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Elaborate 8
The errors of religions and the possibility of alliances or other agreements among them to
work together:
Premise Page 1
1.As for God, for Satan, for the other rebellious Angels and for the man " 2
2. As for men and for their Salvation promised by the Bible " 11
3. As for the Religions " 12
4. Relationship of love " 13
5. We propose alliances multi religious to all the true religions or other types of
agreement " 14
6. Essential clauses of the Alliances multi religious that we will propose to all true
religions " 15
7. Other types of less binding agreements of the alliances with the true religions “ 17
8. The Religion of the Arabs could not be defined Islamic; it had to be
defined Arab or Mohammedan “ 18
9. The cause of the wars " 19
10. The so many conflicts of the world fighted without weapons " 21
11. The Messiah of all the Religions is Jesus of Nazareth " 21
12. The princedom of Satan or princedom of the Darkness " 24
13. The Light of the Christ is Gods Wisdom necessary to spread in the world
the justice of the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love “ 25
Premise: the collaborations of which we have dealt with Elaborate 6, that you will find in the folder
of the Religions, can become alliances when other true religions will share besides the Decalogue 1
- explained by the Lord Jesus in the Gospels 2
- the Commandments of the love 3
and some
fundamental truths of the life of which the Teachers disincarnates of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (of the
Circle Florence 77) have dealt with in their eight books published by Edizioni Mediterranee - Roma;
they said:
<< We want to outline you quoting passages of sacred books, as it finds in the religions of
the peoples that had a notable civilization those truths that we have taught you more times. These
religions were the base of every elevated philosophical - religious thought of the great Teachers,
on which then the ignorance of the man has interwoven fanciful additions.
We reassume these principles, these truths that, with light differences, emerge in all the
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
- an only eternal existence, endless, incommensurable, from which was carried on the whole
- the triplex manifestation of this existence called Trinity also;
- the law of cause and of effect, in force in the emanated world, in consequence of the first
cause-effect of the creation: creative will is the cause, the immediate emanation of the
universe is the effect;
- the law of evolution;
- the transmigration of the individualities in more bodies, meant as mean of evolution… 4
The true religions are those that preach love, charity, justice, peace and brotherhood among
When these conditions exist the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) will be able
to join other true religions to contribute to resolve together and with others great matters unsolved
as those of the rights and of the fundamental liberties of men and to do other good deeds very
important as the struggle against the hunger, the thirst, the ignorance, the illnesses and the
robberies of the rich foreigners together with the Heads of the poor Countries as it happens in
These alliances or other agreements will be very useful when the possibilities of a sole religion
won't be enough to make good deeds complex, difficult or expensive, then they will become
precious the alliances between or among true religions or other less binding agreements between
or among them, but every religion will remain separate from the others.
The religions of State are incompatible with the religious liberty.
All religions commit errors because they are human and therefore nobody is exempt from
them, to start from the error to compete with each other because every one has a specific
assignment to perform for a part of the humanity (sees you the our Elaborate n°1: "Contribution to
the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the Nature and the Destiny of the man ", available among
the Deepenings of our Catechism in the folder of the Nature, the Life and the Destiny of the man).
1. As for God, for Satan, for the other rebellious Angels and for the man: A close relation ship
there is between God and these beings; we see the reason why: the Supreme Being is the Father-
Mother-God 5
of all the living beings to start from the Angels up to the last man been born on the
Earth: this kinship derives from the relationship of love that unites God to all the living beings,
because we have all origin in God and therefore we belong to the same family 6
. This
relationship of love exists because God is love 7
; this means that all of this that God does
He does it for love. When God created the Angels among them there was also Lucifer the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 87, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th
, Amrita
Archangel of Light, that then became the head of the rebellious Angels. God would have been able
to destroy him, but His nature (love) prevented Him from doing it, for which <<… It didn't remain
but the second way, that that you see realized in the material creation… 8
>>. <<… For this it was
now created the material world, the whole universe, the man. In him, according to the degree of
their wickedness, the spirits were dressed of matter, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains;
in the first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions of life, to the understanding of
their errors, and in the second place to also begin in this manner to their volunteer return: because
anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty and the principle of improvement it comes
as second … >>. << All the earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies are formed from the
great Soul of Satan; the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the great spirit of Lucifer
and his retinue, banished and fallen in the matter. God, that is eternal love and compassion, would
have been able never to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to the life it is able
yes to change form and to pass from a less noble to a nobler or vice versa, but it can never be
destroyed 9
>>. These are words of Jesus and they have been drawn by the Great Gospel of
John by Josef Mahlberg - that has picked up in a book from the title " Il Signore parla - The Lord
speaks ", Edizioni Armenia - many fundamental teachings of the Christ to Jakob Lorber has been
ignored from the Christian religions.
In strength of the second principle of the life, that of improvement, the Angels rebellious
called Devils or Demons are improved through the life conceived and realized by God and through
the men. The first principle of the life is that of the liberty 10
, but only God is totally free and He
holds all creation in His hand 11
The Supreme Being God improves and unites the men with His universal love, that buds
inside every human being 12
; the Lord God with the Wisdom "it feeds" directly His children's mind
since the antiquity as Father, Son Jesus and Mother Spirit Saint 13
; But God He doesn't stop only
to this because it also sends Angels, Prophets, Teachers and wise men to spread the wisdom, first
among all Jesus, to which God gave His Word 14
. Who hinders the diffusion of the wisdom he/she
is a colleague of Satan as the Talebans in Afghanistan that prohibits to the women to go to school.
For the quoted first principle of the life (that of the freedom) the men while they are living on
the Earth they can choose the road that they want because all roads bring to God 15
. During the
first human incarnations the choices of life of the man are almost always selfish because the man
himself/herself has a violent egoism. During these incarnations the man steals, kills and he/she is
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated February 13th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Tommaso apostolo, il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni ; Jakob Lorber, Il
Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità?), Armenia
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 17th
, Amrita
violent in other manners in order to have what he/she desires and he/she is not too much different
from the animals 16
. Despite this the roads of the egoists also lead equally to God, even if their
walk is long and tortuous because also living its selfish lives the man widens in every existence its
conscience 17
because life has been structured by the God-Love - that He is our Father and Mother
- so that we are also learned by our errors; therefore, life after life, we advance always on our
spiritual path and advancing we get closer more and more to our Destination, that is the unity with
God 18
, because God is our destiny 19
The sufferings that we cause to other beings, especially those more serious inflicted during
the first human incarnations, are not forgotten (for the truth any suffering caused by the man is
forgotten because all, also the good actions, are memorized in an arcane memory of the life); the
whole good done to the other ones and the whole evil done to the other ones is object of particular
attention from the " Signori del karma – Gentlemen of the Karma “, the Teachers I charge of
coordinating, with the maximum discernment and great prudence, the effects karmici that must fall
on the men, on the humanity, on the individual particularly. They are assisted from Celestial
Intelligence that the design of the Teachers makes executive 215c 20
". " It is called <<karma>> the
whole of the subsequent effects to the causes that the individual moves (our note: the negative
karma is that for the men that hurt the other ones, while the positive karma is that for the men that
do some good to the other ones 21
). Such effects are ineluctable 22
". The karma has the purpose
to make to understand to the men as they must be behaved when their conscience it is not
developed yet because they have not become altruist yet 23
. All of this that the men do, that is the
causes from them moved they are recorded in an arcane memory as it is already said, which
remembers all of this that we do of well or of badly, but the karmic teaching for the one whom the
evil does is imparted to the men only when these have become enough mature to understand such
teaching and never when they are not able to understand yet 24
because the law of cause and of
effect 25
, or karmica law, it is a merciful law. In strength of the law of the evolution the man
expands his/her mind and his/her conscience at every terrestrial incarnation 26
; the evolution has
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di Evoluzione),
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 266, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (I Signori del Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (karma) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-
49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 and 158, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione),
one rhythm of his and therefore whether one likes or not the man must evolve 27
; also this is a
merciful law.
The men make many errors because the Darkness of the ignorance and of the egoism they
darken their mind and their hearts because they don't look for God and don't run away the sin 28
God became incarnate in the man Jesus to make to know to everybody the entire meaning of the
Decalogue and the truths of the life to free us from the Darkness of the ignorance and of the error
with the ancient and modern Gospels because truth is freeing 29
We also know that God is truth and that to Him we can directly address to find it and truly
we will find it because also truth is within us 30
The man has received from God the free will and the Wisdom with His revelations, but then
the man must make his/her part, deciding himself/herself for God and for widening his/her
knowledges; nobody wants or can make our part for us, therefore only ourselves we can do it; let's
do it then! Looking for the truth, the wisdom and the understanding inside us we will find them and
accepting them we will also expand our conscience 31
Brothers, let's decide us for God, that has the tallest degree of knowledge and we seeks the
truth because only with the truth of the life, that is spiritual 32
, we can also become proficient
looking for, desiring and finding also the Kingdom of the Skies inside of us because it is a mental
state 33
after from rebellious Angels we have forced God to confine us in the matter to instruct us,
to correct us and to save us 34
; brothers, only discovering the truths of the life and doing the will of
God we can free us from the errors in which fell Lucifer - Satan and the other rebellious Angels
and it is our duty to do it because God - having given us the free will - He must patiently wait 35
that we do our part.
According to the science the man sapiens sapiens has appeared on the Earth around
30.000 years ago; we don't know which parent-child relationship God entertained with the man of
30.000 years ago, but we think that He talked to the man of that epoch in the language that he/she
could understand; nevertheless a real to speak intimate of God to the man we think that has
happened with Abram, the first one of the Patriarchs around 3000 years ago, without however to
exclude other relationships between God and His children men in the others zones of the Earth.
We think that God made to have his/her experiences to the man on the Earth following the
scarce spiritual evolution of it until He realized that in the worlds of the Matter the self or me of the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee
Sapienza, chapter 1
Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 155-156 (La verità vi farà liberi), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st
, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 131-132 (Le mie vie sono le vie dello Spirito), Mediterranee
man same made him/her selfish because he/she believed separate from everything and from
everybody 36
Before the advent of Christ Satan it had too many possibilities in his favour, because he
made himself prince of the Matter 37
and because God - having given him the free will it owed to
be patient, at least up to certain point 38
- and let him to do reserving Himself, however the
possibility to correct Satan and to save him with the other rebellious Angels with the light of the
knowledge that He would have given them through the life, the men and the Gospels; Satan also
had the collaboration of the selfish and egocentric men, or of the almost totality of the human kind
of that time. The fall of Lucifer happened because of one error of his.
<< … There will be now clear how come Lucifer believes to have had to act as he has
acted for the matter could be created; an error in every case, because the purpose of My creation
is not the matter, on the contrary only the free knowledge, the love and the understanding of the
Divinity from the beings gone out of Me: the matter has been only a mean ….. 39
<< …It rose so a conflict, that is a separation of the parts, that did finally yes that the power
conferred to Lucifer was from Me (our note: from God) retired and he remained with his followers
lacking of power and of creative strength … 40
This way being the things in a "moment" of the eternity, God realized that Lucifer was lost
<<…in the extreme of his polar qualities, deceiving himself in the idea to have to preserve the
matter. He wanted to reign making himself prince of the matter, that he considered of his
ownership, and he darkened therefore more and more the human beings that went forming
themselves, since the struggle with God seemed him great, magnificent and conservative of the
life. This also explains the mystery of my incarnation (our note: Jesus so talked to Jakob Lorber,
His Austrian scribe, one day of the 19th
century), that had to break the matter, that otherwise
Lucifer losing more and more himself in the asperities of the opposite pole, it would be become
more and more harder. My incarnation meant therefore a standstill and it showed as we could free
us from the idolatry and from the adoration of the polar qualities; it also had to show (and this was
the first purpose) as the death that ties the men to the matter and to its pleasures can be
overcome and defeated, and also that life doesn't develop itself in the matter, but in the spirit and
that that is only a jail of this… 41
Around two thousand years ago the Lord God decided that the time had come to limit the
possibilities of that wicked scoundrel that it is Satan and therefore to contemporarily accelerate the
spiritual evolution of demons and men making to illustrate the Decalogue 42
by the Lord Jesus with
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 131-132 (Le Mie vie sono le vie dello Spirito), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
the Gospels; in Palestine Jesus showed with His life and His sacrifice as the men they could live
the Commandments of the love " You love God 43
" and " You love your neighbour as yourself 44
“ .
Not only the Christ Messiah illustrated with divine mastery the Decalogue especially with the
modern Gospels revealed to Jakob Lorber (19th
century) and to Maria Valtorta (20th
century), but
living the Commandments of the love Hr donate His life for the forgiveness of the sins of men 45
and consequently it received everything because this is the law of God: ”You must learn that only
when you give all do you receive all 46
“ ; Jesus also received from God the strength to resuscitate
from the death with His same Spirit:
<< In the sky, that now has, at the East, a region all pink-coloured that more and more
extends itself in the clear sky, where though not is sun ray yet, it appears, coming from unknown
depths, a very splendid meteor, ball of fire of untenable splendour, followed by a shining trail, that
perhaps it is not other than that the memory of its brightness in our retina. It goes down very fast
towards the Earth, sheding a light so intense, phantasmagorical, fearful in its beauty, that the pink-
coloured light of the aurora it is nullified, overcome by this white incandescence.
The guards lift their heads surprised, because also, with the light it comes a powerful,
harmonic, solemn rumble, that fills of itself all Creation, I comes from heavenly depths. It is the
alleluia, the angelic Gloria, that it follows the spirit of the Christ, that comes back in His glorious
The meteor falls against the useless closing of the Sepulchre, It uproots it, It knock down it,
the guards – put as jailors of Master of the universe, they were struck of terror and roar, giving with
His coming back on the Earth, a new earthquake as it gave when from the Earth It was run away
thi Lord’s Spirit. It enters in the dark of the Sepulchre, that is made all clear of Its indescribable
light, and while this remains pending in the immovable air, The Spirit infuses again in the
motionless Body under the funeral bandages.
All this not in a minute, but in a fraction of minute, so much the to appear, the to go down,
the to penetrate and the to disappear of the God’s Light has been quick… .
The << I want>> of the Divin Spirit to Its cold Flesh has not sound. It has been said
from the Essence to the inmovable Flesh. But no word is perceived by human ear. The Flesh
receives the command and obeys to it with a deep breath …. Nothing else for some minutes.
Under the funeral bandages and the Holy Shroud the glorious Flesh recollect Itself in
eternal beauty, It wakes up from the death sleep, It come back from <<the nothing>> in which It
was, lives after have been dead. Surely the heart wakes up and gives the first heartbeat, it pushes
in the veins the cold blood surviving and immediately It creates the full measure in the empty
Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Levitico 19, 17-18
Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-30
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th and December 22nd , Amrita
arteries, in the motionless lungs, in the darkened brain and It brings again warmth, sanity, strength,
Another moment, and here a sudden motion under the heavy Holy Shroud. So unexpected
that from the moment in which He surely moves the crossed hands to the moment in which He
appears on His feet imposing very splendid in His dress of immaterial matter, supernaturally
beautiful and majestic, with a seriousness that changes and raises Him also leaving Him, the eye
has just the time for seizing the transitions. And now it admires Him: so different from how much
the mind remembers, tidied up, without injuries nor blood, but blazing only of the light that springs
out from the five wounds and it emanates from all pores of His epidermis.
When He moves the first footstep – and in the motion the rays springing out from the
hands and the feet aureole Him of blades of light: from the head adorned with a garland of light ,
which is made by the innumerable small wounds of the crown that they don’t give more blood, ma
splendour only, to the hem of a suit when opening the arms that He has folded on His chest, He
uncovers the zone of very clear brightness that filters from the dress lighting it of a sun at the level
of the Heart – now then really it is the Light that has taken body.
It is not the poor light of the Earth, not the poor light of the star, not the poor light of the sun.
But the God’s Light; the whole paradisiacal brightness that it gather oneself in a sole Being
and it donates its blues inconceivable for pupils, its golden fires for hair its angelic snowy
whiteness for dress and complexion, and all that which is, of not describable with human word, the
over eminent ardour of the Very Holy Trinity, that nullifies with its ardent power all fires of the
Paradise, absorbing in Itself for generating it again at every moment of the eternal Time, Heart of
the Sky that attracts and spreads its blood, the not countable drops of its incorporeal blood; the
blessed Souls, the Angels, all that is the Paradise: God’s love, the love to God, all this is the Light
that is, that forms the Risen One Christ… 47
Satan also after the incarnation of the Lord Jesus it continued and continues to make all
sort of iniquities, helped by the human demons more lost 48
, for an instance the Islamic
Fundamentalists and Terrorists, to leave us prey of the tyranny, of the error, of the ignorance and of
the injustice; Satan invented the tacit acquiescence of the tyranny, of the error and of the injustice
in which the Antichrist same hides himself 49
Satan, the Antichrist, hides also him in the religions, for instance in the Islam; the Islamic
ones use "…the teachings of the Teachers to curse, to condemn its enemies… 50
or worse, to
instigate its own believers to hate, to make violences, revolutions and wars as in Pakistan, Niger,
Iraq and Philippine after a long period of gunfights and acts of terrorism.
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10th , pages 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Satan, the enemy of God and the man to hinder the God’s Plan of Salvation hides him and
he doesn't let to the man to know that is really him and his acolytes that operate in the shade
suggesting us with the temptations not to obey to the Laws of God and at the same time it
promotes the tacit acquiescence of the tyranny, of the error and of the injustice also in the religions
, for instance in the Islam. But Demons they don't be stopped only to this: as a matter of fact
Satan and his/her Devils:
- they transmit us thoughts and vibrations malevolent from the plans mental and astral of the
Cosmos 52
of which the Earth is a part;
- they instigate us to commit crimes and to make other wicked actions; for an instance
between 25th
and April 28th
2010 a wicked mother has killed her smaller daughter setting
her auto with the child inside on fire; the woman-demon has confessed to the police that
has killed her child obeying to voices that she felt inside of itself. Satan and his Demons
especially operate against us from the plan or mental world, the world of the thoughts, but
perhaps also from the astral plan ;
- I don't know in how many other ways Satan and the other Demons can harm us, but I know
that Our Lady Mary from Medjugorje, informs us that Satan attacks us with diabolic assaults
and attacks 53
, but God protect us if we convert us and we pray.
The Teachers disincarnates of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) suggest us how to
do for defending us from Satan, the Antichrist;
<< ……Preannounced by the Apocalypse, from the prophets of bad luck and even from the
newspapers that they have problems of circulation it advances the Antichrist …. How will we be
able to recognize him for not to be surprised from his arrival? How to distinguish him/ with his
traps, his deceptions? We must look at him in face this arrogant prince of the darkness. The
insidious Antichrist hides him in the tacit acquiescence of the tyranny, of the error and of the
injustice. He reigns when to the clarity of the actions the congeries of the words are replaced, of
the compromises that have the purpose the to hide of the incapability. He reigns when liberty is
used to selfish aims and therefore it becomes unlawfulness. When it is lost the sense of the
measure and the intemperance it blinds the men. When charity becomes an empty formality done
for increase, to deserve itself the sky and not for love to the neighbour . When the moral ideals are
abandoned not for improving them, but to give free vent to the own cupidity. The religion that uses
the teachings of the Teachers to curse, to condemn its enemies, it is religion of the Antichrist. Well,
if everything this is the Antichrist, this apocalyptic enemy of the man, is not so much away from us,
it is not of there to come, but it is inside us, sons and brothers, it wanders about inside us and
among us from at least two thousand years …. if this is the truth, a different question we owe to
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Me4ssaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th
, 1991 and February 25th
, 1992, MIR ;
you see also the document “Diabolic Assaults and Attacks that we have prepared among the Deepenings of our
Catechism in the Folder of Angels and Demons
asks us: when it will end the kingdom of the Antichrist? When the curse only will be accursed,
when we will be free from the slavery of the passions, from the errors of the ignorance, from the
pains of the fear, from the anguish of the desire:… in our weakness, waiting for this day, how to go
on? How to understand which is the briefest way ? 54
>>. Two thousand years! It is not a fortuitous
event: the Demon or Devil goes around in us and among us to hinder the salvation work of the
Christ. The Devil won't win because the life of the God of the love foresees the Christic redemption
and the evolution of men with a body of laws 55
against which Satan cannot do anything, while he
can be creating the chaos in the world taking advantage of our egoism and egocentrism, as this
epoch shows (beginning of the third Millennium), but then inevitably the law of the Evolution will be
successful since God is almighty and has foretold that the life << …through forms more and more
organized, always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 56
>>, that is of Mind and of
Conscience for sanctifying men >>.
The evolution foresees the ups and downs because of the incarnation of three different
races of Souls in contemporary evolution on the Earth 57
, in this epoch (beginning of the Third
Millennium) everything seems that stays going for the worse, but from Findhorn it comes us a
Message of hope: when the night is darker it draws near the resplendent dawn, that is the New
Era, the Millennium of the Spirit and the Age of the Gold 58
therefore we must not fear that that it is
happening to the world because we owe make us strength on the fact that God is with us, always
; therefore we must not fight against the changes because the whole universe is orderly in
perfect way 60
and in everything we must recognize the Hand of God 61
and to Him we must rely
upon 62
The evolution 63
for the amplification of the conscience of men 64
is provided by a law of
God 65
and a little evolution takes place in any case at every incarnation, but it is better that we do
our part: to live according to the Commandments of God and the laws of the men 66
for a greater
expansion of our conscience respecting the rights and the liberties of the other ones according to
the International Conventions. But it is not enough yet: we must live according to the golden rule
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 54-55, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pagine 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione),
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 21st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 5th
and May 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th
and December 14th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 5th
, April 8th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione dell’Autocoscienza), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 15-22
of the Christ: " Let us do to the others everything that you want that the others do to you 67
"; this
rule is valid also for the men of the Not Christians religions.
All of this that opposes with the Evolution of men and therefore with the principles of liberty
and perfecting hinders the Redemption of the men same. The redemption work of God is not only
hindered by Satan, but from all the dictatorships religious also as in the Islam, that in some Nations
they make to live the woman under conditions of subjection and ignorance preventing their access
to the school ( as an example: the Talebans in Afghanistan).
Life is a school and the Earth is the school, a very good school, the Lord Jesus said 68
; all
of this to educate the rebellious Angels, that is the Devils through the men teaching them the love
because “ Loving is living and living is loving 69
“ .
The true religions were been promoted by God to help the man to expand its conscience in
the liberty and the equality of rights that must be conquered without violence as they taught the
Lord Jesus, the Indian Gandhi and the South African Nelson Mandela. The true religions are
those that preach love, charity, justice, brotherhood and peace. The religions that incite to
hate, to the violence, to the revolution or to the war are Satan’s religions, the Antichrist
Antireligions, 70
as the Islam.
The first principle of the life is the principle of liberty, while the second principle is that of the
perfecting 71
; therefore the study is a right in addition to a duty; the Wisdom is administered by
God in all the epochs and every epoch it has a book 72
; the true culture therefore it is first of all
wisdom - knowledge that comes from God and from His Christ.
The example of how to spiritually live in the mutual love was given to us by Mary and
Joseph; Mary educated St. Joseph to the chaste love, but Joseph was a very good pupil and was
also educated from the Wisdom 73
To all the men they should be taught the Gospels that the Wisdom contains that it
illuminates the minds and the hearts of the men, while Satan tries everything - also through some
Antireligions - to make to live the men in the darkness of the ignorance, because the wicked ones
know that the wisdom - knowledge helps us to expand our conscience and to make us
evangelically living.
To expand our conscience is that that does continually God with His being the Internal
Teacher that is within us and that He continually helps us 74
Another Gospel (or very good teaching) to simply explain the life the Lord God has
illustrated it in the 20th
century at Findhorn in Scotland through the English Eileen Caddy.
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio,. page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIII 38-40, Ulrico Hoepli
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.1st , pages 66-72, CEV srl, 03036, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 25-26 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita
.2. As for Men and to their Salvation promised by the Bible:
The Lord God has promised the Salvation for every man 75
that observes His
Commandments, that is the Decalogue and the two Commandments of the love, because men
are gods all children of the Tall One 76
; such Salvation is realized for mean of some laws
explained by the Teachers disincarnates of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77):
a. the law of the evolution: "Process for which life, through forms more and more organized,
it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 77
" (note of ours: for Spirit you understand
Conscience; on the strength of the law of the evolution all men expand their conscience, at least a
little, even the worse ones among us, because Gods loves us; God has given us the freedom of
the choice also (the free will 78
) between the contraries of the daily life. Furthermore the Lord waits
us patiently one by one in His Kingdom until we will become saints ).
b. the law of the Reincarnation: "Transmigration of the individuality in a body fit to express
the evolution achieved to the purpose to achieve evolution 79
". "INDIVIDUALITY - It is the first
manifestation of God to originate the world of the microcosms. It is the fulcrum of the individual. It
is the <<Drop>>, the <<Self>>, the <<Divine Spark>>, mantled or not of the conscience 80
c. the law of Cause and of effect or Karmica law: "Fundamental cosmic law for which to
every cause moved it happens an effect; to every action happens a reaction 81
" . The karma has
the purpose to make people to understand; the karma teaches, but teaching is given only by the
Signori of the karma 82
(Gentlemen of the Karma) in the incarnation in which the man has become
able to understand the teaching only 83
. For such reasons the law karmica is merciful; the
dynamics of the karma is fundamental for the spiritual growth of the man 84
But not only: as a matter of fact God in the person of Christ the man doesn't judge the
man on the base of his/her sins, which they consist in violations of the Ten Commandments, that is
of the Decalogue 85
, on the contrary on the base of the good actions that the man himself/herself
has done during his/her terrestrial life 86
When men will live to the best of their possibilities besides the Decalogue the two
Commandments of the love also 87
they can relax and be peaceful. Then only we can stop to
Isaia 51, 5 and 56, 1
Salmo 82 (81), 6 di Asaf
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione),
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 131-132 (Le Mie vie sono le vie dello Spirito), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 and 158, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia
Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
tolerate us each other and to learn to esteem us and, finally, to love us, which thing is quite the
opposite than easy, until in us the flower of the Universal love won't bud 88
. The Tall One said " Let
there be no feeling of competition within you…You have your part to play in the whole, so play it to
the very best of your ability. I tell you to love one another… When you can accept your oneness
with Me, you will be able to accept your oneness with each other 89
". .
3. As for the Religions: The Religions are been inspired by God, but they are human
institutions, organized and managed by men. Of it derives that all of them they have made, they
make and they will make mistakes for various motives inherent the human nature, fundamentally
selfish and egocentric. Due to such nature also the religions are in continuous competition with the
other ones, also when they have a common base.
It also belongs to our nature the selfish concept of itselves that it makes us feel separate
and distinguished by the Cosmos and by God 90
. From such wrong concept all the conflicts
depend, armed or not, as well as the wars among religions of which Islam is one of the promoters,
while men are all united by a relationship of love. This separation is at the origin of the sufferings of
the world, of the conflicts and of the wars… 91
. The religions that the war does to other peoples
or religions as the Islam, are Antireligions, that is religions of Satan, the Antichrist 92
4. Relationship of love: we are all united by a relationship of love with God and with the
other one because we all are a family 93
, but only a few accept such relationship. Paraphrasing
what the Lord God said for men it can be said this way of religions: "Love your fellow religions as I
love them. Help them, bless them, encourage them and you see in them the best side only 94
To make less mistakes during the day it needs to find again the tuning with God starting
from the beginning of the day 95
as at the time of Adam and Eva, before this last ones they
succumbed to the temptation of Satan (and Adam to those of Eva and of Satan). To find such
tuning is not too much simple for us and is not even easy to maintain it, except that to the Saints
and the Righteous ones, but they are so few! Nevertheless it is possible since when God's Son,
Jesus the Christ, embodied Him in Palestine around two thousand years ago and He told us that
we can be one with God and with Jesus same 96
, as really we are 97
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore,
pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 4th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 22-23
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Who looks for the tuning with God it should be - exceptions excepted - among the five
percent of the humanity that frequents the Churches of the religions; probably they are very few
also the people that live according to the Justice of the Decalogue.
In this beginning of 21° century the things go so badly on the Earth - as every can notice
from the chronicles - to be able to sustain that the principal problem of the humanity be that to find
again the tuning with God, more than in any other epoch; the Earth is a school-laboratory of three
races of Souls in evolution 98
, one of which it is of recent incarnation in the last century of the
Second Millennium; for this reason now the confusion on the Earth is maximum.
An improvement of the situation of the life on the Earth can happen in thousands of years
hence, or at least in a few centuries, considered that the tuning with God belongs to the saints and
of the Righteous ones, but it could be of everybody if the Commandments of the love were lived
because so living it can be seen in everything, especially in the other human beings, the best side
. If the humanity won't quickly make a definite improvement, we must live for a long time still
among violences of every kind. It derives of it - even if it is hoped to be wrong - that even in the
religions they are not many the men that succeed in remaining in tuning with God as San Francis
of Assisi and San Pious from Pietrelcina, so much to make two examples of universally known
Christian Saints.
The things of the world could improve if at least the true religions they intensely
collaborated among them.
5. We propose alliances multireligious to all the true religions or other types of
smaller agreements because one of the resources of the humanity of this epoch (Beginning of the
Third Millennium) would be that to do so that the religions they started to become friends and they
tried to love among them sisters. Otherwise them - for many centuries still - they will keep on not
increase the value of the potentialities of the union of the strengths because of the stubbornness of
single men of their hierarchies.
The alliances are particularly useful when every religion, is not alone able to do one, or
more good deeds.
The good deeds to do they are a lot of and they can be separate in three different
- That to collaborate for the care of the Souls;
- that to collaborate for the pacific conquest of the rights and the fundamental liberties of the
man in the Nations where thy are not;
- that to collaborate for the works of charity that a sole religion cannot do alone.
In such cases they are blessed and necessary the alliances or smaller agreements among
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione),
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 4th
, Amrita
religions, firm staying the independence of every religion that has joined itself with others,
made exception for the situation of the Christian Churches that the union looks for.
Speaking of the independence of the peoples and therefore also of the religions the Lord
God made to tell the prophet Mohammed: " If God had wanted he would have done of you all one
sole people; but this didn't do for trying you with what he has given you. You compete therefore in
to complete good works 100
Without alliances, other smaller agreements or collaborations the religions would continue -
who knows for how much time still - not to have good relationships among them, or not to be
friends. Consequently they would not even work together for improving the hard conditions of life
that the man has established in the world because of his egoism.
The consequences of the competition among religions - forbidden by God to the single men
and therefore also to the religions - they will be serious if the religions themselves won't
collaborate for freeing the men from the slaveries of the dictatorships, of the hunger, of the thirst, of
the wars, of the illiteracy and of the illnesses.
The religions must always hold in mind that quite a lot Nations don't recognize the rights
and the fundamental liberties of the man, recognized by the International Conventions to start from
the rights of children. Such situation determines thousand and thousand injustices.
The religions "All together, in their whole" they can do a lot for improving the world in every
If the other religions will do proper the Commandments of the Decalogue 102
and those of
the love for God and for the neighbour 103
and they will accept our proposals we can stipulate fertile
alliances among religions to help the men. Such Commandments will be also officially
acknowledged from the other religions Not christians in base to the laws of States in which they
operate and every religion must also consider the Lord Jesus its own Messiah and therefore each
one must adjust its own Sacred Scriptures, dogmas, doctrines and rites to the Decalogue, to
Commandments of the love and the evangelical teaching correcting the old material errors or of
In every case they won't be considered true religions but Antireligions of Satan, the
Antichrist 104
those religious organizations that curse, they condemn, they teach to hate, to take
revenge and to kill and they bear the tyranny, the error and the injustice; if such facts they will
happen later the drawing up of alliances or agreements with us, these will resolved by law and by
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th
, Amrita
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee ; You see the Elaborate n°7 in the
folder of the religions
6. Essential clauses of the alliances multi religious that will propose to all the true
religions: the clauses quoted in the point that precedes are the foundations of the alliances among
Religions that our Order will propose, also in the difference of cultures and rites according to the
invitation of the Lord God: "… you come to a word that makes all equal…105
” This Word is
Decalogue 106
The alliances of this type with the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) will
happen in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, because His Conscience contains the conscience of
all the living beings and all the things, being the Lord Jesus, also the Cosmic Conscience 107
The base of the alliances will be constituted by the Tables of the Law of the Sinai,
containing the Decalogue illustrated by Jesus Christ 108
and from the Commandments of the love: "
<<You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first one of the Commandments. The second one is similar to the first
one: You will love the neighbour as yourself. From these two commandments the whole Law and
the prophets depend 109
Under the formal aspect the alliances or the agreements must be stipulated with a notarial
deed during a special religious ceremony, provided that in the Country where such agreements will
be stipulated there are civil rights and religious liberties according to the International Conventions
in the matter of; Religious liberty is incompatible with the religions of State 110
. It could be
useful to stipulate the alliances in a selected Country among the religions as place of meeting
welcome to everybody, a monastery of one of the religions, for instance.
Such contract will be recorded both in the respective civil Authorities of every Country and
in the International Organizations.
Such alliances can be subsequently wide to other religions always with a notarial deed.
To reach to the alliances or other agreements among religions it doesn't miss anything
especially with the explanations of the modern Revelations of the 19th
and 20th
century listed in the
elaborate n°7 of this Catechism that you will find in the folder of the religions
It would be very beautiful that all the Religions, especially those Not Christians welcomed
our proposal to unite for making deeds of charity together or to make to give the rights and the
liberties established by the international Conventions to all the peoples. Every religion would
maintain its independence, but it would correct his/her own Scriptures, doctrines and rites on the
basis of the Decalogue and of the Commandments of the love. The religions would make a big
Il Corano, trad. L Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli
Deuteronomio 5. 6-22
Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-4 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 63-64 (Coscienza Cosmica),
Mediterranee ; Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiografia di uno Yogi, page 144, Astrolabio
Maria Valtorta, L’ Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, former President of Italian Republic; Graduation thesis in jurisprudence at the Scuola
Normale di Pisa; ex Tirreno newspaper of April 23rd
2010, page 23
service to God, to their believers and to itself same, because nothing overcomes the
Commandments of the Decalogue and those of the love, as well as the so many good indications
and the illumination of the Gospel 111
, also because the Truth frees from the Darkness of the
ignorance 112
On our behalf there will be always the maximum respect of the other true religions, also
those of the antiquity, because the Revelations are all sacred ones and all they bring to God 113
even if they have mistakes. Nevertheless we believe that the religions and the men would to
acknowledge the new Revelations of the 19th
and 20th
century from us listed in ours Elaborate 7,
as we have already said. We hope that the other religions share this conviction of ours: if it is true
as it is true that Everything is One, then the men's destiny, one for one, is the oneness with the
sole God 114
, after manifold incarnations in the planet Earth, during a period of over fifty thousands
years 115
For the alliances multi religious with us it is necessary that the other religions accept the
Gospels of the Lord Jesus, if we want that such alliances become profitable and lasting. It will be
always however possible for us to stipulates with them less important agreements with all the true
religions to bring more love, justice and peace in the world.
7. Other types of less binding agreements of the alliances with the other ones true
religions: If alliances cannot be made with the other true religions it will be possible to stipulate
other types of agreements to make deeds of charity together with the purpose also to know better
each other and to become friends. There are for instance different good causes to sustain as that
to help the poor African families to have a milk cow and the villages to have a water well . One of
the great evil of the world is the Islam despite the Sufis, the God-fearing ones and the Moderates;
because there is not a good Islam and bad one, but an Islam only dominated by the cruelties of the
Sunna and the Sharia 116
, that is by Lucifer – Satan e by the Islamic Fundamentalists. The Lord
God saw in the Islam one of the evil of the world before Ishmael was born; as a matter of fact the
Lord compared him to “a wild donkey of man he will be, his hand against every man, and every
man’s hand against him 117
“ …ready to fight with everybody and all they will fight with him… 118
. ".
The descendants of Ishmael were in the tribes of Arabia of the North 119
and now they are probably
in the tribes of central and southern Arabia also.
That means that in the antiquity the Lord God saw the transforming of the Religion of the
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili
Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-32 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November, 24th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 17th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 23rd
and November 5th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee
Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam mandati da Cristo (many pages), EMI ; Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis,
Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili
Genesi 16, 12
Genesi 16, 12
La Bibbia di Gerusalemme, page 78, note to verse 25, 12, Grafiche Dehoniane, Bologna (Italy)
Koran into the Antireligion of the Caliphs and Satan the Antichrist.
With this violent and radical Islam dominated by Satan and by the Islamic Fundamentalists
we cannot make agreements unless they adopt before at least the eternal Law of the Sinai, the
Decalogue 120
and the golden rule of the Christ “So always treat others as you would like them to
treat you; that is the Law and the Prophets 121
” to eliminate the a very many cruel rules of the
Sunna and the Shari'a including that to consent to the child girl to marry an adult man 122
It would be beautiful to find agreements in the differentia to do together with all the true
religions good deeds to bring love, justice, charity, job, rights, liberty, health and education with the
pacific methods of the Lord Jesus, the Indian Gandhi and of the South African Nelson Mandela
whereas they miss.
There is not after all valid reason that prevents the true religions to represent together the
peoples in front of States and to the international Organizations to protect its rights and for making
together so many good deeds, because we are all brothers 123
as children of the same sole God
that He is Father and Mother 124
. All persons render cult to God; as a matter of fact it has been
said by Krishna, an Divine Incarnation in India " Those people who adore others gods, and they
offer them, with faith, the sacrifice, them really to me they sacrifice, oh son of Kunti, although not
according to the prescribed rule 125
; therefore paraphrasing God can also be said "Whatever God
you pray, always Me you will pray ".
All Religions, included those Christians, if they will consider the purposes for which they
have been constituted, they will understand that it is primary interest - for them same and for their
believers - to collaborate with all the other religions for the good of the peoples, which it will
correspond to also do well their duty of religions in every center, also international and at every
level. In such way it will be easier for all religions to try to do the will of God, while waiting that it
make light the spark of the love for God, the inferior creatures, the man and the Environment in the
heart of very many men.
There is a mistake that the Religions should never commit: the one to be hostile with the
other or the others or also only superb or haughty, also because it cannot be one exempt from
errors 126
, because we are human beings and therefore fallible.
8. The Religion of the Arabs could not be defined Islamic: it had to be defines Arab or
Mohammedan: Such definition (Islamic) is wrong, illegitimate and it induces in error, first of all
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009 – n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 87 –
36100 Vicenza, Italy
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th and 12th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 103-104, Mediterranee
Sri Aurobindo, La Bhavagad Gita, page 209, verse 29th del 9th Canto, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 85-100, Mediterranee
among all the Mohammedans. The religion of the Arabs had to be defines Arab or Mohammedan
for the reasons that we have explained in the Elaborate 4 (available among the Deepenings of this
Catechism in the folder of Religions), because Islam means "Subjugation to God 127
" or better "to
Give ourselves to God 128
" and therefore for Islam it must also be intended the religions of
the Christians, of the Hebrews 129
, because Hebrews and Christians submitted them to God or
Gave itselves to God before the prophet Mohammed. But not only because how many others in
the world will Be subdued to God or they will Give itselves to God they will make Islam for
reasons for love and justice.
On world scale what is the ecclesiastical organization more closed in itself and with a
greater number of violent ones to judge from the chronicles? That Arab or Mohammedan because
of the too many Fundamentalist ones that populate it whose interpretative mistakes of the
Koran distort the meaning of the Revelation served by the angel Gabriel to the prophet
Mohammed. Such ecclesiastical Islamic organizations when they curse, they condemn, they
accept the tyranny, the error and the injustice or worse when they instigate the Islamic ones to the
hate and the war they are the Antireligions of the Antichrist 130
, that is of Lucifer - Satan. On the
subject you see the Elaborate 4 bis also: "Ill-omened consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on
the peace of the world ", also it available among the Deepenings of our Catechism in the folder of
the Islam (that you will find it in the folder of the Religions).
Having said that, is necessary that all men (but particularly the Arabic masses) objectively
reflect on our opinions to limit the damages that cause all of their Fundamentalists, many of which
they have become terrorist and others they are potentially.
For violent Fundamentalists or Radicals we intend all those people who they think they are
superior to the others, the dialogue they are not willing to accept, they are prone to the deception,
they don't respect the opinions and the rights of the others and don't admit the errors that they
commit; among them they are dangerous the Mujahidins and particularly the Terrorists that are
diabolic fruits of the fundamentalism of every kind, but the most diffused and dangerous is that of
Islamic matrix, as they shows newspapers and newscasts.
It is very important to bring more love, justice, peace, job, culture and liberty on the Earth,
but to be able to do it is necessary to individualize the causes of the wars that burst in the world, to
whose base there are not only many injustices, but there is above all the sense of separateness
from God, from the other human beings and from the environment 131
, while we are part of the
same family and therefore we are being all united by a relationship of love 132
, but I don't know
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 62-63 (Islam), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20 and page 75 (Maometto), sura III 84-
85, Xenia Tascabili
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, September 4th and 12th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77,
Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
how to do for making it understand to the Islamic Fundamentalists.
9. The cause of the wars: The first cause of the wars is Satan 133
with his instigations, his
hate and his satanic attacks to men; him and his Demons send us malignant vibrations 134
the astral plan 135
when they think it opportune for theirs perfidious purposes 136
, as enemies of
the man. They also suggest us pessimistic and negative thoughts from the mental plan 137
torment us and to take away the hope in a best future 138
The second cause of the wars is the sense of separateness that men have that gives birth
to the self or me because it make us feel separate and distinct from the everything that surrounds
them 139
The third cause is due to the fact that men ignore the relationship of love that unites them
to the Lord God and to all His creatures or they has difficulty in to accept it 140
The fourth cause is constituted by the men that they hate and they want to subdue other
men. From these violent ones among which the Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical we need
to stay far-away because they ignore the faith; the Lord God same thought us when He
made say to the prophet Mahommed: << Know to forgive, invite to do the others good. Go
away from the people that ignore the faith 141
>>. It has been said that the religion of the
Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals is the power 142
There are other men, fortunately that they try to live to the best of their possibilities the
teachings of the true religions. Some of them try to do the will of God to the best of their
possibilities. To these men we must make reference in every occasion of relationships multi
religious, since the alliances and the other important agreements don't make them the hawks but
the doves; these last ones realize better the reasons for the justice and the peace (we for example
bring that that it happens from over thirty years in Palestine among Hebrews and Palestinian: when
they are near to an agreement there is always a hawk that challenges the other to perpetuate the
conflict); but is also true that the Hebrews fear the excessive procreation of the Islamic ones that
they double of number at every generation (25 years).
To the Islamic ones or better to the Mohammedans of the whole world we also propose a
reflection on the errors committed till today by the violent Arabic radicals in to interpret some
Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September, 25th , 2001. Shalom,
Via San Giuseppe 57, 6020 Camerata Picena (Ancona), Italy
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi from Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th
, 1991 and February 25th
, 1992,
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 218-219 (Piano astrale), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated May 25th , 1988, MIR
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 221 (Piano mentale), Mediterranee
You see the Elaborate N°2 and the Elaborate n°3 of our Catechism, in the folder of the Lord God, the everything
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and 215 (Senso si separatività), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th
, Amrita
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori
fundamental themes of the Koran. Their numerous wrong interpretations have served to the solo
aim to stimulate the Arabic expansionism also fomenting wars of religion and terrorism in violation
of the precepts of the Koran (on the subject is seen the quoted Elaborates n°4 and 4bis of this
Catechism available among the Deepenings of the religions in the folder of the Islam).
To the Arabs we propose besides particularly a reflection on the chapters sixteen, twenty-
one and twenty-five of the Genesis on the theme of Ishmael and his/her descendants with the
purpose to know better their nature; the Islamic ones should also reflect on the true meaning of
Gihad or Jihad because the only holy “war” that they should do is that to know itself same 143
or to
make an individual effort for the faith or for the moral action and mission 144
The other Islamic wars, as a matter of fact, are always and exclusively demoniac, whoever
is the adversary, the tribe or the people or the religion against which they fight.
Considered the importance that we attribute to the to know itselves 145
through the auto
psychoanalysis 146
it is easy to understand how much useful it be such reflection for these Islamic
brothers of ours which have been pushed away by the straight way as we show in ours Elaborate 4
(14 errors of interpretation of the Koran served by the Islamic Fundamentalists with astuteness
and wickedness).
10. The so many conflicts of the world fighted without weapons: we all must also
reflect on the conflicts fought without weapons. Such conflicts are not less harmful and less
carriers of injustices of those armed, except that for the shedding of blood and the destructions
operated by the bombs; the commercial conflicts can for an instance, bring big damages to the
populations, because, in effects, the ways to overpower or to exploit the other ones they are so
many and as we know they can also derive from commercial agreements for the dishonesty than at
least one of the contractual parts. It is an example of it what it happens in Africa: a very rich
continent with very poor peoples.
To our opinion the religions must individualize together them these exploitations and
together they owe to find a remedy, State by State, to cooperate to build the Civilization of the love,
of the justice, of the peace, of the job and of the education for all within the U.N.. But of an U.N.
made more correct, efficient and democratic, because all the injustices and the conflicts that the
U.N. doesn't succeed in avoiding produce or they sharpen frustrations, pains, fears, terrors,
aversions and hate among the different ethnic groups.
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 63-75 (Come intendere l’insegnamento del conoscere se stessi),
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, pages 136 (Gihad), Einaudi Tascabili ; Tommaso
apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17 and 19, Macroedizioni ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 54-56 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un giorno migliore, pages 63-75 (Come intendere l’insegnamento del conoscere se stessi),
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi),
If the true religions allying themselves "All together, in their whole" they succeeded in
making an peaceful united front against the injustices and the dictatorships according to the
teachings of the Lord Jesus, of the Indian Gandhi and of the South African Nelson Mandela, the
spiritual and material affairs of the populations would be much better protected and there would
consequently be more justice and peace and less injustices, violences and anger in the world.
Therefore is not more acceptable than the dialogue multi religious stagnates in thousand
sophisms and in so many dogmas, on one side and from the other, because the Evil that is in the
world demands suitable and urgent countermeasures of brotherly collaboration, for better
protecting the rights and the fundamental liberties of the poor peoples to the justice, to the peace,
to the job, to the health, to the dignity, to the food, to the water, to the education and to a proper
direct representation in the organs of government of the peoples.
For these motives the true religions - that is those that preach the human brotherhood in
God, the charity, the justice, the peace and the pardon for the mutual offenses - they should not
find difficulty anymore some for an alliance on a world scale to start to drastically decrease the so
many injustices of this epoch (beginning of the third Millennium).
11. The Messiah of all Religions is Jesus of Nazareth: the alliance multi religious to
defend the rights and the liberties of the people should not be more procrastinated and the
alliances or the agreements of collaboration should be found in the name of the sole God that
talked with the mouth of the man Jesus in Palestine and elsewhere after His Resurrection 147
. All of
this that the Lord Jesus said is divine Truth, not human, because in Him It spoke the Spirit of Truth
of the Supreme Being 148
; therefore all religions should read and to adopt the Gospels!
The four canonical Gospels synthetically report of the birth of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth
Son of Mary and of the Spirit / will of God 149
The Messiah could say only the Truth, because was the Verb of Truth 150
come in the world
to renew deeply all religions, included the Islam, because the year is not important in which have
been done the Revelations, on the contrary their content! And that Jesus was a Divine Being it
doesn't tell only it the Gospel 151
, but also the Koran in which is confirmed :
 that the Lord Jesus, is child of Mary, was the Messiah Verb of God 152
 that Jesus was child of Mary and the Spirit / will of God and that therefore, the
mother of Jesus was a woman, but his Father was the Spirit-wish of God, in how
To Jakob Lorber in the 19th century (works published by La Nuiva Rivelazione, Via Vetrego 148 -30035, Mirano
(Venezia), telephone 041 – 436154 , Italy and to Maria Valtorta, work published by CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli 89-91,
03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy, telephone 0776 807 032 and fax 0776 809 789, Italy
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 a XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Matteo 1, 18-25 ; Vangelo di Marco, chapter 1 ; Vangelo di Luca 1, 26-38 and 2, 1-20 ; Il Corano, trad. L.
Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1-2
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
much Jesus as Adam was procreated for fatherly part 153
 that to the prophet Mohammed was expressly requested not to doubt of such divine
paternity 154
 that Jesus was the Verb of Truth; as a matter of fact to the prophet Mohammed was
said: " This is Jesus child of Mary; it is the verb of truth of which they doubt 155
 that the Lord Allah also said the Lord Jesus': " … we gave to Jesus, Mary's child, the
evident tests and we have strengthened him with the Spirit of Holiness… 156
", that is
with the Spirit Saint. It derives of it, therefore that the Messiah, was also saint for
declaration of the Lord Allah.
 that Jesus made big miracles 157
, included his Resurrection 158
, since God was with
Him 159
The Lord God in the Revelation to the English Eileen Caddy, happened in the twentieth
century at Findhorn, in Scotland, it confirmed that the Christ Messiah was His Son with these
- "The time is at hand when they will become reality these words: <<The Son of God will
appear in all of his glory because all can see him >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day
and the time. Be ready in every moment to see Him. I tell you to be surprised at nothing 160
- << I am always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in
the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ
within you 161
- << The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel itselves now attracted
reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet: it can happen that they may not be of it aware at the
time, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that does yes that more and more
souls are reciprocally attracted, so that all of you can become of the internal Christ aware and can
eternally make thanks for this awareness 162
In such way the Lord God confirmed:
a. the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, in which all men and all things are
recapitulated 163
and at the same time that we cannot save us without Him 164
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 42-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10th , pages 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri
(Frosinone), Italy
Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1-2
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-3 and chapters 14, 15 and 17
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee
b. that the Lord Jesus is Son, that is one of the three Divine Beings in which the sole God
manifest itself to become visible and comprehensible to men 165
; them, together, the Holy Trinity
form, Father, Son Jesus and Mother 166
Spirit Saint 167
we don’t know what else to say to:
- to show that there is no doubt some on the Divine nature of the Lord Jesus and on His
being He who it redeems and it saves all men of good will;
- that the Christ renewed all the Sacred Scriptures of the world with the doctrine of the love
and the pardon.
In the Koran it is said of the Gospel " …in which it is guide and light, that it is a confirmation
of the Pentateuch, previously revealed and a direction and a warning for the God-fearing ones 168
". While men can be lazy for their nature or too much materials, the religions, cannot be so for their
nature and finality; therefore everyone of them must make itself diligent part in to look for alliances
and agreements to improve the world without any violence, in the equality for all men of the
Decalogue 169
that the Lord Jesus always had present as the eternal Law, valid for all men, during
the three years of the Evangelization in Palestine 2000 years ago 170
Further delays of the true religions in to act by common consent against the Evil, but
without violence, would become incomprehensible, considered of the actual state of the world in
its various appearances.
12. The princedom of Satan or the princedom of the Darkness: Everybody together it
needs to reflect on the fact that the tears of the world derive from the egoism of men and of their
incapability to obey to the Commandments of the Most High (Decalogue and Commandments of
the love), tied up as we are from the drawstrings and snares of the pleasures of the world and the
The injustices - baiting the hate as reaction - they create darkness in the minds and in the
hearts of the men that they undergo and suffer them.
The poverty and the desperation create darkness in the minds and in the hearts of the more
unfortunates; therefore they become incapable to observe the precepts of the true Religions. Some
of them can become tools of man-demons, as it happen to the kamikaze of the Islam or better of
the Mohammedism.
The princedom of Satan or the princedom of the Darkness is the princedom of the
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia
Tommaso apostolo. Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia ; Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 50, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123
(Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri
(Frosinone), Italy
ignorance, of the injustices, of the violences, of the greeds, of the passions, of the fanaticism and
of the envy and therefore of the hate, of the revenge and of the brotherly conflicts. In this epoch
(beginnings of the third Millennium) the Islamic terrorists and their supporters are distinguished
entirely in to make evil to thousands or to hundreds of innocent people in New York and Madrid.
On their behalf the God-fearing ones, the Sufis and the Mohammeddans Moderates that
are big part of the Islamic silent majority, will be jointly liable of the violences of the Islamic
Fundamentalists in the measure in which they won't have made anything to oppose their dominion,
that is the dominion on the Islam of the Antichrist 171
, or of Lucifer - Satan.
Especially in the South of the world, the violent ones of every colour and kind, also
religious, for hate, greed of power, wealth or for envy they try to always grab the command of the
Nations and then they make it last with the intimidation and the strength brute, inspiring fear or
terror to the moderate citizens. This happens only not in the Nations, but also in every other
organization, included those ecclesiastic, for an instance in the Islam where the Islamic
Fundamentalists govern with the usual overbearance and violence. The Islam is a religion of
Satan, the Antichrist.
The conflictness and the Islamic terrorism existing in various parts of the world they have
satanic matrix because the hate and the war are wanted by Satan 172
The Islamic, violent and wicked Fundamentalists, are all citizens of the princedom of Satan
or 0f the Darkness, also while they are living in the planet Earth; the state of being of the Islamic,
violent and wicked Fundamentalists, is a state being infernal, because the hell is a mental state as
the Heaven 173
13. The Light of the Christ is the necessary Wisdom of God to spread in the world the
justice of the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love with the Gospels.
To improve the world it needs first of all to bring love, charity, justice, peace, job, education
and health with pacific methods in the Nations where they miss for giving dignity, rights and
liberties to the man, any it be the colour of his/her skin. But it is necessary to also bring in such
Nations the Light of Christ (evangelical teachings, included those of the nineteenth century to
Jakob Lorber and of the twentieth century, to Maria Valtorta) to correct the errors of the other
religions, also of those Oriental 174
The Wisdom of God in the world has been the Lord Jesus Christ 175
that with the Gospels
teaches us to win the inherent temptations in the occurrences of the daily life, which light the
desires, the greeds and the passions of the men, as also the envy for the rich ones, the powerful
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated June 1st
, and December 14th
, Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore
parla, page 176, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 85-96 (Le religioni), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 12
persons and for those people that have been successful in the life. It needs to take note that in the
world there is a diffused incapability to obey to the Commandments (Decalogue and
Commandments of the love) of the Most High Lord, the Father-Mother-God 176
of all men, from
which it comes down our brotherhood 177
and therefore also the brotherhood of the religions. To
such incapability it also unites it the envy and the anger of the poor men, which don't realize that
they are themselves the first persons responsible of their poverty for the necessary corrections
that had to be given them for expanding their conscience with the law of cause and of effect 178
law karmica during the new incarnation that they live on the Earth.
Considered the diffusion of the Evil on the Earth in this epoch (beginning of the Third
Millennium) it is essential to spread among all men the new justice of Jesus, the Messiah of all the
peoples and all the religions; it said in fact the Lord Jesus:
- << God's Law: You must not think that I have come to abolish the law of Mosè (our note:
among which the Decalogue) and the teaching of the prophets. I have not come for
abolishing it, but to complete it in perfect way. Because I assure you that up to when there
will be the sky and the earth, not even the smallest word, a comma, will be cancelled by the
law of God; and so up to when everything won't be finished. Therefore, who disobeys to the
smallest of the commandments and teaches to the others to do as he, will be the smallest
in the kingdom of God. Who puts instead all the commandments into practice and it
teaches them to the others, it will be great in the kingdom of God. A thing is certain: if don't
do more seriously the will of God of as they make the Pharisees and the teachers of the
law, you won't enter the kingdom of God 179
- The anger and the peace: You know that in the Bible it has been said to our Fathers:
Don't kill. Who will kill another one he/she will be brought in front of the judge. But I tell you:
even if one goes to anger against his/her brother he/she will be brought in front of the
judge. And who tells his/her brother: "you are an idiot" he/she will be brought in front of the
superior court. Who tells him "traitor" he/she can be condemned to the fire of the hell.
Therefore, if you are bringing your offer to the altar of God and you remember yourself that
your brother has something against you, leave the offer in front of the altar there and you
go to reconcile with your brother; then it returns and shows your offer. This way if you are
going with your adversary to Court, be quick to arrange with him because he/she can
deliver you to the watches to make you put in the jail. I assure that you won't go out of
there, up to when you won't also have paid the last cent 180
- Adultery and scandal: You know that in the Bible it has been said: Don't commit adultery.
But me I tell you: if one looks at a woman of another because he/she wants her, in his heart
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-20
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 21-26
he has already sinned of adultery with her. If your right eye makes you complete the evil,
tear it and throw it away: it would be better for you to lose only a part of your body, rather
than to be thrown all whole to the hell. If your right hand makes you complete the evil, cut it
and throw it away: it would better for you suits to lose only a part of your body, rather than
to go everything whole to the hell 181
- The Divorce: In the Bible it has been said: Who wants to abandon his own wife he must
give her a declaration written of divorce. But I tell you: who away his own woman sends
except the case of illegal relationship - he puts her in danger to become adulterine. And
who marries a woman abandoned by her husband it also commits adultery him 182
- The oath: You still know, that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't swear the
perjury but make that that you have promised with oath in front of God. But I tell you: not
you ever swear, neither for the sky, that is the throne of God, neither for the earth that is the
stool of his feet; neither for Jerusalem, that is the city of the Lord. Don't even swear on your
head, because you don't even have the power to make to become white or black one of
your hair. Simply you say, "yes" and "no": the whole rest comes from the devil 183
- Revenge and pardon: You know that in the Bible it has been said: Eye for eye, tooth for
tooth. But I tell you: not avenge with whom does you some evil. If one gives you a slap on
the right cheek, you also offer him the other. If one wants you to make a trial to take you
the shirt, you leave also him the mantle. If one forces you to accompany him for a
kilometer, you go with him for two kilometers. If someone asks you something, give him it.
Don't turn the back to whom asks you a loan 184
- The love toward the enemies: You know that it has been said: Love your friends and
hate your enemies. But I tell you: love also your enemies and pray for those that persecute
you. Doing so you will become true children of God your Father, that is in sky: Because he
makes to rise his sun on the bad ones and on the good ones and it makes to rain for those
that good does and for those that the evil does. If you love only those that love you, what
merit do you have? The wicked ones also behave this way! If you only greet your friends,
you do something of better of the others? Those that don't know God also behave this
way! That you be perfect therefore, how the Father of yours is perfect that is in sky 185
The new justice of the Christ or all His Doctrine, base itself on the eternal Law of the
Decalogue 186
and on the Commandments of the love:
a. You won't avenge yourself and you won't bear a grudge against the children of
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27-30
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 31-32
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 33-37
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 38-42
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 43-48. You see the Jesus’s corrections in the chapters 6, 7, 15, 16, 19 and 23 also
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl,
03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone, Italy
your people, but you will love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord 187
b. " You will love gladly the Lord your God, with the whole soul and with all the
strengths. These precepts that today I give you is you fixed in the heart; you will
repeat them to your children, you will speak of it when you will have sat in your
house, when you will walk for road, when you will go to bed and when you will
get up. You will tie them to your hand as a sign, they will be for you as a pendant
among the eyes and you will write them on the jambs of your house and on your
doors 188
We know that who seeding hate comes from Satan father of the egoism and the
wickedness; Satan wants the hate and the war among men 189
; therefore it is necessary that the
believers, to whatever religion belongs, doesn't frequent, for their same good and that of their
children, Churches or Mosques where someone that incites them to hate, to take revenge and to
make the war to somebody else because they speak in the name of Satan, the Antichrist. To
everybody we remember that the Lord Jesus has taught even us to love the enemies and to pray
for our persecutors and to consider all men as brothers as God's children as us 190
. Therefore we
tell those people who frequent Churches or Mosques where preach violent priests or other people
that it is very better for them to pray in the secret of their houses as Jesus teaches 191
, rather than
to attend Temples where the Lord God is offended with wrong interpretations of His Revelations as
it happens in the Islam .
In the Koran it is said:
- " Truly God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love to the relatives and He forbids the
dissoluteness and the evil: he admonishes you so that you can meditate 192
- " Be good to your parents, as also to your relatives, to the orphans and the poor men,
and to the close relative and the close man that is extraneous, and to the companion of trip and
the wayfarer and the slave, since God doesn't love who is superb and vain 193
- " - "Know how to forgive. He/she invites to complete the good. Go away from the people
that they ignore the faith 194
". (my note: They ignore above all the faith those people who adore
the idols, who they curse, they offend, they are violent ones, overbearing ones and they commit
homicides; the idol of the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals it is the power);
- As it regards the homicide in the Koran it is also written: " And not to kill any person
without just motive because God has prohibited it; and for that that it concerns who has unjustly
been killed us we give to the administrator of his affairs the power to avenge him, even if he must
Levitico 19, 17-18
Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 38-48 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th and 12th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 6, 5-15
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura IV 36, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili
not exceed in the revenge because God will think to help him 195
. (note of mine: the style of God is
clear, simple, concise and exhaustive; I think that the Lord Allah, that is God, has made to tell to
Mohammed by the archangel Gabriel: "Not to kill"; this is the style of God, simple, clear, synthetic
and exhaustive; such command confirms the Fifth Commandment of the Decalogue; the rest
they have added it the Arabs; therefore in the verse 33 of the sura XVII there are two addition-
alterations of the Arabs, probably of one of the two Caliphs Omar or Uthman. First Arabic addition:
"without just motive" and Second Arabic addition: " and for that that it concerns who has unjustly
been killed we give to the administrator of his affairs, the power to avenge him even if he must not
exceed in the revenge because God will think to help him " . The Fundamentalists or Arabic
Radicals and the Terrorists make slaughters and they make the war or the revolutions against
other peoples or religions to impose the Arabism or the Mohammedism while the Lord Allah, that is
God, told that is in other occasion to Mohammed: “ There is no constraint some for the religion; the
by straight way it distinguishes well from the error; who won't believe in Taghut and he will believe
in God instead, he will have grabbed the firm handle, not susceptible of breakup; and God hears
and knows everything 196
. We make you to notice that in another occasion the Lord Allah still
commanded to Mohammed to leave the polytheists to keep on practising their pagan religion free!!
As a matter of fact the Lord Allah made to tell Mohammed from the archangel Gabriel: " Say: truth
comes from your Lord, and who wants believes and who wants doesn't believe. We, certain, have
prepared for the iniquitous ones a fire, whose whirlwind of smoke will wind them from every part;
and, if they will implore help, they will be assisted with water as fused copper, that, when they will
drink it, it will roast them the faces; what horrible drink and what sad pallet 197
! ". The prophet
Mohammed promulgated a general amnesty after his victory on the Coreiscitis 198
. But there is
more: as a matter of fact, the "Not to kill" of the Decalogue and the "Not to kill" of the Koran they
order us not to kill any living being; therefore such Commandments also contain the implicit
prohibition to the man to eat animal meats and therefore the implicit prescription to feed
himself/herself with milk, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits end of my note).
". The prophet Mohammed promulgated a general amnesty after his victory on the
Coreiscitis 199
- " Truly those that will have believed and they will have completed some good deeds, the
Lord will treat them with mercy. This is the evident success 200
More ignorant persons and guilty even more they are those people who instigate to commit
crimes and to make wars or revolutions against other peoples or ethnic groups. Of it derives that
the true unbelievers after the Bedouins of the time of Mahommed they are the Islamic or
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Omicidio), sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 244, Oscar Mondadori
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 244, Oscar Mondadori
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili
Mohammeddans Radicals or Fundamentalists because they are wicked and they idolize the power
and the wealths also; of them it has been said " Their true religion is the power 201
The Lord God teaches us from Findhorn in the 20th
century that all men have origin from
Him and that we form a sole family 202
; therefore men are all brothers as children of the sole God
and they are united by a relationship of love 203
; therefore also the last Islamic man arrived in
Europe - provided that is not a violent, a criminal or a terrorist (from which we needs to be far-away
from them, because they ignore the faith, according to the quoted verse of the Koran (sura VII 199)
– it is not a person to fear, but to welcome and to take care of him as it made the good Samaritan
. But the guest has the duty to respect the laws of host States , as they foresees the European
laws and the same Islamic law 205
The Lord Jesus, the Redeemer and Savior of all men, said speaking of the family
relationship: "A man told Jesus: there are out here your mother and your brothers that want to talk
to you. Jesus to whom spoke to him answered: who is my mother and who are my brothers? Then
with the hand it pointed out his disciples and he said: It looks they are these my mother and my
brothers: because if one makes the will of the Father of mine that is in the Sky, he is my brother,
my sister and my mother 206
." (our note: Jesus' love for his mother was great and it emerges with
vigour from so many episodes of the gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta and published by CEV srl,
of Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy, but at that time the Messiah had to affirm a fundamental principle:
the true human relationship is not carnal, but spiritual).
The Lord Jesus with His Doctrine, freed the men of all religions from the taboos of the
Temple, of the sacrifices and of the blood that is from the tribal bonds or of the ethnic groups, of the
pure one and of the impure one 207
The same spiritual principle is worth for the religions: it doesn't have importance the place
where they have been founded, it doesn't have importance the colour of the skin of its own
believers, but only the universal paternity of the God Father and Mother 208
of all men - united by
the universal love that it starts within each man - and from the consequent brotherhood of all men
, of the peoples and of the same religions. From here the demand that the religions agree to
share the fundamental Truths of the Life and to stipulate agreements among them "All together, in
their whole" for the spiritual and material Good of the peoples, especially of those poor and
What all the religions acknowledge the Commandments of the love!:
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Luca 10, 29-37
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 207, Oscar Mondadori
Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50
Ida Magli, Gesù di Nazareth, pages 48-63, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
"Love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your
mind. This is the greatest commandment and most important. The second is equally important:
Love your neighbour as yourself: The whole law of Mosè and the whole teaching of the prophets
depend on these two commandments 210
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40

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053a - The errors of religions and the possibility of alliances or other agreements among them to work together

  • 1. Elaborate 8 The errors of religions and the possibility of alliances or other agreements among them to work together: SUMMARY Premise Page 1 1.As for God, for Satan, for the other rebellious Angels and for the man " 2 2. As for men and for their Salvation promised by the Bible " 11 3. As for the Religions " 12 4. Relationship of love " 13 5. We propose alliances multi religious to all the true religions or other types of agreement " 14 6. Essential clauses of the Alliances multi religious that we will propose to all true religions " 15 7. Other types of less binding agreements of the alliances with the true religions “ 17 8. The Religion of the Arabs could not be defined Islamic; it had to be defined Arab or Mohammedan “ 18 9. The cause of the wars " 19 10. The so many conflicts of the world fighted without weapons " 21 11. The Messiah of all the Religions is Jesus of Nazareth " 21 12. The princedom of Satan or princedom of the Darkness " 24 13. The Light of the Christ is Gods Wisdom necessary to spread in the world the justice of the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love “ 25 Premise: the collaborations of which we have dealt with Elaborate 6, that you will find in the folder of the Religions, can become alliances when other true religions will share besides the Decalogue 1 - explained by the Lord Jesus in the Gospels 2 - the Commandments of the love 3 and some fundamental truths of the life of which the Teachers disincarnates of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (of the Circle Florence 77) have dealt with in their eight books published by Edizioni Mediterranee - Roma; they said: << We want to outline you quoting passages of sacred books, as it finds in the religions of the peoples that had a notable civilization those truths that we have taught you more times. These religions were the base of every elevated philosophical - religious thought of the great Teachers, on which then the ignorance of the man has interwoven fanciful additions. We reassume these principles, these truths that, with light differences, emerge in all the religions: 1 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 2 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 3 Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 1
  • 2. - an only eternal existence, endless, incommensurable, from which was carried on the whole creation; - the triplex manifestation of this existence called Trinity also; - the law of cause and of effect, in force in the emanated world, in consequence of the first cause-effect of the creation: creative will is the cause, the immediate emanation of the universe is the effect; - the law of evolution; - the transmigration of the individualities in more bodies, meant as mean of evolution… 4 . The true religions are those that preach love, charity, justice, peace and brotherhood among men. When these conditions exist the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) will be able to join other true religions to contribute to resolve together and with others great matters unsolved as those of the rights and of the fundamental liberties of men and to do other good deeds very important as the struggle against the hunger, the thirst, the ignorance, the illnesses and the robberies of the rich foreigners together with the Heads of the poor Countries as it happens in Africa. These alliances or other agreements will be very useful when the possibilities of a sole religion won't be enough to make good deeds complex, difficult or expensive, then they will become precious the alliances between or among true religions or other less binding agreements between or among them, but every religion will remain separate from the others. The religions of State are incompatible with the religious liberty. All religions commit errors because they are human and therefore nobody is exempt from them, to start from the error to compete with each other because every one has a specific assignment to perform for a part of the humanity (sees you the our Elaborate n°1: "Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the Nature and the Destiny of the man ", available among the Deepenings of our Catechism in the folder of the Nature, the Life and the Destiny of the man). 1. As for God, for Satan, for the other rebellious Angels and for the man: A close relation ship there is between God and these beings; we see the reason why: the Supreme Being is the Father- Mother-God 5 of all the living beings to start from the Angels up to the last man been born on the Earth: this kinship derives from the relationship of love that unites God to all the living beings, because we have all origin in God and therefore we belong to the same family 6 . This relationship of love exists because God is love 7 ; this means that all of this that God does He does it for love. When God created the Angels among them there was also Lucifer the 4 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 87, Mediterranee 5 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee 6 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita 7 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita 2
  • 3. Archangel of Light, that then became the head of the rebellious Angels. God would have been able to destroy him, but His nature (love) prevented Him from doing it, for which <<… It didn't remain but the second way, that that you see realized in the material creation… 8 >>. <<… For this it was now created the material world, the whole universe, the man. In him, according to the degree of their wickedness, the spirits were dressed of matter, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains; in the first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions of life, to the understanding of their errors, and in the second place to also begin in this manner to their volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty and the principle of improvement it comes as second … >>. << All the earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies are formed from the great Soul of Satan; the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the great spirit of Lucifer and his retinue, banished and fallen in the matter. God, that is eternal love and compassion, would have been able never to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to the life it is able yes to change form and to pass from a less noble to a nobler or vice versa, but it can never be destroyed 9 >>. These are words of Jesus and they have been drawn by the Great Gospel of John by Josef Mahlberg - that has picked up in a book from the title " Il Signore parla - The Lord speaks ", Edizioni Armenia - many fundamental teachings of the Christ to Jakob Lorber has been ignored from the Christian religions. In strength of the second principle of the life, that of improvement, the Angels rebellious called Devils or Demons are improved through the life conceived and realized by God and through the men. The first principle of the life is that of the liberty 10 , but only God is totally free and He holds all creation in His hand 11 . The Supreme Being God improves and unites the men with His universal love, that buds inside every human being 12 ; the Lord God with the Wisdom "it feeds" directly His children's mind since the antiquity as Father, Son Jesus and Mother Spirit Saint 13 ; But God He doesn't stop only to this because it also sends Angels, Prophets, Teachers and wise men to spread the wisdom, first among all Jesus, to which God gave His Word 14 . Who hinders the diffusion of the wisdom he/she is a colleague of Satan as the Talebans in Afghanistan that prohibits to the women to go to school. For the quoted first principle of the life (that of the freedom) the men while they are living on the Earth they can choose the road that they want because all roads bring to God 15 . During the first human incarnations the choices of life of the man are almost always selfish because the man himself/herself has a violent egoism. During these incarnations the man steals, kills and he/she is 8 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia 9 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia 10 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 11 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated February 13th , Amrita 12 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 13 Tommaso apostolo, il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità?), Armenia 14 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 15 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 17th , Amrita 3
  • 4. violent in other manners in order to have what he/she desires and he/she is not too much different from the animals 16 . Despite this the roads of the egoists also lead equally to God, even if their walk is long and tortuous because also living its selfish lives the man widens in every existence its conscience 17 because life has been structured by the God-Love - that He is our Father and Mother - so that we are also learned by our errors; therefore, life after life, we advance always on our spiritual path and advancing we get closer more and more to our Destination, that is the unity with God 18 , because God is our destiny 19 . The sufferings that we cause to other beings, especially those more serious inflicted during the first human incarnations, are not forgotten (for the truth any suffering caused by the man is forgotten because all, also the good actions, are memorized in an arcane memory of the life); the whole good done to the other ones and the whole evil done to the other ones is object of particular attention from the " Signori del karma – Gentlemen of the Karma “, the Teachers I charge of coordinating, with the maximum discernment and great prudence, the effects karmici that must fall on the men, on the humanity, on the individual particularly. They are assisted from Celestial Intelligence that the design of the Teachers makes executive 215c 20 ". " It is called <<karma>> the whole of the subsequent effects to the causes that the individual moves (our note: the negative karma is that for the men that hurt the other ones, while the positive karma is that for the men that do some good to the other ones 21 ). Such effects are ineluctable 22 ". The karma has the purpose to make to understand to the men as they must be behaved when their conscience it is not developed yet because they have not become altruist yet 23 . All of this that the men do, that is the causes from them moved they are recorded in an arcane memory as it is already said, which remembers all of this that we do of well or of badly, but the karmic teaching for the one whom the evil does is imparted to the men only when these have become enough mature to understand such teaching and never when they are not able to understand yet 24 because the law of cause and of effect 25 , or karmica law, it is a merciful law. In strength of the law of the evolution the man expands his/her mind and his/her conscience at every terrestrial incarnation 26 ; the evolution has 16 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee 17 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di Evoluzione), Mediterranee 18 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 19 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 266, Mediterranee 20 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (I Signori del Karma), Mediterranee 21 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee 22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Karma), Mediterranee 23 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (karma) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43- 49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 24 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 and 158, Mediterranee 25 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto 26 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 4
  • 5. one rhythm of his and therefore whether one likes or not the man must evolve 27 ; also this is a merciful law. The men make many errors because the Darkness of the ignorance and of the egoism they darken their mind and their hearts because they don't look for God and don't run away the sin 28 . God became incarnate in the man Jesus to make to know to everybody the entire meaning of the Decalogue and the truths of the life to free us from the Darkness of the ignorance and of the error with the ancient and modern Gospels because truth is freeing 29 . We also know that God is truth and that to Him we can directly address to find it and truly we will find it because also truth is within us 30 . The man has received from God the free will and the Wisdom with His revelations, but then the man must make his/her part, deciding himself/herself for God and for widening his/her knowledges; nobody wants or can make our part for us, therefore only ourselves we can do it; let's do it then! Looking for the truth, the wisdom and the understanding inside us we will find them and accepting them we will also expand our conscience 31 Brothers, let's decide us for God, that has the tallest degree of knowledge and we seeks the truth because only with the truth of the life, that is spiritual 32 , we can also become proficient looking for, desiring and finding also the Kingdom of the Skies inside of us because it is a mental state 33 after from rebellious Angels we have forced God to confine us in the matter to instruct us, to correct us and to save us 34 ; brothers, only discovering the truths of the life and doing the will of God we can free us from the errors in which fell Lucifer - Satan and the other rebellious Angels and it is our duty to do it because God - having given us the free will - He must patiently wait 35 that we do our part. According to the science the man sapiens sapiens has appeared on the Earth around 30.000 years ago; we don't know which parent-child relationship God entertained with the man of 30.000 years ago, but we think that He talked to the man of that epoch in the language that he/she could understand; nevertheless a real to speak intimate of God to the man we think that has happened with Abram, the first one of the Patriarchs around 3000 years ago, without however to exclude other relationships between God and His children men in the others zones of the Earth. We think that God made to have his/her experiences to the man on the Earth following the scarce spiritual evolution of it until He realized that in the worlds of the Matter the self or me of the 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee 28 Sapienza, chapter 1 29 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 23rd , Amrita 30 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 155-156 (La verità vi farà liberi), Mediterranee 31 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th , Amrita 32 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 29th , Amrita 33 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita 34 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 35 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 131-132 (Le mie vie sono le vie dello Spirito), Mediterranee 5
  • 6. man same made him/her selfish because he/she believed separate from everything and from everybody 36 . Before the advent of Christ Satan it had too many possibilities in his favour, because he made himself prince of the Matter 37 and because God - having given him the free will it owed to be patient, at least up to certain point 38 - and let him to do reserving Himself, however the possibility to correct Satan and to save him with the other rebellious Angels with the light of the knowledge that He would have given them through the life, the men and the Gospels; Satan also had the collaboration of the selfish and egocentric men, or of the almost totality of the human kind of that time. The fall of Lucifer happened because of one error of his. << … There will be now clear how come Lucifer believes to have had to act as he has acted for the matter could be created; an error in every case, because the purpose of My creation is not the matter, on the contrary only the free knowledge, the love and the understanding of the Divinity from the beings gone out of Me: the matter has been only a mean ….. 39 >>. << …It rose so a conflict, that is a separation of the parts, that did finally yes that the power conferred to Lucifer was from Me (our note: from God) retired and he remained with his followers lacking of power and of creative strength … 40 >>. This way being the things in a "moment" of the eternity, God realized that Lucifer was lost <<…in the extreme of his polar qualities, deceiving himself in the idea to have to preserve the matter. He wanted to reign making himself prince of the matter, that he considered of his ownership, and he darkened therefore more and more the human beings that went forming themselves, since the struggle with God seemed him great, magnificent and conservative of the life. This also explains the mystery of my incarnation (our note: Jesus so talked to Jakob Lorber, His Austrian scribe, one day of the 19th century), that had to break the matter, that otherwise Lucifer losing more and more himself in the asperities of the opposite pole, it would be become more and more harder. My incarnation meant therefore a standstill and it showed as we could free us from the idolatry and from the adoration of the polar qualities; it also had to show (and this was the first purpose) as the death that ties the men to the matter and to its pleasures can be overcome and defeated, and also that life doesn't develop itself in the matter, but in the spirit and that that is only a jail of this… 41 .>>. Around two thousand years ago the Lord God decided that the time had come to limit the possibilities of that wicked scoundrel that it is Satan and therefore to contemporarily accelerate the spiritual evolution of demons and men making to illustrate the Decalogue 42 by the Lord Jesus with 36 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee 37 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 38 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 131-132 (Le Mie vie sono le vie dello Spirito), Mediterranee 39 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia 40 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 41 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 42 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 6
  • 7. the Gospels; in Palestine Jesus showed with His life and His sacrifice as the men they could live the Commandments of the love " You love God 43 " and " You love your neighbour as yourself 44 “ . Not only the Christ Messiah illustrated with divine mastery the Decalogue especially with the modern Gospels revealed to Jakob Lorber (19th century) and to Maria Valtorta (20th century), but living the Commandments of the love Hr donate His life for the forgiveness of the sins of men 45 and consequently it received everything because this is the law of God: ”You must learn that only when you give all do you receive all 46 “ ; Jesus also received from God the strength to resuscitate from the death with His same Spirit: << In the sky, that now has, at the East, a region all pink-coloured that more and more extends itself in the clear sky, where though not is sun ray yet, it appears, coming from unknown depths, a very splendid meteor, ball of fire of untenable splendour, followed by a shining trail, that perhaps it is not other than that the memory of its brightness in our retina. It goes down very fast towards the Earth, sheding a light so intense, phantasmagorical, fearful in its beauty, that the pink- coloured light of the aurora it is nullified, overcome by this white incandescence. The guards lift their heads surprised, because also, with the light it comes a powerful, harmonic, solemn rumble, that fills of itself all Creation, I comes from heavenly depths. It is the alleluia, the angelic Gloria, that it follows the spirit of the Christ, that comes back in His glorious flesh. The meteor falls against the useless closing of the Sepulchre, It uproots it, It knock down it, the guards – put as jailors of Master of the universe, they were struck of terror and roar, giving with His coming back on the Earth, a new earthquake as it gave when from the Earth It was run away thi Lord’s Spirit. It enters in the dark of the Sepulchre, that is made all clear of Its indescribable light, and while this remains pending in the immovable air, The Spirit infuses again in the motionless Body under the funeral bandages. All this not in a minute, but in a fraction of minute, so much the to appear, the to go down, the to penetrate and the to disappear of the God’s Light has been quick… . The << I want>> of the Divin Spirit to Its cold Flesh has not sound. It has been said from the Essence to the inmovable Flesh. But no word is perceived by human ear. The Flesh receives the command and obeys to it with a deep breath …. Nothing else for some minutes. Under the funeral bandages and the Holy Shroud the glorious Flesh recollect Itself in eternal beauty, It wakes up from the death sleep, It come back from <<the nothing>> in which It was, lives after have been dead. Surely the heart wakes up and gives the first heartbeat, it pushes in the veins the cold blood surviving and immediately It creates the full measure in the empty 43 Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 44 Levitico 19, 17-18 45 Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-30 46 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th and December 22nd , Amrita 7
  • 8. arteries, in the motionless lungs, in the darkened brain and It brings again warmth, sanity, strength, thought. Another moment, and here a sudden motion under the heavy Holy Shroud. So unexpected that from the moment in which He surely moves the crossed hands to the moment in which He appears on His feet imposing very splendid in His dress of immaterial matter, supernaturally beautiful and majestic, with a seriousness that changes and raises Him also leaving Him, the eye has just the time for seizing the transitions. And now it admires Him: so different from how much the mind remembers, tidied up, without injuries nor blood, but blazing only of the light that springs out from the five wounds and it emanates from all pores of His epidermis. When He moves the first footstep – and in the motion the rays springing out from the hands and the feet aureole Him of blades of light: from the head adorned with a garland of light , which is made by the innumerable small wounds of the crown that they don’t give more blood, ma splendour only, to the hem of a suit when opening the arms that He has folded on His chest, He uncovers the zone of very clear brightness that filters from the dress lighting it of a sun at the level of the Heart – now then really it is the Light that has taken body. It is not the poor light of the Earth, not the poor light of the star, not the poor light of the sun. But the God’s Light; the whole paradisiacal brightness that it gather oneself in a sole Being and it donates its blues inconceivable for pupils, its golden fires for hair its angelic snowy whiteness for dress and complexion, and all that which is, of not describable with human word, the over eminent ardour of the Very Holy Trinity, that nullifies with its ardent power all fires of the Paradise, absorbing in Itself for generating it again at every moment of the eternal Time, Heart of the Sky that attracts and spreads its blood, the not countable drops of its incorporeal blood; the blessed Souls, the Angels, all that is the Paradise: God’s love, the love to God, all this is the Light that is, that forms the Risen One Christ… 47 . Satan also after the incarnation of the Lord Jesus it continued and continues to make all sort of iniquities, helped by the human demons more lost 48 , for an instance the Islamic Fundamentalists and Terrorists, to leave us prey of the tyranny, of the error, of the ignorance and of the injustice; Satan invented the tacit acquiescence of the tyranny, of the error and of the injustice in which the Antichrist same hides himself 49 . Satan, the Antichrist, hides also him in the religions, for instance in the Islam; the Islamic ones use "…the teachings of the Teachers to curse, to condemn its enemies… 50 or worse, to instigate its own believers to hate, to make violences, revolutions and wars as in Pakistan, Niger, Iraq and Philippine after a long period of gunfights and acts of terrorism. 47 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10th , pages 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 48 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia 49 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 50 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 8
  • 9. Satan, the enemy of God and the man to hinder the God’s Plan of Salvation hides him and he doesn't let to the man to know that is really him and his acolytes that operate in the shade suggesting us with the temptations not to obey to the Laws of God and at the same time it promotes the tacit acquiescence of the tyranny, of the error and of the injustice also in the religions 51 , for instance in the Islam. But Demons they don't be stopped only to this: as a matter of fact Satan and his/her Devils: - they transmit us thoughts and vibrations malevolent from the plans mental and astral of the Cosmos 52 of which the Earth is a part; - they instigate us to commit crimes and to make other wicked actions; for an instance between 25th and April 28th 2010 a wicked mother has killed her smaller daughter setting her auto with the child inside on fire; the woman-demon has confessed to the police that has killed her child obeying to voices that she felt inside of itself. Satan and his Demons especially operate against us from the plan or mental world, the world of the thoughts, but perhaps also from the astral plan ; - I don't know in how many other ways Satan and the other Demons can harm us, but I know that Our Lady Mary from Medjugorje, informs us that Satan attacks us with diabolic assaults and attacks 53 , but God protect us if we convert us and we pray. The Teachers disincarnates of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) suggest us how to do for defending us from Satan, the Antichrist; << ……Preannounced by the Apocalypse, from the prophets of bad luck and even from the newspapers that they have problems of circulation it advances the Antichrist …. How will we be able to recognize him for not to be surprised from his arrival? How to distinguish him/ with his traps, his deceptions? We must look at him in face this arrogant prince of the darkness. The insidious Antichrist hides him in the tacit acquiescence of the tyranny, of the error and of the injustice. He reigns when to the clarity of the actions the congeries of the words are replaced, of the compromises that have the purpose the to hide of the incapability. He reigns when liberty is used to selfish aims and therefore it becomes unlawfulness. When it is lost the sense of the measure and the intemperance it blinds the men. When charity becomes an empty formality done for increase, to deserve itself the sky and not for love to the neighbour . When the moral ideals are abandoned not for improving them, but to give free vent to the own cupidity. The religion that uses the teachings of the Teachers to curse, to condemn its enemies, it is religion of the Antichrist. Well, if everything this is the Antichrist, this apocalyptic enemy of the man, is not so much away from us, it is not of there to come, but it is inside us, sons and brothers, it wanders about inside us and among us from at least two thousand years …. if this is the truth, a different question we owe to 51 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 52 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 53 Maria di Nazareth, Me4ssaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th , 1991 and February 25th , 1992, MIR ; you see also the document “Diabolic Assaults and Attacks that we have prepared among the Deepenings of our Catechism in the Folder of Angels and Demons 9
  • 10. asks us: when it will end the kingdom of the Antichrist? When the curse only will be accursed, when we will be free from the slavery of the passions, from the errors of the ignorance, from the pains of the fear, from the anguish of the desire:… in our weakness, waiting for this day, how to go on? How to understand which is the briefest way ? 54 >>. Two thousand years! It is not a fortuitous event: the Demon or Devil goes around in us and among us to hinder the salvation work of the Christ. The Devil won't win because the life of the God of the love foresees the Christic redemption and the evolution of men with a body of laws 55 against which Satan cannot do anything, while he can be creating the chaos in the world taking advantage of our egoism and egocentrism, as this epoch shows (beginning of the third Millennium), but then inevitably the law of the Evolution will be successful since God is almighty and has foretold that the life << …through forms more and more organized, always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 56 >>, that is of Mind and of Conscience for sanctifying men >>. The evolution foresees the ups and downs because of the incarnation of three different races of Souls in contemporary evolution on the Earth 57 , in this epoch (beginning of the Third Millennium) everything seems that stays going for the worse, but from Findhorn it comes us a Message of hope: when the night is darker it draws near the resplendent dawn, that is the New Era, the Millennium of the Spirit and the Age of the Gold 58 therefore we must not fear that that it is happening to the world because we owe make us strength on the fact that God is with us, always 59 ; therefore we must not fight against the changes because the whole universe is orderly in perfect way 60 and in everything we must recognize the Hand of God 61 and to Him we must rely upon 62 . The evolution 63 for the amplification of the conscience of men 64 is provided by a law of God 65 and a little evolution takes place in any case at every incarnation, but it is better that we do our part: to live according to the Commandments of God and the laws of the men 66 for a greater expansion of our conscience respecting the rights and the liberties of the other ones according to the International Conventions. But it is not enough yet: we must live according to the golden rule 54 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 54-55, Mediterranee 55 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee 56 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 57 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pagine 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione), Mediterranee 58 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 21st , Amrita 59 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 5th and May 29th , Amrita 60 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee 61 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated November 14th and December 14th , Amrita 62 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated March 5th , April 8th , Amrita 63 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 64 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione dell’Autocoscienza), Mediterranee 65 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 66 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 15-22 10
  • 11. of the Christ: " Let us do to the others everything that you want that the others do to you 67 "; this rule is valid also for the men of the Not Christians religions. All of this that opposes with the Evolution of men and therefore with the principles of liberty and perfecting hinders the Redemption of the men same. The redemption work of God is not only hindered by Satan, but from all the dictatorships religious also as in the Islam, that in some Nations they make to live the woman under conditions of subjection and ignorance preventing their access to the school ( as an example: the Talebans in Afghanistan). Life is a school and the Earth is the school, a very good school, the Lord Jesus said 68 ; all of this to educate the rebellious Angels, that is the Devils through the men teaching them the love because “ Loving is living and living is loving 69 “ . The true religions were been promoted by God to help the man to expand its conscience in the liberty and the equality of rights that must be conquered without violence as they taught the Lord Jesus, the Indian Gandhi and the South African Nelson Mandela. The true religions are those that preach love, charity, justice, brotherhood and peace. The religions that incite to hate, to the violence, to the revolution or to the war are Satan’s religions, the Antichrist Antireligions, 70 as the Islam. The first principle of the life is the principle of liberty, while the second principle is that of the perfecting 71 ; therefore the study is a right in addition to a duty; the Wisdom is administered by God in all the epochs and every epoch it has a book 72 ; the true culture therefore it is first of all wisdom - knowledge that comes from God and from His Christ. The example of how to spiritually live in the mutual love was given to us by Mary and Joseph; Mary educated St. Joseph to the chaste love, but Joseph was a very good pupil and was also educated from the Wisdom 73 . To all the men they should be taught the Gospels that the Wisdom contains that it illuminates the minds and the hearts of the men, while Satan tries everything - also through some Antireligions - to make to live the men in the darkness of the ignorance, because the wicked ones know that the wisdom - knowledge helps us to expand our conscience and to make us evangelically living. To expand our conscience is that that does continually God with His being the Internal Teacher that is within us and that He continually helps us 74 . Another Gospel (or very good teaching) to simply explain the life the Lord God has illustrated it in the 20th century at Findhorn in Scotland through the English Eileen Caddy. 67 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 68 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 185, Armenia 69 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 70 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio,. page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 71 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 72 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIII 38-40, Ulrico Hoepli 73 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.1st , pages 66-72, CEV srl, 03036, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 74 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 25-26 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita 11
  • 12. .2. As for Men and to their Salvation promised by the Bible: The Lord God has promised the Salvation for every man 75 that observes His Commandments, that is the Decalogue and the two Commandments of the love, because men are gods all children of the Tall One 76 ; such Salvation is realized for mean of some laws explained by the Teachers disincarnates of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77): a. the law of the evolution: "Process for which life, through forms more and more organized, it always expresses great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 77 " (note of ours: for Spirit you understand Conscience; on the strength of the law of the evolution all men expand their conscience, at least a little, even the worse ones among us, because Gods loves us; God has given us the freedom of the choice also (the free will 78 ) between the contraries of the daily life. Furthermore the Lord waits us patiently one by one in His Kingdom until we will become saints ). b. the law of the Reincarnation: "Transmigration of the individuality in a body fit to express the evolution achieved to the purpose to achieve evolution 79 ". "INDIVIDUALITY - It is the first manifestation of God to originate the world of the microcosms. It is the fulcrum of the individual. It is the <<Drop>>, the <<Self>>, the <<Divine Spark>>, mantled or not of the conscience 80 ". c. the law of Cause and of effect or Karmica law: "Fundamental cosmic law for which to every cause moved it happens an effect; to every action happens a reaction 81 " . The karma has the purpose to make people to understand; the karma teaches, but teaching is given only by the Signori of the karma 82 (Gentlemen of the Karma) in the incarnation in which the man has become able to understand the teaching only 83 . For such reasons the law karmica is merciful; the dynamics of the karma is fundamental for the spiritual growth of the man 84 . But not only: as a matter of fact God in the person of Christ the man doesn't judge the man on the base of his/her sins, which they consist in violations of the Ten Commandments, that is of the Decalogue 85 , on the contrary on the base of the good actions that the man himself/herself has done during his/her terrestrial life 86 . When men will live to the best of their possibilities besides the Decalogue the two Commandments of the love also 87 they can relax and be peaceful. Then only we can stop to 75 Isaia 51, 5 and 56, 1 76 Salmo 82 (81), 6 di Asaf 77 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 78 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 131-132 (Le Mie vie sono le vie dello Spirito), Mediterranee 79 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 80 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 208 (Individualità), Mediterranee 81 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 209 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee 82 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 266 (Signori del Karma), Mediterranee 83 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 46 and 158, Mediterranee 84 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 85 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 86 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia 87 Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 12
  • 13. tolerate us each other and to learn to esteem us and, finally, to love us, which thing is quite the opposite than easy, until in us the flower of the Universal love won't bud 88 . The Tall One said " Let there be no feeling of competition within you…You have your part to play in the whole, so play it to the very best of your ability. I tell you to love one another… When you can accept your oneness with Me, you will be able to accept your oneness with each other 89 ". . 3. As for the Religions: The Religions are been inspired by God, but they are human institutions, organized and managed by men. Of it derives that all of them they have made, they make and they will make mistakes for various motives inherent the human nature, fundamentally selfish and egocentric. Due to such nature also the religions are in continuous competition with the other ones, also when they have a common base. It also belongs to our nature the selfish concept of itselves that it makes us feel separate and distinguished by the Cosmos and by God 90 . From such wrong concept all the conflicts depend, armed or not, as well as the wars among religions of which Islam is one of the promoters, while men are all united by a relationship of love. This separation is at the origin of the sufferings of the world, of the conflicts and of the wars… 91 . The religions that the war does to other peoples or religions as the Islam, are Antireligions, that is religions of Satan, the Antichrist 92 . 4. Relationship of love: we are all united by a relationship of love with God and with the other one because we all are a family 93 , but only a few accept such relationship. Paraphrasing what the Lord God said for men it can be said this way of religions: "Love your fellow religions as I love them. Help them, bless them, encourage them and you see in them the best side only 94 ". To make less mistakes during the day it needs to find again the tuning with God starting from the beginning of the day 95 as at the time of Adam and Eva, before this last ones they succumbed to the temptation of Satan (and Adam to those of Eva and of Satan). To find such tuning is not too much simple for us and is not even easy to maintain it, except that to the Saints and the Righteous ones, but they are so few! Nevertheless it is possible since when God's Son, Jesus the Christ, embodied Him in Palestine around two thousand years ago and He told us that we can be one with God and with Jesus same 96 , as really we are 97 . 88 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 89 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita 90 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee 91 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 92 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 93 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita 94 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 95 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 4th , Amrita 96 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 22-23 97 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 13
  • 14. Who looks for the tuning with God it should be - exceptions excepted - among the five percent of the humanity that frequents the Churches of the religions; probably they are very few also the people that live according to the Justice of the Decalogue. In this beginning of 21° century the things go so badly on the Earth - as every can notice from the chronicles - to be able to sustain that the principal problem of the humanity be that to find again the tuning with God, more than in any other epoch; the Earth is a school-laboratory of three races of Souls in evolution 98 , one of which it is of recent incarnation in the last century of the Second Millennium; for this reason now the confusion on the Earth is maximum. An improvement of the situation of the life on the Earth can happen in thousands of years hence, or at least in a few centuries, considered that the tuning with God belongs to the saints and of the Righteous ones, but it could be of everybody if the Commandments of the love were lived because so living it can be seen in everything, especially in the other human beings, the best side 99 . If the humanity won't quickly make a definite improvement, we must live for a long time still among violences of every kind. It derives of it - even if it is hoped to be wrong - that even in the religions they are not many the men that succeed in remaining in tuning with God as San Francis of Assisi and San Pious from Pietrelcina, so much to make two examples of universally known Christian Saints. The things of the world could improve if at least the true religions they intensely collaborated among them. 5. We propose alliances multireligious to all the true religions or other types of smaller agreements because one of the resources of the humanity of this epoch (Beginning of the Third Millennium) would be that to do so that the religions they started to become friends and they tried to love among them sisters. Otherwise them - for many centuries still - they will keep on not increase the value of the potentialities of the union of the strengths because of the stubbornness of single men of their hierarchies. The alliances are particularly useful when every religion, is not alone able to do one, or more good deeds. The good deeds to do they are a lot of and they can be separate in three different branches: - That to collaborate for the care of the Souls; - that to collaborate for the pacific conquest of the rights and the fundamental liberties of the man in the Nations where thy are not; - that to collaborate for the works of charity that a sole religion cannot do alone. In such cases they are blessed and necessary the alliances or smaller agreements among 98 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 (La Terra, scuola di “razze” in evoluzione), Mediterranee 99 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 4th , Amrita 14
  • 15. religions, firm staying the independence of every religion that has joined itself with others, made exception for the situation of the Christian Churches that the union looks for. Speaking of the independence of the peoples and therefore also of the religions the Lord God made to tell the prophet Mohammed: " If God had wanted he would have done of you all one sole people; but this didn't do for trying you with what he has given you. You compete therefore in to complete good works 100 ". Without alliances, other smaller agreements or collaborations the religions would continue - who knows for how much time still - not to have good relationships among them, or not to be friends. Consequently they would not even work together for improving the hard conditions of life that the man has established in the world because of his egoism. The consequences of the competition among religions - forbidden by God to the single men 101 and therefore also to the religions - they will be serious if the religions themselves won't collaborate for freeing the men from the slaveries of the dictatorships, of the hunger, of the thirst, of the wars, of the illiteracy and of the illnesses. The religions must always hold in mind that quite a lot Nations don't recognize the rights and the fundamental liberties of the man, recognized by the International Conventions to start from the rights of children. Such situation determines thousand and thousand injustices. The religions "All together, in their whole" they can do a lot for improving the world in every thing. If the other religions will do proper the Commandments of the Decalogue 102 and those of the love for God and for the neighbour 103 and they will accept our proposals we can stipulate fertile alliances among religions to help the men. Such Commandments will be also officially acknowledged from the other religions Not christians in base to the laws of States in which they operate and every religion must also consider the Lord Jesus its own Messiah and therefore each one must adjust its own Sacred Scriptures, dogmas, doctrines and rites to the Decalogue, to Commandments of the love and the evangelical teaching correcting the old material errors or of interpretation. In every case they won't be considered true religions but Antireligions of Satan, the Antichrist 104 those religious organizations that curse, they condemn, they teach to hate, to take revenge and to kill and they bear the tyranny, the error and the injustice; if such facts they will happen later the drawing up of alliances or agreements with us, these will resolved by law and by fact. 100 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 101 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 16th , Amrita 102 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 103 Levitico 19, 17-18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 104 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee ; You see the Elaborate n°7 in the folder of the religions 15
  • 16. 6. Essential clauses of the alliances multi religious that will propose to all the true religions: the clauses quoted in the point that precedes are the foundations of the alliances among Religions that our Order will propose, also in the difference of cultures and rites according to the invitation of the Lord God: "… you come to a word that makes all equal…105 ” This Word is Decalogue 106 . The alliances of this type with the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) will happen in Christ, with Christ and for Christ, because His Conscience contains the conscience of all the living beings and all the things, being the Lord Jesus, also the Cosmic Conscience 107 . The base of the alliances will be constituted by the Tables of the Law of the Sinai, containing the Decalogue illustrated by Jesus Christ 108 and from the Commandments of the love: " <<You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first one of the Commandments. The second one is similar to the first one: You will love the neighbour as yourself. From these two commandments the whole Law and the prophets depend 109 >>. Under the formal aspect the alliances or the agreements must be stipulated with a notarial deed during a special religious ceremony, provided that in the Country where such agreements will be stipulated there are civil rights and religious liberties according to the International Conventions in the matter of; Religious liberty is incompatible with the religions of State 110 . It could be useful to stipulate the alliances in a selected Country among the religions as place of meeting welcome to everybody, a monastery of one of the religions, for instance. Such contract will be recorded both in the respective civil Authorities of every Country and in the International Organizations. Such alliances can be subsequently wide to other religions always with a notarial deed. To reach to the alliances or other agreements among religions it doesn't miss anything especially with the explanations of the modern Revelations of the 19th and 20th century listed in the elaborate n°7 of this Catechism that you will find in the folder of the religions It would be very beautiful that all the Religions, especially those Not Christians welcomed our proposal to unite for making deeds of charity together or to make to give the rights and the liberties established by the international Conventions to all the peoples. Every religion would maintain its independence, but it would correct his/her own Scriptures, doctrines and rites on the basis of the Decalogue and of the Commandments of the love. The religions would make a big 105 Il Corano, trad. L Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli 106 Deuteronomio 5. 6-22 107 Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-4 ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 63-64 (Coscienza Cosmica), Mediterranee ; Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiografia di uno Yogi, page 144, Astrolabio 108 Maria Valtorta, L’ Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 109 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 110 Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, former President of Italian Republic; Graduation thesis in jurisprudence at the Scuola Normale di Pisa; ex Tirreno newspaper of April 23rd 2010, page 23 16
  • 17. service to God, to their believers and to itself same, because nothing overcomes the Commandments of the Decalogue and those of the love, as well as the so many good indications and the illumination of the Gospel 111 , also because the Truth frees from the Darkness of the ignorance 112 . On our behalf there will be always the maximum respect of the other true religions, also those of the antiquity, because the Revelations are all sacred ones and all they bring to God 113 even if they have mistakes. Nevertheless we believe that the religions and the men would to acknowledge the new Revelations of the 19th and 20th century from us listed in ours Elaborate 7, as we have already said. We hope that the other religions share this conviction of ours: if it is true as it is true that Everything is One, then the men's destiny, one for one, is the oneness with the sole God 114 , after manifold incarnations in the planet Earth, during a period of over fifty thousands years 115 . For the alliances multi religious with us it is necessary that the other religions accept the Gospels of the Lord Jesus, if we want that such alliances become profitable and lasting. It will be always however possible for us to stipulates with them less important agreements with all the true religions to bring more love, justice and peace in the world. 7. Other types of less binding agreements of the alliances with the other ones true religions: If alliances cannot be made with the other true religions it will be possible to stipulate other types of agreements to make deeds of charity together with the purpose also to know better each other and to become friends. There are for instance different good causes to sustain as that to help the poor African families to have a milk cow and the villages to have a water well . One of the great evil of the world is the Islam despite the Sufis, the God-fearing ones and the Moderates; because there is not a good Islam and bad one, but an Islam only dominated by the cruelties of the Sunna and the Sharia 116 , that is by Lucifer – Satan e by the Islamic Fundamentalists. The Lord God saw in the Islam one of the evil of the world before Ishmael was born; as a matter of fact the Lord compared him to “a wild donkey of man he will be, his hand against every man, and every man’s hand against him 117 “ …ready to fight with everybody and all they will fight with him… 118 . ". The descendants of Ishmael were in the tribes of Arabia of the North 119 and now they are probably in the tribes of central and southern Arabia also. That means that in the antiquity the Lord God saw the transforming of the Religion of the 111 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili 112 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-32 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated November, 24th , Amrita 113 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 17th , Amrita 114 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 23rd and November 5th , Amrita 115 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee 116 Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam mandati da Cristo (many pages), EMI ; Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili 117 Genesi 16, 12 118 Genesi 16, 12 119 La Bibbia di Gerusalemme, page 78, note to verse 25, 12, Grafiche Dehoniane, Bologna (Italy) 17
  • 18. Koran into the Antireligion of the Caliphs and Satan the Antichrist. With this violent and radical Islam dominated by Satan and by the Islamic Fundamentalists we cannot make agreements unless they adopt before at least the eternal Law of the Sinai, the Decalogue 120 and the golden rule of the Christ “So always treat others as you would like them to treat you; that is the Law and the Prophets 121 ” to eliminate the a very many cruel rules of the Sunna and the Shari'a including that to consent to the child girl to marry an adult man 122 . It would be beautiful to find agreements in the differentia to do together with all the true religions good deeds to bring love, justice, charity, job, rights, liberty, health and education with the pacific methods of the Lord Jesus, the Indian Gandhi and of the South African Nelson Mandela whereas they miss. There is not after all valid reason that prevents the true religions to represent together the peoples in front of States and to the international Organizations to protect its rights and for making together so many good deeds, because we are all brothers 123 as children of the same sole God that He is Father and Mother 124 . All persons render cult to God; as a matter of fact it has been said by Krishna, an Divine Incarnation in India " Those people who adore others gods, and they offer them, with faith, the sacrifice, them really to me they sacrifice, oh son of Kunti, although not according to the prescribed rule 125 ; therefore paraphrasing God can also be said "Whatever God you pray, always Me you will pray ". All Religions, included those Christians, if they will consider the purposes for which they have been constituted, they will understand that it is primary interest - for them same and for their believers - to collaborate with all the other religions for the good of the peoples, which it will correspond to also do well their duty of religions in every center, also international and at every level. In such way it will be easier for all religions to try to do the will of God, while waiting that it make light the spark of the love for God, the inferior creatures, the man and the Environment in the heart of very many men. There is a mistake that the Religions should never commit: the one to be hostile with the other or the others or also only superb or haughty, also because it cannot be one exempt from errors 126 , because we are human beings and therefore fallible. 8. The Religion of the Arabs could not be defined Islamic: it had to be defines Arab or Mohammedan: Such definition (Islamic) is wrong, illegitimate and it induces in error, first of all 120 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 121 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 122 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009 – n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 87 – 36100 Vicenza, Italy 123 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita 124 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 103-104, Mediterranee 125 Sri Aurobindo, La Bhavagad Gita, page 209, verse 29th del 9th Canto, Mediterranee 126 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 85-100, Mediterranee 18
  • 19. among all the Mohammedans. The religion of the Arabs had to be defines Arab or Mohammedan for the reasons that we have explained in the Elaborate 4 (available among the Deepenings of this Catechism in the folder of Religions), because Islam means "Subjugation to God 127 " or better "to Give ourselves to God 128 " and therefore for Islam it must also be intended the religions of the Christians, of the Hebrews 129 , because Hebrews and Christians submitted them to God or Gave itselves to God before the prophet Mohammed. But not only because how many others in the world will Be subdued to God or they will Give itselves to God they will make Islam for reasons for love and justice. On world scale what is the ecclesiastical organization more closed in itself and with a greater number of violent ones to judge from the chronicles? That Arab or Mohammedan because of the too many Fundamentalist ones that populate it whose interpretative mistakes of the Koran distort the meaning of the Revelation served by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammed. Such ecclesiastical Islamic organizations when they curse, they condemn, they accept the tyranny, the error and the injustice or worse when they instigate the Islamic ones to the hate and the war they are the Antireligions of the Antichrist 130 , that is of Lucifer - Satan. On the subject you see the Elaborate 4 bis also: "Ill-omened consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on the peace of the world ", also it available among the Deepenings of our Catechism in the folder of the Islam (that you will find it in the folder of the Religions). Having said that, is necessary that all men (but particularly the Arabic masses) objectively reflect on our opinions to limit the damages that cause all of their Fundamentalists, many of which they have become terrorist and others they are potentially. For violent Fundamentalists or Radicals we intend all those people who they think they are superior to the others, the dialogue they are not willing to accept, they are prone to the deception, they don't respect the opinions and the rights of the others and don't admit the errors that they commit; among them they are dangerous the Mujahidins and particularly the Terrorists that are diabolic fruits of the fundamentalism of every kind, but the most diffused and dangerous is that of Islamic matrix, as they shows newspapers and newscasts. It is very important to bring more love, justice, peace, job, culture and liberty on the Earth, but to be able to do it is necessary to individualize the causes of the wars that burst in the world, to whose base there are not only many injustices, but there is above all the sense of separateness from God, from the other human beings and from the environment 131 , while we are part of the same family and therefore we are being all united by a relationship of love 132 , but I don't know 127 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 62-63 (Islam), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili 128 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili 129 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Maometto), sura III 20 and page 75 (Maometto), sura III 84- 85, Xenia Tascabili 130 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 131 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , September 4th and 12th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee 132 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita 19
  • 20. how to do for making it understand to the Islamic Fundamentalists. 9. The cause of the wars: The first cause of the wars is Satan 133 with his instigations, his hate and his satanic attacks to men; him and his Demons send us malignant vibrations 134 from the astral plan 135 when they think it opportune for theirs perfidious purposes 136 , as enemies of the man. They also suggest us pessimistic and negative thoughts from the mental plan 137 to torment us and to take away the hope in a best future 138 . The second cause of the wars is the sense of separateness that men have that gives birth to the self or me because it make us feel separate and distinct from the everything that surrounds them 139 . The third cause is due to the fact that men ignore the relationship of love that unites them to the Lord God and to all His creatures or they has difficulty in to accept it 140 . The fourth cause is constituted by the men that they hate and they want to subdue other men. From these violent ones among which the Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical we need to stay far-away because they ignore the faith; the Lord God same thought us when He made say to the prophet Mahommed: << Know to forgive, invite to do the others good. Go away from the people that ignore the faith 141 >>. It has been said that the religion of the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals is the power 142 . There are other men, fortunately that they try to live to the best of their possibilities the teachings of the true religions. Some of them try to do the will of God to the best of their possibilities. To these men we must make reference in every occasion of relationships multi religious, since the alliances and the other important agreements don't make them the hawks but the doves; these last ones realize better the reasons for the justice and the peace (we for example bring that that it happens from over thirty years in Palestine among Hebrews and Palestinian: when they are near to an agreement there is always a hawk that challenges the other to perpetuate the conflict); but is also true that the Hebrews fear the excessive procreation of the Islamic ones that they double of number at every generation (25 years). To the Islamic ones or better to the Mohammedans of the whole world we also propose a reflection on the errors committed till today by the violent Arabic radicals in to interpret some 133 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September, 25th , 2001. Shalom, Via San Giuseppe 57, 6020 Camerata Picena (Ancona), Italy 134 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi from Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th , 1991 and February 25th , 1992, MIR 135 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 218-219 (Piano astrale), Mediterranee 136 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated May 25th , 1988, MIR 137 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 221 (Piano mentale), Mediterranee 138 You see the Elaborate N°2 and the Elaborate n°3 of our Catechism, in the folder of the Lord God, the everything 139 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and 215 (Senso si separatività), Mediterranee 140 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 141 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili 142 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori 20
  • 21. fundamental themes of the Koran. Their numerous wrong interpretations have served to the solo aim to stimulate the Arabic expansionism also fomenting wars of religion and terrorism in violation of the precepts of the Koran (on the subject is seen the quoted Elaborates n°4 and 4bis of this Catechism available among the Deepenings of the religions in the folder of the Islam). To the Arabs we propose besides particularly a reflection on the chapters sixteen, twenty- one and twenty-five of the Genesis on the theme of Ishmael and his/her descendants with the purpose to know better their nature; the Islamic ones should also reflect on the true meaning of Gihad or Jihad because the only holy “war” that they should do is that to know itself same 143 or to make an individual effort for the faith or for the moral action and mission 144 . The other Islamic wars, as a matter of fact, are always and exclusively demoniac, whoever is the adversary, the tribe or the people or the religion against which they fight. Considered the importance that we attribute to the to know itselves 145 through the auto psychoanalysis 146 it is easy to understand how much useful it be such reflection for these Islamic brothers of ours which have been pushed away by the straight way as we show in ours Elaborate 4 (14 errors of interpretation of the Koran served by the Islamic Fundamentalists with astuteness and wickedness). 10. The so many conflicts of the world fighted without weapons: we all must also reflect on the conflicts fought without weapons. Such conflicts are not less harmful and less carriers of injustices of those armed, except that for the shedding of blood and the destructions operated by the bombs; the commercial conflicts can for an instance, bring big damages to the populations, because, in effects, the ways to overpower or to exploit the other ones they are so many and as we know they can also derive from commercial agreements for the dishonesty than at least one of the contractual parts. It is an example of it what it happens in Africa: a very rich continent with very poor peoples. To our opinion the religions must individualize together them these exploitations and together they owe to find a remedy, State by State, to cooperate to build the Civilization of the love, of the justice, of the peace, of the job and of the education for all within the U.N.. But of an U.N. made more correct, efficient and democratic, because all the injustices and the conflicts that the U.N. doesn't succeed in avoiding produce or they sharpen frustrations, pains, fears, terrors, aversions and hate among the different ethnic groups. 143 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 63-75 (Come intendere l’insegnamento del conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 144 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, pages 136 (Gihad), Einaudi Tascabili ; Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17 and 19, Macroedizioni ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-56 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 145 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un giorno migliore, pages 63-75 (Come intendere l’insegnamento del conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 146 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 21
  • 22. If the true religions allying themselves "All together, in their whole" they succeeded in making an peaceful united front against the injustices and the dictatorships according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus, of the Indian Gandhi and of the South African Nelson Mandela, the spiritual and material affairs of the populations would be much better protected and there would consequently be more justice and peace and less injustices, violences and anger in the world. Therefore is not more acceptable than the dialogue multi religious stagnates in thousand sophisms and in so many dogmas, on one side and from the other, because the Evil that is in the world demands suitable and urgent countermeasures of brotherly collaboration, for better protecting the rights and the fundamental liberties of the poor peoples to the justice, to the peace, to the job, to the health, to the dignity, to the food, to the water, to the education and to a proper direct representation in the organs of government of the peoples. For these motives the true religions - that is those that preach the human brotherhood in God, the charity, the justice, the peace and the pardon for the mutual offenses - they should not find difficulty anymore some for an alliance on a world scale to start to drastically decrease the so many injustices of this epoch (beginning of the third Millennium). 11. The Messiah of all Religions is Jesus of Nazareth: the alliance multi religious to defend the rights and the liberties of the people should not be more procrastinated and the alliances or the agreements of collaboration should be found in the name of the sole God that talked with the mouth of the man Jesus in Palestine and elsewhere after His Resurrection 147 . All of this that the Lord Jesus said is divine Truth, not human, because in Him It spoke the Spirit of Truth of the Supreme Being 148 ; therefore all religions should read and to adopt the Gospels! The four canonical Gospels synthetically report of the birth of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth Son of Mary and of the Spirit / will of God 149 . The Messiah could say only the Truth, because was the Verb of Truth 150 come in the world to renew deeply all religions, included the Islam, because the year is not important in which have been done the Revelations, on the contrary their content! And that Jesus was a Divine Being it doesn't tell only it the Gospel 151 , but also the Koran in which is confirmed :  that the Lord Jesus, is child of Mary, was the Messiah Verb of God 152 ;  that Jesus was child of Mary and the Spirit / will of God and that therefore, the mother of Jesus was a woman, but his Father was the Spirit-wish of God, in how 147 To Jakob Lorber in the 19th century (works published by La Nuiva Rivelazione, Via Vetrego 148 -30035, Mirano (Venezia), telephone 041 – 436154 , Italy and to Maria Valtorta, work published by CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy, telephone 0776 807 032 and fax 0776 809 789, Italy 148 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 a XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli 149 Vangelo di Matteo 1, 18-25 ; Vangelo di Marco, chapter 1 ; Vangelo di Luca 1, 26-38 and 2, 1-20 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 150 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli 151 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1-2 152 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 22
  • 23. much Jesus as Adam was procreated for fatherly part 153 ;  that to the prophet Mohammed was expressly requested not to doubt of such divine paternity 154 ;  that Jesus was the Verb of Truth; as a matter of fact to the prophet Mohammed was said: " This is Jesus child of Mary; it is the verb of truth of which they doubt 155 ";  that the Lord Allah also said the Lord Jesus': " … we gave to Jesus, Mary's child, the evident tests and we have strengthened him with the Spirit of Holiness… 156 ", that is with the Spirit Saint. It derives of it, therefore that the Messiah, was also saint for declaration of the Lord Allah.  that Jesus made big miracles 157 , included his Resurrection 158 , since God was with Him 159 . The Lord God in the Revelation to the English Eileen Caddy, happened in the twentieth century at Findhorn, in Scotland, it confirmed that the Christ Messiah was His Son with these words: - "The time is at hand when they will become reality these words: <<The Son of God will appear in all of his glory because all can see him >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day and the time. Be ready in every moment to see Him. I tell you to be surprised at nothing 160 ". - << I am always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ within you 161 >>. - << The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel itselves now attracted reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet: it can happen that they may not be of it aware at the time, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that does yes that more and more souls are reciprocally attracted, so that all of you can become of the internal Christ aware and can eternally make thanks for this awareness 162 >>. In such way the Lord God confirmed: a. the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, in which all men and all things are recapitulated 163 and at the same time that we cannot save us without Him 164 . 153 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 154 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 42-53, Ulrico Hoepli 155 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli 156 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli 157 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli 158 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 10th , pages 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy 159 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1-2 160 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee 161 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 162 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita 163 Vangelo di Giovanni 1, 1-3 and chapters 14, 15 and 17 164 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 23
  • 24. b. that the Lord Jesus is Son, that is one of the three Divine Beings in which the sole God manifest itself to become visible and comprehensible to men 165 ; them, together, the Holy Trinity form, Father, Son Jesus and Mother 166 Spirit Saint 167 . we don’t know what else to say to: - to show that there is no doubt some on the Divine nature of the Lord Jesus and on His being He who it redeems and it saves all men of good will; - that the Christ renewed all the Sacred Scriptures of the world with the doctrine of the love and the pardon. In the Koran it is said of the Gospel " …in which it is guide and light, that it is a confirmation of the Pentateuch, previously revealed and a direction and a warning for the God-fearing ones 168 ". While men can be lazy for their nature or too much materials, the religions, cannot be so for their nature and finality; therefore everyone of them must make itself diligent part in to look for alliances and agreements to improve the world without any violence, in the equality for all men of the Decalogue 169 that the Lord Jesus always had present as the eternal Law, valid for all men, during the three years of the Evangelization in Palestine 2000 years ago 170 . Further delays of the true religions in to act by common consent against the Evil, but without violence, would become incomprehensible, considered of the actual state of the world in its various appearances. 12. The princedom of Satan or the princedom of the Darkness: Everybody together it needs to reflect on the fact that the tears of the world derive from the egoism of men and of their incapability to obey to the Commandments of the Most High (Decalogue and Commandments of the love), tied up as we are from the drawstrings and snares of the pleasures of the world and the flesh. The injustices - baiting the hate as reaction - they create darkness in the minds and in the hearts of the men that they undergo and suffer them. The poverty and the desperation create darkness in the minds and in the hearts of the more unfortunates; therefore they become incapable to observe the precepts of the true Religions. Some of them can become tools of man-demons, as it happen to the kamikaze of the Islam or better of the Mohammedism. The princedom of Satan or the princedom of the Darkness is the princedom of the 165 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia 166 Tommaso apostolo. Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni 167 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia ; Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana 168 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 50, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), sura V 46, Xenia Tascabili 169 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 170 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy 24
  • 25. ignorance, of the injustices, of the violences, of the greeds, of the passions, of the fanaticism and of the envy and therefore of the hate, of the revenge and of the brotherly conflicts. In this epoch (beginnings of the third Millennium) the Islamic terrorists and their supporters are distinguished entirely in to make evil to thousands or to hundreds of innocent people in New York and Madrid. On their behalf the God-fearing ones, the Sufis and the Mohammeddans Moderates that are big part of the Islamic silent majority, will be jointly liable of the violences of the Islamic Fundamentalists in the measure in which they won't have made anything to oppose their dominion, that is the dominion on the Islam of the Antichrist 171 , or of Lucifer - Satan. Especially in the South of the world, the violent ones of every colour and kind, also religious, for hate, greed of power, wealth or for envy they try to always grab the command of the Nations and then they make it last with the intimidation and the strength brute, inspiring fear or terror to the moderate citizens. This happens only not in the Nations, but also in every other organization, included those ecclesiastic, for an instance in the Islam where the Islamic Fundamentalists govern with the usual overbearance and violence. The Islam is a religion of Satan, the Antichrist. The conflictness and the Islamic terrorism existing in various parts of the world they have satanic matrix because the hate and the war are wanted by Satan 172 . The Islamic, violent and wicked Fundamentalists, are all citizens of the princedom of Satan or 0f the Darkness, also while they are living in the planet Earth; the state of being of the Islamic, violent and wicked Fundamentalists, is a state being infernal, because the hell is a mental state as the Heaven 173 . 13. The Light of the Christ is the necessary Wisdom of God to spread in the world the justice of the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love with the Gospels. To improve the world it needs first of all to bring love, charity, justice, peace, job, education and health with pacific methods in the Nations where they miss for giving dignity, rights and liberties to the man, any it be the colour of his/her skin. But it is necessary to also bring in such Nations the Light of Christ (evangelical teachings, included those of the nineteenth century to Jakob Lorber and of the twentieth century, to Maria Valtorta) to correct the errors of the other religions, also of those Oriental 174 . The Wisdom of God in the world has been the Lord Jesus Christ 175 that with the Gospels teaches us to win the inherent temptations in the occurrences of the daily life, which light the desires, the greeds and the passions of the men, as also the envy for the rich ones, the powerful 171 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 172 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom 173 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated June 1st , and December 14th , Amrita ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Mediterranee 174 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 85-96 (Le religioni), Mediterranee 175 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 12 25
  • 26. persons and for those people that have been successful in the life. It needs to take note that in the world there is a diffused incapability to obey to the Commandments (Decalogue and Commandments of the love) of the Most High Lord, the Father-Mother-God 176 of all men, from which it comes down our brotherhood 177 and therefore also the brotherhood of the religions. To such incapability it also unites it the envy and the anger of the poor men, which don't realize that they are themselves the first persons responsible of their poverty for the necessary corrections that had to be given them for expanding their conscience with the law of cause and of effect 178 or law karmica during the new incarnation that they live on the Earth. Considered the diffusion of the Evil on the Earth in this epoch (beginning of the Third Millennium) it is essential to spread among all men the new justice of Jesus, the Messiah of all the peoples and all the religions; it said in fact the Lord Jesus: - << God's Law: You must not think that I have come to abolish the law of Mosè (our note: among which the Decalogue) and the teaching of the prophets. I have not come for abolishing it, but to complete it in perfect way. Because I assure you that up to when there will be the sky and the earth, not even the smallest word, a comma, will be cancelled by the law of God; and so up to when everything won't be finished. Therefore, who disobeys to the smallest of the commandments and teaches to the others to do as he, will be the smallest in the kingdom of God. Who puts instead all the commandments into practice and it teaches them to the others, it will be great in the kingdom of God. A thing is certain: if don't do more seriously the will of God of as they make the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you won't enter the kingdom of God 179 ; - The anger and the peace: You know that in the Bible it has been said to our Fathers: Don't kill. Who will kill another one he/she will be brought in front of the judge. But I tell you: even if one goes to anger against his/her brother he/she will be brought in front of the judge. And who tells his/her brother: "you are an idiot" he/she will be brought in front of the superior court. Who tells him "traitor" he/she can be condemned to the fire of the hell. Therefore, if you are bringing your offer to the altar of God and you remember yourself that your brother has something against you, leave the offer in front of the altar there and you go to reconcile with your brother; then it returns and shows your offer. This way if you are going with your adversary to Court, be quick to arrange with him because he/she can deliver you to the watches to make you put in the jail. I assure that you won't go out of there, up to when you won't also have paid the last cent 180 ; - Adultery and scandal: You know that in the Bible it has been said: Don't commit adultery. But me I tell you: if one looks at a woman of another because he/she wants her, in his heart 176 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee 177 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 178 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee 179 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-20 180 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 21-26 26
  • 27. he has already sinned of adultery with her. If your right eye makes you complete the evil, tear it and throw it away: it would be better for you to lose only a part of your body, rather than to be thrown all whole to the hell. If your right hand makes you complete the evil, cut it and throw it away: it would better for you suits to lose only a part of your body, rather than to go everything whole to the hell 181 ; - The Divorce: In the Bible it has been said: Who wants to abandon his own wife he must give her a declaration written of divorce. But I tell you: who away his own woman sends except the case of illegal relationship - he puts her in danger to become adulterine. And who marries a woman abandoned by her husband it also commits adultery him 182 ; - The oath: You still know, that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't swear the perjury but make that that you have promised with oath in front of God. But I tell you: not you ever swear, neither for the sky, that is the throne of God, neither for the earth that is the stool of his feet; neither for Jerusalem, that is the city of the Lord. Don't even swear on your head, because you don't even have the power to make to become white or black one of your hair. Simply you say, "yes" and "no": the whole rest comes from the devil 183 ; - Revenge and pardon: You know that in the Bible it has been said: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I tell you: not avenge with whom does you some evil. If one gives you a slap on the right cheek, you also offer him the other. If one wants you to make a trial to take you the shirt, you leave also him the mantle. If one forces you to accompany him for a kilometer, you go with him for two kilometers. If someone asks you something, give him it. Don't turn the back to whom asks you a loan 184 ; - The love toward the enemies: You know that it has been said: Love your friends and hate your enemies. But I tell you: love also your enemies and pray for those that persecute you. Doing so you will become true children of God your Father, that is in sky: Because he makes to rise his sun on the bad ones and on the good ones and it makes to rain for those that good does and for those that the evil does. If you love only those that love you, what merit do you have? The wicked ones also behave this way! If you only greet your friends, you do something of better of the others? Those that don't know God also behave this way! That you be perfect therefore, how the Father of yours is perfect that is in sky 185 >>. The new justice of the Christ or all His Doctrine, base itself on the eternal Law of the Decalogue 186 and on the Commandments of the love: a. You won't avenge yourself and you won't bear a grudge against the children of 181 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27-30 182 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 31-32 183 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 33-37 184 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 38-42 185 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 43-48. You see the Jesus’s corrections in the chapters 6, 7, 15, 16, 19 and 23 also 186 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol.7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone, Italy 27
  • 28. your people, but you will love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord 187 ; b. " You will love gladly the Lord your God, with the whole soul and with all the strengths. These precepts that today I give you is you fixed in the heart; you will repeat them to your children, you will speak of it when you will have sat in your house, when you will walk for road, when you will go to bed and when you will get up. You will tie them to your hand as a sign, they will be for you as a pendant among the eyes and you will write them on the jambs of your house and on your doors 188 ". We know that who seeding hate comes from Satan father of the egoism and the wickedness; Satan wants the hate and the war among men 189 ; therefore it is necessary that the believers, to whatever religion belongs, doesn't frequent, for their same good and that of their children, Churches or Mosques where someone that incites them to hate, to take revenge and to make the war to somebody else because they speak in the name of Satan, the Antichrist. To everybody we remember that the Lord Jesus has taught even us to love the enemies and to pray for our persecutors and to consider all men as brothers as God's children as us 190 . Therefore we tell those people who frequent Churches or Mosques where preach violent priests or other people that it is very better for them to pray in the secret of their houses as Jesus teaches 191 , rather than to attend Temples where the Lord God is offended with wrong interpretations of His Revelations as it happens in the Islam . In the Koran it is said: - " Truly God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love to the relatives and He forbids the dissoluteness and the evil: he admonishes you so that you can meditate 192 ". - " Be good to your parents, as also to your relatives, to the orphans and the poor men, and to the close relative and the close man that is extraneous, and to the companion of trip and the wayfarer and the slave, since God doesn't love who is superb and vain 193 ". - " - "Know how to forgive. He/she invites to complete the good. Go away from the people that they ignore the faith 194 ". (my note: They ignore above all the faith those people who adore the idols, who they curse, they offend, they are violent ones, overbearing ones and they commit homicides; the idol of the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals it is the power); - As it regards the homicide in the Koran it is also written: " And not to kill any person without just motive because God has prohibited it; and for that that it concerns who has unjustly been killed us we give to the administrator of his affairs the power to avenge him, even if he must 187 Levitico 19, 17-18 188 Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 189 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom 190 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 38-48 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita 191 Vangelo di Matteo 6, 5-15 192 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili 193 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura IV 36, Xenia Tascabili 194 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili 28
  • 29. not exceed in the revenge because God will think to help him 195 . (note of mine: the style of God is clear, simple, concise and exhaustive; I think that the Lord Allah, that is God, has made to tell to Mohammed by the archangel Gabriel: "Not to kill"; this is the style of God, simple, clear, synthetic and exhaustive; such command confirms the Fifth Commandment of the Decalogue; the rest they have added it the Arabs; therefore in the verse 33 of the sura XVII there are two addition- alterations of the Arabs, probably of one of the two Caliphs Omar or Uthman. First Arabic addition: "without just motive" and Second Arabic addition: " and for that that it concerns who has unjustly been killed we give to the administrator of his affairs, the power to avenge him even if he must not exceed in the revenge because God will think to help him " . The Fundamentalists or Arabic Radicals and the Terrorists make slaughters and they make the war or the revolutions against other peoples or religions to impose the Arabism or the Mohammedism while the Lord Allah, that is God, told that is in other occasion to Mohammed: “ There is no constraint some for the religion; the by straight way it distinguishes well from the error; who won't believe in Taghut and he will believe in God instead, he will have grabbed the firm handle, not susceptible of breakup; and God hears and knows everything 196 . We make you to notice that in another occasion the Lord Allah still commanded to Mohammed to leave the polytheists to keep on practising their pagan religion free!! As a matter of fact the Lord Allah made to tell Mohammed from the archangel Gabriel: " Say: truth comes from your Lord, and who wants believes and who wants doesn't believe. We, certain, have prepared for the iniquitous ones a fire, whose whirlwind of smoke will wind them from every part; and, if they will implore help, they will be assisted with water as fused copper, that, when they will drink it, it will roast them the faces; what horrible drink and what sad pallet 197 ! ". The prophet Mohammed promulgated a general amnesty after his victory on the Coreiscitis 198 . But there is more: as a matter of fact, the "Not to kill" of the Decalogue and the "Not to kill" of the Koran they order us not to kill any living being; therefore such Commandments also contain the implicit prohibition to the man to eat animal meats and therefore the implicit prescription to feed himself/herself with milk, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits end of my note). ". The prophet Mohammed promulgated a general amnesty after his victory on the Coreiscitis 199 . - " Truly those that will have believed and they will have completed some good deeds, the Lord will treat them with mercy. This is the evident success 200 ". More ignorant persons and guilty even more they are those people who instigate to commit crimes and to make wars or revolutions against other peoples or ethnic groups. Of it derives that the true unbelievers after the Bedouins of the time of Mahommed they are the Islamic or 195 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Omicidio), sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili 196 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257, Ulrico Hoepli 197 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 198 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 244, Oscar Mondadori 199 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 244, Oscar Mondadori 200 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili 29
  • 30. Mohammeddans Radicals or Fundamentalists because they are wicked and they idolize the power and the wealths also; of them it has been said " Their true religion is the power 201 ". The Lord God teaches us from Findhorn in the 20th century that all men have origin from Him and that we form a sole family 202 ; therefore men are all brothers as children of the sole God and they are united by a relationship of love 203 ; therefore also the last Islamic man arrived in Europe - provided that is not a violent, a criminal or a terrorist (from which we needs to be far-away from them, because they ignore the faith, according to the quoted verse of the Koran (sura VII 199) – it is not a person to fear, but to welcome and to take care of him as it made the good Samaritan 204 . But the guest has the duty to respect the laws of host States , as they foresees the European laws and the same Islamic law 205 ). The Lord Jesus, the Redeemer and Savior of all men, said speaking of the family relationship: "A man told Jesus: there are out here your mother and your brothers that want to talk to you. Jesus to whom spoke to him answered: who is my mother and who are my brothers? Then with the hand it pointed out his disciples and he said: It looks they are these my mother and my brothers: because if one makes the will of the Father of mine that is in the Sky, he is my brother, my sister and my mother 206 ." (our note: Jesus' love for his mother was great and it emerges with vigour from so many episodes of the gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta and published by CEV srl, of Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy, but at that time the Messiah had to affirm a fundamental principle: the true human relationship is not carnal, but spiritual). The Lord Jesus with His Doctrine, freed the men of all religions from the taboos of the Temple, of the sacrifices and of the blood that is from the tribal bonds or of the ethnic groups, of the pure one and of the impure one 207 . The same spiritual principle is worth for the religions: it doesn't have importance the place where they have been founded, it doesn't have importance the colour of the skin of its own believers, but only the universal paternity of the God Father and Mother 208 of all men - united by the universal love that it starts within each man - and from the consequent brotherhood of all men 209 , of the peoples and of the same religions. From here the demand that the religions agree to share the fundamental Truths of the Life and to stipulate agreements among them "All together, in their whole" for the spiritual and material Good of the peoples, especially of those poor and oppressed. What all the religions acknowledge the Commandments of the love!: 201 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori 202 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 203 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 12th , Amrita 204 Vangelo di Luca 10, 29-37 205 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 207, Oscar Mondadori 206 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50 207 Ida Magli, Gesù di Nazareth, pages 48-63, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli 208 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee 209 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 30
  • 31. "Love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your mind. This is the greatest commandment and most important. The second is equally important: Love your neighbour as yourself: The whole law of Mosè and the whole teaching of the prophets depend on these two commandments 210 ". 210 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 31