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1hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
8f= hLa5 ;fx
aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr=, Pd=eL=P:;L= -l6=o'=_
Nofa 6]«lgª -Pg8L8LaL–u'h/ft, ef/t_
8f= k|efs/ s'df/ ;fx
aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr= -lk=o'=_
Pd=eL=P:;L= -d]l8l;g_ -P=Pkm=o'=_
hLa5 e]6]l/g/L xl:k6n l/;r{ PG8 6]«lgË ;]G6/ -k|f=_ ln=
e/tk'/–$, n+s"k"n, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg, g]kfn
Od]nM, Tel: +977-56-570726
hLa5 klAnl;ªu
-e]6]l/g/L klAn;/ tyf l8l:6«Ao'6;{_
e/tk'/–$, n+s"k"n, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg, g]kfn
Od]nM, Tel: +977-56-570726
Copyright material
Veterinary Epidemiology & Public Health
hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
Jibachha's Textbook of
e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm
DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark
2 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
k|yd ;+:s/0f M	@)&$ d+l;/ ! ut] .
	 tbcg';f/ !& gf]e]Da/ @)!&
hLa5 klAnl;ªu
-e]6]l/g/L klAn;/ tyf l8l:6«Ao'6;{_
e/tk'/–$, n+s"k"n, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg, g]kfn
Od]nM, Tel: +977-56-570726
;jf{lwsf/ © @)&$, hLa5 klAnl;ªu
o; k':tssf slk/fO6 k"0f{tof n]vsdf ;'/lIft 5 . t;y{ k':tssf s'g}
klg efusf s'g} klg efiffdf k"/f jf cf+lzs, On]S6«f]lgs, kmf]6f]skL jf s'g}
ljlwåf/f ;jf{lwsf/Lsf] k"j{:jLs[ltlagf k|sfzg ug{ k"0f{ lgif]w 5 .
d"No ¿= **%÷–
sDKo'6/ n]cfp6 tyf d'b|0fM
A quality printing house
	 e/tk'/, lrtjg
	 kmf]gM )%^–%@^&)!
Copyright material
hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
3hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
8f= hLa5 ;fx
aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr=,
Pd=eL=P:;L= -l6=o'=_
Nofa 6]«lgª -Pg8L8LaL–u'h/ft, ef/t_
8f= k|efs/ s'df/ ;fx
aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr= -lk=o'_
Pd=eL=P:;L= -d]l8l;g_ -P=Pkm=o'=_
@)&$ d+l;/ ! ut]
	 k|:t't k':ts æhLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08
klAns x]NyÆ df Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf cjwf/0ff, /f]usf
:j?k, /f]usf k|sf]k b/, /f]usf cWoog–ljlw, /f]u ;j]{If0f, /f]u l/kf]l6{Ë
k|0ffnL, tYof° ;°ng, hf]lvd Pj+ ;f]sf Joj:yfkg, /f]usf sf/0f Pj+
h'gf]l6s /f]ux?af/] ;lrq?kdf lj:t[t hfgsf/L lbOPsf] 5 .
	 of] k':ts k|fljlws lzIffnodf kz' :jf:Yotkm{ cWoog/t
ljBfyL{x?sf] kf7oqmddf cfwfl/t g]kfndf klxnf]k6s k|sflzt k':ts
ePsf]n] kf7o;fdu|Lsf] ?kdf k|of]u ug{sf] ;fy} kz' :jf:Yo ;]jfdf sfo{/t
k|fljlw1x?n] ;d]t lgs} pkof]uL hfgsf/L kfpg ;Sg] ljZjf; lnPsf
5f}F . xfn;Dd k|sflzt xfd|f ;Dk"0f{ k':tsx? kz' :jf:Yotkm{sf 5fq–5fqf,
k|fljlw1, s[ifsx?nfO{ ;d]t lgs} pkof]uL /x]sf] ljåfg kz' lrlsT;s,
kz'kfng lj1x?af6 ;'Gg kfpFbf lgs} v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . xfd|f k|sflzt
k':tsx?af/] ;+zf]wgfTds ;'emfj, cfzfk"0f{ cfnf]rgf k7fO{ ;xof]u ul/lbg'
x'g ;DalGwt ljåfg, ljz]if1 tyf kf7sx?df xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}F .
4 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
;f+s]lts zAb
BSE	 =	 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
CCP's	 =	 Critical control points
CDC	 =	 Centers for disease control and prevention
CIP	 =	 Cleaning in place
FMD	 =	 Foot and mouth disease
GIS	 =	 Geographic information system
HACCP	 =	 Hazard analysis and critical control point
HDPE	 =	 High-density polyethylene
HPAI	 =	 Highly pathogenic avian influenza
HSE	 =	 Health and safety executive
ILI	 =	 Influenza like illness
LLPDE	 =	 Linear low density polyethylene
OIE	 =	 World organization for animal health
PDS	 =	 Participatory disease surveillance
SAT	 =	 Serum aggulutination test
WHO	 =	 World health organization
;f+s]lts zAb
5hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
ljifo ;"rL
ljifo ;"rL
e"ldsf #
;f+s]lts zAb $
ljifo ;"rL %
v08 ! !!
!= Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo
cjwf/0ff (Basic concepts of epidemiology
and public health)
!=! Olk8]ldof]nf]hLl;t ;DalGwt zAbfjnL
(Terminologies used in epidemiology)
!=@ Olk8]ldof]nf]hLsf] k|of]u Pj+ dxŒj
(Uses and importance of epidemiology)
!=# Olk8]ldof]nf]hLsn lqsf]0f
(Epidemiological triad)
!=$ /f]usf cfO;ju{ l;4fGt
(Iceberg principle of disease)
v08 @ /f]usf :j?ksf j0f{g
(Describe pattern of disease)
v08 # %@
!= lk|Eofn]G; tyf OG;L8]G; b/ lgsfNg] ljlw
(Calculation of prevalence and incidence
6 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
@= lj/fdL b/ (Morbidity rate) tyf d[To'b/
(Mortality rate) lgsfNg] tl/sf
#= OG;L8]G; l/:s (Incidence risk) tyf
cfqmd0f b/ (Attack rate)
$= s]z ˆof6fln6L b/ (Case fatality rate) /
Olk8]lds se{ (Epidemic curve)
v08 $ %&
!= Olk8]ldof]nf]lhsn cWoog
(Epidemiological studies)
@= /f]u k|sf]k cGj]if0f (Outbreak investigation) %(
v08 % ^*
!= ;j]{If0f, lgu/fgL tyf ;le{n]G;sf] kl/efiff
(Definition of survey, monitoring and
!=! ;le{n]G;sf k|sf/ (Types of surveillance) ^(
@= ;xeflutfd'ns l8lhh ;le{n]G;
(Participatory disease surveillance)
@=! ;xeflutfd'ns l8lhh ;le{n]G;sf] k|of]u Pj+ dxŒj
(Use and importance of participatory disease
surveillance; PDS)
@=@ ;xeflutfd'ns l8lhh ;le{n]G; ug]{ tl/sf &$
v08 ^ &%
!= g]kfndf /f]u l/kf]l6{Ë k|0ffnL
(Disease reporting system in Nepal)
ljifo ;"rL
7hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
!=! ljZj kz' :jf:Yo ;+3 (OIE) eGgfn] s] a'lemG5 < &^
v08 & *#
!= tYof° ;°ng (Data collection) sf kl/efiff *#
@= tYof° ;°ngsf cfjZostf
(Need of data collection)
#= tYof° ;°ng ljlw
(Methods of data collection)
$= tYof°sf ;|f]tx? (Data sources) *%
%= tYof°sf juL{s/0f (Classification of data) *%
%=! k|fOd/L tyf ;]s]G8«L tYof°df leGgtf *^
v08 * **
!= hf]lvd pbfx/0f ;lxt ljZn]if0f ljlw
(Perform risk analysis using simple example)
!=! hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ljZn]if0fsf] cfjZostf
(Importance of risk management)
!=@ hf]lvd lgwf{/0fsf % cfwf/x?
(Five steps of risk assessment)
v08 ( (#
!= /f]u nfUgsf sf/0f (Causation of disease) (#
v08 !) (&
!= h'gf]l;;sf] kl/efiff (Definition of Zoonosis) (&
!=! h'gf]l6s /f]usf juL{s/0f
(Classification of zoonoses)
ljifo ;"rL
8 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
@= h'gf]l6s /f]u nfUg d2t ug]{ tYox?
(Factor influencing the zoonotic problem)
#= dxŒjk"0f{ h'gf]l6s /f]ux?
(Some important zoonotic diseases)
v08 !! !)&
!= kfgLaf6 pTkGg h'gf]l6s /f]ux?
(Waterborne zoonotic diseases)
v08 !@ !!#
!= b'waf6 pTkGg h'gf]l6s /f]ux?
(Milk borne zoonoses)
v08 !# !!%
!= df;'af6 pTkGg h'gf]l6s /f]ux?
(Meat borne zoonoses)
v08 !$ dxŒjk"0f{ h'gf]l6s /f]u tyf ;f]sf] lgoGq0f
(Important zoonotic disease and their control)
!= /]ljh (Rabies) !@)
@= a'|;]nf]l;; (Brucellosis/Bang's disease) !@^
#= Ifo/f]u (Tuberculosis/Pthisis) !#)
$= j8{ˆn' (Highly pathogenic avian influenza) !#$
%= :jfOg ˆn' (Swine flu) !#&
^= lkmQ]h'sf -l;:6L;sf]{l;;_ !#*
ljifo ;"rL
9hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
v08 !% !$!
!= df;' k/LIf0f s] xf] <
(What is meat inspection?)
!=! df;' k/LIf0f ug{sf p2]Zo (Why to do meat
!=@ kz' jw cufj}sf lgu/fgL (Pre-slaughter care) !$@
!=# kz' jw cufj}sf k/LIf0f (Antemortem inspection) !$$
!=$ jw kZrft ul/g] k/LIf0f (Postmorteminspection) !$%
v08 !^ !$*
!= jftfj/0fLo :jR5tf (Environmental hygiene) !$*
!=! gfnLsf kfgL tyf v]tsf kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg ljlw
(Disposal of sewages and farm wastes)
v08 !& !%)
!= gd'gf ;°ng ljlw (Sample collection
!=! b'wsf gd'gf lng] tl/sf
(Methods for collection of milk sample)
!=@ df;'sf gd'gf lng] ljlw
(Method of collection of meat sample)
!=# gd"gf ;°ng ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx? !%^
v08 !* !%(
!= l;g' Joj:yfkg (Carcass disposal) !%(
ljifo ;"rL
10 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
v08 !( !^!
!= Ps :jf:Yo cjwf/0ff (One Health Concept) !^!
j0ff{g'qmlds ;"rL (Alphabetical index) !^$–!&%
;Gbe{ u|Gyx? (References)
ljifo ;"rL
11hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
v08 !
!=	 Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
	 (Basic concepts of epidemiology and public health)
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL -dxfdf/L lj1fg_ sf] kl/efiff
(Definition of epidemiology)
	 ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g (WHO) sf] kl/efiff cg';f/ :jf:Yo
;DalGwt c;/ -/f]u ;d]t_ sf] ljt/0f (distribution), lgZro ;fwg
(determinants) tyf /f]u lgoGq0f (control of disease) sfo{sf] lglDt
Pj+ cGo :jf:Yo ;DaGwL ;d:ofsf cWoog ug{ k|of]u ul/g] zf:qnfO{
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL (epidemiology) elgG5 .
	 According to WHO, Epidemiology is the study of the
distribution and determinants of health-related states or events
(including disease), and the application of this study to the control of
diseases and other health problems.
	 d]l/od j]j:6/ l8S;g/L (Merriam-Webster dictionary) sf] cg';f/
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL eGgfn] d]l8sn lj1fgsf] Tof] zfvf h;n] hg;+Vofdf
36gf (incidence), ljt/0f (distribution) tyf /f]u lgoGq0f Pj+ cGo
hg:jf:Yo ;DaGwL ;d:ofsf af/]df cWoog u/fpg] zf:qnfO{ hgfpF5 .
	 According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Epidemiology
is; 1.: a branch of medical science that deals with the incidence,
distribution and control of disease in a population. 2.: the sum of the
factors controlling the presence or absence of a disease or pathogen.
	 e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL eGgfn] kz' ;+Vofdf /f]usf l:yltaf/]
cWoog u/fpg] zf:qnfO{ hgfpFb5 . kz' ;+Vof eGgfn] ;Lldt If]q leqsf
;Dk"0f{ kz'sf ljz]if hft ;d]tnfO{ hgfpFb5 . pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf ;Dk"0f{
12 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
efn] kz'x? h'g lglZrt pd]/, ;d"xdf /flvG5 .
	 Veterinary epidemiology is the study of disease in animal
populations. A population may include all animals of a particular
species in the area studied, or subcategories within that species (e.g.
all male stock within a certain age group)
	 d]l8sn dfOqmf]jfof]nf]hL (Medical microbiology) sf] cg';f/
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL eGgfn] :jf:Yo Pj+ /f]usf lglZrt ;fwg (determinants),
36gf (occurrence) / ljt/0f (distribution) sf] af/]df lglZrt ul/Psf
;+Vof leqdf cWoog u/fpg] zf:qnfO{ hgfpF5 .
	 According to Medical microbiology, Epidemiology is the
study of the determinants, occurrence and distribution of health and
disease in a defined population.
hg:jf:Yosf] kl/efiff
(Definition of public health)
	 ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g (WHO) sf] kl/efiff cg';f/ hg:jf:Yo Ps
k|sf/sf] lj1fg Pj+ snf xf] h;sf dfWodaf6 /f]u lgoGq0f (preventing
disease), cfo' j[l4 (prolonging life) jf b'j{ntf (infirmity) x6fpg] sfo{
;fdflhs, ;Ë7g, ;/sf/L tyf lghL k|of;af6 ;fdflhs Pj+ JolQmut
rfxgf adf]lhd k|oTg sfo{nfO{ hgfpFb5 .
	 According to WHO, Public health refers to "the science and
art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through
organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations,
public and private, communities and individuals.
	l;=l8=l;= (CDC) sf] kl/efiff cg';f/ hg:jf:Yo (public health)
Ps k|sf/sf] lj1fg xf] h;n] kfl/jfl/s Pj+ ;fdflhs :jf:YonfO{ :j:Yo
hLjgz}nL (healthy lifestyle), /f]u cg';Gwfg, b'3{6gf arfj6 Pj+ ;+qmfds
/f]usf] klxrfg tyf lgoGq0f ug]{ sfo{ ub{5 .
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
13hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
	 According to CDC, Public health is the science of protecting
and improving the health of families and communities through
promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury
prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases.
8An'=Pr=cf]= (WHO)	M	ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g (World Health Organization)
l;=l8=l;= (CDC) 	 M 	;]G6/ km/ l8lhh sG6«f]n P08 lk|e]G;g
	 	 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
!=!	Olk8]ldof]nf]hLl;t ;DalGwt zAbfjnL
	 (Terminologies used in epidemiology)
!=	 8fO/]S6 6«fG;ld;g (Direct transmission) M
/f]u ;+qmldt kz'af6 l;w} /f]u ;g{ hfg], Tof] uef{j:yfsf dfWod
(transplacental), vsf/, lk;fa jf ;Dks{df cfP/, 6f]sfO, k|hgg
OTofbLaf6 x'g ;S5 .
/f]u ;g]{ (Disease transmission)
xf]/Lh]G6n /f]u ;g]{
(Horizontal transmission)
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
14 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
	 xf]/Lh]G6n (horizontal) /f]u ;g]{ eGgfn] l;wf ;Dks{,
Zjf;k|Zjf; OTofbLsf] dfWodaf6 ;g]{ /f]unfO{ hgfpFb5 .
	 el6{sn 6«fG;ld;g (Vertical transmission) M
	 dfpaf6 aRrfdf ;g]{ /f]unfO{ el6{sn 6«fG;ld;g elgG5 . Tof]
uef{j:yfdf, z'qmf0f' jf ;fn (placenta) sf] dfWodaf6 x'g
;S5 .
@=	 Po/ jf]g{ (Airborne) M
	xfjf (air) sf dfWodaf6 ;g]{ /f]unfO{ Po/jf]g{ l8lhh elgG5 .
xfjfsf dfWodaf6 /f]u ;g]{ tl/sf
#=	 e]lxsn 6«fG;ld;g (Vehicle transmission) M
	 ;+qmldt j:t'x? kfgL, cfxf/, jfof]nf]lhsn k|f]8S6; -EoflS;g,
KnfHdf_, ;lh{sn cf}hf/, 8]«lGrË ug, :6f]ds 6o"a OTofbLsf
dfWodaf6 ;g]{ /f]unfO{ hgfpF5 .
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
15hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
Ifo/f]usf ls6f0f'
(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
;+qmldt JolQm
(Infected patient)
gePsf] JolQm
(Person not
immune to TB)
(Portal of
(Portal of
;+qmldt x'g
;Sg] JolQm
(Susceptible host)
sf/s tTj
(Causative agent)
dflg;df Ifo/f]u ;g]{ dfWod (Mode of transmission)
$=	 e]S6/ 6«fG;ld;g (Vector transmission) M
	 lsgf{, plkofF, h'd|f, nfdv'§] OTofbLsf dfWodaf6 kz'df ;g]{ /f]unfO{
e]S6/ 6«fG;ld;g elgG5 .
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
16 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
lglZrt xf]:6
(Definitive host)
plkofFsf hLjgrqm
(Life cycle of dog flea)
plkofFsf c08f
(Flea eggs)
plkofFsf nfef{
(Flea larva)
k/hLlj -plkofF_ sf Ko'kf
(Flea pupa)
Jo;s k/hLlj
(Flea adult)
plkofFåf/f /f]u ;g]{ dfWod (Vector transmission)
%=	/]l;:6]G; (Resistance) M
;Dk"0f{ z/L/ /f]u lj?4 cyf{t ;+qmd0f lj?4 ;Ifd x'g hfg]
cj:yfnfO{ hgfpF5 .
^=	 OGx]/]G6 /]l;:6]G; (Inherent resistance) M
Xo'd/n jf ;]n'n/ ODo'gsf] dfWodaf6 /f]u lj?4 jf ;+qmd0f lj?4
n8g] Ifdtf /fVb5 .
Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff

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Jibachha Textbook of veterinary Epidemiology & Public Health

  • 1. 1hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny 8f= hLa5 ;fx aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr=, Pd=eL=P:;L= -l6=o'=_ Nofa 6]«lgª -Pg8L8LaL–u'h/ft, ef/t_ 8f= k|efs/ s'df/ ;fx aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr= -lk=o'=_ Pd=eL=P:;L= -d]l8l;g_ -P=Pkm=o'=_ hLa5 e]6]l/g/L xl:k6n l/;r{ PG8 6]«lgË ;]G6/ -k|f=_ ln= e/tk'/–$, n+s"k"n, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg, g]kfn Od]nM, Tel: +977-56-570726 hLa5 klAnl;ªu -e]6]l/g/L klAn;/ tyf l8l:6«Ao'6;{_ e/tk'/–$, n+s"k"n, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg, g]kfn Od]nM, Tel: +977-56-570726 Copyright material Veterinary Epidemiology & Public Health hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny Jibachha's Textbook of e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm DEMO : Purchase from to remove the watermark
  • 2. 2 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny k|yd ;+:s/0f M @)&$ d+l;/ ! ut] . tbcg';f/ !& gf]e]Da/ @)!& k|sfzsM hLa5 klAnl;ªu -e]6]l/g/L klAn;/ tyf l8l:6«Ao'6;{_ e/tk'/–$, n+s"k"n, gf/fo0fu9, lrtjg, g]kfn Od]nM, Tel: +977-56-570726 ;jf{lwsf/ © @)&$, hLa5 klAnl;ªu o; k':tssf slk/fO6 k"0f{tof n]vsdf ;'/lIft 5 . t;y{ k':tssf s'g} klg efusf s'g} klg efiffdf k"/f jf cf+lzs, On]S6«f]lgs, kmf]6f]skL jf s'g} ljlwåf/f ;jf{lwsf/Lsf] k"j{:jLs[ltlagf k|sfzg ug{ k"0f{ lgif]w 5 . ISBN: d"No ¿= **%÷– sDKo'6/ n]cfp6 tyf d'b|0fM QualityPress A quality printing house e/tk'/, lrtjg kmf]gM )%^–%@^&)! E-mail: Copyright material hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny
  • 3. 3hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny e"ldsf 8f= hLa5 ;fx aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr=, Pd=eL=P:;L= -l6=o'=_ Nofa 6]«lgª -Pg8L8LaL–u'h/ft, ef/t_ 8f= k|efs/ s'df/ ;fx aL=eL=P:;L= PG8 P=Pr= -lk=o'_ Pd=eL=P:;L= -d]l8l;g_ -P=Pkm=o'=_ @)&$ d+l;/ ! ut] e"ldsf k|:t't k':ts æhLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]NyÆ df Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf cjwf/0ff, /f]usf :j?k, /f]usf k|sf]k b/, /f]usf cWoog–ljlw, /f]u ;j]{If0f, /f]u l/kf]l6{Ë k|0ffnL, tYof° ;°ng, hf]lvd Pj+ ;f]sf Joj:yfkg, /f]usf sf/0f Pj+ h'gf]l6s /f]ux?af/] ;lrq?kdf lj:t[t hfgsf/L lbOPsf] 5 . of] k':ts k|fljlws lzIffnodf kz' :jf:Yotkm{ cWoog/t ljBfyL{x?sf] kf7oqmddf cfwfl/t g]kfndf klxnf]k6s k|sflzt k':ts ePsf]n] kf7o;fdu|Lsf] ?kdf k|of]u ug{sf] ;fy} kz' :jf:Yo ;]jfdf sfo{/t k|fljlw1x?n] ;d]t lgs} pkof]uL hfgsf/L kfpg ;Sg] ljZjf; lnPsf 5f}F . xfn;Dd k|sflzt xfd|f ;Dk"0f{ k':tsx? kz' :jf:Yotkm{sf 5fq–5fqf, k|fljlw1, s[ifsx?nfO{ ;d]t lgs} pkof]uL /x]sf] ljåfg kz' lrlsT;s, kz'kfng lj1x?af6 ;'Gg kfpFbf lgs} v'zL nfu]sf] 5 . xfd|f k|sflzt k':tsx?af/] ;+zf]wgfTds ;'emfj, cfzfk"0f{ cfnf]rgf k7fO{ ;xof]u ul/lbg' x'g ;DalGwt ljåfg, ljz]if1 tyf kf7sx?df xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}F . ljlgtåo
  • 4. 4 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny ;f+s]lts zAb (Abbreviation) BSE = Bovine spongiform encephalopathy CCP's = Critical control points CDC = Centers for disease control and prevention CIP = Cleaning in place FMD = Foot and mouth disease GIS = Geographic information system HACCP = Hazard analysis and critical control point HDPE = High-density polyethylene HPAI = Highly pathogenic avian influenza HSE = Health and safety executive ILI = Influenza like illness LLPDE = Linear low density polyethylene OIE = World organization for animal health PDS = Participatory disease surveillance SAT = Serum aggulutination test WHO = World health organization ;f+s]lts zAb
  • 5. 5hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny ljifo ;"rL (Index) ljifo ;"rL e"ldsf # ;f+s]lts zAb $ ljifo ;"rL % v08 ! !! != Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff (Basic concepts of epidemiology and public health) !! !=! Olk8]ldof]nf]hLl;t ;DalGwt zAbfjnL (Terminologies used in epidemiology) !# !=@ Olk8]ldof]nf]hLsf] k|of]u Pj+ dxŒj (Uses and importance of epidemiology) #! !=# Olk8]ldof]nf]hLsn lqsf]0f (Epidemiological triad) #! !=$ /f]usf cfO;ju{ l;4fGt (Iceberg principle of disease) #% v08 @ /f]usf :j?ksf j0f{g (Describe pattern of disease) #( v08 # %@ != lk|Eofn]G; tyf OG;L8]G; b/ lgsfNg] ljlw (Calculation of prevalence and incidence rate) %@
  • 6. 6 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny @= lj/fdL b/ (Morbidity rate) tyf d[To'b/ (Mortality rate) lgsfNg] tl/sf %# #= OG;L8]G; l/:s (Incidence risk) tyf cfqmd0f b/ (Attack rate) %$ $= s]z ˆof6fln6L b/ (Case fatality rate) / Olk8]lds se{ (Epidemic curve) %% v08 $ %& != Olk8]ldof]nf]lhsn cWoog (Epidemiological studies) %& @= /f]u k|sf]k cGj]if0f (Outbreak investigation) %( v08 % ^* != ;j]{If0f, lgu/fgL tyf ;le{n]G;sf] kl/efiff (Definition of survey, monitoring and surveillance) ^* !=! ;le{n]G;sf k|sf/ (Types of surveillance) ^( @= ;xeflutfd'ns l8lhh ;le{n]G; (Participatory disease surveillance) &@ @=! ;xeflutfd'ns l8lhh ;le{n]G;sf] k|of]u Pj+ dxŒj (Use and importance of participatory disease surveillance; PDS) &# @=@ ;xeflutfd'ns l8lhh ;le{n]G; ug]{ tl/sf &$ v08 ^ &% != g]kfndf /f]u l/kf]l6{Ë k|0ffnL (Disease reporting system in Nepal) &% ljifo ;"rL
  • 7. 7hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny !=! ljZj kz' :jf:Yo ;+3 (OIE) eGgfn] s] a'lemG5 < &^ v08 & *# != tYof° ;°ng (Data collection) sf kl/efiff *# @= tYof° ;°ngsf cfjZostf (Need of data collection) *# #= tYof° ;°ng ljlw (Methods of data collection) *$ $= tYof°sf ;|f]tx? (Data sources) *% %= tYof°sf juL{s/0f (Classification of data) *% %=! k|fOd/L tyf ;]s]G8«L tYof°df leGgtf *^ v08 * ** != hf]lvd pbfx/0f ;lxt ljZn]if0f ljlw (Perform risk analysis using simple example) ** !=! hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ljZn]if0fsf] cfjZostf (Importance of risk management) *( !=@ hf]lvd lgwf{/0fsf % cfwf/x? (Five steps of risk assessment) () v08 ( (# != /f]u nfUgsf sf/0f (Causation of disease) (# v08 !) (& != h'gf]l;;sf] kl/efiff (Definition of Zoonosis) (& !=! h'gf]l6s /f]usf juL{s/0f (Classification of zoonoses) (& ljifo ;"rL
  • 8. 8 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny @= h'gf]l6s /f]u nfUg d2t ug]{ tYox? (Factor influencing the zoonotic problem) !)@ #= dxŒjk"0f{ h'gf]l6s /f]ux? (Some important zoonotic diseases) !)@ v08 !! !)& != kfgLaf6 pTkGg h'gf]l6s /f]ux? (Waterborne zoonotic diseases) !)& v08 !@ !!# != b'waf6 pTkGg h'gf]l6s /f]ux? (Milk borne zoonoses) !!# v08 !# !!% != df;'af6 pTkGg h'gf]l6s /f]ux? (Meat borne zoonoses) !!% v08 !$ dxŒjk"0f{ h'gf]l6s /f]u tyf ;f]sf] lgoGq0f (Important zoonotic disease and their control) !@) != /]ljh (Rabies) !@) @= a'|;]nf]l;; (Brucellosis/Bang's disease) !@^ #= Ifo/f]u (Tuberculosis/Pthisis) !#) $= j8{ˆn' (Highly pathogenic avian influenza) !#$ %= :jfOg ˆn' (Swine flu) !#& ^= lkmQ]h'sf -l;:6L;sf]{l;;_ !#* ljifo ;"rL
  • 9. 9hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny v08 !% !$! != df;' k/LIf0f s] xf] < (What is meat inspection?) !$! !=! df;' k/LIf0f ug{sf p2]Zo (Why to do meat inspection?) !$! !=@ kz' jw cufj}sf lgu/fgL (Pre-slaughter care) !$@ !=# kz' jw cufj}sf k/LIf0f (Antemortem inspection) !$$ !=$ jw kZrft ul/g] k/LIf0f (Postmorteminspection) !$% v08 !^ !$* != jftfj/0fLo :jR5tf (Environmental hygiene) !$* !=! gfnLsf kfgL tyf v]tsf kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg ljlw (Disposal of sewages and farm wastes) !$* v08 !& !%) != gd'gf ;°ng ljlw (Sample collection method) !%) !=! b'wsf gd'gf lng] tl/sf (Methods for collection of milk sample) !%) !=@ df;'sf gd'gf lng] ljlw (Method of collection of meat sample) !%@ !=# gd"gf ;°ng ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx? !%^ v08 !* !%( != l;g' Joj:yfkg (Carcass disposal) !%( ljifo ;"rL
  • 10. 10 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny v08 !( !^! != Ps :jf:Yo cjwf/0ff (One Health Concept) !^! j0ff{g'qmlds ;"rL (Alphabetical index) !^$–!&% ;Gbe{ u|Gyx? (References) ljifo ;"rL
  • 11. 11hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff v08 ! != Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff (Basic concepts of epidemiology and public health) Olk8]ldof]nf]hL -dxfdf/L lj1fg_ sf] kl/efiff (Definition of epidemiology) ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g (WHO) sf] kl/efiff cg';f/ :jf:Yo ;DalGwt c;/ -/f]u ;d]t_ sf] ljt/0f (distribution), lgZro ;fwg (determinants) tyf /f]u lgoGq0f (control of disease) sfo{sf] lglDt Pj+ cGo :jf:Yo ;DaGwL ;d:ofsf cWoog ug{ k|of]u ul/g] zf:qnfO{ Olk8]ldof]nf]hL (epidemiology) elgG5 . According to WHO, Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. d]l/od j]j:6/ l8S;g/L (Merriam-Webster dictionary) sf] cg';f/ Olk8]ldof]nf]hL eGgfn] d]l8sn lj1fgsf] Tof] zfvf h;n] hg;+Vofdf 36gf (incidence), ljt/0f (distribution) tyf /f]u lgoGq0f Pj+ cGo hg:jf:Yo ;DaGwL ;d:ofsf af/]df cWoog u/fpg] zf:qnfO{ hgfpF5 . According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Epidemiology is; 1.: a branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution and control of disease in a population. 2.: the sum of the factors controlling the presence or absence of a disease or pathogen. e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL eGgfn] kz' ;+Vofdf /f]usf l:yltaf/] cWoog u/fpg] zf:qnfO{ hgfpFb5 . kz' ;+Vof eGgfn] ;Lldt If]q leqsf ;Dk"0f{ kz'sf ljz]if hft ;d]tnfO{ hgfpFb5 . pbfx/0fsf] ?kdf ;Dk"0f{
  • 12. 12 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny efn] kz'x? h'g lglZrt pd]/, ;d"xdf /flvG5 . Veterinary epidemiology is the study of disease in animal populations. A population may include all animals of a particular species in the area studied, or subcategories within that species (e.g. all male stock within a certain age group) d]l8sn dfOqmf]jfof]nf]hL (Medical microbiology) sf] cg';f/ Olk8]ldof]nf]hL eGgfn] :jf:Yo Pj+ /f]usf lglZrt ;fwg (determinants), 36gf (occurrence) / ljt/0f (distribution) sf] af/]df lglZrt ul/Psf ;+Vof leqdf cWoog u/fpg] zf:qnfO{ hgfpF5 . According to Medical microbiology, Epidemiology is the study of the determinants, occurrence and distribution of health and disease in a defined population. hg:jf:Yosf] kl/efiff (Definition of public health) ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g (WHO) sf] kl/efiff cg';f/ hg:jf:Yo Ps k|sf/sf] lj1fg Pj+ snf xf] h;sf dfWodaf6 /f]u lgoGq0f (preventing disease), cfo' j[l4 (prolonging life) jf b'j{ntf (infirmity) x6fpg] sfo{ ;fdflhs, ;Ë7g, ;/sf/L tyf lghL k|of;af6 ;fdflhs Pj+ JolQmut rfxgf adf]lhd k|oTg sfo{nfO{ hgfpFb5 . According to WHO, Public health refers to "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals. l;=l8=l;= (CDC) sf] kl/efiff cg';f/ hg:jf:Yo (public health) Ps k|sf/sf] lj1fg xf] h;n] kfl/jfl/s Pj+ ;fdflhs :jf:YonfO{ :j:Yo hLjgz}nL (healthy lifestyle), /f]u cg';Gwfg, b'3{6gf arfj6 Pj+ ;+qmfds /f]usf] klxrfg tyf lgoGq0f ug]{ sfo{ ub{5 . Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
  • 13. 13hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny According to CDC, Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases. zAbfy{M 8An'=Pr=cf]= (WHO) M ljZj :jf:Yo ;Ë7g (World Health Organization) l;=l8=l;= (CDC) M ;]G6/ km/ l8lhh sG6«f]n P08 lk|e]G;g (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) !=! Olk8]ldof]nf]hLl;t ;DalGwt zAbfjnL (Terminologies used in epidemiology) != 8fO/]S6 6«fG;ld;g (Direct transmission) M /f]u ;+qmldt kz'af6 l;w} /f]u ;g{ hfg], Tof] uef{j:yfsf dfWod (transplacental), vsf/, lk;fa jf ;Dks{df cfP/, 6f]sfO, k|hgg OTofbLaf6 x'g ;S5 . /f]u ;g]{ (Disease transmission) el6{sn/f]u;g]{ (Verticaltransmission) xf]/Lh]G6n /f]u ;g]{ (Horizontal transmission) aRrf (Offspring) aRrf (Offspring) Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
  • 14. 14 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny  xf]/Lh]G6n (horizontal) /f]u ;g]{ eGgfn] l;wf ;Dks{, Zjf;k|Zjf; OTofbLsf] dfWodaf6 ;g]{ /f]unfO{ hgfpFb5 .  el6{sn 6«fG;ld;g (Vertical transmission) M dfpaf6 aRrfdf ;g]{ /f]unfO{ el6{sn 6«fG;ld;g elgG5 . Tof] uef{j:yfdf, z'qmf0f' jf ;fn (placenta) sf] dfWodaf6 x'g ;S5 . @= Po/ jf]g{ (Airborne) M xfjf (air) sf dfWodaf6 ;g]{ /f]unfO{ Po/jf]g{ l8lhh elgG5 . xfjfsf dfWodaf6 /f]u ;g]{ tl/sf #= e]lxsn 6«fG;ld;g (Vehicle transmission) M ;+qmldt j:t'x? kfgL, cfxf/, jfof]nf]lhsn k|f]8S6; -EoflS;g, KnfHdf_, ;lh{sn cf}hf/, 8]«lGrË ug, :6f]ds 6o"a OTofbLsf dfWodaf6 ;g]{ /f]unfO{ hgfpF5 . Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
  • 15. 15hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny Ifo/f]usf ls6f0f' (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) ;+qmldt JolQm (Infected patient) Ifo/f]uaf6 k|lt/f]w gePsf] JolQm (Person not immune to TB) k|j]zåf/ (Portal of exit) k|j]zåf/ (Portal of entry) kmf]S;f] (Lungs) kmf]S;f] (Lungs) ;+qmldt x'g ;Sg] JolQm (Susceptible host) sf/s tTj (Causative agent) kmf]S;f]sf] Ifo/f]u (Pulmonary tuberculosis) (Reservoir) dflg;df Ifo/f]u ;g]{ dfWod (Mode of transmission) $= e]S6/ 6«fG;ld;g (Vector transmission) M lsgf{, plkofF, h'd|f, nfdv'§] OTofbLsf dfWodaf6 kz'df ;g]{ /f]unfO{ e]S6/ 6«fG;ld;g elgG5 . Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff
  • 16. 16 hLa5 6]S:6a's ckm e]6]l/g/L Olk8]ldof]nf]hL P08 klAns x]Ny lglZrt xf]:6 (Definitive host) plkofFsf hLjgrqm (Life cycle of dog flea) plkofFsf c08f (Flea eggs) plkofFsf nfef{ (Flea larva) k/hLlj -plkofF_ sf Ko'kf (Flea pupa) Jo;s k/hLlj (Flea adult) plkofFåf/f /f]u ;g]{ dfWod (Vector transmission) %= /]l;:6]G; (Resistance) M ;Dk"0f{ z/L/ /f]u lj?4 cyf{t ;+qmd0f lj?4 ;Ifd x'g hfg] cj:yfnfO{ hgfpF5 . ^= OGx]/]G6 /]l;:6]G; (Inherent resistance) M Xo'd/n jf ;]n'n/ ODo'gsf] dfWodaf6 /f]u lj?4 jf ;+qmd0f lj?4 n8g] Ifdtf /fVb5 . Olk8]ldof]nf]hL tyf hg:jf:Yosf ;fdfGo cjwf/0ff