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November 2010


Volume 2 Issue 1



Emily Cocco

Smoke Signals
Volume2 Issue I

Peters Township High School
264 East McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Phone: 724-941-6250
Meet the Staff
Managing Editor-In-Chief: Mike Schuck
Online Editor-In-Chief: Katie Denning
Layout Editor-in-Chief: Matt Sikora		
Period 1 Editor-In-Chief: Erin Masta
Period 3 Editor-In-Chief: Gabrielle Brinsky
Layout Editors: Val Gobao and Joe Grossi
Entertainment Editor: Conor Jackson
Life & Style Editor: Molly Doehring
Special Features Editor: Christine Manganas
Sports Editor: John Galatic
People Editor: McKenzie Fritz
				PT Focus Editor: Amanda Moore
Staff Writers:								Layout Staff:
Carly Beck		
Lexi Miller		
Melina Sopko		
Jessica Kleja				
Hardy Kern		
Valerie Kotar	
Madison Mincone		
Sean Sickmund
Katie Shultz		
Matt Lison		
Julia Gauthier		
Kenzie Stepanik
Jake Achenbach 	 Katie Finn		
Greg Marsh			
Denee Renz
Savanna Schweitzer Kurt Werner	
Steph Hammell		
Nikki Happe
Allie Schlafman


Mission Statement:

Smoke Signals is produced four times a school year by the students of the Media II, III,
and IV Journalism staff at Peters Township High School. Staff Advisor is Mrs. N.
Sitler. Commentaries, reviews, and opinion columns are the express opinion of the author and not of Smoke Signals, its advisor, or the Peters Township School District.

Name your best Halloween Costume.

“A tuxedo with a white
mask and a top hat.”

“I was a watermelon
when I was younger.”

“Winnie the Pooh, it
was so cute!”

-John Galatic

-Gabby Brinsky

-Christine Manganas
-Erin Masta


Table of Contents

“A bumble bee when
I was a baby.”


“Cinderella because I
had a big ball gown
with a hoop skirt.”


-Katie Denning


“The red power
-Matt Sikora


“One year I wore
my sister’s red M&M
costume; it was awesome!”
-Amanda Moore


PT Focus
Long Live the King

Next Year Is Here

Senior Servants
A Look Back

Life & Style
Fashion Forward Fall Shoes

Starry Night Extravaganza

People Features
Artwork of Eleni Manganas

Fall Festivities

Upcoming Concerts

News Features
Eco-Friendily Changes

Student Work

Homecoming Dates


November 2010

Long Live the King

This past summer, PTHS lost a
wonderful mentor and friend. Mr. Brian King, a social studies teacher, left a
legacy for all future teachers. Numerous
students had the privilege to know him
through World Cultures and AP Law and
Government. Mr. King engaged students
through participatory learning and encouraged them to reach their potential.
His class discussions kept students engaged.
“We had the most memorable
discussions about Greenpeace to Balloon
Boy to cake or pie,” said Joy Hou, a senior and one of King’s former students.
“He was a brilliant educator as well as the
most respectful man.”
“Out of all of the teachers I’ve
had, he was the most knowledgeable,”
stated senior Kurt Werner, who had King
for AP Law and Government. “He was
the most interested when we showed we
were the most interested.”
King was respected by his students and was able to inspire others.
“Every day he would go out of his way to
try and make your day better,” said senior
Doug Maronde, who had King for World

Cultures. “Even when fighting cancer, he
still taught with energy and was devoted
to his students.”
Besides students, King left behind a great impression on teachers as
“He impacted the school and
the students more than anyone can
know,” said Mr. Kevin Bastos, one of
King’s closest friends. “What I respect
about him most is his integrity, and he always strived to make himself the best he
can be. He made me better as a person.”
Past and present students, along
with friends and staff, have been able
to reflect on the impact Mr. King made
through Facebook groups. One group
called “Remembering Mr. King” lets
friends post their thoughts about him.
Matt Sherwin, the page’s creator, started the page so people could leave their
memories and let King’s family see his
importance to others.
“His passion for his subject and
his students were infectious,” said Sherwin. “He got all of his students to think
productively.” Mr. King’s lectures kept
students captivated throughout his thir-

Mr. King passed away on July 7, 2010. Loved by
both students and staff, he sadly lost his battle
against cancer.

teen years of teaching at the high school.
He was recognized for his teaching talents
when he received the Teacher Excellence
Award, the Award for Educational Excellence from the University of Pittsburgh,
and was included in “Who’s Who Among
America’s Teachers.” Mr. King never gave
up his passion for teaching even in poor
health. He passed away on July 7, 2010 at
age 59, but the valuable lessons he instilled
in PTHS will live forever.


To Kill A Muffin-Bird
To be brief, Muffin Days have been canceled. The given
reason for ending the weekly breakfast was that the muffins were
“too unhealthy.” Now students and teachers are voicing their discontent in the wake of this tragedy.
Muffin Day occurred each Friday morning. Every student surveyed said they disagreed with the cancellation: a credit
to the event's popularity.
The impact on the library is one of the main problems
with the recent decision. Muffin Days were one of few fundraisers for the high school’s library, along with Library Arts Café,
which is held each spring. However, money is not the real concern.
“Muffin Days weren’t just about funding for the library,
it was a way to bring students together,” said senior Emily Madalena, who volunteers in the high school library.
Nutrition, the reason for the muffins’ demise, is another
point of discussion. Were the muffins healthy? No. They contained an average of 650 calories each. Attempting to encourage healthy eating habits is surely a noble pursuit. However, the
question is whether the current decision will move the student
body toward this end.

Fall 2010

High school is a place where adolescents become adults
with the help of faculty and administration. This means that at
some point during their four years of attendance, students must
begin to make their own decisions. What to eat is one such decision. Additionally, many students skip breakfast all-together.
Therefore, juice and a muffin are far better than nothing at all.
In addition, this event helped PTHS feel more like a
community. Otherwise, the high school is simply several hundred kids moving within their own separate cliques. As dramatic
as it may sound, Muffin Days added the human element to an
otherwise divided building. After all, what are more universal
than muffins?
If nothing else, Muffin Days were fun. Besides being a
motivation to get up and go to school on Friday, it was a way to
enjoy time with friends. Name five schools that sell ginormous
chocolate muffins on Fridays. That's what I thought.
A compromise can easily be reached. For example,
healthy food and drinks could be offered, such as bagels and
fruit. Moral of the story: there is no legitimate reason to eliminate Muffin Day. Period.
PT Focus			

Gone Fishin’

My Life Is PT

Being an upperclassman definitely has its benefits – such as having
the first pick in gym class. This fall,
juniors and seniors were offered fly
fishing in PE and very few hesitated
to sign up for the school year’s most
hyped field trip.
“Missing school to go fishing was a nice break from everyday stresses within the walls of the
school,” stated senior Nic Nee.
Many students used this trip
as an excuse to get away from all of
the hardwork but still stay within the
curriculum. It’s fair to say that every
student appreciated what the trip has
to offer: a day out of school, a cookout, and catching fish.
“We roasted hotdogs and
hamburgers for lunch, it was a thrill,”
said senior Phil Ross, “I could have
lived off of all the fish I was catching.”

Fish were not hard to come
by and most students caught at least a
few of them. However, some did not
rejoice in their catch as much as others did.
“All I caught was bluegill,
and I’ve caught millions of those in
my lifetime, so it didn’t really mean
anything to me,” remarked senior
Dan Milavec sarcastically.
The trip took place at a privately owned fish farm in Marriana,
PA. Getting out of town only added
more interest to taking the course.
Many students enjoyed the change in
scenery, especially on a Monday afternoon.
“It was a nice area, very
unpopulated and quiet. If I ever got
the chance again I would be the first
person to retake the trip,” said senior
Brent Mueller.	


Senior Nic Nee
roasts a hotdog
at lunchtime. “I
roasted a dog
because I get hungry
when I fish,” recalled

PT Focus: Volunteers

All photos submitted

Sophomore Sarah Bowler helps
clean up trash.
can be tons
better if people
picked up after
themselves,” she

A Parody of
Compiled by AmandaMoore.Editor

• Today, I decided that if I ever have a daughter, I
will name her Stacy so I can listen to ‘Stacy’s Mom’
by Fountains of Wayne and feel good about myself.
• Today, I got a papercut while opening a band-aid box.
• Today, I successfully stole a Snack Shack cookie
from my friend by pointing and saying, “Look! A
• Today in World Cultures, we had a discussion about
where people in China try to dig their holes to.
• The other day I was applying to colleges. One
application gave me an essay prompt that said
something like “Write what you want, but show you
have a mastery of grammar, the English language,
and writing structure.” I wrote my essay on how to
properly cook Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I think
I’ll be accepted.
• Today I realized that a pack of gum lasts a lot longer
if you don’t share.
• Today in History class, my teacher was telling a story
about how a while back, Mr.Wood put in his lesson
plans that the class was going sledding on the lunch
trays down the PV hill. And they did. I will miss that
• Today in English, we were talking about compound
words. A girl asked what they are and I said,” They’re
words that can be broken into two words. Like airport
or backdrop.” She responded, “Oh, so like chicken!”
Yes, exactly like chicken.

Photo by Sean Sickmund

Hardy Kern,12,
traveled to
Churchill, Canada
to help polar
bears. “It’s an
absolutely life
changing trip,”
said Kern.


Junior Mike Sessa
goes to Kentuckey
to help build
houses. “I had fun
while doing a good
thing for people
who lost everything,” he said.
Freshman Rachel
Moore proves you
don’t have to do
much to make a
change. “I love going
on I
can help people in
other countries while
studying,” she said.

• Today in class, me and my two best friends were
discussing how steep the stair cases are in this school.
We were complaining about the stairs from the Media
Wing to the third floor Science wing when I asked,
“What if they made vertical stairs that you would have
to climb up?” They paused a bit before informing me
that those are called ladders.
• Today at Cross Country practice when we were
supposed to be stretching, some boys decided to
wrap their shirts around their heads as bandanas.
They then tied blankets (that they got from their cars)
around their necks as capes. They started yelling “This
is SPARTA,” and ran down to the trail and screamed
the whole practice. This is now a normal occurance
known as ‘Warrior Wednesday’.
• Today, my friend and I were in outdoor games. I was
goofing around, so I told her, “Look, gullible is written
on the ceiling!” She looked up. I’m worried for this girl.
• Today, I figured out that surprise is spelled with two
r’s. This was a big, well you know, surprise...


November 2010

Phil Ross: Chief of the Tribe Next Year is Here


A leader, a mentor, and a
teammate, Phil Ross is the epitome of
a captain. Ross heads into his senior
season commanding one of WPIAL’s
biggest powerhouses as a captain of the
Peters Township Indians soccer team,
and there is no better person for the
Some people are thrown into
a position of such high responsibility.
However, Ross seems to be a natural
born leader.
“Being a captain this year
doesn’t really change the way I act. I’m
still going to act the same as I always
do: as a leader,” stated Ross.
Photo by Dan Tatman
The Indians will need this type of influence as they head into this season Senior captain Phil Ross gets loose before a
love the game
ranked third overall, behind only game. “Isenior year it of soccer and because
it’s my
makes it even more
Upper St. Clair and Mt. Lebanon. special,” stated Ross.
However, the seven returning starters
“For us, the team to beat this
make the Indians heavy favorites for 	
year is USC. They are our section ria title run.
“As a team, our expectations val and we hate them with a passion,”
are the same every year: win a section Ross explained. The Indians will face
title, WPIAL title, and state title,” says the Panthers twice this year and most
Ross. With their talent and experi- likely in the playoffs.
Having such a talented and
ence, the Indians should not expect 	
heavily favored team to go deep into
anything less.
As expectations run high, the playoffs, the fans also have high
the Indians will face a number of expectations heading into the season.
Senior outside midfielder,
challenges throughout the season. 	
However, the biggest challenge they Dan Weyrick, said, “Expect a team
will face this year will not be an op- that plays with pace and plays a physical game. We have a lot of swag, but
ponent, but injuries.
“The main challenge we face still have a lot to prove. There are no
as a team is staying healthy,” said easy games in the WPIAL today.” For
Ross. With a healthy group of start- the fans of the Indians, Ross has an
ers, game after game, the Indians important message, “You can expect a
will seem nearly impossible to beat. show.”

“When we were little, we grew up saying next
year, next year we’ll do better, but the time is now, and
we came to win,” said senior quarterback Austin
Hancock echoed the football team’s theme
this year, next year is here. Their major goal is to make
the playoffs and ultimately win the conference. So far,
the record looks promising and the team had an amazing win against rival Bethel Park. The win was featured
on the front page of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and
the Almanac.
In the past, the football team has struggled to
find success, but things are about to change. They are
working harder, playing tougher, and are more determined to win than ever before.
“We’re playing more as a team rather than as individuals, which is a mistake we’ve made in the past,” said senior and center Boyd Jones. So far, the changes they’ve
made this year have paid off.
Some of the players believe that their team
bonding sessions have contributed to their success on
the field. They have dinners on Thursdays after their
practice in preparation for their Friday night game.
Also, the Junior Varsity and Varsity teams combine, so
whoever does not get their playing time in the varsity
game Friday night gets their turn on Saturday morning, during the Junior Varsity game.
“Football has taught me a lot about leadership and
self-discipline. You have to work hard if you want to
achieve your goals,” said sophomore wide receiver Joey
On top of practicing every day, the team also
had several successful training camps in August, which
included camps at home as well as away. The away
camps were attended at Pennsylvania State University
and Michigan. In addition, the team also trained in a
speed camp with camp coordinator Tony Mitchell every weekday morning over the summer to improve on
agility and speed that contributed to their preparation
for the season.
Every Friday night the student section is
completely filled, with some students having to stand
along the fence, cheering on the Indians and celebrating the team’s improvement. Next year is finally here.

Which Athlete Would You Follow 24/7?
Christina Soff, 2011

Sarah Kronket, 2013

“Apolo Anton Ohno”

“Hines Ward”
Nick Wells, 2014

Marco Femiani, 2012

“Ricky Bobby”

Fall 2010

Photo by Meredith Karavolis

“Andrew Erenberg”

Teammates junior Clayton Evans (56) and senior center
Boyd Jones (64) fire each other up before a game . “This
year has been special for me because this is my last year and
I find myself enjoying football more than ever,” said Jones.


Raising the Banner

“My goal for this team is to put up Simonson, Nicole Burkhardt, and Jess
a big 2010 on the volleyball banner in the Crossman. Burkhardt and Simonson are
gym,” said Coach Ashley Green.
both leaders for kills on the team. But the
true anchor of the defense is Crossman.
The banner is a topic of frequent She is the true defensive specialist, who
conversations. It helps to build team spirit plays back row for Burkhardt. Crossman’s
and encourages the team to win. The team strong defense enables the team to earn
hasn’t won a section title since 2003, and offensive points by making digs. There
Coach Green hopes to change that.
are three essential juniors on varsity, the
starting middle hitter Madison Mincone,
“This is a good team; they deserve so much another defensive specialist Alex McNally,
more than they have been given. They de- and the libero, Gabriella Santa Lucia.
serve to win and be champions, and that’s
exactly what we plan to do,” said Green.
Santa Lucia’s official position is libero. Liberos can only play in the back row,
Coach Green’s fire and passion fu- and can remove themselves from the game
els the girls on their road to victory along without a substitution. A libero wears the
with strong leadership from the seniors.
opposite colored jersey on the court so she
can be easily recognized. Santa Lucia’s deThe team’s defense is their best attribute, fense earned her a spot on the South Fayette
lead by the three senior co-captains, Nika All Tournament team.

Under Review

Photo by Jenn Coffey
Senior Jess Crossman passes a ball to a
teammate. “I love playing defense. It’s
awesome whenever you dig a ball that looks
nearly impossible to get,” reflected Crossman.

Sophomore setter Kelly Johnson is
the quarterback of the team. She calls out
the plays, and let the hitters know where to
go. Johnson’s play has been flawless for this
Finally, sophomore Shiloh Simonson is a powerful force on the court; she
earned the “Player of the
Week” for the week of 9/26 to 10/2. In one
match alone, she compiled sixteen kills, five
digs, two aces, and one block.

John Galatic.Sports Editor & Jake Achenbach.Staff Writer
Which is more exciting: college football or the NFL?
What makes football exciting is the tradition, something
that is more prevalent at the college level. Fans young and old
travel to their team’s home site on Saturdays in the fall. The smell
of barbecue permeates the air in the parking lot near the stadium.
On the field, the band plays school fight songs and other exciting
pregame numbers. Even fans watching the game on TV can enjoy
the tradition that surrounds a college football game. Professional
football simply cannot compare in this area.
Tradition is for children, while the NFL is for big boys.
In fact, the league has always been known for legacies and dynasties. Tradition is great for college but most people only
spend about four years there. You can love an NFL team from
before your college days until the day you die.
You can still love a college football team as a kid. The
bond between you and a school simply grows when you enroll
there. As for dynasties, what makes the college level so exciting
is its variety from year to year. A team becomes different every
season when upperclassmen graduate or leave early and when
new freshmen arrive on campus. Because of this, many teams do
not usually suffer the same level of mediocrity each year (i.e. the
Cleveland Browns). Boise State, for example, went from complete
anonymity to being a serious National Championship contender.
The NFL looks the same every year. It is the same athletes playing
at the same level against the same teams season after season.
What are you talking about? College football has variety? When was the last time a team outside of the SEC won the
national title? More specifically, when was the last time anybody other than Florida or Alabama won the BCS championship? Granted, there are a number of “Cinderella” teams every
year or so, but for the most part college football stays the same.

In the NFL there is no recruiting. Therefore the best players are
distributed amongst all teams. It is fair to say that every team
from the Saints to the Lions has more than a few stand outs.
This is primarily the reason why repeat Super Bowl winners
are so rare.
You’re kidding, right? Out of the 44 Super Bowls, the
Steelers, Cowboys, and 49ers have won sixteen. That’s more than
a third. We’re not talking about a twelve team conference here.
These are single teams. That’s more than a third of the entire
league. Even third graders can tell you that these stats are lopsided. Concerning the NFL draft, certain teams have historically drafted better than others. This is what makes the Steelers
so great. And most years, each team only has one or two players
drafted that see any significant playing time. The others are released to free agency. When you watch an NFL game, you always
see the same names. Tom Brady, Ray Lewis, and Adrian Peterson
are DYNASTY players. They are on a team for the long run.
I’m sorry; I didn’t realize we were in math class. Want
some real stats? In the past twenty years, there have been less
than eleven teams that have won the national championship.
Also, we hear those names constantly because those players
are literally the best in the world at what they do. To prove
you wrong once again, I can list four names off of the top of
my head that were significant rookie starters in 08’-09’. Actually, let me just name the quarterbacks: Joe Flacco, Matthew
Stafford, Matthew Ryan, and Mark Sanchez. They are all from
different schools yet not quite standouts in the NFL. The only
reason I consider them significant is because they are starters.
It is undisputed that the NFL carries the better players and allows for various champions.

November 2010

Succesful Senior
Servant Day
John Galatic.SportsEditor
The 2010 edition of Senior Servant Day showcased a giant
whoopie cushion, bananas, and even the beloved stars of Disney’s
“Up” as part of a hectic day filled with hilarity. Hallways were a
complete traffic jam as our seniors dragged their “masters” around
in wagons and other ridiculous modes of transportation. People
showed up to class five, maybe ten minutes late. Seniors had mixed
feelings about the madness.
“I didn’t like my costume at all. I wish I had a bear costume to wear. But I thought it was fun… I just wouldn’t do it again,”
said Sean Sickmund, who was dressed as a girl.
Although a reduced amount of work was accomplished in
the classroom, high school students enjoyed a well-deserved break
from their every day routines. Smiles could be seen on just about
every face, even those of the more solemn teachers. Not only does
this day provide a great prelude to Homecoming weekend, it enables students to release stress that has been pent up since late August. Plus, seeing friends dressed up a like clowns is always a nice
Perhaps the best costumes were the girls dressed up as the
blue Na’vi from the movie Avatar. The costumes were spot on, and
the satire of the human race dominating the blue humanoids was
The annual pep rally held at the end of the day capped off
the madness, as the Homecoming Court was introduced, creating
much anticipation for the crowning of the king and queen. Finally,
all the senior servants played a slightly violent game of musical
chairs, won by Conor Jackson. Jackson was far from finished with
his antics in the assembly, winning a dance-off against fellow senior
servant Jesse Scheirer. Complimenting Jackson’s dance moves was
Assistant Principal Bergman’s surprise roundoff, which made the
crowd go wild.

Fall 2010
Fall				 9

Layout by Allie Schlafman
Photos by Mrs. Sitler and Savanna Schwiezer

November 2010

Sweet Dreams

Everyone has woken up one morning puzzled by the dream that is still fresh in
their minds. Whether it was a nightmare or
a happily-ever-after dream, the dreamer is
often left wondering “Why?” Dreams are a
window into the subconscious of the dreamer.
Each dream is filled with symbols representing thoughts that our minds process as we
“Usually I’m confused when I wake
up, but picking out the symbols in my dreams
makes them a lot simpler to figure out,” said
senior Lindsay Smore.
Learning to interpret these symbols
is the key to understanding our dreams,
which often seem illogical and bizarre. It is
essential to remember that dreamare mainly
based on the day before.
“Knowing my dreams are about the
previous day really limited the possible meanings they could have,” noted junior Nicole
The symbols and complex meaning of the dream can become clearer when
compared to real-life events.

According to the late Sigmund Freud,
an expert on dream analysis, common symbols
involved in dreams can be colors, people currently present in the dreamer’s life, or animals.
The colors involved in a dream can often be
overlooked; however, many agree that the common connotations of colors have meanings in
dreams. For example, white represents purity
and innocence, gray conveys indecisiveness,
and black represents power.
“I realized my dream full of gray
rooms was about deciding between saving my
money or spending it,” stated Celko. 	
Other colors such as pink, purple, and
blue symbolize love, loyalty and calm. Another
common symbol in dreams is the people present in the dreamer’s life.			
“My dream about my English teacher reminded
me I was worried about the test that I took in
class yesterday,” remarked junior Drew Reis.
Obviously, the dreamer should interpret these kinds of symbols personally, depending on what role the person plays in their life.

Animals are a third common
symbol present in dreams. An animal has
certain physical qualities that we associate
with emotional traits. When animals are
present in dreams this can indicate the
fight or flight instinct taking over confrontational situations. For example, a cheetah
may mean you are quick and graceful with
your actions, while a lamb signifies a sacrifice. A puppy can represent a carefree and
happy attitude.

Photo by Carly Beck
Dreaming her troubles away is Junior Katie Finn.
“My dreams usually seem strange at first, but after
I break them down they make sense,” remarked

Sikora’s Stunna Fresh Kicks


The pictures don’t do them justice; you have to get yourself a
pair. The theme for these was simple color schemes. Nothing to flashy,
but at the same time all business. You can rock black, white, or grey
with just about anything and you’ll look like a stunner.

“With these things on
you”ll be running the streets!”

-Matt Sikora

Fall 2010

Life & Style	

Fall Shoe Trends


Sadly, the cold weather of autumn and winter is fast approaching. It’s
time to pack away the strappy sandals,
wedges, and flip-flops, and embrace
some styles that keep your feet a little
warmer. The fall 2010 fashion season
has brought back some classics, as well
as added some new trends too.
Shoes styles this season are
very much inspired by the military
look. We will be seeing many lace up
looks, as well as buckles, buttons, and
straps. Animal prints, particularly leopard, are big this season. They have been
seen on everything from boots to flats.
Also, many new textures have been filling the runways this year. Patent leather,
glitter, and even fur have been spotted.
The hottest shoes on the runway now are clogs. We are seeing them
everywhere. Some of the most expensive designers, like Christian Louboutin, all the way down to stores like Aldo
are supporting this classic look. They
vary in color, but are most commonly
seen in neutrals such as black, tan, and
brown. Clogs can be worn with flared or
skinny pants, and even skirts or dresses.
They have been the go- to fall shoe since
the 1960’s, and for now, are here to stay.
Another hot shoe trend this
season is thigh-high boots. If going for a
dramatic look, thigh high’s are the shoes
for you. They come in a wide range of
heel heights, from flats to some that
top out at five-plus inches! This season
boots are tending to be lace up, or include a large amount of fur, almost resembling Eskimos. Skirt-length boots
can be worn with either skinny pants or
dresses to elongate your legs, making

you look thinner. If not a fan of the
super high boots, try ankle boots
this fall. They were a popular trend
last season and will continue into
2010. Ankle boots work best with
skirts, shorts, or dresses, and can be
found in open and closed-toe varieties.
Platform heels are going to
be huge this winter. A classic look
since the 40’s, you cannot go wrong
with a pair of pumps. It would be a
good idea to invest in a pair of neutral pumps, whether they are peeptoed or close-toed. Pumps have always been in and will never go out.
Again, higher heeled shoes will give
the illusion of longer legs, making
a skinnier, more flattering figure.
Pumps can be worn with any type
of outfit. They can be dressed up for
a formal ensemble, or can be worn
with jeans for a more casual feel.
On the contrary, kitten
heels, most popular in the 50’s, are
making a comeback this season.
Pointed toes are the way to go, and
can give anyone the look of a taller, smaller leg. Animal prints look
great on this style, but solids are acceptable too.
Whether you are sporting clogs, boots, or pumps this fall
be sure to not fall victim to a fashion no-no. Be practical. Don’t try
to over-do the ensemble with too
many trends; you’ll end up looking
worse. When in doubt, keep it simple. If you follow these tips, you’ll
look like the fashionista you know
you are.

Flashy Fall Footwear

Clogs have made a
comeback and can be
found in almost any
department store.
Photos by Molly Doehring

Pumps and peep toe
heels are classics for a
dressy attire.

Ankle boots look great
with any outfit and are
perfect for the cold


Sleep your way
	 to an a

Sleep is the brain’s way of
feeding itself. Sleep fuels your brain so
that you can get through your day without feeling tired, drowsy, or distracted.
The average teenager requires 8 hours
of sleep a night, sometimes more, but
60% of teens do not have this. 	
“I have gotten around five
and a half hours of sleep each night
[for] the past week.” said Junior Cassie
Most teen lifestyles are busy
because of extra-curricular activities,
sports, and other commitments. That
being said, sleep is no longer a priority.
After just two nights of inadequate sleep, the body starts to send
distress signals, such as dizziness and
headaches, telling the body that it is
being deprived of sleep. Lack of sleep
effects concentration, listening, and attention span. It contributes to aggressive, impatient behavior and illnesses.
Studies have also shown that
lack of sleep leads to more acne and
skin problems. Teens who sleep for
a half-hour more than the average
amount perform better in school and
increase their academic achievements.
The solution to these problems is to simply sleep more, but we all
know this is not as easy as it sounds.
With most schools starting at around
7:30, students are forced to wake up by
at least 6:30 to fit into the tight schedule of the school day.
These early-morning wakeup calls lead to drowsiness and a bad
mood throughout the school day. Instead of hoping for school schedules
to be changed, there are measures you
can take to improve your sleeping habits. For example, when going to sleep at
night, keep your room cool and dark
because this helps to have a deeper and
better sleep. In the morning, let bright
light into your room to signal your
body to wake up. Avoid caffeine by
staying away from coffee and chocolate
at the end of the day before you go to
sleep. Limit your naps to about thirty
minutes during the day. Any longer
will interfere with your sleeping patterns and make falling asleep at night
more difficult. Finally, establish a consistent sleeping pattern.
Layout by Sean Sickmund
Photos by Alexis Scheller, Stephanie Hammell,
Meredith Karavolis, Shannon Galloway, Lexi

November 2010

Drawing the Future

Dreams can paint and color
the future. The past and present of Eleni
Manganas tells a story of how passion
and love for something can alter an entire
“I have always been passionate
about art, and ever since I could remember
I have doodled on everything around me
like napkins, notebooks, and even on the
back of my tests,” said Manganas.
From the time she was in third grade, her
desire for art has represented who she is.
At age 8, she won second in the nation for
a poster contest of Smokey the Bear and
Woodsy Owl. Later that year, it was displayed in Washington D.C for all to see.
Five years later, Eleni was asked to design
and paint a background for the dance of
the graduating eighth graders.
During high school, she became
a member of the Zine Magazine created
solely by high school students, where she
had the privilege to create the front cover.
This magazine was produced in the South
Side and distributed to surrounding areas.
“I really enjoyed being a member because
I felt like I was a part of something impor-

tant. It also gave me an outlook on what
my future may consist of,” stated Manganas.
Most recently, she has used her
talents to do good for the surrounding
communities. Kids have lined up on
Community Day in Dormont for Eleni
to paint their faces and bring their personalities to life.
Looking toward her future,
Manganas plans to pursue a career in art.
Columbia College in Chicago and the
Cleveland Art Institute are at the top of
her list. Although she enjoys all genres

of art, Manganas excels most in painting and
drawing and hopes to find a career that suits
these aspects.
“I’m looking forward to attending an art
school, because having a career doing something I love will be something extraordinary.”
Eleni Manganas has made one
thing clear, that she is pursuing art not because she is a spectacular artist, but because
it is what she loves. In her words, dreams
should be something desired, not something
expected from everyone else.
In her free time
senior Eleni
creates various
art. “I enjoyed
drawing this
owl due to the
unique texture
and shading.”

Photo by
Christine Manganas

Stirring Up The Drama

Fall 2010

Photo By Julia Gauthier

Being a new teacher here, Mr.
Kuharcik (pronounced car-check) has
been trying to direct his way in his latest
role as an English and Drama teacher.
Mr. Kuharcik has always enjoyed theater. He began his acting career
in high school, starring in numerous
plays including Grease, as Danny Zuko,
and Sweeney Todd, as Judge Turpin. After high school, he attended Penn State
University, where he double majored
in Broadcast Journalism and English.
After graduating, Mr. Kuharcik worked in television and radio
broadcasting for two years, then moved
to teach seventh grade at Canon-Mac.
After working there for several years,
he applied for his current position.
“I knew Peters had a good reputation for their theater program, and wanted to get involved here,” said Kuharcik.
Only a blind person would
not notice Mr. Kuharcik’s sophisti-

cated taste in clothing. Buckle, Saks
Fifth Avenue, and Banana Republic
are just a few of the stores that supply Mr. Kuharcik’s vast Wardrobe.
“It is always exciting to
see what he is going to wear next,”
said sophomore Hannah Jacobs.
In addition to great fashion taste,
Mr. Kuharcik taste extends to the plays he
has chosen for this year. West Side Story
and Mousetrap will be challenging, but
the Thespians will draw huge audiences.
“I am excited to begin working with the entire creative team of
faculty members to bring the production together,” said Mr. Kuharcik.
So for those of you who do not
know Mr. Kuharcik, he is the stylish True
Blood and Reese Witherspoon-loving,
teacher walking through the hallways,
making a difference in the world of drama one step at a time.
People Features		


WPIALS: Here We Come

The key to the girl’s
varsity soccer team’s success is
the senior leadership. Senior
captains Shannon O’Connor,
Shelli Spamer, Hannah Caso,
and Dani Hume are close
friends and that helps them
feed off each others’ energy
during games and practices. As
captains, they provide the team
with discipline and leadership.
Their goals for their senior year
are to win states and ultimately
compete in WPIALS.
Frequent bonding
activities have brought the team
closer together and increased
teamwork. The girls will often
have pasta dinners before their
games, and they sometimes
have team sleepovers to grow
closer as a team.
“Hanging out with
each other outside of practice
makes us more of a team on

the field,” stated senior captain
Shannon O’Connor.
Many of these girls
have been playing soccer since
they were little and their love for
the sport has grown with age.
“I love the competition
and atmosphere that the sport
brings,” said senior goalie
Brittany Hoffman. Soccer is
their passion and some hope
to continue their soccer career
outside of high school.
The girls feel that they
are well prepared to compete
in WPIALS this year and make
their mark. They have made it
to states before but WPIALS is
their most important goal this
“Our team is going to
work a lot harder this year and
we are going to try improving as
much as we can,” stated captain
Shelly Spamer.

Photo by Allie Schlafman
Sophomore Alex Alavi takes a shot on goal during a girl’s
varsity soccer game against Mercyhurst. “This year was special
for me because I got closer with all the girls on the team,” said

Tae Kwon Do Experience

Martial arts have existed for centuries, consisting of
countless styles and denominations. One of the most balanced,
useful, and ancient martial arts is Tae Kwon Do. The American
Tae Kwon Do Association (ATA) is the largest single-system
martial arts organization in the United States, with over one
million members.
Karate teaches students how to utilize the body and
mind in a wide variety of ways. It also develops defensive and
potentially life-saving skills. Tae Kwon Do utilizes the body
evenly with hand and foot techniques. However, the art also
branches into close-combat self defense, combat sparring, and
exposure to various weapons.
“ATA is by far the best martial arts school you can
find,” said Cameron Statfeld, a fourteen year student and
When a student embarks on becoming a martial
artist within the ATA, they begin as the classic white belt
and advance through eight more colored belts. After one has
completed the colored belt requirements, they advance to First
Degree Black Belt. Herein lies where the training truly begins;
earning certification to instruct, training for higher degrees of
black belt rank, and competing in tournaments nationwide.
ATA Karate is a local school in Peters Township, stationed
at Waterdam Plaza, McMurray, and owned by Mr. Stephen
Reeve, Fourth Degree Black Belt & Certified Instructor. ATA
Karate is a phenomenal school that offers a broad yet focused

curriculum, expert training, and a high quality, professional
grade studio.
“Not only do you become good at martial arts, you
also become good at other things because of the dedication and
perseverance of being a martial artist,” Mr. Reeve said.
ATA Karate is perfect for all ages and skill levels. It is an activity
where anyone can comfortably fit in and benefit in many ways.
Those who are interested may visit the school’s website www., or visit to meet with Mr. Reeve during
evening hours.

Photo by Greg Marsh

November 2010

Phantom Fright Night: a Scary Good Time

Every fall, when the Kennywood
Park gates close for the change in seasons,
someone or something continues to lurk in
the park. Kennywood’s staff tries to warn
visitors of the horrifying happenings, but
people insist on witnessing with their own
eyes. Next October will be the tenth year
for Phantom Fright Night at Kennywood
Park. This attraction is open to all ages,
although not intended for children under
thirteen. The rides continue to work but
the staff cannot figure out how the fun goes
on through the season changes.
Phantom Fright Nights are
held Fridays and Saturdays during October, from the first until the thirtieth; the
screams and cries begin at seven o’clock
and slowly fade away at one o’clock in the
morning. Within these hours, visitors experience scare zones. Some haunted areas
include Mortem Manor, Villa of the Vampires, Ghostwood Estate, and many 	

more. Scream-inducing thrills include
the new Sky Rocket, Swing Shot, Jack
Rabbit, Phantom’s Revenge, The Exterminator, and others.
“This year they changed the
mazes and had more rides open, the
rides are more exciting in the dark.
They say next year will be even better,”
commented senior Bethany Seibel.
Tickets are affordable and
give you the spending money for
freaky foods. This may include Fright
Fries, Brain Freezes, Grave Yard Pizza,
Monster Dogs, and Cotton Cobwebs.
Although the names are quite explanatory, trying the food will test even the
bravest of visitors.
Fright Night, named “One
of the Best Halloween Events” by the
annual Golden Ticket Awards readers’
poll consists of the ultimate Halloween

Photo by Gabrielle Brinsky

Ghostwood Estate is one of the many rides open
during Phantom Fright Nights which is in the
same place as the Gold Rush ride.

Photo by Gabrielle Brinsky

The man riding the skeleton greets the guests
as they enter the park, on their quest to enjoy

Top 10 Scary Movie List
Lexi Miller & Savanna Schwiezer
Staff Writers
1. Mirrors (2008)

300 costumed actors roam the
park as vampires, pirates, monsters,
clowns, and ghosts. Fog blinds the visitors
while different colored light bulbs distract
them, making them vulnerable to a good
scare. Although the actors wear costumes,
it is prohibited that visitors do the same.
There are approximately 100 tomb stones,
3,000 corn stalks, 50 fog machines, and 64
gallons of colored dye for the fountains.
Along with 10,479 colored light bulbs,
2,500 square feet of gel lights, and 50 strobe
“The fog machines are overwhelming. You can barely see, so it’s easier
to be scared in the walk through paths,”
stated senior Justin Feeney.
Kennywood’s transformation is
surprisingly different than the typical summer amusement park to provide a little
Halloween spirit to all. Kennywood hopes
to scare you next year.

Photo by Gabrielle Brinsky

Kennywood’s staff dresses up to play the part of
all scary things that may be roaming the park
when it closes for winter.

What’s Your Best Scary Face?

2. Shutter Island (2010)
3. Strangers (2008)
4. Bloody Mary (2006)
5. Splice (2010)

Nika Simonson, 2012

Mrs. Frick

Angelo Toscano, 2012

6. The Crazies (2010)

Tyler Santo, 2011

7. Paranormal Activity (2007)
8. Chucky (1988)
9. Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
10. The Halloween Series (Beginning in

Fall 2010


Fright-Free Fall

For the faint of heart who cannot venture to haunted
houses this season, there are many fall festivals that accommodate all ages. Massive corn mazes, pumpkin patches and friendly
hay rides are great substitutes for the thrills and chills of Halloween.
Simmons Farm is a place to celebrate the season. Although this
is not a festival, fall activities are held here from the beginning of
September through Thanksgiving. Hay rides, apple picking, and
an adventure trail create a fun atmosphere at this farm. People
of all ages come to pick their own pumpkins and interact with
goats, chickens, and pigs at the petting zoo. Simmons is the traditional fall celebration for those who are looking for a fun day
on the farm.
“I used to go to Simmons Farm when I was little and I
still love going there now to pick my pumpkin,” commented junior Mandy Nerone. If hot cider and caramel apples are what you
are looking for, Trax Farm Fall Festival is the place to be. Held
every weekend from mid-September to the end of October, Trax
Farm hosts this event and welcomes everyone from young to old.
Aside from entertaining games and decorations, the homemade
baked goods keep the crowds coming back every weekend.
“My mom and I go to Trax farm all the time because I
love the apples and the fall decorations. It makes me excited for
the holidays,” stated senior Jenna Burg.
Venturing a little further from PT, Seven Springs Four
Seasons Mountain Resort holds AutumnFest Oktoberfest Weekends. This festival displays fall foliage at its best; red, orange, and
yellow leaves cove the mountainside and set the perfect autumn
scene for this event. 		
Craft and artisan shows, accompanied by live music and
entertainment attract visitors from all over Pennsylvania. There

are even hiking and biking trails all over for tourists to explore the
resort and work off those extra Halloween candy calories.
For the teens that don’t have any desire to pet goats, West
Virginia University holds a unique fall festival filled with music and
more. This past year, Ludacris, Maroon 5, Kris Allen, and W Brown
all performed at WVU. This celebration welcomes students back to
the campus and gets everyone excited for the school year.
Fall is a time for festivities and being with friends and family. For the people that hate Scarehouse, Fright Night, and Hundred
Acres Manor, but want to welcome the upcoming holidays, there are
many other ways to have a good time and enjoy Autumn. Fall festivals are going on in every community, so be sure to check them out.

Photo by Erin Masta

Senior, Katie Levine, ventures to Trax Farm every fall to pick her pumpkins. “I
love going to Trax because they have the best apple cider and pumpkins. It really
gets me excited for the holidays,” stated Levine.

An Eco-Friendly Halloween


Though Halloween is known for being creepy and scary, the spookiest thing of all is how much energy people waste. 		
Just like any other day of the year, Halloween can be turned into a much greener day without sacrificing any of the traditional 		
trick-or-treating fun. Here are a few tips to help:


Store bought Halloween costumes are usually made of very cheap, very polluting plastics, most of which will not 	
break down in a landfill. Try making your own costume this year, especially using objects you already have laying 		
Clown – Mismatch colorful and ragged clothing
Mother Nature – Use green body suits and weave leaves, flowers, and other natural objects through	your hair.
Wizard – Using leftover cardboard and tinfoil, make a wand or a staff to go with a cape made out of an old 			
pillowcase or blanket.


The beauty of fall doesn’t need to be captured in lots of cheap, plastic decorations from the Halloween store. Instead, 		
use leaves, gourds, natural beeswax candles, and other outside items for your
autumn and Halloween decorating. 		

There are tons of organic Halloween candy stores online, such as:
-College Farm Organic Nature Pops –
-Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops –
-Fair Trade Trick Or Treat –
These tips will help you have a safe, happy, and earth friendly Halloween!

Photo by Hardy Kern

November 2010

Bieber Fever
The world has been
taken over, not by stink bugs
or swine flu, but rather a
sixteen year old Canadian
From celebrities to
hordes of screaming teenage
girls and soccer moms, the
planet is being swept away
by this pop sensation; Peters
Township is no exception.
While walking the halls,
students and teachers often
see Bieber look-a-likes. With
their golden, flowing tresses
and oversized, neon hoodies,
they are hard to miss.
Although the entire
township appears to be
“Bieberized,” I am personally
baffled by the trend. In order
to understand why anyone
would want to emulate
such a disturbing style, I
tracked down two Bieber
doppelgangers. Junior Zach
Mauser and freshman Teddy
Elattrache explained their
inside view on what it is
like to have “Bieber fever”.
Elattrache was the
first to admit that though he

doesn’t see the resemblance,
he receives frequent catcalls
in the hallways due to his
to achieving my Justin
Bieber look is really all in
the hair,” said Elattrache.
With a little time,
a lot of gel, and frequent
trips to Steven’s Salon,
Elattrache swaggers down
the halls with a head of
luscious locks that Bieber
himself would be proud of.
is worth is worth it
because it gets so many
girls,” stated Elattrache.
Though, I found
it difficult to believe that
artfully blow dried hair is
every teenage girl’s dream.
“I just reel in the
ladies with my hair,” said
Despite the fact
that Elattrache is basically
Justin Bieber’s long- lost
twin, he admitted that he
does not have his singing

talents and is not a fan
of Justin Bieber’s music.
Elattrache, who seems to
revel in the attention from his
Bieber-like appearance, Junior
Zach Mauser finds it annoying
to be compared to Justin Bieber.
“Justin Bieber needs
to get a life,” said Mauser.
He seems to shudder at any
similarities he and Bieber
share. Unfortunately for
Mauser, there are many.
faultless swoop of Bieberapproved hair, and uncanny
similarity. That being said,
it is surprising that Mauser
has not been mauled by a
pack of rabid Bieber fanatics.
happens…and no I don’t
blow-dry it,” he stated.
“There is absolutely
nothing good about looking
like Justin Bieber,” said
Mauser. Despising Bieber’s
music, dancing, and over the
top personality, Mauser is
definitely not a “Belieber.”

Photo by McKenzie Fritz
Teddy Elattrache stares adoringly at his
twin. “My hair is perfect like Bieber’s,” said

Photo by McKenzie Fritz
Zach Mauser reluctently strikes a pose with
Justin Bieber. “There is absolutely nothing
good about looking like Justin Bieber,” said

NHL 20ll Sets High Standards


With the release of NHL 2011 on September 7, EA Sports added yet another fantastic upgrade to its NHL series. Released for both the Xbox 360
and Playstation 3, the game is one of the most popular on the market.
sports can boast its legitimacy with phenomenal ratings for the game, receiving a 9.0/10 from Gamespot and Game Informer, and an 8.5/10 from IGN.
Although major game play improvements have been made in the last few years,
NHL 2011 has certainly stolen the spotlight with a noticeable amount of upgrades. New
features include the ability to break and drop sticks, a physics-based engine causing hits and
falls to appear more life-like, an entirely new face-off system that makes older games appear
obsolete, and modified dangles (stick movements). When playing NHL ‘11, the gamer is not
restricted to playing only in the National Hockey League. In fact, eight additional leagues
are available for play, a few of which include the American Hockey League, Canadian
Hockey League and National Teams. Exciting multiplayer modes are definitely the way to
go. However, Be a Pro, Season, and General Manager modes enable the gamer to play with
a single team through a full season, as a professional or as the GM; responsible for organizing a team roster. All game types are certainly worth trying if you are interested enough.
NHL, like many other games has established a following for itself. “I really enjoy
the game; playing with friends is a lot of fun,” said Senior Nick Full.

Fall 2010

Photo by Kurt Werner


Rocking out in the ‘Burgh

Over the next three months,
the city of Pittsburgh will be filled with
talent and new music. Numerous bands
are traveling to Pittsburgh, and you will
not want to miss out on all the fun and
excitement of their concerts. From classic country, to alternative to rock, there
is a concert for everyone.
Don’t miss out on this once in a
lifetime opportunity to see country music’s “king and queen” performing live.
On October 14, 2010, George Strait and
Reba McEntire will be performing at the
Consol Energy Center at 7:00 p.m. You
can purchase your tickets at Reba McEntire’s official website, or Tickets start
around $30.00 and the price increases as
the quality of your seats improve.
The infamous Goo Goo Dolls
will be performing at St. Vincent College
on October 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. At this
concert, you will also be able to check
out the up and coming opening band,
Spill Canvas, who will be opening for the
Goo Goo Dolls. Buy your tickets now
at before the
prices rise and you miss out on this excellent alternative rock band. Prices vary,
but the general admission fee is $30.65.

About a year ago, the band
3OH!3 became famous from their hit
single, “Don’t Trust Me.” Now, they
have become one of the most popular
punk rock bands in the country. You
can purchase tickets to see them live
on October 30, 2010 at the Ches-aRena Roller Rink in Cheswick, PA. The
concert begins at 12:00 a.m. Tickets for
this show are not yet available. However, you can visit
to be notified when they are being offered.
This December, one of the
most famous pop culture icons will
be performing in Pittsburgh. On December 13, 2010, just in time for the
holiday season, Justin Bieber will be
stopping at the Consol Energy Center.
Bieber will be featuring his most popular album, My World, which features
smash hits “Baby” and “Somebody to
Love.” This album has reached number
one in over ten countries and promises
to be a performance you will not want
to miss. Tickets are available at www. or As of now, the tickets are
staring at about $80, but range in price
up to #1000.

The Glass Castle Book
Imagine living a life lacking common necessities, and everyday being a constant struggle. Jeannette Walls takes you into her own
true story of poverty. Her father coined her nickname, “Mountain
Goat,” which suited her well, seeing that she has navigated a towering
cliff all her life. The book consists of fond memories of her irresponsible parents, rough times she spent hunting for food and shelter with
her siblings, and the overwhelming outcome of their lifestyle. A typical day begins with Jeannette waking up to her ranting mother, who
was an aspiring artist with no hope. Later, she watched her brilliant
father down a bottle of Jack Daniel’s while listening to her younger
siblings cry out for attention. At the books beginning, Jeannette is
three years old living in a trailer in Arizona. While cooking hotdogs
for herself on the stove, she gets severely burned with the boiling water. Jeannette is hospitalized after the incident but only for a short
time because her father arrived at the hospital and checked Jeannette
out immediately. Jeannette’s father believed hospitals were overrated
and that she would heal better at home, so he unhooked her arm from
the sling, lifted her from the hospital bed, and headed down the hallway. The nurse yelled for them to stop but her dad began to run until
they reach the car that was already idling outside the hospital doors.
He called this typical routine the “skedaddle.” Now it’s up to Jeannette,
her brother, and her sisters to find a way out of this unfit upbringing.
Anyone who reads this book will be both stunned by the tragic circumstances of Jeanette’s childhood and awed by her strength.


Señora Degnan’s
Top 5

Stereo Love by Edward
Sombody to Love by Justin Bieber
She Wolf by Shakira
Cuando Me Enamoro by
Enrique Iglesias
Check it Out by
Will-I-Am and Nicki Minaj

Review:Letters to
Grade: ADirector Gary Winick’s Letters to Juliet is easily the most
appealing romantic film of the season. I was pleasantly
surprised that this film was a noticeable cut above the rest.
I enjoyed it a lot, and judging from the audience so did
everyone else. The movie begins with an American girl on
vacation in Italy who finds an unanswered “Letter to Juliet.” One of thousands of letters left at the fictional lover’s
Verona courtyard, which are typically answered by the
“secretaries of Juliet”. 			
goes on a quest to find the lovers referenced in the letter. Most of the weight of the plot was on actress Amanda
Seyfried who handled the role very well, and made the
story come alive. It was a great film with many twists and
conflicts. This story was not your typical Chick flick. Two
thumbs up for Letters to Juliet.

November 2010

Code Green is in Effect
A “green makeover” took place this
past summer, making the high school more
environmentally friendly without interrupting the flow of everyday school life.

Hardy Kern.Staff Writer

One of the high school’s new environmental changes is the lunch trays. Previously, PTHS used styrofoam trays. It takes
over one million years for Styrofoam to break
down, especially in the massive quantities that
our high school alone uses. The new trays are
made of recycled cardboard from a local factory. They are completely biodegradable and
only take about two months to decompose.
When a cafeteria such as ours uses roughly
500 lunch trays a day, (Nutrition Inc.), this
switch is going to have a huge impact in reducing the carbon footprint.

While the program is new at the
high school, it is not new for the district. In
fact, Bower Hill and Pleasant Valley Elementary Schools have had recycling programs for
the past 3 years.
“We are thrilled to finally have a
recycling program in all of the lunches, like
the elementary schools,” said Mr. Compeggie,
SAFE sponsor.
These little changes are bound to
have a huge impact in our cafeteria and have
already been well received by students and
faculty alike. Short glances toward the bins
during lunch reveal that students are embracing the idea by sorting their trash.
“It’s sad that it took our school that
long to get a recycling program. In today’s
green trend, easy little things like recycling
bins in the cafeteria are going to have a huge
impact,” stated senior Kevin Corrigan.

Another change students will see is
the new recycling bins in the cafeteria. While
the bins are unfortunately disguised as regular
garbage cans, the green and white recycling
arrows set them apart. These bins are specifically for glass and plastic bottles, aluminum
cans, and any other plastic recyclables students may have in their lunches. Instead of
being thrown away, these items will be taken
to a recycling center in Pittsburgh, sorted
through, and turned into other products.

Keep your eyes open for more Code
Green changes in the near future and remember, ask not what recycling bins can do for
you, but what you can put in recycling bins.

Driving with Death
Katie Denning.Co-Editor-in-Chief
For teenagers, texting is a necessity. It’s as if they cannot
survive a day without texting every second, even while driving.
Nationwide Insurance Agency compiled information about this
dangerous habit from studies conducted throughout the country.
These studies provided statistical evidence that should make every
driver think twice about texting while behind the wheel.
Texting is a disastrous distraction while driving. In fact,
use of a cell phone while behind the wheel creates the same diminishing effect on reaction time as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit. In other words, texting while driving inhibits
the driver just as much as driving drunk.
“Driving is too complicated [even] without texting. I
would never be able to focus if I were distracted by my phone,” said
junior Bri Deer.
The primary source of distraction behind the wheel is the
use of a cell phone. Conversely, one student admitted that there are
situations where texting while driving should be allowed.
“If you’re going straight and there’s minimal traffic,” stated
senior Doug Maronde.
However, the study found that drivers who text are four
times more likely to get in a crash that has serious injuries involved.
Additionally, according to Edgar Snyder’s Law Firm, twenty-one
percent of fatal car accidents among teenagers are the result of texting.
“My mom texts while driving, but I would rather not
damage my car,” commented junior Prit Roy. His mindset is one
that other young drivers should consider.
One out of every ten young adults, aged sixteen to

Fall 2010

twenty-four, uses their cell phone while driving. Moreover, twenty
eight states have banned inexperienced drivers from using their
cell phone while behind the wheel.



Photo by Melina Sopko
Senior Mike Shuck demonstrates the dangerous habit of texting while driving. “For the record, I don’t own a cellphone or car and therefore don’t text
while I drive,” stated Shuck.
News Features		


Smarter Shopping: Five Smart Money Tips
Valerie Kotar.Staff Writer
As high school students begin to get a taste of what the
real world has in-store for us the number one focus is necessities.
Clothing and food all have a price that parents might not always be
willing to pay, not to mention college, which is around the corner
for many of us. To cope with the big bills, we take any and all jobs
available. Whether it is mowing countless lawns or watching a
neighbor’s six cats for the week, it is all worth it . . . right? Well, with
a little extra effort, you could afford to say no to the next cat-sitting
job that comes your way.
These tips are simple, but can have a large impact. Take a
second to think of all the things you can do with some extra cash in
your pocket. No more strange jobs you have to take or borrowing
money you cannot pay back. Money may not buy happiness, but
using it wisely can put your mind at ease.

Tip 2: Cut Back.
This may not be the most enjoyable advice, but you may find
that it is possible to live without certain things. Do you really need
that coffee from Starbucks every day of the week? Try only making
three Starbucks trips each week. You could save at least seven dollars.
That might not sound like a whole lot to trade your morning energy
for, but think long term: there are 43 weeks in a school year. That’s
a grand total of $301.
Tip 3: Do You Need the Brand Name?

Tip 1: Coupons Are Your Best Friend.

If you desperately need that morning pick-me-up, try some
cheaper options. For example, a fall favorite at Starbucks is Pumpkin
Spice Lattes. If you buy a tall size it will cost $3.45. However, if you
are willing to forfeit the brand name and get something similar from
somewhere like Sheetz, it would only be $2.29.

You may not think that you have the time or attention span
to hunt down deals, but make the effort. The best part about coupons
is that they are everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, emails, and
websites all provide coupons. For example,
contains deals from an enormous variety of stores. Everything from
Macys to Pizza Hut can be found here. A word of caution: read the
fine print. Some deals may require you to spend twenty dollars or
more, and some expire after a single weekend.

A lot of people hate carrying change around because it is
heavy and jingles with every step. Some helpful advice is to designate
a place to dump any kind of change you have. Then, when it fills
up, take it to the bank. Most banks have coin counting machines.
If you have an account there you might be able to use it for free.
You’ll be surprised how much money you can accumulate by saving
those pennies.

With the economy
these days everyone
is looking for ways to
save. Some great coupon websites to look
at are
com and

Valerie Kotar
Photo by Valerie Kotar

Tip 4: Every Penny Counts.

Tip 5: Unexpected Places Can Have Better Prices.
There is nothing wrong with wanting a certain brand of
clothing. What is wrong is spending outrageous amounts of money
to get it. Name brand stores might not have the best deals for what
you want. Retail stores like T.J. Maxx are great places to look if you
are willing to search through the racks. If not, outlet malls such as
Tanger Outlets have deals that you wouldn’t normally find anywhere
else. Consignment stores such as Plato’s closet feature gently-used
clothing where you can find some great pieces. Extra tip: stores like
Plato’s Closet pay in cash if you want to get rid of some clothes that
are still in good condition.

What In The World?
An unemployed British man
found a new way to get a job:
selling himself on eBay. Tristam Rossin, a graphic designer,
put his design skills on sale for
forty hours a week, for one year
without a minimum bid. According to Rossin it was, “a very
serious venture,” an attempt to
support his family. Unfortunately, after reaching a bid of
€3100, eBay removed the advertisement stating that it was
“in breach with their policies.”

Who said that underwear can’t
be multifunctional? Dr. Elena
Bodnar took the meaning of
“Wonder Bra” to new heights,
by creating a bra that can double as a chemical face mask. In
twenty-five seconds, the bright
red “emergency bra” can be
transformed into two masks
that will filter out dangerous
chemicals in the air. Bodnar
won the Ig Nobel prize (a spoof
of the original) for her invention, which is on sale now for

Fifty four year old Wang Xianjun of China has done just
that, having eaten at least 1,500
bulbs since the age of twelve.
The peculiar habit started after
accidentally swallowing a fish
bone without any ill effects.
Eager for more, he tried, “several pieces of broken glasses,”
and then moved on to one
light bulb, broken into pieces,
every morning. Annual hospital checkups indicate that this
“light” diet has not damaged
his health.

After a whirlwind romance, two
horses recently tied the knot in
England. Their marriage, also
Britain’s first horse wedding,
was performed by pub owner
and “animal marriage expert,”
Jeremy Wescott . According
to their owner, Ali Blowfield,
the two love-beasts, Zippy and
Magic, met five months ago.
Blowfield said that they had an,
“instant attraction,” and that
they “are inseparable…It’s definitely love.”
Picture This...

n, Grade 12
Chelsea Che
Jillian Eb
y, Grade 1


Ben Chiste, Grade 12

lis, Grade 12

Layout Design by Denée Renz

Meredith Karavo

de 12

ic, Gra
Meaghan Hrz

Juliet L

eon, G
rade 1

de 12

, Gra
yllan Na

Allie Schlafm
an, Grade 11


etto, Gra

de 11

Amanda Sherwin, Grade

icke, Grade
elissa Sarn

Alyssa Trier,

Grade 12

Photography is one of our most popular media classes.
Students are taught different techniques of using a camera and
Photoshop, while having the freedom to take pictures that
express themselves and display their style. Above are just a few
examples of the talent that can be found in our Photography
“Megan Fox”






“Megan Fox”

Mrs. Baker

“Katy Perry”

Mr. Redilla

Miss Daerr

Mr. Lawrence


“Miley Cyrus”







“Megan Fox”



Mr. Pinto









“Megan Fox”

















“Diane Lane”
Nov. 2010 Smoke Signals Issue 1
Nov. 2010 Smoke Signals Issue 1

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Nov. 2010 Smoke Signals Issue 1

  • 1. P November 2010 Volume 2 Issue 1 oke Sm T H S nals Sig
  • 2.
  • 3. Emily Cocco Smoke Signals Volume2 Issue I Peters Township High School 264 East McMurray Road McMurray, PA 15317 Phone: 724-941-6250
  • 4. Meet the Staff Managing Editor-In-Chief: Mike Schuck Online Editor-In-Chief: Katie Denning Layout Editor-in-Chief: Matt Sikora Period 1 Editor-In-Chief: Erin Masta . Period 3 Editor-In-Chief: Gabrielle Brinsky Layout Editors: Val Gobao and Joe Grossi Entertainment Editor: Conor Jackson Life & Style Editor: Molly Doehring Special Features Editor: Christine Manganas Sports Editor: John Galatic People Editor: McKenzie Fritz PT Focus Editor: Amanda Moore Staff Writers: Layout Staff: Carly Beck Lexi Miller Melina Sopko Jessica Kleja Hardy Kern Valerie Kotar Madison Mincone Sean Sickmund Katie Shultz Matt Lison Julia Gauthier Kenzie Stepanik Jake Achenbach Katie Finn Greg Marsh Denee Renz Savanna Schweitzer Kurt Werner Steph Hammell Nikki Happe Allie Schlafman Mission Statement: Smoke Signals is produced four times a school year by the students of the Media II, III, and IV Journalism staff at Peters Township High School. Staff Advisor is Mrs. N. Sitler. Commentaries, reviews, and opinion columns are the express opinion of the author and not of Smoke Signals, its advisor, or the Peters Township School District. Name your best Halloween Costume. “A tuxedo with a white mask and a top hat.” “I was a watermelon when I was younger.” “Winnie the Pooh, it was so cute!” -John Galatic -Gabby Brinsky -Christine Manganas
  • 5. -Erin Masta 4-5 Table of Contents “A bumble bee when I was a baby.” 6-7 8-9 10-11 “Cinderella because I had a big ball gown with a hoop skirt.” 12-13 -Katie Denning 14-15 16-17 “The red power ranger.” -Matt Sikora 18-19 20-21 “One year I wore my sister’s red M&M costume; it was awesome!” -Amanda Moore 22-23 24 PT Focus Long Live the King Sports Next Year Is Here Senior Servants A Look Back Life & Style Fashion Forward Fall Shoes Homecoming Starry Night Extravaganza People Features Artwork of Eleni Manganas Seasonal Fall Festivities Entertainment Upcoming Concerts News Features Eco-Friendily Changes Student Work Photography Voices Homecoming Dates
  • 6. 4 November 2010 Long Live the King KatieSchultz.StaffWriter This past summer, PTHS lost a wonderful mentor and friend. Mr. Brian King, a social studies teacher, left a legacy for all future teachers. Numerous students had the privilege to know him through World Cultures and AP Law and Government. Mr. King engaged students through participatory learning and encouraged them to reach their potential. His class discussions kept students engaged. “We had the most memorable discussions about Greenpeace to Balloon Boy to cake or pie,” said Joy Hou, a senior and one of King’s former students. “He was a brilliant educator as well as the most respectful man.” “Out of all of the teachers I’ve had, he was the most knowledgeable,” stated senior Kurt Werner, who had King for AP Law and Government. “He was the most interested when we showed we were the most interested.” King was respected by his students and was able to inspire others. “Every day he would go out of his way to try and make your day better,” said senior Doug Maronde, who had King for World Cultures. “Even when fighting cancer, he still taught with energy and was devoted to his students.” Besides students, King left behind a great impression on teachers as well. “He impacted the school and the students more than anyone can know,” said Mr. Kevin Bastos, one of King’s closest friends. “What I respect about him most is his integrity, and he always strived to make himself the best he can be. He made me better as a person.” Past and present students, along with friends and staff, have been able to reflect on the impact Mr. King made through Facebook groups. One group called “Remembering Mr. King” lets friends post their thoughts about him. Matt Sherwin, the page’s creator, started the page so people could leave their memories and let King’s family see his importance to others. “His passion for his subject and his students were infectious,” said Sherwin. “He got all of his students to think productively.” Mr. King’s lectures kept students captivated throughout his thir- Mr. King passed away on July 7, 2010. Loved by both students and staff, he sadly lost his battle against cancer. teen years of teaching at the high school. He was recognized for his teaching talents when he received the Teacher Excellence Award, the Award for Educational Excellence from the University of Pittsburgh, and was included in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.” Mr. King never gave up his passion for teaching even in poor health. He passed away on July 7, 2010 at age 59, but the valuable lessons he instilled in PTHS will live forever. Editorial: To Kill A Muffin-Bird MikeSchuck.Editor-in-Chief To be brief, Muffin Days have been canceled. The given reason for ending the weekly breakfast was that the muffins were “too unhealthy.” Now students and teachers are voicing their discontent in the wake of this tragedy. Muffin Day occurred each Friday morning. Every student surveyed said they disagreed with the cancellation: a credit to the event's popularity. The impact on the library is one of the main problems with the recent decision. Muffin Days were one of few fundraisers for the high school’s library, along with Library Arts Café, which is held each spring. However, money is not the real concern. “Muffin Days weren’t just about funding for the library, it was a way to bring students together,” said senior Emily Madalena, who volunteers in the high school library. Nutrition, the reason for the muffins’ demise, is another point of discussion. Were the muffins healthy? No. They contained an average of 650 calories each. Attempting to encourage healthy eating habits is surely a noble pursuit. However, the question is whether the current decision will move the student body toward this end. Fall 2010 High school is a place where adolescents become adults with the help of faculty and administration. This means that at some point during their four years of attendance, students must begin to make their own decisions. What to eat is one such decision. Additionally, many students skip breakfast all-together. Therefore, juice and a muffin are far better than nothing at all. In addition, this event helped PTHS feel more like a community. Otherwise, the high school is simply several hundred kids moving within their own separate cliques. As dramatic as it may sound, Muffin Days added the human element to an otherwise divided building. After all, what are more universal than muffins? If nothing else, Muffin Days were fun. Besides being a motivation to get up and go to school on Friday, it was a way to enjoy time with friends. Name five schools that sell ginormous chocolate muffins on Fridays. That's what I thought. A compromise can easily be reached. For example, healthy food and drinks could be offered, such as bagels and fruit. Moral of the story: there is no legitimate reason to eliminate Muffin Day. Period.
  • 7. PT Focus Gone Fishin’ My Life Is PT JakeAchenbach.StaffWriter Being an upperclassman definitely has its benefits – such as having the first pick in gym class. This fall, juniors and seniors were offered fly fishing in PE and very few hesitated to sign up for the school year’s most hyped field trip. “Missing school to go fishing was a nice break from everyday stresses within the walls of the school,” stated senior Nic Nee. Many students used this trip as an excuse to get away from all of the hardwork but still stay within the curriculum. It’s fair to say that every student appreciated what the trip has to offer: a day out of school, a cookout, and catching fish. “We roasted hotdogs and hamburgers for lunch, it was a thrill,” said senior Phil Ross, “I could have lived off of all the fish I was catching.” Fish were not hard to come by and most students caught at least a few of them. However, some did not rejoice in their catch as much as others did. “All I caught was bluegill, and I’ve caught millions of those in my lifetime, so it didn’t really mean anything to me,” remarked senior Dan Milavec sarcastically. The trip took place at a privately owned fish farm in Marriana, PA. Getting out of town only added more interest to taking the course. Many students enjoyed the change in scenery, especially on a Monday afternoon. “It was a nice area, very unpopulated and quiet. If I ever got the chance again I would be the first person to retake the trip,” said senior Brent Mueller. Senior Nic Nee roasts a hotdog at lunchtime. “I roasted a dog because I get hungry when I fish,” recalled Nee. PT Focus: Volunteers All photos submitted Sophomore Sarah Bowler helps clean up trash. “Everything can be tons better if people picked up after themselves,” she said. A Parody of Compiled by AmandaMoore.Editor • Today, I decided that if I ever have a daughter, I will name her Stacy so I can listen to ‘Stacy’s Mom’ by Fountains of Wayne and feel good about myself. • Today, I got a papercut while opening a band-aid box. • Today, I successfully stole a Snack Shack cookie from my friend by pointing and saying, “Look! A distraction!” • Today in World Cultures, we had a discussion about where people in China try to dig their holes to. • The other day I was applying to colleges. One application gave me an essay prompt that said something like “Write what you want, but show you have a mastery of grammar, the English language, and writing structure.” I wrote my essay on how to properly cook Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I think I’ll be accepted. • Today I realized that a pack of gum lasts a lot longer if you don’t share. • Today in History class, my teacher was telling a story about how a while back, Mr.Wood put in his lesson plans that the class was going sledding on the lunch trays down the PV hill. And they did. I will miss that man. • Today in English, we were talking about compound words. A girl asked what they are and I said,” They’re words that can be broken into two words. Like airport or backdrop.” She responded, “Oh, so like chicken!” Yes, exactly like chicken. Photo by Sean Sickmund Hardy Kern,12, traveled to Churchill, Canada to help polar bears. “It’s an absolutely life changing trip,” said Kern. 5 Junior Mike Sessa goes to Kentuckey to help build houses. “I had fun while doing a good thing for people who lost everything,” he said. Freshman Rachel Moore proves you don’t have to do much to make a change. “I love going on I can help people in other countries while studying,” she said. • Today in class, me and my two best friends were discussing how steep the stair cases are in this school. We were complaining about the stairs from the Media Wing to the third floor Science wing when I asked, “What if they made vertical stairs that you would have to climb up?” They paused a bit before informing me that those are called ladders. • Today at Cross Country practice when we were supposed to be stretching, some boys decided to wrap their shirts around their heads as bandanas. They then tied blankets (that they got from their cars) around their necks as capes. They started yelling “This is SPARTA,” and ran down to the trail and screamed the whole practice. This is now a normal occurance known as ‘Warrior Wednesday’. • Today, my friend and I were in outdoor games. I was goofing around, so I told her, “Look, gullible is written on the ceiling!” She looked up. I’m worried for this girl. • Today, I figured out that surprise is spelled with two r’s. This was a big, well you know, surprise...
  • 8. 6 November 2010 Phil Ross: Chief of the Tribe Next Year is Here MattLison.StaffWriter LexiMiller.StaffWriter A leader, a mentor, and a teammate, Phil Ross is the epitome of a captain. Ross heads into his senior season commanding one of WPIAL’s biggest powerhouses as a captain of the Peters Township Indians soccer team, and there is no better person for the job. Some people are thrown into a position of such high responsibility. However, Ross seems to be a natural born leader. “Being a captain this year doesn’t really change the way I act. I’m still going to act the same as I always do: as a leader,” stated Ross. Photo by Dan Tatman The Indians will need this type of influence as they head into this season Senior captain Phil Ross gets loose before a love the game ranked third overall, behind only game. “Isenior year it of soccer and because it’s my makes it even more Upper St. Clair and Mt. Lebanon. special,” stated Ross. However, the seven returning starters “For us, the team to beat this make the Indians heavy favorites for year is USC. They are our section ria title run. “As a team, our expectations val and we hate them with a passion,” are the same every year: win a section Ross explained. The Indians will face title, WPIAL title, and state title,” says the Panthers twice this year and most Ross. With their talent and experi- likely in the playoffs. Having such a talented and ence, the Indians should not expect heavily favored team to go deep into anything less. As expectations run high, the playoffs, the fans also have high the Indians will face a number of expectations heading into the season. Senior outside midfielder, challenges throughout the season. However, the biggest challenge they Dan Weyrick, said, “Expect a team will face this year will not be an op- that plays with pace and plays a physical game. We have a lot of swag, but ponent, but injuries. “The main challenge we face still have a lot to prove. There are no as a team is staying healthy,” said easy games in the WPIAL today.” For Ross. With a healthy group of start- the fans of the Indians, Ross has an ers, game after game, the Indians important message, “You can expect a will seem nearly impossible to beat. show.” “When we were little, we grew up saying next year, next year we’ll do better, but the time is now, and we came to win,” said senior quarterback Austin Hancock. Hancock echoed the football team’s theme this year, next year is here. Their major goal is to make the playoffs and ultimately win the conference. So far, the record looks promising and the team had an amazing win against rival Bethel Park. The win was featured on the front page of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and the Almanac. In the past, the football team has struggled to find success, but things are about to change. They are working harder, playing tougher, and are more determined to win than ever before. “We’re playing more as a team rather than as individuals, which is a mistake we’ve made in the past,” said senior and center Boyd Jones. So far, the changes they’ve made this year have paid off. Some of the players believe that their team bonding sessions have contributed to their success on the field. They have dinners on Thursdays after their practice in preparation for their Friday night game. Also, the Junior Varsity and Varsity teams combine, so whoever does not get their playing time in the varsity game Friday night gets their turn on Saturday morning, during the Junior Varsity game. “Football has taught me a lot about leadership and self-discipline. You have to work hard if you want to achieve your goals,” said sophomore wide receiver Joey Sala. On top of practicing every day, the team also had several successful training camps in August, which included camps at home as well as away. The away camps were attended at Pennsylvania State University and Michigan. In addition, the team also trained in a speed camp with camp coordinator Tony Mitchell every weekday morning over the summer to improve on agility and speed that contributed to their preparation for the season. Every Friday night the student section is completely filled, with some students having to stand along the fence, cheering on the Indians and celebrating the team’s improvement. Next year is finally here. Which Athlete Would You Follow 24/7? Christina Soff, 2011 Sarah Kronket, 2013 “Apolo Anton Ohno” “Hines Ward” Nick Wells, 2014 Marco Femiani, 2012 “Ricky Bobby” Fall 2010 Photo by Meredith Karavolis “Andrew Erenberg” Teammates junior Clayton Evans (56) and senior center Boyd Jones (64) fire each other up before a game . “This year has been special for me because this is my last year and I find myself enjoying football more than ever,” said Jones.
  • 9. Sports 7 Raising the Banner MadisonMincone.StaffWriter “My goal for this team is to put up Simonson, Nicole Burkhardt, and Jess a big 2010 on the volleyball banner in the Crossman. Burkhardt and Simonson are gym,” said Coach Ashley Green. both leaders for kills on the team. But the true anchor of the defense is Crossman. The banner is a topic of frequent She is the true defensive specialist, who conversations. It helps to build team spirit plays back row for Burkhardt. Crossman’s and encourages the team to win. The team strong defense enables the team to earn hasn’t won a section title since 2003, and offensive points by making digs. There Coach Green hopes to change that. are three essential juniors on varsity, the starting middle hitter Madison Mincone, “This is a good team; they deserve so much another defensive specialist Alex McNally, more than they have been given. They de- and the libero, Gabriella Santa Lucia. serve to win and be champions, and that’s exactly what we plan to do,” said Green. Santa Lucia’s official position is libero. Liberos can only play in the back row, Coach Green’s fire and passion fu- and can remove themselves from the game els the girls on their road to victory along without a substitution. A libero wears the with strong leadership from the seniors. opposite colored jersey on the court so she can be easily recognized. Santa Lucia’s deThe team’s defense is their best attribute, fense earned her a spot on the South Fayette lead by the three senior co-captains, Nika All Tournament team. Under Review Photo by Jenn Coffey Senior Jess Crossman passes a ball to a teammate. “I love playing defense. It’s awesome whenever you dig a ball that looks nearly impossible to get,” reflected Crossman. Sophomore setter Kelly Johnson is the quarterback of the team. She calls out the plays, and let the hitters know where to go. Johnson’s play has been flawless for this year. Finally, sophomore Shiloh Simonson is a powerful force on the court; she earned the “Player of the Week” for the week of 9/26 to 10/2. In one match alone, she compiled sixteen kills, five digs, two aces, and one block. John Galatic.Sports Editor & Jake Achenbach.Staff Writer Which is more exciting: college football or the NFL? JG: What makes football exciting is the tradition, something that is more prevalent at the college level. Fans young and old travel to their team’s home site on Saturdays in the fall. The smell of barbecue permeates the air in the parking lot near the stadium. On the field, the band plays school fight songs and other exciting pregame numbers. Even fans watching the game on TV can enjoy the tradition that surrounds a college football game. Professional football simply cannot compare in this area. JA: Tradition is for children, while the NFL is for big boys. In fact, the league has always been known for legacies and dynasties. Tradition is great for college but most people only spend about four years there. You can love an NFL team from before your college days until the day you die. JG: You can still love a college football team as a kid. The bond between you and a school simply grows when you enroll there. As for dynasties, what makes the college level so exciting is its variety from year to year. A team becomes different every season when upperclassmen graduate or leave early and when new freshmen arrive on campus. Because of this, many teams do not usually suffer the same level of mediocrity each year (i.e. the Cleveland Browns). Boise State, for example, went from complete anonymity to being a serious National Championship contender. The NFL looks the same every year. It is the same athletes playing at the same level against the same teams season after season. JA: What are you talking about? College football has variety? When was the last time a team outside of the SEC won the national title? More specifically, when was the last time anybody other than Florida or Alabama won the BCS championship? Granted, there are a number of “Cinderella” teams every year or so, but for the most part college football stays the same. In the NFL there is no recruiting. Therefore the best players are distributed amongst all teams. It is fair to say that every team from the Saints to the Lions has more than a few stand outs. This is primarily the reason why repeat Super Bowl winners are so rare. JG: You’re kidding, right? Out of the 44 Super Bowls, the Steelers, Cowboys, and 49ers have won sixteen. That’s more than a third. We’re not talking about a twelve team conference here. These are single teams. That’s more than a third of the entire league. Even third graders can tell you that these stats are lopsided. Concerning the NFL draft, certain teams have historically drafted better than others. This is what makes the Steelers so great. And most years, each team only has one or two players drafted that see any significant playing time. The others are released to free agency. When you watch an NFL game, you always see the same names. Tom Brady, Ray Lewis, and Adrian Peterson are DYNASTY players. They are on a team for the long run. JA: I’m sorry; I didn’t realize we were in math class. Want some real stats? In the past twenty years, there have been less than eleven teams that have won the national championship. Also, we hear those names constantly because those players are literally the best in the world at what they do. To prove you wrong once again, I can list four names off of the top of my head that were significant rookie starters in 08’-09’. Actually, let me just name the quarterbacks: Joe Flacco, Matthew Stafford, Matthew Ryan, and Mark Sanchez. They are all from different schools yet not quite standouts in the NFL. The only reason I consider them significant is because they are starters. It is undisputed that the NFL carries the better players and allows for various champions.
  • 10. 8 November 2010 Succesful Senior Servant Day John Galatic.SportsEditor The 2010 edition of Senior Servant Day showcased a giant whoopie cushion, bananas, and even the beloved stars of Disney’s “Up” as part of a hectic day filled with hilarity. Hallways were a complete traffic jam as our seniors dragged their “masters” around in wagons and other ridiculous modes of transportation. People showed up to class five, maybe ten minutes late. Seniors had mixed feelings about the madness. “I didn’t like my costume at all. I wish I had a bear costume to wear. But I thought it was fun… I just wouldn’t do it again,” said Sean Sickmund, who was dressed as a girl. Although a reduced amount of work was accomplished in the classroom, high school students enjoyed a well-deserved break from their every day routines. Smiles could be seen on just about every face, even those of the more solemn teachers. Not only does this day provide a great prelude to Homecoming weekend, it enables students to release stress that has been pent up since late August. Plus, seeing friends dressed up a like clowns is always a nice bonus. Perhaps the best costumes were the girls dressed up as the blue Na’vi from the movie Avatar. The costumes were spot on, and the satire of the human race dominating the blue humanoids was hysterical. The annual pep rally held at the end of the day capped off the madness, as the Homecoming Court was introduced, creating much anticipation for the crowning of the king and queen. Finally, all the senior servants played a slightly violent game of musical chairs, won by Conor Jackson. Jackson was far from finished with his antics in the assembly, winning a dance-off against fellow senior servant Jesse Scheirer. Complimenting Jackson’s dance moves was Assistant Principal Bergman’s surprise roundoff, which made the crowd go wild. Fall 2010
  • 11. Fall 9 Layout by Allie Schlafman Photos by Mrs. Sitler and Savanna Schwiezer
  • 12. 10 November 2010 Sweet Dreams CarlyBeck.StaffWriter Everyone has woken up one morning puzzled by the dream that is still fresh in their minds. Whether it was a nightmare or a happily-ever-after dream, the dreamer is often left wondering “Why?” Dreams are a window into the subconscious of the dreamer. Each dream is filled with symbols representing thoughts that our minds process as we sleep. “Usually I’m confused when I wake up, but picking out the symbols in my dreams makes them a lot simpler to figure out,” said senior Lindsay Smore. Learning to interpret these symbols is the key to understanding our dreams, which often seem illogical and bizarre. It is essential to remember that dreamare mainly based on the day before. “Knowing my dreams are about the previous day really limited the possible meanings they could have,” noted junior Nicole Celko. The symbols and complex meaning of the dream can become clearer when compared to real-life events. According to the late Sigmund Freud, an expert on dream analysis, common symbols involved in dreams can be colors, people currently present in the dreamer’s life, or animals. The colors involved in a dream can often be overlooked; however, many agree that the common connotations of colors have meanings in dreams. For example, white represents purity and innocence, gray conveys indecisiveness, and black represents power. “I realized my dream full of gray rooms was about deciding between saving my money or spending it,” stated Celko. Other colors such as pink, purple, and blue symbolize love, loyalty and calm. Another common symbol in dreams is the people present in the dreamer’s life. “My dream about my English teacher reminded me I was worried about the test that I took in class yesterday,” remarked junior Drew Reis. Obviously, the dreamer should interpret these kinds of symbols personally, depending on what role the person plays in their life. Animals are a third common symbol present in dreams. An animal has certain physical qualities that we associate with emotional traits. When animals are present in dreams this can indicate the fight or flight instinct taking over confrontational situations. For example, a cheetah may mean you are quick and graceful with your actions, while a lamb signifies a sacrifice. A puppy can represent a carefree and happy attitude. Photo by Carly Beck Dreaming her troubles away is Junior Katie Finn. “My dreams usually seem strange at first, but after I break them down they make sense,” remarked Finn. Sikora’s Stunna Fresh Kicks Corner The pictures don’t do them justice; you have to get yourself a pair. The theme for these was simple color schemes. Nothing to flashy, but at the same time all business. You can rock black, white, or grey with just about anything and you’ll look like a stunner. “With these things on you”ll be running the streets!” -Matt Sikora Fall 2010
  • 13. z Life & Style Fall Shoe Trends MollyDoehring.LifeandStyleEditor Sadly, the cold weather of autumn and winter is fast approaching. It’s time to pack away the strappy sandals, wedges, and flip-flops, and embrace some styles that keep your feet a little warmer. The fall 2010 fashion season has brought back some classics, as well as added some new trends too. Shoes styles this season are very much inspired by the military look. We will be seeing many lace up looks, as well as buckles, buttons, and straps. Animal prints, particularly leopard, are big this season. They have been seen on everything from boots to flats. Also, many new textures have been filling the runways this year. Patent leather, glitter, and even fur have been spotted. The hottest shoes on the runway now are clogs. We are seeing them everywhere. Some of the most expensive designers, like Christian Louboutin, all the way down to stores like Aldo are supporting this classic look. They vary in color, but are most commonly seen in neutrals such as black, tan, and brown. Clogs can be worn with flared or skinny pants, and even skirts or dresses. They have been the go- to fall shoe since the 1960’s, and for now, are here to stay. Another hot shoe trend this season is thigh-high boots. If going for a dramatic look, thigh high’s are the shoes for you. They come in a wide range of heel heights, from flats to some that top out at five-plus inches! This season boots are tending to be lace up, or include a large amount of fur, almost resembling Eskimos. Skirt-length boots can be worn with either skinny pants or dresses to elongate your legs, making you look thinner. If not a fan of the super high boots, try ankle boots this fall. They were a popular trend last season and will continue into 2010. Ankle boots work best with skirts, shorts, or dresses, and can be found in open and closed-toe varieties. Platform heels are going to be huge this winter. A classic look since the 40’s, you cannot go wrong with a pair of pumps. It would be a good idea to invest in a pair of neutral pumps, whether they are peeptoed or close-toed. Pumps have always been in and will never go out. Again, higher heeled shoes will give the illusion of longer legs, making a skinnier, more flattering figure. Pumps can be worn with any type of outfit. They can be dressed up for a formal ensemble, or can be worn with jeans for a more casual feel. On the contrary, kitten heels, most popular in the 50’s, are making a comeback this season. Pointed toes are the way to go, and can give anyone the look of a taller, smaller leg. Animal prints look great on this style, but solids are acceptable too. Whether you are sporting clogs, boots, or pumps this fall be sure to not fall victim to a fashion no-no. Be practical. Don’t try to over-do the ensemble with too many trends; you’ll end up looking worse. When in doubt, keep it simple. If you follow these tips, you’ll look like the fashionista you know you are. Flashy Fall Footwear Clogs have made a comeback and can be found in almost any department store. Photos by Molly Doehring Pumps and peep toe heels are classics for a dressy attire. Ankle boots look great with any outfit and are perfect for the cold weather. 11 Sleep your way to an a KatieFinn.StaffWriter Sleep is the brain’s way of feeding itself. Sleep fuels your brain so that you can get through your day without feeling tired, drowsy, or distracted. The average teenager requires 8 hours of sleep a night, sometimes more, but 60% of teens do not have this. “I have gotten around five and a half hours of sleep each night [for] the past week.” said Junior Cassie Pfeuffer. Most teen lifestyles are busy because of extra-curricular activities, sports, and other commitments. That being said, sleep is no longer a priority. After just two nights of inadequate sleep, the body starts to send distress signals, such as dizziness and headaches, telling the body that it is being deprived of sleep. Lack of sleep effects concentration, listening, and attention span. It contributes to aggressive, impatient behavior and illnesses. Studies have also shown that lack of sleep leads to more acne and skin problems. Teens who sleep for a half-hour more than the average amount perform better in school and increase their academic achievements. The solution to these problems is to simply sleep more, but we all know this is not as easy as it sounds. With most schools starting at around 7:30, students are forced to wake up by at least 6:30 to fit into the tight schedule of the school day. These early-morning wakeup calls lead to drowsiness and a bad mood throughout the school day. Instead of hoping for school schedules to be changed, there are measures you can take to improve your sleeping habits. For example, when going to sleep at night, keep your room cool and dark because this helps to have a deeper and better sleep. In the morning, let bright light into your room to signal your body to wake up. Avoid caffeine by staying away from coffee and chocolate at the end of the day before you go to sleep. Limit your naps to about thirty minutes during the day. Any longer will interfere with your sleeping patterns and make falling asleep at night more difficult. Finally, establish a consistent sleeping pattern.
  • 14.
  • 15. Layout by Sean Sickmund Photos by Alexis Scheller, Stephanie Hammell, Meredith Karavolis, Shannon Galloway, Lexi Miller
  • 16. 14 November 2010 Drawing the Future ChristineManganas.FeaturesEditor Dreams can paint and color the future. The past and present of Eleni Manganas tells a story of how passion and love for something can alter an entire life. “I have always been passionate about art, and ever since I could remember I have doodled on everything around me like napkins, notebooks, and even on the back of my tests,” said Manganas. From the time she was in third grade, her desire for art has represented who she is. At age 8, she won second in the nation for a poster contest of Smokey the Bear and Woodsy Owl. Later that year, it was displayed in Washington D.C for all to see. Five years later, Eleni was asked to design and paint a background for the dance of the graduating eighth graders. During high school, she became a member of the Zine Magazine created solely by high school students, where she had the privilege to create the front cover. This magazine was produced in the South Side and distributed to surrounding areas. “I really enjoyed being a member because I felt like I was a part of something impor- tant. It also gave me an outlook on what my future may consist of,” stated Manganas. Most recently, she has used her talents to do good for the surrounding communities. Kids have lined up on Community Day in Dormont for Eleni to paint their faces and bring their personalities to life. Looking toward her future, Manganas plans to pursue a career in art. Columbia College in Chicago and the Cleveland Art Institute are at the top of her list. Although she enjoys all genres of art, Manganas excels most in painting and drawing and hopes to find a career that suits these aspects. “I’m looking forward to attending an art school, because having a career doing something I love will be something extraordinary.” Eleni Manganas has made one thing clear, that she is pursuing art not because she is a spectacular artist, but because it is what she loves. In her words, dreams should be something desired, not something expected from everyone else. In her free time senior Eleni Manganas creates various art. “I enjoyed drawing this owl due to the unique texture and shading.” Photo by Christine Manganas Stirring Up The Drama JuliaGauthier.StaffWriter Fall 2010 Photo By Julia Gauthier Being a new teacher here, Mr. Kuharcik (pronounced car-check) has been trying to direct his way in his latest role as an English and Drama teacher. Mr. Kuharcik has always enjoyed theater. He began his acting career in high school, starring in numerous plays including Grease, as Danny Zuko, and Sweeney Todd, as Judge Turpin. After high school, he attended Penn State University, where he double majored in Broadcast Journalism and English. After graduating, Mr. Kuharcik worked in television and radio broadcasting for two years, then moved to teach seventh grade at Canon-Mac. After working there for several years, he applied for his current position. “I knew Peters had a good reputation for their theater program, and wanted to get involved here,” said Kuharcik. Only a blind person would not notice Mr. Kuharcik’s sophisti- cated taste in clothing. Buckle, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Banana Republic are just a few of the stores that supply Mr. Kuharcik’s vast Wardrobe. “It is always exciting to see what he is going to wear next,” said sophomore Hannah Jacobs. In addition to great fashion taste, Mr. Kuharcik taste extends to the plays he has chosen for this year. West Side Story and Mousetrap will be challenging, but the Thespians will draw huge audiences. “I am excited to begin working with the entire creative team of faculty members to bring the production together,” said Mr. Kuharcik. So for those of you who do not know Mr. Kuharcik, he is the stylish True Blood and Reese Witherspoon-loving, teacher walking through the hallways, making a difference in the world of drama one step at a time.
  • 17. People Features 15 WPIALS: Here We Come SavannaSchweizer.StaffWriter The key to the girl’s varsity soccer team’s success is the senior leadership. Senior captains Shannon O’Connor, Shelli Spamer, Hannah Caso, and Dani Hume are close friends and that helps them feed off each others’ energy during games and practices. As captains, they provide the team with discipline and leadership. Their goals for their senior year are to win states and ultimately compete in WPIALS. Frequent bonding activities have brought the team closer together and increased teamwork. The girls will often have pasta dinners before their games, and they sometimes have team sleepovers to grow closer as a team. “Hanging out with each other outside of practice makes us more of a team on the field,” stated senior captain Shannon O’Connor. Many of these girls have been playing soccer since they were little and their love for the sport has grown with age. “I love the competition and atmosphere that the sport brings,” said senior goalie Brittany Hoffman. Soccer is their passion and some hope to continue their soccer career outside of high school. The girls feel that they are well prepared to compete in WPIALS this year and make their mark. They have made it to states before but WPIALS is their most important goal this year. “Our team is going to work a lot harder this year and we are going to try improving as much as we can,” stated captain Shelly Spamer. Photo by Allie Schlafman Sophomore Alex Alavi takes a shot on goal during a girl’s varsity soccer game against Mercyhurst. “This year was special for me because I got closer with all the girls on the team,” said Alavi. Tae Kwon Do Experience GregMarsh.StaffWriter Martial arts have existed for centuries, consisting of countless styles and denominations. One of the most balanced, useful, and ancient martial arts is Tae Kwon Do. The American Tae Kwon Do Association (ATA) is the largest single-system martial arts organization in the United States, with over one million members. Karate teaches students how to utilize the body and mind in a wide variety of ways. It also develops defensive and potentially life-saving skills. Tae Kwon Do utilizes the body evenly with hand and foot techniques. However, the art also branches into close-combat self defense, combat sparring, and exposure to various weapons. “ATA is by far the best martial arts school you can find,” said Cameron Statfeld, a fourteen year student and instructor. When a student embarks on becoming a martial artist within the ATA, they begin as the classic white belt and advance through eight more colored belts. After one has completed the colored belt requirements, they advance to First Degree Black Belt. Herein lies where the training truly begins; earning certification to instruct, training for higher degrees of black belt rank, and competing in tournaments nationwide. ATA Karate is a local school in Peters Township, stationed at Waterdam Plaza, McMurray, and owned by Mr. Stephen Reeve, Fourth Degree Black Belt & Certified Instructor. ATA Karate is a phenomenal school that offers a broad yet focused curriculum, expert training, and a high quality, professional grade studio. “Not only do you become good at martial arts, you also become good at other things because of the dedication and perseverance of being a martial artist,” Mr. Reeve said. ATA Karate is perfect for all ages and skill levels. It is an activity where anyone can comfortably fit in and benefit in many ways. Those who are interested may visit the school’s website www., or visit to meet with Mr. Reeve during evening hours. Photo by Greg Marsh
  • 18. 16 November 2010 Phantom Fright Night: a Scary Good Time GabrielleBrinsky.Editor-In-Chief Every fall, when the Kennywood Park gates close for the change in seasons, someone or something continues to lurk in the park. Kennywood’s staff tries to warn visitors of the horrifying happenings, but people insist on witnessing with their own eyes. Next October will be the tenth year for Phantom Fright Night at Kennywood Park. This attraction is open to all ages, although not intended for children under thirteen. The rides continue to work but the staff cannot figure out how the fun goes on through the season changes. Phantom Fright Nights are held Fridays and Saturdays during October, from the first until the thirtieth; the screams and cries begin at seven o’clock and slowly fade away at one o’clock in the morning. Within these hours, visitors experience scare zones. Some haunted areas include Mortem Manor, Villa of the Vampires, Ghostwood Estate, and many more. Scream-inducing thrills include the new Sky Rocket, Swing Shot, Jack Rabbit, Phantom’s Revenge, The Exterminator, and others. “This year they changed the mazes and had more rides open, the rides are more exciting in the dark. They say next year will be even better,” commented senior Bethany Seibel. Tickets are affordable and give you the spending money for freaky foods. This may include Fright Fries, Brain Freezes, Grave Yard Pizza, Monster Dogs, and Cotton Cobwebs. Although the names are quite explanatory, trying the food will test even the bravest of visitors. Fright Night, named “One of the Best Halloween Events” by the annual Golden Ticket Awards readers’ poll consists of the ultimate Halloween spirit. Photo by Gabrielle Brinsky Ghostwood Estate is one of the many rides open during Phantom Fright Nights which is in the same place as the Gold Rush ride. Photo by Gabrielle Brinsky The man riding the skeleton greets the guests as they enter the park, on their quest to enjoy Kennywood. Top 10 Scary Movie List Lexi Miller & Savanna Schwiezer Staff Writers 1. Mirrors (2008) 300 costumed actors roam the park as vampires, pirates, monsters, clowns, and ghosts. Fog blinds the visitors while different colored light bulbs distract them, making them vulnerable to a good scare. Although the actors wear costumes, it is prohibited that visitors do the same. There are approximately 100 tomb stones, 3,000 corn stalks, 50 fog machines, and 64 gallons of colored dye for the fountains. Along with 10,479 colored light bulbs, 2,500 square feet of gel lights, and 50 strobe lights. “The fog machines are overwhelming. You can barely see, so it’s easier to be scared in the walk through paths,” stated senior Justin Feeney. Kennywood’s transformation is surprisingly different than the typical summer amusement park to provide a little Halloween spirit to all. Kennywood hopes to scare you next year. Photo by Gabrielle Brinsky Kennywood’s staff dresses up to play the part of all scary things that may be roaming the park when it closes for winter. What’s Your Best Scary Face? 2. Shutter Island (2010) 3. Strangers (2008) 4. Bloody Mary (2006) 5. Splice (2010) Nika Simonson, 2012 Mrs. Frick Angelo Toscano, 2012 6. The Crazies (2010) Tyler Santo, 2011 7. Paranormal Activity (2007) 8. Chucky (1988) 9. Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) 10. The Halloween Series (Beginning in 1978) Fall 2010
  • 19. Seasonal 17 Fright-Free Fall ErinMasta.CoEditor-In-Chief For the faint of heart who cannot venture to haunted houses this season, there are many fall festivals that accommodate all ages. Massive corn mazes, pumpkin patches and friendly hay rides are great substitutes for the thrills and chills of Halloween. Simmons Farm is a place to celebrate the season. Although this is not a festival, fall activities are held here from the beginning of September through Thanksgiving. Hay rides, apple picking, and an adventure trail create a fun atmosphere at this farm. People of all ages come to pick their own pumpkins and interact with goats, chickens, and pigs at the petting zoo. Simmons is the traditional fall celebration for those who are looking for a fun day on the farm. “I used to go to Simmons Farm when I was little and I still love going there now to pick my pumpkin,” commented junior Mandy Nerone. If hot cider and caramel apples are what you are looking for, Trax Farm Fall Festival is the place to be. Held every weekend from mid-September to the end of October, Trax Farm hosts this event and welcomes everyone from young to old. Aside from entertaining games and decorations, the homemade baked goods keep the crowds coming back every weekend. “My mom and I go to Trax farm all the time because I love the apples and the fall decorations. It makes me excited for the holidays,” stated senior Jenna Burg. Venturing a little further from PT, Seven Springs Four Seasons Mountain Resort holds AutumnFest Oktoberfest Weekends. This festival displays fall foliage at its best; red, orange, and yellow leaves cove the mountainside and set the perfect autumn scene for this event. Craft and artisan shows, accompanied by live music and entertainment attract visitors from all over Pennsylvania. There are even hiking and biking trails all over for tourists to explore the resort and work off those extra Halloween candy calories. For the teens that don’t have any desire to pet goats, West Virginia University holds a unique fall festival filled with music and more. This past year, Ludacris, Maroon 5, Kris Allen, and W Brown all performed at WVU. This celebration welcomes students back to the campus and gets everyone excited for the school year. Fall is a time for festivities and being with friends and family. For the people that hate Scarehouse, Fright Night, and Hundred Acres Manor, but want to welcome the upcoming holidays, there are many other ways to have a good time and enjoy Autumn. Fall festivals are going on in every community, so be sure to check them out. Photo by Erin Masta Senior, Katie Levine, ventures to Trax Farm every fall to pick her pumpkins. “I love going to Trax because they have the best apple cider and pumpkins. It really gets me excited for the holidays,” stated Levine. An Eco-Friendly Halloween HardyKern.StaffWriter HardyKern.StaffWriter Though Halloween is known for being creepy and scary, the spookiest thing of all is how much energy people waste. Just like any other day of the year, Halloween can be turned into a much greener day without sacrificing any of the traditional trick-or-treating fun. Here are a few tips to help: Costumes: Store bought Halloween costumes are usually made of very cheap, very polluting plastics, most of which will not break down in a landfill. Try making your own costume this year, especially using objects you already have laying around. Clown – Mismatch colorful and ragged clothing Mother Nature – Use green body suits and weave leaves, flowers, and other natural objects through your hair. Wizard – Using leftover cardboard and tinfoil, make a wand or a staff to go with a cape made out of an old pillowcase or blanket. Decorations: The beauty of fall doesn’t need to be captured in lots of cheap, plastic decorations from the Halloween store. Instead, use leaves, gourds, natural beeswax candles, and other outside items for your autumn and Halloween decorating. Candy: There are tons of organic Halloween candy stores online, such as: -College Farm Organic Nature Pops – -Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops – -Fair Trade Trick Or Treat – These tips will help you have a safe, happy, and earth friendly Halloween! Photo by Hardy Kern
  • 20. 18 November 2010 Bieber Fever McKenzieFritz.PeopleFeaturesEditor The world has been taken over, not by stink bugs or swine flu, but rather a sixteen year old Canadian named Justin Bieber. From celebrities to hordes of screaming teenage girls and soccer moms, the planet is being swept away by this pop sensation; Peters Township is no exception. While walking the halls, students and teachers often see Bieber look-a-likes. With their golden, flowing tresses and oversized, neon hoodies, they are hard to miss. Although the entire township appears to be “Bieberized,” I am personally baffled by the trend. In order to understand why anyone would want to emulate such a disturbing style, I tracked down two Bieber doppelgangers. Junior Zach Mauser and freshman Teddy Elattrache explained their inside view on what it is like to have “Bieber fever”. Elattrache was the first to admit that though he doesn’t see the resemblance, he receives frequent catcalls in the hallways due to his Bieber-like appearance. “The secret to achieving my Justin Bieber look is really all in the hair,” said Elattrache. With a little time, a lot of gel, and frequent trips to Steven’s Salon, Elattrache swaggers down the halls with a head of luscious locks that Bieber himself would be proud of. “All the work is worth is worth it because it gets so many girls,” stated Elattrache. Though, I found it difficult to believe that artfully blow dried hair is every teenage girl’s dream. “I just reel in the ladies with my hair,” said Elattrache. Apparently, it works for him. Despite the fact that Elattrache is basically Justin Bieber’s long- lost twin, he admitted that he does not have his singing talents and is not a fan of Justin Bieber’s music. Contradictory to Elattrache, who seems to revel in the attention from his Bieber-like appearance, Junior Zach Mauser finds it annoying to be compared to Justin Bieber. “Justin Bieber needs to get a life,” said Mauser. He seems to shudder at any similarities he and Bieber share. Unfortunately for Mauser, there are many. Mauser has a faultless swoop of Bieberapproved hair, and uncanny similarity. That being said, it is surprising that Mauser has not been mauled by a pack of rabid Bieber fanatics. “My hair just happens…and no I don’t blow-dry it,” he stated. “There is absolutely nothing good about looking like Justin Bieber,” said Mauser. Despising Bieber’s music, dancing, and over the top personality, Mauser is definitely not a “Belieber.” Photo by McKenzie Fritz Teddy Elattrache stares adoringly at his twin. “My hair is perfect like Bieber’s,” said Elattrache. Photo by McKenzie Fritz Zach Mauser reluctently strikes a pose with Justin Bieber. “There is absolutely nothing good about looking like Justin Bieber,” said Mauser. NHL 20ll Sets High Standards KurtWerner.StaffWriter With the release of NHL 2011 on September 7, EA Sports added yet another fantastic upgrade to its NHL series. Released for both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, the game is one of the most popular on the market. EA sports can boast its legitimacy with phenomenal ratings for the game, receiving a 9.0/10 from Gamespot and Game Informer, and an 8.5/10 from IGN. Although major game play improvements have been made in the last few years, NHL 2011 has certainly stolen the spotlight with a noticeable amount of upgrades. New features include the ability to break and drop sticks, a physics-based engine causing hits and falls to appear more life-like, an entirely new face-off system that makes older games appear obsolete, and modified dangles (stick movements). When playing NHL ‘11, the gamer is not restricted to playing only in the National Hockey League. In fact, eight additional leagues are available for play, a few of which include the American Hockey League, Canadian Hockey League and National Teams. Exciting multiplayer modes are definitely the way to go. However, Be a Pro, Season, and General Manager modes enable the gamer to play with a single team through a full season, as a professional or as the GM; responsible for organizing a team roster. All game types are certainly worth trying if you are interested enough. NHL, like many other games has established a following for itself. “I really enjoy the game; playing with friends is a lot of fun,” said Senior Nick Full. Fall 2010 Photo by Kurt Werner
  • 21. z Entertainment Rocking out in the ‘Burgh KatieFinn.StaffWriter Over the next three months, the city of Pittsburgh will be filled with talent and new music. Numerous bands are traveling to Pittsburgh, and you will not want to miss out on all the fun and excitement of their concerts. From classic country, to alternative to rock, there is a concert for everyone. Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to see country music’s “king and queen” performing live. On October 14, 2010, George Strait and Reba McEntire will be performing at the Consol Energy Center at 7:00 p.m. You can purchase your tickets at Reba McEntire’s official website, or Tickets start around $30.00 and the price increases as the quality of your seats improve. The infamous Goo Goo Dolls will be performing at St. Vincent College on October 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. At this concert, you will also be able to check out the up and coming opening band, Spill Canvas, who will be opening for the Goo Goo Dolls. Buy your tickets now at before the prices rise and you miss out on this excellent alternative rock band. Prices vary, but the general admission fee is $30.65. About a year ago, the band 3OH!3 became famous from their hit single, “Don’t Trust Me.” Now, they have become one of the most popular punk rock bands in the country. You can purchase tickets to see them live on October 30, 2010 at the Ches-aRena Roller Rink in Cheswick, PA. The concert begins at 12:00 a.m. Tickets for this show are not yet available. However, you can visit to be notified when they are being offered. This December, one of the most famous pop culture icons will be performing in Pittsburgh. On December 13, 2010, just in time for the holiday season, Justin Bieber will be stopping at the Consol Energy Center. Bieber will be featuring his most popular album, My World, which features smash hits “Baby” and “Somebody to Love.” This album has reached number one in over ten countries and promises to be a performance you will not want to miss. Tickets are available at www. or As of now, the tickets are staring at about $80, but range in price up to #1000. The Glass Castle Book Review MelinaSopko.StaffWriter Imagine living a life lacking common necessities, and everyday being a constant struggle. Jeannette Walls takes you into her own true story of poverty. Her father coined her nickname, “Mountain Goat,” which suited her well, seeing that she has navigated a towering cliff all her life. The book consists of fond memories of her irresponsible parents, rough times she spent hunting for food and shelter with her siblings, and the overwhelming outcome of their lifestyle. A typical day begins with Jeannette waking up to her ranting mother, who was an aspiring artist with no hope. Later, she watched her brilliant father down a bottle of Jack Daniel’s while listening to her younger siblings cry out for attention. At the books beginning, Jeannette is three years old living in a trailer in Arizona. While cooking hotdogs for herself on the stove, she gets severely burned with the boiling water. Jeannette is hospitalized after the incident but only for a short time because her father arrived at the hospital and checked Jeannette out immediately. Jeannette’s father believed hospitals were overrated and that she would heal better at home, so he unhooked her arm from the sling, lifted her from the hospital bed, and headed down the hallway. The nurse yelled for them to stop but her dad began to run until they reach the car that was already idling outside the hospital doors. He called this typical routine the “skedaddle.” Now it’s up to Jeannette, her brother, and her sisters to find a way out of this unfit upbringing. Anyone who reads this book will be both stunned by the tragic circumstances of Jeanette’s childhood and awed by her strength. 19 Señora Degnan’s Top 5 Stereo Love by Edward Maya Sombody to Love by Justin Bieber She Wolf by Shakira Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias Check it Out by Will-I-Am and Nicki Minaj Movie Review:Letters to Juliet ConorJackson.EntertainmentEditor Grade: ADirector Gary Winick’s Letters to Juliet is easily the most appealing romantic film of the season. I was pleasantly surprised that this film was a noticeable cut above the rest. I enjoyed it a lot, and judging from the audience so did everyone else. The movie begins with an American girl on vacation in Italy who finds an unanswered “Letter to Juliet.” One of thousands of letters left at the fictional lover’s Verona courtyard, which are typically answered by the “secretaries of Juliet”. She then goes on a quest to find the lovers referenced in the letter. Most of the weight of the plot was on actress Amanda Seyfried who handled the role very well, and made the story come alive. It was a great film with many twists and conflicts. This story was not your typical Chick flick. Two thumbs up for Letters to Juliet.
  • 22. 20 November 2010 Code Green is in Effect A “green makeover” took place this past summer, making the high school more environmentally friendly without interrupting the flow of everyday school life. Hardy Kern.Staff Writer One of the high school’s new environmental changes is the lunch trays. Previously, PTHS used styrofoam trays. It takes over one million years for Styrofoam to break down, especially in the massive quantities that our high school alone uses. The new trays are made of recycled cardboard from a local factory. They are completely biodegradable and only take about two months to decompose. When a cafeteria such as ours uses roughly 500 lunch trays a day, (Nutrition Inc.), this switch is going to have a huge impact in reducing the carbon footprint. While the program is new at the high school, it is not new for the district. In fact, Bower Hill and Pleasant Valley Elementary Schools have had recycling programs for the past 3 years. “We are thrilled to finally have a recycling program in all of the lunches, like the elementary schools,” said Mr. Compeggie, SAFE sponsor. These little changes are bound to have a huge impact in our cafeteria and have already been well received by students and faculty alike. Short glances toward the bins during lunch reveal that students are embracing the idea by sorting their trash. “It’s sad that it took our school that long to get a recycling program. In today’s green trend, easy little things like recycling bins in the cafeteria are going to have a huge impact,” stated senior Kevin Corrigan. Another change students will see is the new recycling bins in the cafeteria. While the bins are unfortunately disguised as regular garbage cans, the green and white recycling arrows set them apart. These bins are specifically for glass and plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and any other plastic recyclables students may have in their lunches. Instead of being thrown away, these items will be taken to a recycling center in Pittsburgh, sorted through, and turned into other products. Keep your eyes open for more Code Green changes in the near future and remember, ask not what recycling bins can do for you, but what you can put in recycling bins. Driving with Death Katie Denning.Co-Editor-in-Chief For teenagers, texting is a necessity. It’s as if they cannot survive a day without texting every second, even while driving. Nationwide Insurance Agency compiled information about this dangerous habit from studies conducted throughout the country. These studies provided statistical evidence that should make every driver think twice about texting while behind the wheel. Texting is a disastrous distraction while driving. In fact, use of a cell phone while behind the wheel creates the same diminishing effect on reaction time as having a blood alcohol concentration at the legal limit. In other words, texting while driving inhibits the driver just as much as driving drunk. “Driving is too complicated [even] without texting. I would never be able to focus if I were distracted by my phone,” said junior Bri Deer. The primary source of distraction behind the wheel is the use of a cell phone. Conversely, one student admitted that there are situations where texting while driving should be allowed. “If you’re going straight and there’s minimal traffic,” stated senior Doug Maronde. However, the study found that drivers who text are four times more likely to get in a crash that has serious injuries involved. Additionally, according to Edgar Snyder’s Law Firm, twenty-one percent of fatal car accidents among teenagers are the result of texting. “My mom texts while driving, but I would rather not damage my car,” commented junior Prit Roy. His mindset is one that other young drivers should consider. One out of every ten young adults, aged sixteen to Fall 2010 twenty-four, uses their cell phone while driving. Moreover, twenty eight states have banned inexperienced drivers from using their cell phone while behind the wheel. Photo by Melina Sopko Senior Mike Shuck demonstrates the dangerous habit of texting while driving. “For the record, I don’t own a cellphone or car and therefore don’t text while I drive,” stated Shuck.
  • 23. News Features 21 Smarter Shopping: Five Smart Money Tips Valerie Kotar.Staff Writer As high school students begin to get a taste of what the real world has in-store for us the number one focus is necessities. Clothing and food all have a price that parents might not always be willing to pay, not to mention college, which is around the corner for many of us. To cope with the big bills, we take any and all jobs available. Whether it is mowing countless lawns or watching a neighbor’s six cats for the week, it is all worth it . . . right? Well, with a little extra effort, you could afford to say no to the next cat-sitting job that comes your way. These tips are simple, but can have a large impact. Take a second to think of all the things you can do with some extra cash in your pocket. No more strange jobs you have to take or borrowing money you cannot pay back. Money may not buy happiness, but using it wisely can put your mind at ease. Tip 2: Cut Back. This may not be the most enjoyable advice, but you may find that it is possible to live without certain things. Do you really need that coffee from Starbucks every day of the week? Try only making three Starbucks trips each week. You could save at least seven dollars. That might not sound like a whole lot to trade your morning energy for, but think long term: there are 43 weeks in a school year. That’s a grand total of $301. Tip 3: Do You Need the Brand Name? Tip 1: Coupons Are Your Best Friend. If you desperately need that morning pick-me-up, try some cheaper options. For example, a fall favorite at Starbucks is Pumpkin Spice Lattes. If you buy a tall size it will cost $3.45. However, if you are willing to forfeit the brand name and get something similar from somewhere like Sheetz, it would only be $2.29. You may not think that you have the time or attention span to hunt down deals, but make the effort. The best part about coupons is that they are everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, emails, and websites all provide coupons. For example, contains deals from an enormous variety of stores. Everything from Macys to Pizza Hut can be found here. A word of caution: read the fine print. Some deals may require you to spend twenty dollars or more, and some expire after a single weekend. A lot of people hate carrying change around because it is heavy and jingles with every step. Some helpful advice is to designate a place to dump any kind of change you have. Then, when it fills up, take it to the bank. Most banks have coin counting machines. If you have an account there you might be able to use it for free. You’ll be surprised how much money you can accumulate by saving those pennies. With the economy these days everyone is looking for ways to save. Some great coupon websites to look at are com and Valerie Kotar Photo by Valerie Kotar Tip 4: Every Penny Counts. Tip 5: Unexpected Places Can Have Better Prices. There is nothing wrong with wanting a certain brand of clothing. What is wrong is spending outrageous amounts of money to get it. Name brand stores might not have the best deals for what you want. Retail stores like T.J. Maxx are great places to look if you are willing to search through the racks. If not, outlet malls such as Tanger Outlets have deals that you wouldn’t normally find anywhere else. Consignment stores such as Plato’s closet feature gently-used clothing where you can find some great pieces. Extra tip: stores like Plato’s Closet pay in cash if you want to get rid of some clothes that are still in good condition. What In The World? ValerieGobao.PhotographyEditor An unemployed British man found a new way to get a job: selling himself on eBay. Tristam Rossin, a graphic designer, put his design skills on sale for forty hours a week, for one year without a minimum bid. According to Rossin it was, “a very serious venture,” an attempt to support his family. Unfortunately, after reaching a bid of €3100, eBay removed the advertisement stating that it was “in breach with their policies.” Who said that underwear can’t be multifunctional? Dr. Elena Bodnar took the meaning of “Wonder Bra” to new heights, by creating a bra that can double as a chemical face mask. In twenty-five seconds, the bright red “emergency bra” can be transformed into two masks that will filter out dangerous chemicals in the air. Bodnar won the Ig Nobel prize (a spoof of the original) for her invention, which is on sale now for $29.99. Fifty four year old Wang Xianjun of China has done just that, having eaten at least 1,500 bulbs since the age of twelve. The peculiar habit started after accidentally swallowing a fish bone without any ill effects. Eager for more, he tried, “several pieces of broken glasses,” and then moved on to one light bulb, broken into pieces, every morning. Annual hospital checkups indicate that this “light” diet has not damaged his health. After a whirlwind romance, two horses recently tied the knot in England. Their marriage, also Britain’s first horse wedding, was performed by pub owner and “animal marriage expert,” Jeremy Wescott . According to their owner, Ali Blowfield, the two love-beasts, Zippy and Magic, met five months ago. Blowfield said that they had an, “instant attraction,” and that they “are inseparable…It’s definitely love.”
  • 24. Picture This... n, Grade 12 Chelsea Che Jillian Eb y, Grade 1 1 Ben Chiste, Grade 12 lis, Grade 12 Layout Design by Denée Renz Meredith Karavo de 12 ic, Gra Meaghan Hrz Juliet L eon, G rade 1 2
  • 25. de 12 , Gra thanson yllan Na D Allie Schlafm an, Grade 11 Michelle G etto, Gra de 11 Amanda Sherwin, Grade 12 12 icke, Grade elissa Sarn M Alyssa Trier, Grade 12 Photography is one of our most popular media classes. Students are taught different techniques of using a camera and Photoshop, while having the freedom to take pictures that express themselves and display their style. Above are just a few examples of the talent that can be found in our Photography department.
  • 26. “Megan Fox” “Justin Bieber” “Carmen Electra” Cassi DeLuca “Taylor Lautner” “Gerard Butler” “Megan Fox” Mrs. Baker “Katy Perry” Mr. Redilla TEACHERS Miss Daerr Mr. Lawrence Marshall McClure “Miley Cyrus” Adelaide Mikec Cody Sheetz FRESHMEN “Ryan Sheckler” Taylor Collins “Kim Kardashian” “Orlando Bloom” “Megan Fox” “Megan Fox” “Enrique Iglesias” Mr. Pinto SOPHOMORES Courtney Schratz Carlo Summaria Adam Ferraco Taylor Woods “David Beckham” Jeremy Wagner Bobby Lewis “Ryan Reynolds” “Megan Fox” Carla Buzzatto “Johnny Depp” “Patrick Dempsey” “Beyoncé” Hannah Martin “Kool-Aid Man” Jake Augustine “Sidney Crosby” JUNIORS Jake Henderson McKenzie Fitzgerald Madi Mele Brittany Grzejka “Troy Polamalu” Emmanuel Elderkin Lindsay Allen SENIORS “Superman” “Diane Lane”