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By Rafael Rodríguez Pérez Year 6
- What living things can you see?
- How would you classify these living things?
Look at this picture in pairs and answer.
Living things are classified into kingdoms. Living things from the
same kingdom have similar characteristics.
Work in groups. Read and tick ( ) the correct boxes.
Animals are
multicellular. They
feed on other living
things. Most animals
can move about.
Plants are
multicellular. They
make their own
food. Plants cannot
move about.
PLANT KINGDOM Fungi can be
multicellular or
multicellular. They
feed on other living
things and cannot
move about.
Protists can be
multicellular or
unicellular. Some
of them, like
algae, can make
their own food.
Monerans are
unicellular and
they are bacteria.
Some bacteria
can make their
own food.
Living things are classified into kingdoms. Living things from the
same kingdom have similar characteristics.
Work in groups. Read and tick ( ) the correct boxes.
Animals Plants Fungi Protists Monerans
Make their own food
Feed on other organisms
Living things are classified into kingdoms. Living things from the
same kingdom have similar characteristics.
a. Fungi are like animals because…
b. Fungi are like plants because…
Work in groups. Read and tick ( ) the correct boxes.
Animals Plants Fungi Protists Monerans
Make their own food
Feed on other organisms
Write sentences comparing fungi to animals and plants.
The Animal Kingdom includes organisms with very different characteristics.
The main difference is whether or not they have a skeleton (with backbone).
Work on groups. Classify these groups of animals into
vertebrates and invertebrates. Use a Venn diagram.
The Animal Kingdom includes organisms with very different characteristics.
The main difference is whether or not they have a skeleton (with backbone).
Work on groups. Classify these groups of animals into
vertebrates and invertebrates. Use a Venn diagram.
- All the vertebrates have a backbone, which consists
of many vertebrae.
- They are oviparous and take care
of their young.
- They are viviparous, and the
females produce milk.
- They are oviparous.
- They are oviparous.
- They are oviparous.
- They breathe through gills when
they are young and with lungs
when they are adults.
- They breathe through gills.
- Their bodies are covered with
- Their bodies are covered with
- They breathe with lungs.
- They breathe with lungs.
- They breathe with lungs.
- Their bodies are covered with fur
or hair.
- They have 2 legs and 2 wings.
- Adults have legs.
- Most of them have legs.
- Most of them have legs.
- They have fins.
- Their skin is covered with scales.
In groups, read these characteristics of vertebrates and write
them in the correct column.
mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish
In groups, read these characteristics of vertebrates and write
them in the correct column.
Mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish
- They are
viviparous, and
the females
produce milk.
- They breathe
with lungs.
- Their bodies
are covered
with fur or hair.
- Most of them
have legs.
- They are
oviparous and
take care of
their young.
- Their bodies
are covered
with feathers.
- They breathe
with lungs.
- They have 2
legs and 2
- They are
- They
with lungs.
- Most of
them have
- Their skin
is covered
with scales.
- They are
- They breathe
through gills
when they are
young, and with
lungs when they
are adults.
- Adults have
- They are
- They
through gills.
- Their bodies
are covered
with scales.
- They have
Write these characteristics on a
piece of paper, cut them out and glue them
on a large piece of paper to make a poster.
Bring a picture of
an animal from one of the
groups of vertebrates,
write its name in a card
and glue it on the poster.
- Sponges: They are aquatic and live attached to surfaces beneath
the sea. They filter seawater through very little holes to obtain
- Cnidarians (jellyfish): They have soft bodies with poisonous
tentacles to catch their prey. Some can move about; others are
attached to surfaces beneath the sea.
- Worms: They have long, soft bodies. They do not have legs. Some
worms are terrestrial and some are aquatic.
- Molluscs: They have soft bodies. Many molluscs have a hard
external shell. Most of them are aquatic, but some live on land.
- Echinoderms: They are marine animals. They have an internal
skeleton made up of plates. Many echinoderms have spines.
- Arthropods: They have an external skeleton, jointed legs and
segmented body. They include insects, arachnids, crustaceans and
Copy these terms in your notebook. Later, watch this video and
write some information from it about the six groups of invertebrates.
Compare your information with
your classmates from the same group. Later,
watch again and complete your data.
- Sponges: They are aquatic and live attached to surfaces beneath
the sea. They filter seawater through very little holes to obtain
- Cnidarians (jellyfish): They have soft bodies with poisonous
tentacles to catch their prey. Some can move about; others are
attached to surfaces beneath the sea.
- Worms: They have long, soft bodies. They do not have legs. Some
worms are terrestrial and some are aquatic.
- Molluscs: They have soft bodies. Many molluscs have a hard
external shell. Most of them are aquatic, but some live on land.
- Echinoderms: They are marine animals. They have an internal
skeleton made up of plates. Many echinoderms have spines.
- Arthropods: They have an external skeleton, jointed legs and
segmented body. They include insects, arachnids, crustaceans and
Check your data.
Copy the data about the invertebrates in a piece of paper and
enrich the poster about living things.
Also, search the Internet for photographs of different
invertebrates and glue them on the poster.
Complete your poster on the classification of living things.
The platypus is unique. It is a small, semi-aquatic mammal that lay eggs! When
the females are going to have babies, they hide in burrows. There, they lay up to
three eggs that hatch about ten days later. Platypuses are mammals, so the
babies drink their mother’s milk.
Platypuses look like beavers. Their body and tail are covered with brown,
waterproof fur that keeps them warm in cold water. They have four webbed feet
and a duck-like bill with no teeth.
Platypuses are originally from Australia, and they live on land. They walk and
run, and can dig with the long nails they have on each foot. They are excellent
swimmers and spend lots of time in rivers. They eat small aquatic animals, such as
worms, insect larvae and shrimps.
a. Where do platypuses live?
b. What do they do in burrows?
c. Do they use their teeth to eat?
d. Are platypuses carnivore or herbivore?
e. Can you describe a platypus?
Read, discover and answer.
In groups, read about plants and prepare a class to your
classmates. Be creative. Each group will have 5 minutes and everyone
must contribute.
They do not produce
flowers and seeds. They
reproduce with spores.
Spores are cells with a
resistant covering and form
new plants.
They reproduce with seeds.
Seeds contain a miniature
plant called the embryo, a
seed coat and a flood store.
When the seed germinates,
the food store gives
nutrients to the embryo.
- Very small plants.
- They live in humid and shady places.
- They grow on rocks, tree trunks and in the
- Very little stems and leaves.
- Their spores are inside a capsule.
- They are larger than mosses.
- They live in humid and shady places.
- They have large leaves.
- Their spores are inside dark spots, called sori,
under their leaves.
- They produce very simple flowers.
- They do not produce fruits.
- Their seeds are together in cones.
- They are evergreen.
- Their leaves are needle or scale-shaped.
- They produce flowers and fruits which
contain seeds.
- They can be deciduous or evergreen.
a. Multicellular – cannot move about – makes its own food
b. Unicellular – very small – makes its own food
c. Multicellular – can move about – feeds on other organisms
d. Multicellular – aquatic – makes its own food
e. Multicellular – cannot move about – feeds on other
a. Which two groups of plants with no flowers do you know?
b. Describe them.
c. Where do they live?
d. How do they reproduce?
Read and say which kingdom each living thing belongs to.
Answer these questions.
Write 120 words at least and use present simple and continuous.
(-s in the 3rd person sing.) (verb to be + verb with –ing)
Describe this picture. Give as much information as you can. Remember
that adjectives in English are always in singular and go before nouns.
Doñana marshes, Andalusia
- Fungi can’t move about and some of them grow in soil, like
- Fungi can’t make their own food, like animals.
Look at these fungi and discuss. How are fungi similar to plants and
animals? How are they different from animals and plants?
Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
Mushrooms, mould and yeast are all fungi. They have some
characteristics in common.
- They reproduce with spores that are carried by the wind.
- They produce a substance which breaks down plant and
animal matter. This way, they absorb nutrients from plants
and animals.
- Most fungi are multicellular (mushrooms), but some are
unicellular (yeast and mould).
Read and understand this information about fungi.
Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
a. Fungi reproduce with spores, like non-seed plants. ___
b. All the fungi are multicellular. ___
c. Fungi feed only on plants. ___
d. Some fungi are beneficial to people. ___
Work in pairs. Remember and write true or false.
Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
a. Fungi reproduce with spores, like non-seed plants. T
b. All the fungi are multicellular. F (Yeast and mould are
c. Fungi feed only on plants. F (Fungi feed on animals and
d. Some fungi are beneficial to people. T
Work in pairs. Remember and write true or false.
Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
Imagine you had a magic button that can destroy
all the fungi on Earth. Would you press it?
I would press the button because…
I wouldn’t press the button because…
Look at these pictures, read and debate.
Blue cheese is made
from mould and
bread is made from
Some medicines, like
penicillin, are
produce by fungi.
Edible mushrooms
(you can eat them)
Some fungi can be
poisonous, so you can
die if you eat them.
Athlete’s foot is an
infection caused by
a fungus.
Black mould is very
toxic and can cause
respiratory problems.
Protists include two very different types of organisms: algae and protozoa.
Work in groups. Read and write sentences to compare
protozoa and algae. Then, discuss.
They can be unicellular or
They are unicellular.
They are aquatic living things. They are aquatic living things.
They can make their own food. They feed on other organisms.
We can use some algae to eat, as
fertilizer or to produce cosmetics.
Some protozoa cause disease, like
malaria. Others don’t cause anything.
Monera are unicellular living things. This kingdom includes
bacteria, the most abundant of all living things. They are very
much simpler than protists.
Read and listen to the song to fill in the gaps.
Lyrics on screen. To fill in the
gaps, go the next page. Use
these words for the blanks.
sick – harmless – food – see –
small – mouth
Bacteria are very, very ______.
Very small.
In fact, you can’t ______them at all.
Not at all? No!
They live in dirt, they live on ______.
They live all around you.
With so many bacteria,
what’s a pirate to do?
What’s a pirate to do?
Most bacteria won’t hurt us,
they’re ______.
And even do us good.
In fact,
we have bacteria living inside of us
that help to keep us healthy.
But some are just plain nasty
And can make you very ______
if they get inside of you.
Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria
living all around you.
They can help,
they can be ______.
But there’s more than one or two
that will make you ______
if they get into you.
It looks scientists a long time to
that certain tiny bacteria make us
Bacteria live everywhere,
even on the ______we eat,
and when we eat or touch something
with bad bacteria on in
and it gets into our ______,
we can get ______!
So, how do bacteria get inside me?
Well, if bacteria are on ______,
a dirty plate, an old dirty sponge,
or under-cooked food…
If you touch this, then you taste it,
they will transfer to your ______.
If you touch this, then you touch
you've moved them all about.
If you’ve cut this, then you’ve cut
they transfer yet again
and then you’ve got it on your hand
and to your ______again!
To your ______.
To your ______.
They get into your ______!
When you touch, taste, or eat things
with bacteria all about,
they get inside by going through your
Yes! Some are just plain nasty
and can make you very ______
if they get inside of your ______.
Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria
living all around you.
They can help, they can be ______
but there’s more than one or two
that’ll make you ______if they get
into of you!
Read and listen to the song to fill in the gaps.
Bacteria are very, very small.
Very small.
In fact, you can’t see them at all.
Not at all? No!
They live in dirt, they live on food.
They live all around you.
With so many bacteria,
what’s a pirate to do?
What’s a pirate to do?
Most bacteria won’t hurt us,
they’re harmless.
And even do us good.
In fact,
we have bacteria living inside of us
that help to keep us healthy.
But some are just plain nasty
And can make you very sick
if they get inside of you.
Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria
living all around you.
They can help,
they can be harmless.
But there’s more than one or two
that will make you sick
if they get into you.
It looks scientists a long time to
that certain tiny bacteria make us
Bacteria live everywhere,
even on the food we eat,
and when we eat or touch something
with bad bacteria on in
and it gets into our mouth,
we can get sick!
So, how do bacteria get inside me?
Well, if bacteria are on food,
a dirty plate, an old dirty sponge,
or under-cooked food…
If you touch this, then you taste it,
they will transfer to your mouth.
If you touch this, then you touch
you've moved them all about.
If you’ve cut this, then you’ve cut
they transfer yet again
and then you’ve got it on your hand
and to your mouth again!
To your mouth.
To your mouth.
They get into your mouth!
When you touch, taste, or eat things
with bacteria all about,
they get inside by going through your
Yes! Some are just plain nasty
and can make you very sick
if they get inside of your mouth.
Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria
living all around you.
They can help, they can be harmless
but there’s more than one or two
that’ll make you sick if they get into
of you!
Read and listen to the song to fill in the gaps.
a. Some bacteria are helpful (good for us). ___
b. Cholera is a very harmful (opposite of harmless) bacteria. ___
c. Some bacteria make their own food, but others don’t. ___
d. Bacteria are the smallest and simplest living things. ___
e. They are all microscopic. ___
f. We use bacteria to make yogurt. ___
Read, think and write true or false.
a. Some bacteria are helpful (good for us). T
b. Cholera is a very harmful (opposite of harmless) bacteria. T
c. Some bacteria make their own food, but others don’t. T
d. Bacteria are the smallest and simplest living things. T
e. They are all microscopic. T
f. We use bacteria to make yogurt. T
Read, think and write true or false.
Complete the poster
with the information about Fungi,
Protista and Monera Kingdom.
Class explanation - The Classification of Living Things

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Class explanation - The Classification of Living Things

  • 1. By Rafael Rodríguez Pérez Year 6
  • 2.
  • 3. - What living things can you see? - How would you classify these living things? Look at this picture in pairs and answer. 1
  • 4. Living things are classified into kingdoms. Living things from the same kingdom have similar characteristics. Work in groups. Read and tick ( ) the correct boxes. 1 Animals are multicellular. They feed on other living things. Most animals can move about. ANIMAL KINGDOM Plants are multicellular. They make their own food. Plants cannot move about. PLANT KINGDOM Fungi can be multicellular or multicellular. They feed on other living things and cannot move about. FUNGI KINGDOM Protists can be multicellular or unicellular. Some of them, like algae, can make their own food. PROTISTA KINGDOM Monerans are unicellular and they are bacteria. Some bacteria can make their own food. MONERA KINGDOM
  • 5. Living things are classified into kingdoms. Living things from the same kingdom have similar characteristics. Work in groups. Read and tick ( ) the correct boxes. 1 Animals Plants Fungi Protists Monerans Unicellular Multicellular Make their own food Feed on other organisms
  • 6. Living things are classified into kingdoms. Living things from the same kingdom have similar characteristics. a. Fungi are like animals because… b. Fungi are like plants because… Work in groups. Read and tick ( ) the correct boxes. 1 Animals Plants Fungi Protists Monerans Unicellular Multicellular Make their own food Feed on other organisms Write sentences comparing fungi to animals and plants.
  • 7. The Animal Kingdom includes organisms with very different characteristics. The main difference is whether or not they have a skeleton (with backbone). Work on groups. Classify these groups of animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. Use a Venn diagram. 2
  • 8. The Animal Kingdom includes organisms with very different characteristics. The main difference is whether or not they have a skeleton (with backbone). Work on groups. Classify these groups of animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. Use a Venn diagram. 2 mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish sponges cnidarians worms molluscs echinoderms arthropods
  • 10. - All the vertebrates have a backbone, which consists of many vertebrae. Dictation. 2
  • 11. - They are oviparous and take care of their young. - They are viviparous, and the females produce milk. - They are oviparous. - They are oviparous. - They are oviparous. - They breathe through gills when they are young and with lungs when they are adults. - They breathe through gills. - Their bodies are covered with scales. - Their bodies are covered with feathers. - They breathe with lungs. - They breathe with lungs. - They breathe with lungs. - Their bodies are covered with fur or hair. - They have 2 legs and 2 wings. - Adults have legs. - Most of them have legs. - Most of them have legs. - They have fins. - Their skin is covered with scales. 2 In groups, read these characteristics of vertebrates and write them in the correct column. mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish
  • 12. 2 In groups, read these characteristics of vertebrates and write them in the correct column. Mammals birds reptiles amphibians fish - They are viviparous, and the females produce milk. - They breathe with lungs. - Their bodies are covered with fur or hair. - Most of them have legs. - They are oviparous and take care of their young. - Their bodies are covered with feathers. - They breathe with lungs. - They have 2 legs and 2 wings. - They are oviparous. - They breathe with lungs. - Most of them have legs. - Their skin is covered with scales. - They are oviparous. - They breathe through gills when they are young, and with lungs when they are adults. - Adults have legs. - They are oviparous. - They breathe through gills. - Their bodies are covered with scales. - They have fins. Write these characteristics on a piece of paper, cut them out and glue them on a large piece of paper to make a poster. Bring a picture of an animal from one of the groups of vertebrates, write its name in a card and glue it on the poster.
  • 13. - Sponges: They are aquatic and live attached to surfaces beneath the sea. They filter seawater through very little holes to obtain food. - Cnidarians (jellyfish): They have soft bodies with poisonous tentacles to catch their prey. Some can move about; others are attached to surfaces beneath the sea. - Worms: They have long, soft bodies. They do not have legs. Some worms are terrestrial and some are aquatic. - Molluscs: They have soft bodies. Many molluscs have a hard external shell. Most of them are aquatic, but some live on land. - Echinoderms: They are marine animals. They have an internal skeleton made up of plates. Many echinoderms have spines. - Arthropods: They have an external skeleton, jointed legs and segmented body. They include insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods. 2 Copy these terms in your notebook. Later, watch this video and write some information from it about the six groups of invertebrates. Compare your information with your classmates from the same group. Later, watch again and complete your data.
  • 14. - Sponges: They are aquatic and live attached to surfaces beneath the sea. They filter seawater through very little holes to obtain food. - Cnidarians (jellyfish): They have soft bodies with poisonous tentacles to catch their prey. Some can move about; others are attached to surfaces beneath the sea. - Worms: They have long, soft bodies. They do not have legs. Some worms are terrestrial and some are aquatic. - Molluscs: They have soft bodies. Many molluscs have a hard external shell. Most of them are aquatic, but some live on land. - Echinoderms: They are marine animals. They have an internal skeleton made up of plates. Many echinoderms have spines. - Arthropods: They have an external skeleton, jointed legs and segmented body. They include insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods. 2 Check your data.
  • 15. Copy the data about the invertebrates in a piece of paper and enrich the poster about living things. Also, search the Internet for photographs of different invertebrates and glue them on the poster. 2 Complete your poster on the classification of living things.
  • 16. AN UNUSUAL MAMMAL The platypus is unique. It is a small, semi-aquatic mammal that lay eggs! When the females are going to have babies, they hide in burrows. There, they lay up to three eggs that hatch about ten days later. Platypuses are mammals, so the babies drink their mother’s milk. Platypuses look like beavers. Their body and tail are covered with brown, waterproof fur that keeps them warm in cold water. They have four webbed feet and a duck-like bill with no teeth. Platypuses are originally from Australia, and they live on land. They walk and run, and can dig with the long nails they have on each foot. They are excellent swimmers and spend lots of time in rivers. They eat small aquatic animals, such as worms, insect larvae and shrimps. a. Where do platypuses live? b. What do they do in burrows? c. Do they use their teeth to eat? d. Are platypuses carnivore or herbivore? e. Can you describe a platypus? 2 Read, discover and answer.
  • 17. 3 In groups, read about plants and prepare a class to your classmates. Be creative. Each group will have 5 minutes and everyone must contribute. PLANTS NON-SEED PLANTS They do not produce flowers and seeds. They reproduce with spores. Spores are cells with a resistant covering and form new plants. SEED PLANTS They reproduce with seeds. Seeds contain a miniature plant called the embryo, a seed coat and a flood store. When the seed germinates, the food store gives nutrients to the embryo. Mosses - Very small plants. - They live in humid and shady places. - They grow on rocks, tree trunks and in the ground. - Very little stems and leaves. - Their spores are inside a capsule. Ferns - They are larger than mosses. - They live in humid and shady places. - They have large leaves. - Their spores are inside dark spots, called sori, under their leaves. Gymnosperms - They produce very simple flowers. - They do not produce fruits. - Their seeds are together in cones. - They are evergreen. - Their leaves are needle or scale-shaped. Angiosperms - They produce flowers and fruits which contain seeds. - They can be deciduous or evergreen.
  • 18. a. Multicellular – cannot move about – makes its own food b. Unicellular – very small – makes its own food c. Multicellular – can move about – feeds on other organisms d. Multicellular – aquatic – makes its own food e. Multicellular – cannot move about – feeds on other organisms a. Which two groups of plants with no flowers do you know? b. Describe them. c. Where do they live? d. How do they reproduce? 3 Read and say which kingdom each living thing belongs to. Answer these questions.
  • 19. Write 120 words at least and use present simple and continuous. (-s in the 3rd person sing.) (verb to be + verb with –ing) 3 Describe this picture. Give as much information as you can. Remember that adjectives in English are always in singular and go before nouns. Doñana marshes, Andalusia
  • 20. - Fungi can’t move about and some of them grow in soil, like plants. - Fungi can’t make their own food, like animals. 4 Look at these fungi and discuss. How are fungi similar to plants and animals? How are they different from animals and plants? Dictation. Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
  • 21. Mushrooms, mould and yeast are all fungi. They have some characteristics in common. - They reproduce with spores that are carried by the wind. - They produce a substance which breaks down plant and animal matter. This way, they absorb nutrients from plants and animals. - Most fungi are multicellular (mushrooms), but some are unicellular (yeast and mould). 4 Read and understand this information about fungi. Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
  • 22. a. Fungi reproduce with spores, like non-seed plants. ___ b. All the fungi are multicellular. ___ c. Fungi feed only on plants. ___ d. Some fungi are beneficial to people. ___ 4 Work in pairs. Remember and write true or false. Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
  • 23. a. Fungi reproduce with spores, like non-seed plants. T b. All the fungi are multicellular. F (Yeast and mould are unicellular.) c. Fungi feed only on plants. F (Fungi feed on animals and plants.) d. Some fungi are beneficial to people. T 4 Work in pairs. Remember and write true or false. Yeast, fungi used to make bread Wild mushroom Mould
  • 24. Imagine you had a magic button that can destroy all the fungi on Earth. Would you press it? I would press the button because… I wouldn’t press the button because… 4 Look at these pictures, read and debate. Blue cheese is made from mould and bread is made from yeast. Some medicines, like penicillin, are produce by fungi. Edible mushrooms (you can eat them) Some fungi can be poisonous, so you can die if you eat them. Athlete’s foot is an infection caused by a fungus. Black mould is very toxic and can cause respiratory problems.
  • 25. Protists include two very different types of organisms: algae and protozoa. 5 Work in groups. Read and write sentences to compare protozoa and algae. Then, discuss. ALGAE PROTOZOA They can be unicellular or multicellular. They are unicellular. They are aquatic living things. They are aquatic living things. They can make their own food. They feed on other organisms. We can use some algae to eat, as fertilizer or to produce cosmetics. Some protozoa cause disease, like malaria. Others don’t cause anything. Paramecium
  • 26. Monera are unicellular living things. This kingdom includes bacteria, the most abundant of all living things. They are very much simpler than protists. 6 Read and listen to the song to fill in the gaps. Lyrics on screen. To fill in the gaps, go the next page. Use these words for the blanks. sick – harmless – food – see – small – mouth
  • 27. Bacteria are very, very ______. Very small. In fact, you can’t ______them at all. Not at all? No! They live in dirt, they live on ______. They live all around you. With so many bacteria, what’s a pirate to do? What’s a pirate to do? Most bacteria won’t hurt us, they’re ______. And even do us good. In fact, we have bacteria living inside of us that help to keep us healthy. But some are just plain nasty And can make you very ______ if they get inside of you. Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria living all around you. They can help, they can be ______. But there’s more than one or two that will make you ______ if they get into you. It looks scientists a long time to discover that certain tiny bacteria make us ______. Bacteria live everywhere, even on the ______we eat, and when we eat or touch something with bad bacteria on in and it gets into our ______, we can get ______! So, how do bacteria get inside me? Well, if bacteria are on ______, a dirty plate, an old dirty sponge, or under-cooked food… If you touch this, then you taste it, they will transfer to your ______. If you touch this, then you touch that, you've moved them all about. If you’ve cut this, then you’ve cut that, they transfer yet again and then you’ve got it on your hand and to your ______again! To your ______. To your ______. They get into your ______! When you touch, taste, or eat things with bacteria all about, they get inside by going through your ______. Yes! Some are just plain nasty and can make you very ______ if they get inside of your ______. Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria living all around you. They can help, they can be ______ but there’s more than one or two that’ll make you ______if they get into of you! 6 Read and listen to the song to fill in the gaps.
  • 28. Bacteria are very, very small. Very small. In fact, you can’t see them at all. Not at all? No! They live in dirt, they live on food. They live all around you. With so many bacteria, what’s a pirate to do? What’s a pirate to do? Most bacteria won’t hurt us, they’re harmless. And even do us good. In fact, we have bacteria living inside of us that help to keep us healthy. But some are just plain nasty And can make you very sick if they get inside of you. Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria living all around you. They can help, they can be harmless. But there’s more than one or two that will make you sick if they get into you. It looks scientists a long time to discover that certain tiny bacteria make us sick. Bacteria live everywhere, even on the food we eat, and when we eat or touch something with bad bacteria on in and it gets into our mouth, we can get sick! So, how do bacteria get inside me? Well, if bacteria are on food, a dirty plate, an old dirty sponge, or under-cooked food… If you touch this, then you taste it, they will transfer to your mouth. If you touch this, then you touch that, you've moved them all about. If you’ve cut this, then you’ve cut that, they transfer yet again and then you’ve got it on your hand and to your mouth again! To your mouth. To your mouth. They get into your mouth! When you touch, taste, or eat things with bacteria all about, they get inside by going through your mouth. Yes! Some are just plain nasty and can make you very sick if they get inside of your mouth. Bacteria, bacteria, bacteria living all around you. They can help, they can be harmless but there’s more than one or two that’ll make you sick if they get into of you! 6 Read and listen to the song to fill in the gaps.
  • 29. a. Some bacteria are helpful (good for us). ___ b. Cholera is a very harmful (opposite of harmless) bacteria. ___ c. Some bacteria make their own food, but others don’t. ___ d. Bacteria are the smallest and simplest living things. ___ e. They are all microscopic. ___ f. We use bacteria to make yogurt. ___ 6 Read, think and write true or false.
  • 30. a. Some bacteria are helpful (good for us). T b. Cholera is a very harmful (opposite of harmless) bacteria. T c. Some bacteria make their own food, but others don’t. T d. Bacteria are the smallest and simplest living things. T e. They are all microscopic. T f. We use bacteria to make yogurt. T 6 Read, think and write true or false. Complete the poster with the information about Fungi, Protista and Monera Kingdom.