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Bongo/Ganja/Grass/Marijuana/Pot/Thai sticks
What is it?
Cannabisisa tobacco-likegreenish or brownish material madeup of thedried floweringtopsand leavesof thecannabis
(hemp) plant.Cannabisresin or "hash"isthedried blackor brown secretionof thefloweringtops of thecannabisplant,
which ismadeinto a powderor pressed into slabsor cakes.Cannabisoil or "hash oil"iscannabisresinin liquidform.
Cannabisisby far themostcultivated,trafficked and abused illicitdrug.
How is it taken?
All forms of cannabisareusually smoked.Cannabisresinand oil can alsobeingested orally or brewed intea.
How does it affect users?
Cannabiscan makeusersfeel relaxed andheighten theirsensory awareness.Thus,usersmayexperiencea morevivid
senseof sight,smell,tasteand hearing.
What are the risks associated with cannabis use?
Short-termeffects includeincreased appetiteand pulserate.Whilehigh,users' intellectual andphysical abilitiesare
impaired.With largedoses,usersmay experienceseverelyaltered sensory perceptionsand slowand confused thinking.
If the doseis very large,theeffects of cannabisaresimilarto thoseof hallucinogens,andmay causeanxiety,panicand
even psychoticepisodes.
Regular usersof cannabis risk developingdependency to thepointwherethey loseinterestin all other activities,such as
work and personal relationships.
Furthermore,cannabissmokealso contains50 per centmoretar than high tar cigarettes,thus puttingusersatan
increased risk forlungcancerand other respiratory diseases.
Other risks
As with any illicitdrug,takingcannabisalsocloudstheuser'sjudgmentand increasesthechanceof himor her making
bad choices,such ashavingunprotected sex.Thus,theuser riskscontractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisandother infectious
What is it?
Cocaineisa finewhiteor off-whitepowder thatacts asa powerful stimulant.In itspureform,cocaineisextracted from
the leaves of thecoca plant.On thestreet,itcan bediluted or "cut"with other substancesto increasethequantity.
Crack iscocainethathasbeen further processed with ammonia or sodiumbicarbonate(bakingsoda) andlookslikesmall
flakes or rocks.
Prevalenceratesfor lifetimeuseof cocainearetypically between oneand threeper cent in developed countries,with
higher rates intheUnited States and intheproducercountriesof South America.
How is it taken?
Cocaineisusually sniffed/snorted or injected,whereascrack issmoked.
How does it affect users?
Cocainecan makeusersfeel exhilarated andeuphoric.Furthermore,usersoften experiencea temporary increasein
alertnessand energy levels,and a postponementof hunger and fatigue.
What are the risks associatedwith cocaine use?
Short-termeffects includefaster breathingand increasesin bodytemperatureandheartrate.Users'behaviourcanalso
becomebizarre,erratic and violent.Excessivedosesof cocainemay leadto convulsions,seizures,stroke,cerebral
haemorrhageor heartfailure.
Long-termusers of cocaineriska number of health problems,someof themdependingon theingestionmethod.Sniffing
cocaineseverely damagesnosetissue,smokingcancauserespiratory problems,whilstinjection can lead to abscesses
and infectiousdiseases.
Other risks,regardlessof ingestionmethod,includedependency,malnutrition,weightloss,disorientation,apathyand a
statesimilarto paranoid psychosis.
Other risks
Mixingcocainewith alcohol is a dangerouscocktail and can greatly increasethechancesof sudden death.In fact,itisthe
mostcommon two-drugmixturewhen sudden death occurs.
And as with any illicitdrug,takingcocainealso cloudstheuser'sjudgmentandincreasesthechanceof hi mor her making
bad choices,such ashavingunprotected sex and sharingneedles.Thus,theuser riskscontractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisand
other infectiousdiseases.
What is it?
Ecstasy isa psychoactivestimulant.In fact,theterm "ecstasy"does notrefer to a singlesubstance,butrather to a range
of substancessimilarin chemistryand effects.Itis usuallydistributed asa tabletor pill butcan also bea powder or
capsule.Thetabletscanbein many differentshapes and sizes.
Over the lastdecadeor so,ecstasyusehasmadeits wayinto themainstreamcultureincertaincountries.Younger
peoplein particular often seemto possessa skewed senseof safety aboutecstasy use,believingrather erroneously that
the substanceissafeand benign.
How is it taken?
Itis usually taken orallybutcan alsobesnorted or injected.
How does it affectusers?
Ecstasy canheighten users' empathy levelsand inducea feelingof closenessto peoplearound them.Itis often used at
"raveparties"to increaseparticipants' sociability and energy levels.
What are the risksassociatedecstasyuse?
In the shortterm,ecstasycanmakethebody ignoredistresssignalssuch asdehydration,dizzinessandexhaustion,a ndit
can also interferewith thebody'sability to regulatetemperature.Furthermore,ecstasycanseverely damageinternal
organs suchastheliverand thekidneys,and sometimesleadto convulsionsandheartfailure.
Largedoses of ecstasyalso causerestlessness,anxiety and severevisual and auditory hallucinations.
Longer-termecstasy usecan damagecertainbrain regions,resultinginseriousdepressionand memory loss.
Other risks
Tablets or pillsthataresoldas"ecstasy"may contain other potentiallydangeroussubstanceswhich can vary widely in
strength and effects.
As with any illicitdrug,takingecstasy also cloudstheuser'sjudgmentandincreasesthechanceof himor her makingbad
choices,such ashavingunprotected sex.Thus,theuser risks contractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisand other infectious
What are they?
Hallucinogens,or"psychedelics",are drugsthatalterusers' state of consciousnessandproduce different
kindsof hallucinations.
The main types of hallucinogensare d-lysergicaciddiethylamide (LSD), hencyclidine (PCP),
LSD - D-Lysergic AcidDiethylamide
What is it?
LSD is a semi-syntheticdrugderivedfromlysergicacid,whichisfoundina fungusthatgrows onrye and
LSD, commonlyreferredtoas"acid",isone of the most potenthallucinogens.Itisusuallysoldonthe
streetas small squaresof blottingpaperwithdropscontainingthe drug,butalsoas tablets,capsulesor
occasionallyinliquidform.Itisa colourless,odourlesssubstance withaslightlybittertaste.
How is it taken?
It isusuallyswallowed.
How does it affect users?
TakingLSD leadsto strongchangesin thought,moodandsensesinadditiontofeelingsof empathyand
sociability.However,the exacteffectsof LSDvary dependingonthe mental state of the userand the
environmentwhentakingthe drug.
What are the risks associatedwithLSD use?
Short-term,LSDproducesdelusionsanddistorted perceptions.The user´ssenseof depthandtime
changesand colours,soundandtouch seemmore intense.
Some LSD usersexperience severe,terrifyingthoughtsandfeelingssuchasfear of losingcontrol,fearof
The physical effectsare small comparedtothe psychological andemotional effects.Theyinclude dilated
pupils,increasedheartrate andbloodpressure,lossof appetite,sleeplessness,drymouthandtremors.
Smack/Brown/H/Horse/Junk/Harry/White lady
What is it?
Heroin is anaddictivedrugwith painkillingpropertiesprocessed frommorphine,a naturally occurringsubstancefrom
the Asian opiumpoppy plant.Pureheroin isa whitepowder.Streetheroin isusually brownish whitebecauseitisdiluted
or "cut"with impurities,meaningeach doseisdifferent.
How is it taken?
Itis usually injected butcan also besnorted,smoked or inhaled.
How does it affect users?
Heroin can makeusersfeel an initial surgeof euphoria,alongwith a feelingof warmth and relaxation.Usersalso often
becomedetached fromemotional or physical distress,pain or anxiety.
What are the risksassociatedwithheroinuse?
Short-termeffects includeconstricted pupils,nausea,vomiting,drowsiness,inability to concentrateand apathy.
Furthermore,heroin isvery addictive,and developmentof toleranceand physical and psychological dependenceoccurs
Long-termheroin usehasa variety of severehealth effects.Amongother things,itcan causesevereweightlossand
malnutritionthatcan leadto damaged veinsand liver disease.Itcan also leadto menstrual irregularity,sedation and
Abruptly quittingheroinuseleadsto moderate/severewithdrawal symptomssuch ascramps,diarrhea,tremors,panic,
Other risks
When takingheroin,usersrisk takinganoverdose,whichcanleadto coma anddeath throughrespiratory depression.
As with any illicitdrug,takingheroin also cloudstheuser'sjudgmentandincreasesthechanceof himor her makingbad
choices,such ashavingunprotected sex and sharingneedles.Thus,theuser riskscontractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisand
other infectiousdiseases.
Magic mushrooms
Also called:magic mushrooms,liberties,magics,mushies,shrooms.
How they are used
Magic mushrooms are small hallucinogenicmushrooms which grow in Ireland.You can eat them raw, dried,
cooked or stewed. Psilocybeand Amanita Muscaria arethetwo most common varieties but they aredifferent
types of mushroom with different effects
Psilocybe mushrooms (psilocybesemilanceata,psilocybin)
Short-term effects:
Effects vary and begin 30 minutes to two hours after you take them
Effects and can lastup to nine hours
Your experience depends on how you are feeling when you take them so itmay be good or bad
They can distortcolour,sound and objects
They can speed up and slowdown time and movement
They can make you feel more creativeand enlightened
You may feel sick,tired and disorientated
Amanita mushrooms
(A muscaria and Apantherina,panther cap, amani agaric,fly agaric).
Short-term effects:
You will startto feel the effects after 30 minutes, and peak after 2-3 hours
Powerful hallucinations
Amanita can give a sort of out of body experience, you may ‘smell words’and ‘taste colours’
Deep sleep with vivid dreams
Slurred speech and poor coordination
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Long-term effects
Other dangers
There are hundreds of varieties of mushroom and some are highly poisonous so you could get sick or dieif you eat
the wrong ones
As with all drugs,magic mushrooms can trigger underlyingmental health problems
If you are pregnant
Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby.
Not physically addictivebutyou can build toleranceso you need to take more to get the same effect.
Hawaiianbabywoodrose Category: Hallucinogens
Also called:argyreia nervosa,lysergamide,elephantcreeper, trip C, purpleohms, trip,E, happy caps,dionysus,
How it’s used
Hawaiian baby woodrose is a climbingvinewith largefurry seeds which grow in pods. The seeds arelightbrown or
tan in colour and contain a powerful hallucinogen LSA (lysergic acid amide),similar to LSD. You can be swallow
them whole or crush them and mix with hot water to make a tea. These seeds have longbeen used in religious
ceremonies in Hawaii and parts of South America. They have become popular in Ireland over the lastfew years as
you can buy it over the internet and through ‘head shops’as a legal product.
Short-term effects
Effects begin after an hour and typically lastfor 4-8 hours
Your perceptions of time, sounds and vision change
Euphoria – extreme happiness
Extreme tiredness
Long-term effects
You risk psychological disturbanceif you useheavily
Indifference and apathy
Decreased psychomotor activity
You may feel likeyou’re sinkinginto nothingness
Tiredness,desire to sleep
Feelings of unreality
Other dangers
Overdose of Hawaiian baby woodrosemay causea psychotic episode
If you are pregnant
Do not use Hawaiian baby woodroseif you arepregnant as itcan causeuterine contractions,so you could lose
your baby.
You can’tbecome physically addicted and there is a very lowrisk of psychological dependency.
No withdrawal symptoms
How long does it stay in your system?
No urinetest for this yet
Ketamine Category:HallucinogensSedatives
(also called: special K, K, vitamin K)
How it’s used
Ketamine is an anaesthetic. You can get it as a white powder to snort, a liquid to inject or a tablet to
Short-term effects
 Depending on how you take it, the effects generally start within a few minutes and last 1-3 hours
 You can have an ‘out of body’ experience
 You may have hallucinations, numbness and muscle spasms
 You may also feel sick or vomit
Long-term effects
 If you use ketamine regularly, you may get ‘flashbacks’
 Loss of appetite and weight loss
 Ketamine is linked to many mental health problems including panic attacks, insomnia, delusions
and suicide
 Can cause depression, memory problems and psychotic episodes
Other dangers
 If inject it, ketamine may damage your veins and lead to abscesses and thrombosis
 You risk HIV and hepatitis if you share needles
If you are pregnant
Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby
You have a fairly high risk of becoming psychologically addicted, so you find it hard to cope without it.
No known physical withdrawal symptoms
Ecstasy Category:HallucinogensSedativesStimulants
Also called:E, disco biscuits,hugdrug, mitsubishi,rolex,dolphins,XTC,yokes, love doves, MDMA, brownies,M and
Ms, sweeties, tulips,X.
How it’s used
Ecstasy is a stimulantdrug(‘upper’) that also produces mild hallucinogenic effects.Ecstasy tablets come in a
variety of colours and shapes and often have a logo or design.
Short-term effects
Effects can startafter 20 to 60 minutes and lastfor several hours
Your pupils dilateand your jaw tightens
You may have nausea,sweating, loss of appetite, dry mouth and throat
You can have epileptic fits and paranoiafor the firsttime
Your body temperature, blood pressureand heart rate go up
You may feel intense emotions and lovefor people around you
Anxiety, panic attacks and confusion
Long-term effects
Weight loss
Loss of interest in work
You may get flashbacks
Sleep problems, lack of energy and dietary problems
Bouts of depression,personality changeand memory loss
Other dangers
Danger of collapse,vomitingand burstblood vessels
Anxiety, psychosis,panic attacks,hallucinations,insomniaand paranoia
Liver, kidney and heart problems
Women may get more frequent urinary tractinfections
Heart failure
The ‘loved up’ feelingcan lead to unsafesex, with the risk of unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease
(STDs) and HIV
Heatstroke, dehydration
Drinkingtoo much fluid too fastcan be dangerous – best to sip 1 pintof water per hour
Death by overdose is rare
If you are pregnant
Do not use ecstasy if you arepregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby.
Not physically addictivebutthere is a risk of psychological addiction,when you feel you can’t enjoy yourself
without it. You may build toleranceto it so you might have to keep takingmore to get the same effect.
If you useregularly,you may feel tired and depressed when you withdrawfrom ecstasy.
How long does it stay in your system?
Ecstasy shows up in urinetests for 3-8 days.(The length of time depends on the test used, the amount you take, if
you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.Pleaseuse this figure as a guide only)
Cannabis Category:HallucinogensSedatives
Also called:hash,hashish,blow,pot, ganja,marijuana,grass,joint,THC, bhang, black,blast,blunts,Bob Hope,
bush, dope, draw, hemp, herb, puff, northern lights,resin,sensi,shit,smoke, soap,spliff,wacky backy,weed, zero,
Skunk is called:sinsemilla,homegrown, buds,tops, nederwiet or netherweed
How it’s used
You can smoke it with tobacco in a joint,inhalethrough a pipe or bong or make into a tea or food.
Herbal cannabis (grass or weed) is common and is generally made from the dried leaves and floweringparts of the
female plantand looks liketightly packed dried herbs.
Skunk is a general term given to stronger forms of cannabis thatcontain more THC, cannabis’s activeingredient,
than resin or more traditional herbal cannabis.
Resin/hash is a black/brown lump made from the resin of the plant.
Short-term effects
You may feel sedated, chilled outand happy
Some people feel sick
You may get ‘the munchies’or feel hungry
Your pulserate speeds up and blood pressuregoes down
Bloodshoteyes, dry mouth
Long-term effects
May damage your lungs and lead to breathingproblems
Has been linked with mental health problems, such as depression and schizophrenia
May lower sperm count and suppresses ovulation so you may have problems getting pregnant
Regular use may affect your memory, mood, motivation and ability to learn
May causeanxiety and paranoia
May affect your coordination and reactions so you aremore at risk of accidents,especially if you also drink alcohol
Other dangers
As with tobacco, smokinghash may causecancer
Cannabis psychosis –when you disconnectfrom reality and startshowingsymptoms such as delusions and
hallucinationseven when you are not usingdrugs
If you are pregnant
If you smoke cannabis with tobacco whileyou arepregnant the risk to your baby is the same as smoking – smaller
birth weight, higher risk of premature (early) birth, higher risk of miscarriage,your baby may get less oxygen
through the placenta.After the birth, your baby is atmore risk of cot death and early health problems,such as
You can get psychologically addicted to cannabis,in this case,you might find it hard to cope without it. If you
smoke itwith tobacco you may get physically addicted to tobacco (see Tobacco ).
Anxiety, irritability
Urge or cravings to smoke
Sleep problems, restlessness
Loss of appetite
How long does it stay in your system?
Cannabis will showup in a urine test for 2-28 days (The length of time depends on the test used, the amount you
take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.Pleaseuse this figure as a guide only.)
Benzodiazepines Category:Sedatives
Also called:benzos, jellies,sleepers,moggies, roofies,downers, eggs, rugby balls,D5s,D10s,roche.
How it’s used
Benzodiazepines area sedative(‘downer’). You can get them as a tablet, capsule,injection or suppository.They
are prescribed to reduce anxiety or stress,encourage sleep or to relax muscles.They are sometimes used to ease
the comedown from stimulantdrugs (‘uppers’) such as ecstasy,cocaineand speed or with other ‘downer’ drugs
such as alcohol and heroin.
Short-term effects
They can begin to affect you after 10 to 15 minutes and lastup to 6 hours
Depresses your nervous system and slows your body down
Relieves stress,anxiety and tension and can make you more calmand relaxed
You can become drowsy, forgetful and confused which can lead to accidents
Long-term effects
Short-term memory loss
They may losetheir effect as ‘sleepingpills’after only two weeks of continuous use. They no longer control anxiety
after four months of regular use.
Other dangers
Very dangerous if you stop suddenly
Mixingthem with other downers likealcohol or heroin increases your risk of fatal overdose
Injectingtablets or capsules isvery dangerous and can causesepticaemia (blood poisoning),abscesses,
thrombosis,gangrene, loss of limbs and even death
You areat risk of HIV and hepatitis if you shareinjectingequipment
Rohypnol has been linked with ‘date rapes’and sexual assaults
If you are pregnant
If you usebenzos duringpregnancy, there is a higher risk of your baby being born with a cleft palate(an
abnormality of the lip or mouth). Using high doses before you deliver can seriously affectyour baby’s breathing at
birth and may kill them. Your baby may have withdrawal for up to 2-4 weeks after delivery and may find it difficult
to suck.Your baby may be at greater risk of cot death.
You can quickly become addicted to benzodiazepines physically,so your body craves it, and psychologically,so you
find it hard to cope with lifewithout it. Because your toleranceincreases over time, you have to keep taking more
to get the same buzz.
The effects of benzodiazepines can lastup to 24 hours.Withdrawal symptoms can begin between one and seven
days after your lastdoseand can lastfor several months. Symptoms includeanxiety,confusion and serious
convulsions(‘benzo fits’).These can be dangerous and you may need medical help.
How long does it stay in your system?
Benzodiazepines will showup in a urinetest for 2-28 days.(The length of time depends on the test used, the
amount you take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.Pleaseuse this figureas a guide
Kratom Category: Headshop Drugs
Also called: krypton, mitragyna speciosa, mitragynine.
Kratom comes from the leaves of a tropical tree, grown in South East Asia. At low doses it has
cocaine-like stimulant effects but at higher doses it can have sedative-narcotic effects.
Chemicals in the leaves, chiefly mitragynine & 7-hydroxymitragynine, bind to the same opiate
receptors as heroin & morphine. You can get it in the form of leaves, powder and resin. You
chew or smoke it or make it into a tea.
Short term effects
You may get stimulating (‘upper’) effects at low doses and sedative (‘downer’) effects at higher
Negative effects include headaches, dry mouth, needing to urinate more often, loss of appetite
and constipation
Long term effects
You can develop dark patches of skin on your cheeks
Weight loss
Psychosis – when you lose contact with reality
Other dangers
Can be dangerous if you use it with other substances including cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol,
benzodiazepines, heroin or MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitors)
If you are pregnant
Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby.
You can become dependent on kratom if you use it regularly.
If you use it often you may get withdrawal symptoms such as muscle aches, irritability, a runny
nose, diarrhoea and muscle jerking.
How long does it stay in your system?
Kratom will show up in a urine test for about six hours. (The length of time depends on the test
used, the amount you take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.
Please use this figure as a guide only)
Pills Category:HeadshopDrugs
Such as:Energy, Entrophy, Go E.
How it’s used
SinceBZP was made illegal,a number of piperazineproducts came on the market. Up until the recent government
banin Ireland,the chemical mCPP was found in pills sold here.mCPP has similar effects to MDMA (ecstasy).
Another popular substancewas TFMPP, which is reported to have weak hallucinogeniceffects. The effects listed
below are know to be associated with these 'pill' typesubstances sold in head shops.Products that have appeard
sincethe recent ban include,Energy, Entrophy, Go E. After testing, compounds found in these 'post-ban' substance
are Dimethylamylamine(DMAA); Fluorotropacocaine(2-PEA); Hordenine; Caffeine; and Glaucine.We shall update
this page in lightof any further developments.
Other stimulant-type substances (‘uppers’)
Aminoindans area short actingstimulant(‘upper’) found in products such as pink champagne and high doses of
caffeine. 5HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan) is found in griffonia seed extract. Methylhexanamine is found in geranium
extract. Both of these ingredients are found in the product ‘Trance’.
Short-term effects
These products have a stimulanteffect which speed up your body
Effects can vary from person to person and from each time you use it
Your heart beat speeds up and blood pressureincreases
Long-term effects
If you have underlyingmental health problems, any drug can trigger them
Because we don’t know what’s in these drugs,you are not fully informed about the risks of takingthe drug or
when used with other drugs
Other dangers
Like ecstasy,you need to stay hydrated but it is dangerous to drink too much too fast – best to sip 1 pintof water
per hour
New products are developed all thetime and we do not have enough information about the dangers of taking
If you are pregnant
Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby.
All drugs can become habitforming
How long does it stay in your system?
No urinetest for this yet

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  • 1. CANNABIS Bongo/Ganja/Grass/Marijuana/Pot/Thai sticks What is it? Cannabisisa tobacco-likegreenish or brownish material madeup of thedried floweringtopsand leavesof thecannabis (hemp) plant.Cannabisresin or "hash"isthedried blackor brown secretionof thefloweringtops of thecannabisplant, which ismadeinto a powderor pressed into slabsor cakes.Cannabisoil or "hash oil"iscannabisresinin liquidform. Cannabisisby far themostcultivated,trafficked and abused illicitdrug. How is it taken? All forms of cannabisareusually smoked.Cannabisresinand oil can alsobeingested orally or brewed intea. How does it affect users? Cannabiscan makeusersfeel relaxed andheighten theirsensory awareness.Thus,usersmayexperiencea morevivid senseof sight,smell,tasteand hearing. What are the risks associated with cannabis use? Short-termeffects includeincreased appetiteand pulserate.Whilehigh,users' intellectual andphysical abilitiesare impaired.With largedoses,usersmay experienceseverelyaltered sensory perceptionsand slowand confused thinking. If the doseis very large,theeffects of cannabisaresimilarto thoseof hallucinogens,andmay causeanxiety,panicand even psychoticepisodes. Regular usersof cannabis risk developingdependency to thepointwherethey loseinterestin all other activities,such as work and personal relationships. Furthermore,cannabissmokealso contains50 per centmoretar than high tar cigarettes,thus puttingusersatan increased risk forlungcancerand other respiratory diseases. Other risks As with any illicitdrug,takingcannabisalsocloudstheuser'sjudgmentand increasesthechanceof himor her making bad choices,such ashavingunprotected sex.Thus,theuser riskscontractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisandother infectious diseases.
  • 2. COCAINE Crack/Bazooka/Blanche/Cake/Coke/Lady/Stardust What is it? Cocaineisa finewhiteor off-whitepowder thatacts asa powerful stimulant.In itspureform,cocaineisextracted from the leaves of thecoca plant.On thestreet,itcan bediluted or "cut"with other substancesto increasethequantity. Crack iscocainethathasbeen further processed with ammonia or sodiumbicarbonate(bakingsoda) andlookslikesmall flakes or rocks. Prevalenceratesfor lifetimeuseof cocainearetypically between oneand threeper cent in developed countries,with higher rates intheUnited States and intheproducercountriesof South America. How is it taken? Cocaineisusually sniffed/snorted or injected,whereascrack issmoked. How does it affect users? Cocainecan makeusersfeel exhilarated andeuphoric.Furthermore,usersoften experiencea temporary increasein alertnessand energy levels,and a postponementof hunger and fatigue. What are the risks associatedwith cocaine use? Short-termeffects includefaster breathingand increasesin bodytemperatureandheartrate.Users'behaviourcanalso becomebizarre,erratic and violent.Excessivedosesof cocainemay leadto convulsions,seizures,stroke,cerebral haemorrhageor heartfailure. Long-termusers of cocaineriska number of health problems,someof themdependingon theingestionmethod.Sniffing cocaineseverely damagesnosetissue,smokingcancauserespiratory problems,whilstinjection can lead to abscesses and infectiousdiseases. Other risks,regardlessof ingestionmethod,includedependency,malnutrition,weightloss,disorientation,apathyand a statesimilarto paranoid psychosis. Other risks Mixingcocainewith alcohol is a dangerouscocktail and can greatly increasethechancesof sudden death.In fact,itisthe mostcommon two-drugmixturewhen sudden death occurs. And as with any illicitdrug,takingcocainealso cloudstheuser'sjudgmentandincreasesthechanceof hi mor her making bad choices,such ashavingunprotected sex and sharingneedles.Thus,theuser riskscontractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisand other infectiousdiseases.
  • 3. ECSTASY E/Snackies/NewYorkers/Discobiscuits What is it? Ecstasy isa psychoactivestimulant.In fact,theterm "ecstasy"does notrefer to a singlesubstance,butrather to a range of substancessimilarin chemistryand effects.Itis usuallydistributed asa tabletor pill butcan also bea powder or capsule.Thetabletscanbein many differentshapes and sizes. Over the lastdecadeor so,ecstasyusehasmadeits wayinto themainstreamcultureincertaincountries.Younger peoplein particular often seemto possessa skewed senseof safety aboutecstasy use,believingrather erroneously that the substanceissafeand benign. How is it taken? Itis usually taken orallybutcan alsobesnorted or injected. How does it affectusers? Ecstasy canheighten users' empathy levelsand inducea feelingof closenessto peoplearound them.Itis often used at "raveparties"to increaseparticipants' sociability and energy levels. What are the risksassociatedecstasyuse? In the shortterm,ecstasycanmakethebody ignoredistresssignalssuch asdehydration,dizzinessandexhaustion,a ndit can also interferewith thebody'sability to regulatetemperature.Furthermore,ecstasycanseverely damageinternal organs suchastheliverand thekidneys,and sometimesleadto convulsionsandheartfailure. Largedoses of ecstasyalso causerestlessness,anxiety and severevisual and auditory hallucinations. Longer-termecstasy usecan damagecertainbrain regions,resultinginseriousdepressionand memory loss. Other risks Tablets or pillsthataresoldas"ecstasy"may contain other potentiallydangeroussubstanceswhich can vary widely in strength and effects. As with any illicitdrug,takingecstasy also cloudstheuser'sjudgmentandincreasesthechanceof himor her makingbad choices,such ashavingunprotected sex.Thus,theuser risks contractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisand other infectious diseases.
  • 4. HALLUCINOGENS What are they? Hallucinogens,or"psychedelics",are drugsthatalterusers' state of consciousnessandproduce different kindsof hallucinations. The main types of hallucinogensare d-lysergicaciddiethylamide (LSD), hencyclidine (PCP), hallucinogenicamphetamines,mescalineandpsilocybemushrooms. LSD - D-Lysergic AcidDiethylamide What is it? LSD is a semi-syntheticdrugderivedfromlysergicacid,whichisfoundina fungusthatgrows onrye and othergrains. LSD, commonlyreferredtoas"acid",isone of the most potenthallucinogens.Itisusuallysoldonthe streetas small squaresof blottingpaperwithdropscontainingthe drug,butalsoas tablets,capsulesor occasionallyinliquidform.Itisa colourless,odourlesssubstance withaslightlybittertaste. How is it taken? It isusuallyswallowed. How does it affect users? TakingLSD leadsto strongchangesin thought,moodandsensesinadditiontofeelingsof empathyand sociability.However,the exacteffectsof LSDvary dependingonthe mental state of the userand the environmentwhentakingthe drug. What are the risks associatedwithLSD use? Short-term,LSDproducesdelusionsanddistorted perceptions.The user´ssenseof depthandtime changesand colours,soundandtouch seemmore intense. Some LSD usersexperience severe,terrifyingthoughtsandfeelingssuchasfear of losingcontrol,fearof insanityanddeath,anddespair. The physical effectsare small comparedtothe psychological andemotional effects.Theyinclude dilated pupils,increasedheartrate andbloodpressure,lossof appetite,sleeplessness,drymouthandtremors.
  • 5. HEROIN Smack/Brown/H/Horse/Junk/Harry/White lady What is it? Heroin is anaddictivedrugwith painkillingpropertiesprocessed frommorphine,a naturally occurringsubstancefrom the Asian opiumpoppy plant.Pureheroin isa whitepowder.Streetheroin isusually brownish whitebecauseitisdiluted or "cut"with impurities,meaningeach doseisdifferent. How is it taken? Itis usually injected butcan also besnorted,smoked or inhaled. How does it affect users? Heroin can makeusersfeel an initial surgeof euphoria,alongwith a feelingof warmth and relaxation.Usersalso often becomedetached fromemotional or physical distress,pain or anxiety. What are the risksassociatedwithheroinuse? Short-termeffects includeconstricted pupils,nausea,vomiting,drowsiness,inability to concentrateand apathy. Furthermore,heroin isvery addictive,and developmentof toleranceand physical and psychological dependenceoccurs rapidly. Long-termheroin usehasa variety of severehealth effects.Amongother things,itcan causesevereweightlossand malnutritionthatcan leadto damaged veinsand liver disease.Itcan also leadto menstrual irregularity,sedation and chronicapathy. Abruptly quittingheroinuseleadsto moderate/severewithdrawal symptomssuch ascramps,diarrhea,tremors,panic, runningnose,chillsandsweats. Other risks When takingheroin,usersrisk takinganoverdose,whichcanleadto coma anddeath throughrespiratory depression. As with any illicitdrug,takingheroin also cloudstheuser'sjudgmentandincreasesthechanceof himor her makingbad choices,such ashavingunprotected sex and sharingneedles.Thus,theuser riskscontractingHIV/AIDS,hepatitisand other infectiousdiseases.
  • 6. Magic mushrooms Also called:magic mushrooms,liberties,magics,mushies,shrooms. How they are used Magic mushrooms are small hallucinogenicmushrooms which grow in Ireland.You can eat them raw, dried, cooked or stewed. Psilocybeand Amanita Muscaria arethetwo most common varieties but they aredifferent types of mushroom with different effects Psilocybe mushrooms (psilocybesemilanceata,psilocybin) Short-term effects: Effects vary and begin 30 minutes to two hours after you take them Effects and can lastup to nine hours Your experience depends on how you are feeling when you take them so itmay be good or bad They can distortcolour,sound and objects They can speed up and slowdown time and movement They can make you feel more creativeand enlightened You may feel sick,tired and disorientated Amanita mushrooms (A muscaria and Apantherina,panther cap, amani agaric,fly agaric). Short-term effects: You will startto feel the effects after 30 minutes, and peak after 2-3 hours Powerful hallucinations Amanita can give a sort of out of body experience, you may ‘smell words’and ‘taste colours’ Alcohol-likeeuphoria Deep sleep with vivid dreams Slurred speech and poor coordination Convulsions,muscletwisting Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Long-term effects Flashbacks Anxiety Other dangers There are hundreds of varieties of mushroom and some are highly poisonous so you could get sick or dieif you eat the wrong ones As with all drugs,magic mushrooms can trigger underlyingmental health problems If you are pregnant Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby. Addictive Not physically addictivebutyou can build toleranceso you need to take more to get the same effect.
  • 7. Hawaiianbabywoodrose Category: Hallucinogens Also called:argyreia nervosa,lysergamide,elephantcreeper, trip C, purpleohms, trip,E, happy caps,dionysus, BC2. How it’s used Hawaiian baby woodrose is a climbingvinewith largefurry seeds which grow in pods. The seeds arelightbrown or tan in colour and contain a powerful hallucinogen LSA (lysergic acid amide),similar to LSD. You can be swallow them whole or crush them and mix with hot water to make a tea. These seeds have longbeen used in religious ceremonies in Hawaii and parts of South America. They have become popular in Ireland over the lastfew years as you can buy it over the internet and through ‘head shops’as a legal product. Short-term effects Effects begin after an hour and typically lastfor 4-8 hours Your perceptions of time, sounds and vision change Euphoria – extreme happiness Extreme tiredness Long-term effects Flashbacks You risk psychological disturbanceif you useheavily Indifference and apathy Decreased psychomotor activity You may feel likeyou’re sinkinginto nothingness Tiredness,desire to sleep Feelings of unreality Other dangers Overdose of Hawaiian baby woodrosemay causea psychotic episode If you are pregnant Do not use Hawaiian baby woodroseif you arepregnant as itcan causeuterine contractions,so you could lose your baby. Addictive You can’tbecome physically addicted and there is a very lowrisk of psychological dependency. Withdrawal No withdrawal symptoms How long does it stay in your system? No urinetest for this yet
  • 8. Ketamine Category:HallucinogensSedatives (also called: special K, K, vitamin K) How it’s used Ketamine is an anaesthetic. You can get it as a white powder to snort, a liquid to inject or a tablet to swallow. Short-term effects  Depending on how you take it, the effects generally start within a few minutes and last 1-3 hours  You can have an ‘out of body’ experience  You may have hallucinations, numbness and muscle spasms  You may also feel sick or vomit Long-term effects  If you use ketamine regularly, you may get ‘flashbacks’  Loss of appetite and weight loss  Ketamine is linked to many mental health problems including panic attacks, insomnia, delusions and suicide  Can cause depression, memory problems and psychotic episodes Other dangers  If inject it, ketamine may damage your veins and lead to abscesses and thrombosis  You risk HIV and hepatitis if you share needles If you are pregnant Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby Addictive You have a fairly high risk of becoming psychologically addicted, so you find it hard to cope without it. Withdrawal No known physical withdrawal symptoms
  • 9. Ecstasy Category:HallucinogensSedativesStimulants Also called:E, disco biscuits,hugdrug, mitsubishi,rolex,dolphins,XTC,yokes, love doves, MDMA, brownies,M and Ms, sweeties, tulips,X. How it’s used Ecstasy is a stimulantdrug(‘upper’) that also produces mild hallucinogenic effects.Ecstasy tablets come in a variety of colours and shapes and often have a logo or design. Short-term effects Effects can startafter 20 to 60 minutes and lastfor several hours Your pupils dilateand your jaw tightens You may have nausea,sweating, loss of appetite, dry mouth and throat You can have epileptic fits and paranoiafor the firsttime Your body temperature, blood pressureand heart rate go up You may feel intense emotions and lovefor people around you Anxiety, panic attacks and confusion Long-term effects Weight loss Loss of interest in work You may get flashbacks Sleep problems, lack of energy and dietary problems Bouts of depression,personality changeand memory loss Other dangers Danger of collapse,vomitingand burstblood vessels Anxiety, psychosis,panic attacks,hallucinations,insomniaand paranoia Liver, kidney and heart problems Women may get more frequent urinary tractinfections Heart failure The ‘loved up’ feelingcan lead to unsafesex, with the risk of unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease (STDs) and HIV Heatstroke, dehydration Drinkingtoo much fluid too fastcan be dangerous – best to sip 1 pintof water per hour Death by overdose is rare If you are pregnant Do not use ecstasy if you arepregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby. Addictive Not physically addictivebutthere is a risk of psychological addiction,when you feel you can’t enjoy yourself without it. You may build toleranceto it so you might have to keep takingmore to get the same effect. Withdrawal If you useregularly,you may feel tired and depressed when you withdrawfrom ecstasy. How long does it stay in your system? Ecstasy shows up in urinetests for 3-8 days.(The length of time depends on the test used, the amount you take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.Pleaseuse this figure as a guide only)
  • 10. Cannabis Category:HallucinogensSedatives Also called:hash,hashish,blow,pot, ganja,marijuana,grass,joint,THC, bhang, black,blast,blunts,Bob Hope, bush, dope, draw, hemp, herb, puff, northern lights,resin,sensi,shit,smoke, soap,spliff,wacky backy,weed, zero, afgan,moroccan. Skunk is called:sinsemilla,homegrown, buds,tops, nederwiet or netherweed How it’s used You can smoke it with tobacco in a joint,inhalethrough a pipe or bong or make into a tea or food. Herbal cannabis (grass or weed) is common and is generally made from the dried leaves and floweringparts of the female plantand looks liketightly packed dried herbs. Skunk is a general term given to stronger forms of cannabis thatcontain more THC, cannabis’s activeingredient, than resin or more traditional herbal cannabis. Resin/hash is a black/brown lump made from the resin of the plant. Short-term effects You may feel sedated, chilled outand happy Some people feel sick You may get ‘the munchies’or feel hungry Your pulserate speeds up and blood pressuregoes down Bloodshoteyes, dry mouth Tiredness Long-term effects May damage your lungs and lead to breathingproblems Has been linked with mental health problems, such as depression and schizophrenia May lower sperm count and suppresses ovulation so you may have problems getting pregnant Regular use may affect your memory, mood, motivation and ability to learn May causeanxiety and paranoia May affect your coordination and reactions so you aremore at risk of accidents,especially if you also drink alcohol Other dangers As with tobacco, smokinghash may causecancer Cannabis psychosis –when you disconnectfrom reality and startshowingsymptoms such as delusions and hallucinationseven when you are not usingdrugs If you are pregnant If you smoke cannabis with tobacco whileyou arepregnant the risk to your baby is the same as smoking – smaller birth weight, higher risk of premature (early) birth, higher risk of miscarriage,your baby may get less oxygen through the placenta.After the birth, your baby is atmore risk of cot death and early health problems,such as asthma. Addictive You can get psychologically addicted to cannabis,in this case,you might find it hard to cope without it. If you smoke itwith tobacco you may get physically addicted to tobacco (see Tobacco ). Withdrawal Anxiety, irritability Urge or cravings to smoke Sleep problems, restlessness Loss of appetite How long does it stay in your system? Cannabis will showup in a urine test for 2-28 days (The length of time depends on the test used, the amount you take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.Pleaseuse this figure as a guide only.)
  • 11. Benzodiazepines Category:Sedatives Also called:benzos, jellies,sleepers,moggies, roofies,downers, eggs, rugby balls,D5s,D10s,roche. How it’s used Benzodiazepines area sedative(‘downer’). You can get them as a tablet, capsule,injection or suppository.They are prescribed to reduce anxiety or stress,encourage sleep or to relax muscles.They are sometimes used to ease the comedown from stimulantdrugs (‘uppers’) such as ecstasy,cocaineand speed or with other ‘downer’ drugs such as alcohol and heroin. Short-term effects They can begin to affect you after 10 to 15 minutes and lastup to 6 hours Depresses your nervous system and slows your body down Relieves stress,anxiety and tension and can make you more calmand relaxed You can become drowsy, forgetful and confused which can lead to accidents Long-term effects Short-term memory loss They may losetheir effect as ‘sleepingpills’after only two weeks of continuous use. They no longer control anxiety after four months of regular use. Other dangers Very dangerous if you stop suddenly Mixingthem with other downers likealcohol or heroin increases your risk of fatal overdose Injectingtablets or capsules isvery dangerous and can causesepticaemia (blood poisoning),abscesses, thrombosis,gangrene, loss of limbs and even death You areat risk of HIV and hepatitis if you shareinjectingequipment Rohypnol has been linked with ‘date rapes’and sexual assaults If you are pregnant If you usebenzos duringpregnancy, there is a higher risk of your baby being born with a cleft palate(an abnormality of the lip or mouth). Using high doses before you deliver can seriously affectyour baby’s breathing at birth and may kill them. Your baby may have withdrawal for up to 2-4 weeks after delivery and may find it difficult to suck.Your baby may be at greater risk of cot death. Addictive You can quickly become addicted to benzodiazepines physically,so your body craves it, and psychologically,so you find it hard to cope with lifewithout it. Because your toleranceincreases over time, you have to keep taking more to get the same buzz. Withdrawal The effects of benzodiazepines can lastup to 24 hours.Withdrawal symptoms can begin between one and seven days after your lastdoseand can lastfor several months. Symptoms includeanxiety,confusion and serious convulsions(‘benzo fits’).These can be dangerous and you may need medical help. How long does it stay in your system? Benzodiazepines will showup in a urinetest for 2-28 days.(The length of time depends on the test used, the amount you take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism.Pleaseuse this figureas a guide only.)
  • 12. Kratom Category: Headshop Drugs Also called: krypton, mitragyna speciosa, mitragynine. Kratom comes from the leaves of a tropical tree, grown in South East Asia. At low doses it has cocaine-like stimulant effects but at higher doses it can have sedative-narcotic effects. Chemicals in the leaves, chiefly mitragynine & 7-hydroxymitragynine, bind to the same opiate receptors as heroin & morphine. You can get it in the form of leaves, powder and resin. You chew or smoke it or make it into a tea. Short term effects You may get stimulating (‘upper’) effects at low doses and sedative (‘downer’) effects at higher doses Negative effects include headaches, dry mouth, needing to urinate more often, loss of appetite and constipation Long term effects You can develop dark patches of skin on your cheeks Weight loss Psychosis – when you lose contact with reality Other dangers Can be dangerous if you use it with other substances including cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol, benzodiazepines, heroin or MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) If you are pregnant Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby. Addictive You can become dependent on kratom if you use it regularly. Withdrawal If you use it often you may get withdrawal symptoms such as muscle aches, irritability, a runny nose, diarrhoea and muscle jerking. How long does it stay in your system? Kratom will show up in a urine test for about six hours. (The length of time depends on the test used, the amount you take, if you have other medical conditions and your own metabolism. Please use this figure as a guide only)
  • 13. Pills Category:HeadshopDrugs Such as:Energy, Entrophy, Go E. How it’s used SinceBZP was made illegal,a number of piperazineproducts came on the market. Up until the recent government banin Ireland,the chemical mCPP was found in pills sold here.mCPP has similar effects to MDMA (ecstasy). Another popular substancewas TFMPP, which is reported to have weak hallucinogeniceffects. The effects listed below are know to be associated with these 'pill' typesubstances sold in head shops.Products that have appeard sincethe recent ban include,Energy, Entrophy, Go E. After testing, compounds found in these 'post-ban' substance are Dimethylamylamine(DMAA); Fluorotropacocaine(2-PEA); Hordenine; Caffeine; and Glaucine.We shall update this page in lightof any further developments. Other stimulant-type substances (‘uppers’) Aminoindans area short actingstimulant(‘upper’) found in products such as pink champagne and high doses of caffeine. 5HTP(5-hydroxytryptophan) is found in griffonia seed extract. Methylhexanamine is found in geranium extract. Both of these ingredients are found in the product ‘Trance’. Short-term effects These products have a stimulanteffect which speed up your body Effects can vary from person to person and from each time you use it Your heart beat speeds up and blood pressureincreases Long-term effects If you have underlyingmental health problems, any drug can trigger them Because we don’t know what’s in these drugs,you are not fully informed about the risks of takingthe drug or when used with other drugs Other dangers Like ecstasy,you need to stay hydrated but it is dangerous to drink too much too fast – best to sip 1 pintof water per hour New products are developed all thetime and we do not have enough information about the dangers of taking them If you are pregnant Do not use if you are pregnant as we don’t know enough about the risks to your baby. Addictive All drugs can become habitforming How long does it stay in your system? No urinetest for this yet