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Employing Adult Education Principles
to Tackle Performance Improvement
                       Lara Zisblatt, M.A.
                          July 12, 2011
                       2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
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                              Lara Zisblatt, M.A.
                               Assistant Director
                         Continuing Medical Education
                      Boston University School of Medicine


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    Lara Zisblatt has nothing to disclose with regard to
    commercial relationships and is not selling a
    technology, program, product, and/or service.



Competency Area 2.1
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    Use evidence based adult learning principles to guide
    the practice of CME


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Following this session, you will be better able to:
  Describe how adult education principles inform the
  practice of Performance Improvement (PI) CME
  Use adult learning principles in the planning of
  effective PI CME activities
  Employ adult education principles to confront PI CME



Experience in PI CME
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    Began planning first PI Initiative in 2004
    First initiative was launched in 2006
    To date we have planned and implemented 18
    activities, some that have lasted for a few years
    Clinical areas have included:
     Adolescent Vaccinations                        Depression
     Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder       Diabetes
     Asthma                                         Obesity
     Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease          Osteoporosis
     Coronary Artery Disease                        Urinary Incontinence



Models for PI CME
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    2 National PI CME Initiatives completed, 1 ongoing, 1 in planning
    (COPD, Depression, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity)
          Online, distance education
          3 completely self-directed, 1 on BUSM-directed schedule
    3 small regional PI CME Programs
    (2 CAD and Overactive Bladder)
          Connected to an annual meeting
    11 local PI CME Programs
    (Adolescent Vaccination, ADHD, 7 COPD, 2 Obesity and Osteoporosis)
          Providers complete all stages of the PI CME activity during their regularly
          scheduled practice meetings or grand rounds

Example of Outcomes from a Local
COPD PI CME Activity
       100%                    96% 98%
Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here                                                                                                         94%100%

        90%                                                                                                                          85% 81%
                                                                                                  79%             77%        82%
        80%               75%                                                                           76%

        20%                           15%

                                                                                    Influenza Vaccine

                Initial Spirometry








                                                                   Pre-Intervention                     Post-Intervention

                                     Statistically significant improvement seen in initial spirometry,
                                     repeat spirometry, pulmonary rehabilitation, flu vaccination, and
                                     smoking assessment


The Challenge
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    How do we motivate clinicians to engage in and
    complete a performance improvement activity?



Malcolm Knowles – Father of Adult Ed
6 Assumptions about Adult Learners
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                 1. Have a Need to Know
Help the clinician-learner identify the gap between where
         they are now and where they want to be.

                    2. Are Self-Directed
      PI CME is self-directed and allows for clinicians to
      choose their own interventions and design their own
                          action plans.


6 Assumptions about Adult Learners
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    3. Bring a Lot of Experience to the Learning Environment
   Acknowledge this, incorporate it, employ it in the planning of the
       educational interventions – give them practical tools to use.

                        4. Are Ready to Learn
Adult clinician-learners will be in various stages of readiness to learn
   and change. PI CME can help them move through this process.



6 Assumptions about Adult Learners
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       5. Have a Real-life Orientation to Learning
  Adults learn best when new information is presented in
    the context of real life – PI CME is embedded in the
                  “real-life” practice setting.

                      6. Are Motivated to Learn
                Internal motivators are the most potent.


PI CME Strong Basis in Learning Theory
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    Not just about outcomes data
    Performance Assessment addresses the issue of
    clinicians inability to accurately assess their own
    practice (Davis, 2006)
    The serial and active nature of PI CME have been
    shown to be effective in improving performance
    (Grimshaw, 2001, Davis, 1999)

Behavioral Basis for PI CME
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    PI CME is based on Edward W. Deming’s industrial
    and statistically driven model for quality improvement:
    Plan, Do, Study, Act
    The idea is to look at the data from patients, examine
    the system of practice, and make a change to improve
    If we had total control of the practice environment, we
    could implement an intervention that would
    automatically change behavior


More to PI CME
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    But we don’t have total control of the environment
    Clinician involvement in improvement is crucial
          To Err Is Human expressly states that the IOM is “not…pointing
          fingers at caring health care professionals who make honest
          mistakes.” (Institute of Medicine, 2001)
          Many have wondered: where are the clinicians?
          PI CME is a great way to promote clinician involvement


Why clinicians participate
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    “I figured I could learn more”
    “Great if we could take an organized look at this”
    “Clinically seemed like it was an area
    where we had a lot of room to improve”
    “We could our patients”
    “I’ve been always somebody who likes to improve”
    “Many hours of CME didn’t hurt”
    “My job is QI and organization of improvement for
    diabetes care and so I thought it was interesting”


How Theory Can Help
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    We don’t have the answer to the retention problem for
    online PI CME programs
          Local activities where practices complete each stage as a group
          Physician champions and buy-in from the leadership are key
    Theories can help identify gaps in your planning
    Theories can give meaning to your planning choices


Learning Paradigms
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    Behaviorists (Skinner, Pavlov):
          Stimulus-response. All behavior caused by external stimuli (operant
          conditioning). All behavior can be explained without the need to
          consider internal mental states or consciousness.
    Humanists (Maslow, Rogers):
          Learning is a personal act to fulfill one’s potential.
    Social Cognitivists (Bandura):
          People learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and


Behavioral Learning Theories
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    The teacher can help institute interventions that lead participants
    to respond appropriately
          Insert changes to the environment to precipitate improvement without
          additional burden on clinicians
              Electronic reminders
              Standing orders
              Data collection by Medical Assistants
    Stage A and Stage C act as reinforcement of positive and
    reminder of negative behaviors
    Yet - provider involvement and motivation is important
          Difference between PI and QI
          Clinicians need to believe in the change to make it happen

Humanistic Learning Paradigms
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    How can you make the education more personal?
          We found that those who were used to looking at data found the
          individual chart review process personalized the process, making it
          more meaningful
          But what else could make the experience personal?



Example of from the practice
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Interviewer: would you ever want to go to a model just for ease of it to look at it through epic or do
you think keeping this piece of it?
Physician: I think keeping the individual chart reviews? I think they are always going to be
valuable. Um you know…as we get further and further into an EMR would we be able to replicate
every single thing…I don’t know, um I don’t know, um but I think looking yourself I think looking, I
don’t know. I just found it to be really helpful. Looking at a patient that I know that I have known
for 10 years, who has COPD and realizing I don’t know, what, that they really could’ve used
pulmonary rehab and I had never suggested it. And I think that is very valuable. And its different
from getting a piece paper spat out saying number who could have used it and number
who…cause you know, cause you feel like you are letting this particular patient down. That’s
Interviewer: yeah a little bit of the emotional tug
Physician: Well, yeah, because when you are doing chart reviews if you are a primary care doc
whose been in practice for any amount of time you are really reviewing individual…you know these
people, right, so….I think, I think it has value from that perspective. Even if you could do it
completely out of the computer.


Social Cognitive Learning Paradigms
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    How can you create an environment for online learning
    programs where participants can observe and model
    appropriate behavior?
          The chart audit form itself can identify appropriate behaviors
          How else can you encourage interaction so that participants can
          observe appropriate behavior? How can you give participants the
          ability to try out behavior?


Example of from the practice
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    Interviewer: How did that make you feel when you saw that data? Were you just…what was your attitude
    towards seeing that gap in practice?
    Nurse: Well, I probably said okay nice, interesting to know how can I incorporate something. I did show that
    first audit to doctor and I showed him what it said toward the national average and recommendation umm
    what it says what you should do so um I didn’t feel it as a critique against our work no.
    Interviewer: mhum mhum
    Nurse: if we call critique constructive criticism
    Interviewer: mhum mhum
    Nurse: What it was geared to be
    Interviewer: Yep
    Nurse: Since it was a performance improvement program
    Interviewer: mhum mhum, yes [laugh]
    Nurse: [laugh] it was for us to identify was is the gold standard, right?
    Interviewer: mhum mhum
    Nurse: and What you should strive for to improve the quality of care for your patients
    Interviewer: and then so when you showed it to your doctor when did you decide to do that, were you always
    planning on doing that
    Nurse: I did it after I printed it off and looked at it and said sean I did this program I told you about that I was
    going to do and this is the result of my first audit this is what it says and he goes ohh interesting


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Incorporating Humanist Learning Theory
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    Motivate through Feeling:
          Emails with cases and other descriptions to help participants become
          emotionally involved in the program.
          Emphasize that the charts represent real patients. Don’t always
          focus on the final percent.
    Promote Mindfulness:
          Open Action Plans can ask probing questions that promote reflection
          about practice and how to implement change.
          A coach can call participants to encourage reflection about practice.
    Encourage Transformational Learning:
          Learners not threatened by negative feedback. Can use this as a
          transformational experience.

Incorporate Social Cognitive Theory
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    Observe others
          Performance data from peers
          Modeling through videos demonstrating positive behaviors, like
          motivational interviewing and best practices
    Instructors as Mentors
          Teleconferences and office hours can help encourage one-on-one
          time with participants and faculty
    Social Interaction
          Discussion boards, open teleconferences, meet-ups
          Encourage clinicians to participate as a group


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                    Humanism Approach

Knox’s Proficiency Theory
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           Leads to improved performance
Proficiency Theory - Knox - 1990
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    Examined CME participation applying adult education
    principles. Recommendations:

    Employ testimonials, success stories and human
    interest stories to encourage participation
    Portray benefits
    Recruit an entire practice
    State discrepancies between current and desired


Knox - 1990
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    Build in opportunities for positive feedback and
    success along the way – to build proficiency and
    sense of self-efficacy
    Include examples of how others used ideas
    Build in variety and measures of progress
    “harness encouraging influences and deflect
    discouraging influences”
          Encouraging influences - MOC, PQRS, QI


“Deflect discouraging influences” (Knox)
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            Address barriers whenever possible

    Consider number of chart reviews – process,
    performance, outcome measures
    Time commitment
    Lack of knowledge about PI CME process


 Self-Determination Theory –
 Theory of Motivation
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     A framework for the study of motivation (Deci and
     Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
     How social and cultural factors can help or hurt



                   Intrinsic                       Extrinsic
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Positive            Desire to help patients         Increased Pay
                    Wishes to improve job skills    Promotion
                    Love of learning/curiosity      Recognition
                    Personal development            Performance evaluation
                    Desire to close clinical gap    Popularity/fame
                                                    Demonstrated competency

Negative            Fear of failure                 Failure to achieve recertification
                                                   and/or re-licensure
                                                    Failure to demonstrate
                                                    Poor opinion of performance by
                                                   peers and/or patients


 Motivation – How PI Can Respond
                     Intrinsic                               Extrinsic
 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here
   Positive           Providing better care – gaps in care    Pay-for-Performance
                     become personalized and motivating      (payers, CMS)
                      Clinical relevance to patient           Board MOC approval
                     population                               State licensure
                      Provide feedback through chart          Joint Commission –
                     summary                                 OPPE
                      Compare to peers                        Supervisor
                      Compare to national benchmarks         /organizational
                      Provide opportunities for reflection   requirement
                                                              Possible career


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    Using theories and frameworks can help you make
    decisions on what auxiliary components you can add
    to your PI CME activities
    Use theories and frameworks to make your case to
    funders, collaborators, and participants


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    Aparicio, A., & Willis, C. E. (2005). The continued evolution of the credit system. Journal of
    Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 25(3), 190-196.
    Brennan TA. Physicians' professional responsibility to improve the quality of care. Academic
    Medicine. 77 : 973 2002.
    Davis, D. A., Mazmanian, P. E., Fordis, M., Van Harrison, R., Thorpe, K. E., & Perrier, L.
    (2006). Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of
    competence - A systematic review. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association,
    296(9), 1094-1102.
    Deming EW. The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. Cambridge, MA: MIT
    Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1982.
    Duffy, F. D., Lynn, L. A., Didura, H., Hess, B., Caverzagie, K., Grosso, L., et al. (2008). Self-
    assessment of practice performance: Development of the ABIM practice improvement module
    (PIMSM). Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 28(1), 38-46.
    Epstein et al. “Self-Monitoring in Clinical Practice: A Challenge for Medical Educators.” The
    Journal of Continuing Medical Education in the Health Professions. 28.1 (2008): 5-13.
    Goulet F, Gagnon RJ, Desrosiers G, Jacques A, Sindon A. Participation in CME activities.
    Canadian Family Physician. 1998;44:541-8.
    Grimshaw JM, Shirran L, Thomas R, et al. (2001) Changing provider behavior: an overview of
    systematic reviews of interventions. Med Care 39:II2–II45.


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    Holmboe, E. S., Meehan, T. P., Lynn, L., Doyle, P., Sherwin, T. & Duffy, F. (2006). Promoting
    Physicians' Self Assessment and Quality Improvement: The ABIM Diabetes Practice
    Improvement Module. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 26(2),
    Knox, A. “Influences on Participation of Continuing Education.” Journal of Continuing
    Education in the Health Professions, 10(1990) 261-274.
    McHugh, E. “Awareness of Performance Improvement Activities.” Medical Meetings
    Magazine. 37.1 (2007) Cover.
    Ryan, R. M., and E. L. Deci. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New
    Directions." Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.1 (2000): 54-67. Print.
    Simpkins, J; Divine, G; Wang, MQ; et al. “Improving asthma care through recertification - A
    cluster randomized trial.” Archives of Internal Medicine. 167:20 (2007): 2240-2248.
    Shershneva, M. B., Mullikin, E. A., Loose, A. S., & Olson, C. A. (2008). Learning to
    collaborate: A case study of Performance Improvement CME. Journal of Continuing Education
    in the Health Professions, 28(3), 140-147.
    Staker, LV. (2003). Teaching Performance Improvement: An Opportunity for Continuing
    Medical Education. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 23(1) S34-

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                    PI CME can be a
                  catalyst for change!


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             Thank you for your participation.

Please submit your questions and comments via the
      chat box on the left side of your screen.

  Thank you!
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    Please take a moment to complete the brief

                    We appreciate your feedback!
Thank you!
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  Join us for the next Take Out Tuesday Webinar!

  Creating An Institutional CME Program Dashboard
     Using CME Mission-based Metrics: A Visual
           Assessment of a CME Program

                              Tuesday, July 19, 2011
                                2:00 – 3:00 PM ET


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Employing Adult Education Principles to Tackle Performance Improvement Challenges

  • 1. Welcome to today’s webinar! Please take a moment to answer the poll question below. Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here How many people are participating in this webinar at your location today? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or more Welcome to today’s webinar! Please take a moment to answer the poll question below. Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here What member section do you belong to? Hospital/Health System Medical School Medical Specialty Society State Medical Society Federal Health Care Education/Government Health Care Education Association Pharmaceutical Medical Education and Communication Company Other Employing Adult Education Principles to Tackle Performance Improvement Challenges Lara Zisblatt, M.A. July 12, 2011 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
  • 2. Presenter Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Lara Zisblatt, M.A. Assistant Director Continuing Medical Education Boston University School of Medicine 7/8/2011 Disclosures Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Lara Zisblatt has nothing to disclose with regard to commercial relationships and is not selling a technology, program, product, and/or service. 5 7/8/2011 Competency Area 2.1 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Use evidence based adult learning principles to guide the practice of CME 6
  • 3. 7/8/2011 Objectives Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Following this session, you will be better able to: Describe how adult education principles inform the practice of Performance Improvement (PI) CME Use adult learning principles in the planning of effective PI CME activities Employ adult education principles to confront PI CME challenges 7 7/8/2011 Experience in PI CME Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Began planning first PI Initiative in 2004 First initiative was launched in 2006 To date we have planned and implemented 18 activities, some that have lasted for a few years Clinical areas have included: Adolescent Vaccinations Depression Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diabetes Asthma Obesity Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Osteoporosis Coronary Artery Disease Urinary Incontinence 8 7/8/2011 Models for PI CME Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here 2 National PI CME Initiatives completed, 1 ongoing, 1 in planning phase (COPD, Depression, Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity) Online, distance education 3 completely self-directed, 1 on BUSM-directed schedule 3 small regional PI CME Programs (2 CAD and Overactive Bladder) Connected to an annual meeting 11 local PI CME Programs (Adolescent Vaccination, ADHD, 7 COPD, 2 Obesity and Osteoporosis) Providers complete all stages of the PI CME activity during their regularly scheduled practice meetings or grand rounds 9
  • 4. Example of Outcomes from a Local COPD PI CME Activity 100% 96% 98% Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here 94%100% 90% 85% 81% 79% 77% 82% 80% 75% 76% 74% 68% 70% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 38% 40% 30% 21% 20% 15% 9% 10% 0% Influenza Vaccine Intervention Rehabilitation Initial Spirometry Pharmacology Pneumococal Long-Term Saturation Assessment Spirometry Oxygen Pulmonary Smoking Oxygen Repeat Smoking Vaccine Pre-Intervention Post-Intervention Statistically significant improvement seen in initial spirometry, repeat spirometry, pulmonary rehabilitation, flu vaccination, and smoking assessment 7/8/2011 The Challenge Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here How do we motivate clinicians to engage in and complete a performance improvement activity? 11 7/8/2011 Malcolm Knowles – Father of Adult Ed 6 Assumptions about Adult Learners Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here 1. Have a Need to Know Help the clinician-learner identify the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. 2. Are Self-Directed PI CME is self-directed and allows for clinicians to choose their own interventions and design their own action plans. 12
  • 5. 7/8/2011 6 Assumptions about Adult Learners Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here 3. Bring a Lot of Experience to the Learning Environment Acknowledge this, incorporate it, employ it in the planning of the educational interventions – give them practical tools to use. 4. Are Ready to Learn Adult clinician-learners will be in various stages of readiness to learn and change. PI CME can help them move through this process. 13 7/8/2011 6 Assumptions about Adult Learners Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here 5. Have a Real-life Orientation to Learning Adults learn best when new information is presented in the context of real life – PI CME is embedded in the “real-life” practice setting. 6. Are Motivated to Learn Internal motivators are the most potent. 14 PI CME Strong Basis in Learning Theory Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Not just about outcomes data Performance Assessment addresses the issue of clinicians inability to accurately assess their own practice (Davis, 2006) The serial and active nature of PI CME have been shown to be effective in improving performance (Grimshaw, 2001, Davis, 1999) 15
  • 6. Behavioral Basis for PI CME Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here PI CME is based on Edward W. Deming’s industrial and statistically driven model for quality improvement: Plan, Do, Study, Act The idea is to look at the data from patients, examine the system of practice, and make a change to improve care If we had total control of the practice environment, we could implement an intervention that would automatically change behavior 16 More to PI CME Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here But we don’t have total control of the environment Clinician involvement in improvement is crucial To Err Is Human expressly states that the IOM is “not…pointing fingers at caring health care professionals who make honest mistakes.” (Institute of Medicine, 2001) Many have wondered: where are the clinicians? PI CME is a great way to promote clinician involvement 17 Why clinicians participate Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here “I figured I could learn more” “Great if we could take an organized look at this” “Clinically seemed like it was an area where we had a lot of room to improve” “We could our patients” “I’ve been always somebody who likes to improve” “Many hours of CME didn’t hurt” “My job is QI and organization of improvement for diabetes care and so I thought it was interesting” 18
  • 7. 7/8/2011 How Theory Can Help Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here We don’t have the answer to the retention problem for online PI CME programs Local activities where practices complete each stage as a group Physician champions and buy-in from the leadership are key Theories can help identify gaps in your planning Theories can give meaning to your planning choices 19 Learning Paradigms Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Behaviorists (Skinner, Pavlov): Stimulus-response. All behavior caused by external stimuli (operant conditioning). All behavior can be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or consciousness. Humanists (Maslow, Rogers): Learning is a personal act to fulfill one’s potential. Social Cognitivists (Bandura): People learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling. 20 Behavioral Learning Theories Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here The teacher can help institute interventions that lead participants to respond appropriately Insert changes to the environment to precipitate improvement without additional burden on clinicians Electronic reminders Standing orders Data collection by Medical Assistants Stage A and Stage C act as reinforcement of positive and reminder of negative behaviors Yet - provider involvement and motivation is important Difference between PI and QI Clinicians need to believe in the change to make it happen 21
  • 8. Humanistic Learning Paradigms Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here How can you make the education more personal? We found that those who were used to looking at data found the individual chart review process personalized the process, making it more meaningful But what else could make the experience personal? 22 7/8/2011 Example of from the practice Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Interviewer: would you ever want to go to a model just for ease of it to look at it through epic or do you think keeping this piece of it? Physician: I think keeping the individual chart reviews? I think they are always going to be valuable. Um you know…as we get further and further into an EMR would we be able to replicate every single thing…I don’t know, um I don’t know, um but I think looking yourself I think looking, I don’t know. I just found it to be really helpful. Looking at a patient that I know that I have known for 10 years, who has COPD and realizing I don’t know, what, that they really could’ve used pulmonary rehab and I had never suggested it. And I think that is very valuable. And its different from getting a piece paper spat out saying number who could have used it and number who…cause you know, cause you feel like you are letting this particular patient down. That’s powerful. Interviewer: yeah a little bit of the emotional tug Physician: Well, yeah, because when you are doing chart reviews if you are a primary care doc whose been in practice for any amount of time you are really reviewing individual…you know these people, right, so….I think, I think it has value from that perspective. Even if you could do it completely out of the computer. 23 Social Cognitive Learning Paradigms Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here How can you create an environment for online learning programs where participants can observe and model appropriate behavior? The chart audit form itself can identify appropriate behaviors How else can you encourage interaction so that participants can observe appropriate behavior? How can you give participants the ability to try out behavior? 24
  • 9. 7/8/2011 Example of from the practice Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Interviewer: How did that make you feel when you saw that data? Were you just…what was your attitude towards seeing that gap in practice? Nurse: Well, I probably said okay nice, interesting to know how can I incorporate something. I did show that first audit to doctor and I showed him what it said toward the national average and recommendation umm what it says what you should do so um I didn’t feel it as a critique against our work no. Interviewer: mhum mhum Nurse: if we call critique constructive criticism Interviewer: mhum mhum Nurse: What it was geared to be Interviewer: Yep Nurse: Since it was a performance improvement program Interviewer: mhum mhum, yes [laugh] Nurse: [laugh] it was for us to identify was is the gold standard, right? Interviewer: mhum mhum Nurse: and What you should strive for to improve the quality of care for your patients Interviewer: and then so when you showed it to your doctor when did you decide to do that, were you always planning on doing that Nurse: I did it after I printed it off and looked at it and said sean I did this program I told you about that I was going to do and this is the result of my first audit this is what it says and he goes ohh interesting 25 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here 26 Incorporating Humanist Learning Theory Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Motivate through Feeling: Emails with cases and other descriptions to help participants become emotionally involved in the program. Emphasize that the charts represent real patients. Don’t always focus on the final percent. Promote Mindfulness: Open Action Plans can ask probing questions that promote reflection about practice and how to implement change. A coach can call participants to encourage reflection about practice. Encourage Transformational Learning: Learners not threatened by negative feedback. Can use this as a transformational experience. 27
  • 10. Incorporate Social Cognitive Theory Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Observe others Performance data from peers Modeling through videos demonstrating positive behaviors, like motivational interviewing and best practices Instructors as Mentors Teleconferences and office hours can help encourage one-on-one time with participants and faculty Social Interaction Discussion boards, open teleconferences, meet-ups Encourage clinicians to participate as a group 28 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Humanism Approach Enhanced Knox’s Proficiency Theory Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Knowledge Attitude Skill Leads to improved performance
  • 11. Proficiency Theory - Knox - 1990 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Examined CME participation applying adult education principles. Recommendations: Employ testimonials, success stories and human interest stories to encourage participation Portray benefits Recruit an entire practice State discrepancies between current and desired proficiencies 31 Knox - 1990 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Build in opportunities for positive feedback and success along the way – to build proficiency and sense of self-efficacy Include examples of how others used ideas Build in variety and measures of progress “harness encouraging influences and deflect discouraging influences” Encouraging influences - MOC, PQRS, QI 32 “Deflect discouraging influences” (Knox) Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Address barriers whenever possible Consider number of chart reviews – process, performance, outcome measures Time commitment Lack of knowledge about PI CME process 33
  • 12. 7/8/2011 Self-Determination Theory – Theory of Motivation Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here A framework for the study of motivation (Deci and Ryan) Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation How social and cultural factors can help or hurt motivation 34 7/8/2011 Motivation Intrinsic Extrinsic Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Positive Desire to help patients Increased Pay Wishes to improve job skills Promotion Love of learning/curiosity Recognition Personal development Performance evaluation Desire to close clinical gap Popularity/fame Licensing/certification requirements Demonstrated competency Negative Fear of failure Failure to achieve recertification and/or re-licensure Failure to demonstrate competence Poor opinion of performance by peers and/or patients 35 7/8/2011 Motivation – How PI Can Respond Intrinsic Extrinsic Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Positive Providing better care – gaps in care Pay-for-Performance become personalized and motivating (payers, CMS) Clinical relevance to patient Board MOC approval population State licensure Provide feedback through chart Joint Commission – summary OPPE Compare to peers Supervisor Compare to national benchmarks /organizational Provide opportunities for reflection requirement Possible career advancement 36
  • 13. 7/8/2011 Summary Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Using theories and frameworks can help you make decisions on what auxiliary components you can add to your PI CME activities Use theories and frameworks to make your case to funders, collaborators, and participants 37 References Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Aparicio, A., & Willis, C. E. (2005). The continued evolution of the credit system. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 25(3), 190-196. Brennan TA. Physicians' professional responsibility to improve the quality of care. Academic Medicine. 77 : 973 2002. Davis, D. A., Mazmanian, P. E., Fordis, M., Van Harrison, R., Thorpe, K. E., & Perrier, L. (2006). Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed measures of competence - A systematic review. Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(9), 1094-1102. Deming EW. The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. Cambridge, MA: MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 1982. Duffy, F. D., Lynn, L. A., Didura, H., Hess, B., Caverzagie, K., Grosso, L., et al. (2008). Self- assessment of practice performance: Development of the ABIM practice improvement module (PIMSM). Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 28(1), 38-46. Epstein et al. “Self-Monitoring in Clinical Practice: A Challenge for Medical Educators.” The Journal of Continuing Medical Education in the Health Professions. 28.1 (2008): 5-13. Goulet F, Gagnon RJ, Desrosiers G, Jacques A, Sindon A. Participation in CME activities. Canadian Family Physician. 1998;44:541-8. Grimshaw JM, Shirran L, Thomas R, et al. (2001) Changing provider behavior: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions. Med Care 39:II2–II45. 38 References Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Holmboe, E. S., Meehan, T. P., Lynn, L., Doyle, P., Sherwin, T. & Duffy, F. (2006). Promoting Physicians' Self Assessment and Quality Improvement: The ABIM Diabetes Practice Improvement Module. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 26(2), 109-119. Knox, A. “Influences on Participation of Continuing Education.” Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 10(1990) 261-274. McHugh, E. “Awareness of Performance Improvement Activities.” Medical Meetings Magazine. 37.1 (2007) Cover. Ryan, R. M., and E. L. Deci. "Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions." Contemporary Educational Psychology 25.1 (2000): 54-67. Print. Simpkins, J; Divine, G; Wang, MQ; et al. “Improving asthma care through recertification - A cluster randomized trial.” Archives of Internal Medicine. 167:20 (2007): 2240-2248. Shershneva, M. B., Mullikin, E. A., Loose, A. S., & Olson, C. A. (2008). Learning to collaborate: A case study of Performance Improvement CME. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 28(3), 140-147. Staker, LV. (2003). Teaching Performance Improvement: An Opportunity for Continuing Medical Education. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 23(1) S34- S52.
  • 14. 7/8/2011 Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here PI CME can be a catalyst for change! 40 Questions Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Thank you for your participation. Please submit your questions and comments via the chat box on the left side of your screen. Thank you! Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Please take a moment to complete the brief evaluation. We appreciate your feedback!
  • 15. Thank you! Boston University Slideshow Title Goes Here Join us for the next Take Out Tuesday Webinar! Creating An Institutional CME Program Dashboard Using CME Mission-based Metrics: A Visual Assessment of a CME Program Tuesday, July 19, 2011 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET