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Cultural Influences Of The 1920s
The 1920s were characterized by economic prosperity and enormous social, artistic, and cultural
enthusiasm. The twenties enhanced consumer demand and aspirations, and brought about significant
changes in lifestyle and culture.
World War 1 spanned from 1914–1918 and had a devastating effect on Europe. As a result of
America only entering the war in 1916 and no fighting actually taking place on her land, production
in the United States boomed. American manufacturers were responsible for supplying warring
nations with products and materials. In order to produce more material in a short amount of time,
new technologies were developed to help manufacturers meet the needs of the government and the
people. More people held jobs, and finances of ... Show more content on ...
This further demonstrates how the affluence of that period enabled people to support this industry
and help its enormous growth. It was during the roaring 20s that the first real celebrities began to
appear, with the ever–increasing role of cinema having a huge role to play. Similarly their fame
contributed to the growing status of Hollywood and the American film industry. (Source J). Charlie
Chaplin is one example of an actor that gained worldwide recognition in the twenties; he was
particularly famous for his 'highly visual style of acting' (Soucre J). The 1920s was often referred to
as "The Golden Age of Hollywood" (Source G) emphasizing how this period represents the era of
greatest output in the United States movie market [an average of 800 films were produced annually].
'The cinema came of age in the 1920s and Hollywood confirmed its position as the "dream factory"
of the English– speaking world. It was there that fame and fortune could be found.' (Source J) This
also highlights the growing image of Hollywood 'throughout the roaring 20s, which started to
represent wealth and achievement. 'The establishment of the Academy Awards showed the maturing
cinema as an industry confident of its own technical and artistic standards.' (Source J) This further
shows how there were many other expansions and transformations from this industry that occurred
during this period. Artists, directors and other personalities of the film making industry received
acknowledgement and recognition of their work in this industry. 'The awards soon acquired
international status' (Source J) showing how Hollywood's film industry developed into a global
sensation that was supported by people all over
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Clothing In The 1920s
Upsurge in factories and industrialization made possible the quenching of the newfound American
thirst for high fashion following the end of WWI and the end of the corset driven wardrobe. The
1920s was a time period that became known as the Roaring Twenties and the birth of modernism.
During this time emerged beaded dresses and progressively shorter hemlines. The clothing
embraced the new jazz style of music and people publicly enjoyed themselves. Many wealthy
Americans wanted to enjoy life. One of the most influential and impactful events that changed the
course of clothing and life in the United States was the 19th Amendment that gave women the right
to vote; women followed up their response with clothing lengths shortened and more simplistic ...
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Femininity saw a revival and women modeled French clothing and men's clothing–a trend set by
Coco Chanel in the early 1920s. Clothing in the 1930s were way more detailed than ever before. The
increase in details can be accredited to the increased production of plastics which allowed for the
decorative pieces like buttons. American designers began to emerge after a collapse of the French
fashion industry (because of Nazi occupation) and "a long overdue recognition was finally granted
to U.S.–born designers" and American clothing saw its "ascent in the streets of major cities all over
the world." The United States' "styles in clothing, language, and culture were widely copied–
especially when huge numbers of American soldiers arrived in Europe." "Later as international
affairs transformed the temper of the times, women's clothing became more masculine with its
structured and subdued design" as seen earlier in the
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Conservatism In The 1920's
America was just coming out of the first world war and entering a peacetime era. With a stable
economy and domestic issues coming into light, the U.S. entered the Roaring 20's. Although the
1920's were a revolution of conservatism, with the resurgence of a stronger KKK and economically
conservative presidents, there was a surge of liberalism, with the "new woman."
Although the 1920's brought about conservatism, there was surge in women's rights, resulting in the
"new woman." After the passage of the 19th Amendment in the 1920's, giving women the right to
vote, women felt there was greater opportunity. Upper class women experienced a change in
appearance and attitude. Flappers, the term given to women who disregarded Victorian Era values,
wore ... Show more content on ...
Calvin Coolidge, a Republican, was elected as president in 1923. Coolidge was a quiet person who
never said much. Like most Republicans of the time, Coolidge supported laissez faire economics.
He believed in the economic policy the supply side economic theory, when the government adopted
policies that benefit producers. Coolidge cut income tax for the wealthy and reduced government
regulations for business. The President believed the government should be an arbitrator between
business and labor and not actively interfere. These policies would benefit big businesses the most
because taxes were cut and prices dropped so spending increased. According to Khan Academy,
"Coolidge subscribed to the laissez–faire ideology of free–market capitalism, and his administration
lowered income tax rates, cut spending, and limited federal regulation of the economy."(Getchell)
Coolidge's policies created a boom in the economy, but many argue his actions, or lack of, lead to
the Great Depression. Herbert Hoover was elected president in 1929. He was another conservative
Republican to hold office during the Roaring 20's. Hoover also took on laissez faire policies
throughout his term. He relied on volunteerism, "promotion of a cooperative working relationship
between the government and business sectors that would reduce the need for forced federal
regulation." Hoover saw that volunteerism worked during WWI, with Victory Gardens, but this
tactic did not work during his presidency. Hoover did not want to use government regulation for
business or in everyday life because of his conservative beliefs. This policy was hurtful to the nation
after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Hoover relied on volunteers to help solve the economic
problems but what the nation needed was government regulation. Hoover believed the American
people could pull themselves out of economic distress
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Examples Of Inventions In The 1920s
Lorna Wake
Ms. House
US History, Period 3
April 7, 2015
Inventions in the 1920s
Essential Question: What are some of the inventions in the 1920s and how did they affect society
then and now? The 1920's was a huge era for great inventions and technology. This period of time is
referred to as the "Roaring twenties," a decade of excitement, success and determination. This era
acquired its name from the boom of thousands of ideas that were not only thought of, but brought to
life. These new advances in technology changed our lives in many ways. This was an era of great
prosperity, new innovations and creations. These inventions drastically changed people then and still
greatly affect society today. Humans wanted change and improvement, and this ... Show more
content on ...
had been around for decades, but it was not until the 1920's that scientists perfected the advanced
technology. Many inventors came into play when it came to the various systems used to create the
first T.V., but no one is to be named the "inventor." Scientists spent decades trying to find a
breakthrough, and it was not until the 21th century that it was found. Charles Francis Jenkin's
system helped lead to the first construction of the T.V. He had demonstrated a scanning system with
a revolving disk, he called it "radio vision." Jenkins system worked but the images were blurry.
Another inventor named Herbert E. Ives invented his own system called the "185 line system." Philo
Taylor Farnsworth was another key inventor. In 1927, he developed the "image dissector." This was
the first ever working electronic camera tube. Philo was motivated by his system and continued
trying. His hard work led him to invent the first fully electronic T.V. system. A radio corporation
named the RCA, was very intrigued by his work and sent their own engineer to Philo's lab. This
engineer perfected Philo's "iconoscope;" a camera tube ("History of Television"). After this
perfection of the T.V., the United States of America was changed forever. Soon after, there was a
rapid growth in technology. The T.V. brought entertainment and opened peoples eyes to the good
and bad parts of American culture, through the images and movies shown on the screen. Today, over
238 million T.V.'s
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Depression Of The 1920s Essay
The roaring twenties were a time of fun and excitement but also the leads of some of the worst times
in american history. In the 1920s there was a larger portion of wealth to be spread and due to this the
american public spent freely and willingly, But this created the depression of the 1920 and were
some of the worst times ever. This was the creation of an uncanny amount of pride and passion and
are therefore much better off in today's economy than the public would have been in the 1920's. The
early 1920's was a growing seed of national wealth and prosperity. Prior to the 1900's the Chrysler,
and Ford company worked on creating the first car with success that turned into large fortune later
on. Ford being best known for the idea of the assembly ... Show more content on ...
The public was a good time and everyone had the time of their lives because it was the roaring 20's
and they were on the brink of new inventions and ideas. Following the end of WW1 all the war time
building and preparations for the war were turned into peaceful productions. "American Economy"
This means the "guns vs. butter" theory would be making more butter for the citizens of america,
and the public definitely reaped the benefits. The stock market was great the music was one of a
kind, but the prohibition was something the public had dreaded to when drinking was a regular thing
to do. This lead to illegal transactions through which people got alcohol either illegally buying,
selling or making. Even though these items were illegal the trade of money for goods was still good
helping the economy even further. This like today is similar because although alcohol is no longer
illegal some peoples within america are paid under the table such as some waiters/waitresses with
tips, and this still helps the gov. even if the government doesn't
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The Symbols Of The 1920s
The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans
lived in cities than on farms. The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929,
and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar "consumer
society." People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thanks to nationwide advertising and
the spread of chain stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the same
slang. Many Americans were uncomfortable with this new, urban, sometimes racy "mass culture"; in
fact, for many–even most–people in the United States, the 1920s brought more conflict than
celebration. However, for a small handful of young people in the nation's big ... Show more content
on ...
By the end of the 1920s, there were radios in more than 12 million households. People also went to
the movies: Historians estimate that, by the end of the decades, three–quarters of the American
population visited a movie theater every week.
But the most important consumer product of the 1920s was the automobile. Low prices (the Ford
Model T cost just $260 in 1924) and generous credit made cars affordable luxuries at the beginning
of the decade; by the end, they were practically necessities. In 1929 there was one car on the road
for every five Americans. Meanwhile, an economy of automobiles was born: Businesses like service
stations and motels sprang up to meet drivers' needs. Cars also gave young people the freedom to go
where they pleased and do what they wanted. (Some pundits called them "bedrooms on wheels.")
What many young people wanted to do was dance: the Charleston, the cake walk, the black bottom,
the flea hop. Jazz bands played at dance halls like the Savoy in New York City and the Aragon in
Chicago; radio stations and phonograph records (100 million of which were sold in 1927 alone)
carried their tunes to listeners across the nation. Some older people objected to jazz music's
"vulgarity" and "depravity" (and the "moral disasters" it supposedly inspired), but many in the
younger generation loved the freedom they felt on the dance floor. During the 1920s, some freedoms
were expanded while others were curtailed. The 18th Amendment to the
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Women in the 1920s
Women In The 1920s The lifestyle of women changed drastically in the 1920s. They gained liberties
in all aspects such as marriage, politics, jobs and even self expression, along with various other
features. Still limited, the liberties gained outweighed the restrictions that still occurred. This gave
women the freedom needed and ability to show that they were independent and could stand on their
own, making their own decisions. It started with a group of rebellious women known as flappers.
Mostly middle and upper class women from the Northern states, changed the way the public viewed
women as a whole. They transformed the proper women into their own person. They smoke and
drank in public, wore their skirts and hair short, drove on ... Show more content on
Actresses became more popular in the entertainment industry, business jobs that once solely
belonged to men were now an option to women, along with many other careers. So, instead of being
restricted to the home, women now found jobs outside, but men still gained the benefits, such as
getting paid more for the same job, showed to be completely unfair. Also, women began to speculate
in the Wall Street stock market. As women gained jobs, the
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Clothing In The 1920s
The 1920s was a revolutionary time for fashion. The years following World War 1 was a time used
to refresh and renew people's look and let them have fun. After the war ended and the stock market
was rebuilt, customs and morals changed into a more relaxed and optimistic outlook. In the decade
before the 20s, most clothing styles were imported from the European ruling class. But once World
War 1 ended nearly all women discarded the fashion trends that once lived for a hundred years. Now
the clothes were made to be simple, short, and sweet. The clothes that people wore allowed for
comfort and practicality. Fashion was a large part of the 1920s because it allowed men and women
to have and feel more freedom.
What allowed fashion to change so much in the 20s was the easier it became to view and purchase
clothes. Fashion magazines such as Vogue, The Queen, and Harper's Bazaar, allowed women to see
what was popular and order straight from there. Women began to look towards other women for
inspiration; Joan ... Show more content on ...
This was when fashion started to become modern and a statement in people's everyday lives.
Because of mass production and consumerism, the famous styles became more easily accessible to
the common–person, thus allowing the clothes people wore to become much more important than it
was before. Clothing became someone's image for the day, and by being comfortable and free from
restraints, people were able to express themselves through the clothes they picked for the day.
Thanks to many fashion designers and fashion icons in the 1920s, clothing became the forefront of
many peoples lives. The rise of the fashion industry at this time later fell during the Great
Depression; despite that, some of the styles are still being worn today. Fashion in the 1920s was a
gateway to expression and freedom through one's clothes, and it revolutionized the fashion
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The Flappers Of The 1920s
"The Flappers in the 1920s"
How did flappers change the role of women? I will tell you what a flapper is. The lifestyle of a
flapper. How they dresses and how did they wear their makeup.And how they change the role of
women during the 1920s.
The Gibson Girl's fashionable clothing testified her profession; to be her husband's ability to support
her. " For the Gibson Girl, grooming itself was her profession; to be her husband's prized possession
was her career." The Gibson Girl took her cues in fashion and values from European royalty. She
was the embodiment of women as bearers of children, makers of homes, devoted, affectionate, but
obedient wives. She was taught to please men rather than herself. The ideals she embodied included
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A lot of men lost their lives on the battlefield and the trenches in wartime and as a result there was a
shortage of men in peacetime(Kalloniatis, Ilianthe. "Flappers In Fashion." Google Books,
After the war was over, a lot of independent women wanted to celebrate their independence and
enjoy themselves. Society as a whole wanted to celebrate life, free from the tyrannies and
restrictions of war(Kalloniatis, Ilianthe. "Flappers In Fashion." Google Books, BookBaby).
Flappers did believe in equality. And yet they were not necessarily feminists who marched with
picket signs in front of polling booths or unfair workplaces. In fact, the flapper's rebellion was all
about having fun in social situations (Gourley 63).
Flappers were northern, urban, single, young, middle–class women. Many held steady jobs in the
changing American economy. The clerking jobs that blossomed in the Gilded Age was more
numerous than ever. Women were needed on the sales floor to relate to the most precious
customers– other women. But the flapper was not all work and no play( "Flappers.",
Independence Hall Association, 2008).
A flapper was a young woman, usually between the ages of fifteen and twenty–five. While not every
modern girl in the 1920s was a flapper, every flapper shared a similar characteristics. First, her
clothing defined her. Her dress
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The 1920s
The "Roaring Twenties," the "Jazz Age," the "Golden Age"; what happened in this decade that made
it so "roaring, jazzy, and golden?" What made up the twenties? Known for fun, style, and prosperity,
the ‘20s were one of the most exciting, controversial, and productive periods in America. This
paper will cover some (not all) of the significant events and inventions that happened in this
revolutionary decade. Well–known parts of the "Jazz Age" include, jazz, flappers, fashion, and the
radio. Also notorious for being a reckless, irresponsible, and materialistic era, the 1920s also had
some infamous problems; Prohibition, gangsters, and the start of the great Depression. Many new
things arose in this era. The new technologies that became ... Show more content on
The first Oscar movie was made by Paramount pictures. Metro Goldwyn Mayer film–making
studios was also founded. Mickey Mouse became America's favorite cartoon character in Steamboat
Willie. Pooh Bear was also created and was very popular for young children. The music of the time
was jazz . . . Jazz, blues, and ragtime. These were all popular along with swing dancing. The
Charleston was one of the better–known dances. Most of the twenties' forms of entertainment didn't
die out, but evolved with time into something more advanced. Movies, radio, and the music all
survived (not so much the specific styles of music). But the roots of these kinds of entertainment can
all be found in that decade. Art and theater were more popular than ever in the 1920s. Early
modernism in art began at the turn of the century and continued through World War II. Modern
styles of art included abstract expressionism, realism, and surrealism. The best museums featured
shows by the important artists who used these styles. Broadway reached an all time peak. There
were 276 plays offered in 1927 in New York City. (This is a lot compared to only 50–something in
the 1970s.) Historians argue over exactly how many theaters there were. Some say eighty, some say
seventy, but everyone agreed that Broadway was booming in the 1920s. After the war, the American
population was moving more and more into the cities. In response to the many social changes in
America, the new
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1920s Mass Culture
The influence of 1920 mass culture deserves some consideration in the shaping of the country
although the commercial growth of the 1920s did not really Americanize working– class Chicagoans
as deeply and as quickly as one would think. It is quite evident that mass culture by itself did not
actually modernized American society in the1920s; it was more how mass culture was consumed
that really had the greatest impact on ethnic workers.
Despite many Americans changing the way they purchased goods and services, nowhere was that
change more evident than in the middle class communities. On the contrary workers from the
manufacturing sectors did not benefit equally from the growing wealth during the 1920s. The decade
had failed to remove economic uncertainty with unemployment remaining high and the fear of not
finding a job or losing a job forcing workers to focus on economic security rather than spending.
One way to encourage more spending was the creation of the system of installment selling, a plan
that allowed all Americans to take part in the consumer revolution (Cohen, 102). The problem was
that the number of industrial workers willing to utilize installment plans was very minimal.
Industrial workers that did sign up for installment plans usually made small purchases such as a
phonograph. Unfortunately, retailers hoping the purchase of phonographs would lead the way for
consumers to explore more mainstream tastes such ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately these chain stores that were going to influence consumer behavior were
predominately located in neighborhoods of above–average income. That did not matter much since
industrial workers were faithful to local merchants simply because of shared ethnicity and trust. As
long as they had their local markets the working class identity remained
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1920s Negatives
The Other Side of the Roaring Twenties "A revolution in manners and morals". Who can think about
the 1920s without the terms "flapper", "automobile", "Golden Age" or "women's right to vote"?
Possibly no one. Indeed, the 1920s were an era of cultural, social and political change. New
inventions, like the radio, made the country more connected than ever before. Women gained the
right to vote at the beginning of the decade. Youth culture changed into a more open and careless
generation. A consumer society established itself, as the States grew more urban. But even this
period of change and reformant had a dark side to itself and the life of people, especially minorities.
Immigrants faced discrimination, even before entering the country, and racism reached a new high
with the re–foundation of the Ku Klux Klan – all off those negative attributes made advances like
the Harlem Renaissance and the new role of women appear in ... Show more content on ...
Following the Great Immigration after the Civil War, many African Americans moved to the north in
bigger cities, since they faced worsing discrimination in the south. Many moved into big cities, due
to job opportunities in the industry and dreaming of an equal middle class life to that of a white
middle class person. With this African Americans also embraced their roots and the Harlem
Renaissance established itself in the African American community. Famous writers like Zora Neale
Hurston or W.E.B. DuBois did not just gain popularity amongst African Americans, but even in the
white American society. Although equal opportunities were not given at that time, the Harlem
Renaissance was a big step to equality and acknowledgement of African Americans and their
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Similarities And Differences Between The 1920s And The 1920's
e social rules for dating changes from one generation to the next. One could say morals, romantic
ideas and values have changed over the years. To understand the similarities, differences and
importances between dating now and the 1920's, we will take a look into the all famous Greats
Gatsby. There are many differences about the 1920's verses today. Dating in the 1920's was very
different compared to 2017. It was common for a young man in the 1920's to not be able to speak to
the young lady unless they were formally introduced. In the 1920's all of the colleges were for men
and women, so it was very difficult to meet some one to date. During this time you would most
likely meet them at a dance but you would only hold hands. At the beginning of the 1920's things
started changing for the dating scene, couples began to go out together in public and unsupervised.
The quote "I hope she'll be a fool that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little
fool" (Fitzgerald 21). I believe is referring to the women as objects and lack of intelligence. Daisy
feels sorry that she is bringing a female to this world because she knows her daughter will face
obstacles in her life, just like the way she did, and will have to endure them even though it will be
painful. You will find a major difference in this today. Women want to be and should be treated as
equals to men.
Bringing around similarities of dating in 2017 and the the roaring twenties. The 1920's started and
era of chaperones on dates that soon turned into casual dating. Dating also required a formal
commitment to each other which soon turned to more freedom with relationships. During the
twenties you started dating at a young age just like today, dating in jr. high was very common. A
famous quote from The Great Gatsby, "You always look so cool" (Fitzgerald 125)
She had told him that she loved him. The similarities of this compared to today is something that
girls would say and guys would like to hear. Their eyes met, and they stared together at each other,
alone in space. With an effort she glanced down at the table. This is something that relationships
should be based on.
The Importance of dating is the same today as it was
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The Era Of The 1920s
The 1920s was a pivotal era in women's fashion–an era that saw Prohibition, Jazz and celebration of
war's end. Gone was the hourglass figure of the 19th Century, swept away by the World War I, and
replaced by the figure of a modern, independent woman. This book covers fashions from 1920 to
1924, an often overlooked period of fashion which was a time of transition between the draped and
layered fashions of the post World War I era and the free and easy gowns of the jazz age flapper.
Before the Roaring Twenties, women were still wearing floor–length dresses with corsets, and
crinolines, arms and legs were covered, hair was long. This Gibson girl look was set the standard for
beauty, fashion and manner. And the Victorian attitudes toward dress and etiquette created a strict
moral climate.
Until 1920s things changed quickly, the women was given the right to vote, they began to attend
college. The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed in 1923. The World War I was over and men
wanted their jobs back. Women, though, who had taken up men's jobs while they were at war, had
proved themselves worthy of men's jobs, so many organizations and feminist reformers took up the
task to encourage gender equality.
Many important things happened in the 1920's like prohibition and jazz music. Something that is
also very significant is that this was the decade where fashion began entering a modern era. After
decades of Victorian style, clothing such as corsets and petticoat, fashion was finally
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Sex In The 1920s Essay
Sex in the 1920's:The Ford, The Tango, and the Stars
With the switch from Victorianism to Freudianism the era of the 1920's is symbolized to be an era of
rebirth. Rebirth for women's rights, rebirth in fashion, rebirth in social classes and one of the most
important, rebirth in sex. The 1920's has been identified to be an era of glamorous parties, petting
parties, and controversy. Many contributions are at fault for modern sexuality and these have been
due to smoking, new industries, movie stars, and new behaviors in women as well as altered gender
roles. In Meagan Kelly's article, "A Woman's Changing Sexual Agency" she states, "Mass media is
the focal point of this sexual revolution, and the idea of romance portrayed in movies sparks ...
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Henry Ford was a popular American industrialist who is responsible for the invention of the
automobile, what he didn't invent was the sexual revolution that was highly influenced with the
making of the automobile. A modern fad at the time was the act of "petting parties." Paula S. Fass,
professor emerita of history at the University of California, Berkeley and author of The Damned and
the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920s, defines "petting parties" as "There were parties where
young people did quite a lot of erotic exploration – kissing and fondling. These parties always
stopped before intercourse. In that sense they had imposed limitations created by the group
presence. They were not orgies and they were not promiscuous – one set of partners only." Now
most of these petting parties took place in the new and glamourous Ford car, sex was now portable
which wasn't even an idea before this time. Dating couples now had a portable place to be alone and
"helped facilitate relaxed sexual attitudes." (Fass). With prudishness now mocked, reckless sexuality
was now popular with younger couples and even public display of affection became
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1920s Individualism
The 1920s or The roaring twenties were an era of social and political change. The dramatic change
were a lot such many Americans lived in cities rather on farm , the country wealth doubled between
1920 and 1929. After the World War one in 1918 , american had a massive economic boost with
plenty of job with new manufacturing plants and built things aside from airplane engine but
household item such has TV , cars, refrigerator , radio , and washing machine . Car was not
necessary but a luxury for the super–rich, which helped the cities into their "modern incarnations"
according to Heather whipps. Many event associated with the twenties such as the "new women"
one of the icon symbol of the 1920s era flapper; a young woman with short skirt and bobbed hair
basically drank , smoked and said anything with was considered "unladylike," the 19th amendment
which gave women ... Show more content on ...
According to Boundless.Com some of the main literary figures of the 1920s , examples such as
Fitzgerald and Hemingway , wrote novel and short stories judging the selfish and materialism
individualism of that age. One of the famous books F.Scott Fitzgerald was "The Great Gatsby" and
other books such as "The Side of Paradise" many more. In the 20's literature reflected realistic
characters and themes and many focus and influenced by the Great war and concentrated on the
negative effects of modernism. This was also the era of the harlem renaissance, were african–
american literary and artistic cultural growth from about 1917 to 1930. the harlem renaissance was
idea based on intelect and the production of literature , art , and msuic would challenge pervading
racial sterotypes and promote soical and racial such are langston hughes and zora
neale hurston or some of
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Women In The 1920s
Historical Inquiry
The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. Women began to take on a variety of
different roles after the first world war, both in the home and in the workplace. The number of
working women increased by 25 percent. Many women wanted to show that they could do the job
just as well as men. Their war experiences gave many the desire for more working opportunities.
Women had also been given the right to vote in 1920. These new found economic and political
freedoms led to more liberated ideas about sex, appearance, and consumerism.
'Flappers', a name given to sexually ... Show more content on ...
Their clothes became less restricted and flowy, giving them much more freedom to move and work.
Where women were once expected to have long hair, short hair was now a sign of freedom. Make–
up was popular, and more available. Sales boomed thanks to advertising. In the 1920s, women
smoked in public and drove cars, which were not acceptable before the war. Women had more
leisure time when labour–saving inventions like vacuum cleaners and washing machines decreased
their housework. If they had a car, as many did, they were no longer so bound to the home. Overall,
household and domestic consumer goods became more common, and these were targeted at
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Scientific Inventions In The 1920s
The 1920s was an amazing time for America's economy, especially in science and industrial
developments. Scientific ideas and developments in the 19th century brought the opportunity for
American advancements that are now seen today. These new inventions and scientific processes not
only sets up America for success, but also the success for other countries. After the Great War,
America wanted to go back to the idea "normalcy" but really America was changing, and they didn't
even know it. Before the 1920s women would have to go outside and wash their clothes one by one.
They would use a bucket of hot water, a washboard, and a bar of soap to wash their clothes. Once
they were done washing their clothes they would hang them up by yarn or string ("History of
Laundry – after 1800"). They would dump the article of clothing into the bucket of water, scrub it on
the washboard with the soap, and then hang them on a clothes line and let it air dry. Once the clothes
were dry the women then brought the clothes into the house and folded them. When the electrical
washing machine was invented in the 1920s by Alva J. Fisher women were able to catch a ... Show
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With the creation of the Model T, created by Henry Ford, America has more people traveling and
getting to places and a new way of production was being introduced to all industries. Because the
production of the Model T introduced the idea of an assembly line, it showed other companies and
industries ways to pump out production more efficiently and faster than they could before ("Ten
Ways the Model T Changed the World"). Once cars were created more people traveled which meant
the roads needed to be built up and in better conditions then they were at first. However, the Model
T did have some downsides. Since the Model T produced more efficiently it only came in one color,
black. At the time, customizations to a car was unheard
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Symbolism In The 1920s
The Roaring Twenties The 1920s were the beginning of remarkable social and political changes.
The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and the economic growth drew
many Americans into a prosperous but unfamiliar "consumer society." With the rise in nationwide
advertising, and the start of chain stores, people everywhere where buying the same clothes, shoes,
listened to the same music danced the same and even used the same slang. Due to the sometimes
racy "mass culture", many Americans were uncomfortable. In United States, the 1920s brought more
confrontation than happiness. The most familiar symbol of the "Roaring Twenties" for women was
the flapper. According to A&E History, "the flapper was a young woman with hair cut to her chin,
wore short skirts, drank, smoked and said 'unladylike' things" (2010). The flapper woman was
considered more sexually "free" than previous generations. Although the flapper was an iconic
symbol, the majority of young women did not do any of the things as described. Many young
women did follow the fashion of a flapper, but even women who were not flappers gained some
extraordinary freedoms. "Due to the 19th Amendment, the Constitution had guaranteed the right for
women to vote that began in the 1920s" (A&E History, 2010). The 19th Amendment opened the
corporate doors for millions of women to work in white–collar jobs. This new–found freedom
allowed women to participate in the expanding consumer economy. Another
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Dbq The 1920s
J. Paul Getty describes the 1920s as " ... the period of that Great American Prosperity which was
built on shaky foundations." The 1920s was an age that consisted of many social and political
changes throughout America. The changes occured dramatically in these three different topics:
economics, racism, and women's suffrage. It created more jobs and more opportunities for the
American people, fixed the major problems of racism against African Americans, and changed
women's norms by making the "housewife" perspective less common, and driving more women
towards a rebellious era. These three changes of the 1920s made it to become famously known as
"The Roaring '20s."
The roaring '20s was an age of very many economic changes throughout America creating more jobs
and more opportunities for the people. A huge economic change was that more American families ...
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Many people up and left to move into the big cities, leaving many things behind. They thought they
could make more money for less work by getting a job at the factories. People were running and
telling about the amazing jobs the factories were giving them making more people come into the
city (Document 2a). Companies in the city then grew larger causing a huge economic change in
America, creating new jobs for all the new people moving to the cities. The men started to return
from World War I and increased the employment rate while gaining profit for the people and the
companies because of the production boom. That then continued to have a positive effect on the
companies because of the increase in sales (Document 1). Because of the increases in sales, people
had more money laying around, which brought many people to invest their money, making it a
traditional value during the 1920s. The stock market was on the rise, and at first it seemed to be
mostly the rich people that invested. Stock brokers then started to make deals with the
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Xenophobia In The 1920s Essay
The 1920's The 1920's was a time of great change and differences. The people of the United States
were just getting over their problems from the First World War, and all the German–American
immigrants were not helping them one bit. The 1920's was an era full of xenophobia and prejudice,
especially in the areas of The Red Scare, The Immigration Restriction Act, the Sacco and Vanzetti
trial, the country's immigration hysteria, and the topic of Eugenics. The Red Scare came to be
because of the U.S.'s fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other different groups, because
they were worried that at any time they would start a revolution ("The Red Scare"). Due to this
problem, many of the U.S. citizens felt a major rise of patriotism, other than some workers, who
became known as "Reds," who ... Show more content on ...
Because of WWI and all the problems with Germany, many Americans had problems and fears of
the German–born American immigrants. The country worked to create a German–free atmosphere
by changing the names of foods, streets, and other locations, and creating different laws concerning
the Germans. For example, they changed the name of sauerkraut to liberty cabbage, Berlin,
Michigan became Marne, Michigan, and frankfurters became known as hot dogs. Some states even
went as far as making it illegal to speak German entirely, and President Woodrow Wilson decided to
make a restriction to German–born Americans in 1917 ("The Anti–German Crusade"). And for the
German–Americans that already lived in the country, they were kept track of, and, if they seemed to
show any evidence that they were helping the Germans with the war, they were imprisoned. With
these new laws, the U.S. citizens had to prove that they were loyal to the United States by buying
war bonds to help the military, and they also wanted to make it hard for the German–Americans to
get jobs ("The Anti–German
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Flappers In The 1920s
The 1920s marked a period of increasing services that were made available to the middle class. By
and large Americans as a whole were drained of war and looking for a way to put the horrors of the
last few years behind them. New products made chores around the home easier and resulted in
increased relaxation time. Products that had once been too expensive were suddenly affordable due
to new methods of financing that made it possible for families to spend beyond more available
means. New practices of advertising of increased the sale of goods through the capitalization of
consumer hopes and dreams.
For the first time it was possible for Americans to buy on credit through the ideology of 'buy now,
pay later' practices that led in the Roaring ... Show more content on ...
The first commercial radio station in the U.S., Pittsburgh's KDKA, hit the airwaves in 1920; three
years later there were more than 500 stations in the nation. By the end of the 1920s, there were
radios in more than 12 million households. People also went to the movies very often. The most
important consumer product in the 1920s was the vehicles. Low prices (the Ford Model T cost just
$650 in 1924) and large credit made cars affordable Luxuries at the beginning of the decade; by the
end, they were almost necessities. In 1929 there was one car on the road for every five Americans.
Cars also gave young people the freedom to go where they wanted to and do what they wanted.
What many young people wanted to do was dance: the Charleston, the cake walk, the black bottom,
the flea hop. Jazz bands played at dance halls like the Savoy in New York City and the Aragon in
Chicago; radio stations and phonograph records carried their songs to listeners across the nation.
Generally, the goal of most Americans was to put the fear and doubts of the World War I behind
them and return to Normality. The country rose from the war with a new respect around the world
by President Woodrow Wilson became graceful to lead cooperation in an international arena. With
his death, this spirit of international cooperation ended and the Republican Party later ruled the
remainder of the
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Greed In The 1920s Essay
The 1920s was a memorable era in time. It was filled with crime, parties, bootleggers, flappers, a
scare amount of jobs and greed. The 1920s was different from any era. It was an era that changed
the U.S. Throughout the entire 1920s the prohibition took place. Many protested and broke the ban
against alcohol. That's where the black market originated from. (Nash). Excessive usage and greed
was relevant. I read two books about the 1920s. The first one was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott
Fitzgerald and the second book was The Razors Edge by M. Somerset Maugham. The common
theme between these two descriptive books set in the 1920s and the 1920s is greed over powers
morals. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about love and greed. The Great ... Show more
content on ...
The 1920s was the era of the prohibition. There was a huge amount of over usage. There weren't a
lot of jobs, people had to do a lot of different things to survive and make ends meet, even if it was
illegal or hurt others (Nash). The Prohibition was the 18th amendment and lasted 13 years
throughout the roaring 1920s (Nash). The black market for alcohol was hence born. People bribed
the police to keep the illegal alcohol sales and consumption under wraps and from not being arrested
(Nash). Compared to how women dressed before the roaring 20s, they showed a lot more skin. They
actually showed their knees (Scott). Women used a lot of makeup and flashly jewelry, even though
back then it was indecent (Scott). People Started to use credit, the "buy now, pay later" method (A
Consumer Economy). Even when they couldn't afford the things they were getting, they still bought,
which created a lot of spending (A Consumer Economy). The Crash of The Stock Market caused the
banks to hold on to people's money. Many did not get their money back, due to the greed of the
banks and others (A Consumer Economy). This all ties into over usage and greed. The 1920s is a
prime example of greed over powering
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Essay On The 1920s
The 1920s was a drastic shift for young people's choices and future consequences. The years of the
1920s represented a new type of freedom for women, young adults, African Americans, and
immigrants. A group of people support dogmatic, old–slow rural life, religious belief, and did not
care for education, while the others embraced modernism and preferred urban living, contributing to
technology, continuing education, urban development, science, and a brighter future. The anti–
modernist people carried out every effort in their power to depict change as a bad idea for the future.
Most of the beliefs established radical groups such as religious cults, communist party, military
radicals, the K.K.K having 3 million members at their climax ... Show more content on ...
Life in a larger city provided people with better access and opportunity to vote, women were
incurred to vote, healthcare was available, several business opportunities for entrepreneurs, and
education. Several African Americans had the opportunity to earn an education including: Saint
Elmo Brady (1884–1966) fas the first African American to study and complete a P.H.D. program at
University of Illinois in 1916; Ernest Everett Just (1883–1941) was a biologist and a founding
member of Omega Psi Phi; Louis Tomkins Wright (1891–1952) an African American surgeon and
civil rights activist, and Mr.Wright was a Harvard Medical School graduate; Roger Arliner Young
(1889–1964) was the first African American women to earn a doctorate degree in zoology. These are
just some successes out of the many many in the world. The entrepreneur freedom was well and
alive. Small businesses flourished within the city, young owners operated restaurants, clothing
stores, shoe stores, jazz clubs with employed many of the greatest musicians of all time, flower
shops, etc. Women enjoyed freedom from the old values embedded in their ancestors. Women were
called flappers and loved to party, go dancing, dinning, drinking, and dating. Just some activities
women would have never experienced a few years
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An Essay On The 1920s
1920's Research paper
The 1920s brought a great time of change, historically and politically. In addition to all the change,
it was also a very complex decade itself, there were serious economical crises. At the same time
people were partying in speakeasies a few hours later. Jazz was all the rage in this period, especially
for the younger generation. Interestingly many important people came from this decade too, from
the fashion designer Coco Chanel to the American entrepreneur Walt Disney. During this era there
was also a very drastic style change, mainly for the women. All of these changes made the 1920's a
very exciting time. The 1920's was known for many historic moments, of one the most memorable
being the Great Depression. On October ... Show more content on ...
F Scott Fitgerald was one of them, known best as the Author of the Great Gatsby. This best selling
novel and personal favorite is a great read that follows a cast of fictional characters living on West
Egg, LI, and shows their lives during the "Roaring Twenties". Fitzgerald was known as one of the
greatest writters of the 20th century. Another darling face of the 1920's was the iconic Audrey
Hepburn, born May 4th 1929, Hepburn was a British actress and Humanitarian known as a film and
fashion icon. She was very active during hollywoods golden age, with many incredible movies.
Coco Chanel was another very important person, she was a fashion designer and the founder of the
Chanel brand we all know today. She was very famous for designer the first pair of womens
trousers, her most famous quote was, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous". Another
example of an important person from this decade is none other than Walt Disney, born December
5th of 1901, Disney was always keeping himself busy. He is known as an entrepreneur, animator,
voice actor and film producer. He is also most commonly known for founding the Walt Disney
Company on October 16th, 1923 in Los Angeles, California ("Sundios, 1"). This time was definetly
filled with important
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The 1920s Essay
The 1920's
The 1920's where a time of conservatism, it was a time of great social change. From the world of
fashion to the world to politics, forces clashed to produce the most explosive decade of the century.
The eighteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, which made alcohol illegal. It was called the
Prohibition Amendment. This was known as the "Noble Experiment". All importing, exporting,
selling, manufacturing and transporting of alcohol were illegal. The older people favored this
amendment. They felt that alcohol was bad because of the way people behaved after drinking.
People thought that crime, death rates and poverty would decrease now because alcohol was illegal.
The younger generation did not like ... Show more content on ...
The women in the twenties became much more provocative. In general, women sought greater
personal freedom and equality with men in her social life (Gales Research 1998).
The technology and science during the twenties was very important. Many new ideas and inventions
were introduced to Americans that influenced their lives. Henry fords automobile changed American
life. Ford wanted to "democratize the automobile". He wanted to everyone to be able to afford an
automobile and have one. To help this he paid his workers five dollars a day, for doing this he was
known as the friend of the worker. Ford also lowered the price of his cars. The model t ford became
the "family pet of the nation" (Gales research, 1998). By 1929, 23.1 million passenger cars were in
use in the United States. The privacy and mobility offered by the car would transform the Americans
lived. The spread of technology affected consumerism. The United States economy went through a
steady growth and expansion during this time. The radio became very popular in the twenties. By
1922, 3 million Americans households had radios. Many new electric appliances such as: vacuum
cleaners, toasters, washing machines, televisions and refrigerators were introduced. These
appliances helped the American housewife. Women became America's greatest consumer. People
started going to see motion pictures. The first movies were called silent screens.
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The Flappers Of The 1920s
Flappers What is a flapper? The flapper is one of the most essential parts of the 1920s. They
represented a new type of woman. Whether in attitude, attire, or slang. The 1920s flapper
demonstrated how women could transform into something that is a part of the modern construction
of women's identity. The flapper was a major part of "The Roaring Twenties". The flapper was how
young women sought to define themselves. Prior to the 1920s American women were seen in a very
traditional light. They were meant to stay in the backgrounds of their husbands. Their dresses were
meant to cover all the parts of their bodys. Women were told to follow the traditional and
subservient roles. With the ending of World War 1, Europe was in ruins, America became seen as the
center of the world's stage.
The war caused many American women to take factory jobs as result of the men enlisting in the war
effort. They took these jobs because once the husband left there was no source of income coming to
the family. So the women had to go to work to receive income to feed their families. Also, they
started to work at the factories so they could make guns, bombs, food, and clothes to send to the
troops in Europe who were fighting in the war.
The 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 by the United States Constitution that allowed women the
right to vote. On November 2, 1920 more than 8 million women across the United States voted in
elections for the first time. It took
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Fashion In The 1920's
Fashion is a major part of today's history. Throughout the years, clothing has made the generation.
During the 1920's fashion was fabulous, risqué, and modern. As for this time period, fashion is
nothing like it used to be. The 1920s is known for the all night partying in stunning clothing.
Fashion has and always will be a tremendous part of history. To describe this topic, fashion is what
individuals wear, and what they look like. During our generation now, many enjoy wearing a pair of
blue jeans and a t–shirt. The generations that have come and gone are different then what we know
now. Fashion continues to change throughout the years. This was not the case back in history.
Countless people took pride in what they looked like. Fashion allows ... Show more content on ...
In the eighties, hair was teased up to high heavens, no in the two thousands; hair is usually straight
and tamed. During the 1920s, for women their hairstyles were short. This hairstyle was called the
"Bob" which was short all over and shaped around the face (Oliver 1). Another major hairstyle
during this time was called, finger waves. This hairstyle is interesting, the hair is flat to the woman's
head and then the ends are curled (Oliver 2). Men had a slick hairstyle, they would use gel to slick
all their hair back and make it nice and neat (Oliver 3). When dealing with hair, there are many
things that people look for. It is very interesting to look at how things have changed over the years.
There would be no way that people of this generation would consider wearing finger waves out.
This just goes to show that all things change when dealing with
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Cars In The 1920's
History of the 1920's Automobiles
In this day and age cars are a part of everyday lives, but where did the understanding of the "modern
car" come? This is not about the first car made, but rather the sparkle, speed and that which is the
epitome of luxury cars. About how the 1920's affected the way cars are built and designed today due
to the innovations and inventions during this Era. The Auto Industry was merely beginning to spark
in the early 20's, but that didn't stop Henry Ford from dominating the world of automobiles. His first
Model T was a stepping stone, after that he shot up in the world, and was making cars that were
innovative, all while keeping them reasonably priced so the "working man" could afford them. Don't
think he only ... Show more content on ...
The creation of many technologies for cars in the 20's started setting trends for the years to come.
Then the wide variety of colors made available during that era became a standard thing to see in the
21st century. Finally the major leap in using a mechanical assembly line to make cars for a fraction
of the price became commonplace in the auto industry. That is why the 1920's had a major effect on
how cars are built today.
Work Cited
1920's Automobiles, www.1920–
"1928 Stutz BB Black Hawk Speedster."Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum,–collection/match–race/1928–stutz–bb–black–hawk–speedster.
"Antique and Classic Cars: Pictures and Information: 1902 – 1970s." Antique and Classic Cars:
Pictures and Information: 1902 – 1970s,
"Henry Ford.", A&E Networks Television, 10 Aug. 2017,–ford–9298747. Staff. "Automobile History.", A&E Television Networks, 2010, Staff. "Model T.", A&E Television Networks, 2010,
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Parties In The 1920s
Parties during the 1920s is an influential moment in America's history. It is evident that this decade
shaped America in what it is today.There were positive changes, including the Harlem Renaissance
and the birth of Jazz as an art form. Also, women became more free in fashion choices and were
able to show their feminine sides with beautiful flapper dresses and original hairstyles . They were
able to show off their legs, the looks that women had back then reflect their culture and nighttime
style that they had during parties. Alcohol, food, and dancing were an integral part of the parties. It
is a fact that alcohol problem was very common and before the prohibition law came into effect
when an average american drank on "average of 88 bottles of whiskey per year"(psborg) So, during
parties people even with illegal drinking, experienced different kinds of alcohol and some types of
alcohol were invented and still popular today.So, one effect of the 1920s is the invention of many
alcoholic drinks that were needed for parties. As well, the temptation of liquor had the unintended
effect of turning many law–abiding citizens into criminals. The crime rates especially during parties
went up. Food was consumed in large amounts too, due to the fact that many people still lived in
rural areas and were growing and making food on their farms. During parties people prefered light
appetizers such as fruits and hors–d'oeuvres which gave them the ability to keep their bodies sober
and dance. ... Show more content on ...
American parties had many negative effects on society with criminal problems and prohibition law,
nevertheless it introduced a new style of music, new food, and new clothing that people still wear
and are proud of these
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Entertainment In The 1920's
America has always been searching for new types of entertainment. In the early twenty–first
century, cutting–edge technology and pastimes were introduced. Nightlife was increased due to
flappers and jazz music, and the invention of the radio provided amusement and paved the way for
more technology. Entertainment provided a way to relieve stress in the Roaring Twenties. Even
sports offered a time of leisure for the busiest individuals. The rise of different types of
entertainment in the 1920s made a long–lasting impact on Americans. Sports became a popular type
of past time for America in the 1920s due to the attention from the media. The decade was often
called the Golden age of Sports "because they became popular so quickly" (Baughman).
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Essay On The 1920s
The 1920's should be considered a time of prosperity in American history. America was introduced
to new a modern identity. There was many cultural norms in the 1920's. The decade also saw an
economic boom, through new modern industries and the automotive age. The government went back
to a hands off, "Laissez–Faire", government. The government and politics were going for the return
to normalcy type of outlook. The 1920's was considered a decade of change in American history.
There was a new modern society and new mass culture. Also it is important to point out that many
Americans were working less hours, which allowed for many people to go to a movie or a baseball
game. New inventions like the movie theaters, radios, and art styles ... Show more content on ...
At the beginning of the decade there was definitely some struggles with bribery and corruption. This
was quickly overcome when Coolidge took the position of commander and chief. He brought
America back to the idea of laissez–faire. He was anti–progressive supreme court appointments and
only choose conservatives in the cabinet. The foreign policy in the decade was the dawes plan. The
Dawes plan works very effectively at the time because America was helping Germany with their war
debts, while France and Britain paid us for helping them out in WWI as well. America's foreign
policy and idea of the return to normalcy benefited America and let the 1920's to be remembered as
a time of little government interference. It was also a peaceful time to live in. In conclusion the
1920's should be considered and looked back on in American history as a time to be alive. The new
inventions and new modern society let Americans feel good about themselves. The Automotive Age
led to the decade being a successful period in economics. The government let the people be and was
focused on the Dawes Plan. In conclusion the 1920's should be remembered as an age of
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White Supremacy In The 1920s
The Roaring Twenties is seen as a peak in American life the creation of the Model T, flappers, and
speakeasies made American living fun. On the other hand, The Ku Klux Klan, a group of white
Americans with a strong protestant belief and racist mindset, made American living difficult for
those they saw unfit, such as blacks, catholics, those involved in an interracial relationship, the
mentally challenged, immigrants, radicals, and those with psychological problems. The Ku Klux
Klan was revived in the 1920s by Colonel William Joseph Simmons "after seeing D.W. Griffith's
film "Birth of a Nation", which portrayed the klansmen as great heroes (Ku Klux." The Klansmen
prided themselves in their lifestyle. "It is said that "the KKK's presence was ... Show more content
on ...
The Klan's tactics of scaring the unclean were cruel, unusual and never, by any means, justifiable.
The Klan "peaked at four to five million members" during the Twenties (Alchin). The Klan's tactics
could be somewhat simple such as "In 1924, about one hundred and fifty men and women dressed in
complete Klan regalia held a day long rally at the Twin Falls city fair grounds. Other times their
tactics were more violent. One Year after the rally "Twin Falls only black resident received a threat
from the Klan (Matthews)." The Klan escalated to murder in "Birmingham, Houston, Dallas,
Jacksonville, Tampa, Nashville, and Little Rock all had murder rates that easily outstripped those of
violent Northern centers such as Chicago (Pegram 169)." The Klansmen despised interracial
relationships and refused to let them go on without a warning or a death. In Houston " the Klansmen
reputedly led a party [...] that seized a black hotel bellman suspected of pandering and other sexual
improprieties involving white women; they branded the letters KKK on his forehead with acid
(Pegram 66)." The KKK would dress up in full Klan regalia and ride through the night to strike fear
into the heart of this nation. Any tactic to get what they wanted the Klan
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1920s Fashion Essay
1920s Fashion
In the 1920s, fashion trends were the shorter low–waisted dresses and revealing styles worn by
flappers. With their short–bobbed hairstyles and cloche hats, down to scarves and stocking with
bold. The 1920s fashion strikes the design era for fashion by having change in the women's fashion.
The fashion changed and characterized the women in the 1920s, as they called it the roaring
twenties the women started gaining their free rights and independence. Fashion for women had a
positive impact in the 1920s and on the world today throughout the advancement in women's rights.
Though out the years fashion has changed in different variety of ways in the 1920s by giving women
the ability to change the way they act and look. "1920's ... Show more content on ...
"The term "flapper" first appeared in Great Britain after World War I." (Rosenberg par 8). The
flappers would wear knee length dresses with slits cuts into it so it was easier to move in, they wore
lots of makeup and sparkles. The flappers only smoke and drink, but they also partied and dance a
lot considering it was the jazz age as well. "The 1920s was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular
past–times for flappers was dancing...." (Rosenberg par 24). Dancing was very popular and common
for the flappers to be doing along with smoking and drinking. Women's fashion was more of a
revealing style of the 1920s from the effect of the jazz music and alcohol on society. The women of
the 1920s weren't the only ones who went through a fashion change, the men did also. After the war
men's fashion in the 1920s went through a positive transformation. The war changed the attitudes
and the level of class, as the younger men switched forming wear the suits they adopted their own
look. Men's fashion in the 1920s was the start of men's fashion, but only minor changes were
changed in the menswear. ". Suit colors were mostly neutral with patterns, but the accessories
popped with vibrant colors– just like they did for women's 1920s fashion" (1920s fashion for men
par 1). The suits were the biggest trend for men's fashion in the 1920s, all the men had them. For
day evening, office, or parties, a man always wore a suit. What's different from the 1920s men's suits
apart from other
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Trends In The 1920s
There are a variety of different styles,trends, and fashion in every part of the world that come
strongly and later on slowly die out. One of the strongest influences in trends was in the year of
1920, in the United States of America. During this time of America many people were living the
American dream; this decade was when fashion was born. The fashion during the 1920s was also
known as the roaring 20s for its good economy and stable conditions, especially after the first world
war. People were getting filthy rich and always partying, so there had to be a specific style they all
stuck to. The most common styles were the shorter skirts, oxford bags, the fedora, the flapper, horn–
rimmed glasses, one piece swimsuit, the robe de style, the cloche hat and much more ( 1920s
Fashion:The ... Show more content on ...
Especially after the war, an era was brought out, the era of the flapper. Women who were the
flappers bobbed their hair up, wore excessive makeup, and wore short skirts and dresses. Many
clothing designers had much greater freedom than before to express their work more distinctly
(History of the women's Fashion).The result was the style of colorful fabrics that exhibits the
happiness of the finished war. Dresses that were involved in the 1920s were lighter in weight,
brighter in color, and shorter in length than the past. This style was popular and successful because
of the atmosphere that surrounded the people of the united states. The atmosphere that the people
were in was the part fever. People in the 1920's were unbelievably joyous and partied a lot because
of the swell economy, basically they were living a luxurious life. This also brought forth coats and
jackets that were trimmed with animal fur. The Roaring Twenties redefined womanhood. Anew
woman evolved; it became more acceptable to smoke and drink in public, closer body contact in
dancing, shorter hair, more make–up, different styles of dresses, and a trend with greater
participation in the
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Women's Standards In The 1920s
The 1920s as a whole dealt with economic booms and busts, illegal alcohol smuggling, and diverse
city life. As all this was happening, the 1920s saw a change in social standards especially for
women. Before the 1920s, women were expected to cook, clean and take care of the children. Men
were seen as the breadwinners and head of the family. But, as WWI raged on, women stepped up to
the plate and took over the jobs the men left behind when they were sent out to fight. When the war
came to a close, women became fond of their newfound freedom and role in society and wanted to
keep working. The women who began to challenge the societal norms generally placed upon women
became known as flappers, and since then, roles of women have changed drastically. In modern day,
women can vote, go to war, become CEOs, raise children by themselves, dress however they please
and so much more. ... Show more content on ...
For the past 107 years, boys have only been allowed to be a "Boy Scout." After many years of
requests from girls and their families, the tradition has been broken. This is very important because
though the 1920s saw a great deal of change for women, in 2017 they are still not fully supported
and respected. The Girl Scout Organization has an issue with this newfound decision because they
fear they will lose members to the Boy Scouts. Traditionalist parents also have an issue with this
because they think that the two groups should stay separate due to the different ideologies the two
groups focus on. Girls can now participate in more male–geared activities such as sea scouting,
instead of focusing on things like cookie selling. This can be related back the the 1920s because it
draws a similar connection between women longing for what men were able to
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Similarities Between The 1920s And The 1920's
As America continues to grow, it goes through many dramatic changes, and downfalls, allowing it to
develop. The 1920s and the 1930s are examples of such time periods that enabled America to mature
as a nation. Many Americans perceived the 1920s as a time of economic and social prosperity, while
they regarded the 1930s as a time of economic and societal disaster. Though the differences are
striking, the two decades are closely connected and both have their positives and negatives.
For numerous Americans, the 1920s appeared to be a decade of welfare; it was a time of economic
and social renewal. The traditional gender role for women was changing as a result of the work they
did during the first world war. Their choice of profession was no ... Show more content on ...
Unlike most Americans who greatly prospered during the 20s, the lives of farmers became more
miserable due to the consistent falling of the farm prices and increasing debt. Furthermore, the
isolationist spirit after the War resulted in an increase in nativist groups such as the KKK, who
oppressed Native Americans, Immigrants and minority groups. At an economic level, the late 1920s
seemed growingly unstable. As a result of the stock market boom, investors gained large profit and
supported overspeculation in the market (Document 5a). The drive for more profit caused
Americans to blindly invest; they disregarded the company's likelihood of success and even used
borrowed money to partake in the risky gamble of stocks. Additionally, the government following a
policy of laissez–faire under president Coolidge and later Hoover, led a hands–off approach in the
economy. Coolidge, being a big supporter of businesses, who favored tax reductions, and Hoover's
belief of "rugged individualism" helped widen the increasing gap between the rich and poor. Big
businesses continued to thrive from profit and reduced taxation while keeping payments for their
workers at a minimum (Document 5b). Consequently, as a result of these economic issues combined
with the staggering unemployment rates, The stock market crash of 1929 ended the era of prosperity
and began a decade of
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The 1920s Essay
The 1920's The 1920's were a decade of enjoyment, employment, and for some disappointment. It
was a decade classified as the "roaring twenties." Men returning from World War I had
to deal with unemployment, wheat farmers and oil companies were striking it rich, new modern
conveniences were being thought up, and fashion was a major issue among the rich. During the
twenties the economy had a definite impact on the society. It benefited some, but hurt others. The
people that benefited were the prairie farmers and the oil companies. The people who didn't benefit
were American soldiers returning from WW1. Around the middle of the twenties, a wheat farmer
was the person to be. Business was booming for all the wheat farmers, places ... Show more content
on ...
Unemployment was something that white men had very seldomly dealt with before. During the
twenties another discovery led to a rising economy for America. The oil industry struck it rich in
Turner Valley Alberta, where a huge oil discovery took place. Eventually this industry would create
new jobs and more money for the economy. America did have its good and bad times in the
twenties, but most people benefited from the good times because of more job increases, and because
of new industries such as wheat and oil.      Entertainment in the
Twenties consisted of many famous people, it was in the twenties when a man by the name of
Charlie Chaplain who was known for his "tramp" look, dominated the silent movie
business. He was considered one of the most talented actors of the 20's. Also during the 20's radio
was the popular for of listening to music and listening to the news. In the later 1920's the television
was created which now aloud people to see a picture in their home for entertainment, but the
television did not surpass the radio entertainment wise, because most people were unable to afford
it. The 1920's were filled with signs of raging new fashions. The loosening of fit and gradual
downward movement of the waistline. In the twenties women could say and do what they please so
in no time
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Essay On Similarities Between The 1920s And 1920s
Abstract The 1920s was an era of change and growth that has extended influence into today's era.
This research paper compares the main similarities between the 1920s and today to better
understand how much of an influence the 1920s had on present society. The research paper focuses
and compares entertainment, prejudice towards African Americans, minorities, and immigrants, and
the Prohibition era in comparison to today's issues with marijuana. Throughout the research it is
noticeable that these issues are very similar to each other, and many of these issues and topics are
still strongly prevalent today. The purpose here is to allow readers to make deep connections with
how many similarities there are within the two eras and how decisions and events in the 1920s affect
and influence lives today.
The 1920s in Comparison to Today The 1920s, known as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of major
political, cultural, and economic change and growth. After World War 1, Americans began to move
to cities in hopes of a better style of life and better paying jobs. For the first time in America, more
Americans lived in cities than in the countryside. Change came drastically. Stock prices began going
up rapidly and Americans were finding jobs that paid well. Henry Ford, a businessman and founder
of the Ford Motor Company, brought mass production to new heights,
... Get more on ...

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Cultural Influences Of The 1920S

  • 1. Cultural Influences Of The 1920s The 1920s were characterized by economic prosperity and enormous social, artistic, and cultural enthusiasm. The twenties enhanced consumer demand and aspirations, and brought about significant changes in lifestyle and culture. World War 1 spanned from 1914–1918 and had a devastating effect on Europe. As a result of America only entering the war in 1916 and no fighting actually taking place on her land, production in the United States boomed. American manufacturers were responsible for supplying warring nations with products and materials. In order to produce more material in a short amount of time, new technologies were developed to help manufacturers meet the needs of the government and the people. More people held jobs, and finances of ... Show more content on ... This further demonstrates how the affluence of that period enabled people to support this industry and help its enormous growth. It was during the roaring 20s that the first real celebrities began to appear, with the ever–increasing role of cinema having a huge role to play. Similarly their fame contributed to the growing status of Hollywood and the American film industry. (Source J). Charlie Chaplin is one example of an actor that gained worldwide recognition in the twenties; he was particularly famous for his 'highly visual style of acting' (Soucre J). The 1920s was often referred to as "The Golden Age of Hollywood" (Source G) emphasizing how this period represents the era of greatest output in the United States movie market [an average of 800 films were produced annually]. 'The cinema came of age in the 1920s and Hollywood confirmed its position as the "dream factory" of the English– speaking world. It was there that fame and fortune could be found.' (Source J) This also highlights the growing image of Hollywood 'throughout the roaring 20s, which started to represent wealth and achievement. 'The establishment of the Academy Awards showed the maturing cinema as an industry confident of its own technical and artistic standards.' (Source J) This further shows how there were many other expansions and transformations from this industry that occurred during this period. Artists, directors and other personalities of the film making industry received acknowledgement and recognition of their work in this industry. 'The awards soon acquired international status' (Source J) showing how Hollywood's film industry developed into a global sensation that was supported by people all over ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Clothing In The 1920s Upsurge in factories and industrialization made possible the quenching of the newfound American thirst for high fashion following the end of WWI and the end of the corset driven wardrobe. The 1920s was a time period that became known as the Roaring Twenties and the birth of modernism. During this time emerged beaded dresses and progressively shorter hemlines. The clothing embraced the new jazz style of music and people publicly enjoyed themselves. Many wealthy Americans wanted to enjoy life. One of the most influential and impactful events that changed the course of clothing and life in the United States was the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote; women followed up their response with clothing lengths shortened and more simplistic ... Show more content on ... Femininity saw a revival and women modeled French clothing and men's clothing–a trend set by Coco Chanel in the early 1920s. Clothing in the 1930s were way more detailed than ever before. The increase in details can be accredited to the increased production of plastics which allowed for the decorative pieces like buttons. American designers began to emerge after a collapse of the French fashion industry (because of Nazi occupation) and "a long overdue recognition was finally granted to U.S.–born designers" and American clothing saw its "ascent in the streets of major cities all over the world." The United States' "styles in clothing, language, and culture were widely copied– especially when huge numbers of American soldiers arrived in Europe." "Later as international affairs transformed the temper of the times, women's clothing became more masculine with its structured and subdued design" as seen earlier in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Conservatism In The 1920's America was just coming out of the first world war and entering a peacetime era. With a stable economy and domestic issues coming into light, the U.S. entered the Roaring 20's. Although the 1920's were a revolution of conservatism, with the resurgence of a stronger KKK and economically conservative presidents, there was a surge of liberalism, with the "new woman." Although the 1920's brought about conservatism, there was surge in women's rights, resulting in the "new woman." After the passage of the 19th Amendment in the 1920's, giving women the right to vote, women felt there was greater opportunity. Upper class women experienced a change in appearance and attitude. Flappers, the term given to women who disregarded Victorian Era values, wore ... Show more content on ... Calvin Coolidge, a Republican, was elected as president in 1923. Coolidge was a quiet person who never said much. Like most Republicans of the time, Coolidge supported laissez faire economics. He believed in the economic policy the supply side economic theory, when the government adopted policies that benefit producers. Coolidge cut income tax for the wealthy and reduced government regulations for business. The President believed the government should be an arbitrator between business and labor and not actively interfere. These policies would benefit big businesses the most because taxes were cut and prices dropped so spending increased. According to Khan Academy, "Coolidge subscribed to the laissez–faire ideology of free–market capitalism, and his administration lowered income tax rates, cut spending, and limited federal regulation of the economy."(Getchell) Coolidge's policies created a boom in the economy, but many argue his actions, or lack of, lead to the Great Depression. Herbert Hoover was elected president in 1929. He was another conservative Republican to hold office during the Roaring 20's. Hoover also took on laissez faire policies throughout his term. He relied on volunteerism, "promotion of a cooperative working relationship between the government and business sectors that would reduce the need for forced federal regulation." Hoover saw that volunteerism worked during WWI, with Victory Gardens, but this tactic did not work during his presidency. Hoover did not want to use government regulation for business or in everyday life because of his conservative beliefs. This policy was hurtful to the nation after the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Hoover relied on volunteers to help solve the economic problems but what the nation needed was government regulation. Hoover believed the American people could pull themselves out of economic distress ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Examples Of Inventions In The 1920s Lorna Wake Ms. House US History, Period 3 April 7, 2015 Inventions in the 1920s Essential Question: What are some of the inventions in the 1920s and how did they affect society then and now? The 1920's was a huge era for great inventions and technology. This period of time is referred to as the "Roaring twenties," a decade of excitement, success and determination. This era acquired its name from the boom of thousands of ideas that were not only thought of, but brought to life. These new advances in technology changed our lives in many ways. This was an era of great prosperity, new innovations and creations. These inventions drastically changed people then and still greatly affect society today. Humans wanted change and improvement, and this ... Show more content on ... had been around for decades, but it was not until the 1920's that scientists perfected the advanced technology. Many inventors came into play when it came to the various systems used to create the first T.V., but no one is to be named the "inventor." Scientists spent decades trying to find a breakthrough, and it was not until the 21th century that it was found. Charles Francis Jenkin's system helped lead to the first construction of the T.V. He had demonstrated a scanning system with a revolving disk, he called it "radio vision." Jenkins system worked but the images were blurry. Another inventor named Herbert E. Ives invented his own system called the "185 line system." Philo Taylor Farnsworth was another key inventor. In 1927, he developed the "image dissector." This was the first ever working electronic camera tube. Philo was motivated by his system and continued trying. His hard work led him to invent the first fully electronic T.V. system. A radio corporation named the RCA, was very intrigued by his work and sent their own engineer to Philo's lab. This engineer perfected Philo's "iconoscope;" a camera tube ("History of Television"). After this perfection of the T.V., the United States of America was changed forever. Soon after, there was a rapid growth in technology. The T.V. brought entertainment and opened peoples eyes to the good and bad parts of American culture, through the images and movies shown on the screen. Today, over 238 million T.V.'s ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Depression Of The 1920s Essay The roaring twenties were a time of fun and excitement but also the leads of some of the worst times in american history. In the 1920s there was a larger portion of wealth to be spread and due to this the american public spent freely and willingly, But this created the depression of the 1920 and were some of the worst times ever. This was the creation of an uncanny amount of pride and passion and are therefore much better off in today's economy than the public would have been in the 1920's. The early 1920's was a growing seed of national wealth and prosperity. Prior to the 1900's the Chrysler, and Ford company worked on creating the first car with success that turned into large fortune later on. Ford being best known for the idea of the assembly ... Show more content on ... The public was a good time and everyone had the time of their lives because it was the roaring 20's and they were on the brink of new inventions and ideas. Following the end of WW1 all the war time building and preparations for the war were turned into peaceful productions. "American Economy" This means the "guns vs. butter" theory would be making more butter for the citizens of america, and the public definitely reaped the benefits. The stock market was great the music was one of a kind, but the prohibition was something the public had dreaded to when drinking was a regular thing to do. This lead to illegal transactions through which people got alcohol either illegally buying, selling or making. Even though these items were illegal the trade of money for goods was still good helping the economy even further. This like today is similar because although alcohol is no longer illegal some peoples within america are paid under the table such as some waiters/waitresses with tips, and this still helps the gov. even if the government doesn't ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. The Symbols Of The 1920s The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar "consumer society." People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thanks to nationwide advertising and the spread of chain stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the same slang. Many Americans were uncomfortable with this new, urban, sometimes racy "mass culture"; in fact, for many–even most–people in the United States, the 1920s brought more conflict than celebration. However, for a small handful of young people in the nation's big ... Show more content on ... By the end of the 1920s, there were radios in more than 12 million households. People also went to the movies: Historians estimate that, by the end of the decades, three–quarters of the American population visited a movie theater every week. But the most important consumer product of the 1920s was the automobile. Low prices (the Ford Model T cost just $260 in 1924) and generous credit made cars affordable luxuries at the beginning of the decade; by the end, they were practically necessities. In 1929 there was one car on the road for every five Americans. Meanwhile, an economy of automobiles was born: Businesses like service stations and motels sprang up to meet drivers' needs. Cars also gave young people the freedom to go where they pleased and do what they wanted. (Some pundits called them "bedrooms on wheels.") What many young people wanted to do was dance: the Charleston, the cake walk, the black bottom, the flea hop. Jazz bands played at dance halls like the Savoy in New York City and the Aragon in Chicago; radio stations and phonograph records (100 million of which were sold in 1927 alone) carried their tunes to listeners across the nation. Some older people objected to jazz music's "vulgarity" and "depravity" (and the "moral disasters" it supposedly inspired), but many in the younger generation loved the freedom they felt on the dance floor. During the 1920s, some freedoms were expanded while others were curtailed. The 18th Amendment to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Women in the 1920s Women In The 1920s The lifestyle of women changed drastically in the 1920s. They gained liberties in all aspects such as marriage, politics, jobs and even self expression, along with various other features. Still limited, the liberties gained outweighed the restrictions that still occurred. This gave women the freedom needed and ability to show that they were independent and could stand on their own, making their own decisions. It started with a group of rebellious women known as flappers. Mostly middle and upper class women from the Northern states, changed the way the public viewed women as a whole. They transformed the proper women into their own person. They smoke and drank in public, wore their skirts and hair short, drove on ... Show more content on ... Actresses became more popular in the entertainment industry, business jobs that once solely belonged to men were now an option to women, along with many other careers. So, instead of being restricted to the home, women now found jobs outside, but men still gained the benefits, such as getting paid more for the same job, showed to be completely unfair. Also, women began to speculate in the Wall Street stock market. As women gained jobs, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Clothing In The 1920s The 1920s was a revolutionary time for fashion. The years following World War 1 was a time used to refresh and renew people's look and let them have fun. After the war ended and the stock market was rebuilt, customs and morals changed into a more relaxed and optimistic outlook. In the decade before the 20s, most clothing styles were imported from the European ruling class. But once World War 1 ended nearly all women discarded the fashion trends that once lived for a hundred years. Now the clothes were made to be simple, short, and sweet. The clothes that people wore allowed for comfort and practicality. Fashion was a large part of the 1920s because it allowed men and women to have and feel more freedom. What allowed fashion to change so much in the 20s was the easier it became to view and purchase clothes. Fashion magazines such as Vogue, The Queen, and Harper's Bazaar, allowed women to see what was popular and order straight from there. Women began to look towards other women for inspiration; Joan ... Show more content on ... This was when fashion started to become modern and a statement in people's everyday lives. Because of mass production and consumerism, the famous styles became more easily accessible to the common–person, thus allowing the clothes people wore to become much more important than it was before. Clothing became someone's image for the day, and by being comfortable and free from restraints, people were able to express themselves through the clothes they picked for the day. Thanks to many fashion designers and fashion icons in the 1920s, clothing became the forefront of many peoples lives. The rise of the fashion industry at this time later fell during the Great Depression; despite that, some of the styles are still being worn today. Fashion in the 1920s was a gateway to expression and freedom through one's clothes, and it revolutionized the fashion ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Flappers Of The 1920s "The Flappers in the 1920s" How did flappers change the role of women? I will tell you what a flapper is. The lifestyle of a flapper. How they dresses and how did they wear their makeup.And how they change the role of women during the 1920s. The Gibson Girl's fashionable clothing testified her profession; to be her husband's ability to support her. " For the Gibson Girl, grooming itself was her profession; to be her husband's prized possession was her career." The Gibson Girl took her cues in fashion and values from European royalty. She was the embodiment of women as bearers of children, makers of homes, devoted, affectionate, but obedient wives. She was taught to please men rather than herself. The ideals she embodied included ... Show more content on ... A lot of men lost their lives on the battlefield and the trenches in wartime and as a result there was a shortage of men in peacetime(Kalloniatis, Ilianthe. "Flappers In Fashion." Google Books, BookBaby). After the war was over, a lot of independent women wanted to celebrate their independence and enjoy themselves. Society as a whole wanted to celebrate life, free from the tyrannies and restrictions of war(Kalloniatis, Ilianthe. "Flappers In Fashion." Google Books, BookBaby). Flappers did believe in equality. And yet they were not necessarily feminists who marched with picket signs in front of polling booths or unfair workplaces. In fact, the flapper's rebellion was all about having fun in social situations (Gourley 63). Flappers were northern, urban, single, young, middle–class women. Many held steady jobs in the changing American economy. The clerking jobs that blossomed in the Gilded Age was more numerous than ever. Women were needed on the sales floor to relate to the most precious customers– other women. But the flapper was not all work and no play( "Flappers.", Independence Hall Association, 2008). A flapper was a young woman, usually between the ages of fifteen and twenty–five. While not every modern girl in the 1920s was a flapper, every flapper shared a similar characteristics. First, her clothing defined her. Her dress ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The 1920s The "Roaring Twenties," the "Jazz Age," the "Golden Age"; what happened in this decade that made it so "roaring, jazzy, and golden?" What made up the twenties? Known for fun, style, and prosperity, the ‘20s were one of the most exciting, controversial, and productive periods in America. This paper will cover some (not all) of the significant events and inventions that happened in this revolutionary decade. Well–known parts of the "Jazz Age" include, jazz, flappers, fashion, and the radio. Also notorious for being a reckless, irresponsible, and materialistic era, the 1920s also had some infamous problems; Prohibition, gangsters, and the start of the great Depression. Many new things arose in this era. The new technologies that became ... Show more content on ... The first Oscar movie was made by Paramount pictures. Metro Goldwyn Mayer film–making studios was also founded. Mickey Mouse became America's favorite cartoon character in Steamboat Willie. Pooh Bear was also created and was very popular for young children. The music of the time was jazz . . . Jazz, blues, and ragtime. These were all popular along with swing dancing. The Charleston was one of the better–known dances. Most of the twenties' forms of entertainment didn't die out, but evolved with time into something more advanced. Movies, radio, and the music all survived (not so much the specific styles of music). But the roots of these kinds of entertainment can all be found in that decade. Art and theater were more popular than ever in the 1920s. Early modernism in art began at the turn of the century and continued through World War II. Modern styles of art included abstract expressionism, realism, and surrealism. The best museums featured shows by the important artists who used these styles. Broadway reached an all time peak. There were 276 plays offered in 1927 in New York City. (This is a lot compared to only 50–something in the 1970s.) Historians argue over exactly how many theaters there were. Some say eighty, some say seventy, but everyone agreed that Broadway was booming in the 1920s. After the war, the American population was moving more and more into the cities. In response to the many social changes in America, the new ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. 1920s Mass Culture The influence of 1920 mass culture deserves some consideration in the shaping of the country although the commercial growth of the 1920s did not really Americanize working– class Chicagoans as deeply and as quickly as one would think. It is quite evident that mass culture by itself did not actually modernized American society in the1920s; it was more how mass culture was consumed that really had the greatest impact on ethnic workers. Despite many Americans changing the way they purchased goods and services, nowhere was that change more evident than in the middle class communities. On the contrary workers from the manufacturing sectors did not benefit equally from the growing wealth during the 1920s. The decade had failed to remove economic uncertainty with unemployment remaining high and the fear of not finding a job or losing a job forcing workers to focus on economic security rather than spending. One way to encourage more spending was the creation of the system of installment selling, a plan that allowed all Americans to take part in the consumer revolution (Cohen, 102). The problem was that the number of industrial workers willing to utilize installment plans was very minimal. Industrial workers that did sign up for installment plans usually made small purchases such as a phonograph. Unfortunately, retailers hoping the purchase of phonographs would lead the way for consumers to explore more mainstream tastes such ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately these chain stores that were going to influence consumer behavior were predominately located in neighborhoods of above–average income. That did not matter much since industrial workers were faithful to local merchants simply because of shared ethnicity and trust. As long as they had their local markets the working class identity remained ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. 1920s Negatives The Other Side of the Roaring Twenties "A revolution in manners and morals". Who can think about the 1920s without the terms "flapper", "automobile", "Golden Age" or "women's right to vote"? Possibly no one. Indeed, the 1920s were an era of cultural, social and political change. New inventions, like the radio, made the country more connected than ever before. Women gained the right to vote at the beginning of the decade. Youth culture changed into a more open and careless generation. A consumer society established itself, as the States grew more urban. But even this period of change and reformant had a dark side to itself and the life of people, especially minorities. Immigrants faced discrimination, even before entering the country, and racism reached a new high with the re–foundation of the Ku Klux Klan – all off those negative attributes made advances like the Harlem Renaissance and the new role of women appear in ... Show more content on ... Following the Great Immigration after the Civil War, many African Americans moved to the north in bigger cities, since they faced worsing discrimination in the south. Many moved into big cities, due to job opportunities in the industry and dreaming of an equal middle class life to that of a white middle class person. With this African Americans also embraced their roots and the Harlem Renaissance established itself in the African American community. Famous writers like Zora Neale Hurston or W.E.B. DuBois did not just gain popularity amongst African Americans, but even in the white American society. Although equal opportunities were not given at that time, the Harlem Renaissance was a big step to equality and acknowledgement of African Americans and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Similarities And Differences Between The 1920s And The 1920's e social rules for dating changes from one generation to the next. One could say morals, romantic ideas and values have changed over the years. To understand the similarities, differences and importances between dating now and the 1920's, we will take a look into the all famous Greats Gatsby. There are many differences about the 1920's verses today. Dating in the 1920's was very different compared to 2017. It was common for a young man in the 1920's to not be able to speak to the young lady unless they were formally introduced. In the 1920's all of the colleges were for men and women, so it was very difficult to meet some one to date. During this time you would most likely meet them at a dance but you would only hold hands. At the beginning of the 1920's things started changing for the dating scene, couples began to go out together in public and unsupervised. The quote "I hope she'll be a fool that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool" (Fitzgerald 21). I believe is referring to the women as objects and lack of intelligence. Daisy feels sorry that she is bringing a female to this world because she knows her daughter will face obstacles in her life, just like the way she did, and will have to endure them even though it will be painful. You will find a major difference in this today. Women want to be and should be treated as equals to men. Bringing around similarities of dating in 2017 and the the roaring twenties. The 1920's started and era of chaperones on dates that soon turned into casual dating. Dating also required a formal commitment to each other which soon turned to more freedom with relationships. During the twenties you started dating at a young age just like today, dating in jr. high was very common. A famous quote from The Great Gatsby, "You always look so cool" (Fitzgerald 125) She had told him that she loved him. The similarities of this compared to today is something that girls would say and guys would like to hear. Their eyes met, and they stared together at each other, alone in space. With an effort she glanced down at the table. This is something that relationships should be based on. The Importance of dating is the same today as it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Era Of The 1920s The 1920s was a pivotal era in women's fashion–an era that saw Prohibition, Jazz and celebration of war's end. Gone was the hourglass figure of the 19th Century, swept away by the World War I, and replaced by the figure of a modern, independent woman. This book covers fashions from 1920 to 1924, an often overlooked period of fashion which was a time of transition between the draped and layered fashions of the post World War I era and the free and easy gowns of the jazz age flapper. Before the Roaring Twenties, women were still wearing floor–length dresses with corsets, and crinolines, arms and legs were covered, hair was long. This Gibson girl look was set the standard for beauty, fashion and manner. And the Victorian attitudes toward dress and etiquette created a strict moral climate. Until 1920s things changed quickly, the women was given the right to vote, they began to attend college. The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed in 1923. The World War I was over and men wanted their jobs back. Women, though, who had taken up men's jobs while they were at war, had proved themselves worthy of men's jobs, so many organizations and feminist reformers took up the task to encourage gender equality. Many important things happened in the 1920's like prohibition and jazz music. Something that is also very significant is that this was the decade where fashion began entering a modern era. After decades of Victorian style, clothing such as corsets and petticoat, fashion was finally ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Sex In The 1920s Essay Sex in the 1920's:The Ford, The Tango, and the Stars With the switch from Victorianism to Freudianism the era of the 1920's is symbolized to be an era of rebirth. Rebirth for women's rights, rebirth in fashion, rebirth in social classes and one of the most important, rebirth in sex. The 1920's has been identified to be an era of glamorous parties, petting parties, and controversy. Many contributions are at fault for modern sexuality and these have been due to smoking, new industries, movie stars, and new behaviors in women as well as altered gender roles. In Meagan Kelly's article, "A Woman's Changing Sexual Agency" she states, "Mass media is the focal point of this sexual revolution, and the idea of romance portrayed in movies sparks ... Show more content on ... Henry Ford was a popular American industrialist who is responsible for the invention of the automobile, what he didn't invent was the sexual revolution that was highly influenced with the making of the automobile. A modern fad at the time was the act of "petting parties." Paula S. Fass, professor emerita of history at the University of California, Berkeley and author of The Damned and the Beautiful: American Youth in the 1920s, defines "petting parties" as "There were parties where young people did quite a lot of erotic exploration – kissing and fondling. These parties always stopped before intercourse. In that sense they had imposed limitations created by the group presence. They were not orgies and they were not promiscuous – one set of partners only." Now most of these petting parties took place in the new and glamourous Ford car, sex was now portable which wasn't even an idea before this time. Dating couples now had a portable place to be alone and "helped facilitate relaxed sexual attitudes." (Fass). With prudishness now mocked, reckless sexuality was now popular with younger couples and even public display of affection became ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. 1920s Individualism The 1920s or The roaring twenties were an era of social and political change. The dramatic change were a lot such many Americans lived in cities rather on farm , the country wealth doubled between 1920 and 1929. After the World War one in 1918 , american had a massive economic boost with plenty of job with new manufacturing plants and built things aside from airplane engine but household item such has TV , cars, refrigerator , radio , and washing machine . Car was not necessary but a luxury for the super–rich, which helped the cities into their "modern incarnations" according to Heather whipps. Many event associated with the twenties such as the "new women" one of the icon symbol of the 1920s era flapper; a young woman with short skirt and bobbed hair basically drank , smoked and said anything with was considered "unladylike," the 19th amendment which gave women ... Show more content on ... According to Boundless.Com some of the main literary figures of the 1920s , examples such as Fitzgerald and Hemingway , wrote novel and short stories judging the selfish and materialism individualism of that age. One of the famous books F.Scott Fitzgerald was "The Great Gatsby" and other books such as "The Side of Paradise" many more. In the 20's literature reflected realistic characters and themes and many focus and influenced by the Great war and concentrated on the negative effects of modernism. This was also the era of the harlem renaissance, were african– american literary and artistic cultural growth from about 1917 to 1930. the harlem renaissance was idea based on intelect and the production of literature , art , and msuic would challenge pervading racial sterotypes and promote soical and racial such are langston hughes and zora neale hurston or some of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Women In The 1920s Historical Inquiry YANA BACICH TO WHAT EXTENT DID THE CHANGING VALUES OF WOMEN IN THE 1920s SOCIETY REFLECT THE RISE OF CAPITALISM? INTRODUCTION The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. Women began to take on a variety of different roles after the first world war, both in the home and in the workplace. The number of working women increased by 25 percent. Many women wanted to show that they could do the job just as well as men. Their war experiences gave many the desire for more working opportunities. Women had also been given the right to vote in 1920. These new found economic and political freedoms led to more liberated ideas about sex, appearance, and consumerism. 'Flappers', a name given to sexually ... Show more content on ... Their clothes became less restricted and flowy, giving them much more freedom to move and work. Where women were once expected to have long hair, short hair was now a sign of freedom. Make– up was popular, and more available. Sales boomed thanks to advertising. In the 1920s, women smoked in public and drove cars, which were not acceptable before the war. Women had more leisure time when labour–saving inventions like vacuum cleaners and washing machines decreased their housework. If they had a car, as many did, they were no longer so bound to the home. Overall, household and domestic consumer goods became more common, and these were targeted at ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Scientific Inventions In The 1920s The 1920s was an amazing time for America's economy, especially in science and industrial developments. Scientific ideas and developments in the 19th century brought the opportunity for American advancements that are now seen today. These new inventions and scientific processes not only sets up America for success, but also the success for other countries. After the Great War, America wanted to go back to the idea "normalcy" but really America was changing, and they didn't even know it. Before the 1920s women would have to go outside and wash their clothes one by one. They would use a bucket of hot water, a washboard, and a bar of soap to wash their clothes. Once they were done washing their clothes they would hang them up by yarn or string ("History of Laundry – after 1800"). They would dump the article of clothing into the bucket of water, scrub it on the washboard with the soap, and then hang them on a clothes line and let it air dry. Once the clothes were dry the women then brought the clothes into the house and folded them. When the electrical washing machine was invented in the 1920s by Alva J. Fisher women were able to catch a ... Show more content on ... With the creation of the Model T, created by Henry Ford, America has more people traveling and getting to places and a new way of production was being introduced to all industries. Because the production of the Model T introduced the idea of an assembly line, it showed other companies and industries ways to pump out production more efficiently and faster than they could before ("Ten Ways the Model T Changed the World"). Once cars were created more people traveled which meant the roads needed to be built up and in better conditions then they were at first. However, the Model T did have some downsides. Since the Model T produced more efficiently it only came in one color, black. At the time, customizations to a car was unheard ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Symbolism In The 1920s The Roaring Twenties The 1920s were the beginning of remarkable social and political changes. The nation's total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and the economic growth drew many Americans into a prosperous but unfamiliar "consumer society." With the rise in nationwide advertising, and the start of chain stores, people everywhere where buying the same clothes, shoes, listened to the same music danced the same and even used the same slang. Due to the sometimes racy "mass culture", many Americans were uncomfortable. In United States, the 1920s brought more confrontation than happiness. The most familiar symbol of the "Roaring Twenties" for women was the flapper. According to A&E History, "the flapper was a young woman with hair cut to her chin, wore short skirts, drank, smoked and said 'unladylike' things" (2010). The flapper woman was considered more sexually "free" than previous generations. Although the flapper was an iconic symbol, the majority of young women did not do any of the things as described. Many young women did follow the fashion of a flapper, but even women who were not flappers gained some extraordinary freedoms. "Due to the 19th Amendment, the Constitution had guaranteed the right for women to vote that began in the 1920s" (A&E History, 2010). The 19th Amendment opened the corporate doors for millions of women to work in white–collar jobs. This new–found freedom allowed women to participate in the expanding consumer economy. Another ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Dbq The 1920s J. Paul Getty describes the 1920s as " ... the period of that Great American Prosperity which was built on shaky foundations." The 1920s was an age that consisted of many social and political changes throughout America. The changes occured dramatically in these three different topics: economics, racism, and women's suffrage. It created more jobs and more opportunities for the American people, fixed the major problems of racism against African Americans, and changed women's norms by making the "housewife" perspective less common, and driving more women towards a rebellious era. These three changes of the 1920s made it to become famously known as "The Roaring '20s." The roaring '20s was an age of very many economic changes throughout America creating more jobs and more opportunities for the people. A huge economic change was that more American families ... Show more content on ... Many people up and left to move into the big cities, leaving many things behind. They thought they could make more money for less work by getting a job at the factories. People were running and telling about the amazing jobs the factories were giving them making more people come into the city (Document 2a). Companies in the city then grew larger causing a huge economic change in America, creating new jobs for all the new people moving to the cities. The men started to return from World War I and increased the employment rate while gaining profit for the people and the companies because of the production boom. That then continued to have a positive effect on the companies because of the increase in sales (Document 1). Because of the increases in sales, people had more money laying around, which brought many people to invest their money, making it a traditional value during the 1920s. The stock market was on the rise, and at first it seemed to be mostly the rich people that invested. Stock brokers then started to make deals with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Xenophobia In The 1920s Essay The 1920's The 1920's was a time of great change and differences. The people of the United States were just getting over their problems from the First World War, and all the German–American immigrants were not helping them one bit. The 1920's was an era full of xenophobia and prejudice, especially in the areas of The Red Scare, The Immigration Restriction Act, the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, the country's immigration hysteria, and the topic of Eugenics. The Red Scare came to be because of the U.S.'s fear of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other different groups, because they were worried that at any time they would start a revolution ("The Red Scare"). Due to this problem, many of the U.S. citizens felt a major rise of patriotism, other than some workers, who became known as "Reds," who ... Show more content on ... Because of WWI and all the problems with Germany, many Americans had problems and fears of the German–born American immigrants. The country worked to create a German–free atmosphere by changing the names of foods, streets, and other locations, and creating different laws concerning the Germans. For example, they changed the name of sauerkraut to liberty cabbage, Berlin, Michigan became Marne, Michigan, and frankfurters became known as hot dogs. Some states even went as far as making it illegal to speak German entirely, and President Woodrow Wilson decided to make a restriction to German–born Americans in 1917 ("The Anti–German Crusade"). And for the German–Americans that already lived in the country, they were kept track of, and, if they seemed to show any evidence that they were helping the Germans with the war, they were imprisoned. With these new laws, the U.S. citizens had to prove that they were loyal to the United States by buying war bonds to help the military, and they also wanted to make it hard for the German–Americans to get jobs ("The Anti–German ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Flappers In The 1920s The 1920s marked a period of increasing services that were made available to the middle class. By and large Americans as a whole were drained of war and looking for a way to put the horrors of the last few years behind them. New products made chores around the home easier and resulted in increased relaxation time. Products that had once been too expensive were suddenly affordable due to new methods of financing that made it possible for families to spend beyond more available means. New practices of advertising of increased the sale of goods through the capitalization of consumer hopes and dreams. For the first time it was possible for Americans to buy on credit through the ideology of 'buy now, pay later' practices that led in the Roaring ... Show more content on ... The first commercial radio station in the U.S., Pittsburgh's KDKA, hit the airwaves in 1920; three years later there were more than 500 stations in the nation. By the end of the 1920s, there were radios in more than 12 million households. People also went to the movies very often. The most important consumer product in the 1920s was the vehicles. Low prices (the Ford Model T cost just $650 in 1924) and large credit made cars affordable Luxuries at the beginning of the decade; by the end, they were almost necessities. In 1929 there was one car on the road for every five Americans. Cars also gave young people the freedom to go where they wanted to and do what they wanted. What many young people wanted to do was dance: the Charleston, the cake walk, the black bottom, the flea hop. Jazz bands played at dance halls like the Savoy in New York City and the Aragon in Chicago; radio stations and phonograph records carried their songs to listeners across the nation. Generally, the goal of most Americans was to put the fear and doubts of the World War I behind them and return to Normality. The country rose from the war with a new respect around the world by President Woodrow Wilson became graceful to lead cooperation in an international arena. With his death, this spirit of international cooperation ended and the Republican Party later ruled the remainder of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Greed In The 1920s Essay The 1920s was a memorable era in time. It was filled with crime, parties, bootleggers, flappers, a scare amount of jobs and greed. The 1920s was different from any era. It was an era that changed the U.S. Throughout the entire 1920s the prohibition took place. Many protested and broke the ban against alcohol. That's where the black market originated from. (Nash). Excessive usage and greed was relevant. I read two books about the 1920s. The first one was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and the second book was The Razors Edge by M. Somerset Maugham. The common theme between these two descriptive books set in the 1920s and the 1920s is greed over powers morals. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about love and greed. The Great ... Show more content on ... The 1920s was the era of the prohibition. There was a huge amount of over usage. There weren't a lot of jobs, people had to do a lot of different things to survive and make ends meet, even if it was illegal or hurt others (Nash). The Prohibition was the 18th amendment and lasted 13 years throughout the roaring 1920s (Nash). The black market for alcohol was hence born. People bribed the police to keep the illegal alcohol sales and consumption under wraps and from not being arrested (Nash). Compared to how women dressed before the roaring 20s, they showed a lot more skin. They actually showed their knees (Scott). Women used a lot of makeup and flashly jewelry, even though back then it was indecent (Scott). People Started to use credit, the "buy now, pay later" method (A Consumer Economy). Even when they couldn't afford the things they were getting, they still bought, which created a lot of spending (A Consumer Economy). The Crash of The Stock Market caused the banks to hold on to people's money. Many did not get their money back, due to the greed of the banks and others (A Consumer Economy). This all ties into over usage and greed. The 1920s is a prime example of greed over powering ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Essay On The 1920s The 1920s was a drastic shift for young people's choices and future consequences. The years of the 1920s represented a new type of freedom for women, young adults, African Americans, and immigrants. A group of people support dogmatic, old–slow rural life, religious belief, and did not care for education, while the others embraced modernism and preferred urban living, contributing to technology, continuing education, urban development, science, and a brighter future. The anti– modernist people carried out every effort in their power to depict change as a bad idea for the future. Most of the beliefs established radical groups such as religious cults, communist party, military radicals, the K.K.K having 3 million members at their climax ... Show more content on ... Life in a larger city provided people with better access and opportunity to vote, women were incurred to vote, healthcare was available, several business opportunities for entrepreneurs, and education. Several African Americans had the opportunity to earn an education including: Saint Elmo Brady (1884–1966) fas the first African American to study and complete a P.H.D. program at University of Illinois in 1916; Ernest Everett Just (1883–1941) was a biologist and a founding member of Omega Psi Phi; Louis Tomkins Wright (1891–1952) an African American surgeon and civil rights activist, and Mr.Wright was a Harvard Medical School graduate; Roger Arliner Young (1889–1964) was the first African American women to earn a doctorate degree in zoology. These are just some successes out of the many many in the world. The entrepreneur freedom was well and alive. Small businesses flourished within the city, young owners operated restaurants, clothing stores, shoe stores, jazz clubs with employed many of the greatest musicians of all time, flower shops, etc. Women enjoyed freedom from the old values embedded in their ancestors. Women were called flappers and loved to party, go dancing, dinning, drinking, and dating. Just some activities women would have never experienced a few years ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. An Essay On The 1920s 1920's Research paper The 1920s brought a great time of change, historically and politically. In addition to all the change, it was also a very complex decade itself, there were serious economical crises. At the same time people were partying in speakeasies a few hours later. Jazz was all the rage in this period, especially for the younger generation. Interestingly many important people came from this decade too, from the fashion designer Coco Chanel to the American entrepreneur Walt Disney. During this era there was also a very drastic style change, mainly for the women. All of these changes made the 1920's a very exciting time. The 1920's was known for many historic moments, of one the most memorable being the Great Depression. On October ... Show more content on ... F Scott Fitgerald was one of them, known best as the Author of the Great Gatsby. This best selling novel and personal favorite is a great read that follows a cast of fictional characters living on West Egg, LI, and shows their lives during the "Roaring Twenties". Fitzgerald was known as one of the greatest writters of the 20th century. Another darling face of the 1920's was the iconic Audrey Hepburn, born May 4th 1929, Hepburn was a British actress and Humanitarian known as a film and fashion icon. She was very active during hollywoods golden age, with many incredible movies. Coco Chanel was another very important person, she was a fashion designer and the founder of the Chanel brand we all know today. She was very famous for designer the first pair of womens trousers, her most famous quote was, "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous". Another example of an important person from this decade is none other than Walt Disney, born December 5th of 1901, Disney was always keeping himself busy. He is known as an entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. He is also most commonly known for founding the Walt Disney Company on October 16th, 1923 in Los Angeles, California ("Sundios, 1"). This time was definetly filled with important ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The 1920s Essay The 1920's The 1920's where a time of conservatism, it was a time of great social change. From the world of fashion to the world to politics, forces clashed to produce the most explosive decade of the century. The eighteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, which made alcohol illegal. It was called the Prohibition Amendment. This was known as the "Noble Experiment". All importing, exporting, selling, manufacturing and transporting of alcohol were illegal. The older people favored this amendment. They felt that alcohol was bad because of the way people behaved after drinking. People thought that crime, death rates and poverty would decrease now because alcohol was illegal. The younger generation did not like ... Show more content on ... The women in the twenties became much more provocative. In general, women sought greater personal freedom and equality with men in her social life (Gales Research 1998). The technology and science during the twenties was very important. Many new ideas and inventions were introduced to Americans that influenced their lives. Henry fords automobile changed American life. Ford wanted to "democratize the automobile". He wanted to everyone to be able to afford an automobile and have one. To help this he paid his workers five dollars a day, for doing this he was known as the friend of the worker. Ford also lowered the price of his cars. The model t ford became the "family pet of the nation" (Gales research, 1998). By 1929, 23.1 million passenger cars were in use in the United States. The privacy and mobility offered by the car would transform the Americans lived. The spread of technology affected consumerism. The United States economy went through a steady growth and expansion during this time. The radio became very popular in the twenties. By 1922, 3 million Americans households had radios. Many new electric appliances such as: vacuum cleaners, toasters, washing machines, televisions and refrigerators were introduced. These appliances helped the American housewife. Women became America's greatest consumer. People started going to see motion pictures. The first movies were called silent screens. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Flappers Of The 1920s Flappers What is a flapper? The flapper is one of the most essential parts of the 1920s. They represented a new type of woman. Whether in attitude, attire, or slang. The 1920s flapper demonstrated how women could transform into something that is a part of the modern construction of women's identity. The flapper was a major part of "The Roaring Twenties". The flapper was how young women sought to define themselves. Prior to the 1920s American women were seen in a very traditional light. They were meant to stay in the backgrounds of their husbands. Their dresses were meant to cover all the parts of their bodys. Women were told to follow the traditional and subservient roles. With the ending of World War 1, Europe was in ruins, America became seen as the center of the world's stage. The war caused many American women to take factory jobs as result of the men enlisting in the war effort. They took these jobs because once the husband left there was no source of income coming to the family. So the women had to go to work to receive income to feed their families. Also, they started to work at the factories so they could make guns, bombs, food, and clothes to send to the troops in Europe who were fighting in the war. The 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 by the United States Constitution that allowed women the right to vote. On November 2, 1920 more than 8 million women across the United States voted in elections for the first time. It took ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Fashion In The 1920's Fashion is a major part of today's history. Throughout the years, clothing has made the generation. During the 1920's fashion was fabulous, risqué, and modern. As for this time period, fashion is nothing like it used to be. The 1920s is known for the all night partying in stunning clothing. Fashion has and always will be a tremendous part of history. To describe this topic, fashion is what individuals wear, and what they look like. During our generation now, many enjoy wearing a pair of blue jeans and a t–shirt. The generations that have come and gone are different then what we know now. Fashion continues to change throughout the years. This was not the case back in history. Countless people took pride in what they looked like. Fashion allows ... Show more content on ... In the eighties, hair was teased up to high heavens, no in the two thousands; hair is usually straight and tamed. During the 1920s, for women their hairstyles were short. This hairstyle was called the "Bob" which was short all over and shaped around the face (Oliver 1). Another major hairstyle during this time was called, finger waves. This hairstyle is interesting, the hair is flat to the woman's head and then the ends are curled (Oliver 2). Men had a slick hairstyle, they would use gel to slick all their hair back and make it nice and neat (Oliver 3). When dealing with hair, there are many things that people look for. It is very interesting to look at how things have changed over the years. There would be no way that people of this generation would consider wearing finger waves out. This just goes to show that all things change when dealing with ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Cars In The 1920's History of the 1920's Automobiles In this day and age cars are a part of everyday lives, but where did the understanding of the "modern car" come? This is not about the first car made, but rather the sparkle, speed and that which is the epitome of luxury cars. About how the 1920's affected the way cars are built and designed today due to the innovations and inventions during this Era. The Auto Industry was merely beginning to spark in the early 20's, but that didn't stop Henry Ford from dominating the world of automobiles. His first Model T was a stepping stone, after that he shot up in the world, and was making cars that were innovative, all while keeping them reasonably priced so the "working man" could afford them. Don't think he only ... Show more content on ... The creation of many technologies for cars in the 20's started setting trends for the years to come. Then the wide variety of colors made available during that era became a standard thing to see in the 21st century. Finally the major leap in using a mechanical assembly line to make cars for a fraction of the price became commonplace in the auto industry. That is why the 1920's had a major effect on how cars are built today. Work Cited 1920's Automobiles, www.1920– "1928 Stutz BB Black Hawk Speedster."Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum,–collection/match–race/1928–stutz–bb–black–hawk–speedster. "Antique and Classic Cars: Pictures and Information: 1902 – 1970s." Antique and Classic Cars: Pictures and Information: 1902 – 1970s, "Henry Ford.", A&E Networks Television, 10 Aug. 2017,–ford–9298747. Staff. "Automobile History.", A&E Television Networks, 2010, Staff. "Model T.", A&E Television Networks, 2010, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Parties In The 1920s Parties during the 1920s is an influential moment in America's history. It is evident that this decade shaped America in what it is today.There were positive changes, including the Harlem Renaissance and the birth of Jazz as an art form. Also, women became more free in fashion choices and were able to show their feminine sides with beautiful flapper dresses and original hairstyles . They were able to show off their legs, the looks that women had back then reflect their culture and nighttime style that they had during parties. Alcohol, food, and dancing were an integral part of the parties. It is a fact that alcohol problem was very common and before the prohibition law came into effect when an average american drank on "average of 88 bottles of whiskey per year"(psborg) So, during parties people even with illegal drinking, experienced different kinds of alcohol and some types of alcohol were invented and still popular today.So, one effect of the 1920s is the invention of many alcoholic drinks that were needed for parties. As well, the temptation of liquor had the unintended effect of turning many law–abiding citizens into criminals. The crime rates especially during parties went up. Food was consumed in large amounts too, due to the fact that many people still lived in rural areas and were growing and making food on their farms. During parties people prefered light appetizers such as fruits and hors–d'oeuvres which gave them the ability to keep their bodies sober and dance. ... Show more content on ... American parties had many negative effects on society with criminal problems and prohibition law, nevertheless it introduced a new style of music, new food, and new clothing that people still wear and are proud of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Entertainment In The 1920's America has always been searching for new types of entertainment. In the early twenty–first century, cutting–edge technology and pastimes were introduced. Nightlife was increased due to flappers and jazz music, and the invention of the radio provided amusement and paved the way for more technology. Entertainment provided a way to relieve stress in the Roaring Twenties. Even sports offered a time of leisure for the busiest individuals. The rise of different types of entertainment in the 1920s made a long–lasting impact on Americans. Sports became a popular type of past time for America in the 1920s due to the attention from the media. The decade was often called the Golden age of Sports "because they became popular so quickly" (Baughman). ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Essay On The 1920s The 1920's should be considered a time of prosperity in American history. America was introduced to new a modern identity. There was many cultural norms in the 1920's. The decade also saw an economic boom, through new modern industries and the automotive age. The government went back to a hands off, "Laissez–Faire", government. The government and politics were going for the return to normalcy type of outlook. The 1920's was considered a decade of change in American history. There was a new modern society and new mass culture. Also it is important to point out that many Americans were working less hours, which allowed for many people to go to a movie or a baseball game. New inventions like the movie theaters, radios, and art styles ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the decade there was definitely some struggles with bribery and corruption. This was quickly overcome when Coolidge took the position of commander and chief. He brought America back to the idea of laissez–faire. He was anti–progressive supreme court appointments and only choose conservatives in the cabinet. The foreign policy in the decade was the dawes plan. The Dawes plan works very effectively at the time because America was helping Germany with their war debts, while France and Britain paid us for helping them out in WWI as well. America's foreign policy and idea of the return to normalcy benefited America and let the 1920's to be remembered as a time of little government interference. It was also a peaceful time to live in. In conclusion the 1920's should be considered and looked back on in American history as a time to be alive. The new inventions and new modern society let Americans feel good about themselves. The Automotive Age led to the decade being a successful period in economics. The government let the people be and was focused on the Dawes Plan. In conclusion the 1920's should be remembered as an age of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. White Supremacy In The 1920s The Roaring Twenties is seen as a peak in American life the creation of the Model T, flappers, and speakeasies made American living fun. On the other hand, The Ku Klux Klan, a group of white Americans with a strong protestant belief and racist mindset, made American living difficult for those they saw unfit, such as blacks, catholics, those involved in an interracial relationship, the mentally challenged, immigrants, radicals, and those with psychological problems. The Ku Klux Klan was revived in the 1920s by Colonel William Joseph Simmons "after seeing D.W. Griffith's film "Birth of a Nation", which portrayed the klansmen as great heroes (Ku Klux." The Klansmen prided themselves in their lifestyle. "It is said that "the KKK's presence was ... Show more content on ... The Klan's tactics of scaring the unclean were cruel, unusual and never, by any means, justifiable. The Klan "peaked at four to five million members" during the Twenties (Alchin). The Klan's tactics could be somewhat simple such as "In 1924, about one hundred and fifty men and women dressed in complete Klan regalia held a day long rally at the Twin Falls city fair grounds. Other times their tactics were more violent. One Year after the rally "Twin Falls only black resident received a threat from the Klan (Matthews)." The Klan escalated to murder in "Birmingham, Houston, Dallas, Jacksonville, Tampa, Nashville, and Little Rock all had murder rates that easily outstripped those of violent Northern centers such as Chicago (Pegram 169)." The Klansmen despised interracial relationships and refused to let them go on without a warning or a death. In Houston " the Klansmen reputedly led a party [...] that seized a black hotel bellman suspected of pandering and other sexual improprieties involving white women; they branded the letters KKK on his forehead with acid (Pegram 66)." The KKK would dress up in full Klan regalia and ride through the night to strike fear into the heart of this nation. Any tactic to get what they wanted the Klan ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. 1920s Fashion Essay 1920s Fashion In the 1920s, fashion trends were the shorter low–waisted dresses and revealing styles worn by flappers. With their short–bobbed hairstyles and cloche hats, down to scarves and stocking with bold. The 1920s fashion strikes the design era for fashion by having change in the women's fashion. The fashion changed and characterized the women in the 1920s, as they called it the roaring twenties the women started gaining their free rights and independence. Fashion for women had a positive impact in the 1920s and on the world today throughout the advancement in women's rights. Though out the years fashion has changed in different variety of ways in the 1920s by giving women the ability to change the way they act and look. "1920's ... Show more content on ... "The term "flapper" first appeared in Great Britain after World War I." (Rosenberg par 8). The flappers would wear knee length dresses with slits cuts into it so it was easier to move in, they wore lots of makeup and sparkles. The flappers only smoke and drink, but they also partied and dance a lot considering it was the jazz age as well. "The 1920s was the Jazz Age and one of the most popular past–times for flappers was dancing...." (Rosenberg par 24). Dancing was very popular and common for the flappers to be doing along with smoking and drinking. Women's fashion was more of a revealing style of the 1920s from the effect of the jazz music and alcohol on society. The women of the 1920s weren't the only ones who went through a fashion change, the men did also. After the war men's fashion in the 1920s went through a positive transformation. The war changed the attitudes and the level of class, as the younger men switched forming wear the suits they adopted their own look. Men's fashion in the 1920s was the start of men's fashion, but only minor changes were changed in the menswear. ". Suit colors were mostly neutral with patterns, but the accessories popped with vibrant colors– just like they did for women's 1920s fashion" (1920s fashion for men par 1). The suits were the biggest trend for men's fashion in the 1920s, all the men had them. For day evening, office, or parties, a man always wore a suit. What's different from the 1920s men's suits apart from other ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Trends In The 1920s There are a variety of different styles,trends, and fashion in every part of the world that come strongly and later on slowly die out. One of the strongest influences in trends was in the year of 1920, in the United States of America. During this time of America many people were living the American dream; this decade was when fashion was born. The fashion during the 1920s was also known as the roaring 20s for its good economy and stable conditions, especially after the first world war. People were getting filthy rich and always partying, so there had to be a specific style they all stuck to. The most common styles were the shorter skirts, oxford bags, the fedora, the flapper, horn– rimmed glasses, one piece swimsuit, the robe de style, the cloche hat and much more ( 1920s Fashion:The ... Show more content on ... Especially after the war, an era was brought out, the era of the flapper. Women who were the flappers bobbed their hair up, wore excessive makeup, and wore short skirts and dresses. Many clothing designers had much greater freedom than before to express their work more distinctly (History of the women's Fashion).The result was the style of colorful fabrics that exhibits the happiness of the finished war. Dresses that were involved in the 1920s were lighter in weight, brighter in color, and shorter in length than the past. This style was popular and successful because of the atmosphere that surrounded the people of the united states. The atmosphere that the people were in was the part fever. People in the 1920's were unbelievably joyous and partied a lot because of the swell economy, basically they were living a luxurious life. This also brought forth coats and jackets that were trimmed with animal fur. The Roaring Twenties redefined womanhood. Anew woman evolved; it became more acceptable to smoke and drink in public, closer body contact in dancing, shorter hair, more make–up, different styles of dresses, and a trend with greater participation in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Women's Standards In The 1920s The 1920s as a whole dealt with economic booms and busts, illegal alcohol smuggling, and diverse city life. As all this was happening, the 1920s saw a change in social standards especially for women. Before the 1920s, women were expected to cook, clean and take care of the children. Men were seen as the breadwinners and head of the family. But, as WWI raged on, women stepped up to the plate and took over the jobs the men left behind when they were sent out to fight. When the war came to a close, women became fond of their newfound freedom and role in society and wanted to keep working. The women who began to challenge the societal norms generally placed upon women became known as flappers, and since then, roles of women have changed drastically. In modern day, women can vote, go to war, become CEOs, raise children by themselves, dress however they please and so much more. ... Show more content on ... For the past 107 years, boys have only been allowed to be a "Boy Scout." After many years of requests from girls and their families, the tradition has been broken. This is very important because though the 1920s saw a great deal of change for women, in 2017 they are still not fully supported and respected. The Girl Scout Organization has an issue with this newfound decision because they fear they will lose members to the Boy Scouts. Traditionalist parents also have an issue with this because they think that the two groups should stay separate due to the different ideologies the two groups focus on. Girls can now participate in more male–geared activities such as sea scouting, instead of focusing on things like cookie selling. This can be related back the the 1920s because it draws a similar connection between women longing for what men were able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Similarities Between The 1920s And The 1920's As America continues to grow, it goes through many dramatic changes, and downfalls, allowing it to develop. The 1920s and the 1930s are examples of such time periods that enabled America to mature as a nation. Many Americans perceived the 1920s as a time of economic and social prosperity, while they regarded the 1930s as a time of economic and societal disaster. Though the differences are striking, the two decades are closely connected and both have their positives and negatives. For numerous Americans, the 1920s appeared to be a decade of welfare; it was a time of economic and social renewal. The traditional gender role for women was changing as a result of the work they did during the first world war. Their choice of profession was no ... Show more content on ... Unlike most Americans who greatly prospered during the 20s, the lives of farmers became more miserable due to the consistent falling of the farm prices and increasing debt. Furthermore, the isolationist spirit after the War resulted in an increase in nativist groups such as the KKK, who oppressed Native Americans, Immigrants and minority groups. At an economic level, the late 1920s seemed growingly unstable. As a result of the stock market boom, investors gained large profit and supported overspeculation in the market (Document 5a). The drive for more profit caused Americans to blindly invest; they disregarded the company's likelihood of success and even used borrowed money to partake in the risky gamble of stocks. Additionally, the government following a policy of laissez–faire under president Coolidge and later Hoover, led a hands–off approach in the economy. Coolidge, being a big supporter of businesses, who favored tax reductions, and Hoover's belief of "rugged individualism" helped widen the increasing gap between the rich and poor. Big businesses continued to thrive from profit and reduced taxation while keeping payments for their workers at a minimum (Document 5b). Consequently, as a result of these economic issues combined with the staggering unemployment rates, The stock market crash of 1929 ended the era of prosperity and began a decade of ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The 1920s Essay The 1920's The 1920's were a decade of enjoyment, employment, and for some disappointment. It was a decade classified as the "roaring twenties." Men returning from World War I had to deal with unemployment, wheat farmers and oil companies were striking it rich, new modern conveniences were being thought up, and fashion was a major issue among the rich. During the twenties the economy had a definite impact on the society. It benefited some, but hurt others. The people that benefited were the prairie farmers and the oil companies. The people who didn't benefit were American soldiers returning from WW1. Around the middle of the twenties, a wheat farmer was the person to be. Business was booming for all the wheat farmers, places ... Show more content on ... Unemployment was something that white men had very seldomly dealt with before. During the twenties another discovery led to a rising economy for America. The oil industry struck it rich in Turner Valley Alberta, where a huge oil discovery took place. Eventually this industry would create new jobs and more money for the economy. America did have its good and bad times in the twenties, but most people benefited from the good times because of more job increases, and because of new industries such as wheat and oil.      Entertainment in the Twenties consisted of many famous people, it was in the twenties when a man by the name of Charlie Chaplain who was known for his "tramp" look, dominated the silent movie business. He was considered one of the most talented actors of the 20's. Also during the 20's radio was the popular for of listening to music and listening to the news. In the later 1920's the television was created which now aloud people to see a picture in their home for entertainment, but the television did not surpass the radio entertainment wise, because most people were unable to afford it. The 1920's were filled with signs of raging new fashions. The loosening of fit and gradual downward movement of the waistline. In the twenties women could say and do what they please so in no time ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Essay On Similarities Between The 1920s And 1920s Abstract The 1920s was an era of change and growth that has extended influence into today's era. This research paper compares the main similarities between the 1920s and today to better understand how much of an influence the 1920s had on present society. The research paper focuses and compares entertainment, prejudice towards African Americans, minorities, and immigrants, and the Prohibition era in comparison to today's issues with marijuana. Throughout the research it is noticeable that these issues are very similar to each other, and many of these issues and topics are still strongly prevalent today. The purpose here is to allow readers to make deep connections with how many similarities there are within the two eras and how decisions and events in the 1920s affect and influence lives today. THE 1920'S IN COMPARISON TO TODAY 3 The 1920s in Comparison to Today The 1920s, known as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of major political, cultural, and economic change and growth. After World War 1, Americans began to move to cities in hopes of a better style of life and better paying jobs. For the first time in America, more Americans lived in cities than in the countryside. Change came drastically. Stock prices began going up rapidly and Americans were finding jobs that paid well. Henry Ford, a businessman and founder of the Ford Motor Company, brought mass production to new heights, ... Get more on ...