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Martha Holden Jennings Foundation

P ro Excellentia                                           SPRING 2009

                                    Skillful Reading

                                    Riverside Local Schools has adopted
                                    the Wilson Reading Program to
                                    help students who have fallen behind
                                    in reading due to their decoding
                                    skills. The interactive program
                                    is being used throughout the district
                                    in grades 3-12. Students involved
                                    have made significant gains and
                                    teachers like the systematic, multi-
                                    sensory approach. (see story
                                    pgs. 2-3)
Mastering Decoding Skills Leads to
                                                             Gains in Reading
                                                                                                        Research-Based Techniques                     Curriculum Coordinator for the District,
                                                                                                            To close the achievement gap for          which is located 30 miles east of
                                                                                                        struggling readers, Riverside Local           Cleveland and serves approximately 4,700
                                                                                                        Schools is providing targeted instruction     students. “If this continues, the achieve-
                                                                                                        to at-risk students through the Wilson        ment gap will only widen as these stu-
                                                                                                        Reading Program. The program will             dents move through their education.”
                                                                                                        improve literacy by providing targeted            The majority of these students, she
  The purpose of the Martha Holden Jennings                                                             instruction and teacher professional devel-   explains, have a core deficit in their
Foundation is “to foster the development of                                                             opment.                                       phonological or decoding skills. The
young people to the maximum extent through                      “We had to address the achieve-
                                                                                                            “An analysis of the district’s reading    Wilson Reading Program is a researched-
improving the quality of teaching in secular                 ment gap. It would only widen as
                                                                                                        assessments revealed approximately 16         based technique that provides direct,
elementary and secondary schools                             these students moved through their
                                                                                                        percent of the students are considered ‘at    structured, multisensory instruction and
in Ohio.” Pro Excellentia is published to                    education.”
                                                                                                        risk,’ reading significantly below grade      gives students the decoding skills they
describe a sampling of those efforts in six                  Vickie Loncar, Elementary Curriculum       level,” says Vickie Loncar, Elementary        lack. The instruction is cumulative and
key areas:                                                   Coordinator, Riverside Local Schools                                                     leads to successful fluent readers.
                                                                                                                                                          This is the second year the Wilson
       Mathematics, Science &
       Technology                                                                                                                                     Reading Program has been used within the
                                                                                                                                                      Riverside district. Once a student begins
       Language Literacy
                                                                                                                                                      the program, he/she needs to be followed
       Arts Education                                                                                                                                 through to completion. On average, it
                                                                                                                                                      takes a student two to three years to
       Educator Development                                                                                                                           complete. For this reason, explains Mrs.
       Leadership Skills for                                                                                                                          Loncar, Wilson has been established
                                                                                                                                                      throughout all buildings in the district. This
       Other Student Services                                                                                                                         allows for consistency of instruction as the
                                                                                                                                                      students move from
                                                                                                                                                      elementary to middle to high school.

                                                                                                                                                      A 12-Step Process
  We ask that you please share this copy                     Linda Clayton works                                                                           “Wilson is a 12-step program that really
with colleagues who may gain valuable informa-               with a student using
                                                                                                                                                      teaches students the structure of our lan-
tion and ideas from articles covered in this                 tile boards in a
                                                                                                                                                      guage,” explains Mrs. Loncar, adding that
publication.                                                 one-on-one tutoring
                                                                                                                                                      it is not only for those with learning dis-
Editor: Mary Kay Binder                                                                                                                               abilities. “It’s for students who really strug-                                                                                                                                          gle with reading, who are reading two
                                                                                                                                                      grade levels below and really need specific
                                                                                                                                                      decoding skills.”

Riverside Local Schools

    Students who participate in Wilson are        “Wilson is very interactive,” she                      “The program is all spelled out for
identified using the Dynamic Indicators of     continues. “You are diagnosing                       you,” adds Jean Jones, a SLD teacher
Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS).          throughout the whole lesson, so you                  who is also being trained in Level II. “It’s
                                               can see right away if a student is                   all right here,” she remarks pointing to the
                                               not getting it.”                                     large binder that contains the step by step
   “We do a standardized assess-
                                                                                                    procedures the teachers follow. “It’s very
ment to see where their strengths
                                               Professional Development                             easy to use. Once you start doing it, it just
and weaknesses are,” explains                       A significant part of the Wilson Reading        makes sense.”
Mrs. Loncar. “This program is not              Program is the education of teachers.                     Mrs. Jones worked with a fifth grade
for everybody. It’s not something              For the past two years, teams of Riverside           student last year who could read and
you would instruct on in the                   teachers have been trained in the pro-               decode at his grade level but struggled
                                               gram’s strategies with funding from a grant          with spelling. The student made significant
classroom. It’s a small group,
                                               from the Martha Holden Jennings                      progress and she is confident that he will
intensive program for identified
                                               Foundation. During 2007-2008, 12 teach-              continue to improve because he is
students who would benefit from it.”           ers were certified in Wilson Level I, which          participating in Wilson in the middle
                                               involves 90 hours of online instruction and          school this year.
    Wilson begins in grade three and is        a 60-lesson practicum as well as demon-                    Other teachers at Riverside have also
offered to students through high school.       strations and continuous feedback from a             noted positive results thus far. Students
Students work either one-on-one or in          Wilson trainer. This year, six teachers are          who were part of the practicum last year
small groups with certified Wilson teachers    being trained in Level I and four in Level II,       showed an average two grade level
and follow a very structured, hands-on, 12-    which involves learning advanced strate-             increase in both their decoding and com-
step program. Elementary and high school       gies for multi-sensory instruction, group            prehension skills. They are more confident
students follow the exact same process.        study practicum, and advanced word                   on attacking an assignment that includes
Students must master each step of the          study. The teachers are given all the mate-          reading and have a stronger grasp of the
program before they can move on to the         rials and supplies needed for instruction.           foundation of reading for use across the
next level. Teachers track each student’s           “I thought the training was excellent,”         curricula.
progress by charting the results of every      explains Linda Clayton, a 33-year special
tutoring session.                              needs teaching veteran, who is currently             For more information:
                                                                                                    Mrs. Vickie Loncar, Riverside Local Schools
    “We are really starting back at the        undergoing Level II certification. Last year,        585 Riverside Drive, Painesville, Ohio 44077
beginning” says Mrs. Loncar, explaining        Mrs. Clayton worked one-on-one with a      
that the Wilson Program starts off with        third grade student who she says “blos-
intense review of vowel sounds, consonant      somed” as she advanced through the first
sounds, and welded sounds. “We really          four levels of the program. Mrs. Clayton
want to give them a solid foundation. In       tutored the student for 45 minutes either                                                               Students in the Wilson Reading Program
the past, I think the regular class was mov-   before or after school three days a week.                                                               work in small groups and quiz each other
ing on and these students didn’t quite get                                                                                                             using sound cards.
                                               “It’s intensive,” she comments, “but they
what they needed.                              need it, and it has paid off.”

                                                                                                                                                           PRO EXCELLENTIA      •   SPRING 2009
The Business of Learning
                Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland

     Junior Achievement (JA) of Greater                      Inspiration
Cleveland has been working to make eco-                          JA recruits a diverse group of business
nomics and business come alive for stu-                      volunteers from a range of industries.
dents in 270 schools and organizations                       These men and women serve as mentors
throughout Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, and                       and role models who help today’s children
Lorain counties through creative, hands-                     grow into tomorrow’s success stories,
on curricula.                                                explains Ms. Kinsey. JA provides an ori-
    Programs are presented by business                       entation program for both the volunteers
volunteers who visit classrooms in grades                    and teachers who participate in the pro-
K-12. They focus on seven key content                        gram. At each level, they are given a
areas: citizenship, economics, entrepre-                     packet of materials that contains lesson
neurship, ethics, character, financial litera-               plans, hands-on activities, and discussion
cy, and career development. All lessons                      topics to use in each week’s program.
have been tested, meet state standards,                          Often, volunteers establish a relation-
and are updated in response to comments                      ship with a particular teacher, and return        Businessman Kevin Frey teaches a lesson on “needs and wants” to first graders at Fairfax
from teachers, students, and volunteers.                     to that same teacher’s classroom year             Elementary School in Cleveland Heights. The children are identifying places on a floor
                                                                                                               map that families go to in their community to get their needs and wants satisfied.
Together the curricula and the volunteers                    after year. Kevin Frey, Internal Audit
work to raise students’ educational and                      Manager at Airgas, has volunteered in
career aspirations, teach economics and                      Stacey Cohen’s first grade classroom at
financial knowledge, and develop job-                        Fairfax Elementary School in Cleveland
related skills.                                              Heights for the past three years. He says            Mr. Frey says the students he works           accomplish goals so they can become
    “Our mission is to inspire and prepare                   he always got along well with children and        with come from a variety of backgrounds          successful.
young people to succeed in the global                        enjoys being with them.                           and he enjoys their different perspectives.         Ms. Kinsey adds that students who are
economy,” explains Wendy Kinsey,                                 Mr. Frey recently visited Ms. Cohen’s         He views his “guest appearances” as a            exposed to JA programs throughout their
President, Junior Achievement of Greater                     classroom to present the first grade JA           break in the school day’s more structured        13 years of education will meet a variety
Cleveland.                                                   curriculum, which covers the role of fami-        learning and hopes the students have fun         of business professionals who will
    This year, JA Cleveland was able to                      lies in the local economy. Over five sepa-        learning with him. “This is a different way      acquaint them with all sorts of different
expand the number of programs it offers                      rate sessions, he and the students dis-           to learn,” he says. “It’s a little more inter-   job possibilities and inspire them to
to students in several inner ring suburbs --                 cussed a variety of topics including the          active than they may be used to.”                achieve their own dreams.
Cleveland Heights-University Heights,                        interdependence of family members; the                In the long run, he hopes his efforts
Brookpark, Maple Heights, and South                          difference between a family’s needs and           help to educate students about the variety       For more information:
                                                                                                                                                                Ms. Wendy Kinsey, Junior Achievement of
Euclid-Lyndhurst -- through a grant from                     wants; and how jobs provide income to             of possibilities that are available to them      Greater Cleveland, 1422 Euclid Avenue,
the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation.                       pay for both.                                     and to encourage them to set and                 Suite 525, Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Global Awareness Sparks Student Activism
                                                                                                                                     Wolf Creek Local School District
A Global Perspective                           such as landmine eradication, the lack            about things that are going on in the world
     At Waterford High School in               of drinking water in many parts of the            every day, which they may not see, but
Appalachia’s Wolf Creek Local School           globe, and the extent of poverty in third         that are happening. We want them to
District, a school-wide project is educating   world countries. They also heard from             know that they can become part of a solu-
students about serious global issues           representatives of organizations intent on        tion for these events,” explains Mrs. Miller.
and empowering them to get involved.           providing relief to those experiencing                 “This has been eye opening,” says one
Through Interactive Video Distance             these problems.                                   senior who was deeply touched by the
Learning (IVDL) and guest speakers, stu-                                                         accounts of a woman who works with
dents are learning directly from those           “This is a very small, very rural,              orphans in Honduras. “We just don’t real-
who have been victims of disasters such        and very agricultural community,                  ize how bad it is in other countries. We
as genocide, poverty, and world hunger.                   and the students’ experi-              have such great privileges here and we
They are also hearing from organizations                      ences are very limit-              can take care of each other. But where
who work to alleviate the suffering from                        ed,” explains Mrs.               there is no money and everyone is poor –
these events, such as the Peace Corps,                           Miller. “They just              it’s just such a shocker.”
Doctors Without Borders, and Habitat                              can’t believe how                   Mrs. Miller says that the entire project
for Humanity.                                                    other people live               – presentations, interviews, IVDLs -- is
    “We are such a small school in a                             because it’s not in             being documented by students in the
secluded area and we want our students                         their experiences.”               school’s tech class and will eventually be
to have access to what is going on in the                                                        available as podcasts.
global community,” explains Kelly Miller,
                                                                                                 For more information:
who teaches Language Arts at Waterford.        Empowerment                                       Mrs. Kelly Miller, Waterford High School
She is the coordinator for a year-long             Mrs. Miller stresses that the project’s       P.O. Box 67, Waterford, Ohio 45786
project called “Beyond Boundaries:             intent is to empower students to become
Student Activism from Waterford to the         actively involved in alleviating some of
World” for the school’s 200 students. “But     these pressing global problems. After
we want them not just to know what is          studying and making presentations about
going on, we want them to understand           several relief and social service organiza-
how they can become a part of a solution       tions, the student body chose one -- Kids
through student activism and service.”         Against Hunger – to be the recipient of a
    With a grant from the Martha Holden        major, school-wide fundraiser. The school
Jennings Foundation, educators arranged        also hosted a “service fair” in which 30
                                                                                                                                            Through Interactive Distance Learning, students at
for speakers to visit the school, some in      exhibitors from local to global organiza-
                                                                                                                                            Waterford High School are learning about other
person others via distance learning, to tell   tions talked with students about the mis-
                                                                                                                                            people’s lives and considering how they might have
their personal experiences. The students       sion of their groups and opportunities for                                                   an impact on global issues.
heard from Holocaust survivors, the Lost       volunteers.
Boys of Sudan, and a survivor of the               “We want to empower the students by
Khmer Rouge. They learned about issues         teaching them that they can do something

                                                                                                                                                            PRO EXCELLENTIA      •   SPRING 2009
Art Competition Rewards Effort and Talent
                Cuyahoga County Regional Scholastic Art Competition and Exhibition
                                                                                                    Engaging Students                                  Each year, CIA invites more than 300
                                                                                                    in Their World                                 art teachers in the county to submit
                                                                                                        In January, 2009, The Cleveland            student work to the adjudicated event.
                                                                                                    Institute of Art (CIA) hosted the opening      Art teachers note that through Scholastics,
                                                                                                    reception of a very special exhibit. On        daily art lessons are applied to a “real life”
                                                                                                    display in the Reinberger Galleries were       situation in which artwork is judged by
                                                                                                    282 pieces of award-winning artwork            impartial jurors based on its merits. Each
                                                                                                    created by junior high and high school         teacher can enter up to 15 pieces of their
                                                                                                    students in Cuyahoga County. These             students’ art, so they serve as the first
                                                                                                    pieces were among 1,522 samples of             round judges in the process.
                                                                                                    student work entered into the Cuyahoga             “I look for work that goes beyond –
                                                                                                    County Regional Scholastic Art Competition     something that is a little more personal,
                                                                                                    and Exhibition. A group of professional        more expressive,” says David King, a
                                                                                                    artists and art professors judged each for     teacher of two-dimensional art at Chagrin
                                                                                                    its originality, technicality, and personal    Falls High School. Mr. King has been sub-
                                                                                                    vision. Exceptional pieces received an         mitting student work to the Scholastics
                                                                                                    Honorable Mention, Silver Key, Gold Key,       competition throughout his 25 years of
                                                                                                    or American Vision award and were              teaching.
                                                                                                    mounted and displayed in the Reinberger
                                                                                                    Galleries for three weeks in January. Top        “I think competition is a normal
                                                                                                    place American Vision and Gold Key win-        process in the art world. The stu-
                                                                                                    ners were then forwarded to a national         dents compete with others their own
                                                                                                    competition in New York City.                  age; it’s just a good experience to
                                                                                                        For 29 years, CIA has sponsored the        go through.”
                                                                                                    Scholastics competition to encourage cre-
                                                                                                    ativity in young people and to recognize           Daniel Whitely, who teaches advanced
                                                                                                    outstanding achievement in the visual arts.    drawing, honors painting, and portfolio
                                                                                                    Open to Cuyahoga County students in            workshop at Shaker Heights High School
                                                                                                    grades 7-12, it is the most prestigious        agrees. When selecting work to enter into
Shaker Heights High School student Emily McCandless, who won a Gold Key for these                   juried visual arts competition for young       the competition, he looks for well-designed
paintings in her portfolio, says students should have fun with the competition and “do”             artists in Greater Cleveland. It offers stu-   pieces that clearly convey the artist’s
what they like: “Everything that I paint is something that I love, that’s meaningful to me --       dents exposure to professional artists,        intent, has challenged the student and
even the vegetables.”                                                                               contact with other top student artists in      pushed the artist to think. “They learn their
                                                                                                    the county, a look at the work the other       own creative process through this experi-
                                                                                                    students are producing, and an opportuni-      ence,” he remarks. “There are different
                                                                                                    ty to see their work displayed in a profes-    ways of approaching things and they need
                                                                                                    sionally mounted gallery exhibition.           to know what it takes -- from beginning

to end -- to [create] a piece of art that is   of challenging, competitive, and rewarding
exhibition worthy.”                            experience more broadly available to
                                               teens involved in athletics.
Award Winners                                       Organizing the event is a substantial
    Mr. Whitely submitted 10-12 student        undertaking. Artwork is dropped off at CIA                Andrew
portfolios (which consist of eight art         one day in December and within 20 hours                 Weaver of
pieces, an artist’s statement, a letter of                                                          Chagrin Falls
                                               it is adjudicated by a group of professional
                                                                                                     High School
recommendation, and the students’ tran-        artists and art teachers. The pieces are
                                                                                                     won a Gold
script) in this year’s competition. Three      first divided into 19 different categories,
                                                                                                      Key and an
won Gold Key awards. Shaker students           which include painting, photography,                    Honorable
also competed in jewelry design, graphics,     model design, product design, and                      Mention at
fine arts, and ceramics.                       video/film among others.                                 the 2009
    The Scholastics competition has provid-        “The judging is intense,” says Richard           Competition.
ed thousands of students who apply             Maxwell, Assistant Director of Continuing
themselves in the visual arts with the kind    Education & Community Outreach at the

                                                                                                  Institute. He adds that CIA looks for jurors
                                                                                                  who work outside of the county to ensure
                                                                                                  impartiality in the judging process.
                                                                                                      While not every student wins an award
                                                                                                                                                    “I really enjoy looking around
                                                                                                  at the competition, Mr. Maxwell hopes all
                                                                                                                                                 at the Exhibition at other people's
                                                                                                  students who participate will continue to
                                                                                                                                                 work -- seeing what they come
                                                                                                  pursue their passion for art. “I hope the
                                                                                                                                                 up with and getting inspiration for
                                                                                                  students learn that they should not give up
                                                                                                                                                 what I could possibly do in the
                                                                                                  and that they should continue to create,” he
                                                                                                  says. “It helps increase their learning in
                                                                                                  other avenues as well.”                        Courtney Gill, Shaker Heights High School
                                                                                                      Mr. King recognizes that value, too.       Gold Key Award Winner
                                                                           Shaker Heights         “The students are not entering the competi-    for Portfolio
                                                                           High School            tion just to win an art show,” he remarks.
                                                                           student Joe            “They’re doing it because they love art and
                                                                           Schorgl won a
                                                                                                  they love sharing it with other people.”
                                                                           Gold Key for
                                                                           his comic book         For more information:
                                                                           illustrations.         Mr. Richard Maxwell
                                                                                                  The Cleveland Institute of Art
                                                                                                  11141 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

                                                                                                                                                     PRO EXCELLENTIA        •   SPRING 2009
On-line Classes Enhance Gifted Program

Virtual Learning                                             Coordinator, Clermont County Educational              schools, proved the idea could have phe-       break it apart, to get the best resources,
    Gifted students from four districts in                   Service Center. “We couldn’t really have              nomenal results. Students in the different     to align it to the standards, to consider
Clermont County are learning through a                       classes of three students here and four               districts read the same novels, analyzed       learning styles and interests,” says
series of on-line courses in several subject                 students there,” she remarks. The educa-              historical documents, and shared their         Heather Frost-Hauk, who teaches gifted
areas. The virtual classes, which are                        tors realized, however, that if the county            thoughts and comments on-line. Each            students in grades 6,7, and 8 in the
being developed by their teachers, allow                     offered courses on-line, students could               week teachers provided through-provok-         Bethel-Tate district. “The great thing is
these small, rural districts to efficiently                  select classes specific to their areas of             ing prompts and students were able to          that we all work together to compile and
serve their gifted populations. The courses                  passion – whether in science, social stud-            discuss issues that went well above typi-      pool resources, brainstorm ideas, and
build on the state standards but go more                     ies, language arts, or math -- and the dis-           cal grade-level conversations. At the end      map the units. Then, the [teacher] respon-
in-depth and involve critical thinking skills                tricts could share gifted personnel among             of each quarter, students met face-to-face     sible for the unit fine tunes things.
and lots of creativity.                                      all the schools.                                      for live debates and discussions and the           “There is so much to consider;” she
    Gifted students and gifted teachers are                       A pilot project last year in the districts       opportunity to meet their counterparts         adds, “I love the challenge though.”
sprinkled around the county at many dif-                     of Bethel-Tate, Clermont Northeastern,                from other districts.                              Mrs. Frost-Hauk says her passion is in
ferent schools, explains Amy Bain, Gifted                    Felicity-Franklin, and Williamsburg local                                                            language arts so she concentrates on that
                                                                                                                   The Program Expands                            subject and leaves science and social
                                                                                                                       With a grant from the Martha Holden        studies to other teachers. Titles of courses
                                                                                                                   Jennings Foundation, the county expand-        she developed include Oh Rats! (Mrs.
                                                                                                                   ed the program in 2008-2009 to include         Frisby and the Rats of NIMH); Basics of
                                                                                                                   gifted students in grades 3-8 and to           Writing; My Kind of Research; Creative
                                                                                                                   increase the number of virtual course          Writing and Poetry; and Dracula.
                                                                                                                       Last spring gifted teachers from all
                                                                                                                   four districts along with Mrs. Bain met to      “The on-line
                                                                                                                   develop the courses. While most are inter-     courses have
                                                                                                                   disciplinary, the focus of each is science,    challenged me
                                                                                                                   social studies, or language arts. Currently,   to re-think the
                                                                                                                   almost 350 students are enrolled in the        way I view
                                                                             As a culminating activity             classes.                                       education and
                                                                             for the class on Ancient
                                                                                                                        “Once we decided to offer on-line         service options for
                                                                             Egypt, students use the
                                                                                                                   courses, we were surprised with the lack       gifted students,” comments
                                                                             scientific method to deter-
                                                                             mine the best substances
                                                                                                                   of available resources,” explains Mrs.         Renee King, who teaches gifted
                                                                             for mummifying squid.                 Bain. “We discovered that we needed to         students in grades 3-8 at Felicity-
                                                                                                                   create the classes ourselves. This was         Franklin School. “I no longer have
                                                                                                                   exciting in that we could develop the          a ‘one size fits all’ service -- I
                                                                                                                   courses with the gifted students’ needs in     have options! I find myself looking
                                                                                                                   mind.”                                         at individual student needs more
                                                                                                                       “It takes a long time to map it out, to    than ever.”

Clermont County Educational Service Center

Course Selections
     Students typically have three classes
or more to choose from each quarter. For
each course, students meet weekly with a
gifted teacher and then have weekly virtu-
al activities that can be completed on-line.
They are encouraged to work at their own
pace, provided they meet required dead-
lines. Students come to the face-to-face
classes armed with information they have       Gifted students at Felicity-
learned during the week. Throughout the        Franklin Elementary School work
course, the students share their findings      in the computer lab on an
and comments with gifted students in the       Immigration project. Their
other schools. Each course includes a cul-     teacher, Renee King, suggested
minating project or activity where the stu-    a variety of Web sites they
                                               could explore to gather informa-
dents from the different schools get
                                               tion they will share at their
together. This project serves as the
                                               weekly face-to-face meeting.
course assessment and allows students to
set goals that drive learning during the
prior eight weeks.
    “Students love being able to choose
what they study,” says Mrs. Bain. “Those
gifted in science no longer are grouped        courses allow students and teachers                 and can incorporate their interest in their   For more information:
with other gifted students in a reading        access to the class at any hour of the day,         course selections,” she says.                 Mrs. Amy Bain
                                                                                                                                                 Clermont County Educational Service Center
class. Now they can take courses such as       any day of the week. And if students are
                                                                                                                                                 2400 Clermont Center Drive, Suite 202
Anatomy, Cells, Flight and Rockets,            particularly interested in a topic, they can           “It’s important for teachers to            Batavia, Ohio 45103-1957
Amazing Animals, or Chemistry.                 share what they have learned with other             realize that on-line education is a
Developing courses that match the areas        students via forums or discussion boards.           valuable tool that can be very pow-
of identification has been a wonderful             Mrs. Frost-Hauk says she likes the fact         erful in impacting student achieve-
advantage of the program.                      that students get a whole package: “They            ment,” stresses Mrs. King. “It is
   “This is not a ‘canned’ program,” she       learn to be responsible for their learning;         not a class without a teacher. We
continues. “The courses are updated and        improve their skills when it comes to tech-         make face-to-face weekly meetings
tweaked for each group of students. We         nology; learn ‘real-life’ skills – as on-line       a core component of the virtual
really look at what the students are doing,    courses are becoming the future of col-             classes. We are constantly in com-
what they might need.”                         lege courses; learn to respond construc-            munication with students on-line or
     Mrs. King believes the program’s          tively to their fellow students in the way of       face-to-face to ensure quality
biggest benefit is its flexibility. On-line    forums and wikis; work at their own pace;           results.”

                                                                                                                                                     PRO EXCELLENTIA         •   SPRING 2009
Students Manufacture Alternative Fuel
                 North Fork Local School District

     Agriculture students at Utica High
School are planning to produce 100
gallons of biodiesel fuel each week from
recycled cooking oil and market it to area
farmers for use throughout the growing
season. The students will handle all
aspects of production from collecting oil
from a local restaurant to operating a
biodiesel fuel processor to distributing the
final product. Prior to making their first
gallon, the students researched all
aspects of biodiesel fuel technology. They
                                                                                      Students are filtering the recycled cooking oil that          Students are adding pre-measured methanol to the
studied the chemistry behind the fuel, the
                                                                                      will be used to make the biodiesel fuel.                      biodiesel fuel processor.
cost effectiveness of production, and its
potential environmental impact.
    Instructors Jeff Hindel, Industrial
Technology, and Steve Priest, Agricultrual
Education, conceived the idea in the
spring of 2008 when diesel fuel prices                       User Friendly Processor                             Agriculture program made their first 50-       tion highlighting the environmental and
were rising dramatically.                                        With a grant from the Jennings                  gallon batch in mid-March.                     financial benefits of “buying” their school-
    “The fuel crisis spearheaded this proj-                  Foundation, the teachers purchased a                                                               grown product and will use it as a market-
ect,” says Mr. Hindel, explaining that Utica                 self-contained biodiesel fuel processor                “It’s nice that we know how to              ing tool when talking to community groups
is a small farming community and stu-                        that is easy to operate and requires little         make an alternative energy source,”            this spring.
dents at the school live on and work those                   maintenance. It is set up in a walled-off           says one student. “This will be a big              “This is a wonderful experience for
farms. “When diesel fuel was over $4.00 a                    area of the Ag shop. All chemicals needed           part of energy in the future, and              us,” remarks another student. “It gives us
gallon last May we got together to think                     to make the fuel come pre-measured; stu-            maybe one of us can head up a com-             an idea of how to run our own business
about how we could help our community,                       dents simply pour in the oil and chemi-             pany that will make biodiesel fuel             and also allows us an opportunity to help
and this is what we decided to do.”                          cals, push the start button, and let the            and introduce it to all of America.”           our community.”
    In addition to providing the community                   machine do the work. Twenty-four hours
                                                                                                                                                                For more information:
with a less expensive fuel, Mr. Priest notes                 later they drain off glycerin, a by-product             The students’ plan is to produce the
                                                                                                                                                                Mr. Jeff Hindel, Mr. Steve Priest
that biodiesel fuel burns cleaner and is                     of the production process, and start the            fuel for local farmers who would con-          Utica High School
less corrosive to engines than fossil fuel                   final wash. In another 24 hours, the fuel is        tribute a donation to the school’s             260 N. Jefferson Street
and its emissions are less harmful to the                    ready to use.                                       Agriculture program in return. They have       Utica, Ohio 43080
atmosphere than standard emissions.                              A small group of seniors in the                 produced a detailed PowerPoint presenta-

Walking in Their Moccasins
              The Lake County Historical Society

    Children who live along the southern       based program to teach students how the             these Native Americans lived in the area,
shore of Lake Erie are getting a unique        Whittlesey focus people used their envi-            the students examine a variety of “arti-
opportunity to learn about the Native          ronment and technology to create a better           facts,” discuss them, and match them
Americans who once walked in their back-       way of life.                                        with real artifacts held in display cases.
yards. Through a program called, ”Walking                                                          The students’ job is to identify the objects
in Their Moccasins,” designed by educa-        Environment and Technology                          as tools, weapons, or decorative pieces
tors at The Lake County Historical Society,          The Historical Society is fortunate to        by using observations and information
children in grades 3-5 learn about the cul-    have a site that offers a unique environ-           included in a written field guide.
ture, art, technology, and lifestyles of the   ment for conducting an interactive pro-                  Outdoors, the students have an eight
pre-historic people known as the               gram – a combination classroom and out-             acre wooded environment in which to
Whittlesey* focus people.                      door setting where students can learn               learn through experience. A group of high
    “School children who live in this area     both through direct instruction and hands-          school students assisted in creating a vil-
learn everything they need to know about       on discovery. In creating “Walking in Their         lage that includes a long house; wigwam;
eastern woodland tribes, southern mound        Moccasins,” Ms. Purmal drew upon                    native garden; and cooking, tool-making
builders, even the Alaskan Native              decades of success the Historical Society           and clay pot area. Using materials found
Americans, but they learn nothing about        has had with the popular Pioneer School –           in the environment, students role play the
the Native Americans who once walked           where students learn about early American           Whittlesey people solving problems asso-
through their backyards,” says Kathie          life in an authentic environment where              ciated with obtaining food, shelter, and
Purmal, Executive Director, The Lake           they actually haul wood, cook over an               clothing. They make tools out of stone,
County Historical Society. Their history,      open fire, and attend school in a one room          wood, and bone. They grind corn with a
culture, and disappearance are an integral     school house.                                       mortar and pestle and use deer antlers to
part of the history of Lake County and sur-          “We saw how the proper environment            work in the garden.                            A museum display of the Whittlesey people
rounding areas and local teachers know         really lit the imagination,” says Ms.                    “The lesson we want them to learn is      teaches students how they survived in
very little about them.                                                                            how these people used their environment        their natural environment.
                                               Purmal. “And with the imagination, of
    With a grant from the Martha Holden        course, comes the learning.”                        and technology to create a better way of
Jennings Foundation and the expertise of            The three-hour Native American pro-            living,” says Ms. Purmal. “And through
a previous youth education director, the       gram is divided into indoor and outdoor             that, we hope will grow a respect for the
Historical Society developed a standards-      sessions. Students enter “Professor                 Native Americans that once walked the
                                               Whittlesey’s” laboratory inside the muse-           southern shores of Lake Erie.”
                                               um to learn more about the lifestyles of
                                                                                                   For more information:
                                               these prehistoric peoples. The classroom            Ms. Kathie Purmal
*The name Whittlesey comes from Charles
                                               is set up as a Whittlesey campsite with a           The Lake County Historical Society
Whittlesey, an archaeologist who explored
                                               wigwam surrounded by “rock cliffs.” To              8610 Mentor Road, Kirtland Hills, Ohio 44060
Lake County in the 1830’s and uncovered
remnants of primitive life in the area.        learn about the different time periods

                                                                                                                                                     PRO EXCELLENTIA       •   SPRING 2009
Top Educator Awards

Jennifer McCalla                                                  Mrs. McCalla, who holds a master’s              to make it better.”                            will benefit from the computers, which are
    Jennifer McCalla believes it is extreme-                 degree in education technology, used the                 A 10-year teaching veteran, Mrs.           stored on a portable cart and can be
ly important for teachers to stay current                    award to establish a mobile graphing calcu-          McCalla enjoys working with kids and           moved from room to room.
with trends in technology. A mathematics                     lator lab that is being used by nine teachers        “seeing their expressions when they get            “The range of activities and skills that
educator at Normandy High School in                          in classes from Algebra Topics to AP                 it – when they have that ‘aha moment.’         we are going to be able to do is going to
Parma and the 2008 recipient of the                          Calculus in the mathematics department at            “With some kids it may take a little bit       be a lot more extensive,” says Mrs.
George B. Chapman, Jr. Teacher Award                         Normandy. The lab consists of a set of 30            longer,” she adds, “but that’s what it’s all   Ptasznik, who says her teaching style will
for Excellence in Mathematics Education,                     TI-Nspire graphing calculators, a PC Video           about.”                                        change a lot due to the immersion of the
Mrs. McCalla says using graphing calcula-                    projector, and a laptop installed with TI-                                                          technology in her lesson plans.
tors and computer software gives stu-                        SmartView Emulator software. Using the cal-          Casey Ptasznik
dents the best chance to understand the                      culators, students can see multiple repre-               Casey Ptasznik aims to recapture the           “We do a lot of skills-based
math they are learning, as opposed to just                   sentations – tabular, graphical, and numeri-         enthusiasm a kindergartner has for learn-      learning,” she adds. “While the
memorizing rules and formulas.                               cal -- of the same problem on one screen.            ing and instill it in her high school stu-     students are learning a concept
                                                                 “I’m slowly getting teachers to under-           dents. With funds from the 2008 Master         within world history there is also
    “My own experiences in learning                          stand all these calculators can do,” says            Teacher Award, she is working to bring her     at least one skill connected to
higher mathematics have convinced                            Mrs. McCalla, who is providing in-service            world history classes to life. She pur-        every activity, and the computers
me that tools that allow students to                         for teachers in the department in hopes              chased 13 laptop computers that she            will play into that.
‘explore’ and ‘play with’ various                            that all will incorporate them in their les-         envisions ninth grade students at Chardon
ideas foster fundamental under-                              sons. She believes effective teachers                High School will use to make multimedia            “It’s going to force me to learn too,”
standing of the ‘why’ of mathemat-                           need to be open to try new things. “They             and PowerPoint presentations, conduct          she admits, remarking on the variety of
ics in addition to the ‘how,’ ” she                          need to be adventurous,” she says. “If               research, assemble timelines, and create       new software programs that will be avail-
remarks.                                                     you try something and it doesn’t work                political advertisements and cartoons.         able for teachers to use.
                                                             you can adapt it, or change it, or edit it           Actually, she says, the whole department

                                                                                                                                                                 Jennifer McCalla in her classroom at
                                                                                                                                                                 Normandy High School.

                                                                                                                                               students.” From iPods to text messages,
                                                                                                                                               he adds, their connection with information
                                                                                                                                               technology is continuous and second
                                                                                                                                               nature; he would like to take advantage of
                                                                                                                                               that interest and turn it to an instructional
                                                                                                                                                   With three decades of experience
                                                                                                                                               behind him, Mr. Stork jokes that he is still
                                                                                                                                               learning how to do his job. Yet, he does
                                                                                                       Casey Ptasznik
                                                                                                                                               have some advice for new teachers:
                                                                                                       instructs a
                                                                                                       group of world
                                                                                                       history students                          “It’s really all about the students.
                                                                                                       at Chardon                              That’s the deal. The whole focus
                                                                                                       High School.                            has got to be getting to know them,”
                                                                                                                                               he says. “And that’s the fun of it.
                                                                                                                                               So enjoy your students – that would
                                                                                                                                               be my advice.”

    Mrs. Ptasznik has been teaching high       Thomas Stork                                       dents’ connection to information technolo-
school social studies for 13 years. Her            “It is the students who do the learning        gy and apply it to their investigation of
original plan was to go to law school and      and if they are not directly engaged with          force and motion in ninth grade physics
focus on educational law, but a semester       the content then they are not effectively          lessons.
of student teaching changed her mind.          learning,” says Thomas Stork, who has                  Using technology purchased with
“I have really enjoyed the kids,” she          taught science at Athens High School for           award funds, students work in teams
remarks, adding that teaching is never         the past 30 years. “They have got to be            using wireless data gathering devices to
boring because the students are constant-      directly engaged, they have got to be con-         measure force, acceleration, and position
ly changing. “I can take the same course       necting the ideas to their experiences in          as they engage in a variety of activities.
and teach it three times a day and it is so    the real world. And it is the teacher who          They download and analyze this data on
different class to class.”                     arranges for that to happen.”                      computers, record their activities using
    Mrs. Ptasznik believes one of the most         In courses ranging from Integrated             video cameras, and will eventually create
important qualities in a master teacher is     Science to AP Physics, he encourages               podcast presentations to share what they
having the ability to assess what students     students to investigate the world around           have learned with elementary students.
need and provide it for them, which, she       them and then incorporate that knowledge               “I have worked to try to incorporate
concedes, is easier said than done. She        into a coherent world view. As the 2008            students’ direct experience through avail-
also believes it is important to offer guid-   recipient of the Arthur S. Holden Teacher          able technology all my career,” Mr. Stork          Thomas Stork, Science Teacher at
                                                                                                                                                     Athens High School.
ance and emotional support outside of the      Award for Excellence in Science                    remarks. “As engaged as I am, I recognize
classroom.                                     Education, Mr. Stork aims to tap the stu-          that I am not nearly as plugged in as my

                                                                                                                                                   PRO EXCELLENTIA        •   SPRING 2009
Technology Creates Interest in Saturday School
                Marietta Middle School

                                                                                                                    “All of these are technologies               ing rules for not using this [technology], I
                                                                                                                 that engage the reluctant learner,”             think we need to start really brainstorming
                                                                                                                 says Ms. Depue. “I truly believe                how to make it practical and useful in the
                                                                                                                 that’s part of the enthusiasm that              classroom. We’re not teaching [students]
                                                                                                                 keeps the kids coming.”                         the technology, we’re using the technolo-
                                                                                                                                                                 gy as a tool to teach the academic out-
                                                                                                                     The intervention sessions ran for sever-    comes.”
                                                                                                                 al weeks prior to the state testing in April.
                                                                                                                 Participants were identified through a pre-     Student Teaching
                                                                                                                 assessment test given in January. Those              A second purpose of the Saturday Club
                                                                                                                 invited to the “club” exhibited weaknesses      is to give Marietta College students who
                                                                                                                 in several learning outcomes. Results of        are earning a teaching degree through the
                                                                                                                 these tests also indicated to the teachers      CORE (Developing Core Teachers in Ohio’s
                                                                                  Students in Saturday           the skills students were lacking, and they      Appalachian Region) Program an opportu-
                                                                                  Club use a variety of
                                                                                                                 designed activities to meet those needs.        nity to practice their classroom skills.
                                                                                  technological tools
                                                                                                                     The Saturday sessions began at 11:30,       These students are professionals in mathe-
                                                                                  that interest them in
                                                                                  learning.                      allowing the students the ability to “sleep     matics and science-oriented fields and
                                                                                                                 in.” They started the afternoons with a         have chosen to pursue teaching as an
                                                                                                                 pizza lunch, which were followed by four,       alternative career. The college students
                                                                                                                 hour-long academic sessions. The large          helped design as well as teach the
                                                                                                                 group was broken into smaller groups of         Saturday lessons.
                                                                                                                 6-10, which rotated through the different           “The [student teachers] learned a lot as
Teachers Embrace Technology                                  ultimate goal is to improve the perform-            activities. The activities varied each week     far as getting that experience to teach,”
    Saturday Club was a popular spot for                     ance of these students on the Ohio                  and included such tasks as dissecting a         says Ms. Depue, who is an instructor in
seventh graders at Marietta Middle School.                   Achievement tests in the areas of mathe-            fetal pig, designing a scavenger hunt using     the CORE Program.
More than 50 pre-teens attended the aca-                     matics, science, technology, and language           hand held GPS devices, and creating pod-            “They enjoyed working with the target
demic program to the envy of classmates                      arts.                                               casts that can be viewed on the class           group, they enjoyed working with each
who remained on the waiting list.                                The teachers believe the secret to their        Web site.                                       other, and they’ve had lots of great expo-
    “It’s all about making learning fun,”                    success is the integration of technology.               Ms. Depue firmly believes that integrat-    sure to all kinds of classroom tools. Now
says seventh grade teacher Kimberly                          With a grant from the Martha Holden                 ing technology in the curriculum is a signif-   they’ve seen [the technology] in use. I
Depue, who developed the weekend pro-                        Jennings Foundation, they purchased a               icant motivator. “Every time new technolo-      think that’s given them valuable informa-
gram with her colleague, Kathy Finley.                       variety of technological tools, such as             gies come out we want to ban them,” says        tion as well.”
The teachers set out to engage reluctant                     handheld GPS units, iPods, Vernier probes,          Ms. Depue referring to devices such as
                                                                                                                                                                 For more information:
learners in activities they don’t get to do                  and graphing calculators, which totally             cell phones and iPods.                          Ms. Kimberly Depue, Marietta Middle School
during the usual school day. Their                           engage students in the learning process.               “Instead of spending a lot of time mak-      242 7th Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750

Financial Literacy Workshops
              Ashland University

                             In December 2006, the Ohio legisla-                                                          Jennings Science Workshops
2009                    ture passed Senate Bill 311, which                                                                Grades 5-8 • June 22-25
Financial               requires the integration of financial literacy
                                                                                                                          Grades 2-4 • July 6-9
Literacy                into the high school curriculum for stu-
Workshops               dents entering high school beginning in
                        2010. Each school district can determine                                                          Jennings Mathematics
                        at what grade level it will teach the con-                                                        Workshop
                        tent, in which course, and by whom.                                                               Grades 6-8 • July 27-30
June 22-23                  To help teachers get up to speed on
The Youngstown Club     teaching personal finance and assist dis-
                                                                                                                          Jennings Educators’ Retreat
Youngstown, Ohio        tricts with the implementation, the Ohio
                                                                                                                          July 30-31
                        Centers for Economic Education worked            Those who attend the Teachers Academy
                        with the Ohio Department of Education to         receive a box filled with materials and
June 22-July 24         create a program called “The Teachers            supplies they can use in their classroom
On-Line                                                                  to teach financial literacy.
                        Academy for Personal Finance.” The pro-
                        gram, which is funded in part by a grant
                        from the Martha Holden Jennings
June 24 - 25
Polaris Career Center
                        Foundation, provides classroom-ready,            ments, an on-line version is also available.
Middleburg Heights,     interactive resources to deliver the             If a district has not developed an imple-
Ohio                    required instruction and helps support an        mentation plan, a teacher or curriculum
                        implementation plan. The Teachers                director can attend the program and then
                        Academy covers six content modules:              assist the district in the design of its plan.
July 1-2                                                                 Each program can be taken for either two
Ashland University      1. Financial Decision-making                     semester hours of graduate level credit
Columbus Center         2. Working and Earning                           from Ashland University or 12 professional
Columbus, Ohio
                        3. Budgeting, Banking, Saving, and               development contact hours.
                           Philanthropy                                       For workshop registration forms,
                        4. Effective Use of Credit                       please visit the Ashland University web
August 17-18
Mansfield Chamber
                        5. Wealth Creation and Investing                 site:
of Commerce             6. Risk Management                                                                                Teachers enjoy learning together at the
                                                                         For more information:                            Jennings summer workshops.
Mansfield, Ohio
                                                                         Mrs. Paula Aveni, Director Economic Education
                            The two-day course will be offered at        EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center
                        several locations throughout Ohio this           of Ashland University
                        summer. For teachers struggling to bal-
                        ance professional and personal commit-

                                                                                                                              PRO EXCELLENTIA       •   SPRING 2009
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation                 Non-profit
               The Halle Building
               1228 Euclid Avenue, Suite 710                   U.S. POSTAGE
               Cleveland, Ohio 44115
                                                               Cleveland, Ohio
                                                               Permit No. 2282


Helping Teachers and Students
Help Themselves

                           Art Competition
                                   page 6

                                               Top Educators
          Junior                                     page 12
          page 4

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  • 1. Martha Holden Jennings Foundation P ro Excellentia SPRING 2009 Skillful Reading Riverside Local Schools has adopted the Wilson Reading Program to help students who have fallen behind in reading due to their decoding skills. The interactive program is being used throughout the district in grades 3-12. Students involved have made significant gains and teachers like the systematic, multi- sensory approach. (see story pgs. 2-3)
  • 2. Mastering Decoding Skills Leads to Gains in Reading Research-Based Techniques Curriculum Coordinator for the District, To close the achievement gap for which is located 30 miles east of struggling readers, Riverside Local Cleveland and serves approximately 4,700 Schools is providing targeted instruction students. “If this continues, the achieve- to at-risk students through the Wilson ment gap will only widen as these stu- Reading Program. The program will dents move through their education.” improve literacy by providing targeted The majority of these students, she The purpose of the Martha Holden Jennings instruction and teacher professional devel- explains, have a core deficit in their Foundation is “to foster the development of opment. phonological or decoding skills. The young people to the maximum extent through “We had to address the achieve- “An analysis of the district’s reading Wilson Reading Program is a researched- improving the quality of teaching in secular ment gap. It would only widen as assessments revealed approximately 16 based technique that provides direct, elementary and secondary schools these students moved through their percent of the students are considered ‘at structured, multisensory instruction and in Ohio.” Pro Excellentia is published to education.” risk,’ reading significantly below grade gives students the decoding skills they describe a sampling of those efforts in six Vickie Loncar, Elementary Curriculum level,” says Vickie Loncar, Elementary lack. The instruction is cumulative and key areas: Coordinator, Riverside Local Schools leads to successful fluent readers. This is the second year the Wilson Mathematics, Science & Technology Reading Program has been used within the Riverside district. Once a student begins Language Literacy the program, he/she needs to be followed Arts Education through to completion. On average, it takes a student two to three years to Educator Development complete. For this reason, explains Mrs. Leadership Skills for Loncar, Wilson has been established Administrators throughout all buildings in the district. This Other Student Services allows for consistency of instruction as the students move from elementary to middle to high school. A 12-Step Process We ask that you please share this copy Linda Clayton works “Wilson is a 12-step program that really with colleagues who may gain valuable informa- with a student using teaches students the structure of our lan- tion and ideas from articles covered in this tile boards in a guage,” explains Mrs. Loncar, adding that publication. one-on-one tutoring it is not only for those with learning dis- session. Editor: Mary Kay Binder abilities. “It’s for students who really strug- gle with reading, who are reading two grade levels below and really need specific decoding skills.” M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 2
  • 3. Riverside Local Schools Students who participate in Wilson are “Wilson is very interactive,” she “The program is all spelled out for identified using the Dynamic Indicators of continues. “You are diagnosing you,” adds Jean Jones, a SLD teacher Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). throughout the whole lesson, so you who is also being trained in Level II. “It’s can see right away if a student is all right here,” she remarks pointing to the not getting it.” large binder that contains the step by step “We do a standardized assess- procedures the teachers follow. “It’s very ment to see where their strengths Professional Development easy to use. Once you start doing it, it just and weaknesses are,” explains A significant part of the Wilson Reading makes sense.” Mrs. Loncar. “This program is not Program is the education of teachers. Mrs. Jones worked with a fifth grade for everybody. It’s not something For the past two years, teams of Riverside student last year who could read and you would instruct on in the teachers have been trained in the pro- decode at his grade level but struggled gram’s strategies with funding from a grant with spelling. The student made significant classroom. It’s a small group, from the Martha Holden Jennings progress and she is confident that he will intensive program for identified Foundation. During 2007-2008, 12 teach- continue to improve because he is students who would benefit from it.” ers were certified in Wilson Level I, which participating in Wilson in the middle involves 90 hours of online instruction and school this year. Wilson begins in grade three and is a 60-lesson practicum as well as demon- Other teachers at Riverside have also offered to students through high school. strations and continuous feedback from a noted positive results thus far. Students Students work either one-on-one or in Wilson trainer. This year, six teachers are who were part of the practicum last year small groups with certified Wilson teachers being trained in Level I and four in Level II, showed an average two grade level and follow a very structured, hands-on, 12- which involves learning advanced strate- increase in both their decoding and com- step program. Elementary and high school gies for multi-sensory instruction, group prehension skills. They are more confident students follow the exact same process. study practicum, and advanced word on attacking an assignment that includes Students must master each step of the study. The teachers are given all the mate- reading and have a stronger grasp of the program before they can move on to the rials and supplies needed for instruction. foundation of reading for use across the next level. Teachers track each student’s “I thought the training was excellent,” curricula. progress by charting the results of every explains Linda Clayton, a 33-year special tutoring session. needs teaching veteran, who is currently For more information: Mrs. Vickie Loncar, Riverside Local Schools “We are really starting back at the undergoing Level II certification. Last year, 585 Riverside Drive, Painesville, Ohio 44077 beginning” says Mrs. Loncar, explaining Mrs. Clayton worked one-on-one with a that the Wilson Program starts off with third grade student who she says “blos- intense review of vowel sounds, consonant somed” as she advanced through the first sounds, and welded sounds. “We really four levels of the program. Mrs. Clayton want to give them a solid foundation. In tutored the student for 45 minutes either Students in the Wilson Reading Program the past, I think the regular class was mov- before or after school three days a week. work in small groups and quiz each other ing on and these students didn’t quite get using sound cards. “It’s intensive,” she comments, “but they what they needed. need it, and it has paid off.” PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 3
  • 4. The Business of Learning Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland Junior Achievement (JA) of Greater Inspiration Cleveland has been working to make eco- JA recruits a diverse group of business nomics and business come alive for stu- volunteers from a range of industries. dents in 270 schools and organizations These men and women serve as mentors throughout Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, and and role models who help today’s children Lorain counties through creative, hands- grow into tomorrow’s success stories, on curricula. explains Ms. Kinsey. JA provides an ori- Programs are presented by business entation program for both the volunteers volunteers who visit classrooms in grades and teachers who participate in the pro- K-12. They focus on seven key content gram. At each level, they are given a areas: citizenship, economics, entrepre- packet of materials that contains lesson neurship, ethics, character, financial litera- plans, hands-on activities, and discussion cy, and career development. All lessons topics to use in each week’s program. have been tested, meet state standards, Often, volunteers establish a relation- and are updated in response to comments ship with a particular teacher, and return Businessman Kevin Frey teaches a lesson on “needs and wants” to first graders at Fairfax from teachers, students, and volunteers. to that same teacher’s classroom year Elementary School in Cleveland Heights. The children are identifying places on a floor map that families go to in their community to get their needs and wants satisfied. Together the curricula and the volunteers after year. Kevin Frey, Internal Audit work to raise students’ educational and Manager at Airgas, has volunteered in career aspirations, teach economics and Stacey Cohen’s first grade classroom at financial knowledge, and develop job- Fairfax Elementary School in Cleveland related skills. Heights for the past three years. He says Mr. Frey says the students he works accomplish goals so they can become “Our mission is to inspire and prepare he always got along well with children and with come from a variety of backgrounds successful. young people to succeed in the global enjoys being with them. and he enjoys their different perspectives. Ms. Kinsey adds that students who are economy,” explains Wendy Kinsey, Mr. Frey recently visited Ms. Cohen’s He views his “guest appearances” as a exposed to JA programs throughout their President, Junior Achievement of Greater classroom to present the first grade JA break in the school day’s more structured 13 years of education will meet a variety Cleveland. curriculum, which covers the role of fami- learning and hopes the students have fun of business professionals who will This year, JA Cleveland was able to lies in the local economy. Over five sepa- learning with him. “This is a different way acquaint them with all sorts of different expand the number of programs it offers rate sessions, he and the students dis- to learn,” he says. “It’s a little more inter- job possibilities and inspire them to to students in several inner ring suburbs -- cussed a variety of topics including the active than they may be used to.” achieve their own dreams. Cleveland Heights-University Heights, interdependence of family members; the In the long run, he hopes his efforts Brookpark, Maple Heights, and South difference between a family’s needs and help to educate students about the variety For more information: Ms. Wendy Kinsey, Junior Achievement of Euclid-Lyndhurst -- through a grant from wants; and how jobs provide income to of possibilities that are available to them Greater Cleveland, 1422 Euclid Avenue, the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. pay for both. and to encourage them to set and Suite 525, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 4
  • 5. Global Awareness Sparks Student Activism Wolf Creek Local School District A Global Perspective such as landmine eradication, the lack about things that are going on in the world At Waterford High School in of drinking water in many parts of the every day, which they may not see, but Appalachia’s Wolf Creek Local School globe, and the extent of poverty in third that are happening. We want them to District, a school-wide project is educating world countries. They also heard from know that they can become part of a solu- students about serious global issues representatives of organizations intent on tion for these events,” explains Mrs. Miller. and empowering them to get involved. providing relief to those experiencing “This has been eye opening,” says one Through Interactive Video Distance these problems. senior who was deeply touched by the Learning (IVDL) and guest speakers, stu- accounts of a woman who works with dents are learning directly from those “This is a very small, very rural, orphans in Honduras. “We just don’t real- who have been victims of disasters such and very agricultural community, ize how bad it is in other countries. We as genocide, poverty, and world hunger. and the students’ experi- have such great privileges here and we They are also hearing from organizations ences are very limit- can take care of each other. But where who work to alleviate the suffering from ed,” explains Mrs. there is no money and everyone is poor – these events, such as the Peace Corps, Miller. “They just it’s just such a shocker.” Doctors Without Borders, and Habitat can’t believe how Mrs. Miller says that the entire project for Humanity. other people live – presentations, interviews, IVDLs -- is “We are such a small school in a because it’s not in being documented by students in the secluded area and we want our students their experiences.” school’s tech class and will eventually be to have access to what is going on in the available as podcasts. global community,” explains Kelly Miller, For more information: who teaches Language Arts at Waterford. Empowerment Mrs. Kelly Miller, Waterford High School She is the coordinator for a year-long Mrs. Miller stresses that the project’s P.O. Box 67, Waterford, Ohio 45786 project called “Beyond Boundaries: intent is to empower students to become Student Activism from Waterford to the actively involved in alleviating some of World” for the school’s 200 students. “But these pressing global problems. After we want them not just to know what is studying and making presentations about going on, we want them to understand several relief and social service organiza- how they can become a part of a solution tions, the student body chose one -- Kids through student activism and service.” Against Hunger – to be the recipient of a With a grant from the Martha Holden major, school-wide fundraiser. The school Jennings Foundation, educators arranged also hosted a “service fair” in which 30 Through Interactive Distance Learning, students at for speakers to visit the school, some in exhibitors from local to global organiza- Waterford High School are learning about other person others via distance learning, to tell tions talked with students about the mis- people’s lives and considering how they might have their personal experiences. The students sion of their groups and opportunities for an impact on global issues. heard from Holocaust survivors, the Lost volunteers. Boys of Sudan, and a survivor of the “We want to empower the students by Khmer Rouge. They learned about issues teaching them that they can do something PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 5
  • 6. Art Competition Rewards Effort and Talent Cuyahoga County Regional Scholastic Art Competition and Exhibition Engaging Students Each year, CIA invites more than 300 in Their World art teachers in the county to submit In January, 2009, The Cleveland student work to the adjudicated event. Institute of Art (CIA) hosted the opening Art teachers note that through Scholastics, reception of a very special exhibit. On daily art lessons are applied to a “real life” display in the Reinberger Galleries were situation in which artwork is judged by 282 pieces of award-winning artwork impartial jurors based on its merits. Each created by junior high and high school teacher can enter up to 15 pieces of their students in Cuyahoga County. These students’ art, so they serve as the first pieces were among 1,522 samples of round judges in the process. student work entered into the Cuyahoga “I look for work that goes beyond – County Regional Scholastic Art Competition something that is a little more personal, and Exhibition. A group of professional more expressive,” says David King, a artists and art professors judged each for teacher of two-dimensional art at Chagrin its originality, technicality, and personal Falls High School. Mr. King has been sub- vision. Exceptional pieces received an mitting student work to the Scholastics Honorable Mention, Silver Key, Gold Key, competition throughout his 25 years of or American Vision award and were teaching. mounted and displayed in the Reinberger Galleries for three weeks in January. Top “I think competition is a normal place American Vision and Gold Key win- process in the art world. The stu- ners were then forwarded to a national dents compete with others their own competition in New York City. age; it’s just a good experience to For 29 years, CIA has sponsored the go through.” Scholastics competition to encourage cre- ativity in young people and to recognize Daniel Whitely, who teaches advanced outstanding achievement in the visual arts. drawing, honors painting, and portfolio Open to Cuyahoga County students in workshop at Shaker Heights High School grades 7-12, it is the most prestigious agrees. When selecting work to enter into Shaker Heights High School student Emily McCandless, who won a Gold Key for these juried visual arts competition for young the competition, he looks for well-designed paintings in her portfolio, says students should have fun with the competition and “do” artists in Greater Cleveland. It offers stu- pieces that clearly convey the artist’s what they like: “Everything that I paint is something that I love, that’s meaningful to me -- dents exposure to professional artists, intent, has challenged the student and even the vegetables.” contact with other top student artists in pushed the artist to think. “They learn their the county, a look at the work the other own creative process through this experi- students are producing, and an opportuni- ence,” he remarks. “There are different ty to see their work displayed in a profes- ways of approaching things and they need sionally mounted gallery exhibition. to know what it takes -- from beginning M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 6
  • 7. to end -- to [create] a piece of art that is of challenging, competitive, and rewarding exhibition worthy.” experience more broadly available to teens involved in athletics. Award Winners Organizing the event is a substantial Mr. Whitely submitted 10-12 student undertaking. Artwork is dropped off at CIA Andrew portfolios (which consist of eight art one day in December and within 20 hours Weaver of pieces, an artist’s statement, a letter of Chagrin Falls it is adjudicated by a group of professional High School recommendation, and the students’ tran- artists and art teachers. The pieces are won a Gold script) in this year’s competition. Three first divided into 19 different categories, Key and an won Gold Key awards. Shaker students which include painting, photography, Honorable also competed in jewelry design, graphics, model design, product design, and Mention at fine arts, and ceramics. video/film among others. the 2009 The Scholastics competition has provid- “The judging is intense,” says Richard Competition. ed thousands of students who apply Maxwell, Assistant Director of Continuing themselves in the visual arts with the kind Education & Community Outreach at the Institute. He adds that CIA looks for jurors who work outside of the county to ensure impartiality in the judging process. While not every student wins an award “I really enjoy looking around at the competition, Mr. Maxwell hopes all at the Exhibition at other people's students who participate will continue to work -- seeing what they come pursue their passion for art. “I hope the up with and getting inspiration for students learn that they should not give up what I could possibly do in the and that they should continue to create,” he future.” says. “It helps increase their learning in other avenues as well.” Courtney Gill, Shaker Heights High School Mr. King recognizes that value, too. Gold Key Award Winner Shaker Heights “The students are not entering the competi- for Portfolio High School tion just to win an art show,” he remarks. student Joe “They’re doing it because they love art and Schorgl won a they love sharing it with other people.” Gold Key for his comic book For more information: illustrations. Mr. Richard Maxwell The Cleveland Institute of Art 11141 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 7
  • 8. On-line Classes Enhance Gifted Program Virtual Learning Coordinator, Clermont County Educational schools, proved the idea could have phe- break it apart, to get the best resources, Gifted students from four districts in Service Center. “We couldn’t really have nomenal results. Students in the different to align it to the standards, to consider Clermont County are learning through a classes of three students here and four districts read the same novels, analyzed learning styles and interests,” says series of on-line courses in several subject students there,” she remarks. The educa- historical documents, and shared their Heather Frost-Hauk, who teaches gifted areas. The virtual classes, which are tors realized, however, that if the county thoughts and comments on-line. Each students in grades 6,7, and 8 in the being developed by their teachers, allow offered courses on-line, students could week teachers provided through-provok- Bethel-Tate district. “The great thing is these small, rural districts to efficiently select classes specific to their areas of ing prompts and students were able to that we all work together to compile and serve their gifted populations. The courses passion – whether in science, social stud- discuss issues that went well above typi- pool resources, brainstorm ideas, and build on the state standards but go more ies, language arts, or math -- and the dis- cal grade-level conversations. At the end map the units. Then, the [teacher] respon- in-depth and involve critical thinking skills tricts could share gifted personnel among of each quarter, students met face-to-face sible for the unit fine tunes things. and lots of creativity. all the schools. for live debates and discussions and the “There is so much to consider;” she Gifted students and gifted teachers are A pilot project last year in the districts opportunity to meet their counterparts adds, “I love the challenge though.” sprinkled around the county at many dif- of Bethel-Tate, Clermont Northeastern, from other districts. Mrs. Frost-Hauk says her passion is in ferent schools, explains Amy Bain, Gifted Felicity-Franklin, and Williamsburg local language arts so she concentrates on that The Program Expands subject and leaves science and social With a grant from the Martha Holden studies to other teachers. Titles of courses Jennings Foundation, the county expand- she developed include Oh Rats! (Mrs. ed the program in 2008-2009 to include Frisby and the Rats of NIMH); Basics of gifted students in grades 3-8 and to Writing; My Kind of Research; Creative increase the number of virtual course Writing and Poetry; and Dracula. offerings. Last spring gifted teachers from all four districts along with Mrs. Bain met to “The on-line develop the courses. While most are inter- courses have disciplinary, the focus of each is science, challenged me social studies, or language arts. Currently, to re-think the almost 350 students are enrolled in the way I view As a culminating activity classes. education and for the class on Ancient “Once we decided to offer on-line service options for Egypt, students use the courses, we were surprised with the lack gifted students,” comments scientific method to deter- mine the best substances of available resources,” explains Mrs. Renee King, who teaches gifted for mummifying squid. Bain. “We discovered that we needed to students in grades 3-8 at Felicity- create the classes ourselves. This was Franklin School. “I no longer have exciting in that we could develop the a ‘one size fits all’ service -- I courses with the gifted students’ needs in have options! I find myself looking mind.” at individual student needs more “It takes a long time to map it out, to than ever.” M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 8
  • 9. Clermont County Educational Service Center Course Selections Students typically have three classes or more to choose from each quarter. For each course, students meet weekly with a gifted teacher and then have weekly virtu- al activities that can be completed on-line. They are encouraged to work at their own pace, provided they meet required dead- lines. Students come to the face-to-face classes armed with information they have Gifted students at Felicity- learned during the week. Throughout the Franklin Elementary School work course, the students share their findings in the computer lab on an and comments with gifted students in the Immigration project. Their other schools. Each course includes a cul- teacher, Renee King, suggested minating project or activity where the stu- a variety of Web sites they could explore to gather informa- dents from the different schools get tion they will share at their together. This project serves as the weekly face-to-face meeting. course assessment and allows students to set goals that drive learning during the prior eight weeks. “Students love being able to choose what they study,” says Mrs. Bain. “Those gifted in science no longer are grouped courses allow students and teachers and can incorporate their interest in their For more information: with other gifted students in a reading access to the class at any hour of the day, course selections,” she says. Mrs. Amy Bain Clermont County Educational Service Center class. Now they can take courses such as any day of the week. And if students are 2400 Clermont Center Drive, Suite 202 Anatomy, Cells, Flight and Rockets, particularly interested in a topic, they can “It’s important for teachers to Batavia, Ohio 45103-1957 Amazing Animals, or Chemistry. share what they have learned with other realize that on-line education is a Developing courses that match the areas students via forums or discussion boards. valuable tool that can be very pow- of identification has been a wonderful Mrs. Frost-Hauk says she likes the fact erful in impacting student achieve- advantage of the program. that students get a whole package: “They ment,” stresses Mrs. King. “It is “This is not a ‘canned’ program,” she learn to be responsible for their learning; not a class without a teacher. We continues. “The courses are updated and improve their skills when it comes to tech- make face-to-face weekly meetings tweaked for each group of students. We nology; learn ‘real-life’ skills – as on-line a core component of the virtual really look at what the students are doing, courses are becoming the future of col- classes. We are constantly in com- what they might need.” lege courses; learn to respond construc- munication with students on-line or Mrs. King believes the program’s tively to their fellow students in the way of face-to-face to ensure quality biggest benefit is its flexibility. On-line forums and wikis; work at their own pace; results.” PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 9
  • 10. Students Manufacture Alternative Fuel North Fork Local School District Agriculture students at Utica High School are planning to produce 100 gallons of biodiesel fuel each week from recycled cooking oil and market it to area farmers for use throughout the growing season. The students will handle all aspects of production from collecting oil from a local restaurant to operating a biodiesel fuel processor to distributing the final product. Prior to making their first gallon, the students researched all aspects of biodiesel fuel technology. They Students are filtering the recycled cooking oil that Students are adding pre-measured methanol to the studied the chemistry behind the fuel, the will be used to make the biodiesel fuel. biodiesel fuel processor. cost effectiveness of production, and its potential environmental impact. Instructors Jeff Hindel, Industrial Technology, and Steve Priest, Agricultrual Education, conceived the idea in the spring of 2008 when diesel fuel prices User Friendly Processor Agriculture program made their first 50- tion highlighting the environmental and were rising dramatically. With a grant from the Jennings gallon batch in mid-March. financial benefits of “buying” their school- “The fuel crisis spearheaded this proj- Foundation, the teachers purchased a grown product and will use it as a market- ect,” says Mr. Hindel, explaining that Utica self-contained biodiesel fuel processor “It’s nice that we know how to ing tool when talking to community groups is a small farming community and stu- that is easy to operate and requires little make an alternative energy source,” this spring. dents at the school live on and work those maintenance. It is set up in a walled-off says one student. “This will be a big “This is a wonderful experience for farms. “When diesel fuel was over $4.00 a area of the Ag shop. All chemicals needed part of energy in the future, and us,” remarks another student. “It gives us gallon last May we got together to think to make the fuel come pre-measured; stu- maybe one of us can head up a com- an idea of how to run our own business about how we could help our community, dents simply pour in the oil and chemi- pany that will make biodiesel fuel and also allows us an opportunity to help and this is what we decided to do.” cals, push the start button, and let the and introduce it to all of America.” our community.” In addition to providing the community machine do the work. Twenty-four hours For more information: with a less expensive fuel, Mr. Priest notes later they drain off glycerin, a by-product The students’ plan is to produce the Mr. Jeff Hindel, Mr. Steve Priest that biodiesel fuel burns cleaner and is of the production process, and start the fuel for local farmers who would con- Utica High School less corrosive to engines than fossil fuel final wash. In another 24 hours, the fuel is tribute a donation to the school’s 260 N. Jefferson Street and its emissions are less harmful to the ready to use. Agriculture program in return. They have Utica, Ohio 43080 atmosphere than standard emissions. A small group of seniors in the produced a detailed PowerPoint presenta- M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 10
  • 11. Walking in Their Moccasins The Lake County Historical Society Children who live along the southern based program to teach students how the these Native Americans lived in the area, shore of Lake Erie are getting a unique Whittlesey focus people used their envi- the students examine a variety of “arti- opportunity to learn about the Native ronment and technology to create a better facts,” discuss them, and match them Americans who once walked in their back- way of life. with real artifacts held in display cases. yards. Through a program called, ”Walking The students’ job is to identify the objects in Their Moccasins,” designed by educa- Environment and Technology as tools, weapons, or decorative pieces tors at The Lake County Historical Society, The Historical Society is fortunate to by using observations and information children in grades 3-5 learn about the cul- have a site that offers a unique environ- included in a written field guide. ture, art, technology, and lifestyles of the ment for conducting an interactive pro- Outdoors, the students have an eight pre-historic people known as the gram – a combination classroom and out- acre wooded environment in which to Whittlesey* focus people. door setting where students can learn learn through experience. A group of high “School children who live in this area both through direct instruction and hands- school students assisted in creating a vil- learn everything they need to know about on discovery. In creating “Walking in Their lage that includes a long house; wigwam; eastern woodland tribes, southern mound Moccasins,” Ms. Purmal drew upon native garden; and cooking, tool-making builders, even the Alaskan Native decades of success the Historical Society and clay pot area. Using materials found Americans, but they learn nothing about has had with the popular Pioneer School – in the environment, students role play the the Native Americans who once walked where students learn about early American Whittlesey people solving problems asso- through their backyards,” says Kathie life in an authentic environment where ciated with obtaining food, shelter, and Purmal, Executive Director, The Lake they actually haul wood, cook over an clothing. They make tools out of stone, County Historical Society. Their history, open fire, and attend school in a one room wood, and bone. They grind corn with a culture, and disappearance are an integral school house. mortar and pestle and use deer antlers to part of the history of Lake County and sur- “We saw how the proper environment work in the garden. A museum display of the Whittlesey people rounding areas and local teachers know really lit the imagination,” says Ms. “The lesson we want them to learn is teaches students how they survived in very little about them. how these people used their environment their natural environment. Purmal. “And with the imagination, of With a grant from the Martha Holden course, comes the learning.” and technology to create a better way of Jennings Foundation and the expertise of The three-hour Native American pro- living,” says Ms. Purmal. “And through a previous youth education director, the gram is divided into indoor and outdoor that, we hope will grow a respect for the Historical Society developed a standards- sessions. Students enter “Professor Native Americans that once walked the Whittlesey’s” laboratory inside the muse- southern shores of Lake Erie.” um to learn more about the lifestyles of For more information: these prehistoric peoples. The classroom Ms. Kathie Purmal *The name Whittlesey comes from Charles is set up as a Whittlesey campsite with a The Lake County Historical Society Whittlesey, an archaeologist who explored wigwam surrounded by “rock cliffs.” To 8610 Mentor Road, Kirtland Hills, Ohio 44060 Lake County in the 1830’s and uncovered remnants of primitive life in the area. learn about the different time periods PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 11
  • 12. Top Educator Awards Jennifer McCalla Mrs. McCalla, who holds a master’s to make it better.” will benefit from the computers, which are Jennifer McCalla believes it is extreme- degree in education technology, used the A 10-year teaching veteran, Mrs. stored on a portable cart and can be ly important for teachers to stay current award to establish a mobile graphing calcu- McCalla enjoys working with kids and moved from room to room. with trends in technology. A mathematics lator lab that is being used by nine teachers “seeing their expressions when they get “The range of activities and skills that educator at Normandy High School in in classes from Algebra Topics to AP it – when they have that ‘aha moment.’ we are going to be able to do is going to Parma and the 2008 recipient of the Calculus in the mathematics department at “With some kids it may take a little bit be a lot more extensive,” says Mrs. George B. Chapman, Jr. Teacher Award Normandy. The lab consists of a set of 30 longer,” she adds, “but that’s what it’s all Ptasznik, who says her teaching style will for Excellence in Mathematics Education, TI-Nspire graphing calculators, a PC Video about.” change a lot due to the immersion of the Mrs. McCalla says using graphing calcula- projector, and a laptop installed with TI- technology in her lesson plans. tors and computer software gives stu- SmartView Emulator software. Using the cal- Casey Ptasznik dents the best chance to understand the culators, students can see multiple repre- Casey Ptasznik aims to recapture the “We do a lot of skills-based math they are learning, as opposed to just sentations – tabular, graphical, and numeri- enthusiasm a kindergartner has for learn- learning,” she adds. “While the memorizing rules and formulas. cal -- of the same problem on one screen. ing and instill it in her high school stu- students are learning a concept “I’m slowly getting teachers to under- dents. With funds from the 2008 Master within world history there is also “My own experiences in learning stand all these calculators can do,” says Teacher Award, she is working to bring her at least one skill connected to higher mathematics have convinced Mrs. McCalla, who is providing in-service world history classes to life. She pur- every activity, and the computers me that tools that allow students to for teachers in the department in hopes chased 13 laptop computers that she will play into that. ‘explore’ and ‘play with’ various that all will incorporate them in their les- envisions ninth grade students at Chardon ideas foster fundamental under- sons. She believes effective teachers High School will use to make multimedia “It’s going to force me to learn too,” standing of the ‘why’ of mathemat- need to be open to try new things. “They and PowerPoint presentations, conduct she admits, remarking on the variety of ics in addition to the ‘how,’ ” she need to be adventurous,” she says. “If research, assemble timelines, and create new software programs that will be avail- remarks. you try something and it doesn’t work political advertisements and cartoons. able for teachers to use. you can adapt it, or change it, or edit it Actually, she says, the whole department Jennifer McCalla in her classroom at Normandy High School. M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 12
  • 13. educator excellence students.” From iPods to text messages, he adds, their connection with information technology is continuous and second nature; he would like to take advantage of that interest and turn it to an instructional purpose. With three decades of experience behind him, Mr. Stork jokes that he is still learning how to do his job. Yet, he does Casey Ptasznik have some advice for new teachers: instructs a group of world history students “It’s really all about the students. at Chardon That’s the deal. The whole focus High School. has got to be getting to know them,” he says. “And that’s the fun of it. So enjoy your students – that would be my advice.” Mrs. Ptasznik has been teaching high Thomas Stork dents’ connection to information technolo- school social studies for 13 years. Her “It is the students who do the learning gy and apply it to their investigation of original plan was to go to law school and and if they are not directly engaged with force and motion in ninth grade physics focus on educational law, but a semester the content then they are not effectively lessons. of student teaching changed her mind. learning,” says Thomas Stork, who has Using technology purchased with “I have really enjoyed the kids,” she taught science at Athens High School for award funds, students work in teams remarks, adding that teaching is never the past 30 years. “They have got to be using wireless data gathering devices to boring because the students are constant- directly engaged, they have got to be con- measure force, acceleration, and position ly changing. “I can take the same course necting the ideas to their experiences in as they engage in a variety of activities. and teach it three times a day and it is so the real world. And it is the teacher who They download and analyze this data on different class to class.” arranges for that to happen.” computers, record their activities using Mrs. Ptasznik believes one of the most In courses ranging from Integrated video cameras, and will eventually create important qualities in a master teacher is Science to AP Physics, he encourages podcast presentations to share what they having the ability to assess what students students to investigate the world around have learned with elementary students. need and provide it for them, which, she them and then incorporate that knowledge “I have worked to try to incorporate concedes, is easier said than done. She into a coherent world view. As the 2008 students’ direct experience through avail- also believes it is important to offer guid- recipient of the Arthur S. Holden Teacher able technology all my career,” Mr. Stork Thomas Stork, Science Teacher at Athens High School. ance and emotional support outside of the Award for Excellence in Science remarks. “As engaged as I am, I recognize classroom. Education, Mr. Stork aims to tap the stu- that I am not nearly as plugged in as my PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 13
  • 14. Technology Creates Interest in Saturday School Marietta Middle School “All of these are technologies ing rules for not using this [technology], I that engage the reluctant learner,” think we need to start really brainstorming says Ms. Depue. “I truly believe how to make it practical and useful in the that’s part of the enthusiasm that classroom. We’re not teaching [students] keeps the kids coming.” the technology, we’re using the technolo- gy as a tool to teach the academic out- The intervention sessions ran for sever- comes.” al weeks prior to the state testing in April. Participants were identified through a pre- Student Teaching assessment test given in January. Those A second purpose of the Saturday Club invited to the “club” exhibited weaknesses is to give Marietta College students who in several learning outcomes. Results of are earning a teaching degree through the these tests also indicated to the teachers CORE (Developing Core Teachers in Ohio’s Students in Saturday the skills students were lacking, and they Appalachian Region) Program an opportu- Club use a variety of designed activities to meet those needs. nity to practice their classroom skills. technological tools The Saturday sessions began at 11:30, These students are professionals in mathe- that interest them in learning. allowing the students the ability to “sleep matics and science-oriented fields and in.” They started the afternoons with a have chosen to pursue teaching as an pizza lunch, which were followed by four, alternative career. The college students hour-long academic sessions. The large helped design as well as teach the group was broken into smaller groups of Saturday lessons. 6-10, which rotated through the different “The [student teachers] learned a lot as Teachers Embrace Technology ultimate goal is to improve the perform- activities. The activities varied each week far as getting that experience to teach,” Saturday Club was a popular spot for ance of these students on the Ohio and included such tasks as dissecting a says Ms. Depue, who is an instructor in seventh graders at Marietta Middle School. Achievement tests in the areas of mathe- fetal pig, designing a scavenger hunt using the CORE Program. More than 50 pre-teens attended the aca- matics, science, technology, and language hand held GPS devices, and creating pod- “They enjoyed working with the target demic program to the envy of classmates arts. casts that can be viewed on the class group, they enjoyed working with each who remained on the waiting list. The teachers believe the secret to their Web site. other, and they’ve had lots of great expo- “It’s all about making learning fun,” success is the integration of technology. Ms. Depue firmly believes that integrat- sure to all kinds of classroom tools. Now says seventh grade teacher Kimberly With a grant from the Martha Holden ing technology in the curriculum is a signif- they’ve seen [the technology] in use. I Depue, who developed the weekend pro- Jennings Foundation, they purchased a icant motivator. “Every time new technolo- think that’s given them valuable informa- gram with her colleague, Kathy Finley. variety of technological tools, such as gies come out we want to ban them,” says tion as well.” The teachers set out to engage reluctant handheld GPS units, iPods, Vernier probes, Ms. Depue referring to devices such as For more information: learners in activities they don’t get to do and graphing calculators, which totally cell phones and iPods. Ms. Kimberly Depue, Marietta Middle School during the usual school day. Their engage students in the learning process. “Instead of spending a lot of time mak- 242 7th Street, Marietta, Ohio 45750 M A R T H A H O L D E N J E N N I N G S F O U N D AT I O N 14
  • 15. Financial Literacy Workshops Ashland University In December 2006, the Ohio legisla- Jennings Science Workshops 2009 ture passed Senate Bill 311, which Grades 5-8 • June 22-25 Financial requires the integration of financial literacy Grades 2-4 • July 6-9 Literacy into the high school curriculum for stu- Workshops dents entering high school beginning in 2010. Each school district can determine Jennings Mathematics at what grade level it will teach the con- Workshop tent, in which course, and by whom. Grades 6-8 • July 27-30 June 22-23 To help teachers get up to speed on The Youngstown Club teaching personal finance and assist dis- Jennings Educators’ Retreat Youngstown, Ohio tricts with the implementation, the Ohio July 30-31 Centers for Economic Education worked Those who attend the Teachers Academy with the Ohio Department of Education to receive a box filled with materials and June 22-July 24 create a program called “The Teachers supplies they can use in their classroom On-Line to teach financial literacy. Academy for Personal Finance.” The pro- gram, which is funded in part by a grant from the Martha Holden Jennings June 24 - 25 Polaris Career Center Foundation, provides classroom-ready, ments, an on-line version is also available. Middleburg Heights, interactive resources to deliver the If a district has not developed an imple- Ohio required instruction and helps support an mentation plan, a teacher or curriculum implementation plan. The Teachers director can attend the program and then Academy covers six content modules: assist the district in the design of its plan. July 1-2 Each program can be taken for either two Ashland University 1. Financial Decision-making semester hours of graduate level credit Columbus Center 2. Working and Earning from Ashland University or 12 professional Columbus, Ohio 3. Budgeting, Banking, Saving, and development contact hours. Philanthropy For workshop registration forms, 4. Effective Use of Credit please visit the Ashland University web August 17-18 Mansfield Chamber 5. Wealth Creation and Investing site: of Commerce 6. Risk Management Teachers enjoy learning together at the For more information: Jennings summer workshops. Mansfield, Ohio Mrs. Paula Aveni, Director Economic Education The two-day course will be offered at EconomicsAmerica, Cleveland Center several locations throughout Ohio this of Ashland University summer. For teachers struggling to bal- ance professional and personal commit- PRO EXCELLENTIA • SPRING 2009 15
  • 16. Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Non-profit Organization The Halle Building 1228 Euclid Avenue, Suite 710 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Cleveland, Ohio Permit No. 2282 PRO EXCELLENTIA Helping Teachers and Students Help Themselves Art Competition page 6 Top Educators Junior page 12 Acheivement page 4