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1. The rebellion of Satan, of the progenitors and the consequences that are derived of it page 1
2. The responsibilities of Satan and the Demons “ 2
3. As for the malignant vibrations “ 3
4. As for the thoughts “ 4
5. As for the dreams and to the nightmares “ 4
5. The mentality and the consciences negative “ 5
6. Returning to the Demon “ 6
7. The Gods of the Evil “ 6
8. The man " 8
9. The Hell “ 10
10. Diabolic assaults and attacks " 14
11. As for the transgressions to the Laws of God (or sins) " 15
12. As for the mental energies and to the Gods of the Evil " 16
13. Know yourself “ 17
The rebellion of Satan, of the progenitors and the consequences for all men: The
responsibilities of Satan and the other Demons find base, first of all, in the rebellion to God from
which life is derived as we know it 1
. Of the others " Gods of the Evil 2
" we will say more
The conditions of such life "... during which we are exposed to struggles, temptations and
pains...” they are very hard. This happened "… in the first place to gradually bring them 3
, through
these conditions of life to the understanding of their errors and in second place to also begin in this
way their volunteer return: because anywhere for before thing there is the principle of liberty and
the principle of the improvement it comes as second...4
Secondarily Satan has the responsibility to have tried Eva and Satan and Eva that of having tried
Adam; this last has the responsibility of not to have known how to withstand Eva and the Demon.
Nevertheless we must not forget that temptation is inherent in the life " … for every thing of
the relative world exists, because his contrary exists…5
". We have not to forget ever that God
loves us and He is always ready to help us 6
; therefore, whoever can withstand Satan and the
temptation, asking Him help ; therefore Eva, would have been able to get that God made to
disappear the lust risen in her and she would have been able to give birth " without lust of
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee
The rebellious Angels or Demons or Devils
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pagina 266, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th
and 30th
, July 21st
and October 21st
, Amrita
", if she turned her to the Father. And the woman becomes female and, with the yeast of
the satanic knowledge in heart, she would have gone to contaminate Adam... 8
. Likewise also
Adam would have had to ask help to God to withstand the offer of Eva and so he would have
forced Eva to return away on the straight line (it derives co-responsibility of it of Adam with Satan
and Eva in the sin or guilt of origin 9
) ; it also derives of it that Adam is less guilty than Satan and
That being stated we know from the book of the Genesis that the temptation and therefore
the sin 10
lies to our door and that the Tempter and his Demons are there always, to fight their
insane war against God and us.
All of this doesn't exempt any man responsibility. In fact the Lord Jesus also said: " You
intend therefore with "Satan" generally the whole material creation and with "Devils" what is
separate 11
“. From this last sentence the great responsibilities of all the men emerge, after the first
two, up to the living ones of these years and over. It was Satan that broke, but inside himself only,
the relationship of love with that Whole that it is the Lord, our God 12
. The man also made the
mistake to believe itself separate by God and by other beings and things 13
as it happened to Satan
and to other rebellious Angels. From the Sense of separation it is born the egoism and the
egocentrism; therefore we have the same way of thinking of Satan, because also we feel ourselves
separated by God 14
. But it is not everything, because we have other responsibilities that also
emerge from that we will write afterwards on the " Gods of the Evil": those of not to obey to God’s
Commandments 15
and to those of His Son Jesus 16
It can be said, therefore, that the very serious faults of the Demon and of the other Demons
toward of us, that one of the origin and those temporal (that is those committed by the Demon
during the time of the terrestrial life of every man: temptations and transmissions of malevolent
thoughts and vibrations), are added to the faults of the individual himself for the total or partial
incapability that the man shows for many terrestrial existences 17
not to know how to withstand the
temptations for the pleasures of the world and of the flesh.
The responsibilities of Satan and the Demons: such responsibilities exist both toward
God and toward the humanity; therefore, if it is true that on these responsibilities there are not
doubtful, it is also true however that the man cannot hide behind the screen of such
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato,Vol. I°. page 84, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato,Vol. I° , page 88, CEV Srl, 03036 Isola del Liri(FR), Italy
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 82-85, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Genesi 4,6
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 158, Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 4th
, 12th
and 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 (Decalogue), Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Commandments included in the Gospels
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
responsibilities, since we have serious personal guilts, as the chronicles show. Our guilts derive
from selfish choices, bad or wicked, which derives from transgressions to the divine or human
laws, but above all not to recognize and to accept the relationship of love that unites us to God and
all the human beings because we are part of the same family 18
. All we infringe in a way or in
another such laws, especially those divine, because every man is continually set in front of the
choice among to think and to act well or the to think and to act badly, in the Environment in which
the stories of his/her daily life (cosmic situations - frames) are developed 19
The human stories, singly and in their complex, they also have one or more hidden protagonists,
the Demons, that influence notably on the man's decisions with their temptations and their
malevolent thoughts and vibrations.
As for the rebellious Angels it can be said that they know our weaknesses and our thoughts
that in the Mental plan or world they can be read as in a book; they know our temperament and our
character that it can be definite the whole of the psychic, moral and behavioral lines of a person
(what they distinguish the person from all the others 20
The Demons have serious guilts toward us: the world must know that the wickednesses,
the divorces, the lack of the sense of the modesty and the libertinism are to a large extent
malignant fruits of their satanic vibrations that they launches us from the astral plan 21
, loading us
as toys spring-loaded, taking advantage of our weaknesses. The Demons are responsible also of
the bad thoughts that they insinuate in our mind from the mental plan 22
. The Demons also have
serious guilts in the respects of the peoples, when these begin to contrast between them, because
Satan is the perverse prompter of the war conflicts 23
. Him and his army of Devils they are
therefore jointly liable with the man of all the types of conflicts that they rise up among the different
human ethnic groups.
As for malevolent vibrations: Physics teaches us that people, places and things have
energy 24
. The Demons also have energy; we think that they have more energy compared to men;
Devils live, at least, in the plan of the energy, that has called astral 25
, but it seems us sure that
they lives also in the Mental plan if they are able of reading our thoughts and to transmit them to
us. Our enemies, the Demons, use their energies sending malevolent vibrations against us; they
strike us also in the weak points of our psyche, so increasing our vices and defects (spiritual
poverties); for instance, the aggressiveness, the attitude to the polemic, our inclination to affirm our
points of view and so on. This is not fiction science because vibrations are anywhere since
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th
and 12th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 120-122 (Fotogrammi), Mediterranee
Lo Zingarelli, Vocabolario della lingua italiana, page 296, Zanichelli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 218-219 (Piano astrale), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 221 (Piano mentale), Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated September 25th , 2001, MIR, Ancona
Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 101, Zanichelli
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 218-219 (Piano astrale), Mediterranee
"everything around us the things oscillate and they vibrate 26
" and "every alive cell of every
organism is a living engine 27
The malevolent vibrations can be instruments of diabolic assaults and attacks.
The Demons, that is the rebellious Angels, perform the plan of Satan to oppose the Plan of
Salvation of God; the plan of Satan that has for aim the maintenance of the spiritual death of the
man, that it is distance from God, as it was explained to us by the Lord Jesus. The diabolic plan
is, therefore, an opposite plan to that of Jesus Redeemer that, assisted by Our Lady Mary of
Nazareth, wants to realize the divine Plan of Salvation; the union of men with God in the Christ 28
The Demon won't prevail, because God is omnipotent and because Jesus defeats Satan
any time that He frees a man from the sin and the Darknesses that were within him 29
, but it is
necessary that men make their part in advance 30
with thoughts, behaviors and prayers 31
As for the thoughts: We don't know well as they do, but it is certain that to the Demons
our thoughts are known, they can read and therefore they can know our intentions and in
accordance to those they can influence our life with negative, bad and wicked thoughts that they
introduce in our mind that act as a stimulant for our vices and defects ( spiritual poverties) of which
it was said before. They, therefore, watch over on our thoughts and they intervene at the right
moment both to transmit us discourteous, sour, gruff, bad or wicked thoughts, both for "to load "
with negative vibrations our aggressiveness or our polemic force (in the relationships among
persons) or others our defects and so on. The Demons can also influence us with the dreams for
making us suffer. So much is able their wickedness, of which usually, we don't become conscious
of. The use of the dreams or more precisely of the nightmares from the Devils it has been
discovered or had been understood since lately.
Thoughts, dreams and nightmares can be the instruments of diabolic assaults or attacks.
As for the dreams and to the nightmares: The Demons are able in manipulating our
dreams or make us to dream what they want for suffering and they are able even to make us made
sorrowful dreams or to attack us with real nightmares. Much it depends on the state of the being of
the people. If one has faith in God, if it is vigilant, calm and balanced, when he wakes up it realizes
the forcing of the dream; therefore, it decides to check and then it turns him on the other side. In
the morning, when he wakes up, he values the situation, if it is necessary it studies it or it examines
documents, newspapers, books and soon, then if the dream results unfounded or without reason it
smiles and ironically it tells the Demon: this time or also this time I have discovered you and your
wickedness has not even grazed me. And the same happens with a nightmare, but if the person is
Paul G Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 350 Zanichelli
Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, Page 350, Zanichelli
Vangelo di Giovanni, chapter 17
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages of the August 8th
, 1985 and of the January 9th
, 1986, MIR
restless, anxious, sick, timorous, worried for some other reason, or because she doesn't have
enough faith or because she must face true problems or adversities, then the situation is different.
In such cases the dream - even if it was not sorrowful – it can become it and it can upset a lot a
persons, especially if they are not of those that it puts again their worries in the hands of God, that
it is always inside of us 32
. He is ready to sustain us if we unload on Him concerns, " worries and
burdens 33
; we have to pay attention to negative and harmful thoughts, that can grow rapid as the
weed, which, if left free, it can suffocate all the beautiful and delicate plants of the garden. It learns,
(note of mine: so the Lord God tells us) to check your thoughts in such way that is only thoughts of
beauty, harmony and love. Once that the positive thoughts are well rooted, you will automatically
look for the better side of every situation. Then you can stretch only yourself, let go and enter the
joy and the liberty of the Spirit 34
The mentality and the conscience negative: For the truth who he writes didn't succeed in
withstanding the negative or pessimists thoughts with which the Demon pestered him, day and
night, for many days of the month of August of 2004, and perhaps also of September, until fed up
with his incapability, aware of the spiteful envy of Satan, turned itself to the Lord Jesus simply
telling him: Lord, I evidently have a negative mentality, even if in the life I have chosen the
optimism and the initiative. This means that also my conscience, besides my mentality is a lot of
inadequate under this aspect also; then after having said this with these or similar words, I told
Him: Lord, it changes my mentality. The answer was immediate: " It can be done " He said. Slowly,
with gradualness, within two or three months my mind it has been strengthened, my conscience
has become larger and I am sheltered from such diabolic assaults or attacks now. Don't you
believe it? You try and you will believe, God and His Christ love us all equally, for Them all Souls
are equal 35
; nevertheless the Souls must make the first footstep towards Them; the Lord God
said, as a matter of fact: << In this spiritual life, you must complete your job. I am here always for
helping the Souls that help themselves, but you must make the first footstep. You will never learn
the lesson if others make the things for you. You cannot raise a child doing all to his/her place;
you must leave to do him/her alone….36
(our note: we are spiritual children).
The Lord Jesus said: << That you ask for it will be given you, what you look for you will find
it, you knock and it will be you open, because whoever asks it receives, and who looks for it finds it
and to who knock at the door it will be opened. Who among you to his/her child that asks him a
bread it will give a stone? Or if he/she asks him a fish, will it give him a snake? If you therefore that
are bad know how to give good things to your children, how much more yours Father that is in the
skies will give good things to those that ask for ! 37
>> .
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio of May 29th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio of August 18th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 16th
and of May 16th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio of August 29th, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 7-11
Returning to the Demon: we must don't forget besides that the Devil knows very well the
Matter, of which he is the prince; he has been Lucifer, that is a Being that was endowed with divine
power, also mental. He is therefore intelligent and astute and he can win us in any moment - even
if it doesn't have the ancient power and creative strength anymore 38
- if we don't withstand the
inherent temptations in the contrary ones of the life or duality or polarity. Instead, if we have gotten
used to withstand his temptations, not for this him give up. In other cases the Demon can
continually insists; in such cases it is necessary to turn to the help of Lord God or of the Lord
Jesus, the Redeemer and Savior of all the men 39
; formalities don't be needed, all it takes is asking
Them as long as They are inside of us 40
The casuistry is very vast because men are all different the one from the other, but the
remedy is always the same: when the weight becomes excessive, it needs to ask help to the Lord
God, the Lord Jesus, or to His Assistant, the Co-Redeemer woman, Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady,
that is One with Her Child 41
Our Lady Mary has also told us that Satan he takes game of our Souls and of us and that She
is not able to help us because we are far away from Her heart 42
. Mary of Nazareth for at least
twice She has spoken to us of different types of satanic assaults or attacks and this it confirms that
it was said before about the malevolent thoughts and vibrations of the Devils to increase in certain
moments our deadly vices (for instance the anger or the lust):
- On December, 25th 1991:assaults;
- on February 25th 1992: attacks.
Our Lady has also told that Satan takes advantages from us while he is fighting its cosmic
battle against God using, rather abusing of the men 43
The “ Gods of the Evil ": from the part of Satan they are not only there the rebellious
Angels, but also other Spirits of the Evil or " The Gods of the Evil " created by the man 44
. This is
not a fanciful hypothesis, as to someone it could seem, since it is founded upon the Law of the
thought; as a matter of fact it said the Lord to Eileen Caddy: "It always remembers that as the man
thinks so it will be…"; and still: "…As you think so you create." This is My law. This is a principle
that must be understood and put into practice in the daily way of living 45
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia
Vangelo di Matteo 28, 16-20 ; Vangelo di Giovanni 12, 31 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of the
December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno”
del Cristo”), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and 30th , Amrita ; La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144,
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi from Medjugorje, Message of March 25th
, 1992, MIR
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of May 25th
, 1988, MIR
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 140, Mediterranee
To such a purpose it is also to be born in mind that, for existing, anything requires of a spiritual
counterpart 46
For such reasons we are convinced that also the deadly sins (haughtiness, avarice, lust, anger,
gluttony, envy and sloth) and their subspecies are personified by a Demon of the Evil, an Angel
rebellious servant on purpose or so designated by Satan. It doesn't deal with angelic fantasies, but
of simple deductions derived by what we have already reported (the thought creates, everything
has a spiritual counterpart). We know also that before the Creation Lucifer was endowed with the
power and creative ability given him by the Lord, that later they were taken away from him when he
became the antagonist of God in the kingdoms of the Matter 47
. We also know from the Lord Jesus
as and because the Evil in Satan it had origin: because of a very serious Lucifer’s mistake: he
believed to be able to assume in itself, created being and therefore finite, the same infinite 48
This premised, we believe that every sin committed increases the Evil of the Earth, as the
positive thoughts and the good behaviours increase the Good of the Earth. Then the Evil is fed
also by us.
It is right therefore to never underestimate neither the Evil that we make, nor that one that
makes our Enemy, nor that of the other Demons or of the Gods of the Evil. Nevertheless, it would
be also an error that to overestimate the possibilities of Satan by now reduced a lot in comparison
to the times of the Creation.
The man can win Satan with the Rosary in hand she tells us the Our Lady Mary 49
, but
where it didn't succeed to us, because the Demon attacked furiously against us for some reason,
the man can always ask for help to the Lord God, the Lord Jesus or to the Our Lady Mary that she
co-operates with Her Son for the Redemption of the Mankind.
Despite the divine help each of us must keep on making well his/her part evangelically
living to the best of his/her possibilities.
To have an idea of the power that the Devil had before the Creation we remember that to
Lucifer was delegated full divine creative power 50
until he didn't rebel transforming himself in
Satan, in strength of his thought when erroneously believed to be able to separate himself from the
Lord God 51
; it is so that Lucifer created a monster of himself, having created the separation, the
egoism the egocentrism, the hate, the wickedness and all the deadly sins and the subspecies of
such sins, while the Lord God created only virtues and positive qualities.
Therefore the Lord God took away from Satan the creative power and force that He had
donated him.
Then the Lord studied the Plan of Salvation for which << The fallen spirits, that had
voluntarily estranged from Me and they had taken the wrong way, were not able and they didn't
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 120, Mediterranee
Giovanni apostolo, Apocalisse, chapter 12
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated August 8th
, 1985, MIR
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160 Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th
, Amrita
want to know nothing of progress about improvement; nevertheless for not it bar them completely
the way , they were set under the conditions in which, firm their personal liberty staying, they can
return back when they want. For this it was servant the material world now created, the whole
universe, the man. In him, according to the degree of their wickedness, the spirits were dressed
again of Matter, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains; in first place to gradually bring them,
through these conditions of life, to the understanding of their errors, and in second place to also
begin in this way their volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of
liberty, and the principle of the improvement comes as second. All the earth and the innumerable
other celestial bodies are formed from the great soul of Satan: the whole visible creation consists
only of particles of the great spirit of Lucifer and his retinue banished and fallen in the Matter. God,
that is eternal love and compassion would never have been able to destroy Lucifer, because what
God has called once to the life it is able to change form and to pass from a noble condition to a
nobler or vice versa, but it can never be destroyed 52
It derives of it that the worlds of the Matter of the Cosmos 53
, has become at the same time
the jail and the place of redemption of Satan and of the other Devils (but perhaps they don't realize
or they don't want to realize it, darkened as they are from the hate for God and for us men).
However all the spirits have the possibility to be saved, provided that they want it starting with the
obedience to God's Laws, the Decalogue 54
and the Commandments of the love 55
. The way of the
Salvation has taught us by the Lord Jesus with the Gospels and with His style of life, good, mild,
simple and poor.
The man: the man, for the tenebrous nature inherited by the Demons 56
, especially in the
first human incarnations 57
he is attracted by the materiality of the life and he has a conscience
and a mentality selfish and egocentric for which the man itself doesn't oppose the attraction of the
pleasures of the world and the flesh, being his Conscience limited by the human self that is formed
in his mind 58
. We know that the man is a very complex individual for his human nature that also
includes the character.
The man adjusts the Divine Revelations for his carnal demands, bur he is always free to
choose the love way, cause and aim of the life.
The primitive man adores the money, the sex, the properties and the terrestrial creatures,
the funs, the games, the luxury, the success, the power, the notoriety and so on. At a certain point
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 5, 6-22
Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività) ; Dizionario del
Cerchio, pages 150/151 (Io and Io-non Io, Mediterranee
of his numerous terrestrial lives 59
- since we live on the Cosmos, for around fifty thousands years
, even though in the different zones – the man realizes slowly that the rare terrestrial joys don't
satisfy him anymore. It is this existential crisis that induces the man to reflect seriously on the
Sacred Writings, on the reasons for the pain, on the justice, on himself, on the purpose and the
truths of the life and so on, up to reflect on the old age and even on the death, except that he is
afraid of it. Slowly the project of Salvation conceived by God it develops itself through the
continuous choice between the contrary ones or duality or polarity of the life as we know it. Such a
project gradually brings us to the understanding of our errors and to mature the choice to freely
change our style of life from material to spiritual and it takes shape inside and out of us. And the
remorse and the repentance buds in our intimate at God’s work, while the Christic Redemption
develops itself 61
; in such a Redemption, Our Lady Mary, that is One with Her Son, has a very
important role that one of Co-Redeemer Woman 62
In the conversion of men it is included the help of the sole God through His three
Manifestations that form the Holy Trinity and that is the Father, the son Jesus and the Mother Holy
Spirit 63
The three divine Beings have the co-operation of Our Lady Mary, the Co-Redeemer woman
and of the Sky all, among which there are all the Angels and the Guardian angels particularly.
We deduce from it that the Salvation of every man is a fact already written in the celestial Books
but the when it depends also on us, from our repentance, from our conversion and from our
involvement, because nobody wants and must make our part 65
All men can become Christians without belonging to a Christian Church because “The man
is called Christian when he loves his neighbour 66
The Salvation of the Demons by means of the man it has been realized by the Lord God
with special laws among which is fundamental the Law of Evolution 67
which provides the
reincarnation and the progressive redemption of the man by means of the karmic teaching 68
each terrestrial incarnation of the man until he has become Righteous or almost Saint. All of us
know the way of the Salvation: it was the Lord Jesus that it taught us commanding us to
evangelically live that is love one another as I have loved you 69
telling us also : "…I am the way,
the truth and the life. Nobody can come to the Father except through me…. 70
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’Illusione, pagina 185, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated 24th e 25th December, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità
ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo”), Mediterranee
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia
For instance the Revelation of Our Lady Mary at Medjugorje
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-159 (Karma), Mediterranee
Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 12
Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6
All of this premised, we believe that the selfish thought of the man - facing the satisfaction
of his instincts / senses / needs and desires, it creates or it competes to create and or to make to
grow " the Gods of the Evil", perhaps those of the deadly vices and of their subspecies. Of such
vices the man is for a long time slave during his numerous terrestrial existences 71
, until he doesn't
ask help to the Lord Jesus, the Savior of all the men, to whatever people or religion they belong 72
In the third Millennium many men will rediscover the Spirit of God that supports all of this
that exists; in this Millennium many men will return to the origins, to the time of the First Christian
Community after the Resurrection of Jesus. Then the Spirit Saint appeared and acted in the day of
Pentecost 73
In the 1967 spring the Spirit Saint returned on the Earth with the same prodigious
manifestations made to many students of the university Duquesne of Pittsburg (Pennsylvania,
The Leader of the way of the Third Millennium are these young Christians of the
Charismatic Renewal or Pentecostalism Catholic that they begged the ones for the other ones
reciting every day the "You come Spirit Saint" with the intention to ask to the Spirit the same
charismas that gave the components of the First Christian Community, that of the Apostles, in the
day of the Pentecost 74
It is to the man to make the first footstep toward God, that is Spirit 75
, the Spirit Saint, that is
present in every thing and in each one 76
, not only with the prayer, but also speaking and listening
to God. God is not far in some distant sky, but He is present in each one of us with His Spirit 77
The man after having repented and converted must recognize God, first condition to make
emerge God inside of us 78
. God, as a matter of fact, asks to be recognized and accepted, before
making to become again everything possible, also the Charismas of the Pentecost because each
one of us is in God and God it is in each one of us 79
. He is the Father-Mother God of the whole
human kind 80
and He asks to the man to use Him as a guide for "…for answering to all questions,
to help to resolve the problems and to guide and to direct our footsteps…81
, but we must love Him
and to put Him at the first place in our life 82
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’Illusione, page 185, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of 24th and 25th December, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità
ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee
Atti degli Apostoli, chapter 2
Serafino Falvo, L’ora dello Spirito Santo, Edizioni Paoline
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita
Deuteronomio 30, 11- 14
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 104, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 20th , Amrita
In all these behaviours, to start from the repentance and from the conversion, the man
cannot deceive God, not only because God is omniscient and He is within us, but also because "
The Spirit of the man 83
is a torch of the Lord that scrutinizes all the secrets recesses of the heart 84
The Hell
In the book "The Lord speaks of Jakob Lorber ", left in the care of Josef Mahlberg Editions
Armenia, is reported:
<< The hell
The man is set between sky and hell. In strength of its free will he/she can decide if he/she
wants to conduct an existence in the light or if he/she prefers to be projected in the darkness.
Where there is only " weeping and screeching of teeth." But where is the hell found? Is it indeed
there where it set him/it Dante, that is within the Earth? Is the hell a place or it is the condition of
maximum distance from God? 85
. A Roman captain asked to the Lord Jesus a question very similar
to this saying: <<Oh Lord and Teacher, since you have mentioned the hell, of which the Jews
believe that there the most terrible devils eternally torment the wicked souls, tell more clearly
possible us what this hell is, where it is found and who ends up in that place of terror after the
death of the body! >>.
(The Lord:) << My friend, you are right to ask me this question. And for how much it will be
you certainly difficult to understand well these things, I want to give you an explanation, that you
must listen with great attention!
You see, as the sky is anywhere good men is found, to Me dear and pleasant, the hell is so
also anywhere there is despisers of God, enemies of the good and of the truth, liars, cheats,
thievish, assassins, robbers, stingy, avid dominators and adulterers.
If now you want to know that appearance has this hell, consider the conscience, the mind,
the will and the longings of one of these people in which has the hell residence and you will
perfectly understand as it is the hell, that is exactly work of these men!
Into the hell each one wants to be the first one, supreme, uncontested dominator, he wants
to have the supreme power and strength, to possess everything, and all must obey him and to
work for him receiving a least remuneration of it.
The passages from the imperfect to the perfect one are nevertheless always possible,
because the Lord has left full and complete liberty and autonomy; nevertheless the passages don't
correspond to annihilations, on the contrary eliminations of natural and exterior forms: and these
The Drop or Divine Spark
Proverbi 20, 27
The distance from God is not objective because in the Reality God never separates Him from anybody and - hidden
inside our depths –He waits o be from us recognized and made to emerge. In the Reality of the Spirit God is in every
thing and in each one and therefore He never abandons us and He is always with us. You see in Eileen Caddy, Le porte
interiori, the Messages of March 28, of 29 and 30 May and of July 17, Amrita
eliminations are necessary, in how much without them it is not possible some spiritual
improvement in the sense of a free process of conquest of the autonomy…
(The Lord:) <<The hell is a place as much indefinite of the heaven; the hell and the heaven
depend only on the internal condition of the man.
This way an angel and a devil can be the one close to the other and nevertheless spiritually
they are to boundless distances between them, and the angel, independently from the devil that he
sits nearby him, it feels him in the sky and the devil at the hell, and he ignores everything of the
angel that is next to him. However this you cannot fully intend it, because the spiritual relationships
are completely different from those of this earth.
Nevertheless for a careful observer here useful examples can be found also. So for
example you can be nearby physically close together and spiritually very distant from a man, that
he is yours worse enemy inside of itself, and day and night he studies as he can damage you in
astute way, in how much it envies yourself for your position that he would want to have himself.
Being astute, he succeeds in hiding you his true mind, so that you not even suspects what he goes
meditating. When you go to him, it welcomes you with the maximum gentleness and it turns you all
the honours, while in reality, if there were not the laws to protect you, he would want to destroy
you. And so that he is a true devil and with the body and the soul it is already found at the hell,
while you, honest and upright man, you are in sky.
You now see, when your enemy and you are near, from the point of view physical sky and
hell are very next, but they don't participate at all the one of the other: as a matter of fact your
moral level is very different and you are at great distance between you.
Here, from this image you can understand something of the sky and the hell.
Me as God from the eternity, could destroy with my will the hell, but with it I would destroy
the whole creation. And what it would happen then? To begin a new creation? Yes, this would be
possible; but a new creation of material worlds is not thinkable anything else other than similar to
that actual, because the matter is the correct and proper mean in which a being that owes
becoming in everything similar to Me he/she can fully complete the experience of the liberty, to
overcome the test of the independence, and to come so to the true autonomy of life.
It is therefore better to leave the things as they are, modifying however the order: thing that
can be done only by Me becoming man. In this way the whole matter has been penetrated and
done able to feel beatitude of the ancient its spiritual content.
And this is the second creation, from Me predicted since the eternity, and without this
second creation any man of this or other earths would have been able to reach the beatitude;
because before this arrival of mine Me I was a God not visible since the eternity, as it is said in
Mosè, where it is read that nobody can see God and living. Of now in before Me however I am a
visible God for everybody, and whoever sees Me, he/she lives and he/she will live for ever.
<<The redemption however it consists in first place in My teaching and secondary in
making Me man, action with which is broken and it has been defeated entirely the great power of
the ancient hell. Anybody however think that I have created once the hell! This be away from Me
and from all of you! And you don't even think that it is a place of eternal punishment and
punishment without end for the wicked ones of this earth. The hell is formed by itself by those
souls that here on the earth, in the flesh, they have derided every form of revelation, they have
denied God, they have acted only in base to the desires of their senses, they are made to adore as
if they were them same Gods, that people had to pray, as he has made Nabuccodonosor to
Babylon. He has forced the people to adore him and to make him some sacrifices even; and who
refused, he/she was martyred. From this example only you are able well to see what power the
hell practiced on the earth, and as it was by now time that Me same I went down in the Matter, to
set a limit to this hell that it was created alone and that till now nobody had been able to brake. Me
the Holy One, had to dress me of some impurity of the human weakness, to be able to approach
me to the hell as a strong hero. And this I have done it, I have drawn near, I am in his center, and
all the devils and the Satan ones run away from Me as chaff to the wind. And here that with these
examples I have shown you what the hell is, what it did, and that partly still do, and what the
redemption is. Have you understood the words that I have told you? 86
The Lord Jesus confirmed that nobody goes to the hell or in heaven saying that, "… each one
brings them both inside of itself 87
Deductions of mine
Having said that I make the following considerations:
1. that the hell has not been created by God, but it is part of the Relative Reality 88
, also it in
God, to face the absolute Reality that is that of God 89
2. that God is love 90
; therefore the Lord also wants to embrace again all His children that are
amiss believed separated by Him as the Demons and a great part of the men 91
3. that all of this that exists, beings and things it is within God; therefore Everything is One and
Everything it exists in God, the One; One means Absolute 92
; therefore in the Absolute
Reality, God is the Whole that everything and all beings include;
4. that "… Love is the greatest power of union of the universe… 93
" and therefore nothing and
nobody withstands such aggregating power;
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 163-166, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 210-213 (Percezione), page 184 (Mondi della percezione) and
pages 184 -185 (Mondi grossolani), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th
and 30th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto),
Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee
5. that for the law of Evolution men live manifold times on the Earth with degrees always
greater of Mind and of Spirit 94
until they won't have become Righteous or almost Saints
with the teachings of the divine law of the Karma 95
6. that "…On the absolute plan, objective, it doesn't exist neither creation, neither emanation,
neither manifestation, neither beings, neither worlds. Only God exists… 96
7. that also for these reasons God is almighty and omniscient;
All of this considered can be said that the hell is a state of being that it does not exists
objectively as a place separated by God; if it existed as a place separated by God, God would not
be more absolute because it would exist God and the good men from a part and Satan, the other
Demons and the bad men from the other, while such situation is incompatible with the reality of the
being God the One and the Whole that everything includes. Also the Sky or the Heaven it is a state
o being of beings not separated by God but doing part of Him.
It derives of it that the Day of the Final Judgment of the Gospel of Matthew (25, 31 -46) with the
consequent eternal damnation of the bad men it doesn't exist, both because Jesus has never
pronounced it, both because such a judgement would be incompatible with the love of God and
that of the same Christ, that is also Him love 97
It exists, instead, one Day of Judgment for every Soul that arrives in the Life after Death from
the Earth; this Judgment it is pronounced by Jesus, but the Lord judges us on the base of the good
deeds done on the Earth from every man during every terrestrial incarnation and therefore Jesus
doesn't judge us on the base of our sins 98
. And also this is divine love!
Diabolic assaults and attacks: the responsibilities of Satan and of the other Demons,
almost unknown to the more, besides the guilt of origin known to all, they are above all those that
derive from the satanic assaults and attacks of which Our Lady Mary reports us from Medjugorje
and that we have already quoted (Messages of December 25th
1991:assalts and February 25th
1992: attacks), those of the transmission of negative, bad or wicked thoughts and those of
malevolent vibrations..
Satan and the other Devils are also responsible of the temptations, even though inserted in the
stories of our daily life, temptations which cooperate to determine our choices at mental level. The
Devils suggest us to act badly and they are the first cause of the tribulations to which it is subject
the human life exposed as it to struggles, temptations and pains 99
, because the man has been
created just to save them 100
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 71, Mediterranee
Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated June 25th, 1988, MIR
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia
The life It was conceived so by the Creator, probably rather certainly, because there was no
best way for letting demons and men understand that the purpose of the Life, human particularly, it
was not that to make us to enjoy of the pleasures of the world and the flesh, on the contrary that to
discover that the Lord God is our true Essence 101
and that He is ours Father / Mother / God 102
absolute 103
, that He loves us and He desires that His love be returned; consequently the aim of
the human life is love.
The Lord “ …is within us hidden in the very depths waiting to be recognised and drawn forth
“ .
Such a life was conceived so by the Lord God, as we have above reported, really to remedy to
the errors of Lucifer-Satan and of the other Devils. Among their mistakes it is fundamental that to
consider themselves separate from God and from the others; as a matter of fact the sense of
separation has generated the egoism and the egocentrism also, while the life of God it is gift,
communion and sharing. But God found a remedy for the mistakes of the Demons wit the life that
we know; the life on the Earth or better in the Cosmos 105
it has been conceived so that by the Lord
God for making to pass the human beings from the state of separatism, of egocentrism and of
egoism in which men are lying for guilt of Satan and of itselves to the state of altruism, that is love,
taught us by the Lord Jesus on the cross Hebrew-Roman.
We know that the tribulations of the man have a noble aim: to expand our conscience, making
us to overcome the egoism by means of the understanding of our mistakes the pain donate us 106
with the purpose to be able to greet us all again in Divine Plan, bur for ours free choice and with
personal renunciations. And in such state of being the Lord let us to happily live.
It is true that the responsibilities of Satan and of the other Devils are huge, however it would be
an error as much great that one of not recognize ours faults, that they derive, from our way of living
selfishly and materially during numerous human existences on the Earth that have the purpose of
making us to become Righteous or almost Saint by means of the law of the Evolution 107
As for the transgressions to the laws of God or sins there is no doubt that our responsibility
is huge, when we know such Laws (Decalogue and Commandments of the love) , because we
choose personally between the Good or the Evil, during all the events of the daily living and we are
always us that we think and we we act; therefore in the last analysis one can also say that Satan
may be for us, nothing more than an alibi. At a certain point of our spiritual walk we realize which
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103/104, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 104-112 (Evoluto and Evoluzione), Mediterranee ; Thorwald
Dethlefsen, Vita dopo vita, dialoghi con reincarnati, Mediterranee
are our responsibilities, when we began to know the Gospels of the Lord Jesus or also only one
commandment: “Do also for others what you would want them to do for you … 108
As for the mental energies and to the " Gods of the Evil": as the thought of the man is
energy, this energy creates some ultra physical forces. We doesn't know what help or contribution
the Demons can give to our energies malevolent in to do the evil and in to create the evil with our
thought, but it is possible that they strengthen it. What seems us possible it is that the man, with his
mental activity of material and sinful nature has given life, in the centuries, to subspecies of
demons of human origin, that is to the " The Gods of the Evil 109
" .
We think also that this psychic activity, that is our thought, heated by the need of the senses,
from the instinct or from the desire consolidate and makes to grow these smaller entities of the
other world from us created as it has already reported. Such entities should remain to the lowest
levels of the astral world, those more materials and therefore more neighbours to the physical
world 110
What we try to say, first of all to ourselves, it is that, perhaps, the man creates the inferior
Demons, that is the Gods of the Evil as they are defined by Dorothy Maclean 111
, giving them life in
the other world and that they then become allied aware or unaware of Satan. I don't know what
relationships there can be among Satan and them, but even if there were not any, they make its
game in perfidious way, from how much a friend reports us: as a matter of fact he saw, sometimes,
black forms with the spiritual eye. The first type was formed of micro black suns with a modest
yellow light and other black forms as stains, of various type, but without yellow light. A night he
realized that the micro suns were Demons after having seen a strange (contraction / expansion)
motion inside a black micro sun.
He had the impression that they were inner pulsations for the issues of negative energies that
increased one defect of his, the rage, when it was found in a state of internal peace; in such
occasions he saw a black micro sun that pulsated and after a little time he lost the peace.
After that he was able to badly answer to whom didn't behave well or to whom took advantage
of him. Subsequently, after some time, he observed other phenomena: a micro sun for instance
that assumed the form of three little balls one above to the other and in such a way the Demon
could accentuate the yellow light.
The man deduced of it that the Demons, are capable to read in his mind; they realized that they
had been found out and therefore they tried to camouflage themselves increasing the exposure of
the yellow light (sign of divine energy). In vain, because the man then he had discovered them and
so realized their astuteness.
Vangelo di Matteo 7,12
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 139/148, Mediterranee
Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee
Thinking about it he remembered episodes of the past, where instead of a simple reproach he
had rebuked in excessive way a person and therefore it imputed to the vibrations malevolent such
behaviors, he then had been sorry a great deal for them. The man also deduced of it that the
Demons, not wanting, they had made him a service, that to make him to discover one vice of his,
the anger that he had repressed for the received education.
The compression of the vice or its hiding in the shade of our mind 112
it doesn't do other - all of
a sudden - that worsen the situation, that exploded then as it was already said. The whole Evil
doesn't come for harming it says the proverb, or the Evil is instrumental to the Good, the wise man
it says for the Lord is omniscient and omnipotent.
Always the same friend pointed out ironically by thought, to the Demons that appeared to its
spiritual sight that they have done him a favour. it is a fact that the man knew better himself and it
recognized that the anger was a component of its nature and that it had to not be repressed,
neither hidden, but discovered and accepted. This way it did, he accepted it and slowing he lost
such defect for a divine law of mercy tied up to the knowledge of ourselves and to the acceptance
of our state of being.
Know yourself 113
: we can know ourselves through the introspection; this fundamental
experience for our spiritual growth can be had by everybody; we can learn to know ourselves
through the self psycho analysis 114
: once discovered the vices and the defects (spiritual
poverties) that we have each one must accept them without repressing them neither to hide them
in its own mind; after that every vice, defect or poverty disappear as for enchantment, when the
man become aware of them by means of the self psychoanalysis 115
. it is a divine gift for which we
have to thank God; it is a natural process that it is established with the becoming aware of our
The man of which it has been said it started to also notice other black forms, without yellow
light that they assumed various typologies, not geometric but similar to stains, also big as halves
the fingernail of the little finger of a small hand but each of them it was without yellow light. From
the lack of light he deduced that these stains could be a subspecies of Demons developed by the
negative thought of the man as it has been already said. The same friend thought they were
inferior demons to the rebellious ones 116
but able them also to send forth negative energy
accenting all the human vices as the haughtiness, the lust, the anger or the envy and the
subspecies of such vices. He also learned to do some irony every time that discovered them, for
which now the satanic assaults and attacks are lesser the satanic assaults or attacks that it suffers,
Thorwald Dethlefsen e Rudiger Dahlke, Malattia e Destino, page 49 and next, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 54 e ss, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, pagine 121/130; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and
page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi); La voce dell’ignoto, pagine 45-50,
Amadeus Voldben, I prodigi del pensiero positivo, pages 67/98, Mediterranee
also for the help that he receives from the Sky any time that he sees stains; the man doesn't
remember to have more seen black micro suns or stains because he asked help to the Lord God
with the words of the Psalmist: "The Lord is my shepherd, I won't miss of anything….on grass
pastures He let me to rest…”.
The Gods of the Evil reappeared, but for other motives connected to the Ordine Gesù
Redentore ( The Jesus Redeemer Order ) that they try to hinder.
Having said that we must always remember that every transgression of the man to the
Decalogue and the Commandments of the love is always preceded by a negative thought and
therefore from the creation or the increase of something of Badly.
From such behaviors they derive precise responsibilities (firm staying those of the Demons and
of Satan particularly).
With this we want to say that the individual Salvation always depends from the thinking and
from the acting well of the man that always has to make its role 117
We must not be believe that Salvation arrives to us from the skies with a small lunch basket as
the snack of mother when I was a child 6/7 years old . Therefore it is necessary to repents of
one’s sins and to change style of life because “…the Kingdom of the Heaven is close at hand 118
The remorse and the repentance they are a part of the conversion, but they are God’s gifts.
God is with us always 119
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th
and August 29th
, Amrita
Vangelo di Matteo 4,17
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th
and 30th
, Amrita

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Hebrew Gospel of Matthew by George Howard


  • 1. THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF SATAN, OF THE DEMONS and OF THE OTHERS “GODS OF THE EVIL" TOWARDS THE HUMANITY. Summary 1. The rebellion of Satan, of the progenitors and the consequences that are derived of it page 1 2. The responsibilities of Satan and the Demons “ 2 3. As for the malignant vibrations “ 3 4. As for the thoughts “ 4 5. As for the dreams and to the nightmares “ 4 5. The mentality and the consciences negative “ 5 6. Returning to the Demon “ 6 7. The Gods of the Evil “ 6 8. The man " 8 9. The Hell “ 10 10. Diabolic assaults and attacks " 14 11. As for the transgressions to the Laws of God (or sins) " 15 12. As for the mental energies and to the Gods of the Evil " 16 13. Know yourself “ 17 The rebellion of Satan, of the progenitors and the consequences for all men: The responsibilities of Satan and the other Demons find base, first of all, in the rebellion to God from which life is derived as we know it 1 . Of the others " Gods of the Evil 2 " we will say more afterwards. The conditions of such life "... during which we are exposed to struggles, temptations and pains...” they are very hard. This happened "… in the first place to gradually bring them 3 , through these conditions of life to the understanding of their errors and in second place to also begin in this way their volunteer return: because anywhere for before thing there is the principle of liberty and the principle of the improvement it comes as second...4 . Secondarily Satan has the responsibility to have tried Eva and Satan and Eva that of having tried Adam; this last has the responsibility of not to have known how to withstand Eva and the Demon. Nevertheless we must not forget that temptation is inherent in the life " … for every thing of the relative world exists, because his contrary exists…5 ". We have not to forget ever that God loves us and He is always ready to help us 6 ; therefore, whoever can withstand Satan and the temptation, asking Him help ; therefore Eva, would have been able to get that God made to disappear the lust risen in her and she would have been able to give birth " without lust of 1 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163, Armenia 2 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee 3 The rebellious Angels or Demons or Devils 4 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 5 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, pagina 266, Mediterranee 6 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and 30th , July 21st and October 21st , Amrita 1
  • 2. sense...7 ", if she turned her to the Father. And the woman becomes female and, with the yeast of the satanic knowledge in heart, she would have gone to contaminate Adam... 8 . Likewise also Adam would have had to ask help to God to withstand the offer of Eva and so he would have forced Eva to return away on the straight line (it derives co-responsibility of it of Adam with Satan and Eva in the sin or guilt of origin 9 ) ; it also derives of it that Adam is less guilty than Satan and Eva. That being stated we know from the book of the Genesis that the temptation and therefore the sin 10 lies to our door and that the Tempter and his Demons are there always, to fight their insane war against God and us. All of this doesn't exempt any man responsibility. In fact the Lord Jesus also said: " You intend therefore with "Satan" generally the whole material creation and with "Devils" what is separate 11 “. From this last sentence the great responsibilities of all the men emerge, after the first two, up to the living ones of these years and over. It was Satan that broke, but inside himself only, the relationship of love with that Whole that it is the Lord, our God 12 . The man also made the mistake to believe itself separate by God and by other beings and things 13 as it happened to Satan and to other rebellious Angels. From the Sense of separation it is born the egoism and the egocentrism; therefore we have the same way of thinking of Satan, because also we feel ourselves separated by God 14 . But it is not everything, because we have other responsibilities that also emerge from that we will write afterwards on the " Gods of the Evil": those of not to obey to God’s Commandments 15 and to those of His Son Jesus 16 . It can be said, therefore, that the very serious faults of the Demon and of the other Demons toward of us, that one of the origin and those temporal (that is those committed by the Demon during the time of the terrestrial life of every man: temptations and transmissions of malevolent thoughts and vibrations), are added to the faults of the individual himself for the total or partial incapability that the man shows for many terrestrial existences 17 not to know how to withstand the temptations for the pleasures of the world and of the flesh. The responsibilities of Satan and the Demons: such responsibilities exist both toward God and toward the humanity; therefore, if it is true that on these responsibilities there are not doubtful, it is also true however that the man cannot hide behind the screen of such 7 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato,Vol. I°. page 84, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 8 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato,Vol. I° , page 88, CEV Srl, 03036 Isola del Liri(FR), Italy 9 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, pages 82-85, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 10 Genesi 4,6 11 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 158, Armenia 12 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 4th , 12th and 29th , Amrita 13 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 215 (Senso di separatività), Mediterranee 14 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 15 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 (Decalogue), Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 16 Commandments included in the Gospels 17 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 238-240 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 2
  • 3. responsibilities, since we have serious personal guilts, as the chronicles show. Our guilts derive from selfish choices, bad or wicked, which derives from transgressions to the divine or human laws, but above all not to recognize and to accept the relationship of love that unites us to God and all the human beings because we are part of the same family 18 . All we infringe in a way or in another such laws, especially those divine, because every man is continually set in front of the choice among to think and to act well or the to think and to act badly, in the Environment in which the stories of his/her daily life (cosmic situations - frames) are developed 19 . The human stories, singly and in their complex, they also have one or more hidden protagonists, the Demons, that influence notably on the man's decisions with their temptations and their malevolent thoughts and vibrations. As for the rebellious Angels it can be said that they know our weaknesses and our thoughts that in the Mental plan or world they can be read as in a book; they know our temperament and our character that it can be definite the whole of the psychic, moral and behavioral lines of a person (what they distinguish the person from all the others 20 ). The Demons have serious guilts toward us: the world must know that the wickednesses, the divorces, the lack of the sense of the modesty and the libertinism are to a large extent malignant fruits of their satanic vibrations that they launches us from the astral plan 21 , loading us as toys spring-loaded, taking advantage of our weaknesses. The Demons are responsible also of the bad thoughts that they insinuate in our mind from the mental plan 22 . The Demons also have serious guilts in the respects of the peoples, when these begin to contrast between them, because Satan is the perverse prompter of the war conflicts 23 . Him and his army of Devils they are therefore jointly liable with the man of all the types of conflicts that they rise up among the different human ethnic groups. As for malevolent vibrations: Physics teaches us that people, places and things have energy 24 . The Demons also have energy; we think that they have more energy compared to men; Devils live, at least, in the plan of the energy, that has called astral 25 , but it seems us sure that they lives also in the Mental plan if they are able of reading our thoughts and to transmit them to us. Our enemies, the Demons, use their energies sending malevolent vibrations against us; they strike us also in the weak points of our psyche, so increasing our vices and defects (spiritual poverties); for instance, the aggressiveness, the attitude to the polemic, our inclination to affirm our points of view and so on. This is not fiction science because vibrations are anywhere since 18 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of September 4th and 12th , Amrita 19 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 120-122 (Fotogrammi), Mediterranee 20 Lo Zingarelli, Vocabolario della lingua italiana, page 296, Zanichelli 21 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 218-219 (Piano astrale), Mediterranee 22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 221 (Piano mentale), Mediterranee 23 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated September 25th , 2001, MIR, Ancona 24 Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 101, Zanichelli 25 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 218-219 (Piano astrale), Mediterranee 3
  • 4. "everything around us the things oscillate and they vibrate 26 " and "every alive cell of every organism is a living engine 27 “. The malevolent vibrations can be instruments of diabolic assaults and attacks. The Demons, that is the rebellious Angels, perform the plan of Satan to oppose the Plan of Salvation of God; the plan of Satan that has for aim the maintenance of the spiritual death of the man, that it is distance from God, as it was explained to us by the Lord Jesus. The diabolic plan is, therefore, an opposite plan to that of Jesus Redeemer that, assisted by Our Lady Mary of Nazareth, wants to realize the divine Plan of Salvation; the union of men with God in the Christ 28 . The Demon won't prevail, because God is omnipotent and because Jesus defeats Satan any time that He frees a man from the sin and the Darknesses that were within him 29 , but it is necessary that men make their part in advance 30 with thoughts, behaviors and prayers 31 . As for the thoughts: We don't know well as they do, but it is certain that to the Demons our thoughts are known, they can read and therefore they can know our intentions and in accordance to those they can influence our life with negative, bad and wicked thoughts that they introduce in our mind that act as a stimulant for our vices and defects ( spiritual poverties) of which it was said before. They, therefore, watch over on our thoughts and they intervene at the right moment both to transmit us discourteous, sour, gruff, bad or wicked thoughts, both for "to load " with negative vibrations our aggressiveness or our polemic force (in the relationships among persons) or others our defects and so on. The Demons can also influence us with the dreams for making us suffer. So much is able their wickedness, of which usually, we don't become conscious of. The use of the dreams or more precisely of the nightmares from the Devils it has been discovered or had been understood since lately. Thoughts, dreams and nightmares can be the instruments of diabolic assaults or attacks. As for the dreams and to the nightmares: The Demons are able in manipulating our dreams or make us to dream what they want for suffering and they are able even to make us made sorrowful dreams or to attack us with real nightmares. Much it depends on the state of the being of the people. If one has faith in God, if it is vigilant, calm and balanced, when he wakes up it realizes the forcing of the dream; therefore, it decides to check and then it turns him on the other side. In the morning, when he wakes up, he values the situation, if it is necessary it studies it or it examines documents, newspapers, books and soon, then if the dream results unfounded or without reason it smiles and ironically it tells the Demon: this time or also this time I have discovered you and your wickedness has not even grazed me. And the same happens with a nightmare, but if the person is 26 Paul G Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, page 350 Zanichelli 27 Paul G. Hewitt, Fisica per concetti, Page 350, Zanichelli 28 Vangelo di Giovanni, chapter 17 29 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated December 25th , Amrita 30 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 31 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Messages of the August 8th , 1985 and of the January 9th , 1986, MIR 4
  • 5. restless, anxious, sick, timorous, worried for some other reason, or because she doesn't have enough faith or because she must face true problems or adversities, then the situation is different. In such cases the dream - even if it was not sorrowful – it can become it and it can upset a lot a persons, especially if they are not of those that it puts again their worries in the hands of God, that it is always inside of us 32 . He is ready to sustain us if we unload on Him concerns, " worries and burdens 33 ; we have to pay attention to negative and harmful thoughts, that can grow rapid as the weed, which, if left free, it can suffocate all the beautiful and delicate plants of the garden. It learns, (note of mine: so the Lord God tells us) to check your thoughts in such way that is only thoughts of beauty, harmony and love. Once that the positive thoughts are well rooted, you will automatically look for the better side of every situation. Then you can stretch only yourself, let go and enter the joy and the liberty of the Spirit 34 ". The mentality and the conscience negative: For the truth who he writes didn't succeed in withstanding the negative or pessimists thoughts with which the Demon pestered him, day and night, for many days of the month of August of 2004, and perhaps also of September, until fed up with his incapability, aware of the spiteful envy of Satan, turned itself to the Lord Jesus simply telling him: Lord, I evidently have a negative mentality, even if in the life I have chosen the optimism and the initiative. This means that also my conscience, besides my mentality is a lot of inadequate under this aspect also; then after having said this with these or similar words, I told Him: Lord, it changes my mentality. The answer was immediate: " It can be done " He said. Slowly, with gradualness, within two or three months my mind it has been strengthened, my conscience has become larger and I am sheltered from such diabolic assaults or attacks now. Don't you believe it? You try and you will believe, God and His Christ love us all equally, for Them all Souls are equal 35 ; nevertheless the Souls must make the first footstep towards Them; the Lord God said, as a matter of fact: << In this spiritual life, you must complete your job. I am here always for helping the Souls that help themselves, but you must make the first footstep. You will never learn the lesson if others make the things for you. You cannot raise a child doing all to his/her place; you must leave to do him/her alone….36 (our note: we are spiritual children). The Lord Jesus said: << That you ask for it will be given you, what you look for you will find it, you knock and it will be you open, because whoever asks it receives, and who looks for it finds it and to who knock at the door it will be opened. Who among you to his/her child that asks him a bread it will give a stone? Or if he/she asks him a fish, will it give him a snake? If you therefore that are bad know how to give good things to your children, how much more yours Father that is in the skies will give good things to those that ask for ! 37 >> . 32 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio of May 29th , Amrita 33 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated June 1st , Amrita 34 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio of August 18th , Amrita 35 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of March 16th and of May 16th , Amrita 36 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messaggio of August 29th, Amrita 37 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 7-11 5
  • 6. Returning to the Demon: we must don't forget besides that the Devil knows very well the Matter, of which he is the prince; he has been Lucifer, that is a Being that was endowed with divine power, also mental. He is therefore intelligent and astute and he can win us in any moment - even if it doesn't have the ancient power and creative strength anymore 38 - if we don't withstand the inherent temptations in the contrary ones of the life or duality or polarity. Instead, if we have gotten used to withstand his temptations, not for this him give up. In other cases the Demon can continually insists; in such cases it is necessary to turn to the help of Lord God or of the Lord Jesus, the Redeemer and Savior of all the men 39 ; formalities don't be needed, all it takes is asking Them as long as They are inside of us 40 . The casuistry is very vast because men are all different the one from the other, but the remedy is always the same: when the weight becomes excessive, it needs to ask help to the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, or to His Assistant, the Co-Redeemer woman, Mary of Nazareth, Our Lady, that is One with Her Child 41 . Our Lady Mary has also told us that Satan he takes game of our Souls and of us and that She is not able to help us because we are far away from Her heart 42 . Mary of Nazareth for at least twice She has spoken to us of different types of satanic assaults or attacks and this it confirms that it was said before about the malevolent thoughts and vibrations of the Devils to increase in certain moments our deadly vices (for instance the anger or the lust): - On December, 25th 1991:assaults; - on February 25th 1992: attacks. Our Lady has also told that Satan takes advantages from us while he is fighting its cosmic battle against God using, rather abusing of the men 43 . The “ Gods of the Evil ": from the part of Satan they are not only there the rebellious Angels, but also other Spirits of the Evil or " The Gods of the Evil " created by the man 44 . This is not a fanciful hypothesis, as to someone it could seem, since it is founded upon the Law of the thought; as a matter of fact it said the Lord to Eileen Caddy: "It always remembers that as the man thinks so it will be…"; and still: "…As you think so you create." This is My law. This is a principle that must be understood and put into practice in the daily way of living 45 . 38 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia 39 Vangelo di Matteo 28, 16-20 ; Vangelo di Giovanni 12, 31 ; Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of the December 24th and 25th, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno” del Cristo”), Mediterranee 40 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and 30th , Amrita ; La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 144, Mediterranee 41 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 42 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi from Medjugorje, Message of March 25th , 1992, MIR 43 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message of May 25th , 1988, MIR 44 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee 45 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 140, Mediterranee 6
  • 7. To such a purpose it is also to be born in mind that, for existing, anything requires of a spiritual counterpart 46 . For such reasons we are convinced that also the deadly sins (haughtiness, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth) and their subspecies are personified by a Demon of the Evil, an Angel rebellious servant on purpose or so designated by Satan. It doesn't deal with angelic fantasies, but of simple deductions derived by what we have already reported (the thought creates, everything has a spiritual counterpart). We know also that before the Creation Lucifer was endowed with the power and creative ability given him by the Lord, that later they were taken away from him when he became the antagonist of God in the kingdoms of the Matter 47 . We also know from the Lord Jesus as and because the Evil in Satan it had origin: because of a very serious Lucifer’s mistake: he believed to be able to assume in itself, created being and therefore finite, the same infinite 48 . This premised, we believe that every sin committed increases the Evil of the Earth, as the positive thoughts and the good behaviours increase the Good of the Earth. Then the Evil is fed also by us. It is right therefore to never underestimate neither the Evil that we make, nor that one that makes our Enemy, nor that of the other Demons or of the Gods of the Evil. Nevertheless, it would be also an error that to overestimate the possibilities of Satan by now reduced a lot in comparison to the times of the Creation. The man can win Satan with the Rosary in hand she tells us the Our Lady Mary 49 , but where it didn't succeed to us, because the Demon attacked furiously against us for some reason, the man can always ask for help to the Lord God, the Lord Jesus or to the Our Lady Mary that she co-operates with Her Son for the Redemption of the Mankind. Despite the divine help each of us must keep on making well his/her part evangelically living to the best of his/her possibilities. To have an idea of the power that the Devil had before the Creation we remember that to Lucifer was delegated full divine creative power 50 until he didn't rebel transforming himself in Satan, in strength of his thought when erroneously believed to be able to separate himself from the Lord God 51 ; it is so that Lucifer created a monster of himself, having created the separation, the egoism the egocentrism, the hate, the wickedness and all the deadly sins and the subspecies of such sins, while the Lord God created only virtues and positive qualities. Therefore the Lord God took away from Satan the creative power and force that He had donated him. Then the Lord studied the Plan of Salvation for which << The fallen spirits, that had voluntarily estranged from Me and they had taken the wrong way, were not able and they didn't 46 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 120, Mediterranee 47 Giovanni apostolo, Apocalisse, chapter 12 48 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160, Armenia 49 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated August 8th , 1985, MIR 50 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 160 Armenia 51 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita 7
  • 8. want to know nothing of progress about improvement; nevertheless for not it bar them completely the way , they were set under the conditions in which, firm their personal liberty staying, they can return back when they want. For this it was servant the material world now created, the whole universe, the man. In him, according to the degree of their wickedness, the spirits were dressed again of Matter, exposed to struggles, temptations and pains; in first place to gradually bring them, through these conditions of life, to the understanding of their errors, and in second place to also begin in this way their volunteer return: because anywhere for first thing there is the principle of liberty, and the principle of the improvement comes as second. All the earth and the innumerable other celestial bodies are formed from the great soul of Satan: the whole visible creation consists only of particles of the great spirit of Lucifer and his retinue banished and fallen in the Matter. God, that is eternal love and compassion would never have been able to destroy Lucifer, because what God has called once to the life it is able to change form and to pass from a noble condition to a nobler or vice versa, but it can never be destroyed 52 >>. It derives of it that the worlds of the Matter of the Cosmos 53 , has become at the same time the jail and the place of redemption of Satan and of the other Devils (but perhaps they don't realize or they don't want to realize it, darkened as they are from the hate for God and for us men). However all the spirits have the possibility to be saved, provided that they want it starting with the obedience to God's Laws, the Decalogue 54 and the Commandments of the love 55 . The way of the Salvation has taught us by the Lord Jesus with the Gospels and with His style of life, good, mild, simple and poor. The man: the man, for the tenebrous nature inherited by the Demons 56 , especially in the first human incarnations 57 he is attracted by the materiality of the life and he has a conscience and a mentality selfish and egocentric for which the man itself doesn't oppose the attraction of the pleasures of the world and the flesh, being his Conscience limited by the human self that is formed in his mind 58 . We know that the man is a very complex individual for his human nature that also includes the character. The man adjusts the Divine Revelations for his carnal demands, bur he is always free to choose the love way, cause and aim of the life. The primitive man adores the money, the sex, the properties and the terrestrial creatures, the funs, the games, the luxury, the success, the power, the notoriety and so on. At a certain point 52 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia 53 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 54 Deuteronomio 5, 6-22 55 Levitico 19, 18 and Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 56 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia 57 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 228 (Prime incarnazioni umane), Mediterranee 58 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, pages 208-209 (Io) and page 215 (Senso di separatività) ; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 150/151 (Io and Io-non Io, Mediterranee 8
  • 9. of his numerous terrestrial lives 59 - since we live on the Cosmos, for around fifty thousands years 60 , even though in the different zones – the man realizes slowly that the rare terrestrial joys don't satisfy him anymore. It is this existential crisis that induces the man to reflect seriously on the Sacred Writings, on the reasons for the pain, on the justice, on himself, on the purpose and the truths of the life and so on, up to reflect on the old age and even on the death, except that he is afraid of it. Slowly the project of Salvation conceived by God it develops itself through the continuous choice between the contrary ones or duality or polarity of the life as we know it. Such a project gradually brings us to the understanding of our errors and to mature the choice to freely change our style of life from material to spiritual and it takes shape inside and out of us. And the remorse and the repentance buds in our intimate at God’s work, while the Christic Redemption develops itself 61 ; in such a Redemption, Our Lady Mary, that is One with Her Son, has a very important role that one of Co-Redeemer Woman 62 . In the conversion of men it is included the help of the sole God through His three Manifestations that form the Holy Trinity and that is the Father, the son Jesus and the Mother Holy Spirit 63 . The three divine Beings have the co-operation of Our Lady Mary, the Co-Redeemer woman 64 and of the Sky all, among which there are all the Angels and the Guardian angels particularly. We deduce from it that the Salvation of every man is a fact already written in the celestial Books but the when it depends also on us, from our repentance, from our conversion and from our involvement, because nobody wants and must make our part 65 . All men can become Christians without belonging to a Christian Church because “The man is called Christian when he loves his neighbour 66 “. The Salvation of the Demons by means of the man it has been realized by the Lord God with special laws among which is fundamental the Law of Evolution 67 which provides the reincarnation and the progressive redemption of the man by means of the karmic teaching 68 during each terrestrial incarnation of the man until he has become Righteous or almost Saint. All of us know the way of the Salvation: it was the Lord Jesus that it taught us commanding us to evangelically live that is love one another as I have loved you 69 telling us also : "…I am the way, the truth and the life. Nobody can come to the Father except through me…. 70 ". 59 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia 60 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’Illusione, pagina 185, Mediterranee 61 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated 24th e 25th December, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 160-161 (“Il ritorno del Cristo”), Mediterranee 62 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. 1st, page 119, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy 63 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 36-45, Armenia 64 For instance the Revelation of Our Lady Mary at Medjugorje 65 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 66 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 67 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 68 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-159 (Karma), Mediterranee 69 Vangelo di Giovanni 15, 12 70 Vangelo di Giovanni 14, 6 9
  • 10. All of this premised, we believe that the selfish thought of the man - facing the satisfaction of his instincts / senses / needs and desires, it creates or it competes to create and or to make to grow " the Gods of the Evil", perhaps those of the deadly vices and of their subspecies. Of such vices the man is for a long time slave during his numerous terrestrial existences 71 , until he doesn't ask help to the Lord Jesus, the Savior of all the men, to whatever people or religion they belong 72 . In the third Millennium many men will rediscover the Spirit of God that supports all of this that exists; in this Millennium many men will return to the origins, to the time of the First Christian Community after the Resurrection of Jesus. Then the Spirit Saint appeared and acted in the day of Pentecost 73 . In the 1967 spring the Spirit Saint returned on the Earth with the same prodigious manifestations made to many students of the university Duquesne of Pittsburg (Pennsylvania, Usa). The Leader of the way of the Third Millennium are these young Christians of the Charismatic Renewal or Pentecostalism Catholic that they begged the ones for the other ones reciting every day the "You come Spirit Saint" with the intention to ask to the Spirit the same charismas that gave the components of the First Christian Community, that of the Apostles, in the day of the Pentecost 74 . It is to the man to make the first footstep toward God, that is Spirit 75 , the Spirit Saint, that is present in every thing and in each one 76 , not only with the prayer, but also speaking and listening to God. God is not far in some distant sky, but He is present in each one of us with His Spirit 77 . The man after having repented and converted must recognize God, first condition to make emerge God inside of us 78 . God, as a matter of fact, asks to be recognized and accepted, before making to become again everything possible, also the Charismas of the Pentecost because each one of us is in God and God it is in each one of us 79 . He is the Father-Mother God of the whole human kind 80 and He asks to the man to use Him as a guide for "…for answering to all questions, to help to resolve the problems and to guide and to direct our footsteps…81 , but we must love Him and to put Him at the first place in our life 82 . 71 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’Illusione, page 185, Mediterranee 72 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages of 24th and 25th December, Amrita ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 160, Mediterranee 73 Atti degli Apostoli, chapter 2 74 Serafino Falvo, L’ora dello Spirito Santo, Edizioni Paoline 75 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 28th , Amrita 76 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 17th , Amrita 77 Deuteronomio 30, 11- 14 78 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated May 29th , Amrita 79 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated October 21st , Amrita 80 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 104, Mediterranee 81 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated July 21st , Amrita 82 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message dated March 20th , Amrita 10
  • 11. In all these behaviours, to start from the repentance and from the conversion, the man cannot deceive God, not only because God is omniscient and He is within us, but also because " The Spirit of the man 83 is a torch of the Lord that scrutinizes all the secrets recesses of the heart 84 ". The Hell In the book "The Lord speaks of Jakob Lorber ", left in the care of Josef Mahlberg Editions Armenia, is reported: << The hell The man is set between sky and hell. In strength of its free will he/she can decide if he/she wants to conduct an existence in the light or if he/she prefers to be projected in the darkness. Where there is only " weeping and screeching of teeth." But where is the hell found? Is it indeed there where it set him/it Dante, that is within the Earth? Is the hell a place or it is the condition of maximum distance from God? 85 . A Roman captain asked to the Lord Jesus a question very similar to this saying: <<Oh Lord and Teacher, since you have mentioned the hell, of which the Jews believe that there the most terrible devils eternally torment the wicked souls, tell more clearly possible us what this hell is, where it is found and who ends up in that place of terror after the death of the body! >>. (The Lord:) << My friend, you are right to ask me this question. And for how much it will be you certainly difficult to understand well these things, I want to give you an explanation, that you must listen with great attention! You see, as the sky is anywhere good men is found, to Me dear and pleasant, the hell is so also anywhere there is despisers of God, enemies of the good and of the truth, liars, cheats, thievish, assassins, robbers, stingy, avid dominators and adulterers. If now you want to know that appearance has this hell, consider the conscience, the mind, the will and the longings of one of these people in which has the hell residence and you will perfectly understand as it is the hell, that is exactly work of these men! Into the hell each one wants to be the first one, supreme, uncontested dominator, he wants to have the supreme power and strength, to possess everything, and all must obey him and to work for him receiving a least remuneration of it. The passages from the imperfect to the perfect one are nevertheless always possible, because the Lord has left full and complete liberty and autonomy; nevertheless the passages don't correspond to annihilations, on the contrary eliminations of natural and exterior forms: and these 83 The Drop or Divine Spark 84 Proverbi 20, 27 85 The distance from God is not objective because in the Reality God never separates Him from anybody and - hidden inside our depths –He waits o be from us recognized and made to emerge. In the Reality of the Spirit God is in every thing and in each one and therefore He never abandons us and He is always with us. You see in Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, the Messages of March 28, of 29 and 30 May and of July 17, Amrita 11
  • 12. eliminations are necessary, in how much without them it is not possible some spiritual improvement in the sense of a free process of conquest of the autonomy… (The Lord:) <<The hell is a place as much indefinite of the heaven; the hell and the heaven depend only on the internal condition of the man. This way an angel and a devil can be the one close to the other and nevertheless spiritually they are to boundless distances between them, and the angel, independently from the devil that he sits nearby him, it feels him in the sky and the devil at the hell, and he ignores everything of the angel that is next to him. However this you cannot fully intend it, because the spiritual relationships are completely different from those of this earth. Nevertheless for a careful observer here useful examples can be found also. So for example you can be nearby physically close together and spiritually very distant from a man, that he is yours worse enemy inside of itself, and day and night he studies as he can damage you in astute way, in how much it envies yourself for your position that he would want to have himself. Being astute, he succeeds in hiding you his true mind, so that you not even suspects what he goes meditating. When you go to him, it welcomes you with the maximum gentleness and it turns you all the honours, while in reality, if there were not the laws to protect you, he would want to destroy you. And so that he is a true devil and with the body and the soul it is already found at the hell, while you, honest and upright man, you are in sky. You now see, when your enemy and you are near, from the point of view physical sky and hell are very next, but they don't participate at all the one of the other: as a matter of fact your moral level is very different and you are at great distance between you. Here, from this image you can understand something of the sky and the hell. Me as God from the eternity, could destroy with my will the hell, but with it I would destroy the whole creation. And what it would happen then? To begin a new creation? Yes, this would be possible; but a new creation of material worlds is not thinkable anything else other than similar to that actual, because the matter is the correct and proper mean in which a being that owes becoming in everything similar to Me he/she can fully complete the experience of the liberty, to overcome the test of the independence, and to come so to the true autonomy of life. It is therefore better to leave the things as they are, modifying however the order: thing that can be done only by Me becoming man. In this way the whole matter has been penetrated and done able to feel beatitude of the ancient its spiritual content. And this is the second creation, from Me predicted since the eternity, and without this second creation any man of this or other earths would have been able to reach the beatitude; because before this arrival of mine Me I was a God not visible since the eternity, as it is said in Mosè, where it is read that nobody can see God and living. Of now in before Me however I am a visible God for everybody, and whoever sees Me, he/she lives and he/she will live for ever. <<The redemption however it consists in first place in My teaching and secondary in making Me man, action with which is broken and it has been defeated entirely the great power of 12
  • 13. the ancient hell. Anybody however think that I have created once the hell! This be away from Me and from all of you! And you don't even think that it is a place of eternal punishment and punishment without end for the wicked ones of this earth. The hell is formed by itself by those souls that here on the earth, in the flesh, they have derided every form of revelation, they have denied God, they have acted only in base to the desires of their senses, they are made to adore as if they were them same Gods, that people had to pray, as he has made Nabuccodonosor to Babylon. He has forced the people to adore him and to make him some sacrifices even; and who refused, he/she was martyred. From this example only you are able well to see what power the hell practiced on the earth, and as it was by now time that Me same I went down in the Matter, to set a limit to this hell that it was created alone and that till now nobody had been able to brake. Me the Holy One, had to dress me of some impurity of the human weakness, to be able to approach me to the hell as a strong hero. And this I have done it, I have drawn near, I am in his center, and all the devils and the Satan ones run away from Me as chaff to the wind. And here that with these examples I have shown you what the hell is, what it did, and that partly still do, and what the redemption is. Have you understood the words that I have told you? 86 >>. The Lord Jesus confirmed that nobody goes to the hell or in heaven saying that, "… each one brings them both inside of itself 87 ". Deductions of mine Having said that I make the following considerations: 1. that the hell has not been created by God, but it is part of the Relative Reality 88 , also it in God, to face the absolute Reality that is that of God 89 ; 2. that God is love 90 ; therefore the Lord also wants to embrace again all His children that are amiss believed separated by Him as the Demons and a great part of the men 91 ; 3. that all of this that exists, beings and things it is within God; therefore Everything is One and Everything it exists in God, the One; One means Absolute 92 ; therefore in the Absolute Reality, God is the Whole that everything and all beings include; 4. that "… Love is the greatest power of union of the universe… 93 " and therefore nothing and nobody withstands such aggregating power; 86 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 163-166, Armenia 87 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia 88 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 210-213 (Percezione), page 184 (Mondi della percezione) and pages 184 -185 (Mondi grossolani), Mediterranee 89 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71-72 (Dio), Mediterranee 90 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 42, Mediterranee 91 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and 30th , Amrita 92 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 93 Eileen Caddy, La voce di Dio a Findhorn, page 146, Mediterranee 13
  • 14. 5. that for the law of Evolution men live manifold times on the Earth with degrees always greater of Mind and of Spirit 94 until they won't have become Righteous or almost Saints with the teachings of the divine law of the Karma 95 ; 6. that "…On the absolute plan, objective, it doesn't exist neither creation, neither emanation, neither manifestation, neither beings, neither worlds. Only God exists… 96 ; 7. that also for these reasons God is almighty and omniscient; All of this considered can be said that the hell is a state of being that it does not exists objectively as a place separated by God; if it existed as a place separated by God, God would not be more absolute because it would exist God and the good men from a part and Satan, the other Demons and the bad men from the other, while such situation is incompatible with the reality of the being God the One and the Whole that everything includes. Also the Sky or the Heaven it is a state o being of beings not separated by God but doing part of Him. It derives of it that the Day of the Final Judgment of the Gospel of Matthew (25, 31 -46) with the consequent eternal damnation of the bad men it doesn't exist, both because Jesus has never pronounced it, both because such a judgement would be incompatible with the love of God and that of the same Christ, that is also Him love 97 . It exists, instead, one Day of Judgment for every Soul that arrives in the Life after Death from the Earth; this Judgment it is pronounced by Jesus, but the Lord judges us on the base of the good deeds done on the Earth from every man during every terrestrial incarnation and therefore Jesus doesn't judge us on the base of our sins 98 . And also this is divine love! Diabolic assaults and attacks: the responsibilities of Satan and of the other Demons, almost unknown to the more, besides the guilt of origin known to all, they are above all those that derive from the satanic assaults and attacks of which Our Lady Mary reports us from Medjugorje and that we have already quoted (Messages of December 25th 1991:assalts and February 25th 1992: attacks), those of the transmission of negative, bad or wicked thoughts and those of malevolent vibrations.. Satan and the other Devils are also responsible of the temptations, even though inserted in the stories of our daily life, temptations which cooperate to determine our choices at mental level. The Devils suggest us to act badly and they are the first cause of the tribulations to which it is subject the human life exposed as it to struggles, temptations and pains 99 , because the man has been created just to save them 100 . 94 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 95 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 153-156 (Karma), Mediterranee 96 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, page 71, Mediterranee 97 Maria di Nazareth, Messaggi da Medjugorje, Message dated June 25th, 1988, MIR 98 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 181-184, Armenia 99 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 162, Armenia 100 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 162-163, Armenia 14
  • 15. The life It was conceived so by the Creator, probably rather certainly, because there was no best way for letting demons and men understand that the purpose of the Life, human particularly, it was not that to make us to enjoy of the pleasures of the world and the flesh, on the contrary that to discover that the Lord God is our true Essence 101 and that He is ours Father / Mother / God 102 absolute 103 , that He loves us and He desires that His love be returned; consequently the aim of the human life is love. The Lord “ …is within us hidden in the very depths waiting to be recognised and drawn forth 104 “ . Such a life was conceived so by the Lord God, as we have above reported, really to remedy to the errors of Lucifer-Satan and of the other Devils. Among their mistakes it is fundamental that to consider themselves separate from God and from the others; as a matter of fact the sense of separation has generated the egoism and the egocentrism also, while the life of God it is gift, communion and sharing. But God found a remedy for the mistakes of the Demons wit the life that we know; the life on the Earth or better in the Cosmos 105 it has been conceived so that by the Lord God for making to pass the human beings from the state of separatism, of egocentrism and of egoism in which men are lying for guilt of Satan and of itselves to the state of altruism, that is love, taught us by the Lord Jesus on the cross Hebrew-Roman. We know that the tribulations of the man have a noble aim: to expand our conscience, making us to overcome the egoism by means of the understanding of our mistakes the pain donate us 106 with the purpose to be able to greet us all again in Divine Plan, bur for ours free choice and with personal renunciations. And in such state of being the Lord let us to happily live. It is true that the responsibilities of Satan and of the other Devils are huge, however it would be an error as much great that one of not recognize ours faults, that they derive, from our way of living selfishly and materially during numerous human existences on the Earth that have the purpose of making us to become Righteous or almost Saint by means of the law of the Evolution 107 . As for the transgressions to the laws of God or sins there is no doubt that our responsibility is huge, when we know such Laws (Decalogue and Commandments of the love) , because we choose personally between the Good or the Evil, during all the events of the daily living and we are always us that we think and we we act; therefore in the last analysis one can also say that Satan may be for us, nothing more than an alibi. At a certain point of our spiritual walk we realize which 101 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 102 Eileen Caddy, La Voce di Dio a Findhorn, pages 103/104, Mediterranee 103 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 104 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of May 29th , Amrita 105 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 106 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 75-77 (Dolore), Mediterranee 107 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 104-112 (Evoluto and Evoluzione), Mediterranee ; Thorwald Dethlefsen, Vita dopo vita, dialoghi con reincarnati, Mediterranee 15
  • 16. are our responsibilities, when we began to know the Gospels of the Lord Jesus or also only one commandment: “Do also for others what you would want them to do for you … 108 ". As for the mental energies and to the " Gods of the Evil": as the thought of the man is energy, this energy creates some ultra physical forces. We doesn't know what help or contribution the Demons can give to our energies malevolent in to do the evil and in to create the evil with our thought, but it is possible that they strengthen it. What seems us possible it is that the man, with his mental activity of material and sinful nature has given life, in the centuries, to subspecies of demons of human origin, that is to the " The Gods of the Evil 109 " . We think also that this psychic activity, that is our thought, heated by the need of the senses, from the instinct or from the desire consolidate and makes to grow these smaller entities of the other world from us created as it has already reported. Such entities should remain to the lowest levels of the astral world, those more materials and therefore more neighbours to the physical world 110 . What we try to say, first of all to ourselves, it is that, perhaps, the man creates the inferior Demons, that is the Gods of the Evil as they are defined by Dorothy Maclean 111 , giving them life in the other world and that they then become allied aware or unaware of Satan. I don't know what relationships there can be among Satan and them, but even if there were not any, they make its game in perfidious way, from how much a friend reports us: as a matter of fact he saw, sometimes, black forms with the spiritual eye. The first type was formed of micro black suns with a modest yellow light and other black forms as stains, of various type, but without yellow light. A night he realized that the micro suns were Demons after having seen a strange (contraction / expansion) motion inside a black micro sun. He had the impression that they were inner pulsations for the issues of negative energies that increased one defect of his, the rage, when it was found in a state of internal peace; in such occasions he saw a black micro sun that pulsated and after a little time he lost the peace. After that he was able to badly answer to whom didn't behave well or to whom took advantage of him. Subsequently, after some time, he observed other phenomena: a micro sun for instance that assumed the form of three little balls one above to the other and in such a way the Demon could accentuate the yellow light. The man deduced of it that the Demons, are capable to read in his mind; they realized that they had been found out and therefore they tried to camouflage themselves increasing the exposure of the yellow light (sign of divine energy). In vain, because the man then he had discovered them and so realized their astuteness. 108 Vangelo di Matteo 7,12 109 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee 110 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dai mondi invisibili, pages 139/148, Mediterranee 111 Dorothy Maclean, Spiriti di Natura, page 102, Mediterranee 16
  • 17. Thinking about it he remembered episodes of the past, where instead of a simple reproach he had rebuked in excessive way a person and therefore it imputed to the vibrations malevolent such behaviors, he then had been sorry a great deal for them. The man also deduced of it that the Demons, not wanting, they had made him a service, that to make him to discover one vice of his, the anger that he had repressed for the received education. The compression of the vice or its hiding in the shade of our mind 112 it doesn't do other - all of a sudden - that worsen the situation, that exploded then as it was already said. The whole Evil doesn't come for harming it says the proverb, or the Evil is instrumental to the Good, the wise man it says for the Lord is omniscient and omnipotent. Always the same friend pointed out ironically by thought, to the Demons that appeared to its spiritual sight that they have done him a favour. it is a fact that the man knew better himself and it recognized that the anger was a component of its nature and that it had to not be repressed, neither hidden, but discovered and accepted. This way it did, he accepted it and slowing he lost such defect for a divine law of mercy tied up to the knowledge of ourselves and to the acceptance of our state of being. Know yourself 113 : we can know ourselves through the introspection; this fundamental experience for our spiritual growth can be had by everybody; we can learn to know ourselves through the self psycho analysis 114 : once discovered the vices and the defects (spiritual poverties) that we have each one must accept them without repressing them neither to hide them in its own mind; after that every vice, defect or poverty disappear as for enchantment, when the man become aware of them by means of the self psychoanalysis 115 . it is a divine gift for which we have to thank God; it is a natural process that it is established with the becoming aware of our limits. The man of which it has been said it started to also notice other black forms, without yellow light that they assumed various typologies, not geometric but similar to stains, also big as halves the fingernail of the little finger of a small hand but each of them it was without yellow light. From the lack of light he deduced that these stains could be a subspecies of Demons developed by the negative thought of the man as it has been already said. The same friend thought they were inferior demons to the rebellious ones 116 but able them also to send forth negative energy accenting all the human vices as the haughtiness, the lust, the anger or the envy and the subspecies of such vices. He also learned to do some irony every time that discovered them, for which now the satanic assaults and attacks are lesser the satanic assaults or attacks that it suffers, 112 Thorwald Dethlefsen e Rudiger Dahlke, Malattia e Destino, page 49 and next, Mediterranee 113 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagina 54 e ss, Mediterranee 114 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché ?, pagine 121/130; Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 35-36 (Autoconoscenza) and page 37 (Autopsicanalisi), Mediterranee 115 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 54-55 (Conoscere se stessi); La voce dell’ignoto, pagine 45-50, Mediterranee 116 Amadeus Voldben, I prodigi del pensiero positivo, pages 67/98, Mediterranee 17
  • 18. also for the help that he receives from the Sky any time that he sees stains; the man doesn't remember to have more seen black micro suns or stains because he asked help to the Lord God with the words of the Psalmist: "The Lord is my shepherd, I won't miss of anything….on grass pastures He let me to rest…”. The Gods of the Evil reappeared, but for other motives connected to the Ordine Gesù Redentore ( The Jesus Redeemer Order ) that they try to hinder. Having said that we must always remember that every transgression of the man to the Decalogue and the Commandments of the love is always preceded by a negative thought and therefore from the creation or the increase of something of Badly. From such behaviors they derive precise responsibilities (firm staying those of the Demons and of Satan particularly). With this we want to say that the individual Salvation always depends from the thinking and from the acting well of the man that always has to make its role 117 . We must not be believe that Salvation arrives to us from the skies with a small lunch basket as the snack of mother when I was a child 6/7 years old . Therefore it is necessary to repents of one’s sins and to change style of life because “…the Kingdom of the Heaven is close at hand 118 “. The remorse and the repentance they are a part of the conversion, but they are God’s gifts. God is with us always 119 . 117 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 30th and August 29th , Amrita 118 Vangelo di Matteo 4,17 119 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Messages dated May 29th and 30th , Amrita 18