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Aristotle Virtuous Character Analysis
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, believes that one acquires virtue by exercising moral habituation.
Aristotle's theory of a virtuous character is developed by aligning with the Doctrine of the Mean.
The philosopher developed the Doctrine of the Mean in Book II of Nicomachean Ethics to serve the
purpose of conveying Aristotle's concept on virtue ethics. A virtuous character can be considered as
a person who acts in the right manner through habit and practice rather than reasoning. Aristotle
writes, "Virtue, then, is a state involving rational choice, consisting in a mean relative to us and
determined by reason – the reason, that is, by reference to which the practically wise person would
determine it" (Aristotle, 30). Aristotle's ... Show more content on ...
He is stating that virtue is not just a state but more of an exceptional state of character. He claims
that the state of character arises from the reiteration of similar activities. In this case, repetition of
moral acts will cause one to be more virtuous. Out of the three things that we find in our soul, virtue
can only be found in our states of character. When acting along the Doctrine of the Mean, you need
to find a balance between the two extremes, vice of deficiency and vice of excess. The mean is not
necessarily straight in the middle of the spectrum. It all depends on the situation and the person
themselves. Each individual has their own particular spectrum where they categorize each virtue on
various locations between too little and too much. Knowing that it's based on our excellent state of
character, our virtue arises from acts that are deemed moral and that contributes to our character,
which proves Aristotle's argument of a virtuous character is born by acting accordingly to the
Doctrine of the Mean.
A virtuous character is not something that can be created naturally or inherited. Our surroundings
and our actions is what contributes to who we are. A virtuous character is created when a person
repeatedly commits moral acts. We can infer that a non–virtuous character is a person who
repeatedly commits non–moral acts. A case that recently went viral is the Cyntoia Brown case. At
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What Makes A Virtuous Ethic?
Everyone in this world is instilled with a set of values that we use as guidelines to dictate our
decisions we make in our life. That affect not only our interaction with others but also with how we
subconsciously treat ourselves. A simple explanation of what a virtuous ethic would be something
along the lines of "How do I live a life that isn't simply good but also based around good morality?"
We use these kinds of ethics to guide us through the righteous path, the morally good path, and the
paths that we believe lead to our own prosperity of the good life. But honestly what in the world is
the hard facts on virtue ethics let me break it down for you.
First off let me examine what these virtues are starting with my personal favorite ... Show more
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Which is a perfect example of something that is an end in themselves. "By their very nature human
beings act rationally, a characteristic that allows us to make decisions and to change our character
and allows others to hold us responsible for those decisions. " In other words not only does the
desire to do good, whether it be for our own sake or for the sake of others, which is a quality that
exists in everybody gives us the power to judge others for their actions. It also gives insight that
while we may think our actions are rational and within the bounds of reason but that doesn't give us
the power to avoid the consequences enacted against us by society.
The next important virtue within the realm of virtue ethics is the ethics of care "which implies that
there is moral significance in the fundamental elements of relationships and dependencies in human
life. " A good way to explain the ethics of care is that they are putting moral ideals into action. The
foundations in the ethics of care are developed through childhood when we are being raised in a
nurturing environment by our parents when we are young and then later in life reviving that feeling
as we care for those around us that aren't capable of caring for themselves. The ethics of care is also
a profound system used by people in all fields of mental wellbeing and counseling. "Critics fault
care ethics
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Virtuous Minds Chapter Summary
In Virtuous Minds, the two chapters that I found to be the most important and insightful are the
chapters on curiosity and humility. In the chapter about intellectual curiosity Dow speaks about how
Dr. Brand's curiosity led him to develop treatments for Hansen's disease. Dow states that Dr. rand's
"desire to understand what makes it all work– at the foundational level– forced him to go beyond the
shallow or simplistic answers that most of us accept but produce no growth" (p. 57). This quote
especially stood out to me because although I am a curious person, I am typically accept answers
that only scratch the surface. Dow points out that this will not help my personal growth. If I am to
grow as a person, I must always pursue the truth. Later in the chapter, Dow says that many of us shy
away from our natural curiosity because we may be fearful of what our peers will think and we do
not want to betray our ignorance (p. 59). I find that these assumptions fit me. I am often worried that
I will sound ignorant to my classmates and my professor, and this prohibits me from asking
questions. Additionally, Dow states that "without the desire to know more, ... Show more content on ...
In order to improve on this area, when I catch myself comparing myself to my peers I will stop it
immediately and focus on seeing myself as I really am. Additionally, I believe I would greatly
benefit from surrounding myself with other intellectual humble people, so that I can emulate their
attitudes. I believe that working on my intellectual curiosity will positively benefit my intellectual
humility. Since, I will be pursuing truth, I will less likely compare myself to others. Dow states that
loving the truth will free me "to enjoy the goodness of knowledge and insight regardless where,
when or in whom it is found" (p. 74). This means that my dedication to the truth will stop me from
comparing myself to my neighbor, and I can, instead, learn from my
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The Importance Of Virtuous Friendship
Furthermore, the qualification of the virtuous friendship aims to use the similarities of the friend as a
moderator, which would benefit the agent in their pursuit to achieving an intermediate state of
virtue. The closer the similarities are between individuals, the better they can moderate each other's
actions/desires. Ideally, if one of the individuals were to act out of line, their friend would respond
accordingly and put them back on track. However, presuming one of the individuals in the
relationship are good since they would remain similar in their virtue, there ought to be a sense of
urgency to aid their friends, for the sake of the friend. Arguably, if the virtues of the friend were to
change sporadically or gradually, the right response of the loving agent would be to adjust their
behaviour to aid the friend through whatever situation they are undergoing. Significantly, empathy
becomes a key requirement for an enduring friendship, because it demonstrates we can positively
react to our friend's change (and vice–versa). Insofar, the use of understanding is used to
comprehend particular features of the situation (250), and it is aligned with the good intentions of
helping the friend. Significantly, if the agent is capable to comprehend what has caused the change
to their friend, they ought to re–ensure their peers that they will be supportive through their
endeavours/changes. Insofar the significant virtue of friendship is the act of loving (128 section 4,
line 36).
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Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: Virtuous Activity Of The Soul
Nicomachean Ethics
Happiness to Aristotle is to have virtuous activity of the soul and to have achieved the highest good
in life (Book I, Chapt. 9, Para.3). To be a virtuous activity of the soul means to participate in
honorable and noble activities and to truly be happy and caring when doing them. In Book I,
Aristotle implies that someone who does a virtuous activity, but does not really care to do it, is not
really being virtuous, whereas someone who does care is truly being noble. Aristotle implies an
argument from eudemonia, or happiness, where in order to live a jubilant life, one must live well,
but what exactly Aristotle means by this is to live contemplatively and virtuously. He becomes
clearer about the behaviors in having a good ... Show more content on ...
The example involves Aristotle's view of the contemplative life as being the best life to live as
mentioned in Book X. Political life involves contemplation, and so does the philosopher's life.
Therefore, the political life should be self– sufficient and happy, equally in comparison to the
philosopher's life especially since both involve being contemplative. However, Aristotle would most
likely respond to this by saying that a philosopher's life is more virtuous and well rounded since they
have a wider range of contemplation. I make this assumption because he stipulates that "The
attribute in question, then, will belong to the happy man, and he will be happy throughout his life;
for always, or by preference to everything else, he will be engaged in virtuous action and
contemplation, and he will bear the chances of life most nobly and altogether decorously, if he is
'truly good' and 'foursquare beyond reproach' (Book I, Chapt.10, Para.5). By saying that the
contemplative man is most noble implies that a person who studies political science would not be as
noble as the philosopher, or the contemplative man. Aristotle argues that, "...the philosopher, even
when by himself, can contemplate truth, and the better the wiser he is; he can perhaps do so better if
he has fellow–workers, but still he is the most self–sufficient" (Book X, Chapt.7, Para. 2). Here,
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Emerson's Philosophy For Oneself Is Not Virtuous For Society
On the other hand, individualism itself is not virtuous for society. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a
philosopher who believed that people should not rely on the community. Self–reliance was one of
his major writing work about individualism, which is the opposite of Utopia. When talking about the
economy, competition between civilians is necessary to make money. Therefore, society needs the
individual's unique skills to progress. Emerson's philosophy towards the individual emphasizes the
importance an individual has for himself rather than accepting the thoughts of others. His
philosophy of "trust thyself" provides the acceptance of what the "divine providence has found" for
the person (Emerson 2) to encourage the individual to trust their gut. Emerson
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Virtuous Friendship Essay
Aristotle is right to claim that young people cannot form complete friendships because they allow
convenience to rule their lives instead of correct discernment and virtue. According to Aristotle, a
complete friendship "is the friendship of good people similar in virtue" (1156b8). This means that
the argument of whether or not young people can form complete friendships is rooted mostly in
Aristotle distinguishes human beings' unique ability to commit virtuous, voluntary actions when he
says that "...none of the other animals will ever act voluntarily...", however, he finishes his statement
saying, "...nor will children." (1111a25) This means that young human beings do not act voluntarily,
but instead as puppets of biology and ... Show more content on ...
This immaturity doesn't provide a person with enough time to form a full, complete friendship so by
this criterion alone, young people do not adhere to Aristotle's definition.
"Young person", however, is a vague term. Does that mean anyone without wrinkles? Anyone under
eighteen? Since the focus of this essay is to be on college–aged people, young people will be
defined as anyone up to twenty–two and a child as anyone under eighteen. It could be argued that a
young person is able to be mature and want good for their friend's sake. In college, people live in
close proximity and at a college age, it could be expected that they have lived long enough to make
virtuous connections. However, Aristotle states that "these kinds of friendships are likely to be rare,
since such people are few." (1156b23)
Yes, college students make many friends and those friendships may later become complete
friendships, but initially those friendships are of pleasure and utility. A person wants to feel
comfortable in their environment and college is a new living environment for most people; in order
to gain comfort, they befriend others, using them for their own access to a happy, comfortable life.
The stereotypical college person also enjoys pleasure in partying, alcohol indulgence, and physical
hook–ups. Obviously, these connections with others are far from the idea of complete friendship
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Northanger Abbey And Frances Burny: The Virtuous Woman
Kaitlin Mercedes Atherton
RUID 133008151
Women in 18th Century Lit
Final Paper
'The Virtuous Woman'
The Modern woman portrayed in the later portion of the Eighteenth Century's written works is quite
the opposite of its earlier romantic counterpart in literature; women who were previously portrayed
as highly sexual beings who were far above the commoners of normal society are now being
portrayed modestly and relatable for the given time. The Modern Woman shows restraint over her
sexuality and social demeanor, offering the portrayal that she is pure and angelic rather than
outlandish and impulsive. This title of the 'Virtuous Woman' is exemplified in Jane Austen's
Northanger Abbey and Frances Burney's Evelina. These female protagonists ... Show more content
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He goes so far to compare the city to that Captain Mirvan adjectively describing it as, "the general
harbour of fraud and folly, of duplicity and of impertinency" stating that city would satisfy this man
in that they are quite comparable in character. Villars believes Evelina, who is sweet and gentle,
would be subject to falling into the negative invitations that the city inhabits. And though she is
initially inexperienced and makes mistakes early on, Evelina does not become a victim to her
surroundings and still maintains that purity Villars was so afraid she would lose. For throughout the
story she is able to discern between desirable and undesirable traits of human character amongst her
peers and what deems them to be a good person, and does not loser herself to the darker side of the
city that Reverend Villars believes it to embody.
Catherine of Northanger Abbey personifies the ideal of the 'Virtuous Woman' differently from
Evelina as Catherine is far more familiar within the customs of fashionable society. She has the
luxury of free speech (in comparison to Evelina) but does not have the keen ability of perception
over social situations. This is due in part because Catherine is so lost in her world of stories that she
tries to make her life parallel to that of the characters in her Gothic texts. This trait of hers, a naivety
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Julius Caesar: What Makes A Virtuous Leader?
What makes a Virtuous Leader ¨A real leader faces the music, even if he doesn't like the tune,¨
(Arnold H. Glasgow). A leader is virtuous. A virtuous leader always displays courage, optimism, and
obedience by their actions towards their people for safety. In the play, " Julius Caesar, " the tale of, "
The Nun's Priest, " they teach a moral why you need to follow the traits, optimism, obedience, and
courage to use and become a virtuous leader. A non – virtuous leader is one who does not use the
following traits courage, optimism, and obedience while leading. A perfect example of an unvirtuous
leader is Emperor Nero. Emperor Nero did not show courage when he left during the great fire and
left many people to die. Emperor Nero was also told that he wanted to make an end of the whole
city in his lifetime, he also was told he was singing, laughing, and playing when Rome burnt to the
floor. " CE Nero had the wish – or rather it had always been a fixed purpose of his – to make an end
of the whole city in his lifetime," (Cassius Dio: Nero and the Great Fire). "Accordingly, Nero sent
out by different ways men feigning to be drunk, or engaged in some of kind of mischief, and at first
had a few fires kindled quietly and in different ... Show more content on ...
Julius Caesar had courage when he fought the Gauls around 58 BC to 50 BC. Julius fought and had
courage when he won battles against the Gauls and many others by conquering them. Julius Caesar
told his armies to stay and fight, but if his troop were tired and wanted home they can leave.
"Between 58 and 50 BC, Caesar conquered the rest of Gaul, up to the river Rhine. As he expanded
his reach, he also showed his ruthlessness with his enemies. In one instance he waited until his
opponents' water supply had gone dry, and then ordered the hands of all the remaining survivors be
cut off,"(Julius Caesar. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 08 May
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A Virtuous Friend
One of my favorite phrase, of the song Lean On Me by Bill Withers, is a "Sometimes in our lives,
we all have pain we all have sorrow But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow." In
other words, no matter how arduous and challenging life can be, another better opportunity will be
given the next day. In life, people should identify the difference between the real friend or fake
friends. In addition, the qualities of a virtuous friend are trustworthy, have a good attitude, and last
being thoughtful. To begin with, the first quality of a good friend is someone who is trustworthy. A
trustworthy is someone who is honest, loyal, and caring. An example scenario of a trustworthy was
taking initiative ways to return a notable item such as a wallet. A group of college students was
having a potluck dinner to celebrate the final week of college. Unfortunately, after a simple dinner,
the owner of the apartment saw an unfamiliar wallet left behind by the coffee table. Then, he
approximately looked for an identification card that will distinguish the owner's name. Luckily,
Joseph the owner of the apartment knew the owner of the wallet. Joseph did not hesitate to drive in a
heavy rainfall during late–night to return the wallet. After an hour and thirty minutes of driving the
wallet was returned back to the owner. Allan the owner of the wallet was astounded and pleased for
having Joseph as a trustworthy friend. From these, some friends take a risk situation like driving in
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Virtuous Ethics In The Criminal Justice System
What is virtuous ethics?
When we are asked what is virtuous ethics? defines virtuous as, conforming to
moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright ("virtuous," n.d.). Our readings from this
week explain to us that virtuous ethics is one of the oldest forms of all of the ethical traditions,
having its roots having its roots in Greek and Roman philosophies (Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p.
When speaking of virtuous ethics and people its not so much of speaking of what people do as far as
their action in their everyday life, but its more of how they live their life, they type of person they
are. As the text explains, are they caring, compassionate, forgiving, merciful, or are they more full or
hate, non caring, vindictive or unpleasant? That's the type of things that most of us will think about
when talking about being virtuous and speaking of virtuous people and virtuous ethics in general
(Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 189). ... Show more content on ...
When faced with certain circumstances as law enforcements officers, we respond or behave in
certain ways, as described this week as character traits. Many officers exhibit many traits such as
honesty, integrity, things that most departments seek out when looking for officers to employee
(Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 189). Character plays a major role in the criminal justice system
starting from the very first day of employment all the way through the last day till
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Hero : A Virtuous Heroes
Aaron Sorkin, a screenwriter, producer, director, and playwright, once said, "Heroes in drama are
people who try hard to reach a virtuous ideal. And whether they succeed or fail really doesn't matter
– it's the trying that counts." Sorkin states that heroes are those that attempt to reach their goal, not
necessarily those that succeed. Heroes will proceed to try, no matter who or what is preventing them
from reaching a goal. Sorkin is also discussing people attempting to reach a "virtuous ideal", which
is often obtained for others. A hero is one who solves others' before their own, is determined to
obtain a goal despite obstacles, but may not always conquer the challenge at hand. Heroes refuse to
think of their problems if others are not ... Show more content on ...
Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and women's rights activist, was shot in the head by
a member of the Taliban and has also received multiple death threats. Yousafzai continues to be a
voice for young girls around the world, spreading the word about the necessity of education.
Additionally, Frederick Douglass, a former slave and civil rights activist, stated in his
autobiography, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, "It was a severe
cross and I took it up reluctantly. The truth was, I felt myself a slave and the idea of speaking to
white people weighed me down...From that time until now, I have been engaged in pleading the case
of my brethren..." Douglass felt that he was still enslaved, therefore it terrified him to speak at anti–
slavery and civil rights meetings. However, he did so, because he thought the cause important
enough to force him to overcome his fear. Finally, Benazir Bhutto, the first female leader of a
Muslim majority country, was exiled and eventually assassinated while trying to preserve the rights
of Pakistani citizens. Heroes are not always the ones who obtain their goals. Instead, they are the
people who continue to try without reward. For example, Samuel Paladino is diagnosed with an
ischemic stroke, idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Bipolar disorder, chiari malformation,
Tourette's syndrome, and possibly MELAS. Many of those either cannot be cured with
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Mrs. Bird As A Virtuous Woman
Mrs. Bird can be described best as a virtuous woman. She is totally on the slavery issue. Apparently,
the events that take place including the oppression, mistreatments, beatings and other forms of
cruelty exerted on slaves doesn't pass her unseen. She becomes unhappy and unsettled about this.
Eventually, she takes the initiative to talk to her husband to convince him to do something. She
hopes she can be able to bring change to her husband's position in the government. The senator, who
is also Mr. Bird is also portrayed as a well–meaning individual. He is sympathetic to the obliteration
case, but his actions do not support his sentiments. He is complacent and tries as much as possible to
seem to be somewhere where others of his class are.
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Socrates Virtuous Soul Analysis
This philosophy study will argue against Socrates' "virtuous soul" as the motivation for just acts in
The Republic. Socrates' argument for the "balanced soul" as a motivation for just acts is defined in
relation to the contrasting arguments of his contemporaries, such as Thrasymachus, Glaucon, and
Adeimantus. This ideological view of the "virtuous soul" does not provide a practical explanation
for the motivation of a "just act" in a hierarchical society. The argument of Thrasymachus defines
justice as being the advantage of the stronger, which defines the motivation for a just act that only
applies to those that can practice and/or enforce justice in society. Glaucon through the "Ring of
Gyges" allegory also defines the ... Show more content on ...
This argument defines the motivation of human life, which always struggles to find justice in a
hierarchically structured society. In contrast to Thrasymachus, Socrates argues that it is the virtue of
the soul that provides the motivation for committing a just act, which should be the primary casual
reason for justice in human society. Socrates' argument that the psychic health of the soul is defined
as being part of the virtue of wisdom, which prevents the unjust man from committing an unjust act.
This description of the soul is part of the countermand to Thrasymachus' remarks about the
advantage of the social framework of the "strong" and the "weak, which Socrates replies by arguing
for the wisdom of virtue as a the balancing motivation for justice: "But it is evident that there must
have been some remnant of justice in them [the unjust individual]" Plato 22). This argument,
however, only shows the causality of the soul as a virtue, as it does not provide a bridge to the
actions of human beings in the real world. In this manner, Glaucon provides a more effective
argument against the fallacies of Socrates, which define the societal motivations of punishment and
reward that are part of the larger problem of self–serving legal benefits that only benefit the stronger.
Glaucon's argument defines the allegory of the Ring ofR, which allows an individual to become
invisible and all–powerful. This story tells of the shepherd that would overthrow a powerful queen
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Aristotle Virtuous
According to Aristotle virtue is achieving excellence of the soul. (1) For man to become virtuous
they must build habits that model virtuous behavior. Aristotle believed that moral virtue forms
through habit and no one is born virtuous. Under this premise virtue is both learned and practiced
through our behaviors. When one acts in a moral and virtuous way they become more virtuous, the
opposite is true also that if one acts in a non–virtuous way they will learn to become less virtuous.
To be virtuous you also must maintain a balance which is called the mean. Aristotle further states
that you cannot merely define virtue in terms of characteristics, you must also specify the kind of
characteristic, and that this virtue renders good the thing itself of which it is the excellence, and
performs its function well at the same time.(2) To live in the mean is to be virtuous. The mean is
making choices that are the right amount of virtue, or the correct balance of choices. To act either in
excess or a lack of virtue is a vice. It is the ability of choosing to act in the mean or middle that is
considered virtuous. This can easily been in examples, if a wealthy man had the resources to help
others and give some of his money he could be a virtuous man if he did so while acting in the mean.
If the same man did not give to charities ... Show more content on ...
When one find themselves in a situation of loss or heavy sadness it could move into despair. It is
normal to feel some despair with loss, so the mean would be so grieve then return to a more normal
state of feeling in a reasonable time. This would make this vice actually virtuous. The opposite
would cause it to continue as a vice. If someone fell into despair and never recovered from it and let
it consume their life this would be a vice. Another vice of despair would be if someone had a
despairing situation and did not react to it at all, or shunned the loss all together this would also be a
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When Was Socrates A Virtuous Man
Socrates lived in a democratic society, a society in which many gained the dominant power in
politics, a corrupted political system.
The definition of virtuous according to Socrates is ...
Socrates was a virtuous man because he followed the moral teaching that he set up for himself and
he is not being hypocritical but rather his behavior does conform his moral standards. He highly
values the state laws, believes that questioning is a necessary process to lead to virtuous, and he was
committed to perform his sacred mission from the God.
Unusually ideas according to the people in the ancient Greek.
In a closed society, authority figures manipulated people's mind, citizens didn't recognize what is
right and wrong due to their ignorance. Socrates
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Katniss A Virtuous Person Analysis
1) A virtuous person (moral exemplar) is someone who sets a fine example and serves as a role
model for the rest of us.
2) Katniss kills innocent people in The Hunger Games
3) Katniss is selfish
4) Therefore, Katniss is not a virtuous person
Premise 3 is false because Katniss is a virtuous person and the fact that she puts other people before
herself many times before and during The Hunger Games, proves this to be true. During the lottery
drawing in Katniss's district, her little sister's name, Prim, is pulled. Terrorized, Katniss
courageously risks her life for her sister by volunteering as tribute.
Katniss putting her sister's life before her own, disapproves premise 3. Also, as stated in the virtue
ethics theory, "Emotions can help us to see what is morally relevant, by tipping us off to what
matters in a given situation." That statement is moral understanding, and Katniss's emotional
reaction of volunteering as tribute, from the love that she has for her sister, shows that she acquires
moral understanding, which is a characteristic of a virtuous person, and virtuous people are not
selfish. ... Show more content on ...
Her display of pain and sadness following Rue's death, once again show that her emotions are telling
her what is important, which was, in that situation, the loss of that little girl's life. The fact that Rue's
life was important to her, conveys the fact that she actually cared for another person's life whilst in a
game that expects you to only care about your own. Katniss was able to use her emotions to see
even clearer that the killing of innocent people, regardless of being in competition for your own life,
is wrong. This ultimately makes Katniss not a selfish
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Olan The Virtuous Woman Essay
Olan or the "Virtuous Woman," same person? Relatively close? Or just complete opposites?
Throughout the novel, The Good Earth Olan a slave woman with unbound feet is wedded to Wang
Lung a poor crop farmer. Olan is responsible for many things in her marriage with Lung such as
cooking and such, but she is a right–minded woman who does more than she is asked or told. She
carries weight on her shoulders and works her hardest even in times of struggle. Olan does not go
down easy, she's a worker and will not quit till the job done. So is Olan the "Virtuous Woman?" Well
of course she is, the closest thing to it! The "Virtuous Woman" is a person who is worth far more
than jewels and money, their worth is meaningful through their love, care, respect, and hard work.
They give their husbands a full heart and show them that they need no spoiling for they are content
and happy with the life they are provided and are willing to put forth the same effort as the other
does." Olan is a perfect example of such a woman for she does more than she is asked by pushing
herself to the limits to provide her husband and show that she is willing to be right there by his side
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Olan portrays these qualities greatly throughout the novel, even when she should not. For example
Olan is proud of the person she is and love's her life very much, she values what she has, such as the
land Lung was going to sell and she told him not too, that their family would be fine. On the other
hand, Wang Lung involves himself with another woman named Lotus. Olan should be furious with
this and unkind, but she is not, she allows it to happen and continues to love and cherish her
husband, provide for him and work hard while ignoring it all. Olan may be the "Virtuous Woman"
but her husband takes advantage of this amazing blessing by not giving to her what she has given to
him, a loving, caring
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The Virtuous Role of a Spouse
The Virtuous Role of a Spouse Women in today's society have become equal to men in nearly every
aspect of life. They hold independent jobs, can provide for themselves, and have almost every right
that man has. Up until very recently, this was not the case for women or their value in the
community. In the 16th century, women were treated completely different. They were primarily
domestic–minded, and were chosen by husbands based off of the value that they could bring into a
household. Beauty and love did come into play, but the woman was definitely subordinate to the
potential husband in almost every aspect. In Cervantes' Don Quixote, virtue in a spouse is defined
by cultural thought and through an indirect source that creates a "perfect" wife mentally. In order to
establish a historical understanding of what is happening during the time that Don Quixote was
written, it is essential to look at the religious influence on Spain. At the time, Christianity was
predominant. Spaniards shared a religious identity, Catholicism, and all other religions were forced
out and were not tolerated (Canneque). This religious power will continue during the time that
Cervantes writes Don Quixote. Whether or not Cervantes' goal was to bring attention to the religious
culture in Spain at the time, it is inevitable that this way of thinking and use of the Bible gets
brought into play.
At the dawn of the 16th century, the role of women was not something to write home about. It was
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Rocky Balbo A Virtuous Man
Virtuous Underdog Having moral standards and being an overall good person is someone who has
virtue. Who would have virtue other than a true underdog. Everyone loves a good underdog story
and that's just the story Sylvester Stallone's Rocky showed us. Stallone continued to add on to
Rocky Balboa's life which ended with six movies and just recently with Creed. In a interview
Stallone made the comment, "The only thing I have ever done right is make Rocky", meaning none
of his other movies could ever compare to Rocky (Rottenberg). He may not be a real person but the
fact that Rocky came from being just a regular person doing what he loves to making it to fame and
fortune due to an opportunity Apollo Creed gave him. Sylvester Stallone's Rocky Balboa is one of
the most virtuous people because he is humble, respectable, and ... Show more content on ...
His dream was to go the distance, that all he ever wanted and he never lost sight of it. Rather he won
or lost the fight he was just happy to be able to participate in the ring doing something that he is
passionate about. In one of his motivational speeches he states that, "it's not about how hard ya hit
it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep
moving forward. That's how winning is done" (Williams). Throughout all of his fights he never once
gave up, never even threw in the towel no matter how badly beaten down he was. The night before
he faced Apollo for the very first time, he told Adrian "Don't matter if he opens my head... The only
thing I wanna do is go the distance –– That's all" (Stallone). Throughout the movie he has worked so
hard for this fight and when it came down the night before the fight he told Adrian that. Rocky did
not care if he won or lost, he went the distance proved everyone that he had the skill and
determination to go toe to toe with the champ. That explains why his motivation adds to his virtuous
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Aeneas : The Death Of Helen As A Virtuous Hero
Anger can always incite irrational actions. The sight of Helen seeking shelter at the altar, causes
Aeneas to remember the crimes she committed driving him to furious anger. This anger drives him
to contemplate an ignoble and uncharacteristic act of revenge by murdering Helen as she sought
protection from the gods. Despite being depicted as a virtuous hero, Aeneas' strong, visceral reaction
to seeing Helen shows that he is subject to the same passionate feelings all humans feel, especially
when something raises his anger.
When Aeneas sees Helen, he is driven into a state of fervent anger because he believes she caused
the downfall of his homeland. When Aeneas first finds Helen, she is seeking refuge at the altar of
Vesta (2.567), goddess of home and family. By seeking refuge at the altar of a goddess, Helen
appears more vulnerable which serves to highlight the vengeful action Aeneas contemplates. Helen's
actions parallel those of Cassandra who sought refuge at the altar of Minerva during the fall of Troy.
Like Helen, Cassandra was seeking refuge from the horrors of the war only to be assaulted by Ajax.
While Aeneas never follows through on his desire to attack Helen in her place of refuge, the parallel
serves to emphasizes how brutal Aeneas' murder of Helen would be if he committed it at an altar.
Killing someone seeking refuge at an altar would be a dishonorable act that would offend the gods,
which is something that would be out of character for Aeneas if he was
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The Components Of Virtuous Leadership
Scholz Posted Date: September 21, 2017 6:52 AMStatus:Published
Negative organizational climate is something that has become quite of an issue at my workplace. It
tends to go in somewhat of a downward spiral – one person will become disgruntled about
something and start complaining, this grumbling creates a negative environment, more people
become disgruntled and join in, and the cycle continues. Virtuous leadership can help break this
cycle of negativity and boost positivity within the organization climate. Even as coworkers, we can
display the components of virtuous leadership by focusing on the greater good and portraying trust,
integrity, and forgiveness (Kinicki & Fugate, 2012). Essentially, we can be a light to those in our
workplace and combat the spreading, negative darkness (Matthew 5:14–16, New International
Whenever we form a group or team at my job one of the first things we do is assign and define roles
and responsibilities. Motivation and satisfaction of team members can be increased when they are
assigned roles congruent with individual strengths and abilities (Fischer, n.d.). This task could help
eliminate your issues concerning role conflict. When a group has an assigned leader it can function
without the continual question of who is in charge. Additionally, assigned roles can help with your
groups' competition of what individual or job is most important; everyone can recognize the
uniqueness of each individual's
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A Virtuous Friend
One of my favorite phrases, of the song Lean On Me by Bill Withers, is a "Sometimes in our lives,
we all have pain we all have sorrow But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow." In
other words, no matter how arduous and challenging life can be, another better opportunity will be
given the next day. In life, people should identify the difference between the real friend or fake
friends. In addition, the qualities of a virtuous friend are trustworthy, have a good attitude, and last
being thoughtful. To begin with, the first quality of a good friend is someone who is trustworthy. A
trustworthy is someone who is honest, loyal, and caring. An example scenario of a trustworthy was
taking initiative ways to return a notable item such as a wallet. A group of college students was
having a potluck dinner to celebrate the final week of college. Unfortunately, after a simple dinner,
the owner of the apartment saw an unfamiliar wallet left behind by the coffee table. Then, he
approximately looked for an identification card that will distinguish the owner's name. Luckily,
Joseph the owner of the apartment knew the owner of the wallet. Joseph did not hesitate to drive in a
heavy rainfall during late–night to return the wallet. After an hour and thirty minutes of driving the
wallet was returned back to the owner. Allan the owner of the wallet was astounded and pleased for
having Joseph as a trustworthy friend. From these, some friends take a risk situation like driving
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What Does It Mean To Be Virtuous
When I think of what it means to be virtuous, I am drawn to the idea of commitment to the good and
an unrelenting desire for greatness. To me, the virtuous are those who strive to perfect themselves
and approach every issue with the intent of doing what is best. I am led to this conception of virtue
because I acknowledge that in life, perfection is unattainable. Therefore virtue is not complete
goodness, but rather a genuine commitment to the pursuit of what is right. Although the list of
virtues appears to be endless, there are certain ones in particular that I strive to follow in my own
life because they tie into the goals I have for myself. For one, responsibility is a virtue I remain
strongly committed to because of its importance in achieving
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Socially Virtuous Utilitarianism
Ethical theories have been debated and developed for as long as people have been able to reason,
and while we have yet to develop a perfect theory we continue to strive towards such a goal. I found
many of the principles of utilitarianism appealing, but due to the many challenges of classical
utilitarianism changes needed to be made. Thus I developed Socially Virtuous Utilitarianism. The
theory begins with consideration of the story of Baby Theresa. This story places an almost
impossible ethical choice before us. Is it acceptable to use the organs of a unborn baby suffering
from a terrible birth defect to potentially benefit the lives of other children? Classical utilitarianism
would argue it is the correct action. However the argument against ... Show more content on ...
" We ought to use logic and virtues to make the most happiness and the least suffering, firstly within
our lives and interactions while also striving to do the same in the greater world around us, and we
should do such without violating the autonomy, rights, or dignity of those affected or involved," The
principle allows us to strive toward the goal, while also respecting our own humanness, accepting
merely that we try to better the world. Classical utilitarianism would argue that these additions
prevent us from maximizing happiness, and this is true. However I find this expectable as we must
remember we are speaking about people and how we live together. To attempt to maximize
happiness at the expense of all else will lead to fundamental breakdown of values and principle. If
an action can survive the trials of the principle and still promote happiness overall even within
personal and world relationship, then it certainly has more moral
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Nicomachean Ethics: Leading a Virtuous Life
Nicomachean Ethics
(APA Citation)
From the beginning of their evolution, human beings have been searching for the meaning of
happiness. While many may see this to be an inconsequential question, others have devoted entire
lives to the search for happiness. One such person who devoted a great deal of thought to the
question of man's happiness was the famous ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle. In his book The
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discussed the meaning of happiness and what it meant to live a good
life. He asserted that the devise which has been invented to create what is good for man is called
"politics;" and it "uses the rest of the sciences"¦so that this end must be the good for man."
(Aristotle, I, ii) Aristotle also identified four general means by which people live their lives in order
to gain happiness, but stated that only one was a means by which a person could actually attain it.
According to Aristotle, it was not political power, wealth, or worldly pleasures by which a person
could achieve real happiness, it was living a contemplative life. Politics may have been the tool by
which man creates good, but politics does not mean the same thing as living a political life. Aristotle
claimed that those who engaged in a political life do so out of vanity in order to gain personal honor.
Because this only serves to inflate a single person's ego, this is considered to be an empty and vain
course of action. Two other ways of life that Aristotle believed were
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The Virtuous Character In The Epic Of Gilgamesh
In the beginning of The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is not what I would describe as a virtuous
character. The epic poem begins with the people of Uruk praying to the Gods to give Gilgamesh
guidance into becoming a valiant king for their city. The citizens of Uruk explain to the gods all the
things Gilgamesh has done. For example, taking the virginity of new brides. This act alone shows
the excessive pride Gilgamesh has and the lack of respect he has for his people. Once Gilgamesh
befriends Enkidu this is when you really see him transforming, but it is not until the end of the poem
he has fully changed into a new man. The first time you really see the change in Gilgamesh's
personality is when Enkidu and he are fighting Humbaba. During this ... Show more content on ...
Enkidu is brought to life by Anu as a way to help Gilgamesh become a better character by showing
him humility and friendship, which he eventually does. The first time Gilgamesh's new personality
appears is when he decides to show mercy to Humbaba, but is convinced by Enkidu to take the
monster's life. In the beginning of the poem Gilgamesh would have never questioned killing, so this
act of showing mercy shows improvement of his character. The next time we see Gilgamesh
changing his character is with the death of Enkidu. Gilgamesh becomes distraught without him,
which would have never happened before. Him showing emotions towards his companion dying
proves that Gilgamesh truly does care about someone other than himself. This event leads
Gilgamesh to journey out of his city to seek Utuapishtim, a man who survived a great flood with the
help of a god. This one person holds the answer to becoming immortal, which is what Gilgamesh is
seeking now that he realizes his mortality. Though he does not find the answer to being immortal
and loses the plant to make him young, he returns home to the people of Uruk to rule as a great
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Hamlet: a Virtuous and Indecisive Character
In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the image patterns such as an unweeded garden, rot, and
deception conveyed by Hamlet demonstrate how his impelling sense of justice and inability to act
on his decisions doom him to his fate. The image pattern of an unweeded garden exemplifies
Hamlet's melancholy view of Denmark's monarchy and his hesitation to uproot the metaphorical
weeds. Hamlet's use of rot imagery manifests his dissatisfaction with life and inability to vie for his
throne. The pattern of deception imagery delineates how Hamlet's impotence to avenge his father's
death furthers the deterioration of his life. Image patterns used by Hamlet demonstrate his nobility
and that his desires are incongruous with his reality. As Hamlet depicts ... Show more content on ...
Although Hamlet possesses moral traits, his inactivity contributes to his downfall. Through Hamlet's
use of deception imagery, the complexity of his character and his unattainable desire for a world free
of lying and deceit are presented. Hamlet's nobility and hatred for deception is evident when he
bitterly expresses to Gertrude that he is legitimately mourning his father's death: "Seems," madam?
Nay, it is; I know not "seems" (I.ii.77). Surrounded by people who have come to terms with his
father's death, Hamlet is unable to complete the proper grieving process. By grieving, Hamlet yearns
for a more stable environment. His yearning dooms him as he contradicts his previous notion of
inner truth. After the discovery of his father's "foul and unnatural" murder, Hamlet clarifies that
what is on the surface can be drastically different to the dark reality. "That one may smile, and
smile, and be a villain. At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark" (–110). Hamlet realizes
the artifice used in Denmark in order to pursue treachery. Hamlet's overwhelming indecisiveness
forces him to endure the opposite of a stable environment. The solution to the imperfection in
Hamlet's world becomes a dream in which he cannot act upon. The image pattern of an unweeded
garden presents Hamlet's hesitation to pull the metaphorical "weeds" in his life. The Rot image
pattern shows that Hamlet's yearning for the revival of natural order dooms him to further hatred
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The Importance Of A Virtuous Way Of Thinking
Introduction Why is there an importance to character in the criminal justice field? We have looked at
many theorist's ways of thinking, how one should act or how one "ought" to act. Take the textbook
for example, to help someone in need (Banks, 2017). One of the first way of thinking is the
utilitarian way, the utilitarian stresses that the fact of consequences of helping will maximize well–
being of all (Banks, 2017). In contrast. the deontologist will stress the moral rule (Banks, 2017).
Finally, we will consider the virtuous way of thinking. Many philosopher state, this is the third way
of thinking. The idea of virtuous states was thought up by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. A
virtuous ethicist emphasizes a charitable or benevolent character (Banks, 2017). How to come to this
decision, three questions will be answered, the first how does one become a virtuous person? The
second is decision– making compared to the other approaches? Finally, the criticism of virtue from
Aristotle, what are they? Question One How does one become a virtuous person? It sounds simple
to just do the right thing, to be honest. As Aristotle stated by abstaining from pleasure we become
self–controlled, and once we are best able to abstain from pleasure (Banks, 2017). The textbook
gives a great example of what Aristotle's thoughts were on becoming a virtuous person. It is about
honesty/ bravery in a person. A person must be honest to a point which indicts that they are a brave
person who is
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Creon: a Virtuous King?
Creon: A Virtuous King?
Antigone is a Greek Tragedy that was written in 441 B.C. by Sophocles who is considered one of
the great tragedians of the Greek time period and even today. Antigone is a complex play which
centers on the two main characters, Antigone and Creon; Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and
the niece to Creon. This play starts with brothers to Antigone, Polyneices and Eteocles dying in war;
they killed each other tragically while fighting over the throne of Thebes. Eteocles receives a
respectable stately burial and Polyneices was considered a traitor and is disgraced, not allowed to
receive a proper burial. If anyone gets close to the body of Polyneices or tries to bury him they
would be condemned to death by King ... Show more content on ...
This is not a decision of virtue but a decision a man with authority would make to set an example.
I do not feel that the punishment to Antigone was an easy one for King Creon; Antigone was his
niece and fiancé to his son. I feel King Creon is deeply saddened by what Antigone did and he does
not want to punish her with death which is reflected when he decides to bury her in a cave to starve
to death instead of outright execution. A virtuous King would have listened with an open heart and
open mind to his son, his niece, and the prophet. Although King Creon eventually heeds to the
warning of the wrath of the Gods and rushes to release Antigone from the cave it is too late. In King
Creon's late decision to free Antigone and to properly bury Polyneices, the King loses his son, niece,
and wife. King Creon realizes his mistakes and mourns for his losses. I feel that this shows he does
have a heart underneath the front of being the strong ruler but does not make wise decisions which
usually come with experience and age (There is no happiness where there is no wisdom; No wisdom
but in submission the gods. Big words are always punished, And proud men in old age learn to be
wise.) Page 1352 lines 139–142. Finally, I believe that virtue can come with wisdom and experience
and also be gained by tragic loss.
References "Chapter 37/ Sophocles/ Antigone." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry,
Drama, and Writing. Comp. Dana Gioia
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King Lemuel Is A Virtuous Woman Analysis
Proverbs 31 is probably one of the most famous portions of scripture that is referenced when
speaking of a godly or perfect woman. It is the capstone of virtue and excellancy to be found in
womanhood. It is to be the trademark of a christian woman's character and life. From the first verse
of the chapter we learn that this was written by King Lemuel from his mother's teachings about a
virtuous woman. Some scholars think that this King Lemuel was another name for King Solomon,
based on the fact that Lemuel means devoted, or dedicated, which is similar to the meaning of the
name Jedidah, beloved of the Lord, the original name God gave for Solomon. Nonetheless, there is
no record, historical or Biblical, of a king named Lemuel, nor does the Bible say anything to connect
the two kings referred to as one and the same. However, we can conclude that whoever this king
was, he had a godly mother who instructed him in the ways of God. The fact that King Lemuel's
mother is mentioned shows that great veneration and respect was given to her, not only because she
was the queen–mother, but because she was a virtuous woman herself, as her instructions indicate.
In starting out her instruction to her son, ... Show more content on ...
For her price is far above rubies." The word virtuous means not only pure in chastity or a moral
sense but it speaks of a woman who exhibits devotion, dependabilty, dignity, and discretion in her
life. H.A. Ironside comments " The virtuous woman is a dependable woman, one who can be
counted on in every emergency. She is capable and energetic, with a high sense of the dignity and
importance of administering the affairs of the home." The proverb states that a woman like this is
very rare and hard to find. Much like precious jewels are very expensive and valuable because of
their rarity, the virtuous woman is extremely valuable because of her rarity and is a priceless asset to
her husband and
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Nicomachean Ethics: The Role Of A Virtuous Friendship
The Role of a Virtuous Friendship
In the above passage from Nicomachean Ethics as well as throughout the book, Aristotle takes a
great deal of time to emphasize the importance of having a virtuous friendship, as well as
continuously mentioning the pleasure that we as humans take in the existence of our friends and the
actions that they take. Through building a virtuous friendship, we find ourselves embedded into the
most authentic kind of friendship, where we want the best for our friend over our own selves. This
mark of hope for another person to reach their happiness over our own alludes to the idea of viewing
a friend as a second self. With a virtuous friendship, the successes of the other helps oneself build
upon their own wellbeing and aspirations of a virtuous person so that throughout life both persons
are building off of the triumphs of one another. Considering that the friend is a second self, why do
we contemplate the actions of our friends over ours as well as why that knowledge is important to
us? I think in answering this question, we can begin to understand why we need friends in
awakening our own self–knowledge, as we are not able to examine ourselves in a light as greatly as
that of the second self. When beginning to answer ... Show more content on ...
When something seems off with our reflection, we automatically look for ways to reconcile the
distortion. However, without the mirror, we will not know if something is off with ourselves. We
need to be able to have someone staring back at us. This is where the second self or friend comes in
as they awaken our knowledge of what is right or wrong with ourselves. So throughout the course of
our friendship with another, we come to trust how they depict us and therefore we become a mirror
to our own self and in turn can identify with not only our own happiness and troubles but our friends
as well, which is the highest form of
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The Virtuous Manager
The Virtuous Manager
Enron was the model for rapid growth in the 1990's but part of the culture and ethics of Enron was
disturbing. Falsified documents, cutthroat competitiveness among employees and accounting
schemes that hid the truth of the company's indebtedness were just a few examples of the lack of
business ethics within the organization. Perhaps a more virtuous management team could have
saved Enron from collapse.
Culture of Enron
An Indicator of Corruption
Enron's management style was apparent from the early years of the organization. In 1987, traders in
New York manipulated transactions so it would appear as though volume was higher. Falsified
transactions significantly increased the traders' bonus pay out. A truly virtuous ... Show more
content on ...
Shareholder management was an even higher priority if management's compensation was tied to the
company stock price. Managing for stakeholders should not elevate one group to a status higher than
another for each group is dependent upon another.
So how would a virtuous manager have handled the issues of corruption, employee performance and
fraudulent accounting methods in Enron?
Clean House
Corruption, fraud and low employee morale can be infectious diseases within a corporation. In order
to prevent the spread of an infection it must be removed. In 1991 Salonom, Inc. was about to fall
upon difficult times when reports surfaced of an illegal bid for U.S. treasury securities was made by
a Salomon trader. Like Lay, CEO John Gutfreund knew of the problems within the corporation
when he had been warned of the illegal bid. Unfortunately, "Gutfreund did not take the warning
seriously and failed to report it for more than three months" (Enron's Kenneth Lay: The Last Road
Not Taken, 2002).
Warren Buffet demonstrated an appropriate method for dealing with corrupt behavior when he
stepped in as the new CEO of Salomon and cleaned house. He immediately removed the existing
management and brought in his own management team. Instead of hiding information, he
immediately turned over all documentation to investigators. Buffet made it perfectly clear he was to
be informed of
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Virtuous Leader Essay
What makes a Virtuous Leader. Being admirable and accommodate others can influence people to
be a virtuous leader. Using virtues can teach us ways of how to have a moralistic happy feeling in
life and care for other people since people get influenced by you. Being able to be a virtuous leader
you need to know what the virtues are, this can change the way you are and can help other people
understand how you made yourself to become a leader, virtue means showing high moral standards.
Here are 4 supporting claims on what it makes a virtuous leader.
Many people try to understand what makes them a virtuous leader meaning it's hard since no body is
perfect in life. So what makes a virtuous leader? High moral standards and values making us
respectful, polite, and courteous. To support my theory 4 supporting claims of what makes a
virtuous leader.
Here are 2 supporting claims on how my dad became a virtuous leader and had the responsibility to
influence others to also be leaders themselves. My dad was in the military and became a virtuous
leader by teaching young military members the right ways in life. For example, when he was a drill
instructor he would always see men wanting to give up in their career, but instead of telling them to
man up he would always have the time after drills to see and help on what problems they face every
day at boot camp. This gives us an idea of how virtuous leaders influence and help others face
obstacles to become leaders too. Doing this in our
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Virtuous Women In The Good Earth
In the book "The Good Earth" Olan could often be compared to a Virtuous woman. They both share
the quality of being faithful to their relationships. A quality they do not share is the Virtuous woman
makes enough to live off of while Olan is poor. Another quality they do not share is Olan's husband
treats her different than how virtuous woman's husband treats her. Throughout the story "The Good
Earth", Olan could often be compared and contrasted to the qualities of a virtuous woman. One of
the qualities that both a virtuous woman and Olan share is they are both faithful to their
relationships. "The virtuous woman will do a man good and not evil all the days of her life". Olan's
husband married for the second time, although it may have been culturally accepted, she never did
the same to him. Even though Wang Lung decided to get a second wife, Olan still prepares for the
meals and cares ... Show more content on ...
After Olan found the pearls they had some money that they could use. Wang Lung used some of this
money to marry a second wife who then just wore the pearls. "A virtuous woman's husband doth
safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." Wang Lung never listened to the advice
that she gave, or thanked her for the stuff she did. Since Olan found the pearls, Wang Lung used her
for that and he treated her in a poorly way; no person should be treated in such way, they shall be
treated with respect. Throughout the story "The Good Earth", Olan could often be compared and
contrasted to the qualities of a virtuous woman. Olan and a virtuous woman both treat their
husbands well, no matter the circumstances. The virtuous woman is a positive influence to others on
how we should treat the poor. Olan's husband should have treated her like a virtuous woman's
husband does. Throughout the story "The Good Earth", they both have similarities and differences
but they are both strong and great
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Comparing O-Lan And The Virtuous Woman
Throughout the complicated web of humanity, we have had many people that are recognized today
as great. From Christopher Columbus to Madonna, fame and recognition have graced many great
members of our society. But many more members of our society, that deserve respect, don't receive
it. This was often the case in the past for women, as they were not treated equally to men. Yet the
women of these times had a lot of value, especially compared to the praise they were given. Two
examples of women of this quality are O–lan from The Good Earth, and the "Virtuous" woman from
Proverbs 31:10–31. Both O–lan and The Virtuous Woman have many similarities and a few
differences. Both of them provide a lot of value in the relationships that they are a part of, both
romantically and platonically. These woman are both models that not only women, but all people
should aspire to be like. ... Show more content on ...
For example, neither of them need to be spoiled. O–lan spends much of her life in poverty, from her
early days as a slave to the days of her and Wang Lung begging in the streets. This parallels The
Virtuous Woman, when she is described in Proverbs 31:11–12 "The heart of her husband doth safely
trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of
her life." This verse shows that The Virtuous Woman is like O–lan in respect to her humility and
acceptance of life. Another way that these characters are similar is there tendency to give to their
families. O–lan and the virtuous woman always make sure that their family are taken care of. These
good qualities are shared between the two characters, highlighting both of their
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Comparing O-Lan And The Virtuous Woman
Comparing and contrasting these two strong women, O–lan and The Virtuous Woman can be
challenging but life changing. For example, as a reader of The Good Earth and "The Virtuous
Woman" one could say they are alike in in some ways but different in many. Each woman has
different situations because one comes from demanding orders while the other comes from freedom
to do what she pleases. These women have strong families but do not always see eye to eye, which
one would learn after seeing both roles as a mother. Life can throw challenging obstacles towards
you, but can be conquered through strength. There are multiple ways The Virtuous Woman and O–
lan are alike. For example, both women are good to their husbands and never treat them poorly. O–
lan and The Virtuous Woman tend to their husbands' needs; the women feed them and make sure
they are clothed. Both women work for a living to make sure their families are well taken care of.
These two women would be considered strong in the novel and in the verses because of their ways
of being a mother. O–lan goes out to the land and helps the men do their work as well. The Virtuous
Woman does all the work in the house. Both ... Show more content on ...
The Virtuous Woman loves her children deeply, while O–lan has chosen to strangle her daughter
after giving birth out of love for her family. O–lan does this because her family is struggling to feed
themselves. Another example that contrasts them is how The Virtuous Woman's husband prasieth
her meanwhile, O–lan's husband has a second wife due to the amount of money he has. He has
enough money so he bought himself another wife. Their husbands are opposites, O–lan's husband
works on the land while The Virtuous Woman's husband sets at the gates and watches. 'Her husband
is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land." This quote means her husband
does not work for a living, he watches the other men work for a
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Humans Are Naturally Virtuous Or Selfish
" Humans are naturally virtuous or selfish" becomes a popular topic to the society now day. Humans
are mostly narrow–minded because people are indifference towards each other, people injure each
other and humans damage the environment awfully. People are apathetic to each other because
individual focus on their phones instead of talk with others. People like the things which are good
for themselves, so people will always try their best to gain interests although sometime will hurt
others, this can prove people are selfish. Animals and plants are all living on the earth with humans,
but people damage the environment which humans living in. People not only harm to other people,
but also hurting nature. Humans are apathetic about each other, individual does not show amicable
to others, people usually put to much efforts on their phone. ... Show more content on ...
"Bubble Tea Is Really Bad for You." The Daily Meal,–tea–
really–bad–you. "China's Poison Milk Kills Three Children and Leaves 6,000 Sick | Daily Mail
Online." Mail Online,–1056151/Chinas–poison–milk–kills–
children–leaves–6–000–sick.html. "How Indifference Can Kill a Relationship." World of
relationship/. "How Smartphones Could Be Ruining Your Relationship."–smartphones–could–be–ruining–your–relationship.
"How Smartphones Could Be Ruining Your Relationship." Live Bold and Bloom,–smartphones–could–be–ruining–your–relationship.
"Reversal Of Fortune: Deforestation Of Amazon Rainforest Increased By 28% Over Past Year."
International Business Times,
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Virtuous Minds By Phillip Dow Summary
In Virtuous Minds, Phillip Dow helps the reader understand what it means to love God with all of
their minds. Dow does this by giving the reader a list of seven intellectual virtues, which can be
performed in good or bad ways. Some may choose the path of cheating, arrogance, laziness, or
cowardice, but Dow hopes this book will provide an option for recovering intellectual character. He
splits the book into three separate parts, part one defines the seven intellectual virtues, while part
two presents the awards that will come with these virtues, and finally part three provides the reader
with a series of steps to reach this character. In part one we are given seven different intellectual
virtues: courage, carefulness, tenacity, fair–mindedness,
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Aristotle Virtuous Character Analysis

  • 1. Aristotle Virtuous Character Analysis Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, believes that one acquires virtue by exercising moral habituation. Aristotle's theory of a virtuous character is developed by aligning with the Doctrine of the Mean. The philosopher developed the Doctrine of the Mean in Book II of Nicomachean Ethics to serve the purpose of conveying Aristotle's concept on virtue ethics. A virtuous character can be considered as a person who acts in the right manner through habit and practice rather than reasoning. Aristotle writes, "Virtue, then, is a state involving rational choice, consisting in a mean relative to us and determined by reason – the reason, that is, by reference to which the practically wise person would determine it" (Aristotle, 30). Aristotle's ... Show more content on ... He is stating that virtue is not just a state but more of an exceptional state of character. He claims that the state of character arises from the reiteration of similar activities. In this case, repetition of moral acts will cause one to be more virtuous. Out of the three things that we find in our soul, virtue can only be found in our states of character. When acting along the Doctrine of the Mean, you need to find a balance between the two extremes, vice of deficiency and vice of excess. The mean is not necessarily straight in the middle of the spectrum. It all depends on the situation and the person themselves. Each individual has their own particular spectrum where they categorize each virtue on various locations between too little and too much. Knowing that it's based on our excellent state of character, our virtue arises from acts that are deemed moral and that contributes to our character, which proves Aristotle's argument of a virtuous character is born by acting accordingly to the Doctrine of the Mean. A virtuous character is not something that can be created naturally or inherited. Our surroundings and our actions is what contributes to who we are. A virtuous character is created when a person repeatedly commits moral acts. We can infer that a non–virtuous character is a person who repeatedly commits non–moral acts. A case that recently went viral is the Cyntoia Brown case. At the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. What Makes A Virtuous Ethic? Everyone in this world is instilled with a set of values that we use as guidelines to dictate our decisions we make in our life. That affect not only our interaction with others but also with how we subconsciously treat ourselves. A simple explanation of what a virtuous ethic would be something along the lines of "How do I live a life that isn't simply good but also based around good morality?" We use these kinds of ethics to guide us through the righteous path, the morally good path, and the paths that we believe lead to our own prosperity of the good life. But honestly what in the world is the hard facts on virtue ethics let me break it down for you. First off let me examine what these virtues are starting with my personal favorite ... Show more content on ... Which is a perfect example of something that is an end in themselves. "By their very nature human beings act rationally, a characteristic that allows us to make decisions and to change our character and allows others to hold us responsible for those decisions. " In other words not only does the desire to do good, whether it be for our own sake or for the sake of others, which is a quality that exists in everybody gives us the power to judge others for their actions. It also gives insight that while we may think our actions are rational and within the bounds of reason but that doesn't give us the power to avoid the consequences enacted against us by society. The next important virtue within the realm of virtue ethics is the ethics of care "which implies that there is moral significance in the fundamental elements of relationships and dependencies in human life. " A good way to explain the ethics of care is that they are putting moral ideals into action. The foundations in the ethics of care are developed through childhood when we are being raised in a nurturing environment by our parents when we are young and then later in life reviving that feeling as we care for those around us that aren't capable of caring for themselves. The ethics of care is also a profound system used by people in all fields of mental wellbeing and counseling. "Critics fault care ethics ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Virtuous Minds Chapter Summary In Virtuous Minds, the two chapters that I found to be the most important and insightful are the chapters on curiosity and humility. In the chapter about intellectual curiosity Dow speaks about how Dr. Brand's curiosity led him to develop treatments for Hansen's disease. Dow states that Dr. rand's "desire to understand what makes it all work– at the foundational level– forced him to go beyond the shallow or simplistic answers that most of us accept but produce no growth" (p. 57). This quote especially stood out to me because although I am a curious person, I am typically accept answers that only scratch the surface. Dow points out that this will not help my personal growth. If I am to grow as a person, I must always pursue the truth. Later in the chapter, Dow says that many of us shy away from our natural curiosity because we may be fearful of what our peers will think and we do not want to betray our ignorance (p. 59). I find that these assumptions fit me. I am often worried that I will sound ignorant to my classmates and my professor, and this prohibits me from asking questions. Additionally, Dow states that "without the desire to know more, ... Show more content on ... In order to improve on this area, when I catch myself comparing myself to my peers I will stop it immediately and focus on seeing myself as I really am. Additionally, I believe I would greatly benefit from surrounding myself with other intellectual humble people, so that I can emulate their attitudes. I believe that working on my intellectual curiosity will positively benefit my intellectual humility. Since, I will be pursuing truth, I will less likely compare myself to others. Dow states that loving the truth will free me "to enjoy the goodness of knowledge and insight regardless where, when or in whom it is found" (p. 74). This means that my dedication to the truth will stop me from comparing myself to my neighbor, and I can, instead, learn from my ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Importance Of Virtuous Friendship Furthermore, the qualification of the virtuous friendship aims to use the similarities of the friend as a moderator, which would benefit the agent in their pursuit to achieving an intermediate state of virtue. The closer the similarities are between individuals, the better they can moderate each other's actions/desires. Ideally, if one of the individuals were to act out of line, their friend would respond accordingly and put them back on track. However, presuming one of the individuals in the relationship are good since they would remain similar in their virtue, there ought to be a sense of urgency to aid their friends, for the sake of the friend. Arguably, if the virtues of the friend were to change sporadically or gradually, the right response of the loving agent would be to adjust their behaviour to aid the friend through whatever situation they are undergoing. Significantly, empathy becomes a key requirement for an enduring friendship, because it demonstrates we can positively react to our friend's change (and vice–versa). Insofar, the use of understanding is used to comprehend particular features of the situation (250), and it is aligned with the good intentions of helping the friend. Significantly, if the agent is capable to comprehend what has caused the change to their friend, they ought to re–ensure their peers that they will be supportive through their endeavours/changes. Insofar the significant virtue of friendship is the act of loving (128 section 4, line 36). ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: Virtuous Activity Of The Soul Nicomachean Ethics Happiness to Aristotle is to have virtuous activity of the soul and to have achieved the highest good in life (Book I, Chapt. 9, Para.3). To be a virtuous activity of the soul means to participate in honorable and noble activities and to truly be happy and caring when doing them. In Book I, Aristotle implies that someone who does a virtuous activity, but does not really care to do it, is not really being virtuous, whereas someone who does care is truly being noble. Aristotle implies an argument from eudemonia, or happiness, where in order to live a jubilant life, one must live well, but what exactly Aristotle means by this is to live contemplatively and virtuously. He becomes clearer about the behaviors in having a good ... Show more content on ... The example involves Aristotle's view of the contemplative life as being the best life to live as mentioned in Book X. Political life involves contemplation, and so does the philosopher's life. Therefore, the political life should be self– sufficient and happy, equally in comparison to the philosopher's life especially since both involve being contemplative. However, Aristotle would most likely respond to this by saying that a philosopher's life is more virtuous and well rounded since they have a wider range of contemplation. I make this assumption because he stipulates that "The attribute in question, then, will belong to the happy man, and he will be happy throughout his life; for always, or by preference to everything else, he will be engaged in virtuous action and contemplation, and he will bear the chances of life most nobly and altogether decorously, if he is 'truly good' and 'foursquare beyond reproach' (Book I, Chapt.10, Para.5). By saying that the contemplative man is most noble implies that a person who studies political science would not be as noble as the philosopher, or the contemplative man. Aristotle argues that, "...the philosopher, even when by himself, can contemplate truth, and the better the wiser he is; he can perhaps do so better if he has fellow–workers, but still he is the most self–sufficient" (Book X, Chapt.7, Para. 2). Here, ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Emerson's Philosophy For Oneself Is Not Virtuous For Society On the other hand, individualism itself is not virtuous for society. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a philosopher who believed that people should not rely on the community. Self–reliance was one of his major writing work about individualism, which is the opposite of Utopia. When talking about the economy, competition between civilians is necessary to make money. Therefore, society needs the individual's unique skills to progress. Emerson's philosophy towards the individual emphasizes the importance an individual has for himself rather than accepting the thoughts of others. His philosophy of "trust thyself" provides the acceptance of what the "divine providence has found" for the person (Emerson 2) to encourage the individual to trust their gut. Emerson ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Virtuous Friendship Essay Aristotle is right to claim that young people cannot form complete friendships because they allow convenience to rule their lives instead of correct discernment and virtue. According to Aristotle, a complete friendship "is the friendship of good people similar in virtue" (1156b8). This means that the argument of whether or not young people can form complete friendships is rooted mostly in virtue. Aristotle distinguishes human beings' unique ability to commit virtuous, voluntary actions when he says that "...none of the other animals will ever act voluntarily...", however, he finishes his statement saying, "...nor will children." (1111a25) This means that young human beings do not act voluntarily, but instead as puppets of biology and ... Show more content on ... This immaturity doesn't provide a person with enough time to form a full, complete friendship so by this criterion alone, young people do not adhere to Aristotle's definition. "Young person", however, is a vague term. Does that mean anyone without wrinkles? Anyone under eighteen? Since the focus of this essay is to be on college–aged people, young people will be defined as anyone up to twenty–two and a child as anyone under eighteen. It could be argued that a young person is able to be mature and want good for their friend's sake. In college, people live in close proximity and at a college age, it could be expected that they have lived long enough to make virtuous connections. However, Aristotle states that "these kinds of friendships are likely to be rare, since such people are few." (1156b23) Yes, college students make many friends and those friendships may later become complete friendships, but initially those friendships are of pleasure and utility. A person wants to feel comfortable in their environment and college is a new living environment for most people; in order to gain comfort, they befriend others, using them for their own access to a happy, comfortable life. The stereotypical college person also enjoys pleasure in partying, alcohol indulgence, and physical hook–ups. Obviously, these connections with others are far from the idea of complete friendship ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Northanger Abbey And Frances Burny: The Virtuous Woman Kaitlin Mercedes Atherton RUID 133008151 Women in 18th Century Lit Final Paper 'The Virtuous Woman' The Modern woman portrayed in the later portion of the Eighteenth Century's written works is quite the opposite of its earlier romantic counterpart in literature; women who were previously portrayed as highly sexual beings who were far above the commoners of normal society are now being portrayed modestly and relatable for the given time. The Modern Woman shows restraint over her sexuality and social demeanor, offering the portrayal that she is pure and angelic rather than outlandish and impulsive. This title of the 'Virtuous Woman' is exemplified in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey and Frances Burney's Evelina. These female protagonists ... Show more content on ... He goes so far to compare the city to that Captain Mirvan adjectively describing it as, "the general harbour of fraud and folly, of duplicity and of impertinency" stating that city would satisfy this man in that they are quite comparable in character. Villars believes Evelina, who is sweet and gentle, would be subject to falling into the negative invitations that the city inhabits. And though she is initially inexperienced and makes mistakes early on, Evelina does not become a victim to her surroundings and still maintains that purity Villars was so afraid she would lose. For throughout the story she is able to discern between desirable and undesirable traits of human character amongst her peers and what deems them to be a good person, and does not loser herself to the darker side of the city that Reverend Villars believes it to embody. Catherine of Northanger Abbey personifies the ideal of the 'Virtuous Woman' differently from Evelina as Catherine is far more familiar within the customs of fashionable society. She has the luxury of free speech (in comparison to Evelina) but does not have the keen ability of perception over social situations. This is due in part because Catherine is so lost in her world of stories that she tries to make her life parallel to that of the characters in her Gothic texts. This trait of hers, a naivety ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Julius Caesar: What Makes A Virtuous Leader? What makes a Virtuous Leader ¨A real leader faces the music, even if he doesn't like the tune,¨ (Arnold H. Glasgow). A leader is virtuous. A virtuous leader always displays courage, optimism, and obedience by their actions towards their people for safety. In the play, " Julius Caesar, " the tale of, " The Nun's Priest, " they teach a moral why you need to follow the traits, optimism, obedience, and courage to use and become a virtuous leader. A non – virtuous leader is one who does not use the following traits courage, optimism, and obedience while leading. A perfect example of an unvirtuous leader is Emperor Nero. Emperor Nero did not show courage when he left during the great fire and left many people to die. Emperor Nero was also told that he wanted to make an end of the whole city in his lifetime, he also was told he was singing, laughing, and playing when Rome burnt to the floor. " CE Nero had the wish – or rather it had always been a fixed purpose of his – to make an end of the whole city in his lifetime," (Cassius Dio: Nero and the Great Fire). "Accordingly, Nero sent out by different ways men feigning to be drunk, or engaged in some of kind of mischief, and at first had a few fires kindled quietly and in different ... Show more content on ... Julius Caesar had courage when he fought the Gauls around 58 BC to 50 BC. Julius fought and had courage when he won battles against the Gauls and many others by conquering them. Julius Caesar told his armies to stay and fight, but if his troop were tired and wanted home they can leave. "Between 58 and 50 BC, Caesar conquered the rest of Gaul, up to the river Rhine. As he expanded his reach, he also showed his ruthlessness with his enemies. In one instance he waited until his opponents' water supply had gone dry, and then ordered the hands of all the remaining survivors be cut off,"(Julius Caesar. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 08 May ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. A Virtuous Friend One of my favorite phrase, of the song Lean On Me by Bill Withers, is a "Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain we all have sorrow But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow." In other words, no matter how arduous and challenging life can be, another better opportunity will be given the next day. In life, people should identify the difference between the real friend or fake friends. In addition, the qualities of a virtuous friend are trustworthy, have a good attitude, and last being thoughtful. To begin with, the first quality of a good friend is someone who is trustworthy. A trustworthy is someone who is honest, loyal, and caring. An example scenario of a trustworthy was taking initiative ways to return a notable item such as a wallet. A group of college students was having a potluck dinner to celebrate the final week of college. Unfortunately, after a simple dinner, the owner of the apartment saw an unfamiliar wallet left behind by the coffee table. Then, he approximately looked for an identification card that will distinguish the owner's name. Luckily, Joseph the owner of the apartment knew the owner of the wallet. Joseph did not hesitate to drive in a heavy rainfall during late–night to return the wallet. After an hour and thirty minutes of driving the wallet was returned back to the owner. Allan the owner of the wallet was astounded and pleased for having Joseph as a trustworthy friend. From these, some friends take a risk situation like driving in ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Virtuous Ethics In The Criminal Justice System What is virtuous ethics? When we are asked what is virtuous ethics? defines virtuous as, conforming to moral and ethical principles; morally excellent; upright ("virtuous," n.d.). Our readings from this week explain to us that virtuous ethics is one of the oldest forms of all of the ethical traditions, having its roots having its roots in Greek and Roman philosophies (Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 189). When speaking of virtuous ethics and people its not so much of speaking of what people do as far as their action in their everyday life, but its more of how they live their life, they type of person they are. As the text explains, are they caring, compassionate, forgiving, merciful, or are they more full or hate, non caring, vindictive or unpleasant? That's the type of things that most of us will think about when talking about being virtuous and speaking of virtuous people and virtuous ethics in general (Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 189). ... Show more content on ... When faced with certain circumstances as law enforcements officers, we respond or behave in certain ways, as described this week as character traits. Many officers exhibit many traits such as honesty, integrity, things that most departments seek out when looking for officers to employee (Arrigo & Williams, 2008, p. 189). Character plays a major role in the criminal justice system starting from the very first day of employment all the way through the last day till ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Hero : A Virtuous Heroes Aaron Sorkin, a screenwriter, producer, director, and playwright, once said, "Heroes in drama are people who try hard to reach a virtuous ideal. And whether they succeed or fail really doesn't matter – it's the trying that counts." Sorkin states that heroes are those that attempt to reach their goal, not necessarily those that succeed. Heroes will proceed to try, no matter who or what is preventing them from reaching a goal. Sorkin is also discussing people attempting to reach a "virtuous ideal", which is often obtained for others. A hero is one who solves others' before their own, is determined to obtain a goal despite obstacles, but may not always conquer the challenge at hand. Heroes refuse to think of their problems if others are not ... Show more content on ... Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient and women's rights activist, was shot in the head by a member of the Taliban and has also received multiple death threats. Yousafzai continues to be a voice for young girls around the world, spreading the word about the necessity of education. Additionally, Frederick Douglass, a former slave and civil rights activist, stated in his autobiography, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, "It was a severe cross and I took it up reluctantly. The truth was, I felt myself a slave and the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down...From that time until now, I have been engaged in pleading the case of my brethren..." Douglass felt that he was still enslaved, therefore it terrified him to speak at anti– slavery and civil rights meetings. However, he did so, because he thought the cause important enough to force him to overcome his fear. Finally, Benazir Bhutto, the first female leader of a Muslim majority country, was exiled and eventually assassinated while trying to preserve the rights of Pakistani citizens. Heroes are not always the ones who obtain their goals. Instead, they are the people who continue to try without reward. For example, Samuel Paladino is diagnosed with an ischemic stroke, idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Bipolar disorder, chiari malformation, Tourette's syndrome, and possibly MELAS. Many of those either cannot be cured with ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Mrs. Bird As A Virtuous Woman Mrs. Bird can be described best as a virtuous woman. She is totally on the slavery issue. Apparently, the events that take place including the oppression, mistreatments, beatings and other forms of cruelty exerted on slaves doesn't pass her unseen. She becomes unhappy and unsettled about this. Eventually, she takes the initiative to talk to her husband to convince him to do something. She hopes she can be able to bring change to her husband's position in the government. The senator, who is also Mr. Bird is also portrayed as a well–meaning individual. He is sympathetic to the obliteration case, but his actions do not support his sentiments. He is complacent and tries as much as possible to seem to be somewhere where others of his class are. ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Socrates Virtuous Soul Analysis This philosophy study will argue against Socrates' "virtuous soul" as the motivation for just acts in The Republic. Socrates' argument for the "balanced soul" as a motivation for just acts is defined in relation to the contrasting arguments of his contemporaries, such as Thrasymachus, Glaucon, and Adeimantus. This ideological view of the "virtuous soul" does not provide a practical explanation for the motivation of a "just act" in a hierarchical society. The argument of Thrasymachus defines justice as being the advantage of the stronger, which defines the motivation for a just act that only applies to those that can practice and/or enforce justice in society. Glaucon through the "Ring of Gyges" allegory also defines the ... Show more content on ... This argument defines the motivation of human life, which always struggles to find justice in a hierarchically structured society. In contrast to Thrasymachus, Socrates argues that it is the virtue of the soul that provides the motivation for committing a just act, which should be the primary casual reason for justice in human society. Socrates' argument that the psychic health of the soul is defined as being part of the virtue of wisdom, which prevents the unjust man from committing an unjust act. This description of the soul is part of the countermand to Thrasymachus' remarks about the advantage of the social framework of the "strong" and the "weak, which Socrates replies by arguing for the wisdom of virtue as a the balancing motivation for justice: "But it is evident that there must have been some remnant of justice in them [the unjust individual]" Plato 22). This argument, however, only shows the causality of the soul as a virtue, as it does not provide a bridge to the actions of human beings in the real world. In this manner, Glaucon provides a more effective argument against the fallacies of Socrates, which define the societal motivations of punishment and reward that are part of the larger problem of self–serving legal benefits that only benefit the stronger. Glaucon's argument defines the allegory of the Ring ofR, which allows an individual to become invisible and all–powerful. This story tells of the shepherd that would overthrow a powerful queen ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Aristotle Virtuous According to Aristotle virtue is achieving excellence of the soul. (1) For man to become virtuous they must build habits that model virtuous behavior. Aristotle believed that moral virtue forms through habit and no one is born virtuous. Under this premise virtue is both learned and practiced through our behaviors. When one acts in a moral and virtuous way they become more virtuous, the opposite is true also that if one acts in a non–virtuous way they will learn to become less virtuous. To be virtuous you also must maintain a balance which is called the mean. Aristotle further states that you cannot merely define virtue in terms of characteristics, you must also specify the kind of characteristic, and that this virtue renders good the thing itself of which it is the excellence, and performs its function well at the same time.(2) To live in the mean is to be virtuous. The mean is making choices that are the right amount of virtue, or the correct balance of choices. To act either in excess or a lack of virtue is a vice. It is the ability of choosing to act in the mean or middle that is considered virtuous. This can easily been in examples, if a wealthy man had the resources to help others and give some of his money he could be a virtuous man if he did so while acting in the mean. If the same man did not give to charities ... Show more content on ... When one find themselves in a situation of loss or heavy sadness it could move into despair. It is normal to feel some despair with loss, so the mean would be so grieve then return to a more normal state of feeling in a reasonable time. This would make this vice actually virtuous. The opposite would cause it to continue as a vice. If someone fell into despair and never recovered from it and let it consume their life this would be a vice. Another vice of despair would be if someone had a despairing situation and did not react to it at all, or shunned the loss all together this would also be a ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. When Was Socrates A Virtuous Man Socrates lived in a democratic society, a society in which many gained the dominant power in politics, a corrupted political system. The definition of virtuous according to Socrates is ... Socrates was a virtuous man because he followed the moral teaching that he set up for himself and he is not being hypocritical but rather his behavior does conform his moral standards. He highly values the state laws, believes that questioning is a necessary process to lead to virtuous, and he was committed to perform his sacred mission from the God. Unusually ideas according to the people in the ancient Greek. In a closed society, authority figures manipulated people's mind, citizens didn't recognize what is right and wrong due to their ignorance. Socrates ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Katniss A Virtuous Person Analysis 1) A virtuous person (moral exemplar) is someone who sets a fine example and serves as a role model for the rest of us. 2) Katniss kills innocent people in The Hunger Games 3) Katniss is selfish 4) Therefore, Katniss is not a virtuous person Premise 3 is false because Katniss is a virtuous person and the fact that she puts other people before herself many times before and during The Hunger Games, proves this to be true. During the lottery drawing in Katniss's district, her little sister's name, Prim, is pulled. Terrorized, Katniss courageously risks her life for her sister by volunteering as tribute. Katniss putting her sister's life before her own, disapproves premise 3. Also, as stated in the virtue ethics theory, "Emotions can help us to see what is morally relevant, by tipping us off to what matters in a given situation." That statement is moral understanding, and Katniss's emotional reaction of volunteering as tribute, from the love that she has for her sister, shows that she acquires moral understanding, which is a characteristic of a virtuous person, and virtuous people are not selfish. ... Show more content on ... Her display of pain and sadness following Rue's death, once again show that her emotions are telling her what is important, which was, in that situation, the loss of that little girl's life. The fact that Rue's life was important to her, conveys the fact that she actually cared for another person's life whilst in a game that expects you to only care about your own. Katniss was able to use her emotions to see even clearer that the killing of innocent people, regardless of being in competition for your own life, is wrong. This ultimately makes Katniss not a selfish ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. Olan The Virtuous Woman Essay Olan or the "Virtuous Woman," same person? Relatively close? Or just complete opposites? Throughout the novel, The Good Earth Olan a slave woman with unbound feet is wedded to Wang Lung a poor crop farmer. Olan is responsible for many things in her marriage with Lung such as cooking and such, but she is a right–minded woman who does more than she is asked or told. She carries weight on her shoulders and works her hardest even in times of struggle. Olan does not go down easy, she's a worker and will not quit till the job done. So is Olan the "Virtuous Woman?" Well of course she is, the closest thing to it! The "Virtuous Woman" is a person who is worth far more than jewels and money, their worth is meaningful through their love, care, respect, and hard work. They give their husbands a full heart and show them that they need no spoiling for they are content and happy with the life they are provided and are willing to put forth the same effort as the other does." Olan is a perfect example of such a woman for she does more than she is asked by pushing herself to the limits to provide her husband and show that she is willing to be right there by his side ... Show more content on ... Olan portrays these qualities greatly throughout the novel, even when she should not. For example Olan is proud of the person she is and love's her life very much, she values what she has, such as the land Lung was going to sell and she told him not too, that their family would be fine. On the other hand, Wang Lung involves himself with another woman named Lotus. Olan should be furious with this and unkind, but she is not, she allows it to happen and continues to love and cherish her husband, provide for him and work hard while ignoring it all. Olan may be the "Virtuous Woman" but her husband takes advantage of this amazing blessing by not giving to her what she has given to him, a loving, caring ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Virtuous Role of a Spouse The Virtuous Role of a Spouse Women in today's society have become equal to men in nearly every aspect of life. They hold independent jobs, can provide for themselves, and have almost every right that man has. Up until very recently, this was not the case for women or their value in the community. In the 16th century, women were treated completely different. They were primarily domestic–minded, and were chosen by husbands based off of the value that they could bring into a household. Beauty and love did come into play, but the woman was definitely subordinate to the potential husband in almost every aspect. In Cervantes' Don Quixote, virtue in a spouse is defined by cultural thought and through an indirect source that creates a "perfect" wife mentally. In order to establish a historical understanding of what is happening during the time that Don Quixote was written, it is essential to look at the religious influence on Spain. At the time, Christianity was predominant. Spaniards shared a religious identity, Catholicism, and all other religions were forced out and were not tolerated (Canneque). This religious power will continue during the time that Cervantes writes Don Quixote. Whether or not Cervantes' goal was to bring attention to the religious culture in Spain at the time, it is inevitable that this way of thinking and use of the Bible gets brought into play. At the dawn of the 16th century, the role of women was not something to write home about. It was obvious ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Rocky Balbo A Virtuous Man Virtuous Underdog Having moral standards and being an overall good person is someone who has virtue. Who would have virtue other than a true underdog. Everyone loves a good underdog story and that's just the story Sylvester Stallone's Rocky showed us. Stallone continued to add on to Rocky Balboa's life which ended with six movies and just recently with Creed. In a interview Stallone made the comment, "The only thing I have ever done right is make Rocky", meaning none of his other movies could ever compare to Rocky (Rottenberg). He may not be a real person but the fact that Rocky came from being just a regular person doing what he loves to making it to fame and fortune due to an opportunity Apollo Creed gave him. Sylvester Stallone's Rocky Balboa is one of the most virtuous people because he is humble, respectable, and ... Show more content on ... His dream was to go the distance, that all he ever wanted and he never lost sight of it. Rather he won or lost the fight he was just happy to be able to participate in the ring doing something that he is passionate about. In one of his motivational speeches he states that, "it's not about how hard ya hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done" (Williams). Throughout all of his fights he never once gave up, never even threw in the towel no matter how badly beaten down he was. The night before he faced Apollo for the very first time, he told Adrian "Don't matter if he opens my head... The only thing I wanna do is go the distance –– That's all" (Stallone). Throughout the movie he has worked so hard for this fight and when it came down the night before the fight he told Adrian that. Rocky did not care if he won or lost, he went the distance proved everyone that he had the skill and determination to go toe to toe with the champ. That explains why his motivation adds to his virtuous ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Aeneas : The Death Of Helen As A Virtuous Hero Anger can always incite irrational actions. The sight of Helen seeking shelter at the altar, causes Aeneas to remember the crimes she committed driving him to furious anger. This anger drives him to contemplate an ignoble and uncharacteristic act of revenge by murdering Helen as she sought protection from the gods. Despite being depicted as a virtuous hero, Aeneas' strong, visceral reaction to seeing Helen shows that he is subject to the same passionate feelings all humans feel, especially when something raises his anger. When Aeneas sees Helen, he is driven into a state of fervent anger because he believes she caused the downfall of his homeland. When Aeneas first finds Helen, she is seeking refuge at the altar of Vesta (2.567), goddess of home and family. By seeking refuge at the altar of a goddess, Helen appears more vulnerable which serves to highlight the vengeful action Aeneas contemplates. Helen's actions parallel those of Cassandra who sought refuge at the altar of Minerva during the fall of Troy. Like Helen, Cassandra was seeking refuge from the horrors of the war only to be assaulted by Ajax. While Aeneas never follows through on his desire to attack Helen in her place of refuge, the parallel serves to emphasizes how brutal Aeneas' murder of Helen would be if he committed it at an altar. Killing someone seeking refuge at an altar would be a dishonorable act that would offend the gods, which is something that would be out of character for Aeneas if he was ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Components Of Virtuous Leadership Scholz Posted Date: September 21, 2017 6:52 AMStatus:Published Victor, Negative organizational climate is something that has become quite of an issue at my workplace. It tends to go in somewhat of a downward spiral – one person will become disgruntled about something and start complaining, this grumbling creates a negative environment, more people become disgruntled and join in, and the cycle continues. Virtuous leadership can help break this cycle of negativity and boost positivity within the organization climate. Even as coworkers, we can display the components of virtuous leadership by focusing on the greater good and portraying trust, integrity, and forgiveness (Kinicki & Fugate, 2012). Essentially, we can be a light to those in our workplace and combat the spreading, negative darkness (Matthew 5:14–16, New International Version). Whenever we form a group or team at my job one of the first things we do is assign and define roles and responsibilities. Motivation and satisfaction of team members can be increased when they are assigned roles congruent with individual strengths and abilities (Fischer, n.d.). This task could help eliminate your issues concerning role conflict. When a group has an assigned leader it can function without the continual question of who is in charge. Additionally, assigned roles can help with your groups' competition of what individual or job is most important; everyone can recognize the uniqueness of each individual's ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. A Virtuous Friend One of my favorite phrases, of the song Lean On Me by Bill Withers, is a "Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain we all have sorrow But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow." In other words, no matter how arduous and challenging life can be, another better opportunity will be given the next day. In life, people should identify the difference between the real friend or fake friends. In addition, the qualities of a virtuous friend are trustworthy, have a good attitude, and last being thoughtful. To begin with, the first quality of a good friend is someone who is trustworthy. A trustworthy is someone who is honest, loyal, and caring. An example scenario of a trustworthy was taking initiative ways to return a notable item such as a wallet. A group of college students was having a potluck dinner to celebrate the final week of college. Unfortunately, after a simple dinner, the owner of the apartment saw an unfamiliar wallet left behind by the coffee table. Then, he approximately looked for an identification card that will distinguish the owner's name. Luckily, Joseph the owner of the apartment knew the owner of the wallet. Joseph did not hesitate to drive in a heavy rainfall during late–night to return the wallet. After an hour and thirty minutes of driving the wallet was returned back to the owner. Allan the owner of the wallet was astounded and pleased for having Joseph as a trustworthy friend. From these, some friends take a risk situation like driving ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. What Does It Mean To Be Virtuous When I think of what it means to be virtuous, I am drawn to the idea of commitment to the good and an unrelenting desire for greatness. To me, the virtuous are those who strive to perfect themselves and approach every issue with the intent of doing what is best. I am led to this conception of virtue because I acknowledge that in life, perfection is unattainable. Therefore virtue is not complete goodness, but rather a genuine commitment to the pursuit of what is right. Although the list of virtues appears to be endless, there are certain ones in particular that I strive to follow in my own life because they tie into the goals I have for myself. For one, responsibility is a virtue I remain strongly committed to because of its importance in achieving ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Socially Virtuous Utilitarianism Ethical theories have been debated and developed for as long as people have been able to reason, and while we have yet to develop a perfect theory we continue to strive towards such a goal. I found many of the principles of utilitarianism appealing, but due to the many challenges of classical utilitarianism changes needed to be made. Thus I developed Socially Virtuous Utilitarianism. The theory begins with consideration of the story of Baby Theresa. This story places an almost impossible ethical choice before us. Is it acceptable to use the organs of a unborn baby suffering from a terrible birth defect to potentially benefit the lives of other children? Classical utilitarianism would argue it is the correct action. However the argument against ... Show more content on ... " We ought to use logic and virtues to make the most happiness and the least suffering, firstly within our lives and interactions while also striving to do the same in the greater world around us, and we should do such without violating the autonomy, rights, or dignity of those affected or involved," The principle allows us to strive toward the goal, while also respecting our own humanness, accepting merely that we try to better the world. Classical utilitarianism would argue that these additions prevent us from maximizing happiness, and this is true. However I find this expectable as we must remember we are speaking about people and how we live together. To attempt to maximize happiness at the expense of all else will lead to fundamental breakdown of values and principle. If an action can survive the trials of the principle and still promote happiness overall even within personal and world relationship, then it certainly has more moral ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Nicomachean Ethics: Leading a Virtuous Life Nicomachean Ethics (APA Citation) From the beginning of their evolution, human beings have been searching for the meaning of happiness. While many may see this to be an inconsequential question, others have devoted entire lives to the search for happiness. One such person who devoted a great deal of thought to the question of man's happiness was the famous ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle. In his book The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discussed the meaning of happiness and what it meant to live a good life. He asserted that the devise which has been invented to create what is good for man is called "politics;" and it "uses the rest of the sciences"¦so that this end must be the good for man." (Aristotle, I, ii) Aristotle also identified four general means by which people live their lives in order to gain happiness, but stated that only one was a means by which a person could actually attain it. According to Aristotle, it was not political power, wealth, or worldly pleasures by which a person could achieve real happiness, it was living a contemplative life. Politics may have been the tool by which man creates good, but politics does not mean the same thing as living a political life. Aristotle claimed that those who engaged in a political life do so out of vanity in order to gain personal honor. Because this only serves to inflate a single person's ego, this is considered to be an empty and vain course of action. Two other ways of life that Aristotle believed were ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Virtuous Character In The Epic Of Gilgamesh In the beginning of The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is not what I would describe as a virtuous character. The epic poem begins with the people of Uruk praying to the Gods to give Gilgamesh guidance into becoming a valiant king for their city. The citizens of Uruk explain to the gods all the things Gilgamesh has done. For example, taking the virginity of new brides. This act alone shows the excessive pride Gilgamesh has and the lack of respect he has for his people. Once Gilgamesh befriends Enkidu this is when you really see him transforming, but it is not until the end of the poem he has fully changed into a new man. The first time you really see the change in Gilgamesh's personality is when Enkidu and he are fighting Humbaba. During this ... Show more content on ... Enkidu is brought to life by Anu as a way to help Gilgamesh become a better character by showing him humility and friendship, which he eventually does. The first time Gilgamesh's new personality appears is when he decides to show mercy to Humbaba, but is convinced by Enkidu to take the monster's life. In the beginning of the poem Gilgamesh would have never questioned killing, so this act of showing mercy shows improvement of his character. The next time we see Gilgamesh changing his character is with the death of Enkidu. Gilgamesh becomes distraught without him, which would have never happened before. Him showing emotions towards his companion dying proves that Gilgamesh truly does care about someone other than himself. This event leads Gilgamesh to journey out of his city to seek Utuapishtim, a man who survived a great flood with the help of a god. This one person holds the answer to becoming immortal, which is what Gilgamesh is seeking now that he realizes his mortality. Though he does not find the answer to being immortal and loses the plant to make him young, he returns home to the people of Uruk to rule as a great ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Hamlet: a Virtuous and Indecisive Character In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the image patterns such as an unweeded garden, rot, and deception conveyed by Hamlet demonstrate how his impelling sense of justice and inability to act on his decisions doom him to his fate. The image pattern of an unweeded garden exemplifies Hamlet's melancholy view of Denmark's monarchy and his hesitation to uproot the metaphorical weeds. Hamlet's use of rot imagery manifests his dissatisfaction with life and inability to vie for his throne. The pattern of deception imagery delineates how Hamlet's impotence to avenge his father's death furthers the deterioration of his life. Image patterns used by Hamlet demonstrate his nobility and that his desires are incongruous with his reality. As Hamlet depicts ... Show more content on ... Although Hamlet possesses moral traits, his inactivity contributes to his downfall. Through Hamlet's use of deception imagery, the complexity of his character and his unattainable desire for a world free of lying and deceit are presented. Hamlet's nobility and hatred for deception is evident when he bitterly expresses to Gertrude that he is legitimately mourning his father's death: "Seems," madam? Nay, it is; I know not "seems" (I.ii.77). Surrounded by people who have come to terms with his father's death, Hamlet is unable to complete the proper grieving process. By grieving, Hamlet yearns for a more stable environment. His yearning dooms him as he contradicts his previous notion of inner truth. After the discovery of his father's "foul and unnatural" murder, Hamlet clarifies that what is on the surface can be drastically different to the dark reality. "That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain. At least I am sure it may be so in Denmark" (–110). Hamlet realizes the artifice used in Denmark in order to pursue treachery. Hamlet's overwhelming indecisiveness forces him to endure the opposite of a stable environment. The solution to the imperfection in Hamlet's world becomes a dream in which he cannot act upon. The image pattern of an unweeded garden presents Hamlet's hesitation to pull the metaphorical "weeds" in his life. The Rot image pattern shows that Hamlet's yearning for the revival of natural order dooms him to further hatred ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Importance Of A Virtuous Way Of Thinking Introduction Why is there an importance to character in the criminal justice field? We have looked at many theorist's ways of thinking, how one should act or how one "ought" to act. Take the textbook for example, to help someone in need (Banks, 2017). One of the first way of thinking is the utilitarian way, the utilitarian stresses that the fact of consequences of helping will maximize well– being of all (Banks, 2017). In contrast. the deontologist will stress the moral rule (Banks, 2017). Finally, we will consider the virtuous way of thinking. Many philosopher state, this is the third way of thinking. The idea of virtuous states was thought up by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. A virtuous ethicist emphasizes a charitable or benevolent character (Banks, 2017). How to come to this decision, three questions will be answered, the first how does one become a virtuous person? The second is decision– making compared to the other approaches? Finally, the criticism of virtue from Aristotle, what are they? Question One How does one become a virtuous person? It sounds simple to just do the right thing, to be honest. As Aristotle stated by abstaining from pleasure we become self–controlled, and once we are best able to abstain from pleasure (Banks, 2017). The textbook gives a great example of what Aristotle's thoughts were on becoming a virtuous person. It is about honesty/ bravery in a person. A person must be honest to a point which indicts that they are a brave person who is ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Creon: a Virtuous King? Creon: A Virtuous King? Antigone is a Greek Tragedy that was written in 441 B.C. by Sophocles who is considered one of the great tragedians of the Greek time period and even today. Antigone is a complex play which centers on the two main characters, Antigone and Creon; Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and the niece to Creon. This play starts with brothers to Antigone, Polyneices and Eteocles dying in war; they killed each other tragically while fighting over the throne of Thebes. Eteocles receives a respectable stately burial and Polyneices was considered a traitor and is disgraced, not allowed to receive a proper burial. If anyone gets close to the body of Polyneices or tries to bury him they would be condemned to death by King ... Show more content on ... This is not a decision of virtue but a decision a man with authority would make to set an example. I do not feel that the punishment to Antigone was an easy one for King Creon; Antigone was his niece and fiancé to his son. I feel King Creon is deeply saddened by what Antigone did and he does not want to punish her with death which is reflected when he decides to bury her in a cave to starve to death instead of outright execution. A virtuous King would have listened with an open heart and open mind to his son, his niece, and the prophet. Although King Creon eventually heeds to the warning of the wrath of the Gods and rushes to release Antigone from the cave it is too late. In King Creon's late decision to free Antigone and to properly bury Polyneices, the King loses his son, niece, and wife. King Creon realizes his mistakes and mourns for his losses. I feel that this shows he does have a heart underneath the front of being the strong ruler but does not make wise decisions which usually come with experience and age (There is no happiness where there is no wisdom; No wisdom but in submission the gods. Big words are always punished, And proud men in old age learn to be wise.) Page 1352 lines 139–142. Finally, I believe that virtue can come with wisdom and experience and also be gained by tragic loss. References "Chapter 37/ Sophocles/ Antigone." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Comp. Dana Gioia ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. King Lemuel Is A Virtuous Woman Analysis Proverbs 31 is probably one of the most famous portions of scripture that is referenced when speaking of a godly or perfect woman. It is the capstone of virtue and excellancy to be found in womanhood. It is to be the trademark of a christian woman's character and life. From the first verse of the chapter we learn that this was written by King Lemuel from his mother's teachings about a virtuous woman. Some scholars think that this King Lemuel was another name for King Solomon, based on the fact that Lemuel means devoted, or dedicated, which is similar to the meaning of the name Jedidah, beloved of the Lord, the original name God gave for Solomon. Nonetheless, there is no record, historical or Biblical, of a king named Lemuel, nor does the Bible say anything to connect the two kings referred to as one and the same. However, we can conclude that whoever this king was, he had a godly mother who instructed him in the ways of God. The fact that King Lemuel's mother is mentioned shows that great veneration and respect was given to her, not only because she was the queen–mother, but because she was a virtuous woman herself, as her instructions indicate. In starting out her instruction to her son, ... Show more content on ... For her price is far above rubies." The word virtuous means not only pure in chastity or a moral sense but it speaks of a woman who exhibits devotion, dependabilty, dignity, and discretion in her life. H.A. Ironside comments " The virtuous woman is a dependable woman, one who can be counted on in every emergency. She is capable and energetic, with a high sense of the dignity and importance of administering the affairs of the home." The proverb states that a woman like this is very rare and hard to find. Much like precious jewels are very expensive and valuable because of their rarity, the virtuous woman is extremely valuable because of her rarity and is a priceless asset to her husband and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Nicomachean Ethics: The Role Of A Virtuous Friendship The Role of a Virtuous Friendship In the above passage from Nicomachean Ethics as well as throughout the book, Aristotle takes a great deal of time to emphasize the importance of having a virtuous friendship, as well as continuously mentioning the pleasure that we as humans take in the existence of our friends and the actions that they take. Through building a virtuous friendship, we find ourselves embedded into the most authentic kind of friendship, where we want the best for our friend over our own selves. This mark of hope for another person to reach their happiness over our own alludes to the idea of viewing a friend as a second self. With a virtuous friendship, the successes of the other helps oneself build upon their own wellbeing and aspirations of a virtuous person so that throughout life both persons are building off of the triumphs of one another. Considering that the friend is a second self, why do we contemplate the actions of our friends over ours as well as why that knowledge is important to us? I think in answering this question, we can begin to understand why we need friends in awakening our own self–knowledge, as we are not able to examine ourselves in a light as greatly as that of the second self. When beginning to answer ... Show more content on ... When something seems off with our reflection, we automatically look for ways to reconcile the distortion. However, without the mirror, we will not know if something is off with ourselves. We need to be able to have someone staring back at us. This is where the second self or friend comes in as they awaken our knowledge of what is right or wrong with ourselves. So throughout the course of our friendship with another, we come to trust how they depict us and therefore we become a mirror to our own self and in turn can identify with not only our own happiness and troubles but our friends as well, which is the highest form of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Virtuous Manager The Virtuous Manager Enron was the model for rapid growth in the 1990's but part of the culture and ethics of Enron was disturbing. Falsified documents, cutthroat competitiveness among employees and accounting schemes that hid the truth of the company's indebtedness were just a few examples of the lack of business ethics within the organization. Perhaps a more virtuous management team could have saved Enron from collapse. Culture of Enron An Indicator of Corruption Enron's management style was apparent from the early years of the organization. In 1987, traders in New York manipulated transactions so it would appear as though volume was higher. Falsified transactions significantly increased the traders' bonus pay out. A truly virtuous ... Show more content on ... Shareholder management was an even higher priority if management's compensation was tied to the company stock price. Managing for stakeholders should not elevate one group to a status higher than another for each group is dependent upon another. So how would a virtuous manager have handled the issues of corruption, employee performance and fraudulent accounting methods in Enron? Clean House Corruption, fraud and low employee morale can be infectious diseases within a corporation. In order to prevent the spread of an infection it must be removed. In 1991 Salonom, Inc. was about to fall upon difficult times when reports surfaced of an illegal bid for U.S. treasury securities was made by a Salomon trader. Like Lay, CEO John Gutfreund knew of the problems within the corporation when he had been warned of the illegal bid. Unfortunately, "Gutfreund did not take the warning seriously and failed to report it for more than three months" (Enron's Kenneth Lay: The Last Road Not Taken, 2002). Warren Buffet demonstrated an appropriate method for dealing with corrupt behavior when he stepped in as the new CEO of Salomon and cleaned house. He immediately removed the existing management and brought in his own management team. Instead of hiding information, he immediately turned over all documentation to investigators. Buffet made it perfectly clear he was to be informed of ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Virtuous Leader Essay What makes a Virtuous Leader. Being admirable and accommodate others can influence people to be a virtuous leader. Using virtues can teach us ways of how to have a moralistic happy feeling in life and care for other people since people get influenced by you. Being able to be a virtuous leader you need to know what the virtues are, this can change the way you are and can help other people understand how you made yourself to become a leader, virtue means showing high moral standards. Here are 4 supporting claims on what it makes a virtuous leader. Many people try to understand what makes them a virtuous leader meaning it's hard since no body is perfect in life. So what makes a virtuous leader? High moral standards and values making us respectful, polite, and courteous. To support my theory 4 supporting claims of what makes a virtuous leader. Here are 2 supporting claims on how my dad became a virtuous leader and had the responsibility to influence others to also be leaders themselves. My dad was in the military and became a virtuous leader by teaching young military members the right ways in life. For example, when he was a drill instructor he would always see men wanting to give up in their career, but instead of telling them to man up he would always have the time after drills to see and help on what problems they face every day at boot camp. This gives us an idea of how virtuous leaders influence and help others face obstacles to become leaders too. Doing this in our ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Virtuous Women In The Good Earth In the book "The Good Earth" Olan could often be compared to a Virtuous woman. They both share the quality of being faithful to their relationships. A quality they do not share is the Virtuous woman makes enough to live off of while Olan is poor. Another quality they do not share is Olan's husband treats her different than how virtuous woman's husband treats her. Throughout the story "The Good Earth", Olan could often be compared and contrasted to the qualities of a virtuous woman. One of the qualities that both a virtuous woman and Olan share is they are both faithful to their relationships. "The virtuous woman will do a man good and not evil all the days of her life". Olan's husband married for the second time, although it may have been culturally accepted, she never did the same to him. Even though Wang Lung decided to get a second wife, Olan still prepares for the meals and cares ... Show more content on ... After Olan found the pearls they had some money that they could use. Wang Lung used some of this money to marry a second wife who then just wore the pearls. "A virtuous woman's husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." Wang Lung never listened to the advice that she gave, or thanked her for the stuff she did. Since Olan found the pearls, Wang Lung used her for that and he treated her in a poorly way; no person should be treated in such way, they shall be treated with respect. Throughout the story "The Good Earth", Olan could often be compared and contrasted to the qualities of a virtuous woman. Olan and a virtuous woman both treat their husbands well, no matter the circumstances. The virtuous woman is a positive influence to others on how we should treat the poor. Olan's husband should have treated her like a virtuous woman's husband does. Throughout the story "The Good Earth", they both have similarities and differences but they are both strong and great ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Comparing O-Lan And The Virtuous Woman Throughout the complicated web of humanity, we have had many people that are recognized today as great. From Christopher Columbus to Madonna, fame and recognition have graced many great members of our society. But many more members of our society, that deserve respect, don't receive it. This was often the case in the past for women, as they were not treated equally to men. Yet the women of these times had a lot of value, especially compared to the praise they were given. Two examples of women of this quality are O–lan from The Good Earth, and the "Virtuous" woman from Proverbs 31:10–31. Both O–lan and The Virtuous Woman have many similarities and a few differences. Both of them provide a lot of value in the relationships that they are a part of, both romantically and platonically. These woman are both models that not only women, but all people should aspire to be like. ... Show more content on ... For example, neither of them need to be spoiled. O–lan spends much of her life in poverty, from her early days as a slave to the days of her and Wang Lung begging in the streets. This parallels The Virtuous Woman, when she is described in Proverbs 31:11–12 "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life." This verse shows that The Virtuous Woman is like O–lan in respect to her humility and acceptance of life. Another way that these characters are similar is there tendency to give to their families. O–lan and the virtuous woman always make sure that their family are taken care of. These good qualities are shared between the two characters, highlighting both of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Comparing O-Lan And The Virtuous Woman Comparing and contrasting these two strong women, O–lan and The Virtuous Woman can be challenging but life changing. For example, as a reader of The Good Earth and "The Virtuous Woman" one could say they are alike in in some ways but different in many. Each woman has different situations because one comes from demanding orders while the other comes from freedom to do what she pleases. These women have strong families but do not always see eye to eye, which one would learn after seeing both roles as a mother. Life can throw challenging obstacles towards you, but can be conquered through strength. There are multiple ways The Virtuous Woman and O– lan are alike. For example, both women are good to their husbands and never treat them poorly. O– lan and The Virtuous Woman tend to their husbands' needs; the women feed them and make sure they are clothed. Both women work for a living to make sure their families are well taken care of. These two women would be considered strong in the novel and in the verses because of their ways of being a mother. O–lan goes out to the land and helps the men do their work as well. The Virtuous Woman does all the work in the house. Both ... Show more content on ... The Virtuous Woman loves her children deeply, while O–lan has chosen to strangle her daughter after giving birth out of love for her family. O–lan does this because her family is struggling to feed themselves. Another example that contrasts them is how The Virtuous Woman's husband prasieth her meanwhile, O–lan's husband has a second wife due to the amount of money he has. He has enough money so he bought himself another wife. Their husbands are opposites, O–lan's husband works on the land while The Virtuous Woman's husband sets at the gates and watches. 'Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land." This quote means her husband does not work for a living, he watches the other men work for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Humans Are Naturally Virtuous Or Selfish " Humans are naturally virtuous or selfish" becomes a popular topic to the society now day. Humans are mostly narrow–minded because people are indifference towards each other, people injure each other and humans damage the environment awfully. People are apathetic to each other because individual focus on their phones instead of talk with others. People like the things which are good for themselves, so people will always try their best to gain interests although sometime will hurt others, this can prove people are selfish. Animals and plants are all living on the earth with humans, but people damage the environment which humans living in. People not only harm to other people, but also hurting nature. Humans are apathetic about each other, individual does not show amicable to others, people usually put to much efforts on their phone. ... Show more content on ... "Bubble Tea Is Really Bad for You." The Daily Meal,–tea– really–bad–you. "China's Poison Milk Kills Three Children and Leaves 6,000 Sick | Daily Mail Online." Mail Online,–1056151/Chinas–poison–milk–kills– children–leaves–6–000–sick.html. "How Indifference Can Kill a Relationship." World of Psychology,–indifference–can–kill–a– relationship/. "How Smartphones Could Be Ruining Your Relationship."–smartphones–could–be–ruining–your–relationship. "How Smartphones Could Be Ruining Your Relationship." Live Bold and Bloom,–smartphones–could–be–ruining–your–relationship. "Reversal Of Fortune: Deforestation Of Amazon Rainforest Increased By 28% Over Past Year." International Business Times, ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Virtuous Minds By Phillip Dow Summary In Virtuous Minds, Phillip Dow helps the reader understand what it means to love God with all of their minds. Dow does this by giving the reader a list of seven intellectual virtues, which can be performed in good or bad ways. Some may choose the path of cheating, arrogance, laziness, or cowardice, but Dow hopes this book will provide an option for recovering intellectual character. He splits the book into three separate parts, part one defines the seven intellectual virtues, while part two presents the awards that will come with these virtues, and finally part three provides the reader with a series of steps to reach this character. In part one we are given seven different intellectual virtues: courage, carefulness, tenacity, fair–mindedness, ... Get more on ...