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Final Exam Study Guide II
This study guide is designed to help you revise for our final
exam. It should be
used as a guide. Not everything on this sheet will be on the
exam, and conversely
there will be questions on the exam not covered on the sheet.
Please revise our previous study guides and homework
1. What kinds of deictic expressions are used in this utterance
(e.g. I = person
a. I am coming home in a while.
b. They will be here in 5 minutes.
c. This box is full of my old textbooks.
2. What are the anaphoric expressions in this sentence?
Dr. Foster gave Andy some medicine after he told her about his
headache and she advised him to
take the pills three times a day until the pain went away.
3. What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says:
a. Your clock isn’t working.
b. Where did he find the money?
c. She lost her keys again.
d. We regret going to France.
e. The king of France is bald.
4. Someone is talking loudly on the phone while you are trying
to concentrate, so you
decide to say one the following. Identify which would be direct
or indirect speech acts.
a. Could you please step outside?
b. Please lower your voice.
c. I am trying to concentrate.
d. Stop it!
5. In these examples, is the speaker appealing to positive or
negative face?
a) If you’re free, there’s going to be a party at Yuri’s place on
b) Let’s go to the party at Yuri’s place on Saturday. Everyone’s
6. What is the cooperative principle? Identify and describe its
four maxims.
7. Identify the cooperative maxims that are flouted in the
following examples and
explain why this is the case:
a. Recommendation letter for a linguistics student:
Ms. X attended class regularly, and her husband is
an excellent cook. Yours, etc.
b. Family is family.
c. A: Isn’t Mary a very good friend?
B: She always wants to meet up for coffee.
d. A: A lot of people are depending on you.
B: Thanks, that really takes the pressure off.
8. Can you describe four typical features of caregiver speech?
9. During which stage do children typically first produce
syllable sequences similar to
“mama” and “dada” and how old are they?
10. Which of these two utterances was produced by the older
child and why?
a. Where kitty?
b. Why you smiling?
11. What are the three components of communicative
12. Which are the four areas of the brain that are connected to
our ability to use
13. What is the difference between language acquisition and
language learning?
14. What is the difference between positive and negative
15. What is the Great Vowel Shift?
ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou
16. Provide the definition of interlanguage and explain what
happens when it fossilizes.
17. What is the difference between syllabic and alphabetic
18. Identify instances of rebus writing in the following
a. Cu2night.
b. 2b or not 2b
19. When did the Great Vowel Shift occur?
20. The Old English verb mete (“food”) is the source of the
Modern English verb meat.
What is the technical term used to describe this type of meaning
change? Explain
21. What is the difference between the term “accent” and the
term “dialect”?
22. What is the difference between an idiolect and a sociolect?
23. Identify two different social markers in American English
and explain how they are
related to prestige.
HY 1020, Western Civilization II 1
The Industrial Revolution & Ideological
Conflict and National Unification, 1815-1871
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
1. Discuss the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th
2. Identify the social and economic changes that made industrial
development possible.
3. Explain how industrialization spread from Great Britain to
the rest of
Europe and the United States.
4. Describe the economic, social, and cultural effects of the
5. Discuss the relationship between the growth of industry and
dominance in trade and imperial strength during the nineteenth
6. Identify the main ideologies that inspired people to political
action from
1815 to 1871 and how they helped to shape modern Europe.
7. Describe the role of nationalism in the unification of nation-
between 1848 and 1871.
8. Create and support an interpretation of how ideology
international warfare and diplomacy during this period.
Unit Lesson
The Industrial Revolution, a series of economic and social
changes, took place
in England in the late 18th and 19th centuries. It was made up
of four related
developments: the introduction of new technology; the use of
new mineral
sources of energy; a concentration of workers in factories; and
new methods of
transportation. The Industrial Revolution introduced the
machine age, and the
most significant machines were steam engines and the machines
used to make
cloth. The steam engine, invented by James Watt in 1763, was
used to raise
minerals from mines, provide heat for smelting iron ore, drives
machines in
textile mills, and eventually powered the railroad locomotive.
Until the late 18th century, humans or animals provided the
power for most
economic activities, including transportation. Heat was
produced by burning
wood or charcoal. Such organic sources of energy were
renewable but only over
a long period of time, and that slowed down economic growth.
Windmills and
waterwheels could also provide energy, but not heat, and were
not widely or
easily available. The Industrial Revolution made a decisive
change by relying on
minerals, such as coal, as the main source of a much more
efficient energy.
One of the major developments of the Industrial Revolution was
the large
factory, where workers toiled among the great machines that
produced goods.
This form of production evolved out of rural household industry
and the large
handcraft workshop, where most goods were previously
produced. To the
immediate causes of the Industrial Revolution-competitive
encouraging innovation in technology, the switch to coal power,
the development
of factories and railroads-must be added the social and
economic factors that
allow industrialization to occur: a large population, improved
Chapter 21:
The Industrial Revolution,
pp. 655-658, 661-662,
664, 666-680, 682
Chapter 22:
Ideological Conflict and
National Unification, 1815-
1871, pp. 686-695, 697,
701, 712, 716
See information below.
Key Terms
1. Capital
2. Chartists
3. Class consciousness
4. Communism
5. Conservatism
6. Dialectic
7. Dialectical materialism
8. Division of labor
9. Domestic system
10. Enclosure
11. Industrial capitalism
12. Laissez-faire
13. Liberalism
14. Malthusian population
15. Nation
16. Nationalism
17. Nation-state
18. Positivism
19. Proletariat
20. Realpolitik
21. Romanticism
22. Socialism
HY 1020, Western Civilization II 2
sufficient capital, people with scientific knowledge and
entrepreneurial skills,
and a demand for manufactured goods. The role of these factors
can best be
seen in the example of Great Britain.
In the 18th century, British agriculture experienced a revolution
of its own that
greatly increased agricultural productivity. Enclosure–
consolidating land into
compact fields under the control of one farmer–allowed the
introduction of such
concepts as new crops and new crop rotations that restored
nutrients to the soil
allowing for greater yield.
The Industrial Revolution changed the landscape. Small towns
grew into huge
cities, which were dominated by factory smokestacks. In the
railroads and canals altered the land. However, some of the new
architecture was not only impressive but also beautiful, while
some artists
found inspiration in the railroad.
Not since the Neolithic Age had anything so transformed human
life as had the
Industrial Revolution by the middle of the 19th century. Giving
human beings
unprecedented technological control over nature,
industrialization affected
everything from work routines to family life to the very
appearance of the
landscape. It changed the very definition of the West, making
the West
synonymous with industrialization and industrial capitalism,
and creating new
divisions between the West and the non-Western world.
European politics in the 19th century were influenced by
conservatism, socialism, and nationalism–four new ideologies
with roots in the
works of 18th century authors. The ideology of liberalism is
centered on the
principle that political, social, and economic freedoms are
paramount, and the
main function of government is to protect these freedoms.
Although liberals’
specific agendas varied from country to country, all of them had
objectives: 1) to establish and protect the individual rights, such
as freedom of
religion, that liberals sought to enshrine in constitutions; 2) to
expand the
franchise to all property owners, especially the middle class;
and 3) to promote
free trade, a view grounded in the ideas of Adam Smith, who
argued for free-
market capitalism. This kind of capitalism, often called laissez-
faire, maintains
that government generally should not intervene in the economy.
The ideology of conservatism sought to preserve the established
order, in
particular monarchy and aristocracy, and prevent the spread of
movements born of the French Revolution: liberalism and
Socialism arose as a reaction to the rise of industrial capitalism
and the
liberalism that justified it. Socialists advocated community
ownership of the
means of production to reduce inequalities of wealth and
opportunity. The most
radical form of socialism was developed by Karl Marx. Drawing
from the ideas
of the German philosopher Friedrich Hegel, Marx argued that
history advances
through a process called the dialectic, a method to study
economic production.
However, while Hegel believed that history advances because of
the conflict of
ideas, Marx and his associate Friedrich Engels argued that
historical change
was the result of economic factors, so his theory was known as
Nationalism emerged during and after the French Revolution. A
nation refers to
a large community of people who have a sense of unity based on
a shared
homeland and culture. In the early 19th century, nationalism
was often identified
with liberalism since both shared a belief in representative
However, liberalism emphasized the individual while
nationalism stressed
political unity, and later in the nineteenth century nationalism
was identified
more with conservatism.
23. Supply
HY 1020, Western Civilization II 3
The four great 19th century ideologies were influenced by
scientific rationalism
and romanticism, which are two sharply divergent aspects of
Western culture.
Scientific rationalism had its origins in the Scientific
Revolution and peaked in
the Enlightenment. It stressed the powers of human reason,
elevated science
above all other forms of knowledge, and sought to create a
science of human
nature. Scientific rationalism, which produced the Industrial
continued to have a profound impact in the 19th century, where
it gave birth to
positivism, a theory arguing that nature has a direct link to, and
the sciences
can prove, positive knowledge.
Scientific rationalism was challenged by romanticism, which
began as an
artistic and literary movement but developed into a more
general worldview.
Romantics recognized the limits of human reason in
comprehending reality and
preferred to rely on intuition and imagination to reach more
profound levels of
being. Romantics did not limit reality to the material, similar to
the positivists,
but believed there was a spiritual and emotional dimension of
Ideological encounters between 1815 and 1871 changed the
political culture of
the West. As ideologies became political movements, those
themselves were often refined to accommodate political
realities. These
ideologies have lasted through present-day and have extended
their influence
beyond the Western world.
Supplemental Reading
Supplemental Readings are provided in the below links:
ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou
Final Exam Study Guide I
This study guide is designed to help you revise for our final
exam. It should be
used as a guide. Not everything on this sheet will be on the
exam, and
conversely there will be questions on the exam not covered on
the sheet.
Please revise our previous study guides and homework
1. Choose one theory that describes the origins of language and
present it in detail.
2. Choose one theory that describes the properties of human
communication and
present it in detail. Explain how it differs from animal
3. Identify the place and manner of articulation of the initial
sounds of the following
a. table __________
b. bed ___________
c. garage __________
d. yellow __________
e. chariot __________
f. great __________
g. how___________
h. that ___________
i. police_____________
j. turkey_____________
k. summer_____________
l. box_________________
m. bottle_________________
n. desk ______________
o. man ___________
4. Give the conventional spelling for each of the following
a. /bɪˈgɪn/=
b. /əˈbaʊt /=
c. / ˈaɪ lənd/ /=
ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou
d. /ˈlɛʒ ər/ =
e. / riˈsɜrtʃ/ /=
f. / ˌdʒi əˈgræf ɪ kəl /=
g. /pərˈsɛnt/ =
h. / ˈtʃæp əl/ /=
i. / ˈdɪf ər əns / =
j. /pɒr ɪdʒ/=
5. Transcribe the words using standard pronunciation:
a. may= _____________
b. plate= ______________
c. cat= ________________
d. present= ________________
e. arrive=__________________
f. spring=_________________
g. dress=_________________
h. window=_________________
i. together=_______________
j. niece=________________
k. fight=__________________
6. Which segments in the pronunciation of the following words
are most likely to
be affected by elision?
a. favorite
c. sandwich
d. history
7. What is the difference between an open and a closed
syllable? Indicate whether the
following syllables are open or closed:
a. pen
b. may
c. pine
d. knight
e. birch
f. hose
ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou
g. kite
h. buy
8. Identify the allomorphs of the plural morpheme in the
following sentences and
provide their morphological analysis:
a. Men and women were watching the ballet dancers performing
the Swan Lake in
the park.
b. Deer are bouncing back from a devastating season of
hemorrhagic disease, and
hunters are preparing to go after them.
c. From Roman ruins to more than 900 churches, there’s no lack
of historic and
pilgrimage sites for travelers considering a trip to the Eternal
9. What are the functional and inflectional morphemes in the
following sentence?
Local news reports said that the employees were throwing
cartridges there and running a
bulldozer over them before the covered them with dirt and trash.
10. Create a labeled and bracketed analysis of the following
sentences. Don’t forget to
include the phrase structure rules.
a) The Johnsons bought a new house.
b) They drove the car to the garage.
11. Draw the tree diagrams of the following sentences:
a) They went to Boston yesterday.
b) The cat is under the blanket on the bed in the bedroom.
c) They know that I know that you left yesterday.
18. Using semantic features, how would you explain the
oddness of these sentences?
a) My cat cooks wonderful meals.
b) This book is snoring loudly.
19. Identify the semantic roles of the following noun phrases.
The dog was playing with the cat in the living room when bell
rang. They ran to door to greet
Mary who had arrived from school.
20. Which of the following sentences contain words best are
described as examples of
ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou
a) They tied a bow on Sarah’s violin bow.
b) There are two bottles of their wine in the cellar.
c) A couple of cranes are flying over the crane Bill is operating.
Final Exam Study Guide II  This study guide is designed .docx

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Final Exam Study Guide II This study guide is designed .docx

  • 1. Final Exam Study Guide II This study guide is designed to help you revise for our final exam. It should be used as a guide. Not everything on this sheet will be on the exam, and conversely there will be questions on the exam not covered on the sheet. Please revise our previous study guides and homework assignments. 1. What kinds of deictic expressions are used in this utterance (e.g. I = person deixis)? a. I am coming home in a while. b. They will be here in 5 minutes. c. This box is full of my old textbooks. 2. What are the anaphoric expressions in this sentence? Dr. Foster gave Andy some medicine after he told her about his headache and she advised him to take the pills three times a day until the pain went away.
  • 2. 3. What is one obvious presupposition of a speaker who says: a. Your clock isn’t working. b. Where did he find the money? c. She lost her keys again. d. We regret going to France. e. The king of France is bald. 4. Someone is talking loudly on the phone while you are trying to concentrate, so you decide to say one the following. Identify which would be direct or indirect speech acts. a. Could you please step outside? b. Please lower your voice. c. I am trying to concentrate. d. Stop it! 5. In these examples, is the speaker appealing to positive or negative face? a) If you’re free, there’s going to be a party at Yuri’s place on Saturday. b) Let’s go to the party at Yuri’s place on Saturday. Everyone’s invited. 6. What is the cooperative principle? Identify and describe its four maxims.
  • 3. 7. Identify the cooperative maxims that are flouted in the following examples and explain why this is the case: a. Recommendation letter for a linguistics student: Ms. X attended class regularly, and her husband is an excellent cook. Yours, etc. b. Family is family. c. A: Isn’t Mary a very good friend? B: She always wants to meet up for coffee. d. A: A lot of people are depending on you. B: Thanks, that really takes the pressure off. 8. Can you describe four typical features of caregiver speech?
  • 4. 9. During which stage do children typically first produce syllable sequences similar to “mama” and “dada” and how old are they? 10. Which of these two utterances was produced by the older child and why? a. Where kitty? b. Why you smiling? 11. What are the three components of communicative competence? 12. Which are the four areas of the brain that are connected to our ability to use language? 13. What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning? 14. What is the difference between positive and negative transfer? 15. What is the Great Vowel Shift?
  • 5. ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou 16. Provide the definition of interlanguage and explain what happens when it fossilizes. 17. What is the difference between syllabic and alphabetic writing? 18. Identify instances of rebus writing in the following examples: a. Cu2night. b. 2b or not 2b 19. When did the Great Vowel Shift occur? 20. The Old English verb mete (“food”) is the source of the Modern English verb meat. What is the technical term used to describe this type of meaning change? Explain why.
  • 6. 21. What is the difference between the term “accent” and the term “dialect”? 22. What is the difference between an idiolect and a sociolect? 23. Identify two different social markers in American English and explain how they are related to prestige. HY 1020, Western Civilization II 1 UNIT III STUDY GUIDE The Industrial Revolution & Ideological Conflict and National Unification, 1815-1871 Learning Objectives Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Discuss the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and 19th centuries. 2. Identify the social and economic changes that made industrial development possible.
  • 7. 3. Explain how industrialization spread from Great Britain to the rest of Europe and the United States. 4. Describe the economic, social, and cultural effects of the Industrial Revolution. 5. Discuss the relationship between the growth of industry and Britain’s dominance in trade and imperial strength during the nineteenth century. 6. Identify the main ideologies that inspired people to political action from 1815 to 1871 and how they helped to shape modern Europe. 7. Describe the role of nationalism in the unification of nation- states between 1848 and 1871. 8. Create and support an interpretation of how ideology influenced international warfare and diplomacy during this period. Unit Lesson The Industrial Revolution, a series of economic and social changes, took place in England in the late 18th and 19th centuries. It was made up of four related developments: the introduction of new technology; the use of new mineral
  • 8. sources of energy; a concentration of workers in factories; and new methods of transportation. The Industrial Revolution introduced the machine age, and the most significant machines were steam engines and the machines used to make cloth. The steam engine, invented by James Watt in 1763, was used to raise minerals from mines, provide heat for smelting iron ore, drives machines in textile mills, and eventually powered the railroad locomotive. Until the late 18th century, humans or animals provided the power for most economic activities, including transportation. Heat was produced by burning wood or charcoal. Such organic sources of energy were renewable but only over a long period of time, and that slowed down economic growth. Windmills and waterwheels could also provide energy, but not heat, and were not widely or easily available. The Industrial Revolution made a decisive change by relying on minerals, such as coal, as the main source of a much more efficient energy. One of the major developments of the Industrial Revolution was the large factory, where workers toiled among the great machines that produced goods. This form of production evolved out of rural household industry and the large handcraft workshop, where most goods were previously produced. To the immediate causes of the Industrial Revolution-competitive
  • 9. pressures encouraging innovation in technology, the switch to coal power, the development of factories and railroads-must be added the social and economic factors that allow industrialization to occur: a large population, improved agriculture, Reading Assignment Chapter 21: The Industrial Revolution, pp. 655-658, 661-662, 664, 666-680, 682 Chapter 22: Ideological Conflict and National Unification, 1815- 1871, pp. 686-695, 697, 701, 712, 716 Supplemental Reading See information below. Key Terms 1. Capital 2. Chartists 3. Class consciousness
  • 10. 4. Communism 5. Conservatism 6. Dialectic 7. Dialectical materialism 8. Division of labor 9. Domestic system 10. Enclosure 11. Industrial capitalism 12. Laissez-faire 13. Liberalism 14. Malthusian population trap 15. Nation 16. Nationalism 17. Nation-state 18. Positivism 19. Proletariat 20. Realpolitik 21. Romanticism 22. Socialism HY 1020, Western Civilization II 2 sufficient capital, people with scientific knowledge and entrepreneurial skills, and a demand for manufactured goods. The role of these factors can best be seen in the example of Great Britain. In the 18th century, British agriculture experienced a revolution
  • 11. of its own that greatly increased agricultural productivity. Enclosure– consolidating land into compact fields under the control of one farmer–allowed the introduction of such concepts as new crops and new crop rotations that restored nutrients to the soil allowing for greater yield. The Industrial Revolution changed the landscape. Small towns grew into huge cities, which were dominated by factory smokestacks. In the countryside, railroads and canals altered the land. However, some of the new industrial architecture was not only impressive but also beautiful, while some artists found inspiration in the railroad. Not since the Neolithic Age had anything so transformed human life as had the Industrial Revolution by the middle of the 19th century. Giving human beings unprecedented technological control over nature, industrialization affected everything from work routines to family life to the very appearance of the landscape. It changed the very definition of the West, making the West synonymous with industrialization and industrial capitalism, and creating new divisions between the West and the non-Western world. European politics in the 19th century were influenced by liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and nationalism–four new ideologies
  • 12. with roots in the works of 18th century authors. The ideology of liberalism is centered on the principle that political, social, and economic freedoms are paramount, and the main function of government is to protect these freedoms. Although liberals’ specific agendas varied from country to country, all of them had three objectives: 1) to establish and protect the individual rights, such as freedom of religion, that liberals sought to enshrine in constitutions; 2) to expand the franchise to all property owners, especially the middle class; and 3) to promote free trade, a view grounded in the ideas of Adam Smith, who argued for free- market capitalism. This kind of capitalism, often called laissez- faire, maintains that government generally should not intervene in the economy. The ideology of conservatism sought to preserve the established order, in particular monarchy and aristocracy, and prevent the spread of those movements born of the French Revolution: liberalism and nationalism. Socialism arose as a reaction to the rise of industrial capitalism and the liberalism that justified it. Socialists advocated community ownership of the means of production to reduce inequalities of wealth and opportunity. The most radical form of socialism was developed by Karl Marx. Drawing from the ideas of the German philosopher Friedrich Hegel, Marx argued that
  • 13. history advances through a process called the dialectic, a method to study economic production. However, while Hegel believed that history advances because of the conflict of ideas, Marx and his associate Friedrich Engels argued that historical change was the result of economic factors, so his theory was known as dialectical materialism. Nationalism emerged during and after the French Revolution. A nation refers to a large community of people who have a sense of unity based on a shared homeland and culture. In the early 19th century, nationalism was often identified with liberalism since both shared a belief in representative government. However, liberalism emphasized the individual while nationalism stressed political unity, and later in the nineteenth century nationalism was identified more with conservatism. 23. Supply HY 1020, Western Civilization II 3 The four great 19th century ideologies were influenced by scientific rationalism and romanticism, which are two sharply divergent aspects of
  • 14. Western culture. Scientific rationalism had its origins in the Scientific Revolution and peaked in the Enlightenment. It stressed the powers of human reason, elevated science above all other forms of knowledge, and sought to create a science of human nature. Scientific rationalism, which produced the Industrial Revolution, continued to have a profound impact in the 19th century, where it gave birth to positivism, a theory arguing that nature has a direct link to, and the sciences can prove, positive knowledge. Scientific rationalism was challenged by romanticism, which began as an artistic and literary movement but developed into a more general worldview. Romantics recognized the limits of human reason in comprehending reality and preferred to rely on intuition and imagination to reach more profound levels of being. Romantics did not limit reality to the material, similar to the positivists, but believed there was a spiritual and emotional dimension of reality. Ideological encounters between 1815 and 1871 changed the political culture of the West. As ideologies became political movements, those ideologies themselves were often refined to accommodate political realities. These ideologies have lasted through present-day and have extended their influence
  • 15. beyond the Western world. Supplemental Reading Supplemental Readings are provided in the below links: -Century England ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou Final Exam Study Guide I This study guide is designed to help you revise for our final exam. It should be used as a guide. Not everything on this sheet will be on the
  • 16. exam, and conversely there will be questions on the exam not covered on the sheet. Please revise our previous study guides and homework assignments. 1. Choose one theory that describes the origins of language and present it in detail. 2. Choose one theory that describes the properties of human communication and present it in detail. Explain how it differs from animal communication. 3. Identify the place and manner of articulation of the initial sounds of the following words. a. table __________ b. bed ___________ c. garage __________ d. yellow __________ e. chariot __________ f. great __________ g. how___________ h. that ___________ i. police_____________ j. turkey_____________
  • 17. k. summer_____________ l. box_________________ m. bottle_________________ n. desk ______________ o. man ___________ 4. Give the conventional spelling for each of the following words: a. /bɪˈgɪn/= b. /əˈbaʊt /= c. / ˈaɪ lənd/ /= ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou d. /ˈlɛʒ ər/ = e. / riˈsɜrtʃ/ /= f. / ˌdʒi əˈgræf ɪ kəl /= g. /pərˈsɛnt/ = h. / ˈtʃæp əl/ /= i. / ˈdɪf ər əns / = j. /pɒr ɪdʒ/=
  • 18. 5. Transcribe the words using standard pronunciation: a. may= _____________ b. plate= ______________ c. cat= ________________ d. present= ________________ e. arrive=__________________ f. spring=_________________ g. dress=_________________ h. window=_________________ i. together=_______________ j. niece=________________ k. fight=__________________ 6. Which segments in the pronunciation of the following words are most likely to be affected by elision? a. favorite b. c. sandwich d. history
  • 19. 7. What is the difference between an open and a closed syllable? Indicate whether the following syllables are open or closed: a. pen b. may c. pine d. knight e. birch f. hose ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou g. kite h. buy 8. Identify the allomorphs of the plural morpheme in the following sentences and provide their morphological analysis: a. Men and women were watching the ballet dancers performing the Swan Lake in
  • 20. the park. b. Deer are bouncing back from a devastating season of hemorrhagic disease, and hunters are preparing to go after them. c. From Roman ruins to more than 900 churches, there’s no lack of historic and pilgrimage sites for travelers considering a trip to the Eternal City. 9. What are the functional and inflectional morphemes in the following sentence? Local news reports said that the employees were throwing cartridges there and running a bulldozer over them before the covered them with dirt and trash. 10. Create a labeled and bracketed analysis of the following sentences. Don’t forget to include the phrase structure rules. a) The Johnsons bought a new house. b) They drove the car to the garage. 11. Draw the tree diagrams of the following sentences:
  • 21. a) They went to Boston yesterday. b) The cat is under the blanket on the bed in the bedroom. c) They know that I know that you left yesterday. 18. Using semantic features, how would you explain the oddness of these sentences? a) My cat cooks wonderful meals. b) This book is snoring loudly. 19. Identify the semantic roles of the following noun phrases. The dog was playing with the cat in the living room when bell rang. They ran to door to greet Mary who had arrived from school. 20. Which of the following sentences contain words best are described as examples of ENG/LIN230 Introduction to Linguistics Eirini Panagiotidou homonymy? a) They tied a bow on Sarah’s violin bow. b) There are two bottles of their wine in the cellar. c) A couple of cranes are flying over the crane Bill is operating.