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Watson Debater
(ACE) Argument 

Construction Engine
Chapters Background
Searching a Topic
Additional Thinking
Common Language
The Plan
About Idean
Current Focus

Given a topic, swiftly generate high quality
content, allowing one to make more 

informed decisions. 




The Research Engine
Future Focus

The future goal is to create a unified language to
the Research Engine that can be applied to
specific domains.


Finance Professionals

Government Employees

Overarching themes, modeled
on the content-generation
process, that help a user
narrow down options so that
they can get the best possible
results when they need them.

What We’re Working With

Once a topic is selected, the
user is offered a list of articles
from the corpus attached the
Research Engine. The user can
select multiple articles to
narrow in on the right content.


Statements that will support
both Pro and Con assertions
on a topic. The user can then
see evidence to back up the


Facts that support Pro and
Con claims about a topic.
These are generally research
papers or thought leadership

Searching a Topic
Paula is currently taking the class “Intro to
Communications”. The students in her class
are tasked with making arguments whether
they should become vegetarians. 

She goes to her school’s library and accesses
the Watson Debater. It will then find all pros
and cons of the topic. 

The will then produce a report of her
discoveries so that she can prepare for the
class debate.

Persona: Paula
Should I become ve
Should I become vegetarian
Should I become vegan?
Should I become veterinarian?
Should I become vegetarian?
Typing a Query


Paula is given “type-ahead” suggestions as she
types her query. 

1. Search Text

2. Type Ahead

3. Topic promo is minimized

Crunching the


Watson is combing through millions of articles.
It’s difficult to articulate the amount of data, so
we’d like to show a logarithmic approach that
show the screen being taken over by blocks
that represent chunks of content.

4 million articles
Time to adjust
the results.


Watson has processed all the data based on
the simple search. Now it’s the user’s turn to
fine-tune the data.

Vegetarian nutrition is the set of health-
related challenges and advantages of
vegetarian diets
The history of vegetarianism has its roots in
the civilizations of ancient India and ancient
Greece. Vegetarianism is the theory and
practice of voluntary. Ut nec mollis lectus, ut
pretium ipsum. Duis cursus, eros a euismod
tincidunt, nisl arcu commodo nunc, quis
euismod lorem nibh in mauris.
Christian vegetarian is a Christian belief
based on effecting the compassionate
teachings of Jesus, the apostles and the
early church to all sentient or living beings
through vegetarians or, ideally, veganism.
Alternatively, Christians may be vegetarian
for ethical, environment, nutritional or
spiritual means,
Vegetarianism is linked with a number of
religious lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
condimentum ante a fermentum
scelerisque. Aliquam efficitur lacus vel
neque auctor, et commodo massa ultrices.
Fusce efficitur ipsum vel elit sagittis feugiat.
Vegetarianism as an ideal and movement
flourished during the romantica era. Many
of the late romantics lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce
condimentum ante a fermentum
scelerisque. Aliquam efficitur lacus vel
neque auctor, et commodo massa ultrices.
Fusce efficitur ipsum vel elit sagittis feugiat.
We found 5 related topics
Should I become a vegetarian?Topics


Currently when a user created a query, they are
presented with Related Concepts and
Backgrounds, which we’ve been referring to as
Topics thus far.

Each topic has a score, and the biggest circle
attached to the topic represents the highest

1. Circle represents the relevancy of the
particular topic

2. A number is in the middle of the circle and
represents the order of relevancy

3. User highlights and and selects the topic
they want to base their research on

Selecting a


Once the user selects a main topic, it comes
center state being the masthead of the query.

An arrow appears at the bottom once a
selections is made so that the user know to
take the next step!

1. The selected topic becomes the focal-point
of the screen as it enlarges

2. The remaining topics will appear to the side
so that they can be selected again.

3. Since a topic is selected, and arrow appears
the bottom to indicate that the user can

4. Additionally, the Articles tab will be active so
the user can also tap that to proceed.

We found 5 related topics
The history of vegetarianism has its roots in
the civilizations of ancient India and ancient
Greece. Vegetarianism is the theory and
practice of voluntary. Ut nec mollis lectus, ut
pretium ipsum. Duis cursus, eros a euismod
tincidunt, nisl arcu commodo nunc, quis
euismod lorem nibh in mauris.
Should I become a vegetarian?
History of
by country
in the
romantic era
11 claims
5 claims
Vegetarianism and
2 claims
5 claims
8 claims
8 claims
What articles interest you most?
Should I become a vegetarian?Articles


Watson explores all the articles related to a
theme, per corpus, to produce a set of the most
relevant. Again, the higher relevancy score
produces a larger circle.

The user can select as many articles that they
deem relevant. Once selected, the user can tap
Claims, Evidence, or the down arrow to
proceed to results.

1. Selected Article

2. Non-selected Article

3. Since a few articles are selected, an arrow
appears the bottom to indicate that the user
can proceed

4. Additionally, the Claims and Evidence tabs
are active
1 2


Claims are assertions presenting pros and cons of
a particular query. The user can see the relevancy
score, choose to see evidence that backs up the
assertion, or add the claim to a report they might
choose to create.

1. Supporting Column

2. Opposing Column

3. Add a Claim to a Report

4. View Evidence supporting or opposing a claim 

5. Then determine if the evidence is correct 

6. User can download article containing the

Supporting Claims Opposing Claims
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at nisi lorem.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac
turpis egestas. Pellentesque bibendum et ante quis mattis. Nam eget facilisis
ipsum. Maecenas a quam mattis, interdum risus eget, mollis elit.
Curabitur in lorem sed sem porttitor blandit. Suspendisse vitae aliquet nulla.
Pellentesque ac accumsan massa. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse vehicula
ligula et velit tincidunt, non bibendum mi pharetra. Nunc sit amet finibus sapien, ac
facilisis nisi. Phasellus non ultrices risus, eu aliquet ipsum. Sed a est a urna
condimentum rhoncus quis nec dolor. Nullam venenatis vel nulla vitae tempor.
Duis tristique sed nisl id scelerisque. Vestibulum molestie mollis odio quis
accumsan. Nulla in varius purus, vel posuere felis. Duis auctor efficitur velit sit amet
pulvinar. Pellentesque blandit orci eu dolor mollis, ac vehicula diam sodales.
Aenean finibus, mi id tincidunt faucibus, felis ex cursus mauris, non vehicula enim
tellus in dolor. Duis vel gravida tortor, vitae eleifend metus. Proin a cursus tortor.
Etiam dapibus consectetur diam.
Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus aliquam massa
interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan at, sagittis id sapien.
Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla
massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate
volutpat. Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum, neque odio rutrum sapien, quis
iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt
neque in mi tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada, augue
sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex. Sed nulla odio, semper
sit amet mauris ac, viverra aliquet diam. Pellentesque lobortis sapien ac iaculis
rhoncus. Nam ac molestie neque. Sed non rutrum metus.
Morbi suscipit, nunc nec commodo bibendum, ligula est rutrum ex, non dapibus
velit sem iaculis urna. Ut bibendum, nunc non ultrices porta, risus quam pulvinar
dolor, at placerat metus augue in ante.
RelevanceAdd To Report View Evidence
Sed maximus nisl at velit cursus imperdiet. Ut auctor augue quis justo auctor
tempus nec sit amet felis. Curabitur bibendum, justo sed pellentesque pulvinar, sem
dolor viverra ligula, et elementum nulla justo non lorem. Nunc arcu mi, cursus ac
tincidunt sit amet, facilisis in lorem. Sed eu sem et eros dictum imperdiet. Nulla
sodales convallis interdum. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tristique eget neque eget
Ut sed pulvinar ante. Cras lobortis at nunc eget efficitur. Nullam tempor lobortis
justo ut venenatis. Proin eu eros fermentum, dignissim risus eu, cursus urna.
Aliquam ut orci fermentum nisl molestie facilisis. Fusce lobortis turpis est. In nisl
mauris, gravida nec neque eu, pharetra ultricies velit. Nunc sed mi ut dolor congue
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Add To Report
Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et
id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum nisi. Nunc sed ante nec
nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim.
Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in consequat. Phasellus nec venenatis velit. Sed
varius lectus eget viverra maximus
RelevanceAdd To Report View Evidence
Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu
pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem,
sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id,
elementum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac
turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel augue lorem.
Pro Evidence Con Evidence
Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Add To Report
Add To Report
Should I become a vegetarian?
1 2
Supporting Evidence Opposing Evidence
Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus
aliquam massa interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan
at, sagittis id sapien. Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est
odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam
posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat. Nullam tincidunt
massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam
egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum, neque odio rutrum sapien, quis
iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce
tincidunt neque in mi tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit
malesuada, augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed
ex. Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac, viverra aliquet diam.
Pellentesque lobortis sapien ac iaculis rhoncus. Nam ac molestie neque.
Sed non rutrum metus.
Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3)
Vestibulum in venenatis tellus, laoreet finibus lorem. Maecenas sodales
lobortis dui, placerat pellentesque quam mollis id. Nullam in leo vel urna
ornare sodales. Quisque dictum porttitor sem, non fringilla ligula luctus
non. Phasellus quam nulla, suscipit non posuere ac, tincidunt ornare
ligula. Maecenas malesuada porttitor quam vel dapibus. Phasellus
posuere ipsum sed dolor egestas maximus. Proin ac tortor non leo
tristique malesuada. Maecenas blandit mi magna, sed finibus orci
pulvinar vitae. Nulla sed ligula facilisis, porttitor quam vitae,
pellentesque elit.
Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3)
Vestibulum in venenatis tellus, laoreet finibus lorem. Maecenas sodales
lobortis dui, placerat pellentesque quam mollis id. Nullam in leo vel urna
ornare sodales. Quisque dictum porttitor sem, non fringilla ligula luctus
non. Phasellus quam nulla, suscipit non posuere ac, tincidunt ornare
ligula. Maecenas malesuada porttitor quam vel dapibus. Phasellus
posuere ipsum sed dolor egestas maximus. Proin ac tortor non leo
tristique malesuada. Maecenas blandit mi magna, sed finibus orci
pulvinar vitae. Nulla sed ligula facilisis, porttitor quam vitae,
pellentesque elit.
Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3)
Cras mattis libero sed nunc elementum condimentum. Cras sapien tortor,
finibus in ornare vitae, aliquam ac sem. Fusce tempor massa sed ex
commodo, sed hendrerit est fringilla. Nam eros nisi, eleifend vel justo
quis, convallis eleifend odio. Aenean hendrerit luctus turpis, fermentum
vehicula urna ullamcorper eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora
torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris in finibus
ipsum. Vivamus faucibus lectus a ipsum tempus, eget pretium lorem
fringilla. Maecenas euismod a elit eu sodales. Sed sed lorem eros. Sed
rhoncus sem elit, at posuere arcu cursus quis. Phasellus vitae euismod
purus. Proin egestas fermentum diam, id auctor mi rutrum ut. Mauris
porttitor, ligula nec malesuada fermentum, risus libero molestie augue, et
blandit eros lectus sed orci.
Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3)
Fusce iaculis odio quis nunc semper cursus. Etiam ullamcorper sapien vel
nunc mattis porta. In sed mollis turpis. Vivamus eget augue dolor.
Pellentesque dapibus purus a quam congue, eget rutrum neque facilisis.
Sed laoreet sagittis magna, non pulvinar elit semper non. Cum sociis
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Curabitur quis pharetra augue. Quisque porta lectus accumsan
iaculis interdum. Phasellus posuere malesuada ornare. Nam eu ex mi.
Nullam ornare facilisis nulla, nec fermentum urna luctus ut. Suspendisse
tempor purus quis vestibulum faucibus. Etiam eu eros rutrum, viverra
libero id, tempor neque. Praesent in varius massa, nec convallis dui.
Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3)
Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu pharetra
augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum
tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et id est. Donec vitae
mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor.
Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in consequat.
Phasellus nec venenatis velit. Sed varius lectus eget viverra maximus.
Duis tristique sed nisl id scelerisque. Vestibulum molestie mollis odio quis accumsan. Nulla in varius
purus, vel posuere felis. Duis auctor efficitur velit sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque blandit orci eu dolor
mollis, ac vehicula diam sodales. Aenean finibus, mi id tincidunt faucibus, felis ex cursus mauris, non
vehicula enim tellus in dolor. Duis vel gravida tortor, vitae eleifend metus. Proin a cursus tortor.
Pro Evidence Con Evidence
Should I become a vegetarian?Evidence


Evidence consists of peer reviewed articles and
papers that represent studies about certain

Each piece of evidence might lead to one or
more claims pro or con about a topic. The user
can expand to see the claims supported by the

1. Supporting Column

2. Opposing Column

3. View Claims that the evidence supports.
There can be more than one.

4. Indicate if the evidence actually supports the

5. Download the full article that contains the
1 2
The Report


Once a query has been made, and relevant
items have been selected to be added to a
report, the user can create a custom document
in a format that they prefer.

1. Edit report contents/layout

2. Save report/research flow

3. Download the report as a pdf, doc, or ppt

4. Print the report

5. Exit back to research view


When the report is saved, it will be sent as a link
to the user to access the research later.

Your Report 3/14/16
Should I become a vegetarian?
4 million
The history of vegetarianism has its roots in the
civilizations of ancient India and ancient Greece.
Vegetarianism is the theory and practice of voluntary. Ut
nec mollis lectus, ut pretium ipsum. Duis cursus, eros a
euismod tincidunt, nisl arcu commodo nunc, quis euismod
lorem nibh in mauris.
“vegetarianism will help improve public
health and curb starvation”
10 8 12
3 4 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at nisi lorem.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac
turpis egestas. Pellentesque bibendum et ante quis mattis. Nam eget facilisis
ipsum. Maecenas a quam mattis, interdum risus eget, mollis elit.
Sed maximus nisl at velit cursus imperdiet. Ut auctor augue quis justo auctor
tempus nec sit amet felis. Curabitur bibendum, justo sed pellentesque pulvinar, sem
dolor viverra ligula, et elementum nulla justo non lorem. Nunc arcu mi, cursus ac
tincidunt sit amet, facilisis in lorem. Sed eu sem et eros dictum imperdiet. Nulla
sodales convallis interdum. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tristique eget neque eget
pretium. Praesent leo libero, dignissim id faucibus eu, fringilla id arcu. Donec nec
erat maximus, porta erat id, aliquam nisl. Maecenas euismod egestas est eget
placerat. Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus
volutpat et id est.
Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus aliquam massa
interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan at, sagittis id sapien.
Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla
massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate
Additional Thinking
Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus
volutpat et id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum
nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse
posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in
RelevanceAdd To Report View Evidence
Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec
eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum
nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum
lorem id, elementum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel augue lorem.
Pro Evidence Con Evidence
Relevance Add To Report
View Evidence
“vegetarians may be less prone
to osteoporosis than omnivores.
“vegetarianism will help improve
public health and curb
1Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus
volutpat et id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum
nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse
posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in
RelevanceAdd To Report View EvidenceRelevance Add To ReportView Evidence
4 “vegetarian nutrition is the set of
Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse
posuere eget arcu sed dignissim.
“mortality from ischaemic heart
disease was 30% lower among
vegetarian men and 20% lower
among vegetarian women than in
Large-scale studies have shown that mortality from ischaemic heart
disease was 30% lower among vegetarian men and 20% lower
among vegetarian women than in non-vegetarians
RelevanceAdd To Report View EvidenceRelevance Add To ReportView Evidence
Should I become a vegetarian?Claims


Currently in the system, Watson is able to pull a
“soundbyte” from a claim that can easily be
used to support or oppose a claim. In this
example we show how this might appear, with
the quote extracted from the main body text.

1. This iteration would require the supporting
and opposing sides to be in different tabs.

2. Soundbyte



An article or paper as evidence might support
one or more claims. Here we show how it can
appear if the claims are connected to the
evidence via a tree hierarchy. So, there is easy
scannability between proof and assertion.

1. This iteration would require the supporting
and opposing sides to be in different tabs.

2. Evidence

3. Branches

4. Claims

2 4
Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus
aliquam massa interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel
accumsan at, sagittis id sapien. Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis
imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla massa eu massa.
Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat.
Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum,
neque odio rutrum sapien, quis iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc
bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt neque in mi
tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada,
augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex.
Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac.
Relevance Add To ReportDownload
Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan
vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum
dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in.
Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis.
Link Evidence to Claim
Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report
Vivamus finibus commodo dolor a venenatis. Pellentesque ultricies libero ut
posuere ultricies. Maecenas convallis aliquam augue. Nunc non tempor felis,
rutrum interdum metus.
Link Evidence to Claim
Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report
Sed laoreet sagittis magna, non pulvinar elit semper non. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur
quis pharetra augue.
Link Evidence to Claim
Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report
Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat.
Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum,
neque odio rutrum sapien, quis iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc
bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt neque in mi
tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada,
augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex.
Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac, viverra aliquet diam.
Pellentesque lobortis sapien ac iaculis rhoncus. Nam ac molestie
neque. Sed non rutrum metus.
Relevance Add To ReportDownload
Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan
vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum
dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in.
Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis.
Link Evidence to Claim
Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report
Should I become a vegetarian?
Common Language
Harris is a paralegal whom was forwarded an
email from his boss Jessica about a case for
one of her clients. Jessica is working
diligently on another case, so any prep work
will be greatly appreciated.

Harris receives the email from Jessica and
then copies it to IBM Watson Debater Legal
engine to find out the likelihood of the client’s
charges being dropped and any info on any
similar legal cases.

Persona: Harris
Debater Legal


In the legal edition of Watson Debator, the user
can do a basic search, but they also have the
ability to paste a block of text into the field.
Once the text is pasted, the relevant keywords
are marked. The user can than extract the
concepts for further research. 

1. User pastes the copy for Watson to extract
relevant keywords

2. Keywords are highlighted within the text

3. The user can choose to do a search like the
previous concept

4. When the user proceeds, they extracting the
concepts in the text.

Add some text to Interpret
Hi Jessica,
Our client was standing on a street corner wearing a backpack in a neighborhood where drug dealers and their
customers commonly congregate. Our client had been standing on the corner for about 30 minutes when a police
officer approached him and demanded that he submit to a frisk search. During the course of the search, the officer
search the client’s backpack and, inside the backpack, found 1.5 ounces of marijuana. The officer did not have a
search warrant. the officer was a city police officer. We need to use the exclusionary rule to supporess the marijuana
evidence by asserting that it was fruit of an unlawful search in violation of the 4th Amendment. Please research the
argumets we can make that may be affective.
Extract Concepts


Once the keyword concepts are extracted, the
user is taken to screen where they can see the
keywords by relevancy, but can also add further
keywords if helpful.

Alongside the keywords, is the original text for

As the keywords are automatically extracted,
the user can immediately choose to see claims
and evidence that might help or hurt the case.

1. Keywords exist in a cloud format like the
previous format, with size determining
relevancy. Keywords in the cloud could be

2. Watson can offer up some more keywords
or you can add your own.

3. The original text is on the side for reference.

4. Claims and Evidence does not require any
other action from the user to be active.

Add More Concepts:
Street Corner
Drug Dealers
Police Officer
City Police Officer
Fourth Admendment
Frisk Search
Unlawful Search
Marijuana Evidence
Exclusionary Rule
ReportClaims EvidenceConcepts
Case 346293-1
Hi Jessica,
Our client was standing on a street
corner wearing a backpack in a
neighborhood where drug dealers and
their customers commonly congregate.
Our client had been standing on the
corner for about 30 minutes when a
police officer approached him and
demanded that he submit to a frisk
search. During the course of the search,
the officer search the client’s backpack
and, inside the backpack, found 1.5
ounces of marijuana. The officer did not
have a search warrant. the officer was a
city police officer. We need to use the
exclusionary rule to supporess the
marijuana evidence by asserting that it
was fruit of an unlawful search in
violation of the 4th Amendment. Please
research the argumets we can make
that may be affective.
Constable Add ConceptSearch & Seizure Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Add More Concepts:
Street Corner
Drug Dealers
Police Officer
City Police Officer
Fourth Admendment
Frisk Search
Unlawful Search
Marijuana Evidence
Exclusionary Rule
ReportClaims EvidenceConcepts
Case 346293-1
Hi Jessica,
Our client was standing on a street
corner wearing a backpack in a
neighborhood where drug dealers and
their customers commonly congregate.
Our client had been standing on the
corner for about 30 minutes when a
police officer approached him and
demanded that he submit to a frisk
search. During the course of the search,
the officer search the client’s backpack
and, inside the backpack, found 1.5
ounces of marijuana. The officer did not
have a search warrant. the officer was a
city police officer. We need to use the
exclusionary rule to supporess the
marijuana evidence by asserting that it
was fruit of an unlawful search in
violation of the 4th Amendment. Please
research the argumets we can make
that may be affective.
Constable Add ConceptSearch & Seizure Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
The Plan
April 2016 May 2016 June 2016
The Plan
Programs Fees Expenses Total
Discovery $169,500.00
Design/Development $169,500.00 $2,000.00 $171,500.00
Total $341,000.00
Funding Needed
Role: Organization:
Product owner IBM
Scrum master Idean
Senior Interaction Designer Idean
Visual designer Idean
UI Architect developer Idean

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Watson Debater

  • 1. !1 Watson Debater (ACE) Argument 
 Construction Engine
  • 2. !2!2 Chapters Background Searching a Topic Additional Thinking Common Language The Plan About Idean
  • 4. 4!4 Current Focus
 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Given a topic, swiftly generate high quality content, allowing one to make more 
 informed decisions. USEFUL FOR: Students Researchers Journalists The Research Engine Future Focus
 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The future goal is to create a unified language to the Research Engine that can be applied to specific domains. USEFUL FOR: Lawyers Finance Professionals Government Employees
  • 5. 5!5 Topics
 ______________________________________________ Overarching themes, modeled on the content-generation process, that help a user narrow down options so that they can get the best possible results when they need them. What We’re Working With Articles
 ______________________________________________ Once a topic is selected, the user is offered a list of articles from the corpus attached the Research Engine. The user can select multiple articles to narrow in on the right content. Claims
 ______________________________________________ Statements that will support both Pro and Con assertions on a topic. The user can then see evidence to back up the claim. Evidence
 ______________________________________________ Facts that support Pro and Con claims about a topic. These are generally research papers or thought leadership articles. Report
  • 7. 7!7 Paula is currently taking the class “Intro to Communications”. The students in her class are tasked with making arguments whether they should become vegetarians. She goes to her school’s library and accesses the Watson Debater. It will then find all pros and cons of the topic. The will then produce a report of her discoveries so that she can prepare for the class debate. Persona: Paula
  • 8. 8 c !8 EXPLORE A TOPIC Should I become ve Should I become vegetarian Should I become vegan? Should I become veterinarian? Should I become vegetarian? Typing a Query
 Paula is given “type-ahead” suggestions as she types her query. 1. Search Text 2. Type Ahead 3. Topic promo is minimized 1 2 3
  • 9. 9 c !9 Crunching the Numbers
 Watson is combing through millions of articles. It’s difficult to articulate the amount of data, so we’d like to show a logarithmic approach that show the screen being taken over by blocks that represent chunks of content. 4 million articles SCANNING
  • 10. 10 c !10 Time to adjust the results.
 Watson has processed all the data based on the simple search. Now it’s the user’s turn to fine-tune the data. Ready! SCANNING
  • 11. 11 c !11 Vegetarian nutrition is the set of health- related challenges and advantages of vegetarian diets 1 The history of vegetarianism has its roots in the civilizations of ancient India and ancient Greece. Vegetarianism is the theory and practice of voluntary. Ut nec mollis lectus, ut pretium ipsum. Duis cursus, eros a euismod tincidunt, nisl arcu commodo nunc, quis euismod lorem nibh in mauris. 2 Christian vegetarian is a Christian belief based on effecting the compassionate teachings of Jesus, the apostles and the early church to all sentient or living beings through vegetarians or, ideally, veganism. Alternatively, Christians may be vegetarian for ethical, environment, nutritional or spiritual means, 3 Vegetarianism is linked with a number of religious lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce condimentum ante a fermentum scelerisque. Aliquam efficitur lacus vel neque auctor, et commodo massa ultrices. Fusce efficitur ipsum vel elit sagittis feugiat. 4 Vegetarianism as an ideal and movement flourished during the romantica era. Many of the late romantics lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce condimentum ante a fermentum scelerisque. Aliquam efficitur lacus vel neque auctor, et commodo massa ultrices. Fusce efficitur ipsum vel elit sagittis feugiat. 5 We found 5 related topics ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian?Topics
 Currently when a user created a query, they are presented with Related Concepts and Backgrounds, which we’ve been referring to as Topics thus far. Each topic has a score, and the biggest circle attached to the topic represents the highest score. 1. Circle represents the relevancy of the particular topic 2. A number is in the middle of the circle and represents the order of relevancy 3. User highlights and and selects the topic they want to base their research on 1 2 3
  • 12. 12 c !12 Selecting a Topic
 Once the user selects a main topic, it comes center state being the masthead of the query. An arrow appears at the bottom once a selections is made so that the user know to take the next step! 1. The selected topic becomes the focal-point of the screen as it enlarges 2. The remaining topics will appear to the side so that they can be selected again. 3. Since a topic is selected, and arrow appears the bottom to indicate that the user can proceed. 4. Additionally, the Articles tab will be active so the user can also tap that to proceed. We found 5 related topics 4 5 3 1 The history of vegetarianism has its roots in the civilizations of ancient India and ancient Greece. Vegetarianism is the theory and practice of voluntary. Ut nec mollis lectus, ut pretium ipsum. Duis cursus, eros a euismod tincidunt, nisl arcu commodo nunc, quis euismod lorem nibh in mauris. 2 ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian? 1 2 3 4
  • 13. 13 c !13 History of vegetarianism Vegetarianism by country Buddhist Vegetarianism Vegetarianism in the romantic era Vegetarianism 11 claims Veganism 5 claims Vegetarianism and religion 2 claims Environmental vegetarianism 5 claims Vegetarian Nutrition 8 claims Christian Vegetarianism 8 claims What articles interest you most? ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian?Articles
 Watson explores all the articles related to a theme, per corpus, to produce a set of the most relevant. Again, the higher relevancy score produces a larger circle. The user can select as many articles that they deem relevant. Once selected, the user can tap Claims, Evidence, or the down arrow to proceed to results. 1. Selected Article 2. Non-selected Article 3. Since a few articles are selected, an arrow appears the bottom to indicate that the user can proceed 4. Additionally, the Claims and Evidence tabs are active 1 2 4 3
  • 14. 14 c !14 Claims
 Claims are assertions presenting pros and cons of a particular query. The user can see the relevancy score, choose to see evidence that backs up the assertion, or add the claim to a report they might choose to create. 1. Supporting Column 2. Opposing Column 3. Add a Claim to a Report 4. View Evidence supporting or opposing a claim 5. Then determine if the evidence is correct 6. User can download article containing the evidence. Supporting Claims Opposing Claims Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at nisi lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque bibendum et ante quis mattis. Nam eget facilisis ipsum. Maecenas a quam mattis, interdum risus eget, mollis elit. Curabitur in lorem sed sem porttitor blandit. Suspendisse vitae aliquet nulla. Pellentesque ac accumsan massa. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse vehicula ligula et velit tincidunt, non bibendum mi pharetra. Nunc sit amet finibus sapien, ac facilisis nisi. Phasellus non ultrices risus, eu aliquet ipsum. Sed a est a urna condimentum rhoncus quis nec dolor. Nullam venenatis vel nulla vitae tempor. Duis tristique sed nisl id scelerisque. Vestibulum molestie mollis odio quis accumsan. Nulla in varius purus, vel posuere felis. Duis auctor efficitur velit sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque blandit orci eu dolor mollis, ac vehicula diam sodales. Aenean finibus, mi id tincidunt faucibus, felis ex cursus mauris, non vehicula enim tellus in dolor. Duis vel gravida tortor, vitae eleifend metus. Proin a cursus tortor. Etiam dapibus consectetur diam. Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus aliquam massa interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan at, sagittis id sapien. Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat. Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum, neque odio rutrum sapien, quis iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt neque in mi tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada, augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex. Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac, viverra aliquet diam. Pellentesque lobortis sapien ac iaculis rhoncus. Nam ac molestie neque. Sed non rutrum metus. Morbi suscipit, nunc nec commodo bibendum, ligula est rutrum ex, non dapibus velit sem iaculis urna. Ut bibendum, nunc non ultrices porta, risus quam pulvinar dolor, at placerat metus augue in ante. RelevanceAdd To Report View Evidence Sed maximus nisl at velit cursus imperdiet. Ut auctor augue quis justo auctor tempus nec sit amet felis. Curabitur bibendum, justo sed pellentesque pulvinar, sem dolor viverra ligula, et elementum nulla justo non lorem. Nunc arcu mi, cursus ac tincidunt sit amet, facilisis in lorem. Sed eu sem et eros dictum imperdiet. Nulla sodales convallis interdum. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tristique eget neque eget pretium. Ut sed pulvinar ante. Cras lobortis at nunc eget efficitur. Nullam tempor lobortis justo ut venenatis. Proin eu eros fermentum, dignissim risus eu, cursus urna. Aliquam ut orci fermentum nisl molestie facilisis. Fusce lobortis turpis est. In nisl mauris, gravida nec neque eu, pharetra ultricies velit. Nunc sed mi ut dolor congue placerat. Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Add To Report Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in consequat. Phasellus nec venenatis velit. Sed varius lectus eget viverra maximus RelevanceAdd To Report View Evidence Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel augue lorem. Pro Evidence Con Evidence Relevance Add To ReportView Evidence Add To Report Add To Report ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian? 1 2 4 3 5 6
  • 15. 15 c !15 Supporting Evidence Opposing Evidence Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus aliquam massa interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan at, sagittis id sapien. Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat. Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum, neque odio rutrum sapien, quis iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt neque in mi tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada, augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex. Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac, viverra aliquet diam. Pellentesque lobortis sapien ac iaculis rhoncus. Nam ac molestie neque. Sed non rutrum metus. Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3) Vestibulum in venenatis tellus, laoreet finibus lorem. Maecenas sodales lobortis dui, placerat pellentesque quam mollis id. Nullam in leo vel urna ornare sodales. Quisque dictum porttitor sem, non fringilla ligula luctus non. Phasellus quam nulla, suscipit non posuere ac, tincidunt ornare ligula. Maecenas malesuada porttitor quam vel dapibus. Phasellus posuere ipsum sed dolor egestas maximus. Proin ac tortor non leo tristique malesuada. Maecenas blandit mi magna, sed finibus orci pulvinar vitae. Nulla sed ligula facilisis, porttitor quam vitae, pellentesque elit. Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3) Vestibulum in venenatis tellus, laoreet finibus lorem. Maecenas sodales lobortis dui, placerat pellentesque quam mollis id. Nullam in leo vel urna ornare sodales. Quisque dictum porttitor sem, non fringilla ligula luctus non. Phasellus quam nulla, suscipit non posuere ac, tincidunt ornare ligula. Maecenas malesuada porttitor quam vel dapibus. Phasellus posuere ipsum sed dolor egestas maximus. Proin ac tortor non leo tristique malesuada. Maecenas blandit mi magna, sed finibus orci pulvinar vitae. Nulla sed ligula facilisis, porttitor quam vitae, pellentesque elit. Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3) Cras mattis libero sed nunc elementum condimentum. Cras sapien tortor, finibus in ornare vitae, aliquam ac sem. Fusce tempor massa sed ex commodo, sed hendrerit est fringilla. Nam eros nisi, eleifend vel justo quis, convallis eleifend odio. Aenean hendrerit luctus turpis, fermentum vehicula urna ullamcorper eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris in finibus ipsum. Vivamus faucibus lectus a ipsum tempus, eget pretium lorem fringilla. Maecenas euismod a elit eu sodales. Sed sed lorem eros. Sed rhoncus sem elit, at posuere arcu cursus quis. Phasellus vitae euismod purus. Proin egestas fermentum diam, id auctor mi rutrum ut. Mauris porttitor, ligula nec malesuada fermentum, risus libero molestie augue, et blandit eros lectus sed orci. Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3) Fusce iaculis odio quis nunc semper cursus. Etiam ullamcorper sapien vel nunc mattis porta. In sed mollis turpis. Vivamus eget augue dolor. Pellentesque dapibus purus a quam congue, eget rutrum neque facilisis. Sed laoreet sagittis magna, non pulvinar elit semper non. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis pharetra augue. Quisque porta lectus accumsan iaculis interdum. Phasellus posuere malesuada ornare. Nam eu ex mi. Nullam ornare facilisis nulla, nec fermentum urna luctus ut. Suspendisse tempor purus quis vestibulum faucibus. Etiam eu eros rutrum, viverra libero id, tempor neque. Praesent in varius massa, nec convallis dui. Relevance Add To ReportView Claims (3) Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Relevance Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in consequat. Phasellus nec venenatis velit. Sed varius lectus eget viverra maximus. Relevance Duis tristique sed nisl id scelerisque. Vestibulum molestie mollis odio quis accumsan. Nulla in varius purus, vel posuere felis. Duis auctor efficitur velit sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque blandit orci eu dolor mollis, ac vehicula diam sodales. Aenean finibus, mi id tincidunt faucibus, felis ex cursus mauris, non vehicula enim tellus in dolor. Duis vel gravida tortor, vitae eleifend metus. Proin a cursus tortor. Relevance Pro Evidence Con Evidence ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian?Evidence
 Evidence consists of peer reviewed articles and papers that represent studies about certain topics. Each piece of evidence might lead to one or more claims pro or con about a topic. The user can expand to see the claims supported by the topic. 1. Supporting Column 2. Opposing Column 3. View Claims that the evidence supports. There can be more than one. 4. Indicate if the evidence actually supports the claim 5. Download the full article that contains the evidence. 1 2 5 3 4
  • 16. 16 c !16 The Report
 Once a query has been made, and relevant items have been selected to be added to a report, the user can create a custom document in a format that they prefer. 1. Edit report contents/layout 2. Save report/research flow 3. Download the report as a pdf, doc, or ppt 4. Print the report 5. Exit back to research view 
 When the report is saved, it will be sent as a link to the user to access the research later. Your Report 3/14/16 Should I become a vegetarian? YOUR TOPIC POSITIVE CLAIM ARTICLES SUPPORTING CLAIMS OPPOSING CLAIMS CLAIMS EVIDENCE SOURCES RELEVANT ARTICLES 10 SENTENCES SCANNED 3,000 RELATED CONCEPTS 5 ARTICLES SCANNED 4 million The history of vegetarianism has its roots in the civilizations of ancient India and ancient Greece. Vegetarianism is the theory and practice of voluntary. Ut nec mollis lectus, ut pretium ipsum. Duis cursus, eros a euismod tincidunt, nisl arcu commodo nunc, quis euismod lorem nibh in mauris. Claims “vegetarianism will help improve public health and curb starvation” 10 8 12 3 4 4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at nisi lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque bibendum et ante quis mattis. Nam eget facilisis ipsum. Maecenas a quam mattis, interdum risus eget, mollis elit. Sed maximus nisl at velit cursus imperdiet. Ut auctor augue quis justo auctor tempus nec sit amet felis. Curabitur bibendum, justo sed pellentesque pulvinar, sem dolor viverra ligula, et elementum nulla justo non lorem. Nunc arcu mi, cursus ac tincidunt sit amet, facilisis in lorem. Sed eu sem et eros dictum imperdiet. Nulla sodales convallis interdum. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tristique eget neque eget pretium. Praesent leo libero, dignissim id faucibus eu, fringilla id arcu. Donec nec erat maximus, porta erat id, aliquam nisl. Maecenas euismod egestas est eget placerat. Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et id est. Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus aliquam massa interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan at, sagittis id sapien. Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate 1 2 3 4 5
  • 18. 18 c Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in consequat. RelevanceAdd To Report View Evidence Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum vel augue lorem. Pro Evidence Con Evidence Relevance Add To Report Download View Evidence “vegetarians may be less prone to osteoporosis than omnivores. 2 “vegetarianism will help improve public health and curb starvation” 1Cras a consectetur libero, vel posuere sapien. Cras eu elit ut leo tempus volutpat et id est. Donec vitae mi nec felis mollis ultricies ac elementum nisi. Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. Duis imperdiet condimentum purus in consequat. RelevanceAdd To Report View EvidenceRelevance Add To ReportView Evidence 4 “vegetarian nutrition is the set of h Nunc sed ante nec nisl aliquam dictum et nec dolor. Suspendisse posuere eget arcu sed dignissim. “mortality from ischaemic heart disease was 30% lower among vegetarian men and 20% lower among vegetarian women than in non-vegetarians” 3 Large-scale studies have shown that mortality from ischaemic heart disease was 30% lower among vegetarian men and 20% lower among vegetarian women than in non-vegetarians RelevanceAdd To Report View EvidenceRelevance Add To ReportView Evidence OpposingSupporting ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian?Claims
 Currently in the system, Watson is able to pull a “soundbyte” from a claim that can easily be used to support or oppose a claim. In this example we show how this might appear, with the quote extracted from the main body text. 1. This iteration would require the supporting and opposing sides to be in different tabs. 2. Soundbyte 1 2 !18
  • 19. 19 c !19 Evidence
 An article or paper as evidence might support one or more claims. Here we show how it can appear if the claims are connected to the evidence via a tree hierarchy. So, there is easy scannability between proof and assertion. 1. This iteration would require the supporting and opposing sides to be in different tabs. 2. Evidence 3. Branches 4. Claims 1 2 4 Duis sit amet ligula sapien. Maecenas euismod tortor ex, faucibus aliquam massa interdum at. Mauris ligula metus, semper vel accumsan at, sagittis id sapien. Phasellus luctus, ex sed convallis imperdiet, est odio mattis lorem, at viverra nulla massa eu massa. Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat. Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum, neque odio rutrum sapien, quis iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt neque in mi tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada, augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex. Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac. Relevance Add To ReportDownload Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis. Link Evidence to Claim Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report Vivamus finibus commodo dolor a venenatis. Pellentesque ultricies libero ut posuere ultricies. Maecenas convallis aliquam augue. Nunc non tempor felis, rutrum interdum metus. Link Evidence to Claim Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report Sed laoreet sagittis magna, non pulvinar elit semper non. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur quis pharetra augue. Link Evidence to Claim Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report Fusce aliquam posuere velit, sed tempor sapien vulputate volutpat. Nullam tincidunt massa in luctus viverra. Nulla ut fermentum turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam egestas, nunc semper fringilla rutrum, neque odio rutrum sapien, quis iaculis nisl nisi a risus. Nunc bibendum nec ante eget convallis. Fusce tincidunt neque in mi tincidunt finibus. Proin placerat, augue in hendrerit malesuada, augue sapien scelerisque lectus, nec molestie elit massa sed ex. Sed nulla odio, semper sit amet mauris ac, viverra aliquet diam. Pellentesque lobortis sapien ac iaculis rhoncus. Nam ac molestie neque. Sed non rutrum metus. Relevance Add To ReportDownload Etiam vel enim elit. Cras tempor odio turpis, sit amet rhoncus urna accumsan vitae. Donec eu pharetra augue. Aliquam maximus odio eu purus bibendum dictum. Ut condimentum nunc lorem, sed elementum tortor accumsan in. Suspendisse sed dolor lobortis, elementum lorem id, elementum turpis. Link Evidence to Claim Pro Evidence Con Evidence Add To Report EVIDENCE CLAIMS OpposingSupporting ReportEvidenceClaimsArticlesTopics Should I become a vegetarian? 3
  • 21. 21!21 Harris is a paralegal whom was forwarded an email from his boss Jessica about a case for one of her clients. Jessica is working diligently on another case, so any prep work will be greatly appreciated. Harris receives the email from Jessica and then copies it to IBM Watson Debater Legal engine to find out the likelihood of the client’s charges being dropped and any info on any similar legal cases. Persona: Harris
  • 22. 22 c !22 Debater Legal Edition
 In the legal edition of Watson Debator, the user can do a basic search, but they also have the ability to paste a block of text into the field. Once the text is pasted, the relevant keywords are marked. The user can than extract the concepts for further research. 1. User pastes the copy for Watson to extract relevant keywords 2. Keywords are highlighted within the text 3. The user can choose to do a search like the previous concept 4. When the user proceeds, they extracting the concepts in the text. Add some text to Interpret Hi Jessica, Our client was standing on a street corner wearing a backpack in a neighborhood where drug dealers and their customers commonly congregate. Our client had been standing on the corner for about 30 minutes when a police officer approached him and demanded that he submit to a frisk search. During the course of the search, the officer search the client’s backpack and, inside the backpack, found 1.5 ounces of marijuana. The officer did not have a search warrant. the officer was a city police officer. We need to use the exclusionary rule to supporess the marijuana evidence by asserting that it was fruit of an unlawful search in violation of the 4th Amendment. Please research the argumets we can make that may be affective. Thanks. Extract Concepts Legal 1 2 3 4
  • 23. 23 c !23 Keywords
 Once the keyword concepts are extracted, the user is taken to screen where they can see the keywords by relevancy, but can also add further keywords if helpful. Alongside the keywords, is the original text for reference. As the keywords are automatically extracted, the user can immediately choose to see claims and evidence that might help or hurt the case. 1. Keywords exist in a cloud format like the previous format, with size determining relevancy. Keywords in the cloud could be deleted 2. Watson can offer up some more keywords or you can add your own. 3. The original text is on the side for reference. 4. Claims and Evidence does not require any other action from the user to be active. Add More Concepts: Street Corner Backpack Drug Dealers Police Officer City Police Officer Fourth Admendment Frisk Search Unlawful Search Marijuana Marijuana Evidence Exclusionary Rule ReportClaims EvidenceConcepts Case 346293-1 Hi Jessica, Our client was standing on a street corner wearing a backpack in a neighborhood where drug dealers and their customers commonly congregate. Our client had been standing on the corner for about 30 minutes when a police officer approached him and demanded that he submit to a frisk search. During the course of the search, the officer search the client’s backpack and, inside the backpack, found 1.5 ounces of marijuana. The officer did not have a search warrant. the officer was a city police officer. We need to use the exclusionary rule to supporess the marijuana evidence by asserting that it was fruit of an unlawful search in violation of the 4th Amendment. Please research the argumets we can make that may be affective. Thanks. Constable Add ConceptSearch & Seizure Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution 1 Add More Concepts: Street Corner Backpack Drug Dealers Police Officer City Police Officer Fourth Admendment Frisk Search Unlawful Search Marijuana Marijuana Evidence Exclusionary Rule ReportClaims EvidenceConcepts Case 346293-1 Hi Jessica, Our client was standing on a street corner wearing a backpack in a neighborhood where drug dealers and their customers commonly congregate. Our client had been standing on the corner for about 30 minutes when a police officer approached him and demanded that he submit to a frisk search. During the course of the search, the officer search the client’s backpack and, inside the backpack, found 1.5 ounces of marijuana. The officer did not have a search warrant. the officer was a city police officer. We need to use the exclusionary rule to supporess the marijuana evidence by asserting that it was fruit of an unlawful search in violation of the 4th Amendment. Please research the argumets we can make that may be affective. Thanks. Constable Add ConceptSearch & Seizure Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution 2 3 4
  • 25. April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 Discovery Design Development The Plan
  • 26. Programs Fees Expenses Total Discovery $169,500.00 Design/Development $169,500.00 $2,000.00 $171,500.00 Total $341,000.00 Funding Needed
  • 27. People Role: Organization: Product owner IBM Scrum master Idean Senior Interaction Designer Idean Visual designer Idean UI Architect developer Idean