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1. Write a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your
business plan, in which you justify:
a. A clear and concise business concept.
b. A thoroughly planned business concept.
c. A capable management structure.
d. A clear-cut market need.
e. Significant competitive advantages for your business.
f. Realistic financial projections.
g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money.
h. A realistic and developed exit plan.
i. Note: Read Chapters 4 and 18 of the course text Successful
Business Plan . Use the plan preparation worksheets on pp. 58–
61 and the sample executive summaries on pp. 62–66 to help
guide you, choose to write either a synopsis summary or a
narrative summary, and include highlights from the each section
of your business plan.
· The Financials and the Management description—must spark
enough interest to convince a reader to continue. Enhance the
two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.
. Hints: The financial section of your business plan will be
derived from the previously completed financial worksheets.
· Format your assignment according to these formatting
. Cite the resources you have used to complete the
exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the
number of resources used in the exercise.
. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow
APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for
any additional instructions.
. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required page length.
Reflections on the Internet,
Business, and Society
The Networkis the Message
the transformation of business management, capital markets,
work, and technological innovation. Next, I invite the reader to
move from economy to society by assessingthe emergence of
forms of sociability on-line on the basis of available evidence.
will lead us to analyze the political implications of the Internet:
first, by studying new forms of citizen participation and
organizing, secondly, by analyzing the issues and conflicts
to liberty and privacy in the interplay between government,
ness, and Internet-based communication. In order to understand
new communication patterns, I then probe the famed
between the Internet and multimedia, exploring the formation of
multi-modal hypertext. Then, down to earth: the Internet does
have a geography. I will show you which one, and what are its
implications for cities, regions, and our urban life. Finally, I
address the fundamental issue of inequality and social exclusion
the age of the Internet by analyzing the contours and dynamics
the digital divide in a global perspective.
So, let us depart on this intellectual journey. It is my hope that
will give the reader a better understanding of a significant
sion of our world, and our lives, at the onset of their
Chapter 1
Lessonsfrom the
Historyof the Internet
The story of the creation and development of the Internet is one
an extraordinary human adventure. It highlights people's
to transcend institutional goals, overcome bureaucratic barriers,
and subvert established values in the process of ushering in a
world. It also lends support to the view that cooperation and
freedom of information may be more conducive to innovation
competition and proprietary rights. I shall not recount this saga,
since there are several good chronicles available to the reader
(Abbate, 1999; Naughton, 1999). Instead, I will focus on what
seem to be the critical lessons we can distill from the processes
led to the formation of the, from the building of the
ARPANETin the 1960s to the explosion of the world wide web
the 1990s. Indeed, the historical production of a given
shapes its content and uses in ways that last beyond its original
inception, and the Internet is no exception to this rule. The
of the Internet helps us to understand the paths of its future
history-making. However, before embarking on interpretation,
simplify the reader's task, I will summarize the main events that
lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfrom the Historyof
the Internet
The History of the Internet, 1962-1995: An Overview
California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. In 1971,
there were fifteen nodes, most of them university research
The design of ARPANET was implemented by Bolt, Beranek
Newman (BBN), a Boston engineering acoustics firm converted
into applied computer science, which was founded by MIT
sors, and usually staffed by MIT and Harvard scientists and
neers. In 1972, the first successful demonstration of ARPANET
took place at an international conference in Washington, DC.
The next step was to make ARPANET's connection with other
computer networks possible, starting with the communication
works that ARPA was managing, PRNET and SATNET.This
duced a new concept: a network of networks. In 1973, two
computer scientists, Robert Kahn, from ARPA, and Vint Cerf,
at Stanford University, wrote a paper outlining the basic
architecture. They built on the efforts of the Network Working
Group, a cooperative technical group formed in the 1960s by
sentatives from the various computer centers linked by
including Cerf himself, Steve Crocker, and Jon Postel, among
others. For computer networks to talk to each other they needed
standardized communication protocols. This was partly accom-
plished in 1973, at a Stanford seminar, by a group led by Cerl,
Gerard Lelann (from the French Cyclades research group), and
Robert Metcalfe (then at Xerox PARC), with the design of the
mission control protocol (TCP). In 1978 Cerl, PosteL and
working at the University of Southern California, split TCP into
parts, adding an inter-network protocol (IP), yielding the
protocol, the standard on which the Internet still operates today.
However, ARPANETcontinued for some time to operate on a
ferent protocol, NCP.
In 1975, ARPANETwas transfer&d to the Defense Communica-
tion Agency (DCA). In order to make computer communication
available to different branches of the armed forces, the DCA
to create a connection between various networks under its
It established a Defense Data Network, operating on TCP/IP
cols. In 1983 the Defense Department, concerned about possible
security breaches, decided to create a separate MILNET
for specific military uses. ARPANET became ARPA-
to the constitution of the Internet in its current form; that is, as
global network of computer networks made user-friendly by the
world wide web, an application running on top of the Internet.
The origins of the Internet are to be found in ARPANET, a com-
puter network set up by the Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) in September 1969. ARPA was formed in 1958 by the
Defense Department of the United States with the task of
ing research resources, particularly from the university world,
toward building technological military superiority over the
Union in the wake of the launching of the first Sputnik in 1957.
ARPANET was only a minor program emerging from one of
ARPA's departments, the Information Processing Techniques
Office (IPTO), established in 1962 on the basis of a pre-existing
unit. The aim of this department, as defined by its first director,
Joseph Licklider, a psychologist turned computer scientist at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was to stimulate
research in interactive computing. As part of this effort, the
ing of ARPANET was justified as a way of sharing computing
on-line between various computer centers and research groups
working for the agency.
To build an interactive computer network, IPTO relied on a rev-
olutionary telecommunications transmission technology, packet
switching, developed independently by Paul Baran at Rand
Corporation (a Californian think-tank often working for the
Pentagon) and by Donald Davies at the British National
Laboratory. Baran's design of a decentralized, flexible
tion network was a proposal from the Rand Corporation to the
Defense Department to build a military communications system
able to survive a nuclear attack, although this was never the
behind the development of ARPANET. IPTO used this packet-
switching technology in the design of ARPANET.The first
nodes of
the network in 1969 were at the University of California, Los
Angeles, SRI (Stanford Research Institute), the University of
10 11
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfrom the
Historyof the Internet
and was dedicated to research. In 1984, the US National Science
Foundation (NSF) set up its own computer communications net-
work, NSFNET,and in 1988 it started using ARPA-
In February 1990 ARPANET, technologically obsolete, was de-
commissioned. Thereafter, having released the Internet from its
military environment, the US government charged the National
Science Foundation with its management. But NSF's control of
Net was short-lived. With computer networking technology in
the public domain, and telecommunications in full deregulation,
NSF quickly proceeded with the privatization of the Internet.
Defense Department had decided earlier to commercialize
technology, financing US computer manufacturers to include
TCP/IP in their protocols in the 1980s. By 1990 most computers
America had networking capabilities, laying the ground for the
fusion of inter-networking. In 1995 NSFNET was shut down,
opening the way for the private operation of the Internet.
In the early 1990s a number of Internet service providers built
their own networks and set up their own gateways on a commer-
cial basis. Thereafter, the Internet grew rapidly as a global
of computer networks. This was made possible by the original
design of ARPANET,based on a multi-layered, decentralized
tecture, and open communication protocols. Under these condi-
tions the Net was able to expand by the addition of new nodes
endless reconfiguration of the network to accommodate
cation needs.
Nonetheless, ARPANETwas not the only source of the Internet
we know it today. The current shape of the Internet is also the
come of a grassroots tradition of computer networking. One
nent of this tradition was the bulletin board systems (BBS)
movement that sprung from the networking of PCsin the late
In 1977, two Chicago students, Ward Christensen and Randy
wrote a program, which they called MODEM, enabling the
of files between their PCs, and in 1978 another program, the
Computer Bulletin Board System, which made it possible for
to store and transmit messages. They released both programs
the public domain. In 1983, Tom Jennings, a programmer, then
working in California, created his own BBS program, FIDO, and
started a network of BBSs, FIDONET.FIDONETis still the
most accessible computer communication network in the world,
relying on PCs and calls over standard telephone lines. In 2000,
comprised over 40,000 nodes and about 3 million users.
this represented only a tiny fraction of total Internet use, the
of BBSs and the culture exemplified by FIDONET were
factors in the configuration of the global Internet.
In 1981, Ira Fuchs, at the City University of New York, and
Greydon Freeman, of Yale University, started an experimental
network on the basis of IBM RJE protocoL thus building a
for IBM users, mainly university based, which came to be
as BITNET ("Because it's there," referring to the IBM slogan; it
stood for "Because it's time"). When IBM stopped funding in
users' fees supported the network. It still lists 30,000 active
A decisive trend in computer networking emerged from the
community of UNIX users. UNIX is an operating system
at Bell Laboratories, and released. by Bell to the universities in
1974, including its source code and permission to alter the
UNIX became the lingua franca of most computer science
ments, and students soon became adept at its manipulation.
in 1978 Bell distributed its UUCP program (UNIX-to-UNIX
allowing computers to copy files from each other. On the basis
UUCP, in 1979, four students in North Carolina (Truscott, Ellis,
Bellavin, and Rockwell) designed a program for communication
between UNIX computers. An improved version of this program
was distributed freely at a UNIX users' conference in 1980. This
allowed the formation of computer communication networks,
Usenet News, outside the ARPANET backbone, thus
broadening the practice of computet communication.
In the summer of 1980 Usenet News reached the computer
science department of the University of California, Berkeley,
there was a brilliant group of graduate students (including Mark
Horton and Bill Joy) working on adaptations and applications of
UNIX. As Berkeley was an ARPANET node, this group of
developed a program to bridge the two networks. From then on,
Usenet became linked to ARPANET, the two traditions
12 13
Lessons Tromthe HiStory or me Internet Lt:::>:>UII:> IIUIII
Lilt:: nl:>LU'Y VI Lilt:: IIiLCIIICL
merged, and various computer networks became able to
cate with each other, often sharing the same backbone (courtesy
of a university). These networks eventually came together as the
Another major development resulting from the UNIX users' tra-
dition was the "open source movement"-a deliberate attempt to
keep access to all information about software systems open. I
analyze in more detail, in Chapter 2, the open source movement,
and the hackers' culture, as essential trends in the social and
nical shaping of the Internet. But I need to refer briefly to it in
summary account of the sequence of events that led to the
tion of the Internet. In 1984, a programmer at MIT's Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory, Richard Stallman, reacting against the
decision by ATI to claim proprietary rights to UNIX, launched
the Free Software Foundation, proposing to substitute
for copyright. By "copyleft" it is understood that anyone using
ware that had been made freely available should, in return,
ute over the Net the improved code. Stallman created an
system, GNU, as an alternative to UNIX,and he posted it on the
under a license that allowed its use on the condition of
the copyleft clause.
Putting this principle into practice, in 1991, Linus Torvalds, a
year-old student at the University of Helsinki, developed a new
UNIX-based operating system, called Linux, and distributed it
on the Internet, asking users to improve it and to post their
ments back on the Net. The result of this initiative was the
ment of a robust Linux operating system, constantly upgraded
the work of thousands of hackers and millions of users, to the
that Linux is now widely considered one of the most advanced
ating systems in the world, particularly for Internet-based
ing. Other groups of cooperative software development based on
open source sprung from the UNIXusers' culture. Thus, in the
2001, over 60 percent of world wide web servers in the world
running on Apache, which is an open source server program
oped by a cooperative network of UNIXprogrammers.
What made it possible for the Internet to embrace the world
at large was the development of the world wide web. This is an
information-sharing application developed in 1990 by an
programmer, Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN, the Geneva-
based, European high-energy physics research center. Although
was not personally aware of it (Berners-Lee, 1999: 5), Berners-
Lee's work continued a long tradition of ideas and technical
jects that, for the previous half-century, had imagined the
possibility of linking up information sources via interactive
puting. Vannevar Bush proposed his Memex system in 1945.
Douglas Engelbart designed his On-Line System, including
ics interface and the mouse, working from his Augmentation
Research Center in the San Francisco Bay area, and he first
strated it in 1968. Ted Nelson, a radical, independent thinker,
sioned a hypertext of interlinked information in his 1965
Lib manifesto, and worked for many years on the creation of a
utopian system, Xanadu: an open, self-evolving hypertext aimed
linking all the planet's information, past, present, and future.
Atkinson, the author of the graphics interface of the Macintosh,
developed a HyperCard system of interlinking information
working at Apple Computers in the 1980s.
But it was Berners-Lee who brought all these dreams into
building on the Enquire program he had written in 1980. Of
course, his decisive advantage was that the Internet already
existed, and he could find support on the Internet and rely on
decentralized computer power via workstations: utopias could
now materialize. He defined and implemented the software that
made it possible to retrieve and contribute information from and
any computer connected via the Internet: HTIP, HTML, and URI
(later called URL). In cooperation with Robert Cailliau,
Lee built a browser/editor program in December 1990, and
this hypertext system the world wide web (www). The www
browser software was released by CERN over the Net in August
1991. A number of hackers from arouhd the world set
up to develop their own browsers, on the basis of Berners-Lee's
work. The first modified version was Erwise, developed at the
Helsinki Institute of Technology in April 1992. Soon after,
at the University of California, Berkeley, produced his own
14 15
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe
Historyofthe Internet
The most product-oriented of these modified versions of www
was Mosaic, designed by a student, Marc Andreessen, and a
member, Eric Bina, at the University of Illinois's National
for Supercomputer Applications. They incorporated into Mosaic
advanced graphics capability, so that images could be retrieved
distributed over the Internet, as well as a number of interface
niques imported from the multimedia world. They publicized
software on the Usenet in January 1993. Thereafter, Andreessen
took a programming job in a small firm at Palo Alto. While
he was contacted by a leading Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Jim
Clark, who was leaving the company he had founded, Silicon
Graphics, looking for new business adventures. He recruited
Andreessen, Bina, and their co-workers to form a new company,
Mosaic Communications, which was later compelled to change
name to Netscape Communications. The company posted on the
Net the first commercial browser, Netscape Navigator, in
1994, and shipped the first product on December 15, 1994. In
1995, they released Navigator software over the Net free for
tional uses, and at a cost of 39 dollars for business.
After the success of Navigator, Microsoft finally discovered the
Internet, and in 1995, together with its Windows 95 software,
introduced its own browser, Internet Explorer, based on
ogy developed by a small company, Spyglass. Other commercial
browsers were developed, such as Navipress, used by America
On Line for a while. Furthermore, in 1995, Sun Microsystems
designed Java, a programming language that allowed
programs ("applets") to travel between computers over the
Internet, so enabling computers to run programs downloaded
the Internet safely. Sun released Java software free on the
expanding the realm of web applications, and Netscape included
Java in its Navigator browser. In 1998, to counter Microsoft's
competition, Netscape released over the Net the source code for
Thus, by the mid-1990s, the Internet was privatized, its techni-
cal, open architecture allowed the networking of all computer
works anywhere in the world, the world wide web could
on adequate software, and several user-friendly browsers were
available to the public. While the Internet had begun in the
of computer scientists in the early 1960s, a computer
tion network had been established in 1969, and distributed com-
puting, interactive communities of scientists and hackers had
sprung up from the late 1970s, for most people, for business,
for society at large, the Internet was born in 1995. But it was
with the marks of a history whose analytically relevant features
shall now emphasize and interpret.
The Unlikely Formula:Big Science, MilitaryResearch,
and the Culture of Freedom
First of all, the Internet was born at the unlikely intersection of
science, military research, and libertarian culture.l Major
universities and defense-related think-tanks were essential
points between these three sources of the Internet. ARPANET
originated in the US Defense Department, but its military
tions were secondary to the project. IPTO's main concern was to
fund computer science in the United States, letting scientists do
their work, and hoping something interesting would come out of
Baran's design was indeed a military-oriented proposal. It
played an
important role in the building of ARPANET because of its
switching technology, and because it inspired a communications
architecture based on the three principles on which the Internet
still operates today: a decentralized network structure;
computing power throughout the nodes of the network; and
redundancy of functions in the network to minimize the risk of
connection. These features embodied the key answer to military
needs for survivability of the system: flexibility, absence of a
mand center, and maximum autonomy of each node.
While all this sounds very much like military strategy, the catch
here is that Baran's proposal was rejected by the Pentagon, and
one ever tried to implement it. In fact, some sources suggest
ARPA did not know of Baran's 1964 publications on
networks" until Roger Scantlebury, a British researcher who had
been working on similar technologies, brought them to the
16 17
Lessonsfromthe Historyof the Internet
attention of IPTO's director at a symposium in Tennessee in
October 1967 (Naughton, 1999: 129-31). Baran's concepts were
critical for the building of ARPANET, but this experimental
network was built with a non-military purpose by the scientists
working at and around ARPA (Abbate, 1999).
What their purpose/~as is in fact unclear, besides the general
aim of developing computer networking. The explicit goal was
optimize the use of expensive computer resources by on-line
sharing between computer centers. Yet, the cost of computing
quickly came down, and time-sharing was no longer a major
The most popular use of the network was electronic mail. an
cation first developed by Ray Tomlinson, a programmer at
BBN, in
July 1970. It is still the most widely used application on today's
Internet. What the evidence suggests is that IPTO was used by
puter scientists at the cutting edge of a new field (computer net-
working) to fund computer science throughout the university
research system, so that, in the 1960s and 1970s, most funding
computer science research in the United States came from
ARPA (it
was still the case in 2000).
A network of talented scientists and engineers (among them
Joseph Licklider, Ivan Sutherland, Lawrence Roberts, Leonard
Kleinrock, Robert Taylor, Alex McKenzie, Frank Heart, and
Kahn) was formed over time, then expanded with the help of a
generation of outstanding young researchers, particularly
Cert Stephen Crocker, and Jon Postel. students of Kleinrock at
UCLA. The original nucleus of ARPANET designers came
trom MIT, including one of MIT's spin-off companies, BBN
tially working on acousticsl), and trom the Lincoln National
Laboratory, a major military-oriented research facility in the
shadow of MIT. Key members of the network (among others
Roberts, Kleinrock, Heart, and Kahn) were graduates of MIT.
academics from other research universities also became part of
informal. yet exclusive club of computer scientists, particularly
from UCLA, where Kleinrock, one of the leading theoreticians
the field, was teaching, as well as from Stanford, Harvard, the
University of Utah, the University of California at Santa
and the University of California at Berk~ley.
Lessonsfromthe Historyof the Internet
These researchers/designers circulated in and out of ARPA,
research universities, and quasi-academic think-tanks, such as
RAND, SRI, and BBN. They were protected by the visionary
tors of IPTO, among whom were Joseph Licklider and Robert
Taylor. IPTO enjoyed considerable freedom in managing and
funding this network because the Defense Department had
entrusted ARPA with autonomous judgment about how to stimu-
late technological research in key areas without suffocating cre-
ativity and independence, a strategy that eventually paid off in
terms of superiority in military technology. But ARPANETwas
one of these military technologies. It was an arcane,
project whose actual content was never fully understood by the
overseeing congressional committees. Once ARPANET was set
and new, younger recruits came to IPTO in the 1970s, there was
more focused, deliberate effort to create what would be the
Internet. Kahn and Cerf clearly intended so, and designed an
tecture, and the corresponding protocols, to allow the network
to evolve as an open system of computer communication, able
reach out to the whole world.
So, ARPANET, the main source of what ultimately became the
Internet, was not an unintended consequence of a research
program going sideways. It was envisioned, deliberately
and subsequently managed by a determined group of computer
scientists with a shared mission that had little to do with
strategy. It was rooted in a scientific dream to change the world
through computer communication, although some of the partici-
pants in the group were content with just fosteringgood
science. In accordance with the university research tradition,
ARPANET'screators involved graduate students in the core
functions of the network, in an atmosphere of totally relaxed
rity. This included the use of ARPANETfor students' personal
and, reportedly, discussions about marijuana procurement
tunities. The most popular electronic mailing list in
SF-Loversfor the use of science fiction fans. Furthermore, the
sition to the civilian Internet, and then to its privatization, was
managed by the National Science Foundation, with the coopera-
tion of the academic community of computer scientists that had
.'. .; 
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet
LessonsfromtheHistoryofthe Internet
developed over the years around IPTO. Many of these scientists
ended up working for major corporations in the 1990s.
However, to say that ARPANETwas not a military-oriented pro-
ject does not mean that its Defense Department origins were
sequential for the development of the Internet. For all the vision
all the competence these scientists displayed in their project,
could never have commanded the level of resources that was
sary to build a computer network and to design all the
technologies. The Cold War provided a context in which there
strong public and government support to invest in cutting-edge
science and technology, particularly after the challenge of the
space program became a threat to US national security. In this
the Internet is not a special case in the history of technological
innovation, a process usually associated with war: the scientific
engineering effort around World War II constituted the matrix
the technologies of the micro-electronics revolution, and the
race during the Cold War facilitated their development.
The lucky part of the ARPANET story was that the Defense
Department, in a rare instance of organizational intelligence, set
ARPA as a funding and guidance research agency with consider-
able autonomy. ARPA went on to become one of the most
tive technology policy institutions in the world, and in fact the
actor in US technology policy, not just around computer
ing, but in a number of decisive fields of technological develop-
ment. ARPA was staffed by academic scientists. their friends
their friends' students. and was successful in building a network
reliable contacts in the university world. as well as in the
organizations that spun off from academia to work for the
ment. An understanding of how the research process works led
ARPA to grant considerable autonomy to researchers contracted
funded by the agency, a necessary condition for truly innovative
researchers to accept involvement in a project. ARPA's hope
that, out of massive resources and scientific ingenuity,
good would happen from which the military (but also the US
economy) could benefit.
It turned out to be the right strategy. even in military terms. In
the 1980s, when it became clear that the US had achieved
logical superiority in conventional warfare. particularly in elec-
tronics and communications, the Soviet Union's strategy was
reduced to the unthinkable option of a massive nuclear
In fact, as I have argued in a joint study of the Soviet Union
Emma Kiselyova (Castells and Kiselyova, 1995). the realization
this technological inferiority was one of the main triggers for
Gorbachev's perestroika, ultimately leading to the disintegration
an apparently mighty empire. The Soviet Union had also
its science and technology system in its military complex. But,
unlike the United States, Soviet science was largely trapped in
security apparatus, with its corollary of secrecy and
oriented projects. which ultimately undermined technological
innovation in spite of the excellence of Soviet science. ARPA's
policy of flexibility and academic freedom paid off in terms of
military strategy, while unleashing the creativity of US
and providing them with the resources to transform ideas into
research. and research into workable technologies.
Once ARPANETbecame operational in 1975. it was transferred
the Defense Communication Agency, which started to use the
work for military operations. Paradoxically. the importance of
inter-networking for the armed forces favored the early
adoption of
the Internet protocols that laid the ground for their diffusion.
uneasy coexistence of military planners and academic
who were using the network set the stage for the separation of
network into MILNET (military) and ARPA-INTERNET
in 1983, and for the creation of NSFNETin 1984. In turn, as
soon as
a military-funded technology became available for civilian use,
Defense Department had a political interest in commercializing
distributing it free, and actually subsidizing its adoption by US
puter manufacturers. History cannot' be re-written, but with our
current script, without ARPA there would have been no
and without ARPANET, the Internet as we know it today would
not exist.
In Europe, packet-switching technology, computer communica-
tion, and transmission protocols were developed in public
centers, such as Britain's National Physical Laboratory, or
ment-sponsored research programs. such as the French
20 21
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe
Historyofthe Internet
And while the design of the world wide web was the result of
individual creativity and initiative (Berners-Lee was a staff
supposedly working on improving the documentation system
at CERN, and not on inventing software), Berners-Lee's and
Cailliau's work was made possible by the understanding, first,
and the support, later, of a highly respected international public
research institution, which just happened to be working on a
pletely different field of science (Berners-Lee, 1999; Gillies and
Cailliau, 2000).
In sum, all the key technological developments that led to the
Internet were built around government institutions, major
sities, and research centers. The Internet did not originate in the
business world. It was too daring a technology, too expensive a
project, and too risky an initiative to be assumed by profit-
organizations. This was particularly true in the 1960s, at a time
when major corporations were rather conservative in their
trial and financial strategies, and were not ready to risk funding
and personnel in visionary technologies. The most blatant
tion of this statement is the fact that in 1972, Larry Roberts, the
director of IPTO, sought to privatize ARPANET,once it was up
running. He offered to transfer operational responsibility to
After considering the proposal, with the help of a committee of
experts from Bell Laboratories, the company refused. ATI was
dependent on analog telephony to be ready to move to digital
switching. And so, to the benefit of the world, a corporate
oly missed the Internet. Even as late as 1990 when the US
Office of
Technology Assessment held a hearing on the NREN, no
company accepted an invitation to take part in it. One company
explicitly said that it had no interest in this development (Steve
Cisler, personal communication, 2001).
But if corporate business did not have much vision, neither did
public companies. In another significant example, the British
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) researchers built two
networks, Mark I and Mark II, based on Davies's packet-
technology. Davies (appointed director of a research division of
NPL in 1966) tried to convince the General Post Office to set up
national computer communications network. If implemented in
the late 1960s it would have preceded ARPANET. Yet the Post
Office showed little interest in computer communication, and
when it finally ceded to the pressure of the business world to
a data transmission network in 1977, it used a system developed
Telenet, a US-firm based on ARPANET technology. Thus,
packet-switching technology never left NPL's internal networks,
and the development of the Internet in the UK had to wait for
global expansion of American computer networks.
What emerges from these accounts is that the Internet developed
in a secure environment, provided by public resources and
oriented research, but an environment that did not stifle
freedom of
thinking and innovation. Business could not afford to take the
detour that would be needed to spur profitable applications from
such an audacious scheme. On the other hand, when the military
puts security above any other consideration, as happened in the
Soviet Union, and could have happened in the US, creativity
survive. And when government, or public service corporations,
follow their basic, bureaucratic instincts, as in the case of the
Post Office, adaptation takes precedence over innovation. It was
the twilight zone of the resource-rich, relatively free spaces
by ARPA, the universities, innovative think-tanks, and major
research centers that the seeds of the Internet were sown.
The Internet and the Grassroots
22 23
These seeds germinated in a variety of forms. The culture of
vidual freedom sprouting in the university campuses of the
and 1970s used computer networking to its own ends-in most
cases seeking technological innovatic!n for the pure joy of
The universities themselves played a major role in their support
community networks. Examples of this university-grassroots
nection were, among many others, Boulder, Colorado;
Electronic Vi11age;Cleveland FreeNet; Chetbuco Suite in
Nova Scotia. Without the cultural and technological
contribution of
these early, grassrooted computer networks, the Internet would
have looked very different, and probably would have not
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfrom the
Historyof the Internet
the whole world. At least, not so quickly. After alL Tim
Lee's idealistic approach to technology was not too far removed
from the agendas of cultural revolutionaries, such as Nelson or
Engelbart. The fast diffusion of computer communication
would not have happened without the open, free distribution of
software and the cooperative use of resources that became the
of conduct of the early hackers. The advent of the PC
helped the spread of computer networking, as show-cased by the
global spread of FIDONET.But most networks required a
anchored in more powerful machines, and this was only possible
because of the contact between science-based networks and stu-
dent hacker communities in the universities. Universities were
common ground for the circulation of innovation between big
science's exclusive networks and the makeshift countercultural
networks that emerged in all kinds of formats. The two worlds
different, but with more points of. contact than people usually
Graduate students played a decisive role in the design of
ARPANET. In the late 1960s, the Network Working Group,
did most of the design of ARPANET's protocols, was composed
mainly of graduate students, including Cerf, Crocker, and
who studied together in the same secondary school in Southern
California, and then were students of Kleinrock at UCLA.
insecure about their decisions, they communicated their work in
progress to BBN and other nodes of the IPTO's research
through "request for comment" memos or RFCs, which provided
the style, and the name, for informal technical communication
the Internet world up to our day. The openness of this format
was-and continues to be-essential for the development of the
Internet's infrastructure protocols. Most of these students were
countercultural in the sense of the social movements' activists
the time. Cerf certainly was not. They were too obsessed with
extraordinary technological adventure to see much of the world
outside computers. They certainly did not see any problem in
having their research funded by the Pentagon or even in joining
ARPA (as Cerf did) in the midst of the Vietnam War. And yet
were permeated with the values of individual freedom, of
dent thinking, and of sharing and cooperation with their peers,
values that characterized the campus culture of the 1960s.
the young ARPANETers were not part of the counterculture,
ideas, and their software, provided a natural bridge between the
world of big science and the broader student culture that sprung
in the BBSs and Usenet News network. This student culture
up computer networking as a tool of free communication, and in
the case of its most political manifestations (Nelson, Jennings,
Stallman), as a tool of liberation, which, together with the PC,
would provide people with the power of information to free
selves both from governments and corporations.
The grassroots of the Internet, with their creation of
networks and conference systems, decisively influenced the
opment of commercial services in the 1980s, as business
the communication systems created by alternative networks. On
the one hand, there were e-mail services developed by telecom-
munications and computer companies (ATT,MCt DEC and so
and wide area networks set up by major corporations for their
internal use. On the other hand, "on-line" services were offered
companies such as Compuserve, America On Line (AOL), and
Prodigy. These services were not networked in their origin, but
they provided the ground on which Internet content providers
would later develop. These diverse uses of computer networking
did not develop from the ARPANETcommunity but from the
iegateduniverse of alternative networks emerging from the
freedom culture.
The impact of autonomous networks was also decisive in the
global expansion of computer networking. The control of the US
government of ARPA-INTERNETwas an obstacle to its
to the networks of other countries. tJUCP-based networks
global much earlier than the Internet, thus setting the stage for
global Internet once networks were able to connect. After NSF
opened up NSFNETaccess to foreign networks, from 1990 to
(when the Internet was privatized), the proportion of non-US
works linked to the Internet doubled, from 20 to 40 percent of
connected networks.
24 25
LessonsfromtHeHistoryofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyof
the Internet
From these diverse contributions emerged an Internet whose
distinctive feature was its openness, both in its technical
ture and in its social/institutional organization. Technically
ing, the flexibility of communication protocols allowed
such as ARPANETto connect to thousands of local area
The TCP architecture proposed by Cerf and Kahn in their
1973 paper, "A Protocol for Packet Network
published in 1974, and completed in 1978 with the IP protocol,
provided standards compatible for different networking systems.
The openness of ARPANET's architecture allowed the future
Internet to survive its most daunting challenge in the process of
becoming global: the difficult agreement on a common inter-
national standard. Telecommunication carriers and the post and
telecommunications offices (PTTs) of major European govern-
ments supported a different communication standard, the x.25,
which was approved in 1976 as the common international stan-
dard by the International Telecommunications Union. The x.25
protocols were not incompatible with TCP/IP, but because they
been designed separately they could not communicate. The
was not purely technical. Under x.25 virtual circuits, the control
and accountability of the network would be mainly in the hands
public network providers at the expense of private computer
owners. This is why the European PTTsfavored the option. On
other hand, ARPANET's protocols were based on the diversity
networks. Furthermore, telecommunication carriers were reluc-
tant to let private networks link up with their own networks.
By the late 1970s, the PTTs were planning to organize computer
data transmission in a series of separate, national public
connecting at their nation's borders. Computer owners were
expected to link up directly to the public network in their
rather than set up their own private networks. In fact,
the French PTT telematic service provider, was based on this
ciple of a centralized, government-controlled, computer
At the international level, CCITT (the relevant committee of
the International Telecommunications Union) went on to assign
network addresses to each country. The assumption was that
puters would usually be connected to the public network, so the
committee decided that most countries would not require more
than ten network addresses, exceptionally two hundred for the
United States. This logic was perfectly understandable in a
world in
which a few years earlier an IBM study had predicted that the
world market for computers in the year 2000 would stabilize at
about five computers, and in which, in 1977 (after the develop-
ment of the personal computer), the chairman of DEC had
that "there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their
In the end, x.25 protocols were adopted by public telecommuni-
cation networks and some commercial networks, while
and most US private networks went on using TCP/IP. The
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) intervened
the matter, and when it failed to conciliate different interests
between various governments, and between computer manufac-
turers and telecommunications operators, it approved the
of layering of protocols. The Open Systems Interconnection
protocol became the official international standard. However.
unable to impose this standard, ISO continued to approve a
plicity of protocols, including TCP and IP. Because
protocols had the flexibility to integrate different networking
systems, while the other protocols could not do so, TCP/IP
ards were able to accommodate x.25-based protocols, and ultim-
ately prevailed as the common standards for the global Internet.
An Architecture of Openness
Self-evolution of the Internet: Shaping the Network
by Using it
The openness of the Internet's architecture was the source of its
main strength: its self-evolving development. as users became
ducers of the technology, and shapers of the whole network.
nodes could be easily added, the cost remained low (provided
a backone was available), and the software was open and
by the mid-1980s (after UUCP allowed the connection between
Lessonsfrom the Historyof the Internet Lessonsfromthe
Historyofthe Internet
ARPANETand Usenet) everybody with technical knowledge
join the Internet. A flurry of never-planned applications resulted
from this multiple contribution, from e-mail to bulletin boards
chat rooms, the MODEM, and, ultimately, the hypertext. No one
told Tim Berners-Lee to design the world wide web, and in fact
had to conceal his true intent for a while since he was using the
time of his research center for purposes other than his assigned
But he could do it because he could rely on widespread support
from the Intqnet community, as he posted his work, and was
helped and stimulated by numerous hackers from around the
world. True, some of these hackers went on to commercialize
ideas, and made a fortune, while Berners-Lee, by his own
continued to work in the public interest, lately as chairperson of
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). But by behaving as a
true hacker he earned the respect of his community of reference,
and his place in history; as was the case with Ted Nelson,
Engelbart, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and so many
less famous, hackers and anonymous users.
It is a proven lesson from the history of technology that users
key producers of the technology, by adapting it to their uses and
values, and ultimately transforming the technology itself, as
Fischer (1992) demonstrated in his history of the telephone. But
there is something special in the case of the Internet. New uses
the technology, as well as the actual modifications introduced in
technology, are communicated back to the whole world, in real
time. Thus, the timespan between the processes of learning by
and producing by using is extraordinarily shortened, with the
that we engage in a process of learning by producing, in a
feedback between the diffusion of technology and its
This is why the Internet grew, and keeps growing, at
speed, not only in the number of its networks, but in the range
of its
applications. For this sequence to take place, three conditions
necessary: first, the networking architecture must be open-
decentralized, distribu ted, and multi -directional in its
secondly, all communication protocols and their implemen-
tations must be open, distributed, and susceptible of
(although network manufacturers keep some of their software
proprietary); thirdly, the institutions of governance of the
must be built in accordance with the principles of openness and
cooperation that are embedded in the Internet. Having analyzed
historical production of the first two conditions, let me now
turn to
the third one. It is, in fact, a remarkable story.
Governance of the Internet
I am not addressing here the relationship between governments
and the Internet, which I shall examine with care later in the
(Chapters 5 and 6). In this chapter I focus on the procedures to
ensure communication and coordination functions in the
This refers, essentially, to shared protocol development, agree-
ments on standards, and assignments of Internet names and
addresses. Once these matters are settled, the decentralized
structure of the Internet takes care of the rest, as each host and
each network establishes its own rules. But how coordination
functions are assured was critical for the development of the
network, and remains crucial for its expansion beyond any
In the early stages, in the 1960s, ARPA assumed benevolent
authority over the network, and the Network Working Group
(NWG) produced the technical standards by consensus, on the
basis ofrequest for comment (RFC) documents. It set the tone
future coordination tasks in the Internet: membership based on
technical expertise, consultation with the Internet community,
consenslis-based decision-making. NWG was disbanded in the
1970s, once ARPANET began operation. Its role was assumed,
within ARPA, by an Internet program, run by Cert and Kahn,
which took responsibility for protocol development. They estab-
lished an advisory group made up of networking experts: the
Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB) which encouraged
the participation of the overall Internet community in improving
the protocols. In 1984, Barry Leiner, ARPA's network program
manager, decided to broaden this coordinating group, and set up
an Internet Activities Board (lAB), chaired by another MIT
. 'i
28 29
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe
Historyofthe Internet
puter scientist, Dave Clark. This new board included the leading
experts from the institutions that had created ARPANET, but
reached out to other networking experts from anywhere in the
world. Indeed, membership of the lAB was open, at least in
ciple, to anyone with the interest and technical knowledge,
although I suspect that experts from the Soviet Academy of
Sciences would not have been welcome at the time. In 1989,
membership of the lAB then in the hundreds, the board was split
into two organizations, both built on the basis of open working
groups: the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), focusing
protocol development and other technical matters, and the
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), specializing in long-range
planning for the Internet. Working groups communicated by
e-mail but also met several times a year. Agreements reached
by the working groups were published as RFCs and became the
Internet's unofficial standards, in a cumulative, open process of
cooperation. Later on, relevant US government agencies, such
the NSF, NASA, and the Department of Energy, followed the
in adopting the use of the Internet's protocols. Through this
channel, Internet protocols became the networking standards for
the US government at large.
By 1992, however, the Internet was expanding on a global scale,
and the NSF was planning its privatization. On both grounds it
necessary to move beyond the direct control of the US govern-
ment. So, in January 1992, the Internet Society was formed, a
profit organization which was given oversight of both the lAB
the IETF. Cerf and Kahn, widely trusted by the Internet commu-
nity for their technical knowledge and their record of
to openness and consensus-building, took charge of the Internet
Society. Under their impulse, international participation in the
coordination functions increased substantially during the 1990s.
However, with the internationalization of the Internet, the
ambiguous status of its institutions (ultimately under the
sion of the US government, yet exercising their autonomy on
basis of the fairness and prestige of the Internet's founders)
under attack from other governments, particularly in Europe.
Furthermore, the process of privatization unbalanced the
equilibrium that had for years characterized the assignment of
domain names.
In one of the most stunning stories in the development of the
Internet, the US government had delegated authority for Internet
addresses to an organization, the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA), set up and managed singlehandedly by one
the original designers of the Internet, Jon Postel, from the
University of Southern California. Postel, a computer scientist
impeccable integrity, was probably the most respected member
of the Internet's scientific community. His management was
widely recognized as fair, sensible, and neutral, so that for
years he acted as a global arbiter for the assignment of Internet
domains, with remarkable results in terms of the relative
and compatibility of the system. Yet Postel died in 1998 at the
of 55. The trust in one man could not be replaced by global trust
a US government institution.
In fact, the Clinton administration had proposed the privatiza-
tion of IANA and of other over-seeing institutions of the
since 1997. The last legacy of Jon Postel was his design for the
privatized institution that he offered to the US government in
September 1998, one month before his death. His proposed
organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN), was approved by the US government in
late 1998, and completed its formative phase in 2000. Although
actual practice and organizational structure are still unfolding,
by-laws embody the spirit of openness of the Internet
decentralization, consensus-building, and autonomy that charac-
terized the ad hoc governance of the Internet over thirty years,
while adding a global orientation to its membership, although
administration is headquartered in Marina del Rey, California.
It is
a non-profit, private corporation that assumes the management
IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment,
domain name system management, and root server system
management, all functions previously performed by IANA under
contract from the US government.
ICANN has four components: one at-large membership, and
three supporting organizations, which deal with the substantive
, Ii
30 31
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe
Historyofthe Internet
issues of Internet coordination (address supporting organization,
domain name supporting organization, and protocol supporting
organization). Each one of these organizations is decentralized
in a
diversity of working groups linked electronically and by regular
meetings. ICANN's governing body is a board of eighteen
three appointed by each of the supporting organizations, and
elected by the at-large membership in a worldwide electronic
voting process. Any individual with technical knowledge can
for membership. By 2000, there were 158,000 at-large members
and the first at-large election was held. The election was
by nominations issued both by advisory committees and by
from local constituencies. Each of the five posts elected in 2000
assigned to a different area of the world to ensure some kind of
global representation.
The romantic vision of a global Internet community self-
representing itself by electronic voting has to be tempered with
the reality of lobbying, powerful support networks, and name
recognition in favor of certain candidates. And there is no
of articulate critics of ICANN's lack of true democracy. Indeed,
the 2000 election, only 35,000 of the 158,000 members part-
icipated in the vote. Among the directors elected there was a
hacker, former member of the notorious German Computer
Club, to the alarm of government representatives. Furthermore,
the links between ICANN and the US Commerce Department
not really been severed. Governments around the world, and
ticularly European governments, are extremely critical of what
they see as American dominance of ICANN. For instance,
refused recognition of the" .eu" domain address, applicable to
companies and institutions from the European Union. For Euro-
pean Union representatives this was a most important trademark
to denote European companies working within the institutional
rules established in the European Union, for instance in the
protection of privacy on the Internet. Thus, the contradiction
between the historical roots of the Internet in America, and its
increasingly global character, seems to point toward the
transformation of ICANN into a culturally broader institution.
Yet, in spite of all these conflicts and shortcomings, it is
that the emerging institutions of the Internet in the twenty-first
tury had to be established, in order to be legitimate, on the
of meritocratic consensus-building that characterized the origins
the Internet. A similar, consensus-based, non-mandatory, open
(albeit, often for a signicant fee), international organization
over the protocols and development of the world wide web: the
World Wide Web Consortium, anchored in the US by MIT, in
Europe by the French Institute INRIA, and directed, most
by Tim Berners-Lee, now the holder of an MIT chair.
Without prejudging the effectiveness of these new institutions,
the truly surprising accomplishment is that the Internet reached
this relative stability in its governance without succumbing
either to
the bureaucracy of the US government or to the chaos of a
tralized structure. That it did not was mainly the
accomplishment of
these gentlemen of technological innovation: Cerf, Kahn,
Berners-Lee, and many others, who truly sought to maintain the
openness of the network for their peers, as a way to learn and
In this communitarian approach to technology, the meritocratic
gentry met the utopian counterculture in the invention of the
Internet, and in the preservation of the spirit of freedom that is
at its
source. The Internet is, above all else, a cultural creation.
1. "Libertarian" has a different meaning in the European and in
American context. In Europe, it refers to a culture or ideology
on t,he uncompromising defense of individual freedom as the
supreme value-often against the' government, but sometimes
the help of governments, as in the protection of privacy. In the
context, "libertarian" is a political ideology that primarily
means a
systematic distrust of government, on the understanding that the
market takes care of everything by itself. and that individuals
care of themselves. I use it in the European sense, as a culture
liberty, in the tradition of John Stuart Mill, without prejudging
tools by which liberty is achieved. ,II
32 33
Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyof
the Internet
Reading Links
nternetPoliciesSite/DotEU May2000/EN htm I
Various sites concerning ICANN and the Internet governance
Abbate, Jane (1999) Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Berners-Lee, Tim, with Mark Frischetti (1999) Weaving the
Web. San
Francisco: HarperCollins.
Botkin, J., Dimanescu, D., and 5tata, R. (1984) The Innovators.
New York:
Harper and Row.
Caste lis, Manuel and Kiselyova, Emma (1995) The Collapse of
Communism: The View from the Information Society. Berkeley,
University of California International Area Studies Book Series.
Conseil d'Etat (1998) The Internet and Digital Networks. Paris:
Documentation Fran<;aise.
Fischer, Claude (1992) America Calling. Berkeley, CA:
University of
Calfornia Press.
Gillies, James and Cailliau, Robert (2000) How the Web was
Born: The Story
of the World Wide Web. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hafner, Katie and Lyon, Matthew (1996) Where Wizards Stay
up Late: The
Originsof the Internet. New York: Touchstone.
Hughes, Thomas O. (1998/2000) Rescuing Prometheus. New
Random House.
Naughton, John (1999) A Brief History of the Future: The
Origins of the
Internet. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
Stefik, Mark (ed.) (1996) Internet Dreams:Archetypes,Myths,
and Metaphors.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- (1999) The Internet Edge:Social, Technical,and Legal
Challengesfor a
Networked World. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Tuomi, Ilkka (2002) ParticipatoryInnovation: Changeand
Meaning in the Age
of the Internet (forthcoming).
The site of the Internet Society, overseeing the development of
Leiner, B. M., Cerf, V. G., Clark, D. D., Kahn, R. E., Kleinrock,
1., Lynch,
D. c., Postel, J., Roberts, 1. G., and Wolff,5. (2000) A Brief
Historyof the
Internetat nn II
34 35
Business Name: Fruitfit Company
The name of the company has been inspired by the core
objectives that the business has to the customers. Fruitfit is a
company that operates the business of distributing herbal drink,
vegetable juice and fruit juice for health in box and bottle
packaging. The product makes from herbs, fresh fruits, and
vegetables from natural 100%, which does not contain any
concentrated to dilute. As the company is committed to
providing healthy drinks which will serve as an alternative to
commercialized high sugar beverages on the market. The
company will provide non-alcoholic beverages based on fruits,
herbs, and vegetables. Fruits will, however, make up the largest
part of the business raw materials. The company focuses on
domestic raw materials to support Thai farmers through a
standardized production process and advanced technology. The
factory is located at Samut Prakarn, Thailand. The use of
quality fruits to make healthy drinks has therefore inspired the
name Fruitfit as the business name
Mission Statement
Fruitfit Company is committed to providing healthy and
achieve the highest level of satisfaction from our customers and
build customer confidence in our products. At Fruitfit, we
believe that what you put in your body matters a lot.
This mission statement is based on the mandate that the
company has to its customers. Through the providing healthy
beverages, the company will ensure that its customer's health
matters concerns are taken care of. The responsibilities of the
business are inspired by the recognition of living a healthy life
by controlling what we consume.
Industry Trends
The global non-alcoholic beverage industry is estimated to be
USD 967 billion. This is according to 2016 estimates done by
market research studies. The industry is also expected to grow
at an estimated rate of 5.7% through 2017-2025. This makes it a
desirable business to venture into. In Thailand, the non-
alcoholic beverage industry can be divided into the sectors of
carbonated drinks, bottled water, fruit and vegetable drinks,
performance drinks, energy drinks, and smoothies. The company
will primarily operate in the fruit and vegetable drinks. This is
especially a good time for the business as changes in the market
have indicated that customers are shifting from carbonated
drinks to healthy drinks (Helms & Nixon, 2010). As a result, the
categories of drinks which offer health benefits to the customers
are experiencing constant growth rates over time.
Strategic Position
In the order to properly position the company effectively
in the market, the company will adopt a value-based positioning
strategy. The company is committed to providing healthy drinks
to customers. This comes at a time when the global market is
becoming more conscious of the importance of healthy living.
Fruitfit Company aims to provide healthy drinks which have
been produced using quality raw materials. The company
sources are raw materials from the local farmers whereby they
are able to get the highest quality fruits and vegetables.
Distribution channels
As the company will be operating in an industry which has
stiff competition, it will be necessary to ensure that the
products of the company are brought as close to the customers
as possible. As a result, the company will adopt a well-
networked distribution channel which will ensure coverage of a
wide geographical area. The company will have a central point
of distribution where finished goods will be stored as they await
shipping to retail points or direct to customers. This central
point will be determined by convenience of supply to all
involved outlets. The company will be distributing its products
to retailers in various parts of the country. The company will
employ geographical segmentation strategy in targeting
potential customers. Supply will be made to those convenience
stores; grocery stores or other outlets which are located in areas
which have a high concentration of our customers.
Risks are part of operations of the business. A good risk
management plan is crucial for the continued survival of a
business. As a result, the company has to be aware of the risks
that it faces in order to come up with an effective risk
management plan. The following are three risks which are faced
by Fruifit Company and the strategies which will be applied to
mitigate the risk.
· Financial risk; as the company operates in the fast moving
consumer goods sector, the company supplies will mainly be
done on credit to the retailers. This brings the risk that some of
the retailers may pay late on their dues or even default. This
implies that the company may be faced with liquidity issues. As
a result, the company will carefully evaluate the clients on
which to offer credit to.
· Compliance risk: as a provider of drinks, the company will be
expected to meet certain standards in the business, failure to
which may imply serious consequences to the business. The
business will, therefore, be required to maintain the highest
standards of quality and comply with all the relevant authority
through the quality control department.
· Competitive risk: the business will also face the risk that
competition in the market may prevent it from achieving set
goals. In order to mitigate this risk, the nosiness will adopt an
aggressive advertising strategy to ensure wide coverage of the
Company’s Target Market
Recently, the fruit and vegetable's beverage market in Thailand
was valued at 14 billion baht. The segment of premium fruit is
worth 5,000 million, quite stable. Based on overall economic
and purchasing power, to generate sales growth, it is necessary
to launch new products, combined with market activity, and
communication must be continuous. The company has found
that the fruit juice market is likely from the segment with low
calories and less sugar. Despite, the size of the market is not
very large just only 77 million but has high growth potential.
This year is expected to grow 51%, and in the next 3-5 years,
the market is expected to reach 500 million.
The target market for Fruitfit Company that is located in the
city of Samut Prakan, Thailand, consists of both the youths and
the aged population. The age bracket of the targeted population
is between 24 to 60 years of age who want to be healthy. The
fruits and vegetable beverages target the age group that is
cautious of their health regarding harmful chemicals in soft
drinks. The herbs contained in the beverages of Fruitfit
Company are also regarded for medicinal purposes. The product
of the company does not target any specific demographic groups
in terms of education, income, or ethnic group. However, the
24-60 age groups are the primary target of the company since
the youths and the adults are the majority of the city while the
herbal content of the beverages targets the aged population. As
per the age structure of Thailand, the 25-54 age group accounts
for 46.32% of the total population of the nation (The World
Factbook., n.d). The company is located in the central part of
the city, which has an average population of 388,920
individuals. The targeted individuals in the city are people who
consider natural products that are free of chemicals. Their taste
is in line with the mission of the company, which is aimed at
providing the fruit and vegetable beverages that are natural and
free of harmful chemicals.
Company’s Market Competition
The beverages which made with fruit and vegetable have been
rising steadily throughout the world. It is mixed with fruit and
vegetable juice to reduce the amount of sugar in the drink and
increase the health value. The mixed fruit juice with vegetable
juice is up to three times more competitive in the market in
2015 compared to 2017.
Over the past three years, 100% fruit and vegetable juice have
gained more market share, compared to products made from
concentrated juice or products are flavored and color. This is a
result of a 25% increase in the number of fruit and vegetable
juices produced from natural raw materials, up from 25% in
2015 to 30% in the year 2015 - 2017. More than 60% of
consumers around the world are interested in products that
prove they have specific health benefits. Many manufacturers
turn to produce 100% fruit and vegetable juice, vitamins and
other healthcare features, such as strengthening the immune
system. Digestive system, heart health, bone, and brain, plus the
benefits of skin, beauty. The number of these products in the
market is up to two-thirds of all new products.
The marketing strategy that is deployed by Fruitfit Company to
obtain the competitive advantage is through differentiation
(Sherlekar, Prasad & Victor, 2010). It is achieved through the
production of the organic beverage rather than the commercial
ones. Considering that stable companies that manufacture non-
alcoholic beverages are a vital threat in competing for the
market, the organization decided to venture into the
manufacture of the fruits and vegetable beverages and
integrated with herbs. The approach is appropriate to attain the
competitive advantage since there is global awareness regarding
harmful chemicals that exist in the commercial drinks. Citizens
are moving away from the commercial drinks since their
chemical content is posing a harmful risk to their health. The
global awareness of such risks has given Fruitfit Company the
competitive advantage since people prefer taking their products.
In addition, Fruitfit Company has numerous outlets within the
city and across the nation that deliver the beverage close to the
clients which will ease access by the buyers.
The organization also chose fruits and vegetables as ingredients
in its beverage since they are readily available from the farmers
and are less expensive. Competition is the major challenge in
the non-alcoholic beverage industry, which prompts each
company producing such beverages to obtain differentiated
approaches to obtain the competitive advantage. Therefore,
Fruitfit Company took the approach of producing the organic
beverages as a differentiation factor. The global awareness
regarding the harmful effects of the chemicals present in the
commercial beverages has enabled the organization to compete
favorably in the industry with a stable organization in the
industry. In essence, differentiation through the production of
the organic beverages from fruits and vegetables has offered the
organization a competitive advantage in the beverage industry.
Clarification of the Company’s Message
The main focus of Fruitful Company is to provide healthy
beverages to the clients and enhance customer satisfaction. The
five F's that will clarify the message of the company are the
focus, follow-through, feedback, flexibility, and fun (Rudman,
2012). The primary focus of Fruitfit is to provide healthy
beverages that will enhance customer satisfaction. This is
achieved by producing refreshing beverages that are made from
fruits and vegetable, which are nutritious and free from harmful
chemicals. Regarding follow-through, the organization ensures
that the appropriate procedures in the production of the
beverages are followed and all the standards are adhered to
effectively. The organization is highly flexible regarding the
market trends. Such flexibility is attained through feedback
obtained from the clients and experts. Information that requires
flexibility includes market prices, change in policies, and
change in customer’s taste. Regarding fun, the strategies
deployed by Fruitfit Company do not only enhance the strategic
development of the company but also inspire both the
employees and the clients. In essence, the company’s message
of Fruitfit Company is clarified through the five F’s as it has
been illustrated.
Marketing Vehicles
Fruitfit Company decide to use various vehicles to reach the
potential customers such as to deploy the media as its marketing
vehicle. The media sources to be used in the marketing process
include social media, television channels, and magazines
(Sherlekar, Prasad & Victor, 2010). For example, Facebook or
Instagram because it can be posting amazing images, videos and
useful information about our drinks. This will increase
awareness about the brand and consequently increase the sales.
Media sources also considering that Fruitfit has its groceries
and joints close to the clients, it does not require moving around
with the products to showcase them to the clients. The
customers only need the direction of the groceries and the
ingredients used in the preparation of the beverages. Such
information can be achieved effectively through the media. The
company is able to reach a vast population over a short period
of time through media advertisement. Besides, the choice of
varied means of media advertisement enables the organization
to reach different types of clients who are unable to access one
of the media sources used.
The other marketing vehicle will be coming up with promotions
and advertise them to the public. Fruitfit will set prizes for
lucky winners who will purchase our product with winning
numbers written in the lower part of the box or lid of the
Fruitfit product. For example, if the customer gets the first
winning prize they might get a package tour to Japan for 4 days,
or getting the money prize for $3000. This will encourage many
people to buy the Fruitfit’s drink with the hope of winning
Business Plan: Ethics and Social Responsibility Plan
Commitment to being a Good Corporate Citizen
Businesses have an obligation to act in a manner that will
maximize benefits and minimize harm, even as they pursue their
financial objectives. Fruitfit will act as a good corporate citizen
by aligning its financial objectives with those of major
stakeholder. This way, the business will be encompassing
stakeholder theory, which requires businesses to consider the
interests of all stakeholders when setting strategies and going
about their operations (Crane, 2016). Fruitfit will ensure that its
activities are aligned with the community’s interests. The
business will take a proactive approach in ensuring its
alignment with community interests by ensuring that its goals
and objectives reflect the community’s values. By considering
community interests at the strategy-setting stage, the business
will ensure that its activities are always mirror community
Part of being a good corporate citizen is ensuring that business
activities have a positive impact on the surrounding community
(Andriof & McIntosh, 2017). The business will play a role in
being a good corporate citizen by employing people from the
local community, which will subsequently improve their
financial and economic statuses. Fruitfit will employ
professionals from the local community by enforcing equal
opportunity employment practices that provide each individual
with a fair chance of getting employed. All employees will be
treated fairly as the business will implement a multicultural and
inclusive workplace. It will also provide training for support job
positions so that people from the local community can qualify
for the job positions. In addition, the business will source raw
materials locally, a factor that will boost economic activity in
the region as farmers will get a ready supply for their produce.
The business is not structured as a social venture as its aim is to
maximize value to investors. Nonetheless, it will still play a
substantial role in the community by improving the society’s
welfare through ensuring that they get access to healthy
How Business Activities will Impact the Environment
Inevitably, Fruitfit’s activities will impact the environment in
various stages of the supply chain. First, raw materials will
need to be transported from suppliers to the manufacturing
facility, which will lead to the release of carbon emissions to
the environment. Secondly, the beverage manufacturing process
results in the release of fumes (Kregiel, 2015). Also, the
environment may be negatively impacted due the disposal of the
packaging materials used by customers. Plastic bottles will be
used for packaging the beverages, which will create
environmental concerns associated with their disposal. The
production of the beverages will also consume a lot of water,
which may lead to the depletion of the natural resources.
It would be impossible to implement all the organizational
activities without causing firm to the environment or
surrounding communities. However, the negative impact of a
business can be lessened by implementing measures that will
reduce the environment’s and the community’s exposure to
harm (Kregiel, 2015). With regards to lowering the negative
environmental impact associated with transportation, the
business will be located in an area that is near retailers and
distributors so as to prevent the finished products from being
transported over long distances. Also, the business can plan its
inventory in such a manner that supplies are bundled together in
large volumes so as to prevent unnecessary trips from suppliers.
In matters concerning environmental damage due to fumes
emitted during the manufacturing process, the manufacturing
process can be designed in a way that will reduce environmental
damage. Also, the consumption of water will be minimized by
implementing effective water recycling methods. In future,
Fruitfit may consider utilizing alternative packaging materials
and doing away with plastic packaging. However, non-plastic
packaging is expensive, and they will substantially alter both
the cost of doing business as well as the product price. For now,
the company can include recycling instructions on product
packaging to inform customers to dump the bottles in recycling
Health Issues Related to the Product
Fruitfit is developing a healthy product that will be comprised
of natural fruits and vegetables. Consumers should expect to
benefit from better health after their consumption. The products
will not have any sugar or artificial colorings or preservatives.
This way, they will appeal to the health-conscious consumer
market that is drawn towards healthy foods. The elimination of
sugar as an additive helps to lower the risk of diabetes, obesity,
and high blood pressure. The elimination of chemicals helps to
reduce the risk of cancer as artificial colorings and flavors
usually contain carcinogens (Ramesh & Muthuraman, 2018).
The organization will have strict scrutiny over the production
process to ensure that all beverages are free from chemical
contaminants. Also, Fruitfit will employ the highest food
standards to prevent contaminations. In addition, it will adhere
to any legal or regulatory food and quality standards that are
enforced by the Thailand government. To ensure conformity
with current laws and standards, the management will employ a
quality control expert who will head the safety and quality
department. In order to mitigate against instances where the
beverages provide by the company are harmful to people’s
health, the packaging will include all the components that have
been used in their manufacture. This way, consumers can make
informed choices on whether or not to purchase the beverages.
Some customers may be allergic to the fruits and vegetables
used in the manufacture of the beverages. In addition,
consumers need to be informed about the nutritional content of
the foods, especially if they need to be aware of their calorie
Fruitfit’s Plan to Target Appropriate Business Segments
Fruitfit’s target market has been identified as ranging between
the ages of 24 and 70. The determination of the age group was
based on the assumption that they are capable of making sound
decisions regarding food and beverage selection. Andrews and
Shimp (2017) recommend that the target market can be aimed at
by employing advertising measures that will appeal to them.
Similarly, Fruitfit’s target market will be reached through the
social media, online websites, and flyers and brochures that will
be handed to people in social gatherings. The advertising
medium has to be frequented by the target market. For instance,
in order to ensure that only people aged between 24 and 70 are
targeted by social media campaigns, the company will purchase
consumer lists from marketing firms that only includes the
aforementioned age bracket. Marketing firms sell contact
information to interested buyers such as firms, where customer
demographics are specified. Also, the content will be created in
a way that will appeal to customers within the age bracket.
Marketing to children is unethical as they are easily influenced.
Children may not have the decision-making capacity needed to
differentiate between armful and beneficial products (Kelly,
Vandevijvere, Freeman, & Jenkin, 2015). For this reason, the
marketing and public relations campaigns will only be created
to attract the mature market. Although the beverages produced
by Fruitfit are not harmful to their health, the organization
needs to be cognizant of the ethics involved in targeting such a
market. Another method that will be used to attract individuals
within the target age bracket is product packaging. The product
will use designs and shapes that appeal to a more mature
market. Thus, it will only draw in customers from the intended
target market.
Operation, Technology, and Management Plan
Operations Plan
Key aspects of operations
The facility will be located in Samut Prakan, Thailand, a
location that has been selected due to its close proximity to
consumers. Processing of the beverages will require equipment
such as process skis, transfer panels, hot water sets, utility
stations, and holding tubes. According to Rahim and Raman
(2015), the beverage production process involves treating water,
which goes through a filtration process and afterwards a
deoxygenating process. After the water has been treated, the
next step involves the creation of syrup by mixing concentrate
and sugar in a reservoir tank. The syrup then undergoes a
clarification and infiltration process. The purified water and
syrup are mixed in a filler tank, and carbon dioxide is injected
into the blend, after which the beverage is bottled and moved
into a conveyor belt prior to packaging. Packaging is then done
in different sizes, and the products are stored in the warehouse
ready for shipping. Automation plays a large role in ensuring
product consistency, quality, and cost.
Cost and time efficiencies
The business will incur operational costs involving payment of
wages, purchase of equipment, leasing of land and buildings,
legal costs the purchase of raw materials and supplies, as well
as marketing and administrative expenses. The entire production
process will necessitate a variety of skills involving mechanical
operators, programmers, marketing professionals,
administrative, and support staff. The Fruitfit Company will
need a manufacturing facility, a warehouse, and an
administrative block. The raw materials will be source from
local farmers. Fruitfit will have contracts with farmers to
provide a constant supply of raw materials. Also, a key aspect
of the operation will involve transportation as the products will
need to be distributed to grocery stores, convenience stores, and
other partners involved in the distribution of the products to
final customers. Time efficiencies may be gained by the
utilization of automation to ensure the maintenance of quality
(Hitomi, 2017). The facilities will be bought instead of being
rented or leased, which will increase short-term costs but will
provide long-term cost advantages. The business will continue
adding new products to its portfolio based on market demands.
Research and development will play a major role in new product
development. Research will be conducted through the social
media and through gaining access to readily available industry
Competitive Advantages
Fruitfit will achieve competitive advantage by providing
customers with better value in terms of product quality, price,
and availability. Functional level competitive advantage will be
achieved by pursuing cost-effectiveness through pursuing
efficiency in the production process and implementing a culture
of continuous learning that will spur innovation. As stated by
Hill, Jones, and Schilling (2015), functional-level strategies
provide a business with competitive advantage by making the
firm superior. On the other hand, business-level strategies
provide it with competitive advantage by enhancing the value
provided to customers. Thus, Fruitfit will pursue business-level
strategies through focusing on the needs of the target customer
segment and ensuring that its products are affordable, timely,
and of high quality. The operational process of the business will
be designed in such a manner that will cut costs so that
customers can pay reduced prices for the final product and
access them easily.
Problems Addressed and Overcome
One of the challenges that could potentially compromise the
success of Fruitfit is lack of capital. According to Scarborough
(2016), a majority of startup companies fail due to lack of
capital for day-to-day operations. Nonetheless, funds will be
sourced from financial institutions and an angel investor.
Another potential problem that could hamper the success of the
company is lack of continuous supply of fruits and other
supplies. However, the company will engage in long-term
contracts with farmers that will ensure timely supply of
materials and raw products.
Technology Plan
Software needs
The company will utilize a just-in time inventory that will
minimize costs and ensure that only the needed amount of
materials are within the facilities. The implementation of the
just-in-time inventory strategy entails the implementation of
technology to oversee the process from ordering materials,
receiving them, and distributing final products to distributors
and retailers (Lai & Cheng, 2016). The technology will be
situated on-premise. Fruitfit will need to back up its data in the
cloud so that it can be readily accessed even when the
company’s servers are down. The business will also need
enterprise resource planning (ERP) for quality analysis,
production analysis, dashboard analytics for sales and
inventory, and resource planning and management.
Hardware needs
The types of hardware that will be needed by the business
include computers, hard drives that store software, and memory
Telecommunications needs
Telecommunication needs involve internet access to facilitate
communication with internal organizational members and
external parties. The business will also require telephone
services that will also facilitate communication. Retailers can
use the services to make product enquiries while the business
may use it to communicate with suppliers. Fruitfit will activate
its website that will provide pertinent communication to
interested parties and provide a medium through they can
contact the business. Also, email will be used as a
communication method both within and outside the
Personnel needs
Fruitfit will utilize both in-house an outsourced personnel. In-
house personnel will include technicians, operators,
administrative, and support staff. However, marketing and
customer care staff will be outsourced. The benefit of
outsourcing is that it ensures that the organization gets the best
expertise at a fraction of the cost (Gunasekaran, Irani, Choy,
Filippi, & Papadopoulos, 2015). It would be expensive to hire,
train, and develop individuals working in marketing and
customer service departments. Therefore, it is preferable to
outsource the two functions as they are not critical and can be
performed by third parties.
Management and Organization
Key management and employees
The management will be comprised of the chairman, who will
also occupy the CEO position. Five managers will report to the
CEO, each manager representing productions and operations,
planning and performance management, marketing, finance, and
technology. The managers will head over CEOs and other staff
in each department.
Board members and advisors
The business will be comprised of four board of governors who
will be represented by the CEO, the angel investor, and two
other board members who have expertise in the beverage
manufacturing industry.
Management structure and style
Each of the managers will report directly to the CEO. The
managers will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day
operations of the business and for reporting to the CEO in case
of emerging issues or critical decisions. The CEO will have the
authority to make pertinent decisions that affect each
department. Below is a diagram showing the management
Flow-chart showing Fruitfit’s management hierarchy
The management hierarchy has been structure in a manner that
shows level of authority and their corresponding functions.
According to Carley and Prietula (2014), new organizations
benefit from a hierarchical organization structure as the
members may not have gained expertise in their roles, and they
need distinct roles and responsibilities so that the organization
can function seamlessly. Similarly, Fruitfit has adopted a
hierarchical management structure to enhance efficiency.

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  • 1. 1. Write a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justify: a. A clear and concise business concept. b. A thoroughly planned business concept. c. A capable management structure. d. A clear-cut market need. e. Significant competitive advantages for your business. f. Realistic financial projections. g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. h. A realistic and developed exit plan. i. Note: Read Chapters 4 and 18 of the course text Successful Business Plan . Use the plan preparation worksheets on pp. 58– 61 and the sample executive summaries on pp. 62–66 to help guide you, choose to write either a synopsis summary or a narrative summary, and include highlights from the each section of your business plan. · The Financials and the Management description—must spark enough interest to convince a reader to continue. Enhance the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader. . Hints: The financial section of your business plan will be derived from the previously completed financial worksheets.
  • 2. · Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements: . Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise. . Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. . Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. THE INTE RNE T GALAXY Reflections on the Internet, Business, and Society ManuelCastefls OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS The Networkis the Message the transformation of business management, capital markets, work, and technological innovation. Next, I invite the reader to move from economy to society by assessingthe emergence of
  • 3. new forms of sociability on-line on the basis of available evidence. This will lead us to analyze the political implications of the Internet: first, by studying new forms of citizen participation and grassroots organizing, secondly, by analyzing the issues and conflicts related to liberty and privacy in the interplay between government, busi- ness, and Internet-based communication. In order to understand new communication patterns, I then probe the famed convergence between the Internet and multimedia, exploring the formation of a multi-modal hypertext. Then, down to earth: the Internet does have a geography. I will show you which one, and what are its implications for cities, regions, and our urban life. Finally, I will address the fundamental issue of inequality and social exclusion in the age of the Internet by analyzing the contours and dynamics of the digital divide in a global perspective. So, let us depart on this intellectual journey. It is my hope that
  • 4. it will give the reader a better understanding of a significant dimen- sion of our world, and our lives, at the onset of their transformation. Chapter 1 I; II I t j ~ I i., lili Ii f , ! Lessonsfrom the Historyof the Internet The story of the creation and development of the Internet is one of an extraordinary human adventure. It highlights people's
  • 5. capacity to transcend institutional goals, overcome bureaucratic barriers, and subvert established values in the process of ushering in a new world. It also lends support to the view that cooperation and freedom of information may be more conducive to innovation than competition and proprietary rights. I shall not recount this saga, since there are several good chronicles available to the reader (Abbate, 1999; Naughton, 1999). Instead, I will focus on what seem to be the critical lessons we can distill from the processes that led to the formation of the, from the building of the ARPANETin the 1960s to the explosion of the world wide web in the 1990s. Indeed, the historical production of a given technology shapes its content and uses in ways that last beyond its original inception, and the Internet is no exception to this rule. The history of the Internet helps us to understand the paths of its future history-making. However, before embarking on interpretation, to simplify the reader's task, I will summarize the main events that led 8 lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfrom the Historyof the Internet The History of the Internet, 1962-1995: An Overview California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. In 1971,
  • 6. there were fifteen nodes, most of them university research centers. The design of ARPANET was implemented by Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN), a Boston engineering acoustics firm converted into applied computer science, which was founded by MIT profes- sors, and usually staffed by MIT and Harvard scientists and engi- neers. In 1972, the first successful demonstration of ARPANET took place at an international conference in Washington, DC. The next step was to make ARPANET's connection with other computer networks possible, starting with the communication net- works that ARPA was managing, PRNET and SATNET.This intro- duced a new concept: a network of networks. In 1973, two computer scientists, Robert Kahn, from ARPA, and Vint Cerf, then at Stanford University, wrote a paper outlining the basic Internet architecture. They built on the efforts of the Network Working Group, a cooperative technical group formed in the 1960s by repre- sentatives from the various computer centers linked by ARPANET, including Cerf himself, Steve Crocker, and Jon Postel, among others. For computer networks to talk to each other they needed standardized communication protocols. This was partly accom- plished in 1973, at a Stanford seminar, by a group led by Cerl, Gerard Lelann (from the French Cyclades research group), and Robert Metcalfe (then at Xerox PARC), with the design of the
  • 7. trans- mission control protocol (TCP). In 1978 Cerl, PosteL and Crocker, working at the University of Southern California, split TCP into two parts, adding an inter-network protocol (IP), yielding the TCP/IP protocol, the standard on which the Internet still operates today. However, ARPANETcontinued for some time to operate on a dif- ferent protocol, NCP. In 1975, ARPANETwas transfer&d to the Defense Communica- tion Agency (DCA). In order to make computer communication available to different branches of the armed forces, the DCA decided to create a connection between various networks under its control. It established a Defense Data Network, operating on TCP/IP proto- cols. In 1983 the Defense Department, concerned about possible security breaches, decided to create a separate MILNET network for specific military uses. ARPANET became ARPA- INTERNET, to the constitution of the Internet in its current form; that is, as a global network of computer networks made user-friendly by the world wide web, an application running on top of the Internet. The origins of the Internet are to be found in ARPANET, a com-
  • 8. puter network set up by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in September 1969. ARPA was formed in 1958 by the Defense Department of the United States with the task of mobiliz- ing research resources, particularly from the university world, toward building technological military superiority over the Soviet Union in the wake of the launching of the first Sputnik in 1957. ARPANET was only a minor program emerging from one of ARPA's departments, the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO), established in 1962 on the basis of a pre-existing unit. The aim of this department, as defined by its first director, Joseph Licklider, a psychologist turned computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was to stimulate research in interactive computing. As part of this effort, the build- ing of ARPANET was justified as a way of sharing computing time on-line between various computer centers and research groups working for the agency. To build an interactive computer network, IPTO relied on a rev- olutionary telecommunications transmission technology, packet switching, developed independently by Paul Baran at Rand Corporation (a Californian think-tank often working for the Pentagon) and by Donald Davies at the British National Physical Laboratory. Baran's design of a decentralized, flexible communica- tion network was a proposal from the Rand Corporation to the Defense Department to build a military communications system able to survive a nuclear attack, although this was never the goal behind the development of ARPANET. IPTO used this packet- switching technology in the design of ARPANET.The first nodes of
  • 9. the network in 1969 were at the University of California, Los Angeles, SRI (Stanford Research Institute), the University of III" ~ i{f! 10 11 f~ ,~ ~i Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfrom the Historyof the Internet and was dedicated to research. In 1984, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) set up its own computer communications net- work, NSFNET,and in 1988 it started using ARPA- INTERNETas its backbone. In February 1990 ARPANET, technologically obsolete, was de- commissioned. Thereafter, having released the Internet from its military environment, the US government charged the National Science Foundation with its management. But NSF's control of the Net was short-lived. With computer networking technology in the public domain, and telecommunications in full deregulation, NSF quickly proceeded with the privatization of the Internet. The
  • 10. Defense Department had decided earlier to commercialize Internet technology, financing US computer manufacturers to include TCP/IP in their protocols in the 1980s. By 1990 most computers in America had networking capabilities, laying the ground for the dif- fusion of inter-networking. In 1995 NSFNET was shut down, opening the way for the private operation of the Internet. In the early 1990s a number of Internet service providers built their own networks and set up their own gateways on a commer- cial basis. Thereafter, the Internet grew rapidly as a global network of computer networks. This was made possible by the original design of ARPANET,based on a multi-layered, decentralized archi- tecture, and open communication protocols. Under these condi- tions the Net was able to expand by the addition of new nodes and endless reconfiguration of the network to accommodate communi- cation needs. Nonetheless, ARPANETwas not the only source of the Internet as we know it today. The current shape of the Internet is also the out- come of a grassroots tradition of computer networking. One compo- nent of this tradition was the bulletin board systems (BBS) movement that sprung from the networking of PCsin the late 1970s. In 1977, two Chicago students, Ward Christensen and Randy Suess, wrote a program, which they called MODEM, enabling the
  • 11. transfer of files between their PCs, and in 1978 another program, the Computer Bulletin Board System, which made it possible for PCs to store and transmit messages. They released both programs into the public domain. In 1983, Tom Jennings, a programmer, then working in California, created his own BBS program, FIDO, and started a network of BBSs, FIDONET.FIDONETis still the cheapest, most accessible computer communication network in the world, relying on PCs and calls over standard telephone lines. In 2000, it comprised over 40,000 nodes and about 3 million users. Although this represented only a tiny fraction of total Internet use, the practice of BBSs and the culture exemplified by FIDONET were influential factors in the configuration of the global Internet. In 1981, Ira Fuchs, at the City University of New York, and Greydon Freeman, of Yale University, started an experimental network on the basis of IBM RJE protocoL thus building a network for IBM users, mainly university based, which came to be known as BITNET ("Because it's there," referring to the IBM slogan; it also stood for "Because it's time"). When IBM stopped funding in 1986, users' fees supported the network. It still lists 30,000 active nodes. A decisive trend in computer networking emerged from the
  • 12. community of UNIX users. UNIX is an operating system developed at Bell Laboratories, and released. by Bell to the universities in 1974, including its source code and permission to alter the source. UNIX became the lingua franca of most computer science depart- ments, and students soon became adept at its manipulation. Then, in 1978 Bell distributed its UUCP program (UNIX-to-UNIX copy) allowing computers to copy files from each other. On the basis of UUCP, in 1979, four students in North Carolina (Truscott, Ellis, Bellavin, and Rockwell) designed a program for communication between UNIX computers. An improved version of this program was distributed freely at a UNIX users' conference in 1980. This allowed the formation of computer communication networks, Usenet News, outside the ARPANET backbone, thus considerably broadening the practice of computet communication. In the summer of 1980 Usenet News reached the computer science department of the University of California, Berkeley, where there was a brilliant group of graduate students (including Mark Horton and Bill Joy) working on adaptations and applications of UNIX. As Berkeley was an ARPANET node, this group of students developed a program to bridge the two networks. From then on, Usenet became linked to ARPANET, the two traditions gradually I l
  • 13. iI !, I I; ~, i 1 ~I i1 I, I II i ~., I 'i'"I 1 ~i r" 12 13 Lessons Tromthe HiStory or me Internet Lt:::>:>UII:> IIUIII Lilt:: nl:>LU'Y VI Lilt:: IIiLCIIICL merged, and various computer networks became able to communi-
  • 14. cate with each other, often sharing the same backbone (courtesy of a university). These networks eventually came together as the Internet. Another major development resulting from the UNIX users' tra- dition was the "open source movement"-a deliberate attempt to keep access to all information about software systems open. I shall analyze in more detail, in Chapter 2, the open source movement, and the hackers' culture, as essential trends in the social and tech- nical shaping of the Internet. But I need to refer briefly to it in this summary account of the sequence of events that led to the forma- tion of the Internet. In 1984, a programmer at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Richard Stallman, reacting against the decision by ATI to claim proprietary rights to UNIX, launched the Free Software Foundation, proposing to substitute "copyleft" for copyright. By "copyleft" it is understood that anyone using soft- ware that had been made freely available should, in return, distrib- ute over the Net the improved code. Stallman created an operating system, GNU, as an alternative to UNIX,and he posted it on the Net under a license that allowed its use on the condition of respecting the copyleft clause. Putting this principle into practice, in 1991, Linus Torvalds, a 22- year-old student at the University of Helsinki, developed a new
  • 15. UNIX-based operating system, called Linux, and distributed it freely on the Internet, asking users to improve it and to post their improve- ments back on the Net. The result of this initiative was the develop- ment of a robust Linux operating system, constantly upgraded by the work of thousands of hackers and millions of users, to the point that Linux is now widely considered one of the most advanced oper- ating systems in the world, particularly for Internet-based comput- ing. Other groups of cooperative software development based on open source sprung from the UNIXusers' culture. Thus, in the year 2001, over 60 percent of world wide web servers in the world were running on Apache, which is an open source server program devel- oped by a cooperative network of UNIXprogrammers. What made it possible for the Internet to embrace the world at large was the development of the world wide web. This is an information-sharing application developed in 1990 by an English programmer, Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN, the Geneva- based, European high-energy physics research center. Although he was not personally aware of it (Berners-Lee, 1999: 5), Berners- Lee's work continued a long tradition of ideas and technical pro- jects that, for the previous half-century, had imagined the possibility of linking up information sources via interactive
  • 16. com- puting. Vannevar Bush proposed his Memex system in 1945. Douglas Engelbart designed his On-Line System, including graph- ics interface and the mouse, working from his Augmentation Research Center in the San Francisco Bay area, and he first demon- strated it in 1968. Ted Nelson, a radical, independent thinker, envi- sioned a hypertext of interlinked information in his 1965 Computer Lib manifesto, and worked for many years on the creation of a utopian system, Xanadu: an open, self-evolving hypertext aimed at linking all the planet's information, past, present, and future. Bill Atkinson, the author of the graphics interface of the Macintosh, developed a HyperCard system of interlinking information while working at Apple Computers in the 1980s. But it was Berners-Lee who brought all these dreams into reality, building on the Enquire program he had written in 1980. Of course, his decisive advantage was that the Internet already existed, and he could find support on the Internet and rely on decentralized computer power via workstations: utopias could now materialize. He defined and implemented the software that made it possible to retrieve and contribute information from and to any computer connected via the Internet: HTIP, HTML, and URI (later called URL). In cooperation with Robert Cailliau, Berners- Lee built a browser/editor program in December 1990, and named this hypertext system the world wide web (www). The www
  • 17. browser software was released by CERN over the Net in August 1991. A number of hackers from arouhd the world set themselves up to develop their own browsers, on the basis of Berners-Lee's work. The first modified version was Erwise, developed at the Helsinki Institute of Technology in April 1992. Soon after, Viola, at the University of California, Berkeley, produced his own adaptation. 14 15 Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet The most product-oriented of these modified versions of www was Mosaic, designed by a student, Marc Andreessen, and a staff member, Eric Bina, at the University of Illinois's National Center for Supercomputer Applications. They incorporated into Mosaic an advanced graphics capability, so that images could be retrieved and distributed over the Internet, as well as a number of interface tech- niques imported from the multimedia world. They publicized their software on the Usenet in January 1993. Thereafter, Andreessen took a programming job in a small firm at Palo Alto. While there, he was contacted by a leading Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Jim
  • 18. Clark, who was leaving the company he had founded, Silicon Graphics, looking for new business adventures. He recruited Andreessen, Bina, and their co-workers to form a new company, Mosaic Communications, which was later compelled to change its name to Netscape Communications. The company posted on the Net the first commercial browser, Netscape Navigator, in October 1994, and shipped the first product on December 15, 1994. In 1995, they released Navigator software over the Net free for educa- tional uses, and at a cost of 39 dollars for business. After the success of Navigator, Microsoft finally discovered the Internet, and in 1995, together with its Windows 95 software, introduced its own browser, Internet Explorer, based on technol- ogy developed by a small company, Spyglass. Other commercial browsers were developed, such as Navipress, used by America On Line for a while. Furthermore, in 1995, Sun Microsystems designed Java, a programming language that allowed applications programs ("applets") to travel between computers over the Internet, so enabling computers to run programs downloaded from the Internet safely. Sun released Java software free on the Internet, expanding the realm of web applications, and Netscape included Java in its Navigator browser. In 1998, to counter Microsoft's competition, Netscape released over the Net the source code for Navigator. Thus, by the mid-1990s, the Internet was privatized, its techni- cal, open architecture allowed the networking of all computer net- works anywhere in the world, the world wide web could
  • 19. function on adequate software, and several user-friendly browsers were available to the public. While the Internet had begun in the minds of computer scientists in the early 1960s, a computer communica- tion network had been established in 1969, and distributed com- puting, interactive communities of scientists and hackers had sprung up from the late 1970s, for most people, for business, and for society at large, the Internet was born in 1995. But it was born with the marks of a history whose analytically relevant features I shall now emphasize and interpret. The Unlikely Formula:Big Science, MilitaryResearch, and the Culture of Freedom First of all, the Internet was born at the unlikely intersection of big science, military research, and libertarian culture.l Major research universities and defense-related think-tanks were essential meeting points between these three sources of the Internet. ARPANET originated in the US Defense Department, but its military applica- tions were secondary to the project. IPTO's main concern was to
  • 20. fund computer science in the United States, letting scientists do their work, and hoping something interesting would come out of it. Baran's design was indeed a military-oriented proposal. It played an important role in the building of ARPANET because of its packet- switching technology, and because it inspired a communications architecture based on the three principles on which the Internet still operates today: a decentralized network structure; distributed computing power throughout the nodes of the network; and redundancy of functions in the network to minimize the risk of dis- connection. These features embodied the key answer to military needs for survivability of the system: flexibility, absence of a com- mand center, and maximum autonomy of each node. While all this sounds very much like military strategy, the catch here is that Baran's proposal was rejected by the Pentagon, and no one ever tried to implement it. In fact, some sources suggest
  • 21. that ARPA did not know of Baran's 1964 publications on "distributed networks" until Roger Scantlebury, a British researcher who had been working on similar technologies, brought them to the 16 17 Lessonsfromthe Historyof the Internet attention of IPTO's director at a symposium in Tennessee in October 1967 (Naughton, 1999: 129-31). Baran's concepts were critical for the building of ARPANET, but this experimental network was built with a non-military purpose by the scientists working at and around ARPA (Abbate, 1999). What their purpose/~as is in fact unclear, besides the general aim of developing computer networking. The explicit goal was to optimize the use of expensive computer resources by on-line time- sharing between computer centers. Yet, the cost of computing quickly came down, and time-sharing was no longer a major need. The most popular use of the network was electronic mail. an appli- cation first developed by Ray Tomlinson, a programmer at BBN, in July 1970. It is still the most widely used application on today's
  • 22. Internet. What the evidence suggests is that IPTO was used by com- puter scientists at the cutting edge of a new field (computer net- working) to fund computer science throughout the university research system, so that, in the 1960s and 1970s, most funding for computer science research in the United States came from ARPA (it was still the case in 2000). A network of talented scientists and engineers (among them Joseph Licklider, Ivan Sutherland, Lawrence Roberts, Leonard Kleinrock, Robert Taylor, Alex McKenzie, Frank Heart, and Robert Kahn) was formed over time, then expanded with the help of a generation of outstanding young researchers, particularly Vinton Cert Stephen Crocker, and Jon Postel. students of Kleinrock at UCLA. The original nucleus of ARPANET designers came mainly trom MIT, including one of MIT's spin-off companies, BBN (ini- tially working on acousticsl), and trom the Lincoln National Laboratory, a major military-oriented research facility in the shadow of MIT. Key members of the network (among others Roberts, Kleinrock, Heart, and Kahn) were graduates of MIT. But academics from other research universities also became part of this informal. yet exclusive club of computer scientists, particularly from UCLA, where Kleinrock, one of the leading theoreticians in the field, was teaching, as well as from Stanford, Harvard, the
  • 23. University of Utah, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of California at Berk~ley. 18 Lessonsfromthe Historyof the Internet These researchers/designers circulated in and out of ARPA, research universities, and quasi-academic think-tanks, such as RAND, SRI, and BBN. They were protected by the visionary direc- tors of IPTO, among whom were Joseph Licklider and Robert Taylor. IPTO enjoyed considerable freedom in managing and funding this network because the Defense Department had entrusted ARPA with autonomous judgment about how to stimu- late technological research in key areas without suffocating cre- ativity and independence, a strategy that eventually paid off in terms of superiority in military technology. But ARPANETwas not one of these military technologies. It was an arcane, experimental project whose actual content was never fully understood by the overseeing congressional committees. Once ARPANET was set up, and new, younger recruits came to IPTO in the 1970s, there was a more focused, deliberate effort to create what would be the Internet. Kahn and Cerf clearly intended so, and designed an archi- tecture, and the corresponding protocols, to allow the network to evolve as an open system of computer communication, able to reach out to the whole world.
  • 24. So, ARPANET, the main source of what ultimately became the Internet, was not an unintended consequence of a research program going sideways. It was envisioned, deliberately designed, and subsequently managed by a determined group of computer scientists with a shared mission that had little to do with military strategy. It was rooted in a scientific dream to change the world through computer communication, although some of the partici- pants in the group were content with just fosteringgood computer science. In accordance with the university research tradition, ARPANET'screators involved graduate students in the core design . functions of the network, in an atmosphere of totally relaxed secu- rity. This included the use of ARPANETfor students' personal chats and, reportedly, discussions about marijuana procurement oppor- tunities. The most popular electronic mailing list in ARPANETwas SF-Loversfor the use of science fiction fans. Furthermore, the tran- sition to the civilian Internet, and then to its privatization, was managed by the National Science Foundation, with the coopera- tion of the academic community of computer scientists that had ~ i~ ,I'
  • 25. ~" I '.. . .'. .; !-.' 19 Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet LessonsfromtheHistoryofthe Internet developed over the years around IPTO. Many of these scientists ended up working for major corporations in the 1990s. However, to say that ARPANETwas not a military-oriented pro- ject does not mean that its Defense Department origins were incon- sequential for the development of the Internet. For all the vision and all the competence these scientists displayed in their project, they could never have commanded the level of resources that was neces- sary to build a computer network and to design all the appropriate technologies. The Cold War provided a context in which there was strong public and government support to invest in cutting-edge science and technology, particularly after the challenge of the
  • 26. Soviet space program became a threat to US national security. In this sense, the Internet is not a special case in the history of technological innovation, a process usually associated with war: the scientific and engineering effort around World War II constituted the matrix for the technologies of the micro-electronics revolution, and the arms race during the Cold War facilitated their development. The lucky part of the ARPANET story was that the Defense Department, in a rare instance of organizational intelligence, set up ARPA as a funding and guidance research agency with consider- able autonomy. ARPA went on to become one of the most innova- tive technology policy institutions in the world, and in fact the key actor in US technology policy, not just around computer network- ing, but in a number of decisive fields of technological develop- ment. ARPA was staffed by academic scientists. their friends and their friends' students. and was successful in building a network of reliable contacts in the university world. as well as in the research organizations that spun off from academia to work for the govern- ment. An understanding of how the research process works led
  • 27. ARPA to grant considerable autonomy to researchers contracted or funded by the agency, a necessary condition for truly innovative researchers to accept involvement in a project. ARPA's hope was that, out of massive resources and scientific ingenuity, something good would happen from which the military (but also the US economy) could benefit. It turned out to be the right strategy. even in military terms. In the 1980s, when it became clear that the US had achieved techno- logical superiority in conventional warfare. particularly in elec- tronics and communications, the Soviet Union's strategy was reduced to the unthinkable option of a massive nuclear exchange. In fact, as I have argued in a joint study of the Soviet Union with Emma Kiselyova (Castells and Kiselyova, 1995). the realization of this technological inferiority was one of the main triggers for Gorbachev's perestroika, ultimately leading to the disintegration of an apparently mighty empire. The Soviet Union had also anchored its science and technology system in its military complex. But, unlike the United States, Soviet science was largely trapped in the security apparatus, with its corollary of secrecy and performance- oriented projects. which ultimately undermined technological innovation in spite of the excellence of Soviet science. ARPA's policy of flexibility and academic freedom paid off in terms of
  • 28. military strategy, while unleashing the creativity of US academics. and providing them with the resources to transform ideas into research. and research into workable technologies. Once ARPANETbecame operational in 1975. it was transferred to the Defense Communication Agency, which started to use the net- work for military operations. Paradoxically. the importance of inter-networking for the armed forces favored the early adoption of the Internet protocols that laid the ground for their diffusion. The uneasy coexistence of military planners and academic researchers who were using the network set the stage for the separation of the network into MILNET (military) and ARPA-INTERNET (research) in 1983, and for the creation of NSFNETin 1984. In turn, as soon as a military-funded technology became available for civilian use, the Defense Department had a political interest in commercializing it, distributing it free, and actually subsidizing its adoption by US com- puter manufacturers. History cannot' be re-written, but with our current script, without ARPA there would have been no ARPANET. and without ARPANET, the Internet as we know it today would not exist. In Europe, packet-switching technology, computer communica-
  • 29. tion, and transmission protocols were developed in public research centers, such as Britain's National Physical Laboratory, or govern- ment-sponsored research programs. such as the French Cyclades. 20 21 Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet And while the design of the world wide web was the result of individual creativity and initiative (Berners-Lee was a staff member supposedly working on improving the documentation system at CERN, and not on inventing software), Berners-Lee's and Cailliau's work was made possible by the understanding, first, and the support, later, of a highly respected international public research institution, which just happened to be working on a com- pletely different field of science (Berners-Lee, 1999; Gillies and Cailliau, 2000). In sum, all the key technological developments that led to the Internet were built around government institutions, major univer- sities, and research centers. The Internet did not originate in the business world. It was too daring a technology, too expensive a project, and too risky an initiative to be assumed by profit- oriented organizations. This was particularly true in the 1960s, at a time when major corporations were rather conservative in their indus-
  • 30. trial and financial strategies, and were not ready to risk funding and personnel in visionary technologies. The most blatant illustra- tion of this statement is the fact that in 1972, Larry Roberts, the director of IPTO, sought to privatize ARPANET,once it was up and running. He offered to transfer operational responsibility to ATT. After considering the proposal, with the help of a committee of experts from Bell Laboratories, the company refused. ATI was too dependent on analog telephony to be ready to move to digital switching. And so, to the benefit of the world, a corporate monop- oly missed the Internet. Even as late as 1990 when the US Office of Technology Assessment held a hearing on the NREN, no telephone company accepted an invitation to take part in it. One company explicitly said that it had no interest in this development (Steve Cisler, personal communication, 2001). But if corporate business did not have much vision, neither did public companies. In another significant example, the British National Physical Laboratory (NPL) researchers built two computer networks, Mark I and Mark II, based on Davies's packet- switching technology. Davies (appointed director of a research division of NPL in 1966) tried to convince the General Post Office to set up a national computer communications network. If implemented in the late 1960s it would have preceded ARPANET. Yet the Post Office showed little interest in computer communication, and when it finally ceded to the pressure of the business world to
  • 31. build a data transmission network in 1977, it used a system developed by Telenet, a US-firm based on ARPANET technology. Thus, British packet-switching technology never left NPL's internal networks, and the development of the Internet in the UK had to wait for the global expansion of American computer networks. What emerges from these accounts is that the Internet developed in a secure environment, provided by public resources and mission- oriented research, but an environment that did not stifle freedom of thinking and innovation. Business could not afford to take the long detour that would be needed to spur profitable applications from such an audacious scheme. On the other hand, when the military puts security above any other consideration, as happened in the Soviet Union, and could have happened in the US, creativity cannot survive. And when government, or public service corporations, follow their basic, bureaucratic instincts, as in the case of the British Post Office, adaptation takes precedence over innovation. It was in the twilight zone of the resource-rich, relatively free spaces created by ARPA, the universities, innovative think-tanks, and major research centers that the seeds of the Internet were sown. The Internet and the Grassroots
  • 32. 22 23 These seeds germinated in a variety of forms. The culture of indi- vidual freedom sprouting in the university campuses of the 1960s and 1970s used computer networking to its own ends-in most cases seeking technological innovatic!n for the pure joy of discovery. The universities themselves played a major role in their support of community networks. Examples of this university-grassroots con- nection were, among many others, Boulder, Colorado; Blacksburg Electronic Vi11age;Cleveland FreeNet; Chetbuco Suite in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Without the cultural and technological contribution of these early, grassrooted computer networks, the Internet would have looked very different, and probably would have not embraced Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfrom the Historyof the Internet the whole world. At least, not so quickly. After alL Tim Berners- Lee's idealistic approach to technology was not too far removed from the agendas of cultural revolutionaries, such as Nelson or Engelbart. The fast diffusion of computer communication
  • 33. protocols would not have happened without the open, free distribution of software and the cooperative use of resources that became the code of conduct of the early hackers. The advent of the PC considerably helped the spread of computer networking, as show-cased by the global spread of FIDONET.But most networks required a backbone anchored in more powerful machines, and this was only possible because of the contact between science-based networks and stu- dent hacker communities in the universities. Universities were the common ground for the circulation of innovation between big science's exclusive networks and the makeshift countercultural networks that emerged in all kinds of formats. The two worlds were different, but with more points of. contact than people usually think. Graduate students played a decisive role in the design of ARPANET. In the late 1960s, the Network Working Group, which did most of the design of ARPANET's protocols, was composed mainly of graduate students, including Cerf, Crocker, and Postel, who studied together in the same secondary school in Southern California, and then were students of Kleinrock at UCLA. Feeling insecure about their decisions, they communicated their work in progress to BBN and other nodes of the IPTO's research network through "request for comment" memos or RFCs, which provided
  • 34. the style, and the name, for informal technical communication in the Internet world up to our day. The openness of this format was-and continues to be-essential for the development of the Internet's infrastructure protocols. Most of these students were not countercultural in the sense of the social movements' activists of the time. Cerf certainly was not. They were too obsessed with their extraordinary technological adventure to see much of the world outside computers. They certainly did not see any problem in having their research funded by the Pentagon or even in joining ARPA (as Cerf did) in the midst of the Vietnam War. And yet they were permeated with the values of individual freedom, of indepen- dent thinking, and of sharing and cooperation with their peers, all values that characterized the campus culture of the 1960s. While the young ARPANETers were not part of the counterculture, their ideas, and their software, provided a natural bridge between the world of big science and the broader student culture that sprung up in the BBSs and Usenet News network. This student culture took up computer networking as a tool of free communication, and in the case of its most political manifestations (Nelson, Jennings, Stallman), as a tool of liberation, which, together with the PC, would provide people with the power of information to free
  • 35. them- selves both from governments and corporations. The grassroots of the Internet, with their creation of autonomous networks and conference systems, decisively influenced the devel- opment of commercial services in the 1980s, as business imitated the communication systems created by alternative networks. On the one hand, there were e-mail services developed by telecom- munications and computer companies (ATT,MCt DEC and so on), and wide area networks set up by major corporations for their internal use. On the other hand, "on-line" services were offered by companies such as Compuserve, America On Line (AOL), and Prodigy. These services were not networked in their origin, but they provided the ground on which Internet content providers would later develop. These diverse uses of computer networking did not develop from the ARPANETcommunity but from the var- iegateduniverse of alternative networks emerging from the freedom culture. The impact of autonomous networks was also decisive in the global expansion of computer networking. The control of the US government of ARPA-INTERNETwas an obstacle to its connection to the networks of other countries. tJUCP-based networks became global much earlier than the Internet, thus setting the stage for the global Internet once networks were able to connect. After NSF opened up NSFNETaccess to foreign networks, from 1990 to
  • 36. 1995 (when the Internet was privatized), the proportion of non-US net- works linked to the Internet doubled, from 20 to 40 percent of all connected networks. 24 25 LessonsfromtHeHistoryofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyof the Internet From these diverse contributions emerged an Internet whose most distinctive feature was its openness, both in its technical architec- ture and in its social/institutional organization. Technically speak- ing, the flexibility of communication protocols allowed backbones such as ARPANETto connect to thousands of local area networks. The TCP architecture proposed by Cerf and Kahn in their seminal 1973 paper, "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication," published in 1974, and completed in 1978 with the IP protocol, provided standards compatible for different networking systems. The openness of ARPANET's architecture allowed the future Internet to survive its most daunting challenge in the process of
  • 37. becoming global: the difficult agreement on a common inter- national standard. Telecommunication carriers and the post and telecommunications offices (PTTs) of major European govern- ments supported a different communication standard, the x.25, which was approved in 1976 as the common international stan- dard by the International Telecommunications Union. The x.25 protocols were not incompatible with TCP/IP, but because they had been designed separately they could not communicate. The debate was not purely technical. Under x.25 virtual circuits, the control and accountability of the network would be mainly in the hands of public network providers at the expense of private computer owners. This is why the European PTTsfavored the option. On the other hand, ARPANET's protocols were based on the diversity of networks. Furthermore, telecommunication carriers were reluc- tant to let private networks link up with their own networks. By the late 1970s, the PTTs were planning to organize computer data transmission in a series of separate, national public networks, connecting at their nation's borders. Computer owners were expected to link up directly to the public network in their country, rather than set up their own private networks. In fact, MINITEL, the French PTT telematic service provider, was based on this prin- ciple of a centralized, government-controlled, computer
  • 38. network. At the international level, CCITT (the relevant committee of the International Telecommunications Union) went on to assign network addresses to each country. The assumption was that com- puters would usually be connected to the public network, so the committee decided that most countries would not require more than ten network addresses, exceptionally two hundred for the United States. This logic was perfectly understandable in a world in which a few years earlier an IBM study had predicted that the world market for computers in the year 2000 would stabilize at about five computers, and in which, in 1977 (after the develop- ment of the personal computer), the chairman of DEC had declared that "there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." In the end, x.25 protocols were adopted by public telecommuni- cation networks and some commercial networks, while ARPANET and most US private networks went on using TCP/IP. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) intervened in the matter, and when it failed to conciliate different interests
  • 39. between various governments, and between computer manufac- turers and telecommunications operators, it approved the principle of layering of protocols. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) protocol became the official international standard. However. unable to impose this standard, ISO continued to approve a multi- plicity of protocols, including TCP and IP. Because ARPANET's protocols had the flexibility to integrate different networking systems, while the other protocols could not do so, TCP/IP stand- ards were able to accommodate x.25-based protocols, and ultim- ately prevailed as the common standards for the global Internet. An Architecture of Openness 26 27 Self-evolution of the Internet: Shaping the Network I by Using it The openness of the Internet's architecture was the source of its main strength: its self-evolving development. as users became
  • 40. pro- ducers of the technology, and shapers of the whole network. Since nodes could be easily added, the cost remained low (provided that a backone was available), and the software was open and available; by the mid-1980s (after UUCP allowed the connection between Lessonsfrom the Historyof the Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet ARPANETand Usenet) everybody with technical knowledge could join the Internet. A flurry of never-planned applications resulted from this multiple contribution, from e-mail to bulletin boards and chat rooms, the MODEM, and, ultimately, the hypertext. No one told Tim Berners-Lee to design the world wide web, and in fact he had to conceal his true intent for a while since he was using the time of his research center for purposes other than his assigned job. But he could do it because he could rely on widespread support from the Intqnet community, as he posted his work, and was helped and stimulated by numerous hackers from around the world. True, some of these hackers went on to commercialize his ideas, and made a fortune, while Berners-Lee, by his own choice, continued to work in the public interest, lately as chairperson of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). But by behaving as a true hacker he earned the respect of his community of reference,
  • 41. and his place in history; as was the case with Ted Nelson, Douglas Engelbart, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and so many other, less famous, hackers and anonymous users. It is a proven lesson from the history of technology that users are key producers of the technology, by adapting it to their uses and values, and ultimately transforming the technology itself, as Claude Fischer (1992) demonstrated in his history of the telephone. But there is something special in the case of the Internet. New uses of the technology, as well as the actual modifications introduced in the technology, are communicated back to the whole world, in real time. Thus, the timespan between the processes of learning by using and producing by using is extraordinarily shortened, with the result that we engage in a process of learning by producing, in a virtuous feedback between the diffusion of technology and its enhancement. This is why the Internet grew, and keeps growing, at unprecedented speed, not only in the number of its networks, but in the range of its applications. For this sequence to take place, three conditions are necessary: first, the networking architecture must be open- ended, decentralized, distribu ted, and multi -directional in its interactivity; secondly, all communication protocols and their implemen-
  • 42. tations must be open, distributed, and susceptible of modification (although network manufacturers keep some of their software proprietary); thirdly, the institutions of governance of the network must be built in accordance with the principles of openness and cooperation that are embedded in the Internet. Having analyzed the historical production of the first two conditions, let me now turn to the third one. It is, in fact, a remarkable story. Governance of the Internet I am not addressing here the relationship between governments and the Internet, which I shall examine with care later in the book (Chapters 5 and 6). In this chapter I focus on the procedures to ensure communication and coordination functions in the network. This refers, essentially, to shared protocol development, agree- ments on standards, and assignments of Internet names and addresses. Once these matters are settled, the decentralized structure of the Internet takes care of the rest, as each host and each network establishes its own rules. But how coordination functions are assured was critical for the development of the network, and remains crucial for its expansion beyond any
  • 43. central control. In the early stages, in the 1960s, ARPA assumed benevolent authority over the network, and the Network Working Group (NWG) produced the technical standards by consensus, on the basis ofrequest for comment (RFC) documents. It set the tone for future coordination tasks in the Internet: membership based on technical expertise, consultation with the Internet community, consenslis-based decision-making. NWG was disbanded in the 1970s, once ARPANET began operation. Its role was assumed, within ARPA, by an Internet program, run by Cert and Kahn, which took responsibility for protocol development. They estab- lished an advisory group made up of networking experts: the Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB) which encouraged the participation of the overall Internet community in improving the protocols. In 1984, Barry Leiner, ARPA's network program manager, decided to broaden this coordinating group, and set up an Internet Activities Board (lAB), chaired by another MIT com-
  • 44. I- I :1 ,I . 'i 28 29 Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet puter scientist, Dave Clark. This new board included the leading experts from the institutions that had created ARPANET, but reached out to other networking experts from anywhere in the world. Indeed, membership of the lAB was open, at least in prin- ciple, to anyone with the interest and technical knowledge, although I suspect that experts from the Soviet Academy of Sciences would not have been welcome at the time. In 1989, with membership of the lAB then in the hundreds, the board was split into two organizations, both built on the basis of open working groups: the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), focusing on protocol development and other technical matters, and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), specializing in long-range planning for the Internet. Working groups communicated by e-mail but also met several times a year. Agreements reached by the working groups were published as RFCs and became the Internet's unofficial standards, in a cumulative, open process of cooperation. Later on, relevant US government agencies, such as
  • 45. the NSF, NASA, and the Department of Energy, followed the IETF in adopting the use of the Internet's protocols. Through this channel, Internet protocols became the networking standards for the US government at large. By 1992, however, the Internet was expanding on a global scale, and the NSF was planning its privatization. On both grounds it was necessary to move beyond the direct control of the US govern- ment. So, in January 1992, the Internet Society was formed, a non- profit organization which was given oversight of both the lAB and the IETF. Cerf and Kahn, widely trusted by the Internet commu- nity for their technical knowledge and their record of commitment to openness and consensus-building, took charge of the Internet Society. Under their impulse, international participation in the coordination functions increased substantially during the 1990s. However, with the internationalization of the Internet, the ambiguous status of its institutions (ultimately under the supervi- sion of the US government, yet exercising their autonomy on the basis of the fairness and prestige of the Internet's founders) came under attack from other governments, particularly in Europe. Furthermore, the process of privatization unbalanced the delicate equilibrium that had for years characterized the assignment of domain names. In one of the most stunning stories in the development of the
  • 46. Internet, the US government had delegated authority for Internet addresses to an organization, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), set up and managed singlehandedly by one of the original designers of the Internet, Jon Postel, from the University of Southern California. Postel, a computer scientist of impeccable integrity, was probably the most respected member of the Internet's scientific community. His management was widely recognized as fair, sensible, and neutral, so that for many years he acted as a global arbiter for the assignment of Internet domains, with remarkable results in terms of the relative stability and compatibility of the system. Yet Postel died in 1998 at the age of 55. The trust in one man could not be replaced by global trust in a US government institution. In fact, the Clinton administration had proposed the privatiza- tion of IANA and of other over-seeing institutions of the Internet since 1997. The last legacy of Jon Postel was his design for the privatized institution that he offered to the US government in September 1998, one month before his death. His proposed organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), was approved by the US government in late 1998, and completed its formative phase in 2000. Although its actual practice and organizational structure are still unfolding, its by-laws embody the spirit of openness of the Internet community, decentralization, consensus-building, and autonomy that charac- terized the ad hoc governance of the Internet over thirty years,
  • 47. while adding a global orientation to its membership, although its administration is headquartered in Marina del Rey, California. It is a non-profit, private corporation that assumes the management of IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management, all functions previously performed by IANA under contract from the US government. ICANN has four components: one at-large membership, and three supporting organizations, which deal with the substantive , Ii II 'j 30 31 Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet issues of Internet coordination (address supporting organization, domain name supporting organization, and protocol supporting organization). Each one of these organizations is decentralized in a diversity of working groups linked electronically and by regular meetings. ICANN's governing body is a board of eighteen directors, three appointed by each of the supporting organizations, and nine elected by the at-large membership in a worldwide electronic
  • 48. voting process. Any individual with technical knowledge can apply for membership. By 2000, there were 158,000 at-large members and the first at-large election was held. The election was organized by nominations issued both by advisory committees and by support from local constituencies. Each of the five posts elected in 2000 was assigned to a different area of the world to ensure some kind of global representation. The romantic vision of a global Internet community self- representing itself by electronic voting has to be tempered with the reality of lobbying, powerful support networks, and name recognition in favor of certain candidates. And there is no scarcity of articulate critics of ICANN's lack of true democracy. Indeed, in the 2000 election, only 35,000 of the 158,000 members part- icipated in the vote. Among the directors elected there was a hacker, former member of the notorious German Computer Chaos Club, to the alarm of government representatives. Furthermore, the links between ICANN and the US Commerce Department have not really been severed. Governments around the world, and par- ticularly European governments, are extremely critical of what they see as American dominance of ICANN. For instance, ICANN refused recognition of the" .eu" domain address, applicable to all companies and institutions from the European Union. For Euro- pean Union representatives this was a most important trademark
  • 49. to denote European companies working within the institutional rules established in the European Union, for instance in the protection of privacy on the Internet. Thus, the contradiction between the historical roots of the Internet in America, and its increasingly global character, seems to point toward the eventual transformation of ICANN into a culturally broader institution. Yet, in spite of all these conflicts and shortcomings, it is revealing that the emerging institutions of the Internet in the twenty-first cen- tury had to be established, in order to be legitimate, on the tradition of meritocratic consensus-building that characterized the origins of the Internet. A similar, consensus-based, non-mandatory, open (albeit, often for a signicant fee), international organization presides over the protocols and development of the world wide web: the World Wide Web Consortium, anchored in the US by MIT, in Europe by the French Institute INRIA, and directed, most naturally, by Tim Berners-Lee, now the holder of an MIT chair. Without prejudging the effectiveness of these new institutions, the truly surprising accomplishment is that the Internet reached this relative stability in its governance without succumbing either to
  • 50. the bureaucracy of the US government or to the chaos of a decen- tralized structure. That it did not was mainly the accomplishment of these gentlemen of technological innovation: Cerf, Kahn, Postel, Berners-Lee, and many others, who truly sought to maintain the openness of the network for their peers, as a way to learn and share. In this communitarian approach to technology, the meritocratic gentry met the utopian counterculture in the invention of the Internet, and in the preservation of the spirit of freedom that is at its source. The Internet is, above all else, a cultural creation. Note 1. "Libertarian" has a different meaning in the European and in the American context. In Europe, it refers to a culture or ideology based on t,he uncompromising defense of individual freedom as the supreme value-often against the' government, but sometimes with the help of governments, as in the protection of privacy. In the US context, "libertarian" is a political ideology that primarily means a systematic distrust of government, on the understanding that the market takes care of everything by itself. and that individuals
  • 51. take care of themselves. I use it in the European sense, as a culture of liberty, in the tradition of John Stuart Mill, without prejudging the tools by which liberty is achieved. ,II , 32 33 Lessonsfromthe Historyofthe Internet Lessonsfromthe Historyof the Internet Reading Links nternetPoliciesSite/DotEU May2000/EN htm I Various sites concerning ICANN and the Internet governance debate. Abbate, Jane (1999) Inventing the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Berners-Lee, Tim, with Mark Frischetti (1999) Weaving the Web. San Francisco: HarperCollins. Botkin, J., Dimanescu, D., and 5tata, R. (1984) The Innovators. New York: Harper and Row. Caste lis, Manuel and Kiselyova, Emma (1995) The Collapse of Soviet Communism: The View from the Information Society. Berkeley,
  • 52. CA: University of California International Area Studies Book Series. Conseil d'Etat (1998) The Internet and Digital Networks. Paris: La Documentation Fran<;aise. Fischer, Claude (1992) America Calling. Berkeley, CA: University of Calfornia Press. Gillies, James and Cailliau, Robert (2000) How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hafner, Katie and Lyon, Matthew (1996) Where Wizards Stay up Late: The Originsof the Internet. New York: Touchstone. Hughes, Thomas O. (1998/2000) Rescuing Prometheus. New York: Random House. Naughton, John (1999) A Brief History of the Future: The Origins of the Internet. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Stefik, Mark (ed.) (1996) Internet Dreams:Archetypes,Myths, and Metaphors. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. - (1999) The Internet Edge:Social, Technical,and Legal Challengesfor a Networked World. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • 53. Tuomi, Ilkka (2002) ParticipatoryInnovation: Changeand Meaning in the Age of the Internet (forthcoming). The site of the Internet Society, overseeing the development of the Internet. e-Links Leiner, B. M., Cerf, V. G., Clark, D. D., Kahn, R. E., Kleinrock, 1., Lynch, D. c., Postel, J., Roberts, 1. G., and Wolff,5. (2000) A Brief Historyof the Internetat nn II ! ij~, 34 35 Running head: BUSINESS PLAN: ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PLAN 1 2 BUSINESS PLAN: ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PLAN Business Name: Fruitfit Company
  • 54. The name of the company has been inspired by the core objectives that the business has to the customers. Fruitfit is a company that operates the business of distributing herbal drink, vegetable juice and fruit juice for health in box and bottle packaging. The product makes from herbs, fresh fruits, and vegetables from natural 100%, which does not contain any concentrated to dilute. As the company is committed to providing healthy drinks which will serve as an alternative to commercialized high sugar beverages on the market. The company will provide non-alcoholic beverages based on fruits, herbs, and vegetables. Fruits will, however, make up the largest part of the business raw materials. The company focuses on domestic raw materials to support Thai farmers through a standardized production process and advanced technology. The factory is located at Samut Prakarn, Thailand. The use of quality fruits to make healthy drinks has therefore inspired the name Fruitfit as the business name Mission Statement Fruitfit Company is committed to providing healthy and achieve the highest level of satisfaction from our customers and build customer confidence in our products. At Fruitfit, we believe that what you put in your body matters a lot. This mission statement is based on the mandate that the company has to its customers. Through the providing healthy beverages, the company will ensure that its customer's health matters concerns are taken care of. The responsibilities of the business are inspired by the recognition of living a healthy life by controlling what we consume. Industry Trends The global non-alcoholic beverage industry is estimated to be USD 967 billion. This is according to 2016 estimates done by market research studies. The industry is also expected to grow at an estimated rate of 5.7% through 2017-2025. This makes it a desirable business to venture into. In Thailand, the non-
  • 55. alcoholic beverage industry can be divided into the sectors of carbonated drinks, bottled water, fruit and vegetable drinks, performance drinks, energy drinks, and smoothies. The company will primarily operate in the fruit and vegetable drinks. This is especially a good time for the business as changes in the market have indicated that customers are shifting from carbonated drinks to healthy drinks (Helms & Nixon, 2010). As a result, the categories of drinks which offer health benefits to the customers are experiencing constant growth rates over time. Strategic Position In the order to properly position the company effectively in the market, the company will adopt a value-based positioning strategy. The company is committed to providing healthy drinks to customers. This comes at a time when the global market is becoming more conscious of the importance of healthy living. Fruitfit Company aims to provide healthy drinks which have been produced using quality raw materials. The company sources are raw materials from the local farmers whereby they are able to get the highest quality fruits and vegetables. Distribution channels As the company will be operating in an industry which has stiff competition, it will be necessary to ensure that the products of the company are brought as close to the customers as possible. As a result, the company will adopt a well- networked distribution channel which will ensure coverage of a wide geographical area. The company will have a central point of distribution where finished goods will be stored as they await shipping to retail points or direct to customers. This central point will be determined by convenience of supply to all involved outlets. The company will be distributing its products to retailers in various parts of the country. The company will employ geographical segmentation strategy in targeting potential customers. Supply will be made to those convenience stores; grocery stores or other outlets which are located in areas which have a high concentration of our customers. Risks
  • 56. Risks are part of operations of the business. A good risk management plan is crucial for the continued survival of a business. As a result, the company has to be aware of the risks that it faces in order to come up with an effective risk management plan. The following are three risks which are faced by Fruifit Company and the strategies which will be applied to mitigate the risk. · Financial risk; as the company operates in the fast moving consumer goods sector, the company supplies will mainly be done on credit to the retailers. This brings the risk that some of the retailers may pay late on their dues or even default. This implies that the company may be faced with liquidity issues. As a result, the company will carefully evaluate the clients on which to offer credit to. · Compliance risk: as a provider of drinks, the company will be expected to meet certain standards in the business, failure to which may imply serious consequences to the business. The business will, therefore, be required to maintain the highest standards of quality and comply with all the relevant authority through the quality control department. · Competitive risk: the business will also face the risk that competition in the market may prevent it from achieving set goals. In order to mitigate this risk, the nosiness will adopt an aggressive advertising strategy to ensure wide coverage of the market. Company’s Target Market Recently, the fruit and vegetable's beverage market in Thailand was valued at 14 billion baht. The segment of premium fruit is worth 5,000 million, quite stable. Based on overall economic and purchasing power, to generate sales growth, it is necessary to launch new products, combined with market activity, and communication must be continuous. The company has found that the fruit juice market is likely from the segment with low calories and less sugar. Despite, the size of the market is not very large just only 77 million but has high growth potential. This year is expected to grow 51%, and in the next 3-5 years,
  • 57. the market is expected to reach 500 million. The target market for Fruitfit Company that is located in the city of Samut Prakan, Thailand, consists of both the youths and the aged population. The age bracket of the targeted population is between 24 to 60 years of age who want to be healthy. The fruits and vegetable beverages target the age group that is cautious of their health regarding harmful chemicals in soft drinks. The herbs contained in the beverages of Fruitfit Company are also regarded for medicinal purposes. The product of the company does not target any specific demographic groups in terms of education, income, or ethnic group. However, the 24-60 age groups are the primary target of the company since the youths and the adults are the majority of the city while the herbal content of the beverages targets the aged population. As per the age structure of Thailand, the 25-54 age group accounts for 46.32% of the total population of the nation (The World Factbook., n.d). The company is located in the central part of the city, which has an average population of 388,920 individuals. The targeted individuals in the city are people who consider natural products that are free of chemicals. Their taste is in line with the mission of the company, which is aimed at providing the fruit and vegetable beverages that are natural and free of harmful chemicals. Company’s Market Competition The beverages which made with fruit and vegetable have been rising steadily throughout the world. It is mixed with fruit and vegetable juice to reduce the amount of sugar in the drink and increase the health value. The mixed fruit juice with vegetable juice is up to three times more competitive in the market in 2015 compared to 2017. Over the past three years, 100% fruit and vegetable juice have gained more market share, compared to products made from concentrated juice or products are flavored and color. This is a result of a 25% increase in the number of fruit and vegetable juices produced from natural raw materials, up from 25% in 2015 to 30% in the year 2015 - 2017. More than 60% of
  • 58. consumers around the world are interested in products that prove they have specific health benefits. Many manufacturers turn to produce 100% fruit and vegetable juice, vitamins and other healthcare features, such as strengthening the immune system. Digestive system, heart health, bone, and brain, plus the benefits of skin, beauty. The number of these products in the market is up to two-thirds of all new products. The marketing strategy that is deployed by Fruitfit Company to obtain the competitive advantage is through differentiation (Sherlekar, Prasad & Victor, 2010). It is achieved through the production of the organic beverage rather than the commercial ones. Considering that stable companies that manufacture non- alcoholic beverages are a vital threat in competing for the market, the organization decided to venture into the manufacture of the fruits and vegetable beverages and integrated with herbs. The approach is appropriate to attain the competitive advantage since there is global awareness regarding harmful chemicals that exist in the commercial drinks. Citizens are moving away from the commercial drinks since their chemical content is posing a harmful risk to their health. The global awareness of such risks has given Fruitfit Company the competitive advantage since people prefer taking their products. In addition, Fruitfit Company has numerous outlets within the city and across the nation that deliver the beverage close to the clients which will ease access by the buyers. The organization also chose fruits and vegetables as ingredients in its beverage since they are readily available from the farmers and are less expensive. Competition is the major challenge in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, which prompts each company producing such beverages to obtain differentiated approaches to obtain the competitive advantage. Therefore, Fruitfit Company took the approach of producing the organic beverages as a differentiation factor. The global awareness regarding the harmful effects of the chemicals present in the commercial beverages has enabled the organization to compete favorably in the industry with a stable organization in the
  • 59. industry. In essence, differentiation through the production of the organic beverages from fruits and vegetables has offered the organization a competitive advantage in the beverage industry. Clarification of the Company’s Message The main focus of Fruitful Company is to provide healthy beverages to the clients and enhance customer satisfaction. The five F's that will clarify the message of the company are the focus, follow-through, feedback, flexibility, and fun (Rudman, 2012). The primary focus of Fruitfit is to provide healthy beverages that will enhance customer satisfaction. This is achieved by producing refreshing beverages that are made from fruits and vegetable, which are nutritious and free from harmful chemicals. Regarding follow-through, the organization ensures that the appropriate procedures in the production of the beverages are followed and all the standards are adhered to effectively. The organization is highly flexible regarding the market trends. Such flexibility is attained through feedback obtained from the clients and experts. Information that requires flexibility includes market prices, change in policies, and change in customer’s taste. Regarding fun, the strategies deployed by Fruitfit Company do not only enhance the strategic development of the company but also inspire both the employees and the clients. In essence, the company’s message of Fruitfit Company is clarified through the five F’s as it has been illustrated. Marketing Vehicles Fruitfit Company decide to use various vehicles to reach the potential customers such as to deploy the media as its marketing vehicle. The media sources to be used in the marketing process include social media, television channels, and magazines (Sherlekar, Prasad & Victor, 2010). For example, Facebook or Instagram because it can be posting amazing images, videos and useful information about our drinks. This will increase awareness about the brand and consequently increase the sales. Media sources also considering that Fruitfit has its groceries and joints close to the clients, it does not require moving around
  • 60. with the products to showcase them to the clients. The customers only need the direction of the groceries and the ingredients used in the preparation of the beverages. Such information can be achieved effectively through the media. The company is able to reach a vast population over a short period of time through media advertisement. Besides, the choice of varied means of media advertisement enables the organization to reach different types of clients who are unable to access one of the media sources used. The other marketing vehicle will be coming up with promotions and advertise them to the public. Fruitfit will set prizes for lucky winners who will purchase our product with winning numbers written in the lower part of the box or lid of the Fruitfit product. For example, if the customer gets the first winning prize they might get a package tour to Japan for 4 days, or getting the money prize for $3000. This will encourage many people to buy the Fruitfit’s drink with the hope of winning prizes. Business Plan: Ethics and Social Responsibility Plan Commitment to being a Good Corporate Citizen Businesses have an obligation to act in a manner that will maximize benefits and minimize harm, even as they pursue their financial objectives. Fruitfit will act as a good corporate citizen by aligning its financial objectives with those of major stakeholder. This way, the business will be encompassing stakeholder theory, which requires businesses to consider the interests of all stakeholders when setting strategies and going about their operations (Crane, 2016). Fruitfit will ensure that its activities are aligned with the community’s interests. The business will take a proactive approach in ensuring its alignment with community interests by ensuring that its goals and objectives reflect the community’s values. By considering community interests at the strategy-setting stage, the business will ensure that its activities are always mirror community interests. Part of being a good corporate citizen is ensuring that business
  • 61. activities have a positive impact on the surrounding community (Andriof & McIntosh, 2017). The business will play a role in being a good corporate citizen by employing people from the local community, which will subsequently improve their financial and economic statuses. Fruitfit will employ professionals from the local community by enforcing equal opportunity employment practices that provide each individual with a fair chance of getting employed. All employees will be treated fairly as the business will implement a multicultural and inclusive workplace. It will also provide training for support job positions so that people from the local community can qualify for the job positions. In addition, the business will source raw materials locally, a factor that will boost economic activity in the region as farmers will get a ready supply for their produce. The business is not structured as a social venture as its aim is to maximize value to investors. Nonetheless, it will still play a substantial role in the community by improving the society’s welfare through ensuring that they get access to healthy beverages. How Business Activities will Impact the Environment Inevitably, Fruitfit’s activities will impact the environment in various stages of the supply chain. First, raw materials will need to be transported from suppliers to the manufacturing facility, which will lead to the release of carbon emissions to the environment. Secondly, the beverage manufacturing process results in the release of fumes (Kregiel, 2015). Also, the environment may be negatively impacted due the disposal of the packaging materials used by customers. Plastic bottles will be used for packaging the beverages, which will create environmental concerns associated with their disposal. The production of the beverages will also consume a lot of water, which may lead to the depletion of the natural resources. It would be impossible to implement all the organizational activities without causing firm to the environment or surrounding communities. However, the negative impact of a business can be lessened by implementing measures that will
  • 62. reduce the environment’s and the community’s exposure to harm (Kregiel, 2015). With regards to lowering the negative environmental impact associated with transportation, the business will be located in an area that is near retailers and distributors so as to prevent the finished products from being transported over long distances. Also, the business can plan its inventory in such a manner that supplies are bundled together in large volumes so as to prevent unnecessary trips from suppliers. In matters concerning environmental damage due to fumes emitted during the manufacturing process, the manufacturing process can be designed in a way that will reduce environmental damage. Also, the consumption of water will be minimized by implementing effective water recycling methods. In future, Fruitfit may consider utilizing alternative packaging materials and doing away with plastic packaging. However, non-plastic packaging is expensive, and they will substantially alter both the cost of doing business as well as the product price. For now, the company can include recycling instructions on product packaging to inform customers to dump the bottles in recycling bins. Health Issues Related to the Product Fruitfit is developing a healthy product that will be comprised of natural fruits and vegetables. Consumers should expect to benefit from better health after their consumption. The products will not have any sugar or artificial colorings or preservatives. This way, they will appeal to the health-conscious consumer market that is drawn towards healthy foods. The elimination of sugar as an additive helps to lower the risk of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. The elimination of chemicals helps to reduce the risk of cancer as artificial colorings and flavors usually contain carcinogens (Ramesh & Muthuraman, 2018). The organization will have strict scrutiny over the production process to ensure that all beverages are free from chemical contaminants. Also, Fruitfit will employ the highest food standards to prevent contaminations. In addition, it will adhere to any legal or regulatory food and quality standards that are
  • 63. enforced by the Thailand government. To ensure conformity with current laws and standards, the management will employ a quality control expert who will head the safety and quality department. In order to mitigate against instances where the beverages provide by the company are harmful to people’s health, the packaging will include all the components that have been used in their manufacture. This way, consumers can make informed choices on whether or not to purchase the beverages. Some customers may be allergic to the fruits and vegetables used in the manufacture of the beverages. In addition, consumers need to be informed about the nutritional content of the foods, especially if they need to be aware of their calorie intake. Fruitfit’s Plan to Target Appropriate Business Segments Fruitfit’s target market has been identified as ranging between the ages of 24 and 70. The determination of the age group was based on the assumption that they are capable of making sound decisions regarding food and beverage selection. Andrews and Shimp (2017) recommend that the target market can be aimed at by employing advertising measures that will appeal to them. Similarly, Fruitfit’s target market will be reached through the social media, online websites, and flyers and brochures that will be handed to people in social gatherings. The advertising medium has to be frequented by the target market. For instance, in order to ensure that only people aged between 24 and 70 are targeted by social media campaigns, the company will purchase consumer lists from marketing firms that only includes the aforementioned age bracket. Marketing firms sell contact information to interested buyers such as firms, where customer demographics are specified. Also, the content will be created in a way that will appeal to customers within the age bracket. Marketing to children is unethical as they are easily influenced. Children may not have the decision-making capacity needed to differentiate between armful and beneficial products (Kelly, Vandevijvere, Freeman, & Jenkin, 2015). For this reason, the marketing and public relations campaigns will only be created
  • 64. to attract the mature market. Although the beverages produced by Fruitfit are not harmful to their health, the organization needs to be cognizant of the ethics involved in targeting such a market. Another method that will be used to attract individuals within the target age bracket is product packaging. The product will use designs and shapes that appeal to a more mature market. Thus, it will only draw in customers from the intended target market. Operation, Technology, and Management Plan Operations Plan Key aspects of operations The facility will be located in Samut Prakan, Thailand, a location that has been selected due to its close proximity to consumers. Processing of the beverages will require equipment such as process skis, transfer panels, hot water sets, utility stations, and holding tubes. According to Rahim and Raman (2015), the beverage production process involves treating water, which goes through a filtration process and afterwards a deoxygenating process. After the water has been treated, the next step involves the creation of syrup by mixing concentrate and sugar in a reservoir tank. The syrup then undergoes a clarification and infiltration process. The purified water and syrup are mixed in a filler tank, and carbon dioxide is injected into the blend, after which the beverage is bottled and moved into a conveyor belt prior to packaging. Packaging is then done in different sizes, and the products are stored in the warehouse ready for shipping. Automation plays a large role in ensuring product consistency, quality, and cost. Cost and time efficiencies The business will incur operational costs involving payment of wages, purchase of equipment, leasing of land and buildings, legal costs the purchase of raw materials and supplies, as well as marketing and administrative expenses. The entire production process will necessitate a variety of skills involving mechanical operators, programmers, marketing professionals, administrative, and support staff. The Fruitfit Company will
  • 65. need a manufacturing facility, a warehouse, and an administrative block. The raw materials will be source from local farmers. Fruitfit will have contracts with farmers to provide a constant supply of raw materials. Also, a key aspect of the operation will involve transportation as the products will need to be distributed to grocery stores, convenience stores, and other partners involved in the distribution of the products to final customers. Time efficiencies may be gained by the utilization of automation to ensure the maintenance of quality (Hitomi, 2017). The facilities will be bought instead of being rented or leased, which will increase short-term costs but will provide long-term cost advantages. The business will continue adding new products to its portfolio based on market demands. Research and development will play a major role in new product development. Research will be conducted through the social media and through gaining access to readily available industry insights. Competitive Advantages Fruitfit will achieve competitive advantage by providing customers with better value in terms of product quality, price, and availability. Functional level competitive advantage will be achieved by pursuing cost-effectiveness through pursuing efficiency in the production process and implementing a culture of continuous learning that will spur innovation. As stated by Hill, Jones, and Schilling (2015), functional-level strategies provide a business with competitive advantage by making the firm superior. On the other hand, business-level strategies provide it with competitive advantage by enhancing the value provided to customers. Thus, Fruitfit will pursue business-level strategies through focusing on the needs of the target customer segment and ensuring that its products are affordable, timely, and of high quality. The operational process of the business will be designed in such a manner that will cut costs so that customers can pay reduced prices for the final product and access them easily. Problems Addressed and Overcome
  • 66. One of the challenges that could potentially compromise the success of Fruitfit is lack of capital. According to Scarborough (2016), a majority of startup companies fail due to lack of capital for day-to-day operations. Nonetheless, funds will be sourced from financial institutions and an angel investor. Another potential problem that could hamper the success of the company is lack of continuous supply of fruits and other supplies. However, the company will engage in long-term contracts with farmers that will ensure timely supply of materials and raw products. Technology Plan Software needs The company will utilize a just-in time inventory that will minimize costs and ensure that only the needed amount of materials are within the facilities. The implementation of the just-in-time inventory strategy entails the implementation of technology to oversee the process from ordering materials, receiving them, and distributing final products to distributors and retailers (Lai & Cheng, 2016). The technology will be situated on-premise. Fruitfit will need to back up its data in the cloud so that it can be readily accessed even when the company’s servers are down. The business will also need enterprise resource planning (ERP) for quality analysis, production analysis, dashboard analytics for sales and inventory, and resource planning and management. Hardware needs The types of hardware that will be needed by the business include computers, hard drives that store software, and memory chips. Telecommunications needs Telecommunication needs involve internet access to facilitate communication with internal organizational members and external parties. The business will also require telephone services that will also facilitate communication. Retailers can use the services to make product enquiries while the business may use it to communicate with suppliers. Fruitfit will activate
  • 67. its website that will provide pertinent communication to interested parties and provide a medium through they can contact the business. Also, email will be used as a communication method both within and outside the organization. Personnel needs Fruitfit will utilize both in-house an outsourced personnel. In- house personnel will include technicians, operators, administrative, and support staff. However, marketing and customer care staff will be outsourced. The benefit of outsourcing is that it ensures that the organization gets the best expertise at a fraction of the cost (Gunasekaran, Irani, Choy, Filippi, & Papadopoulos, 2015). It would be expensive to hire, train, and develop individuals working in marketing and customer service departments. Therefore, it is preferable to outsource the two functions as they are not critical and can be performed by third parties. Management and Organization Key management and employees The management will be comprised of the chairman, who will also occupy the CEO position. Five managers will report to the CEO, each manager representing productions and operations, planning and performance management, marketing, finance, and technology. The managers will head over CEOs and other staff in each department. Board members and advisors The business will be comprised of four board of governors who will be represented by the CEO, the angel investor, and two other board members who have expertise in the beverage manufacturing industry. Management structure and style Each of the managers will report directly to the CEO. The managers will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the business and for reporting to the CEO in case of emerging issues or critical decisions. The CEO will have the authority to make pertinent decisions that affect each
  • 68. department. Below is a diagram showing the management hierarchy. Flow-chart showing Fruitfit’s management hierarchy The management hierarchy has been structure in a manner that shows level of authority and their corresponding functions. According to Carley and Prietula (2014), new organizations benefit from a hierarchical organization structure as the members may not have gained expertise in their roles, and they need distinct roles and responsibilities so that the organization can function seamlessly. Similarly, Fruitfit has adopted a hierarchical management structure to enhance efficiency.