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Grup de treball per a l’elaboració 
de materials del nou currículum de 
llengua anglesa a l’educació 
24 d’abril de 2014
Grup de treball: Sessió 4 (Avaluació) 
El currículum de llengua estrangera als 
centres de formació d’adults 
La programació i l’avaluació competencial
Document d’orientacions per al professorat 
 Introducció 
 Presentació del currículum 
 Objectius 
 Continguts 
 Aportació que fan les competències lingüístiques a les 
competències bàsiques 
 Estructura del currículum 
 Les programacions didàctiques a l’aula 
 Criteris metodològics 
 El perfil de l’alumnat adult 
 Recursos didàctics 
 L’avaluació 
 Proposta de blocs temàtics per als tres nivells de llengua anglesa 
 Annexos
Activity 1: Assessment questions 
•What do you evaluate? 
•How do you evaluate? 
•When do you evaluate? 
•Who evaluates? 
•Who do you evaluate?
Activity 1: WHAT? 
In a task we can assess, with either process or product in mind: 
The four skills 
Integrated skills 
Soft Skills 
Multicultural awareness 
Learning to Learn skills
Activity 1: HOW?
Activity 1: HOW? 
Different strategies would need different assessment tools: 
Rubrics (Rubistar and Rcampus) 
Performance/Presentation registers 
Group Performance templates 
Wiki Comments 
Observation sheets 
Self Assessment guides 
Learning diaries 
Teacher-made exams and tests 
Selected-response tasks 
Constructed-response tasks 
Performance-based tasks 
(portfolios, essays, presentations, debates, info-gaps, 
role-plays, projects, etc.). 
Generadors de rúbriques i eines per avaluar 
web en 
rúbriques opcional anglès 
web en 
rúbriques sí anglès 
Useful tools: 
Edmodo, which is a sort of moodle. 
Collaborize, which is an interesting little tool to make students share 
classdojo which is good for young students for classroom 
Activity 1: WHEN? 
At the beginning – initial evaluation 
Meanwhile – formative evaluation 
At the end – summative evaluation
Activity 1: WHO? 
A task can be assessed by different agents: 
The teacher 
The student 
The group 
Another student
Activity 2: Why do we evaluate? What for? 
•Why do we evaluate? 
•What do you evaluate for?
Activity 2: WHY? 
Assessment of learning 
Assessment for learning 
Assessment as learning
Activity 2: WHY? 
Assessment of learning (Acreditation ) 
•Assessment is summative in nature. 
•It is used for accountability purposes. 
•It documents how much the students have learned. 
•The main goal of assessment is to assign a grade.
Activity 2: WHY? 
Assessment for learning 
(Process approach focused on individual learners) 
•Assessment is formative in nature. 
•It is used to improve the language learning process. 
•It provides information about what students 
have to learn, how much they have learned, 
and what they need to do to improve.
Activity 2: WHY? 
Assessment as learning 
(Improving students autonomy and capacity to learn) 
•Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process. 
(Reflection on Language) 
•Each assessment provides the learners an opportunity to continue learning. 
(Reflection on ourselves as language learners) 
•Assessment provides students with an opportunity to use 
the language in “real-life” tasks.
Activitat 3: Què vol dir avaluar? 
a. “La intel·ligència humana juga amb dues funcions. La primera és la producció d’idees, de càlculs, de 
programes, de projectes. La segona i definitiva és l’avaluadora. De res ens serveix que tinguem molt per 
escollir si no sabem separar el gra de la palla”. J.A. Marina 
b. “La persona més lenta, que no perd de vista la finalitat del que fa, va sempre més ràpida que la que avança 
sense perseguir un punt fixe” Frank Kafka 
c. “Que l’avaluació serveixi per aprendre comporta revisar moltes concepcions i pràctiques. No és estrany que 
molts pensin: No em toquis la meva avaluació!” Perrenaud 
d. “L’avaluació és efecte i causa dels aprenentatges” E. Barberà 
e. “Avaluar és més que posar notes”. M. Rossell 
f. “La finalitat fonamental de tot procés d’ensenyament és la d’afavorir que l’alumnat arribi a ser el màxim 
d’autònom possible aprenent, és a dir, que sigui capaç de reconèixer els seus errors i de trobar camins per 
superar-los”. Gabrielle Nunziatti 
g. “L’avaluació és un procés continu de construcció del coneixement” Carles Monereo 
h. “No hi ha cap activitat que no vagi acompanyada de la seva avaluació, és a dir, d’un judici sobre la qualitat de 
la tasca realitzada i d’una decisió sobre els aspectes a millorar” Neus Sanmartí 
i. “L’avaluació dels aprenentatges presenta bàsicament dues funcions: una de caràcter social de selecció i 
classificació, però també d´orientació de l’alumnat. Una altra de caràcter pedagògic, de regulació del procés 
d´ensenyament aprenentatge, és a dir, de reconeixement dels canvis que s´han d´anar introduint en aquest 
procés per tal que cadascun dels alumnes aprengui d´una forma significativa” J. Jorba i E. Casellas 
j. “L’avaluació s’ha de basar en observar com l’alumnat resol problemes nous a partir dels coneixements que ha 
adquirit en altres contextos escolars i no escolars” R. Carretero 
k. “L’avaluació ha de donar lloc a un procés de comunicació a l’aula perquè els estudiants verbalitzin, 
comparteixin i s’apropiïn els objectius, els procediments i els criteris d’avaluació”. Roser Canals
Activitat 3: Diamant 
Un cop llegides les frases del full 
de treball, selecciona’n nou i 
atorga a cada una prioritat en 
funció del teu criteri com a 
Aquestes nou frases s’han 
d’ordenar en forma de diamant. 
El número 1 representa la 
prioritat màxima i el 9 la mínima. 
Els que es posen de costat tenen 
la mateixa prioritat.
What is authentic assessment? 
A form of assessment in which students 
are asked to perform ‘real-world’ tasks 
or ‘real-classroom’ tasks that 
demonstrate meaningful application of 
essential knowledge and skills. 
Do you agree?
Activity 4: Reflection questions 
1. Do you feel satisfied about evaluation in your classes? 
2. Do you think assessment criteria have changed in recent years? 
3. Do you think we still have to improve the evaluation process? 
What tools, strategies, criteria,…should be include to improve 
4. Have you planned to share the assessment criteria for all levels in 
your school? To what extent do you manage to do so?
Activitat 5: Avaluo per continguts o per competències? 
En quina part de la línia et situes? 
Avaluació per continguts Avaluació per competències
Learning by doing 
Image source: Getty Images 
Bastides per construir el coneixement 
 Knowledge: What items or people can you name with the vocabulary you know? 
 Comprehension: What is happening in the photo? 
 Application: What one sentence caption would you write? 
 Analysis: Where do you think they are? 
 Synthesis: Why do you think they are doing it? 
 Evaluation: Are they too old to take part in this? Why or why not? Image source: Getty Images
Persistent problems 
 There seems to be a disconnection between theory and practice when 
it comes to assessment. 
 What teacher believe is not exactly what teachers practise. 
 Most language assessment practices are not appropriate. 
 There is a lack of teacher education and teacher training in language 
 There is a lot of emphasis on language teaching, but not necessarily on 
language assessment. 
 There is a generalized negative perception about assessment. 
 There is a tendency to simply equate assessment to grades.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
 Focus on documenting individual student growth over time, 
rather than comparing students with one another. 
 Emphasis on students' strengths (what they know), rather 
than weaknesses (what they don't know). 
 Consideration given to the learning styles, language 
proficiencies, cultural and educational backgrounds, and 
grade levels of students.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
Contextualize assessments 
 It gives the assessment task a purpose. 
 It will allow students to make connections. 
 It will allow students to apply their knowledge. 
• Decontextualized: Write three sentences about your city. 
• Contextualized: The school wants people to get to know our beautiful 
city. For this reason, the Director of studies is asking students to write 
sentences to describe it. Write three sentences about it and post them 
in the bulleting board .
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
 The level of the tasks should be appropriate according to the 
students’ needs and interests. 
 Tasks should reflect the students’ language level, age, 
interests, and cognitive development. 
 The tasks should give all students the opportunity to 
demonstrate all their language knowledge and abilities. 
 Tasks should be engaging and fun for students.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
Use integrated assessments 
 Do not assess skills (e.g. reading, listening, writing, speaking, 
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) in isolation. 
 Use tasks that require students to use more than one skill or sub-skill 
in order to complete it. 
 It’s more authentic.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
Have clear scoring procedures 
 Teachers must have a clear systematic scoring scheme. 
 These scoring procedures should allow teachers to consistently 
score students’ performances. 
 This scoring scheme should inform teachers and students where 
the students should be, where they are, and what they need to do 
get there.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
Align assessments to instruction 
 Assessment tasks should aligned to instruction. 
 Tasks should be similar to the tasks that are done in class. 
 The cognitive level of the assessment tasks are similar to the ones 
on the classroom tasks. 
 This allows students to transfer what they are learning in class 
during the assessment.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
Empower your students 
 Students are the central part of the assessment process. 
 Students should accept this responsibility and take control of their 
learning process. 
 Make assessment a democratic process. 
 Use self-assessment and peer-assessment.
Some ideas on assessing ESL students 
Provide feedback to your students 
(formative assessment) 
 immediate 
 ongoing 
 relevant
Some methods of alternative assessment 
 Nonverbal Assessment Strategies 
 K-W-L Charts: (what I know / what I want to know / what I've learned) 
 Oral Performances or Presentations 
 Oral And Written Products: content area thinking and learning logs, 
reading response logs, writing assignments (both structured and creative), 
dialogue journals, and audio or video materials. 
 Portfolios: 
 Audio and video recordings of readings or oral presentations. 
 Writing samples such as dialogue journal entries, book reports, writing 
assignments (drafts or final copies), reading blog entries, or other writing 
 Art work such as pictures or drawings, posters and graphs and charts. 
 Conference or interview notes and anecdotal records. 
 Checklists (by teacher, peers, or student). 
 Tests and quizzes.
Example of K-W-L Chart 
What I know 
What I want to 
What I learned 
Lincoln was important. 
His face is on a penny. 
He's dead now. 
I think Lincoln was a 
He was a tall person. 
Why is Lincoln famous? 
Was he a good President? 
Why is he on a penny? 
Did he have a family? 
How did he die? 
Lincoln was President of the U.S. 
He was the 16th President. 
There was a war in America when 
Lincoln was President. 
He let the slaves go free. 
Two of his sons died while he was 
still alive. 
He was assassinated in a theatre.
Providing Meaningful Feedback to Students 
Comments on student work should be presented in a 
way that allows students to understand and use them 
-Comments should encourage learning and help 
students to understand how they can improve
How to provide meaningful feedback? 
We will show assessment methods and ways to 
communicate results to students that: 
1) Are valid 
2) Fit students’ backgrounds 
3) Are understandable 
4) Communicate high expectations 
5) Lower emotional barriers
Guidelines for communicating high expectations 
when assessing ESL students: 
 Give sincere praise regarding a specific area of development 
 Provide frequent and understandable feedback 
 Focus on what the students can do rather than what they 
 Provide ample response time 
 Provide tasks to challenge the students
Assessing Content Knowledge 
Students often understand more than they can 
Use assessments that are less dependent on 
language proficiency 
Assess in the same way students are taught 
 Demonstrations 
 Creation of a product 
 Speech-based 
 Written products
Summative Assessment (Assessment of learning) 
Assessment used for reporting purposes to ensure 
that students have achieved the curricular outcomes: 
 Portfolios 
 Student Self-Assessments 
 Rubrics 
 Checklists and Rating Scales
 Teachers need to provide students with words, definitions or 
concepts they will need to understand the task 
 Common formats include: 
 yes or no questions 
– I can name the days of the week 
Yes  No  
 Sentence completion 
– I am still confused about... 
 Rating scales 
– I cooperated with my group 
 (never) 1 2 3 4 (always)  
 Picture cues or by discussion beforehand.
Use between 4 and 8 points to avoid a “middle 
dumping ground” 
Assess the content rather than language proficiency
Example of oral assessment rubric 
Student fulfills the task in an outgoing way 5 
Student fulfills the task in a satisfactory way 4 
Student tries and makes an effort to fulfill the task 3 
Student fulfills the task partially 2 
Student does not fulfill the task 1 
Vocabulary is used correctly and appropriately according to the context. 5 
Expected vocabulary is used but with a few errors of context. 4 
Vocabulary is used in a limited way. 3 
Vocabulary management is below expected 2 
Vocabulary management is poor 1 
Student develops his/her speech coherently 5 
Student develops his/her speech with a very few interference. 4 
Lack of coherence but student tries to communicate his/her ideas 3 
Message is not delivered properly 2 
Poor ideas and student does not develop the speech correctly 1 
Ideas are very clear and easy to follow, pauses are natural 5 
Ideas are clear and pauses do not interfere with the message 4 
Ideas generate confusion but student is able to deliver the message 3 
Ideas are not clear and cause confusion to the listener 2 
Ideas are so difficult to follow 1 
Pronunciation never interferes with meaning and it is effective for proper communication. 5 
Minor pronunciation problems but communication is not interfered by errors. 4 
Some pronunciation problems that interfere briefly with the message. 3 
Frequent problems with sounds that cause confusion or misunderstanding. 2 
Pronunciation is unintelligible and interferes communication. 1 
5= Excellent 
4= Very Good 
3= Regular 
2= Poor 
1= Deficient
Rating scales and checklists 
Checklists: check off the items that correspond to what 
you have observed or inferred 
Ex. Student cooperates in a group setting ___ 
Rating scales: Allow you to specify the degree to which 
the item was achieved 
(1= never, 2= rarely, 3= frequently, 4= always) 
Ex. Student hands out written tasks 1 2 3 4
Example of assessment checklist for A2 
Assessment checklist A2
Error analysis 
 Errors are a normal part of learning. 
Make sure the students know it!
Advantages and disadvantages of feedback 
 Direct or Indirect Feedback 
Direct feedback 
The teacher identifies an error and corrects it for the student, providing 
an example of the proper form. 
Indirect feedback 
Feedback where the educator points out that an error has been made 
but does not correct it. The students must identify and correct the error 
 Peer Feedback
Direct feedback
Indirect feedback 
 Uncoded feedback 
The teacher indicates an error has been made, but does not correct the 
error. The student must diagnose the type of error and correct it. 
 Coded feedback 
Gives the exact location of an error and indicates the type of error 
involved using a code. 
Coded feedback is a combination of direct and indirect feedback. 
Using a predetermined legend, the teacher indicates the presence and 
type of an error with a symbol. 
The students must locate and correct the error themselves.
Example of uncoded feedback 
I d o n t ’ n o 
g r a m m e r .
Example of coded feedback 
 Legend 
Sp Spelling 
Cap Capitals needed 
p Punctuation 
w/o Word order 
> Missing word 
At the weekend I went the zoo > 
with amy. There was a big tiger. Cap 
He had stripes There was also a p 
stiped horse. We fed him. We Sp 
went to eat pizza and iced cream. Sp 
I want to go again back soon. w/o
Using coded feedback 
 Make sure your students are familiar with and understand the symbols 
 Make sure the students understand the underlying grammatical rule 
 Be consistent!
Peer assessment 
 Allows for more immediate feedback 
 Can provide a different kind of feedback than traditional teacher 
feedback (less authoritarian) 
 Provides students experience with critical evaluation that can transfer to 
their own work 
 Encourages life skills such as collaboration and communication
Concerns of peer assessment 
 Peer feedback may be inconsistent with teacher feedback. 
 Shy or reserved students may be uncomfortable with the exercise. 
Image source: Krutikof at
Let’s have a look at some examples 
 Assessment A1 
 Assessment A2 
 Going Global project assessment 
 Avaluació de Gravació
Pàgines de recursos per a l’ensenyament de la 
llengua estrangera: anglès 
Anglès Nivell 1 1r trimestre 2n trimestre 3r trimestre 
Blocs temàtics 
(105 hores) 
1.All about me 
2.In the classroom 
3. Who is it? 
4. Everyday life 
5. My free time 
6. My neighbourhood 
Anglès Nivell 2 1r trimestre 2n trimestre 3r trimestre 
Blocs temàtics 
(105 hores) 
7. Let’s exercise 
8. Shopping 
9. Eating out 
10. It’s a wide wide 
11. Last night 
12. Looking back 
Anglès Nivell 3 1r trimestre 2n trimestre 3r trimestre 
Blocs temàtics 
(105 hores) 
13. Making friends 
14. Celebrations 
15. Growing up 
16. A bad day 
17. Play it again 
18. Looking ahead
1r trimestre 
BLOC TEMÀTIC 1: All about me 
Anglès Nivell 1 
Competència lingüística 
Funcions i 
del discurs i 
tipus de text 
Lèxic i 
Morfosintaxi Ortografia i 
Fonètica i 
1.Saludar 1.Diferències 
d’ús de les 
fórmules de 
ons de 
simple del verb 
be en frases 
afirmatives i 
1.Introducció al 
sistema vocàlic 
anglès (vocals 
curtes i llargues i 
Descriptors d’avaluació de la dimensió comunicativa Anglès Nivell 1 
Comunicació oral Comprensió lectora Expressió escrita 
1.Utilitza fórmules elementals per 
establir contactes socials: 
salutacions, presentacions i comiats. 
1.Entén missatges escrits útils sobre 
dades personals bàsiques i nacionalitats. 
1.Omple formularis o 
fulls de registre amb 
dades personals.
Grup a la xarxa docent 2.0 
Grup google xtec 
Contacte coordinador: 
Josep Mª Planas 
Clipart images from

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Sessió 4 grup de treball per a l’elaboració de materials llengua anglesa educació d'adults

  • 1. Grup de treball per a l’elaboració de materials del nou currículum de llengua anglesa a l’educació d’adults 24 d’abril de 2014
  • 2. Grup de treball: Sessió 4 (Avaluació) El currículum de llengua estrangera als centres de formació d’adults La programació i l’avaluació competencial
  • 3. Document d’orientacions per al professorat  Introducció  Presentació del currículum  Objectius  Continguts  Aportació que fan les competències lingüístiques a les competències bàsiques  Estructura del currículum  Les programacions didàctiques a l’aula  Criteris metodològics  El perfil de l’alumnat adult  Recursos didàctics  L’avaluació  Proposta de blocs temàtics per als tres nivells de llengua anglesa  Annexos
  • 4. Activity 1: Assessment questions •What do you evaluate? •How do you evaluate? •When do you evaluate? •Who evaluates? •Who do you evaluate?
  • 5. Activity 1: WHAT? In a task we can assess, with either process or product in mind: The four skills Reading Speaking Writing Listening Integrated skills Soft Skills ICT Multicultural awareness Learning to Learn skills
  • 7. Activity 1: HOW? Different strategies would need different assessment tools: Portfolios Rubrics (Rubistar and Rcampus) Worksheets Performance/Presentation registers Homework Group Performance templates Wiki Comments Observation sheets Self Assessment guides Learning diaries Teacher-made exams and tests Peer-assessment Selected-response tasks Constructed-response tasks Performance-based tasks (portfolios, essays, presentations, debates, info-gaps, role-plays, projects, etc.). Formal Assessment Informal Assessment
  • 8. Generadors de rúbriques i eines per avaluar RECURS LOGO NOM FUNCIÓ REGISTRE IDIOMA URL Eina web en RUBISTAR Crear rúbriques opcional anglès línia Eina web en línia IRUBRIC Crear rúbriques sí anglès cfm Useful tools: Edmodo, which is a sort of moodle. Collaborize, which is an interesting little tool to make students share opinions. classdojo which is good for young students for classroom management.
  • 9. Activity 1: WHEN? At the beginning – initial evaluation Meanwhile – formative evaluation At the end – summative evaluation
  • 10. Activity 1: WHO? A task can be assessed by different agents: The teacher The student The group Another student
  • 11. Activity 2: Why do we evaluate? What for? •Why do we evaluate? •What do you evaluate for?
  • 12. Activity 2: WHY? THE NATURE OF ASSESSMENT Assessment of learning Assessment for learning Assessment as learning
  • 13. Activity 2: WHY? Assessment of learning (Acreditation ) •Assessment is summative in nature. •It is used for accountability purposes. •It documents how much the students have learned. •The main goal of assessment is to assign a grade.
  • 14. Activity 2: WHY? Assessment for learning (Process approach focused on individual learners) •Assessment is formative in nature. •It is used to improve the language learning process. •It provides information about what students have to learn, how much they have learned, and what they need to do to improve.
  • 15. Activity 2: WHY? Assessment as learning (Improving students autonomy and capacity to learn) •Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process. (Reflection on Language) •Each assessment provides the learners an opportunity to continue learning. (Reflection on ourselves as language learners) •Assessment provides students with an opportunity to use the language in “real-life” tasks.
  • 16. Activitat 3: Què vol dir avaluar? a. “La intel·ligència humana juga amb dues funcions. La primera és la producció d’idees, de càlculs, de programes, de projectes. La segona i definitiva és l’avaluadora. De res ens serveix que tinguem molt per escollir si no sabem separar el gra de la palla”. J.A. Marina b. “La persona més lenta, que no perd de vista la finalitat del que fa, va sempre més ràpida que la que avança sense perseguir un punt fixe” Frank Kafka c. “Que l’avaluació serveixi per aprendre comporta revisar moltes concepcions i pràctiques. No és estrany que molts pensin: No em toquis la meva avaluació!” Perrenaud d. “L’avaluació és efecte i causa dels aprenentatges” E. Barberà e. “Avaluar és més que posar notes”. M. Rossell f. “La finalitat fonamental de tot procés d’ensenyament és la d’afavorir que l’alumnat arribi a ser el màxim d’autònom possible aprenent, és a dir, que sigui capaç de reconèixer els seus errors i de trobar camins per superar-los”. Gabrielle Nunziatti g. “L’avaluació és un procés continu de construcció del coneixement” Carles Monereo h. “No hi ha cap activitat que no vagi acompanyada de la seva avaluació, és a dir, d’un judici sobre la qualitat de la tasca realitzada i d’una decisió sobre els aspectes a millorar” Neus Sanmartí i. “L’avaluació dels aprenentatges presenta bàsicament dues funcions: una de caràcter social de selecció i classificació, però també d´orientació de l’alumnat. Una altra de caràcter pedagògic, de regulació del procés d´ensenyament aprenentatge, és a dir, de reconeixement dels canvis que s´han d´anar introduint en aquest procés per tal que cadascun dels alumnes aprengui d´una forma significativa” J. Jorba i E. Casellas j. “L’avaluació s’ha de basar en observar com l’alumnat resol problemes nous a partir dels coneixements que ha adquirit en altres contextos escolars i no escolars” R. Carretero k. “L’avaluació ha de donar lloc a un procés de comunicació a l’aula perquè els estudiants verbalitzin, comparteixin i s’apropiïn els objectius, els procediments i els criteris d’avaluació”. Roser Canals
  • 17. Activitat 3: Diamant Un cop llegides les frases del full de treball, selecciona’n nou i atorga a cada una prioritat en funció del teu criteri com a docent. Aquestes nou frases s’han d’ordenar en forma de diamant. El número 1 representa la prioritat màxima i el 9 la mínima. Els que es posen de costat tenen la mateixa prioritat.
  • 18. What is authentic assessment? A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform ‘real-world’ tasks or ‘real-classroom’ tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills. Do you agree?
  • 19. Activity 4: Reflection questions 1. Do you feel satisfied about evaluation in your classes? 2. Do you think assessment criteria have changed in recent years? 3. Do you think we still have to improve the evaluation process? What tools, strategies, criteria,…should be include to improve evaluation? 4. Have you planned to share the assessment criteria for all levels in your school? To what extent do you manage to do so?
  • 20. Activitat 5: Avaluo per continguts o per competències? En quina part de la línia et situes? Avaluació per continguts Avaluació per competències
  • 21. Learning by doing Aprenentatge significatiu Image source: Getty Images Scaffolding
  • 22. Bastides per construir el coneixement  Knowledge: What items or people can you name with the vocabulary you know?  Comprehension: What is happening in the photo?  Application: What one sentence caption would you write?  Analysis: Where do you think they are?  Synthesis: Why do you think they are doing it?  Evaluation: Are they too old to take part in this? Why or why not? Image source: Getty Images
  • 23. Persistent problems  There seems to be a disconnection between theory and practice when it comes to assessment.  What teacher believe is not exactly what teachers practise.  Most language assessment practices are not appropriate.  There is a lack of teacher education and teacher training in language assessment.  There is a lot of emphasis on language teaching, but not necessarily on language assessment.  There is a generalized negative perception about assessment.  There is a tendency to simply equate assessment to grades.
  • 24. Some ideas on assessing ESL students  Focus on documenting individual student growth over time, rather than comparing students with one another.  Emphasis on students' strengths (what they know), rather than weaknesses (what they don't know).  Consideration given to the learning styles, language proficiencies, cultural and educational backgrounds, and grade levels of students.
  • 25. Some ideas on assessing ESL students Contextualize assessments  It gives the assessment task a purpose.  It will allow students to make connections.  It will allow students to apply their knowledge. EXAMPLE: • Decontextualized: Write three sentences about your city. • Contextualized: The school wants people to get to know our beautiful city. For this reason, the Director of studies is asking students to write sentences to describe it. Write three sentences about it and post them in the bulleting board .
  • 26. Some ideas on assessing ESL students  The level of the tasks should be appropriate according to the students’ needs and interests.  Tasks should reflect the students’ language level, age, interests, and cognitive development.  The tasks should give all students the opportunity to demonstrate all their language knowledge and abilities.  Tasks should be engaging and fun for students.
  • 27. Some ideas on assessing ESL students Use integrated assessments  Do not assess skills (e.g. reading, listening, writing, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation) in isolation.  Use tasks that require students to use more than one skill or sub-skill in order to complete it.  It’s more authentic.
  • 28. Some ideas on assessing ESL students Have clear scoring procedures  Teachers must have a clear systematic scoring scheme.  These scoring procedures should allow teachers to consistently score students’ performances.  This scoring scheme should inform teachers and students where the students should be, where they are, and what they need to do get there.
  • 29. Some ideas on assessing ESL students Align assessments to instruction  Assessment tasks should aligned to instruction.  Tasks should be similar to the tasks that are done in class.  The cognitive level of the assessment tasks are similar to the ones on the classroom tasks.  This allows students to transfer what they are learning in class during the assessment.
  • 30. Some ideas on assessing ESL students Empower your students  Students are the central part of the assessment process.  Students should accept this responsibility and take control of their learning process.  Make assessment a democratic process.  Use self-assessment and peer-assessment.
  • 31. Some ideas on assessing ESL students Provide feedback to your students (formative assessment)  immediate  ongoing  relevant
  • 32. Some methods of alternative assessment  Nonverbal Assessment Strategies  K-W-L Charts: (what I know / what I want to know / what I've learned)  Oral Performances or Presentations  Oral And Written Products: content area thinking and learning logs, reading response logs, writing assignments (both structured and creative), dialogue journals, and audio or video materials.  Portfolios:  Audio and video recordings of readings or oral presentations.  Writing samples such as dialogue journal entries, book reports, writing assignments (drafts or final copies), reading blog entries, or other writing projects.  Art work such as pictures or drawings, posters and graphs and charts.  Conference or interview notes and anecdotal records.  Checklists (by teacher, peers, or student).  Tests and quizzes.
  • 33. Example of K-W-L Chart K What I know W What I want to know L What I learned Lincoln was important. His face is on a penny. He's dead now. I think Lincoln was a President. He was a tall person. Why is Lincoln famous? Was he a good President? Why is he on a penny? Did he have a family? How did he die? Lincoln was President of the U.S. He was the 16th President. There was a war in America when Lincoln was President. He let the slaves go free. Two of his sons died while he was still alive. He was assassinated in a theatre.
  • 34. Providing Meaningful Feedback to Students Comments on student work should be presented in a way that allows students to understand and use them -Comments should encourage learning and help students to understand how they can improve
  • 35. How to provide meaningful feedback? We will show assessment methods and ways to communicate results to students that: 1) Are valid 2) Fit students’ backgrounds 3) Are understandable 4) Communicate high expectations 5) Lower emotional barriers
  • 36. Guidelines for communicating high expectations when assessing ESL students:  Give sincere praise regarding a specific area of development  Provide frequent and understandable feedback  Focus on what the students can do rather than what they cannot  Provide ample response time  Provide tasks to challenge the students
  • 37. Assessing Content Knowledge Students often understand more than they can express Use assessments that are less dependent on language proficiency Assess in the same way students are taught  Demonstrations  Creation of a product  Speech-based  Written products
  • 38. Summative Assessment (Assessment of learning) Assessment used for reporting purposes to ensure that students have achieved the curricular outcomes:  Portfolios  Student Self-Assessments  Rubrics  Checklists and Rating Scales
  • 39. Self-assessment  Teachers need to provide students with words, definitions or concepts they will need to understand the task  Common formats include:  yes or no questions – I can name the days of the week Yes  No   Sentence completion – I am still confused about...  Rating scales – I cooperated with my group  (never) 1 2 3 4 (always)   Picture cues or by discussion beforehand.
  • 40. Rubrics Holistic Analytic Use between 4 and 8 points to avoid a “middle dumping ground” Assess the content rather than language proficiency
  • 41. Example of oral assessment rubric TASK FULLFILLMENT Student fulfills the task in an outgoing way 5 Student fulfills the task in a satisfactory way 4 Student tries and makes an effort to fulfill the task 3 Student fulfills the task partially 2 Student does not fulfill the task 1 VOCABULARY Vocabulary is used correctly and appropriately according to the context. 5 Expected vocabulary is used but with a few errors of context. 4 Vocabulary is used in a limited way. 3 Vocabulary management is below expected 2 Vocabulary management is poor 1 COHERENCE Student develops his/her speech coherently 5 Student develops his/her speech with a very few interference. 4 Lack of coherence but student tries to communicate his/her ideas 3 Message is not delivered properly 2 Poor ideas and student does not develop the speech correctly 1 FLUENCY Ideas are very clear and easy to follow, pauses are natural 5 Ideas are clear and pauses do not interfere with the message 4 Ideas generate confusion but student is able to deliver the message 3 Ideas are not clear and cause confusion to the listener 2 Ideas are so difficult to follow 1 PRONUNCIATION Pronunciation never interferes with meaning and it is effective for proper communication. 5 Minor pronunciation problems but communication is not interfered by errors. 4 Some pronunciation problems that interfere briefly with the message. 3 Frequent problems with sounds that cause confusion or misunderstanding. 2 Pronunciation is unintelligible and interferes communication. 1 SCALE: 5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Regular 2= Poor 1= Deficient
  • 42. Rating scales and checklists Checklists: check off the items that correspond to what you have observed or inferred Ex. Student cooperates in a group setting ___ Rating scales: Allow you to specify the degree to which the item was achieved (1= never, 2= rarely, 3= frequently, 4= always) Ex. Student hands out written tasks 1 2 3 4
  • 43. Example of assessment checklist for A2 Assessment checklist A2
  • 44. Error analysis  Errors are a normal part of learning. Make sure the students know it!
  • 45. Advantages and disadvantages of feedback  Direct or Indirect Feedback Direct feedback The teacher identifies an error and corrects it for the student, providing an example of the proper form. Indirect feedback Feedback where the educator points out that an error has been made but does not correct it. The students must identify and correct the error themselves.  Peer Feedback
  • 47. Indirect feedback  Uncoded feedback The teacher indicates an error has been made, but does not correct the error. The student must diagnose the type of error and correct it.  Coded feedback Gives the exact location of an error and indicates the type of error involved using a code. Coded feedback is a combination of direct and indirect feedback. Using a predetermined legend, the teacher indicates the presence and type of an error with a symbol. The students must locate and correct the error themselves.
  • 48. Example of uncoded feedback I d o n t ’ n o g r a m m e r .
  • 49. Example of coded feedback  Legend Sp Spelling Cap Capitals needed p Punctuation w/o Word order > Missing word At the weekend I went the zoo > with amy. There was a big tiger. Cap He had stripes There was also a p stiped horse. We fed him. We Sp went to eat pizza and iced cream. Sp I want to go again back soon. w/o
  • 50. Using coded feedback REMEMBER!  Make sure your students are familiar with and understand the symbols used  Make sure the students understand the underlying grammatical rule  Be consistent!
  • 51. Peer assessment  Allows for more immediate feedback  Can provide a different kind of feedback than traditional teacher feedback (less authoritarian)  Provides students experience with critical evaluation that can transfer to their own work  Encourages life skills such as collaboration and communication
  • 52. Concerns of peer assessment  Peer feedback may be inconsistent with teacher feedback.  Shy or reserved students may be uncomfortable with the exercise. Image source: Krutikof at
  • 53. Let’s have a look at some examples  Assessment A1  Assessment A2  Going Global project assessment  Avaluació de Gravació
  • 54. Pàgines de recursos per a l’ensenyament de la llengua estrangera: anglès BLOC ANGLÈS ADULTS
  • 55. TEMPORITZACIÓ DELS BLOCS TEMÀTICS Anglès Nivell 1 1r trimestre 2n trimestre 3r trimestre Blocs temàtics (105 hores) 1.All about me 2.In the classroom 3. Who is it? 4. Everyday life 5. My free time 6. My neighbourhood Anglès Nivell 2 1r trimestre 2n trimestre 3r trimestre Blocs temàtics (105 hores) 7. Let’s exercise 8. Shopping 9. Eating out 10. It’s a wide wide world 11. Last night 12. Looking back Anglès Nivell 3 1r trimestre 2n trimestre 3r trimestre Blocs temàtics (105 hores) 13. Making friends 14. Celebrations 15. Growing up 16. A bad day 17. Play it again 18. Looking ahead
  • 56. ESTRUCTURA DELS BLOCS TEMÀTICS NIVELL 1 1r trimestre BLOC TEMÀTIC 1: All about me Anglès Nivell 1 Competència pragmàtica Competència discursiva Competència lingüística Funcions i aspectes sociolingüístics Organització del discurs i tipus de text Lèxic i aspectes semàntics Morfosintaxi Ortografia i aspectes gràfics Fonètica i fonologia 1.Saludar 1.Diferències d’ús de les fórmules de salutació 1.Expressi ons de salutació, comiat 1.Present simple del verb be en frases afirmatives i negatives 1.L’alfabet anglès 1.Introducció al sistema vocàlic anglès (vocals curtes i llargues i diftongs) Descriptors d’avaluació de la dimensió comunicativa Anglès Nivell 1 Comunicació oral Comprensió lectora Expressió escrita 1.Utilitza fórmules elementals per establir contactes socials: salutacions, presentacions i comiats. 1.Entén missatges escrits útils sobre dades personals bàsiques i nacionalitats. 1.Omple formularis o fulls de registre amb dades personals.
  • 57. Contacte Odissea Grup a la xarxa docent 2.0 ( Grup google xtec Contacte coordinador: Josep Mª Planas Clipart images from