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ENG 306 – Paper One Prompt
Stifling of Language and my Discourse Community
Throughout our years of schooling, most of us have been
taught many approaches to writing. Most of those approaches
involve a set of “rules” to follow. In “Rigid Rules, Inflexible
Plans, and the Stifling of Language,” Mike Rose discusses how
some of these approaches bring students to a dead-end in their
writing process (p. 793). All too often, students let the rules of
writing drive their entire writing process. In other words, they
let HOW THEY SHOULD write become more important than
Even more troubling is just how conflicting writing rules
can be. Many students have had the experience of having one
teacher say, “You should never do [X]” while another teacher
says, “You should always do [X].” How are student writers
supposed to determine what “rules” to follow?
In this paper, you are being asked to engage in some
observational research. You are being asked to choose two
“rules” or pieces of writing advice that you have found yourself
struggling with in the past, and determine how your academic
discourse community follows (or doesn’t seem to follow) the
For example, assume I am like Maria in Mike Rose’s
study, and I often get hung up on “hooks.” I have read
explanations like those given by the Tutoring Center at George
Brown College who write on their website:
The first sentence of your introduction is the first chance a
writer has to capture the attention of the reader. Some people
call this a “hook” because it captures a reader’s attention with
interesting statements and ideas just like a fisherman will use a
shiny lure to get a fish on his or her hook.
Historically, I have begun all of my papers with a question.
Something like “Have you ever wondered why [X]?” But, I’ve
also had professors who have told me not to do that. So, what is
the conventional approach in my discourse community? If I
were writing this paper, I would select ten articles written by
members of my discourse community, and I would see how they
each begin those articles. Do I sense they use a particular kind
of “hook” or is there some other description I can give for the
way my discourse community opens their papers? Why do I
think they do or do not follow the rule/advice?
FORMAT AND LENGTH: I’m looking for a minimum 4.5-page
MLA paper (meaning I want your work to bleed onto half of the
fifth page). **Any paper that is not at least 4.5 pages long and
in proper MLA will not be accepted and will not be given the
opportunity to revise**
AUDIENCE: Imagine your paper is being read by a panel of
writing instructors from various college campuses, and they are
unfamiliar with this prompt. How can you give them enough
information, early on, in order to understand your paper’s
METHOD: To do this paper well, you will need to have a
substantial number of peer-reviewed, scholarly articles to
explore. We will discuss how best to approach your particular
project, but keep in mind that if you avoid the campus
databases, you may not be able to do this paper very well.
Works Cited
George Brown College, Tutoring and Learning Centre. “Hooks
and Attention Grabbers.” 2014. PDF document.
Rose, Mike. “Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of
Language.” Writing about Writing, edited by Elizabeth Wardle
and Doug Downs, Bedford/St. Martins, 2016, pp. 787-802.
Running Head: Thesis Draft 2
Thesis Draft
Although I acknowledge that there are many factors that could
negatively impact the proper child growth and development due
to child abuse, I claim this because numerous studies have
shown that child abuse affects the child’s psychological and
emotional development which leaves them less capable of
navigating through life easily (Cole, 2006). We should,
therefore, act to ensure that this vice is eliminated from our
society to protect the future of our children. I also acknowledge
the fact that other factors such as being raised in an
unconducive environment could lead to the occurrence of these
effects on the child growth and development. I will, therefore,
consider this in my study.
Child abuse has the potential to cause devastating effects on the
growth and development of the individual. It could lead to
emotional instability, drug use and addiction, the inability to
form proper social relationships with others, behavioral
problems, and a lower quality of life in adulthood and low
income in the future (Cicchetti & Carlson, 1989). The study
looks at the effect of child abuse on the growth and
development of the child and seeks to answer the question, how
will the nation overcome this vice.
Looking at the philosophical background of child abuse and its
religious standpoint gives me an idea of the reasoning behind
the execution of the vice. From this line of thinking, I can find
ways of overcoming child abuse in the society. For instance, in
some communities, beating a child is seen as a way of
disciplining the child (McNeil, 2007). Therefore, one way of
combating this would be educating the community on the long-
term effects of the practice and introducing other ways of
disciplinary action for them to use.
Cicchetti, D. & Carlson, V. (1989). Child Maltreatment: Theory
and Research on the Causes
And Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Cole, T. (2006). Splintered Emotions: Aftermath of Child
Abuse. Indianapolis, IN Over park
Publishing Inc.
Chu, J. & Bowman, E. (2003). Trauma and Sexuality: The
Effects of Childhood Sexual, Physical,
and Emotional Abuse on Sexual Identity and Behaviour.
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
McNeil, D. (2007). Hidden Scars: The Shattering Effects of
Child Abuse. Mustang, Okla.: Tate
Pub. & Enterprises.
Shenold, L. (1989). Soul murder: the effects of childhood abuse
and deprivation. New York:
Fawcett Columbine.
The Impact Child Abuse has on Growth &
DevelopmentAnnotated Bibliography
Tasha Smith
Robert Engelson
Annotated bibliography
Starr, R. & Wolfe, D. (1991). The Effects of child abuse and
neglect: issues and research. London. New York: Guilford.
It is only possible to understand child abuse and neglect through
the use of longitudinal research methods. These methods might
prove to be expensive, difficult or time-consuming but the
result of employing them is what matters. This book reviews the
current research concerning child abuse and neglect and
provides an authoritative guide to the complex issues involved
in conducting studies on the topic mentioned.
Briere, J. (1992). Child abuse trauma: theory and treatment of
the lasting effects. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Child abuse has a great impact on the physiological
functioning of a child in later life. This volume takes into
consideration all the long-term effects of all main forms of
child abuse and maltreatment ranging from sexual abuse to
mistreatment by parents who are addicted to drugs. It majorly
focuses on the unique and overlapping effects. In addition, the
author touches on the traditional views concerning
psychopathology plus the treatment approaches to diseases that
may have sprung due to an individual experiencing any form of
abuse. These include impaired self-reference, interpersonal
dysfunction, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, borderline
personality disorder and self-destructive behavior. Therefore,
the book helps in the identification of the effects of child abuse
and how to treat them.
Warner, S. (2009). Understanding the Effects of Child Sexual
Abuse: Feminist Revolutions, in Theory, Research and Practice:
Women and Psychology. Howick Place, London: Routledge.
Sexual abuse among children is now a worldwide problem
that negatively affects most people especially women and girls.
Therefore, it has become a major concern to the feminists and
the health activists. This book examines the current perceptions
concerning women, girls and most especially child abuse in the
broad aspects of psychiatry, psychology and the mass media.
This is done to evaluate the best approaches that can be used in
these problems. Also, the book helps in understanding the way
of treating and interacting with women and girls who have been
victims of abuse. It questions the use of formula-based
approaches and looks into the principles and ethics required to
come up with better results in the research done on women who
have undergone sexual abuse in childhood.
The author develops a recovery model for the victims and case
studies to support the working of the model in areas such as
expert witness reports in child protection, abuse psychotherapy
and many others. This book, therefore, provides a thorough
explanation of understanding and coping with sexual abuse and
its aftermath. It is of great help to any individual working with
children and adults who have encountered sexual abuse. It is
also essential for students and academics focusing on this area
of study.
Mignon, S., Larson, C. & Holmes, W. (2002). Family Abuse:
Consequences, Theories, and Responses. Boston: Allyn and
Family abuse can lead to an individual having deviant
behaviour in the future. This book looks at the relationship
between the deviant behaviour witnessed in some individuals
and family abuse. In doing this, the author integrates theory,
programmatic efforts and research findings. The book assesses
the quality of current treatment and prevention efforts and gives
suggestions for the possible solutions to family abuse. It is
suitable for sociologists, social workers and students studying
this kind of discipline.
McQueen, D. (2008). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy after child
abuse: psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the treatment of adults
and children who have experienced sexual abuse, violence and
neglect in childhood. London: Karnac Books.
Child abuse is one of the causes of early relational trauma on
developing minds of children making it important for an
individual who has encountered child abuse to undergo
psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This book is focussed on the
effects and role of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the
treatment of victims of child abuse. According to this book, the
administration of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy after the
occurrence of child abuse is unique in two ways. First, it brings
collaboration between effective scientific evidence and
accumulated clinical experience for the first time by use of
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy which is the treatment used for
victims of child abuse. It also brings collaboration between
individuals and organizations that are concerned with the
effects of child abuse plus experts in the fields related to child
abuse and psychotherapy.
The book is suitable for practitioners in the fields of
psychological, psychiatric, and psychoanalytic therapies
together with those who offer mental health services to both
children and adults. It plays a great role in informing Children's
Services commissioners, Primary Care Trusts, and health
service providers about theoretical approaches and therapeutic
practice in the treatment of the effects of child abuse.
Shenold, L. (1989). Soul murder: the effects of childhood abuse
and deprivation. New York:
Fawcett Columbine.
The abuse and neglect of a child or deprivation of their identity
and freedom to have maximum joy and comfort in life are
tantamount to committing soul murder. Dr Leonard Shenold, the
author of this book, is a clinical professor in the field of
psychiatry. He is based at the New York University School of
Medicine. According to the author, soul murder refers to
performing of brutal acts against the children that result in
emotional instability and a kind of bondage to the user. This in
turn leads to psychiatric disorders in the long run.
The author further examines the psychological effects of the
trauma that is witnessed in a large number of children who have
encountered child abuse. Due to intense reading and the clinical
experience possessed by the doctor, he can examine and
evaluate the manifestations of soul murder in the lives of his
patients and other people such as seminal writers. The seminal
writers he points out include Chekhov, George Orwell, Dickens,
and Kipling. However, he finds out that in other cases a terrible
abuse if survived can be a source of strength to the victim. This
according to the author is evident in the cases of Orwell and
McNeil, D. (2007). Hidden Scars: The Shattering Effects of
Child Abuse. Mustang, Okla.: Tate
Pub. & Enterprises.
There are a lot of children worldwide who are suffering because
of child abuse as they struggle to survive. McNeil gives her
experience of abuse while she was young, hoping that no child
will ever find themselves in the path she trod, of pain, suffering
and abuse. She recounts how she suddenly transited from days
of trust, positivity and hope, too fearful, sleepless nights filled
with mistrust, nightmares, sadness and depression. She was
deeply hurt by the very people she most trusted.
Cicchetti, D. & Carlson, V. (1989). Child Maltreatment: Theory
and Research on the Causes
and Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Cambridge; New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Maltreatment has a huge effect on the social, cognitive,
emotional and linguistic development for children who have
experienced sexual abuse. In this book, the issues that
contribute to emotional, sexual and physical abuse are
addressed, and a highlight of how they have been handled in the
past years given. Children who have ever experienced several
forms of abuse give information about their language
development, sexual relationships, intellectual capabilities and
the level of attachment to their parents. The psychology and
reason why some parents engage in abusive behaviour are
Chu, J. & Bowman, E. (2003). Trauma and Sexuality: The
Effects of Childhood Sexual, Physical,
and Emotional Abuse on Sexual Identity and Behavior.
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
Child sexual abuse leads to trauma that negatively affects the
sexual orientation, identity, fantasy and behaviour of the
affected person. The author gives an insight on areas such as
femininity and masculinity, the need to address sexuality in
treatment, hypo sexuality hyper sexuality, treatment approaches
for bisexual, lesbian, transgendered and gay trauma survivors,
and the sexual risk behaviours due to trauma that can lead to the
infection by HIV or other STDs.
Cole, T. (2006). Splintered Emotions: Aftermath of Child
Abuse. Indianapolis, IN Oberpark
Publishing Inc.
Childhood abuse has very serious effects on a person’s life after
that, including adult and family life. Some of these effects like
low self-esteem, negative attitude towards certain gender,
confusion, self-doubt, rage, depression, nightmares, apathy,
suspicion, sadness, fear and mistrust are described by the author
to be some of the experiences of a childhood abuse survivor.
The author notes that these experiences may later lead to
alcoholism, addiction to other hard illegal drugs and domestic
Running Head: CHILD ABUSE
Research Topic: The Impact of Child Abuse
Tasha Smith
Ashford University
LIB356: Research Methods for the Humanities
I am studying child abuse because I want to find out what the
impact has on growth and development of a child. This way, my
reader will best understand many types of child abuses and
possible effects they have on children as they grow into
adulthood. For example, some common types of child abuses of
interest include physical abuse, neglect, psychological abuse
and sexual abuse among others. The research topic on child
abuse will focus on the question; how can a society or nation
effectively fight against child abuse?
I purpose to resolve the problem of unique damage to growth
and development occasioned by child abuse which happens
either intentionally or due to ignorance. It is evident in many
forms of pathology and child abuse has emerged as the most
contributor of emotional, developmental and relational damage
when children become adults (Priolo-Filho & Williams, 2016).
Failing to answer the research question stated above, there
would be increased childhood abuse. For example, there are
high chances that it will cause permanent destruction to the
brain and eventually lead to emotional, physical and relational
damage. In addition, associated problems such as commercial
sex works and many others could result in the society if an
amicable solution is not provided by the research question.
Philosophy, religion and history will constitute relevant
humanity disciplines to aid in the study of the impact of child
abuse as follows. Philosophy will provide a detailed perception
of persons committing child abuse unintentional and cannot
recognize its detrimental consequences. Religion will be helpful
in understanding what different religions consider as a child
abuse and yet they do not observe it. Acquiring every religion
perspective would offer a good bargaining power to advise
people against child abuse. Lastly, history will offer a detailed
trend concerning the issue of child and therefore, devise
effective measures to resolve the problem.
Priolo-Filho, S. R., & Williams, L. C. (2016). Child abuse as a
predictor of alcohol consumption among Brazilian university
students. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260516640775.

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ENG 306 – Paper One PromptStifling of Language and my Discourse .docx

  • 1. ENG 306 – Paper One Prompt Stifling of Language and my Discourse Community Throughout our years of schooling, most of us have been taught many approaches to writing. Most of those approaches involve a set of “rules” to follow. In “Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language,” Mike Rose discusses how some of these approaches bring students to a dead-end in their writing process (p. 793). All too often, students let the rules of writing drive their entire writing process. In other words, they let HOW THEY SHOULD write become more important than WHAT THEY COULD write. Even more troubling is just how conflicting writing rules can be. Many students have had the experience of having one teacher say, “You should never do [X]” while another teacher says, “You should always do [X].” How are student writers supposed to determine what “rules” to follow? In this paper, you are being asked to engage in some observational research. You are being asked to choose two “rules” or pieces of writing advice that you have found yourself struggling with in the past, and determine how your academic discourse community follows (or doesn’t seem to follow) the them. For example, assume I am like Maria in Mike Rose’s study, and I often get hung up on “hooks.” I have read explanations like those given by the Tutoring Center at George Brown College who write on their website: The first sentence of your introduction is the first chance a writer has to capture the attention of the reader. Some people call this a “hook” because it captures a reader’s attention with interesting statements and ideas just like a fisherman will use a shiny lure to get a fish on his or her hook. Historically, I have begun all of my papers with a question. Something like “Have you ever wondered why [X]?” But, I’ve
  • 2. also had professors who have told me not to do that. So, what is the conventional approach in my discourse community? If I were writing this paper, I would select ten articles written by members of my discourse community, and I would see how they each begin those articles. Do I sense they use a particular kind of “hook” or is there some other description I can give for the way my discourse community opens their papers? Why do I think they do or do not follow the rule/advice? THE ASSIGNMENT RULES FORMAT AND LENGTH: I’m looking for a minimum 4.5-page MLA paper (meaning I want your work to bleed onto half of the fifth page). **Any paper that is not at least 4.5 pages long and in proper MLA will not be accepted and will not be given the opportunity to revise** AUDIENCE: Imagine your paper is being read by a panel of writing instructors from various college campuses, and they are unfamiliar with this prompt. How can you give them enough information, early on, in order to understand your paper’s purpose? METHOD: To do this paper well, you will need to have a substantial number of peer-reviewed, scholarly articles to explore. We will discuss how best to approach your particular project, but keep in mind that if you avoid the campus databases, you may not be able to do this paper very well. Works Cited George Brown College, Tutoring and Learning Centre. “Hooks and Attention Grabbers.” 2014. PDF document. 0and%20Attention%20Grabbers.pdf. Rose, Mike. “Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language.” Writing about Writing, edited by Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs, Bedford/St. Martins, 2016, pp. 787-802. Running Head: Thesis Draft 2
  • 3. Thesis Draft Although I acknowledge that there are many factors that could negatively impact the proper child growth and development due to child abuse, I claim this because numerous studies have shown that child abuse affects the child’s psychological and emotional development which leaves them less capable of navigating through life easily (Cole, 2006). We should, therefore, act to ensure that this vice is eliminated from our society to protect the future of our children. I also acknowledge the fact that other factors such as being raised in an unconducive environment could lead to the occurrence of these effects on the child growth and development. I will, therefore, consider this in my study. Child abuse has the potential to cause devastating effects on the growth and development of the individual. It could lead to emotional instability, drug use and addiction, the inability to form proper social relationships with others, behavioral problems, and a lower quality of life in adulthood and low income in the future (Cicchetti & Carlson, 1989). The study looks at the effect of child abuse on the growth and development of the child and seeks to answer the question, how will the nation overcome this vice. Looking at the philosophical background of child abuse and its religious standpoint gives me an idea of the reasoning behind the execution of the vice. From this line of thinking, I can find ways of overcoming child abuse in the society. For instance, in some communities, beating a child is seen as a way of disciplining the child (McNeil, 2007). Therefore, one way of combating this would be educating the community on the long- term effects of the practice and introducing other ways of disciplinary action for them to use.
  • 4. References Cicchetti, D. & Carlson, V. (1989). Child Maltreatment: Theory and Research on the Causes And Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Cole, T. (2006). Splintered Emotions: Aftermath of Child Abuse. Indianapolis, IN Over park Publishing Inc. Chu, J. & Bowman, E. (2003). Trauma and Sexuality: The Effects of Childhood Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse on Sexual Identity and Behaviour. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. McNeil, D. (2007). Hidden Scars: The Shattering Effects of Child Abuse. Mustang, Okla.: Tate Pub. & Enterprises. Shenold, L. (1989). Soul murder: the effects of childhood abuse and deprivation. New York: Fawcett Columbine. Running Head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 7
  • 5. The Impact Child Abuse has on Growth & DevelopmentAnnotated Bibliography Tasha Smith Robert Engelson 04/17/2017 Annotated bibliography Starr, R. & Wolfe, D. (1991). The Effects of child abuse and neglect: issues and research. London. New York: Guilford. It is only possible to understand child abuse and neglect through the use of longitudinal research methods. These methods might prove to be expensive, difficult or time-consuming but the result of employing them is what matters. This book reviews the current research concerning child abuse and neglect and provides an authoritative guide to the complex issues involved in conducting studies on the topic mentioned. Briere, J. (1992). Child abuse trauma: theory and treatment of the lasting effects. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications. Child abuse has a great impact on the physiological functioning of a child in later life. This volume takes into consideration all the long-term effects of all main forms of child abuse and maltreatment ranging from sexual abuse to mistreatment by parents who are addicted to drugs. It majorly
  • 6. focuses on the unique and overlapping effects. In addition, the author touches on the traditional views concerning psychopathology plus the treatment approaches to diseases that may have sprung due to an individual experiencing any form of abuse. These include impaired self-reference, interpersonal dysfunction, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, borderline personality disorder and self-destructive behavior. Therefore, the book helps in the identification of the effects of child abuse and how to treat them. Warner, S. (2009). Understanding the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse: Feminist Revolutions, in Theory, Research and Practice: Women and Psychology. Howick Place, London: Routledge. Sexual abuse among children is now a worldwide problem that negatively affects most people especially women and girls. Therefore, it has become a major concern to the feminists and the health activists. This book examines the current perceptions concerning women, girls and most especially child abuse in the broad aspects of psychiatry, psychology and the mass media. This is done to evaluate the best approaches that can be used in these problems. Also, the book helps in understanding the way of treating and interacting with women and girls who have been victims of abuse. It questions the use of formula-based approaches and looks into the principles and ethics required to come up with better results in the research done on women who have undergone sexual abuse in childhood. The author develops a recovery model for the victims and case studies to support the working of the model in areas such as expert witness reports in child protection, abuse psychotherapy and many others. This book, therefore, provides a thorough explanation of understanding and coping with sexual abuse and its aftermath. It is of great help to any individual working with children and adults who have encountered sexual abuse. It is also essential for students and academics focusing on this area of study.
  • 7. Mignon, S., Larson, C. & Holmes, W. (2002). Family Abuse: Consequences, Theories, and Responses. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Family abuse can lead to an individual having deviant behaviour in the future. This book looks at the relationship between the deviant behaviour witnessed in some individuals and family abuse. In doing this, the author integrates theory, programmatic efforts and research findings. The book assesses the quality of current treatment and prevention efforts and gives suggestions for the possible solutions to family abuse. It is suitable for sociologists, social workers and students studying this kind of discipline. McQueen, D. (2008). Psychoanalytic psychotherapy after child abuse: psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the treatment of adults and children who have experienced sexual abuse, violence and neglect in childhood. London: Karnac Books. Child abuse is one of the causes of early relational trauma on developing minds of children making it important for an individual who has encountered child abuse to undergo psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This book is focussed on the effects and role of psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the treatment of victims of child abuse. According to this book, the administration of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy after the occurrence of child abuse is unique in two ways. First, it brings collaboration between effective scientific evidence and accumulated clinical experience for the first time by use of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy which is the treatment used for victims of child abuse. It also brings collaboration between individuals and organizations that are concerned with the effects of child abuse plus experts in the fields related to child abuse and psychotherapy. The book is suitable for practitioners in the fields of psychological, psychiatric, and psychoanalytic therapies together with those who offer mental health services to both children and adults. It plays a great role in informing Children's
  • 8. Services commissioners, Primary Care Trusts, and health service providers about theoretical approaches and therapeutic practice in the treatment of the effects of child abuse. Shenold, L. (1989). Soul murder: the effects of childhood abuse and deprivation. New York: Fawcett Columbine. The abuse and neglect of a child or deprivation of their identity and freedom to have maximum joy and comfort in life are tantamount to committing soul murder. Dr Leonard Shenold, the author of this book, is a clinical professor in the field of psychiatry. He is based at the New York University School of Medicine. According to the author, soul murder refers to performing of brutal acts against the children that result in emotional instability and a kind of bondage to the user. This in turn leads to psychiatric disorders in the long run. The author further examines the psychological effects of the trauma that is witnessed in a large number of children who have encountered child abuse. Due to intense reading and the clinical experience possessed by the doctor, he can examine and evaluate the manifestations of soul murder in the lives of his patients and other people such as seminal writers. The seminal writers he points out include Chekhov, George Orwell, Dickens, and Kipling. However, he finds out that in other cases a terrible abuse if survived can be a source of strength to the victim. This according to the author is evident in the cases of Orwell and Dickens. McNeil, D. (2007). Hidden Scars: The Shattering Effects of Child Abuse. Mustang, Okla.: Tate Pub. & Enterprises. There are a lot of children worldwide who are suffering because of child abuse as they struggle to survive. McNeil gives her experience of abuse while she was young, hoping that no child will ever find themselves in the path she trod, of pain, suffering and abuse. She recounts how she suddenly transited from days of trust, positivity and hope, too fearful, sleepless nights filled
  • 9. with mistrust, nightmares, sadness and depression. She was deeply hurt by the very people she most trusted. Cicchetti, D. & Carlson, V. (1989). Child Maltreatment: Theory and Research on the Causes and Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Maltreatment has a huge effect on the social, cognitive, emotional and linguistic development for children who have experienced sexual abuse. In this book, the issues that contribute to emotional, sexual and physical abuse are addressed, and a highlight of how they have been handled in the past years given. Children who have ever experienced several forms of abuse give information about their language development, sexual relationships, intellectual capabilities and the level of attachment to their parents. The psychology and reason why some parents engage in abusive behaviour are analysed. Chu, J. & Bowman, E. (2003). Trauma and Sexuality: The Effects of Childhood Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse on Sexual Identity and Behavior. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. Child sexual abuse leads to trauma that negatively affects the sexual orientation, identity, fantasy and behaviour of the affected person. The author gives an insight on areas such as femininity and masculinity, the need to address sexuality in treatment, hypo sexuality hyper sexuality, treatment approaches for bisexual, lesbian, transgendered and gay trauma survivors, and the sexual risk behaviours due to trauma that can lead to the infection by HIV or other STDs. Cole, T. (2006). Splintered Emotions: Aftermath of Child Abuse. Indianapolis, IN Oberpark Publishing Inc.
  • 10. Childhood abuse has very serious effects on a person’s life after that, including adult and family life. Some of these effects like low self-esteem, negative attitude towards certain gender, confusion, self-doubt, rage, depression, nightmares, apathy, suspicion, sadness, fear and mistrust are described by the author to be some of the experiences of a childhood abuse survivor. The author notes that these experiences may later lead to alcoholism, addiction to other hard illegal drugs and domestic violence. Running Head: CHILD ABUSE 1 CHILD ABUSE 3 Research Topic: The Impact of Child Abuse Tasha Smith
  • 11. Ashford University LIB356: Research Methods for the Humanities 04/07/2017 I am studying child abuse because I want to find out what the impact has on growth and development of a child. This way, my reader will best understand many types of child abuses and possible effects they have on children as they grow into adulthood. For example, some common types of child abuses of interest include physical abuse, neglect, psychological abuse and sexual abuse among others. The research topic on child abuse will focus on the question; how can a society or nation effectively fight against child abuse? I purpose to resolve the problem of unique damage to growth and development occasioned by child abuse which happens either intentionally or due to ignorance. It is evident in many forms of pathology and child abuse has emerged as the most contributor of emotional, developmental and relational damage when children become adults (Priolo-Filho & Williams, 2016). Failing to answer the research question stated above, there would be increased childhood abuse. For example, there are high chances that it will cause permanent destruction to the brain and eventually lead to emotional, physical and relational damage. In addition, associated problems such as commercial sex works and many others could result in the society if an amicable solution is not provided by the research question. Philosophy, religion and history will constitute relevant humanity disciplines to aid in the study of the impact of child abuse as follows. Philosophy will provide a detailed perception of persons committing child abuse unintentional and cannot recognize its detrimental consequences. Religion will be helpful in understanding what different religions consider as a child abuse and yet they do not observe it. Acquiring every religion perspective would offer a good bargaining power to advise people against child abuse. Lastly, history will offer a detailed trend concerning the issue of child and therefore, devise
  • 12. effective measures to resolve the problem. References Priolo-Filho, S. R., & Williams, L. C. (2016). Child abuse as a predictor of alcohol consumption among Brazilian university students. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260516640775.