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Elaborate 4
Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of
interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed,
committed with astuteness and wickedness by the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals.
Signalling of numerous falsification Árabe to the Koran
- Premises Page 2
- First error: they make to believe that Islam is constituted only by the religion
of the Arabs, while Islam is constituted by Judaism, Christianity and Arabism " 6
- Second error: they make to believe that the Koran is superior to the others two Sacred
Scriptures theists Med Oriental, the Torah and the Gospel " 8
- Third error: they debase the value of the Torah and the Gospel, while the Koran
it teaches that both give the illumination " 8
- Fourth error: they define unbelieving or unfaithful all the Not Arabs and in general
the Not Mohammedans (Islamics ones) " 9
- Fifth error: they make to believe that the ancient order to fight polytheists
Bedouins is also valid after the death of Mohammed and forever also against
other peoples with the purpose to subjugate them accusing them of unbelief
and unfaithfulness " 10
- Sixth error: they make to believe that to make Islam is a privilege of the Islamics or
Mohammedans while all men can make Islam in every moment " 12
- Seventh error: they make to believe that only the Islamic ones are Muslims,
( they would be, that is, all people devoted entirely to God 1
, not idolatresses included
wicked persons, impious, Kamikaze and terrorists) while the true Muslims are only the rare
people devoted entirely to God, not idolatresses, to whatever religion they belongs " 13
Eighth error: the Islamic Fundamentalists induce the Mohammedans to consider the
other men or peoples as infidels and unbelievers and as person or peoples to be
converted to the Mohammedism to subdue them to their dominion " 14
- Ninth error: they make to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has been a Prophet
as the others; Lord Jesus explained his Divine being in the sole God " 15
- Premise to the Tenth and Eleventh error:
The Islamic Fundamentalists consider wives and children as terrestrial goods and they
make to believe that is permissible for all the Mohammedans to have some wives
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 5 (Abramo), page 91(Muslim plural Muslimùn: the person who
devotes itself entirely to God), Xenia Tascabili
and many children " 18
a. the tenth error concerns their wives: they make to believe that they can have of
them at pleasure, but instead of errors they are Arabian additions to Koran verses " 19
b. the eleventh error concerns their children: they make to believe that they can
have of them at pleasure, at least five for every Mohammedan woman " 21
c. verses of the Koran common to wives and children " 22
d. verses of the Koran common to children and to the wealths " 28
e. Conclusions on the tenth and eleventh error " 29
- Twelfth error: as the Decalogue also Koran forbade the to kill " 29
- Thirteenth error: the greatest error is to invoke Satan with the very Holy God's name " 36
- Common Conclusions to the errors of interpretation that we have explained " 37
- Other considerations on the errors of interpretation, astute and demoniac,
committed by the Islamic Fundamentalists " 48
- Others two great wickedness of the Islamic ones:
a. that of the Sharia that allows the marriage of the six year-old little girl with
adult men; " 55
b. that of the fatawa that contain death sentences " 56
- Conclusions on the Islam " 58
This study is the fruit of some questions that we are done on the Islam there and above all
on the anger and the violence that it shines through from the same Islam, also from many Imans,
especially after the slaughter in the twin towers in New York (11 September 2001), that caused the
death of thousand of innocent people.
This is the first fruit of a study on numerous verses of the Koran and the relative reflections.
We know that the Revelations are deed of God, while the religions are to a large extent the
man's deeds included the Islamic religion. The religions have been so you define: " Complex of the
mythical narrations, of the ethical norms and salvation and of the cult behaviours that express,
during the history, the relationship of the various human societies with the divine world 2
“ ; in our
opinion the Islamic religion is not inspired only to the goodness and the pardon of the
Koran; as a matter of fact a lot of times it is for example inspired to the wickedness of Satan
as in the case of the guerrillas, revolutions, wars, acts of terrorism and slaughters of
innocent ones, in the case of the marriage of the six year-old daughters gotten married to adult
men 3
and in the case of the abjuration of the Islam 4
, despite that the Lord Allah, that is God, in
the Koran has prescribed for twice liberty of cult 5
. The Islamic religion is inspired to Satan, the
Definition of the “Lo Zingarelli, Dictionary of the Italian language”, Edizioni Zanichelli
La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 83, 36100 Vicenza, Italy
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario del Corano, page 277 (Pena capitale), Einaudi Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 257 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Demon, when in the Mosques who it leads the prayer preaches the war and the hate that are
proper of Satan and not certain of the sole God that is love 6
that the Arabs call Allah.
Our Lady Mary told at Medjugorje that Satan wants the war and the hate 7
; therefore the
Islam, that preaches the war and the hate is the Antireligion of the Antichrist 8
, that is of Satan, as
when same Islam is violent with the same Islamic ones for an instance in the case of the apostasy
(abjuration of the Islam) for which the Sharia prescribes the crucifixion 9
, but they are many the
other cruelties of the same Sharia 10
The Sacred Scriptures f the peoples, before the advent of the writing, they are been
inspired by God to the Prophets and they handed down for centuries from father to son; of it
derives that the first question that we must do us is if the prophet, whatever prophet, included
Mohammed, he has understood well the inspiration divine and granted that this has happened, it
remains always opened the question that concerns the fidelity of the transmission of the Revelation
to the successors of the prophet, whoever he is 11
. There is no certainty, as the history teaches us,
that such transmissions have always been faithful; after which there are other factors to be
considered, among which the translations from the ancient languages, especially the Semitic ones,
deprived of vocals as that Arab. The changes are real alterations made by men to the Revelations
as it also happened for the Koran 12
There is no certainty, despite the dogma, that "… the whole Koran from the principle to the
end is God’s Word… in the literal sense 13
. It derives of it that also for the benevolent Michael
Cook the man the Koran has also modified 14
and therefore also in this Sacred Scripture the God’s
Word must be sought among the lines, as for other Scriptures of the antiquity all preceded by an
Oral Tradition.
The intervention of the man is always censurable: it is also censurable in the method of the
editing of the Koran, so much so that such editing has been defined oddness 15
. Here we limit
ourselves to the search of errors of interpretation on fundamental themes of the Sacred Scripture
of the Arabs; we have written this Elaborate N°4 so that whoever can check our opinions,
especially the Islamic ones.
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, September 25th 2001, Shalom
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale), Einaudi Tascabili
Jean – Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI ; Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis,
Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, pages 277(pena capitale) and 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili
Autori Vari, Guida alla lettura della Bibbia, pages 50, 66-67, 88-93, 100-105, 116, 120, 129, 132 and 410. And still for
what concerns the translations: pages 109-133, 150, 163, 308, 320 ; MATGIOI, La via Taoista, page 118, Basaia
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 118-121 and 243 ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-132, and
144-148, Einaudi Tascabili ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67, Il Mulino
Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 117-122, Einaudi Tascabili
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 115-125 and 243, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages
53-67, Il Mulino ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 55-66, 81, 144-148, Einaudi Tascabili
Sergio Noja, profeta dell’Islam, page 120, Oscar Mondadori
As it can be understood if God’s Word (Allah) has been altered by the man? First of all such
word must be loving because God is love 16
; therefore what God prescribes it must be always for
the good of the man; also the Revelation of the Koran to the prophet Mohammed was for the good
of the Arabs, a people "hardened in the unbelief and in the hypocrisy” that of the Bedouins 17
Another method for understanding if one or more verses of the Koran, for an instance are God’s
Word, it is that to check if the verses are simple, clear, concise and exhaustive because the Lord
Allah has all the virtues, also the perfection; therefore also His way to express Him is perfect,
because God is the perfect Teacher, and therefore His expressions are perfect in the form and in
the gist ; when they are lent to different interpretations or they are not simple, clear, concise and
exhaustive or they are not good it means that they have been altered by the man. God’s teachings
are always perfect in whatever language is expressed. I make you a recent example, the
Revelation of the 20th
century to the English Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in
Scotland 18
To simplify we say that the Sacred Scriptures of the antiquity, or of the prehistory of the
religions, they must carefully be interpret included the Koran, while the Revelations done after the
advent of the printing are to hold faithful to the Word pronounced by Lord God or by the Lord
Jesus, what for instance the Revelations dictated by the Lord Jesus to the Austrian Jakob Lorber
century) and that made to live again to the Italian Maria Valtorta (20th
century); they are faithful
examples of Revelations that of the Lord God to the English Eileen Caddy and that to Dorothy
Maclean, made by the Angels, both of the 20th
We think to have demonstrated, as you will see checking the verses of the Koran that we
have quoted and others that we will quote subsequently, that the violence and the anger of the
Islam depend on false interpretations of the Koran and on falsifications of the Koran same, that
have resulted in real mystifications from the Arabic Fundamentalism, that year after year are
handed down after the death of the prophet Mohammed and up to our days. Such errors have
been committed or approved with astuteness and wickedness from caliphs, emirs, sheikhs,
ayatollah, iman, mullah, theologians and other Islamic fundamentalists of every kind.
Having said that, considered that in Christian Europe Europeans and Islamics they cohabit
in the same territory it is necessary to make things clear on the Islam; as a matter of fact to make
Islam was not exclusive of the Arabs because, as we will see, all men can make Islam, especially
Hebrews and Christians because Islam means Subjugation to God e/o to entirely Donate him/her
to God 19
. But there is more: everybody we know that in a lot of Mosques of the Islam the
believers are incited to hate, to take revenge and to make the war; the God-love-life that the Arabs
call Allah cannot approve such incitements; it can approve them instead a wicked being and
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 98, Ulrico Hoepli
Eileen Caddy, Opening doors within, published by Findhorn Press, the Park, Findhorn, Forres IV 36 OTZ, Moray,
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam e Sottomissione a Dio), sura III 19 e page 74 (Dare se
stesso a Dio), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili
precisely Satan; then a violent and cruel religion as it is that Islamic 20
it cannot be a religion of God
but a religion of Satan, the Antichrist, because it is founded on the tyranny, the error and the
injustice and then it curses and it sentences its enemies or presumed such 21
As for the cohabitation of the Islamic ones with the Christians in Europe we must point out
that the guests, in whatever Country of the world, they have the duty to respect the laws of the
same Country, if they don't want to be tried.
It is essential that the Mohammedans behave well in the Country that gives hospitality to
them, for instance in Europe, because we want to live in peace; therefore the respect of the
European laws from the Islamic ones is essential really to facilitate the pacific cohabitation of two
or more ethnic groups that they cohabit in same States.
It is essential however that is also made light on what the Arabs affirm, about the superiority
of their religion on the others and if it is true that for Islam must be intended only the religion of the
Mohammedans. On this and other fundamental aspects of the Arabism, we tried to make things
Clarity for instance, owes to be done on the Truths of the Koran concerning the wives, the
marriage and the children.
Truth is uncomfortable, it makes to think, it demands, but the ground of the minds and the
hearts it makes fertile for the understanding of the other one, for the respect of the other one.
The first thing that can be said for beginning a single or common reflection is that the
Mohammedans come in Europe because they need job, freedom religious also, and of human
dignity, that they don't find in the islamic Countries from which they originate. In Europe they find all
of this, but nevertheless they don't respect us, at least the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals.
The last ones don't respect our religion, as they don't respect our laws and probably they don’t
respect us not even as people. And if this is true for the Islamic Fundamentalists, we wish that it be
not for all the others Islamic ones.
In our opinion the Arabic bellicosity is due to the greed for the power of the islamic
Fundamentalists or Radicals, to start from the first Caliphs, but excluded Abu Bakr, the faithful
companion of the prophet Mohammed. The series of wrong interpretations of the Koran that
we have listed in this Elaborate n°4 was and it is instrumental to the Arab-islamic
expansionism if it is true as we think that in the Islam the Sufis, the God-fearing ones and the
Moderates interpret the Koran in different way and therefore they don't hate, they don't take
revenge and they don't kill; unfortunately the violent Islam, cruel and warmonger, they don't
represent it them but the Caliphs, the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals and who leads the
prayer in many or very many Mosques - where it is preached the hate, the revenge, the violence
and the war against other peoples or religions in various parts of the world and it is for these
Ralf Elger e Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (pena capitale and page 282 (punizioni
corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, molte pagine, EMI
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
representatives of the Islam that such religion has become, after the death del prophet Mohammed
and of Abu Bakr, a religion of Satan, the Antichrist 22
We ask us up to what point the mentality of the Islamic Nation, in its variegated complex, it
has been contaminated from the errors of interpretation of the Koran of the islamic
Fundamentalism and particularly from the violent and cruel Fundamentalism; therefore it is
necessary that the Sufi, the God-fearing ones and the islamic Moderates ascertain with a critical
analysis our censorship to the astute and wicked interpretations of the islamic Fundamentalists of
the themes and the verses Koranic object of our study and how much part of the errors of the
Arabic Fundamentalism has polluted their minds, so that they can estrange from islamic
Fundamentalists or Radicals because they are persons that ignore the faith 23
and that at our
judgement they have forged the Koran also; if the Sufi, the God-fearing ones and the islamic
Moderates will do it they will be able to pacifically live in the middle of us with the clear ideas on
theirs religion and on the Christian religion that preaches the love, the justice, the peace and the
brotherhood among men.
We think that the islamic or better Mohammedans Fundamentalists or Radicals that live
here must respect our laws, our uses, our customs and our religion. As a matter of fact, among
people and ethnic groups are necessary reciprocity and respect, if it is wanted that the cohabitation
be pacific and it doesn't lead to wars of peoples or religions; to such purpose it is also essential
that in Christian Europe be forbidden the publicity of the hate, of the revenge and of the war
anywhere, also in the Mosques, because we Europeans have chosen the peace.
The errors of interpretation of the Koran of which we deal with in this Elaborate,
without excluding others of it, they have transformed the religion of the Arabs, wanted by the Lord
Allah in a satanic religion; as a matter of fact, in the Mosques where is preached the hate, the
violence, the revenge, the death and the war they are installed some demoniac Sects. The change
of the meaning of the Revelation of the Lord Allah, made through the angel Gabriel, it has been
gotten with the expedient of a series of interpretation wrong or false of the Koran
acknowledged by the Sharia and with falsifications to the original Koran. The violent and
cruel religion that it is derived from such interpretations it is the principal cause of many ethnic and
religious conflicts of the world of it, wanted by Satan and by the Arabic Radicalism after the death
of the prophet Mohammed.
The errors of interpretation of the Koran that have polluted of cruelty and violence the islamic
religion 24
, have not been corrected by the Islam yet and they concern the followings themes:
 First error of interpretation: the meaning of Islam is that of “Subjugation to God 25
“and that to
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Alessandro Nangeroni,Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (pena capitale) and page 282 (punizioni
corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages), EMI
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam, Sottomissione a Dio), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili
“Donate itself to God 26
“. The second meaning is common to all the prophets 27
, while the
Subjugation to God is common to all those people who believe in God, any it be their religion.
But the Arabs have made to believe that Islam is constituted only by the Arabic religion, while
the Koran says that Islam is constituted by Judaism, Christianity and Arabism 28
. All three
Revelations theist derive from an only Celestial Book, for this the Lord Allah, that is God calls
Hebrews and Christians People of the Book and He suggested to the prophet Mohammed to
tell them: "… oh People of the Book, come to a word that makes all equal, (to an equitable
agreement) among you and we… 29
. "; for me the Word that makes everything equal is
Decalogue 30
. For such reasons:
a. The Ten Commandments (the Decalogue ) are valid for all men, also for the Islamic ones or
better Mohammedans.
b. And the same be said of Commandments of the love: "…You will love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strengths. The words of this
commandment that today I give you, stays in your heart: you will repeat them to your sons,
you will tell them when you go to bed and when you get up : You will tie them as a sign on
your hand and you will bring as a pendant before your eyes. You will write them on the
jambs of your house and at the entry of the cities 31
. "Not to harbour hate against a
brother, but not you hesitate to reproach him/her not to load you of a sin in his/her respects.
Not avenge you and not bear a grudge toward your fellow countrymen Everyone of you
must love its neighbour as yourself 32
. Then God he made man in the man Jesus of
Nazareth 33
and it brought all the Sacred Scriptures to conclusion with the religion of the
universal love, of the human brotherhood and of the pardon. The two Commandments of
the love have been written according to the order that the Messiah has given them 34
c. The Gospels are for all the men because they are full of correct signs and of the
illumination 35
. The Gospels are the explanation of the Decalogue; as a matter of fact in
Palestine, around two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus said speaking of the justice:
<<How the justice it is practised? How is victory conquered? With honesty of words and
actions, with charity of neighbour. Recognizing that God is God and not putting the idols of
the creatures, of the money, of the power to the place of the God very holy. With the to give
to each one the place that is up to him/her without trying to give more or to give less than
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Ho fatto Islam-I have done Islam), sura III 20, Xenia
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 63 (Islam) sura III 84-85, pagina 75, sura III 84-85, Xenia
Tascabili ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 130 ; sura III 78-79; sura V 50-53 e sura XLII 11, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Levitico 19, 17-18
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th, MIR
Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), Xenia Tascabili
what is rightful. He who, because one is him friend or powerful relative, it honours him and
it also serves in the non good works, it is not correct. The one, to the opposite one, that his
neighbour damages because from it he cannot hope utility of sort and he swears against
him, or he makes himself purchase with gifts to depose against the innocent one or to
judge with partisanship, not according to justice but according to the calculation of what
that unfair judgment can get him from who is more powerful person among the contenders,
is not correct, and vain they are his prayers, his offers, because stained of injustice to the
eyes of God…. ( our note: we meditate all on these words and we ask forgiveness for all
the transgressions that we have done to the Law of God). …You see that what I says it is
still Decalogue. It is always Decalogue the word of the Rabbi. Because the good, the
justice, the glory is in to doing what the Decalogue it teaches and it orders to do. There is
no other doctrine. Then date among the lightnings of the Sinai, dates now among the
splendours of the Mercy, but the Doctrine is that. And it doesn't change. And it cannot
change. Many, to them excuse, will tell in Israel, to justify not to be also holy after the
passage on the earth of the Savior: " I have not had the opportunity to follow him and of
listening to him." But their excuse doesn't have any value. Because the Savior has not
come to put a new Law, but to confirm again the first one, the only law, in its perfect
simplicity. To confirm again with love, and with promises of certain love of God, what before
had been said with rigor on one side and listened with fear by the other. To make you to
understand what they are the Ten Commandments and what importance has the to follow
them, I tell you this parable: A father of family had two children, equally beloved and of
which he wanted to be in equal measure the benefactor. This father had, besides the
abode where his children were, some properties where great hidden treasures were. The
sons n knew about these treasures but they didn't know the way for them to go, because
the father, for his own motives he had not revealed the way to his sons to come to and this
for many and many years.(our note: obviously they were spiritual treasures, because they
were the Ten Commandments 36
) ;
 Second error of interpretation: they make to believe that the Koran is superior to the others
two Sacred Scriptures Writings theists Middle Oriental, the Torah and the Gospel, but they are
belied by the same Koran 37
 Third error of interpretation: they debase the value of the Torah and of the Gospel while the
Koran teaches that both give the illumination 38
; as a matter of fact, the archangel Gabriel told
Mohammed: "He has prescribed to you (our note: that is to the idolatrous Arabs), for religion,
what already recommended to Noah [and what we revealed to you], and what we
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. VII, pages 123-124, CEV srl. 03036 Isola del Liri
(Frosinone), Italy
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48 (Torà); sura V50 (Vangelo) ; sura X 94, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48 (Torà) and sura V 50 (Vangelo); sura X 94, Ulrico Hoepli
recommended to Abram, to Mosè and Jesus telling them: "you observe the religion, and don't
divide you in Sects, respect to it. However it succeeds onerous to the polytheists 39
 Fourth error of interpretation: they define unbelievers or infidels all the Not Islamic. Among
the unbelievers and the infidels Hebrews and Christians cannot be included because they
believe in the only God, Javeh or Allah. The Koran reports that Allah told Mohammed: “ We
have chosen them in our prescience among all the peoples. And, of the signs, we showed (l.
we gave) them those in which it was, for them, a clear test 40
“ . The translation of Hamza R.
Piccardo seems us clearer: "... With knowledge of cause we did of them some chosen among
creatures of it of the. We gave them some signs that contained a clear test 41
. (our note: In all
the peoples, then as today they are unbelievers, but it is not permissible, for instance, to
consider the Hebrews and the Christians that they believe in the sole God some unbelievers).
Each one, included Arabs, before observing the others, himself/herself observes. Jesus said in
this connection: "Not you judge so that you are not judged: because with that judgment with
which you judge you will be judged and with the measure with which measured you will be
measured. Why do you observe the mote in the eye of your brother while you don't notice the
beam that is in your eye? Oh as you will tell your brother: do you allow that I remove the straw
in your eye, when a beam is in your eye? Hypocrite, removes before from your eye the beam,
and then you will see to remove the straw from the eye of your brother 42
". (our note: to the
Arabs we asks: you that you are so critical towards Hebrews and Christians, because you don't
resolve among you before, pacifically, as the Mahatma Gandhi teaches, the very acute
problems of the lack of religious and civil liberty in your Countries, as well as that very acute of
the violent islamic Fundamentalists and of the Terrorists? And that you say of the violence and
the cruelty that are in the Sharia and generally in the Islamic religion? 43
) .
As for the falsehood of the unbelief of the Christians is enough to remember what the Koran it
reports: "And on their footprints [of Noah and Abram] we sent (God) our messengers and then we
sent Jesus (ours note: we make to notice that Jesus is not included among the Messengers), Son
of Mary and we gave to him the Gospel and in the hearts of those people that followed him
meekness and mercy ); ... we gave then to those that believed their reward 44
but many of them
they are impious ones (note of mine: the words “but many of them are impious ones ” in my opinion
they are an Arab addition to the Koran ).
The Koran reports: "And you still say: we believe in God, in what He has revealed to us and in
what it was revealed to Abram, to Ishmael, to Jakob, to the twelve tribes and in what it was given
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XLII 11. In accordance with L. Bonelli the words in brackets “must be a later
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XLIV 31-32, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, Trad. Hansa R. Piccardo, sura XLIV 32-33, Newton & Compton Editori
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 1-6
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni
corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages), EMI
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 30 (Cristiani), sura LVII 27, Xenia Tascabili
to Mosè and Jesus and the other prophets of the Lord; we don't do any difference among them and
with all the others we are prepared to give us in full to Him 45
. (note of ours: this is an invitation to
the Arabs to consider Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedism as three religions sisters 46
Cannot be called unbelievers or infidels not even the believers of other religions; not even
those people who believe in a Creative Principle or in God’s Spirit, as for instance the primitive
people that believe in a creative God of the universe that has care of His creatures. Of it derives
that the unbelievers or infidels to which the Koran refers they are only the Bedouin ones of
the Arabic peninsula of the time of Mohammed; only against them same Mohammed could fight
for defending himself with the purpose to introduce the new religion of the Arabs.
The confirmation that the Christians must not be defined unbelieving or unfaithful is in the life of
the prophet Mohammed, that was benevolent with them 47
. Mohammed also remembered some
numerous unbelievable miracles served as the Lord Jesus reported by the Koran 48
Fifth error of interpretation: The islamic Fundamentalist, make to believe that the ancient
order to fight for defend themselves from the attacks of the polytheist Bedouin ones it be still in
force also after the death of Mahommed and for ever for subjugate all other peoples included
Hebrews and Christians to accuse them of infidelity and unbelievingness for masking the greed of
dominion of the Arabic Fundamentalists on the territories of the other peoples, Instead the order to
fight on the God’s way ceased with Mohammed’s victory on the idolatrous tribes of the Arabic
peninsula; since then tribes and peoples can compete among them for making good deeds only 49
The Lord Allah, that is God, said that the Koran had been revealed in Arabic language 50
with this God he/she wanted to say also that the Koran contained the religion of the Arabs;
therefore this religion had to not be imposed to other peoples with the strength as they have done
for centuries the wicked Caliphs. But God didn't say only this, He also said that the Arabs, included
the Bedouin ones, they were free to accept or not the new Revelation with two suras 51
; for such
reason Mohammed didn't think about imposing the Arabic religion to other peoples 52
The sure of the to Fight served only to the defence of Mohammed and of his believers to offer
the new religion to the Arabs. In the Koran there is no indication to the wars against other peoples
to impose them the Islam, with the so-called "holy war", the demoniac Jihad that doesn't have
some corroboration in the Koran 53
The Caliph Omar 54
for greed of power, glory and dominion expelled Hebrews and Christians.
The behaviours of Mohammed was very different: after having defeated the other polytheistic tribes
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 43 (Fede, di pura ), sura II 135-136, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, sura V 48-53 and sura X 94 Ulrico Hoepli
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 99 and pages 268-269, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, tra. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 e V 110, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 13 (Araba, lingua), sura XIII 37, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Sergio Noja, profeta dell’Islam, page 269, Oscar Mondadori
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 23 (Combattere), Nota di Alessandro Nangeroni, Xenia Tascabili
Sergio Noja, profeta dell’Islam, pages 73-76, Oscar Mondadori
of the Central Arabia was clement with the tribes that surrendered themselves and respectful with
the Christians that asked to Mohammed to be protected. He ensured them protection for the
people, the religion, the land, the properties, the Churches, the rites and the cult 55
. Of it derives
that the caliph Omar and his successors preferred to ally themselves with Satan, the Demon rather
than become God’s-fearing ones for the greed of the wealths 56
never placated in the Arab
Fundamentalists or Radicals.
Of it derives that all the wars made by the Arabs after the death of Mohammed are of satanic
matrix, because for Jihad it must be intended only the effort for the faith or for the action and the
moral mission 57
. In the Christianity to the word Jihad corresponds the spiritual fight against
itselves and never the to fight other peoples, not even to open the way to the Christianity. It is
therefore entirely arbitrary to attribute at the word Gihad or Jihad the meaning of holy war against
other peoples or religions especially in the case of religions that they believe in the sole God. As
always, therefore, the wars to other peoples or religions it can want them only Satan 58
, the enemy
of God and the man; therefore the wars done in general from the Arabs or Mohammedans against
other peoples have never been holy, on the contrary satanic, always. Mohammed knew that with
the conquest in the La Mecca and above all with the affirmation of the new religion ceased the
authorization of God to fight 59
. As a matter fact the Islam's expansion over the Arabic peninsula is
owed to the first Caliphs and still it continues (beginning third Millennium).
From that times the so-called Islam has continued the demoniac work to fight other peoples or
religions up to our days. Yet the Lord Allah had told Mohammed:
- "There is no coercion some for the religion... 60
" ;
- "Say: truth comes from your Lord, and who wants, believe and who doesn't want, doesn't
believe… 61
- "... to each of you we have assigned a way and a route…. 62
" ;
- "To every community we have pointed out a cult to observe … 63
- "If God had wanted, He would have done of you all one sole people; but this didn't do for trying
you with what He has given you. You compete therefore in to do good works, all you will return
to God and This it will make then you that know around which you are now disagree 64
". (note
of ours: the quoted verses are an invitation for the Arabs to live in peace with all other peoples,
but particularly with Hebrews and Christians, leaving in suspended the theological matters and
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 268-269, Oscar Mondadori
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 139 and 143, Oscar Mondadori
Ralf Elger e Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad o Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili
Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th, 2001, Shalom
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 213, 268 e 269, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257, Ulrico Hoepli ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 108 and 109, Einaudi
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, Trad. Hamza R. Piccardo, sura V 48, Newton & Compton Editori
Il Corano, trad. Hamza R. Piccardo, sura XXII 67, Newton & Compton Editori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
any other matter regarding the Revelations, waiting for the explanation that the Lord same
Allah would have given them in the Life after Death ).
- "Oh people of the Scripture, reach to a common declaration between you and we [and that is]
that we won't adore others that Allah, without nothing to associate Him and that we won't pick
up some of us as Lords except Allah … 65
 Sixth error of interpretation: to make Islam it is not a prerogative of the Islamics or
Mohammedans and it means " to entirely Give itself to God 66
" as the Prophets 67
or " to
Submit itself to God 68
as the common people ; the God of the Love, of the Peace and the Life,
wants the peoples live in peace and therefore they can compete among them only for making
good deeds 69
, but the Islamic Fundamentalists instead of living in peace with the others
peoples they prefer to make to believe that the word Jihad means to fight for imposing the
islamic religion to other peoples even if they adore the same God as Hebrews and Christians
or to other peoples that believe in the Spirit of God, or in a God Creator, or in a Creative
Principle, but in reality they fight only for greed power, of wealths and dominion. After the death
of Mohammed the Caliphs or other heads Arabic Fundamentalists wanted, and they now want
still now, to make of the Islam the only religion on the Earth, but the Lord Allah wants that on
the Earth there are more peoples and more religions to test the peoples with what has given
them and to make them compete only in good deeds 70
; therefore the Lord Allah doesn't
want that peoples fight among them; only Satan and the Islamic Fundamentalists or
Radicals want that for Jihad it is understood to make the war, while its true meaning is that
men make their personnel effort for the faith or for the action and the moral mission 71
. Not only
the Islamics ones or better the Mohammedans but all men can make Islam in the two
meanings that it is said above. The Islamic Moderates that interpret the Koran with objectivity
know it how and better of us.
 Seventh error of interpretation: The Fundamentalists or Radicals of the Islam make to
believe that only the Islamic ones are Muslimùn, while the term Muslim, plural Muslimùn means
"person that donate itself entirely to God", not idolater to whatever religion belong. Muslim
(Moslem) has as synonym Hanif. Abram was the first Hanif 72
. Any person, Arab or less, it
can be a muslim if he/she is not devoted entirely to God; therefore the violent ones of
whatever religion, Arabs or less, they are iniquitous 73
and unbelievers 74
, rather, man-demons.
Il Corano, trad. Hamza R. Piccardo, sura III 64, Newton & Compton Editori
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74, sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano. Trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 91
(Muslim, plurale Muslimùn, sura XXII 78, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario del Corano, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 89, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 49, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli
Of it derives that they are Muslimùn only the very rare people of all the peoples that they are
really devoted to God, to whatever religion belong. Then the Muslimùn are very rare, in all the
peoples, so much so that the Koran has defined Muslimùn the prophets only 75
. Of it derives ,
all the more reason for that they cannot be defined Muslimùn the violent Islamic ones, the
terrorists, the kamikazes and similar, but not even the Islamic God-fearings ones and the
Moderates, unless they are one of the very rare person entirely devoted to God. It is deeply
wrong to define Muslimùn all the Islamic ones; God only knows when and if all the living men
contemporarily in this planet they will be able in a very distant future to be defined Muslimùn,
since the evolution of the consciences is very slow; it is clear therefore seen the evil that is on
the Earth, that the men's majority, also of this epoch (beginning of the Third Millennium), it has
a conscience a little developed; therefore it is impossible that there are many Muslimùn in all
the peoples of the world; nevertheless the men of all the religions, little by lithe will be
redeemed by the Lord Jesus 76
, the Redeemer and Savior of all the men, to whatever people
or religion they belong 77
and so they will be able to donate themselves entirely to God..
It seems us to have demonstrated that for various reasons any people can have, at least
in this epoch (beginning of the third Millennium, all Muslimùn (plural of Muslim) in itself. Any
people, therefore, can define itself Muslim. Greater lie was difficult to say it.
Perhaps at the time of the prophet Mohammed the true Muslimùn were only two: the
Prophet himself, naturally, and his vry faithful companion, the friend and disciple Abu Bakr, that
had shared the Hegira.
The demonstration that the Muslimùn are rare is under the eyes of everybody: as a matter
of fact, the newspapers and the televisions of the world tell that the daily life of every people,
Islamic included, it is marked with violences, homicides, thefts, robberies and so many other
kinds of crimes, also inside the families; this happens in all the Nations. For not speaking of
the wars that the Islamic ones do to themselves also and of the genocide of the Christians of
the South Sudan, served by Islamic troops.
 Eighth error of interpretation: the Islamic Fundamentalists induce the Moslems to
consider the other peoples as enemies to hate and to fight, but said Fundamentalists they
don't do it for love of Allah, that peace wants among peoples, but to subdue to their own
dominion other peoples and their territories with whatever pretext; therefore, when a consistent
number of Moslems settles in the Territory of another people, the Fundamentalists send there:
- iman or other violent people that start to preach the holy war (the Jihad which is, instead,
demoniac) inside and outside the Mosques. A contemporary example it is underlined in
Indonesia, whose democracy is in danger, always because of the expansionism of the
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Di<ionario del Corano, page 91
(Muslim - Muslimùn), Xenia Tascabili
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi
verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee
Moslems; but also Europe must be defended expelling from its own territories the violent
iman and the Islamic fighters.
- a certain number of mujaheddin (fighting Islamic ones) to prepare the terrorism and then
the revolution 78
What is happening in these times in Europe it arouses worry; we hope that God wants
that guerrillas don't also start among us, as if the mujaheddin will be transformed in
revolutionaries we will also lose the state of peace in Europe, where there is from over sixty
years, fruit of the amplification of the conscience of the Europeans, achieved after having felt
so many pains because of the wars that have succeeded for different centuries on the
European ground.
Returning to the Arabs, the Lord Allah authorized Mohammed to fight for defending himself
against the Coreiscitis an idolatrous tribe of central Arabia (the Bedouin ones), but for their
own spiritual good. Since then the Lord has not authorized others of it. All the other wars or
revolutions have declared them - after the death of Mohammed - the caliphs, the emirs or
other violent Fundamentalists for expanding the territories of the Islam and for their greed for
the power, the wealths and the dominations 79
The Islamic ones want to conquer the world to do of it a sole people governed by the cruel
and violent Sharia 80
. But God doesn't want it because every people has the right to exist
with its religion; competitiveness must not be among peoples except for making good deeds
as it is said already. If God had wanted a sole people and an only religion He would have done
it by itself 81
. Therefore any religion can replace that of the place, not even the Christian
religion, but every religion can join that of the place peacefully for the reasons that we explain
in the elaborate N°1 " Contribute to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of
the destiny of the man ".
The Lord Allah gave to Mohammed the order to fight the Coreiscitis only when it was
indispensable for allowing to the new religion of the Arabs to affirm itself for the good of the
Arabs same. That happens after the Bedouins demonstrated itselves not only not cut out for
the new religion, but started to oppose it and to become dangerous for the life of Mohammed
and of His followers and consequently for the achievement of the new theist religion.
For not being killed by His same tribe, Mohammed had to choose exile, but in spite of that
at Badr 82
He had to defend Himself from a attack of the Coreiscitis, but the Prophet won on
the strength of the help that God gave him.
Mohammed, after the conquest of the La Mecca was magnanimous with the defeated and
He granted freedom of worship to all the inhabitants of peninsula Central Arabic; the
Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pagine 126-127, 139 and 143, Oscar Mondadori
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (pena capitale) and page 282 (punizioni
corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 14-15 (Badr), sura III 13 and 123, Xenia Tascabili
Prophet tolerate even the worship of the idols by the Bedouins remained pagan 83
The Prophet “… did not ask and did not impose conversions. He limited himself to make to
die alone that worship that he already gave in for dead …allowed that it celebrated according
to the ancient rite the annual pilgrimage, admitting there also the idolatrous remained such…84
 Ninth error of interpretation: the islamic Fundamentalists or the Radicals make to
believe that the Lord Jesus has been a Prophet as the others. It does not is the truth, even
according to the Koran! Jesus, Son of Mary of Nazareth didn't have for father a man but the
Spirit / Will of God 85
. Mary has been the purest among all women 86
that she always
preserved her virginity 87
. The Lord Jesus, the Messiah embodied, also according to the
Koran, God's Word 88
, the Verb of Truth 89
and the Spirit of Holiness 90
or the Spirit Saint;
therefore the nature of the Lord Jesus was divine 91
as they demonstrate the great miracles
that He did in Palestine two thousand years ago, reported also from the Koran 92
. As it is
possible therefore that has been a Prophet as the others if He were - also according to the
Koran - the Messiah 93
, that is the Man destined to a divine mission of depth renewal of all
religions and the relationship that every man had to hold with the Most High to enter the
Kingdom of the Skies (in the Gospel there is guide and light, direction and warning 94
)? In the
Koran the Lord God made to tell from the archangel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammed:
- "And [it remembers] when God said: Jesus, Son of Mary remember the favour that I have
manifested towards you as towards your mother and when I confirmed you with the Spirit
Saint and you talked to the bystanders as an adult in the cot 95
- And (it remembers) when I revealed to the apostles: you believe in me and in my envoy
and them they answered: we believe, you recognize that we are entirely donated to you 96
". (
note of ours: for the Koran also the Apostles of Jesus were Muslimùn, that is Muslims ).
The aforesaid quotations of the Koran demonstrate that Jesus was not a God’s Messenger
as the others as Mohammed for an instance, to which was said to say that he was not an
Innovator among the Messengers 97
; in the Koran concerning to the Lord Jesus it is also reads:
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-249 and 267-170, Oscar Mondadori
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 245, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 37, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XXI 91, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli , sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli ; Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated
April 25th , 1988 MIR ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli. Sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 50 (Vangelo), Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 50 (Gesù), sura V 110, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni. Dizionario del Corano, page 50 (Gesù), sura V 111, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 79 (Maometto) XLVI 6, Ulrico Hoepli
"We did therefore to follow, on their footsteps, our apostles and we did to follow Jesus also ,
Mary's son, after them; we gave to him the Gospel, and we put in the hearts of those that
followed him meekness and mercy; as for the monastic life they didn't found it - neither we
have prescribed it to them…, but they didn't observe it as it would have had to be observed
(you read. of its correct observance): we gave then, to those of them that they believed, their
remuneration, ( note of mine: Arab addition to the Word of God because God doen’t speak ill
of His sons: “however many of them were impious 98
" .
The faithful disciples to Jesus that observe His teachings / commandments, get the
transformation of their carnal nature in a spiritual nature; as a matter of fact they become meek,
generous, nice and clement. This mutation donates to the disciples that observe His
teachings/commandments only not to get from God what they will ask (of good, naturally) in
the name of Jesus 99
, but also the peace already here in Earth.
How much above stated it demonstrates that the difference between Jesus and all the
Prophets, included Mohammed, it consists in the fact that the Christ - with the divine qualities
that the Koran lists – was not fruit of lechery on the contrary He was created as Adam 100
, while
the Prophets had for father a man; as a matter of fact:
- The Lord Jesus, Son of Mary, was the Messiah with the Word of God (sura III 40 of the Koran),
translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli;
- Jesus had the Spirit of Holiness, that is the Spirit Saint (sura II 254 of the Koran, translation L.
Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli);
- Jesus was the Verb of Truth (sura XIX 35 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli);
- Jesus was the Verb of God in Earth (sura III 40 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico
- Jesus was born for God’s will as Adam (sura III 52 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico
- Jesus was the apostle of God a Spirit coming from Him (sura IV 169, translation L. Bonelli,
Ulrico Hoepli);
- to same Mohammed it was said not to doubt of Jesus (sura III 53 translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico
Hoepli), that is of His Divinity.
In the 20th
century the Lord God (Allah), told Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in
Scotland: "You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ in you 101
Mohammed, was instead a prophet 102
, son of a man and a woman, Aminah 103
, and
therefore he didn't have the Word of God, neither the power to make miracles as the Lord Jesus 104
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura LVII 27, Ulrico Hoepli
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 16-17
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 75, sura III 144, Xenia Tascabili
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 95-99, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli
; however Mohammed, as a prophet , it had the power to listen to the archangel Gabriel that the
Koran dictated him.
We deeply hope for your own good, brothers of all Religions, that you believe in Jesus
Christ for as Him itself presented Himself to the Apostles as One with His Father and His Saint
Spirit 105
. Of the Holy Trinity the Angel of the Peace of it gave confirmation at Fatima in 1917 106
In Palestine the Christ could not speak Of the Holy Trinity because they would not have understood
him, but He explained It to Jakob Lorber in the 19th
century 107
It is in the twentieth century God same it confirmed that Jesus was His Son, but He
had revealed already it two thousand years ago publicly in Palestine, during Jesus' Baptism at
work of St. John 108
;the Lord God confirmed that the Christ Messiah was His Son with these words
to Eileen Caddy, Cofounder of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland:
- "The time is at hand when they will become reality these words: <<The son of God will
appear in all of his glory because for all to see >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day nor
the hour. Be ready in every moment to receive Him. I tell you to be surprised at nothing 109
- << I am always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in
the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ
within you 110
In such way the Lord God also confirmed:
a. the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, of which all men make part
and at the same time that we cannot save us without Him 112
b. that the Lord Jesus is a Divine Being 113
and that He belongs to the Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Spirit Saint 114
The Lord God also confirmed to the quoted Eileen Caddy that the Lord Jesus is the
Redeemer and Savior of the human kind:
a. <<… The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel now attracted
reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet. It can happen that they not be aware of it at the
moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that does yes that more and
more souls are reciprocally attracted, so that all of you can become of the internal Christ aware
and eternally give thanks to for this awareness 115
b.<< Day by day, you fill yourself and you imbue yourself with Christ’s Conscience more
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 10-11 and 17, 20-24
Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unita o trinità), Armenia
Vangelo di Matteo 3, 13-17
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 1-17 and 17, 22-23
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th
and 25th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th
, Amrita
and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become one with it, as long as in you there
won't be more darkness; and when this process will be established you will succeed in bringing
more light in the world… 116
Furthermore Jesus rose from the death after three days with His same Spirit as He had
prophesied 117
Premise to the Tenth and Eleventh error of interpretation; these two errors concern wives
and children considered by the Bedouin ones as terrestrial goods. The Islamic Fundamentalists or
Radicals make to believe that it be legitimate to have some wives among which also the slaves,
while the Koran orders chastity and sexual moderation 118
; the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals
make to also believe that it be also permitted to the poor men to have many children (note of mine:
to be able then to use them in their demoniac wars, while the Koran prescribes to have appropriate
means to marry the women 119
) and therefore to procreate children; therefore it warns them from
to procreate more children and from the possession of more wives).
It seems that the Arabic masses don't know the precepts of the Koran concerning wives
and children and, if they know them, they ignore them to judge from the number of wives that they
have and of children that procreate. Can be understood and excused the Moslems that don't know
how to read, but what to say of the iman or mullah that study the Koran, as of the teachers of the
universities or the Koranic schools and of those people who they know how to read? Who ignores
the Law it is pardonable, while it is not pardonable who knows it 120
for the justice of the law
karmica or law of cause and of effect 121
Is it ever possible that it doesn't come never in mind to anybody in the so-called Islam that
the procreate children, when enough money they don't be had for buying them the bread or a suit
or a medicine, to send them to school and to give them a shelter suitable from the inclemencies of
the weather constitutes a serious violation to the Laws of the Lord Allah? It must deduce that who
knows it keeps silent and who doesn't know prefers the enjoyment of some instant without respect
for the punishments that inflict to their children and also to their wives. Now they must know that
it is crueller to make to suffer for a long time that to kill 122
I, Veniero, I am asking myself therefore how much can be worth so many invocations to
God, so many repeated prayers mechanically by people that in actual fact they are unbelievers.
That a big number of fathers of numerous children are unbelievers the Koran tells it 123
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th
, Amrita
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. X, pages 171-175 (La resurrezione), CEV srl, 03036 Isola
del Liri, Frosinone, Italy ; canonical Gospels: for an instance Vangelo di Matthew chapter 28
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 85 (Matrimonio) sura IV 22-28, Xenia Tascabili
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 16 (Beni terreni), sura LXIV 14-15 and sura LXV 7 and page 85
(Matrimonio), sura IV 22-28, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 21, Ulrico Hoepli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 55 and sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli
In the sura LXV (La sura of the divorce) the Koran in the translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico
Hoepli Publisher disciplines the divorce from their wives and this puzzles us a lot, specially if it is
compared with the teaching of the Lord Jesus Divorce admitted in the case of concubinage only 124
Alone God knows how much little is worth so many invocations and so many ritual prayers
served as the Moslems " that they multiply children or goods ". Alone God knows how much
undesirable to Himself they can be the ayatollahs, the iman, the mullahs, the caliphs and others
that don't teach to the people that to procreate many children is badly, especially if money don't
be had for maintaining well both the children and the wives. Yet these Moslem priests and caliphs,
unbelievers and liars don't hesitate to inveigh against external, true or presumed enemies,
ignoring or hiding their proper guilts and those of the Moslem Nation for the miserable state in
which they are found excepted the oil Countries. Nevertheless such priests and caliphs also have
the arrogance to define unbelievers Hebrews, Christian and other peoples that believe in the sole
God or in a creator Spirit or Principle. Finally they also have the pretension to define the Islamic
ones all Muslim (or Muslimùn), while they are being Muslimùn only the people that entirely devote
their life to God (The Prophets were muslim it says the Koran 125
). Alone God knows how much
time these Moslems must be in the Gehenna for these lies, hypocrisies, inequity and wickedness
 The tenth error of interpretation concerns the wives: the islamic Fundamentalists
or Radicals make to believe that they can have at pleasure of them, at least up to four, also without
having the financial means to maintain well both the wives and the children. But this is not an
error of interpretation because women are penalized.
For an instance, in the verse 19 of the IV sura, the women's sura, the is provided the life
imprisonment in their houses for wives that "they commit indecent acts", but it has not been
specified which acts they are. This verse cannot have dictated by the Lord Allah that is love
and that in the Life after Death forgives the sinners in the person of Christ 128
; therefore this is a
mistake of the Bearers of the Koran, that is of those who knew it by heart or more easily an
alteration of a Caliph 129
The Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals make to believe that they can have wives at their
pleasure, at least up to four, without even not having the financial means to maintain them well
both the wives and the numerous children.
Vangelo di Matteo 19, 3-12
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 47 (Gehenna), sura VII 40-41, sura IX 73, sura XVII 18, sura
XX 74, sura XXXV 36-37 and sura XXXVIII 55-58, Xenia Tascabili
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Salmo 65 (64), versetto 4 ; Salmo 85 (84), versetto 3 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del
giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia
Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili
In the verses 28 and 29 of the IV sura of the Koran, the women's sura, translation of L.
Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli publisher there are other norms that facilitate the males; for example in the
verse 28 there is the prohibition to have relationships with married women, while they can have
them with their slave women, and therefore with all slave women that they have; besides this
the Arabs can look for wives with their property (note of mine: of it derives that the Arabs can marry
how many women they want, however in this verse the Arabs have added " living with continence
and without committing libertinism” ; how it is possible to live with continence with many wives ?).
The Lord Allah could not have said this considered that to the Hebrews God has prescribed the
monogamy 130
In the verse 29 of the IV sura is written there: " And who of you not possess enough
sufficient means to marry free and believer women, merry those, among the believing girls of
whom has possession your rights. (Note of L. Bonelli: that is the slaves women). (note of mine: the
number of the slaves women has not been established with which the Arabs poor or less they can
get married; this way they can get married with how many slave women they want; then the Arabs
say that they can marry the slaves women with the permission of their masters. These are norms
too much in favour of men and they are contradictory that cannot have prescribed by the Lord
Allah , the God of the perfection 131
With the verses 28 and 29 of the IV sura, the women's sura, the harems are facilitated for
all Arabs, this means that here also there are mistakes of the Bearers of the Koran or
alterations imposed by Caliphs 132
; If it is thought that the Islamic religion allows the polygamy
and that every wife is solicited to procreate at least five children, every man - also poor - can
become father of 20-25 children marrying the slave women. These verses are too much in favour
of the men comparing them with Genesis 2 24 and with Matthew Gospel 19, 3-9.
The relationships with married women have been forbidden "except that for the slaves
women… 133
"; the exception to me seems another Arabic addition.
The verse 30 of the fourth sura (always of the translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli publisher),
it doesn't have the characteristics of the divine language of which we have already spoken (perfect
in the form and in the substance) and this means that it has been modified by the Arabs. In this
verse there is, finally, the suggestion to abstain from marrying the slave women, but the Lord Allah
has been unheard.
The verse 38 of the IV sura is not perfect; therefore it has been altered by Arabs; besides
there is not superiority of the men on the women and vice versa: women and men have
different qualities of kind necessary to the life of the women and the men. In accordance with
my experience women are intelligent as much men; if they dedicate themselves to the work they
reach position of command since long time (for an instance in the United States of America); if they
Genesi 2, 24
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee
Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura IV 28, Ulrico Hoepli
dedicate themselves to the scientific researches they obtain great results, Nobel prize also. In this
verse 38 of the IV sura the possibility has also been contemplated to warn those wives of whom
their husbands fear the disobedience; in such case for the sole fear of the disobedience their
husbands can admonish them, to put them in separate beds and to beat them; also this
possibility cannot have provided by the Lord Allah; it is another alteration of the Caliphs 134
It doesn't result to me, Veniero, that Lord God has authorized the Arabs to get married up
to four women, but according to the Koran modified by the Arab Caliphs (verses 28 and 29 of the
IV sura) their wives they can be even more; therefore this is their custom, but the Lord God
recommended sobriety more times; as for the number of wives God made an exception for
Mohammed: they say that the Lord Allah ended with to set a limit of twelve brides to the Prophet (.)
, but it doesn't seem me possible.
The verses of the IV suras of the Koran are also too much favourable to the males
comparing them with Genesis 2, 24 and with the Gospel of Matthew 19, 3 -9.
In the Dictionary of the Koran, of Alexander Nangeroni, Xenia Tascabili, you will find also
among the others the followings verses respect to the matters treated in this tenth error of
interpretation ( but they are not errors on the contrary they are Arabic additions or alterations ):
- It concerns the Chastity: pages 19-20, sura XXIV 33, sura LXX 29-31 and sura IV 34 (in
synthesis in these verses God recommends the chastity);
- It concerns the mantle of the women: page 73, sura XXXIII 59 and sura XXIV 30 and 60 (in
synthesis in these verses the Lord God orders to the women to cover their body);
- It concerns to the marriage: pages 85-86, sura II 221, sura IV 22-28 y sura xxiv 32 (in synthesis
in these verses the Lord God also disciplines the marriage inside the families and He confirms
the recommendation for the chastity and the continence and the necessity to have suitable
financial means to get married. In comparison to the mentioned verses or commented in
precedence the Lord God it orders to the Arabs to marry believing women and to prefer a slave
believer to a free but unbelieving woman because the unbelievers bring to the Hell. The Lord
confirms also that to marry the free women suitable financial means they are needed and it
recommends the Arabs to abstain from marrying the handmaids). The Lord Allah prohibits to
the man to marry mothers, daughters, sisters, fatherly and maternal aunts.
- It concerns the prostitution: page 106, sura XIV 33 (the Lord God prohibits to let the slaves to
prostitute); (note of mine: in this verse for me there is another Arabic addition: "if they
desire to remain chaste"; in the other cases the Lord Allah would authorize the prostitution,
therefore it is not possible that it have said Allah-God; it is another error of the Koran’s Bearers
or another alteration of the Caliphs 136
Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili
Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 259, Oscar Mondadori
Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili
- It concerns the modesty: page 106, sura XXIV 30 and XXIV 31 (the Lord God orders the
modesty, the custody of the sexual organs, to lower the look and it repeats to the women to
lower the look and not to show their beautiful parts);
- It concerns to the illegitimate sexual relations: page 108, sura XVII 32 (The Lord God prohibits
the fornication);
- It concerns to the dowry: page 39 (Dote), sura IV 4 (The Lord God orders to give the dowry to
the women and if they desire to share it with you enjoy it in peace and calm);
- It concerns the Woman: pages 37-38, sura II 223, sura IV 15, sura IV 127-130, sura VII 189,
sura XXIV 4-9, sura XXX 21 (In synthesis the Lord God disciplines the relationships between
husband and wife in case of divergences);
- It concerns the divorced women: pages 38-39, sura II 223, 228 and 241; sura XXXIII 49, sura
LXV 6 (in synthesis the Lord Allah disciplines the relationships between husband and wives in
the case of divorce);
- It concerns to the disobedience of the wives: page 38, sura IV 34 (The Lord God has not
certainly said that for simple small fears to be disobeyed the husbands can leave the wives
alone in their beds and of beating them. This also is another Arabic alteration);
According to their traditions the Moslems can have some wives and they can procreate a
big number of children for their pleasure and their business despite the Lord Allah recommends
to the Bedouin ones not to marry the slaves and not to make to be overwhelmed by the
passions 137
Men for the principle of freedom granted them by the Lord Allah 138
can continue to live
their way, but later they will be corrected by the Life with the laws of the Karma 139
and of the
Reincarnation 140
 The eleventh error of interpretation concerns the children: the Islamic
Fundamentalists and Radicals make to believe that also of them it be possible to have of theat
pleasure. The verses that children concern are many and as many they are those that can be
considered common to his/her brides and his/her children; in such verses you/he/she has shown
the double aspect of the human life that is material and spiritual at the same time. The Lord Allah,
appreciates and rewards the dominion able of that the man is to impose on his/her self and on
his/her egoism, on her "meat" in short, to which refers in various way: allurement, amusement,
ornament vainglory and other ways, as he/she will be seen in the verses that follow, in which said
to the Bedouin ones many teachings on the family life and of the tribe: The Lord God has been
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 85-86 (Matrimonio), sura IV 22-28, Xenia Tascabili
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
clear as always, but the cervix of the man is hard, at least how much its materiality and the
propensity to the deception!
Not the Koran but the Islamic religion allows that the child girls can marry an adult man
starting from the sixth years of age. In practice the child-bride girls are sold by the Islamic poor
men of central Africa; this is "an ancient tradition "in spite of the right to have a serene infancy and
youth and it is still incumbent on the little girls; in sub-Saharan Africa they are 15 million around
every year the child girls sold by cruel fathers to the well-off men of the Arabic peninsula and of
other places that marry them. It is a phenomenon-tragedy of gigantic dimensions especially if we
think that they are past two thousand years from the Advent of the Christ, the Charity-Love, that is
dead in cross for the sins of the Moslems also.
This because the Islamic religion "…consents to make to marry a six years old daughter,
even if for the physical contacts it needs to wait for the biological maturity 141
“ if the little girls
don’t marry a paedophile.
I am asking myself : but what religion is that Islamic that allows violences and cruelties so
serious to his/her/their daughters-brides children? My answer is: this authorization is not
certain inspired it by the Lord Allah, but from Satan, the Demon! Of it derives that the Islam
is an Antireligion of the Antichrist 142
The Koran does not allow the Islamic parents to make marry their daughters at the age of
six years old with adult men depriving them of their rights to a serene childhood and and youth and
less than ever the Koran allows to sell them; such a custom disqualify completely the islamic
The men for the principle of liberty granted them by the Lord Allah 143
can keep on living to
their way, but later on they will be corrected by the Life with the laws of the Evolution 144
the Karma
and the Reincarnation 146
L. Bonelli published by Ulrico Hoepli Publisher. As it regards il10mo and the 11mo error committed
by the Arabic Fundamentalists it is exposed :
a. sura LXIV, verse 14: " Oh you that you believe, in truth, in your wives and in your children
there is an enemy for you; look you therefore from them; however, if you will forgive, you will be
indulgent and you will forgive their guilts, God, for certain, it will be with you indulgent and
La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 87,
36100 Vicenza, Italy
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione),
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
compassionate." (Note of the translator L. Bonelli " Perché the care for them can make to forget
the due cult to God ").
b. sura LXIV, verse 15: "Your substances and your children are only a temptation and, as
for God, near Him there is a great recompense ".(note of mine: from this verse it results that the
Moslems must not procreate so many children both because the lust is a temptation, both because
who procreates is so many children – except the exceptions of the rich ones - it is not even able to
maintain them well).
c. sura LVII 19: “You know that terrestrial life is only a game, an amusement, a vain
ornament and a motive for vainglory among you; the to multiply, that you do to you of the goods
and of the children, is similar to a rain; the vegetation, that grows for it ( its vegetation), it cheers
the unbelievers; however, then, it dries up and you see it made yellow and become arid stubble;
this way in the future life there will be a violent punishment for the bad ones ". (First note of mine:
The verses 14 and 15 of the sura LXIV above mentioned are seen, that confirm that the men must
avoid the danger to get married more women and to procreate so many children. These divine
warnings are not even kept in some consideration by the Moslems of this epoch, (beginning of the
third Millennium) as well we know: as a matter of fact, they continue, century after century, to
procreate so many children showing so that they are unbelieving ones 147
as the Koran says. Their
excessive procreation is a destabilizing factor of the peace in the world also, because every
25 years (a generation) the Islamic ones they double of number and when they become a sufficient
number their Fundamentalists they make the guerrilla and then the revolution to become a State in
the State and to live according to the violent and cruel Sharia 148
; then, when they become the
majority of the citizens in a State they impose the Sharia to all the others as they did in Pakistan.
(Second note of mine: at the time of the Genesis around four thousands years ago the Earth,
included the Arabic peninsula, it was poorly populated, for which the contained invitation can be
understood in the same Genesis to be fertile to multiply for populating the Earth; to the time of
Mohammed the Earth was already populated and therefore the invitation of the Genesis we can
understand the invitation contained in the Genesi same to be fertile and multiply for populating the
Earth. At the time of Mohammed the Earth was populated already and therefore the invitation of
the Genesi was not in force. Nevertheless the men of the poorest peoples, included the Islamic
ones, /they have kept on excessively procreating, without the minimum common sense or respect
for their wives and above all for those children that they call in life to make them suffer only, in how
much incapable to maintain them well. For us this is wickedness and domineering attitude 149
. The
lust and the vainglory of the Moslems that so many children procreate without appropriate financial
means it is badly a great, that it doesn't exhaust in itself, but it is badly cause of other, in how much
the excessive procreation of children is cause of the hunger in the world and of futures conflicts
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli
Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale and page 282 (Punizioni
corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, mani pages, EMI
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVI 92, Ulrico Hoepli ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee
and dangers of Arabic domination against other peoples and this explains why the Arabic heads
want the Moslem women to give birth to so many children. This is a Satan’s strategy for Islamizing
the world with his religion, but Satan will not win because God does not want it 150
The Moslems succumbing to the deceptions of the terrestrial life or temptations 151
they will
be subdued to the punishments of the Gehenna, both for their lust and vainglory and for the
discord that they create whereas they live 152
. From the verses that we have quoted, as from
others that we will quote subsequently, invitations originate to live with continence, both in the
matter of wives, and of children and of terrestrial wealths 153
. As for his wives the Koranic verses
that are reached to us they are too much in favour of the men even if there is the invitation to the
chastity and the continence. From the Koran doesn’t result, the number of the wives that the
Moslems can have, but the possibilities to have some contrasts with the precept of Genesis 2,4,
for which in our opinion the verses of wives and children have been modified by the Arabs so
that to be able to have wives and children at pleasure, also because to start from the tenth
century after Christ the Earth is by now enough populated in different parts of the world, but
particularly to the Countries of the South hemisphere of the world, where for the environmental
conditions there is also shortage of food or water. This way the things stand what sense has get
married with more wives and to procreate so many children if not that to make to suffer these and
those for their own lust and vainglory? To keep silent of the alarm and of the fears that create in
the near peoples and in those that have accepted the Mohammedans in their territories because of
the Fundamentalists and Islamic fighters that have infiltrated there after the arrival of Moderate
ones that they find wellbeing and freedom somewhere else.
And what to say of other verses (14th
and the 15th
of the sura LXIV, trad. L. Bonelli, Ulrico
Hoepli editore) that define wives and children of the enemies and the temptations? These are clear
admonitions for all the Islamic or Moslems, but especially for ayatollah, iman, mullah and other civil
and religious heads. In our opinion, while they can be being excused - but up a certain point 154
the illiterate Moslem (because the Lord God "speaks" with certainty also to them through the
stimuli of the conscience and that - with as much certainty - it stimulates the poor men not to
procreate more than a child ). But what to say of their priests? Why don't they teach to their
believers to not marry more than a wife and to procreate that number of children that they can
maintain well, that it were also one only? For these priests islamic Fundamentalists there will be an
increase of the punishment 155
. And the same it is said for the Caliphs and the other Islamic
Fundamentalists or Radicals that people induce to procreate so many children to do of
them "meat from guns" for the guerrillas, revolutions and wars. Is it possible that the poor
men of the South of the world don't understand that to procreate children is equivalent to commit
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, LVII 20, Ulrico Hoepli
Genesi 11, 16 ; Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Introduzione pages 6-27, Oscar Mondadori
Il Corano, trad L. Bonelli sura CII 1, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura IV 21, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVI 90, Ulrico Hoepli
some serious crimes if the possibility is not had to maintain them well, to take care of them well
and to make them live in a serene and cheerful environment? Leaving out the selfish motives that
have determined and they keep on determining such excessive filiation, it is also clear for the
Koranic verses that we will quote subsequently that the Lord God teaches more times and in more
ways to yesterday's and of today Moslems the continence regarding wives and above all children
, also because it is iniquitous, rather wicked to make to be born children without being able to
maintain them well, taking out from them so the joys of the childhood and the youth. They chain
them instead to all the poverties: of food, of water, of health, of education and of games. And they
make to also miss them other rights and the liberties that cannot be renounced of the man. These
iniquitous fathers are crueller and therefore guiltier than who kills because they longly
make to suffer 157
(end of mine second note).
d. sura IX 98: " The Arabs of the desert are the more hardened in the unbelief and in the
hypocrisy and the most suitable for not to know the precepts that God has let to his apostle go
down, and God is erudite and wise ". This verse is today (beginning of the third Millennium) also
applicable to innumerable Islamic ones or Moslems. To procreate without having the economic
possibility to have care of his/her own children as inestimable treasures is not correct, neither
honest and least of all loving even towards their wives, destined to suffer with their children;
therefore, to call some future men and women to the life to do him/her to live of difficulties and of
sufferings, often also without hopes for the future, it is also cruelty / overbearance / overwhelming /
violence. The Teacher Kempis of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said: “ It is not
true that <<you grow and multiplied you>> it be a peremptory invitation because the man
procreates without considering the conditions in which they must grow his/her children. It is
crueller and therefore guiltier who longly makes to suffer of whom kills 158
The Arabs of the desert are also those people that to the time of the prophet Mohammed
they killed their children for fear of future poverty 159
. Subsequently very many poor Moslems have
started to make to marry / sell their small daughters (six years old) to become wealthy and those
rich have started to marry / buy them (for an instance in the Arabic peninsula) 160
. In other cases
the poor Moslems sell their children to the Terrorists that use them as kamikaze, for instance in
It is indifference and absence of love that of so many Moslems; it is Evil to procreate
children in absence of economic possibilities to maintain them well; it is insane egoism for which
men they assume a great responsibility because the Lord Allah has prohibited the wicked works:
"Truly God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love (note of mine: the words “to the relatives”
is an Arab addition) and he forbids the dissoluteness and the evil and the overbearance: he
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 28-30, Ulrico Hoepli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli
La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 87,
36100 Vicenza, Italy
admonishes you, so that can meditate 161
". To procreate without considering of the miserable
conditions in which will make grow their own children is one of the most serious sins that the man
can commit. You reflect well on these wickedness Moslem brothers.
The Mohammedans interpret badly, or don't even consider not even of the verses 19,
28, 29 and 33 of the XVII sura of the Koran (trad. L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Publisher); as a matter
of fact:
- verse 19: " As for who desire the goods of the momentary life…he/she is destined to the
Gehenna ". (note of mine: The Koran assimilates wives and children to the terrestrial goods, as we
has already seen);
- verse 28: The Lord God orders to give to his/her own relative what he/she is due to him, as to the
poor man and the traveller. (note of mine: If this is worth for relatives, poor men and travellers, how
much more will it be worth for his own children? Who doesn't have own substances he must not
procreate children as we have already said more times). Whereas there are Islamic or Moslems
and there is no oil who procreates so many children without own resources it commits some crimes
toward of them, as we have already said).
- verse 29: "Since the prodigal ones are brothers of the demons and Satan it was ungrateful toward
his Lord." (note of mine: According to us who procreates so many children without being able to
maintain them well it is a prodigal in the to procreate and so it also condemns his/her own children
to a life of difficulties, of pains and of humiliations);
- verse 33: "And you don't kill your children for fear of future poverties; we will sustain you and
they; in truth their killing is a great crime (note of mine: This verse was written for the Bedouin ones
some time of Mohammed).
Paraphrasing the Koran of the translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Publisher, we invite
the Moslems to reflect on these two serious errors: polygamy and excessive procreation, since
for such errors made with cruelty, indifference, absence of love, unbelief and hypocrisy) they will
have an long stay in the Gehenna 162
. And who is tenacious in the cruelty, in the indifference, in
the unbelief, in the wickedness and in the hypocrisy as the Arabs of the desert of the time of
Mohammed and of today it will have a great punishment 163
f. sura III 12: " It was embellished (it was made attractive) to the men the love for the
pleasures, as the women, the children, the treasures accumulated of gold and of silver, the horses
of race ( marked), the flocks and the cultivated fields; all of this is furnishing of the terrestrial life,
however only toward God it is the good return.";
g. sura XI 18: " As for those that prefer the terrestrial life and its allurements (its ornament),
we will remunerate them of their works in that, neither they will come in that defrauded";
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 69, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 98 and 102, Ulrico Hoepli
h. sura XI 19: " They are those that in the future life won't have that the fire and whose
actions done in this life (in it) they will be void and vain it will be everything they will have done.";
i. sura XXVIII 60: "Anything has been given you, it is only a temporary enjoyment of the
terrestrial life and a simple ornament of it; however what is near God it is best and more lasting;
won't you understand therefore?;
j. sura LXIV 14: " Oh You that you believe, in truth in your wives and in your children there
is an enemy for you; look you, therefore, from them…”.
k. sura C 6-7 -8: "Truly the man is ungrateful toward his Lord. And of this him same it is
witness. And, in truth, he is vehement in his love of the goods of this world ". (note of mine: wives
and children are compared to the pleasures of the world; is seen, for instance the sura III 12, that
plays this way:” It was embellished ( it was made attractive) to the men the love for the pleasures,
as the women, the children, the treasures accumulated of gold and of silver, the horses of race
(marked), the flocks and the cultivated fields; everything that is furnishings of the terrestrial life,
however only toward God it is the good return);
l. sura CII 1-2-3-5-6-7-8: "It will hold you occupied the struggle to increase your wealths,
until you do not go down in the sepulchre ( you visit the sepulchres)"; but soon you will know your
stupidity….; "Certainly, if you knew the consequences of this, of certain science, you would not act
in such way."; "But you will see the giahim." (note of mine: or the Hell or Gehenna); " You, will see it
with the eye of the certainty" (note of mine: it should be the sight of a spiritual body, united to an
intimate awareness to be in the Gehenna); " And then you will be questioned, in that day,
concerning to your enjoyments of this life." (note of mine: women and children have been
equalized to the pleasures of the world, because they have been equalized to the wealths or to the
terrestrial goods 164
m. sura LXV 7: " He who have abundance of means, spends of his abundance, and who
has scarce means of sustenance, spends of what God has given him…".; (note of mine: who has
scarce means of sustenance he must not have more than a wife, neither he must procreate more
than a child, provided that can maintain well both his wife and his child);
n. sura VII 29: "Oh sons of Adam, set you your ornaments (that is the best suits) when you
bring you to any temple; you eat and you drink without exceeding, since Him (note of mine: Allah)
doesn't love those that exceed." (note of mine: if the Lord commands us not to exceed at the
table, to a greater reason He wants that we not to exceed neither with the wives, neither
with the children);
o. sura IV 111: " Who, as a matter of fact, he commits inequity, he commits it against
himself, and God is erudite and wise". (note of mine: It is a crime to make to suffer for hunger,
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 15-16 (Beni terreni), sura III 14, sura IX 55, sura XI 15-17, sura
XVIII 46, sura XX 131, sura XXVIII 60, sura LXIII 9, sura LXIV14-15, sura C 6-8, sura CII 1-8, sura VII 31, sura
LXV 7, Xenia Tascabili
thirst, cold and for the illnesses the wives and, to a greater reason, his children; such crimes will
have a bad effect on who commits them);
p. sura VII 198: " You use indulgence, you order the just and you move away from the
ignorant persons." (note of mine: the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals are included among the
ignorant persons, when they behave as those people who ignore the faith. Among the islamic
Fundamentalists or Radicals are also included the unbelievers, the hypocrites, the impious ones,
the cruel ones and the violent ones (also only with the words, because of fact they don't
understand the teachings of the Koran); of rule, all the Fundamentalists, to whatever religion
belongs, even if they know the Revelation by heart, they ended up with to commit serious errors of
interpretation of the Word of God as the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals);
q. sura LXXIX 34 -39: "When the maximum calamity will have come, the day when the man
will reflect to what he will be striven to do, when the Hell will be exposed to the sight, then as for
who will have acted dishonestly and he will have preferred the terrestrial life for certain the giahim
will be its abode." (note of mine: the Hell or Gehenna);
r. sura XIX 72: "There won't be now any of you (note of mine: among the Islamic ones or
better Mohammedans), that he doesn't go down in it (note of mine: the Gehenna). This is a decree
promulgated by the ( near the) your Lord ".
the Translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Editore:
a. sura VIII 28: "You know that your substances and your children are a
temptation for you and that, near God there is a famous reward" (note of ours: for the Koran wives
and children make part both of the temptations, and of the terrestrial goods because the Islamic
ones they don’t respect the invitation / command of Allah to the continence);
b. sura IX 55: "Their substances and their children don't surprise you, God wants
only to punish them with such mean in the terrestrial life, and He wants that their souls go out of
their body, while they are unbelieving ones; (note of mine: unbeliever is he who not obeys to God,
that acts badly, the man who believes in the idols or he is atheistic);
c. sura XVIII 44: "The substances and the children are the ornament of the
terrestrial life; however the permanent things or rather the good deeds, are best near your Lord, as
for reward and as for hope." (note of mine: Who is not rich, if he marries more than a wife and he
procreates more than a child, hardly he can also make good deeds. And without good deeds, or
with few good deeds and many sins he goes into the Gehenna);
d. sura LXIII 9: " Oh you that you believe, your substances neither your children
don't distract you, from the mention of God, since who will do this, those are the losers "; (note of
mine: Who makes to distract from the material things and from his children he doesn't make cult to
God and therefore he will go into the Gehenna);
e. sura LXIV 15: Your substances and your children are only a temptation and,
as for God, near Him there is a great reward "; (note of mine: the reward to whom obeys to the
commands of God it is worth much more of the terrestrial pleasures. Once more the Lord
illuminates the Arabs and in general the Islamic ones or Moslems; with this suggestion it tells them:
you don't fall in temptation, because who falls in temptation an unbeliever it becomes, that is a man
that doesn't obey to the commands of God or he doesn't follow His suggestions because he
prefers to live as more he likes it; or he prefers the pleasures of the world and the flesh to a life
lived with continence; or it interprets badly the commands or the suggestions, or he accepts them
only partly or as its convenience because he doesn't know how to hold to curb his own desires ).
f. sura VIII 28: "You know that your substances and your children are a
temptation for you, and that near God, there is an immense reward “.
INTERPRETATION: from the description and from the comment on the errors of interpretation
done by the Arabs on the matter of the wives, children, goods and wealths it is deduced that such
errors increase the injustices and the conditions of the world.
In the so-called Islam, at least that Fundamentalist or Radical they are not gathered some
fundamental truths of the Koran, among which these two:
1. more than a wife it must not be married because it is a way to elude the commands
of God to the continence and the chastity that emerge from the numerous verses concerning
wives, children, terrestrial goods and wealths that we have previously quoted;
2. children it must not be procreated if the fathers don’t have the financial means for
maintaining them well.
 Twelfth error of interpretation: As the Decalogue 165
also the Koran forbids the to kill
; in my opinion to this verse the Arabs have added "without correct motive" and " to the trustee
of whom has unjustly been killed it has been given the power to avenge him " for being able to
interpret the verse their way and to continue to kill. The islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals must
not foment neither guerrillas, neither revolutions, neither civil or religious wars and, least of all, they
can burn the Churches of other religions as they do in Iraq, other Countries of the Middle East and
in Africa, for an instance in Nigeria, with the Christian Churches The Koran also forbids the hate
and prescribes to act with justice 167
These crimes are proper of the primitive societies as that of the Bedouin ones of the time of
Mohammed, that you/they not only killed the enemies, but also their children for fear of future
poverty 168
The Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) explain: " A primitive society I
teaches to kill the enemies. As soon as the man experiments, he understands, instead, that it must
not kill, its conscience gives him this internal wealth, this true internal nature that is in contrast with
Deuteronomio 5, 17
Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Omicidio), sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli. Sura V 11, Ulrico Hoepli
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
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044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
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044a - Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed

  • 1. Elaborate 4 Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed, committed with astuteness and wickedness by the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals. Signalling of numerous falsification Árabe to the Koran SUMMARY - Premises Page 2 - First error: they make to believe that Islam is constituted only by the religion of the Arabs, while Islam is constituted by Judaism, Christianity and Arabism " 6 - Second error: they make to believe that the Koran is superior to the others two Sacred Scriptures theists Med Oriental, the Torah and the Gospel " 8 - Third error: they debase the value of the Torah and the Gospel, while the Koran it teaches that both give the illumination " 8 - Fourth error: they define unbelieving or unfaithful all the Not Arabs and in general the Not Mohammedans (Islamics ones) " 9 - Fifth error: they make to believe that the ancient order to fight polytheists Bedouins is also valid after the death of Mohammed and forever also against other peoples with the purpose to subjugate them accusing them of unbelief and unfaithfulness " 10 - Sixth error: they make to believe that to make Islam is a privilege of the Islamics or Mohammedans while all men can make Islam in every moment " 12 - Seventh error: they make to believe that only the Islamic ones are Muslims, ( they would be, that is, all people devoted entirely to God 1 , not idolatresses included wicked persons, impious, Kamikaze and terrorists) while the true Muslims are only the rare people devoted entirely to God, not idolatresses, to whatever religion they belongs " 13 Eighth error: the Islamic Fundamentalists induce the Mohammedans to consider the other men or peoples as infidels and unbelievers and as person or peoples to be converted to the Mohammedism to subdue them to their dominion " 14 - Ninth error: they make to believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has been a Prophet as the others; Lord Jesus explained his Divine being in the sole God " 15 - Premise to the Tenth and Eleventh error: The Islamic Fundamentalists consider wives and children as terrestrial goods and they make to believe that is permissible for all the Mohammedans to have some wives 1 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 5 (Abramo), page 91(Muslim plural Muslimùn: the person who devotes itself entirely to God), Xenia Tascabili 1
  • 2. and many children " 18 a. the tenth error concerns their wives: they make to believe that they can have of them at pleasure, but instead of errors they are Arabian additions to Koran verses " 19 b. the eleventh error concerns their children: they make to believe that they can have of them at pleasure, at least five for every Mohammedan woman " 21 c. verses of the Koran common to wives and children " 22 d. verses of the Koran common to children and to the wealths " 28 e. Conclusions on the tenth and eleventh error " 29 - Twelfth error: as the Decalogue also Koran forbade the to kill " 29 - Thirteenth error: the greatest error is to invoke Satan with the very Holy God's name " 36 - Common Conclusions to the errors of interpretation that we have explained " 37 - Other considerations on the errors of interpretation, astute and demoniac, committed by the Islamic Fundamentalists " 48 - Others two great wickedness of the Islamic ones: a. that of the Sharia that allows the marriage of the six year-old little girl with adult men; " 55 b. that of the fatawa that contain death sentences " 56 - Conclusions on the Islam " 58 Premises: This study is the fruit of some questions that we are done on the Islam there and above all on the anger and the violence that it shines through from the same Islam, also from many Imans, especially after the slaughter in the twin towers in New York (11 September 2001), that caused the death of thousand of innocent people. This is the first fruit of a study on numerous verses of the Koran and the relative reflections. We know that the Revelations are deed of God, while the religions are to a large extent the man's deeds included the Islamic religion. The religions have been so you define: " Complex of the mythical narrations, of the ethical norms and salvation and of the cult behaviours that express, during the history, the relationship of the various human societies with the divine world 2 “ ; in our opinion the Islamic religion is not inspired only to the goodness and the pardon of the Koran; as a matter of fact a lot of times it is for example inspired to the wickedness of Satan as in the case of the guerrillas, revolutions, wars, acts of terrorism and slaughters of innocent ones, in the case of the marriage of the six year-old daughters gotten married to adult men 3 and in the case of the abjuration of the Islam 4 , despite that the Lord Allah, that is God, in the Koran has prescribed for twice liberty of cult 5 . The Islamic religion is inspired to Satan, the 2 Definition of the “Lo Zingarelli, Dictionary of the Italian language”, Edizioni Zanichelli 3 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 83, 36100 Vicenza, Italy 4 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario del Corano, page 277 (Pena capitale), Einaudi Tascabili 5 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura II 257 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 2
  • 3. Demon, when in the Mosques who it leads the prayer preaches the war and the hate that are proper of Satan and not certain of the sole God that is love 6 that the Arabs call Allah. Our Lady Mary told at Medjugorje that Satan wants the war and the hate 7 ; therefore the Islam, that preaches the war and the hate is the Antireligion of the Antichrist 8 , that is of Satan, as when same Islam is violent with the same Islamic ones for an instance in the case of the apostasy (abjuration of the Islam) for which the Sharia prescribes the crucifixion 9 , but they are many the other cruelties of the same Sharia 10 . The Sacred Scriptures f the peoples, before the advent of the writing, they are been inspired by God to the Prophets and they handed down for centuries from father to son; of it derives that the first question that we must do us is if the prophet, whatever prophet, included Mohammed, he has understood well the inspiration divine and granted that this has happened, it remains always opened the question that concerns the fidelity of the transmission of the Revelation to the successors of the prophet, whoever he is 11 . There is no certainty, as the history teaches us, that such transmissions have always been faithful; after which there are other factors to be considered, among which the translations from the ancient languages, especially the Semitic ones, deprived of vocals as that Arab. The changes are real alterations made by men to the Revelations as it also happened for the Koran 12 . There is no certainty, despite the dogma, that "… the whole Koran from the principle to the end is God’s Word… in the literal sense 13 . It derives of it that also for the benevolent Michael Cook the man the Koran has also modified 14 and therefore also in this Sacred Scripture the God’s Word must be sought among the lines, as for other Scriptures of the antiquity all preceded by an Oral Tradition. The intervention of the man is always censurable: it is also censurable in the method of the editing of the Koran, so much so that such editing has been defined oddness 15 . Here we limit ourselves to the search of errors of interpretation on fundamental themes of the Sacred Scripture of the Arabs; we have written this Elaborate N°4 so that whoever can check our opinions, especially the Islamic ones. 6 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 7 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della pace, September 25th 2001, Shalom 8 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 9 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale), Einaudi Tascabili 10 Jean – Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI ; Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, pages 277(pena capitale) and 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili 11 Autori Vari, Guida alla lettura della Bibbia, pages 50, 66-67, 88-93, 100-105, 116, 120, 129, 132 and 410. And still for what concerns the translations: pages 109-133, 150, 163, 308, 320 ; MATGIOI, La via Taoista, page 118, Basaia 12 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 118-121 and 243 ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 125-132, and 144-148, Einaudi Tascabili ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67, Il Mulino 13 Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 117-122, Einaudi Tascabili 14 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 115-125 and 243, Oscar Mondadori ; Paolo Branca, Il Corano, pages 53-67, Il Mulino ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 55-66, 81, 144-148, Einaudi Tascabili 15 Sergio Noja, profeta dell’Islam, page 120, Oscar Mondadori 3
  • 4. As it can be understood if God’s Word (Allah) has been altered by the man? First of all such word must be loving because God is love 16 ; therefore what God prescribes it must be always for the good of the man; also the Revelation of the Koran to the prophet Mohammed was for the good of the Arabs, a people "hardened in the unbelief and in the hypocrisy” that of the Bedouins 17 . Another method for understanding if one or more verses of the Koran, for an instance are God’s Word, it is that to check if the verses are simple, clear, concise and exhaustive because the Lord Allah has all the virtues, also the perfection; therefore also His way to express Him is perfect, because God is the perfect Teacher, and therefore His expressions are perfect in the form and in the gist ; when they are lent to different interpretations or they are not simple, clear, concise and exhaustive or they are not good it means that they have been altered by the man. God’s teachings are always perfect in whatever language is expressed. I make you a recent example, the Revelation of the 20th century to the English Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland 18 . To simplify we say that the Sacred Scriptures of the antiquity, or of the prehistory of the religions, they must carefully be interpret included the Koran, while the Revelations done after the advent of the printing are to hold faithful to the Word pronounced by Lord God or by the Lord Jesus, what for instance the Revelations dictated by the Lord Jesus to the Austrian Jakob Lorber (19th century) and that made to live again to the Italian Maria Valtorta (20th century); they are faithful examples of Revelations that of the Lord God to the English Eileen Caddy and that to Dorothy Maclean, made by the Angels, both of the 20th century. We think to have demonstrated, as you will see checking the verses of the Koran that we have quoted and others that we will quote subsequently, that the violence and the anger of the Islam depend on false interpretations of the Koran and on falsifications of the Koran same, that have resulted in real mystifications from the Arabic Fundamentalism, that year after year are handed down after the death of the prophet Mohammed and up to our days. Such errors have been committed or approved with astuteness and wickedness from caliphs, emirs, sheikhs, ayatollah, iman, mullah, theologians and other Islamic fundamentalists of every kind. Having said that, considered that in Christian Europe Europeans and Islamics they cohabit in the same territory it is necessary to make things clear on the Islam; as a matter of fact to make Islam was not exclusive of the Arabs because, as we will see, all men can make Islam, especially Hebrews and Christians because Islam means Subjugation to God e/o to entirely Donate him/her to God 19 . But there is more: everybody we know that in a lot of Mosques of the Islam the believers are incited to hate, to take revenge and to make the war; the God-love-life that the Arabs call Allah cannot approve such incitements; it can approve them instead a wicked being and 16 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 17 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 98, Ulrico Hoepli 18 Eileen Caddy, Opening doors within, published by Findhorn Press, the Park, Findhorn, Forres IV 36 OTZ, Moray, Scotland 19 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam e Sottomissione a Dio), sura III 19 e page 74 (Dare se stesso a Dio), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili 4
  • 5. precisely Satan; then a violent and cruel religion as it is that Islamic 20 it cannot be a religion of God but a religion of Satan, the Antichrist, because it is founded on the tyranny, the error and the injustice and then it curses and it sentences its enemies or presumed such 21 . As for the cohabitation of the Islamic ones with the Christians in Europe we must point out that the guests, in whatever Country of the world, they have the duty to respect the laws of the same Country, if they don't want to be tried. It is essential that the Mohammedans behave well in the Country that gives hospitality to them, for instance in Europe, because we want to live in peace; therefore the respect of the European laws from the Islamic ones is essential really to facilitate the pacific cohabitation of two or more ethnic groups that they cohabit in same States. It is essential however that is also made light on what the Arabs affirm, about the superiority of their religion on the others and if it is true that for Islam must be intended only the religion of the Mohammedans. On this and other fundamental aspects of the Arabism, we tried to make things clear. Clarity for instance, owes to be done on the Truths of the Koran concerning the wives, the marriage and the children. Truth is uncomfortable, it makes to think, it demands, but the ground of the minds and the hearts it makes fertile for the understanding of the other one, for the respect of the other one. The first thing that can be said for beginning a single or common reflection is that the Mohammedans come in Europe because they need job, freedom religious also, and of human dignity, that they don't find in the islamic Countries from which they originate. In Europe they find all of this, but nevertheless they don't respect us, at least the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals. The last ones don't respect our religion, as they don't respect our laws and probably they don’t respect us not even as people. And if this is true for the Islamic Fundamentalists, we wish that it be not for all the others Islamic ones. In our opinion the Arabic bellicosity is due to the greed for the power of the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals, to start from the first Caliphs, but excluded Abu Bakr, the faithful companion of the prophet Mohammed. The series of wrong interpretations of the Koran that we have listed in this Elaborate n°4 was and it is instrumental to the Arab-islamic expansionism if it is true as we think that in the Islam the Sufis, the God-fearing ones and the Moderates interpret the Koran in different way and therefore they don't hate, they don't take revenge and they don't kill; unfortunately the violent Islam, cruel and warmonger, they don't represent it them but the Caliphs, the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals and who leads the prayer in many or very many Mosques - where it is preached the hate, the revenge, the violence and the war against other peoples or religions in various parts of the world and it is for these 20 Ralf Elger e Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (pena capitale and page 282 (punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, molte pagine, EMI 21 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 5
  • 6. representatives of the Islam that such religion has become, after the death del prophet Mohammed and of Abu Bakr, a religion of Satan, the Antichrist 22 . We ask us up to what point the mentality of the Islamic Nation, in its variegated complex, it has been contaminated from the errors of interpretation of the Koran of the islamic Fundamentalism and particularly from the violent and cruel Fundamentalism; therefore it is necessary that the Sufi, the God-fearing ones and the islamic Moderates ascertain with a critical analysis our censorship to the astute and wicked interpretations of the islamic Fundamentalists of the themes and the verses Koranic object of our study and how much part of the errors of the Arabic Fundamentalism has polluted their minds, so that they can estrange from islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals because they are persons that ignore the faith 23 and that at our judgement they have forged the Koran also; if the Sufi, the God-fearing ones and the islamic Moderates will do it they will be able to pacifically live in the middle of us with the clear ideas on theirs religion and on the Christian religion that preaches the love, the justice, the peace and the brotherhood among men. We think that the islamic or better Mohammedans Fundamentalists or Radicals that live here must respect our laws, our uses, our customs and our religion. As a matter of fact, among people and ethnic groups are necessary reciprocity and respect, if it is wanted that the cohabitation be pacific and it doesn't lead to wars of peoples or religions; to such purpose it is also essential that in Christian Europe be forbidden the publicity of the hate, of the revenge and of the war anywhere, also in the Mosques, because we Europeans have chosen the peace. The errors of interpretation of the Koran of which we deal with in this Elaborate, without excluding others of it, they have transformed the religion of the Arabs, wanted by the Lord Allah in a satanic religion; as a matter of fact, in the Mosques where is preached the hate, the violence, the revenge, the death and the war they are installed some demoniac Sects. The change of the meaning of the Revelation of the Lord Allah, made through the angel Gabriel, it has been gotten with the expedient of a series of interpretation wrong or false of the Koran acknowledged by the Sharia and with falsifications to the original Koran. The violent and cruel religion that it is derived from such interpretations it is the principal cause of many ethnic and religious conflicts of the world of it, wanted by Satan and by the Arabic Radicalism after the death of the prophet Mohammed. The errors of interpretation of the Koran that have polluted of cruelty and violence the islamic religion 24 , have not been corrected by the Islam yet and they concern the followings themes:  First error of interpretation: the meaning of Islam is that of “Subjugation to God 25 “and that to 22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 23 Alessandro Nangeroni,Dizionario del Corano, page 95 (Opere buone), sura VII 199, Xenia Tascabili 24 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (pena capitale) and page 282 (punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages), EMI 25 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam, Sottomissione a Dio), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili 6
  • 7. “Donate itself to God 26 “. The second meaning is common to all the prophets 27 , while the Subjugation to God is common to all those people who believe in God, any it be their religion. But the Arabs have made to believe that Islam is constituted only by the Arabic religion, while the Koran says that Islam is constituted by Judaism, Christianity and Arabism 28 . All three Revelations theist derive from an only Celestial Book, for this the Lord Allah, that is God calls Hebrews and Christians People of the Book and He suggested to the prophet Mohammed to tell them: "… oh People of the Book, come to a word that makes all equal, (to an equitable agreement) among you and we… 29 . "; for me the Word that makes everything equal is Decalogue 30 . For such reasons: a. The Ten Commandments (the Decalogue ) are valid for all men, also for the Islamic ones or better Mohammedans. b. And the same be said of Commandments of the love: "…You will love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strengths. The words of this commandment that today I give you, stays in your heart: you will repeat them to your sons, you will tell them when you go to bed and when you get up : You will tie them as a sign on your hand and you will bring as a pendant before your eyes. You will write them on the jambs of your house and at the entry of the cities 31 . "Not to harbour hate against a brother, but not you hesitate to reproach him/her not to load you of a sin in his/her respects. Not avenge you and not bear a grudge toward your fellow countrymen Everyone of you must love its neighbour as yourself 32 . Then God he made man in the man Jesus of Nazareth 33 and it brought all the Sacred Scriptures to conclusion with the religion of the universal love, of the human brotherhood and of the pardon. The two Commandments of the love have been written according to the order that the Messiah has given them 34 ; c. The Gospels are for all the men because they are full of correct signs and of the illumination 35 . The Gospels are the explanation of the Decalogue; as a matter of fact in Palestine, around two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus said speaking of the justice: <<How the justice it is practised? How is victory conquered? With honesty of words and actions, with charity of neighbour. Recognizing that God is God and not putting the idols of the creatures, of the money, of the power to the place of the God very holy. With the to give to each one the place that is up to him/her without trying to give more or to give less than 26 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74 (Ho fatto Islam-I have done Islam), sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili 27 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli 28 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 63 (Islam) sura III 84-85, pagina 75, sura III 84-85, Xenia Tascabili ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 130 ; sura III 78-79; sura V 50-53 e sura XLII 11, Ulrico Hoepli 29 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, Ulrico Hoepli 30 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 31 Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 32 Levitico 19, 17-18 33 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th, MIR 34 Vangelo di Matteo 22, 34-40 35 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 123 (Vangelo), Xenia Tascabili 7
  • 8. what is rightful. He who, because one is him friend or powerful relative, it honours him and it also serves in the non good works, it is not correct. The one, to the opposite one, that his neighbour damages because from it he cannot hope utility of sort and he swears against him, or he makes himself purchase with gifts to depose against the innocent one or to judge with partisanship, not according to justice but according to the calculation of what that unfair judgment can get him from who is more powerful person among the contenders, is not correct, and vain they are his prayers, his offers, because stained of injustice to the eyes of God…. ( our note: we meditate all on these words and we ask forgiveness for all the transgressions that we have done to the Law of God). …You see that what I says it is still Decalogue. It is always Decalogue the word of the Rabbi. Because the good, the justice, the glory is in to doing what the Decalogue it teaches and it orders to do. There is no other doctrine. Then date among the lightnings of the Sinai, dates now among the splendours of the Mercy, but the Doctrine is that. And it doesn't change. And it cannot change. Many, to them excuse, will tell in Israel, to justify not to be also holy after the passage on the earth of the Savior: " I have not had the opportunity to follow him and of listening to him." But their excuse doesn't have any value. Because the Savior has not come to put a new Law, but to confirm again the first one, the only law, in its perfect simplicity. To confirm again with love, and with promises of certain love of God, what before had been said with rigor on one side and listened with fear by the other. To make you to understand what they are the Ten Commandments and what importance has the to follow them, I tell you this parable: A father of family had two children, equally beloved and of which he wanted to be in equal measure the benefactor. This father had, besides the abode where his children were, some properties where great hidden treasures were. The sons n knew about these treasures but they didn't know the way for them to go, because the father, for his own motives he had not revealed the way to his sons to come to and this for many and many years.(our note: obviously they were spiritual treasures, because they were the Ten Commandments 36 ) ;  Second error of interpretation: they make to believe that the Koran is superior to the others two Sacred Scriptures Writings theists Middle Oriental, the Torah and the Gospel, but they are belied by the same Koran 37 ;  Third error of interpretation: they debase the value of the Torah and of the Gospel while the Koran teaches that both give the illumination 38 ; as a matter of fact, the archangel Gabriel told Mohammed: "He has prescribed to you (our note: that is to the idolatrous Arabs), for religion, what already recommended to Noah [and what we revealed to you], and what we 36 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. VII, pages 123-124, CEV srl. 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy 37 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48 (Torà); sura V50 (Vangelo) ; sura X 94, Ulrico Hoepli 38 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48 (Torà) and sura V 50 (Vangelo); sura X 94, Ulrico Hoepli 8
  • 9. recommended to Abram, to Mosè and Jesus telling them: "you observe the religion, and don't divide you in Sects, respect to it. However it succeeds onerous to the polytheists 39 ".  Fourth error of interpretation: they define unbelievers or infidels all the Not Islamic. Among the unbelievers and the infidels Hebrews and Christians cannot be included because they believe in the only God, Javeh or Allah. The Koran reports that Allah told Mohammed: “ We have chosen them in our prescience among all the peoples. And, of the signs, we showed (l. we gave) them those in which it was, for them, a clear test 40 “ . The translation of Hamza R. Piccardo seems us clearer: "... With knowledge of cause we did of them some chosen among creatures of it of the. We gave them some signs that contained a clear test 41 . (our note: In all the peoples, then as today they are unbelievers, but it is not permissible, for instance, to consider the Hebrews and the Christians that they believe in the sole God some unbelievers). Each one, included Arabs, before observing the others, himself/herself observes. Jesus said in this connection: "Not you judge so that you are not judged: because with that judgment with which you judge you will be judged and with the measure with which measured you will be measured. Why do you observe the mote in the eye of your brother while you don't notice the beam that is in your eye? Oh as you will tell your brother: do you allow that I remove the straw in your eye, when a beam is in your eye? Hypocrite, removes before from your eye the beam, and then you will see to remove the straw from the eye of your brother 42 ". (our note: to the Arabs we asks: you that you are so critical towards Hebrews and Christians, because you don't resolve among you before, pacifically, as the Mahatma Gandhi teaches, the very acute problems of the lack of religious and civil liberty in your Countries, as well as that very acute of the violent islamic Fundamentalists and of the Terrorists? And that you say of the violence and the cruelty that are in the Sharia and generally in the Islamic religion? 43 ) . As for the falsehood of the unbelief of the Christians is enough to remember what the Koran it reports: "And on their footprints [of Noah and Abram] we sent (God) our messengers and then we sent Jesus (ours note: we make to notice that Jesus is not included among the Messengers), Son of Mary and we gave to him the Gospel and in the hearts of those people that followed him meekness and mercy ); ... we gave then to those that believed their reward 44 but many of them they are impious ones (note of mine: the words “but many of them are impious ones ” in my opinion they are an Arab addition to the Koran ). The Koran reports: "And you still say: we believe in God, in what He has revealed to us and in what it was revealed to Abram, to Ishmael, to Jakob, to the twelve tribes and in what it was given 39 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XLII 11. In accordance with L. Bonelli the words in brackets “must be a later addition” 40 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XLIV 31-32, Ulrico Hoepli 41 Il Corano, Trad. Hansa R. Piccardo, sura XLIV 32-33, Newton & Compton Editori 42 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 1-6 43 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale) and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages), EMI 44 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 30 (Cristiani), sura LVII 27, Xenia Tascabili 9
  • 10. to Mosè and Jesus and the other prophets of the Lord; we don't do any difference among them and with all the others we are prepared to give us in full to Him 45 . (note of ours: this is an invitation to the Arabs to consider Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedism as three religions sisters 46 ). Cannot be called unbelievers or infidels not even the believers of other religions; not even those people who believe in a Creative Principle or in God’s Spirit, as for instance the primitive people that believe in a creative God of the universe that has care of His creatures. Of it derives that the unbelievers or infidels to which the Koran refers they are only the Bedouin ones of the Arabic peninsula of the time of Mohammed; only against them same Mohammed could fight for defending himself with the purpose to introduce the new religion of the Arabs. The confirmation that the Christians must not be defined unbelieving or unfaithful is in the life of the prophet Mohammed, that was benevolent with them 47 . Mohammed also remembered some numerous unbelievable miracles served as the Lord Jesus reported by the Koran 48 . Fifth error of interpretation: The islamic Fundamentalist, make to believe that the ancient order to fight for defend themselves from the attacks of the polytheist Bedouin ones it be still in force also after the death of Mahommed and for ever for subjugate all other peoples included Hebrews and Christians to accuse them of infidelity and unbelievingness for masking the greed of dominion of the Arabic Fundamentalists on the territories of the other peoples, Instead the order to fight on the God’s way ceased with Mohammed’s victory on the idolatrous tribes of the Arabic peninsula; since then tribes and peoples can compete among them for making good deeds only 49 . The Lord Allah, that is God, said that the Koran had been revealed in Arabic language 50 and with this God he/she wanted to say also that the Koran contained the religion of the Arabs; therefore this religion had to not be imposed to other peoples with the strength as they have done for centuries the wicked Caliphs. But God didn't say only this, He also said that the Arabs, included the Bedouin ones, they were free to accept or not the new Revelation with two suras 51 ; for such reason Mohammed didn't think about imposing the Arabic religion to other peoples 52 . The sure of the to Fight served only to the defence of Mohammed and of his believers to offer the new religion to the Arabs. In the Koran there is no indication to the wars against other peoples to impose them the Islam, with the so-called "holy war", the demoniac Jihad that doesn't have some corroboration in the Koran 53 . The Caliph Omar 54 for greed of power, glory and dominion expelled Hebrews and Christians. The behaviours of Mohammed was very different: after having defeated the other polytheistic tribes 45 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 43 (Fede, di pura ), sura II 135-136, Xenia Tascabili 46 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 57, sura V 48-53 and sura X 94 Ulrico Hoepli 47 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 99 and pages 268-269, Oscar Mondadori 48 Il Corano, tra. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 e V 110, Ulrico Hoepli 49 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 50 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 13 (Araba, lingua), sura XIII 37, Xenia Tascabili 51 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257 and sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 52 Sergio Noja, profeta dell’Islam, page 269, Oscar Mondadori 53 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 23 (Combattere), Nota di Alessandro Nangeroni, Xenia Tascabili 54 Sergio Noja, profeta dell’Islam, pages 73-76, Oscar Mondadori 10
  • 11. of the Central Arabia was clement with the tribes that surrendered themselves and respectful with the Christians that asked to Mohammed to be protected. He ensured them protection for the people, the religion, the land, the properties, the Churches, the rites and the cult 55 . Of it derives that the caliph Omar and his successors preferred to ally themselves with Satan, the Demon rather than become God’s-fearing ones for the greed of the wealths 56 never placated in the Arab Fundamentalists or Radicals. Of it derives that all the wars made by the Arabs after the death of Mohammed are of satanic matrix, because for Jihad it must be intended only the effort for the faith or for the action and the moral mission 57 . In the Christianity to the word Jihad corresponds the spiritual fight against itselves and never the to fight other peoples, not even to open the way to the Christianity. It is therefore entirely arbitrary to attribute at the word Gihad or Jihad the meaning of holy war against other peoples or religions especially in the case of religions that they believe in the sole God. As always, therefore, the wars to other peoples or religions it can want them only Satan 58 , the enemy of God and the man; therefore the wars done in general from the Arabs or Mohammedans against other peoples have never been holy, on the contrary satanic, always. Mohammed knew that with the conquest in the La Mecca and above all with the affirmation of the new religion ceased the authorization of God to fight 59 . As a matter fact the Islam's expansion over the Arabic peninsula is owed to the first Caliphs and still it continues (beginning third Millennium). From that times the so-called Islam has continued the demoniac work to fight other peoples or religions up to our days. Yet the Lord Allah had told Mohammed: - "There is no coercion some for the religion... 60 " ; - "Say: truth comes from your Lord, and who wants, believe and who doesn't want, doesn't believe… 61 - "... to each of you we have assigned a way and a route…. 62 " ; - "To every community we have pointed out a cult to observe … 63 - "If God had wanted, He would have done of you all one sole people; but this didn't do for trying you with what He has given you. You compete therefore in to do good works, all you will return to God and This it will make then you that know around which you are now disagree 64 ". (note of ours: the quoted verses are an invitation for the Arabs to live in peace with all other peoples, but particularly with Hebrews and Christians, leaving in suspended the theological matters and 55 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 268-269, Oscar Mondadori 56 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 139 and 143, Oscar Mondadori 57 Ralf Elger e Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 136 (Gihad o Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili 58 Maria di Nazareth, Medjugorje, I Messaggi della Regina della Pace, Message dated September 25th, 2001, Shalom 59 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 213, 268 e 269, Oscar Mondadori 60 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 257, Ulrico Hoepli ; Michael Cook, Il Corano, pages 108 and 109, Einaudi Tascabili 61 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVIII 28, Ulrico Hoepli 62 Il Corano, Trad. Hamza R. Piccardo, sura V 48, Newton & Compton Editori 63 Il Corano, trad. Hamza R. Piccardo, sura XXII 67, Newton & Compton Editori 64 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 11
  • 12. any other matter regarding the Revelations, waiting for the explanation that the Lord same Allah would have given them in the Life after Death ). - "Oh people of the Scripture, reach to a common declaration between you and we [and that is] that we won't adore others that Allah, without nothing to associate Him and that we won't pick up some of us as Lords except Allah … 65 ".  Sixth error of interpretation: to make Islam it is not a prerogative of the Islamics or Mohammedans and it means " to entirely Give itself to God 66 " as the Prophets 67 or " to Submit itself to God 68 as the common people ; the God of the Love, of the Peace and the Life, wants the peoples live in peace and therefore they can compete among them only for making good deeds 69 , but the Islamic Fundamentalists instead of living in peace with the others peoples they prefer to make to believe that the word Jihad means to fight for imposing the islamic religion to other peoples even if they adore the same God as Hebrews and Christians or to other peoples that believe in the Spirit of God, or in a God Creator, or in a Creative Principle, but in reality they fight only for greed power, of wealths and dominion. After the death of Mohammed the Caliphs or other heads Arabic Fundamentalists wanted, and they now want still now, to make of the Islam the only religion on the Earth, but the Lord Allah wants that on the Earth there are more peoples and more religions to test the peoples with what has given them and to make them compete only in good deeds 70 ; therefore the Lord Allah doesn't want that peoples fight among them; only Satan and the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals want that for Jihad it is understood to make the war, while its true meaning is that men make their personnel effort for the faith or for the action and the moral mission 71 . Not only the Islamics ones or better the Mohammedans but all men can make Islam in the two meanings that it is said above. The Islamic Moderates that interpret the Koran with objectivity know it how and better of us.  Seventh error of interpretation: The Fundamentalists or Radicals of the Islam make to believe that only the Islamic ones are Muslimùn, while the term Muslim, plural Muslimùn means "person that donate itself entirely to God", not idolater to whatever religion belong. Muslim (Moslem) has as synonym Hanif. Abram was the first Hanif 72 . Any person, Arab or less, it can be a muslim if he/she is not devoted entirely to God; therefore the violent ones of whatever religion, Arabs or less, they are iniquitous 73 and unbelievers 74 , rather, man-demons. 65 Il Corano, trad. Hamza R. Piccardo, sura III 64, Newton & Compton Editori 66 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 74, sura III 20, Xenia Tascabili 67 Il Corano. Trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 91 (Muslim, plurale Muslimùn, sura XXII 78, Xenia Tascabili 68 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 62 (Islam), sura III 19, Xenia Tascabili 69 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 70 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 71 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario del Corano, page 136 (Gihad or Jihad), Einaudi Tascabili 72 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 89, Ulrico Hoepli 73 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 49, Ulrico Hoepli 74 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli 12
  • 13. Of it derives that they are Muslimùn only the very rare people of all the peoples that they are really devoted to God, to whatever religion belong. Then the Muslimùn are very rare, in all the peoples, so much so that the Koran has defined Muslimùn the prophets only 75 . Of it derives , all the more reason for that they cannot be defined Muslimùn the violent Islamic ones, the terrorists, the kamikazes and similar, but not even the Islamic God-fearings ones and the Moderates, unless they are one of the very rare person entirely devoted to God. It is deeply wrong to define Muslimùn all the Islamic ones; God only knows when and if all the living men contemporarily in this planet they will be able in a very distant future to be defined Muslimùn, since the evolution of the consciences is very slow; it is clear therefore seen the evil that is on the Earth, that the men's majority, also of this epoch (beginning of the Third Millennium), it has a conscience a little developed; therefore it is impossible that there are many Muslimùn in all the peoples of the world; nevertheless the men of all the religions, little by lithe will be redeemed by the Lord Jesus 76 , the Redeemer and Savior of all the men, to whatever people or religion they belong 77 and so they will be able to donate themselves entirely to God.. It seems us to have demonstrated that for various reasons any people can have, at least in this epoch (beginning of the third Millennium, all Muslimùn (plural of Muslim) in itself. Any people, therefore, can define itself Muslim. Greater lie was difficult to say it. Perhaps at the time of the prophet Mohammed the true Muslimùn were only two: the Prophet himself, naturally, and his vry faithful companion, the friend and disciple Abu Bakr, that had shared the Hegira. The demonstration that the Muslimùn are rare is under the eyes of everybody: as a matter of fact, the newspapers and the televisions of the world tell that the daily life of every people, Islamic included, it is marked with violences, homicides, thefts, robberies and so many other kinds of crimes, also inside the families; this happens in all the Nations. For not speaking of the wars that the Islamic ones do to themselves also and of the genocide of the Christians of the South Sudan, served by Islamic troops.  Eighth error of interpretation: the Islamic Fundamentalists induce the Moslems to consider the other peoples as enemies to hate and to fight, but said Fundamentalists they don't do it for love of Allah, that peace wants among peoples, but to subdue to their own dominion other peoples and their territories with whatever pretext; therefore, when a consistent number of Moslems settles in the Territory of another people, the Fundamentalists send there: - iman or other violent people that start to preach the holy war (the Jihad which is, instead, demoniac) inside and outside the Mosques. A contemporary example it is underlined in Indonesia, whose democracy is in danger, always because of the expansionism of the 75 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli ; Alessandro Nangeroni, Di<ionario del Corano, page 91 (Muslim - Muslimùn), Xenia Tascabili 76 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 77 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” di Cristo), Mediterranee 13
  • 14. Moslems; but also Europe must be defended expelling from its own territories the violent iman and the Islamic fighters. - a certain number of mujaheddin (fighting Islamic ones) to prepare the terrorism and then the revolution 78 . What is happening in these times in Europe it arouses worry; we hope that God wants that guerrillas don't also start among us, as if the mujaheddin will be transformed in revolutionaries we will also lose the state of peace in Europe, where there is from over sixty years, fruit of the amplification of the conscience of the Europeans, achieved after having felt so many pains because of the wars that have succeeded for different centuries on the European ground. Returning to the Arabs, the Lord Allah authorized Mohammed to fight for defending himself against the Coreiscitis an idolatrous tribe of central Arabia (the Bedouin ones), but for their own spiritual good. Since then the Lord has not authorized others of it. All the other wars or revolutions have declared them - after the death of Mohammed - the caliphs, the emirs or other violent Fundamentalists for expanding the territories of the Islam and for their greed for the power, the wealths and the dominations 79 . The Islamic ones want to conquer the world to do of it a sole people governed by the cruel and violent Sharia 80 . But God doesn't want it because every people has the right to exist with its religion; competitiveness must not be among peoples except for making good deeds as it is said already. If God had wanted a sole people and an only religion He would have done it by itself 81 . Therefore any religion can replace that of the place, not even the Christian religion, but every religion can join that of the place peacefully for the reasons that we explain in the elaborate N°1 " Contribute to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man ". The Lord Allah gave to Mohammed the order to fight the Coreiscitis only when it was indispensable for allowing to the new religion of the Arabs to affirm itself for the good of the Arabs same. That happens after the Bedouins demonstrated itselves not only not cut out for the new religion, but started to oppose it and to become dangerous for the life of Mohammed and of His followers and consequently for the achievement of the new theist religion. For not being killed by His same tribe, Mohammed had to choose exile, but in spite of that at Badr 82 He had to defend Himself from a attack of the Coreiscitis, but the Prophet won on the strength of the help that God gave him. Mohammed, after the conquest of the La Mecca was magnanimous with the defeated and He granted freedom of worship to all the inhabitants of peninsula Central Arabic; the 78 Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Oscar Mondadori 79 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pagine 126-127, 139 and 143, Oscar Mondadori 80 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo Dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (pena capitale) and page 282 (punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’islam chiamati da Cristo, many pages, EMI 81 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 82 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 14-15 (Badr), sura III 13 and 123, Xenia Tascabili 14
  • 15. Prophet tolerate even the worship of the idols by the Bedouins remained pagan 83 . The Prophet “… did not ask and did not impose conversions. He limited himself to make to die alone that worship that he already gave in for dead …allowed that it celebrated according to the ancient rite the annual pilgrimage, admitting there also the idolatrous remained such…84 .  Ninth error of interpretation: the islamic Fundamentalists or the Radicals make to believe that the Lord Jesus has been a Prophet as the others. It does not is the truth, even according to the Koran! Jesus, Son of Mary of Nazareth didn't have for father a man but the Spirit / Will of God 85 . Mary has been the purest among all women 86 that she always preserved her virginity 87 . The Lord Jesus, the Messiah embodied, also according to the Koran, God's Word 88 , the Verb of Truth 89 and the Spirit of Holiness 90 or the Spirit Saint; therefore the nature of the Lord Jesus was divine 91 as they demonstrate the great miracles that He did in Palestine two thousand years ago, reported also from the Koran 92 . As it is possible therefore that has been a Prophet as the others if He were - also according to the Koran - the Messiah 93 , that is the Man destined to a divine mission of depth renewal of all religions and the relationship that every man had to hold with the Most High to enter the Kingdom of the Skies (in the Gospel there is guide and light, direction and warning 94 )? In the Koran the Lord God made to tell from the archangel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammed: - "And [it remembers] when God said: Jesus, Son of Mary remember the favour that I have manifested towards you as towards your mother and when I confirmed you with the Spirit Saint and you talked to the bystanders as an adult in the cot 95 . - And (it remembers) when I revealed to the apostles: you believe in me and in my envoy and them they answered: we believe, you recognize that we are entirely donated to you 96 ". ( note of ours: for the Koran also the Apostles of Jesus were Muslimùn, that is Muslims ). The aforesaid quotations of the Koran demonstrate that Jesus was not a God’s Messenger as the others as Mohammed for an instance, to which was said to say that he was not an Innovator among the Messengers 97 ; in the Koran concerning to the Lord Jesus it is also reads: 83 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, pages 244-249 and 267-170, Oscar Mondadori 84 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 245, Oscar Mondadori 85 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 86 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 37, Ulrico Hoepli 87 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XXI 91, Ulrico Hoepli 88 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli , sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 89 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XIX 35, Ulrico Hoepli 90 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura II 254, Ulrico Hoepli 91 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli ; Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated April 25th , 1988 MIR ; Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 92 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli. Sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli 93 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, Ulrico Hoepli 94 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 50 (Vangelo), Ulrico Hoepli 95 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 50 (Gesù), sura V 110, Xenia Tascabili 96 Alessandro Nangeroni. Dizionario del Corano, page 50 (Gesù), sura V 111, Xenia Tascabili 97 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 79 (Maometto) XLVI 6, Ulrico Hoepli 15
  • 16. "We did therefore to follow, on their footsteps, our apostles and we did to follow Jesus also , Mary's son, after them; we gave to him the Gospel, and we put in the hearts of those that followed him meekness and mercy; as for the monastic life they didn't found it - neither we have prescribed it to them…, but they didn't observe it as it would have had to be observed (you read. of its correct observance): we gave then, to those of them that they believed, their remuneration, ( note of mine: Arab addition to the Word of God because God doen’t speak ill of His sons: “however many of them were impious 98 " . The faithful disciples to Jesus that observe His teachings / commandments, get the transformation of their carnal nature in a spiritual nature; as a matter of fact they become meek, generous, nice and clement. This mutation donates to the disciples that observe His teachings/commandments only not to get from God what they will ask (of good, naturally) in the name of Jesus 99 , but also the peace already here in Earth. How much above stated it demonstrates that the difference between Jesus and all the Prophets, included Mohammed, it consists in the fact that the Christ - with the divine qualities that the Koran lists – was not fruit of lechery on the contrary He was created as Adam 100 , while the Prophets had for father a man; as a matter of fact: - The Lord Jesus, Son of Mary, was the Messiah with the Word of God (sura III 40 of the Koran), translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli; - Jesus had the Spirit of Holiness, that is the Spirit Saint (sura II 254 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli); - Jesus was the Verb of Truth (sura XIX 35 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli); - Jesus was the Verb of God in Earth (sura III 40 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli); - Jesus was born for God’s will as Adam (sura III 52 of the Koran, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli); - Jesus was the apostle of God a Spirit coming from Him (sura IV 169, translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli); - to same Mohammed it was said not to doubt of Jesus (sura III 53 translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli), that is of His Divinity. In the 20th century the Lord God (Allah), told Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland: "You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ in you 101 . Mohammed, was instead a prophet 102 , son of a man and a woman, Aminah 103 , and therefore he didn't have the Word of God, neither the power to make miracles as the Lord Jesus 104 98 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura LVII 27, Ulrico Hoepli 99 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 16-17 100 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura III 40 and 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 101 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 102 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 75, sura III 144, Xenia Tascabili 103 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 95-99, Oscar Mondadori 104 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 43 and sura V 110, Ulrico Hoepli 16
  • 17. ; however Mohammed, as a prophet , it had the power to listen to the archangel Gabriel that the Koran dictated him. We deeply hope for your own good, brothers of all Religions, that you believe in Jesus Christ for as Him itself presented Himself to the Apostles as One with His Father and His Saint Spirit 105 . Of the Holy Trinity the Angel of the Peace of it gave confirmation at Fatima in 1917 106 . In Palestine the Christ could not speak Of the Holy Trinity because they would not have understood him, but He explained It to Jakob Lorber in the 19th century 107 . It is in the twentieth century God same it confirmed that Jesus was His Son, but He had revealed already it two thousand years ago publicly in Palestine, during Jesus' Baptism at work of St. John 108 ;the Lord God confirmed that the Christ Messiah was His Son with these words to Eileen Caddy, Cofounder of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland: - "The time is at hand when they will become reality these words: <<The son of God will appear in all of his glory because for all to see >>. Be ready because nobody knows the day nor the hour. Be ready in every moment to receive Him. I tell you to be surprised at nothing 109 ". - << I am always with you. You become aware of Me in every moment. We are One, One in the heart, in the mind and in the Spirit. You are perfectly aware of the Divine Presence, the Christ within you 110 >>. In such way the Lord God also confirmed: a. the existence of the Mystical Body of the Lord Jesus, of which all men make part 111 and at the same time that we cannot save us without Him 112 . b. that the Lord Jesus is a Divine Being 113 and that He belongs to the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit Saint 114 . The Lord God also confirmed to the quoted Eileen Caddy that the Lord Jesus is the Redeemer and Savior of the human kind: a. <<… The souls that are aware of the conscience of Christ they feel now attracted reciprocally as the iron toward the magnet. It can happen that they not be aware of it at the moment, but they will be it in the days to come. It is this conscience that does yes that more and more souls are reciprocally attracted, so that all of you can become of the internal Christ aware and eternally give thanks to for this awareness 115 >>. b.<< Day by day, you fill yourself and you imbue yourself with Christ’s Conscience more 105 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 10-11 and 17, 20-24 106 Lucia racconta Fatima, page 48, Editrice Queriniana 107 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unita o trinità), Armenia 108 Vangelo di Matteo 3, 13-17 109 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 109, Mediterranee 110 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 111 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 1-17 and 17, 22-23 112 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita 113 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 114 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-44 (Dio: unità o trinità), Armenia 115 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 24th , Amrita 17
  • 18. and more. You are able to walk in the light and to become one with it, as long as in you there won't be more darkness; and when this process will be established you will succeed in bringing more light in the world… 116 >>. Furthermore Jesus rose from the death after three days with His same Spirit as He had prophesied 117 . Premise to the Tenth and Eleventh error of interpretation; these two errors concern wives and children considered by the Bedouin ones as terrestrial goods. The Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals make to believe that it be legitimate to have some wives among which also the slaves, while the Koran orders chastity and sexual moderation 118 ; the Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals make to also believe that it be also permitted to the poor men to have many children (note of mine: to be able then to use them in their demoniac wars, while the Koran prescribes to have appropriate means to marry the women 119 ) and therefore to procreate children; therefore it warns them from to procreate more children and from the possession of more wives). It seems that the Arabic masses don't know the precepts of the Koran concerning wives and children and, if they know them, they ignore them to judge from the number of wives that they have and of children that procreate. Can be understood and excused the Moslems that don't know how to read, but what to say of the iman or mullah that study the Koran, as of the teachers of the universities or the Koranic schools and of those people who they know how to read? Who ignores the Law it is pardonable, while it is not pardonable who knows it 120 for the justice of the law karmica or law of cause and of effect 121 . Is it ever possible that it doesn't come never in mind to anybody in the so-called Islam that the procreate children, when enough money they don't be had for buying them the bread or a suit or a medicine, to send them to school and to give them a shelter suitable from the inclemencies of the weather constitutes a serious violation to the Laws of the Lord Allah? It must deduce that who knows it keeps silent and who doesn't know prefers the enjoyment of some instant without respect for the punishments that inflict to their children and also to their wives. Now they must know that it is crueller to make to suffer for a long time that to kill 122 . I, Veniero, I am asking myself therefore how much can be worth so many invocations to God, so many repeated prayers mechanically by people that in actual fact they are unbelievers. That a big number of fathers of numerous children are unbelievers the Koran tells it 123 . 116 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita 117 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. X, pages 171-175 (La resurrezione), CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri, Frosinone, Italy ; canonical Gospels: for an instance Vangelo di Matthew chapter 28 118 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 85 (Matrimonio) sura IV 22-28, Xenia Tascabili 119 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 16 (Beni terreni), sura LXIV 14-15 and sura LXV 7 and page 85 (Matrimonio), sura IV 22-28, Xenia Tascabili 120 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 21, Ulrico Hoepli 121 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 122 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee 123 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 55 and sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli 18
  • 19. In the sura LXV (La sura of the divorce) the Koran in the translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Publisher disciplines the divorce from their wives and this puzzles us a lot, specially if it is compared with the teaching of the Lord Jesus Divorce admitted in the case of concubinage only 124 . Alone God knows how much little is worth so many invocations and so many ritual prayers served as the Moslems " that they multiply children or goods ". Alone God knows how much undesirable to Himself they can be the ayatollahs, the iman, the mullahs, the caliphs and others that don't teach to the people that to procreate many children is badly, especially if money don't be had for maintaining well both the children and the wives. Yet these Moslem priests and caliphs, unbelievers and liars don't hesitate to inveigh against external, true or presumed enemies, ignoring or hiding their proper guilts and those of the Moslem Nation for the miserable state in which they are found excepted the oil Countries. Nevertheless such priests and caliphs also have the arrogance to define unbelievers Hebrews, Christian and other peoples that believe in the sole God or in a creator Spirit or Principle. Finally they also have the pretension to define the Islamic ones all Muslim (or Muslimùn), while they are being Muslimùn only the people that entirely devote their life to God (The Prophets were muslim it says the Koran 125 ). Alone God knows how much time these Moslems must be in the Gehenna for these lies, hypocrisies, inequity and wickedness 126 .  The tenth error of interpretation concerns the wives: the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals make to believe that they can have at pleasure of them, at least up to four, also without having the financial means to maintain well both the wives and the children. But this is not an error of interpretation because women are penalized. For an instance, in the verse 19 of the IV sura, the women's sura, the is provided the life imprisonment in their houses for wives that "they commit indecent acts", but it has not been specified which acts they are. This verse cannot have dictated by the Lord Allah that is love 127 and that in the Life after Death forgives the sinners in the person of Christ 128 ; therefore this is a mistake of the Bearers of the Koran, that is of those who knew it by heart or more easily an alteration of a Caliph 129 . The Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals make to believe that they can have wives at their pleasure, at least up to four, without even not having the financial means to maintain them well both the wives and the numerous children. 124 Vangelo di Matteo 19, 3-12 125 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura V 48, Ulrico Hoepli 126 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 47 (Gehenna), sura VII 40-41, sura IX 73, sura XVII 18, sura XX 74, sura XXXV 36-37 and sura XXXVIII 55-58, Xenia Tascabili 127 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 128 Salmo 65 (64), versetto 4 ; Salmo 85 (84), versetto 3 ; Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184 (Il giorno del giudizio e la resurrezione della carne), Armenia 129 Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili 19
  • 20. In the verses 28 and 29 of the IV sura of the Koran, the women's sura, translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli publisher there are other norms that facilitate the males; for example in the verse 28 there is the prohibition to have relationships with married women, while they can have them with their slave women, and therefore with all slave women that they have; besides this the Arabs can look for wives with their property (note of mine: of it derives that the Arabs can marry how many women they want, however in this verse the Arabs have added " living with continence and without committing libertinism” ; how it is possible to live with continence with many wives ?). The Lord Allah could not have said this considered that to the Hebrews God has prescribed the monogamy 130 . In the verse 29 of the IV sura is written there: " And who of you not possess enough sufficient means to marry free and believer women, merry those, among the believing girls of whom has possession your rights. (Note of L. Bonelli: that is the slaves women). (note of mine: the number of the slaves women has not been established with which the Arabs poor or less they can get married; this way they can get married with how many slave women they want; then the Arabs say that they can marry the slaves women with the permission of their masters. These are norms too much in favour of men and they are contradictory that cannot have prescribed by the Lord Allah , the God of the perfection 131 With the verses 28 and 29 of the IV sura, the women's sura, the harems are facilitated for all Arabs, this means that here also there are mistakes of the Bearers of the Koran or alterations imposed by Caliphs 132 ; If it is thought that the Islamic religion allows the polygamy and that every wife is solicited to procreate at least five children, every man - also poor - can become father of 20-25 children marrying the slave women. These verses are too much in favour of the men comparing them with Genesis 2 24 and with Matthew Gospel 19, 3-9. The relationships with married women have been forbidden "except that for the slaves women… 133 "; the exception to me seems another Arabic addition. The verse 30 of the fourth sura (always of the translation L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli publisher), it doesn't have the characteristics of the divine language of which we have already spoken (perfect in the form and in the substance) and this means that it has been modified by the Arabs. In this verse there is, finally, the suggestion to abstain from marrying the slave women, but the Lord Allah has been unheard. The verse 38 of the IV sura is not perfect; therefore it has been altered by Arabs; besides there is not superiority of the men on the women and vice versa: women and men have different qualities of kind necessary to the life of the women and the men. In accordance with my experience women are intelligent as much men; if they dedicate themselves to the work they reach position of command since long time (for an instance in the United States of America); if they 130 Genesi 2, 24 131 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 296 (Tutto è perfetto), Mediterranee 132 Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili 133 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura IV 28, Ulrico Hoepli 20
  • 21. dedicate themselves to the scientific researches they obtain great results, Nobel prize also. In this verse 38 of the IV sura the possibility has also been contemplated to warn those wives of whom their husbands fear the disobedience; in such case for the sole fear of the disobedience their husbands can admonish them, to put them in separate beds and to beat them; also this possibility cannot have provided by the Lord Allah; it is another alteration of the Caliphs 134 . It doesn't result to me, Veniero, that Lord God has authorized the Arabs to get married up to four women, but according to the Koran modified by the Arab Caliphs (verses 28 and 29 of the IV sura) their wives they can be even more; therefore this is their custom, but the Lord God recommended sobriety more times; as for the number of wives God made an exception for Mohammed: they say that the Lord Allah ended with to set a limit of twelve brides to the Prophet (.) 135 , but it doesn't seem me possible. The verses of the IV suras of the Koran are also too much favourable to the males comparing them with Genesis 2, 24 and with the Gospel of Matthew 19, 3 -9. In the Dictionary of the Koran, of Alexander Nangeroni, Xenia Tascabili, you will find also among the others the followings verses respect to the matters treated in this tenth error of interpretation ( but they are not errors on the contrary they are Arabic additions or alterations ): - It concerns the Chastity: pages 19-20, sura XXIV 33, sura LXX 29-31 and sura IV 34 (in synthesis in these verses God recommends the chastity); - It concerns the mantle of the women: page 73, sura XXXIII 59 and sura XXIV 30 and 60 (in synthesis in these verses the Lord God orders to the women to cover their body); - It concerns to the marriage: pages 85-86, sura II 221, sura IV 22-28 y sura xxiv 32 (in synthesis in these verses the Lord God also disciplines the marriage inside the families and He confirms the recommendation for the chastity and the continence and the necessity to have suitable financial means to get married. In comparison to the mentioned verses or commented in precedence the Lord God it orders to the Arabs to marry believing women and to prefer a slave believer to a free but unbelieving woman because the unbelievers bring to the Hell. The Lord confirms also that to marry the free women suitable financial means they are needed and it recommends the Arabs to abstain from marrying the handmaids). The Lord Allah prohibits to the man to marry mothers, daughters, sisters, fatherly and maternal aunts. - It concerns the prostitution: page 106, sura XIV 33 (the Lord God prohibits to let the slaves to prostitute); (note of mine: in this verse for me there is another Arabic addition: "if they desire to remain chaste"; in the other cases the Lord Allah would authorize the prostitution, therefore it is not possible that it have said Allah-God; it is another error of the Koran’s Bearers or another alteration of the Caliphs 136 ); 134 Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili 135 Sergio Noja, Maometto profeta dell’Islam, page 259, Oscar Mondadori 136 Michael Cook, Il Corano, page 118, Einaudi Tascabili 21
  • 22. - It concerns the modesty: page 106, sura XXIV 30 and XXIV 31 (the Lord God orders the modesty, the custody of the sexual organs, to lower the look and it repeats to the women to lower the look and not to show their beautiful parts); - It concerns to the illegitimate sexual relations: page 108, sura XVII 32 (The Lord God prohibits the fornication); - It concerns to the dowry: page 39 (Dote), sura IV 4 (The Lord God orders to give the dowry to the women and if they desire to share it with you enjoy it in peace and calm); - It concerns the Woman: pages 37-38, sura II 223, sura IV 15, sura IV 127-130, sura VII 189, sura XXIV 4-9, sura XXX 21 (In synthesis the Lord God disciplines the relationships between husband and wife in case of divergences); - It concerns the divorced women: pages 38-39, sura II 223, 228 and 241; sura XXXIII 49, sura LXV 6 (in synthesis the Lord Allah disciplines the relationships between husband and wives in the case of divorce); - It concerns to the disobedience of the wives: page 38, sura IV 34 (The Lord God has not certainly said that for simple small fears to be disobeyed the husbands can leave the wives alone in their beds and of beating them. This also is another Arabic alteration); According to their traditions the Moslems can have some wives and they can procreate a big number of children for their pleasure and their business despite the Lord Allah recommends to the Bedouin ones not to marry the slaves and not to make to be overwhelmed by the passions 137 . Men for the principle of freedom granted them by the Lord Allah 138 can continue to live their way, but later they will be corrected by the Life with the laws of the Karma 139 and of the Reincarnation 140 .  The eleventh error of interpretation concerns the children: the Islamic Fundamentalists and Radicals make to believe that also of them it be possible to have of theat pleasure. The verses that children concern are many and as many they are those that can be considered common to his/her brides and his/her children; in such verses you/he/she has shown the double aspect of the human life that is material and spiritual at the same time. The Lord Allah, appreciates and rewards the dominion able of that the man is to impose on his/her self and on his/her egoism, on her "meat" in short, to which refers in various way: allurement, amusement, ornament vainglory and other ways, as he/she will be seen in the verses that follow, in which said to the Bedouin ones many teachings on the family life and of the tribe: The Lord God has been 137 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 85-86 (Matrimonio), sura IV 22-28, Xenia Tascabili 138 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 139 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 140 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 22
  • 23. clear as always, but the cervix of the man is hard, at least how much its materiality and the propensity to the deception! Not the Koran but the Islamic religion allows that the child girls can marry an adult man starting from the sixth years of age. In practice the child-bride girls are sold by the Islamic poor men of central Africa; this is "an ancient tradition "in spite of the right to have a serene infancy and youth and it is still incumbent on the little girls; in sub-Saharan Africa they are 15 million around every year the child girls sold by cruel fathers to the well-off men of the Arabic peninsula and of other places that marry them. It is a phenomenon-tragedy of gigantic dimensions especially if we think that they are past two thousand years from the Advent of the Christ, the Charity-Love, that is dead in cross for the sins of the Moslems also. This because the Islamic religion "…consents to make to marry a six years old daughter, even if for the physical contacts it needs to wait for the biological maturity 141 “ if the little girls don’t marry a paedophile. I am asking myself : but what religion is that Islamic that allows violences and cruelties so serious to his/her/their daughters-brides children? My answer is: this authorization is not certain inspired it by the Lord Allah, but from Satan, the Demon! Of it derives that the Islam is an Antireligion of the Antichrist 142 . The Koran does not allow the Islamic parents to make marry their daughters at the age of six years old with adult men depriving them of their rights to a serene childhood and and youth and less than ever the Koran allows to sell them; such a custom disqualify completely the islamic religion. The men for the principle of liberty granted them by the Lord Allah 143 can keep on living to their way, but later on they will be corrected by the Life with the laws of the Evolution 144 the Karma 145 and the Reincarnation 146 . COMMON VERSES OF THE KORAN TO WIVES AND CHILDREN, in the translation of L. Bonelli published by Ulrico Hoepli Publisher. As it regards il10mo and the 11mo error committed by the Arabic Fundamentalists it is exposed : a. sura LXIV, verse 14: " Oh you that you believe, in truth, in your wives and in your children there is an enemy for you; look you therefore from them; however, if you will forgive, you will be indulgent and you will forgive their guilts, God, for certain, it will be with you indulgent and 141 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 87, 36100 Vicenza, Italy 142 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 30 (Anticristo), Mediterranee 143 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 144 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 145 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee 146 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 23
  • 24. compassionate." (Note of the translator L. Bonelli " Perché the care for them can make to forget the due cult to God "). b. sura LXIV, verse 15: "Your substances and your children are only a temptation and, as for God, near Him there is a great recompense ".(note of mine: from this verse it results that the Moslems must not procreate so many children both because the lust is a temptation, both because who procreates is so many children – except the exceptions of the rich ones - it is not even able to maintain them well). c. sura LVII 19: “You know that terrestrial life is only a game, an amusement, a vain ornament and a motive for vainglory among you; the to multiply, that you do to you of the goods and of the children, is similar to a rain; the vegetation, that grows for it ( its vegetation), it cheers the unbelievers; however, then, it dries up and you see it made yellow and become arid stubble; this way in the future life there will be a violent punishment for the bad ones ". (First note of mine: The verses 14 and 15 of the sura LXIV above mentioned are seen, that confirm that the men must avoid the danger to get married more women and to procreate so many children. These divine warnings are not even kept in some consideration by the Moslems of this epoch, (beginning of the third Millennium) as well we know: as a matter of fact, they continue, century after century, to procreate so many children showing so that they are unbelieving ones 147 as the Koran says. Their excessive procreation is a destabilizing factor of the peace in the world also, because every 25 years (a generation) the Islamic ones they double of number and when they become a sufficient number their Fundamentalists they make the guerrilla and then the revolution to become a State in the State and to live according to the violent and cruel Sharia 148 ; then, when they become the majority of the citizens in a State they impose the Sharia to all the others as they did in Pakistan. (Second note of mine: at the time of the Genesis around four thousands years ago the Earth, included the Arabic peninsula, it was poorly populated, for which the contained invitation can be understood in the same Genesis to be fertile to multiply for populating the Earth; to the time of Mohammed the Earth was already populated and therefore the invitation of the Genesis we can understand the invitation contained in the Genesi same to be fertile and multiply for populating the Earth. At the time of Mohammed the Earth was populated already and therefore the invitation of the Genesi was not in force. Nevertheless the men of the poorest peoples, included the Islamic ones, /they have kept on excessively procreating, without the minimum common sense or respect for their wives and above all for those children that they call in life to make them suffer only, in how much incapable to maintain them well. For us this is wickedness and domineering attitude 149 . The lust and the vainglory of the Moslems that so many children procreate without appropriate financial means it is badly a great, that it doesn't exhaust in itself, but it is badly cause of other, in how much the excessive procreation of children is cause of the hunger in the world and of futures conflicts 147 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura LVII 19, Ulrico Hoepli 148 Ralf Elger and Friederike Stolleis, Piccolo dizionario dell’islam, page 277 (Pena capitale and page 282 (Punizioni corporali), Einaudi Tascabili ; Jean-Marie Gaudeul, Vengono dall’Islam chiamati da Cristo, mani pages, EMI 149 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVI 92, Ulrico Hoepli ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee 24
  • 25. and dangers of Arabic domination against other peoples and this explains why the Arabic heads want the Moslem women to give birth to so many children. This is a Satan’s strategy for Islamizing the world with his religion, but Satan will not win because God does not want it 150 . The Moslems succumbing to the deceptions of the terrestrial life or temptations 151 they will be subdued to the punishments of the Gehenna, both for their lust and vainglory and for the discord that they create whereas they live 152 . From the verses that we have quoted, as from others that we will quote subsequently, invitations originate to live with continence, both in the matter of wives, and of children and of terrestrial wealths 153 . As for his wives the Koranic verses that are reached to us they are too much in favour of the men even if there is the invitation to the chastity and the continence. From the Koran doesn’t result, the number of the wives that the Moslems can have, but the possibilities to have some contrasts with the precept of Genesis 2,4, for which in our opinion the verses of wives and children have been modified by the Arabs so that to be able to have wives and children at pleasure, also because to start from the tenth century after Christ the Earth is by now enough populated in different parts of the world, but particularly to the Countries of the South hemisphere of the world, where for the environmental conditions there is also shortage of food or water. This way the things stand what sense has get married with more wives and to procreate so many children if not that to make to suffer these and those for their own lust and vainglory? To keep silent of the alarm and of the fears that create in the near peoples and in those that have accepted the Mohammedans in their territories because of the Fundamentalists and Islamic fighters that have infiltrated there after the arrival of Moderate ones that they find wellbeing and freedom somewhere else. And what to say of other verses (14th and the 15th of the sura LXIV, trad. L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli editore) that define wives and children of the enemies and the temptations? These are clear admonitions for all the Islamic or Moslems, but especially for ayatollah, iman, mullah and other civil and religious heads. In our opinion, while they can be being excused - but up a certain point 154 - the illiterate Moslem (because the Lord God "speaks" with certainty also to them through the stimuli of the conscience and that - with as much certainty - it stimulates the poor men not to procreate more than a child ). But what to say of their priests? Why don't they teach to their believers to not marry more than a wife and to procreate that number of children that they can maintain well, that it were also one only? For these priests islamic Fundamentalists there will be an increase of the punishment 155 . And the same it is said for the Caliphs and the other Islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals that people induce to procreate so many children to do of them "meat from guns" for the guerrillas, revolutions and wars. Is it possible that the poor men of the South of the world don't understand that to procreate children is equivalent to commit 150 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura V 53, Ulrico Hoepli 151 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, LVII 20, Ulrico Hoepli 152 Genesi 11, 16 ; Magdi Allam, Jihad in Italia, Introduzione pages 6-27, Oscar Mondadori 153 Il Corano, trad L. Bonelli sura CII 1, Ulrico Hoepli 154 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli sura IV 21, Ulrico Hoepli 155 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVI 90, Ulrico Hoepli 25
  • 26. some serious crimes if the possibility is not had to maintain them well, to take care of them well and to make them live in a serene and cheerful environment? Leaving out the selfish motives that have determined and they keep on determining such excessive filiation, it is also clear for the Koranic verses that we will quote subsequently that the Lord God teaches more times and in more ways to yesterday's and of today Moslems the continence regarding wives and above all children 156 , also because it is iniquitous, rather wicked to make to be born children without being able to maintain them well, taking out from them so the joys of the childhood and the youth. They chain them instead to all the poverties: of food, of water, of health, of education and of games. And they make to also miss them other rights and the liberties that cannot be renounced of the man. These iniquitous fathers are crueller and therefore guiltier than who kills because they longly make to suffer 157 (end of mine second note). d. sura IX 98: " The Arabs of the desert are the more hardened in the unbelief and in the hypocrisy and the most suitable for not to know the precepts that God has let to his apostle go down, and God is erudite and wise ". This verse is today (beginning of the third Millennium) also applicable to innumerable Islamic ones or Moslems. To procreate without having the economic possibility to have care of his/her own children as inestimable treasures is not correct, neither honest and least of all loving even towards their wives, destined to suffer with their children; therefore, to call some future men and women to the life to do him/her to live of difficulties and of sufferings, often also without hopes for the future, it is also cruelty / overbearance / overwhelming / violence. The Teacher Kempis of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) have said: “ It is not true that <<you grow and multiplied you>> it be a peremptory invitation because the man procreates without considering the conditions in which they must grow his/her children. It is crueller and therefore guiltier who longly makes to suffer of whom kills 158 ". The Arabs of the desert are also those people that to the time of the prophet Mohammed they killed their children for fear of future poverty 159 . Subsequently very many poor Moslems have started to make to marry / sell their small daughters (six years old) to become wealthy and those rich have started to marry / buy them (for an instance in the Arabic peninsula) 160 . In other cases the poor Moslems sell their children to the Terrorists that use them as kamikaze, for instance in Palestine. It is indifference and absence of love that of so many Moslems; it is Evil to procreate children in absence of economic possibilities to maintain them well; it is insane egoism for which men they assume a great responsibility because the Lord Allah has prohibited the wicked works: "Truly God orders the justice, the beneficence, the love (note of mine: the words “to the relatives” is an Arab addition) and he forbids the dissoluteness and the evil and the overbearance: he 156 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IV 28-30, Ulrico Hoepli 157 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee 158 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 95, Mediterranee 159 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli 160 La Madonna di Monte Berico, Rivista mensile di attualità, Ottobre 2009, n°8, pages 42-43, Viale X Giugno, 87, 36100 Vicenza, Italy 26
  • 27. admonishes you, so that can meditate 161 ". To procreate without considering of the miserable conditions in which will make grow their own children is one of the most serious sins that the man can commit. You reflect well on these wickedness Moslem brothers. The Mohammedans interpret badly, or don't even consider not even of the verses 19, 28, 29 and 33 of the XVII sura of the Koran (trad. L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Publisher); as a matter of fact: - verse 19: " As for who desire the goods of the momentary life…he/she is destined to the Gehenna ". (note of mine: The Koran assimilates wives and children to the terrestrial goods, as we has already seen); - verse 28: The Lord God orders to give to his/her own relative what he/she is due to him, as to the poor man and the traveller. (note of mine: If this is worth for relatives, poor men and travellers, how much more will it be worth for his own children? Who doesn't have own substances he must not procreate children as we have already said more times). Whereas there are Islamic or Moslems and there is no oil who procreates so many children without own resources it commits some crimes toward of them, as we have already said). - verse 29: "Since the prodigal ones are brothers of the demons and Satan it was ungrateful toward his Lord." (note of mine: According to us who procreates so many children without being able to maintain them well it is a prodigal in the to procreate and so it also condemns his/her own children to a life of difficulties, of pains and of humiliations); - verse 33: "And you don't kill your children for fear of future poverties; we will sustain you and they; in truth their killing is a great crime (note of mine: This verse was written for the Bedouin ones some time of Mohammed). Paraphrasing the Koran of the translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Publisher, we invite the Moslems to reflect on these two serious errors: polygamy and excessive procreation, since for such errors made with cruelty, indifference, absence of love, unbelief and hypocrisy) they will have an long stay in the Gehenna 162 . And who is tenacious in the cruelty, in the indifference, in the unbelief, in the wickedness and in the hypocrisy as the Arabs of the desert of the time of Mohammed and of today it will have a great punishment 163 . f. sura III 12: " It was embellished (it was made attractive) to the men the love for the pleasures, as the women, the children, the treasures accumulated of gold and of silver, the horses of race ( marked), the flocks and the cultivated fields; all of this is furnishing of the terrestrial life, however only toward God it is the good return."; g. sura XI 18: " As for those that prefer the terrestrial life and its allurements (its ornament), we will remunerate them of their works in that, neither they will come in that defrauded"; 161 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Onestà), sura XVI 90, Xenia Tascabili 162 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 69, Ulrico Hoepli 163 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura IX 98 and 102, Ulrico Hoepli 27
  • 28. h. sura XI 19: " They are those that in the future life won't have that the fire and whose actions done in this life (in it) they will be void and vain it will be everything they will have done."; i. sura XXVIII 60: "Anything has been given you, it is only a temporary enjoyment of the terrestrial life and a simple ornament of it; however what is near God it is best and more lasting; won't you understand therefore?; j. sura LXIV 14: " Oh You that you believe, in truth in your wives and in your children there is an enemy for you; look you, therefore, from them…”. k. sura C 6-7 -8: "Truly the man is ungrateful toward his Lord. And of this him same it is witness. And, in truth, he is vehement in his love of the goods of this world ". (note of mine: wives and children are compared to the pleasures of the world; is seen, for instance the sura III 12, that plays this way:” It was embellished ( it was made attractive) to the men the love for the pleasures, as the women, the children, the treasures accumulated of gold and of silver, the horses of race (marked), the flocks and the cultivated fields; everything that is furnishings of the terrestrial life, however only toward God it is the good return); l. sura CII 1-2-3-5-6-7-8: "It will hold you occupied the struggle to increase your wealths, until you do not go down in the sepulchre ( you visit the sepulchres)"; but soon you will know your stupidity….; "Certainly, if you knew the consequences of this, of certain science, you would not act in such way."; "But you will see the giahim." (note of mine: or the Hell or Gehenna); " You, will see it with the eye of the certainty" (note of mine: it should be the sight of a spiritual body, united to an intimate awareness to be in the Gehenna); " And then you will be questioned, in that day, concerning to your enjoyments of this life." (note of mine: women and children have been equalized to the pleasures of the world, because they have been equalized to the wealths or to the terrestrial goods 164 ). m. sura LXV 7: " He who have abundance of means, spends of his abundance, and who has scarce means of sustenance, spends of what God has given him…".; (note of mine: who has scarce means of sustenance he must not have more than a wife, neither he must procreate more than a child, provided that can maintain well both his wife and his child); n. sura VII 29: "Oh sons of Adam, set you your ornaments (that is the best suits) when you bring you to any temple; you eat and you drink without exceeding, since Him (note of mine: Allah) doesn't love those that exceed." (note of mine: if the Lord commands us not to exceed at the table, to a greater reason He wants that we not to exceed neither with the wives, neither with the children); o. sura IV 111: " Who, as a matter of fact, he commits inequity, he commits it against himself, and God is erudite and wise". (note of mine: It is a crime to make to suffer for hunger, 164 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, pages 15-16 (Beni terreni), sura III 14, sura IX 55, sura XI 15-17, sura XVIII 46, sura XX 131, sura XXVIII 60, sura LXIII 9, sura LXIV14-15, sura C 6-8, sura CII 1-8, sura VII 31, sura LXV 7, Xenia Tascabili 28
  • 29. thirst, cold and for the illnesses the wives and, to a greater reason, his children; such crimes will have a bad effect on who commits them); p. sura VII 198: " You use indulgence, you order the just and you move away from the ignorant persons." (note of mine: the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals are included among the ignorant persons, when they behave as those people who ignore the faith. Among the islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals are also included the unbelievers, the hypocrites, the impious ones, the cruel ones and the violent ones (also only with the words, because of fact they don't understand the teachings of the Koran); of rule, all the Fundamentalists, to whatever religion belongs, even if they know the Revelation by heart, they ended up with to commit serious errors of interpretation of the Word of God as the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals); q. sura LXXIX 34 -39: "When the maximum calamity will have come, the day when the man will reflect to what he will be striven to do, when the Hell will be exposed to the sight, then as for who will have acted dishonestly and he will have preferred the terrestrial life for certain the giahim will be its abode." (note of mine: the Hell or Gehenna); r. sura XIX 72: "There won't be now any of you (note of mine: among the Islamic ones or better Mohammedans), that he doesn't go down in it (note of mine: the Gehenna). This is a decree promulgated by the ( near the) your Lord ". COMMON VERSES OF THE KORAN TO THE CHILDREN AND TO THE WEALTHS In the Translation of L. Bonelli, Ulrico Hoepli Editore: a. sura VIII 28: "You know that your substances and your children are a temptation for you and that, near God there is a famous reward" (note of ours: for the Koran wives and children make part both of the temptations, and of the terrestrial goods because the Islamic ones they don’t respect the invitation / command of Allah to the continence); b. sura IX 55: "Their substances and their children don't surprise you, God wants only to punish them with such mean in the terrestrial life, and He wants that their souls go out of their body, while they are unbelieving ones; (note of mine: unbeliever is he who not obeys to God, that acts badly, the man who believes in the idols or he is atheistic); c. sura XVIII 44: "The substances and the children are the ornament of the terrestrial life; however the permanent things or rather the good deeds, are best near your Lord, as for reward and as for hope." (note of mine: Who is not rich, if he marries more than a wife and he procreates more than a child, hardly he can also make good deeds. And without good deeds, or with few good deeds and many sins he goes into the Gehenna); d. sura LXIII 9: " Oh you that you believe, your substances neither your children don't distract you, from the mention of God, since who will do this, those are the losers "; (note of mine: Who makes to distract from the material things and from his children he doesn't make cult to God and therefore he will go into the Gehenna); e. sura LXIV 15: Your substances and your children are only a temptation and, as for God, near Him there is a great reward "; (note of mine: the reward to whom obeys to the 29
  • 30. commands of God it is worth much more of the terrestrial pleasures. Once more the Lord illuminates the Arabs and in general the Islamic ones or Moslems; with this suggestion it tells them: you don't fall in temptation, because who falls in temptation an unbeliever it becomes, that is a man that doesn't obey to the commands of God or he doesn't follow His suggestions because he prefers to live as more he likes it; or he prefers the pleasures of the world and the flesh to a life lived with continence; or it interprets badly the commands or the suggestions, or he accepts them only partly or as its convenience because he doesn't know how to hold to curb his own desires ). f. sura VIII 28: "You know that your substances and your children are a temptation for you, and that near God, there is an immense reward “. CONCLUSIONS WITH REGARD TO THE TENTH AND THE ELEVENTH ERROR OF INTERPRETATION: from the description and from the comment on the errors of interpretation done by the Arabs on the matter of the wives, children, goods and wealths it is deduced that such errors increase the injustices and the conditions of the world. In the so-called Islam, at least that Fundamentalist or Radical they are not gathered some fundamental truths of the Koran, among which these two: 1. more than a wife it must not be married because it is a way to elude the commands of God to the continence and the chastity that emerge from the numerous verses concerning wives, children, terrestrial goods and wealths that we have previously quoted; 2. children it must not be procreated if the fathers don’t have the financial means for maintaining them well.  Twelfth error of interpretation: As the Decalogue 165 also the Koran forbids the to kill 166 ; in my opinion to this verse the Arabs have added "without correct motive" and " to the trustee of whom has unjustly been killed it has been given the power to avenge him " for being able to interpret the verse their way and to continue to kill. The islamic Fundamentalists or Radicals must not foment neither guerrillas, neither revolutions, neither civil or religious wars and, least of all, they can burn the Churches of other religions as they do in Iraq, other Countries of the Middle East and in Africa, for an instance in Nigeria, with the Christian Churches The Koran also forbids the hate and prescribes to act with justice 167 . These crimes are proper of the primitive societies as that of the Bedouin ones of the time of Mohammed, that you/they not only killed the enemies, but also their children for fear of future poverty 168 . The Teachers of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) explain: " A primitive society I teaches to kill the enemies. As soon as the man experiments, he understands, instead, that it must not kill, its conscience gives him this internal wealth, this true internal nature that is in contrast with 165 Deuteronomio 5, 17 166 Alessandro Nangeroni, Dizionario del Corano, page 94 (Omicidio), sura XVII 33, Xenia Tascabili 167 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli. Sura V 11, Ulrico Hoepli 168 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura XVII 33, Ulrico Hoepli 30