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                                            Scottsbluff High School | March 31, 2011 | Volume 94 | Issue 8

SHS welcomes
aka Milton Creagh,
a different kind of
motivational speaker | pg. 3

[ ]  Student-ran concert set to benefit
victims of child sex-trafficking | pg. 11
Boys’ soccer team looking to defend
    district title, go to state | pg. 16
Administration monitoring student reading with reading logs                                                                                     BRIEFLYg
                                                                                                                                                   s pe akin
story by                                      In addition, it gives the adminis-     reading stamina when it comes to
SCOUT WILSON | news editor                tration an idea on how long it actually    reading tests. Students are used to the
                                          does take for students to read assign-     technological world of information                       Prom Hollywood Nights
     With reading scores lower than the   ments and if classroom activities need     briefs and when it comes to sustained                        Prom is coming up soon. Tickets
state average for last year’s juniors,    to be adjusted accordingly.                reading, students don’t have the pa-                     are $12 per person and will go on sale
this year’s seniors, the administration       “We have a lot of faith in our         tience,” Porter said.                                    the week of prom. This year’s Prom
has taken another step to improving       students. We hope based on students’           “To get students to read, we need                    will be April 9 at the Hampton Inn

                                                                                                                                              from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.
student reading: the introduction of      want of reading better they will be        to find out what their interests are and                     This year’s theme is “Hollywood
reading logs to the weekly agenda of      truthful,” Porter said.                    make those topics available,” Porter                     Nights,” so come and enjoy a night of
homeroom.                                                                                  said. “The library is going to find                dancing with your friends!
     The reading logs are set up to
be a weekly occurrence for years to
                                          To get students to read, we                      high interest books, along with
                                                                                           teachers bringing something
come, which will give students the        need to find out what their                      to read other than text books to                   Bearcats make waves
                                                                                                                                                at district, state

opportunity to track their reading
                                            interests are and make                         create conversation topics with
over the years and try to improve.
     “The vocabulary we issue to            those topics available.
                                                                                               Porter believes the school                     speech competitions
homerooms to go over is a strategy                                                         system needs to teach students
we are taking to improve reading                            -Principal Rick Porter        how to read different types of
                                                                                                                                                  This year at district speech, the
                                                                                                                                              Bearcats placed second to Kearney
by getting students to understand                                                         text, such as text books, manu-                     in the team standings and qualified
words in context,” Principal Rick            The Nebraska State Accountability       als, newspaper, and leisure reading                      seven speakers for the state contest
Porter said.                              Reading Assessment for last year’s         because each takes a different type of                   in Kearney.
                                                                                                                                                  Senior Nick Roussel placed first in
     Along with student reading logs,     juniors for Class B ranks Scottsbluff 21   concentration.
                                                                                                                                              Serious Prose and first in Duet Acting
teachers are also keeping a log. Teach-   out of 26 with a score of 62.90.               Porter has also considered requir-                   with senior Tyler Webber. Webber
ers are recording on their logs how          This score made the School              ing students to carry a book around                      also placed second in Humorous
long certain assignments should take      Improvement/Data Team decide to            with them as their hall pass and as a                    Prose.
to read, giving the administration a      require weekly reading logs to en-         conversation starter, to get students                        Senior Sara Frederick placed
                                                                                                                                              third in Serious Prose and first in
way to check how honest students are      courage students to read.                  more involved with teachers on a
                                                                                                                                              Oral Interpretation of Poetry. Senior
filling out their logs.                      “One problem we have is students’       literary level.                                          Madelin Parsley placed fourth in
                                                                                                                                              Persuasive Speaking.
                                                                                                                                                  Senior Victoria Bravo and sopho-

 Drill team wins state                                                                                                                        more Derrick Goss placed first and
                                                                                                                                              second in Entertainment Speaking,
                                                                                                                                              respectively. Bravo teamed up with

 again, performs                                                                                                                              senior Kirby Thornton to take fourth
                                                                                                                                              in Duet Acting.

 well at nationals
                                                                                                                                                  A top-4 place at districts guaran-
                                                                                                                                              tees a spot at the state competition,
                                                                                                                                              so, two weeks later, Roussel, Webber,
                                                                                                                                              Frederick, Parsley, Bravo, Thornton,
                                                                                                                                              and Goss traveled to the University
                                                                                                                                              of Nebraska at Kearney for the state
                                                                                                                                                  The Bearcats made waves at the
                                                                                                                                              competition, where they compete in
                                                                                                                                              Class A against Omaha and Lincoln
                                                                                                                                              schools, some with more than triple
                                                                                                                                              the number of students of Scotts-
                                                                                                                                                  Roussel and Webber won in
                                                                                                                                              Duet Acting, Roussel won in Serious
                                                                                   ALL   Senior Danni Becker performs the state routine       Prose, Frederick placed third in Seri-
                                                                                         and helps the drill team capture first at state in   ous Prose, and Goss placed sixth in
                                                                                         the high kick division. Photo by Gordon Rock
                                                                                                                                              Entertainment Speaking.
                                                                                                                                                  Overall, the Bearcats tied for third
                                                                                                                                              with Lincoln North Star high school
story by                                  have to be here at 6:45 every morn-        elated. We hadn’t seen any of the                        with 66 points, behind runners-
RYAN MEISTER | news writer                ing,” drill team coach Angie Hinze         other teams so we had no idea what                       up Millard North High School and
                                                                                                                                              champions Lincoln East High School.
                                          said.                                      to expect,” Hinze said.
   On Feb. 19, fourteen Bearcat               A unique part of the Nebraska             After winning state, the drill team                       Great job, speech team!
women - armed with tights, French         state cheer and dance competition is       had one more big competition on their

                                                                                                                                                     State DECA
braids, bright red lipstick and seven     that there is no lead-up. There are no     plate: nationals.
months of rigorous practice - hopped      other competitive events until state.         “Nationals this year was in Or-
on a bus headed for the Heartland             The competition began four years       lando, FL, and we competed in the
Events Center in Grand Island.            ago, and the drill team has won the        high kick division once again,” Hinze                       Scottsbluff DECA enjoyed an
                                                                                                                                              outstanding year, winning in fifteen
   Two days later, those fourteen girls   high kick division every year. How-        said.
                                                                                                                                              events and qualifying thirty-six
were back on the bus with yet another     ever, no matter how new, the competi-         The team of fourteen girls, ten new                   members for the International Con-
state championship under their sus-       tion is still fierce.                      and four returning, recorded the high-                   ference in Orlando.
penders and pom-poms.                         This year, the drill team once again   est score in school history at nationals,                   There were eight first place win-
   The drill team’s fourth consecutive    won the high kick division.                placing sixth in the small varsity high-                 ners, twenty-one second place win-
state championship was not easily              But the good times did not stop       kick division.                                           ners and three thrid place winners.
won, however.                             there as they scored third out of 118         After competing against schools                          Three members were also Ne-
   “These girls practice incredibly       all-class teams, losing only to Oma-       from across the nation with at least 22                  braska DECA Scholarship Winners:
hard; they practice five days a week      ha’s Millard West and Millard South        different states represented, the girls                  Hattie Guzman, Meghan Pritchard,

2 | NEWS          all year round. They    High Schools.                              returned home to begin the whole                         and John Haslam.
                                              “When we won our division I was        process over for next year.
Motivational speaker enlightens students
story by                                   and well, stupid, really,” freshman            “It meant a lot to me that he talked   how he actually cared and was pas-
RYAN MEISTER | news writer                 Sarah Mercer-Smith said. “But he           about drugs and alcohol because            sionate about the things he said.”
                                           amazed me. By the end of the assem-        many people in my life are affected by        “I was shocked by some of the
    For a minute, junior Michael Miller    bly I actually felt ‘enlightened’.”        that,” junior Courtney Imel said. “It      statistics he brought up dealing with
thought he was in Alcatraz.                   “The speaker was amazing. I             was motivating to me that he empha-        abuse and drug and alcohol use. Also
    Every escape route was blocked         loved the fact of how straightforward      sized the point that you are respon-       some of the stories he brought up
by a stern-looking teacher bent on         he was - he didn’t sugar coat any-         sible for making your own person           were pretty eye opening,” junior War-
keeping all 807 teenagers penned in        thing,” freshman Niki Anderson said.       and your circumstances don’t matter        ren Eubanks said.
the freezing auditorium for the next          The primary focus of Creagh’s talk      as long as you have heart and work            In the end it was Creagh’s deliv-
two hours.                                 was about avoiding drugs and alcohol       hard.”                                     ery and the powerful content of his
    With no way out, Miller resigned       use.                                           Although the primary focus of          speech that won the student audience
himself and joined the masses filtering        “He made all of us realize that        the talk was about drugs and alcohol       over.
into the auditorium.                       we, and all of our friends, have been      avoidance, Creagh addressed other             “I was extremely surprised at how
    Two hours later, as he exited the      affected in some way by drugs and          life issues.                               quiet the entire auditorium was when
room, Miller was glad staff had forced     alcohol,” junior Josh Lever said.              “Sometimes I felt like I was alone     he paused; you would have been able
he and his classmates to spend time           “I didn’t realize how many lives        with all the stuff in my life, but when    to hear a pin drop,” junior Crystal
listening to the message of motiva-        have been affected by drugs and            he had us stand up for all the issues      Chacon said.
tional speaker Milton Creagh.              alcohol,” junior Josh Pilkington said.     in our life. I no longer felt like I was      “I thought the speaker was awe-
    Miller wasn’t the only one who         “I would have never thought that a         battling the right alone,” junior Yadira   some. He was very inspirational and
thought a two-hour assembly was go-        small town could be so widely af-          Gurrola said.                              I believe he touched many of the
ing to be boring.                          fected; it really changed my perspec-          “I liked how he didn’t beat around     students’ lives,” senior Kasaundra
    “When I heard about a two-hour         tive on how common these problems          the bush and just told it like it was,”    Klein said.
assembly I thought it would be boring      really are.”                               junior Kevin Stewart said. I also liked

                                                                                        Homeroom skipping
                                                                                        has consequences

Pollution: is there a solution?
Science classes get down and dirty to expose pollution on SHS campus                   Administration cracks down on homeroom skipping, particularly seniors
story by                                        “I was suspecting this amount         story by                                       Lunch detentions, detention after
RYAN MEISTER | news writer                 of garbage from the beginning, the         SCOUT WILSON | news editor                 school, and Saturday detention are
                                           worst was the kids coming back from                                                   some of those consequences for stu-
    On March third, students walked        the parking lots and there were even           “We are a school of privileges and     dents not abiding by the school rules.
into the school to be greeted by an        more places we couldn’t get to,” Hab-      those privileges can be taken away,”           Though many students express
ugly surprise: trash everywhere.           erman said.                                was Principal Rick Porter’s response       disapproval of homeroom, adminis-
    In the commons there was a                  This is easily explainable by the     to the problem of many students, and       trators have no intention of removing
shocking display of all the piles of       reports of students simply opening         particularly seniors, skipping home-       it.
litter picked up by Mrs. Habermans         their car doors and dumping all of the     room.                                          “Homeroom is here to stay as the
environmental science class.               trash out into the parking lot.                Just like any other rule one breaks,   district judges have agreed that home-
    In 20 short minutes the classroom           This presents a problem at the        there are going to be consequences for     room is counted towards a student’s
was filled with heaping piles of trash.    school but does not solve it.              skipping homeroom.                         curricular activities,” Porter said.
    “We were studying oceans, par-              “One of the first questions I asked       For this year’s seniors, the conse-        The possibility of homeroom
ticularly plastics, and we went out to     my students when we got back was           quences are the same as they were          disappearing would result in that
do a campus survey and pick it up to       how we could change this and they          last year, i.e. seniors could be faced     time added to the classroom time, not
see what was out there,” Haberman          had some interesting ideas.” Haber-        with the possibility of not having the     lunch.
said.                                      man said.                                  privilege to walk at the graduation            “If homeroom was taken away,
    Most of the trash left on school            With the simplest ideas being add-    ceremony.                                  we could alter the periods of the
campus gets washed down storm              ing more trash receptacles, to more se-        Along with this is the possibility     day and have five periods, requiring
drains leading to North Platte             vere punishments of closing campus         stripping prom priviliges - though         students to take ten courses a semes-
River which eventually dumps into          if it doesn’t get better.                  seniors may not know it, it is a loom-     ter. Another option could be creating
larger rivers and finally ends up in the        Littering and pollution not only      ing possibility to encourage seniors to    a 45 minute study hall at the end of
ocean.                                     destroys the environment of the cam-       attend homeroom.                           the day for all grade students who are
    The amount of trash brought many       pus, but adds to the destruction of the        The same consequences of being         failing a class,” Porter said.
students to reality about the condition    world environment.                         tardy or absent during a class count
of our campus.                                                                        for homeroom as well.
                                                                                                                                                          NEWS |   3
Here to                                        Sophomore Simon Deng
                                                                                                                 In China,            “When he first got here Simon was

                                                                                                             students have       almost too compliant and you could
                                                                                                             to take a test to   tell that those behaviors had definitely

                                                comes to the U.S. and
                                                                                                             move on to the      come from his strict upbringing in
                                                                                                             next level. The     China, but American culture has worn
                                                                                                             exam is done by     on him and he has become a little bit

                                                 learns the culture of
                                                                                                             individual cities   lazy sometimes,” Aaberg said.
                                                                                                             to determine            For Vidlak and his three young
                                                                                                             the brightest       sons, the biggest adjustment of having

                                                                                                             students to         Simon in their home was the lan-
story by                                                                                                     send to the best    guage.
RACHEL CLEMENS | feature writer                                                                              schools.                 “It was pretty hard to understand
                                                                                                                 “In middle      him at first, but the boys really enjoy
    After living in the United States     Worden’s have parental rights to him.
                                                                                     school in China they give a competi-        having Simon around. They think
for only a year and a half, sophomore     They are predominately responsible
                                                                                     tive test. In Simon’s home city 30,000      he is fun. Simon likes to try to cook
Simon Deng knows he still has a lot to    for Simon in America.
                                                                                     8th graders took the test and Simon         Chinese food sometimes which is an
learn about culture in America.               “It is very different living with an
                                                                                     placed third out of 30, 000,” Aaberg        adventure. He is a really nice kid,”
    But there is one thing he is sure     American family. I had a hard time
                                                                                     said.                                       Vidlak said.
about; he is here to stay.                understanding English when I first
                                                                                        Another piece of the American                The rigors of his academic sched-
    When Deng first arrived in            got here. Americans speak too fast
                                                                                     puzzle that has helped Simon adjust         ule in China have also been an adjust-
November 2009, Deng lived with            and I can’t follow them,” Deng said.
                                                                                     has been sports.                            ment Simon has had to make.
his relatives, the Chan’s, until they         Deng has had to make many ad-
                                                                                        “Sports have been very good for              Because Simon’s schedule in the
moved to Rock Springs, WY, at the         justments since he moved to America.
                                                                                     Simon; the more social interaction the      states isn’t as rigorous, he has had to
end of the summer in 2010.                The most difficult has been mastering
                                                                                     faster he learns the language,” Aaberg      learn how to manage his free time.
    In November 2009, Deng began the      the English language and the change

                                                                                     said.                                           “He is still working on the balance
journey of moving to America with         in educational systems.
                                                                                                                                 between his school responsibilities
his parents.                                  In China,
                                                                                                                                 and what he does in his free time,”
     His parents wanted to get into the   Deng went to
                                                                       Living here has
restaurant business here, and maybe
work at or take over the Wonderful
House restaurant.
    Back in their hometown, Jiangmen,
China, Deng’s dad worked as a chef at
a well-known restaurant.
                                          school from 7
                                          a.m. to 10 p.m.
                                          on Mondays
                                          through Satur-
                                              “We go to
                                                                        changed my
                                                                      mind to think that
                                                                      America is better
                                                                         than China.
                                                                                                               “                 Aaberg said.
                                                                                                                                     Simon’s experience in America has
                                                                                                                                 changed what he thinks about the
                                                                                                                                     Stereotypically, before arriving in
                                                                                                                                 America, he assumed Americans were
                                                                                                                                 extremely lazy.
    As it turned out, however, the        school longer                                         -Simon Deng, 10                      Simon said he still believes
Wonderful House wasn’t what they          than Americans
                                                                                                                                 Americans are lazy compared to their
were looking for, so Deng’s parents       and we have
                                                                                                                                 Chinese counterparts. He has found,
moved to Memphis, TN, to work in a        more subjects to do every day. We live
                                                                                        Deng has appreciated the many            however, that Americans are better
restaurant there.                         at school for six days a week. We go
                                                                                     people who have helped him adjust to        people individually than he previ-
    Deng wanted to stay in Scottsbluff    home Saturday night and go back to
                                                                                     America.                                    ously thought.
since he was already established and      school Sunday night,” Deng said.
                                                                                        Those who have been especially               “America has changed me a lot. It
had made many friends.                        At Deng’s school in China, he had
                                                                                     helpful have been the Worden family,        has made me think a lot of stuff about
    Jamie Worden, a local judge and       eleven classes total, eight in one day.
                                                                                     Aaberg, John Vidlak, the Chan family,       the different social aspects of America
father of sophomore Luke Worden,          His schedule included Chinese, math,
                                                                                     and his friends.                            and China and changed my mind
had gotten to know Deng and wanted        English, physics, chemistry, biology,
                                                                                        “Mr. Aaberg has helped me with           to think that America is better than
to help him out. Worden asked his         geography, business, music, and art.
                                                                                     speaking, listening and writing in          China,” Deng said.
neighbor, John Vidlak, who works in           Simon’s passion in the classroom is
                                                                                     English, and teaching me the things I           Although Deng loves America, he
the radiology department at Regional      math and he wants to go to Harvard
                                                                                     want to know and things I shouldn’t         plans to go back to China for vaca-
West; if he had room for Deng. Vidlak     and become a math professor.
                                                                                     do in the school,” Deng said.               tions and to visit his friends and fam-
had an extra bedroom for him to stay          Deng’s math prowess is obvious
                                                                                        Aaberg has seen a lot of changes in      ily. He has a sixteen year old sister
in, and agreed to take him in.            not only here, but also when he was
                                                                                     Simon since he arrived in America.          living in China.
    Although Simon lives with Vidlak,     in China.

                                                                                     Around the world
                                                                                 L.A.        .Las Vegas
                                          Guangzhou .
Getting their
                                                                                                                                      Laucomer has also acquired his
                                                                                                                                  own skills.
                                                                                                                                      “I’ve learned how to be more
                                                                                                                                  involved with other people, too,” Lau-
                                                                                                                                  comer said.

                                                                                                                                      Learning social skills and how to
                                                                                                                                  be involved with others also lead to
                                                                                                                                  making some great friends in Scouts.
                                                                                                                                      “I’ve kept a lot of friends. I started
                                                                                                                                  early so a lot of people that have
                                                                                                                                  graduated I still keep in touch with,
                                                                                                                                  and I’ve also met some pretty interest-
                                                                                                                                  ing people through it,” Lake said.
                                                                                                                                      Now that they have accomplished
                                                                                                                                  their goals of earning Eagle Scout
                                                                                                                                  rank, both boys have the chance to
                                                                                                                                  relax when it comes to Scouts.

                            Boy Scouts receive the hardest                                                                            “I’m not as involved now as I used
                                                                                                                                  to be,” Laucomer admits. “Mostly be-
                                                                                                                                  cause all of the older people I used to

                            rank, Eagle, and soar with their                                                                      hang out with have already left. Now
                                                                                                                                  there are just a lot of new Scouts that I

                              new wings in the community
                                                                                                                                  don’t really know.”
                                                                                                                                      Although Scouts is coming to an
                                                                                                                                  end for both boys, they will never
                                                                                                                                  forget the memories and experiences
                                                                                                                                  they have learned over the years.
story by                                   the 5th grade. For Lake, it took seven      knot tying, wood working, leather              “It’s extremely rewarding to say
ASHLEIGH SMITH| feature writer             years to earn his Eagle, and for Lau-       work, social citizenship in the world      that you went through every rank and
                                           comer, five years.                          type of stuff. I’ve done a lot of badges   finished. It was hard, but I wouldn’t
   After five long years of waiting,
                                              With it being so difficult, how ex-      so I’ve learned quite a bit,” Lake         change it for the world,” Lake said.
the time was finally here. Sophomore
                                           actly does one earn their Eagle badge?      explained.
Lane Laucomer’s palms were sweat-

ing and his head was spinning as he           It all starts with joining a Boy
stared back at a panel of judges and       Scout group. From there, the goal is to
leaders, all of whom were waiting to       move up the ranks by earning merit
evaluate his worthiness. Laucomer          badges – you must have a minimum
was about to find out if he’d finally      of 21 badges to reach Eagle Scout
reached his long awaited goal of           status. When the time comes to earn
becoming an Eagle Scout.                   the Eagle, one must present a service
    Eagle Scout is the highest rank        project in front of judges and also a
                                           group of Scout masters.
achievable in the Boy Scouts of
                                              A service project is any effort or de-
                                                                                                                                         World crest
America program. It’s extremely hon-
                                           velopment that the boys work to im-                        Pioneering                         emblem
orable and hard to achieve; the rank is
only achieved by about four percent        prove their community by. Lake chose                       badge
of scouts. However, SHS is the holder      to put up informational posters at the
of many Eagle Scouts; two being Lane       county fairgrounds this summer, and
                                           Laucomer did some landscaping and
Laucomer and Terrance Lake.
                                           renovation at his church. While this                First aid badge
   Very little Scouts become Eagles
because of the long process that           may sound simple, both boys had to
requires dedication and time commit-       put a lot of time and effort into the
ment.                                      projects.                                                                                                             Eagle
   “It was difficult to get my eagle. It      Of course, hard work deserves                 Personal fitness                                                     rank
                                           some fun. Lake and Laucomer have
was mostly just persistence and stay-
                                           traveled, camped, and had many
                                                                                            badge                                                                patch
ing with it because once you’re 18 you
can no longer get your Eagle Scout if      good times at Scouts, too.
you haven’t already. Plus once you hit        “Summer camp is definitely my fa-
high school it’s really hard to make       vorite. My father and I both go up; it’s
meetings anymore. High school takes        a week of just hanging out and doing             Environmental
                                           stuff like canoeing and then working
up a lot of your time outside of school
                                           on five or six badges that you work on
                                                                                            science badge
too, so even on weekends it’s hard to
continue and stay active,” Lake said.      for about half the day,” Lake said.
   Both Laucomer and Lake were                After all was said and done, Lake
encouraged by their parents to join        and Laucomer completed all of the
Scouts, and it was their parents and       steps to successfully earn their Eagle       Personal finance
Scout masters who helped them con-         – meaning all of the hard work and           badge
tinue till the end.                        dedication had paid off. Both boys
   “My dad and my mom have for             agree that it was worth all of the ef-
sure helped me. My scout masters and       fort. Not only was earning their Eagle
                                           rewarding – they’ve also learned
them always pushed me every step
                                           countless essential life skills.
                                                                                          Camping badge
to keep going and stick with it,” Lake
                                              “I’ve learned anything from first
   Both boys started Boy Scouts in         aid, compass work, gps, geocaching,
                                                                                                                                                          FEATURE |
     Cat Calendar                             11th- GSO/BSO VAR @ Torrington- 3/5pm
31st- SP NFL National Qualifier Inv. @        12th- BGO JV @ Mitchell Inv.- 9am
                   Cheyenne (LCCC)                 GSO JV & VAR vs Chey. Central- 3/5pm
    SHS Musical- 7pm                               BSO JV & VAR @ Chey. Cnetral- 3/5pm
April                                              GTN JV @ Alliance Dual- 4pm
1st- April Fools Day                          13th- GTN A Kearney Catholic & Kearney @
    SHS Musical-7pm                                                  Kearney- 1:30/4pm
    GTN @ North Platte Inv. - 9:30am          14th- BGO@ Hastings Inv.- 9am
2nd- GTR/BTR VAR @ North Platte Buffalo            GTN @ Lexington Inv.- 10am
                         Bill Inv. -12:15pm        GSO/BSO JV & VAR vs Newcastle- 3:30/
    SHS Musical- 7pm                                                                5:30pm
4th- GSO/BSO VAR vs Lexington & Grand         16th- GTR/BTR JV & VAR @ Alliance Inv.
           Island NW @ N. Platte- 11am                                              8:30am
5th-BGO JV & VAR @ Sidney Inv. - 9am               GSO JV & VAR A Sterling- 10am
    GSO/BSO 9-10th JV vs Cheyenne                  BSO JV & VAR vs G.I. Central Catholic-
                       Cental- 3/5pm                                           11am/ 1:30pm
    GTN JV & VAR vs Alliance- 4pm             17th- Palm Sunday
7th- GSO/BSO JV & VAR vs Gering - 3/5pm 19th- High School District Cal & Band
8th- GTR/BTR VAR @ Cheyenne Okie                                      Contest WNCC-TBA
                   Blanchard- 11am            20th- GTN VAR vs Gillette- 4pm
  GSO/BSO VAR GNAC @ N. Platte- TBA 21st- GTN-SHS Inv.- 9am
9th- ACT Testing                                  GTR/BTR VAR- West Ne Twilight-12:30pm
    GTN JV vs Sterling Dual- 11am                 GSO/BSO JV & VAR vs Torrington- 3/5pm
    PROM- 9pm

                        The CAT CALENDAR is brought to you by the
                           SCOTTSBLUFF BOOSTER CLUB
Varsity athletes
  PhysiCal eDUCatiON
                                                                                                                                      editor-in-chief | KariN sheDD

                                                                                                                                      news editor | sCOUt WilsON
 Is it really necessary for America’s finest high school athletes to take PE classes?                                                 news writer | ryaN Meister

             nyone who pays even           receive diplomas without sweating it           the high school athletes? Is forcing
             the slightest modicum         out in a PE class for at least a semester      them to burn off calories along with        feature editor | MeGhaN PritCharD
             of attention to American      during their high school careers.              their not-so-athletically-inclined peers    feature writer | raChel CleMeNs
society has heard the “shocking” and          While the intentions behind                 necessary, or even fair?
                                                                                                                                      feature writer | ashleiGh sMith
“staggering” statistics concerning the     mandatory PE classes are all well and             According to the Nebraska Depart-
average citizen’s expanding waistline.     good - considering that one in three           ment of Education, it is. They require      center section editor | GaBrielle CarliN
    “Two-thirds of Americans are                                                          every NE student to sweat through
                                                                                                                                      center section writer | ethaN hUGhes
overweight, and one-third are medi-
cally obese.”
                                           The views expressed                            two semesters of PE to receive a
                                                                                          diploma, and participation in a
                                                                                                                                      entertainment editor | rUssell MOrGaN
    “Between 1980 and 2000, obesity        in this editorial were                         school-sponsored sports season is not
rates doubled among adults and chil-                                                      justification for waiving this require-     entertainment writer | ViCtOria BraVO
dren and tripled among teenagers.”          supported 15-0 by                             ment.
                                                                                                                                      sports editor | Kelsey eMPFielD
    “Obesity is causing a drastic rise
in the number of reported cases of
                                              The Echoes staff                               However, save for maybe one or
                                                                                          two school sports, one season of the        sports writer | MaDDie hOlsCher
Type 2 diabetes, once thought to only                                                     type of high-intensity daily activity
affect adults, in children as young as     children in the United States are over-        mandated by football, swimming,             sports writer | MiChael Miller
twelve.”                                   weight or obese, physical fitness is not       track and field, etc. is sure to be more
                                                                                                                                      ad manager | Casey siGrist
    In order to combat this epidemic,      an idea to be cavalierly brushed aside         effective at maintaining the health of
Americans turned to the nation’s           - all the focus and hype surrounding           young people than a semester of a PE        adviser | terry PitKiN
schools. Currently, 36 states require      the health of school-age Americans             class.
                                                                                                                                          The Echoes is a tri-weekly publica-
physical education (PE) for elemen-        has left one glaring question unan-               That being said, we here at The
                                                                                                                                      tion printed by the Business Farmer. The
tary students, 33 for middle school        swered.                                        Echoes believe that a better policy for     Echoes is a member of the Nebraska
students, and 42 for high school               What about the already-healthy             the NE Department of Education to           High School Press Association and the
students. This means that no stu-          kids?                                          adopt would be to equate the suc-           International Order of the Quill and
dents living in any of these states will       And, more notably, what about              cessful completion of one season of         Scroll.
                                                                                                                                          The Echoes encourages readers to
                                                                                          varsity athletics to a semester of PE
                                                                                                                                      write letters to the editor in response
                                                                                          class and to waive the PE requirement       to a story, but does reserve the right to

  Pregnant?                                                                               for varsity athletes.
                                                                                             Besides, the adoption of such a pol-
                                                                                          icy would be a win-win: in a poll of 31
                                                                                                                                      publish said letter.
                                                                                                                                          The Echoes also encourages all
                                                                                                                                      readers to submit their ideas for story
                      Think you might be?                                                 of Scottsbluff’s finest varsity athletes,
                                                                                                                                      coverage, feedback on stories, and any
                                                                                                                                      other input.

      Birthright can HELP
                                                                                          only 7% said they would not take a              The Echoes
                                                                                          PE class if given the option. 19% said          Scottsbluff High School
                                                                                          they would take one, and a whopping             313 East 27th St.
             FREE and                                                                                                                     Scottsbluff, NE 69361
                                                                                          74% would still take one or more PE
          CONFIDENTIAL                                                                    classes. PE teachers would lose only a
                                                                                                                                          Letters with obscene, slanderous,
                                                     of Scottsbluff, Inc.                                                             libelous, or false information will not be
          Pregnancy Test                             An International Pregnancy Service   sparse few of their best students, and      printed. The letter must also be signed
    NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY                                                              those students would have the option        to be run. Content may be edited due to
                                                                                          to pursue other interests.                  grammatical or content needs. A signed
              Open Monday-Friday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm                                          Yes, America has an obesity prob-        copy must be presented to the Scotts-
                                                                                                                                      bluff High School journalism depart-
                                632-5866                                                  lem - but high school’s varsity athletes
                                                                                                                                      ment, room 130. Also, please check out
                       24-Hour Hotline 1-800-550-4900                                     are not part of it.                         The Echoes’ group and
                  10 East 17th Street • Scottsbluff, NE                                                                               MySpace page online!

         All School Year Long
                                                  Every 10th
                                                student gets a
                                                  free lunch
                                                     Student Specials                          Anne Talbot, PsyD
                                                                                                Mark Hald, PhD          2622 Avenue C.
                                                     2201 Broadway                              Alan Smith, PhD         Scottsbluff, NE
                                                                                          Charlotte Ingram, LMHP, ATR 308- 632- 8547
                                                        632-3644                             Georgia Nelson, LMHP
With over                640 million Facebook users worldwide
                           and over 95 million tweets written each day                                                                                                                                                           In the technology race, I’m still in the starting blocks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in less than 100 years, mankind went from           trillion texts were sent in 2008 in the United     settings on the camera for my phone are.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 commentary by            two men flying a kite like craft for less than      States alone.                                          It’s actually so bad, that I was recently at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ethan                    100 yards to comfortable 100 passenger cabins           How about Y2K? People were going               friend’s house and he had to show me where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 hughEs |                 making 49,315 commercial flights daily, trav-       AWOL because every computer was sup-               the ‘X’ button was on the Xbox controller!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  center section writer   eling thousands of miles over seas and moun-        posed to crash. People were stock piling           That’s un-American for a teenage boy in

                                                                                                                 has taken over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          tains, all fully equipped with satellite T.V.       chlorinated water in order to survive like it      today’s world!
                                                                                                                                                                                                           We are in an age where everything                  Does anyone remember Pong? The one              was the impending apocalypse!                          Don’t even get me started on my Droid.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        needs to be fast: fast food, high speed inter-    pixel game that could keep a generation en-             Society relies too heavily on technology.      I can call, text, take pictures and check my
                                                                                                                                                                                                        net, Derrick Rose, etc. It seems like tech-       tertained for hours. Now we have Call of Duty       I’m like everyone else, I text and check my        horoscope; that’s it, (although messing with
                                                                                                                                                                                                        nology is at the forefront of our fast-paced      that appears so real, it’s like you’re watching     Facebook every day and get about an hour of        the unlock pattern is fun).
                                                                                                                                                                                                        society.                                          a movie.                                            T.V. in, but I could go without.                       I am very grateful for technology. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                           A recent Best Buy commercial sums up               It’s no wonder people have trouble adjust-          I’m also not the most tech savvy guy either.   wonderful for news, homework help or just
                                                                                                                                                                                                        technology perfectly. As soon as the con-         ing. I have trouble functioning on the new          I’m still rocking my generation one iPod           entertainment, but the bottom line is, in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        sumer buys the latest gadget, a better deal       Microsoft Word.                                     Nano.                                              100 yard dash, technology is taking a victory
                                                                                                                                                                                                        hits the market.                                      According to 175 million             For me, technology is moving a little too      lap while I’m still in my starting blocks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Technology can be hard to keep up with,        people log onto Facebook daily and over a           fast. I can get by, but I have no idea what the

                                                                                                                                                                                                           In a         world that thrives on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                have relationships become less                                                              personal?
                                                                                                                                                                                                        personal commentary by                                I could understand a small minority of          even begin to keep track of it all.                of doing on my own.
                                                                                                                                                         It is often said that technology is making                                                       relationships starting online, and I’m sure            As soon as I get up in the morning, I turn          While it worries me that technology is
                                                                                                                                                     each generation lazier.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        gaBRIELLE CaRLIn                         and Eharmony have produced                my cell phone alarm clock off and plug my          suppressing our knowledge, it’s almost
                                                                                                                                                         “I think this generation is for the most           Not too long ago, I was minding my own        some solid relationships, but I find it hard to     iPod into its dock. At school, I spend great       more disturbing how less personal our
                                                                                                                                                     part very entitled. Most students want instant     business, lounging around on my couch             comprehend the allure of meeting someone            deal of time on the computer typing these          world has become.

Two teachers examine the use of technology in the
                                                                                                                                                     results without much effort. I don’t think I       watching a little T.V, when an incredibly         on the internet.                                    columns or researching papers. I usually               Instead of sitting down and writing a
                                                                                                                                                     would place all the blame on technology, but       unnerving advertisement popped up on my               It’s not just online dating either…it’s         check Facebook every other day, flipping           person a letter, we poke them on Facebook
                                                                                                                                                     it certainly has played a large part,” Ronne       screen.                                           the constant texting, online shopping, vast         through the channels or watching a movie is a      or type on their wall.

classroom and in their personal lives                                                             and show effects. The music tech class has
                                                                                                  many current and ‘out of the box’ type proj-
                                                                                                                                                         “Actually a lot of people are becoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                            It was your typical I-met-the-man-of-my-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          number of e-mails, and the huge popularity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          social media.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              daily routine, and while all of this is going on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I’m constantly texting away and checking my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Instead of picking up the phone to talk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to someone or going to see them in person,
                                                                                                  ects. For choir, students made their own radio     more inactive out of their own choice, but         Of course, I reached for my remote…but                 It seems to me that technology is making       email on my phone…it’s all so exhausting.          we send them a text.
story by                                        I use things such as Facebook and texting         spots for musical advertisements,” Ronne           it’s because they have so many technological       before I had time to flip the channel, match.     the world a less personal place to live in.            But here’s the thing, I know a countless            Technology is slowly taking away face
Ethan hughEs | center section writer            daily and I would say I’m up-to-date in the       said.                                              options that they don’t want to play sports,”      com flashed a little statistic across the             Being born in a generation that thrives on      amount of people that spend way more time          to face interaction and forcing people to
                                                technology world,” Choir teacher and musical          “I’m limited to an overhead in my room,        Kreutzer said.                                     screen:                                           technology, it’s hard to imagine life without it,   than I do taking advantage of the endless          have relationships with their Blackberrys
   Technology has become one of the fastest     director Brad Ronne said.                         but I’m taking a tech class right now and              Although she feels that to a degree tech-          “One in five relationships start online.”     but I can’t help but think life and the relation-   amounts of technology the world has to offer,      rather than actual people.
growing mediums in our modern society.             English teacher Kiley Kreutzer admits to       would love to incorporate the things I’m           nology partly influences laziness, Kreutzer            I’m honestly not one to judge – but re-       ships we might encounter would be more              so it’s no wonder that people now use the              I understand that technology makes
   It is borderline impossible to own all the   being a little less tech-savvy.                   learning if I could! I would love a Promethean     admits she relies on it in her everyday life.      ally? One in five relationships?                  meaningful and personal if we didn’t rely as        internet as a way to scout out their future        things so much easier, but is it really worth
new gadgets and gizmos, let alone keep up          “I can easily use computers and a variety      board or even a projector,” Kreutzer said.             “I text and use Facebook all the time. I use       When I saw that commercial, I couldn’t        much on computers and cell phones.                  spouse.                                            losing a personal connection with people?
with all the apps and programs that accom-      of programs as well as regular cell phones,           Both agree that technology is moving and       technology getting to work, finding direc-         help but be a little freaked out. I understand        Now I’m not going to sit here and con-             I feel like technology, something that was          While cell phones and computers are
pany them.                                      but I don’t yet have the knowledge for differ-    changing fast, and both see the effects of it as   tions, calling/texting, for entertainment and      that the dating world can be harsh and            demn the world for overusing technology,            created to advance the world, is now starting      convenient, are they truly as necessary as
   Even in the classroom, technology is ex-     ent apps. I could learn easily if I wanted to     well.                                              communicating and finding information. I           competitive, but it worries me that we live       because I’m the first one to admit that I’m a       to have the opposite effect.                       we think…and even more so, could the
panding our way of learning i.e. Promethean     though. I’m not really up-to-date on the latest       “The technological changes are great, but      find it hard to live without a cell phone and      in a society that has become so reliant on        technology/electronics junkie.                         As our dependency on technology in-             overuse of them be making our world a
boards.                                         technological equipment; it usually takes me a    I think that sometimes personal interactions       GPS,” Kreutzer said.                               technology that we can’t even meet a poten-           If someone had asked me even a week ago         creases, it seems like our ability to do things    less personal place to live in?
   To accommodate the fast paced world of       while to get into it,” Kreutzer said.             suffer because of some of technology’s tools.”         Technology is moving fast, and although it     tial partner without the use of a computer        how much time a day I spend using electron-         on our own has decreased.                              The omnipotence of technology has
technology, everyone has had to adapt and          Although the two are at opposite ends of       Ronne said.                                        may be hard to keep up with, it is necessary in    and keyboard.                                     ics, I would’ve answered ‘hardly any time at           I can’t even remember the last time I cited     become like a beast we no longer control.
learn quickly.                                  the spectrum per se, they both try to incor-          “I think we depend on technology too           some aspects.                                          I’m sure the ‘one in five relationships’      all.’                                               a book in a bibliography, did a math equation      There’s always something bigger and bet-
   “I would say I’m very into technology.       porate technology into their classroom and        much and if something were to happen (a                “I think the interpersonal parts of building   statistic isn’t 100 percent accurate, but it’s        What a joke. I spend such a ridiculous          by hand, or didn’t take advantage of Google        ter being developed in electronics, which
                                                lesson plans.                                     technology crash) a lot of people wouldn’t         a choir will become more difficult, but all the    still pretty crazy.                               amount of time using electronics that I can’t       while doing homework I’m more than capable         only deepens our reliance upon it.

8 | CENTER SECTION                                 “We use technology in our stage lighting       know how to survive,” Kreutzer said.               more necessary,” Ronne said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CENTER SECTION |           9
SERIOUSLY? PERSPECTIVE:                                                                    It doesn’t take a state championship
Life isn’t that serious, so just laugh it off
                                                                                                   or a perfect GPA to win at life
 personal commentary by VICTORIA BRAVO
                                                                                        personal commentary by MEGHAN PRITCHARD
    “The world is a tragedy to those         tion!” on many occasions when it
who feel, but a comedy to those who          could’ve been handled differently              I suck at life.                          more than the good?
think,” -Horace Walpole                          And for anyone who has thought             Life loves to throw curve balls at           We dwell on break-ups, family
    That’s my philosophy.                    the same thing… maybe milk is a jerk,      my face when things are going so well        deaths, and not receiving accomplish-
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and      maybe it wasn’t the right time, maybe      for me. Thanks, Life - you just broke        ments we deserve.
think about the world around you             it was serious but so what? Move on.       my heart.                                        Well guess what? LIFE ISN’T FAIR.
and everything it has to offer.                  I am so glad I was saved from a            I’m a bit of an over-achiever. I have        Nothing can go perfectly. I’m
    I walk around SHS with not what          boring, overly-thoughtful, serious         to do things to my best ability, no mat-     always going to have something go
I would consider a cheerful disposi-         lifestyle.                                 ter what it is. But for Life, that’s never   wrong.
tion, but one that is open to humor the          I am very thankful that I had          been enough.                                     But where’s the good to remem-
world has to offer me.                       people walk into my life and teach me          I can’t say that I’ve been the best in   ber?
    Things don’t have to be going par-       very differently.                          a single thing - I’ve never had a first          We spend so much time on the
ticularly great, but I am still not afraid       My family, my best friends, and        place trophy, never been the popular,        pain of our lives that happiness is cut
to crack a smile in a boring classroom       people I look up to have taught me so      “best friend to-all” girl, or been the       too short.
or act strangely to make someone             much about life, and how to handle it      top –ranked person in the class.                 I can say that besides my loss at
laugh.                                       when it doesn’t go your way.                   I’ve always felt I’ve fallen short.      state DECA, I’ve also had the perfect
    Some might call me “weird.” I                They taught me how to laugh. Just      Literally. I’m 5’4”.                         senior year.
disagree. I’m just not as serious about      laugh. No matter what is going on,             Even in choir, the one thing at              I am on the Student Senate, Nike
life as you.                                 there is always something that can         which I’m actually good.                     Club, and DECA Vice President. I am
    Some say that I pride myself in          cheer you up.                                  Singing is my passion. It’s who I        the lead in this year’s musical, Aida,
being that way. I don’t. It’s just how I         I know that seems simple but you       am and what I want to do with the            my dream since elementary school. I
am, how I choose to be, and a little of      would be surprised how many people         rest of my life, but there have always       got a solo in show choir and won the
how we all should be.                        forget to laugh in difficult times, my-    been one or two people who are better        Old West Music Festival. I received a 1
    Granted - there are things that          self included.                             than me.                                     rating at All-State choir for the second
deserve our serious, undivided atten-            I’ve had to be reminded time and           I can’t seem to win.                     year in a row and got called back for
tion.                                        time again by a friend, someone I              Just recently I went to the state        a solo. I am on the leadership team in
    On the other hand, there are things      can always look to when I’m feeling        DECA competition. My partners and I          my youth group and the founder and
that aren’t as earth-shattering as we        down, that everything will be alright      worked on our project for six straight       leader of my youth group worship
make them out to be, and I want to           and to let something run its course, to    months. It consisted of a 30-page pa-        band. I have a 3.9 GPA as one of the
shake people for taking them too seri-       stop clenching the wheel and just…         per and a presentation with a script,        top twenty-five in the 2011 class.
ously.                                       drive.                                     visuals, and matching outfits. My                 I may have never been a state
    Just kidding. I don’t shake people.          Metaphorically of course - I don’t     project was meant for first place from       champion or Miss America, but I have
    When… tell me… has sweating the          really drive.                              the beginning because of all the work        lived a wonderful, blessed life.
small stuff ever helped anything?                He can always make me laugh,           we put into that paper and presenta-             I know what you’re thinking.
    It doesn’t. It makes it worse.           laugh at me, or help me when I need        tion. For half of my senior year, my         “She’s crying over a DECA project
    If I spill milk and start freaking       it. We all could use a friend like that.   life was DECA.                               when she has so much going for her?
out, I’ll probably spill more milk.              That’s the best medicine. Not to           The top three at state go to nation-     What a drama queen.”
    If I would’ve not taken it as            comfort someone with more tears but        als, which is in Orlando, FL this year.          Well maybe I am, but if I’ve
seriously, and just Lysol-ed it up or        to make them laugh, and to remind              My project got fourth. By two            learned one thing from life it’s that
something… no problem. Now I need            them that life goes on.                    points.                                      picking myself up from falling flat on
a mop.                                           It’s like that song Float On by            After a full day of sobbing, I           my face has made me better. Not be-
    I used to be the same way.               Modest Mouse.                              couldn’t help but feel embarrassed           ing the absolute best has made me try
    I used to walk around in a gloom,            “We’ll all float on okay.”             that I didn’t make the expectation           harder. Not fitting in right away has
feeling sorry for myself, my spilled             Things might be up and down like       people wanted of me.                         made me kinder and more consider-
milk, and… you get the picture.              the waves in the ocean, but we will all        Not hearing my name announced            ate of others.
    I thought “seriously, milk?”, “how       float on okay.                             on that podium, after putting my                 I’ve learned from my failures and
could someone laugh at a time like               Not great, not bad, not seriously,     heart and soul into that project, tore       grown to love the life I have. So thank
this?”, and “this is a serious situa-        or jokingly. Just okay and that’s all we   me apart. I had failed not only myself,      you, Life, for creating in me ambition
                                             really need.                               but my teammates and people who              to be the best and learn to take it how
                                                 Seriously.                             expected us to win.                          it is.

10 | OPINION                                                                                Why is it we remember the bad                Man, I rock at life.
Whe re’s

        Local concert to benefit cause
         that is relatively unknown...
personal commentary by
Russell moRgan | entertainment editor
   There are 1.2 million children         opportunity.                                   It is guaranteed that a child will     to be found.
around the world without names-               Human trafficking generates an          never recover psychologically or              This experience changed Morris’
they are simply identified by a           average of $32 billion a year, making       physically from such an experience.       life, and was the reason for the start of
number.                                   it the second most lucrative crime in       This crime is keeping the most impor-     Love146.
   Adults, who are not their par-         the world.                                  tant generation of human existence            Many people will go their entire
ents, refer to each child by his or her       This terrible crime is mainly aimed     from ever living a fulfilling life.       lives unaware of such evils in the
number.                                   toward female children, and is a tragic        Love146 is a program that fights to    world. It is tragic to think that such
   These adults have sex with these       cause of psychological and physical         end this crime, and help reintegrate      an experience is needed to spark the
numbers, and they sell these numbers      damage in children, as well as a lead-      victims back into society. The founder    effort to improve the world.
to other adults so they can have sex      ing cause of infectious diseases such       and president of the organization, Rob        The average child is quite fortu-
with them.                                as HIV/AIDS.                                Morris, began his fight for this cause    nate to grow up in a safe home, have

                                          two childr n
   Adults: those who are supposed to                                                                                            a loving family, and have nothing but
raise children, teach them right from                                                                                           opportunity before them. It is a bless-

                                          sold e ve ry
wrong, protect them. What does this                                                                                             ing that is often taken for granted.
say for adults? What kind of adults                                                                                                 Imagine a child, your age that
would do this to children?                                                                                                      did not have the opportunity to go

                                          minu te
   Severn Suzuki, in her Global Sum-                                                                                            to school, play sports, date, sing in
mit Speech talked about how adults                                                                                              choir, etc. All they know in their lives
teach their children one thing, but act                                                                                         is abuse. They can only imagine a life
upon the world completely different.                                                                                            with simple freedoms.
   She said, “As a child, what you are          Two children are sold every                                                         The concert in April to benefit
doing makes me cry.”                      minute, meaning that by the time                                                      Love146 will not stop this terrible
   What these adults are doing is         you are done reading this article;                                                    crime, but it is a step.
making millions of children cry.          about 8 children will have been sold.                                                     It will spread knowledge, which is
   The average age of these numbers           This is not just a foreign issue                                                  what people are in desperate need of
ranges from 3-15 years old; how-          either. It is estimated that over 100,000                                             right now.
ever, these are not numbers-these are     U.S. children are forced into prostitu-                                                   Not enough people know about
children.                                 tion and/or pornography each year.          when he witnessed                         what these children are going through
   At each brothel where children are         What scares me is that this statistic   the tragedy of this crime first-hand.     everyday.
sold, menus are available for adults to   is not widely known. It scares me               He was in a brothel full of “num-         Not enough people know about
see the age, number, and price. Adults    that the stories of United States high      bers”, and he saw children in a room      the injustices that go on around the
get to pick and choose their favorites-   school students being forced into           gathered around a television playing      world, and it is time they join the
a menu, like a restaurant.                prostitution and other disturbing           cartoons. All but one of the children’s   fight.
   These children are slaves- victims     activities are not heard.                   eyes was fixed on the screen. One             The concert to benefit Love146 will be held
to unimaginable crimes that would             This particular problem calls for at-   little girl, #146, stared at Morris.      in Scottsbluff’s Auditorium on Tuesday, April
make the average child cringe.            tention beyond borders. These are the       Morris recalls that in her eyes he saw    19th. Admission will be $5, and all money will
   There are children in this world,      lives of children. Innocent generations     a desperate plea for help- this girl      benefit the efforts to stop human trafficking and
many years younger than those cur-        that should have the world at their         wanted Morris to save her.                reintegrate victims into society.

rently reading this article, which will   feet; instead, they find themselves in          When Morris returned with a team
never be able to experience a life of     an unimaginable hell.                       to raid the brothel, #146 was nowhere                ENTERTAINMENT |
Issue 8 April 2011
Issue 8 April 2011
Issue 8 April 2011
Issue 8 April 2011
Issue 8 April 2011

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Issue 8 April 2011

  • 1. the ECHOES Scottsbluff High School | March 31, 2011 | Volume 94 | Issue 8 SHS welcomes bigg Milt aka Milton Creagh, a different kind of motivational speaker | pg. 3 [ ] Student-ran concert set to benefit victims of child sex-trafficking | pg. 11 Boys’ soccer team looking to defend district title, go to state | pg. 16
  • 2. Administration monitoring student reading with reading logs BRIEFLYg s pe akin story by In addition, it gives the adminis- reading stamina when it comes to SCOUT WILSON | news editor tration an idea on how long it actually reading tests. Students are used to the does take for students to read assign- technological world of information Prom Hollywood Nights With reading scores lower than the ments and if classroom activities need briefs and when it comes to sustained Prom is coming up soon. Tickets state average for last year’s juniors, to be adjusted accordingly. reading, students don’t have the pa- are $12 per person and will go on sale this year’s seniors, the administration “We have a lot of faith in our tience,” Porter said. the week of prom. This year’s Prom has taken another step to improving students. We hope based on students’ “To get students to read, we need will be April 9 at the Hampton Inn “ from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. student reading: the introduction of want of reading better they will be to find out what their interests are and This year’s theme is “Hollywood reading logs to the weekly agenda of truthful,” Porter said. make those topics available,” Porter Nights,” so come and enjoy a night of homeroom. said. “The library is going to find dancing with your friends! The reading logs are set up to be a weekly occurrence for years to To get students to read, we high interest books, along with teachers bringing something come, which will give students the need to find out what their to read other than text books to Bearcats make waves at district, state ” opportunity to track their reading interests are and make create conversation topics with over the years and try to improve. “The vocabulary we issue to those topics available. teachers.” Porter believes the school speech competitions homerooms to go over is a strategy system needs to teach students we are taking to improve reading -Principal Rick Porter how to read different types of This year at district speech, the Bearcats placed second to Kearney by getting students to understand text, such as text books, manu- in the team standings and qualified words in context,” Principal Rick The Nebraska State Accountability als, newspaper, and leisure reading seven speakers for the state contest Porter said. Reading Assessment for last year’s because each takes a different type of in Kearney. Senior Nick Roussel placed first in Along with student reading logs, juniors for Class B ranks Scottsbluff 21 concentration. Serious Prose and first in Duet Acting teachers are also keeping a log. Teach- out of 26 with a score of 62.90. Porter has also considered requir- with senior Tyler Webber. Webber ers are recording on their logs how This score made the School ing students to carry a book around also placed second in Humorous long certain assignments should take Improvement/Data Team decide to with them as their hall pass and as a Prose. to read, giving the administration a require weekly reading logs to en- conversation starter, to get students Senior Sara Frederick placed third in Serious Prose and first in way to check how honest students are courage students to read. more involved with teachers on a Oral Interpretation of Poetry. Senior filling out their logs. “One problem we have is students’ literary level. Madelin Parsley placed fourth in Persuasive Speaking. Senior Victoria Bravo and sopho- Drill team wins state more Derrick Goss placed first and second in Entertainment Speaking, respectively. Bravo teamed up with again, performs senior Kirby Thornton to take fourth in Duet Acting. well at nationals A top-4 place at districts guaran- tees a spot at the state competition, so, two weeks later, Roussel, Webber, Frederick, Parsley, Bravo, Thornton, and Goss traveled to the University of Nebraska at Kearney for the state meet. The Bearcats made waves at the competition, where they compete in Class A against Omaha and Lincoln schools, some with more than triple the number of students of Scotts- bluff. Roussel and Webber won in Duet Acting, Roussel won in Serious ALL Senior Danni Becker performs the state routine Prose, Frederick placed third in Seri- SMILES and helps the drill team capture first at state in ous Prose, and Goss placed sixth in the high kick division. Photo by Gordon Rock Entertainment Speaking. Overall, the Bearcats tied for third with Lincoln North Star high school story by have to be here at 6:45 every morn- elated. We hadn’t seen any of the with 66 points, behind runners- RYAN MEISTER | news writer ing,” drill team coach Angie Hinze other teams so we had no idea what up Millard North High School and champions Lincoln East High School. said. to expect,” Hinze said. On Feb. 19, fourteen Bearcat A unique part of the Nebraska After winning state, the drill team Great job, speech team! women - armed with tights, French state cheer and dance competition is had one more big competition on their State DECA braids, bright red lipstick and seven that there is no lead-up. There are no plate: nationals. months of rigorous practice - hopped other competitive events until state. “Nationals this year was in Or- on a bus headed for the Heartland The competition began four years lando, FL, and we competed in the Events Center in Grand Island. ago, and the drill team has won the high kick division once again,” Hinze Scottsbluff DECA enjoyed an outstanding year, winning in fifteen Two days later, those fourteen girls high kick division every year. How- said. events and qualifying thirty-six were back on the bus with yet another ever, no matter how new, the competi- The team of fourteen girls, ten new members for the International Con- state championship under their sus- tion is still fierce. and four returning, recorded the high- ference in Orlando. penders and pom-poms. This year, the drill team once again est score in school history at nationals, There were eight first place win- The drill team’s fourth consecutive won the high kick division. placing sixth in the small varsity high- ners, twenty-one second place win- state championship was not easily But the good times did not stop kick division. ners and three thrid place winners. won, however. there as they scored third out of 118 After competing against schools Three members were also Ne- “These girls practice incredibly all-class teams, losing only to Oma- from across the nation with at least 22 braska DECA Scholarship Winners: hard; they practice five days a week ha’s Millard West and Millard South different states represented, the girls Hattie Guzman, Meghan Pritchard, 2 | NEWS all year round. They High Schools. returned home to begin the whole and John Haslam. “When we won our division I was process over for next year.
  • 3. Motivational speaker enlightens students story by and well, stupid, really,” freshman “It meant a lot to me that he talked how he actually cared and was pas- RYAN MEISTER | news writer Sarah Mercer-Smith said. “But he about drugs and alcohol because sionate about the things he said.” amazed me. By the end of the assem- many people in my life are affected by “I was shocked by some of the For a minute, junior Michael Miller bly I actually felt ‘enlightened’.” that,” junior Courtney Imel said. “It statistics he brought up dealing with thought he was in Alcatraz. “The speaker was amazing. I was motivating to me that he empha- abuse and drug and alcohol use. Also Every escape route was blocked loved the fact of how straightforward sized the point that you are respon- some of the stories he brought up by a stern-looking teacher bent on he was - he didn’t sugar coat any- sible for making your own person were pretty eye opening,” junior War- keeping all 807 teenagers penned in thing,” freshman Niki Anderson said. and your circumstances don’t matter ren Eubanks said. the freezing auditorium for the next The primary focus of Creagh’s talk as long as you have heart and work In the end it was Creagh’s deliv- two hours. was about avoiding drugs and alcohol hard.” ery and the powerful content of his With no way out, Miller resigned use. Although the primary focus of speech that won the student audience himself and joined the masses filtering “He made all of us realize that the talk was about drugs and alcohol over. into the auditorium. we, and all of our friends, have been avoidance, Creagh addressed other “I was extremely surprised at how Two hours later, as he exited the affected in some way by drugs and life issues. quiet the entire auditorium was when room, Miller was glad staff had forced alcohol,” junior Josh Lever said. “Sometimes I felt like I was alone he paused; you would have been able he and his classmates to spend time “I didn’t realize how many lives with all the stuff in my life, but when to hear a pin drop,” junior Crystal listening to the message of motiva- have been affected by drugs and he had us stand up for all the issues Chacon said. tional speaker Milton Creagh. alcohol,” junior Josh Pilkington said. in our life. I no longer felt like I was “I thought the speaker was awe- Miller wasn’t the only one who “I would have never thought that a battling the right alone,” junior Yadira some. He was very inspirational and thought a two-hour assembly was go- small town could be so widely af- Gurrola said. I believe he touched many of the ing to be boring. fected; it really changed my perspec- “I liked how he didn’t beat around students’ lives,” senior Kasaundra “When I heard about a two-hour tive on how common these problems the bush and just told it like it was,” Klein said. assembly I thought it would be boring really are.” junior Kevin Stewart said. I also liked Homeroom skipping has consequences Pollution: is there a solution? Science classes get down and dirty to expose pollution on SHS campus Administration cracks down on homeroom skipping, particularly seniors story by “I was suspecting this amount story by Lunch detentions, detention after RYAN MEISTER | news writer of garbage from the beginning, the SCOUT WILSON | news editor school, and Saturday detention are worst was the kids coming back from some of those consequences for stu- On March third, students walked the parking lots and there were even “We are a school of privileges and dents not abiding by the school rules. into the school to be greeted by an more places we couldn’t get to,” Hab- those privileges can be taken away,” Though many students express ugly surprise: trash everywhere. erman said. was Principal Rick Porter’s response disapproval of homeroom, adminis- In the commons there was a This is easily explainable by the to the problem of many students, and trators have no intention of removing shocking display of all the piles of reports of students simply opening particularly seniors, skipping home- it. litter picked up by Mrs. Habermans their car doors and dumping all of the room. “Homeroom is here to stay as the environmental science class. trash out into the parking lot. Just like any other rule one breaks, district judges have agreed that home- In 20 short minutes the classroom This presents a problem at the there are going to be consequences for room is counted towards a student’s was filled with heaping piles of trash. school but does not solve it. skipping homeroom. curricular activities,” Porter said. “We were studying oceans, par- “One of the first questions I asked For this year’s seniors, the conse- The possibility of homeroom ticularly plastics, and we went out to my students when we got back was quences are the same as they were disappearing would result in that do a campus survey and pick it up to how we could change this and they last year, i.e. seniors could be faced time added to the classroom time, not see what was out there,” Haberman had some interesting ideas.” Haber- with the possibility of not having the lunch. said. man said. privilege to walk at the graduation “If homeroom was taken away, Most of the trash left on school With the simplest ideas being add- ceremony. we could alter the periods of the campus gets washed down storm ing more trash receptacles, to more se- Along with this is the possibility day and have five periods, requiring drains leading to North Platte vere punishments of closing campus stripping prom priviliges - though students to take ten courses a semes- River which eventually dumps into if it doesn’t get better. seniors may not know it, it is a loom- ter. Another option could be creating larger rivers and finally ends up in the Littering and pollution not only ing possibility to encourage seniors to a 45 minute study hall at the end of ocean. destroys the environment of the cam- attend homeroom. the day for all grade students who are The amount of trash brought many pus, but adds to the destruction of the The same consequences of being failing a class,” Porter said. students to reality about the condition world environment. tardy or absent during a class count of our campus. for homeroom as well. NEWS | 3
  • 4. Here to Sophomore Simon Deng In China, “When he first got here Simon was stay students have almost too compliant and you could to take a test to tell that those behaviors had definitely comes to the U.S. and move on to the come from his strict upbringing in next level. The China, but American culture has worn exam is done by on him and he has become a little bit learns the culture of individual cities lazy sometimes,” Aaberg said. to determine For Vidlak and his three young the brightest sons, the biggest adjustment of having America students to Simon in their home was the lan- story by send to the best guage. RACHEL CLEMENS | feature writer schools. “It was pretty hard to understand “In middle him at first, but the boys really enjoy After living in the United States Worden’s have parental rights to him. school in China they give a competi- having Simon around. They think for only a year and a half, sophomore They are predominately responsible tive test. In Simon’s home city 30,000 he is fun. Simon likes to try to cook Simon Deng knows he still has a lot to for Simon in America. 8th graders took the test and Simon Chinese food sometimes which is an learn about culture in America. “It is very different living with an placed third out of 30, 000,” Aaberg adventure. He is a really nice kid,” But there is one thing he is sure American family. I had a hard time said. Vidlak said. about; he is here to stay. understanding English when I first Another piece of the American The rigors of his academic sched- When Deng first arrived in got here. Americans speak too fast puzzle that has helped Simon adjust ule in China have also been an adjust- November 2009, Deng lived with and I can’t follow them,” Deng said. has been sports. ment Simon has had to make. his relatives, the Chan’s, until they Deng has had to make many ad- “Sports have been very good for Because Simon’s schedule in the moved to Rock Springs, WY, at the justments since he moved to America. Simon; the more social interaction the states isn’t as rigorous, he has had to end of the summer in 2010. The most difficult has been mastering faster he learns the language,” Aaberg learn how to manage his free time. In November 2009, Deng began the the English language and the change “ said. “He is still working on the balance journey of moving to America with in educational systems. between his school responsibilities his parents. In China, and what he does in his free time,” His parents wanted to get into the Deng went to Living here has restaurant business here, and maybe work at or take over the Wonderful House restaurant. Back in their hometown, Jiangmen, China, Deng’s dad worked as a chef at a well-known restaurant. school from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Mondays through Satur- days. “We go to changed my mind to think that America is better than China. “ Aaberg said. Simon’s experience in America has changed what he thinks about the country. Stereotypically, before arriving in America, he assumed Americans were extremely lazy. As it turned out, however, the school longer -Simon Deng, 10 Simon said he still believes Wonderful House wasn’t what they than Americans Americans are lazy compared to their were looking for, so Deng’s parents and we have Chinese counterparts. He has found, moved to Memphis, TN, to work in a more subjects to do every day. We live Deng has appreciated the many however, that Americans are better restaurant there. at school for six days a week. We go people who have helped him adjust to people individually than he previ- Deng wanted to stay in Scottsbluff home Saturday night and go back to America. ously thought. since he was already established and school Sunday night,” Deng said. Those who have been especially “America has changed me a lot. It had made many friends. At Deng’s school in China, he had helpful have been the Worden family, has made me think a lot of stuff about Jamie Worden, a local judge and eleven classes total, eight in one day. Aaberg, John Vidlak, the Chan family, the different social aspects of America father of sophomore Luke Worden, His schedule included Chinese, math, and his friends. and China and changed my mind had gotten to know Deng and wanted English, physics, chemistry, biology, “Mr. Aaberg has helped me with to think that America is better than to help him out. Worden asked his geography, business, music, and art. speaking, listening and writing in China,” Deng said. neighbor, John Vidlak, who works in Simon’s passion in the classroom is English, and teaching me the things I Although Deng loves America, he the radiology department at Regional math and he wants to go to Harvard want to know and things I shouldn’t plans to go back to China for vaca- West; if he had room for Deng. Vidlak and become a math professor. do in the school,” Deng said. tions and to visit his friends and fam- had an extra bedroom for him to stay Deng’s math prowess is obvious Aaberg has seen a lot of changes in ily. He has a sixteen year old sister in, and agreed to take him in. not only here, but also when he was Simon since he arrived in America. living in China. Although Simon lives with Vidlak, in China. Around the world .Scottsbluff . L.A. .Las Vegas Guangzhou . 4 | FEATURE
  • 5. Getting their Laucomer has also acquired his own skills. “I’ve learned how to be more involved with other people, too,” Lau- comer said. WINGS Learning social skills and how to be involved with others also lead to making some great friends in Scouts. “I’ve kept a lot of friends. I started early so a lot of people that have graduated I still keep in touch with, and I’ve also met some pretty interest- ing people through it,” Lake said. Now that they have accomplished their goals of earning Eagle Scout rank, both boys have the chance to relax when it comes to Scouts. Boy Scouts receive the hardest “I’m not as involved now as I used to be,” Laucomer admits. “Mostly be- cause all of the older people I used to rank, Eagle, and soar with their hang out with have already left. Now there are just a lot of new Scouts that I new wings in the community don’t really know.” Although Scouts is coming to an end for both boys, they will never forget the memories and experiences they have learned over the years. story by the 5th grade. For Lake, it took seven knot tying, wood working, leather “It’s extremely rewarding to say ASHLEIGH SMITH| feature writer years to earn his Eagle, and for Lau- work, social citizenship in the world that you went through every rank and comer, five years. type of stuff. I’ve done a lot of badges finished. It was hard, but I wouldn’t After five long years of waiting, With it being so difficult, how ex- so I’ve learned quite a bit,” Lake change it for the world,” Lake said. the time was finally here. Sophomore actly does one earn their Eagle badge? explained. Lane Laucomer’s palms were sweat- BADGES ing and his head was spinning as he It all starts with joining a Boy stared back at a panel of judges and Scout group. From there, the goal is to leaders, all of whom were waiting to move up the ranks by earning merit evaluate his worthiness. Laucomer badges – you must have a minimum was about to find out if he’d finally of 21 badges to reach Eagle Scout reached his long awaited goal of status. When the time comes to earn becoming an Eagle Scout. the Eagle, one must present a service Eagle Scout is the highest rank project in front of judges and also a group of Scout masters. achievable in the Boy Scouts of A service project is any effort or de- World crest America program. It’s extremely hon- velopment that the boys work to im- Pioneering emblem orable and hard to achieve; the rank is only achieved by about four percent prove their community by. Lake chose badge of scouts. However, SHS is the holder to put up informational posters at the of many Eagle Scouts; two being Lane county fairgrounds this summer, and Laucomer did some landscaping and Laucomer and Terrance Lake. renovation at his church. While this First aid badge Very little Scouts become Eagles because of the long process that may sound simple, both boys had to requires dedication and time commit- put a lot of time and effort into the ment. projects. Eagle “It was difficult to get my eagle. It Of course, hard work deserves Personal fitness rank some fun. Lake and Laucomer have was mostly just persistence and stay- traveled, camped, and had many badge patch ing with it because once you’re 18 you can no longer get your Eagle Scout if good times at Scouts, too. you haven’t already. Plus once you hit “Summer camp is definitely my fa- high school it’s really hard to make vorite. My father and I both go up; it’s meetings anymore. High school takes a week of just hanging out and doing Environmental stuff like canoeing and then working up a lot of your time outside of school on five or six badges that you work on science badge too, so even on weekends it’s hard to continue and stay active,” Lake said. for about half the day,” Lake said. Both Laucomer and Lake were After all was said and done, Lake encouraged by their parents to join and Laucomer completed all of the Scouts, and it was their parents and steps to successfully earn their Eagle Personal finance Scout masters who helped them con- – meaning all of the hard work and badge tinue till the end. dedication had paid off. Both boys “My dad and my mom have for agree that it was worth all of the ef- sure helped me. My scout masters and fort. Not only was earning their Eagle rewarding – they’ve also learned them always pushed me every step countless essential life skills. Camping badge to keep going and stick with it,” Lake “I’ve learned anything from first 5 admits. Both boys started Boy Scouts in aid, compass work, gps, geocaching, FEATURE |
  • 6. March Cat Calendar 11th- GSO/BSO VAR @ Torrington- 3/5pm 31st- SP NFL National Qualifier Inv. @ 12th- BGO JV @ Mitchell Inv.- 9am Cheyenne (LCCC) GSO JV & VAR vs Chey. Central- 3/5pm SHS Musical- 7pm BSO JV & VAR @ Chey. Cnetral- 3/5pm April GTN JV @ Alliance Dual- 4pm 1st- April Fools Day 13th- GTN A Kearney Catholic & Kearney @ SHS Musical-7pm Kearney- 1:30/4pm GTN @ North Platte Inv. - 9:30am 14th- BGO@ Hastings Inv.- 9am 2nd- GTR/BTR VAR @ North Platte Buffalo GTN @ Lexington Inv.- 10am Bill Inv. -12:15pm GSO/BSO JV & VAR vs Newcastle- 3:30/ SHS Musical- 7pm 5:30pm 4th- GSO/BSO VAR vs Lexington & Grand 16th- GTR/BTR JV & VAR @ Alliance Inv. Island NW @ N. Platte- 11am 8:30am 5th-BGO JV & VAR @ Sidney Inv. - 9am GSO JV & VAR A Sterling- 10am GSO/BSO 9-10th JV vs Cheyenne BSO JV & VAR vs G.I. Central Catholic- Cental- 3/5pm 11am/ 1:30pm GTN JV & VAR vs Alliance- 4pm 17th- Palm Sunday 7th- GSO/BSO JV & VAR vs Gering - 3/5pm 19th- High School District Cal & Band 8th- GTR/BTR VAR @ Cheyenne Okie Contest WNCC-TBA Blanchard- 11am 20th- GTN VAR vs Gillette- 4pm GSO/BSO VAR GNAC @ N. Platte- TBA 21st- GTN-SHS Inv.- 9am 9th- ACT Testing GTR/BTR VAR- West Ne Twilight-12:30pm GTN JV vs Sterling Dual- 11am GSO/BSO JV & VAR vs Torrington- 3/5pm PROM- 9pm The CAT CALENDAR is brought to you by the SCOTTSBLUFF BOOSTER CLUB
  • 7. Varsity athletes and the eChOes PhysiCal eDUCatiON staff editor-in-chief | KariN sheDD news editor | sCOUt WilsON Is it really necessary for America’s finest high school athletes to take PE classes? news writer | ryaN Meister A nyone who pays even receive diplomas without sweating it the high school athletes? Is forcing the slightest modicum out in a PE class for at least a semester them to burn off calories along with feature editor | MeGhaN PritCharD of attention to American during their high school careers. their not-so-athletically-inclined peers feature writer | raChel CleMeNs society has heard the “shocking” and While the intentions behind necessary, or even fair? feature writer | ashleiGh sMith “staggering” statistics concerning the mandatory PE classes are all well and According to the Nebraska Depart- average citizen’s expanding waistline. good - considering that one in three ment of Education, it is. They require center section editor | GaBrielle CarliN “Two-thirds of Americans are every NE student to sweat through center section writer | ethaN hUGhes overweight, and one-third are medi- cally obese.” The views expressed two semesters of PE to receive a diploma, and participation in a entertainment editor | rUssell MOrGaN “Between 1980 and 2000, obesity in this editorial were school-sponsored sports season is not rates doubled among adults and chil- justification for waiving this require- entertainment writer | ViCtOria BraVO dren and tripled among teenagers.” supported 15-0 by ment. sports editor | Kelsey eMPFielD “Obesity is causing a drastic rise in the number of reported cases of The Echoes staff However, save for maybe one or two school sports, one season of the sports writer | MaDDie hOlsCher Type 2 diabetes, once thought to only type of high-intensity daily activity affect adults, in children as young as children in the United States are over- mandated by football, swimming, sports writer | MiChael Miller twelve.” weight or obese, physical fitness is not track and field, etc. is sure to be more ad manager | Casey siGrist In order to combat this epidemic, an idea to be cavalierly brushed aside effective at maintaining the health of Americans turned to the nation’s - all the focus and hype surrounding young people than a semester of a PE adviser | terry PitKiN schools. Currently, 36 states require the health of school-age Americans class. The Echoes is a tri-weekly publica- physical education (PE) for elemen- has left one glaring question unan- That being said, we here at The tion printed by the Business Farmer. The tary students, 33 for middle school swered. Echoes believe that a better policy for Echoes is a member of the Nebraska students, and 42 for high school What about the already-healthy the NE Department of Education to High School Press Association and the students. This means that no stu- kids? adopt would be to equate the suc- International Order of the Quill and dents living in any of these states will And, more notably, what about cessful completion of one season of Scroll. The Echoes encourages readers to varsity athletics to a semester of PE write letters to the editor in response class and to waive the PE requirement to a story, but does reserve the right to Pregnant? for varsity athletes. Besides, the adoption of such a pol- icy would be a win-win: in a poll of 31 publish said letter. The Echoes also encourages all readers to submit their ideas for story Think you might be? of Scottsbluff’s finest varsity athletes, coverage, feedback on stories, and any other input. Birthright can HELP only 7% said they would not take a The Echoes PE class if given the option. 19% said Scottsbluff High School they would take one, and a whopping 313 East 27th St. FREE and Scottsbluff, NE 69361 74% would still take one or more PE CONFIDENTIAL classes. PE teachers would lose only a Letters with obscene, slanderous, of Scottsbluff, Inc. libelous, or false information will not be Pregnancy Test An International Pregnancy Service sparse few of their best students, and printed. The letter must also be signed NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY those students would have the option to be run. Content may be edited due to to pursue other interests. grammatical or content needs. A signed Open Monday-Friday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Yes, America has an obesity prob- copy must be presented to the Scotts- bluff High School journalism depart- 632-5866 lem - but high school’s varsity athletes ment, room 130. Also, please check out 24-Hour Hotline 1-800-550-4900 are not part of it. The Echoes’ group and 10 East 17th Street • Scottsbluff, NE MySpace page online! All School Year Long Every 10th student gets a free lunch Student Specials Anne Talbot, PsyD Available Mark Hald, PhD 2622 Avenue C. 2201 Broadway Alan Smith, PhD Scottsbluff, NE Scottsbluff Charlotte Ingram, LMHP, ATR 308- 632- 8547 632-3644 Georgia Nelson, LMHP
  • 8. With over 640 million Facebook users worldwide and over 95 million tweets written each day In the technology race, I’m still in the starting blocks TECH.NO.LO.GY in less than 100 years, mankind went from trillion texts were sent in 2008 in the United settings on the camera for my phone are. commentary by two men flying a kite like craft for less than States alone. It’s actually so bad, that I was recently at a Ethan 100 yards to comfortable 100 passenger cabins How about Y2K? People were going friend’s house and he had to show me where hughEs | making 49,315 commercial flights daily, trav- AWOL because every computer was sup- the ‘X’ button was on the Xbox controller! center section writer eling thousands of miles over seas and moun- posed to crash. People were stock piling That’s un-American for a teenage boy in has taken over tains, all fully equipped with satellite T.V. chlorinated water in order to survive like it today’s world! We are in an age where everything Does anyone remember Pong? The one was the impending apocalypse! Don’t even get me started on my Droid. needs to be fast: fast food, high speed inter- pixel game that could keep a generation en- Society relies too heavily on technology. I can call, text, take pictures and check my net, Derrick Rose, etc. It seems like tech- tertained for hours. Now we have Call of Duty I’m like everyone else, I text and check my horoscope; that’s it, (although messing with nology is at the forefront of our fast-paced that appears so real, it’s like you’re watching Facebook every day and get about an hour of the unlock pattern is fun). society. a movie. T.V. in, but I could go without. I am very grateful for technology. It’s A recent Best Buy commercial sums up It’s no wonder people have trouble adjust- I’m also not the most tech savvy guy either. wonderful for news, homework help or just technology perfectly. As soon as the con- ing. I have trouble functioning on the new I’m still rocking my generation one iPod entertainment, but the bottom line is, in the sumer buys the latest gadget, a better deal Microsoft Word. Nano. 100 yard dash, technology is taking a victory hits the market. According to 175 million For me, technology is moving a little too lap while I’m still in my starting blocks. Technology can be hard to keep up with, people log onto Facebook daily and over a fast. I can get by, but I have no idea what the In a world that thrives on TECH.NO.LO.GY, have relationships become less personal? TE(a)CHNOLOGY personal commentary by I could understand a small minority of even begin to keep track of it all. of doing on my own. It is often said that technology is making relationships starting online, and I’m sure As soon as I get up in the morning, I turn While it worries me that technology is each generation lazier. gaBRIELLE CaRLIn and Eharmony have produced my cell phone alarm clock off and plug my suppressing our knowledge, it’s almost “I think this generation is for the most Not too long ago, I was minding my own some solid relationships, but I find it hard to iPod into its dock. At school, I spend great more disturbing how less personal our part very entitled. Most students want instant business, lounging around on my couch comprehend the allure of meeting someone deal of time on the computer typing these world has become. Two teachers examine the use of technology in the results without much effort. I don’t think I watching a little T.V, when an incredibly on the internet. columns or researching papers. I usually Instead of sitting down and writing a would place all the blame on technology, but unnerving advertisement popped up on my It’s not just online dating either…it’s check Facebook every other day, flipping person a letter, we poke them on Facebook it certainly has played a large part,” Ronne screen. the constant texting, online shopping, vast through the channels or watching a movie is a or type on their wall. classroom and in their personal lives and show effects. The music tech class has many current and ‘out of the box’ type proj- said. “Actually a lot of people are becoming It was your typical I-met-the-man-of-my- number of e-mails, and the huge popularity of social media. daily routine, and while all of this is going on I’m constantly texting away and checking my Instead of picking up the phone to talk to someone or going to see them in person, ects. For choir, students made their own radio more inactive out of their own choice, but Of course, I reached for my remote…but It seems to me that technology is making email on my phone…it’s all so exhausting. we send them a text. story by I use things such as Facebook and texting spots for musical advertisements,” Ronne it’s because they have so many technological before I had time to flip the channel, match. the world a less personal place to live in. But here’s the thing, I know a countless Technology is slowly taking away face Ethan hughEs | center section writer daily and I would say I’m up-to-date in the said. options that they don’t want to play sports,” com flashed a little statistic across the Being born in a generation that thrives on amount of people that spend way more time to face interaction and forcing people to technology world,” Choir teacher and musical “I’m limited to an overhead in my room, Kreutzer said. screen: technology, it’s hard to imagine life without it, than I do taking advantage of the endless have relationships with their Blackberrys Technology has become one of the fastest director Brad Ronne said. but I’m taking a tech class right now and Although she feels that to a degree tech- “One in five relationships start online.” but I can’t help but think life and the relation- amounts of technology the world has to offer, rather than actual people. growing mediums in our modern society. English teacher Kiley Kreutzer admits to would love to incorporate the things I’m nology partly influences laziness, Kreutzer I’m honestly not one to judge – but re- ships we might encounter would be more so it’s no wonder that people now use the I understand that technology makes It is borderline impossible to own all the being a little less tech-savvy. learning if I could! I would love a Promethean admits she relies on it in her everyday life. ally? One in five relationships? meaningful and personal if we didn’t rely as internet as a way to scout out their future things so much easier, but is it really worth new gadgets and gizmos, let alone keep up “I can easily use computers and a variety board or even a projector,” Kreutzer said. “I text and use Facebook all the time. I use When I saw that commercial, I couldn’t much on computers and cell phones. spouse. losing a personal connection with people? with all the apps and programs that accom- of programs as well as regular cell phones, Both agree that technology is moving and technology getting to work, finding direc- help but be a little freaked out. I understand Now I’m not going to sit here and con- I feel like technology, something that was While cell phones and computers are pany them. but I don’t yet have the knowledge for differ- changing fast, and both see the effects of it as tions, calling/texting, for entertainment and that the dating world can be harsh and demn the world for overusing technology, created to advance the world, is now starting convenient, are they truly as necessary as Even in the classroom, technology is ex- ent apps. I could learn easily if I wanted to well. communicating and finding information. I competitive, but it worries me that we live because I’m the first one to admit that I’m a to have the opposite effect. we think…and even more so, could the panding our way of learning i.e. Promethean though. I’m not really up-to-date on the latest “The technological changes are great, but find it hard to live without a cell phone and in a society that has become so reliant on technology/electronics junkie. As our dependency on technology in- overuse of them be making our world a boards. technological equipment; it usually takes me a I think that sometimes personal interactions GPS,” Kreutzer said. technology that we can’t even meet a poten- If someone had asked me even a week ago creases, it seems like our ability to do things less personal place to live in? To accommodate the fast paced world of while to get into it,” Kreutzer said. suffer because of some of technology’s tools.” Technology is moving fast, and although it tial partner without the use of a computer how much time a day I spend using electron- on our own has decreased. The omnipotence of technology has technology, everyone has had to adapt and Although the two are at opposite ends of Ronne said. may be hard to keep up with, it is necessary in and keyboard. ics, I would’ve answered ‘hardly any time at I can’t even remember the last time I cited become like a beast we no longer control. learn quickly. the spectrum per se, they both try to incor- “I think we depend on technology too some aspects. I’m sure the ‘one in five relationships’ all.’ a book in a bibliography, did a math equation There’s always something bigger and bet- “I would say I’m very into technology. porate technology into their classroom and much and if something were to happen (a “I think the interpersonal parts of building statistic isn’t 100 percent accurate, but it’s What a joke. I spend such a ridiculous by hand, or didn’t take advantage of Google ter being developed in electronics, which lesson plans. technology crash) a lot of people wouldn’t a choir will become more difficult, but all the still pretty crazy. amount of time using electronics that I can’t while doing homework I’m more than capable only deepens our reliance upon it. 8 | CENTER SECTION “We use technology in our stage lighting know how to survive,” Kreutzer said. more necessary,” Ronne said. CENTER SECTION | 9
  • 9. SERIOUSLY? PERSPECTIVE: It doesn’t take a state championship Life isn’t that serious, so just laugh it off or a perfect GPA to win at life personal commentary by VICTORIA BRAVO personal commentary by MEGHAN PRITCHARD “The world is a tragedy to those tion!” on many occasions when it who feel, but a comedy to those who could’ve been handled differently I suck at life. more than the good? think,” -Horace Walpole And for anyone who has thought Life loves to throw curve balls at We dwell on break-ups, family That’s my philosophy. the same thing… maybe milk is a jerk, my face when things are going so well deaths, and not receiving accomplish- Stop feeling sorry for yourself and maybe it wasn’t the right time, maybe for me. Thanks, Life - you just broke ments we deserve. think about the world around you it was serious but so what? Move on. my heart. Well guess what? LIFE ISN’T FAIR. and everything it has to offer. I am so glad I was saved from a I’m a bit of an over-achiever. I have Nothing can go perfectly. I’m I walk around SHS with not what boring, overly-thoughtful, serious to do things to my best ability, no mat- always going to have something go I would consider a cheerful disposi- lifestyle. ter what it is. But for Life, that’s never wrong. tion, but one that is open to humor the I am very thankful that I had been enough. But where’s the good to remem- world has to offer me. people walk into my life and teach me I can’t say that I’ve been the best in ber? Things don’t have to be going par- very differently. a single thing - I’ve never had a first We spend so much time on the ticularly great, but I am still not afraid My family, my best friends, and place trophy, never been the popular, pain of our lives that happiness is cut to crack a smile in a boring classroom people I look up to have taught me so “best friend to-all” girl, or been the too short. or act strangely to make someone much about life, and how to handle it top –ranked person in the class. I can say that besides my loss at laugh. when it doesn’t go your way. I’ve always felt I’ve fallen short. state DECA, I’ve also had the perfect Some might call me “weird.” I They taught me how to laugh. Just Literally. I’m 5’4”. senior year. disagree. I’m just not as serious about laugh. No matter what is going on, Even in choir, the one thing at I am on the Student Senate, Nike life as you. there is always something that can which I’m actually good. Club, and DECA Vice President. I am Some say that I pride myself in cheer you up. Singing is my passion. It’s who I the lead in this year’s musical, Aida, being that way. I don’t. It’s just how I I know that seems simple but you am and what I want to do with the my dream since elementary school. I am, how I choose to be, and a little of would be surprised how many people rest of my life, but there have always got a solo in show choir and won the how we all should be. forget to laugh in difficult times, my- been one or two people who are better Old West Music Festival. I received a 1 Granted - there are things that self included. than me. rating at All-State choir for the second deserve our serious, undivided atten- I’ve had to be reminded time and I can’t seem to win. year in a row and got called back for tion. time again by a friend, someone I Just recently I went to the state a solo. I am on the leadership team in On the other hand, there are things can always look to when I’m feeling DECA competition. My partners and I my youth group and the founder and that aren’t as earth-shattering as we down, that everything will be alright worked on our project for six straight leader of my youth group worship make them out to be, and I want to and to let something run its course, to months. It consisted of a 30-page pa- band. I have a 3.9 GPA as one of the shake people for taking them too seri- stop clenching the wheel and just… per and a presentation with a script, top twenty-five in the 2011 class. ously. drive. visuals, and matching outfits. My I may have never been a state Just kidding. I don’t shake people. Metaphorically of course - I don’t project was meant for first place from champion or Miss America, but I have When… tell me… has sweating the really drive. the beginning because of all the work lived a wonderful, blessed life. small stuff ever helped anything? He can always make me laugh, we put into that paper and presenta- I know what you’re thinking. It doesn’t. It makes it worse. laugh at me, or help me when I need tion. For half of my senior year, my “She’s crying over a DECA project If I spill milk and start freaking it. We all could use a friend like that. life was DECA. when she has so much going for her? out, I’ll probably spill more milk. That’s the best medicine. Not to The top three at state go to nation- What a drama queen.” If I would’ve not taken it as comfort someone with more tears but als, which is in Orlando, FL this year. Well maybe I am, but if I’ve seriously, and just Lysol-ed it up or to make them laugh, and to remind My project got fourth. By two learned one thing from life it’s that something… no problem. Now I need them that life goes on. points. picking myself up from falling flat on a mop. It’s like that song Float On by After a full day of sobbing, I my face has made me better. Not be- I used to be the same way. Modest Mouse. couldn’t help but feel embarrassed ing the absolute best has made me try I used to walk around in a gloom, “We’ll all float on okay.” that I didn’t make the expectation harder. Not fitting in right away has feeling sorry for myself, my spilled Things might be up and down like people wanted of me. made me kinder and more consider- milk, and… you get the picture. the waves in the ocean, but we will all Not hearing my name announced ate of others. I thought “seriously, milk?”, “how float on okay. on that podium, after putting my I’ve learned from my failures and could someone laugh at a time like Not great, not bad, not seriously, heart and soul into that project, tore grown to love the life I have. So thank this?”, and “this is a serious situa- or jokingly. Just okay and that’s all we me apart. I had failed not only myself, you, Life, for creating in me ambition really need. but my teammates and people who to be the best and learn to take it how Seriously. expected us to win. it is. 10 | OPINION Why is it we remember the bad Man, I rock at life.
  • 10. Whe re’s the ? Local concert to benefit cause that is relatively unknown... personal commentary by Russell moRgan | entertainment editor There are 1.2 million children opportunity. It is guaranteed that a child will to be found. around the world without names- Human trafficking generates an never recover psychologically or This experience changed Morris’ they are simply identified by a average of $32 billion a year, making physically from such an experience. life, and was the reason for the start of number. it the second most lucrative crime in This crime is keeping the most impor- Love146. Adults, who are not their par- the world. tant generation of human existence Many people will go their entire ents, refer to each child by his or her This terrible crime is mainly aimed from ever living a fulfilling life. lives unaware of such evils in the number. toward female children, and is a tragic Love146 is a program that fights to world. It is tragic to think that such These adults have sex with these cause of psychological and physical end this crime, and help reintegrate an experience is needed to spark the numbers, and they sell these numbers damage in children, as well as a lead- victims back into society. The founder effort to improve the world. to other adults so they can have sex ing cause of infectious diseases such and president of the organization, Rob The average child is quite fortu- with them. as HIV/AIDS. Morris, began his fight for this cause nate to grow up in a safe home, have two childr n e Adults: those who are supposed to a loving family, and have nothing but raise children, teach them right from opportunity before them. It is a bless- sold e ve ry wrong, protect them. What does this ing that is often taken for granted. say for adults? What kind of adults Imagine a child, your age that would do this to children? did not have the opportunity to go minu te Severn Suzuki, in her Global Sum- to school, play sports, date, sing in mit Speech talked about how adults choir, etc. All they know in their lives teach their children one thing, but act is abuse. They can only imagine a life upon the world completely different. with simple freedoms. She said, “As a child, what you are Two children are sold every The concert in April to benefit doing makes me cry.” minute, meaning that by the time Love146 will not stop this terrible What these adults are doing is you are done reading this article; crime, but it is a step. making millions of children cry. about 8 children will have been sold. It will spread knowledge, which is The average age of these numbers This is not just a foreign issue what people are in desperate need of ranges from 3-15 years old; how- either. It is estimated that over 100,000 right now. ever, these are not numbers-these are U.S. children are forced into prostitu- Not enough people know about children. tion and/or pornography each year. when he witnessed what these children are going through At each brothel where children are What scares me is that this statistic the tragedy of this crime first-hand. everyday. sold, menus are available for adults to is not widely known. It scares me He was in a brothel full of “num- Not enough people know about see the age, number, and price. Adults that the stories of United States high bers”, and he saw children in a room the injustices that go on around the get to pick and choose their favorites- school students being forced into gathered around a television playing world, and it is time they join the a menu, like a restaurant. prostitution and other disturbing cartoons. All but one of the children’s fight. These children are slaves- victims activities are not heard. eyes was fixed on the screen. One The concert to benefit Love146 will be held to unimaginable crimes that would This particular problem calls for at- little girl, #146, stared at Morris. in Scottsbluff’s Auditorium on Tuesday, April make the average child cringe. tention beyond borders. These are the Morris recalls that in her eyes he saw 19th. Admission will be $5, and all money will There are children in this world, lives of children. Innocent generations a desperate plea for help- this girl benefit the efforts to stop human trafficking and many years younger than those cur- that should have the world at their wanted Morris to save her. reintegrate victims into society. 11 rently reading this article, which will feet; instead, they find themselves in When Morris returned with a team never be able to experience a life of an unimaginable hell. to raid the brothel, #146 was nowhere ENTERTAINMENT |