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We are Christians that want to contribute to improve the world logically explaining the sense
and the purpose of the life using also two new Revelations of the Lord Jesus. We want to
contribute to let the Humanity do a different spiritual path for it has been taught till now that the
being faithful in a Church save the man from the hell; it is not true and the hell as place does not
exist; as a matter of fact Jesus tells us “Nobody goes to the hell or in the sky, but everybody brings
them within itself 1
“ . Furthermore, too many of us keep on maintaining fatuous objectives of
growth such as the wealth, the money and the power. In addition we have to remind clearly that it
is not enough going once a week to Mass and saying some prayer every day to save us. All that is
not enough to save the man 2
We want to discover if we have a relationship with Satan for repudiating it and also for
consecrating us to Jesus as seculars also. The Lord Jesus explains us the existence of such
relationship; on the base of such teaching we have prepared the Elaborate N°1 with the title "
Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man " ,
that you will find in this Catechism among the Deepenings.
For such reasons the humanity is still enslaved of the Demon without knowing it, also because
big part of the men, among which a lot of Europeans, don't believe that Satan exists 3
To spiritually grow is essential to discover our true nature; you can discover it with the
introspection or auto psychoanalysis 4
for knowing ourselves and to become aware of what deadly
vices we have to a greater or smaller extent; we can discover them alone discovering what the true
reasons that determine our behaviors are, through a constant awareness of our being 5
; in such
way we will be able to free ourselves from the small self or me and from the egoism for a natural
process that follows to the being become aware of our true nature 6
; for this natural process we
have to be grateful to the Lord God 7
The priests and the monks of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Order Jesus Redeemer) don't
make vow of chastity and therefore they can get married according to the disposition of Genesis
22, 24 before and after the pronunciation of the vows. The nuns and the monk women cannot get
married because the role of mother is not compatible with the duties of nuns and monk women
nuns, but they can return to the lay state when they want without any sanction.
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140/141, Mediterranee
You see in the Deepenings the documents about Angels and Demons
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 35-37 ( Autoanalisi and Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee ; Vangelo
di Tommaso, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17/19, Macroedizioni; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Tommaso, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni ; Cerchio Firenze 77,
Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pagine 45-50, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th
, Amrita
The vow of poverty is obligatory for everybody and forever; who misappropriates of the money
of the poor men or does luxurious life will be excommunicated, reported and expelled by the
Ordine Gesù Redentore (Order Jesus Redeemer): such sanctions are prescribed for men and
The principal purpose of the Ordine Gesù Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer Order ) is that to
logically explain the terrestrial life to the cultured and disenchanted man of the third millennium,
included the reasons for the pain, especially of the innocent ones, and of the so-called good
people; we want to also give the answers to the eternal questions of the man (You see the
document “The Ordine Gesù Redentore answers to the following existential questions of the man”;
We have drown them from the Word of the Lord Jesus that one can read in the Gospels or from
the explanations that we have found in the other Divine Revelations subsequently quoted in this
Other purposes:
1. Of the principal purpose we have already said; to contribute to spread justice and peace
on the Earth we want to found the Christian Civilization of the love, in alternative to the
civilizations of the profit to every cost. We don’t want encroach somebody’s rights, neither
we want trample on somebody’s feelings. In the civilizations developed till now there is
shortage of decency and respect for the Creatures and for the Environment. From the
believing that we are separate from God and from the other human beings 8
myriads of unfair and selfish behaviors; from the same mistaken beliefs are derived the
conflicts of every type both the pain and the degradation and the pollutions of the air, of the
water and of the ground. As the history has shown that the economic progress of the man
turns him into spiritual regress because " The man in the prosperity does not understand;
he is like the animals and so he will die 9
" and " …the wealth makes wicked ones 10
" .
Therefore it is necessary to discover the spiritual fertility of the poverty, because the
wealth, the power and the success can be a tool but not the goal of the life of the man,
neither - in them - it is found you the happiness.
2. We propose there to also constitute mini Christian Communities with other religions, if
they will accept:
- a. the Decalogue 11
and the Commandments of the Love 12
where and if it will be possible,
also keeping in mind the laws of States, in the sense that they must have recognized to
citizens and residents the rights and the liberties of the Man according to the International
Conventions, included the religious liberties.
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th
, Amrita
Psalm 49,21
Abacuc 2,5
Deuteronomio 5, 6-21
Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 36-40
- b. the followings laws 13
explained by the spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77:
1. Law of analogy;
2. Law of Action and Reaction;
3. Law of cause and of effect (known also as retaliation law);
4. Law of equilibrium;
5. Law of Evolution; the law of the reincarnation or transmigration of the Souls or
metempsicòsi it is a consequence of the law of evolution. The Lord Jesus has spoken of
reincarnation as it is said in the Gospels, but they don’t want to admit it; in every case the
Lord has clarified the matter while talking to Jakob Lorber in the 19th century 14
6. The karma’s law it is the law of cause and of effect applied in the individual or human
7. Law of the forgetfulness, in strength of which we don't remember who have been in the
preceding incarnations. Nevertheless this " doesn't depend on this law, on the contrary from
the fact that the mental body changes to every incarnation of the individual and who has the
completely formed conscience only - which is inseparable from the individual - he/she can
remember the past times existences, 210 c 15
“ ;
8. The moral Law;
9. The aforesaid laws and all the others of the life found themselves upon the <<Same
Nature of God>>. The laws of the emanated one or the manifested one, are the ideal
generating weave of the essential order of the life in the manifestated 16
10. Law of the expectation and the creativeness of the thought 17
3. The Ordine Gesù Redentore (and for abbreviation OGR) has been constituted as an
association with open arms to other religions, that wants to spread the religion of the love,
of the fraternity and of the pardon of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the Word of
God without competition with the other religions, since all are contemporarily necessary in
every Nation. In fact, in every people in every epoch, there is as an admixture of different
men the one from the other with reference to the ampleness of their conscience because
on the Earth three races of Souls or Consciences contemporarily embody in it 18
. Such
difference makes the contemporary presence of all religions essential in all the Nations.
The true Religions preach love. The other ones must preach, at least, the justice, the
peace, the friendship and the respect between peoples and persons. They are not
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157/159, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 157, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 209/210 (Leggi); Dizionario del Cerchio pagine 157-158 (Leggi),
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori,Message of November 23th,
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee
religions, on the contrary satanic cults, those sects that preach hate, violence, revenge and
war, because seeing hostility in the other men, tribes or peoples, it causes transgressions
to the eternal Law of the Decalogue and to those of the love, as well as of terrible
sufferings to the human kind and the other living beings.
4. Our spiritual finality is that to serve the projects of salvation of the Lord Jesus and of the
Our Lady because they are hindered by Satan 19
and by big part of the men, that is from
those people that materially live without taking into consideration the Decalogue, the Laws
of the love and the Gospels. We prefer the road of the knowledge, of the internal silence
and of the meditation and, above all, of the self-awareness that gives us the inner knowing
without which we stay a mystery for ourselves and without which we cannot do meaningful
progress in our internal path, that conducts everyone to the discovery of the Divinity that is
found also "in the depths of our being 20
5. We want to contribute to spread the necessity of the prayer and of a family relationship
with the Divinity, that is present within us, and it waits that we recognize Her 21
. But it is
essential that our thought be positive, because if it is negative "... you attract on you that is
negative, and dark clouds cover your life separating you from the Supreme Good. If you
are always positive, if you see the good side in every thing and in each one, around and
inside of you the sun shines as in a blue sky. It fills your life of love, faith, hope and
fullness. It learns to love the life, because so doing, your same existence becomes a
constant prayer and you pray indeed without interruption. The prayer is your internal
communion with Me, when we walk and we speak together as we did in the beginning; the
prayer is the food of the Spirit, the nourishment of the soul and a depth internal need of
every soul. You recognize this internal need and satisfy it 22
6. We want to contribute to spread the necessity of the good works, of the service, of the
fidelity and obedience: The Lord said: "...The Love is necessary everywhere. Remember
that love is service, love is action. The love is not one confused, vague emotion of which to
speak. It learns to show it with all that you do “ 23
7. With regard for the fidelity and to the obedience: the Lord Jesus was always respectful
toward His parents 24
(except that, when he was twelve years old, when He went in the
Temple to talk with the doctors of the law) and in special way he was respectful toward
God 25
. The obedience, the fidelity and the respect of Jesus toward His Father emerge
Maria of Nazareth, Medjugorje Messages; Message dated July 11th
,1985, August 1st
and 29th
, 1985 ; January 9th
and 30th
, 1986,February 13th
, 1986, MIR, Ancona
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori , Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of the May 29th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 28th
; February 28th
, June 24th
, August 31st
, and November 21st
Vangelo di Luca 10, 23-24 ; Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 77, Mediterranee
Vangelo di Luca 2, 51-52 ; 3, 21-23
Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 1-5
from all the Gospels, but in special way in the episodes of the last days of his terrestrial life
(Passion, Death and Resurrection 26
8. The contents of our teaching found them upon the following Divine Revelations:
- On the Old Testament ;
- On the canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ) ;
- on the Gospel of Thomas apostle, the Quinto Vangelo ( the Fifth Gospel ), translation and
comment of Mario Pincherle, from the Coptic text, MacroEdizioni):
- on the whole good work dictated in the nineteenth century by the Lord Jesus to His Austrian
scribe, Jakob Lorber, and particularly on the Great Gospel of John (Publisher Nuova
Rivelazione, 148, Via Vetrego, Mirano, Venice tel 041/436154) :
- on the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta in the twentieth century, edited from CEV srl,
Avenue Piscitelli 89/91, 03036 Island of the Liri (FR), Italy;
- and on the followings other Divine Revelations of the twentieth century :
a. to Eileen Caddy (collection of Messages of the Lord ), edit by Amrita and to Dorothy
Maclean (collection of Messages of the Angels), edited by Edizioni Mediterranee. The two
ladies are Founders of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland; the original versions of
above mentioned books can be bought at the publisher: Findhorn Press, the Park,
Findhorn, Forres IV 36 OTZ, Moray, Scotland.
b. to some children - clairvoyants (now adults) – by Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady, the Lord's
Mother Jesus Christ, Messages from Medjugorje, Edizioni MIR (Ancona). The Ours Lady’s
Teaching begun in 1981 in Croatia; this Revelation, begun the 24 Giugno1981 and it is still
in progress in March of 2012;
c. to the Circle Florence 77, from the spiritual Teachers of the Circle, through the medium
Roberto Setti of Florence (The teaching of the Teachers of the Circle it is an ethical and
philosophical-esoteric one);
9. One or more of the contents of the Revelations of the nineteenth one and the twentieth
century that we have above quoted they satisfy both the technological man and the man of
the forests, provided that he knows how to read or understand listening to others, with the
intelligence that God has given him. We recommend the study of all the books above
10. We know that the Revelations of the God are founded on the law of the Evolution, which
consists in a: " Process by which life, with life forms more and more organized, it always
Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 26-28 ; Vangelo di Marco, chapters 14-16; Vangelo di Luca, chapters 22-24 and
Vangelo di Giovanni chapters 18- 21
expresses great degrees of mind and of Spirit 27
" . Of it derives that the Revelations
have been and they will be progressive, from the prehistory, to the antiquity (around 4000
years ago) and from the present up to the future. We remember that the primitive societies
taught to kill 28
11. After the Old Testament we remember the Gospels and the Revelations above quoted of
the nineteenth one and of the twentieth century. The Lord continually talks to His children,
both through the prophets that in the private revelations. In the Koran it has been said: "...
every epoch has a Book. God cancels what he wants or He confirms it and near of He is
the mother ( the prototype) of the Book 29
. We consider the Revelations to the primitive
societies as belonging to the antiquity, even if revealed after the Advent of the Lord Jesus;
we refer to the Koran, because also the societies of the Arabs taught to kill 30
; actually the
Bedouin ones for fear of the famines also killed their children 31
12. At the base of all the Revelations there is the eternal Law of the Sinai, the Decalogue 32
and those of the love 33
completed by the Lord Jesus that said: " <<You must not think
that I have come to abolish the law of Mosè and the teaching of the prophets. I have not
come for abolishing it, but to complete it in perfect way. Because I assure you that up to
when there will be the sky and the earth, not even the smallest word, rather a comma will
be cancelled by the law of God; and so up to when everything won't be finished. Therefore
who disobeys to the smallest of the commandments and he teaches to the others to do as
he, will be the smallest in the Kingdom of God. Who puts instead all the commandments
into practice and it teaches them to the others, it will be great in the Kingdom of the God. A
thing is certain: if don't do more seriously the will of God of as they make the Pharisees
and the teachers of the law, you won't enter the Kingdom of God 34
>> ;
13. The same God, through Mosè it points out us the way: << Pay attention, I proposes today
you the choice between life and happiness from a part, death and bad luck from the other.
For this today I order you to love the Lord, your God, to follow his road and to observe his
orders, his laws and his norms. This way you will live and you will become numerous, and
the Lord your God will bless you in the earth that you are about to conquer. But if you will
estrange your heart from him, and you will disobey him, if you will surrender to the
temptation to kneel you before to other gods and to make them cult, declares starting
today already that an ugly end you will do: you won't remain for a long time in the earth
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pagina 206 (Evoluzionee), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, page 101, Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIII 38-40 and sura LVI 76-81, Ulrico Hoepli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura XVII 33 and sura LX 12, Ulrico Hoepli
Deuteronomio 5, 6-21
Levitico 19,18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-20
that is about to conquer beyond the river Jordan. Today the sky and the earth are mine
witnesses: I propose you the choice between life and death, between benediction and
curse: choose therefore the life, so your descendants and you can live! This will be
possible if you will love the Lord, your God, if you will listen to him and you will be him
faithful. Only he, in fact, gives you the life and so many years to live in the earth, that has
promised to give to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 35
>> . Our note: The road
of the Heaven, is therefore only one. The Lord with above mentioned norms fixes the way,
He asks for obedience and fidelity to whom wants to avoid the pain and the distance from
God, which is death and bad luck. Who believes in this road and it respects the divine
norms, it also respects all the others and the Creation. Who believes it stay away from the
wicked ones and from the conflicts and he/she offers friendship and collaboration to
everybody, but /he/she cannot accept compromises on the Decalogue and on the two
Laws of the love, even with itself same.
14. There are no alternatives, there are no other ways to happily live; all described above it is
worth for all the peoples; subsequently, as a matter of fact, the prophet Isaiah reported that
all the foreigners that had respected the right and the justice would have belonged to the
peoples of God. The Lord also said: <<To the foreigners that have accepted me to honor
me, to love me and to serve me I announce: If the foreigners observe the Sabbath and
they are faithful to my alliance, I will bring them on my holy mountain and I will fill them
with joy in my house of prayer. I will accept with pleasure the sacrifices that they will offer
me on the altar. My house will be called house of prayer for all the peoples…. 36
15. Finally, the God embodied Himself in the man Jesus Which said during the last Supper
founding the Eucharist, the Holy Communion: " While they were eating, Jesus took a
peace of bread, made the prayer of benediction, then broke the bread, gave it to the
disciples and said: << Take and eat it; this is my body. Then takings the cup of the wine,
made the prayer of thanks, it gave it to the disciples and it said: Drink all of it because this
is my blood, offered for all the men, for the pardon of the sins. With this blood God
confirms his alliance. I assure you that from now on I won't drink anymore wine up to the
day when I will drink with you the new wine in the Kingdom of God, my Father 37
>> ".
16. The Lord Jesus was always faithful to his Father and to His eternal law; these words have
been made known only in the twentieth century, after the Lord Jesus had let Maria Valtorta
entirely relived His Gospel; the Christ Messiah said: <<As the justice it is practised? How
is victory conquered? With honesty of words and actions, with charity to neighbour.
Recognizing that God is God and not putting the idols of the creatures, of the money, of
Deuteronomio 30, 15 – 20
Isaia, chapter 56
Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-29
the power, to the place of God most sacred. With to give to each the place that is up to him
without trying to give more or to give less than what is rightful. He who, because one is
him friend or powerful relative, it honors him and it also serves in the non good works, it is
not correct. The one, to the opposite, that has his neighbour damaged because from it
he/she cannot hope useful of sort and that he swears against him, or he/she makes him
purchase with gifts to depose against the innocent one or to judge with partisanship, not
according to justice, but according to the calculation of what that unfair judgment can get
him from who the more powerful person is among the contenders, he/she is not fair, and
vain they are his/her prayers, his/her offers, because stained of injustice to the eyes of
God. You see that what says it is still Decalogue. It is always Decalogue the word of the
Rabbi. Because the good, the justice, the glory is in to complete what the Decalogue it
teaches and it orders to do. There is no other Doctrine. Then given among the lightnings of
the Sinai, given now among the splendours of the Mercy. But the Doctrine is that. And it
doesn't change. And it cannot change....For the Savior did not come to pass a new law,
but for confirming again the first, the sole law. Rather to reinstate it really in its holy nudity,
in its perfect simplicity. To reinstate with love, and with promises of certain love of God,
before what had been said with rigor on one side and listened with fear by the other.... 38
>> .
17. Around two thousand years ago, in Palestine, the Lord Jesus had told in the discourse of
the mountain to improve the Old Testament:
a. << You know that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't kill. Who will kill
another, he/she will be brought in front of the judge. But I tell you: even if one goes to
anger against his/her brother he/she will be brought in front of the judge. And who tells
his/her brother: You are " an idiot " he/she will be brought in front of the superior court.
Who tells " him" traitor he/she can be condemned to the fire of the hell. Therefore if you
are bringing your offer to the altar of God and you remember yourself that your brother
has something against you, leave the offer to the altar there and you go to reconcile with
your brother; then it returns and introduces your offer. This way, if you are going with your
adversary to court, do soon to put you of accord with him, because he can deliver you to
the watches to make you put in the jail. I assure that you won't go out of there, up to when
you won't also have paid the last cent 39
b. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Don't commit adultery. But I tell you:
if one looks at the woman of another because he wants her, in his heart he has already
sinned of adultery with her. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it and throw it away; it
suits you to lose only a part of your body, rather than to be thrown all whole to the hell. If
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th, pages 123/124, CEV srl, 03036, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Vangelo of Matteo 5,21-26
your right hand causes you to sin cut it and throw it away: it suits you to lose only a part of
your body, rather than to go everything whole to the hell 40
>> ;
c. << In the Bible it has been said: Who wants to abandon his own wife he must give
her a declaration written of divorce. But I tell you: who sends away his own woman,
unless. the case of illegal relationship, he puts her in danger to become adulterine. And
who marries a woman abandoned by her husband it also commits adultery him. 41
d. << You also know, that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't swear the
forgery, but do that that you have promised with oath in front of God. But I tell you: not
you ever swear: neither for the sky, that is the throne of God; neither for the earth, that is
the stool of his feet; neither for Jerusalem, that is the city of the Lord. Don't even swear on
your head, because you don't even have the power to make to become white or black one
of your hair. Simply you say, "yes" and "no": the whole rest comes from the devil 42
e. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: An Eye for an eye, A tooth for a
tooth. But I tell you: not avenged you against who hurts you. If one gives you a slap on the
right cheek, you also offer him the other. If one wants to make you a trial to take you the
shirt, you leave also him the mantle. If one forces you to accompany him for a kilometer,
you go with him for two kilometers. If someone asks you something, give it for him. Don't
turn the back to whom asks you a loan 43
f. << You know that it has been said: It loves your friends and it hates your enemies.
But I tell you: Beloved also your enemies, you pray for those that persecute you. Doing so
you will become true children of God your Father, that is in the sky. Because he makes to
rise his sun on the bad ones and on the good ones and it makes to rain for those that do
good and for those that do the evil. If you love only those that love you, what merit do you
have? The wicked ones also do this way! If you only greet your friends, do you do
something better of the others? Those that don't know God also do this way! Be perfect
therefore, as yours Father, that is in Sky, is perfect 44
>>. For the other improvements and
corrections of the Jewish Oral Tradition we make reference to the chapters 6, 7, 15, 16,
19 and 23 of Matthew’s Gospel.
18. In the chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord Jesus continues the synthesis of His
Doctrine teaching us to give alms and to pray and to fast without hypocrisy. Of the
chapters six and seven of above said Gospel - that we recommend you to read and to
meditate - we quote only the very famous prayer of our Father so that it can known by all
Vangelo of Matteo 5,27-30
Vangelo of Matteo 5,31-32
Vangelo of Matteo 5,33-37
Vangelo di Matteo 5,38-42
Vangelo di Matteo 5,43-48
that didn't know it still, since it is worth for all the men: <<. Our Father in heaven, may your
holy name be honored, may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us today the food we need. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we
forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep
us safe from the Evil One. Yes, if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will
forgive you yours; but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings
either 45
>> ;
19. All the Revelations are beautiful and necessary, also those of the antiquity, but the men
must live them as it is prescribed and then you must know that the Lord Jesus has done
three fundamental Revelations that improve the others and they complete everyone: that
universally note in Palestine around two thousand years ago, that in Austria in the
nineteenth century, to Jakob Lorber and that in Italy, in the twentieth century to Maria
20. The Spiritual Teachers' Revelation of the Circle Florence 77 also is beautiful, both because
they treat of the fundamental themes of the human life, both because it contains a celestial
philosophical esoteric teaching. As for the human life, they insist a lot on the necessity to
know ourselves, to understand the true reasons that motivate our actions or omissions,
with the purpose to help us to transcend the human self or me nested in our mind, child of
the sense of separation from God (sense that has had origin in Satan 46
) and, therefore,
from the egoism that is derived of it. Becoming aware of our vices or defects we have we
will trigger off a natural process, in which we see the hand of God, that will set us free from
the small self or me and from the egoism 47
. After that, slowly, but progressively we will
become able to die to ourselves in the sense of not acting for personal profit anymore to
have advantages of it in this world or in the life after death. With such new mentality one
acts for acting because it is correct and beautiful to operate for the good of the others. We
will be able to do it because we have understood that we are a cell of the only Life, that
one of the God of the love 48
. Of His life we make part, also here in the Earth planet in
which we live. We make part of the environment also, with all of its creatures, of which we
must take care of, doing so the will of our Holy Father 49
21. All the Divine Revelations approach to God; they must have to be respected and honoured
all, also those of the antiquity, since they originate from God and they have not expired yet:
in fact we know that they are all necessary ones in every place of the Earth, since the
spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 have taught us that on the Earth there are
Matthew 6, 9 -15 Good News Bible of the American Bible Society
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157-163, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 187, Mediterranee
three different races of Souls or Consciences that continually embody in it 50
. Then in
every Nation, also in this epoch, the Divine Revelations are necessary watching how the
men behave in the various parts of the world. Therefore, to face the spiritual necessities of
the human beings the whole Revelation and therefore all the Religions must
contemporarily be us available on the Earth. But this doesn't mean that the completions
and improvements brought by the Christ with the four canonical Gospels can be kept
under silent. We have to remember also, the Fifth Gospel of the apostle Thomas, the
Great Gospel of Giovanni with the other good works dictated to Jakob Lorber and the
Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta (above mentioned). This because Thomas apostle's
Gospel and those Gospels revealed to Lorber and Valtorta are essential to a lot of men of
this century and of the future centuries. Nevertheless all over the world the ancient and
modern Gospels must be available that illustrate the religions of the love, of the
brotherhood and of the pardon because they donate guide and light of the Lord Jesus 51
God's Verb, the Verb of Truth 52
- all the people's Messiah, Son of Mary and of the Spirit
of God with the Spirit of Holiness 53
. The Lord Jesus founded His Doctrine on the ancient,
but eternal law of the Sinai: the Decalogue 54
, without forgetting the Commandments of the
love 55
22. From above the necessity to consider us all brothers and to collaborate among us in the
interest of the humanity and for the Gloria of God emerges clearly; the religions must
collaborate among them to bring more justice and peace on the Earth and for the Gloria of
God, overcoming every division and discrimination.
23. We are convinced to multiple purposes that the religions must unite for serving better the
spiritual needs of their believers without religious competition. But also to contribute to
assist better to the spiritual necessities (of the three races of incarnate Souls in every
people 56
) and to assist better the material necessity of the poor men, defending the
rights and the liberties in the States and as supporters in the international Organizations.
The duty of the alliances among all the religions must have felt by each one of them, so
that "All together, in their whole" collaborates as sisters that love each other for mitigating
the sufferings of the world and to furnish the whole range of the religions to the men in
every Nation.
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 234-235,
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 50, U. Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, U. Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, sura III 40, 52, e 53, U. Hoepli
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol.7th, pages 122 e 123, CEV srl,
03036 Isola del Liri ( FR ), Italia
Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 36-40
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee
24. To such a purpose it is fundamental that the religions stimulate their believers to study the
other Sacred Writings, as the great Pope Giovanni Paul II has suggested, also because
the believers of each Credo will understand better their religion as it also happened to
myself. And, to the same purpose, it is fundamental that the religions overcome the phase
of the dialogue, often revealed it sterile, to concretize the phase of the organic alliances
without competition among them, because all the true religions are beautiful and essential
to the spiritual evolution of the man and all they have one peculiar function of theirs, as we
have illustrated in the Elaborate 1 of this Catechism among the Deepenings: " Contribution
to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man ",
written on the base of the Revelation of the Jesus Christ to Jakob Lorber 57
25. So that among the religions can begin, in the general interest, the phase of the alliances
two things are essential: the first one is that the religions reciprocally say their own truths,
since, in accordance with our opinion, the Charity among religions consists of telling the
other the truth; the second one is that the priests and the laymen of every religion not
Christian meditate on God, the Creator and at the same time their Father - Mother –
Legislator. They should meditate also on Jesus Christ, the Verb of God and the Messiah.
The Lord Jesus is the Son of Mary of Nazareth and of the Spirit of God, as the Koran
confirms 58
. The Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, was also the Verb of Truth 59
and he was
strengthened by God with the Spirit of Holiness, that is with the Holy Spirit, as the Koran
confirms 60
.Actually, if the Not Christians don't know the Person of Jesus Christ, the
Messiah of all the religions and they ignore the fertility and the beauty of His Doctrine, that
it is the Word of God as the Koran confirms: " God announces you his Word whose name
will be the Messiah, son of Mary… 61
". The not Christians will help themselves and the
others to accelerate their spiritual evolution they will convince themselves that the Lord
Jesus has not been a prophet as the others, also great as Mosè. The Lord Jesus of
Nazareth, the Messiah, for having the Word of God into Himself must had to have the
same God with Himself in a special way as Nicodemus, the honest pharisee, said. The
Man-God, Jesus Christ, had God within Himself in a extraordinary way in consideration of
the mission of redemption and salvation that God entrusted Him since the beginning. We
know that God is in everyone and in everything 62
and that He has said recently us (20th
century): <<... I am within you, hidden in the very depths waiting to be recognized and
drawn forth 63
>>. All should convince themselves that the Lord was present in the man
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157-163, Armenia
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 17th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Jesus in a particular way, both for His Wisdom, and for the extraordinary miracles that the
Messiah performed in Palestine two thousands years ago.
26. This it happened, for the virtues an the powers of the Spirit of God that the Messiah it
made known speaking of the Mystical Body: “…On that day you will know that I am in my
Father and you in me and I in you… 64
“. Before the Lord Jesus had said answering to
Thomas and Philip: “.... Do not be worried and upset…Believe in God and believe also in
me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house, and I am going to prepare a place for
you. I would not tell you this if it were not so. And after I go and prepare a place for you, I
will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am. You know the way
that leads to the place where I am going. Thomas said to him, “ Lord, we do not know
where you are going; so how can we know the way to get there ? Jesus answered to him, “
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one goes to the Father except by me. Now that
you have known me “, he said to them, “ you will know my Father also, and from now on
you do know him and you have seen him “. Philip said to him, “ Lord, show us the Father;
that is all we need “. Jesus answered , “ For a long time I have been with you all; yet you
do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Why, then do you
say, “ Show us the Father “? Do you not believe, Philip, that I am in the Father and the
Father is in me ? The words that I have spoken to you,” Jesus said to his disciples, “ do
not come from me. The Father, who remains in me, does his own work. Believe me when I
say that I am in Father and the Father is in me. If not, believe because of the things I
27. The Lord Jesus also said:
- << ... I am the good shepherd. As the Father knows me and I know the Father, in the same
way I know my sheep and they know me. And I am willing to die for them. There are other
sheep which belong to me that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring them, too; they
will listen to my voice and they will become one flock with one shepherd…” 66
- “ Now is the time for this world to be judged; now the ruler of this world will be overthrown.
When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me....” ( in saying this he
indicated the kind of death he was going to suffer 67
Jesus’s words are punctually been confirmed in last century by God Himself at Findhorn,
Scotland; the Lord said in fact to Eileen Caddy:
 “ The speed with which changes can unfold will astound you. You have
been prepared for these changes for a long time. Through the ages, day by day, month by month,
Gospel of John 14, 20, Good News, American Bible Society
Gospel of John 14, 5 - 11, Good News, American Bible Society
Gospel of John 10, 14 - 16, Good News, American Bible Society
Gospel of John 12, 31 – 33, Good News, American Bible Society
year by year, I have very patiently set the scene for this changes to take place….Those souls who
are aware of the Christ consciousness are being drawn together at this time like steel to a magnet.
They may not always be aware of it at the time, but it will become very clear to them in the days
ahead. It is this consciousness which is drawing more and more souls together so that you all may
become aware of the Christ within, and give eternal thanks for this awareness 68
 “ Day by day you become more and more infilled and infused with the
Christ consciousness. You are able to walk in the light and become one with the light until there is
no darkness in you, and as this process takes place you bring more light into the world. You must
realise that it all starts in you. You have to put your own house in order first….It is what is within
you that is reflected without. It is not something to be striven for….; it is something that just
happens if only you will let it, and fill your heart and mind with love and understanding. This raised
state of consciousness is in the very air you breathe. Breathe it in deeply and let your whole being
be infilled with it. It is so great that you cannot contain it; therefore breathe it out, and so keep it
moving and growing 69
 The devotees to God of all the religions meditate on the words that the
God told Eileen Caddy, at Findhorn, without forgetting the followings, because they are of
extraordinary importance and they show the extraordinary qualities of the thought that has the
possibility to create ourselves also. Our God said actually, at Findhorn to Eileen Caddy: << You
always remember that as the man he/she thinks, so he/she will be. As you think, so you create;
this is My law. This is a principle that must be understood and put into practice in the daily
>>. The Lord Jesus implicitly told it the Jews as an warning: <<You know that in the Bible it
has been said: “ Do not commit adultery. But I tell you: if one looks at the woman of another
because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of adultery with her 71
... . >>;
Still in the 20th century another confirmation came from the Sky about the divine
nature of the Lord Jesus Christ; it arrived at Florence, due to the spiritual Teachers of the Circle
Florence 77, whose teaching, continued for around thirty years as that of Findhorn. One of the
Teachers of the Circle said: <<.... Let's bring us to the first Christianity, to the primitive ardor, when
hidden they were the reunions for the fire blazed more intense, when that that seemed the
weakness of the Christians was in reality their strength. You fears to lose proselytes when value is
given to the organization to practice an authority that however you call, it is always of temporal
nature, because that spiritual is not conferred certain with an investiture neither it is subordinate to
the affiliation to an any religion. Christ will rise in the intimate of every man belonging to the
one or to the other religious faith. The man can be called Christian when he/she loves
Eileen Caddy, Opening doors within, December 24th
, Findhorn Press, Findhorn, Scotland
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 25th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27 - 28
his/her neighbour. To believe to change the man bathing him or circumcising him is equal to
believe to be able to change him changing him the suit. But the good deed of the Christ is not
unsuccessful. Christ - the Charity, the brotherly love - it will rise in the intimate of every
man and that it is not due to the recognition of any religious organization that was or was
not named after His name…72
28. We also propose to your meditation another teaching of one of the Teachers of the Circle
Florence 77: the Oriental Teacher, that stir us " to overcome every division and every
discrimination ". We share his teaching. He said: " You believe to show your great
tolerance preaching the equality of all the men, to whatever Nation, religion, social class
they belong and you don't understand that the same idea of Nation, social class, religion is
in herself cruel. To be tolerant doesn't mean to be indifferent, to die. You defend so well
your indifference that you believe to sublime calling it tolerance. When you hate an
uncomfortable truth, you destroy it intellectualizing it; this way your intellect and your
opinions become your destroyers. If then what you hate it goes against the truth that your
religion professes, you don't listen to, justifying you saying that who speaks is certainly
inspired by the strengths of the evil and you don't understand that you are prey of the
malignant one, or rather of the error 73
". We pray so that the religions share this teaching
and that “together, all together”, ally themselves to serve better God and the men .
29. We don't share the nothingness among which the negation of the Presence of God in the
life of the nature and of the beings 74
, the materialism and the rudeness spread, the
competition, the concept of separation from God, source of all the evil 75
, the atheism and
all of this that it is not conforming to the values of the Christianity, but we will defend the
right of all to the liberty to live as they want, provided that doesn't hurt the others. To all we
advise to do proper the conviction of St. Peter when he answered to Jesus: “…Lord, to
whom shall we go? Only you have words that give the eternal life and we have believed
and known that you are the Holy One of God… 76
30. We recognize Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady, as our spiritual Mother, being Her the
human Mother of Jesus and the spiritual mother of all men, of whatever epoch 77
. To
the priests and the laymen of the religions Not Christians we propose to also make
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il “ritorno” del Cristo, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre L’illusione, pages 134-135, Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 4, 24-26; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th
, Amrita ; Jean E. Charon, a
physicist, Franchman, that developed the theory of the relativity of the whole in addition to the one of Einstein. Jean E.
Charon dealed with the Spirit of God in three books: Lo Spirito questo sconosciuto, Il Tutto, lo Spirito e la Materia,
Morte ecco la tua sconfitta, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of September 4th
, 9th
and 12th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni 6, 68-71
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I°, page 149, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
regular meditations on the Virgin Mary ; they will become Her spiritual children even
thought remaining in their Church of origin.

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001a - Who are we, what purposes we have and to what Divine Revelations we make reference

  • 1. WHO WE ARE, WHAT PURPOSES WE HAVE AND TO WHAT DIVINE REVELATIONS WE MAKE REFERENCE: We are Christians that want to contribute to improve the world logically explaining the sense and the purpose of the life using also two new Revelations of the Lord Jesus. We want to contribute to let the Humanity do a different spiritual path for it has been taught till now that the being faithful in a Church save the man from the hell; it is not true and the hell as place does not exist; as a matter of fact Jesus tells us “Nobody goes to the hell or in the sky, but everybody brings them within itself 1 “ . Furthermore, too many of us keep on maintaining fatuous objectives of growth such as the wealth, the money and the power. In addition we have to remind clearly that it is not enough going once a week to Mass and saying some prayer every day to save us. All that is not enough to save the man 2 ! We want to discover if we have a relationship with Satan for repudiating it and also for consecrating us to Jesus as seculars also. The Lord Jesus explains us the existence of such relationship; on the base of such teaching we have prepared the Elaborate N°1 with the title " Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man " , that you will find in this Catechism among the Deepenings. For such reasons the humanity is still enslaved of the Demon without knowing it, also because big part of the men, among which a lot of Europeans, don't believe that Satan exists 3 . To spiritually grow is essential to discover our true nature; you can discover it with the introspection or auto psychoanalysis 4 for knowing ourselves and to become aware of what deadly vices we have to a greater or smaller extent; we can discover them alone discovering what the true reasons that determine our behaviors are, through a constant awareness of our being 5 ; in such way we will be able to free ourselves from the small self or me and from the egoism for a natural process that follows to the being become aware of our true nature 6 ; for this natural process we have to be grateful to the Lord God 7 . The priests and the monks of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Order Jesus Redeemer) don't make vow of chastity and therefore they can get married according to the disposition of Genesis 22, 24 before and after the pronunciation of the vows. The nuns and the monk women cannot get married because the role of mother is not compatible with the duties of nuns and monk women nuns, but they can return to the lay state when they want without any sanction. 1 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia 2 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140/141, Mediterranee 3 You see in the Deepenings the documents about Angels and Demons 4 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 35-37 ( Autoanalisi and Autoconoscenza), Mediterranee ; Vangelo di Tommaso, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17/19, Macroedizioni; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 5 Vangelo di Tommaso, Il Quinto Vangelo, trad. Mario Pincherle, pages 17-19, Macroedizioni ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi), Mediterranee 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pagine 45-50, Mediterranee 7 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated August 27th , Amrita 1
  • 2. The vow of poverty is obligatory for everybody and forever; who misappropriates of the money of the poor men or does luxurious life will be excommunicated, reported and expelled by the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Order Jesus Redeemer): such sanctions are prescribed for men and women. The principal purpose of the Ordine Gesù Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer Order ) is that to logically explain the terrestrial life to the cultured and disenchanted man of the third millennium, included the reasons for the pain, especially of the innocent ones, and of the so-called good people; we want to also give the answers to the eternal questions of the man (You see the document “The Ordine Gesù Redentore answers to the following existential questions of the man”; We have drown them from the Word of the Lord Jesus that one can read in the Gospels or from the explanations that we have found in the other Divine Revelations subsequently quoted in this writing. Other purposes: 1. Of the principal purpose we have already said; to contribute to spread justice and peace on the Earth we want to found the Christian Civilization of the love, in alternative to the civilizations of the profit to every cost. We don’t want encroach somebody’s rights, neither we want trample on somebody’s feelings. In the civilizations developed till now there is shortage of decency and respect for the Creatures and for the Environment. From the believing that we are separate from God and from the other human beings 8 followed myriads of unfair and selfish behaviors; from the same mistaken beliefs are derived the conflicts of every type both the pain and the degradation and the pollutions of the air, of the water and of the ground. As the history has shown that the economic progress of the man turns him into spiritual regress because " The man in the prosperity does not understand; he is like the animals and so he will die 9 " and " …the wealth makes wicked ones 10 " . Therefore it is necessary to discover the spiritual fertility of the poverty, because the wealth, the power and the success can be a tool but not the goal of the life of the man, neither - in them - it is found you the happiness. 2. We propose there to also constitute mini Christian Communities with other religions, if they will accept: - a. the Decalogue 11 and the Commandments of the Love 12 where and if it will be possible, also keeping in mind the laws of States, in the sense that they must have recognized to citizens and residents the rights and the liberties of the Man according to the International Conventions, included the religious liberties. 8 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 12th , Amrita 9 Psalm 49,21 10 Abacuc 2,5 11 Deuteronomio 5, 6-21 12 Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 36-40 2
  • 3. - b. the followings laws 13 explained by the spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77: 1. Law of analogy; 2. Law of Action and Reaction; 3. Law of cause and of effect (known also as retaliation law); 4. Law of equilibrium; 5. Law of Evolution; the law of the reincarnation or transmigration of the Souls or metempsicòsi it is a consequence of the law of evolution. The Lord Jesus has spoken of reincarnation as it is said in the Gospels, but they don’t want to admit it; in every case the Lord has clarified the matter while talking to Jakob Lorber in the 19th century 14 . 6. The karma’s law it is the law of cause and of effect applied in the individual or human sphere; 7. Law of the forgetfulness, in strength of which we don't remember who have been in the preceding incarnations. Nevertheless this " doesn't depend on this law, on the contrary from the fact that the mental body changes to every incarnation of the individual and who has the completely formed conscience only - which is inseparable from the individual - he/she can remember the past times existences, 210 c 15 “ ; 8. The moral Law; 9. The aforesaid laws and all the others of the life found themselves upon the <<Same Nature of God>>. The laws of the emanated one or the manifested one, are the ideal generating weave of the essential order of the life in the manifestated 16 ; 10. Law of the expectation and the creativeness of the thought 17 . 3. The Ordine Gesù Redentore (and for abbreviation OGR) has been constituted as an association with open arms to other religions, that wants to spread the religion of the love, of the fraternity and of the pardon of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah and the Word of God without competition with the other religions, since all are contemporarily necessary in every Nation. In fact, in every people in every epoch, there is as an admixture of different men the one from the other with reference to the ampleness of their conscience because on the Earth three races of Souls or Consciences contemporarily embody in it 18 . Such difference makes the contemporary presence of all religions essential in all the Nations. The true Religions preach love. The other ones must preach, at least, the justice, the peace, the friendship and the respect between peoples and persons. They are not 13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157/159, Mediterranee 14 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186, Armenia 15 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 157, Mediterranee 16 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 209/210 (Leggi); Dizionario del Cerchio pagine 157-158 (Leggi), Mediterranee 17 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee ; Le porte interiori,Message of November 23th, Amrita 18 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee 3
  • 4. religions, on the contrary satanic cults, those sects that preach hate, violence, revenge and war, because seeing hostility in the other men, tribes or peoples, it causes transgressions to the eternal Law of the Decalogue and to those of the love, as well as of terrible sufferings to the human kind and the other living beings. 4. Our spiritual finality is that to serve the projects of salvation of the Lord Jesus and of the Our Lady because they are hindered by Satan 19 and by big part of the men, that is from those people that materially live without taking into consideration the Decalogue, the Laws of the love and the Gospels. We prefer the road of the knowledge, of the internal silence and of the meditation and, above all, of the self-awareness that gives us the inner knowing without which we stay a mystery for ourselves and without which we cannot do meaningful progress in our internal path, that conducts everyone to the discovery of the Divinity that is found also "in the depths of our being 20 “. 5. We want to contribute to spread the necessity of the prayer and of a family relationship with the Divinity, that is present within us, and it waits that we recognize Her 21 . But it is essential that our thought be positive, because if it is negative "... you attract on you that is negative, and dark clouds cover your life separating you from the Supreme Good. If you are always positive, if you see the good side in every thing and in each one, around and inside of you the sun shines as in a blue sky. It fills your life of love, faith, hope and fullness. It learns to love the life, because so doing, your same existence becomes a constant prayer and you pray indeed without interruption. The prayer is your internal communion with Me, when we walk and we speak together as we did in the beginning; the prayer is the food of the Spirit, the nourishment of the soul and a depth internal need of every soul. You recognize this internal need and satisfy it 22 . 6. We want to contribute to spread the necessity of the good works, of the service, of the fidelity and obedience: The Lord said: "...The Love is necessary everywhere. Remember that love is service, love is action. The love is not one confused, vague emotion of which to speak. It learns to show it with all that you do “ 23 . 7. With regard for the fidelity and to the obedience: the Lord Jesus was always respectful toward His parents 24 (except that, when he was twelve years old, when He went in the Temple to talk with the doctors of the law) and in special way he was respectful toward God 25 . The obedience, the fidelity and the respect of Jesus toward His Father emerge 19 Maria of Nazareth, Medjugorje Messages; Message dated July 11th ,1985, August 1st ,8th and 29th , 1985 ; January 9th and 30th , 1986,February 13th , 1986, MIR, Ancona 20 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori , Message of May 29th , Amrita 21 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of the May 29th , Amrita 22 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 28th ; February 28th , June 24th , August 31st , and November 21st , Amrita 23 Vangelo di Luca 10, 23-24 ; Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 77, Mediterranee 24 Vangelo di Luca 2, 51-52 ; 3, 21-23 25 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 1-5 4
  • 5. from all the Gospels, but in special way in the episodes of the last days of his terrestrial life (Passion, Death and Resurrection 26 ). 8. The contents of our teaching found them upon the following Divine Revelations: - On the Old Testament ; - On the canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ) ; - on the Gospel of Thomas apostle, the Quinto Vangelo ( the Fifth Gospel ), translation and comment of Mario Pincherle, from the Coptic text, MacroEdizioni): - on the whole good work dictated in the nineteenth century by the Lord Jesus to His Austrian scribe, Jakob Lorber, and particularly on the Great Gospel of John (Publisher Nuova Rivelazione, 148, Via Vetrego, Mirano, Venice tel 041/436154) : - on the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta in the twentieth century, edited from CEV srl, Avenue Piscitelli 89/91, 03036 Island of the Liri (FR), Italy; - and on the followings other Divine Revelations of the twentieth century : a. to Eileen Caddy (collection of Messages of the Lord ), edit by Amrita and to Dorothy Maclean (collection of Messages of the Angels), edited by Edizioni Mediterranee. The two ladies are Founders of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland; the original versions of above mentioned books can be bought at the publisher: Findhorn Press, the Park, Findhorn, Forres IV 36 OTZ, Moray, Scotland. b. to some children - clairvoyants (now adults) – by Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady, the Lord's Mother Jesus Christ, Messages from Medjugorje, Edizioni MIR (Ancona). The Ours Lady’s Teaching begun in 1981 in Croatia; this Revelation, begun the 24 Giugno1981 and it is still in progress in March of 2012; c. to the Circle Florence 77, from the spiritual Teachers of the Circle, through the medium Roberto Setti of Florence (The teaching of the Teachers of the Circle it is an ethical and philosophical-esoteric one); 9. One or more of the contents of the Revelations of the nineteenth one and the twentieth century that we have above quoted they satisfy both the technological man and the man of the forests, provided that he knows how to read or understand listening to others, with the intelligence that God has given him. We recommend the study of all the books above mentioned. 10. We know that the Revelations of the God are founded on the law of the Evolution, which consists in a: " Process by which life, with life forms more and more organized, it always 26 Vangelo di Matteo, chapters 26-28 ; Vangelo di Marco, chapters 14-16; Vangelo di Luca, chapters 22-24 and Vangelo di Giovanni chapters 18- 21 5
  • 6. expresses great degrees of mind and of Spirit 27 " . Of it derives that the Revelations have been and they will be progressive, from the prehistory, to the antiquity (around 4000 years ago) and from the present up to the future. We remember that the primitive societies taught to kill 28 . 11. After the Old Testament we remember the Gospels and the Revelations above quoted of the nineteenth one and of the twentieth century. The Lord continually talks to His children, both through the prophets that in the private revelations. In the Koran it has been said: "... every epoch has a Book. God cancels what he wants or He confirms it and near of He is the mother ( the prototype) of the Book 29 . We consider the Revelations to the primitive societies as belonging to the antiquity, even if revealed after the Advent of the Lord Jesus; we refer to the Koran, because also the societies of the Arabs taught to kill 30 ; actually the Bedouin ones for fear of the famines also killed their children 31 . 12. At the base of all the Revelations there is the eternal Law of the Sinai, the Decalogue 32 , and those of the love 33 completed by the Lord Jesus that said: " <<You must not think that I have come to abolish the law of Mosè and the teaching of the prophets. I have not come for abolishing it, but to complete it in perfect way. Because I assure you that up to when there will be the sky and the earth, not even the smallest word, rather a comma will be cancelled by the law of God; and so up to when everything won't be finished. Therefore who disobeys to the smallest of the commandments and he teaches to the others to do as he, will be the smallest in the Kingdom of God. Who puts instead all the commandments into practice and it teaches them to the others, it will be great in the Kingdom of the God. A thing is certain: if don't do more seriously the will of God of as they make the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you won't enter the Kingdom of God 34 >> ; 13. The same God, through Mosè it points out us the way: << Pay attention, I proposes today you the choice between life and happiness from a part, death and bad luck from the other. For this today I order you to love the Lord, your God, to follow his road and to observe his orders, his laws and his norms. This way you will live and you will become numerous, and the Lord your God will bless you in the earth that you are about to conquer. But if you will estrange your heart from him, and you will disobey him, if you will surrender to the temptation to kneel you before to other gods and to make them cult, declares starting today already that an ugly end you will do: you won't remain for a long time in the earth 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pagina 206 (Evoluzionee), Mediterranee 28 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, page 101, Mediterranee 29 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIII 38-40 and sura LVI 76-81, Ulrico Hoepli 30 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 101, Mediterranee 31 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura XVII 33 and sura LX 12, Ulrico Hoepli 32 Deuteronomio 5, 6-21 33 Levitico 19,18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 34 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-20 6
  • 7. that is about to conquer beyond the river Jordan. Today the sky and the earth are mine witnesses: I propose you the choice between life and death, between benediction and curse: choose therefore the life, so your descendants and you can live! This will be possible if you will love the Lord, your God, if you will listen to him and you will be him faithful. Only he, in fact, gives you the life and so many years to live in the earth, that has promised to give to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 35 >> . Our note: The road of the Heaven, is therefore only one. The Lord with above mentioned norms fixes the way, He asks for obedience and fidelity to whom wants to avoid the pain and the distance from God, which is death and bad luck. Who believes in this road and it respects the divine norms, it also respects all the others and the Creation. Who believes it stay away from the wicked ones and from the conflicts and he/she offers friendship and collaboration to everybody, but /he/she cannot accept compromises on the Decalogue and on the two Laws of the love, even with itself same. 14. There are no alternatives, there are no other ways to happily live; all described above it is worth for all the peoples; subsequently, as a matter of fact, the prophet Isaiah reported that all the foreigners that had respected the right and the justice would have belonged to the peoples of God. The Lord also said: <<To the foreigners that have accepted me to honor me, to love me and to serve me I announce: If the foreigners observe the Sabbath and they are faithful to my alliance, I will bring them on my holy mountain and I will fill them with joy in my house of prayer. I will accept with pleasure the sacrifices that they will offer me on the altar. My house will be called house of prayer for all the peoples…. 36 >>. 15. Finally, the God embodied Himself in the man Jesus Which said during the last Supper founding the Eucharist, the Holy Communion: " While they were eating, Jesus took a peace of bread, made the prayer of benediction, then broke the bread, gave it to the disciples and said: << Take and eat it; this is my body. Then takings the cup of the wine, made the prayer of thanks, it gave it to the disciples and it said: Drink all of it because this is my blood, offered for all the men, for the pardon of the sins. With this blood God confirms his alliance. I assure you that from now on I won't drink anymore wine up to the day when I will drink with you the new wine in the Kingdom of God, my Father 37 >> ". 16. The Lord Jesus was always faithful to his Father and to His eternal law; these words have been made known only in the twentieth century, after the Lord Jesus had let Maria Valtorta entirely relived His Gospel; the Christ Messiah said: <<As the justice it is practised? How is victory conquered? With honesty of words and actions, with charity to neighbour. Recognizing that God is God and not putting the idols of the creatures, of the money, of 35 Deuteronomio 30, 15 – 20 36 Isaia, chapter 56 37 Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-29 7
  • 8. the power, to the place of God most sacred. With to give to each the place that is up to him without trying to give more or to give less than what is rightful. He who, because one is him friend or powerful relative, it honors him and it also serves in the non good works, it is not correct. The one, to the opposite, that has his neighbour damaged because from it he/she cannot hope useful of sort and that he swears against him, or he/she makes him purchase with gifts to depose against the innocent one or to judge with partisanship, not according to justice, but according to the calculation of what that unfair judgment can get him from who the more powerful person is among the contenders, he/she is not fair, and vain they are his/her prayers, his/her offers, because stained of injustice to the eyes of God. You see that what says it is still Decalogue. It is always Decalogue the word of the Rabbi. Because the good, the justice, the glory is in to complete what the Decalogue it teaches and it orders to do. There is no other Doctrine. Then given among the lightnings of the Sinai, given now among the splendours of the Mercy. But the Doctrine is that. And it doesn't change. And it cannot change....For the Savior did not come to pass a new law, but for confirming again the first, the sole law. Rather to reinstate it really in its holy nudity, in its perfect simplicity. To reinstate with love, and with promises of certain love of God, before what had been said with rigor on one side and listened with fear by the other.... 38 >> . 17. Around two thousand years ago, in Palestine, the Lord Jesus had told in the discourse of the mountain to improve the Old Testament: a. << You know that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't kill. Who will kill another, he/she will be brought in front of the judge. But I tell you: even if one goes to anger against his/her brother he/she will be brought in front of the judge. And who tells his/her brother: You are " an idiot " he/she will be brought in front of the superior court. Who tells " him" traitor he/she can be condemned to the fire of the hell. Therefore if you are bringing your offer to the altar of God and you remember yourself that your brother has something against you, leave the offer to the altar there and you go to reconcile with your brother; then it returns and introduces your offer. This way, if you are going with your adversary to court, do soon to put you of accord with him, because he can deliver you to the watches to make you put in the jail. I assure that you won't go out of there, up to when you won't also have paid the last cent 39 >>; b. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Don't commit adultery. But I tell you: if one looks at the woman of another because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of adultery with her. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it and throw it away; it suits you to lose only a part of your body, rather than to be thrown all whole to the hell. If 38 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th, pages 123/124, CEV srl, 03036, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 39 Vangelo of Matteo 5,21-26 8
  • 9. your right hand causes you to sin cut it and throw it away: it suits you to lose only a part of your body, rather than to go everything whole to the hell 40 >> ; c. << In the Bible it has been said: Who wants to abandon his own wife he must give her a declaration written of divorce. But I tell you: who sends away his own woman, unless. the case of illegal relationship, he puts her in danger to become adulterine. And who marries a woman abandoned by her husband it also commits adultery him. 41 >>; d. << You also know, that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't swear the forgery, but do that that you have promised with oath in front of God. But I tell you: not you ever swear: neither for the sky, that is the throne of God; neither for the earth, that is the stool of his feet; neither for Jerusalem, that is the city of the Lord. Don't even swear on your head, because you don't even have the power to make to become white or black one of your hair. Simply you say, "yes" and "no": the whole rest comes from the devil 42 >>; e. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: An Eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth. But I tell you: not avenged you against who hurts you. If one gives you a slap on the right cheek, you also offer him the other. If one wants to make you a trial to take you the shirt, you leave also him the mantle. If one forces you to accompany him for a kilometer, you go with him for two kilometers. If someone asks you something, give it for him. Don't turn the back to whom asks you a loan 43 >>; f. << You know that it has been said: It loves your friends and it hates your enemies. But I tell you: Beloved also your enemies, you pray for those that persecute you. Doing so you will become true children of God your Father, that is in the sky. Because he makes to rise his sun on the bad ones and on the good ones and it makes to rain for those that do good and for those that do the evil. If you love only those that love you, what merit do you have? The wicked ones also do this way! If you only greet your friends, do you do something better of the others? Those that don't know God also do this way! Be perfect therefore, as yours Father, that is in Sky, is perfect 44 >>. For the other improvements and corrections of the Jewish Oral Tradition we make reference to the chapters 6, 7, 15, 16, 19 and 23 of Matthew’s Gospel. 18. In the chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord Jesus continues the synthesis of His Doctrine teaching us to give alms and to pray and to fast without hypocrisy. Of the chapters six and seven of above said Gospel - that we recommend you to read and to meditate - we quote only the very famous prayer of our Father so that it can known by all 40 Vangelo of Matteo 5,27-30 41 Vangelo of Matteo 5,31-32 42 Vangelo of Matteo 5,33-37 43 Vangelo di Matteo 5,38-42 44 Vangelo di Matteo 5,43-48 9
  • 10. that didn't know it still, since it is worth for all the men: <<. Our Father in heaven, may your holy name be honored, may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One. Yes, if you forgive others their failings, your heavenly Father will forgive you yours; but if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive your failings either 45 >> ; 19. All the Revelations are beautiful and necessary, also those of the antiquity, but the men must live them as it is prescribed and then you must know that the Lord Jesus has done three fundamental Revelations that improve the others and they complete everyone: that universally note in Palestine around two thousand years ago, that in Austria in the nineteenth century, to Jakob Lorber and that in Italy, in the twentieth century to Maria Valtorta; 20. The Spiritual Teachers' Revelation of the Circle Florence 77 also is beautiful, both because they treat of the fundamental themes of the human life, both because it contains a celestial philosophical esoteric teaching. As for the human life, they insist a lot on the necessity to know ourselves, to understand the true reasons that motivate our actions or omissions, with the purpose to help us to transcend the human self or me nested in our mind, child of the sense of separation from God (sense that has had origin in Satan 46 ) and, therefore, from the egoism that is derived of it. Becoming aware of our vices or defects we have we will trigger off a natural process, in which we see the hand of God, that will set us free from the small self or me and from the egoism 47 . After that, slowly, but progressively we will become able to die to ourselves in the sense of not acting for personal profit anymore to have advantages of it in this world or in the life after death. With such new mentality one acts for acting because it is correct and beautiful to operate for the good of the others. We will be able to do it because we have understood that we are a cell of the only Life, that one of the God of the love 48 . Of His life we make part, also here in the Earth planet in which we live. We make part of the environment also, with all of its creatures, of which we must take care of, doing so the will of our Holy Father 49 ; 21. All the Divine Revelations approach to God; they must have to be respected and honoured all, also those of the antiquity, since they originate from God and they have not expired yet: in fact we know that they are all necessary ones in every place of the Earth, since the spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77 have taught us that on the Earth there are 45 Matthew 6, 9 -15 Good News Bible of the American Bible Society 46 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157-163, Armenia 47 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50, Mediterranee 48 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 49 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 187, Mediterranee 10
  • 11. three different races of Souls or Consciences that continually embody in it 50 . Then in every Nation, also in this epoch, the Divine Revelations are necessary watching how the men behave in the various parts of the world. Therefore, to face the spiritual necessities of the human beings the whole Revelation and therefore all the Religions must contemporarily be us available on the Earth. But this doesn't mean that the completions and improvements brought by the Christ with the four canonical Gospels can be kept under silent. We have to remember also, the Fifth Gospel of the apostle Thomas, the Great Gospel of Giovanni with the other good works dictated to Jakob Lorber and the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta (above mentioned). This because Thomas apostle's Gospel and those Gospels revealed to Lorber and Valtorta are essential to a lot of men of this century and of the future centuries. Nevertheless all over the world the ancient and modern Gospels must be available that illustrate the religions of the love, of the brotherhood and of the pardon because they donate guide and light of the Lord Jesus 51 - God's Verb, the Verb of Truth 52 - all the people's Messiah, Son of Mary and of the Spirit of God with the Spirit of Holiness 53 . The Lord Jesus founded His Doctrine on the ancient, but eternal law of the Sinai: the Decalogue 54 , without forgetting the Commandments of the love 55 ; 22. From above the necessity to consider us all brothers and to collaborate among us in the interest of the humanity and for the Gloria of God emerges clearly; the religions must collaborate among them to bring more justice and peace on the Earth and for the Gloria of God, overcoming every division and discrimination. 23. We are convinced to multiple purposes that the religions must unite for serving better the spiritual needs of their believers without religious competition. But also to contribute to assist better to the spiritual necessities (of the three races of incarnate Souls in every people 56 ) and to assist better the material necessity of the poor men, defending the rights and the liberties in the States and as supporters in the international Organizations. The duty of the alliances among all the religions must have felt by each one of them, so that "All together, in their whole" collaborates as sisters that love each other for mitigating the sufferings of the world and to furnish the whole range of the religions to the men in every Nation. 50 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163 ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 234-235, Mediterranee 51 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 50, U. Hoepli 52 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, U. Hoepli 53 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, sura III 40, 52, e 53, U. Hoepli 54 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, vol.7th, pages 122 e 123, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri ( FR ), Italia 55 Levitico 19, 18 ; Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 22, 36-40 56 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 162-163, Mediterranee 11
  • 12. 24. To such a purpose it is fundamental that the religions stimulate their believers to study the other Sacred Writings, as the great Pope Giovanni Paul II has suggested, also because the believers of each Credo will understand better their religion as it also happened to myself. And, to the same purpose, it is fundamental that the religions overcome the phase of the dialogue, often revealed it sterile, to concretize the phase of the organic alliances without competition among them, because all the true religions are beautiful and essential to the spiritual evolution of the man and all they have one peculiar function of theirs, as we have illustrated in the Elaborate 1 of this Catechism among the Deepenings: " Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man ", written on the base of the Revelation of the Jesus Christ to Jakob Lorber 57 ; 25. So that among the religions can begin, in the general interest, the phase of the alliances two things are essential: the first one is that the religions reciprocally say their own truths, since, in accordance with our opinion, the Charity among religions consists of telling the other the truth; the second one is that the priests and the laymen of every religion not Christian meditate on God, the Creator and at the same time their Father - Mother – Legislator. They should meditate also on Jesus Christ, the Verb of God and the Messiah. The Lord Jesus is the Son of Mary of Nazareth and of the Spirit of God, as the Koran confirms 58 . The Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, was also the Verb of Truth 59 and he was strengthened by God with the Spirit of Holiness, that is with the Holy Spirit, as the Koran confirms 60 .Actually, if the Not Christians don't know the Person of Jesus Christ, the Messiah of all the religions and they ignore the fertility and the beauty of His Doctrine, that it is the Word of God as the Koran confirms: " God announces you his Word whose name will be the Messiah, son of Mary… 61 ". The not Christians will help themselves and the others to accelerate their spiritual evolution they will convince themselves that the Lord Jesus has not been a prophet as the others, also great as Mosè. The Lord Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, for having the Word of God into Himself must had to have the same God with Himself in a special way as Nicodemus, the honest pharisee, said. The Man-God, Jesus Christ, had God within Himself in a extraordinary way in consideration of the mission of redemption and salvation that God entrusted Him since the beginning. We know that God is in everyone and in everything 62 and that He has said recently us (20th century): <<... I am within you, hidden in the very depths waiting to be recognized and drawn forth 63 >>. All should convince themselves that the Lord was present in the man 57 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 157-163, Armenia 58 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40-53, Ulrico Hoepli 59 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli 60 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli 61 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 62 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 17th , Amrita 63 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 12
  • 13. Jesus in a particular way, both for His Wisdom, and for the extraordinary miracles that the Messiah performed in Palestine two thousands years ago. 26. This it happened, for the virtues an the powers of the Spirit of God that the Messiah it made known speaking of the Mystical Body: “…On that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you… 64 “. Before the Lord Jesus had said answering to Thomas and Philip: “.... Do not be worried and upset…Believe in God and believe also in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house, and I am going to prepare a place for you. I would not tell you this if it were not so. And after I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to myself, so that you will be where I am. You know the way that leads to the place where I am going. Thomas said to him, “ Lord, we do not know where you are going; so how can we know the way to get there ? Jesus answered to him, “ I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one goes to the Father except by me. Now that you have known me “, he said to them, “ you will know my Father also, and from now on you do know him and you have seen him “. Philip said to him, “ Lord, show us the Father; that is all we need “. Jesus answered , “ For a long time I have been with you all; yet you do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. Why, then do you say, “ Show us the Father “? Do you not believe, Philip, that I am in the Father and the Father is in me ? The words that I have spoken to you,” Jesus said to his disciples, “ do not come from me. The Father, who remains in me, does his own work. Believe me when I say that I am in Father and the Father is in me. If not, believe because of the things I do…65 . 27. The Lord Jesus also said: - << ... I am the good shepherd. As the Father knows me and I know the Father, in the same way I know my sheep and they know me. And I am willing to die for them. There are other sheep which belong to me that are not in this sheep pen. I must bring them, too; they will listen to my voice and they will become one flock with one shepherd…” 66 . - “ Now is the time for this world to be judged; now the ruler of this world will be overthrown. When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to me....” ( in saying this he indicated the kind of death he was going to suffer 67 ). Jesus’s words are punctually been confirmed in last century by God Himself at Findhorn, Scotland; the Lord said in fact to Eileen Caddy:  “ The speed with which changes can unfold will astound you. You have been prepared for these changes for a long time. Through the ages, day by day, month by month, 64 Gospel of John 14, 20, Good News, American Bible Society 65 Gospel of John 14, 5 - 11, Good News, American Bible Society 66 Gospel of John 10, 14 - 16, Good News, American Bible Society 67 Gospel of John 12, 31 – 33, Good News, American Bible Society 13
  • 14. year by year, I have very patiently set the scene for this changes to take place….Those souls who are aware of the Christ consciousness are being drawn together at this time like steel to a magnet. They may not always be aware of it at the time, but it will become very clear to them in the days ahead. It is this consciousness which is drawing more and more souls together so that you all may become aware of the Christ within, and give eternal thanks for this awareness 68 “.  “ Day by day you become more and more infilled and infused with the Christ consciousness. You are able to walk in the light and become one with the light until there is no darkness in you, and as this process takes place you bring more light into the world. You must realise that it all starts in you. You have to put your own house in order first….It is what is within you that is reflected without. It is not something to be striven for….; it is something that just happens if only you will let it, and fill your heart and mind with love and understanding. This raised state of consciousness is in the very air you breathe. Breathe it in deeply and let your whole being be infilled with it. It is so great that you cannot contain it; therefore breathe it out, and so keep it moving and growing 69 “.  The devotees to God of all the religions meditate on the words that the God told Eileen Caddy, at Findhorn, without forgetting the followings, because they are of extraordinary importance and they show the extraordinary qualities of the thought that has the possibility to create ourselves also. Our God said actually, at Findhorn to Eileen Caddy: << You always remember that as the man he/she thinks, so he/she will be. As you think, so you create; this is My law. This is a principle that must be understood and put into practice in the daily life..70 >>. The Lord Jesus implicitly told it the Jews as an warning: <<You know that in the Bible it has been said: “ Do not commit adultery. But I tell you: if one looks at the woman of another because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of adultery with her 71 ... . >>; Still in the 20th century another confirmation came from the Sky about the divine nature of the Lord Jesus Christ; it arrived at Florence, due to the spiritual Teachers of the Circle Florence 77, whose teaching, continued for around thirty years as that of Findhorn. One of the Teachers of the Circle said: <<.... Let's bring us to the first Christianity, to the primitive ardor, when hidden they were the reunions for the fire blazed more intense, when that that seemed the weakness of the Christians was in reality their strength. You fears to lose proselytes when value is given to the organization to practice an authority that however you call, it is always of temporal nature, because that spiritual is not conferred certain with an investiture neither it is subordinate to the affiliation to an any religion. Christ will rise in the intimate of every man belonging to the one or to the other religious faith. The man can be called Christian when he/she loves 68 Eileen Caddy, Opening doors within, December 24th , Findhorn Press, Findhorn, Scotland 69 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 25th , Amrita 70 Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 140-141, Mediterranee 71 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27 - 28 14
  • 15. his/her neighbour. To believe to change the man bathing him or circumcising him is equal to believe to be able to change him changing him the suit. But the good deed of the Christ is not unsuccessful. Christ - the Charity, the brotherly love - it will rise in the intimate of every man and that it is not due to the recognition of any religious organization that was or was not named after His name…72 >>; 28. We also propose to your meditation another teaching of one of the Teachers of the Circle Florence 77: the Oriental Teacher, that stir us " to overcome every division and every discrimination ". We share his teaching. He said: " You believe to show your great tolerance preaching the equality of all the men, to whatever Nation, religion, social class they belong and you don't understand that the same idea of Nation, social class, religion is in herself cruel. To be tolerant doesn't mean to be indifferent, to die. You defend so well your indifference that you believe to sublime calling it tolerance. When you hate an uncomfortable truth, you destroy it intellectualizing it; this way your intellect and your opinions become your destroyers. If then what you hate it goes against the truth that your religion professes, you don't listen to, justifying you saying that who speaks is certainly inspired by the strengths of the evil and you don't understand that you are prey of the malignant one, or rather of the error 73 ". We pray so that the religions share this teaching and that “together, all together”, ally themselves to serve better God and the men . 29. We don't share the nothingness among which the negation of the Presence of God in the life of the nature and of the beings 74 , the materialism and the rudeness spread, the competition, the concept of separation from God, source of all the evil 75 , the atheism and all of this that it is not conforming to the values of the Christianity, but we will defend the right of all to the liberty to live as they want, provided that doesn't hurt the others. To all we advise to do proper the conviction of St. Peter when he answered to Jesus: “…Lord, to whom shall we go? Only you have words that give the eternal life and we have believed and known that you are the Holy One of God… 76 “. 30. We recognize Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady, as our spiritual Mother, being Her the human Mother of Jesus and the spiritual mother of all men, of whatever epoch 77 . To the priests and the laymen of the religions Not Christians we propose to also make 72 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (Il “ritorno” del Cristo, Mediterranee 73 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre L’illusione, pages 134-135, Mediterranee 74 Vangelo di Giovanni 4, 24-26; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of March 28th , Amrita ; Jean E. Charon, a physicist, Franchman, that developed the theory of the relativity of the whole in addition to the one of Einstein. Jean E. Charon dealed with the Spirit of God in three books: Lo Spirito questo sconosciuto, Il Tutto, lo Spirito e la Materia, Morte ecco la tua sconfitta, Mediterranee 75 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of September 4th , 9th and 12th , Amrita 76 Vangelo di Giovanni 6, 68-71 77 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I°, page 149, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 15
  • 16. regular meditations on the Virgin Mary ; they will become Her spiritual children even thought remaining in their Church of origin. 16