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7º ANO
“Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.”
								 Clare Boothe Luce
UNIT 1: The Power of Popular Wisdom ......................................... 164
UNIT 2: The Revolution of Technology ........................................... 169
UNIT 3: Paulista Avenue................................................................. 172
UNIT 4: The Great Fright ................................................................ 174
UNIT 5: Life In The Past ................................................................. 180
Celebration......................................................................... 186
Vocabulary......................................................................... 189
Did you ever heard about
Slangs, Idiomatic Expressions,
Idioms, Sayings or Proverbs?
They are all special way of people’s speaking that
transmits their wisdom, their culture and life experience.
Sometimes they are all mixed and confusing.
Idiomatic Expressions (or Idioms) are words or
expressions that don’t have to be translated literally. The
meaning of an idiomatic expression is very different from
the meaning of the words separately. For example: “The red
car caught my eye.” We know that car cannot grasp and
that eye cannot be launched. We need to understand the
meaning of the expression “caught my eye” to understand
what it is being said: “The red car is really wonderful!”
And there are many others like: “Hit to the roof”, “Raise to the roof”, “Get off the heels”, “It’s
raining cats and dogs”, etc.
Definition: To say negative things about someone or something.
Etymology: “Bad” means not good, and ‘mouth’ refers to the
physical act of speech.
bad mouth
Slang of the Day
1) Lisa bad-mouthed her boss at the water cooler.
2) I wish people would stop bad-mouthing Cleveland. It’s
really a very nice city.
Etymology: The ‘Web’ is the World Wide Web. As a verb, ‘surf’ means ‘to ride a board on
the waves of the ocean’. So this phrase suggests that the World Wide Web is like the ocean,
and looking at different Web sites is like riding across the ocean’s waves.
Definition: To look at Web sites on a computer.
1) I need to know some facts about Bolivia; maybe I’ll surf the Web and see
what I can find out.
2) Every night, my brother spends at least three hours surfing the Web.
surf the web
Slang of the Day
Unit 1: The Power of Popular Wisdom
Learning More
Slang is the use of highly informal words and expressions that are not considered standard
in the speaker’s dialect or language. It is very often specific to a particular context or group
as an entertaining language.
Slang of the Day
Definition: Someone who isn’t very smart; a stupid person.
Etymology: If your head is filled with air instead of brains, you probably can’t think very well.
Synonyms: ditz
1) Susan and Jim are such airheads — they love sports but they are failing
all of their classes at school!
2) I woudn’t ask Alaine for the answer — she’s an airhead!
pig out
Slang of the Day
Definition: To eat large amounts of food quickly and without good manners;
to overeat.
Etymology: Pigs are famous for enthusiastically eating enormous quantities of food. So
when a human ‘pigs out’, he or she is eating much like a pig.
1) The pizza is here ! Let’s pig out !
2) At the game, we pigged out on hamburgers and french fries.
Slang of the Day
Definition: To do something very well, particularly an examination (verb);
first-rate (adjective), or an expert (noun).
Etymology: In World War I, a pilot who shot down five enemy planes was called an ‘ace’,
which is the powerful one card in a deck of playing cards. ‘Ace’ can be used as a verb (to do
well) or as an adjective (excellent, best) or as a noun (a nickname for someone who is good at
something, or for a good friend).
1) I’m going to ace this exam - I’ve been studying all week!
2) Lois Lane was the ace reporter for The Daily Planet — although she did
have a lot of trouble uncovering Superman’s identity!
Proverbs (or Sayings) are often repeated familiar and philosophical phrases or expressions
containing wisdom or truth, usually about social behavior.
It’s also common people write wise and intelligent phrases about feelings, attitudes or even
quote famous authors.
"Love is too young to know what conscience is.”
William Shakespeare
Life is too short
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness
Laugh when you can
Apologize when you should
And let go of what you can’t change
Love deeply and forgive quickly
Take chances, give everything
And have no regrets
Life’s too short to be unhappy
You have to take good with the bad
Smile when you’re sad
Love what you got
And always remember what you had
Always forgive but never forget
Learn from your mistakes
But never regret
Because life goes on!
"Thinking is the hardest work there is,
wich is probably the reason why so few
engage in it."
Henry Ford
" Don't compare yourself with anyone in
this world. If you do so, you are insulting
Allen Strike
"The early bird
catches the worm."
"A stitch in time
saves nine."
"Where there's a will
there's a way."
" An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
a) You can’t judge a book by its cover.
b) You are what you eat.
c) Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
1. How can you say this in English?
2. In the beginning of this English book (first page) there is a ______________________________.
3. What is the most spoken slang in your group? Can you write it in English, please?
4. How can you say this in Portuguese?
1. Match the columns:
a - egghead	
b - hard-headed
c - get real!
d - nosh
e - cop
f - in time
( ) policial
( ) na hora H
( ) pessoa muito inteligente
( ) inflexível, cabeça-dura
( ) lanche
( ) cai na real
2. Complete using the correct word:
a) My sister is an _____________________, she is very intelligent.
b) Let’s go to McDonald’s and have a _______________________________.
c) My father doesn’t listen to me! He is _______________________________.
d) Are you crazy? Hellooo!!! _______________________________.
a) Don’t be a chicken. (coward) -
b) The movie was a bomb. (bad) -
c) Shut up! You really have a big mouth.( talk too much) -
d) After working all day I am really beat. (exhausted) -
e) Your ideas about politics are all wet. (completely wrong) -
3. Translate the sentences below:
4. Match the sentences to their meaning:
( ) Oi, mano. E aí?
( ) Ele é tão mão-de-vaca/pão-duro!
( ) Mais ou menos.
( ) Eu preciso de grana.
( ) Nanico, tampinha.
( ) Meu irmão é muito muquirana.
( ) Oi, amorzinho!
( ) Isso é bom pra caramba
( ) Vai embora! Se manda! Cai fora!
( ) Oi, amigo!
( ) Acorde e levante-se!
( ) Estou caindo fora!
( ) Eu também. Eu idem.
( ) Ele é completamente maluco/doido/pirado!
a) G’Day, mate!
b) Hi, honey!
c) So-so.
d) Rise and shine!
e) I’m outta here!
f) He is a runt, but he plays a mean game
of soccer.
g) Same here!
h) Hey, bro. Wassup?
i) This is bloody good!
j) Go away! Go on, beat it!
k) He’s completely loony!
l) He’s so mingy!
m) I need some dough.
n) My brother is a real cheapskate.
There were many inventions in the nineteenth century. Most of those creations and discoveries
are used until nowadays. They were scientific search results realized in laboratories of universities
and industries.
• the match was created in 1831;
• the gun was invented in 1835;
• the photograph (picture) was invented in 1839;
• the telegraph was invented in 1844;
• the typewrite was created in 1867;
• the telephone was invented in 1876;
• the electric light was discovered in 1879;
• the first skycraper was constructed in 1884;
• the automobile was invented in 1885;
• the rubber tire was invented in 1887;
• the X-Ray and the cinema were invented in 1895;
• the first radio set was invented between nineteenth and twentieth century.
Unit 2: The Revolution of Technology
1. What’s the difference between past and present technology?
2. What’s the latest technological invention that you cannot imagine your life without it?
3. Can you compare this kind of technology with any other one from nineteenth century? Why?
4. What invention is not used nowadays? Why?
(Joelza Ester Rodrigue. História em Documento- Imagem e Texto. 7ª Série.
São Paulo: FTD, 2001. Adaptado.)
Simple Present AM, IS, ARE
Simple Past WAS, WERE
I was I wasn’t was I...?
You were You weren’t were You...?
he was he wasn’t was he...?
she was she wasn’t was she...?
it was it wasn’t was it...?
we were we weren’t were we...?
you were you weren’t were you...?
they were they weren’t were they...?
Acesse o site <>, escolha a opção <7º ANO>,
<INGLÊS>, clique nos links <THE SIMPLE PAST OF VERB TO BE> e realize os testes
on-line para verificar seus conhecimentos.
1. Fill in the blanks with TO BE PAST and translate them:
a) I _______________________ at the laundromat yesterday. ____________________________
c) She ______________________ at the parking lot with Jerry. ___________________________
e) “It ________________________ raining cats and dogs.” _______________________________
f) My eyes ___________________________ closed. ___________________________________.
2. Turn the sentences:
a) I was at the butcher’s on Monday. (N)
b) You weren’t terrified. (A)
c) He was at the cell with two monks last Sunday. (N)
d) They were in Lake Street with Annie yesterday. (I)
e) She wasn’t in front of Sam’s house on Saturday. (A)
f) We weren’t worried because of the mistakes last month. (I)
4. Follow the pattern. Pay attention!!!
3. Change the sentences to the past tense:
a) I am a lively girl.
b) You are terrified.
c) He is a generous boy.
d) She is sick.
e) They are in a cell.
f) It’s midnight.
Where was Joe yesterday? (parking lot with Susan)
He was at the parking lot with Susan.
a) Where were Pat and Greg yesterday? (shoe store)
b) Where was Carol yesterday? (bus station with Paul)
c) Where were David and Ann yesterday? (laundromat)
d) Where were Billy and Teddy yesterday? (library)
5. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences:
a) She is thirty now, so last year she ________________ twenty-nine.
	 a. was		 b. were
b) ________________ it a good film?
	 a. was		 b. were
c) I got married when I ________________ twenty-seven.
	 a. was		 b. were
d) It was a great day, but we ________________ so tired.
	 a. was		 b. were
e) I didn’t buy those jeans because they ________________ too expensive.
	 a. was		 b. were
f) When I ________________ a child we lived in Rome.
	 a. was		 b. were
g) Where ________________ you yesterday afternoon?
	 a. was		 b. were
h) ________________ the weather good yesterday?
	 a. was		 b. were
i) They ________________ so naughty as kids.
	 a. was		 b. were
j) Why ________________ he so angry?
	 a. was		 b. were
Unit 3: Paulista Avenue
1. Compare the pictures and make sentences using there was/were – there wasn’t/weren’t:
a) trees
b) traffic jam
c) buildings
d) old beautiful houses
e) asphalt
f) traffic lights
g) pollution
h) marches
i) banks
j) fairs
k) theaters
l) museums
Simple Present THERE IS - THERE ARE
3. Fill in the blanks with the simple past of there to be:
a) ________________________ a girl in the bedroom. (aff.)
b) ________________________ many boys in the garden. (aff.)
c) ________________________ a man in the dining room. (neg.)
d) ________________________ many trees in the backyard. (neg.)
e) 	________________________ many pears on the table. (aff.)
f) ________________________ a monk in the cell. (neg.)
g) 	________________________ a woman in front of the fireplace. (aff.)
h) 	________________________ many tomatoes in the kitchen. (neg.)
4. Turn the sentences into the past tense:
a) There are many records on the bed.
b) There is a poster on the wall.
c) There is a blackboard in the class.
d) There are many chairs in the school.
e) There is a teapot on the table.
f) There is a dog in the backyard.
g) There are ten books in the shelf.
h) There are children in the street.
Unit 4: The Great Fright
I’m Jack and I need to tell you a
story. Yesterday there was a terrible
car accident in front of my house. It
was about 8:00 p.m. and I was reading
a book in my bedroom. My parents
weren’t at home. My little sister, Sally,
was sleeping and my brother, John,
was watching TV. My brother and I
hurried to the window to see what
was happening. Four or five people
were running to the cars. One of the
cars was on fire and there were two
men inside it. Happily, a rescue group
was passing by and they took the men out of the car. My brother and I didn’t do anything
because he is eight and I am only thirteen.
1. Did you ever see any car accident? What were you doing when the accident happened?
2. What did you (or the people) do for helping?
3. How it all ended?
1. Complete the table in the past continuous tense.
You use the past continuous tense to express actions that were happening in exact moment
in the past.
You were playing in the backyard five minutes ago.
She was studying in her room one hour ago.
It is formed by:
To Be Past
( was / were )
Infinitive of
action verbs
without "To"
+ +
The Past Continuous Tense
I was helping I wasn't helping Was I helping ?
You were helping You weren't helping Were you helping ?
He was helping He wasn't helping Was he helping?
She was helping She wasn't helping Was she helping ?
It was helping It wasn't helping Was it helping ?
We were helping We weren't helping Were we helping ?
You were helping You weren't helping Were you helping ?
They were helping They weren't helping Were they helping ?
It was raining.
They were not playing.
Was he helping?
Carol was not eating.
You were singing.
2. Look at the pictures and write in the spaces below what everybody was doing:
3. Write sentences in the past continuous.
4. Read Bob's schedule from yesterday and make sentences about what he was doing at the
different times.
5. Write the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Past Continuous Tense. See the
example below:
6. Make interrogative sentences in your notebook.
1. No texto abaixo, o verbo To be aparece com um significado diferente do que você aprendeu.
Tente identificá-lo e explicá-lo.
"I wasn’t at home last night but my parents were. I was at the movies and it
was good. I was with my friends. They were very interested in the movie. It was
a new movie with Tom Hanks and Brad Pitt. They were excellent. After that we
were at Chicken’s Place for dinner and we were so happy."
1. The mother was:
(A) doubting Marcio’s mother.
(B) believing in the son.
(C) doubting the son.
(D) satisfied with the son’s answers.
3. Why did the son lie to her mother?
2. The boy probably:
(A) fell down into contradiction.
(B) didn’t fall down into contradiction.
(C) didn’t bother himself with the questions.
(D) didn’t answer the questions.
(Adapted from: <
continuous>. Access in April. 2010).
You and your mother were talking a little bit...
Mother: Where were you after school yesterday?
Son: I was at Marcio’s house.
Mother: And why were you at Marcio’s house?
Son: Because there was a Math Essay to do.
Mother: No. You weren’t at Marcio’s house yesterday to do Math Essay.
Son: Why not, Mom?
Mother: Because I called Marcio’s mother and she told me so …
Son: Oooops!
Uniforms are common in elementary, middle
and junior high school, according to the Federal
Department of Education. All students must wear
the prescribed school uniform all time. Uniforms
are always neat and clean. Neckties are worn
correctly and shirttails are tucked in. Nametags
are shown inside the uniform, so that will be easier to find it if lost. If a student is temporarily
unable to wear his/her uniform correctly, a note from parent/guardian is required explaining
the situation. This note is provided to the Year Coordinator who will provide the student with
a red slip (a small card to carry around explaining that the uniform infringement is temporarily
and explained). The school reserves the right to exclude students from participating in outside
excursions, visits and sporting activities if they are incorrectly dressed or have consistently
failed to abide by the Uniform Policy. Wearing the school uniform properly and having a
presentable appearance is a vital part of giving the right impression. It’s the responsibility
for every student, therefore to ensure that they stick to the regulations and do not the school
(Adapted from: <www.modern>;<
.../school-uniform6.jpg>. Access in Apr. 2007.).
Do You agree with the use of school uniform? why?
Please, answer it in your notebook.
Unit 5: Life in the Past
People have lived of different ways in the earth
through the years.
Most of these ancient people lived in small family
groups. Adults and children alike share the tasks of
daily life. They usually hunt to get food. Some of those
captured animals took hours to dig up and days to
cook on a hot rock cooking. They also ate wild plants
and meats from nature as grasses with seeds, trees
with nuts, and bushes with fruits (wild berries), smoky
sweet roots (or bulbs) of wild onion. They usually lived
in large openings in canyon walls or they built their
houses with grass, stone and an early type of cement.
Sometimes they used frame branches covered with
animals’ leather when they migrate. So they took part their houses to bring with them.
1. Can you imagine your life in the past? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living
as they lived in the past?
2. Are there people still living like that nowadays? Which place in the world?
(Adapted from: <>.
Access in: October. 2009.).
1. Rewrite the sentences below in the Simple Past Tense in your notebook:
2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms in your notebook:
3. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past (regular and irregular) of the following verbs:
4. Answer the questions about you:
5. Fill in table, then use the information ti finish the sentences and answer the questions:
• Now answer these questions about you:
6. Complete the text using the words in the box:
Acesse o site <>, escolha a opção <7º ANO>,
<INGLÊS>, clique nos links <SIMPLE PAST TENSE>, <ACTION VERBS> e realize os
testes on-line para verificar seus conhecimentos.
Last night I ____________of San Pedro
Just like I’d never gone, I ___________the song
A young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
I _______ in love with San Pedro
Warm wind carried on the sea, he ___________to me
Te dijo te amo
I ______________that the days would last
They ___________ so fast
(repeat chorus)
I want to be where the sun warms the sky
When it’s time for siesta you can watch them go by
Beautiful faces, no cares in this world
Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy… loves a girl
Last night I _____________ of San Pedro
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
(chorus twice)
La la la la la la la
Te dijo te amo
La la la la la la la
El dijo que te ama
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba ________________
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
Your Spanish lullaby
While listening to the song, write down the verbs in the simple past as much as you can hear.
(Available to: <
madonna/63389/>. Access in: June 2006).
Father's Day
It is done every day! Do your best!
Write down the reasons why you’re thankful for!
You may offer only treat!
The Christmas Tree
As early as 4,000 BC,
evergreen trees were used
during winter solstice as a
symbol of life, promissing
Spring’s return. In the 7th.
century Saint Boniface, na
English monk, was sent to
Germany to spread the word
of God. After spending a great
deal of time in Thuringia,
he chose to use the fir tree
as na analogy of the Holy
Trinity, with each corner of
the tree’s triangular shape
representing the Father,
the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Soon the fur tree
was regarded as God’s
tree. By the 17th.
century, the trees
were displayed every
Christmas to depict
the everlasting
hope of
fresh air - ar puro
Friday - sexta-feira
full - cheio
fun - diversão, divertimento
go - ir, vai
giving - dando
glasses - óculos
great - grande, ótimo
grocery - supermercado
guess what - adivinhe
guest - convidado
granted - outorgou
grid - grade
hair - cabelo
help - ajudar
hand - mão
hard - duro, incansavelmente
hat - chapéu
have - ter, tem
home - lar, casa
homework - lição de casa
how many - quantos (as)
idiomatic - idiomático (a)
inside - dentro
job - emprego, trabalho
joy - alegria
kind - amável (eis), gentil (is)
kitchen - cozinha
know - saber, conhecer
last - último, por último
last year - último ano
laughs - ri, sorri
laundromat - lavanderia aut.
leave - partir, ir embora
let - deixe
let go of - deixe para trás
clean - limpar
commemorative - comemorativo (a)
communication - comunicação
couldn’t - não poderia
couple - pouco(s)
crowned - coroado
cross - cruzar, riscar
crowded - cheio, lotado
daily - diária (s)
dark-brown - marrom escuro
dates - datas
didn’t - não
dinner - jantar
dishes - louças
done - feito
dress - vestir, vestido
during - durante
each other - uns aos outros
earth - Terra
easier - mais fácil
ends - acaba, tem fim
erase - apagar
expensive - caro
expressions - expressões
express - expressar
ever - sempre, em qualquer tempo
every - todos(as)
fairs - justos
fan - fã, torcedor
farewell - despedida, adeus
fate - destino
feel - sentir, sinto
feels - sente
fill - encher
find - encontrar,achar
finish - terminar
fireplace - lareira
food - comida
flute - flauta transversa
frequency - freqüência
ability - aptidão, habilidade
afraid - medo
ahead - adiante
alarm - alarme
alib - álibe, alegação
also - além disso
always - sempre
amenities - prazeres
among - entre
angry - zangado
anything - algum (a)
appearance - aparência
awfull - terrível, horroroso
backyard - quintal
bad - mau,ruim
be - ser, estar
beaches - praias
become - tornar-se
being - ser
belonging - pertences
best - melhor
blood - sangue
both - ambos
blouse - blusa
bother - preocupação, aborrecer
brighter - mais brilhante
brush - escovar
buildings - prédios
bunch - cacho, bando, turma
buy - comprar
cake - bolo	
called - chamou
cell - célula
century - século
chance - chance
chain - cadeia de hotéis, rede
change - mudar
changed - mudou, mudado
child - criança
children - crianças
church - igreja
classes - aulas
lies - mentiras
live - viver, vive
lively - alegre, animado
living - vivo, vivendo
looks - olha, parece
lost - perdido
loud - alto
main - principal(is)
makes - fazer
marches - passeatas, marchas
math - matemática
may - poder, possa
mercy - piedade, compaixão
midnight - meia-noite
milk - leite
mistakes - confundir
monks - monges
motorcycle - motocicleta, moto
much - muito
myself - eu mesmo (a)
nails - unhas
naughty - levado, travesso
neat - arrumado
neckties - gravatas
neighborhood - vizinhança
never - nunca
new - novo (a)
nothing - nada
nowadays - hoje em dia
office - escritório
opened - abriu, aberto
pants - calça
places - lugares
polite - educado (a) (s), simpático
(a) (s)
possibilities - possibilidades
possibility - possibilidade
proverbs - provérbios
put - coloque, ponha
raining - chovendo
really - realmente
records - registro, registrar
regret - arrependimento, lamento
regulations - normas
right - direita, certa
rewrite - reescreva
recognize - reconhecer, confessar
right - certo,direito
rivers - rios
rollerblade - patins
roof - telhado
room - sala
safety - segurança
screams - grita
screen - tela (de TV, de
seas - mares
see - ver
seem - parecer, dar a
impressão de
send - enviar
shelf - estante
shoes - sapatos
shopping mall - centro de
compras, shopping
shore - margem
show - mostra, espetáculo
shower - banho
sick - doente
side - lado
signboard - placa de sinalização
sir - senhor
skirt - saia
sky - céu
slangs - gírias
slate - piso,ardósia, pedra
sleds - trenós
sleight - trenó
something - alguma coisa
sometimes - às vezes
sorrow - tristeza
spa - sala, local para relaxamento
speak - falar
spring - primavera
start - começar, commeço
statement - declaração
stick - enfiar,colar
stone - pedra
strange - estranho
sun - sol
sweater - casaco de lã
swim - nadar
take - pegar
teapot - bule de chá
terrified - apavorado
therefore - portanto
thorn - espinho
though - ainda que, embora,
apesar de
thousand - mil
through - por entre
too - também
time - tempo, época
trips - viagens
t-shirt - camiseta
truth - verdade
twist - contorcer
uncertainty - incerteza
understand - entender
usually - normalmente
vacation - férias
valuable - valioso, precioso
visible - visível
vocation - vocação
wait - esperar
wear - usar
wash away - lavar, limpar, eliminar
watch - assistir TV
way - maneira, jeito
wearing - usando
wearther - tempo
weekend - final de semana
what - o que, qual
whatever - o que quer que
when - quando
while - enquanto
winter - inverno
without - sem
work - trabalhar
world - mundo
worried - preocupado
wow - ual!
yard - quintal

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07 ingles 7ano

  • 1. 163 7º ANO “Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.” Clare Boothe Luce UNIT 1: The Power of Popular Wisdom ......................................... 164 UNIT 2: The Revolution of Technology ........................................... 169 UNIT 3: Paulista Avenue................................................................. 172 UNIT 4: The Great Fright ................................................................ 174 UNIT 5: Life In The Past ................................................................. 180 Celebration......................................................................... 186 Vocabulary......................................................................... 189
  • 2. 164 Did you ever heard about Slangs, Idiomatic Expressions, Idioms, Sayings or Proverbs? They are all special way of people’s speaking that transmits their wisdom, their culture and life experience. Sometimes they are all mixed and confusing. Idiomatic Expressions (or Idioms) are words or expressions that don’t have to be translated literally. The meaning of an idiomatic expression is very different from the meaning of the words separately. For example: “The red car caught my eye.” We know that car cannot grasp and that eye cannot be launched. We need to understand the meaning of the expression “caught my eye” to understand what it is being said: “The red car is really wonderful!” And there are many others like: “Hit to the roof”, “Raise to the roof”, “Get off the heels”, “It’s raining cats and dogs”, etc. Definition: To say negative things about someone or something. Etymology: “Bad” means not good, and ‘mouth’ refers to the physical act of speech. bad mouth Slang of the Day Example: 1) Lisa bad-mouthed her boss at the water cooler. 2) I wish people would stop bad-mouthing Cleveland. It’s really a very nice city. Etymology: The ‘Web’ is the World Wide Web. As a verb, ‘surf’ means ‘to ride a board on the waves of the ocean’. So this phrase suggests that the World Wide Web is like the ocean, and looking at different Web sites is like riding across the ocean’s waves. Definition: To look at Web sites on a computer. Example: 1) I need to know some facts about Bolivia; maybe I’ll surf the Web and see what I can find out. 2) Every night, my brother spends at least three hours surfing the Web. surf the web Slang of the Day Unit 1: The Power of Popular Wisdom Learning More
  • 3. 165 Slang is the use of highly informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker’s dialect or language. It is very often specific to a particular context or group as an entertaining language. airhead Slang of the Day Definition: Someone who isn’t very smart; a stupid person. Etymology: If your head is filled with air instead of brains, you probably can’t think very well. Synonyms: ditz Example: 1) Susan and Jim are such airheads — they love sports but they are failing all of their classes at school! 2) I woudn’t ask Alaine for the answer — she’s an airhead! pig out Slang of the Day Definition: To eat large amounts of food quickly and without good manners; to overeat. Etymology: Pigs are famous for enthusiastically eating enormous quantities of food. So when a human ‘pigs out’, he or she is eating much like a pig. Example: 1) The pizza is here ! Let’s pig out ! 2) At the game, we pigged out on hamburgers and french fries. ace Slang of the Day Definition: To do something very well, particularly an examination (verb); first-rate (adjective), or an expert (noun). Etymology: In World War I, a pilot who shot down five enemy planes was called an ‘ace’, which is the powerful one card in a deck of playing cards. ‘Ace’ can be used as a verb (to do well) or as an adjective (excellent, best) or as a noun (a nickname for someone who is good at something, or for a good friend). Example: 1) I’m going to ace this exam - I’ve been studying all week! 2) Lois Lane was the ace reporter for The Daily Planet — although she did have a lot of trouble uncovering Superman’s identity!
  • 4. 166 Proverbs (or Sayings) are often repeated familiar and philosophical phrases or expressions containing wisdom or truth, usually about social behavior. It’s also common people write wise and intelligent phrases about feelings, attitudes or even quote famous authors. "Love is too young to know what conscience is.” William Shakespeare Life is too short Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness Laugh when you can Apologize when you should And let go of what you can’t change Love deeply and forgive quickly Take chances, give everything And have no regrets Life’s too short to be unhappy You have to take good with the bad Smile when you’re sad Love what you got And always remember what you had Always forgive but never forget Learn from your mistakes But never regret Because life goes on! "Thinking is the hardest work there is, wich is probably the reason why so few engage in it." Henry Ford " Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself." Allen Strike "The early bird catches the worm." "A stitch in time saves nine." "Where there's a will there's a way." " An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
  • 5. 167 a) You can’t judge a book by its cover. b) You are what you eat. c) Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. 1. How can you say this in English? 2. In the beginning of this English book (first page) there is a ______________________________. 3. What is the most spoken slang in your group? Can you write it in English, please? 4. How can you say this in Portuguese? a) c) b) d)
  • 6. 168 1. Match the columns: a - egghead b - hard-headed c - get real! d - nosh e - cop f - in time ( ) policial ( ) na hora H ( ) pessoa muito inteligente ( ) inflexível, cabeça-dura ( ) lanche ( ) cai na real 2. Complete using the correct word: a) My sister is an _____________________, she is very intelligent. b) Let’s go to McDonald’s and have a _______________________________. c) My father doesn’t listen to me! He is _______________________________. d) Are you crazy? Hellooo!!! _______________________________. a) Don’t be a chicken. (coward) - b) The movie was a bomb. (bad) - c) Shut up! You really have a big mouth.( talk too much) - d) After working all day I am really beat. (exhausted) - e) Your ideas about politics are all wet. (completely wrong) - 3. Translate the sentences below: 4. Match the sentences to their meaning: ( ) Oi, mano. E aí? ( ) Ele é tão mão-de-vaca/pão-duro! ( ) Mais ou menos. ( ) Eu preciso de grana. ( ) Nanico, tampinha. ( ) Meu irmão é muito muquirana. ( ) Oi, amorzinho! ( ) Isso é bom pra caramba ( ) Vai embora! Se manda! Cai fora! ( ) Oi, amigo! ( ) Acorde e levante-se! ( ) Estou caindo fora! ( ) Eu também. Eu idem. ( ) Ele é completamente maluco/doido/pirado! a) G’Day, mate! b) Hi, honey! c) So-so. d) Rise and shine! e) I’m outta here! f) He is a runt, but he plays a mean game of soccer. g) Same here! h) Hey, bro. Wassup? i) This is bloody good! j) Go away! Go on, beat it! k) He’s completely loony! l) He’s so mingy! m) I need some dough. n) My brother is a real cheapskate.
  • 7. 169 There were many inventions in the nineteenth century. Most of those creations and discoveries are used until nowadays. They were scientific search results realized in laboratories of universities and industries. • the match was created in 1831; • the gun was invented in 1835; • the photograph (picture) was invented in 1839; • the telegraph was invented in 1844; • the typewrite was created in 1867; • the telephone was invented in 1876; • the electric light was discovered in 1879; • the first skycraper was constructed in 1884; • the automobile was invented in 1885; • the rubber tire was invented in 1887; • the X-Ray and the cinema were invented in 1895; • the first radio set was invented between nineteenth and twentieth century. Unit 2: The Revolution of Technology 1. What’s the difference between past and present technology? 2. What’s the latest technological invention that you cannot imagine your life without it? 3. Can you compare this kind of technology with any other one from nineteenth century? Why? 4. What invention is not used nowadays? Why? (Joelza Ester Rodrigue. História em Documento- Imagem e Texto. 7ª Série. São Paulo: FTD, 2001. Adaptado.)
  • 8. 170 TO BE - SIMPLE PAST TO BE SER / ESTAR Simple Present AM, IS, ARE Simple Past WAS, WERE AFFIRMATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORm I was I wasn’t was I...? You were You weren’t were You...? he was he wasn’t was he...? she was she wasn’t was she...? it was it wasn’t was it...? we were we weren’t were we...? you were you weren’t were you...? they were they weren’t were they...? Acesse o site <>, escolha a opção <7º ANO>, <INGLÊS>, clique nos links <THE SIMPLE PAST OF VERB TO BE> e realize os testes on-line para verificar seus conhecimentos. 1. Fill in the blanks with TO BE PAST and translate them: a) I _______________________ at the laundromat yesterday. ____________________________ b)You________________________atthebusstationlastMonday.________________________ c) She ______________________ at the parking lot with Jerry. ___________________________ d)They_________________________terrifiedofthatstrangealarmlock.___________________ e) “It ________________________ raining cats and dogs.” _______________________________ f) My eyes ___________________________ closed. ___________________________________. 2. Turn the sentences: a) I was at the butcher’s on Monday. (N) b) You weren’t terrified. (A) c) He was at the cell with two monks last Sunday. (N) d) They were in Lake Street with Annie yesterday. (I) e) She wasn’t in front of Sam’s house on Saturday. (A) f) We weren’t worried because of the mistakes last month. (I)
  • 9. 171 4. Follow the pattern. Pay attention!!! 3. Change the sentences to the past tense: a) I am a lively girl. b) You are terrified. c) He is a generous boy. d) She is sick. e) They are in a cell. f) It’s midnight. Where was Joe yesterday? (parking lot with Susan) He was at the parking lot with Susan. a) Where were Pat and Greg yesterday? (shoe store) b) Where was Carol yesterday? (bus station with Paul) c) Where were David and Ann yesterday? (laundromat) d) Where were Billy and Teddy yesterday? (library) 5. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences: a) She is thirty now, so last year she ________________ twenty-nine. a. was b. were b) ________________ it a good film? a. was b. were c) I got married when I ________________ twenty-seven. a. was b. were d) It was a great day, but we ________________ so tired. a. was b. were e) I didn’t buy those jeans because they ________________ too expensive. a. was b. were f) When I ________________ a child we lived in Rome. a. was b. were g) Where ________________ you yesterday afternoon? a. was b. were h) ________________ the weather good yesterday? a. was b. were i) They ________________ so naughty as kids. a. was b. were j) Why ________________ he so angry? a. was b. were
  • 10. 172 Unit 3: Paulista Avenue Nowadays Past 1. Compare the pictures and make sentences using there was/were – there wasn’t/weren’t: a) trees b) traffic jam c) buildings d) old beautiful houses e) asphalt f) traffic lights g) pollution h) marches i) banks j) fairs k) theaters l) museums
  • 11. 173 THE SIMPLE PAST OF THERE TO BE THERE TO BE HAVER, TER OU EXISTIR Simple Present THERE IS - THERE ARE Simple Past THERE WAS - THERE WERE FORMS AFFIRMATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORm Singular THERE WAS THERE WASN'T WAS THERE...? Plural THERE WERE THERE WEREN'T WERE THERE...? 3. Fill in the blanks with the simple past of there to be: a) ________________________ a girl in the bedroom. (aff.) b) ________________________ many boys in the garden. (aff.) c) ________________________ a man in the dining room. (neg.) d) ________________________ many trees in the backyard. (neg.) e) ________________________ many pears on the table. (aff.) f) ________________________ a monk in the cell. (neg.) g) ________________________ a woman in front of the fireplace. (aff.) h) ________________________ many tomatoes in the kitchen. (neg.) 4. Turn the sentences into the past tense: a) There are many records on the bed. b) There is a poster on the wall. c) There is a blackboard in the class. d) There are many chairs in the school. e) There is a teapot on the table. f) There is a dog in the backyard. g) There are ten books in the shelf. h) There are children in the street.
  • 12. 174 Unit 4: The Great Fright I’m Jack and I need to tell you a story. Yesterday there was a terrible car accident in front of my house. It was about 8:00 p.m. and I was reading a book in my bedroom. My parents weren’t at home. My little sister, Sally, was sleeping and my brother, John, was watching TV. My brother and I hurried to the window to see what was happening. Four or five people were running to the cars. One of the cars was on fire and there were two men inside it. Happily, a rescue group was passing by and they took the men out of the car. My brother and I didn’t do anything because he is eight and I am only thirteen. 1. Did you ever see any car accident? What were you doing when the accident happened? 2. What did you (or the people) do for helping? 3. How it all ended? (Adapted)
  • 13. 175 1. Complete the table in the past continuous tense. You use the past continuous tense to express actions that were happening in exact moment in the past. Examples: Examples: You were playing in the backyard five minutes ago. She was studying in her room one hour ago. It is formed by: To Be Past ( was / were ) "ING" Infinitive of action verbs without "To" + + TO HELP The Past Continuous Tense AFFIRMATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORm I was helping I wasn't helping Was I helping ? You were helping You weren't helping Were you helping ? He was helping He wasn't helping Was he helping? She was helping She wasn't helping Was she helping ? It was helping It wasn't helping Was it helping ? We were helping We weren't helping Were we helping ? You were helping You weren't helping Were you helping ? They were helping They weren't helping Were they helping ? AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE It was raining. They were not playing. Was he helping? Carol was not eating. You were singing.
  • 14. 176 2. Look at the pictures and write in the spaces below what everybody was doing: 3. Write sentences in the past continuous.
  • 15. 177 4. Read Bob's schedule from yesterday and make sentences about what he was doing at the different times. 5. Write the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Past Continuous Tense. See the example below: 6. Make interrogative sentences in your notebook.
  • 16. 178 1. No texto abaixo, o verbo To be aparece com um significado diferente do que você aprendeu. Tente identificá-lo e explicá-lo. "I wasn’t at home last night but my parents were. I was at the movies and it was good. I was with my friends. They were very interested in the movie. It was a new movie with Tom Hanks and Brad Pitt. They were excellent. After that we were at Chicken’s Place for dinner and we were so happy." 1. The mother was: (A) doubting Marcio’s mother. (B) believing in the son. (C) doubting the son. (D) satisfied with the son’s answers. 3. Why did the son lie to her mother? 2. The boy probably: (A) fell down into contradiction. (B) didn’t fall down into contradiction. (C) didn’t bother himself with the questions. (D) didn’t answer the questions. (Adapted from: < continuous>. Access in April. 2010). You and your mother were talking a little bit... Mother: Where were you after school yesterday? Son: I was at Marcio’s house. Mother: And why were you at Marcio’s house? Son: Because there was a Math Essay to do. Mother: No. You weren’t at Marcio’s house yesterday to do Math Essay. Son: Why not, Mom? Mother: Because I called Marcio’s mother and she told me so … Son: Oooops!
  • 17. 179 Uniforms are common in elementary, middle and junior high school, according to the Federal Department of Education. All students must wear the prescribed school uniform all time. Uniforms are always neat and clean. Neckties are worn correctly and shirttails are tucked in. Nametags are shown inside the uniform, so that will be easier to find it if lost. If a student is temporarily unable to wear his/her uniform correctly, a note from parent/guardian is required explaining the situation. This note is provided to the Year Coordinator who will provide the student with a red slip (a small card to carry around explaining that the uniform infringement is temporarily and explained). The school reserves the right to exclude students from participating in outside excursions, visits and sporting activities if they are incorrectly dressed or have consistently failed to abide by the Uniform Policy. Wearing the school uniform properly and having a presentable appearance is a vital part of giving the right impression. It’s the responsibility for every student, therefore to ensure that they stick to the regulations and do not the school down. (Adapted from: <www.modern>;< .../school-uniform6.jpg>. Access in Apr. 2007.). HOW IS THE WORLD ? WHAT CAN WE DO TO SAVE THE PLANET ? Do You agree with the use of school uniform? why? Please, answer it in your notebook.
  • 18. 180 Unit 5: Life in the Past People have lived of different ways in the earth through the years. Most of these ancient people lived in small family groups. Adults and children alike share the tasks of daily life. They usually hunt to get food. Some of those captured animals took hours to dig up and days to cook on a hot rock cooking. They also ate wild plants and meats from nature as grasses with seeds, trees with nuts, and bushes with fruits (wild berries), smoky sweet roots (or bulbs) of wild onion. They usually lived in large openings in canyon walls or they built their houses with grass, stone and an early type of cement. Sometimes they used frame branches covered with animals’ leather when they migrate. So they took part their houses to bring with them. 1. Can you imagine your life in the past? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living as they lived in the past? 2. Are there people still living like that nowadays? Which place in the world? (Adapted from: <>. Access in: October. 2009.).
  • 21. 183 1. Rewrite the sentences below in the Simple Past Tense in your notebook: 2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms in your notebook: 3. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past (regular and irregular) of the following verbs:
  • 22. 184 4. Answer the questions about you: 5. Fill in table, then use the information ti finish the sentences and answer the questions: • Now answer these questions about you: 6. Complete the text using the words in the box:
  • 23. 185 Acesse o site <>, escolha a opção <7º ANO>, <INGLÊS>, clique nos links <SIMPLE PAST TENSE>, <ACTION VERBS> e realize os testes on-line para verificar seus conhecimentos. LA ISLA BONITA Madonna Last night I ____________of San Pedro Just like I’d never gone, I ___________the song A young girl with eyes like the desert It all seems like yesterday, not far away I _______ in love with San Pedro Warm wind carried on the sea, he ___________to me Te dijo te amo I ______________that the days would last They ___________ so fast (repeat chorus) I want to be where the sun warms the sky When it’s time for siesta you can watch them go by Beautiful faces, no cares in this world Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy… loves a girl Last night I _____________ of San Pedro It all seems like yesterday, not far away (chorus twice) La la la la la la la Te dijo te amo La la la la la la la El dijo que te ama Tropical the island breeze All of nature wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba ________________ The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes Your Spanish lullaby Chorus While listening to the song, write down the verbs in the simple past as much as you can hear. (Available to: < madonna/63389/>. Access in: June 2006).
  • 24. 186 Father's Day It is done every day! Do your best!
  • 25. 187 Write down the reasons why you’re thankful for! You may offer only treat!
  • 26. 188 The Christmas Tree As early as 4,000 BC, evergreen trees were used during winter solstice as a symbol of life, promissing Spring’s return. In the 7th. century Saint Boniface, na English monk, was sent to Germany to spread the word of God. After spending a great deal of time in Thuringia, he chose to use the fir tree as na analogy of the Holy Trinity, with each corner of the tree’s triangular shape representing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Soon the fur tree was regarded as God’s tree. By the 17th. century, the trees were displayed every Christmas to depict the everlasting hope of mankind.
  • 27. 189 fresh air - ar puro Friday - sexta-feira full - cheio fun - diversão, divertimento G go - ir, vai giving - dando glasses - óculos great - grande, ótimo grocery - supermercado guess what - adivinhe guest - convidado granted - outorgou grid - grade H hair - cabelo help - ajudar hand - mão hard - duro, incansavelmente hat - chapéu have - ter, tem home - lar, casa homework - lição de casa how many - quantos (as) I idiomatic - idiomático (a) inside - dentro J job - emprego, trabalho joy - alegria K kind - amável (eis), gentil (is) kitchen - cozinha know - saber, conhecer L last - último, por último last year - último ano laughs - ri, sorri laundromat - lavanderia aut. leave - partir, ir embora let - deixe let go of - deixe para trás clean - limpar commemorative - comemorativo (a) (s) communication - comunicação couldn’t - não poderia couple - pouco(s) crowned - coroado cross - cruzar, riscar crowded - cheio, lotado D daily - diária (s) dark-brown - marrom escuro dates - datas didn’t - não dinner - jantar dishes - louças done - feito dress - vestir, vestido during - durante E each other - uns aos outros earth - Terra easier - mais fácil ends - acaba, tem fim erase - apagar expensive - caro expressions - expressões express - expressar ever - sempre, em qualquer tempo every - todos(as) F fairs - justos fan - fã, torcedor farewell - despedida, adeus fate - destino feel - sentir, sinto feels - sente fill - encher find - encontrar,achar finish - terminar fireplace - lareira food - comida flute - flauta transversa frequency - freqüência A ability - aptidão, habilidade afraid - medo ahead - adiante alarm - alarme alib - álibe, alegação also - além disso always - sempre amenities - prazeres among - entre angry - zangado anything - algum (a) appearance - aparência awfull - terrível, horroroso B backyard - quintal bad - mau,ruim be - ser, estar beaches - praias become - tornar-se being - ser belonging - pertences best - melhor blood - sangue both - ambos blouse - blusa bother - preocupação, aborrecer brighter - mais brilhante brush - escovar buildings - prédios bunch - cacho, bando, turma buy - comprar C cake - bolo called - chamou cell - célula century - século chance - chance chain - cadeia de hotéis, rede change - mudar changed - mudou, mudado child - criança children - crianças church - igreja classes - aulas
  • 28. 190 lies - mentiras live - viver, vive lively - alegre, animado living - vivo, vivendo looks - olha, parece lost - perdido loud - alto M main - principal(is) makes - fazer marches - passeatas, marchas math - matemática may - poder, possa mercy - piedade, compaixão midnight - meia-noite milk - leite mistakes - confundir monks - monges motorcycle - motocicleta, moto much - muito myself - eu mesmo (a) N nails - unhas naughty - levado, travesso neat - arrumado neckties - gravatas neighborhood - vizinhança never - nunca new - novo (a) nothing - nada nowadays - hoje em dia O office - escritório opened - abriu, aberto P pants - calça places - lugares polite - educado (a) (s), simpático (a) (s) possibilities - possibilidades possibility - possibilidade proverbs - provérbios put - coloque, ponha R raining - chovendo really - realmente records - registro, registrar regret - arrependimento, lamento regulations - normas right - direita, certa rewrite - reescreva recognize - reconhecer, confessar right - certo,direito rivers - rios rollerblade - patins roof - telhado room - sala S safety - segurança screams - grita screen - tela (de TV, de computador) seas - mares see - ver seem - parecer, dar a impressão de send - enviar shelf - estante shoes - sapatos shopping mall - centro de compras, shopping shore - margem show - mostra, espetáculo shower - banho sick - doente side - lado signboard - placa de sinalização sir - senhor skirt - saia sky - céu slangs - gírias slate - piso,ardósia, pedra sleds - trenós sleight - trenó something - alguma coisa sometimes - às vezes sorrow - tristeza spa - sala, local para relaxamento speak - falar spring - primavera start - começar, commeço statement - declaração stick - enfiar,colar stone - pedra strange - estranho sun - sol sweater - casaco de lã swim - nadar T take - pegar teapot - bule de chá terrified - apavorado therefore - portanto thorn - espinho though - ainda que, embora, apesar de thousand - mil through - por entre too - também time - tempo, época trips - viagens t-shirt - camiseta truth - verdade twist - contorcer U uncertainty - incerteza understand - entender usually - normalmente V vacation - férias valuable - valioso, precioso visible - visível vocation - vocação W wait - esperar wear - usar wash away - lavar, limpar, eliminar watch - assistir TV way - maneira, jeito wearing - usando wearther - tempo weekend - final de semana what - o que, qual whatever - o que quer que when - quando while - enquanto winter - inverno without - sem work - trabalhar world - mundo worried - preocupado wow - ual! Y yard - quintal