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Contextualising Public (e)Participation in the Governance of
the European Union

This paper contextualises the benefits and challenges
of participation and eParticipation in the EU in two
respects: historically, by reviewing the last decade of                    Simon Smith
legislative and policy initiatives relevant to public
                                                                            Centre for
participation in European policy-making; and
theoretically, by defining the governance regime which        Citizenship, Institute of
operates in the EU and, taking into account the               Communications Studies,
governance 'reform programme' which EU institutions           University of Leeds
have also laid out, theorising the scope for public
participation in this political context. While noting a
certain gap or lag between rhetoric and reality, such
that participation opportunities remain biased in
practice towards structured events, a number of risks
are identified in the apparent future strategy of
                                                              University of Macedonia
'listening better' by diffusing participation beyond the
'strong publics' which have hitherto dominated
participative policy-making in Europe.                        Keywords
                                                              participation, (network)
These risks are referred to as the 'low benefit – high        governance, democratic
cost' scenario, the 'pathologies of learning', the 'tyranny   deficit, Plan D, European
                                                              Public Sphere, enclaves
of light', and the difficulty of targeting marginalised
groups, with the need to protect and yet connect
'enclaves' in the European public sphere.
                                                                    The pursuit of
The underlying challenge for a network governance                   governmental
regime like the EU is how to maintain a productive            objectives involves attempts
                                                              to mobilise the self-governing
tension between system-oriented and actor-driven
                                                              capacities of individuals,
participation. eParticipation tools may prove useful in
                                                              groups and communities,
this balancing act.                                           such that 'active citizenship'
                                                              is normalised as a
                                                              responsibility as well
                                                              as a right.

European Journal of ePractice ·                                   1
Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
1 Introduction
Participation has become something of a mantra in late modern societies. As commonly used by policy-makers,
it also goes by a number of near synonyms such as engagement, involvement and empowerment, any of which
may be prefaced by an adjective like public or community. Typically, the benefits claimed for participation relate
to service effectiveness and efficiency (e.g. more detailed knowledge of the public’s needs and wants for
service planning), decision-making quality and legitimacy (e.g. generating awareness, acceptance and
commitment to policies), or active citizenship (e.g. generating social capital and mobilising people’s voluntary
labour, including their intellectual labour for problem-solving purposes). Participation using information and
communication technologies (ICT) – eParticipation – may bring three additional types of benefit: reduced
transaction and coordination costs in social and political relationships, greater deliberativeness due to certain
qualities of the medium, and the enhanced information-processing capacity of information technology.
This paper argues that participation is ‘asked’ to perform different functions according to the governance
context in which it occurs. Ultimately, the benefits of participation can be understood in terms of how its effects
change, stabilise or improve a certain governance regime. Having traced the recent history of legislation and
policy on citizens’ participation in the European Union, we attempt to define the governance regime that
prevails at the level of the EU, arguing that a network mode of governance provides a reasonable first
approximation, and finally we deduce some implications about the role of participation and eParticipation as a
governance tool for Europe.

2 Governance
Governance is usually defined in relation to government. Both are about securing “the conditions for ordered
rule and collective action” (Stoker, 1998: 17). However, the growth in popularity of the term governance reflects
a sense that contemporary transformations (fragmentations) of the state, markets and society have changed
the nature of many governing processes, blurring the boundaries between and within public, private and non-
governmental/non-profit sectors and necessitating the formation of more or less diffuse coalitions and
partnerships in order to govern, where previously this was achieved through the directive power of central
authorities. This gives us a definition that, in one crucial respect, is in conflict with government, since
“democratic government presumes exactly what democratic governance does its utmost to erode, namely a
clear distinction between system and life world” (Bang, 2003: 242). Nevertheless this paper retains a somewhat
state-centric definition of governance because even if many of the tasks of governing are devolved to non-state
actors, the state provides a sense of direction to societal processes. These are defined by strategies (i.e.
“asymmetrical privileging of some outcomes over others” (Jessop, 2003: 108)), and refer to public values
which, when fixed in space-time, have the status of 'official norms' within an always temporary but often quite
stable state-society settlement, providing some sense of 'steer' to lower-order societal processes, including

3 Participation
Participation, as defined here, relates mainly to inputs to policy- and decision-making for political or public
policy purposes, both within formal systems but also through informal systems where these can have a real
impact at any stage of the policy lifecycle. Participation will have direct impacts on, and relations to, public
policy goals and values like democracy, but it is not understood only in the context of democracy or any other
public value. Participation can lead to benefits which take the form of either public or private goods: often the
intrinsic benefits are appropriated privately (by participants), whereas the instrumental benefits may be
appropriated publicly. In addition to these criteria, this paper is concerned with participation at the European
Participation is a defining characteristic of democracy, but two caveats should be added. Firstly, the reverse
does not hold true: there is nothing intrinsically democratic about participation or about regimes that promote it
as a governance tool. Authoritarian regimes have often been characterised by extremely high levels of
participation of one form or another. Public service organisations such as health authorities or social housing
providers at the local level, or autonomous regulatory agencies at the EU level, which govern (or co-govern) a
specific policy domain, may make use of participatory methods to do so even though they are not democratic
bodies in terms of their structures and procedures. Secondly, participation does not lead deterministically to any
particular type of democracy, such as direct democracy (with which it is frequently equated). It is just as
conceivable, and empirically demonstrable, that participatory methods can bolster representative democracy
and undermine direct democracy. In France, for example, Premat (2006, 2008) has shown that some mayors
use participatory methods such as online discussion forums to position themselves at critical nodes for the

European Journal of ePractice ·                                                         2
Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
translation of citizens’ demands to the policy-making process and for reconnaissance work among constituents,
thus channelling grassroots participatory energy into the formal representative system and obviating the need
for more direct forms of democracy.

4 Why do contemporary governance regimes aspire to become
Logically, there are many circumstances in which non-participatory decision-making is legitimate and effective.
Participation activities then become ‘low-benefit’ and ‘high-cost’ interventions (Irvin & Stansbury, 2004). In the
situation described by these authors participation was perceived as unnecessary by the population concerned
for a relatively simple policy process (flood management in a small valley), but for more complex issues there is
a feeling that increased participation can be one part of a response to the limitations on the state's capacity to
direct society and redistribute resources to the same extent that was the norm in the 20th century (in both
'halves' of Europe). 21st century states are attempting instead to ‘enable’ society to regulate itself and to
‘coordinate’ a new division of labour between partners from all three sectors in order to achieve collective goals
and create public goods and values. They arguably find themselves confronting indeterminate issues and risks
requiring exploratory solutions, in an age of unclear rules, unintended consequences and uncertain pay-offs
(Jessop, 2003; Peters, 2006).
For these reasons, participation is increasingly demanded of us by modern states. The pursuit of governmental
objectives involves attempts to mobilise the self-governing capacities of individuals, groups and communities,
such that 'active citizenship' is normalised as a responsibility as well as a right. Thus it has been argued that
'advanced liberal government' reserves a major role for the 'technologies of agency' (Dean, 1999: 167-8).
Participation has become a moralising discourse (responsible citizens should be active in managing their own
risks, and those who cannot need to be empowered to do so), a functional requirement of the post-welfare state
(necessary to tap localised knowledge because needs assessment is increasingly undertaken not by
bureaucrats but by service users themselves), and a normative discourse (a means to overcome a perceived
division between governors and governed in representative regimes (Jessop, 2003: 104)). Empowering people
to co-govern and self-govern has become a key governance strategy because “unless they are prepared to
assume responsibility for and participate actively in solving their own everyday problems, the system stands
little chance of being able to connect with them and deliver them the welfare goods they demand” (Bang, 2003:
There is a potential tension between system-oriented participation (what we might call co-governance) and self-
governance as the practice of political freedoms on an actor's own terms. Bang’s concept of culture governance
implies that to utilise people’s self-governing capacities to the full extent, rulers must “pay heed to the
irreducibility of the 'small tactics' of lay people in the political community for making a difference” (Bang, 2003:
248) and link this popular creativity to goal-setting, if only indirectly. This means guaranteeing a space for
participation within what Goffman would call back regions of the social system. Participation, as a specific form
of social integration, can be thought of as 'regionalised' according to the locales in which it takes place. Each
locale acts as a power container, and there exists a hierarchy of locales, through which social and system
integration are articulated across time-space (Giddens, 1984). Back regions – essentially locales which are
distant from power centres – resemble Habermas’ literary public sphere in the sense of being insulated from
dominant power relations, both governmental and commercial (Habermas, 1989). Here, participation may be
driven by a search for cognitive reassurance rather than the pursuit of interests.

5 The EU's 'democratic deficit'
The term democratic deficit has emerged in connection with the EU, above all to indicate the opaqueness of
decision-making (Lebessis & Paterson, 1999). According to the Europa website 2 , “The democratic deficit is a
concept invoked principally in the argument that the European Union and its various bodies suffer from a lack of
democracy and seem inaccessible to the ordinary citizen because their method of operating is so complex.”
Considerable effort has therefore been invested to create processes of transparency and accountability with
regard to the exercise of public power in the EU and its legitimacy. Accountability is considered a source of

1   Discursive practice in the literary public sphere is insulated from determination by power relations, which is not the
same as saying that the two are completely unconnected: the public sphere, as a component of civil society, is always in a
fundamental sense in opposition to the power of the state.

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Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
legitimacy which the EU institutions are highly dependent on. Transparency is perceived as a necessary
condition for democracy, as it ensures that citizens obtain all the information they need to call public authorities
to account. Legitimacy demonstrates the capacity of European institutions to provide a system of good
governance and fulfil their functions in an impartial manner. Citizens and other actors reflexively assess both
the processes and the outputs of governance in terms of their legitimacy. Yet the relationship between these
variables is quite complex (see Tsoukas 1997, Diamandouros, 2006, Lebessis and Paterson, 1997). Measures
already taken to promote transparency and accountability by EU institutions might seem to provide citizens with
more opportunities to be informed, but in reality citizens feel scarcely able to shape their future as Europeans,
resulting in largely passive expressions of citizenship (Dalakiouridou, Tambouris & Tarabanis, 2008).
In fact, “the term 'democratic deficit' often masks an unjustified presupposition that the EU should follow similar
democratic practices to those found in national arenas.... [when in fact] a legitimate and democratic Union may
involve innovations for which there are no precedents in national experiences of democratic politics.” (Lord,
2000: 21) These innovations could include forging links between a ‘listening’ Commission and citizens or their
formal and informal advocates. It was in this spirit that the European Constitution was introduced as an
instrument to bolster legitimacy and support for the EU, and it was intended to “politicize and democratize the
EU in a way that encouraged a shared sense of citizen engagement in a common project” (Moravcsik, 2006).
The same author argues, however, that there is no empirical evidence to verify that greater political
participation would result in greater institutional trust and political legitimacy.
As we have already cautioned against the temptation to elide the concepts of participation and democracy,
these limits to expected causalities should not surprise us. This paper is not seeking a solution to the EU's
'democratic deficit', although concern about the latter is clearly an important contextual factor in discussing
participation. Concern with transparency is more directly relevant, since it would seem to constitute a necessary
(but not sufficient) condition for democracy and participation alike. Below we outline how a fuller understanding
of governance in the EU indicates some ways in which participation, combined with a certain level of
transparency, might contribute to regime legitimation. First, however, we trace the recent history of legislation
and policy on citizens’ participation in the European Union.

6 EU legislation and policy on participation and eParticipation
In this section we investigate the legal constituencies embedded in primary and secondary legislation, followed
by a review of policy documents that appear to be relevant to aspects of citizen empowerment. 3 In the
discussion that follows we refer to the institutional milestones concerning citizens' participation, transparency,
openness, accountability and legitimacy.
The EU’s primary legislation appears to address the issue of participation indirectly, as no references are made
to participatory democracy until the Treaty of Lisbon. The Treaty on the European Union, the Treaty of
Amsterdam and the Treaty of Nice anchor representative democracy through political parties and the rights of
European citizens to address petitions to the European Parliament. However, the Treaty of Amsterdam fortifies
the notion of transparency and the basis for consultations. It is clearly stipulated that “The Commission should
consult widely before proposing legislation and, whenever appropriate, publish consultation documents, except
in cases of particular urgency or confidentiality”, and some of the policy documents discussed below formulate
the functional basis for consultations.
It is in 2004, with the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe 4 that the democratic foundations of the EU
are delineated, as the principles of democratic equality, representative democracy and participatory democracy
are included. The Treaty also inaugurates the right of initiative of citizens, according to which a specified
number of citizens can invite the Commission to initiate specific legislation. The Treaty was drafted in an
awkward period where the democratic deficit had become a concern and the response in the Treaty was to
underline that decisions should be taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to citizens, as an
endeavour to bridge the communicative gap between the institutions and citizens. Nonetheless, citizen
participation is still captured on a representative level, as each citizen is heard through political parties.

3      The second and third pillar of the European Union are ignored, as well as other sources of EU law, such as
agreements or negotiations with third parties or other preparatory acts. The primary tool of research is EUROLEX which
enabled access to legal documents.
4       We note that the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was rejected and the Treaty of Lisbon has not been
ratified as of January 2009, but we treat these documents as public statements of the values endorsed by a consensus-
building process within the EU institutions. Indeed the use of a Convention to draft the former makes it a good example of
the outputs of deliberation in strong publics.

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Finally, the Treaty of Lisbon confirms democratic equality, as all citizens are given equal attention from the
Union, representative democracy through enhanced rights for national parliaments, and participatory
democracy based on the citizens’ initiative and enhanced interaction with the institutions. No specific or
extended references are made to the realisation of participatory democracy on a practical level.
Secondary legislation does not incorporate nor institutionalise the notion of citizens’ participation,
notwithstanding stand alone decisions which reaffirm the right of access to documents. Another partial
exception was the 'Europe for citizens' programme decision which envisages the strengthening of European
citizenship, enabling citizens to partake in the construction of Europe.
Although the Treaties provide the legal basis for citizen engagement and the status of democracy, other policy
documents specify and provide the overall framework for achieving the general objectives of the Treaties. The
institutional arrangements embodied in the documents analysed below have a particular bearing on
accountability, good governance, transparency and legitimacy. Citizens’ participation, however, only became
evident after 2001, and eParticipation was explicitly mentioned in 2007 as the Commission began to realize the
participatory potential of ICT. (Dalakiouridou, Tambouris & Tarabanis, 2008)
Until 2000, the predominant view of democracy was implicitly connected to public access to documents which
in turn makes the legislative procedure and the institutions responsible for the legislation more accountable and
transparent. The first signs of ICT used to foster accountability are expressed in the White Paper on reforming
the Commission, in 2000. Further, the Commission, in the Communication on a new framework for co-operation
on activities concerning the information and communication policy of the EU in 2001 acknowledges the
necessity for Europe to be closer to citizens and overcome barriers related to the general communication
strategy of the Commission. The Europa portal and the Europe Direct service are also mentioned as a means
to achieve a higher level of communication and enhance citizens' rights to information.
Principles of good governance were formulated to address the perceived mistrust of European citizens in the
European edifice. The White Paper on European Governance acknowledges the need for greater citizen
involvement and openness, and sets out the minimum standards for consultations on EU policies, while
national governments remain responsible for nurturing a culture of debate and dialogue as well as improving
their own national consultative processes. EU-wide consultations remain limited on the Europa portal while
policy formulation is not yet a multi-level partnership. In parallel, the European Commission’s Interactive Policy
Making online tool emerged, first as a means to analyse the reaction of citizens and enterprises, evaluate
existing policies and unite interest groups under a single online panel. Later, however, it was extended to
impact assessment and then became the focal point of inclusive consultations at an EU level through the
Debate Europe portal.
2005 marked a significant change in communication policies, when the Commission set out the aspiration to
effectively communicate EU policies and activities and better connect to citizens. The Action plan to improve
Communicating Europe explicitly adopts a 'listening' attitude by pursuing feedback from consultations and other
sources. The Commission had been urged for some time to enrich channels of representation and reform its
communication strategy to create openness at all stages of policy making (Lebessis & Paterson, 1999). The
Action plan focuses on publicity facilities as well as improvements to the Europa portal to support wider
Citizen empowerment remains visible only at a conceptual level until 2005, which coincides with the negative
referenda on the proposed constitution and the subsequent 'period of reflection' due to the constitutional crisis.
Calling for democratic 'renewal', the Commission then adopted Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate
which encompasses a variety of tools to make citizens heard, stimulate debate and generate dialogue on
European issues. The majority of actions are clearly orientated around a 'going local' strategy, i.e. relying on
member states and local authorities to capture citizens’ apprehensions (this was seen as its most successful
component), but there are also measures to maximize the impact of consultations and develop a new website
devoted to debates.
Communication channels between institutions and European citizens remain fragmented due to the incapacity
of the EU to base its communication strategy on the existence of a genuine European Public Sphere. The 2005
European Communication policy attempts to stimulate the formation of such a public sphere through

5    Also stipulated in the document 'General principles and minimum standards for consultation of interested parties' in
2002. The rationale behind the consultation standards is embedded in the Treaties as previously discussed, which however
do not envisage its achievement though ICT.

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Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
communications technologies, such as the creation of citizens’ fora, virtual meeting places, audiovisual facilities
and technologically-enhanced channels of communication. From this point in time, the Your Europe website is
consistently promoted as the basic communication vehicle with citizens.
Meanwhile, Plan D was revisited in 2006, refocusing on the following components: local 'European public
spaces', national round-table debates, support for bottom-up civic initiatives that relate to EU policy goals, and
online debate. 6 The Commission has championed citizen consultation and involvement in policy-making, and
the use if ICT to achieve this. However, no specific measures were put into place until recently.
In 2007, the Communicating Europe in Partnership document re-negotiates citizen empowerment and positions
it in a different context. Activities already adopted in the context of Plan D are maintained, but a new Internet
strategy now supports audiovisual networks, and pilot information networks to unite stakeholders and other
communication tools are promoted to support the creation of a European Public Sphere and to centralise the
communication approach, which hitherto relied on local players more than an EU-wide holistic approach. As a
follow up, the 'Communicating about Europe via the Internet - engaging the citizens' document begins to
demarcate an eParticipation approach, as the Commission starts to build upon the potential of ICT to legitimise
the institutions and bridge the gap between the institutions and citizens. The upgrading of the EUROPA portal
as a focal point for information and content creation, the enhancement of online communications activities in
the Commission’s representations and rendering online information easily accessible and broadly
comprehensible now complement the existing communications activities.
2008 marks the Commission’s intention to invest in the creation of a public sphere by acknowledging the
contributing role of the media and the creation of pan-european programmes. Audiovisual media were thus
recognised as critically important to citizens' understanding of European politics. Last but not least, Plan D was
reformulated (and renamed Debate Europe after the Commission's dedicated Plan D website) to better listen to
citizens and better explain EU politics. Transparency and access to information is recognised as the first step to
citizen participation, as access to information renders citizens better informed and better equipped to
participate, debate and deliberate on EU issues. Participatory democracy is now approached indirectly at a
local, regional, national and cross-border level through the development of specific Plan D-funded projects. A
clear eParticipation follow up to Plan D is intended to further enable citizens to articulate their wishes to
decision makers by holding direct debates, interactive fora, European public spaces, additional Internet debates
In summary, from 2000 onwards, the documents adopted by the Commission relate to transparency and
accountability, while from 2002, consultations are given more prominence as a citizen contribution to the policy
making cycle. Some less formal and less static forms of interaction with civil society have been emphasised in
policy documents since 2005, in keeping with the Plan D motto of 'listening better', and ICT is heralded as an
important tool for 'listening' institutions. In fact, the practical efforts made by the Commission appear to
correspond to the working definition of eDemocracy made by the European Parliament, as including all
electronic means of communication that enable and empower citizens in the effort to hold politicians
accountable for their actions in the public realm, thereby increasing the transparency of the political process,
enhancing the direct involvement of citizens and improving the quality of opinion formation by opening new
spaces of information and deliberation (Kies, Mendez & Schmitter, 2003). Citizen participation in the democratic
process is conceptualised around the citizen who is informed and empowered to make his/her voice heard and
participate in consultations or other structured events, rather than active and spontaneous contribution to the
policy making cycle.

7 The EU as a network governance regime and the scope for
Governance regimes are always hybridised, mixing elements of hierarchical, market-based and network modes
of governance. So the governance regime which currently exists within the European Union contains elements
of market-based modes of governance, for example to regulate the ICT sector itself, wherein a combination of
state metagovernance and market coordination is held to be the most transparent solution feasible given the
complex organisation of the sector which transcends national and even European jurisdictions (Felch, 2006).
Elements of hierarchical modes of governance also persist in the European political system, notably concerning

6   Information note from Vice President Wallström to the Commission, Plan D - Wider and deeper Debate on Europe
7   For the first time, a clear budget line is given to the Internet toolbox to assist the realisation of Plan D.

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the role of the European Parliament, whose powers and popular legitimacy are, however, much lower than
most national parliaments. A strong argument can be made that network governance has always featured
prominently in the coordination of social and economic activity at the level of the EU, both in respect of the
pooling of sovereignty between member states, and more particularly with regard to the involvement of non-
state actors in policy-making, including the establishment of committees (the Economic and Social Committee
and the Committee of the Regions) designed to strengthen the role of civic opinion in decision making 8 . This
structure is essentially corporatist, which Streeck & Schmitter (1991) consider to be a variety of network
arrangements, and one of its most notable features has been what amounts to the chartering by EU institutions
of peak level interest organisations 9 , and the role they have assumed in legitimising EU policy making within a
system of 'bargaining democracy' and dispersed power. This nurtured an intensive, if not very extensive form of
participative policy-making, revolving around 'strong publics' (Eriksen & Fossum, 2002).
A leitmotif of the discussions around the preparation and consultation of the White Paper on European
Governance was the idea that the European Union was not yet networked enough in the light of changing
conditions and fresh challenges, notably enlargement, and a general aspiration was expressed to reach out to
citizens. It nevertheless remains the case that organised civil society is given a pivotal intermediary role, such
that, for example, the transnational discussion processes that took place under Plan D from 2005 to 2007 as
well as the recently-launched European Citizens' Consultations project have been managed by civil society
organisations, enabling the Commission to speak of “consultations held by civil society” as one of its new
governance tools (COM(2008)158/4).
It is important to note that what is being delegated through most of the EC's policy networks is problem-solving
capacity rather than decision-making authority 10 (Eriksen & Fossum, 2002: 409). Hitherto this delegation has
been to strong publics such as committees, consultative fora and, since 1999, specially-chartered conventions.
Latterly the attempt has been to diffuse problem-solving capacity within the general public sphere. If this is the
case, there are twin risks in such a strategy. The first one is the ‘low benefit – high cost’ scenario: does the
governance process require a high level of participation for effective functioning, and is there a social demand
for it? Capturing the attention of an audience (a prerequisite for any participatory process) is more complicated
than merely staging a performance (Curtin, 2007). Given a lack of popular enthusiasm for 'European' affairs
and the EU project, there is a risk of misinterpreting citizens' motivations to participate by failing to make
sufficiently clear links between the European problems citizens are being asked to help solve and the everyday
problems of the lifeworld which are likely to preoccupy them most of the time. The re-scoping of the Debate
Europe website to allow citizens more choice about the subjects for debate could be interpreted as a positive
development in this light, since it promises to increase network governance capacity by relaxing central control
over the participation process. The corollary, however, is an increased potential for conflict within networks
about the rules as well as the outcomes of cooperation (Davies, 2005).
The second risk is what Eder (2007) calls the pathology of learning. If we assume that a relatively high level of
participation is desirable within network modes of governance, then this is so to the extent that they facilitate
collective learning. That is what networks are good at. But by the same token they are vulnerable to failure if an
imbalance develops between participation and deliberation. Eder cites the fascist state as an extreme example
of the expansion of participation at the expense of deliberation (one person deliberates and the entire society
participates in ‘living out’ the leader’s wise policies). The reverse situation – too much deliberation with too little
participation – is also a pathology of learning, since it will likewise reduce the problem-solving capacity of
networks. Lieber raises this concern in relation to the European Parliament: it will only be successful in taking
on the role of a hub in the public sphere, which it has recently begun to stake out, on the condition that MEPs
and citizens learn “to learn mutually from each other” (Lieber, 2007: 277).

8    The European Economic and Social Committee has existed since the Treaty of Rome. It is the institutionalised
representative of organised civil society, whose representatives (nominated by member states for their experience and
knowledge) form opinions on Community policy proposals and other aspects of European integration via a deliberative
process. The Committee of the Regions, established by the Treaty of Maastricht, is the political assembly that provides local
and regional authorities with an input, via consultation, whenever new proposals are made in areas that have repercussions
at regional or local level.
9     And more recently also 'political foundations' affiliated to European political parties under regulation (EC) No.
1524/2007, which have an awareness-raising and 'citizen training' brief.
10     This is in keeping with a network governance approach, in which knowledge production and circulation assumes a
more prominent place in the repertoire of governing than the actual taking and implementing of collective decisions and
choices (Pinson, 2003).

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Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
Similar tensions exists around transparency, which is a prerequisite for participation, but not in the sense that
'maximum transparency produces maximum participation'. The logic of the EC's transparency initiative (which
in practice involves publishing details of policy processes online and codifying the terms of participation in its
policy networks) is to expose strong publics to the gaze of the general public. One difficulty here occurs due to
the irreducibility of many types of knowledge to the types of objectified information (such as indicators, targets
and benchmarks) which authorities tend to emit in the name of greater transparency. This can lead to a 'tyranny
of light' under which the real needs of citizens are obscured by decontextualised, quantifiable indicators of
societal 'need' (Tsoukas, 1997).
Another difficulty in making governance processes more transparent is identifying, addressing and mobilising
some of the stakeholders who ‘need’ to participate in the more complex division of labour of a network mode of
governance, but may not themselves realise that they ‘need’ to do so. The current phase of Debate Europe
stresses the importance of targeting women and young people, groups which were under-represented in the
pilot phase (though it provides little guidance about how to do so). Yet participation by some excluded social
groups may actually be less likely in a more transparent environment and more likely in enclaves that are not
exposed to publicity. Moreover, given that much public debate on Europe is inevitably filtered through national
media and framed with reference to ‘national interests’, whereas there are well-founded doubts about the level
of public interest in affairs which are constructed as ‘European’, it is important to consider ways of improving
the quality of deliberation on Europe within national 'enclaves'. eParticipation is demonstrably good at
facilitating enclave deliberation, which is usually interpreted as an anti-deliberative feature of the Internet
(Wilhelm, 2000: 13) but can be a positive factor for democracy under some conditions, especially with a view to
social inclusion.

8 Conclusion
In any hybridised governance regime there will be a need for different modes of participation and eParticipation
in different spheres of activity or policy areas. Market-based modes of participation (the citizen acting as a
'consumer' or service user, exercising choice between predefined options) are relevant for mobilising and
aggregating opinion among the diffuse general public beyond the Brussels-centric policy networks, whereas
hierarchical modes of participation (the citizen as elector/constituent) could strengthen democratic
accountability – the EU's achilles heel – by promoting forms of participation (i.e. vertical interaction) that link
parliamentarians to their constituents and accentuate the former's intermediary role.
But insofar as network governance features prominently in the EU governance regime, this characterisation
also disguises a need for varied modes and locales of participation. Organised groups still dominate the
significant policy networks within the EU, but their role has become wider and more flexible. They play the
multiple roles of supplier of expert knowledge, unofficial opposition in a consensus-based political system,
agent of popular legitimacy and source of demands for more participation. Referring to the role of civil society
organisations in the Plan D process, the Commission calls them multipliers and disseminators “through their
political and media networks” (COM(2008)158/4). It is notable, however, that European institutions do not yet
make much use of, and have not really developed policies about how to link to participation and eParticipation
processes hosted by third parties such as media organisations (where considerable public debate about
European affairs goes on). Thus there remains a tension between the chartering or co-opting of networks by
European institutions and a more bottom-up form of networking that starts from and works with the associations
of citizens as they emerge and re-group spontaneously.
Furthermore, since open and inclusive networks tend to generate conflict, governments are often confronted
with the choice of either reimposing hierarchical means of securing compliance with 'system-oriented' goals
(which may well undermine trust and therefore subdue participation itself), or not intervening and therefore
having to deal with networks which may either pursue goals that conflict with government strategies, or self-
destruct due to indivisible conflicts between stakeholders (Davies 2005). European institutions do not,
apparently, have the same power to intervene as national governments, but they do choose both the terms of
debate for the participation processes they initiate, and which other networks (whose networks) to partner with.

11 The European Citizens' Consultation portal ( is structured according to the
principle that debate is best fostered within national 'enclaves' to start with, followed by the subsequent integration of
proposals at a face-to-face European Citizens' Summit in Brussels, before the final set of recommendations for policy-
makers is subjected to further discussion, again within national online 'public spheres'. This tiered model may conceivably
facilitate wider participation.

European Journal of ePractice ·                                                                 8
Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
A “dialectical relationship between network and hierarchy” (Davies, 2005: 342) will always underlie these
choices, necessitating a compromise between conflicting benefits of participation.
Our analysis of recent EU policy documents suggests that participation is conceived rather one-dimensionally,
based on a particular construction of the citizen, and it lacks an appreciation of the complex spatial and
temporal 'regionalisation' of participation as actually practised in European societies. We therefore argue that
one of the main challenges for the future lies in ensuring a sufficient diversity of learning environments
connected to European policy-making. It is less a question of raising the overall level of participation than of
securing the existence of channels for different modes of participation which could complement one another. A
key priority should be to create and safeguard a public sphere composed of enclaves in which different kinds of
collective learning and problem-solving can thrive (with different access rights and different ways of establishing
legitimacy and representativeness). This can be justified from both a bottom-up (actor-oriented) and a top-down
(system-oriented) perspective. In the first respect, such a public sphere would allow space for types of
participation that actors themselves choose in order to realise autonomous goals oriented towards achieving
cognitive reassurance (Pinson, 2003) or 'everyday making' (Bang, 2003). This is crucial for motivating people to
participate. The Commission partially recognises this in framing Debate Europe as a way of “chang[ing] the
perception that EU matters are too abstract and disconnected from the national public sphere to be of interest
to citizens” (COM(2008)158/4), although the same should apply for other enclaves based around non-national
identities. From a top-down perspective, a European public sphere composed of diverse enclaves of
participation carries the risk of group polarisation, but this is arguably outweighed by its importance as a means
of preserving a repertoire of alternative development paths essential for the long-term ability of social systems
to adapt to changing circumstances. eParticipation may be one route towards making more effective links
between enclaves. More generally eParticipation tools can bridge between actor-driven and system-oriented
modes of participation (as demonstrated empirically by Monnoyer-Smith, 2006 ). In doing so – by providing a
flexible, multi-channel menu of participation options, including those that emerge in the back regions of the
European public sphere – it could allay some of the risks connected to a strategy of participatory governance
which were highlighted above.

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Simon Smith
Research Associate
Centre for Digital Citizenship, Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds

Efpraxia Dalakiouridou
DESS, University of Macedonia

The European Journal of ePractice is a digital publication on eTransformation by, a portal created by the
European Commission to promote the sharing of good practices in eGovernment, eHealth and eInclusion.

Edited by P.A.U. Education, S.L.

                 The texts published in this journal, unless otherwise indicated, are subject to a Creative Commons
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European Journal of ePractice ·                                                                  11
Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X

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Contextualising Public (e)Participation in the Governance of the European Union

  • 1. Contextualising Public (e)Participation in the Governance of the European Union This paper contextualises the benefits and challenges of participation and eParticipation in the EU in two respects: historically, by reviewing the last decade of Simon Smith legislative and policy initiatives relevant to public Centre for participation in European policy-making; and Digital theoretically, by defining the governance regime which Citizenship, Institute of operates in the EU and, taking into account the Communications Studies, governance 'reform programme' which EU institutions University of Leeds have also laid out, theorising the scope for public participation in this political context. While noting a certain gap or lag between rhetoric and reality, such Efpraxia that participation opportunities remain biased in Dalakiouridou practice towards structured events, a number of risks DESS, are identified in the apparent future strategy of University of Macedonia 'listening better' by diffusing participation beyond the 'strong publics' which have hitherto dominated participative policy-making in Europe. Keywords participation, (network) These risks are referred to as the 'low benefit – high governance, democratic cost' scenario, the 'pathologies of learning', the 'tyranny deficit, Plan D, European Public Sphere, enclaves of light', and the difficulty of targeting marginalised groups, with the need to protect and yet connect 'enclaves' in the European public sphere. The pursuit of The underlying challenge for a network governance governmental regime like the EU is how to maintain a productive objectives involves attempts to mobilise the self-governing tension between system-oriented and actor-driven capacities of individuals, participation. eParticipation tools may prove useful in groups and communities, this balancing act. such that 'active citizenship' is normalised as a responsibility as well as a right. European Journal of ePractice · 1 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 2. 1 Introduction Participation has become something of a mantra in late modern societies. As commonly used by policy-makers, it also goes by a number of near synonyms such as engagement, involvement and empowerment, any of which may be prefaced by an adjective like public or community. Typically, the benefits claimed for participation relate to service effectiveness and efficiency (e.g. more detailed knowledge of the public’s needs and wants for service planning), decision-making quality and legitimacy (e.g. generating awareness, acceptance and commitment to policies), or active citizenship (e.g. generating social capital and mobilising people’s voluntary labour, including their intellectual labour for problem-solving purposes). Participation using information and communication technologies (ICT) – eParticipation – may bring three additional types of benefit: reduced transaction and coordination costs in social and political relationships, greater deliberativeness due to certain qualities of the medium, and the enhanced information-processing capacity of information technology. This paper argues that participation is ‘asked’ to perform different functions according to the governance context in which it occurs. Ultimately, the benefits of participation can be understood in terms of how its effects change, stabilise or improve a certain governance regime. Having traced the recent history of legislation and policy on citizens’ participation in the European Union, we attempt to define the governance regime that prevails at the level of the EU, arguing that a network mode of governance provides a reasonable first approximation, and finally we deduce some implications about the role of participation and eParticipation as a governance tool for Europe. 2 Governance Governance is usually defined in relation to government. Both are about securing “the conditions for ordered rule and collective action” (Stoker, 1998: 17). However, the growth in popularity of the term governance reflects a sense that contemporary transformations (fragmentations) of the state, markets and society have changed the nature of many governing processes, blurring the boundaries between and within public, private and non- governmental/non-profit sectors and necessitating the formation of more or less diffuse coalitions and partnerships in order to govern, where previously this was achieved through the directive power of central authorities. This gives us a definition that, in one crucial respect, is in conflict with government, since “democratic government presumes exactly what democratic governance does its utmost to erode, namely a clear distinction between system and life world” (Bang, 2003: 242). Nevertheless this paper retains a somewhat state-centric definition of governance because even if many of the tasks of governing are devolved to non-state actors, the state provides a sense of direction to societal processes. These are defined by strategies (i.e. “asymmetrical privileging of some outcomes over others” (Jessop, 2003: 108)), and refer to public values which, when fixed in space-time, have the status of 'official norms' within an always temporary but often quite stable state-society settlement, providing some sense of 'steer' to lower-order societal processes, including participation. 3 Participation Participation, as defined here, relates mainly to inputs to policy- and decision-making for political or public policy purposes, both within formal systems but also through informal systems where these can have a real impact at any stage of the policy lifecycle. Participation will have direct impacts on, and relations to, public policy goals and values like democracy, but it is not understood only in the context of democracy or any other public value. Participation can lead to benefits which take the form of either public or private goods: often the intrinsic benefits are appropriated privately (by participants), whereas the instrumental benefits may be appropriated publicly. In addition to these criteria, this paper is concerned with participation at the European scale. Participation is a defining characteristic of democracy, but two caveats should be added. Firstly, the reverse does not hold true: there is nothing intrinsically democratic about participation or about regimes that promote it as a governance tool. Authoritarian regimes have often been characterised by extremely high levels of participation of one form or another. Public service organisations such as health authorities or social housing providers at the local level, or autonomous regulatory agencies at the EU level, which govern (or co-govern) a specific policy domain, may make use of participatory methods to do so even though they are not democratic bodies in terms of their structures and procedures. Secondly, participation does not lead deterministically to any particular type of democracy, such as direct democracy (with which it is frequently equated). It is just as conceivable, and empirically demonstrable, that participatory methods can bolster representative democracy and undermine direct democracy. In France, for example, Premat (2006, 2008) has shown that some mayors use participatory methods such as online discussion forums to position themselves at critical nodes for the European Journal of ePractice · 2 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 3. translation of citizens’ demands to the policy-making process and for reconnaissance work among constituents, thus channelling grassroots participatory energy into the formal representative system and obviating the need for more direct forms of democracy. 4 Why do contemporary governance regimes aspire to become participative? Logically, there are many circumstances in which non-participatory decision-making is legitimate and effective. Participation activities then become ‘low-benefit’ and ‘high-cost’ interventions (Irvin & Stansbury, 2004). In the situation described by these authors participation was perceived as unnecessary by the population concerned for a relatively simple policy process (flood management in a small valley), but for more complex issues there is a feeling that increased participation can be one part of a response to the limitations on the state's capacity to direct society and redistribute resources to the same extent that was the norm in the 20th century (in both 'halves' of Europe). 21st century states are attempting instead to ‘enable’ society to regulate itself and to ‘coordinate’ a new division of labour between partners from all three sectors in order to achieve collective goals and create public goods and values. They arguably find themselves confronting indeterminate issues and risks requiring exploratory solutions, in an age of unclear rules, unintended consequences and uncertain pay-offs (Jessop, 2003; Peters, 2006). For these reasons, participation is increasingly demanded of us by modern states. The pursuit of governmental objectives involves attempts to mobilise the self-governing capacities of individuals, groups and communities, such that 'active citizenship' is normalised as a responsibility as well as a right. Thus it has been argued that 'advanced liberal government' reserves a major role for the 'technologies of agency' (Dean, 1999: 167-8). Participation has become a moralising discourse (responsible citizens should be active in managing their own risks, and those who cannot need to be empowered to do so), a functional requirement of the post-welfare state (necessary to tap localised knowledge because needs assessment is increasingly undertaken not by bureaucrats but by service users themselves), and a normative discourse (a means to overcome a perceived division between governors and governed in representative regimes (Jessop, 2003: 104)). Empowering people to co-govern and self-govern has become a key governance strategy because “unless they are prepared to assume responsibility for and participate actively in solving their own everyday problems, the system stands little chance of being able to connect with them and deliver them the welfare goods they demand” (Bang, 2003: 243). There is a potential tension between system-oriented participation (what we might call co-governance) and self- governance as the practice of political freedoms on an actor's own terms. Bang’s concept of culture governance implies that to utilise people’s self-governing capacities to the full extent, rulers must “pay heed to the irreducibility of the 'small tactics' of lay people in the political community for making a difference” (Bang, 2003: 248) and link this popular creativity to goal-setting, if only indirectly. This means guaranteeing a space for participation within what Goffman would call back regions of the social system. Participation, as a specific form of social integration, can be thought of as 'regionalised' according to the locales in which it takes place. Each locale acts as a power container, and there exists a hierarchy of locales, through which social and system integration are articulated across time-space (Giddens, 1984). Back regions – essentially locales which are distant from power centres – resemble Habermas’ literary public sphere in the sense of being insulated from 1 dominant power relations, both governmental and commercial (Habermas, 1989). Here, participation may be driven by a search for cognitive reassurance rather than the pursuit of interests. 5 The EU's 'democratic deficit' The term democratic deficit has emerged in connection with the EU, above all to indicate the opaqueness of decision-making (Lebessis & Paterson, 1999). According to the Europa website 2 , “The democratic deficit is a concept invoked principally in the argument that the European Union and its various bodies suffer from a lack of democracy and seem inaccessible to the ordinary citizen because their method of operating is so complex.” Considerable effort has therefore been invested to create processes of transparency and accountability with regard to the exercise of public power in the EU and its legitimacy. Accountability is considered a source of 1 Discursive practice in the literary public sphere is insulated from determination by power relations, which is not the same as saying that the two are completely unconnected: the public sphere, as a component of civil society, is always in a fundamental sense in opposition to the power of the state. 2 European Journal of ePractice · 3 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 4. legitimacy which the EU institutions are highly dependent on. Transparency is perceived as a necessary condition for democracy, as it ensures that citizens obtain all the information they need to call public authorities to account. Legitimacy demonstrates the capacity of European institutions to provide a system of good governance and fulfil their functions in an impartial manner. Citizens and other actors reflexively assess both the processes and the outputs of governance in terms of their legitimacy. Yet the relationship between these variables is quite complex (see Tsoukas 1997, Diamandouros, 2006, Lebessis and Paterson, 1997). Measures already taken to promote transparency and accountability by EU institutions might seem to provide citizens with more opportunities to be informed, but in reality citizens feel scarcely able to shape their future as Europeans, resulting in largely passive expressions of citizenship (Dalakiouridou, Tambouris & Tarabanis, 2008). In fact, “the term 'democratic deficit' often masks an unjustified presupposition that the EU should follow similar democratic practices to those found in national arenas.... [when in fact] a legitimate and democratic Union may involve innovations for which there are no precedents in national experiences of democratic politics.” (Lord, 2000: 21) These innovations could include forging links between a ‘listening’ Commission and citizens or their formal and informal advocates. It was in this spirit that the European Constitution was introduced as an instrument to bolster legitimacy and support for the EU, and it was intended to “politicize and democratize the EU in a way that encouraged a shared sense of citizen engagement in a common project” (Moravcsik, 2006). The same author argues, however, that there is no empirical evidence to verify that greater political participation would result in greater institutional trust and political legitimacy. As we have already cautioned against the temptation to elide the concepts of participation and democracy, these limits to expected causalities should not surprise us. This paper is not seeking a solution to the EU's 'democratic deficit', although concern about the latter is clearly an important contextual factor in discussing participation. Concern with transparency is more directly relevant, since it would seem to constitute a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for democracy and participation alike. Below we outline how a fuller understanding of governance in the EU indicates some ways in which participation, combined with a certain level of transparency, might contribute to regime legitimation. First, however, we trace the recent history of legislation and policy on citizens’ participation in the European Union. 6 EU legislation and policy on participation and eParticipation In this section we investigate the legal constituencies embedded in primary and secondary legislation, followed by a review of policy documents that appear to be relevant to aspects of citizen empowerment. 3 In the discussion that follows we refer to the institutional milestones concerning citizens' participation, transparency, openness, accountability and legitimacy. The EU’s primary legislation appears to address the issue of participation indirectly, as no references are made to participatory democracy until the Treaty of Lisbon. The Treaty on the European Union, the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Treaty of Nice anchor representative democracy through political parties and the rights of European citizens to address petitions to the European Parliament. However, the Treaty of Amsterdam fortifies the notion of transparency and the basis for consultations. It is clearly stipulated that “The Commission should consult widely before proposing legislation and, whenever appropriate, publish consultation documents, except in cases of particular urgency or confidentiality”, and some of the policy documents discussed below formulate the functional basis for consultations. It is in 2004, with the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe 4 that the democratic foundations of the EU are delineated, as the principles of democratic equality, representative democracy and participatory democracy are included. The Treaty also inaugurates the right of initiative of citizens, according to which a specified number of citizens can invite the Commission to initiate specific legislation. The Treaty was drafted in an awkward period where the democratic deficit had become a concern and the response in the Treaty was to underline that decisions should be taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to citizens, as an endeavour to bridge the communicative gap between the institutions and citizens. Nonetheless, citizen participation is still captured on a representative level, as each citizen is heard through political parties. 3 The second and third pillar of the European Union are ignored, as well as other sources of EU law, such as agreements or negotiations with third parties or other preparatory acts. The primary tool of research is EUROLEX which enabled access to legal documents. 4 We note that the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was rejected and the Treaty of Lisbon has not been ratified as of January 2009, but we treat these documents as public statements of the values endorsed by a consensus- building process within the EU institutions. Indeed the use of a Convention to draft the former makes it a good example of the outputs of deliberation in strong publics. European Journal of ePractice · 4 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 5. Finally, the Treaty of Lisbon confirms democratic equality, as all citizens are given equal attention from the Union, representative democracy through enhanced rights for national parliaments, and participatory democracy based on the citizens’ initiative and enhanced interaction with the institutions. No specific or extended references are made to the realisation of participatory democracy on a practical level. Secondary legislation does not incorporate nor institutionalise the notion of citizens’ participation, notwithstanding stand alone decisions which reaffirm the right of access to documents. Another partial exception was the 'Europe for citizens' programme decision which envisages the strengthening of European citizenship, enabling citizens to partake in the construction of Europe. Although the Treaties provide the legal basis for citizen engagement and the status of democracy, other policy documents specify and provide the overall framework for achieving the general objectives of the Treaties. The institutional arrangements embodied in the documents analysed below have a particular bearing on accountability, good governance, transparency and legitimacy. Citizens’ participation, however, only became evident after 2001, and eParticipation was explicitly mentioned in 2007 as the Commission began to realize the participatory potential of ICT. (Dalakiouridou, Tambouris & Tarabanis, 2008) Until 2000, the predominant view of democracy was implicitly connected to public access to documents which in turn makes the legislative procedure and the institutions responsible for the legislation more accountable and transparent. The first signs of ICT used to foster accountability are expressed in the White Paper on reforming the Commission, in 2000. Further, the Commission, in the Communication on a new framework for co-operation on activities concerning the information and communication policy of the EU in 2001 acknowledges the necessity for Europe to be closer to citizens and overcome barriers related to the general communication strategy of the Commission. The Europa portal and the Europe Direct service are also mentioned as a means to achieve a higher level of communication and enhance citizens' rights to information. Principles of good governance were formulated to address the perceived mistrust of European citizens in the European edifice. The White Paper on European Governance acknowledges the need for greater citizen 5 involvement and openness, and sets out the minimum standards for consultations on EU policies, while national governments remain responsible for nurturing a culture of debate and dialogue as well as improving their own national consultative processes. EU-wide consultations remain limited on the Europa portal while policy formulation is not yet a multi-level partnership. In parallel, the European Commission’s Interactive Policy Making online tool emerged, first as a means to analyse the reaction of citizens and enterprises, evaluate existing policies and unite interest groups under a single online panel. Later, however, it was extended to impact assessment and then became the focal point of inclusive consultations at an EU level through the Debate Europe portal. 2005 marked a significant change in communication policies, when the Commission set out the aspiration to effectively communicate EU policies and activities and better connect to citizens. The Action plan to improve Communicating Europe explicitly adopts a 'listening' attitude by pursuing feedback from consultations and other sources. The Commission had been urged for some time to enrich channels of representation and reform its communication strategy to create openness at all stages of policy making (Lebessis & Paterson, 1999). The Action plan focuses on publicity facilities as well as improvements to the Europa portal to support wider communication. Citizen empowerment remains visible only at a conceptual level until 2005, which coincides with the negative referenda on the proposed constitution and the subsequent 'period of reflection' due to the constitutional crisis. Calling for democratic 'renewal', the Commission then adopted Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate which encompasses a variety of tools to make citizens heard, stimulate debate and generate dialogue on European issues. The majority of actions are clearly orientated around a 'going local' strategy, i.e. relying on member states and local authorities to capture citizens’ apprehensions (this was seen as its most successful component), but there are also measures to maximize the impact of consultations and develop a new website devoted to debates. Communication channels between institutions and European citizens remain fragmented due to the incapacity of the EU to base its communication strategy on the existence of a genuine European Public Sphere. The 2005 European Communication policy attempts to stimulate the formation of such a public sphere through 5 Also stipulated in the document 'General principles and minimum standards for consultation of interested parties' in 2002. The rationale behind the consultation standards is embedded in the Treaties as previously discussed, which however do not envisage its achievement though ICT. European Journal of ePractice · 5 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 6. communications technologies, such as the creation of citizens’ fora, virtual meeting places, audiovisual facilities and technologically-enhanced channels of communication. From this point in time, the Your Europe website is consistently promoted as the basic communication vehicle with citizens. Meanwhile, Plan D was revisited in 2006, refocusing on the following components: local 'European public spaces', national round-table debates, support for bottom-up civic initiatives that relate to EU policy goals, and online debate. 6 The Commission has championed citizen consultation and involvement in policy-making, and the use if ICT to achieve this. However, no specific measures were put into place until recently. In 2007, the Communicating Europe in Partnership document re-negotiates citizen empowerment and positions it in a different context. Activities already adopted in the context of Plan D are maintained, but a new Internet strategy now supports audiovisual networks, and pilot information networks to unite stakeholders and other communication tools are promoted to support the creation of a European Public Sphere and to centralise the communication approach, which hitherto relied on local players more than an EU-wide holistic approach. As a follow up, the 'Communicating about Europe via the Internet - engaging the citizens' document begins to demarcate an eParticipation approach, as the Commission starts to build upon the potential of ICT to legitimise the institutions and bridge the gap between the institutions and citizens. The upgrading of the EUROPA portal as a focal point for information and content creation, the enhancement of online communications activities in the Commission’s representations and rendering online information easily accessible and broadly 7 comprehensible now complement the existing communications activities. 2008 marks the Commission’s intention to invest in the creation of a public sphere by acknowledging the contributing role of the media and the creation of pan-european programmes. Audiovisual media were thus recognised as critically important to citizens' understanding of European politics. Last but not least, Plan D was reformulated (and renamed Debate Europe after the Commission's dedicated Plan D website) to better listen to citizens and better explain EU politics. Transparency and access to information is recognised as the first step to citizen participation, as access to information renders citizens better informed and better equipped to participate, debate and deliberate on EU issues. Participatory democracy is now approached indirectly at a local, regional, national and cross-border level through the development of specific Plan D-funded projects. A clear eParticipation follow up to Plan D is intended to further enable citizens to articulate their wishes to decision makers by holding direct debates, interactive fora, European public spaces, additional Internet debates etc. In summary, from 2000 onwards, the documents adopted by the Commission relate to transparency and accountability, while from 2002, consultations are given more prominence as a citizen contribution to the policy making cycle. Some less formal and less static forms of interaction with civil society have been emphasised in policy documents since 2005, in keeping with the Plan D motto of 'listening better', and ICT is heralded as an important tool for 'listening' institutions. In fact, the practical efforts made by the Commission appear to correspond to the working definition of eDemocracy made by the European Parliament, as including all electronic means of communication that enable and empower citizens in the effort to hold politicians accountable for their actions in the public realm, thereby increasing the transparency of the political process, enhancing the direct involvement of citizens and improving the quality of opinion formation by opening new spaces of information and deliberation (Kies, Mendez & Schmitter, 2003). Citizen participation in the democratic process is conceptualised around the citizen who is informed and empowered to make his/her voice heard and participate in consultations or other structured events, rather than active and spontaneous contribution to the policy making cycle. 7 The EU as a network governance regime and the scope for participation Governance regimes are always hybridised, mixing elements of hierarchical, market-based and network modes of governance. So the governance regime which currently exists within the European Union contains elements of market-based modes of governance, for example to regulate the ICT sector itself, wherein a combination of state metagovernance and market coordination is held to be the most transparent solution feasible given the complex organisation of the sector which transcends national and even European jurisdictions (Felch, 2006). Elements of hierarchical modes of governance also persist in the European political system, notably concerning 6 Information note from Vice President Wallström to the Commission, Plan D - Wider and deeper Debate on Europe (2006). 7 For the first time, a clear budget line is given to the Internet toolbox to assist the realisation of Plan D. European Journal of ePractice · 6 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 7. the role of the European Parliament, whose powers and popular legitimacy are, however, much lower than most national parliaments. A strong argument can be made that network governance has always featured prominently in the coordination of social and economic activity at the level of the EU, both in respect of the pooling of sovereignty between member states, and more particularly with regard to the involvement of non- state actors in policy-making, including the establishment of committees (the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions) designed to strengthen the role of civic opinion in decision making 8 . This structure is essentially corporatist, which Streeck & Schmitter (1991) consider to be a variety of network arrangements, and one of its most notable features has been what amounts to the chartering by EU institutions of peak level interest organisations 9 , and the role they have assumed in legitimising EU policy making within a system of 'bargaining democracy' and dispersed power. This nurtured an intensive, if not very extensive form of participative policy-making, revolving around 'strong publics' (Eriksen & Fossum, 2002). A leitmotif of the discussions around the preparation and consultation of the White Paper on European Governance was the idea that the European Union was not yet networked enough in the light of changing conditions and fresh challenges, notably enlargement, and a general aspiration was expressed to reach out to citizens. It nevertheless remains the case that organised civil society is given a pivotal intermediary role, such that, for example, the transnational discussion processes that took place under Plan D from 2005 to 2007 as well as the recently-launched European Citizens' Consultations project have been managed by civil society organisations, enabling the Commission to speak of “consultations held by civil society” as one of its new governance tools (COM(2008)158/4). It is important to note that what is being delegated through most of the EC's policy networks is problem-solving capacity rather than decision-making authority 10 (Eriksen & Fossum, 2002: 409). Hitherto this delegation has been to strong publics such as committees, consultative fora and, since 1999, specially-chartered conventions. Latterly the attempt has been to diffuse problem-solving capacity within the general public sphere. If this is the case, there are twin risks in such a strategy. The first one is the ‘low benefit – high cost’ scenario: does the governance process require a high level of participation for effective functioning, and is there a social demand for it? Capturing the attention of an audience (a prerequisite for any participatory process) is more complicated than merely staging a performance (Curtin, 2007). Given a lack of popular enthusiasm for 'European' affairs and the EU project, there is a risk of misinterpreting citizens' motivations to participate by failing to make sufficiently clear links between the European problems citizens are being asked to help solve and the everyday problems of the lifeworld which are likely to preoccupy them most of the time. The re-scoping of the Debate Europe website to allow citizens more choice about the subjects for debate could be interpreted as a positive development in this light, since it promises to increase network governance capacity by relaxing central control over the participation process. The corollary, however, is an increased potential for conflict within networks about the rules as well as the outcomes of cooperation (Davies, 2005). The second risk is what Eder (2007) calls the pathology of learning. If we assume that a relatively high level of participation is desirable within network modes of governance, then this is so to the extent that they facilitate collective learning. That is what networks are good at. But by the same token they are vulnerable to failure if an imbalance develops between participation and deliberation. Eder cites the fascist state as an extreme example of the expansion of participation at the expense of deliberation (one person deliberates and the entire society participates in ‘living out’ the leader’s wise policies). The reverse situation – too much deliberation with too little participation – is also a pathology of learning, since it will likewise reduce the problem-solving capacity of networks. Lieber raises this concern in relation to the European Parliament: it will only be successful in taking on the role of a hub in the public sphere, which it has recently begun to stake out, on the condition that MEPs and citizens learn “to learn mutually from each other” (Lieber, 2007: 277). 8 The European Economic and Social Committee has existed since the Treaty of Rome. It is the institutionalised representative of organised civil society, whose representatives (nominated by member states for their experience and knowledge) form opinions on Community policy proposals and other aspects of European integration via a deliberative process. The Committee of the Regions, established by the Treaty of Maastricht, is the political assembly that provides local and regional authorities with an input, via consultation, whenever new proposals are made in areas that have repercussions at regional or local level. 9 And more recently also 'political foundations' affiliated to European political parties under regulation (EC) No. 1524/2007, which have an awareness-raising and 'citizen training' brief. 10 This is in keeping with a network governance approach, in which knowledge production and circulation assumes a more prominent place in the repertoire of governing than the actual taking and implementing of collective decisions and choices (Pinson, 2003). European Journal of ePractice · 7 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 8. Similar tensions exists around transparency, which is a prerequisite for participation, but not in the sense that 'maximum transparency produces maximum participation'. The logic of the EC's transparency initiative (which in practice involves publishing details of policy processes online and codifying the terms of participation in its policy networks) is to expose strong publics to the gaze of the general public. One difficulty here occurs due to the irreducibility of many types of knowledge to the types of objectified information (such as indicators, targets and benchmarks) which authorities tend to emit in the name of greater transparency. This can lead to a 'tyranny of light' under which the real needs of citizens are obscured by decontextualised, quantifiable indicators of societal 'need' (Tsoukas, 1997). Another difficulty in making governance processes more transparent is identifying, addressing and mobilising some of the stakeholders who ‘need’ to participate in the more complex division of labour of a network mode of governance, but may not themselves realise that they ‘need’ to do so. The current phase of Debate Europe stresses the importance of targeting women and young people, groups which were under-represented in the pilot phase (though it provides little guidance about how to do so). Yet participation by some excluded social groups may actually be less likely in a more transparent environment and more likely in enclaves that are not exposed to publicity. Moreover, given that much public debate on Europe is inevitably filtered through national media and framed with reference to ‘national interests’, whereas there are well-founded doubts about the level of public interest in affairs which are constructed as ‘European’, it is important to consider ways of improving the quality of deliberation on Europe within national 'enclaves'. eParticipation is demonstrably good at facilitating enclave deliberation, which is usually interpreted as an anti-deliberative feature of the Internet (Wilhelm, 2000: 13) but can be a positive factor for democracy under some conditions, especially with a view to 11 social inclusion. 8 Conclusion In any hybridised governance regime there will be a need for different modes of participation and eParticipation in different spheres of activity or policy areas. Market-based modes of participation (the citizen acting as a 'consumer' or service user, exercising choice between predefined options) are relevant for mobilising and aggregating opinion among the diffuse general public beyond the Brussels-centric policy networks, whereas hierarchical modes of participation (the citizen as elector/constituent) could strengthen democratic accountability – the EU's achilles heel – by promoting forms of participation (i.e. vertical interaction) that link parliamentarians to their constituents and accentuate the former's intermediary role. But insofar as network governance features prominently in the EU governance regime, this characterisation also disguises a need for varied modes and locales of participation. Organised groups still dominate the significant policy networks within the EU, but their role has become wider and more flexible. They play the multiple roles of supplier of expert knowledge, unofficial opposition in a consensus-based political system, agent of popular legitimacy and source of demands for more participation. Referring to the role of civil society organisations in the Plan D process, the Commission calls them multipliers and disseminators “through their political and media networks” (COM(2008)158/4). It is notable, however, that European institutions do not yet make much use of, and have not really developed policies about how to link to participation and eParticipation processes hosted by third parties such as media organisations (where considerable public debate about European affairs goes on). Thus there remains a tension between the chartering or co-opting of networks by European institutions and a more bottom-up form of networking that starts from and works with the associations of citizens as they emerge and re-group spontaneously. Furthermore, since open and inclusive networks tend to generate conflict, governments are often confronted with the choice of either reimposing hierarchical means of securing compliance with 'system-oriented' goals (which may well undermine trust and therefore subdue participation itself), or not intervening and therefore having to deal with networks which may either pursue goals that conflict with government strategies, or self- destruct due to indivisible conflicts between stakeholders (Davies 2005). European institutions do not, apparently, have the same power to intervene as national governments, but they do choose both the terms of debate for the participation processes they initiate, and which other networks (whose networks) to partner with. 11 The European Citizens' Consultation portal ( is structured according to the principle that debate is best fostered within national 'enclaves' to start with, followed by the subsequent integration of proposals at a face-to-face European Citizens' Summit in Brussels, before the final set of recommendations for policy- makers is subjected to further discussion, again within national online 'public spheres'. This tiered model may conceivably facilitate wider participation. European Journal of ePractice · 8 Nº 7 · March 2009 · ISSN: 1988-625X
  • 9. A “dialectical relationship between network and hierarchy” (Davies, 2005: 342) will always underlie these choices, necessitating a compromise between conflicting benefits of participation. Our analysis of recent EU policy documents suggests that participation is conceived rather one-dimensionally, based on a particular construction of the citizen, and it lacks an appreciation of the complex spatial and temporal 'regionalisation' of participation as actually practised in European societies. We therefore argue that one of the main challenges for the future lies in ensuring a sufficient diversity of learning environments connected to European policy-making. It is less a question of raising the overall level of participation than of securing the existence of channels for different modes of participation which could complement one another. A key priority should be to create and safeguard a public sphere composed of enclaves in which different kinds of collective learning and problem-solving can thrive (with different access rights and different ways of establishing legitimacy and representativeness). This can be justified from both a bottom-up (actor-oriented) and a top-down (system-oriented) perspective. In the first respect, such a public sphere would allow space for types of participation that actors themselves choose in order to realise autonomous goals oriented towards achieving cognitive reassurance (Pinson, 2003) or 'everyday making' (Bang, 2003). This is crucial for motivating people to participate. The Commission partially recognises this in framing Debate Europe as a way of “chang[ing] the perception that EU matters are too abstract and disconnected from the national public sphere to be of interest to citizens” (COM(2008)158/4), although the same should apply for other enclaves based around non-national identities. From a top-down perspective, a European public sphere composed of diverse enclaves of participation carries the risk of group polarisation, but this is arguably outweighed by its importance as a means of preserving a repertoire of alternative development paths essential for the long-term ability of social systems to adapt to changing circumstances. eParticipation may be one route towards making more effective links between enclaves. More generally eParticipation tools can bridge between actor-driven and system-oriented 12 modes of participation (as demonstrated empirically by Monnoyer-Smith, 2006 ). In doing so – by providing a flexible, multi-channel menu of participation options, including those that emerge in the back regions of the European public sphere – it could allay some of the risks connected to a strategy of participatory governance which were highlighted above. References Bang, H. (2003). A new ruler meeting a new citizen: culture governance and everyday making. In Bang, H. (ed.) Governance as social and political communication, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 241-66. Curtin, D. (2007). Transparency, audiences and the evolving role of the EU Council of Ministers. In Fossum, J. & Schlesinger, P. (Eds.) The European Union and the public sphere: a communicative space in the making? London: Routledge, 246-58. Dalakiouridou, E. Tambouris, E. & Tarabanis, K. (2008). eParticipation in the European Institutions: an overview. Proceedings of the Eastern European eGovernment Days, Prague, April 2008. Davies, J. (2005). 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