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High Performance Through
The Role of Technology
Kevin Potts, Emptoris, and Rob Woodstock, Accenture

Consulting Technology Outsourcing
“ Procurement mastery”—significantly                  Not, at all. Like supply chain
  outpacing competitors in areas such as              management in general, procurement’s
  sourcing, category management and                   potential to foster growth and reduce
  supplier relationship management—                   costs is significantly greater than
  can be immensely profitable. A recent               most companies imagine. The mission
  Accenture study1 makes this clear:                  of this Point of View—a collaboration
  “Procurement masters achieve 30                     between Accenture and Emptoris—is
  percent higher savings than companies               to help readers understand the
  with lesser capabilities. Yet masters’              nature of procurement mastery
  procurement organizations cost about                (how we define it), the rewards
  half as much to run.”                               of procurement mastery (why the
                                                      investment and effort are worth it)
 With such stellar potential, it’s                    and, most germane to this paper, the
 surprising how many companies                        tools and technologies that connect
 never move ahead with a major                        procurement mastery with high
 procurement-optimization effort. To                  performance.
 some extent, their reticence indicates
 old school thinking: “Procurement is
 basically a clerical function—a cost
 center. As long as we’re reasonably
 efficient, there’s more benefit in
 devoting our strategic energies to
 other things. Right?”

 Procurement Insights, Research and Rewards............................................. 3
 Four Technology Keys to Procurement Mastery.......................................... 5

  1. How Technology Improves Spend Management................................... 6
  2. How Technology Improves Supplier
     Performance Management...........................................................................10
  3. How Technology Improves Sourcing.........................................................13
  4. How Technology Improves Contract Management..............................17

 High Performance and Procurement Technology........................................19

1High performance through procurement: Accenture research and insights into procurement performance mastery.

Procurement Insights,
 Research and Rewards

" For a company with           In late 2006, Accenture solicited             management; workforce/organization;
                               procurement-related input from                and technology. For example, in
  US$1 billion in controlled   executives at leading companies               sourcing and category management,
  spend, a procurement         across North America and Europe.              we asked respondents about formal
  master would incur costs     Information from 225 respondents was          supplier collaboration processes (1 =
                               ultimately gathered. Eighty two percent       minimal, 5 = extensive). For requisition
  of US$8 million and          of that group are chief procurement           to pay, we asked about the use of
  savings of US$82 million,    officers or directors of procurement.         common requisition portals (1 = none,
  while a procurement low                                                    5 = fully standardized). In this way,
                               Via the survey and follow-on                  Accenture was able to create basic
  performer would incur        interviews, Accenture’s goal was              distinctions between low performers
  costs of US$16 million       to establish clear, measurable                (17 percent of the survey population),
  and savings of only          distinctions among procurement                midrange performers (67 percent) and
                               “masters,” “midrange performers”
  US$63 million."              and “laggards.” Using these metrics-
                                                                             procurement masters (16 percent).

                               based distinctions, we would then be          To understand the relative rewards
                               able to determine the relative level          attained by each performer category,
                               of benefit (particularly cost savings)        Accenture then tracked low
                               achieved at each level. Details on            performers, midrange performers
                               this categorization process—how               and masters to the documented
                               procurement masters were defined              benefits attained by the respondents’
                               and how their success was measured—           procurement organizations:
                               is detailed in “About the Study”.             y Total cost of ownership savings
                                                                             (compared to “controlled, normalized
                               About the Study                               spend”)
                               To understand the nature and                  y Total cost of ownership savings
                               rewards of procurement mastery,               as a percentage of procurement
                               the study first sought to develop             operating costs
                               criteria for defining procurement             y Percentage of spend controlled by
                               masters, midrange performers and              the procurement organization
                               low performers. Our research team
                               asked 225 executives 25 questions             y Percentage of new product designs/
                               for each of six core components of            introductions in which procurement
                               procurement: strategy; sourcing and           has a material role
                               category management; requisition              y Share of suppliers managed through
                               to pay; supplier relationship                 a formal process

                                       Low Performer             Midrange                  Master
                                          (17%)                  Performer                 (16%)

                                           -1                                                  +1

Survey results confirm that                        Accenture also observed that                    4. Supplier Relationship
procurement masters achieve                        procurement masters enjoy a                     Management: Eighty four percent
significantly greater financial benefits           significant edge in every one of the            of masters use a supply-base
than the balance of the survey                     six procurement specialty areas that            segmentation strategy that aligns
population. The right side of Figure               were used to segment respondents                approaches and types of relationships
1 shows that survey respondents                    (Figure 2). For example,                        with specific supply markets and
qualifying as masters achieve                                                                      supplier characteristics. Almost no
savings equal to 10 times the cost of              1. Procurement Strategy: Masters                low-performing organization operates
running their organizations, based                 are five times more likely than                 similarly.
on controlled normalized spend from                low performers to use a balanced
one year to the next. By contrast, the             scorecard approach and almost 20                5. Workforce and Organization:
savings achieved by procurement low                times more likely to benchmark                  Procurement masters face fewer
performers are only four times their               procurement performance against                 organizational challenges. And the
costs (left side of Figure 1). In effect,          competitors. Masters also were found            challenges they do confront are
masters spend half as much as low                  to be almost four times more likely             generally less constrictive or severe
performers, yet they save 30 percent               than low performers to outsource one            than those faced by procurement
more. For a company with US$1                      or several procurement functions.               organizations of lesser stature.
billion in controlled spend, this means                                                            This implies that a more effective
                                                   2. Sourcing and Category                        operation structure encourages
a procurement master would incur                   Management: Procurement
costs of US$8 million and savings of                                                               pursuit of greater savings and
                                                   masters are 16 times more likely                increased effectiveness.
US$82 million, while a procurement                 than low performers to have a
low performer would incur costs of                 dedicated sourcing analyst pool that            6. Technology: The use of technology
US$16 million and savings of only                  provides support during the sourcing            to support sourcing programs is
US$63 million.                                     and category-management process.                10 times more prevalent among
                                                   And procurement management is                   masters than low performers. Plus,
                                             $82   centrally led at 100 percent of masters’
                              10x                                                                  87 percent of masters report that
                                                   organizations, compared to only 26              they harmonize master data and use
    4x                                             percent of low performers’ organizations.       common technologies to support their
                                                                                                   requisition to pay processes. Less than
                                                   3. Requisition to Pay: Seventy                  5 percent of low performers do either.
                                                   nine percent of masters have
         $16                                       successfully implemented a common
                                                   and automated requisition-to-pay
     Low Performer                       Master    platform, compared to just 3 percent
    Cost to procure     Savings delivered          of low performers.

                                                                                       Vision, mission, core values   Performance management
Figure 1. Comparing cost savings. On               1. Procurement Strategy
                                                                                       Operating model                Category strategic planning
US$1 billion of controlled, normalized
spend, procurement masters save                                                        Strategic sourcing             Category mgmt. framework
                                                   2. Sourcing and Category Mgmt.
10 times as much as it costs them                                                      Category policy setting        Compliance monitoring
to operate their procurement
                                                   3. Requisition to Pay (R2P)         Transaction processing         Master data management
organizations.                                                                         Assisted buying                Fulfillment

                                                                                       Supplier performance mgmt .    Supplier development and
                                                   4. Supplier Relationship Mgmt.
                                                                                       Contract management            integration

                                                                                       Having the right network       Organization that facilitates
                                                   5. Workforce & Organization
                                                                                       of competent people            working together

                                                                                       Technology that delivers       Systems cover all functions:
                                                   6. Technology
                                                                                       right information              strategy to operations

                                                   Figure 2. The six procurement characteristics assessed for Accenture's High
                                                   performance through Procurement research.

Four Technology Keys to
Procurement Mastery

The Accenture survey makes it           remainder of this report looks at
abundantly clear that procurement       some of the key challenges faced by
performance pays—that companies         procurement organizations and the
willing to invest in better processes   technology innovations available to
and technologies are amply rewarded.    surmount those barriers.
Better processes are difficult
to achieve but somewhat self-
explanatory. They are: collaborative,
information-driven strategy setting;
exceptional supplier relationship
management; holistic procure-to-
pay cycles, and so forth. But what
about procurement technology? We
know that procurement masters
make better decisions because
of technology and that they are
more likely to leverage cutting-
edge tools to make a financial and
competitive difference. But what
are the specific challenges that
procurement technology can help
companies surmount? What do those
technologies look like? And how can
companies quantify their value? The

1. How Technology Improves
Spend Analysis

From a technology perspective,               limited than those of their customers.   procurement leaders recently lobbied
exceptional spend analysis is                Classification and naming schemes        for actually produce the 23 percent
synonymous with two interconnected           may also be different.                   savings they predicted? How much has
capabilities: maximizing organization-                                                “rogue spending” dropped as a result?
wide visibility and (then) tracking,         Visibility problems undermine            What is the exact level (and impact) of
monitoring and enforcing spend               companies’ ability to produce            ”leakage” and what can we do about
activity. At most companies, spend           actionable business insights. Instead—   it? Most companies lack the data-
visibility is limited to “spend by vendor”   without clean, consistent information    gathering and measurement abilities to
and “spend category.” This is a complex      on stock keeping units (SKUs), prices,   answer such questions with certainty.
problem that has only gotten more            stakeholder preferences and supplier
difficult as companies’ spend becomes        performance—they develop ad-hoc
more global. Nowadays, for example:          (workaround) processes to manage
                                             sourcing events. These companies are
y Spend data is generally dispersed          similarly ill positioned to quantify
across myriad internal data sources.         savings opportunities to C-level
The ability to draw and consolidate          executives, and thus to secure
information from multiple locations in       approval for budget increases or
an efficient, repeatable manner is rare.     improvement initiatives.

y To maximize procurement efficiency,        Not surprisingly, visibility problems
companies need highly accurate and           sabotage companies’ ability to track
granular classifications of spend data.      and monitor spend activities and thus
However, the information available           attain high levels of compliance. This
to them is frequently “dirty” or             is actually the heart of the spend-
incomplete.                                  management challenge: Businesses
                                             must be able to identify opportunities
y The most significant shortcomings          and track savings. Have we chosen
are often outside the company. Vendors       the most-fruitful spend-reduction
systems may be just as (or even more)        initiatives? Did the program which

" Best-in-class
  applications go
  beyond providing
  basic spend visibility
  by zooming into real
  opportunities and
  tracking the results of
  savings initiatives for
  those opportunities.
  Users can make better
  decisions about what
  they are buying and
  what those items
  actually cost."

 Technology Solutions for                 These applications extract transaction    databases that consolidate transactions
 Spend Analysis                           data from multiple systems and            (for example, across “parent-child”
                                          databases, and then represent             organizations), cluster them (for
 Leading-edge procurement technology      (normalize) the data in a single          example, across similar suppliers) and
 is geared to maximizing visibility—      format. Best-in-class applications go     map them to various commodities,
 using “spend analysis” to acquire,       beyond providing basic spend visibility   contracts and other sources of data.
 update, consolidate and share            by zooming into real opportunities        Armed with this capability, companies
 information in ways that encourage       and tracking the results of savings       can discover when multiple business
 and support the identification of        initiatives for those opportunities.      units are sourcing from the same
 savings opportunities.                   Users can make better decisions           supplier but possibly working with
                                          about what they are buying and            different price and payment terms
 Best-in-class spend-analysis
                                          what those items actually cost. They      (this scenario is common in companies
 technology combines three key
                                          also can begin quantifying spend for      that have grown through mergers or
 capabilities: a deep knowledge
                                          specific commodities or categories,       acquisitions). Together, extraction,
 base, automation and content. The
                                          eliminating spend duplication across      normalization and data-enrichment
 knowledge base provides extensive
                                          multiple suppliers, and doing a better    capabilities help companies attain a
 vendor and item information: millions
                                          job of leveraging discounts and early     single-lowest price for each supplier,
 of vendor names, item descriptions and
                                          payment options (some suppliers           along with new opportunities to
 associated information. Automation
                                          offer discounts of up to 2 percent        capture volume discounts.
 (for example, machine-learning
 algorithms incorporated in trainable     for payments made within 10 days).
 auto classifiers) helps to rapidly and   Simply put, spend analysis helps
 accurately relate spend data to a        companies make better procurement
 commodity structure. Content (aka, a     decisions and build a stronger case for
 library of information) contains data    continuous improvement.
 on spend transactions, ”parent-child”    Complementing these extraction and
 commodity structures, etc., and thus     normalization capabilities are data-
 provides maximum visibility into         enrichment functions: intelligent
 companies’ spend initiatives.

Spend Analysis and                          makers’ needs with aggregated,          procurement organization instead of IT.
Data Warehouses                             normalized and enriched data. Users     Reports can be examined collectively
                                            can parse data in myriad ways to        rather than sequentially, thus making
Quite often data warehouses are             gain greater spend visibility and tap   the company more responsive to
considered to be able to provide            the improvement opportunities that      market dynamics. Bottom line? Spend
the same results as spend analysis.         greater visibility provides.            analysis provides data enrichment,
This is not true. Data warehouses do                                                consolidation, speed, accuracy,
aggregate information, but it usually is    Key metrics such as lowest potential    granularity and sophisticated,
too broadly based—too likely to be “all     cost, percentage of spend under         proactive reporting.
things to all people.” Data warehouses’     management and suppliers’
approach to spend analysis is to roll       commitments to their contractual        A related spend-tracking/monitoring
up information and then analyze the         obligations shift regularly. That’s     issue is contract compliance—
data offline, without making changes        why spend analysis also provides        understanding the extent to which
to the data in real time. Because the       frequent (monthly or even weekly)       contractual obligations are being
user is working with summary data,          data refreshes that help companies      followed. Most companies have not
this approach limits the ability to slice   acquire, consolidate and present        implemented a contract management
and dice in a way that is specific to       the latest spend, sourcing and          (CM) solution. But those that have—and
the user’s needs. To drill down and do      contract information. Procurement       integrated the solution with accounts
further analysis, a user must leverage      organizations that rely solely on       payable information—enjoy particularly
specialized spend-analysis technology.      traditional data warehousing fall       detailed data that are tightly
                                            short in this area as well. Most data   associated with terms and conditions
With spend analysis, data is held           warehouse reports are insufficiently    and service-level agreements.
in memory, which allows a user              granular and wait times for the
to drill down into the spend data           information are often lengthy.
(physical transactions, not just            Delays also ensue when a different
roll-up summaries) in real time.            view is requested. Spend analysis
Spend analysis attacks one problem—         avoids this problem by putting the
managing spend—in a focused manner          reporting process in the hands of the
that targets procurement decision

The Next Big Thing(s) in Spend             Recipe for Growth
Analysis Technology
Beyond the benefits they currently         Syngenta is among the world’s                 than 15 different types of systems,
enjoy, spend analysis users are better     top agribusinesses, with revenue              including every major Enterprise
positioned to leverage capabilities        exceeding US$9 billion and more than          Resource Planning (ERP) platform.”
whose unveiling is just around             21,000 employees in 90 countries.
the corner. A good example is              The company is also a leader in crop          Low-cost-country sourcing, e-sourcing
benchmarking and best practices.           protection and is fully committed             and spend analysis have contributed
Today’s tech-savvy company knows           to sustainable agriculture through            significantly to the company’s
what it is paying and is confident that    innovative research and technology.           attainment of all its merger-related
its costs are low and that its suppliers   Syngenta was formed nearly eight              sourcing goals. For example, the team
are in compliance. But no commodity        years ago—a spin-off of Novartis’ and         used to only have visibility dating
manager really knows what (or how          AstraZeneca’s agribusinesses. Innovative      back a year or more. But it now knows
well) the company’s competitors            approaches to procurement and                 exactly what the company is spending
are doing. In the near future, spend       procurement technology have played a          at any given time—past or present—
analysis technology will incorporate       big role Syngenta’s meteoric rise.            and with what suppliers (Syngenta
data on what the market is doing                                                         works with 45,000 suppliers on six
with respect to direct and indirect        Early on, Syngenta senior executives          continents). Looking more broadly, the
(MRO) spend.                               insisted that the company’s newly             company now is able to:
                                           formed procurement group develop
                                                                                         y Take a global, holistic view of spend.
Another looming innovation is the          best-in-class sourcing principles
ability to more-rapidly refresh the        supported by best-in-class technologies.      y Rapidly transform raw data into
spend dataset. Companies that use          Sourcing and spend analysis were              actionable information.
spend analysis to track savings and        deemed particularly critical.                 y Make that information “rich” and
compliance generally need weekly                                                         easy to find.
(rather than monthly) visibility           y Sourcing. The Syngenta procurement
                                           team launched a highly successful             y Readily understand the supply
into new data. They may also want
                                           low-cost-country sourcing program             markets and cost drivers within each
their commodity managers to make
                                           for chemical intermediates and active         category of spend.
changes to commodity structures
or to improve data accuracy by             ingredients. E-sourcing became the
                                                                                         Upcoming procurement projects for
reclassifying transactions that weren’t    focal point on the technology side.
                                                                                         Syngenta will focus on enhancing
appropriately categorized the first        Syngenta now uses “e-RFX” across all
                                                                                         supplier relationship management
time around. Changes such as these         categories of direct and indirect spend.
                                                                                         capabilities, contract management
need to be controlled with appropriate     y Spend Analysis. As the sourcing             and supplier negotiation. The
authorizations, approvals and rules        function evolved, the procurement             company thus will be embracing and
and applied to the dataset in real- or     team recognized the need for highly           engraining new tools and processes
near-real time. Conflicting rules must     accurate and consistent data with             across the organization, segmenting
be arbitrated. Virtually none of these     which to inform the company’s                 and categorizing suppliers based
capabilities are present in current        sourcing priorities and decisions. It first   on multiple attributes that define
data-warehouse-type solutions, which       tried using a global data warehouse           relationships, and ensuring proactive,
rely on rigid schemas without means        supported by a business intelligence          best-in-class management of
to submit corrections and changes.         tool. This proved ineffective. Its            contractual relationships throughout
                                           next recourse—an advanced spend-              their life cycle.
A third pending advance is the ability
to forecast spend for several upcoming     analysis solution—is now being used
years based on historical information.     by more than 180 trained users across
Traditionally, planning and forecasting    purchasing, finance and at the cost
functions have interacted with             center level. According to Dr. Hans
Operations and Sales organizations,        Elmsheuser, Syngenta’s head of global
but not with procurement. Tomorrow’s       purchasing, “The solution allows us to
spend analysis technology will             analyze spend on up to 30 different
examine historical and predicted usage     dimensions or axes, including category,
and connect forecasting/planning,          cost center, GL account, geography,
operations, sales and marketing            time, payment terms, UNSPSC code
departments with procurement.              and supplier diversity status. It also
                                           helps us aggregate data from more
                                           than 45 countries retrieved from more

2. How Technology Improves Supplier
Performance Management
Accenture’s research on procurement        partnering agreements, and even                this approach is neither scalable nor
mastery reveals that significant rewards   developing joint operations based              cost efficient. Even at the master level,
accrue to supplier-management              on knowledge sharing, seamless                 most supplier management programs
leaders. Specifically, masters achieve 5   processes and mutually beneficial              are managed manually. Such programs
percent savings from both sourcing and     product improvements. Perhaps most             also are likely to be reactive, with
post-contract activities against total     revealing, Accenture research shows            companies constantly putting out
procurement operating spend, versus        that procurement masters are three             fires that result from undermanaged
3 percent savings for the remaining        times more likely than low performers          supplier performance.
survey respondents.                        to have a formal program for managing
                                           their supply base. Figure 3 depicts other
As noted earlier, masters achieve          supplier-management advantages
much of their edge by using supply-        enjoyed by procurement masters.
base segmentation strategies that
align approaches and types of              Despite the advantages, few companies
relationships with specific supply         actually use specific supplier
markets and supplier characteristics—      performance management technology.
including relevant strengths and           Some have patched together Excel-
weaknesses, product complexities           based systems to track performance
and geographies. It is this proficiency    but find this approach onerous.
that abets other capabilities, such        Others have invested in armies of
as forging deeper relationships with       assessors who systematically log the
key suppliers, establishing long-term      performance of key suppliers. However,

                                           Segmenting the supply base                                    84%

                                           Partnering with key suppliers on a                46%
                                           risk-reward sharing basic          3%

                                           Central logging and proactively                              80%
                                           managing contracts                    8%

                                           Automatically tracking/reporting                              83%
                                           supplier performance

                                                                                 Master      Low Performer

                                           Figure 3: Percentage of survey
                                           respondents (masters versus low
                                           performers) that engage in, or
                                           perform, specific supplier relationship
                                           management activities.

Technology Solutions for                    to make the right moves in response
Supplier Performance                        to the supplier information they’ve
Management                                  acquired. SPM technologies also are
                                            key to the successful application
“Opportunity identification” is the most    of best practices and improvement
important contribution that advanced        methodologies, such as Lean Enterprise
procurement technology brings to            and Six Sigma.
supplier performance management
(SPM). Basically, technology
automates the collection, analysis and
dissemination of supplier performance      " Consider an
metrics. Using a standardized approach       organization with a
to measuring supplier performance,
it links the setting of metrics at the       total cost of ownership
start of the supplier relationship           (TCO)-based SPM
with processes for monitoring and
communicating actual supplier                system. When a
performance. Supplier scorecards also        supplier delivers a
become part of the equation—ensuring
that buyers can factor quantifiable
                                             part, a first inspection
supplier-performance levels into their       is performed. If the
purchase decisions (figure 4).
                                             part is rejected, extra
Leveraging SPM technology, supplier          costs are automatically
performance credentials (qualitative
and quantitative) are consolidated           assigned to the
in a supplier performance repository         relationship, not just
that is tightly integrated with spend
analysis, sourcing and contract              the part."
management processes. This makes it
possible to determine on an ongoing
basis the total cost of doing business
with a supplier and to track more of
the supply base without incurring
additional overhead. Companies also                                                                 B

can minimize leakage and discover                          Supplier              Supplier


                                                           Assessment            Qualifications
                                                                                                      o re

hidden costs by determining which

                                                            On-going              Who?

suppliers are not performing and,                           certifications        Meet standards?
more importantly, why they are not                          Root cause            Risks?
performing. It thus becomes possible                        Continuous
to work proactively with suppliers to                       Improvement
develop fixes, curtail purchases from
underperformers, develop new suppliers
                                                                 Supplier Performance
and/or ratchet up business with                                  Monitoring
other (nonsuspect) vendors. Consider                               Timeliness?
an organization with a total cost of                               Quality?
ownership (TCO)-based SPM system.                                  Service?

When a supplier delivers a part, a first
inspection is performed. If the part is
rejected, extra costs are automatically
assigned to the relationship, not just
the part. Costs are similarly associated
with every aspect of the procurement        Figure 4: Supplier scorecards also
process. In effect, SPM technology          become part of the equation—
helps companies develop a holistic          ensuring that buyers can factor
view of the hard and soft costs of          quantifiable supplier-performance
doing business with suppliers, and          levels into their purchase decisions.

The Next Big Thing(s)                      practices. Green supplier management
in Supplier Performance                    capabilities could even spearhead
Management Technology                      new component- and material-
                                           standardization programs that extend
Tools for supplier performance             the life of various products, while
management will soon become more           making them more scalable, reusable
valuable because they will “embrace        or recyclable.
diversity.” With additional weighting
and analysis capabilities, technology      In a larger sense, you could say
enhancements will help companies           that increased compliance and
incorporate regulations for working        (consequently) lower risk are
with small, minority-owned or              the hallmarks of tomorrow’s
female-run businesses into their           supplier-management technology.
supplier-management and supplier-          Economically speaking, supplier
assessment operations.                     relationships that seamlessly conform
                                           to internally and externally mandated
Those same capabilities will make it       rules and key performance indicators
easier and more economical to meet         (KPIs) will provide a clear competitive
government- or self-imposed standards      edge. Monitoring and pursuing
for green operations and sustainability.   formal certification programs (for
“Green rules” embedded in technology       example, Lean Enterprise, Six Sigma,
streamline the quantification              Supply Chain Operations Reference)
and comparison of a product or             become more automatic, which
component’s lifetime environmental         increases the value and decreases the
impact. It thus becomes simpler to         cost of those programs.
identify and winnow out sourcing
partners that sell environmentally
unsound items or engage in antigreen

3. How Technology Improves Sourcing
Among the more than 25 metrics that        y Activities that are formally tracked.
Accenture used to identify leading         y A tight focus on total cost of
practices in sourcing and category         ownership.
management, the five described in
Figure 5 are particularly noteworthy.      y An end-to-end, supply chain-
For example, all companies classified      wide orientation, with top-down
as procurement masters have                administration from a procurement or
implemented a centrally guided             category board. These boards typically
category- management structure that        include senior people from different
cuts across organizational entities. And   technical and user departments, as well
almost 90 percent of masters have a        as the procurement organization and
“leading practice” strategic sourcing      project leaders.
process and structure in place—one
that emphasizes:
y Common processes across the
y Widespread use of cross-functional
sourcing teams for coordinating
projects, formulating strategies,
managing supplier selection and
implementing contracts.

                                           Centrally led category                                             100%
                                           management structure

                                           Leading practice strategic                                       89%
                                           sourcing process & structure

                                           Focused sourcing analyst
                                           pool                            5%

                                           Maximum leverage of                                        81%
                                           global sourcing

                                           Value tracking & budget                                    76%
                                           integration with full control
                                           over non-compliance             5%

                                                                           Master     Low performer

                                           Figure 5: Percentage of survey
                                           respondents (masters versus low
                                           performers) that engage in, or
                                           perform, specific sourcing and
                                           category management capabilities.

Technology Solutions for                   constantly refined. It remains intact
                           Sourcing                                   regardless of turnover and can be
                                                                      shared across the enterprise. An audit
                           But what about technology? What            trail of what has and hasn’t worked
                           exactly is sourcing technology and         is also kept. The net effect is that,
                           what does it seek to accomplish? How       as buyers shift from one category
                           much further could it take companies       to another or new buyers join the
                           along the road to high performance?        organization, they can contribute
                           To answer these questions, consider        immediately and meaningfully
                           four of the most prevalent/pressing        by leveraging embedded best
                           problems encountered by many               practices. Even relative novices can
                           companies’ sourcing organizations.         quickly grasp a category’s sourcing
                                                                      dynamics—for example, relevant
                           Low levels of credibility and
                                                                      suppliers and corresponding KPI
                           recognition. Sourcing and
                                                                      scores, cost components/attributes
                           procurement organizations often find
                                                                      and attachments.
                           it difficult to quantify the value they
                           bring to the company’s bottom line. As     Inability to see beyond cost. Manual
                           a result, recognition from the executive   (spreadsheet) systems, and even some
                           ranks is hard to secure—as is approval     of the more-advanced solutions,
                           for improvement initiatives or new         don’t provide the deep analytical
                           technology implementations. This is        information that sourcing professionals
                           one reason why reporting capabilities      really need. As a result, item cost
                           are so important. Executive summary        continues to be the sole basis upon
                           reports developed by leading-edge          which too many of their sourcing
                           sourcing solutions provide both            decisions are made. It’s not unusual,
                           program and project-level metrics (for     for example, for a supplier’s quoted
                           example, number of programs run,           unit price to be prohibitively high due
                           number of events run, total and per-       to difficulties procuring a particular
                           item spend, total and per-item savings).   raw material. However, that same
                           These solutions can also help identify     supplier might be extremely effective
                           contents of the sourcing pipeline,         at processing the raw material. For this
                           document-sourcing opportunities            reason, it could be considered a worthy
                           on an annual or quarterly basis, and       supply candidate if the buyer can
                           track savings by providing projected,      purchase the raw material elsewhere
                           forecasted and actual spend figures        and then leverage that supplier’s
                           based on the events already run. In net,   production efficiency and lower
                           the impact and value of the sourcing       manufacturing cost. Of course, without
                           organization become more quantifiable.     advanced sourcing analyses, none of
                                                                      this will happen. Unable to quantify
                           Loss of knowledge due to talent
                                                                      non-direct costs and requirements,
                           turnover. When sourcing professionals
                                                                      our hypothetical buyer will have little
" Summary reports          leave the organization, processes
                                                                      choice but to pay less (in the short
                           and category expertise often go with
  developed by leading-    them. New and remaining employees
                                                                      term) but get substantially less in the
                                                                      long term.
  edge sourcing            are consequently left with more
                           responsibility but fewer sourcing          Sourcing it is not just about finding
  solutions provide both   insights. They may have no choice but      the best price. It is about finding the
  program and project-     to spend less time on each category        optimal mix of suppliers to meet all
                           and thus are more apt to pursue/renew      of the buyers needs based on price,
  level metrics (e.g.,     contracts at noncompetitive prices or      performance, purchasing policies
  number of programs       to engage less-qualified suppliers.        and supplier relationships, all in a
  run; number of events    Sourcing and category management
                                                                      highly dynamic environment (figure
                                                                      6). Sourcing technology makes it
  run; total and per-      technology addresses this problem
                                                                      possible to run hundreds of “best-fit”
                           because it is built around a central
  item spend; total and    repository of best practices.
                                                                      scenarios—objective pictures with
                                                                      far more detail than just acquisition
  per-item savings)."      Information is stable, cumulative and

cost. Basically, buyers define their       data, buyers can easily create
specifications, business needs and         category-specific sourcing models
preferred options. Suppliers respond       that are as simple or as detailed as
with their unique advantages,              necessary. For example, a particular
competencies, prices and even              category model might show 20 pieces
alternative approaches (for example,       of item information and 10 elements
“bundle bidding”). New acquisition         of total-cost-of ownership information
avenues open up for the buyer, who         for a particular strategic category.
is also capturing more information in      However, it might capture only one
the process. Leveraging the technology,    data-point (most likely, price) for an
he or she scrutinizes hundreds of          indirect category.
complex “what-if” analyses in a matter
of minutes and consequently makes          Unlimited numbers of unique,
far more holistic buying decisions.        template-driven category structures
Longer term, the buyer has identified a    can then be stored in a “smart data
sourcing allocation plan that balances     library.” This makes it possible for
price components with qualitative          companies to make more and better
factors (for example, supplier scores      decisions about a wider range of
by KPI) or location-specific constraints   contracts and purchases. They’re
(for example, 35 percent domestic          also better equipped to take a more
content for an international plant).       commodity-driven approach to
In addition, suppliers appreciate the      procurement in general, and to slice
collaborative process and are more         and dice data as needed to make
inclined to work with the buyer’s firm     better risk assessments, develop
in the future.                             “what-if” scenarios and negotiate
                                           more effectively.
Lack of key performance indicators.
Advanced analyses are essential.
Without them, buyers have little
                                                                       Flexible Supplier Bidding
choice but to overemphasize basic                                       Bundling
acquisition costs. However, advanced                                    Multiple Price Breaks
sourcing tools actually do more                                         Substitutions
than gather and track purchase                                          Quality and
                                                                        Quantity Ranges
considerations. They also help buyers
aggregate, organize and prioritize
                                                                                                   Supplier Performance
those considerations. Basically, key         Flexible Total Cost                                   Rating
performance indicators (KPIs) are            Modeling
                                                                            Lowest Total            Supplier category and
                                              Item                                                  item level
developed. Buyers use these KPIs to           Spec                            Cost of               Qualification
assess and quantify the relative value        Quantity                       Ownership              Quality
                                              Due Date                                              On-time delivery
of hard and soft costs, such as:              Proprietary Attributes                                Item attributes
                                                                                                    (i.e. tolerance)
y Expedite fees resulting from a
supplier’s inability to deliver in a
timely manner.                                                          Scenario Modeling
y Risk to reputation resulting from a                                    Budget Limits
                                                                         Award Splits
supplier’s poor product quality and the                                  Switching Costs
impact on finished product.                                              Contractual Obligation
                                                                         Preferred Suppliers
y Poor procurement decisions resulting
from a dearth of buyers available to
scrutinize and make purchases.

Consider the many actions involved         Figure 6: Sourcing it is not just about
in analyzing supplier responses to         finding the best price. It is about
requests for information (RFIs). Armed     finding the optimal mix of suppliers
with the ability to capture and weigh      to meet all of the buyers needs based
quantitative and qualitative (business     on price, performance, purchasing
constraint and supplier performance)       policies and supplier relationships, all
                                           in a highly dynamic environment.

The Next Big Thing(s) in                    Superior Sourcing                          Another up-and-coming practice is
Sourcing Technology                                                                    tighter control of prices and pricing
                                            Wolters Kluwer, a leading provider of
                                                                                       opportunities during the sourcing
Green is red hot. Customers and             business-information services, grew
                                                                                       and supplier-negotiation processes.
consumers support it. Governments           rapidly in the 1990s through several       Consider that most allocation decisions
and regulatory bodies increasingly          acquisitions. It subsequently moved        are made shortly after the conclusion
insist upon it. And, by identifying,        from a holding company model to a          of a sourcing event. But because
logging, assessing and comparing            multidivision company, with divisions      price is executed at purchase time, a
suppliers, sourcing technologies can        acting autonomously. This change           buyer’s actual cost may change due
help companies cash in on it. It won’t      prompted a need for more formal,           to fluctuations in commodity prices.
be long, in fact, before green is an        company-wide procurement processes         In fact, the actual allocation often
entrenched part of how procurement          that could scale with the business and     changes as market factor values
organizations do business—a basic           reduce the cost of Wolters Kluwer’s        change. Sourcing professionals soon
criterion for evaluating suppliers,                                                    will be able to use technology to
                                            US$1billion annual spend.
products and business processes. As                                                    specify a range for a particular market
that happens, systems that can fully        Toward these ends, Wolters Kluwer          value, thereby obtaining allocations
quantify green tradeoffs—for example,       created a shared-services strategic        that align closely with best price. For
justifying the plant-wide replacement       sourcing department and acquired           example, as resin prices rise or fall,
of incandescent bulbs with (initially                                                  the best allocations across suppliers
                                            additional technology capabilities in
higher cost) compact fluorescents                                                      (Supplier A: 60 percent; Supplier B:
                                            sourcing and contract management.
light (CFL) bulbs to reduce energy                                                     40 percent) should also change. New
                                            The company also expanded its
consumption (including cooling costs                                                   sourcing algorithms will make this
associated with bulb-generated heat)—       technology scope with advanced
                                                                                       possible, along with the ability to
will be essential. It’s a largely new       supplier-selection capabilities.           identify which factors/items/suppliers
aspect of cost/benefit analysis that will                                              most dramatically affect allocations
                                            These innovations made it possible
inevitably apply to scores of categories,                                              and costs.
                                            for the company to develop more
including transportation services, office
equipment, business materials and           standardized, collaboration-intensive
utilities. Imagine, for example, if large   sourcing processes and templates, while
retailers were forced to contribute to      reducing the effort needed to draft,
the “green costs” of stocking bottled       review, approve and file contracts. The
water. Even ignoring the fact that a        result is continuous improvements
lot of bottled water is from public         across the contract management and
water sources (i.e., tap water) yet costs   sourcing spectrum:
about 100 times as much, there are
                                            y A more efficient contract-
still extensive environmental penalties,
particularly 1) pollution caused by         management process.
trucks shipping thousands of tons of        y Fewer inadvertent contract lapses or
product each year, 2) huge amounts of       automatic renewals.
plastic waste and 3) increased crude oil    y Improved contract compliance.
requirements resulting from production      y Faster, more precise spend baselining
of plastic bottles.                         and supplier consolidation.
                                            y Improved control of the contracting
                                            y More thorough contract reviews,
                                            resulting in more favorable terms and
                                            less risk.
                                            y Reduced administrative overhead.
                                            y New opportunities to leverage best
                                            practice templates.
                                            y Better visibility into events in
                                            y Collaboration in parallel, rather than
                                            in serial.

4. How Technology Improves Contract

Sourcing skills, experience and            approach: the contract is literally
leading practices make procurement         placed in a file cabinet, along with any
opportunities clear. But contract          amendments, and forgotten about until
management makes those                     a problem arises. Inefficiency reigns.
opportunities real. And leading-edge
technology is key to effective (cost-      It also is common for companies’
efficient, accurate, timely, insightful)   contract-documentation mechanisms
contract management.                       to not connect with their Enterprise
                                           Resource Planning (ERP) systems. As a
Sourcing bids are not legally binding      result, business entities are unable to
without a contract in place. However,      track all contract terms and conditions
roughly 80 percent of companies            (pricing, service level agreements,
still depend on a manual contract          performance and delivery guidelines)
management process, which nearly           or to monitor compliance with internal
always results in contract delays.         and external (regulatory) mandates.
Collaboration across departments (for      This is crucial step—making sure that
example, procurement, purchasing,          final purchases are compliant with
legal, IT) also is compromised. And        prices and terms negotiated in the
compared to procurement masters            contract. Failure to do so makes it
(who nearly always log and manage          doubly hard to enforce compliance to
contracts centrally), manual users         contract terms.
lack visibility into, control over and
compliance with the sourcing awards.
They simply have less understanding
(and thus less control over) contract
terms and conditions, service level
agreements and amendments. Most
simply follow a file-and-forget

Technology Solutions for                Efficiency and control also come           The Next Big Thing(s) in
 Contract Management                     together in one technologically            Contract Management
 Coming to the rescue, procurement
                                         advanced system. Imagine that the          Technology
                                         procurement organization needs
 technology is all (and always)                                                     Contract management will become
                                         its legal department to approve
 about visibility. With an automated                                                increasingly central to the sourcing
                                         changes made to a contract. However,
 enterprise contract management (ECM)                                               process. More contract negotiations
                                         procurement only wants Legal
 system, companies have a single,                                                   will happen in parallel with sourcing
                                         to approve changes that deviate
 easily searchable repository for all                                               events. Exceptional visibility into a
                                         from approved company language.
 contracts. That repository is end-to-                                              supplier’s (and their own) performance
                                         Procurement masters can make this
 end and cradle-to-grave—a living,                                                  against contract will move users
                                         happen quickly and accurately by
 accessible home for contract-related                                               of advanced contract management
                                         using a template-based library of
 information. ERP systems are not                                                   technology ahead of the competition.
                                         preapproved clauses within its contract
 the place to keep this information.                                                For them, contract management will be
                                         management system. Without this
 Nor are file servers or document                                                   the basis of compliance.
                                         capability, the wheel must be recreated
 management systems. Only ECMs
                                         each time there is a contract clause       Contract management and supplier
 are designed to accept contract
                                         change. It also becomes less likely that   governance systems also will mature
 data; manage contract workflows
                                         compliance statutes will be adhered to.    to include contract rating and scoring
 (contract creation, approval, review,
 negotiation); compare products and                                                 models. Buyers and legal departments
                                         Improved supplier performance
 performance to compliance-related                                                  thus will be able to set up standards
                                         management is another byproduct.
 conditions; and track, monitor and                                                 for judging and measuring contract
                                         When a company and supplier forge
 enforce legally binding terms and                                                  risk. Those standards could include
                                         a contract, both must approve its
 conditions.                                                                        component quality, delivery accuracy,
                                         requirements and expectations. For
                                                                                    previous on-contract performance and
                                         example, is the buyer expecting
                                                                                    so forth. Currently, there is no objective
                                         the supplier to respond within 30
                                                                                    way to determine the quality/viability
                                         minutes of the first call? To make
                                                                                    of a contract. The ability to measure
                                         sure, the tech-savvy buyer can load
                                                                                    contract risk will also extend to sales
                                         average response times (by supplier
                                                                                    contracts, covering areas where
                                         or by category) into its contract
                                                                                    revenue recognition could be affected.
                                         management system, and thus have an
                                         increasingly vast and reliable library     A third contract management
                                         of key performance indicators. Per the     breakthrough focuses on easier
                                         above example, the buyer can set a         management of multiple contract
                                         baseline measurement to the contract       layers. A business relationship is rarely
                                         value of, say, 30 minutes. If the          represented in a single document.
                                         supplier fails to meet that requirement,   More likely, these relationships are
                                         it receives an alert stating that the      represented by multiple contracts,
                                         contract has been violated.                which change over time and can
                                                                                    involve master/subordinate hierarchies.
                                         In net, contract management is
" Procurement                            the final piece in the procurement-
                                                                                    In addition, contracts frequently
                                                                                    involve relationships across multiple
  technology is all                      integration equation: seamless,
                                                                                    partners. Managing all this requires
                                         enterprise-wide data flows that
  (and always) about                     encompass the process and the
                                                                                    technology that provides immediate
                                                                                    and efficient management and visibility
  visibility. With an                    relationship. Companies can drill down
                                                                                    of the complete business relationship.
                                         into spend to see how much is on and
  automated enterprise                   off contract. They are managing the
  content management                     entire process and ensuring the quality
                                         of the entire relationship.
  (ECM) system—fully
  integrated with
  have a single, easily
  searchable repository
  for all contracts."
High Performance and
Procurement Technology

Research into achieving high               investments. One reason for this is             y Reduce sales cycle time.
performance through procurement            the many forms that procurement                 y Stimulate new product development
confirms that huge disparities exist       technology value can take, including:           with supplier innovations.
in the degree to which companies           y Capture savings year-after-year.
leverage technology. As shown in                                                           This is not to say that implementing
Figure 7, the six technology-enabled       y Bring more spend under                        leading-edge procurement technology
behaviors presented to survey              management.                                     is a “walk in the park” or that any
recipients are deployed by an average      y Optimize supply base in order to              company investing in procurement
of 70 percent of masters, but less than    balance cost, performance and risk              technology will become a procurement
5 percent of low performers.               y Reduce maverick spending and drive            master or high performance business
                                           down contract risk.                             overnight. However, it’s reasonably
From the data presented in this Point                                                      certain that, without a firm handle on
of View, two broad conclusions are         y Maintain auditable supply and                 today’s and tomorrow’s procurement
inescapable. The first is that high        contract management processes.                  technologies, procurement mastery
performance—the characteristics            y Identify procure-to-pay process               and high performance will remain little
exhibited by companies that                violations.                                     more than aspirations.
consistently outperform their
peers—is more likely to be attained        y Improve deal quality and optimize
by organizations that excel in             renewals.
procurement. The second is that
procurement mastery is largely
synonymous with the ability to
                                           Technology support                                                82%
leverage technology. Process
excellence is certainly key. An aligned,                                8%
committed workforce is vital. Senior-
                                           Common and automated                                            79%
level buy-in is essential. And the
importance of collaborative, win-          R2P platform               3%
win relationships with suppliers and
other business partners is undeniable.                                                      46%
                                           Self-service e-invoicing
However, technology proficiency is                                    5%
what spans the entire procure-to-pay
                                           Supplier integration                                     65%
cycle. No company can be a Supplier
Relationship Management (SRM)              technology                 5%
leader or a procurement strategy
leader or a sourcing leader without        Procurement master data                                        76%
the tools to maximize each part’s          harmonization           1%
contribution and ensure enterprise-
                                           Reporting excellence                                        71%
wide synergy.
Despite these “conditions,” there is
a clear upside: compared to many                                      Master    Low performer

systems, implementing leading-
edge procurement technology is not
unusually difficult nor does it take       Figure 7: Percentage of survey
long to build out the infrastructure. In   respondents (masters versus low
addition, value may be captured more       performers) that leverage various
quickly than with other technology         technology-based capabilities.

About Accenture                          About Accenture Supply Chain Management

Accenture is a global management         The Accenture Supply Chain                We collaborate with clients to
consulting, technology services          Management service line works             implement innovative consulting
and outsourcing company.                 with clients across a broad range of      and outsourcing solutions that align
Combining unparalleled experience,       industries to develop and execute         operating models to support business
comprehensive capabilities across        operational strategies that enable        strategies, optimize global operations,
all industries and business functions,   profitable growth in new and existing     enable profitable product launches,
and extensive research on the world’s    markets. Committed to helping clients     and enhance the skills and capabilities
most successful companies, Accenture     achieve high performance through          of the supply chain workforce.
collaborates with clients to help them   supply chain mastery, we combine          For more information, visit
become high-performance businesses       global industry expertise and skills in
and governments. With 178,000            supply chain strategy, sourcing and
people in 49 countries, the company      procurement, supply chain planning,
generated net revenues of US$19.70       manufacturing and design, fulfillment,
billion for the fiscal year ended Aug.   and service management to help
31, 2007. Its home page is               organizations transform their supply                       chain capabilities.

Copyright © 2008 Accenture               About the Authors                         About Emptoris
All rights reserved.
                                         Rob Woodstock is a partner in the         Emptoris is a world leader in
Accenture, its logo, and                 Accenture Supply Chain Management         innovative supply and contract
High Performance Delivered               service line. Rob has expertise with      management software solutions
are trademarks of Accenture.             helping clients across industries         that empower enterprises to realize
                                         to improve the performance of             best value and accelerate profitable
                                         their procurement operations              growth. Emptoris solutions are used
                                         through process improvement,              by successful Global 2000 companies
                                         organization development and system       in every industry. Customers
                                         implementation initiatives. Based in      include American Express, Boeing,
                                         London, he can be reached at rob.         ConocoPhillips, GlaxoSmithKline, Kraft,
                                                 Motorola, Owens Corning, Syngenta,
                                                                                   and Vodafone.
                                         Kevin Potts is the Vice President
                                         of Marketing at Emptoris. Kevin
                                         works closely with customers,
                                         industry leaders, and the business
                                         and technology press to share
                                         the company's vision for how its
                                         innovation can accelerate profitable
                                         growth. Kevin has over 9 years
                                         of enterprise software marketing
                                         experience, including 7 years
                                         directly in the supply and contract
                                         management arena.

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High Performance Through Procurement: The Role of Technology

  • 1. High Performance Through Procurement: The Role of Technology Kevin Potts, Emptoris, and Rob Woodstock, Accenture Consulting Technology Outsourcing
  • 2. “ Procurement mastery”—significantly Not, at all. Like supply chain outpacing competitors in areas such as management in general, procurement’s sourcing, category management and potential to foster growth and reduce supplier relationship management— costs is significantly greater than can be immensely profitable. A recent most companies imagine. The mission Accenture study1 makes this clear: of this Point of View—a collaboration “Procurement masters achieve 30 between Accenture and Emptoris—is percent higher savings than companies to help readers understand the with lesser capabilities. Yet masters’ nature of procurement mastery procurement organizations cost about (how we define it), the rewards half as much to run.” of procurement mastery (why the investment and effort are worth it) With such stellar potential, it’s and, most germane to this paper, the surprising how many companies tools and technologies that connect never move ahead with a major procurement mastery with high procurement-optimization effort. To performance. some extent, their reticence indicates old school thinking: “Procurement is basically a clerical function—a cost center. As long as we’re reasonably efficient, there’s more benefit in devoting our strategic energies to other things. Right?” Contents Procurement Insights, Research and Rewards............................................. 3 Four Technology Keys to Procurement Mastery.......................................... 5 1. How Technology Improves Spend Management................................... 6 2. How Technology Improves Supplier Performance Management...........................................................................10 3. How Technology Improves Sourcing.........................................................13 4. How Technology Improves Contract Management..............................17 High Performance and Procurement Technology........................................19 1High performance through procurement: Accenture research and insights into procurement performance mastery. 2
  • 3. Procurement Insights, Research and Rewards " For a company with In late 2006, Accenture solicited management; workforce/organization; procurement-related input from and technology. For example, in US$1 billion in controlled executives at leading companies sourcing and category management, spend, a procurement across North America and Europe. we asked respondents about formal master would incur costs Information from 225 respondents was supplier collaboration processes (1 = ultimately gathered. Eighty two percent minimal, 5 = extensive). For requisition of US$8 million and of that group are chief procurement to pay, we asked about the use of savings of US$82 million, officers or directors of procurement. common requisition portals (1 = none, while a procurement low 5 = fully standardized). In this way, Via the survey and follow-on Accenture was able to create basic performer would incur interviews, Accenture’s goal was distinctions between low performers costs of US$16 million to establish clear, measurable (17 percent of the survey population), and savings of only distinctions among procurement midrange performers (67 percent) and “masters,” “midrange performers” US$63 million." and “laggards.” Using these metrics- procurement masters (16 percent). based distinctions, we would then be To understand the relative rewards able to determine the relative level attained by each performer category, of benefit (particularly cost savings) Accenture then tracked low achieved at each level. Details on performers, midrange performers this categorization process—how and masters to the documented procurement masters were defined benefits attained by the respondents’ and how their success was measured— procurement organizations: is detailed in “About the Study”. y Total cost of ownership savings (compared to “controlled, normalized About the Study spend”) To understand the nature and y Total cost of ownership savings rewards of procurement mastery, as a percentage of procurement the study first sought to develop operating costs criteria for defining procurement y Percentage of spend controlled by masters, midrange performers and the procurement organization low performers. Our research team asked 225 executives 25 questions y Percentage of new product designs/ for each of six core components of introductions in which procurement procurement: strategy; sourcing and has a material role category management; requisition y Share of suppliers managed through to pay; supplier relationship a formal process Low Performer Midrange Master (17%) Performer (16%) (67%) -1 +1 3
  • 4. Survey results confirm that Accenture also observed that 4. Supplier Relationship procurement masters achieve procurement masters enjoy a Management: Eighty four percent significantly greater financial benefits significant edge in every one of the of masters use a supply-base than the balance of the survey six procurement specialty areas that segmentation strategy that aligns population. The right side of Figure were used to segment respondents approaches and types of relationships 1 shows that survey respondents (Figure 2). For example, with specific supply markets and qualifying as masters achieve supplier characteristics. Almost no savings equal to 10 times the cost of 1. Procurement Strategy: Masters low-performing organization operates running their organizations, based are five times more likely than similarly. on controlled normalized spend from low performers to use a balanced one year to the next. By contrast, the scorecard approach and almost 20 5. Workforce and Organization: savings achieved by procurement low times more likely to benchmark Procurement masters face fewer performers are only four times their procurement performance against organizational challenges. And the costs (left side of Figure 1). In effect, competitors. Masters also were found challenges they do confront are masters spend half as much as low to be almost four times more likely generally less constrictive or severe performers, yet they save 30 percent than low performers to outsource one than those faced by procurement more. For a company with US$1 or several procurement functions. organizations of lesser stature. billion in controlled spend, this means This implies that a more effective 2. Sourcing and Category operation structure encourages a procurement master would incur Management: Procurement costs of US$8 million and savings of pursuit of greater savings and masters are 16 times more likely increased effectiveness. US$82 million, while a procurement than low performers to have a low performer would incur costs of dedicated sourcing analyst pool that 6. Technology: The use of technology US$16 million and savings of only provides support during the sourcing to support sourcing programs is US$63 million. and category-management process. 10 times more prevalent among And procurement management is masters than low performers. Plus, $82 centrally led at 100 percent of masters’ 10x 87 percent of masters report that $63 organizations, compared to only 26 they harmonize master data and use 4x percent of low performers’ organizations. common technologies to support their requisition to pay processes. Less than 3. Requisition to Pay: Seventy 5 percent of low performers do either. nine percent of masters have $16 successfully implemented a common $8 and automated requisition-to-pay Low Performer Master platform, compared to just 3 percent Cost to procure Savings delivered of low performers. Vision, mission, core values Performance management Figure 1. Comparing cost savings. On 1. Procurement Strategy Operating model Category strategic planning US$1 billion of controlled, normalized spend, procurement masters save Strategic sourcing Category mgmt. framework 2. Sourcing and Category Mgmt. 10 times as much as it costs them Category policy setting Compliance monitoring to operate their procurement 3. Requisition to Pay (R2P) Transaction processing Master data management organizations. Assisted buying Fulfillment Supplier performance mgmt . Supplier development and 4. Supplier Relationship Mgmt. Contract management integration Having the right network Organization that facilitates 5. Workforce & Organization of competent people working together Technology that delivers Systems cover all functions: 6. Technology right information strategy to operations Figure 2. The six procurement characteristics assessed for Accenture's High performance through Procurement research. 4
  • 5. Four Technology Keys to Procurement Mastery The Accenture survey makes it remainder of this report looks at abundantly clear that procurement some of the key challenges faced by performance pays—that companies procurement organizations and the willing to invest in better processes technology innovations available to and technologies are amply rewarded. surmount those barriers. Better processes are difficult to achieve but somewhat self- explanatory. They are: collaborative, information-driven strategy setting; exceptional supplier relationship management; holistic procure-to- pay cycles, and so forth. But what about procurement technology? We know that procurement masters make better decisions because of technology and that they are more likely to leverage cutting- edge tools to make a financial and competitive difference. But what are the specific challenges that procurement technology can help companies surmount? What do those technologies look like? And how can companies quantify their value? The 5
  • 6. 1. How Technology Improves Spend Analysis From a technology perspective, limited than those of their customers. procurement leaders recently lobbied exceptional spend analysis is Classification and naming schemes for actually produce the 23 percent synonymous with two interconnected may also be different. savings they predicted? How much has capabilities: maximizing organization- “rogue spending” dropped as a result? wide visibility and (then) tracking, Visibility problems undermine What is the exact level (and impact) of monitoring and enforcing spend companies’ ability to produce ”leakage” and what can we do about activity. At most companies, spend actionable business insights. Instead— it? Most companies lack the data- visibility is limited to “spend by vendor” without clean, consistent information gathering and measurement abilities to and “spend category.” This is a complex on stock keeping units (SKUs), prices, answer such questions with certainty. problem that has only gotten more stakeholder preferences and supplier difficult as companies’ spend becomes performance—they develop ad-hoc more global. Nowadays, for example: (workaround) processes to manage sourcing events. These companies are y Spend data is generally dispersed similarly ill positioned to quantify across myriad internal data sources. savings opportunities to C-level The ability to draw and consolidate executives, and thus to secure information from multiple locations in approval for budget increases or an efficient, repeatable manner is rare. improvement initiatives. y To maximize procurement efficiency, Not surprisingly, visibility problems companies need highly accurate and sabotage companies’ ability to track granular classifications of spend data. and monitor spend activities and thus However, the information available attain high levels of compliance. This to them is frequently “dirty” or is actually the heart of the spend- incomplete. management challenge: Businesses must be able to identify opportunities y The most significant shortcomings and track savings. Have we chosen are often outside the company. Vendors the most-fruitful spend-reduction systems may be just as (or even more) initiatives? Did the program which 6
  • 7. " Best-in-class applications go beyond providing basic spend visibility by zooming into real opportunities and tracking the results of savings initiatives for those opportunities. Users can make better decisions about what they are buying and what those items actually cost." Technology Solutions for These applications extract transaction databases that consolidate transactions Spend Analysis data from multiple systems and (for example, across “parent-child” databases, and then represent organizations), cluster them (for Leading-edge procurement technology (normalize) the data in a single example, across similar suppliers) and is geared to maximizing visibility— format. Best-in-class applications go map them to various commodities, using “spend analysis” to acquire, beyond providing basic spend visibility contracts and other sources of data. update, consolidate and share by zooming into real opportunities Armed with this capability, companies information in ways that encourage and tracking the results of savings can discover when multiple business and support the identification of initiatives for those opportunities. units are sourcing from the same savings opportunities. Users can make better decisions supplier but possibly working with about what they are buying and different price and payment terms Best-in-class spend-analysis what those items actually cost. They (this scenario is common in companies technology combines three key also can begin quantifying spend for that have grown through mergers or capabilities: a deep knowledge specific commodities or categories, acquisitions). Together, extraction, base, automation and content. The eliminating spend duplication across normalization and data-enrichment knowledge base provides extensive multiple suppliers, and doing a better capabilities help companies attain a vendor and item information: millions job of leveraging discounts and early single-lowest price for each supplier, of vendor names, item descriptions and payment options (some suppliers along with new opportunities to associated information. Automation offer discounts of up to 2 percent capture volume discounts. (for example, machine-learning algorithms incorporated in trainable for payments made within 10 days). auto classifiers) helps to rapidly and Simply put, spend analysis helps accurately relate spend data to a companies make better procurement commodity structure. Content (aka, a decisions and build a stronger case for library of information) contains data continuous improvement. on spend transactions, ”parent-child” Complementing these extraction and commodity structures, etc., and thus normalization capabilities are data- provides maximum visibility into enrichment functions: intelligent companies’ spend initiatives. 7
  • 8. Spend Analysis and makers’ needs with aggregated, procurement organization instead of IT. Data Warehouses normalized and enriched data. Users Reports can be examined collectively can parse data in myriad ways to rather than sequentially, thus making Quite often data warehouses are gain greater spend visibility and tap the company more responsive to considered to be able to provide the improvement opportunities that market dynamics. Bottom line? Spend the same results as spend analysis. greater visibility provides. analysis provides data enrichment, This is not true. Data warehouses do consolidation, speed, accuracy, aggregate information, but it usually is Key metrics such as lowest potential granularity and sophisticated, too broadly based—too likely to be “all cost, percentage of spend under proactive reporting. things to all people.” Data warehouses’ management and suppliers’ approach to spend analysis is to roll commitments to their contractual A related spend-tracking/monitoring up information and then analyze the obligations shift regularly. That’s issue is contract compliance— data offline, without making changes why spend analysis also provides understanding the extent to which to the data in real time. Because the frequent (monthly or even weekly) contractual obligations are being user is working with summary data, data refreshes that help companies followed. Most companies have not this approach limits the ability to slice acquire, consolidate and present implemented a contract management and dice in a way that is specific to the latest spend, sourcing and (CM) solution. But those that have—and the user’s needs. To drill down and do contract information. Procurement integrated the solution with accounts further analysis, a user must leverage organizations that rely solely on payable information—enjoy particularly specialized spend-analysis technology. traditional data warehousing fall detailed data that are tightly short in this area as well. Most data associated with terms and conditions With spend analysis, data is held warehouse reports are insufficiently and service-level agreements. in memory, which allows a user granular and wait times for the to drill down into the spend data information are often lengthy. (physical transactions, not just Delays also ensue when a different roll-up summaries) in real time. view is requested. Spend analysis Spend analysis attacks one problem— avoids this problem by putting the managing spend—in a focused manner reporting process in the hands of the that targets procurement decision 8
  • 9. The Next Big Thing(s) in Spend Recipe for Growth Analysis Technology Beyond the benefits they currently Syngenta is among the world’s than 15 different types of systems, enjoy, spend analysis users are better top agribusinesses, with revenue including every major Enterprise positioned to leverage capabilities exceeding US$9 billion and more than Resource Planning (ERP) platform.” whose unveiling is just around 21,000 employees in 90 countries. the corner. A good example is The company is also a leader in crop Low-cost-country sourcing, e-sourcing benchmarking and best practices. protection and is fully committed and spend analysis have contributed Today’s tech-savvy company knows to sustainable agriculture through significantly to the company’s what it is paying and is confident that innovative research and technology. attainment of all its merger-related its costs are low and that its suppliers Syngenta was formed nearly eight sourcing goals. For example, the team are in compliance. But no commodity years ago—a spin-off of Novartis’ and used to only have visibility dating manager really knows what (or how AstraZeneca’s agribusinesses. Innovative back a year or more. But it now knows well) the company’s competitors approaches to procurement and exactly what the company is spending are doing. In the near future, spend procurement technology have played a at any given time—past or present— analysis technology will incorporate big role Syngenta’s meteoric rise. and with what suppliers (Syngenta data on what the market is doing works with 45,000 suppliers on six with respect to direct and indirect Early on, Syngenta senior executives continents). Looking more broadly, the (MRO) spend. insisted that the company’s newly company now is able to: formed procurement group develop y Take a global, holistic view of spend. Another looming innovation is the best-in-class sourcing principles ability to more-rapidly refresh the supported by best-in-class technologies. y Rapidly transform raw data into spend dataset. Companies that use Sourcing and spend analysis were actionable information. spend analysis to track savings and deemed particularly critical. y Make that information “rich” and compliance generally need weekly easy to find. (rather than monthly) visibility y Sourcing. The Syngenta procurement team launched a highly successful y Readily understand the supply into new data. They may also want low-cost-country sourcing program markets and cost drivers within each their commodity managers to make for chemical intermediates and active category of spend. changes to commodity structures or to improve data accuracy by ingredients. E-sourcing became the Upcoming procurement projects for reclassifying transactions that weren’t focal point on the technology side. Syngenta will focus on enhancing appropriately categorized the first Syngenta now uses “e-RFX” across all supplier relationship management time around. Changes such as these categories of direct and indirect spend. capabilities, contract management need to be controlled with appropriate y Spend Analysis. As the sourcing and supplier negotiation. The authorizations, approvals and rules function evolved, the procurement company thus will be embracing and and applied to the dataset in real- or team recognized the need for highly engraining new tools and processes near-real time. Conflicting rules must accurate and consistent data with across the organization, segmenting be arbitrated. Virtually none of these which to inform the company’s and categorizing suppliers based capabilities are present in current sourcing priorities and decisions. It first on multiple attributes that define data-warehouse-type solutions, which tried using a global data warehouse relationships, and ensuring proactive, rely on rigid schemas without means supported by a business intelligence best-in-class management of to submit corrections and changes. tool. This proved ineffective. Its contractual relationships throughout next recourse—an advanced spend- their life cycle. A third pending advance is the ability to forecast spend for several upcoming analysis solution—is now being used years based on historical information. by more than 180 trained users across Traditionally, planning and forecasting purchasing, finance and at the cost functions have interacted with center level. According to Dr. Hans Operations and Sales organizations, Elmsheuser, Syngenta’s head of global but not with procurement. Tomorrow’s purchasing, “The solution allows us to spend analysis technology will analyze spend on up to 30 different examine historical and predicted usage dimensions or axes, including category, and connect forecasting/planning, cost center, GL account, geography, operations, sales and marketing time, payment terms, UNSPSC code departments with procurement. and supplier diversity status. It also helps us aggregate data from more than 45 countries retrieved from more 9
  • 10. 2. How Technology Improves Supplier Performance Management Accenture’s research on procurement partnering agreements, and even this approach is neither scalable nor mastery reveals that significant rewards developing joint operations based cost efficient. Even at the master level, accrue to supplier-management on knowledge sharing, seamless most supplier management programs leaders. Specifically, masters achieve 5 processes and mutually beneficial are managed manually. Such programs percent savings from both sourcing and product improvements. Perhaps most also are likely to be reactive, with post-contract activities against total revealing, Accenture research shows companies constantly putting out procurement operating spend, versus that procurement masters are three fires that result from undermanaged 3 percent savings for the remaining times more likely than low performers supplier performance. survey respondents. to have a formal program for managing their supply base. Figure 3 depicts other As noted earlier, masters achieve supplier-management advantages much of their edge by using supply- enjoyed by procurement masters. base segmentation strategies that align approaches and types of Despite the advantages, few companies relationships with specific supply actually use specific supplier markets and supplier characteristics— performance management technology. including relevant strengths and Some have patched together Excel- weaknesses, product complexities based systems to track performance and geographies. It is this proficiency but find this approach onerous. that abets other capabilities, such Others have invested in armies of as forging deeper relationships with assessors who systematically log the key suppliers, establishing long-term performance of key suppliers. However, Segmenting the supply base 84% 1% Partnering with key suppliers on a 46% risk-reward sharing basic 3% Central logging and proactively 80% managing contracts 8% Automatically tracking/reporting 83% supplier performance 1% Master Low Performer Figure 3: Percentage of survey respondents (masters versus low performers) that engage in, or perform, specific supplier relationship management activities. 10
  • 11. Technology Solutions for to make the right moves in response Supplier Performance to the supplier information they’ve Management acquired. SPM technologies also are key to the successful application “Opportunity identification” is the most of best practices and improvement important contribution that advanced methodologies, such as Lean Enterprise procurement technology brings to and Six Sigma. supplier performance management (SPM). Basically, technology automates the collection, analysis and dissemination of supplier performance " Consider an metrics. Using a standardized approach organization with a to measuring supplier performance, it links the setting of metrics at the total cost of ownership start of the supplier relationship (TCO)-based SPM with processes for monitoring and communicating actual supplier system. When a performance. Supplier scorecards also supplier delivers a become part of the equation—ensuring that buyers can factor quantifiable part, a first inspection supplier-performance levels into their is performed. If the purchase decisions (figure 4). part is rejected, extra Leveraging SPM technology, supplier costs are automatically performance credentials (qualitative and quantitative) are consolidated assigned to the in a supplier performance repository relationship, not just that is tightly integrated with spend analysis, sourcing and contract the part." management processes. This makes it possible to determine on an ongoing basis the total cost of doing business with a supplier and to track more of the supply base without incurring additional overhead. Companies also B g can minimize leakage and discover Supplier Supplier oin ef Assessment Qualifications o re hidden costs by determining which g On-going Who? On- suppliers are not performing and, certifications Meet standards? more importantly, why they are not Root cause Risks? analysis performing. It thus becomes possible Continuous to work proactively with suppliers to Improvement develop fixes, curtail purchases from underperformers, develop new suppliers Supplier Performance and/or ratchet up business with Monitoring other (nonsuspect) vendors. Consider Timeliness? an organization with a total cost of Quality? ownership (TCO)-based SPM system. Service? When a supplier delivers a part, a first inspection is performed. If the part is rejected, extra costs are automatically During assigned to the relationship, not just the part. Costs are similarly associated with every aspect of the procurement Figure 4: Supplier scorecards also process. In effect, SPM technology become part of the equation— helps companies develop a holistic ensuring that buyers can factor view of the hard and soft costs of quantifiable supplier-performance doing business with suppliers, and levels into their purchase decisions. 11
  • 12. The Next Big Thing(s) practices. Green supplier management in Supplier Performance capabilities could even spearhead Management Technology new component- and material- standardization programs that extend Tools for supplier performance the life of various products, while management will soon become more making them more scalable, reusable valuable because they will “embrace or recyclable. diversity.” With additional weighting and analysis capabilities, technology In a larger sense, you could say enhancements will help companies that increased compliance and incorporate regulations for working (consequently) lower risk are with small, minority-owned or the hallmarks of tomorrow’s female-run businesses into their supplier-management technology. supplier-management and supplier- Economically speaking, supplier assessment operations. relationships that seamlessly conform to internally and externally mandated Those same capabilities will make it rules and key performance indicators easier and more economical to meet (KPIs) will provide a clear competitive government- or self-imposed standards edge. Monitoring and pursuing for green operations and sustainability. formal certification programs (for “Green rules” embedded in technology example, Lean Enterprise, Six Sigma, streamline the quantification Supply Chain Operations Reference) and comparison of a product or become more automatic, which component’s lifetime environmental increases the value and decreases the impact. It thus becomes simpler to cost of those programs. identify and winnow out sourcing partners that sell environmentally unsound items or engage in antigreen 12
  • 13. 3. How Technology Improves Sourcing Among the more than 25 metrics that y Activities that are formally tracked. Accenture used to identify leading y A tight focus on total cost of practices in sourcing and category ownership. management, the five described in Figure 5 are particularly noteworthy. y An end-to-end, supply chain- For example, all companies classified wide orientation, with top-down as procurement masters have administration from a procurement or implemented a centrally guided category board. These boards typically category- management structure that include senior people from different cuts across organizational entities. And technical and user departments, as well almost 90 percent of masters have a as the procurement organization and “leading practice” strategic sourcing project leaders. process and structure in place—one that emphasizes: y Common processes across the company. y Widespread use of cross-functional sourcing teams for coordinating projects, formulating strategies, managing supplier selection and implementing contracts. Centrally led category 100% management structure 26% Leading practice strategic 89% sourcing process & structure 5% 80% Focused sourcing analyst pool 5% Maximum leverage of 81% global sourcing 5% Value tracking & budget 76% integration with full control over non-compliance 5% Master Low performer Figure 5: Percentage of survey respondents (masters versus low performers) that engage in, or perform, specific sourcing and category management capabilities. 13
  • 14. Technology Solutions for constantly refined. It remains intact Sourcing regardless of turnover and can be shared across the enterprise. An audit But what about technology? What trail of what has and hasn’t worked exactly is sourcing technology and is also kept. The net effect is that, what does it seek to accomplish? How as buyers shift from one category much further could it take companies to another or new buyers join the along the road to high performance? organization, they can contribute To answer these questions, consider immediately and meaningfully four of the most prevalent/pressing by leveraging embedded best problems encountered by many practices. Even relative novices can companies’ sourcing organizations. quickly grasp a category’s sourcing dynamics—for example, relevant Low levels of credibility and suppliers and corresponding KPI recognition. Sourcing and scores, cost components/attributes procurement organizations often find and attachments. it difficult to quantify the value they bring to the company’s bottom line. As Inability to see beyond cost. Manual a result, recognition from the executive (spreadsheet) systems, and even some ranks is hard to secure—as is approval of the more-advanced solutions, for improvement initiatives or new don’t provide the deep analytical technology implementations. This is information that sourcing professionals one reason why reporting capabilities really need. As a result, item cost are so important. Executive summary continues to be the sole basis upon reports developed by leading-edge which too many of their sourcing sourcing solutions provide both decisions are made. It’s not unusual, program and project-level metrics (for for example, for a supplier’s quoted example, number of programs run, unit price to be prohibitively high due number of events run, total and per- to difficulties procuring a particular item spend, total and per-item savings). raw material. However, that same These solutions can also help identify supplier might be extremely effective contents of the sourcing pipeline, at processing the raw material. For this document-sourcing opportunities reason, it could be considered a worthy on an annual or quarterly basis, and supply candidate if the buyer can track savings by providing projected, purchase the raw material elsewhere forecasted and actual spend figures and then leverage that supplier’s based on the events already run. In net, production efficiency and lower the impact and value of the sourcing manufacturing cost. Of course, without organization become more quantifiable. advanced sourcing analyses, none of this will happen. Unable to quantify Loss of knowledge due to talent non-direct costs and requirements, turnover. When sourcing professionals our hypothetical buyer will have little " Summary reports leave the organization, processes choice but to pay less (in the short and category expertise often go with developed by leading- them. New and remaining employees term) but get substantially less in the long term. edge sourcing are consequently left with more responsibility but fewer sourcing Sourcing it is not just about finding solutions provide both insights. They may have no choice but the best price. It is about finding the program and project- to spend less time on each category optimal mix of suppliers to meet all and thus are more apt to pursue/renew of the buyers needs based on price, level metrics (e.g., contracts at noncompetitive prices or performance, purchasing policies number of programs to engage less-qualified suppliers. and supplier relationships, all in a run; number of events Sourcing and category management highly dynamic environment (figure 6). Sourcing technology makes it run; total and per- technology addresses this problem possible to run hundreds of “best-fit” because it is built around a central item spend; total and repository of best practices. scenarios—objective pictures with far more detail than just acquisition per-item savings)." Information is stable, cumulative and 14
  • 15. cost. Basically, buyers define their data, buyers can easily create specifications, business needs and category-specific sourcing models preferred options. Suppliers respond that are as simple or as detailed as with their unique advantages, necessary. For example, a particular competencies, prices and even category model might show 20 pieces alternative approaches (for example, of item information and 10 elements “bundle bidding”). New acquisition of total-cost-of ownership information avenues open up for the buyer, who for a particular strategic category. is also capturing more information in However, it might capture only one the process. Leveraging the technology, data-point (most likely, price) for an he or she scrutinizes hundreds of indirect category. complex “what-if” analyses in a matter of minutes and consequently makes Unlimited numbers of unique, far more holistic buying decisions. template-driven category structures Longer term, the buyer has identified a can then be stored in a “smart data sourcing allocation plan that balances library.” This makes it possible for price components with qualitative companies to make more and better factors (for example, supplier scores decisions about a wider range of by KPI) or location-specific constraints contracts and purchases. They’re (for example, 35 percent domestic also better equipped to take a more content for an international plant). commodity-driven approach to In addition, suppliers appreciate the procurement in general, and to slice collaborative process and are more and dice data as needed to make inclined to work with the buyer’s firm better risk assessments, develop in the future. “what-if” scenarios and negotiate more effectively. Lack of key performance indicators. Advanced analyses are essential. Without them, buyers have little Flexible Supplier Bidding choice but to overemphasize basic Bundling acquisition costs. However, advanced Multiple Price Breaks Rebates sourcing tools actually do more Substitutions than gather and track purchase Quality and Quantity Ranges considerations. They also help buyers aggregate, organize and prioritize Supplier Performance those considerations. Basically, key Flexible Total Cost Rating performance indicators (KPIs) are Modeling Lowest Total Supplier category and Item item level developed. Buyers use these KPIs to Spec Cost of Qualification assess and quantify the relative value Quantity Ownership Quality Due Date On-time delivery of hard and soft costs, such as: Proprietary Attributes Item attributes (i.e. tolerance) y Expedite fees resulting from a supplier’s inability to deliver in a timely manner. Scenario Modeling y Risk to reputation resulting from a Budget Limits Award Splits supplier’s poor product quality and the Switching Costs impact on finished product. Contractual Obligation Preferred Suppliers y Poor procurement decisions resulting from a dearth of buyers available to scrutinize and make purchases. Consider the many actions involved Figure 6: Sourcing it is not just about in analyzing supplier responses to finding the best price. It is about requests for information (RFIs). Armed finding the optimal mix of suppliers with the ability to capture and weigh to meet all of the buyers needs based quantitative and qualitative (business on price, performance, purchasing constraint and supplier performance) policies and supplier relationships, all in a highly dynamic environment. 15
  • 16. The Next Big Thing(s) in Superior Sourcing Another up-and-coming practice is Sourcing Technology tighter control of prices and pricing Wolters Kluwer, a leading provider of opportunities during the sourcing Green is red hot. Customers and business-information services, grew and supplier-negotiation processes. consumers support it. Governments rapidly in the 1990s through several Consider that most allocation decisions and regulatory bodies increasingly acquisitions. It subsequently moved are made shortly after the conclusion insist upon it. And, by identifying, from a holding company model to a of a sourcing event. But because logging, assessing and comparing multidivision company, with divisions price is executed at purchase time, a suppliers, sourcing technologies can acting autonomously. This change buyer’s actual cost may change due help companies cash in on it. It won’t prompted a need for more formal, to fluctuations in commodity prices. be long, in fact, before green is an company-wide procurement processes In fact, the actual allocation often entrenched part of how procurement that could scale with the business and changes as market factor values organizations do business—a basic reduce the cost of Wolters Kluwer’s change. Sourcing professionals soon criterion for evaluating suppliers, will be able to use technology to US$1billion annual spend. products and business processes. As specify a range for a particular market that happens, systems that can fully Toward these ends, Wolters Kluwer value, thereby obtaining allocations quantify green tradeoffs—for example, created a shared-services strategic that align closely with best price. For justifying the plant-wide replacement sourcing department and acquired example, as resin prices rise or fall, of incandescent bulbs with (initially the best allocations across suppliers additional technology capabilities in higher cost) compact fluorescents (Supplier A: 60 percent; Supplier B: sourcing and contract management. light (CFL) bulbs to reduce energy 40 percent) should also change. New The company also expanded its consumption (including cooling costs sourcing algorithms will make this associated with bulb-generated heat)— technology scope with advanced possible, along with the ability to will be essential. It’s a largely new supplier-selection capabilities. identify which factors/items/suppliers aspect of cost/benefit analysis that will most dramatically affect allocations These innovations made it possible inevitably apply to scores of categories, and costs. for the company to develop more including transportation services, office equipment, business materials and standardized, collaboration-intensive utilities. Imagine, for example, if large sourcing processes and templates, while retailers were forced to contribute to reducing the effort needed to draft, the “green costs” of stocking bottled review, approve and file contracts. The water. Even ignoring the fact that a result is continuous improvements lot of bottled water is from public across the contract management and water sources (i.e., tap water) yet costs sourcing spectrum: about 100 times as much, there are y A more efficient contract- still extensive environmental penalties, particularly 1) pollution caused by management process. trucks shipping thousands of tons of y Fewer inadvertent contract lapses or product each year, 2) huge amounts of automatic renewals. plastic waste and 3) increased crude oil y Improved contract compliance. requirements resulting from production y Faster, more precise spend baselining of plastic bottles. and supplier consolidation. y Improved control of the contracting process. y More thorough contract reviews, resulting in more favorable terms and less risk. y Reduced administrative overhead. y New opportunities to leverage best practice templates. y Better visibility into events in progress. y Collaboration in parallel, rather than in serial. 16
  • 17. 4. How Technology Improves Contract Management Sourcing skills, experience and approach: the contract is literally leading practices make procurement placed in a file cabinet, along with any opportunities clear. But contract amendments, and forgotten about until management makes those a problem arises. Inefficiency reigns. opportunities real. And leading-edge technology is key to effective (cost- It also is common for companies’ efficient, accurate, timely, insightful) contract-documentation mechanisms contract management. to not connect with their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. As a Sourcing bids are not legally binding result, business entities are unable to without a contract in place. However, track all contract terms and conditions roughly 80 percent of companies (pricing, service level agreements, still depend on a manual contract performance and delivery guidelines) management process, which nearly or to monitor compliance with internal always results in contract delays. and external (regulatory) mandates. Collaboration across departments (for This is crucial step—making sure that example, procurement, purchasing, final purchases are compliant with legal, IT) also is compromised. And prices and terms negotiated in the compared to procurement masters contract. Failure to do so makes it (who nearly always log and manage doubly hard to enforce compliance to contracts centrally), manual users contract terms. lack visibility into, control over and compliance with the sourcing awards. They simply have less understanding (and thus less control over) contract terms and conditions, service level agreements and amendments. Most simply follow a file-and-forget 17
  • 18. Technology Solutions for Efficiency and control also come The Next Big Thing(s) in Contract Management together in one technologically Contract Management Coming to the rescue, procurement advanced system. Imagine that the Technology procurement organization needs technology is all (and always) Contract management will become its legal department to approve about visibility. With an automated increasingly central to the sourcing changes made to a contract. However, enterprise contract management (ECM) process. More contract negotiations procurement only wants Legal system, companies have a single, will happen in parallel with sourcing to approve changes that deviate easily searchable repository for all events. Exceptional visibility into a from approved company language. contracts. That repository is end-to- supplier’s (and their own) performance Procurement masters can make this end and cradle-to-grave—a living, against contract will move users happen quickly and accurately by accessible home for contract-related of advanced contract management using a template-based library of information. ERP systems are not technology ahead of the competition. preapproved clauses within its contract the place to keep this information. For them, contract management will be management system. Without this Nor are file servers or document the basis of compliance. capability, the wheel must be recreated management systems. Only ECMs each time there is a contract clause Contract management and supplier are designed to accept contract change. It also becomes less likely that governance systems also will mature data; manage contract workflows compliance statutes will be adhered to. to include contract rating and scoring (contract creation, approval, review, negotiation); compare products and models. Buyers and legal departments Improved supplier performance performance to compliance-related thus will be able to set up standards management is another byproduct. conditions; and track, monitor and for judging and measuring contract When a company and supplier forge enforce legally binding terms and risk. Those standards could include a contract, both must approve its conditions. component quality, delivery accuracy, requirements and expectations. For previous on-contract performance and example, is the buyer expecting so forth. Currently, there is no objective the supplier to respond within 30 way to determine the quality/viability minutes of the first call? To make of a contract. The ability to measure sure, the tech-savvy buyer can load contract risk will also extend to sales average response times (by supplier contracts, covering areas where or by category) into its contract revenue recognition could be affected. management system, and thus have an increasingly vast and reliable library A third contract management of key performance indicators. Per the breakthrough focuses on easier above example, the buyer can set a management of multiple contract baseline measurement to the contract layers. A business relationship is rarely value of, say, 30 minutes. If the represented in a single document. supplier fails to meet that requirement, More likely, these relationships are it receives an alert stating that the represented by multiple contracts, contract has been violated. which change over time and can involve master/subordinate hierarchies. In net, contract management is " Procurement the final piece in the procurement- In addition, contracts frequently involve relationships across multiple technology is all integration equation: seamless, partners. Managing all this requires enterprise-wide data flows that (and always) about encompass the process and the technology that provides immediate and efficient management and visibility visibility. With an relationship. Companies can drill down of the complete business relationship. into spend to see how much is on and automated enterprise off contract. They are managing the content management entire process and ensuring the quality of the entire relationship. (ECM) system—fully integrated with ERP—companies have a single, easily searchable repository for all contracts." 18
  • 19. High Performance and Procurement Technology Research into achieving high investments. One reason for this is y Reduce sales cycle time. performance through procurement the many forms that procurement y Stimulate new product development confirms that huge disparities exist technology value can take, including: with supplier innovations. in the degree to which companies y Capture savings year-after-year. leverage technology. As shown in This is not to say that implementing Figure 7, the six technology-enabled y Bring more spend under leading-edge procurement technology behaviors presented to survey management. is a “walk in the park” or that any recipients are deployed by an average y Optimize supply base in order to company investing in procurement of 70 percent of masters, but less than balance cost, performance and risk technology will become a procurement 5 percent of low performers. y Reduce maverick spending and drive master or high performance business down contract risk. overnight. However, it’s reasonably From the data presented in this Point certain that, without a firm handle on of View, two broad conclusions are y Maintain auditable supply and today’s and tomorrow’s procurement inescapable. The first is that high contract management processes. technologies, procurement mastery performance—the characteristics y Identify procure-to-pay process and high performance will remain little exhibited by companies that violations. more than aspirations. consistently outperform their peers—is more likely to be attained y Improve deal quality and optimize by organizations that excel in renewals. procurement. The second is that procurement mastery is largely synonymous with the ability to Technology support 82% leverage technology. Process excellence is certainly key. An aligned, 8% committed workforce is vital. Senior- Common and automated 79% level buy-in is essential. And the importance of collaborative, win- R2P platform 3% win relationships with suppliers and other business partners is undeniable. 46% Self-service e-invoicing However, technology proficiency is 5% what spans the entire procure-to-pay Supplier integration 65% cycle. No company can be a Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) technology 5% leader or a procurement strategy leader or a sourcing leader without Procurement master data 76% the tools to maximize each part’s harmonization 1% contribution and ensure enterprise- Reporting excellence 71% wide synergy. 5% Despite these “conditions,” there is a clear upside: compared to many Master Low performer systems, implementing leading- edge procurement technology is not unusually difficult nor does it take Figure 7: Percentage of survey long to build out the infrastructure. In respondents (masters versus low addition, value may be captured more performers) that leverage various quickly than with other technology technology-based capabilities. 19
  • 20. About Accenture About Accenture Supply Chain Management Accenture is a global management The Accenture Supply Chain We collaborate with clients to consulting, technology services Management service line works implement innovative consulting and outsourcing company. with clients across a broad range of and outsourcing solutions that align Combining unparalleled experience, industries to develop and execute operating models to support business comprehensive capabilities across operational strategies that enable strategies, optimize global operations, all industries and business functions, profitable growth in new and existing enable profitable product launches, and extensive research on the world’s markets. Committed to helping clients and enhance the skills and capabilities most successful companies, Accenture achieve high performance through of the supply chain workforce. collaborates with clients to help them supply chain mastery, we combine For more information, visit become high-performance businesses global industry expertise and skills in and governments. With 178,000 supply chain strategy, sourcing and people in 49 countries, the company procurement, supply chain planning, generated net revenues of US$19.70 manufacturing and design, fulfillment, billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. and service management to help 31, 2007. Its home page is organizations transform their supply chain capabilities. Copyright © 2008 Accenture About the Authors About Emptoris All rights reserved. Rob Woodstock is a partner in the Emptoris is a world leader in Accenture, its logo, and Accenture Supply Chain Management innovative supply and contract High Performance Delivered service line. Rob has expertise with management software solutions are trademarks of Accenture. helping clients across industries that empower enterprises to realize to improve the performance of best value and accelerate profitable their procurement operations growth. Emptoris solutions are used through process improvement, by successful Global 2000 companies organization development and system in every industry. Customers implementation initiatives. Based in include American Express, Boeing, London, he can be reached at rob. ConocoPhillips, GlaxoSmithKline, Kraft, Motorola, Owens Corning, Syngenta, and Vodafone. Kevin Potts is the Vice President of Marketing at Emptoris. Kevin works closely with customers, industry leaders, and the business and technology press to share the company's vision for how its innovation can accelerate profitable growth. Kevin has over 9 years of enterprise software marketing experience, including 7 years directly in the supply and contract management arena.