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The First Time Supervisor:
            Strategies for a Successful Transition

                                               Prepared and Presented by:
                                                      T. Randall Riggs

9/13/2012                   T. R. Riggs                               1

                                            YOUR ABILITY TO KEEP A
                                             GROUP OF PEOPLE
                                              CONNECTED AND
  Congratulations on                          WORKING WELL
            your new assignment              TOGETHER IS THE
               and new title.                MOST SIGNIFICANT
                                            TALENT THAT YOU CAN
                                                 BRING TO AN
                                               ORGANIZATION    .

9/13/2012                     T. R. Riggs                            2

     Irrespective of what industry you are in, as
          a first-time supervisor your prime
       responsibility is to provide directions
       and proactively connect myriad complex
          relationships, tasks, and resources
        together in order to successfully reach
                       your goals.

9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs             3
First step: making real
                                     Can we talk

    Most employees will
     respond well to a
 straight talking                      Ask
supervisor who sought                questions
    has them out.                    and listen

9/13/2012              T. R. Riggs                 4
When you meet people
 introduce yourself, ask
  questions, learn their                   Be genuine:
   views (and names!),                    all employees
                                         come equipped
  discover what they                     with emotional
 think about their role in               radar which will
                                            detect any
the organization, and the                    falseness.
important issues at hand.

9/13/2012                  T. R. Riggs                5
Real personal relationships are
 the key to your success, not                                      Parent – child
         your job title.                                            relationship
                                                               Supervisor – employee
Many organizations are structured around authority, internal
      controls, and bureaucracy for many reasons.*

  *Command and Control has a limited shelf life.

    9/13/2012                            T. R. Riggs                                6
Long term success is only        Your performance
  achieved through people            and success is
                                 directly driven by the
interconnected in productive     overall effectiveness
   relationships which yield       of your workplace
      synergistic results.

 9/13/2012         T. R. Riggs                    7
                                            Before assuming a
                                                position, you
                                              supervised only
      Now you must trust and                    one person:
                                              yourself. In this
      rely upon others; you                        limited
       simply cannot do all the              supervisory role,
       work effectively. It is not           your immediate
                                               results were a
              possible.                        direct result of
                                              your individual
        You must tap the energy and                 effort.
             talent of others.

  9/13/2012                   T. R. Riggs                   8
                                      You should clearly
                                    understand that your
                                       “doer” skills that
                                         were formerly
    You will need to bring                brought you
    more to the game to win.            recognition and
                                     rewards are not the
                                       ones that you are
                                      being paid for now

 9/13/2012            T. R. Riggs                   9
                                            New supervisors
                                          often get caught up
                                         in the cross-currents
                                          that relate to all of
As first-time supervisor you will have          the new
a new peer group, new                      relationships they
subordinates (often your former              must build and
peers), and for the first time for many,        nurture.
you will additionally have a different
type of relationship with the senior
leaders of the organization.

  9/13/2012                 T. R. Riggs                    10
Now you have to supervise
    the same people that were
     your friends and equals. It            You must stop
    will be hard to say “No” to          thinking of yourself
                                          as just “one of the
    friends when they ask for                   gang”.
            special treatment.

9/13/2012                  T. R. Riggs                   11

                                          Not all relationships
                                             are the same

  9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs                     12

                                               People need
    Managing relationships                     coaching and
   requires that you actively                 direction to be
   communicate clearly and                  aligned to achieve
      convincingly, disarm                    common goals.
   conflicts, and build strong
   personal bonds. You must
    invest your time and
    energy in building your

 9/13/2012                    T. R. Riggs                 13
                                        You have interacted
                                            with parents,
                                          siblings, friends,
                                       classmates, teachers,
             Been there,               neighbors, and many
                                           others gaining
               done it                    experience and
                                         understanding on
                                       many different levels
                                             of managing

 9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs                   14
People perform better individually
     and collectively in well-managed relationships because
            they feel aligned, committed, on board and motivated.

9/13/2012                           T. R. Riggs                     15

     Your conduct and
 behavior has convinced
 at least one superior that           Self-confidence:
                                           got it?
  you possess the ability
  to successfully manage

9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs                16

 It sounds a bit harsh, however, in          Your social skills
 some ways good relationship                 are what enable
 management is about managing                    you to be
 other people’s emotions to achieve             persuasive,
 your desired outcomes. Perhaps a            manage conflict,
 better way to think about it is that           and create
 relationship management is about           collaborative work
 friendship with purpose: moving              environments.
 people in the right direction

             Mind over mood

 9/13/2012                    T. R. Riggs                  17
Relationship Management
                               Skill Set Components
                Inspirational     Guiding and motivating with a compelling vision.
                                  Wielding a range of tactics for persuasion.
                                  Bolstering others’ abilities through feedback and guidance.
             Developing others
                                  Initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction.
              Change catalyst
                                  Resolving disagreements.
            Conflict management
                                  Cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships.
              Building bonds

               Teamwork and       Cooperation and team building

9/13/2012                                  T. R. Riggs                                          18
Leaving your troubles behind

 Everyone has to cope with their bad
    days and learn to leave their        #1 Law of Self-
  emotional baggage at home, but           awareness:
 when you are a supervisor,            We all have bad days
  it’s even more important.

 9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs                  19
As a supervisor you need to be aware
    when your attitude and frame of mind
     has been negatively impacted by a
     bad day, or personal problem, and
      make certain that you proactively
      compartmentalize your personal

9/13/2012           T. R. Riggs            20
How to compartmentalize
       • Put it in a compartment by isolating the
       issue from all the other challenges you are
       dealing with.
       • Apply extreme focus on each compartment,
       but only for a short period of time.
       • Move forward in incremental steps. And
       once you see reasonable progress…
       • Close the compartment and open the next
       • Say “no” to things that don’t deserve a

9/13/2012                  T. R. Riggs               21
Compartmentalization, like all
     coping strategies is only a
    short-term solution, and may
    have both have positive and
   negative aspects. Your goal          as the old adage
    is to compartmentalize             states, “the show
   issues so that you may                must go on”.”.
   direct sufficient energy
   and attention to tasks at

9/13/2012                T. R. Riggs                 22

     Many first-time supervisors
      find it difficult to switch off
        after a hard day's work,
    resulting in many taking their              Delegate
                                           You cannot do it all
         work home with them.
          Both mentally and

 9/13/2012                   T. R. Riggs                   23
emotions are contagious

     This should go without
    saying, but when you are
                                             It is just as important
    stressed by your work, it                for you to leave your
   is almost always reflected                 problems at work as
  in your words and actions.                    it is to leave your
     This will have a negative               personal problems at
    impact on your family and                          home.
      friends, and can cause
         tensions in all your

9/13/2012                 T. R. Riggs                         24
    Ideally, your typical day should be                          Work   Life

   roughly divided into 3 thirds - work,
   home, sleep. That would equate to
   8 hours for work, 8 hours for home,                            Balance
           and 8 hours for sleep.

If you have this type of schedule I congratulate you for being
           so successful balancing work and life.

 9/13/2012                                 T. R. Riggs                         25
This invasion into
                                                    private life can
                                                become unbearable
                                                    if it continually
    Please don’t shoot the                       interferes with rest
 messenger, but the reality for                     and recreation,
  many supervisors is they                      constantly interrupts
   remain at least digitally                      family time. It can
 connected to the workplace                         and will create
                                                   problems in your
                   24/7.                                 personal
                                                 relationships if not
                                                 properly managed.
        No computers allowed on vacation

9/13/2012                         T. R. Riggs                   26
Turn it off and digitally disconnect, at
  least on some reasonable occasional
 basis, to enjoy the rest of your life. You
              will be happier.

            Are you addicted to your I - Phone?

9/13/2012                  T. R. Riggs            27

                                                            So while a single
                                                          issue or stress may
                                                              be relatively
  Each new and persistent                                unimportant in and
                                                             of itself, if it is
 stressor adds to your total                                coupled with an
       level of stress.                                  already high level of

  Do not become the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  9/13/2012                             T. R. Riggs                        28

                                        Supervisors with this
 Avoiding a knee jerk reaction in the    skill can effectively
   heat battle demands a self –             manage their
                                          impulsive feelings
  management skill set that                and stress well.
  does not come naturally to
  most. It requires a great deal of
  mental discipline and practice to

 9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs                     29
The first and most important step in
     coping with any personal problems
         in the workplace is simply
     recognizing the interconnection
     between your performance and
     your emotional frame of mind.

9/13/2012            T. R. Riggs            30
Once you develop an awareness of how
  and when your emotions are impacting
 yourself and others you can then begin to
 cope by proactively employing tactics to
   develop and strengthen your self

            Negative emotional surges can be overwhelming

9/13/2012                      T. R. Riggs                  31
Cope by allowing work to become a safe escape

Develop a support network of external confidantes.

Seek professional guidance or counseling for
yourself and/or others.

Develop a healthy exercise and diet regimen.

Try alcohol or drugs – strongly not recommended.

9/13/2012              T. R. Riggs                 32
Those who have mastered
 self – management have             Controlling your
                                    state of mind is
   the ability to prevent        Primary part of your
    negative personal             job as a supervisor
problems from spilling all
over relationships at work.

9/13/2012          T. R. Riggs                  33

 You as a first-time supervisor should understand
that individual behavior is not driven by the way
our external environment actually is but, rather,
   on what we see or believe our external
                  environment to be.

            “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
                                                                ALBERT EINSTEIN

9/13/2012                              T. R. Riggs                                34

 9/13/2012         T. R. Riggs   35

    One of the key roles
supervisors play is to create
a shared understanding by               common vision
exercising influence in
   fostering and shaping

 9/13/2012                T. R. Riggs              36

      Failure to align
 perceptions, to see it the
                                    We do not all see
  same way, is often the          things the same way
   root cause of many
  organizational conflicts.

 9/13/2012          T. R. Riggs                 37

   Whether or not a supervisor         It’s the employee’s
successfully plans and organizes          perception of a
  employees work and actually              situation that
 helps them structure work more        becomes the basis
                                           for behavior.
  effectively is far less important
     than how the employees
     collectively perceive the
        supervisor’s efforts.

9/13/2012                T. R. Riggs                  38
Being successful is not merely based
  on how hard you have worked; it is
also dependent on the perception
               of your performance.
                                                              Don’t get your
                                                               feelings hurt

Perception can sometime actually supplant real performance.

   9/13/2012                             T. R. Riggs                      39

  It is important to recognize the
  importance of your reputation,
   or brand which is based on                          What is you brand?
 the collective perceptions
   of your customers, superiors,
   subordinates and colleagues.

   Isolated negative perceptions can HAVE DISASTROUS
              consequences for your brand.

  9/13/2012                           T. R. Riggs                    40
To better protect and manage
          your brand and career you
          must take responsibility for
             shaping the positive
        perceptions you want others to
                have about you.

9/13/2012            T. R. Riggs         41
First impressions

 It is almost a cliché, but it is
 still so absolutely true. First
     impressions are lasting                                        GET NOTICED
impressions. Within seconds
on meeting someone, you will
 make an impression on that

If you make a negative impression, you will have a difficult time
                       changing it…ever.

  9/13/2012                                    T. R. Riggs                        42

    Attention to your professional                                By some estimates
                                                                  upwards of 70 – 80
        image should never flag,                                  percent of what we
  especially in those first meetings.                            learn comes through
                                                                 our interpretation of
    It is important to remember                                 non-verbal images and
       that everything counts                                          behavior.
    when making first impressions.

Your words alone simply will not create the whole impression.

   9/13/2012                              T. R. Riggs                             43

                                                 From the get-go
    Set your expectation                       build your credibility
                                               by being honest and
    bar realistically, and                      do not commit to
    always exceed your                         anything you cannot
         promises.                                  deliver on.

 9/13/2012                       T. R. Riggs                    44
Employees want straight answers. You will
     squander your creditability and lose any
   initial goodwill by trying to feed everyone
      what they want to hear or spouting
     platitudes about the kind of team you

            Employees immediately see through such meaningless drivel.

9/13/2012                            T. R. Riggs                         45

   In the first few weeks of                 You should be
    your new position you                prepared and ready
                                          to quickly put forth
  should anticipate making                  your authentic
first impressions in multiple            persona in a positive
 first meetings. Get ready,                  and confident
 be prepared to make the
  kind of first impression
        you want make.

 9/13/2012                 T. R. Riggs                   46

    Leadership and management are two
    distinctly different but complementary
       approaches critical for success in
     increasingly complex organizations.

Leadership and management are linked but require distinctly different mind and skill sets.

  9/13/2012                              T. R. Riggs                                  47

Traditionally management has been
   described in terms of planning,
     organizing, commanding,            The same but
   coordinating, and controlling.         different
Leadership generally is thought to be
  more about setting a vision and
     gathering followers through
 inspiration and emotional impact.

  9/13/2012              T. R. Riggs               48

     An organization can be well –
        managed but lack strong              For the first – time
      leadership. Alternatively, it is      supervisor the key to
   also possible to have the reverse             success is to
    situation, strong leadership with       understand when to
     weak management. The real               act as a Leader, and
     challenge is to have strong              when to act as a
         leadership and strong                    Manager.
    management and use each to
           balance the other.

 9/13/2012                    T. R. Riggs                   49

                                                      Sets the direction
             Maintains the direction

                  Follows well                         Takes the point

             Watches the bottom line                 Watches the horizon

               Plans and controls                Inspires and develops

                   Duplicates                             Innovates

9/13/2012                              T. R. Riggs                         50

                                                                            Your speed and
     As a supervisor you will be                                        accuracy to recognize
     confronted with situations                                          what approach best
     that will require you to act                                       fits the situation and
                                                                           your capacity to
      as a manager, as well as                                            quickly shift from
     situations that will require                                        manager to leader,
       you to act as a leader.                                          or leader to manager
                                                                              will largely
                                                                          contribute to your
Almost as if you were an actor you must quickly and frequently switch

    9/13/2012                                  T. R. Riggs                               51
Successful supervisors – whether at the
      top, middle, or entry level – perform
    leadership and managerial functions
         efficiently and effectively as
    necessary….unsuccessful ones do

9/13/2012             T. R. Riggs             52

                                                                      I do not want to
                                                                    burst your bubble,
  First-time supervisors should                                     but as a first – time
never lose sight of how important                                      supervisor you
  followership remains to their                                    undoubtedly will still
                                                                      be following the
             success.                                               directions of others

Your ability to follow others will remain an important skill set
    throughout your career irrespective of your position.

   9/13/2012                                T. R. Riggs                             53

Irrespective of organization type, or industry sector,
 first-time supervisors will almost certainly have an
 increased responsibility for delivering results than
  an individual contributor. It is critical for first-time
supervisors to quickly recognize and embrace this
  new reality by becoming performance smart.

Performance smart supervisors understand the ins and outs of winning performance.

9/13/2012                            T. R. Riggs                               54

The bedrock of any performance                             Your goals must be
management system is the                                realistic and doable, and
                                                             they have to be
agreement and clear                                     communicated and well
understanding of what needs to                           understood upward by
be done, as well as, when and how                       senior management and
                                                        downward by your direct
it should be done. Without a clear                                reports.
understanding of what kinds of
results are needed, it is not possible
to achieve goals.

              You must learn how to keep score.

  9/13/2012                               T. R. Riggs                      55

                                                             When you
  When you communicate vision                           communicate vision
 and goals, make certain that you                         and goals, make
                                                        certain that you are
 are passionate about it. You
                                                        passionate about it.
are talking about the future of your                   You are talking about
organization and employees – not                         the future of your
           chopped liver.                                 organization and
                                                          employees – not
                                                           chopped liver.
   Acknowledge and celebrate outstanding performance

 9/13/2012                             T. R. Riggs                     56
REALITY CHECK                                     There is a
                                              fundamental truth
                                              that should not be
                                               denied about the
                                                importance of
     Failure can sometimes be a                  “making your
necessary stepping stone – you must           numbers” – This is
 learn how to cope with failure well                HUGE!
   and learn from your mistakes.
         Not repeat them.
                                               SHOW ME THE
              Accept results,
              not excuses

  9/13/2012                     T. R. Riggs                 57
Consistently making your
             numbers, versus consistently
            failing to make your numbers is
            a vastly more likely to lead you
                   to a brighter future.

9/13/2012                 T. R. Riggs          58

    Workplaces of the future will
      undoubtedly look and feel
 different than today’s workplaces.                    The time to prepare
       In fact, the most certain                      for the future is now.
     prediction that can be made
 about the future is the absolute
         certainty of change.

             Change is the only future constant

 9/13/2012                              T. R. Riggs                    59
Embrace change, lead change.

 3 changes that we should reasonably
                                                                          Successful supervisors
                                                                          are almost always are
 •Increasing influence of technology;                                        future focused.
 •Increasing performance expectations;
 •Increasing rate and number of changes.

Many, if not most, have difficulty seeing tomorrow, let alone next week
or ten years from now. But, the future is relentlessly bearing down on

     9/13/2012                                   T. R. Riggs                                60
Relish technology; do not sit on the side lines. Stay
    current; play with the newest gadgets & software,
    hint: be on look out for next Mark Zuckerberg.

    Raise your performance expectations; do not sit
    on your past accomplishments. Always be in the
    chase for the gold. Do not settle for average.

    Embrace change, lead change. Continuously re-
    imagine the future. Become an agile master of

9/13/2012                    T. R. Riggs                    61
T. Randall Riggs, SPHR, GPHR

9/13/2012               T. R. Riggs             62

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1st Time Supervisor

  • 1. The First Time Supervisor: Strategies for a Successful Transition Prepared and Presented by: T. Randall Riggs 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 1
  • 3. MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS Irrespective of what industry you are in, as a first-time supervisor your prime responsibility is to provide directions and proactively connect myriad complex relationships, tasks, and resources together in order to successfully reach your goals. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 3
  • 4. First step: making real connections Can we talk Most employees will respond well to a straight talking Ask supervisor who sought questions has them out. and listen 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 4
  • 5. When you meet people introduce yourself, ask questions, learn their Be genuine: views (and names!), all employees come equipped discover what they with emotional think about their role in radar which will detect any the organization, and the falseness. important issues at hand. face-to-face 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 5
  • 6. Real personal relationships are the key to your success, not Parent – child your job title. relationship ≠ Supervisor – employee relationship Many organizations are structured around authority, internal controls, and bureaucracy for many reasons.* *Command and Control has a limited shelf life. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 6
  • 7. Long term success is only Your performance achieved through people and success is directly driven by the interconnected in productive overall effectiveness relationships which yield of your workplace relationships. synergistic results. 2+2=6 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 7
  • 8. GETTING THINGS DONE THROUGH OTHER Before assuming a PEOPLE supervisory position, you supervised only Now you must trust and one person: yourself. In this rely upon others; you limited simply cannot do all the supervisory role, work effectively. It is not your immediate results were a possible. direct result of your individual You must tap the energy and effort. talent of others. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 8
  • 9. TECHNICAL SKILLS ALONE ARE NOT ENOUGH You should clearly understand that your “doer” skills that were formerly You will need to bring brought you more to the game to win. recognition and rewards are not the ones that you are being paid for now 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 9
  • 10. YOUR CHANGING RELATIONSHIPS New supervisors often get caught up in the cross-currents that relate to all of As first-time supervisor you will have the new a new peer group, new relationships they subordinates (often your former must build and peers), and for the first time for many, nurture. you will additionally have a different type of relationship with the senior leaders of the organization. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 10
  • 11. Now you have to supervise the same people that were your friends and equals. It You must stop will be hard to say “No” to thinking of yourself as just “one of the friends when they ask for gang”. special treatment. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 11
  • 12. TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WORKPLACE Not all relationships are the same Subordinates Peers Superiors 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 12
  • 13. INVESTING IN RELATIONSHIPS People need Managing relationships coaching and requires that you actively direction to be communicate clearly and aligned to achieve convincingly, disarm common goals. conflicts, and build strong personal bonds. You must invest your time and energy in building your relationships. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 13
  • 14. LEVERAGING YOUR EXPERIENCE You have interacted with parents, siblings, friends, classmates, teachers, co-workers, Been there, neighbors, and many others gaining done it experience and understanding on many different levels of managing relationships. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 14
  • 15. People perform better individually and collectively in well-managed relationships because they feel aligned, committed, on board and motivated. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 15
  • 16. GREAT NEWS: YOU HAVE A SUPPORTER Your conduct and behavior has convinced at least one superior that Self-confidence: got it? you possess the ability to successfully manage relationships. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 16
  • 17. EMOTIONAL ROOTS OF RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT It sounds a bit harsh, however, in Your social skills some ways good relationship are what enable management is about managing you to be other people’s emotions to achieve persuasive, your desired outcomes. Perhaps a manage conflict, better way to think about it is that and create relationship management is about collaborative work friendship with purpose: moving environments. people in the right direction Mind over mood 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 17
  • 18. Relationship Management Skill Set Components Inspirational Guiding and motivating with a compelling vision. leadership Wielding a range of tactics for persuasion. Influence Bolstering others’ abilities through feedback and guidance. Developing others Initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction. Change catalyst Resolving disagreements. Conflict management Cultivating and maintaining a web of relationships. Building bonds Teamwork and Cooperation and team building collaboration 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 18
  • 19. Leaving your troubles behind Everyone has to cope with their bad days and learn to leave their #1 Law of Self- emotional baggage at home, but awareness: when you are a supervisor, We all have bad days it’s even more important. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 19
  • 20. As a supervisor you need to be aware when your attitude and frame of mind has been negatively impacted by a bad day, or personal problem, and make certain that you proactively compartmentalize your personal problems. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 20
  • 21. How to compartmentalize • Put it in a compartment by isolating the issue from all the other challenges you are dealing with. • Apply extreme focus on each compartment, but only for a short period of time. • Move forward in incremental steps. And once you see reasonable progress… • Close the compartment and open the next one. • Say “no” to things that don’t deserve a compartment. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 21
  • 22. Compartmentalization, like all coping strategies is only a short-term solution, and may have both have positive and Remember negative aspects. Your goal as the old adage is to compartmentalize states, “the show issues so that you may must go on”.”. direct sufficient energy and attention to tasks at hand. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 22
  • 23. WORKING AROUND THE CLOCK? Many first-time supervisors find it difficult to switch off after a hard day's work, resulting in many taking their Delegate You cannot do it all work home with them. Both mentally and physically. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 23
  • 24. emotions are contagious This should go without saying, but when you are It is just as important stressed by your work, it for you to leave your is almost always reflected problems at work as in your words and actions. it is to leave your This will have a negative personal problems at impact on your family and home. friends, and can cause tensions in all your relationships. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 24
  • 25. 8–8–8 Ideally, your typical day should be Work Life ▼ roughly divided into 3 thirds - work, home, sleep. That would equate to 8 hours for work, 8 hours for home, Balance and 8 hours for sleep. If you have this type of schedule I congratulate you for being so successful balancing work and life. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 25
  • 26. This invasion into private life can become unbearable if it continually Please don’t shoot the interferes with rest messenger, but the reality for and recreation, many supervisors is they constantly interrupts remain at least digitally family time. It can connected to the workplace and will create problems in your 24/7. personal relationships if not properly managed. Warning: No computers allowed on vacation 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 26
  • 27. Turn it off and digitally disconnect, at least on some reasonable occasional basis, to enjoy the rest of your life. You will be happier. Are you addicted to your I - Phone? 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 27
  • 28. WARNING: STRESS IS ADDITIVE So while a single issue or stress may be relatively Each new and persistent unimportant in and of itself, if it is stressor adds to your total coupled with an level of stress. already high level of stress. Do not become the straw that broke the camel’s back. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 28
  • 29. SELF - MANAGEMENT: MIND OVER MOOD Supervisors with this Avoiding a knee jerk reaction in the skill can effectively heat battle demands a self – manage their impulsive feelings management skill set that and stress well. does not come naturally to most. It requires a great deal of mental discipline and practice to perfect. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 29
  • 30. The first and most important step in coping with any personal problems in the workplace is simply recognizing the interconnection between your performance and your emotional frame of mind. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 30
  • 31. Once you develop an awareness of how and when your emotions are impacting yourself and others you can then begin to cope by proactively employing tactics to develop and strengthen your self control. Negative emotional surges can be overwhelming 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 31
  • 32. Cope by allowing work to become a safe escape zone. Develop a support network of external confidantes. Seek professional guidance or counseling for yourself and/or others. Develop a healthy exercise and diet regimen. Try alcohol or drugs – strongly not recommended. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 32
  • 33. Those who have mastered self – management have Controlling your state of mind is the ability to prevent Primary part of your negative personal job as a supervisor problems from spilling all over relationships at work. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 33
  • 34. MANAGING PERCEPTIONS TO SUCCEED You as a first-time supervisor should understand that individual behavior is not driven by the way our external environment actually is but, rather, on what we see or believe our external environment to be. “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” ALBERT EINSTEIN 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 34
  • 35. WHAT DO YOU SEE? 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 35
  • 36. INDIVIDUAL VS. GROUP PERCEPTIONS One of the key roles supervisors play is to create Groupthink: a shared understanding by common vision exercising influence in fostering and shaping perceptions. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 36
  • 37. WHAT DO YOU SEE? Failure to align perceptions, to see it the We do not all see same way, is often the things the same way root cause of many organizational conflicts. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 37
  • 38. PERCEPTIONS CREATE REALITY Whether or not a supervisor It’s the employee’s successfully plans and organizes perception of a employees work and actually situation that helps them structure work more becomes the basis for behavior. effectively is far less important than how the employees collectively perceive the supervisor’s efforts. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 38
  • 39. Being successful is not merely based on how hard you have worked; it is also dependent on the perception of your performance. Don’t get your feelings hurt Perception can sometime actually supplant real performance. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 39
  • 40. MANAGING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND (REPUTATION) It is important to recognize the importance of your reputation, or brand which is based on What is you brand? the collective perceptions of your customers, superiors, subordinates and colleagues. Isolated negative perceptions can HAVE DISASTROUS consequences for your brand. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 40
  • 41. To better protect and manage your brand and career you must take responsibility for shaping the positive perceptions you want others to have about you. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 41
  • 42. First impressions It is almost a cliché, but it is still so absolutely true. First impressions are lasting GET NOTICED impressions. Within seconds on meeting someone, you will make an impression on that person. If you make a negative impression, you will have a difficult time changing it…ever. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 42
  • 43. EVERYTHING COUNTS Attention to your professional By some estimates upwards of 70 – 80 image should never flag, percent of what we especially in those first meetings. learn comes through our interpretation of It is important to remember non-verbal images and that everything counts behavior. when making first impressions. Your words alone simply will not create the whole impression. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 43
  • 44. DO NOT OVERPROMISE OR OVERSELL From the get-go Set your expectation build your credibility by being honest and bar realistically, and do not commit to always exceed your anything you cannot promises. deliver on. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 44
  • 45. Employees want straight answers. You will squander your creditability and lose any initial goodwill by trying to feed everyone what they want to hear or spouting platitudes about the kind of team you want. Employees immediately see through such meaningless drivel. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 45
  • 46. BE REAL - LEAD WITH AUTHENTICITY In the first few weeks of You should be your new position you prepared and ready to quickly put forth should anticipate making your authentic first impressions in multiple persona in a positive first meetings. Get ready, and confident manner. be prepared to make the kind of first impression you want make. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 46
  • 47. LEADERSHIP VS. MANAGEMENT SKILLS Leadership and management are two distinctly different but complementary approaches critical for success in increasingly complex organizations. Leadership and management are linked but require distinctly different mind and skill sets. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 47
  • 48. NON-INTERCHANGEABLE EQUALS Traditionally management has been described in terms of planning, organizing, commanding, The same but coordinating, and controlling. different Leadership generally is thought to be more about setting a vision and gathering followers through inspiration and emotional impact. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 48
  • 49. LEAD, MANAGE, OR GET OUT OF THE WAY An organization can be well – managed but lack strong For the first – time leadership. Alternatively, it is supervisor the key to also possible to have the reverse success is to situation, strong leadership with understand when to weak management. The real act as a Leader, and challenge is to have strong when to act as a leadership and strong Manager. management and use each to balance the other. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 49
  • 50. MANAGER FUNCTIONS LEADER FUNCTIONS Sets the direction Maintains the direction Follows well Takes the point Watches the bottom line Watches the horizon Plans and controls Inspires and develops Duplicates Innovates 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 50
  • 51. BE A SWITCH HITTER Your speed and As a supervisor you will be accuracy to recognize confronted with situations what approach best that will require you to act fits the situation and your capacity to as a manager, as well as quickly shift from situations that will require manager to leader, you to act as a leader. or leader to manager will largely contribute to your success. Almost as if you were an actor you must quickly and frequently switch roles. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 51
  • 52. Successful supervisors – whether at the top, middle, or entry level – perform leadership and managerial functions efficiently and effectively as necessary….unsuccessful ones do not. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 52
  • 53. DON’T FORGET ABOUT FOLLOWERSHIP I do not want to burst your bubble, First-time supervisors should but as a first – time never lose sight of how important supervisor you followership remains to their undoubtedly will still be following the success. directions of others Your ability to follow others will remain an important skill set throughout your career irrespective of your position. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 53
  • 54. PERFORMANCE SMART Irrespective of organization type, or industry sector, first-time supervisors will almost certainly have an increased responsibility for delivering results than an individual contributor. It is critical for first-time supervisors to quickly recognize and embrace this new reality by becoming performance smart. Performance smart supervisors understand the ins and outs of winning performance. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 54
  • 55. KEEPING SCORE The bedrock of any performance Your goals must be management system is the realistic and doable, and they have to be agreement and clear communicated and well understanding of what needs to understood upward by be done, as well as, when and how senior management and downward by your direct it should be done. Without a clear reports. understanding of what kinds of results are needed, it is not possible to achieve goals. You must learn how to keep score. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 55
  • 56. A PASSION FOR PERFORMANCE When you When you communicate vision communicate vision and goals, make certain that you and goals, make certain that you are are passionate about it. You passionate about it. are talking about the future of your You are talking about organization and employees – not the future of your chopped liver. organization and employees – not chopped liver. Acknowledge and celebrate outstanding performance 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 56
  • 57. REALITY CHECK There is a fundamental truth that should not be denied about the importance of Failure can sometimes be a “making your necessary stepping stone – you must numbers” – This is learn how to cope with failure well HUGE! and learn from your mistakes. Not repeat them. SHOW ME THE MONEY! Accept results, not excuses 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 57
  • 58. Consistently making your numbers, versus consistently failing to make your numbers is a vastly more likely to lead you to a brighter future. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 58
  • 59. THE FUTURE IS NOW Workplaces of the future will undoubtedly look and feel different than today’s workplaces. The time to prepare In fact, the most certain for the future is now. prediction that can be made about the future is the absolute certainty of change. Change is the only future constant 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 59
  • 60. Embrace change, lead change. 3 changes that we should reasonably anticipate: Successful supervisors are almost always are •Increasing influence of technology; future focused. •Increasing performance expectations; •Increasing rate and number of changes. Many, if not most, have difficulty seeing tomorrow, let alone next week or ten years from now. But, the future is relentlessly bearing down on you. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 60
  • 61. Relish technology; do not sit on the side lines. Stay current; play with the newest gadgets & software, hint: be on look out for next Mark Zuckerberg. Raise your performance expectations; do not sit on your past accomplishments. Always be in the chase for the gold. Do not settle for average. Embrace change, lead change. Continuously re- imagine the future. Become an agile master of change. 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 61
  • 62. T. Randall Riggs, SPHR, GPHR 9/13/2012 T. R. Riggs 62