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NSA Persuasive Essay
Since the Edward Snowden leak in 2013, the controversy over NSA surveillance has focused on the
invasion of privacy of United States citizens. Specifically the bulk collection programs that have
picked up American phone data, even of those who haven't done anything wrong. This invasion of
privacy has been deemed unconstitutional by many and for good reason.
In recent years, the NSA controversy has become more eminent, mostly due to the Edward Snowden
Leak in 2013. This leak revealed sensitive information about the NSA tracking the movements of
millions of people using cell phone metadata and the action of the NSA intercepting and storing data
on billions of people all over the world. More recently, in 2015, key provisions of the Patriot Act, a
law intended to help the United States government detect and prevent acts of terrorism or the
sponsorship of terrorist organizations, were debated over whether or not they should be allowed to
expire. Due to their mass cellphone data collection program, other programs involving the
wiretapping of suspects, and more that were possible threats to the privacy of U.S. citizen's, there
was substantial discourse about what to do with these key provisions. These key provisions,
specifically, Section 215, were renewed until 2019, with the exception of the mass collection of
phone data, which was revised with more restrictions because it was the most controversial.
With the opportunity to track terrorists comes the opportunity to invade
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The Importance Of Privacy Laws In The United States
The United States privacy laws deal with some legal issues, among which is the invasion of privacy.
In the line of this discussion, an affected party is allowed to file a suit against a person who invades
his or her personal space unlawfully against their own will. This law usually disregards activities
that may be of public interest such as celebrity lives or participation in events that may make news
headlines. Violation an individual's right to privacy can be the cause of a lawsuit against the violator.
The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unwarranted search or seizure. This, in turn, brings
up the question, "Do police invade one's privacy in their daily activities to uphold the law?"
The answer is yes, especially regarding the cases
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Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Essay
Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Believe it or not, there was a time when passengers
showed up an hour before their flights and walked directly to their assigned gates without taking off
their shoes at a security screening station or throwing away their bottles of water. There was even a
time when friends and family met passengers at the gate and watch their flights take off or land
without having a ticket or identification...and that was only ten years ago. Air travel safety
precautions changed dramatically after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that targeted
passenger planes in the United States and killed well over 1,000 people. Precautions continue to
evolve as new threats are detected and passengers are now concerned ... Show more content on ...
In 2009, a man on a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit attempted to blow up a plane with
explosives in his underwear. Although the body scanners were in the United States at the time, they
were not in the Netherlands. Passengers argue that no matter how many security measures are put in
place, terrorists will find a new and innovative way to cause destruction. They claim that the only
guarantee the body scanners can make is violation of privacy for innocent people. Privacy issues
often become a heated debate in a country like the United States of America, which was founded on
the basic principle of freedom. Passengers are outraged that officials are viewing nude images of
their bodies. They are rebelling against intrusive pat–downs and demanding better solutions. The
TSA takes all of these concerns under consideration and has made admirable efforts to ensure
privacy, as well as to clarify points used in arguments against the new screenings.
For example, the TSA has established strict guidelines regarding the images received by the body
scanners. Images of women are only viewed by female agents and images of men are only viewed
by male agents. The agents viewing the images are in a separate, secure room and never see the
passengers they are viewing on screen. According to TSA's privacy policy, "The two officers
communicate via wireless
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Internet Privacy Law: a Comparison Between the United...
David L. Baumer1, Julia B. Earp2 and J.C. Poindexter3
College of Management, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695–7229
Internet Privacy Law: A Comparison between the United States and the European Union
Abstract The increasing use of personal information in web–based applications has created privacy
concerns worldwide. This has led to awareness among policy makers in several countries regarding
the desirability of harmonizing privacy laws. The challenge with privacy legislation from an
international perspective is that the Internet is virtually borderless but legislative approaches differ
between countries. This paper presents a ... Show more content on ...
In this paper, we show just how different Internet privacy protection is in the U.S. relative to the EU
and examine a significant, proposed change in U.S. privacy law. Every society values privacy in
some respect but the expressions of privacy differ significantly across cultures [5]. A recent survey
of over 1000 Internet users from 30 countries demonstrates this; in particular, the non–U.S.
respondents were statistically more concerned about organizations using consumer data for
customization and personalization purposes [6]. These findings are apparent when comparing and
contrasting privacy laws from differing cultures. The cultural values of a nation influence the
development and maintenance of societal institutions such as legislative bodies [7]. Although there
may be other factors to consider, a country's cultural values are closely associated with the privacy
concerns that are exhibited by its people and are associated also with its regulatory approach [2].
The qualitative analysis we perform in this paper provides additional support for the proposition that
different cultural experiences and histories impact a country's legal system, especially the legal
protection provided for individual privacy. The initial consequences of international legal disparities
between the U.S. and the EU in privacy protection took place when the EU enacted and enforced the
1995 EU
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The Right To Privacy
Report to Congress
I, Savannah Parmelee believe an individual's right to privacy should be protected if they do not
violate the law to a certain degree therefore, I plan to seek out evidence during my research that
supports this controlling idea. I am greatly concerned about this topic due to the people's privacy not
being fully protected for both terrorist and by the government.In the video "Impact of drones on
privacy rights" on "CBS This Morning" claims that "Lakota, N.D., is the first known site where a
drone was used domestically to help arrest a U.S. citizen." What the quote is saying is that drones
helped arrest a U.S. citizen. The incident in the video proves that drones can help see illegal
activities happening and can try to stop ... Show more content on ...
"We Need Privacy Laws for the Digital Era | The Nation." The Nation, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Oct.
@cbs. "Impact of Drones on Privacy Rights." CBS. N.p., 5 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Oct. 2016
Linder, Douglas O. Rights to Privacy. N.p.: n.p., 18 June 2013. Microsoft Word document.
DiLascio, Tracey M. "The NSA and Its Surveillance Programs Are Critical to US Security."
Microsoft Word Document, 10 Aug. 2014. Web. 26 Oct.
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The Impact Of Privacy On The Workplace Field Of Human...
Employee privacy issues have surged to the forefront of the business press in recent years, spurred
on by changing workplace dynamics and a litigation–conscious business environment. Observers
say that advances in telecommunications–such as e–mail and the Internet–coupled with heightened
concerns about vulnerability to litigation, have exacerbated management concerns about monitoring
employee behavior. Indeed, employee privacy is already fairly restricted in many respects in many
of the large corporations. Privacy in the workplace is a controversial issue in the field of Human
Resource management as employers have more technologies available to monitor telephones,
computer terminals, and voice mail. This privacy issue has been fueled by the increased use of a
variety of electronic monitoring systems. Electronic monitoring is defined as "the computerized
collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of information about employees ' productive activities"
(Office of Technology Assessment, 1987, p. 27). "Currently, as many as 26 million workers in the
United States are monitored in their jobs, and this number will increase as computers are used more
and more within companies and as the cost of these monitoring systems goes down" (DeTienne,
1993, p. 33). Of those monitored, 10 million have their work evaluated and pay based on the data
collected (DeTienne, 1993). "By the end of the decade, as many as 30 million people may be
constantly monitored in their jobs" (DeTienne, 1993, p.
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What Are Employees Rights In The Workplace
Employees' Rights in the Workplace With the rise of technology there arose a fear of surveillance.
However, George Orwell's 1984 passed us by without noticeable big brother control, and the
national concern over espionage diminished with the demise of the U.S.S.R. These past threats were
concerns over the use of technology by governments that had sufficient resources to use the
technology for sinister purposes. The new threat is not technology in the hands of government, it is
technology alone. What once required massive manpower, now requires merely a personal
computer. Technology has made the power to monitor others widely available, whether to
governments, private enterprise or individuals. This article discusses some ... Show more content on ...
The ECPA prohibits the interception by (1) unauthorized individuals or (2) individuals working for a
government entity, acting without a proper warrant. The ECPA is mostly concerned with the
unauthorized access by employees or corporate competitors trying to find out valuable information.
However, while there is no specific prohibition in the ECPA for an employer to monitor the e–mail
of employees, the ECPA does not specifically exempt employers. The ECPA has several exceptions
to the application of the prohibition of interception of electronic communications. The three most
relevant to the workplace are (1) where one party consents, (2) where the provider of the
communication service can monitor communications, and (3) where the monitoring is done in the
ordinary course of business. The first exception, consent, can be implied or actual. Several courts
have placed a fairly high standard for establishing implied consent. For example one court held that
"knowledge of the capability of monitoring alone cannot be considered implied consent."
Accordingly, for an employer to ensure the presence of actual consent, it should prepare, with advice
of counsel, a carefully worded e–mail Policy Statement which explains the scope of employer
monitoring. This Policy Statement should be signed by the employees. One example of how this
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Ban And Monitoring Of Internet Browsing And Surfing
Assignment on
Ban and monitoring of internet browsing and surfing
By XxX
Ban and monitoring of internet browsing and surfing
There is a continuous monitoring over the Internet in the United States. This is the potential and
propositional controversy over the privacy rights. This law is stated as the invasion of privacy, and it
can be observed that this regulation is placed upon us for the context of limitation and a ban on
certain websites. This is truly an example of a nanny state where one is being observed and is not
free to surf and browse the internet (Broache, 2016). This primarily discusses the benefits of this law
and the constraints and downsides of this law. Thus, this article delimits the potential of control over
the internet for the so–called "Safe & Secure" browsing.
The control over the internet has been the long–standing ambition of the government, and the public
has always restrained themselves from it. It can be understood that the potential and the positional
benefits of this is limitless. Corporates tend to provide a more customized experience, whereas
Governments wish to stay alerted from the activities that are present, it can be seen that the potential
and the common objective is awareness (Stanley & Steinhardt, 2003).
This becomes a nanny state as the government makes amends and tends tries to monitor all the
activities of its citizens. This effects the citizens and the nation in a twofold manner, it effects the
government in a manner
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Invasion Of Privacy In The United States
While I trust the government and support their policies, you, the federal government, have failed us
Americans. When attempting to gain information for an investigation, nearly 22.1 million innocent
Americans have been exposed to the public with their personal information hanging by a thread,
according to the Washington Post. You politicians may assume that justice is served by providing
victims with incentives of extra security technology, but the federal government should not be
allowed to gain information from personal devices for their investigation. Furthermore, the use of
malware to hack these innocent Americans is an invasion of privacy, ruins devices and their data,
ensues lawsuits and their costs with unnecessary breaches, and may even put people's lives at risk.
Privacy is a right, not a privilege. The federal government's requirement to gain information needed
for investigations violates the right of privacy every American is entitled to. Consequently, the
victim of a malware attack is not even alerted of when their device has been hacked. How can any
innocent, law–abiding American be at the risk of such severe damage to not only their personal
belongings, but also their right to ... Show more content on ...
Well now, if the government doesn't take action, your life is in serious danger. You politicians can
change this. Anyone can change themselves from a viewer of a problem to an activist of a problem.
Spread the news of this uneducated problem facing our country. Stand up for what you believe in.
Convince the federal government to change their dangerous methods of gaining information for
investigations to safer alternatives. You can support all of these causes with just your words and
actions. It's time for the federal government and you politicians to see the wrong that has occurred
and make tomorrow a more secure day in the government's investigation services and in the lives of
every American. Thank
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The Right To Privacy In The 18th Century
The right to privacy is viewed as a fundamental right all over the world. However, there are many
interpretations of what privacy is, and this interpretations are in some way related to historical
events that shaped the meaning of privacy differently for every country. Countries of the European
Union consider the right to privacy a sacred right, therefore, they have established laws to protect
the respect for private and family life and the right to personal data protection. Although United
States has some sector laws to protect privacy, the constitution does not mention privacy as
fundamental right, nonetheless, the notion of privacy can be extracted from the first 10 amendments
of the constitution. Consequently, regulation of the right to privacy changes drastically between
Europe and the United States. Countries in Europe have regulatory agencies whose only purpose is
protect the privacy of its citizens. In contrast, the ... Show more content on ...
When the first 10 amendments of the constitution were written, one of the main concerns was
government intrusion. In the 1800s, citizens were concern about the confidentiality of their
correspondence. Likewise in 1890, the concern was photography and yellow journalism. With lack
of privacy laws, citizens brought several cases to the U.S courts because they felt there were
violations of privacy. As a consequent, several torts were written and recognize by most states. This
torts included the intrusion upon seclusion, public disclosure of private facts, false light or publicity,
and appropriation. Though, historical events have help to expand the definition of privacy, there has
not been a critical event that forced America to have a comprehensive federal policy about
protecting the right to privacy. Nevertheless, every time that there is a major concern that threatens
the right to privacy, the government and the states have passed laws to eliminate those
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Privacy And Security : A Technological World
Megan Gabriel–King
Dr. Johnson
PHIL 3170–002
26 October 2014
Privacy vs. Security In a Technological World Since the September 11th terrorist attack on the World
Trade Center in 2001, the subject of terrorism has played a major role in both politics and media. As
America embarked on the war on terrorism, the government became much more aware that threats
to our country were both internal and external. In this age of technology it is now more possible than
ever to discretely use surveillance software on the American people without them ever knowing, as
evidenced by the Edward Snowden scandal in which it was revealed that the NSA had violated
citizens' personal privacy in the name of national security. This revelation led to a large debate ...
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I aim to evaluate the question of whether or not I would design the software in relation to each of the
five principles. The first humanitarian principle is the valuation of life, Jacques Thiroux in the book
"Ethics: Theory and Practice" describe this principle by stating, "Human beings should revere life
and accept death." This principle can be applied to the central question of designing software. The
question then come to be: does invading personal privacy if it stops terrorism protect life? If I am
just looking at this from the view point of the life valuation principle, the invasion of privacy is not
going to cause any deaths. Furthermore, by designing this software lives would likely be saved.
Therefore thus far with respect to the valuation of life principle, there is no ethical violation. The
next principle is the principle of goodness or rightness. Thiroux states that there are three things that
humanitarian ethics demands of humans which fall into two categories: beneficence and non–
maleficence. He defines beneficence as, "Promoting goodness over badness." When it comes to the
main question, this principle is open for interpretation because in applying the principle the question
dissolves into if it is "more good" to not write the software and protect privacy or if stopping
terrorism is more good although
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Privacy Is Not The State Or Condition Of Being Free
Privacy means the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.
Privacy is something that we all take for granted because we don't know how to live our lives
without it and in most cases we never have, well not like in the 1984 and The Circle. Without
privacy, people would not be comfortable doing most of the things that they do on a daily basis. If
we were being watched and listen to day in and day out then we would be living like prisoners. We
would be limited to what we say, who we talk to, and sometimes even who we date. When there is
privacy in relationships, it gives it a greater bond and makes those people closer to each other.
Whether its two best friends gossiping or two lovers getting ... Show more content on ...
Because, of the telescreens, they had to be stealthy in saying what they had to do. With the thought
police, telescreens, and anyone else that could not be trusted roaming everywhere, it was tough.
Orwell tells us how much the price of privacy is worth and is sacrificed for when Julia and Winston
betray each other at the end. Orwell sends many messages through out the whole story. First, it is
valid evidence that without privacy, people have to follow the rules of which the government
enforces upon them. Every government has their set of rules, but without privacy, the government is
full of control in what it enforces and what you think. On a social and personal level, we see that
Julia and Winston have to secretly have their relationship. This lead to them eventually rebel and get
caught in the story. Orwell is warning us that a relationship is build upon trust and privacy. If we
can't speak our minds on just normal stuff to a single individual or may be a group; then their is a
issue. This issue can affect the quality of the relationship. One may not be comfortable or even trust
the other party due to the lack of privacy, and whats a friendship without privacy? But, the bottom
line main thought of what can happen if the government does not give us privacy. We see the
consequences in the story "The Circle", and realistically speaking, in modern day society. We have
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Essay On American Security
In the lives of Americans September 11th, 2001 will forever be embedded in our memories. This
was the day that international Terrorism first struck America. A day that America's security was
exposed from there on TSA, and Homeland Security was built. I remember before the devastating
attacks we were able to walk up to any terminal in the airport and wait for any of our family
members board the aircraft. Since those devastating attacks Americans have seen new policies in
security and new implementations in transportation, but the cost to our new security and technology
is the peoples' privacy has agonized. Aside technological advances in terrorist attacks, local police
departments have found new ways to help with security, but have hurt the people's privacy. Drones,
are the new tool in fighting crime in Los Angeles, California. The Drones or also known as "small
Unarmed Ariel Systems" have flown one since the beginning of this year. (Mather, 2017) Many of
the native Los Angeles residence have complained about having a drone recording over their homes.
One lawyer states "The history of this department is of starting off with supposedly good intentions
about the new toys that it gets... only to them get too tempted by what they can doo with those toys."
Yes, the technology is great it will help crime, and give street patrol units an "eagle eye" on the city
that they love, and protect. On the other hand, there will always be the desire to use the technology
to other advantages. Instead of building a tall fence from your curious neighbor to the right or left
you will also need to block on top from the police. Another technological advance that has interfered
with the publics' privacy, is RFID tags. In an article titled "The End of Privacy" the good old days
are gone were Big Brother merely watched you. Instead Big Brother will be coming home with you
in what you buy, wear, drive, and read. The wireless technology will allow objects to be tagged and
tracked, this will be taking its place in the panoply of tools that business and government agencies
use to collect information about us. (The End of Privacy) The technology is rapidly moving from
science fiction to the forefront. For instance, RFID is being place on
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Internet 's Impact On The Global Market And Why Companies...
Internet of Things is currently a global phenomenon. Tech giants all over the world are competing
against each other for the domination in this technology. IoT is showing a lot of promise but it has
not yet been adopted by everyone. This paper provides information about Internet of things, how it
is enabling new and transforming existing businesses, it's impact on the global market and why
companies should invest in it.
The internet is a big part of our lives these days. More than 3.5 billion people, which constitutes to
around 47% of world's population of 7.4 billion, are now connected to the internet. The number
keeps on growing each day. Now, after Worldwide Web and Mobile Internet, we are about to embark
on the third step of Internet revolution: "Internet of Things." Although this sounds like a relatively
new term, this concept has been around since the 1970s.
The Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was one of the first IoT devices, dating back to the year
1974. In 1983, a Coke dispensing machine which was connected to the internet was installed at
Carnegie Mellon University. This machine reported the inventory data and temperature of the
products that it held. It wasn't until 1985 that the term "Internet of Things" was coined by Peter T.
Lewis. The concept became popular in 1999 and is revolutionizing the world now.
What is Internet of Things?
Internet of Things is the network of smart devices that are
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People know what they do; they frequently know why they...
People know what they do; they frequently know why they do what they do; but what they don't
know is what what they do does.
With technology moving at such a rapid pace, etiquette and ethics have a hard time keeping up. Five
years ago few people had even heard of electronic mail or "e–mail" and even today, whether to add a
hyphen or not it is of trivial debate.
As a society, we hold dear the value of privacy and confidentiality as a basic fundamental right.
Access to the new technology of electronic mail can jeopardize both values.
What privacy rights should employees enjoy, and how can these be reconciled with the legitimate
need of organzations to control and manage their network?
People have come to depend on ... Show more content on ...
1The Colonists realized, before the revolutionary war, that there was a need to somehow police the
system to make sure that the mail is delivered to the person in which it was intended and that it did
not fall into the hands of someone else, namely the British.
To date, there are more than eighty federal crimes called "postal offenses." In fact, there is a special
division of U.S. Postal investigators that have full powers of arrest . . . and we are the only country
in the world that has such regulating powers attached to our mail delivery system. Most Americans
know that tampering with mail not addressed to them is a "federal offense."2
So, if we have such protection for our written paper correspondence, would not the same kind of
protection apply to missives sent electronically?
For a working defintion of electronic mail (e–mail), let us use: "any technology enabling the non–
interactive exchange of electronic messages between e–mail users."3 (see glossary for other terms)
Ben Franklin would be proud of the expediency of information transferred today, but unlike during
his time, the system of electronic mail does not yet have clearly defined laws or mores to guide our
society in the judicial use of this new technological mail system.
How did electronic mail begin?
Before the 1980's, e–mail was rarely even heard of. The Postal System developed a system called E–
Com in the early 1970's. They had
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How Much Are Your Google Searches Worth?
How much are your Google searches worth? With today's technology, companies are able to monitor
and collect consumer data from online searches and transactions, and sell it at the highest bidding
price. The act of collecting and selling consumer data is called data brokering. Companies such as
Acxiom Corp. and Datalogix are turning data brokering into a billion–dollar industry. These
companies solicit that data brokering improves advertisements, quality of product, and fraud
prevention. However, many individuals are concerned that it is an invasion of privacy and poses a
threat to the consumers and national security. In this essay I plan to explain why data brokering is an
issue for modern engineers and analyze its ethical implications of from a utilitarian position and
through the lens of the precautionary principle. Terabytes upon terabytes of data are being sent
across the internet on a daily basis. Several moral issues such as privacy, exploitation, and
victimization arise once data brokering companies have the access to this superfluous amount of
data. A major concern is how this information is being used to target sales on specific types of users.
The online travel agency Orbitz has found that Apple users are willing to spend approximately 30%
more than PC users. As a result, Orbitz displays different travel options that are slightly more
expensive to Apple users1. This example may be seen as a simple use of strategic advertisement, but
introduces the concept of
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Betrayed By Milan Kundera Analysis
In his excerpt from Testaments Betrayed, Milan Kundera claims that for one to be truly free, one
must have the right to privacy. He says that the curtain must remain closed between private and
public and that those "curtain–rippers" are criminals. However, although I believe that privacy must
be respected and protected, there are times when the invasion of privacy may be necessary if a
person's life or well–being is in immediate danger. Kundera claims that "for a man to be free; that
the curtain separating these two worlds is not to be tampered with..." I agree with this part of his
argument; privacy is something that has to be revered and enforced, as it is every man's right to have
that freedom. My stance on this is supported by the U.S Constitution. ... Show more content on ...
If a parent suspects that his or her child is suffering from depression or is involved in hazardous
activity like drugs, alcohol, or a bad relationship, I believe should be allowed to violate the child's
privacy. By simply looking through the kid's phone or computer, a parent can find an underlying
problem that the child would have otherwise not have told them. A parent must protect their child
from anything that could harm them, even if it's protecting the children from themselves, and the
only way to do this (if the child refuses to confide) is to deliberately invade their privacy. As it
happens, this violation of a child's privacy also occurs in a medical environment. If a psychologist's
patient is exhibiting either suicidal tendencies or is under danger of any form of abuse, the doctor is
required by law to make it known to either authorities or the parental guardians that their child is in
danger. These actions are a direct infringement of a person's freedom that Kundera will readily
disagree with, but if the curtain that keeps privacy undisclosed remains tightly shut, these cases may
never be uncovered and these lives might not be
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The Issue Around Internet Privacy
In more recent years, the issue around Internet privacy is something that has been brought to
everyone 's attention. In today 's society everything is based around social media and online
shopping. By doing this people are making their information easily accessible for people to use.
People document their whole lives on social media making it much easier for people to find
information, that some may consider private, about them. When people post a picture with a location
attached to it they think it 's harmless but there is a lack of privacy that is allowing people to get
hold of information they don 't want out there. It has become much easier for people to get
information due to the new technological advances that have been made in the recent years.
Companies try to advertise to their customers through the Internet. They do this by personalizing
their webpage to what they search, which violates privacy because they are tracking what customers
search through cookies and data. Something as harmless as searching for baby clothes for your niece
or nephew can turn in to your information being thrown out there and having these companies trying
to reach you. Violation of privacy on the Internet is something we should accept because no matter
what we try to do to keep our privacy people will always find a way around it. Stealing credit card
information is as easy as bumping into someone. There are multiple ways people can defeat personal
privacy and it is done through the use of
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Privacy in the Workplace Essay
"Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts
confronting American society: from AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph test to computerized data
bases, the common denominator has been whether the right to privacy outweighs other concerns of
society..." This quote from Robert Ellis Smith explains, in one sentence, the absolute need to ensure
privacy in the workplace. One of the most interesting, yet controversial, areas concerning public
personnel is employee privacy. What limits are there to employers' intrusions into, and control over,
employees' behaviors and personal properties?
There are five major areas which trigger privacy matters in the area of public sector employment:
background ... Show more content on ...
Privacy also hinges on a respect for a person's inherent dignity. An employee can claim a protection
of his reputation and sense of self–worth against defamation, discrimination, or personal abuse. A
person also has the right to maintain his personal beliefs and convictions against coercion and
manipulation. Applied to the environment of public employment, this conception would prohibit any
employer from harassing individuals on the basis of their class or status, or their personal
characteristics. It would prohibit employers from shaming employees and causing emotional distress
in the process. It would prohibit an employer from breaching the confidentiality of an employee's
record or publicizing closed hearings concerning the employee. This is one area where an
employee's privacy interests may be violated in a technological environment by fellow employees
who may use bulletin boards to post embarrassing information or defamatory messages to be read
by others. This conception of privacy can also be extended to a claim against pervasive intrusion by
employers into employees' work activities. An employee may feel constant camera surveillance,
monitoring of phone calls and computer use, and an accounting for every minute of duty time
reflects an omnipresent, oppressive employer, who exhibits little trust and little
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Drones : Persuasive Privacy
Did you know that just in 2017 over a million consumer drones were sold just in the United States.
It is not surprising since a drone with its ability to capture footage from the air, which otherwise
would be impossible for an average person. Having the capability to capture footage from above,
stream a game, or go around the city without being there; gives peoples' sense of control and
freedom. Soon, Amazon might be shipping packages right to home using Drone technology. But
Having such a large number of drones present in the United States could have unforeseen
complications. One major problem drones can pose lies in their ability to reduce our privacy. Drones
can be remote controlled from far away, which can give the user a sense of detachment from the
consequences of his/her actions. They were built for the purpose of war and private markets have
exploited that technology for the use of consumers. Drones can reduce privacy by taking pictures of
people without consent, flying in areas without permission, and spying on people without them
knowing. We must find a solution that can limit the drones abilities to reduce our privacy. I am not
saying that the drones should be taken away entirely; drones provide a good hobby and great quality
videos online. But, without some sort of regulation; drones can take people's privacy.
First, drones can fly into private property without permission. This is obviously against the law and
the owner of the property has the right to shoot
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Essay about Protecting the Privacy of Individuals on the...
Protecting the Privacy of Individuals on the Internet
Over the past decade the world has gotten much smaller due to the electronic communication the
Internet has fostered. While this promotes business and international relations, problems arise
regarding the protection of individuals' personal information. Many countries around the world have
developed privacy policies and laws protect an individual's information in the realm of electronic
communication. Universal enforcement gets complicated because the Internet is not restricted to one
country; it's worldwide. As a result, concerns arise regarding the compatibility of various countries'
privacy policies. This paper will discuss the current legislation in place for various major ... Show
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On a more global level, international agreements such as the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights protect the privacy of individuals
around the world. We see that in order to protect the fundamental privacy rights of individuals, laws
have been established on both local and global scales. Therefore, it follows that laws are also
necessary to protect the information of individuals in the electronic environment. Two types of laws
are adopted by various countries to protect the sensitive information of individuals on the web. The
first kind, comprehensive laws, are laws "that govern the collection, use and dissemination of
personal information by both the public and private sectors"6. These general laws do not deal with
individual areas like health care or educational systems. Instead, they establish standards for use of
private information for all entities. Comprehensive laws are usually adopted for one of three
reasons: to remedy past injustices, to promote electronic commerce or to ensure that laws are
consistent with Pan–European laws7. In addition, comprehensive laws often require the
establishment of an independent commissioner to oversee the enforcement of the law. Unfortunately,
problems arise because either a lack of resources hinders
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Public Figures And Their Privacy
Bhavi Patel
Teacher: Dinorah Sapp
IE 036 English for Academic Purposes.
20 November 2014
Public figures and their Privacy.
Everyone dreams of earning fame and fortune. People who are popular by virtue of their
professions, whether it is acting, sports or politics, try their best to earn the admiration and respect of
the public. This is because a huge fan base following can always use their advantage irrespective of
whether you are an actor or a politician. However, this fame and fan following comes at a price: the
loss of their privacy. Shakelford defined privacy as, "Privacy is a vast concept encompassing
freedom of thought, freedom of bodily integrity, solitude, information integrity, freedom of
surveillance, and the protection of reputation and personality".(Shakelford,132) Many newspapers,
magazines, television programs, make money by reporting on private lives of public figures such as
politicians, sports person, celebrities, entertainers, and others. Does public means no privacy?
Before answering to this question we can turn on the television and see lots of details about
celebrities and public figures. The fact is that a reporter always tries to discover the private lives of
famous people. Privacy is one of the most important things on earth. When one invades the privacy
of another it causes a reaction of betrayal in the eyes of a person whose privacy is being invaded.
But does it apply to the public figures? In my opinion I believe that public figures such as
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Reasonable Expectations Of Privacy: Katz V. United States
Reasonable Expectation of Privacy: "Reasonable expectation of privacy" is a legal term based on
standards and norms about privacy which are held by a society. In the US, the case "Katz v. United
States" was the first time the term "reasonable expectation of privacy" was used. What "...a person
knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth
Amendment protection.... But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the
public, may be constitutionally protected."[10] This decision provided a precedent to be used in
future cases to determine what can be considered private, protected information. Further rulings
based on this precedent have established that the expectations of a ... Show more content on ...
These extremely large data sets may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and
associations relating to human behavior and interaction. These analysesaffect us on day to day basis
positively and negatively and the legality of how this information is collected and the laws that
apply may be unclear. Both with or without users' knowledge, consumer personal data is collected
from every daily, digital activity; from purchases, web searches, amazon searches, browsing history,
and phone use. This data is generated, and then downloaded and stored. [15] Companies can then
use this data to create "data sets" or large files of users' data to produce customer profiling. This data
can also be used by police, the governmental bodies, scientists, businesses, military, and other
industries where occasional breaches of data are expected .[16] Breaches and leaks of personal
information including phone calls, credit card information, home address, and personal phone
numbers are examples of information that is logged and stored by these corporations while making
"data sets". Much of this information is being processed and sold to marketers for the purpose of
marketing their products. This information is stored digitally and in some cases, regardless of the
security of the information being stored, there are risks of unauthorized parties
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Graham Barrisk
Charles Sturt University
ITC 506
Topics in Information Technology Ethics
Assessment One
Doing Ethics Technique
Angelina Taungahihifo
Student ID: 11569843
Drones invading privacy
What's going on?
Graham Kerrisk spotted a small drone filming him through the window at his home in Masterton at
10 feet in the air. He knew the new multi–rotor remote controlled craft belonged to his neighbour. At
the cost of $1600 it contained a live video feed, high–resolution still camera and GPS. However Mr.
Kerrisk didn't find an apology acceptable enough for the drone's sneaky actions and went to find
answers from the police, but what he received was not the help he expected, however that didn't stop
Mr. Kerrisk searching for his right to stop ... Show more content on ...
(Option 2) "Cause of action for invasion of privacy" if the drone has a camera that has recorded
private activity, which could ultimately culminate in a temporary restraining order against the drone.
Option that is best and why.
Option 1 – Cause of action for trespass might do the trick but is not effective enough to keep the
drone away from the property.
That's why I choose option 2 "cause of action for invasion of privacy" because with everything that
drones do, they are sure to include a camera so they can have that bird's eye view of what they're
wanting to video record or take pictures of, in relation to Mr. Kerrisk's case I'm sure he would've
chosen option 2 because the drone was filming him from outside his window, all of what the drone
captured would've been enough for him to file a "cause of action for invasion of privacy" would've
been better for him to select that option and at the same time wait for a reply from the Aviation NZ
for their response on what action to take up next with drones causing privacy concerns.
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Essay Laws Restricting the Paparazzi
The paparazzi – a fusion of the Italian words papatacci, meaning gnat and razzi meaning the
popping of flashbulbs. It is also known as aggressive photography. The word paparazzo was coined
by Federico Fellini, the name he gave to a prying society cameraman in his 1959 film "La Dolce
Vita". Paparazzi photographers are fueled by large sums of money offered by the tabloid press. They
try to catch the rich and famous in unflattering situations.
The new breed of journalism grew by leaps and bounds after the Watergate scandal first broke in
Washington, DC (Petersen's, 57). At first the paparazzi were an annoying group of photographers
who were persistent when trying to get the perfect shot of a celebrity so they could sell the image for
large ... Show more content on ...
The bill states that harassment would be considered "persistently physically following or chasing a
victim, in circumstances where the victim has a reasonable expectation of privacy." The way that is
defined, victims can sue the police department if they were videotaped "harassing" a suspect like the
Rodney King videotaped beating.
After Bono's death, Rep. Elton Gallegly, a California Republican, offered H. R. 3224, a more
carefully defined version of Bono's proposal (Quill, 27). Bono's widow succeeded her husband to
keep the Bono name on H. R. 2448. There are many bills being made to stop the most aggressive of
the paparazzi but many take away from the first Amendment, freedom of speech.
Sen. Feinstein's bill, S.2103, differs from the House bills because it also provides for civil actions
against members of the press for use of high–powered lenses, microphones, or helicopters used to
trespass for commercial purposes. This provision attempts to supplement existing laws of trespass,
creating a new legal cause of action for new forms of trespass made possible by modern technology.
Victims can recover compensatory, and punitive damages and may also seek injunctive and
declamatory relief (Quill, 21).
All three paparazzi bills–H. R. 2448 and 3224 in the House, and S. 2103 in the Senate–would, in
their own way, create new criminal and civil penalties for commercially motivated invasions of
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The Differences in Laws and Privacy in the United States...
In Computer Security what are the differences in laws and privacy between United States vs.
European Union? Do the laws that a society have in place deter computer hacking or should we
require to have better systems and technology to prevent such an attacks. In reviewing the US's
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and the changes that have been made to improve computer security
in the private sector, to see if these enough to protect our systems from cybercrimes? Will the
addition of the Aaron law to this act going to improve computer security? Is the government just
playing with terms and phase, or can this amendment true help protect our systems and how will
hacking be handled in the future? I will outline that our government is merely addressing hacking on
a, as it happened bases compared to the European Union and does not clearly define the modern
issue that we are handling or what they will become.
The Computer Fraud & Abuse Act (18 USC 1030) is legislation that was first enacted in 1986 to
clarify the existing computer fraud law created in 1984 it helped to identify and speak to malicious
code and hacking attacks. The legislation identifies what is consider a crime and were the line are
between crime and code are. Even though the Act clearly details what is not acceptable, it falls short
in today's modern time. The act was constructed in a time well before the Internet was a force that
everyone uses 100 of times a day. The Act can be broadly interpreted and can be
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Internet Privacy Law: a Comparison Between the United...
David L. Baumer1, Julia B. Earp2 and J.C. Poindexter3 College of Management, North Carolina
State University, Raleigh, NC 27695–7229 Internet Privacy Law: A Comparison between the United States and the
European Union Abstract The increasing use of personal information in web–based applications has
created privacy concerns worldwide. This has led to awareness among policy makers in several
countries regarding the desirability of harmonizing privacy laws. The challenge with privacy
legislation from an international perspective is that the Internet is virtually borderless but legislative
approaches differ between countries. This paper presents a functional ... Show more content on ...
Congress as a bill in January, 2003 (see H.R. 69). Even though OPPA is just proposed legislation at
this point, it encompasses most of the necessary components for comprehensive protection of
privacy online called for by privacy advocates and entities such as the FTC. It is also consistent with
the Fair Information Practices (FIP) [9], which have operated as a guide for policy makers in the
U.S. If the U.S. does indeed enact comprehensive online privacy legislation, it will most likely
continue to use the FIPs as a guide and therefore, will closely resemble OPPA. The results presented
herein will benefit managers and website designers of companies involved in international business,
as well as policy makers. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews privacy legislation in
the EU and U.S., Section 3 presents the comparative analysis between EU and U.S. privacy laws
and Section 4 draws some conclusions and provides recommendations to managers and website
designers. Privacy Protection in the EU and in the U.S. In 1980, the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) issued the Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and
Transborder Flows of Personal Data. Commonly known as the OECD Guidelines, they established
eight data protection principles for balancing data protection and the free flow of information.
Although the OECD Guidelines are recognized by all OECD
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Persuasive Essay On Surveillance Of Employees
In general, employers are allowed to install video cameras within an organization, which may
include direct surveillance of employees. First of all, this can be done without significant legal
concern, at least when placed in areas open to view. Both public and private employees may seek to
assert an expectation of privacy, though constitutional protections apply to public, but not private
employees. The reasonable expectation of privacy is determined on a case–by–case basis
considering specific policies, practices, and other circumstances. Also, employers are not allowed to
conduct surveillance of employees who are engaged in protected concerted activities, including
those of union organizers. In this case, the liability for invasion of privacy would lie with the school
principal rather than the school district. The plaintiff's claim was supported by the Fourth
Amendment in that sufficient evidence was provided to prove that the employees have an
expectation of privacy in their locker room and office, and from the students and other staff
members to change clothing or complete office work without interruptions. It is recommended that
if your organization uses video monitoring, to inform employees that they are subject to monitoring
and surveillance, even though such notice may not be legally required. All things considered,
employers and others are prohibited from intentionally intercepting wire, oral, or electronic
communications, which can be in the form of electronic,
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Data Protection and Customer Privacy
The media, trade bodies and academia has created a large buzz around the Data Protection and
customers' privacy in the recent years. The consequences of the issue raised are different legislation
policies, self–regulation, and general confusion. In order to be discussed, this controversial topic
should be looked at from two different perspectives: customers' one and direct marketers' one. From
customers' point of view, direct marketing is undoubtedly an invasion of their privacy. Consumers
feel intimidated by the direct marketing campaigns that 'fire' them with different types of unwanted
printed and online media daily. Further, many of them are being concerned about their personal
information being so easily available which makes them feel vulnerable. On the other side are direct
marketers who put a lot of effort in their attempts to engage the audience and build/maintain
relationships with them. Moreover, practitioners believe that they are targeting the best prospects
and best customers (rather than uninterested people) who are willing to buy the products offered and
are happy to receive up–to–date information about them. Thus, it has been assumed that marketers
see themselves as assistants who help people in choosing the best deals available whereas customers
feel like victims rather than catered for.
Customers' concerns about their privacy could be simply splitted up into two parts: unwanted direct
marketing approaches and privacy issues. 'Junk mail', 'Spam' emails,
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Nsa Spying Through Smart Phones
NSA Spying Through Smart Phones Smart phones have become a major part of daily life. They
allow people all around the world to communicate with each other instantly. Smart phones enable
people to access all the information they need in mere seconds using the Internet. Most people go
about their days without any worry while using their smart phones. Smart phones have been a tool
by the public for many years now, but they have also been used as a tool for something a little more
Background on NSA The NSA is the National Security Agency. This is a government agency tasked
with monitoring, collecting, and processing information from all around the globe. The NSA uses
this information to keep track of the whereabouts of people of interest for the United States, and
they use it to determine what action needs to be taken to protect the US. This includes spying on
allies of the United States, such as Germany, France, the UK, and other nations around the world.
However, they also have been proven to be spying on not only the US's allies, but also, its own
How They Have Access The NSA has been performing mass surveillance on United States citizens
since as early as 2001. They have teamed up with AT&T and other mass communication companies
to have access to phone records and internet traffic to keep an eye on possible terrorist activities
(Electronic Frontier Foundation). People use their smart phones every day to talk, send email, and
browse the web for
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Internet Monitoring : Control Laws
University of the Incarnate Word
Internet Monitoring: Control Laws in United States
Zaid Alsubaie
Internet Monitoring and Control Laws of United States
There is a continuous monitoring over the Internet in the United States. This is the potential and
propositional controversy over the privacy rights. The laws such as Communications Decency Act
(CDA) and 'Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act' is pertaining to the monitoring of
internet is stated as an invasion of privacy, and it can be observed that this regulation is placed upon
us for the context of limitation and a ban on certain websites. This is truly an example of a nanny
state where one is being observed and is not free to surf and browse the internet, "The FBI on
Wednesday called for new legislation that would allow federal police to monitor the Internet for
'illegal activity.'" (Broache, 2016). While these laws are created for the so–called benefit of the
users, they are often infringing the privacy of the users. These laws are unacceptable and conflicting
as they infringe public privacy while the government tries to dominate the cyber world and are
passed without proper public involvement or consent in developing these bills.
The first reason that makes it controversial is that the government aims to have a control and
domination over the cyber world. The control over the internet has been the long–standing objective
of the government, and the public has always restrained themselves from it.
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Is Abortion A Violation Of Privacy?
The lights are dimmed, romantic music is playing, the bedding smells like freshly cleaned linen
while your partner's scent is sweet yet sensual as they kiss and caress your body. The foreplay is
indeed exciting and right when the two of you are about to reach the point of the start of an
incredibly night, you both realize that none of you have condoms. This is a moment that you
especially want to capture yet you are unwilling to possibly become a parent just yet. Time to take a
trip to the nearest drug store! When asking the cashier for the item you and your partner are in need
of, the employee informs the two of you that contraceptives are now banned and they have no more
of any types of contraceptives in stock. Well, you have two options: prepare to possibly become a
parent in 9 months or you can forget about having sex for a while. Many people in this situation
would most likely agree that the banning of contraceptives is a violation of privacy. The "Unwritten
right of privacy" was a major issue in the 1965 court case, Griswold V. Connecticut where the right
of privacy was newly founded as a fundamental right of the Constitution. This case back dates to
1879 when the state of Connecticut outlawed contraception which pertains to a variety of strategies
to prevent pregnancy during sex. It became a crime to use or assist anyone in using anything to
prevent conception. Several people were offended and acknowledged this new law as an invasion of
privacy (griswold, 84). Why
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Testaments Betrayed Analysis
While humans often live life in a duality, with a face they put on for the public and the true character
they show with friends, the private life may easily seep into the public eye. In his piece Testaments
Betrayed, Czech writer Milan Kundera asserts that the curtain between public and private lives is
not to be removed, and those who do so are deplorable voyeurs. Although it is immoral for one to
reveal another's private life, the barrier between public and private lives must be torn down when the
public benefits, whether by the intruder or the individual in question himself. For those declaring the
need for a societal shift in paradigm, leaders of a movement often need to intertwine their personal
stories to demonstrate the necessity ... Show more content on ...
An individual's rights are secondary to those of society, which seeks to benefit and advance more.
Eric Garner was fatally choked by NYC police in 2015, prompting the rise of the Black Lives
Matter movement. His last words, "I can't breathe," were captured on video and shared millions of
times while he was fading in and out of consciousness. While the bystander capturing the video may
have intruded into his privacy, that moment was a necessary mingling of public and private because
it personified the outrage present in society. In doing so, the bystanders demonstrated to a broad
audience the injustice present in society. The dual nature of an individual's public and private
personas also exactly demonstrates the necessity in breaching personal privacy, for individuals may
have a different personal agenda than the public façade they create. Many colleges now review a
student's social media profiles as a part of the holistic admissions process in order to verify the
authenticity of a student's supposed character. I personally had a friend who was a Big 10–bound
athlete have his contracts revoked because of his braggadocios nature on social media, often
proclaiming how he had received contracts from schools that, in reality, had not extended one.
While supposedly a breach in privacy of the prospective athlete, this step is necessary in the
admissions process to ensure that the team and college in general has a reputable student body.
Thus, the "curtain" of privacy must be torn away in situations where the public stands to gain
knowledge to make informed
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Urban Legends Management: Empowering Employees
Dear Urban Legends Management, I have analyzed your situation and have come up with various
ways to control employees' speech, monitor employees at work, and approach references. For
controlling employees' speech, you should make it clear that because Urban Trends is a private
company, they are employees at will they can be fired for anything. Tell them at if they talk to
customers about management they will be fired immediately. Encourage them to come to you with
problems instead of talking to the customers about them. For monitoring employees at work, I
suggest you videotape them on the sales floor, to make sure they are following your rules. I would
inform them they are being monitored so they are not caught off guard. However, you shouldn't ...
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To stop employees' complaints, make it clear to them that are employees at will and saying anything
that could hurt the reputation of Urban Legends could result in them being fired. If it were a public
company, my advice would be more complicated because you have to take into account their rights
as citizens. Voicing their opinions about the ad campaign, could hurt the reputation and sales of
Urban Legends, and is fair grounds for firing an employee. As for monitoring employees, I suggest
only monitoring the sales floor. Do not install video cameras in the locker rooms because that is an
invasion of privacy. Finally, for references, be sure to only state true facts to prevent employees
from suing you for
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The Cloud Storage Is Not A Safe Service
The research seeks to elucidate whether people should have an expectation of privacy with regard to
electronic storage, i.e. cloud storage. The background of the problem under consideration is a
scandal with American celebrities whose nude pictures were illegally stolen and published online on
autumn 2014. In fact, they were stolen from the celebrities' iPhones through iCloud service. A big
scandal not only revealed a private life of famous US people, but also disclosed vulnerability of
Apple's products and incompetency of their computer engineers.
The evidence gathered in this research reveal that soon after iCloud was presented by Steve Jobs to
the users, several experts of computing companies and Institute of Technologies have investigated
the cloud service and tested its operational options, security and vulnerability. Their independent
research reports have the common idea: cloud storage is not a safe service yet. Many of its options
should be improved. iCloud is not advisable service to use as it stores all private information online
from the devices even they are locked. The process of information backup occurs in a way users do
not notice. The fact that three years later after the introduction of iCloud the service has been hacked
means that even the best experts cannot control cloud storage and users cannot have an expectation
of privacy with regard to cloud storage.
Leaked Photos of Celebrities and Cloud Storage: Should We Have an Expectation for
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Apple Vs. Fbi Case
Apple vs. FBI In today's society, technology has become one of the most used and most sought after
developments of the millennium. In a recent case the FBI petitioned for Apple to unlock the phone
of Syed Farook, the man responsible for shooting and killing 14 people in San Bernardino,
California. The FBI believed Apple should create a new software that would not erase the data from
iPhones after ten failed attempts to unlock the phone. Apple replied that they had a responsibility
and an obligation to protect the privacy of their customers. Supporters of Apple 's response have
argued, creating a new software was not a wise decision. In the past, government agencies have been
known for their abuse of power. Had Apple chosen to create a master key for this particular case,
there would be no limit to government invasion of privacy. In the end Apple could have potentially
lost costumers by changing the protection of their cellular products. The issue has already been
raised that creating software to access one locked device could potentially open the door for hackers
to invade millions of other people's devices. I agree that Apple should not create a new software to
unlock the phone because once a master lock is created there are no limitations to who or how the
coding can be used. Although this case seems unique in matter the government has a history of
invading the privacy of American companies and citizens. In 2013, the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) filed a brief
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Sexual Harassment At The Civil Rights Act
With such practices agencies protect not only the victims rights but also evidence that is later used in
cases. This stratifies Miranda Rights actives that have "grave concern for the effect... that the
individual may not be compelled to incriminate himself" (Linkins, 2007). This practice also satisfies
the State, who has interest in protecting clear evidence of proper due process procedures and
statements given. In instances where states aim to protect victims under different circumstances, for
example individuals using cameras to harass others; states must adapt and utilizes laws already at
their disposal.
"18 USC § 2510–2516 addresses wire–tapping and privies protection against illegally tapping
someone's telephone, and 47 USC § 223 of the Communication Decency Act prohibits interstate or
foreign telecommunications that is used with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another...
Title 42 of the Civil Rights Act may be utilized to address online victimization. This statute has been
interpreted to prohibit sexual harassment in work environments" (Southworth, Finn, Dawson, Fraser,
& Tucker, 2007).
States can utilize other statues in an effort to protect victims. Such statues can be applied to cameras,
invasion of privacy, and even stalking attempts where cameras and such devices are used. The need
for exact laws with cameras is sometimes clear but how and what statues are not always so.
Cameras and Future Laws Cameras, and other forms of technology, are
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Essay On The Third Amendment
In 1789, the Congress created the Bill of Rights to make sure the people are protected and the
government has limitations. The Third Amendment states, "No soldier shall, in time of peace be
quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be
prescribed by law." ("Bill of Rights"). Throughout the years the amendments have been
manipulated, in a way, to be used in a certain way. In researching the Third Amendment, one will
find the past and present of the Quartering of Soldiers through the origins of the law, modern
application of the amendment, and its current effectiveness. In the origins, the Third Amendment
was formulated because of The Quartering Act that was created in 1774. The ... Show more content
on ...
Today it protects the people's privacy of their house. When it was created it standed for that now
soldier shall be housed literally. "The federal government today is not likely to ask people to house
soldiers in their homes, even in time of war." (Wood). Also, Amendment 3 purpose today is to
protect the people from intruding their house. Amendment 3 supports Amendment 4, search and
seizure law, both laws ties into the rights of privacy. Ending, one can indicate that the Third
Amendment's application has differed from the 21st century and the era it was created in.
Court cases are examples of how the application of the law changed. Through the Griswold case the
Third Amendment protects the invasion of privacy by the government. The court held that statement
and they also asked if they would let the government search the bedrooms in that case. "The Court
explained that the right to privacy was inherent in the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth
Amendments. The Bill of Rights created "zones of privacy" into which the government could not
intrude." ("Griswold V. Connecticut"). In the Griswold case, the Third Amendment and some other
amendments protected the rights of privacy which helped Ms. Griswold. Closing up, the Griswold
case is an example how the law applies in the world now.
In the present, the Third Amendment is rarely used by the Supreme Court and is least used in the
Bill of Rights showing the application has
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The Liberties Of The United States
Within the Constitution of the United States of America, the word "privacy" appears exactly zero
times. Not once does the legal document that outlines the social order of the United Sates, define, or
explicitly state a "right to privacy" for its citizens. Even with this fact prevailing over society,
American citizens still esteem privacy in the highest regard. According to a survey conducted by the
PEW Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and
trends shaping America, "93 percent of adults say that being in control of who can get information
about them is important... 88 percent [of Americans] say it is important that they not have someone
watch or listen to them without their ... Show more content on ...
I hypothesize that modern day Americans greatly value privacy because throughout American
history and culture, citizens have been encouraged to own personal possessions such as property,
people, and tangible materials while also maintaining a sense of power in relation to others within
society. For example in the late 1800s, American corporations as well as economically invested
individuals bought and took ownership of tribal land in Hawaii . Land was taken by Americans and
claimed as "private property" in a culture in which the concepts of privacy and property possession
were foreign. After some time, Americans possessed ownership of a majority of Hawaiian land and
this allowed them the power to manipulate the land in whatever manner they deemed suitable.
Privacy, the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people,
quickly became a concept relevant to land ownership in Hawaii . A historical account such as this, is
only one instance of the American values of ownership and power intersecting to facilitate a desire
for privacy. It is clear that Americans for centuries have valued their privacy as evidenced by the
relationship between Hawaii and America, but nonetheless it is unclear as to what extent Americans
can exercise their privacy. To further understand why the right for privacy needs to be explicitly
addressed in American law, recent
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NSA Persuasive Essay

  • 1. NSA Persuasive Essay Since the Edward Snowden leak in 2013, the controversy over NSA surveillance has focused on the invasion of privacy of United States citizens. Specifically the bulk collection programs that have picked up American phone data, even of those who haven't done anything wrong. This invasion of privacy has been deemed unconstitutional by many and for good reason. In recent years, the NSA controversy has become more eminent, mostly due to the Edward Snowden Leak in 2013. This leak revealed sensitive information about the NSA tracking the movements of millions of people using cell phone metadata and the action of the NSA intercepting and storing data on billions of people all over the world. More recently, in 2015, key provisions of the Patriot Act, a law intended to help the United States government detect and prevent acts of terrorism or the sponsorship of terrorist organizations, were debated over whether or not they should be allowed to expire. Due to their mass cellphone data collection program, other programs involving the wiretapping of suspects, and more that were possible threats to the privacy of U.S. citizen's, there was substantial discourse about what to do with these key provisions. These key provisions, specifically, Section 215, were renewed until 2019, with the exception of the mass collection of phone data, which was revised with more restrictions because it was the most controversial. With the opportunity to track terrorists comes the opportunity to invade ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Importance Of Privacy Laws In The United States The United States privacy laws deal with some legal issues, among which is the invasion of privacy. In the line of this discussion, an affected party is allowed to file a suit against a person who invades his or her personal space unlawfully against their own will. This law usually disregards activities that may be of public interest such as celebrity lives or participation in events that may make news headlines. Violation an individual's right to privacy can be the cause of a lawsuit against the violator. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unwarranted search or seizure. This, in turn, brings up the question, "Do police invade one's privacy in their daily activities to uphold the law?" The answer is yes, especially regarding the cases ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Essay Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Believe it or not, there was a time when passengers showed up an hour before their flights and walked directly to their assigned gates without taking off their shoes at a security screening station or throwing away their bottles of water. There was even a time when friends and family met passengers at the gate and watch their flights take off or land without having a ticket or identification...and that was only ten years ago. Air travel safety precautions changed dramatically after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that targeted passenger planes in the United States and killed well over 1,000 people. Precautions continue to evolve as new threats are detected and passengers are now concerned ... Show more content on ... In 2009, a man on a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit attempted to blow up a plane with explosives in his underwear. Although the body scanners were in the United States at the time, they were not in the Netherlands. Passengers argue that no matter how many security measures are put in place, terrorists will find a new and innovative way to cause destruction. They claim that the only guarantee the body scanners can make is violation of privacy for innocent people. Privacy issues often become a heated debate in a country like the United States of America, which was founded on the basic principle of freedom. Passengers are outraged that officials are viewing nude images of their bodies. They are rebelling against intrusive pat–downs and demanding better solutions. The TSA takes all of these concerns under consideration and has made admirable efforts to ensure privacy, as well as to clarify points used in arguments against the new screenings. For example, the TSA has established strict guidelines regarding the images received by the body scanners. Images of women are only viewed by female agents and images of men are only viewed by male agents. The agents viewing the images are in a separate, secure room and never see the passengers they are viewing on screen. According to TSA's privacy policy, "The two officers communicate via wireless ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Internet Privacy Law: a Comparison Between the United... David L. Baumer1, Julia B. Earp2 and J.C. Poindexter3 College of Management, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695–7229 Internet Privacy Law: A Comparison between the United States and the European Union Abstract The increasing use of personal information in web–based applications has created privacy concerns worldwide. This has led to awareness among policy makers in several countries regarding the desirability of harmonizing privacy laws. The challenge with privacy legislation from an international perspective is that the Internet is virtually borderless but legislative approaches differ between countries. This paper presents a ... Show more content on ... In this paper, we show just how different Internet privacy protection is in the U.S. relative to the EU and examine a significant, proposed change in U.S. privacy law. Every society values privacy in some respect but the expressions of privacy differ significantly across cultures [5]. A recent survey of over 1000 Internet users from 30 countries demonstrates this; in particular, the non–U.S. respondents were statistically more concerned about organizations using consumer data for customization and personalization purposes [6]. These findings are apparent when comparing and contrasting privacy laws from differing cultures. The cultural values of a nation influence the development and maintenance of societal institutions such as legislative bodies [7]. Although there may be other factors to consider, a country's cultural values are closely associated with the privacy concerns that are exhibited by its people and are associated also with its regulatory approach [2]. The qualitative analysis we perform in this paper provides additional support for the proposition that different cultural experiences and histories impact a country's legal system, especially the legal protection provided for individual privacy. The initial consequences of international legal disparities between the U.S. and the EU in privacy protection took place when the EU enacted and enforced the 1995 EU ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Right To Privacy Report to Congress I, Savannah Parmelee believe an individual's right to privacy should be protected if they do not violate the law to a certain degree therefore, I plan to seek out evidence during my research that supports this controlling idea. I am greatly concerned about this topic due to the people's privacy not being fully protected for both terrorist and by the government.In the video "Impact of drones on privacy rights" on "CBS This Morning" claims that "Lakota, N.D., is the first known site where a drone was used domestically to help arrest a U.S. citizen." What the quote is saying is that drones helped arrest a U.S. citizen. The incident in the video proves that drones can help see illegal activities happening and can try to stop ... Show more content on ... "We Need Privacy Laws for the Digital Era | The Nation." The Nation, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Oct. 2016. @cbs. "Impact of Drones on Privacy Rights." CBS. N.p., 5 Apr. 2012. Web. 26 Oct. 2016 Linder, Douglas O. Rights to Privacy. N.p.: n.p., 18 June 2013. Microsoft Word document. DiLascio, Tracey M. "The NSA and Its Surveillance Programs Are Critical to US Security." Microsoft Word Document, 10 Aug. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Impact Of Privacy On The Workplace Field Of Human... Employee privacy issues have surged to the forefront of the business press in recent years, spurred on by changing workplace dynamics and a litigation–conscious business environment. Observers say that advances in telecommunications–such as e–mail and the Internet–coupled with heightened concerns about vulnerability to litigation, have exacerbated management concerns about monitoring employee behavior. Indeed, employee privacy is already fairly restricted in many respects in many of the large corporations. Privacy in the workplace is a controversial issue in the field of Human Resource management as employers have more technologies available to monitor telephones, computer terminals, and voice mail. This privacy issue has been fueled by the increased use of a variety of electronic monitoring systems. Electronic monitoring is defined as "the computerized collection, storage, analysis, and reporting of information about employees ' productive activities" (Office of Technology Assessment, 1987, p. 27). "Currently, as many as 26 million workers in the United States are monitored in their jobs, and this number will increase as computers are used more and more within companies and as the cost of these monitoring systems goes down" (DeTienne, 1993, p. 33). Of those monitored, 10 million have their work evaluated and pay based on the data collected (DeTienne, 1993). "By the end of the decade, as many as 30 million people may be constantly monitored in their jobs" (DeTienne, 1993, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. What Are Employees Rights In The Workplace Employees' Rights in the Workplace With the rise of technology there arose a fear of surveillance. However, George Orwell's 1984 passed us by without noticeable big brother control, and the national concern over espionage diminished with the demise of the U.S.S.R. These past threats were concerns over the use of technology by governments that had sufficient resources to use the technology for sinister purposes. The new threat is not technology in the hands of government, it is technology alone. What once required massive manpower, now requires merely a personal computer. Technology has made the power to monitor others widely available, whether to governments, private enterprise or individuals. This article discusses some ... Show more content on ... The ECPA prohibits the interception by (1) unauthorized individuals or (2) individuals working for a government entity, acting without a proper warrant. The ECPA is mostly concerned with the unauthorized access by employees or corporate competitors trying to find out valuable information. However, while there is no specific prohibition in the ECPA for an employer to monitor the e–mail of employees, the ECPA does not specifically exempt employers. The ECPA has several exceptions to the application of the prohibition of interception of electronic communications. The three most relevant to the workplace are (1) where one party consents, (2) where the provider of the communication service can monitor communications, and (3) where the monitoring is done in the ordinary course of business. The first exception, consent, can be implied or actual. Several courts have placed a fairly high standard for establishing implied consent. For example one court held that "knowledge of the capability of monitoring alone cannot be considered implied consent." Accordingly, for an employer to ensure the presence of actual consent, it should prepare, with advice of counsel, a carefully worded e–mail Policy Statement which explains the scope of employer monitoring. This Policy Statement should be signed by the employees. One example of how this ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Ban And Monitoring Of Internet Browsing And Surfing Assignment on Ban and monitoring of internet browsing and surfing By XxX Dated Ban and monitoring of internet browsing and surfing There is a continuous monitoring over the Internet in the United States. This is the potential and propositional controversy over the privacy rights. This law is stated as the invasion of privacy, and it can be observed that this regulation is placed upon us for the context of limitation and a ban on certain websites. This is truly an example of a nanny state where one is being observed and is not free to surf and browse the internet (Broache, 2016). This primarily discusses the benefits of this law and the constraints and downsides of this law. Thus, this article delimits the potential of control over the internet for the so–called "Safe & Secure" browsing. The control over the internet has been the long–standing ambition of the government, and the public has always restrained themselves from it. It can be understood that the potential and the positional benefits of this is limitless. Corporates tend to provide a more customized experience, whereas Governments wish to stay alerted from the activities that are present, it can be seen that the potential and the common objective is awareness (Stanley & Steinhardt, 2003). This becomes a nanny state as the government makes amends and tends tries to monitor all the activities of its citizens. This effects the citizens and the nation in a twofold manner, it effects the government in a manner ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Invasion Of Privacy In The United States While I trust the government and support their policies, you, the federal government, have failed us Americans. When attempting to gain information for an investigation, nearly 22.1 million innocent Americans have been exposed to the public with their personal information hanging by a thread, according to the Washington Post. You politicians may assume that justice is served by providing victims with incentives of extra security technology, but the federal government should not be allowed to gain information from personal devices for their investigation. Furthermore, the use of malware to hack these innocent Americans is an invasion of privacy, ruins devices and their data, ensues lawsuits and their costs with unnecessary breaches, and may even put people's lives at risk. Privacy is a right, not a privilege. The federal government's requirement to gain information needed for investigations violates the right of privacy every American is entitled to. Consequently, the victim of a malware attack is not even alerted of when their device has been hacked. How can any innocent, law–abiding American be at the risk of such severe damage to not only their personal belongings, but also their right to ... Show more content on ... Well now, if the government doesn't take action, your life is in serious danger. You politicians can change this. Anyone can change themselves from a viewer of a problem to an activist of a problem. Spread the news of this uneducated problem facing our country. Stand up for what you believe in. Convince the federal government to change their dangerous methods of gaining information for investigations to safer alternatives. You can support all of these causes with just your words and actions. It's time for the federal government and you politicians to see the wrong that has occurred and make tomorrow a more secure day in the government's investigation services and in the lives of every American. Thank ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Right To Privacy In The 18th Century The right to privacy is viewed as a fundamental right all over the world. However, there are many interpretations of what privacy is, and this interpretations are in some way related to historical events that shaped the meaning of privacy differently for every country. Countries of the European Union consider the right to privacy a sacred right, therefore, they have established laws to protect the respect for private and family life and the right to personal data protection. Although United States has some sector laws to protect privacy, the constitution does not mention privacy as fundamental right, nonetheless, the notion of privacy can be extracted from the first 10 amendments of the constitution. Consequently, regulation of the right to privacy changes drastically between Europe and the United States. Countries in Europe have regulatory agencies whose only purpose is protect the privacy of its citizens. In contrast, the ... Show more content on ... When the first 10 amendments of the constitution were written, one of the main concerns was government intrusion. In the 1800s, citizens were concern about the confidentiality of their correspondence. Likewise in 1890, the concern was photography and yellow journalism. With lack of privacy laws, citizens brought several cases to the U.S courts because they felt there were violations of privacy. As a consequent, several torts were written and recognize by most states. This torts included the intrusion upon seclusion, public disclosure of private facts, false light or publicity, and appropriation. Though, historical events have help to expand the definition of privacy, there has not been a critical event that forced America to have a comprehensive federal policy about protecting the right to privacy. Nevertheless, every time that there is a major concern that threatens the right to privacy, the government and the states have passed laws to eliminate those ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Privacy And Security : A Technological World Megan Gabriel–King Dr. Johnson PHIL 3170–002 26 October 2014 Privacy vs. Security In a Technological World Since the September 11th terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, the subject of terrorism has played a major role in both politics and media. As America embarked on the war on terrorism, the government became much more aware that threats to our country were both internal and external. In this age of technology it is now more possible than ever to discretely use surveillance software on the American people without them ever knowing, as evidenced by the Edward Snowden scandal in which it was revealed that the NSA had violated citizens' personal privacy in the name of national security. This revelation led to a large debate ... Show more content on ... I aim to evaluate the question of whether or not I would design the software in relation to each of the five principles. The first humanitarian principle is the valuation of life, Jacques Thiroux in the book "Ethics: Theory and Practice" describe this principle by stating, "Human beings should revere life and accept death." This principle can be applied to the central question of designing software. The question then come to be: does invading personal privacy if it stops terrorism protect life? If I am just looking at this from the view point of the life valuation principle, the invasion of privacy is not going to cause any deaths. Furthermore, by designing this software lives would likely be saved. Therefore thus far with respect to the valuation of life principle, there is no ethical violation. The next principle is the principle of goodness or rightness. Thiroux states that there are three things that humanitarian ethics demands of humans which fall into two categories: beneficence and non– maleficence. He defines beneficence as, "Promoting goodness over badness." When it comes to the main question, this principle is open for interpretation because in applying the principle the question dissolves into if it is "more good" to not write the software and protect privacy or if stopping terrorism is more good although ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Privacy Is Not The State Or Condition Of Being Free Privacy means the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. Privacy is something that we all take for granted because we don't know how to live our lives without it and in most cases we never have, well not like in the 1984 and The Circle. Without privacy, people would not be comfortable doing most of the things that they do on a daily basis. If we were being watched and listen to day in and day out then we would be living like prisoners. We would be limited to what we say, who we talk to, and sometimes even who we date. When there is privacy in relationships, it gives it a greater bond and makes those people closer to each other. Whether its two best friends gossiping or two lovers getting ... Show more content on ... Because, of the telescreens, they had to be stealthy in saying what they had to do. With the thought police, telescreens, and anyone else that could not be trusted roaming everywhere, it was tough. Orwell tells us how much the price of privacy is worth and is sacrificed for when Julia and Winston betray each other at the end. Orwell sends many messages through out the whole story. First, it is valid evidence that without privacy, people have to follow the rules of which the government enforces upon them. Every government has their set of rules, but without privacy, the government is full of control in what it enforces and what you think. On a social and personal level, we see that Julia and Winston have to secretly have their relationship. This lead to them eventually rebel and get caught in the story. Orwell is warning us that a relationship is build upon trust and privacy. If we can't speak our minds on just normal stuff to a single individual or may be a group; then their is a issue. This issue can affect the quality of the relationship. One may not be comfortable or even trust the other party due to the lack of privacy, and whats a friendship without privacy? But, the bottom line main thought of what can happen if the government does not give us privacy. We see the consequences in the story "The Circle", and realistically speaking, in modern day society. We have ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Essay On American Security In the lives of Americans September 11th, 2001 will forever be embedded in our memories. This was the day that international Terrorism first struck America. A day that America's security was exposed from there on TSA, and Homeland Security was built. I remember before the devastating attacks we were able to walk up to any terminal in the airport and wait for any of our family members board the aircraft. Since those devastating attacks Americans have seen new policies in security and new implementations in transportation, but the cost to our new security and technology is the peoples' privacy has agonized. Aside technological advances in terrorist attacks, local police departments have found new ways to help with security, but have hurt the people's privacy. Drones, are the new tool in fighting crime in Los Angeles, California. The Drones or also known as "small Unarmed Ariel Systems" have flown one since the beginning of this year. (Mather, 2017) Many of the native Los Angeles residence have complained about having a drone recording over their homes. One lawyer states "The history of this department is of starting off with supposedly good intentions about the new toys that it gets... only to them get too tempted by what they can doo with those toys." Yes, the technology is great it will help crime, and give street patrol units an "eagle eye" on the city that they love, and protect. On the other hand, there will always be the desire to use the technology to other advantages. Instead of building a tall fence from your curious neighbor to the right or left you will also need to block on top from the police. Another technological advance that has interfered with the publics' privacy, is RFID tags. In an article titled "The End of Privacy" the good old days are gone were Big Brother merely watched you. Instead Big Brother will be coming home with you in what you buy, wear, drive, and read. The wireless technology will allow objects to be tagged and tracked, this will be taking its place in the panoply of tools that business and government agencies use to collect information about us. (The End of Privacy) The technology is rapidly moving from science fiction to the forefront. For instance, RFID is being place on ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Internet 's Impact On The Global Market And Why Companies... ABSTRACT Internet of Things is currently a global phenomenon. Tech giants all over the world are competing against each other for the domination in this technology. IoT is showing a lot of promise but it has not yet been adopted by everyone. This paper provides information about Internet of things, how it is enabling new and transforming existing businesses, it's impact on the global market and why companies should invest in it. INTRODUCTION The internet is a big part of our lives these days. More than 3.5 billion people, which constitutes to around 47% of world's population of 7.4 billion, are now connected to the internet. The number keeps on growing each day. Now, after Worldwide Web and Mobile Internet, we are about to embark on the third step of Internet revolution: "Internet of Things." Although this sounds like a relatively new term, this concept has been around since the 1970s. The Automated Teller Machine (ATM) was one of the first IoT devices, dating back to the year 1974. In 1983, a Coke dispensing machine which was connected to the internet was installed at Carnegie Mellon University. This machine reported the inventory data and temperature of the products that it held. It wasn't until 1985 that the term "Internet of Things" was coined by Peter T. Lewis. The concept became popular in 1999 and is revolutionizing the world now. INTERNET OF THINGS EXPLAINED What is Internet of Things? Internet of Things is the network of smart devices that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. People know what they do; they frequently know why they... People know what they do; they frequently know why they do what they do; but what they don't know is what what they do does. Introduction With technology moving at such a rapid pace, etiquette and ethics have a hard time keeping up. Five years ago few people had even heard of electronic mail or "e–mail" and even today, whether to add a hyphen or not it is of trivial debate. As a society, we hold dear the value of privacy and confidentiality as a basic fundamental right. Access to the new technology of electronic mail can jeopardize both values. What privacy rights should employees enjoy, and how can these be reconciled with the legitimate need of organzations to control and manage their network? People have come to depend on ... Show more content on ... 1The Colonists realized, before the revolutionary war, that there was a need to somehow police the system to make sure that the mail is delivered to the person in which it was intended and that it did not fall into the hands of someone else, namely the British. To date, there are more than eighty federal crimes called "postal offenses." In fact, there is a special division of U.S. Postal investigators that have full powers of arrest . . . and we are the only country in the world that has such regulating powers attached to our mail delivery system. Most Americans know that tampering with mail not addressed to them is a "federal offense."2 So, if we have such protection for our written paper correspondence, would not the same kind of protection apply to missives sent electronically? For a working defintion of electronic mail (e–mail), let us use: "any technology enabling the non– interactive exchange of electronic messages between e–mail users."3 (see glossary for other terms) Ben Franklin would be proud of the expediency of information transferred today, but unlike during his time, the system of electronic mail does not yet have clearly defined laws or mores to guide our society in the judicial use of this new technological mail system. How did electronic mail begin?
  • 30. Before the 1980's, e–mail was rarely even heard of. The Postal System developed a system called E– Com in the early 1970's. They had ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. How Much Are Your Google Searches Worth? How much are your Google searches worth? With today's technology, companies are able to monitor and collect consumer data from online searches and transactions, and sell it at the highest bidding price. The act of collecting and selling consumer data is called data brokering. Companies such as Acxiom Corp. and Datalogix are turning data brokering into a billion–dollar industry. These companies solicit that data brokering improves advertisements, quality of product, and fraud prevention. However, many individuals are concerned that it is an invasion of privacy and poses a threat to the consumers and national security. In this essay I plan to explain why data brokering is an issue for modern engineers and analyze its ethical implications of from a utilitarian position and through the lens of the precautionary principle. Terabytes upon terabytes of data are being sent across the internet on a daily basis. Several moral issues such as privacy, exploitation, and victimization arise once data brokering companies have the access to this superfluous amount of data. A major concern is how this information is being used to target sales on specific types of users. The online travel agency Orbitz has found that Apple users are willing to spend approximately 30% more than PC users. As a result, Orbitz displays different travel options that are slightly more expensive to Apple users1. This example may be seen as a simple use of strategic advertisement, but introduces the concept of ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Betrayed By Milan Kundera Analysis In his excerpt from Testaments Betrayed, Milan Kundera claims that for one to be truly free, one must have the right to privacy. He says that the curtain must remain closed between private and public and that those "curtain–rippers" are criminals. However, although I believe that privacy must be respected and protected, there are times when the invasion of privacy may be necessary if a person's life or well–being is in immediate danger. Kundera claims that "for a man to be free; that the curtain separating these two worlds is not to be tampered with..." I agree with this part of his argument; privacy is something that has to be revered and enforced, as it is every man's right to have that freedom. My stance on this is supported by the U.S Constitution. ... Show more content on ... If a parent suspects that his or her child is suffering from depression or is involved in hazardous activity like drugs, alcohol, or a bad relationship, I believe should be allowed to violate the child's privacy. By simply looking through the kid's phone or computer, a parent can find an underlying problem that the child would have otherwise not have told them. A parent must protect their child from anything that could harm them, even if it's protecting the children from themselves, and the only way to do this (if the child refuses to confide) is to deliberately invade their privacy. As it happens, this violation of a child's privacy also occurs in a medical environment. If a psychologist's patient is exhibiting either suicidal tendencies or is under danger of any form of abuse, the doctor is required by law to make it known to either authorities or the parental guardians that their child is in danger. These actions are a direct infringement of a person's freedom that Kundera will readily disagree with, but if the curtain that keeps privacy undisclosed remains tightly shut, these cases may never be uncovered and these lives might not be ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Issue Around Internet Privacy In more recent years, the issue around Internet privacy is something that has been brought to everyone 's attention. In today 's society everything is based around social media and online shopping. By doing this people are making their information easily accessible for people to use. People document their whole lives on social media making it much easier for people to find information, that some may consider private, about them. When people post a picture with a location attached to it they think it 's harmless but there is a lack of privacy that is allowing people to get hold of information they don 't want out there. It has become much easier for people to get information due to the new technological advances that have been made in the recent years. Companies try to advertise to their customers through the Internet. They do this by personalizing their webpage to what they search, which violates privacy because they are tracking what customers search through cookies and data. Something as harmless as searching for baby clothes for your niece or nephew can turn in to your information being thrown out there and having these companies trying to reach you. Violation of privacy on the Internet is something we should accept because no matter what we try to do to keep our privacy people will always find a way around it. Stealing credit card information is as easy as bumping into someone. There are multiple ways people can defeat personal privacy and it is done through the use of ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Privacy in the Workplace Essay "Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts confronting American society: from AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph test to computerized data bases, the common denominator has been whether the right to privacy outweighs other concerns of society..." This quote from Robert Ellis Smith explains, in one sentence, the absolute need to ensure privacy in the workplace. One of the most interesting, yet controversial, areas concerning public personnel is employee privacy. What limits are there to employers' intrusions into, and control over, employees' behaviors and personal properties? There are five major areas which trigger privacy matters in the area of public sector employment: background ... Show more content on ... Privacy also hinges on a respect for a person's inherent dignity. An employee can claim a protection of his reputation and sense of self–worth against defamation, discrimination, or personal abuse. A person also has the right to maintain his personal beliefs and convictions against coercion and manipulation. Applied to the environment of public employment, this conception would prohibit any employer from harassing individuals on the basis of their class or status, or their personal characteristics. It would prohibit employers from shaming employees and causing emotional distress in the process. It would prohibit an employer from breaching the confidentiality of an employee's record or publicizing closed hearings concerning the employee. This is one area where an employee's privacy interests may be violated in a technological environment by fellow employees who may use bulletin boards to post embarrassing information or defamatory messages to be read by others. This conception of privacy can also be extended to a claim against pervasive intrusion by employers into employees' work activities. An employee may feel constant camera surveillance, monitoring of phone calls and computer use, and an accounting for every minute of duty time reflects an omnipresent, oppressive employer, who exhibits little trust and little ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Drones : Persuasive Privacy Did you know that just in 2017 over a million consumer drones were sold just in the United States. It is not surprising since a drone with its ability to capture footage from the air, which otherwise would be impossible for an average person. Having the capability to capture footage from above, stream a game, or go around the city without being there; gives peoples' sense of control and freedom. Soon, Amazon might be shipping packages right to home using Drone technology. But Having such a large number of drones present in the United States could have unforeseen complications. One major problem drones can pose lies in their ability to reduce our privacy. Drones can be remote controlled from far away, which can give the user a sense of detachment from the consequences of his/her actions. They were built for the purpose of war and private markets have exploited that technology for the use of consumers. Drones can reduce privacy by taking pictures of people without consent, flying in areas without permission, and spying on people without them knowing. We must find a solution that can limit the drones abilities to reduce our privacy. I am not saying that the drones should be taken away entirely; drones provide a good hobby and great quality videos online. But, without some sort of regulation; drones can take people's privacy. First, drones can fly into private property without permission. This is obviously against the law and the owner of the property has the right to shoot ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Essay about Protecting the Privacy of Individuals on the... Protecting the Privacy of Individuals on the Internet Over the past decade the world has gotten much smaller due to the electronic communication the Internet has fostered. While this promotes business and international relations, problems arise regarding the protection of individuals' personal information. Many countries around the world have developed privacy policies and laws protect an individual's information in the realm of electronic communication. Universal enforcement gets complicated because the Internet is not restricted to one country; it's worldwide. As a result, concerns arise regarding the compatibility of various countries' privacy policies. This paper will discuss the current legislation in place for various major ... Show more content on ... On a more global level, international agreements such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights protect the privacy of individuals around the world. We see that in order to protect the fundamental privacy rights of individuals, laws have been established on both local and global scales. Therefore, it follows that laws are also necessary to protect the information of individuals in the electronic environment. Two types of laws are adopted by various countries to protect the sensitive information of individuals on the web. The first kind, comprehensive laws, are laws "that govern the collection, use and dissemination of personal information by both the public and private sectors"6. These general laws do not deal with individual areas like health care or educational systems. Instead, they establish standards for use of private information for all entities. Comprehensive laws are usually adopted for one of three reasons: to remedy past injustices, to promote electronic commerce or to ensure that laws are consistent with Pan–European laws7. In addition, comprehensive laws often require the establishment of an independent commissioner to oversee the enforcement of the law. Unfortunately, problems arise because either a lack of resources hinders ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Public Figures And Their Privacy Bhavi Patel Teacher: Dinorah Sapp IE 036 English for Academic Purposes. 20 November 2014 Public figures and their Privacy. Everyone dreams of earning fame and fortune. People who are popular by virtue of their professions, whether it is acting, sports or politics, try their best to earn the admiration and respect of the public. This is because a huge fan base following can always use their advantage irrespective of whether you are an actor or a politician. However, this fame and fan following comes at a price: the loss of their privacy. Shakelford defined privacy as, "Privacy is a vast concept encompassing freedom of thought, freedom of bodily integrity, solitude, information integrity, freedom of surveillance, and the protection of reputation and personality".(Shakelford,132) Many newspapers, magazines, television programs, make money by reporting on private lives of public figures such as politicians, sports person, celebrities, entertainers, and others. Does public means no privacy? Before answering to this question we can turn on the television and see lots of details about celebrities and public figures. The fact is that a reporter always tries to discover the private lives of famous people. Privacy is one of the most important things on earth. When one invades the privacy of another it causes a reaction of betrayal in the eyes of a person whose privacy is being invaded. But does it apply to the public figures? In my opinion I believe that public figures such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Reasonable Expectations Of Privacy: Katz V. United States Reasonable Expectation of Privacy: "Reasonable expectation of privacy" is a legal term based on standards and norms about privacy which are held by a society. In the US, the case "Katz v. United States" was the first time the term "reasonable expectation of privacy" was used. What "...a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection.... But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected."[10] This decision provided a precedent to be used in future cases to determine what can be considered private, protected information. Further rulings based on this precedent have established that the expectations of a ... Show more content on ... These extremely large data sets may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations relating to human behavior and interaction. These analysesaffect us on day to day basis positively and negatively and the legality of how this information is collected and the laws that apply may be unclear. Both with or without users' knowledge, consumer personal data is collected from every daily, digital activity; from purchases, web searches, amazon searches, browsing history, and phone use. This data is generated, and then downloaded and stored. [15] Companies can then use this data to create "data sets" or large files of users' data to produce customer profiling. This data can also be used by police, the governmental bodies, scientists, businesses, military, and other industries where occasional breaches of data are expected .[16] Breaches and leaks of personal information including phone calls, credit card information, home address, and personal phone numbers are examples of information that is logged and stored by these corporations while making "data sets". Much of this information is being processed and sold to marketers for the purpose of marketing their products. This information is stored digitally and in some cases, regardless of the security of the information being stored, there are risks of unauthorized parties ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Graham Barrisk Charles Sturt University ITC 506 Topics in Information Technology Ethics Assessment One Doing Ethics Technique Angelina Taungahihifo Student ID: 11569843 Drones invading privacy What's going on? Graham Kerrisk spotted a small drone filming him through the window at his home in Masterton at 10 feet in the air. He knew the new multi–rotor remote controlled craft belonged to his neighbour. At the cost of $1600 it contained a live video feed, high–resolution still camera and GPS. However Mr. Kerrisk didn't find an apology acceptable enough for the drone's sneaky actions and went to find answers from the police, but what he received was not the help he expected, however that didn't stop Mr. Kerrisk searching for his right to stop ... Show more content on ... (Option 2) "Cause of action for invasion of privacy" if the drone has a camera that has recorded private activity, which could ultimately culminate in a temporary restraining order against the drone. Option that is best and why. Option 1 – Cause of action for trespass might do the trick but is not effective enough to keep the drone away from the property. That's why I choose option 2 "cause of action for invasion of privacy" because with everything that drones do, they are sure to include a camera so they can have that bird's eye view of what they're wanting to video record or take pictures of, in relation to Mr. Kerrisk's case I'm sure he would've chosen option 2 because the drone was filming him from outside his window, all of what the drone captured would've been enough for him to file a "cause of action for invasion of privacy" would've been better for him to select that option and at the same time wait for a reply from the Aviation NZ for their response on what action to take up next with drones causing privacy concerns. ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. Essay Laws Restricting the Paparazzi The paparazzi – a fusion of the Italian words papatacci, meaning gnat and razzi meaning the popping of flashbulbs. It is also known as aggressive photography. The word paparazzo was coined by Federico Fellini, the name he gave to a prying society cameraman in his 1959 film "La Dolce Vita". Paparazzi photographers are fueled by large sums of money offered by the tabloid press. They try to catch the rich and famous in unflattering situations. The new breed of journalism grew by leaps and bounds after the Watergate scandal first broke in Washington, DC (Petersen's, 57). At first the paparazzi were an annoying group of photographers who were persistent when trying to get the perfect shot of a celebrity so they could sell the image for large ... Show more content on ... The bill states that harassment would be considered "persistently physically following or chasing a victim, in circumstances where the victim has a reasonable expectation of privacy." The way that is defined, victims can sue the police department if they were videotaped "harassing" a suspect like the Rodney King videotaped beating. After Bono's death, Rep. Elton Gallegly, a California Republican, offered H. R. 3224, a more carefully defined version of Bono's proposal (Quill, 27). Bono's widow succeeded her husband to keep the Bono name on H. R. 2448. There are many bills being made to stop the most aggressive of the paparazzi but many take away from the first Amendment, freedom of speech. Sen. Feinstein's bill, S.2103, differs from the House bills because it also provides for civil actions against members of the press for use of high–powered lenses, microphones, or helicopters used to trespass for commercial purposes. This provision attempts to supplement existing laws of trespass, creating a new legal cause of action for new forms of trespass made possible by modern technology. Victims can recover compensatory, and punitive damages and may also seek injunctive and declamatory relief (Quill, 21). All three paparazzi bills–H. R. 2448 and 3224 in the House, and S. 2103 in the Senate–would, in their own way, create new criminal and civil penalties for commercially motivated invasions of ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. The Differences in Laws and Privacy in the United States... In Computer Security what are the differences in laws and privacy between United States vs. European Union? Do the laws that a society have in place deter computer hacking or should we require to have better systems and technology to prevent such an attacks. In reviewing the US's Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and the changes that have been made to improve computer security in the private sector, to see if these enough to protect our systems from cybercrimes? Will the addition of the Aaron law to this act going to improve computer security? Is the government just playing with terms and phase, or can this amendment true help protect our systems and how will hacking be handled in the future? I will outline that our government is merely addressing hacking on a, as it happened bases compared to the European Union and does not clearly define the modern issue that we are handling or what they will become. The Computer Fraud & Abuse Act (18 USC 1030) is legislation that was first enacted in 1986 to clarify the existing computer fraud law created in 1984 it helped to identify and speak to malicious code and hacking attacks. The legislation identifies what is consider a crime and were the line are between crime and code are. Even though the Act clearly details what is not acceptable, it falls short in today's modern time. The act was constructed in a time well before the Internet was a force that everyone uses 100 of times a day. The Act can be broadly interpreted and can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Internet Privacy Law: a Comparison Between the United... David L. Baumer1, Julia B. Earp2 and J.C. Poindexter3 College of Management, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695–7229 Internet Privacy Law: A Comparison between the United States and the European Union Abstract The increasing use of personal information in web–based applications has created privacy concerns worldwide. This has led to awareness among policy makers in several countries regarding the desirability of harmonizing privacy laws. The challenge with privacy legislation from an international perspective is that the Internet is virtually borderless but legislative approaches differ between countries. This paper presents a functional ... Show more content on ... Congress as a bill in January, 2003 (see H.R. 69). Even though OPPA is just proposed legislation at this point, it encompasses most of the necessary components for comprehensive protection of privacy online called for by privacy advocates and entities such as the FTC. It is also consistent with the Fair Information Practices (FIP) [9], which have operated as a guide for policy makers in the U.S. If the U.S. does indeed enact comprehensive online privacy legislation, it will most likely continue to use the FIPs as a guide and therefore, will closely resemble OPPA. The results presented herein will benefit managers and website designers of companies involved in international business, as well as policy makers. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews privacy legislation in the EU and U.S., Section 3 presents the comparative analysis between EU and U.S. privacy laws and Section 4 draws some conclusions and provides recommendations to managers and website designers. Privacy Protection in the EU and in the U.S. In 1980, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) issued the Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data. Commonly known as the OECD Guidelines, they established eight data protection principles for balancing data protection and the free flow of information. Although the OECD Guidelines are recognized by all OECD ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Persuasive Essay On Surveillance Of Employees In general, employers are allowed to install video cameras within an organization, which may include direct surveillance of employees. First of all, this can be done without significant legal concern, at least when placed in areas open to view. Both public and private employees may seek to assert an expectation of privacy, though constitutional protections apply to public, but not private employees. The reasonable expectation of privacy is determined on a case–by–case basis considering specific policies, practices, and other circumstances. Also, employers are not allowed to conduct surveillance of employees who are engaged in protected concerted activities, including those of union organizers. In this case, the liability for invasion of privacy would lie with the school principal rather than the school district. The plaintiff's claim was supported by the Fourth Amendment in that sufficient evidence was provided to prove that the employees have an expectation of privacy in their locker room and office, and from the students and other staff members to change clothing or complete office work without interruptions. It is recommended that if your organization uses video monitoring, to inform employees that they are subject to monitoring and surveillance, even though such notice may not be legally required. All things considered, employers and others are prohibited from intentionally intercepting wire, oral, or electronic communications, which can be in the form of electronic, ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Data Protection and Customer Privacy The media, trade bodies and academia has created a large buzz around the Data Protection and customers' privacy in the recent years. The consequences of the issue raised are different legislation policies, self–regulation, and general confusion. In order to be discussed, this controversial topic should be looked at from two different perspectives: customers' one and direct marketers' one. From customers' point of view, direct marketing is undoubtedly an invasion of their privacy. Consumers feel intimidated by the direct marketing campaigns that 'fire' them with different types of unwanted printed and online media daily. Further, many of them are being concerned about their personal information being so easily available which makes them feel vulnerable. On the other side are direct marketers who put a lot of effort in their attempts to engage the audience and build/maintain relationships with them. Moreover, practitioners believe that they are targeting the best prospects and best customers (rather than uninterested people) who are willing to buy the products offered and are happy to receive up–to–date information about them. Thus, it has been assumed that marketers see themselves as assistants who help people in choosing the best deals available whereas customers feel like victims rather than catered for. Customers' concerns about their privacy could be simply splitted up into two parts: unwanted direct marketing approaches and privacy issues. 'Junk mail', 'Spam' emails, ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Nsa Spying Through Smart Phones NSA Spying Through Smart Phones Smart phones have become a major part of daily life. They allow people all around the world to communicate with each other instantly. Smart phones enable people to access all the information they need in mere seconds using the Internet. Most people go about their days without any worry while using their smart phones. Smart phones have been a tool by the public for many years now, but they have also been used as a tool for something a little more nefarious. Background on NSA The NSA is the National Security Agency. This is a government agency tasked with monitoring, collecting, and processing information from all around the globe. The NSA uses this information to keep track of the whereabouts of people of interest for the United States, and they use it to determine what action needs to be taken to protect the US. This includes spying on allies of the United States, such as Germany, France, the UK, and other nations around the world. However, they also have been proven to be spying on not only the US's allies, but also, its own citizens. How They Have Access The NSA has been performing mass surveillance on United States citizens since as early as 2001. They have teamed up with AT&T and other mass communication companies to have access to phone records and internet traffic to keep an eye on possible terrorist activities (Electronic Frontier Foundation). People use their smart phones every day to talk, send email, and browse the web for ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Internet Monitoring : Control Laws University of the Incarnate Word Internet Monitoring: Control Laws in United States Zaid Alsubaie Internet Monitoring and Control Laws of United States There is a continuous monitoring over the Internet in the United States. This is the potential and propositional controversy over the privacy rights. The laws such as Communications Decency Act (CDA) and 'Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act' is pertaining to the monitoring of internet is stated as an invasion of privacy, and it can be observed that this regulation is placed upon us for the context of limitation and a ban on certain websites. This is truly an example of a nanny state where one is being observed and is not free to surf and browse the internet, "The FBI on Wednesday called for new legislation that would allow federal police to monitor the Internet for 'illegal activity.'" (Broache, 2016). While these laws are created for the so–called benefit of the users, they are often infringing the privacy of the users. These laws are unacceptable and conflicting as they infringe public privacy while the government tries to dominate the cyber world and are passed without proper public involvement or consent in developing these bills. The first reason that makes it controversial is that the government aims to have a control and domination over the cyber world. The control over the internet has been the long–standing objective of the government, and the public has always restrained themselves from it. ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Is Abortion A Violation Of Privacy? The lights are dimmed, romantic music is playing, the bedding smells like freshly cleaned linen while your partner's scent is sweet yet sensual as they kiss and caress your body. The foreplay is indeed exciting and right when the two of you are about to reach the point of the start of an incredibly night, you both realize that none of you have condoms. This is a moment that you especially want to capture yet you are unwilling to possibly become a parent just yet. Time to take a trip to the nearest drug store! When asking the cashier for the item you and your partner are in need of, the employee informs the two of you that contraceptives are now banned and they have no more of any types of contraceptives in stock. Well, you have two options: prepare to possibly become a parent in 9 months or you can forget about having sex for a while. Many people in this situation would most likely agree that the banning of contraceptives is a violation of privacy. The "Unwritten right of privacy" was a major issue in the 1965 court case, Griswold V. Connecticut where the right of privacy was newly founded as a fundamental right of the Constitution. This case back dates to 1879 when the state of Connecticut outlawed contraception which pertains to a variety of strategies to prevent pregnancy during sex. It became a crime to use or assist anyone in using anything to prevent conception. Several people were offended and acknowledged this new law as an invasion of privacy (griswold, 84). Why ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Testaments Betrayed Analysis While humans often live life in a duality, with a face they put on for the public and the true character they show with friends, the private life may easily seep into the public eye. In his piece Testaments Betrayed, Czech writer Milan Kundera asserts that the curtain between public and private lives is not to be removed, and those who do so are deplorable voyeurs. Although it is immoral for one to reveal another's private life, the barrier between public and private lives must be torn down when the public benefits, whether by the intruder or the individual in question himself. For those declaring the need for a societal shift in paradigm, leaders of a movement often need to intertwine their personal stories to demonstrate the necessity ... Show more content on ... An individual's rights are secondary to those of society, which seeks to benefit and advance more. Eric Garner was fatally choked by NYC police in 2015, prompting the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement. His last words, "I can't breathe," were captured on video and shared millions of times while he was fading in and out of consciousness. While the bystander capturing the video may have intruded into his privacy, that moment was a necessary mingling of public and private because it personified the outrage present in society. In doing so, the bystanders demonstrated to a broad audience the injustice present in society. The dual nature of an individual's public and private personas also exactly demonstrates the necessity in breaching personal privacy, for individuals may have a different personal agenda than the public façade they create. Many colleges now review a student's social media profiles as a part of the holistic admissions process in order to verify the authenticity of a student's supposed character. I personally had a friend who was a Big 10–bound athlete have his contracts revoked because of his braggadocios nature on social media, often proclaiming how he had received contracts from schools that, in reality, had not extended one. While supposedly a breach in privacy of the prospective athlete, this step is necessary in the admissions process to ensure that the team and college in general has a reputable student body. Thus, the "curtain" of privacy must be torn away in situations where the public stands to gain knowledge to make informed ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Urban Legends Management: Empowering Employees Dear Urban Legends Management, I have analyzed your situation and have come up with various ways to control employees' speech, monitor employees at work, and approach references. For controlling employees' speech, you should make it clear that because Urban Trends is a private company, they are employees at will they can be fired for anything. Tell them at if they talk to customers about management they will be fired immediately. Encourage them to come to you with problems instead of talking to the customers about them. For monitoring employees at work, I suggest you videotape them on the sales floor, to make sure they are following your rules. I would inform them they are being monitored so they are not caught off guard. However, you shouldn't ... Show more content on ... To stop employees' complaints, make it clear to them that are employees at will and saying anything that could hurt the reputation of Urban Legends could result in them being fired. If it were a public company, my advice would be more complicated because you have to take into account their rights as citizens. Voicing their opinions about the ad campaign, could hurt the reputation and sales of Urban Legends, and is fair grounds for firing an employee. As for monitoring employees, I suggest only monitoring the sales floor. Do not install video cameras in the locker rooms because that is an invasion of privacy. Finally, for references, be sure to only state true facts to prevent employees from suing you for ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Cloud Storage Is Not A Safe Service Abstract The research seeks to elucidate whether people should have an expectation of privacy with regard to electronic storage, i.e. cloud storage. The background of the problem under consideration is a scandal with American celebrities whose nude pictures were illegally stolen and published online on autumn 2014. In fact, they were stolen from the celebrities' iPhones through iCloud service. A big scandal not only revealed a private life of famous US people, but also disclosed vulnerability of Apple's products and incompetency of their computer engineers. The evidence gathered in this research reveal that soon after iCloud was presented by Steve Jobs to the users, several experts of computing companies and Institute of Technologies have investigated the cloud service and tested its operational options, security and vulnerability. Their independent research reports have the common idea: cloud storage is not a safe service yet. Many of its options should be improved. iCloud is not advisable service to use as it stores all private information online from the devices even they are locked. The process of information backup occurs in a way users do not notice. The fact that three years later after the introduction of iCloud the service has been hacked means that even the best experts cannot control cloud storage and users cannot have an expectation of privacy with regard to cloud storage. Leaked Photos of Celebrities and Cloud Storage: Should We Have an Expectation for ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Apple Vs. Fbi Case Apple vs. FBI In today's society, technology has become one of the most used and most sought after developments of the millennium. In a recent case the FBI petitioned for Apple to unlock the phone of Syed Farook, the man responsible for shooting and killing 14 people in San Bernardino, California. The FBI believed Apple should create a new software that would not erase the data from iPhones after ten failed attempts to unlock the phone. Apple replied that they had a responsibility and an obligation to protect the privacy of their customers. Supporters of Apple 's response have argued, creating a new software was not a wise decision. In the past, government agencies have been known for their abuse of power. Had Apple chosen to create a master key for this particular case, there would be no limit to government invasion of privacy. In the end Apple could have potentially lost costumers by changing the protection of their cellular products. The issue has already been raised that creating software to access one locked device could potentially open the door for hackers to invade millions of other people's devices. I agree that Apple should not create a new software to unlock the phone because once a master lock is created there are no limitations to who or how the coding can be used. Although this case seems unique in matter the government has a history of invading the privacy of American companies and citizens. In 2013, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a brief ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Sexual Harassment At The Civil Rights Act With such practices agencies protect not only the victims rights but also evidence that is later used in cases. This stratifies Miranda Rights actives that have "grave concern for the effect... that the individual may not be compelled to incriminate himself" (Linkins, 2007). This practice also satisfies the State, who has interest in protecting clear evidence of proper due process procedures and statements given. In instances where states aim to protect victims under different circumstances, for example individuals using cameras to harass others; states must adapt and utilizes laws already at their disposal. "18 USC § 2510–2516 addresses wire–tapping and privies protection against illegally tapping someone's telephone, and 47 USC § 223 of the Communication Decency Act prohibits interstate or foreign telecommunications that is used with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass another... Title 42 of the Civil Rights Act may be utilized to address online victimization. This statute has been interpreted to prohibit sexual harassment in work environments" (Southworth, Finn, Dawson, Fraser, & Tucker, 2007). States can utilize other statues in an effort to protect victims. Such statues can be applied to cameras, invasion of privacy, and even stalking attempts where cameras and such devices are used. The need for exact laws with cameras is sometimes clear but how and what statues are not always so. Cameras and Future Laws Cameras, and other forms of technology, are ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Essay On The Third Amendment In 1789, the Congress created the Bill of Rights to make sure the people are protected and the government has limitations. The Third Amendment states, "No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law." ("Bill of Rights"). Throughout the years the amendments have been manipulated, in a way, to be used in a certain way. In researching the Third Amendment, one will find the past and present of the Quartering of Soldiers through the origins of the law, modern application of the amendment, and its current effectiveness. In the origins, the Third Amendment was formulated because of The Quartering Act that was created in 1774. The ... Show more content on ... Today it protects the people's privacy of their house. When it was created it standed for that now soldier shall be housed literally. "The federal government today is not likely to ask people to house soldiers in their homes, even in time of war." (Wood). Also, Amendment 3 purpose today is to protect the people from intruding their house. Amendment 3 supports Amendment 4, search and seizure law, both laws ties into the rights of privacy. Ending, one can indicate that the Third Amendment's application has differed from the 21st century and the era it was created in. Court cases are examples of how the application of the law changed. Through the Griswold case the Third Amendment protects the invasion of privacy by the government. The court held that statement and they also asked if they would let the government search the bedrooms in that case. "The Court explained that the right to privacy was inherent in the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth Amendments. The Bill of Rights created "zones of privacy" into which the government could not intrude." ("Griswold V. Connecticut"). In the Griswold case, the Third Amendment and some other amendments protected the rights of privacy which helped Ms. Griswold. Closing up, the Griswold case is an example how the law applies in the world now. In the present, the Third Amendment is rarely used by the Supreme Court and is least used in the Bill of Rights showing the application has ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Liberties Of The United States Within the Constitution of the United States of America, the word "privacy" appears exactly zero times. Not once does the legal document that outlines the social order of the United Sates, define, or explicitly state a "right to privacy" for its citizens. Even with this fact prevailing over society, American citizens still esteem privacy in the highest regard. According to a survey conducted by the PEW Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America, "93 percent of adults say that being in control of who can get information about them is important... 88 percent [of Americans] say it is important that they not have someone watch or listen to them without their ... Show more content on ... I hypothesize that modern day Americans greatly value privacy because throughout American history and culture, citizens have been encouraged to own personal possessions such as property, people, and tangible materials while also maintaining a sense of power in relation to others within society. For example in the late 1800s, American corporations as well as economically invested individuals bought and took ownership of tribal land in Hawaii . Land was taken by Americans and claimed as "private property" in a culture in which the concepts of privacy and property possession were foreign. After some time, Americans possessed ownership of a majority of Hawaiian land and this allowed them the power to manipulate the land in whatever manner they deemed suitable. Privacy, the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people, quickly became a concept relevant to land ownership in Hawaii . A historical account such as this, is only one instance of the American values of ownership and power intersecting to facilitate a desire for privacy. It is clear that Americans for centuries have valued their privacy as evidenced by the relationship between Hawaii and America, but nonetheless it is unclear as to what extent Americans can exercise their privacy. To further understand why the right for privacy needs to be explicitly addressed in American law, recent ... Get more on ...