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Fatimah Alghazwi
Myles Buchanan
ENGL 201
Rhetorical Analysis
As indicated by research, talk is the research of how
authors and speakers utilize words to impact a group of people.
Be that as it may, the critical research is an article that breaks a
work of true to life into parts and in this method, utilizes them
to discover how they team up to make a specific impact which is
purposed to convince, attract or rather educate the given group
of onlookers. However, you should to always save in
understanding that scholars of different orders and they
regularly utilize different written work procedures which are to
help them complete their goals. In this way, it is all altogether
different how we should to investigate a relevant article has
contrast with a humanities author. What's more, more in this
way, the writers have completely different objectives as a
primary concern and in this manner driving them to have
different composition systems.
The main thing in the reasonable testing is scan the
writer's article carefully and seeing every one of the things that
you have read. You have to likewise be uncommonly sharp in
distinguishing the author's theory and dependably keep their
concept of contention through your peruse. After you have read
and understood the entire article, or disagreement, then you
have to kick back and now begin analyze a well-ordered every
one of the elements which have remained used as a part of that
piece. On the other hand, main disagreement in transit, you can
take as much time as is needed and think back to the sources or
the entire struggle.
As you are doing it the second time, you ought to have the
accompanying inquiries as a top advantage so you must to
answer them as you read through the record. In the first place,
you should be quick to know what's the suggestion of the
dispute, what did the dramatist think about? What is his or her
prompting in structure this piece of work? Who is the group of
onlookers for this search? Does the author utilize exchange and
phrasing? Are the sentence structures improving? Among other.
These ways will help to check comprehend the entire article on
the double when understanding it either the first or the second
time as specific by your energy of understanding
The above-given questions are used to empower you to
comprehend why the writer has chosen to compose that sort of
work the way he or she has done it. They widen all the thought,
methodologies and ideas the writer have used as a part of that
bit of work. When all the above things are done, you have to get
to the following level of the research where sure thing are taken
care of. To begin with, you have to create your proposal which
will be used for the relevant study. This springs you a clear
picture of the correct things or thoughts that you have to remove
from the creator's contention.
At that point, since you have your proposal prepared, you
have to match every one of the particulars that you have
acquired in an efficient way. This will empower you to unite
them and hence permit a privilege to apply for the group of
onlookers. Lead the things in a following request additionally
helps you to solve on the correct decision of the styles that you
might want to use for a specific part of the unique situation. Fit
out various regions with the different strategies until the best
frame is related with the meriting part of the written work. In
each piece or passage, you keep in touch with; you ought to mix
an unyielding subject sentence which will convey the possibility
of the entire part.
Taking after the point penalty is the place you compose
consecutive sentences which are intended to build the clarity of
the theme sentence furthermore give cases which elucidate
advance on the principle thought. Without overlooking the
changed steps, the primary writer has used to clarify his view
and to perform his or her prod, for your point, you have to also
continue making assessments about those focuses and
methodologies and after that written work them in an especially
direct and satisfying way which is incredibly easy to get it. You
ought to express the impacts which have been made by the
major techniques and hence this gives you the real feeling of
special the process and investigating the reason.
Ultimately, you need to guarantee that all you work is free
from any grammatical errors, ease, or any transitional
straightforwardness. This is ensured by editing the last
exposition that you have thought of a few circumstances till you
guarantee that no missteps of any sort are accessible in the
paper. The following is a short form of talk which I applied in
my past work and has a portion of the contentions took care of
as examined.
Research Study on Single Parenthood
Single parenting has become a lifestyle in our modern day
century. It is no longer a surprise finding a woman or a man
raising children as single parents. It is worth noting that the
most affected party is women whereby we have more female
single parents than men. Single parenting can be described to be
a condition in which either of the individuals involved in the
conception of a child takes full responsibility in bringing up the
child. It also occurs when either a man or a woman decide to
conceive and bring up a child outside marriage. Another
occurrence is through divorce whereby a couple splits and
responsibility is given to one of them to bring the children. Last
but not least, the death of one’s spouse is also another aspect
that leads to single parenthood (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith,
2009). According to studies, approximately half the total
number of children born today is most likely to spend their
childhood until 18 years old in homes with single parents
(Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, studies indicate
that children that grow up with both parents tend to perform
better or do better than those that are raised by single parents
(Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The perspective presented by
the study is not to imply that children with single parents
perform poorly than those with two parents but rather to
indicate that the well-being of children raised by single parents
is subject to suffer. The emotional and the mental well-being of
a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and
therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing
up with a single parent on child psychology.
It is worth noting that in the current world, the death of a
spouse is no longer the apparent reason for children to grow up
in single parent homes but there are various factors. One-fourth
of the total number of children given birth to are from mothers
that are unmarried and whereby half of the number are from
teenage girls who are unmarried. However, chances are that
these women get married later. Studies also indicate that
approximately forty percent of children that are beneath the age
of eighteen risk to experience divorces from the marriage of
their parents while fifteen percent of them will experience the
separation twice (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Furthermore, it is quite common for children these days to
experience a phantasmagoria of types of single parenthood,
remarriages, divorce, cohabitation, in addition to frequent
divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Children in the current world experience a lot of changes in the
structures of their families. Most of the children that engage in
bad habits such as drug abuse, criminal activities, joining cults
and many more come from single families; especially those that
lack a father figure and receive less attention such that they
seek attention from other places. Ten years ago, followed
perspective was that single parenting had no long-term failures
in regards to the growth of children. The concerns regarding
divorce were not considered or rather perceived to be of less
importance such that it involved a small period of heartache and
healing. However, studies done on preschoolers showed that
they were emotionally distressed; some of them exhibited
behavioral issues while others frequently disturbed their peers
after two years of their parents’ divorces (Mooney, Oliver, &
Smith, 2009). Nonetheless, boys exhibited significant
improvements and girls exhibited normal behavior; similar to
the girls whose parents were not divorced. Be that as it may,
recent findings show that children that come from homes with
single parents perform averagely or poorly when compared to
their counterparts. Furthermore, most children that drop out
from school, those that are considered born outside marriage
and those that find it difficult maintaining their sources of
income are brought up by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, &
Smith, 2009).
However, it is important to note that reports from such findings
tend to be misinterpreted with the bias being that a family with
both parents will result in proper growth for their children when
compared t single parents. In other words, it is not actual that
children raised by single parents will turn out bad while those
that have both parents will turn out well. There are numerous
cases of children from single parents that do exemplary well
than those with two parents. The point of emphasis is that
children that grow in single parent homes have high risk to
experience suffering in regards to their well-being (Mooney,
Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
The effects of growing up with a single parent on child
According to a study done by Uchenna on the impact of single
parenting in the psychological and academic prowess in
children, finding showed that children from families with both
parents benefited in both psychological and academic aspects
when compared to those with single parents (Azuka - Obieke,
2013). The reason is that families with both parents provide a
conducive environment for growth. Also, the findings showed
that despite of a lot of children from single homes have become
successful in their development, most children from homes with
single parents do not always reach their outmost potential as a
result of limited resources. According to the scholar, it is
important for school instructors, educational psychologists,
school administrators, and counselors to be aware of the factors
that impact the well-being of children that come from homes
with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). By having this
knowledge, it becomes easier to comprehend the attitudes and
the behaviors of the children under their care. Furthermore, the
parties should try and give support to the single parents in the
possible way they can to ensure that children receive the
psychological attention that they require without feeling
limited. A good example is a school counselor collaborating
with a parent in evaluating and developing the behavior of a
child such that he or she turns out to be better adults (Azuka -
Obieke, 2013).
Several studies on the psychological and physical well-being of
children from homes with single parents have been conducted
by various psychologists, educationists, scholars and also
counselors over the past few years. The studies have mostly put
emphasis on teenagers brought up by single parents that are
female (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). According to empirical studies,
children from homes that are intact tend to receive all-round
care in addition to being adequately socialized as both parents
play equal roles in developing their children which later
becomes significant when they transition into adulthood.
However, children from homes with single parents are at risk of
suffering from denial of some rights which in return affects
their psychosocial development. Furthermore, children from
homes that are broken tend to exhibit poor performance in
addition to antisocial tendencies (Azuka - Obieke, 2013).
It is worth noting that the adolescent period tends to be a
crucial stage in the development of an individual. It is a stage
that most teenagers struggle to accept themselves for who they
are and also identifying their places in the society. They tend to
search for places to fit in such that they are able to express
themselves. Therefore, if a parent exhibits any laxity, chances
are that the child will develop noxious behavior. It is often said
that Charity begins at home and therefore adequate foundation
is required for the well-being of a child. Parents have the sole
responsibility of ensuring that their children develop adequately
in the psychological, academic, social and moral aspects (Azuka
- Obieke, 2013).
Single parents tend to face twice the responsibilities in regards
to time, finances and also attention. It, therefore, becomes
difficult for them to fully take into consideration the
psychological well-being of their children. At most times,
children from homes with single parents are perceived to be
hyperactive, aggressive, emotionally needy and also anxious.
Some even become confused on their gender roles in the society
especially children from families that lack a fatherly figure.
Furthermore, they tend to be easily distractible when compared
to children from families with both parents (Azuka - Obieke,
The psychological well-being of children is relevant when it
comes to their growth such that children that are brought up in
conducive environments tend to adjust well in the society.
However, those that feel pressurized in regards to their mental
well-being tend to have problems in adjusting in the day to day
activities in the society. For children raised by single parents
and also from remarried families, there tend to be psychological
problems that affect their individual progress when compared to
those with both parents. According to studies, teenagers whose
parents had divorced when they were seven to eight years old
underwent therapy before they reached the adolescent stage
while those from families with both parents, only ten percent
received therapy (Bogenschneider, 2014). Furthermore, the
youth that were between the ages of eighteen and twenty two
were at high risk of experiencing intense emotional distress as a
result of the breakdown of their families; with the range being
from birth to sixteen years (Bogenschneider, 2014).
Most of the psychological issues result in bad conducts
whereby children begin engaging in delinquent behavior and
engage in alcohol and other forms of drugs. Most of them
engage in such behavior as a way of getting attention from their
parents or in the need for a place where they could place their
solitude. It is important to note that most of the teenagers that
engage in such behavior lack father figures in their lives
(Bogenschneider, 2014).
Another psychological issue is on the relationship
found between parents from single homes and their children.
Studies indicate that children raised by both parents feel that
they are cared for and hence feel closer to their parents
(Bogenschneider, 2014). The same case applies to children
raised by single parents whereby in most cases, those raised by
their mothers feel closer to them while only half of the
population feel close to their fathers. One significant outcome
in regards to children whose parents are divorced is the creation
of a stable relationship despite the separation such that all
parties play part in being there for each other. However, studies
show that children from broken homes lack a significant bond
with their parents due to the emotional vacuum created by the
divorce when compared to children with both parents. Some of
them project aggression and negative attitudes to one of the
parents as a way of hiding their pain (Bogenschneider, 2014).
As stated earlier, the emotional and the mental well-being
of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and
therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing
up with a single parent on child psychology. Single parenting
has become quite common in our current world and is associated
with various factors rather than just the death of a spouse. From
the above analysis, it is quite evident that children from homes
with single parents are at high risk of experiencing challenges
in their psychological well-being. It, therefore, becomes
important, especially, for education institutions to identify these
aspects to ensure that the well-being of children from single
parents is ensured.
Azuka - Obieke, U. (2013). Single - Parenting , Psychological
Well - Being and Academic Performance of Adolescents in
Lagos, Nigeria. Journal Of Emerging Tre Nds In Educational
Research And Policy Studies, 4(1), 112-117. Retrieved from
Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Single Parenthood and Children’s
Well-Being (2nd ed.). Madiso: University of Wisconsin.
Mooney, A., Oliver, C., & Smith, M. (2009). Impact of Family
Breakdown on Children’s Well-Being :Evidence Review.
Research Report DCSF-RR113, 1-36.
Alghazwi 1
Fatimah Alghazwi
Myles Buchnnan
Research Study on Single Parenthood
Single parenting has become a lifestyle in our modern day
century. It is no longer a
surprise finding a woman or a man raising children as single
parents. It is worth noting that the
most affected party is women whereby we have more female
single parents than men. Single
parenting can be described to be a condition in which either of
the individuals involved in the
conception of a child takes full responsibility in bringing up the
child. It also occurs when either
a man or a woman decide to conceive and bring up a child
outside marriage. Another occurrence
is through divorce whereby a couple splits and responsibility is
given to one of them to bring the
children. Last but not least, the death of one’s spouse is also
another aspect that leads to single
parenthood (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). According to
studies, approximately half the total
number of children born today is most likely to spend their
childhood until 18 years old in homes
with single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Furthermore, studies indicate that children
that grow up with both parents tend to perform better or do
better than those that are raised by
single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The
perspective presented by the study is not to
imply that children with single parents perform poorly than
those with two parents but rather to
indicate that the well-being of children raised by single parents
is subject to suffer. The
emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the
issues affected by single parenting
and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of
growing up with a single parent on
child psychology.
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: You actually don't need a citation here, since
this is "common knowledge."
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Nice. Well said.
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Good--very clear.
It is worth noting that in the current world, the death of a
spouse is no longer the apparent
reason for children to grow up in single parent homes but there
are various factors. One-fourth of
the total number of children given birth to are from mothers that
are unmarried and whereby half
of the number are from teenage girls who are unmarried.
However, chances are that these women
get married later. Studies also indicate that approximately forty
percent of children that are
beneath the age of eighteen risk to experience divorces from the
marriage of their parents while
fifteen percent of them will experience the separation twice
(Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Furthermore, it is quite common for children these days to
experience a phantasmagoria of types
of single parenthood, remarriages, divorce, cohabitation, in
addition to frequent divorces
(Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Children in the current world experience a lot of changes in the
structures of their
families. Most of the children that engage in bad habits such as
drug abuse, criminal activities,
joining cults and many more come from single families;
especially those that lack a father figure
and receive less attention such that they seek attention from
other places. Ten years ago,
followed perspective was that single parenting had no long-term
failures in regards to the growth
of children. The concerns regarding divorce were not considered
or rather perceived to be of less
importance such that it involved a small period of heartache and
healing. However, studies done
on preschoolers showed that they were emotionally distressed;
some of them exhibited
behavioral issues while others frequently disturbed their peers
after two years of their parents’
divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Nonetheless, boys
exhibited significant
improvements and girls exhibited normal behavior; similar to
the girls whose parents were not
divorced. Be that as it may, recent findings show that children
that come from homes with single
parents perform averagely or poorly when compared to their
counterparts. Furthermore, most
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Since this is a paraphrase, not a quotation,
just remember to take care to reword the language of the author.
This seems like a shift in tone from the rest of your writing
children that drop out from school, those that are considered
born outside marriage and those that
find it difficult maintaining their sources of income are brought
up by single parents (Mooney,
Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
However, it is important to note that reports from such findings
tend to be misinterpreted
with the bias being that a family with both parents will result in
proper growth for their children
when compared t single parents. In other words, it is not actual
that children raised by single
parents will turn out bad while those that have both parents will
turn out well. There are
numerous cases of children from single parents that do
exemplary well than those with two
parents. The point of emphasis is that children that grow in
single parent homes have high risk to
experience suffering in regards to their well-being (Mooney,
Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
The effects of growing up with a single parent on child
According to a study done by Uchenna on the impact of single
parenting in the
psychological and academic prowess in children, finding
showed that children from families
with both parents benefited in both psychological and academic
aspects when compared to those
with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The reason is that
families with both parents provide
a conducive environment for growth. Also, the findings showed
that despite of a lot of children
from single homes have become successful in their
development, most children from homes with
single parents do not always reach their outmost potential as a
result of limited resources.
According to the scholar, it is important for school instructors,
educational psychologists, school
administrators, and counselors to be aware of the factors that
impact the well-being of children
that come from homes with single parents (Azuka - Obieke,
2013). By having this knowledge, it
becomes easier to comprehend the attitudes and the behaviors of
the children under their care.
Furthermore, the parties should try and give support to the
single parents in the possible way
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Very nice paragraph!
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Good distinction.
they can to ensure that children receive the psychological
attention that they require without
feeling limited. A good example is a school counselor
collaborating with a parent in evaluating
and developing the behavior of a child such that he or she turns
out to be better adults (Azuka -
Obieke, 2013).
Several studies on the psychological and physical well-being of
children from homes
with single parents have been conducted by various
psychologists, educationists, scholars and
also counselors over the past few years. The studies have mostly
put emphasis on teenagers
brought up by single parents that are female (Azuka - Obieke,
2013). According to empirical
studies, children from homes that are intact tend to receive all-
round care in addition to being
adequately socialized as both parents play equal roles in
developing their children which later
becomes significant when they transition into adulthood.
However, children from homes with
single parents are at risk of suffering from denial of some rights
which in return affects their
psychosocial development. Furthermore, children from homes
that are broken tend to exhibit
poor performance in addition to antisocial tendencies (Azuka -
Obieke, 2013).
It is worth noting that the adolescent period tends to be a
crucial stage in the development
of an individual. It is a stage that most teenagers struggle to
accept themselves for who they are
and also identifying their places in the society. They tend to
search for places to fit in such that
they are able to express themselves. Therefore, if a parent
exhibits any laxity, chances are that
the child will develop noxious behavior. It is often said that
Charity begins at home and therefore
adequate foundation is required for the well-being of a child.
Parents have the sole responsibility
of ensuring that their children develop adequately in the
psychological, academic, social and
moral aspects (Azuka - Obieke, 2013).
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: This is good, but be careful of relying too
heavily on a single source. You want this to be a conversation
between sources.
Single parents tend to face twice the responsibilities in regards
to time, finances and also
attention. It, therefore, becomes difficult for them to fully take
into consideration the
psychological well-being of their children. At most times,
children from homes with single
parents are perceived to be hyperactive, aggressive, emotionally
needy and also anxious. Some
even become confused on their gender roles in the society
especially children from families that
lack a fatherly figure. Furthermore, they tend to be easily
distractible when compared to children
from families with both parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013).
The psychological well-being of children is relevant when it
comes to their growth such
that children that are brought up in conducive environments
tend to adjust well in the society.
However, those that feel pressurized in regards to their mental
well-being tend to have problems
in adjusting in the day to day activities in the society. For
children raised by single parents and
also from remarried families, there tend to be psychological
problems that affect their individual
progress when compared to those with both parents. According
to studies, teenagers whose
parents had divorced when they were seven to eight years old
underwent therapy before they
reached the adolescent stage while those from families with
both parents, only ten percent
received therapy (Bogenschneider, 2014). Furthermore, the
youth that were between the ages of
eighteen and twenty two were at high risk of experiencing
intense emotional distress as a result
of the breakdown of their families; with the range being from
birth to sixteen years
(Bogenschneider, 2014).
Most of the psychological issues result in bad conducts
whereby children begin engaging in
delinquent behavior and engage in alcohol and other forms of
drugs. Most of them engage in
such behavior as a way of getting attention from their parents or
in the need for a place where
they could place their solitude. It is important to note that most
of the teenagers that engage in
such behavior lack father figures in their lives (Bogenschneider,
Another psychological issue is on the relationship found
between parents from single homes
and their children. Studies indicate that children raised by both
parents feel that they are cared
for and hence feel closer to their parents (Bogenschneider,
2014). The same case applies to
children raised by single parents whereby in most cases, those
raised by their mothers feel closer
to them while only half of the population feel close to their
fathers. One significant outcome in
regards to children whose parents are divorced is the creation of
a stable relationship despite the
separation such that all parties play part in being there for each
other. However, studies show that
children from broken homes lack a significant bond with their
parents due to the emotional
vacuum created by the divorce when compared to children with
both parents. Some of them
project aggression and negative attitudes to one of the parents
as a way of hiding their pain
(Bogenschneider, 2014).
As stated earlier, the emotional and the mental well-being of a
child are among the issues
affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable
to analyze the effects of growing
up with a single parent on child psychology. Single parenting
has become quite common in our
current world and is associated with various factors rather than
just the death of a spouse. From
the above analysis, it is quite evident that children from homes
with single parents are at high
risk of experiencing challenges in their psychological well-
being. It, therefore, becomes
important, especially, for education institutions to identify these
aspects to ensure that the well-
being of children from single parents is ensured.
Azuka - Obieke, U. (2013). Single - Parenting , Psychological
Well - Being and Academic
Performance of Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal Of
Emerging Tre Nds In Educational
Research And Policy Studies, 4(1), 112-117. Retrieved from
Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Single Parenthood and Children’s
Well-Being (2nd ed.). Madiso:
University of Wisconsin.
Mooney, A., Oliver, C., & Smith, M. (2009). Impact of Family
Breakdown on Children’s Well-
Being :Evidence Review. Research Report DCSF-RR113, 1-36.
Alghazwi 1
Fatimah Alghazwi
Myles Buchnnan
Research Study on Single Parenthood
Single parenting has become a lifestyle in our modern day
century. It is no longer a
surprise finding a woman or a man raising children as single
parents. It is worth noting that the
most affected party is women whereby we have more female
single parents than men. Single
parenting can be described to be a condition in which either of
the individuals involved in the
conception of a child takes full responsibility in bringing up the
child. It also occurs when either
a man or a woman decide to conceive and bring up a child
outside marriage. Another occurrence
is through divorce whereby a couple splits and responsibility is
given to one of them to bring the
children. Last but not least, the death of one’s spouse is also
another aspect that leads to single
parenthood (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). According to
studies, approximately half the total
number of children born today is most likely to spend their
childhood until 18 years old in homes
with single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Furthermore, studies indicate that children
that grow up with both parents tend to perform better or do
better than those that are raised by
single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The
perspective presented by the study is not to
imply that children with single parents perform poorly than
those with two parents but rather to
indicate that the well-being of children raised by single parents
is subject to suffer. The
emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the
issues affected by single parenting
and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of
growing up with a single parent on
child psychology.
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: You actually don't need a citation here, since
this is "common knowledge."
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Nice. Well said.
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Good--very clear.
It is worth noting that in the current world, the death of a
spouse is no longer the apparent
reason for children to grow up in single parent homes but there
are various factors. One-fourth of
the total number of children given birth to are from mothers that
are unmarried and whereby half
of the number are from teenage girls who are unmarried.
However, chances are that these women
get married later. Studies also indicate that approximately forty
percent of children that are
beneath the age of eighteen risk to experience divorces from the
marriage of their parents while
fifteen percent of them will experience the separation twice
(Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Furthermore, it is quite common for children these days to
experience a phantasmagoria of types
of single parenthood, remarriages, divorce, cohabitation, in
addition to frequent divorces
(Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
Children in the current world experience a lot of changes in the
structures of their
families. Most of the children that engage in bad habits such as
drug abuse, criminal activities,
joining cults and many more come from single families;
especially those that lack a father figure
and receive less attention such that they seek attention from
other places. Ten years ago,
followed perspective was that single parenting had no long-term
failures in regards to the growth
of children. The concerns regarding divorce were not considered
or rather perceived to be of less
importance such that it involved a small period of heartache and
healing. However, studies done
on preschoolers showed that they were emotionally distressed;
some of them exhibited
behavioral issues while others frequently disturbed their peers
after two years of their parents’
divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Nonetheless, boys
exhibited significant
improvements and girls exhibited normal behavior; similar to
the girls whose parents were not
divorced. Be that as it may, recent findings show that children
that come from homes with single
parents perform averagely or poorly when compared to their
counterparts. Furthermore, most
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Since this is a paraphrase, not a quotation,
just remember to take care to reword the language of the author.
This seems like a shift in tone from the rest of your writing
children that drop out from school, those that are considered
born outside marriage and those that
find it difficult maintaining their sources of income are brought
up by single parents (Mooney,
Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
However, it is important to note that reports from such findings
tend to be misinterpreted
with the bias being that a family with both parents will result in
proper growth for their children
when compared t single parents. In other words, it is not actual
that children raised by single
parents will turn out bad while those that have both parents will
turn out well. There are
numerous cases of children from single parents that do
exemplary well than those with two
parents. The point of emphasis is that children that grow in
single parent homes have high risk to
experience suffering in regards to their well-being (Mooney,
Oliver, & Smith, 2009).
The effects of growing up with a single parent on child
According to a study done by Uchenna on the impact of single
parenting in the
psychological and academic prowess in children, finding
showed that children from families
with both parents benefited in both psychological and academic
aspects when compared to those
with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The reason is that
families with both parents provide
a conducive environment for growth. Also, the findings showed
that despite of a lot of children
from single homes have become successful in their
development, most children from homes with
single parents do not always reach their outmost potential as a
result of limited resources.
According to the scholar, it is important for school instructors,
educational psychologists, school
administrators, and counselors to be aware of the factors that
impact the well-being of children
that come from homes with single parents (Azuka - Obieke,
2013). By having this knowledge, it
becomes easier to comprehend the attitudes and the behaviors of
the children under their care.
Furthermore, the parties should try and give support to the
single parents in the possible way
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Very nice paragraph!
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: Good distinction.
they can to ensure that children receive the psychological
attention that they require without
feeling limited. A good example is a school counselor
collaborating with a parent in evaluating
and developing the behavior of a child such that he or she turns
out to be better adults (Azuka -
Obieke, 2013).
Several studies on the psychological and physical well-being of
children from homes
with single parents have been conducted by various
psychologists, educationists, scholars and
also counselors over the past few years. The studies have mostly
put emphasis on teenagers
brought up by single parents that are female (Azuka - Obieke,
2013). According to empirical
studies, children from homes that are intact tend to receive all-
round care in addition to being
adequately socialized as both parents play equal roles in
developing their children which later
becomes significant when they transition into adulthood.
However, children from homes with
single parents are at risk of suffering from denial of some rights
which in return affects their
psychosocial development. Furthermore, children from homes
that are broken tend to exhibit
poor performance in addition to antisocial tendencies (Azuka -
Obieke, 2013).
It is worth noting that the adolescent period tends to be a
crucial stage in the development
of an individual. It is a stage that most teenagers struggle to
accept themselves for who they are
and also identifying their places in the society. They tend to
search for places to fit in such that
they are able to express themselves. Therefore, if a parent
exhibits any laxity, chances are that
the child will develop noxious behavior. It is often said that
Charity begins at home and therefore
adequate foundation is required for the well-being of a child.
Parents have the sole responsibility
of ensuring that their children develop adequately in the
psychological, academic, social and
moral aspects (Azuka - Obieke, 2013).
Myles Buchanan
Myles Buchanan: This is good, but be careful of relying too
heavily on a single source. You want this to be a conversation
between sources.
Single parents tend to face twice the responsibilities in regards
to time, finances and also
attention. It, therefore, becomes difficult for them to fully take
into consideration the
psychological well-being of their children. At most times,
children from homes with single
parents are perceived to be hyperactive, aggressive, emotionally
needy and also anxious. Some
even become confused on their gender roles in the society
especially children from families that
lack a fatherly figure. Furthermore, they tend to be easily
distractible when compared to children
from families with both parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013).
The psychological well-being of children is relevant when it
comes to their growth such
that children that are brought up in conducive environments
tend to adjust well in the society.
However, those that feel pressurized in regards to their mental
well-being tend to have problems
in adjusting in the day to day activities in the society. For
children raised by single parents and
also from remarried families, there tend to be psychological
problems that affect their individual
progress when compared to those with both parents. According
to studies, teenagers whose
parents had divorced when they were seven to eight years old
underwent therapy before they
reached the adolescent stage while those from families with
both parents, only ten percent
received therapy (Bogenschneider, 2014). Furthermore, the
youth that were between the ages of
eighteen and twenty two were at high risk of experiencing
intense emotional distress as a result
of the breakdown of their families; with the range being from
birth to sixteen years
(Bogenschneider, 2014).
Most of the psychological issues result in bad conducts
whereby children begin engaging in
delinquent behavior and engage in alcohol and other forms of
drugs. Most of them engage in
such behavior as a way of getting attention from their parents or
in the need for a place where
they could place their solitude. It is important to note that most
of the teenagers that engage in
such behavior lack father figures in their lives (Bogenschneider,
Another psychological issue is on the relationship found
between parents from single homes
and their children. Studies indicate that children raised by both
parents feel that they are cared
for and hence feel closer to their parents (Bogenschneider,
2014). The same case applies to
children raised by single parents whereby in most cases, those
raised by their mothers feel closer
to them while only half of the population feel close to their
fathers. One significant outcome in
regards to children whose parents are divorced is the creation of
a stable relationship despite the
separation such that all parties play part in being there for each
other. However, studies show that
children from broken homes lack a significant bond with their
parents due to the emotional
vacuum created by the divorce when compared to children with
both parents. Some of them
project aggression and negative attitudes to one of the parents
as a way of hiding their pain
(Bogenschneider, 2014).
As stated earlier, the emotional and the mental well-being of a
child are among the issues
affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable
to analyze the effects of growing
up with a single parent on child psychology. Single parenting
has become quite common in our
current world and is associated with various factors rather than
just the death of a spouse. From
the above analysis, it is quite evident that children from homes
with single parents are at high
risk of experiencing challenges in their psychological well-
being. It, therefore, becomes
important, especially, for education institutions to identify these
aspects to ensure that the well-
being of children from single parents is ensured.
Azuka - Obieke, U. (2013). Single - Parenting , Psychological
Well - Being and Academic
Performance of Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal Of
Emerging Tre Nds In Educational
Research And Policy Studies, 4(1), 112-117. Retrieved from
Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Single Parenthood and Children’s
Well-Being (2nd ed.). Madiso:
University of Wisconsin.
Mooney, A., Oliver, C., & Smith, M. (2009). Impact of Family
Breakdown on Children’s Well-
Being :Evidence Review. Research Report DCSF-RR113, 1-36.
1Alghazwi2AlghazwiFatimah AlghazwiMyles Buchanan .docx

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  • 1. 1 Alghazwi 2 Alghazwi Fatimah Alghazwi Myles Buchanan ENGL 201 11/9/16 Rhetorical Analysis As indicated by research, talk is the research of how authors and speakers utilize words to impact a group of people. Be that as it may, the critical research is an article that breaks a work of true to life into parts and in this method, utilizes them to discover how they team up to make a specific impact which is purposed to convince, attract or rather educate the given group of onlookers. However, you should to always save in understanding that scholars of different orders and they regularly utilize different written work procedures which are to help them complete their goals. In this way, it is all altogether different how we should to investigate a relevant article has contrast with a humanities author. What's more, more in this way, the writers have completely different objectives as a primary concern and in this manner driving them to have different composition systems. The main thing in the reasonable testing is scan the writer's article carefully and seeing every one of the things that you have read. You have to likewise be uncommonly sharp in distinguishing the author's theory and dependably keep their concept of contention through your peruse. After you have read and understood the entire article, or disagreement, then you have to kick back and now begin analyze a well-ordered every
  • 2. one of the elements which have remained used as a part of that piece. On the other hand, main disagreement in transit, you can take as much time as is needed and think back to the sources or the entire struggle. As you are doing it the second time, you ought to have the accompanying inquiries as a top advantage so you must to answer them as you read through the record. In the first place, you should be quick to know what's the suggestion of the dispute, what did the dramatist think about? What is his or her prompting in structure this piece of work? Who is the group of onlookers for this search? Does the author utilize exchange and phrasing? Are the sentence structures improving? Among other. These ways will help to check comprehend the entire article on the double when understanding it either the first or the second time as specific by your energy of understanding The above-given questions are used to empower you to comprehend why the writer has chosen to compose that sort of work the way he or she has done it. They widen all the thought, methodologies and ideas the writer have used as a part of that bit of work. When all the above things are done, you have to get to the following level of the research where sure thing are taken care of. To begin with, you have to create your proposal which will be used for the relevant study. This springs you a clear picture of the correct things or thoughts that you have to remove from the creator's contention. At that point, since you have your proposal prepared, you have to match every one of the particulars that you have acquired in an efficient way. This will empower you to unite them and hence permit a privilege to apply for the group of onlookers. Lead the things in a following request additionally helps you to solve on the correct decision of the styles that you might want to use for a specific part of the unique situation. Fit out various regions with the different strategies until the best frame is related with the meriting part of the written work. In each piece or passage, you keep in touch with; you ought to mix an unyielding subject sentence which will convey the possibility
  • 3. of the entire part. Taking after the point penalty is the place you compose consecutive sentences which are intended to build the clarity of the theme sentence furthermore give cases which elucidate advance on the principle thought. Without overlooking the changed steps, the primary writer has used to clarify his view and to perform his or her prod, for your point, you have to also continue making assessments about those focuses and methodologies and after that written work them in an especially direct and satisfying way which is incredibly easy to get it. You ought to express the impacts which have been made by the major techniques and hence this gives you the real feeling of special the process and investigating the reason. Ultimately, you need to guarantee that all you work is free from any grammatical errors, ease, or any transitional straightforwardness. This is ensured by editing the last exposition that you have thought of a few circumstances till you guarantee that no missteps of any sort are accessible in the paper. The following is a short form of talk which I applied in my past work and has a portion of the contentions took care of as examined. 1 Alghazwi 7 Alghazwi Research Study on Single Parenthood Single parenting has become a lifestyle in our modern day century. It is no longer a surprise finding a woman or a man raising children as single parents. It is worth noting that the most affected party is women whereby we have more female
  • 4. single parents than men. Single parenting can be described to be a condition in which either of the individuals involved in the conception of a child takes full responsibility in bringing up the child. It also occurs when either a man or a woman decide to conceive and bring up a child outside marriage. Another occurrence is through divorce whereby a couple splits and responsibility is given to one of them to bring the children. Last but not least, the death of one’s spouse is also another aspect that leads to single parenthood (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). According to studies, approximately half the total number of children born today is most likely to spend their childhood until 18 years old in homes with single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, studies indicate that children that grow up with both parents tend to perform better or do better than those that are raised by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The perspective presented by the study is not to imply that children with single parents perform poorly than those with two parents but rather to indicate that the well-being of children raised by single parents is subject to suffer. The emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology. It is worth noting that in the current world, the death of a spouse is no longer the apparent reason for children to grow up in single parent homes but there are various factors. One-fourth of the total number of children given birth to are from mothers that are unmarried and whereby half of the number are from teenage girls who are unmarried. However, chances are that these women get married later. Studies also indicate that approximately forty percent of children that are beneath the age of eighteen risk to experience divorces from the marriage of their parents while fifteen percent of them will experience the separation twice (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, it is quite common for children these days to experience a phantasmagoria of types of single parenthood,
  • 5. remarriages, divorce, cohabitation, in addition to frequent divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Children in the current world experience a lot of changes in the structures of their families. Most of the children that engage in bad habits such as drug abuse, criminal activities, joining cults and many more come from single families; especially those that lack a father figure and receive less attention such that they seek attention from other places. Ten years ago, followed perspective was that single parenting had no long-term failures in regards to the growth of children. The concerns regarding divorce were not considered or rather perceived to be of less importance such that it involved a small period of heartache and healing. However, studies done on preschoolers showed that they were emotionally distressed; some of them exhibited behavioral issues while others frequently disturbed their peers after two years of their parents’ divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Nonetheless, boys exhibited significant improvements and girls exhibited normal behavior; similar to the girls whose parents were not divorced. Be that as it may, recent findings show that children that come from homes with single parents perform averagely or poorly when compared to their counterparts. Furthermore, most children that drop out from school, those that are considered born outside marriage and those that find it difficult maintaining their sources of income are brought up by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). However, it is important to note that reports from such findings tend to be misinterpreted with the bias being that a family with both parents will result in proper growth for their children when compared t single parents. In other words, it is not actual that children raised by single parents will turn out bad while those that have both parents will turn out well. There are numerous cases of children from single parents that do exemplary well than those with two parents. The point of emphasis is that children that grow in single parent homes have high risk to experience suffering in regards to their well-being (Mooney,
  • 6. Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology According to a study done by Uchenna on the impact of single parenting in the psychological and academic prowess in children, finding showed that children from families with both parents benefited in both psychological and academic aspects when compared to those with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The reason is that families with both parents provide a conducive environment for growth. Also, the findings showed that despite of a lot of children from single homes have become successful in their development, most children from homes with single parents do not always reach their outmost potential as a result of limited resources. According to the scholar, it is important for school instructors, educational psychologists, school administrators, and counselors to be aware of the factors that impact the well-being of children that come from homes with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). By having this knowledge, it becomes easier to comprehend the attitudes and the behaviors of the children under their care. Furthermore, the parties should try and give support to the single parents in the possible way they can to ensure that children receive the psychological attention that they require without feeling limited. A good example is a school counselor collaborating with a parent in evaluating and developing the behavior of a child such that he or she turns out to be better adults (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). Several studies on the psychological and physical well-being of children from homes with single parents have been conducted by various psychologists, educationists, scholars and also counselors over the past few years. The studies have mostly put emphasis on teenagers brought up by single parents that are female (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). According to empirical studies, children from homes that are intact tend to receive all-round care in addition to being adequately socialized as both parents play equal roles in developing their children which later
  • 7. becomes significant when they transition into adulthood. However, children from homes with single parents are at risk of suffering from denial of some rights which in return affects their psychosocial development. Furthermore, children from homes that are broken tend to exhibit poor performance in addition to antisocial tendencies (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). It is worth noting that the adolescent period tends to be a crucial stage in the development of an individual. It is a stage that most teenagers struggle to accept themselves for who they are and also identifying their places in the society. They tend to search for places to fit in such that they are able to express themselves. Therefore, if a parent exhibits any laxity, chances are that the child will develop noxious behavior. It is often said that Charity begins at home and therefore adequate foundation is required for the well-being of a child. Parents have the sole responsibility of ensuring that their children develop adequately in the psychological, academic, social and moral aspects (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). Single parents tend to face twice the responsibilities in regards to time, finances and also attention. It, therefore, becomes difficult for them to fully take into consideration the psychological well-being of their children. At most times, children from homes with single parents are perceived to be hyperactive, aggressive, emotionally needy and also anxious. Some even become confused on their gender roles in the society especially children from families that lack a fatherly figure. Furthermore, they tend to be easily distractible when compared to children from families with both parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The psychological well-being of children is relevant when it comes to their growth such that children that are brought up in conducive environments tend to adjust well in the society. However, those that feel pressurized in regards to their mental well-being tend to have problems in adjusting in the day to day activities in the society. For children raised by single parents and also from remarried families, there tend to be psychological
  • 8. problems that affect their individual progress when compared to those with both parents. According to studies, teenagers whose parents had divorced when they were seven to eight years old underwent therapy before they reached the adolescent stage while those from families with both parents, only ten percent received therapy (Bogenschneider, 2014). Furthermore, the youth that were between the ages of eighteen and twenty two were at high risk of experiencing intense emotional distress as a result of the breakdown of their families; with the range being from birth to sixteen years (Bogenschneider, 2014). Most of the psychological issues result in bad conducts whereby children begin engaging in delinquent behavior and engage in alcohol and other forms of drugs. Most of them engage in such behavior as a way of getting attention from their parents or in the need for a place where they could place their solitude. It is important to note that most of the teenagers that engage in such behavior lack father figures in their lives (Bogenschneider, 2014). Another psychological issue is on the relationship found between parents from single homes and their children. Studies indicate that children raised by both parents feel that they are cared for and hence feel closer to their parents (Bogenschneider, 2014). The same case applies to children raised by single parents whereby in most cases, those raised by their mothers feel closer to them while only half of the population feel close to their fathers. One significant outcome in regards to children whose parents are divorced is the creation of a stable relationship despite the separation such that all parties play part in being there for each other. However, studies show that children from broken homes lack a significant bond with their parents due to the emotional vacuum created by the divorce when compared to children with both parents. Some of them project aggression and negative attitudes to one of the parents as a way of hiding their pain (Bogenschneider, 2014). Conclusion As stated earlier, the emotional and the mental well-being
  • 9. of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology. Single parenting has become quite common in our current world and is associated with various factors rather than just the death of a spouse. From the above analysis, it is quite evident that children from homes with single parents are at high risk of experiencing challenges in their psychological well-being. It, therefore, becomes important, especially, for education institutions to identify these aspects to ensure that the well-being of children from single parents is ensured. References Azuka - Obieke, U. (2013). Single - Parenting , Psychological Well - Being and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal Of Emerging Tre Nds In Educational Research And Policy Studies, 4(1), 112-117. Retrieved from ting.pdf Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Single Parenthood and Children’s Well-Being (2nd ed.). Madiso: University of Wisconsin. Mooney, A., Oliver, C., & Smith, M. (2009). Impact of Family Breakdown on Children’s Well-Being :Evidence Review. Research Report DCSF-RR113, 1-36. §
  • 10. Alghazwi 1 Fatimah Alghazwi Myles Buchnnan Eng201 10/21/16 Research Study on Single Parenthood Single parenting has become a lifestyle in our modern day century. It is no longer a surprise finding a woman or a man raising children as single parents. It is worth noting that the most affected party is women whereby we have more female single parents than men. Single parenting can be described to be a condition in which either of the individuals involved in the conception of a child takes full responsibility in bringing up the child. It also occurs when either a man or a woman decide to conceive and bring up a child outside marriage. Another occurrence is through divorce whereby a couple splits and responsibility is given to one of them to bring the
  • 11. children. Last but not least, the death of one’s spouse is also another aspect that leads to single parenthood (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). According to studies, approximately half the total number of children born today is most likely to spend their childhood until 18 years old in homes with single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, studies indicate that children that grow up with both parents tend to perform better or do better than those that are raised by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The perspective presented by the study is not to imply that children with single parents perform poorly than those with two parents but rather to indicate that the well-being of children raised by single parents is subject to suffer. The emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology. Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: You actually don't need a citation here, since
  • 12. this is "common knowledge." mac mac mac mac mac mac Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Nice. Well said. Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Good--very clear. Alghazwi 2 It is worth noting that in the current world, the death of a spouse is no longer the apparent reason for children to grow up in single parent homes but there
  • 13. are various factors. One-fourth of the total number of children given birth to are from mothers that are unmarried and whereby half of the number are from teenage girls who are unmarried. However, chances are that these women get married later. Studies also indicate that approximately forty percent of children that are beneath the age of eighteen risk to experience divorces from the marriage of their parents while fifteen percent of them will experience the separation twice (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, it is quite common for children these days to experience a phantasmagoria of types of single parenthood, remarriages, divorce, cohabitation, in addition to frequent divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Children in the current world experience a lot of changes in the structures of their families. Most of the children that engage in bad habits such as drug abuse, criminal activities, joining cults and many more come from single families; especially those that lack a father figure and receive less attention such that they seek attention from other places. Ten years ago,
  • 14. followed perspective was that single parenting had no long-term failures in regards to the growth of children. The concerns regarding divorce were not considered or rather perceived to be of less importance such that it involved a small period of heartache and healing. However, studies done on preschoolers showed that they were emotionally distressed; some of them exhibited behavioral issues while others frequently disturbed their peers after two years of their parents’ divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Nonetheless, boys exhibited significant improvements and girls exhibited normal behavior; similar to the girls whose parents were not divorced. Be that as it may, recent findings show that children that come from homes with single parents perform averagely or poorly when compared to their counterparts. Furthermore, most Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Since this is a paraphrase, not a quotation, just remember to take care to reword the language of the author. This seems like a shift in tone from the rest of your writing style.
  • 15. Alghazwi 3 children that drop out from school, those that are considered born outside marriage and those that find it difficult maintaining their sources of income are brought up by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). However, it is important to note that reports from such findings tend to be misinterpreted with the bias being that a family with both parents will result in proper growth for their children when compared t single parents. In other words, it is not actual that children raised by single parents will turn out bad while those that have both parents will turn out well. There are numerous cases of children from single parents that do exemplary well than those with two parents. The point of emphasis is that children that grow in single parent homes have high risk to experience suffering in regards to their well-being (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology
  • 16. According to a study done by Uchenna on the impact of single parenting in the psychological and academic prowess in children, finding showed that children from families with both parents benefited in both psychological and academic aspects when compared to those with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The reason is that families with both parents provide a conducive environment for growth. Also, the findings showed that despite of a lot of children from single homes have become successful in their development, most children from homes with single parents do not always reach their outmost potential as a result of limited resources. According to the scholar, it is important for school instructors, educational psychologists, school administrators, and counselors to be aware of the factors that impact the well-being of children that come from homes with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). By having this knowledge, it becomes easier to comprehend the attitudes and the behaviors of the children under their care. Furthermore, the parties should try and give support to the single parents in the possible way
  • 17. Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Very nice paragraph! Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Good distinction. Alghazwi 4 they can to ensure that children receive the psychological attention that they require without feeling limited. A good example is a school counselor collaborating with a parent in evaluating and developing the behavior of a child such that he or she turns out to be better adults (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). Several studies on the psychological and physical well-being of children from homes with single parents have been conducted by various psychologists, educationists, scholars and also counselors over the past few years. The studies have mostly put emphasis on teenagers brought up by single parents that are female (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). According to empirical
  • 18. studies, children from homes that are intact tend to receive all- round care in addition to being adequately socialized as both parents play equal roles in developing their children which later becomes significant when they transition into adulthood. However, children from homes with single parents are at risk of suffering from denial of some rights which in return affects their psychosocial development. Furthermore, children from homes that are broken tend to exhibit poor performance in addition to antisocial tendencies (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). It is worth noting that the adolescent period tends to be a crucial stage in the development of an individual. It is a stage that most teenagers struggle to accept themselves for who they are and also identifying their places in the society. They tend to search for places to fit in such that they are able to express themselves. Therefore, if a parent exhibits any laxity, chances are that the child will develop noxious behavior. It is often said that Charity begins at home and therefore adequate foundation is required for the well-being of a child. Parents have the sole responsibility
  • 19. of ensuring that their children develop adequately in the psychological, academic, social and moral aspects (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: This is good, but be careful of relying too heavily on a single source. You want this to be a conversation between sources. Alghazwi 5 Single parents tend to face twice the responsibilities in regards to time, finances and also attention. It, therefore, becomes difficult for them to fully take into consideration the psychological well-being of their children. At most times, children from homes with single parents are perceived to be hyperactive, aggressive, emotionally needy and also anxious. Some even become confused on their gender roles in the society especially children from families that lack a fatherly figure. Furthermore, they tend to be easily distractible when compared to children
  • 20. from families with both parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The psychological well-being of children is relevant when it comes to their growth such that children that are brought up in conducive environments tend to adjust well in the society. However, those that feel pressurized in regards to their mental well-being tend to have problems in adjusting in the day to day activities in the society. For children raised by single parents and also from remarried families, there tend to be psychological problems that affect their individual progress when compared to those with both parents. According to studies, teenagers whose parents had divorced when they were seven to eight years old underwent therapy before they reached the adolescent stage while those from families with both parents, only ten percent received therapy (Bogenschneider, 2014). Furthermore, the youth that were between the ages of eighteen and twenty two were at high risk of experiencing intense emotional distress as a result of the breakdown of their families; with the range being from birth to sixteen years (Bogenschneider, 2014).
  • 21. Most of the psychological issues result in bad conducts whereby children begin engaging in delinquent behavior and engage in alcohol and other forms of drugs. Most of them engage in such behavior as a way of getting attention from their parents or in the need for a place where Alghazwi 6 they could place their solitude. It is important to note that most of the teenagers that engage in such behavior lack father figures in their lives (Bogenschneider, 2014). Another psychological issue is on the relationship found between parents from single homes and their children. Studies indicate that children raised by both parents feel that they are cared for and hence feel closer to their parents (Bogenschneider, 2014). The same case applies to children raised by single parents whereby in most cases, those raised by their mothers feel closer to them while only half of the population feel close to their
  • 22. fathers. One significant outcome in regards to children whose parents are divorced is the creation of a stable relationship despite the separation such that all parties play part in being there for each other. However, studies show that children from broken homes lack a significant bond with their parents due to the emotional vacuum created by the divorce when compared to children with both parents. Some of them project aggression and negative attitudes to one of the parents as a way of hiding their pain (Bogenschneider, 2014). Conclusion As stated earlier, the emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology. Single parenting has become quite common in our current world and is associated with various factors rather than just the death of a spouse. From the above analysis, it is quite evident that children from homes with single parents are at high
  • 23. risk of experiencing challenges in their psychological well- being. It, therefore, becomes important, especially, for education institutions to identify these aspects to ensure that the well- being of children from single parents is ensured. Alghazwi 7 References Azuka - Obieke, U. (2013). Single - Parenting , Psychological Well - Being and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal Of Emerging Tre Nds In Educational Research And Policy Studies, 4(1), 112-117. Retrieved from
  • 24. ting.pdf Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Single Parenthood and Children’s Well-Being (2nd ed.). Madiso: University of Wisconsin. Mooney, A., Oliver, C., & Smith, M. (2009). Impact of Family Breakdown on Children’s Well- Being :Evidence Review. Research Report DCSF-RR113, 1-36. ting.pdf Alghazwi 1 Fatimah Alghazwi Myles Buchnnan Eng201 10/21/16 Research Study on Single Parenthood Single parenting has become a lifestyle in our modern day century. It is no longer a
  • 25. surprise finding a woman or a man raising children as single parents. It is worth noting that the most affected party is women whereby we have more female single parents than men. Single parenting can be described to be a condition in which either of the individuals involved in the conception of a child takes full responsibility in bringing up the child. It also occurs when either a man or a woman decide to conceive and bring up a child outside marriage. Another occurrence is through divorce whereby a couple splits and responsibility is given to one of them to bring the children. Last but not least, the death of one’s spouse is also another aspect that leads to single parenthood (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). According to studies, approximately half the total number of children born today is most likely to spend their childhood until 18 years old in homes with single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, studies indicate that children that grow up with both parents tend to perform better or do better than those that are raised by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The perspective presented by the study is not to
  • 26. imply that children with single parents perform poorly than those with two parents but rather to indicate that the well-being of children raised by single parents is subject to suffer. The emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology. Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: You actually don't need a citation here, since this is "common knowledge." mac mac mac mac mac mac
  • 27. Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Nice. Well said. Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Good--very clear. Alghazwi 2 It is worth noting that in the current world, the death of a spouse is no longer the apparent reason for children to grow up in single parent homes but there are various factors. One-fourth of the total number of children given birth to are from mothers that are unmarried and whereby half of the number are from teenage girls who are unmarried. However, chances are that these women get married later. Studies also indicate that approximately forty percent of children that are beneath the age of eighteen risk to experience divorces from the marriage of their parents while fifteen percent of them will experience the separation twice (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Furthermore, it is quite common for children these days to experience a phantasmagoria of types
  • 28. of single parenthood, remarriages, divorce, cohabitation, in addition to frequent divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Children in the current world experience a lot of changes in the structures of their families. Most of the children that engage in bad habits such as drug abuse, criminal activities, joining cults and many more come from single families; especially those that lack a father figure and receive less attention such that they seek attention from other places. Ten years ago, followed perspective was that single parenting had no long-term failures in regards to the growth of children. The concerns regarding divorce were not considered or rather perceived to be of less importance such that it involved a small period of heartache and healing. However, studies done on preschoolers showed that they were emotionally distressed; some of them exhibited behavioral issues while others frequently disturbed their peers after two years of their parents’ divorces (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). Nonetheless, boys exhibited significant
  • 29. improvements and girls exhibited normal behavior; similar to the girls whose parents were not divorced. Be that as it may, recent findings show that children that come from homes with single parents perform averagely or poorly when compared to their counterparts. Furthermore, most Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Since this is a paraphrase, not a quotation, just remember to take care to reword the language of the author. This seems like a shift in tone from the rest of your writing style. Alghazwi 3 children that drop out from school, those that are considered born outside marriage and those that find it difficult maintaining their sources of income are brought up by single parents (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). However, it is important to note that reports from such findings tend to be misinterpreted with the bias being that a family with both parents will result in proper growth for their children
  • 30. when compared t single parents. In other words, it is not actual that children raised by single parents will turn out bad while those that have both parents will turn out well. There are numerous cases of children from single parents that do exemplary well than those with two parents. The point of emphasis is that children that grow in single parent homes have high risk to experience suffering in regards to their well-being (Mooney, Oliver, & Smith, 2009). The effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology According to a study done by Uchenna on the impact of single parenting in the psychological and academic prowess in children, finding showed that children from families with both parents benefited in both psychological and academic aspects when compared to those with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The reason is that families with both parents provide a conducive environment for growth. Also, the findings showed that despite of a lot of children from single homes have become successful in their development, most children from homes with
  • 31. single parents do not always reach their outmost potential as a result of limited resources. According to the scholar, it is important for school instructors, educational psychologists, school administrators, and counselors to be aware of the factors that impact the well-being of children that come from homes with single parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). By having this knowledge, it becomes easier to comprehend the attitudes and the behaviors of the children under their care. Furthermore, the parties should try and give support to the single parents in the possible way Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Very nice paragraph! Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: Good distinction. Alghazwi 4 they can to ensure that children receive the psychological attention that they require without feeling limited. A good example is a school counselor collaborating with a parent in evaluating
  • 32. and developing the behavior of a child such that he or she turns out to be better adults (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). Several studies on the psychological and physical well-being of children from homes with single parents have been conducted by various psychologists, educationists, scholars and also counselors over the past few years. The studies have mostly put emphasis on teenagers brought up by single parents that are female (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). According to empirical studies, children from homes that are intact tend to receive all- round care in addition to being adequately socialized as both parents play equal roles in developing their children which later becomes significant when they transition into adulthood. However, children from homes with single parents are at risk of suffering from denial of some rights which in return affects their psychosocial development. Furthermore, children from homes that are broken tend to exhibit poor performance in addition to antisocial tendencies (Azuka - Obieke, 2013).
  • 33. It is worth noting that the adolescent period tends to be a crucial stage in the development of an individual. It is a stage that most teenagers struggle to accept themselves for who they are and also identifying their places in the society. They tend to search for places to fit in such that they are able to express themselves. Therefore, if a parent exhibits any laxity, chances are that the child will develop noxious behavior. It is often said that Charity begins at home and therefore adequate foundation is required for the well-being of a child. Parents have the sole responsibility of ensuring that their children develop adequately in the psychological, academic, social and moral aspects (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). Myles Buchanan Myles Buchanan: This is good, but be careful of relying too heavily on a single source. You want this to be a conversation between sources. Alghazwi 5 Single parents tend to face twice the responsibilities in regards
  • 34. to time, finances and also attention. It, therefore, becomes difficult for them to fully take into consideration the psychological well-being of their children. At most times, children from homes with single parents are perceived to be hyperactive, aggressive, emotionally needy and also anxious. Some even become confused on their gender roles in the society especially children from families that lack a fatherly figure. Furthermore, they tend to be easily distractible when compared to children from families with both parents (Azuka - Obieke, 2013). The psychological well-being of children is relevant when it comes to their growth such that children that are brought up in conducive environments tend to adjust well in the society. However, those that feel pressurized in regards to their mental well-being tend to have problems in adjusting in the day to day activities in the society. For children raised by single parents and also from remarried families, there tend to be psychological problems that affect their individual progress when compared to those with both parents. According to studies, teenagers whose
  • 35. parents had divorced when they were seven to eight years old underwent therapy before they reached the adolescent stage while those from families with both parents, only ten percent received therapy (Bogenschneider, 2014). Furthermore, the youth that were between the ages of eighteen and twenty two were at high risk of experiencing intense emotional distress as a result of the breakdown of their families; with the range being from birth to sixteen years (Bogenschneider, 2014). Most of the psychological issues result in bad conducts whereby children begin engaging in delinquent behavior and engage in alcohol and other forms of drugs. Most of them engage in such behavior as a way of getting attention from their parents or in the need for a place where Alghazwi 6 they could place their solitude. It is important to note that most of the teenagers that engage in
  • 36. such behavior lack father figures in their lives (Bogenschneider, 2014). Another psychological issue is on the relationship found between parents from single homes and their children. Studies indicate that children raised by both parents feel that they are cared for and hence feel closer to their parents (Bogenschneider, 2014). The same case applies to children raised by single parents whereby in most cases, those raised by their mothers feel closer to them while only half of the population feel close to their fathers. One significant outcome in regards to children whose parents are divorced is the creation of a stable relationship despite the separation such that all parties play part in being there for each other. However, studies show that children from broken homes lack a significant bond with their parents due to the emotional vacuum created by the divorce when compared to children with both parents. Some of them project aggression and negative attitudes to one of the parents as a way of hiding their pain (Bogenschneider, 2014).
  • 37. Conclusion As stated earlier, the emotional and the mental well-being of a child are among the issues affected by single parenting and therefore it becomes inevitable to analyze the effects of growing up with a single parent on child psychology. Single parenting has become quite common in our current world and is associated with various factors rather than just the death of a spouse. From the above analysis, it is quite evident that children from homes with single parents are at high risk of experiencing challenges in their psychological well- being. It, therefore, becomes important, especially, for education institutions to identify these aspects to ensure that the well- being of children from single parents is ensured. Alghazwi 7
  • 38. References Azuka - Obieke, U. (2013). Single - Parenting , Psychological Well - Being and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal Of Emerging Tre Nds In Educational Research And Policy Studies, 4(1), 112-117. Retrieved from ting.pdf Bogenschneider, K. (2014). Single Parenthood and Children’s Well-Being (2nd ed.). Madiso: University of Wisconsin. Mooney, A., Oliver, C., & Smith, M. (2009). Impact of Family Breakdown on Children’s Well- Being :Evidence Review. Research Report DCSF-RR113, 1-36. ting.pdf