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1. The man's history in the planet earth in a few words page 1
2. The transgressions (the sins) to God’s Commandments " 2
3. The deceptive separation from God is a bad work of the Demon " 2
4. Assaults and satanic attacks " 3
5. Angels and Demons " 8
6. The story of the Salvation of the human Demons 1
in a few words “ 11
The man's history in a few words: the history of the man is a history studded particularly
of cruel conflicts that have made to shed tears of blood to the humanity in general and to the single
men alternate by short periods of peace; then a revolution or a war burst in some part of the world
because “Satan wants the war and the hatred 2
“ the man’s history it has also been a story of
slaughters of animals and pollutions that they have caused the illness and the death of
innumerable people and a great number of other living creatures. And even of whole species of
vegetables and animals. This is the history of the separation from God wanted by Satan that he
has not wanted to accept the relationship of love that united him and it still unites him to God and
to men 3
. The same it can be said for the other Demons. All sufferings, conflicts, and wars depend
of the fact that for many men it is difficult to accept the love relationship with all the other human
beings 4
All of this means that till now Satan has also won in general on the humanity because his
Devils and he have taken flesh in billion of men, especially in this epoch. But the man, both in
general and in the single ones, it doesn't realize the role that Satan and the other spirits of the evil
have in our life; a lot of they are those people who don't believe in the existence of Satan and of his
Devils. The Evil started with the rebellion of the Demons and with the guilt or original sin of which
the Creator 5
and then the Lord Jesus and the Our Lady that speak to us in the Gospels revealed
to Maria Valtorta 6
; the guilt had beginning in Satan 7
and it was completed in Eva and Adam as
the Lord Jesus said 8
. Then all the men - except the Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary - they
believed, and they still believe, of being separated by God 9
, until the Lord it open them the eyes.
The transgressions (the sins) to the Commandments of God: we don't realize that we
violate every day with impressive regularity the Commandments of the Decalogue 10
and those of
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of September 25th
2001, Shalom
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message od September 12th , Amrita
Genesi chapter 3
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 15, 28, 29, 39, 72, 83/84, 86, 87, 91 and 148,
CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 82-85, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
the love 11
because to the place of God we make cult to the wealth, to the sex, to the success, to
men or women, to the notoriety and to similar idols, on which it settles our thought, that - as we
know – has fundamental importance in our life, so much that the Lord God has taught us that we
will become as we have thought and “As you think so you create; this is My law 12
; therefore it can
be said that the great majority of the men mentally separates " from the Lord God, that is love 13
even if in the absolute Reality this is not possible 14
. Then we can say also that the great majority of
the men is more daughter of Satan than of God, as the Lord Jesus said to some Jews 15
man believes divided by God in the relative Reality of the Earth, even if the Lord never separates
Him from us 16
But such majority of men doesn't realize or it pretends that nothing has happened,
absorbed as it is in its material and sensual life. But also in the human minority less material they
are not a lot of the people that strive them to make the will of God (observing, at least, the
Decalogue) to become brothers of the Lord Jesus, that He is, as usual, was very clear: <<.... A
man told Jesus: there are out here your mother and your brothers that want to talk to you. Jesus to
whom spoke to him he answered: " Who is my mother and who are my brothers? Then, with the
hand it pointed out the disciples and it said: it looks: they are these my mother and my brothers,
because if one does the will of my Father, that is in sky, he is my brother, my sister and my mother
The mental separation from God and from all the men and the sins they are the causes of
all the quarrels and the conflicts, armed or less, that derive from the ignorance or from the refusal
of the relationship of love that unites us to God and all the others and through which we are all
brothers because we form an only family 18
. Our sins are follies and greed of dominion, of egoism
and egocentrism, but all of this began with the rebellion of Satan, culminated with the original guilt
of Eva and Adam.
The deceptive separation from God is a bad work of the Demon: the first folly of the life
is owed to Lucifer: it concerns the deceptive separation from the God Absolute that there was him
Father and Mother, because the separation it exists only at mental level in Lucifer’s mind then
become Satan and later within us; when we see ourselves divided by all also by our mom.
However in the absolute Reality also Satan and his Devils are parts of God, indissolubly tied up to
Him as all the other living beings and all things, because God is the Whole that Everything and
Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139/141, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-47
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50
Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message of September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
Everyone includes 19
; therefore nobody can separate himself/herself from God and to limit so the
endless God , because in the Reality it exists God only 20
The small or great conflicts that happen among men are promoted and fed with
determination and ferocity by Satan as Our Lady Mary informs us from Medjugorje 21
. The conflicts
are an explosion of hate and satanic cruelty against men and of hate and of haughtiness toward
God, because the Malignant one still has to feed the hope - although very many years of our time
have passed - to be able to become as God in the worlds of the Matter (Cosmos) 22
: relative
Reality .
It is not understood as a being intelligent as the ex Archangel Lucifer can continue to be so
wicked, perhaps he cannot give up since its nature is still hate and because he perseveres in the
mistake of wanting to maintain the matter that was a means only not an aim 23
Another reason could be that that us men - with our innumerable transgressions to the laws
of God - motivated by the nature that we have inherited from same Satan 24
and from its
temptations we keep on giving him hope to become able to prevail on God; in a certain way, we
help Satan to persevere in his insane selfish and haughty ingratitude, following which, life is as it is,
for allowing us to return to God of ours free will in strength of the teaching of the pain, exposed as
we are " to struggles, temptations and pains 25
The author of the separation from God, it was already said, he is Lucifer - Satan, but after
him they have committed the same errors all the other rebellious Angels, Eva and Adam. All men
also commit it 26
, except the Lord Jesus, naturally, and His Mother, Maria of Nazareth, the
Immaculate Conception 27
, that was born pure and such mentally also remained the whole Her life
Satanic assaults and attacks: the responsibilities of Satan towards the men are immense
because he is the first cause of the Evil and of the pain in the world 29
. But it is not all : in fact
Satan at first it deceived Eva and it helped her to develop the lust in herself, as the Lord Jesus
inform us and also Maria of Nazareth 30
; then the two accomplices of the Evil tried Adam. To the
temptation of Adam others innumerable followed from Satan and of his Demons, against all the
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 6th, pagina 231, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy ;
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71.72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-
Assoluto), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33/34 (Assoluto) and pages 71-72 (Dio), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messages from Medjugorje, Message of September 25th
, 2001, Shalom
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pagine 208-209 (Io) and 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee
Jean-Baptiste Estrade, Le Apparizioni di Lourdes narrate da Bernadetta, page 30, Edizioni Paoline
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 11-56, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 84-91, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 82 and next, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
other men, even if these last - especially to the first incarnations on the Earth - they are not of the
innocent little angels because the egoism dominates them 31
; besides we never have to forget that
temptations are inherent in the life of the contraries, but that, if we want, we can withstand them
making the virtuous choice.
But there is more: we have to consider the innumerable satanic assaults or attacks of
different type 32
including the transmission of malevolent, pessimists or negative thoughts and the
throwing of malevolent vibrations that Satan, the other Angels rebellious become Demons and
other Gods of the Evil created by the man 33
launch in the psyche 34
of men (see also other
writings of ours about this subject in matter in this same Catechism). Perhaps Demons take
delight in tormenting us because they are wicked.
The Demons, exasperating our vices and defects, they push us the one against the others
in the families, on the job, in the society, in politics, in the stadiums, in the battlegrounds and so on,
since Satan takes advantages of us 35
conducting his insane war against the humanity, more than
against God. The Lord, as a matter of fact, is over the poverties of the ex Archangel Lucifer, of the
other rebellious Angels and over the ours, since the Tall Lord is over the worlds of the Matter
because of the transcendence 36
and therefore He is not at all skimmed by the Evil. Same Satan
renders account of his actions to God 37
There is some other: Not only Satan takes advantages of the man, but he also takes game
of our souls and of ourselves and I cannot help you because you are far-away from my hearth 38
because he acts in the shade of the other world, in deceitful way, unknown to almost all the men,
at least to the masses; his Devils and he they take game of us " shooting us " malignant vibrations
in the psyche from the astral or mental planes; of these vibrations it is difficult to realize of,
especially for the one who has not gotten used to watch over on itself same with the purpose to
know himself 39
. Satan and his Devils damage us also transmitting to us pessimistic, negative, bad
or wicked thoughts from the mental plan. You also see the special writing that it concerns of the
attacks and diabolic assaults in the Deepenings regarding Angels and Demons of this Catechism.
Besides there are the dreams and above all the nightmares through which the
Malignant one looks for, almost always succeeding in it to break the harmony, the calm and
the peace that can be within us.
Demons also accent our passions, the vices and the brittleness to destabilize us mentally
for also creating us worries, the most different, founded or less, because for them it don't matter at
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages of December 25th
, 1991 (Assaults), February 25th
, 1992
(Attacks ), March 25th
, 1992, MIR, Ancona
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 230 (Psiche), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of May 25th
, 1988, MIR, Ancona
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 294 (Trascendenza), Mediterranee
Giobbe, chapter 2 ; Zaccaria, chapter 3
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of March 25th, 1988, MIR
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
all our state of being but the wicked purpose that they want to achieve that it is that for making us
to suffer manipulating our dreams.
We want to tell you for experiences lived that Satan or his Devils are able to arouse in us
dream perfectly suited for our brittleness, to our psycho -physical defects, to our deadly vices (that
all we have even though in different measure the one from the other), to our situations and
conditions of life, to our fears, to our worries, to our doubts and so on. We know about people that
have received threats during more dreams.
The believers can quietly reflect about it, to understand the cause of their dreams and to
overcome them without other problems, but for other individuals that rely less upon God some
dreams can become some real nightmares.
The Evil that the Demons do us with wicked thoughts, dreams and vibrations or other
assaults or diabolic attacks is very more and very worse of the temptations; it is also perhaps
worse of the possessions of evangelical 40
and present memory, because we don't realize to have
been "stricken" from such thoughts, dreams and vibrations malevolent of the Devils. I believe that
is easier to acknowledge the possessions, or of an extraneous and diabolic presence within the
man, because the same possessed, his/her relatives, his/her friends, his extraneous - among
which priests and exorcists - they can become conscious of the diabolic possession, that is of an
extraneous presence to the "Me" of the possessed one.
To become conscious, instead, of some ugly thoughts extraneous to us , or of the
reception of diabolic vibrations - that they increase one of our vices, defects or poverty - it is more
difficult but possible, also to whom is unaware that the Demons hurt us. But all the men must
learn to watch over on his/her own thoughts and behaviours - as they do those people who are
learning to know itselves 41
, as it is the case of whom writes, when he reflected on his sudden and
groundless worsenings of humour and on the consequent bad thoughts and actions, perverse fruit
of diabolic assaults or attacks. Also those people that they have read the Messages of Our Lady
Mary from Medjugorje are stimulated to check his/her own intimate world to discover what thoughts
are of the Demons and what proper are and to discover the reasons for the possible and
groundless worsening of their humour because of vibrations malevolent.
We won't be never enough thankful to Our Lady Mary to have us informed of the wicked
initiatives of Satan against us; Our Lady informs us on the subject that Satan can shake us as
branches to the wind if we don’t pray the Lord God, or that Satan can assault or attack us in other
ways if we forget that God is our greatest friend. Our Lady invites us to convert us, to pray, to fast
and to reconcile us with the others so that Satan doesn't take game of us and of our Souls. Our
Lady herself can help us against Satan, but it is necessary that we make our part behaving us as
She recommends us, because the Co-Redeemer Woman cannot help us if we are far away from
For an instance, Matthew’s Gospel chapter 10, 1-10
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
Her heart; therefore we must not read, but to live Her Messages 42
, as we must do with the
Word of God.
The greatest exorcist of the History has been the Lord Jesus, as ir emerges from His
ancient Gospels: (Matthew especially, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas) and modern: (the Great
Gospel of John dictated by the Lord to the Austrian Jakob Lorber in the 19th
century and the
Gospel as It has been revealed me, made lived again to Maria Valtorta, Italian, in the 20th
The true and more spread Evil that all we suffer without knowing they do it us in the ways
that we have described in this and in other writings of this Catechism, and probably in other ways,
that we have not discovered yet: they transmit us vibrations, thoughts and dreams from the other
world ( from the astral plan or from the mental plan) without we or the great majority of us realizes
Practically nobody attributes the dreams of which it was also told before to the Demons
because they are not few, among the not Christians, those people who don't believe in the
existence of Satan. To such purpose it is added that to the Demon it returns very useful to make to
think and to believe to many, also to known philosophers, that he doesn't exist and that he is not a
person only because he is not a man in flesh and bones. But this doesn't mean, as someone
believes, that is not a person, because to be people is not necessary to be men. I don't see as a
matter of fact as the Angels, angelic people, cannot be considered as such as the Lord God has
given them Spirit, Conscience, personality, mind and particular qualities, capacities and functions
The Devil and his acolytes are angelic people to which the Lord God had given them Spirit,
Conscience, personality, intellect, will and ability to intend and to want even greater of those that
He has given to men, as well as other qualities and powers. This was true particularly for Lucifer,
today Satan, as the Lord God gave to Lucifer power and the creative strength that later He
removed from him 44
when Lucifer thought that he was separated from God and to be able to
subject Him to conditions.
Satan and his Demons or Devils are people and dangerous people of which we must
beware of even if they are not seen, but without never being afraid of them because we have
infinitely stronger defenders: the three Divine Beings manifested by God same that they form the
Very Holy Trinity 45
: the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit. Such three
Divine Beings were manifested by the Lord itself for becoming visible and understandable to the
men 46
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated May 25th 1988, December 25th 1991, February 25th
1992 and March 25th 1992, MIR
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia
Vangelo di Giovanni , chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17; Lucia racconta Fatima ( la preghiera dell’Angelo della Pace ), page
48, Queriniana
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia
We can also turn with equal results to the Our Lady, Maria of Nazareth, Mother of the Lord
Jesus and of the reborn human kind to God 47
. We can turn to Our Lady, the Co-
Redeemerwoman because She is One with Her Son Jesus 48
The Demons are angelic individuals malignant and cruel from which must look us to defend
us, first of all through the vigilance on ourselves to understand what happens us and the true
motives for our actions, thoughts and omissions. If it sometimes happens us to also have
unreasonable behaviors even at level of thought, we can be certain that the Demons are the cause
of it because they have increased with wicked thoughts or vibrations one or more of our deadly
vices or our defects of character.
Therefore, when the reason for groundless rudeness, nervousness, of excessive worries, of
ancestral and similar fears is not understood, especially if they happen during periods of calm or
joy, it immediately needs then to think to demoniac assaults or attacks 49
; to realize of these
aggressions it needs we have to take the habit to watch over on our thoughts, behaviours, feelings
and emotions also practicing a constant control of the motives that they determine such our
actions, thoughts and omissions. Such a control is gotten with the constant self psychoanalysis 50
and therefore with the awareness of what there is or what it agitates in our intimate being 51
the search of the truth of ourselves… 52
The self knowledge not only determines the discovery of our nature, that is essential to
spiritually grow 53
, that is to say for understanding our limits , e for this to exceed them 54
, but also
for understanding if we are targets of other people's thoughts and of malignant vibrations, that is to
say of malignant assaults or attacks.
Who writes he has discovered that every time he was calm, serene and happy that the
Demon or the Demons founds the way to alter and to waste everything for their wickedness 55
But now it is not more this way because I watch over on myself when I intuit the intervention of a
demon I say immediately “Vade retro Satan in the name of Jesus “= “ Move away Satan in the
name of Jesus “ . And demons go away immediately. To tray out for believing !
Demons have the possibility " to read " or to see our thoughts, our states of mind and
similar feelings through the color of our aura also 56
Maria Valtorta , L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 246, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, 030036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th 1991 (Assalti) and February 25th 1992
(Attacchi), MIR
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 45-61 (Conosci te stesso), Mediterranee ; Tommaso Apostolo, Il
Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pagine 17/19, Macroedizioni ; you see consapevolezza (awareness) in Cerchio
Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 55/56, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 164-165 (Limitazioni), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, page 47, Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages of May 25th
, 1988 – of December 25th
, 1991 – of February
, 1992 – and of March 25th
, 1992, MIR, Ancona
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 203-204 (Aura), Mediterranee
Our suggestion, in cases of demoniac aggressions it is always also that to ask help to the
Lord Jesus and to the Our Lady that they have the responsibility to provide to our redemption. It is
not necessary to be believers of a Christian Church to ask the Lord Jesus and the Our Lady
to help us because they love us independently from religions, races, nationality and similar
classifications 57
Angels and Demons: The faithful Angels to God also have a conscience, that “… it is
more high of that one of the human beings…58
” But Demons or Devils do they have a conscience
after the rebellion to God? I think that they have a glint of conscience but not a formed conscience,
otherwise they would not do the evil they do to us men.
As far as the conscience the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence
77) teach that: << The conscience is how much more elevated the individual can perceive, but not
necessarily how much more elevated there is. Every experience it is a fragment of truth found
again by the individual... The conscience is a different thing from the awareness. The conscience
corresponds to the reached evolution. The awareness of an incarnate man doesn't for instance
embrace all of its conscience, that is the whole reached (you see heroism) evolution, 202 b.
Constituted individual conscience means about to have done one’s own, because become intimate
feeling , the teaching of the altruism, of the love to the neighbour, epilogue of which the sense of
his/her own duty represents the first one stage. It means to love the neighbour as thyself. And
later? To you it seems that a man that so "feels", a man that succeeds in being good and correct,
is already deserving to participate in the glory of God. But it is not this way. Other destinies attend
him 254 b. Who a truth lives can also don’t know it, because it belongs to its same nature. If we
affirmed that everything that it exists in the worlds physical, astral and mental included the
homonym vehicles of the man, it is a gigantic mechanism that produces conscience, a range that
goes from the atom of the conscience (you see atom of feeling ) to the individual conscience we
would not be wrong of a lot… 206 d.59
Lucifer - Satan is a person of angelic nature - that because of the deceptive separation from
God of which it was said he has developed in himself only negative qualities founded upon the on
the haughtiness that generated the hate, that is a very intense aversion toward everybody to start
from God. Him - not could discharge such aversion toward God or toward the three Divine Beings
of the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit), the Virgin Mary,
the Saints, the Archangels and the faithful Angels to God - it discharges it against us men, the
weakest beings. Similar affirmation can be made for the other rebellious Angels, but it cannot be
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita :Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
Verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo”), Mediterranee ; this note it values for the Virgin
Mary also because She is the Mother of the mankind reborn to God; you see Maria Vakltorta, L’Evangelo come mi è
stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 149, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 93, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-61 (Coscienza), Mediterranee
excluded that also they can be victims of the malice of Satan, the ex Archangel Lucifer, that in
origin it was endowed with the power and creative strength of God 60
Concluding on the matter we confirm that Satan and the other Devils are very dangerous
for all of us; we can oppose them converting us and evangelically living and staying vigilant to
understand if behind our excesses or to our discourteous or ill-mannered behaviors there are their
wicked vibrations or their bad, perverse, lustful, wicked and similar thoughts. By means of the self
psychoanalysis 61
and of the continuous to ourselves we can discover up to which point our
behaviours and the negative, bad or depraved thoughts are ours own work or the one of the Devils
We think - but without indulgence for our own responsibilities in to sin - that behind every
ugly action there are always Satan and his Demons, our cruel enemies 62
, because they are
always in action, at night and in the daytime to torment us treacherously, as the Lord Jesus has
told us: << And you as little boys loved you among you. Without disputes, without prides. You be
in peace among You. You have spirit of peace with everybody. Brothers you are, in the name of
the Lord, and not hostile. They are not there, they must not be of the enemies for the disciples of
Jesus. The only enemy is Satan. Of that you are hostile harsh, going down in battle against him
and against the sins that bring Satan in the hearts. You be untiring in to fight the evil what that can
be the form that it assumes. And patient. There is no limitation to operate some Evil. The demon
never says: " Enough. I am tired now and I rest ". He is the untiring one. He passes agile as the
thought, and still more. From this to that man, and he tries and he takes, and he seduces, and
torments, and he doesn't give peace. He attacks treacherously and it demolishes if you are more
than vigilant. Sometimes it installs him as conqueror for weakness of the attacked one, others it
enters as friend, because the way to live of the looked prey is already such to be been alliance
with the Enemy. In other case, sent away by one, it turns and it falls on the best to make revenge
of the let-down had from God or from a servant of God. But you must say what it says him: " I don't
rest ". He doesn't rest for populating the hell. You must not rest for populating the Heaven. Not
give him quarter. I preach you that more you will fight him, more it will make you suffer. But don't
have to consider of this. He can flow the earth. But in the sky he doesn't penetrate. Therefore,
there it won't give you more boredom. And there they will be all those that they have fought him 63
Having said that, we never have to ignore our responsibilities as it regards the temptations,
because if we don't want to infringe God's Laws, the Decalogue and the Commandments of the
Love - that the Lord Jesus has explained us with His Gospels 64
- we can always do it and the
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagina 160, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 5th, pages 278-279, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (DR),
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 5th, pages 348-349, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR)
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 191, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Demons cannot impede our decisions in the behave well; they can only increase ours vices and
defects if we are not vigilant on ourselves as I have already said.
The human life with its load of pain ca be very hard because of bad lucks, poverties,
illnesses and temptations that strike those people that don't observe or they have not observed in
precedents incarnations on the Earth the Commandments of God (Decalogue 65
and Love
Commandments 66
. But the punishments and the anguishes have educational purposes for the
pedagogic law of the karma 67
. And life is as it is for bringing again Demons in the Heaven 68
their free choice after so many sins in the world. In the life they are inherent several divine laws
to be remembered well 69
, among which the law of evolution 70
, the law of cause and of
effect ( or law karmica ) 71
and the law of the reincarnation 72
that are fundamental for the
evolution of the man. It needs to bear these laws well in mind, as our limits 73
, for
understanding that a sole brief terrestrial life it is not sufficient to become Righteous or
almost Saint 74
It is already said that also the sense of separation has been invented by Satan, sense that -
however deceptive 75
- it originates the egoism and the egocentrism 76
both of demons and of
men because the thought creates 77
in the Relative Reality of the Earth the sense of separation 78
that makes us ignore the relationship of love that there is among us and between the Creator and
each one of us 79
. Despite Satan all living beings are united, Satan included, by a relationship of
love that we must discover and to accept because from this sense of separation they derive all the
injustices and the sufferings of the world, the conflicts and the wars 80
If we want justice and peace we must consider the Lord God our Father and Mother 81
. And
us men we must recognize Him, love Him and accept Him 82
, feeling us united to Him, so that He
can emerge within us 83
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 17-18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma) and pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o
Legge karmica), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 164-165 (Limitazioni), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
and October 21st
, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157 and next, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140/141, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th
, Armenia
Eileen Caddy,La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103/104 (Accetta l’evidenza), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of October 21st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori Message dated May 29th
, Amrita
For reasons of divine justice I believe that Satan also suffered, it suffers and it will suffer for
the Evil that he did, does and it will do in strength of the law of cause and of effect or law karmica 84
. When Satan will repent of his sins, he will ask for forgiveness to God and it will recognize Him as
his Father and Mother then he will finish suffering and to make to suffer the others and then the
history of the Salvation will be completed. And the same is said for the other Devils because for
this purpose the Life, the Cosmos and the man have been created 85
; therefore for the love and
the omnipotence of God all Demons will be saved by means of men; on the subject Jesus said: in
the Life after Death "…there are a lot of abodes - or to clearly say it even more - a lot of places of
teaching and correction, in which even the more lost human demons can be educated and
". But there is more: In the Eternal Present all they are already resurrected 87
As hard and difficult as be the life in the planet Earth, that is the School of the Spirit 88
, the
number of the incarnations of the man on the Earth and their duration will always depend on our
thoughts and behaviours; therefore first we learn to observe the divine Commandments thinking
and operating well, before we will return the home of the Father.
The way of the Kingdom of the Skies teaches us the Lord Jesus in the Gospels, because
Jesus is the Redeemer and the Savior of all men independently from the religion that they profess
The story of the Salvation of the human Demons in few words: I think that Satan will be
the last Demon to be redeemed and saved by the Christ. In that day the End of the Times will
happen because the life conceived and realized by the God of the love 90
with the man and the
same Christ they will have brought their mission at a good end: to realize again the Communion of
all beings the in God, with the voluntary participation of all human Demons 91
In such a way the project of Salvation of God 92
for all Demons will be realized by means of
the life of men and the redemption of the Christ; besides the Word of God can return to Him having
completed its mission of Salvation 93
of the human Demons of all the peoples 94
From how much above it emerges that the invisible protagonist of the History of the
Salvation of the Demons - through the life of the man and of the three Divine Manifestations, the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma); Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario
del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o Legge karmica), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 31 and 103, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 90-92 and page 185, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, pagine 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia
Isaia 46, 9-13
Isaia 55, 6-11
Isaia chapter 56
Father, the son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit 95
- is God, the sole God, the Father-
Mother-God of Angels, demons, men and of all other living beings.
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-50, Armenia

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  • 1. SATAN AND HIS DEMONS OR DEVILS ARE REAL PEOPLE THAT PERHAPS TAKE DELIGHT IN TORMENTING US BECAUSE THEY ARE WICKED PERSONS Summary 1. The man's history in the planet earth in a few words page 1 2. The transgressions (the sins) to God’s Commandments " 2 3. The deceptive separation from God is a bad work of the Demon " 2 4. Assaults and satanic attacks " 3 5. Angels and Demons " 8 6. The story of the Salvation of the human Demons 1 in a few words “ 11 The man's history in a few words: the history of the man is a history studded particularly of cruel conflicts that have made to shed tears of blood to the humanity in general and to the single men alternate by short periods of peace; then a revolution or a war burst in some part of the world because “Satan wants the war and the hatred 2 “ the man’s history it has also been a story of slaughters of animals and pollutions that they have caused the illness and the death of innumerable people and a great number of other living creatures. And even of whole species of vegetables and animals. This is the history of the separation from God wanted by Satan that he has not wanted to accept the relationship of love that united him and it still unites him to God and to men 3 . The same it can be said for the other Demons. All sufferings, conflicts, and wars depend of the fact that for many men it is difficult to accept the love relationship with all the other human beings 4 . All of this means that till now Satan has also won in general on the humanity because his Devils and he have taken flesh in billion of men, especially in this epoch. But the man, both in general and in the single ones, it doesn't realize the role that Satan and the other spirits of the evil have in our life; a lot of they are those people who don't believe in the existence of Satan and of his Devils. The Evil started with the rebellion of the Demons and with the guilt or original sin of which the Creator 5 and then the Lord Jesus and the Our Lady that speak to us in the Gospels revealed to Maria Valtorta 6 ; the guilt had beginning in Satan 7 and it was completed in Eva and Adam as the Lord Jesus said 8 . Then all the men - except the Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary - they believed, and they still believe, of being separated by God 9 , until the Lord it open them the eyes. The transgressions (the sins) to the Commandments of God: we don't realize that we violate every day with impressive regularity the Commandments of the Decalogue 10 and those of 1 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia 2 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of September 25th 2001, Shalom 3 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th and 12th , Amrita 4 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message od September 12th , Amrita 5 Genesi chapter 3 6 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 15, 28, 29, 39, 72, 83/84, 86, 87, 91 and 148, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 7 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia 8 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 82-85, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 9 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 10 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 1
  • 2. the love 11 because to the place of God we make cult to the wealth, to the sex, to the success, to men or women, to the notoriety and to similar idols, on which it settles our thought, that - as we know – has fundamental importance in our life, so much that the Lord God has taught us that we will become as we have thought and “As you think so you create; this is My law 12 ; therefore it can be said that the great majority of the men mentally separates " from the Lord God, that is love 13 , even if in the absolute Reality this is not possible 14 . Then we can say also that the great majority of the men is more daughter of Satan than of God, as the Lord Jesus said to some Jews 15 (The man believes divided by God in the relative Reality of the Earth, even if the Lord never separates Him from us 16 ). But such majority of men doesn't realize or it pretends that nothing has happened, absorbed as it is in its material and sensual life. But also in the human minority less material they are not a lot of the people that strive them to make the will of God (observing, at least, the Decalogue) to become brothers of the Lord Jesus, that He is, as usual, was very clear: <<.... A man told Jesus: there are out here your mother and your brothers that want to talk to you. Jesus to whom spoke to him he answered: " Who is my mother and who are my brothers? Then, with the hand it pointed out the disciples and it said: it looks: they are these my mother and my brothers, because if one does the will of my Father, that is in sky, he is my brother, my sister and my mother 17 >>. The mental separation from God and from all the men and the sins they are the causes of all the quarrels and the conflicts, armed or less, that derive from the ignorance or from the refusal of the relationship of love that unites us to God and all the others and through which we are all brothers because we form an only family 18 . Our sins are follies and greed of dominion, of egoism and egocentrism, but all of this began with the rebellion of Satan, culminated with the original guilt of Eva and Adam. The deceptive separation from God is a bad work of the Demon: the first folly of the life is owed to Lucifer: it concerns the deceptive separation from the God Absolute that there was him Father and Mother, because the separation it exists only at mental level in Lucifer’s mind then become Satan and later within us; when we see ourselves divided by all also by our mom. However in the absolute Reality also Satan and his Devils are parts of God, indissolubly tied up to Him as all the other living beings and all things, because God is the Whole that Everything and 11 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 12 Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139/141, Mediterranee 13 Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 14 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 15 Vangelo di Giovanni 8, 31-47 16 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 17 Vangelo di Matteo 12, 46-50 18 Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message of September 4th and 12th , Amrita 2
  • 3. Everyone includes 19 ; therefore nobody can separate himself/herself from God and to limit so the endless God , because in the Reality it exists God only 20 The small or great conflicts that happen among men are promoted and fed with determination and ferocity by Satan as Our Lady Mary informs us from Medjugorje 21 . The conflicts are an explosion of hate and satanic cruelty against men and of hate and of haughtiness toward God, because the Malignant one still has to feed the hope - although very many years of our time have passed - to be able to become as God in the worlds of the Matter (Cosmos) 22 : relative Reality . It is not understood as a being intelligent as the ex Archangel Lucifer can continue to be so wicked, perhaps he cannot give up since its nature is still hate and because he perseveres in the mistake of wanting to maintain the matter that was a means only not an aim 23 . Another reason could be that that us men - with our innumerable transgressions to the laws of God - motivated by the nature that we have inherited from same Satan 24 and from its temptations we keep on giving him hope to become able to prevail on God; in a certain way, we help Satan to persevere in his insane selfish and haughty ingratitude, following which, life is as it is, for allowing us to return to God of ours free will in strength of the teaching of the pain, exposed as we are " to struggles, temptations and pains 25 “. The author of the separation from God, it was already said, he is Lucifer - Satan, but after him they have committed the same errors all the other rebellious Angels, Eva and Adam. All men also commit it 26 , except the Lord Jesus, naturally, and His Mother, Maria of Nazareth, the Immaculate Conception 27 , that was born pure and such mentally also remained the whole Her life 28 . Satanic assaults and attacks: the responsibilities of Satan towards the men are immense because he is the first cause of the Evil and of the pain in the world 29 . But it is not all : in fact Satan at first it deceived Eva and it helped her to develop the lust in herself, as the Lord Jesus inform us and also Maria of Nazareth 30 ; then the two accomplices of the Evil tried Adam. To the temptation of Adam others innumerable followed from Satan and of his Demons, against all the 19 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 6th, pagina 231, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71.72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno- Assoluto), Mediterranee 20 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 33/34 (Assoluto) and pages 71-72 (Dio), Mediterranee 21 Maria di Nazareth, Messages from Medjugorje, Message of September 25th , 2001, Shalom 22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 23 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 161, Armenia 24 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia 25 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 26 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pagine 208-209 (Io) and 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee 27 Jean-Baptiste Estrade, Le Apparizioni di Lourdes narrate da Bernadetta, page 30, Edizioni Paoline 28 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 11-56, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 29 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 84-91, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 30 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 82 and next, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 3
  • 4. other men, even if these last - especially to the first incarnations on the Earth - they are not of the innocent little angels because the egoism dominates them 31 ; besides we never have to forget that temptations are inherent in the life of the contraries, but that, if we want, we can withstand them making the virtuous choice. But there is more: we have to consider the innumerable satanic assaults or attacks of different type 32 including the transmission of malevolent, pessimists or negative thoughts and the throwing of malevolent vibrations that Satan, the other Angels rebellious become Demons and other Gods of the Evil created by the man 33 launch in the psyche 34 of men (see also other writings of ours about this subject in matter in this same Catechism). Perhaps Demons take delight in tormenting us because they are wicked. The Demons, exasperating our vices and defects, they push us the one against the others in the families, on the job, in the society, in politics, in the stadiums, in the battlegrounds and so on, since Satan takes advantages of us 35 conducting his insane war against the humanity, more than against God. The Lord, as a matter of fact, is over the poverties of the ex Archangel Lucifer, of the other rebellious Angels and over the ours, since the Tall Lord is over the worlds of the Matter because of the transcendence 36 and therefore He is not at all skimmed by the Evil. Same Satan renders account of his actions to God 37 . There is some other: Not only Satan takes advantages of the man, but he also takes game of our souls and of ourselves and I cannot help you because you are far-away from my hearth 38 because he acts in the shade of the other world, in deceitful way, unknown to almost all the men, at least to the masses; his Devils and he they take game of us " shooting us " malignant vibrations in the psyche from the astral or mental planes; of these vibrations it is difficult to realize of, especially for the one who has not gotten used to watch over on itself same with the purpose to know himself 39 . Satan and his Devils damage us also transmitting to us pessimistic, negative, bad or wicked thoughts from the mental plan. You also see the special writing that it concerns of the attacks and diabolic assaults in the Deepenings regarding Angels and Demons of this Catechism. Besides there are the dreams and above all the nightmares through which the Malignant one looks for, almost always succeeding in it to break the harmony, the calm and the peace that can be within us. Demons also accent our passions, the vices and the brittleness to destabilize us mentally for also creating us worries, the most different, founded or less, because for them it don't matter at 31 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee 32 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages of December 25th , 1991 (Assaults), February 25th , 1992 (Attacks ), March 25th , 1992, MIR, Ancona 33 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee 34 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 230 (Psiche), Mediterranee 35 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of May 25th , 1988, MIR, Ancona 36 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 294 (Trascendenza), Mediterranee 37 Giobbe, chapter 2 ; Zaccaria, chapter 3 38 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of March 25th, 1988, MIR 39 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 4
  • 5. all our state of being but the wicked purpose that they want to achieve that it is that for making us to suffer manipulating our dreams. We want to tell you for experiences lived that Satan or his Devils are able to arouse in us dream perfectly suited for our brittleness, to our psycho -physical defects, to our deadly vices (that all we have even though in different measure the one from the other), to our situations and conditions of life, to our fears, to our worries, to our doubts and so on. We know about people that have received threats during more dreams. The believers can quietly reflect about it, to understand the cause of their dreams and to overcome them without other problems, but for other individuals that rely less upon God some dreams can become some real nightmares. The Evil that the Demons do us with wicked thoughts, dreams and vibrations or other assaults or diabolic attacks is very more and very worse of the temptations; it is also perhaps worse of the possessions of evangelical 40 and present memory, because we don't realize to have been "stricken" from such thoughts, dreams and vibrations malevolent of the Devils. I believe that is easier to acknowledge the possessions, or of an extraneous and diabolic presence within the man, because the same possessed, his/her relatives, his/her friends, his extraneous - among which priests and exorcists - they can become conscious of the diabolic possession, that is of an extraneous presence to the "Me" of the possessed one. To become conscious, instead, of some ugly thoughts extraneous to us , or of the reception of diabolic vibrations - that they increase one of our vices, defects or poverty - it is more difficult but possible, also to whom is unaware that the Demons hurt us. But all the men must learn to watch over on his/her own thoughts and behaviours - as they do those people who are learning to know itselves 41 , as it is the case of whom writes, when he reflected on his sudden and groundless worsenings of humour and on the consequent bad thoughts and actions, perverse fruit of diabolic assaults or attacks. Also those people that they have read the Messages of Our Lady Mary from Medjugorje are stimulated to check his/her own intimate world to discover what thoughts are of the Demons and what proper are and to discover the reasons for the possible and groundless worsening of their humour because of vibrations malevolent. We won't be never enough thankful to Our Lady Mary to have us informed of the wicked initiatives of Satan against us; Our Lady informs us on the subject that Satan can shake us as branches to the wind if we don’t pray the Lord God, or that Satan can assault or attack us in other ways if we forget that God is our greatest friend. Our Lady invites us to convert us, to pray, to fast and to reconcile us with the others so that Satan doesn't take game of us and of our Souls. Our Lady herself can help us against Satan, but it is necessary that we make our part behaving us as She recommends us, because the Co-Redeemer Woman cannot help us if we are far away from 40 For an instance, Matthew’s Gospel chapter 10, 1-10 41 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 5
  • 6. Her heart; therefore we must not read, but to live Her Messages 42 , as we must do with the Word of God. The greatest exorcist of the History has been the Lord Jesus, as ir emerges from His ancient Gospels: (Matthew especially, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas) and modern: (the Great Gospel of John dictated by the Lord to the Austrian Jakob Lorber in the 19th century and the Gospel as It has been revealed me, made lived again to Maria Valtorta, Italian, in the 20th century). The true and more spread Evil that all we suffer without knowing they do it us in the ways that we have described in this and in other writings of this Catechism, and probably in other ways, that we have not discovered yet: they transmit us vibrations, thoughts and dreams from the other world ( from the astral plan or from the mental plan) without we or the great majority of us realizes it. Practically nobody attributes the dreams of which it was also told before to the Demons because they are not few, among the not Christians, those people who don't believe in the existence of Satan. To such purpose it is added that to the Demon it returns very useful to make to think and to believe to many, also to known philosophers, that he doesn't exist and that he is not a person only because he is not a man in flesh and bones. But this doesn't mean, as someone believes, that is not a person, because to be people is not necessary to be men. I don't see as a matter of fact as the Angels, angelic people, cannot be considered as such as the Lord God has given them Spirit, Conscience, personality, mind and particular qualities, capacities and functions 43 . The Devil and his acolytes are angelic people to which the Lord God had given them Spirit, Conscience, personality, intellect, will and ability to intend and to want even greater of those that He has given to men, as well as other qualities and powers. This was true particularly for Lucifer, today Satan, as the Lord God gave to Lucifer power and the creative strength that later He removed from him 44 when Lucifer thought that he was separated from God and to be able to subject Him to conditions. Satan and his Demons or Devils are people and dangerous people of which we must beware of even if they are not seen, but without never being afraid of them because we have infinitely stronger defenders: the three Divine Beings manifested by God same that they form the Very Holy Trinity 45 : the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit. Such three Divine Beings were manifested by the Lord itself for becoming visible and understandable to the men 46 . 42 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated May 25th 1988, December 25th 1991, February 25th 1992 and March 25th 1992, MIR 43 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, Mediterranee 44 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia 45 Vangelo di Giovanni , chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17; Lucia racconta Fatima ( la preghiera dell’Angelo della Pace ), page 48, Queriniana 46 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 40, Armenia 6
  • 7. We can also turn with equal results to the Our Lady, Maria of Nazareth, Mother of the Lord Jesus and of the reborn human kind to God 47 . We can turn to Our Lady, the Co- Redeemerwoman because She is One with Her Son Jesus 48 . The Demons are angelic individuals malignant and cruel from which must look us to defend us, first of all through the vigilance on ourselves to understand what happens us and the true motives for our actions, thoughts and omissions. If it sometimes happens us to also have unreasonable behaviors even at level of thought, we can be certain that the Demons are the cause of it because they have increased with wicked thoughts or vibrations one or more of our deadly vices or our defects of character. Therefore, when the reason for groundless rudeness, nervousness, of excessive worries, of ancestral and similar fears is not understood, especially if they happen during periods of calm or joy, it immediately needs then to think to demoniac assaults or attacks 49 ; to realize of these aggressions it needs we have to take the habit to watch over on our thoughts, behaviours, feelings and emotions also practicing a constant control of the motives that they determine such our actions, thoughts and omissions. Such a control is gotten with the constant self psychoanalysis 50 and therefore with the awareness of what there is or what it agitates in our intimate being 51 “…for the search of the truth of ourselves… 52 “. The self knowledge not only determines the discovery of our nature, that is essential to spiritually grow 53 , that is to say for understanding our limits , e for this to exceed them 54 , but also for understanding if we are targets of other people's thoughts and of malignant vibrations, that is to say of malignant assaults or attacks. Who writes he has discovered that every time he was calm, serene and happy that the Demon or the Demons founds the way to alter and to waste everything for their wickedness 55 . But now it is not more this way because I watch over on myself when I intuit the intervention of a demon I say immediately “Vade retro Satan in the name of Jesus “= “ Move away Satan in the name of Jesus “ . And demons go away immediately. To tray out for believing ! Demons have the possibility " to read " or to see our thoughts, our states of mind and similar feelings through the color of our aura also 56 . 47 Maria Valtorta , L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 246, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 48 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, 030036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 49 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages dated December 25th 1991 (Assalti) and February 25th 1992 (Attacchi), MIR 50 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 51 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 45-61 (Conosci te stesso), Mediterranee ; Tommaso Apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pagine 17/19, Macroedizioni ; you see consapevolezza (awareness) in Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 55/56, Mediterranee 52 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee 53 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 164-165 (Limitazioni), Mediterranee 54 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, page 47, Mediterranee 55 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages of May 25th , 1988 – of December 25th , 1991 – of February 25th , 1992 – and of March 25th , 1992, MIR, Ancona 56 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 203-204 (Aura), Mediterranee 7
  • 8. Our suggestion, in cases of demoniac aggressions it is always also that to ask help to the Lord Jesus and to the Our Lady that they have the responsibility to provide to our redemption. It is not necessary to be believers of a Christian Church to ask the Lord Jesus and the Our Lady to help us because they love us independently from religions, races, nationality and similar classifications 57 . Angels and Demons: The faithful Angels to God also have a conscience, that “… it is more high of that one of the human beings…58 ” But Demons or Devils do they have a conscience after the rebellion to God? I think that they have a glint of conscience but not a formed conscience, otherwise they would not do the evil they do to us men. As far as the conscience the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach that: << The conscience is how much more elevated the individual can perceive, but not necessarily how much more elevated there is. Every experience it is a fragment of truth found again by the individual... The conscience is a different thing from the awareness. The conscience corresponds to the reached evolution. The awareness of an incarnate man doesn't for instance embrace all of its conscience, that is the whole reached (you see heroism) evolution, 202 b. Constituted individual conscience means about to have done one’s own, because become intimate feeling , the teaching of the altruism, of the love to the neighbour, epilogue of which the sense of his/her own duty represents the first one stage. It means to love the neighbour as thyself. And later? To you it seems that a man that so "feels", a man that succeeds in being good and correct, is already deserving to participate in the glory of God. But it is not this way. Other destinies attend him 254 b. Who a truth lives can also don’t know it, because it belongs to its same nature. If we affirmed that everything that it exists in the worlds physical, astral and mental included the homonym vehicles of the man, it is a gigantic mechanism that produces conscience, a range that goes from the atom of the conscience (you see atom of feeling ) to the individual conscience we would not be wrong of a lot… 206 d.59 >>. Lucifer - Satan is a person of angelic nature - that because of the deceptive separation from God of which it was said he has developed in himself only negative qualities founded upon the on the haughtiness that generated the hate, that is a very intense aversion toward everybody to start from God. Him - not could discharge such aversion toward God or toward the three Divine Beings of the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit), the Virgin Mary, the Saints, the Archangels and the faithful Angels to God - it discharges it against us men, the weakest beings. Similar affirmation can be made for the other rebellious Angels, but it cannot be 57 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita :Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi Verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo”), Mediterranee ; this note it values for the Virgin Mary also because She is the Mother of the mankind reborn to God; you see Maria Vakltorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 149, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 58 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 93, Mediterranee 59 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-61 (Coscienza), Mediterranee 8
  • 9. excluded that also they can be victims of the malice of Satan, the ex Archangel Lucifer, that in origin it was endowed with the power and creative strength of God 60 . Concluding on the matter we confirm that Satan and the other Devils are very dangerous for all of us; we can oppose them converting us and evangelically living and staying vigilant to understand if behind our excesses or to our discourteous or ill-mannered behaviors there are their wicked vibrations or their bad, perverse, lustful, wicked and similar thoughts. By means of the self psychoanalysis 61 and of the continuous to ourselves we can discover up to which point our behaviours and the negative, bad or depraved thoughts are ours own work or the one of the Devils . We think - but without indulgence for our own responsibilities in to sin - that behind every ugly action there are always Satan and his Demons, our cruel enemies 62 , because they are always in action, at night and in the daytime to torment us treacherously, as the Lord Jesus has told us: << And you as little boys loved you among you. Without disputes, without prides. You be in peace among You. You have spirit of peace with everybody. Brothers you are, in the name of the Lord, and not hostile. They are not there, they must not be of the enemies for the disciples of Jesus. The only enemy is Satan. Of that you are hostile harsh, going down in battle against him and against the sins that bring Satan in the hearts. You be untiring in to fight the evil what that can be the form that it assumes. And patient. There is no limitation to operate some Evil. The demon never says: " Enough. I am tired now and I rest ". He is the untiring one. He passes agile as the thought, and still more. From this to that man, and he tries and he takes, and he seduces, and torments, and he doesn't give peace. He attacks treacherously and it demolishes if you are more than vigilant. Sometimes it installs him as conqueror for weakness of the attacked one, others it enters as friend, because the way to live of the looked prey is already such to be been alliance with the Enemy. In other case, sent away by one, it turns and it falls on the best to make revenge of the let-down had from God or from a servant of God. But you must say what it says him: " I don't rest ". He doesn't rest for populating the hell. You must not rest for populating the Heaven. Not give him quarter. I preach you that more you will fight him, more it will make you suffer. But don't have to consider of this. He can flow the earth. But in the sky he doesn't penetrate. Therefore, there it won't give you more boredom. And there they will be all those that they have fought him 63 >>. Having said that, we never have to ignore our responsibilities as it regards the temptations, because if we don't want to infringe God's Laws, the Decalogue and the Commandments of the Love - that the Lord Jesus has explained us with His Gospels 64 - we can always do it and the 60 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagina 160, Armenia 61 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 62 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 5th, pages 278-279, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (DR), Italy 63 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 5th, pages 348-349, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR) Italy 64 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 191, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 9
  • 10. Demons cannot impede our decisions in the behave well; they can only increase ours vices and defects if we are not vigilant on ourselves as I have already said. The human life with its load of pain ca be very hard because of bad lucks, poverties, illnesses and temptations that strike those people that don't observe or they have not observed in precedents incarnations on the Earth the Commandments of God (Decalogue 65 and Love Commandments 66 . But the punishments and the anguishes have educational purposes for the pedagogic law of the karma 67 . And life is as it is for bringing again Demons in the Heaven 68 for their free choice after so many sins in the world. In the life they are inherent several divine laws to be remembered well 69 , among which the law of evolution 70 , the law of cause and of effect ( or law karmica ) 71 and the law of the reincarnation 72 that are fundamental for the evolution of the man. It needs to bear these laws well in mind, as our limits 73 , for understanding that a sole brief terrestrial life it is not sufficient to become Righteous or almost Saint 74 . It is already said that also the sense of separation has been invented by Satan, sense that - however deceptive 75 - it originates the egoism and the egocentrism 76 both of demons and of men because the thought creates 77 in the Relative Reality of the Earth the sense of separation 78 that makes us ignore the relationship of love that there is among us and between the Creator and each one of us 79 . Despite Satan all living beings are united, Satan included, by a relationship of love that we must discover and to accept because from this sense of separation they derive all the injustices and the sufferings of the world, the conflicts and the wars 80 . If we want justice and peace we must consider the Lord God our Father and Mother 81 . And us men we must recognize Him, love Him and accept Him 82 , feeling us united to Him, so that He can emerge within us 83 . 65 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 66 Levitico 19, 17-18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 67 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 68 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162 and 178, Armenia 69 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Leggi), Mediterranee 70 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 71 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma) and pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o Legge karmica), Mediterranee 72 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 73 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 164-165 (Limitazioni), Mediterranee 74 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia 75 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th and October 21st , Amrita 76 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157 and next, Armenia 77 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140/141, Mediterranee 78 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee 79 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated September 4th and 12th , Amrita 80 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th , Armenia 81 Eileen Caddy,La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103/104 (Accetta l’evidenza), Mediterranee 82 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of October 21st , Amrita 83 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori Message dated May 29th , Amrita 10
  • 11. For reasons of divine justice I believe that Satan also suffered, it suffers and it will suffer for the Evil that he did, does and it will do in strength of the law of cause and of effect or law karmica 84 . When Satan will repent of his sins, he will ask for forgiveness to God and it will recognize Him as his Father and Mother then he will finish suffering and to make to suffer the others and then the history of the Salvation will be completed. And the same is said for the other Devils because for this purpose the Life, the Cosmos and the man have been created 85 ; therefore for the love and the omnipotence of God all Demons will be saved by means of men; on the subject Jesus said: in the Life after Death "…there are a lot of abodes - or to clearly say it even more - a lot of places of teaching and correction, in which even the more lost human demons can be educated and improved…86 ". But there is more: In the Eternal Present all they are already resurrected 87 . As hard and difficult as be the life in the planet Earth, that is the School of the Spirit 88 , the number of the incarnations of the man on the Earth and their duration will always depend on our thoughts and behaviours; therefore first we learn to observe the divine Commandments thinking and operating well, before we will return the home of the Father. The way of the Kingdom of the Skies teaches us the Lord Jesus in the Gospels, because Jesus is the Redeemer and the Savior of all men independently from the religion that they profess 89 . The story of the Salvation of the human Demons in few words: I think that Satan will be the last Demon to be redeemed and saved by the Christ. In that day the End of the Times will happen because the life conceived and realized by the God of the love 90 with the man and the same Christ they will have brought their mission at a good end: to realize again the Communion of all beings the in God, with the voluntary participation of all human Demons 91 . In such a way the project of Salvation of God 92 for all Demons will be realized by means of the life of men and the redemption of the Christ; besides the Word of God can return to Him having completed its mission of Salvation 93 of the human Demons of all the peoples 94 . From how much above it emerges that the invisible protagonist of the History of the Salvation of the Demons - through the life of the man and of the three Divine Manifestations, the 84 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma); Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o Legge karmica), Mediterranee 85 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia 86 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia 87 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 31 and 103, Mediterranee 88 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 90-92 and page 185, Armenia 89 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pagine 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo), Mediterranee 90 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 91 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 178, Armenia 92 Isaia 46, 9-13 93 Isaia 55, 6-11 94 Isaia chapter 56 11
  • 12. Father, the son Jesus and the Great Mother Holy Spirit 95 - is God, the sole God, the Father- Mother-God of Angels, demons, men and of all other living beings. 95 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-50, Armenia 12