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Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism.
Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
1. The prayer is a weapon page 1
2. The God’s family “ 2
3. The sole God and the most holy Trinity; the gift of the Absolute Conscience " 3
4. The good deeds " 5
5. The weapons for the destruction of mass of men and things " 7
6. The prayers as energies " 8
7. Not the Lord Allah, that is God, but Satan, the spirit of evil, wants the hate
and the wars 1
“ 12
8. The murder " 13
9. Comparison among some passages of the Gospel and the Koran with the Charity of the
Truth " 14
10. The law of cause and of effect or Karmic law " 23
11. The laws of the Evolution of the life and the importance of the “To know ourselves” ;
Jesus’s Judgement in the Life after Death for each man that comes there “ 27
12. The individual and collective Karmas " 30
13. The pardon and the prayer " 31
14. Repentance and conversion " 32
15 The power of the love “ 33
16. A comforting Message of love, of consolation and of confidence in the eternal life
from God to all men “ 37
The prayer is a weapon that it doesn't hurt anybody while it makes well to everybody; it
can make cease the wars and other conflicts, as it shows the experience that the Christianity has
done with the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima to the three little shepherds Lucy, Jacinta and
Francis 2
and with the end of the dictatorships as it happened with the Russia in the 20th
century .
Nevertheless, the Rulers have the duty to assure a calm existence to all the inhabitants of the
territory from them administered and then both to the citizens that to the residents and the tourists;
otherwise they fail in their own duties and they cooperate to make the social life similar to a Hell.
And this cannot like to God, because each must make his/her part 3
The prayer is important above all because it unites us to God 4
. It has been said: “ To pray
means to enter in a relationship of trust with God, it means union with God. In the prayer we talk to
God our Father. In the prayer a mysterious strength it conceals, that goes down actually to us
Maria di Nazareth, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom
Lucia racconta Fatima, pagina 48, Editrice Queriniana
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 17th
, Amrita
his/her children from the heart of the Celestial Father. Who approaches to the Father in the prayer
it never stays without answer, without consolation, without insurance of His love ". To His disciples
the Lord Jesus, the Redeemer and Savior o all men 5
said: << Watch over and pray, so that
doesn't fall in temptation! >>. He knew why it told them these things. Jesus solicited Peter to pray,
because he was not victim of the temptation. But Peter slept in the time when the Lord was absent,
and therefore he disowned him. Here we recognize the necessity of the prayer. While Peter slept
the Son of the man prayed. His prayer was heard, an angel went down from the sky and gave Him
strength. His Father gave Him the strength of which he had need to bear the sufferings that
attended him and to die on the cross.. 6
The prayer is a duty for everybody towards God, all the other men, the other creatures and
the Environment also, but it is also a granted cosmic possibility to the man, especially if it is the
prayer of the heart, through which everyone can speak to the Father-Mother-God as if it were close
to Him/Her on the Earth, rather God is more close because He is within our heart 7
. An admirable
example of prayer of the heart, that is of intense relationship between the Celestial Father and His
Son Jesus , it is found in the chapter 17 of the evangelist John. If the man, whatever man, talked to
God as the Christ spoke to Him, that is as if it were close to Him, or better as if He were inside
himself, it would promote every time a miracle of the Spirit and at the same time it would open the
door of his heart to God and His Kingdom, always present in the man 8
What of Good or of Evil it happens in the world it depends on the relationship of prayer that
the men have with the Supreme Being, but also from the their way to live and to think 9
, because
the Kingdom of the Skies is a mental state 10
God's family: All the devoted people to God that live in a Nation, to whatever religion
belong, they must feel the duty and the necessity to pray together for the Good of the Humanity,
since all the men belong to the Family of God 11
. With the prayers the single individuals will be
able to contribute to make cease the malevolent initiatives of the various kinds of wicked ones and
particularly those of the terrorists, because the prayers can prevent or to make to stop wars and
also ferocious dictatorships as in Russia in the 2lth century, as it teaches us the history of the
apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima 12
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 130-133, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of February 17th
and June 1st
and 27th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 27th
, and of March 20th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of June 1st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th
, Amrita
Lucia racconta Fatima, pages 174-176, Editrice Queriniana
The sole God and the most holy Trinity 13
: two thousand years ago the Lord Jesus
already spoke to us of an extraordinary spiritual Truth: the God One, the God Triune and the God
All 14
. The Commandments 15
of the Father-Mather God 16
good, just and merciful, must be
observed. The Lord God manifests itself by means of the three Divine Beings, the Father, the Son
and the Mother Spirit Saint to become visible and comprehensible to the men 17
. The three Divine
Beings forms the original family of God. The existence of the most holy Trinity has been confirmed
by the Angel of the Peace at Fatima in last century 18
The God All-One-Absolute 19
has another very vast Family because all men have origin of
God and they form one Family 20
, to whatever race, people or religion they belong.
The Lord God, in the Revelation to the English Eileen Caddy, happened in the twentieth
century at Findhorn, in Scotland, it confirmed that the Christ Messiah is His Son with these words:
- " The time is at hand when these words will become reality these words: << The Son of
God will appear in full glory for all to see him >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day and the
time. Be ready at any moment to see Him. I tell you not to be surprised at nothing 21
- << I AM ever with you. Become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in the
heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are consciously aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ in
you 22
- << …Those souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted
reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet: it can happen that they are not aware of it at the
moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience which is drawing more and
more souls together, so that all of you can become of the Christ within aware and can eternally
give thanks for this awareness 23
In such way the sole God confirmed the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus,
in which all the men and all the things are recapitulated 24
and at the same time that we cannot
save us without Him 25
The native nucleus of the Divine Family is constituted by the Most Holy Trinity, so
described by the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber:
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità?), Armenia
Maria Valtorta,L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 6th, page 231, CEV srl 03036 Isola del Liri (FR). Italy
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 (Decalogo) ; Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 (the Commandments of the love)
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagina 40, Armenia
Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14,15 and 17
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 5 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th
, and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio
Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
<< … What you will now hear, preserve it inside you and do not speak of Me and you
before the time; and when the just moment will have come, you will know it by My spirit, that is the
real Spirit Saint.
The Father, I as Son and Spirit Saint we are inseparable, we are an sole thing from the
whole eternity.
The Father in Me is the eternal love and as such the first origin and the first true substance
all the things, that fill all the endless.
Me as Son I am the light and the wisdom, that it emanates from the fire of the eternal light.
This powerful light is the eternal and more just conscience and the brightest self knowledge of God
and the eternal word God, through which has been done all of this that exists.
So that however everything this can be done, it still needs the powerful will of God, and this
is the Spirit Saint in God, through which the deeds and the things receive their flood and authentic
The Spirit Saint is the great pronounced word "Fiat", that is what the love and the will that
are in God have decided.
And you see, everything this is in Me now: the love, the wisdom and the whole power! And
there is only a God, and that I am Me, and I have taken an alone body to be able to manifest better
me to you men of this earth, that I have created from the original substance of My love… 26
For one of the miracles of the Spirit or better for one of Its extraordinary possibilities the
Lord God is One and Triune, besides to be the sole God and the Everything that Everything
transcends 27
, God is the Father, as it is to all known, but He is also the Mother that is the Spirit
Saint 28
(this Reality is not known to everybody); He is the Son also, that it is the Lord Jesus
Christ, as it is known.
Of the original Family of God the Lord Jesus is the Light that is the Knowledge that it came
in a world full of darkness 29
, that is of ignorance due to Lucifer become Satan, the spirit of the
Evil. Jesus came in the world also: <<… To break the Matter, that otherwise, Lucifer losing more
and more himself in the asperities of the opposite pole, it would be slowly become as harder. My
incarnation meant therefore a standstill and it showed as we could free us from the idolatry and
from the adoration of the polar qualities; it also had to show (and this was the first purpose) as the
death that ties the men to the Matter and to its pleasures can be overcome and defeated, and also
that life doesn't develop it in the Matter, but in the spirit and that that is only a jail of this 30
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 43-44, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Tommaso apostolo. Il Quinto Vangelo, trad Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni. (Note of ours: The Lord
God appeared as Mother at La Salette in France on September 19th
, 1846, but Church men do not want to admit it, even
if the appearance of the Beautiful Lady and Her way of speaking were completely different from those of the Virgin
Mary; You see Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, pages 18-32, San Paolo
Vangelo di Giovanni 1; 4-5 ; 9, 4-12 ; 12, 35-36 e 12, 44-50
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
The Evangelist John reports that the Messiah revealed in Palestine an extraordinary
resource of the Spirit of God: the possibility to unify and to enrich the Beings through their
communion 31
and fusion 32
; this happened when Jesus spoke more times of the Mystical Body
(Me in them and You in me because they are perfect in the unity… the apostle John reports 33
The Mystical Body of the Christ is the Cosmic Conscience 34
also that includes Beings and things
of the Cosmos; the God’s Conscience is the Absolute Conscience 35
or Ultra Cosmic that It
includes all the Cosmoses 36
The Conscience or Soul 37
it is an ultra mundane body that also has the man 38
, as well
we know for intimate experiences.
Because of such extraordinary resource of the Spirit Saint the men also maintain their
peculiar identity also after their conscience is melted with another, because from the fusion every
man becomes wealthy of qualities of the other, also himself remaining as never before, as the
Virgin Mary also confirms 39
. The apostle John reports it in the chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17, when
the Lord Jesus implicitly made more times indication of the God All-One-Absolute, that is to the
One in the Many and to the Many in the One 40
From their side the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) report
that God a day will tell to each man: <<… So I am the substance that constitutes you and the spirit
that animates yourself, since you are in me and I am in you, my child. But I don't stay only to this,
because I make part of Myself every being and to everyone I give without reservations entirely me,
up to the point that every distinction, you and I, every separation, is alone deceptive, and they are
so much that it is necessary to make you exist, to give the absolute conscience to the being. This I
AM 41
>>. And this is the Divine Destiny of each man: to have the Absolute Conscience and to
become therefore almost as God.
The good deeds: The prayers of every man must be accompany from its deeds, because it
is not enough to confine to pray. It is said, as a matter of fact, by the Supreme Being: “ …You
always remember, you must do something, you must live the life, and not only to spend it in prayer,
hoping that something happens. The prayer is necessary, but it is not enough. You must learn to
live a true life for all those people who observe you. Talking about faith is not enough. You must
live in such way that all the souls that surround you can see what it means to live by the faith.
Cerchio Firenze, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione e Comunione dei Santi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 123-124 (Fusione, vedi Comunione), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 23
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 63-64 (Coscienza Cosmica), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 63 (Coscienza Assoluta), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 64 (Coscienza Ultracosmica), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza), Mediterranee
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR) ; Cerchio
Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 123-124 (Fusione, vedi Comunione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre L’illusione, pages 258-262 ( La frantumazione dell’Uno nei molti ), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Amrita
What it means to put back faith and absolute trust in Me, the Lord your God, the Divinity that is
inside of you 42
The Lord Jesus Christ said: << I tell you: in the Kingdom of God those people won't enter
that will say me: Lord, Lord, but only those that will do the will of my Father that is in the Skies. It is
not enough that one believes that I am the Christ, the envoy from God, but he/she also has to do
that that I have taught, otherwise faith doesn't serve him/her to nothing; because without the good
deeds also firmest faith is dead and doesn't give to any soul the eternal life. These things hold well
them to mind and act accordingly and so you will live! 43
To make the good deeds not always the money is needed however the rich men has to help
always the poor ones; as a matter of fact, it is enough also to visit a sick or a prisoner to make a
good deed or to give only also a glass of water to whom is thirsty, a piece of our bread to whom is
hungry or a cast–off suit to whom is cold. On the subject the Lord Jesus told us: " Then the king
will tell the Righteous ones: “You come that you are the blessed by my Father; you enter the
kingdom that has been prepared for you since the creation of the world. Because I have been
hungry and you have given me food; I have been thirsty and you have given me to drink; I was
foreign and you have entertained me in your house; I was naked and you have given me the suits;
I was sick and you have come to take care of me; I was in the jail and you have come to find me.
And the Righteous ones will say: Lord, but when we have seen you hungry and have we given you
to eat, or thirsty and have we given you to drink? When we have met you foreign and have we
entertained you in our house, or naked and have we given you the suits? When we have seen you
sick or in the jail and have we come to find you? The king will answer: In truth, I tell you that every
time that you have done this to one of the smallest of these brothers of mine, have done it to me…
From this evangelical passage is deduced with clarity that men’s Consciences are part of
the Jesus’s Conscience and that the Lord Jesus, is present in the intimate of every man; the Lord
God in the 20th
century at Findhorn in Scotland said to Eileen Caddy that He is One with each one
of us by means of the Divine Presence, The Christ within us 45
Prayers and good deeds are sisters and they help one another; prayers and good deeds
show the faith that is had in God; they also show that the giver man is thankful for the gifts that
he/her has received by God 46
. But we must always remember that the prayers devoid of faith are
empty meaning 47
… but they must be always accompanied by the good deeds because the words
without actions they are as nothing. Live my word 48
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 31st
, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 141, Armenia
Vangelo di Matteo 25, 34-40
Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15 and 17 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message4s of January 21st
and August 27th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated February 28th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 100, Mediterranee
The weapons for the destruction of masses of men and things: To the religions the
assignment is up to invite the people to make common prayers to ask the help of God for the
weapons of destruction of mass to be eliminated forever. The perfection of the prayer resides in the
faith that we will put in it; faith will determine the destruction of the bombs, of the weapons and of
the war machines, because the miracles happen for faith, as the Lord Jesus teaches us in the
Also the televisions must make their part in transmitting the common meetings of prayer;
such meetings must also find space in the newspapers and in the periodicals because all Mass
Media they have the burden to co-operate with the men that pray.
The weapons, all the weapons don't have to be projected anymore, built, sold, transported
and used and those that exist must be destroyed. If people will do square against the violence of
the Terrorists with pacific ways, as it made Ghandi in India with the English occupants, the violent
ones will be found isolated, they will reflect on their misdoings, at least some, and so it will also do
it some good to them. But it is not enough yet: it needs to overcome Evil with Good 49
. Therefore it
is essential that each one makes to know to everybody – especially to the Islamic ones, with the
help of the Mass Media also, that God doesn't want the war against anybody. The so-called
holy war, the Jihad, is an invention of Satan the Demon or Devil, that the wicked
Fundamentalists or Radicals Islamic spread as if it were a request that comes from God.
The situation of the world doesn't depend only on the men of this epoch (end of the second
Millennium and beginnings of the third), but also from what of Good or of Evil that other men have
done in the past, when their Divine Spark or Individuality 50
animated another human being that
had smaller degrees of Mind and Conscience. On the subject we remember the law of Evolution
, the law of reincarnation or metempsicòsi or transmigration of the Souls 52
and the law of cause
and of effect 53
or law karmica 54
, of which we will speak later ).
For instance, what it is happening in Palestine among Hebrews and Palestinian it doesn't
depend only on the generations of men of this epoch (End of the second Millennium and
beginnings of the third one), but also from what of evil they have done the preceding generations,
also of many past centuries. Probably in this epoch, for the law karmica of which we will treat
subsequently, these peoples have become mature to understand the cause of the pain;
nevertheless also today, after almost fifty years of horrors the to reconcile, the to make to stop the
sufferings that they are reciprocally inflicted, depends always on them for the principle of liberty of
which the Lord Jesus has spoken to us in the 19th
century 55
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 13th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Individualità), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione),
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo
migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (La legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Legge karmica), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
In the 20th
century the Europeans have paid a very tall price of blood and pain for their
ancient and recent sins (or of their transgressions to the Commandments of God) with two great
terrifying wars, that of 1914 -1918 and that of 1939 -1944, that cost them millions of deads and
unheard of sufferings to the soldiers of the belligerent armies and of the civil populations. But the
Europeans have learned the lesson of the pain, as it is to all known, and gradually Europe will
become a sovereign State being the economical and financial integration already up to a good
point. The same we hope that will happen in the Middle East among all those peoples; this is our
fervent auspice to Arabs and Hebrews.
The responsibility of what of badly or of well it happens in the world it also depends on other
peoples, even if they live away from the zones of war, because there are some collective
responsibilities. As a matter of fact it has been said for the principles of totality to apply it to every
situation: " The man cannot wash himself the hands for the actions completed by the others, for
we are all part of the life and each one of us he/she has from the Totality, a responsibility to act 56
". And then they are also there of the objective responsibilities; for instance: Europe has planned,
built and also sold very many bombs (included very many mines), very many weapons and very
many war machines to the Countries of the Middle East, of the Africa and of the remainder of the
The prayers as energies: who intensely prays for the good of all he contributes to improve
the world while itself same improves. If we will pray intensely God so many tragedies on a large
scale they can be made cease, as an end was put to the first great world war or as it was made to
collapse the communist regime in Russia, consecrating Russia same to the Immaculate Heart of
Our Lady Mary in order to convert it 57
The assignment to pray (especially for the others) is one of the duties that the man must
personally perform, because any other can do it to his/her place 58
Before understanding that God was inside of me I have looked for Him everywhere,
also because I am a Saint Thomas to which it likes to know and to check the things. This to
try to know has put me able to be useful to the so many atheists with which I come to contact; I
also looked for the Lord in the Sciences and so I discovered that some among the greatest
scientists were believers contrarily to how much many atheists try to make us to believe.
We have reflected on the prayer as good action also of the man. In such way we
discovered that it is false that the prayer is useless or that it be a thing of ostentatiously pious
person or of weak or fragile people, or that they don't know what to do, being true the contrary one
being true. And it is also false that the prayer and the religions are the opium of the peoples. And it
is also false that the prayer be a fixation of the religious ones or a mania of the elderly people
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 122, Mediterranee
Lucia racconta Fatima, page 86 and 174-176, Queriniana
Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
because instead it is true that the prayer is our interior communion with God 59
that waits for us in
the deep of our hearth 60
. << Life without prayer is empty and meaningless, for it is that
communion with the higher part of you which reveals to you the fullness of this glorious life which
is your true heritage. Let your prayers be very positive and constructive, and give thanks for what
you are about to receive, even before you pray for it. As you pray, feel a oneness, a unity in all life
where there is no separation , for all is one. Prayer unites all; it draws all together and creates
perfect oneness. Talk to Me and listen to Me. Never waste time in beseeching Me for this, that and
the other, for that is not true prayer. To beseech is to create separateness, and I want you to create
oneness at all times. We are one. I AM within you; you do not have to search for Me without. I
AM always here waiting for you to recognize Me. Recognise our oneness now; I in you, and you in
Me 61
It is a very good and effective thing that to pray for the others; the prayer for ourselves
should change, for the one who had not already done it. The most beautiful prayer is the so-called
prayer of the heart, with which the devotees talk to God as if they spoke with their dad or with their
mother humans that was found in the same room with his/her son or his/her daughter 62
; this is
the more pleasant human prayer to God, our Father and our Mother, as Himself has suggested us
this epoch ( end of the 20th
century) because each man is One with God. 63
Then it is correct, valid, due and beautiful to speak with God to ask Him advice on whatever
matter 64
, or to ask Him to help others, or to thank for what we have already received or we are
about to receive.
One of the great errors of the man, the greatest perhaps, is that to think himself/herself
separate from God 65
; this mistake is done by the self or me of the man 66
. The man also feels
himself/herself separate from God also because he/she doesn't know or he/she doesn't believe
that his/her Spirit (or Divine Spark or Drop – Spirit - Self 67
) is a cell of the Spirit of God, the
Supreme Being, which is the All-One-Absolute 68
; besides men - seeing since children their
physical body separate from everything and everybody - don't believe to make part of the Mystical
Body of the Christ and that everything in the Absolute Reality can be One, as they confirms us the
theistic Revelations 69
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 28th
(Communion with God) , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 17th
, Amrita
You see the chapter 17 of John‘s Gospel
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 17th
and May 29th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), the self or me, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ; Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura L 15,
Ulrico Hoepli ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd , March 28th, July 17th and 26th
, Amrita ;
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 ( Tutto, Tutto è perfetto, Tutto-Uno-
Assoluto) Mediterranee
We believe that the true religious person doesn't pray for itself - except that in moments of
particular difficulty - but for the others, in how much he knows from the Messiah Jesus, or the Verb
of God, also according to the Koran 70
, that the Providence is always at work and that It gives us
what we needs - according to the purposes of our incarnation - still before we ask for it 71
. The
true religious doesn't pray for personal interest, not even to earn an eternal prize, but he/she prays
for satisfying an intimate need to be on somebody side those that are miserable, sick or
imprisoned or that they have some other necessities.
Very many men of this epoch (end of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third)
they feel themselves far away from God, not because they be so indeed, the contrary one being
true 72
, but because such they consider themselves and because; the man, that in the prosperity
doesn't understand 73
also believes a little in the existence of his/her Spirit, the Spark or Divine
Drop as virtual fraction of the Spirit of God, because he/she has a limited Conscience and
mentality. This happens because such men don't interest itselves of their spiritual life, being their
thoughts focused on the pleasures of the world and the flesh on riches and on the power; but also
because of the Spirit Saint practically nobody speaks and among those people who speak of
Him/Her, a few persons , they are prevalent those who speak of Him/Her in such terms that it is
difficult to understand something of this Mystery that the Life vivifies. Yet from decades three books
exist published by a French experimental Physicist Jean E. Charon, that he has written some of
Spirit of God in comprehensible way to everybody. The title of the first book of the aforesaid
scientist was “The Spirit this stranger”. Charon has scientifically shown that Matter and Spirit form
the All and that death doesn't exist; the scientist has explained him in three books, in one of which
he has treated of the complex Relativity 74
The science teaches that everything is energy, because God is energy 75
and that all of us
have energy. "…All we have familiarity with the energy: energy originates from the Sun in the form
of solar energy, it is found in the food that we eat and it maintains the life. The concept of energy
can be the more familiar in the whole science and nevertheless it is one of the more difficult to
define. People, places and things have energy, but we observe only the energy when something
happens: only when energy is converted or it turns it into another form of energy.. 76
We also know that the thought is an energy and that the brain has an electric activity that
emanates waves 77
. It derives of it that also the prayers, both mental and oral, they are translated
in brain waves. It also derives of it that sounds of single or collective voices are energies. And
energies consist in vibrations ". All around us the things oscillate and they wave. Also small bodies
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 25-34 ; Vangelo di Luca 12, 22-34
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd
, and May 29th
, Amrita
Salmo 49, 13 and 21
Jean E. Charon, The All, the Spirit and the Matter, pages 17-44 ¸ Mediterranean; The Spirit this stranger, Armenia;
Death, here is your defeat, Mediterranean
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of February 13th
, Amrita
Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 101 and next, Zanichelli
Helena Curtis, Invito alla biologia, page 389 and next, Zanichelli
too much to be able to be seen, as the atoms, are subject to continuous oscillations and vibrations.
An oscillation (or a vibration) is a periodic motion of bustle about. It cannot exist in an sole instant,
but it employs time to unwind before and back. If we beat a bell, the vibrations will continue for a
determined time before extinguishing it. An oscillation in the space and in the time is said wave. A
wave cannot exist in an only point of the space, but it must stretch from a point to another. The
light and the sound are both forms of energy that are propagated through the space in the form of
The religions should agree for praying, "All together, in their whole " for every kind of evil, at
preset schedules to accumulate Well energies of; the believers, even if they were physically
separate in the different Churches - even if these were very distant the one from the other ones
they would accumulate their energy-prayers; they would have more effectiveness together, to the
level ultra physicist of the thought; for such reasons the prayers strengthen if it is prayed to the
same time, for the same purpose, even though in different environments as Churches, houses,
huts, tents or to the open space and so on, because energies are accumulated 79
From Findhorn a confirmation is had that energies accumulate itselves for one of the laws
of the thought that it creates 80
: << What do you expect from life? Do you expect the very best, or
are you one of those souls who is always afraid the worst is going to happen? If it is so, you
deserve, what happens to you, because you attract on you that which you love or that which you
hate and fear. When your conscience is negative, you attract on you the negativity, as the magnet
attracts the iron: you will find again yourself so together with souls similar to you, since the similar
ones are attracted. When yours is a conscience of love, when you overflow with some joys of the
life and when your heart is full of gratitude for everything and for everybody, you will discover to
attract those happy souls that radiate love and joy anywhere them goes. Your life will be full of all
of this that can offer of better it. Why not to see the good side of every situation? See the best
being drawn to you now 81
The union of similar thoughts as those of the prayers done with the intention of helping the
others or for the good of the others accumulate themselves; it become so possible that the energy-
prayer of everyone add to the energies-prayers of the others, anywhere they are, since in the
mental plan, the world’s thoughts, there is a different space from that of this universe.
Who prays has a more elevated level of conscience from those people whom don't pray; in
other words it can be said that it concerns different perceptions of the reality that it surround us. As
a matter of fact, a mystical has told us that he tuned with Medjugorje during the night firmly thinking
about being situated in the Church of the monks at Medjugorje; a night came him the doubt that
that was possible; he immediately was given him the proof: he heard the word “contact!”. It has
been so demonstrated that the energy-prayer of each one can unite itself to the energy-prayers of
Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 350, Zanichelli
Amadeus Voldben, I prodigi del pensiero positive, pages 24 and 32, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 26th
, Amrita
others, also distant thousands of kilometers. It is one of the so many miracles of the energies and
of the thought.
Not the Lord Allah, that is God, but Satan, the spirit of the evil, wants the hate and the
wars 82
:: the God-fearing ones and the Moderate Islamic ones have the duty to make clearness on
words Gihad or Jihad, that “means the effort to reach a specific objective. With Gihad it is meant
the individual effort for the faith <<great Gihad>> and for the moral action and mission… 83
therefore the Jihad, the so called holy war, is an invention of Satan and of the Islamic
Fundamentalists ones or Radical ones; therefore the Gihad or Jihad is a demoniac war
because God does not want the hate and the wars among men, but the peace and the love.
It indispensable therefore, it is repeated, that in the general interest of the Humanity that
the God-fearings ones and the Moderate Islamic ones make clearness on this point also. With the
Charity of the truth and in the general interest of the Humanity it must be admitted that the
moderate Islam has tolerated till now the demoniac culture of the so-called holy war, the Jihad
which is, instead, a demoniac war with certainty, because Mohammed after the conquest of the
La Mecca ordered to kill only who attached them, made exception for ten people among which the
man that had modified some verses of the Koran 84
; therefore, the God-fearing ones and the
Moderate Islamic ones , represented by their iman or by other authoritative people of every
mosque, they should feel the duty to let officially know to everybody and particularly to the violent
Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical ones and to the Terrorists, that the authorization to defend
themselves given to the prophet Mohammed it stopped with the defeat of the Coreiscitis. The
Prophet, after the conquest of the La Mecca, it granted liberty of cult, even to the pagan Arabs 85
Of it derives that the Arabic Mohammedans would defend themselves if attacked only after the
conquest of the La Mecca; besides, the Islamic ones they would not have had to make war to
others for imposing their religion, since in Arabia, as elsewhere, it had to be liberty of cult 86
You also keeps in mind that the Koran was the Revelation of the Bedouin ones, that is of
the Arabs, a polytheistic people; on this point also the Lord God was very clear both speaking of
the Koran 87
and speaking of Mohammed, of which He expressly said that he was the prophet of
the pagan Arabs 88
, that is of the Bedouin ones of the epoch 89
. The Lord God, through the Angel
Maria di Nazareth, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 136, Einaudi Tascabili
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 243, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 257-259, sura V 73, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XX 112 ; sura XXVI 192-196 ; sura XLIII 2 e sura XLIV 58,Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 13-14 (Araba lingua), sura XIII 37 ; sura XVI 103 ; sura XXVI
192-193 ; sura XXXIX 27-28 ; sura XLIII 3 and sura XLIV 58 ; pages 74-83 (Maometto) ; There many suras, among
them: XIII 30 ; sura II 119-120 , sura II 151; sura II 272 ; sura III 20 ; sura III 61-63 ; sura III 68-69 ; sura III 84-85 ;
sura III 121-123 ; sura III 144 ; sura IV 78-80 ; sura IV 113 ; sura IV 115 and so on, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 77 ( sura VII 157-158 e 188, Xenia Tascabili ; instead of VII sura
Nangeroni wrote VI in page 77 ); the confirmation of the mistake can be found in Hamza R. Piccardo, Il Corano,
Gabriel, never said that Mohammed was the prophet of other peoples; instead He said that also
the Arabs had the right to the liberty to choose the religion that they preferred 90
; therefore we
repeat: all wars and revolutions (the Jihads) that the Arabs had done from Mohammed onwards
to widen the Islam territories, or for imposing the Islamic religion to other peoples or for other aims
are satanic wars or revolutions.
The violent Islam is not a true religion; the true religions of God are those that preach the
love, the charity, the peace and the brotherhood among men. The violent Islam that makes war or
revolution to widen its territories, for imposing the Islamic religion to other peoples or for others
aims is a Satan’s religion, the Antichrist religion 91
The murder: the homicide is forbidden by the Koran 92
and all the more reason for the
terrorisms acts and the slaughters of the Terrorists; therefore to the violent Fundamentalist ones or
Radical ones and to the Islamic Terrorists all the Islamic God-fearing ones and the Moderates ones
must make to officially know that them, violent Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones and Terrorists,
speak and they act in name and own interest and in that of Satan, because their religion is the
power and in the mosques they happen the worse things 93
; therefore the violent
Fundamentalist or Radical ones and the Terrorists don't act, neither they can act in the
name of God every time that they speak or they act badly because God wishes the peace
and the love among men, because God same is love 94
. In special way when Islamic
Fundamentalist or Radical ones they speak and they act for declaring and make the Jihad, they
speak and act in the own name and of Satan, because – we repeat again – the true meaning of
Jihad is not that of a war to other peoples but that of an effort for the faith 95
, the spiritual fight of the
Christian ones; therefore all the Islamic wars and revolutions to impose the Islam religion or
the Mahommed religion to other peoples are demoniac. They are demoniac also the
instigations of the Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical ones to kill the believers of other religions as
the Christian ones as they do in the South, of the South Sudan and in Nigeria because the Koran
forbids the homicide and the violence 96
and imposes liberty of religion, as it is already said.
If we want that the theistic peoples walk toward the Communion of the Beings, that is
toward the unity that waits us, since in God everything is One 97
, also the religions, it is necessary
pages 153 and 156, Newton & Compton Editori. We can find confirmation that there is the VII sura even in the
translation of the Koran made by L. Bonelli, sura VII 156-157 and 188, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257-259 ; sura V 73 e sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cristo, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pagine 93-94, ( sura II 178-179, sura IV 92-93, sura V 32 and sura
XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th, Amrita and La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42,
Elf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’Islam, page 136, Einaudi Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 93-94, Omicidio, sura II 178-179, sura IV 92-93, sura V 32 and
sura XVII 33; pages 94-95 Opere buone, sura III 195, sura IV 36 and 40, sura VII 199, sura XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili
Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15 and 17 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 26-27 and 103,
that the Islamic God-fearing ones and the Islamic Moderates ones recognize that the Revelation
to the prophet Mohammed had been given for a polytheistical people that taught to kill, also his/her
own children " for fear of future poverty 98
“; then said Revelation it is to be considered subject
also to the completion of the Decalogue 99
done by the Messiah Jesus with the ancient and
modern Gospels as all the Sacred Writings of the world, in whatever time done, since the Sacred
Writings as every other document, must be valued on the base of their content and not on the base
of the time when it have been done.
To give an idea of what we affirms we make a brief comparison of passages, which they
show the spiritual perfection of the Gospels (in comparison to the Revelations of all the other
religions of the world of the Koran also); this because in Palestine the Messiah was the Word of
God, as it also results from the same Koran 100
. The Redemption and the Salvation of all men, to
whatever race, people and religion belongs, it has been entrusted by God to Christ Jesus, as it
also results from the God’s Revelation to Eileen Caddy of the Findhorn Community in Scotland in
the 20th century 101
Comparison among some passages of the Gospel and the Koran with the Charity of
the Truth: speaking of the New Justice, that God wanted that it was also done in Earth, the Lord
Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Mary and of the Spirit/Will of God 102
the Shepherd of all peoples 103
told in Palestine two thousand years ago about with regard to the Decalogue:
1. << You must not think that I have come to abolished the law of Mosè and the teaching of
the prophets. I have not come for abolishing them, but to complete them in perfect way. Because I
assure you that up to when there will be the sky and the earth, not even the smallest word, a
comma, will be cancelled rather even by the law of God; and so up to when everything won't be
finished. Therefore who disobeys to the smallest of the commandments and insignia to the others
to do as he, he will be the smallest in the kingdom of God. Who puts instead all the
commandments into practice and it teaches them to the others, it will be great in the kingdom of
God. A thing is certain: if you don't do more seriously the will of God as they make the Pharisees
and the teachers of the law, you won't enter the kingdom of God 104
>>. ( our note: also the Koran
as the Torah and the Gospel that have preceded it have been drawn by the Decalogue, from which
derive the three great theistic Revelations, the first one is the Torah for the Hebrews, the second,
the Gospel for all men included the Jews; the third is for the Arabs and it is the Koran in Arabic
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli
Maria Valtorta, L?Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7°, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th
, and 25th
, Amrita . See also the page 160 of the book
Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo of the spiritual teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77, edited by Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 e 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 14, 15 and 17 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th,
Amrita ; you see also Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-20
language 105
. From every Revelation a theistic religion was born 106
; of each of them the
Decalogue 107
and the Commandments of the love 108
are the masterly principal Source.
2. << You know that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't kill. Who will kill
another he/she will be brought in front of the judge. But I tell you: even if one lose his temper
against his/her brother, he/she will be brought in front of the judge. And who tells his/her brother: "
You are an idiot" he/she will be brought in front of the superior court. Who tells him: " traitor"
he/she can be condemned to the fire of the hell. Therefore, if you are bringing your offer to the
altar of God and you remember yourself that your brother has something against you, you leave
the offer in front of the altar, and you go to reconcile with your brother; then it returns and make
your offer . This way if you are going with your adversary to court, come to terms with him soon,
because he can hand you over to the judge and the judge to the watches to put you in the jail. I
assure that you won't go out of there until you won't have paid the last cent 109
>>. (note of ours:
The Koran discipline the homicide 110
, but all know that the discipline is a thing very much different
from the prohibition; anyway the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love are superior to the
Koran );
3. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Don't commit adultery. But I tell you: if
one looks at the woman of another because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of
adultery with her. If your right eye makes you complete the evil, tear it and throw it away: it is better
to lose only a part of your body, rather than to be thrown all whole to the hell. If your right hand
makes you complete the evil, cut it and throw it away: it suits you to lose only a part of your body,
rather than to go everything whole to the hell 111
>>. (note of ours: also the Koran forbids the
adultery and disciplines it 112
, but while the Genesis 113
foresees a sole wife for each man, the
Koran does not express Itself on the number of the wives 114
so who wants it can interpret the
suras as he/she likes as, has happened in the Islam: la polygamy is admitted by the Islamic
religion: the Mohammedans can have up to four wives!
The Koran does not express Itself on the number of the wives, as we have already said, but
the women and the sons are listed among the Terrestrial Goods (Beni terrreni) together with the
golden and silver treasures, the horses, the herds and the fertile soils. In the Koran is written: <<
The man who has abundance of means spend with liberality, while the man who to which God has
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 13-14 ( Araba lingua ), sura XIII 37, XVI 103, XXVI 192-195,
XXXIX 27-28, XLIII 3 e XLIV 58 , Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 129-130, sura III 78-79, sura V 53, e sura XLII 11, Ulrico Hoepli
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 34-40
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 21-26
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 93-94 (Omicidio), sura II 178-179, sura IV 92-93, sura V 32,
sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27-30
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 6 and 7 (Adulterio), sura IV 16, sura XXIV 2-3 ), Xenia
Genesi 2, 23
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 19-30, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90
(Moglie), sura IV 19-21 and sura V 5, Xenia Tascabili
given not much spend that little. God does not obliges any to do more than that that one is in a
position to do… 115
. Of it derives that the poor Mohammedans should limit themselves to give birth
to a son only or to the utmost two as it happens in China (Legal obligation) and in Europe (free
choice of good and intelligent parents).
The differences between the Bible and the Koran as in the case of the homicide they are
explainable because the divine Revelations are progressive and appropriate to the people for
which they have been done, but in every case the language of God, or rather of Allah is always
simple, clear, coherent and exhaustive. When the language of God is not so this means that has
been modified by the man, from the Arabs in the case of the Koran 116
; particularly the verses
that have for object the wives have been written in such way to be able to be interpreted. This
above all because from the Koranic verses of the wives the number of the same doesn't result,
neither it is mentioned the monogamy and the polygamy. This language is not the language of God
because the Lord is always simple, clear, coherent and exhaustive as it is already said. In the
same Koran there are a lot of examples of divine language.
God is the perfection; therefore He is the perfect Teacher; His expressions in the form
and in the substance are always perfect in whatever language He expresses itself. When they are
not so it means that the man has altered them; in this case they have been altered by the Arabs.
The perfection of the divine language results from the ancient Gospels (Matthew, Mark,
Luke, John and Thomas) and from those modern (the Gospel dictated to Jakob Lorber in the XIX°
century and that done to relive to Maria Valtorta in the XX° century); the perfection of the divine
language especially results from the two modern Gospel, because they have immediately been
transcribed after to the passage has been listened by the aforesaid Evangelists, Jakob and Maria.
Such perfection also results especially from the Revelation of God of the XX° century to Eileen
Caddy, of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland, because the daily teachings of God have
immediately been transcribed by Eileen after having listened to them.
In the Koran it is also writing that the Arabs must live chastely…; I don't know how it be
possible to live chastely with more wives, up to four according to the Islam!
I also wonder me as they make the Islamic poor men to maintain well up to four wives and
their numerous children up to twenty ! To wives and children they will make to suffer the hunger,
the thirst and the cold, but then the poor Islamic ones do of worse: as a matter of fact the Islamic
religion allows that the little girls can get married at the six year-old age; in the very diffused daily
practice the families that they sell the little girls are very many: "Only in Africa the bride-babies
are fifteen million every year 117
", but I don't believe that the bride-babies they are only of Moslem
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 16 (Beni Terreni), sura LXV 7, Xenia Tascabili
Sergio Noia, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 115-121, Oscar Mondadori ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 144-
148 (Dubbi ed enigmi), Einaudi Tascabili ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67 (Dalle prime redazioni al Corano qual
è oggi), Il Mulino ; Paolo Branca, I Musulmani, pages 23-25, IL Mulino
La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009-n°8. pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno 87 –
36100 Vicenza
The marriage with an adult subdues the bride-babies to terrible traumas to start from the
separation of the children themselves from the family of origin; of other possible traumas I don't
want to speak while the Koran teaches the love to own relatives 118
The Fundamentalists and the Islamic Radicals teach to their believers that a good Moslem
must procreate at least five sons …but it is so that they hope to conquer the world, starting to
hurt their wives and their own children with the juvenile job. The spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio
Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach (in one of their books) that the worse ones among the men
are those that make to longly suffer.
In the Koran there is also the prohibition to have illegitimate sexual relations 119
In my opinion of the Islamic religion the Arabs have done what they have wanted; it
is possible that the same thing can be also told of the Koran because It has not been
transcribed and above all It has not been checked by Mohammed 120
(end of our note).
4. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Who wants to abandon his own wife he
must give her a declaration written of divorce. But I tell you: who away his own woman sends –
except the case of illegal relationship - he puts her in danger to become adulterine. And who
marries a woman abandoned by her husband it also commits adultery him 121
>>. (note of ours:
You reflects on Genesis 2, 24: " Therefore the man will leave his/her father and his/her mother, will
unite him to his woman and the two they will be an sole thing, that is a being alone ". The two, the
man and the woman would have created a new family. The Lord God, the Creator, didn't prescribe
the polygamy; but the monogamy; we deduce of it that the polygamy is an Arab’s greed. You also
reflect on how much it is written in the Koran concerning the wives 122
; you reflect also on to the
terrestrial goods - among which the sons are listed 123
- and reflect also on what the Koran says
about the sons 124
) ;
in the Koran it is written:
a. << Oh you that believe! It is not permissible to inherit wives against their will,
neither to prevent them of marry again for purpose to take back you what you have given them in
dowry, except in the case of an infamy committed by her in explicit way; draws you them with
gentleness however, because if you treat them with contempt it can happen that you despise a
thing in which God has put back a great good. And if you intend to exchange a wife with another
and to one of them you have given a great deal of gold, you cannot recover it; and not you try to
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90 ; pages 94-95 (Opere buone), sura III
195, sura IV 36, sura VII 199 and sura XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21 and sura V 5, Xenia Tascabili
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 121, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, page 53-67, Il
Mulino ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-152, Einaudi Tascabili
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 31-32
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21 and sura V 5 , Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 15-16 (Beni terreni), sura III 14 ; sura IX 55 ; sura XI 15-17 ;
sura XVIII 46 ; sura XX 131 ; sura XXVIII 60 ; sura LXIII 9 ; sura LXIV 14-15 ; sura C 6-8 ; sura CII 1-8 ; sura VII
31 ; sura LXV 7 , Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 44 (Figli), sura XLII 49-50, Xenia Tascabili
appropriate through a calumny or accusing her some guilt of unbelief. And as you do to remove
her things when you have used them together and she has stipulated with you a solemn pact 125
>> ;
b. << And they have afforded as wives the honest women that believe, as also the
honest women among those people that have received the Book before you, provided that has
self-respect the appointment to furnish them a dowry, and undertakes you to live chastely without
having illegitimate sexual relations taking you some lovers 126
5. the Lord Jesus says :
a. << You still know, that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't swear the
forgery, but do that that you have promised with oath in front of God. But I tell you: do never swear:
neither for the sky that is the throne of God; neither for the earth, that is the stool of his feet;
neither for Jerusalem, that is the city of the Lord. Don't even swear on your head, because you
don't even have the power to make to become white or black one of your hair. Simply you say
"yes" and "no": the whole rest comes from the devil 127
b. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I tell you:
not avenged you against who hurts you. If one gives you a slap on the right cheek, you also offer
him the other. If one wants to make you a trial to take you the shirt, you leave also him the mantle.
If one forces you to accompany him for a kilometer, you go with him for two kilometers. If someone
asks you something, give it to him. Don't turn the back to whom asks you a loan 128
>>. (note of
ours: We know that the Divine Revelations are gradual because the Lord God adapt them for
the possibilities of understanding of the peoples. For an instance the revenge was disciplined
for the pagan Arabs in various ways by the Koran 129
, but for the Mohammedans - as for other
peoples – they are in force the Decalogue that forbids the killing and the Commandments of the
love that are incompatible with the killing);
c. << You know that it has been said: It loves your friends and it hates your enemies. But I
tell you: beloved also your enemies, you pray for those that persecute you. Doing so you will
become true children of God your Father, that is in sky. Because he makes to rise his sun on the
bad ones and on the good ones and it makes to rain for those that good does and for those that
the evil does. If you love only those that love you, what merit do you have? The wicked ones also
behave this way! If you only greet your friends, are you doing something of better of the others?
Those that don't know God also behave this way! You are perfect therefore, as yours Father is
perfect in sky 130
>>. (note of ours: The superiority of the teaching of the Christ on that of the Koran
that has been handed down to posterity it is clear, but we also know that divine teaching is gradual;
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie, sura V 5, Xenia Tascabili
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 33-37
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 38-42
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (among the suras of the homicide), sura XVII 33 , Xenia
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-47
therefore the Moslems integrate the Koran with the Gospels ! Many Moslem do it with great pains
due to the violence of the Sunna and of the Sharia 131
6. The Koran disciplines the homicide while the Decalogue and the Gospels forbid it: you see the
following suras of the Koran: sura II, 178 and 179; sura IV 92-93; sura V 32; sura XVII 33 132
. (Note
of ours: In this - as in other cases - it is possible that God, in His goodness, has considered the
uses and the customs of the pagan Arabs to facilitate them in the observance of the new religion );
7. The Gospel forbids the killing because it is founded on the Decalogue 133
8. The Gospel orders: << The Lord loves, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your
soul and with all of your mind. This is the greatest commandment and most important. The second
is equally important: Your neighbor loves as yourself. The whole law of Mosè and the whole
teaching of the prophets depend on these two commandments 134
>>. (note of ours: the Gospels
are founded on the Decalogue: Deuteronomy 5, 6-22 and on the Commandments of the love:
Levitico 19, 19 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ) ;
9. The Koran orders:
a. << And when you will have completed the rites, you name the name of God with
the same veneration with which name the name of your parents, rather great 135
>>; ( our note
:you compare this rule with the love Commandments: you see Matthew 22, 34-40
b. << And you reveal the name of God in the established days; but who will
expedite in the first two days it won't make sin, as he/she won't do it who will delay, if he/she has
awe of God. You fear therefore God and you know that in front of Him you will be all assembled
ones 136
c. << Nomination your Lord's name, in your intimate, in humility and with spirit of
reverence, and to low voice, the morning and the evening, and not to be among those people who
they forget God 137
>> ;
10. The Koran orders also:
a. << In truth God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love to the relatives and
he forbids the dissoluteness and the evil and the over-bearing manner: he admonishes so that you
can meditate 138
b. << You do good to your parents, as also to your relatives, to the orphans and the
poor men, and to the neighbor that is not relative and to the neighbor that is extraneous, and to the
Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, EMI
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 93-94 (Omicidio), Xenia Tascabili
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 9, sura II 200, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 9, sura II 203, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 9, sura VII 205; you see the other suras of pages 9-10, Xenia
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94, sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili
companion of trip and the wayfarer and the slave, since God doesn't love who is superb and vain
c. << Know how to forgive. You invite to do the good. You go away from the people
that they ignore the faith 140
d. << It is in truth those that will have believed and they will have completed some
good deeds, the Lord will treat them with mercy. This is the evident success 141
11. Matthew’s Gospel: We have underlined only a part of the chapter
5 of the Gospel of Matthew, but in truth the chapters 5, 6 and 7 constitute a mini very brief, but
exhaustive Gospel in its synthesis, but we have to also consider both the Gospel of Thomas 142
(discovered in 1945 next to the village of Dag Hammadi, in Egypt, along the course of the Nile in a
jar) and of the modern Gospels:
a. the Great Gospel of John (11 volumens)revealed to Jakob Lorber in the
century by the Lord Jesus; of this Gospel exists a synthesis, care of Josef Mahlberg, Il Signore
parla (the Lord speaks, edited by Armenia 143
. Such Gospel has been dictated by the Lord Jesus to
His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber. In the 19th
century the Gospel dictated to Lorber (11 volumens)
has been published entirely with other very important books of the Christ by La Nuova
Rivelazione, Via Vetrego, 148 -30035 Mirano (Venezia), telephone and e fax 041 – 43. 61. 54 . A
selection of the passages of such Gospel, as we have already said, which refers the great
subjects “…that since ever trouble the man: God and His Reign, the Creation, the why of the life of
the man on the Earth, the free will, the immortality of the Soul, the meaning of the pain, the death,
the After life, the Life after Death, the reincarnation, the end of the times… a cheer up message, of
love and of hope, to which the man of today, any might be his/her opinion about the inspiring
source, he/she cannot certainly remain indifferent “;
b. the Gospel made to live it again to Maria Valtorta in the 20th century (11
volumens) it can be defined entire in comparison with the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark,
Lucas and John) and to the Quinto (Fifth) Gospel of Thomas (published by Macroedizioni). The
Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta has been published by CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli 89-91, 03036
Isola del Liri (FR), Italy;
In such chapters 5, 6 and 7 of the Gospel of Matthew the Christ not changed only the order
of the values of the man, but He also pointed out to the man same a new way to think and to
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, sura IV 36, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili
Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, translation of Mario Pincherle, Macroedizioni
Such a Gospel has been dictated in the 19th
century by Lord Jesus to His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber ; such a Gospel
it has been published entirely in 11 volumes with other very important good deeds of the Christ by La Nuova
Rivelazione, Via Vetrego, 148 – 30035 Mirano (VE), telephone and fax 041- 43.61.54. A synthesis of such a Gospel
treat the great themes: “…that since ever torment the man: God and His Kingdom, the Creation, the why of the life of
the man on the Earth, the free will, the immortality of the Soul, the meaning of the pain, the life after death, the
reincarnation, the end of the times…it is a reassuring message, of love and hope, to which the man of to day, any might
be is opinion about the inspiring source, cannot remain cold.
behave; with regard to the thought, Jesus implicitly said that the thought is an ultra physical reality
very important , when He taught, as it is already said above: "… But I tell you: if one looks at the
woman of another one because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of adultery with
her 144
“ .
In the aforesaid chapters 5-6 and 7 Christ innovated the Jewish conception of an irascible
and vengeful God introducing us the tall Lord as the good and just Father, merciful and providential
and above all always available to listen to us, to guide us 145
and to give us good things or the
necessary one to live and that of which we have need for expanding our Conscience to make us
become righteous, merciful and pure 146
, that is saints for make us become worthy to be admitted
in the Reign of the Skies. When in a place of the Earth there is not the bare necessities to live, this
it doesn't depend on God, but from the egoism, carelessness, avidity, avarice, negligence, idleness
of the men or peoples and by the environmental disasters that they have caused, since we can live
in the deserts also (and better it would live in the deserts if the men would cooperate also with the
Angels of the Nature to till the soil as it happened in the past: “ the desert can bloom as the rose
12. Comparison between the Charity of the Lord Jesus and that of the prophet Mohammed:
We point out the difference among the Charity Love of Jesus, that emerges from all the Gospels
( for an example the episode of the adulterous woman) and the humanity of Mohammed: << You
darkened in face (Mohammed) and you turned the shoulders when the blind one came next to him.
And who tells you that he had not come for purifying himself, and that it would be ready to listen to
the divine admonishment, that would have been for him of great benefit? Instead if a rich comes
you welcome him with a lot of attentions and it doesn't interest yourself to know if it is available to
the faith. While who comes from you full of zeal you neglect him 148
? >>. (note of Alessandro
Nangeroni to these verses: these verses allude to an episode that God reproaches Mohammed: a
blind man went to find him while he was speaking with some of the rich notable of the La Mecca,
he bothered and he sent him away 149
13. Comparison between the Miracles of the Lord Jesus and those of the prophet
Mohammed: The Koran reports of the miracles done by the Christ ( sura III 43 and sura V 110 of
the Koran translated by L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli ), while Mohammed did not make miracles 150
14. Of the prophet Mohammed the Koran says among other things:
a. sura XIII 30: <<So we have sent you in the middle of a nation come after so many nations that
they had come before to recite them what we have revealed you; but they deny the Merciful One.
Vangelo di Matteo, 5, 27-28
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee
Dorothy Maclean, Spirito di Natura, page 81-82, Mediterranee
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 79-80, sura LXXX 1-10, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 80, Note of A. Nangeroni, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 89 (Miracoli), sura XVII 59, Xenia Tascabili
Tell them; he is my Lord, there is no other God but him, in him I have confided, to him I address me
and I will return>>;
b. sura II 97: <<It was him [Gabriel] that the Koran deposed in your heart>>;
c. sura II 119 -120: <<We have sent you, as a matter of fact, as carrier of truth, announcer of a
good revelation and warner (who warns), but you won't be responsible of those people that will be
damned itselves and they will be in the hell. >>;
d. sura II 151: <<And so we have sent in the middle of you a messenger that belongs to your
people, that recites my signs, make you pure, it teaches you the Book and the knowledge and it
puts you to knowledge of that that you before didn't know. >>. Note of Alexander Nangeroni: "
Mohammed is of Arabic meccana line";
e. sura II 272: <<You are not you [o Mohammed] that you guide them, but it is God that guides who
he wants>>;
f. sura III 20: <<And if they will want to discuss with you answer: I have given myself to God [= I
have made islam] as he has also done who follows me. And tell to those people which the Book
was given and to the pagans: do you want you also to give you to God? [= do you also want to
make islam?]. And if they would be given to Him [= if they will have made islam] they will receive
the correct guide, but if they will turn their back on you, you must not worry yourself anything else
other than to bring the message, will be God to observe what his servants do>>; Jesus, instead
is the Redeemer 151
, the Saviour 152
and the Judge 153
of all men to any race, people or religion they
belong to,
g. sura III 61 -63: <<And those that will want to discuss with you on Jesus, after how much it has
been revealed you tell: you come, we call ours and your children, ours and your women and all we
and all you we invoke together the curse of God on who says the false. Truth is that there is no
other god that God and truly God is wise and powerful. And if they turn their back on you, certainly
God knows who brings the corruption>>;
h. sura III 144: <<Mohammed is not but a prophet as those that have preceded him in the
i. sura IV 78 -80: <<… Who obeys to the messenger it obeys to God and who goes away from him
he goes away from God. We have not sent you as their protector>>;
l. sura IV 113: <<…And God has revealed to you the book and the wisdom and he has made you
know what you didn't know and God's Grace on you it has been immense>>;
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come ti è stato rivelato, Vol. IX°, page 280, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy ;
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita
Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione
della carne), Armenia
m. sura XLI 6: <<You say: Certainly I am a man as you, a man to whom has been revealed that
your God is a sole God, turn to him and ask him pardon, troubles to the idolaters>>;
n. sura XLVI 6: << You say: I am not an innovator among the messengers>>;
o. sura LXXXVIII 21 -22: <<Be of admonishment to everybody because you are a warner and
don't have been named them sovereign 154
All these explanations regarding the role of Mohammed should make to reflect all
Mohammedans, when they compare Mohammed with Jesus.
.15. The Gospels report among other things how much it follows regarding the Lord Jesus:
Gospel of Matthew:
to. << And so it realized what the Lord God through the prophet Isaiah had said: " Well, the
virgin will be pregnant, she will give birth to a child and he will have called Immanuel. This name
means: "God is with us."
When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of God had ordered him and Maria taken
in his house. And without they had had until then matrimonial relationships, Maria gave
birth to her child and Joseph names him Jesus 155
>>. (known c. of the Gospel of Matthew
of the Bible in current language, page 8, Publisher Elle Di CI, 10096 Leumann (Turin), Italy: "
In the Jewish language the name Jesus… means the Lord saves.
b. << Jesus gets closer and said: " To me every power has been given in sky and in earth.
Therefore you go, you make to become my disciples all men of the world; baptize you them in the
name of the Father and the Son and of the Spirit Saint; teach them to obey all of this that I have
commanded you. And you know that I will be always with you, every day, up to the end of the world
c. John's Gospel:
1. <<Jesus told him: I am the way , the truth and the life. Only through me he goes to
his/her Father. If you know me you will also know his/her Father, rather you already know him/it
and you have seen him 157
>>. (note of ours: The similarity with the Father of which Jesus speaks
is a spiritual similarity); the Lord Jesus was the Word of God in Earth also according to the Koran
; Jesus was child of Mary and child of the Spirit / Will of God 159
2. Jesus said still more: << I am the true vine. My Father is the farmer. Each branch that is
in me and it doesn't give fruit, he cuts it and it throws away, and the branches that give fruit, he free
them from all of this that prevents more abundant fruits. You are already freed thanks to the word
that I have announced you. You remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. As the branch
cannot give fruit by itself, if it is not united to the vine, not even you can give fruit, if you does not
remain united to me. I am the vine, you are the branch. If one remain united to me and me to him,
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 74-83 (Maometto), Xenia Tascabili
Vangelo di Matteo 1, 18-25
Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6-7
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
he produces a lot of fruit; without me you cannot do anything. If one does not remain united to me,
he/she is thrown away as the branches that become dry and that people pick up for burning. If you
remain united to me, and my words are rooted in you, you ask what you want and it will be given
you. The glory of my Father shines when you bring a lot of fruit and you become my disciples. As
the Father has loved me, so I have loved you: you remain in my love! If you put my
commandments into practice, you will be rooted in my love; just as I have put the commandments
of my Father into practice and I am rooted in his love. I have told you this, because my joy be also
yours, and your joy be perfect 160
The commandment of the love: <<My commandment is this; love you the one another as
me I have loved you. Nobody has a greater love of this: to die for his/her own friends. You are my
friends if you do what I command you. I don't call you more slaves, because the slave doesn't
know what his/her master does. I have called you friends, because I have made you know all that
that I have heard from my Father. You are not the ones that you have chosen me, but I have
chosen you, and I have destined you to bring a lot of fruit a lasting fruit. Then the Father will give
you all that that you will ask him in my name. This I command you: love you the one another... 161
3. Jesus looked aloft toward the sky and said: <<Father, the hour has come. It manifests
the glory of the son, because the son manifests your glory. You have given him power above all
men, because all those that you have entrusted them to him receive eternal life. Eternal life is this:
to know you, the sole true God, and to know he who you have sent, Jesus Christ. Raise me, now,
close by you, give me the glory that I had close by you, before the world existed… I don't pray only
for these disciples of mine, but I also pray for others, for those that will believe in me, after having
listened to their word (note of ours: the word of His disciple). Do that they be a sole thing: as you,
Father, are in me and I am in you, also they are in us. This way the world will believe that you have
sent me. I have given to them the same glory that you had given to me, because also they are a
sole thing with us; I united to them and you united to me. This way they can be perfect in the
oneness, and the world can understand that you have sent me, and that you have loved them as
you have loved me. Father, I want that where I am they are also those that you have given me.
(our note: Jesus still makes reference to His disciples), because they see the glory that you have
given me: as a matter of fact you have loved me still before the creation of the world. Fair Father,
the world has not known you, but I have known you and they know (our note: Jesus still makes
reference to His disciple) that you have sent me. I have made you know to them and I will make
you know again; this way the love that you have for me will be in them, and also me I will be in
them 162
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 1-11
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 12-17
Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 1-26
16. The Lord God has confirmed in the XX° century to Eileen Caddy of the Community of
Findhorn in Scotland the divine nature of Jesus saying:
a. << The time is at hand when they will become reality the words: "The Son of God will
appear in all of his glory because all can see him " Be ready in every moment to see him. I tell you
to be surprised at nothing 163
b. << I AM always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One
in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the
Christ within you 164
After what God has told of Jesus to Eileen Caddy causes great wonder what it is written in
the Koran (trad. L. Bonelli) of the same Jesus in the sura III 40 after that has been written that God
announces the "his Word in Jesus, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary " and
then there is this conclusion of the sentence" eminent in this world and in the other and one of the
more next ones to God." This conclusion of the sentence cannot be of God because it belittle
Jesus Christ, the Redeemer 165
, the Savior 166
and the good Judge of men 167
, to advantage of
others to increase their worth and their importance, particularly of the prophet Mohammed for Arab
self-importance. Truly Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the more next to God because He is One with
the Father 168
and it is for such unity that Jesus can be the Divine Presence the man 169
In the sura III of the Koran, translated by Hamza R. Piccardo, verses 45 and 59, Newton &
Compton Editori, is read:
a. sura III 45: <<When the Angels said: Oh Mary Allah announces your glad newness of a
Word from Him deriving: (note 38), its name is the Messiah (note 39) Jesus son of Maria, eminent
in this world and in the Other, one of the more close (note of ours : to Allah that is to God)>>;
(note 38: <<A word from Him deriving: as already in the verse 39, this expression refers to Jesus.
The Arabic term that we translate (<<word>>), is <<kalima>>).
(note 39: <<Messiah>>: in Arab <<Masih>>, the <<Greasy>>, one of the traditional names of the
Christ have the sense of <<purified>>, <<invested>> of a particular spiritual authority;
b. sura III 59: Truly, for Allah Jesus is similar to Adam (note 47) that He created from the dust,
then it said: Be and he was.
(note 47: …Jesus is a creature even if his nature is particular entirely. Adam didn't have neither
Father, neither Mother (our note: it is not true! Adam had God for father and mother); Eva didn't
have mother (our note; it is not true! Eva had God for father and mother). Jesus didn't have father
(our note: it is not true! Jesus had God for father).
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. IX°, page 280, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20
Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione
della carne), Armenia
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 9-11 and chapter 17 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 26, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
The divine origin 170
of the Lord Jesus is also demonstrated by the following elements:
1.Jesus was born without the intervention of a man from the Virgo Maria and from the Spirit / will of
God 171
2. At the birth of Jesus the Divine Light was emitted by the body of Mary more and more 172
3. Jesus on the Earth was the Word of God, with which the Christ the Decalogue completed, as
they report the Evangelists Matthew 173
and Maria Valtorta 174
4. Jesus during His public life in Palestine made many extraordinary miracles, among which the
resurrection of Lazarus 175
; the ancient Gospels, very synthetic, they don't report them all as has
made Maria Valtorta instead. Also the Koran reports the miracles of Jesus, even though
synthetically 176
, while Mohammed didn't make any miracle 177
5. Jesus donated His life for the pardon of the sins of men 178
6. Jesus resources from the death by Himself with His Spirit " a very shining meteor, that goes
down, ball of fire of unbearable shine, followed by a shining trail 179
" ;
7. Jesus, having finished to give all with the gift of His life for the pardon of the sins, He received
from God all 180
, also every power in earth and in sky 181
also the power to redeem and to save
every man to whatever race, people or religion belongs 182
. Jesus also received from God the
power to judge men when they arrive in the astral world of the Life after Death; Jesus’s judgment
for each man is good and merciful because it doesn't found itself upon our sins 183
as it is
erroneously said in the passage of the Final Judgment of the Gospel of Matthew 184
, but on the
good deeds or actions that we have done on the Earth. I think that Jesus, in His position of Judge,
has judged also Mohammed to whom I think has opened the doors of the God’s Kingdom for his
good deed of prophet of the pagan Arabs.
The law of cause and of effect 185
or Karmic law 186
: For our spiritual commitment, but
also for our own good, it is very important to understand the law of cause to effect according to
Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1- 21 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I°, page 245, CEV srl,
03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Il Corano, trad. L Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I° , page 145, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-29
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. VII°, pages 123-124, CEV srl , 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Vangelo di Giovanni 11,1-44
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 89 (Miracoli), sura XVII 59, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-30
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. X° , page 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR),
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th
ad December 22nd
, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia
Vangelo di Matteo 25, 31-45
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 159 (Legge karmica), Mediterranee
which what we do of good or of badly to us it will be done 187
for correction/teaching to behave us
well. It follows that if we emanate good energies they will return us energies of good , but if we
emanate badly energies of, we will receive, wanting or not for correction-teaching so many
energies of badly in the form of adversities and illnesses 188
how many they serve to understand of
it that it needs to act well always, according to the law of the Decalogue 189
and those of the love
An American physicist to make an example of the law of action and reaction - that it is valid
for the Matter only ( law discovered by the Physics )- but it gives us the idea of the karma: " To
every action it corresponds an equal and opposite reaction. If we practice an intense push on the
world, the world it practices an intense push on us. If we gently touch the world the world, in
answer, it gently touches us. The way with which we touch the other ones is the way according to
which the other ones touch us 191
". ( note of ours: for Divine mercy the corrective action of the law
of cause to effect ( valid for the man ) it is not always immediate, because the lesson of the pain is
imparted when the man is ready to understand it 192
, that is also hundreds or millennia of years
later with the aim of expanding the Conscience of the man same. As a matter of fact we know that
there are some people that also acting badly or very badly they always get off scot-free, but the
Karma 193
will teach them how to behave well in a subsequent life on the Earth 194
A divine warning / suggestion conforming to the law of cause and of effect is contained in
the Matthew’s Gospel and it is known as the golden rule: << You do also to the others everything
that that you want that they do to you: this way it commands the law of Mosè and so the prophets
have taught 195
If we emanate good energies of as a prayer or an alms or with a visit to a sick or to a prisoner
the good it should quickly return us, while the bad energy it will return only on us when we will be
ready to understand the pain 196
and therefore the how and when it happened only God knows it
(as it is already said it the bad energy will return to us during a following terrestrial existence 197
also a lot of time after we have acted badly when we will be mature to understand the lesson of the
pain 198
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 35 and next, Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Vangelo di Matteo, 22, 34-40
Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 62, Zanichelli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 74 and 77, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagine 184-186 (La Reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee ; Le grandi verità ricercate
dall’uomo, page 46 (n°7) and page 158); Maestro perché, pages 75-76 (La legge della misericordia e dell’amore)
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché, pages 71-94 (Legge del karma); Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156
(Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46
(n°7) and page 158, Mediterranee
It is good to notify this law to everybody, in special way to the wicked ones. The Evil will
return to all those that did it in the form of misfortunes, adversities and illnesses when they will be
ready to understand how we have to behave with the other fellow men, the other creatures and the
Environment same also hundreds or thousands years later 199
, but the exact day only God knows
it. But the Karma it is not at all a revenge but a correction/teaching 200
It has authoritatively been said: " The Karma, effect of causes moved by the man, doesn't
have the purpose to punish, but the purpose to make to understand. The law of cause and of
effect exists for every aspect in negative sense and in positive sense. The good karma exists, but
that interests is the painful karma. But when it is that the man moves a painful karma? When,
despite the manifold notices that come from different parts, he/she is not understood and he/she is
wanted to directly experiment it. It is then that the painful effect constitutes the only remedy for the
individual to understand what is its moral ideal. This way of moral ideal in moral ideal, the
individual constitutes his/her conscience, bead to bead, tessera for tessera wedge for wedge, and
he/she acquires a <<to feel 201
>> more and more widened, up to that his <<to feel>> it is already
so consistent that he can leave the wheel of the births and the deaths, to leave the incarnations,
and to continue a future life of <<to feel>>, of <<communions 202
>> more and more wide with all
the existing beings.
It has been said also: <<…Karma therefore is all; it is not only the exceptional event that
changes unexpectedly and unintentionally the life. Karma it is the stomach-ache of the gluttonous,
it is the musculature of the trained athlete, it is the blond of hair that the lady has decolorize
herself. It is the sprout of the seed sowed in the fertile soil and so on. The karma is not fate, if with
that we mean something that happens without explanation and without will; it is not punishment
because, in itself, it is not good or bad, but of the same nature of the cause of which it is effect…
Karma is not a test; in case it is teaching, because it completes the experience promoted, and,
from the experiences we learn 203
It follows of it that in strength of the law of cause and of effect, who scatters pain, it will
receive pain and who scatters goodness it will receive goodness, peace and calm. The law of
cause and of effect is well explained in the mantra of the karma: << What you sow you will pick
up, not forget it…. The person who that has stolen it returns (note of ours: we believe that it returns
has to be interpreted in the sense that who steals he/she will be stolen in turn), he/she who kill
he/she will be killed; he/she who help he/she will be helped, he/she who has pity it will be receive
pity. This is the law of justice of the Absolute One. Its purpose is the consummation (note of ours:
that is to conduct the man to perfection). Have therefore the strength to bear every pain to pay
every your debt; it compensates with so much good and love the evil that is done to you; you be
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (N°7) and page 158 ; Dizionario del Cerchio,
pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 166 (Il karma non punisce: insegna), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 257-263 (Sentire), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione) and pages 123-124 (Fusione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-44, Mediterranee
from day to day just, merciful and pure, and pain won't follow you anymore. He/she always
remembers that what you will do to you it will be done. The fruits will follow you in the walk.
Oriental brother 204
Returning to the theme of the wars or revolutions made by the violent Islam, we are of
the opinion that the principal duty of the Islamic God-fearing ones and of the Moderates ones be
that to disown only not all the Terrorists as people doing part of the Islam, but also all the violent
Radical and Fundamentalist ones that instigate Moslems to the demoniacal wars against other
peoples or religions, or demoniacal revolutions in the same people to get the power and to subdue
the Country to the Islamic law ( the Sharia, the legal system of a Moslem Country 205
). In practice
they are violent Moslems all those who share the malicious and wrong interpretations of
fundamental themes of the Koran of the violent Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones, from us
noticed in the Elaborate 4 of this Catechism ( that you will find among the Deepenings of the
religions in the folder of the Islam). The violent ones of the Islam or the Mohammedism, that is the
Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones instigate the Moslem ones of the Moslems of the whole world
to make other demoniac wars or revolutions against other peoples to impose their satanic religion (
as a matter of fact the Sunna and the Sharia are violence-soaked 206
Any true religious can have the impudence, the arrogance and the irreverence to kill in the
name of the God of the Love and the Life that the Arabs call Allah; the prophet Mohammed was
authorized by the Angel of the Lord to defend himself and his followers from the enemies (the
Coreiscitis) for establishing among the pagan Arabs the religion of the sole God 207
in the place of
an useless religion, as that polytheist that the Bedouin ones professed .
The Islamic Radical o Fundamentalist ones are violent and therefore they incite the
Moslems to make demoniac wars and revolutions (not certainly holy 208
) because Jihad means the
individual effort for the faith or for the moral action and mission and not war or revolution as they
claim the violent Mahammedans 209
. All the violent ones of the Islam should be invited by the God-
fearing ones and by the Moslem Moderates to reflect on the law of retaliation or lex talionis, Latin a
penal rule 210
and on the so many errors of interpretation of the Koran that distort the religion of the
Arabs as we have already said, because the divine correction/teaching it has been already written
in their destiny with the law of retaliation or better with the merciful karmic law 211
The public manifestation of dissent and of dissociation of the God-fearing ones and of the
Moslem Moderates from the violent Fundamentalists or Radical ones they should have the
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 314, Einaudi Tascabili
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori e Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, EMI.
Among the Deepenings of our Catechism you see the Elaborate 4bis “ Inauspicious consequences of the Arabic radical
Islam on the peace of the world
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXII 1-2, Ulrico Hoepli
Ralf Elger, Piccolo Dizionario dell’Islam, page 136, Einaudi Tascabili
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 69 (Legge del Taglione), sura II 178-179, Xenia Tascabili
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 75-77 (La legge della misericordia e dell’amore), Mediterranee
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love
040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love

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040a - Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love

  • 1. Prayers and good deeds to make cease the wars, the conflicts and the terrorism. Comparison of some passages of the Gospel and of the Koran. The power of the love Summary 1. The prayer is a weapon page 1 2. The God’s family “ 2 3. The sole God and the most holy Trinity; the gift of the Absolute Conscience " 3 4. The good deeds " 5 5. The weapons for the destruction of mass of men and things " 7 6. The prayers as energies " 8 7. Not the Lord Allah, that is God, but Satan, the spirit of evil, wants the hate and the wars 1 “ 12 8. The murder " 13 9. Comparison among some passages of the Gospel and the Koran with the Charity of the Truth " 14 10. The law of cause and of effect or Karmic law " 23 11. The laws of the Evolution of the life and the importance of the “To know ourselves” ; Jesus’s Judgement in the Life after Death for each man that comes there “ 27 12. The individual and collective Karmas " 30 13. The pardon and the prayer " 31 14. Repentance and conversion " 32 15 The power of the love “ 33 16. A comforting Message of love, of consolation and of confidence in the eternal life from God to all men “ 37 The prayer is a weapon that it doesn't hurt anybody while it makes well to everybody; it can make cease the wars and other conflicts, as it shows the experience that the Christianity has done with the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima to the three little shepherds Lucy, Jacinta and Francis 2 and with the end of the dictatorships as it happened with the Russia in the 20th century . Nevertheless, the Rulers have the duty to assure a calm existence to all the inhabitants of the territory from them administered and then both to the citizens that to the residents and the tourists; otherwise they fail in their own duties and they cooperate to make the social life similar to a Hell. And this cannot like to God, because each must make his/her part 3 . The prayer is important above all because it unites us to God 4 . It has been said: “ To pray means to enter in a relationship of trust with God, it means union with God. In the prayer we talk to God our Father. In the prayer a mysterious strength it conceals, that goes down actually to us 1 Maria di Nazareth, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom 2 Lucia racconta Fatima, pagina 48, Editrice Queriniana 3 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 4 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 17th , Amrita 1
  • 2. his/her children from the heart of the Celestial Father. Who approaches to the Father in the prayer it never stays without answer, without consolation, without insurance of His love ". To His disciples the Lord Jesus, the Redeemer and Savior o all men 5 said: << Watch over and pray, so that doesn't fall in temptation! >>. He knew why it told them these things. Jesus solicited Peter to pray, because he was not victim of the temptation. But Peter slept in the time when the Lord was absent, and therefore he disowned him. Here we recognize the necessity of the prayer. While Peter slept the Son of the man prayed. His prayer was heard, an angel went down from the sky and gave Him strength. His Father gave Him the strength of which he had need to bear the sufferings that attended him and to die on the cross.. 6 .>>. The prayer is a duty for everybody towards God, all the other men, the other creatures and the Environment also, but it is also a granted cosmic possibility to the man, especially if it is the prayer of the heart, through which everyone can speak to the Father-Mother-God as if it were close to Him/Her on the Earth, rather God is more close because He is within our heart 7 . An admirable example of prayer of the heart, that is of intense relationship between the Celestial Father and His Son Jesus , it is found in the chapter 17 of the evangelist John. If the man, whatever man, talked to God as the Christ spoke to Him, that is as if it were close to Him, or better as if He were inside himself, it would promote every time a miracle of the Spirit and at the same time it would open the door of his heart to God and His Kingdom, always present in the man 8 . What of Good or of Evil it happens in the world it depends on the relationship of prayer that the men have with the Supreme Being, but also from the their way to live and to think 9 , because the Kingdom of the Skies is a mental state 10 . God's family: All the devoted people to God that live in a Nation, to whatever religion belong, they must feel the duty and the necessity to pray together for the Good of the Humanity, since all the men belong to the Family of God 11 . With the prayers the single individuals will be able to contribute to make cease the malevolent initiatives of the various kinds of wicked ones and particularly those of the terrorists, because the prayers can prevent or to make to stop wars and also ferocious dictatorships as in Russia in the 2lth century, as it teaches us the history of the apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima 12 . 5 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 6 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 130-133, Armenia 7 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 8 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of February 17th and June 1st and 27th , Amrita 9 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 27th , and of March 20th , Amrita 10 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of June 1st , Amrita 11 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th , Amrita 12 Lucia racconta Fatima, pages 174-176, Editrice Queriniana 2
  • 3. The sole God and the most holy Trinity 13 : two thousand years ago the Lord Jesus already spoke to us of an extraordinary spiritual Truth: the God One, the God Triune and the God All 14 . The Commandments 15 of the Father-Mather God 16 good, just and merciful, must be observed. The Lord God manifests itself by means of the three Divine Beings, the Father, the Son and the Mother Spirit Saint to become visible and comprehensible to the men 17 . The three Divine Beings forms the original family of God. The existence of the most holy Trinity has been confirmed by the Angel of the Peace at Fatima in last century 18 . The God All-One-Absolute 19 has another very vast Family because all men have origin of God and they form one Family 20 , to whatever race, people or religion they belong. The Lord God, in the Revelation to the English Eileen Caddy, happened in the twentieth century at Findhorn, in Scotland, it confirmed that the Christ Messiah is His Son with these words: - " The time is at hand when these words will become reality these words: << The Son of God will appear in full glory for all to see him >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day and the time. Be ready at any moment to see Him. I tell you not to be surprised at nothing 21 ". - << I AM ever with you. Become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are consciously aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ in you 22 >>. - << …Those souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel them now attracted reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet: it can happen that they are not aware of it at the moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience which is drawing more and more souls together, so that all of you can become of the Christ within aware and can eternally give thanks for this awareness 23 . In such way the sole God confirmed the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, in which all the men and all the things are recapitulated 24 and at the same time that we cannot save us without Him 25 . The native nucleus of the Divine Family is constituted by the Most Holy Trinity, so described by the Lord Jesus to Jakob Lorber: 13 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità?), Armenia 14 Maria Valtorta,L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 6th, page 231, CEV srl 03036 Isola del Liri (FR). Italy 15 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 (Decalogo) ; Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 (the Commandments of the love) 16 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103-104, Mediterranee 17 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagina 40, Armenia 18 Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana 19 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 20 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th , Amrita 21 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee 22 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 23 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 24th , Amrita 24 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14,15 and 17 25 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 5 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th , and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 3
  • 4. << … What you will now hear, preserve it inside you and do not speak of Me and you before the time; and when the just moment will have come, you will know it by My spirit, that is the real Spirit Saint. The Father, I as Son and Spirit Saint we are inseparable, we are an sole thing from the whole eternity. The Father in Me is the eternal love and as such the first origin and the first true substance all the things, that fill all the endless. Me as Son I am the light and the wisdom, that it emanates from the fire of the eternal light. This powerful light is the eternal and more just conscience and the brightest self knowledge of God and the eternal word God, through which has been done all of this that exists. So that however everything this can be done, it still needs the powerful will of God, and this is the Spirit Saint in God, through which the deeds and the things receive their flood and authentic essence. The Spirit Saint is the great pronounced word "Fiat", that is what the love and the will that are in God have decided. And you see, everything this is in Me now: the love, the wisdom and the whole power! And there is only a God, and that I am Me, and I have taken an alone body to be able to manifest better me to you men of this earth, that I have created from the original substance of My love… 26 >>. For one of the miracles of the Spirit or better for one of Its extraordinary possibilities the Lord God is One and Triune, besides to be the sole God and the Everything that Everything transcends 27 , God is the Father, as it is to all known, but He is also the Mother that is the Spirit Saint 28 (this Reality is not known to everybody); He is the Son also, that it is the Lord Jesus Christ, as it is known. Of the original Family of God the Lord Jesus is the Light that is the Knowledge that it came in a world full of darkness 29 , that is of ignorance due to Lucifer become Satan, the spirit of the Evil. Jesus came in the world also: <<… To break the Matter, that otherwise, Lucifer losing more and more himself in the asperities of the opposite pole, it would be slowly become as harder. My incarnation meant therefore a standstill and it showed as we could free us from the idolatry and from the adoration of the polar qualities; it also had to show (and this was the first purpose) as the death that ties the men to the Matter and to its pleasures can be overcome and defeated, and also that life doesn't develop it in the Matter, but in the spirit and that that is only a jail of this 30 >>. 26 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 43-44, Armenia 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 28 Tommaso apostolo. Il Quinto Vangelo, trad Mario Pincherle, pages 101-105, Macroedizioni. (Note of ours: The Lord God appeared as Mother at La Salette in France on September 19th , 1846, but Church men do not want to admit it, even if the appearance of the Beautiful Lady and Her way of speaking were completely different from those of the Virgin Mary; You see Giuseppe Barbero, La Vergine a La Salette, pages 18-32, San Paolo 29 Vangelo di Giovanni 1; 4-5 ; 9, 4-12 ; 12, 35-36 e 12, 44-50 30 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 4
  • 5. The Evangelist John reports that the Messiah revealed in Palestine an extraordinary resource of the Spirit of God: the possibility to unify and to enrich the Beings through their communion 31 and fusion 32 ; this happened when Jesus spoke more times of the Mystical Body (Me in them and You in me because they are perfect in the unity… the apostle John reports 33 ). The Mystical Body of the Christ is the Cosmic Conscience 34 also that includes Beings and things of the Cosmos; the God’s Conscience is the Absolute Conscience 35 or Ultra Cosmic that It includes all the Cosmoses 36 . The Conscience or Soul 37 it is an ultra mundane body that also has the man 38 , as well we know for intimate experiences. Because of such extraordinary resource of the Spirit Saint the men also maintain their peculiar identity also after their conscience is melted with another, because from the fusion every man becomes wealthy of qualities of the other, also himself remaining as never before, as the Virgin Mary also confirms 39 . The apostle John reports it in the chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17, when the Lord Jesus implicitly made more times indication of the God All-One-Absolute, that is to the One in the Many and to the Many in the One 40 . From their side the spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) report that God a day will tell to each man: <<… So I am the substance that constitutes you and the spirit that animates yourself, since you are in me and I am in you, my child. But I don't stay only to this, because I make part of Myself every being and to everyone I give without reservations entirely me, up to the point that every distinction, you and I, every separation, is alone deceptive, and they are so much that it is necessary to make you exist, to give the absolute conscience to the being. This I AM 41 >>. And this is the Divine Destiny of each man: to have the Absolute Conscience and to become therefore almost as God. The good deeds: The prayers of every man must be accompany from its deeds, because it is not enough to confine to pray. It is said, as a matter of fact, by the Supreme Being: “ …You always remember, you must do something, you must live the life, and not only to spend it in prayer, hoping that something happens. The prayer is necessary, but it is not enough. You must learn to live a true life for all those people who observe you. Talking about faith is not enough. You must live in such way that all the souls that surround you can see what it means to live by the faith. 31 Cerchio Firenze, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione e Comunione dei Santi), Mediterranee 32 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 123-124 (Fusione, vedi Comunione), Mediterranee 33 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 23 34 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 63-64 (Coscienza Cosmica), Mediterranee 35 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 63 (Coscienza Assoluta), Mediterranee 36 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 64 (Coscienza Ultracosmica), Mediterranee 37 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 28-29 (Anima), Mediterranee 38 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 60-63 (Coscienza), Mediterranee 39 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR) ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 123-124 (Fusione, vedi Comunione), Mediterranee 40 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre L’illusione, pages 258-262 ( La frantumazione dell’Uno nei molti ), Mediterranee 41 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Amrita 5
  • 6. What it means to put back faith and absolute trust in Me, the Lord your God, the Divinity that is inside of you 42 ". The Lord Jesus Christ said: << I tell you: in the Kingdom of God those people won't enter that will say me: Lord, Lord, but only those that will do the will of my Father that is in the Skies. It is not enough that one believes that I am the Christ, the envoy from God, but he/she also has to do that that I have taught, otherwise faith doesn't serve him/her to nothing; because without the good deeds also firmest faith is dead and doesn't give to any soul the eternal life. These things hold well them to mind and act accordingly and so you will live! 43 >>. To make the good deeds not always the money is needed however the rich men has to help always the poor ones; as a matter of fact, it is enough also to visit a sick or a prisoner to make a good deed or to give only also a glass of water to whom is thirsty, a piece of our bread to whom is hungry or a cast–off suit to whom is cold. On the subject the Lord Jesus told us: " Then the king will tell the Righteous ones: “You come that you are the blessed by my Father; you enter the kingdom that has been prepared for you since the creation of the world. Because I have been hungry and you have given me food; I have been thirsty and you have given me to drink; I was foreign and you have entertained me in your house; I was naked and you have given me the suits; I was sick and you have come to take care of me; I was in the jail and you have come to find me. And the Righteous ones will say: Lord, but when we have seen you hungry and have we given you to eat, or thirsty and have we given you to drink? When we have met you foreign and have we entertained you in our house, or naked and have we given you the suits? When we have seen you sick or in the jail and have we come to find you? The king will answer: In truth, I tell you that every time that you have done this to one of the smallest of these brothers of mine, have done it to me… 44 ! From this evangelical passage is deduced with clarity that men’s Consciences are part of the Jesus’s Conscience and that the Lord Jesus, is present in the intimate of every man; the Lord God in the 20th century at Findhorn in Scotland said to Eileen Caddy that He is One with each one of us by means of the Divine Presence, The Christ within us 45 ! Prayers and good deeds are sisters and they help one another; prayers and good deeds show the faith that is had in God; they also show that the giver man is thankful for the gifts that he/her has received by God 46 . But we must always remember that the prayers devoid of faith are empty meaning 47 … but they must be always accompanied by the good deeds because the words without actions they are as nothing. Live my word 48 . 42 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 31st , Amrita 43 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 141, Armenia 44 Vangelo di Matteo 25, 34-40 45 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15 and 17 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 46 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message4s of January 21st and August 27th , Amrita 47 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated February 28th , Amrita 48 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 100, Mediterranee 6
  • 7. The weapons for the destruction of masses of men and things: To the religions the assignment is up to invite the people to make common prayers to ask the help of God for the weapons of destruction of mass to be eliminated forever. The perfection of the prayer resides in the faith that we will put in it; faith will determine the destruction of the bombs, of the weapons and of the war machines, because the miracles happen for faith, as the Lord Jesus teaches us in the Gospels. Also the televisions must make their part in transmitting the common meetings of prayer; such meetings must also find space in the newspapers and in the periodicals because all Mass Media they have the burden to co-operate with the men that pray. The weapons, all the weapons don't have to be projected anymore, built, sold, transported and used and those that exist must be destroyed. If people will do square against the violence of the Terrorists with pacific ways, as it made Ghandi in India with the English occupants, the violent ones will be found isolated, they will reflect on their misdoings, at least some, and so it will also do it some good to them. But it is not enough yet: it needs to overcome Evil with Good 49 . Therefore it is essential that each one makes to know to everybody – especially to the Islamic ones, with the help of the Mass Media also, that God doesn't want the war against anybody. The so-called holy war, the Jihad, is an invention of Satan the Demon or Devil, that the wicked Fundamentalists or Radicals Islamic spread as if it were a request that comes from God. The situation of the world doesn't depend only on the men of this epoch (end of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third), but also from what of Good or of Evil that other men have done in the past, when their Divine Spark or Individuality 50 animated another human being that had smaller degrees of Mind and Conscience. On the subject we remember the law of Evolution 51 , the law of reincarnation or metempsicòsi or transmigration of the Souls 52 and the law of cause and of effect 53 or law karmica 54 , of which we will speak later ). For instance, what it is happening in Palestine among Hebrews and Palestinian it doesn't depend only on the generations of men of this epoch (End of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third one), but also from what of evil they have done the preceding generations, also of many past centuries. Probably in this epoch, for the law karmica of which we will treat subsequently, these peoples have become mature to understand the cause of the pain; nevertheless also today, after almost fifty years of horrors the to reconcile, the to make to stop the sufferings that they are reciprocally inflicted, depends always on them for the principle of liberty of which the Lord Jesus has spoken to us in the 19th century 55 . 49 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of August 13th , Amrita 50 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Individualità), Mediterranee 51 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 52 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 53 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (La legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee 54 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 210 (Legge karmica), Mediterranee 55 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 7
  • 8. In the 20th century the Europeans have paid a very tall price of blood and pain for their ancient and recent sins (or of their transgressions to the Commandments of God) with two great terrifying wars, that of 1914 -1918 and that of 1939 -1944, that cost them millions of deads and unheard of sufferings to the soldiers of the belligerent armies and of the civil populations. But the Europeans have learned the lesson of the pain, as it is to all known, and gradually Europe will become a sovereign State being the economical and financial integration already up to a good point. The same we hope that will happen in the Middle East among all those peoples; this is our fervent auspice to Arabs and Hebrews. The responsibility of what of badly or of well it happens in the world it also depends on other peoples, even if they live away from the zones of war, because there are some collective responsibilities. As a matter of fact it has been said for the principles of totality to apply it to every situation: " The man cannot wash himself the hands for the actions completed by the others, for we are all part of the life and each one of us he/she has from the Totality, a responsibility to act 56 ". And then they are also there of the objective responsibilities; for instance: Europe has planned, built and also sold very many bombs (included very many mines), very many weapons and very many war machines to the Countries of the Middle East, of the Africa and of the remainder of the world. The prayers as energies: who intensely prays for the good of all he contributes to improve the world while itself same improves. If we will pray intensely God so many tragedies on a large scale they can be made cease, as an end was put to the first great world war or as it was made to collapse the communist regime in Russia, consecrating Russia same to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady Mary in order to convert it 57 . The assignment to pray (especially for the others) is one of the duties that the man must personally perform, because any other can do it to his/her place 58 . Before understanding that God was inside of me I have looked for Him everywhere, also because I am a Saint Thomas to which it likes to know and to check the things. This to try to know has put me able to be useful to the so many atheists with which I come to contact; I also looked for the Lord in the Sciences and so I discovered that some among the greatest scientists were believers contrarily to how much many atheists try to make us to believe. We have reflected on the prayer as good action also of the man. In such way we discovered that it is false that the prayer is useless or that it be a thing of ostentatiously pious person or of weak or fragile people, or that they don't know what to do, being true the contrary one being true. And it is also false that the prayer and the religions are the opium of the peoples. And it is also false that the prayer be a fixation of the religious ones or a mania of the elderly people 56 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 122, Mediterranee 57 Lucia racconta Fatima, page 86 and 174-176, Queriniana 58 Eileen Caddy, le porte interiori, Message dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 8
  • 9. because instead it is true that the prayer is our interior communion with God 59 that waits for us in the deep of our hearth 60 . << Life without prayer is empty and meaningless, for it is that communion with the higher part of you which reveals to you the fullness of this glorious life which is your true heritage. Let your prayers be very positive and constructive, and give thanks for what you are about to receive, even before you pray for it. As you pray, feel a oneness, a unity in all life where there is no separation , for all is one. Prayer unites all; it draws all together and creates perfect oneness. Talk to Me and listen to Me. Never waste time in beseeching Me for this, that and the other, for that is not true prayer. To beseech is to create separateness, and I want you to create oneness at all times. We are one. I AM within you; you do not have to search for Me without. I AM always here waiting for you to recognize Me. Recognise our oneness now; I in you, and you in Me 61 . It is a very good and effective thing that to pray for the others; the prayer for ourselves should change, for the one who had not already done it. The most beautiful prayer is the so-called prayer of the heart, with which the devotees talk to God as if they spoke with their dad or with their mother humans that was found in the same room with his/her son or his/her daughter 62 ; this is the more pleasant human prayer to God, our Father and our Mother, as Himself has suggested us this epoch ( end of the 20th century) because each man is One with God. 63 . Then it is correct, valid, due and beautiful to speak with God to ask Him advice on whatever matter 64 , or to ask Him to help others, or to thank for what we have already received or we are about to receive. One of the great errors of the man, the greatest perhaps, is that to think himself/herself separate from God 65 ; this mistake is done by the self or me of the man 66 . The man also feels himself/herself separate from God also because he/she doesn't know or he/she doesn't believe that his/her Spirit (or Divine Spark or Drop – Spirit - Self 67 ) is a cell of the Spirit of God, the Supreme Being, which is the All-One-Absolute 68 ; besides men - seeing since children their physical body separate from everything and everybody - don't believe to make part of the Mystical Body of the Christ and that everything in the Absolute Reality can be One, as they confirms us the theistic Revelations 69 . 59 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 28th (Communion with God) , Amrita 60 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated September 4th , Amrita 61 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated January 17th , Amrita 62 You see the chapter 17 of John‘s Gospel 63 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated January 17th and May 29th , Amrita 64 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita 65 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 66 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io), the self or me, Mediterranee 67 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 (Goccia o Scintilla Divina – Spirito – Sé), Mediterranee 68 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 69 Deuteronomio 30, 11-14 ; Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15, 16 and 17 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura L 15, Ulrico Hoepli ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd , March 28th, July 17th and 26th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 ( Tutto, Tutto è perfetto, Tutto-Uno- Assoluto) Mediterranee 9
  • 10. We believe that the true religious person doesn't pray for itself - except that in moments of particular difficulty - but for the others, in how much he knows from the Messiah Jesus, or the Verb of God, also according to the Koran 70 , that the Providence is always at work and that It gives us what we needs - according to the purposes of our incarnation - still before we ask for it 71 . The true religious doesn't pray for personal interest, not even to earn an eternal prize, but he/she prays for satisfying an intimate need to be on somebody side those that are miserable, sick or imprisoned or that they have some other necessities. Very many men of this epoch (end of the second Millennium and beginnings of the third) they feel themselves far away from God, not because they be so indeed, the contrary one being true 72 , but because such they consider themselves and because; the man, that in the prosperity doesn't understand 73 also believes a little in the existence of his/her Spirit, the Spark or Divine Drop as virtual fraction of the Spirit of God, because he/she has a limited Conscience and mentality. This happens because such men don't interest itselves of their spiritual life, being their thoughts focused on the pleasures of the world and the flesh on riches and on the power; but also because of the Spirit Saint practically nobody speaks and among those people who speak of Him/Her, a few persons , they are prevalent those who speak of Him/Her in such terms that it is difficult to understand something of this Mystery that the Life vivifies. Yet from decades three books exist published by a French experimental Physicist Jean E. Charon, that he has written some of Spirit of God in comprehensible way to everybody. The title of the first book of the aforesaid scientist was “The Spirit this stranger”. Charon has scientifically shown that Matter and Spirit form the All and that death doesn't exist; the scientist has explained him in three books, in one of which he has treated of the complex Relativity 74 The science teaches that everything is energy, because God is energy 75 and that all of us have energy. "…All we have familiarity with the energy: energy originates from the Sun in the form of solar energy, it is found in the food that we eat and it maintains the life. The concept of energy can be the more familiar in the whole science and nevertheless it is one of the more difficult to define. People, places and things have energy, but we observe only the energy when something happens: only when energy is converted or it turns it into another form of energy.. 76 ". We also know that the thought is an energy and that the brain has an electric activity that emanates waves 77 . It derives of it that also the prayers, both mental and oral, they are translated in brain waves. It also derives of it that sounds of single or collective voices are energies. And energies consist in vibrations ". All around us the things oscillate and they wave. Also small bodies 70 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 71 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 25-34 ; Vangelo di Luca 12, 22-34 72 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of January 23rd , and May 29th , Amrita 73 Salmo 49, 13 and 21 74 Jean E. Charon, The All, the Spirit and the Matter, pages 17-44 ¸ Mediterranean; The Spirit this stranger, Armenia; Death, here is your defeat, Mediterranean 75 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of February 13th , Amrita 76 Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 101 and next, Zanichelli 77 Helena Curtis, Invito alla biologia, page 389 and next, Zanichelli 10
  • 11. too much to be able to be seen, as the atoms, are subject to continuous oscillations and vibrations. An oscillation (or a vibration) is a periodic motion of bustle about. It cannot exist in an sole instant, but it employs time to unwind before and back. If we beat a bell, the vibrations will continue for a determined time before extinguishing it. An oscillation in the space and in the time is said wave. A wave cannot exist in an only point of the space, but it must stretch from a point to another. The light and the sound are both forms of energy that are propagated through the space in the form of waves...78 ". The religions should agree for praying, "All together, in their whole " for every kind of evil, at preset schedules to accumulate Well energies of; the believers, even if they were physically separate in the different Churches - even if these were very distant the one from the other ones they would accumulate their energy-prayers; they would have more effectiveness together, to the level ultra physicist of the thought; for such reasons the prayers strengthen if it is prayed to the same time, for the same purpose, even though in different environments as Churches, houses, huts, tents or to the open space and so on, because energies are accumulated 79 . From Findhorn a confirmation is had that energies accumulate itselves for one of the laws of the thought that it creates 80 : << What do you expect from life? Do you expect the very best, or are you one of those souls who is always afraid the worst is going to happen? If it is so, you deserve, what happens to you, because you attract on you that which you love or that which you hate and fear. When your conscience is negative, you attract on you the negativity, as the magnet attracts the iron: you will find again yourself so together with souls similar to you, since the similar ones are attracted. When yours is a conscience of love, when you overflow with some joys of the life and when your heart is full of gratitude for everything and for everybody, you will discover to attract those happy souls that radiate love and joy anywhere them goes. Your life will be full of all of this that can offer of better it. Why not to see the good side of every situation? See the best being drawn to you now 81 >>. The union of similar thoughts as those of the prayers done with the intention of helping the others or for the good of the others accumulate themselves; it become so possible that the energy- prayer of everyone add to the energies-prayers of the others, anywhere they are, since in the mental plan, the world’s thoughts, there is a different space from that of this universe. Who prays has a more elevated level of conscience from those people whom don't pray; in other words it can be said that it concerns different perceptions of the reality that it surround us. As a matter of fact, a mystical has told us that he tuned with Medjugorje during the night firmly thinking about being situated in the Church of the monks at Medjugorje; a night came him the doubt that that was possible; he immediately was given him the proof: he heard the word “contact!”. It has been so demonstrated that the energy-prayer of each one can unite itself to the energy-prayers of 78 Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 350, Zanichelli 79 Amadeus Voldben, I prodigi del pensiero positive, pages 24 and 32, Mediterranee 80 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 139-141, Mediterranee 81 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of December 26th , Amrita 11
  • 12. others, also distant thousands of kilometers. It is one of the so many miracles of the energies and of the thought. Not the Lord Allah, that is God, but Satan, the spirit of the evil, wants the hate and the wars 82 :: the God-fearing ones and the Moderate Islamic ones have the duty to make clearness on words Gihad or Jihad, that “means the effort to reach a specific objective. With Gihad it is meant the individual effort for the faith <<great Gihad>> and for the moral action and mission… 83 ; therefore the Jihad, the so called holy war, is an invention of Satan and of the Islamic Fundamentalists ones or Radical ones; therefore the Gihad or Jihad is a demoniac war because God does not want the hate and the wars among men, but the peace and the love. It indispensable therefore, it is repeated, that in the general interest of the Humanity that the God-fearings ones and the Moderate Islamic ones make clearness on this point also. With the Charity of the truth and in the general interest of the Humanity it must be admitted that the moderate Islam has tolerated till now the demoniac culture of the so-called holy war, the Jihad which is, instead, a demoniac war with certainty, because Mohammed after the conquest of the La Mecca ordered to kill only who attached them, made exception for ten people among which the man that had modified some verses of the Koran 84 ; therefore, the God-fearing ones and the Moderate Islamic ones , represented by their iman or by other authoritative people of every mosque, they should feel the duty to let officially know to everybody and particularly to the violent Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical ones and to the Terrorists, that the authorization to defend themselves given to the prophet Mohammed it stopped with the defeat of the Coreiscitis. The Prophet, after the conquest of the La Mecca, it granted liberty of cult, even to the pagan Arabs 85 . Of it derives that the Arabic Mohammedans would defend themselves if attacked only after the conquest of the La Mecca; besides, the Islamic ones they would not have had to make war to others for imposing their religion, since in Arabia, as elsewhere, it had to be liberty of cult 86 . You also keeps in mind that the Koran was the Revelation of the Bedouin ones, that is of the Arabs, a polytheistic people; on this point also the Lord God was very clear both speaking of the Koran 87 and speaking of Mohammed, of which He expressly said that he was the prophet of the pagan Arabs 88 , that is of the Bedouin ones of the epoch 89 . The Lord God, through the Angel 82 Maria di Nazareth, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th , 2001, Shalom 83 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 136, Einaudi Tascabili 84 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 243, Oscar Mondadori 85 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 86 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 257-259, sura V 73, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 87 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XX 112 ; sura XXVI 192-196 ; sura XLIII 2 e sura XLIV 58,Ulrico Hoepli 88 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 13-14 (Araba lingua), sura XIII 37 ; sura XVI 103 ; sura XXVI 192-193 ; sura XXXIX 27-28 ; sura XLIII 3 and sura XLIV 58 ; pages 74-83 (Maometto) ; There many suras, among them: XIII 30 ; sura II 119-120 , sura II 151; sura II 272 ; sura III 20 ; sura III 61-63 ; sura III 68-69 ; sura III 84-85 ; sura III 121-123 ; sura III 144 ; sura IV 78-80 ; sura IV 113 ; sura IV 115 and so on, Xenia Tascabili 89 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 77 ( sura VII 157-158 e 188, Xenia Tascabili ; instead of VII sura Nangeroni wrote VI in page 77 ); the confirmation of the mistake can be found in Hamza R. Piccardo, Il Corano, 12
  • 13. Gabriel, never said that Mohammed was the prophet of other peoples; instead He said that also the Arabs had the right to the liberty to choose the religion that they preferred 90 ; therefore we repeat: all wars and revolutions (the Jihads) that the Arabs had done from Mohammed onwards to widen the Islam territories, or for imposing the Islamic religion to other peoples or for other aims are satanic wars or revolutions. The violent Islam is not a true religion; the true religions of God are those that preach the love, the charity, the peace and the brotherhood among men. The violent Islam that makes war or revolution to widen its territories, for imposing the Islamic religion to other peoples or for others aims is a Satan’s religion, the Antichrist religion 91 . The murder: the homicide is forbidden by the Koran 92 and all the more reason for the terrorisms acts and the slaughters of the Terrorists; therefore to the violent Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones and to the Islamic Terrorists all the Islamic God-fearing ones and the Moderates ones must make to officially know that them, violent Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones and Terrorists, speak and they act in name and own interest and in that of Satan, because their religion is the power and in the mosques they happen the worse things 93 ; therefore the violent Fundamentalist or Radical ones and the Terrorists don't act, neither they can act in the name of God every time that they speak or they act badly because God wishes the peace and the love among men, because God same is love 94 . In special way when Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical ones they speak and they act for declaring and make the Jihad, they speak and act in the own name and of Satan, because – we repeat again – the true meaning of Jihad is not that of a war to other peoples but that of an effort for the faith 95 , the spiritual fight of the Christian ones; therefore all the Islamic wars and revolutions to impose the Islam religion or the Mahommed religion to other peoples are demoniac. They are demoniac also the instigations of the Islamic Fundamentalist or Radical ones to kill the believers of other religions as the Christian ones as they do in the South, of the South Sudan and in Nigeria because the Koran forbids the homicide and the violence 96 and imposes liberty of religion, as it is already said. If we want that the theistic peoples walk toward the Communion of the Beings, that is toward the unity that waits us, since in God everything is One 97 , also the religions, it is necessary pages 153 and 156, Newton & Compton Editori. We can find confirmation that there is the VII sura even in the translation of the Koran made by L. Bonelli, sura VII 156-157 and 188, Ulrico Hoepli 90 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257-259 ; sura V 73 e sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 91 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cristo, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 92 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pagine 93-94, ( sura II 178-179, sura IV 92-93, sura V 32 and sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili 93 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, page 96, Oscar Mondadori 94 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th, Amrita and La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 95 Elf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’Islam, page 136, Einaudi Tascabili 96 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 93-94, Omicidio, sura II 178-179, sura IV 92-93, sura V 32 and sura XVII 33; pages 94-95 Opere buone, sura III 195, sura IV 36 and 40, sura VII 199, sura XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili 97 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapters 14, 15 and 17 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 26-27 and 103, Mediterranee 13
  • 14. that the Islamic God-fearing ones and the Islamic Moderates ones recognize that the Revelation to the prophet Mohammed had been given for a polytheistical people that taught to kill, also his/her own children " for fear of future poverty 98 “; then said Revelation it is to be considered subject also to the completion of the Decalogue 99 done by the Messiah Jesus with the ancient and modern Gospels as all the Sacred Writings of the world, in whatever time done, since the Sacred Writings as every other document, must be valued on the base of their content and not on the base of the time when it have been done. To give an idea of what we affirms we make a brief comparison of passages, which they show the spiritual perfection of the Gospels (in comparison to the Revelations of all the other religions of the world of the Koran also); this because in Palestine the Messiah was the Word of God, as it also results from the same Koran 100 . The Redemption and the Salvation of all men, to whatever race, people and religion belongs, it has been entrusted by God to Christ Jesus, as it also results from the God’s Revelation to Eileen Caddy of the Findhorn Community in Scotland in the 20th century 101 . Comparison among some passages of the Gospel and the Koran with the Charity of the Truth: speaking of the New Justice, that God wanted that it was also done in Earth, the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Son of Mary and of the Spirit/Will of God 102 the Shepherd of all peoples 103 , told in Palestine two thousand years ago about with regard to the Decalogue: 1. << You must not think that I have come to abolished the law of Mosè and the teaching of the prophets. I have not come for abolishing them, but to complete them in perfect way. Because I assure you that up to when there will be the sky and the earth, not even the smallest word, a comma, will be cancelled rather even by the law of God; and so up to when everything won't be finished. Therefore who disobeys to the smallest of the commandments and insignia to the others to do as he, he will be the smallest in the kingdom of God. Who puts instead all the commandments into practice and it teaches them to the others, it will be great in the kingdom of God. A thing is certain: if you don't do more seriously the will of God as they make the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you won't enter the kingdom of God 104 >>. ( our note: also the Koran as the Torah and the Gospel that have preceded it have been drawn by the Decalogue, from which derive the three great theistic Revelations, the first one is the Torah for the Hebrews, the second, the Gospel for all men included the Jews; the third is for the Arabs and it is the Koran in Arabic 98 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli 99 Maria Valtorta, L?Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7°, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 100 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 101 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of December 24th , and 25th , Amrita . See also the page 160 of the book Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo of the spiritual teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77, edited by Mediterranee 102 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 e 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 103 Vangelo di Giovanni 10, 14, 15 and 17 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; you see also Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 104 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-20 14
  • 15. language 105 . From every Revelation a theistic religion was born 106 ; of each of them the Decalogue 107 and the Commandments of the love 108 are the masterly principal Source. 2. << You know that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't kill. Who will kill another he/she will be brought in front of the judge. But I tell you: even if one lose his temper against his/her brother, he/she will be brought in front of the judge. And who tells his/her brother: " You are an idiot" he/she will be brought in front of the superior court. Who tells him: " traitor" he/she can be condemned to the fire of the hell. Therefore, if you are bringing your offer to the altar of God and you remember yourself that your brother has something against you, you leave the offer in front of the altar, and you go to reconcile with your brother; then it returns and make your offer . This way if you are going with your adversary to court, come to terms with him soon, because he can hand you over to the judge and the judge to the watches to put you in the jail. I assure that you won't go out of there until you won't have paid the last cent 109 >>. (note of ours: The Koran discipline the homicide 110 , but all know that the discipline is a thing very much different from the prohibition; anyway the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love are superior to the Koran ); 3. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Don't commit adultery. But I tell you: if one looks at the woman of another because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of adultery with her. If your right eye makes you complete the evil, tear it and throw it away: it is better to lose only a part of your body, rather than to be thrown all whole to the hell. If your right hand makes you complete the evil, cut it and throw it away: it suits you to lose only a part of your body, rather than to go everything whole to the hell 111 >>. (note of ours: also the Koran forbids the adultery and disciplines it 112 , but while the Genesis 113 foresees a sole wife for each man, the Koran does not express Itself on the number of the wives 114 so who wants it can interpret the suras as he/she likes as, has happened in the Islam: la polygamy is admitted by the Islamic religion: the Mohammedans can have up to four wives! The Koran does not express Itself on the number of the wives, as we have already said, but the women and the sons are listed among the Terrestrial Goods (Beni terrreni) together with the golden and silver treasures, the horses, the herds and the fertile soils. In the Koran is written: << The man who has abundance of means spend with liberality, while the man who to which God has 105 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 13-14 ( Araba lingua ), sura XIII 37, XVI 103, XXVI 192-195, XXXIX 27-28, XLIII 3 e XLIV 58 , Xenia Tascabili 106 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 129-130, sura III 78-79, sura V 53, e sura XLII 11, Ulrico Hoepli 107 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 108 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ; Vangelo di Matteo 34-40 109 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 21-26 110 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 93-94 (Omicidio), sura II 178-179, sura IV 92-93, sura V 32, sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili 111 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 27-30 112 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 6 and 7 (Adulterio), sura IV 16, sura XXIV 2-3 ), Xenia Tascabili 113 Genesi 2, 23 114 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 19-30, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21 and sura V 5, Xenia Tascabili 15
  • 16. given not much spend that little. God does not obliges any to do more than that that one is in a position to do… 115 . Of it derives that the poor Mohammedans should limit themselves to give birth to a son only or to the utmost two as it happens in China (Legal obligation) and in Europe (free choice of good and intelligent parents). The differences between the Bible and the Koran as in the case of the homicide they are explainable because the divine Revelations are progressive and appropriate to the people for which they have been done, but in every case the language of God, or rather of Allah is always simple, clear, coherent and exhaustive. When the language of God is not so this means that has been modified by the man, from the Arabs in the case of the Koran 116 ; particularly the verses that have for object the wives have been written in such way to be able to be interpreted. This above all because from the Koranic verses of the wives the number of the same doesn't result, neither it is mentioned the monogamy and the polygamy. This language is not the language of God because the Lord is always simple, clear, coherent and exhaustive as it is already said. In the same Koran there are a lot of examples of divine language. God is the perfection; therefore He is the perfect Teacher; His expressions in the form and in the substance are always perfect in whatever language He expresses itself. When they are not so it means that the man has altered them; in this case they have been altered by the Arabs. The perfection of the divine language results from the ancient Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas) and from those modern (the Gospel dictated to Jakob Lorber in the XIX° century and that done to relive to Maria Valtorta in the XX° century); the perfection of the divine language especially results from the two modern Gospel, because they have immediately been transcribed after to the passage has been listened by the aforesaid Evangelists, Jakob and Maria. Such perfection also results especially from the Revelation of God of the XX° century to Eileen Caddy, of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland, because the daily teachings of God have immediately been transcribed by Eileen after having listened to them. In the Koran it is also writing that the Arabs must live chastely…; I don't know how it be possible to live chastely with more wives, up to four according to the Islam! I also wonder me as they make the Islamic poor men to maintain well up to four wives and their numerous children up to twenty ! To wives and children they will make to suffer the hunger, the thirst and the cold, but then the poor Islamic ones do of worse: as a matter of fact the Islamic religion allows that the little girls can get married at the six year-old age; in the very diffused daily practice the families that they sell the little girls are very many: "Only in Africa the bride-babies are fifteen million every year 117 ", but I don't believe that the bride-babies they are only of Moslem families. 115 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 16 (Beni Terreni), sura LXV 7, Xenia Tascabili 116 Sergio Noia, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 115-121, Oscar Mondadori ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 144- 148 (Dubbi ed enigmi), Einaudi Tascabili ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67 (Dalle prime redazioni al Corano qual è oggi), Il Mulino ; Paolo Branca, I Musulmani, pages 23-25, IL Mulino 117 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009-n°8. pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno 87 – 36100 Vicenza 16
  • 17. The marriage with an adult subdues the bride-babies to terrible traumas to start from the separation of the children themselves from the family of origin; of other possible traumas I don't want to speak while the Koran teaches the love to own relatives 118 . The Fundamentalists and the Islamic Radicals teach to their believers that a good Moslem must procreate at least five sons …but it is so that they hope to conquer the world, starting to hurt their wives and their own children with the juvenile job. The spiritual Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) teach (in one of their books) that the worse ones among the men are those that make to longly suffer. In the Koran there is also the prohibition to have illegitimate sexual relations 119 . In my opinion of the Islamic religion the Arabs have done what they have wanted; it is possible that the same thing can be also told of the Koran because It has not been transcribed and above all It has not been checked by Mohammed 120 (end of our note). 4. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Who wants to abandon his own wife he must give her a declaration written of divorce. But I tell you: who away his own woman sends – except the case of illegal relationship - he puts her in danger to become adulterine. And who marries a woman abandoned by her husband it also commits adultery him 121 >>. (note of ours: You reflects on Genesis 2, 24: " Therefore the man will leave his/her father and his/her mother, will unite him to his woman and the two they will be an sole thing, that is a being alone ". The two, the man and the woman would have created a new family. The Lord God, the Creator, didn't prescribe the polygamy; but the monogamy; we deduce of it that the polygamy is an Arab’s greed. You also reflect on how much it is written in the Koran concerning the wives 122 ; you reflect also on to the terrestrial goods - among which the sons are listed 123 - and reflect also on what the Koran says about the sons 124 ) ; in the Koran it is written: a. << Oh you that believe! It is not permissible to inherit wives against their will, neither to prevent them of marry again for purpose to take back you what you have given them in dowry, except in the case of an infamy committed by her in explicit way; draws you them with gentleness however, because if you treat them with contempt it can happen that you despise a thing in which God has put back a great good. And if you intend to exchange a wife with another and to one of them you have given a great deal of gold, you cannot recover it; and not you try to 118 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90 ; pages 94-95 (Opere buone), sura III 195, sura IV 36, sura VII 199 and sura XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili 119 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21 and sura V 5, Xenia Tascabili 120 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 121, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, page 53-67, Il Mulino ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-152, Einaudi Tascabili 121 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 31-32 122 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21 and sura V 5 , Xenia Tascabili 123 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 15-16 (Beni terreni), sura III 14 ; sura IX 55 ; sura XI 15-17 ; sura XVIII 46 ; sura XX 131 ; sura XXVIII 60 ; sura LXIII 9 ; sura LXIV 14-15 ; sura C 6-8 ; sura CII 1-8 ; sura VII 31 ; sura LXV 7 , Xenia Tascabili 124 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 44 (Figli), sura XLII 49-50, Xenia Tascabili 17
  • 18. appropriate through a calumny or accusing her some guilt of unbelief. And as you do to remove her things when you have used them together and she has stipulated with you a solemn pact 125 ? >> ; b. << And they have afforded as wives the honest women that believe, as also the honest women among those people that have received the Book before you, provided that has self-respect the appointment to furnish them a dowry, and undertakes you to live chastely without having illegitimate sexual relations taking you some lovers 126 >>. 5. the Lord Jesus says : a. << You still know, that in the Bible it has been said to our fathers: Don't swear the forgery, but do that that you have promised with oath in front of God. But I tell you: do never swear: neither for the sky that is the throne of God; neither for the earth, that is the stool of his feet; neither for Jerusalem, that is the city of the Lord. Don't even swear on your head, because you don't even have the power to make to become white or black one of your hair. Simply you say "yes" and "no": the whole rest comes from the devil 127 >>; b. << You know that in the Bible it has been said: Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I tell you: not avenged you against who hurts you. If one gives you a slap on the right cheek, you also offer him the other. If one wants to make you a trial to take you the shirt, you leave also him the mantle. If one forces you to accompany him for a kilometer, you go with him for two kilometers. If someone asks you something, give it to him. Don't turn the back to whom asks you a loan 128 >>. (note of ours: We know that the Divine Revelations are gradual because the Lord God adapt them for the possibilities of understanding of the peoples. For an instance the revenge was disciplined for the pagan Arabs in various ways by the Koran 129 , but for the Mohammedans - as for other peoples – they are in force the Decalogue that forbids the killing and the Commandments of the love that are incompatible with the killing); c. << You know that it has been said: It loves your friends and it hates your enemies. But I tell you: beloved also your enemies, you pray for those that persecute you. Doing so you will become true children of God your Father, that is in sky. Because he makes to rise his sun on the bad ones and on the good ones and it makes to rain for those that good does and for those that the evil does. If you love only those that love you, what merit do you have? The wicked ones also behave this way! If you only greet your friends, are you doing something of better of the others? Those that don't know God also behave this way! You are perfect therefore, as yours Father is perfect in sky 130 >>. (note of ours: The superiority of the teaching of the Christ on that of the Koran that has been handed down to posterity it is clear, but we also know that divine teaching is gradual; 125 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie), sura IV 19-21, Xenia Tascabili 126 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 90 (Moglie, sura V 5, Xenia Tascabili 127 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 33-37 128 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 38-42 129 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (among the suras of the homicide), sura XVII 33 , Xenia Tascabili 130 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-47 18
  • 19. therefore the Moslems integrate the Koran with the Gospels ! Many Moslem do it with great pains due to the violence of the Sunna and of the Sharia 131 ). 6. The Koran disciplines the homicide while the Decalogue and the Gospels forbid it: you see the following suras of the Koran: sura II, 178 and 179; sura IV 92-93; sura V 32; sura XVII 33 132 . (Note of ours: In this - as in other cases - it is possible that God, in His goodness, has considered the uses and the customs of the pagan Arabs to facilitate them in the observance of the new religion ); 7. The Gospel forbids the killing because it is founded on the Decalogue 133 ; 8. The Gospel orders: << The Lord loves, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your soul and with all of your mind. This is the greatest commandment and most important. The second is equally important: Your neighbor loves as yourself. The whole law of Mosè and the whole teaching of the prophets depend on these two commandments 134 >>. (note of ours: the Gospels are founded on the Decalogue: Deuteronomy 5, 6-22 and on the Commandments of the love: Levitico 19, 19 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 ) ; 9. The Koran orders: a. << And when you will have completed the rites, you name the name of God with the same veneration with which name the name of your parents, rather great 135 >>; ( our note :you compare this rule with the love Commandments: you see Matthew 22, 34-40 b. << And you reveal the name of God in the established days; but who will expedite in the first two days it won't make sin, as he/she won't do it who will delay, if he/she has awe of God. You fear therefore God and you know that in front of Him you will be all assembled ones 136 >>; c. << Nomination your Lord's name, in your intimate, in humility and with spirit of reverence, and to low voice, the morning and the evening, and not to be among those people who they forget God 137 >> ; 10. The Koran orders also: a. << In truth God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love to the relatives and he forbids the dissoluteness and the evil and the over-bearing manner: he admonishes so that you can meditate 138 >>; b. << You do good to your parents, as also to your relatives, to the orphans and the poor men, and to the neighbor that is not relative and to the neighbor that is extraneous, and to the 131 Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, EMI 132 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 93-94 (Omicidio), Xenia Tascabili 133 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 7th , pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 134 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 135 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 9, sura II 200, Xenia Tascabili 136 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 9, sura II 203, Xenia Tascabili 137 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 9, sura VII 205; you see the other suras of pages 9-10, Xenia Tascabili 138 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94, sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili 19
  • 20. companion of trip and the wayfarer and the slave, since God doesn't love who is superb and vain 139 >>; c. << Know how to forgive. You invite to do the good. You go away from the people that they ignore the faith 140 >>; d. << It is in truth those that will have believed and they will have completed some good deeds, the Lord will treat them with mercy. This is the evident success 141 >>. 11. Matthew’s Gospel: We have underlined only a part of the chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew, but in truth the chapters 5, 6 and 7 constitute a mini very brief, but exhaustive Gospel in its synthesis, but we have to also consider both the Gospel of Thomas 142 (discovered in 1945 next to the village of Dag Hammadi, in Egypt, along the course of the Nile in a jar) and of the modern Gospels: a. the Great Gospel of John (11 volumens)revealed to Jakob Lorber in the 19th century by the Lord Jesus; of this Gospel exists a synthesis, care of Josef Mahlberg, Il Signore parla (the Lord speaks, edited by Armenia 143 . Such Gospel has been dictated by the Lord Jesus to His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber. In the 19th century the Gospel dictated to Lorber (11 volumens) has been published entirely with other very important books of the Christ by La Nuova Rivelazione, Via Vetrego, 148 -30035 Mirano (Venezia), telephone and e fax 041 – 43. 61. 54 . A selection of the passages of such Gospel, as we have already said, which refers the great subjects “…that since ever trouble the man: God and His Reign, the Creation, the why of the life of the man on the Earth, the free will, the immortality of the Soul, the meaning of the pain, the death, the After life, the Life after Death, the reincarnation, the end of the times… a cheer up message, of love and of hope, to which the man of today, any might be his/her opinion about the inspiring source, he/she cannot certainly remain indifferent “; b. the Gospel made to live it again to Maria Valtorta in the 20th century (11 volumens) it can be defined entire in comparison with the four canonical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Lucas and John) and to the Quinto (Fifth) Gospel of Thomas (published by Macroedizioni). The Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta has been published by CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy; In such chapters 5, 6 and 7 of the Gospel of Matthew the Christ not changed only the order of the values of the man, but He also pointed out to the man same a new way to think and to 139 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, sura IV 36, Xenia Tascabili 140 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili 141 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 95, XLV 30, Xenia Tascabili 142 Tommaso apostolo, Il Quinto Vangelo, translation of Mario Pincherle, Macroedizioni 143 Such a Gospel has been dictated in the 19th century by Lord Jesus to His Austrian scribe Jakob Lorber ; such a Gospel it has been published entirely in 11 volumes with other very important good deeds of the Christ by La Nuova Rivelazione, Via Vetrego, 148 – 30035 Mirano (VE), telephone and fax 041- 43.61.54. A synthesis of such a Gospel treat the great themes: “…that since ever torment the man: God and His Kingdom, the Creation, the why of the life of the man on the Earth, the free will, the immortality of the Soul, the meaning of the pain, the life after death, the reincarnation, the end of the times…it is a reassuring message, of love and hope, to which the man of to day, any might be is opinion about the inspiring source, cannot remain cold. 20
  • 21. behave; with regard to the thought, Jesus implicitly said that the thought is an ultra physical reality very important , when He taught, as it is already said above: "… But I tell you: if one looks at the woman of another one because he wants her, in his heart he has already sinned of adultery with her 144 “ . In the aforesaid chapters 5-6 and 7 Christ innovated the Jewish conception of an irascible and vengeful God introducing us the tall Lord as the good and just Father, merciful and providential and above all always available to listen to us, to guide us 145 and to give us good things or the necessary one to live and that of which we have need for expanding our Conscience to make us become righteous, merciful and pure 146 , that is saints for make us become worthy to be admitted in the Reign of the Skies. When in a place of the Earth there is not the bare necessities to live, this it doesn't depend on God, but from the egoism, carelessness, avidity, avarice, negligence, idleness of the men or peoples and by the environmental disasters that they have caused, since we can live in the deserts also (and better it would live in the deserts if the men would cooperate also with the Angels of the Nature to till the soil as it happened in the past: “ the desert can bloom as the rose 147 ). 12. Comparison between the Charity of the Lord Jesus and that of the prophet Mohammed: We point out the difference among the Charity Love of Jesus, that emerges from all the Gospels ( for an example the episode of the adulterous woman) and the humanity of Mohammed: << You darkened in face (Mohammed) and you turned the shoulders when the blind one came next to him. And who tells you that he had not come for purifying himself, and that it would be ready to listen to the divine admonishment, that would have been for him of great benefit? Instead if a rich comes you welcome him with a lot of attentions and it doesn't interest yourself to know if it is available to the faith. While who comes from you full of zeal you neglect him 148 ? >>. (note of Alessandro Nangeroni to these verses: these verses allude to an episode that God reproaches Mohammed: a blind man went to find him while he was speaking with some of the rich notable of the La Mecca, he bothered and he sent him away 149 ); 13. Comparison between the Miracles of the Lord Jesus and those of the prophet Mohammed: The Koran reports of the miracles done by the Christ ( sura III 43 and sura V 110 of the Koran translated by L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli ), while Mohammed did not make miracles 150 ; 14. Of the prophet Mohammed the Koran says among other things: a. sura XIII 30: <<So we have sent you in the middle of a nation come after so many nations that they had come before to recite them what we have revealed you; but they deny the Merciful One. 144 Vangelo di Matteo, 5, 27-28 145 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita 146 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del Karma), Mediterranee 147 Dorothy Maclean, Spirito di Natura, page 81-82, Mediterranee 148 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 79-80, sura LXXX 1-10, Xenia Tascabili 149 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 80, Note of A. Nangeroni, Xenia Tascabili 150 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 89 (Miracoli), sura XVII 59, Xenia Tascabili 21
  • 22. Tell them; he is my Lord, there is no other God but him, in him I have confided, to him I address me and I will return>>; b. sura II 97: <<It was him [Gabriel] that the Koran deposed in your heart>>; c. sura II 119 -120: <<We have sent you, as a matter of fact, as carrier of truth, announcer of a good revelation and warner (who warns), but you won't be responsible of those people that will be damned itselves and they will be in the hell. >>; d. sura II 151: <<And so we have sent in the middle of you a messenger that belongs to your people, that recites my signs, make you pure, it teaches you the Book and the knowledge and it puts you to knowledge of that that you before didn't know. >>. Note of Alexander Nangeroni: " Mohammed is of Arabic meccana line"; e. sura II 272: <<You are not you [o Mohammed] that you guide them, but it is God that guides who he wants>>; f. sura III 20: <<And if they will want to discuss with you answer: I have given myself to God [= I have made islam] as he has also done who follows me. And tell to those people which the Book was given and to the pagans: do you want you also to give you to God? [= do you also want to make islam?]. And if they would be given to Him [= if they will have made islam] they will receive the correct guide, but if they will turn their back on you, you must not worry yourself anything else other than to bring the message, will be God to observe what his servants do>>; Jesus, instead is the Redeemer 151 , the Saviour 152 and the Judge 153 of all men to any race, people or religion they belong to, g. sura III 61 -63: <<And those that will want to discuss with you on Jesus, after how much it has been revealed you tell: you come, we call ours and your children, ours and your women and all we and all you we invoke together the curse of God on who says the false. Truth is that there is no other god that God and truly God is wise and powerful. And if they turn their back on you, certainly God knows who brings the corruption>>; …. h. sura III 144: <<Mohammed is not but a prophet as those that have preceded him in the past>>; i. sura IV 78 -80: <<… Who obeys to the messenger it obeys to God and who goes away from him he goes away from God. We have not sent you as their protector>>; . l. sura IV 113: <<…And God has revealed to you the book and the wisdom and he has made you know what you didn't know and God's Grace on you it has been immense>>; … 151 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come ti è stato rivelato, Vol. IX°, page 280, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita 152 Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita 153 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia 22
  • 23. m. sura XLI 6: <<You say: Certainly I am a man as you, a man to whom has been revealed that your God is a sole God, turn to him and ask him pardon, troubles to the idolaters>>; n. sura XLVI 6: << You say: I am not an innovator among the messengers>>; o. sura LXXXVIII 21 -22: <<Be of admonishment to everybody because you are a warner and don't have been named them sovereign 154 >>. All these explanations regarding the role of Mohammed should make to reflect all Mohammedans, when they compare Mohammed with Jesus. .15. The Gospels report among other things how much it follows regarding the Lord Jesus: Gospel of Matthew: to. << And so it realized what the Lord God through the prophet Isaiah had said: " Well, the virgin will be pregnant, she will give birth to a child and he will have called Immanuel. This name means: "God is with us." When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of God had ordered him and Maria taken in his house. And without they had had until then matrimonial relationships, Maria gave birth to her child and Joseph names him Jesus 155 >>. (known c. of the Gospel of Matthew of the Bible in current language, page 8, Publisher Elle Di CI, 10096 Leumann (Turin), Italy: " In the Jewish language the name Jesus… means the Lord saves. b. << Jesus gets closer and said: " To me every power has been given in sky and in earth. Therefore you go, you make to become my disciples all men of the world; baptize you them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Spirit Saint; teach them to obey all of this that I have commanded you. And you know that I will be always with you, every day, up to the end of the world 156 >>; c. John's Gospel: 1. <<Jesus told him: I am the way , the truth and the life. Only through me he goes to his/her Father. If you know me you will also know his/her Father, rather you already know him/it and you have seen him 157 >>. (note of ours: The similarity with the Father of which Jesus speaks is a spiritual similarity); the Lord Jesus was the Word of God in Earth also according to the Koran 158 ; Jesus was child of Mary and child of the Spirit / Will of God 159 ). 2. Jesus said still more: << I am the true vine. My Father is the farmer. Each branch that is in me and it doesn't give fruit, he cuts it and it throws away, and the branches that give fruit, he free them from all of this that prevents more abundant fruits. You are already freed thanks to the word that I have announced you. You remain united to me, and I will remain united to you. As the branch cannot give fruit by itself, if it is not united to the vine, not even you can give fruit, if you does not remain united to me. I am the vine, you are the branch. If one remain united to me and me to him, 154 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 74-83 (Maometto), Xenia Tascabili 155 Vangelo di Matteo 1, 18-25 156 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 157 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6-7 158 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 159 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 23
  • 24. he produces a lot of fruit; without me you cannot do anything. If one does not remain united to me, he/she is thrown away as the branches that become dry and that people pick up for burning. If you remain united to me, and my words are rooted in you, you ask what you want and it will be given you. The glory of my Father shines when you bring a lot of fruit and you become my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you: you remain in my love! If you put my commandments into practice, you will be rooted in my love; just as I have put the commandments of my Father into practice and I am rooted in his love. I have told you this, because my joy be also yours, and your joy be perfect 160 >>. The commandment of the love: <<My commandment is this; love you the one another as me I have loved you. Nobody has a greater love of this: to die for his/her own friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I don't call you more slaves, because the slave doesn't know what his/her master does. I have called you friends, because I have made you know all that that I have heard from my Father. You are not the ones that you have chosen me, but I have chosen you, and I have destined you to bring a lot of fruit a lasting fruit. Then the Father will give you all that that you will ask him in my name. This I command you: love you the one another... 161 >>; 3. Jesus looked aloft toward the sky and said: <<Father, the hour has come. It manifests the glory of the son, because the son manifests your glory. You have given him power above all men, because all those that you have entrusted them to him receive eternal life. Eternal life is this: to know you, the sole true God, and to know he who you have sent, Jesus Christ. Raise me, now, close by you, give me the glory that I had close by you, before the world existed… I don't pray only for these disciples of mine, but I also pray for others, for those that will believe in me, after having listened to their word (note of ours: the word of His disciple). Do that they be a sole thing: as you, Father, are in me and I am in you, also they are in us. This way the world will believe that you have sent me. I have given to them the same glory that you had given to me, because also they are a sole thing with us; I united to them and you united to me. This way they can be perfect in the oneness, and the world can understand that you have sent me, and that you have loved them as you have loved me. Father, I want that where I am they are also those that you have given me. (our note: Jesus still makes reference to His disciples), because they see the glory that you have given me: as a matter of fact you have loved me still before the creation of the world. Fair Father, the world has not known you, but I have known you and they know (our note: Jesus still makes reference to His disciple) that you have sent me. I have made you know to them and I will make you know again; this way the love that you have for me will be in them, and also me I will be in them 162 >>. 160 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 1-11 161 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 12-17 162 Vangelo di Giovanni 17, 1-26 24
  • 25. 16. The Lord God has confirmed in the XX° century to Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland the divine nature of Jesus saying: a. << The time is at hand when they will become reality the words: "The Son of God will appear in all of his glory because all can see him " Be ready in every moment to see him. I tell you to be surprised at nothing 163 >>; b. << I AM always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ within you 164 >>. After what God has told of Jesus to Eileen Caddy causes great wonder what it is written in the Koran (trad. L. Bonelli) of the same Jesus in the sura III 40 after that has been written that God announces the "his Word in Jesus, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary " and then there is this conclusion of the sentence" eminent in this world and in the other and one of the more next ones to God." This conclusion of the sentence cannot be of God because it belittle Jesus Christ, the Redeemer 165 , the Savior 166 and the good Judge of men 167 , to advantage of others to increase their worth and their importance, particularly of the prophet Mohammed for Arab self-importance. Truly Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the more next to God because He is One with the Father 168 and it is for such unity that Jesus can be the Divine Presence the man 169 . In the sura III of the Koran, translated by Hamza R. Piccardo, verses 45 and 59, Newton & Compton Editori, is read: a. sura III 45: <<When the Angels said: Oh Mary Allah announces your glad newness of a Word from Him deriving: (note 38), its name is the Messiah (note 39) Jesus son of Maria, eminent in this world and in the Other, one of the more close (note of ours : to Allah that is to God)>>; (note 38: <<A word from Him deriving: as already in the verse 39, this expression refers to Jesus. The Arabic term that we translate (<<word>>), is <<kalima>>). (note 39: <<Messiah>>: in Arab <<Masih>>, the <<Greasy>>, one of the traditional names of the Christ have the sense of <<purified>>, <<invested>> of a particular spiritual authority; b. sura III 59: Truly, for Allah Jesus is similar to Adam (note 47) that He created from the dust, then it said: Be and he was. (note 47: …Jesus is a creature even if his nature is particular entirely. Adam didn't have neither Father, neither Mother (our note: it is not true! Adam had God for father and mother); Eva didn't have mother (our note; it is not true! Eva had God for father and mother). Jesus didn't have father (our note: it is not true! Jesus had God for father). 163 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee 164 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 165 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. IX°, page 280, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 166 Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20 167 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia 168 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 9-11 and chapter 17 ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 26, Mediterranee 169 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 25
  • 26. The divine origin 170 of the Lord Jesus is also demonstrated by the following elements: 1.Jesus was born without the intervention of a man from the Virgo Maria and from the Spirit / will of God 171 ; 2. At the birth of Jesus the Divine Light was emitted by the body of Mary more and more 172 ; 3. Jesus on the Earth was the Word of God, with which the Christ the Decalogue completed, as they report the Evangelists Matthew 173 and Maria Valtorta 174 ; 4. Jesus during His public life in Palestine made many extraordinary miracles, among which the resurrection of Lazarus 175 ; the ancient Gospels, very synthetic, they don't report them all as has made Maria Valtorta instead. Also the Koran reports the miracles of Jesus, even though synthetically 176 , while Mohammed didn't make any miracle 177 ; 5. Jesus donated His life for the pardon of the sins of men 178 ; 6. Jesus resources from the death by Himself with His Spirit " a very shining meteor, that goes down, ball of fire of unbearable shine, followed by a shining trail 179 " ; 7. Jesus, having finished to give all with the gift of His life for the pardon of the sins, He received from God all 180 , also every power in earth and in sky 181 also the power to redeem and to save every man to whatever race, people or religion belongs 182 . Jesus also received from God the power to judge men when they arrive in the astral world of the Life after Death; Jesus’s judgment for each man is good and merciful because it doesn't found itself upon our sins 183 as it is erroneously said in the passage of the Final Judgment of the Gospel of Matthew 184 , but on the good deeds or actions that we have done on the Earth. I think that Jesus, in His position of Judge, has judged also Mohammed to whom I think has opened the doors of the God’s Kingdom for his good deed of prophet of the pagan Arabs. The law of cause and of effect 185 or Karmic law 186 : For our spiritual commitment, but also for our own good, it is very important to understand the law of cause to effect according to 170 Vangelo di Giovanni 3, 1- 21 ; Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I°, page 245, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 171 Il Corano, trad. L Bonelli, sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 172 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. I° , page 145, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 173 Vangelo di Matteo 5, 17-29 174 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. VII°, pages 123-124, CEV srl , 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 175 Vangelo di Giovanni 11,1-44 176 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli 177 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 89 (Miracoli), sura XVII 59, Ulrico Hoepli 178 Vangelo di Matteo 26, 26-30 179 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. X° , page 171-175, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 180 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated August 27th ad December 22nd , Amrita 181 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 18-20 182 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 183 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia 184 Vangelo di Matteo 25, 31-45 185 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-158 (Legge di causa e di effetto), Mediterranee 186 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 159 (Legge karmica), Mediterranee 26
  • 27. which what we do of good or of badly to us it will be done 187 for correction/teaching to behave us well. It follows that if we emanate good energies they will return us energies of good , but if we emanate badly energies of, we will receive, wanting or not for correction-teaching so many energies of badly in the form of adversities and illnesses 188 how many they serve to understand of it that it needs to act well always, according to the law of the Decalogue 189 and those of the love 190 . An American physicist to make an example of the law of action and reaction - that it is valid for the Matter only ( law discovered by the Physics )- but it gives us the idea of the karma: " To every action it corresponds an equal and opposite reaction. If we practice an intense push on the world, the world it practices an intense push on us. If we gently touch the world the world, in answer, it gently touches us. The way with which we touch the other ones is the way according to which the other ones touch us 191 ". ( note of ours: for Divine mercy the corrective action of the law of cause to effect ( valid for the man ) it is not always immediate, because the lesson of the pain is imparted when the man is ready to understand it 192 , that is also hundreds or millennia of years later with the aim of expanding the Conscience of the man same. As a matter of fact we know that there are some people that also acting badly or very badly they always get off scot-free, but the Karma 193 will teach them how to behave well in a subsequent life on the Earth 194 ). A divine warning / suggestion conforming to the law of cause and of effect is contained in the Matthew’s Gospel and it is known as the golden rule: << You do also to the others everything that that you want that they do to you: this way it commands the law of Mosè and so the prophets have taught 195 >> If we emanate good energies of as a prayer or an alms or with a visit to a sick or to a prisoner the good it should quickly return us, while the bad energy it will return only on us when we will be ready to understand the pain 196 and therefore the how and when it happened only God knows it (as it is already said it the bad energy will return to us during a following terrestrial existence 197 , also a lot of time after we have acted badly when we will be mature to understand the lesson of the pain 198 . 187 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee 188 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 35 and next, Mediterranee 189 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 190 Vangelo di Matteo, 22, 34-40 191 Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 62, Zanichelli 192 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 74 and 77, Mediterranee 193 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee 194 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pagine 184-186 (La Reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 195 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 196 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°7) and page 158); Maestro perché, pages 75-76 (La legge della misericordia e dell’amore) Mediterranee 197 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché, pages 71-94 (Legge del karma); Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee 198 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n°7) and page 158, Mediterranee 27
  • 28. It is good to notify this law to everybody, in special way to the wicked ones. The Evil will return to all those that did it in the form of misfortunes, adversities and illnesses when they will be ready to understand how we have to behave with the other fellow men, the other creatures and the Environment same also hundreds or thousands years later 199 , but the exact day only God knows it. But the Karma it is not at all a revenge but a correction/teaching 200 . It has authoritatively been said: " The Karma, effect of causes moved by the man, doesn't have the purpose to punish, but the purpose to make to understand. The law of cause and of effect exists for every aspect in negative sense and in positive sense. The good karma exists, but that interests is the painful karma. But when it is that the man moves a painful karma? When, despite the manifold notices that come from different parts, he/she is not understood and he/she is wanted to directly experiment it. It is then that the painful effect constitutes the only remedy for the individual to understand what is its moral ideal. This way of moral ideal in moral ideal, the individual constitutes his/her conscience, bead to bead, tessera for tessera wedge for wedge, and he/she acquires a <<to feel 201 >> more and more widened, up to that his <<to feel>> it is already so consistent that he can leave the wheel of the births and the deaths, to leave the incarnations, and to continue a future life of <<to feel>>, of <<communions 202 >> more and more wide with all the existing beings. It has been said also: <<…Karma therefore is all; it is not only the exceptional event that changes unexpectedly and unintentionally the life. Karma it is the stomach-ache of the gluttonous, it is the musculature of the trained athlete, it is the blond of hair that the lady has decolorize herself. It is the sprout of the seed sowed in the fertile soil and so on. The karma is not fate, if with that we mean something that happens without explanation and without will; it is not punishment because, in itself, it is not good or bad, but of the same nature of the cause of which it is effect… Karma is not a test; in case it is teaching, because it completes the experience promoted, and, from the experiences we learn 203 >> It follows of it that in strength of the law of cause and of effect, who scatters pain, it will receive pain and who scatters goodness it will receive goodness, peace and calm. The law of cause and of effect is well explained in the mantra of the karma: << What you sow you will pick up, not forget it…. The person who that has stolen it returns (note of ours: we believe that it returns has to be interpreted in the sense that who steals he/she will be stolen in turn), he/she who kill he/she will be killed; he/she who help he/she will be helped, he/she who has pity it will be receive pity. This is the law of justice of the Absolute One. Its purpose is the consummation (note of ours: that is to conduct the man to perfection). Have therefore the strength to bear every pain to pay every your debt; it compensates with so much good and love the evil that is done to you; you be 199 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (N°7) and page 158 ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 200 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, page 166 (Il karma non punisce: insegna), Mediterranee 201 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 257-263 (Sentire), Mediterranee 202 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 52-53 (Comunione) and pages 123-124 (Fusione), Mediterranee 203 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-44, Mediterranee 28
  • 29. from day to day just, merciful and pure, and pain won't follow you anymore. He/she always remembers that what you will do to you it will be done. The fruits will follow you in the walk. Oriental brother 204 . Returning to the theme of the wars or revolutions made by the violent Islam, we are of the opinion that the principal duty of the Islamic God-fearing ones and of the Moderates ones be that to disown only not all the Terrorists as people doing part of the Islam, but also all the violent Radical and Fundamentalist ones that instigate Moslems to the demoniacal wars against other peoples or religions, or demoniacal revolutions in the same people to get the power and to subdue the Country to the Islamic law ( the Sharia, the legal system of a Moslem Country 205 ). In practice they are violent Moslems all those who share the malicious and wrong interpretations of fundamental themes of the Koran of the violent Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones, from us noticed in the Elaborate 4 of this Catechism ( that you will find among the Deepenings of the religions in the folder of the Islam). The violent ones of the Islam or the Mohammedism, that is the Fundamentalist ones or Radical ones instigate the Moslem ones of the Moslems of the whole world to make other demoniac wars or revolutions against other peoples to impose their satanic religion ( as a matter of fact the Sunna and the Sharia are violence-soaked 206 ). Any true religious can have the impudence, the arrogance and the irreverence to kill in the name of the God of the Love and the Life that the Arabs call Allah; the prophet Mohammed was authorized by the Angel of the Lord to defend himself and his followers from the enemies (the Coreiscitis) for establishing among the pagan Arabs the religion of the sole God 207 in the place of an useless religion, as that polytheist that the Bedouin ones professed . The Islamic Radical o Fundamentalist ones are violent and therefore they incite the Moslems to make demoniac wars and revolutions (not certainly holy 208 ) because Jihad means the individual effort for the faith or for the moral action and mission and not war or revolution as they claim the violent Mahammedans 209 . All the violent ones of the Islam should be invited by the God- fearing ones and by the Moslem Moderates to reflect on the law of retaliation or lex talionis, Latin a penal rule 210 and on the so many errors of interpretation of the Koran that distort the religion of the Arabs as we have already said, because the divine correction/teaching it has been already written in their destiny with the law of retaliation or better with the merciful karmic law 211 . The public manifestation of dissent and of dissociation of the God-fearing ones and of the Moslem Moderates from the violent Fundamentalists or Radical ones they should have the 204 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 49 (Mantra del karma), Mediterranee 205 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 314, Einaudi Tascabili 206 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori e Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, EMI. Among the Deepenings of our Catechism you see the Elaborate 4bis “ Inauspicious consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on the peace of the world 207 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LXII 1-2, Ulrico Hoepli 208 Ralf Elger, Piccolo Dizionario dell’Islam, page 136, Einaudi Tascabili 209 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili 210 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 69 (Legge del Taglione), sura II 178-179, Xenia Tascabili 211 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, pages 75-77 (La legge della misericordia e dell’amore), Mediterranee 29