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14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Fast
Start Guide
Shaun Hadsall
Author | Fat Loss Coach | Body Transformation Expert
14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan:
Fast Start Guide
Section 1: The 14 Day Rapid Fat-Loss Strategic Setup
Section 2: 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss PlanMacro-Patterning™
 Meal Plans
 Food Log & Success Tracker
Section 3: Strategic Exercise for Rapid Fat Loss
 Exercise Schedule and Setup
 Workout and Exercise Charts
Section 1: The 14 Day Rapid Fat-Loss
Strategic Setup
Let’s quickly review the 14 DRFLP setup and get a bird’s eye view so you’re clear on how to
get started the right way.
First of all, this two week plan is an AGGRESSIVE burst of RAPID fat loss using a strategic
combination of nutrition and exercise.
You’ll see just two main parts to the 14 DRFLP inside this guide to keep things simple:
Nutrition and Exercise.
I’ve divided them up into smaller sections in the table of contents above so you can easily
navigate to whatever section you want without having to look through 100+ pages to find
what you need.
Section 1: Macro-Patterning™ Nutrition
This is priority #1. The ole’ saying that “abs are made in the kitchen” has stood the test of
time for a reason.
The nutrition plan is simple. You’ll be alternating Carb UP days with Deplete days. Then on
the weekend you’ll use a FREE day to reward yourself and keep your metabolism and
hormones healthy.
Carb UP days will include higher carb intake to spark your metabolic rate, stimulate
hormones, and build and repair muscle. Remember, all of these metabolic processes will
ENHANCE fat loss as well. Don’t underestimate the power of strategically timed carb
On Deplete days you’ll be cutting out all starches and fruits to enhance the depletion of
liver and muscle glycogen, elevate levels of catecholamines (see exercise section), and
release more natural growth hormone.
Deplete days are specifically designed to release and burn as much “stubborn” fat as
possible, while still feeling great.
You’ll get a full, detailed description of all 3 Macro-Patterning™ days below along with
detailed directions, food lists, and even meal plans.
What makes this approach even more effective is how it sets up your metabolism for the
perfect storm to double…or even triple your fat loss when you exercise.
But you have to use the right strategy…
Section 2: Strategic Exercise
You’ll see this is divided into two main parts.
 Cardio and Intervals: You’ll be introduced to my Metabolic Bursting along with a
section that introduces you to Interval Sequencing. This will teach you both a short
AND long term way to STOP your body from ever adapting (aka - exercise
adaptation) to cardio exercise and intervals. This approach also cures the biggest
problem with cardio. BOREDOM AND BURNOUT.
Once you understand how to “sequence” your intervals every week, you’ll never get
bored of cardio and you’ll learn things about your body and fat-loss that you’ve never
But for the first two weeks, you’ll also be using my Ultimate Stubborn Fat
Sequence. This is the most aggressive interval and cardio combination I’ve
personally ever used or come across and it’s specifically designed to “target” lower
abdominal and belly fat so you can rapidly burn it off.
 Resistance Training: Next, you’ll discover my High Intensity Resistance Training
(H.I.R.T.) workouts. These can be done using a combination of weights and cardio
machines (recommended) OR you can even use your bodyweight if you don’t have
access to a gym or equipment.
The H.I.R.T. workouts are designed for rapid fat-loss WITHOUT losing muscle.
Remember, this is NOT a muscle building routine. Yes, it’s possible to gain lean
muscle while using this plan, but its purpose is to burn off belly fat and even stubborn
cellulite. I’ll give you tips and guidelines in each section to make adjustments based
on your goals, but this guide is called 14 Day RAPID Fat-Loss Plan for a reason.
WARNING: Do NOT use this plan for more than 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Although the
nutrition plan is something you can rotate and use for the long haul, the exercise routine is
VERY aggressive and should not be used for more than 2 weeks. Beyond that, you could
risk overtraining, burnout, or even injury.
But rest assured everything below is science based, safe, and proven effective.
Just make sure to adjust your exercise routine after 2 to 4 weeks or move to our 4 Cycle Fat
Loss Solution. An 8-week carb cycling system that can be used as more of a “lifestyle”
approach for getting and staying lean.
Section 2:
14 Day Rapid Fat Loss
Macro-Patterning™ Meal Plan Templates
Your 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Plan Overview
Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE
and Fruit
2 Starches
1 Fruit
or Fruits
2 Starches
1 Fruit
or Fruits
1 Fruit
or Fruits
Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE
and Fruit
2 Starches
1 Fruit
or Fruits
2 Starches
1 Fruit
or Fruits
1 Fruit
or Fruits
Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE
and Fruit
1 Starch
1 Fruit
or Fruits
1 Starch
1 Fruit
or Fruits
1 Starch
1 Fruit
or Fruits
Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE
and Fruit
1 Starch
1 Fruit
or Fruits
1 Starch
1 Fruit
or Fruits
1 Starch
1 Fruit
or Fruits
*See exercise
H.I.R.T. U.S.F.S H.I.R.T. U.S.F.S H.I.R.T.
e Training
1. You can swap Saturday and Sunday so that your FREE Day is on Saturday if you
2. You can swap Carb UP and Deplete Days, just make sure you alternate back and
forth between them so they land every other day.
3. Starches and fruit intake should always be moved to post workout whenever
possible. See meal plans below for more details.
14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp & Meal Plan
Meal Plan Cycle Rules
1. Try to journal your food and water intake daily for the entire 14 days straight.
2. Consume protein in every meal and space your meals 3.5 to 4 hours apart until
bedtime. Allowing for more time between meals with lots of water will help keep
insulin low and fat burning high. One exception to this rule is after your HIRT
workouts. You can get away with larger meals and place them 2-3 hours apart if you
3. Try to get 4 meals each day. If you can only get in three meals, make sure to
increase your portion sizes; especially in your post workout meals. Five smaller
meals is fine if you have a faster metabolism, but it’s not necessary.
4. Monitor your portion sizes. Follow portion control guidelines from below. (Try not
to eat out. If you do, get a to-go container at the beginning of your meal and
portion control your food).
5. Follow your food combinations on your meal plan exactly as shown on each
day. Use your approved foods lists below to replace foods you dislike on
the meal plans (also shown below).
6. Drink your minimum filtered water amount per day (Women 70- 80oz, Men 100
128oz per day).
7. Avoid processed foods and stick to foods listed below on your approved foods
lists and meal plans.
8. Make sure to follow the food directions below each day on your meal plans for
specific instructions and any modifications.
9. No protein bars, low carb foods or fake diet foods unless absolutely necessary.
10.Try to avoid alcohol. It can mess up the hormonal response you’re trying toachieve
with fat loss and can negate all the positive effects of the FREE Day.
11.Don’t force meals or eat too much at each meal. You should never feel “full” unless
it’s your FREE Day, but definitely feel free to eat larger portion sizes after your
12.Make sure to always have a water bottle, shaker and a quality low carb protein
powder with you at all times so you always have access to protein when life
happens and you weren’t able to plan ahead.
EZ Portion Control “Hot Sheet”
You’ll see exactly how much of each macro-nutrient you’re supposed to have in each meal
below, but weighing all your food is damn near impossible in today’s busy day and age.
This EZ Portion Control “Hot Sheet” will help you get started as fast as possible.
1. Protein = the size of your palm
 An acceptable range is 15 to 25 grams per serving for women and 20 to 30
grams for men. This can increase greatly during the post workout window.
 If you’re not consistently exercising, these amounts should be lower.
 You should be shooting for 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of LEAN
body weight. An estimate is fine. Don’t get caught up in the details.
2. Impact Carbs = the size of your fist
 Acceptable range should be 25 to 50 grams per serving.
 Post workout on Carb UP days should be 40 to 50 grams for women and
60 to 75 grams for men.
 Shoot for 25 grams of impact carbs (see food list below) on Deplete Days.
 Carb UP Days: Women 75 to 100 grams / Men 150 grams (under 200lbs.)
200 grams (over 200lbs.)
 If you’re trying to gain muscle, you can double the serving amounts on
your Carb UP days.
3. Fats = the size of the end of your thumb x 2
 Carbs and proteins only yield 4 calories per gram while fats yield 9 calories
per gram, which indicates you have to monitor fat intake and use smaller
portion sizes for fats (ex: 12 to 15 nuts, not HALF the jar :-)
 Acceptable range should be 15 to 30 grams per serving (approx. 1 to 2
Are you a calorie counter? I gotcha covered.
Here’s a general ballpark figure on how you can count calories for fat loss.
1. 10xs your body weight = lose weight/burn fat
2. 12xs your body weight = maintain
3. 15xs your body weight = gain weight/lean muscle
Again, this is just an estimate. Food choices, genetics, exercise intensity, sleep, recovery,
and supplementation can ALL affect overall results as it relates to burning fat and/orgaining
NOTE: These are acceptable “ranges” and do not have to be exact. If you go over orunder
a little bit, don’t sweat it as long as you’re making healthy choices. That’s what helps
keep your body in a fat burning environment.
Deplete Day Food Types & Meal Combinations
On your Deplete Day Meal Plan below you’ll see three different type of meals listed:
1. P + O (protein + fat / oil)
2. P + V + O (protein + vegetables + fat / oil)
3. P + V (protein + vegetables)
** Directions and guidelines for each individual day of the plan are provided underneath
each individual meal plan chart below.
Deplete Day Food Requirements
Protein Requirements & ServingSizes:
1. Consume Protein at each meal 4 times minimum per day, 5 meals ideal if you have
faster metabolism or longer feeding periods.
2. Consume the amount of protein listed in your authorized food list below. An estimate is
OK, but weighing your food AFTER it’s cooked is best during the first week.
3. Cottage Cheese may only be consumed once per day. Remember to try and use
organic or raw full fat versions if possible.
4. If consuming a protein shake, use a shake with low or no sugar and make sure impact
carbs are under 5 grams per scoop (Total carbs minus fiber = impact carbs). Adjust
serving for no more than 20 – 30 grams of protein for women and 30 – 40 grams for
5. Monitor egg yolk intake. Normally yolks are fine (if they’re cage free or farm fresh), but
we’re strategically limiting calorie dense foods in week one, so that’s why you should be
cautious of too many yolks.
6. Make sure and count carbohydrates in all cottage cheese, cheeses, and protein
Type (P) = Proteins for Deplete Days
 Eggs and egg whites
o Men: 2-3 whole with 2-3 whites
o Women: 2 whole with 2 whites
 Cottage cheese
(Limit to once daily. Try to use full fat organic and count carbs)
o Men: 1 cup
o Women: 1/2 cup
 Beef (try to use grass fed)
o Men: 5 – 6 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces
 Turkey breast (try to use free range turkey)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 4 – 5 ounces
 Chicken breast (try to use organic and/or free range)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 4 – 5 ounces
 Low carb protein powder (Make sure you use a low temperature
processed brand that contains fiber and has no artificial sweeteners)
o Men: 1½ - 2 scoops (30 – 40 grams)
o Women: 1 – 1½ scoops (20 to 30 grams)
 Fresh wild caught fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces
Vegetarian Options: Protein Powder: Pea, Rice, Hemp, Tempeh, Texturized vegetable
protein, Non GMO Soy foods, Veggie burgers, Tofu (watch for hidden fat and carb content),
legumes, lentils.
=>Vegetarian and Vegan friendly Raw Protein Powder and Raw Greens
Vegetable Requirements & Serving Sizes:
1. Consume ONLY the following vegetables below on Deplete Days. The carbohydrate
amounts per cup are listed next to each.
2. Serving size (men and women) = At least 1 cup on all veggies (raw, steamed or
minimally cooked)
3. You can have vegetables at any meal as long as you don’t go over 25 grams of
impact carbs for that day.
Type (V) = Vegetables for Deplete Days
(*Make sure you count carb grams next to eachveggie)
 Asparagus = 2
 Broccoli = 4
 Cucumber = 0
 Lettuce = 0
 Cabbage = 1
 Cauliflower = 3
 Spinach = 1
 Radishes = 0
 Celery = 0
 Mushrooms = 1
 Green beans = 7
 Peppers = 3
 Arugula = 1
 No Tomatoes
 No Squash
 No Zucchini
 No Peas, Corn, or Carrots
*Note: Some low carb greens like Kale and Collard Greens are intentionally left out as
well because they have a little higher carb count. After week one, these and the
forbidden veggies above are acceptable.
These vegetables are normally “healthy” choices, but we want to limit calories and turn
off sugars as much as possible on Deplete Days.
Fat or Oil Requirements & Substitutions:
1. Consume only one serving of fat at each meal.
2. Serving size (men and women) = 1 tablespoon. Cheese = 2-3oz. Yolks = 2 to 3 max.
Krill or fish oil = 2 to 3 grams (1,000 mg = 1 gram)
3. Monitor your portion sizes carefully with fats. It’s very easy to overdo it and add in an
additional 300 to 400 calories of fats if you’re not careful.
Type (O) = Fats or Oils for Deplete Days
 Krill oil or organic fish oil
 Olive oil
 Minimally processed Sesame Oil
 Small amounts of full fat cheese (try to by raw or organic)
 Grass fed or organic butter
 Coconut oil
 Egg Yolks (cage free or farm fresh)
 Heavy Organic Cream
 Minimally processed sesame oil
 *Raw seeds, raw nuts, no sugar nut butters, and avocado
*MONITOR THESE FOODS CLOSELY ON DEPLETE DAY: Limit seeds, nuts, nut butters, or avocado on this
day. Although these are awesome health foods, they contain too many hidden calories and are the most
abused from a calorie intake perspective. Feel free to add them back in, and eat liberally, after day 14.
Other Nutrition Guidelines for Deplete Days
You may use condiments, but remember to watch hidden sugars and check carb count. Great examples are
mustard, salsa, and sugar free hot sauces.
Carb UP Day Food Types & Meal Combinations
On your Macro-PatterningTM
Nutrition Plan Templates below you’ll see a few different types
of meals listed:
1. P + S + A (protein + Starch + Fruit) Post HIRT meals
2. P + S + V (protein + starch + vegetables)
3. P + V + O (proteins + vegetables + fats / oil)
4. P + O (proteins + fats / oil)
5. FF (free food = Carb UP desserts from bonus guide)
*It’s recommended you limit fruit intake for this 14 days but you’re allowed to substitute one
fruit for a starch on Carb UP days.
** Directions and guidelines for each individual day of the plan are provided beloweach
individual meal plan chart below.
Carb UP Day Food Requirements
Protein Requirements & ServingSizes:
1. Consume Protein at each meal 4 times minimum per day, 5 small meals ideal.
2. Consume the amount of protein listed on meal planner. An estimate is ok but using a
serving that’s equal to the size and thickness of the palm of your hand is best.
3. Limit your servings of dairy. Cottage Cheese or Greek Yogurt should only be consumed
once per day.
4. If consuming a protein shake, use a shake with adequate fiber and low sugars. Adjust
serving for not more than 20 grams of protein for women and 35 grams for men.
5. When eating egg whites you may have 1-2 yolks with your whites if desired, but try to
use cage free or locally farmed fresh eggs.
Type (P) = Proteins for Carb UP Days
 Eggs and egg whites (try to use cage free or locally farmed fresh eggs)
o Men: 2 whole with 4 – 5 whites
o Women: 1 whole with 2 – 3 whites
 Cottage cheese (try to use full fat raw or almond cheese)
o Men: 1 cup
o Women: ½ cup
 Greek Yogurt (no/low sugar plain flavors only)
o Men: 1 cup
o Women: ½ cup
 Lean beef, venison, lamb, pork tenderloin, or fresh ham
(try to use grass fed or locally farmed raise)
o Men: 5 – 6 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces
 Turkey breast (try to use cage free organic turkey meat)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 4 – 5 ounces
 Chicken breast (try to use cage free organic chicken meat)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 4 – 5 ounces
 Low carb protein powder (make sure you use a low temperature
processed brand)
o Men: 1½ - 2 scoops (30 – 40 grams)
o Women: 1 – 1½ scoops (20 to 30 grams)
 Fresh wild caught fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod, Tilapia, White fish
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces
 Other wild caught seafood: lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops (limit intake)
o Men: 6 – 8 ounces
o Women: 3 – 4 ounces
Carb UP Day Starch Requirements & Serving Sizes:
1. Consume only the following Starchy Carbs and follow the directions and guidelines
for each day provided below each daily nutrition template.
2. Serving sizes: Men under 200 lbs = 1 cup, Men over 200 lbs. = 1½ cups.
Women = ½ to ¾ cup.
3. On Carb UP days consume your starches within one to three hours after exercise
(post workout).
4. Try to limit fat intake to under 10-15 grams in all meals containing starches.
Type (S) = Starches for Carb UP Days
 Sweet potato / Yam
 Potatoes
 Gluten free slow cook oats/oatmeal
 Acorn and butternut squash
 Wild rice, brown rice, black rice, white rice (steamed/boiled not fried)
 Quinoa
 Gluten free / wheat free pasta: rice flour or black bean
 Legumes (avoid all canned beans and canned foods): kidney beans,
black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans, red beans, chickpeas, pinto
beans, butter beans, navy beans, lentils
 Acceptable breads: Ezekiel, Millet, Rice (avoid all whole grains, wheat
breads, or wheat based products)
 Acceptable wraps: Ezekiel or wheat/gluten free: rice flour or sprouted
 Corn (locally farmed only and limit intake)
 Peas
*Try to stick with starches from nature as much as possible. Limit your intake of
processed carbs.
Fruit Requirements & Serving Sizes:
1. You may have 1 serving of any of the following fresh fruits in your post workout
meal (usually for dessert after your starch) on Carb UP days when indicated on
your meal planner. No fruits on Deplete days.
2. Serving size men = 1 to 1½ cups. Women = ½ to 1 cup.
3. NO fruit juices.
 Cherries
 Apples
 Oranges
 Grapefruit
 Bananas
 Apricots
 Kiwi
 Mango
 Watermelon
 Blueberries
 Raspberries
 Strawberries
Type (A) = Fruits for Carb UP Days
 Blackberries
 Peaches
 Cranberries
 Papaya
 Plums
 Pineapple
 Nectarines
 Tangerines
 Pears
 Grapes
 Melon (honeydew,
cantaloupe, etc
* Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.
Vegetable Requirements & ServingSizes:
1. Consume one serving of your favorite vegetables listed below as indicated on
your daily nutrition templates.
2. Make sure to have at least two servings of green cruciferous vegetables per day.
3. Serving size (men and women) = 1 cup or more on all veggies (raw, steamed, or
minimally cooked)
 Broccoli
 Asparagus
 Cucumber
 Lettuce
 Cabbage
 Cauliflower
 Spinach
 Green beans
 Radishes
 Onions
 Celery
 Mushrooms
 Artichoke
Type (V) = Vegetables for Carb UP Days
 Peppers (any type)
 Arugula
 Tomatoes
 Spaghetti Squash
 Brussels sprouts
 Zucchini
 Kale
 Spring mix
 Collard greens
 Eggplant
 Carrots
* Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.
Fat or Oil Requirements & Substitutions:
1. Consume only one serving of fat as indicated on your daily nutrition templates
2. Serving size (men and women) = 1 tablespoon. Cheese = a sprinkle or small
serving. Yolks = 1 or 2 max on Carb UP days. Krill or fish oil = 2 to 3 grams
(1,000 mg = 1 gram)
3. Monitor your portion sizes carefully with fats. It’s very easy to overdo it and add
in an additionally 300 to 400 calories per day if you’re not careful.
4. Make sure you LIMIT fat in any meals containing starchy carbs or fruits.
Type (O) = Fats or Oil for Carb UP Days
 Flaxseed oil or ground up flaxseeds
 Krill oil or organic fish oil
 Olive oil
 Mayo (use small amounts and avoid canola or vegetable oils)
 Small amounts of raw cheese or almond cheese
 Grass fed or organic butter
 Coconut oil
 Egg Yolks (cage free or farm fresh)
 Heavy Cream
 Limit raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, and avocado on Carb UP days
Other Nutrition Guidelines for Carb UP Days
CONDIMENTS: You may use condiments, but remember to watch hidden sugars and
check carb count. Great examples are mustard, salsa, sugar free hot sauces, and low
sodium soy sauce.
You can also feed free to use the follow:
 Sea Salt
 Horseradish
 Stevia or other no/low calorie all
natural sweeteners
 Pepper (any kind)
 Vinegar
 Ketchup (high fructose corn syrup
free or no sugar only)
 Garlic
Sweeteners and other misc. foods:
Limit intake of artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine). Try to
use all natural stevia. Stay away from cooking sprays and try to use small
amounts of olive and coconut oil instead.
*Avoid agave nectar unless it’s 100% raw. The processing destroys any legit
health benefits and increase the bad sugars.
14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-PatterningTM
Meal Plan Templates arebelow!
1 P/S/A
2 (Women) P/V/O
2 (Men) P/S/V
3 P/V
4 P/V/O
5 P/O or FF
Type Key: P = Protein S=Starch A=Fruit
V = Vegetables O = Fat FF=Free Food
1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may
consume only consume 4 meals and skip meal 3 if you wish, but it’s mandatory to
have your post workout starch and fruit.
2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you mustfollow
the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your
approved foods list for Carb UP days.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Carb UP - Days 1 & 8
1 P/V/O
2 P/V
3 P/V/O
4 P/O
5 P/O
Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat
1. The above example food plan shows 5 meals. You may skip meal 2 or 3 if you’re
only eating 4 meals per day.
2. *Supplements are not mandatory but recommended.
3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow
the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your
substitution list below.
4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Deplete - Days 2 & 9
1 P/S/A
2 (Women) P/V/O
2 (Men) P/S/V
3 P/V
4 P/V/O
5 P/O or FF
Type Key: P= Protein S=Starch A=Fruit
V = Vegetables O = Fat FF=Free Food
1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may
consume only consume 4 meals and skip meal 3 if you wish, but it’s mandatory to
have your post workout starch and fruit.
2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you mustfollow
the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your
approved foods list for Carb UP days.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Carb UP - Days 3 & 10
1 P/V/O
2 P/V
3 P/V/O
4 P/V/O
5 P/O
Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat
1. The above example food plan shows 5 meals. You may skip meal 2 or 3 if you’re
only eating 4 meals per day.
2. *Supplements are not mandatory but recommended.
3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow
the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your
substitution list below.
4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Deplete - Days 4 & 11
1 P/S/A
2 (Women) P/V/O
2 (Men) P/S/V
3 P/V
4 P/V/O
5 P/O or FF
Type Key: P= Protein S=Starch A=Fruit
V = Vegetables O = Fat FF=Free Food
1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may
consume only consume 4 meals and skip meal 3 if you wish, but it’s mandatory to
have your post workout starch and fruit.
2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you mustfollow
the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your
approved foods list for Carb UP days.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Carb UP - Days 5 & 12
Have your favorite
breakfast. Don’t binge or
2 Low Carb Nutrition Shake
with favorite piece of fruit.
Burger or Sub sandwich
with small bag of chips
or salt fix.
Favorite food and
favorite dessert. Use
protein and starchy cheat
food with small piece of
dessert (Don’t binge or
Type Key: P = Protein S = Starch A = Fruit
FF = Free Food
Important Cheat Day Notes: It’s important to enjoy this day, but not to go overboard. In
order to maximize leptin levels properly, stay away from alcohol, excessive intake of
High Fructose Corn Syrup, deep-fried foods and empty sweets like candy. Stick to things
like things like Pizza, Spaghetti, Lasagna, Steak, and Fajitas. Sugars should be
consumed in moderation and should come from rich sources like cake, ice cream, or
cheesecake. Don’t binge or stuff.
Activate Glut 4 to limit fat spillover and force glycogen replenishment:
Example: Perform body weight movements (use one or more of the following: body
weight squats, lunges, jump squats, push ups, pull-ups, wall push ups, wall triceps
extensions, even shoulder presses with a band will work) for 2 to 5 minutes 15 to 30
minutes before cheating and again 30 to 90 minutes after cheating. You’ll wind up with
somewhere between 50 to 100 reps, but focus on time. This will bring GLUT-4 to the
surface of muscle cells opening the gateway for your cheat food to be shuttled into
muscle and prevent fat spillover. Cool eh! Kind of a pain – yes I know, but worth it.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Free - Days 6 & 13
1 P/O
2 P/O
3 P/V
4 P/V/O
5 P/O
Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat
1. The above example food plan shows 5 meals. You may skip meal 2 or 3 if you’re
only eating 4 meals per day.
2. *Supplements are not mandatory but recommended.
3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow
the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your
substitution list below.
4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories.
14-Day Rapid Fat Loss
Meal Planner
Deplete - Days 7 & 14
Food Log & Success Tracker
Date: 8 oz. Water 
Day: 
Section 3:
Strategic Exercise for Rapid Fat Loss
How to overcome exercise adaption and bust through fat loss
plateaus…to get and STAY lean for life.
Your 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss
Exercise Schedule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. Steady
State Threshold-
High Ultimate High Ultimate High Cardio Depletion
Intensity Cardio Intensity Cardio Intensity Cheat Day
Resistance Sequence Resistance Sequence Resistanc (A/E) Workout
Training Training e Training aerobic/
Sequence Sequence endurance
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 & 3 Sequence
combined combined 1
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. Steady
State Threshold-
High Ultimate High Ultimate High Cardio Depletion
Intensity Cardio Intensity Cardio Intensity Cheat Day
Resistance Sequence Resistance Sequence Resistance (A/E) Workout
Training Training Training aerobic/
Sequence Sequence endurance
1, 2 & 3 1, 2 & 3 Sequence
combined combined 1
The Setup of Your 14 Day
Rapid Fat Loss Workouts
Below you’ll see two “hot sheets”, one for your UCS (bursting) workouts and
one for your HIRT workouts. Read through them both thoroughly. This way you’ll
have a complete understanding of the science behind each approach along with
a detailed overview of “how” to perform the individual workouts.
UCS Metabolic Bursting “Hot Sheet”
As you can see from the 14-day schedule above, you’ll be performing UCS
metabolic bursting workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one steady state
cardio session on the weekend on days where carb intake is lower to maximize
fat burning and hormones.
Notice: Don’t skip the steady state cardio. This session will condition your body
to burn more fat during your other workouts because you’ll be training the aerobic
system all by itself. This serves as a “primer” to help make the higher intensity
workouts more effective.
Tuesday’s UCS workout has five phases and Thursday’s UCS workout has
six phases. Here they are listed in the exact order you’ll be performing each
bursting-interval workout.
The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence
*NOTE: All phases described in this section are broken down and simplified with
detailed guidelines and instructions below on your workout log sheets.
Phase 1: Warm Up
 5 minutes
 Warm up muscles to get blood flowing and prevent injuries
 Lower and stabilize insulin to get your metabolism into a fat burning
Phase 2: Bursting Sequence
 5 to 10 short hard 30 second bursts
 Release Fat-Burning Hormones to help break up stubborn fat
 Create more blood flow to “stubborn” fat and/or “pockets” of cellulite
Phase 3: Short Duration Strategic Steady
State Cardio
 10 minute low intensity cardio
 Allow heart rate to settle down and force Free Fatty Acids to “dump” into
the blood stream and begin the process of burning them off
Phase 4: Strategic Threshold Intervals
 15 minutes of longer 45 to 60 second intervals with 2 minutes of
walking / recovery between intervals
 Continue the release of fat burning hormones
 Continue to burn off free fatty acids in the blood stream
 Enhance EPOC (after-burn)
Phase 5: Free Fatty Acid Finisher - FFAF
 10 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio
 Burn off any remaining free fatty acids in the bloodstream
 Cool down properly
H.I.R.T. “Hot Sheet”
H.I.R.T. stands for High Intensity Resistance Training and it’s a simple way to
burn fat and gain / preserve muscle at the same time. This is basically a
“hybrid” combination of threshold type of intervals and weight training
performed together in the same workout.
It’s a unique method that arguably can have more of an impact on fat loss than
strength or cardio / intervals performed by themselves. Most likely, because it
utilizes the synergistic benefits of the EPOC discussed above with the overall
benefits of intense weight training, which rapidly depletes glycogen and
stimulates both type I and type II muscle fibers. Using both weights and high
intensity cardio together is a very powerful one-two punch.
*You can replace ANY exercise in your HIRT workouts with bodyweight
alternatives. Pushups, pullups, inverted rows, etc.
The H.I.R.T. Workout Setup
1. Transition Time: Because you’ll be moving between sets of intervals and
resistance training you’ll have to plan ahead a little on exercise selection
and transition times.
2. Exercise Selection: Try to use body weight exercises and/or dumbbells
as much as possible so your transitions from your threshold intervals to
your weight training sets are adequate. If you’re using cardio machines, try
to place your dumbbells or workout area as near as possible to your
interval exercise machine. You can still use machines, just take into
consideration your transition times between sets.
3. Rest Periods: The rest periods prescribed are an estimate of how long it
will take you to complete the assigned exercise and transition from one
exercise to the next. Move briskly, but the times are somewhat flexible so
you may go a little longer (or even shorter) at times.
4. Intensity Levels: You’ll notice that as you move through your HIRT
workout, intensity levels gradually go up on every set of weights or
resistance training. This is because your heart rate will gradually and
progressively elevate on each set, which will make each set of weights or
resistance training more difficult without going heavier or lighter.
In other words, you should be able to use the same weight/resistance on
every set and hit your target intensity and rep range. Just make sure you
adjust your exercises and/or weights you’re using as necessary to hit the
target intensity levels and reps on each set.
H.I.R.T. GH Surge Workout Starters
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
You’ll be starting out your HIRT workouts with high rep lower body exercises to
stimulate and release natural growth hormone and position your hormones to
maximize fat loss and muscle stimulation throughout the workout.
Most research I’ve read and analyzed about GH indicates this hormone is
maximally released through explosive styles of training used in
conjunction with high reps and short rest periods to stimulate more lactate.
This is the “burning” sensation you’ll feel in your muscles when you use this type
of protocol.
Lactate is what produces lactic acid and has been shown to be a precursor to
growth hormone production. Just how much is a subject of great debate and
studies show a wide range of differences, but a few have shown up to 9 times
normal growth hormone release with this type of approach.
This is yet another reason we combine your HIRT workouts with bursting-
intervals…to get a powerful one-two punch.
You’ll notice the "explosive" types of exercises such as jumping lunges, jump
squats and goblet jump squats. This is what will work best, but only use them if
you have an adequate amount of experience. If you’re more of a beginner or
intermediate exerciser, then stick with the basic body weight squats and lunge
examples provided below.
Goal: Stimulate GH by combining high rep-explosive movements with short rest
periods to produce lactate while working largest body parts (legs) to help boost
Duration: 5 minutes
GH Surge Workout Starter Setup
Perform 20 reps of any type of squat and immediately (with no rest) perform 20
reps (10 reps each leg) of any type of lunge. Rest 90 seconds and repeat one
more round for a total of 2 rounds.
 Rest 1 to 2 minutes and perform your first resistance training set
 Use the exercise examples below.
 Bodyweight squat
 DB or Barbell Squat
 Jump Squats
 Goblet squats
 Forward or Reverse lunge
 Goblet forward or reverse
 Jumping lunges
Bodyweight Squats
DB or Barbell Squat
Jump Squat
Goblet squats or Goblet jump squats
(Experienced exercisers can increase difficulty and
explosiveness by using a Goblet Jump Squat)
Forward and Reverse Lunge
Goblet forward or reverse lunge
Jumping Lunge
H.I.R.T. Workout #1
Day 1 & 8
Chest and Back
*OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will
burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterfication
(restoring of fatty acids).
Triple Drop Set Example
 Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch!
GH Surge Workout Starter
(see starter sheet above)
12 to 15 reps of Chest
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Back
with 30 seconds rest
Threshold Interval:
Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise
12 to 15 reps of Chest
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Back
with 30 seconds rest
Threshold Interval:
Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise
12 to 15 reps of Chest
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Back
with 30 seconds rest
Triple drop set of Chest with different
exercise with 1 minute rest
Triple Drop Set of Back with different
exercise with 1 minute rest
*Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to
30 minutes of steady state cardio
Workout Plan
Minute Intensity
1-5 3-4
5-6 2
6-7 3
7-8 4
8-9 4
9-10 4
11-12 5
12-13 4-5
13-15 4-5
14-16 5
16-18 5
18-45 2-3
Chest Exercises
Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Dumbbell Chest Press or Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
Tips: You can use a bench, stability ball, or even lie on the floor for this exercise. You
can also substitute a basic push up, push up on knees or even a push up against a wall
if you’re a beginner. It’s also a great way to handle the triple drop set: 10 regular push
ups, no rest, 8 to 12 push ups on your knees, no rest, 8 to 12 push ups on the wall.
Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Dumbbell Flye
Tips: You can use a bench, stability ball, or even lie on the floor for this exercise as
well. You can also substitute a cable flye or resistance band flye as well
Back Exercises
Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Dumbbell Row or Straight Bar Row.
Tips: You can also use a bench for support or perform same movement with both arms
at once. A seated machine or cable row can also be used as a substitution for this
Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Wide grip cable pull down.
Tips: Don’t lean back, keep your chin up, and your elbows directly underneath the bar.
You can also use a pull up or assisted pull up as a substitution for this exercise.
Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence
Day 2 & 9
Intensity Level Guidelines Below
 Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
 Level 2 = Medium
 Level 3 = Medium-High
 Level 4 = High
 Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current
condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level
based on where you’re at right now personally.
Phases 1 thru 5
1. Warm Up
2. Metabolic Burst for 30
seconds followed immediately
by walking for 30 seconds
(Repeat 5 to 10xs)
3. Walk slow or slow jog for
10 minutes
4. Threshold Burst for 45 to 60
seconds followed immediately
by walking fast for 2 minutes.
(Repeat 5xs)
5. Steady State Cardio
(Free Fatty Acid Finisher)
End Workout
Minutes Intensity
1 - 5 1 - 2
5 - 10 Burst: 5
Walk: 1
10 - 20 1 - 2
20 - 35 Burst: 4
Walk: 2
35 - 45 3
H.I.R.T. Workout #2
Day 3 & 10
Shoulders & Abs
*OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will
burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterfication
(restoring of fatty acids).
Triple Drop Set Example
 Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch!
GH Surge Workout Starter
(see starter sheet above)
12 to 15 reps of Shoulders
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Abs
with 30 seconds rest
Threshold Interval:
Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise
12 to 15 reps of Shoulders
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Abs
with 30 seconds rest
Threshold Interval:
Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise
12 to 15 reps of Shoulders
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Abs
with 30 seconds rest
Triple drop set of Shoulders with
different exercise with 1 minute rest
Perform 3 Ab exercises back to back
for 30 seconds each
*Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to
30 minutes of steady state cardio
Workout Plan
Minute Intensity
1-5 3-4
5-6 2
6-7 3
7-8 4
8-9 4
9-10 4
11-12 5
12-13 4-5
13-15 4-5
14-16 5
16-18 5
18-45 2-3
Shoulder Exercises
Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Dumbbell Shoulder Press or Straight Bar Shoulder Press
Tips: You can perform this exercise seated or standing. Keep chin up, and elbows
underneath the weight at all times. Keep wrists straight with knuckles toward the
ceiling. This will help isolate the shoulder muscles and prevent injury.
Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Dumbbell Shoulder Front Raise.
Note: You can also use a side lateral raise (bring dumbbells to the side rather than
forward). Both the front raise and the side raise can be done seated or standing.
Tips: Make sure to keep your wrists straight and turn your knuckles toward the ceiling.
This will help isolate your shoulder muscles more.
Start Finish
Ab Exercises
Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Plank or Plank Variation of any kind
Tips: Substitute reps for time and hold planks for 30 to 60 seconds.
Triple Drop Sets for Abs: Substitute / Perform the 3 abdominal exercises below back
to back with no rest in between. Shoot for 12 to 15 reps each.
Note: You can substitute exercises below with other abdominal exercises (see Ab
Targeted Cardio Bonus below)
Stability Ball Jackknife
Stability Ball Roll Out
Reverse Crunch
Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence
Day 4 & 11
Intensity Level Guidelines Below
 Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
 Level 2 = Medium
 Level 3 = Medium-High
 Level 4 = High
 Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current
condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level
based on where you’re at right now personally.
Phases 1 thru 5
1. Warm Up
2. Metabolic Burst for 30
seconds followed immediately
by walking for 30 seconds
(Repeat 5 to 10xs)
3. Walk slow or slow jog for
10 minutes
4. Threshold Burst for 45 to 60
seconds followed immediately
by walking fast for 2 minutes.
(Repeat 5xs)
5. Steady State Cardio
(Free Fatty Acid Finisher)
End Workout
Minutes Intensity
1 - 5 1 - 2
5 - 10 Burst: 5
Walk: 1
10 - 20 1 - 2
20 - 35 Burst: 4
Walk: 2
35 - 45 3
H.I.R.T. Workout #3
Day 5 & 12
Biceps & Triceps
*OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will
burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterfication
(restoring of fatty acids).
Triple Drop Set Example
 Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch!
GH Surge Workout Starter
(see starter sheet above)
12 to 15 reps of Biceps
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Triceps
with 30 seconds rest
Threshold Interval:
Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise
12 to 15 reps of Biceps
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Triceps
with 30 seconds rest
Threshold Interval:
Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise
12 to 15 reps of Biceps
with 30 seconds rest
12 to 15 reps of Triceps
with 30 seconds rest
Triple drop set of Biceps with different
exercise with 1 minute rest
Repeat Triple Drop Set for Triceps
1 minute rest
*Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to
30 minutes of steady state cardio
Workout Plan
Minute Intensity
1-5 3-4
5-6 2
6-7 3
7-8 4
8-9 4
9-10 4
11-12 5
12-13 4-5
13-15 4-5
14-16 5
16-18 5
18-45 2-3
Biceps Exercises
Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Standing Dumbbell or Straight Bar Curl
Tips: You can perform this exercise seated or standing with Dumbbells. Keep elbows
stable at your sides and try not to let them drift forward or backward. Keep knuckles
turned up toward the ceiling. Don’t swing the weight and keep your back straight.
Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Dumbbell preacher curl on a stability ball or
standing cable curl.
Tips: Squeeze your butt cheeks together to prevent yourself from swinging or injuring
your back when curling. Make sure to keep your elbows locked in one spot so they
serve as a pivot point.
Dumbbell preacher curl on stability ball Standing cable curl
Triceps Exercises
Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) DB overhead extension or Lying DB or Straight bar
extension (a.k.a. – skull crushers)
Tips: Keep your elbows tucked in as close to your head and ears as possible. Always
hold the weight in your palms and not your fingers. This will isolate the triceps better
and ensure you don’t drop the weight.
Standing Overhead DB Extension Seated Overhead DB Extension
Lying Dumbbell or Bar Extensions (skull crushers)
Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Triceps Dips or Triceps Cable Pushdowns
Tips: Keep elbows tight to your side, wrists as straight as possible and always push
from your palms not your fingers.
Bench Dips and Bar Dips
Beginner Intermediate
Triceps Cable Pushdowns
Tips: Keep elbows tight to your side, wrists as straight as possible and always push
from your palms not your fingers.
Steady State Cardio
-A/E: Aerobic/Endurance-
Day 6 & 13
Intensity Level Guidelines*
1) Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 72-75% of Heart Rate Max
(220 – age + 10 beats x .72 to .75)
2) Make sure to stay at same pace during the entire Aerobic-Endurance Phase and use
the talk test; if you can have a “normal” conversation you are not going hard enough,
but if you feel you have to slow down you’re probably going a little too hard.
3) Total duration should be around 45 – 50 minutes.
4) Type of exercise is optional but running has been proven to burn the mostfat.
 Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace
 Level 2 = Medium
 Level 3 = Medium-High
 Level 4 = High
 Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal
*Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition,
age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where
you’re at right now personally.
Threshold-Depletion Cheat Day Workout
Day 7 & 14
*OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite
Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT
workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-
esterfication (restoring of fatty acids).
Triple Drop Set Example
 Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)
 Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch!
*If possible, perform this workout an hour or two before your
biggest cheat day meal (not mandatory, but recommended)
Jog at a steady pace
10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, 10
bodyweight squats or lunges
2 Minute Threshold Interval
(cardio exercise of your choice)
Recover: Slow pace or Fast walk
10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, 10
bodyweight squats
2 Minute Threshold Interval
(cardio exercise of your choice)
Recover: Slow jog or Fast walk
10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, 10
bodyweight squats
2 Minute Threshold Interval
(cardio exercise of your choice)
Recover: Slow jog or Fast walk
3 Minute Threshold Interval
*Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to
30 minutes of steady state cardio
Workout Plan
Minute Intensity
1-5 1-2
5-6 3-4
6-8 3-4
8-9 1
9-10 4
10-12 4
12-13 1
13-14 4
13-15 4-5
15-16 1
16-19 4-5
19-30 2-3
Example: AB Targeted Cardio (ATC)
*You can use this protocol in place of any bursting
interval workout after your 14 day plan is finished.
Upper Ab Example Exercises
Stability Ball Jackknife
Hanging Leg Raise
Stability Ball Roll Out
Reverse Crunch
Lower Ab Example Exercises
Hip Ups
Stability Ball Pike
Oblique Example Exercises
Side Plank
Hanging Side to Side Leg Raise
Core Example Exercises
Mountain Climber
Renegade Row
Plank Knee Ups
Tips: Touch knee to elbow while keeping back straight or cross knee over
(example a. above) to use more oblique muscles.
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14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan Review

  • 1.
  • 2. 1 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Fast Start Guide Shaun Hadsall Author | Fat Loss Coach | Body Transformation Expert
  • 3. 3 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan: Fast Start Guide Section 1: The 14 Day Rapid Fat-Loss Strategic Setup Section 2: 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss PlanMacro-Patterning™  Meal Plans  Food Log & Success Tracker Section 3: Strategic Exercise for Rapid Fat Loss  Exercise Schedule and Setup  Workout and Exercise Charts
  • 4. 4 Section 1: The 14 Day Rapid Fat-Loss Strategic Setup Let’s quickly review the 14 DRFLP setup and get a bird’s eye view so you’re clear on how to get started the right way. First of all, this two week plan is an AGGRESSIVE burst of RAPID fat loss using a strategic combination of nutrition and exercise. You’ll see just two main parts to the 14 DRFLP inside this guide to keep things simple: Nutrition and Exercise. I’ve divided them up into smaller sections in the table of contents above so you can easily navigate to whatever section you want without having to look through 100+ pages to find what you need. Section 1: Macro-Patterning™ Nutrition This is priority #1. The ole’ saying that “abs are made in the kitchen” has stood the test of time for a reason. The nutrition plan is simple. You’ll be alternating Carb UP days with Deplete days. Then on the weekend you’ll use a FREE day to reward yourself and keep your metabolism and hormones healthy. Carb UP days will include higher carb intake to spark your metabolic rate, stimulate hormones, and build and repair muscle. Remember, all of these metabolic processes will ENHANCE fat loss as well. Don’t underestimate the power of strategically timed carb intake. On Deplete days you’ll be cutting out all starches and fruits to enhance the depletion of liver and muscle glycogen, elevate levels of catecholamines (see exercise section), and release more natural growth hormone. Deplete days are specifically designed to release and burn as much “stubborn” fat as possible, while still feeling great. You’ll get a full, detailed description of all 3 Macro-Patterning™ days below along with detailed directions, food lists, and even meal plans. What makes this approach even more effective is how it sets up your metabolism for the perfect storm to double…or even triple your fat loss when you exercise. But you have to use the right strategy…
  • 5. 5 Section 2: Strategic Exercise You’ll see this is divided into two main parts.  Cardio and Intervals: You’ll be introduced to my Metabolic Bursting along with a section that introduces you to Interval Sequencing. This will teach you both a short AND long term way to STOP your body from ever adapting (aka - exercise adaptation) to cardio exercise and intervals. This approach also cures the biggest problem with cardio. BOREDOM AND BURNOUT. Once you understand how to “sequence” your intervals every week, you’ll never get bored of cardio and you’ll learn things about your body and fat-loss that you’ve never experienced. But for the first two weeks, you’ll also be using my Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence. This is the most aggressive interval and cardio combination I’ve personally ever used or come across and it’s specifically designed to “target” lower abdominal and belly fat so you can rapidly burn it off.  Resistance Training: Next, you’ll discover my High Intensity Resistance Training (H.I.R.T.) workouts. These can be done using a combination of weights and cardio machines (recommended) OR you can even use your bodyweight if you don’t have access to a gym or equipment. The H.I.R.T. workouts are designed for rapid fat-loss WITHOUT losing muscle. Remember, this is NOT a muscle building routine. Yes, it’s possible to gain lean muscle while using this plan, but its purpose is to burn off belly fat and even stubborn cellulite. I’ll give you tips and guidelines in each section to make adjustments based on your goals, but this guide is called 14 Day RAPID Fat-Loss Plan for a reason.
  • 6. 6 WARNING: Do NOT use this plan for more than 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Although the nutrition plan is something you can rotate and use for the long haul, the exercise routine is VERY aggressive and should not be used for more than 2 weeks. Beyond that, you could risk overtraining, burnout, or even injury. But rest assured everything below is science based, safe, and proven effective. Just make sure to adjust your exercise routine after 2 to 4 weeks or move to our 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution. An 8-week carb cycling system that can be used as more of a “lifestyle” approach for getting and staying lean.
  • 7. 7 Section 2: 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-Patterning™ Meal Plan Templates
  • 8. 8 Your 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Plan Overview Men Week 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE Day Starch and Fruit Amount 2 Starches 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 2 Starches 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 2 Starches 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits Cheat Day (Carb Load) Week 2 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE Day Starch and Fruit Amount 2 Starches 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 2 Starches 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 2 Starches 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits Cheat Day (Carb Load) Women Week 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE Day Starch and Fruit Amount 1 Starch 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 1 Starch 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 1 Starch 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits Cheat Day (Carb Load) Week 2 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete Carb UP Deplete FREE Day Starch and Fruit Amount 1 Starch 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 1 Starch 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits 1 Starch 1 Fruit No Starches or Fruits Cheat Day (Carb Load) Daily Exercise *See exercise section H.I.R.T. U.S.F.S H.I.R.T. U.S.F.S H.I.R.T. High Intensity Resistance Training Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence High Intensity Resistance Training Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence High Intensity Resistanc e Training Steady State Cardio Threshold Depletion FREE Day workout IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. You can swap Saturday and Sunday so that your FREE Day is on Saturday if you want. 2. You can swap Carb UP and Deplete Days, just make sure you alternate back and forth between them so they land every other day.
  • 9. 9 3. Starches and fruit intake should always be moved to post workout whenever possible. See meal plans below for more details. 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Boot Camp & Meal Plan Meal Plan Cycle Rules 1. Try to journal your food and water intake daily for the entire 14 days straight. 2. Consume protein in every meal and space your meals 3.5 to 4 hours apart until bedtime. Allowing for more time between meals with lots of water will help keep insulin low and fat burning high. One exception to this rule is after your HIRT workouts. You can get away with larger meals and place them 2-3 hours apart if you wish. 3. Try to get 4 meals each day. If you can only get in three meals, make sure to increase your portion sizes; especially in your post workout meals. Five smaller meals is fine if you have a faster metabolism, but it’s not necessary. 4. Monitor your portion sizes. Follow portion control guidelines from below. (Try not to eat out. If you do, get a to-go container at the beginning of your meal and portion control your food). 5. Follow your food combinations on your meal plan exactly as shown on each day. Use your approved foods lists below to replace foods you dislike on the meal plans (also shown below). 6. Drink your minimum filtered water amount per day (Women 70- 80oz, Men 100 128oz per day). 7. Avoid processed foods and stick to foods listed below on your approved foods lists and meal plans. 8. Make sure to follow the food directions below each day on your meal plans for specific instructions and any modifications. 9. No protein bars, low carb foods or fake diet foods unless absolutely necessary. 10.Try to avoid alcohol. It can mess up the hormonal response you’re trying toachieve with fat loss and can negate all the positive effects of the FREE Day. 11.Don’t force meals or eat too much at each meal. You should never feel “full” unless it’s your FREE Day, but definitely feel free to eat larger portion sizes after your HIRTworkouts.
  • 10. 10 12.Make sure to always have a water bottle, shaker and a quality low carb protein powder with you at all times so you always have access to protein when life happens and you weren’t able to plan ahead. EZ Portion Control “Hot Sheet” You’ll see exactly how much of each macro-nutrient you’re supposed to have in each meal below, but weighing all your food is damn near impossible in today’s busy day and age. This EZ Portion Control “Hot Sheet” will help you get started as fast as possible. 1. Protein = the size of your palm  An acceptable range is 15 to 25 grams per serving for women and 20 to 30 grams for men. This can increase greatly during the post workout window.  If you’re not consistently exercising, these amounts should be lower.  You should be shooting for 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of LEAN body weight. An estimate is fine. Don’t get caught up in the details. 2. Impact Carbs = the size of your fist  Acceptable range should be 25 to 50 grams per serving.  Post workout on Carb UP days should be 40 to 50 grams for women and 60 to 75 grams for men.  Shoot for 25 grams of impact carbs (see food list below) on Deplete Days.  Carb UP Days: Women 75 to 100 grams / Men 150 grams (under 200lbs.) 200 grams (over 200lbs.)  If you’re trying to gain muscle, you can double the serving amounts on your Carb UP days. 3. Fats = the size of the end of your thumb x 2  Carbs and proteins only yield 4 calories per gram while fats yield 9 calories per gram, which indicates you have to monitor fat intake and use smaller portion sizes for fats (ex: 12 to 15 nuts, not HALF the jar :-)  Acceptable range should be 15 to 30 grams per serving (approx. 1 to 2 tablespoons) Are you a calorie counter? I gotcha covered. Here’s a general ballpark figure on how you can count calories for fat loss. 1. 10xs your body weight = lose weight/burn fat 2. 12xs your body weight = maintain 3. 15xs your body weight = gain weight/lean muscle
  • 11. 11 Again, this is just an estimate. Food choices, genetics, exercise intensity, sleep, recovery, and supplementation can ALL affect overall results as it relates to burning fat and/orgaining muscle. NOTE: These are acceptable “ranges” and do not have to be exact. If you go over orunder a little bit, don’t sweat it as long as you’re making healthy choices. That’s what helps keep your body in a fat burning environment. Deplete Day Food Types & Meal Combinations On your Deplete Day Meal Plan below you’ll see three different type of meals listed: 1. P + O (protein + fat / oil) 2. P + V + O (protein + vegetables + fat / oil) 3. P + V (protein + vegetables) ** Directions and guidelines for each individual day of the plan are provided underneath each individual meal plan chart below. Deplete Day Food Requirements Protein Requirements & ServingSizes: 1. Consume Protein at each meal 4 times minimum per day, 5 meals ideal if you have faster metabolism or longer feeding periods. 2. Consume the amount of protein listed in your authorized food list below. An estimate is OK, but weighing your food AFTER it’s cooked is best during the first week. 3. Cottage Cheese may only be consumed once per day. Remember to try and use organic or raw full fat versions if possible. 4. If consuming a protein shake, use a shake with low or no sugar and make sure impact carbs are under 5 grams per scoop (Total carbs minus fiber = impact carbs). Adjust serving for no more than 20 – 30 grams of protein for women and 30 – 40 grams for men. 5. Monitor egg yolk intake. Normally yolks are fine (if they’re cage free or farm fresh), but we’re strategically limiting calorie dense foods in week one, so that’s why you should be cautious of too many yolks. 6. Make sure and count carbohydrates in all cottage cheese, cheeses, and protein powders.
  • 12. 12 Type (P) = Proteins for Deplete Days  Eggs and egg whites o Men: 2-3 whole with 2-3 whites o Women: 2 whole with 2 whites  Cottage cheese (Limit to once daily. Try to use full fat organic and count carbs) o Men: 1 cup o Women: 1/2 cup  Beef (try to use grass fed) o Men: 5 – 6 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces  Turkey breast (try to use free range turkey) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 4 – 5 ounces  Chicken breast (try to use organic and/or free range) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 4 – 5 ounces  Low carb protein powder (Make sure you use a low temperature processed brand that contains fiber and has no artificial sweeteners) o Men: 1½ - 2 scoops (30 – 40 grams) o Women: 1 – 1½ scoops (20 to 30 grams)  Fresh wild caught fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces Vegetarian Options: Protein Powder: Pea, Rice, Hemp, Tempeh, Texturized vegetable protein, Non GMO Soy foods, Veggie burgers, Tofu (watch for hidden fat and carb content), legumes, lentils. =>Vegetarian and Vegan friendly Raw Protein Powder and Raw Greens
  • 13. 13 Vegetable Requirements & Serving Sizes: 1. Consume ONLY the following vegetables below on Deplete Days. The carbohydrate amounts per cup are listed next to each. 2. Serving size (men and women) = At least 1 cup on all veggies (raw, steamed or minimally cooked) 3. You can have vegetables at any meal as long as you don’t go over 25 grams of impact carbs for that day. Type (V) = Vegetables for Deplete Days (*Make sure you count carb grams next to eachveggie)  Asparagus = 2  Broccoli = 4  Cucumber = 0  Lettuce = 0  Cabbage = 1  Cauliflower = 3  Spinach = 1  Radishes = 0  Celery = 0  Mushrooms = 1  Green beans = 7  Peppers = 3  Arugula = 1  No Tomatoes  No Squash  No Zucchini  No Peas, Corn, or Carrots *Note: Some low carb greens like Kale and Collard Greens are intentionally left out as well because they have a little higher carb count. After week one, these and the forbidden veggies above are acceptable. These vegetables are normally “healthy” choices, but we want to limit calories and turn off sugars as much as possible on Deplete Days.
  • 14. 14 Fat or Oil Requirements & Substitutions: 1. Consume only one serving of fat at each meal. 2. Serving size (men and women) = 1 tablespoon. Cheese = 2-3oz. Yolks = 2 to 3 max. Krill or fish oil = 2 to 3 grams (1,000 mg = 1 gram) 3. Monitor your portion sizes carefully with fats. It’s very easy to overdo it and add in an additional 300 to 400 calories of fats if you’re not careful. Type (O) = Fats or Oils for Deplete Days  Krill oil or organic fish oil  Olive oil  Minimally processed Sesame Oil  Small amounts of full fat cheese (try to by raw or organic)  Grass fed or organic butter  Coconut oil  Egg Yolks (cage free or farm fresh)  Heavy Organic Cream  Minimally processed sesame oil  *Raw seeds, raw nuts, no sugar nut butters, and avocado *MONITOR THESE FOODS CLOSELY ON DEPLETE DAY: Limit seeds, nuts, nut butters, or avocado on this day. Although these are awesome health foods, they contain too many hidden calories and are the most abused from a calorie intake perspective. Feel free to add them back in, and eat liberally, after day 14. Other Nutrition Guidelines for Deplete Days Condiments: You may use condiments, but remember to watch hidden sugars and check carb count. Great examples are mustard, salsa, and sugar free hot sauces.
  • 15. 15 Carb UP Day Food Types & Meal Combinations On your Macro-PatterningTM Nutrition Plan Templates below you’ll see a few different types of meals listed: 1. P + S + A (protein + Starch + Fruit) Post HIRT meals 2. P + S + V (protein + starch + vegetables) 3. P + V + O (proteins + vegetables + fats / oil) 4. P + O (proteins + fats / oil) 5. FF (free food = Carb UP desserts from bonus guide) *It’s recommended you limit fruit intake for this 14 days but you’re allowed to substitute one fruit for a starch on Carb UP days. ** Directions and guidelines for each individual day of the plan are provided beloweach individual meal plan chart below. Carb UP Day Food Requirements Protein Requirements & ServingSizes: 1. Consume Protein at each meal 4 times minimum per day, 5 small meals ideal. 2. Consume the amount of protein listed on meal planner. An estimate is ok but using a serving that’s equal to the size and thickness of the palm of your hand is best. 3. Limit your servings of dairy. Cottage Cheese or Greek Yogurt should only be consumed once per day. 4. If consuming a protein shake, use a shake with adequate fiber and low sugars. Adjust serving for not more than 20 grams of protein for women and 35 grams for men. 5. When eating egg whites you may have 1-2 yolks with your whites if desired, but try to use cage free or locally farmed fresh eggs.
  • 16. 16 Type (P) = Proteins for Carb UP Days  Eggs and egg whites (try to use cage free or locally farmed fresh eggs) o Men: 2 whole with 4 – 5 whites o Women: 1 whole with 2 – 3 whites  Cottage cheese (try to use full fat raw or almond cheese) o Men: 1 cup o Women: ½ cup  Greek Yogurt (no/low sugar plain flavors only) o Men: 1 cup o Women: ½ cup  Lean beef, venison, lamb, pork tenderloin, or fresh ham (try to use grass fed or locally farmed raise) o Men: 5 – 6 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces  Turkey breast (try to use cage free organic turkey meat) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 4 – 5 ounces  Chicken breast (try to use cage free organic chicken meat) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 4 – 5 ounces  Low carb protein powder (make sure you use a low temperature processed brand) o Men: 1½ - 2 scoops (30 – 40 grams) o Women: 1 – 1½ scoops (20 to 30 grams)  Fresh wild caught fish: Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Cod, Tilapia, White fish o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces  Other wild caught seafood: lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops (limit intake) o Men: 6 – 8 ounces o Women: 3 – 4 ounces
  • 17. 17 Carb UP Day Starch Requirements & Serving Sizes: 1. Consume only the following Starchy Carbs and follow the directions and guidelines for each day provided below each daily nutrition template. 2. Serving sizes: Men under 200 lbs = 1 cup, Men over 200 lbs. = 1½ cups. Women = ½ to ¾ cup. 3. On Carb UP days consume your starches within one to three hours after exercise (post workout). 4. Try to limit fat intake to under 10-15 grams in all meals containing starches. Type (S) = Starches for Carb UP Days  Sweet potato / Yam  Potatoes  Gluten free slow cook oats/oatmeal  Acorn and butternut squash  Wild rice, brown rice, black rice, white rice (steamed/boiled not fried)  Quinoa  Gluten free / wheat free pasta: rice flour or black bean  Legumes (avoid all canned beans and canned foods): kidney beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans, red beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, butter beans, navy beans, lentils  Acceptable breads: Ezekiel, Millet, Rice (avoid all whole grains, wheat breads, or wheat based products)  Acceptable wraps: Ezekiel or wheat/gluten free: rice flour or sprouted grain  Corn (locally farmed only and limit intake)  Peas *Try to stick with starches from nature as much as possible. Limit your intake of processed carbs.
  • 18. 18 Fruit Requirements & Serving Sizes: 1. You may have 1 serving of any of the following fresh fruits in your post workout meal (usually for dessert after your starch) on Carb UP days when indicated on your meal planner. No fruits on Deplete days. 2. Serving size men = 1 to 1½ cups. Women = ½ to 1 cup. 3. NO fruit juices.  Cherries  Apples  Oranges  Grapefruit  Bananas  Apricots  Kiwi  Mango  Watermelon  Blueberries  Raspberries  Strawberries Type (A) = Fruits for Carb UP Days  Blackberries  Peaches  Cranberries  Papaya  Plums  Pineapple  Nectarines  Tangerines  Pears  Grapes  Melon (honeydew, cantaloupe, etc * Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.
  • 19. 19 Vegetable Requirements & ServingSizes: 1. Consume one serving of your favorite vegetables listed below as indicated on your daily nutrition templates. 2. Make sure to have at least two servings of green cruciferous vegetables per day. 3. Serving size (men and women) = 1 cup or more on all veggies (raw, steamed, or minimally cooked)  Broccoli  Asparagus  Cucumber  Lettuce  Cabbage  Cauliflower  Spinach  Green beans  Radishes  Onions  Celery  Mushrooms  Artichoke Type (V) = Vegetables for Carb UP Days  Peppers (any type)  Arugula  Tomatoes  Spaghetti Squash  Brussels sprouts  Zucchini  Kale  Spring mix  Collard greens  Eggplant  Carrots * Try to use organic or locally farm grown whenever possible.
  • 20. Fat or Oil Requirements & Substitutions: 1. Consume only one serving of fat as indicated on your daily nutrition templates below. 2. Serving size (men and women) = 1 tablespoon. Cheese = a sprinkle or small serving. Yolks = 1 or 2 max on Carb UP days. Krill or fish oil = 2 to 3 grams (1,000 mg = 1 gram) 3. Monitor your portion sizes carefully with fats. It’s very easy to overdo it and add in an additionally 300 to 400 calories per day if you’re not careful. 4. Make sure you LIMIT fat in any meals containing starchy carbs or fruits. Type (O) = Fats or Oil for Carb UP Days  Flaxseed oil or ground up flaxseeds  Krill oil or organic fish oil  Olive oil  Mayo (use small amounts and avoid canola or vegetable oils)  Small amounts of raw cheese or almond cheese  Grass fed or organic butter  Coconut oil  Egg Yolks (cage free or farm fresh)  Heavy Cream  Limit raw nuts, seeds, nut butters, and avocado on Carb UP days Other Nutrition Guidelines for Carb UP Days CONDIMENTS: You may use condiments, but remember to watch hidden sugars and check carb count. Great examples are mustard, salsa, sugar free hot sauces, and low sodium soy sauce. You can also feed free to use the follow:  Sea Salt  Horseradish  Stevia or other no/low calorie all natural sweeteners  Pepper (any kind)  Vinegar  Ketchup (high fructose corn syrup free or no sugar only)  Garlic
  • 21. 21 Sweeteners and other misc. foods: Limit intake of artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine). Try to use all natural stevia. Stay away from cooking sprays and try to use small amounts of olive and coconut oil instead. *Avoid agave nectar unless it’s 100% raw. The processing destroys any legit health benefits and increase the bad sugars. 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-PatterningTM Meal Plan Templates arebelow!
  • 22. 22 MEAL TYPE 1 P/S/A 2 (Women) P/V/O 2 (Men) P/S/V 3 P/V 4 P/V/O 5 P/O or FF Type Key: P = Protein S=Starch A=Fruit V = Vegetables O = Fat FF=Free Food DAILY GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS 1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may consume only consume 4 meals and skip meal 3 if you wish, but it’s mandatory to have your post workout starch and fruit. 2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you mustfollow the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your approved foods list for Carb UP days. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Carb UP - Days 1 & 8
  • 23. 23 MEAL TYPE 1 P/V/O 2 P/V 3 P/V/O 4 P/O 5 P/O Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat DAILY GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS 1. The above example food plan shows 5 meals. You may skip meal 2 or 3 if you’re only eating 4 meals per day. 2. *Supplements are not mandatory but recommended. 3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your substitution list below. 4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Deplete - Days 2 & 9
  • 24. 24 MEAL TYPE 1 P/S/A 2 (Women) P/V/O 2 (Men) P/S/V 3 P/V 4 P/V/O 5 P/O or FF Type Key: P= Protein S=Starch A=Fruit V = Vegetables O = Fat FF=Free Food DAILY GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS 1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may consume only consume 4 meals and skip meal 3 if you wish, but it’s mandatory to have your post workout starch and fruit. 2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you mustfollow the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your approved foods list for Carb UP days. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Carb UP - Days 3 & 10
  • 25. 25 MEAL TYPE 1 P/V/O 2 P/V 3 P/V/O 4 P/V/O 5 P/O Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat DAILY GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS 1. The above example food plan shows 5 meals. You may skip meal 2 or 3 if you’re only eating 4 meals per day. 2. *Supplements are not mandatory but recommended. 3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your substitution list below. 4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Deplete - Days 4 & 11
  • 26. 26 MEAL TYPE 1 P/S/A 2 (Women) P/V/O 2 (Men) P/S/V 3 P/V 4 P/V/O 5 P/O or FF Type Key: P= Protein S=Starch A=Fruit V = Vegetables O = Fat FF=Free Food DAILY GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS 1. The above example food plan shows a 5th Free Food or Healthy Dessert. You may consume only consume 4 meals and skip meal 3 if you wish, but it’s mandatory to have your post workout starch and fruit. 2. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you mustfollow the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your approved foods list for Carb UP days. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Carb UP - Days 5 & 12
  • 27. 27 MEAL TYPE 1 Have your favorite breakfast. Don’t binge or stuff. 2 Low Carb Nutrition Shake with favorite piece of fruit. 3 Burger or Sub sandwich with small bag of chips or salt fix. 4 Favorite food and favorite dessert. Use protein and starchy cheat food with small piece of dessert (Don’t binge or stuff) Type Key: P = Protein S = Starch A = Fruit FF = Free Food Important Cheat Day Notes: It’s important to enjoy this day, but not to go overboard. In order to maximize leptin levels properly, stay away from alcohol, excessive intake of High Fructose Corn Syrup, deep-fried foods and empty sweets like candy. Stick to things like things like Pizza, Spaghetti, Lasagna, Steak, and Fajitas. Sugars should be consumed in moderation and should come from rich sources like cake, ice cream, or cheesecake. Don’t binge or stuff. Activate Glut 4 to limit fat spillover and force glycogen replenishment: Example: Perform body weight movements (use one or more of the following: body weight squats, lunges, jump squats, push ups, pull-ups, wall push ups, wall triceps extensions, even shoulder presses with a band will work) for 2 to 5 minutes 15 to 30 minutes before cheating and again 30 to 90 minutes after cheating. You’ll wind up with somewhere between 50 to 100 reps, but focus on time. This will bring GLUT-4 to the surface of muscle cells opening the gateway for your cheat food to be shuttled into muscle and prevent fat spillover. Cool eh! Kind of a pain – yes I know, but worth it. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Free - Days 6 & 13
  • 28. 28 MEAL TYPE 1 P/O 2 P/O 3 P/V 4 P/V/O 5 P/O Type Key: P = Protein V = Vegetables O = Fat DAILY GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS 1. The above example food plan shows 5 meals. You may skip meal 2 or 3 if you’re only eating 4 meals per day. 2. *Supplements are not mandatory but recommended. 3. If you would like to substitute a different food at any particular meal, you must follow the type listed next to that meal and substitute the same type of food listed on your substitution list below. 4. Zero starches or fruits on this day and make sure to watch for hidden calories. 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Meal Planner Deplete - Days 7 & 14
  • 30. 30 Section 3: Strategic Exercise for Rapid Fat Loss How to overcome exercise adaption and bust through fat loss plateaus…to get and STAY lean for life.
  • 31. 31 Your 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Exercise Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WEEK 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. Steady State Threshold- High Ultimate High Ultimate High Cardio Depletion Intensity Cardio Intensity Cardio Intensity Cheat Day Resistance Sequence Resistance Sequence Resistanc (A/E) Workout Training Training e Training aerobic/ Sequence Sequence endurance 1, 2 & 3 1, 2 & 3 Sequence combined combined 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WEEK 2 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. UCS H.I.R.T. Steady State Threshold- High Ultimate High Ultimate High Cardio Depletion Intensity Cardio Intensity Cardio Intensity Cheat Day Resistance Sequence Resistance Sequence Resistance (A/E) Workout Training Training Training aerobic/ Sequence Sequence endurance 1, 2 & 3 1, 2 & 3 Sequence combined combined 1
  • 32. 32 The Setup of Your 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Workouts Below you’ll see two “hot sheets”, one for your UCS (bursting) workouts and one for your HIRT workouts. Read through them both thoroughly. This way you’ll have a complete understanding of the science behind each approach along with a detailed overview of “how” to perform the individual workouts. UCS Metabolic Bursting “Hot Sheet” As you can see from the 14-day schedule above, you’ll be performing UCS metabolic bursting workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one steady state cardio session on the weekend on days where carb intake is lower to maximize fat burning and hormones. Notice: Don’t skip the steady state cardio. This session will condition your body to burn more fat during your other workouts because you’ll be training the aerobic system all by itself. This serves as a “primer” to help make the higher intensity workouts more effective. Tuesday’s UCS workout has five phases and Thursday’s UCS workout has six phases. Here they are listed in the exact order you’ll be performing each bursting-interval workout. The Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence *NOTE: All phases described in this section are broken down and simplified with detailed guidelines and instructions below on your workout log sheets. Phase 1: Warm Up  5 minutes Goal  Warm up muscles to get blood flowing and prevent injuries  Lower and stabilize insulin to get your metabolism into a fat burning environment
  • 33. 33 Phase 2: Bursting Sequence  5 to 10 short hard 30 second bursts Goal  Release Fat-Burning Hormones to help break up stubborn fat  Create more blood flow to “stubborn” fat and/or “pockets” of cellulite Phase 3: Short Duration Strategic Steady State Cardio  10 minute low intensity cardio Goal  Allow heart rate to settle down and force Free Fatty Acids to “dump” into the blood stream and begin the process of burning them off Phase 4: Strategic Threshold Intervals  15 minutes of longer 45 to 60 second intervals with 2 minutes of walking / recovery between intervals Goals  Continue the release of fat burning hormones  Continue to burn off free fatty acids in the blood stream  Enhance EPOC (after-burn) Phase 5: Free Fatty Acid Finisher - FFAF  10 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio Goals  Burn off any remaining free fatty acids in the bloodstream  Cool down properly
  • 34. 34 H.I.R.T. “Hot Sheet” H.I.R.T. stands for High Intensity Resistance Training and it’s a simple way to burn fat and gain / preserve muscle at the same time. This is basically a “hybrid” combination of threshold type of intervals and weight training performed together in the same workout. It’s a unique method that arguably can have more of an impact on fat loss than strength or cardio / intervals performed by themselves. Most likely, because it utilizes the synergistic benefits of the EPOC discussed above with the overall benefits of intense weight training, which rapidly depletes glycogen and stimulates both type I and type II muscle fibers. Using both weights and high intensity cardio together is a very powerful one-two punch. *You can replace ANY exercise in your HIRT workouts with bodyweight alternatives. Pushups, pullups, inverted rows, etc. The H.I.R.T. Workout Setup 1. Transition Time: Because you’ll be moving between sets of intervals and resistance training you’ll have to plan ahead a little on exercise selection and transition times. 2. Exercise Selection: Try to use body weight exercises and/or dumbbells as much as possible so your transitions from your threshold intervals to your weight training sets are adequate. If you’re using cardio machines, try to place your dumbbells or workout area as near as possible to your interval exercise machine. You can still use machines, just take into consideration your transition times between sets. 3. Rest Periods: The rest periods prescribed are an estimate of how long it will take you to complete the assigned exercise and transition from one exercise to the next. Move briskly, but the times are somewhat flexible so you may go a little longer (or even shorter) at times. 4. Intensity Levels: You’ll notice that as you move through your HIRT workout, intensity levels gradually go up on every set of weights or resistance training. This is because your heart rate will gradually and progressively elevate on each set, which will make each set of weights or resistance training more difficult without going heavier or lighter.
  • 35. 35 In other words, you should be able to use the same weight/resistance on every set and hit your target intensity and rep range. Just make sure you adjust your exercises and/or weights you’re using as necessary to hit the target intensity levels and reps on each set. H.I.R.T. GH Surge Workout Starters Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays You’ll be starting out your HIRT workouts with high rep lower body exercises to stimulate and release natural growth hormone and position your hormones to maximize fat loss and muscle stimulation throughout the workout. Most research I’ve read and analyzed about GH indicates this hormone is maximally released through explosive styles of training used in conjunction with high reps and short rest periods to stimulate more lactate. This is the “burning” sensation you’ll feel in your muscles when you use this type of protocol. Lactate is what produces lactic acid and has been shown to be a precursor to growth hormone production. Just how much is a subject of great debate and studies show a wide range of differences, but a few have shown up to 9 times normal growth hormone release with this type of approach. This is yet another reason we combine your HIRT workouts with bursting- intervals…to get a powerful one-two punch. You’ll notice the "explosive" types of exercises such as jumping lunges, jump squats and goblet jump squats. This is what will work best, but only use them if you have an adequate amount of experience. If you’re more of a beginner or intermediate exerciser, then stick with the basic body weight squats and lunge examples provided below. Goal: Stimulate GH by combining high rep-explosive movements with short rest periods to produce lactate while working largest body parts (legs) to help boost catecholamines. Duration: 5 minutes
  • 36. 36 GH Surge Workout Starter Setup Perform 20 reps of any type of squat and immediately (with no rest) perform 20 reps (10 reps each leg) of any type of lunge. Rest 90 seconds and repeat one more round for a total of 2 rounds.  Rest 1 to 2 minutes and perform your first resistance training set  Use the exercise examples below. Exercises Squats:  Bodyweight squat  DB or Barbell Squat  Jump Squats  Goblet squats Lunges:  Forward or Reverse lunge  Goblet forward or reverse lunge  Jumping lunges
  • 38. 38 Jump Squat Goblet squats or Goblet jump squats (Experienced exercisers can increase difficulty and explosiveness by using a Goblet Jump Squat)
  • 39. 39 Lunges Forward and Reverse Lunge Goblet forward or reverse lunge
  • 41. 41 H.I.R.T. Workout #1 Day 1 & 8 Chest and Back *OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterfication (restoring of fatty acids). Triple Drop Set Example  Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch! Exercise GH Surge Workout Starter (see starter sheet above) 12 to 15 reps of Chest with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Back with 30 seconds rest Threshold Interval: Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise 12 to 15 reps of Chest with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Back with 30 seconds rest Threshold Interval: Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise 12 to 15 reps of Chest with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Back with 30 seconds rest Triple drop set of Chest with different exercise with 1 minute rest Triple Drop Set of Back with different exercise with 1 minute rest *Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio Workout Plan Minute Intensity Level 1-5 3-4 5-6 2 6-7 3 7-8 4 8-9 4 9-10 4 11-12 5 12-13 4-5 13-15 4-5 14-16 5 16-18 5 18-45 2-3
  • 42. 42 Chest Exercises Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Dumbbell Chest Press or Incline Dumbbell Chest Press Tips: You can use a bench, stability ball, or even lie on the floor for this exercise. You can also substitute a basic push up, push up on knees or even a push up against a wall if you’re a beginner. It’s also a great way to handle the triple drop set: 10 regular push ups, no rest, 8 to 12 push ups on your knees, no rest, 8 to 12 push ups on the wall. Start Finish
  • 43. 43 Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Dumbbell Flye Tips: You can use a bench, stability ball, or even lie on the floor for this exercise as well. You can also substitute a cable flye or resistance band flye as well Start Finish
  • 44. 44 Back Exercises Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Dumbbell Row or Straight Bar Row. Tips: You can also use a bench for support or perform same movement with both arms at once. A seated machine or cable row can also be used as a substitution for this exercise. Start Finish
  • 45. 45 Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Wide grip cable pull down. Tips: Don’t lean back, keep your chin up, and your elbows directly underneath the bar. You can also use a pull up or assisted pull up as a substitution for this exercise. Start Finish
  • 46. 46 Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence Day 2 & 9 Intensity Level Guidelines Below  Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace  Level 2 = Medium  Level 3 = Medium-High  Level 4 = High  Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition) *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at right now personally. Phases 1 thru 5 1. Warm Up 2. Metabolic Burst for 30 seconds followed immediately by walking for 30 seconds (Repeat 5 to 10xs) 3. Walk slow or slow jog for 10 minutes 4. Threshold Burst for 45 to 60 seconds followed immediately by walking fast for 2 minutes. (Repeat 5xs) 5. Steady State Cardio (Free Fatty Acid Finisher) End Workout PLAN Minutes Intensity Level 1 - 5 1 - 2 5 - 10 Burst: 5 Walk: 1 10 - 20 1 - 2 20 - 35 Burst: 4 Walk: 2 35 - 45 3
  • 47. 47 H.I.R.T. Workout #2 Day 3 & 10 Shoulders & Abs *OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterfication (restoring of fatty acids). Triple Drop Set Example  Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch! Exercise GH Surge Workout Starter (see starter sheet above) 12 to 15 reps of Shoulders with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Abs with 30 seconds rest Threshold Interval: Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise 12 to 15 reps of Shoulders with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Abs with 30 seconds rest Threshold Interval: Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise 12 to 15 reps of Shoulders with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Abs with 30 seconds rest Triple drop set of Shoulders with different exercise with 1 minute rest Perform 3 Ab exercises back to back for 30 seconds each *Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio Workout Plan Minute Intensity Level 1-5 3-4 5-6 2 6-7 3 7-8 4 8-9 4 9-10 4 11-12 5 12-13 4-5 13-15 4-5 14-16 5 16-18 5 18-45 2-3
  • 48. 48 Shoulder Exercises Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Dumbbell Shoulder Press or Straight Bar Shoulder Press Tips: You can perform this exercise seated or standing. Keep chin up, and elbows underneath the weight at all times. Keep wrists straight with knuckles toward the ceiling. This will help isolate the shoulder muscles and prevent injury. Start Finish
  • 49. 49 Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Dumbbell Shoulder Front Raise. Note: You can also use a side lateral raise (bring dumbbells to the side rather than forward). Both the front raise and the side raise can be done seated or standing. Tips: Make sure to keep your wrists straight and turn your knuckles toward the ceiling. This will help isolate your shoulder muscles more. Start Finish
  • 50. 50 Ab Exercises Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Plank or Plank Variation of any kind Tips: Substitute reps for time and hold planks for 30 to 60 seconds. Plank Triple Drop Sets for Abs: Substitute / Perform the 3 abdominal exercises below back to back with no rest in between. Shoot for 12 to 15 reps each. Note: You can substitute exercises below with other abdominal exercises (see Ab Targeted Cardio Bonus below) Stability Ball Jackknife
  • 51. 51 Stability Ball Roll Out Reverse Crunch
  • 52. 52 Ultimate Stubborn Fat Sequence Day 4 & 11 Intensity Level Guidelines Below  Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace  Level 2 = Medium  Level 3 = Medium-High  Level 4 = High  Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition) *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at right now personally. Phases 1 thru 5 1. Warm Up 2. Metabolic Burst for 30 seconds followed immediately by walking for 30 seconds (Repeat 5 to 10xs) 3. Walk slow or slow jog for 10 minutes 4. Threshold Burst for 45 to 60 seconds followed immediately by walking fast for 2 minutes. (Repeat 5xs) 5. Steady State Cardio (Free Fatty Acid Finisher) End Workout PLAN Minutes Intensity Level 1 - 5 1 - 2 5 - 10 Burst: 5 Walk: 1 10 - 20 1 - 2 20 - 35 Burst: 4 Walk: 2 35 - 45 3
  • 53. 53 H.I.R.T. Workout #3 Day 5 & 12 Biceps & Triceps *OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re-esterfication (restoring of fatty acids). Triple Drop Set Example  Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch! Exercise GH Surge Workout Starter (see starter sheet above) 12 to 15 reps of Biceps with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Triceps with 30 seconds rest Threshold Interval: Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise 12 to 15 reps of Biceps with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Triceps with 30 seconds rest Threshold Interval: Running or Favorite Cardio Exercise 12 to 15 reps of Biceps with 30 seconds rest 12 to 15 reps of Triceps with 30 seconds rest Triple drop set of Biceps with different exercise with 1 minute rest Repeat Triple Drop Set for Triceps 1 minute rest *Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio Workout Plan Minute Intensity Level 1-5 3-4 5-6 2 6-7 3 7-8 4 8-9 4 9-10 4 11-12 5 12-13 4-5 13-15 4-5 14-16 5 16-18 5 18-45 2-3
  • 54. 54 Biceps Exercises Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) Standing Dumbbell or Straight Bar Curl Tips: You can perform this exercise seated or standing with Dumbbells. Keep elbows stable at your sides and try not to let them drift forward or backward. Keep knuckles turned up toward the ceiling. Don’t swing the weight and keep your back straight.
  • 55. 55 Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Dumbbell preacher curl on a stability ball or standing cable curl. Tips: Squeeze your butt cheeks together to prevent yourself from swinging or injuring your back when curling. Make sure to keep your elbows locked in one spot so they serve as a pivot point. Dumbbell preacher curl on stability ball Standing cable curl
  • 56. 56 Triceps Exercises Basic: (Use for first 3 sets) DB overhead extension or Lying DB or Straight bar extension (a.k.a. – skull crushers) Tips: Keep your elbows tucked in as close to your head and ears as possible. Always hold the weight in your palms and not your fingers. This will isolate the triceps better and ensure you don’t drop the weight. Standing Overhead DB Extension Seated Overhead DB Extension Lying Dumbbell or Bar Extensions (skull crushers)
  • 57. 57 Isolation: (Use for Triple Drop Sets) Triceps Dips or Triceps Cable Pushdowns Tips: Keep elbows tight to your side, wrists as straight as possible and always push from your palms not your fingers. Bench Dips and Bar Dips Beginner Intermediate Advanced
  • 58. 58 Triceps Cable Pushdowns Tips: Keep elbows tight to your side, wrists as straight as possible and always push from your palms not your fingers.
  • 59. 59 Steady State Cardio -A/E: Aerobic/Endurance- Day 6 & 13 Intensity Level Guidelines* 1) Maximum Fat-Burning Zone is 72-75% of Heart Rate Max (220 – age + 10 beats x .72 to .75) 2) Make sure to stay at same pace during the entire Aerobic-Endurance Phase and use the talk test; if you can have a “normal” conversation you are not going hard enough, but if you feel you have to slow down you’re probably going a little too hard. 3) Total duration should be around 45 – 50 minutes. 4) Type of exercise is optional but running has been proven to burn the mostfat.  Level 1 = Warm-Up or Slow Pace  Level 2 = Medium  Level 3 = Medium-High  Level 4 = High  Level 5 = Hard as you can go (based on your current level of personal condition) *Intensity levels are different for every person and are based on your current condition, age, gender, or other limitations, so please gauge your intensity level based on where you’re at right now personally.
  • 60. 60 Threshold-Depletion Cheat Day Workout Day 7 & 14 *OPTIONAL FFAF: If time permits, and you have the energy, using your favorite Steady State Cardio or Medium Pace Jog for 15 to 30 minutes after HIRT workouts will burn off any Fatty Acids present in the blood stream and prevent re- esterfication (restoring of fatty acids). Triple Drop Set Example  Perform 10 reps @ intensity 4 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5 – no rest (drop/lower the weight)  Perform 8 to 12 reps @ intensity 5+ – Ouch! *If possible, perform this workout an hour or two before your biggest cheat day meal (not mandatory, but recommended) Exercise Jog at a steady pace 10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, 10 bodyweight squats or lunges 2 Minute Threshold Interval (cardio exercise of your choice) Recover: Slow pace or Fast walk 10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, 10 bodyweight squats 2 Minute Threshold Interval (cardio exercise of your choice) Recover: Slow jog or Fast walk 10 push ups, 10 triceps dips, 10 bodyweight squats 2 Minute Threshold Interval (cardio exercise of your choice) Recover: Slow jog or Fast walk 3 Minute Threshold Interval *Free Fatty Acid Finisher (FFAF): 15 to 30 minutes of steady state cardio Workout Plan Minute Intensity Level 1-5 1-2 5-6 3-4 6-8 3-4 8-9 1 9-10 4 10-12 4 12-13 1 13-14 4 13-15 4-5 15-16 1 16-19 4-5 19-30 2-3
  • 61. 61 BONUS WORKOUT Example: AB Targeted Cardio (ATC) *You can use this protocol in place of any bursting interval workout after your 14 day plan is finished.
  • 62. 62 Upper Ab Example Exercises Stability Ball Jackknife Hanging Leg Raise
  • 63. 63 Stability Ball Roll Out Reverse Crunch
  • 64. 64 Lower Ab Example Exercises Hip Ups Stability Ball Pike
  • 65. 65 Oblique Example Exercises Side Plank Hanging Side to Side Leg Raise
  • 67. 67 Renegade Row Plank Knee Ups Tips: Touch knee to elbow while keeping back straight or cross knee over (example a. above) to use more oblique muscles.
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