New-
    Job Corps is a free education and         Sullivan said this time around he           She said counselors meet with the      man said.
training program that helps young         plans on trying hard to be successful.      student and his/her parents and try            The graduation rate from 2009-
people learn a career, earn a high            “I’m definitely going to go to class,   to meet their needs as far as classes      2010 at Scottsbluff High School is
school diploma or GED, and find and       do my homework, and everything              and other programs.                        88.78%.
keep a good job.                          else I need to do to succeed,” Sullivan         If they don’t have a home or mon-          The overall graduation rate in the
    Instead of typical high school he     said.                                       ey for things they need for school,        state of Nebraska in 89%. The dropout
alternated between work and school            Sullivan is planning on participat-     then there are many resources that         rate in Nebraska has actually de-
                     every week.          ing in tennis next fall and hopes to get    can be tapped into in order to help a      creased in the last ten years.

                        Job corps basi-   a scholarship to Hastings College for       student be successful.
If you ask,
 now I can tell
The repeal of a military law forces America
  to pick a side and look back at history
story by                                     tough, learning the ropes of a new
MEGHAN PRITCHARD | feature editor            army. Basically anyone was in - except
                                             Lieutenant Gotthold Frederick Enslin,      legitimate privacy and associational         with an openly gay guy or bunk with
    With no time to brush his teeth, he      the first soldier discharged from the      rights of all service members.”              him,” Griess said.
simultaneously gargles mouth wash            U.S. military for sodomy.                      During Barack Obama’s Presiden-              Although he agrees they are still
and combs his hair.                              Sodomy (sexual intercourse be-         tial campaign in 2009 he promised the        his fellow Marines and brothers, the
    “The storm caused thousands of dol-      tween two males) has been grounds          repeal of the military law and, after        situation seems uncomfortable.
lars of damage but claimed no lives.”        for discharge from the American            winning the election, went right to              “If you think about it this way: It’s
    Spitting out the mouth wash, he                                                     work on the effort.                          similar to a straight guy showering
reaches down to tie his shoes.
    “In other news, Obama fulfills one of
his pledges.”
    Running downstairs, he shoves
his arms through the coat holes and
drops the car keys in his pocket.
                                             changed.  ”
                                             military since the Revolutionary War,
                                             but over the past century, a lot has

                                                 The United States entered World
                                             War II with new psychiatric screen-
                                             ing added to the military’s induction
                                             process; which differentiated homo-
                                                                                            By a vote of 65 to 33, with eight
                                                                                        Republicans joining the Democrats,
                                                                                        the Senate approved and sent Obama
                                                                                        a repeal of the Clinton-era law.
                                                                                            “As commander in chief, I am also
                                                                                        absolutely convinced that making
                                                                                                                                     with a bunch of women he would
                                                                                                                                     be attracted to, and I’m sure no one
                                                                                                                                     would be comfortable with that,”
                                                                                                                                     Griess said.
                                                                                                                                         But the Senate’s vote will not
                                                                                                                                     change Griess’s mind on serving in
    “The Senate voted yesterday after-       sexuals from                               this change will only underscore the         the Marines.
noon the debated ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’     heterosexu-                                                               profession-       “I will fight next to a straight or
                                                              I believe anyone should be able alism of

policy.”                                     als in 1942.                                                                            gay guy as long as it means keeping
    The scent of freshly-toasted cherry      Gay service to serve for their country no                                 our troops    my country and people free and safe,”
Pop-Tarts wafts into the air as he           members                                                                   as the        Griess said. “I signed up because I
                                                             matter their race or sexual                               best led
shoves them in his mouth and slings          were court-                                                                             want to fight and earn my freedom,
the camouflage back-pack sitting by          martialed,      orientation.                                              and best      not just have it handed to me. Even
the door onto his shoulder.                  imprisoned,                   -ISS Supervisor & veteran, Jenn Parks trained             if that means giving my life I would
    “Yes America, Obama has won and          and dishon-                                                               fighting      gladly give it up for this nation and its
the law is repealed,” blares from the T.V.   orably discharged.                                                        force the     people.”
through the kitchen just as he opens             In 1944, a new policy said ho-         world has ever known,” Obama said.               Miss Parks, a Navy veteran, views
the door to speed to school.                 mosexuals were to be committed                 Not only the Senate, but most of         the repeal differently from Griess.
    His mind goes completely blank.          to military hospitals, examined by         the military itself is in favor of this          “I believe anyone should be able to
    July is when he’s scheduled for          psychiatrists and discharged.              transition.                                  serve for their country no matter their
recruit training, only a few months          Throughout the next couple of                  “Today’s vote means gay and              race or sexual orientation,” Parks said.
away. He’s been waiting for almost a         decades, policies were changed, but        lesbian service members posted all               Even though she doesn’t serve
year to finally be a part of the few, the    homosexuals were always discharged         around the world can stand taller            anymore, she sees the future of the
proud, the Marines.                          in some manner.                            knowing that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’         military service men unchanged.
    But he doesn’t know what to think            In the 1970s, the gay and lesbian      will soon be coming to an end,” said             “I don’t think anyone will have to
now. This could change everything.           rights movement emerged in the             Aubrey Sarvis, an Army veteran and           act or do anything different from the
    Sure, he knows some homosexuals          United States. The movement chose          executive director for Service mem-          repeal of this law,” Parks said.
and even counts a few as friends, but        the anti-gay military policy as one of     bers Legal Defense Network.                      Not only do future servicemen and
how will this change his service in the      its main targets. The Department of            For many, this repeal will mean a        veterans have opinions on this case,
military?                                    Defense issued a 1982 policy, stating      complete change in the way the mili-         but many of the students and faculty
    Driving to school he thinks, “Will       homosexuality was clearly incompat-        tary can train and fight.                    at SHS have a say.
I have to bunk with one?” or “Will I         ible with military service.                    R. Clarke Cooper, a member of                A survey was handed out Wednes-
have to shower with them, now that               Once Bill Clinton won the Presi-       the Army Reserve, said repeal will           day the 12th to eight homerooms.
they can be very open about it?”             dency in 1993 Congress worked right        "finally end a policy which has              Sixty-one students and 19 faculty
    Things will be different from what       away to enact the existing military        burdened our armed services for far          members responded.
he planned, but regardless of the re-        policy on homosexuals. This is where       too long, depriving our nation of the            Fifty-two percent of the students
peal, he will still fight for his country.   the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ (DADT)         talent, training and hard won battle         are in support of the repeal of DADT
                     ***                     policy finally surfaced.                   experience of thousands of patriotic         and 48% voted not in support of the
    It’s 1778. Every countryman fights           DADT restricts the United States       Americans. "                                 repeal. Sixteen faculty members are in
for the new world: America. People           military from efforts to discover or           Now the question is: what do ser-        support of the repeal and three aren’t
want to see this country flourish to the     reveal the sexuality of secretive homo- vicemen think of this change?                   in support.
unstoppable giant it is today, which         sexual or bisexual service members or          Senior Taylor Griess, an August              With the repeal new and fresh the
means stopping at nothing, fighting          applicants, while barring those who        enlisted Marine, does not agree with         changes to the law are just now going
with everything you have, and never          are openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual       the policy ban.                              into effect. Whether this helps or hurts
giving up.                                   from military service.                         “I think the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’     the military, men and women are will-
    The American military in the                 Clinton said that the policy would     policy was great because you didn’t          ing to fight for their country no matter
Revolutionary War was small but              establish “a decent regard for the         have to worry about having to shower         the circumstance.
                                                                                                                                                            FEATURE |     5
Financial Aid Night
               Students and parents are invited to attend a financial aid
                                                                                                                           Anne Talbot, PsyD
                  presentation to learn more about the following:
                                                                                                                            Mark Hald, PhD          2622 Avenue C.
                         FAFSA forms • Scholarships • Pell grants • Student loans
                          Any other questions you have about paying for college                                             Alan Smith, PhD         Scottsbluff, NE
                                                                                                                      Charlotte Ingram, LMHP, ATR   308- 632- 8547
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                                   Advanced Technology Center
                                     February 5 • 10:00 a.m.                                                           Pregnant?
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   Drawings for door prizes will          Prizes include scholarships     Open and free to anyone looking to attend
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800.348.4435                                                                                                                          10 East 17th Street • Scottsbluff, NE
                                                                                                                      SB Echos Quarter Page b_Layout 1 1/17/2011 11:28 AM Page 1

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                                                                                                                                         633-NEWS (6397)
                                                                                                                             PO Box 532, Gering or 1447 10th Street, Gering
When the right to                                                                                                                the
         FREEDOM OF SPEECH                                                                                                                   staff

            becomes the                                                                                                              editor-in-chief | KARIN SHEDD

FREEDOM TO HATE                                                                                                                      news editor | SCOUT WILSON
                                                                                                                                     news writer | RYAN MEISTER

America will be a nation divided
                                                                                                                                     feature editor | MEGHAN PRITCHARD
                                                                                                                                     feature writer | RACHEL CLEMENS
                                                                                                                                     feature writer | ASHLEIGH SMITH

       The recent shooting in Tucson is evidence of an even bigger                                                                   center section editor | GABRIELLE CARLIN
               problem in American politics: a lack of unity
                                                                                                                                     center section writer | ETHAN HUGHES

          reedom of speech: the shin-       to his/her personal flaws, no mat-             It is this atmosphere of hate and
          ing tour de force of America’s    ter how old or outrageous, and, as a       divisiveness, peddled for profit and          entertainment editor | RUSSELL MORGAN
          political system.                 consequence, the ethical constraints       election victories by television pun-
    In the late 18th century, this First    of civility have been pushed and           dits, rabid party leaders, candidates         entertainment writer | VICTORIA BRAVO
Amendment right served as a beacon          strained to the point where no one is      for public office, and the media alike –
of hope for a haggardly war-torn            sure anymore where exactly the line        all of whom work under the protec-
band of colonies looking to repair the      on smear campaigns is or should be         tive umbrella of the First Amendment          sports editor | KELSEY EMPFIELD
damage inflicted by the tyranny of the      drawn.                                     – that was bared all too clearly that         sports writer | MADDIE HOLSCHER
British Parliament.                             Before last year’s mid-term elec-      day in Tucson when Jared Loughner
                                                                                                                                     sports writer | MICHAEL MILLER
    For generations thereafter, it held     tions, Sarah Palin, a rising political     wounded fourteen people and killed
the promise of a better, brighter future    star and GOP/Tea Party favorite for        six more, including a nine year-old
for the millions of immigrants who          a 2012 presidential candidate, posted      girl.
                                                                                                                                     ad manager | CHANDLER BRILL
landed at Ellis Island.                     on her website a picture encouraging           Giffords herself remains in critical
    Today, it is the constitutional right   voters to ‘take a stand’ against twenty    condition after one of Loughner’s             ad manager | CASEY SIGRIST
most exuberantly employed and               Democratic                                                      bullets tore through
fiercely defended by American citi-         Congressmen       The views expressed                           her head. While doc-
                                                                                                                                     adviser | TERRY PITKIN
zens from every branch of the political     and women                                                       tors remain highly
spectrum. We as a nation brandish           (including        in this editorial were                        optimistic about her
free speech more than any other
right as proof of the equality and fair
                                            Giffords) who
                                                               supported 13-2 by                            chances of recovery,
                                                                                                            it is currently impos-
                                                                                                                                         The Echoes is a monthly pub-
                                                                                                                                     lication printed by the Business
principles of our particular brand of       supported the        The Echoes staff                           sible to know the        Farmer. The Echoes is a member of
democracy.                                  recent health                                                   extent of the damage     the Nebraska High School Press
    But, on Sat., January 8, 2011, 22-      care reform                                                     done to her mind.        Association and the International
year old Jared Loughner violently           bill – all well and good in the spirit         We can only hope that what                Order of the Quill and Scroll.
exposed a bitter truth about America’s      of competition that defines American       remains of her life will serve as a               The Echoes encourages readers
exploitation of the right to free speech    politics.                                  cautionary tale for all Americans. Re-        to write letters to the editor in re-
when he opened fire on a crowd of               What made Palin’s photo cross          gardless of party or political ideology,      sponse to a story, but does reserve
people meeting with Congresswoman           the line from ‘competitive’ to ‘di-        for us to make progress as one nation,        the right to publish said letter.
Gabrielle Giffords in a suburb of Tuc-      visive’ were the depictions of the         we all need to put aside the hate and,            The Echoes also encourages
son, Arizona:                               recommended method for defeating           no matter how much we disagree                all readers to submit their ideas
    Too much freedom of speech has con-     the Democratic health care support-        with one another, remember that our
                                                                                                                                     for story coverage, feedback on
                                                                                                                                     stories, and any other input.
sequences.                                  ers – on a map of the US, over the         freedom to speak has consequences
                                                                                                                                         The Echoes
    Gone are the days when two peo-         respective districts represented by        when taken to the extreme.
                                                                                                                                         Scottsbluff High School
ple on opposite sides of an issue could     each Congressman and woman, Palin              Information for this editorial taken
                                                                                                                                         313 East 27th St.
have a civil exchange of ideas without      superimposed the crosshairs of a gun.      from:                                             Scottsbluff, NE 69361
resorting to mud-slinging, denuncia-            Certainly Palin’s intentions were          1.             Letters with obscene, slander-
tory rhetoric. The proof of this blatant    not for people to literally hunt down      news/2010/10/22/5334751-republican-           ous, libelous, or false information
exploitation of America’s constitu-         and shoot the accused Democrats, and       house-candidate-calls-for-violent-govern-     will not be fun. The letter must also
tional rights is evident in nearly every    she is assuredly not the only politician   ment-overthrow-if-gop-loses-election-         be signed to be run. Content may
political campaign throughout the           to ever have made such a bold move –           2. http://tpmlivewire.talkingpoints-      be edited due to grammatical or
country, from the casting of doubt on       however, this example, along with the       content needs. A signed copy must
President Obama’s citizenship status        finger-pointing on the part of liberals    to-identify-dems-who-voted-for-health-        be presented to the Scottsbluff
and religion to accusations that Sena-      who blame the entire right wing for        care-reform.php                               High School journalism depart-
tor John McCain collaborated with his       this tragedy, merely goes to show              3. http://www.huffingtonpost.             ment, room 130. Also, please check
captors during his time as a prisoner       the unchecked toxicity of the current      com/2008/01/17/smear-campaign-                out The Echoes’
of war in Vietnam.                          atmosphere of American politics, one       against-mc_n_81950.html                       group and MySpace page online!
    The focus of political campaigns,       that seems to say that Americans are           4.
it seems, has almost entirely switched      no longer the united country we once       mitchell-bard/mccains-smear-campaign-
from a candidate’s ideas and opinions       were.                                      wi_b_137284.html
                                                                                                                                                           OPINION |        7
Spider webs,
toads, and shoes
                                                                                                            The Top 5...
                                                                                                             most irrational                      most common                        strangest phobia
 Three students talk candidly about their phobias                                                            phobias                              phobias                            names
story by                                                                                                    1. Geniphobia -                     1. Arachnophobia -
Ethan hughEs | center section writer
                                                                                                                     fear of chins                       fear of spiders             1. Hippopotomonstrosesqui-
     Freshman Kim DeLeon was only five years
old on that fateful day. A day that haunts her
                                                     dhi wore flip-flops. Thus forth, we can satiri-
                                                     cally prove: shoes = evil,” Bartow said.               2. Caligynephobia -                                                      ppedaliophobia -
over ten years later.                                    Bartow never had a traumatic experience                      fear of beautiful women 2. Social Phobia -                                fear of long words
     “When I was about five, I was in my aunt’s      like DeLeon or Hughes, but he definitely had
garage playing with all the toys. As I looked        a turning point, or better yet, an enlightening        3. Consecotaleophobia -                      fear of social situations   2. Hexakosioihexekontahexa-
around, I discovered a HUGE spider web               for this young Gandhi.
on the wall. It was almost as big as I was! I            “I’ve always hated things on my feet.                         fear of chopsticks                                            phobia -
walked towards, touched it, and it got stuck         When I was little I would crush my shoes
                                                                                                                                                3. Aerophobia -
on my arm. I got scared and started to cry. I        into mini sandals. In the summer before sixth          4. Eisoptrophobia -                          fear of flying                         fear of the number 666
tried to get it off, but it just got worse,” De-     grade, I put on flip-flops and never took them
Leon said.                                           off. I think people have more of a traumatic                      fear of your own                                              3. Paraskavedekatriaphobia -
     A traumatic experience no doubt. A young        experience at the sight of my feet than I do
child caught in the grips of a stringy prison.       with shoes,” Bartow said.                                         reflection               4. Claustrophobia -                             fear of Friday the 13th
                                                                                                            5. Arachibutyrophobia -
     While most of the normal world would                Although these three have very different
have brushed off the nuisance in a nonchalant        phobias, all have gotten similar reactions from                                                      fear of confined spaces    4. Didaskaleinophobia -
manner,                                              people who witness the phobias in action.
     DeLeon, however, was stricken with fear             “People will usually say ‘wow’ and laugh                      fear of peanut butter                                                    fear of school
and succumbed to a condition called a phobia.        when they watch me run from a spider web.                         sticking to the roof     5. Acrophobia -
     Phobia [foh-bee-uh]                             They usually get a confused look on their
                                                                                                                       of your mouth                     fear of heights             5. Triskadekaphobia -
     –noun                                           face,” DeLeon said.
     a persistent, irrational fear of a specific         “People think being scared of toads is                                                                                                 fear of the number 13
object, activity, or situation that leads to a       ridiculous. They laugh their heads off at me,

                                                                                                           Wait, you’re
compelling desire to avoid it.                       try to comfort me between stifled chuckles,
     There are an infinite number of phobias.        or sometimes they’ll pick up the toads and                                                                                             story by
People can be irrationally afraid of anything        throw them as far away as possible,” Hughes                                                                                            gabriEllE Carlin | center section editor                       If a person grows up with a mother or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       father that reacts with intense fear when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with a phobia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Medications, such as beta blockers, anti-
and everything...                                    said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Your heart starts beating out of your chest.     shown a spider, then, more likely than not,        depressants, and sedatives, may be used to
     For most people, a spider web is a trivial          “I get a lot of questions as to why I’m
                                                                                                                                                                                                      You feel like all the oxygen is being ripped     that person will learn to react the same way as    help calm and prevent the feelings of anxiety

                                                                                                                                      afraid of
common occurrence in human life – but to             wearing sandals when it’s snowing. I also
                                                                                                                                                                                                 from your lungs as you desperately gasp for           his/her parent when shown a spider.                caused by phobias.
DeLeon, it’s a phobia.                               get a lot of laughs when people see me kick
                                                                                                                                                                                                 air.                                                      Experts also believe that phobias may              Another popular phobia treatment is be-
     “When I see one, I freak out. If I get in one   my shoes off as quickly as possible when I’m
                                                                                                                                                                                                      You stumble a little as your knees begin to      develop as a result of a bad experience.           havior therapy, which is an exposure therapy
I’ll get nervous and teary eyed,” DeLeon said.       forced to wear them,” Bartow said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 give out and your hands violently shake and               A person suffering from glossophobia –         that helps change a patient’s reaction to the
     This may sound irrational, but DeLeon’s             Some fears, like being afraid of the dark as
                                                                                                                                                                                                 fill with sweat.                                      the fear of speaking in public – might have        situation or object that sparks the fear by

fear of spider webs pales in comparison to           a child, are grown out of. DeLeon hopes she
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Stop it! You’re being ridiculous…” but,         embarrassingly stuttered through a speech          gradually exposing the patient to their fear
sophomore Claire Hughes’ fear of toads.              might one day be able to overcome her fear.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 no matter how many times you tell yourself            as a child and had his peers point and laugh       more and more, until the feeling of anxiety
     “Anytime I see a toad, regardless of how            “I try to take steps to get rid of my fear,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 you’re being unreasonable, the anxiety you            at him, thus ruining whatever career he may        subsides.
far away it is, it is a traumatic experience         and I almost did once too. My parents try
                                                                                                                                                                                                 feel is uncontrollable.                               have had in public speaking because the mere           Another form of therapy involves the
for me. I’ll scream, cry and hyperventilate,”        to help me, but my brother just chases me
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Phobias - an intense, often irrational, fear     thought of talking in front of a crowd makes       patient working with a therapist to view the
Hughes said.                                         around with them. I really hope I can over-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of an object, situation, or activity, - are a scary   his throat constrict.                              object or situation of fear in a different, more
     Like DeLeon, Hughes has had this phobia         come this fear. I would be so proud!” DeLeon
                                                                                                                                                                                                 reality for approximately 26.7% of Americans.             While the cause of phobias is a little hazy,   positive light, the goal of which is for the pa-
since she was a wee lass.                            said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      There are over 600 documented phobias            it is understood that some people are more         tient to gain control over his emotions when
     “I have always been scared of toads, but            As for Bartow and Hughes, things might
                                                                                                                                                                                                 recognized by medical experts. From achluo-           likely to suffer from a phobia than others.        confronted with fear.
not to the extent that I am now. I think it all      not pass over that easily.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 phobia – fear of darkness – to zoophobia                  Most phobias develop in childhood, so              While many people think phobias are silly
began when I was a little girl at my friend’s            “I don’t do things to try and overcome my
                                                                                                                                                                                                 – fear of animals – just name it, and there’s         people under the age of 25 are at a higher risk    and juvenile, they have the ability to take over
house, and I stepped on one barefoot. I think        fear. I don’t see toads that often, so it isn’t a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 probably a phobia of it.                              of suffering from a phobia.                        and even ruin a person’s life.
that’s how the severity began,” Hughes said.         common occurrence, but as soon as I do I run
                                                                                                                                                                                                      While many people look at a person with              Also, females are more likely to suffer from       Feelings of social isolation and depression
     Although spider webs and toads may seem         the other direction as far as I can go. I might
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the fear of the color white and think, “This          phobias than males are. However, this may          are extremely common in people suffering
like odd things to be afraid of, some phobias        overcome it when I get older, but it’s not
                                                                                                                                                                                                 guy is crazy,” the truth is that leukophobia -        be an effect of men’s tendency to hide their       from phobias – and people with extreme pho-
one would never guess.                               likely since I’m not trying to conquer my fear

                                                                                                           Approximately 57.7 million Americans
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the fear of the color white – is legitimate.          anxiety, while women feel more comfortable         bias often turn to substance abuse as a way to
     Freshman Andrew Bartow hasn’t worn              anyway,” Hughes said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      So, what causes people to fear such com-         talking with experts about their fears and be-     deal with their fears.
closed-toed shoes since sixth grade, although            “I don’t really think I need to face this
                                                                                                                                                                                                 mon and irrational things?                            ing diagnosed.                                         Almost everyone is afraid of something;
he wouldn’t go so far as to call it a phobia.        ‘fear.’ It doesn’t really impair me. It’s not near-

                                                                                                           over the age of 18 suffer from a phobia
                                                                                                                                                                                                      There’s a lack of medical research sur-              Speaking of being diagnosed, how does          it can be anything from germs to floss. The
     “I wouldn’t call it a phobia, because it is     ly as bad as walking in the snow as people
                                                                                                                                                                                                 rounding phobias, but many experts believe            one go about curing a phobia?                      point is to take it easy and not allow fear to
completely rational. Hitler wore shoes, Gan-         think. It’s something I was born with and I
                                                                                                                                                                                                 phobias stem from parents, which makes                    There are a couple of things that medical      control your life.

8 | CENTER SECTION                                   don’t think I’ll get rid of it,” Bartow said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 sense.                                                advisors may turn to when treating a patient
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CENTER SECTION |        9
bowels of this blasted typewriter. This     cell phones offer people are all well
                                                                                   valiant effort of mine is the culmina-      and good (get in a car wreck in the
                                                                                   tion of a week-long experiment I have       middle of nowhere? No problem!), the
                                                                                   undertaken to live as my parents did        dependence we in the modern world
                                                                                   when they were my age back in that          seem to have on them is sometimes
                                                                                   simpler era, that veritable technologi-     shocking.
                                                                                   cal dark age about which my genera-             Take what happened on day five,
                                                                                   tion’s parents will reminisce and refer     for example. On Friday, January 7,
                                                                                   to as “the good ol’ days” as they drift     my fellow show choir members and I
                                                                                   into the senility of their golden years:    performed at Governor Heineman’s
                                                                                   the 70’s, baby.                             breakfast inauguration at the Gering
                                                                                       To say this was a trying experi-        Civic Center.
                                                                                   ence would be like saying Jeffrey               But, due to a last minute change
                                                                                   Dahmer had only a slight affinity for       of schedule of which our director in-
                                                                                   violence. For seven days, I abstained       formed us via text message, I wound
                                                                                   from all technology not available to        up sprinting into the Civic Center
                                                                                   the average American before the year        half an hour later than I should have,
                                                                                   1975 - no cell phone, computer, iPod,       my hair disheveled and damp from
                                                                                   microwave, satellite TV, VHS/DVD            that morning’s swimming practice,
                                                                                   player, or television remote (avoiding      and crowding into the room literally

It’s the 70’s, Man                                                                 commercials has never been so hard)
                                                                                   - all while surrounded by people end-
                                                                                   lessly indulging in said items.
                                                                                                                               seconds before the photographer
                                                                                                                               snapped a photo of the show choir
                                                                                                                               with the governor.
 In an era of Android cell phones, touch-screen iPods, and                             It was like being a recovering              Though I’m pretty sure I looked
  Google Television, I attempt to abstain from it all for one                      alcoholic in a wine cellar - at times,      like a total schmuck because of that
    week to live the life of an ordinary American in 1975                          the temptation was more than I could        little stunt, I blame neither the direc-
                                                                                   bear, like on the third night of my         tor nor myself for this scheduling
personal commentary by KaRIn sheDD                                                 experiment.                                 fiasco - it was a product of the times
                                                                                       That evening, I had a dramatic          in which we live. In a world of instant
    “Message Sent.”                       wound up sitting pretzel-style on the
                                                                                   meltdown involving the inexplicable         communication, the need for planning
    I snapped my little red flip-phone    floor of my room, typing this column
                                                                                   (at the time) disappearance of my sta-      ahead disappears.
shut, dropped it in my lap, and           on an obscenely heavy, 1982 electronic
                                                                                   tistics folder and textbook. When my            And who knows? Maybe the gov-
resumed staring out the window of         typewriter emitting an incessant whir-
                                                                                   mind is reduced to such a scrambled         ernor will use my antics as a mildly
my dad’s Prius at the bleak Nebraska      ring noise from who knows where
                                                                                   blob of stress, I have trouble sleeping,    amusing anecdote to entertain his
landscape blurring by at 65 miles per     and making a TAP nearly as loud as a
                                                                                   so I caved sought comfort from the          guests at dinner parties - which was
hour.                                     sonic boom every time I press a but-
                                                                                   collection of movies on my laptop -         exactly the thought I wanted to post
    Then I started bobbing my head        ton (and I type at a speedy 120 words-
                                                                                   the dulcet tones of Donald O’Connor,        on my Facebook.
and humming along with Elton              per-minute,
                                                                                                                                   Ahh, Facebook. My kryptonite.
John’s “Candle in the Wind” playing       which
                                                            By the                                                                 I have used Facebook since

through the speakers from my dad’s        makes my
                                                                                                                               mid-2007, but, over the years, it has
iPod.                                     room sound
                                                                                                                               evolved from an entertaining pastime
    Your candle burned out long be-       something
                                                                                                                               to a finely-honed procrastinating tool.
fore your legend ever did…                like what
                                                                                                                               I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but
    The ethereal, otherworldly melody
                                          I imagine
                                          soldiers         3,339 - average number of text messages sent                        this experiment has opened my eyes
of Enya’s “Orinoco Flow” cut off          heard in the     and received per month by teens aged 13-17 in 2008                  to just how addicted I am to Mark
                                                                                                                               Zuckerburg’s brain-child.
Elton mid-chorus.                         trenches of
    My phone buzzed. I pulled it out,
read the text message, swiftly tapped
                                          World War
                                                           285,610,580 - number of activated                                       I used to spend my free time
                                                                                                                               reading or playing the piano. Now I
out a reply, and snapped it shut again.       Ac-
                                                           cell phones in the United States (Dec. 2009)                        fritter away hours ‘creeping’ on my
                                                                                                                               so-called ‘friends’ - commenting on
I scratched my upper left arm and
reached again for the iPod.
                                          cording to
                                                           600,000,000 - number of users                                       their walls, checking up on their rela-
    *click*                               of studies,      active on Facebook as of January, 2011                              tionship statuses, and perusing their
                                                                                                                               photo albums for the umpteenth time.
    Can’t buy me love, love!              my genera-
                                                                                                                               Breaking myself of these habits, resist-
    I twirled a lock of my hair around    tion suffers
                                                                                                                               ing the urge to remain updated on
my finger while the Beatles sang          from a myriad of problems – shorter
                                                                                   Debbie Reynolds, and Gene Kelly in          the lives of the 600 million people on
about diamond rings and the kinds         attention spans and poor conversa-
                                                                                   Singin’ In The Rain turned out to be        Facebook, was as painful a process as
of things that money just can’t buy.      tional skills, to name a few – because
                                                                                   just the trick to cure my insomnia,         Lindsay Lohan’s many stints in rehab.
Then I plucked one of my dog’s hairs      our lives are so inundated with
                                                                                   though I did feel appropriate guilt             But, in the end (the seventh day,
off the knee of my jeans. Blew a piece    technology. From iPods to cell phones
                                                                                   about cheating in the morning.              that is), I survived with my sanity
of dust off my glasses. Inspected the     to computers to television, most of us
                                                                                       Surprisingly, I had significantly       intact and was, I believe, successfully
contents of the glove compartment.        are rarely more than several feet from
                                                                                   less trouble giving up my cell phone.       rehabilitated. No longer do I feel the
Picked at a hangnail. Twiddled my         an electronic device for more than a
                                                                                   Since my family no longer has a             pressing need to respond to a text
thumbs. Let my finger once more drift     few minutes per day.
                                                                                   landline, my phone sat where the            message immediately. No longer do
to the iPod’s “skip” button.                  And, apparently, I so thoroughly
                                                                                   landline used to be, and it had an          I rely on my laptop to soothe me into
    “You’re twitchy,” my dad com-         manifested the side-effects of this
                                                                                   imaginary, circa-1970’s cord attaching      sleep. No longer do I skip to another
mented.                                   cultural phenomenon that I failed to
                                                                                   it to the wall, meaning I was trapped       song after only 30 seconds of the first
    “Twitchy?” I asked.                   realize I had done so until my dad
                                                                                   in the kitchen any time I took a call.      one.
    “Yep. Twitchy,” he repeated.          cavalierly pointed it out to me that
                                                                                   Still, I discovered that living without a       ...okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a
    And that is the story of how I        day.
                                                                                   phone on my immediate person was...         bit.
                                              So, here I am, trying to wrest a
                                                                                   liberating.                                     But I am less ‘twitchy.’
10 | OPINION                              workable piece of journalism from the
                                                                                       While the reassurance and security
Cat Calendar
21st- GSW/BSW Twin City Inv.- 4pm
    WR VR @ Chadron Inv. – TBA
22nd- SAT Testing
     GSW/BSW –Twin City Inv.- 11am
    GBB JV & VAR vs Sidney- 2/3:30 pm
 BBB 10th, JV, & VAR vs Gering @ WNCC- 4/7pm
    WR VAR @ Chadron Inv. – TBA
   SP @ Gering- TBA
24th- GBB 9 & 10th @ Chey. Central- 5/6:30pm      February
     BBB 9 & 10th vs Chey. Central 5/6:30pm     2nd- Ground Hog Day
27th- GBB/BBB 9th vs Gering- 5/6:30pm           3rd- Hasting Honor Choir
28th- GSW/BSW @ Omaha Westside Diving                Chinese New Year
29th- WR JV & VAR @ Mitchel Inv- 9am      4th-BBB 10st JV & VAR vs Alliance- 4/ 7pm
   GSW/BSW @ Omaha Westside Swimming- 11am SP @ Kearney Inv.- TBA
                                                                                                All School Year Long
                                                                                                                   Every 10th
    GBB/BBB 9th vs N.Platte- 12/ 1:30pm 5th- WR VAR GNAC @ McCook- 9am
    BBB 10th JV & VAR @ Sidney                     GBB/BBB 9th @ Alliance- 9/10:30 pm
    SP @ Gordon-Rushville- TBA                    BBB 10th JV & VAR @ Sidney 4/7:30pm                            student gets a
                                                                                                                   free lunch
31st-GBB/BBB JV vs Gering 5:30/7pm                GBB JV & VAR @ Sidney- 6/7:30pm
                                                  SP @ Gothenburg Inv- TBA
                                               7th- GBB/BBB 9th vs Chadron- 4/5:30pm                             Student Specials
                                                   NCDA Show Choir Competition @
                                                  Imperial- 7pm
                                               10th-GBB JV & VAR vs Lexington 5:45/7:30pm                        2201 Broadway
                                                 BBB JV & VAR @ Lexington- 5:45/7:30pm
 The CAT CALENDAR is brought to you by the
                                    Hey girls!                                                 Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia,
      Just wanna dance but no where to go?                                                       Reggaeton, Hip-Hop,
      Come Zumba and get your groove on!
                                                                                                  Bollywood tunes!!
                                                                                              Tues/ Thurs, nights 7:00- 8:00 pm
                                                                                                 Feb. 1st through March 10th
                                                                                                          (6 weeks)
                                                                                                      at the Warehouse
                                                                                              (across from the Panhandle Coop)
                                                                                                Student price for 6 wk. session
                                                                                               only $40.00!! ( regular $60.00)
                                                                                                  (Drop in price $5 per class)
                                                                                              Call Stacy @ 631-7373 or, email
                                                                                               her at
                                                                                             or, just show up Tuesday Jan. 24th
                                                                                                   and get ready to dance!
                                                                                            WARNING: NOT your mother’s Zumba!
Issue 5 January 2011
Issue 5 January 2011
Issue 5 January 2011
Issue 5 January 2011
Issue 5 January 2011

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Issue 5 January 2011

  • 1. ECHOES Scottsbluff High School | Jan. 20, 2011 | Volume 94 | Issue 5 Hometown royalty 2010 SHS graduate Teresa Scanlan named Miss America 2011 | pg. 3 Scanlan performs as Sharpay Evans in SHS’ 2010 musical, High School Musical. photo by Gordon Rock [also] Major victory for the gay rights move- ment when President Obama signs repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell | pg. 5
  • 2. Valedictorian requirements changing For the class of 2013 and beyond, only one student will claim the title of Valedictorian story by and salutatorian, there will be a new possible for a student to get B’s in in courses and get students to engage SCOUT WILSON | news editor category added to the equation for the classes of 2011and 2012: an Advanced AP courses and still keep a 4.0 GPA. Students who are scoring A’s have a in harder more challenging classes,” Cantril said. The second semester has com- Placement (AP) valedictorian. better chance in the running for AP For the classes following 2012, the menced and, with it, the excitement of This will give students an oppor- valedictorian as their GPA could be second category will cease and the graduation. tunity to compete with other students higher than a 4.0. regular system will revert to the new Graduation is a time of crying enrolled in AP courses, rather than The regular valedictorian and weighted system. mothers, long processions, time con- less academically challenging classes. salutatorian will be based, as always, This in turn could result in the suming speeches, recognizing student In order to be eligible to be the AP on accumulated percentage rather selection of a single valedictorian and achievements, and awarding the top valedictorian, students must take at than GPA. salutatorian for the classes of 2013 and of the class. least one AP course, but the more a Principal Rick Porter believes it beyond. The top of the class is a coveted student takes the better their chance will be a good thing for students and Students expecting the same old group made of the students who keep at the title. their GPA. status quo in May with the graduation their grades as a main priority. One reason for this new title is to “One of the goals of the change is speeches maybe pleasantly surprised. In recent years, however, that ‘cov- introduce a weighted Grade Point Av- to raise the GPA by getting students to Instead of the traditional valedic- eted group’ has grown significantly in erage (GPA) scale, where AP courses challenge themselves to try for those torian and salutatorian speeches, a size, with some classes having numer- are ranked on a 5-point scale. titles,” Porter said. committee will be created for students ous salutatorians and valedictorians. This means if a student receives an Counselor Rick Cantril also thinks wishing to audition to speak at gradu- To combat this phenomenon and ‘A’ in an AP course they will get five it would be good for student enroll- ation. restore the tradition of valedictorian credits rather than the traditional four. ment in class. This change could be a permanent With this new system it would be “It should increase participation part of graduation for years to come. The future of study hall Teacher salaries in Nebraska story by make an average of $2,933.74 per It may become mandatory for all grades RYAN MEISTER | news writer student, while our teachers make $2,660.59. story by Nebraska nationally ranks 42 in Even though Lincoln schools have SCOUT WILSON | news editor Principal Rick Porter has seen good average teacher salary in the United States. What, if anything, does this say a higher population, they have a bet- things come from this study hall. ter student-to-teacher ratio than SHS Riiinnggg! “It seems that some sophomores about Nebraska? does. On average they also get paid It’s 11:30 and you know what that are taking on an attitude that they are It says the average teacher in more per student than the teachers at means........IT’S LUNCH TIME! failing and that study hall is some- Nebraska makes around $40,382 an- Scottsbluff. Students have already burst out thing they need to do and want to get nually. With the teacher per student The question then becomes if of their classrooms creating a flow of their grades up,” Porter said. ratio being 13.5 students per teacher, Scottsbluff teachers have a higher hungry and impatient teens. The study hall certainly does create it means teachers make just under student to teacher ratio than Lincoln Many are going to the parking lot a lot of incentive to have good grades $3,000 per student. Southeast, why don’t our teachers get hoping to get a chance to get out be- and would be good incentive for all This ranks Nebraska teachers’ paid as much or more? fore the chaos of driving teens ready students. wages at about the 25 percentile in the The answer: property tax. Property to get far away from school. This will become a reality in the nation. tax is what pays our teachers and But for some the lunch bell sym- oncoming years as juniors will be However, teachers at SHS make supports our public school system, bolizes more than lunch, it’s also the added to the list of students who with an average of $45,230, compared to and with Lincoln’s greater population call of study hall. a failing grade will face a mandatory Lincoln high school teachers which they can afford to pay teachers more, This year there has been a manda- noon study hall. make $46,940. even though they have several differ- tory study hall during lunch for any The following year seniors will be At Lincoln Southeast High School ent districts. freshman or sophomore with a failing added to the list, creating an all-grade the student per teacher ratio is 16:1, Even though teachers don’t get grade. mandatory noon study hall. while in Scottsbluff the average is paid enough, most of them teach for 17:1. the love of teaching and not for the 2 | NEWS This means that teachers in Lincoln economic aspect of it.
  • 3. BRIEFLY SHS Graduate wins Miss America s pe akin g Teresa Scanlan’s victory is a first for Nebraska and the nation Speech team wins story by prestigious SCOUT WILSON | news editor Cheyenne meet “And the 90th anniversary Miss family’s America, your 2011 Miss America is….. restaurant Recently the Scottsbluff Miss Nebraska, Teresa Scanlan!” watching Speech Team has been on roll What followed was the collec- the evening asthey placed first in a challeng- tive gasp of a family, a community, a unfold. ing Cheyenne meet as well as taking second at Alliance on the state, and a nation, all reacting to an “I was same day.. unprecedented achievement. at the the The Wyoming meet took On Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011, Teresa, Skyport place over a two-day period, a 2010 SHS graduate, was named the and besides with four preliminary rounds, 90th anniversary Miss America at the crying I was a semi-final round, and then Las Vegas Planet Hollywood Casino jumping up finals. and Resort, making her the youngest and down. The meet gave students the winner since the age limit (17-24 years I ran into opportunity to compete against of age) was imposed in 1938 and the the kitchen speakers they will face in March to qualify for Nationals in June. first Miss Nebraska to ever win the and started Schools involved in the meet title. screaming, included Fort Collins, CO., Teresa’s win sent shock waves of ‘She won! Lead and Deadwood, S.D., as excitement and pride through the Teesh won!’ well as Green River and Chey- Cornhusker state and left the Nebras- and then I enne, WY. ka fans attending the pageant hoarse ran to all the The Cheyenne Central Heart from cheering. tables at the of the Rockies Tournament “We were expecting her to do restaurant resulted in several Scottsbluff really well, but as the cuts kept hap- screaming speech members displaying an outstanding performance plac- pening and she kept being included, and crying ing them in the top positions. we kept freaking out,” sophomore and telling In Drama Interpretation: Christine Scanlan, Teresa’s younger every per- Nick Roussel placed first, Sara sister said. son I saw,” Frederick finished second, and Emotions ran high when 2010 Miss Schluter Tyler Webber took fifth place. America Caressa Cameron placed the said. In Humorous Interpretation crown on Teresa’s head. Follow- Webber took first, while Jay Grote placed third in Extempo- raneous Speaking. In Original Oratory, Maddy Parsley placed third, Frederick placed third in Poetry, and in Duo Interpretation Roussel and Webber placed second ” “There was a lot of crying when she won and then I was silent and stood there staring at her for about two minutes and then I started crying again,” Christine said. Senior Taylor Counter, one of Tere- ing the coronation, Teresa was ushered to a press confer- ence where sa’s closest friends, was in the balcony she talked about the experience. HIGH SCHOOL Teresamusical, High School last MUSICAL year’s Scanlan performs in Musical. Photo by Gordon Rock “I’m so excited to see what this year has in store for me,” Teresa said. while Victoria Bravo and Kirby section among “These girls are After the press conference, Teresa Thornton placed third. strangers at the at the highest level was allowed an hour in a suite over- With nine speakers from We were expecting her to do looking Las Vegas to relax and catch ” casino. imaginable; they’re Scottsbluff at the Cheyenne “They really well, but as the cuts kept up with family and friends. incredibly, high- meet, some ‘rookie’ speakers happening and she kept being “It was crazy because she all of competed at Alliance. called her caliber girls that are The Bearcat speakers name after a included, we kept freaking out. just so amazing in so a sudden had a bunch of security finished well, placing second long wait and -Christine Scanlan, 10 many ways,” Teresa people around her,” Counter said. behind Gering in the team race. I went crazy,” gushed about her “There were two guards outside the This was an impressive Counter said. competition in the room and three in it.” accomplishment considering “I don’t even remember her being pageant. Teresa was then whisked away the ‘rookies’ competed against crowned because I couldn’t see any- Despite being the youngest com- by pageant officials who flew her to some of the tougher speakers thing from the tears in my eyes,” New York to begin a series of public petitor at 17, Teresa said age did not ofromGering. appearances, some on national talk The Scottsbluff/Gering community affect the outcome. Derrick Goss placed first in Informative and Andrew celebrated similarly from nearly 1000 “We didn’t know ages. That didn’t shows like “Fox and Friends” and miles away. matter because at this point it’s about “The View”. Holsinger placed first in En- tertainment, with Goss taking Choir director Brad Ronne, who what we’re doing; it’s about what At this point, no one, not even fifth in Entertainment followed worked with Teresa last year in show the projects we’re involved in; it’s Teresa’s family, knows when she will by Latosha Rojas and Michael choir and in the spring musical, found about our dreams and our hearts and get to return to the Panhandle. Wright. the experience nerve-wracking. what we’re doing. It’s not about age “She won’t live with us anymore In Duet, Mariam Castelli and “When it was down to the final because age really is just a number,” and she now has a full time job with Sarah Hall placed second while five, I was so nervous,” Ronne said. barely any breaks until Christmas,” Teresa said. Nikki Catrina Anderson and Christine said. “Each time they called a name that Because she so thoroughly con- Michelle Clark placed fourth. For security purposes, Teresa’s Joey Orozco placed second in wasn’t Teresa, my eyes got bigger and vinced the panel of judges of this idea, my palms got clammier.” Teresa won a $50,000 scholarship and schedule is not made public. Serious Prose. Senior Jessica Schluter, another |3 a year of domestic and international close friend of Teresa’s, was at her travel. NEWS
  • 4. BACK After dropping out of high FOR school in 2009 and a stint at the Pine Ridge Job Corps, junior ROUND Skyler Sullivan is hoping to TWO make the most of his second Second chance at SHS. Photo by Terry Pitkin CHANCES Newman said she sees all kinds of different reasons why kids decide to drop out. “Some kids have school phobia while some struggle with school and just get tired and worn down but some live at homes where families are After dropping out of school a year in turmoil. For example, there are kids whose parents just got out of treat- ment and feel like they need to be at and a half ago, junior Skyler Sullivan home with their parents to make sure they aren’t using. Kids get behind in has returned to finish his education credits early on in high school and feel like they can’t catch up,” New- man said. Newman said drug and alcohol usage is another problem that often story by cally translates to upgraded juvenile tennis. makes it difficult for a student to be in RACHEL CLEMENS | feature writer detention center. Dakota Britthouer, a senior at school. Sullivan received $25 every two VALTS, also dropped out of high There are many things the school There are decisions and moments weeks. school. can do to try and convince students in every teen’s life they regret. “My experience at Job Corps was Britthouer decided to drop out of not to drop out. They include things like getting pretty rough. I didn’t really talk to high school because he was scared of They are shown statistically what that speeding ticket, not studying for many people; I was kind of a loner. getting jumped by people that didn’t their lifetime earnings would be. that final, sneaking out of the house, They treat you like you’re in prison, like him and he found it hard to con- Counselors also talk about alterna- dating the wrong guy or girl, shop- and I threw up every day from the centrate while seeing people he didn’t tives and how difficult they would be, lifting or not getting involved in an food they served,” Sullivan said. like in class. or showing them different ways they activity or sport. After Sullivan’s seven months at He dropped out in 9th grade, after can graduate. For junior Skyler Sullivan, one of Job Corps, he decided he wanted to being sentenced to the Department “Kids really only get one opportu- those moments happened when he come back to high school. of Corrections, a juvenile program in nity to go to high school. Sometimes a dropped out of high school at the When he first got back to Scotts- South Dakota, at age 11. kid drops out of high school and tries beginning of his junior year in 2009. bluff, Sullivan was going to start CNA A person is required to stay in the to come back and they are too old, After a year and a half Sullivan’s (certified nursing assistant) training program until age 21 unless they’re and don’t fit in with the age group of back for another try. and GED classes. released early for good behavior. classes they would be in, so we can’t “I regret dropping out of high “I thought about getting a GED, During Britthouer’s freshman year put them back in. They only have one school in the first place. I probably but with the economy right now a he got into trouble and was locked up chance to make this work,” Newman wouldn’t be having as many troubles GED probably isn’t going to get me at the end of the year. said. in my life right now if I wouldn’t have very far in life,” Sullivan said. “I also After getting out of jail, he wanted Students under the age of 18 who dropped out,” Sullivan said. thought about going to VALTS but to get back into school because of job decide to drop out have to get permis- Sullivan’s decision to drop out I didn’t want to be known as a kid opportunities. sion from their parents. wasn’t made on the spur-of-the- who went to VALTS. I wanted to be Britthouer started going to VALTS The legal age for dropping out moment. There were a lot of events known as a kid with their high school in September of 2009. He registered at is 16, but Newman thinks putting a leading up to his dropping out. diploma.” Sullivan said. Scottsbluff, Gering, and Morrill High magic number on anything doesn’t Sullivan got into some bad habits. Sullivan’s mother played a big part Schools, but once a person goes to change people’s behavior. He skipped class regularly and in his decision to come back. VALTS, they’re not allowed back to Even if the legal age was raised, eventually stopped going to class all “My mom really encouraged me to regular high school. kids would still find a way to drop together. go back to high school. Eventually she After Britthouer receives his di- out. “I thought school was pointless influenced me into the idea,” Sullivan ploma in March, he plans on enlisting “Typically kids don’t just all of a and that I didn’t need it,” Sullivan said. in the Navy. sudden drop out, it’s usually been a said. Trying to get back into high school Scottsbluff High School counselor long process of failure, personal is- Sullivan was sent to Job Corps in wasn’t exactly an easy process for Julie Newman said the school does sues, and kids who start high school Chadron, NE on April 27 for seven Sullivan. One thing he had to do was many things to prevent kids from without the goal of graduating are months. have meetings with school officials. dropping out of high school. much more likely to drop out,” New- Job Corps is a free education and Sullivan said this time around he She said counselors meet with the man said. training program that helps young plans on trying hard to be successful. student and his/her parents and try The graduation rate from 2009- people learn a career, earn a high “I’m definitely going to go to class, to meet their needs as far as classes 2010 at Scottsbluff High School is school diploma or GED, and find and do my homework, and everything and other programs. 88.78%. keep a good job. else I need to do to succeed,” Sullivan If they don’t have a home or mon- The overall graduation rate in the Instead of typical high school he said. ey for things they need for school, state of Nebraska in 89%. The dropout alternated between work and school Sullivan is planning on participat- then there are many resources that rate in Nebraska has actually de- every week. ing in tennis next fall and hopes to get can be tapped into in order to help a creased in the last ten years. 4 | FEATURE Job corps basi- a scholarship to Hastings College for student be successful.
  • 5. If you ask, now I can tell The repeal of a military law forces America to pick a side and look back at history story by tough, learning the ropes of a new MEGHAN PRITCHARD | feature editor army. Basically anyone was in - except Lieutenant Gotthold Frederick Enslin, legitimate privacy and associational with an openly gay guy or bunk with With no time to brush his teeth, he the first soldier discharged from the rights of all service members.” him,” Griess said. simultaneously gargles mouth wash U.S. military for sodomy. During Barack Obama’s Presiden- Although he agrees they are still and combs his hair. Sodomy (sexual intercourse be- tial campaign in 2009 he promised the his fellow Marines and brothers, the “The storm caused thousands of dol- tween two males) has been grounds repeal of the military law and, after situation seems uncomfortable. lars of damage but claimed no lives.” for discharge from the American winning the election, went right to “If you think about it this way: It’s Spitting out the mouth wash, he work on the effort. similar to a straight guy showering reaches down to tie his shoes. “In other news, Obama fulfills one of his pledges.” Running downstairs, he shoves his arms through the coat holes and drops the car keys in his pocket. changed. ” military since the Revolutionary War, but over the past century, a lot has The United States entered World War II with new psychiatric screen- ing added to the military’s induction process; which differentiated homo- By a vote of 65 to 33, with eight Republicans joining the Democrats, the Senate approved and sent Obama a repeal of the Clinton-era law. “As commander in chief, I am also absolutely convinced that making with a bunch of women he would be attracted to, and I’m sure no one would be comfortable with that,” Griess said. But the Senate’s vote will not change Griess’s mind on serving in “The Senate voted yesterday after- sexuals from this change will only underscore the the Marines. noon the debated ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ heterosexu- profession- “I will fight next to a straight or I believe anyone should be able alism of ” policy.” als in 1942. gay guy as long as it means keeping The scent of freshly-toasted cherry Gay service to serve for their country no our troops my country and people free and safe,” Pop-Tarts wafts into the air as he members as the Griess said. “I signed up because I matter their race or sexual best led shoves them in his mouth and slings were court- want to fight and earn my freedom, the camouflage back-pack sitting by martialed, orientation. and best not just have it handed to me. Even the door onto his shoulder. imprisoned, -ISS Supervisor & veteran, Jenn Parks trained if that means giving my life I would “Yes America, Obama has won and and dishon- fighting gladly give it up for this nation and its the law is repealed,” blares from the T.V. orably discharged. force the people.” through the kitchen just as he opens In 1944, a new policy said ho- world has ever known,” Obama said. Miss Parks, a Navy veteran, views the door to speed to school. mosexuals were to be committed Not only the Senate, but most of the repeal differently from Griess. His mind goes completely blank. to military hospitals, examined by the military itself is in favor of this “I believe anyone should be able to July is when he’s scheduled for psychiatrists and discharged. transition. serve for their country no matter their recruit training, only a few months Throughout the next couple of “Today’s vote means gay and race or sexual orientation,” Parks said. away. He’s been waiting for almost a decades, policies were changed, but lesbian service members posted all Even though she doesn’t serve year to finally be a part of the few, the homosexuals were always discharged around the world can stand taller anymore, she sees the future of the proud, the Marines. in some manner. knowing that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military service men unchanged. But he doesn’t know what to think In the 1970s, the gay and lesbian will soon be coming to an end,” said “I don’t think anyone will have to now. This could change everything. rights movement emerged in the Aubrey Sarvis, an Army veteran and act or do anything different from the Sure, he knows some homosexuals United States. The movement chose executive director for Service mem- repeal of this law,” Parks said. and even counts a few as friends, but the anti-gay military policy as one of bers Legal Defense Network. Not only do future servicemen and how will this change his service in the its main targets. The Department of For many, this repeal will mean a veterans have opinions on this case, military? Defense issued a 1982 policy, stating complete change in the way the mili- but many of the students and faculty Driving to school he thinks, “Will homosexuality was clearly incompat- tary can train and fight. at SHS have a say. I have to bunk with one?” or “Will I ible with military service. R. Clarke Cooper, a member of A survey was handed out Wednes- have to shower with them, now that Once Bill Clinton won the Presi- the Army Reserve, said repeal will day the 12th to eight homerooms. they can be very open about it?” dency in 1993 Congress worked right "finally end a policy which has Sixty-one students and 19 faculty Things will be different from what away to enact the existing military burdened our armed services for far members responded. he planned, but regardless of the re- policy on homosexuals. This is where too long, depriving our nation of the Fifty-two percent of the students peal, he will still fight for his country. the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ (DADT) talent, training and hard won battle are in support of the repeal of DADT *** policy finally surfaced. experience of thousands of patriotic and 48% voted not in support of the It’s 1778. Every countryman fights DADT restricts the United States Americans. " repeal. Sixteen faculty members are in for the new world: America. People military from efforts to discover or Now the question is: what do ser- support of the repeal and three aren’t want to see this country flourish to the reveal the sexuality of secretive homo- vicemen think of this change? in support. unstoppable giant it is today, which sexual or bisexual service members or Senior Taylor Griess, an August With the repeal new and fresh the means stopping at nothing, fighting applicants, while barring those who enlisted Marine, does not agree with changes to the law are just now going with everything you have, and never are openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual the policy ban. into effect. Whether this helps or hurts giving up. from military service. “I think the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ the military, men and women are will- The American military in the Clinton said that the policy would policy was great because you didn’t ing to fight for their country no matter Revolutionary War was small but establish “a decent regard for the have to worry about having to shower the circumstance. FEATURE | 5
  • 6. Financial Aid Night Students and parents are invited to attend a financial aid Anne Talbot, PsyD presentation to learn more about the following: Mark Hald, PhD 2622 Avenue C. FAFSA forms • Scholarships • Pell grants • Student loans Any other questions you have about paying for college Alan Smith, PhD Scottsbluff, NE Charlotte Ingram, LMHP, ATR 308- 632- 8547 John N. Harms Georgia Nelson, LMHP Advanced Technology Center February 5 • 10:00 a.m. Pregnant? Think you might be? Drawings for door prizes will Prizes include scholarships Open and free to anyone looking to attend be held at each location. to WNCC. any college, not just WNCC. Birthright can HELP FREE and For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 308.635.6011. CONFIDENTIAL Pregnancy Test of Scottsbluff, Inc. An International Pregnancy Service NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Open Monday-Friday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm 632-5866 24-Hour Hotline 1-800-550-4900 800.348.4435 10 East 17th Street • Scottsbluff, NE SB Echos Quarter Page b_Layout 1 1/17/2011 11:28 AM Page 1 Mulligans At the Monument Shadows Are you in? Golf Course Great food & atmosphere Open to the public all year round 2550 Club House Drive Gering, NE 69341 308-635-6868 Get inspired Get informed Get in The Citizen! 633-NEWS (6397) PO Box 532, Gering or 1447 10th Street, Gering
  • 7. When the right to the ECHOES FREEDOM OF SPEECH staff becomes the editor-in-chief | KARIN SHEDD FREEDOM TO HATE news editor | SCOUT WILSON news writer | RYAN MEISTER America will be a nation divided feature editor | MEGHAN PRITCHARD feature writer | RACHEL CLEMENS feature writer | ASHLEIGH SMITH The recent shooting in Tucson is evidence of an even bigger center section editor | GABRIELLE CARLIN problem in American politics: a lack of unity center section writer | ETHAN HUGHES F reedom of speech: the shin- to his/her personal flaws, no mat- It is this atmosphere of hate and ing tour de force of America’s ter how old or outrageous, and, as a divisiveness, peddled for profit and entertainment editor | RUSSELL MORGAN political system. consequence, the ethical constraints election victories by television pun- In the late 18th century, this First of civility have been pushed and dits, rabid party leaders, candidates entertainment writer | VICTORIA BRAVO Amendment right served as a beacon strained to the point where no one is for public office, and the media alike – of hope for a haggardly war-torn sure anymore where exactly the line all of whom work under the protec- band of colonies looking to repair the on smear campaigns is or should be tive umbrella of the First Amendment sports editor | KELSEY EMPFIELD damage inflicted by the tyranny of the drawn. – that was bared all too clearly that sports writer | MADDIE HOLSCHER British Parliament. Before last year’s mid-term elec- day in Tucson when Jared Loughner sports writer | MICHAEL MILLER For generations thereafter, it held tions, Sarah Palin, a rising political wounded fourteen people and killed the promise of a better, brighter future star and GOP/Tea Party favorite for six more, including a nine year-old for the millions of immigrants who a 2012 presidential candidate, posted girl. ad manager | CHANDLER BRILL landed at Ellis Island. on her website a picture encouraging Giffords herself remains in critical Today, it is the constitutional right voters to ‘take a stand’ against twenty condition after one of Loughner’s ad manager | CASEY SIGRIST most exuberantly employed and Democratic bullets tore through fiercely defended by American citi- Congressmen The views expressed her head. While doc- adviser | TERRY PITKIN zens from every branch of the political and women tors remain highly spectrum. We as a nation brandish (including in this editorial were optimistic about her free speech more than any other right as proof of the equality and fair Representative Giffords) who supported 13-2 by chances of recovery, it is currently impos- The Echoes is a monthly pub- lication printed by the Business principles of our particular brand of supported the The Echoes staff sible to know the Farmer. The Echoes is a member of democracy. recent health extent of the damage the Nebraska High School Press But, on Sat., January 8, 2011, 22- care reform done to her mind. Association and the International year old Jared Loughner violently bill – all well and good in the spirit We can only hope that what Order of the Quill and Scroll. exposed a bitter truth about America’s of competition that defines American remains of her life will serve as a The Echoes encourages readers exploitation of the right to free speech politics. cautionary tale for all Americans. Re- to write letters to the editor in re- when he opened fire on a crowd of What made Palin’s photo cross gardless of party or political ideology, sponse to a story, but does reserve people meeting with Congresswoman the line from ‘competitive’ to ‘di- for us to make progress as one nation, the right to publish said letter. Gabrielle Giffords in a suburb of Tuc- visive’ were the depictions of the we all need to put aside the hate and, The Echoes also encourages son, Arizona: recommended method for defeating no matter how much we disagree all readers to submit their ideas Too much freedom of speech has con- the Democratic health care support- with one another, remember that our for story coverage, feedback on stories, and any other input. sequences. ers – on a map of the US, over the freedom to speak has consequences The Echoes Gone are the days when two peo- respective districts represented by when taken to the extreme. Scottsbluff High School ple on opposite sides of an issue could each Congressman and woman, Palin Information for this editorial taken 313 East 27th St. have a civil exchange of ideas without superimposed the crosshairs of a gun. from: Scottsbluff, NE 69361 resorting to mud-slinging, denuncia- Certainly Palin’s intentions were 1. Letters with obscene, slander- tory rhetoric. The proof of this blatant not for people to literally hunt down news/2010/10/22/5334751-republican- ous, libelous, or false information exploitation of America’s constitu- and shoot the accused Democrats, and house-candidate-calls-for-violent-govern- will not be fun. The letter must also tional rights is evident in nearly every she is assuredly not the only politician ment-overthrow-if-gop-loses-election- be signed to be run. Content may political campaign throughout the to ever have made such a bold move – 2. http://tpmlivewire.talkingpoints- be edited due to grammatical or country, from the casting of doubt on however, this example, along with the content needs. A signed copy must President Obama’s citizenship status finger-pointing on the part of liberals to-identify-dems-who-voted-for-health- be presented to the Scottsbluff and religion to accusations that Sena- who blame the entire right wing for care-reform.php High School journalism depart- tor John McCain collaborated with his this tragedy, merely goes to show 3. http://www.huffingtonpost. ment, room 130. Also, please check captors during his time as a prisoner the unchecked toxicity of the current com/2008/01/17/smear-campaign- out The Echoes’ of war in Vietnam. atmosphere of American politics, one against-mc_n_81950.html group and MySpace page online! The focus of political campaigns, that seems to say that Americans are 4. it seems, has almost entirely switched no longer the united country we once mitchell-bard/mccains-smear-campaign- from a candidate’s ideas and opinions were. wi_b_137284.html OPINION | 7
  • 8. Spider webs, toads, and shoes OH MY! The Top 5... most irrational most common strangest phobia Three students talk candidly about their phobias phobias phobias names story by 1. Geniphobia - 1. Arachnophobia - Ethan hughEs | center section writer fear of chins fear of spiders 1. Hippopotomonstrosesqui- Freshman Kim DeLeon was only five years old on that fateful day. A day that haunts her dhi wore flip-flops. Thus forth, we can satiri- cally prove: shoes = evil,” Bartow said. 2. Caligynephobia - ppedaliophobia - over ten years later. Bartow never had a traumatic experience fear of beautiful women 2. Social Phobia - fear of long words “When I was about five, I was in my aunt’s like DeLeon or Hughes, but he definitely had garage playing with all the toys. As I looked a turning point, or better yet, an enlightening 3. Consecotaleophobia - fear of social situations 2. Hexakosioihexekontahexa- around, I discovered a HUGE spider web for this young Gandhi. on the wall. It was almost as big as I was! I “I’ve always hated things on my feet. fear of chopsticks phobia - walked towards, touched it, and it got stuck When I was little I would crush my shoes 3. Aerophobia - on my arm. I got scared and started to cry. I into mini sandals. In the summer before sixth 4. Eisoptrophobia - fear of flying fear of the number 666 tried to get it off, but it just got worse,” De- grade, I put on flip-flops and never took them Leon said. off. I think people have more of a traumatic fear of your own 3. Paraskavedekatriaphobia - A traumatic experience no doubt. A young experience at the sight of my feet than I do child caught in the grips of a stringy prison. with shoes,” Bartow said. reflection 4. Claustrophobia - fear of Friday the 13th 5. Arachibutyrophobia - While most of the normal world would Although these three have very different have brushed off the nuisance in a nonchalant phobias, all have gotten similar reactions from fear of confined spaces 4. Didaskaleinophobia - manner, people who witness the phobias in action. DeLeon, however, was stricken with fear “People will usually say ‘wow’ and laugh fear of peanut butter fear of school and succumbed to a condition called a phobia. when they watch me run from a spider web. sticking to the roof 5. Acrophobia - Phobia [foh-bee-uh] They usually get a confused look on their of your mouth fear of heights 5. Triskadekaphobia - –noun face,” DeLeon said. a persistent, irrational fear of a specific “People think being scared of toads is fear of the number 13 object, activity, or situation that leads to a ridiculous. They laugh their heads off at me, Wait, you’re compelling desire to avoid it. try to comfort me between stifled chuckles, There are an infinite number of phobias. or sometimes they’ll pick up the toads and story by People can be irrationally afraid of anything throw them as far away as possible,” Hughes gabriEllE Carlin | center section editor If a person grows up with a mother or father that reacts with intense fear when with a phobia. Medications, such as beta blockers, anti- and everything... said. Your heart starts beating out of your chest. shown a spider, then, more likely than not, depressants, and sedatives, may be used to For most people, a spider web is a trivial “I get a lot of questions as to why I’m You feel like all the oxygen is being ripped that person will learn to react the same way as help calm and prevent the feelings of anxiety afraid of common occurrence in human life – but to wearing sandals when it’s snowing. I also from your lungs as you desperately gasp for his/her parent when shown a spider. caused by phobias. DeLeon, it’s a phobia. get a lot of laughs when people see me kick air. Experts also believe that phobias may Another popular phobia treatment is be- “When I see one, I freak out. If I get in one my shoes off as quickly as possible when I’m You stumble a little as your knees begin to develop as a result of a bad experience. havior therapy, which is an exposure therapy I’ll get nervous and teary eyed,” DeLeon said. forced to wear them,” Bartow said. give out and your hands violently shake and A person suffering from glossophobia – that helps change a patient’s reaction to the This may sound irrational, but DeLeon’s Some fears, like being afraid of the dark as fill with sweat. the fear of speaking in public – might have situation or object that sparks the fear by what?! fear of spider webs pales in comparison to a child, are grown out of. DeLeon hopes she “Stop it! You’re being ridiculous…” but, embarrassingly stuttered through a speech gradually exposing the patient to their fear sophomore Claire Hughes’ fear of toads. might one day be able to overcome her fear. no matter how many times you tell yourself as a child and had his peers point and laugh more and more, until the feeling of anxiety “Anytime I see a toad, regardless of how “I try to take steps to get rid of my fear, you’re being unreasonable, the anxiety you at him, thus ruining whatever career he may subsides. far away it is, it is a traumatic experience and I almost did once too. My parents try feel is uncontrollable. have had in public speaking because the mere Another form of therapy involves the for me. I’ll scream, cry and hyperventilate,” to help me, but my brother just chases me Phobias - an intense, often irrational, fear thought of talking in front of a crowd makes patient working with a therapist to view the Hughes said. around with them. I really hope I can over- of an object, situation, or activity, - are a scary his throat constrict. object or situation of fear in a different, more Like DeLeon, Hughes has had this phobia come this fear. I would be so proud!” DeLeon reality for approximately 26.7% of Americans. While the cause of phobias is a little hazy, positive light, the goal of which is for the pa- since she was a wee lass. said. There are over 600 documented phobias it is understood that some people are more tient to gain control over his emotions when “I have always been scared of toads, but As for Bartow and Hughes, things might recognized by medical experts. From achluo- likely to suffer from a phobia than others. confronted with fear. not to the extent that I am now. I think it all not pass over that easily. phobia – fear of darkness – to zoophobia Most phobias develop in childhood, so While many people think phobias are silly began when I was a little girl at my friend’s “I don’t do things to try and overcome my – fear of animals – just name it, and there’s people under the age of 25 are at a higher risk and juvenile, they have the ability to take over house, and I stepped on one barefoot. I think fear. I don’t see toads that often, so it isn’t a probably a phobia of it. of suffering from a phobia. and even ruin a person’s life. that’s how the severity began,” Hughes said. common occurrence, but as soon as I do I run While many people look at a person with Also, females are more likely to suffer from Feelings of social isolation and depression Although spider webs and toads may seem the other direction as far as I can go. I might the fear of the color white and think, “This phobias than males are. However, this may are extremely common in people suffering like odd things to be afraid of, some phobias overcome it when I get older, but it’s not guy is crazy,” the truth is that leukophobia - be an effect of men’s tendency to hide their from phobias – and people with extreme pho- one would never guess. likely since I’m not trying to conquer my fear Approximately 57.7 million Americans the fear of the color white – is legitimate. anxiety, while women feel more comfortable bias often turn to substance abuse as a way to Freshman Andrew Bartow hasn’t worn anyway,” Hughes said. So, what causes people to fear such com- talking with experts about their fears and be- deal with their fears. closed-toed shoes since sixth grade, although “I don’t really think I need to face this mon and irrational things? ing diagnosed. Almost everyone is afraid of something; he wouldn’t go so far as to call it a phobia. ‘fear.’ It doesn’t really impair me. It’s not near- over the age of 18 suffer from a phobia There’s a lack of medical research sur- Speaking of being diagnosed, how does it can be anything from germs to floss. The “I wouldn’t call it a phobia, because it is ly as bad as walking in the snow as people rounding phobias, but many experts believe one go about curing a phobia? point is to take it easy and not allow fear to completely rational. Hitler wore shoes, Gan- think. It’s something I was born with and I phobias stem from parents, which makes There are a couple of things that medical control your life. 8 | CENTER SECTION don’t think I’ll get rid of it,” Bartow said. sense. advisors may turn to when treating a patient CENTER SECTION | 9
  • 9. bowels of this blasted typewriter. This cell phones offer people are all well valiant effort of mine is the culmina- and good (get in a car wreck in the tion of a week-long experiment I have middle of nowhere? No problem!), the undertaken to live as my parents did dependence we in the modern world when they were my age back in that seem to have on them is sometimes simpler era, that veritable technologi- shocking. cal dark age about which my genera- Take what happened on day five, tion’s parents will reminisce and refer for example. On Friday, January 7, to as “the good ol’ days” as they drift my fellow show choir members and I into the senility of their golden years: performed at Governor Heineman’s the 70’s, baby. breakfast inauguration at the Gering To say this was a trying experi- Civic Center. ence would be like saying Jeffrey But, due to a last minute change Dahmer had only a slight affinity for of schedule of which our director in- violence. For seven days, I abstained formed us via text message, I wound from all technology not available to up sprinting into the Civic Center the average American before the year half an hour later than I should have, 1975 - no cell phone, computer, iPod, my hair disheveled and damp from microwave, satellite TV, VHS/DVD that morning’s swimming practice, player, or television remote (avoiding and crowding into the room literally It’s the 70’s, Man commercials has never been so hard) - all while surrounded by people end- lessly indulging in said items. seconds before the photographer snapped a photo of the show choir with the governor. In an era of Android cell phones, touch-screen iPods, and It was like being a recovering Though I’m pretty sure I looked Google Television, I attempt to abstain from it all for one alcoholic in a wine cellar - at times, like a total schmuck because of that week to live the life of an ordinary American in 1975 the temptation was more than I could little stunt, I blame neither the direc- bear, like on the third night of my tor nor myself for this scheduling personal commentary by KaRIn sheDD experiment. fiasco - it was a product of the times That evening, I had a dramatic in which we live. In a world of instant “Message Sent.” wound up sitting pretzel-style on the meltdown involving the inexplicable communication, the need for planning I snapped my little red flip-phone floor of my room, typing this column (at the time) disappearance of my sta- ahead disappears. shut, dropped it in my lap, and on an obscenely heavy, 1982 electronic tistics folder and textbook. When my And who knows? Maybe the gov- resumed staring out the window of typewriter emitting an incessant whir- mind is reduced to such a scrambled ernor will use my antics as a mildly my dad’s Prius at the bleak Nebraska ring noise from who knows where blob of stress, I have trouble sleeping, amusing anecdote to entertain his landscape blurring by at 65 miles per and making a TAP nearly as loud as a so I caved sought comfort from the guests at dinner parties - which was hour. sonic boom every time I press a but- collection of movies on my laptop - exactly the thought I wanted to post Then I started bobbing my head ton (and I type at a speedy 120 words- the dulcet tones of Donald O’Connor, on my Facebook. and humming along with Elton per-minute, Ahh, Facebook. My kryptonite. John’s “Candle in the Wind” playing which By the I have used Facebook since numbers through the speakers from my dad’s makes my mid-2007, but, over the years, it has iPod. room sound evolved from an entertaining pastime Your candle burned out long be- something to a finely-honed procrastinating tool. fore your legend ever did… like what I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but *click* The ethereal, otherworldly melody I imagine soldiers 3,339 - average number of text messages sent this experiment has opened my eyes of Enya’s “Orinoco Flow” cut off heard in the and received per month by teens aged 13-17 in 2008 to just how addicted I am to Mark Zuckerburg’s brain-child. Elton mid-chorus. trenches of My phone buzzed. I pulled it out, read the text message, swiftly tapped World War I). 285,610,580 - number of activated I used to spend my free time reading or playing the piano. Now I out a reply, and snapped it shut again. Ac- cell phones in the United States (Dec. 2009) fritter away hours ‘creeping’ on my so-called ‘friends’ - commenting on I scratched my upper left arm and reached again for the iPod. cording to multitudes 600,000,000 - number of users their walls, checking up on their rela- *click* of studies, active on Facebook as of January, 2011 tionship statuses, and perusing their photo albums for the umpteenth time. Can’t buy me love, love! my genera- Breaking myself of these habits, resist- I twirled a lock of my hair around tion suffers ing the urge to remain updated on my finger while the Beatles sang from a myriad of problems – shorter Debbie Reynolds, and Gene Kelly in the lives of the 600 million people on about diamond rings and the kinds attention spans and poor conversa- Singin’ In The Rain turned out to be Facebook, was as painful a process as of things that money just can’t buy. tional skills, to name a few – because just the trick to cure my insomnia, Lindsay Lohan’s many stints in rehab. Then I plucked one of my dog’s hairs our lives are so inundated with though I did feel appropriate guilt But, in the end (the seventh day, off the knee of my jeans. Blew a piece technology. From iPods to cell phones about cheating in the morning. that is), I survived with my sanity of dust off my glasses. Inspected the to computers to television, most of us Surprisingly, I had significantly intact and was, I believe, successfully contents of the glove compartment. are rarely more than several feet from less trouble giving up my cell phone. rehabilitated. No longer do I feel the Picked at a hangnail. Twiddled my an electronic device for more than a Since my family no longer has a pressing need to respond to a text thumbs. Let my finger once more drift few minutes per day. landline, my phone sat where the message immediately. No longer do to the iPod’s “skip” button. And, apparently, I so thoroughly landline used to be, and it had an I rely on my laptop to soothe me into “You’re twitchy,” my dad com- manifested the side-effects of this imaginary, circa-1970’s cord attaching sleep. No longer do I skip to another mented. cultural phenomenon that I failed to it to the wall, meaning I was trapped song after only 30 seconds of the first “Twitchy?” I asked. realize I had done so until my dad in the kitchen any time I took a call. one. “Yep. Twitchy,” he repeated. cavalierly pointed it out to me that Still, I discovered that living without a ...okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a And that is the story of how I day. phone on my immediate person was... bit. So, here I am, trying to wrest a liberating. But I am less ‘twitchy.’ 10 | OPINION workable piece of journalism from the While the reassurance and security
  • 10. Cat Calendar January 21st- GSW/BSW Twin City Inv.- 4pm WR VR @ Chadron Inv. – TBA 22nd- SAT Testing GSW/BSW –Twin City Inv.- 11am GBB JV & VAR vs Sidney- 2/3:30 pm BBB 10th, JV, & VAR vs Gering @ WNCC- 4/7pm WR VAR @ Chadron Inv. – TBA SP @ Gering- TBA 24th- GBB 9 & 10th @ Chey. Central- 5/6:30pm February BBB 9 & 10th vs Chey. Central 5/6:30pm 2nd- Ground Hog Day 27th- GBB/BBB 9th vs Gering- 5/6:30pm 3rd- Hasting Honor Choir 28th- GSW/BSW @ Omaha Westside Diving Chinese New Year 29th- WR JV & VAR @ Mitchel Inv- 9am 4th-BBB 10st JV & VAR vs Alliance- 4/ 7pm GSW/BSW @ Omaha Westside Swimming- 11am SP @ Kearney Inv.- TBA All School Year Long Every 10th GBB/BBB 9th vs N.Platte- 12/ 1:30pm 5th- WR VAR GNAC @ McCook- 9am BBB 10th JV & VAR @ Sidney GBB/BBB 9th @ Alliance- 9/10:30 pm SP @ Gordon-Rushville- TBA BBB 10th JV & VAR @ Sidney 4/7:30pm student gets a free lunch 31st-GBB/BBB JV vs Gering 5:30/7pm GBB JV & VAR @ Sidney- 6/7:30pm SP @ Gothenburg Inv- TBA 7th- GBB/BBB 9th vs Chadron- 4/5:30pm Student Specials NCDA Show Choir Competition @ Available Imperial- 7pm 10th-GBB JV & VAR vs Lexington 5:45/7:30pm 2201 Broadway BBB JV & VAR @ Lexington- 5:45/7:30pm Scottsbluff The CAT CALENDAR is brought to you by the SCOTTSBLUFF BOOSTER CLUB 632-3644 Hey girls! Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Just wanna dance but no where to go? Reggaeton, Hip-Hop, Come Zumba and get your groove on! Bollywood tunes!! Tues/ Thurs, nights 7:00- 8:00 pm Feb. 1st through March 10th (6 weeks) at the Warehouse (across from the Panhandle Coop) Student price for 6 wk. session only $40.00!! ( regular $60.00) (Drop in price $5 per class) Call Stacy @ 631-7373 or, email her at or, just show up Tuesday Jan. 24th and get ready to dance! WARNING: NOT your mother’s Zumba! =O