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The target audience being 18-24 year olds gives me a broad range of possibilities for the focus
point of my tour. Being in the age range of the target audience myself and being surrounded by
many people also in the age range, I get an idea of what kind parts of York could be used to
target to the target audience. My idea is to try and create a tour that will help show that York
isn’t just full of pubs and has places that can offer interesting and different food and drink. York
at the moment is typically targeted towards middle aged adults coming for either nights out
drinking, a weekend away viewing the old architecture of the city or visiting the museums that
the city offers. I feel as if the smaller food markets and places to acquire street food, or just non
restraint/pub food, fly slightly under the radar. Not only are the smaller street food parts of York
a good way to try and draw in the younger age ranges, but almost always they’re conveniently
placed near other attractions that would appeal to this target audience, for example certain
shops. You often find with the consumption of street food comes a certain lifestyle, this isn’t
always the case granted. But you often find that the
usual consumers of street food go inside of the
same target audience for shops that appeal to
people who have a certain style and taste in
clothing. So I could incorporate the tour of the food
places with shops that use the same target
audience. https://ca1-
Using the source in the bottom left, it tells us very well how people in the age range that I am
going to be targeting towards how they feel about food. Not only does it show that the option
for ‘strongly agree’ is a much higher picked option than others, it shows that this specific age
range has the feeling that food holds an importance in their life feels this way not only more
than the other age ranges, but a lot more. Now using the source in the bottom right, it shows us
that the target audience that I will be tailoring my advert to, granted it does show us that it’s not
the age range that likes to the most, but it’s the second biggest age range that likes to
experiment with new things to eat. This backs my idea of this age range liking street food
because more often than not, street food is often types of food that you wouldn’t be able to go
and pick up in your local Tesco's or Greggs so that being the case, it would give them the chance
to try new food.
• Experimenting with new food, by age group UK
2020 | Statista
• Importance of food, by age group UK
2020 | Statista
Within the target audience I feel as if the gender doesn’t really have an effect on what I’d like to
advertise. I feel as if that going for the type of shopping and food that I’ll be advertising is open
for any gender. There's maybe a chance of it appealing to women more than men, but I don’t
need to try and appeal to one or the other because what I’m advertising is pretty gender
neutral. It’s primarily for everyone. With the geodemographic, using the source I have been
given I can see that most of the people who already come to York are already from the UK, so I’ll
do the same and stick with the same geodemographic. Simply because I feel as if what we
already have to advertise York to the world doesn’t work very well, I doubt a small tour around
York showing off street food and some indie shops wouldn’t pull in people from different
countries, especially not other young people from different countries. But within the country I
feel as if it’d be advertised to the whole country but mainly appeal to the age range more in the
north of the country simple because they’re closer. It’s not something big enough I feel that it
would pull in people from places like south England or Scotland. Maybe people from Wales, if
so, not many. It’s just not something I believe would pull people in from afar.
The way that I will advertise my tour will be a video posted through many social media apps. I feel as if social
media apps would be the best way to advertise my tour because the age range that I am trying to target to is
the most dominant age range on social media. Using the source below on the left from Oberlo, it proves my
point that the age range that I will be advertising towards, 18-24, is a part of the most dominant age range
that uses social media. Therefore, this research then backs my idea of posting the advert on social media.
Now using the source below on the right from Statista, it gives me the information that I need to decide
what social media apps to use to promote my tour. It proves to me that the highest two used apps are
Facebook and YouTube, obviously these would be a very easy platform to advertise on. For both platforms I
could use the same video to advertise as they both have features to do so but I also could potentially make a
longer version for YouTube and a shorter more brief version for Facebook. The idea behind this being users
on YouTube at the time of viewing, might have a longer attention span as they’re already watching YouTube
videos, but on Facebook, where you’re just scrolling from post to post, not spending too long on each one, it
would maybe make sense to cut it down and keep it brief to get as much information across that is needed
before the audience loses interest.
Social Media Usage Statistics
by Age | Oberlo
• Biggest social media
platforms 2022 | Statista
I believe that my target audience would be apart of the psychographic group ‘belonger’. The idea of this
group is that they most likely live in a small city, prefer products that are made in the UK and don’t want to
differ from that and are apparently very brand loyal. I feel as if this would be the psychographic group that
my target audience would fit into as the whole idea of my tour is to show off the independent food and
shopping businesses of York. The idea of being brand loyal I feel will help with my idea, this is because my
idea consists around the stereotypical hipster and the conformities that they follow. That being the
independent businesses and what they enjoy doing for a day out. I’ve noticed that the stereotypical hipster
really enjoy the whole independent food and shopping scene and almost follow it in a cultish way so
introducing new areas that provide this entertainment will instantly draw them in.
Summarising Audience Research
• To summarise my audience research, I would say that I have a pretty good understanding on
my target audience. I have managed to pin point them down to what psychographic group
they would fit in, that being the Belonger group. I believe this because the ‘stereotypical
hipster’ seems to fit the idea of being loyal to a brand and preferring UK made products. I
have also decided how to publish my advert. That being through social media after finding
out through my research that my target audience is the age range that uses social media the
most. Continuing on with that idea I did some research to find out what was the most used
social media app, so not only did I know to use social media to publish my advert but I know
which social media app to use.
Existing Product Research
Mystery Food Walk- Soho Food Bar Trail
Mystery Food Walk - Soho Bar Food Trail | AmazingCo
• Although this this is a more dedicated to food tour, it still has ideas that I could try and pull
out of it that would be a good ideas. For example, to keep the tour interesting between each
food stop, they give the participants clues and hints to help them try and figure out what
they’ll be eating. I feel as if this is a very good idea, especially if the participants are in a
decent sized group, because it’s an easy and simple way of keeping the group interested. It
reduces the risk of customers not having a good time due to boredom. After studying this
product, I believe that this product is tailored to try and attract the same kind of target
audience that I myself am targeting with my own product. I can see the product appealing to
people with the same kind of interests as my own target audience, maybe a different age
range though, I can see the age range for this being more 20-35. Not only does this age range
consist of different ages as mine, although it does overlap, it is also a lot larger than my own
age range. With this, it could mean that when they were tailoring this product to their target
audience, it may have been easier. One thing though is that this product isn’t available to
actually participate in yet so I am unable to compare prices. I feel as if as well the tour is
meant more for groups, although it does allow maybe couples or even people by themselves
to participate, I believe that the product is more tailored to a group. Whereas my own
product will be tailored to either, the idea of my own being more simple, more just a map to
follow to show of the city and it’s independent shopping and food places.
London East End Food Tour
London East End Food Tour | England (
• This food tour does stray away a bit from more than the last from my idea. But it still holds
the same idea of showing interesting culinary spots for tourists. I get the feeling from the
pictures that I have seen that the target audience is quite a bit different to my own. This
seems to be aimed more to middle aged adults that are away for the weekend and have the
whole day to spend. Plus, working off of the types of food that they take you to try, although
it is a bit different, “interesting” and so on, it’s not the kind of food that I want to advertise
allowing me to deduct that the target audience have different tastes and not just with in
food. For example, the idea of taking my audience to indie shops and coffee shops mixed
with a record store doesn’t seem like he kind of place that I would see advertised in this tour.
Although this tour is clearly a lot different to my own, it has ideas that I wouldn’t have
considered for my own and that could possibly work. For example I never thought of my tour
actually being guided. Doing so I could then actually charge for people to go on the tour then
because then like they have with this one, it being guided you could tailor the tour
specifically to the group. For example of some people in the group had dietary requirements,
the guid can then fit the tour to the requirements and take them to places that would fit
their needs.
The Bloody Tour of York
The Bloody Tour of York - Tourism Award Winner 2022, Experience of the Year (
• Although this tour is based around a different idea than mine. Being a tour, it holds some of
the same qualities that will be used in my own. The target audience is clearly a lot different to
my own, this tour is tailored to an audience that enjoys learning about the city, comedic
effect being used to learn and interactive experiences. Although like I said this is very
different to my own, I could try and use some of the same features and bend them to fit my
own idea. If I was to do my tour with a tour guide and create it into a group experience, I
could do things such as write a script to keep the group entertained, it doesn’t necessarily
have to be a full on word for word script, just maybe some light jokes and maybe a few
interesting facts or 2, just light chit chat to keep the group entertained between each
waypoint. I feel as if one of the main selling points of the tour is the comedic
effect. Although my tour doesn’t really have the need for anything like
this, maybe it could work to try and include something likes this to try
and make the tour slightly bigger. To do so, I could incorporate the idea of
the first product that I researched with the idea of an app. But with the
first product that I researched using clues to keep the enjoyment alive in
between waypoints, my app could take the users to places that have
comedic history. Of course this only works if there is any in York, but I bet
that there is. I just feel as if this could help keep the mood up in between
the waypoints.
Burberry Open Spaces Film
• One of the big things that I like about this advert is that they haven’t made it really obvious
that it’s a clothing advert. I feel as if you could watch that not knowing what Burberry is and
just see it as a short film. There has been some clear thought been put into the idea of the
advert to make it feel as if you’re watching some kind of cinematic piece. Even using
references to well known artists. For example, with the very first shot, it has to almost
definitely be a reference to one of Tarantino’s well known shots, the car boot shot because
it’s the same camera angle, if it’s not a reference, you could say that it was heavily
influenced. I get the feeling as well that certain camera angles were used due to certain
aspects of the client brief. For example, it being an advert, we know that it wasn’t going to be
made to be long. So having both the second and third shot being very wide angled, plus the
second shot was paired with a slow pan, I believe was probably used to help establish
location within a short amount of time. With my product having to use the same kind of play
time, this skill could be one to try and remember.
Burberry Open Spaces Film
• I quite like the idea of trying to make an advert that doesn’t necessarily scream out obvious
advert by using the usual conformities that adverts do. I rather like the idea of trying to
create a product that maybe looks a bit more cinematic, especially since ideally the cinema
industry is where I’d like to work in life. If I could pull of this style for my own product, there
would definitely be production techniques that were used in the Burberry advert that I would
like to use in my own, for example like the last two that I talked about, the usage of
references, wide angled shots to help establish the location in a short amount of time but
also the usage of fast paced editing. The advert’s editing pace isn’t unbelievably fast, but it is
pretty fast paced which I believe helps with the limitation of time, just stops the idea of losing
the audience’s concentration and helps with traveling long distances, literally and
metaphorically, in the short period available.
Coffee Shop Promotional Video
• Although less relatable to my product than the last, it still has technical qualities that either
back my ideas, or give me new ones. Although I’m leaning more into the idea of basing my
advert off of the last product I researched with the idea of it being a lot more like a short film
than an advert, I still haven’t completely written off the idea of styling it like a simple
promotional video. Doing so would be an easy way to get the point across of what the
product actually is that I am advertising. Certain production techniques that I could pull out
of this advert are ones such as fast paced editing, close ups, speed change, so going from
sped up video to slowed down. Almost all of the techniques though used in the advert are all
based around fast paced editing, I feel as if the pace of the advert was the core techniques as
the concept of watching footage from a coffee shop really isn’t that interesting, so keeping
everything fast paced so it’s constantly changing helps keep the audience entertained and
1. Visit York. (2022). Quarterly Visitor Survey Aug – Oct 2020. [Online]. Visit York. Last Updated: 14/09/2022.
Available at:
3_highres.pdf?v=1623055986 [Accessed 21 September 2022].
2. Statista. (2022). Is food an important part of your life?. [Online]. Statista. Last Updated: 15/09/2022. Available at:
• Importance of food, by age group UK 2020 | Statista [Accessed 15 September 2022].
3. Statista. (2022). Do you like to experiment with new things to eat?. [Online]. Statista. Last Updated: 15/09/2022.
Available at: • Experimenting with new food, by age group UK 2020 | Statista [Accessed 15 September 2022].
4. Oberlo. (2022). Social Media usage by age. [Online]. Oberlo. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at: Social
Media Usage Statistics by Age | Oberlo [Accessed 16 September 2022].
5. Statista. (2022). Most popular social networks worldwide as of of January 2022, ranked by number of active
monthly users.. [Online]. Statista. Last Updated: 15/09/2022. Available at: • Biggest social media platforms 2022 |
Statista [Accessed 15 September 2022].
6. AmazingCo. (2022). Mystery Food Walk- Soho Food Bar Trail. [Online]. AmazingCo. Last Updated: 16/09/2022.
Available at: Mystery Food Walk - Soho Bar Food Trail | AmazingCo [Accessed 16 September 2022].
7. TripAdvisor. (2022). London East End Food Tour. [Online]. TripAdvisor. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at:
London East End Food Tour | England ( [Accessed 16 September 2022].
8. TripAdvisor. (2022). The Bloody Tour of York. [Online]. TripAdvisor. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at: The
Bloody Tour of York - Tourism Award Winner 2022, Experience of the Year ( [Accessed 16
September 2022].

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1. Research.pptx

  • 2. Audience The target audience being 18-24 year olds gives me a broad range of possibilities for the focus point of my tour. Being in the age range of the target audience myself and being surrounded by many people also in the age range, I get an idea of what kind parts of York could be used to target to the target audience. My idea is to try and create a tour that will help show that York isn’t just full of pubs and has places that can offer interesting and different food and drink. York at the moment is typically targeted towards middle aged adults coming for either nights out drinking, a weekend away viewing the old architecture of the city or visiting the museums that the city offers. I feel as if the smaller food markets and places to acquire street food, or just non restraint/pub food, fly slightly under the radar. Not only are the smaller street food parts of York a good way to try and draw in the younger age ranges, but almost always they’re conveniently placed near other attractions that would appeal to this target audience, for example certain shops. You often find with the consumption of street food comes a certain lifestyle, this isn’t always the case granted. But you often find that the usual consumers of street food go inside of the same target audience for shops that appeal to people who have a certain style and taste in clothing. So I could incorporate the tour of the food places with shops that use the same target audience. https://ca1- -Visitor-Survey-Aug-Oct-2020- 3_highres.pdf?v=1623055986
  • 3. Audience Using the source in the bottom left, it tells us very well how people in the age range that I am going to be targeting towards how they feel about food. Not only does it show that the option for ‘strongly agree’ is a much higher picked option than others, it shows that this specific age range has the feeling that food holds an importance in their life feels this way not only more than the other age ranges, but a lot more. Now using the source in the bottom right, it shows us that the target audience that I will be tailoring my advert to, granted it does show us that it’s not the age range that likes to the most, but it’s the second biggest age range that likes to experiment with new things to eat. This backs my idea of this age range liking street food because more often than not, street food is often types of food that you wouldn’t be able to go and pick up in your local Tesco's or Greggs so that being the case, it would give them the chance to try new food. • Experimenting with new food, by age group UK 2020 | Statista • Importance of food, by age group UK 2020 | Statista
  • 4. Audience Within the target audience I feel as if the gender doesn’t really have an effect on what I’d like to advertise. I feel as if that going for the type of shopping and food that I’ll be advertising is open for any gender. There's maybe a chance of it appealing to women more than men, but I don’t need to try and appeal to one or the other because what I’m advertising is pretty gender neutral. It’s primarily for everyone. With the geodemographic, using the source I have been given I can see that most of the people who already come to York are already from the UK, so I’ll do the same and stick with the same geodemographic. Simply because I feel as if what we already have to advertise York to the world doesn’t work very well, I doubt a small tour around York showing off street food and some indie shops wouldn’t pull in people from different countries, especially not other young people from different countries. But within the country I feel as if it’d be advertised to the whole country but mainly appeal to the age range more in the north of the country simple because they’re closer. It’s not something big enough I feel that it would pull in people from places like south England or Scotland. Maybe people from Wales, if so, not many. It’s just not something I believe would pull people in from afar. https://ca1- erly-Visitor-Survey-Aug-Oct- 2020- 3_highres.pdf?v=1623055986
  • 5. Audience The way that I will advertise my tour will be a video posted through many social media apps. I feel as if social media apps would be the best way to advertise my tour because the age range that I am trying to target to is the most dominant age range on social media. Using the source below on the left from Oberlo, it proves my point that the age range that I will be advertising towards, 18-24, is a part of the most dominant age range that uses social media. Therefore, this research then backs my idea of posting the advert on social media. Now using the source below on the right from Statista, it gives me the information that I need to decide what social media apps to use to promote my tour. It proves to me that the highest two used apps are Facebook and YouTube, obviously these would be a very easy platform to advertise on. For both platforms I could use the same video to advertise as they both have features to do so but I also could potentially make a longer version for YouTube and a shorter more brief version for Facebook. The idea behind this being users on YouTube at the time of viewing, might have a longer attention span as they’re already watching YouTube videos, but on Facebook, where you’re just scrolling from post to post, not spending too long on each one, it would maybe make sense to cut it down and keep it brief to get as much information across that is needed before the audience loses interest. Social Media Usage Statistics by Age | Oberlo • Biggest social media platforms 2022 | Statista
  • 6. Audience I believe that my target audience would be apart of the psychographic group ‘belonger’. The idea of this group is that they most likely live in a small city, prefer products that are made in the UK and don’t want to differ from that and are apparently very brand loyal. I feel as if this would be the psychographic group that my target audience would fit into as the whole idea of my tour is to show off the independent food and shopping businesses of York. The idea of being brand loyal I feel will help with my idea, this is because my idea consists around the stereotypical hipster and the conformities that they follow. That being the independent businesses and what they enjoy doing for a day out. I’ve noticed that the stereotypical hipster really enjoy the whole independent food and shopping scene and almost follow it in a cultish way so introducing new areas that provide this entertainment will instantly draw them in.
  • 7. Summarising Audience Research • To summarise my audience research, I would say that I have a pretty good understanding on my target audience. I have managed to pin point them down to what psychographic group they would fit in, that being the Belonger group. I believe this because the ‘stereotypical hipster’ seems to fit the idea of being loyal to a brand and preferring UK made products. I have also decided how to publish my advert. That being through social media after finding out through my research that my target audience is the age range that uses social media the most. Continuing on with that idea I did some research to find out what was the most used social media app, so not only did I know to use social media to publish my advert but I know which social media app to use.
  • 9. Mystery Food Walk- Soho Food Bar Trail Mystery Food Walk - Soho Bar Food Trail | AmazingCo • Although this this is a more dedicated to food tour, it still has ideas that I could try and pull out of it that would be a good ideas. For example, to keep the tour interesting between each food stop, they give the participants clues and hints to help them try and figure out what they’ll be eating. I feel as if this is a very good idea, especially if the participants are in a decent sized group, because it’s an easy and simple way of keeping the group interested. It reduces the risk of customers not having a good time due to boredom. After studying this product, I believe that this product is tailored to try and attract the same kind of target audience that I myself am targeting with my own product. I can see the product appealing to people with the same kind of interests as my own target audience, maybe a different age range though, I can see the age range for this being more 20-35. Not only does this age range consist of different ages as mine, although it does overlap, it is also a lot larger than my own age range. With this, it could mean that when they were tailoring this product to their target audience, it may have been easier. One thing though is that this product isn’t available to actually participate in yet so I am unable to compare prices. I feel as if as well the tour is meant more for groups, although it does allow maybe couples or even people by themselves to participate, I believe that the product is more tailored to a group. Whereas my own product will be tailored to either, the idea of my own being more simple, more just a map to follow to show of the city and it’s independent shopping and food places.
  • 10. London East End Food Tour London East End Food Tour | England ( • This food tour does stray away a bit from more than the last from my idea. But it still holds the same idea of showing interesting culinary spots for tourists. I get the feeling from the pictures that I have seen that the target audience is quite a bit different to my own. This seems to be aimed more to middle aged adults that are away for the weekend and have the whole day to spend. Plus, working off of the types of food that they take you to try, although it is a bit different, “interesting” and so on, it’s not the kind of food that I want to advertise allowing me to deduct that the target audience have different tastes and not just with in food. For example, the idea of taking my audience to indie shops and coffee shops mixed with a record store doesn’t seem like he kind of place that I would see advertised in this tour. Although this tour is clearly a lot different to my own, it has ideas that I wouldn’t have considered for my own and that could possibly work. For example I never thought of my tour actually being guided. Doing so I could then actually charge for people to go on the tour then because then like they have with this one, it being guided you could tailor the tour specifically to the group. For example of some people in the group had dietary requirements, the guid can then fit the tour to the requirements and take them to places that would fit their needs.
  • 11. The Bloody Tour of York The Bloody Tour of York - Tourism Award Winner 2022, Experience of the Year ( • Although this tour is based around a different idea than mine. Being a tour, it holds some of the same qualities that will be used in my own. The target audience is clearly a lot different to my own, this tour is tailored to an audience that enjoys learning about the city, comedic effect being used to learn and interactive experiences. Although like I said this is very different to my own, I could try and use some of the same features and bend them to fit my own idea. If I was to do my tour with a tour guide and create it into a group experience, I could do things such as write a script to keep the group entertained, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a full on word for word script, just maybe some light jokes and maybe a few interesting facts or 2, just light chit chat to keep the group entertained between each waypoint. I feel as if one of the main selling points of the tour is the comedic effect. Although my tour doesn’t really have the need for anything like this, maybe it could work to try and include something likes this to try and make the tour slightly bigger. To do so, I could incorporate the idea of the first product that I researched with the idea of an app. But with the first product that I researched using clues to keep the enjoyment alive in between waypoints, my app could take the users to places that have comedic history. Of course this only works if there is any in York, but I bet that there is. I just feel as if this could help keep the mood up in between the waypoints.
  • 12. Burberry Open Spaces Film • One of the big things that I like about this advert is that they haven’t made it really obvious that it’s a clothing advert. I feel as if you could watch that not knowing what Burberry is and just see it as a short film. There has been some clear thought been put into the idea of the advert to make it feel as if you’re watching some kind of cinematic piece. Even using references to well known artists. For example, with the very first shot, it has to almost definitely be a reference to one of Tarantino’s well known shots, the car boot shot because it’s the same camera angle, if it’s not a reference, you could say that it was heavily influenced. I get the feeling as well that certain camera angles were used due to certain aspects of the client brief. For example, it being an advert, we know that it wasn’t going to be made to be long. So having both the second and third shot being very wide angled, plus the second shot was paired with a slow pan, I believe was probably used to help establish location within a short amount of time. With my product having to use the same kind of play time, this skill could be one to try and remember.
  • 13. Burberry Open Spaces Film • I quite like the idea of trying to make an advert that doesn’t necessarily scream out obvious advert by using the usual conformities that adverts do. I rather like the idea of trying to create a product that maybe looks a bit more cinematic, especially since ideally the cinema industry is where I’d like to work in life. If I could pull of this style for my own product, there would definitely be production techniques that were used in the Burberry advert that I would like to use in my own, for example like the last two that I talked about, the usage of references, wide angled shots to help establish the location in a short amount of time but also the usage of fast paced editing. The advert’s editing pace isn’t unbelievably fast, but it is pretty fast paced which I believe helps with the limitation of time, just stops the idea of losing the audience’s concentration and helps with traveling long distances, literally and metaphorically, in the short period available.
  • 14. Coffee Shop Promotional Video • Although less relatable to my product than the last, it still has technical qualities that either back my ideas, or give me new ones. Although I’m leaning more into the idea of basing my advert off of the last product I researched with the idea of it being a lot more like a short film than an advert, I still haven’t completely written off the idea of styling it like a simple promotional video. Doing so would be an easy way to get the point across of what the product actually is that I am advertising. Certain production techniques that I could pull out of this advert are ones such as fast paced editing, close ups, speed change, so going from sped up video to slowed down. Almost all of the techniques though used in the advert are all based around fast paced editing, I feel as if the pace of the advert was the core techniques as the concept of watching footage from a coffee shop really isn’t that interesting, so keeping everything fast paced so it’s constantly changing helps keep the audience entertained and intrigued.
  • 16. Bibliography 1. Visit York. (2022). Quarterly Visitor Survey Aug – Oct 2020. [Online]. Visit York. Last Updated: 14/09/2022. Available at: 3_highres.pdf?v=1623055986 [Accessed 21 September 2022]. 2. Statista. (2022). Is food an important part of your life?. [Online]. Statista. Last Updated: 15/09/2022. Available at: • Importance of food, by age group UK 2020 | Statista [Accessed 15 September 2022]. 3. Statista. (2022). Do you like to experiment with new things to eat?. [Online]. Statista. Last Updated: 15/09/2022. Available at: • Experimenting with new food, by age group UK 2020 | Statista [Accessed 15 September 2022]. 4. Oberlo. (2022). Social Media usage by age. [Online]. Oberlo. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at: Social Media Usage Statistics by Age | Oberlo [Accessed 16 September 2022]. 5. Statista. (2022). Most popular social networks worldwide as of of January 2022, ranked by number of active monthly users.. [Online]. Statista. Last Updated: 15/09/2022. Available at: • Biggest social media platforms 2022 | Statista [Accessed 15 September 2022]. 6. AmazingCo. (2022). Mystery Food Walk- Soho Food Bar Trail. [Online]. AmazingCo. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at: Mystery Food Walk - Soho Bar Food Trail | AmazingCo [Accessed 16 September 2022]. 7. TripAdvisor. (2022). London East End Food Tour. [Online]. TripAdvisor. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at: London East End Food Tour | England ( [Accessed 16 September 2022]. 8. TripAdvisor. (2022). The Bloody Tour of York. [Online]. TripAdvisor. Last Updated: 16/09/2022. Available at: The Bloody Tour of York - Tourism Award Winner 2022, Experience of the Year ( [Accessed 16 September 2022].

Editor's Notes

  1. Analyse your audience. Use info from the client and any other resources you can to build a picture of them. Consider age, gender, socioeconomic status, geodemographics, psychographics and mainstram/niche. There are a whole range of resources such as NRS, Acorn, YouGov, your client and a host of psychographic profiles. You can also consider some primary research in to your audience as well.
  2. Analyse your audience. Use info from the client and any other resources you can to build a picture of them. Consider age, gender, socioeconomic status, geodemographics, psychographics and mainstram/niche. There are a whole range of resources such as NRS, Acorn, YouGov, your client and a host of psychographic profiles. You can also consider some primary research in to your audience as well.
  3. Analyse your audience. Use info from the client and any other resources you can to build a picture of them. Consider age, gender, socioeconomic status, geodemographics, psychographics and mainstram/niche. There are a whole range of resources such as NRS, Acorn, YouGov, your client and a host of psychographic profiles. You can also consider some primary research in to your audience as well.
  4. Analyse your audience. Use info from the client and any other resources you can to build a picture of them. Consider age, gender, socioeconomic status, geodemographics, psychographics and mainstram/niche. There are a whole range of resources such as NRS, Acorn, YouGov, your client and a host of psychographic profiles. You can also consider some primary research in to your audience as well.
  5. Analyse your audience. Use info from the client and any other resources you can to build a picture of them. Consider age, gender, socioeconomic status, geodemographics, psychographics and mainstram/niche. There are a whole range of resources such as NRS, Acorn, YouGov, your client and a host of psychographic profiles. You can also consider some primary research in to your audience as well.
  6. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.