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Anul I, semestrul I
Editura Universitară Danubius, Galaţi
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 2
© Toate drepturile pentru această lucrare sunt rezervate autorului. Reproducerea ei
integrală sau fragmentară este interzisă.
Editura Universitară „Danubius” este recunoscută de
Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice
din Învăţământul Superior (cod 111/2006)
ISBN 978-606-533-139-6
Tipografia Zigotto Galaţi
Tel.: 0236.477171
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 3
1. The Noun
Countable Nouns. Regular Nouns 8
Irregular Nouns. Nouns of Latin and Greek Origin 9
Singularia Tantum Nouns 11
Pluralia Tantum Nouns 14
For a better understanding of grammar and for vocabulary practice 16
Specific Objectives
Summary 21
Self-evaluation Tests 21
Bibliography 22
2. The Adjective
The Degrees of Comparison. Regular Adjectives 25
Irregular Adjectives 27
Phrases with Adjectives 28
Specific objectives
Summary 36
Self-evaluation tests 36
Bibliography 39
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 4
3. The Verb (Tenses and Moods)
4. The Phrasal Verbs
Definition and examples 62
Various combinations 62
Specific objectives
Summary 66
Self-evaluation tests 66
Bibliography 67
Bibliografie (de elaborare a cursului)
Tense and Aspect 42
Present Tense Simple 42
Present Perfect Continuous 43
Past Tense Simple 44
Past Tense Continuous 45
Present Perfect Simple 46
Present Perfect Continuous 47
Past Perfect Simple 48
Past Perfect Continuous 49
Specific objectives
Summary 56
Self-evaluation tests 56
Bibliography 59
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 5
This English course designed for the 1st year students - Distance learning
department – aims at creating the competences of communication in English in
several fields (such as Law, Communication and Public Relations,
International Relations and European Studies). Every chapter contains a
number of lessons which ensure a progressive and structured learning. The
learning activities are meant to back up the new knowledge and create the
competences to be acquired by the students. The assessment tests used at the
end of each lesson, the summary and the conclusions also contribute to backing
up the knowledge and competences taken into consideration. After you have
studied all the information and solved the exercises, you will acquire the
following competences:
 understanding both the spoken and written English;
 recognizing structure signals (verb tenses, personal pronouns,
singular/plural markers);
 identifying sentences;
 making up sentences, transformations, expansions, reductions;
 comprehending and producing a discourse involving several speakers;
 talking about a certain topic;
 summarizing what is spoken or written;
 reading sentences and paragraphs;
 doing an intensive reading (scanning and skimming);
 doing an extensive reading (for specific information);
 writing texts that demonstrate grammatical. lexical and semantic
After every chapter you will find assessment tests with clear requirements;
thus you will achieve the objectives considered. If you cannot solve the
first task very well, you will read the lesson again and after that you will be
able to easily find the right answers.
The course is divided into four chapters:
The first chapter, The Noun, approaches the most special aspects regarding
nouns, such as: analyzing the countable and uncountable nouns, defining and
exemplifying the Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns, explaining the
differences between these nouns in Romanian and English. Therefore, you will
find examples which illustrate the situations rendered by these nouns, thus
realizing the differences between them. You will also read and translate texts
on various issues, thus learning new words used in different fields and using
them in sentences and texts of your own. Moreover, you will be given some
Idioms which contain some special nouns. Therefore, at the end of this chapter,
on one hand, you will be able to identify the type of noun used in a certain
context and why it has been used in a certain way and, on the other hand, to
discuss about certain issues and write papers on them.
The second chapter, The Adjective, analyses the regular and irregular
adjectives, i.e. defining them, approaching the degrees of comparison and
giving examples. Certainly, you will be explained the dissimilarities between
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 6
the Romanian and English degrees of comparison. Moreover, you will find
various phrases and Idioms containing adjectives. Just like in the first chapter,
you will also read and translate texts on different issues, thus learning new
words used in various fields and using them in sentences and texts of your
The third chapter, The Verb (Tenses and Moods), approaches the verb and its
tenses up to Past Perfect Continuous – as the other tenses and moods are to be
analyzed in the 2nd
semester. In this chapter you will find the definitions of
tense and aspect, you will analyze each tense taking into account the aspect and
the type of action it expresses and also the differences between the Romanian
and English tenses. Moreover, you will make up sentences and texts of your
own by observing the rules previously explained. You will also read and
translate texts on various issues, thus learning more new words from different
fields and using them in sentences and texts of your own; you will also have
debates on such issues.
The fourth chapter, The Phrasal Verbs, approaches the Verb+Adverbial
Particle Combination. You will be given examples of verbs combined with
adverbial particles and analyse how the meaning of these verbs change with
every combination. Moreover, you will make sentences of your own using
various phrasal verbs.
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 7
1.1. Countable Nouns. Regular Nouns 8
1.2. Irregular Nouns. Nouns of Latin and Greek Origin 9
1.3. Singularia Tantum Nouns 11
1.4. Pluralia Tantum Nouns 14
1.5. For a better understanding of grammar and for
vocabulary practice
Specific Objectives
Summary 21
Self-evaluation Tests 21
Bibliography 22
Specific objectives:
At the end of the chapter you will be able to:
 analyze the countable (both regular and irregular) and uncountable nouns;
 define the Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns;
 explain the differences between the Subject-Predicate agreement in
Romanian and English (regarding the previously mentioned types of nouns);
 correctly translate contexts using Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns;
 translate certain Idioms.
Estimated time for individual study: 3 hours
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 8
1.1. Countable Nouns. Regular Nouns
The countable nouns have two forms: a singular one and a plural one. The
singular form is not marked: book, box, child.
There are two forms of plural:
A. Regular, when the plural is formed by adding the “-s” ending: book – books
B. Irregular, when the plural is formed in other ways:
1) Desinenţa –s se scrie –s după majoritatea substantivelor, incluzând
substantivele terminate in –e mut: book – books, table – tables.
2) Excepţii: există unele situaţii care fac excepţie de la această regulă generală:
a) Substantivele terminate in –s; -z; -x; -ch; -sh adaugă es: bus – buses; glass –
glasses; buzz – buzzes; box – boxes; watch – watches; brush - brushes;
b) La câteva dintre substantivele din acest grup se dublează consoana finală:
fez – fezzes, quiz – quizzes.
c) Substantivele terminate in –o: - adaugă desinenţa –s:
- când –o e precedat de o vocală: cuckoos; kangaroos; radios; scenarios;
studios; zoos;
- la substantivele proprii: Filipinos; Eskimos; Neros; Romeos;
- în abrevieri: kilos (kilogrammes), photos (photographs), pros (professionals);
- la unele substantive străine: concertos, dunam, pianos, solos, sopranos.
- au două forme de plural: banjos – banjoes; buffalos – buffaloes; cargo –
cargoes; mementos – mementoes; mottos - mottoes; volcanos- volcanoes; zeros –
zeroes etc.;
d) substantivele terminate în –y precedat de o consoană transformă pe y în i şi
adaugă –es: city – cities; factory - factories. Transformarea nu are loc:
- după vocale: boy – boys; play – plays;
- în substantive proprii: the Kennedys;
- în substantive compuse: stand-bys;
e) literele, numeralele şi abrevierile formează plural prin adăugarea unui apostrof
şi –s: A’s; 1920’s; MP’s: There are two A’s and three 2’s in the number of that
English car. There are two MP’s in the lobby.
În engleza contemporană există tendinţa ca numeralele şi abrevierele să formeze
pluralul şi prin adăugarea doar a unui –s la singular: in the 1930 MP (Member of
Parliament) – MPs; Mt (Moutain) – Mts; vol (volume) – vols; lb. (pound) – lbs;
PO (Post Office, Postal Order) – Pos.
Forma de plural fără apostrof este mai frecvent folosită decât cea cu apostrof.
3) Pluralul substantivelor compuse
a) Majoritatea substantivelor compuse adaugă –s la ultimul element: classroom -
classrooms; forget-me-not (floare de nu-mă-uita) – forget me nots; grown-up –
grow-ups; horse race (cursa de cai) – horse races; race horse (cal de curse) –
race horses; merry-go-round – merry-go-rounds (calusei);
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 9
b) Unele substantive compuse, de obicei cele alcatuite dintr-un substantiv si o
constructive prepozitionala, adauga –s la primul element: looker-on – lookers-on;
mother-in-law-mothers-in-law; passer-by – passers by;
c) Substantivele compuse in care primul element este man sau woman transforma
la plural ambele elemente: man singer – men singers; woman doctor – women
1.2. Irregular Nouns. Nouns of Latin and Greek Origin
Pluralul neregulat al substantivelor se formează în mai multe feluri:
a) Consoana surda [], [f] sau [s] în care se termină substantivul se transformă în
perechea ei sonoră: [], [v] sau [z] (voicing) la unele substantive:
-th [] -> ths []: bath – baths; mouth – mouths; path – paths; youth – youths;
- f(e) [f] -> ves [vz]: calf – calves; elf – elves; half – halves; knife – knives; leaf –
leaves; loaf – loaves; life – lives; wife – wives;
Atenţie! Acest fenomen de sonorizare a consoanei finale nu se produce la toate
substantivele terminate în [], [f] sau [s]. Există şi forme de plural regulat şi
oscilaţie între cele două forme:
Plural regulat (1):
consoană + -th vocală + -th:
berth – berths cloth – cloths
earth – earths death – deaths
length – lengths faith – faiths
Forme duble (1):
Oath – oaths
Truth – truths
Plural regulat (2):
Belief – beliefs
Chief – chiefs
Cliff – cliffs
Proof – proofs
Roof – roofs
Safe – safes
Forme duble (2):
Dwarf – dwarfs – dwarves
Handkerchief – handkerchiefs – handkerchieves
Hoof – hoofs – hooves
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
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Scarf – scarfs – scarves
Wharf – wharfs – wharves
b) Vocala sau diftongul final se schimba in alta vocala sau diftong (mutation):
man – men; woman - women; foot – feet; goose – geese; tooth – teeth; mouse –
mice; louse – lice.
Compusii cu substantivul man au aceeasi pronuntie la singular si plural, desi
ortografia difera: a postman [] – two postmen [], an Englishman [] – two
Englishman [].
c) Trei substantive adauga desinenta –en (cu sau fara mutatie vocalic): ox –oxen;
child – children; brother – brethren.
Brother (frate) are plural regulat: brothers (frati). Pluralul neregulat brethren este
folosit doar cu sensul de “membru al unei societati religioase”.
d) Unele substantive numarabile au aceeasi forma la singular si plural (primesc
desinenta zero – plural zero).
Substantivele cu desinenta zero la plural se deosebesc de substantivele invariabile
care au numai singular (music) sau numai plural (cattle) prin faptul ca se acorda
atat cu un verb la singular cat si cu un verb la plural: There is a stray sheep on the
road. E o oaie ratacita pe drum. There are some stray sheep on the road. Sunt
cateva oi ratacite pe drum.
Pluralul zero este folosit:
- Cu unele substantive –s: barracks – banca; headquarters – sediu; means –
mijloc; series – serie; species – specie; works – uzina:
This is an army barracks. These are army barracks. The bus, trolleybus and the
underground are modern means of transport. Autobuzul, troleibuzul si metroul
sunt mijloace modern de transport.
1.2.1. Nouns of Latin and Greek origin
Există mai multe desinenţe de plural de origine străină care sunt folosite în limba
engleză, mai ales în limbaj ştiinţific:
- us -i: stimulus – stimuli; bacillus – bacilli.
- um –a: addendum – addenda; datum – data;
Agendum –agenda; erratum – errata;
Bacterium – bacteria; stratum – strata.
- is –es: analysis – analyses; ellipsis – ellipses;
Axis – axes; hypothesis – hypotheses;
Basis – bases;
Crisis – crises; paralysis – paralyses
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Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 11
Alte substantive de origine străină au două forme de plural: pluralul regulat cu –s
şi pluralul de origine străină:
Cactus - cactuses - cacti
Genius - geniuses - genii (spirite, duhuri) (oameni de
Syllabus - syllabuses - syllabi
Terminus - terminuses - termini
Antenna - antennas - antennae
Formula - formulas - formulae
Vertebra - vertebras - vertebrae
Aquarium - aquariums - aquaria
Curriculum - curriculums - curricula
Medium - mediums - media
Sanatorium - sanatoriums - sanatoria
Symposium - symposiums - symposia
Appendix - appendixes
(în anatomie)
- appendices
(în cărţi)
Index - indexes
(indici– în matematică)
Automaton - automatons - automata
Bureau - bureaus - bureau
Plateau - plateaus - plateau
1.3. Singularia Tantum Nouns
În limba engleză fac parte din clasa substantivelor invariabile la singular unele
substantive, care sunt numărabile sau invariabile la plural în limba română:
advice, business, furniture, homework, income, information, knowledge, luggage,
merchandise, money, nonsense, produce (produse naturale, agricole), progress,
strength, work.
You must do your homework
Trebuie sa iţi faci cu atenţie
lecţiile (temele)
I need further information Am nevoie de informaţii
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 12
His knowledge of English is poor Cunoştinţele lui de engleză sunt
Where’s your luggage? Unde-ţi sunt bagajele?
The money is in your wallet. Banii sunt în portofelul tău
You are talking nonsense. Vorbeşti prostii.
This pupil is making fast progress in
learning English.
Acest elev face progrese mari în
învăţarea limbii engleze.
He felt his strength was falling. Simţea că-l lăsa puterile
Cuantificarea substantivelor invariabile la singular se poate realiza cu ajutorul
unor cuvinte ca: a piece of, an item of, a bar of, a bag of, etc.
Substantive concrete:
A { piece } of { bacon
{slice} of {cake
A {piece} of {bread
A {piece} of {sugar
{lump} of {coal
A {piece} of {meat
A {piece} of {chocolate
{bar] of {soap
A {piece} of chalk
A {piece} of land
A {piece} of furniture
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
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An {article}
A {bit} of grass
A {blade}
A {piece} of paper
Substantive abstracte:
A {piece} of advice
A piece} of {information
An item} {news
An item} of business
A bit }
A piece} of work
A bit }
A bit} of interest
An amount
A piece of {evidence
A word of abuse
A fit of passion
An attack of fever
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
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1.4. Pluralia Tantum Nouns
1.4.1. Substantivele invariabile la plural
Substantivele invariabile la plural au numai formă de plural şi se acordă de regulă
cu un verb la plural: The binoculars are on the table. Binoclul este pe masă.
Din clasa substantivelor invariabile la plural fac parte:
a) Substantivele care denumesc obiecte formate din două parţi egale. Aceste
substantive se numesc summation plurals în limba engleză.
Ele denumesc:
1) unelte formate din două părţi: binoculars, compasses, glasses, pincers, pliers,
scales, scissors, spectacles, tongs.
Where are the scissors? Unde este foarfecele?
2) articole de îmbrăcăminte: braces, clothes flannels, jeans, overalls, pants,
pyjamas, shorts, trousers:
These trousers are too long for you. Acesti pantaloni sunt prea lungi pentru tine.
1.4.2. Substantive numărabile care la plural primesc un nou sens
Substantivele pluralia tantum şi summation plurals se confundă uneori cu forma
de plural a unor substantive numărabile:
Advice = sfaturi; pl. advices
Advices = înştiinţări, avize
Brace = pereche de potârnichi; pl. braces
Braces = bretele
Content = conţinut; pl. contents
Contents = cuprins
Colour = culoare; pl. colours
Colours (pl. tantum) = drapel
Compass = busolă; pl. compasses
Compasses (pl. tantum) = compass
Custom = obicei; pl. customs
Customs (pl. tantum) = vamă
Damage = avarie; pl. damages
Damages (pl. tantum) = despăgubiri
Effect = effect; pl. effects
Effects (pl. tantum) = efecte, haine
Glass = pahar; pl. glasses
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
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Glasses (pl. tantum) = ochelari
Ground = motiv, cauza; pl. grounds
Grounds (pl. tantum) = zat, teren, parc în jurul unei clădiri
Letter = scrisoare; pl. letters
Letters (pl. tantum) = literature, litere
Manner = mod; pl. manners
Manners (pl. tantum) = maniere, purtare
Minute = minut; pl. minutes
Minutes (pl. tantum) = process-verbal
Pain = durere; pl. pains
Pains (pl. tantum) = osteneală
Premise = premise; pl. premises
Premises (pl. tantum) = local, imobil
Quarter = sfert, cartier; pl. quarters
Quarters (pl. tantum) = locuinţă, cantonament
Receipt = chitanţă; pl. receipts
Receipts (pl. tantum) = încasări
Scale = gama muzicală, solz; pl. scales
Scales (pl. tantum) = balanţă
Scrap = bucăţică, fragment; pl. scraps
Scraps (pl. tantum) = resturi de mâncare, deşeuri de metal
Spectacle = spectacol; pl. spectacles
Spectacles (pl. tantum) = ochelari
Term = perioadă, termen, trimestru; pl. terms
Terms (pl. tantum) = termini, relaţii, raporturi, condiţii
Spirit = spirit; pl. spirits
Spirits (pl. tantum) = băuturi alcoolice, fantome.
1.4.3. Substantive nemarcate la plural
În clasa substantivelor invariabile la plural intră şi unele substantive folosite
numai la plural, dar nemarcate formal pentru acest număr. Aceste substantive
sunt: cattle, clergy, gentry, people, police, vermin, youth:
e.g. The cattle are in the field. Vitele sunt pe câmp.
There are a lot of people in the street. Sunt mulţi oameni pe stradă.
People şi youth pot fi folosite şi că substantive numărabile variabile:
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
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e.g. The peoples of the world are struggling for peace. Popoarele lumii luptă
pentru pace.
These youths saw the accident happen. Aceşti tineri au văzut cum s-a întâmplat
Adjectivele sau participiile personale substantivizate: the handicapped, the
injured, the poor, the rich, the sick, the wounded:
e.g. The injured were taken to hospital. Răniţii au fost duşi la spital.
1.5. For a better understanding of grammar and for vocabulary practice
Read the following text.
Try to translate it without using a dictionary, then look for the unknown words
and write them down. Try to use each of the new words in a sentence.
The Five Major Media
In order to influence buyers, advertising must reach them. This can be achieved
through the media, whose main features, for the five major ones are the following:
1. The Press (or Print media) is the universal medium, which enables to address
private persons as well as professionals or industrialists, which can reach broad
targets but also very narrow ones since it can be highly selective.
The naţional dailies - mainly Bucharest-based newspapers in România, and their
foreign counterparts (The Washington Post, The Times, Die Welt, Corriere della
Serra, Asahi Shimbun...) - can carry any advertising message.
The regional dailies have but local readership, even if we take "local" in an
extended sense.
News Magazines are mainly for advertising aimed at the general public.
The technical and professional press is a privileged vehicle to reach industrialists
and professionals, whatever their field of activity.
The so called "general" technical press is a channel for standard products
supplied to very numerous firms in all sectors.
The "specialized" technical press aims at much smaller targets, along the lines of
sectorial specialization of professional branches (transport, the building trades),
or along those of funcţional or technical specificity (welding, cryogenics).
Free handouts, such as local advertising sheets for the general public and
classified ads, have grown spectacularly since their emergence in the 70's.
The "TV press" probably justifies a separate mention: concen-trating on TV
programmes, it has an enormous circulation (several million copies in some
cases) and is an ideal channel for general advertising.
2. Television. The ideal medium for convenience goods. Unlike the press, which is
highly selective, television speads its message wide, without fear of splashing or
even flooding, since it reaches simultaneously several million people. This is why
this medium has swallowed the bulk of advertising accounts from big advertisers
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
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who aim at the general public, men, women and kids all included, to the dismay of
the other media – and more particularly the printed press.
3. Poster-advertising does not meet the needs of industrial and professional goods
any more than TV does. It is essentially geared to general public items, goods or
services, durable or not, whether it be instant mashed potatoes, insurance or air-
4. Radio-advertising. Although wide in coverage, it is more selective than TV.
There are indeed many stations, with varied audiences, which besides, can change
with the time of broadcasting.
5. The cinema, a poor relation, the more so as movei-theatre attendance gets
lower and lower while more and more films may be seen on TV without extra-
Advertisers and their agencies need the relevant information concerning those
media to devise their communication policy and to generate media planning
accordingly. Such data are supplied by a number of organizations.
„Médiamétrie”, a Big Brother of sorts, calls the tune in audiovisual media thanks
to two monitoring systems:
 the radio panel, through 250 daily phone interviews, studies the audience per
units of 15 minutes, the duration of listening periods, the profile of each
 the TV panel, based on 2,300 households, studies the exposure to advertising
spots through the Mediamat system, which has superseded the Audimat: each
member of the household presses a button on the recording machine placed on
the TV set every time he or she is present in front of the screen.
Cele cinci mari mijloace de comunicare în masă
Pentru a influenţa cumpărătorii potenţiali, publicitatea trebuie să ajungă la ei.
Aceasta se poate realiza prin mass media. Iată principalele caracteristici ale
celor cinci mari mijloace de comunicare în masă:
1. Presa (sau Presa scrisă) este mijlocul de comunicare universal care ne permite
să ne adresăm atât persoanelor fizice, cât şi profesioniştilor şi industriaşilor, şi să
atingem ţinte mari, dar şi mici, datorită caracterului său foarte selectiv.
Presa cotidiană naţională, compusă în principal din titlurile bucureştene din
România şi din omoloagele lor străine (The Washington Post, The Times, Die
Welt, Corriere della Serra, Asahi Shimbun...), poate publica orice mesaj
Presa cotidiană regională nu are decât audienţă locală, chiar dacă folosim
termenul „local" într-o accepţiune foarte largă.
Revistele servesc în principal publicităţii destinate marelui public. Presa tehnică
şi profesională este un mijloc privilegiat de a ajunge la industriaşi şi la
profesionişti din toate domeniile de activitate.
Aşa-numita presă tehnică „generală” este un canal de distribuţie pentru
produsele standard furnizate foarte multor firme din toate sectoarele.
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Presa tehnică „specializată” vizează ţinte mult mai mici, pe de-o parte prin
specializare pe sectoare sau ramuri de activitate (transporturi, construcţii), pe de
altă parte, prin specializare funcţională sau tehnică specifică (sudare, criogenie).
Presa gratuită, compusă din ziare locale de anunţuri pentru mica şi marea
publicitate, cunoaşte o foarte mare dezvoltare de la apariţia ei în anii 70.
„Presa TV” justifică probabil o rubrică separată: consacrată programelor de
televiziune, ea are tiraje cu adevărat extraordinare (în unele cazuri, mai multe
milioane de exemplare) şi serveşte ca vehicul ideal pentru publicitatea destinată
marelui public.
2. Televiziunea – regina mass media pentru produsele de larg consum. Spre
deosebire de presă, care este foarte selectivă, televiziunea îşi transmite mesajele
fără a face o selecţie, fără a se teme să abordeze sau chiar să debordeze publicul,
de vreme ce ajunge în casele a câtorva milioane de persoane simultan. De aceea,
acest mijloc de comunicare a acaparat ansamblul bugetelor tuturor marilor
clienţi care se adresează marelui public: bărbaţi, femei, inclusiv copii – spre
disperarea restului mass-media şi în special a presei scrise.
3. Afişajul, ca şi televiziunea, nu este nici el mai indicat pentru produsele
industriale şi profesionale. Este destinat în principal produselor de larg consum,
bunuri sau servicii, fie ele de folosinţă îndelungată sau nu, fie că e vorba de piure
instant, asigurări sau transporturi aeriene.
4. Radioul. Deşi are o arie mare de acoperire, este mai selectiv decât
televiziunea. Există, într-adevăr, multe posturi care nu au aceeaşi audienţă şi, de
altfel, aceasta se poate modifica pe parcursul emisiei.
5. Cinematograful, ruda lor mai săracă, şi asta cu atât mai mult cu cât
frecventarea sălilor de cinema scade din ce în ce mai mult, în timp ce tot mai
multe filme pot fi văzute la televizor fără cheltuieli suplimentare.
Cei care-şi fac publicitate şi agenţiile lor au nevoie de informaţii referitoare la
aceste mijloace de comunicare şi suporturi publicitare pentru a-şi pune la punct
atât politica de comunicare, cât şi planificarea mijloacelor de reclamă
corespunzătoare. Aceste informaţii sunt furnizate de un anumit număr de
„Médiamétrie”, un fel de Big Brother mediatic, dă tonul în audiovizual prin două
sisteme de monitorizare:
 panelul radio studiază, cu ajutorul a 250 de interviuri telefonice cotidiene,
audienţa din sfert în sfert de oră, durata ascultării şi profilul fiecărui post;
 panelul de televiziune, bazat pe relaţia cu 2.300 de cămine, studiază
contractual cu spoturile publicitare cu ajutorul sistemului Mediamat, care a
înlocuit Audimatul: fiecare membru al familiei apasă pe un buton al aparatului
de înregistrare plasat pe televizor, ori de câte ori se află în faţa ecranului.
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 19
Activity 1
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ştirile pe care le-am primit până acum nu sunt demne de incredere.
2. Fiecare ştire despre activitatea savanţilor este asteptată cu emoţie.
3. Bagajele au fost făcute şi desfăcute timp de trei ore fără întrerupere.
4. Trebuie să publicăm toate informatiile care sunt necesare candidaţilor.
5. Mi-am spălat salopeta pe care am folosit-o in ultimele trei zile, deşi nu
era prea murdară.
6. Rătăcisem drumul, asa ca aveam nevoie de un binoclu si o busola, dar nu
am putut găsi.
7. Cunoştinţele lui de fonetică şi lingvistică generală sunt remarcabile.
8. Este indiscutabil un om de litere foarte apreciat in Orientul Mijlociu.
9. Fostul preşedinte nu a mai dat nici un interviu in ultima vreme.
10. Nici măcar in gand nu suporta eşecul, singurătatea, văduvia, munca
neinteresantă, persecuţia.
11. Cum profesorul intrase deja in clasă, el pur si simplu râse drept scuză şi
se aseză în bancă.
12. Ar trebui sa-i apărăm pe cei slabi si pe cei bolnavi.
13. O jumătate are trei patrimi.
14. Trebuie să declari totul la vamă, altfel ai putea avea probleme serioase.
15. Ştii foarte bine ca e nevoie de motive solide pentru un divorţ.
16. Directorul doreşte ca procesul verbal sa fie gata in jumatate de oră.
17. Balanţa pe care mi-ai cumpărat-o acum cateva zile este pe biroul din
18. Promit ca nu ma voi atinge niciodată de bauturi alcoolice!
19. Sfaturile părintilor tăi sunt totdeauna foarte bune ; ar fi cazul sa ţii cont de
ele !
20. Vă rog, aş dori două ciocolate, două săpunuri si trei pâini !
21. Avocatul meu mi-a oferit doua informaţii foarte importante pentru caz.
22. Probele prezentate de procuror la procesul de săptămâna trecută sunt
23. În anii ’50 s-au turnat unele din cele mai bune filme postbelice.
1. The news I have received so far is not reliable.
2. Every piece of news about the scientists’ activity is waited with excitement.
3. The luggage was ceaselessly packed and unpacked for three hours.
Here you have some Idioms. Try to match the two columns:
1. a workaholic a) a strike-breaker
2. a night owl b) a person who helps children cross the
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 20
3. a night owl c) a disloyal person
4. a chatterbox d) a former sweetheart
5. a day-dreamer e) a shy person without a partner
6. a blackleg f) a person who is too keen on his job
7. an old flame g) a person who lives in his own
wonderful world
8. a turncoat h) a person who always gets up early
i) a person who enjoys staying up late
9. a bobby j) a person who talks a lot
10. a lollipop man / lady k) a policeman
Activity 2
Put the right endings:
1. as black as c... 9. as fit as a f...
2. as poor as a church m... 10. as deaf as a p
3. as white ass... 11. as fresh as ad...
4. as sober as a j... 12. as bright as d...
5. as old as the h... 13. to eat like ah...
6. as light as a f. 14. to fit like a g…
7. as heavy as I... 15. to turn up like a bad p...
8. as good as g 16. to sleep like a I...
Activity 3
Put the right endings:
1. She was sitting on the fence a) joking
2. She was playing it by ear b) speaking and acting firmly
3. She was caught red-handed c) discovered in the act of thieving
4. She went back on her word. d) living on little
5. She was pulling his leg e) not taking sides
6. She took someone for a ride f) not making plans ahead
7. She lived on a shoestring g) deceiving people
8. She played truant h) not going to school
9. She painted the town red i) not keeping her promise
10. She put her foot down j) drinking and making a lot of
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 21
Activity 4
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 22
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 23
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 24
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 25
This chapter has approached the most special aspects of The Noun, such as:
countable and uncountable nouns, nouns of Latin and Greek origin, the
concepts of Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns, nouns which gain one
more meaning when are used with their plural form, Idioms and others. You
have been taught how to use these nouns and how to make the agreement
with the verb. You have also improved your vocabulary due to the texts you
Self-evaluation tests
1. Fill in the following blanks:
1. When Sarah saw Sue's new boyfriend she was …………… with envy.
2. ……… meat is considered to be healthier than beef, lamb or other types
of ………. meat.
3. The ……….. Pages has all the necessary information for you.
4. I spent three weeks in hospital when I had……….. fever.
5. This sort of thing happens only once in a ………. moon.
6. Sarah and Graham had a traditional………. wedding in Wales.
7. After falling in the street he had a ………eye for weeks.
8. Would you like your coffee ………or with some milk and sugar?
9. I remember that my mother had …………fingers to her last day.
10. We are seriously in the……….. this month
2. Fill in the following blanks:
1. Must you have a/n……………….in every pie?
2. Just shout if you need a / n…………….!
3. The answer is right on the tip of my
4. I feel I can't……….listening to any more lies.
5. The countryside is truly romantic near the…………of the Danube.
6. Katie has a/n………..for valuable paintings. TONGUE
7. Don't break your………working so hard all the time.
8. In our family everyone has a sweet………….
9. You can't read the numbers on the ……….. of the old clock, and the
minute…… also broken.
10. After his exam, that student had the ………… to complain about his
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 26
3. Fill in the following blanks:
1. Before my driving test I had………… my stomach.
2. It's been raining……….and……………for days.
3. Peter got the…………..share of the money they inherited.
4. When I travelled to the country last Monday I was killing
two…………..with one stone, doing business and visiting an old friend.
5. Keep my secret, please. I don't want to let the………….out of the bag yet.
6. Even if the food is good, don't make a / n …………. of yourself at the
7. A lot of people are already fed up with the ………….race of modern life.
8. It's the last straw thaj broke the…………back.
9. The riot broke out because prisoners were treated like…………….
10. Are you………..for compliments?
4. Fill in the following blanks:
1. Who is the...............-winner in your family?
2. These young physicists are the smartest people in Romania, the .............
of their generation.
3. I can't tell you what caused what. It is a typical chicken and.............
4. When I met her for the first time, she gave me a sweet............. smile that I
found most unnatural.
5. Don't believe everything you have read. The reports have to be taken with
a pinch of .......
6. Don't feel sorry for him. He always knows which side his ..............
is........... on.
7. Variety is the ........... of life.
8. I wish we could ................the pill for you, but this is the truth.
9. She had her last baby at 45. No wonder, he was the ................. of her eye.
10. I have just heard a / n ................. story about the neighbours.
Brookes, Michael, Horner, E. (2002). Business English. Engleza pentru afaceri.
Bucureşti: Teora.
Brookes, Michael (2003). Engleza pentru jurişti. Bucureşti: Teora.
Chifu, Iulian (2004). Identity Conflicts. Bucureşti: Politeia-SNSPA.
Chirălescu, M., Paidos C. (2005). Proficiency in English. Institutul European.
Cook, J., Gethin, A. (1995). A New Way to Proficiency in English. Oxford.
Dayan, A.; Lindsay, W.H. (2000). Engleza pentru marketing si publicitate.
Bucureşti: Teora.
Delgiudice, Luminita (1999). Fifty Useful Tests in English. Bucureşti: Aramis.
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun
Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 27
Demazet, Bertrand (1999). Engleza comertului exterior. Bucureşti: Teora.
Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă, G. (2000). Limba engleză în conversatie. Bucureşti:
Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică.
Gheorghitoiu, Andreea. (1998). Dictionar englez-roman de verbe cu particula
adverbiala. Bucureşti: Teora.
Hanga Calciu, Rodica (1996). Crestomatie de texte juridice engleze. Bucureşti:
Lumina Lex.
Hanga, Vladimir (2000). Dictionar juridic englez-roman. Bucureşti: Lumina Lex.
Health, R.B. (2002). Impact Assignments in English. London: Longman.
Hulban H. (1997). English for You. Iaşi: Răzeşu.
Le Divenach, Eloi (2005). Engleza in presa. Bucureşti: Teora.
Lupuleasa, R. (2004). Ready for Exams. Bucureşti: Polirom.
Marie-Claude, Roland (2000). CV in limba engleza. Un pas spre angajare.
Bucureşti: Editura Teora.
Martin, M. Combe (2000). Listening and Comprehending. Macmillan.
Mihaescu, Alexandra (2007). Gramatica limbii engleze. Bucureşti: Niculescu.
Molnar Oprea, Nicoleta (2000). Curs de limba engleza pentru studentii
facultatilor cu profil juridic. Bucureşti: All Educational.
Oprescu, Simona (1999). Engleza pentru jurişti. Bucureşti: Ed. Oscar Print.
Peters, Jo-Ann (2004). Let’s Learn English. Metodă Larousse de învăţare a limbii
engleze. Bucureşti: Teora.
Rusu, Liliana (2001). Limba engleza pentru studentii facultatii de drept.
Bucureşti: Sylvi.

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Cap 1

  • 2. Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 2 © Toate drepturile pentru această lucrare sunt rezervate autorului. Reproducerea ei integrală sau fragmentară este interzisă. Editura Universitară „Danubius” este recunoscută de Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior (cod 111/2006) ISBN 978-606-533-139-6 Tipografia Zigotto Galaţi Tel.: 0236.477171
  • 3. Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 3 CONTENTS 1. The Noun Countable Nouns. Regular Nouns 8 Irregular Nouns. Nouns of Latin and Greek Origin 9 Singularia Tantum Nouns 11 Pluralia Tantum Nouns 14 For a better understanding of grammar and for vocabulary practice 16 Specific Objectives Summary 21 Self-evaluation Tests 21 Bibliography 22 2. The Adjective The Degrees of Comparison. Regular Adjectives 25 Irregular Adjectives 27 Phrases with Adjectives 28 Specific objectives Summary 36 Self-evaluation tests 36 Bibliography 39
  • 4. Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 4 3. The Verb (Tenses and Moods) 4. The Phrasal Verbs Definition and examples 62 Various combinations 62 Specific objectives Summary 66 Self-evaluation tests 66 Bibliography 67 Bibliografie (de elaborare a cursului) Tense and Aspect 42 Present Tense Simple 42 Present Perfect Continuous 43 Past Tense Simple 44 Past Tense Continuous 45 Present Perfect Simple 46 Present Perfect Continuous 47 Past Perfect Simple 48 Past Perfect Continuous 49 Specific objectives Summary 56 Self-evaluation tests 56 Bibliography 59
  • 5. Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 5 INTRODUCTION This English course designed for the 1st year students - Distance learning department – aims at creating the competences of communication in English in several fields (such as Law, Communication and Public Relations, International Relations and European Studies). Every chapter contains a number of lessons which ensure a progressive and structured learning. The learning activities are meant to back up the new knowledge and create the competences to be acquired by the students. The assessment tests used at the end of each lesson, the summary and the conclusions also contribute to backing up the knowledge and competences taken into consideration. After you have studied all the information and solved the exercises, you will acquire the following competences:  understanding both the spoken and written English;  recognizing structure signals (verb tenses, personal pronouns, singular/plural markers);  identifying sentences;  making up sentences, transformations, expansions, reductions;  comprehending and producing a discourse involving several speakers;  talking about a certain topic;  summarizing what is spoken or written;  reading sentences and paragraphs;  doing an intensive reading (scanning and skimming);  doing an extensive reading (for specific information);  writing texts that demonstrate grammatical. lexical and semantic appropriateness. After every chapter you will find assessment tests with clear requirements; thus you will achieve the objectives considered. If you cannot solve the first task very well, you will read the lesson again and after that you will be able to easily find the right answers. The course is divided into four chapters: The first chapter, The Noun, approaches the most special aspects regarding nouns, such as: analyzing the countable and uncountable nouns, defining and exemplifying the Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns, explaining the differences between these nouns in Romanian and English. Therefore, you will find examples which illustrate the situations rendered by these nouns, thus realizing the differences between them. You will also read and translate texts on various issues, thus learning new words used in different fields and using them in sentences and texts of your own. Moreover, you will be given some Idioms which contain some special nouns. Therefore, at the end of this chapter, on one hand, you will be able to identify the type of noun used in a certain context and why it has been used in a certain way and, on the other hand, to discuss about certain issues and write papers on them. The second chapter, The Adjective, analyses the regular and irregular adjectives, i.e. defining them, approaching the degrees of comparison and giving examples. Certainly, you will be explained the dissimilarities between
  • 6. Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 6 the Romanian and English degrees of comparison. Moreover, you will find various phrases and Idioms containing adjectives. Just like in the first chapter, you will also read and translate texts on different issues, thus learning new words used in various fields and using them in sentences and texts of your own. The third chapter, The Verb (Tenses and Moods), approaches the verb and its tenses up to Past Perfect Continuous – as the other tenses and moods are to be analyzed in the 2nd semester. In this chapter you will find the definitions of tense and aspect, you will analyze each tense taking into account the aspect and the type of action it expresses and also the differences between the Romanian and English tenses. Moreover, you will make up sentences and texts of your own by observing the rules previously explained. You will also read and translate texts on various issues, thus learning more new words from different fields and using them in sentences and texts of your own; you will also have debates on such issues. The fourth chapter, The Phrasal Verbs, approaches the Verb+Adverbial Particle Combination. You will be given examples of verbs combined with adverbial particles and analyse how the meaning of these verbs change with every combination. Moreover, you will make sentences of your own using various phrasal verbs.
  • 7. Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 7 1. THE NOUN 1.1. Countable Nouns. Regular Nouns 8 1.2. Irregular Nouns. Nouns of Latin and Greek Origin 9 1.3. Singularia Tantum Nouns 11 1.4. Pluralia Tantum Nouns 14 1.5. For a better understanding of grammar and for vocabulary practice 16 Specific Objectives Summary 21 Self-evaluation Tests 21 Bibliography 22 Specific objectives: At the end of the chapter you will be able to:  analyze the countable (both regular and irregular) and uncountable nouns;  define the Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns;  explain the differences between the Subject-Predicate agreement in Romanian and English (regarding the previously mentioned types of nouns);  correctly translate contexts using Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns;  translate certain Idioms. Estimated time for individual study: 3 hours
  • 8. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 8 1.1. Countable Nouns. Regular Nouns The countable nouns have two forms: a singular one and a plural one. The singular form is not marked: book, box, child. There are two forms of plural: A. Regular, when the plural is formed by adding the “-s” ending: book – books B. Irregular, when the plural is formed in other ways: 1) Desinenţa –s se scrie –s după majoritatea substantivelor, incluzând substantivele terminate in –e mut: book – books, table – tables. 2) Excepţii: există unele situaţii care fac excepţie de la această regulă generală: a) Substantivele terminate in –s; -z; -x; -ch; -sh adaugă es: bus – buses; glass – glasses; buzz – buzzes; box – boxes; watch – watches; brush - brushes; b) La câteva dintre substantivele din acest grup se dublează consoana finală: fez – fezzes, quiz – quizzes. c) Substantivele terminate in –o: - adaugă desinenţa –s: - când –o e precedat de o vocală: cuckoos; kangaroos; radios; scenarios; studios; zoos; - la substantivele proprii: Filipinos; Eskimos; Neros; Romeos; - în abrevieri: kilos (kilogrammes), photos (photographs), pros (professionals); - la unele substantive străine: concertos, dunam, pianos, solos, sopranos. - au două forme de plural: banjos – banjoes; buffalos – buffaloes; cargo – cargoes; mementos – mementoes; mottos - mottoes; volcanos- volcanoes; zeros – zeroes etc.; d) substantivele terminate în –y precedat de o consoană transformă pe y în i şi adaugă –es: city – cities; factory - factories. Transformarea nu are loc: - după vocale: boy – boys; play – plays; - în substantive proprii: the Kennedys; - în substantive compuse: stand-bys; e) literele, numeralele şi abrevierile formează plural prin adăugarea unui apostrof şi –s: A’s; 1920’s; MP’s: There are two A’s and three 2’s in the number of that English car. There are two MP’s in the lobby. În engleza contemporană există tendinţa ca numeralele şi abrevierele să formeze pluralul şi prin adăugarea doar a unui –s la singular: in the 1930 MP (Member of Parliament) – MPs; Mt (Moutain) – Mts; vol (volume) – vols; lb. (pound) – lbs; PO (Post Office, Postal Order) – Pos. Forma de plural fără apostrof este mai frecvent folosită decât cea cu apostrof. 3) Pluralul substantivelor compuse a) Majoritatea substantivelor compuse adaugă –s la ultimul element: classroom - classrooms; forget-me-not (floare de nu-mă-uita) – forget me nots; grown-up – grow-ups; horse race (cursa de cai) – horse races; race horse (cal de curse) – race horses; merry-go-round – merry-go-rounds (calusei);
  • 9. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 9 b) Unele substantive compuse, de obicei cele alcatuite dintr-un substantiv si o constructive prepozitionala, adauga –s la primul element: looker-on – lookers-on; mother-in-law-mothers-in-law; passer-by – passers by; c) Substantivele compuse in care primul element este man sau woman transforma la plural ambele elemente: man singer – men singers; woman doctor – women doctors. 1.2. Irregular Nouns. Nouns of Latin and Greek Origin Pluralul neregulat al substantivelor se formează în mai multe feluri: a) Consoana surda [], [f] sau [s] în care se termină substantivul se transformă în perechea ei sonoră: [], [v] sau [z] (voicing) la unele substantive: -th [] -> ths []: bath – baths; mouth – mouths; path – paths; youth – youths; - f(e) [f] -> ves [vz]: calf – calves; elf – elves; half – halves; knife – knives; leaf – leaves; loaf – loaves; life – lives; wife – wives; Atenţie! Acest fenomen de sonorizare a consoanei finale nu se produce la toate substantivele terminate în [], [f] sau [s]. Există şi forme de plural regulat şi oscilaţie între cele două forme: Plural regulat (1): consoană + -th vocală + -th: berth – berths cloth – cloths earth – earths death – deaths length – lengths faith – faiths Forme duble (1): Oath – oaths Truth – truths Plural regulat (2): Belief – beliefs Chief – chiefs Cliff – cliffs Proof – proofs Roof – roofs Safe – safes Forme duble (2): Dwarf – dwarfs – dwarves Handkerchief – handkerchiefs – handkerchieves Hoof – hoofs – hooves
  • 10. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 10 Scarf – scarfs – scarves Wharf – wharfs – wharves b) Vocala sau diftongul final se schimba in alta vocala sau diftong (mutation): man – men; woman - women; foot – feet; goose – geese; tooth – teeth; mouse – mice; louse – lice. Compusii cu substantivul man au aceeasi pronuntie la singular si plural, desi ortografia difera: a postman [] – two postmen [], an Englishman [] – two Englishman []. c) Trei substantive adauga desinenta –en (cu sau fara mutatie vocalic): ox –oxen; child – children; brother – brethren. Brother (frate) are plural regulat: brothers (frati). Pluralul neregulat brethren este folosit doar cu sensul de “membru al unei societati religioase”. d) Unele substantive numarabile au aceeasi forma la singular si plural (primesc desinenta zero – plural zero). Substantivele cu desinenta zero la plural se deosebesc de substantivele invariabile care au numai singular (music) sau numai plural (cattle) prin faptul ca se acorda atat cu un verb la singular cat si cu un verb la plural: There is a stray sheep on the road. E o oaie ratacita pe drum. There are some stray sheep on the road. Sunt cateva oi ratacite pe drum. Pluralul zero este folosit: - Cu unele substantive –s: barracks – banca; headquarters – sediu; means – mijloc; series – serie; species – specie; works – uzina: This is an army barracks. These are army barracks. The bus, trolleybus and the underground are modern means of transport. Autobuzul, troleibuzul si metroul sunt mijloace modern de transport. 1.2.1. Nouns of Latin and Greek origin Există mai multe desinenţe de plural de origine străină care sunt folosite în limba engleză, mai ales în limbaj ştiinţific: - us -i: stimulus – stimuli; bacillus – bacilli. - um –a: addendum – addenda; datum – data; Agendum –agenda; erratum – errata; Bacterium – bacteria; stratum – strata. - is –es: analysis – analyses; ellipsis – ellipses; Axis – axes; hypothesis – hypotheses; Basis – bases; Crisis – crises; paralysis – paralyses
  • 11. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 11 Alte substantive de origine străină au două forme de plural: pluralul regulat cu –s şi pluralul de origine străină: Cactus - cactuses - cacti Genius - geniuses - genii (spirite, duhuri) (oameni de geniu) Syllabus - syllabuses - syllabi Terminus - terminuses - termini Antenna - antennas - antennae Formula - formulas - formulae Vertebra - vertebras - vertebrae Aquarium - aquariums - aquaria Curriculum - curriculums - curricula Medium - mediums - media Sanatorium - sanatoriums - sanatoria Symposium - symposiums - symposia Appendix - appendixes (în anatomie) - appendices (în cărţi) Index - indexes (cuprinsuri) Indices (indici– în matematică) Automaton - automatons - automata Bureau - bureaus - bureau Plateau - plateaus - plateau 1.3. Singularia Tantum Nouns În limba engleză fac parte din clasa substantivelor invariabile la singular unele substantive, care sunt numărabile sau invariabile la plural în limba română: advice, business, furniture, homework, income, information, knowledge, luggage, merchandise, money, nonsense, produce (produse naturale, agricole), progress, strength, work. You must do your homework carefully. Trebuie sa iţi faci cu atenţie lecţiile (temele) I need further information Am nevoie de informaţii suplimentare.
  • 12. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 12 His knowledge of English is poor Cunoştinţele lui de engleză sunt slabe. Where’s your luggage? Unde-ţi sunt bagajele? The money is in your wallet. Banii sunt în portofelul tău You are talking nonsense. Vorbeşti prostii. This pupil is making fast progress in learning English. Acest elev face progrese mari în învăţarea limbii engleze. He felt his strength was falling. Simţea că-l lăsa puterile Cuantificarea substantivelor invariabile la singular se poate realiza cu ajutorul unor cuvinte ca: a piece of, an item of, a bar of, a bag of, etc. Substantive concrete: A { piece } of { bacon {slice} of {cake A {piece} of {bread {loaf} A {piece} of {sugar {lump} of {coal A {piece} of {meat {roast} A {piece} of {chocolate {bar] of {soap A {piece} of chalk {stick} A {piece} of land {strip} A {piece} of furniture
  • 13. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 13 An {article} A {bit} of grass A {blade} A {piece} of paper {sheet} Substantive abstracte: A {piece} of advice {word} A piece} of {information An item} {news An item} of business A bit } A piece} of work A bit } A bit} of interest An amount {luck A piece of {evidence {research A word of abuse A fit of passion An attack of fever
  • 14. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 14 1.4. Pluralia Tantum Nouns 1.4.1. Substantivele invariabile la plural Substantivele invariabile la plural au numai formă de plural şi se acordă de regulă cu un verb la plural: The binoculars are on the table. Binoclul este pe masă. Din clasa substantivelor invariabile la plural fac parte: a) Substantivele care denumesc obiecte formate din două parţi egale. Aceste substantive se numesc summation plurals în limba engleză. Ele denumesc: 1) unelte formate din două părţi: binoculars, compasses, glasses, pincers, pliers, scales, scissors, spectacles, tongs. Where are the scissors? Unde este foarfecele? 2) articole de îmbrăcăminte: braces, clothes flannels, jeans, overalls, pants, pyjamas, shorts, trousers: These trousers are too long for you. Acesti pantaloni sunt prea lungi pentru tine. 1.4.2. Substantive numărabile care la plural primesc un nou sens Substantivele pluralia tantum şi summation plurals se confundă uneori cu forma de plural a unor substantive numărabile: Advice = sfaturi; pl. advices Advices = înştiinţări, avize Brace = pereche de potârnichi; pl. braces Braces = bretele Content = conţinut; pl. contents Contents = cuprins Colour = culoare; pl. colours Colours (pl. tantum) = drapel Compass = busolă; pl. compasses Compasses (pl. tantum) = compass Custom = obicei; pl. customs Customs (pl. tantum) = vamă Damage = avarie; pl. damages Damages (pl. tantum) = despăgubiri Effect = effect; pl. effects Effects (pl. tantum) = efecte, haine Glass = pahar; pl. glasses
  • 15. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 15 Glasses (pl. tantum) = ochelari Ground = motiv, cauza; pl. grounds Grounds (pl. tantum) = zat, teren, parc în jurul unei clădiri Letter = scrisoare; pl. letters Letters (pl. tantum) = literature, litere Manner = mod; pl. manners Manners (pl. tantum) = maniere, purtare Minute = minut; pl. minutes Minutes (pl. tantum) = process-verbal Pain = durere; pl. pains Pains (pl. tantum) = osteneală Premise = premise; pl. premises Premises (pl. tantum) = local, imobil Quarter = sfert, cartier; pl. quarters Quarters (pl. tantum) = locuinţă, cantonament Receipt = chitanţă; pl. receipts Receipts (pl. tantum) = încasări Scale = gama muzicală, solz; pl. scales Scales (pl. tantum) = balanţă Scrap = bucăţică, fragment; pl. scraps Scraps (pl. tantum) = resturi de mâncare, deşeuri de metal Spectacle = spectacol; pl. spectacles Spectacles (pl. tantum) = ochelari Term = perioadă, termen, trimestru; pl. terms Terms (pl. tantum) = termini, relaţii, raporturi, condiţii Spirit = spirit; pl. spirits Spirits (pl. tantum) = băuturi alcoolice, fantome. 1.4.3. Substantive nemarcate la plural În clasa substantivelor invariabile la plural intră şi unele substantive folosite numai la plural, dar nemarcate formal pentru acest număr. Aceste substantive sunt: cattle, clergy, gentry, people, police, vermin, youth: e.g. The cattle are in the field. Vitele sunt pe câmp. There are a lot of people in the street. Sunt mulţi oameni pe stradă. People şi youth pot fi folosite şi că substantive numărabile variabile:
  • 16. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 16 e.g. The peoples of the world are struggling for peace. Popoarele lumii luptă pentru pace. These youths saw the accident happen. Aceşti tineri au văzut cum s-a întâmplat accidentul. Adjectivele sau participiile personale substantivizate: the handicapped, the injured, the poor, the rich, the sick, the wounded: e.g. The injured were taken to hospital. Răniţii au fost duşi la spital. 1.5. For a better understanding of grammar and for vocabulary practice Read the following text. Try to translate it without using a dictionary, then look for the unknown words and write them down. Try to use each of the new words in a sentence. The Five Major Media In order to influence buyers, advertising must reach them. This can be achieved through the media, whose main features, for the five major ones are the following: 1. The Press (or Print media) is the universal medium, which enables to address private persons as well as professionals or industrialists, which can reach broad targets but also very narrow ones since it can be highly selective. The naţional dailies - mainly Bucharest-based newspapers in România, and their foreign counterparts (The Washington Post, The Times, Die Welt, Corriere della Serra, Asahi Shimbun...) - can carry any advertising message. The regional dailies have but local readership, even if we take "local" in an extended sense. News Magazines are mainly for advertising aimed at the general public. The technical and professional press is a privileged vehicle to reach industrialists and professionals, whatever their field of activity. The so called "general" technical press is a channel for standard products supplied to very numerous firms in all sectors. The "specialized" technical press aims at much smaller targets, along the lines of sectorial specialization of professional branches (transport, the building trades), or along those of funcţional or technical specificity (welding, cryogenics). Free handouts, such as local advertising sheets for the general public and classified ads, have grown spectacularly since their emergence in the 70's. The "TV press" probably justifies a separate mention: concen-trating on TV programmes, it has an enormous circulation (several million copies in some cases) and is an ideal channel for general advertising. 2. Television. The ideal medium for convenience goods. Unlike the press, which is highly selective, television speads its message wide, without fear of splashing or even flooding, since it reaches simultaneously several million people. This is why this medium has swallowed the bulk of advertising accounts from big advertisers
  • 17. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 17 who aim at the general public, men, women and kids all included, to the dismay of the other media – and more particularly the printed press. 3. Poster-advertising does not meet the needs of industrial and professional goods any more than TV does. It is essentially geared to general public items, goods or services, durable or not, whether it be instant mashed potatoes, insurance or air- travel. 4. Radio-advertising. Although wide in coverage, it is more selective than TV. There are indeed many stations, with varied audiences, which besides, can change with the time of broadcasting. 5. The cinema, a poor relation, the more so as movei-theatre attendance gets lower and lower while more and more films may be seen on TV without extra- charge. Advertisers and their agencies need the relevant information concerning those media to devise their communication policy and to generate media planning accordingly. Such data are supplied by a number of organizations. „Médiamétrie”, a Big Brother of sorts, calls the tune in audiovisual media thanks to two monitoring systems:  the radio panel, through 250 daily phone interviews, studies the audience per units of 15 minutes, the duration of listening periods, the profile of each station;  the TV panel, based on 2,300 households, studies the exposure to advertising spots through the Mediamat system, which has superseded the Audimat: each member of the household presses a button on the recording machine placed on the TV set every time he or she is present in front of the screen. Key: Cele cinci mari mijloace de comunicare în masă Pentru a influenţa cumpărătorii potenţiali, publicitatea trebuie să ajungă la ei. Aceasta se poate realiza prin mass media. Iată principalele caracteristici ale celor cinci mari mijloace de comunicare în masă: 1. Presa (sau Presa scrisă) este mijlocul de comunicare universal care ne permite să ne adresăm atât persoanelor fizice, cât şi profesioniştilor şi industriaşilor, şi să atingem ţinte mari, dar şi mici, datorită caracterului său foarte selectiv. Presa cotidiană naţională, compusă în principal din titlurile bucureştene din România şi din omoloagele lor străine (The Washington Post, The Times, Die Welt, Corriere della Serra, Asahi Shimbun...), poate publica orice mesaj publicitar. Presa cotidiană regională nu are decât audienţă locală, chiar dacă folosim termenul „local" într-o accepţiune foarte largă. Revistele servesc în principal publicităţii destinate marelui public. Presa tehnică şi profesională este un mijloc privilegiat de a ajunge la industriaşi şi la profesionişti din toate domeniile de activitate. Aşa-numita presă tehnică „generală” este un canal de distribuţie pentru produsele standard furnizate foarte multor firme din toate sectoarele.
  • 18. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 18 Presa tehnică „specializată” vizează ţinte mult mai mici, pe de-o parte prin specializare pe sectoare sau ramuri de activitate (transporturi, construcţii), pe de altă parte, prin specializare funcţională sau tehnică specifică (sudare, criogenie). Presa gratuită, compusă din ziare locale de anunţuri pentru mica şi marea publicitate, cunoaşte o foarte mare dezvoltare de la apariţia ei în anii 70. „Presa TV” justifică probabil o rubrică separată: consacrată programelor de televiziune, ea are tiraje cu adevărat extraordinare (în unele cazuri, mai multe milioane de exemplare) şi serveşte ca vehicul ideal pentru publicitatea destinată marelui public. 2. Televiziunea – regina mass media pentru produsele de larg consum. Spre deosebire de presă, care este foarte selectivă, televiziunea îşi transmite mesajele fără a face o selecţie, fără a se teme să abordeze sau chiar să debordeze publicul, de vreme ce ajunge în casele a câtorva milioane de persoane simultan. De aceea, acest mijloc de comunicare a acaparat ansamblul bugetelor tuturor marilor clienţi care se adresează marelui public: bărbaţi, femei, inclusiv copii – spre disperarea restului mass-media şi în special a presei scrise. 3. Afişajul, ca şi televiziunea, nu este nici el mai indicat pentru produsele industriale şi profesionale. Este destinat în principal produselor de larg consum, bunuri sau servicii, fie ele de folosinţă îndelungată sau nu, fie că e vorba de piure instant, asigurări sau transporturi aeriene. 4. Radioul. Deşi are o arie mare de acoperire, este mai selectiv decât televiziunea. Există, într-adevăr, multe posturi care nu au aceeaşi audienţă şi, de altfel, aceasta se poate modifica pe parcursul emisiei. 5. Cinematograful, ruda lor mai săracă, şi asta cu atât mai mult cu cât frecventarea sălilor de cinema scade din ce în ce mai mult, în timp ce tot mai multe filme pot fi văzute la televizor fără cheltuieli suplimentare. Cei care-şi fac publicitate şi agenţiile lor au nevoie de informaţii referitoare la aceste mijloace de comunicare şi suporturi publicitare pentru a-şi pune la punct atât politica de comunicare, cât şi planificarea mijloacelor de reclamă corespunzătoare. Aceste informaţii sunt furnizate de un anumit număr de organizaţii. „Médiamétrie”, un fel de Big Brother mediatic, dă tonul în audiovizual prin două sisteme de monitorizare:  panelul radio studiază, cu ajutorul a 250 de interviuri telefonice cotidiene, audienţa din sfert în sfert de oră, durata ascultării şi profilul fiecărui post;  panelul de televiziune, bazat pe relaţia cu 2.300 de cămine, studiază contractual cu spoturile publicitare cu ajutorul sistemului Mediamat, care a înlocuit Audimatul: fiecare membru al familiei apasă pe un buton al aparatului de înregistrare plasat pe televizor, ori de câte ori se află în faţa ecranului.
  • 19. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 19 Activity 1 Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Ştirile pe care le-am primit până acum nu sunt demne de incredere. 2. Fiecare ştire despre activitatea savanţilor este asteptată cu emoţie. 3. Bagajele au fost făcute şi desfăcute timp de trei ore fără întrerupere. 4. Trebuie să publicăm toate informatiile care sunt necesare candidaţilor. 5. Mi-am spălat salopeta pe care am folosit-o in ultimele trei zile, deşi nu era prea murdară. 6. Rătăcisem drumul, asa ca aveam nevoie de un binoclu si o busola, dar nu am putut găsi. 7. Cunoştinţele lui de fonetică şi lingvistică generală sunt remarcabile. 8. Este indiscutabil un om de litere foarte apreciat in Orientul Mijlociu. 9. Fostul preşedinte nu a mai dat nici un interviu in ultima vreme. 10. Nici măcar in gand nu suporta eşecul, singurătatea, văduvia, munca neinteresantă, persecuţia. 11. Cum profesorul intrase deja in clasă, el pur si simplu râse drept scuză şi se aseză în bancă. 12. Ar trebui sa-i apărăm pe cei slabi si pe cei bolnavi. 13. O jumătate are trei patrimi. 14. Trebuie să declari totul la vamă, altfel ai putea avea probleme serioase. 15. Ştii foarte bine ca e nevoie de motive solide pentru un divorţ. 16. Directorul doreşte ca procesul verbal sa fie gata in jumatate de oră. 17. Balanţa pe care mi-ai cumpărat-o acum cateva zile este pe biroul din sufragerie. 18. Promit ca nu ma voi atinge niciodată de bauturi alcoolice! 19. Sfaturile părintilor tăi sunt totdeauna foarte bune ; ar fi cazul sa ţii cont de ele ! 20. Vă rog, aş dori două ciocolate, două săpunuri si trei pâini ! 21. Avocatul meu mi-a oferit doua informaţii foarte importante pentru caz. 22. Probele prezentate de procuror la procesul de săptămâna trecută sunt incriminatoare. 23. În anii ’50 s-au turnat unele din cele mai bune filme postbelice. Example: 1. The news I have received so far is not reliable. 2. Every piece of news about the scientists’ activity is waited with excitement. 3. The luggage was ceaselessly packed and unpacked for three hours. Here you have some Idioms. Try to match the two columns: 1. a workaholic a) a strike-breaker 2. a night owl b) a person who helps children cross the
  • 20. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 20 road 3. a night owl c) a disloyal person 4. a chatterbox d) a former sweetheart 5. a day-dreamer e) a shy person without a partner 6. a blackleg f) a person who is too keen on his job 7. an old flame g) a person who lives in his own wonderful world 8. a turncoat h) a person who always gets up early i) a person who enjoys staying up late 9. a bobby j) a person who talks a lot 10. a lollipop man / lady k) a policeman Activity 2 Put the right endings: 1. as black as c... 9. as fit as a f... 2. as poor as a church m... 10. as deaf as a p 3. as white ass... 11. as fresh as ad... 4. as sober as a j... 12. as bright as d... 5. as old as the h... 13. to eat like ah... 6. as light as a f. 14. to fit like a g… 7. as heavy as I... 15. to turn up like a bad p... 8. as good as g 16. to sleep like a I... Activity 3 Put the right endings: 1. She was sitting on the fence a) joking 2. She was playing it by ear b) speaking and acting firmly 3. She was caught red-handed c) discovered in the act of thieving 4. She went back on her word. d) living on little 5. She was pulling his leg e) not taking sides 6. She took someone for a ride f) not making plans ahead 7. She lived on a shoestring g) deceiving people 8. She played truant h) not going to school 9. She painted the town red i) not keeping her promise 10. She put her foot down j) drinking and making a lot of noise
  • 21. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 21 Activity 4
  • 22. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 22
  • 23. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 23
  • 24. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 24
  • 25. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 25 Summary This chapter has approached the most special aspects of The Noun, such as: countable and uncountable nouns, nouns of Latin and Greek origin, the concepts of Singularia and Pluralia Tantum Nouns, nouns which gain one more meaning when are used with their plural form, Idioms and others. You have been taught how to use these nouns and how to make the agreement with the verb. You have also improved your vocabulary due to the texts you translated. Self-evaluation tests 1. Fill in the following blanks: BLACK BLUE GREEN RED SCARLET WHITE YELLOW 1. When Sarah saw Sue's new boyfriend she was …………… with envy. 2. ……… meat is considered to be healthier than beef, lamb or other types of ………. meat. 3. The ……….. Pages has all the necessary information for you. 4. I spent three weeks in hospital when I had……….. fever. 5. This sort of thing happens only once in a ………. moon. 6. Sarah and Graham had a traditional………. wedding in Wales. 7. After falling in the street he had a ………eye for weeks. 8. Would you like your coffee ………or with some milk and sugar? 9. I remember that my mother had …………fingers to her last day. 10. We are seriously in the……….. this month 2. Fill in the following blanks: BACK EYE FACE FINGER HAND MOUTH NERVE TONGUE TOOTH STOMACH 1. Must you have a/n……………….in every pie? 2. Just shout if you need a / n…………….! 3. The answer is right on the tip of my 4. I feel I can't……….listening to any more lies. 5. The countryside is truly romantic near the…………of the Danube. 6. Katie has a/n………..for valuable paintings. TONGUE 7. Don't break your………working so hard all the time. 8. In our family everyone has a sweet…………. 9. You can't read the numbers on the ……….. of the old clock, and the minute…… also broken. 10. After his exam, that student had the ………… to complain about his teacher.
  • 26. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 26 3. Fill in the following blanks: BIRD BUTTERFLY CAMEL CAT DOG FISH LION PIG RAT 1. Before my driving test I had………… my stomach. 2. It's been raining……….and……………for days. 3. Peter got the…………..share of the money they inherited. 4. When I travelled to the country last Monday I was killing two…………..with one stone, doing business and visiting an old friend. 5. Keep my secret, please. I don't want to let the………….out of the bag yet. 6. Even if the food is good, don't make a / n …………. of yourself at the wedding. 7. A lot of people are already fed up with the ………….race of modern life. 8. It's the last straw thaj broke the…………back. 9. The riot broke out because prisoners were treated like……………. 10. Are you………..for compliments? 4. Fill in the following blanks: APPLE BREAD BUTTER CREAM EGG JUICE MILK SALT SUGAR SPICE 1. Who is the...............-winner in your family? 2. These young physicists are the smartest people in Romania, the ............. of their generation. 3. I can't tell you what caused what. It is a typical chicken and............. situation. 4. When I met her for the first time, she gave me a sweet............. smile that I found most unnatural. 5. Don't believe everything you have read. The reports have to be taken with a pinch of ....... 6. Don't feel sorry for him. He always knows which side his .............. is........... on. 7. Variety is the ........... of life. 8. I wish we could ................the pill for you, but this is the truth. 9. She had her last baby at 45. No wonder, he was the ................. of her eye. 10. I have just heard a / n ................. story about the neighbours. Bibliography Brookes, Michael, Horner, E. (2002). Business English. Engleza pentru afaceri. Bucureşti: Teora. Brookes, Michael (2003). Engleza pentru jurişti. Bucureşti: Teora. Chifu, Iulian (2004). Identity Conflicts. Bucureşti: Politeia-SNSPA. Chirălescu, M., Paidos C. (2005). Proficiency in English. Institutul European. Cook, J., Gethin, A. (1995). A New Way to Proficiency in English. Oxford. Dayan, A.; Lindsay, W.H. (2000). Engleza pentru marketing si publicitate. Bucureşti: Teora. Delgiudice, Luminita (1999). Fifty Useful Tests in English. Bucureşti: Aramis.
  • 27. Alina Beatrice Cheşcă The Noun Limba engleză în comunicare şi relaţii publice 27 Demazet, Bertrand (1999). Engleza comertului exterior. Bucureşti: Teora. Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă, G. (2000). Limba engleză în conversatie. Bucureşti: Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică. Gheorghitoiu, Andreea. (1998). Dictionar englez-roman de verbe cu particula adverbiala. Bucureşti: Teora. Hanga Calciu, Rodica (1996). Crestomatie de texte juridice engleze. Bucureşti: Lumina Lex. Hanga, Vladimir (2000). Dictionar juridic englez-roman. Bucureşti: Lumina Lex. Health, R.B. (2002). Impact Assignments in English. London: Longman. Hulban H. (1997). English for You. Iaşi: Răzeşu. Le Divenach, Eloi (2005). Engleza in presa. Bucureşti: Teora. Lupuleasa, R. (2004). Ready for Exams. Bucureşti: Polirom. Marie-Claude, Roland (2000). CV in limba engleza. Un pas spre angajare. Bucureşti: Editura Teora. Martin, M. Combe (2000). Listening and Comprehending. Macmillan. Mihaescu, Alexandra (2007). Gramatica limbii engleze. Bucureşti: Niculescu. Molnar Oprea, Nicoleta (2000). Curs de limba engleza pentru studentii facultatilor cu profil juridic. Bucureşti: All Educational. Oprescu, Simona (1999). Engleza pentru jurişti. Bucureşti: Ed. Oscar Print. Peters, Jo-Ann (2004). Let’s Learn English. Metodă Larousse de învăţare a limbii engleze. Bucureşti: Teora. Rusu, Liliana (2001). Limba engleza pentru studentii facultatii de drept. Bucureşti: Sylvi.