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Special Booklet CAF 2 - Key
UNIT 6 - Twilight
Section 1 - Paraphrasing
1. Rewrite the sentences taken from the screenplay. Remember to keep the
same idea.

a) They all moved down from Alaska two years ago.
They used to live in Alaska a couple of years ago.
b) Jess, they’re not actually related.
Jess, they aren’t brother and sister.
c) Anyway, don’t waste your time.
Well, don’t spend too much time on that.
d) But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care.
Nobody here seems to appeal to him. That is not important to me.

Section 2 - Reading Comprehension
1. Read this review on Twilight, the movie. Then, answer the questions that
a) Mark True or False according to the passage:
( T ) Kristine had read the book before.
( F ) The movie is highly recommended by her.
( F ) She thinks the actors that played Edward and Bella were excellent.
( F ) Kristine doesn’t think the movie is average.

Section 3 - Vocabulary Activator
1. Match the words to the sentence accordingly

(c) Edward is a sensitive vampire. But he can sometimes become
(a) Bella is kind of introverted. She is not really outgoing.
(e) The Cullens are very sophisticated. They live in a timber and glass
house and drive a posh car.
(d) The Cullens are said to be sexy. Everyone turns to them as soon as they
enter a room.
(b) Bella’s life changed overnight when she moved to Forks.

Section 4 - Editing
There are eight mistakes in the text below, find and correct them to learn a bit more
about Edward and Bella. The first one has been done for you.
Edward: Vampire
He has bronze colored hair, gold (golden) eyes, and pale skin (like all vampires). He
has the hability (ability) to read everyone's mind, except Bella's. He is also much faster
than other vampires. He was borned (born) as a human in 1901 in Chicago, but was
changed into a vampire by Carlisle in 1918 when he was dying of the Spanish
Influenza. He is in love with Bella Swan. He is a "vegetarian" vampire and is also a very
well (good) pianist.
Bella: Human
She has big brown eyes and brown hairs (hair). She is very clumsy and blushes
easy (easily). She is the one exception to Edward's mind-reading gift. She is in love
with Edward and she live (lives) with his (her) father in Forks, Washington. Her blood is
extremely appealing to Edward and very hard to resist, often putting her life on the line.

UNIT 6 - Your Life in the Stars
Reflexive Learning
1. In this unit you have learned how to express the future in many different
ways. Match the sentences with the explanations.

(c) They’re going to travel the day after the wedding.
(d) Our team will win the championship this year. We have the best players.
(b) I’m climbing the Everest on July 1st.
(a) The movie starts in 30 minutes.

a) It’s used to talk about events that are scheduled in the near future, for
example talking about public transportation.
b) It is used when the speaker is talking about a planned activity.
c) To express an activity planned before the moment of speaking.
d) Predictions or assumptions about the future or decision made at the
moment of speaking.
2. Read the situations and decide whether to use will or going to:
(1) Will

(2) Going to

(1) You have decided to go to the movies right now.
(2) They bought the airplane tickets to Paris last month.
(2) She planned to watch the movie yesterday.
(1) He thinks his soccer team is winning the game tomorrow.

3. Can you remember any adjectives from the Warm Up section?

4. Group the expressions/words with the correct preposition of time.




( IN )













5. Now group the words/expressions with the prepositions of place:



the sky

a chair

the bus stop

the water

the ground

the bottom

the ocean

the wall

a party

the East

the twentieth floor

a country

a sofa

a garden
the photo

6. How did you like this unit? Justify your answer.

UNIT 7 - Shakespeare in Love
Section 1 - Reading Comprehension
a) How does Romeo describe Juliet?
Romeo describes her as the sun in the sky.

b) Why does Juliet suggest that Romeo should change his name?
Because there is an old grudge between the two families and they
wouldn’t allow a relationship between a Montague and a Capulet.

c) Why did Juliet say to Romeo not to promise by the moon?
Because the moon changes every month and Juliet does not want
their love to change like the moon.

d) Which one do you think sounds more mature? Justify.

Section 2 - Editing
The paragraph below explains one possible source that inspired Shakespeare to write
the story of Romeo and Juliet. As you read choose the word in bold that best fits in the

Shakespeare did not invent the story of Romeo and Juliet. He probably heard it via a
poem: Romeus and Juliet (1562) written by a poet called Arthur Brooks. It was a long
and boring poem, but many of the details of Shakespeare’s plot are lifted directly from
Brooks’s poem, including the meeting at the ball, the secret marriage, Romeo’s fight
with Tybalt, the sleeping potion, and the lovers’ eventual suicides.’ Such taking from
other stories is typical of Shakespeare, who often wrote plays based on well-known
stories. But Shakespeare made it more exciting by adding the character of Mercutio,
and by fitting the story into four frantic days.

Section 3 - Paraphrasing
William Shakespeare contributed more phrases and sayings to the English language
than any other individual - and most of them are still in daily use. Look at the sayings
and write down their meaning. Use a dictionary or surf the many Shakespearian
websites on the Internet to help you.

a) All that glitter is not gold.
A showy article may not necessarily be valuable.

b) All's well that ends well.
A risky enterprise is justified as long as it turns out well in the end.

c) I will wear my heart upon my sleeve.
Display your feelings openly, for all to see.

d) In the twinkling of an eye.
In an instant.

e) To be, or not to be, that is the question.
Is it better to live or to die?

f) Fight fire with fire.
Respond to an attack by using a similar method as one's attacker.

Part 4 - Vocabulary Activator
Read the poem below and fill the blanks with the options in the box.

THE VICTOR by C.W. Longenecker

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will.
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win the prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

UNIT 7 - Sex Wars
Reflexive Learning
1. What is your opinion about the main topic of this unit?
2. In this unit you studied many different uses of modal verbs. Give examples
about yourself.
Two things that you can do:


Two things that you can’t do but would like to do:


Two things that you (or someone you know) could or were able to do in
the past.


3. Now, look at the sentences below and match them with the definitions.
a) I must go home after school.

( e ) Prohibition

b) I may go home after school.

( d ) Suggestion

c) You should talk to your teacher.

( a ) Almost certain

d) You could talk to your teacher

( c ) Advice

e) You mustn’t use you cell phone in class.

( f ) Permission

f) Can I use your phone?

( b ) Less certain

4. Explain the difference between the two sentences below.
Can I talk to you now?

May I talk to you now?

Can is more informal while may shifts to formality. Can is used with people we
know such as family and friends. May is more used in situations in which we don’t
know the person or we need to show more respect.

5. Did you understand the difference in usage of whether and if? Explain.
Although they have some similarities, whether is used to express
possibilities while if is used to express conditions.
6. Are there any grammar aspects that are still unclear to you?

UNIT 8 - Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland
Section 1 - Reading Comprehension
a) Mark True or False according to the text:
( F ) There weren’t any empty seats at the table.
( F ) The Hatter offered Alice some wine.
( T ) Alice didn’t like the wine
( F ) The Hatter likes Alice’s hair.
( F ) The table was small.

b) Describe the place where the Tea Party takes place. Give details.
The table was large and it set outside under a tree. Although it was
set with many chairs around it, the Hatter, the Hare and the
Dormouse were all crowded in a corner.

c) What, in your opinion, made the Tea Party “crazy”?

Section 2 - Paraphrasing
Rewrite the sentences taken from The Mad Tea Party. Make sure they don’t lose their
original meaning.

1. “No room, no room!”
There are no seats left. / We have no empty chairs.
2. “There’s plenty of room!”
There are enough chairs. / There are many empty seats.
3. “Have some wine.”
Drink some wine. / Would you like some wine?
4. "Then it wasn't very nice of you to offer it."
Then it was impolite to offer it. / It was rude to offer it.

Section 3 - Editing
1. John Lennon was also a big fan of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.
The paragraph below explains how the book influenced some of his songs.
But first you have to find seven mistakes. Cross them out and correct them.
The first one has been done for you.
When John Lennon was 11 years old, he received a copy of Lewis Carroll's Alice in
Wonderland as a birthday present. The surreal, nonsensical volume left a lasting
impression on the young man. Lennon notes, "I was passionate about Alice in
Wonderland and drew all the characters. I did poems in the style of "Jabberwocky.
" I used to love Alice..." By the time he was fifteen, Lennon was wishing he could
write something like Alice in Wonderland. Though Lennon did eventually publish
several volumes of nonsense in the style of Lewis Carroll, his connection to Alice
was most keenly apparent in his songwriting with the Beatles. Lennon explained
that Carroll's stories and poems directly influenced the lyrics of two of his most
famous songs, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "I am the Walrus."

2. Choose the correct word that best fits in each blank

The Fox and The Crow

A Fox once ______ a Crow fly with a piece of cheese in _______ beak and
a- see

a- it’s

b- saw

b- his

c- has seen

c- its

settle on a branch of a tree.
"That's for me, as I am a Fox," and he walked up to the foot of the tree.
"Good day, Mistress Crow," he cried. "How _________ you are looking today: how
a- good
b- better
c- well
glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that
of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I
may greet you as the Queen of Birds."
The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she
opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ______, only to be snapped up by
a- floor
c- earth
Master Fox.
"That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will
give you a ___________ of advice for the future: "Do not trust flatterers."
a- piece
b- slice
c- bit
by Aesop

Note: Colloquially speaking good is also correct but Aesop’s tale has well,
which is more grammatically correct.

Section 4 - Vocabulary Activator
More Animal Idioms
Complete the sentences below with the corresponding animal in order to form an idiomatic
expression. Two of them won’t be necessary.











a) Jennifer has broken up with her boyfriend. Now she is free as a bird*.
b) At Christmas season all the people at the shopping mall are working like
c) Your father was able to find us in the middle of the crowd, he sure has
eagle eyes.
d) When I arrive home from school I am so hungry that I could eat a horse.
e) We should avoid talking about controversial subjects because it is like
opening a can of worms, and somebody always gets upset.
f) I live in a small apartment. My friend gave me a big sofa and there is no
place for it. Now I am stuck with a white elephant.
g) My soccer team will be champion this year!
Yeah, right. When pigs fly.
h) I am so nervous about the test that I have butterflies in my stomach.
* The Word “bird” is missing in the box. Tell Ss to add “bird” to the list before they do
the exercise.

Unit 8 - Monkey Man - A Brazilian Fable

Reflexive Learning
1. What is your opinion about stories with a moral like the parable you’ve
studied in this unit? Are those stories more fun than other types of text?

2. What aspects of this unit were more difficult to you?

3. Match the changes in the verb tenses from direct to reported speech.

1. Simple Present

( 3, 4 ) Past Perfect

2. Present Continuous

( 5 ) Would

3. Present Perfect

( 1 ) Simple Past

4. Simple Past

( 2 ) Past continuous

5. Simple Future

4. Now, complete the chart below.


that/ those




that day


the next day; the following day


the previous day

5. What is the difference in usage between say and tell when reporting
We use tell when we mention who the speaker is talking to.
When we don’t mention who the speaker is talking to, we use say.

5. Group the modals below






can may will

would could might

Note: Tell Ss that the “grouping” above has to do with Reported Speech.

Unit 9 - A Little Poetry
Section 1 - Reading Comprehension
Write a concise summary of at least 50 words retelling the story you’ve just read. Write
it like you’re telling a story to a friend.

Section 2 - Vocabulary Activator
A pun is a little word game, playing with language. Most puns use a word that has two
meanings, or use two words that sound almost the same. The puns below have been
split into two parts. Match them and laugh a little.

a) Two cannibals are eating a
clown. One says to the other:

(g) He was lucky it was a soft

b) A man walks into a bar with a
piece of asphalt under his arm
and says:

(c) The ceremony wasn't much,
but the reception was excellent.

c) Two antennas met on a roof,
fell in love and got married.
d) What do you call a fish with no
e) The invisible man marries the
invisible woman.
f) Did you hear about the guy
whose whole left side was cut
g) Did you hear about the guy
who got hit in the head with a
can of soda?
h) A prisoner's favorite
punctuation mark is the period.

(h) It marks the end of his
(b) A beer please, and one for the
(a) Does this taste funny to you?
(e) The kids were nothing to look
at either.
(e) He's all right now.
(d) A fsh.

Section 3 - Paraphrasing
Read the joke below and then* rewrite the three sentences using wish.
A man was walking on the beach one day and he found a bottle half buried in the sand.
He decided to open it. Inside was a genie. The genie said,” I will grant you three wishes
and three wishes only." The man thought about his first wish and decided, “I think I
want 1 million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. POOF! “Now I want a red
Ferrari.” POOF! There was the car sitting in front of him. He asked for his final wish, "I
want to be irresistible to women." POOF! He turned into a box of chocolates.

a) I want one million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account.
I wish I had one million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account.
b) I want a red Ferrari.
I wish I had a red Ferrari.
d) I want to be irresistible to women.
I wish I was/were irresistible to women.
*Tell Ss the word here is mistyped. It should be “then”

Section 4 - Editing - Misspelled Words
There are nine misspelled words in the text below. The first one has been corrected.
Can you find the others?
What is Stress?
Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way
of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength,
stamina, and heightened alertness.
The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of
situations — everything from outright physical danger to making a class presentation
or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject.
This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, the body's
stress response enhances a person's ability to perform well under pressure. But the
stress response can also cause problems when it overreacts or fails to turn off and
reset itself properly.

Unit 9 - Mind your Heart
Reflexive Learning
1. How often do you visit a doctor? Do you visit a physician only when you feel
sick or do you do annual checkups?
2. Group the words below accordingly.
upset stomach
health problem

diagnosis process
blood pressure


sleeping pills

3. Are there any grammar topics that are still unclear to you?
4. Match the columns accordingly:



a) He had a wonderful vacation.

(b) 50%

b) He could have had a wonderful vacation.

(a) 100%

c) The must have had a wonderful vacation.

(c) 95%

5. Finally, now that the course is getting to the end, it is important that you
reflect about the evaluation below.
a) The skill(s) I’m doing well is/are: (OPEN ANSWER).
b) The reason is because… (OPEN ANSWER).


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Special booklet caf 2 key

  • 1. Special Booklet CAF 2 - Key UNIT 6 - Twilight Section 1 - Paraphrasing 1. Rewrite the sentences taken from the screenplay. Remember to keep the same idea. a) They all moved down from Alaska two years ago. They used to live in Alaska a couple of years ago. b) Jess, they’re not actually related. Jess, they aren’t brother and sister. c) Anyway, don’t waste your time. Well, don’t spend too much time on that. d) But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care. Nobody here seems to appeal to him. That is not important to me. Section 2 - Reading Comprehension 1. Read this review on Twilight, the movie. Then, answer the questions that follow. a) Mark True or False according to the passage: ( T ) Kristine had read the book before. ( F ) The movie is highly recommended by her. ( F ) She thinks the actors that played Edward and Bella were excellent. ( F ) Kristine doesn’t think the movie is average. b) OPEN ANSWER. c) OPEN ANSWER. 1
  • 2. Section 3 - Vocabulary Activator 1. Match the words to the sentence accordingly (c) Edward is a sensitive vampire. But he can sometimes become aggressive. (a) Bella is kind of introverted. She is not really outgoing. (e) The Cullens are very sophisticated. They live in a timber and glass house and drive a posh car. (d) The Cullens are said to be sexy. Everyone turns to them as soon as they enter a room. (b) Bella’s life changed overnight when she moved to Forks. Section 4 - Editing There are eight mistakes in the text below, find and correct them to learn a bit more about Edward and Bella. The first one has been done for you. Edward: Vampire He has bronze colored hair, gold (golden) eyes, and pale skin (like all vampires). He has the hability (ability) to read everyone's mind, except Bella's. He is also much faster than other vampires. He was borned (born) as a human in 1901 in Chicago, but was changed into a vampire by Carlisle in 1918 when he was dying of the Spanish Influenza. He is in love with Bella Swan. He is a "vegetarian" vampire and is also a very well (good) pianist. Bella: Human She has big brown eyes and brown hairs (hair). She is very clumsy and blushes easy (easily). She is the one exception to Edward's mind-reading gift. She is in love with Edward and she live (lives) with his (her) father in Forks, Washington. Her blood is extremely appealing to Edward and very hard to resist, often putting her life on the line. 2
  • 3. UNIT 6 - Your Life in the Stars Reflexive Learning 1. In this unit you have learned how to express the future in many different ways. Match the sentences with the explanations. (c) They’re going to travel the day after the wedding. (d) Our team will win the championship this year. We have the best players. (b) I’m climbing the Everest on July 1st. (a) The movie starts in 30 minutes. a) It’s used to talk about events that are scheduled in the near future, for example talking about public transportation. b) It is used when the speaker is talking about a planned activity. c) To express an activity planned before the moment of speaking. d) Predictions or assumptions about the future or decision made at the moment of speaking. 2. Read the situations and decide whether to use will or going to: (1) Will (2) Going to (1) You have decided to go to the movies right now. (2) They bought the airplane tickets to Paris last month. (2) She planned to watch the movie yesterday. (1) He thinks his soccer team is winning the game tomorrow. 3. Can you remember any adjectives from the Warm Up section? OPEN ANSWERS. 3
  • 4. 4. Group the expressions/words with the correct preposition of time. IN AT ON years ( IN ) months (IN) days (ON) dates (ON) holidays (AT) seasons (IN) time (AT) 5. Now group the words/expressions with the prepositions of place: IN ON AT the sky a chair the bus stop the water the ground the bottom the ocean the wall a party the East the twentieth floor a country a sofa a garden the photo 6. How did you like this unit? Justify your answer. FREE ANSWER. 4
  • 5. UNIT 7 - Shakespeare in Love Section 1 - Reading Comprehension a) How does Romeo describe Juliet? Romeo describes her as the sun in the sky. b) Why does Juliet suggest that Romeo should change his name? Because there is an old grudge between the two families and they wouldn’t allow a relationship between a Montague and a Capulet. c) Why did Juliet say to Romeo not to promise by the moon? Because the moon changes every month and Juliet does not want their love to change like the moon. d) Which one do you think sounds more mature? Justify. OPEN ANSWER. Section 2 - Editing The paragraph below explains one possible source that inspired Shakespeare to write the story of Romeo and Juliet. As you read choose the word in bold that best fits in the sentence. Shakespeare did not invent the story of Romeo and Juliet. He probably heard it via a poem: Romeus and Juliet (1562) written by a poet called Arthur Brooks. It was a long and boring poem, but many of the details of Shakespeare’s plot are lifted directly from Brooks’s poem, including the meeting at the ball, the secret marriage, Romeo’s fight with Tybalt, the sleeping potion, and the lovers’ eventual suicides.’ Such taking from other stories is typical of Shakespeare, who often wrote plays based on well-known stories. But Shakespeare made it more exciting by adding the character of Mercutio, and by fitting the story into four frantic days. 5
  • 6. Section 3 - Paraphrasing William Shakespeare contributed more phrases and sayings to the English language than any other individual - and most of them are still in daily use. Look at the sayings and write down their meaning. Use a dictionary or surf the many Shakespearian websites on the Internet to help you. a) All that glitter is not gold. A showy article may not necessarily be valuable. b) All's well that ends well. A risky enterprise is justified as long as it turns out well in the end. c) I will wear my heart upon my sleeve. Display your feelings openly, for all to see. d) In the twinkling of an eye. In an instant. e) To be, or not to be, that is the question. Is it better to live or to die? f) Fight fire with fire. Respond to an attack by using a similar method as one's attacker. 6
  • 7. Part 4 - Vocabulary Activator Read the poem below and fill the blanks with the options in the box. THE VICTOR by C.W. Longenecker If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t If you like to win but think you can’t, It’s almost a cinch you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost. For out in the world we find Success begins with a fellow’s will. It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you are. You’ve got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win the prize. Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can. 7
  • 8. UNIT 7 - Sex Wars Reflexive Learning 1. What is your opinion about the main topic of this unit? OPEN ANSWER. 2. In this unit you studied many different uses of modal verbs. Give examples about yourself. Two things that you can do: a) OPEN ANSWER. b) OPEN ANSWER. Two things that you can’t do but would like to do: a) OPEN ANSWER. b) OPEN ANSWER. Two things that you (or someone you know) could or were able to do in the past. a) OPEN ANSWER. b) OPEN ANSWER. 3. Now, look at the sentences below and match them with the definitions. a) I must go home after school. ( e ) Prohibition b) I may go home after school. ( d ) Suggestion c) You should talk to your teacher. ( a ) Almost certain probability d) You could talk to your teacher ( c ) Advice e) You mustn’t use you cell phone in class. ( f ) Permission f) Can I use your phone? ( b ) Less certain probability 4. Explain the difference between the two sentences below. Can I talk to you now? May I talk to you now? Can is more informal while may shifts to formality. Can is used with people we know such as family and friends. May is more used in situations in which we don’t know the person or we need to show more respect. 8
  • 9. 5. Did you understand the difference in usage of whether and if? Explain. Although they have some similarities, whether is used to express possibilities while if is used to express conditions. 6. Are there any grammar aspects that are still unclear to you? OPEN ANSWER. UNIT 8 - Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland Section 1 - Reading Comprehension a) Mark True or False according to the text: ( F ) There weren’t any empty seats at the table. ( F ) The Hatter offered Alice some wine. ( T ) Alice didn’t like the wine ( F ) The Hatter likes Alice’s hair. ( F ) The table was small. b) Describe the place where the Tea Party takes place. Give details. The table was large and it set outside under a tree. Although it was set with many chairs around it, the Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse were all crowded in a corner. c) What, in your opinion, made the Tea Party “crazy”? OPEN ANSWER. 9
  • 10. Section 2 - Paraphrasing Rewrite the sentences taken from The Mad Tea Party. Make sure they don’t lose their original meaning. 1. “No room, no room!” There are no seats left. / We have no empty chairs. 2. “There’s plenty of room!” There are enough chairs. / There are many empty seats. 3. “Have some wine.” Drink some wine. / Would you like some wine? 4. "Then it wasn't very nice of you to offer it." Then it was impolite to offer it. / It was rude to offer it. Section 3 - Editing 1. John Lennon was also a big fan of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The paragraph below explains how the book influenced some of his songs. But first you have to find seven mistakes. Cross them out and correct them. The first one has been done for you. When John Lennon was 11 years old, he received a copy of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland as a birthday present. The surreal, nonsensical volume left a lasting impression on the young man. Lennon notes, "I was passionate about Alice in Wonderland and drew all the characters. I did poems in the style of "Jabberwocky. " I used to love Alice..." By the time he was fifteen, Lennon was wishing he could write something like Alice in Wonderland. Though Lennon did eventually publish several volumes of nonsense in the style of Lewis Carroll, his connection to Alice was most keenly apparent in his songwriting with the Beatles. Lennon explained that Carroll's stories and poems directly influenced the lyrics of two of his most famous songs, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "I am the Walrus." 10
  • 11. 2. Choose the correct word that best fits in each blank The Fox and The Crow A Fox once ______ a Crow fly with a piece of cheese in _______ beak and a- see a- it’s b- saw b- his c- has seen c- its settle on a branch of a tree. "That's for me, as I am a Fox," and he walked up to the foot of the tree. "Good day, Mistress Crow," he cried. "How _________ you are looking today: how a- good b- better c- well glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds." The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ______, only to be snapped up by a- floor b-ground c- earth Master Fox. "That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a ___________ of advice for the future: "Do not trust flatterers." a- piece b- slice c- bit by Aesop Note: Colloquially speaking good is also correct but Aesop’s tale has well, which is more grammatically correct. 11
  • 12. Section 4 - Vocabulary Activator More Animal Idioms Complete the sentences below with the corresponding animal in order to form an idiomatic expression. Two of them won’t be necessary. pig camel butterflies eagle worms elephant horse ants fish snake a) Jennifer has broken up with her boyfriend. Now she is free as a bird*. b) At Christmas season all the people at the shopping mall are working like ants. c) Your father was able to find us in the middle of the crowd, he sure has eagle eyes. d) When I arrive home from school I am so hungry that I could eat a horse. e) We should avoid talking about controversial subjects because it is like opening a can of worms, and somebody always gets upset. f) I live in a small apartment. My friend gave me a big sofa and there is no place for it. Now I am stuck with a white elephant. g) My soccer team will be champion this year! Yeah, right. When pigs fly. h) I am so nervous about the test that I have butterflies in my stomach. * The Word “bird” is missing in the box. Tell Ss to add “bird” to the list before they do the exercise. 12
  • 13. Unit 8 - Monkey Man - A Brazilian Fable Reflexive Learning 1. What is your opinion about stories with a moral like the parable you’ve studied in this unit? Are those stories more fun than other types of text? OPEN ANSWER. 2. What aspects of this unit were more difficult to you? OPEN ANSWER 3. Match the changes in the verb tenses from direct to reported speech. 1. Simple Present ( 3, 4 ) Past Perfect 2. Present Continuous ( 5 ) Would 3. Present Perfect ( 1 ) Simple Past 4. Simple Past ( 2 ) Past continuous 5. Simple Future 4. Now, complete the chart below. this/these that/ those here there today that day tomorrow the next day; the following day yesterday the previous day 13
  • 14. 5. What is the difference in usage between say and tell when reporting something? We use tell when we mention who the speaker is talking to. When we don’t mention who the speaker is talking to, we use say. 5. Group the modals below can would may will could might Future can may will Past would could might Note: Tell Ss that the “grouping” above has to do with Reported Speech. 14
  • 15. Unit 9 - A Little Poetry Section 1 - Reading Comprehension Write a concise summary of at least 50 words retelling the story you’ve just read. Write it like you’re telling a story to a friend. OPEN ANSWER Section 2 - Vocabulary Activator A pun is a little word game, playing with language. Most puns use a word that has two meanings, or use two words that sound almost the same. The puns below have been split into two parts. Match them and laugh a little. a) Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: (g) He was lucky it was a soft drink. b) A man walks into a bar with a piece of asphalt under his arm and says: (c) The ceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent. c) Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. d) What do you call a fish with no eyes? e) The invisible man marries the invisible woman. f) Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? g) Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? h) A prisoner's favorite punctuation mark is the period. (h) It marks the end of his sentence. (b) A beer please, and one for the road. (a) Does this taste funny to you? (e) The kids were nothing to look at either. (e) He's all right now. (d) A fsh. 15
  • 16. Section 3 - Paraphrasing Read the joke below and then* rewrite the three sentences using wish. A man was walking on the beach one day and he found a bottle half buried in the sand. He decided to open it. Inside was a genie. The genie said,” I will grant you three wishes and three wishes only." The man thought about his first wish and decided, “I think I want 1 million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. POOF! “Now I want a red Ferrari.” POOF! There was the car sitting in front of him. He asked for his final wish, "I want to be irresistible to women." POOF! He turned into a box of chocolates. a) I want one million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. I wish I had one million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. b) I want a red Ferrari. I wish I had a red Ferrari. d) I want to be irresistible to women. I wish I was/were irresistible to women. *Tell Ss the word here is mistyped. It should be “then” 16
  • 17. Section 4 - Editing - Misspelled Words There are nine misspelled words in the text below. The first one has been corrected. Can you find the others? What is Stress? Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness. The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations — everything from outright physical danger to making a class presentation or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject. This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, the body's stress response enhances a person's ability to perform well under pressure. But the stress response can also cause problems when it overreacts or fails to turn off and reset itself properly. 17
  • 18. Unit 9 - Mind your Heart Reflexive Learning 1. How often do you visit a doctor? Do you visit a physician only when you feel sick or do you do annual checkups? OPEN ANSWER. 2. Group the words below accordingly. symptoms (6) chills insomnia upset stomach earache headache fever health problem stroke flu pneumonia cold heartburn diagnosis process ultrasound x-ray temperature Pulse blood pressure (5) (5) medicine (4) antacid Aspirin tranquilizers sleeping pills 3. Are there any grammar topics that are still unclear to you? OPEN ANSWER. 4. Match the columns accordingly: 50% 95% 100% a) He had a wonderful vacation. (b) 50% b) He could have had a wonderful vacation. (a) 100% c) The must have had a wonderful vacation. (c) 95% 5. Finally, now that the course is getting to the end, it is important that you reflect about the evaluation below. a) The skill(s) I’m doing well is/are: (OPEN ANSWER). b) The reason is because… (OPEN ANSWER). 18