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USN 10AL51
*' ".4
Max. Marks:1O0
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
planning and tactical
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examiri flec.20l5lJan.20l6
Management and Entrepreneurship
Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part.
.S c(n$
r.r <
Time: 3 hrs.
5 a. Define the term'Entrepreneur'. Differentiate between entrepreneur and Intrapreneur.
b. Explain the stages in entrepreneurial process.
i.. :. ...:
. ', at:,
,- ' ,,
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
6 a. ;"Wfiat are the steps involved in setting up of small scale industry (SSIX Explain. (10 Marks)
at are the objectives and functions of world trade organization (WTOX Explain.
'r,.'di (10 Marks)
Explain the various functions of management.
Explain the roles of a manager.
Discuss the importance of planning. Differentiate between strategic
With a flow chart, explain the steps involved in decision making.
What are the principles of an organuation? Explain.
Explain briefly the steps involved in selection process.
Explain briefly Herzberg's thoory of motivation.
What are the essentials o{,X$hnd control system? Explain.
Explain the objectives and functions of NSIC and KSFC.
Write short notes on KSSIDC and SISI.
Explain in detail the guidelines for preparation of project report.
What are the various network analysis techniques? Differentiate between PERT and CPM.
(10 Marks)
iv) !lx1rl'K=0
(03 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(03 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(06 Marks)
(08 Marks)
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree ExaminiffiD ec.20l5lJan.20l6
Time: 3 hrs.
a. Define N-point DFT and IDFT of a sequence.
b. Find the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n) = [, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0] .
c. Find the IDFT of X(K) : {4, -2j,0,2j.
d. Obtain the relation between DFT and Z-transform.
2 a. State and prove circular convolution property.
b. Forx(n) : {7,0,8,0}, find y(n), if Y(K) = x((r -2))-.
c. Let x(n) : {I,2,0,3, -2,4,7, 5). Evaluate the following :
Digital Signal Prdcessing
Max. Marks:100
Note: l. Answer FIYE full questions, selecting
ut leust TWO questions from each part ,..,
2. Use of normalizedJilter tables not permitted.
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9Et (.)
i, lE
c' oQ
-.; c.i'
i) x(0) ir) x(4)
5 a. o,r.o.,lr" ftei)' =
. determine the analog filter system tunction H,(s). (08 Marks)
k*'- I
b. pehH(s) = r^-+----r represent transfer function of a low pass filter with a pass band of
- ')
represent transfer tunr
" ffie-Y rad,/sec. Use &equency transformation to find the transfer functions of the analog filters,
_ffi}5 i) A LPF with pais band of 10 radlsec.
,,&* ii) A HPF with cut-off frequency of 5 radlsec. (08 Marks)
' lIlr c. Compare Butterworth and Chebyshev filters. (04 Marks)
6 a. RealizetheFlRfilter H(z)=l* !r-'*r-'*lr-'+z-o +!r-'*!r-u indirectform.
23 4 3 2
(04 Marks)
b. Obtain direct form-I, direct form - II, cascade and parallel form rcalization for the following
a. In the direct computation of N-point DFT of x(n), how many
i) Complex multiplications, ii) Complex additions iii) Real multiplications
iv) Real additions and v) Trigonometric function evaluations are required. (10 Marks)
b. Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response h(n) :{,2 and input signal
x(n) = {1,2,-1,2,3,-2,-3,-1,1,1,2,-I} using overlap save method. (l0Marks)
a. Develop S-point DIF-FET radix-2 algorithm and draw the signal flow graph. (10 Marks)
b. Find 8-point DFT of'ar'sequence x(n) : {1, 1, 1, l, 0, 0, 0, 0} using DIT-FFT radix-2
algorithm. Use butterfly diagram. (10 Marks)
system: y(n) = 0.75y(n - 1)-0.125y(n -2) +6x(n) + 7x(n - 1) + x(n -2)
I of2
(16 Marks)
A LPF is to be designed with frequency response,
L, n
Hd(ei') = Hotrl = ]tl'' -l'l'ZI o, l.lrl . r,
L + rr
Determine ho (n) and h(n) if ol(n) is a rectangular window, , n
,[ *,,
[r, o<n<4 ffffi-r't^(n)={
rwise r,'Jn  ' [0. Otherwise ._{^
Also, find the frequency response, H(ro) of the resulting FIR filter. _,,
q# (10 Marks)
Explain the design of linear phase FIR filter using frequency sampling tdBfiIque. (10 Marks)
Explain the design of IIR filter by using Impulse
explain mapping of analog to digital filter by IIM.
Invariance Method (IIM) technique also
b. Convert the analog filter with system function, H" (s) =
s + 0.1
of bilinear transformation (BLT). Tloe digital filter is
filter by means
frequency of cD,
(10 Marks)
into a digital IIR
to have a resonant
(10 Marks)
2 of2
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Dec.2015 /Jan.20l6
Microwav dar
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: l. Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting
at least TWO questionsfrom each part. * ffi4
2. [Ise of SMITII chart is permitted. * ,"
PARr - A r#*
oj I a. Derive the transmission line equations by the method of distributed circuit theqwi ({b Marks)
.i b. A 300 Q line is terminated in a load of (600+j300) f) operating at 600 MHz. Fimd the value
; Z a. Using Helmholtz equation, derive the field equations for TM mode in rectangular
e waveguide. (10 Marks)
E b. What is circulator? Explain the working of a 4-port circulator using magic tees and write its
d E S-matrix. (10 Marks)
gE 3 a. What is GUNN diode? Explain LSA and TT modes. (10 Marks)
E A b. What are the difference between microwave transisto.l and TEDs? Give few examples.
-ao r ,,,1 (05 Marks)
:E I c. An IMPATT diode with nominal frequency 1,0 GHz has C: : 0.5 pF, Lp : 0.5 nH and
F ; Cp : 0.3 pF at breakdown bias of 80 V and';b,ias' current 80 mA. The RF peak current is
I H 0.65Afor Ru =-2{l.Findi) Resonantfrecfreniy ii) Efficiency. (05Marks)
e Z 4 a. State and prove symmetric property ofS-matrix. (08 Marks)
E E b. What are S-parameters? Explain the $'itdrameters for two port network. (08 Marks)
E E c. The S-parameters of a 2 port network are given by St =0210, Sr, =0.120,
xr f ,- *'
; ! Sn = 0.62:90' and Sr, = 0.6d&'. x the network reciprocal? Lossless? (04 Marks)
5c At
.$H *# PART-B
; € 5 a. What is attenuator? Dcffu"its S-matrix. (08 Marks)B E t A. Wnat N aEenuatorr ucIW lts D-maffx. (ud iuarKs,
€ € b. Write a note on: f,ffie shifter ii) Coupling loop. (06 Marks)
2- B ^ a
,--rrr ,:- --({.-}.- a r--L- ---- ^f, ar-- ^^lli-- r ^r ^ t^^^r^^^ rr -^,^-^^ 'T' :---^}:^-
f E c. A20mWsignElidfedintooneof thecollinearpoft 1of alosslessH-planeT junction.
€ E Calculate the power delivered through each port when other ports are terminated in matched
F,u- .,
c. A20mWsi
; .$ 6 a. Writq ffitt'", lossless in the microstrip line. (08 Marks)
; E b. E6gffito-planar strip lines and shielded strip line. (06 Marks)
E E c. ffielded strip line has the following parameters €, =2.56, strip width : 25 mils, strip
iE a.ffickness : 14 mils and shield depth: 70 mils. Calculate: i) the k-factor ii) fringe
.Hg *f,* capacitance iii) Impedance of the line. (06 Marks)
E q js* h Derive the basic radar range equation. (10 Marks)
q K-S#" b. Write a note on: i) Origin of radar ii) Applications of radar. (04 Marks)
6q" c. A 10 GHz radar has the following characteristics P, =250kW, Prf =1500 PPS, pulse
- C'.1
' width : 0.8 prs, power gain of antenna : 2500, = 10-14 W, A. : 10 ,r?, o =Z ri. p111d
2 i) R unambiguous ii) Maximum possible range iii) Duty cycle iv) Average power.
E (06 Marks)
fi 8 a. What is blind speed? How can we.eradicate it? (08 Marks)
g b. Explain digital MTI processing. (08 Marks)
c. A CW radar operates at a frequency of 10 GHz. What is the Doppler frequency produced by
i) an aeroplane plying at a speed of 250 kmph ii) a rnan crawling at 2.5 cm/sec. What do
USN 10ECs3
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20l5 I Jan.20l6
Analog Gommunication
Time: 3 hrs. Max. lvtarks##
Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting ,;.."Y,-i
at least TWO questions fro* each part {"'.,,,.'"
'3 DAD.. a ..
., PART - A
S I a. Describe mean, correlation and covariance functions with respect to statirinary random
i process. (06 Marks)
: b. State and discuss central limit theorem. (08 Marks)
fi c. Let X be a continuous random variable having a uniform probability distribution defined in
E i the range 2 <x< 4. Lety: 3X + 2. Find the means m* and mr. (06 Marks)
t : 2 a. Explain the need for modulation. (06 Marks)
f"Y b. Describe the generation of AM wave using squffir,law modulator with mathematical
,.i"_f.^,..*,,,,,.,, ",.,analysis. (08 Marks)
q c. The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8 amps, when only the carrier is sent. But itHhn
E tr increases to 8.93 amps, when the carrier *is*:*iodulated by a single sine wave. Find the()tr
e E percentage modulation. Determine the ante.nna, when the percentage modulation changes
i ; to 0.8. (06 Marks)
Z B 3 a. What is Hilbert transformation?ffie the expression for impulse response of the Hilbert
E r ftansformer. 1** ',' (07 Marks)
!t ,uo,--
E : b. Write the canonical represpgtatibn of band pass signal and derive the expression for time
S E function of SSBSC wavefoii'n. (08 Marks)
; € c. Calculate the percenq&"*power saving when the carrier and one of the sidebands are
t E suppressed in an AM wave modulated to a depth of (i) 100% and (ii) 50%. (05 Marks)
-e.6 , i
€ E 4 a. With neat bl.pck diagram, explain the generation of VSB wave by phase discrimination
g+ method. ,.;,;" (07Marks)
U ; h f)iserrsc &'frAlnnc dctenfinn nf /SEl nfirc nq*ior /n( iur,Fld
3 d b. Discussffi#elope detection of VSB plus carrier. (06 Marks)
E E c. Expffihe transmission of a number of independent signals over a single communication
e E clhhbel by modulating different carrier signals. (07 Marks)6E
,E€., . r{n"
nts #ff-d PART-Bnts #ff* PART - B
'E .Et {"*-aY Explain the generation of wide band frequency modulated wave by Armstrong method.o
1L" &
E U d*+ r:a (07 Marks)
5 f -*# U. A 100 MHz carcier wave has a peak voltage of 5 volts. The carrier is frequency modulated
* by a sinusoidal modulating waveform of frequency 2kHz such that the frequency deviation
-: .1" is 75 kHz. The modulated wave form passes through zero and is increasing at time t : 0.
.I Write the expression for frequency modulated signal. (05 Marks)
2 c. Show that thi spectrum of FM contains infinite riumber of side bands. (08 Marks)
a 6 a. With neat schematic and frequency response, explain the operation of balanced
E discriminator for demodulation of FM wave. (07 Marks)
b. With relevant mathematical analysis, explain reconstruction of message signal form FM
wave by PLL. (08 Marks)
c. Discuss nonlinear effects in FM systems. (05 Marks)
I of2
:i+! :!'aq$i&i..l
, i.,:,lfE|g$lrt$r+rrtix! {i,
What are the types of noise, which affect communication system? Explain thermal noise in
detail. (07 Marks)
An amplifier operating over the frequency range of 450 kHz to 460 WIz is having a input
resistance of 75 KO. If the temperature is 15oC, find:
i) The rms noise voltage at the input to the amplifier.
ii) The amplifier noise power.
iii) Power spectral densitY.
Discuss the noise factor of amplifiers in cascade and obtain the Friss formula.
Show that the figure of Merit of SSBSC system is unity. * {*
Discuss threshold effect in FM receiving system. *5*
Explain in detail the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in frequency m@il#tion.
d. f W
(08 Marks)
(04 Marks)
(08 Marks)
, *.;utni i,*l*"tFf+rl$!1ry+*f4
i"'li. '
** u*'.Aa- -
" d,-{*W
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n,rq'r. '1
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2 of2
;i a.
b. The joint
iii) Entropy of the source.
Max. Marks:1O0
(10 Marks)
(XS Marks)
(10 Marks)
Time: 3 hrs.
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015 llan"2076
lnformation Theory and coding
Note: Answer FIVE futl questionsn selectimg
at leust TWO qaestions from each pawtC)
.S .
<d .O
i:- ;
o -,1
tr 01)
c- ;
a. A binary source produces Symbols 0 and 1 with probability P and 1 - P. Determine the
entropy of this source and sketch the variation of the entropy with P. (05 Marks)
b. Prove that the information content of N independent message is additive. (05 Marks)
c. For mark off source shown Find the source entropy and Gr, Gz and G:
0, 1 P(x1):0,8
2 a. For the state diagram shown find
i) State probabilities ii) Entropy of each state
Fig. Q2(a)
probability matrix of a channel is given. Compute H(x), H(y), F{(xy), H(x/y) and
0r I
Frove the identities :
D H(x, y) : FI(x) + H(y)
i| H(xy) : H(x) + H (y/x) (08 Marks)
A source emits symbotrs with probabilities 0.4,0.2,0.12, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.04. Construct a
binary Huffman code and Shannon Fano code. Calculate efficiency in both cases. (12 Marks)
Fig. Q1(c)
I of2
4 a. Derive the expression for channel capacity for the binary channel shown
(08 Marks)
Fig. Qa(a)
Define mutuai information and explain its properties. (s41!Iarks)
An analog signal has a bandwidth of 4KHz. The signal is sampled at 2.5times the Nyquist
rate and earch sample is quantized into 256 equally likely levels. Assume that the successive
samples are statistically independent.
i) Find the information rate of this source.
ii) Can the output of this source be transmitted without error over a channel of
Bandwidttr 50Kltrz and S/N:20db.
iii) if the output of this source is to be transrnitted without erors over an analog channel
having S/N : 10. Compute the band width required. (08 Marks)
a. Define hamming weight, hamming dr+ffi minimum distance of iinear biock cocle.
(06 BIarks)
b. For a linear biock code the syndrome is given by
St :ft +rr*fj+rs
Sz:fr *t'2*T4*t6
0 Find the generator matrix
ii) Draw the encoder and decoder circuit
iii) How many errors can it detect and correct
u=$ 'o
a. A (7, A)binary cyclic code has a generatorpolynomial g(x) : i * x * x3
i) Write the syndrome circuit
ii) Verifiy the circuit for the rnessage polynomial d(x) : 1* x3, showing the contents of
the register for each state. -(08
b. A(15,5) binarycyclic code has ageneratorpollnoniiaig(r): tr *x*x'+xo+xs +** +^'o
i) Draw the encoder block diagram
ii) Fiadthe code polyng*i?l for.message polynomial d(x) : 1 + *'+*o in systematic form
(12 Marks)
a. BCF{ code
b. Golay cod.e
e. Reed Solomon codes
d" Golay cocles.
Consider the 3, 1, 2 convolution code with g(l) -
0 Draw the encoder block diagram
ii) Find the generator matrix
iii) Find the code word corresponding to the
dc,main and fu'equency domain approach.
2 of2
(tr4 Marks)
(28 NIarks)
i 10, g(2) : 101 and *(:t : 111
message sequenoe (11101) using both time
(2CI Marks)
(0E Marks)
(08 N{arks}
(04 Marks)
(1S &Iarks)
(04 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(S5 &[arks]
(06 Marks)
(04 Marks)
(t)8 Marks)
(08 $4arks)
(12 Marks)
(08 Marks)
(08 Marks)
{12 Marks}
(08 Marks)
(12 Marks)
Fifth Sernester B.E. Degree Examin ec"z015/Jan.2016
Fundamentals of GMOS Vl-Sl
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: 1. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting
at least TWO questions from each part.
2. Assume missing data, if any.
I a. Explain with a neat diagram, enhancement mode transistor action of lvlOS transistor.
!o ll
.= C.l
> q-
tr oL)
L.) </
b. Using neat diagram, describe fabrication steps for n-NACS transistor.
c. Compare CMOS and Bipolar technologies.
2 a. What do you mean by Lambda (1") based design rule? Explain, indicate and draw design rule
for PMOS, CMOS and n-mos. (12 Marks)
b. Using CMOS logic draw schematic and Layout diagram forY : AB + CD . (0s Marks)
3 a. Explain why p-MOS and n-MOS has been used in CMOS cornplementary logic. Discuss
CMOS eomplementary logic with an example. (06 Manks)
b. Describe the following logic structures with an example.
0 Pseudo - n-MOS logic
ii) Dynamic CMOS logic
Using Bi-CMOS logic structure design a schematic circuit for h : ab + c .
What is sheet resistance? Derive the expression for sheet resistanee"
Explain delay unit.
Discuss the scaling factors for n-MOS transistor.
Discuss the architectural issues of CMOS subsystem design.
Expiain combinational logic using a parity generator.
Explain: i) Dynamic register element ii) Dynamic shift register.
Design and explain 4bit shifter using 4 x 4 cross bar and bamel shifter.
Explain with a neat diagram 4 - bit serial - parallel multiplier.
Explain with a neat diagram, a three transistor dynamic RAM cell.
Explain CMOS Fseudo - static memory ceil using circuit and stick diagram.
Discuss the floor plan and layout using 4 - bit processor.
Write a short note on
, Built - in - self - test (BIST)
ii) Scan design technology.

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5th Semeste Electronics and Communication Engineering (Dec-2015; Jan-2016) Question Papers

  • 1. 7tn f.r" E,c USN 10AL51 *' ".4 Max. Marks:1O0 (10 Marks) (10 Marks) planning and tactical (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examiri flec.20l5lJan.20l6 Management and Entrepreneurship Note: Answer any FIW full questions, selecting atleast TWO questions from each part. 4a. b. o o o o. E o d I..= ox -7= d9 =ta:"il c0a .S c(n$ o YIJ o- -O a2 aX oO OE o0E >! ao p"5- oj 9EtoOIE Hd) o.:>l= ooe co0 (J= AEF> o- r.r < -(I .J z d o Time: 3 hrs. 2a. b. 3a. b. 8a. b. 5 a. Define the term'Entrepreneur'. Differentiate between entrepreneur and Intrapreneur. b. Explain the stages in entrepreneurial process. i.. :. ...: . ', at:, ,- ' ,, (10 Marks) (10 Marks) 6 a. ;"Wfiat are the steps involved in setting up of small scale industry (SSIX Explain. (10 Marks) u6*iVt at are the objectives and functions of world trade organization (WTOX Explain. 'r,.'di (10 Marks) PART - A Explain the various functions of management. Explain the roles of a manager. Discuss the importance of planning. Differentiate between strategic planning. With a flow chart, explain the steps involved in decision making. What are the principles of an organuation? Explain. Explain briefly the steps involved in selection process. l*" Explain briefly Herzberg's thoory of motivation. What are the essentials o{,X$hnd control system? Explain. Explain the objectives and functions of NSIC and KSFC. Write short notes on KSSIDC and SISI. Explain in detail the guidelines for preparation of project report. What are the various network analysis techniques? Differentiate between PERT and CPM. (10 Marks) ,ffiR
  • 2. USN iiD trr"t 7- iv) !lx1rl'K=0 108C52 (03 Marks) (08 Marks) (06 Marks) (03 Marks) (06 Marks) (06 Marks) (08 Marks) Fifth Semester B.E. Degree ExaminiffiD ec.20l5lJan.20l6 Time: 3 hrs. a. Define N-point DFT and IDFT of a sequence. b. Find the 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n) = [, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0] . c. Find the IDFT of X(K) : {4, -2j,0,2j. d. Obtain the relation between DFT and Z-transform. 2 a. State and prove circular convolution property. b. Forx(n) : {7,0,8,0}, find y(n), if Y(K) = x((r -2))-. c. Let x(n) : {I,2,0,3, -2,4,7, 5). Evaluate the following : Digital Signal Prdcessing Max. Marks:100 Note: l. Answer FIYE full questions, selecting ut leust TWO questions from each part ,.., 2. Use of normalizedJilter tables not permitted. PART - A 6) o o o(0 Eo :o! ox *1Eo =r)-ooll 600 .=N (gt gil otrdoE€ 8n a= ij() -tido OE o0c 6cn }E!83 E(3 ,j? o 6.u r5-tro. 5doj 9Et (.) i, lE ko eE>'! c' oQ o= H,9 =oo: U< -.; c.i' rt) z oq ,! i) x(0) ir) x(4) PART _ B 5 a. o,r.o.,lr" ftei)' = F+"r . determine the analog filter system tunction H,(s). (08 Marks) k*'- I b. pehH(s) = r^-+----r represent transfer function of a low pass filter with a pass band of {:q- - ') = Gj*.D;lJ represent transfer tunr " ffie-Y rad,/sec. Use &equency transformation to find the transfer functions of the analog filters, _ffi}5 i) A LPF with pais band of 10 radlsec. ,,&* ii) A HPF with cut-off frequency of 5 radlsec. (08 Marks) ' lIlr c. Compare Butterworth and Chebyshev filters. (04 Marks) 6 a. RealizetheFlRfilter H(z)=l* !r-'*r-'*lr-'+z-o +!r-'*!r-u indirectform. 23 4 3 2 (04 Marks) b. Obtain direct form-I, direct form - II, cascade and parallel form rcalization for the following a. In the direct computation of N-point DFT of x(n), how many i) Complex multiplications, ii) Complex additions iii) Real multiplications iv) Real additions and v) Trigonometric function evaluations are required. (10 Marks) b. Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response h(n) :{,2 and input signal x(n) = {1,2,-1,2,3,-2,-3,-1,1,1,2,-I} using overlap save method. (l0Marks) a. Develop S-point DIF-FET radix-2 algorithm and draw the signal flow graph. (10 Marks) b. Find 8-point DFT of'ar'sequence x(n) : {1, 1, 1, l, 0, 0, 0, 0} using DIT-FFT radix-2 algorithm. Use butterfly diagram. (10 Marks) system: y(n) = 0.75y(n - 1)-0.125y(n -2) +6x(n) + 7x(n - 1) + x(n -2) I of2 (16 Marks)
  • 3. 7a. b. 8a. 108C52 A LPF is to be designed with frequency response, L, n Hd(ei') = Hotrl = ]tl'' -l'l'ZI o, l.lrl . r, L + rr Determine ho (n) and h(n) if ol(n) is a rectangular window, , n ,[ *,, [r, o<n<4 ffffi-r't^(n)={ rwise r,'Jn ' [0. Otherwise ._{^ Also, find the frequency response, H(ro) of the resulting FIR filter. _,, q# (10 Marks) Explain the design of linear phase FIR filter using frequency sampling tdBfiIque. (10 Marks) Explain the design of IIR filter by using Impulse explain mapping of analog to digital filter by IIM. Invariance Method (IIM) technique also b. Convert the analog filter with system function, H" (s) = s + 0.1 (s+0.l)'z+16 of bilinear transformation (BLT). Tloe digital filter is =n '' 2 filter by means frequency of cD, (10 Marks) into a digital IIR to have a resonant (10 Marks) **r<** 2 of2
  • 4. USN l0EC54 Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Dec.2015 /Jan.20l6 Microwav dar Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: l. Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting at least TWO questionsfrom each part. * ffi4 2. [Ise of SMITII chart is permitted. * ," PARr - A r#* . oj I a. Derive the transmission line equations by the method of distributed circuit theqwi ({b Marks) .i b. A 300 Q line is terminated in a load of (600+j300) f) operating at 600 MHz. Fimd the value ; Z a. Using Helmholtz equation, derive the field equations for TM mode in rectangular e waveguide. (10 Marks) a E b. What is circulator? Explain the working of a 4-port circulator using magic tees and write its d E S-matrix. (10 Marks) gE 3 a. What is GUNN diode? Explain LSA and TT modes. (10 Marks) E A b. What are the difference between microwave transisto.l and TEDs? Give few examples. -ao r ,,,1 (05 Marks) d00 :E I c. An IMPATT diode with nominal frequency 1,0 GHz has C: : 0.5 pF, Lp : 0.5 nH and 6rf F ; Cp : 0.3 pF at breakdown bias of 80 V and';b,ias' current 80 mA. The RF peak current is I H 0.65Afor Ru =-2{l.Findi) Resonantfrecfreniy ii) Efficiency. (05Marks) s:= c'tr e Z 4 a. State and prove symmetric property ofS-matrix. (08 Marks) E E b. What are S-parameters? Explain the $'itdrameters for two port network. (08 Marks) E E c. The S-parameters of a 2 port network are given by St =0210, Sr, =0.120, xr f ,- *' ; ! Sn = 0.62:90' and Sr, = 0.6d&'. x the network reciprocal? Lossless? (04 Marks) 5c At .$H *# PART-B ; € 5 a. What is attenuator? Dcffu"its S-matrix. (08 Marks)B E t A. Wnat N aEenuatorr ucIW lts D-maffx. (ud iuarKs, € € b. Write a note on: f,ffie shifter ii) Coupling loop. (06 Marks) 2- B ^ a ^n ,--rrr ,:- --({.-}.- a r--L- ---- ^f, ar-- ^^lli-- r ^r ^ t^^^r^^^ rr -^,^-^^ 'T' :---^}:^- f E c. A20mWsignElidfedintooneof thecollinearpoft 1of alosslessH-planeT junction. € E Calculate the power delivered through each port when other ports are terminated in matched F,u- ., c. A20mWsi ; .$ 6 a. Writq ffitt'", lossless in the microstrip line. (08 Marks) ; E b. E6gffito-planar strip lines and shielded strip line. (06 Marks) E E c. ffielded strip line has the following parameters €, =2.56, strip width : 25 mils, strip iE a.ffickness : 14 mils and shield depth: 70 mils. Calculate: i) the k-factor ii) fringe .Hg *f,* capacitance iii) Impedance of the line. (06 Marks) E q js* h Derive the basic radar range equation. (10 Marks) q K-S#" b. Write a note on: i) Origin of radar ii) Applications of radar. (04 Marks) 6q" c. A 10 GHz radar has the following characteristics P, =250kW, Prf =1500 PPS, pulse .:e - C'.1 I ' width : 0.8 prs, power gain of antenna : 2500, = 10-14 W, A. : 10 ,r?, o =Z ri. p111d 2 i) R unambiguous ii) Maximum possible range iii) Duty cycle iv) Average power. E (06 Marks) fi 8 a. What is blind speed? How can we.eradicate it? (08 Marks) g b. Explain digital MTI processing. (08 Marks) c. A CW radar operates at a frequency of 10 GHz. What is the Doppler frequency produced by i) an aeroplane plying at a speed of 250 kmph ii) a rnan crawling at 2.5 cm/sec. What do youunderstand? ***** (o4Marks)
  • 5. USN 10ECs3 Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.20l5 I Jan.20l6 Analog Gommunication Time: 3 hrs. Max. lvtarks## Note: Answer FIVEfull questions, selecting ,;.."Y,-i at least TWO questions fro* each part {"'.,,,.'" .:' ci '3 DAD.. a .. ., PART - A S I a. Describe mean, correlation and covariance functions with respect to statirinary random i process. (06 Marks) : b. State and discuss central limit theorem. (08 Marks) fi c. Let X be a continuous random variable having a uniform probability distribution defined in E i the range 2 <x< 4. Lety: 3X + 2. Find the means m* and mr. (06 Marks) '8.E t : 2 a. Explain the need for modulation. (06 Marks) f"Y b. Describe the generation of AM wave using squffir,law modulator with mathematical ,.i"_f.^,..*,,,,,.,, ",.,analysis. (08 Marks) E q c. The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8 amps, when only the carrier is sent. But itHhn E tr increases to 8.93 amps, when the carrier *is*:*iodulated by a single sine wave. Find the()tr e E percentage modulation. Determine the ante.nna, when the percentage modulation changes i ; to 0.8. (06 Marks) frar Z B 3 a. What is Hilbert transformation?ffie the expression for impulse response of the Hilbert E r ftansformer. 1** ',' (07 Marks) - !t ,uo,-- E : b. Write the canonical represpgtatibn of band pass signal and derive the expression for time S E function of SSBSC wavefoii'n. (08 Marks) ; € c. Calculate the percenq&"*power saving when the carrier and one of the sidebands are t E suppressed in an AM wave modulated to a depth of (i) 100% and (ii) 50%. (05 Marks) -e.6 , i = .ll € E 4 a. With neat bl.pck diagram, explain the generation of VSB wave by phase discrimination g+ method. ,.;,;" (07Marks) U ; h f)iserrsc &'frAlnnc dctenfinn nf /SEl nfirc nq*ior /n( iur,Fld 3 d b. Discussffi#elope detection of VSB plus carrier. (06 Marks) E E c. Expffihe transmission of a number of independent signals over a single communication e E clhhbel by modulating different carrier signals. (07 Marks)6E ,E€., . r{n" nts #ff-d PART-Bnts #ff* PART - B 'E .Et {"*-aY Explain the generation of wide band frequency modulated wave by Armstrong method.o = 1L" & E U d*+ r:a (07 Marks) 5 f -*# U. A 100 MHz carcier wave has a peak voltage of 5 volts. The carrier is frequency modulated $Sry* * by a sinusoidal modulating waveform of frequency 2kHz such that the frequency deviation -: .1" is 75 kHz. The modulated wave form passes through zero and is increasing at time t : 0. .I Write the expression for frequency modulated signal. (05 Marks) 2 c. Show that thi spectrum of FM contains infinite riumber of side bands. (08 Marks) E ts a 6 a. With neat schematic and frequency response, explain the operation of balanced E discriminator for demodulation of FM wave. (07 Marks) b. With relevant mathematical analysis, explain reconstruction of message signal form FM wave by PLL. (08 Marks) c. Discuss nonlinear effects in FM systems. (05 Marks) I of2
  • 6. 7a. b. c. 8a. b. c. :i+! :!'aq$i&i..l , i.,:,lfE|g$lrt$r+rrtix! {i, What are the types of noise, which affect communication system? Explain thermal noise in detail. (07 Marks) An amplifier operating over the frequency range of 450 kHz to 460 WIz is having a input resistance of 75 KO. If the temperature is 15oC, find: i) The rms noise voltage at the input to the amplifier. ii) The amplifier noise power. iii) Power spectral densitY. Discuss the noise factor of amplifiers in cascade and obtain the Friss formula. Show that the figure of Merit of SSBSC system is unity. * {* Discuss threshold effect in FM receiving system. *5* Explain in detail the pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in frequency m@il#tion. d. f W e-( p *rt,l.:tr *W*a. KW 6.* qj (08 Marks) (04 Marks) (08 Marks) ,.1 i , *.;utni i,*l*"tFf+rl$!1ry+*f4 fl^&a m&l4"9 /"/dp" af *fu df}" sA"ta " i"'li. ' ** u*'.Aa- - *#s** .qC$ . " d,-{*W e. 'q && .p*/r _.- %" n,rq'r. '1 w'u "*. s h 2 of2
  • 7. USN ;i a. b. b. The joint H(y/x) p(xy): iii) Entropy of the source. 0.6 o,s 10E,C55 Max. Marks:1O0 (10 Marks) (XS Marks) (10 Marks) Time: 3 hrs. Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015 llan"2076 lnformation Theory and coding Note: Answer FIVE futl questionsn selectimg at leust TWO qaestions from each pawtC) o a o- Fo, l0 lo Qos G E () c) t4a 6= (6u -o 50 coo .S . F. -O (J: YEr ou -! cQ(: <d .O ,6 'o(6 c! i:- ; -= o -,1 o= a,= >,h tr 01) c- ; Eiy! lr< *N (tr Z P a PART _ A a. A binary source produces Symbols 0 and 1 with probability P and 1 - P. Determine the entropy of this source and sketch the variation of the entropy with P. (05 Marks) b. Prove that the information content of N independent message is additive. (05 Marks) c. For mark off source shown Find the source entropy and Gr, Gz and G: U 0, 1 P(x1):0,8 P(x):4.2 2 a. For the state diagram shown find i) State probabilities ii) Entropy of each state Fig. Q2(a) 6.6 probability matrix of a channel is given. Compute H(x), H(y), F{(xy), H(x/y) and 0 0.1 0 0.05 0.2 0.1 0.2 0 001 0l 0r I o) Frove the identities : D H(x, y) : FI(x) + H(y) i| H(xy) : H(x) + H (y/x) (08 Marks) A source emits symbotrs with probabilities 0.4,0.2,0.12, 0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.04. Construct a binary Huffman code and Shannon Fano code. Calculate efficiency in both cases. (12 Marks) Fig. Q1(c) I of2
  • 8. 4 a. Derive the expression for channel capacity for the binary channel shown 1SEC55 (08 Marks) Fig. Qa(a) Define mutuai information and explain its properties. (s41!Iarks) An analog signal has a bandwidth of 4KHz. The signal is sampled at 2.5times the Nyquist rate and earch sample is quantized into 256 equally likely levels. Assume that the successive samples are statistically independent. i) Find the information rate of this source. ii) Can the output of this source be transmitted without error over a channel of Bandwidttr 50Kltrz and S/N:20db. iii) if the output of this source is to be transrnitted without erors over an analog channel having S/N : 10. Compute the band width required. (08 Marks) a. Define hamming weight, hamming dr+ffi minimum distance of iinear biock cocle. (06 BIarks) b. For a linear biock code the syndrome is given by St :ft +rr*fj+rs Sz:fr *t'2*T4*t6 S::fr*t3*ta*17 0 Find the generator matrix ii) Draw the encoder and decoder circuit iii) How many errors can it detect and correct u=$ 'o iEe,,1"7 a. A (7, A)binary cyclic code has a generatorpolynomial g(x) : i * x * x3 i) Write the syndrome circuit ii) Verifiy the circuit for the rnessage polynomial d(x) : 1* x3, showing the contents of the register for each state. -(08 Marks) b. A(15,5) binarycyclic code has ageneratorpollnoniiaig(r): tr *x*x'+xo+xs +** +^'o i) Draw the encoder block diagram ii) Fiadthe code polyng*i?l for.message polynomial d(x) : 1 + *'+*o in systematic form iii)Is:V1x;:1*x4+x6+xo+x'4acodepolynomial?Ifnot,findthesyndromeofV(x) (12 Marks) Explain: a. BCF{ code b. Golay cod.e e. Reed Solomon codes d" Golay cocles. Consider the 3, 1, 2 convolution code with g(l) - 0 Draw the encoder block diagram ii) Find the generator matrix iii) Find the code word corresponding to the dc,main and fu'equency domain approach. ,r**{<+ 2 of2 (tr4 Marks) (28 NIarks) i 10, g(2) : 101 and *(:t : 111 message sequenoe (11101) using both time (2CI Marks)
  • 9. //sa 't--Y ig USN 4a. LU. ,. 5a. b. (," 6a. b. 108C56 (0E Marks) (08 N{arks} (04 Marks) (1S &Iarks) (04 Marks) (08 Marks) (S5 &[arks] (06 Marks) (04 Marks) (t)8 Marks) (08 $4arks) (12 Marks) (08 Marks) (08 Marks) {12 Marks} (08 Marks) (12 Marks) Fifth Sernester B.E. Degree Examin ec"z015/Jan.2016 Fundamentals of GMOS Vl-Sl Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100 Note: 1. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting at least TWO questions from each part. 2. Assume missing data, if any. PART _ A I a. Explain with a neat diagram, enhancement mode transistor action of lvlOS transistor. A a. b. () O o d a. ; <ld) I ()x cdu !o ll coa .= C.l d0 l:= o> *,a a6 =: dd -o>! d- L5 2.) hx (); 9E:iO o.- > q- ^^o tr oL) F> o L.) </ ; z P o il b. Using neat diagram, describe fabrication steps for n-NACS transistor. c. Compare CMOS and Bipolar technologies. 2 a. What do you mean by Lambda (1") based design rule? Explain, indicate and draw design rule for PMOS, CMOS and n-mos. (12 Marks) b. Using CMOS logic draw schematic and Layout diagram forY : AB + CD . (0s Marks) 3 a. Explain why p-MOS and n-MOS has been used in CMOS cornplementary logic. Discuss CMOS eomplementary logic with an example. (06 Manks) b. Describe the following logic structures with an example. 0 Pseudo - n-MOS logic ii) Dynamic CMOS logic Using Bi-CMOS logic structure design a schematic circuit for h : ab + c . What is sheet resistance? Derive the expression for sheet resistanee" Explain delay unit. Discuss the scaling factors for n-MOS transistor. PART _ E Discuss the architectural issues of CMOS subsystem design. Expiain combinational logic using a parity generator. Explain: i) Dynamic register element ii) Dynamic shift register. Design and explain 4bit shifter using 4 x 4 cross bar and bamel shifter. Explain with a neat diagram 4 - bit serial - parallel multiplier. Explain with a neat diagram, a three transistor dynamic RAM cell. Explain CMOS Fseudo - static memory ceil using circuit and stick diagram. Discuss the floor plan and layout using 4 - bit processor. Write a short note on , Built - in - self - test (BIST) ii) Scan design technology. ,fifrf**