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1. What Is PHP ?
2. How can I disable the output of error messages inside the HTML page?
3. Can I return other file formats (like Word, Excel, etc) using PHP?
4. Is there any way to force PHP to do garbage collection before the end of the request?
5. Why does require($file_name) in a loop just include the first file repeatedly?
6. Can you include and call C libraries in PHP scripts? How?
7. What's the best way to start writing a PHP program?
8. Passing variables with REQUIRE function (part II)
9. I use a /cgi-bin/ for displaying rotating banners at the top of my html files. How
can I insert the output of this cgi in an "included" file ?
10. please tell me how to let a html document read content from a .txt file, spit this out
in a table, and how to update the specific file with a form
11. How can I add authentication to my site with PHP? I have authentication working
only with one page.
12. Where can I get documentation for the Zend API?
13. Does Php have anything similiar to Perl's $string = <<END_OF_DATA ...(some text
over multiple lines)... END_OF_DATA?
14. I would like to create a user authentication system, but when they log in, how would
i make it personalized.
15. Is it possible to do a multisite hit counter that runs on a PHP enabled server but is
accessed by non PHP servers?
16. To offer users a direct download of a file that is a valid MIME type
17. How can I display a number with thousand separator querying an SQLServer 7 table
(number_format does not work with PHP 401 - error: unknown function)
18. environmental variables such as query string are not passed to php code i.e.
INCLUDE file="showacct.php"
19. Lost Last-Modified when set apache to use PHP4 module for all .htm/.html files. Can
one have PHP4 parse .htm/.html and keep the Last-Modified header?
20. When i include a txt file the html page ignores the end of lines. And i get one long
line with text. I would have multiple lines with hard breaks.
21. Why does PHP4 (windows) tell me that my module doesn´t exist when it does? I´m
talking about php_mssql70.dll.
22. In windows PHP, when I load php_mssql70.dll as an extension, PHP stops working.
23. Can a local PHP page be parsed using a remote installation of PHP?
24. Looking to create resizable tables based on viewer screen size and amount of text to
be displayed. Used on, but can't find code to do this - ?
25. Why do I receive a message "cant fork ..." if I try to execute an external program
(PassThru, System, Exec) - running PHP4, WinNT SP 5, PWS.
26. using a LAMP setup with a Flash interface. How do I set up a chat using PHP that
updates all the browsers viewing the chat page?
27. How can I get in PHP the value of variable coming from a WML < input > or < select
28. I wrote a script, but when searched brings only one set of results. How do I make it
so if there is more than one result, it will display them all.
29. Is it worth creating files, like a log, for each new member or simply pull from a
30. How can I call a command line executable from within PHP?
31. Where can I get a documentation for creating my own dll for php3 with VC 6.0?
32. running php4 on a Data General Unix platform, and getting the same error, any help
for this prob
33. Unable to execute linux command="pppd call isp&", using exec() and system(),
consider that httpd.conf configured as nobody.
34. How to erase $REMOTE_USER in the browser created with the htaccess
authentication scheme
35. What does PHP stand for?
36. How do you convert this perl code unpack('s', pack('s', hex($x))) to PHP
37. Is there any possible method of creating a dialogue box as a help option similar to
the one in Microsoft Word Help dialogue boxes with keyword search
38. about "php3?id=xxxxx" OUTPUT RESULT TO HTML ...
39. in Non_Server Client Site to get a variable from Server Client Site e.g. HTML get a
result from PHP
40. How do I handle frames and window openings in PHP, for instance if I have a frames
page and I want to eliminate the frames, how do I do this using PHP ?
41. How do I call and pass variables to a compiled C function using PHP?
42. Why do multiple echo and printf functions, used to display a table, display newline
charachers before the table in Netscape but not in IE?
43. How do I stop a previous url?mode=del&cust=name being repeated when the user
hits their back button?
44. I know this next/previous script (
but, is not there any easyer way/script?
45. Is it possible to make a yahoo-like site without MySQL or any other db, but plain
text? Something like Links 2.0 in Perl.
46. How to extract data from database and display it in the list box?
47. Is there a mean to get the entries of an EXCEL sheet with PHP (to include this in a
database, by Example
48. Does PHP support document objects (similar to javascript)
49. Is it possible to have MySQL and Php run with one provider and the "database driven
website" with the other ? Say with the help of only SSI / CGI?
50. Hello, does anyone know where we can find a course on php for beginners that can
be taken via the internet. We are just getting into php from scratch.
51. How i can set a time expire page in PHP.
52. is it possible to search newsgroups with php
53. Does anyone else have problems using the n newline escape character? why is not
it rendering for me?
54. What is the scope of a global (page, session or otherwise).
55. How do I present a form with two buttons - each doing a submit for different things
(ie - log in or change password). Can I call PHP from an onclick.
56. How do I insert a user loaded < input type=file> image into a database table (&&
checking for size constraints).
57. Why wont PHP 3 excute shell commands??? I have tried $string = system("/bin/tar -
cf /home/www/backups/backup.tar /home/www/functions");
58. How can I populate a pull down with with a few data fields from one table and then
upon selection then intire row fills out the apropiate form fields?
59. How do I insert a user loaded image < input type=file> into a database table (MYSql
or M/S SQL)
60. What is the best policy? Connect once, store the query results in several arrays to
use later or p_connect and query at the moment I need the results?
61. Is there some PHP code that takes the output of one file, and placing it in another?
62. When i press the submit button,the selected name in the list should be displayed in
the new popup window for further processing.How to do this?. pl
63. Do member functions within a class incur any memory penalty when an object of
that class is instantiated.
64. Can someone show me how to extract information from another site and put it on
my webpage... Thanks
65. What does parsing means in PHP?
66. How can I use plain txt files instead of a database for a backend of a site, ie
managing news posts, uploading files, message boards etc...
67. How can you include the same information you would normally call via SSI in a
.shtml file in PHP?
68. how do i include a remote file using php
69. Can someone explain me how PHP interacts with Java ?
70. How to make a GoBackButton with a picture?
71. how can I take a list and make each row a value in an array?
72. can i simulate php on windows(not a server)?
73. I am using PHP4. I used to draw gifs in PHP3, but now I get an error (i think because
PHP only supports PNGs). What should I do?
74. How can I prevent re-"post"-ing data when a user returns to a posted page using the
back button?
75. Is their a way, in PHP, to strip-out the content of a web page of bad JavaScript? ex.
Javascript that open a new window when you juste closed one.
76. How can I display the output of passthru or system with newline chars? i.e.
passthru("ps ax")
77. I try to display a word document which is stored in a blob field in a mysql db-I get
the document always with binary code pieces-how can I avoid this?
78. Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function page_open() ? How do I fix
this please...?
79. Is it possible to access the Active Directory of a Windows 2000 Server with PHP ?
Maybe via LDAP ?
80. I was sent a php file and am unable to view it. What software will run it?
81. How could one php-script call some other php-script and how could give the first one
to the second one the values of the variables?
82. I want some while cycle in one script to call (x-times) the other script and give him
the values of variables (which are each time other).
83. Is possible to generate, send & receive back ICMP messages directly in PHP instead
of external execution of ping?
84. I have images on my site that when a thumnail is clicked the larger image appears
In a pop-up. Is there a better way to do this in PHP instead of html
85. I have PHP under Windows and Apache . How can I send some file to STDIN of PHP
86. How to insert in a javascript array the elements of a php array ?
87. I am using PHP4 and a MS Access DB for my website. My provider tells me that the
IIS-Server (NT) does not support PHP. Is that correct?
88. How to run execute files on client machines?
89. What is the error access violation? Why does it happen?
90. How can I pass information from a membership database (text file) into the Chat
Client. Using PHP?
91. How can I save php output to the browser and a file?
92. Can PHP be malicious like Javascript? As a surfer do I have any security concerns? I
can disable Java, can I disable PHP?
93. I need to know if there is a program that you can write code in html and convert it to
php. I run windows 2000
94. How can i add the First,Previous,Next, Last,Update,Delete,Modify buttons in the
same form?(I am using MYSQL as a backend in my server)
95. Is there a limit to the size of a PHP script plus included() and required() scripts that
it loads? How can I change this limit?
96. Why am I getting a "/" added at the end of a PHP generated HREF link?
97. How I get XSLT support with PHP on Windows platform?
98. I am new to PHP, and would like to know if there is a code snippet for emailing a lost
password to a customer. Thank you!
99. How can I write a web page (program) to check that does webserver support PHP,
ASP and PERL ?
100. Can the PHP include command be used with a virtual path?
101. How do I write a php script within a php script to a file without escaping
102. How can I create a dropdown for date field showing past 3 months, present month
and the 12 months in the future?
103. Can I read NT registry info from PHP? How?
104. How and when to use $php_self and $query_string????
105. Can i define $QUERY_STRING? Meaning when the query string is menu/news, it will
display just news.
106. How can I list files in a specific directory and hyperlink to them?
107. Warning: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in Unknown on line 0.
What does it mean?
108. If I have developed a dll using Visual Basic which contains the Application logic,
how can I create objects of the classes in this dll in PHP?
109. How to handle special char&#39;s like É , Ü . I am passing company name in a
system command but when there is a special char like Ü then command fails.
110. How can I open with fopen() a file in an machine of local networks. Ex.:
fopen(machinesharing name,...,...)?
111. How do i save php output sequentially by date so that i may move forwards and
backwards in order by date of creation "next/previous etc"
112. Is it possible to make PHP output a gif/png (eg a photo) as well as the desired data
113. How to post binary data in write() with PHP socket?
114. How can I use PHP to create XML documents with data from a database e.g Sybase,
Mysql. Does it exsist any tutorials on this ? Thanks.
115. Hello, I have an error: unable to load dinamic library &#39;c:php/php_oci8.dll no
se puede encontrar el modulo especificado. I&#39;m beginning with PHP.
116. How can I run SSI commands like #INCLUDE etc. in my PHP pages?
117. How to call from within a PHP extension other extension&#39;s functions ?
118. how can you insert a mysql field into a link tag using php?
119. how can i pass 2 variables from php and include it in a hyperlink? eg: <a
120. what the difference behind the implement mechanism between the common CGI
and php_based application?
121. Diffrence in outcome of formula 1.08^12 PHP=13 Visual Basic=2.51817011681898
122. How to covert web input (PHP) to XML format?
123. Switching an input from web (built using PHP)to XML format
124. Is it possible to run a php script from an .swf and then return a few variables back
to the .swf.
125. Can PHP send an update signal (popup screen) to other users when a user makes a
request on a game?
126. Can anyone offer advice on making a web poll that has a different no. of answers
for each question?
127. What is PHTML ? Is it the same thing as PHP ?
128. How i can pass variables to a cgi usin passthru?, i need an example
129. How do I link in an external file containing common php functions for calling from
within the page?
130. How can i cut tags from getting into a database
131. I wish to call a /usr/local/bin/pgp program and then put the output into a variable,
which way best?
132. A php game. How to broadcast a message to other players when one player make
his selection?
133. how can i make an html form that will search a mysql database?
134. how to redirect from php page to another php page? 2. how to refresh a page?
135. i want to make a place where users must supply their username and password, i
havent found anything.
136. using the header function to redirect a script to a PDF file I am getting junk
137. How can I generate redirect to other html page from PHP page when the PHP server
is down?
138. I tried to load Blob Image from MSSQL using php but the 25% of the image is
displayed only?
139. How do I include a .jpg (from outside the web srvr docs dir) in a page with other
html content?
140. How do you make a page expire after it has been idle for a period of time?
141. How do I make make a session counter without using a database, aka using
application level variable?
142. How can i save an image from a remote web server to my web server?
143. Is there a place to post *really* nice ASP apps in hopes that people convert them
to PHP?
144. Looking for ideas on how to include file "color.txt" but only if it contains the word
145. How do I get a page to automatically print its contents when it loads?
146. how do you "protect" a page using .htaccess file
147. how can a session be destroyed when user closed window without logging out?
148. Question about settings of using PHP under Windows platform???
149. How to do attachment if I want to use a file as background?
150. How to pass a string that contain character "&" between words that display on the
151. How can i sort asc, thereafter desc by click on the same button (like in excel)
152. how can i convert a php file to exe format
153. How can I search a different site & show the results in my site,with out giving links
to the orginal
154. Can you use PHP to acces databases over the internet?
155. I can only get the last record from a database to be displayed, how do I get all
records to display?
156. Is there any way that i can show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file using
157. How to call a remote procedure in PHP?(like RPC)
158. How can I generate graphs in PHP?
159. I&#39;m writing a news posting script, and my sessions aren&#39;t working!
Somone explain how to use them!!!
160. I need to create a customer id for a mysql database from the info contained in the
html form.
161. How can I insert a snipet of code in my table and then echo it on a page without it
getting parsed,
162. Can anybody suggest a logic to parse an html page to get the news titles using PHP
163. I´m new to php and would like to know if theres a script that automatic updates
and shows cpu uptime
164. How can I write visitor&#39;s screen resolution to a log file (text file) with PHP?
165. How do I forward a GET/POST request to another file without notifying the users
browser to redirect?
166. How do I read data from a windows .txt file and display it on a web-page ?
167. Can you set up MVC using PHP like in Servlets, JSPs and JavaBeans?
168. How do you redirect from one PHP file to another without notifying the user&#39;s
browser to redirect?
169. how can I redirect a user with wildcards like 213.* or hostname like *
170. how can i archive a set of remote files, about 10 on my own server?
171. How can I query MX Record from DNS Server for particular domain ?
172. How do u explode a string of content and then call each individual bit by it&#39;s
own, new, variable???
173. How can I use apache to set PHP Environment variables?
174. How can I use apache to set PHP Environment variables?
175. I&#39;m running PHP&#39;s on a IIS Server... The server is limiting the number
of sessions
176. How do I set a text field so that it outputs the inserted text to a PHP variable?
177. How can I check remote file dates, to later use to print how old a file is?
178. Why won&#39;t my php script see the variables passed to it from the previous
page in the url? ie: http://yoururl?arg1=value
179. how do i make a var set in the query string available to another file ?? eg to a css
180. How can i execute and php with javascript and how should be the php code?
181. is it possible to launch an executable(C++) from excel on remote cluster via PHP?
182. How can I get user via PHP after .htaccess login?
183. How can I get users via PHP after .htaccess login?
184. I want to store the contents of a directory(.jpg files) in an array then echo the
values. HELP!
185. How can I fill in fields in WinWord from PHP variables
186. Without using <pre>, how do I get textarea to save format of entered text into
MySQL field?
187. How do I include pre-formatted text into a PHP page?
188. How do I get (ctime & mtime) on a remote file (http) without downloading it.
"fstat", didn&#39;t help
189. How do I populate an array from a SELECT string?
190. how to rctify this warning Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent
191. how do I refresh and redirect a page using PHP?
192. Is it possible to multiple web application platforms on the same server? ex: PHP
and JSP on Apache
193. How do I get the Windows NT $DOCUMENT_ROOT? The variable is blank.
194. How can I search in Excel file for a specific keyword and then print in a HTML
format ?
195. How to make included htm use the correct path for showing images?
196. In what way can I use "namespaces as in C++" in PHP?
197. I have an exe file on a server, can I launch it with PHP with command line
parameters?If not, how?
198. How do you refresh a PHP page into itself?
199. How to export table data from browser to local disk in .rtf/.txt format?
200. How can be avoided the popup dialog with htaccess passing the login and password
with PHP?
201. What is the PHP equivelent of ColdFusion&#39;s <CFHTTP> tag? (Both GET and
POST operations)
202. What I do wrong to connect to a mysql DB-> Call to unsupported or undefined
function mysql_connect()
203. When I create a file/dir the owner/group is "www" is there sonthing I can put in the
.htaccess file
204. I did exactly from the book. It comes up as " Undefined variable." What&#39;s
going on here?
205. When i click on a link, it believes that the address is e.g
206. will testing with dreamweaver work or do I have to upload the page to the server?
207. What achine is local when using ftp-commands in PHP on a web server?
208. Is there a program to convert PHP script to another language?
209. How do I acsess NetBIOS with sockets (PHP server is running on Windows)
210. how to input data from txt file into table where columns are separated with pipe ?
211. How and you split string into different arrays and save what they were split on?
212. How do I retrieve a single variable value from another file?
213. How to automatic download/upload a file from client machine to server with using
FTP function
214. Is there a way to use php to embed html in e-mails? Can you do this without php
215. I need copy from urls inserted on my site using php - sites link will be present
216. Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
217. "Parse error: parse error in /var/www/html/results.php on line 20" -- Why?
218. Does anyone know if there is any way to pull info from an "avery" scale connected
to the serial port
219. How can I get the remote PC&#39;s MAC Address?
220. i am calling an external C file but the output doesn&#39;t appear. Sometimes it
does but it is incorrect
221. How to Make an RTF Document with PHP
222. How do we execute .cpp or .c file, ( stored as BLOB in db) upon reading them
223. how do I call class method: $func="SomeClass::someMethod"; $func()
224. How can i catch into a variable an error message of a server? for example 404 File
not found
225. How can I do to not use session_start() in every page where I redirect a main page
with "redirect"?
226. I can&#39;t display display images retrieving from a database. Can somebody help
227. Can I get path-informations of a frame (getcwd())....?
228. Displaying Excel files in PHP
229. How can I avoid getting a error when I click a link in a page while it is loading a big
record list?
230. How do u pass a variable (multiple select) from a pop up window to the main
231. *how do u you pass a variable(multiple select) from a pop up window to the main
232. I have the error 403 when I try to run a PHP script. How can I fix the problem??
233. How can I pass an array of randomized elements through back and next button
without repeatation?
234. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are multiple
similar entries?
235. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are multiple
similar entries?
236. solved or not?? zend entry point and php_sablot.dll
237. I have a &#39;recent news&#39; page that I would like to be able to update via
the browser. Any ideas?
238. Is there a way to email the actual HTML form (same format) after a visitor has
completed it?
239. How do I retrieve pasword protected area with PHP?
240. How can I pass a variable with a button(in objective question--A,B,C,D)?
241. Using PHP, how do I send a http POST without using a form?
242. How can I set a time limit for a form made by PHP (i.e.the value will auto transfer
after a time)
243. In my search engine result outputs, how can I make it to show page title?
244. How do I lock and unlock tables using PHP and Access via ODBC?
245. Any hints for implementing forms in a wizard style, where answers influence
subsequent questions?
246. How can windows (XP Pro) be shut down/ restarted via PHP?
247. Can I fopen a remote url that requires form variables to be POSTed?
248. When I start PHP 4.1.1 it return error "the PHP4TS.DLL file is linked to mising
export OLE32.DLL..."
249. ODBC32 not found (win95 & php 4.1.1) what shall I do?
250. if i want to use a c function in php programmar ,what should i do ?
251. What is the essence of PHP encryption(using crypt(),mcrypt(),etc)if data on transit
isn&#39;t safe?
252. How do you run a script as a certain user such as root?
253. Why cant I get my session..the session is there but the browser dont collect it!
254. How do I display an error for a signup form in the same page instead of having user
to click return?
255. Get 404 error when trying to use .php file in browser
256. How can I add text (const or var) in a textarea by click in a image or Href ?.
257. How do I add text in a textarea by "clicking" an image or HREF?
258. Hi, How do I go about saving username and password values in the client...
259. How can I extract metatag keywords from pages serving longtext mysql column
260. Need a way to call a function only when the form is closed. Not
261. Why is my webbrowser opening my php file instead of running it?
262. How do you use spaces in Question-Mark queries with non-standard browsers like
AIM Profiles?
263. Before a form is closed down (close icon &#39;X&#39;) how can I send a message
to another program
264. How can I run two PHP4 versions (ie 4.0.6 and 4.1.2) with two PHP-ini on IIS
without recompiling?
265. Is there a way to determine the first time a page loads?
266. I want to to auth users, then show the rest of the page. What is the best way to do
267. How can you determine if another website is active (The server is running) or not?
268. I am having trouble installing PHP on my solaris 8 sun server.
269. Using the exec function, how can I call and start a java program. What is the
command statment used?
270. What is the best way to send an &#39;unknown&#39; number of form fields and
access them on the text page?
271. Can you send an array through a url (getting info without a form)?
272. how do you access/use other web pages on the
273. how do i get a directory listing on a server without displaying any of the
274. How do I make a news script that only saves/prints the last X entries with an admin
275. COM does not work with PHP... not getting any error messages... php just "hangs"
276. How can I add a file to the $data? As in a form containg an <input type=file>
277. How do i force PHP to flush already printed lines, on a script still running on the
278. How to install PHP in windows xp?
279. How to READ a directory of PDF files that display as links to open the pdf
280. *what is the pdf function to change text color?*
281. Binary files get couupted when uploaded with a php script - even if content-type is
specified. Why?
282. How do I download PHP File from other site? I heard that it can be downloaded in
it&#39;s source code.
283. does anyone know how I can work out the x,y coordinates on a map from a given
284. Does REMOTE_ADDR give the user&#39;s IP or proxy&#39;s IP?
285. How can I store an image path in PostgreSQL and dispaly it in PHP
286. Can PHP websites be co-hosted on Apache servers in the same manner that
Microsoft ASP sites can be ?
287. How can I extract just the domain name out of HTTP_REFERER?
288. Security Alert! PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly
289. Simple PHP/MySQL page, all page data is displayed... but page won&#39;t stop
loading- why?
290. When i do this why do i get the file content + 1 retuned : echo
include("content/news.txt")? Fix?
291. This may be a stupid question, but why choose PHP over an Access database?
292. Hello, I have an error: unable to load openssl.dll but i can load such as
293. can php load an image in place of a flash movie for users without the flash plugin?
294. Can I embed a PHP file in an HTML file. Similar to the <script
src="abc.js"></script> for Javascript
295. PHP not seeing variables from WML
296. Why can&#39;t php 4 on my apache 2 server find the $HTTP_USER_AGENT
variable (it says undefined)?
297. How can I sort data out of my MYSQL database in monthly Stats format and display
it in an html page?
298. increment in date variable
299. Trying to configure php4 for apache 1.3.24 when i create my test page i receive an
Error404. WHY?
300. Is there a company that offers a support contract to the PHP product?
301. How can I download the database tables from the server using PHP?
302. I need to be able to increase the count for defined field
303. How can i auto update php?
304. how to read pdf files stored on a LOB in Oracle?
305. Need a php script to post data to a host and get the response content from this
306. I have a table of users. Can I count how many males and how many females
without multiple queries?
307. How to get print out for a remote file ?
308. under win XP (IIS 5.x) the function "filetype($file)" always retns "block" whatever it
is, why??
309. undefined symbol - mysql_field_count error - has nayone come across this and
what is the solution?
310. How do you use a hidden field in wml?
311. How portable is php across browser and server platforms?
312. How to do Browser, JavaScript, and CSS detection using PHP?
313. How do I make a member area in my site? I have around 700 pages and
don&#39;t want to change them all.
314. Sambar Server says:" File not found".where do you usually save php files?any
change in php.ini neccs
315. Mysql: fetch and print the value of a single cell
316. help in building a meta search engine
317. How can I use the header: Location: method and open a new browser window with
a specific size?
318. How can i uninstall PHP4.0 ??DELETING folder, givesmeassge &#39;Cannot find
php4isapi.dll,may be in use&#39;
319. mail() not working, I have just upgraded the php version and now mail() will not
320. Using session_start() to save/restore global vars, but SOMETIMES get error
"....permission denied"??
321. Is is possible use functions from the PHP library in a C / C++ program? If so, how?
322. What file path do I use to update (append) a file on the same server as my web
323. What versions of Ingres II are supported by PHP ?
324. I have 100 sites on a 1 virtual server. I need to display all the images in a directory
to each site
325. Can comments be added to a cell in an Exel file with PHP?
326. I&#39;m having problems to parse textarea values over more than 2 forms.
327. Why are my php apps slow in my Win98SE server than other website&#39;s?
328. How can I execute local programs as root from PHP? I want to use UNIX commands
adduser and passwd.
329. I need php.exe to output the contents of a script without &#39;X-powered-
by&#39; and the other headers. How?
330. using include_path for unix
331. How to generate &#39;base&#39; strings in PHP (base16 / base36 / base64 etc)?
332. How can I view my own php files on my Windows XP computer? I don have a web
333. Is there a way in PHP that I can run a script locally on a machine from a remote
334. I can&#39;t pass variables from an htm to php page - do i need to change a
setting in php.ini?
335. I can&#39;t pass variables from an htm to php page - do i need to change a
setting in php.ini?
336. When I process a form by a .php file, the variables from the form are not availbale
in the .php file
337. How can I start up the mysql server on my windows server using PHP?
338. How can I print to client printer by PHP? I can only print to server or share client
printer .
339. permission denied when executing script from apache server for file open
340. How do i get a list of filenames from a directory?
341. working with PHP-Nuke. how do you setup a link to a CGi script, and have that
show into a Nuke block
342. How do you push a url with PHP?
343. I have a string $string="Fred.html|Sanu|Sachin.html".I need to seprate the .html
344. Can PHP automatically update auto incremented numbers in MYSQL?
345. Undefined variable error? Code runs on fine one site and not on the other!
346. I am selecting a userid from form and i want to display info from database, based
on my selection.
347. is there a way to count the number of currently active sessions?
348. How to format an array so the variables on it have a <br> as separator?
349. How can i embed a .swf in a PHP script?? without using Ming
350. How do I create a self-advancing slide show of pictures in PHP?
351. How to get the name of the current PHP file? to print its modification date in a
global footer.
352. How to get the name of the current PHP file? to print its modification date in a
global footer.
353. I need to get a result of confirn() (Javascript function) to use it in a PHP function,
can I do it?
354. When I use php script to create new file or folder, the owner of new file and folder
is not me how I
355. how can I create a search engine to my MySQL database such as the existing in
this web site?
356. how can i remove the when i use the pdflib function?
357. How do I use, inline, the elements of an array returned from a function? ie.
358. Is there any struts-like framework for php??
359. "Parse Error: parse error, unexpected T_SL" What does that mean?
360. How do I use PHP to "print" data on an HTML page from a comma delimited text
361. How do I call a c program from php, it has to pass a string with it and have ti
return a string?
362. how do I run a process in the background?
363. Can I write a 15 product database website in php without mysql?
364. how can I let the user specify his own "page id" in order for it to be defined as the
"any string"?
365. How to disable HTML, Javascript, etc in a TEXTAREA ?
366. How to change the ? character in the PHP query string into / character?
367. How do I format a timestamp(length 8) date into YYYY-MM-DD when I display them
with echo function?
368. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator character?
369. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator character?
370. Why using VARCHAR with BINARY attribute for a field within MySQL doesn&#39;t
ensure case-sensitive?
371. How can I determine the client path of file uploaded through an html form ?
372. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator character?
373. I can&#39;t display display images retrieving from a database. Can somebody help
374. how do I post an XML request to an external URL?
375. What is the mean of isset in this line: if(!isset($mainfile)) { include("mainfile.php");
376. How can I add .php extension to IIS5.1 as my OK button shaded out
377. can i use rsync in php
378. How do I save form data to a file, as with perl query->save(FILE) ?
379. How do I save form data to a file, as with perl query->save(FILE) ?
380. Does anyone know where I can find a list of supported databases? Please
381. I can&#39;t use the $REMOTE_ADDR variable: it just shows a 0. But in
<?phpinfo();?> it shows up properly
382. Can somebody please tell me when to use fsockopen() etc...and when to use
socket_create() etc...
383. Why might I be getting &#39;garbage&#39; characters before my output?
384. How to calculate the distance between two locations on the earth?
385. How to calculate distances based on latitude and longitude?
386. How to implement a "store locator" based on a user&#39;s ZIP code, which lists
the closest dealers from our database?
387. how can i display different logos depending on the login after a user has logged
388. How do I get php to display first 6 characters on third line of a txt file, and nothing
389. why this <a href="index.php?fuseaction=a_value">Link</a> doesn&#39;t work on
php 4.2.3?
390. When looping with a mysql_fetch_array($result) how do I change the font and size
of the results.
391. What does it mean -"php encountered a stack overflow
392. Making a third option in this code ($gender == "1" ? L_REG_46 : L_REG_47); i
want to make 3 L_REG_48
393. how can i store php code & query in mysql database and get all to execute when
394. Do anyone know how much load a php script create on apache server when server
runs it?
395. How can PHP access VSAM files??
396. is there any standard user input available in php other than forms
397. I am sending emails one at a time using foreach. How do I outout to html as each
one is processed?
398. How do I access net pages behind the squid proxy by using php codes on my php
installed computer?
399. PHP 4.2.3 Problem-Why can&#39;t I pass values via URL as in:
href="page.php?var1=value1&var2=value2" ?
400. PHP 4.2.3 Problem-Why can&#39;t I pass variables with set values to another
401. How can i include a PHP PAGE on a non-php server?... I mean i want include a
SIMPLE php page...
402. Why can&#39;t I get PHPSESSID to work (PWS on NT WorkStation 4.0, PHP
403. My next link won&#39;t go to the next page to view my mysql data record?
404. how do I have a php stand alone script call a new html document????
405. How do i count the number of times a hyperlink is clicked using Php?
406. How can I reload a sql query in the same page without opening a new page and
using a submit button?
407. Why can&#39;t I install php in windows2000?
408. How do I log an IP Address on site to protect against fradulant behaviour?
409. Line breaks in a PHP script
410. In the following script, how do I get hard line breaks? $GrabURL =
411. How can I use the XML HTTP Request object with PHP?
412. How can I pass a value from php to php?
413. how to enable the ssl from php with apache
414. I have a PHP/MySQL web site that only works when accessed from computers
outside my office! Help.
415. php installation problem - my_tempnam tempnam is dangerous
416. How to read just the last, let&#39;s say, 15 lines from a file?
417. Can PHP automate Form entries and retrieve the resulting data (as if someone
pressed "submit")?
418. ColdFusion allows automated Form entry and retrieval of resulting data with
CFHTTPPARAM--is there a
419. I am trying to use the UPS online tools. How do I post them some XML and get an
XML response back?
420. What is this mean: Warning: Use of undefined constant
421. how do i make a link open a template and insert content into it from the
peramaters set by the link?
422. Does PHP has something similar to the forward() method in Java? (
RequestDispatcher.forward() )
423. How to encode my php code so i can distribute my code to other without seeing my
424. Using the same MVC model as J2ee how do you pass information to the forwarded
php w/o storing the da
425. How do you get the HTTP_REFERER if the 404 page is set to be a php page
426. Is there a "goto"-like function in PHP like in Q-BASIC or VB or VBScript?
427. I need to read a text file & display the contents on the web page from which the
php script executed
428. shell variables like $HTTP_USER_AGENT dont return value
429. How can I keep a part of an address such as ?id=blah from showing in the browsers
address bar?
430. An example please of how to use the mail() function to include 2 or more file
431. Can I call a PHP function from Javascript?
432. how do i get gettext support for a windows php based machine?
433. PHP - openssl_pkey_get_private - How to export public key to file or string?
434. Can i use PHP aplication wrtiten in Win2000 on linux ???? whats need to be
435. How input in the URL the "id"?
436. How to perform multiple records updates in PHP?
437. How to get an object result from web service
438. Block direct access
439. How do I block direct access
440. How to link 2 forms together by using a submit button?
441. How can i connect Oracle 9i with PHP?
442. how to Retrieve Information Using a Hyperlink with Parameters in PHP? PLease help
443. I was send files w/ php extension, how do I poen them? thanks
444. Apostrophe in a database input - magic quotes or something?
445. how do I pass session variables to another page
446. How would it be possible to send a page (images included) from a form with the
mime classes?
447. how to call javascript functions which are located different ip then php running.
448. How difficult would it be to use PHP/SQL to count when people click on an email or
web link?
449. Is there a way to stop passwords from being POSTED in clear text?
450. Is CCSLIDE Database compatible with PHP or not ??
451. How do I convert a hex longint(4 bytes, little-endian) as a string to a decimal
452. How do I display the output of a .php file in a table on/within html in a table?
453. How can I direct php output to its calling html page?
454. Is is possible to redirect a User to another URL and send some variable with the
post method?
455. Where is php.ini in the Mac OS 10.2.3 release? In PHP 4.3.0, the phpinfo() returns
456. How to do email read notification in PHP
457. How to recomplie php from windows 2000
458. Is there any way to execute a PHP file (like with include) but direct its output to a
459. how to register the variables automatically by default in php?
460. To use ob_gzhandler() is zlib needed?
461. Does anyone know how to connect to Active Directory using PHP maybe with
462. How can I publish a php generated website on a cd rom?
463. Can&#39;t include or fopen: "
464. why? -- Notice: Undefined variable: badExts & dirs
465. how can I refresh a page using a radiobutton???Just Clicking It.Without SUBMIT
466. I have a php site that works on IIS/Windows, I decided to move it to Apache/linux
and it broke
467. how can I keep data on a php page that gets passed from a html form from, say, 4
different users
468. I keep getting this when trying to install Warning: open_basedir restriction in
effect. File is in w
469. How do I get at $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[&#39;PHP_AUTH_USER&#39;] variable
under Apache, PHP on WinXP?
470. i want to send via echo a formated text in php, how does this work?
471. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getmxrr()
472. how can I show a fake address on the address bar?
473. how I can set cookies for authentication
474. Force PHP-created graphic to be fresh/not cached? How?
475. Why can&#39;t IE6 in WinXP open any .PHP file? (by File->Open)
476. I get this error when testing with mysql ....Parse error: parse error, unexpected
477. Is It possible to make text flash using PHP or any other language that can be
embedded into HTML?
478. how to delete multiple records using a checkbox
479. I want to install a PHP library on my server. When I execute phpinfo the library
hasn&#39;t been added??
480. Can I pass variables from one script to another?
481. I had encountered thi s error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open()".
Please help.
482. How do I pass a variable coming from a form to make up an sql query? (ie=create
table <VARIABLE>)
483. How do I pass a variable coming from a form to make up an sql query? (ie=create
table <VARIABLE>)
484. how to unzip or untar any .tar or .tar.gz file using only php script, no shell access?
485. how to unzip or untar any .tar or .tar.gz file using only php script, no shell access?
486. Passing a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require() it
possible, and how?
487. Passing a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require() it
possible, and how?
488. What is the PHP equiv. of the ASP Request.QueryString
489. How can i send a password using fsocketopen?
490. How can I pass values (images & text) from a mysql field with php into a javascript
491. 1 - How can i change win-1256 charset to utf-8 encoding?
492. How can I use CTRL+N (new page on IE6) whitout copying the session id to the
new page?
493. How do I add an HTML link to a page with php graph?
494. When I run my php script everything works fine but it always shows the closing tag
(?>). Why?
495. What does this mean "failed to create stream: HTTP wrapper does not support
writeable connections" ?
496. How should I configure my PWS (and/or php.ini) to see PHP-results in my browser?
497. Problems with Curl and Telnet.....please Help
498. how can i add pagging in php ??? is there any object like in asp ????
499. How do I calculate the number of hours between two dates in PHP?
500. when calling urls from a mysql database how do you make them active links on
screen in php
501. How do I change this into a link? <?php echo $row_rsLocations
[&#39;CODE&#39;] ; ?>
502. How can I calculate sha1 in raw binary format without php5?
503. How can I only collect information from checkboxes that are checked and then e-
mail it?
504. How can I read from a cookie from within an included file?
505. EASY QUESTION. translation problem
506. EASY QSTION. php pages show up from local files as code, not translated to
display. Apache,mysql,php
507. I edited php.ini, but does not changed that show in phpinfo?
508. How can I conect to an Informix database with ODBC in PHP?
509. I am wanting to call 1 script from another,then return to the next line of code in the
1st script ?
510. Formatting User&#39;s Input
511. Can&#39;t Get PHP on IIS5
512. Can&#39;t Get PHP on IIS5
513. Can&#39;t Get PHP on IIS5
514. How do I configure PHP (on my local PC) to connect to Sybase (on a Solaris server)
515. how can i send an attachment with my mail form to email id
516. Where can I find error information for "Fatal error Maximum execution time of 30
seconds exceeded"?
517. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation?
518. How can I display the output from <?php $output=system($command); ?> to an
html textarea box?
519. how can i execute linux OS commands like &#39;adduser&#39; from a php web
520. How to sort a multidimensional array ?
521. how can i update xml node values via php?
522. mkdir problem
523. what areDesign patterns ?
524. what areDesign patterns ?
525. How can I successfully return data from a CGI script? It works in HTML using Virtual
526. PHP: Is there an editor (like FrontPage is for HTML) for PHP?
527. PHP: Does it allow me to translate a website to another language at the click of a
528. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record
529. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record
530. how can i get Visual Basic&#39;s grid like effect in php
531. how can i get Visual Basic&#39;s grid like effect in php
532. How do you install PHP in CGI Mode??? There is no doco on the subject!!!
533. Can you tell me why I always get ?PHPSESSID=9ki86 attached to all my link on the
opening page
534. How do I use a html form within the php script. I am using a form that gets the
input from a PH GET
535. Javascript is not working in a php file on windows system. Why?
536. File security on an intranet
537. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order form
using php?
538. How do I turn a php script into index.html
539. How do I create alternating-color repeated regions with PHP?
540. What are all the common php file extensions?
541. I need to run an external command that it isn´t native of the operating system
542. I get an error when i use SMTP server to send mail by php.I&#39;m using win XP
543. How would i make a simple counter with text? (ie visitors: 17319)
544. How can i prevent a php page being cached in browser?
545. How can I change a field name in mysql database by using PHP?
546. How do I correct error "Unable to parse configuration file"?
547. How to create a separate PHP-File to predefine a table to give my sites a similar
548. php.ini will not load
549. php.ini will not load/parse/process in Windows 2003 Server + PHP 4.3.3RC2 +
MySQL v4.0.14b
550. Using mail () , how do do smtp authentication ?
551. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table that is in
the html???
552. How to replace with pattern matching?
553. can i send FAX from php or using PHP script
554. Is there any file size limite with PHP for sending a file from client side to Apache
server ?
555. I want to use imagecreate how do I get it to work? I have downloaded the gd
2.0.15 what do I do with
556. I want to call a user defined PHP function on buttons event like onClick. How can i
do that ?
557. I am querying a mySQL database for names and addresses, how do I not pull any
NULL values
558. How can a generate wed-based barcode, I want to use only the browser connecting
to the backend.
559. Can php files be put in a directory other than the root dir.?
560. I get the error - Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() - what is
561. Detect "Too many connections" error and show alternate web page?
562. If i write the code for uploading in PHP, will the same code work on Windows,
MAcintoshOSX, Linux?
563. How do i recompile PHP, Apache on RedHat Linux 9? I am trying to connect to SQL
Server using freetds
564. I can&#39;t find Internet Services Manager, pls help!! I use Windows XP Home
565. Is there a way to check if an e-mail address is not fake?
566. How can convert Java Servlet into PHP?
567. what is in_array
568. How do I code a link from a sql query, such as an email link?
569. How do I install 4.3.3 on Freebsd..step by step for dummy
570. Installing or upgrading php with CURL support on Cobalt Raq
571. How can I display a PHP hit counter within a HTML form input text box?
572. How can I create a function to return the nº of weekends in a time interval(beg and
573. How do I validate a Windows user and password?
574. How do I change an NT password (IIS)?
575. I can get the PHP code to show in my html. Its correct and im using Apache and
mysql, please help.
576. I have a problem with is_dir(): Is doesn&#39;t return anything!
577. can not loading php_oci.dll at php started
578. php_oci .dll loading at php start ( i remove the comment from php.ini of extenstion
579. How can I tell if a script is running from the command line (cli) or in a browser?
580. How do you authenticate if you use NTLM (IIS, PHP)
581. How to check if a newer entry id in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest record as
a variable.
582. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on
583. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password:
url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
584. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password:
url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
585. I keep getting redirected to the login screen whenever I install a php package and I
try to login
586. What changes in the file-function from PHP 3 to PHP 4.3.4?
587. SHMOP_open it allows me to open only 128 segments after that it throws an error
588. How to Fix Err: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object.
589. How do I set the order of the output from a database to the display?
590. How can I calculate the load time of a page?
591. i Installed php4 on IIS 5. Whenexecute an php script, it just come as it as like IIS
not parsing it.
592. What is suggested procedure for upgrading from 4.3.2 to 4.3.4 using Windows
593. Is there a limitation to the file size when using move_uploaded_file? Returns false
with files>2mb..
594. I´ve trouble with the debugger
595. I&#39;ve set up a php server, but it will not display any information through a web
596. How do I send values to a mySQL database?
597. how can I execute .exe file(stored as blob in db) upon reading them
598. PHP setup with Apache Server - no errors but no display on browsers
599. How do I stop a space-seperated string from being truncated when it is passed
using a form construct
600. I need to draw the plane of a house. I have data needed in a database table. Can I
do it with PHP
601. Does PHP support foreign Language such as Thai, chienese
602. Can anybody answer me if exist a module for php which allows work with RAR
archives like php_zip.dll
603. How to stream mp3s with out giving out the directory. I had it working except in
Win Media Player 9
604. Are there generally agreed best practice coding recommendations for PHP?
605. Warning: fopen(../mycalendar.csv): failed to open stream: Permission denied in
606. How do I avoid having the SESSIONID come up in my links?
607. I want to define "$DROOT = $_SERVER[&#39;DOCUMENT_ROOT&#39;]" once only
for all "include($DROOT.&#39;/&#39;)". How?
608. What is PHP ?
609. Can i use PHP in Zope?
610. i want a register script than stores peoples username, password for them to login
611. If I append to a file, but if I hit refresh, the same info gets appended again. How do
I fix that?
612. How can I transmit the session information to a script opened using
fopen("http://localhost"); ?
613. Can CLI and CGI modules of php be both installed ?
614. how to connect mysql database from pc1 and I&#39;m using php5 from pc2 on
windows platform.
615. how to replace an image (possibly jpg ) with another one with out refreshing the
616. Can I use an image link that when clicked opens up a php file and inserts a
specified image into it?
617. How can I access a JavaScript array with PHP??
618. How can I make a voting booth / poll for my site that runs off my server, using
619. What is the difference between include() and @include()?
620. What exactly is the use of PHPSESSID in a URL???
621. Will+the+mail+function+work+if+use+in+intranet+envirnoment%3F
622. how do i update mysql db with form variables using php?
623. How do I make a webcounter that I can call from a non-php HTML site ? (I can do
easy mysql/php part)
624. How to change where sessions save to? Changing in php.ini doesn&#39;t work.
625. hi , can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll
626. hi can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll
627. how can i show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file using php (plz give code
628. O&#39;Reilly and PHP will not work
629. mail()
630. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken from other
site? Any scripts?
631. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser?
632. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser?
633. Why PhP does not recognize mysql_connect()Fatal error: Call to undefined function
634. How do I open a new form and display data base on a value of a pull down list on
current form
635. How can I send XML Attributes via Soap?
636. Is there a tutorial for interfacing a PHP page with a cvs file?
637. PHP
638. Can&#39;t find php.ini to update file_upload size only find a directories under
/opt/php/lib/php/pear so
639. how can I configure apache so that I can run <? php ...> commands in files that
don&#39;t end in .php?
640. PHP mail() needs 40Sek to generate the mail. Sendmail works correct. System
Cobalt RaQ550
641. How can I use InternetExplorer.Application to access the contents of specific
642. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
643. How do I get PHP on Linux to work with Oracle on Windows?
644. XML brainbuster
645. Dynamic Code
646. Dynamic Code
647. PHP not accessing MySQL
648. Installed Apache, PHP and MySQL all working but when I try to connect to MySQL
through PHP nothing..
649. I send a mail to a person. How I can keep track of when that person opens the
650. How to convert decimal values to characters?
651. How do I get a submit button to print the current page?
652. define(&#39;DIR_WS_ICONS&#39;, DIR_WS_IMAGES . &#39;icons/&#39;); What
does this means? It is from Zen-cart coding
653. PQescapeByte
654. have names as 2004aj,2004ad,2004A and need to list them but when do list 2004A
it lists all the rest
655. How can make a Specefic MIME header
656. Are there any problems using COM functions with PHP5, WinXP and Excel 2003?
657. Can I reference PHP from a JSP page with <a href="filename.php>"
658. I&#39;m new to PHP, where should I start.?
659. Is there anyway I can specifiy in which frame to open a specific file using
660. PHP: Operation:Get:Form: Variable: All: How to get all your form variables?
661. Can PHP perform a scheduled task triggered without having a PHP page being
loaded into a browser?
662. Is it possible to use PHP code in the onChange feature of the html select tag? If so,
663. Is any way to pass a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require()?
664. PHP: HTML: Convert: Where to convert automatically HTML to PHP print or echo
665. how to write code to access an AIML suing php
666. Instead of I&#39;d like
667. How can I echo the pagetop immediate, eg if php is doing a heavy job.
668. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13... how can i use the values 13 on the new
page tha i call?
669. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13... how can i use the values 13 on the new
page tha i call?
670. can i call an function in a executable file from php and get the result back to php
671. ASCII
672. why the <?php_track_vars?> did not work?
673. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a
name on the page
674. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a
name on the page
675. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a
name on the page
676. Error: Access denied for user: &#39;apache@localhost&#39; (Using password: NO)
677. how can I disable cgi in php 5.3.9?
678. System() command not executing. Error thrown is &#39;Unable to fork system ()
679. If I enter a text of 21K long in a text area form, hitting submit button doesn&#39;t
do anything. Help
680. how do i manually configure php with apache server?? and then how do i run my
681. how to untar file using php script? <? system("tar -zxvf file.tar.gz") ?> not work
682. Is PHP based on orther languages,and are there any based on PHP?( research
papper for school)
683. How can I put URL &variables= into php generated javascript?
684. can require() or include() contain Http path? How can we include files in http path
685. Is it possible to issue a command to windows xp command-line through a php
686. What is PHP-GTK
687. Why is it not working with the browser/web server?
688. How do I install PHP-GTK on Win32?
689. Can I use Themes under Win32?
690. How do I know which GTK Classes are supported?
691. How do I use the buttons in GtkFileSelection?
692. How to install PHP on Apache?
693. How to install Apache, MySQL, PHP on Linux
694. Test Question
695. can i get the full url of site (including the http:// and www) i want know if they
came from www2
696. What is the relation between the versions
697. Can I run several versions of PHP at the same time?
698. What did the initials PHP originally stand for?
699. What is the name of the new scripting engine that powers PHP?
700. Name a new feature introduced with PHP4?
701. Where can you find the PHP on line?
702. From a UNIX operating system,how would you get help on configuration
options(the options that you pass to the configure script in your PHP distribution)?
703. What is Apache’s configuration file typically called?
704. What line should you add to the Apache configuration file to ensure that the .php
extension is recognized?
705. What is the PHP’s configuration file called?
706. can a user read the source code of PHP script you have successfully installed?
707. What do the standard PHP delimiter tags look like?
708. What do the ASP PHP delimeter tags look like?
709. What do the script PHP delimeter tags look like?
710. What function would you use to output a string to the browser?
711. How would you create a regular method within a class?
712. Which of the following variable names is not
713. Which of the following variable names is not valid?$the first,$file-name
714. .What will be the following statement output?
715. How would you use the string variable created in the assignment expression
$my_var + ‘dynamic”;to create a “variable” variable,assigning the integer 4 to it
716. Which of the following statements contain an operator?4;gettype(44);5/12:
717. How can you access and set properties or methods from within a class?
718. How would you access an object’s properties and methods from outside the object’s
719. What should you add to a class definition if you want to make it inherit functionally
from another class
720. Which environment variable could you use to determine the IP address of a user?
721. Which environment variable could you use to find out about the browser that called
your script?
722. What should you name your form fields to access their submitted values from an
array variable called $form_array?
723. Which built-in associative array contains all values submitted as part of a GET
724. .How must you limit he size of a file that a user can submit via a particular upload
725. How can you ste a limit to the size of upload files for all forms and scripts?
726. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running script?
727. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running script?
728. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running script?
729. What function would you use to find out whether a file is present on your file
730. How would you determine the size of a file?
731. .What function would you use to open a file for reading or writing?
732. What function would you use to read a line of data from a file?
733. .How can you tell when you have reached the end of a file?
734. What function would you open a directory for reading?
735. What function would you use to read the name of a directory item after you have
opened a directory for reading?
736. What function would you use to open a DBM database?
737. What function would you use to insert a record into a DBM database?
738. How would you access a record from a DBM database by name?
739. How would delete a named element from a DBM database?
740. How would you open a connection to a MySQL database server?
741. .What function would you use to select a database?
742. What function would you send a SQL query to a database
743. What does the mysql_insert_id()function do.
744. Assuming that yopu have sent a successful SELECT query to MySQL,name three
functions that you might use to access each row returned.
745. Assuming that you have sent a successful UPDATE query to MySQL,what function
might you use to determine how many rows have been updated?
746. What function would you call if you want to list all database available from a MySQL
747. .What function would you use to list all tables within a database?
748. How would you create a while statement that prints every odd number between 1
and 49?
749. .How would you convert the while statement you created in question 24 into a
750. True or false.If a function doesn’t require an argument,you can omit the
parentheses in the function call.
751. how do you return a value from a function?
752. What functions can you use to define an Array?
753. Without using a function,what would be the easiest way of adding the element
“Susan― to trhe $users array defined previously?
754. Which function could you use to add the string “Susan―to the $users array?
755. How would you find out the number of elements in an array?
756. In PHP4,what is the simplest way of looping through an array?
757. What functions would you use to join two arrays?
758. How would you sort an associative array by its keys?
759. How would you declare a class called emptyClass( )that has no methods or
760. Given a class called emptyClass( ),how would you create an object that is an
instance of it?
761. How can you declare a property within a class?
762. .How would you choose a name for a constructor method?
763. How would you create a constructor method in a class?
764. What environment variable might give you the URL of the referring page―?
765. Why can you not rely on the $REMOTE_ADDR variable to track an individual user
across multiple visits to your script?
766. What does HTTP stand for?
767. What client header line tells the server about the browser that is making the
768. What does the server response code 404 mean?
769. Without making your own network connection,what function might you use to
access a Web page on a remote server?
770. Given an IP address,what function could you use to get a hostname?
771. What PHP function would you use to send an email?
772. What header should you send to the browser before building and outputting a GIF
773. What function would you use to acquire an image identifier that you can use with
other image functions?
774. What function would you use to output your GIF after building it?
775. What function could you use to acquire a color identifier?
776. With which functions would you draw a line on a dynamic image?
777. What function might you use to draw an arc?
778. .How might you draw a rectangle?
779. How would you draw a polygon?
780. What function would you use to write a string to a dynamic image(utilizing the
FreeType library)?
781. How would acquire a UNIX time stamp representing the current date band time?
782. What function accepts a time stamo and returns an associative array representing
the given date?
783. What function would you use to formate date information?
784. How would you acquire a time stamp for an arbitrary date?
785. What function could you use to check the validity of a date?
786. What single function could you use to convert any data type to any other data
787. Could you achieve the same thing without the function?
788. What will the following code print?print “four―*200;
789. How would you determine whether a variable contains an array?
790. Which function is desired to return the integer value of its argument?
791. How would you test whether a variable has been set?
792. How would you test whether a variable contains an empty value,such as 0 or an
empty string?
793. What function would you use to delete an array element?
794. What function could you use to custom sort a numerically indexed array?
795. conversion specifier would you use with printf( ) to formaqt an integer as a double?
Write down the full syntax required to convert the integer 33.
796. How would you pad the conversation you effected in question 1 with Zeros so that
the part before the decimal point is four characters long?
797. How would you specify a precision of two decimal places for the floating-point
number we have been formating in the previous questions?
798. What function would you use to acquire the starting index of a substring within a
799. How might you remove white space from the beginning of a string?
800. How would you convert a string to uppercase characters?
801. .How would you break up a delimited string into an array of substrings?
802. What regular expression syntax would you use to match the letter―b― at
;least once but not more than six times?
803. How would you specify a character range between “d― and “f―?
804. .How would you negate the character range you defined in question 124?
805. What syntax would you use to match either any number or the word―tree―?
806. What POSIX regular expression function would you use to replace a matched
807. What PCRE function could you use to match every instance of a pattern in a string?
808. Which modifier would you use in a PCRE function to match a pattern independently
of a case?.
809. What function designed to allow you to set a cookie on a visitor’s browser?
810. .How would you deletye a cookie?
811. What function could you use to escape a string for inclusion in a query string?
812. Which built-in variable contains the raw query string?
813. The name/value pairs submitted as part of a query string will become available as
global variables.They will also be included in a built-in associative array.What is its
814. Which function would you use to start or resume a session?
815. Which function contains the current session’s ID?
816. How can you associate a variable with a session?
817. How would you end a session and erase all traces of it for future visits?
818. .How would you destroy session variables both within the current script and the
819. What does the SID constant return?
820. How would you test whether a variable called $test is registered with a session?
821. Which function would you use to open a pipe to a process?
822. How can you write data to a process after you have opened a connection to it?
823. Will the exec( ) function print the output of a shell command directly to the
824. What does the system ( ) function do with the output from an external command it
825. What does the backtick operator return?
826. How can you escape user input to make it a little safer before passing it to a shell
827. How might you execute an external CGI script from within your script?
828. What function outputs useful information about your PHP configuration to the
829. What function could you use to include a syntax-colored source listing of a PHP
830. Which php.ini directive enables you to control the strictness of error messages?
831. What function can be used to override this directive?
832. .Which function allows you to log errors?
833. What built-in variable will contain the error message if the php.ini track_errors
option is allowed?
834. What PHP function do we use to make our connection to the MySQL database
835. What PHP function do we use to initiate or resume a session?
836. Which function do we use to include library files in our project’s pages?
837. What PHP function do we use to send SQL queries to the MySQL database?
838. What constant do we use to add a session ID to an HTML link?
839. How do we move the user on to a page?
840. What function do we use to format date information?
841. What function do you use to add an element to the end of an array?
842. What PCRE function could you use to match every instance of a pattern in a string?
843. How do i create a simple client login set-up?
844. If I have actions in a center frame, how do I refresh a different frame (not the
whole page)?
845. How can I have a script run every few minutes on a server if I can only use daily or
monthly crons?
846. how to post the recordset value like multidimensional array on submit the form
847. How to retrieve data from other pages(html)?
848. Is there a way that I can make the PHP auto generate thumbnail of videos/flash
files that i upload?
849. How can i crypt my sourse code ?
850. how can i send a mail to an email address that is available in the database through
php script
851. Complie Error in PHP 5.1.1
852. "Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded" frequently shows up on pages
that usually work fine.
853. All mail sent using mail or imap_mail goes to junk box. How do I correct this?
854. PHP: Windows XP: Apache how to get them working together?
855. how can i add security to my php formail form to stop spammers?
856. Is it possible to call a php function by using a hyperlink onclick event?
857. need to do a script using curl to measure speed from to
858. globals aspx equivalent in php
859. Is there any way to complie my own Php scripts to protect the source?
860. Could someone help with code that sends a number of variables to a php page
when a link is clicked?
861. How do I set up SMTP server on my Windows computer, and how do I configure
PHP to send mail()?
862. How do I specify php code for input onchange events
863. "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()....."getting this error
864. What are the Different PHP versions?Explain the changes among them?
865. What are the Different PHP versions?Explain the changes among them?
866. Email using php via lotus notes
867. i have used apc_clear_cache()to clear the cache but i got error call to undefiend
868. Require Virtual Pathsrequire("/folder/filename.php");
869. Require Virtual Pathsrequire("/folder/filename.php");
870. How do you include virtual paths in PHP, ASP has <!-- include virutal="/inc/file.asp"
871. How can I build Graph in PHP?
872. i am using mail() to send html but it shows as plain text at the client
873. blank pages
874. Please help. How can i CREATE and DROP oracle tables through a web page
interface using html and php
875. what does var=<?=$php_var?> mean
876. what is the difference between include once() require once()?
877. what is the difference between include once() require once()?
879. How to perform simple linear regression analysis with PHP?
880. How to compute trend equation from an array of data?
881. How to forecast future value using existing data?
882. can i get the value of a javascript variable in php code
883. I am trying to make the data of a file into a variable. How can I do this?
884. ereg_replace result includes backslash in search &#39;141&#39; to
&#39;a&#39; should be &#39;a&#39;
885. how do use a browser to save the displayed HTML output of a PHP file?
886. No input file specified.
887. how to create a chart in PHP
888. Has anyone the correct Mysql connection string for mine does not
seem to work
889. How can i add all the values of a form in one field in a table using array
890. mail
891. How we communicate with the bar code scanner??
892. MySQL and PHP5, "Access denied for user
&#39;SYSTEM&#39;@&#39;localhost&#39; (using password: NO)
893. How can I extract the public key from a certificate file (.cer file)?
894. IIS and php
895. My html pages are not dipsplaying but php pages working correct
896. How do I create a functional thumbnail system for my art gallery? It just shrinks
images right now.
897. HELP!
898. Which version has the time limitation (i.e., Dec 31, 1969) removed?
899. How to solve "UX:sed: ERROR: Output line too long" problem while doing make on
unix(mpras flavour)?
900. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation?
901. download file
902. test, mac
903. hide email address
904. How to submit form direct to email
905. How do I code a button that changes the value of a PHP variable?
906. xml php
907. How to runa php file without .php extension ?
908. How to catch and process a stream sent from a StreamWritter of a Window .Net
application ?
909. how can i know that a page is using a GET method or POST method without
checking the URL
910. While calling a form, it is displaying the PHP code instead of displaying the output
911. Function for checkavailablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink
912. Function for check-availablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink using
javascript and php
913. my script does not get $_SERVER variables
914. Looking for a freeware PHP module/library to parse HTML files
915. can i sue onchange attribute for a textbox in php
916. How to make a site navigation (f.e. You look > blah > blah) for loading iframes
without database?
917. who is the founder of PHP?
918. PHP/Apache setup/config problems... Also: PHP script showing up blank or
displaying actual PHP source
919. Where can i get the library extensions like php_*.dll
920. execute external program
921. exec system external program
922. how can i use php to access a MSSQl linked server?
923. filesize
924. How to use the SSL context options capture_peer_cert and
925. downloding the file
926. How to upload/dowload big file?
927. apache integration
928. how to make paging?
929. How do I fix a: "Your PHP install misses ZIP support" ?
930. "global variable"
931. when tried to execute a php program IE gives me the dialog box asking "Do u want
to save this file?
932. how do i create a php script that i can install onto my webspace to give me the
Base directory
933. Difference between require_once and require
934. How can I prevent users putting URLs in the text box of my form?
935. I want to make an update to a mysql tabel every 30 minutes.
936. Database with MySql
937. Help resolving an error message
938. Can anyone tell me what is this "->" symbol? i see it so many times.
939. How would I merge two felds and show a quantity after the element
940. Unable to retrieve block names from database
941. How can I parse headers in http request and extract filename var and then save
body to that var.
942. I want to download an XML file from it&#39;s source server to my own for parsing.
How can I do this?
943. iis
944. I want to put an URL link to CLICK HERE IN: echo "Click here". HOW TO DO?
945. How can I run PHP scripts by schedule?
946. How can I run PHP scripts from Command Line?
947. What is the difference between CLI and CGI SAPIs?
948. Please recommend wesites for PHP Freelancing. Thanks in advance.
949. Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
950. SOAP type extension
951. How do i split a single field value like "news" across many pages using php?
952. Is there an awesome php-based CMS for artists?
953. Any help "C:Program FilesAspelldata/iso8859-1.dat" is not i n the proper format.
954. what are the differences between PEAR and PECL?
955. How do I get a web page into my php script so as to extract data from it?
956. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
957. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
958. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
959. Need detailed intstructions on how to install and configure php to host phpbb2
960. how to run script file and execute linux command line without return string
such tc command
961. resize a bmp file
962. Hyphen/Minus/Dash problem with JavaScript,HTML and PHP
963. Safemode - Local vs. Master. Why does the master show "off" but the local to "on"?
964. CLI
965. Updating information in an include file - I have an include file that shows
information on many file
966. line break in php
967. How to determine "Geo Location"?
968. How to get country information from IP address
969. IP to Country calculation
970. but what if the session is closed because of a network problem
971. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling Information
From a Website
972. CGI Time Out Error
973. Using cURL and get timeout error
974. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling Information
From a Website
975. CGI Time Out Error
976. Using cURL and get timeout error
977. Is it posible to display only 10 records in a page?
978. PHP/MySQL - track impressions and click through rate for listed products?
979. When using DOM i got depressive Warning: domdocument::domdocument()
980. Can I write a PHP script to load random external images?
981. How can I use PGP with PHP?
982. Unanswered Questions
983. building php with informix returns error: cannot find -lphpifx. Were can i get it?
984. How can I report searches, reporting search-words? (formsearch in my sql-
985. How can you include a CGI file in a PHP and have it stay in there when you use a
link in the CGI
986. How can I configure php_value directives for mass virtual hosting? ie: equiv to
987. why do I fails always after call gethostbyaddr, but right if there exit mapping in
HOSTs(on win XP)
988. "Total Noob" how do I put a index.php script in an HTML page so it opens the file
cont.- dif. frame?
989. I have created excel reports using php,html and header..But the sheet is to protect
990. I cant execute external programs "Unable to fork ...". Why? I have PHP 4 and
Windows 2000 with IIS 5
991. is it possible to post unicode data to DB via web form? Im using
W2K/PHP/Apache/MS SQL.
992. How can you change two frames (submenu and welcome page) after someone logs
in with a session?
993. How can I display the date a form was submitted using DATE as the col_type & how
994. special characters (e.g. inverted exclamation) are being changed when using global
<FORM> vars
995. strtotime fails using postgresql 7.2.1 and php 4.1.2 (redhat 7.3); floating point
seconds not parsed
996. Undefined function imap_open(). Installed --with-imap-ssl. Do I have to install --
997. I have a cgi which outputs Content-type: text/xml, how can I call this cgi, then
parse the output ?
998. How do I only read the 10 newest files in a text file?
999. How to: shtml page includes php file that gets (and sets to var) the shtml
page&#39;s path not it&#39;s own?
1000. When a html page is process by PHP engine, I am seeing added characters placed
into the html source?
1001. How do I call a c program from php, it has to pass a string with it and have ti
return a string?
1002. How do I run a php interface to a java application, i.e. pass input in, receive
output and format it
1003. Error trying to view page ,WHY? "Document contained no data"-NS "Page is
currently unavailable"-IE
1004. How can I stop access to my server when remote computer has my ip in
REMOTE_ADDR in his config file?
1005. What is the most efficient regex to find all the email addresses in a string?
1006. Help with this code... How can i Get Fcontents to not print the code but display it
as a web page??
1007. I have exif enabled in php 4.1.2 but exif_read_data() keeps returning errors. why?
1008. It´s possible print a document (.txt.pdf) from Apache Server?
1009. How to build a printer friendly page that have 480x600 resolution during runtime?
1010. how do i quit the dos php window properly - windows doesn&#39;t like me using
the close box ?
1011. I installed LIBMCRYPT and now I am installing MCRYPT. The message appeared:
libmcrypt was not found.
1012. In my search engine result outputs, how can I display contents of the page within
the body <body----
1013. how can i allow my users to attach files to emails.i have php 4.1.1 on apache and
1014. I write a message in a text area then i go to my preview page and it is not in the
right order,help!
1015. How do I pass a string variable to a Blob Field in MySQL?
1016. How do I connect to an Oracle 9i database to verify "username" and "password"
1017. Does anyone know where I can find out more information on PHP&#39;s Lotus
Notes functionality?
1018. Grouping outputted data from a table, products grouped together by orderid for
1019. is there any way update the database by sending mail to that prticular id
1020. How to retrieve default email id from the client machine without asking for it?
1021. Hello, I have been working on a hockey score sheet web data entry page and have
gotten to the point
1022. hi i am new in PHP i want to know can it give any Think Like applet
1023. How can I add xml capability to a already installed php setup?
1024. Is it possible for PHP to communicate with TWAIN complient devices?
1025. Cannot open for read file1 open and write file2 remotely on one system but can on
1026. Is there a function to allow authenticated acess through a proxy with fsockopen
1027. How can I write a mainform/subform screen in PHP that access a MySQL
1028. I have a database with a date field with values < 1/1/1970. How do I extract
these values correctly
1029. Linux PHP 4.2.1&Apache, my PHP code is ignored when html code is present in a
php file.
1030. I have a php 4.2.1 pop on my computer ~ leads to a porn page!! I can not find it
on my C drive help
1031. How to use PHP to distribute software package to workstations?
1032. how to create a form just like when you going to sign up at certain website with
userID, password
1033. where do you find php source directories in Mandrake Linux to enable sockets and
1034. how to connect to internet through PHP?i have tried exec("wvdial")but it
wont&#39; work
1035. Why are variables not passing (PHP43,IIS5.0,Win2000Server)?
1036. How do you get the mHash() function on a Windows install of PHP 4? (it
doesn&#39;t seem to be built in)
1037. I am trying to create a link that, when clicked, changes the data attribute of an
<object> tag
1038. I am trying to create a link that, when clicked, changes the data attribute of an
<object> tag
1039. hi, I have a problems with passing arrays with indexes in PHP
1040. I want to start using PHP for DB sites but aren&#39;t sure about writing PHP in
MacOS. Starting points w
1041. XP with IIS and PHP not returning complete set of headers... why?
1042. How display a matrix dependant on other cells? ie fixture matrix dependant on
entered results.
1043. How can I see where the memory is going in my PHP-cli application?
1044. php menu says mssql_connect requires &#39;interfaces&#39; file;what & where
are they?
1045. I changed my .httaccess to Errordocument 404 /404mail.php .It is not edirecting
to this page.
1046. working from the php book when i run the script at the end of chap 12 i get SQL
syntax errors
1047. In a self-processing form, is there a way to return to the same point in the page
that you left from
1048. In a self-processing form, is there a way to return to the same point in the page
that you left from
1049. How do i redirect to other php or web pages and the new URL not shows up in the
address bar.
1050. How do i redirect to other php or web pages and the new URL not shows up in the
address bar.
1051. I started with a php file and tried to call a tpl file which called a php file. It
didn&#39;t work. Why?
1052. How should I configure my PWS (and/or php.ini) to see PHP-results in my
1053. How do I run an ASP program on my Windows server within PHP
1054. Will be there a version conflict problem for functions written in earlier versions of
1055. How can I add "preprocessor" to PHP, e.g. replace all "--" with "&minus;" before
PHP starts parsing?
1056. Is there a way to query a text file using php? If so how? need to bring back
individual results ?
1057. How do I get a variable to pass into an included file that is located in a different
1058. how can i make that an PHP sript to run in background?
1059. It is posible to download a directory (including all files a subdir) using PHP4.3.1?
1060. I am uploading to a hosted server using Dwr MX. do i need to install php or will
MX handle it.
1061. im new to php and need to know how to calculate BMI, body mass index with php
or mysql
1062. I need the PHP syntax for adding mysql field values from a table and then echo
the result.
1063. How can I write different data into two separate frames on a form user submitting
the form?
1064. Where can I get more info about PHP Access violations such as 011929AE,
77FC8DA5 & 024529AE?
1065. what can be done for generating setup program for php files on linux platform
1066. What is the "official" communication method 4 html 2 javascript 2 php
1067. How can i build and draw a tree with 3 childs for each node and for 10 levels, from
a database.
1068. How do you directly download a file into the Temporary Internet Files directory?
1069. How do you use php to pull data from the database, like on when you
go into a section?
1070. Can you use PHP to see if another e-mail server accepts HTML or text only email?
1071. How do you display info from a database in a menu dependant on another menu
recalled from the table
1072. How do I put data into a list box dependant on another list box
1073. I can not get my php scripts to work on an apache 2.0.40 to work, ie formmail
and forums, help
1074. How do I get the paragraphs to show, pulled from mySQL db, instead of one long
text paragraph?
1075. Is there a big difference if you use { } in your "if" condition instead of using ":"
and "endif;" ?
1076. I cannot run a commend from PHP scripts using exec(). This command can be run
from command line.
1077. I can no longer pass variables between pages using php4.06 and isapi with iis5
1078. PHP code is running on Linux but not on Windows. Why?
1079. How can I restrict access to certain files on an intranet using php?
1080. I am trying to get Oracle 9i working with PHP. Having problems know what to
1081. Have all sort of problems using "?" within a "echo(&#39;form&#39;)" posting.
Can someone show me correct way
1082. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order form
using php?
1083. is there any function that can print a web page with just one click in php???
1084. CLASS: Can a property of a class be an Array datatype. Example please
1085. How to use formfeed character &#39;f&#39; in a .php file
1086. A select box with diff. people&#39;s names how do I send form to dif. emails
depending on name selected?
1087. What is the easiest way to use PHP to extract email addresses from a text file?
1088. How do I terminate access to page in certain amount of entries and time using
sessions and MySQL?
1089. does anybody have problems by using css in php pages
1090. is there a distribution of php, or a way to configure so that one might use it under
Mac OS 8.6
1091. User interaction via dialog box from PHP script?
1092. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table that is in
the html???
1093. Can I get Visual Interdev (6.0) to use syntax highlighting for PHP files?
1094. Doing my tree in, how to i number summit
1095. PHP will not work with IIS (xp). ASP and HTML work fine, but PHP just sits there.
Any ideas?
1096. alter table BOOKS add id_books int unsigned not null auto_increment first,add
index (id_carte); msql
1097. How do I send a file (that is on the server) as an attachment with mail()?
1098. How can I modify .htaccess to enable both SSI and PHP?
1099. Any web-based report writer available ? I am using Windows client IE and Linux
PHP / PostgreSQL.
1100. How do I get data to automatically come up in other fields when a user selects an
option from a drop
1101. File Download appears for .php files. Php.ini in windows on XP.
1102. How can I pass objects from one php file to another?
1103. How to create a web page that refreshes its tabled contents against mySQL
1104. function_exists doesn&#39;t appear to work on class member functions,
regardless if static or not???
1105. can you determine whether your script is running at the console or was requested
1106. I want printing on continous paper according to my requirement. Wanted to
control the printer
1107. Sessions won&#39;t die. I tried evertything. I&#39;m regitering using the
$_SESSION superglobal. Please h
1108. how to resubmit the information automatically without pressing the refresh
1109. How to check if a newer entry is in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest record as
a variable.
1110. Is there a function like file_exists in PHP Version 2 ?
1111. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on
1112. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe?
1113. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe?
1114. Help! What do I do Php files opening as Ps files?
1115. need to use [web] as a wildcard: elseif ($check == "go: [web]") {$url =
"[web]";} is it possible?
1116. What is the advantage to using "url/index.php?i69=members" over
"url/index.php" to "url/members.php"
1117. Why don&#39;t works including of remote files under IIS 5.1 and PHP 4.3.2?
1118. How can I parse a .csv file to a .ldf file , only parsing the particular information
that I need?
1119. where do i outsource php or get php experts for development ?
1120. Can anyone please tell me why .php files will work for me but the same php files
in HTML do not work
1121. Populating a dropdown list field with data fetched from Oracle
1122. How do I display New mysql database info without refreshing the page?
1123. is there a course on how to write force matrix in php scripts?
1124. SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
default driver specifi
1125. i am getting msg"Can not open output stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX when i
am calling imap_open()
1127. how do i get information from a plain text file as data for a marqee/ticker/scroller?
1128. How can I set up my web browser to show Php designated sites?
1129. How i can find number of record retuned in select statement usin Access odbc
1130. When i try to exec a program on a webserver i get 127 as an return value. What
does it mean?
1131. PHP4 will not connect to my Apache server. I&#39;m using an IBserver program.
1132. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file already
1133. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file already
1134. Is there a known issue with O&#39;Reilly Website and PHP not working together?
1135. is it possible to capture a swf and export it to jpg?
1136. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken from other
site? Any scripts?
1137. How do i connect php5 to mysql4? I get "Class &#39;mysqli&#39; not found" in
the apache error log?
1138. I tried to call mysql_connect(), but got the error "Call to undefined function
mysql_connect() Idea?
1139. How do I include a "news.php" file into an index.php file, I&#39;ve tried <? php
include....with no luck
1140. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope support CGI
1141. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope support CGI
1142. How can I adjust local date time in a PHP Calendar script?
1143. How can I call or use a dll writen in Visual Basic 6.0
1144. how to redirect a page, and how to use querystring
1145. when i open file by using this command ($fp=fopen("hello.txt","w") i get message
"permission denied"
1146. i am using Windows 2000 Server with PHP 4 and Apache 2 , i am trying use
scrrun.dll with PHP but fail to use any body suggest me how to use it?
1147. Are php scripts secure? i.e. is it possible to open my .php file and get my db
userid/password etc?
1148. Why am I getting a blank screen when I try using the imagecreatefromjpeg
function? (PHP 5.0.2)
1149. Problem logging hits to PHP pages when PHP runs as CGI wrapped in Apache to
appear as module.
1150. Is it possible to make a template in which any called text file can be inserted into
a specific area
1151. I need to get my php date() time to update live, is there away, and how do I do
1152. How would I make a template system for a blog?????
1153. Error "server unwilling to perform" when changing password in an AD server using
1154. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
1155. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
1156. How can I update the options for a select menu based on a value selected in a
previous select menu?
1157. php.exe posting data vir commandline how to?
1158. How can I code a simple form with textboxes so users can view what others
1159. why my scripts is showing warning mail over quota mail not send when new user
1160. how can I make something like php editor in php and the script is in colored
1161. I&#39;m having a problem compiling php with 2 versions of posgresql.
Configuring with-pgsql=/usr (pg ver
1162. How do I automatically display the number of listings next to category links using
mySQL or no datab
1163. PHP 4.3.4, parse_ini_file() returns a cannot open `FILE` for reading?
1164. how can I set a quantity that reduces to zero in my eshop as orders are placed
1165. Is it possible to copy a tar file from another server using fopen?
1166. Iwant to make register (login and password) to my site but with php
1167. how to use onchange method of listboxes in php?
1168. Can I make a transparent HTTP(carry SOAP body) proxy with PHP? Here PHP is to
determine the dest.
1169. how can i use PHP mail() function to send mail to an address like info@academia-
1170. How do I test that a remoter server has php working?
1171. is there a way to import php in a mysql and export it?
1172. Trouble allowing people to upload picture to yahoo hosted site
1173. Best script to pull an series of integers from various offsets in a binary file to PHP
1174. Problem with php 5.0.3 on Apace 2 on WIN: It works but version sais: 4.3.10? Is
it really 5.0.3 in..
1175. I&#39;m getting a pair of characters( 3D ) in my PHP Generated E-Mails, any
1176. Can someone tell me why my <Script> tags and onClick attributes in <a> tag are
being removed.?
1177. How do you declare a variable so the variable will retain any HTML code imbedded
in the string?
1178. Does PHP support video streaming? I am working on an e-learning project. Thanks
1179. why php variable names are case sensitive and why not function names?
1180. How do I change the default account that mail is being sent from when using the
mail () function?
1181. <form action="dbtest2.php">when form is submitted,browser opens the php file
instead of executing
1182. write a one-line expression to test whether a number is a power of 2. this question
is asked in inte
1183. How to set headers for images delivered through php scripts so that images are
cached locally?
1184. How do I only allow a PHP script to be accessed from the same server.
1185. how do i create keywords that will autolink throughout my website
1186. How can I get the included file names in a php file while I&#39;m navigating?
1187. why are sessions working on remote server but not localhost
1188. PHP and MySQL problem with out putting data to a .txt file
1189. Why are three bytes being added to my data?
1190. Is it possible in php to draw/show a calendar-month as an image?
1191. How can I do a &#39;page scrape&#39; and capture all of the existing form fields
and values?
1192. How can I redirect the output of a UNIX command executed in background from
exec ( >> does not work
1193. How to export public key to file or string in php&#39;s openssl library?
1194. How do I display the rows and time it took to execute the query? ( 132 rows
fetched in .0679s)
1195. why it hangs whenever i open my lotus 123
1196. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example
1197. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example
1198. Besides connecting again is there absolutly no other diffrence between
mysql_connect and pconnect?
1199. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database??
1200. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database??
1201. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database??
1202. How do I insert a MySQL database with greek characters in dreamweaver?Greek
characters are shown ???
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1000+ php questions

  • 1. 1. What Is PHP ? 2. How can I disable the output of error messages inside the HTML page? 3. Can I return other file formats (like Word, Excel, etc) using PHP? 4. Is there any way to force PHP to do garbage collection before the end of the request? 5. Why does require($file_name) in a loop just include the first file repeatedly? 6. Can you include and call C libraries in PHP scripts? How? 7. What's the best way to start writing a PHP program? 8. Passing variables with REQUIRE function (part II) 9. I use a /cgi-bin/ for displaying rotating banners at the top of my html files. How can I insert the output of this cgi in an "included" file ? 10. please tell me how to let a html document read content from a .txt file, spit this out in a table, and how to update the specific file with a form 11. How can I add authentication to my site with PHP? I have authentication working only with one page. 12. Where can I get documentation for the Zend API? 13. Does Php have anything similiar to Perl's $string = <<END_OF_DATA ...(some text over multiple lines)... END_OF_DATA? 14. I would like to create a user authentication system, but when they log in, how would i make it personalized. 15. Is it possible to do a multisite hit counter that runs on a PHP enabled server but is accessed by non PHP servers? 16. To offer users a direct download of a file that is a valid MIME type 17. How can I display a number with thousand separator querying an SQLServer 7 table (number_format does not work with PHP 401 - error: unknown function) 18. environmental variables such as query string are not passed to php code i.e. INCLUDE file="showacct.php" 19. Lost Last-Modified when set apache to use PHP4 module for all .htm/.html files. Can one have PHP4 parse .htm/.html and keep the Last-Modified header? 20. When i include a txt file the html page ignores the end of lines. And i get one long line with text. I would have multiple lines with hard breaks.
  • 2. 21. Why does PHP4 (windows) tell me that my module doesn´t exist when it does? I´m talking about php_mssql70.dll. 22. In windows PHP, when I load php_mssql70.dll as an extension, PHP stops working. why? 23. Can a local PHP page be parsed using a remote installation of PHP? 24. Looking to create resizable tables based on viewer screen size and amount of text to be displayed. Used on, but can't find code to do this - ? 25. Why do I receive a message "cant fork ..." if I try to execute an external program (PassThru, System, Exec) - running PHP4, WinNT SP 5, PWS. 26. using a LAMP setup with a Flash interface. How do I set up a chat using PHP that updates all the browsers viewing the chat page? 27. How can I get in PHP the value of variable coming from a WML < input > or < select >? 28. I wrote a script, but when searched brings only one set of results. How do I make it so if there is more than one result, it will display them all. 29. Is it worth creating files, like a log, for each new member or simply pull from a database. 30. How can I call a command line executable from within PHP? 31. Where can I get a documentation for creating my own dll for php3 with VC 6.0? 32. running php4 on a Data General Unix platform, and getting the same error, any help for this prob 33. Unable to execute linux command="pppd call isp&", using exec() and system(), consider that httpd.conf configured as nobody. 34. How to erase $REMOTE_USER in the browser created with the htaccess authentication scheme 35. What does PHP stand for? 36. How do you convert this perl code unpack('s', pack('s', hex($x))) to PHP 37. Is there any possible method of creating a dialogue box as a help option similar to the one in Microsoft Word Help dialogue boxes with keyword search 38. about "php3?id=xxxxx" OUTPUT RESULT TO HTML ... 39. in Non_Server Client Site to get a variable from Server Client Site e.g. HTML get a result from PHP
  • 3. 40. How do I handle frames and window openings in PHP, for instance if I have a frames page and I want to eliminate the frames, how do I do this using PHP ? 41. How do I call and pass variables to a compiled C function using PHP? 42. Why do multiple echo and printf functions, used to display a table, display newline charachers before the table in Netscape but not in IE? 43. How do I stop a previous url?mode=del&cust=name being repeated when the user hits their back button? 44. I know this next/previous script ( but, is not there any easyer way/script? 45. Is it possible to make a yahoo-like site without MySQL or any other db, but plain text? Something like Links 2.0 in Perl. 46. How to extract data from database and display it in the list box? 47. Is there a mean to get the entries of an EXCEL sheet with PHP (to include this in a database, by Example 48. Does PHP support document objects (similar to javascript) 49. Is it possible to have MySQL and Php run with one provider and the "database driven website" with the other ? Say with the help of only SSI / CGI? 50. Hello, does anyone know where we can find a course on php for beginners that can be taken via the internet. We are just getting into php from scratch. 51. How i can set a time expire page in PHP. 52. is it possible to search newsgroups with php 53. Does anyone else have problems using the n newline escape character? why is not it rendering for me? 54. What is the scope of a global (page, session or otherwise). 55. How do I present a form with two buttons - each doing a submit for different things (ie - log in or change password). Can I call PHP from an onclick. 56. How do I insert a user loaded < input type=file> image into a database table (&& checking for size constraints). 57. Why wont PHP 3 excute shell commands??? I have tried $string = system("/bin/tar - cf /home/www/backups/backup.tar /home/www/functions"); 58. How can I populate a pull down with with a few data fields from one table and then
  • 4. upon selection then intire row fills out the apropiate form fields? 59. How do I insert a user loaded image < input type=file> into a database table (MYSql or M/S SQL) 60. What is the best policy? Connect once, store the query results in several arrays to use later or p_connect and query at the moment I need the results? 61. Is there some PHP code that takes the output of one file, and placing it in another? 62. When i press the submit button,the selected name in the list should be displayed in the new popup window for further processing.How to do this?. pl 63. Do member functions within a class incur any memory penalty when an object of that class is instantiated. 64. Can someone show me how to extract information from another site and put it on my webpage... Thanks 65. What does parsing means in PHP? 66. How can I use plain txt files instead of a database for a backend of a site, ie managing news posts, uploading files, message boards etc... 67. How can you include the same information you would normally call via SSI in a .shtml file in PHP? 68. how do i include a remote file using php 69. Can someone explain me how PHP interacts with Java ? 70. How to make a GoBackButton with a picture? 71. how can I take a list and make each row a value in an array? 72. can i simulate php on windows(not a server)? 73. I am using PHP4. I used to draw gifs in PHP3, but now I get an error (i think because PHP only supports PNGs). What should I do? 74. How can I prevent re-"post"-ing data when a user returns to a posted page using the back button? 75. Is their a way, in PHP, to strip-out the content of a web page of bad JavaScript? ex. Javascript that open a new window when you juste closed one. 76. How can I display the output of passthru or system with newline chars? i.e. passthru("ps ax") 77. I try to display a word document which is stored in a blob field in a mysql db-I get
  • 5. the document always with binary code pieces-how can I avoid this? 78. Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function page_open() ? How do I fix this please...? 79. Is it possible to access the Active Directory of a Windows 2000 Server with PHP ? Maybe via LDAP ? 80. I was sent a php file and am unable to view it. What software will run it? 81. How could one php-script call some other php-script and how could give the first one to the second one the values of the variables? 82. I want some while cycle in one script to call (x-times) the other script and give him the values of variables (which are each time other). 83. Is possible to generate, send & receive back ICMP messages directly in PHP instead of external execution of ping? 84. I have images on my site that when a thumnail is clicked the larger image appears In a pop-up. Is there a better way to do this in PHP instead of html 85. I have PHP under Windows and Apache . How can I send some file to STDIN of PHP script? 86. How to insert in a javascript array the elements of a php array ? 87. I am using PHP4 and a MS Access DB for my website. My provider tells me that the IIS-Server (NT) does not support PHP. Is that correct? 88. How to run execute files on client machines? 89. What is the error access violation? Why does it happen? 90. How can I pass information from a membership database (text file) into the Chat Client. Using PHP? 91. How can I save php output to the browser and a file? 92. Can PHP be malicious like Javascript? As a surfer do I have any security concerns? I can disable Java, can I disable PHP? 93. I need to know if there is a program that you can write code in html and convert it to php. I run windows 2000 94. How can i add the First,Previous,Next, Last,Update,Delete,Modify buttons in the same form?(I am using MYSQL as a backend in my server) 95. Is there a limit to the size of a PHP script plus included() and required() scripts that it loads? How can I change this limit?
  • 6. 96. Why am I getting a "/" added at the end of a PHP generated HREF link? 97. How I get XSLT support with PHP on Windows platform? 98. I am new to PHP, and would like to know if there is a code snippet for emailing a lost password to a customer. Thank you! 99. How can I write a web page (program) to check that does webserver support PHP, ASP and PERL ? 100. Can the PHP include command be used with a virtual path? 101. How do I write a php script within a php script to a file without escaping everything? 102. How can I create a dropdown for date field showing past 3 months, present month and the 12 months in the future? 103. Can I read NT registry info from PHP? How? 104. How and when to use $php_self and $query_string???? 105. Can i define $QUERY_STRING? Meaning when the query string is menu/news, it will display just news. 106. How can I list files in a specific directory and hyperlink to them? 107. Warning: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in Unknown on line 0. What does it mean? 108. If I have developed a dll using Visual Basic which contains the Application logic, how can I create objects of the classes in this dll in PHP? 109. How to handle special char&#39;s like É , Ü . I am passing company name in a system command but when there is a special char like Ü then command fails. 110. How can I open with fopen() a file in an machine of local networks. Ex.: fopen(machinesharing name,...,...)? 111. How do i save php output sequentially by date so that i may move forwards and backwards in order by date of creation "next/previous etc" 112. Is it possible to make PHP output a gif/png (eg a photo) as well as the desired data output? 113. How to post binary data in write() with PHP socket?
  • 7. 114. How can I use PHP to create XML documents with data from a database e.g Sybase, Mysql. Does it exsist any tutorials on this ? Thanks. 115. Hello, I have an error: unable to load dinamic library &#39;c:php/php_oci8.dll no se puede encontrar el modulo especificado. I&#39;m beginning with PHP. 116. How can I run SSI commands like #INCLUDE etc. in my PHP pages? 117. How to call from within a PHP extension other extension&#39;s functions ? 118. how can you insert a mysql field into a link tag using php? 119. how can i pass 2 variables from php and include it in a hyperlink? eg: <a href=($variable1)>$variable2</a> 120. what the difference behind the implement mechanism between the common CGI and php_based application? 121. Diffrence in outcome of formula 1.08^12 PHP=13 Visual Basic=2.51817011681898 122. How to covert web input (PHP) to XML format? 123. Switching an input from web (built using PHP)to XML format 124. Is it possible to run a php script from an .swf and then return a few variables back to the .swf. 125. Can PHP send an update signal (popup screen) to other users when a user makes a request on a game? 126. Can anyone offer advice on making a web poll that has a different no. of answers for each question? 127. What is PHTML ? Is it the same thing as PHP ? 128. How i can pass variables to a cgi usin passthru?, i need an example 129. How do I link in an external file containing common php functions for calling from within the page? 130. How can i cut tags from getting into a database 131. I wish to call a /usr/local/bin/pgp program and then put the output into a variable, which way best? 132. A php game. How to broadcast a message to other players when one player make his selection? 133. how can i make an html form that will search a mysql database?
  • 8. 134. how to redirect from php page to another php page? 2. how to refresh a page? 135. i want to make a place where users must supply their username and password, i havent found anything. 136. using the header function to redirect a script to a PDF file I am getting junk characters? 137. How can I generate redirect to other html page from PHP page when the PHP server is down? 138. I tried to load Blob Image from MSSQL using php but the 25% of the image is displayed only? 139. How do I include a .jpg (from outside the web srvr docs dir) in a page with other html content? 140. How do you make a page expire after it has been idle for a period of time? 141. How do I make make a session counter without using a database, aka using application level variable? 142. How can i save an image from a remote web server to my web server? 143. Is there a place to post *really* nice ASP apps in hopes that people convert them to PHP? 144. Looking for ideas on how to include file "color.txt" but only if it contains the word "green". 145. How do I get a page to automatically print its contents when it loads? 146. how do you "protect" a page using .htaccess file 147. how can a session be destroyed when user closed window without logging out? 148. Question about settings of using PHP under Windows platform??? 149. How to do attachment if I want to use a file as background? 150. How to pass a string that contain character "&" between words that display on the url 151. How can i sort asc, thereafter desc by click on the same button (like in excel) 152. how can i convert a php file to exe format 153. How can I search a different site & show the results in my site,with out giving links to the orginal
  • 9. 154. Can you use PHP to acces databases over the internet? 155. I can only get the last record from a database to be displayed, how do I get all records to display? 156. Is there any way that i can show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file using php? 157. How to call a remote procedure in PHP?(like RPC) 158. How can I generate graphs in PHP? 159. I&#39;m writing a news posting script, and my sessions aren&#39;t working! Somone explain how to use them!!! 160. I need to create a customer id for a mysql database from the info contained in the html form. 161. How can I insert a snipet of code in my table and then echo it on a page without it getting parsed, 162. Can anybody suggest a logic to parse an html page to get the news titles using PHP script? 163. I´m new to php and would like to know if theres a script that automatic updates and shows cpu uptime 164. How can I write visitor&#39;s screen resolution to a log file (text file) with PHP? 165. How do I forward a GET/POST request to another file without notifying the users browser to redirect? 166. How do I read data from a windows .txt file and display it on a web-page ? 167. Can you set up MVC using PHP like in Servlets, JSPs and JavaBeans? 168. How do you redirect from one PHP file to another without notifying the user&#39;s browser to redirect? 169. how can I redirect a user with wildcards like 213.* or hostname like * 170. how can i archive a set of remote files, about 10 on my own server? 171. How can I query MX Record from DNS Server for particular domain ? 172. How do u explode a string of content and then call each individual bit by it&#39;s own, new, variable??? 173. How can I use apache to set PHP Environment variables?
  • 10. 174. How can I use apache to set PHP Environment variables? 175. I&#39;m running PHP&#39;s on a IIS Server... The server is limiting the number of sessions 176. How do I set a text field so that it outputs the inserted text to a PHP variable? 177. How can I check remote file dates, to later use to print how old a file is? 178. Why won&#39;t my php script see the variables passed to it from the previous page in the url? ie: http://yoururl?arg1=value 179. how do i make a var set in the query string available to another file ?? eg to a css 180. How can i execute and php with javascript and how should be the php code? 181. is it possible to launch an executable(C++) from excel on remote cluster via PHP? 182. How can I get user via PHP after .htaccess login? 183. How can I get users via PHP after .htaccess login? 184. I want to store the contents of a directory(.jpg files) in an array then echo the values. HELP! 185. How can I fill in fields in WinWord from PHP variables 186. Without using <pre>, how do I get textarea to save format of entered text into MySQL field? 187. How do I include pre-formatted text into a PHP page? 188. How do I get (ctime & mtime) on a remote file (http) without downloading it. "fstat", didn&#39;t help 189. How do I populate an array from a SELECT string? 190. how to rctify this warning Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent 191. how do I refresh and redirect a page using PHP? 192. Is it possible to multiple web application platforms on the same server? ex: PHP and JSP on Apache 193. How do I get the Windows NT $DOCUMENT_ROOT? The variable is blank. 194. How can I search in Excel file for a specific keyword and then print in a HTML format ? 195. How to make included htm use the correct path for showing images?
  • 11. 196. In what way can I use "namespaces as in C++" in PHP? 197. I have an exe file on a server, can I launch it with PHP with command line parameters?If not, how? 198. How do you refresh a PHP page into itself? 199. How to export table data from browser to local disk in .rtf/.txt format? 200. How can be avoided the popup dialog with htaccess passing the login and password with PHP? 201. What is the PHP equivelent of ColdFusion&#39;s <CFHTTP> tag? (Both GET and POST operations) 202. What I do wrong to connect to a mysql DB-> Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() 203. When I create a file/dir the owner/group is "www" is there sonthing I can put in the .htaccess file 204. I did exactly from the book. It comes up as " Undefined variable." What&#39;s going on here? 205. When i click on a link, it believes that the address is e.g "http://bob/php4/php.exe?mode=admin" 206. will testing with dreamweaver work or do I have to upload the page to the server? 207. What achine is local when using ftp-commands in PHP on a web server? 208. Is there a program to convert PHP script to another language? 209. How do I acsess NetBIOS with sockets (PHP server is running on Windows) 210. how to input data from txt file into table where columns are separated with pipe ? 211. How and you split string into different arrays and save what they were split on? 212. How do I retrieve a single variable value from another file? 213. How to automatic download/upload a file from client machine to server with using FTP function 214. Is there a way to use php to embed html in e-mails? Can you do this without php 215. I need copy from urls inserted on my site using php - sites link will be present 216. Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
  • 12. /home/fishing/publi 217. "Parse error: parse error in /var/www/html/results.php on line 20" -- Why? 218. Does anyone know if there is any way to pull info from an "avery" scale connected to the serial port 219. How can I get the remote PC&#39;s MAC Address? 220. i am calling an external C file but the output doesn&#39;t appear. Sometimes it does but it is incorrect 221. How to Make an RTF Document with PHP 222. How do we execute .cpp or .c file, ( stored as BLOB in db) upon reading them 223. how do I call class method: $func="SomeClass::someMethod"; $func() 224. How can i catch into a variable an error message of a server? for example 404 File not found 225. How can I do to not use session_start() in every page where I redirect a main page with "redirect"? 226. I can&#39;t display display images retrieving from a database. Can somebody help me? 227. Can I get path-informations of a frame (getcwd())....? 228. Displaying Excel files in PHP 229. How can I avoid getting a error when I click a link in a page while it is loading a big record list? 230. How do u pass a variable (multiple select) from a pop up window to the main window? 231. *how do u you pass a variable(multiple select) from a pop up window to the main window? 232. I have the error 403 when I try to run a PHP script. How can I fix the problem?? 233. How can I pass an array of randomized elements through back and next button without repeatation? 234. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are multiple similar entries? 235. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are multiple similar entries?
  • 13. 236. solved or not?? zend entry point and php_sablot.dll 237. I have a &#39;recent news&#39; page that I would like to be able to update via the browser. Any ideas? 238. Is there a way to email the actual HTML form (same format) after a visitor has completed it? 239. How do I retrieve pasword protected area with PHP? 240. How can I pass a variable with a button(in objective question--A,B,C,D)? 241. Using PHP, how do I send a http POST without using a form? 242. How can I set a time limit for a form made by PHP (i.e.the value will auto transfer after a time) 243. In my search engine result outputs, how can I make it to show page title? 244. How do I lock and unlock tables using PHP and Access via ODBC? 245. Any hints for implementing forms in a wizard style, where answers influence subsequent questions? 246. How can windows (XP Pro) be shut down/ restarted via PHP? 247. Can I fopen a remote url that requires form variables to be POSTed? 248. When I start PHP 4.1.1 it return error "the PHP4TS.DLL file is linked to mising export OLE32.DLL..." 249. ODBC32 not found (win95 & php 4.1.1) what shall I do? 250. if i want to use a c function in php programmar ,what should i do ? 251. What is the essence of PHP encryption(using crypt(),mcrypt(),etc)if data on transit isn&#39;t safe? 252. How do you run a script as a certain user such as root? 253. Why cant I get my session..the session is there but the browser dont collect it! 254. How do I display an error for a signup form in the same page instead of having user to click return? 255. Get 404 error when trying to use .php file in browser 256. How can I add text (const or var) in a textarea by click in a image or Href ?.
  • 14. 257. How do I add text in a textarea by "clicking" an image or HREF? 258. Hi, How do I go about saving username and password values in the client... 259. How can I extract metatag keywords from pages serving longtext mysql column info? 260. Need a way to call a function only when the form is closed. Not register_shutdown_function. 261. Why is my webbrowser opening my php file instead of running it? 262. How do you use spaces in Question-Mark queries with non-standard browsers like AIM Profiles? 263. Before a form is closed down (close icon &#39;X&#39;) how can I send a message to another program 264. How can I run two PHP4 versions (ie 4.0.6 and 4.1.2) with two PHP-ini on IIS without recompiling? 265. Is there a way to determine the first time a page loads? 266. I want to to auth users, then show the rest of the page. What is the best way to do this? 267. How can you determine if another website is active (The server is running) or not? 268. I am having trouble installing PHP on my solaris 8 sun server. 269. Using the exec function, how can I call and start a java program. What is the command statment used? 270. What is the best way to send an &#39;unknown&#39; number of form fields and access them on the text page? 271. Can you send an array through a url (getting info without a form)? 272. how do you access/use other web pages on the fly?incorporateThemIntoYours?justPointMeInTheRightDirec 273. how do i get a directory listing on a server without displaying any of the subdirectories? 274. How do I make a news script that only saves/prints the last X entries with an admin section/flatfile 275. COM does not work with PHP... not getting any error messages... php just "hangs" 276. How can I add a file to the $data? As in a form containg an <input type=file>
  • 15. 277. How do i force PHP to flush already printed lines, on a script still running on the server? 278. How to install PHP in windows xp? 279. How to READ a directory of PDF files that display as links to open the pdf 280. *what is the pdf function to change text color?* 281. Binary files get couupted when uploaded with a php script - even if content-type is specified. Why? 282. How do I download PHP File from other site? I heard that it can be downloaded in it&#39;s source code. 283. does anyone know how I can work out the x,y coordinates on a map from a given postcode? 284. Does REMOTE_ADDR give the user&#39;s IP or proxy&#39;s IP? 285. How can I store an image path in PostgreSQL and dispaly it in PHP 286. Can PHP websites be co-hosted on Apache servers in the same manner that Microsoft ASP sites can be ? 287. How can I extract just the domain name out of HTTP_REFERER? 288. Security Alert! PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly 289. Simple PHP/MySQL page, all page data is displayed... but page won&#39;t stop loading- why? 290. When i do this why do i get the file content + 1 retuned : echo include("content/news.txt")? Fix? 291. This may be a stupid question, but why choose PHP over an Access database? 292. Hello, I have an error: unable to load openssl.dll but i can load such as zlib.dll(IIS5+PHP4.1.1) 293. can php load an image in place of a flash movie for users without the flash plugin? 294. Can I embed a PHP file in an HTML file. Similar to the <script src="abc.js"></script> for Javascript 295. PHP not seeing variables from WML 296. Why can&#39;t php 4 on my apache 2 server find the $HTTP_USER_AGENT variable (it says undefined)?
  • 16. 297. How can I sort data out of my MYSQL database in monthly Stats format and display it in an html page? 298. increment in date variable 299. Trying to configure php4 for apache 1.3.24 when i create my test page i receive an Error404. WHY? 300. Is there a company that offers a support contract to the PHP product? 301. How can I download the database tables from the server using PHP? 302. I need to be able to increase the count for defined field 303. How can i auto update php? 304. how to read pdf files stored on a LOB in Oracle? 305. Need a php script to post data to a host and get the response content from this host. 306. I have a table of users. Can I count how many males and how many females without multiple queries? 307. How to get print out for a remote file ? 308. under win XP (IIS 5.x) the function "filetype($file)" always retns "block" whatever it is, why?? 309. undefined symbol - mysql_field_count error - has nayone come across this and what is the solution? 310. How do you use a hidden field in wml? 311. How portable is php across browser and server platforms? 312. How to do Browser, JavaScript, and CSS detection using PHP? 313. How do I make a member area in my site? I have around 700 pages and don&#39;t want to change them all. 314. Sambar Server says:" File not found".where do you usually save php files?any change in php.ini neccs 315. Mysql: fetch and print the value of a single cell 316. help in building a meta search engine 317. How can I use the header: Location: method and open a new browser window with
  • 17. a specific size? 318. How can i uninstall PHP4.0 ??DELETING folder, givesmeassge &#39;Cannot find php4isapi.dll,may be in use&#39; 319. mail() not working, I have just upgraded the php version and now mail() will not function? 320. Using session_start() to save/restore global vars, but SOMETIMES get error "....permission denied"?? 321. Is is possible use functions from the PHP library in a C / C++ program? If so, how? 322. What file path do I use to update (append) a file on the same server as my web server(/files/*.txt)? 323. What versions of Ingres II are supported by PHP ? 324. I have 100 sites on a 1 virtual server. I need to display all the images in a directory to each site 325. Can comments be added to a cell in an Exel file with PHP? 326. I&#39;m having problems to parse textarea values over more than 2 forms. 327. Why are my php apps slow in my Win98SE server than other website&#39;s? 328. How can I execute local programs as root from PHP? I want to use UNIX commands adduser and passwd. 329. I need php.exe to output the contents of a script without &#39;X-powered- by&#39; and the other headers. How? 330. using include_path for unix 331. How to generate &#39;base&#39; strings in PHP (base16 / base36 / base64 etc)? 332. How can I view my own php files on my Windows XP computer? I don have a web host... 333. Is there a way in PHP that I can run a script locally on a machine from a remote location? 334. I can&#39;t pass variables from an htm to php page - do i need to change a setting in php.ini? 335. I can&#39;t pass variables from an htm to php page - do i need to change a setting in php.ini? 336. When I process a form by a .php file, the variables from the form are not availbale
  • 18. in the .php file 337. How can I start up the mysql server on my windows server using PHP? 338. How can I print to client printer by PHP? I can only print to server or share client printer . 339. permission denied when executing script from apache server for file open 340. How do i get a list of filenames from a directory? 341. working with PHP-Nuke. how do you setup a link to a CGi script, and have that show into a Nuke block 342. How do you push a url with PHP? 343. I have a string $string="Fred.html|Sanu|Sachin.html".I need to seprate the .html extensions?I 344. Can PHP automatically update auto incremented numbers in MYSQL? 345. Undefined variable error? Code runs on fine one site and not on the other! 346. I am selecting a userid from form and i want to display info from database, based on my selection. 347. is there a way to count the number of currently active sessions? 348. How to format an array so the variables on it have a <br> as separator? 349. How can i embed a .swf in a PHP script?? without using Ming 350. How do I create a self-advancing slide show of pictures in PHP? 351. How to get the name of the current PHP file? to print its modification date in a global footer. 352. How to get the name of the current PHP file? to print its modification date in a global footer. 353. I need to get a result of confirn() (Javascript function) to use it in a PHP function, can I do it? 354. When I use php script to create new file or folder, the owner of new file and folder is not me how I 355. how can I create a search engine to my MySQL database such as the existing in this web site? 356. how can i remove the when i use the pdflib function?
  • 19. 357. How do I use, inline, the elements of an array returned from a function? ie. myFun()[&#39;returnedEl&#39;] 358. Is there any struts-like framework for php?? 359. "Parse Error: parse error, unexpected T_SL" What does that mean? 360. How do I use PHP to "print" data on an HTML page from a comma delimited text file? 361. How do I call a c program from php, it has to pass a string with it and have ti return a string? 362. how do I run a process in the background? 363. Can I write a 15 product database website in php without mysql? 364. how can I let the user specify his own "page id" in order for it to be defined as the "any string"? 365. How to disable HTML, Javascript, etc in a TEXTAREA ? 366. How to change the ? character in the PHP query string into / character? 367. How do I format a timestamp(length 8) date into YYYY-MM-DD when I display them with echo function? 368. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator character? 369. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator character? 370. Why using VARCHAR with BINARY attribute for a field within MySQL doesn&#39;t ensure case-sensitive? 371. How can I determine the client path of file uploaded through an html form ? 372. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator character? 373. I can&#39;t display display images retrieving from a database. Can somebody help me? 374. how do I post an XML request to an external URL? 375. What is the mean of isset in this line: if(!isset($mainfile)) { include("mainfile.php"); } 376. How can I add .php extension to IIS5.1 as my OK button shaded out 377. can i use rsync in php
  • 20. 378. How do I save form data to a file, as with perl query->save(FILE) ? 379. How do I save form data to a file, as with perl query->save(FILE) ? 380. Does anyone know where I can find a list of supported databases? Please 381. I can&#39;t use the $REMOTE_ADDR variable: it just shows a 0. But in <?phpinfo();?> it shows up properly 382. Can somebody please tell me when to use fsockopen() etc...and when to use socket_create() etc... 383. Why might I be getting &#39;garbage&#39; characters before my output? 384. How to calculate the distance between two locations on the earth? 385. How to calculate distances based on latitude and longitude? 386. How to implement a "store locator" based on a user&#39;s ZIP code, which lists the closest dealers from our database? 387. how can i display different logos depending on the login after a user has logged on??? 388. How do I get php to display first 6 characters on third line of a txt file, and nothing else? 389. why this <a href="index.php?fuseaction=a_value">Link</a> doesn&#39;t work on php 4.2.3? 390. When looping with a mysql_fetch_array($result) how do I change the font and size of the results. 391. What does it mean -"php encountered a stack overflow 392. Making a third option in this code ($gender == "1" ? L_REG_46 : L_REG_47); i want to make 3 L_REG_48 393. how can i store php code & query in mysql database and get all to execute when retrieved 394. Do anyone know how much load a php script create on apache server when server runs it? 395. How can PHP access VSAM files?? 396. is there any standard user input available in php other than forms 397. I am sending emails one at a time using foreach. How do I outout to html as each
  • 21. one is processed? 398. How do I access net pages behind the squid proxy by using php codes on my php installed computer? 399. PHP 4.2.3 Problem-Why can&#39;t I pass values via URL as in: href="page.php?var1=value1&var2=value2" ? 400. PHP 4.2.3 Problem-Why can&#39;t I pass variables with set values to another page.php? 401. How can i include a PHP PAGE on a non-php server?... I mean i want include a SIMPLE php page... 402. Why can&#39;t I get PHPSESSID to work (PWS on NT WorkStation 4.0, PHP 4.2.2)? 403. My next link won&#39;t go to the next page to view my mysql data record? 404. how do I have a php stand alone script call a new html document???? 405. How do i count the number of times a hyperlink is clicked using Php? 406. How can I reload a sql query in the same page without opening a new page and using a submit button? 407. Why can&#39;t I install php in windows2000? 408. How do I log an IP Address on site to protect against fradulant behaviour? 409. Line breaks in a PHP script 410. In the following script, how do I get hard line breaks? $GrabURL = " 411. How can I use the XML HTTP Request object with PHP? 412. How can I pass a value from php to php? 413. how to enable the ssl from php with apache 414. I have a PHP/MySQL web site that only works when accessed from computers outside my office! Help. 415. php installation problem - my_tempnam tempnam is dangerous 416. How to read just the last, let&#39;s say, 15 lines from a file? 417. Can PHP automate Form entries and retrieve the resulting data (as if someone pressed "submit")?
  • 22. 418. ColdFusion allows automated Form entry and retrieval of resulting data with CFHTTPPARAM--is there a 419. I am trying to use the UPS online tools. How do I post them some XML and get an XML response back? 420. What is this mean: Warning: Use of undefined constant 421. how do i make a link open a template and insert content into it from the peramaters set by the link? 422. Does PHP has something similar to the forward() method in Java? ( RequestDispatcher.forward() ) 423. How to encode my php code so i can distribute my code to other without seeing my code? 424. Using the same MVC model as J2ee how do you pass information to the forwarded php w/o storing the da 425. How do you get the HTTP_REFERER if the 404 page is set to be a php page 426. Is there a "goto"-like function in PHP like in Q-BASIC or VB or VBScript? 427. I need to read a text file & display the contents on the web page from which the php script executed 428. shell variables like $HTTP_USER_AGENT dont return value 429. How can I keep a part of an address such as ?id=blah from showing in the browsers address bar? 430. An example please of how to use the mail() function to include 2 or more file attachements 431. Can I call a PHP function from Javascript? 432. how do i get gettext support for a windows php based machine? 433. PHP - openssl_pkey_get_private - How to export public key to file or string? 434. Can i use PHP aplication wrtiten in Win2000 on linux ???? whats need to be changed??? 435. How input in the URL the "id"? 436. How to perform multiple records updates in PHP? 437. How to get an object result from web service
  • 23. 438. Block direct access 439. How do I block direct access 440. How to link 2 forms together by using a submit button? 441. How can i connect Oracle 9i with PHP? 442. how to Retrieve Information Using a Hyperlink with Parameters in PHP? PLease help me..... 443. I was send files w/ php extension, how do I poen them? thanks 444. Apostrophe in a database input - magic quotes or something? 445. how do I pass session variables to another page 446. How would it be possible to send a page (images included) from a form with the mime classes? 447. how to call javascript functions which are located different ip then php running. 448. How difficult would it be to use PHP/SQL to count when people click on an email or web link? 449. Is there a way to stop passwords from being POSTED in clear text? 450. Is CCSLIDE Database compatible with PHP or not ?? 451. How do I convert a hex longint(4 bytes, little-endian) as a string to a decimal integer? 452. How do I display the output of a .php file in a table on/within html in a table? 453. How can I direct php output to its calling html page? 454. Is is possible to redirect a User to another URL and send some variable with the post method? 455. Where is php.ini in the Mac OS 10.2.3 release? In PHP 4.3.0, the phpinfo() returns /usr/local/lib 456. How to do email read notification in PHP 457. How to recomplie php from windows 2000 458. Is there any way to execute a PHP file (like with include) but direct its output to a variable?
  • 24. 459. how to register the variables automatically by default in php? 460. To use ob_gzhandler() is zlib needed? 461. Does anyone know how to connect to Active Directory using PHP maybe with LDAP??? 462. How can I publish a php generated website on a cd rom? 463. Can&#39;t include or fopen: " 464. why? -- Notice: Undefined variable: badExts & dirs 465. how can I refresh a page using a radiobutton???Just Clicking It.Without SUBMIT 466. I have a php site that works on IIS/Windows, I decided to move it to Apache/linux and it broke 467. how can I keep data on a php page that gets passed from a html form from, say, 4 different users 468. I keep getting this when trying to install Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in w 469. How do I get at $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[&#39;PHP_AUTH_USER&#39;] variable under Apache, PHP on WinXP? 470. i want to send via echo a formated text in php, how does this work? 471. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getmxrr() 472. how can I show a fake address on the address bar? 473. how I can set cookies for authentication 474. Force PHP-created graphic to be fresh/not cached? How? 475. Why can&#39;t IE6 in WinXP open any .PHP file? (by File->Open) 476. I get this error when testing with mysql ....Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ECHO 477. Is It possible to make text flash using PHP or any other language that can be embedded into HTML? 478. how to delete multiple records using a checkbox 479. I want to install a PHP library on my server. When I execute phpinfo the library hasn&#39;t been added??
  • 25. 480. Can I pass variables from one script to another? 481. I had encountered thi s error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open()". Please help. 482. How do I pass a variable coming from a form to make up an sql query? (ie=create table <VARIABLE>) 483. How do I pass a variable coming from a form to make up an sql query? (ie=create table <VARIABLE>) 484. how to unzip or untar any .tar or .tar.gz file using only php script, no shell access? 485. how to unzip or untar any .tar or .tar.gz file using only php script, no shell access? 486. Passing a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require() it possible, and how? 487. Passing a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require() it possible, and how? 488. What is the PHP equiv. of the ASP Request.QueryString 489. How can i send a password using fsocketopen? 490. How can I pass values (images & text) from a mysql field with php into a javascript script? 491. 1 - How can i change win-1256 charset to utf-8 encoding? 492. How can I use CTRL+N (new page on IE6) whitout copying the session id to the new page? 493. How do I add an HTML link to a page with php graph? 494. When I run my php script everything works fine but it always shows the closing tag (?>). Why? 495. What does this mean "failed to create stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections" ? 496. How should I configure my PWS (and/or php.ini) to see PHP-results in my browser? 497. Problems with Curl and Telnet.....please Help 498. how can i add pagging in php ??? is there any object like in asp ???? 499. How do I calculate the number of hours between two dates in PHP? 500. when calling urls from a mysql database how do you make them active links on
  • 26. screen in php 501. How do I change this into a link? <?php echo $row_rsLocations [&#39;CODE&#39;] ; ?> 502. How can I calculate sha1 in raw binary format without php5? 503. How can I only collect information from checkboxes that are checked and then e- mail it? 504. How can I read from a cookie from within an included file? 505. EASY QUESTION. translation problem 506. EASY QSTION. php pages show up from local files as code, not translated to display. Apache,mysql,php 507. I edited php.ini, but does not changed that show in phpinfo? 508. How can I conect to an Informix database with ODBC in PHP? 509. I am wanting to call 1 script from another,then return to the next line of code in the 1st script ? 510. Formatting User&#39;s Input 511. Can&#39;t Get PHP on IIS5 512. Can&#39;t Get PHP on IIS5 513. Can&#39;t Get PHP on IIS5 514. How do I configure PHP (on my local PC) to connect to Sybase (on a Solaris server) ? 515. how can i send an attachment with my mail form to email id 516. Where can I find error information for "Fatal error Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded"? 517. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation? 518. How can I display the output from <?php $output=system($command); ?> to an html textarea box? 519. how can i execute linux OS commands like &#39;adduser&#39; from a php web page 520. How to sort a multidimensional array ?
  • 27. 521. how can i update xml node values via php? 522. mkdir problem 523. what areDesign patterns ? 524. what areDesign patterns ? 525. How can I successfully return data from a CGI script? It works in HTML using Virtual Includes. 526. PHP: Is there an editor (like FrontPage is for HTML) for PHP? 527. PHP: Does it allow me to translate a website to another language at the click of a button? 528. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record 529. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record 530. how can i get Visual Basic&#39;s grid like effect in php 531. how can i get Visual Basic&#39;s grid like effect in php 532. How do you install PHP in CGI Mode??? There is no doco on the subject!!! 533. Can you tell me why I always get ?PHPSESSID=9ki86 attached to all my link on the opening page 534. How do I use a html form within the php script. I am using a form that gets the input from a PH GET 535. Javascript is not working in a php file on windows system. Why? 536. File security on an intranet 537. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order form using php? 538. How do I turn a php script into index.html 539. How do I create alternating-color repeated regions with PHP? 540. What are all the common php file extensions? 541. I need to run an external command that it isn´t native of the operating system (AIX). 542. I get an error when i use SMTP server to send mail by php.I&#39;m using win XP
  • 28. 543. How would i make a simple counter with text? (ie visitors: 17319) 544. How can i prevent a php page being cached in browser? 545. How can I change a field name in mysql database by using PHP? 546. How do I correct error "Unable to parse configuration file"? 547. How to create a separate PHP-File to predefine a table to give my sites a similar look? 548. php.ini will not load 549. php.ini will not load/parse/process in Windows 2003 Server + PHP 4.3.3RC2 + MySQL v4.0.14b 550. Using mail () , how do do smtp authentication ? 551. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table that is in the html??? 552. How to replace with pattern matching? 553. can i send FAX from php or using PHP script 554. Is there any file size limite with PHP for sending a file from client side to Apache server ? 555. I want to use imagecreate how do I get it to work? I have downloaded the gd 2.0.15 what do I do with 556. I want to call a user defined PHP function on buttons event like onClick. How can i do that ? 557. I am querying a mySQL database for names and addresses, how do I not pull any NULL values 558. How can a generate wed-based barcode, I want to use only the browser connecting to the backend. 559. Can php files be put in a directory other than the root dir.? 560. I get the error - Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() - what is wrong? 561. Detect "Too many connections" error and show alternate web page? 562. If i write the code for uploading in PHP, will the same code work on Windows, MAcintoshOSX, Linux?
  • 29. 563. How do i recompile PHP, Apache on RedHat Linux 9? I am trying to connect to SQL Server using freetds 564. I can&#39;t find Internet Services Manager, pls help!! I use Windows XP Home Edit. 565. Is there a way to check if an e-mail address is not fake? 566. How can convert Java Servlet into PHP? 567. what is in_array 568. How do I code a link from a sql query, such as an email link? 569. How do I install 4.3.3 on Freebsd..step by step for dummy 570. Installing or upgrading php with CURL support on Cobalt Raq 571. How can I display a PHP hit counter within a HTML form input text box? 572. How can I create a function to return the nº of weekends in a time interval(beg and End:yyyy/mm/dd) 573. How do I validate a Windows user and password? 574. How do I change an NT password (IIS)? 575. I can get the PHP code to show in my html. Its correct and im using Apache and mysql, please help. 576. I have a problem with is_dir(): Is doesn&#39;t return anything! 577. can not loading php_oci.dll at php started 578. php_oci .dll loading at php start ( i remove the comment from php.ini of extenstion =php_oci.dll) 579. How can I tell if a script is running from the command line (cli) or in a browser? 580. How do you authenticate if you use NTLM (IIS, PHP) 581. How to check if a newer entry id in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest record as a variable. 582. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on windows? 583. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password: url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
  • 30. 584. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password: url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc 585. I keep getting redirected to the login screen whenever I install a php package and I try to login 586. What changes in the file-function from PHP 3 to PHP 4.3.4? 587. SHMOP_open it allows me to open only 128 segments after that it throws an error (HELP) 588. How to Fix Err: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object. 589. How do I set the order of the output from a database to the display? 590. How can I calculate the load time of a page? 591. i Installed php4 on IIS 5. Whenexecute an php script, it just come as it as like IIS not parsing it. 592. What is suggested procedure for upgrading from 4.3.2 to 4.3.4 using Windows binaries? 593. Is there a limitation to the file size when using move_uploaded_file? Returns false with files>2mb.. 594. I´ve trouble with the debugger 595. I&#39;ve set up a php server, but it will not display any information through a web browser. 596. How do I send values to a mySQL database? 597. how can I execute .exe file(stored as blob in db) upon reading them 598. PHP setup with Apache Server - no errors but no display on browsers 599. How do I stop a space-seperated string from being truncated when it is passed using a form construct 600. I need to draw the plane of a house. I have data needed in a database table. Can I do it with PHP 601. Does PHP support foreign Language such as Thai, chienese 602. Can anybody answer me if exist a module for php which allows work with RAR archives like php_zip.dll 603. How to stream mp3s with out giving out the directory. I had it working except in Win Media Player 9
  • 31. 604. Are there generally agreed best practice coding recommendations for PHP? 605. Warning: fopen(../mycalendar.csv): failed to open stream: Permission denied in 606. How do I avoid having the SESSIONID come up in my links? 607. I want to define "$DROOT = $_SERVER[&#39;DOCUMENT_ROOT&#39;]" once only for all "include($DROOT.&#39;/&#39;)". How? 608. What is PHP ? 609. Can i use PHP in Zope? 610. i want a register script than stores peoples username, password for them to login 611. If I append to a file, but if I hit refresh, the same info gets appended again. How do I fix that? 612. How can I transmit the session information to a script opened using fopen("http://localhost"); ? 613. Can CLI and CGI modules of php be both installed ? 614. how to connect mysql database from pc1 and I&#39;m using php5 from pc2 on windows platform. 615. how to replace an image (possibly jpg ) with another one with out refreshing the browser 616. Can I use an image link that when clicked opens up a php file and inserts a specified image into it? 617. How can I access a JavaScript array with PHP?? 618. How can I make a voting booth / poll for my site that runs off my server, using PHP? 619. What is the difference between include() and @include()? 620. What exactly is the use of PHPSESSID in a URL??? 621. Will+the+mail+function+work+if+use+in+intranet+envirnoment%3F 622. how do i update mysql db with form variables using php? 623. How do I make a webcounter that I can call from a non-php HTML site ? (I can do easy mysql/php part) 624. How to change where sessions save to? Changing in php.ini doesn&#39;t work.
  • 32. 625. hi , can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll 626. hi can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll 627. how can i show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file using php (plz give code example) 628. O&#39;Reilly and PHP will not work 629. mail() 630. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken from other site? Any scripts? 631. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser? 632. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser? 633. Why PhP does not recognize mysql_connect()Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() 634. How do I open a new form and display data base on a value of a pull down list on current form 635. How can I send XML Attributes via Soap? 636. Is there a tutorial for interfacing a PHP page with a cvs file? 637. PHP 638. Can&#39;t find php.ini to update file_upload size only find a directories under /opt/php/lib/php/pear so 639. how can I configure apache so that I can run <? php ...> commands in files that don&#39;t end in .php? 640. PHP mail() needs 40Sek to generate the mail. Sendmail works correct. System Cobalt RaQ550 641. How can I use InternetExplorer.Application to access the contents of specific frames? 642. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP??? 643. How do I get PHP on Linux to work with Oracle on Windows? 644. XML brainbuster 645. Dynamic Code
  • 33. 646. Dynamic Code 647. PHP not accessing MySQL 648. Installed Apache, PHP and MySQL all working but when I try to connect to MySQL through PHP nothing.. 649. I send a mail to a person. How I can keep track of when that person opens the mail? 650. How to convert decimal values to characters? 651. How do I get a submit button to print the current page? 652. define(&#39;DIR_WS_ICONS&#39;, DIR_WS_IMAGES . &#39;icons/&#39;); What does this means? It is from Zen-cart coding 653. PQescapeByte 654. have names as 2004aj,2004ad,2004A and need to list them but when do list 2004A it lists all the rest 655. How can make a Specefic MIME header 656. Are there any problems using COM functions with PHP5, WinXP and Excel 2003? 657. Can I reference PHP from a JSP page with <a href="filename.php>" 658. I&#39;m new to PHP, where should I start.? 659. Is there anyway I can specifiy in which frame to open a specific file using header(fileme),includ(f) 660. PHP: Operation:Get:Form: Variable: All: How to get all your form variables? [$_POST/$_GET/$_REQUEST] 661. Can PHP perform a scheduled task triggered without having a PHP page being loaded into a browser? 662. Is it possible to use PHP code in the onChange feature of the html select tag? If so, how? 663. Is any way to pass a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require()? How? 664. PHP: HTML: Convert: Where to convert automatically HTML to PHP print or echo text? 665. how to write code to access an AIML suing php
  • 34. 666. Instead of I&#39;d like 667. How can I echo the pagetop immediate, eg if php is doing a heavy job. 668. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13... how can i use the values 13 on the new page tha i call? 669. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13... how can i use the values 13 on the new page tha i call? 670. can i call an function in a executable file from php and get the result back to php 671. ASCII 672. why the <?php_track_vars?> did not work? 673. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a name on the page 674. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a name on the page 675. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by clicking a name on the page 676. Error: Access denied for user: &#39;apache@localhost&#39; (Using password: NO) 677. how can I disable cgi in php 5.3.9? 678. System() command not executing. Error thrown is &#39;Unable to fork system () &#39; 679. If I enter a text of 21K long in a text area form, hitting submit button doesn&#39;t do anything. Help 680. how do i manually configure php with apache server?? and then how do i run my scripts?? 681. how to untar file using php script? <? system("tar -zxvf file.tar.gz") ?> not work 682. Is PHP based on orther languages,and are there any based on PHP?( research papper for school) 683. How can I put URL &variables= into php generated javascript? 684. can require() or include() contain Http path? How can we include files in http path format? 685. Is it possible to issue a command to windows xp command-line through a php
  • 35. script? 686. What is PHP-GTK 687. Why is it not working with the browser/web server? 688. How do I install PHP-GTK on Win32? 689. Can I use Themes under Win32? 690. How do I know which GTK Classes are supported? 691. How do I use the buttons in GtkFileSelection? 692. How to install PHP on Apache? 693. How to install Apache, MySQL, PHP on Linux 694. Test Question 695. can i get the full url of site (including the http:// and www) i want know if they came from www2 696. What is the relation between the versions 697. Can I run several versions of PHP at the same time? 698. What did the initials PHP originally stand for? 699. What is the name of the new scripting engine that powers PHP? 700. Name a new feature introduced with PHP4? 701. Where can you find the PHP on line? 702. From a UNIX operating system,how would you get help on configuration options(the options that you pass to the configure script in your PHP distribution)? 703. What is Apache’s configuration file typically called? 704. What line should you add to the Apache configuration file to ensure that the .php extension is recognized? 705. What is the PHP’s configuration file called? 706. can a user read the source code of PHP script you have successfully installed? 707. What do the standard PHP delimiter tags look like? 708. What do the ASP PHP delimeter tags look like?
  • 36. 709. What do the script PHP delimeter tags look like? 710. What function would you use to output a string to the browser? 711. How would you create a regular method within a class? 712. Which of the following variable names is not valid?$_value_submitted_by_a_user;$666666xyz 713. Which of the following variable names is not valid?$the first,$file-name 714. .What will be the following statement output? 715. How would you use the string variable created in the assignment expression $my_var + ‘dynamic”;to create a “variable” variable,assigning the integer 4 to it 716. Which of the following statements contain an operator?4;gettype(44);5/12: 717. How can you access and set properties or methods from within a class? 718. How would you access an object’s properties and methods from outside the object’s class? 719. What should you add to a class definition if you want to make it inherit functionally from another class 720. Which environment variable could you use to determine the IP address of a user? 721. Which environment variable could you use to find out about the browser that called your script? 722. What should you name your form fields to access their submitted values from an array variable called $form_array? 723. Which built-in associative array contains all values submitted as part of a GET request? 724. .How must you limit he size of a file that a user can submit via a particular upload form? 725. How can you ste a limit to the size of upload files for all forms and scripts? 726. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running script? 727. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running script? 728. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running script? 729. What function would you use to find out whether a file is present on your file
  • 37. system? 730. How would you determine the size of a file? 731. .What function would you use to open a file for reading or writing? 732. What function would you use to read a line of data from a file? 733. .How can you tell when you have reached the end of a file? 734. What function would you open a directory for reading? 735. What function would you use to read the name of a directory item after you have opened a directory for reading? 736. What function would you use to open a DBM database? 737. What function would you use to insert a record into a DBM database? 738. How would you access a record from a DBM database by name? 739. How would delete a named element from a DBM database? 740. How would you open a connection to a MySQL database server? 741. .What function would you use to select a database? 742. What function would you send a SQL query to a database 743. What does the mysql_insert_id()function do. 744. Assuming that yopu have sent a successful SELECT query to MySQL,name three functions that you might use to access each row returned. 745. Assuming that you have sent a successful UPDATE query to MySQL,what function might you use to determine how many rows have been updated? 746. What function would you call if you want to list all database available from a MySQL server? 747. .What function would you use to list all tables within a database? 748. How would you create a while statement that prints every odd number between 1 and 49? 749. .How would you convert the while statement you created in question 24 into a forestatement? 750. True or false.If a function doesn’t require an argument,you can omit the parentheses in the function call.
  • 38. 751. how do you return a value from a function? 752. What functions can you use to define an Array? 753. Without using a function,what would be the easiest way of adding the element “Susan― to trhe $users array defined previously? 754. Which function could you use to add the string “Susan―to the $users array? 755. How would you find out the number of elements in an array? 756. In PHP4,what is the simplest way of looping through an array? 757. What functions would you use to join two arrays? 758. How would you sort an associative array by its keys? 759. How would you declare a class called emptyClass( )that has no methods or properties? 760. Given a class called emptyClass( ),how would you create an object that is an instance of it? 761. How can you declare a property within a class? 762. .How would you choose a name for a constructor method? 763. How would you create a constructor method in a class? 764. What environment variable might give you the URL of the referring page―? 765. Why can you not rely on the $REMOTE_ADDR variable to track an individual user across multiple visits to your script? 766. What does HTTP stand for? 767. What client header line tells the server about the browser that is making the request? 768. What does the server response code 404 mean? 769. Without making your own network connection,what function might you use to access a Web page on a remote server? 770. Given an IP address,what function could you use to get a hostname? 771. What PHP function would you use to send an email? 772. What header should you send to the browser before building and outputting a GIF
  • 39. image? 773. What function would you use to acquire an image identifier that you can use with other image functions? 774. What function would you use to output your GIF after building it? 775. What function could you use to acquire a color identifier? 776. With which functions would you draw a line on a dynamic image? 777. What function might you use to draw an arc? 778. .How might you draw a rectangle? 779. How would you draw a polygon? 780. What function would you use to write a string to a dynamic image(utilizing the FreeType library)? 781. How would acquire a UNIX time stamp representing the current date band time? 782. What function accepts a time stamo and returns an associative array representing the given date? 783. What function would you use to formate date information? 784. How would you acquire a time stamp for an arbitrary date? 785. What function could you use to check the validity of a date? 786. What single function could you use to convert any data type to any other data type? 787. Could you achieve the same thing without the function? 788. What will the following code print?print “four―*200; 789. How would you determine whether a variable contains an array? 790. Which function is desired to return the integer value of its argument? 791. How would you test whether a variable has been set? 792. How would you test whether a variable contains an empty value,such as 0 or an empty string? 793. What function would you use to delete an array element? 794. What function could you use to custom sort a numerically indexed array?
  • 40. 795. conversion specifier would you use with printf( ) to formaqt an integer as a double? Write down the full syntax required to convert the integer 33. 796. How would you pad the conversation you effected in question 1 with Zeros so that the part before the decimal point is four characters long? 797. How would you specify a precision of two decimal places for the floating-point number we have been formating in the previous questions? 798. What function would you use to acquire the starting index of a substring within a string? 799. How might you remove white space from the beginning of a string? 800. How would you convert a string to uppercase characters? 801. .How would you break up a delimited string into an array of substrings? 802. What regular expression syntax would you use to match the letter―b― at ;least once but not more than six times? 803. How would you specify a character range between “d― and “f―? 804. .How would you negate the character range you defined in question 124? 805. What syntax would you use to match either any number or the word―tree―? 806. What POSIX regular expression function would you use to replace a matched pattern? 807. What PCRE function could you use to match every instance of a pattern in a string? 808. Which modifier would you use in a PCRE function to match a pattern independently of a case?. 809. What function designed to allow you to set a cookie on a visitor’s browser? 810. .How would you deletye a cookie? 811. What function could you use to escape a string for inclusion in a query string? 812. Which built-in variable contains the raw query string? 813. The name/value pairs submitted as part of a query string will become available as global variables.They will also be included in a built-in associative array.What is its name? 814. Which function would you use to start or resume a session?
  • 41. 815. Which function contains the current session’s ID? 816. How can you associate a variable with a session? 817. How would you end a session and erase all traces of it for future visits? 818. .How would you destroy session variables both within the current script and the session? 819. What does the SID constant return? 820. How would you test whether a variable called $test is registered with a session? 821. Which function would you use to open a pipe to a process? 822. How can you write data to a process after you have opened a connection to it? 823. Will the exec( ) function print the output of a shell command directly to the browser? 824. What does the system ( ) function do with the output from an external command it executes? 825. What does the backtick operator return? 826. How can you escape user input to make it a little safer before passing it to a shell command? 827. How might you execute an external CGI script from within your script? 828. What function outputs useful information about your PHP configuration to the browser? 829. What function could you use to include a syntax-colored source listing of a PHP script? 830. Which php.ini directive enables you to control the strictness of error messages? 831. What function can be used to override this directive? 832. .Which function allows you to log errors? 833. What built-in variable will contain the error message if the php.ini track_errors option is allowed? 834. What PHP function do we use to make our connection to the MySQL database server? 835. What PHP function do we use to initiate or resume a session?
  • 42. 836. Which function do we use to include library files in our project’s pages? 837. What PHP function do we use to send SQL queries to the MySQL database? 838. What constant do we use to add a session ID to an HTML link? 839. How do we move the user on to a page? 840. What function do we use to format date information? 841. What function do you use to add an element to the end of an array? 842. What PCRE function could you use to match every instance of a pattern in a string? 843. How do i create a simple client login set-up? 844. If I have actions in a center frame, how do I refresh a different frame (not the whole page)? 845. How can I have a script run every few minutes on a server if I can only use daily or monthly crons? 846. how to post the recordset value like multidimensional array on submit the form 847. How to retrieve data from other pages(html)? 848. Is there a way that I can make the PHP auto generate thumbnail of videos/flash files that i upload? 849. How can i crypt my sourse code ? 850. how can i send a mail to an email address that is available in the database through php script 851. Complie Error in PHP 5.1.1 852. "Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded" frequently shows up on pages that usually work fine. 853. All mail sent using mail or imap_mail goes to junk box. How do I correct this? 854. PHP: Windows XP: Apache how to get them working together? 855. how can i add security to my php formail form to stop spammers? 856. Is it possible to call a php function by using a hyperlink onclick event? 857. need to do a script using curl to measure speed from to
  • 43. 858. globals aspx equivalent in php 859. Is there any way to complie my own Php scripts to protect the source? 860. Could someone help with code that sends a number of variables to a php page when a link is clicked? 861. How do I set up SMTP server on my Windows computer, and how do I configure PHP to send mail()? 862. How do I specify php code for input onchange events 863. "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()....."getting this error 864. What are the Different PHP versions?Explain the changes among them? 865. What are the Different PHP versions?Explain the changes among them? 866. Email using php via lotus notes 867. i have used apc_clear_cache()to clear the cache but i got error call to undefiend function 868. Require Virtual Pathsrequire("/folder/filename.php"); 869. Require Virtual Pathsrequire("/folder/filename.php"); 870. How do you include virtual paths in PHP, ASP has <!-- include virutal="/inc/file.asp" --> 871. How can I build Graph in PHP? 872. i am using mail() to send html but it shows as plain text at the client 873. blank pages 874. Please help. How can i CREATE and DROP oracle tables through a web page interface using html and php 875. what does var=<?=$php_var?> mean 876. what is the difference between include once() require once()? 877. what is the difference between include once() require once()? 878. HTTP_SERVER_VARS 879. How to perform simple linear regression analysis with PHP? 880. How to compute trend equation from an array of data?
  • 44. 881. How to forecast future value using existing data? 882. can i get the value of a javascript variable in php code 883. I am trying to make the data of a file into a variable. How can I do this? 884. ereg_replace result includes backslash in search &#39;141&#39; to &#39;a&#39; should be &#39;a&#39; 885. how do use a browser to save the displayed HTML output of a PHP file? 886. No input file specified. 887. how to create a chart in PHP 888. Has anyone the correct Mysql connection string for mine does not seem to work 889. How can i add all the values of a form in one field in a table using array 890. mail 891. How we communicate with the bar code scanner?? 892. MySQL and PHP5, "Access denied for user &#39;SYSTEM&#39;@&#39;localhost&#39; (using password: NO) 893. How can I extract the public key from a certificate file (.cer file)? 894. IIS and php 895. My html pages are not dipsplaying but php pages working correct 896. How do I create a functional thumbnail system for my art gallery? It just shrinks images right now. 897. HELP! 898. Which version has the time limitation (i.e., Dec 31, 1969) removed? 899. How to solve "UX:sed: ERROR: Output line too long" problem while doing make on unix(mpras flavour)? 900. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation? 901. download file 902. test, mac
  • 45. 903. hide email address 904. How to submit form direct to email 905. How do I code a button that changes the value of a PHP variable? 906. xml php 907. How to runa php file without .php extension ? 908. How to catch and process a stream sent from a StreamWritter of a Window .Net application ? 909. how can i know that a page is using a GET method or POST method without checking the URL 910. While calling a form, it is displaying the PHP code instead of displaying the output ..... 911. Function for checkavailablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink 912. Function for check-availablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink using javascript and php 913. my script does not get $_SERVER variables 914. Looking for a freeware PHP module/library to parse HTML files 915. can i sue onchange attribute for a textbox in php 916. How to make a site navigation (f.e. You look > blah > blah) for loading iframes without database? 917. who is the founder of PHP? 918. PHP/Apache setup/config problems... Also: PHP script showing up blank or displaying actual PHP source 919. Where can i get the library extensions like php_*.dll 920. execute external program 921. exec system external program 922. how can i use php to access a MSSQl linked server? 923. filesize 924. How to use the SSL context options capture_peer_cert and capture_peer_cert_chain?
  • 46. 925. downloding the file 926. How to upload/dowload big file? 927. apache integration 928. how to make paging? 929. How do I fix a: "Your PHP install misses ZIP support" ? 930. "global variable" 931. when tried to execute a php program IE gives me the dialog box asking "Do u want to save this file? 932. how do i create a php script that i can install onto my webspace to give me the Base directory 933. Difference between require_once and require 934. How can I prevent users putting URLs in the text box of my form? 935. I want to make an update to a mysql tabel every 30 minutes. 936. Database with MySql 937. Help resolving an error message 938. Can anyone tell me what is this "->" symbol? i see it so many times. 939. How would I merge two felds and show a quantity after the element 940. Unable to retrieve block names from database 941. How can I parse headers in http request and extract filename var and then save body to that var. 942. I want to download an XML file from it&#39;s source server to my own for parsing. How can I do this? 943. iis 944. I want to put an URL link to CLICK HERE IN: echo "Click here". HOW TO DO? 945. How can I run PHP scripts by schedule? 946. How can I run PHP scripts from Command Line? 947. What is the difference between CLI and CGI SAPIs?
  • 47. 948. Please recommend wesites for PHP Freelancing. Thanks in advance. 949. Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() 950. SOAP type extension 951. How do i split a single field value like "news" across many pages using php? 952. Is there an awesome php-based CMS for artists? 953. Any help "C:Program FilesAspelldata/iso8859-1.dat" is not i n the proper format. 954. what are the differences between PEAR and PECL? 955. How do I get a web page into my php script so as to extract data from it? 956. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name 957. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name 958. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name 959. Need detailed intstructions on how to install and configure php to host phpbb2 forums 960. how to run script file and execute linux command line without return string such tc command 961. resize a bmp file 962. Hyphen/Minus/Dash problem with JavaScript,HTML and PHP 963. Safemode - Local vs. Master. Why does the master show "off" but the local to "on"? 964. CLI 965. Updating information in an include file - I have an include file that shows information on many file 966. line break in php 967. How to determine "Geo Location"? 968. How to get country information from IP address 969. IP to Country calculation 970. but what if the session is closed because of a network problem
  • 48. 971. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling Information From a Website 972. CGI Time Out Error 973. Using cURL and get timeout error 974. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling Information From a Website 975. CGI Time Out Error 976. Using cURL and get timeout error 977. Is it posible to display only 10 records in a page? 978. PHP/MySQL - track impressions and click through rate for listed products? 979. When using DOM i got depressive Warning: domdocument::domdocument() [function.domdocument-domdocumen 980. Can I write a PHP script to load random external images? 981. How can I use PGP with PHP? 982. Unanswered Questions 983. building php with informix returns error: cannot find -lphpifx. Were can i get it? 984. How can I report searches, reporting search-words? (formsearch in my sql- database) 985. How can you include a CGI file in a PHP and have it stay in there when you use a link in the CGI 986. How can I configure php_value directives for mass virtual hosting? ie: equiv to VirtualDocumentRoot 987. why do I fails always after call gethostbyaddr, but right if there exit mapping in HOSTs(on win XP) 988. "Total Noob" how do I put a index.php script in an HTML page so it opens the file cont.- dif. frame? 989. I have created excel reports using php,html and header..But the sheet is to protect 990. I cant execute external programs "Unable to fork ...". Why? I have PHP 4 and Windows 2000 with IIS 5
  • 49. 991. is it possible to post unicode data to DB via web form? Im using W2K/PHP/Apache/MS SQL. 992. How can you change two frames (submenu and welcome page) after someone logs in with a session? 993. How can I display the date a form was submitted using DATE as the col_type & how is DATE_FORMAT used 994. special characters (e.g. inverted exclamation) are being changed when using global <FORM> vars 995. strtotime fails using postgresql 7.2.1 and php 4.1.2 (redhat 7.3); floating point seconds not parsed 996. Undefined function imap_open(). Installed --with-imap-ssl. Do I have to install -- with-imap? 997. I have a cgi which outputs Content-type: text/xml, how can I call this cgi, then parse the output ? 998. How do I only read the 10 newest files in a text file? 999. How to: shtml page includes php file that gets (and sets to var) the shtml page&#39;s path not it&#39;s own? 1000. When a html page is process by PHP engine, I am seeing added characters placed into the html source? 1001. How do I call a c program from php, it has to pass a string with it and have ti return a string? 1002. How do I run a php interface to a java application, i.e. pass input in, receive output and format it 1003. Error trying to view page ,WHY? "Document contained no data"-NS "Page is currently unavailable"-IE 1004. How can I stop access to my server when remote computer has my ip in REMOTE_ADDR in his config file? 1005. What is the most efficient regex to find all the email addresses in a string? 1006. Help with this code... How can i Get Fcontents to not print the code but display it as a web page?? 1007. I have exif enabled in php 4.1.2 but exif_read_data() keeps returning errors. why? 1008. It´s possible print a document (.txt.pdf) from Apache Server?
  • 50. 1009. How to build a printer friendly page that have 480x600 resolution during runtime? 1010. how do i quit the dos php window properly - windows doesn&#39;t like me using the close box ? 1011. I installed LIBMCRYPT and now I am installing MCRYPT. The message appeared: libmcrypt was not found. 1012. In my search engine result outputs, how can I display contents of the page within the body <body---- 1013. how can i allow my users to attach files to emails.i have php 4.1.1 on apache and win98 1014. I write a message in a text area then i go to my preview page and it is not in the right order,help! 1015. How do I pass a string variable to a Blob Field in MySQL? 1016. How do I connect to an Oracle 9i database to verify "username" and "password" 1017. Does anyone know where I can find out more information on PHP&#39;s Lotus Notes functionality? 1018. Grouping outputted data from a table, products grouped together by orderid for eample? 1019. is there any way update the database by sending mail to that prticular id 1020. How to retrieve default email id from the client machine without asking for it? 1021. Hello, I have been working on a hockey score sheet web data entry page and have gotten to the point 1022. hi i am new in PHP i want to know can it give any Think Like applet 1023. How can I add xml capability to a already installed php setup? 1024. Is it possible for PHP to communicate with TWAIN complient devices? 1025. Cannot open for read file1 open and write file2 remotely on one system but can on another.Why? 1026. Is there a function to allow authenticated acess through a proxy with fsockopen functionality? 1027. How can I write a mainform/subform screen in PHP that access a MySQL database? 1028. I have a database with a date field with values < 1/1/1970. How do I extract
  • 51. these values correctly 1029. Linux PHP 4.2.1&Apache, my PHP code is ignored when html code is present in a php file. 1030. I have a php 4.2.1 pop on my computer ~ leads to a porn page!! I can not find it on my C drive help 1031. How to use PHP to distribute software package to workstations? 1032. how to create a form just like when you going to sign up at certain website with userID, password 1033. where do you find php source directories in Mandrake Linux to enable sockets and recompile? 1034. how to connect to internet through PHP?i have tried exec("wvdial")but it wont&#39; work 1035. Why are variables not passing (PHP43,IIS5.0,Win2000Server)? 1036. How do you get the mHash() function on a Windows install of PHP 4? (it doesn&#39;t seem to be built in) 1037. I am trying to create a link that, when clicked, changes the data attribute of an <object> tag 1038. I am trying to create a link that, when clicked, changes the data attribute of an <object> tag 1039. hi, I have a problems with passing arrays with indexes in PHP 1040. I want to start using PHP for DB sites but aren&#39;t sure about writing PHP in MacOS. Starting points w 1041. XP with IIS and PHP not returning complete set of headers... why? 1042. How display a matrix dependant on other cells? ie fixture matrix dependant on entered results. 1043. How can I see where the memory is going in my PHP-cli application? 1044. php menu says mssql_connect requires &#39;interfaces&#39; file;what & where are they? 1045. I changed my .httaccess to Errordocument 404 /404mail.php .It is not edirecting to this page. 1046. working from the php book when i run the script at the end of chap 12 i get SQL syntax errors
  • 52. 1047. In a self-processing form, is there a way to return to the same point in the page that you left from 1048. In a self-processing form, is there a way to return to the same point in the page that you left from 1049. How do i redirect to other php or web pages and the new URL not shows up in the address bar. 1050. How do i redirect to other php or web pages and the new URL not shows up in the address bar. 1051. I started with a php file and tried to call a tpl file which called a php file. It didn&#39;t work. Why? 1052. How should I configure my PWS (and/or php.ini) to see PHP-results in my browser? 1053. How do I run an ASP program on my Windows server within PHP 1054. Will be there a version conflict problem for functions written in earlier versions of php 1055. How can I add "preprocessor" to PHP, e.g. replace all "--" with "&minus;" before PHP starts parsing? 1056. Is there a way to query a text file using php? If so how? need to bring back individual results ? 1057. How do I get a variable to pass into an included file that is located in a different directory? 1058. how can i make that an PHP sript to run in background? 1059. It is posible to download a directory (including all files a subdir) using PHP4.3.1? 1060. I am uploading to a hosted server using Dwr MX. do i need to install php or will MX handle it. 1061. im new to php and need to know how to calculate BMI, body mass index with php or mysql 1062. I need the PHP syntax for adding mysql field values from a table and then echo the result. 1063. How can I write different data into two separate frames on a form user submitting the form? 1064. Where can I get more info about PHP Access violations such as 011929AE,
  • 53. 77FC8DA5 & 024529AE? 1065. what can be done for generating setup program for php files on linux platform 1066. What is the "official" communication method 4 html 2 javascript 2 php 1067. How can i build and draw a tree with 3 childs for each node and for 10 levels, from a database. 1068. How do you directly download a file into the Temporary Internet Files directory? 1069. How do you use php to pull data from the database, like on when you go into a section? 1070. Can you use PHP to see if another e-mail server accepts HTML or text only email? 1071. How do you display info from a database in a menu dependant on another menu recalled from the table 1072. How do I put data into a list box dependant on another list box 1073. I can not get my php scripts to work on an apache 2.0.40 to work, ie formmail and forums, help 1074. How do I get the paragraphs to show, pulled from mySQL db, instead of one long text paragraph? 1075. Is there a big difference if you use { } in your "if" condition instead of using ":" and "endif;" ? 1076. I cannot run a commend from PHP scripts using exec(). This command can be run from command line. 1077. I can no longer pass variables between pages using php4.06 and isapi with iis5 1078. PHP code is running on Linux but not on Windows. Why? 1079. How can I restrict access to certain files on an intranet using php? 1080. I am trying to get Oracle 9i working with PHP. Having problems know what to compile. 1081. Have all sort of problems using "?" within a "echo(&#39;form&#39;)" posting. Can someone show me correct way 1082. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order form using php? 1083. is there any function that can print a web page with just one click in php???
  • 54. 1084. CLASS: Can a property of a class be an Array datatype. Example please 1085. How to use formfeed character &#39;f&#39; in a .php file 1086. A select box with diff. people&#39;s names how do I send form to dif. emails depending on name selected? 1087. What is the easiest way to use PHP to extract email addresses from a text file? 1088. How do I terminate access to page in certain amount of entries and time using sessions and MySQL? 1089. does anybody have problems by using css in php pages 1090. is there a distribution of php, or a way to configure so that one might use it under Mac OS 8.6 1091. User interaction via dialog box from PHP script? 1092. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table that is in the html??? 1093. Can I get Visual Interdev (6.0) to use syntax highlighting for PHP files? 1094. Doing my tree in, how to i number summit 1095. PHP will not work with IIS (xp). ASP and HTML work fine, but PHP just sits there. Any ideas? 1096. alter table BOOKS add id_books int unsigned not null auto_increment first,add index (id_carte); msql 1097. How do I send a file (that is on the server) as an attachment with mail()? 1098. How can I modify .htaccess to enable both SSI and PHP? 1099. Any web-based report writer available ? I am using Windows client IE and Linux PHP / PostgreSQL. 1100. How do I get data to automatically come up in other fields when a user selects an option from a drop 1101. File Download appears for .php files. Php.ini in windows on XP. 1102. How can I pass objects from one php file to another? 1103. How to create a web page that refreshes its tabled contents against mySQL database? 1104. function_exists doesn&#39;t appear to work on class member functions,
  • 55. regardless if static or not??? 1105. can you determine whether your script is running at the console or was requested remotely? 1106. I want printing on continous paper according to my requirement. Wanted to control the printer 1107. Sessions won&#39;t die. I tried evertything. I&#39;m regitering using the $_SESSION superglobal. Please h 1108. how to resubmit the information automatically without pressing the refresh button? 1109. How to check if a newer entry is in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest record as a variable. 1110. Is there a function like file_exists in PHP Version 2 ? 1111. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on windows? 1112. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe? 1113. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe? 1114. Help! What do I do Php files opening as Ps files? 1115. need to use [web] as a wildcard: elseif ($check == "go: [web]") {$url = "[web]";} is it possible? 1116. What is the advantage to using "url/index.php?i69=members" over "url/index.php" to "url/members.php" 1117. Why don&#39;t works including of remote files under IIS 5.1 and PHP 4.3.2? 1118. How can I parse a .csv file to a .ldf file , only parsing the particular information that I need? 1119. where do i outsource php or get php experts for development ? 1120. Can anyone please tell me why .php files will work for me but the same php files in HTML do not work 1121. Populating a dropdown list field with data fetched from Oracle 1122. How do I display New mysql database info without refreshing the page? 1123. is there a course on how to write force matrix in php scripts?
  • 56. 1124. SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specifi 1125. i am getting msg"Can not open output stream {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX when i am calling imap_open() 1126. I CAN&#39;T RUN PHP AS MODULE IN APACHE ON WINDOWS XP (PHP-4.3.6 AND APACHE-2.0.49) 1127. how do i get information from a plain text file as data for a marqee/ticker/scroller? 1128. How can I set up my web browser to show Php designated sites? 1129. How i can find number of record retuned in select statement usin Access odbc driver. 1130. When i try to exec a program on a webserver i get 127 as an return value. What does it mean? 1131. PHP4 will not connect to my Apache server. I&#39;m using an IBserver program. 1132. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file already exists 1133. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file already exists 1134. Is there a known issue with O&#39;Reilly Website and PHP not working together? 1135. is it possible to capture a swf and export it to jpg? 1136. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken from other site? Any scripts? 1137. How do i connect php5 to mysql4? I get "Class &#39;mysqli&#39; not found" in the apache error log? 1138. I tried to call mysql_connect(), but got the error "Call to undefined function mysql_connect() Idea? 1139. How do I include a "news.php" file into an index.php file, I&#39;ve tried <? php include....with no luck 1140. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope support CGI now. 1141. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope support CGI now. 1142. How can I adjust local date time in a PHP Calendar script?
  • 57. 1143. How can I call or use a dll writen in Visual Basic 6.0 1144. how to redirect a page, and how to use querystring 1145. when i open file by using this command ($fp=fopen("hello.txt","w") i get message "permission denied" 1146. i am using Windows 2000 Server with PHP 4 and Apache 2 , i am trying use scrrun.dll with PHP but fail to use any body suggest me how to use it? 1147. Are php scripts secure? i.e. is it possible to open my .php file and get my db userid/password etc? 1148. Why am I getting a blank screen when I try using the imagecreatefromjpeg function? (PHP 5.0.2) 1149. Problem logging hits to PHP pages when PHP runs as CGI wrapped in Apache to appear as module. 1150. Is it possible to make a template in which any called text file can be inserted into a specific area 1151. I need to get my php date() time to update live, is there away, and how do I do it? 1152. How would I make a template system for a blog????? 1153. Error "server unwilling to perform" when changing password in an AD server using LDAP and PHP. 1154. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP??? 1155. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP??? 1156. How can I update the options for a select menu based on a value selected in a previous select menu? 1157. php.exe posting data vir commandline how to? 1158. How can I code a simple form with textboxes so users can view what others posted? 1159. why my scripts is showing warning mail over quota mail not send when new user register 1160. how can I make something like php editor in php and the script is in colored 1161. I&#39;m having a problem compiling php with 2 versions of posgresql. Configuring with-pgsql=/usr (pg ver
  • 58. 1162. How do I automatically display the number of listings next to category links using mySQL or no datab 1163. PHP 4.3.4, parse_ini_file() returns a cannot open `FILE` for reading? 1164. how can I set a quantity that reduces to zero in my eshop as orders are placed 1165. Is it possible to copy a tar file from another server using fopen? 1166. Iwant to make register (login and password) to my site but with php 1167. how to use onchange method of listboxes in php? 1168. Can I make a transparent HTTP(carry SOAP body) proxy with PHP? Here PHP is to determine the dest. 1169. how can i use PHP mail() function to send mail to an address like info@academia- 1170. How do I test that a remoter server has php working? 1171. is there a way to import php in a mysql and export it? 1172. Trouble allowing people to upload picture to yahoo hosted site 1173. Best script to pull an series of integers from various offsets in a binary file to PHP variables? 1174. Problem with php 5.0.3 on Apace 2 on WIN: It works but version sais: 4.3.10? Is it really 5.0.3 in.. 1175. I&#39;m getting a pair of characters( 3D ) in my PHP Generated E-Mails, any suggestions? 1176. Can someone tell me why my <Script> tags and onClick attributes in <a> tag are being removed.? 1177. How do you declare a variable so the variable will retain any HTML code imbedded in the string? 1178. Does PHP support video streaming? I am working on an e-learning project. Thanks 1179. why php variable names are case sensitive and why not function names? 1180. How do I change the default account that mail is being sent from when using the mail () function? 1181. <form action="dbtest2.php">when form is submitted,browser opens the php file instead of executing
  • 59. 1182. write a one-line expression to test whether a number is a power of 2. this question is asked in inte 1183. How to set headers for images delivered through php scripts so that images are cached locally? 1184. How do I only allow a PHP script to be accessed from the same server. 1185. how do i create keywords that will autolink throughout my website 1186. How can I get the included file names in a php file while I&#39;m navigating? 1187. why are sessions working on remote server but not localhost 1188. PHP and MySQL problem with out putting data to a .txt file 1189. Why are three bytes being added to my data? 1190. Is it possible in php to draw/show a calendar-month as an image? 1191. How can I do a &#39;page scrape&#39; and capture all of the existing form fields and values? 1192. How can I redirect the output of a UNIX command executed in background from exec ( >> does not work 1193. How to export public key to file or string in php&#39;s openssl library? 1194. How do I display the rows and time it took to execute the query? ( 132 rows fetched in .0679s) 1195. why it hangs whenever i open my lotus 123 1196. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example 1197. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example 1198. Besides connecting again is there absolutly no other diffrence between mysql_connect and pconnect? 1199. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database?? 1200. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database?? 1201. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a database?? 1202. How do I insert a MySQL database with greek characters in dreamweaver?Greek characters are shown ???