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The men and particularly the Christians know Maria of Nazareth; they know Her also as the
Madonna ( Our Lady ), the Jesus’ Mother; they also know Her as the Immaculate Conception as
the Virgo Maria and with other names. All Christians beg Her and they invoke Her as Mother and
Co-Redeemer woman 1
; many of us can speak and write about Her and of Her famous
Apparitions, the last of which at Medjugorje in Croatia: it began the 24 June of 1981 and it is still in
progress now (March 2013). We know and we believe in Her very important role in the God’s Plan
of the Salvation, started in its final phase, with the acceptance of Maria to become the Mother of
the Messiah by the intervention of God’s Spirit 2
She prepares us also to receive the redemption intervention of Her Son, the Immanuel that
is to say the God with us 3
the Redeemer / Savior 4
of the Humanity. But in the meantime the Virgin
Mary begins the redeeming deed of whom turns to Her, to whatever race, people or religion
However not all men know the particular promise of Redemption and Salvation that Our Lady
makes to all men to the Not Christian also: <<… To all those people that for five months, at first
Saturday, they will confess them, they will receive the holy Communion, they will recite the Rosary,
and they will make me company for fifteen minutes meditating the Mysteries (note of mine: of the
Rosary), with the intention to offer me reparations, I promise to assist them in the hour of the death
with all the necessary graces for the salvation 5
This promise is the masterpiece of Our Lady, as Co-Redeemer woman, in the History of
Salvation. Power of the love! Not even Her considers men’s and women’s sins that make use of
Her promise! Therefore Her too is love!
As for the very numerous Apparitions of Our Lady in the different Nations of the world we
advise you the reading of a book, for an instance that of Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della
Vergine Maria, Edizioni San Paolo.
Who writes also he could unworthily speak of the Virgin Mary , but he prefers to report
some Revelations that the Lord Jesus and the Virgo Maria Itself they did to Maria Valtorta in the
century. In all the ten volumes of the Gospel revealed to the Valtorta the praises of Maria they
are sung. A book of 256 pages has been drawn from such volumes by Gabriele M. Raschini, with
the title “ La Madonna negli scritti di Maria Valtorta “ (The Virgin Mary in the writings of Maria
Valtorta), edits by CEV srl, 03036, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy. We recommend you both the purchase
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st , page 96 and Vol. 6th , page 284, CEV srl, Viale
Piscitelli 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Vangelo di Luca 1, 26-38 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 e 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Isaia 7, 14 and note 7, 14
Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio
Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 16-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee
Lucia racconta Fatima, page 141, Editrice Queriniana ; Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, page 248, MIR
of the stupendous evangelical work of the Valtorta and of the aforesaid book. Here I confine myself
to point out the episodes that have me more caught and that they are contained in the first volume
of said Gospel, :
1. You see the pages 22/30 of the 1st
volume of the good work of Maria Valtorta, The
Gospel as it has been revealed me, published by CEV srl, Avenue Piscitelli 89/91, 03036 Isola del
Liri (FR), Italy.
the Lord Jesus says:
<< You rise and it expedites yourself small friend. I have ardent desire to bring you with Me in the
paradisiacal blue of the contemplation of the virginity of Maria. You will go out from there with the
fresh soul as if I were you also created just now by the Father, a small Eva that it doesn't know
flesh yet. You will go out from there with the spirit full of light, because you will plunge you in the
contemplation of the masterpiece of God. You will go out from there with everything of your being
saturated of love, because you will have understood how it knows to love God. To speak of the
conception of Maria, she the Without stain, means to plunge in the blue, in the light, in the love.
You come and you read the glories of Her in the book of the Ancestor: " God possessed me at the
beginning of His good works, since the beginning, before the creation. For all eternity I was
established, at the beginning, before that Earth was made, the abysses had not risen yet that I was
already conceived. Not yet the sources of the waters they regurgitated and the mountains be
erected in their massive structure, neither the hills were necklaces to the sun, that I was given
birth. God had not done the Earth, the rivers, hinges of the world, and me already I was. When it
prepared the skies I was present, when with law unchangeable closed under the vault of heaven
the abyss, when it made stable aloft the celestial vault and it suspended the sources of the waters,
when it fixed to the sea its confines, and it gave laws to the waters not to pass their term, when it
laid the foundations of the earth, I was with Him to order all the things. Always in the joy I
continually joked in front of Him, I joked in the universe…".
You have applied them to the Wisdom, but they speak of Her: the beautiful Mother, the holy
Mother, the Mother virgin of the Wisdom that I am that I speak to you.
I have wanted that you wrote the first one line of this hymn from the beginning of the book
that speaks of Her, because it was confessed and it known the consolation and the joy of God; the
reason for His constant, perfect, intimate joy of this God One and Trine, that it holds up you and it
loves and that from the man it was so many causes for sadness; the reason for which it also
perpetuated the race when, at the first test, it was deserved to be destroyed; the reason for the
forgiveness that you have had. To have Maria that loved Him. Oh! Well deserved to create the man
and to leave to live him, and to decree to forgive him, for having the beautiful Virgo, the holy Virgo,
the immaculate Virgo, the enamoured Virgo, the dear Daughter, the pure Mother, the loving Bride!
So much and also more has given you and He would also have given you God to possess the
creature of His delights, the Sun of His sun, the Flower of His garden. And so much it continuous
to give to you for Her, at the request of Her , for the joy of Her, because its joy pours again it in the
joy of God and increases it with glow that fill of twinklings of light, the big light of the Heaven, and
every twinkling it is a grace to the universe, to the race of the man, to the Blessed same that
answer with one sparkling cry of theirs of hallelujah to every generation of divine miracle, created
by the desire of the God trine to see the sparkling laughter of joy of the Virgo. God wanted to put a
king in the universe, that He had created from the nothing. A king that, for nature of the Matter was
the first one among the creatures created with Matter and endowed with Matter. A king that for
nature of the Spirit, it was a little less than divine, fused to the Grace as He was in His innocent
first day. But the supreme Mind, to which all the most distant events in the centuries are known,
whose sight it incessantly sees everything of how much it was, it is and it will be; and that, while it
is contemplating the past and it observes the present, here that the look sinks in the last future and
doesn't ignore as it will be the to die of last man, without confusion and discontinuity, He has never
ignored that the king from Him created for being semi divine to its side in Sky, heir of his Father,
comes adult in His Kingdom after having lived in the house of his mother - the soil with which was
done - during his childhood of child of the Eternal for his day on the Earth, he would have
committed against itself same the crime to kill in the Grace and the theft to steal himself of the
Sky. Why has He created him then? Certainly many they ask for it. Would you have preferred not
to be? Doesn't it deserve, also for herself, also so poor and naked, and made sour by your
wickedness, to be lived this day, to know and to admire the endless Beautiful that the hand of God
has sown in the universe? For the one who would have made these stars and planets that flow as
lightnings and arrows, ruling the arc of the firmament, or they go or they seem slow, they go stately
in their run of meteors, giving you as a present lights and seasons and giving you, eternal
unchangeable and also changeable always, a new page to be read on the blue, every evening,
every month, every year, they almost wanted to tell you: You " forget the jail, you leave your rooms
full of dark things, rotten, dirty, poisonous, liars, swearers, bribers, and raised you, at least with the
look, in the boundless liberty of the firmaments, make you a blue soul looking at so much serene,
make you a reserve of light to bring in your jail dark, you read the word that we write singing our
sidereal choir, more harmonious than that drawn by organ of cathedral, the word that we write
shining, the word that we write loving, since we always have present He who gave us the joy to be,
and we love Him to have given us this being, this to shine, this to flow, this to be free and beautiful
in the middle of this gentle blue over which we still see a blue more sublime, the Heaven, and of
which we complete the second part of the precept of love loving you, our neighbour universal,
loving you giving you guide and light, heat and beauty. You read the word that we say, and it is that
on which we regulate our song, ours to shine, ours to laugh: God?" For the one whom that blue
liquid would have done, mirror to the sky, way to the Earth, smile of waters, voice of waves, word
also it that with rustles of shifted silk, with chuckles of serene young girl, with sighs of old men that
they remember and they cry, with slaps of violent and clashes and bellows and rumbles, he always
speaks and it says: "God?" The sea is for you, as they are the sky and the stars. And with the sea
the lakes and the rivers, the ponds and the brooks and the pure sources, that serve all to bring
you, to feed you, to refresh you and to purify you, and that they serve you, serving the Creator,
without going out to submerge you as you deserve. For the one whom all the innumerable families
of the animals He would have done, that they are flowers that fly singing, that they are servants
that race, that work, that feed, that recreate you: the kings? For the one whom all the innumerable
families of the plants and the flowers would have done that butterflies, that seem gems and
motionless birdies seems, of the fruits that seem necklaces or caskets of gems, that are carpet to
your feet, shelter to your heads, relaxation, useful, joy to the mind, to the limbs, to the sight and the
sense of smell ? For the one whom would have done the mineral ones among the bowels of the
ground and the salts dissolved in algid or hot spring, the sulphurs, the iodines, the bromines, if not
because it enjoyed them one who was not God but child of God? One: the man. To the joy of God,
to the need of God nothing needed. He is enough for Itself same. It doesn't have that to
contemplate Himself to feel happy, to feed, to live and to rest. The whole creation has not
increased of an atom his infinity of joy, beauty, life, power. But everything has done it for the
creature that has wanted to put king in the good work by him done: the man. To see such a work of
God and for thankfulness to his power that he gives it as a present for you, it deserves to live. And
of living being you must be thankful. You would have owed him even if you had not been
redeemed anything else other than at the end of the centuries, because, despite you have been in
the First ones, and you are singly till now, overbearings, prouds, lustfuls, homicides, God still
grants you to enjoy of the beautiful one of the universe, of the good one of the universe, and he
treats you as you were of the good ones, of the good children to which everything is taught and
granted to make them more sweet and healthy the life. How much you know, you know it for light
of God. How much you discover, you discover it for indication of God. In the Good. The other
knowledges and discoveries, that bring badly sign of, come from the supreme Evil Satan. The
supreme Mind that nothing ignores, before the man was he knew that the man would have been of
himself thief and murderer. And since the eternal Goodness doesn't have limits in its being good,
before the Guilt was he thought the mean to annul the Guilt. The mean: Me. The tool to make the
mean a working tool: Mary.
And the Virgo was created in the sublime Thought of God. All the things are been created
for Me dearest Child of the Father. I-king I would have had to have under my foot of divine King
carpets and jewels what any palace had of it and songs and voices and servants and ministers
around my being how many any sovereign it had of it and flowers and gems, the whole sublime,
the grandiose one, the kind one, the minute is possible to draw from the Thought of a God. But I
had to be Flesh over that Spirit. Flesh to save the flesh. Flesh to sublime the flesh bringing it in Sky
many centuries before the time. Because the flesh lived by the Spirit is the masterpiece of God,
and for it had been made the Sky. To be fleshy I needed a Mother. To be God I had need that the
Father was God. Here then God to create Him his Bride and to tell her: You " come with Me. At My
side you see how much I do for our Child. You look and exult eternal Virgo, eternal young Girl and
your laughter fills this empyrean and gives the initial note to the Angels. To the Heaven you teach
the celestial harmony. I look you. And I see you what you will be, or immaculate Woman that now
You are Spirit only: the Spirit in which I feel happy Me. I look you and I give the blue of your glance
to the sea and the firmament, the color of your hair to the holy wheat, the innocence to the lily and
the rosy one to the rose as it is your epidermis of silk, I copy the pearls of your minute teeth, I
make the sweet strawberries looking at your mouth, to the nightingales I put in mouth your notes,
and to the turtle doves your weeping. And reading your futures thoughts, hearing the throb of your
heart, I have motive for guide in to create. You come, My Joy, have the worlds for amusement until
dancing light you will be me in the Thought, the worlds for your laughter, have yourself the garland
of stars and the necklaces of stars, you put the moon under the kind feet, bandaged in the stellar
scarf of Galatea. They are for you the stars and the planets. You come and you enjoy seeing the
flowers that will be game to your Child and pillow to the Child of your breast. You come and you
see to create the sheep and the lambs, the eagles and the doves. Be Me near while I am making
the cups of the seas and the rivers and I lift the mountains and I paint them of snow and of forests,
while I am sowing the fodder and the trees and the grapevines, and I make the olive for you, My
Pacific and the grapevine for you, My shoot that the Eucharistic Cluster will bring. You flow, it flies,
exults or My beautiful Woman and the world universe, that is created hourly you learn to love Me
by yourself, Loving, and does him more beautiful for your laughter, Mother of my Child, Queen of
my Heaven, your God's Love. And still, seeing the error and contemplating the Without Error: “ You
come to Me, you that you cancel the bitterness of the human disobedience, of the human
fornication with Satan, and of the human ingratitude, I will take with you, the revenge on Satan ".
God, Creative Father, had created the man and the woman with such a perfect law of love
that you are not able more even to understand the perfections of it. And you lose you in to think to
how the species it would have come if the man had not gotten it with the teaching of Satan.
You look at the fruit plants and seed plants. Do they get seed and fruit through fornication,
through a insemination on one hundred consorts? No. From the male flower the pollen goes out
and, driven by a complex of law meteoric and magnetic, it goes to the ovary of the flower female.
These it opens and it receives it and it produces. He doesn't dirty itself and it refuses it then, as
you do , to taste the day after the same sensation. It produces, and actually until to the new
season he doesn't adorn with flowers, and when he adorns with flowers it is for reproducing.
You look at the animals. Everybody. Have you ever seen a male animal and a female go
the one verse the other for sterile embrace and lascivious commerce? No. From nearby or from
far, flying, crawling, jumping or racing, they go when it is the time, to the fertility ritual, neither they
subtract themselves stopping themselves to the enjoyment, but they go besides the serious and
holy consequences of the issue, only purpose that in the man, demigod for the origin of Gratias,
that I have made whole, should make to accept the animality of the act, necessary from when you
are come down of a degree toward the animal.
You don't do as the plants and the animals. You have had as teacher Satan, you have
wanted him to teacher and you want him. And the works that you do are worthy of the teacher that
you have wanted. But if you had been faithful to God, you would have had the joy of the children,
piously, without pain. Without getting tired in obscene copulations, unworthy, that ignore also the
beasts, the beasts without reasonable and spiritual soul.
To the man and the woman, depraved by Satan, God wanted to oppose the Man born by
Woman above sublimed by God to the point to procreate without having known man: Flower that
procreates Flower without need of seed, but for only kiss of the Sun on the Lily-Maria's inviolate
God's revenge!
It whistles o Satan, your spitefulness while She is born. This Child has won you! Before you
were the Rebel one, the Tortuous one, the Briber one, you were already the Defeated one and Her
your Winner. Thousand armies lined up nothing they can against your power, the weapons of the
men fall against your flakes, o Perennial, and there is no wind that is worth to disperse the stench
of your breath. Yet this heel of infant, that is very rosy to be seemed the inside of a rosy camellia,
that is very smooth and soft that the silk is sour to the comparison, that is so much small that it
could enter the cup of a tulip, and to make of that vegetable satin a little shoe, here that it presses
you without fear, here that it confines yourself in its cavern. Yet here that its wail makes you turn in
escape, you that don't be afraid of the armies, and her breath purifies the world of your stench. You
are won. Her name, Her glance, Her purity they are lance, lightning and rock that pierce through
you, that demolish you, that imprison you in your den of hell, or Accursed, that have removed the
joy to be Father of all the created men to God. By now you have uselessly contaminated them,
these that had been created innocent, bringing them know and to conceive thru sinuosities the
lust, depriving God, in His dearest creature, to be the Bestower of His children according to rules
that, if they had been respected, they would have maintained on the Earth an equilibrium between
the sexes and the races, suitable to avoid wars between the peoples and bad lucks among the
Obeying they would also have known the love. Rather, only obeying they would have
known the love and they would have had hit. A full and calm possession of this emanation of God,
that goes down to the inferior one from the supernatural one, because also the flesh of it
exultations piously, it that it is joined to the Spirit and created by the Same that created her the
Now your love oh men, your loves what are they? Oh lust dressed as a love. Oh incurable
fear to lose the love of the consort for his/her lust and of others. You are not surer than the
possession of the heart of the bridegroom or his/her bride, from when lust is in the world. And you
tremble and you cry and you become insane of jealousy, assassins sometimes to avenge a
betrayal, desperate that time, abulics in certain cases, insane in others.
Here that you have made Satan to the children of God. These, that you have contaminated,
would have known the joy to have children without having pain, the joy to have been born without
the fear of the to die. But you are now won in a Woman and for the Woman. From now on who will
love Her it will return to be of God overcoming your temptations to be able to look at Her
immaculate purity. From now on not could conceive without pain, the mothers will have Her for
consolation. From now on they will have Her the brides as Guide and the dying ones as Mother.
For which sweet it will be the to die on that breast that is shield against you, Accursed, and against
the judgment of God.
Maria (note of mine: Valtorta), small voice, you have seen the birth of the Child of the Virgo
and the birth to the Sky of the Virgo. You have seen therefore that to the without guilt it is unknown
the punishment of the to give to the life and the punishment of the to give himself/herself to the
death. But if to the super innocent Mother of God the perfection of the celestial gifts was reserved,
to everybody, that in the First ones they had been innocent and God's children, it would have come
to procreate without pains, as it was correct to have known how to join and to conceive without
lust, and the to die without troubles.
The sublime revenge of God on the revenge of Satan has been the to bring at perfection of
the dearest creature to a super perfection, that annulled at least in one every memory of humanity,
susceptible to the poison of Satan, for which not from chaste embrace of man but from divine
embrace, that the Spirit makes astonished in the ecstasy of the Fire, it would have come the Child.
The Virginity of the Virgo!...
You come. Meditate this deep virginity, that gives in to the contemplate it dizziness of
abyss! What is it the poor forced virginity of the woman that any man has gotten married? Less
that nothing. What the virginity of that that wanted to be virgin to be of God, but she knows how to
be only it in the body and not in the spirit, in which she allows to enter so many extraneous
thoughts and caress and accept caresses of human thoughts? It starts to be a larva of virginity. But
well a little still. What is it the virginity of a claustral that she lives only of God? A lot. But it is not
always perfect virginity in comparison to that of my Mother.
A matrimony has always been, also in the more saint. That of the origin between the Spirit
and the Guilt. That that only the Baptism loosens. It loosens, but, as of woman separated by death
of the bridegroom, it doesn't give total virginity which was that of the First ones before the Sin. A
scar stays and aches, making memory of itself, and it is always ready to blossom again in sore as
certain diseases that periodically their viruses intensify. In the Virgo there is not this sign of
dissolved matrimony with the Guilt. Her Soul appears beautiful and intact as when her Father
thought her gathering in Her all the graces.
It is the Virgo. It is the Only one. It is the Perfect one. It is the Complete one. Thought such.
Been such. Crowned such. Eternally such. It is the Virgo. It is the abyss of the intangibility, of the
purity, of the grace, that loses it in the abyss from which it has sprung: in God, Intangibility, Purity,
Grace very perfect.
Here is the God's trine and one revenge. Against to the creatures profaned Him it lifts this
Stella of perfection. Against the unhealthy curiosity, this Averse, pleased only to love God. Against
the science of the Evil, this sublime Ignorant person. In Her it is not only ignorance of the
depressed love; it is not only ignorance of the love that God had given to the men that get married.
But still more. In Her it is the ignorance of the stimulus. Inheritance of the Sin. In Her there is only
the icy and incandescent wisdom of the divine love. Fire that armors of ice the flesh, because be
transparent mirror to the altar where a God marries him a Virgo, and he doesn't lose heart,
because His Perfection embraces That that, as it suits it to a bride, it is of only a point inferior to
the Bridegroom, to Him subject because Woman, but without stain as Him it is >>.
2. Jesus says (You see the pages 33/34 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria
Valtorta, editions CEV srl, 03036 Island of the Liri (FR): << Salomon makes to tell the Wisdom: "
Who little boy is comes to me." And really from the fortress, from the walls of his city, the eternal
Wisdom told the eternal Young girl: “ You come to Me ". It burned to have Her. Later on, the Son of
the pure Young Girl will say: You " Allow to come to Me the children, since the Kingdom of the
Skies is their and who doesn't become similar to them it won't have part in my Kingdom." It is
rumoured and, while the voice from the Sky shouts to tiny Maria: " You come to Me ", the voice of
the Man says, and He thinks about his Mother in to say it:" You come to Me if you know how to be
little boys ".
I give you the model in My Mother. Here is the perfect young girl with the simple and pure
heart of a dove, here is That that years of worldly contacts don’t make wild in a barbarism of
corrupted spirit, tortuous, liar. Because She doesn't want it. You come to Me looking at Maria. You
that you see her tell me: is its look of infant very different from that you saw to her at the feet of the
Cross, or in the exultation of the Pentecost, or in the time that the eyelids went down on its eye of
gazelle for the last sleep? No. Here it is the uncertain look and surprised of the infant, then it will
be the surprised one and modest of the Announced one, and then that blessed of the Mother of
Bethlehem, and then that adoring of the My before sublime Disciple Woman, then that torn of the
Tortured of the Golgota, then the radiant glance of the Resurrection and Pentecost, then that
veiled by the ecstatic sleep of the last vision. But, both that opens at the first sights, both that it
closes tired on the last light, after so much have seen of joy and of horror, the eye is the calm,
pure, placid edge of sky that always shines equal under the forehead of Maria. Anger, lie,
haughtiness, lust, hate, curiosities, don't dirty it never of their smoky clouds.
It is the eye that looks at God with love, both that she cry or laughs, and that for love of God
she caresses and it forgives and all bears, and by the love for her God it is done unassailable to
the assaults of the Evil, that so many times use the eye to penetrate in the heart. The pure eye,
restful, blessing that have the pure ones, the saints, God's persons in love.>>.
I have told it: " Light of your body it is the eye. If the eye is pure, everything of your body will
be illuminated. But if the eye is turbid, all of your person will be in the darkness." The saints have
had this eye that is light to the Spirit and salvation to the flesh, because as Maria they don't have
that for the whole life looked at God. Rather more they are still remembered of God. I will explain
you, small voice ( note of mine: Maria Valtorta), what it is the sense of this word of mine >>.
3. You see the pages 34-38 of the quoted 1st
Volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria
Valtorta, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR)
Jesus says:
<< ... But Maria was not only the Pure one the new Eva recreated for joy of God: it was the Super
Eva, it was the Masterpiece of the Tall One, it was the flood of Grace, it was the Mother of the Verb
in the mind of God. " Source of the Wisdom " says Jesus Bar Sirac " it is the Verb ". Won't his Son
have, therefore, put on the lip of his Mother his wisdom? If to a prophet, that had to say the words
that the Verb, the Wisdom, submit him to tell them to the men, the mouth was purified with the
ardent carbons, won't it have the Love to its infant Bride that had to bring the Word, done clean
and excited the power of speech, because she not more spoke as a child and then as woman, but
only and always as celestial creature, melted to the big light and wisdom of God? The miracle is
not in the superior intelligence shown in childish age by Maria, as then by Me. The miracle it is in
to contain the endless Intelligence that it lived in, in the fit banks to not astonish the crowds, and
not to wake up the satanic attention. I will still speak on this, that re-enters "in the to remember"
that the saints have of God >>.
4. You see the pages 45-46 of the quoted 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria
Valtorta, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR)
Jesus says:
<<.. The High Priest had said: " It walks in my presence and be perfect ". The High Priest didn't
know that he talked to the Woman to inferior in perfection only to God. But he spoke in the name of
God and therefore sacred it was his order. Always sacred, but particularly to the Full One of
Maria had deserved that the " Wisdom prevented her and appeared her first “, because "
from the beginning of its day She had stayed awake at its door and, desiring to instruct Herself for
love, She wanted to be pure also to achieve the perfect love and to deserve to have her ( our note:
the Wisdom )as Teacher ".
In Her humility She didn't know to possess it before to have been born and that the union
with the Wisdom was not that a to continue the divine throb of the Heaven. She could not imagine
this. And when in the silence of the God’s heart She told Her sublime words, humbly She thought
they were thoughts of pride, and raising an innocent heart to God begged: " Pity of your maid, my
Lord!". Oh! Really that the true Wise, the eternal Virgo, has had a sole thought since the dawn of
her day: " To turn to God her heart since the morning of the life and to stay awake for the Lord,
praying in front of the Tall One ", asking forgiveness for the weakness of her heart, as its humility
suggested her to believe, and she didn't know to anticipate the request of forgiveness for the
sinners, that She would have done at the feet of the Cross together with the dying Son. " When
then the great Lord will want it, She will be filled with the Spirit of intelligence " and She will
understand then Her sublime mission. For now it is not that a Child, that laces in the sacred peace
of the Temple, connects again more and more tightened its conversations, its affections, its
memoirs with God. This is for everybody. But for you, doesn't small Maria (note of mine: Valtorta)
have anything special to say your Teacher? " It walks in my presence, be therefore perfect ". I
slightly modify the sacred sentence and I give it for you as order. Perfect in the love, perfect in the
generosity, perfect in to suffer. It looks once more at the Mother. And it meditates on what so many
ignore, or they want to ignore, because the pain it is subject too much unpleasant to their palate
and their spirit. The pain. Maria has been having it since the first hours of the life. To be perfect as
Her was, it was to also possess a perfect sensibility. Therefore more acute it had to be Her the
sacrifice. But for this most meritorious. Who possesses purity it possesses love, who possesses
love it possesses wisdom, who possesses wisdom it possesses generosity and heroism, because
he/she knows the reason he sacrifices himself. Aloft your Spirit even if the cross curve yourself,
breaks yourself, it kills you. God is with you >>.
8. The death of Gioacchino and Ann, You see the pages 46-49 of the aforesaid 1st
of the Gospel of Maria Valtorta.
9. Maria's hymn, You see the pages 49/54 of the aforesaid 1st
volume of the Gospel of
Maria Valtorta: "… I have not seen anything else other than a well young Maria, a twelve year-old
Maria at the most, whose small face doesn't have those roundness anymore proper of the
childhood, but it already discloses the futures contours of the woman in the oval that lengthens.
Also hair is not loosened on the neck anymore with their light ringlets, but they are picked in two
heavy plaits of a pale gold - it seems mixed to silver so much they are clear - along the shoulders
and they actually go down to the sides. The face is more thoughtful, more mature, for how much
be always a young girl face, a beautiful and pure young girl that, all dressed of white, sews in a tiny
small room and all white, from whose wide open window it is seen the imposing and central
building of the Temple and then the whole descent of the staircases, of the courtyards, of the
porticos and, over the boundaries of the walls, the city with its streets and houses and gardens
and, at the end, the gibbous and green top of the olive grove mountain. She sews and She sings in
a low voice. I don't know if it were a sacred canticle. It says: <<As a star inside a clear water it
shines after all me a light at the bottom of the heart. Since the infancy from me it doesn't separate
and softly it drives me with love. At the bottom of the heart it is a song. Does it ever come from
where? Man you don't know it. From where it rests the Saint. I look at my clear star neither I want
what that is not, even though the thing sweetest and dear, that this sweet light that is mine. You
have brought me from the tall Skies, Star, within a mother’s breast. You now live in me, but beyond
the veils I see you, o glorious face of the Father. When to your maid you will give the honor to be
humble handmaid of the Savior? He sends, from the Sky He sends to us the Messiah. Accept, holy
Father, Maria's offer >>...Enter Ann di Fanuel ….<< Did you pray? It ever is not enough for you the
prayer?>>. << The prayer would be enough for me, but I talk to God. Ann, you cannot know how I
feel Him nearby to me. More than near in the heart. God forgives me such haughtiness. But I don't
feel me alone… Not do fear that the pride blind me making me think what I now tell you. I look at
her (note of mine :I think that Maria refers Herself to Her Divine Spark or Drop 6
) , neither there is
humble servant in the people of God that looks more humbly at the House of his/her Lord as me I
look at it, convinced to be the scantiest of everybody. But what do I see? A veil. What do I think
beyond the Veil? A Tabernacle. What, in that? But if I look me in the heart, here, I see God shine in
His glory of love and to tell me: I love " you ", and I tell Him: I love " you" and me melt and I
recreate me to every heartbeat in this mutual kiss … I am in the middle of you, teachers and dear
companions. But a circle of flame isolates me from you. Within the circle God and me. And I see
you through the Fire of God and so I love you ...but I cannot love you according to the flesh,
neither never some I can love according to the flesh. But only this that loves me, and according to
the Spirit. I know my fate. The secular Law of Israel wants of every young girl a bride and of every
bride a mother. But me, also obeying the Law, I obey the voice that tells me: "I want you", and
virgin I am and I will be. How can I will do it? This sweet invisible Presence that is with me will help
me, since It wants such thing. I don't fear. I don't have father and mother anymore….only the
Eternal knows how in that pain it burnt how much me I had of human. It burnt with atrocious pain. I
don't have now that God. To Him therefore I obey blindly. Already I would also have done it against
father and mother, because the voice instructs me that who wants to follow her he/she must pass
beyond father and mother, loving watches of watch around the walls of the filial heart, that want to
conduct to the joy according to their ways... and they don't know that there are other ways, whose
joy is their infinite…. I would left dresses and mantle, also to follow the voice that tells me: " Come
oh my dear oh my bride! " All I would have left them; and the pearls of the tears, because I would
have cried to owe to disobey him, and my blood's rubies, for also the death I would have
challenged for following the Voice that calls, they would have them said that there is something
greater of the love of a father and a mother, and more sweet, and it is the Voice of God. But its will
has now loosened also me from this string of filial pity. String would not already have been. They
were two righteous and certain God talked in them as to me He speaks. They would have followed
justice and truth…. When the time will be, I will tell the bridegroom my secret…and he will
welcome it>>. << But Maria… which words will you find for persuading him? You will have
against you a man's love, the Law and the life>>. << I will have with me God… God will open the
heart of the bridegroom to the light…the life it will lose its stings of sense becoming a pure flower
that has odor of charity. The Law…Anna, not to tell me blasphemer. I think that the Law is to be
changed soon. From who, do you think, if it is divine? From the One that to change it is able to.
From God. The time is close more than you doesn't think, I tell you it. Because, reading Daniel, a
big light is made me coming from the center of the heart, and the mind it has understood the sense
of the arcane words… so that I say: "close it is the time that it will hear to wail the Born from a
Virgo." O wanted, this Light that loves me, tell me, since so many things tells me, where the Happy
is that will give birth to the Child of God and the Messiah to her people! Walking barefoot I would
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 ( Drop or Divine Spark – Spirit – Self ) and page 208
( Individuality ), Mediterranee
cross the Earth, neither cold and intense cold, neither dust and summer heat, neither wild beasts
and hunger would make me obstacle to reach Her and to tell her: " You grant to your maid and to
the maid of the servants of the Christ to live under your roof. I will turn the millstone and the tight
spot as slave to the millstone put me as herdswoman to your flock as the woman who cleanses the
diapers to your Born, put me in your kitchens, put me at your ovens. where you want, but
welcome me. That I see Him! Hears the voice of Him! Me receives His look ". ..<< You should be
the Mother of the Christ, you that love Him this way! It is for this that you want to be virgin? << Oh!
No. I am poverty and dust. I don't dare to lift the look toward the Gloria. It is for this that more than
the double Veil, beyond which I know how to be the invisible Presence of Jehova, I love to look
within my heart. There it is the terrible God of the Sinai. Here, in me, I see our Father, a loving face
which it smiles at me and it blesses me, because I am small as a birdie....
7. Jesus says ( you see the pages 54/56 of said 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria
Valtorta): << Maria remembered of God. She dreamt of God. She believed to dream. It didn't do
that to see again how much Her spirit had seen in the splendor of the Sky of God, in the instant in
which She had been created for being united to the flesh conceived on the Earth. It shared with
God, even though in very smaller way, as justice it wanted, one of the qualities of God. That to
remember, to see and to foresee for the attribute of the powerful and perfect intelligence, because
not injured by the Guilt. The man is created in the image and similarity of God. One of the
similarities are in the possibility, for the Spirit, to remember, to see and to foresee. This explains
the faculty to read in the future. Faculty that comes, for want of God, a lot of times and directly,
others for memory that gets up as sun on one morning, illuminating a datum point of the horizon of
the centuries already seen by the breast of God…But for possessing the Spirit, the Grace is
needed. But, to possess the Truth and Science, the Grace is needed. But, to have with us his/her
Father, the Grace it is needed. Tent in which the Three People do abode. Propitiatory on which
places the Eternal and He speaks, not from in the cloud, but disclosing His Face to the faithful
Son. The saints are remembered of God. Of the words heard in the creative Mind that the
Goodness resuscitates in their heart to raise them as eagles in the contemplation of the Truth, in
the knowledge of the time. Maria was the Flood of Grace. The whole Grace one and trine it was in
Her. The whole Grace one and trine it prepared her as bride for the wedding as thalamus to the
issue, as divine to her maternity and her mission. It is the woman that concludes the cycle of the
prophetesses of the Old Testament and it opens that of the "God's spokesman" in the New
Testament. True ark of the Word of God, looking for ever in her breast inviolate, She discovered,
traced by the finger of God on her immaculate heart, the words of eternal science, and she
remembered, as all the saints, to have her already hear in the being procreated with her immortal
spirit by God Father Creator of everything it has life. And, if not everything remembered of her
future mission, this was because in every human perfection God leaves some gaps, for law of a
divine prudence, that is goodness and that it is worth for and toward the creature. Second Eva,
Maria has had to conquer herself her part of worth in the being the Mother of the Christ, with a
loyal, good will, that God has also wanted in His Christ to make him Redeemer. The spirit of Maria
was in the Sky. The her moral and her flesh on the Earth, and they had to stamp the ground and
the flesh to reach the spirit and to connect it to the Spirit in the fertile embrace >>.
8. Maria confides her vote to the High Priest (You see the pages 57/60 of said first volume
of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta ).
9. Joseph was selected as bridegroom of the Virgo ( You see the pages 60/65 of said first
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta.
10. Wedding of the Virgo with Joseph, instructed by the Wisdom to be custodian of the
Mystery (You see the pages 66/72 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta.
<<...Be pleased Maria. Because you don't be orphan because yours are still with you and you
have a bridegroom that for you he father and mother, so much he is perfect…". Oh! Yes! This is
true. Of him I am not able me certain to be sorry. In less of two months he has come twice, and
today it comes for the third one, challenging rains and windy time, to take orders from me…You
think: orders! Me that I am a poor woman and of him so much more young! And nothing has
denied me. Rather neither it even attends that I ask. It seems that an angel tells him what I desire,
and he tell me before I speak. The last time has said: " Maria, I think that you prefer to be in your
fatherly house. Since you are daughter heir, you can do it, if you like it. I will come in your house.
Only, to observe the rite, you will go for a week in the house of Alfhaeus, my brother. Maria 7
already loves yourself so much. And from there the evening of the wedding the procession will
depart that will bring you home ". It is not kind? He has not even cared to let the people say that he
doesn't have a house that I like…. I would like it any case, because there is him in it, so much a
good person. But sure… I prefer my house…for the childhood memories...Oh! It is good Joseph.
" What has he said about the vote? You didn't tell me nothing yet." Nothing has opposed. Rather
known the reasons of it, he has said: " I will unite my sacrifice to yours ".
He is " a young man saint! ", Ann of Phanuel says.
The "young man saint" it enters this point accompanied by Zechariah.
It is literally splendid. All in yellow gold, an oriental sovereign seems. A splendid belt supports
purse and dagger, the one of Moroccan and embroideries in gold, the other in scabbard also of
Moroccan with gold friezes. In head a turban, or rather the usual cloth put still to hood as they have
it certain peoples of Africa, the Bedouins for example, kept to set by a precious circle a thread of
thin gold to which they are tied up small bundles of myrtle. He has a new mantle, full of fringes, in
which he is draped with majesty, and he is flashing of joy. Between the hands he has small
bundles of myrtle in flower
" Peace to you, bride mine! “ he greets. " Peace to all ". And, had the regard of answer, he says " I
have seen your joy that day that I have given you the branch of your garden. I have thought to
( note of mine: Alfhaeus’ wife )
bring you the myrtle, cultured near the cave to you so much dear. I wanted to bring you the roses,
that put already the first flowers against your house. But the roses don't last in more days of trip. I
should arrived with thorns. And me to you, dear, I want to offer only roses, and of perfumed soft
flowers to scatter the walk, because on them you set the foot without finding filth or sourness ".
Oh! Thanks to you, good! As have been you able to make it come fresh this way?
I have tied a vase to the saddle and inside I have put the branches of the flowers in bud. Along the
walk they are in bloom. Here they are, Maria. Your forehead be garlanded of purity, the bride's
symbol, but always, always so much smaller than that it is you in heart "....
All is ready. While they are attending I don't know what, Joseph says (it tells it setting apart
himself/herself a few with Maria): “I have thought in this time about your vote. I have told you that I
share it with you. But the more I think of it the more I understand than the temporary nazarite 8
is not enough, although renewed more times. I have understood you Maria. Not yet worth the word
of the Light. But a murmur comes. And this makes me read your secret, at least in the strongest
lines. I am an ignorant poor man Maria. I am a poor worker. I don't know about literature and I don't
have treasures. But to your feet I put my treasure. In perpetual. My absolute chastity, to be worthy
of to be nearby you, God's Virgo, sister my bride, closed garden, sealed source ", as our ancestor
says, that wrote perhaps the Hymn seeing you.… I will be the keeper of this garden of aromas, in
which they are the most precious fruits and from which a spring of alive water gushes out with
sweet impetus: your sweetness, oh bride that with your innocence you have conquered me the
spirit oh all beautiful. Beautiful more than an aurora, sun that you shine since it shines you the
heart, o all love for your God and for the world, to which you want to give the Savior with your
sacrifice of woman. You come, my beloved " and he gently picks her by the hand, driving her
toward the door…>>
11. The bride and bridegroom reach Nazareth. ( You see the pages 73/77 of said first
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta).
12. The Annunciation (You see the pages 79/82 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed
to Maria Valtorta): " What I see: Maria, a very young girl, fifteen years old at the most at the aspect,
it is in a small rectangular room. A true room of a young girl… The song changes it in prayer: <<
Lord Tall God, not to delay any further sending your Servant to bring the peace on the Earth. It
arouses the propitious time and the pure and fertile virgin for the advent of your Christ. Father,
Father Saint, grants to your maid to offer its life to this purpose. Grant to die me after having seen
your Light and your Justice on the Earth and to have known that the Redemption is finished. O
Holy Father, sends the Sigh of the Prophets to the Earth. You sends the Redeemer to your maid.
That in the time in which ceases my day, opens for me your Abode, because its doors have
already been opened by your Christ for all those people who have hoped in You. You come, you
come, o the Lord's Spirit. You come to your believers that wait for you. Come Prince of the
( note of mine: Judean that devotes himself to God with abstinence votes
Peace! ... >>. Maria stays absorbed so… The curtain palpitates stronger, as if someone behind to
it he/she ventilated with something or he/she shook it to remove it. And a white light of fused pearl
to pure silver does clearer the walls slightly pale yellow, more alive the colors of the cloths, more
spiritual the face lifted of Maria. In the light, and without the curtain is removed on the mystery that
ends - it doesn't palpitate anymore rather, it hangs well rigid against jambs, as if it were wall that
isolates the inside from the outside - the Archangel prostrates him. It necessarily has to assume
human aspect. But it is an aspect ultra human. Of which flesh is it composed this very beautiful
and lightening figure? Of which substance has He materialized it God to make it sensitive to the
senses of the Virgo? Only God can possess these substances and to use them in such perfect
way. It is a face, it is a body, they are eyes, mouth, hair and hands as ours. But they are not our
opaque Matter. It is a light that it has taken color of flesh, of eyes, of hair, of lips, a light that moves
and it smiles and it looks and it speaks.
<< Hail, Maria, Grace's flood, hail! >> The voice is a sweet arpeggio as of pearls thrown on a
precious metal. Maria starts and it lowers the look. And She starts more when she sees the radiant
creature knelt at one meter around of distance from Her and that, with the cross hands on the
breast, it looks at her with an endless veneration. Maria jumps standing and tightens her at the
wall. She becomes pale and red alternatively. Her face expresses amazement and dismay. She
unconsciously presses the hands on the breast hiding them under the wide sleeves, it almost
bends down to hide the more possible her body. An action of gentle modesty. << No. Don't be
afraid. The Lord is with you! You are blessed among all the women>>. But Maria keeps on fearing.
From where has come that extraordinary being ? It is an envoy of God or the deceiver? << Don't
be afraid, Maria!>> it repeats the Archangel. << I am Gabriel the angel of God. My Lord has sent
me to you. Don't be afraid, because you have found grace near God. And now you will conceive in
the womb and you will give birth to a Child and you will set him name "Jesus." These it will be
great, he will have called Son of the Tall One (and such it will be indeed) and the Lord God it will
give him the throne of David his father and it will reign for ever on the house of Jakob, and its
kingdom will never have end. You understand or holy Virgo loved by the Lord, blessed daughter of
Him, called to be Mother of his Child, what Child you will procreate >>. << How can it happen this if
I don't know man? Perhaps that the Lord God doesn't welcome any more the offer of its maid and
He doesn't want me virgin for love of Him? >>. << Not for good work of man you will be Mother oh
Maria. You are the eternal Virgo the Saint of God. The Holy Spirit will go down in you and the
power of the Tall One it will shadow you. Therefore Saint will be called He who it will be born from
you and Son of God. Everything it can the Lord our God. Elizabeth, the sterile one, in her old age
she has conceived a child that will be the prophet of your Child, he who prepare the ways of it. The
Lord has raised to this her opprobrium, and its memory will stay in the peoples connected to your
name as the name of its creature to that of your Saint and up to the end of the centuries the
peoples they will call you blessed for the Grace of the Lord arrival up to you and to you especially;
come to the people for your mean. Elizabeth is in her sixth month and her weight she lifts her to
the joy, and more she will lift her when she will know your joy. Nothing is impossible to God, Maria,
Grace's flood. What must I tell my Lord? You don't upset yourself thought of sort. He will protect
his affairs if to Him you submit yourself. The world, the Sky, the Eternal, waits your word!>>. Maria,
crossing in turn the hands on the breast and bending herself in a depth bow, it says: <<Here is
God's handmaid. Be done to me according to your word! >>. The angel sparkles by the joy. He
adores, since certain he sees the Spirit of God lower on the Virgo it bends in the adhesion, and
then it disappears without moving curtain, but leaving it well pull on the holy Mystery “.
12. The disobedience of Eva and the obedience of Maria (page 84/91 of said first volume of
the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta).
Jesus says: "…Lucifer was angel, the most beautiful of the angels. Perfect spirit, inferior to
God only. Yet in his bright being it was born a vapor of haughtiness that he does not dissipate. But
rather it condensed brooding it. And from this incubation the Evil was born. It was before the man
was. God had fallen him out the Heaven, the accursed Incubator of the Evil, this soiler of the
Heaven. But it has remained the eternal Incubator of the Evil and, not could dirty the Heaven
anymore, the Earth has dirtied. That metaphoric plant is to show this truth. God had told the man
and the woman: “ You know all the laws and the mysteries of the Creation. But you don't want to
usurp me the right to be the Creator of the man. My love will be enough to propagate the human
stock that will circulate in you, and without lust of sense but for only throb of charity it will arouse
the new Adams of the stock. All I give you. Only I reserve Myself this mystery of the formation of
the man ".
Satan has wanted to take away this intellectual virginity to the man, and with its serpentine
language he has blandished and caressed limbs and eyes of Eva, arousing reflexes and
acuteness of it that before she didn't have, because the Malice had not poisoned them yet. "she
saw ". And seeing wanted to try. The flesh was aroused. Oh! if had called God! If she was raced to
tell Him: " Father! I am sick. The Snake has caressed me and disturbance is in me ". The Father
would have purified her and recovered with His breath, that, as He had infused her life, He could
again infuse her innocence, making her forget of the serpentine toxic and rather putting in her the
repugnance for the Snake, as it is in those that an evil has attacked and that, recovered of that
evil, they bring an instinctive repugnance of it. But Eva doesn't go to the Father. Eva returns to the
Snake. That sensation is sweet for her. " Seeing that the fruit of the tree was good to eat and
beautiful to the eye and pleasant to the aspect, she gathered it and she ate of it. And “she
understood". By now the malice it had gone down to bite her bowel. She saw with new eyes, and
she heard with new ears the uses and the voices of the brutes. And she craved for them with
insane greed. It began alone the sin. It completed it with the companion. That's why on the woman
it weighs greater sentence. It is for her that the man is become rebellious to God and that he has
known lust and death. It is for her that he has not known how to dominate his three kingdoms
anymore: of the spirit because he has allowed that the spirit disobeyed to God; of the moral one,
because he has allowed that the passions ruled over him; of the flesh because it degraded it to the
instinctive laws of the brutes. " The Snake has seduced me “ Eva says." " The woman has offered
me the fruit and me I have eaten of it ", Adam says. And triplex cupidity seizes since then the three
kingdoms of the man. There is not that the Grace that succeeds in loosening the hold of this
merciless monster. And, if it is alive, intense, maintained more and more long live from the will of
the faithful Son, it reaches to squeeze the monster and not to have to fear of nothing anymore. Not
of the inside tyrants, or rather of the flesh and of the passions; not of the external tyrants, or rather
of the world and of the powerful persons of the world. Not of the persecutions. Not of the death. It
is as the apostle Paul says: " None of these things I fear, neither I hold on to my life more than me,
provided that I complete my mission and the ministry received by the Lord Jesus to make
testimony to the Gospel of the Grace of God ".
Maria says: <<In the joy, since when I have understood the mission to which God called me
I was full of joy, my heart it opened as a shut lily and spread that blood that was clod to the Germ
of the Lord. Joy to be mother. I had devoted to God from the first age, because the light of the Tall
One had illuminated me the cause of the evil of the world and I had wanted, for how much in my
power was, to cancel the trace of Satan.
I didn't know to be Without Stain. I could not think about being it. The solo to think it would
have been conceitedness and haughtiness, because been born by human parents, it was not me
permissible to think that really I was the Chosen to be the Without Stain. The Spirit of God had
instructed me on the pain of the Father in front of the corruption of Eva, that had wanted to
dishearten itself, creature of grace, at a level of inferior creature. It was in me the intention to
sweeten that pain bringing back my flesh to the angelic purity with to put aside me inviolate from
thoughts, desires and human contacts. Only for Him my throb of love, only to Him my being. But, if
it were not in me burning thirst of flesh, it was still there however the sacrifice not to be mother.
The maternity, deprived of how much now disheartens it, it had also been granted from the
Creator Father to Eva. Sweet and pure maternity without heaviness of sense! I have tried out it! Of
how much Eva deprives herself renouncing this wealth! More than of the immortality. And it doesn't
seem you exaggeration. My Jesus, and with Him me, his Mother, we have known the languor of
the death. Me the sweet languor of whom tired it falls asleep. Him the atrocious languor of whom
dies for his sentence. Therefore also to us death has come. But the maternity, without violations of
sort, it has come to me alone, new Eva, because I could tell the world of which sweetness it was
the woman's fate called to be mother without pain of flesh. And the desire of this pure maternity
could be and it was also in the virgin all of God, since it is the glory of the woman. If you think,
then, in what honor was kept the mother woman near the Israelis, still more you can think what
sacrifice I had completed consecrating me to this deprivation.
Now to His maid the Eternal Good gave this gift without taking away from me the innocence
of which I had dressed myself for being flower on its throne. And me of it rejoiced with the double
joy to be mother of a man and to be Mother of God.
Joy to be That for which peace was consolidated between Sky and Earth.
Oh! To have desired this peace for love of God and of neighbor, and to know that through
me, poor handmaid of the Powerful person, it came to the world! To say: "Oh! Men you don't cry
anymore. I bring in me the secret that will do you happy. I cannot tell you it, because it is sealed in
me, in my heart, as He is Child is closed in the breast inviolate. But I already bring you him among
you, but every hour that it passes it is more neighbor the moment in which you will see Him and
you will know the holy Name of it." Joy to have made happy God: joy of believer for her God done
Oh! The to have removed from the heart of God the bitterness of the disobedience of Eva!
Of the haughtiness of Eva! Of her incredulity!
My Jesus has explained of which guilt the first Couple got stained. I have annulled that guilt
remaking backwards, to ascend, the stages of her descent.
The principle of the guilt was in the disobedience. " Do not eat and do not touches of that
tree " He had said God. And the man and the woman, the kings of the Creation, that were able of
everything to touch and to eat except of that, because God wanted to render them inferior to the
angels only, but they didn't keep in mind of that prohibition. The plant: the mean to try the
obedience of His children. What is the obedience to the command of God? It is good, because
God doesn't command but the good. What is the disobedience? It is evil, because it puts the mind
in the disposition of rebellion on which Satan can operate.
Eva goes to the plant from which its good would have come with to escape it, or her evil
with to approach it. She goes dragged by the childish curiosity to see that it had in itself of special,
from the imprudence that it makes her seem useless the command of God, since she is strong and
pure, queen of the Eden, in which everything obeys her and in which nothing can do her some evil.
Her conceitedness ruin herself. The conceitedness is already yeast of haughtiness.
At the plant she finds the Seducer, which, to her inexperience, to her virgin so beautiful
inexperience, to her ill protected from her inexperience, he sings the song of the lie. “ Do you
believe that here be of the evil? No. God has told you it, because he wants to hold you slaves of
his power. Do you believe to be king? You are not even free as it is it the beast. To it is granted to
love themselves of true love. Not to you. To it is granted to be creator as God. It will produce
children and he/she will see to grow to his/her liking the family. Not to you. To you denied it is this
joy. To that advantage therefore to make you man and woman if you must live in such way? You
are gods. Don't you know which joy it is the being two in an alone flesh, that creates a third and a
lot of more third? You don't believe in the promises of God to have joy of posterity seeing his/her
children create new families, leaving for them father and mother. He has given you a larva of life:
true life is to know the laws of the life. Then you will be similar to gods and you can tell God: We
are " your equals ".
And seduction is continued, because there was no wish to break it, but rather will to
continue it and to know what was not in the man. Here that the forbidden tree becomes, to the
race, really deadly, because from its branches hangs the fruit of the bitterness to know that it
comes from Satan. And the woman becomes female, and with the yeast of the satanic knowledge
in heart, she goes to corrupt Adam. Degraded so the flesh, depraved the moral one, degraded the
spirit, they knew the pain and the death of the spirit private of the Grace, and of the flesh private of
the immortality. And the wound of Eva produced the suffering, that won't appease it until the last
couple it won't be extinct on the Earth.
I have backtracking the way of the two sinners. I have obeyed. In all the ways I have
obeyed. God had asked me to be virgin. I have obeyed. Loved the virginity, that did me pure as the
first of the women, before knowing Satan, God has asked me to be bride. I have obeyed, bringing
the marriage to that degree of purity that was in the thought of God when He had created the two
First. Convinced to be destined to the loneliness in the marriage and to the scorn of the neighbor
for my holy sterility, God now asked me to be Mother. I have obeyed. I have believed that this was
possible and that that word came from God, because peace spread in me in to hear it. I have not
thought: “I are deserved it ". I do not told me: “The world will now admire me, because I am similar
to God creating the flesh of God ". No. I have annihilated myself in the humility.
Joy has gushed out me from the heart as a stem of in bloom rose. But it immediately
adorned itself of acute thorns and I was squeezed in the tangle of the pain as that branches that
are wrapped up in the tangle of the convolvulus. The pain of the pain of the bridegroom: here is the
narrow passage of mine to rejoice. The pain of the pain of my Son: here are the thorns of mine to
rejoice. Eva wanted the enjoyment, the triumph, the liberty. I accepted the pain, the annihilation,
the slavery. I renounced my calm life, to the respect of the bridegroom, to my proper liberty. I was
not me laid nothing. I became the handmaid of God in the flesh, in the moral one, in the spirit, not
only submitting me to Him for the virgin conception, but for the defense of my honor, for the
consolation of the bridegroom, for the mean with which to also bring him to the sublimation of the
married life, for doing of us those people that give back the lost dignity to the man and the woman.
I embraced the will of the Lord for me, for the bridegroom, for my creature. I said: "Yes" for
everybody three, certain that God would not have lied to His promise to assist me in my pain of
bride, that she is seen judged guilty, of mother that is seen to procreate for giving her Child to the
"Yes" I have said. Yes only. That "yes" it has annulled the "no" of Eva to the command of
God. " Yes, Lord, as You want. I will live as You want. I will rejoice if You want. I will suffer for that
that You want. Yes, always yes, my Lord, from the moment in which your ray was made me Mother
up to the moment in which you called me to You. Yes, always yes. All the voices of the flesh, all the
passions of the moral one under the weight of mine perpetual yes. And upon, as a pedestal of
diamond, my spirit to which they miss wings to fly up to You, but it is lord of the whole self, tamed
and Your servant. I serve in the joy, I serve in the pain. But you smile, oh God, and be happy. The
Guilt is defeated. It is took away, it is destroyed. It lies under my heel, it has washed in my
weeping, destroyed by my obedience. From my breast will be born the new tree that will bring the
Fruit that will know the whole Evil, to have suffered it in Itself, and He will give the whole Good. To
this the men can come, and I will be happy if they will gather, also without thinking that it is born
from me. Provided that the man saves him and God is beloved, does it of his handmaid that that it
does it of the clod on which a tree rises: step to climb."
Maria, (note of mine: The Lady turns her to the Valtorta), it always needs to know how to be
step because the other ones climb to God. If they tread on us, it has done nothing. Provided that
they succeeds in going to the Cross. It is the new tree that the fruit of the knowledge of the Good
and the Evil has, because it tells the man what it is badly and what is well because He knows how
to choose and to live, and it knows at the same time how to do of itself liqueur to recover the
poisoned from the wanted evil to taste. Our heart under to the feet of the men, provided that the
number of the redeemed ones grows and the Blood of my Jesus is not poured out without fruit.
Here is the fate of the handmaids of God. But then we deserve to receive in the womb the holy
Host and at the feet of the Cross, soaked of His blood and of our weeping to say: " Here, oh
Father, the immaculate Host that we offer you for the health of the world. Look at us oh Father,
fused with It, and for Her endless merits, give us your benediction." And I give you my caress.
Daughter rests. The Lord is with you. >>.
Jesus says: <<The word of my Mother would also should dissipate every hesitancy of
thought in the more clogged in the formulas. I have said: "metaphoric plant." I will now say:
"symbolic plant." You will understand better perhaps. Its symbol is clear: from the as the two
children of God they would have acted in comparison to it, it would be understood as it was in
them tendency to the Good or to the Evil. How turpentine water that tries the gold and balance of
goldsmith that it weighs the carats of it, that plant, become one "mission" for God's command in
regards to it, it has given the measure of the purity of the metal of Adam and Eva.
I already hear your objection: Has not the sentence been excessive and childish the mean
used for reaching to condemn them?". It has not been. A disobedience currently in you, that are
their heirs, it is less serious than it was not for them. But the poison of Satan is always ready to
rise again, as certain diseases that don't totally annul never them in the blood. Them, the two
progenitors, were holders of the Grace without to have ever had brushed against with the
Misfortune. Therefore stronger, more supported by the Grace, that produced innocence and love.
Endless it was the gift that God had given them. Well more serious therefore their fall despite that
Symbolic also the offered fruit and eaten. It was the fruit of a wanted experience to
complete for satanic instigation against the command of God. I had not interdicted the love to the
men. I exclusively wanted that they were loved without malice; as I loved them with my holiness,
they had to love themselves in holiness of affections, that any lust dirties.
It must not be forgotten that the Grace is light, and who possesses it he/she knows what it
is useful and good to know. The Flood of Grace knew everything, because the Wisdom instructed
her, the Wisdom that is Grace, and she was known how to piously drive. Eva knew therefore what
was good to know. Not over, because it is useless to know what it is not good. She didn't have faith
in the words of God and it was not faithful in her promise of obedience. She believed in Satan, it
broke the promise, she wanted to know the not good, it loved it without remorse, made the love
that I had given her so saint, a corrupt thing, a degraded thing. Impoverished angel rolled her in
the mud and on the straw, while she could be racing happy among the flowers of the terrestrial
Heaven and to see it bloom around the children, as a plant covers itself with flowers without
bending the head of hair in the slush.
You are not as the foolish little boys that I point out in the Gospel, which they have heard to
sing and the ears are plugged, they have heard to play and they have not danced, they have heard
to cry and they have wanted to laugh. You are not niggardly and you are not deniers. You accept,
you accept without malice and stubbornness, without irony and incredulity, the Light. And enough
on this.
To make you understand how much thankful must be to He who it is dead to raise again
you to the Sky and to win the lust of Satan, has wanted to speak to you, in this time of preparation
to the Easter, of this that it has been the first ring of the chain with which the verb of the Father was
drawn to the death the divine lamb at the slaughter house. I have wanted to speak of it because
now the ninety percent among you is similar to Eva poisoned by the breath and by the word of
Lucifer, and you doesn't live for loving you but to satiate you of sense, you doesn't live for the sky,
but for the mud, you are not creatures anymore endowed with soul and reason but dogs without
soul and without reason. The soul you have killed her and the reason depraved. In truth I tell you
that the brutes overcome you in the honesty of their loves>>.
13. Maria announces the maternity of Elizabeth to Joseph and submits to God the
assignment to justify her ( you see the pages 91-96 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to
Maria Valtorta, published by CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri land (FR), Italy.
14. Joseph's Passion (you see page 125, from the line 17 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel
revealed to Maria Valtorta up to page 130).
15. Joseph asks for forgiveness to Maria. Faith, charity and humility to receive God ( you
see the pages 130-134 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta).
16. The edict of the census. Teachings on the love to the bridegroom and on the trust in
God (you see the pages 134-139 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta).
17. Jesus' birth. Effectiveness of the divine maternity of Maria for the Salvation ( You see
the pages 143-151 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta).
"..Maria raises the head as for a celestial call and is straightened again in knee. Oh! As is
beautiful here! She lifts the head that seems to shine in the white light of the moon, and a non
human smile transfigures her. What does she see? What ode? What test? Only Her could say how
much she saw, it felt and it tried in the radiant time of her Maternity. I see only that around Her the
light grows, it grows, it grows. It seems goes down from the Sky, it seems it emanate from the poor
things that are around her, it seems above all that it emanate from Her. Her dress, blue dark, it now
seems of a pale celestial, and the hands and the face seem to make pale blue as those of a
person under the fire of an immense pale sapphire. This color, that it remembers me, although
tenuous, what I see in the visions of the saint Heaven, and what you see in the vision of the arrival
of the Magi, spreads always also more on the things, it dresses them, it purifies them, it does them
splendid. The light is emitted by the body of Maria more and more, it absorbs that some of the
moon, it seems that She attracts in itself that light that can come her from the Sky. By now it is Her
the Depositary of the Light. That Light that must give this Light to the world. And this beatific,
uncontrollable, immeasurable, eternal, divine Light that is to be given, it is announced with a dawn,
a daylight, a choir of tomes of light that they grow, grows as a tide, that they climb, they climb as
an incense, that they go down as a flood, that they stretch it as a veil. The vault, flood of cracks, of
spider’s web, of leaning rubble that is in unstable balance for a miracle of statics, black, smoky,
repellent, it seems the vault of a regal room. Every rock is a silver block, every crack a dart of opal,
every spider’s web a precious canopy silver context and diamonds. A big green lizard, in lethargy
among two boulders, it seems a necklace of emerald forgotten there by a queen; and a cluster of
bats in lethargy, a precious onyx lamp. The hay, that hangs from the tallest manger is not grass
anymore, they are threads and threads of pure silver that tremble in the air with the grace of a
untied head of hair. The inferior manger it is, in its dark wood, a block of burnished silver. The walls
are covered with a brocade in which the snowy whiteness of the silk disappears under the pearly
embroidery of the relief and the ground. what is now the ground? It is a crystal turned on by a
white light. The prominences seem roses of light thrown for homage to the ground; and the holes,
precious cups from which must climb aromas and perfumes. And the light grows more and more. It
is unbearable to the eye. In it disappears, as absorbed by a veiled wall of incandescence the
Virgo… and the Mother emerges of it. Yes. When the light returns to be sustainable to mine for
seeing, I see Maria with Her Child newborn on the arms. A small Child, rosy and chubby, that
gropes and it toddles as with the small hands as a rosebud and with the footsies that would be in
the hollow of a heart of rose; what it wails with a trembling small voice, really of a little lamb been
just born..".
The Virgin Mary says (note of mine: to Maria Valtorta): <<… Me, Maria, has redeemed the
woman with my divine maternity. But it was not that the beginning of the redemption of the woman,
this. Denying me to every human wedding intercourse with the vote of virginity, I had rejected
every lustful satisfaction deserving grace from God. But it was not enough yet. Because the sin of
Eva was tree with four branches: haughtiness, avarice, greediness, lust. And all four had to be
broken off before sterilizing the tree from the roots. Actually humiliating me to the depth, I have
won the haughtiness. I have humbled me in front of everybody. I don't speak of my humility toward
God. This is due to the Tall One by every creature. It had it his Verb. I had to have it me, woman.
But has you ever thought over which humiliations owed suffer, and without defending me in any
way, from the men? Also Joseph, that was a Righteous, had accused me in his heart. The others,
that righteous they were not, they had sinned of murmuring toward my state, and the noise of their
words had come as bitter wave to break against my humanity.
And they were the first ones of the endless humiliations that my life of Mother of Jesus and
the of human kind they gave me. Humiliations of poverty, refugee's humiliations, humiliations for
reproaches of relatives and friends that, not knowing the truth, they judged weak my way to be
mother toward my Jesus made young man, humiliations in the three years of His office, cruel
humiliations in the time of the Calvary, humiliations until in to have to recognize that I didn't have
the possibility of purchasing place and aromas for the burial of my Child.
I have won the avarice of the Progenitors renouncing in advance of time to my Creature.
A mother never abdicates that forcedly to her creature. Asks her to her heart the country,
the love of a bride or of the same God, she is balky about the separation. It is natural. The child
grows us in the womb and is never cut completely the bond that holds his person joined to ours. If
also the channel of the vital navel is broken, a spiritual nerve that departs from the heart of his
mother, more alive and sensitive nerve of a physical nerve, which grafts it in the heart of her child
always stays. And it feels it stretch up to the pang if the love of God or of a creature or of the
demands of the country, estrange her child from his mother. And it breaks it lacerating the heart if
death tears a child to a mother.
And I have abdicated, from the moment that I have had him as my Child. To God I have
given him. To you I have given Him. Me, of the fruit of my breast, I deprive myself to make amends
for the theft of Eva of the fruit of God.
I have won the greediness, and to know and to enjoy, accepting to entirely know what God
wanted I knew, without asking to me or to Him more of what it was me said. I have believed
without investigating. I have won the greediness of the to enjoy, because I denied me every taste
of sense. My flesh I have put her under the feet. The flesh, tool of Satan, was confined it with
Satan under my heel to do of it step to approach me to the Sky. The Sky! My destination. There
where God was. The only my hunger. Hunger that it is not gluttony, but necessity blessed by God,
which wants that we desire Him.
I have won the lust, which is the gluttony brought to the greediness. Because every vice not
mastered conducts to a greater vice. And the gluttony of Eva, already reprehensible, it conducted
her to the lust. It was not enough for her to give herself satisfaction alone. She wanted and she
made teacher of lust to the companion. I have turned upside-down the terms and, in place to go
down, I have always been climbed. Instead to make to go down, I have attracted aloft always, and
of my companion, a honest, I have made an angel.
Now that I possessed God and with Him its endless wealths, I have hastened to strip of
them saying of it: " Here is done for Him and from Him His will ". Chaste it is he who it not only has
temperance of the pleasures of the flesh, but also of affections and of thoughts. I had to be the
Caste to annul the Immodest one of the flesh, of the heart and of the mind. And I didn't go out of
my reserved ness even not saying of my Child, entirely my on the Earth as it was entirely of God in
Sky: " This is mine and I want him ".
Yet it was not enough for getting to the woman the peace lost by Eva yet. That I got you at
the feet of the Cross. In the seeing to die That you have seen to be born. In to feel to tear me the
bowel from the cry of my Creature that died, I have been empty of every feminism: not more flesh
but angel. Maria, the Virgo gotten married to the Spirit, died at that time. The Mother of the Grace
remained, that that has you from her torment generated the Grace and she has given it for you.
The female that I had consecrated again woman the night of the Christmas, at the feet of the
Cross it purchased the means to become creature of the Skies.
This I have done me for you, also denying me every satisfaction even holy. Of you,
reduced by Eva non superior females to the companions of the animals, I have done, just that you
want it, the holy ones of God. I am ascended for you. As I did with Joseph, I have brought more
aloft you. The rock of the Calvary is my Mountain of the Olives. From there I have taken the leap to
bring to the Skies the soul sanctified again of the woman together with my flesh, glorified for
having brought the Verb of God and annulled in me also the last trace of Eva, the last root of that
tree from the four poisonous branches and from the root driven in the sense, that had dragged to
the fall the humanity and that up to the end of the centuries and to the last woman it will bite you
the bowel. From there, where I now shine in the ray of the love, I call you and I point out you the
Medicine to win you same: the Grace of my Lord and the Blood of my Child.
And you (note of mine: Maria Valtorta ), my voice, rests your soul in the light of this dawn of
Jesus, to have strength for the future crucifixions that won't be saved you, because here we want
you and here we comes through the pain, because here we want you and so much aloft we comes
how much more pain is brought for getting Grace to the world.
Go in peace, I am with you>>.
18. The holiness of Joseph and the obedience to the priests (you see the pages 159-165 of
the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta):
It says, then, Maria ( may note: of Nazareth ): "… I understand it. I know it. But you will see
me cry stronger still. For the time being I lift you the spirit showing you the holiness of Joseph, that
was man, or rather that it didn't have other help to his spirit that his own holiness. I had all the gifts
of God in my condition of Immaculate. I didn't know to be it. But in my soul they were active and
they gave me spiritual strengths. But he was not immaculate. The humanity was into him with all
of its heavy weight, and he had to rise toward the perfection with that whole weight, at the cost of
the continuous work of all of its faculties to want to reach the perfection and pleasant being to God.
Oh! Saint my bridegroom! Saint in all the things, also in the humblest things of the life. Saint for his
chastity of angel. Saint for his honesty of man. Saint for his patience, for his industriousness, for
his unvaried equal serenity, for his modesty, for everything.
Such holiness it shine also in this event. A priest tells him: " It is well that you establish here
you ", and him, also knowing to how much great work goes toward, it says: "For me it is not
anything. I think about the pain of Maria. It was not for this, I would not worry me for me. Enough
that this is useful to Jesus." Jesus, Maria: his angelic loves. Other has not loved on the Earth, this
saint of mine bridegroom. It is to this love he has made servant himself.
They have done him protector of the Christian families and of the workers of so many
categories. But not only of the agonizing ones, of the bridegrooms, of the workers, although also of
the consecrate ones he should be done it. Which among the consecrate ones of the Earth, to the
service of God, which it be, that is consecrated as him to the service of his God, accepting
everything, giving up everything, bearing everything, completing everything with promptness, with
hilarious spirit, with constant humor, as did he do? No, it is not of it.
And another thing I make you observe, rather two. Zechariah is a priest. Joseph is not it.
But it also observes as he who it is not it it has the spirit in Sky more than the priest. Zechariah
humanly thinks and humanly interprets the Writings because, it is not the first time that does it, it
makes too much him lead from the good human sense. he has been punished of it. But it still
makes the same mistake, although less seriously. He had said for the birth of John: " How can it
happen if I am old and my wife is sterile?". He now says: To flatten him the way, the Christ it owes
here grow " and, with that small root of pride that also persists in the best, he thinks about being
able to be him useful to Jesus. Not useful as he wants to be him Joseph serving him, but useful
serving him as teacher… God has forgiven him for the good intention. But did it ever have need
the "Teacher" to have teachers?
I tried to make him to see the light in the prophecies. But he felt more erudite than me and it
used his feeling to his way. I would have been able to insist and to win. But - here is the second
observation that I make you do - but I have respected the priest for his dignity, not for his to know.
The priest is, generally always illuminated by God. I have said "generally ". It is it when it is
a true priest. It is not the dress that that consecrates, it is the soul. To judge if one is a true priest it
needs to judge what it goes out of his soul. As my Jesus he has said, it is from the soul that they
go out the things that sanctify or that they contaminate, those that inform the whole way to act of
an individual. So, when one is true priest, he is generally always inspired by God. Of the others,
that such they are not, it is necessary to have supernatural charity, and to pray for them.
But my Son has already put you to the service of this redemption and I doesn't say more.
Be pleased to suffer because the true priests increase. And you rest on the word of whom leads
yourself. And you believe in Him and you obey his advice. To obey always saves. Even if it is not
perfect in the whole the advice that it is received.
You see. We obeyed. And it was well, True that Erodes it limited himself to make to
exterminate the children of Bethlehem and outskirts. But would not Satan have been able to push
and to propagate these waves of spiteful envy well over, and to persuade all the powerful persons
of Palestine to equal crime to let the future King of the Jews to suppress? He would have been
able. And it would have happened in the first times of the Christ, when the to be repeated some
prodigies had aroused the attention of the crowds and the eye of the powerful persons. How we
would have been able, if this had happened, to cross the whole Palestine to come from the distant
Nazareth in Egypt, hospitable country to the persecuted Hebrews, and to do it with a small child
and while it was raging a persecution? Easier the escape from Betlem, even if equally painful.
The obedience always safe. Remember it. And the respect for the priest is always sign of
Christian formation. Troubles - and Jesus has told it - troubles to the priests that forgive their
apostolic flame! But troubles also to whom believes permissible to scorn them! Because they
consecrate and they distribute the true Bread that comes down from the Sky. And that contact
makes them holy as a sacred chalice, even if saints are not. To God they will answer of it. You
consider them such and you don't take care of other. You don’t be more intransigent than your
Lord Jesus, which leaves the Sky at their command and it goes down for being elevated in their
hands. You learn from Him. And if they are blind, and they are deaf, with a paralytic soul and a sick
thought, if they are leprous of guilts too much in contrast with their mission, if they are as Lazarus
in a sepulchre, you call Jesus, that restores to health them, that resuscitates them.
Call Him with your to prey and with yours to suffer, oh souls victims. To save a soul is to
predestinate to the Sky our soul. But to save a priestly soul is to save a great number of souls,
because every holy priest is a net that drags souls to God. And to save a priest, or rather to
sanctify, sanctify again, is to create this mystic net. Every prey of his it is a light that is added to
your eternal crown. You go in peace>>.
19. Jesus' presentation to the Temple. The virtue of Simeon and the prophecy of Ann (you
see the pages 165-171 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta): "… I feel the
words of the old saint and I see the look surprised of Joseph, that touched of Maria, and also those
of the small crowd, partly surprised and touched, to the words of the old one, and partly taken by
hilarity. Among these there are some members of the Sanhedrin, that shake the head looking at
Simeon with ironic pity. They must think him gone off his head for the age.
The smile of Maria goes off in a more alive pallor, when Simeon announces her pain. As
far as She knows it, this word pierces through her the spirit. She draws near more to Joseph,
Maria, to take comfort, tightens with passion her child to the breast and she drinks, as a thirsty
soul, Ann's words, which, woman as it is, it has pity of her to suffer and it promises her that the
Eternal will sweeten her of a supernatural strength in the time of the pain. << Woman, to Whom
the Savior has given his people, it won't miss the power to give his angel to comfort your weeping
. The great women of Israel are never missed the help of the Lord, and you are well more than
Judith and Giaele 9
. Our God will give you heart of pure gold to withstand the sea of pain, for
which you will be the greatest Woman of the Creation, the Mother. And You, Child, remembered of
me in the time of Your mission…>>.
This name has to be translated in the English language
20. the Virgo’s lullaby (You see the pages 171-173 of the I° volume of the Gospel revealed
to Maria Valtorta)
21. Adoration of the Magi. It is " Gospel of the Faith “(You see the pages 174-185 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta) ".
22. Flight in Egypt. Teachings on the last vision bound up with the birth of Jesus (You see
the pages 186-194 of the 1st
volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta):
"Joseph returns. << Are you ready? It is ready Jesus? Have you taken his covers his small
bed ? Cannot bring the cot, but at least Him has His small mattress. Tiny poor child that they look
for to death!>>. << Joseph!>>. Maria has a cry while she is being grabbed to the arm of Joseph.
<< Yes, Maria, to death. Erodes he wants Him dead…. because it is afraid of Him…. for his human
kingdom it is afraid of this Innocent that dirty beast. What he will do when he will understand that
He is run away I don't know. But we will be distant, by that time now. I don't believe that it will take
revenge looking for Him in Galilee. It would be already too much difficulty for him to discover that
we are Galileans and so much less than Nazareth and who are of precise. Unless Satan doesn't
help him to thank to be him a faithful serve. But… if that would happen …. God will help us the
same. Don't cry Maria. To see you to cry is for me a well stronger pain of that to have to go to
<< Forgive me Joseph! It is not for me that I cry, neither for the little good that I lose. I cry
for you…. that have already had to sacrifice so much you! And now you go back not to have clients
anymore, neither house. How much I cost you Joseph! >>. << How much? No, Maria. You don't
cost me. You console me. Always. Don't think about the tomorrow. We have the wealths of the
Magi. They will help us in the first times. Then I will find job. A honest and able worker he makes
immediately his way. You have seen here. They are not enough me the hours for the job that I
have>>. << I know it. But who will lift you from the nostalgia? >>. << And you, who will lift you from
the nostalgia of that house that it is you so dear? >>.
<< Jesus. Having Him I still have what I there have had>>.
<< And me, having Jesus, I have the country, hoped up to few months ago. I have my God.
You see it that I don't lose anything of what it is me dear above every thing. All it takes is saving
Jesus and then all stays with us. Even if we didn't have to see this sky anymore, these countries,
neither those still dearer than Galilee, we will always have everything because we will have Him.
You come, Maria, because the dawn is begun. It is time to greet the guest and to load our stuff.
Everything will be all right>>.
Maria gets up standing, obedient. She wraps herself up in the mantle, while Joseph makes
a last bundle and goes out loaded of that.
Maria gently her Child lifts and winds up him in a shawl and she tightens Him to Her heart.
She looks the walls that have entertained her for some months and with a hand it grazes them.
Blessed house, that has deserved to be beloved and blessed by Maria!
She goes out. It crosses the small room that was of Joseph, she enters the big room. The
landlady, kisses her in tears, and she greets and, lifting an edge of the shawl, she kisses on the
forehead her Child, that sleeps calm. They go down for the external small stairs. There is a first
light of dawn that gives as soon as way to see. In the little light three small donkeys are seen. The
most strong, load of the household goods. The others with the saddle. Joseph devote himself to do
to assure for well chest and bundles on the packsaddle of the first one. I see tied up to bunch, and
sets on the top of the sack, his objects of carpenter…. The escape has beginning while
Bethlehem, that still dreams the phantasmagorical scene of the Magi, sleeps calm, unconscious of
what it attends it.
Jesus says: << And this series of visions also stop this way. With good peace of the difficult
doctors we have gone showing you the scenes that have preceded, accompanied and followed my
Advent, not for them same, that are very known as for how misrepresented by elements
overlapped in the centuries, always for that way to see human whether to give great praise to God
- and therefore he is forgiven - it makes unreal what it is very beautiful to leave real. Because my
Humanity and that of Maria they are not diminished, as my Divinity and the Majesty of the Father
and the love of the most sacred Trinity they are not offended. From this to see the things in their
reality, but rather the merits they shine of it my Mother and my perfect humility shine of it, as it
lighten the almighty goodness of the Eternal of it. But we have shown you these scenes to be able
to apply to you and to others the supernatural sense that goes out from there to give it for you to
norm of life.
The Decalogue is the Law; and my Gospel is the Doctrine that makes you clearer this Law
and dearer to follow. This Law and this Doctrine would be enough for to do, of the men, of the
But you are so hampered in your humanity - that, in truth, surpasses of too much in you the
spirit - that you cannot follow these ways and you fall; or you stop you discouraged. You tell you
and to whom would want to bring you further on quoting you the examples of the Gospel: " But
Jesus, but Maria, but Joseph (and down, down for all the saints) they were not as us. They were
strong, they have immediately been consoled in the pain, also of that little pain that they have had,
they didn't feel the passions. They were beings already out of the Earth ". That little pain! They
didn't feel the passions!
Pain there has been the faithful friend and it had all the various aspects and names.
The passions…Don’t use a term badly calling “passions” the vices that corrupt you.
Sincerely call you them "vices", and deadly in addition. Those it is not that we ignored them. We
had eyes and ears to see and to hear, and Satan made us dance before and around these vices,
showing them to us with their filth in work or trying us with its insinuations. But, the will being tense
to want to be pleasant to God, this filth and these insinuations, in place to get the purpose
established it by Satan, it got the contrary one. And so much more he worked and so much more
we sheltered there in the light of God, for disgust of the muddy darkness that it showed us to the
eyes of the body or of the spirit. But the passions in the philosophical sense, we didn't ignore them
in us. We have loved the country, and in the country the our small Nazareth more than every other
city of Palestine. We have felt the affections for our house, the relatives, the friends. Why would
not we have had to feel them? We are not done enslaved of it because nothing must be us master
except God. But of the good companions we are done of it.
My Mother has had a cry of joy when, after four years around, she has returned to
Nazareth and she has been in her house, and she has kissed those walls in which her “Yes” it
opened her breast to receive the Germ of God. Joseph has greeted with joy his relatives and his
little nephews, grown of number and of years, and he has enjoyed in to see him remembered from
the fellow citizens and immediately looked for his abilities. I have been sensitive to the friendships
and I have suffered as an ethic crucifixion the betrayal of Judas. And that therefore? Neither my
Mother, neither Joseph they preferred their love to the house and his/her relatives to the will of
And I didn't save word, if it were to say, fit to attract me the resentment of the Hebrews and
the malice of Judas. I knew, and I would have been able to do, that would have been enough for
the money to enslave him to Me. Not to Me Savior; to Me rich. Me that I have multiplied the
breads, I could also multiply the money, if I wanted. But I had not come for getting human
satisfactions. To anybody. So much less to mine called. I had preached sacrifice, separation,
chaste life, humble places. What Teacher would I have been and how Righteous, if to one, only
because it was that the mean to hold him, I had given money for his mental and physical
Great in my Kingdom we becomes doing us "small." Who wants to be "great" to the eyes of
the world it is not fit to reign in my Kingdom. It is straw for the bed of the demons. Because the
greatness of the world is in antithesis with the Law of God.
The world calls great those people that, with illegitimate means they almost always know
how to take the best places, and, to do it, they do of the next one a stool on which they climb
crushing him. It calls "great" those people who they know how to kill for reigning, morally and
materially to kill, and they extort places and countries and they fatten itself other cutting veins in
the single and collective wealths. The world often calls great the criminals. No. Greatness is not in
the delinquency. It is in the goodness, in the honesty, in the love, in the justice. You see yours
"great" what intoxicating fruits they offer you, picked in theirs wicked, demoniac internal garden!
The last vision, since I want to speak of it and to neglect to speak of other – because it is
useless, for the world doesn't want to hear the truth that concerns it - it illuminates a detail quoted
by the Gospel of Mathew, a repeated sentence twice: "Raised, you pick up the Little boy and his

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  • 1. MARIA OF NAZARETH, THE PERFECT WOMAN, THE SUPER EVA, ACCORDING TO THE REVELATIONS SERVED TO MARIA VALTORTA BY THE LORD JESUS AND FROM THE LADY HERSELF The men and particularly the Christians know Maria of Nazareth; they know Her also as the Madonna ( Our Lady ), the Jesus’ Mother; they also know Her as the Immaculate Conception as the Virgo Maria and with other names. All Christians beg Her and they invoke Her as Mother and Co-Redeemer woman 1 ; many of us can speak and write about Her and of Her famous Apparitions, the last of which at Medjugorje in Croatia: it began the 24 June of 1981 and it is still in progress now (March 2013). We know and we believe in Her very important role in the God’s Plan of the Salvation, started in its final phase, with the acceptance of Maria to become the Mother of the Messiah by the intervention of God’s Spirit 2 . She prepares us also to receive the redemption intervention of Her Son, the Immanuel that is to say the God with us 3 the Redeemer / Savior 4 of the Humanity. But in the meantime the Virgin Mary begins the redeeming deed of whom turns to Her, to whatever race, people or religion belongs. However not all men know the particular promise of Redemption and Salvation that Our Lady makes to all men to the Not Christian also: <<… To all those people that for five months, at first Saturday, they will confess them, they will receive the holy Communion, they will recite the Rosary, and they will make me company for fifteen minutes meditating the Mysteries (note of mine: of the Rosary), with the intention to offer me reparations, I promise to assist them in the hour of the death with all the necessary graces for the salvation 5 ”. This promise is the masterpiece of Our Lady, as Co-Redeemer woman, in the History of Salvation. Power of the love! Not even Her considers men’s and women’s sins that make use of Her promise! Therefore Her too is love! As for the very numerous Apparitions of Our Lady in the different Nations of the world we advise you the reading of a book, for an instance that of Paola Giovetti, Le Apparizioni della Vergine Maria, Edizioni San Paolo. Who writes also he could unworthily speak of the Virgin Mary , but he prefers to report some Revelations that the Lord Jesus and the Virgo Maria Itself they did to Maria Valtorta in the 20th century. In all the ten volumes of the Gospel revealed to the Valtorta the praises of Maria they are sung. A book of 256 pages has been drawn from such volumes by Gabriele M. Raschini, with the title “ La Madonna negli scritti di Maria Valtorta “ (The Virgin Mary in the writings of Maria Valtorta), edits by CEV srl, 03036, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy. We recommend you both the purchase 1 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st , page 96 and Vol. 6th , page 284, CEV srl, Viale Piscitelli 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 2 Vangelo di Luca 1, 26-38 ; Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40 e 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 3 Isaia 7, 14 and note 7, 14 4 Vangelo di Luca 2, 8-20 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated December 24th and 25th , Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 16-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo), Mediterranee 5 Lucia racconta Fatima, page 141, Editrice Queriniana ; Pregate, Pregate, Pregate, page 248, MIR 1
  • 2. of the stupendous evangelical work of the Valtorta and of the aforesaid book. Here I confine myself to point out the episodes that have me more caught and that they are contained in the first volume of said Gospel, : 1. You see the pages 22/30 of the 1st volume of the good work of Maria Valtorta, The Gospel as it has been revealed me, published by CEV srl, Avenue Piscitelli 89/91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy. the Lord Jesus says: << You rise and it expedites yourself small friend. I have ardent desire to bring you with Me in the paradisiacal blue of the contemplation of the virginity of Maria. You will go out from there with the fresh soul as if I were you also created just now by the Father, a small Eva that it doesn't know flesh yet. You will go out from there with the spirit full of light, because you will plunge you in the contemplation of the masterpiece of God. You will go out from there with everything of your being saturated of love, because you will have understood how it knows to love God. To speak of the conception of Maria, she the Without stain, means to plunge in the blue, in the light, in the love. You come and you read the glories of Her in the book of the Ancestor: " God possessed me at the beginning of His good works, since the beginning, before the creation. For all eternity I was established, at the beginning, before that Earth was made, the abysses had not risen yet that I was already conceived. Not yet the sources of the waters they regurgitated and the mountains be erected in their massive structure, neither the hills were necklaces to the sun, that I was given birth. God had not done the Earth, the rivers, hinges of the world, and me already I was. When it prepared the skies I was present, when with law unchangeable closed under the vault of heaven the abyss, when it made stable aloft the celestial vault and it suspended the sources of the waters, when it fixed to the sea its confines, and it gave laws to the waters not to pass their term, when it laid the foundations of the earth, I was with Him to order all the things. Always in the joy I continually joked in front of Him, I joked in the universe…". You have applied them to the Wisdom, but they speak of Her: the beautiful Mother, the holy Mother, the Mother virgin of the Wisdom that I am that I speak to you. I have wanted that you wrote the first one line of this hymn from the beginning of the book that speaks of Her, because it was confessed and it known the consolation and the joy of God; the reason for His constant, perfect, intimate joy of this God One and Trine, that it holds up you and it loves and that from the man it was so many causes for sadness; the reason for which it also perpetuated the race when, at the first test, it was deserved to be destroyed; the reason for the forgiveness that you have had. To have Maria that loved Him. Oh! Well deserved to create the man and to leave to live him, and to decree to forgive him, for having the beautiful Virgo, the holy Virgo, the immaculate Virgo, the enamoured Virgo, the dear Daughter, the pure Mother, the loving Bride! So much and also more has given you and He would also have given you God to possess the creature of His delights, the Sun of His sun, the Flower of His garden. And so much it continuous to give to you for Her, at the request of Her , for the joy of Her, because its joy pours again it in the 2
  • 3. joy of God and increases it with glow that fill of twinklings of light, the big light of the Heaven, and every twinkling it is a grace to the universe, to the race of the man, to the Blessed same that answer with one sparkling cry of theirs of hallelujah to every generation of divine miracle, created by the desire of the God trine to see the sparkling laughter of joy of the Virgo. God wanted to put a king in the universe, that He had created from the nothing. A king that, for nature of the Matter was the first one among the creatures created with Matter and endowed with Matter. A king that for nature of the Spirit, it was a little less than divine, fused to the Grace as He was in His innocent first day. But the supreme Mind, to which all the most distant events in the centuries are known, whose sight it incessantly sees everything of how much it was, it is and it will be; and that, while it is contemplating the past and it observes the present, here that the look sinks in the last future and doesn't ignore as it will be the to die of last man, without confusion and discontinuity, He has never ignored that the king from Him created for being semi divine to its side in Sky, heir of his Father, comes adult in His Kingdom after having lived in the house of his mother - the soil with which was done - during his childhood of child of the Eternal for his day on the Earth, he would have committed against itself same the crime to kill in the Grace and the theft to steal himself of the Sky. Why has He created him then? Certainly many they ask for it. Would you have preferred not to be? Doesn't it deserve, also for herself, also so poor and naked, and made sour by your wickedness, to be lived this day, to know and to admire the endless Beautiful that the hand of God has sown in the universe? For the one who would have made these stars and planets that flow as lightnings and arrows, ruling the arc of the firmament, or they go or they seem slow, they go stately in their run of meteors, giving you as a present lights and seasons and giving you, eternal unchangeable and also changeable always, a new page to be read on the blue, every evening, every month, every year, they almost wanted to tell you: You " forget the jail, you leave your rooms full of dark things, rotten, dirty, poisonous, liars, swearers, bribers, and raised you, at least with the look, in the boundless liberty of the firmaments, make you a blue soul looking at so much serene, make you a reserve of light to bring in your jail dark, you read the word that we write singing our sidereal choir, more harmonious than that drawn by organ of cathedral, the word that we write shining, the word that we write loving, since we always have present He who gave us the joy to be, and we love Him to have given us this being, this to shine, this to flow, this to be free and beautiful in the middle of this gentle blue over which we still see a blue more sublime, the Heaven, and of which we complete the second part of the precept of love loving you, our neighbour universal, loving you giving you guide and light, heat and beauty. You read the word that we say, and it is that on which we regulate our song, ours to shine, ours to laugh: God?" For the one whom that blue liquid would have done, mirror to the sky, way to the Earth, smile of waters, voice of waves, word also it that with rustles of shifted silk, with chuckles of serene young girl, with sighs of old men that they remember and they cry, with slaps of violent and clashes and bellows and rumbles, he always speaks and it says: "God?" The sea is for you, as they are the sky and the stars. And with the sea the lakes and the rivers, the ponds and the brooks and the pure sources, that serve all to bring 3
  • 4. you, to feed you, to refresh you and to purify you, and that they serve you, serving the Creator, without going out to submerge you as you deserve. For the one whom all the innumerable families of the animals He would have done, that they are flowers that fly singing, that they are servants that race, that work, that feed, that recreate you: the kings? For the one whom all the innumerable families of the plants and the flowers would have done that butterflies, that seem gems and motionless birdies seems, of the fruits that seem necklaces or caskets of gems, that are carpet to your feet, shelter to your heads, relaxation, useful, joy to the mind, to the limbs, to the sight and the sense of smell ? For the one whom would have done the mineral ones among the bowels of the ground and the salts dissolved in algid or hot spring, the sulphurs, the iodines, the bromines, if not because it enjoyed them one who was not God but child of God? One: the man. To the joy of God, to the need of God nothing needed. He is enough for Itself same. It doesn't have that to contemplate Himself to feel happy, to feed, to live and to rest. The whole creation has not increased of an atom his infinity of joy, beauty, life, power. But everything has done it for the creature that has wanted to put king in the good work by him done: the man. To see such a work of God and for thankfulness to his power that he gives it as a present for you, it deserves to live. And of living being you must be thankful. You would have owed him even if you had not been redeemed anything else other than at the end of the centuries, because, despite you have been in the First ones, and you are singly till now, overbearings, prouds, lustfuls, homicides, God still grants you to enjoy of the beautiful one of the universe, of the good one of the universe, and he treats you as you were of the good ones, of the good children to which everything is taught and granted to make them more sweet and healthy the life. How much you know, you know it for light of God. How much you discover, you discover it for indication of God. In the Good. The other knowledges and discoveries, that bring badly sign of, come from the supreme Evil Satan. The supreme Mind that nothing ignores, before the man was he knew that the man would have been of himself thief and murderer. And since the eternal Goodness doesn't have limits in its being good, before the Guilt was he thought the mean to annul the Guilt. The mean: Me. The tool to make the mean a working tool: Mary. And the Virgo was created in the sublime Thought of God. All the things are been created for Me dearest Child of the Father. I-king I would have had to have under my foot of divine King carpets and jewels what any palace had of it and songs and voices and servants and ministers around my being how many any sovereign it had of it and flowers and gems, the whole sublime, the grandiose one, the kind one, the minute is possible to draw from the Thought of a God. But I had to be Flesh over that Spirit. Flesh to save the flesh. Flesh to sublime the flesh bringing it in Sky many centuries before the time. Because the flesh lived by the Spirit is the masterpiece of God, and for it had been made the Sky. To be fleshy I needed a Mother. To be God I had need that the Father was God. Here then God to create Him his Bride and to tell her: You " come with Me. At My side you see how much I do for our Child. You look and exult eternal Virgo, eternal young Girl and your laughter fills this empyrean and gives the initial note to the Angels. To the Heaven you teach 4
  • 5. the celestial harmony. I look you. And I see you what you will be, or immaculate Woman that now You are Spirit only: the Spirit in which I feel happy Me. I look you and I give the blue of your glance to the sea and the firmament, the color of your hair to the holy wheat, the innocence to the lily and the rosy one to the rose as it is your epidermis of silk, I copy the pearls of your minute teeth, I make the sweet strawberries looking at your mouth, to the nightingales I put in mouth your notes, and to the turtle doves your weeping. And reading your futures thoughts, hearing the throb of your heart, I have motive for guide in to create. You come, My Joy, have the worlds for amusement until dancing light you will be me in the Thought, the worlds for your laughter, have yourself the garland of stars and the necklaces of stars, you put the moon under the kind feet, bandaged in the stellar scarf of Galatea. They are for you the stars and the planets. You come and you enjoy seeing the flowers that will be game to your Child and pillow to the Child of your breast. You come and you see to create the sheep and the lambs, the eagles and the doves. Be Me near while I am making the cups of the seas and the rivers and I lift the mountains and I paint them of snow and of forests, while I am sowing the fodder and the trees and the grapevines, and I make the olive for you, My Pacific and the grapevine for you, My shoot that the Eucharistic Cluster will bring. You flow, it flies, exults or My beautiful Woman and the world universe, that is created hourly you learn to love Me by yourself, Loving, and does him more beautiful for your laughter, Mother of my Child, Queen of my Heaven, your God's Love. And still, seeing the error and contemplating the Without Error: “ You come to Me, you that you cancel the bitterness of the human disobedience, of the human fornication with Satan, and of the human ingratitude, I will take with you, the revenge on Satan ". God, Creative Father, had created the man and the woman with such a perfect law of love that you are not able more even to understand the perfections of it. And you lose you in to think to how the species it would have come if the man had not gotten it with the teaching of Satan. You look at the fruit plants and seed plants. Do they get seed and fruit through fornication, through a insemination on one hundred consorts? No. From the male flower the pollen goes out and, driven by a complex of law meteoric and magnetic, it goes to the ovary of the flower female. These it opens and it receives it and it produces. He doesn't dirty itself and it refuses it then, as you do , to taste the day after the same sensation. It produces, and actually until to the new season he doesn't adorn with flowers, and when he adorns with flowers it is for reproducing. You look at the animals. Everybody. Have you ever seen a male animal and a female go the one verse the other for sterile embrace and lascivious commerce? No. From nearby or from far, flying, crawling, jumping or racing, they go when it is the time, to the fertility ritual, neither they subtract themselves stopping themselves to the enjoyment, but they go besides the serious and holy consequences of the issue, only purpose that in the man, demigod for the origin of Gratias, that I have made whole, should make to accept the animality of the act, necessary from when you are come down of a degree toward the animal. You don't do as the plants and the animals. You have had as teacher Satan, you have wanted him to teacher and you want him. And the works that you do are worthy of the teacher that 5
  • 6. you have wanted. But if you had been faithful to God, you would have had the joy of the children, piously, without pain. Without getting tired in obscene copulations, unworthy, that ignore also the beasts, the beasts without reasonable and spiritual soul. To the man and the woman, depraved by Satan, God wanted to oppose the Man born by Woman above sublimed by God to the point to procreate without having known man: Flower that procreates Flower without need of seed, but for only kiss of the Sun on the Lily-Maria's inviolate chalice. God's revenge! It whistles o Satan, your spitefulness while She is born. This Child has won you! Before you were the Rebel one, the Tortuous one, the Briber one, you were already the Defeated one and Her your Winner. Thousand armies lined up nothing they can against your power, the weapons of the men fall against your flakes, o Perennial, and there is no wind that is worth to disperse the stench of your breath. Yet this heel of infant, that is very rosy to be seemed the inside of a rosy camellia, that is very smooth and soft that the silk is sour to the comparison, that is so much small that it could enter the cup of a tulip, and to make of that vegetable satin a little shoe, here that it presses you without fear, here that it confines yourself in its cavern. Yet here that its wail makes you turn in escape, you that don't be afraid of the armies, and her breath purifies the world of your stench. You are won. Her name, Her glance, Her purity they are lance, lightning and rock that pierce through you, that demolish you, that imprison you in your den of hell, or Accursed, that have removed the joy to be Father of all the created men to God. By now you have uselessly contaminated them, these that had been created innocent, bringing them know and to conceive thru sinuosities the lust, depriving God, in His dearest creature, to be the Bestower of His children according to rules that, if they had been respected, they would have maintained on the Earth an equilibrium between the sexes and the races, suitable to avoid wars between the peoples and bad lucks among the families. Obeying they would also have known the love. Rather, only obeying they would have known the love and they would have had hit. A full and calm possession of this emanation of God, that goes down to the inferior one from the supernatural one, because also the flesh of it exultations piously, it that it is joined to the Spirit and created by the Same that created her the Spirit. Now your love oh men, your loves what are they? Oh lust dressed as a love. Oh incurable fear to lose the love of the consort for his/her lust and of others. You are not surer than the possession of the heart of the bridegroom or his/her bride, from when lust is in the world. And you tremble and you cry and you become insane of jealousy, assassins sometimes to avenge a betrayal, desperate that time, abulics in certain cases, insane in others. Here that you have made Satan to the children of God. These, that you have contaminated, would have known the joy to have children without having pain, the joy to have been born without the fear of the to die. But you are now won in a Woman and for the Woman. From now on who will 6
  • 7. love Her it will return to be of God overcoming your temptations to be able to look at Her immaculate purity. From now on not could conceive without pain, the mothers will have Her for consolation. From now on they will have Her the brides as Guide and the dying ones as Mother. For which sweet it will be the to die on that breast that is shield against you, Accursed, and against the judgment of God. Maria (note of mine: Valtorta), small voice, you have seen the birth of the Child of the Virgo and the birth to the Sky of the Virgo. You have seen therefore that to the without guilt it is unknown the punishment of the to give to the life and the punishment of the to give himself/herself to the death. But if to the super innocent Mother of God the perfection of the celestial gifts was reserved, to everybody, that in the First ones they had been innocent and God's children, it would have come to procreate without pains, as it was correct to have known how to join and to conceive without lust, and the to die without troubles. The sublime revenge of God on the revenge of Satan has been the to bring at perfection of the dearest creature to a super perfection, that annulled at least in one every memory of humanity, susceptible to the poison of Satan, for which not from chaste embrace of man but from divine embrace, that the Spirit makes astonished in the ecstasy of the Fire, it would have come the Child. The Virginity of the Virgo!... You come. Meditate this deep virginity, that gives in to the contemplate it dizziness of abyss! What is it the poor forced virginity of the woman that any man has gotten married? Less that nothing. What the virginity of that that wanted to be virgin to be of God, but she knows how to be only it in the body and not in the spirit, in which she allows to enter so many extraneous thoughts and caress and accept caresses of human thoughts? It starts to be a larva of virginity. But well a little still. What is it the virginity of a claustral that she lives only of God? A lot. But it is not always perfect virginity in comparison to that of my Mother. A matrimony has always been, also in the more saint. That of the origin between the Spirit and the Guilt. That that only the Baptism loosens. It loosens, but, as of woman separated by death of the bridegroom, it doesn't give total virginity which was that of the First ones before the Sin. A scar stays and aches, making memory of itself, and it is always ready to blossom again in sore as certain diseases that periodically their viruses intensify. In the Virgo there is not this sign of dissolved matrimony with the Guilt. Her Soul appears beautiful and intact as when her Father thought her gathering in Her all the graces. It is the Virgo. It is the Only one. It is the Perfect one. It is the Complete one. Thought such. Been such. Crowned such. Eternally such. It is the Virgo. It is the abyss of the intangibility, of the purity, of the grace, that loses it in the abyss from which it has sprung: in God, Intangibility, Purity, Grace very perfect. Here is the God's trine and one revenge. Against to the creatures profaned Him it lifts this Stella of perfection. Against the unhealthy curiosity, this Averse, pleased only to love God. Against the science of the Evil, this sublime Ignorant person. In Her it is not only ignorance of the 7
  • 8. depressed love; it is not only ignorance of the love that God had given to the men that get married. But still more. In Her it is the ignorance of the stimulus. Inheritance of the Sin. In Her there is only the icy and incandescent wisdom of the divine love. Fire that armors of ice the flesh, because be transparent mirror to the altar where a God marries him a Virgo, and he doesn't lose heart, because His Perfection embraces That that, as it suits it to a bride, it is of only a point inferior to the Bridegroom, to Him subject because Woman, but without stain as Him it is >>. 2. Jesus says (You see the pages 33/34 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta, editions CEV srl, 03036 Island of the Liri (FR): << Salomon makes to tell the Wisdom: " Who little boy is comes to me." And really from the fortress, from the walls of his city, the eternal Wisdom told the eternal Young girl: “ You come to Me ". It burned to have Her. Later on, the Son of the pure Young Girl will say: You " Allow to come to Me the children, since the Kingdom of the Skies is their and who doesn't become similar to them it won't have part in my Kingdom." It is rumoured and, while the voice from the Sky shouts to tiny Maria: " You come to Me ", the voice of the Man says, and He thinks about his Mother in to say it:" You come to Me if you know how to be little boys ". I give you the model in My Mother. Here is the perfect young girl with the simple and pure heart of a dove, here is That that years of worldly contacts don’t make wild in a barbarism of corrupted spirit, tortuous, liar. Because She doesn't want it. You come to Me looking at Maria. You that you see her tell me: is its look of infant very different from that you saw to her at the feet of the Cross, or in the exultation of the Pentecost, or in the time that the eyelids went down on its eye of gazelle for the last sleep? No. Here it is the uncertain look and surprised of the infant, then it will be the surprised one and modest of the Announced one, and then that blessed of the Mother of Bethlehem, and then that adoring of the My before sublime Disciple Woman, then that torn of the Tortured of the Golgota, then the radiant glance of the Resurrection and Pentecost, then that veiled by the ecstatic sleep of the last vision. But, both that opens at the first sights, both that it closes tired on the last light, after so much have seen of joy and of horror, the eye is the calm, pure, placid edge of sky that always shines equal under the forehead of Maria. Anger, lie, haughtiness, lust, hate, curiosities, don't dirty it never of their smoky clouds. It is the eye that looks at God with love, both that she cry or laughs, and that for love of God she caresses and it forgives and all bears, and by the love for her God it is done unassailable to the assaults of the Evil, that so many times use the eye to penetrate in the heart. The pure eye, restful, blessing that have the pure ones, the saints, God's persons in love.>>. I have told it: " Light of your body it is the eye. If the eye is pure, everything of your body will be illuminated. But if the eye is turbid, all of your person will be in the darkness." The saints have had this eye that is light to the Spirit and salvation to the flesh, because as Maria they don't have that for the whole life looked at God. Rather more they are still remembered of God. I will explain you, small voice ( note of mine: Maria Valtorta), what it is the sense of this word of mine >>. 8
  • 9. 3. You see the pages 34-38 of the quoted 1st Volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR) Jesus says: << ... But Maria was not only the Pure one the new Eva recreated for joy of God: it was the Super Eva, it was the Masterpiece of the Tall One, it was the flood of Grace, it was the Mother of the Verb in the mind of God. " Source of the Wisdom " says Jesus Bar Sirac " it is the Verb ". Won't his Son have, therefore, put on the lip of his Mother his wisdom? If to a prophet, that had to say the words that the Verb, the Wisdom, submit him to tell them to the men, the mouth was purified with the ardent carbons, won't it have the Love to its infant Bride that had to bring the Word, done clean and excited the power of speech, because she not more spoke as a child and then as woman, but only and always as celestial creature, melted to the big light and wisdom of God? The miracle is not in the superior intelligence shown in childish age by Maria, as then by Me. The miracle it is in to contain the endless Intelligence that it lived in, in the fit banks to not astonish the crowds, and not to wake up the satanic attention. I will still speak on this, that re-enters "in the to remember" that the saints have of God >>. 4. You see the pages 45-46 of the quoted 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR) Jesus says: <<.. The High Priest had said: " It walks in my presence and be perfect ". The High Priest didn't know that he talked to the Woman to inferior in perfection only to God. But he spoke in the name of God and therefore sacred it was his order. Always sacred, but particularly to the Full One of Wisdom. Maria had deserved that the " Wisdom prevented her and appeared her first “, because " from the beginning of its day She had stayed awake at its door and, desiring to instruct Herself for love, She wanted to be pure also to achieve the perfect love and to deserve to have her ( our note: the Wisdom )as Teacher ". In Her humility She didn't know to possess it before to have been born and that the union with the Wisdom was not that a to continue the divine throb of the Heaven. She could not imagine this. And when in the silence of the God’s heart She told Her sublime words, humbly She thought they were thoughts of pride, and raising an innocent heart to God begged: " Pity of your maid, my Lord!". Oh! Really that the true Wise, the eternal Virgo, has had a sole thought since the dawn of her day: " To turn to God her heart since the morning of the life and to stay awake for the Lord, praying in front of the Tall One ", asking forgiveness for the weakness of her heart, as its humility suggested her to believe, and she didn't know to anticipate the request of forgiveness for the sinners, that She would have done at the feet of the Cross together with the dying Son. " When then the great Lord will want it, She will be filled with the Spirit of intelligence " and She will understand then Her sublime mission. For now it is not that a Child, that laces in the sacred peace of the Temple, connects again more and more tightened its conversations, its affections, its 9
  • 10. memoirs with God. This is for everybody. But for you, doesn't small Maria (note of mine: Valtorta) have anything special to say your Teacher? " It walks in my presence, be therefore perfect ". I slightly modify the sacred sentence and I give it for you as order. Perfect in the love, perfect in the generosity, perfect in to suffer. It looks once more at the Mother. And it meditates on what so many ignore, or they want to ignore, because the pain it is subject too much unpleasant to their palate and their spirit. The pain. Maria has been having it since the first hours of the life. To be perfect as Her was, it was to also possess a perfect sensibility. Therefore more acute it had to be Her the sacrifice. But for this most meritorious. Who possesses purity it possesses love, who possesses love it possesses wisdom, who possesses wisdom it possesses generosity and heroism, because he/she knows the reason he sacrifices himself. Aloft your Spirit even if the cross curve yourself, breaks yourself, it kills you. God is with you >>. 8. The death of Gioacchino and Ann, You see the pages 46-49 of the aforesaid 1st volume of the Gospel of Maria Valtorta. …………………………………….. 9. Maria's hymn, You see the pages 49/54 of the aforesaid 1st volume of the Gospel of Maria Valtorta: "… I have not seen anything else other than a well young Maria, a twelve year-old Maria at the most, whose small face doesn't have those roundness anymore proper of the childhood, but it already discloses the futures contours of the woman in the oval that lengthens. Also hair is not loosened on the neck anymore with their light ringlets, but they are picked in two heavy plaits of a pale gold - it seems mixed to silver so much they are clear - along the shoulders and they actually go down to the sides. The face is more thoughtful, more mature, for how much be always a young girl face, a beautiful and pure young girl that, all dressed of white, sews in a tiny small room and all white, from whose wide open window it is seen the imposing and central building of the Temple and then the whole descent of the staircases, of the courtyards, of the porticos and, over the boundaries of the walls, the city with its streets and houses and gardens and, at the end, the gibbous and green top of the olive grove mountain. She sews and She sings in a low voice. I don't know if it were a sacred canticle. It says: <<As a star inside a clear water it shines after all me a light at the bottom of the heart. Since the infancy from me it doesn't separate and softly it drives me with love. At the bottom of the heart it is a song. Does it ever come from where? Man you don't know it. From where it rests the Saint. I look at my clear star neither I want what that is not, even though the thing sweetest and dear, that this sweet light that is mine. You have brought me from the tall Skies, Star, within a mother’s breast. You now live in me, but beyond the veils I see you, o glorious face of the Father. When to your maid you will give the honor to be humble handmaid of the Savior? He sends, from the Sky He sends to us the Messiah. Accept, holy Father, Maria's offer >>...Enter Ann di Fanuel ….<< Did you pray? It ever is not enough for you the prayer?>>. << The prayer would be enough for me, but I talk to God. Ann, you cannot know how I feel Him nearby to me. More than near in the heart. God forgives me such haughtiness. But I don't feel me alone… Not do fear that the pride blind me making me think what I now tell you. I look at 10
  • 11. her (note of mine :I think that Maria refers Herself to Her Divine Spark or Drop 6 ) , neither there is humble servant in the people of God that looks more humbly at the House of his/her Lord as me I look at it, convinced to be the scantiest of everybody. But what do I see? A veil. What do I think beyond the Veil? A Tabernacle. What, in that? But if I look me in the heart, here, I see God shine in His glory of love and to tell me: I love " you ", and I tell Him: I love " you" and me melt and I recreate me to every heartbeat in this mutual kiss … I am in the middle of you, teachers and dear companions. But a circle of flame isolates me from you. Within the circle God and me. And I see you through the Fire of God and so I love you ...but I cannot love you according to the flesh, neither never some I can love according to the flesh. But only this that loves me, and according to the Spirit. I know my fate. The secular Law of Israel wants of every young girl a bride and of every bride a mother. But me, also obeying the Law, I obey the voice that tells me: "I want you", and virgin I am and I will be. How can I will do it? This sweet invisible Presence that is with me will help me, since It wants such thing. I don't fear. I don't have father and mother anymore….only the Eternal knows how in that pain it burnt how much me I had of human. It burnt with atrocious pain. I don't have now that God. To Him therefore I obey blindly. Already I would also have done it against father and mother, because the voice instructs me that who wants to follow her he/she must pass beyond father and mother, loving watches of watch around the walls of the filial heart, that want to conduct to the joy according to their ways... and they don't know that there are other ways, whose joy is their infinite…. I would left dresses and mantle, also to follow the voice that tells me: " Come oh my dear oh my bride! " All I would have left them; and the pearls of the tears, because I would have cried to owe to disobey him, and my blood's rubies, for also the death I would have challenged for following the Voice that calls, they would have them said that there is something greater of the love of a father and a mother, and more sweet, and it is the Voice of God. But its will has now loosened also me from this string of filial pity. String would not already have been. They were two righteous and certain God talked in them as to me He speaks. They would have followed justice and truth…. When the time will be, I will tell the bridegroom my secret…and he will welcome it>>. << But Maria… which words will you find for persuading him? You will have against you a man's love, the Law and the life>>. << I will have with me God… God will open the heart of the bridegroom to the light…the life it will lose its stings of sense becoming a pure flower that has odor of charity. The Law…Anna, not to tell me blasphemer. I think that the Law is to be changed soon. From who, do you think, if it is divine? From the One that to change it is able to. From God. The time is close more than you doesn't think, I tell you it. Because, reading Daniel, a big light is made me coming from the center of the heart, and the mind it has understood the sense of the arcane words… so that I say: "close it is the time that it will hear to wail the Born from a Virgo." O wanted, this Light that loves me, tell me, since so many things tells me, where the Happy is that will give birth to the Child of God and the Messiah to her people! Walking barefoot I would 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 207 ( Drop or Divine Spark – Spirit – Self ) and page 208 ( Individuality ), Mediterranee 11
  • 12. cross the Earth, neither cold and intense cold, neither dust and summer heat, neither wild beasts and hunger would make me obstacle to reach Her and to tell her: " You grant to your maid and to the maid of the servants of the Christ to live under your roof. I will turn the millstone and the tight spot as slave to the millstone put me as herdswoman to your flock as the woman who cleanses the diapers to your Born, put me in your kitchens, put me at your ovens. where you want, but welcome me. That I see Him! Hears the voice of Him! Me receives His look ". ..<< You should be the Mother of the Christ, you that love Him this way! It is for this that you want to be virgin? << Oh! No. I am poverty and dust. I don't dare to lift the look toward the Gloria. It is for this that more than the double Veil, beyond which I know how to be the invisible Presence of Jehova, I love to look within my heart. There it is the terrible God of the Sinai. Here, in me, I see our Father, a loving face which it smiles at me and it blesses me, because I am small as a birdie.... 7. Jesus says ( you see the pages 54/56 of said 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta): << Maria remembered of God. She dreamt of God. She believed to dream. It didn't do that to see again how much Her spirit had seen in the splendor of the Sky of God, in the instant in which She had been created for being united to the flesh conceived on the Earth. It shared with God, even though in very smaller way, as justice it wanted, one of the qualities of God. That to remember, to see and to foresee for the attribute of the powerful and perfect intelligence, because not injured by the Guilt. The man is created in the image and similarity of God. One of the similarities are in the possibility, for the Spirit, to remember, to see and to foresee. This explains the faculty to read in the future. Faculty that comes, for want of God, a lot of times and directly, others for memory that gets up as sun on one morning, illuminating a datum point of the horizon of the centuries already seen by the breast of God…But for possessing the Spirit, the Grace is needed. But, to possess the Truth and Science, the Grace is needed. But, to have with us his/her Father, the Grace it is needed. Tent in which the Three People do abode. Propitiatory on which places the Eternal and He speaks, not from in the cloud, but disclosing His Face to the faithful Son. The saints are remembered of God. Of the words heard in the creative Mind that the Goodness resuscitates in their heart to raise them as eagles in the contemplation of the Truth, in the knowledge of the time. Maria was the Flood of Grace. The whole Grace one and trine it was in Her. The whole Grace one and trine it prepared her as bride for the wedding as thalamus to the issue, as divine to her maternity and her mission. It is the woman that concludes the cycle of the prophetesses of the Old Testament and it opens that of the "God's spokesman" in the New Testament. True ark of the Word of God, looking for ever in her breast inviolate, She discovered, traced by the finger of God on her immaculate heart, the words of eternal science, and she remembered, as all the saints, to have her already hear in the being procreated with her immortal spirit by God Father Creator of everything it has life. And, if not everything remembered of her future mission, this was because in every human perfection God leaves some gaps, for law of a divine prudence, that is goodness and that it is worth for and toward the creature. Second Eva, Maria has had to conquer herself her part of worth in the being the Mother of the Christ, with a 12
  • 13. loyal, good will, that God has also wanted in His Christ to make him Redeemer. The spirit of Maria was in the Sky. The her moral and her flesh on the Earth, and they had to stamp the ground and the flesh to reach the spirit and to connect it to the Spirit in the fertile embrace >>. 8. Maria confides her vote to the High Priest (You see the pages 57/60 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta ). …………………………………….. 9. Joseph was selected as bridegroom of the Virgo ( You see the pages 60/65 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta. ……………………………………………… 10. Wedding of the Virgo with Joseph, instructed by the Wisdom to be custodian of the Mystery (You see the pages 66/72 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta. <<...Be pleased Maria. Because you don't be orphan because yours are still with you and you have a bridegroom that for you he father and mother, so much he is perfect…". Oh! Yes! This is true. Of him I am not able me certain to be sorry. In less of two months he has come twice, and today it comes for the third one, challenging rains and windy time, to take orders from me…You think: orders! Me that I am a poor woman and of him so much more young! And nothing has denied me. Rather neither it even attends that I ask. It seems that an angel tells him what I desire, and he tell me before I speak. The last time has said: " Maria, I think that you prefer to be in your fatherly house. Since you are daughter heir, you can do it, if you like it. I will come in your house. Only, to observe the rite, you will go for a week in the house of Alfhaeus, my brother. Maria 7 already loves yourself so much. And from there the evening of the wedding the procession will depart that will bring you home ". It is not kind? He has not even cared to let the people say that he doesn't have a house that I like…. I would like it any case, because there is him in it, so much a good person. But sure… I prefer my house…for the childhood memories...Oh! It is good Joseph. " What has he said about the vote? You didn't tell me nothing yet." Nothing has opposed. Rather known the reasons of it, he has said: " I will unite my sacrifice to yours ". He is " a young man saint! ", Ann of Phanuel says. The "young man saint" it enters this point accompanied by Zechariah. It is literally splendid. All in yellow gold, an oriental sovereign seems. A splendid belt supports purse and dagger, the one of Moroccan and embroideries in gold, the other in scabbard also of Moroccan with gold friezes. In head a turban, or rather the usual cloth put still to hood as they have it certain peoples of Africa, the Bedouins for example, kept to set by a precious circle a thread of thin gold to which they are tied up small bundles of myrtle. He has a new mantle, full of fringes, in which he is draped with majesty, and he is flashing of joy. Between the hands he has small bundles of myrtle in flower " Peace to you, bride mine! “ he greets. " Peace to all ". And, had the regard of answer, he says " I have seen your joy that day that I have given you the branch of your garden. I have thought to 7 ( note of mine: Alfhaeus’ wife ) 13
  • 14. bring you the myrtle, cultured near the cave to you so much dear. I wanted to bring you the roses, that put already the first flowers against your house. But the roses don't last in more days of trip. I should arrived with thorns. And me to you, dear, I want to offer only roses, and of perfumed soft flowers to scatter the walk, because on them you set the foot without finding filth or sourness ". Oh! Thanks to you, good! As have been you able to make it come fresh this way? I have tied a vase to the saddle and inside I have put the branches of the flowers in bud. Along the walk they are in bloom. Here they are, Maria. Your forehead be garlanded of purity, the bride's symbol, but always, always so much smaller than that it is you in heart ".... All is ready. While they are attending I don't know what, Joseph says (it tells it setting apart himself/herself a few with Maria): “I have thought in this time about your vote. I have told you that I share it with you. But the more I think of it the more I understand than the temporary nazarite 8 it is not enough, although renewed more times. I have understood you Maria. Not yet worth the word of the Light. But a murmur comes. And this makes me read your secret, at least in the strongest lines. I am an ignorant poor man Maria. I am a poor worker. I don't know about literature and I don't have treasures. But to your feet I put my treasure. In perpetual. My absolute chastity, to be worthy of to be nearby you, God's Virgo, sister my bride, closed garden, sealed source ", as our ancestor says, that wrote perhaps the Hymn seeing you.… I will be the keeper of this garden of aromas, in which they are the most precious fruits and from which a spring of alive water gushes out with sweet impetus: your sweetness, oh bride that with your innocence you have conquered me the spirit oh all beautiful. Beautiful more than an aurora, sun that you shine since it shines you the heart, o all love for your God and for the world, to which you want to give the Savior with your sacrifice of woman. You come, my beloved " and he gently picks her by the hand, driving her toward the door…>> 11. The bride and bridegroom reach Nazareth. ( You see the pages 73/77 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta). ……………………………………………….. 12. The Annunciation (You see the pages 79/82 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta): " What I see: Maria, a very young girl, fifteen years old at the most at the aspect, it is in a small rectangular room. A true room of a young girl… The song changes it in prayer: << Lord Tall God, not to delay any further sending your Servant to bring the peace on the Earth. It arouses the propitious time and the pure and fertile virgin for the advent of your Christ. Father, Father Saint, grants to your maid to offer its life to this purpose. Grant to die me after having seen your Light and your Justice on the Earth and to have known that the Redemption is finished. O Holy Father, sends the Sigh of the Prophets to the Earth. You sends the Redeemer to your maid. That in the time in which ceases my day, opens for me your Abode, because its doors have already been opened by your Christ for all those people who have hoped in You. You come, you come, o the Lord's Spirit. You come to your believers that wait for you. Come Prince of the 8 ( note of mine: Judean that devotes himself to God with abstinence votes 14
  • 15. Peace! ... >>. Maria stays absorbed so… The curtain palpitates stronger, as if someone behind to it he/she ventilated with something or he/she shook it to remove it. And a white light of fused pearl to pure silver does clearer the walls slightly pale yellow, more alive the colors of the cloths, more spiritual the face lifted of Maria. In the light, and without the curtain is removed on the mystery that ends - it doesn't palpitate anymore rather, it hangs well rigid against jambs, as if it were wall that isolates the inside from the outside - the Archangel prostrates him. It necessarily has to assume human aspect. But it is an aspect ultra human. Of which flesh is it composed this very beautiful and lightening figure? Of which substance has He materialized it God to make it sensitive to the senses of the Virgo? Only God can possess these substances and to use them in such perfect way. It is a face, it is a body, they are eyes, mouth, hair and hands as ours. But they are not our opaque Matter. It is a light that it has taken color of flesh, of eyes, of hair, of lips, a light that moves and it smiles and it looks and it speaks. << Hail, Maria, Grace's flood, hail! >> The voice is a sweet arpeggio as of pearls thrown on a precious metal. Maria starts and it lowers the look. And She starts more when she sees the radiant creature knelt at one meter around of distance from Her and that, with the cross hands on the breast, it looks at her with an endless veneration. Maria jumps standing and tightens her at the wall. She becomes pale and red alternatively. Her face expresses amazement and dismay. She unconsciously presses the hands on the breast hiding them under the wide sleeves, it almost bends down to hide the more possible her body. An action of gentle modesty. << No. Don't be afraid. The Lord is with you! You are blessed among all the women>>. But Maria keeps on fearing. From where has come that extraordinary being ? It is an envoy of God or the deceiver? << Don't be afraid, Maria!>> it repeats the Archangel. << I am Gabriel the angel of God. My Lord has sent me to you. Don't be afraid, because you have found grace near God. And now you will conceive in the womb and you will give birth to a Child and you will set him name "Jesus." These it will be great, he will have called Son of the Tall One (and such it will be indeed) and the Lord God it will give him the throne of David his father and it will reign for ever on the house of Jakob, and its kingdom will never have end. You understand or holy Virgo loved by the Lord, blessed daughter of Him, called to be Mother of his Child, what Child you will procreate >>. << How can it happen this if I don't know man? Perhaps that the Lord God doesn't welcome any more the offer of its maid and He doesn't want me virgin for love of Him? >>. << Not for good work of man you will be Mother oh Maria. You are the eternal Virgo the Saint of God. The Holy Spirit will go down in you and the power of the Tall One it will shadow you. Therefore Saint will be called He who it will be born from you and Son of God. Everything it can the Lord our God. Elizabeth, the sterile one, in her old age she has conceived a child that will be the prophet of your Child, he who prepare the ways of it. The Lord has raised to this her opprobrium, and its memory will stay in the peoples connected to your name as the name of its creature to that of your Saint and up to the end of the centuries the peoples they will call you blessed for the Grace of the Lord arrival up to you and to you especially; come to the people for your mean. Elizabeth is in her sixth month and her weight she lifts her to 15
  • 16. the joy, and more she will lift her when she will know your joy. Nothing is impossible to God, Maria, Grace's flood. What must I tell my Lord? You don't upset yourself thought of sort. He will protect his affairs if to Him you submit yourself. The world, the Sky, the Eternal, waits your word!>>. Maria, crossing in turn the hands on the breast and bending herself in a depth bow, it says: <<Here is God's handmaid. Be done to me according to your word! >>. The angel sparkles by the joy. He adores, since certain he sees the Spirit of God lower on the Virgo it bends in the adhesion, and then it disappears without moving curtain, but leaving it well pull on the holy Mystery “. 12. The disobedience of Eva and the obedience of Maria (page 84/91 of said first volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta). Jesus says: "…Lucifer was angel, the most beautiful of the angels. Perfect spirit, inferior to God only. Yet in his bright being it was born a vapor of haughtiness that he does not dissipate. But rather it condensed brooding it. And from this incubation the Evil was born. It was before the man was. God had fallen him out the Heaven, the accursed Incubator of the Evil, this soiler of the Heaven. But it has remained the eternal Incubator of the Evil and, not could dirty the Heaven anymore, the Earth has dirtied. That metaphoric plant is to show this truth. God had told the man and the woman: “ You know all the laws and the mysteries of the Creation. But you don't want to usurp me the right to be the Creator of the man. My love will be enough to propagate the human stock that will circulate in you, and without lust of sense but for only throb of charity it will arouse the new Adams of the stock. All I give you. Only I reserve Myself this mystery of the formation of the man ". Satan has wanted to take away this intellectual virginity to the man, and with its serpentine language he has blandished and caressed limbs and eyes of Eva, arousing reflexes and acuteness of it that before she didn't have, because the Malice had not poisoned them yet. "she saw ". And seeing wanted to try. The flesh was aroused. Oh! if had called God! If she was raced to tell Him: " Father! I am sick. The Snake has caressed me and disturbance is in me ". The Father would have purified her and recovered with His breath, that, as He had infused her life, He could again infuse her innocence, making her forget of the serpentine toxic and rather putting in her the repugnance for the Snake, as it is in those that an evil has attacked and that, recovered of that evil, they bring an instinctive repugnance of it. But Eva doesn't go to the Father. Eva returns to the Snake. That sensation is sweet for her. " Seeing that the fruit of the tree was good to eat and beautiful to the eye and pleasant to the aspect, she gathered it and she ate of it. And “she understood". By now the malice it had gone down to bite her bowel. She saw with new eyes, and she heard with new ears the uses and the voices of the brutes. And she craved for them with insane greed. It began alone the sin. It completed it with the companion. That's why on the woman it weighs greater sentence. It is for her that the man is become rebellious to God and that he has known lust and death. It is for her that he has not known how to dominate his three kingdoms anymore: of the spirit because he has allowed that the spirit disobeyed to God; of the moral one, because he has allowed that the passions ruled over him; of the flesh because it degraded it to the 16
  • 17. instinctive laws of the brutes. " The Snake has seduced me “ Eva says." " The woman has offered me the fruit and me I have eaten of it ", Adam says. And triplex cupidity seizes since then the three kingdoms of the man. There is not that the Grace that succeeds in loosening the hold of this merciless monster. And, if it is alive, intense, maintained more and more long live from the will of the faithful Son, it reaches to squeeze the monster and not to have to fear of nothing anymore. Not of the inside tyrants, or rather of the flesh and of the passions; not of the external tyrants, or rather of the world and of the powerful persons of the world. Not of the persecutions. Not of the death. It is as the apostle Paul says: " None of these things I fear, neither I hold on to my life more than me, provided that I complete my mission and the ministry received by the Lord Jesus to make testimony to the Gospel of the Grace of God ". Maria says: <<In the joy, since when I have understood the mission to which God called me I was full of joy, my heart it opened as a shut lily and spread that blood that was clod to the Germ of the Lord. Joy to be mother. I had devoted to God from the first age, because the light of the Tall One had illuminated me the cause of the evil of the world and I had wanted, for how much in my power was, to cancel the trace of Satan. I didn't know to be Without Stain. I could not think about being it. The solo to think it would have been conceitedness and haughtiness, because been born by human parents, it was not me permissible to think that really I was the Chosen to be the Without Stain. The Spirit of God had instructed me on the pain of the Father in front of the corruption of Eva, that had wanted to dishearten itself, creature of grace, at a level of inferior creature. It was in me the intention to sweeten that pain bringing back my flesh to the angelic purity with to put aside me inviolate from thoughts, desires and human contacts. Only for Him my throb of love, only to Him my being. But, if it were not in me burning thirst of flesh, it was still there however the sacrifice not to be mother. The maternity, deprived of how much now disheartens it, it had also been granted from the Creator Father to Eva. Sweet and pure maternity without heaviness of sense! I have tried out it! Of how much Eva deprives herself renouncing this wealth! More than of the immortality. And it doesn't seem you exaggeration. My Jesus, and with Him me, his Mother, we have known the languor of the death. Me the sweet languor of whom tired it falls asleep. Him the atrocious languor of whom dies for his sentence. Therefore also to us death has come. But the maternity, without violations of sort, it has come to me alone, new Eva, because I could tell the world of which sweetness it was the woman's fate called to be mother without pain of flesh. And the desire of this pure maternity could be and it was also in the virgin all of God, since it is the glory of the woman. If you think, then, in what honor was kept the mother woman near the Israelis, still more you can think what sacrifice I had completed consecrating me to this deprivation. Now to His maid the Eternal Good gave this gift without taking away from me the innocence of which I had dressed myself for being flower on its throne. And me of it rejoiced with the double joy to be mother of a man and to be Mother of God. Joy to be That for which peace was consolidated between Sky and Earth. 17
  • 18. Oh! To have desired this peace for love of God and of neighbor, and to know that through me, poor handmaid of the Powerful person, it came to the world! To say: "Oh! Men you don't cry anymore. I bring in me the secret that will do you happy. I cannot tell you it, because it is sealed in me, in my heart, as He is Child is closed in the breast inviolate. But I already bring you him among you, but every hour that it passes it is more neighbor the moment in which you will see Him and you will know the holy Name of it." Joy to have made happy God: joy of believer for her God done happy. Oh! The to have removed from the heart of God the bitterness of the disobedience of Eva! Of the haughtiness of Eva! Of her incredulity! My Jesus has explained of which guilt the first Couple got stained. I have annulled that guilt remaking backwards, to ascend, the stages of her descent. The principle of the guilt was in the disobedience. " Do not eat and do not touches of that tree " He had said God. And the man and the woman, the kings of the Creation, that were able of everything to touch and to eat except of that, because God wanted to render them inferior to the angels only, but they didn't keep in mind of that prohibition. The plant: the mean to try the obedience of His children. What is the obedience to the command of God? It is good, because God doesn't command but the good. What is the disobedience? It is evil, because it puts the mind in the disposition of rebellion on which Satan can operate. Eva goes to the plant from which its good would have come with to escape it, or her evil with to approach it. She goes dragged by the childish curiosity to see that it had in itself of special, from the imprudence that it makes her seem useless the command of God, since she is strong and pure, queen of the Eden, in which everything obeys her and in which nothing can do her some evil. Her conceitedness ruin herself. The conceitedness is already yeast of haughtiness. At the plant she finds the Seducer, which, to her inexperience, to her virgin so beautiful inexperience, to her ill protected from her inexperience, he sings the song of the lie. “ Do you believe that here be of the evil? No. God has told you it, because he wants to hold you slaves of his power. Do you believe to be king? You are not even free as it is it the beast. To it is granted to love themselves of true love. Not to you. To it is granted to be creator as God. It will produce children and he/she will see to grow to his/her liking the family. Not to you. To you denied it is this joy. To that advantage therefore to make you man and woman if you must live in such way? You are gods. Don't you know which joy it is the being two in an alone flesh, that creates a third and a lot of more third? You don't believe in the promises of God to have joy of posterity seeing his/her children create new families, leaving for them father and mother. He has given you a larva of life: true life is to know the laws of the life. Then you will be similar to gods and you can tell God: We are " your equals ". And seduction is continued, because there was no wish to break it, but rather will to continue it and to know what was not in the man. Here that the forbidden tree becomes, to the race, really deadly, because from its branches hangs the fruit of the bitterness to know that it 18
  • 19. comes from Satan. And the woman becomes female, and with the yeast of the satanic knowledge in heart, she goes to corrupt Adam. Degraded so the flesh, depraved the moral one, degraded the spirit, they knew the pain and the death of the spirit private of the Grace, and of the flesh private of the immortality. And the wound of Eva produced the suffering, that won't appease it until the last couple it won't be extinct on the Earth. I have backtracking the way of the two sinners. I have obeyed. In all the ways I have obeyed. God had asked me to be virgin. I have obeyed. Loved the virginity, that did me pure as the first of the women, before knowing Satan, God has asked me to be bride. I have obeyed, bringing the marriage to that degree of purity that was in the thought of God when He had created the two First. Convinced to be destined to the loneliness in the marriage and to the scorn of the neighbor for my holy sterility, God now asked me to be Mother. I have obeyed. I have believed that this was possible and that that word came from God, because peace spread in me in to hear it. I have not thought: “I are deserved it ". I do not told me: “The world will now admire me, because I am similar to God creating the flesh of God ". No. I have annihilated myself in the humility. Joy has gushed out me from the heart as a stem of in bloom rose. But it immediately adorned itself of acute thorns and I was squeezed in the tangle of the pain as that branches that are wrapped up in the tangle of the convolvulus. The pain of the pain of the bridegroom: here is the narrow passage of mine to rejoice. The pain of the pain of my Son: here are the thorns of mine to rejoice. Eva wanted the enjoyment, the triumph, the liberty. I accepted the pain, the annihilation, the slavery. I renounced my calm life, to the respect of the bridegroom, to my proper liberty. I was not me laid nothing. I became the handmaid of God in the flesh, in the moral one, in the spirit, not only submitting me to Him for the virgin conception, but for the defense of my honor, for the consolation of the bridegroom, for the mean with which to also bring him to the sublimation of the married life, for doing of us those people that give back the lost dignity to the man and the woman. I embraced the will of the Lord for me, for the bridegroom, for my creature. I said: "Yes" for everybody three, certain that God would not have lied to His promise to assist me in my pain of bride, that she is seen judged guilty, of mother that is seen to procreate for giving her Child to the pain. "Yes" I have said. Yes only. That "yes" it has annulled the "no" of Eva to the command of God. " Yes, Lord, as You want. I will live as You want. I will rejoice if You want. I will suffer for that that You want. Yes, always yes, my Lord, from the moment in which your ray was made me Mother up to the moment in which you called me to You. Yes, always yes. All the voices of the flesh, all the passions of the moral one under the weight of mine perpetual yes. And upon, as a pedestal of diamond, my spirit to which they miss wings to fly up to You, but it is lord of the whole self, tamed and Your servant. I serve in the joy, I serve in the pain. But you smile, oh God, and be happy. The Guilt is defeated. It is took away, it is destroyed. It lies under my heel, it has washed in my weeping, destroyed by my obedience. From my breast will be born the new tree that will bring the Fruit that will know the whole Evil, to have suffered it in Itself, and He will give the whole Good. To 19
  • 20. this the men can come, and I will be happy if they will gather, also without thinking that it is born from me. Provided that the man saves him and God is beloved, does it of his handmaid that that it does it of the clod on which a tree rises: step to climb." Maria, (note of mine: The Lady turns her to the Valtorta), it always needs to know how to be step because the other ones climb to God. If they tread on us, it has done nothing. Provided that they succeeds in going to the Cross. It is the new tree that the fruit of the knowledge of the Good and the Evil has, because it tells the man what it is badly and what is well because He knows how to choose and to live, and it knows at the same time how to do of itself liqueur to recover the poisoned from the wanted evil to taste. Our heart under to the feet of the men, provided that the number of the redeemed ones grows and the Blood of my Jesus is not poured out without fruit. Here is the fate of the handmaids of God. But then we deserve to receive in the womb the holy Host and at the feet of the Cross, soaked of His blood and of our weeping to say: " Here, oh Father, the immaculate Host that we offer you for the health of the world. Look at us oh Father, fused with It, and for Her endless merits, give us your benediction." And I give you my caress. Daughter rests. The Lord is with you. >>. Jesus says: <<The word of my Mother would also should dissipate every hesitancy of thought in the more clogged in the formulas. I have said: "metaphoric plant." I will now say: "symbolic plant." You will understand better perhaps. Its symbol is clear: from the as the two children of God they would have acted in comparison to it, it would be understood as it was in them tendency to the Good or to the Evil. How turpentine water that tries the gold and balance of goldsmith that it weighs the carats of it, that plant, become one "mission" for God's command in regards to it, it has given the measure of the purity of the metal of Adam and Eva. I already hear your objection: Has not the sentence been excessive and childish the mean used for reaching to condemn them?". It has not been. A disobedience currently in you, that are their heirs, it is less serious than it was not for them. But the poison of Satan is always ready to rise again, as certain diseases that don't totally annul never them in the blood. Them, the two progenitors, were holders of the Grace without to have ever had brushed against with the Misfortune. Therefore stronger, more supported by the Grace, that produced innocence and love. Endless it was the gift that God had given them. Well more serious therefore their fall despite that gift. Symbolic also the offered fruit and eaten. It was the fruit of a wanted experience to complete for satanic instigation against the command of God. I had not interdicted the love to the men. I exclusively wanted that they were loved without malice; as I loved them with my holiness, they had to love themselves in holiness of affections, that any lust dirties. It must not be forgotten that the Grace is light, and who possesses it he/she knows what it is useful and good to know. The Flood of Grace knew everything, because the Wisdom instructed her, the Wisdom that is Grace, and she was known how to piously drive. Eva knew therefore what was good to know. Not over, because it is useless to know what it is not good. She didn't have faith 20
  • 21. in the words of God and it was not faithful in her promise of obedience. She believed in Satan, it broke the promise, she wanted to know the not good, it loved it without remorse, made the love that I had given her so saint, a corrupt thing, a degraded thing. Impoverished angel rolled her in the mud and on the straw, while she could be racing happy among the flowers of the terrestrial Heaven and to see it bloom around the children, as a plant covers itself with flowers without bending the head of hair in the slush. You are not as the foolish little boys that I point out in the Gospel, which they have heard to sing and the ears are plugged, they have heard to play and they have not danced, they have heard to cry and they have wanted to laugh. You are not niggardly and you are not deniers. You accept, you accept without malice and stubbornness, without irony and incredulity, the Light. And enough on this. To make you understand how much thankful must be to He who it is dead to raise again you to the Sky and to win the lust of Satan, has wanted to speak to you, in this time of preparation to the Easter, of this that it has been the first ring of the chain with which the verb of the Father was drawn to the death the divine lamb at the slaughter house. I have wanted to speak of it because now the ninety percent among you is similar to Eva poisoned by the breath and by the word of Lucifer, and you doesn't live for loving you but to satiate you of sense, you doesn't live for the sky, but for the mud, you are not creatures anymore endowed with soul and reason but dogs without soul and without reason. The soul you have killed her and the reason depraved. In truth I tell you that the brutes overcome you in the honesty of their loves>>. 13. Maria announces the maternity of Elizabeth to Joseph and submits to God the assignment to justify her ( you see the pages 91-96 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta, published by CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri land (FR), Italy. …………………………………………. 14. Joseph's Passion (you see page 125, from the line 17 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta up to page 130). …………………………………………… 15. Joseph asks for forgiveness to Maria. Faith, charity and humility to receive God ( you see the pages 130-134 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta). ………………………………………….. 16. The edict of the census. Teachings on the love to the bridegroom and on the trust in God (you see the pages 134-139 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta). ………………………………………….. 17. Jesus' birth. Effectiveness of the divine maternity of Maria for the Salvation ( You see the pages 143-151 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta). "..Maria raises the head as for a celestial call and is straightened again in knee. Oh! As is beautiful here! She lifts the head that seems to shine in the white light of the moon, and a non human smile transfigures her. What does she see? What ode? What test? Only Her could say how 21
  • 22. much she saw, it felt and it tried in the radiant time of her Maternity. I see only that around Her the light grows, it grows, it grows. It seems goes down from the Sky, it seems it emanate from the poor things that are around her, it seems above all that it emanate from Her. Her dress, blue dark, it now seems of a pale celestial, and the hands and the face seem to make pale blue as those of a person under the fire of an immense pale sapphire. This color, that it remembers me, although tenuous, what I see in the visions of the saint Heaven, and what you see in the vision of the arrival of the Magi, spreads always also more on the things, it dresses them, it purifies them, it does them splendid. The light is emitted by the body of Maria more and more, it absorbs that some of the moon, it seems that She attracts in itself that light that can come her from the Sky. By now it is Her the Depositary of the Light. That Light that must give this Light to the world. And this beatific, uncontrollable, immeasurable, eternal, divine Light that is to be given, it is announced with a dawn, a daylight, a choir of tomes of light that they grow, grows as a tide, that they climb, they climb as an incense, that they go down as a flood, that they stretch it as a veil. The vault, flood of cracks, of spider’s web, of leaning rubble that is in unstable balance for a miracle of statics, black, smoky, repellent, it seems the vault of a regal room. Every rock is a silver block, every crack a dart of opal, every spider’s web a precious canopy silver context and diamonds. A big green lizard, in lethargy among two boulders, it seems a necklace of emerald forgotten there by a queen; and a cluster of bats in lethargy, a precious onyx lamp. The hay, that hangs from the tallest manger is not grass anymore, they are threads and threads of pure silver that tremble in the air with the grace of a untied head of hair. The inferior manger it is, in its dark wood, a block of burnished silver. The walls are covered with a brocade in which the snowy whiteness of the silk disappears under the pearly embroidery of the relief and the ground. what is now the ground? It is a crystal turned on by a white light. The prominences seem roses of light thrown for homage to the ground; and the holes, precious cups from which must climb aromas and perfumes. And the light grows more and more. It is unbearable to the eye. In it disappears, as absorbed by a veiled wall of incandescence the Virgo… and the Mother emerges of it. Yes. When the light returns to be sustainable to mine for seeing, I see Maria with Her Child newborn on the arms. A small Child, rosy and chubby, that gropes and it toddles as with the small hands as a rosebud and with the footsies that would be in the hollow of a heart of rose; what it wails with a trembling small voice, really of a little lamb been just born..". The Virgin Mary says (note of mine: to Maria Valtorta): <<… Me, Maria, has redeemed the woman with my divine maternity. But it was not that the beginning of the redemption of the woman, this. Denying me to every human wedding intercourse with the vote of virginity, I had rejected every lustful satisfaction deserving grace from God. But it was not enough yet. Because the sin of Eva was tree with four branches: haughtiness, avarice, greediness, lust. And all four had to be broken off before sterilizing the tree from the roots. Actually humiliating me to the depth, I have won the haughtiness. I have humbled me in front of everybody. I don't speak of my humility toward God. This is due to the Tall One by every creature. It had it his Verb. I had to have it me, woman. 22
  • 23. But has you ever thought over which humiliations owed suffer, and without defending me in any way, from the men? Also Joseph, that was a Righteous, had accused me in his heart. The others, that righteous they were not, they had sinned of murmuring toward my state, and the noise of their words had come as bitter wave to break against my humanity. And they were the first ones of the endless humiliations that my life of Mother of Jesus and the of human kind they gave me. Humiliations of poverty, refugee's humiliations, humiliations for reproaches of relatives and friends that, not knowing the truth, they judged weak my way to be mother toward my Jesus made young man, humiliations in the three years of His office, cruel humiliations in the time of the Calvary, humiliations until in to have to recognize that I didn't have the possibility of purchasing place and aromas for the burial of my Child. I have won the avarice of the Progenitors renouncing in advance of time to my Creature. A mother never abdicates that forcedly to her creature. Asks her to her heart the country, the love of a bride or of the same God, she is balky about the separation. It is natural. The child grows us in the womb and is never cut completely the bond that holds his person joined to ours. If also the channel of the vital navel is broken, a spiritual nerve that departs from the heart of his mother, more alive and sensitive nerve of a physical nerve, which grafts it in the heart of her child always stays. And it feels it stretch up to the pang if the love of God or of a creature or of the demands of the country, estrange her child from his mother. And it breaks it lacerating the heart if death tears a child to a mother. And I have abdicated, from the moment that I have had him as my Child. To God I have given him. To you I have given Him. Me, of the fruit of my breast, I deprive myself to make amends for the theft of Eva of the fruit of God. I have won the greediness, and to know and to enjoy, accepting to entirely know what God wanted I knew, without asking to me or to Him more of what it was me said. I have believed without investigating. I have won the greediness of the to enjoy, because I denied me every taste of sense. My flesh I have put her under the feet. The flesh, tool of Satan, was confined it with Satan under my heel to do of it step to approach me to the Sky. The Sky! My destination. There where God was. The only my hunger. Hunger that it is not gluttony, but necessity blessed by God, which wants that we desire Him. I have won the lust, which is the gluttony brought to the greediness. Because every vice not mastered conducts to a greater vice. And the gluttony of Eva, already reprehensible, it conducted her to the lust. It was not enough for her to give herself satisfaction alone. She wanted and she made teacher of lust to the companion. I have turned upside-down the terms and, in place to go down, I have always been climbed. Instead to make to go down, I have attracted aloft always, and of my companion, a honest, I have made an angel. Now that I possessed God and with Him its endless wealths, I have hastened to strip of them saying of it: " Here is done for Him and from Him His will ". Chaste it is he who it not only has temperance of the pleasures of the flesh, but also of affections and of thoughts. I had to be the 23
  • 24. Caste to annul the Immodest one of the flesh, of the heart and of the mind. And I didn't go out of my reserved ness even not saying of my Child, entirely my on the Earth as it was entirely of God in Sky: " This is mine and I want him ". Yet it was not enough for getting to the woman the peace lost by Eva yet. That I got you at the feet of the Cross. In the seeing to die That you have seen to be born. In to feel to tear me the bowel from the cry of my Creature that died, I have been empty of every feminism: not more flesh but angel. Maria, the Virgo gotten married to the Spirit, died at that time. The Mother of the Grace remained, that that has you from her torment generated the Grace and she has given it for you. The female that I had consecrated again woman the night of the Christmas, at the feet of the Cross it purchased the means to become creature of the Skies. This I have done me for you, also denying me every satisfaction even holy. Of you, reduced by Eva non superior females to the companions of the animals, I have done, just that you want it, the holy ones of God. I am ascended for you. As I did with Joseph, I have brought more aloft you. The rock of the Calvary is my Mountain of the Olives. From there I have taken the leap to bring to the Skies the soul sanctified again of the woman together with my flesh, glorified for having brought the Verb of God and annulled in me also the last trace of Eva, the last root of that tree from the four poisonous branches and from the root driven in the sense, that had dragged to the fall the humanity and that up to the end of the centuries and to the last woman it will bite you the bowel. From there, where I now shine in the ray of the love, I call you and I point out you the Medicine to win you same: the Grace of my Lord and the Blood of my Child. And you (note of mine: Maria Valtorta ), my voice, rests your soul in the light of this dawn of Jesus, to have strength for the future crucifixions that won't be saved you, because here we want you and here we comes through the pain, because here we want you and so much aloft we comes how much more pain is brought for getting Grace to the world. Go in peace, I am with you>>. 18. The holiness of Joseph and the obedience to the priests (you see the pages 159-165 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta): …………………………………………………….. It says, then, Maria ( may note: of Nazareth ): "… I understand it. I know it. But you will see me cry stronger still. For the time being I lift you the spirit showing you the holiness of Joseph, that was man, or rather that it didn't have other help to his spirit that his own holiness. I had all the gifts of God in my condition of Immaculate. I didn't know to be it. But in my soul they were active and they gave me spiritual strengths. But he was not immaculate. The humanity was into him with all of its heavy weight, and he had to rise toward the perfection with that whole weight, at the cost of the continuous work of all of its faculties to want to reach the perfection and pleasant being to God. Oh! Saint my bridegroom! Saint in all the things, also in the humblest things of the life. Saint for his chastity of angel. Saint for his honesty of man. Saint for his patience, for his industriousness, for his unvaried equal serenity, for his modesty, for everything. 24
  • 25. Such holiness it shine also in this event. A priest tells him: " It is well that you establish here you ", and him, also knowing to how much great work goes toward, it says: "For me it is not anything. I think about the pain of Maria. It was not for this, I would not worry me for me. Enough that this is useful to Jesus." Jesus, Maria: his angelic loves. Other has not loved on the Earth, this saint of mine bridegroom. It is to this love he has made servant himself. They have done him protector of the Christian families and of the workers of so many categories. But not only of the agonizing ones, of the bridegrooms, of the workers, although also of the consecrate ones he should be done it. Which among the consecrate ones of the Earth, to the service of God, which it be, that is consecrated as him to the service of his God, accepting everything, giving up everything, bearing everything, completing everything with promptness, with hilarious spirit, with constant humor, as did he do? No, it is not of it. And another thing I make you observe, rather two. Zechariah is a priest. Joseph is not it. But it also observes as he who it is not it it has the spirit in Sky more than the priest. Zechariah humanly thinks and humanly interprets the Writings because, it is not the first time that does it, it makes too much him lead from the good human sense. he has been punished of it. But it still makes the same mistake, although less seriously. He had said for the birth of John: " How can it happen if I am old and my wife is sterile?". He now says: To flatten him the way, the Christ it owes here grow " and, with that small root of pride that also persists in the best, he thinks about being able to be him useful to Jesus. Not useful as he wants to be him Joseph serving him, but useful serving him as teacher… God has forgiven him for the good intention. But did it ever have need the "Teacher" to have teachers? I tried to make him to see the light in the prophecies. But he felt more erudite than me and it used his feeling to his way. I would have been able to insist and to win. But - here is the second observation that I make you do - but I have respected the priest for his dignity, not for his to know. The priest is, generally always illuminated by God. I have said "generally ". It is it when it is a true priest. It is not the dress that that consecrates, it is the soul. To judge if one is a true priest it needs to judge what it goes out of his soul. As my Jesus he has said, it is from the soul that they go out the things that sanctify or that they contaminate, those that inform the whole way to act of an individual. So, when one is true priest, he is generally always inspired by God. Of the others, that such they are not, it is necessary to have supernatural charity, and to pray for them. But my Son has already put you to the service of this redemption and I doesn't say more. Be pleased to suffer because the true priests increase. And you rest on the word of whom leads yourself. And you believe in Him and you obey his advice. To obey always saves. Even if it is not perfect in the whole the advice that it is received. You see. We obeyed. And it was well, True that Erodes it limited himself to make to exterminate the children of Bethlehem and outskirts. But would not Satan have been able to push and to propagate these waves of spiteful envy well over, and to persuade all the powerful persons of Palestine to equal crime to let the future King of the Jews to suppress? He would have been 25
  • 26. able. And it would have happened in the first times of the Christ, when the to be repeated some prodigies had aroused the attention of the crowds and the eye of the powerful persons. How we would have been able, if this had happened, to cross the whole Palestine to come from the distant Nazareth in Egypt, hospitable country to the persecuted Hebrews, and to do it with a small child and while it was raging a persecution? Easier the escape from Betlem, even if equally painful. The obedience always safe. Remember it. And the respect for the priest is always sign of Christian formation. Troubles - and Jesus has told it - troubles to the priests that forgive their apostolic flame! But troubles also to whom believes permissible to scorn them! Because they consecrate and they distribute the true Bread that comes down from the Sky. And that contact makes them holy as a sacred chalice, even if saints are not. To God they will answer of it. You consider them such and you don't take care of other. You don’t be more intransigent than your Lord Jesus, which leaves the Sky at their command and it goes down for being elevated in their hands. You learn from Him. And if they are blind, and they are deaf, with a paralytic soul and a sick thought, if they are leprous of guilts too much in contrast with their mission, if they are as Lazarus in a sepulchre, you call Jesus, that restores to health them, that resuscitates them. Call Him with your to prey and with yours to suffer, oh souls victims. To save a soul is to predestinate to the Sky our soul. But to save a priestly soul is to save a great number of souls, because every holy priest is a net that drags souls to God. And to save a priest, or rather to sanctify, sanctify again, is to create this mystic net. Every prey of his it is a light that is added to your eternal crown. You go in peace>>. 19. Jesus' presentation to the Temple. The virtue of Simeon and the prophecy of Ann (you see the pages 165-171 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta): "… I feel the words of the old saint and I see the look surprised of Joseph, that touched of Maria, and also those of the small crowd, partly surprised and touched, to the words of the old one, and partly taken by hilarity. Among these there are some members of the Sanhedrin, that shake the head looking at Simeon with ironic pity. They must think him gone off his head for the age. The smile of Maria goes off in a more alive pallor, when Simeon announces her pain. As far as She knows it, this word pierces through her the spirit. She draws near more to Joseph, Maria, to take comfort, tightens with passion her child to the breast and she drinks, as a thirsty soul, Ann's words, which, woman as it is, it has pity of her to suffer and it promises her that the Eternal will sweeten her of a supernatural strength in the time of the pain. << Woman, to Whom the Savior has given his people, it won't miss the power to give his angel to comfort your weeping . The great women of Israel are never missed the help of the Lord, and you are well more than Judith and Giaele 9 . Our God will give you heart of pure gold to withstand the sea of pain, for which you will be the greatest Woman of the Creation, the Mother. And You, Child, remembered of me in the time of Your mission…>>. 9 This name has to be translated in the English language 26
  • 27. 20. the Virgo’s lullaby (You see the pages 171-173 of the I° volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta) …………………………………………. 21. Adoration of the Magi. It is " Gospel of the Faith “(You see the pages 174-185 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta) ". …………………………………………. 22. Flight in Egypt. Teachings on the last vision bound up with the birth of Jesus (You see the pages 186-194 of the 1st volume of the Gospel revealed to Maria Valtorta): "Joseph returns. << Are you ready? It is ready Jesus? Have you taken his covers his small bed ? Cannot bring the cot, but at least Him has His small mattress. Tiny poor child that they look for to death!>>. << Joseph!>>. Maria has a cry while she is being grabbed to the arm of Joseph. << Yes, Maria, to death. Erodes he wants Him dead…. because it is afraid of Him…. for his human kingdom it is afraid of this Innocent that dirty beast. What he will do when he will understand that He is run away I don't know. But we will be distant, by that time now. I don't believe that it will take revenge looking for Him in Galilee. It would be already too much difficulty for him to discover that we are Galileans and so much less than Nazareth and who are of precise. Unless Satan doesn't help him to thank to be him a faithful serve. But… if that would happen …. God will help us the same. Don't cry Maria. To see you to cry is for me a well stronger pain of that to have to go to exile>>. << Forgive me Joseph! It is not for me that I cry, neither for the little good that I lose. I cry for you…. that have already had to sacrifice so much you! And now you go back not to have clients anymore, neither house. How much I cost you Joseph! >>. << How much? No, Maria. You don't cost me. You console me. Always. Don't think about the tomorrow. We have the wealths of the Magi. They will help us in the first times. Then I will find job. A honest and able worker he makes immediately his way. You have seen here. They are not enough me the hours for the job that I have>>. << I know it. But who will lift you from the nostalgia? >>. << And you, who will lift you from the nostalgia of that house that it is you so dear? >>. << Jesus. Having Him I still have what I there have had>>. << And me, having Jesus, I have the country, hoped up to few months ago. I have my God. You see it that I don't lose anything of what it is me dear above every thing. All it takes is saving Jesus and then all stays with us. Even if we didn't have to see this sky anymore, these countries, neither those still dearer than Galilee, we will always have everything because we will have Him. You come, Maria, because the dawn is begun. It is time to greet the guest and to load our stuff. Everything will be all right>>. Maria gets up standing, obedient. She wraps herself up in the mantle, while Joseph makes a last bundle and goes out loaded of that. 27
  • 28. Maria gently her Child lifts and winds up him in a shawl and she tightens Him to Her heart. She looks the walls that have entertained her for some months and with a hand it grazes them. Blessed house, that has deserved to be beloved and blessed by Maria! She goes out. It crosses the small room that was of Joseph, she enters the big room. The landlady, kisses her in tears, and she greets and, lifting an edge of the shawl, she kisses on the forehead her Child, that sleeps calm. They go down for the external small stairs. There is a first light of dawn that gives as soon as way to see. In the little light three small donkeys are seen. The most strong, load of the household goods. The others with the saddle. Joseph devote himself to do to assure for well chest and bundles on the packsaddle of the first one. I see tied up to bunch, and sets on the top of the sack, his objects of carpenter…. The escape has beginning while Bethlehem, that still dreams the phantasmagorical scene of the Magi, sleeps calm, unconscious of what it attends it. Jesus says: << And this series of visions also stop this way. With good peace of the difficult doctors we have gone showing you the scenes that have preceded, accompanied and followed my Advent, not for them same, that are very known as for how misrepresented by elements overlapped in the centuries, always for that way to see human whether to give great praise to God - and therefore he is forgiven - it makes unreal what it is very beautiful to leave real. Because my Humanity and that of Maria they are not diminished, as my Divinity and the Majesty of the Father and the love of the most sacred Trinity they are not offended. From this to see the things in their reality, but rather the merits they shine of it my Mother and my perfect humility shine of it, as it lighten the almighty goodness of the Eternal of it. But we have shown you these scenes to be able to apply to you and to others the supernatural sense that goes out from there to give it for you to norm of life. The Decalogue is the Law; and my Gospel is the Doctrine that makes you clearer this Law and dearer to follow. This Law and this Doctrine would be enough for to do, of the men, of the saints. But you are so hampered in your humanity - that, in truth, surpasses of too much in you the spirit - that you cannot follow these ways and you fall; or you stop you discouraged. You tell you and to whom would want to bring you further on quoting you the examples of the Gospel: " But Jesus, but Maria, but Joseph (and down, down for all the saints) they were not as us. They were strong, they have immediately been consoled in the pain, also of that little pain that they have had, they didn't feel the passions. They were beings already out of the Earth ". That little pain! They didn't feel the passions! Pain there has been the faithful friend and it had all the various aspects and names. The passions…Don’t use a term badly calling “passions” the vices that corrupt you. Sincerely call you them "vices", and deadly in addition. Those it is not that we ignored them. We had eyes and ears to see and to hear, and Satan made us dance before and around these vices, showing them to us with their filth in work or trying us with its insinuations. But, the will being tense 28
  • 29. to want to be pleasant to God, this filth and these insinuations, in place to get the purpose established it by Satan, it got the contrary one. And so much more he worked and so much more we sheltered there in the light of God, for disgust of the muddy darkness that it showed us to the eyes of the body or of the spirit. But the passions in the philosophical sense, we didn't ignore them in us. We have loved the country, and in the country the our small Nazareth more than every other city of Palestine. We have felt the affections for our house, the relatives, the friends. Why would not we have had to feel them? We are not done enslaved of it because nothing must be us master except God. But of the good companions we are done of it. My Mother has had a cry of joy when, after four years around, she has returned to Nazareth and she has been in her house, and she has kissed those walls in which her “Yes” it opened her breast to receive the Germ of God. Joseph has greeted with joy his relatives and his little nephews, grown of number and of years, and he has enjoyed in to see him remembered from the fellow citizens and immediately looked for his abilities. I have been sensitive to the friendships and I have suffered as an ethic crucifixion the betrayal of Judas. And that therefore? Neither my Mother, neither Joseph they preferred their love to the house and his/her relatives to the will of God. And I didn't save word, if it were to say, fit to attract me the resentment of the Hebrews and the malice of Judas. I knew, and I would have been able to do, that would have been enough for the money to enslave him to Me. Not to Me Savior; to Me rich. Me that I have multiplied the breads, I could also multiply the money, if I wanted. But I had not come for getting human satisfactions. To anybody. So much less to mine called. I had preached sacrifice, separation, chaste life, humble places. What Teacher would I have been and how Righteous, if to one, only because it was that the mean to hold him, I had given money for his mental and physical sensualism? Great in my Kingdom we becomes doing us "small." Who wants to be "great" to the eyes of the world it is not fit to reign in my Kingdom. It is straw for the bed of the demons. Because the greatness of the world is in antithesis with the Law of God. The world calls great those people that, with illegitimate means they almost always know how to take the best places, and, to do it, they do of the next one a stool on which they climb crushing him. It calls "great" those people who they know how to kill for reigning, morally and materially to kill, and they extort places and countries and they fatten itself other cutting veins in the single and collective wealths. The world often calls great the criminals. No. Greatness is not in the delinquency. It is in the goodness, in the honesty, in the love, in the justice. You see yours "great" what intoxicating fruits they offer you, picked in theirs wicked, demoniac internal garden! The last vision, since I want to speak of it and to neglect to speak of other – because it is useless, for the world doesn't want to hear the truth that concerns it - it illuminates a detail quoted by the Gospel of Mathew, a repeated sentence twice: "Raised, you pick up the Little boy and his 29