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Best Physically Mentally and Emotionally Tired Quotes
Physically mentally and emotionally tired quotes: How often have you left
a job you didn’t like? Or been hospitalized due to a serious illness? How often
have you felt as though your physical and mental health are at an all-time
This is the feeling of tiredness that will inevitably happen to many of us at
some point in our life. You’ve probably heard this said over and over, “You just
can’t get enough, you just can’t get enough!” Well, it’s not true.
If you are feeling mentally or physically tired, it could be a sign that you need
to make a change in your routine. If you’ve been feeling mentally or physically
exhausted recently, it’s a great idea to take a moment to think back to your
most recent life event and review your daily routines.
The best times to take time out of your day are when you are heading towards
the end of a day, and the entire transition into the next day, or during times of
stress when you could be easily reminded of your most recent life events.
Physically Mentally and Emotionally Tired Quotes
Life is one long process of getting tired. – Samuel Butler
Giving up is the only sure way to fail. – Gena Showalter
I am tired and sick of war. — William Tecumseh Sherman
Being a mom has made me so tired. And I’m so happy. — Tina Fey
I’m tired of being treated like a second-class citizen. — Rosa Parks
You never get tired unless you stop and take time for it. – Bob Hope
Even nice things don’t make you happy when you’re tired. — Jo Brand
Tired minds don’t plan well. Sleep first, then plan later. – Walter Reisch
I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am. – Amy Poehler
Tiredness is just something that is appearing; it’s not who you are. – Nirmala
The Weight of Weariness: Quotes that Capture Physical
I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally drained and it’s only Monday! –
I’m physically, mentally, emotionally tired, I feel like I need a break from life. –
To say I am not mentally tired in ways and exhausted in ways would be a lie.
— Megan Rapinoe
Emotionally I’m done. Mentally I’m drained. Spiritually I’m dead. Physically I
smile. – Unknown
When books leave you physically and emotionally drained, you know it was a
good one. – Unknown
I know you are tired, I know you are physically and emotionally drained. But
you have to keep going. – Unknown
Drained physically and emotionally, I’m tired of trying when I already know
what the outcome will be. – Unknown
Cancer is bound to be emotionally drained by Capricorn because they
consider sensitivity to be a kind of weakness. – Unknown
Physically Mentally Tired Quotes
I’m really tired of virtue. — P. J. O’Rourke
If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. – Banksy
Never give up on something you believe in. – Steve Scalise
The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit. – Morgan Freeman
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. – Fannie Lou Hamer
You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die. — John Lennon
Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up. – Nicki Minaj
Sleep did not honor me with its presence. – Alysha Speer, Sharden
A conclusion is the place where you get tired thinking. — Martin H. Fischer
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim
We are tired out in making complaints and getting no redress. — Joseph
I’m sick and tired of your attitude. I’m feeling like I don’t know you. – Taylor
Whenever I get fed up with life, I love to go wandering in nature. – Andrea
When the Mind Grows Weary: Inspirational Quotes on Mental
You’ve done enough. It’s okay to be tired. You can take a break. – Shauna
I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally drained and it’s only Monday! –
Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home, I’m tired. —
Mae West
When I’m tired, I rest. I say, ‘I can’t be a superwoman today.” – Jada Pinkett
I’m not tired of challenges. I’m tired of people challenging me for nothing. –
Ces Peta
Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come. –
Mandy Hale
You feel fine, and then, when your body can’t keep fighting, you don’t. –
Nicholas Sparks
I’m tired of defending my character. I am what I am. What you see is what you
get.” – Dana Plato
Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
―Harriet Beecher Stowe
Emotional Exhaustion Unveiled: Quotes that Reflect
the Burden of Emotions
Never give up. When your heart becomes tired, just walk with your legs – but
move on. – Paulo Coelho
Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt
and bewildered. — Marilyn Monroe
It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired – you quit
when the gorilla is tired. – Robert Strauss
The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within
yourself–the invisible battles inside all of us–that’s where it’s at. – Jesse
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to
the unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will
enable you to attain the success you seek. – Mario Andretti.
The hiatus you spoke about happened in 1998. I was somewhat numb from
being out on the road every night. I had to stop because I was emotionally and
physically drained. – Chuck Mangione.
Emotionally Tired Quotes
I’m exhausted trying to stay healthy. — Steve Yzerman
In an exhausted field, only weeds grow. — Henryk Sienkiewicz
A man grows most tired while standing still. — Chinese proverb
I’m sick and tired of trying to hide the mess that I am. – Unknown
I get tired from just thinking of everything I have to do. – Unknown
I’m so tired. I don’t know if I can ever outrun how I used to be. – Marie Lu
I want to care, but I don’t. I look at you and all I feel is tired. – Elizabeth Scott
Really, the measure of a man is when they’re tired and exhausted. — George
I’m exhausted by the idea that everyone is presenting this perfect life. — Luke
You’ve had your share of secrets and I’m tired of being the last to know. –
Taylor Swift
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. – Jules
Breaking the Cycle: Quotes that Inspire Rest and Self-Care
There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. — F. Scott
I wish I had an answer to that because I’m tired of answering that question. —
Yogi Berra
Leading someone on physically & emotionally is some f*cked up sh*t
though… – Unknown
At the end of the day, I’m a person. I have feelings. I get tired. I get sad. —
Summer Walker
When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago. –
Friedrich Nietzsche
Keep believing. You may be tired, discouraged, but don’t give up on your
future. – Joel Osteen
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up. –
Dean Karnazes
I’m so tired but I can’t sleep. Standing on the edge of something much too
deep. – Sarah MacLachlan
My body and heart weren’t made for this. I’m tired of being tired and I’m tired
of being sad. – Unknown
You really get tired in one area of your life, and then you start questioning your
whole existence. – Unknown
Finding Strength in Weariness: Quotes that Illuminate
I’m tired of feeling worthless, I’m tired of feeling hopeless, but above all, I’m
tired of feeling tired. – Unknown
The most critical time in any battle is not when I’m fatigued, it’s when I no
longer care. – Craig D. Lounsbrough
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of
a tiring feeling. – Paula Poundstone
The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long
as we can see far enough. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Foolishness sleeps soundly, while knowledge turns with each thinking hour,
longing for the dawn of answers. – Anthony Liccione
You have to be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without
tiring. The first lesson is to make yourself that strong. – Holly Black
My stomach is in knots, my head hurts, I’m emotionally drained and physically
exhausted. I just want it t end…I hate this pain, love hurts. – Unknown.
Never be tired of a dream, if not fulfilled. Fear of failure should not deter you
from your path of self-belief. Your belief and determination will get you to your
destination and make the dream come true. – Anil Sinha.
Physically and Emotionally Tired Quotes
Even when you have every right to be tired of everything, never be tired of
living. – Terry Mark
Emotionally I’m done. Mentally I’m drained. Spiritually I’m dead. Physically I
smile. – Unknown
When books leave you physically and emotionally drained, you know it was a
good one. – Unknown
Emotionally drained, worried sick, and thinking of nothing else. The impact of
homework. – Unknown
My morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting in bed and thinking about
how tired I am. – Unknown
I’m emotionally drained. Nothing I won’t bounce back from though. I learned to
give it to God. – Unknown
I know you are tired, I know you are physically and emotionally drained. But
you have to keep going. – Unknown
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard
work you already did. – Newt Gingrich
Navigating the Exhaustion: Quotes that Offer Guidance in Times
of Weariness
When you’re at your absolute, most exhausted… That’s when you have to be
at the top of your game. — Bill Hader
Drained physically and emotionally, I’m tired of trying when I already know
what the outcome will be. – Unknown
Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t
have the strength. – Theodore Roosevelt
Fatigue has many faces and many causes. Fatigue and tiredness mean
different things to different people. – Michael A. Schmidt
Tired, tired with nothing, tired with everything, tired with the world’s weight he
had never chosen to bear. – F. Scott Fitzgerald
Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun
now stands, I will fight no more forever. — Chief Joseph
I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being skin deep. That’s deep
enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? — Jean Kerr
I’m emotionally drained…I can go through a day, but at the end, when I’m
finally in this bed, I’m so fragile & ready to break. – Unknown
I can tell you with authority that when I’m exhausted, when I’m running on
empty, I’m the worst version of myself. — Arianna Huffington
I’ve become so accustomed to it all. The arguments, the yelling, the break
ups, the fights. I’m emotionally drained, I’m emotionless. – Unknown
Disrespect is tiring. Shade is old. Sipping ‘tea’ isn’t cute. But loving,
supporting, giving, being grateful and perpetuating light, is. – Grace Gealey
Knocked down but not beaten. Tired but not giving up. I saw the sun peek
through the clouds. Sometimes all we need is a glimmer of hope. – Jon
My stomach is in knots, my head hurts, I’m emotionally drained and physically
exhausted. I just want it to end…I hate this pain, love hurts. – Unknown.
Being sad 24/7 got me nowhere but curling up in my bed, being emotionally
drained. I like to smile &make others believe they can do the same. –
Physically and Mentally Tired Quotes
This quote is from the John Wayne movie “The Bucket List”, as a tribute to the
way living a long life should be. The movie is about a man who is an extreme
pessimist. He says that he will never be happy. Since then, we have become
so pessimistic that we don’t get the joy and happiness we deserve.
If your relationship is 1-sided & 1 person is doing all the giving, don’t be
surprised when the other gets emotionally drained and gives up. – Unknown
For me everything in the film was gradually building, becoming more
emotional, so it helped. At the end of it all I was emotionally drained. At that
point I took Rose’s view that this has to happen and there’s nothing I can do
about it. – Camilla Belle
In tennis, you can make a couple of mistakes and still win. Not in golf. I played
three rounds in that Tahoe event, and I was drained. Mentally, not physically. –
Pete Sampras
The hiatus you spoke about happened in 1998. I was somewhat numb from
being out on the road every night. I had to stop because I was emotionally and
physically drained. – Chuck Mangione
No matter how tired you feel, no matter how much you want to quit, no matter
what obstacles are in your way, keep moving toward the vision you have for
your future. – Jon Gordon
I am sick of the disparity between things as they are and as they should be.
I’m tired. I’m tired of the truth and I’m tired of lying about the truth. – Edward
Franklin Albee
Replenishing the Spirit: Inspirational Quotes on Restoring
Energy and Vitality
It’s so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your
emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot with
your health. – Joyce Meyer,
It’s important to surround yourself with good people, interesting people, young
people, and young ideas. Go places, learn new stuff. Look at the world with
wonder – don’t be tired about it. – Angela Bassett
People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that
isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of
giving in. – Rosa Parks
There’s always an element of fear that you need to work a lot until people get
sick and tired of you or finally figure out that you’re a fraud after all! – Ben
I’m tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to
play the game, drink Pepsi, and wear Reebok. — Shaquille O’Neal
My bed isn’t made, I’m tired, I haven’t slept well for two weeks. I haven’t been
laid in a month. I don’t have a girlfriend. I have a warrant for my arrest. —
Layne Staley
Overcoming Fatigue: Quotes that Inspire Renewal and
Inner Revitalization
Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy.
Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy.
— Dorothy Thompson
My alter ego is who I am 100%, which is a mother who is changing diapers
and coloring all night long. I’m sure I’m very, very soft – but I admire strong
women, emotionally and physically. Not just physically but I think fighting for
something. I have a sense of justice and injustice, and it’s always been more
than just wanting to be tough. – Angelina Jolie
If I’m exhausted and I just don’t feel like it, then I don’t do it. I am a human
being, after all. But I also know I’m the kind of person who, if I take one day
off, well, it’s very easy for me to take the next day off and then quit exercising.
— Kelly Ripa
An exhausted man is much more than a weary man. Does he exhaust the
possible because he is himself exhausted, or is he exhausted because he has
exhausted the possible? He exhausts himself by exhausting the possible, and
inversely. — Gilles Deleuze
When all is said and done, I want to die exhausted and empty because I gave
everything that was in me. I believe that’s why we’re all here: to give of
ourselves to one another to help create a better world, because you can’t take
it with you. — Lamman Rucker
I am someone who can’t hold on to negativity or hold on to grudges. I might
feel something at a certain point, but I get tired after that. I don’t carry it with
me. I forgive and forget very easily, and that’s the only way to be happy and
peaceful. — Deepika Padukone
You have to put in the time.” That is one of the most common phrases in
the fitness industry. In the past, it was assumed that as long as we did
the work, we would not get tired. People were then encouraged to set
goals and set up programs. However, we are now seeing an increase in
fitness industry professionals who claim to be physically and mentally

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100+ Best Physically Mentally and Emotionally Tired Quotes.pdf

  • 1. Best Physically Mentally and Emotionally Tired Quotes Physically mentally and emotionally tired quotes: How often have you left a job you didn’t like? Or been hospitalized due to a serious illness? How often have you felt as though your physical and mental health are at an all-time low? This is the feeling of tiredness that will inevitably happen to many of us at some point in our life. You’ve probably heard this said over and over, “You just can’t get enough, you just can’t get enough!” Well, it’s not true. If you are feeling mentally or physically tired, it could be a sign that you need to make a change in your routine. If you’ve been feeling mentally or physically exhausted recently, it’s a great idea to take a moment to think back to your most recent life event and review your daily routines. The best times to take time out of your day are when you are heading towards the end of a day, and the entire transition into the next day, or during times of stress when you could be easily reminded of your most recent life events. Physically Mentally and Emotionally Tired Quotes Life is one long process of getting tired. – Samuel Butler Giving up is the only sure way to fail. – Gena Showalter I am tired and sick of war. — William Tecumseh Sherman Being a mom has made me so tired. And I’m so happy. — Tina Fey I’m tired of being treated like a second-class citizen. — Rosa Parks You never get tired unless you stop and take time for it. – Bob Hope
  • 2. Even nice things don’t make you happy when you’re tired. — Jo Brand Tired minds don’t plan well. Sleep first, then plan later. – Walter Reisch I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am. – Amy Poehler Tiredness is just something that is appearing; it’s not who you are. – Nirmala The Weight of Weariness: Quotes that Capture Physical Exhaustion I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally drained and it’s only Monday! – Unknown I’m physically, mentally, emotionally tired, I feel like I need a break from life. – Unknown To say I am not mentally tired in ways and exhausted in ways would be a lie. — Megan Rapinoe
  • 3. Emotionally I’m done. Mentally I’m drained. Spiritually I’m dead. Physically I smile. – Unknown When books leave you physically and emotionally drained, you know it was a good one. – Unknown I know you are tired, I know you are physically and emotionally drained. But you have to keep going. – Unknown Drained physically and emotionally, I’m tired of trying when I already know what the outcome will be. – Unknown Cancer is bound to be emotionally drained by Capricorn because they consider sensitivity to be a kind of weakness. – Unknown Physically Mentally Tired Quotes I’m really tired of virtue. — P. J. O’Rourke If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit. – Banksy Never give up on something you believe in. – Steve Scalise The best way to guarantee a loss is to quit. – Morgan Freeman I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. – Fannie Lou Hamer You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die. — John Lennon Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up. – Nicki Minaj Sleep did not honor me with its presence. – Alysha Speer, Sharden
  • 4. A conclusion is the place where you get tired thinking. — Martin H. Fischer Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. – Jim Ryun We are tired out in making complaints and getting no redress. — Joseph Brant I’m sick and tired of your attitude. I’m feeling like I don’t know you. – Taylor Swift Whenever I get fed up with life, I love to go wandering in nature. – Andrea Arnold When the Mind Grows Weary: Inspirational Quotes on Mental Fatigue You’ve done enough. It’s okay to be tired. You can take a break. – Shauna Niequist I’m physically, mentally, and emotionally drained and it’s only Monday! – Unknown Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home, I’m tired. — Mae West When I’m tired, I rest. I say, ‘I can’t be a superwoman today.” – Jada Pinkett Smith I’m not tired of challenges. I’m tired of people challenging me for nothing. – Ces Peta
  • 5. Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come. – Mandy Hale You feel fine, and then, when your body can’t keep fighting, you don’t. – Nicholas Sparks I’m tired of defending my character. I am what I am. What you see is what you get.” – Dana Plato Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. ―Harriet Beecher Stowe Emotional Exhaustion Unveiled: Quotes that Reflect the Burden of Emotions Never give up. When your heart becomes tired, just walk with your legs – but move on. – Paulo Coelho Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered. — Marilyn Monroe It’s a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired – you quit when the gorilla is tired. – Robert Strauss The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself–the invisible battles inside all of us–that’s where it’s at. – Jesse Owens Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to the unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. – Mario Andretti.
  • 6. The hiatus you spoke about happened in 1998. I was somewhat numb from being out on the road every night. I had to stop because I was emotionally and physically drained. – Chuck Mangione. Emotionally Tired Quotes I’m exhausted trying to stay healthy. — Steve Yzerman In an exhausted field, only weeds grow. — Henryk Sienkiewicz A man grows most tired while standing still. — Chinese proverb I’m sick and tired of trying to hide the mess that I am. – Unknown I get tired from just thinking of everything I have to do. – Unknown I’m so tired. I don’t know if I can ever outrun how I used to be. – Marie Lu I want to care, but I don’t. I look at you and all I feel is tired. – Elizabeth Scott Really, the measure of a man is when they’re tired and exhausted. — George Eads I’m exhausted by the idea that everyone is presenting this perfect life. — Luke Goss You’ve had your share of secrets and I’m tired of being the last to know. – Taylor Swift Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. – Jules Renard Breaking the Cycle: Quotes that Inspire Rest and Self-Care
  • 7. There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired. — F. Scott Fitzgerald I wish I had an answer to that because I’m tired of answering that question. — Yogi Berra Leading someone on physically & emotionally is some f*cked up sh*t though… – Unknown At the end of the day, I’m a person. I have feelings. I get tired. I get sad. — Summer Walker When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago. – Friedrich Nietzsche Keep believing. You may be tired, discouraged, but don’t give up on your future. – Joel Osteen Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up. – Dean Karnazes
  • 8. I’m so tired but I can’t sleep. Standing on the edge of something much too deep. – Sarah MacLachlan My body and heart weren’t made for this. I’m tired of being tired and I’m tired of being sad. – Unknown You really get tired in one area of your life, and then you start questioning your whole existence. – Unknown Finding Strength in Weariness: Quotes that Illuminate Resilience I’m tired of feeling worthless, I’m tired of feeling hopeless, but above all, I’m tired of feeling tired. – Unknown The most critical time in any battle is not when I’m fatigued, it’s when I no longer care. – Craig D. Lounsbrough The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of a tiring feeling. – Paula Poundstone The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. We are never tired, so long as we can see far enough. — Ralph Waldo Emerson Foolishness sleeps soundly, while knowledge turns with each thinking hour, longing for the dawn of answers. – Anthony Liccione You have to be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without tiring. The first lesson is to make yourself that strong. – Holly Black My stomach is in knots, my head hurts, I’m emotionally drained and physically exhausted. I just want it t end…I hate this pain, love hurts. – Unknown.
  • 9. Never be tired of a dream, if not fulfilled. Fear of failure should not deter you from your path of self-belief. Your belief and determination will get you to your destination and make the dream come true. – Anil Sinha. Physically and Emotionally Tired Quotes Even when you have every right to be tired of everything, never be tired of living. – Terry Mark Emotionally I’m done. Mentally I’m drained. Spiritually I’m dead. Physically I smile. – Unknown When books leave you physically and emotionally drained, you know it was a good one. – Unknown Emotionally drained, worried sick, and thinking of nothing else. The impact of homework. – Unknown My morning routine includes 10 minutes of sitting in bed and thinking about how tired I am. – Unknown I’m emotionally drained. Nothing I won’t bounce back from though. I learned to give it to God. – Unknown I know you are tired, I know you are physically and emotionally drained. But you have to keep going. – Unknown Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did. – Newt Gingrich Navigating the Exhaustion: Quotes that Offer Guidance in Times of Weariness
  • 10. When you’re at your absolute, most exhausted… That’s when you have to be at the top of your game. — Bill Hader Drained physically and emotionally, I’m tired of trying when I already know what the outcome will be. – Unknown Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don’t have the strength. – Theodore Roosevelt Fatigue has many faces and many causes. Fatigue and tiredness mean different things to different people. – Michael A. Schmidt Tired, tired with nothing, tired with everything, tired with the world’s weight he had never chosen to bear. – F. Scott Fitzgerald Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever. — Chief Joseph I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being skin deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? — Jean Kerr I’m emotionally drained…I can go through a day, but at the end, when I’m finally in this bed, I’m so fragile & ready to break. – Unknown I can tell you with authority that when I’m exhausted, when I’m running on empty, I’m the worst version of myself. — Arianna Huffington I’ve become so accustomed to it all. The arguments, the yelling, the break ups, the fights. I’m emotionally drained, I’m emotionless. – Unknown Disrespect is tiring. Shade is old. Sipping ‘tea’ isn’t cute. But loving, supporting, giving, being grateful and perpetuating light, is. – Grace Gealey
  • 11. Knocked down but not beaten. Tired but not giving up. I saw the sun peek through the clouds. Sometimes all we need is a glimmer of hope. – Jon Gordon. My stomach is in knots, my head hurts, I’m emotionally drained and physically exhausted. I just want it to end…I hate this pain, love hurts. – Unknown. Being sad 24/7 got me nowhere but curling up in my bed, being emotionally drained. I like to smile &make others believe they can do the same. – Unknown. Physically and Mentally Tired Quotes This quote is from the John Wayne movie “The Bucket List”, as a tribute to the way living a long life should be. The movie is about a man who is an extreme pessimist. He says that he will never be happy. Since then, we have become so pessimistic that we don’t get the joy and happiness we deserve. If your relationship is 1-sided & 1 person is doing all the giving, don’t be surprised when the other gets emotionally drained and gives up. – Unknown For me everything in the film was gradually building, becoming more emotional, so it helped. At the end of it all I was emotionally drained. At that point I took Rose’s view that this has to happen and there’s nothing I can do about it. – Camilla Belle In tennis, you can make a couple of mistakes and still win. Not in golf. I played three rounds in that Tahoe event, and I was drained. Mentally, not physically. – Pete Sampras The hiatus you spoke about happened in 1998. I was somewhat numb from being out on the road every night. I had to stop because I was emotionally and physically drained. – Chuck Mangione
  • 12. No matter how tired you feel, no matter how much you want to quit, no matter what obstacles are in your way, keep moving toward the vision you have for your future. – Jon Gordon I am sick of the disparity between things as they are and as they should be. I’m tired. I’m tired of the truth and I’m tired of lying about the truth. – Edward Franklin Albee Replenishing the Spirit: Inspirational Quotes on Restoring Energy and Vitality It’s so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot with your health. – Joyce Meyer, It’s important to surround yourself with good people, interesting people, young people, and young ideas. Go places, learn new stuff. Look at the world with wonder – don’t be tired about it. – Angela Bassett People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in. – Rosa Parks There’s always an element of fear that you need to work a lot until people get sick and tired of you or finally figure out that you’re a fraud after all! – Ben Stiller I’m tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money. I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, and wear Reebok. — Shaquille O’Neal My bed isn’t made, I’m tired, I haven’t slept well for two weeks. I haven’t been laid in a month. I don’t have a girlfriend. I have a warrant for my arrest. — Layne Staley
  • 13. Overcoming Fatigue: Quotes that Inspire Renewal and Inner Revitalization Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy. Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy. — Dorothy Thompson My alter ego is who I am 100%, which is a mother who is changing diapers and coloring all night long. I’m sure I’m very, very soft – but I admire strong women, emotionally and physically. Not just physically but I think fighting for something. I have a sense of justice and injustice, and it’s always been more than just wanting to be tough. – Angelina Jolie If I’m exhausted and I just don’t feel like it, then I don’t do it. I am a human being, after all. But I also know I’m the kind of person who, if I take one day off, well, it’s very easy for me to take the next day off and then quit exercising. — Kelly Ripa An exhausted man is much more than a weary man. Does he exhaust the possible because he is himself exhausted, or is he exhausted because he has exhausted the possible? He exhausts himself by exhausting the possible, and inversely. — Gilles Deleuze When all is said and done, I want to die exhausted and empty because I gave everything that was in me. I believe that’s why we’re all here: to give of ourselves to one another to help create a better world, because you can’t take it with you. — Lamman Rucker I am someone who can’t hold on to negativity or hold on to grudges. I might feel something at a certain point, but I get tired after that. I don’t carry it with me. I forgive and forget very easily, and that’s the only way to be happy and peaceful. — Deepika Padukone
  • 14. You have to put in the time.” That is one of the most common phrases in the fitness industry. In the past, it was assumed that as long as we did the work, we would not get tired. People were then encouraged to set goals and set up programs. However, we are now seeing an increase in fitness industry professionals who claim to be physically and mentally tired.