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Med Oncol
DOI 10.1007/s12032-008-9114-7


Expression profile of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in premenopausal
Mexican women with breast cancer: clinical
and immunohistochemical correlates
Gloria Loredo-Pozos Æ Erwin Chiquete Æ
Antonio Oceguera-Villanueva Æ Arturo Panduro Æ
Fernando Siller-Lopez Æ Martha E. Ramos-Marquez
                 ´                        ´

Received: 2 August 2008 / Accepted: 15 October 2008
Ó Humana Press Inc. 2008

Abstract Low BRCA1 gene expression is associated with          lower BRCA1 expression than older women (P  0.05).
increased invasiveness and influences the response of           BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression correlated in healthy, but
breast carcinoma (BC) to chemotherapeutics. However,           not in tumor tissues (TT). Neither BRCA1 nor BRCA2
expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has not been               expression was associated with tumor histology, differen-
completely characterized in premenopausal BC. We ana-          tiation, nodal metastasis or p53 and HER-2 expression.
lyzed the clinical and immunohistochemical correlates of       After multivariate analysis, only disease stage explained
BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression in young BC women. We               BRCA1 mRNA levels in the lowest quartile. Premeno-
studied 62 women (mean age 38.8 years) who developed           pausal BC has aggressive clinical and molecular
BC before the age of 45 years. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mRNA            characteristics. Low BRCA1 mRNA expression is associ-
expression was assessed by reverse transcriptase-poly-         ated mainly with younger ages and advanced clinical stage
merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and that of HER-2 and           of premenopausal BC. BRCA2 expression is not associated
p53 proteins by immunohistochemistry. Body mass index          with disease severity in young BC women.
(BMI) C27 (52%) and a declared family history of BC
(26%) were the main risk factors. Ductal infiltrative ade-      Keywords BRCA1 Á BRCA2 Á Breast carcinoma Á
nocarcinoma was found in 86% of the cases (tumor size          Gene expression Á Mexico Á mRNA
[5 cm in 48%). Disease stages I–IV occurred in 2, 40, 55,
and 3%, respectively (73% implicating lymph nodes).
Women aged B35 years (24%) had more family history of          Introduction
cervical cancer, stage III/IV disease, HER-2 positivity, and
                                                               Breast carcinoma (BC) currently represents a major health
G. Loredo-Pozos Á F. Siller-Lopez Á M. E. Ramos-Marquez (&)
                             ´                      ´
                                                               problem worldwide. Depending on the population and
Instituto de Enfermedades Cronico-Degenerativas. Centro        clinical stage, premenopausal women represent 25% of the
Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de          people with this type of cancer [1–3]. Many studies have
Guadalajara, Sierra Mojada 950. Colonia Independencia,         demonstrated that BC in premenopausal patients has a
Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44340, Mexico
                                                               more aggressive clinical course than in older patients
                                                               [4–6]. In general, breast tumors in young women are bio-
E. Chiquete                                                    logically different, with a higher proliferation index and
Departamento de Medicina Interna, Hospital Civil de            less histological differentiation, when compared with older
Guadalajara ‘‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’’, Guadalajara, Mexico
                                                               patients [7].
                                                                  Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are responsible
A. Oceguera-Villanueva                                         for 90% of the inherited BC cases [8]. A reduced expression
Instituto Jaliciense de Cancerologıa, Guadalajara, Mexico      of BRCA1 has been associated with increased invasiveness
                                                               of sporadic or inherited BC [9]; and as is the case for other
A. Panduro
Departamento de Biologıa Molecular, Hospital Civil de          gene expression markers [10–13], BRCA1 expression influ-
Guadalajara ‘‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’’, Guadalajara, Mexico      ences the response of BC to chemotherapeutic agents
Med Oncol

[14, 15], which might in the future have an impact on           slides coated with silane (Sigma Immunchemicals, St.
treatment choices [16]. Thus, there is increasing interest in   Louis, Missouri, USA). The samples were deparaffinised in
BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression as alternative biologic              xylene and rehydrated via a series of graded alcohols
markers of cancer behavior and response to treatment [7, 16–    (absolute alcohol to wash away the xylene, followed by
18]. However, to the best of our knowledge, the expression      95% and then 70% alcohol, with 5 min duration each for
of these genes has been scarcely characterized in premeno-      rehydration). Sections were taken to water. Epitope
pausal BC patients. In this study, we analyzed the clinical     retrieval was carried out in the microwave oven using
significance of expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in           epitope retrieval solution at 95°C for 45 min. Then the
premenopausal women with BC. Our hypothesis was that            sections were rinsed under running water and taken to PBS
tumor mRNA levels of these two genes are associated with        buffer for 1 min. Endogenous peroxidase activity was
clinical and laboratory characteristics of disease severity.    blocked by incubating the sections in 12 ll of 30%
                                                                hydrogen peroxide for 30 min, followed by washing in
                                                                PBS buffer. Then anti-HER-2 antibody at 1:100 dilution
Methods                                                         was applied for 30 min followed by rinsing in PBS buffer
                                                                for 1 min. Visualization reagent was applied for 30 min
From January 2003 to June 2005, we studied 62 women             and rinsed with distilled water, followed by DAB solution
with BC diagnosed before the age of 45 years, who were          for 5 min. DAB was removed with distilled water. The
treated at the Instituto Jaliciense de Cancerologı´a and at     slides were then counterstained with Meyer hematoxylin,
the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara ‘‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’’      dehydrated in increasing grades of ethanol, cleared in
(Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico). The internal Committee of        xylene, and mounted in Depex. A TT known to react with
Ethics of our centers approved this study. Informed consent     anti-HER-2 antibody was used as positive control. Slides
was obtained either from all patients or their legal proxy. A   exposed to PBS without primary antibody were used as
standardized, structured questionnaire was used to collect      negative controls in each staining batch. The DAKO Her-
data from the patient regarding demography and relevant         cep Test Protocol system was used to grade the degree of
antecedents.                                                    membrane staining (0 and 1± = negative; 2± = moderate
                                                                positivity; and 3± = intense positivity).
Tissue extraction and histological analysis
                                                                Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 in tumor tissues
Tumor (TT) and healthy tissue (HT) biopsies or mastec-
tomies were obtained from each patient (from the same           Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 was performed
breast and in the same surgical act, one specimen per           according to the manufacturer instructions (Cell Marque,
patient) for the histological, gene expression, and immu-       Rocklin, California, USA). Briefly, sections of 4 lm thick
nohistochemical analyses. These tissues were obtained           were cut from appropriately selected paraffin blocks con-
before exposure to any chemotherapeutic agent and in the        taining lesional tissue using the rotary microtome, mounted
premenopausal status. TT and HT were fixed in 10% buf-           on prewashed glass slides positively charged and heated at
fered neutral formalin, dehydrated in alcohols, cleared in      60°C for 1 h. The samples were deparaffinised in xylene
xylene, and embedded into low-melting-point paraffin, as         and rehydrated via a series of graded alcohols twice for
described elsewhere [19, 20]. All staining procedures for       4 min each. A 1:10 dilution of epitope retrieval solution
light microscopy were carried out on 5-lm thick sections        was prepared (20x ImmunoDNA Retriever with Citrate,
and routine histological examinations were performed for        Bio SB) and verted in coupling glasses containing samples
all tissue samples on sections stained with hematoxylin and     slices and were placed inside a pressure cooker set at low
eosin. TT was composed essentially from tumor cells, and        pressure at 95°C for 45 min. Slides were cooled at room
since HT was extracted from the same affected breast, it        temperature for 20 min and rinsed with PBS (pH 7.0) for
was composed from non-macroscopically affected mam-             1 min, followed by washing in peroxidase blocker for
mary gland and some adipose tissue.                             20 min. The preparations were incubated with the primary
                                                                antibody (DO-7, Cell Marque, 0.5 mM concentration) at
Immunohistochemical analysis of HER-2                           1:400 dilution for 1 h at room temperature and rinsed with
(c-erb-B2/c-neu) in tumor tissues                               PBS buffer for 1 min. Slides were incubated in the Mouse/
                                                                Rabbit ImmunoDetector Biotin LinK visualizing system
Sections of 4 lm thick were cut from appropriately              and Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector HPR Label for 15 min
selected paraffin blocks containing lesional tissue using a      each and rinsed with distilled water followed by DAB
rotary microtome (Leica RM 2135, Meyer Instruments,             solution for 3 min. A TT known to react with anti-p53
Houston Texas, USA). Blocks were mounted on glass               antibody was used as positive control. Negative controls
Med Oncol

were also included. The preparations were counterstained        61°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min and a final extension
with Meyer hematoxylin for 1 min, dehydrated with a             for 5 min at 72°C. Levels of expression of all transcripts
series of distilled water, 96% ethanol, absolute ethanol, and   were quantified with a photodocumentation system. We
xylene (15 washes in every step). The mounted glasses           used water as ‘‘blank reaction’’ since the RT-PCR assay
were then covered and observed with the microscope.             and a sample of mammary adipose tissue as negative
                                                                control since RNA extraction.
RNA extraction and quantification in tumor
and healthy tissues                                             Statistical analysis

Isolation of total RNA from TT and HT was carried out           Pearson chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used to
according to the Chomczynski–Sacchi method [21].                assess proportions in nominal variables for bivariate and
Briefly, TT and HT were homogenized using a polytron in          homogeneity (when more than two variables) analyses. To
the presence of Trizol. Chloroform was added to separate        compare quantitative variables distributed between two
aqueous phase and total RNA was precipitated with iso-          groups, Student t test was performed in distributions of
propanol at 4°C overnight. Quantity and intactness of RNA       parametric variables. Pearson correlation was used in
were routinely tested by determining 260/280 absorbance         continuous variables. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mRNA levels are
analysis and ethidium bromide fluorescence of RNA elec-          reported as relative units with respect to the mRNA
trophoresed in 1% formaldehyde agarose gels.                    expression of the housekeeping gene GAPDH. No patient
                                                                was excluded in any comparison analysis. To find inde-
Expression analyses of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes                    pendent predictors of the expression of BRCA1 in the
in tumor and healthy tissues                                    lowest quartile, multivariate analyses were constructed by
                                                                forward stepwise logistic regression, after selection of
BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression in TT and HT was                     candidate variables by means of bivariate analyses (selec-
accomplished essentially as previously described [19]. HT       ted if P  0.1). Adjusted odds ratios (OR) with the
was analyzed as external efficiency control of the same          respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) are provided. The
affected breast, when compared with gene expression in          fitness of the model was evaluated by the Hosmer-Leme-
TT. Three reverse transcriptase reactions per patient were      show goodness-of-fit test, which was considered as reliable
carried out in order to obtain the corresponding cDNAs.         if P [ 0.2. All P-values are two-sided and considered
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)        significant when P  0.05 in final analyses. SPSS version
was performed using 2 lg of total RNA transcribed in            13.0 for WindowsTM (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used in
0.05 M Tris–HCl pH 8.3, 40 mM KCl, 7 mM MgCl2                   all calculations.
buffer containing 0.05 mg/ml of random hexamers, 1 mM
dNTPs mix 0.05 U/ml RNase inhibitor and 200 U/ml
Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MLV) reverse trans-            Results
criptase. Samples were incubated for 10 min at 70°C and
then for 60 min at 37.5°C. Reverse transcriptase was fur-       We studied 62 premenopausal women with BC. Mean age
ther inactivated by heating the sample tubes at 95°C for        was 38.8 years (range 22–45 years). A high body mass
10 min. cDNAs were used immediately for reaction or             index (BMI) and a declared family history BC were the
were stored at -20°C until use. Gene amplifications were         main risk factors (Table 1). There were 15 (24%) women
performed in a PCR buffer of 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 9.0, and         aged B35 years, who had significantly more history of
50 mM NaCl containing a mix of 100 mM dNTPs and 1 U             cervical cancer, stage III/IV disease (80% vs. 51%,
Taq DNA polymerase. Final oligonucleotide primer con-           P = 0.048) and HER-2 protein positivity than older women
centration were 10 lM. Primer sequences were BRCA1              (Table 1). The right mammary gland was affected in 61% of
sense 50 -ACAGCTGTCTGGTGCTTCTGTG-30 , antisense                 cases. In most patients the histological type of BC was
50 -CATTGTCCTCTGTCCAGGCATC-30 ; BRCA2 sense                     infiltrating ductal carcinoma, and in near half of the cohort
50 -CTTGCCCCTTTCGTCTATTTG-30 , antisense 50 TACG                the tumor size in its greatest measurement was [5 cm.
GCCCTGAAGTACAGTCTT-30 , GAPDH sense 50 -CGGA                    Advanced disease was present in the majority of cases; 73%
TGCAACGGATTTGGTCGTAT-30 antisense 50 -AGCCTT                    with affection to lymph nodes. Well-differentiated tumors
CTCCATGGTGGTGAAGAC-30 [14]. The pair of primers                 were not observed (Table 1). HER-2 protein expression was
for BRCA1, BRCA2, and GAPDH amplified 106, 350, and              present in 16 (26%) tumors: 3 had moderate positivity (2±)
567 bp fragments, respectively. PCR was run in an auto-         and 13 had intense positivity (3±). p53 was expressed in 32
mated thermal cycler with initial denaturation at 95°C for      (52%) tumors: 9 were weakly positive, 12 moderately
10 min followed by 40 cycles each at 95°C for 15 sec,           positive, and 11 were highly positive.
Med Oncol

Table 1 Main characteristics of the study cohort
Variables                                      All patients       Persons aged B35 years         Persons aged [35 years          P-Value*
                                               (n = 62)           (n = 15)                       (n = 47)

Risk factors
   BMI C 27, n (%)                             32 (52)             7 (47)                        25 (53)                         0.66
   Declared family history of BC, n (%)        16 (26)             3 (20)                        13 (28)                         0.74
Tumor size                                                                                                                       0.33
   Greatest diameter 2 cm, n (%)                  3 (5)           1 (7)                           2 (4)
   Greatest diameter 2–5 cm, n (%)             31 (50)             5 (33)                        26 (55)
  Greatest diameter [5 cm, n (%)               28 (45)             9 (60)                        19 (40)
Tumor histology                                                                                                                  0.82
   Infiltrating ductal, n (%)                   54 (87)            13 (87)                        41 (87)
   Lobular, n (%)                                  3 (5)           1 (7)                           2 (4)
   Medullary, n (%)                                2 (3)           0 (0)                           2 (4)
   Mixed, n (%)                                    3 (5)           1 (7)                           2 (4)
Histological grade**                                                                                                             0.46
   Poorly differentiated, n (%)                12 (19)             4 (27)                          8 (17)
   Moderately differentiated, n (%)            50 (81)            11 (73)                        39 (83)
   Well differentiated, n (%)                      0 (0)           0 (0)                           0 (0)
Clinical staging                                                                                                                 0.03
   Stage I, n (%)                                  1 (2)           1 (7)                           0 (0)
   Stage II, n (%)                             25 (40)             2 (13)                        23 (49)
   Stage III, n (%)                            34 (55)            11 (73)                        23 (49)
   Stage IV, n (%)                                 2 (3)           1 (7)                           1 (2)
  Positivity to p53, n (%)                     32 (52)             8 (53)                        24 (51)                         0.89
   Positivity to HER-2, n (%)                  16 (26)             7 (47)                          9 (19)                        0.03
* P-value for differences between patients aged B35 years and older women; Pearson chi-square or Fisher exact test, as corresponded
** Grade of cellular differentiation
BC Breast carcinoma; CC Cervical carcinoma; BMI Body mass index

   Mean BRCA1 (0.583 vs. 0.344 relative units, respec-                 significant differences in mean tumor mRNA levels of
tively; P  0.001) and BRCA2 (0.286 vs. 0.149 relative                 BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes according to other clinical and
units, respectively; P = 0.006) mRNA levels were higher                histological characteristics (Figs. 2 and 3). After multi-
in TT than in HT. No correlation was observed between TT               variate analysis adjusted for differentiation grade,
and HT with respect to BRCA1 or BRCA2 expression.                      histological type, lymph nodes implication, age, relevant
However, mRNA levels of BRCA1 correlated with those of                 antecedents, p53 and HER-2 proteins expression; the only
BRCA2 in HT, but not in TT (Fig. 1); which denotes a                   factor independently associated with BRCA1 mRNA levels
differential deregulation in mRNA expression of these                  in the lowest quartile was clinical staging, when considered
genes in tumor cells. BRCA1 mRNA was not detected in 4                 as a continuous variable (OR: 3.22, 95% CI: 1.01–10.27).
(6.5%) tumors, and 15 (24%) fell in the lowest quartile of
the sample. On the other hand, BRCA2 mRNA was nega-
tive in 19 (31%) specimens, which coincided exactly with               Discussion
the lowest quartile of the sample. TT of women aged
B35 years had significantly lower levels of BRCA1 gene                  We found that in premenopausal women with BC a low
expression, as compared with older women (Fig. 2). Also,               BRCA1 gene expression is associated with a younger age
women aged B35 years had more cases of BRCA1                           and clinical staging. This molecular marker was not asso-
expression in the lowest quartile of the sample, when                  ciated with other characteristics of disease severity as p53
compared with their older counterparts (53% vs. 19%,                   or HER-2 expression, grade of differentiation, lymph nodes
respectively; P = 0.002). However, there were no other                 implication and other factors previously linked to this
Med Oncol

                                                                     developing BC [1, 18]. Race differences and disease
                                                                     severity may also account for the heterogeneity of the
                                                                     results of studies designed to explore the clinical signifi-
                                                                     cance of gene expression profile in defining prognosis in
                                                                     young BC women.
                                                                        A higher than expected frequency of p53 positivity
                                                                     status in TT was found in our cohort (52%; 53% in those
                                                                     aged B35 years and 51% in women aged C 35 years), and
                                                                     a similar picture in HER-2 only in women aged B35 years.
                                                                     Maru, et al. [24] have reported 50% cases of p53 expres-
                                                                     sion in women aged B30 years; and Gammon, et al. 44%
                                                                     in a cohort of women aged B45 years [28]. In Mexican
                                                                     women it has been reported that a very high frequency of
                                                                     p53 positivity status (as high as 78.5% in young women
                                                                     with advanced disease), a high frequency of lymph nodes
                                                                     involvement and advanced clinical stages, either in pre-
                                                                     menopausal or older women [29, 30]. Thus, it appears that
                                                                     these characteristics are unusual with respect to other
                                                                     populations, but common in a Mexican cohort. Inherited
                                                                     influence for the development of BC might be a significant
                                                                     pathogenic factor in the patients included in our report.
                                                                     With the objectives and methodology applied in the present
                                                                     study, we could not determine the exact role of BRCA1 and
                                                                     BRCA2 gene mutations on disease behavior. Nevertheless,
                                                                     we could expect a high frequency of predisposing gene
                                                                     variants in our patients, as suggested by the family history
                                                                     of BC (26%) and the age cut-off that was considered.
                                                                        mRNA levels of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were higher
                                                                     in TT than in HT. This finding may be attributable to the
                                                                     fact that HT was composed from cells with a relatively low
                                                                     proliferation index. BRCA1 expression correlated with that
                                                                     of BRCA2 in HT, but not in tumors. This finding may
                                                                     denote a pathological deregulation in mRNA expression of
                                                                     these genes in tumor, but not in healthy cells. Women aged
                                                                     B35 years had significantly lower levels of BRCA1 mRNA
                                                                     and they had more cases of BRCA1 expression in the
Fig. 1 Correlation between BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression in             lowest quartile of the sample, as compared with older
healthy (a) and tumor tissue (b). Relative BRCA1 or BRCA2/GAPDH      women. This is in accordance with previous observations
mRNA levels are depicted in y axes. Centered line represents         regarding a more ‘‘deleterious’’ gene expression profile in
correlation fit; outliers represent the mean 95% confidence interval
                                                                     young versus older women [9, 16–18, 22]. However, in a
                                                                     multivariate analysis the only factor independently asso-
marker [9, 16–18, 22]. Nevertheless, it is not unusual that          ciated with BRCA1 mRNA levels in the lowest quartile was
several markers are associated with some clinical and                clinical staging, even when adjusting for age, either as a
molecular variables in several studies, but not, or only to          continuous or a discrete (patients aged B35 years versus
some extend in other reports, especially when considering            older women) variable. These observations satisfied our
young women [23–27]. These discrepancies could be due                hypothesis in that low BRCA1 mRNA levels are indepen-
to different sample sizes and age cut-offs used when                 dently associated with disease severity. On the other hand,
selecting patients for analyses. As was shown in the present         we could not find any relationship between BRCA2 gene
report, an age B35 years seems to distinguish among the              expression profile and clinical, histological, or molecular
young premenopausal women, those with the worse clini-               variables. Indeed, an important limitation of our study is
cal and molecular profile. It is well known that women                the small sample size, which may be underpowered to
younger than 35 years had a high frequency on inherited              detect some small, but pathophysiologically important
gene variants that render them with a high probability of            differences in disease behavior.
Med Oncol

Fig. 2 BRCA1 expression according to several clinical and immu-     Filled bars represent arithmetic means; error bars represent standard
nohistochemical variables (n = 62, in every comparison). Relative   error of means (±2)
BRCA1/GAPDH mRNA levels in tumor tissues are depicted in y axes.

Fig. 3 BRCA2 expression according to several clinical and immu-     Filled bars represent arithmetic means; error bars represent standard
nohistochemical variables (n = 62, in every comparison). Relative   error of means (±2)
BRCA2/GAPDH mRNA levels in tumor tissues are depicted in y axes.

   In conclusion, young premenopausal women with BC                 severity in very young women with BC. BRCA2 expression
have aggressive clinical, histological, and molecular char-         seems not to be a good molecular marker of severity in
acteristics. BRCA1 expression is a useful marker of disease         premenopausal BC.
Med Oncol

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12. brca in premenopausal breast cancer

  • 1. Med Oncol DOI 10.1007/s12032-008-9114-7 ORIGINAL PAPER Expression profile of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in premenopausal Mexican women with breast cancer: clinical and immunohistochemical correlates Gloria Loredo-Pozos Æ Erwin Chiquete Æ Antonio Oceguera-Villanueva Æ Arturo Panduro Æ Fernando Siller-Lopez Æ Martha E. Ramos-Marquez ´ ´ Received: 2 August 2008 / Accepted: 15 October 2008 Ó Humana Press Inc. 2008 Abstract Low BRCA1 gene expression is associated with lower BRCA1 expression than older women (P 0.05). increased invasiveness and influences the response of BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression correlated in healthy, but breast carcinoma (BC) to chemotherapeutics. However, not in tumor tissues (TT). Neither BRCA1 nor BRCA2 expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes has not been expression was associated with tumor histology, differen- completely characterized in premenopausal BC. We ana- tiation, nodal metastasis or p53 and HER-2 expression. lyzed the clinical and immunohistochemical correlates of After multivariate analysis, only disease stage explained BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression in young BC women. We BRCA1 mRNA levels in the lowest quartile. Premeno- studied 62 women (mean age 38.8 years) who developed pausal BC has aggressive clinical and molecular BC before the age of 45 years. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mRNA characteristics. Low BRCA1 mRNA expression is associ- expression was assessed by reverse transcriptase-poly- ated mainly with younger ages and advanced clinical stage merase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and that of HER-2 and of premenopausal BC. BRCA2 expression is not associated p53 proteins by immunohistochemistry. Body mass index with disease severity in young BC women. (BMI) C27 (52%) and a declared family history of BC (26%) were the main risk factors. Ductal infiltrative ade- Keywords BRCA1 Á BRCA2 Á Breast carcinoma Á nocarcinoma was found in 86% of the cases (tumor size Gene expression Á Mexico Á mRNA [5 cm in 48%). Disease stages I–IV occurred in 2, 40, 55, and 3%, respectively (73% implicating lymph nodes). Women aged B35 years (24%) had more family history of Introduction cervical cancer, stage III/IV disease, HER-2 positivity, and Breast carcinoma (BC) currently represents a major health G. Loredo-Pozos Á F. Siller-Lopez Á M. E. Ramos-Marquez (&) ´ ´ problem worldwide. Depending on the population and ´ Instituto de Enfermedades Cronico-Degenerativas. Centro clinical stage, premenopausal women represent 25% of the Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de people with this type of cancer [1–3]. Many studies have Guadalajara, Sierra Mojada 950. Colonia Independencia, demonstrated that BC in premenopausal patients has a Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44340, Mexico e-mail: more aggressive clinical course than in older patients [4–6]. In general, breast tumors in young women are bio- E. Chiquete logically different, with a higher proliferation index and Departamento de Medicina Interna, Hospital Civil de less histological differentiation, when compared with older Guadalajara ‘‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’’, Guadalajara, Mexico e-mail: patients [7]. Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are responsible A. Oceguera-Villanueva for 90% of the inherited BC cases [8]. A reduced expression ´ Instituto Jaliciense de Cancerologıa, Guadalajara, Mexico of BRCA1 has been associated with increased invasiveness of sporadic or inherited BC [9]; and as is the case for other A. Panduro ´ Departamento de Biologıa Molecular, Hospital Civil de gene expression markers [10–13], BRCA1 expression influ- Guadalajara ‘‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’’, Guadalajara, Mexico ences the response of BC to chemotherapeutic agents
  • 2. Med Oncol [14, 15], which might in the future have an impact on slides coated with silane (Sigma Immunchemicals, St. treatment choices [16]. Thus, there is increasing interest in Louis, Missouri, USA). The samples were deparaffinised in BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression as alternative biologic xylene and rehydrated via a series of graded alcohols markers of cancer behavior and response to treatment [7, 16– (absolute alcohol to wash away the xylene, followed by 18]. However, to the best of our knowledge, the expression 95% and then 70% alcohol, with 5 min duration each for of these genes has been scarcely characterized in premeno- rehydration). Sections were taken to water. Epitope pausal BC patients. In this study, we analyzed the clinical retrieval was carried out in the microwave oven using significance of expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in epitope retrieval solution at 95°C for 45 min. Then the premenopausal women with BC. Our hypothesis was that sections were rinsed under running water and taken to PBS tumor mRNA levels of these two genes are associated with buffer for 1 min. Endogenous peroxidase activity was clinical and laboratory characteristics of disease severity. blocked by incubating the sections in 12 ll of 30% hydrogen peroxide for 30 min, followed by washing in PBS buffer. Then anti-HER-2 antibody at 1:100 dilution Methods was applied for 30 min followed by rinsing in PBS buffer for 1 min. Visualization reagent was applied for 30 min From January 2003 to June 2005, we studied 62 women and rinsed with distilled water, followed by DAB solution with BC diagnosed before the age of 45 years, who were for 5 min. DAB was removed with distilled water. The treated at the Instituto Jaliciense de Cancerologı´a and at slides were then counterstained with Meyer hematoxylin, the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara ‘‘Fray Antonio Alcalde’’ dehydrated in increasing grades of ethanol, cleared in (Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico). The internal Committee of xylene, and mounted in Depex. A TT known to react with Ethics of our centers approved this study. Informed consent anti-HER-2 antibody was used as positive control. Slides was obtained either from all patients or their legal proxy. A exposed to PBS without primary antibody were used as standardized, structured questionnaire was used to collect negative controls in each staining batch. The DAKO Her- data from the patient regarding demography and relevant cep Test Protocol system was used to grade the degree of antecedents. membrane staining (0 and 1± = negative; 2± = moderate positivity; and 3± = intense positivity). Tissue extraction and histological analysis Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 in tumor tissues Tumor (TT) and healthy tissue (HT) biopsies or mastec- tomies were obtained from each patient (from the same Immunohistochemical analysis of p53 was performed breast and in the same surgical act, one specimen per according to the manufacturer instructions (Cell Marque, patient) for the histological, gene expression, and immu- Rocklin, California, USA). Briefly, sections of 4 lm thick nohistochemical analyses. These tissues were obtained were cut from appropriately selected paraffin blocks con- before exposure to any chemotherapeutic agent and in the taining lesional tissue using the rotary microtome, mounted premenopausal status. TT and HT were fixed in 10% buf- on prewashed glass slides positively charged and heated at fered neutral formalin, dehydrated in alcohols, cleared in 60°C for 1 h. The samples were deparaffinised in xylene xylene, and embedded into low-melting-point paraffin, as and rehydrated via a series of graded alcohols twice for described elsewhere [19, 20]. All staining procedures for 4 min each. A 1:10 dilution of epitope retrieval solution light microscopy were carried out on 5-lm thick sections was prepared (20x ImmunoDNA Retriever with Citrate, and routine histological examinations were performed for Bio SB) and verted in coupling glasses containing samples all tissue samples on sections stained with hematoxylin and slices and were placed inside a pressure cooker set at low eosin. TT was composed essentially from tumor cells, and pressure at 95°C for 45 min. Slides were cooled at room since HT was extracted from the same affected breast, it temperature for 20 min and rinsed with PBS (pH 7.0) for was composed from non-macroscopically affected mam- 1 min, followed by washing in peroxidase blocker for mary gland and some adipose tissue. 20 min. The preparations were incubated with the primary antibody (DO-7, Cell Marque, 0.5 mM concentration) at Immunohistochemical analysis of HER-2 1:400 dilution for 1 h at room temperature and rinsed with (c-erb-B2/c-neu) in tumor tissues PBS buffer for 1 min. Slides were incubated in the Mouse/ Rabbit ImmunoDetector Biotin LinK visualizing system Sections of 4 lm thick were cut from appropriately and Mouse/Rabbit ImmunoDetector HPR Label for 15 min selected paraffin blocks containing lesional tissue using a each and rinsed with distilled water followed by DAB rotary microtome (Leica RM 2135, Meyer Instruments, solution for 3 min. A TT known to react with anti-p53 Houston Texas, USA). Blocks were mounted on glass antibody was used as positive control. Negative controls
  • 3. Med Oncol were also included. The preparations were counterstained 61°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min and a final extension with Meyer hematoxylin for 1 min, dehydrated with a for 5 min at 72°C. Levels of expression of all transcripts series of distilled water, 96% ethanol, absolute ethanol, and were quantified with a photodocumentation system. We xylene (15 washes in every step). The mounted glasses used water as ‘‘blank reaction’’ since the RT-PCR assay were then covered and observed with the microscope. and a sample of mammary adipose tissue as negative control since RNA extraction. RNA extraction and quantification in tumor and healthy tissues Statistical analysis Isolation of total RNA from TT and HT was carried out Pearson chi-square and Fisher exact tests were used to according to the Chomczynski–Sacchi method [21]. assess proportions in nominal variables for bivariate and Briefly, TT and HT were homogenized using a polytron in homogeneity (when more than two variables) analyses. To the presence of Trizol. Chloroform was added to separate compare quantitative variables distributed between two aqueous phase and total RNA was precipitated with iso- groups, Student t test was performed in distributions of propanol at 4°C overnight. Quantity and intactness of RNA parametric variables. Pearson correlation was used in were routinely tested by determining 260/280 absorbance continuous variables. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mRNA levels are analysis and ethidium bromide fluorescence of RNA elec- reported as relative units with respect to the mRNA trophoresed in 1% formaldehyde agarose gels. expression of the housekeeping gene GAPDH. No patient was excluded in any comparison analysis. To find inde- Expression analyses of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes pendent predictors of the expression of BRCA1 in the in tumor and healthy tissues lowest quartile, multivariate analyses were constructed by forward stepwise logistic regression, after selection of BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression in TT and HT was candidate variables by means of bivariate analyses (selec- accomplished essentially as previously described [19]. HT ted if P 0.1). Adjusted odds ratios (OR) with the was analyzed as external efficiency control of the same respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) are provided. The affected breast, when compared with gene expression in fitness of the model was evaluated by the Hosmer-Leme- TT. Three reverse transcriptase reactions per patient were show goodness-of-fit test, which was considered as reliable carried out in order to obtain the corresponding cDNAs. if P [ 0.2. All P-values are two-sided and considered Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) significant when P 0.05 in final analyses. SPSS version was performed using 2 lg of total RNA transcribed in 13.0 for WindowsTM (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) was used in 0.05 M Tris–HCl pH 8.3, 40 mM KCl, 7 mM MgCl2 all calculations. buffer containing 0.05 mg/ml of random hexamers, 1 mM dNTPs mix 0.05 U/ml RNase inhibitor and 200 U/ml Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MLV) reverse trans- Results criptase. Samples were incubated for 10 min at 70°C and then for 60 min at 37.5°C. Reverse transcriptase was fur- We studied 62 premenopausal women with BC. Mean age ther inactivated by heating the sample tubes at 95°C for was 38.8 years (range 22–45 years). A high body mass 10 min. cDNAs were used immediately for reaction or index (BMI) and a declared family history BC were the were stored at -20°C until use. Gene amplifications were main risk factors (Table 1). There were 15 (24%) women performed in a PCR buffer of 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 9.0, and aged B35 years, who had significantly more history of 50 mM NaCl containing a mix of 100 mM dNTPs and 1 U cervical cancer, stage III/IV disease (80% vs. 51%, Taq DNA polymerase. Final oligonucleotide primer con- P = 0.048) and HER-2 protein positivity than older women centration were 10 lM. Primer sequences were BRCA1 (Table 1). The right mammary gland was affected in 61% of sense 50 -ACAGCTGTCTGGTGCTTCTGTG-30 , antisense cases. In most patients the histological type of BC was 50 -CATTGTCCTCTGTCCAGGCATC-30 ; BRCA2 sense infiltrating ductal carcinoma, and in near half of the cohort 50 -CTTGCCCCTTTCGTCTATTTG-30 , antisense 50 TACG the tumor size in its greatest measurement was [5 cm. GCCCTGAAGTACAGTCTT-30 , GAPDH sense 50 -CGGA Advanced disease was present in the majority of cases; 73% TGCAACGGATTTGGTCGTAT-30 antisense 50 -AGCCTT with affection to lymph nodes. Well-differentiated tumors CTCCATGGTGGTGAAGAC-30 [14]. The pair of primers were not observed (Table 1). HER-2 protein expression was for BRCA1, BRCA2, and GAPDH amplified 106, 350, and present in 16 (26%) tumors: 3 had moderate positivity (2±) 567 bp fragments, respectively. PCR was run in an auto- and 13 had intense positivity (3±). p53 was expressed in 32 mated thermal cycler with initial denaturation at 95°C for (52%) tumors: 9 were weakly positive, 12 moderately 10 min followed by 40 cycles each at 95°C for 15 sec, positive, and 11 were highly positive.
  • 4. Med Oncol Table 1 Main characteristics of the study cohort Variables All patients Persons aged B35 years Persons aged [35 years P-Value* (n = 62) (n = 15) (n = 47) Risk factors BMI C 27, n (%) 32 (52) 7 (47) 25 (53) 0.66 Declared family history of BC, n (%) 16 (26) 3 (20) 13 (28) 0.74 Tumor size 0.33 Greatest diameter 2 cm, n (%) 3 (5) 1 (7) 2 (4) Greatest diameter 2–5 cm, n (%) 31 (50) 5 (33) 26 (55) Greatest diameter [5 cm, n (%) 28 (45) 9 (60) 19 (40) Tumor histology 0.82 Infiltrating ductal, n (%) 54 (87) 13 (87) 41 (87) Lobular, n (%) 3 (5) 1 (7) 2 (4) Medullary, n (%) 2 (3) 0 (0) 2 (4) Mixed, n (%) 3 (5) 1 (7) 2 (4) Histological grade** 0.46 Poorly differentiated, n (%) 12 (19) 4 (27) 8 (17) Moderately differentiated, n (%) 50 (81) 11 (73) 39 (83) Well differentiated, n (%) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) Clinical staging 0.03 Stage I, n (%) 1 (2) 1 (7) 0 (0) Stage II, n (%) 25 (40) 2 (13) 23 (49) Stage III, n (%) 34 (55) 11 (73) 23 (49) Stage IV, n (%) 2 (3) 1 (7) 1 (2) Immunohistochemistry Positivity to p53, n (%) 32 (52) 8 (53) 24 (51) 0.89 Positivity to HER-2, n (%) 16 (26) 7 (47) 9 (19) 0.03 * P-value for differences between patients aged B35 years and older women; Pearson chi-square or Fisher exact test, as corresponded ** Grade of cellular differentiation BC Breast carcinoma; CC Cervical carcinoma; BMI Body mass index Mean BRCA1 (0.583 vs. 0.344 relative units, respec- significant differences in mean tumor mRNA levels of tively; P 0.001) and BRCA2 (0.286 vs. 0.149 relative BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes according to other clinical and units, respectively; P = 0.006) mRNA levels were higher histological characteristics (Figs. 2 and 3). After multi- in TT than in HT. No correlation was observed between TT variate analysis adjusted for differentiation grade, and HT with respect to BRCA1 or BRCA2 expression. histological type, lymph nodes implication, age, relevant However, mRNA levels of BRCA1 correlated with those of antecedents, p53 and HER-2 proteins expression; the only BRCA2 in HT, but not in TT (Fig. 1); which denotes a factor independently associated with BRCA1 mRNA levels differential deregulation in mRNA expression of these in the lowest quartile was clinical staging, when considered genes in tumor cells. BRCA1 mRNA was not detected in 4 as a continuous variable (OR: 3.22, 95% CI: 1.01–10.27). (6.5%) tumors, and 15 (24%) fell in the lowest quartile of the sample. On the other hand, BRCA2 mRNA was nega- tive in 19 (31%) specimens, which coincided exactly with Discussion the lowest quartile of the sample. TT of women aged B35 years had significantly lower levels of BRCA1 gene We found that in premenopausal women with BC a low expression, as compared with older women (Fig. 2). Also, BRCA1 gene expression is associated with a younger age women aged B35 years had more cases of BRCA1 and clinical staging. This molecular marker was not asso- expression in the lowest quartile of the sample, when ciated with other characteristics of disease severity as p53 compared with their older counterparts (53% vs. 19%, or HER-2 expression, grade of differentiation, lymph nodes respectively; P = 0.002). However, there were no other implication and other factors previously linked to this
  • 5. Med Oncol developing BC [1, 18]. Race differences and disease severity may also account for the heterogeneity of the results of studies designed to explore the clinical signifi- cance of gene expression profile in defining prognosis in young BC women. A higher than expected frequency of p53 positivity status in TT was found in our cohort (52%; 53% in those aged B35 years and 51% in women aged C 35 years), and a similar picture in HER-2 only in women aged B35 years. Maru, et al. [24] have reported 50% cases of p53 expres- sion in women aged B30 years; and Gammon, et al. 44% in a cohort of women aged B45 years [28]. In Mexican women it has been reported that a very high frequency of p53 positivity status (as high as 78.5% in young women with advanced disease), a high frequency of lymph nodes involvement and advanced clinical stages, either in pre- menopausal or older women [29, 30]. Thus, it appears that these characteristics are unusual with respect to other populations, but common in a Mexican cohort. Inherited influence for the development of BC might be a significant pathogenic factor in the patients included in our report. With the objectives and methodology applied in the present study, we could not determine the exact role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations on disease behavior. Nevertheless, we could expect a high frequency of predisposing gene variants in our patients, as suggested by the family history of BC (26%) and the age cut-off that was considered. mRNA levels of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were higher in TT than in HT. This finding may be attributable to the fact that HT was composed from cells with a relatively low proliferation index. BRCA1 expression correlated with that of BRCA2 in HT, but not in tumors. This finding may denote a pathological deregulation in mRNA expression of these genes in tumor, but not in healthy cells. Women aged B35 years had significantly lower levels of BRCA1 mRNA and they had more cases of BRCA1 expression in the Fig. 1 Correlation between BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression in lowest quartile of the sample, as compared with older healthy (a) and tumor tissue (b). Relative BRCA1 or BRCA2/GAPDH women. This is in accordance with previous observations mRNA levels are depicted in y axes. Centered line represents regarding a more ‘‘deleterious’’ gene expression profile in correlation fit; outliers represent the mean 95% confidence interval young versus older women [9, 16–18, 22]. However, in a multivariate analysis the only factor independently asso- marker [9, 16–18, 22]. Nevertheless, it is not unusual that ciated with BRCA1 mRNA levels in the lowest quartile was several markers are associated with some clinical and clinical staging, even when adjusting for age, either as a molecular variables in several studies, but not, or only to continuous or a discrete (patients aged B35 years versus some extend in other reports, especially when considering older women) variable. These observations satisfied our young women [23–27]. These discrepancies could be due hypothesis in that low BRCA1 mRNA levels are indepen- to different sample sizes and age cut-offs used when dently associated with disease severity. On the other hand, selecting patients for analyses. As was shown in the present we could not find any relationship between BRCA2 gene report, an age B35 years seems to distinguish among the expression profile and clinical, histological, or molecular young premenopausal women, those with the worse clini- variables. Indeed, an important limitation of our study is cal and molecular profile. It is well known that women the small sample size, which may be underpowered to younger than 35 years had a high frequency on inherited detect some small, but pathophysiologically important gene variants that render them with a high probability of differences in disease behavior.
  • 6. Med Oncol Fig. 2 BRCA1 expression according to several clinical and immu- Filled bars represent arithmetic means; error bars represent standard nohistochemical variables (n = 62, in every comparison). Relative error of means (±2) BRCA1/GAPDH mRNA levels in tumor tissues are depicted in y axes. Fig. 3 BRCA2 expression according to several clinical and immu- Filled bars represent arithmetic means; error bars represent standard nohistochemical variables (n = 62, in every comparison). Relative error of means (±2) BRCA2/GAPDH mRNA levels in tumor tissues are depicted in y axes. In conclusion, young premenopausal women with BC severity in very young women with BC. BRCA2 expression have aggressive clinical, histological, and molecular char- seems not to be a good molecular marker of severity in acteristics. BRCA1 expression is a useful marker of disease premenopausal BC.
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