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*Su*re c
B. r.. ::: rig
.E 2 a. Explain communication channels wjt[Se help of a block diagram. (04 Marks)
i U. Apply Shanon's binary encoding *Mffi*m to the following message symbols with their
E probabilities given, and find code$ffiiffi"y for a second order extension if H(s) : 1.4855
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2014
lnformation Theory and Goding
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
,::,,,, Note: l. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting t,,
K:":;:x,"r::; f:#/;:#":";lp,![k,"a. :,*'t'';,
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",,i''.' PART-A 'i'-1"",,
'g I a. , Pr.ove that H(s" ) = nH(s) for the nth extension of the zero memory sources.. =
';, (06 Marks)
o ''.i,ir'
t b. Erelain the properties of entropy and prove that the extropy attains a mpxidum value when5
E uI tie iource symbols become equiprobable. (06 Marks)
H c E'^"thA-a{*ar{ioorqrnnfthelrlqrlrnrrcrlrrrr-eshnrrninE'io C)l (c't finr$]thesfafenrohehilifies
H aI theuurce symbols become equiprobable. tu '',,, (06 Marks)
€ c. For the"state diagram of the Markov source shown in Fig. Ql (c), fur,$ e state probabilities,
f; entropy 6f€aah state, entropy of the source.. . t,%,,  (08 Marks)
E ffi (te/*6
J '1-7 --T6 /z-
fIIr') mg II13
,J 0.2
find H(x.)H(
c-r Fig. e3 (a)
b State the properties of mutual information. Also prove that the mutual information is non
negative. (07 Marks)
c. Consider the source with their probabilities given in Fig. Q3 (c). Apply Huffrnan coding
technique and find the efficiency of the code.
Fig. Q3 (c)
I of2
o-r Svmbol
:ffiF *,i=,1=' Probability
b ,.,{.0,'
E c. For the channel mapix given in Fig. Q2 (c), find H(x), H(y), H(y/x), H(x,y) if inputs are
E ^^,,:--^L^Lr^ .. ; *-' 'e
I equiprobable. '" *h
(B t-
$ r(yrx)=lf i ? ?l { (osMarks)
i l_ _: -l
Lo 63 3.i'.=
E 3 a. For a binary erasure shown in the Fig. Q3 (a). Prove that channel capacity C:9 (06 Marks)
6 ff=rryeg
lencv o
Sr Sz Sr Sa Ss So Sz Sx
0.22 0.20 0.18 0.1s 0.10 0.08 0.0s 0.02
(07 Marks)
4 a. State Shanon's Hartley law and explain its implications. (08 Marks)
b. A Gaussian channel has a band width of 4 k}lz and two sided noise power spectral density
I of 10-'a wattslHz.The signal power at the receiver has to be maintained < 0.1 milliwatts,
calculate the capacity of the channel. (04 Mar:.+s)
Explain the differential entropy of the continuous channel. (o8Jvffifei)
. r,l
PART-R "l!.,1
::: L.
 F,.::: ::,
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in the general decoding circuit for (n, k) linear block code. .'. h''.@l
I! .- ..
'l'"" ";'
" h,,.@l Marks)
.,,. "::,.. -ia linear block code given by,
kl 1l
{", I
l oiJ
011-] .
.':, 'q
Lo I 1l -L *-q'
Draw the encodfhg.rircuit, syndrome calculation circuit.-.,,',
Draw the encodfhg,drcuit, syndrome calculation circuit.-., 1
* (08 Marks)
For a linear block C'@.n-re that CHr = 0 .
'-"' (08 Marks)
{.: ;"
The generator polynomdi@? (15, 7) cyclic c.g$Sus(*) = 1 + xa + xu + x' + xt ,
i) Find the code vector for ft}$p-x' + x'+. dha verify if it is systematic.
ii) Find the syndrome v(x) if frrittffitpittf code vector suffers transmission errors.
 :*r x (08 Marks)
Explain error detection and correctt@&t(n, k) cyclic code with an example. (08 Marks)
Explain the properties of cycli. *#** * (04 Marks)
Explain Golay codes ,iffiW, effor coffecting cbd""€. (10 Marks)
For the convolutio{r- €i#dder shown in Fig. Q8 (a), draqi',,":"
(r) State diagra&:=,
i.. .:
!ii? !l"q$.#*hut produced by. a message sequence 101 I 1. "
(i9 Veffi"the output sequence by time domain approach. (12 Marks)
cr) :""'
Fig. Q8 (a)
Explain the steps involved in Viterbi algorithm.
2 of?
Digital Gommunication
Max. Marks: lOO,
Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
at least TWO questions from each part 11,:,,::
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ES 2
bocCd Cd
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Afi 4
c' 60
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a. ffiFkln natural sampling with relevant waveforms. Give all the
fre{@py- d o ma in e quat io ns.
required channel band width? (Take erfc(2.1):2 x l}a)
c. Explain briefly phase tree and phase Trellis in MSK.
tt'j'q" ''
nece s saryr,,.t ihb-domain and
i ' (10 Marks)
practice. "u' ,,,'':.,,,,,,,
. (04 Marks)
c. Csnsi(et t(€*rt*log signa't x(t1 = 5 cosQQQQn$ + tQ cos(6QQQat] i'r"
i) What is the Nyc,uist rate and Nyquist interval?
ii) Assume that if we sample the signal using samplingftquency f. :5000 Hz,what is the
resulting discrete,timp signal obtained after sar4plin$?
iii) Draw the spectru. of,S:*rumpled signal. 1,I' tar (06 Marks)
a. Explain regenerative repeatef.fhfuPCM syggftgun{th a block diagram. (05 Marks)
b. The bandwidth of a signal is 314-kflz- If.tfu$ signal is converted to PCM bit stream with
1024 levels, determine the numbei'e=f-ffi per second (bps) generated by the PCM system.
Assume that the signal is sampled @eirat€ of 20o/o above the Nyquist rate. (06 Marks)
c. Derive an expression for the outpfuuSNR o{ a uniform qtnntizer in terms of step size of the
quantizer. Hence show thaf'lfor mid-tr&d type uniform qnantaer the SNR is
(SNR)*F,, : 6n - 7.2 dB, whue 'n' is the num@ of bits per sample. Assume a loading
factor of 4. o9 Marks)
lfequW$itl-Aomaln equat0ns. it* - lru rvrarAs/
b. What'i$asing error? Give two corrective measures to remor%fh.,. €fftct of aliasing in
::: "h, n / rr---r,-
(09 Marks)
n of digital data. (06 Marks)
a. Explain with block diagrams DPCM transmitter and rece
b. Explain briefly.ffiSdsic optical fiber link used for the tr:
c. Show that fo6 thdbipolar format, the autocorrelation fun<c. Show that foqthe-bipolar format, the autocorrelation function &(t9, ttut is E[ArAr-,] is zero
for n > L @re Ar is the Kth random variable representinf ftl Uit of the input binary
sequ:lffifume statistically independent and equally likely -.rsu$ilb{._, (05 Marks)
a. Exffi'raised cosine spectrum solution to reduce ISI. :':"''
. (10 Marks)
b. The binary data 001101001 are applied to the input of the duobinary system.
,,. ,,,.,.,D Construct the duobinary coder output and the corresponding receiver output.rwithout a
ii) Suppose that due to error during transmission, the level at the receiver input ced
by the second digit is reduced to zero. Construct the new receiver output. 110 Marki)
Explain the generation and demodulation of DPSK wave with block-diagrams. (08 Marks)
Binary data are transmitted over a microwave link at the rate of 100 bps and the PSD of the
noise at the receiver input is 10-10 Watts per hertz. Find the average carrier power required to
maintain an average probability of error Pe < 104 for coherent binary FSK. What is the
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
I of2
What is a signal vector? Show that the energy of a signal is equal to the squared length of
the signal vector representing it. (08 Marks)
Explain the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure to obtain the orthonormal basis
functions for the linearly independent set of signals. (tz ttlarlqp,t
,c! 'q".'-,,
Show that the output SNR of a metched filter is proportional to the ratio of the signal6ry'9rgy
.a{ll *
: ;:it':: "'
to the PSD of input noise.
Explain the noncoherent quadrature receiver using correlators.
What is the role of PN seq
ider the signal s(t) as shown in the Fig.Q7(c). Determine the impulse rgqponse of the
to s(t). Plot the impulse response and matched filter outryf hs a function of
. 15"'
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, i66-Marks)
(08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
given PN
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks)
spectrum communication? For the
spectrum technique to (i) CDMA, (ii)
,r,,' ,,,,,,,,
,, , ,.
i {-i
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{S,-t&-.#r !N'* N.
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sequence 0011101 verify the propert
Discuss briefly the applications
2 ofZ
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2Ol4
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' *'Time: 3 hrs. Max. Mark#€6
Nota: Answer any FIVEfull questions, selecting atleast TWO questionsfrom.p.dl* part.
...:.:::..:::...... PART - A
I a. qiqpi1p.q briefly a.nd how microprocessors have evolved with relevance itS cani111y, bit
size apd applications. (06 Marks)
b. Explaii{ S9mory segmentation. What are the advantages of us@iegment registers in
memory$ghugntation? ,;'" (o6Marks)
c. Given that D$_'=-,,D470H, CS : 2123H, SS : 2091H,-&q +'IABCH , BP : 0030H ,
sP : 0123H , S1 = 12H , DJ :1234H, BX : 3F00rlldentifu the addressing mode and
determine the physied. address resulting from fo llowing irbtiuctions.
i) MoV DL, [BP + SI] ii) MoV Ax, [Bx],[,;mt - O4H]
iir) MOV [BX] , CX "'1."r, iv) MOV CL, [8734HJ. (08 Marks)
2 a. What is the function of assembler directi-ves"f 'What do PUBLIC and EXTRN directives
indicate when placed in a program lq.qdule? ' (06 Marks)
b. How many minimum and maximum,ntirater of bytes do 8086 instructions occupy? Indicate
the usefulness of several special.l9.iffi:"ors present in the opcodes of 8086 processor.
c. Explain the operation of the fo'llowing instructions :Explaln rne operarron or rne rorpwmg mslruc'rp+s :
i) XLAT ii) AAS jiCI, "SCASW iV) :,$OpPZ. (08 Marks)
3 a. Distinguish bety:"n {ee-.. and procedures. Write"h ramro that uses REPEAT statement to
insert 10 NOP instr,qstions in a program ,,:. (07 Marks)
b. Write an ALP i+',M86 using string instructions to replaced.occuffences of character'*'
with '#' in a given string STRNG. . .. r' (05 Marks)
c. Determinci-kldfu the following operations can be achieved using D..6$-.drnctions.
i) Readig a key with an echo ii) Reading an entire line with.anpcho
iir),,&?,,drsnlaV an ASCII character rv) To display a string of characteO=
(08 Marks)
4 a.. ,pplain interrupt response sequence of 8086. " n ..:,,' (06 Marks)
U,,]:"'finrat are the interrupt vector addresses of the following intemrpts : INTO ,NMI;1N-T 20H,
, INT 55H. (o4Marks)
,: 'c. Given that (SP) : 0100H, (SS) : 0300H , (PSW) :0240H and contents of the folltiwing
1 /AA
r r. ! /nnn
r n r nnrr
.,,.1""i; memory locations are as indicated : (000 20 H) : 0040H , (000 22H):0100H andrthffi
'::r:: INTS instruction has an offset of 00A00H within the segment whose address is'
Determine the contents of SP, SS, IP, CS and PSW, after the intemrpt sequence caused by
INT 8 instruction is executed. (10 Marks)
Show an interface of a matrix keyboard to 8086 and explain the basic principle of operation.
. (10 Marks)
Interface 4, 7 - segment displays using 8255 to 8086. Write an ALP to display 1,2, 3, 4
over the four 7 - segment displays continuously. (10 Marks)
I of2
Explain the Numeric execution unit of 8087 coprocessor. (08 Marks)
Describe the operation performed by each of the following 8087 instructions :
* FSQRT , FSAVE , F2XMI , FPTAN. (08 Marks)
,,,,{-,*. ". Write a program to compute the area of a circle, given the radius using 8087 instructiolq.)_."
H-:+*, flq*u'7 =!u** Draw and discuss a typical maximum mode 8086 system. What is the use of a bnbq'0ntroller
,**tt maximum mode? (08 Marks;
b.-'"ffipJain the features of USB in brief (u1Marks)
c. E{dsl with appropriate diagram how 8086 is interfaced to a bus. Wh#*'|sthe need for use
of lattfrF{,qnd buffers in the interface? (08 Marks)
'? -*
8 a. Explain coftSf*debug and test registers of 80386 processor. ,*}'ury (09 Marks)
b. Write a note"d&h&mory organizationof advanced micropffi-fsffrs. (06 Marks)
c. Whataretheuniqffi*aturesofPentiumprocessor? '.'"* (05Marks)
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2 of2
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2Ol4
M icroelectronics Gi rcuits
'"1l"t ' '*":'tll''{irne: 3 hrs. Max. MarksLlQ0
'"i'i ,i
'' Note: Answer any FIWfull questions, selecting ,-:,
,*t'* *, utleast fWO qonrtion, fro* each part. ,n ."
o; kd*; l'"
€ -"M*" PART - A ,=,.'h-F
E I a. Wit6%leat diagram, derive the expression for ip in saturation and-.tii6de region. What
E happdned. to io if the channel length modulation is considered? Pq*
* (10 Marks)
H b. Draw ttrErfi$ge signal equivalent circuit model of NMOS and expffir * (04 Marks)
E c. Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents through uit:the branches of following
g circuit. Let Vt : lV and kn'(WL) : 16rqrV2. Neglect the ehannel - length modulation
= 4'oe=
oa #'#
+.r l$r;$
eo IoN6)
E 4'oe=
J: ,,,, n I fRo=61+.r t{.ru; 2 I$
s toHtri
'ilc F-It
g L IL+
1 n*,oq €W,e
E -,n_i Fig.e.l($d
E =., .,- :"::"'
E 2 a. Show the develo t of the T equivalent - circuit mo
E ro,ro,r,f !zu,(rcv
t 2 a. Show the devetopqont of the T equivalent - circuit ileS the MOSFET from hybrid
* b. Draw the cirolit'of common-source amplifier with a source resistarace. Draw its small signal
S equivalent circuit with ys neglected. Obtain the expression for V*, i$ vo, Au, Auo and the
I overall voltage gain G,. " ,il (10 Marks)
c' Whargscaling? Differentiate constant field scaling and constant-voltale'scaling. (ol Marks)
E3a""Brieflyexplainaboutshortchanneleffectduetoscaling.'; b. Compare NMOSFET and BJT in terms of6 n ' '-,,*^-* .,^l+^^^ ^L^-^^+^-:^+.:^
- :,3
g i) Current voltage characteristic.
€ ffi
* ib High frequency model. " 1F-,=
ry4 iii) Output resistance. 1oo vraiffi*
? c. Following figure shoes the high frequency equivalent circuit of a common-source MOSFET;';r
: amplifier. The amplifier is fed with a signal generator Vsig having a resistance Rsig.
Resistance R in is due to the biasing network. Resistance R', is the parallel equivalent of the
load resistance RL, the drain bias resistance Rp, and the FET output resistance ro. Capacitors
cgs and cgd are the MOSFET internal capacitance:
I of2
D Draw the equivalent circuit at midband frequencies.
ii) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgs.
iil) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgd. For Rsig : 100KQ,
Rin: 420K{r, Cgs: Cgd: lpF, gm:4mNY, and R'r:3.33Kf)
iv) Find the mid band voltage gain A1,1: Vs/Vsig.
v) Find the upper 3-dB frequency fu. (08 Marlaq)
,, lin (n gl n ''i'
tu l*T*f_r-i N' *ffi$r
i, &

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'Eu'1.,.-,,,,::, r 15. <. Jv/
a. In common-@tfuamplifier with active load, obtain 3-dB freqr4pflf, using open circuit time
b ;T*iT:3J1ffi-:H':H"3it:"j;ffiffi:,HJ
u [8:il:[:i
c. Draw an Ic source ffirver circuit. Obtain its smak$gHl equivalent circuit and obtain its
/ ",;
voltage gain Au =
. ;"
(06 Marks)
vl & .-rllq._
t, ., {ffi
t d.'t,. q, -I"
6 a. Brieflyexplainabout d.. ;"'. -'$
i) Voltage amplifier
ii) Current ampl}fiai '-,, ..*
iir) Trans codhu'oance am.plifier . .,,
iv) Trang 4osiStance amplifier. t ), ..;n (08 Marks)
b. Explain ffi' series-shunt feedback amplifier with diagram and@ain the expression for
5 a. Obtain common-gate and common-rtibfle-rejection ratio (CMRR) of the MOS differential
amplifier. Also find the effect of h on CMRR. (12 Marks)
b. Draw the two-stage CMOS odd4d confiluration and briefly explain. Obtain overall dc
open-loop gain. ,,{1.
"''' *#"* (08 Mnrks)
,'',,.q.. *. ;'j
c. Briffi"bxplain about stability and pole locations. 1 d (04 Marks)
7 a.,@iaw and explain about weighted summer capable of implementing summinggoptficients of
'-ilj*both signs. fl(06lVlarks)
b. Explain about DC imperfections. (S+t9t6px9
" c. Write short notes on: ---4,.
i) Antilogarithmic amplifiers.
,. '' ii) Analog multipliers. (10 Marks)
8 a. Draw the CMOS realization of A01 gate and explain with truth table. (08 Marks)
b. Draw and explain the exclusive OR function using PUN and PDN. (08 Marks)
c. What all are the parameters used to characterize the operation and performance of a logic
circuit family. (04 Marks)
2 of2
USN 10EC63
(04 Marks)
"i#,6n", 3 hrs.
' ,rf.,,,,
,, ,:::,,"' '
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
M icroelectronics Gi rcuits
, Max.
Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting
atleast TWO quesfionsfro* each part.
5 r.'
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With,'a,,aeat diagram, derive the expression for ip in saturation an(.tri8de region. What
happenE#to io if the channel length modulation is considered? (10 Marks)
,r'::'i?'i]'e r ,/fl&L q&
circuit. I,et V;'=;V and kn'(WL) : 1mA/V2. Neglect
efFect '.-.{*,effect.
.9p= lo
Ro =
"' Fig.Q.l(c) ,,,.,1,_.,.
a. Show the development of the T equivalent - circuit mo{p{.for the MOSFET from hybrid
n model withoffihannel length modulation "
# * (06 Marks)
b. Draw thec@lt of common-source amplifier with a source resisthrrce. Draw its small signal
equivaleMWcuit with y0 neglected. Obtain the expression for W,"-$ vo, Av, Auo and the
overa,lffiltage gain Gu. (10 Marks)
c. $ffiscaling? Differentiate constant field scaling and constant-voltage s$aling. (04 Marks)'a::
a,;'-,,Biiefly explain about short channel effect due to scaling. = .--.r (06 Marks)
fi,., Compare NMOSFET and BJT in terms of
i) Current voltage characteristic.
iD High frequency model.
iii) Output resistance. (06 Marks)
c. Following figure shoes the high frequency equivalent circuit of a common-source MOSFET.,
amplifier. The amplifier is fed with a signal generator Vsig having a resistance Rsig.
Resistance R in is due to the biasing network. Resistance R', is the parallel equivalent of the
load resistance RL, the drain bias resistance Rp, and the FET output resistance ro. Capacitors
cgs and cgd are the MOSFET internal capacitance:
1 of2
D Draw the equivalent circuit at midband frequencies.
ii) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgs.
iil) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgd. For Rsig : 100KO,
Rin: 420K{r, Cgs: Cgd: lpF, gm :4mNY, and R'r:3.33Kf)
iv) Find the mid band voltage gain Ay: VsNsig.
v) Find the upper 3-dB frequency fir. (0s Mar$)
.- xh
fr,......,. - z Z
i_,Jp* Fig.Q.3(c)
(08 Marks)
/ { l".l'
voltage gain Au = +. . r". , ::,,,,,,:::: (06 Marks)
/, '""t
5 a. Obtain common-gate and cofitmon- jection ratio (CMRR) of the
amplifier. Also find the effect of on CMRR.
:::,..f,#4 r rts.v.Jv,,
" ,SS: ,ffi*=. ''
a. In common-ffdt&.smplifier with active load, obtain 3-dB freqgqfo}G using open circuit time
.&.-&- r
constants. Drafr ffiircuit required for determining Rgs a$
Draw the Cn - C":e;"= Cp and Cn - C, configurations.b. Draw the Co - C#ffi4 Cs and Cp - Cu configurations;,--
- (06 Marks)
c. Draw an Ic source fu+lffuer circuit. Obtain its smatrhsrgiidl equivalent circuit and obtain its
MOS differential
(12 Marks)
b. Draw the two-stage CMOS
open-loop gain.
6 a. Brieflyexplainabout -'*;i"'
configqmgion and briefly explain. Obtain overall dc
""'=Y; (08 Marks)
;: a.:,
i) Voltage amplifier
iD Current arnplifier
iir) Trans coqddance am.plifier
iv) Tran+fuis'tance amplifier. (08 Marks)
the expression for
(08 Marks)
b. Explain series-shunt feedback amplifier with diagram
and output impedance.
lain about stability and pole locations. %'-s (04 Marks)
a,,,,....p1aw and explain about weighted summer capable of implementing summing e.Sdffrcients of
i; ''both signs. (05 Marks)
b. Explain about DC imperfections. (04 Marks)
;.u. ,,' 'c. Write short notes on:
.;+t; i) Antilogarithmic amplifiers.
' ii) Analog multipliers. (10 Markl):
8 a. Draw the CMOS realization of A01 gate and explain with truth table. (08 Marks)
b. Draw and explain the exclusive OR function using PUN and PDN. (08 Marks)
c. What all are the parameters used to characterue the operation and performance of a logic
circuit family. (04 Marks)
2 ofT
input i
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
.= c.l
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'5' 6)
t()i, tE
?=>' (B
-.: ej
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
Analog and Mixed Mode |LSI Design
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
". _!
-;'"8-s* otleast TWO questionsfrom each part.
' ,d, .dar , sS"_-
(.,irL PART _ A !;q
"t.-.. -.,,,.,,.
^rr -
'rrli r':;l
I a. Explain therehmacteristics and typical errors associated with s,p$$le'and hold circuit.
(10 Marks)
b. With reference ts DAC describe. i) Resolution; ii) LSB;{ iii)'ONf; iv) Vrs; v) Dynamic
range; vi) INL. Find,the value of ILSB and Vns for a 4-bit, 8-bit DAC V,"r: 5V. (10 Marks)
,1::. a ,, ,,. ,
2 a. State the reasons for the pcffial error, droop aperture'Cnor and sampling effor. (08 Marks)
b. Design a 4-bit charge scaliii$,,-DAC using a,Fdlit' anay.Assume that V."r : 5V and that
C : 0.5pF. Draw the equivalent circuit for D = 0001 and 0010 and determine the value of
the output voltage. (06 Marks)
c. Discuss the issues involved in a mix!@g*pl circuit layout. (06 Marks)
.: . .: r.!!
, .
=l -t'
Explain the working principle uOA init.cture of two step flash ADC. (08 Marks)
Assume that the two step ADC has four bits of resolution. Make a table listing the MSBs,
Vr, Vz, Vt and the LSBs, fof Vin :2,4,9 and 15V aSsuming that V,"r: 16V. (04 Marks)
For a 8 bit pipelined ADC, all the amplifiers had again of 2.1 JN, instead of 2YN,lf
Vi, : 3V and V..r +SV. What would be the restffiing digital output, assuming other
components ideal? . (08 Marks)
Explain the.,ptrgose of each stage of a voltage comparator. Atqg, lain the working of 1't
Show th* multiplying quad u"ir us a multiplier when all MOSFET
He multiplying quad
have'fhd same threshold voltage.
resistive material.
Describe CMOS process flow with neat sketches.
,, ,,: (10 Marks)
Briefly explain the role of decimating filters in ADC. (06 Marks)
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cascading averaging circuits to increas€'fitmr
attenuation. (04 Marks)
Describe with neat diagram, the conceptual layout and architectural layout of an R-2R ,,
resistor string with minimum area and also discuss the problems of laying out metal over the
With the help of a block diagram, explain the accumulate and dump circuit. Plot the general
frequency response of an averaging filter.
I of2
(10 Marks)
7 a. Explain how capacitor and resistor elements are fabricated in submicron technology.
(07 Marks)
b. Sketchthe implementation of a synchronous up-down counter and discuss its operation.
(07 Marks)
% ,
c. Explain the working of simple delay element using pass transistor and CMOS **t"ut;Op*Ot"
tr}tr ltus1r.ate.tro11a.pu1hpull
output stage is.biased with3fioairne
""o::,1 lSTil; __.:gr..Y:*:l
b"gpxplain the limitation of an inverter at the output of an op-amp with the help::"of fts transfer
How is it overcome? "-',.,.
"'' (07 Marks)
time constant of OPAMP with unity gain frequency of l00MH%. Assume that all
t4ts is fed back to the input. Also determine the settling*tfuW for O.lYo settling
#* $e' u
(06 Marks)
q _
."'i;.- i+-
a isa '! .::
2 of2
USN 108C64
enxas in a communication system
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2014
'Antennas and Propagation i,.
:+.:'LTmre: 3 hrs. Max. Mark*,,l00
tu*t$i* Note: Answer FIVE full qaestions, selecting ,'*=*
,*"::."" at least TWO questionsfrom each part. "
*1" "'''
{ . s.,..= .i.,.,. ',l,
- j*dff- . dt* :.
I a. Ddffi{k following terms with respect to antennat ....*. ,
i) C'ai!i: ii) Isotropic radiator iii) Beam area [S] .adiation resistance.
:::: .
' l'; - .,.*.t.,
''., = (08 Marks)
-. ' I ,fl)'-"
=rn-oo ll
,= e..l
6eb0 I(E(q
t€aEt- (D
3" oo
(.) :
-.i Ai
.'lL ,ltll!
b. Prove that m effective aperture fo, u I antenna i, Offi'j (06 Marks)
c. The effective aptffinps of transmitting and receivingThe effective aptffinps of transmitting and receiving age+rhas in a communication system
are 81.2 and l21l,? risfiept1"ety, with a separation of- 1.5 ftrn b.trr"en them. The e.m. wave isare 81"' and l2L" re$eptively, with a separatio, oq#f ftdr between them. The e.m. wave is
travelling with a frequffidy*of 6 MHz and the toth!,,{/P power is 25 KW. Find the power
received by the receiving , .. I * , (06 Marks)
*rf ;h
a. Derive an expression for powef radated ftq?,h an isotropic point source with "sine squareda. Derive an expression for power radiated fto;n an isotropic point source with "sine squared
power pattern". Also find directivityttD?' and draw power pattern. (06 Marks)
b. Find the power radiated and dire_p, -$or the unidirectional point sources, having the
following point sources power pptflup'--
i) U = U,cos'0sin3$, 0:*e6n, 0<0S1
ir) LJ={J-sin20sin30,
#$#=r,0(0<n'* u (06Marks)
c. Eight point sourc.. urqfr[ a upurt.They have i p@ difference or ] uetween adjacent
*4a' O '""-.* J
elements. Ottagffi{ield pattern. Also find BWFN and H#BW. (08 Marks)

adiation resistance of a half wrr. f+l dipole u*.* o n A. (06 Marks)a. Show thaf ,"iadiation resistance o
b. Wrffifrfi'explanatory note on folded dipole antenna, giving neat figures, *o,,, (06 Marks)
c. {'$alnetic field strength of 20 FA/m is required to be produced at a poffit 2,,5 km from the
in the broadside plane, in free space. How much power is transmitt
il-i=i) ahertziandipole, with / = !-.
15 /,:.
i, a half wave dipole and
iii) a monopole antenna. (08 M#kBr.,
a. Discuss the features of a loop antenna. Derive an expression for the far field components of
a loop antenna. (10 Marks)
b. Explain Babinet's principle with illustrations. Discuss features of complementary antennas,
with neat figures. (10 Marks)
I of2
5 a. With a neat figure, explain the working of Yagi-Uda antenna. Write the design formulae for
different components, used in Yagi-Uda antenna. Also mention the applications of Yagi-Uda
antennas. (08 Marks)
.,,j/ b. Determine: 1,,,,
'""".:,:,,,-"!." i) The length L aperture 'as' and half angles in E and H planes for a pyramidaltht-}iu
ffi; ,,. urt.*a, for which ap : 10 ),. The hom is fed with a rectangular wave guide in TEroffibde.
: Let 6 = A i, the E-plane and 6 = 1 in the H-plane
directivity 'D'. .m
* (08 Marks)
c. *
on Corner Reflector antenna. "9zu
;* (04 Marks)
q. turu
6 a. Write iftireeon:
i) Plasma antenna. f .
ii) Embedded nna !"d (08 Marks)
b. With a neat sketc4#gxplain the principle of lens antenna. ,'] .' (06 Marks)
c. A paraboloid refldffiffi,of 2 m diameter is used at 10 Glffifflculate the beam width between
first nulls (BWFN) t$ffiand gain in dB. ,
' (06 Marks)
"d- q.
7 a. Discuss various fbrms of rdt$&"Urave propagatiffi*
" (08 Marks)
b. Derive the expression for resdqp electricSffitrength (En) at a point, due to space wave
rf ffi43 tli
^.q::*# 3
propagation. "
d+.,. W (06 Marks)
c. Derive the expression for 'Line of 3i$$;fistance (LOS) between transmitting and receiving
*--{ * (06 Marks)
8 a. A high frequency radio link *ffi estadi$ld,.between two points on the earth 350 kma. A hlgh lrequency radlo lril< {# fio*be establlqs.q-g*between two pomts on the earth J)u km
apart. The reflection region{bffthe atmospher.$ p a height of 250 km and has a critical
frequency of 8 MHz. C#*dhf. the maximum usatrfs fre-quency (MUF), for the given path in
case of flat earth. *, ;,, (06 Marks)
b. Define skip distancgWrive an expression for skip disifiiic;@), for a flat earth. (06 Marks)
[pular ionospheric layer with
Nm : 9xlq6r.6;. Also find maximum usable frequdaqffiunl, if the angle of& "4" 'q{dfldq,
incidencci4if,E-60'. H,,,,,, 08 Marks)
c. Define critical fuffincy. Find the critical frequency for
Nm : 9xt06i"flc#. Aho find maximum usable fr,
2 of2
USN l0EC666
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
,u Time:3 hrs. Max. Marks:lQfi
.. ' Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting ",,e..,lrli'
.,l" . at least TWO questionsfrom each parl .. '
. , !.,,,, PART _ Ac) ,,,,,,.i.
€ I a. Explain with illustration, a simple design methodology followed in IC indusfry. . (10 Marks)
E b. Explain the following constraints imposed in real world circuits: .* #:
E i) Noii'e margin ii) Static load levels (10 Marks)
a '" i' ,tut' i'rir,
E 2 a. Develoil9...verilog model for a 7-segment decoder that include.d" an additional input,
g "BLANK", tlrat overrides the BCD input and causes all segmeffii#to lit. (10 Marks)
g I b. Design an enco$r to use in a domestic burgles alarm thatLs sensors from each of the eight
8-= zones. Each sensor signal is 'I '. when intrusion is detectp{ if} that zone, '0' otherwise. Write
-u I __-l
E A a verilog code for ffi,,,,$,gpcoder, considering the priogfy srrch that zone L having the highest
E A a verilog code for-ffi,,,$,gpcoder, considering the priorify srrch that zone L having the highest
A fl priority and zone 8 hafiqig.the least. .= .. (10 Marks)
Digital System Design Using Verilog
E :. 3 a. Develop a verification test*b4pph for the adderlshptractor that compares the result with the
E t result of addition (or) subtraction performe{onwalues of type integer. (12 Marks)
igned inte6aiSri, noth#g but 2's complement of X. (05 Marks)F,-
6 ; c. Express the number 4.510 in floath$,1.$e,int format with 5-bits of exponent and l2-bits of
9 A Mantissa masnitude. .dn- ',x*':::::::::':s:, ' ,o? Mqrrrs)g A Mantissa magnitude. _ {,
. *,,, ' (03 Marks)
gE I u
E S 4 a. Design a circuit that counts 16 cfcis{ cycles hn(,produces a control signal, "ctrl', that is '1',
E S during every eighth and twel*{hbycle. Also, develop a verilog model for the same. (10 Marks)
$ E b. Develop a verilog modef of a debouncer for a Rqflh button switch that uses a debounce
f fi interval of l0 ms. Assurrqethe system clock is 50 MHz. (10 Marks)}Hsq=
-O 6 t h^hm
j 5 a. Design a64K* =1-6-6it composite memoryusing 16K* 8 bit conryonent. (t0Marks)
a E- b. Write about: {)"Programmable array logic, ii) Complex PLDs. (10 Marks)
5F , ,"'""5 F ,q;t'=' ' 1" ",
; E 6 a. Explain"."4li€'blements of embedded computer with a neat diagram.
i (10 Marks)
g E b. Exphin the different techniques used for higher rate of data transfer in rnomory operations.
fi E (06 Marks)
e .€ c. Sketch the little-endian and big-endian memory layout for data words. *.
.'*l 104 Marks)
g $ 7 a. Explain the following serial interface standards for connecting I/O devices:
Bf .t ... i) RS-232 ii) r2c iii) usB iCIpta.xo
H q . b. Explain the following I/O synchronization techniques:
i e i) Polling ii) Intemrpts (08 Marks)
o< , Q --/--------r--
--: c'i 8 a. Explain Built in Self Test (BIST) techniques. (10 Marks)
g b. Show that the overall effect of speeding up kernel depends strongly on the fraction (f of the
E original time taken up in executing the kernel. (06 Marks)
E c. Suppose the execution time is estimated for the various parts of an algorithm on an
g embedded processor. The algorithm has two kemals, one that consumes 80% of the
execution time and another that consumes 15% using a hardware accelerator, speed up
execution could be achieved by a factor of 10 for the 1't kernal loss by a factor of 100 for the
2nd kernal. Which accelerator gives the best overall performance impiovement? (04 Marks)
(04 Marks)
oo ll
.= 6t
d. 8_
I .9.
.J <
J c.i
: ..
;' Time:
*,t l'
11'r1r:rr -,r'i' .,
"'',ri. 't,
.,,-' ',,....'::t,
3 hrs. Max. Marks:l@,,
Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part. * ,-
PART _ AI ^1tr - ^a
Verym pre-processor directive? Write the necessary rules to be follgw#'while writing
pre:fireisepsor directive, Give an example. ,,u.-
* (06 Marks)
What is'.rneant by dynamic memory allocation? Explain the keyuy s used for memory
allocatiofiiffifr{eullo"utior, with an example for each. ,..;.|.].;.
"- (06 Marks)
What is the di,{&relce between object based design and objectqoft-iiihted design. Discuss how
the disadvanta$Ci associated with object based|be overcome by using object
' fl"..'.. {"{,;,
Distinguish between an lvalue and rvalue. Provide oidfiple for each. (06 Marks)
What are pointer data types?,'For the data giveniftrt ival : 1024, int ival2:2048, int *pi1 :
&ival, xp12: &ival2 a1d xxpiJ.=0- IdentifytMerors in the following statements :
i) ival: x pi3 ;11) xpi2: * pi3 ; iii).,.ival:prZ"';iv)pt2: *, pil ;v)pr2: x ival. (07Marks)
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
Programmang in G++
Write a CH program to copy the of integer array ARRAY1 to another integer array
ARRAY2 and display the ele Y 2. Assume array lengths to be 10a and read
(07 Marks)the array elements during run-timeL ,
List all the equality, relational and logical op.iutors available in C++ and write the operation
With a syntactic forq lain
ii) Switch and break
(12 Marks)
ii . 'rf,,
)},,.iil thl
.What is a function prototype? Explain each field in the function prototlpe, wit
ffi7 Mart<s
wffilan example.
':.::... ..-atrtit^- - -:" ":WWMarks)
What is meant by default argument? Write a C++ program to find the average of.$i46nbers
by defining a function avg( ) with default arguments. Call function avg( ) frommgin
function both by passing 3 int numbers as arguments and without passing any arguments.
(08 Marks}'=''
c. Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a number using recursion. (05 Marks)'
5 a. What is exception handling? Define a class stack and two associated public functions push
and pop that handle the exception when stack is full and empty respectively. (10 Marks)
b. Discuss the design issues associated with the use of exception handing. (10 Marks)
With a syntactic forq lain the following statements;
i) Do-while
I of2
6 a. Define a class : mat and 3 public functions for the class, Read( ), Display( ) and add( ) to
read the elements of a 3 x 3 matrix, display the elements and to add 2 matrices and copy
result in a third matrix. Define a constructor to initialize the public variable row and column
to 3 and 3 that define matrix size. Write a main function to read 2 matrices, add thern ard
display the resultant matrix using class member functions. (la$atks)
What is destructor and vector of class object? Discuss. (08 NIarks)
is operator overloading? Write a simple C++ program to overload the dFrator 'x' for
rlication of 2 arrays. * ***. (12 Marks)---]I"-7{@----- - ------J -' &r
b. Dis$dkftish between the array operators new[ ] and delete[ ], wrth flhcement operators
d?'s *,, ^
t:. _::::: (09 Marks)new( )'$$delete( ), s,,,=
%r**- *'r""r.,
8 a. What is inhffice? Differentiate between public, private and$frltected inheritance.
.. ";. (toMarks)d "- * ^fb. Discuss class scop* ".der
multiple inheritance, with an elbfuple. (10 Marks)
r.=". **{.r1.* *
l, "j..
,1 1, "'
2 of2
USN 10EC65
(12 Marks)
(08 Marks)
,,ir:"' - __. (08 Marks)
' *" ....{i04
(05 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(08 Marks)
Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2Ol4
operating systems
3 hrs. Max. Markslll00
Note: Answer FIVEfull qaestions, selecting
i -.
st least TWO questions from each parl
- "'
* l;='i
PART*A ,.",
Exploin*he goals of an operating system. :: ,:::::: (06 Marks)
Explain me&* of performing I/O operations. (05 Marks)
Explain the bbAefits/features of distributed operating system. (05 Marks)
.::.:. a t .
:::''"i,r,r:r, ,, ,,, .i.{*.'
Explain the functlo'h$of an operating system. :: ,,,', ",'f (05 Marks)
Explain the layered aqS",Ul of operating system. (08 Marks)
Explain the concept ofYN{lS with example. ,rl+ (07 Marks)
Explain the contents of proc6$#ih,ntrol block.;i*--.i (06 Marks)
List the different tlpes ofprocesa iq{Elactd{l.gnd explain them in brief. (06 Marks)
Explain with a neat diagram, the dif,f9ryg],1tates of process in UNIX operating system.
,*J,_* (og Marks)
Describe static and dynamic merntiry.hllb'bation. (04 Marks)
Compare the contiguous and nofupntiguous lrtErnory allocation. (04 Marks)
What is boundary tag? Explffimerging of free' using boundary tags? (08 Marks)
(04 Marks)Explain the lazy buddy allocator.
,'-t"ll" . ,il
,-. '. o
.vt ?
=r)oo". troo
.E c
o ..i
'a lf,
C orl
-i 6i
Referenc'e,,ffiing: 5, 4, 3, 2,
Compute mean turn around time and mean weighted turn around
processes, using FCFS and SRN scheduliSC
Processes Pr Pr Pr P+ Ps
Arrival time 0 2
J 5 8
Service time
J 2 5 J
b. Explain the process schedule with a neat schematic diagram.
c. Summarize the approaches to real time scheduling.
8 a. Explain Buffering of interprocess messages.
b. Describe the delivery of interprocess messages.
c. Write a short note on mailbox.
Explain the important concepts in the operation of demand jgrg.
Find the numbeiaf page faults for following page reference st4$g using the FIFO and LRU
page replacernent policies.
1,4,3,5,4,3,2,1.,5. (Assume page furnes: 3) (08 Marks)
:.:. : . :::
a. Desdribe the different operations performed on files.
b. EMltin the organization of sequential access and direct access files. ",Describe file system actions during a file operation.
li"i' '
time for followiry'=sot of
(10 Marks)

Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014
, ,,rtrrr'r,,r'
':"'?iibe: 3 hrs. Max. Mar,I.*s;100
,,*+i."'" Note: 7. Answer any FIWfull questions, selecting
. #.h- atleast TWO questions from euch part. *{ =. .-
..i td, : .,= 2. Make suitable assumptions for any missing dq!*rio
-sE *#'"* PART - A s, -E fl;
re t a. Determi#ilhe. appropriate register/memory locations that are urc&tb compute the 5 digit
E hex address when the processor needs to address the contents of6
. g D Data segment memory. ,,,,J'i..'""'
ei ii) Program segrnent memory.
gE iiil Stack segment m@mory.
E a iv) Extra segment meprory. (08 Marks)
-gJ: b."i"t"rr. f6;;;ilr?ryfrprocessor in accq;oafiEtwith the respective bit positions.
'F + ;:*"" (05 Marks).= c'l
ql -" ,,/'" * uJ rvr4
H ; c. Write an 8086 assembly code d,i6o1y the ffients of flag register into accumulator regi
ai :tL e 14 h ,. h j
'=9! f *
E ;, c. Write an 8086 assembly code do8o;ry the ffients of flag register into accumulator register
E ; following any arithmetic or logicattpkatioh:" (07 Marks)
€Ed'- i "".*
A Z 2 a. Explain the meaning of the fokiffi independent bits of 8086 assembly instruction
: € templates: i) W-bit; ii) d-bit; iii) v-bit; iv) s,, ; v) z-bit. (10 Marks)
E + b. Write an optimum number of assembly inetrugtions for the following objectives. Also
bd i
; ! indicate the type of addresrsidg"mo$e used in each e-.
^I € "^ ----"r*7;@ -^^"-- -----:,-l-"-'
F,: i) Shift the contents,.fficumulator register 4 bits lefi.
63' A
€ ; ii) Rotate the conLedtsbf base register right by 2 bi&r.P b tt) ruialt(, tu(, uurrkst{[ t r u.rDs rEtsrDler rr6It uy z uru ;j,:'
E E iiD Divide the contents of accumulator register by 2.
€ E :.,i r.r,.r+:-r-, ls^^ ^^-*^-*- ^f L^^^ -^*t^+^-t., A
; E iv) Multiplyffi....contents of base register by 4.
; E iv) Multiplyffi.jontents ot'base regtster by4. - jP,
: v) If AL heglsier contains a two digit BCD number, dispfaythe same on monitor using
E g neeossary DOS intemrpts. L. - ,, (10 Marks)
i H
:stry IJJJ [rtsrrupts. " ,; ru rYrarKs,
{ g 3 a. Consider that a symbolic memory address 'DISPTBL' conlains a BCb,to seven^s-egment
; E cs&'starting from 4000H to 400AH. Design an assembly code to meetlvthe following
E E objectives:
tr- --,-r- ---.nnFoo arzrz.zn 1^n,
a E i) Send a message to screen 'PRESS ANY KEY 0 to 9'.
$ E iD Read the key pressed from the key board. .
!+ -o a
E fr )-,: message. n l-j:;
E .$ iv) On correct keypress, compute BCD to 7 segment code and store into memory locati&'-qrt'
" v) Use XLAT assembly instruction to achieve your objective.
2 vi) Design a suitable flow diagram to show your approach. (10 Marks)
E b. i) Differentiate between the usage of assembler directives MACRO and PROCEDURE.
g ir) Develop a suitable MASM code to display minimum of 3 different line text message
by using MACRO directive and PRINTF as macro name.
L of2
(10 Marks)
' b.
r,.,. ; :
d" ;1
With reference to the internal architecture of 8086 processor, explain:
i) The different external sources external sources of hardware intemrpts.
i0 How the processor checks to see an interrupt have been occurred.
iii) List of major actions performed to process an intemrpt. (10 MarS)
Explain the following internal intemrpts generated within the processor while executi4$'tffi'
c. Consider the given deci
D Short -real
ii) Long-real format (double precision representation). o "" (04 Marks)_ _q--- ------- r-----------r----------'--'/- fr*a *
Write a prograry.*{e'balculate the volume of a sphere having'tbdius of the sphere is specified.
The result isto bE stored in the memory location VOLUME. Vshrme of a sphere is given by
hfuA schematic diagram when 8086 processor is operating in maximum mode
Sguration. (06 Marks)
lain the function performed by pins exclusive for minimum mode configurqtignu
i) TYPE-O divide by zero intemrpt. *. r,:
.,.,,rt, TYPE-I single step intemrpt
. .,tno
""",1**- PART - B
Wi@rect to programmable peripheral interface (PPI) 8255A: &*

i) Wry a neat block schematic showing its functional descriptiop.h;q'
iii) Expldi$,{prious possible modes of operation. . i (10 Marks)
Design an 823f,b.ased event counting system. Port A is co,flnh&ed to SLEDs and Port B is
connected to a to$$lia'.rg switch having 2 positions for bffiry and BCD. Draw the interfacing
diagram and a pro ffi'; for binary or BCD counffis%dbcted by switch. Given that the
control port addresr is@A:, assume safe current 6"glow each LED is 25mA. A suitable
delay between counts is co ered. { } * , (10 Marks)
What is meant by numeric datdpiqsqsor ffi1NOP)? What are the benefits of interfacing
the same with the host processor? 1.*" _ (04 Marks)
Explain briefly the role played by th"ffffirying pins of 8087 during interaction.
i) Bus high
"rfl. ,'BjE/S7).
iD Status pins (s2,s1,r0). 1|,"J-
t--- '^-*t
iii) Request/Grant(RQ/QT).
"''s *l (06 Marks)
ffrlumber 178.625 convert it"Jnf,q
single precision representatflSd
. :t',''"|:';t'
',- 8
F,Xplam the luncuon perlormeo Dy pms excuslve lor mrntmum mooe conngurqtpp.
i)HOLDandHLDA; ii) M/IO; iii) RD; iv) WR; v) MN/MX ffi,]ytart<s;
What is meant by PCI bus system? T,ist out the significant characteristics of thePffibus
system. (06 Maqks)
Explain the memory bank system architecture for the 80386DX microprocessor with a block ;
schematic. Explain how interleaved memory system is used for speed improvement.
(10 Marks)
b. Draw the block schematic of the control register of 80386 microprocessor and explain the
following special control bits of operation i) PG; ii) ET; iii) TS; iv) EM; v) MP; vi) PE.
(10 Marks)
2 of2
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2Ol4
Time: 3 hrs.
Analog Gommunication
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
stleast Tl,yO questions from each part.
:: -'r 'rr
Max. Marks:100
'l* 6*t!t
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d. 8.
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=d:i s)
Define auto correlation function of the random process x(t).
Define the power spectraldensity.and explain its prop-erties-
The pdf of a random v ira|q is given as i:,y':;
[r a<x<b
f (x)={x  ' |.0 otherwise 14 ' "*
Where K is constant, ::::
i) Sketch the pdf and determine ve'hl€,pf K.
ii) If a : -1 and b:2,calculate |)= Cl for C =112.
2 a. Explain the generation of AM wave using square law modulator with relevant equations and
spectrum. (08 Marks)
the properties of auto
(08 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(05 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(05 rks)
(00 tvter.,{p,
b. Explain the working o{pesds receiver for demodulating*pSB-SC wave. (06 Marks)
c. An audio frequency'.Sjgnal 10 sin 2n 500t is usedirtd aJpplitude modulate a carrier of
75sin2n x 106t. Assume modulation index as 0.5. Find: ' I
D Side band frequencies
ii) Amplitude of each side band. ':' '
iii) gald"width required. -"
,,1 ,,:
iv) Total power delivered to a load of 100Q. ,,,,,,'' .,,,,
3 a. Derive the expression for representing SSB wave containing LSB in time douidin (08 Marks)
i) x(t) : A" cos 2n f"t
ir) x(t) : A" sin 2n f"t.
Explain phase discrimination method for generating SSB wave.
c. What is FDM? Explain the detailed scheme of FDM.
l" -, .-,,';,ii
Derive time domain equation for VSB modulated wave containing a vestigial of the lowei'
side band. (07 Marks)
b. With a neat block diagram, explain the operation of AM super heterodyne receiver.
(06 Marks)
(07 Marks)
With neat circuiti diagram,explain direct method of generating FM wave. Also explai4
back scheme for frequency stabilization of a frequency modulator in direct method.
(12 Marks)'
An angle modulated signal is represented by s(t): 1Ocos l2n x l06t + 5 sin ZOOOnt + l0 Sin
3000ntl volts. Find the following:
, i) The power in the modulated signal.
tii) The frequency derivation.
"iiili .* The derivation ratio.
iv){{fhe phase derivation.
v) '' e approximate transmission band width.
(07 Marks)
- ,.t */n*r b.
' ,,,,t,,,''
q. .s,
(08 Marks)
6 a. With neat c'ir,.Cuit diagram, explain FM domodulation using balanied slope detector.
(08 Marks)
b. Starting from blofu diagram of pLL obtain its non tinear ahd.Jinear model. Show that output
of pLL is scaled veisfu'n of modulating signal. (12 Marks)
7 a. Derive the expression fof ffiIS noise voltage at the ffiut of passive RC lowpass
b. Define white noise. Give the plotbtPsD and auto correlation function of white
(07 Marks)
c. In a communication receiver, the first'sta$e is a tuned amplifier with an available power gain
of 20dB and noise figure of 10dB. The,output of the amplifier is given to mixer stage, whose
noise figure is 20dB. Determine the overall noise figure of the system.
;li:, "
8 a. Derive expression for the figlid'of merit for DSEfSg receiver.
b. Explain function of pre-enlihasis and de-emphasis in FM systems.
d d&h
. u ,,,'."t ;
,,,,,. tr-., {< {< * * *
(06 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
.:'' : '
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6th Semester (June; July-2014) Electronics and Communication Engineering Question Papers

  • 1. *Su*re c 068C65USN $ B. r.. ::: rig *$ft(c) o .E 2 a. Explain communication channels wjt[Se help of a block diagram. (04 Marks) i U. Apply Shanon's binary encoding *Mffi*m to the following message symbols with their E probabilities given, and find code$ffiiffi"y for a second order extension if H(s) : 1.4855 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2014 lnformation Theory and Goding Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 ,::,,,, Note: l. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting t,, K:":;:x,"r::; f:#/;:#":";lp,![k,"a. :,*'t'';, ITADTII A "^ ' :{'"tl ",,i''.' PART-A 'i'-1"",, 6)- 'g I a. , Pr.ove that H(s" ) = nH(s) for the nth extension of the zero memory sources.. = ';, (06 Marks) o ''.i,ir' d, t b. Erelain the properties of entropy and prove that the extropy attains a mpxidum value when5 E uI tie iource symbols become equiprobable. (06 Marks) H c E'^"thA-a{*ar{ioorqrnnfthelrlqrlrnrrcrlrrrr-eshnrrninE'io C)l (c't finr$]thesfafenrohehilifies H aI theuurce symbols become equiprobable. tu '',,, (06 Marks) € c. For the"state diagram of the Markov source shown in Fig. Ql (c), fur,$ e state probabilities, f; entropy 6f€aah state, entropy of the source.. . t,%,, (08 Marks) 0) E ffi (te/*6 J '1-7 --T6 /z- o- ti fIIr') mg II13 0.5 ,J 0.2 find H(x.)H( c-r Fig. e3 (a) b State the properties of mutual information. Also prove that the mutual information is non negative. (07 Marks) c. Consider the source with their probabilities given in Fig. Q3 (c). Apply Huffrnan coding technique and find the efficiency of the code. Fig. Q3 (c) I of2 o-r Svmbol :ffiF *,i=,1=' Probability b ,.,{.0,' E c. For the channel mapix given in Fig. Q2 (c), find H(x), H(y), H(y/x), H(x,y) if inputs are E ^^,,:--^L^Lr^ .. ; *-' 'e I equiprobable. '" *h (B t- -l $ r(yrx)=lf i ? ?l { (osMarks) i l_ _: -l Lo 63 3.i'.= E 3 a. For a binary erasure shown in the Fig. Q3 (a). Prove that channel capacity C:9 (06 Marks) 6 ff=rryeg lencv o Sr Sz Sr Sa Ss So Sz Sx 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.1s 0.10 0.08 0.0s 0.02 (07 Marks)
  • 2. 06EC65 4 a. State Shanon's Hartley law and explain its implications. (08 Marks) b. A Gaussian channel has a band width of 4 k}lz and two sided noise power spectral density I of 10-'a wattslHz.The signal power at the receiver has to be maintained < 0.1 milliwatts, 2 calculate the capacity of the channel. (04 Mar:.+s) Explain the differential entropy of the continuous channel. (o8Jvffifei) . r,l PART-R "l!.,1 ::: L. .,SL * F,.::: ::, *' 't; ,.{ - --/J la. b. c. 6a. in the general decoding circuit for (n, k) linear block code. .'. h''.@l I! .- .. 'l'"" ";' " h,,.@l Marks) .,,. "::,.. -ia linear block code given by, kl 1l {", I lnF0l l oiJ 011-] . s- q ,t: tts .':, 'q b. c. 7a. b. 8a. Lo I 1l -L *-q' Draw the encodfhg.rircuit, syndrome calculation circuit.-.,,', * Draw the encodfhg,drcuit, syndrome calculation circuit.-., 1 * (08 Marks) For a linear block C'@.n-re that CHr = 0 . ,,..,...1, '-"' (08 Marks) {.: ;" The generator polynomdi@? (15, 7) cyclic c.g$Sus(*) = 1 + xa + xu + x' + xt , i) Find the code vector for ft}$p-x' + x'+. dha verify if it is systematic. ii) Find the syndrome v(x) if frrittffitpittf code vector suffers transmission errors. :*r x (08 Marks) Explain error detection and correctt@&t(n, k) cyclic code with an example. (08 Marks) Explain the properties of cycli. *#** * (04 Marks) Explain Golay codes ,iffiW, effor coffecting cbd""€. (10 Marks) "- For the convolutio{r- €i#dder shown in Fig. Q8 (a), draqi',,":" ..-":;t b. (r) State diagra&:=, " i.. .: !ii? !l"q$.#*hut produced by. a message sequence 101 I 1. " ry-fu,, (i9 Veffi"the output sequence by time domain approach. (12 Marks) cr) :""' oAp-l Fig. Q8 (a) Explain the steps involved in Viterbi algorithm. *,1.*** 2 of?
  • 3. USN lOEC/T861 Digital Gommunication . Max. Marks: lOO, Note: Answer FIVE full questions, selecting Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 at least TWO questions from each part 11,:,,:: l ".i d o o E1rd I !() (n 9 E9 -;,x2 6? =r)-iloo" troo .=N cd$ ES 2 oCFO Es a:r bU dO bocCd Cd ?6 sq, -€E J 'Es r:c)ao- 6(Eo..l !j i6 Afi 4 !o 5mh.= !-,* -^o c' 60 6)= !f -cl =oo-rfrt: o{ --i ii o o z (0 o a r$"-r f-flIl -.41,tr :. a. ffiFkln natural sampling with relevant waveforms. Give all the fre{@py- d o ma in e quat io ns. required channel band width? (Take erfc(2.1):2 x l}a) c. Explain briefly phase tree and phase Trellis in MSK. tt'j'q" '' nece s saryr,,.t ihb-domain and i ' (10 Marks) practice. "u' ,,,'':.,,,,,,, . (04 Marks) c. Csnsi(et t(€*rt*log signa't x(t1 = 5 cosQQQQn$ + tQ cos(6QQQat] i'r" i) What is the Nyc,uist rate and Nyquist interval? ii) Assume that if we sample the signal using samplingftquency f. :5000 Hz,what is the resulting discrete,timp signal obtained after sar4plin$? iii) Draw the spectru. of,S:*rumpled signal. 1,I' tar (06 Marks) "t"' a. Explain regenerative repeatef.fhfuPCM syggftgun{th a block diagram. (05 Marks) b. The bandwidth of a signal is 314-kflz- If.tfu$ signal is converted to PCM bit stream with 1024 levels, determine the numbei'e=f-ffi per second (bps) generated by the PCM system. Assume that the signal is sampled @eirat€ of 20o/o above the Nyquist rate. (06 Marks) c. Derive an expression for the outpfuuSNR o{ a uniform qtnntizer in terms of step size of the quantizer. Hence show thaf'lfor mid-tr&d type uniform qnantaer the SNR is (SNR)*F,, : 6n - 7.2 dB, whue 'n' is the num@ of bits per sample. Assume a loading factor of 4. o9 Marks) .j lfequW$itl-Aomaln equat0ns. it* - lru rvrarAs/ b. What'i$asing error? Give two corrective measures to remor%fh.,. €fftct of aliasing in ::: "h, n / rr---r,- (09 Marks) n of digital data. (06 Marks) a. Explain with block diagrams DPCM transmitter and rece b. Explain briefly.ffiSdsic optical fiber link used for the tr: c. Show that fo6 thdbipolar format, the autocorrelation fun<c. Show that foqthe-bipolar format, the autocorrelation function &(t9, ttut is E[ArAr-,] is zero for n > L @re Ar is the Kth random variable representinf ftl Uit of the input binary sequ:lffifume statistically independent and equally likely -.rsu$ilb{._, (05 Marks) a. Exffi'raised cosine spectrum solution to reduce ISI. :':"'' . (10 Marks) b. The binary data 001101001 are applied to the input of the duobinary system. ,,. ,,,.,.,D Construct the duobinary coder output and the corresponding receiver output.rwithout a precoder. ii) Suppose that due to error during transmission, the level at the receiver input ced by the second digit is reduced to zero. Construct the new receiver output. 110 Marki) .:::..::: PART _ B Explain the generation and demodulation of DPSK wave with block-diagrams. (08 Marks) Binary data are transmitted over a microwave link at the rate of 100 bps and the PSD of the noise at the receiver input is 10-10 Watts per hertz. Find the average carrier power required to maintain an average probability of error Pe < 104 for coherent binary FSK. What is the a. b. (06 Marks) (06 Marks) I of2
  • 4. 6a. b. .4. ,{ .:f;l 8a. b. c. lOEC/TE61 What is a signal vector? Show that the energy of a signal is equal to the squared length of the signal vector representing it. (08 Marks) Explain the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure to obtain the orthonormal basis functions for the linearly independent set of signals. (tz ttlarlqp,t ,c! 'q".'-,, Show that the output SNR of a metched filter is proportional to the ratio of the signal6ry'9rgy .a{ll * ;# "-ffi : ;:it':: "' to the PSD of input noise. Explain the noncoherent quadrature receiver using correlators. What is the role of PN seq ider the signal s(t) as shown in the Fig.Q7(c). Determine the impulse rgqponse of the to s(t). Plot the impulse response and matched filter outryf hs a function of l . 15"' ie%. 5, ds1-) "d1*d :. :1 .{ ,n i t:.:i. {!l S{. @. ,, i:. a A; t-a"+ ;: .; a!.. :i (}tr'Marks) , i66-Marks) (08 Marks) (04 Marks) given PN (08 Marks) Multipath (08 Marks) spectrum communication? For the spectrum technique to (i) CDMA, (ii) ,r,,' ,,,,,,,, ,, , ,. ir,-"pl **" &,8 .r. *tsi i {-i . #- ","'Tl/ ss[ $ {S,-t&-.#r !N'* N. " """:::" il. r''t" ,i ). "= dffi.. .f: ...:.. , sequence 0011101 verify the propert Discuss briefly the applications 2 ofZ
  • 5. 068C62USN Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2Ol4 Microprocessors C) o I o L 6 q (o O oL E9bo* -y- d9 =rr oo tl coo AT .=N d$ gil O< -c !1 r'- o> Ec .rg 6i a= o(l) -! - o0c(gd Eb >92d -G+ Erd -? 6) 513q- d. 8- o'i 69 9Et(Jia (E EE!o e=>r! bne tr' oo o= EEtr> =o5L U< -N o o z ,i, *, " H o ' *'Time: 3 hrs. Max. Mark#€6 Nota: Answer any FIVEfull questions, selecting atleast TWO questionsfrom.p.dl* part. ...:.:::..:::...... PART - A I a. qiqpi1p.q briefly a.nd how microprocessors have evolved with relevance itS cani111y, bit size apd applications. (06 Marks) b. Explaii{ S9mory segmentation. What are the advantages of us@iegment registers in memory$ghugntation? ,;'" (o6Marks) c. Given that D$_'=-,,D470H, CS : 2123H, SS : 2091H,-&q +'IABCH , BP : 0030H , sP : 0123H , S1 = 12H , DJ :1234H, BX : 3F00rlldentifu the addressing mode and determine the physied. address resulting from fo llowing irbtiuctions. i) MoV DL, [BP + SI] ii) MoV Ax, [Bx],[,;mt - O4H] iir) MOV [BX] , CX "'1."r, iv) MOV CL, [8734HJ. (08 Marks) 2 a. What is the function of assembler directi-ves"f 'What do PUBLIC and EXTRN directives indicate when placed in a program lq.qdule? ' (06 Marks) b. How many minimum and maximum,ntirater of bytes do 8086 instructions occupy? Indicate the usefulness of several special.l9.iffi:"ors present in the opcodes of 8086 processor. c. Explain the operation of the fo'llowing instructions :Explaln rne operarron or rne rorpwmg mslruc'rp+s : i) XLAT ii) AAS jiCI, "SCASW iV) :,$OpPZ. (08 Marks) , 1.,:, 3 a. Distinguish bety:"n {ee-.. and procedures. Write"h ramro that uses REPEAT statement to insert 10 NOP instr,qstions in a program ,,:. (07 Marks) b. Write an ALP i+',M86 using string instructions to replaced.occuffences of character'*' with '#' in a given string STRNG. . .. r' (05 Marks) c. Determinci-kldfu the following operations can be achieved using D..6$-.drnctions. i) Readig a key with an echo ii) Reading an entire line with.anpcho iir),,&?,,drsnlaV an ASCII character rv) To display a string of characteO= _,,,,, (08 Marks) 4 a.. ,pplain interrupt response sequence of 8086. " n ..:,,' (06 Marks) U,,]:"'finrat are the interrupt vector addresses of the following intemrpts : INTO ,NMI;1N-T 20H, , INT 55H. (o4Marks) ,: 'c. Given that (SP) : 0100H, (SS) : 0300H , (PSW) :0240H and contents of the folltiwing 1 /AA ^; r r. ! /nnn ^r r n r nnrr .,,.1""i; memory locations are as indicated : (000 20 H) : 0040H , (000 22H):0100H andrthffi '::r:: INTS instruction has an offset of 00A00H within the segment whose address is' Determine the contents of SP, SS, IP, CS and PSW, after the intemrpt sequence caused by INT 8 instruction is executed. (10 Marks) PART . B Show an interface of a matrix keyboard to 8086 and explain the basic principle of operation. . (10 Marks) Interface 4, 7 - segment displays using 8255 to 8086. Write an ALP to display 1,2, 3, 4 over the four 7 - segment displays continuously. (10 Marks) I of2 5a. b.
  • 6. 068C62 Explain the Numeric execution unit of 8087 coprocessor. (08 Marks) Describe the operation performed by each of the following 8087 instructions : * FSQRT , FSAVE , F2XMI , FPTAN. (08 Marks) ,,,,{-,*. ". Write a program to compute the area of a circle, given the radius using 8087 instructiolq.)_." H-:+*, flq*u'7 =!u** Draw and discuss a typical maximum mode 8086 system. What is the use of a bnbq'0ntroller * ,**tt maximum mode? (08 Marks; b.-'"ffipJain the features of USB in brief (u1Marks) c. E{dsl with appropriate diagram how 8086 is interfaced to a bus. Wh#*'|sthe need for use of lattfrF{,qnd buffers in the interface? (08 Marks) '? -* 8 a. Explain coftSf*debug and test registers of 80386 processor. ,*}'ury (09 Marks) b. Write a note"d&h&mory organizationof advanced micropffi-fsffrs. (06 Marks) c. Whataretheuniqffi*aturesofPentiumprocessor? '.'"* (05Marks) a t-- .,1), "" .& 4t*. ,'.d"'r'q *' " q..#/ ,ti:. :, .n '1 :i.4$i,- ,$qe 41 -+" E "* ",'^ * ,$'i :1 6a. b. *rrrrrrrs ,*j* ,d" Nlr ,,fu-,s n d*3 @, "w _,. :. =,,,, '4*r, ::;,r+",:.,:,: nq P ,. o* q. S[ ,= .,'.-''ao =,::' 2 of2
  • 7. 10EC63USN 6 C) bo (! a j1 c! I o0 Eo! () o q () q eo d o o0 E d r € L o =)a. or) n (D E (d > bo 0) o ei. o J () o z CC ! o. Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2Ol4 M icroelectronics Gi rcuits '"1l"t ' '*":'tll''{irne: 3 hrs. Max. MarksLlQ0 '"i'i ,i '' Note: Answer any FIWfull questions, selecting ,-:, ,*t'* *, utleast fWO qonrtion, fro* each part. ,n ." o; kd*; l'" € -"M*" PART - A ,=,.'h-F E I a. Wit6%leat diagram, derive the expression for ip in saturation and-.tii6de region. What E happdned. to io if the channel length modulation is considered? Pq* * (10 Marks) H b. Draw ttrErfi$ge signal equivalent circuit model of NMOS and expffir * (04 Marks) E c. Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents through uit:the branches of following g circuit. Let Vt : lV and kn'(WL) : 16rqrV2. Neglect the ehannel - length modulation = 4'oe= D[? O oa #'# +.r l$r;$ eo IoN6) 0) E 4'oe= D[ O J: ,,,, n I fRo=61+.r t{.ru; 2 I$ s toHtri 'ilc F-It g L IL+ 1 n*,oq €W,e q o r[r6+J_6) €#:'zv E -,n_i Fig.e.l($d L E =., .,- :"::"' E 2 a. Show the develo t of the T equivalent - circuit mo E ro,ro,r,f !zu,(rcv t 2 a. Show the devetopqont of the T equivalent - circuit ileS the MOSFET from hybrid * b. Draw the cirolit'of common-source amplifier with a source resistarace. Draw its small signal S equivalent circuit with ys neglected. Obtain the expression for V*, i$ vo, Au, Auo and the I overall voltage gain G,. " ,il (10 Marks) E c' Whargscaling? Differentiate constant field scaling and constant-voltale'scaling. (ol Marks) rE E3a""Brieflyexplainaboutshortchanneleffectduetoscaling.'; b. Compare NMOSFET and BJT in terms of6 n ' '-,,*^-* .,^l+^^^ ^L^-^^+^-:^+.:^ - :,3 g i) Current voltage characteristic. € ffi * ib High frequency model. " 1F-,= ry4 iii) Output resistance. 1oo vraiffi* ? c. Following figure shoes the high frequency equivalent circuit of a common-source MOSFET;';r : amplifier. The amplifier is fed with a signal generator Vsig having a resistance Rsig. Resistance R in is due to the biasing network. Resistance R', is the parallel equivalent of the load resistance RL, the drain bias resistance Rp, and the FET output resistance ro. Capacitors cgs and cgd are the MOSFET internal capacitance: I of2
  • 8. :::.{ 10EC63 D Draw the equivalent circuit at midband frequencies. ii) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgs. iil) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgd. For Rsig : 100KQ, Rin: 420K{r, Cgs: Cgd: lpF, gm:4mNY, and R'r:3.33Kf) iv) Find the mid band voltage gain A1,1: Vs/Vsig. v) Find the upper 3-dB frequency fu. (08 Marlaq) ,*lliil''!: ,, lin (n gl n ''i' tu l*T*f_r-i N' *ffi$r i, & ,*P" T U T IUJl'Yovl r *-,.3tt+'"t 'Eu'1.,.-,,,,::, r 15. <. Jv/ .', a. In common-@tfuamplifier with active load, obtain 3-dB freqr4pflf, using open circuit time b ;T*iT:3J1ffi-:H':H"3it:"j;ffiffi:,HJ u [8:il:[:i c. Draw an Ic source ffirver circuit. Obtain its smak$gHl equivalent circuit and obtain its / ",; voltage gain Au = f . ;" (06 Marks) vl & .-rllq._ t, ., {ffi t d.'t,. q, -I" ''1_PrAg.T ="B 6 a. Brieflyexplainabout d.. ;"'. -'$ u.qjr,: i) Voltage amplifier ii) Current ampl}fiai '-,, ..* iir) Trans codhu'oance am.plifier . .,, iv) Trang 4osiStance amplifier. t ), ..;n (08 Marks) b. Explain ffi' series-shunt feedback amplifier with diagram and@ain the expression for 5 a. Obtain common-gate and common-rtibfle-rejection ratio (CMRR) of the MOS differential amplifier. Also find the effect of h on CMRR. (12 Marks) b. Draw the two-stage CMOS odd4d confiluration and briefly explain. Obtain overall dc open-loop gain. ,,{1. "''' *#"* (08 Mnrks) ,'',,.q.. *. ;'j : c. Briffi"bxplain about stability and pole locations. 1 d (04 Marks) '*u'q*t 7 a.,@iaw and explain about weighted summer capable of implementing summinggoptficients of '-ilj*both signs. fl(06lVlarks) -i= b. Explain about DC imperfections. (S+t9t6px9 *fl-". " c. Write short notes on: ---4,. "- i) Antilogarithmic amplifiers. : ,. '' ii) Analog multipliers. (10 Marks) 8 a. Draw the CMOS realization of A01 gate and explain with truth table. (08 Marks) b. Draw and explain the exclusive OR function using PUN and PDN. (08 Marks) c. What all are the parameters used to characterize the operation and performance of a logic circuit family. (04 Marks) {<**:F:l( 2 of2
  • 9. USN 10EC63 (04 Marks) :i::' "i#,6n", 3 hrs. ' ,rf.,,,, ,, ,:::,,"' ' Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 M icroelectronics Gi rcuits , Max. Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting atleast TWO quesfionsfro* each part. PART _ A a. b. c. do C) (Bt !lI d 6 c0 ! C) tD !.€ E9 d= -vB/G 6U 5 r.' oo ll coo.Fl 'E c d<' Fr bI) Ha) oq €g-'F o> BE .i9 - -3 S oO -!.dO OE o0tr .E(q U >ePGt E66 -A) 613qa =G,?OJ9d trii 6(d 69 9EB()-q tE aE ?!o e!>' (H boocbo E$F' 5Ue)_.,i ):h ^E^J < --.:6i c) o a0 L o o rt With,'a,,aeat diagram, derive the expression for ip in saturation an(.tri8de region. What happenE#to io if the channel length modulation is considered? (10 Marks) ,r'::'i?'i]'e r ,/fl&L q& circuit. I,et V;'=;V and kn'(WL) : 1mA/V2. Neglect efFect '.-.{*,effect. .9p= lo Ro = (urt ==. "' Fig.Q.l(c) ,,,.,1,_.,. a. Show the development of the T equivalent - circuit mo{p{.for the MOSFET from hybrid n model withoffihannel length modulation " # * (06 Marks) b. Draw thec@lt of common-source amplifier with a source resisthrrce. Draw its small signal equivaleMWcuit with y0 neglected. Obtain the expression for W,"-$ vo, Av, Auo and the overa,lffiltage gain Gu. (10 Marks) c. $ffiscaling? Differentiate constant field scaling and constant-voltage s$aling. (04 Marks)'a:: a,;'-,,Biiefly explain about short channel effect due to scaling. = .--.r (06 Marks) fi,., Compare NMOSFET and BJT in terms of i) Current voltage characteristic. ."i,4''r1 ,. iD High frequency model. iii) Output resistance. (06 Marks) c. Following figure shoes the high frequency equivalent circuit of a common-source MOSFET., amplifier. The amplifier is fed with a signal generator Vsig having a resistance Rsig. Resistance R in is due to the biasing network. Resistance R', is the parallel equivalent of the load resistance RL, the drain bias resistance Rp, and the FET output resistance ro. Capacitors cgs and cgd are the MOSFET internal capacitance: 1 of2
  • 10. 10EC63 D Draw the equivalent circuit at midband frequencies. ii) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgs. iil) Draw the circuit for determining the resistance seen by Cgd. For Rsig : 100KO, Rin: 420K{r, Cgs: Cgd: lpF, gm :4mNY, and R'r:3.33Kf) iv) Find the mid band voltage gain Ay: VsNsig. v) Find the upper 3-dB frequency fir. (0s Mar$) ':'"b@ .- xh fr,......,. - z Z i_,Jp* Fig.Q.3(c) (08 Marks) / { l".l' voltage gain Au = +. . r". , ::,,,,,,:::: (06 Marks) /, '""t =. ,x,i:,;. ..,=t'',, 1P 5 a. Obtain common-gate and cofitmon- jection ratio (CMRR) of the amplifier. Also find the effect of on CMRR. :::,..f,#4 r rts.v.Jv,, " ,SS: ,ffi*=. '' a. In common-ffdt&.smplifier with active load, obtain 3-dB freqgqfo}G using open circuit time .&.-&- r constants. Drafr ffiircuit required for determining Rgs a$ Draw the Cn - C":e;"= Cp and Cn - C, configurations.b. Draw the Co - C#ffi4 Cs and Cp - Cu configurations;,-- - (06 Marks) c. Draw an Ic source fu+lffuer circuit. Obtain its smatrhsrgiidl equivalent circuit and obtain its MOS differential (12 Marks) b. Draw the two-stage CMOS open-loop gain. 6 a. Brieflyexplainabout -'*;i"' configqmgion and briefly explain. Obtain overall dc ""'=Y; (08 Marks) ;: a.:, 'laj i) Voltage amplifier iD Current arnplifier iir) Trans coqddance am.plifier iv) Tran+fuis'tance amplifier. (08 Marks) the expression for (08 Marks) b. Explain series-shunt feedback amplifier with diagram and output impedance. lain about stability and pole locations. %'-s (04 Marks) a,,,,....p1aw and explain about weighted summer capable of implementing summing e.Sdffrcients of i; ''both signs. (05 Marks) b. Explain about DC imperfections. (04 Marks) ;.u. ,,' 'c. Write short notes on: .;+t; i) Antilogarithmic amplifiers. ' ii) Analog multipliers. (10 Markl): 8 a. Draw the CMOS realization of A01 gate and explain with truth table. (08 Marks) b. Draw and explain the exclusive OR function using PUN and PDN. (08 Marks) c. What all are the parameters used to characterue the operation and performance of a logic circuit family. (04 Marks) **{<*:1. 2 ofT input i
  • 11. USN 6a. b. 06EC63 (10 Marks) (10 Marks) o; o od L o. = d o (g o B9 -y- d9 5r' ooll coa .= c.l (!+ 96" oCaO oB 8n g9 o() (60 OE boc .9 cs Eb }H6r -d6 '5' 6) 6Jl =(!48.go. o_t o.9 o= t()i, tE EELOI ?=>' (B ooorbo o:= !f!t Xb) o -> rJ< -.: ej o o z (! o o Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 Analog and Mixed Mode |LSI Design Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 ...-.,r" ". _! ," -;'"8-s* otleast TWO questionsfrom each part. ' ,d, .dar , sS"_- (.,irL PART _ A !;q ' "t.-.. -.,,,.,,. ^rr - A :,*.,. ., 'rrli r':;l I a. Explain therehmacteristics and typical errors associated with s,p$$le'and hold circuit. (10 Marks) b. With reference ts DAC describe. i) Resolution; ii) LSB;{ iii)'ONf; iv) Vrs; v) Dynamic range; vi) INL. Find,the value of ILSB and Vns for a 4-bit, 8-bit DAC V,"r: 5V. (10 Marks) t--...::': ,1::. a ,, ,,. , 2 a. State the reasons for the pcffial error, droop aperture'Cnor and sampling effor. (08 Marks) b. Design a 4-bit charge scaliii$,,-DAC using a,Fdlit' anay.Assume that V."r : 5V and that C : 0.5pF. Draw the equivalent circuit for D = 0001 and 0010 and determine the value of the output voltage. (06 Marks) c. Discuss the issues involved in a mix!@g*pl circuit layout. (06 Marks) .: . .: r.!! , . 3a. b. c. 4a. b. -.-. =l -t' ":,,,,,:: "5.;"1, a. ,t D. ii,,,l*"' c. Explain the working principle uOA init.cture of two step flash ADC. (08 Marks) Assume that the two step ADC has four bits of resolution. Make a table listing the MSBs, Vr, Vz, Vt and the LSBs, fof Vin :2,4,9 and 15V aSsuming that V,"r: 16V. (04 Marks) For a 8 bit pipelined ADC, all the amplifiers had again of 2.1 JN, instead of 2YN,lf Vi, : 3V and V..r +SV. What would be the restffiing digital output, assuming other components ideal? . (08 Marks) Explain the.,ptrgose of each stage of a voltage comparator. Atqg, lain the working of 1't Show th* multiplying quad u"ir us a multiplier when all MOSFET Ts;in He multiplying quad have'fhd same threshold voltage. PART _ B resistive material. Describe CMOS process flow with neat sketches. ,, ,,: (10 Marks) Briefly explain the role of decimating filters in ADC. (06 Marks) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cascading averaging circuits to increas€'fitmr attenuation. (04 Marks) Describe with neat diagram, the conceptual layout and architectural layout of an R-2R ,, resistor string with minimum area and also discuss the problems of laying out metal over the With the help of a block diagram, explain the accumulate and dump circuit. Plot the general frequency response of an averaging filter. I of2 (10 Marks)
  • 12. 06EC63 7 a. Explain how capacitor and resistor elements are fabricated in submicron technology. (07 Marks) b. Sketchthe implementation of a synchronous up-down counter and discuss its operation. (07 Marks) % , c. Explain the working of simple delay element using pass transistor and CMOS **t"ut;Op*Ot" tr}tr ltus1r.ate.tro11a.pu1hpull output stage is.biased with3fioairne ""o::,1 lSTil; __.:gr..Y:*:l b"gpxplain the limitation of an inverter at the output of an op-amp with the help::"of fts transfer *fiFr*ve. How is it overcome? "-',.,. "'' (07 Marks) time constant of OPAMP with unity gain frequency of l00MH%. Assume that all t4ts is fed back to the input. Also determine the settling*tfuW for O.lYo settling #* $e' u ''' t (06 Marks) 'q!i "{ n q _ 1# ."'i;.- i+- a isa '! .:: 2 of2
  • 13. USN 108C64 enxas in a communication system Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June / July 2014 ,::d 'Antennas and Propagation i,. :+.:'LTmre: 3 hrs. Max. Mark*,,l00 tu*t$i* Note: Answer FIVE full qaestions, selecting ,'*=* " ,*"::."" at least TWO questionsfrom each part. " *1" "''' { . s.,..= .i.,.,. ',l, - j*dff- . dt* :. I a. Ddffi{k following terms with respect to antennat ....*. , i) C'ai!i: ii) Isotropic radiator iii) Beam area [S] .adiation resistance. ::: : i: :::: . ' l'; - .,.*.t., ''., = (08 Marks) -. ' I ,fl)'-" ai o (,) d ! o. (6 .O () Cd c) E9 .? Eo =rn-oo ll troo ,= e..l cd$ H60 ts6) 6JtrdO EH tr'to> 8E rs iio dO 6eb0 I(E(q }E!g' Ed -z'B'Bs a8_ tro. 5(ooj 9E t€aEt- (D tE>l: 3" oo o= EE XiD (.) : efr -.i Ai o o z cd L o o q .'lL ,ltll! 4 b. Prove that m effective aperture fo, u I antenna i, Offi'j (06 Marks) z c. The effective aptffinps of transmitting and receivingThe effective aptffinps of transmitting and receiving age+rhas in a communication system are 81.2 and l21l,? risfiept1"ety, with a separation of- 1.5 ftrn b.trr"en them. The e.m. wave isare 81"' and l2L" re$eptively, with a separatio, oq#f ftdr between them. The e.m. wave is travelling with a frequffidy*of 6 MHz and the toth!,,{/P power is 25 KW. Find the power received by the receiving , .. I * , (06 Marks) * *rf ;h a. Derive an expression for powef radated ftq?,h an isotropic point source with "sine squareda. Derive an expression for power radiated fto;n an isotropic point source with "sine squared power pattern". Also find directivityttD?' and draw power pattern. (06 Marks) b. Find the power radiated and dire_p, -$or the unidirectional point sources, having the following point sources power pptflup'-- i) U = U,cos'0sin3$, 0:*e6n, 0<0S1 ir) LJ={J-sin20sin30, #$#=r,0(0<n'* u (06Marks) c. Eight point sourc.. urqfr[ a upurt.They have i p@ difference or ] uetween adjacent *4a' O '""-.* J elements. Ottagffi{ield pattern. Also find BWFN and H#BW. (08 Marks) adiation resistance of a half wrr. f+l dipole u*.* o n A. (06 Marks)a. Show thaf ,"iadiation resistance o 2) b. Wrffifrfi'explanatory note on folded dipole antenna, giving neat figures, *o,,, (06 Marks) c. {'$alnetic field strength of 20 FA/m is required to be produced at a poffit 2,,5 km from the r*#hnna in the broadside plane, in free space. How much power is transmitt il-i=i) ahertziandipole, with / = !-. * "'4' 15 /,:. i, a half wave dipole and iii) a monopole antenna. (08 M#kBr., *r,,,1r; a. Discuss the features of a loop antenna. Derive an expression for the far field components of a loop antenna. (10 Marks) b. Explain Babinet's principle with illustrations. Discuss features of complementary antennas, with neat figures. (10 Marks) I of2
  • 14. 108C64 PART _ B 5 a. With a neat figure, explain the working of Yagi-Uda antenna. Write the design formulae for different components, used in Yagi-Uda antenna. Also mention the applications of Yagi-Uda antennas. (08 Marks) .,,j/ b. Determine: 1,,,, '""".:,:,,,-"!." i) The length L aperture 'as' and half angles in E and H planes for a pyramidaltht-}iu ffi; ,,. urt.*a, for which ap : 10 ),. The hom is fed with a rectangular wave guide in TEroffibde. : Let 6 = A i, the E-plane and 6 = 1 in the H-plane ,126*ffi*,,Catc.rlate directivity 'D'. .m * (08 Marks) c. * b:*e on Corner Reflector antenna. "9zu ;* (04 Marks) tu- q. turu 6 a. Write iftireeon: i) Plasma antenna. f . ii) Embedded nna !"d (08 Marks) b. With a neat sketc4#gxplain the principle of lens antenna. ,'] .' (06 Marks) c. A paraboloid refldffiffi,of 2 m diameter is used at 10 Glffifflculate the beam width between first nulls (BWFN) t$ffiand gain in dB. , ' (06 Marks) "d- q. 7 a. Discuss various fbrms of rdt$&"Urave propagatiffi* " (08 Marks) b. Derive the expression for resdqp electricSffitrength (En) at a point, due to space wave l;i-q rf ffi43 tli ^.q::*# 3 ."-'l %;P propagation. " d+.,. W (06 Marks) c. Derive the expression for 'Line of 3i$$;fistance (LOS) between transmitting and receiving antennas. ; *--{ * (06 Marks) 8 a. A high frequency radio link *ffi estadi$ld,.between two points on the earth 350 kma. A hlgh lrequency radlo lril< {# fio*be establlqs.q-g*between two pomts on the earth J)u km apart. The reflection region{bffthe atmospher.$ p a height of 250 km and has a critical frequency of 8 MHz. C#*dhf. the maximum usatrfs fre-quency (MUF), for the given path in case of flat earth. *, ;,, (06 Marks) b. Define skip distancgWrive an expression for skip disifiiic;@), for a flat earth. (06 Marks) [pular ionospheric layer with Nm : 9xlq6r.6;. Also find maximum usable frequdaqffiunl, if the angle of& "4" 'q{dfldq, incidencci4if,E-60'. H,,,,,, 08 Marks) c. Define critical fuffincy. Find the critical frequency for Nm : 9xt06i"flc#. Aho find maximum usable fr, 2 of2
  • 15. USN l0EC666 Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 ,u Time:3 hrs. Max. Marks:lQfi .. ' Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting ",,e..,lrli' .,l" . at least TWO questionsfrom each parl .. ' . , !.,,,, PART _ Ac) ,,,,,,.i. € I a. Explain with illustration, a simple design methodology followed in IC indusfry. . (10 Marks) E b. Explain the following constraints imposed in real world circuits: .* #: E i) Noii'e margin ii) Static load levels (10 Marks) a '" i' ,tut' i'rir, I E 2 a. Develoil9...verilog model for a 7-segment decoder that include.d" an additional input, g "BLANK", tlrat overrides the BCD input and causes all segmeffii#to lit. (10 Marks) g I b. Design an enco$r to use in a domestic burgles alarm thatLs sensors from each of the eight 8-= zones. Each sensor signal is 'I '. when intrusion is detectp{ if} that zone, '0' otherwise. Write -u I __-l --- E A a verilog code for ffi,,,,$,gpcoder, considering the priogfy srrch that zone L having the highest E A a verilog code for-ffi,,,$,gpcoder, considering the priorify srrch that zone L having the highest A fl priority and zone 8 hafiqig.the least. .= .. (10 Marks) .s? Digital System Design Using Verilog E :. 3 a. Develop a verification test*b4pph for the adderlshptractor that compares the result with the E t result of addition (or) subtraction performe{onwalues of type integer. (12 Marks) igned inte6aiSri, noth#g but 2's complement of X. (05 Marks)F,- 6 ; c. Express the number 4.510 in floath$,1.$e,int format with 5-bits of exponent and l2-bits of 9 A Mantissa masnitude. .dn- ',x*':::::::::':s:, ' ,o? Mqrrrs)g A Mantissa magnitude. _ {, ".' . *,,, ' (03 Marks) gE I u E S 4 a. Design a circuit that counts 16 cfcis{ cycles hn(,produces a control signal, "ctrl', that is '1', -L E S during every eighth and twel*{hbycle. Also, develop a verilog model for the same. (10 Marks) $ E b. Develop a verilog modef of a debouncer for a Rqflh button switch that uses a debounce f fi interval of l0 ms. Assurrqethe system clock is 50 MHz. (10 Marks)}Hsq= -O 6 t h^hm : S PART_B H j 5 a. Design a64K* =1-6-6it composite memoryusing 16K* 8 bit conryonent. (t0Marks) a E- b. Write about: {)"Programmable array logic, ii) Complex PLDs. (10 Marks) 5F , ,"'""5 F ,q;t'=' ' 1" ", ; E 6 a. Explain"."4li€'blements of embedded computer with a neat diagram. i (10 Marks) g E b. Exphin the different techniques used for higher rate of data transfer in rnomory operations. fi E (06 Marks) e .€ c. Sketch the little-endian and big-endian memory layout for data words. *. .'*l 104 Marks) >': g $ 7 a. Explain the following serial interface standards for connecting I/O devices: Bf .t ... i) RS-232 ii) r2c iii) usB iCIpta.xo H q . b. Explain the following I/O synchronization techniques: i e i) Polling ii) Intemrpts (08 Marks) o< , Q --/--------r-- --: c'i 8 a. Explain Built in Self Test (BIST) techniques. (10 Marks) g b. Show that the overall effect of speeding up kernel depends strongly on the fraction (f of the E original time taken up in executing the kernel. (06 Marks) E c. Suppose the execution time is estimated for the various parts of an algorithm on an g embedded processor. The algorithm has two kemals, one that consumes 80% of the execution time and another that consumes 15% using a hardware accelerator, speed up execution could be achieved by a factor of 10 for the 1't kernal loss by a factor of 100 for the 2nd kernal. Which accelerator gives the best overall performance impiovement? (04 Marks) ***r<*
  • 16. USN la. b. 10EC66s (04 Marks) () o 9 L o. d d ! !) d o! Eg x? 6v =r) oo ll troo .= 6t .d$ Hbo Y6) e6 oB EE tse bU -9 o!o0c }E!o, ECd 5() 5jl =(! d. 8_ tro. oj 9EiioatE sH !o I .9. >,q ao-co0 ()=<d 'tLs) :o ()-- .J < J c.i : .. () z (d f o. E ;' Time: *,t l' : 11'r1r:rr -,r'i' ., 4 . "'',ri. 't, t .,,-' ',,....'::t, ,,,,,,l{',,, ,' ,,,1jt,, 3 hrs. Max. Marks:l@,, Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. * ,- -:,, PART _ AI ^1tr - ^a Verym pre-processor directive? Write the necessary rules to be follgw#'while writing pre:fireisepsor directive, Give an example. ,,u.- * (06 Marks) What is'.rneant by dynamic memory allocation? Explain the keyuy s used for memory allocatiofiiffifr{eullo"utior, with an example for each. ,..;.|.].;. "- (06 Marks) What is the di,{&relce between object based design and objectqoft-iiihted design. Discuss how the disadvanta$Ci associated with object based|be overcome by using object ' fl"..'.. {"{,;, Distinguish between an lvalue and rvalue. Provide oidfiple for each. (06 Marks) What are pointer data types?,'For the data giveniftrt ival : 1024, int ival2:2048, int *pi1 : &ival, xp12: &ival2 a1d xxpiJ.=0- IdentifytMerors in the following statements : i) ival: x pi3 ;11) xpi2: * pi3 ; iii).,.ival:prZ"';iv)pt2: *, pil ;v)pr2: x ival. (07Marks) Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 Programmang in G++ Write a CH program to copy the of integer array ARRAY1 to another integer array ARRAY2 and display the ele Y 2. Assume array lengths to be 10a and read (07 Marks)the array elements during run-timeL , List all the equality, relational and logical op.iutors available in C++ and write the operation c. 2a. b. c. 3a. b. c. performed. With a syntactic forq lain ii) Switch and break {-",;; (12 Marks) a. ::, t.b' ii . 'rf,, )},,.iil thl ,, .What is a function prototype? Explain each field in the function prototlpe, wit ffi7 Mart<s wffilan example. ':.::... ..-atrtit^- - -:" ":WWMarks) What is meant by default argument? Write a C++ program to find the average of.$i46nbers by defining a function avg( ) with default arguments. Call function avg( ) frommgin function both by passing 3 int numbers as arguments and without passing any arguments. (08 Marks}'='' c. Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a number using recursion. (05 Marks)' PART _ B 5 a. What is exception handling? Define a class stack and two associated public functions push and pop that handle the exception when stack is full and empty respectively. (10 Marks) b. Discuss the design issues associated with the use of exception handing. (10 Marks) With a syntactic forq lain the following statements; i) Do-while I of2
  • 17. 10EC66s 6 a. Define a class : mat and 3 public functions for the class, Read( ), Display( ) and add( ) to read the elements of a 3 x 3 matrix, display the elements and to add 2 matrices and copy result in a third matrix. Define a constructor to initialize the public variable row and column to 3 and 3 that define matrix size. Write a main function to read 2 matrices, add thern ard display the resultant matrix using class member functions. (la$atks) What is destructor and vector of class object? Discuss. (08 NIarks) -i -t "'' is operator overloading? Write a simple C++ program to overload the dFrator 'x' for rlication of 2 arrays. * ***. (12 Marks)---]I"-7{@----- - ------J -' &r b. Dis$dkftish between the array operators new[ ] and delete[ ], wrth flhcement operators d?'s *,, ^ t:. _::::: (09 Marks)new( )'$$delete( ), s,,,= %r**- *'r""r., '" 8 a. What is inhffice? Differentiate between public, private and$frltected inheritance. Wj - .. ";. (toMarks)d "- * ^fb. Discuss class scop* ".der multiple inheritance, with an elbfuple. (10 Marks) r.=". **{.r1.* * l, "j.. -' ,1 1, "' 2 of2
  • 18. USN 10EC65 (12 Marks) '*: ':::::::' (08 Marks) ,,ir:"' - __. (08 Marks) ' *" ....{i04 Marks) |N- (05 Marks) (05 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (08 Marks) .s,^ Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2Ol4 operating systems -,irr,..,-rdnrl I " 3 hrs. Max. Markslll00 Note: Answer FIVEfull qaestions, selecting ill:, i -. st least TWO questions from each parl - "' * l;='i "r,"i,;:-.. PART*A ,.", Exploin*he goals of an operating system. :: ,:::::: (06 Marks) Explain me&* of performing I/O operations. (05 Marks) Explain the bbAefits/features of distributed operating system. (05 Marks) .::.:. a t . :::''"i,r,r:r, ,, ,,, .i.{*.' Explain the functlo'h$of an operating system. :: ,,,', ",'f (05 Marks) Explain the layered aqS",Ul of operating system. (08 Marks) Explain the concept ofYN{lS with example. ,rl+ (07 Marks) Explain the contents of proc6$#ih,ntrol block.;i*--.i (06 Marks) List the different tlpes ofprocesa iq{Elactd{l.gnd explain them in brief. (06 Marks) Explain with a neat diagram, the dif,f9ryg],1tates of process in UNIX operating system. ,*J,_* (og Marks) Describe static and dynamic merntiry.hllb'bation. (04 Marks) Compare the contiguous and nofupntiguous lrtErnory allocation. (04 Marks) What is boundary tag? Explffimerging of free' using boundary tags? (08 Marks) (04 Marks)Explain the lazy buddy allocator. ,'-t"ll" . ,il c) ,-. '. o oC6 k (! o 9 B9 X= .vt ? =r)oo". troo .E c d$ b9p oeeO Ee es bU (dO b0tr(gcd !! }E!6= E$ -h6'5s != 90 tro. o ..i 9E 'a lf, t,, LO eE>!bo- C orl (.)= =(dP,sr =o5: o{ -i 6i o o z L o. a. b. c. d. 2a. b. c. 3a. b. c. 4a. b. c. d. 5a. b. Referenc'e,,ffiing: 5, 4, 3, 2, Compute mean turn around time and mean weighted turn around processes, using FCFS and SRN scheduliSC Processes Pr Pr Pr P+ Ps Arrival time 0 2 a J 5 8 Service time t J a J 2 5 J b. Explain the process schedule with a neat schematic diagram. c. Summarize the approaches to real time scheduling. 8 a. Explain Buffering of interprocess messages. b. Describe the delivery of interprocess messages. c. Write a short note on mailbox. PART _ B Explain the important concepts in the operation of demand jgrg. Find the numbeiaf page faults for following page reference st4$g using the FIFO and LRU page replacernent policies. 1,4,3,5,4,3,2,1.,5. (Assume page furnes: 3) (08 Marks) :.:. : . ::: a. Desdribe the different operations performed on files. b. EMltin the organization of sequential access and direct access files. ",Describe file system actions during a file operation. IA. li"i' ' ::::: time for followiry'=sot of (10 Marks) ****rk
  • 19. ruP i lOEC/TE62USN ,,:::' "t'',*,,j Sixth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014 Microprocessors , ,,rtrrr'r,,r' 'ri!l ':"'?iibe: 3 hrs. Max. Mar,I.*s;100 ,,*+i."'" Note: 7. Answer any FIWfull questions, selecting . #.h- atleast TWO questions from euch part. *{ =. .- ..i td, : .,= 2. Make suitable assumptions for any missing dq!*rio d -sE *#'"* PART - A s, -E fl; rnr re t a. Determi#ilhe. appropriate register/memory locations that are urc&tb compute the 5 digit E hex address when the processor needs to address the contents of6 . g D Data segment memory. ,,,,J'i..'""' "' q?() ei ii) Program segrnent memory. gE iiil Stack segment m@mory. E a iv) Extra segment meprory. (08 Marks) -gJ: b."i"t"rr. f6;;;ilr?ryfrprocessor in accq;oafiEtwith the respective bit positions. 'F + ;:*"" (05 Marks).= c'l = ql -" ,,/'" * uJ rvr4 H ; c. Write an 8086 assembly code d,i6o1y the ffients of flag register into accumulator regi ai :tL e 14 h ,. h j '=9! f * E ;, c. Write an 8086 assembly code do8o;ry the ffients of flag register into accumulator register E ; following any arithmetic or logicattpkatioh:" (07 Marks) €Ed'- i "".* A Z 2 a. Explain the meaning of the fokiffi independent bits of 8086 assembly instruction i! : € templates: i) W-bit; ii) d-bit; iii) v-bit; iv) s,, ; v) z-bit. (10 Marks) E + b. Write an optimum number of assembly inetrugtions for the following objectives. Also bd i ; ! indicate the type of addresrsidg"mo$e used in each e-. ^I € "^ ----"r*7;@ -^^"-- -----:,-l-"-' F,: i) Shift the contents,.fficumulator register 4 bits lefi. 63' A € ; ii) Rotate the conLedtsbf base register right by 2 bi&r.P b tt) ruialt(, tu(, uurrkst{[ t r u.rDs rEtsrDler rr6It uy z uru ;j,:' E E iiD Divide the contents of accumulator register by 2. € E :.,i r.r,.r+:-r-, ls^^ ^^-*^-*- ^f L^^^ -^*t^+^-t., A ; E iv) Multiplyffi....contents of base register by 4. ; E iv) Multiplyffi.jontents ot'base regtster by4. - jP, 'H : v) If AL heglsier contains a two digit BCD number, dispfaythe same on monitor using E g neeossary DOS intemrpts. L. - ,, (10 Marks) i H rls :stry IJJJ [rtsrrupts. " ,; ru rYrarKs, EH- { g 3 a. Consider that a symbolic memory address 'DISPTBL' conlains a BCb,to seven^s-egment a= ; E cs&'starting from 4000H to 400AH. Design an assembly code to meetlvthe following E E objectives: =g tr- --,-r- ---.nnFoo arzrz.zn 1^n, a E i) Send a message to screen 'PRESS ANY KEY 0 to 9'. $ E iD Read the key pressed from the key board. . !+ -o a -"-" E fr )-,: message. n l-j:; E .$ iv) On correct keypress, compute BCD to 7 segment code and store into memory locati&'-qrt' o t "DISPCODE'. --.:6i ; " v) Use XLAT assembly instruction to achieve your objective. 2 vi) Design a suitable flow diagram to show your approach. (10 Marks) E b. i) Differentiate between the usage of assembler directives MACRO and PROCEDURE. g ir) Develop a suitable MASM code to display minimum of 3 different line text message by using MACRO directive and PRINTF as macro name. L of2 (10 Marks)
  • 20. rtlr' '1,, ' b. ,,*.,1; r,.,. ; : d" ;1 s6; 4a. 1 5a. 6a. b. 7a. lOEC/TE62 With reference to the internal architecture of 8086 processor, explain: i) The different external sources external sources of hardware intemrpts. i0 How the processor checks to see an interrupt have been occurred. iii) List of major actions performed to process an intemrpt. (10 MarS) Explain the following internal intemrpts generated within the processor while executi4$'tffi' c. Consider the given deci D Short -real ii) Long-real format (double precision representation). o "" (04 Marks)_ _q--- ------- r-----------r----------'--'/- fr*a * Write a prograry.*{e'balculate the volume of a sphere having'tbdius of the sphere is specified. The result isto bE stored in the memory location VOLUME. Vshrme of a sphere is given by hfuA schematic diagram when 8086 processor is operating in maximum mode Sguration. (06 Marks) lain the function performed by pins exclusive for minimum mode configurqtignu program: i) TYPE-O divide by zero intemrpt. *. r,: .,.,,rt, TYPE-I single step intemrpt . .,tno Marks) """,1**- PART - B Wi@rect to programmable peripheral interface (PPI) 8255A: &* i) Wry a neat block schematic showing its functional descriptiop.h;q' iii) Expldi$,{prious possible modes of operation. . i (10 Marks) Design an 823f,b.ased event counting system. Port A is co,flnh&ed to SLEDs and Port B is connected to a to$$lia'.rg switch having 2 positions for bffiry and BCD. Draw the interfacing diagram and a pro ffi'; for binary or BCD counffis%dbcted by switch. Given that the control port addresr is@A:, assume safe current 6"glow each LED is 25mA. A suitable delay between counts is co ered. { } * , (10 Marks) Fb{"d What is meant by numeric datdpiqsqsor ffi1NOP)? What are the benefits of interfacing the same with the host processor? 1.*" _ (04 Marks) Explain briefly the role played by th"ffffirying pins of 8087 during interaction. i) Bus high "rfl. ,'BjE/S7). iD Status pins (s2,s1,r0). 1|,"J- t--- '^-*t iii) Request/Grant(RQ/QT). ,l},',,,,.,,, "''s *l (06 Marks) hd b. ffrlumber 178.625 convert it"Jnf,q single precision representatflSd d. # tr. a. "*& 'q' !: . :t',''"|:';t' ',- 8 F,Xplam the luncuon perlormeo Dy pms excuslve lor mrntmum mooe conngurqtpp. i)HOLDandHLDA; ii) M/IO; iii) RD; iv) WR; v) MN/MX ffi,]ytart<s; What is meant by PCI bus system? T,ist out the significant characteristics of thePffibus system. (06 Maqks) Explain the memory bank system architecture for the 80386DX microprocessor with a block ; schematic. Explain how interleaved memory system is used for speed improvement. (10 Marks) b. Draw the block schematic of the control register of 80386 microprocessor and explain the following special control bits of operation i) PG; ii) ET; iii) TS; iv) EM; v) MP; vi) PE. (10 Marks) trf{<** 2 of2
  • 21. l0ECs3USN c. 4a. Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2Ol4 Time: 3 hrs. Analog Gommunication Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting stleast Tl,yO questions from each part. :: -'r 'rr Max. Marks:100 'l* 6*t!t r u',,,,,i' b. c. -c) o (,) (! Lg 6 c) ().,! E950- dU 5 ,,' bo ,, .= an co* Yq) oiFO o> Eq a: oO 60 50tr .g(! >e?6 F= !$ n6 6ll d. 8. tro o --: V) .Y a= tsoqLE !ol x.Y >' q- ooo c o0' 0)= =d:i s) Xa) a- (r< ic-i o o z oq :;.; PART _ A Define auto correlation function of the random process x(t). Define the power spectraldensity.and explain its prop-erties- The pdf of a random v ira|q is given as i:,y':; [r a<x<b f (x)={x ' |.0 otherwise 14 ' "* Where K is constant, :::: i) Sketch the pdf and determine ve'hl€,pf K. ii) If a : -1 and b:2,calculate |)= Cl for C =112. ::: .::.:::: Explain 2 a. Explain the generation of AM wave using square law modulator with relevant equations and spectrum. (08 Marks) the properties of auto (08 Marks) (07 Marks) (05 Marks) (06 Marks) (05 rks) (00 tvter.,{p, b. Explain the working o{pesds receiver for demodulating*pSB-SC wave. (06 Marks) c. An audio frequency'.Sjgnal 10 sin 2n 500t is usedirtd aJpplitude modulate a carrier of 75sin2n x 106t. Assume modulation index as 0.5. Find: ' I D Side band frequencies ii) Amplitude of each side band. ':' ' iii) gald"width required. -" ,,1 ,,: iv) Total power delivered to a load of 100Q. ,,,,,,'' .,,,, 3 a. Derive the expression for representing SSB wave containing LSB in time douidin (08 Marks) b:.,DefineHilberttransform.obtainHilberttransformofthefollowing: i) x(t) : A" cos 2n f"t ir) x(t) : A" sin 2n f"t. Explain phase discrimination method for generating SSB wave. c. What is FDM? Explain the detailed scheme of FDM. l" -, .-,,';,ii Derive time domain equation for VSB modulated wave containing a vestigial of the lowei' side band. (07 Marks) b. With a neat block diagram, explain the operation of AM super heterodyne receiver. (06 Marks) (07 Marks) l,of2
  • 22. 108C53 PART _ B With neat circuiti diagram,explain direct method of generating FM wave. Also explai4 back scheme for frequency stabilization of a frequency modulator in direct method. (12 Marks)' An angle modulated signal is represented by s(t): 1Ocos l2n x l06t + 5 sin ZOOOnt + l0 Sin 3000ntl volts. Find the following: , i) The power in the modulated signal. tii) The frequency derivation. "iiili .* The derivation ratio. iv){{fhe phase derivation. v) '' e approximate transmission band width. filter. (07 Marks) no$e. feed5a. - ,.t */n*r b. :;'11 * ' ,,,,t,,,'' q. .s, (08 Marks) 6 a. With neat c'ir,.Cuit diagram, explain FM domodulation using balanied slope detector. (08 Marks) b. Starting from blofu diagram of pLL obtain its non tinear ahd.Jinear model. Show that output of pLL is scaled veisfu'n of modulating signal. (12 Marks) 7 a. Derive the expression fof ffiIS noise voltage at the ffiut of passive RC lowpass b. Define white noise. Give the plotbtPsD and auto correlation function of white "ll" (07 Marks) c. In a communication receiver, the first'sta$e is a tuned amplifier with an available power gain of 20dB and noise figure of 10dB. The,output of the amplifier is given to mixer stage, whose noise figure is 20dB. Determine the overall noise figure of the system. '::.!st ;li:, " :'1,,::'",,.,; 8 a. Derive expression for the figlid'of merit for DSEfSg receiver. b. Explain function of pre-enlihasis and de-emphasis in FM systems. d d&h . u ,,,'."t ; ::-'t - ,,,,,. tr-., {< {< * * * 'l (06 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) .:'' : ' i.- ,:i:: -t a' ,"-t' ' .. 2 of2