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Boston, MA 02111
                                                                                                                                                                 Suite 402
                                                                                                                                                                 38 Chauncy Street
                                                                                                                                                                                 AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                    December 2012

A Proven Path to Success
LOWELL—On a fall Friday, teach-
ers, administrators, city officials and
union leaders gathered to celebrate
yet another marker of success in the
remarkable story of Lowell’s Char-
lotte M. Murkland School. Identified
as one of the state’s lowest perform-
ing schools just a year ago, student
achievement here has increased so
much that the school could now be
designated Level 1, or top status, by
the state. What’s more, schools in
Lowell overall have demonstrated
marked improvement, the number of
Level 1 schools increasing by 2/3 just
this year.
    The course charted by faculty and
administrators in Lowell contains im-
portant lessons for anyone seeking to                                                                                                      In This Issue
turnaround a struggling school, and        TRUE REFORM AFT President Randi Weingarten talks to students at Lowell’s
adds a significant contribution to the
education reform debate. The gains
                                           Murkland School while Assistant Principal Kevin Andriolo looks on. Weingarten
                                           says that the teacher-led reforms implemented by the Murkland should be a
                                                                                                                                        2   President’s Column
                                                                                                                                            AFT MA Scholarships
realized at the school didn’t come         model for school improvement efforts in Massachusetts and across the country.
from arbitrarily firing educators, forc-                                                                                                4   Diary of a New Teacher: A
                                                                                                                                            Mid-Career Teacher Trades a
ing them to reapply for their jobs, or     one rooted in collaboration among          served. As for the student population,
handing the school over to a private       district leadership, school adminis-       that too is similar to Lawrence: 75% of               College Classroom for a Lynn
operator Instead, administrators,          trators and the United Teachers of         students at the Murkland are on free                  Middle School
teachers and their union worked to         Lowell, should serve as an example         or reduced lunch, while two fifths of
create a model of shared responsibil-
ity and accountability that has paid off
                                           for school improvement efforts every-
                                                                                      the students in each grade are English
                                                                                      language learners.
                                                                                                                                       5    Paraclete Foundation’s Sister
                                                                                                                                            Ann Fox Honored
for students and educators alike.              Just four years ago, the situation
    “When you treat people with            at the Murkland was very similar to        True reform                                           Retiree Benefits Threatened
respect you can create a shared vi-        struggling schools in nearby Law-          Teachers here say that they can
sion that produces real results,” says     rence. Morale was low and teachers         explain exactly why the turnaround                6   On Campus: Future of Campus
                                                                                                                                            Affirmative Action Unclear
Randi Weingarten, president of the         complained of a culture that under-        efforts have been so successful. “This
American Federation of Teachers who        mined them as professionals. Leader-       is true reform,” says Mary Therese
recently visited the Murkland and met      ship had been lacking at the district      Linnehan. “Our administrators start               7   Retiree Corner
with teachers and staff here. Weingar-     level, and grant-funded directives         with the assumption that we’re the                    Golden Apple
ten says that the turnaround model         came and went with little regard           true experts in the classroom.
that has shown such promise here,          to the needs of the students being
                                                                                                               Continued on page 3

Lawrence Teachers: Give Us a Real Chance
LAWRENCE—Give us a real chance             both schools.                              Studies, where students
to turn our school around. That’s the          Teachers say that a steady rise        are taken when they
message that teachers at the Henry K.      in enrollment coupled with a loss of       are in extreme distress,
Oliver School in Lawrence are sending      staff positions has had the predictable    says that the current
to state and city education officials.     outcome of causing test scores to drop.    arrangement doesn’t
Teachers point out that the school,        Since 2009, student enrollment at          serve either group
which was recently designated Level        the Oliver has risen from 532 to 739,      of students well. She
4, or low performing, by the state,        even as the school has lost some 20        recalls a time last
was once among the top-performing          staff members according to teachers’       year when her class
schools in Lawrence. The Oliver can        estimates, including a principal,          was taking the math
reclaim that status, say teachers, if      half of the school’s aides and three       MCAS, the screams
they are given real support by the         instructional coaches. Meanwhile the       of a troubled student
district and the conditions, staffing,     percentage of students who require         echoing all around
and resources to respond to the needs      the most support—special education         them. “The kids are
of their students.                         and English language learners—has          scared a lot of the
    Test scores at the Oliver began to     risen too. Nearly 31% of students          time.”
slip three years ago after the school      at the Oliver are struggling to learn          The physical arrangement of                Teachers at the Oliver School in
                                                                                                                                     Lawrence say that the grade 1-8
was moved to the former Lawrence           English, up from 24% in 2009.              the space—the Oliver is housed on
                                                                                                                                     school began its slide after it was
High School. Rechristened the North            Teachers say that the Oliver’s         alternating floors, with the separate
                                                                                                                                     moved into the old Lawrence High
Common Educational Complex, the            current home is chaotic, with the          special education program in                   School building, a facility that
1900-era high school building now          school day frequently disrupted by         between—makes collaboration with               faculty say is not suitable for young
houses both the grade 1-8 Oliver and       so-called “code red” lock-downs as         other teachers incredibly challenging.         children.
the grade 1-12 School for Exceptional      emergency personnel are summoned           Said one teacher: “Our former facility
Studies, a separate special education      to help with students at the School        was in disrepair but at least we were
program that includes teenagers and        for Exceptional Studies. One teacher,      able to work together as teachers.
young adults with severe emotional         whose classroom adjoins a behavior
problems. A single principal oversees      room for the School for Exceptional                                 Continued on page 3
education and public libraries.
                                                                                    Of course, we shall continue to meet
                                                                                    with incumbent legislators.
                                                                                         Very significant issues will be      2013 AFT MA
                                   Thomas J. Gosnell
                                                                                    present in the 2013 session of the
                                                                                    legislature. An increase in revenues
                                   President, AFT Massachusetts                     is much needed. Even though the

                                                                                    sales tax increased from 5% to               nce again AFT Massachusetts
                                                                                         6-1/4%, the Commonwealth does           will be awarding scholarships

The Election and the Future                                                         not have sufficient revenues to fund
                                                                                    adequately public education, public
                                                                                    libraries, and a host of other public
                                                                                                                            to eight eligible high school
                                                                                                                            seniors who are dependents of
                                                                                                                            AFT MA members. Every year

                                                                                    services.                               AFT MA awards eight $1500
       The American Federation             still attend public schools despite           A commission has been              scholarships on the basis of a
       of Teachers Massachusetts           the withering criticism directed         established to examine health           labor history exam administered
       worked most diligently to           against the schools. We need             insurance coverage for retirees.        by the Massachusetts AFL-
help Elizabeth Warren to get elected       elected leaders, like the late Senator   What a vital subject. We have made      CIO, in cooperation with the
U.S. Senator. Her passionate               Ted Kennedy, who advocated               the commission very aware of our        Massachusetts Department
advocacy for the middle class and          sensible reform but never flinched       view that maintenance of adequate       of Education. One additional
for the positive role government           from steadfastly supporting public       health insurance for retirees is        scholarship is being awarded by
can play in the life of the citizenry      schools. We expect to see such           essential. AFT MA will keep you         the AFT MA Professional Staff
was most welcome. Even here in             support again.                           informed.                               Union in memory of long-time
Massachusetts we do not always                 Congratulations to U.S.                   Rumors abound that charter         AFT MA field representative Jay
hear such pronouncements.                  Congressman John Tierney for his         school advocates will campaign hard     Porter.
We shall work with the senator to          outstanding reelection campaign.         to raise the cap on charter schools.        To be considered for the
enhance public education and public        AFT MA support was enthusiastic.         Raising the cap on charter schools,     scholarships, named in honor
libraries and to strengthen the            He has always been outspoken             given the current funding formula       of Albert Shanker and Sandra
infrastructure so that the economy         supporter of public education. The       undermining public schools, will be     Feldman, both former presidents
can have a more robust recovery.           race was rough, but his constituents     very harmful. We shall do what we       of the American Federation of
    Even though the federal                recognized his outstanding record.       need to do.                             Teachers, and Jay Porter, the
government does not have the                   We also endorsed all the other            AFT MA appreciates the work        student must be a dependent of
expansive role that the states and         incumbent U.S. Representatives           you did to help elect endorsed          an AFT MA member and a high
the local communities have in              and new comer Joseph Kennedy III,        candidates. We shall need you           school senior. The student must
support of public education, its role      all of whom won decisively. The          to work equal vigorously with all       also attend a college or other
is significant. Title I funding is a       Massachusetts delegation has one         legislators when issues vital to        post-secondary school in the fall
federal responsibility. Pell grants,       of the most pro public education         public schools and public libraries     of 2013.
which are college loans for poor           records in the nation.                   appear in the legislature.
and middle income students, are                Most of the candidates we                                                    Applications
                                                                                         Merry Christmas, Happy
a federal responsibility. Included         endorsed for state representative                                                    Applications for the 2013
                                                                                    Chanukah, and Happy Holidays to
in infrastructure projects is school
    Over 90% of school age children
                                           and state senator also prevailed.
                                           We shall meet very quickly with             ▪
                                                                                         If you have any questions or
                                                                                                                            scholarships are available on the
                                                                                                                            AFT MA website: www.aftma.
                                           those who are new to the legislature                                             net. The deadline for submitting
                                                                                    comments email me at tgosnell@
in the United States of America            to share our views about public
                                                                                                        applications is Monday, December
                                                                                                                                To take the labor history exam,
                                           Event to Examine Future of Public Ed.                                            students should apply directly
                                                                                                                            to their guidance office, social
                                                                                                                            studies teacher, or principal. A

        The official publication of
                                           I  s education for democracy at risk?
                                              That’s the question that a panel of
                                           noted educators will address on De-
                                                                                                                            packet including one labor history
                                                                                                                            study guide and one application
                                                                                                                            was sent to each high school in the
       AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO          cember 3rd at an event sponsored by
                                                                                                                            state in November. A study guide
                                           Citizens for Public Schools. Among
     Thomas J. Gosnell, President                                                                                           is also available on our website.
                                           the featured speakers will be Deborah
  Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer    Meier, a long-time collaborator with
                                                                                                                                This year’s labor history exam
                                                                                                                            will be given on Wednesday,
          VICE PRESIDENTS                  Diane Ravitch.
                                                                                                                            February 6. Once a student has
                                               A teacher and administrator for
                Tim Angerhofer                                                                                              submitted an application to AFT
             Patricia Armstrong            nearly four decades, Meier is also a
                                           noted advocate for public education                                              Massachusetts and notified a
               Deborah Blinder
                 Sean Bowker               who has served students and their                                                guidance counselor, he or she
            Kathryn Chamberlain            families in Boston and New York.                                                 is considered registered for the
                Brenda Chaney              A former principal of Mission Hill                                               exam.
                Kathy Delaney
                                           School in Boston and former co-chair
             Catherine Deveney                                                                                              Additional scholarships
               Patricia Driscoll           of the Coalition of Essential Schools,
                                                                                    Deborah Meier, a teacher and long-          Additional scholarships
              Marianne Dumont              Meier is currently a senior scholar at
                 Brant Duncan              NYU’s Steinhart School of Education.     time collaborator with Diane Ravitch,   are also available through the
               J. Michael Earle                                                     will be the featured speaker at a       Massachusetts AFL-CIO. Be sure
                                               Also speaking are Brookline
               Margaret Farrell                                                     Citizens for Public Schools event.      to visit
                                           Educators Union President Jessica
                 Mary Ferriter                                                                                              to learn about other opportunities.
                                           Wender Shubrow and James McDer-
               Jenna Fitzgerald                                                                                                 Last year ten children of AFT
               Richard Flaherty            mott, a former member of the Mas-         What: Judge Sumner Z. Kaplan
                 Paul Georges              sachusetts Board of Education who                                                Massachusetts members were
                                                                                     Memorial Lecture and Benefit:          awarded $1500 scholarships.
                Daniel Haacker             resigned out of frustration with the
              Joyce Harrington
                                                                                     “Is Education for Democracy at         The 2012 winners include Rose
                                           Board’s policies. The event is being
                 Susan Leahy                                                         Risk?”                                 Allocca, Abigail Heingertner,
                                           held in honor of educator and CPS
             Francis McLaughlin                                                                                             Brandon Higgins, Kayla
                                           Board Member Sumner Z. Kaplan.
                 Bruce Nelson                                                        Where: Brookline Public Library,
                 James Philip              It will be moderated by Kaplan’s                                                 Marandola, Amalia Mendoza,
                                           daughter Ruth, a current member of        Main Branch                            Shawn Morrissey, Benjamin
                Bruce Sparfven
              Richard Stutman              the state Board of Education.                                                    Soper, Boris Stanchev and Sarah
                 Gale Thomas                   Citizens for Public Schools has       When: Monday, December 3rd,            Vandewalle. Congratulations to
                                           been sharply critical of the growing      6:30-8:00 PM                           last year’s winners and good luck
           Matt Robinson, Editor
            38 Chauncy St., Suite 402      push to privatize public schools in                                              to all of this year’s applicants.
              Boston, Mass. 02111          Massachusetts. The event will fo-         Event is free and open to the
      Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523      cus on what can be done to stop the       public. Donations to support           For more information call
               Fax: 617-423-0174           privatization of our public schools,      the work of Citizens for Public
                                           and empower parents, teachers and         Schools will be accepted. For
                                           our communities to ensure that all        more information visit:
                                           our students have the opportunity to
A Proven Path to Success
                                                                                              is more proof that
                                                                                              collaboration re-
                                                                                              ally works,” says Paul
                           Continued from cover   responsibility for all of the Murkland’s    Georges, president of
                                                  students. “We’re all using the same         the United Teachers
                                                  language, and we have the same ex-          of Lowell. This is a
                                                  pectations,” says second year teacher       different way of do-
 Teachers and staff at the                                                                    ing education reform
                                                  Danielle Quinlan. “We talk about
 Murkland insist that theirs                      standing on one another’s shoulders—        that is grounded in a
 is a model that can be                           there’s a real sense of teamwork.”          deep respect for the
 replicated in any strug-                             Teachers now work in teams, both        work that educators
                                                  across and within grades, so as to          do every day in their
 gling school or district.The                     better respond to the needs of their        classrooms.”
 most essential ingredients:                      students. They start by assessing
 strong, committed leader-                        student data, everything from MCAS
                                                                                              Lessons learned
                                                  scores to classroom performance to             Georges says that
 ship at every level and a                                                                    he and his team of
                                                  attendance to anecdotal indicators,
 genuine opportunity for                          then work together to determine how         educators and union         Second year teacher Rachel Quinlan talks to AFT
                                                                                              leaders are eager to        President Randi Weingarten and Murkland Principal
 teacher voice.                                   best to reach the students who need
                                                                                                                          Jason DiCarlo about the culture at the school. “There’s
                                                  additional help. The teams are backed       offer Lowell’s ap-
                                                                                              proach to school            a real sense of team here,” says Quinlan.
                                                  up by literacy and math coaches who
                                                  are able to provide differentiated as-      improvement as a
They have faith in us and respect
                                                  sistance based on what students—and         model for other urban
us and that belief has enabled us to                                                                                                         Mass. Board of Elementary and Sec-
                                                  their teachers—need to succeed.             districts, including Lawrence, now in
transform the way we work and really                                                                                                         ondary Education by a slim margin.
                                                      “Everybody talks about data-            the first year of a state-led turnaround
reach the students.”                                                                                                                         In its application to the state SABIS
                                                  driven decision making but what the         process. Despite its measurable suc-
    Jason DiCarlo, the school’s prin-                                                                                                        had budgeted for a single ESL teacher
                                                  teachers have learned to do at the          cess, state officials have shown little
cipal, who joined the staff when the                                                                                                         to work with English language learn-
                                                  Murkland is remarkable,” says Dr.           interest in Lowell’s collaborative
turnaround process began, says that                                                                                                          ers, despite the fact that more than a
                                                  Kate McLaughlin, a vice president of        model.
from the beginning, he and Assistant                                                                                                         third of the students in Lowell are still
                                                  the United Teachers of Lowell.                 Last year, just six months after
Principal Kevin Andreolo, sought                                                                                                             learning English.
                                                                                              choosing the Murkland as the back-
to give teachers a voice. “It’s pretty                                                                                                           Says Georges: “If this debate were
simple—when you give people a voice,              Collaboration works                         drop to announce the 2011 MCAS
                                                                                                                                             truly about the best way to improve
                                                      Teachers and staff at the Murkland      scores, state officials gave the nod to a
they have much more buy in,” says                                                                                                            student achievement and outcomes,
                                                  insist that theirs is a model that can      1200 seat for-profit charter school in
DiCarlo. “Everyone at this school had                                                                                                        the state would be looking at how to
                                                  be replicated in any struggling school      Lowell. The school, slated to open in
potential—we just had to figure out                                                                                                          replicate our success at the Murkland.
                                                  or district. The most essential ele-        the fall of 2013, will divert as much as
how to tap into it.”                                                                                                                         That’s not what’s happening here.”
                                                  ments: strong, committed leadership         $24 million from the Murkland and
                                                                                                                                             Still, Georges says that he’s hopeful
Real teamwork                                     at every level and a genuine oppor-         other Lowell Public Schools, despite
                                                                                                                                             that the continued success of both the
   The Murkland’s redesign involved               tunity for teacher voice. The Lowell        their significant improvement in re-
                                                                                                                                             school and the district could change
a deep restructuring of the way that              Public Schools, under the leadership        cent years. The charter, to be operated
                                                                                                                                             that. “Results speak, and we’ve got a
teaching and learning take place,with
the emphasis at the school shifting
                                                  of Superintendent Jean Franco and
                                                  her predecessor, Chris Scott, have
                                                  demonstrated a deep commitment
                                                                                              by SABIS Educational Systems, Inc.,
                                                                                              a private, for-profit company with
                                                                                              headquarters in Minnesota and Bei-
                                                                                                                                             model in Lowell that really works.”
away from individual classrooms—not
to mention the test scores of individ-            to labor/management collaboration.          rut, Lebanon, remains controversial
ual teachers—and towards a shared                 “The success we’re seeing in Lowell         in Lowell and was approved by the

Give Us a Real Chance                                                                               ‘All of Our Oliver’
                                                                                                Teachers at the Henry K.
                                                                                                                                                End childhood hunger
                                                                                                                                                 in America by 2015.
                           Continued from cover       Despite the huge challenges they                                                             Take the pledge at
                                                  face, the Oliver’s teaching staff is          Oliver School in Lawrence say        
                                                  determined to try to turn around              that they can once again be the
  Despite the huge challenges                     the school. Many of them taught at            city’s top-performing school—                    Learn to recognize the signs.
  they face, the Oliver’s                         the school when it was one of the             if they are given real support                   A child facing hunger may:
  teaching staff is determined                    top-performing schools in the city            by the district and the condi-                      •	often	feel	sick	or	tired
                                                                                                                                                    •	sleep	in	class
  to try to turn around the                       and believe they know exactly what’s          tions, staffing, and resources to                   •	have	problems	with	math	and	
  school. Many of them taught                     required to earn that status again.           respond to the needs of their                         language	skills
                                                  On the list: a facility that works for                                                            •	be	more	aggressive	
  at the school when it was                                                                     students.                                           •	feel	anxious	and	have	difficulty	
                                                  students and teachers, consistent                                                                   concentrating
  one of the top-performing                       leadership and expectations, a                                                                    •	have	slower	memory	recall
  schools in the city and believe                 collaborative process for instructional       Students and teachers need:                         •	underperform	and	have	poor	
  they know exactly what’s                        decision making tailored to individual                                                            •	frequently	miss	school	or	arrive	
                                                  student needs, adequate staffing and          •	 A safe and adequate facility
  required to earn that status                                                                                                                        late
                                                  resources, and additional supports
  again.                                          and interventions for students with           •	 Adequate staffing
                                                  the greatest needs, particularly
Now we’re in a building that isn’t                English language learners and                 •	 Support for students with
appropriate for kids and actually                 special education students. The                  the greatest needs, es-
makes it harder for us to help our                Oliver’s increasingly active and
                                                                                                   pecially English language
students.”                                        involved parents will be essential for
                                                  a successful turnaround effort, say
                                                                                                   learners and special educa-
    A lack of direction from the district
                                                  teachers.                                        tion students

only compounds the challenges faced

by the Oliver, say teachers here. For                 State and district officials have not

example, the Lawrence Public Schools              yet made public their plans for the           •	 Adequate resources, includ-
currently provides individualized                 Oliver, but rumors abound that the               ing books, instructional
instruction for English language                  school may be handed over to a private           materials, and technology
learners only if students are classified          operator, the long-time teachers                                                                  Find out what you can do
as newcomers. For returning students              replaced by less experienced recruits.                                                            to help at
                                                                                                •	 Consistent leadership and
who still can’t read English at grade             But the Oliver’s teachers fundamentally
level, however, there is no additional            disagree with this approach. “It’s like
assistance available. One staff member            the people in charge are saying ‘we
                                                  don’t know how to fix this,’” observed        •	 Collaborative process for
describes a student who arrived at
the school able to read Spanish but by            one teacher. “By handing the school              decision making
third grade was still struggling to read          to an EMO [educational management
English. “There’s nothing for him, but            organization], they’re basically
                                                  relinquishing any responsibility for the
he’s still going to be expected to take
the MCAS test.”                                   school and its problems.”

December 2012
Diary                                      S
                                                   tanding on the precipice of an                                                                CAREER
                                                   unknown future, I nonetheless
                                                   took the plunge. I had been
                                                                                                                                                 New teacher
                                             teaching as an adjunct professor at
                                                                                                                                                 Bradford Green
                                             a local university, a place where I
  of a New Teacher                           had worked in various capacities for                                                                traded college
                                             five years. Yet I made the decision                                                                 students at a
                                             to start over and become a middle                                                                   local univer-
                                             school teacher. And so I taught my                                                                  sity for middle
                    By Bradford Green                                                                                                            school students
                                             last class at Salem State on Decem-
         English Language Arts teacher                                                                                                           in Lynn. His
                                             ber 12th, and began my new assign-
               Pickering Middle School                                                                                                           first year as an
                                             ment at Pickering Middle School in
                             Lynn MA                                                                                                             English teach-
                                             Lynn the very next day. I entered
                                             the building with not a little trepi-                                                               er wasn’t all
                                             dation: teaching college students is                                                                wonderful and
   Meet the 2012-2013                        easy—relatively speaking, anyway.                                                                   simple, writes
                                             I had left a group of students that                                                                 Green, but
   New Teacher Diarists                      listened fairly intently to what I had                                                              mostly it was.
                                             to say, trading them in for a group
Bradford Green                               of students that needed me more,
English Language Arts teacher, Pickering     but were—perhaps— less diligent.         concepts that were beyond their          ing one learns in. Anyway, as I sat
Middle School, Lynn                              Wednesday, my first day, I was       reach. In other words, I assumed.        there and listened to them I began
                                             told that entering in the middle of      Sixth graders do not understand          to well up with emotion. Tracing its
Chaya Harris                                 the year would be “difficult.” Still,    words like “egalitarian” ; they are      source, I realized that I was feel-
Fifth grade teacher, Mather School, Boston   even though I was 49 year old man        not savvy about comma-splices just       ing the gratitude of the moment. It
                                             beginning a brand new career, I          yet. I needed to learn my audience!      had been so many years since I had
Himilcon Inciarte                            was determined to play by the same       My third day brought a real gift. . .    heard the sound of a chorus: pure,
Fourth grade Spanish teacher, Dever-Mc-      rules that my students had to obey.          It was Friday, December 15th.        unadulterated, warm. Soon thereaf-
Cormack, Elementary, Boston                  I did not use my cellphone because       It was 2:30 and – as I was to dis-       ter I realized the truth of my pas-
                                             the students could not use theirs; I     cover later – the one day where the      sion: I was tearing up over my own,
Karina Dise                                  did not drink any beverages because      building clears out relatively early.    lost childhood. I knew, right then,
Paraprofessional, Zanetti Montessori         the students could not. I made a         So when I left at 3:15 the halls were    that I had made the right choice to
School, Springfield                          point of not yelling at students         pretty empty. I was glad it was          change careers. Yet that first year
                                             because I, myself, do not care to be     Friday and that I had the whole          would not be easy.
Bill Madden-Fuoco                            yelled at. I was also very conscious     weekend to collect myself and plan.          A few weeks later my cell-phone
Humanities teacher, Urban Science            of my role as a male, working in         On my way out the door I heard the       went missing; then a young boy said
Academy ,West Roxbury,                       the inner city where male figures as     sound of little voices so I followed     some pretty alarming things to me
                                             role models are often wanting. I had     the sound to its source, the audito-     in the cafeteria when I told him to
Eliana Martinez                              learned at this age to be a part of      rium. The children from the middle       wait for his table to be called before
Social studies teacher, Lawrence High        collective humanity—to be inclusive      school next door were practicing for     he got into line. No, it was not all
School, Lawrence                             and not exclusive. Yet despite my        the holiday concert. I entered the       wonderful and simple. But mostly,
                                             best intentions, my first three days     balcony –my first time in the place–     it was. Looking back, neither the
Amanda Perez                                 were filled with missteps.               and looked around: the place could       rough language I was treated to
Middle school teacher, Sarah Greenwood           I discovered that my vocabu-         have used some paint.                    by that student nor the loss of my
School, Dorchester.                          lary did not work well with 6th              I reminded myself of something       phone matters to me. It is the sound
                                             graders. (Thank goodness for my          I always said to college students,       of that chorus, echoing in my mind
Robert Tobio                                 inclusion teacher, Claire Pappas!)       especially those that loved their        even as I write this journal, that
                                                                                      technology: William Shakespeare          matters most. Tiny voices, sweetly
Math and special education teacher, Mary     It took me an exorbitant amount
Lyon Pilot School, Brighton.                 of time to think of what to do next,     read by candle light; it is the intent   singing, singing songs.
                                             and thought students understood          to learn that matters, not the build-

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Convent-ional Wisdom                                                                  On November 8, Sister
                                                                                      Ann was celebrated
Paraclete Foundation Founder Sister Ann Fox honored                                   by her students
                                                                                      and colleagues at

       oused at the crossroads of the      Ann demonstrates her famous                Paraclete’s annual
       “new” and “old” South Boston,       generosity and humility by giving the      reception that was
       the Paraclete Foundation has        credit to others.                          held this year at
been serving disadvantaged youth               “The founders should be listed as      Boston College High
for nearly 15 years, offering after-       a group of concerned mothers who           School. Co-chaired by
school tutoring and enrichment             wanted something more than sports          Collaborative Partners
programs. The program has served           for their children,” she explains,         President and CEO
hundreds of students from Boston           noting that many neighborhood              Jack C. Hobbs and
and far beyond (students come from         parents were looking specifically for a    Thomas J. Gunning,
multiple communities and over              program that provided not only social      Executive Director
10 foreign countries), providing           support but also academic assistance       of the Building
them supervision, support and              in the arts and sciences so their          Trades Employers
inspiration that helps them become         children could achieve and improve         Association, the event featured            Lifelong activist Sister Ann Fox
independent and better prepared            their lives through learning. “They        Honorary Co-Chairs Diane Patrick           received the Hero Among Us award
fort school and life and encourages        were the driving force. The Paraclete      and Angela Menino (wives of our            from the Boston Celtics in November.
them to make positive impacts on           was not a result of any strategic plan     Governor and Boston’s Mayor,               still humble and eager to dissipate
their communities. Over 23% of             on my part.”                               respectively) and included EVENT           the attention to others. “I think no
Paraclete’s students have graduated            Sister Ann also credits her            and a special recognition of Mrs.          one can be a hero on their own,”
from or are currently attending            colleague Barry Hynes (who now             Menino, who has also been a devoted        she suggested, “and that there are
college.                                   serves as vice president of the board      supporter of Boston-area youth for         many heroes among us that we don’t
   The program was founded in 1998         of trustees) with helping get Paraclete    many years.                                take the time or care to properly
by Sister Ann Fox, a lifelong activist     off the ground.                                In addition to being honored by        appreciate.” Still, she admitted, “I am
and advocate who also founded the              “Barry…had begun the Nativity          her own Paraclete family, Sister Ann       honored that people took the time to
Maranyundo School for Girls in             School in Boston,” she explains,           was also recognized by the Boston          put my name forward.”
Rwanda, Africa. Prior to founding          “so we incorporated their model of         Celtics as part of their Heroes Among          Among the many who backed
Paraclete, Sister Ann directed the         bringing in recent college graduates       Us program on November 7.                  Sister Ann’s candidacy for this
South Boston Neighborhood House            to teach - we gave them room and               “Sister Ann has demonstrated           special halftime honor was Paraclete
and helped create an education             board and a little spending money.”        what it means to be a true hero            Board Member Gerry Dwyer, Chief
training programs for welfare                  She also mentions Fr. Thomas           of the Boston community,” said             Administrative Officer of Boston
mothers in the Bromley Heath               MacDonald, pastor of St. Augustine         Matt Meyersohn, community                  Water & Sewer.
housing development. A long-time           Church, who donated the funds              relations manager for the Celtics.             “Sister Ann is rightly recognized
social worker, Sister Ann is also a        with which Paraclete opened in a           “She has successfully carried out          for the decades of work she has
founding member of the Women               former convent on E Street. “They          her life’s mission of helping and          dedicated to improving the lives of
Waging Peace initiativeand is              were instrumental in the Paraclete’s       educating those in need. The Celtics       children and families in Boston and
included in the Institute for Inclusive    history,” Sister Ann says.                 organization can’t think of a better fit   throughout the world,” Dwyer said.
Security’s Directory of Women Peace            Despite her own efforts to defer       for the Heroes Among Us Award than         “Those of us lucky enough to count
Experts.                                   the credit, Sister Ann has been            [Sister] Ann.”                             her as our friend are most fortunate
   When asked how she came up
with the idea for Paraclete, Sister
                                           a beloved and vital part of the
                                           Paraclete family since its inception.
                                                                                          Even when asked about this
                                                                                      honor, however, Sister Ann was
                                                                                                                                 to have been touched by her.”
   Retiree Benefits Under Threat
                                                                                                                                 help retirees with large unexpected
                                                                                                                                 healthcare expenses uncovered by the
                                                                                                                                 new insurance, she noted.
                                                                                                                                     She and her retiree friends agree
By Patty Fitzgerald                        their careers.”                            without a raise.
                                                                                                                                 “something has to be done” to curb

                                               Dumont, an AFT Massachusetts               If teachers cannot receive health
                                                                                                                                 skyrocketing costs for healthcare
       eachers, librarians and other       Vice President, says that she also fears   insurance along with a pension, they
                                                                                                                                 benefits. “You can’t dig your heels in
       public employees who have been      for retirees who thought that their        may be forced to “think twice” and put
                                                                                                                                 … I don’t know the answer.” She can’t
       eyeing retirement in the next few   futures were secure, only to have the      off retirement, said Dumont.
                                                                                                                                 help but feel though, that it’s just one
years may be taken by surprise when        state revisit what they believed to be a       Charged with bringing under
                                                                                                                                 more piece to an ongoing multi-facet-
a state commission recommends in           guaranteed benefit. “Who’s to say that     control skyrocketing state and munici-
                                                                                                                                 ed broadside against public employee
late December that they work longer        somewhere down the road we won’t           pal projected costs for retiree health
                                                                                                                                 unions, and teachers in particular,
or pay more for retiree healthcare         be fighting again to retain something      benefits ($16 billion over 30 years for
benefits, or both.                         else that we worked for?”                  the state and $30 billion for cities and
                                                                                                                                     While union members still enjoy
    “We’re comfortable that current            What seems clear is that public        towns), the commission of manage-
                                                                                                                                 a “good amount” of protections, their
retirees will not be impacted,” said       employees will likely have to put in       ment and labor representatives has
                                                                                                                                 hard-won benefits are “very slowly
Andy Powell, the American Federa-          more years and/or work to an older         been meeting since the spring and will
                                                                                                                                 being chipped away,” said Dumont.
tion of Teachers’ representative on the    age to be eligible for healthcare ben-     present its recommendations to the
                                                                                                                                 Private employees should be looking
12-member Special Commission on            efits. And, no longer will healthcare      Legislature Dec. 20. The recommen-
                                                                                                                                 to boost their own benefits, and raise
Retiree Healthcare, following a Nov.       insurance automatically come with          dations will provide the framework for
                                                                                                                                 everyone up, rather than knock down
13 meeting. “But we’re encouraging         retirement, said Powell. Eligibility for   a bill or put in some form into the next
                                                                                                                                 those of public employees, in her
employees to keep an eye on it.”           retirement may come before health-         state budget. Whether the reforms will
    But how close to retirement em-        care benefits do, and contributions        cover all public employees in the state
                                                                                                                                     Massachusetts has some of the
ployees will have to be to be protected    toward health benefits by the state        or leave some control to municipali-
                                                                                                                                 highest healthcare costs in the coun-
from the changes—five years out, 10        and municipalities most likely will        ties is also undetermined, according
                                                                                                                                 try. “This has placed increased pres-
years out—is still unclear, said Pow-      drop.Those features are all contained      to Powell.
                                                                                                                                 sure on elected officials to examine
ell, an AFT field representative and       in three models the commission is              Dumont, a vice president at AFT,
                                                                                                                                 current benefits” said Powell. Labor
former Dracut firefighter. “Debate         now considering.                           said that Lowell’s public employees
                                                                                                                                 and Retirees are represented on the
rages as to who will be the impacted           “It’s going to be intolerable for      are still reeling, adjusting to higher
                                                                                                                                 Commission and “are presenting a
population.”                               some people,” said Dumont, 63, of the      insurance co-pays incurred from
                                                                                                                                 strong voice of advocacy for those
    What’s likely to occur, Powell         impending cuts. “What about people         switching to the state’s Group Insur-
                                                                                                                                 who count on health insurance ben-
reported, after the commission’s sixth     who are within 10 years of retirement?     ance Commission (GIC) coverage the
                                                                                                                                 efits into retirement” added Powell.
meeting, is that “access will be differ-   What’s it going to do to them for all      past couple of years.
                                                                                                                                     A vote to select a plan will be taken
ent for [employees] than it is today.”     the time they’ve put in?”                      “There are so many retirees. We’re
                                                                                                                                 Dec. 17, and a report will be heading
    “People should be paying atten-            “You don’t get rich teaching,”         living longer than we ever have, and
                                                                                                                                 to the Statehouse Dec. 20. “We’re
tion!” said retired Lowell teacher         Dumont said, adding she and her            really the number of older retirees
                                                                                                                                 hoping the final vote can be a consen-
Mickey Dumont, whose daughter,             colleagues sacrificed much. She is         who have pensions is miniscule.” she
                                                                                                                                 sus,” said Powell. “But the process
Jennifer Machado has been a teacher
in the Lowell Public Schools for nearly
15 years. “Younger people need to
                                           convinced that she could have found a
                                           better-paying job in the private sector,
                                           but instead devoted 35 years to public
                                                                                      said. “They’re at the poverty level, and
                                                                                      then we have them paying more for
                                                                                      health insurance.” Lowell did create
                                                                                                                                 has not been discussed.”
know what to expect at the end of          school teaching, many of those years       a health reimbursement account to
December 2012
On Campus
                                  Dan Georgianna, Political Director
                                  UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895

Future of Campus Affirmative Action Unclear
   n a weird twist of fate driven by                      Civil Rights Act intended admission
                                                                                                                                                                         SPLIT DECISION
   Supreme Court decisions, opposi-                       quotas in public colleges and univer-                                                                          Thanks to recent
   tion to Affirmative Action in college                  sities for minorities such as African                                                                          Supreme Court
admissions is now based on unfairness                     Americans.                                                                                                     decisions, opposi-
towards white applicants while legal                          The legal tide turned against col-                                                                         tion to Affirmative
support for Affirmative Action relies                     lege admission Affirmative Action in                                                                           Action in college
solely on diversity in education.                         1978 when the U.S. Supreme Court                                                                               admissions is now
Last month, the Supreme Court heard                       ruled (five to four) in the Bakke case                                                                         based on unfairness
another in a series of cases of a white                   that admissions quotas violated the                                                                            towards white ap-
student claiming that Affirmative                         Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause                                                                         plicants while legal
Action violated the U.S. Constitution                     (originally passed in 1868 to protect                                                                          support for Affir-
because there is little evidence that Af-                 the rights of former slaves), but race                                                                         mative Action relies
firmative Action improves education.                      could be one of the factors for admis-                                                                         solely on diversity
The Supreme Court justices sharply                        sions given the goal of improving                                                                              in education.
questioned the fairness of Affirmative                    education through diversity in the
Action based on race. Their decision is                   student body.
expected next June.                                           In 2003, the Court reaffirmed                 As many web sites opposing Af-            enrollment at elite public and private
    Affirmative Action was originally                     (again five to four) that race could be      firmative Action highlight, Martin             schools, it has not had much effect
intended to offset unfairness of the                      used as one of the factors in admis-         Luther King’s dream that his “four             on equal opportunity because college
vastly unequal opportunities in the                       sions based on the educational ben-          little children will one day live in a         graduation replicates inequality in the
U.S. for minorities and preferences                       efits of diversity of the student body,      nation where they will not be judged           nation.
given whites in college admissions and                    but that affirmative action have a           by the color of their skin but by the              A few thousand Black and Hispanic
jobs.                                                     “logical endpoint” of about 25 years.        content of their character” expressed          students attending elite colleges due
    Affirmative Action was first or-                          Since then, seven states, including      the American ideology of equal oppor-          to Affirmative Action, about 1% of
dered by President Kennedy in 1961                        Michigan whose admissions policy the         tunity for all.                                all U.S. college students, won’t make
with an Executive Order for govern-                       Supreme Court had approved in 2003,               Dr. King was acutely aware that he        much of a difference. According to
ment contractors to recruit, hire, and                    banned Affirmative Action in college         lived in the real world ruled by racial        their research, “When they enter
promote more minorities, which was                        admissions.                                  oppression, but recent scholarship has         kindergarten, black children are about
extended in the 1964 Civil Rights Act                         The body politic stands supremely        uncovered his misgivings that special          one year behind white children. When
to college admissions. In 1973, the                       ambivalent about college admission           consideration for Black Americans              they graduate from high school, black
U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the                      based on race.                               would weaken support for equal op-             teenagers are four years behind white
                                                                                                       portunity. “Many white workers whose           teenagers.”
                                                                                                       economic condition is not too far                  Espenshade and Radford argue
                                                                                                       removed from the economic condition            for a direct approach to correcting
                                                                                                       of his black brother will find it difficult    unequal opportunity in pre-school
                                                                                                       to accept,” he wrote in a private letter.      through high school including factors
                                    SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, PUBLIC POLICY, AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT           (David Leonhardt, “Rethinking Affir-           such as nutrition and help for poor
                                                                                                       mative Action,” NYT)                           parents to overcome the disadvan-
                                                                                                            Leonhardt argues that includ-             tages of poverty and race in college

          Master of Arts in Teaching                                                                   ing class in Affirmative Action would
                                                                                                       widen its base of support and improve
                                                                                                                                                          The AFT has been working for de-
                                                                                                       its record on equal opportunity.               cades to change an educational system
                                                                                                            Research by Thomas Espenshade             that replicates a social structure of
                Flexible schedule - Financial aid available                                            and Alexandria Radford (“Moving                privilege, while blaming children, par-
                       20% discount for teachers*                                                      Beyond Affirmative Action,” NYT and            ents, and teachers for failure. It helps
                                                                                                       No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal,             to have allies and more research.
                                                                                                       Princeton Univ. Press) supports the                Such changes will also take time, at
           Licensure areas                                                                             hypothesis that Affirmative Action as          least a generation, probably more. In
           include:                                                                                    practiced in the U.S. has not had much         the meantime, the best strategy is to
                                                                                                       effect reducing equality of opportu-           return on the original goal of reduc-
           • General Science                                                                           nity.                                          ing unequal opportunity by including
           • Biology                                                                                        While Affirmative Action has              class as well as race in Affirmative Ac-

           • Chemistry
                                                                                                       about doubled Black and Hispanic               tion for college admissions.
           • Physics                                                                                         Visit India Over Winter Break
           • Mathematics
                                                                                                             Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO) has teamed up with
           • English                                                                                     AFT Massachusetts member Lillie Marshall at to put to-
                                                                                                         gether an amazing trip to India for only $987! For more details go to http://www.
           • History                                                                           
                                                                                                             GEEO is a 501c3 non-profit organization that runs summer professional
           • Spanish
                                                                                                         development travel programs designed for teachers. Educators have the option
           • French                                                                                      to earn graduate school credit and professional development credit while seeing
                                                                                                         the world. The trips are 8 to 24 days in length and are designed to be interesting
           • Portuguese                                                                                  and affordable for teachers. GEEO provides teachers educational materials and
                                                                                                         the structure to help them bring their experiences into the classroom. The trips
                                                                                                         are open to all nationalities of K-12 and university educators and administrators,
         * Current teachers maybe eligible for 20% discount. Call 508.910.9050 for more information.     as well as retired educators. Educators are also permitted to bring along a non-
                                                                                                         educator guest.
      Apply Today for Spring 2013                                                                            GEEO is also offering 22 different travel programs for the summer of 2013,
                                                                                                         including India/Nepal, Italy, Portugal/Spain, Amalfi Coast, Eastern Europe, Budapest
                     For more information, call 508.910.9050 or                                          to Istanbul, Vietnam and Russia/Mongolia/China. For a complete list of destination
                         visit                                                   and detailed information about each trip, including itineraries, costs, travel dates,

                                                                                                                                                             The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
Retiree Corner
                                 Marie Ardito, Co-founder                                                                               SENIOR SEMINARS
                                 Massachusetts Retirees United                                                                         Preparing for Retirement
                                                                                                       (Given by Marie Ardito)

                                                                                                                                       •	   December 1st, Wilmington, 314

We Can’t Keep Our Heads in the Sand                                                                                                    •	
                                                                                                                                            Main St. Unit 105, 10-noon
                                                                                                                                            December 4th :Amesbury High

                                                                                                                                            School, 5 Highland St. 3:30-5:00
        here is little doubt that Medicare       Another bill will deal with the         providing a pharmaceutical plan, you          •	   December 6th: Hingham South
        and Social Security will be          Medicare B penalty imposed on those         can go on Medicare D with no penalty               Shore Educational Collaborative
        discussed in the upcoming            who become eligible for Medicare after      as long as you produce the letter that             Cafeteria, 40 Pond Park, 5:00-6:30
session of Congress. Massachusetts           their 65th birthday. (A person in charge    contains the words creditable plan.           •	   December 12, Rockport Elemen-
Retirees United will have legislation        of health care in one of the other 104          The purpose of the penalties in                tary School Library, Rockport,
filed to correct some of the unfair          Retirement Systems in Massachusetts         both Medicare B and Medicare D                     3:15-5:15
practices regarding both programs.           told me to encourage everyone to sign       is to discourage people from being            •	   January 3, Billerica Memorial High
    We will also join with many other        up for Medicare three months prior to       underinsured. But those retiring from              School, Boston Rd, Billerica, 4-6:00
retirement groups to urge the repeal         their 65th birthday even if they are not    a public sector job are adequately
                                                                                                                                       How to Protect Your Nest Egg and
of the Government Pension Offset             eligible. When the authority tells you      insured. We feel this is an important
                                                                                                                                       Plan for the Right Outcome for Your
(GPO) and the Windfall Elimination           that you are not eligible tell them that    issue to address as more and more
                                                                                                                                       Family (Given by Elder Law Attor-
Provision (WEP). We are approaching          you want them to state on the computer      communities are adopting Section 18 of        ney Mary Howie)
two Senators to file the Senate version,     files that you applied for Medicare and     32b of the General Laws, which states
and are working with our retiree             were denied.) According to this person,     that those eligible for Medicare must         •	   Saturday Dec. 8, 314 Main Street
counterparts in California on the House      if you become eligible at a later date      go on Medicare. This is a tremendous               Unit 105 Wilmington, MA 01887.
version. We plan to file other bills at      because you accumulated forty units         savings to the communities.                        (Main Street in Wilmington is the
the federal level as well.                   in Social Security, you will be excluded        We feel that the above-mentioned               same as Route 38. ) 10-noon.
    One bill will address the double         from the penalty.                           bills should not only have the support
penalty imposed on those who are                 We feel that language should be         of retired people but those still in the      All Seminars are free to participants
eligible for Medicare as a spousal           put in place at the federal level similar   work force. In most instances you will        and to the district. Register by email
benefit, but do not collect Social           to the language for Medicare D for          be the beneficiaries of this legislation or call
                                                                                                                                       1-617-482-1568 Make sure to give name,
Security. In two of the past three years     pharmaceuticals. Medicare D does not        longer than those who are already
                                                                                                                                       number attending and seminar for which
there was no cost of living increase         impose a penalty on you if you take         retired.
                                                                                                                                       registering. This registers you and no fol-
given to Social Security recipients. As      it after your 65th birthday providing           We cannot keep our heads in the           low up phone call will occur unless you
a result anyone who collected Social         you are on a creditable plan at age 65.     sand. The words “I didn’t know” cannot        have a question. If you received an email
Security did not have an increase to his     Creditable is the term that indicates       be part of our vocabularies. That is          telling you a different way to register fol-
or her Medicare B premiums. Those            that a plan is as good as, or better        the primary function of MRU: to               low the instructions you received. Please
not collecting Social Security because       than Medicare D. Everyone should            work for you as well as to provide you        do not double register.
the GPO prevented them from doing so         get a letter from his or her provider       with the information you need to feel
were given an increase in each of the
two years on the Medicare B premiums.
                                             (insurance company), which contains
                                             the words creditable plan. Then if your
                                                                                         comfortable speaking out.
This is a double penalty.                    community decides in the future to stop

      Golden                                 and some of my best friends. Mrs.
                                             Famador was one of the few teachers
                                             we felt comfortable telling about

      Apple                                  our immigration status, and she was
                                             encouraging about the opportunities
                                             that lay ahead regardless of our status.
                                             Mrs. Famador was an immigrant too.
                                                 The next spring, I was still
                                             struggling through Algebra class,
Ada Fuentes                                  but Mrs. Famador always offered to
Public Education Organizer,                  stay after school with folks to help
Massachusetts Jobs with                      us with homework. During this time,
Justice                                      talk of comprehensive immigration
                                             reform was all over the news, and a big
                                             protest for immigrant students and

I  n the fall of 2005 I moved to East
   Boston and was enrolled in the
Boston Public Schools. My first day,
                                             our communities was being planned
                                             for May 1st. Some of the more militant
                                             students in Algebra class decided to
I was like any student attending a           wear all white that day to show their
brand new school, trying to find my          solidarity with immigrants all over the
classroom and go unnoticed. My first         country. The day finally came around
class that day was English, and the          and the hallways of East Boston High
room was packed with 40 students, a          were filled with students in white
number that would never drop lower           shirts. After lunch, a mass of students      Ada Fuentes credits Mrs. Famador, her math teacher at East Boston High
than 30. My second class was Algebra         began to walk out in solidarity with         School, for teaching her life lessons even more important than algebra.
2, the dreaded math class of all time. I     schools in California. Other students
sat down and tried to play that I wasn’t     folks watched from the windows of           were closed to me. I failed Algebra that        I still visit East Boston High School
the “new girl” but the punk rock glam        the school and it felt like we were all     year and had to take it again my senior     every now and then, and it is always
clothes and Princess Amidala hair            connected. That same afternoon my           school but I honestly looked forward        a beautiful sight to see pictures of
gave me away. I noticed my teacher           family participated in a march—their        to another class with Mrs. Famador.         my friends and I taped to the glass
immediately. Mrs. Famador, a Filipina        very first— to downtown Boston,             She always spoke about the importance       shutters behind Mrs. Famador’s
mujer, was one of the few teachers of        demanding immigration reform.               of education and pursuing higher            desk. Those pictures are more than
color at East Boston High.                       Mrs. Famador always encouraged          education. Although math would never        five years old now, but every time I
    In October of that year I found          us to pay attention in school and to        be my strongest subject it was the life     walk into her classroom it feels like I
out that I had lost my asylum status.        stay out of trouble. I looked forward to    lessons I learned in Mrs. Famador’s         am a new student. It seems like just
I wasn’t sure yet what it meant not          Algebra class because I felt that it was    class that mattered most. It was            yesterday that I found out that I was
have citizenship, or how my higher           a safe space for immigrant students.        awesome to find a teacher who truly         undocumented, learned that I was not
education options were now limited.          More importantly, the class and Mrs.        tried to help her students succeed and      alone, and that math class was a place
In Algebra Class, though, I found
an undocumented community
                                             Famador helped me to make sense
                                             of the world when I felt that all doors
                                                                                         encouraged us to push ourselves even
                                                                                         though our futures were uncertain.
                                                                                                                                     of community and organizing.
December 2012                                                                                                                                                                   7
December2012 advocate

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  • 1. Boston, MA 02111 Suite 402 38 Chauncy Street AFT Massachusetts December 2012 A Proven Path to Success LOWELL—On a fall Friday, teach- ers, administrators, city officials and union leaders gathered to celebrate yet another marker of success in the remarkable story of Lowell’s Char- lotte M. Murkland School. Identified as one of the state’s lowest perform- ing schools just a year ago, student achievement here has increased so much that the school could now be designated Level 1, or top status, by the state. What’s more, schools in Lowell overall have demonstrated marked improvement, the number of Level 1 schools increasing by 2/3 just this year. The course charted by faculty and administrators in Lowell contains im- portant lessons for anyone seeking to In This Issue turnaround a struggling school, and TRUE REFORM AFT President Randi Weingarten talks to students at Lowell’s adds a significant contribution to the education reform debate. The gains Murkland School while Assistant Principal Kevin Andriolo looks on. Weingarten says that the teacher-led reforms implemented by the Murkland should be a 2 President’s Column AFT MA Scholarships realized at the school didn’t come model for school improvement efforts in Massachusetts and across the country. from arbitrarily firing educators, forc- 4 Diary of a New Teacher: A Mid-Career Teacher Trades a ing them to reapply for their jobs, or one rooted in collaboration among served. As for the student population, handing the school over to a private district leadership, school adminis- that too is similar to Lawrence: 75% of College Classroom for a Lynn operator Instead, administrators, trators and the United Teachers of students at the Murkland are on free Middle School teachers and their union worked to Lowell, should serve as an example or reduced lunch, while two fifths of create a model of shared responsibil- ity and accountability that has paid off for school improvement efforts every- where. the students in each grade are English language learners. 5 Paraclete Foundation’s Sister Ann Fox Honored for students and educators alike. Just four years ago, the situation “When you treat people with at the Murkland was very similar to True reform Retiree Benefits Threatened respect you can create a shared vi- struggling schools in nearby Law- Teachers here say that they can sion that produces real results,” says rence. Morale was low and teachers explain exactly why the turnaround 6 On Campus: Future of Campus Affirmative Action Unclear Randi Weingarten, president of the complained of a culture that under- efforts have been so successful. “This American Federation of Teachers who mined them as professionals. Leader- is true reform,” says Mary Therese recently visited the Murkland and met ship had been lacking at the district Linnehan. “Our administrators start 7 Retiree Corner with teachers and staff here. Weingar- level, and grant-funded directives with the assumption that we’re the Golden Apple ten says that the turnaround model came and went with little regard true experts in the classroom. that has shown such promise here, to the needs of the students being Continued on page 3 Lawrence Teachers: Give Us a Real Chance LAWRENCE—Give us a real chance both schools. Studies, where students to turn our school around. That’s the Teachers say that a steady rise are taken when they message that teachers at the Henry K. in enrollment coupled with a loss of are in extreme distress, Oliver School in Lawrence are sending staff positions has had the predictable says that the current to state and city education officials. outcome of causing test scores to drop. arrangement doesn’t Teachers point out that the school, Since 2009, student enrollment at serve either group which was recently designated Level the Oliver has risen from 532 to 739, of students well. She 4, or low performing, by the state, even as the school has lost some 20 recalls a time last was once among the top-performing staff members according to teachers’ year when her class schools in Lawrence. The Oliver can estimates, including a principal, was taking the math reclaim that status, say teachers, if half of the school’s aides and three MCAS, the screams they are given real support by the instructional coaches. Meanwhile the of a troubled student district and the conditions, staffing, percentage of students who require echoing all around and resources to respond to the needs the most support—special education them. “The kids are of their students. and English language learners—has scared a lot of the Test scores at the Oliver began to risen too. Nearly 31% of students time.” slip three years ago after the school at the Oliver are struggling to learn The physical arrangement of Teachers at the Oliver School in Lawrence say that the grade 1-8 was moved to the former Lawrence English, up from 24% in 2009. the space—the Oliver is housed on school began its slide after it was High School. Rechristened the North Teachers say that the Oliver’s alternating floors, with the separate moved into the old Lawrence High Common Educational Complex, the current home is chaotic, with the special education program in School building, a facility that 1900-era high school building now school day frequently disrupted by between—makes collaboration with faculty say is not suitable for young houses both the grade 1-8 Oliver and so-called “code red” lock-downs as other teachers incredibly challenging. children. the grade 1-12 School for Exceptional emergency personnel are summoned Said one teacher: “Our former facility Studies, a separate special education to help with students at the School was in disrepair but at least we were program that includes teenagers and for Exceptional Studies. One teacher, able to work together as teachers. young adults with severe emotional whose classroom adjoins a behavior problems. A single principal oversees room for the School for Exceptional Continued on page 3
  • 2. education and public libraries. Of course, we shall continue to meet with incumbent legislators. Very significant issues will be 2013 AFT MA Thomas J. Gosnell Scholarships present in the 2013 session of the legislature. An increase in revenues President, AFT Massachusetts is much needed. Even though the O sales tax increased from 5% to nce again AFT Massachusetts 6-1/4%, the Commonwealth does will be awarding scholarships The Election and the Future not have sufficient revenues to fund adequately public education, public libraries, and a host of other public to eight eligible high school seniors who are dependents of AFT MA members. Every year A services. AFT MA awards eight $1500 The American Federation still attend public schools despite A commission has been scholarships on the basis of a of Teachers Massachusetts the withering criticism directed established to examine health labor history exam administered worked most diligently to against the schools. We need insurance coverage for retirees. by the Massachusetts AFL- help Elizabeth Warren to get elected elected leaders, like the late Senator What a vital subject. We have made CIO, in cooperation with the U.S. Senator. Her passionate Ted Kennedy, who advocated the commission very aware of our Massachusetts Department advocacy for the middle class and sensible reform but never flinched view that maintenance of adequate of Education. One additional for the positive role government from steadfastly supporting public health insurance for retirees is scholarship is being awarded by can play in the life of the citizenry schools. We expect to see such essential. AFT MA will keep you the AFT MA Professional Staff was most welcome. Even here in support again. informed. Union in memory of long-time Massachusetts we do not always Congratulations to U.S. Rumors abound that charter AFT MA field representative Jay hear such pronouncements. Congressman John Tierney for his school advocates will campaign hard Porter. We shall work with the senator to outstanding reelection campaign. to raise the cap on charter schools. To be considered for the enhance public education and public AFT MA support was enthusiastic. Raising the cap on charter schools, scholarships, named in honor libraries and to strengthen the He has always been outspoken given the current funding formula of Albert Shanker and Sandra infrastructure so that the economy supporter of public education. The undermining public schools, will be Feldman, both former presidents can have a more robust recovery. race was rough, but his constituents very harmful. We shall do what we of the American Federation of Even though the federal recognized his outstanding record. need to do. Teachers, and Jay Porter, the government does not have the We also endorsed all the other AFT MA appreciates the work student must be a dependent of expansive role that the states and incumbent U.S. Representatives you did to help elect endorsed an AFT MA member and a high the local communities have in and new comer Joseph Kennedy III, candidates. We shall need you school senior. The student must support of public education, its role all of whom won decisively. The to work equal vigorously with all also attend a college or other is significant. Title I funding is a Massachusetts delegation has one legislators when issues vital to post-secondary school in the fall federal responsibility. Pell grants, of the most pro public education public schools and public libraries of 2013. which are college loans for poor records in the nation. appear in the legislature. and middle income students, are Most of the candidates we Applications Merry Christmas, Happy a federal responsibility. Included endorsed for state representative Applications for the 2013 Chanukah, and Happy Holidays to in infrastructure projects is school construction. Over 90% of school age children and state senator also prevailed. We shall meet very quickly with ▪ all. If you have any questions or scholarships are available on the AFT MA website: www.aftma. those who are new to the legislature net. The deadline for submitting comments email me at tgosnell@ in the United States of America to share our views about public applications is Monday, December 17. To take the labor history exam, Event to Examine Future of Public Ed. students should apply directly to their guidance office, social studies teacher, or principal. A The official publication of I s education for democracy at risk? That’s the question that a panel of noted educators will address on De- packet including one labor history study guide and one application was sent to each high school in the AFT Massachusetts, AFL-CIO cember 3rd at an event sponsored by state in November. A study guide Citizens for Public Schools. Among Thomas J. Gosnell, President is also available on our website. the featured speakers will be Deborah Mark Allred, Sr., Secretary-Treasurer Meier, a long-time collaborator with This year’s labor history exam will be given on Wednesday, VICE PRESIDENTS Diane Ravitch. February 6. Once a student has A teacher and administrator for Tim Angerhofer submitted an application to AFT Patricia Armstrong nearly four decades, Meier is also a noted advocate for public education Massachusetts and notified a Deborah Blinder Sean Bowker who has served students and their guidance counselor, he or she Kathryn Chamberlain families in Boston and New York. is considered registered for the Brenda Chaney A former principal of Mission Hill exam. Kathy Delaney School in Boston and former co-chair Catherine Deveney Additional scholarships Patricia Driscoll of the Coalition of Essential Schools, Deborah Meier, a teacher and long- Additional scholarships Marianne Dumont Meier is currently a senior scholar at Brant Duncan NYU’s Steinhart School of Education. time collaborator with Diane Ravitch, are also available through the J. Michael Earle will be the featured speaker at a Massachusetts AFL-CIO. Be sure Also speaking are Brookline Margaret Farrell Citizens for Public Schools event. to visit Educators Union President Jessica Mary Ferriter to learn about other opportunities. Wender Shubrow and James McDer- Jenna Fitzgerald Last year ten children of AFT Richard Flaherty mott, a former member of the Mas- What: Judge Sumner Z. Kaplan Paul Georges sachusetts Board of Education who Massachusetts members were Memorial Lecture and Benefit: awarded $1500 scholarships. Daniel Haacker resigned out of frustration with the Joyce Harrington “Is Education for Democracy at The 2012 winners include Rose Board’s policies. The event is being Susan Leahy Risk?” Allocca, Abigail Heingertner, held in honor of educator and CPS Francis McLaughlin Brandon Higgins, Kayla Board Member Sumner Z. Kaplan. Bruce Nelson Where: Brookline Public Library, James Philip It will be moderated by Kaplan’s Marandola, Amalia Mendoza, daughter Ruth, a current member of Main Branch Shawn Morrissey, Benjamin Bruce Sparfven Richard Stutman the state Board of Education. Soper, Boris Stanchev and Sarah Gale Thomas Citizens for Public Schools has When: Monday, December 3rd, Vandewalle. Congratulations to been sharply critical of the growing 6:30-8:00 PM last year’s winners and good luck ▪ Matt Robinson, Editor 38 Chauncy St., Suite 402 push to privatize public schools in to all of this year’s applicants. Boston, Mass. 02111 Massachusetts. The event will fo- Event is free and open to the Tel. 617-423-3342 /800-279-2523 cus on what can be done to stop the public. Donations to support For more information call Fax: 617-423-0174 privatization of our public schools, the work of Citizens for Public 617.423.3342. and empower parents, teachers and Schools will be accepted. For our communities to ensure that all more information visit: our students have the opportunity to learn. 2
  • 3. A Proven Path to Success is more proof that collaboration re- ally works,” says Paul Continued from cover responsibility for all of the Murkland’s Georges, president of students. “We’re all using the same the United Teachers language, and we have the same ex- of Lowell. This is a pectations,” says second year teacher different way of do- Teachers and staff at the ing education reform Danielle Quinlan. “We talk about Murkland insist that theirs standing on one another’s shoulders— that is grounded in a is a model that can be there’s a real sense of teamwork.” deep respect for the replicated in any strug- Teachers now work in teams, both work that educators across and within grades, so as to do every day in their gling school or district.The better respond to the needs of their classrooms.” most essential ingredients: students. They start by assessing strong, committed leader- student data, everything from MCAS Lessons learned scores to classroom performance to Georges says that ship at every level and a he and his team of attendance to anecdotal indicators, genuine opportunity for then work together to determine how educators and union Second year teacher Rachel Quinlan talks to AFT leaders are eager to President Randi Weingarten and Murkland Principal teacher voice. best to reach the students who need Jason DiCarlo about the culture at the school. “There’s additional help. The teams are backed offer Lowell’s ap- proach to school a real sense of team here,” says Quinlan. up by literacy and math coaches who are able to provide differentiated as- improvement as a They have faith in us and respect sistance based on what students—and model for other urban us and that belief has enabled us to Mass. Board of Elementary and Sec- their teachers—need to succeed. districts, including Lawrence, now in transform the way we work and really ondary Education by a slim margin. “Everybody talks about data- the first year of a state-led turnaround reach the students.” In its application to the state SABIS driven decision making but what the process. Despite its measurable suc- Jason DiCarlo, the school’s prin- had budgeted for a single ESL teacher teachers have learned to do at the cess, state officials have shown little cipal, who joined the staff when the to work with English language learn- Murkland is remarkable,” says Dr. interest in Lowell’s collaborative turnaround process began, says that ers, despite the fact that more than a Kate McLaughlin, a vice president of model. from the beginning, he and Assistant third of the students in Lowell are still the United Teachers of Lowell. Last year, just six months after Principal Kevin Andreolo, sought learning English. choosing the Murkland as the back- to give teachers a voice. “It’s pretty Says Georges: “If this debate were simple—when you give people a voice, Collaboration works drop to announce the 2011 MCAS truly about the best way to improve Teachers and staff at the Murkland scores, state officials gave the nod to a they have much more buy in,” says student achievement and outcomes, insist that theirs is a model that can 1200 seat for-profit charter school in DiCarlo. “Everyone at this school had the state would be looking at how to be replicated in any struggling school Lowell. The school, slated to open in potential—we just had to figure out replicate our success at the Murkland. or district. The most essential ele- the fall of 2013, will divert as much as how to tap into it.” That’s not what’s happening here.” ments: strong, committed leadership $24 million from the Murkland and Still, Georges says that he’s hopeful Real teamwork at every level and a genuine oppor- other Lowell Public Schools, despite that the continued success of both the The Murkland’s redesign involved tunity for teacher voice. The Lowell their significant improvement in re- school and the district could change a deep restructuring of the way that Public Schools, under the leadership cent years. The charter, to be operated that. “Results speak, and we’ve got a teaching and learning take place,with the emphasis at the school shifting of Superintendent Jean Franco and her predecessor, Chris Scott, have demonstrated a deep commitment by SABIS Educational Systems, Inc., a private, for-profit company with headquarters in Minnesota and Bei- model in Lowell that really works.” ▪ away from individual classrooms—not to mention the test scores of individ- to labor/management collaboration. rut, Lebanon, remains controversial ual teachers—and towards a shared “The success we’re seeing in Lowell in Lowell and was approved by the Give Us a Real Chance ‘All of Our Oliver’ Teachers at the Henry K. End childhood hunger in America by 2015. Continued from cover Despite the huge challenges they Take the pledge at face, the Oliver’s teaching staff is Oliver School in Lawrence say determined to try to turn around that they can once again be the Despite the huge challenges the school. Many of them taught at city’s top-performing school— Learn to recognize the signs. they face, the Oliver’s the school when it was one of the if they are given real support A child facing hunger may: teaching staff is determined top-performing schools in the city by the district and the condi- • often feel sick or tired • sleep in class to try to turn around the and believe they know exactly what’s tions, staffing, and resources to • have problems with math and school. Many of them taught required to earn that status again. respond to the needs of their language skills On the list: a facility that works for • be more aggressive at the school when it was students. • feel anxious and have difficulty students and teachers, consistent concentrating one of the top-performing leadership and expectations, a • have slower memory recall schools in the city and believe collaborative process for instructional Students and teachers need: • underperform and have poor grades they know exactly what’s decision making tailored to individual • frequently miss school or arrive student needs, adequate staffing and • A safe and adequate facility required to earn that status late resources, and additional supports again. and interventions for students with • Adequate staffing the greatest needs, particularly Now we’re in a building that isn’t English language learners and • Support for students with appropriate for kids and actually special education students. The the greatest needs, es- makes it harder for us to help our Oliver’s increasingly active and pecially English language students.” involved parents will be essential for a successful turnaround effort, say learners and special educa- A lack of direction from the district teachers. tion students Laure only compounds the challenges faced n by the Oliver, say teachers here. For State and district officials have not Long example, the Lawrence Public Schools yet made public their plans for the • Adequate resources, includ- currently provides individualized Oliver, but rumors abound that the ing books, instructional instruction for English language school may be handed over to a private materials, and technology learners only if students are classified operator, the long-time teachers Find out what you can do as newcomers. For returning students replaced by less experienced recruits. to help at • Consistent leadership and who still can’t read English at grade But the Oliver’s teachers fundamentally expectations level, however, there is no additional disagree with this approach. “It’s like assistance available. One staff member the people in charge are saying ‘we don’t know how to fix this,’” observed • Collaborative process for describes a student who arrived at the school able to read Spanish but by one teacher. “By handing the school decision making third grade was still struggling to read to an EMO [educational management English. “There’s nothing for him, but organization], they’re basically relinquishing any responsibility for the ▪ he’s still going to be expected to take the MCAS test.” school and its problems.” 3 December 2012
  • 4. Diary S tanding on the precipice of an CAREER unknown future, I nonetheless CHANGE took the plunge. I had been New teacher teaching as an adjunct professor at Bradford Green a local university, a place where I of a New Teacher had worked in various capacities for traded college five years. Yet I made the decision students at a to start over and become a middle local univer- school teacher. And so I taught my sity for middle By Bradford Green school students last class at Salem State on Decem- English Language Arts teacher in Lynn. His ber 12th, and began my new assign- Pickering Middle School first year as an ment at Pickering Middle School in Lynn MA English teach- Lynn the very next day. I entered the building with not a little trepi- er wasn’t all dation: teaching college students is wonderful and Meet the 2012-2013 easy—relatively speaking, anyway. simple, writes I had left a group of students that Green, but New Teacher Diarists listened fairly intently to what I had mostly it was. to say, trading them in for a group Bradford Green of students that needed me more, English Language Arts teacher, Pickering but were—perhaps— less diligent. concepts that were beyond their ing one learns in. Anyway, as I sat Middle School, Lynn Wednesday, my first day, I was reach. In other words, I assumed. there and listened to them I began told that entering in the middle of Sixth graders do not understand to well up with emotion. Tracing its Chaya Harris the year would be “difficult.” Still, words like “egalitarian” ; they are source, I realized that I was feel- Fifth grade teacher, Mather School, Boston even though I was 49 year old man not savvy about comma-splices just ing the gratitude of the moment. It beginning a brand new career, I yet. I needed to learn my audience! had been so many years since I had Himilcon Inciarte was determined to play by the same My third day brought a real gift. . . heard the sound of a chorus: pure, Fourth grade Spanish teacher, Dever-Mc- rules that my students had to obey. It was Friday, December 15th. unadulterated, warm. Soon thereaf- Cormack, Elementary, Boston I did not use my cellphone because It was 2:30 and – as I was to dis- ter I realized the truth of my pas- the students could not use theirs; I cover later – the one day where the sion: I was tearing up over my own, Karina Dise did not drink any beverages because building clears out relatively early. lost childhood. I knew, right then, Paraprofessional, Zanetti Montessori the students could not. I made a So when I left at 3:15 the halls were that I had made the right choice to School, Springfield point of not yelling at students pretty empty. I was glad it was change careers. Yet that first year because I, myself, do not care to be Friday and that I had the whole would not be easy. Bill Madden-Fuoco yelled at. I was also very conscious weekend to collect myself and plan. A few weeks later my cell-phone Humanities teacher, Urban Science of my role as a male, working in On my way out the door I heard the went missing; then a young boy said Academy ,West Roxbury, the inner city where male figures as sound of little voices so I followed some pretty alarming things to me role models are often wanting. I had the sound to its source, the audito- in the cafeteria when I told him to Eliana Martinez learned at this age to be a part of rium. The children from the middle wait for his table to be called before Social studies teacher, Lawrence High collective humanity—to be inclusive school next door were practicing for he got into line. No, it was not all School, Lawrence and not exclusive. Yet despite my the holiday concert. I entered the wonderful and simple. But mostly, best intentions, my first three days balcony –my first time in the place– it was. Looking back, neither the Amanda Perez were filled with missteps. and looked around: the place could rough language I was treated to Middle school teacher, Sarah Greenwood I discovered that my vocabu- have used some paint. by that student nor the loss of my School, Dorchester. lary did not work well with 6th I reminded myself of something phone matters to me. It is the sound graders. (Thank goodness for my I always said to college students, of that chorus, echoing in my mind Robert Tobio inclusion teacher, Claire Pappas!) especially those that loved their even as I write this journal, that technology: William Shakespeare matters most. Tiny voices, sweetly ▪ Math and special education teacher, Mary It took me an exorbitant amount Lyon Pilot School, Brighton. of time to think of what to do next, read by candle light; it is the intent singing, singing songs. and thought students understood to learn that matters, not the build- Lesley University Graduate School of Education Providing a better learning experience for teachers for more than 100 years. Lesley’s Graduate School of Education is marked by its commitment to the preparation and professional development of educators, innovative and challenging coursework, and lifelong learning. We offer a wide range of learning opportunities: • Master’s programs including those leading to initial and professional licensure • Licensure-only programs • Certificate programs, including Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) • Ph.D. programs Lesley offers programs to fit your lifestyle. Learn on-campus, online, or at a location Inquire about our near you. new M.Ed. in Questions? Effective Teaching! Contact | 888.LESLEY.U
  • 5. Convent-ional Wisdom On November 8, Sister Ann was celebrated Paraclete Foundation Founder Sister Ann Fox honored by her students and colleagues at H oused at the crossroads of the Ann demonstrates her famous Paraclete’s annual “new” and “old” South Boston, generosity and humility by giving the reception that was the Paraclete Foundation has credit to others. held this year at been serving disadvantaged youth “The founders should be listed as Boston College High for nearly 15 years, offering after- a group of concerned mothers who School. Co-chaired by school tutoring and enrichment wanted something more than sports Collaborative Partners programs. The program has served for their children,” she explains, President and CEO hundreds of students from Boston noting that many neighborhood Jack C. Hobbs and and far beyond (students come from parents were looking specifically for a Thomas J. Gunning, multiple communities and over program that provided not only social Executive Director 10 foreign countries), providing support but also academic assistance of the Building them supervision, support and in the arts and sciences so their Trades Employers inspiration that helps them become children could achieve and improve Association, the event featured Lifelong activist Sister Ann Fox independent and better prepared their lives through learning. “They Honorary Co-Chairs Diane Patrick received the Hero Among Us award fort school and life and encourages were the driving force. The Paraclete and Angela Menino (wives of our from the Boston Celtics in November. them to make positive impacts on was not a result of any strategic plan Governor and Boston’s Mayor, still humble and eager to dissipate their communities. Over 23% of on my part.” respectively) and included EVENT the attention to others. “I think no Paraclete’s students have graduated Sister Ann also credits her and a special recognition of Mrs. one can be a hero on their own,” from or are currently attending colleague Barry Hynes (who now Menino, who has also been a devoted she suggested, “and that there are college. serves as vice president of the board supporter of Boston-area youth for many heroes among us that we don’t The program was founded in 1998 of trustees) with helping get Paraclete many years. take the time or care to properly by Sister Ann Fox, a lifelong activist off the ground. In addition to being honored by appreciate.” Still, she admitted, “I am and advocate who also founded the “Barry…had begun the Nativity her own Paraclete family, Sister Ann honored that people took the time to Maranyundo School for Girls in School in Boston,” she explains, was also recognized by the Boston put my name forward.” Rwanda, Africa. Prior to founding “so we incorporated their model of Celtics as part of their Heroes Among Among the many who backed Paraclete, Sister Ann directed the bringing in recent college graduates Us program on November 7. Sister Ann’s candidacy for this South Boston Neighborhood House to teach - we gave them room and “Sister Ann has demonstrated special halftime honor was Paraclete and helped create an education board and a little spending money.” what it means to be a true hero Board Member Gerry Dwyer, Chief training programs for welfare She also mentions Fr. Thomas of the Boston community,” said Administrative Officer of Boston mothers in the Bromley Heath MacDonald, pastor of St. Augustine Matt Meyersohn, community Water & Sewer. housing development. A long-time Church, who donated the funds relations manager for the Celtics. “Sister Ann is rightly recognized social worker, Sister Ann is also a with which Paraclete opened in a “She has successfully carried out for the decades of work she has founding member of the Women former convent on E Street. “They her life’s mission of helping and dedicated to improving the lives of Waging Peace initiativeand is were instrumental in the Paraclete’s educating those in need. The Celtics children and families in Boston and included in the Institute for Inclusive history,” Sister Ann says. organization can’t think of a better fit throughout the world,” Dwyer said. Security’s Directory of Women Peace Despite her own efforts to defer for the Heroes Among Us Award than “Those of us lucky enough to count Experts. the credit, Sister Ann has been [Sister] Ann.” her as our friend are most fortunate When asked how she came up with the idea for Paraclete, Sister a beloved and vital part of the Paraclete family since its inception. Even when asked about this honor, however, Sister Ann was to have been touched by her.” ▪ Retiree Benefits Under Threat help retirees with large unexpected healthcare expenses uncovered by the new insurance, she noted. She and her retiree friends agree By Patty Fitzgerald their careers.” without a raise. “something has to be done” to curb T Dumont, an AFT Massachusetts If teachers cannot receive health skyrocketing costs for healthcare eachers, librarians and other Vice President, says that she also fears insurance along with a pension, they benefits. “You can’t dig your heels in public employees who have been for retirees who thought that their may be forced to “think twice” and put … I don’t know the answer.” She can’t eyeing retirement in the next few futures were secure, only to have the off retirement, said Dumont. help but feel though, that it’s just one years may be taken by surprise when state revisit what they believed to be a Charged with bringing under more piece to an ongoing multi-facet- a state commission recommends in guaranteed benefit. “Who’s to say that control skyrocketing state and munici- ed broadside against public employee late December that they work longer somewhere down the road we won’t pal projected costs for retiree health unions, and teachers in particular, or pay more for retiree healthcare be fighting again to retain something benefits ($16 billion over 30 years for nationwide. benefits, or both. else that we worked for?” the state and $30 billion for cities and While union members still enjoy “We’re comfortable that current What seems clear is that public towns), the commission of manage- a “good amount” of protections, their retirees will not be impacted,” said employees will likely have to put in ment and labor representatives has hard-won benefits are “very slowly Andy Powell, the American Federa- more years and/or work to an older been meeting since the spring and will being chipped away,” said Dumont. tion of Teachers’ representative on the age to be eligible for healthcare ben- present its recommendations to the Private employees should be looking 12-member Special Commission on efits. And, no longer will healthcare Legislature Dec. 20. The recommen- to boost their own benefits, and raise Retiree Healthcare, following a Nov. insurance automatically come with dations will provide the framework for everyone up, rather than knock down 13 meeting. “But we’re encouraging retirement, said Powell. Eligibility for a bill or put in some form into the next those of public employees, in her employees to keep an eye on it.” retirement may come before health- state budget. Whether the reforms will view. But how close to retirement em- care benefits do, and contributions cover all public employees in the state Massachusetts has some of the ployees will have to be to be protected toward health benefits by the state or leave some control to municipali- highest healthcare costs in the coun- from the changes—five years out, 10 and municipalities most likely will ties is also undetermined, according try. “This has placed increased pres- years out—is still unclear, said Pow- drop.Those features are all contained to Powell. sure on elected officials to examine ell, an AFT field representative and in three models the commission is Dumont, a vice president at AFT, current benefits” said Powell. Labor former Dracut firefighter. “Debate now considering. said that Lowell’s public employees and Retirees are represented on the rages as to who will be the impacted “It’s going to be intolerable for are still reeling, adjusting to higher Commission and “are presenting a population.” some people,” said Dumont, 63, of the insurance co-pays incurred from strong voice of advocacy for those What’s likely to occur, Powell impending cuts. “What about people switching to the state’s Group Insur- who count on health insurance ben- reported, after the commission’s sixth who are within 10 years of retirement? ance Commission (GIC) coverage the efits into retirement” added Powell. meeting, is that “access will be differ- What’s it going to do to them for all past couple of years. A vote to select a plan will be taken ent for [employees] than it is today.” the time they’ve put in?” “There are so many retirees. We’re Dec. 17, and a report will be heading “People should be paying atten- “You don’t get rich teaching,” living longer than we ever have, and to the Statehouse Dec. 20. “We’re tion!” said retired Lowell teacher Dumont said, adding she and her really the number of older retirees hoping the final vote can be a consen- Mickey Dumont, whose daughter, colleagues sacrificed much. She is who have pensions is miniscule.” she sus,” said Powell. “But the process Jennifer Machado has been a teacher in the Lowell Public Schools for nearly 15 years. “Younger people need to convinced that she could have found a better-paying job in the private sector, but instead devoted 35 years to public said. “They’re at the poverty level, and then we have them paying more for health insurance.” Lowell did create has not been discussed.” ▪ know what to expect at the end of school teaching, many of those years a health reimbursement account to 5 December 2012
  • 6. On Campus Dan Georgianna, Political Director UMass Faculty Federation, Local 1895 Future of Campus Affirmative Action Unclear I n a weird twist of fate driven by Civil Rights Act intended admission SPLIT DECISION Supreme Court decisions, opposi- quotas in public colleges and univer- Thanks to recent tion to Affirmative Action in college sities for minorities such as African Supreme Court admissions is now based on unfairness Americans. decisions, opposi- towards white applicants while legal The legal tide turned against col- tion to Affirmative support for Affirmative Action relies lege admission Affirmative Action in Action in college solely on diversity in education. 1978 when the U.S. Supreme Court admissions is now Last month, the Supreme Court heard ruled (five to four) in the Bakke case based on unfairness another in a series of cases of a white that admissions quotas violated the towards white ap- student claiming that Affirmative Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause plicants while legal Action violated the U.S. Constitution (originally passed in 1868 to protect support for Affir- because there is little evidence that Af- the rights of former slaves), but race mative Action relies firmative Action improves education. could be one of the factors for admis- solely on diversity The Supreme Court justices sharply sions given the goal of improving in education. questioned the fairness of Affirmative education through diversity in the Action based on race. Their decision is student body. expected next June. In 2003, the Court reaffirmed As many web sites opposing Af- enrollment at elite public and private Affirmative Action was originally (again five to four) that race could be firmative Action highlight, Martin schools, it has not had much effect intended to offset unfairness of the used as one of the factors in admis- Luther King’s dream that his “four on equal opportunity because college vastly unequal opportunities in the sions based on the educational ben- little children will one day live in a graduation replicates inequality in the U.S. for minorities and preferences efits of diversity of the student body, nation where they will not be judged nation. given whites in college admissions and but that affirmative action have a by the color of their skin but by the A few thousand Black and Hispanic jobs. “logical endpoint” of about 25 years. content of their character” expressed students attending elite colleges due Affirmative Action was first or- Since then, seven states, including the American ideology of equal oppor- to Affirmative Action, about 1% of dered by President Kennedy in 1961 Michigan whose admissions policy the tunity for all. all U.S. college students, won’t make with an Executive Order for govern- Supreme Court had approved in 2003, Dr. King was acutely aware that he much of a difference. According to ment contractors to recruit, hire, and banned Affirmative Action in college lived in the real world ruled by racial their research, “When they enter promote more minorities, which was admissions. oppression, but recent scholarship has kindergarten, black children are about extended in the 1964 Civil Rights Act The body politic stands supremely uncovered his misgivings that special one year behind white children. When to college admissions. In 1973, the ambivalent about college admission consideration for Black Americans they graduate from high school, black U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the based on race. would weaken support for equal op- teenagers are four years behind white portunity. “Many white workers whose teenagers.” economic condition is not too far Espenshade and Radford argue removed from the economic condition for a direct approach to correcting of his black brother will find it difficult unequal opportunity in pre-school to accept,” he wrote in a private letter. through high school including factors SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, PUBLIC POLICY, AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT (David Leonhardt, “Rethinking Affir- such as nutrition and help for poor mative Action,” NYT) parents to overcome the disadvan- Leonhardt argues that includ- tages of poverty and race in college Master of Arts in Teaching ing class in Affirmative Action would widen its base of support and improve admissions. The AFT has been working for de- its record on equal opportunity. cades to change an educational system Research by Thomas Espenshade that replicates a social structure of Flexible schedule - Financial aid available and Alexandria Radford (“Moving privilege, while blaming children, par- 20% discount for teachers* Beyond Affirmative Action,” NYT and ents, and teachers for failure. It helps No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal, to have allies and more research. Princeton Univ. Press) supports the Such changes will also take time, at Licensure areas hypothesis that Affirmative Action as least a generation, probably more. In include: practiced in the U.S. has not had much the meantime, the best strategy is to effect reducing equality of opportu- return on the original goal of reduc- • General Science nity. ing unequal opportunity by including • Biology While Affirmative Action has class as well as race in Affirmative Ac- • Chemistry about doubled Black and Hispanic tion for college admissions. ▪ • Physics Visit India Over Winter Break • Mathematics Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO) has teamed up with • English AFT Massachusetts member Lillie Marshall at to put to- gether an amazing trip to India for only $987! For more details go to http://www. • History GEEO is a 501c3 non-profit organization that runs summer professional • Spanish development travel programs designed for teachers. Educators have the option • French to earn graduate school credit and professional development credit while seeing the world. The trips are 8 to 24 days in length and are designed to be interesting • Portuguese and affordable for teachers. GEEO provides teachers educational materials and the structure to help them bring their experiences into the classroom. The trips are open to all nationalities of K-12 and university educators and administrators, * Current teachers maybe eligible for 20% discount. Call 508.910.9050 for more information. as well as retired educators. Educators are also permitted to bring along a non- educator guest. Apply Today for Spring 2013 GEEO is also offering 22 different travel programs for the summer of 2013, including India/Nepal, Italy, Portugal/Spain, Amalfi Coast, Eastern Europe, Budapest For more information, call 508.910.9050 or to Istanbul, Vietnam and Russia/Mongolia/China. For a complete list of destination visit and detailed information about each trip, including itineraries, costs, travel dates, visit 6 The AFT Massachusetts Advocate
  • 7. Retiree Corner Marie Ardito, Co-founder SENIOR SEMINARS Massachusetts Retirees United Preparing for Retirement (Given by Marie Ardito) • December 1st, Wilmington, 314 We Can’t Keep Our Heads in the Sand • Main St. Unit 105, 10-noon December 4th :Amesbury High T School, 5 Highland St. 3:30-5:00 here is little doubt that Medicare Another bill will deal with the providing a pharmaceutical plan, you • December 6th: Hingham South and Social Security will be Medicare B penalty imposed on those can go on Medicare D with no penalty Shore Educational Collaborative discussed in the upcoming who become eligible for Medicare after as long as you produce the letter that Cafeteria, 40 Pond Park, 5:00-6:30 session of Congress. Massachusetts their 65th birthday. (A person in charge contains the words creditable plan. • December 12, Rockport Elemen- Retirees United will have legislation of health care in one of the other 104 The purpose of the penalties in tary School Library, Rockport, filed to correct some of the unfair Retirement Systems in Massachusetts both Medicare B and Medicare D 3:15-5:15 practices regarding both programs. told me to encourage everyone to sign is to discourage people from being • January 3, Billerica Memorial High We will also join with many other up for Medicare three months prior to underinsured. But those retiring from School, Boston Rd, Billerica, 4-6:00 retirement groups to urge the repeal their 65th birthday even if they are not a public sector job are adequately How to Protect Your Nest Egg and of the Government Pension Offset eligible. When the authority tells you insured. We feel this is an important Plan for the Right Outcome for Your (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination that you are not eligible tell them that issue to address as more and more Family (Given by Elder Law Attor- Provision (WEP). We are approaching you want them to state on the computer communities are adopting Section 18 of ney Mary Howie) two Senators to file the Senate version, files that you applied for Medicare and 32b of the General Laws, which states and are working with our retiree were denied.) According to this person, that those eligible for Medicare must • Saturday Dec. 8, 314 Main Street counterparts in California on the House if you become eligible at a later date go on Medicare. This is a tremendous Unit 105 Wilmington, MA 01887. version. We plan to file other bills at because you accumulated forty units savings to the communities. (Main Street in Wilmington is the the federal level as well. in Social Security, you will be excluded We feel that the above-mentioned same as Route 38. ) 10-noon. One bill will address the double from the penalty. bills should not only have the support penalty imposed on those who are We feel that language should be of retired people but those still in the All Seminars are free to participants eligible for Medicare as a spousal put in place at the federal level similar work force. In most instances you will and to the district. Register by email benefit, but do not collect Social to the language for Medicare D for be the beneficiaries of this legislation or call 1-617-482-1568 Make sure to give name, Security. In two of the past three years pharmaceuticals. Medicare D does not longer than those who are already number attending and seminar for which there was no cost of living increase impose a penalty on you if you take retired. registering. This registers you and no fol- given to Social Security recipients. As it after your 65th birthday providing We cannot keep our heads in the low up phone call will occur unless you a result anyone who collected Social you are on a creditable plan at age 65. sand. The words “I didn’t know” cannot have a question. If you received an email Security did not have an increase to his Creditable is the term that indicates be part of our vocabularies. That is telling you a different way to register fol- or her Medicare B premiums. Those that a plan is as good as, or better the primary function of MRU: to low the instructions you received. Please not collecting Social Security because than Medicare D. Everyone should work for you as well as to provide you do not double register. the GPO prevented them from doing so get a letter from his or her provider with the information you need to feel were given an increase in each of the two years on the Medicare B premiums. (insurance company), which contains the words creditable plan. Then if your comfortable speaking out. ▪ This is a double penalty. community decides in the future to stop The Golden and some of my best friends. Mrs. Famador was one of the few teachers we felt comfortable telling about Apple our immigration status, and she was encouraging about the opportunities that lay ahead regardless of our status. Mrs. Famador was an immigrant too. The next spring, I was still struggling through Algebra class, Ada Fuentes but Mrs. Famador always offered to Public Education Organizer, stay after school with folks to help Massachusetts Jobs with us with homework. During this time, Justice talk of comprehensive immigration reform was all over the news, and a big protest for immigrant students and I n the fall of 2005 I moved to East Boston and was enrolled in the Boston Public Schools. My first day, our communities was being planned for May 1st. Some of the more militant students in Algebra class decided to I was like any student attending a wear all white that day to show their brand new school, trying to find my solidarity with immigrants all over the classroom and go unnoticed. My first country. The day finally came around class that day was English, and the and the hallways of East Boston High room was packed with 40 students, a were filled with students in white number that would never drop lower shirts. After lunch, a mass of students Ada Fuentes credits Mrs. Famador, her math teacher at East Boston High than 30. My second class was Algebra began to walk out in solidarity with School, for teaching her life lessons even more important than algebra. 2, the dreaded math class of all time. I schools in California. Other students sat down and tried to play that I wasn’t folks watched from the windows of were closed to me. I failed Algebra that I still visit East Boston High School the “new girl” but the punk rock glam the school and it felt like we were all year and had to take it again my senior every now and then, and it is always clothes and Princess Amidala hair connected. That same afternoon my school but I honestly looked forward a beautiful sight to see pictures of gave me away. I noticed my teacher family participated in a march—their to another class with Mrs. Famador. my friends and I taped to the glass immediately. Mrs. Famador, a Filipina very first— to downtown Boston, She always spoke about the importance shutters behind Mrs. Famador’s mujer, was one of the few teachers of demanding immigration reform. of education and pursuing higher desk. Those pictures are more than color at East Boston High. Mrs. Famador always encouraged education. Although math would never five years old now, but every time I In October of that year I found us to pay attention in school and to be my strongest subject it was the life walk into her classroom it feels like I out that I had lost my asylum status. stay out of trouble. I looked forward to lessons I learned in Mrs. Famador’s am a new student. It seems like just I wasn’t sure yet what it meant not Algebra class because I felt that it was class that mattered most. It was yesterday that I found out that I was have citizenship, or how my higher a safe space for immigrant students. awesome to find a teacher who truly undocumented, learned that I was not education options were now limited. More importantly, the class and Mrs. tried to help her students succeed and alone, and that math class was a place In Algebra Class, though, I found an undocumented community Famador helped me to make sense of the world when I felt that all doors encouraged us to push ourselves even though our futures were uncertain. of community and organizing. ▪ December 2012 7