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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 18, Issue 11. Ver. IV (November. 2016), PP 65-74
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 65 | Page
Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on
Career Development at Ministry Religious Affairs in Jambi
Prof. Dr. Mukhtar*, Prof. Dr. Hapzi Ali, CMA**,
Dr. Siti Raudhatul Jannah***
* Professor and Director of Graduate IAIN STS, Jambi Indonesia
** Professor of the Graduate Management Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
*** Lecturer IAIN STS, Jambi Indonesia
Abstract: Teacher career development as a quality improvement process personal toward career paths are
influenced by many factors, such as organizational, cultural factors and individual factors. This study aimed to
analyze the influence of Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development of Teachers
either partially or simultaneously on a religious ministry Jambi Province. The study was conducted at Islamic
schools in the ministry of religious affairs in the province of Jambi. Population 3 study area totaled 1004 with a
sample of 151 teachers were taken by using proportional stratified random sampling technique. Quantitative
research using path analysis tools continued with determination analysis, t test and F test with alpha 5 percent.
Analysis tools with SPSS 22.0 for windows. The results showed that the leadership style and organizational
culture positive and significant impact on Career Development at the Ministry of Religious Teachers of Jambi
Keyword: Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Career Development.
I. Introduction
Career development is a result of the interaction between an individual's career with the career
management process of the organization. Every individual who works in an organization will have expectations
as recompense for the sacrifices or achievements that contributed to the organization. One hope is to reach a
position or a better position than previously, a career is a need for every employee.
career in organizational life as a whole person for the purpose of work performed and positions lap by
someone during her work. Although it is difficult to find a universal pattern of the careers of everyone because
that happens to be very diverse. There are people who achieve career advancement based on a specific plan but
there also achieve career advancement without a plan (Siagian, 2012: 206). One indicator of career development
is satisfactory job performance. Promotion / job is one measure of job performance is satisfactory.
Position educators as one functional position also requires certain conditions in order to develop a
career. It is stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform
(Candy PANRB) No. 16 of 2009 dated 10 November 2009. In these candies arranged on the functional position
of teachers (Article 12) and the total number of credits that must be met for each level of the position (Article
17). Additionally arranged also in Regulation together with the minister and the head of BKN no. 03 / V / NT /
2010 and No. 14 of 2010 on the instructions of teachers and the implementation of functional credit number.
Furthermore PERBES issue No. 14 of 2014 which in Article 16, paragraph 1 states that: "The promotion may be
considered at least two years in the rank of" enabling teachers to be able to apply for promotions and parties
every two years.
Departing from these regulations, it can be said that the career development of teachers at the Ministry
of Religious Affairs in the Office of Jambi province in line with expectations yet ideal. Within the last 5 years
there are some educators who have difficulties in terms of promotion. This is not in line with expectations for
preferably within 2 years educators have been able to develop his career in terms of promotion.
Difficulties educators in the development of his career especially noticeable when they will take care of
the promotion of the group IIID to IV / a and in particular from the class IV / A to IV / b and so on. It is, as can
be seen in the following graph:
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Figure 1: Graph of rank educators at the Ministry of Religious in Jambi Province
The graph shows that career educators civil servants and teaching at madrassas in the province of
Jambi more is in group III / a. As for class III / b and so look down even to the Group IV / b be a difficult thing.
Educators is in group III / d have difficulties to move up to class IV / a and when it is in group IV / a is very
difficult to go up to the IV / b. The number of teachers who are in Group IV / a does not seem a significant
increase over 5 years. This indicates that the educators in Jambi province have constraints in terms of career
development, especially in terms of promotions.
This study was conducted to analyze: 1) The effect of leadership style on career development; 2) The
influence of organizational culture on career development; and 3) The effect of leadership style and
organizational culture simultaneously to career development.
II. Literature Review and Hypothesis
Career Development
The theory of career development can be seen from the two types of theories, namely the structural
theory and the theory of development. Structural theory focuses on individual characteristics and tasks in an
office. This theory is also known as the theory of the nature and factors (trait and factor theory) constructed by
(Frank Parson's, 1920). This theory is based on three things: first, an accurate knowledge of the self; second, the
knowledge of sfesifikasi work; Third, the ability to adjust between two things (people and nature). Factors
contained in career development: first, a clear understanding of self, attitudes, abilities, interests, interests, and
resources; second, the knowledge of the requirements of a success, strengths and weakness, compensation,
opportunities, and employment prospects; Third, the true reason of the relationship the two groups of actions.
The theory of development and self-concept (developmental-self concept theory) coined by Donald
Super in the 1950s the view that the career development of each individual is work experience lifelong someone
who can be divided into several stages starting from the initial intention to work and end with retirement
(Gayani : 165).
The starting point of career development starts from the employees themselves. Each person is
responsible for the development or career advancement. After a strong personal commitment, do some
development activities including; work performance, exposure, resignation, organizational loyalty, mentor and
sponsor, as well as opportunities to grow. The most important activities to advance your career is a good
performance because it underlies the development and career advancement. Career development is also
determined by the exposure that became known by the people who decide promotions, transfers, and other
career opportunities.
If one looks at the progress or development of better career elsewhere, then he can request stops as a
way to achieve career goals. Organizational loyalty also determine the progress and career development. Low
organizational loyalty are generally found in themselves the new scholars and professionals. Mentor and
sponsors are also important in the development of the organization. A mentor is a person who offers career
guidance, while informal links are people in the organization who can create career development opportunities
for others. Lastly, if the employee improve its ability, for example through training, courses, further education,
the means they have used the opportunity to grow (Sunyoto, 2013: 187-188).
Leadership Style
Leadership style can be understood as the way in which leaders in influencing followers. Leadership
style is also the norms of behavior that is used by someone when the person is trying to influence the behavior
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of others as she sees. Thus aligning the perception among the people that will affect the ones that would be
affected become very important position (Thoha, 2010: 49).
Leadership studies at the University of Iowa in the late 1930s that in [pioneered by Ronald Lippitt and
Ralph K. White, under the leadership of Kurt Lewin identified three styles of leadership, namely: first, the
autocratic style characterized by centralized authority and participation of members of the low; second, the
democratic style where there is the involvement and participation of members of the high and feedback; and
third, the style of laissez faire (Luthans 2006, 639).
Very comprehensive theory emerging from the study at Ohio State in the late 1940s identified the two
dimensions of leadership styles. First, the structure of the initiator (initiating structure) means the leadership role
in identifying its role and the role of each member, this will include behavior that seeks to organize the work,
labor relations, and purpose. Second, consideration (consideration), that is to say to what extent the relationship
work of someone who is characterized by trust and respect the leader of the ideas and feelings of each member
of the group (Robbins and Judge, 2015: 251).
Oranizational Culture
Organizational culture is also defined as a social knowledge in an organization that includes rules,
norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behavior of employees, it is that the definition submitted by
J.Chatman and DL Caldwell in Colquitt, et al, as follows: "Organizational culture as the shared social
knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behavior of
its employees (Colquitt, et al, 2009: 546).
William Ouchi with Z theory concentrates on organizational culture as a whole. That's why not only
berkonstrasi Z theory on attitudes and behavior of the supervisor but the differences of each culture
organizations in running the organization. Theory Z considers that culture include long-term work, decision
making, individual responsibility, evaluation and promotion, control systems informal performance
measurement that explicitly turn, career paths, and a commitment to every aspect of the lives of the members /
employees (Lunenburg, 2011: 5) ,
Daniel R. Denison with the model developed has given beliefs and assumptions which represent the
deepest levels of the organizational culture. Denison organizational culture in perspective has derived from the
basic foundations: first, a cultural component at the surface level, such as: values and artifacts that can be
observed include symbols, rituals and so forth; second, the behavior and actions (Shakil Ahmad, 2012: 51).
Cultural profile that is based on a survey conducted by Denison found four cultural dimensions: first,
the mission consists of strategic direction, goals, and vision. Successful organizations have clear objectives,
which defines the direction of the organization's goals and strategic objectives and expressing a vision of how
the organization will look like; second, the consistency is composed of a primary value, approvals, coordination
and integration.
Organizations tend to be effective because they have a culture of "strong" a very consistent, well
coordinated, and well integrated; third, engagement consists of empowerment, group orientation, and
development capabilities. Effective organizations empower their employees, build their organization around the
team, and develop human capacity at all levels; and fourth, the adaptation consists of creating change, customer
focus, and organizational learning. Adaptable organization driven by their customers, take risks and learn from
their mistakes, and have the ability and experience to create change (Denison in Ahmad, 2012; 51).
Based on the background, the purpose of the study is to assess and analyze:
1) Influence of Leadership Style on Career Development;
2) Influence of Organizational Culture on Career Development; and
3) Effect of Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development of teachers either partially
or simultaneously on a religious ministry Jambi Province.
Conceptual Framework
Based on previous studies, can be drawn between variables hubunan leadership style influence on
career development is partially based on research conducted by Kathrin Kochan and Pierre-Ludwig Heinze
(2012: 62-67). Organizational culture influence on career development is partially based on research conducted
by Shuaib Ahmad, et al (2014: 56), Shahid Rasool, et al (2012: 299), and W.P. Richard Wickramaratne (2013:
Career development (Y), built with dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known
others, faithful to the organization, Utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop.
Leadership style (X1) was built with dimensions and or indicator: Authority leadership, participation in decision
making, the Authority took the decision himself, Hak member and Building Trust. Organizational culture (X2)
built with dimensions and or indicator: Mission, Consistency, Involvement, and Adaptation. Conceptual
Framework then this study as shown below:
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Figure2: Conceptual Framework
Based on research objectives and reviews the theory, the hypothesis of the study are:
1) Leadership Styles affect the Career Development;
2) Organizational Culture influence on Career Development; and
3) Style of Leadership and Organizational Culture influence the career development of teachers either partially
or simultaneously on a religious ministry Jambi Province.
III. Research Methods
This research was conducted using a quantitative approach associative with survey method and using
the technique of path Analysis. Path analysis was first developed in 1920 by a geneticist (Sewall Wright) is used
to analyze the patterns of relationships between variables in order to determine the effect of directly or
indirectly, a set of independent variables (exogenous) to the dependent variable (endogenous). (Riduan and
Kuncoro, 2008: 1-2).
Three overall population of the study area amounted to 1004 people. Of the population, it is taken as a
sample of educators. In the study population is heterogeneous, so if the population is large (more than 100), can
be taken between 10% - 15% or 20% - 25% or more (Riduan and Kuncoro, 2008: 49). Roscoe, as cited by
Sugiyono stated that a decent sample size in the study were between 30 to 500 (Sugiyono, 2009: 74). Based on
these considerations, in this study, researchers took a sample of 15% of the overall population, and thus obtained
sample of 151 people (1004 x 15% = 150.6 = 151). Techniques used in the sampling that is proportionate
stratified random sampling.
Before the analysis, test questionnaire to test the validity and reliability and testing requirements
analysis with normality test, homogeneity, and linearity of the study variables.
Path analysis is one of the analytical tools developed by (Dillon and Goldstein in Hapzi Ali and
Nandan Limakrisna, 2013: 137). Wright developed a method to determine the direct and indirect effect of a
variable, where there are variables that influence (exogenous variables) and variables that are affected
(endogenous variables)
IV. Result and Discussion
Validity and reliability
Test the validity of the instrument item is a statistical test used to determine how valid an item
questions measure variables studied. Criteria valid or invalid item instrument that is if the value r_count> r_
values (table) those items are considered valid, but if r_count<r_ (tables) clause declared invalid or void at the
significance level of alpha () = 0.05 n = 30 . validity for career development variables using the Pearson product
moment formula.
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Table 1: UJI validity leadership style (X1)
Variable Statement 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 Conclusion
1 2 3 4 5
Leadership Style (X1) X1_1 0,799 0,3610 Valid
X1_2 0,786 0,3610 Valid
X1_3 0,837 0,3610 Valid
X1_4 0,845 0,3610 Valid
X1_5 0,593 0,3610 Valid
X1_6 0,808 0,3610 Valid
X1_7 0,729 0,3610 Valid
X1_8 0,130 0,3610 Invalid
X1_9 0,709 0,3610 Valid
X1_10 0,715 0,3610 Valid
X1_11 0,655 0,3610 Valid
X1_12 0,733 0,3610 Valid
X1_13 0,731 0,3610 Valid
X1_14 0,731 0,3610 Valid
X1_15 0,845 0,3610 Valid
X1_16 0,878 0,3610 Valid
X1_17 0,796 0,3610 Valid
X1_18 0,609 0,3610 Valid
X1_19 0,760 0,3610 Valid
X1_20 0,307 0,3610 Invalid
X1_21 0,183 0,3610 Invalid
X1_22 0,829 0,3610 Valid
X1_23 0,652 0,3610 Valid
X1_24 0,344 0,3610 Invalid
X1_25 0,798 0,3610 Valid
X1_26 0,286 0,3610 Invalid
X1_27 0,748 0,3610 Valid
X1_28 0,784 0,3610 Valid
X1_29 0,095 0,3610 Invalid
X1_30 0,853 0,3610 Valid
X1_31 0,766 0,3610 Valid
X1_32 0,353 0,3610 Invalid
X1_33 0,766 0,3610 Valid
X1_34 0,752 0,3610 Valid
X1_35 0,742 0,3610 Valid
X1_36 0,714 0,3610 Valid
X1_37 0,783 0,3610 Valid
X1_38 0,663 0,3610 Valid
X1_39 0,756 0,3610 Valid
X1_40 0,877 0,3610 Valid
Based on Table 1 above it can be seen that test the validity of the 40-point declaration to the variables
of leadership style are invalid item 7 is point 8, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, and 32. Thus, there are 33 items that valid and
that which is used as an instrument and distributed to the respondents.
The results of test calculations for the validity of organizational culture variables obtained as follows:
Table2: Test the validity of Organizational Culture variables (X2)
Variable Statement 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 Conclusion
1 2 3 4 5
Organizational Culture (X2) X2_1 0,761 0,3610 Valid
X2_2 0,753 0,3610 Valid
X2_3 0,818 0,3610 Valid
X2_4 0,806 0,3610 Valid
X2_5 0,007 0,3610 Invalid
X2_6 0,822 0,3610 Valid
X2_7 0,724 0,3610 Valid
X2_8 0,813 0,3610 Valid
X2_9 0,858 0,3610 Valid
X2_10 0,851 0,3610 Valid
X2_11 0,327 0,3610 Invalid
X2_12 0,662 0,3610 Valid
X2_13 0,791 0,3610 Valid
X2_14 -0,001 0,3610 Invalid
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X2_15 0,765 0,3610 Valid
X2_16 0,785 0,3610 Valid
X2_17 0,830 0,3610 Valid
X2_18 0,866 0,3610 Valid
X2_19 0,021 0,3610 Invalid
X2_20 0,806 0,3610 Valid
X2_21 0,826 0,3610 Valid
X2_22 0,807 0,3610 Valid
X2_23 0,263 0,3610 Invalid
X2_24 0,909 0,3610 Valid
X2_25 0,932 0,3610 Valid
X2_26 0,260 0,3610 Invalid
X2_27 0,827 0,3610 Valid
X2_28 0,826 0,3610 Valid
X2_29 0,885 0,3610 Valid
X2_30 0,183 0,3610 Invalid
X2_31 0,867 0,3610 Valid
X2_32 0,782 0,3610 Valid
X2_33 0,768 0,3610 Valid
X2_34 0,838 0,3610 Valid
X2_35 0,809 0,3610 Valid
X2_36 0,163 0,3610 Invalid
X2_37 0,809 0,3610 Valid
X2_38 0,834 0,3610 Valid
X2_39 0,228 0,3610 Invalid
X2_40 0,425 0,3610 Valid
X2_41 0,890 0,3610 Valid
X2_42 0,798 0,3610 Valid
X2_43 0,872 0,3610 Valid
X2_44 0,136 0,3610 Invalid
According to the table 2 above can be seen that the results of testing the validity of the 44-point
declaration to variable organizational culture that there are 10 items that are not valid, namely item 5, 11, 14, 19,
23, 26, 30, 36, 39, and 44, thus there are 34 items are valid.
Validity test results for the variable career development are as follows:
Table 3: Test the validity of an instrument of career development.
Variable Statement 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 Conclusion
1 2 3 4 5
Career Development
X4_1 0,691 0,3610 Valid
X4_2 0,840 0,3610 Valid
X4_3 0,733 0,3610 Valid
X4_4 0,662 0,3610 Valid
X4_5 0,763 0,3610 Valid
X4_6 -0,101 0,3610 Invalid
X4_7 0,792 0,3610 Valid
X4_8 -0,184 0,3610 Invalid
X4_9 0,561 0,3610 Valid
X4_10 0,722 0,3610 Valid
X4_11 0,294 0,3610 Invalid
X4_12 0,670 0,3610 Valid
X4_13 0,343 0,3610 Invalid
X4_14 0,721 0,3610 Valid
X4_15 0,848 0,3610 Valid
X4_16 0,739 0,3610 Valid
X4_17 0,689 0,3610 Valid
X4_18 -0,113 0,3610 Invalid
X4_19 0,756 0,3610 Valid
X4_20 0,616 0,3610 Valid
X4_21 0,858 0,3610 Valid
X4_22 0,856 0,3610 Valid
X4_23 0,013 0,3610 Invalid
X4_24 0,686 0,3610 Valid
X4_25 0,713 0,3610 Valid
X4_26 0,625 0,3610 Valid
X4_27 0,827 0,3610 Valid
X4_28 0,763 0,3610 Valid
X4_29 0,820 0,3610 Valid
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X4_30 0,791 0,3610 Valid
X4_31 -0,054 0,3610 Invalid
X4_32 0,557 0,3610 Valid
X4_33 -0,184 0,3610 Invalid
X4_34 0,818 0,3610 Valid
X4_35 0,857 0,3610 Valid
X4_36 0,819 0,3610 Valid
X4_37 0,841 0,3610 Valid
X4_38 0,721 0,3610 Valid
X4_39 -0,113 0,3610 Invalid
X4_40 0,822 0,3610 Valid
X4_41 0,091 0,3610 Invalid
X4_42 0,274 0,3610 Invalid
Based on Table 3 above it can be seen that the results of testing the validity of the 42-point declaration
to the variable career development there are 11 items that are not valid that item 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 23, 31, 33, 39,
41, and 42, so there are 31 valid items.
Test reliability of the research variables can be seen in the following table:
Table 4: reliability test
Variable Cronbach’s Alpha N of Item
Leadership style (X1) 0,978 33
Cultural Organization (X2) 0,985 34
Career Development (Y) 0,974 31
Source: The results of data processing with SPSS 22:00
Based on Table 4 above it can be seen that all variables have a value of Cronbach's alpha> rtable, so for
all variables declared reliable and can be forwarded to the data collection.
Test requirements analysis normality test.
Normality test aims to Determine the error distribution Obtained normal distribution or not. Terms
of normally distributed error ie if Lcount maximum is greater than Ltable. The standard error normality test
results in this study are summarized in the following table:
Table 5: Normality Test Standard Error Estimates results
No error Lmaximum count Ltable (0,05) Error Basic
1 X1 with Y 0,0719 0,081 Normal distribution
2 X2 with Y 0,0804 0,081 Normal distribution
Normal Terms Lmaximum count> Ltable
Source: The results of data processing with SPSS 22:00
Based on the calculation above normality test can be seen that the error of all the variables that are in
the reception area so that the null hypothesis of normal distribution.
Homogenity test
Homogeneity test aims to determine that the variance is homogeneous or not. Homogeneity testing
criteria that is received H1 if X2count value is smaller than X2table and accept H0 if X2count X2table value is
greater than the significance level α = 0.05. The homogeneity test results in this study are summarized in the
following table:
Table 6: Variance Homogeneity Test Results
No Error number of Samples dk X2
(0,05) Conclusion
count X2
1 Y grouped on X1 121 84 16,858 96,598 Homogeneous
2 Y grouped on X2 121 86 24,125 96,598 Homogeneous
Prerequisites homogeneous X2
count< X2
Source: The results of data processing with SPSS 22:00
Based on calculations obtained homogeneity X2count value smaller than X2table so that H1 is accepted and
concluded that all the errors in this study showed homogeneous variance.
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Research result
The results of the study as table 7 below with variable coefficients leadership style (X1) and
organizational culture (X2) is (Pyx1 = and Pyx2 =) and correlation between variables X1 and X2 are that can be
presented as figure 3 below:
Table 7: Coefficients regression
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 14,814 8,853 1,673 ,000
X1 ,503 ,072 ,495 6,954 ,000
X2 ,382 ,074 ,370 5,197 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Output SPSS 23.0 for windows
Source: data processing, 2016
Figure 3: Structure Results Path Analysis
Determination analysis (R2
The R value of 0.763 in Table 8 shows the double-variable correlation Leadership Style and Culture
Organization of the Career Development. Taking into account the variations in the value of R Square of 0.582
which indicates the magnitude of the role or contribution of Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the
Career Development by 58.2 percent while the remaining 51.8 percent is influenced by other variables.
Other variables that can affect the Career Development and Performance of teachers aside from
leadership style and organizational culture are variable Organizational Climate, Leadership Style,
Organizational Commitment, (Nandan Limakrisna, Zulki Zulkifli, Hapzi Ali: 2016). Besides other variables that
can affect Professionalism is like the results (Mukhtar, Risnita, M. Shoffa Saifillah, Hapzi Ali, 2016), That the
Knowledge Management and Work Commitment positive and significant impact on service satisfaction and
impact the Career Development and Performance of teachers.
Table 8: Model summary
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
1 ,763a
,582 ,575 7,3344
a. Predictors: (Constant), BdyOrg_X2, GYKep_X1
Source: Output SPSS 23.0 for windows
Partial effect (t test) and influence simultaneously (Test F)
Assessment of the effect of partial aims to test whether each independent variable significantly
influence the dependent variable partially with α = 0.05 and the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. Partial
test (t test) to answer a hypothetical one and two of this study.
Table 9. T Test Results (Partial)
No variables tcount Sig. T
1 Leadership style (X1) 6,954 0.000
2 Organizational culture (X2) 5,197 0.000
Source: The results of process data from SPSS 23.0 for windows
From Table 9 above were obtained tcount leadership style variable of 6.954, meaning tcount> t table
(6.954> 1.9801). Thus, Ho refused and H1 accepted, meaning that there are significant partial leadership style
on career development. To test the significance gained output of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05, it can be
concluded that leadership style significantly influence career development. Thus the first hypothesis is accepted.
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Tcount organizational culture variable amounted to 5.197 which means greater than t table (5.197>
1.9801). It can be stated that H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning partially contained organization with
cultural influences on career development. Furthermore, the significance test showed 0.000 which is smaller
than 0,005, so it can be concluded that organizational culture significantly influence career development. This
means that the second hypothesis is accepted.
The third hypothesis stating leadership style and organizational culture influence on career
development simultaneously can be answered from table 10 below:
Table 10. F test results simultaneously
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 8856,293 2 4428,146 82,317 ,000b
Residual 6347,707 118 53,794
Total 15204,000 120
a. Dependent Variable: PengKar_X4
b. Predictors: (Constant), BdyOrg_X2, GYKep_X1
Source: Output SPSS 23.0 for windows
From table 10 values obtained Fcount 82.317 which means greater than F table (82.317> 3.07) with a
significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05. It can be stated that H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning there is
simultaneously a significant influence leadership style and organizational culture on career development. Thus,
the third hypothesis is accepted.
1. Leadership Style on Career Development
Leadership style directly influence career development. A person's leadership style will basically give
yourself a color on the leadership and the people they lead. With a leadership style that certainly has a
uniqueness between each leader, someone will be able to influence and mobilize subordinates in carrying out
activities to achieve organizational goals. Activities subordinates who may be affected by the leader of one of
them is a person's activity in the development of his career.
Career development, consists of dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known
others, faithful to the organization, Utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop.
Leadership style consists of dimensions and or indicator: Authority leadership, participation in decision making,
the Authority took the decision himself, Hak member and Building Trust.
The results of this study are supported by research conducted Kochan and Heinz (2012) that there is an
influence on the leadership style of management (development) career.
2. Cultural Organization on Career Development
Cultural organizations directly influence career development. These findings indicate that all
provisions (values, beliefs, rules) that must be obeyed by members of the organization together in realizing the
goals of the organization will provide penngaruh on the career development of individuals. Therefore when the
pad Cultural Studies that there is a positive or support agency will provide positive penaruh (supportive) against
the individual effort in the development of his career.
Career development, consists of dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known
others, faithful to the organization, utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop.
Organizational culture consists of the dimensions and or indicator: Mission, Consistency, Involvement, and
This study was supported by research conducted by Sahib rasool, et al (2012), W.P. Richard
Wickramaratne (2013), and Gayani Elvitga et al. The research results proved that organizational culture has a
direct effect relationship and closely with employee career development.
3. Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development
Leadership style and organizational culture influence on career development. Hypothesis test results
found that leadership style and organizational culture influence on career development. That is, that the style of
leadership that is the way in which a leader in influencing subordinates and organizational culture that serves to
give identity to its members can provide penaruh to the development of one's career. Thus, Likes and dislikes
these two factors can not be ignored and should be a concern if the individual wants a successful career
Career development, consists of dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known
others, faithful to the organization, Utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop.
Leadership style consists of dimensions and or indicator: Authority leadership, participation in decision making,
Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry …
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 74 | Page
the Authority took the decision himself, member due and Building Trust. Organizational culture consists of the
dimensions and or indicator: Mission, Consistency, Involvement, and Adaptation
The Ministry of Religious Leaders Jambi Province will be able to carry out its duties and functions
effectively in memajemen teachers and education personnel if it is able to empower all available resources. The
resources available are: man, money, machine, Information Technology and other such market power sumbre
and method, (Hapzi Ali, 2009: 49).
The results of this study are supported by research conducted by Rahmisyari (2015) which states that
the style of leadership and organizational culture influence on employee development and strengthened by
research Bambuwela and De Alwis (2013) which concludes that the organizations, individuals, and cultural
influence on career development.
V. Conclusion and Recommendation
Conclusion:1) Leadership Style Positive and significant effect on the career development of teachers. The better
the leadership style will be better the teacher career development system; 2) Organizational Culture and
significant positive effect on the career development of teachers. The better the organizational culture will be
better the teacher career development system; 3) Leadership Style and Culture Organization and significant
positive effect on the career development of teachers. The better style Kepemimpinandan Cultural Organization
will be better the system of Career Development at the Ministry of Religious teachers Jambi Province.
Suggestion:1) To enhance the career development of teachers, principals and head of the Office of Religious
Affairs should consider the various needs of educators both by providing opportunities for career development
and creating an organizational culture that is conducive to the development of career educators; 2) Researchers
in the field of education management and human resources can perform further studies more comprehensive
range of variables that can affect career development of teachers because there are many other factors that affect
teachers in the Career Development Ministry Jambi their beliefs. Finally, I hope the results of this study may
help educators in career development efforts.
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06. mukhtar, hapzi ali, mahdalena, uin jambi, www.iosrjournals.org06. mukhtar, hapzi ali, mahdalena, uin jambi,
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05. hapzi ali, mukhtar, sofwan, uin jambi,

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  • 1. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 18, Issue 11. Ver. IV (November. 2016), PP 65-74 DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 65 | Page Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry Religious Affairs in Jambi Province Prof. Dr. Mukhtar*, Prof. Dr. Hapzi Ali, CMA**, Dr. Siti Raudhatul Jannah*** * Professor and Director of Graduate IAIN STS, Jambi Indonesia ** Professor of the Graduate Management Mercubuana University, Jakarta, Indonesia *** Lecturer IAIN STS, Jambi Indonesia Abstract: Teacher career development as a quality improvement process personal toward career paths are influenced by many factors, such as organizational, cultural factors and individual factors. This study aimed to analyze the influence of Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development of Teachers either partially or simultaneously on a religious ministry Jambi Province. The study was conducted at Islamic schools in the ministry of religious affairs in the province of Jambi. Population 3 study area totaled 1004 with a sample of 151 teachers were taken by using proportional stratified random sampling technique. Quantitative research using path analysis tools continued with determination analysis, t test and F test with alpha 5 percent. Analysis tools with SPSS 22.0 for windows. The results showed that the leadership style and organizational culture positive and significant impact on Career Development at the Ministry of Religious Teachers of Jambi Province. Keyword: Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Career Development. I. Introduction Career development is a result of the interaction between an individual's career with the career management process of the organization. Every individual who works in an organization will have expectations as recompense for the sacrifices or achievements that contributed to the organization. One hope is to reach a position or a better position than previously, a career is a need for every employee. career in organizational life as a whole person for the purpose of work performed and positions lap by someone during her work. Although it is difficult to find a universal pattern of the careers of everyone because that happens to be very diverse. There are people who achieve career advancement based on a specific plan but there also achieve career advancement without a plan (Siagian, 2012: 206). One indicator of career development is satisfactory job performance. Promotion / job is one measure of job performance is satisfactory. Position educators as one functional position also requires certain conditions in order to develop a career. It is stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Candy PANRB) No. 16 of 2009 dated 10 November 2009. In these candies arranged on the functional position of teachers (Article 12) and the total number of credits that must be met for each level of the position (Article 17). Additionally arranged also in Regulation together with the minister and the head of BKN no. 03 / V / NT / 2010 and No. 14 of 2010 on the instructions of teachers and the implementation of functional credit number. Furthermore PERBES issue No. 14 of 2014 which in Article 16, paragraph 1 states that: "The promotion may be considered at least two years in the rank of" enabling teachers to be able to apply for promotions and parties every two years. Departing from these regulations, it can be said that the career development of teachers at the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the Office of Jambi province in line with expectations yet ideal. Within the last 5 years there are some educators who have difficulties in terms of promotion. This is not in line with expectations for preferably within 2 years educators have been able to develop his career in terms of promotion. Difficulties educators in the development of his career especially noticeable when they will take care of the promotion of the group IIID to IV / a and in particular from the class IV / A to IV / b and so on. It is, as can be seen in the following graph:
  • 2. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 66 | Page Figure 1: Graph of rank educators at the Ministry of Religious in Jambi Province The graph shows that career educators civil servants and teaching at madrassas in the province of Jambi more is in group III / a. As for class III / b and so look down even to the Group IV / b be a difficult thing. Educators is in group III / d have difficulties to move up to class IV / a and when it is in group IV / a is very difficult to go up to the IV / b. The number of teachers who are in Group IV / a does not seem a significant increase over 5 years. This indicates that the educators in Jambi province have constraints in terms of career development, especially in terms of promotions. This study was conducted to analyze: 1) The effect of leadership style on career development; 2) The influence of organizational culture on career development; and 3) The effect of leadership style and organizational culture simultaneously to career development. II. Literature Review and Hypothesis Career Development The theory of career development can be seen from the two types of theories, namely the structural theory and the theory of development. Structural theory focuses on individual characteristics and tasks in an office. This theory is also known as the theory of the nature and factors (trait and factor theory) constructed by (Frank Parson's, 1920). This theory is based on three things: first, an accurate knowledge of the self; second, the knowledge of sfesifikasi work; Third, the ability to adjust between two things (people and nature). Factors contained in career development: first, a clear understanding of self, attitudes, abilities, interests, interests, and resources; second, the knowledge of the requirements of a success, strengths and weakness, compensation, opportunities, and employment prospects; Third, the true reason of the relationship the two groups of actions. The theory of development and self-concept (developmental-self concept theory) coined by Donald Super in the 1950s the view that the career development of each individual is work experience lifelong someone who can be divided into several stages starting from the initial intention to work and end with retirement (Gayani : 165). The starting point of career development starts from the employees themselves. Each person is responsible for the development or career advancement. After a strong personal commitment, do some development activities including; work performance, exposure, resignation, organizational loyalty, mentor and sponsor, as well as opportunities to grow. The most important activities to advance your career is a good performance because it underlies the development and career advancement. Career development is also determined by the exposure that became known by the people who decide promotions, transfers, and other career opportunities. If one looks at the progress or development of better career elsewhere, then he can request stops as a way to achieve career goals. Organizational loyalty also determine the progress and career development. Low organizational loyalty are generally found in themselves the new scholars and professionals. Mentor and sponsors are also important in the development of the organization. A mentor is a person who offers career guidance, while informal links are people in the organization who can create career development opportunities for others. Lastly, if the employee improve its ability, for example through training, courses, further education, the means they have used the opportunity to grow (Sunyoto, 2013: 187-188). Leadership Style Leadership style can be understood as the way in which leaders in influencing followers. Leadership style is also the norms of behavior that is used by someone when the person is trying to influence the behavior
  • 3. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 67 | Page of others as she sees. Thus aligning the perception among the people that will affect the ones that would be affected become very important position (Thoha, 2010: 49). Leadership studies at the University of Iowa in the late 1930s that in [pioneered by Ronald Lippitt and Ralph K. White, under the leadership of Kurt Lewin identified three styles of leadership, namely: first, the autocratic style characterized by centralized authority and participation of members of the low; second, the democratic style where there is the involvement and participation of members of the high and feedback; and third, the style of laissez faire (Luthans 2006, 639). Very comprehensive theory emerging from the study at Ohio State in the late 1940s identified the two dimensions of leadership styles. First, the structure of the initiator (initiating structure) means the leadership role in identifying its role and the role of each member, this will include behavior that seeks to organize the work, labor relations, and purpose. Second, consideration (consideration), that is to say to what extent the relationship work of someone who is characterized by trust and respect the leader of the ideas and feelings of each member of the group (Robbins and Judge, 2015: 251). Oranizational Culture Organizational culture is also defined as a social knowledge in an organization that includes rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behavior of employees, it is that the definition submitted by J.Chatman and DL Caldwell in Colquitt, et al, as follows: "Organizational culture as the shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behavior of its employees (Colquitt, et al, 2009: 546). William Ouchi with Z theory concentrates on organizational culture as a whole. That's why not only berkonstrasi Z theory on attitudes and behavior of the supervisor but the differences of each culture organizations in running the organization. Theory Z considers that culture include long-term work, decision making, individual responsibility, evaluation and promotion, control systems informal performance measurement that explicitly turn, career paths, and a commitment to every aspect of the lives of the members / employees (Lunenburg, 2011: 5) , Daniel R. Denison with the model developed has given beliefs and assumptions which represent the deepest levels of the organizational culture. Denison organizational culture in perspective has derived from the basic foundations: first, a cultural component at the surface level, such as: values and artifacts that can be observed include symbols, rituals and so forth; second, the behavior and actions (Shakil Ahmad, 2012: 51). Cultural profile that is based on a survey conducted by Denison found four cultural dimensions: first, the mission consists of strategic direction, goals, and vision. Successful organizations have clear objectives, which defines the direction of the organization's goals and strategic objectives and expressing a vision of how the organization will look like; second, the consistency is composed of a primary value, approvals, coordination and integration. Organizations tend to be effective because they have a culture of "strong" a very consistent, well coordinated, and well integrated; third, engagement consists of empowerment, group orientation, and development capabilities. Effective organizations empower their employees, build their organization around the team, and develop human capacity at all levels; and fourth, the adaptation consists of creating change, customer focus, and organizational learning. Adaptable organization driven by their customers, take risks and learn from their mistakes, and have the ability and experience to create change (Denison in Ahmad, 2012; 51). Based on the background, the purpose of the study is to assess and analyze: 1) Influence of Leadership Style on Career Development; 2) Influence of Organizational Culture on Career Development; and 3) Effect of Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development of teachers either partially or simultaneously on a religious ministry Jambi Province. Conceptual Framework Based on previous studies, can be drawn between variables hubunan leadership style influence on career development is partially based on research conducted by Kathrin Kochan and Pierre-Ludwig Heinze (2012: 62-67). Organizational culture influence on career development is partially based on research conducted by Shuaib Ahmad, et al (2014: 56), Shahid Rasool, et al (2012: 299), and W.P. Richard Wickramaratne (2013: 79). Career development (Y), built with dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known others, faithful to the organization, Utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop. Leadership style (X1) was built with dimensions and or indicator: Authority leadership, participation in decision making, the Authority took the decision himself, Hak member and Building Trust. Organizational culture (X2) built with dimensions and or indicator: Mission, Consistency, Involvement, and Adaptation. Conceptual Framework then this study as shown below:
  • 4. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 68 | Page Figure2: Conceptual Framework Based on research objectives and reviews the theory, the hypothesis of the study are: 1) Leadership Styles affect the Career Development; 2) Organizational Culture influence on Career Development; and 3) Style of Leadership and Organizational Culture influence the career development of teachers either partially or simultaneously on a religious ministry Jambi Province. III. Research Methods This research was conducted using a quantitative approach associative with survey method and using the technique of path Analysis. Path analysis was first developed in 1920 by a geneticist (Sewall Wright) is used to analyze the patterns of relationships between variables in order to determine the effect of directly or indirectly, a set of independent variables (exogenous) to the dependent variable (endogenous). (Riduan and Kuncoro, 2008: 1-2). Three overall population of the study area amounted to 1004 people. Of the population, it is taken as a sample of educators. In the study population is heterogeneous, so if the population is large (more than 100), can be taken between 10% - 15% or 20% - 25% or more (Riduan and Kuncoro, 2008: 49). Roscoe, as cited by Sugiyono stated that a decent sample size in the study were between 30 to 500 (Sugiyono, 2009: 74). Based on these considerations, in this study, researchers took a sample of 15% of the overall population, and thus obtained sample of 151 people (1004 x 15% = 150.6 = 151). Techniques used in the sampling that is proportionate stratified random sampling. Before the analysis, test questionnaire to test the validity and reliability and testing requirements analysis with normality test, homogeneity, and linearity of the study variables. Path analysis is one of the analytical tools developed by (Dillon and Goldstein in Hapzi Ali and Nandan Limakrisna, 2013: 137). Wright developed a method to determine the direct and indirect effect of a variable, where there are variables that influence (exogenous variables) and variables that are affected (endogenous variables) IV. Result and Discussion Validity and reliability Test the validity of the instrument item is a statistical test used to determine how valid an item questions measure variables studied. Criteria valid or invalid item instrument that is if the value r_count> r_ values (table) those items are considered valid, but if r_count<r_ (tables) clause declared invalid or void at the significance level of alpha () = 0.05 n = 30 . validity for career development variables using the Pearson product moment formula.
  • 5. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 69 | Page Table 1: UJI validity leadership style (X1) Variable Statement 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 Leadership Style (X1) X1_1 0,799 0,3610 Valid X1_2 0,786 0,3610 Valid X1_3 0,837 0,3610 Valid X1_4 0,845 0,3610 Valid X1_5 0,593 0,3610 Valid X1_6 0,808 0,3610 Valid X1_7 0,729 0,3610 Valid X1_8 0,130 0,3610 Invalid X1_9 0,709 0,3610 Valid X1_10 0,715 0,3610 Valid X1_11 0,655 0,3610 Valid X1_12 0,733 0,3610 Valid X1_13 0,731 0,3610 Valid X1_14 0,731 0,3610 Valid X1_15 0,845 0,3610 Valid X1_16 0,878 0,3610 Valid X1_17 0,796 0,3610 Valid X1_18 0,609 0,3610 Valid X1_19 0,760 0,3610 Valid X1_20 0,307 0,3610 Invalid X1_21 0,183 0,3610 Invalid X1_22 0,829 0,3610 Valid X1_23 0,652 0,3610 Valid X1_24 0,344 0,3610 Invalid X1_25 0,798 0,3610 Valid X1_26 0,286 0,3610 Invalid X1_27 0,748 0,3610 Valid X1_28 0,784 0,3610 Valid X1_29 0,095 0,3610 Invalid X1_30 0,853 0,3610 Valid X1_31 0,766 0,3610 Valid X1_32 0,353 0,3610 Invalid X1_33 0,766 0,3610 Valid X1_34 0,752 0,3610 Valid X1_35 0,742 0,3610 Valid X1_36 0,714 0,3610 Valid X1_37 0,783 0,3610 Valid X1_38 0,663 0,3610 Valid X1_39 0,756 0,3610 Valid X1_40 0,877 0,3610 Valid Based on Table 1 above it can be seen that test the validity of the 40-point declaration to the variables of leadership style are invalid item 7 is point 8, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, and 32. Thus, there are 33 items that valid and that which is used as an instrument and distributed to the respondents. The results of test calculations for the validity of organizational culture variables obtained as follows: Table2: Test the validity of Organizational Culture variables (X2) Variable Statement 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 Organizational Culture (X2) X2_1 0,761 0,3610 Valid X2_2 0,753 0,3610 Valid X2_3 0,818 0,3610 Valid X2_4 0,806 0,3610 Valid X2_5 0,007 0,3610 Invalid X2_6 0,822 0,3610 Valid X2_7 0,724 0,3610 Valid X2_8 0,813 0,3610 Valid X2_9 0,858 0,3610 Valid X2_10 0,851 0,3610 Valid X2_11 0,327 0,3610 Invalid X2_12 0,662 0,3610 Valid X2_13 0,791 0,3610 Valid X2_14 -0,001 0,3610 Invalid
  • 6. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 70 | Page X2_15 0,765 0,3610 Valid X2_16 0,785 0,3610 Valid X2_17 0,830 0,3610 Valid X2_18 0,866 0,3610 Valid X2_19 0,021 0,3610 Invalid X2_20 0,806 0,3610 Valid X2_21 0,826 0,3610 Valid X2_22 0,807 0,3610 Valid X2_23 0,263 0,3610 Invalid X2_24 0,909 0,3610 Valid X2_25 0,932 0,3610 Valid X2_26 0,260 0,3610 Invalid X2_27 0,827 0,3610 Valid X2_28 0,826 0,3610 Valid X2_29 0,885 0,3610 Valid X2_30 0,183 0,3610 Invalid X2_31 0,867 0,3610 Valid X2_32 0,782 0,3610 Valid X2_33 0,768 0,3610 Valid X2_34 0,838 0,3610 Valid X2_35 0,809 0,3610 Valid X2_36 0,163 0,3610 Invalid X2_37 0,809 0,3610 Valid X2_38 0,834 0,3610 Valid X2_39 0,228 0,3610 Invalid X2_40 0,425 0,3610 Valid X2_41 0,890 0,3610 Valid X2_42 0,798 0,3610 Valid X2_43 0,872 0,3610 Valid X2_44 0,136 0,3610 Invalid According to the table 2 above can be seen that the results of testing the validity of the 44-point declaration to variable organizational culture that there are 10 items that are not valid, namely item 5, 11, 14, 19, 23, 26, 30, 36, 39, and 44, thus there are 34 items are valid. Validity test results for the variable career development are as follows: Table 3: Test the validity of an instrument of career development. Variable Statement 𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 Conclusion 1 2 3 4 5 Career Development (X4) X4_1 0,691 0,3610 Valid X4_2 0,840 0,3610 Valid X4_3 0,733 0,3610 Valid X4_4 0,662 0,3610 Valid X4_5 0,763 0,3610 Valid X4_6 -0,101 0,3610 Invalid X4_7 0,792 0,3610 Valid X4_8 -0,184 0,3610 Invalid X4_9 0,561 0,3610 Valid X4_10 0,722 0,3610 Valid X4_11 0,294 0,3610 Invalid X4_12 0,670 0,3610 Valid X4_13 0,343 0,3610 Invalid X4_14 0,721 0,3610 Valid X4_15 0,848 0,3610 Valid X4_16 0,739 0,3610 Valid X4_17 0,689 0,3610 Valid X4_18 -0,113 0,3610 Invalid X4_19 0,756 0,3610 Valid X4_20 0,616 0,3610 Valid X4_21 0,858 0,3610 Valid X4_22 0,856 0,3610 Valid X4_23 0,013 0,3610 Invalid X4_24 0,686 0,3610 Valid X4_25 0,713 0,3610 Valid X4_26 0,625 0,3610 Valid X4_27 0,827 0,3610 Valid X4_28 0,763 0,3610 Valid X4_29 0,820 0,3610 Valid
  • 7. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 71 | Page X4_30 0,791 0,3610 Valid X4_31 -0,054 0,3610 Invalid X4_32 0,557 0,3610 Valid X4_33 -0,184 0,3610 Invalid X4_34 0,818 0,3610 Valid X4_35 0,857 0,3610 Valid X4_36 0,819 0,3610 Valid X4_37 0,841 0,3610 Valid X4_38 0,721 0,3610 Valid X4_39 -0,113 0,3610 Invalid X4_40 0,822 0,3610 Valid X4_41 0,091 0,3610 Invalid X4_42 0,274 0,3610 Invalid Based on Table 3 above it can be seen that the results of testing the validity of the 42-point declaration to the variable career development there are 11 items that are not valid that item 6, 8, 11, 13, 18, 23, 31, 33, 39, 41, and 42, so there are 31 valid items. Test reliability of the research variables can be seen in the following table: Table 4: reliability test Variable Cronbach’s Alpha N of Item Leadership style (X1) 0,978 33 Cultural Organization (X2) 0,985 34 Career Development (Y) 0,974 31 Source: The results of data processing with SPSS 22:00 Based on Table 4 above it can be seen that all variables have a value of Cronbach's alpha> rtable, so for all variables declared reliable and can be forwarded to the data collection. Test requirements analysis normality test. Normality test aims to Determine the error distribution Obtained normal distribution or not. Terms of normally distributed error ie if Lcount maximum is greater than Ltable. The standard error normality test results in this study are summarized in the following table: Table 5: Normality Test Standard Error Estimates results No error Lmaximum count Ltable (0,05) Error Basic 1 X1 with Y 0,0719 0,081 Normal distribution 2 X2 with Y 0,0804 0,081 Normal distribution Normal Terms Lmaximum count> Ltable Source: The results of data processing with SPSS 22:00 Based on the calculation above normality test can be seen that the error of all the variables that are in the reception area so that the null hypothesis of normal distribution. Homogenity test Homogeneity test aims to determine that the variance is homogeneous or not. Homogeneity testing criteria that is received H1 if X2count value is smaller than X2table and accept H0 if X2count X2table value is greater than the significance level α = 0.05. The homogeneity test results in this study are summarized in the following table: Table 6: Variance Homogeneity Test Results No Error number of Samples dk X2 (0,05) Conclusion X2 count X2 table 1 Y grouped on X1 121 84 16,858 96,598 Homogeneous 2 Y grouped on X2 121 86 24,125 96,598 Homogeneous Prerequisites homogeneous X2 count< X2 table Source: The results of data processing with SPSS 22:00 Based on calculations obtained homogeneity X2count value smaller than X2table so that H1 is accepted and concluded that all the errors in this study showed homogeneous variance.
  • 8. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 72 | Page Research result The results of the study as table 7 below with variable coefficients leadership style (X1) and organizational culture (X2) is (Pyx1 = and Pyx2 =) and correlation between variables X1 and X2 are that can be presented as figure 3 below: Table 7: Coefficients regression Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 14,814 8,853 1,673 ,000 X1 ,503 ,072 ,495 6,954 ,000 X2 ,382 ,074 ,370 5,197 ,000 a. Dependent Variable: Y Source: Output SPSS 23.0 for windows Source: data processing, 2016 Figure 3: Structure Results Path Analysis Determination analysis (R2 ) The R value of 0.763 in Table 8 shows the double-variable correlation Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development. Taking into account the variations in the value of R Square of 0.582 which indicates the magnitude of the role or contribution of Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development by 58.2 percent while the remaining 51.8 percent is influenced by other variables. Other variables that can affect the Career Development and Performance of teachers aside from leadership style and organizational culture are variable Organizational Climate, Leadership Style, Organizational Commitment, (Nandan Limakrisna, Zulki Zulkifli, Hapzi Ali: 2016). Besides other variables that can affect Professionalism is like the results (Mukhtar, Risnita, M. Shoffa Saifillah, Hapzi Ali, 2016), That the Knowledge Management and Work Commitment positive and significant impact on service satisfaction and impact the Career Development and Performance of teachers. Table 8: Model summary Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 ,763a ,582 ,575 7,3344 a. Predictors: (Constant), BdyOrg_X2, GYKep_X1 Source: Output SPSS 23.0 for windows Partial effect (t test) and influence simultaneously (Test F) Assessment of the effect of partial aims to test whether each independent variable significantly influence the dependent variable partially with α = 0.05 and the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis. Partial test (t test) to answer a hypothetical one and two of this study. Table 9. T Test Results (Partial) No variables tcount Sig. T 1 Leadership style (X1) 6,954 0.000 2 Organizational culture (X2) 5,197 0.000 Source: The results of process data from SPSS 23.0 for windows From Table 9 above were obtained tcount leadership style variable of 6.954, meaning tcount> t table (6.954> 1.9801). Thus, Ho refused and H1 accepted, meaning that there are significant partial leadership style on career development. To test the significance gained output of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05, it can be concluded that leadership style significantly influence career development. Thus the first hypothesis is accepted.
  • 9. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 73 | Page Tcount organizational culture variable amounted to 5.197 which means greater than t table (5.197> 1.9801). It can be stated that H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning partially contained organization with cultural influences on career development. Furthermore, the significance test showed 0.000 which is smaller than 0,005, so it can be concluded that organizational culture significantly influence career development. This means that the second hypothesis is accepted. The third hypothesis stating leadership style and organizational culture influence on career development simultaneously can be answered from table 10 below: Table 10. F test results simultaneously ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 8856,293 2 4428,146 82,317 ,000b Residual 6347,707 118 53,794 Total 15204,000 120 a. Dependent Variable: PengKar_X4 b. Predictors: (Constant), BdyOrg_X2, GYKep_X1 Source: Output SPSS 23.0 for windows From table 10 values obtained Fcount 82.317 which means greater than F table (82.317> 3.07) with a significance value of 0.000 less than 0.05. It can be stated that H0 rejected and H1 accepted, meaning there is simultaneously a significant influence leadership style and organizational culture on career development. Thus, the third hypothesis is accepted. 1. Leadership Style on Career Development Leadership style directly influence career development. A person's leadership style will basically give yourself a color on the leadership and the people they lead. With a leadership style that certainly has a uniqueness between each leader, someone will be able to influence and mobilize subordinates in carrying out activities to achieve organizational goals. Activities subordinates who may be affected by the leader of one of them is a person's activity in the development of his career. Career development, consists of dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known others, faithful to the organization, Utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop. Leadership style consists of dimensions and or indicator: Authority leadership, participation in decision making, the Authority took the decision himself, Hak member and Building Trust. The results of this study are supported by research conducted Kochan and Heinz (2012) that there is an influence on the leadership style of management (development) career. 2. Cultural Organization on Career Development Cultural organizations directly influence career development. These findings indicate that all provisions (values, beliefs, rules) that must be obeyed by members of the organization together in realizing the goals of the organization will provide penngaruh on the career development of individuals. Therefore when the pad Cultural Studies that there is a positive or support agency will provide positive penaruh (supportive) against the individual effort in the development of his career. Career development, consists of dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known others, faithful to the organization, utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop. Organizational culture consists of the dimensions and or indicator: Mission, Consistency, Involvement, and Adaptation This study was supported by research conducted by Sahib rasool, et al (2012), W.P. Richard Wickramaratne (2013), and Gayani Elvitga et al. The research results proved that organizational culture has a direct effect relationship and closely with employee career development. 3. Leadership Style and Culture Organization of the Career Development Leadership style and organizational culture influence on career development. Hypothesis test results found that leadership style and organizational culture influence on career development. That is, that the style of leadership that is the way in which a leader in influencing subordinates and organizational culture that serves to give identity to its members can provide penaruh to the development of one's career. Thus, Likes and dislikes these two factors can not be ignored and should be a concern if the individual wants a successful career development. Career development, consists of dimensions and or indicator: Achievement is satisfactory, known others, faithful to the organization, Utilization coach, support colleagues, and opportunities to develop. Leadership style consists of dimensions and or indicator: Authority leadership, participation in decision making,
  • 10. Analysis of Leadership Style and Oranizational Culture Effect on Career Development at Ministry … DOI: 10.9790/487X-1811046574 74 | Page the Authority took the decision himself, member due and Building Trust. Organizational culture consists of the dimensions and or indicator: Mission, Consistency, Involvement, and Adaptation The Ministry of Religious Leaders Jambi Province will be able to carry out its duties and functions effectively in memajemen teachers and education personnel if it is able to empower all available resources. The resources available are: man, money, machine, Information Technology and other such market power sumbre and method, (Hapzi Ali, 2009: 49). The results of this study are supported by research conducted by Rahmisyari (2015) which states that the style of leadership and organizational culture influence on employee development and strengthened by research Bambuwela and De Alwis (2013) which concludes that the organizations, individuals, and cultural influence on career development. V. Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion:1) Leadership Style Positive and significant effect on the career development of teachers. The better the leadership style will be better the teacher career development system; 2) Organizational Culture and significant positive effect on the career development of teachers. The better the organizational culture will be better the teacher career development system; 3) Leadership Style and Culture Organization and significant positive effect on the career development of teachers. The better style Kepemimpinandan Cultural Organization will be better the system of Career Development at the Ministry of Religious teachers Jambi Province. Suggestion:1) To enhance the career development of teachers, principals and head of the Office of Religious Affairs should consider the various needs of educators both by providing opportunities for career development and creating an organizational culture that is conducive to the development of career educators; 2) Researchers in the field of education management and human resources can perform further studies more comprehensive range of variables that can affect career development of teachers because there are many other factors that affect teachers in the Career Development Ministry Jambi their beliefs. Finally, I hope the results of this study may help educators in career development efforts. References [1] Bambuwela P.M., dan De Alwis A. 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